#i need to stop thinking about tgwdlm part ??
kmesons · 3 months
i'd like to imagine that in a tgwdlm movie, the audience would be able to tell who is a part of the hivemind because the infected would be aware of the camera. this could imitate the feel of being an audience for a musical performance, with the added bonus of an extra layer of creepiness.
during numbers like "la dee dah dah day" the singers would be making direct eye contact with the audience for the vast majority of the song. there could be a scene where greenpeace girl is looking at the audience while paul confusedly tries to figure out what she's seeing, and as the camera pans, her eyes follow it, while paul's stay looking where the camera originally was. in "not your seed" the singers' awareness of the fourth wall would be less pronounced, since the lyrics are directed at bill, but it would still be noticeable. paul's involuntary dance moves in "let it out" could be accompanied by him looking at the audience and then blinking and shaking his head as though trying to stop seeing it. in "inevitable", the illusion of a happy ending is maintained until, when paul begins singing, there is a shot aimed at emma's back and, as paul hugs her, he looks into the camera.
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Ok, you don't have to post this if you feel like it's too much, but I just needed to get this rant out about Robert Manion (not censoring so people who have it filtered can avoid it).
When I joined the fandom in 2019 ne was basically the fandom's darling, every fifth post in the tag was about him or his characters and it was hard to find a tgwdlm song ranking that didn't have SSN in the top 3. I wasn't a huge fan of him, mostly because I'm ace and didn't find him attractive, but I'm not going to lie and pretend like I always hated him. I thought he seemed like a nice enough guy, as did most other people in the fandom. I didn't have twitter at the time, so I didn't see any of the stuff he did there, but I did hear some of it on here which made me not like him as much, but for the most part I ignored it.
It's his actions around the sexual harassment incident that still makes my blood boil when I think about it. To me his apology post came off less as a sincere apology from someone who recognised how shitty he was and more like he was trying to make himself seem like such a good person for acknowledging that he was wrong. It came at such a shitty time for fans too, since everyone who clicked on his insta stories would have been expecting something about NMT 2 but instead got hit with something so heavy and potentially triggering. It was probably the worst day I've ever had in the fandom, as the fallout was intense and the few days before SK officially addressed the issue were actually stressful.
I know we don't know everything that happened behind the scenes, nor are we entitled to, but it definitely seems like Rob did not take being kicked out of Starkid permanently after NMT2 well. He had a whole year between his post and when he went on Tik Tok live to talk about his side of the story, but chose to do it only during the duration of the Starkid Returns kickstarter, when it became clear he wasn't going to be invited back. I know he made some pretty serious claims against SK, and I wouldn't normally dismiss something like that, but the fact that he also tried to play off his harassment as a joke that others made into a bigger deal than it was makes me so mad. Also, some of the stuff he said, like claiming that Dylan gets too many solos and calling them cringey for being in their 30s and still singing some of their older songs, just came off as pure pettiness and spite, and like he wanted to discourage the few fans he still had from giving to the campaign, especially since he stopped when it ended.
Honestly there isn't really a big point to this, I just felt like I needed to get my frustration off my chest. I was watching tgwdlm with friends yesterday and it was so hard for me to get through SSN remembering all of this. I just hope that he stays gone and doesn't try to pull anymore shit during the next kickstarter. Also, I hope all the fans who were seriously hurt by what happened are doing better now.
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kalakilo · 7 months
ranking nightmare time episodes
under the cut because this is gonna be a long post and it is only for me and no one else<3
i recently finished all the nmt episodes and now that i have no more new hatchetfield content to consume i need to dish out feelings and opinions and i like ranking things i like. this is based on vibes mostly. and my attachment to these characters. i love all of these episodes and the entire cast and nick & matt lang for giving me so much lore to chew on. here is the brutal order of ranking my children
13. daddy
somebody had to be last......first of all i just wanna say jaime lyn beatty is a literal god for performing the double role of sherman and sheila young here, she IS versatility in human form. however young at heart just isn't one of my favourite songs and sherman & frank really aren't as compelling characters to me as some other ones in the hatchetverse and i feel like it doesn't offer that much more lore to me.
i do find that there is a lot to be said about the way sheila holds frank & toy zone hostage with her money and it's yet another case of characters using their money for power and glory in hatchetfield and how those characters eventually become victims of the lords in black and characters that abuse their power. i still had so much to say about this even though it's last on this list and that also speaks to how GOOD this series is okay
12. perky's buds
this one is just absurd????? i truly think perky's buds, jane's a car and hey melissa are the holy trinity of batshit nmt episodes.
this is essentially the most we ever learn about the hatchetmen and their descendants (the metzgers) which makes me a little sad, that lore i am still a bit lost on and honestly the amount of lore (and this being grace chasity's first appearance in canon) is mostly the only reason i prefer this one over daddy. also the fact that joey richter plays a monotone talking bird + emma finally gets her pot farm (even if it all burns down in the end</3). this one is just a little silly to me and the song isn't my favourite either, it's a taste of characters (like the metzgers and ziggs) and lore about the history of hatchetfield and i just wish we knew more
11. forever and always
this is my official apology to paulkins nation for having this ep so low lmao sorry guys
if i'm being honest my favourite part about this episode is how it weaves together with time bastard. idk if i'm allowed to say this out loud because i fear i'll get crucified by starkid / hatchetverse people but honestly i'm not *that* invested in paulkins as a ship.......i love that in this iteration they are just so fucked up and weird, i remember in the hotel scene thinking there is NO way paul wouldn't kill emdroid here. she is an EVIL ANDROID!!!! and then the reveal that he's actually paul 23 made so much sense. anyway i like this one and i REALLY like the song!! it's so fun having such a heartfelt sounding song at the top of the episode and then it actually being so fucked up by the end.
10. hey, melissa!
tbh i wanted this one to be higher because it was SO absurd in a way perky's buds could never even fucking dream of, i truly want to know what possessed nick & matt lang to think that the side character who has maybe four lines in tgwdlm likes dehumanizing men and turning them into her pets???
all this being said i think hey melissa gets a bit of a bad rep in the fandom. i actually think it's a very interesting episode, i will never ever stop thinking about WHY paul makes the decision at the end as he does? i think there is so much to dissect there and in general about paul as a character in this episode. we really don't learn a lot about paul in tgwdlm and in contrast, in the timeline of hey melissa we hear an entire story from his childhood that clearly impacted him a lot? and it's something he thinks about to this day!
i also really wonder the question of if he hadn't told that story, would melissa still have him held captive?? obviously melissa is not a very reliable character in the early part of the story, but paul's memory clearly affects her a lot? does she actually lose faith in him in that moment? and that's why she decides to keep him as her dog (of course he doesn't end up being one lmao) ? i just think there's a lot to be said about this episode! still, i am def forever haunted by this and can't never hear it the same when humans say bark or meow. also what do you MEAN you'd have to NEUTER him to let him OUTSIDE
9. the hatchetfield ape-man
this one has such a special place in my heart for whatever reason<33 full disclosure angela as lucy stockworth is also maybe 80% of why this is higher than the others so far, it's just so fun seeing her play a character who seemingly is just so innocent and sweet and has such a big heart but then who's also very aware of what she's doing and schemes a bit herself. i can't believe this is the only iteration of lucy stockworth what is she doing in the other timelines. i want to know.
also idk why but the reveal that ted was just playing konk fucked me UP!!! like that was insane. also as the first episode that has the cast and nick & matt still figuring everything out it's just very sweet and heartwarming which you cant say about a lot of hatchetfield content<33 honestly no real explanations for this one i just love angela giarratana and also jamie lyn beatty for singing HERE'S A LITTLE STORY BOUT THE HATCHETFIELD APE-MAN
8. watcher world
the scenes with the sniggles???? genuinely horrifying. the idea in itself that someone is always watching is so creepy, i think blinky is maybe actually the most terrifying lord in black. at least he manages to have the most terrifying nmt episode. the fact that he somehow makes a father and daughter almost kill each other and wants to watch for his own enjoyment like........this one actually haunts me sm!!!! wtf is that scene with alice and the blinky mascot!!!!!!
it's also one of the only hatchetfield stories with a genuinely happy ending with basically no catch. and after bill and alice's tragic fate in tgwdlm i'm so glad they also get a good ending<33 it's also just so lovely to see them actually bond in this story and we learn a lot about alice !
this one also has so many songs and i am of the opinion that snoozle town is genuinely heartbreaking and the way angela can just do that while singing the most insane shit like "and we'll have two snoozles that can snozzle / our own bayou where the boogle boggles flow with goo" is beautiful
7. jane's a car
GOT MY FOOT ON THE GAS ok im SORRY im sorry its just. funny
tbh i am a little sad this gets reduced to the car sex episode, i think it does have a lot to say about navigating grief when you feel like you've finally been able to move on and live life again and suddenly the person you lost is back in your life. and they're also a car.
not to mention the ending???? is fucking terrifying????? poor becky quite literally dies and the "mommy's home" paired with the way the script narrates the moment as "becky sits down and jane smiles". like that's. cunt
anyway just to conclude i really wish more people understood the more compelling parts of this episode and not just tom fucks a car!!!! dont overstimulate the cupholders!!!!!
6. honey queen
i was GAGGED seeing the editing quality step up from nmt 1. this is truly the cuntiest nmt episode because we pit two beautiful queens each other and BOTH just fucking perish lmao (that editing step up also contributed so much to the final scene being so terrifying. it's an incredible introduction to nibbly and the scene being followed by the nibbly ditty is just SO gooooooooooooooood)
something i did already mention when talking about daddy is the continued sort of "motif" that rich people either still always lose to the lords in black or (something that i didn't bring up last time) they themselves are corrupt and have essentially sold their souls to the lords in black. like gerald & linda lie, cheat, steal and kill their way to win this pageant and yet. they still both die.
also also!!!!! i love that we learn how linda ended up so incredibly cold and uncaring. like it's not just from being rich as fuck, it's also trauma from being mocked, ridiculed and ignored throughout your entire childhood. i think roman murray might genuinely be the most evil character in hatchetfield and i loooove how jon matteson plays him. king shit
i also just love. gerald and linda. they are so fucked up and so perfect for each other. the way gerald helps her so much to sabotage the pageant and is her BIGGEST cheerleader, knows that deep down linda does not like her father and is afraid of him and literally gets himself killed essentially in support of her.............i love them.
