#i say CONFIRM because i done knew. but. well. we can learn the same thing over and over i guess
fisheito · 29 days
If you want actually good BL reccs, I've been reading Cherry Magic recently and it's v sweet.
I also read this other one a while ago that was wholesome in a weird way: "My quiet best friend's just tongue-tied"
dude do u know what this ask feels like? like... me: *puts down the toxic high school BL midway through* *heavy sigh* *takes a swig of lavender lemonade* why tf all these yaois so damm .. i don't know. sigh. this is a young man's game. maybe i'm not fit for this no mores anon: hey so i heard u like wholesome and probably not teens *slides recs over* me: either i am unbelievably easy to read or you're just a seasoned BL sommelier. thank u dearly, anon
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darklordofthesimp · 1 year
Dissonance (Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Reader)
Part of the "Anything" verse but can be read as a standalone.
Summary: When a mission-gone-wrong leads to a confrontation, Ghost confesses the way that he feels. 
A/N: Get a load of the fucking ART OH MY G O D 
Category: Angst || Hurt/Comfort || Mutual Pining || Tension 
Warnings: Graphic Language 
Disclaimer: Sunshine is Gender Neutral as always, however I am looking to start showcasing fan art as the cover pieces on fics and it will always be up to the artists discretion to decide what they want their Sunshine/Saint/Birdy to look like.
Like the characters? Birdy Masterlist || Saint Masterlist
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Such amazing Ghost x Sunshine fan art by @hiskonigin honestly leaves me breathless every single time I swear to God.
The mission had gone terribly wrong. 
You felt like they always were, these days. Any task or deployment that started off well, started off controlled, they’d fall to pieces the second pressure was applied. It wasn’t all of them, though. Just enough that it had become noticeable to Price and the team. For the life of you, you couldn’t figure out the issue. 
But, as you stood nose to nose with the Lieutenant in the shared kitchen, you were beginning to see the common denominator. 
“I’m not doing this with you again, Riley,” you snapped. “I’m fucking sick of this conversation.” 
Simon’s fists clenched by his side, “I say when this conversation is done, not you.” 
Your eyes narrowed, grinding your teeth in an attempt to keep your mouth shut. You’d been warned by Price about your insubordination but the urge to risk it all was at an all-time high. Simon Riley was insufferable. 
“Yes,” you ground out miserably, “Sir.” 
The officer took a step toward you, unrest buzzing beneath his skin. You could feel the discourse running in his blood, you could sense the unreasonable rage that burned in his chest. You knew it because you knew him on a plane that nobody else would understand. You’d related to him. You’d experienced it all, too. 
“You’re a fucking pain in my ass,” he snapped.
Yet… every time. Every time. 
Rejection pinched your heart but the feeling was almost hollow. You’d been hurt by Simon so many times that you could almost say that you were numb to it. It’s not as though you were chasing his approval, it was that you were never going to earn it. You couldn’t get civility, you couldn’t get anything from him. 
You were tired. 
Things had changed, everything had changed since the incident. You’d been kidnapped, held ransom, beaten and battered, and then left to die in favour of your teammate. It was ironic that Simon had been the one to save you; it felt like he regretted it some days. 
The fire that burned beneath the skin had dimmed and you felt out of place. There was only so much you could take and you could feel that breaking point creeping up on you. It was foul that you were treated with the same hostility as König, your only crime was being brought onto the team. 
Your only crime was that you weren’t Birdy. 
“Okay,” you rasped, nodding your head. “Noted. Am I dismissed?” 
Simon took in a deep breath, eyes steady on yours. He didn’t waver and you knew that he had more to say. There was always more venom with Simon, quiet with others but angry with you. Always so angry. 
“Dismissed.” Ghost confirmed. When you turned on your heel, the man spoke up from behind you. “First parade tomorrow is 0700 at the gym with Birdy and König for training.” 
You whirled around as fast as you’d gone to leave. “Sorry?” 
Simon barely blinked. “You heard me.” 
“I have the day off tomorrow,” you snapped, “we all have the day off tomorrow.” 
The officer only shook his head. “Learn to follow orders and you’ll earn a day off.” 
Your chest burned, blood rushed to your head and you wanted nothing more than to just scream. You wanted to grip Simon by his stupid shoulders and shake him until that fucking mask fell from his face. You wanted to beat on his dumb fucking chest until you knocked some sense into him. 
“I’m sick of this, Riley.” Your voice shook as you raised a finger. “I’m fucking sick of this.” 
“Imagine how I feel, Sunshine,” the LT drawled, turning to leave like he hadn’t just ruined your night- like he ruins every night. 
You couldn’t breathe. The sensation of being alone, of being rejected over and over by the people that are meant to be the closest to you. You’d never stopped experiencing that particular pain. From your parents to your first few units, and now, to this. 
To the 141. 
To Simon Riley. 
“I won’t be there,” you rasped. The words escaped from between your lips before you could catch them. “I’m not going.” 
Your Lieutenant shifted his body to face you again, eyes square on yours. You couldn’t care less about the murder in his eyes, you couldn’t care less about the chill drifting along your spine. You didn’t care about anything anymore. 
If they wanted to treat you like some erroneous outsider, then you would act like one.
“What?” It was low, almost whispered, but you heard him loud and clear. 
You glared up at him, moving forward until you were only inches from him. You could taste his unrest, the shift in his body language, you could almost hear him grit his teeth. You didn’t care. His upset meant nothing to you, he meant nothing to you. 
“You heard me.” You dared him to do something. Anything. “I’m not doing shit for you people anymore. Especially you. I’m never doing anything for you again.” 
“That’s what you’ve been asked,” he snapped, “your job and nothing else.” 
“I’m trying!” You all but shrieked. You felt the tether to your calm demeanour beginning to slip from your fingers. “I’ve been doing nothing but trying and it’s never enough for you.”
Your lips trembled as you gasped for air. Adrenaline was rushing through your system and you prayed that he wouldn’t push you over the edge you teetered along. You felt the unfamiliar tingle along your nose and cheeks, the tell-tale signs of angry tears. 
Don’t say anything, you begged internally. 
But, if there was one thing Simon was good at it was disappointing you. 
“If you have to try that hard then maybe you’re in the wrong place, Sunshine.” 
Something inside you snapped.
Tension slingshotted from where it had been building in your chest and landed straight onto your tongue, tasting of venom and fury. Rage washed over you, tears spilling from your lashes as you pushed a finger into his chest. 
“Maybe I am.” You finally admitted to your own fears but you wouldn’t be conceding peacefully. There was too much you had to say, too much spite poisoning your lungs to leave it there. 
“Maybe this is the wrong fucking place,” you nodded, “because it’s just a fucking high school in here. Everyone’s fucking someone, everyone’s in love with someone and everyone hates someone.” 
The LT said nothing as you pushed him hard, stepping back from the force beneath your palms. 
“I can’t do anything right because I’m not Birdy,” your voice was warbled as you shouted, thick with tears and anger alike. “König can’t do anything right because of a mistake from the brass, Birdy can’t recover because they’re being babied, and you can’t be unbiased because you want to fuck Birdy!” 
“What?” Simon hissed, but the word was lost on you. You hadn’t even heard him as you pushed him again and again. He let you shove him, let you gain ground on him until his back was pressed against the wall. 
“And you!” Your voice cracked beneath the volume. “I’ve done everything for you, risked everything for you!” 
“I never asked you-” 
“You didn’t have to!” It was a sob. It was a confession. 
Simon’s jaw fell slack from beneath his mask. 
“I’d do anything for you,” you finally fell to a whisper. “We both know that.” 
The man took in a shuddered breath from beneath your palms. He was pressed hard into the wall with your hands splayed across his chest as though readying yourself for another attack. 
But then they fell slack. 
Then they left his body completely. 
He shivered at the loss. 
“I hate you,” you took a step back, body shaking from emotional overload. You had so much more to say, so much hatred built up over the months. There was just no energy to deliver them anymore.
And, the more you thought about it, maybe it wasn’t hatred. Maybe it was just hurt. 
The realization that you would never be loved, never be accepted- the understanding that you would never be the first choice. Always an afterthought, always a hindrance. 
A self-sabotaging menace that no one could tolerate. 
“You’re right. I don’t belong here.” You affirmed, sorrow forming a pit in your stomach as you finally came to understand. “But, I want you to know that you made this every inch as miserable as it’s been, you selfish cunt.” 
The insult fell like a gavel between you. 
You half expected Simon to yell. You almost wanted him to. A reaction would be better than the silence filling the small space between you both.
The air grew heavy with tension the longer the quiet continued. Your fingers twitched at your side, the understanding that this was the end of it all. The end of the farce that he’d put on in the hospital, the short pretence of caring. 
You supposed people did crazy things when lives are at stake. 
Maybe he only pitied you when he’d spoken those words, the sentence you’d been hanging onto for weeks. 
“I would follow you anywhere. We both know it.” 
The only thing that Simon followed you with was dissonance.
“Nothing?” Your voice cracked and wavered. “Got nothing to say?” 
Simon didn’t move, didn’t say a word, he didn’t even blink. You supposed you’d been expecting too much. The man never gave you anything when you needed it, when you were desperate for a sign. His silence was infuriating. 