5. time bastard
i'm gonna be honest i wasn't ted's biggest fan after tgwdlm so i didn't reaaaally understand the love i saw for him in the fandom, but after time bastard i really got it. time bastard actually fleshes out ted as a character and even though by the end he kind of is still a dumbass we do still learn a lot about him!! tinky and his little box are both objectively terrifying and being stuck in his box honestly sounds like a worse fate than hell. i feel bad for ted ngl
the reveal that homeless guy is ted spankoffski is also so insane. like the fact that these two exist in the same timeline a lot of the time is so interesting and also brings up the question of did the homeless guy ever try to go into ccrp and try to take his job back??? or did he just resign to his fate. we dont know. speaking of ccrp also learning more lore about what a fucked company it actually is super interesting, especially knowing they too tried to harness tinky's power.
my one and only gripe with time bastard is that it gets a little too complicated for me at some points but that's more a me problem, it just feels slightly hard to wrap my head around it while also connecting it to the events of forever and always. i do love complicated lore but this one fucks w my head sometimes
4. abstinence camp
as a grace chasity girl it is illegal for me to have this episode any lower than in the top 5. these top 4 episodes truly expose my favourite hatchetfield characters so bad lmao
god abstinence camp is SO funny!! the writing here is hilarious, just grace's first appearance is so silly and angela does such a stellar job. i love her in this role so much. along w her i'm so glad this story introduced us to boy jerry and girl jeri who i am begging to see again in another timeline like i need to see their backstory!! how did they find each other the first time and how did they end up abandoning their faith to have a child!!!! jon matteson and kim whalen are so good in these roles
we also cant talk about abstinence camp without mentioning that virginity rocks is objectively the BEST nmt song. jon and kim are serving absolute vocals it is such a banger and the fact that they paired it with axe man is so fucking sick
3. killer track
killer track is the only nmt episode so far that's made me actually cry. god. he was watching the fireworks.
to be completely honest i. don't even know what to comment on for this episode i'm just stuck in never ending holloweane brainrot. god he's so in love with her. AND SO AM I!!! miss holloway is such a compelling character and this nmt episode especially teases a lot about how she ended up the way she is. we also learn about her past and just like everything about her is so interesting to me, i love her protective nature but also that she's so calculated in her every move. and somehow always knows exactly what to do. also i love duke keane i can't leave him out of this
the concept of this episode is also just so viscerally horrifying, it's essentially something i used to have nightmares about like something scary that's ringing so loudly in your ears that nothing can block it out so this genuinely hit like a sort of irrational fear that i pretty much used to have as a kid. it's not so bad that i can't watch but still hit me in a sort of way that reminded me of my own fears. maybe that's also why i love miss holloway she would save me if i ever ended up in that situation
2. the witch in the web
i feel like witch in the web is very underrated?? i don't see a lot of people talking about it compared to some other episodes which i think is such a shame because it's so incredible
the scene where hannah thinks she's seeing lex and then it turns out to be the witch was SO spooky watching it the first time, seeing angela play out this sort of over-excited version of lex and it slooowly becoming more and more sinister is so insane especially with her pulling out the dolls of the lords in black. it's such a great scene!!
also the lore we learn about the witchwood forest and what originally happened to willabella muckwab and how the black book came to be is so integral to the entire lore, and i love the way it's told with hannah & miss holloway sort of walking in this old dreamlike world. plus the confrontation with wilbur cross in the starlight GOD this episode has so many cool moments and it can do so much because they're in nightmare time and not in actual hatchetfield most of the time. i do, however, despise the idea that lex foster is serving what FOUR years in prison in this timeline. dont do that to my girl
1. yellow jacket
the scene where hannah & ethan come home and lex is waiting for them, so disappointed in herself not only for forgetting hannah's birthday but also for failing the test, angry at ethan for not reminding her about hannah's birthday.....that scene is probably my favourite moment in the entire hatchetverse? angela just fucking blew me away she plays it so well and not to mention joey richter ethan just. kills
yellow jacket just had to be first here, i'm so invested in these relationships and their past and how it led them to where they are here, the way this episode portrays how hard it is for lex and ethan because they're just trying to survive on what little resources they have while lex is also taking care of hannah: she cares for her so much that she's wanted to move them out of their mom's trailer. of course hannah would feel responsible and maybe guilty because lex has so much to worry about, of course hannah wants to take the first opportunity she gets to make them copious amounts of money, of course she's willing to put herself in terrible danger, all to help lex.
i love seeing this perspective on hannah, especially since in black friday we mostly see lex (and ethan) protecting and saving hannah when she's in trouble (although she definitely can fend for herself a little!). in yellow jacket we really see how responsible hannah must feel. when her and ethan see the ipad as a possible prize, her first thought isn't all the fun things you could use the ipad for, it's how much money they could get selling it. she doesn't understand the sheer danger of fighting pokey, which makes sense since she doesn't know that that is quite literally an eldritch god, she just wants to support lex.
this episode is just incredible in its every element: the portrayal of the characters, the story and the way it talks about the influence that money has on people's lives. not to mention watching literal children fight each other for entertainment. it's brutal but the core relationships are what eventually survive despite the circumstances
well. this was long
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fully-caulked-wagon · 11 months
Some of my favourite lines from my plans for shitty One Piece / Zosan drawings + fanfics Part 5
Oh noooo, I'm still here. (You can't kill me) law kinda interrupts like 'if you would do the honour of cutting your argument short, we have to depart soon, and your captain is starting to gnaw on the grass out of sheer gluttonous hunger, so if everyone could get to their posts before your navigator's head starts erupting with lava, that'd be great' - Bro's just tired, man. He didn't ask for this shit. sanji's kinda bleary as he comes to and he's like 'first of all, why the hell have you bastards kidnapped me?! second of all, why am i tied to a chair?' - This wasn't intentional but now every time I go back to this all I can think of is Sam from TGWDLM goin "Charlotte, baby, where am I, why am I tied to a chair?" the dude's like 'alright, slow down swirlylocks' sanji's like '…my hair isn't swirly' the dude's like 'shut up.' - Guy just needed the pun, leave him be. the other three are kinda like oy vey and one's like 'go get that damn manual, you buffoon. you must'a did it all kinds'a wrong if the person you tied up is complaining about the quality of your work!' - He's trying his best, alright? sanji's like '…that's a porn book. the naked people are naked cause it's porn.' the dude's like 'ohhh…' then he's like 'oh!' and chucks the book/comic thing away - Egads! after a few seconds he can only kinda weakly mutter out 'you're gonna... pay for... this' before he blacks out again as they all laugh insert full house music - Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, there's a face, of somebody who needs you- the childhood friend dude shows up at the railing off'a like, idk a fucking jetski or some shit - probably just a boat idk - Guy's a little wacky with it, shit happens. the childhood friend dude raises an eyebrow and smirks bemusedly like 'seriously, you're a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an igneous, dude' - Literally just quoting mlp at this point, boys 👍
zoro's fuckin dumbfounded and is just kinda dimly like 'y… you said all that about me, cook?' sanji turns to face zoro and is still bright red like 'shut the fuck up right now or i'll shove my foot so far up your ass you'll think you grew a second spine and i'll be wearing your tiny, mossy brain like an anklet' zoro huffs an amused breath, although still a bit shell-shocked, while ray's like 'oh yeah, he also said that your shoes are untied' zoro looks down at his shoes like 'huh?' - 1. Ray's the 'childhood friend dude' 2. He listed off a bunch'a shit Sanji had told him in letters. 3. 🤨🤨 nami just puts up an a-okay sign like 'don't care, sanji' robin just smiles and goes 'i can say with utmost certainty that they are in fact pieces of clothing that you are currently wearing, sanji' - R.I.P then law just fuckin shows up outta nowhere and they're all like 'wtf' - Uh-oh, surprise Law event. law just kinda grimaces, briefly glancing at luffy who's sorta struggling like a cockroach - He's a creature. A li'l guy, if you will.
luffy just mopes like 'but namiiii~ it looked like food, and i was hungryyy' usopp's just exhasperated like 'it was clearly made of polystyrene' luffy's like 'so?!' usopp's like 'polystyrene is not food!' luffy's just like 'you don't know that! just cause it made me throw up doesn't mean it wasn't food! lots of things can make you throw up! lobsters, crabs, goats!' - Nothing will stop me from constantly referencing everything all the time. (The 'lobsters, crabs, goats' part is in reference to TTO). 'also who're you calling uptight and swirly?!' zoro gets annoyed as well, smirking, and they do the head bonk grr thing, like 'who do you think, ammonite brows? you've got a stick shoved so far up your ass it got lost and bent itself over your eyes!' - Oof. and it's just a bit like crackaboom uh oh we can't deal with this well - Hate when that happens. and the dude's like 'not much' then he calls over this servant or whatever from their gang and bites his fucking fingers off - Really hate when that happens. then his eye gets like, sparkles in it, and he straight up explodes - Lost another one 😔
and zoro just kinda looks at his ass then narrows his eyes sorta fry-like and goes 'mhm…' - I call this piece 'Contemplation of a posterior.', the bidding will start at [REDACTED] zoro's off to the side having heart palpitations or some shit - Bitches and their heart problems, I swear. usopp, luffy, chopper and franky are just annoyed screaming while sanji's like 'JUST DIE ALREADY!' - Zoro is no longer held in high esteem by the council. then sanji's got a gun in one hand and it's straight up in zoro's mouth and he's still gripping the robe with the other hand and he's like 'I'M TELLING YOU-' - The idea of everything being relatively normal before one character suddenly has a gun and is threatening another out of nowhere is a brain worm that I can't remove. snooj blush more die sink down floor dead zoor like wha - wha then sanji goes 'so how'd you meet levy?' gajeel's like '…' then kinda like '…i crucified her' and sanji's just like 'excuse me-' - And that's how I met your mother. sanji just groans in agony and slumps down further before melting into goo (lesgooooo) - Lesgooooo and they flip over to brook and rip his whole fucking outfit into two equal sides and he's like 'yoho?!' then tiny text 'oh my?!' - Oh my. then he does like that fist pump thing and exhaling out his nose komi-san style and he's confident < - fool - 🫵 Fool.
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quillbriar · 2 years
Like, no part of me believes Grace’s act. And that’s no fault of Angela, we all know she’s great at acting. It’s because Grace just can’t be real. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a town where people were raised with a certain very strict religion and then all the kids my age stopped when they were old enough. But it kind of feels like an act for everyone else.
Like she says about herself “I’m the biggest prude you’ll ever meet” and it’s a promise. It’s because she has to be, it’s not from a place of authenticity, because then she wouldn’t call herself a prude. It’s an acknowledgement of the performance and the fact that she needs it. She needs to have this character and this act and she’ll outdo anyone and everyone else.
I really think her arc could be that she’s repressing her sexuality, and also whatever her powers are. We know Grace Chastity is important, she’s been in the canon since TGWDLM. Like, we’ve known about her long before we knew the mayor of Hatchetfield. There’s just got to be something more to her. I don’t think she’s a villain, or someone else. I think she’s just a scared teenage girl, who is afraid of the possibility of who she is and what her life could be like (both sexuality and powers, though I have a feeling the powers are going to be a shock). We’ve already seen with Lex (ironically) that people can repress their powers. And, in NPMD, I think Grace’s might powers come into play. Steph has political power. Pete has physical strength.
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mooooooosicals · 3 years
Bad summaries of Hatchetfield songs:
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals: here comes the... well I wouldn't call him a boy. More like six foot tall office lad.
La Dee Da Da Day: musical townspeople do what musical townspeople do... harass the protagonist
What Do You Want Paul?: the number that you don't want to get stuck in your head during sex
Cup of Roasted Coffee: convincing braindead customers to buy shitty coffee with hips and harmonies
Cup of Poison Coffee: oh. oh they're evil now. ok. cool.
Show Me Your Hands: the acab song. it should have been a tap number, fuck you.
You Tied Up My Heart: kinky shit in the basement.
Join Us And Die: ma'am I appreciate the c#5 but this is a Wendy's
Not Your Seed: Alice has an appetite for nachos. And shooting her father dead.
Show Stopping Number: old man does what old men do best, tie up their former students in their basement and shake ass
America Is Great Again: I dare you to show this to That One Family Member. I dare you.
Let Him Come: I'm thoroughly disappointed with the lack of jokes in the fandom here. Missed opportunity.
Let It Out: dance, funky office man, dance
Inevitable: well shit, that's depressing. cool lighting, tho.
Wiggly Jiggle: capitalism, but make it cute and a little bit unsettling
What Tim Wants: thank you, Tom, very nice vocals. But sir I just met you I really don't give a shit.
CaliforM.I.A.: admit it, the best part of this song is Hannah dancing in the background
What Do You Say?: high school reunion but with more 🎵spice🎵. And choreographed thrusting, for some reason.
Our Doors Are Open: capitalism with a bouncy time signature
Feast or Famine: February 2020: the song
Monsters and Men: Johnny Mac n Cheese my beloved... and uh... who are these guys again? Sorry I got distracted by the fact that mac n cheese man is back.
Deck The Halls: pov: you're watching Black Friday for the first time and have not a damn clue what's going on. Wait Santa's a pedophi-
Take Me Back: oh look, the traumatized couple sings! And... fucks-
Adore Me: MILF becomes a murderous MILF, even better
Do You Want To Play?: Other fandoms took one look at this song and said "fReE rEaL eStAtE"
Made In America: really good song for a really unnecessary plotline
Black Friday: teenager sings while being choked. That. That makes no sense.
Monsters and Men (reprise): so now they have powers all of a sudden? Did I miss something??
If I Fail You: again, Tom, pretty vocals, I don't give a shit
Wiggle: townspeople shake ass and moan for an ugly ass kids toy
What If Tomorrow Comes?: the child sings and then goes boom. we think. we're not sure.
Nightmare Time Theme: everyone is evil now, I guess
The Hatchetfield Ape-Man: ya like jazz?
The Blinky Song: Blinky is a shitty boss and the Sniggles need to unionize
Snoozle Town: I feel like we've heard this song before-
With A Thousand Eyes: TTO is in the HFU?!?!
Forever And Always: oh my god we're so in love uwu owo 🥺🥺
Time Bastard: woman. Pretty woman. Pretty woman singing.
Peanuts!: this song is probably therapy after that mindfuck of an episode.
Jane's A Car: we should make this song a Rick Roll in the fandom. How can you even take a song about a sad man wanting to fuck his car seriously anyway?
The Witch In The Web: little girl plays a ukelele but like. with magic.
The Web I Spin For You: spider lady sings and makes me gay
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abiimaryy · 3 years
So Nick Lang did some very vague tweeting about Melissa in 2019 and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since
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We’ve learnt a whole lot about CCRP as a whole since these tweets were posted. We know they’re a hell of a lot more shady and a hell of a lot less boring than we initially thought and based on these tweets I can’t help but feel like Melissa is more than just a secretary at CCRP. I feel like she’s involved with whatever operation they’ve got going on.
Based on what I suggested in my CCRP theory I could see Melissa being more than a PA and actually being deeper into the CCRP stuff but ultimately being placed in the tech department as some sort of spy or something. Who got the spit off Paul’s coffee mug hmm?? I think Melissa is a core part of the operation of CCRP and that is what Melissa is doing. Maybe Melissa was kidnapping Paul as a part of the deeper CCRP proceedings?
Either that or Melissa is a spy for PEIP as we know they have agents in Hatchetfield and I could see them spying on CCRP because they’re highly suspicious. But I think the first option is more likely
As well as this her appearance in TGWDLM is weird. Like in storytelling everything needs to have one purpose or another. What does Melissa and Paul’s interaction serve in TGWDLM? Nothing. We don’t need it so show Paul is blunt we have that with Bill already. Melissa serves no real story purpose in TGWDLM and that makes me think that she is meant for something more. Of course we know Nick and Matt already had some idea of Black Friday and Nerdy Prudes when writing TGWDLM that’s why they had so much Macnamara stuff in TGWDLM to set up Black Friday. It’s entirely probable for Melissa to be the same. A character introduced to later have a more major role. Otherwise you’d assume she’d have been cut for time. We know the Lang’s wanted TGWDLM to be 1 act but they weren’t able to make it short enough. Why else have Melissa if not for some further story purpose??
Melissa has secrets and goddamn if I don’t wanna learn about them
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A Show Stoppin Number - or - Professor Hidgens, could you tell us what foreshadowing is?
There is a running theory that Hidgens was at least in the process of his apotheosis by the time Show Stoppin’ Number happens. Plus I have a theory that apotheosis works by Vampire Diaries rules of metamorphosis - not only does the person have to be infected by the spores, they also have to die. In that theory I mentioned I’d come back to Hidgens later - and then I didn’t. So now I am! And in order to do so, I am going to look at Show Stoppin’ Number a bit closer.
The Theory: Hidgens had become infected after touching the blue goo, it happened slowly but by the time SSN happened, the only stage of his apotheosis he had left was his death. SSN then serves as foreshadowing for the rest of Paul’s story.
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Before we delve into SSN, let’s just jump back a bit to his prior scenes. He stops Emma from going with Paul to help Bill, telling her he needs her help with the goo. Which - sure, he needs the help of a botany student in determining this gloop of extraterrestrial origin. I believe it - nothing weird about that at all. While he may not be fully apotheosis-ed at this point (he has just shot Charlotte and Sam) the spores are definitely beginning their work. He is ensuring Paul is living out his hero’s role, and ensuring Emma stays safe in the mansion - afterall she is the thing the hero wants. (A concept I touch on in the TGWDLM rewatch)
He then drugs Emma and Ted, and ties them up to make them witness his musical pitch. I think two things are simultaneously happening here:
Hidgens believes he is doing this because he wants a world of musical theatre to become a reality because that’s his real love.
The apotheosis happening inside him locks on to Emma’s realisation on how to destroy them, and finds a way to stop her.
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So now onto SSN.
A show-stopping number is the one song in a musical which literally stops the show for a while, and which once it ends the audience have just witnessed something remarkable and then have to remember they’re watching a full show and need to get back to the story. The two that always jump to mind for me when I hear the term are You Won’t Succeed on Broadway from Spamalot and It’s a Musical from Something Rotten, though I am sure there are plenty of less silly examples. While SSN is certainly a show-stopping number, I think there is something more to the repetition of this phrase.
Something to shock 'em,
To bring them a-crawlin'
A big time box office draw
There is a post - somewhere - which discusses how this song is split into two very distinctive voices. You have the Workin Boys bit, and the rest. Workin Boys is very clearly Hidgens’ own work, whereas the rest is likely to be the result of his apotheosis. And it’s that bit where we get this repetition of Show Stoppin’ Number. This is the point where the Hive are about to crack out their big, jaw dropping finale.
Spotlight on Mr. Ingenue
The ingenue is described as: a young woman who has little experience and is very trusting - which I think in this situation is supposed to be Paul. He trusts the idea that destroying the meteor will stop the Hive, which is ultimately what the Hive wants him to do.
A show stoppin' number
Is something you die for
A real catchy ear-wormy tune
It is during the Hive’s show stopping moment (the meteor) that Paul does die - after being infected and becoming part of an infectious song.
That seeps in and out of your pores
A ditty to make the chorus girls swoon
It'll unify humanity
In a thundering chorus
No exits from this Broadway venue
Seeps in and out of your pores isn’t subtle. This is the spores, and once you’re infected, there is no escape. Eventually all of humanity will be united in a singular voice - or thundering chorus.
Then we get the whole Workin Boys bit, which now that I am back in the office just feels relatable. Five O’Clock can’t come soon enough, I’m bloody shattered. Workin Boys is Hidgen’s own work and is drastically different to what he has been singing up until this point.
An aria to rule them all
Ok Sauron, calm down. An aria is a solo piece, which Hidgens knows. He knows the Hive is one being (Pokey) - they’re all part of a singular voice. I like the dichotomy of a chorus and an aria both being attributed to the Hive as it really drives home that they are both separate and one at the same time.
Hamilton move over, your new competition's in town
Yes Hidgens, I'm sure we'll like that just as much as Hamilton.