“Yeah,” you said, wobbly and broken. “Of course, you don’t, you fucking coward. Never do when it matters.” 
You took another step away from him, forcing yourself to detach from the situation. The longer you stayed the longer you craved a response, you felt like he owed it to you. But no one is entitled to anything and you sure as fuck weren’t about to let yourself fall into that mentality. 
The man before you brought out the worst in you. 
As you were readying yourself to turn around, Simon Riley finally spoke. 
“Are you finished?” 
Your jaw fell slack. “Excuse me?” 
Ghost pushed himself off the wall, inches from you in what felt like a second. You could barely catch your breath at the sudden proximity, the overwhelming sense of being in his presence. The feeling of being on the back foot beneath him, rather than the one in control, was intoxicating. 
“I said,” he repeated, stormy eyes bearing into yours, “Are you finished?” 
Each word was enunciated, a pause in between that felt like a beat on your chest every time. You were, in all honesty, flabbergasted. There was no better way to put it. 
You couldn’t even string together a sentence to come back at him with, really. The audacity that it took to reply to everything you had said with such an arrogant question made your blood simmer beneath your skin. 
Simon took your silence as a confirmation that you were, in fact, finished. 
“Can I talk now, Sunshine?” He growled, stepping closer into your space as if there were any more room for him to fit. You receded, feeling as though you were gasping for air that wasn’t tainted by the taste of him. “You gonna let me talk?” 
You said nothing as he walked you backward, desperately wanting to dig your heels into the ground. When your back hit the wall you looked up at Simon with wide eyes, hands hovering over his chest. 
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna talk now,” the LT deliberated mockingly, nodding his head as though he’d given you the choice. The sarcasm dropped from his tone when he spoke next. “You have no fucking clue, Sunshine. You’re a fuckin’ clueless idiot, is what you fuckin’ are.” 
Tears burned in your eyes, collecting on your lash line against your will. Had he really trapped you against a wall just to shatter you further? Did he really hate you that much? 
His gloved hands came to grip your own and you flinched away, the back of your head thudding against the drywall. Simon’s eyes narrowed, pressing your trembling fingers against the thin shirt covering his chest. 
You could feel his heartbeat. To your shock, it wasn’t steady. 
His heart was racing. 
You met his gaze once more, watching as his eyes trailed the lone tear on your cheek. 
“You’re an idiot.” He repeated but, this time, his voice was a whisper. “You have no fucking clue.” 
You wanted to say something, anything. You wanted to believe what he implied, you wanted to hold onto it with the hope that you’d had so many times before. 
Unfortunately, vague confessions and sweet nothings weren’t enough anymore. 
Simon knew it, too. 
“I can sit here correcting half the shit you’ve said,” he shook his head. “But I’m not gonna bother ‘cos I agree with you.” 
Your heart dropped.  
“Don’t look at me like that, let me finish.” Simon rasped, his fingers tightening against yours. “You’re right about it all, ‘bout it being a fuckin’ high school. König wants Birdy, Price wants Saint, Soap wants Gaz, and everyone’s a fucking bitchy cunt to someone on the team.”  
You blinked at the last couple that he’d mentioned. 
“But,” he shook his head, gaze heavy on your skin. “I’m not targeting you because I don’t think you belong. And I don't. Want. Birdy.” 
You made a small noise, embarrassment burning flush along your neck. You cast your eyes to the side and took in a shuddering breath. 
“I don’t give a fuck who you want-” You began, the lie falling shakily from your lips. 
“Yes, you do.” Simon interrupted sharply. You looked up at him quickly, ready to defend yourself. “Because I give a fuck about who you want, too.” 
“Why?” You blurted, heart thrashing in your chest when he shoots you a pointed glare. 
“Come on, Sunshine, don’t play dumb.” 
“Then don’t be a coward, Simon.” 
The LT raised a brow, gripping your hands tightly at your words. The beating beneath your palms picked up in speed, reminiscent of a racehorse sprinting towards the finish line. You’d never have picked his anxiety if you were just watching him, those dead eyes unwavering. 
Maybe, that was why he let you feel it… feel him. 
He wanted you to know, he wanted to show you in the only way that he could- in the only way you would trust.
Simon Riley was laying himself bare. 
“I give a fuck because,” he paused, loosing a shaky breath. He blinked, finally. Those blonde lashes fluttered as his eyes scoured the features of your face, building the courage to spill his honesty to you. “I give a fuck because I want you, Sunshine.” 
There it was. 
There it was. 
You were frozen, suspended in time with your hands on his chest and your face inches from his. The taste of his words lingered on your tongue as you took him in with every trembling breath. 
“I give you a hard time,” Simon nodded, “I do. You put yourself in these fuckin’ situations to save me and I can’t do anything to protect you.”
And, as if someone had turned on the lights, everything suddenly became clear. 
The time he’d been so furious that he barged into your room after a mission to berate you. “I could have lost you,” he’d said, “You would have died and it would have been on me.” 
That shattering incident where you’d fought in the kitchen, “I don’t need you to save me!” Ghost had snapped, smacking your cup from the table. “I don’t need anything from you.”
And, of course, this mission. This whole debacle had started because you’d recovered him from an ambush. 
“This whole time…” You rasped, “I thought you hated me.” 
Simon scoffed, the sound bitter on his tongue. “No. I just hated the way I felt. The way I feel.” 
You opened your mouth to speak, your fingers pressing into the skin of his chest. These months had you doubting yourself, had you wondering what you could have done so wrong to deserve this treatment. The embarrassment of wanting someone that couldn’t stand you was crippling. 
But now… now as his eyes bore into yours, begging you to say something wordlessly. The way his body was on edge, waiting for your response, fearing your rejection. How could you be asked to articulate anything? How were you meant to formulate a sentence? 
You wanted to tell him how you felt, you wanted to tell him everything. 
You wanted him. 
But the craving to put your hands on his skin, to taste his confession on his lips, to show him what he meant to you, it was overwhelming. You wanted him to understand how you felt in a way that he’d never doubt, in a way that would explain why you were constantly risking yourself for him. 
You knew he understood when his hands moved to grip your waist.
“Oh, my God.” 
You leapt away, your body thumping into the wall as the spell broke between yourself and the Lieutenant. 
“Oh, my God!” Birdy said again, hands coming up to their eyes hesitantly as they stumbled back and forth in the doorway. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” 
You groaned, dropping your chin to your chest as you pinched the bridge of your nose. 
“Relax,” Simon coughed, his fingers trailing along your skin until they fell by his sides again, slow and hesitant. “Just- We were debriefing.” 
You could hear footsteps approaching from down the hall and the urge to throw yourself out the window grew exponentially. Out of all the times for these two idiots to make an appearance, they had to pick the most paramount moment. It was as though they were the main characters and you were simply a side-plot, cursed to never be able to develop further than the main story-line.
You glanced up at Ghost who offered you a similar expression, unimpressed. 
König cast a shadow over the intruder as he rounded the corner to the kitchen, undoubtedly investigating the commotion. His eyes fell on Birdy first, watching as their hands came up and down from their face, unsure whether they were allowed to look. Then, jade eyes moved to observe Ghost who hadn’t moved from his position posted next to your flushed body. 
“Oh…” König murmured, realization slowly dawning as he returned his gaze to Birdy. “Oh.” 
Gigantic hands reached to gently but firmly tug on the back of the stumbling sniper’s shirt. He offered an apologetic wave as he began to drag Birdy from the room, the latter still sputtering embarrassed atonements. 
“It’s okay,” you slipped out from your space between Simon and the wall. “I was just leaving anyway.” 
You quickly moved towards the door, wiping away any remaining tears from your face roughly. Just as you reached the exit, you realized that you’d left the man hanging. What if he thought that you were rejecting him? What if he went back to hating you? 
What if you missed your chance? 
You paused, turning to look over your shoulder. 
Simon was already watching you, eyes soft and his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. 
“Don’t worry,” he offered. “I’ll catch up, Sunshine.” 
You hid your smile as you turned back around and continued. 
You left the room embarrassed, sure. But, you also left with newfound hope and a promise. 
You left with the promise of Simon Riley. 
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cheriladycl01 · 2 months
Ghost - Oscar Piastri x UnknownDriver! Reader Part 5
Plot: Reader is the first female F1 driver of the century, however no-one knows that as you are a ghost on the grid. You started in 2022, coming in P12 in the championship. You get moved to Red Bull Racing in 2023 with the off year for Sergio Perez.
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Over the winter you'd not really done much. You'd spent time with family, and then done a bit of solo travelling in which you ended up bumping into Lando randomly in Finland.
You'd spent a lot of time with Christian and Max and the Red Bull HQ looking at the car for 2024 and whether you'd still be in a rocket ship.
You could tell this year wouldn't be as dominant as Red Bull were last year, you knew the Ferrari and McLaren would be up there fighting for the points.
The start of the season was stressful. Lewis announcing his leave from Mercedes and would be joining Ferrari in 2025 meant that there was a free seat available and Carlos Sainz had no confirmed seat.
There was some heat on you, you'd worried so much that you'd actually gone to Christian's home in pure panic about your seat. You didn't want to have your seat removed like Perez did in 2023.
He'd confirmed that he had no reason to get rid of you and presented you with a contract extension until 2028. The longest Red Bull contract extension in the last few years. 5 years of commitment with a currently best performing team.
You'd be stupid to turn it down.
"Y/N, it's great to have you here with us today. Thank you for joining us, first things first. Congratulations are in order not only for your incredible season last year, but your 5 year extension in the Red Bull Family, how does it feel knowing that you and Max will continue on together now that you both have your contracts running out at the same time?" the interviewer asks.
"Thank you for having me, and thank you for that! 2023 was a great season, not only as a learning experience but for no longer being Ghost. I didn't think 2023 would be the year for a win but with a great team like Red Bull backing me it was sooner rather than later a win would occur even alongside some of the best drivers that are currently on the grid! As far as my contract extension goes, it's a really funny story of how I was offered it!" you start with a little laugh.
"Do tell!" they exclaim looking over you.
"Well, I went to Christians house. I was worried with the Lewis move that my seat would be 'up for grabs' and came to him in a slight panic and yeah he wanted me until 2028 and I think i would have been very silly had I not accepted that proposal" you smile.
"And were there other talks about you switching seats at all?" he asked.
"I mean, there's always talks and whispers. I had Toto reach out to me, I had Mike Krack call me. But the most interesting was Zac Brown's phone call!" you chuckle remembering speaking to the McLaren Team Principle before he'd renewed Lando's contract.
He'd basically said a seat was up for grabs, if Red Bull removed your seat because he thought Oscar and Lando would potentially take that seat. Then Lando extended his contract and Oscar hadn't said anything so he called you again to say that it was just Oscar now which is when you went to Christian as rumours had circled last year about him wanting to have another Max Verstappen in RedBull.
"Care to comment on that conversation with Zac?" he asks you, looking at his notes seeing that he had only asked one question so far as he didn't think he'd get this much from you.
"I don't think I can just because of the nature of the conversation we had, but there was multiple conversations across the board over the winter break between loads of different drivers and team principles because of that one move so I can imagine the start of 2025 and 2026 with those new regulations will be different"
"Yeah that's going to be very interesting, we're all very excited. Obviously with the mention of Zac we're brought onto the Oscar situation, obviously there was a true rivalry that I think went deeper just racing after you revealed yourself as Ghost... has that relationship improved over the winter?" he asks and you actually felt ready to fully speak out on the situation, you felt safe on this podcast and heard.
"Well, I don't like to talk about it to much out of respect for Oscar but recently he's not been very polite in the media. I had to sign an NDA when i signed with RedBull to not reveal anything about my identity until Christian Horner said I could. I could have lost my seat if I'd told Oscar and I'd worked so hard to get where I was. So I upset him, by not being honest with him when I posed as my own PR manager... but I still hold a lot of respect for him and he was at one point one of my closest friends on the grid. I hope this year he's able to just focus on racing on not make childish comments like he did last year" you say seriously knowing it was time that you should really start to speak out on the matter as it was only getting worse with time.
"Thank you for speaking out on this!" the interviewer smiles before asking a few more questions all about racing and your predictions for the 2024 season.
You left and the week later you were catching a flight to Bahrain, you weren't travelling with the team and managed to get a first class seat from London to Bahrain. You were boarding when you saw a familiar face.
"You've got to be shitting me" you said stopped by your chair pod in first class seeing none other than Oscar.
"Huh?" he says fully looking up to see you and hos face turns sour.
"Great, just great!" he sighs turning away from you.
"So fucking childish!" you exclaim putting your bag down under the seat.
"I may be childish but at least I'm not a liar!" he scolds with a frown on his face.
"Oscar, as much as I loved you... i wasn't about to risk a career I'd worked so hard for and can be snatched from me in seconds if someone better performing comes along!" you admit looking over him once before taking your seat and sending the partition that separated you guys from each other and putting a lock in place.
You thanked the air-host when he came round and offered you a drink and an extra blanket for the duration of the flight. He also asked you to take a picture with him which of course you did and you ended up giving him your Red Bull team hat.
Afterwards you had a small nap, waiting for dinner where the partition was pulled down by the airhost.
"Look Y/N..." Oscar tries as his food is placed in front of him.
"I'm trying to enjoy my meal Osc, I wont entertain this" you sighed not looking over at him and continuing to eat the fancy pasta dish in front of you.
"I'm trying to apologize can you stop being so stubborn!" he says with a raised voice making people look towards the pair of you thanks to the disruption.
"Your calling me stubborn when your the one making the apology. All you've done for the past 6 months is chat shit about me Osc, you were my friend and I wanted to tell you for so long, but I couldn't so don't call me stubborn when you've hurt me too!" you cry before pulling the seat separator up just wanting a moment to collect yourself.
After 20 minutes, and some silent crying on your half and plates having been collected, he pulls the separator back down making you look over at him with red puffy eyes.
He opened his arms up with a guilty look on his face. You looked at him a little shocked before nodding and climbing over and laying on top of him in his lap. He wraps his large arms around you and you nuzzle down into his neck, your body shaking against his as you sob. He pulls you tightly against him.
"I know, I know! I'm so sorry" he whispers into your ear holding you and rubbing your back.
"It was so scary Osc, I lost my best friend just as the highest point of my career and life was about to start!" you cry against him, wrapping your own arms around him and clinging to him like a teddy bear.
"I'm so sorry, I was so angry and then i just kept screwing up and I got more and more mad when you didn't retaliate because you are such a good and kind person and I'm not" he says with a few tears of his own.
"I was so scared I lost you. Have a lost you?" you ask looking over at him and he smiles a puffy cheeked smile at you.
"I think i should be the one asking that" he sighs holding you and kissing your forehead.
"Always, you'll always have me Osc" you say nuzzling down further into the crook of the hoodie he was wearing.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @formula1mount @tinydeskwriter @butterfly-lover @ironmaiden1313
@0picels0 @openthenyoor01 @fionaschicken @urdad-hot @seomako @dr4g0ngirl @teamnovalak
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 10 months
Hello there!! It’s 🦐 anon back at it again and I have another request if that’s okay.
I don’t know what character limit is the max, but could I have some headcanons for when Jeff, Toby and ben have a crush obsession on someone (reader) , but they discover they’re already dating someone else? What would they do? (Seperately)
If you can’t do 3, only doing Jeff and ben is fine! Just thought of this idea and you’re one of my favourite writers that’s active in here, so I came to you!! Have fun if you end up writing this. Have a lovely day.
It's always ok to ask for stuff! And don't worry about character limit because i think the absolute most id be willing to do is maybe 10 per ask
Also it makes me smile to see that im one of someone's favorite writers 💞💞
Tw: stalking and obsessive behavior
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Jeff doesn't really like people all that much
And as we know, he is very self absorbed
So if he actually finds himself enjoying you, let alone loving you, he assumes that you should automatically love him as well
He spends every second he can watching you through your windows, learning your schedule, all of your favorite things, etc, etc
And eventually, he builds up enough courage to sneak into your house while you are away
He smells your clothes, cherishing the heavenly scent
He steals one of your t-shirts and steals your toothbrush (definetly not to brush his own teeth with)
He snags your perfume/cologne as well, so that he can always smell like you
And with all of his treasures in his pockets, he sneaks back out
He continues this cycle for weeks until one day, you bring someone else home with you
"One of their friends" he tells himself, jealousy already boiling in his heart
But when he sees you look up at them with your gorgeous eyes, and sees you kiss them, he snaps
He is seeing red as he breaks through the window, killing your partner in cold blood
He feels betrayed, how could you do something like this to him?
He ends up knocking you out, and bringing you back to his home, where he ties you to his bed and waits for you to wake up
Because you have got some major explaining to do...
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Toby finds himself feeling like a lost puppy around you
He loves you, oh lord he loves you
But he can't have you know that yet
If you were to see him, see the things he's done, that'd scare you off for sure
And so he watches you from afar
He watches you when you go to work, he watches you as you head home, he sits closely by you when you're at a resteraunt
He doesn't ever allow himself to break into your home (unlike SOMEONE on this list 😒)
But if you ever drop something, say, a piece of trash, or maybe something falls out of your pocket, he swarms all over that
He has a special little drawer in his nightstand full of all of the things he's collected from you
But lately, he's been noticing a...shift...in your schedule
Meeting the same person over and over again, until one day, his worst fears are confirmed
As you make your plans with them, you share a sweet kiss and walk away, holding hands as you do so
This breaks him
He can feel his heart aching, as he knows that he's lost you
He blames it on himself "if I had just talked to them sooner"
He can't bring himself to hurt them, though
And, they can't be all that bad if they make you happy
And so, he allows this person to keep dating you, continuing to stalk you from the shadows, waiting for the day that you leave them, and his chance will be presented again
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Ben has a....knack, for finding people
It's almost like scrolling through the front page of social media to him
Scrolling past an endless sea of countless faces, watching videos, playing games, streaming, etc
But one day, he found you
Your gorgeous face entranced him almost immediately
And by the end of the first five minutes of just staring at you, he knew that he needed you
He comes back to you, day after day, saving all that you watch in his own personal playlist
If you like video games, he will know, and he will send you all of the games you could ever want
You don't know where they're coming from, but you aren't complaining
He occassionally peers through your electronics cameras, and just watches you sleep
You look so nice and cozy, he wishes he could be there with you, holding you, keeping you safe
And one day, he notices a new person coming into the picture
A....romantic interest of yours
He can't have that.