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kizzys · 3 years
Starkid Rewatch: Black Friday 🎁
Let me just preface by saying the intro is absolutely chilling
curt's sniggle is so fucking adorable
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They all are actually look at them
I don't know how to feel about the fact that I know the fucking wiggly jingle by heart
There they are - my emotional support paulkins
You're cutting into a heat of lettuce and oH shit a baby
I wanted a salad, but now I have a child
He will never invite "us" over again no labels my ass paul is her family
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Can we talk about the way she looks at him here though, it's so fucking soft 🥰
The crowd goes wild as a wild dylan saunders appears
BuT wE aRe InTiMaTe
Thank you for your service. I didn't do it for you.
Soulmate behavior
I still can't get over the fact that we got the softest version of paulkins in black friday
dylan's microexpressions in 'what tim wants' i'm going to cry
Also can we talk about how pretty the set looks
dylan just radiates dad energy
You can try telling me tom didn't adopt lex and hannah after all this i just won't believe you
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Lexthan has my heart
They could have made ethan one of those cliche assholes whose only using lex and putting up with hannah but instead they made him soft and caring and the closest thing hannah has to an older brother/father figure to the point where he was ready to give his life to save them
So if ethan got the greyskull hat from a "powerful warrior" this technically means ethan has met or knows miss holloway
lex blowing kisses when ethan sings his part and ethan just bopping along/pretending to be paparazzi when lex does hers
We love a supportive couple
You're either in the smoke club or you're OUT
That better be fucking floss
linda monroe is a complete bitch BUT she can step on me please and thank you
That's called a bribe sir, and it's illegal...or it should be
I hope you don't get a wiggly, I hope you fucking die
'What do you say' is basically just a summary of shipping
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curt is me watching my ship interact
sherman and gary are just holding hands and skipping in the background
corey you dropped this king 👑
'Our doors are open' is honestly the best song in black friday
It is to black friday what show stopping number is to tgwdlm
The grandeur, the drama, THE HIPS
So gary and linda have definitely fucked right
Get ready for audits! Audits up your ears! Audits in your yinyang! Audits in your wazoo!
Feast or famine is a fucking masterpiece
The chorus part is visually stunning
The music to show me your hands playing when james' cop enters
The first thing ethan asks curt's shopper is if he's okay, pure soul
They kicked his head
His last act was to protect hannah and his last thought was of lex im crying
I don't know if you wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna fuck with me miss monroe
The lighting here is incredible
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And they both look very hot
Do you see him? Do you see him? Do you see him? Do you see him? Do you see him?
jaime in a suit is making me gayer
morris rocking the wiggly like a baby
They all went completely fucking feral in this scene its incredible
curt REALLY went for it
Hope you don't mind that I let myself in. Into the oval office?
The audience clapping after everything mcnamara says is honestly a mood
The positioning of the people in the background in monsters and men is amazing. cross and linda - evil; frank, becky and roberts shopper - people who have both light and dark in them; and lex and hannah - good
jingle jangle jingle jangle jingle jangle jingle jangle jingle jangle jingle jangle RING A LING DING
Is it just me or does jon's character look like he's there to fucking murder a child
I mean jeff has a full on beard and even he looks more like a teenager than jon does here
Santa claus is going to highschool: a hallmark-esque Christmas movie starring a bunch of teenagers
Jon's "highschooler":
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'Take me back' makes me cry every time its so beautiful
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This is such a soft moment
a ReD tRiCyClE
So john and lee are definitely husbands im not taking no for an answer
I've met God, he had nothing nice to say about you
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She likes to be tall
'Do you want to play' is honestly such a creepy song
It gives me chills every time
[casually eats an apple in the middle of an evil speech]
Actually its not even an evil speech, cross may be evil but every word of his speech is fucking true
I can't be evil, I'm a status quo democrat
No john don't leave your husband
I'm honestly loving starkid's trend of calling america out on its bullshit
The fact that only the female sniggles have worn the antennae till now and then robert's sniggle is wearing one in 'made in america'
I'm thinking
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This was the most creative thing ever and I gasped when I saw it
owen and curt walked so cross and howie could run
lex singing "should I never have wanted" during black friday and paul saying "it doesn't matter what I want" in let it out
Two crucial songs that are character defining points
I don't want your half baked sympathy, when did it save those in need?
Angela's performance of black friday honestly makes me cry every time
[eagle screeching]
They're all into fortnight dude!
An update in songs that make me cry every time - if I fail you
Especially the part where the music switches to 'what tim wants' and he starts singing about jane
Is this some kind of a jOooke?
I've said it before and I'll say it again - he will wiggle has THE horniest choreography in the history of starkid, and that is including all of mamd
Specifically whatever gary and curt's shopper are doing
becky barnes is a fucking badass
I know gary leaves with linda because jon and lauren needed to be in the next scene as paul and emma, but this technically means that gary escaped
tom and becky immediately hugging the girls once they're out of danger i'm soft for them
Can we talk about how paul and emma were basically ready to adopt tim
Wear a watch
Everyone else is looking at their hands during what if tomorrow comes, but paulkins are looking at each other 🥺
Yes I am back on my paulkins bullshit
I never left
Also paul, despite his deep hate for musicals, sings in 'what if tomorrow comes'. Do with this information what you will
I know the most probable scenario is that they all died in the end but I refuse to believe it
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kmesons · 25 days
paul's last words were "I don't... like... musicals!" before being consumed by the hive. with this in mind, I think the title of the guy who didn't like musicals could be taken not just as a statement describing paul's past state (i.e. he did not like musicals previously, but now does) but also as a kind of sarcastic eulogy; here lies paul matthews, the guy who didn't like musicals. from this perspective, "the guy who didn't like musicals" isn't talking about a guy who, in the past, didn't like musicals. it's talking about a guy, in the past, who didn't like musicals. he's dead now, the hive mind is saying to us. he's dead, and those were his last words. the central brain inhabits his body now. the brain likes musicals. the guy who didn't like musicals is pokey's jeering requiem for paul matthews, the man who lost.
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Content Dictates Form - Filming Techniques in TGWDLM and Black Friday
Okay disclaimer I just watched part of TGWDLM with my friend and had a huge revelation about TGWDLM and Black Friday in relation to my research and I feel like I need to share it so bad. Like the past few weeks I’ve been really doubting myself and my research and just thinking that I’m an idiot with terrible ideas, but talking about Starkid and the things I like and the things I struggle with about TGWDLM brought me to a big revelation so here’s what I just spend the last hour writing about. If my idea’s seem disconnected or w/e it’s probably because I’m high :) anyways here’s the revelation I came to:
TGWDLM is very metatheatrical. It takes on a brechtian alienation style of theatre, commenting on the ways fascist thought and ideology takes root in a society. There are many moments that purposefully break the fourth wall. The filming of this show continues to take up this brechtian alienation approach, as the way the show is shot purposefully makes you conscious of the fact you are not only watching a play, but a recording of a play. This approach to filming becomes more evident when watching the follow up production Black Friday, which deals with late stage capitalism and consumerism. This show has far fewer fourth wall breaks, and when there are fourth wall breaks they are very purposeful in supporting the musicals thesis. But over all,  Black Friday’s filming technique is far more cinematic than TGWDLM. While the shows are set in the same fictional town, they are in separate parallel universes. In TGWDLM, the songs are all diegetic, except possibly the titular musical number, and all reflect different types of songs within musicals, such as the I want song (What Do You Want Paul and Let It Out) and the eleventh hour number (Show Stopping Number). By doing so they draw attention to the way musicals utilize each song to further the plot or tell the audience about a character, contributing to the metatheatrical atmosphere and alienating the audience. On the other hand, Black Friday only has three diegetic numbers, two of which open act one and act two. The opening number is Tickle-Me Wiggly Jingle, an in universe advertisement for the Tickle-Me Wiggly doll, the show's eldritch antagonist. Wiggly, an eldritch creature, feeds off of human greed and takes advantage of late stage capitalism and the way adults attempt to find happiness and fulfilment in products (this is the show’s main thesis). The second is Deck the Halls (Of Northville High), which is a parody of both the High School Musical style of movie musicals, as well as of movies made to capitalize on the holidays, think your Hallmark Christmas movies. It introduces us to a movie about Santa Claus going to a high school to find out why teens no longer have the Christmas spirit. This is another example of how companies, in this case the film and entertainment industry, try to capitalize on people’s search for happiness and fulfilment by producing low quality films that feed off of the happiness that people associate with the holidays. The third song is Made in America. This is the song that explicitly sets out the musical's thesis. That is why this song seems to be diegetic in the way that the songs from TGWDLM are. Willey has an audience member hold the apple he brings on and eats in the scene leading up to the song. It also seems that Wiggly and Willey genuinely are communicating with the president through a real song, as they are joined by a chorus of Sniggles (minor henchmen of Wiggly), while the president never takes up in the rest of the casts singing. In this song Wiggly reveals his plan to take over the world, and tricks the president into starting a nuclear war with Russia. While Black Friday employs methatheatrics and diegesis in it’s musical numbers, these do not make up the majority of the musical, and thus the show conforms to the traditions of musical theatre. This is reflected in the final recorded version of Black Friday, as it comes off more polished and cinematic than TGWDLM, and lets you get lost a little more in the show, especially because the direction and commentary (on consumerism) are much more obvious. Whereas in TGWDLM, the writers don’t show their hand so soon, as the show's commentary on fascism is not made explicit until midway through the second act with America Is Great Again. The metatheatrical film technique keeps the online audience on their toes, and keeps them aware of the show they are experiencing, giving even more impact to the reveal of the show's intentions. This is significant because it demonstrates that Team StarKid is conscientious of how their online audience perceives and receives their content, and that to do each individual show justice they consider how the way a show is a) filmed and b) edited will affect and inform a viewers experience as they consume each show. The company is aware of the different theatrical techniques and practices their shows respond to and build off of, and make sure that those techniques are incorporated into the final product of their recordings. 
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brightstarkid · 4 years
StarKid lyrics that are extremely relevant right now (Part 3)
U.S. Election Edition
*Yes, some of these are repeats from Part 1 and/or Part 2, but they are now relevant in a new situation, so they are worth repeating. 
“But despite all of my struggles, I’m still alive” (“Goin’ Back to Hogwarts,” AVPM)
“Let’s reevaluate our options, throw away our old presumptions, ‘cause really, you don’t have to go through this” (“The Dragon Song,” AVPM)
“Here I am, face to face, with a situation I never thought I’d see, strange” (“Granger Danger,” AVPM)
“And oh, how the feeling grows” (“To Dance Again,” AVPM)
“Now, at once, a chance appears” (“To Dance Again,” AVPM)
“To give me strength, show concern, ask for nothing in return, say hello, talk me through, do the thing that presidents fathers should do” (“Missing You,” AVPM)
“I’ve seen how heartless the world can be” (“Not Alone,” AVPM)
“And nothing’s ever gonna bring us down” (“Not Alone,” AVPM)
“Well now it’s our turn, our turn” (Voldemort is Goin’ Down,” AVPM)
“We must unite so we can fight, turn the battle around! Time’s running out, it’s time to shout” (“Voldemort is Goin’ Down,” (AVPM)
“We won’t be pushed around any more, we’ll be a force you cannot ignore” (Voldemort is Goin’ Down,” AVPM)
“We’ll stick together, fight through thick and thin. If we stay side by side, there’s no way we can’t win” (“Me and My Dick,” MAMD)
“It’s time to start over” (“Ready to Go,” MAMD)
“So get that chip off my shoulder! ‘Cause it’s weighing me down and keeping me right here” (“Ready to Go,” MAMD)
“It’s not too late to turn around and find a better way. It’s not up to fate to lay the groundwork for a better day” (Ready to Go,” MAMD)
“While’s… we’s… waits to be delivered, go ahead, cry me a river” (“Ready to Go,” MAMD)
“Lord have mercy are we ready to go!” (“Ready to Go,” MAMD)
“We’re finally ready, and the time is right for us to light a spark. We’re keeping it steady, with our eyes on the prize to get us through the dark” (“Ready to Go,” MAMD)
“The world would be much better if you listened, a little bit, to me” (“Listen to Your Heart,” MAMD)
“Feel like the sun is shining, like every song is rhyming, everything is right on time in perfect key” (“Finale,” MAMD)
“So look alive and don’t forget that it’s not over yet” (“Not Over Yet,” AVPS)
“I’m laughing, it’s hard to hide a smile, my God it’s been a while since I have had a reason to” (“To Have a Home,” AVPS)
“And so many nights I’d pray for a better life and a better day, but I never thought that it’d come true, it’s finally here and I don’t know what to do” (“To Have a Home,” AVPS)
“And I’m trying not to cry” (“To Have a Home,” AVPS)
“My heart starts to heal, to know this is real” (“To Have a Home,” AVPS)
“Just try to relax, face the facts” (“Gettin’ Along,” AVPS)
“My mind is racing, but my heart, it beats faster. I’m in control, commander and master. Lady fate awaiting disaster, but she ain’t the boss of me” (“No Way,” AVPS)
“Let’s not forget that we hold the cards this time, so there’s no need to bitch or whine” (“No Way,” AVPS)
“There’s no way I’m gonna take another option, no way I’m gonna settle with a loss, no way I’m gonna sit around and watch, there’s no, no way” (“No Way,” AVPS)
“There’s no way you’re gonna find me in the background, no damn way you’re gonna see me satisfied, no way they’re ever gonna make me back down, no, no way” (“No Way,” AVPS)
“We’ll take it on together, we’re stronger and we’re better, and if there’s a problem HA! whatever” (“No Way,” AVPS)
“There’s no way we’re gonna leave it up to chance, there’s no damn way we’re gonna go without a fight. No way you gonna see us on our ass there’s no, no way.” (“No Way,” AVPS)
“There’s no way we’re gonna settle with sorrow, leave right now if you think this ain’t real” (“No Way,” AVPS)
“Don’t matter if it’s sooner or later, I know that it’s gonna be alright” (“Days of Summer,” AVPS)
“So I will try not to cry, but no one needs to say goodbye” (“Days of Summer,” AVPS)
“The future is now, so I don’t see how the time isn’t right for me” (“I Wanna Be,” Starship)
“We don’t hide and we don’t run away” (“Get Back Up,” Starship) 
“I know you see the rough times, hell, I see them too, but I ain’t seen anyone face ‘em half as well as you” (“Get Back Up”, Starship)
“We’re here to get the job done, it doesn’t matter if it’s tough or it’s fun” (“Get Back Up,” Starship)
“You can’t sit around and watch, your destiny is in your control” (“Kick It Up a Notch,” Starship)
“Who cares about normal? I’ll never conform, I will be content to resent the status quo” (“Status Quo,” Starship)
“I kick down the walls around me, they don’t know how strong I am” (“Status Quo,” Starship)
“Now there’s nothing, no there’s nothing he can’t do” (“Holy Musical B@man,” HMB)
“Take a mental snapshot of this most auspicious night” (“Rogues Are We (Reprise),” HMB)
“We gotta go meet our destiny” (“This Is The End,” AVPSY)
“I feel unstoppable, I’m super-charged, it’s contagious that’s for sure” (“Senior Year,” AVPSY)
“But I’m here to give you a brand new start and to make your spirit brighter” (“Always Dance,” AVPSY)
“The more your try to climb, the more you’re slipping down the hill” (“Tonight This School is Mine,” AVPSY)
“I’m ready for a change, gonna keep calm and carry on” (“I’m Just a Sidekick,” AVPSY)
“But you shouldn’t give up, no, you shouldn’t do that. Never ever give up, no, don’t ever do that” (“Everything Ends,” AVPSY)
“The clock looks still, still the hours pass and all that time is never comin’ back” (“Everything Ends,” AVPSY)
“After the sun has had its rest it will arise and light up the sky” (“Everything Ends,” AVPSY)
“So science and reason win out in the end” (“If I Believed,” Twisted)
“The road ahead may twist, but I will never swerve” (“Twisted,” Twisted)
“This is the beginning, I’m coming back to life. It feels like something’s coming, and it’s gonna be alright” (“With My Own Eyes,” Ani)
“We’ve barely begun, yeah we’re just getting started, you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you, yes you do” (“The Force (You Got It),” Ani)
“It ain’t gonna be fun, just keep your eyes on the target. If anyone can do it, baby, it’s you, yes” (“The Force (You Got It),” Ani)
“Feels like you are going to fail, but don’t give up too soon” (“Independence,” TTTO)
“It’s the grind, take it one day at a time” (“The Grind,” TTTO)
“When the world’s at stake there are lives to save, and even though I shake my hands at god I pray” (“When the World’s at Stake,” TTTO)
“And life, as you know it, is changing” (“Wagon on Fire,” TTTO)
“I guess it’s been days or weeks or months or something worse” (“Lost Without You,” TTTO)
“Nothing can stop us now, oh, nothing can take us down” (“Speedrun,” TTTO)
“Who knew that all this time we had what we need?” (“Speedrun,” TTTO)
“You gotta go when you gotta go, it’s time to get the hell out of here” (“You Gotta Go,” TTTO)
“We’ve got to figure it out, we’ve got to find ourselves some answers” (“We Are People Now,” Firebringer)
“I hope you’re feeling power working through the shroud of mystery, and our history’s growing every day” (“We Got Work To Do,” Firebringer)
“This world is what we make of it, together” (“We Got Work To Do,” Firebringer)
“It’s our turn now, he is gone, our time is here” (“The Night Belongs To Us,” Firebringer)
“We’ll take on whatever’s next” (“The Night Belongs to Us,” Firebringer)
“It’s time to face what’s given us such fear” (“Together,” Firebringer)
“You couldn’t stop us even if you tried” (“Together,” Firebringer)
“We got a lot to do to make it work, we got a lot to do to work it out” (“Finale/Make The Most of It,” Firebringer)
“Do the best that we can here, we got to do a lot of work to make it” (“Finale/Make The Most of It,” Firebringer)
“If we’re gonna stay, we gotta find a way to maintain the balance set in place” (“Finale/Make The Most Of It,” Firebringer)
“Just a typical day that’s got me feeling in a beautiful way, no rhyme or reason” (“La Dee Dah Dah Day,” TGWDLM)
“Sometimes I just wanna shout on top of roofs and mountain tops” (“La Dee Dah Dah Day,” TGWDLM)
“Even now, it’s a dream, the kind that makes you question reality” (“What Tim Wants,” BF)
“You’ll get what you want, you’ll get it back” (“What Tim Wants,” BF)
“It’s time to flip the switch when the problem’s chronic, not being hyperbolic” (“CaliforM.I.A.,” BF)
“Sometimes you gotta slow your breath” (“Monsters and Men,” BF)
“And make a solemn vow to become your best self now” (“Monsters and Men,” BF)
“Tomorrow will come, tomorrow won’t come, tomorrow come today” (“What If Tomorrow Comes?,” BF)
“It’s a matter of time, a matter of time, don’t need to look far to find it” (“Nightmare Time Theme,” NT)
“Watch out cuz the world might surprise you again and again and again” (“With a Thousand Eyes,” NT)
“You’ve got to move, you’ve got to live, you’ve got to keep it positive” (“With a Thousand Eyes,” NT)
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apffee · 4 years
My Thoughts Rewatching TGWDLM and Black Friday:
*btw the section for tgwdlm is much shorter than the one for black friday because it’s less new so more people have already said almost all there is to say about it i guess*
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals: - in the first scene the same phone rings about 32/33 times wow (i counted) - when charlotte is talking about sam singing in the shower, let it out plays real quiet and it's cool - i’ve always wondered what emma was gonna say before join us and die, and to me it seemed like she was gonna talk about paul’s crush on her and maybe reject him (she was acting remorseful, like she was sorry for being about to hurt his feelings maybe), idk if anyone tweeted nick lang about this yet but i wanna know - emma seems to jinx herself every time she says "we made it" or along those lines, like in the helicopter she says "we got outta there!" and before inevitable she says "paul! we made it!" - fuck nora :)