And so he hacks them. He leaks their adress, he posts life ruining things on their socials, even going as far as to make them think that you are doing these things, making them hate you and putting more and more strain on your relationship
Eventually, you break up, unknowing that BEN was behind it all
And he's been sending you love messages along the way
Little gifts he knows youd like too
And now he can make himself known to you, as an angel, a savior, rather than the monster that had ruined your relationship with your partner
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sepublic · 2 months
The Owl House's Ending Anniversary...
So it's officially been one whole year since The Owl House ended.
One year ago, I wondered how I would move on. How I would keep going. But I also knew I would, no matter what, because time keeps going on. Things will eventually pass, they always do, that's how so many moments and days for me have gone. Even entire periods of my life.
So I'm not surprised how things have gone on since then; I still had plenty more things to say about TOH, and I still love it just as I have. I've gotten new hyperfixations, and even returned to old ones as some of you can see with recent posts, so it's only a matter of time before TOH circles back again.
And man does it feel so slow, only to feel so brief, it really feels like this anniversary has snuck up on and surprised me! And once again, we have some other, appropriate event lined up; A solar eclipse on this anniversary! Luckily there's no sigils nor coven heads gathered to make me worry. But dang, it was raining in Connecticut when Luz returned there, and it was the rebirth of Jesus when Luz was resurrected.
Makes me wonder if anyone of the Boiling Isles, justifiably, has had PTSD from solar eclipses, and dreaded any that showed up, despite knowing it couldn't happen again. People must've held their breaths the entire time during the first eclipse, panicked at even the slightest fatigue, and then it passed and they realized it really was impermanent and over. And that there was another step towards moving on, which I guess I can relate to now, though this is something I'm much less happy to see gone.
I think a lot about how TOH has influenced both me and my writing, how I approach characters and stories now. I've found myself gravitating more and more towards personal, character-driven stories and situations now. I still have a bit of a taste for grander-scale stuff, but TOH was special for me in that it feels like the first time I really got and understood a show and its characters from the ground-up as I experienced it all in real time. The first time I truly grasped themes and character arcs and could make reasoned predictions based on those, some of which came true! It really feels like THE big start of my media literacy in a way?
It's been fun looking back at TOH as a 'whole' work more or less to reevaluate, and learning other things behind-the-scenes about the show. We've had a few more livestreams and stuff confirmed. Dana's done more drawings, including on her Patreon.
I haven't been writing as much TOH stuff lately, and tbf I've already said soooo much. I might have other, new things to say later down the line, and I do have a few thoughts I've written in notes that maybe could be fully-fledged posts in their own right. I've found comparisons to protagonists of other media, like Miles Morales, or Arin from Ninjago.
The Owl House still is and will probably always be something truly special to me; It feels like my first real fandom experience. My first time understanding and learning a show, appreciating it as it develops and even as I speculate. It broadened my tastes and horizons, my ability to participate with others in stuff.
I miss it; I miss new episodes, new developments. I'm still agonized over things that could've been, things I would've loved to see more of. I'm apprehensive over whether we'll get that Raeda prequel because I don't wanna get my hopes up. Plus Dana needs a well-deserved break and is trying and experimenting with new, different things. And I get that.
It's bittersweet, it's scary, it's freeing, it's sad, it's happy. I've gone so far, this show and fandom has gone so far. And it'll keep going, it has to, time keeps marching on. Luz had to lose her father Manny, process that, but still keep going and must be surprised looking back how much she's adjusted since then, how much she's still grown and gained and learned, while still holding him dear; The same applies for the Titan and the magic she once wielded. With grief and acceptance being a core theme in this show, I'm not surprised that it prepped up the viewers to do the same, and now we have.
And you know what? I'm gonna keep going on, like Luz Noceda, possibly my favorite protagonist of all time, one of the greats and a huge inspiration now for how I really want to write and focus on my own protagonists, too. I'm gonna keep doing this like it never ended. The rate and frequency might fluctuate, but every now and then I'll have things to say, and stuff to drop by and check, such as with the tag and the occasional trending post, others' reblogs, and so forth.
So again, thanks to Dana and the crew. Thanks to Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne, King Clawthorne, and the other many, many characters! Luz's story is one where it feels like the show really is about her at its core and wraps around to her, and I want to do a story one day that accomplishes the same feeling. And as I see how Dana has been inspired by past influences, I can't help but look forward to future generations and stories that will themselves have been inspired by The Owl House, I know I've been already, retroactively applying it to things that were already fairly compatible to begin with, and really needed the fresh breath of new inspiration.
I'm repeating a lot of the same things I've said last year. Will I say the same stuff another whole year from now? I'll see. But until next time... BBBBYYYYYYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
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halfdeadfullgay · 4 months
404 - Title Not Found (Pt 3) WIP
Part 2 - Tumblr
Summary: Jason learns just a bit more about the guy who feels familiar while doing laundry.
Danny sees Laundry Guy at the gala and wants to avoid him because it’s not everyday people from Crime Alley go to Wayne galas but amazing Fenton luck strikes.
AN PLEASE READ FIRST: As always this is crack, this is a whole crack fic; and I play fast and loose with DC&DP cannon. Ignore any out of character writing(mainly Vald and Bruce). Also this is a WIP, this is strictly a work in progress and not the final product. I just wanted to post something while working on this fic and other stuff and this won the vote.
Final things before the actual fic:
Kinda/slow Vald redemption aka still an asshole but one you can deal with
Danny - Quarter Guy
Jason - Laundry Guy
Jason immediately knew that the other wasn’t from Gotham. No one just offered anything without an immediate confirmation that they would get something in return. At least that’s how it was in Crime Alley. He and the other held small talk while they were doing their laundry.
“You just offer quarters to people?” He said sarcastically only to have an actual answer in return. “Only the cute people.” The other said with a somewhat joking tone and wink.
“Uh huh. What’s ya name? I didn’t catch it.” Jason wouldn’t directly admit but this guy had peaked his interest even more.
“Well, I didn’t throw it.” The guy answered with a smile that felt sarcastic with just a bit of wanting chaos.
The topic changed to other things. He learned that Quarter Guy had moved to Crime Alley awhile back, he didn’t give a clear reason why; “Just thought it’d be a good change of pace.”
He also learned that Quarter Guy was going to some kind of event with his godfather; saying that even though he agreed to go, he could still complain. And god did he complain but nothing sounded too bad. “He’s just a fruitloop, I wouldn’t doubt him trying to use me to get secrets from the other people.”
Jason didn’t share any too personal information; besides it just being out of sceret identity and such but it would also feel weird to. Jason did complain about how he was more or less forced into agreeing to go to the Wayne gala, only not sharing that it was a gala or that it was a Wayne event.
“Maybe we end up at the same event.” Quarter Guy, who still didn’t tell Jason his name, joked. His laundry had been done before his own. Quarter Guy left with a smile that only made him want to figure out why he felt familiarly even more. Jason was more curious about this guy than before but decided to hold off on figuring out more about it.
It was just meant as a joke. Danny really did mean as a joke but just his fucking luck(or honestly he was expecting CW to be the cause in some way), he was now looking at the guy he gave quarters to a day or two pior. He was standing next to the snack table, avoiding Vald so he didn’t have to worry about talking to other rich people he didn’t trust. The snacks didn’t look good in any sense of the word, why did he expect rich people to know what good snacks look and taste like.
He was thinking about texting Sam to complain, knowing that she would say I told you so but he noticed the guy from his apartment building was there. It took a second to recgionze him since he seemed more put together and dressed nicer, but it was him. Danny wouldn’t have questioned it too much if the guy wasn’t standing next to Bruce Wayne but he was. Danny didn’t need to know any more rich people in his life but life(or probably CW) had other plans.
He noticed that the guy hadn’t seemed to see him yet. Danny moved away from the snack table, going opposite from Wayne and the Laundry Guy; mainly focusing on staying hidden but a voice called him. “Daniel!” It wasn’t loud, at least it wasn’t to humans. It had just enough of a hint of ghost speak to have Danny turn to look. Of course when he had his back turned, Vald had to go and speak to Bruce Wayne. The amazing Fenton luck stuck again.“Come over, I’ve hardly seen you since we’ve arrived.”
Danny held back a sigh and eye roll as he went over to Vald and Wayne; which also meant Laundry Guy. He had felt Wayne’s eyes on him as he went over, Laundry Guy hadn’t seemed to notice or frankly care enough to look. He looked at Bruce. He knew of “Brucie” Wayne and had wondered if it was just a persona like when Vald used to pretend to be niceish to his dad. He side eyed Laundry Guy, who didn’t look at him at all.
“You didn’t tell me you had a so-“ Bruce started with a hint of curiosity. Danny was quick to cut him off. “He didn’t because I’m not.” That’s what finally got Laundry Guy’s attention, he looked at Danny for a second and Danny already knew that he recognized him. “Daniel, that was rude.” Vald looked at him before going back to Bruce. “I apologize for him but he is right. He’s my godson.” Vald said, leaving it to Danny to introduce himself.
“Yes, I do apologize for cutting you off like that.” Danny started. He used the tone he would use with some of the ghost nobles. It was a bit forced but relatively kind. He’d hate to admit and never would out loud but he learned it from Vald. “It’s alright, I understand how words hold meaning.” He noticed how it sounded more real(?) than “Brucie” usually did.
He just nodded before continuing, “Okay. I’ll introduce myself before Vald tries to.” Danny made his tone sound just a bit joking. He felt Laundry Guy’s full attention on him. He smiled, a little fake and a little smug. “I’m Danny Fenton and as Vald said, I am his godson.”
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casualavocados · 21 days
i literally have so much to say about q and toey and we are and im sitting here like AAAAA. i had to write it down.
i see people being upset about the jealousy thing and the way Q acted and how he started teasing Toey about the kiss: but it was very clear that no feelings were talked about or cemented at the amusement park. Q asked Toey if he understood Chain was hitting on him, unaware it was a ruse for him to admit feelings for Toey. he did admit those feelings, but not in a "claiming toey as his bf" way, in a "i need you to know im an option for you and my feelings are real" way. (He literally said "what if i hit on you too?" the unasked question beside that: "how would you feel about me if i did?") Q was actually giving Toey the choice to react however he wanted to when he kissed him.
Honestly it was a really good way for Q to approach the subject bc he didnt get mad at Toey OR Chain for their "potential" feelings. He was jealous but he tried to figure out how they both truly felt about each other before acting. (and Chain lied to Q and said he had feelings for Toey.) Toey didn't actually lie, I noticed. He just said Chain had been very nice to him. If Toey had given blatant confirmation that he had feelings for Chain, Q would have backed off, I'm certain of it. But instead of lying, (or admitting he actually liked Q,) Toey made it seem like he was considering Chain as a possible romantic interest, and Q heard that and chose to let Toey know that he could also be a possible romantic interest.
He gave Toey the choice to say no to the kiss. Toey kissed back. But that was not them becoming a couple! (Notice that later, Toey never said he and Q were together, only that he believed he had a chance with Q.)
I actually find it similar to what Phum and Peem are going through atm. They are not officially dating yet!!! they havent talked about that at all! theyve kissed twice, but they dont know what they are, and they are taking their time figuring it out, and there's nothing wrong with not labelling their relationship immediately.
So that's what I saw the teasing scene as. As Q being like "hey, remember that time we kissed. and you kissed back. im here as an option for you to date, are you gonna do anything about that? how does that make you feel? are we gonna talk about it? hope you figure it out soon <3"
and i dont find anything wrong with that! WHAT MADE THINGS MESSY WAS THE REVEAL OF THE RUSE.
Which was confusing because it wasn't revealed that the group had planned for chain to pretend-hit on toey. What WAS revealed was that the whole group knew that milk frappe boy was Toey, and Q didnt. That's what made Q explode so bad. Like, i think that scene was meant to be confusing, because Q kept saying "explain it to me" as well as "i dont want to hear it". I think all he really saw in the moment was his entire friend group in the know about something important to him that he'd never told them, while faced with learning Toey was the anonymous boy from his past, and had known, and had kept it from him.
Like yeah, I can imagine the kind of betrayal Q must have felt! He had just kissed Toey! And it slowly made more sense as to why Q reacted as strongly as he did bc more was revealed while Q was trying to come to terms with milk frappe boy and Toey being the same person.
Because it isnt until after the explosion that we learn Q had had it BAD for milk frappe boy. That he'd even talked to Toey about it and how bad he felt for disappearing on the mystery boy he'd liked so much. This scene was really complicated bc we were seeing it from Toey's perspective, as him learning that Q had had feelings for him and then advising Q to try and find milk frappe boy to find out the truth about his feelings, without Toey telling Q it was him all along.
But I think from Q's perspective, that scene was about trying to admit to himself that he'd made a mistake and should have done better by the anonymous boy. I think he was also trying to express that he was past it now, and trying to move on. Pairing that interpretation with the conversation between Q and Peem that was like "well this is how you felt about milk frappe boy, how do you feel about Toey?" and you get the impression Q considered his feelings for milk frappe boy a lost cause, but he was okay with that because he had found Toey, and started liking him instead.
So learning that they were the same person was really complicated for him! Q's got a lot to work through! a lot of conversations and interactions to reframe in his mind. And of course he's hurt that Toey never told him who he was, but what made that hurt more was learning Toey had told the rest of the group first.
I think that's also what's beating Toey up the most - that his real feelings for Q had turned into a real lie, by choosing to play along with the ruse their friends invented. He was someone who, before, was always content to give Q space and just be near him, so manipulating his feelings the way that they all did, and Q discovering his identity as milk frappe boy in the midst of that ruse is something I don't think Toey ever imagined or wanted to happen - that he was and would have been willing to let things unfold naturally - even admit to his identity later if there'd been a more honest chance for it.
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harperbrynne · 8 months
MY 9/26 SJM LIVE Notes
***This is not a full summary of the live. Only some notes I took that I thought were the most interesting to me that I wanted to share. Everything is broken down based on the series mentioned and not in chronological order.
While she was working on the book she’s writing right now, she spent a whole day writing a scene and thought it was dumb. She didn’t believe it was even good enough for bonus scene material 
Now that CC 3 is done, what are you working on now? SJM is working on drafting the next ACOTAR novel. She’s become so obsessed with writing this book that she’s thinking about the book nonstop. She’s not sure when the draft will be completed
Hunt’s parentage and origins: Readers will learn more about Hunt in the next book. SJM makes no promises for his well being
The Autumn king and possible connection to the Autumn Court–  SJM knew who Bryce’s biological father was, but in the process of writing and editing, he became one of her favorite characters to write because he’s so horrible and is capable of doing the right thing but doesn’t. SJM thinks it’s fun to put opposing characters like Bryce and Ruhn with the Autumn King. She didn't say anything about the Autumn Court
How much of Bryce's powers has she accessed? SJM said you will see in next book
We know magic is weaker in the modern world, does a mating bond mean the same thing in CC as in the ACOTAR books? SJM chose not to answer
Is Hunt really Bryce’s mate? SJM said yes they are mates and when she was creating the series she knew how ToG and ACOTAR went with their similar romance tropes. She wanted to do a doozy and make the guy in the beginning be the guy in the end for CC
Can we expect to see additional POVs from ACOTAR characters in HOFAS? She wouldn't say, but said you would see the ACOTAR world for sure and it will pick up after that final scene in HOSAB
SJM was asked if she still stood by her comment that people did not need to read ACOTAR to start CC. She did not stand by that statement. She said you should read ACOTAR, but for readers who haven’t yet, she hopes they will get to the end of HOSAB and read it 
Has SJM known all along about the idea of the worlds crossing? Was it intentional all those years ago? SJM claimed she is not a genius. She’s known for a while that the world overlapped even before working on KoA. CC was already a story in her mind so when she wrote the scene with Alien, she knew she wanted her to go through the ACOTAR world and thought it would be cool if she went through the CC world as well. For the most part, CC was a fun side project SJM wasn’t taking super seriously at the time when writing ToG. When she was actually really working on CC, she began daydreaming about the idea of the worlds being connected. Out of the blue, everything clicked in terms of the worlds being truly connected based on what she had already written. That’s when she really started planting seeds for the worlds overlapping in the first CC novel
Other information I thought was fun or interesting not directly related to any of the series: 
Taron calls SJM: Sarah J Mask. Taron is obsessed with TS and SJM said she is too. She's always loved TS, but now that Taron is obsessed with her, they’ve only listened to her music in the car. In the eyes of her son the only creative genius in the world is TS
SJM confirmed she doesn’t use social media/lurk on the internet. Friends will text her theories from fans, but that’s all she will see 
She used to only edit physical copies of her manuscript and she remembers having tear stains on the manuscripts from crying. She loved seeing the tearmarkers showing just how much she loved the characters as she was rereading what she had written
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totallynotsilversora · 2 months
I may be a bit tired but I think enough time has passed for me to say this:
Even though it felt unfulfilling and wasn't executed in the way that I hoped it would, I really enjoyed Tokyo Revengers' ending because it confirmed my suspicions from the start:
That the point of that final jump - and the point of this manga in general - was to end the cycle of violence brought about inadvertently by time leaping and that the only way to save everyone would have been to reset everything back to the start.
And no, Takemichi didn't START this cycle.
Takemichi is the one to END it.
Shinichirou got his time leaping powers in the original timeline after he enacts violence on a stranger, who tells Shinichirou that he got the ability using the same method - violently killing another time leaper. Though we learn later on that it can be passed on with more peaceful methods, that doesn't mean Shinichirou should've murdered someone out of NOWHERE with no proof to whether their claim would be true, regardless of how pure his intentions were. He reacted based on violence and that same violence is what seeps into Mikey when Shinichirou leaps back in time the first round and continues to fester in every timeline that becomes generated into a "Dark Impulse".
How do we know that's where it came from? Well, remember how Tokyo Manji's symbol is the Manji swastika? There's a reason it's moving COUNTER-clockwise and not clockwise like the ones you see typically with Buddhism:
This swastika has ties to things like KARMA, the NIGHT, and KALI aka GODDESS OF DESTRUCTION.
It's no coincidence that Mikey forms Toman to be a gang based on protecting one another and enacting retribution, however looking back at how Shinichirou became a time leaper adds another layer to the symbol: Mikey's ENTIRE existence has been inextricably tied to his brother's karmic actions the moment he is successfully saved by Shinichirou. That means every little thing Shinichirou has done in both the past and present will inevitably affect Mikey in every time line no matter what.