Black Friday: - the sniggles deserve betterrrr also lauren sniggle <3 - mnfnmggghfht them <3 paulkinsss <3 - silent night playing while we enjoy paulkins - "oH SHIT A BABY" - emma has beanies shopping bags so she either still works there and brought snacks or she just went there with paul idk - paul like "it's christmas time in hatchetfield isn't that fun" and im having flashbacks - i love paul's awkwardness but emma, he's your boyfriend ok (ok? ok. ok.) - emma copying bae like - how does lauren turn into an entirely different person with emma and linda ik it's acting but I CAN'T ENVISION THEM TOGETHER AS THE SAME PERSON - if i think about videos and streams of lauren, it seems like emma's personality is kinda similar to lauren's own personality huh - i think this part with emma and paul is so funny not just cause them and their wonderful delivery but also cause the paulkins content is more condensed in smaller amounts of time since they aren't the protagonists anymore, so it's more funny at once, while tgwdlm is probably more funny in total but it's more spread out - i love emma’s adorable laugh snort thing when tom tells her about the surprise it's so lovable <3 - tom just getting in emma's face when he says "he was sledding. WITH HIS MOTHER" ;-; - they just sneak off while tom sings like - what if emma has a different hairstyle in each musical? anyway lauren is so pretty no matter what her hairstyle is but her hair looks even more amazing down in general, i should probably stop now or i'll keep rambling on about lauren - but like lauren and jon are so cool i'm just more attracted to lauren in general but they're probably my two favourite starkid and YES I AM BIASED, SO WHAT? - tom teleports to the parking lot of the mall during what tim wants - tom: what tim want? tim: JUST ASK ME WHAT I WANT - why does linda look over when sherman says "omg its becky barnes" like u just spoke to her and hate her guts lmao why do u care -adore me plays when linda belittles becky bout stanley -webby: hey hannah do the thing ethan's doing with his hands hannah: *does it and gets scolded* webby: *wHeEEeEzeee* - paul in wdywp "i want what everyone wants, money, a partner, kids someday, maybe.." and linda talking to wiley "i want what everyone wants, to be loved" - linda is holding one of her boots, why did one come off? the camera doesn't show below her waist while she's talking to wiley so idk - lauren lopez as jingle the elf doing a bugette voice is attractive as hell - tom: "i'd do anything for him" me: awwww thats sweet! tom: "even if it means pounding the guts outta some little twerp!" me: :/ - what would happen if tom managed to give the doll to tim? tom: take this doll son. tim: i don't want that lmao? tom: W-WHAT? tim: i want u but ur distant and sad now :c tom: :'o - sHE'S hEaVY! D: - do ya think it's a coincidence that wiley AND xander call the president the nickname howie? maybe xanders dead and this is a fake idk lol - the sniggles are still cute in made in america (especially lauren sniggle) and lauren looks so good with her hair like that actually her hair always looks good why DOES HER HAIR ALWAYS LOOK SO GOOD AND HER NOSE AND (this is just a rant about lauren now whoops) - at 1:42:55 when wiggly is talking to john the "look what happens nightmare time" riff (i think its a riff) plays hmmmmm; also someone else mentioned how the light in not your seed is green, so i think grace chasity (yeah apparently it’s chasity) is the connecting thread in all these things and since she is likely the protag in npmd its probably important. oh also maybe grace and jane are connected somehow? idk just trying to think of stuff that could be in npmd - when wiggly gasps after his hiccup laugh thing it's so uncomfortable and creepy i love it good job jon! - you have pOonies?? - i threw em in the FUCKING TRASH! - you killed the pOoNIES! -"she can go on her own" NO LEX HANNAH NEEDS YOU ;o; -lex: reach? like this? *gun flies towards her and smacks her in the nose* ARGH! - lex: patiently waiting for tom to finish singing - i remember something about either the song a meteor hits or just the wiggly jingle scratch track or something being to the tune of if i fail you, so thats cool - jon is so damn feral as gary and it's wonderful i'm having so much fun - gerald's such a good dramatic device - she's drunk AGAIN? what would you know about becky being drunk linda? im imagining drunk becky and linda talking in a bar idk how else linda would know about that eh - behold the wonderful shriek of lauren lopez - i can sing the range of adore me and califorMIA since im an alto and yet lauren can do her high octaves as well as my own comfotable octave she's just destroying the song wiggle and my belief in what singing ability i have with her TALENT!!! - *obnoxious laugh* bECkY BaRNeS! - lets just appreciate jon and lauren sneaking off stage and doing a quick change into their paul and emma outfits in like 40 SECONDS WHAT also everyone else saying their lines slower so they had more time to quick change - "taaahm?" (i love lauren's midwestern accent) - emma and tom never got to talk about jane :'( but also her grateful little smile when he says it and ghfighdfisdfskh emma and paul <3 - why does emma always want to go to hidgens tho lmao like how trustworthy is he really? aw but i guess emma doesn't have anyone else in hatchetfield except paul and jane's family :'( - PAUL SMILING AT EMMA TO COMFORT HER AWWWWWW I LOVE THEM SO MUCH (2:14:02) like i don't mind about how well lauren and jon know each other because their acting is so good that it gets me so invested in paulkins <333333333333333 - i wanna see the paulkins hug D:< i can just see emma in her cute ass bobble beanie hat thing coming over and then the camera pans away WHY - i love that at the end everyone's just squinting at the sky in confusion and paul's just doing a bug-eye face of shock like O-O - ok at the end of tgwdlm it was sad and scary that emma was still in character and screaming for help but i'm just imagining as everyone bows in a line emma just screaming and staggering around again even though this is black friday and it would be really weird but my brain's also weird - tim died alone in the car :( - fuck nora
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Thoughts While Watching SK Homecoming
I was literally smiling and laughing like an idiot while watching these wonderful amazing people and thinking of all of the memories from years of enjoying their musicals. I am so glad I bought the digital download because they deserve all of the love and support. Just a word of warning I will be spoiling what happens throughout the show so if you haven’t seen it yet and/or you don’t want to have anything spoiled for you, I would not proceed any further. You have been warned. Also, as the show is over two hours long, buckle in cause this is gonna be a doozy and I have a lot of feeling about this wonderful show.
Disclaimer: these are just my own personal thoughts and opinions as a long time fan of Starkid, please don’t come at me.
1. Darren is so cute with how he encourages and interacts with the crowd, you can tell how much he loves Starkid and loves the fans
2. we stan a founding knucklehead of Starkid
3. I am so proud of the musical daddies as they conduct a literal orchestra!! how far they have come!!! also, hearing all of the songs with the orchestra is such a treat.
4. I am living for Jeff Blims outfit! the eyeliner, the necklace, the vest!! honestly, iconic.
5. It is so funny to me that they had to edit out fuck from their songs, i.e. “i mean what the what”; “tiger lover”; “he porked a tiger”.
6. Did they change the octave that they were singing, because Jeff seems to be struggling?
7. I love how Jon Matteson looks the same as he did TGWDLM, he is Paul.
8. I don’t know why but the TGWDLM medley is increasing my appreciation for Jeff, previously who wasn’t really on my radar in terms of my favorite starkids, but I love his little dance moves and funny things he does
9. Robert Manion fucking performs the hell out of show stopping number and I am here for it every single time. I feel like he can’t help it and you can tell he’s into it because he can’t help but make the Hidgins face and wiggle his hips. Also, THE BODY ROLLS I AM LIVING FOR THEM !!! (@9:10)
10. Both Mariah and Jon are confirmed working boys and I love them for it. I love that Corey brought Mariah in at the end to make sure she was included.
11. Okay but Lauren Lopez knows how to perform like she knows how to work and engage a live audience. I so enjoy watching performances like this where there isn’t a wall between performer and audience because I think that that’s when she shines. I also feel like the same applies to Rob, Joey, and Darren, they are just so fun to watch.
12. How are all of these people so attractive!! I especially love Lauren’s outfit, but that’s probably just cause I love her so much.
13. I don’t know why but Brian’s “I still don't know!!” at 12:08 gets me every time.
14. Joey’s look behind him for his shadow at 12:24 while he bops kills me.
15. The orchestral swell at 13:05 with “this is the dawn” is so beautiful.
16. Lauren's arms are unbelievable, but we already knew that
17. 14:43 where Joey and Lauren walk and then turn back is so funny to me.
18. The second naked in a lake kicked in at 17:05, I got so hype. also, love that Corey took off his jacket during the song.
19. All the different faces and actions during the “fasters” at 19:54 are so good.
20. I never realized how tall and gangly Clark was until the Ani section, the boy's limbs are too long for his own good and I love it. His voice is so beautiful though!!
21. Joe calling Twisted the first-ever live-action Disney remake is iconic and no one can tell me otherwise.
22. I was legitimately afraid for the buttons on Joe’s shirt at 27:43.
23. Britney Coleman and Carlos Valdez singing 1001 Nights was a wonderful surprise and literally so beautiful, also their exit as Dylan started singing was so cute.
24. I’m kind of sad that they didn’t actually sing Twisted in the medley cause that was one of my favorite songs, but I understand that they had time constraints.
25. After 32:38, I feel like I need to watch the Lego Batman movie to see how similar it is to HMB.
26. Semi-disappointed that they didn’t do the usual choreography for the “I want to be your friend forever” part, but I respect that the handheld mics restricted them.
27. The bass or guitar or whatever in the background at 36:30 was so groovy, I was a fan of that.
28. Tbh, I didn’t really get Denise’s whole bit about how Starship is a show only for dreamers, it just felt a little off to me.
29. I’m a little bummed that Joey didn’t sing Status Quo, but I like that they gave it to Mariah and Alex who both have lovely voices. I appreciate that they had a moment to shine when they might not have because they are newer members/ only had a small role.
30. Brian and Jaime’s eye contact with the camera at 40:48 is so powerful and I’m here for it.
31. Joey mouthing the lyrics at 41:21 is so funny and I love it.
32. AJ’s little jump in the background at 43:02 is so cute.
33. Their constant need to have to avoid saying dick throughout the whole MAMD section is so good and hilarious, with so many expertly timed entrances from AJ Holmes and Joe Walker.
34. Joey saying no to the different microphones at 44:00 is absolutely artistic and fucking hysterical. It gave me similar vibes to Bo Burnham’s bit about seeing the most beautiful penis at a urinal.
35. 45:40, AJ Holmes is a delight of a man, need I say more.
36. “Do I smell?” “Pretty bad.” 45:07
37. Seeing Meredith and Brian standing next to each other at 48:49 makes my heart so happy cause this is what brought them together and now they are married and it’s amazing.
38. “We’ve written on all of the Starkid shows” 50:46, what a powerful statement.