And let's be honest. Shinichirou was definitely not a saint. Whatever unfinished karmic retribution was left after he got killed the same exact way he murders the former time leaper (down to the fricking CROWBAR), it fell onto Mikey.
Shinichirou, whether he knew it or not, left behind an awesome yet violent legacy for Mikey to inherit, and Mikey carries that legacy through Toman - a gang that was created specifically to get back at anyone who tried to threaten them or their loved ones.
Pure intentions or not, someone WILL pay in blood.
That's why every arc began to feel repetitive. Because the cycle of violence continues to repeat itself around everyone Mikey gets involved with specifically because of the karma he carries.
That's why, when Shinichirou passes his powers to Takemichi in hopes that he can protect the ones he cares about, that cycle begins to unravel the moment Takemichi becomes involved in Mikey's life - because Shinichirou saves Takemichi WITHOUT VIOLENCE.
This isn't just about moving on from your failures and trying to live a fulfilling life even with all your losses. It's literally about karma and how violence perpetuates a cycle that can affect EVERYONE you know around you in the most terrible ways. How fighting for what's right or to protect someone doesn't always have to involve throwing a punch (though in Tokyo Rev's case, it IS allowed and I'm glad they let that slide).
The reason this ends with a hard reset is because the only way to allow everyone to have a happy ending is to undo the negative karma that had plagued Mikey for so long. A curse that has been with him SINCE HE WAS SIX YEARS OLD.
I get it. I don't like the ending all too much either and everyone feels way too different to the people I had grown to know throughout this series.
But goddamnit this was EXACTLY what I was hoping for and you can't tell me it's an entire cop out.
PS: I also don't think Chifuyu is the only one who remembers what happened from the other timelines. If anything, NO ONE would be there at that wedding unless they all had an INKLING of what happened in the previous timelines. It doesn't have to be the full thing like Chifuyu, but I think everyone still vaguely remembers what happens and hence why lots of them wind up having different stories (Inupi no longer having a scar bc he probably remembers wtf happened and saves his family from the fire, for instance). That's just my personal theory, though! Whether any of you agree with me or not is no matter and I just wanted to share my thoughts with Negai no Astro coming around the corner!
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jyndor · 8 months
I know some have a hard time with the word hate (lmao including my phone which autocorrected it??? bro let me live my life) but I truly, unequivocally hate some things. this is personal and it is also political but it's mainly just me trying to put my feelings of non-community, isolation and disconnect into words. probably not well but I put it under a read more so frankly if you're not comfortable with me saying things in inarticulate ways about my own history, idk what to tell you lol
tw for imperialism, genocide, depression, and the existential agonies idk lmao
like britain. not the land, not the individual people lol but the power and empire and the idea, in the same way I hate the united states. idk if there is a more accurate word for the feeling I have that is based in deep, deep hurt. like bone deep. hurt for damage they've done to so many peoples, but also like... over the past year I've begun to identify this emptiness inside of me - I was always looking for community and connection and identity as a kid so far removed from my extended family. I've always joked about how much I resent my parents for moving away from new york because they took me to a place devoid of culture but like I mean my parents got to enjoy the richness of so many cultures growing up, and they also had community (I am not including my mom's mom because she is a person I do in fact hate).
like... so when friends of mine growing up would have their confirmations, for instance, I'd feel sort of left out because I had nothing. my parents ran from catholicism rightfully so imo lmao, and my mom was so good about trying to find me a church to go to when I asked even though I didn't believe in God, certainly not in the Christian belief in God. we ended up in a unitarian universalist church thankfully but I mean I didn't really value it because ~angsty teen shit.
when I say I hate my grandma I mean I am so deeply hurt by her actions towards my mom and also me, and it feels like the same feeling that I get when I think of Imperial powers and how they've harmed both my own family and also so many other people who've had way worse outcomes than just isolation and loneliness and lack of community or identity, or the feeling I have towards capitalism which ofc is intrinsically linked with colonialism and imperialism.
this is something I am coming to understand about myself in my thirties. that i have always been a very, very lonely person. I think that's why the found family trope always works so well for me. because I'm beginning to find mine, and they aren't the people who I desperately wanted to find commonality with as a child.
it's funny because I've always viewed my politics as fairly separate from my internal life - like I couldn't see any connection between why I was always fighting with bullies and bigots in school, why I always immediately understood power dynamics and supported marginalized groups even if they had nothing to do with me and even if I didn't like know the details - ofc my first time hearing about palestine I was like... ?? how are they wrong for wanting liberation? even if I didn't know the history like I do now or like I will in the future when I've learned even more of it.
I remember this english kid (my first love lmao barf) doing a presentation on the troubles in 10th grade and asking like... lmao idk anything about this but how can you say that the british were the good guys here???? then I learned later the personal connections I have to irish history and it was like... I never even knew. I had no stories, no family history, no connection to a culture that my family came from. so there's this guy telling me, a descendant of the people he's blaming for the troubles, history that I should have known.
it's funny how every time I tell one of my friends irl that I do not respect my elders, I have to explain why - they eschewed their own story in order to have the security and safety of whiteness in the US. they continue to protect that whiteness with their money and votes, and have shown an absolute lack of respect to their descendants when we've asked them to hear us out.
I don't hate them though. I know there's a difference in the way I feel towards them and the way I feel towards the things, the british empire, the united states, that made them react the way they did. idk if that makes sense.
at least they aren't cops lmao I would legitimately hate them if they were.
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rhokisb · 1 year
DnD Universe Wipe
So we gone done fucked up.
All the characters that our group plays under our other DM (not me) exist within one universe, called Weyard. We didn't always know that but eventually it became apparent that our alternative characters were crossing paths with our mains, which was a fun development, right?
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Two weeks ago, our main campaign (Weyard for the other DM) reached a very important point in our campaign. We were tasked with trying to bring another member back from the dead. This other member was someone we met while doing a one-shot WITH OUR MAIN CHARACTERS, but who did not travel with us after this point. So we all knew and remembered him, but hadn't seen him in awhile. We learned of his death, and confirmed that he was dead prior to being tasked with bringing him back.
We were given the chance to bring him back through a complicated ritual which would grant us one of 2 remaining wishes that exist in the universe. This was a once in a lifetime chance, and we were
So we get to the area where we could do the ritual, three of our party members go forth to try and do the trials to get the wish. They succeed. Again:
To make our wish come true everyone in the party would have to wish for the same thing. "The effort given will be reflected in the reward".
Well fuck me sideways, you wanna know how that went?
In our party of 8, 3 of the people did not wish for the same thing as the rest of the group.
Wished for a fucking Dragon. For no reason. Absolutely none. Without anyone else wishing for it he never would have gotten it. He did not wish for it outloud, so none of us knew what he wished for in-game, only that he wouldn't tell us what he wished for.
Wished for her dead kids back. Understandable and it was a fear we all had when the rules were explained to us. Our group trusted her to do the right thing, and she failed.
Wished that "his friend's wishes come true".
The rest of us put our hearts and souls into wishing the dearly departed back.
Flash forward to this weekend:
We are all still at the ritual spot, immediately my character (Orlogg) and his best friend (Dante) picked up the gnome (Passmae, who wished for the Dragon) and beat the shit out of him because he wouldn't tell us what he wished for. He's been sketchy at other moments too, and this was the final straw. We then confirmed with the dude running the trials that Passmae was ONE of the reasons we failed. We beat the shit out of him. He's been unconscious for 5 in-game days because every time he moves we beat him unconscious again (partly because, OF COURSE THE DUDE WHO RUINED THE CAMPAIGN COULDN'T MAKE THE SESSION).
Vestare, who wished for her children back, we...had words with. Words along the lines of:
"We're not mad, we're hurt that you literally act like you're alone all the time. You're not alone. We've been together through this entire bullshit saga of events since we first met. If you ASKED we would all go to the ends of the world to get your kids back. You only need to say the word. None of us, including you, can do this alone. Believe in us like we believe in you."
Dank, who had a vague wish, was ignored completely (also not at session).
Orlogg (me) decided to take some hallucinogens at the ritual site and was greeted by Fate and Destiny. Not the gods of fate and destiny, but the actual incarnations of all of Fate and all of Destiny. Beholden to none. Orlogg begged them for assistance and was told that,
F&D: "Every time we meddle, we make things worse. Every time we help, your odds of success diminish. There's a balance that needs to be maintained, and every time we tip it, it is never in our favour."
O: "What can I give to even the scales?"
F&D: "You're not the only one who will have to give. Soon, someone very close to you, will be in dire need of help and when that day comes, you two will both have to give, and HE will never be the same."
O: "Will that help? Or will it just keep things even?"
F&D: "Tough to say. It will help bring the departed back."
O: "Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Before I go, I just want to say thanks for everything you've already done." *Motions to fist bump them*
F&D: *One of them reaches to fist bump and as our knuckles touch they whisper* "I'm sorry."
Which was cryptic and terrifying because Orlogg cares deeply about his best friend Dante, so clearly they meant his BFF.
Well as we traveled to return and report our failure to a Cleric of Life, Dante just starts whipping out a skull that he's had hidden for months (in-game) in his backpack and starts talking to it, and can't seem to stop holding it. We all remember the player picking up the skull, but none of our characters saw it when it happened months ago.
We get back to the temple and the man who gave us the chance, and he loses his shit. Basically just tells us:
"You're the reason that the world will end. There is no hope. You've stolen everything from every single person, creature, whatever in this world. It's over. We've lost. We wasted one of the very precious last wishes for the world. And that failure spells doom for the entire world."
The skull begins talking. It is the skull of Memnoch--one of the side characters of Dante who died during a different campaign (which is why Dante picked up to begin with, cause the player meta knew that was her skull). Memnoch tells Dante that there is one more last chance, and explains how to do it.
This includes that ONLY the people who can be "trusted" can accompany Dante on this quest. The party must be split and this "event" will happen elsewhere. So the five of us who wished properly have left the rest of the group on a separate secret mission.
THEN, the DM informed us that failure during this quest will result in the entire universe being wiped. That means our main characters, our side characters, everything that isn't my Dragonlance campaign: gone. Everyone is dead. Including the OTHER GROUP OF PLAYERS who is also playing in our universe on the same quest that we are supposed to link up with for the end BBEG fight (I think its over 15 characters vs. the BBEG).
So there were tears and now the five of us have been having massive anxiety over this upcoming secret session to save the universe. Not the world. The universe.
Our DM everyone. Master of emotional devastation.
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To find out what happened next, check the links below:
Dante's No Good Horrible Awful Bad Vacation (AKA: The Universe Wipe) Part 1
Dante's No Good Horrible Awful Bad Vacation (AKA: The Universe Wipe) Part 2
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albedo’s relationship with rhinedottir is such an important key aspect to his character and yet i never really see people talking about it? rhinedottir left albedo’s prototype, a living being with emotions, to die because he wasn’t good enough. knowing this, i imagine that albedo probably lived to be perfect only for her to eventually abandon him as well, essentially confirming that he would never be good enough for her no matter how human-like he seemed. albedo’s character story describes rhinedottir as a cold, strict woman who would threaten to leave him if he ever failed her. it specifies that he believed her, too — rhinedottir evidently wouldn’t have hesitated to throw albedo out just like she’d done to his brother. to rhinedottir, albedo was always replaceable. sure, we don’t know a lot about the specifics of their relationship. maybe there was more nuance on her part, but from the way that i see it, rhinedottir either didn’t see albedo as sentient despite creating him to be so, or she knew that he was but just didn’t care. one thing is for certain: rhinedottir treated albedo like an experiment.
(what makes this even more interesting to me, though, is durin. in the festering desire’s description, we see him refer to rhinedottir as “mother” multiple times, and she also refers to her creations as “my lovely children”, which tells me that she must’ve established parent-child relationships with them. durin’s memories paint a completely different picture of rhinedottir in comparison to albedo’s. rhinedottir was kinder to durin, she calls him “lovely” and tells him that she’s sending him away from khaenri’ah in order to “display his beauty”, a stark contrast to the way that she seems to have treated albedo (albedo also says that he considers rhinedottir to be family, but he never outright calls her “mother” in the same way that durin does. i think that’s interesting.) in the end, though, rhinedottir still corrupted durin and sent him to his death, so i don’t think she really cared about him either. at the end of the day, no matter how she treats them, rhinedottir only sees her creations as tools that she can use for her own gain.)
so, okay, rhinedottir doesn’t care about her creations. fine. cool. albedo doesn’t see it that way. or maybe he does and he just doesn’t care. albedo knows about durin, he knows about his prototype and what she did to him and yet he still loves rhinedottir. he still views her in a falsely positive light and doesn’t seem to register anything wrong with the way that she treated him. he maintains that rhinedottir means more to him than words like “family” or “master” can convey. he still thinks it was his fault that she left and now he’s stuck chasing after an impossible goal in an attempt to get her to come back. meanwhile, she evidently cared for him conditionally and left as soon as she found something more interesting to study (we don’t know the full story but that’s how it looks). in a way, i feel that he must have somewhat realized that his relationship with rhinedottir wasn’t healthy on some level because, while he’s not exactly warm, he doesn’t treat sucrose or timaeus the same way at all. like, he’s patient with them and he helps them out on a personal level. i can only imagine that he learned this by examining his relationship with his master and realizing that it bothered him at some point. that’s mostly just speculation on my part, though.
the thing about albedo is that, on the exterior, he seems to have moved past it. he’s still looking for the “truth of this world” as far as we know, but he’s also managed to find a place in mondstadt on his own, divorced from rhinedottir’s influence. he’s developed hobbies outside of alchemy, likes and dislikes, has made friends and has even met people that he considers family. sure, he lives in a secluded cave on a mountain so, i mean, it’s not like he’s social but he’s his own person. albedo also seems to have come to terms with his origins as a synthetic human, the mark on his neck and has accepted it as something that he can’t change. he seems happy, if not, content with where his life has come to in the current state of the game.
this raises a question for me. between albedo’s love for rhinedottir and his place in mondstadt, if rhinedottir were to come back, what would he choose? what would come of it? i’m honestly really curious, and i hope they find something to do with their dynamic in the future (if rhinedottir even appears) because i think it has a lot of potential.
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arkon-z · 5 months
Epiphany: telling your friends that a choice they made regarding you or your relationship has upset you, knowing that saying so might make them upset or cause them to change their behavior isn't manipulative - it's good communication. Context below the cut.
I was scared my friend was going to ditch me from the classes she invited me to join, because she said she was signing up for new ones. I needed to tell her how I felt- "I feel like you're ditching me on a whim and I don't think that's cool, because I won't be motivated to go to classes if you're not there." But I also knew that if I told her so, it could potentially guilt her into not switching, and staying with me In my mind, this feels manipulative. I was guilting her into not doing what she wanted, but rather what I wanted. I've done this before, usually on purpose. Expressing sadness or loneliness sideways, knowing they would want to comfort me, and they often did. Using emotional words and actions to get them to include me in something that I want to join in.
When I realized what I was doing, I stopped it as much as I could. What kind of jerk would manipulate their friends into wanting to spend more time together? If they wanted to spend time with me, they would ask and be intentional about it. When they told me about it later, I would just say, "That sounds like it was fun!" instead of asking, "Hey, how come I wasn't invited?" (it was FOMO; they were going to the club, which I hate)
But then I had an epiphany. My habit of using emotions to provoke a reaction isn't manipulation per se, it's me subconsciously trying to get my feelings addressed and my needs met. Whatever they are; I can't tell. I never learned how to ask for more attention or for help or how to name whatever it is I'm feeling, but trying to get what I need isn't manipulation. I still worry I'm doing it, but that's another topic.
As for the friend and the classes, my reaction was pretty solid, I think. I wanted to confirm what she had told me before I started getting upset. If she really was ditching me, then I could express disappointment and explain why I would prefer we stick to the same classes. Experience has taught me that my preferences are not a reason for anyone to change their minds about these kinds of things, especially scheduling conflicts, so if nothing else, I at least wanted to be heard. And experience has also taught me that if you react without getting all the info, you look like an ass.
So I asked her to confirm what she had told me, if for no other reason than to have an actual reason to be upset. And as it turns out, she was just adding another class, and was still planning on staying in classes with me.
Yeah, there was never a real problem and all is well. I just missed a word in the text she sent me about it all and I jumped to my own conclusions. And I don't think I would have felt bad for explaining why I didn't want her to change classes. The worst that would have happened if I was right would have been "Yeah, but this works better for me. You'll be fine on your own."
I say that like it's happened a bunch - the making of plans and then the other person just ditching because it didn't work for them anymore - but I can only think of one clear example. And that's because he switched shifts and couldn't make night classes anymore. And I ended up dropping those classes last spring anyway because they were ruining my arms.
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
On a less funny note re Nico being mad at Leo for the whole "died and came back" thing, Nico would have at least one very serious reason to be furious about the whole situation: Nico is the Underworld expert. Nico was at camp. Like how we see Jason ask about Leo knowing that Nico would know whether or not he's dead, it would've been Nico that everyone went to for confirmation as to whether or not the fireball had killed Leo. Leo's friends, Leo's siblings, they all would've asked Nico if there was any hope that Leo had survived if they asked anyone, and Nico would've had to tell them all no. We see Nico choosing not to tell Jason about how weird Leo's death felt because Leo definitely died and he doesn't want to give him false hope; consider that Nico would've had to have that same conversation with everyone who asked him about Leo between Leo's death and his return to life. Yeah, I can definitely understand why he'd be pissed! He had to tell at least one person he cared very much for (and likely others, who he may care less about but also wouldn't want to hurt because Nico very rarely does want to hurt people) that Leo was dead and gone and there was nothing to be done, which would've been a very difficult conversation to have even once, never mind repeatedly! And then after all that Leo comes back. And he doesn't even have the decency to come back right away to tell them in person and speak to the people who had grieved over him! No, instead he fucks off after some girl who he frankly doesn't actually seem to get along with all that well! Nico had to confirm to all Leo's friends he was dead and Leo doesn't even come back as soon as he comes back to clear that up in person, are you serious???? I really can see why Nico, having had the responsibility of confirming to everyone who loves Leo and asked him about it that Leo was definitely dead dumped on his shoulders by virtue of being the death guy, would be furious to learn that Leo came back to life and then decided to go gallivanting around the world instead of coming back to camp where the people who love him are, especially when that "people who love him" included Nico's best friend.