39. I had no clue that the Starkid movie (1997) was a thing and I love that Nick just straight-up roasted it.
40. The subtitles at 52:56, dramatical instrumental music. I am here for it, I love this revamped version
41. Darren is so extra singing Goin back to Hogwarts and I am here for it. Our boy has grown so much! 
42. Pulling out the glasses at 54:03 is a power move.
43. I’m not sure about how I feel about people singing along to the songs during this. I know it is supposed to be for the fans but don’t people want to just sit back and listen to how amazing these people are and just enjoy. Maybe that’s just cause I only am viewing it through a computer and if I had been there I might have felt different, but who knows.
44. 56:05, AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! It’s Bonnie!!! She looks amazing and I’m so happy that she’s here!!!
45. Joey trying to the clap in the ear with mic at 58:04.
46. 58:16, I love how Darren always hypes up the crowd for Lauren’s entrances as Draco, he’s done this a number of times and it makes my heart so happy how he supports his friends.
47. I love Lauren so much the way she moves across the stage at 58:57, the power stance at 59:05...absolutely incredible.
48. I love seeing Rob in the chorus cause he was a fan, he loves AVPM just as much as we do and now we get to see him up there performing one of the most iconic songs. It honestly just makes my heart so happy.
49. 1:00:12, Dylan emerging from the audience is honestly so funny to me and I love him for it. Also, I love the ongoing trope of the “welcome” getting progressively longer each time they perform the song. Bless Dylan’s lungs and abilities to sustain that note.
50. 1:03:45 Jim little butt taps are so good.
51. The saxophone at 1:04:19 is so enjoyable.
52. I like how the slowed things down for Home at 1:06:10 with Darren sitting on the stage just having a personal moment with the audience, it was really nice.
53. Darren’s hops at 1:08:45 are so adorable and I love them.
54. I know that AVPM songs are iconic and everyone loves them, but I would have liked to see them so some more songs from AVPS and AVPSY, especially since they had some time rehearse them and there would be no mic issues.
55. Yay for a Bonnie and Meredith duet, both women are wonderful and have done an amazing job as Hermione and I love them both.
56. “Art imitates life a little bit on that one”, it’s okay we love you Darren with your silly guitar.
57. I didn’t think watching this would be educational, but I now know what a litmus test is and what slant rhymes (aka really pushing it rhymes) are thanks to Darren and google, so there’s that.
58. This may be a bit controversial but I feel as though this was one of the weaker performances of Granger Danger, usually Joey and Lauren have fun with it and I love it when they do, but this time they seemed to be more going through the motions. There were good moments (i.e. Joey’s hips, Lauren sliding down the mic stand, the back and forth head turns) but overall it was just kind of eh.
59. Darren’s twirl at 1:28:36 is delightful.
60. I firmly believe that AJ has permanently memorized the fantasy monologue and I refuse to let anyone tell me otherwise, 1:31:10. Also, I’m curious if it was planned because someone in the audience calls out for it, but that might have been a plant so who knows.
61. I just realized at 1:32:20, where he’s talking about mouse wives and concubines that would be bestiality. He only shrunk his size down, he would still technically be a human...
62. Tyler Brunsman singing Guys like Potter is now kind of funny considering AVPSY and Cedric ending up with Lily in the afterlife.
63. Joe Moses face at 1:38:57 is classic Snape and I am here for it.
64. Another yay for Sidekick, this is one of my fav AVPSY songs and Joey kills it every time.
65. 1:43:19, goddamn that man can hit a high note.
66. I love the addition of Rob to Everything Ends, what a pretty song and Rob’s voice works wonderfully with it.
67. 1:44:58, Rob struggling with the mic is hilarious.
68. Classic Snape speech at 1:46:30, simply inspiring.
69. I love Jaime and we all know her voice is incredible, but something seemed off during Not Alone and at times it sounded like she was struggling.
70. 1:51:56, I don’t know if I just don’t know much about music but Joey’s make was a little off, but on another note, I think it would have been really sweet if they had let Lauren sing too so that Draco could finally add to that harmony.
71. That sick piano rift at 1:54:33, hell yeah!
72. Even though they always use Days of Summer as the closing song, I love it every time, it’s just so fun and gets me so emotional.
73. That key change at 1:56:50 tho.
74. Yay for enthusiastic but sometimes questionable fanart ;)
75. Brian and Joe recreating the ending scene of AVPM is absolutely beautiful and I am here for it.
76. The matching jackets at the end speaks to the fact that Starkid at its essence is just a bunch of friends who were theatre nerds and wanted to create something fun together and I think that's wonderful.
In conclusion: Props to whoever made it to the end of this ridiculously long post summarizing the different thoughts I had while watching Homecoming. I truly think it was something for the fans and I love them for it. I am so proud of Starkid and all they have accomplished since 2009.
I want to encourage others to continue to support Starkid in the future, maybe even by purchasing Homecoming for themselves, I would definitely recommend giving it a watch. Also, feel free to respond and let me know your own thoughts on Homecoming, I’m sure there’s lots I missed and I would love to hear what others thoughts. 
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bananaslayr723 · 4 years
Did I rank the TGWDLM soundtrack?
Yes I did.
I wrote this a year ago so it’s weird and has bad wording but the ranking is still the same.
14. Not Your Seed
Okay so, Not Your Seed is.. not that great? Mariah’s vocals slapped, but I found the entire song boring. It was heartbreaking, of course, thanks to Corey’s acting. But I still found myself skipping the song when I relisten to the songs. I don’t know how to explain it, but the “If I turned my insides out would you even know that I was there?” lowkey made me a bit confused. That’s a weird question, bro. Also don’t @ me but like... I didn’t care about Alice that much. I only cared about Bill which was why I was sad.
13. La Dee Dah Dah Day
Once again, Mariah’s voice was beautiful. But I just do not vibe with this song. Which says a lot, considering I love the songs where everyone just vibes and it’s all upbeat! But I can’t find myself listening to this song a lot? It gets annoying to me very quickly.
12. Let him Come
I feel so bad for putting this higher than the other songs, but although short, Let him Come is super good. I love Robert’s voice in it!
11. The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
I love this opening! It’s probably one of my favorites in Starkid openings! It’s an awesome way to introduce Paul, and the comedy here and there is perfect. Also, Jeff Blim’s vocalizing is what I live for. Bonus point because of Let Him Come being a motif in this song, as well! Super catchy, and I love it when everyone has a line.
10. Cup of Poison Coffee
Wow okay so, I love this song! The growl in “how do ya” is to DIE for. The vocals are outstanding, and STRAIGHT CHILLS!
9. Cup of Roasted Coffee
First of all; brilliant choreography. Emma’s expressions are amazing, and the song itself is epic. The harmonies are awesome, and it sounds like an actual coffee jingle for an ad!
8. Show me those Jazz Hands
Straight banger. I love the choreography, and Sam is also one of my lowkey favorites, so that’s a bonus point! Robert’s wee woo sound effects were on point, and Mariah’s voice was beautiful as always. Jeff was good in this, too!
7. Show Stopping Number
I see people putting this so high on their rankings, but personally I don’t enjoy it that much! It’s not a bad song, just overplayed. The choreography is awesome, Robert did an amazing job at acting as Hidgens, and of course, Ted and Emma were moods. The reason I put this at 7 is because while I loved this song when I first heard it, for me it’s one of those songs where you only enjoy it the first or second time you hear it.
6. What do you Want, Paul?
People will hate me for putting this so high up. WDYWP is my guilty pleasure song. I think it’s obvious Jeff has my favorite voice, and this was super funny to me. Not only that, but I can’t help but feel WDYWP was super necessary. It showed how while the hive mind could take over anyone, you could still break free even for a split moment. (The “I forgot what I was going to say” part). It also shows how the hive mind is able to tell exactly what you want, and how manipulative it is. Not to mention, it’s honestly really clever how Mr. Davidson kept trying to get Paul to sing his “I want” song since Paul was the main character. Even though it’s really funny and some people think it’s just a long joke, I find it super clever, interesting, and catchy. The song itself is really good imo, and was my introduction into TGWDLM.
5. Join us and Die
Jaime’s voice SLAYED here! How she held that note so long, I’ll never know. Also, if you paid close attention to the choreography, you’ll notice that Charlotte and Sam go towards Ted which shows how Charlotte’s still somewhere in there. You can’t say it’s because Ted just happened to be there, because they literally pushed Bill out of the way. They weren’t going for the nearest person. They were going to Ted specifically, which is a pretty neat detail. Music overall is really good, I love the harmonies. It sends a chill up my spine everytime I listen! However, the lyrics are a bit wack- “We’re gonna kick your ass, then we’re gonna fucking kick your ass.”
4. Tied up my Heart
I love this song. It’s great, plus Jeff Blim’s beautiful voice is in it. I also love the choreography and how reluctant Charlotte is- Jaime’s an amazing actress. I can’t really say anything more- I just think it’s catchy.
3. America is Great Again
CHILLS! LITERAL CHILLS! The lyrics?- beautiful. The harmonies?- fucking awesome! Also I might be biased since I’m a General Macnamara stan, but I still think it's cool.
2. Let it Out
Jon’s acting is amazing here, and the way he just- starts singing is so shocking and scary. Also! I love Prof. Hidgens’ lines here. “Did ya really think you could kill us?! You’d be one of us before you pull that pin!” Need I say more??
1. Inevitable
TERRIFYING! But I love the little references to the songs which show Paul is 100% infected. “Emma! Let me…” Is a reference to “CHARLOTTE! You brought me back..” “Show stopping number with Emma front and center..” is obviously a reference to “Show stopping number!..” and so on. I just really love it okay.
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The following post contains spoilers for the new musical, Black Friday, by Team Starkid. Continue reading at your own risk. 
**These points will be brought up in another post (involving the Hatchetfield Universe theories)
The ENTIRETY of the Wiggly jingle at the beginning
Jaime saying “his belly’s so squishy!” while jumping up and down
The tights
“Uncle Wiley, where does Wiggly come from?”
James Tolbert (Team Starkid choreographer-turned-actor) STOLE the show
Curt Mega’s dancing in that song killed me
**Paul still doesn’t like musicals? (I have a theory of where this show takes place in the Hatchetfield Universe but that’s for another post)
The way Paul looks at Emma when she’s on her Cabbage Patch Kid rant!