...Actually even just the "People were grieving for you and you didn't make coming back to see them your top priority" thing would probably set Nico off on its own, what with... you know, the whole "everyone Nico loves dies or otherwise leaves him and usually they don't even give him the chance to say goodbye" situation that is Nico's whole life. I would actually like to see Nico and Leo have a conversation about that; the punching line is funny, but Leo basically sending a note that said "Yeah, not dead, see you when I see you" and then running off with his girlfriend for months was... kind of a shitty thing to do considering how he was dead and everyone at camp knew it (at least send more messages, come on), and I feel like if anyone was going to really get into that with him it would make sense for it to be the death guy who absolutely has Issues regarding death and abandonment and just in general not being considered in situations involving death and leaving.
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mcalhenwrites · 1 year
It took me far too long to realize that all the hard work had paid off and continued to do so, in regards to my writing. In the past, when I'd feel proud of a story or a scene, I'd immediately scramble back to, "Well, someone will read it, and they'll find the flaws, and they'll know I'm an imposter."
Every single person who writes - even those who've done it 50, 60 years - doesn't do it perfectly. That's impossible.
The definition of what makes "good" writing also varies per person. I personally love it when the writing style is a bit more poetic (you can see that influence slowly infiltrating my own work) and we hear details about the characters that give us more depth about their background and personality. Meanwhile, some people want that to be kept vague and for the story to cut to the chase.
I though my writing was too simple/basic, and I've been told my writing wasn't good enough for anyone to read in writing circles. I've been told my characters all fall into the same category. There's more history with this, but people read my fics and my original works and still liked them. I know these things weren't true then and they're especially not true now, but I was so insecure and afraid that I believed the negative commentary most.
I don't think being hard on myself was all that helpful, either. So none of that improved me. My methods of going about improvement did, but I might have done better at this stage in life if I hadn't let terrible people confirm my negative feelings.
(This isn't about criticism, either. I like concrit! But insulting someone's work or tearing it down in a public space for your friends to have a go just makes you a shitty person. It doesn't make you helpful whatsoever.)
I've also not been able to trust writing circles for years, which sucks. I have some friends who also write, but I'm typically pretty careful and don't do well integrating into new writing circles. Not really fair to the writers in them, so I've finally dipped out of trying to get involved in any until I figure out how to socialize without fearing that I'll end up the butt of all jokes.
And getting over that is hard, I tell you. Even now, I hesitate. "My writing might actually be all those things, and I'm defying reason by saying it's good." Only to then realize that if I wrote exactly like those people's favorite authors, but they knew it was me, it wouldn't matter how good it was. They were out to make fun. Maybe that stems from jealousy or just their own general insecurity that makes them need to drag down others with them. I'm sure some were not into whatever I was writing, but it's improtant to learn how to handle that without being cruel to the author and their work.
All I can really do about it is make sure that's the type of writer I never become. That's the best I can do: support writers by buying books, leaving genuine commentary on AO3, and enjoying my own writing journey.
I love writing. The joy of creating characters and worlds, of weaving them into words... I love that entire process so much. I told myself a year ago - when I took down all my writing from the public eye and locked my works in a private AO3 collection - that I wanted to focus on that for a while. It helped me so much to take a step back for about three months. I also don't mind that most of that stuff is still private.
I did leave up a couple of anon works, but only because I didn't want them to disappear at the same time that all my other writing did. (And those are still anon, and people don't know I've written them.)
These days, I still worry that even the writing I've set aside for publication will never take off, and that I won't have my writing career, but... that's never going to stop me from writing any of it. At this point, I don't think anything beyond a life-altering severe health issue or death is capable of stopping me.
This doesn't mean I doubt my writing quality! I think that the book industry isn't particularly great to begin with, and self-publication is complicated when you have to be your own PR person. What I write is also not for everyone. It's a little weird to say it's niche, as if that makes it special, but I just mean that it might only ever appeal to a small group of people.
I have to keep writing what's in my heart. But after all this time, I'm glad I'm still here, that I have always and will always write what I need to, for myself.
And it's also okay if I want to monetize some of it and share some of it for free, if I want to post or publish it because I think it's good enough to share. Libraries and book stores exist because people do that. We now have the internet to share our writing, whether it be original or fic, and I think that's a beautiful thing. (Side note that fic is just as valuable as original, and I don't condone saying one is better than the other. That's needlessly cruel to people who work hard on their writing writing, regardless of what they write. The publishing industry has its messes, but fics/fandoms do too, and you just have to find the writers who deliver what you like. If you exclusively prefer fic to original or original to fic, that's fine, just don't make your personal tastes a reason to insult millions of writers whose works you've never read. As an author of both and as a fan of authors who write both... I have a wider pool of writing to enjoy!) Anyway, I suppose I'll always fight some imposter syndrome, but... it's nice to also recognize my own skill level. It's nice to have others recognize it, too. I do think that helps a little. We all need some support and encouragement. We shouldn't forget our roots, but it's not necessary to take the journey through writing alone unless that's what we prefer. :)
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Posthumous Admiral's Log - Entry 37
We have found Needa, Motti and Jerjerrod. We have also found the Star Destroyers that previously disappeared from our afterlife fleet after getting mysteriously sucked into the Vortex. The circumstances surrounding the missing Star Destroyer are very odd indeed. I suspect Rebel Scum mischief at play.
We first located Motti and Jerjerrod in a campsite of their own doing very private activities that really should not be done in an outdoor environment. I have now seen things that will forever be ingrained in my memory for the remainder of my immortal existence. Max says I’m being melodramatic. I adamantly disagree. That is all I shall say on the matter.
We then wasted a great deal of time trying to convince Motti and Jerjerrod to help us find Needa.
“Does it really matter where he is?” Motti asked. “We’ll all end up back in the same place eventually once we rot out here, and it isn’t as if anyone actually likes Needa.”
“I like Needa,” I reminded him.
“He’s so boring,” Motti said.
“He’s a nice man, Motti,” I said. “And I happen to enjoy the company of nice men.”
“That’s very polite of you to say, Firmus,” said Jerjerrod. “It’s delightful to see you’re starting to learn some manners, but you don’t have to go through the pretense. It isn’t as if we’d tell him that you dislike him. I’m sure he already knows.”
“But I don’t dislike him, Tiaan,” I insisted. “He’s a good friend, and – ill-advised exorcisms notwithstanding – a fine officer as well, not that either of you karking idiots would know a kriffing thing about that.”
At this point, Max interjected:
“Whatever your feelings about Needa, we would be amiss to abandon him out in this strange territory. We must locate him for the greater good of Imperial brotherhood.”
After much cajoling, Motti and Jerjerrod agreed to go along. It appears Needa actually wandered quite far. We nearly gave up looking for him when we came across a very odd cavern system which led us to a very impractical, sinister-looking lift constructed of a floating rock platform. For the record, I did not want to go anywhere near such a contraption, but Max insisted that it would be alright. After all, we’re already dead.
The sinister lift turned out to be terribly slow. Whoever built the system was an idiot. They ought to have focused more on efficiency over aesthetics. Thank the stars we had the option of floating down instead. There are some perks to being a ghost in the living world. Not many, but there are some.
It turns out Needa was sitting at the bottom of the dark ravine waiting for us this entire time. Surprisingly, he was not in any distress.
“I knew you’d come for me eventually being the loyal chaps that you are,” he said so earnestly I felt dreadful we hadn’t gone looking for him sooner. “So, I wasn’t worried.”
I hope Jerjerrod and Motti feel appropriately terrible for speaking ill of this poor, innocent man.
“I’ve found something rather odd down here, actually,” Needa said. “Follow me. I’ll show you.”
He then led us to what appears to be an underground frozen lake with hundreds of Star Destroyers frozen beneath it. I’m not sure why someone would freeze a Star Destroyer, much less so many of them. I recognize each of the ships under my command and can confirm that several of these belong to the Imperial afterlife fleet. I’m very cross about this theft and also baffled as to how it happened.
Needa has a theory that when he attempted to exorcise Vader, he effectively made a portal to the living realm instead because ghosts are not meant to perform exorcisms on other ghosts. This is, of course, exactly what I told him to begin with. Now, it appears someone has been using the Vortex to pilfer our Star Destroyers and encase them in ice for some absurd reason.
We plan to investigate the matter further. At the very least, it’ll give us something to do while we’re here which might be a while. None of us are showing any signs of decomposition yet. Perhaps we ought to find our way to a tropical planet to speed things up. I always did want to visit Scarif.
Regarding the stolen Star Destroyers, I am blaming the Rebel Alliance’s Resistance Scum children for now. By COMPNOR default, everything is the Rebel Alliance’s fault until proven otherwise. I don’t know what good this would do for them, but I suspect they probably have some kind of disorderly insurgent plans involving our poor Star Destroyers. Perhaps this is why they had that base on the frozen wasteland of Hoth. They were already plotting their scheme, and now they’ve passed it onto the new generation. It’s only a theory of course, but the logic checks out.
- Admiral Piett
Read the full log on Ao3.
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