“I’m Paul. I’m Emma’s...boyfriend.”//“Well, we haven’t put a label on it yet.”//“But we are intimate.” (Bonus: Emma’s glare)
Paul is still awkward I love him.
“I do not get flashbacks. I remember bad things vividly.”
“Thank you for your service.”//“I didn’t do it for you.”
“Ski-ball sucks.” (I wholeheartedly disagree but whatever)
Grace Chastity is Tom’s babysitter for Tim confirmed
Okay. Okay. Okay. OKAY. 
 “Excuse me, miss. Do you think it’s okay for me to park here?”//“Yeah, it says ‘no parking at any time’ but I’m sure the loading trucks can just park across the street. Does that work for you?”
“If I won’t support my drinking habit, who will?”
“Hark, the herald angels sing. Glory to a newborn king. A fuckin’ furry little monster’s gonna make me a pile of cash.”
“Tell me, Lex. Do you know why they call it Black Friday?”//“Because it comes after Thursday?”
“Well, friend-o. I have a feeling that these little babies are going to take you so far into the black that you ain’t never comin’ back.” *long uncomfortable pause*
“Oh, you’re gonna make a killin’. That’s an Uncle Wiley’s Toys guarantee!”
“Hark, the herald angels sing. Glory to a newborn king. Peace on Earth, and lots of money. MONEYMONEYMONEYMONEY just for ME.”
“mALL security we got a shoplifter. Drop that doll!” (His voice crack killed me oh my God)
HIS OUTFIT (The first time I saw him I went “Oh my God he’s emo”)
“Where’s my sister?”// “Oh no.” *stares dramatically* “Hannah?” *even more dramatic* “Is that what you’ve been telling me every day for the past four weeks? To pick up your kid sister?” *grabbing Lex* “Oh, I must’ve forgot because I’m so stupid.” Ethan needs to take up drama
“Do I gotta put a leash on you like a dog, or my cousin Oliver?” 
“Don’t pull her.”//*voice crack* “I’m nOt.”
“Alright banana split.” i’m not crying 
“You see this hat? This was gifted to me by a great warrior.” *Lex laughs*/*Ethan turns around slowly* “Don’t you fuckin’ laugh.”
“I’d make a great dad, I’m just sayin’.” (Ethan isn’t a horrible person he’s just misguided)
“My mom’s a bitch!”
Honestly the way Ethan looks at Lex
*in the middle of singing* “That’s not how cameras work, babe.”
Hannah’s dancing
ROBERT’S WIGGLES DURING “We’re missing in action.”
“Dear mom, it’s been real."
“I’d say you did your best, but I’m not a liar.”//“Oh, L-I-E-R, babe.”//“We get it Ethan, you’re a good speller.”
“PS: Get yourself a new trailer, because this one? Is BROKE AS SHIT!”
Robert in skinny jeans. Can Robert wear skinny jeans more often please?
Hannah doing the “smoking” thing with her hands.
“Hannah! What the fuck is this [imitating it]?That better be fucking FLOSS.”
“That’s called a bribe, sir, and it’s illegal...or it should be.”
“I have four boys. Four beautiful, blond, boys.”
“Do you really think your children are better than everyone else’s.”// “In so many words, YES.”
“I hope you don’t get a Wiggly. I hope you fucking die.”
“Well, my children were accidents.”
“Stop crying, Gerald. I wasn’t talking to you.”
The way Tom and Becky looked at each other when they met again ugh.
Whatever that song is called when the Hatchetfield citizens were gossiping about it like I think it’s called “What Do You Say?” or something?
“Tom’s put on some weight.”
“I heard Tom is seeing things.”
Jon is serving looks.
The dance they did when they said “all the years that had fun” killed me
Curt Mega is a treasure
“It’s cold out.”//“Nothing really.”//“How are things?”//“Haven’t seen it.”
“Oh my, God, it’s a train-wreck.”//“My favorite.”//“Give me my tub of popcorn.”//“Just skip to the fucking.”//“She’d never--.”//“Either way this is torture porn.”
“I think I’ll step in and save her.”// “You don’t have half of a chance, bitch.”
“THERE, she looked at his crotch.”//“He looked at her boobs.”
“I like dolls. I’m just kidding. I don’t like dolls. At least, not like that.”// “I missed you.” *everyone freaks out*
The dance that looks like a beating heart around them I love.
“Did you know if you spend money, your kids will love you maybe.”
“Give us your fucking money. Give us your fucking cash.”
“Do we have any morality.”
“What’s a grown man going to do with 85 dolls?”// “Well, one will stay in the box for posterity. One will be used exclusively for bath time.”
“If you’re going to make with the hysterics, TAKE IT TO MACY’S.”// “How dare you. Are you hearing this, Gerald? Yes, call my attorney.”
“I’ll tickle one doll, and one doll will tickle me.”
The bidding war.
“Get your hands off her.”// “Fuck YOU.”
The lighting slowly gets red when they start bidding.
“$800.”//“$3.”//“Can I use these coupons?”
“Well, if you’re not going to sell me that doll, I guess I’ll just gonna have to take it.”
“If he gets one, I’m getting four.” *Linda climbs the counter like Draco*
So the lighting during “Feast or Famine” is just???? The green and red??? Like holiday colors but at the same time it’s representative of greed and rage???? 
Just all of “Feast or Famine”
“What’s shaking banana, you okay?” I’M HAVING FEELINGS UGH
“What’s up with that grammar. Even I know it’s ‘more badder’.” Ethan no
“Give me that fucking doll I’m in a hurry.” Okay, Jeff you freaking gremlin man
WHO BRINGS A KNIFE SHOPPING?? Unless he stole that, too.
“Do you see him? Do you see him? Do you see him?”//“YES, I fucking see him!”
James as “Obama” I’m crying
“I’ll hold onto the little...uh...whippersnapper.”
“While you three devise a strategy, I’ll hold on to the little friend.”// “Shut the fuck up!”
“You’re nothing more than a Harvard Law School community organizing prick!” I’M SCREAMING
“Take one step closer to my fwendy-wend and I’ll rip your fucking throat out with my own teeth.”
“No, he’s mine! Back off or I will send a laser-guided ballistic missile to your house in Denver. You’ll be scraping off what’s left of your kids off the FUCKING pavement.”
“I’ll bite your dick off!”
*Obama voice* “Oh, I’m gonna vomit.”
“I hope you don’t mind if I let myself in.”// “Into the oval office?”
“Monsters and Men” IS A BOP
*yeets the Wiggly off stage*
I would 100% watch “Santa Claus is Going to High School” unironically
“Jingle! Jangle! If anyone sees two elves in my locker, I’ll get expelled for sure.”
The dancing UGH
Lauren is the cutest elf ever
“What the fuck am I watching?”
Becky talking about her ex-husband breaks my heart. I would die for her.
“You say you killed your family. I hope I killed mine.” My heart is breaking help me
Becky and Tom are freaking CUTE
“Take Me Back” is the cutest song ever
All of the times the characters mention other dimensions and stuff??? Each has a different context, but Joey’s character did say that Hatchetfield was a special town earlier in the show so????
All of the making out I’m done
Becky’s leg
“I knew you weren’t Santa.”//“A red tricycle.”//“SANTA!” *starts making out*
“This is the best movie ever!”
Robert has to make out with two people every day.
**PEIP deals with Paranormal, Extraterrestrial, and Interdimensional stuff, so if TGWDLM was Extraterrestrial, and BF is Interdemensional, will Nerdy Prudes Must Die be Paranormal? Will we see PEIP again? [I’M GOING TO MAKE A SEPARATE POST ABOUT THE THEORIES WITHIN THE UNIVERSE]
**“There are many dimensions, sir.”
“You want to send me into the fucking Twilight Zone to have a sit-down with the devil?”
“They will build him his birth canal.” Ew
Sherman Young is so freaking creepy
“Wiggly is good. Wiggly is just.”
“Bring forth the infidels.”
*as Linda walks onto the stage* “MOTHER MOTHER MOTHER”
“I dislike that word, Gerald. Cult. No, it’s a new, exciting religion that I started.”
“I’ve met God, He had nothing nice to say about you.”
“Adore Me” is a BOP
“You’ll kneel before me. Kiss my toe.”
“I will destroy everything, and then I will destroy everything. I guarantee I’ll destroy everything in my path. Unless I get what I--shit, Gerald.”
The followers repeating “I get what I shit.”
“I want you to know what I mean when I say my evil shit, ‘kay?”
“What’s shaking banana?” DON’T DO THIS TO ME
Evil Ethan hurts me
Hannah doesn’t deserve this
“I’m in the Black and White now. It’s just like California. It never ends.”
“I swear on my own grave.” I’M
Hannah calling Wiggly out on his bullshit
“Well, Webby is a stupid bitch.” JON UGH
“I’m going to eat you riiiight the fuuuuck nowwwww.” This scene just makes me want to give Hannah a hug
“Tom, how could you? You let her get away!”
Dylan jumping at an audience member
I know people think that Ethan’s magic hat thing was bullshit but like the syringe missed Hannah so like?? 
“You think that in the Netherlands they care about some toy? Hah! Nah, they’re too busy enjoying their free vacations and free health care.”
Made In America is A BOP
I feel like Made in America won’t have the same punch on the soundtrack.
Joey’s falsetto
R.I.P. General John McNamara
“Uh, oh, Mr. Prezy-wez. It seems you’ve misplaced your bomby-womb. Don’t worry. I’m sure it will turn up somewhere.”
“We’ve lost Moscow, sir.”
“He baited us into World War Three.”//*Wiggly giggles* “That tickles.”
“Is this what I live for? To be choked in a toy store?”
“Black Friday” is such a beautiful song though
“Did I need her more than she needed me?” I’m crying please stop
“I’m authorizing you to use my firearm.”
“Monsters and Men” reprise is PERFECT
“Kids don’t want that piece of shit.”//“What?”//“They’re all into Fortnight, dude!”
“I mean, you’re like 40! You probably think your life is over!”
“Everyone is dying, and that includes me, too.” Jeff is a lyrical genius but he needs to back off of whatever angsty juice he’s drinking.
“If I fail you one more time, the punishment won’t match the crime, cause there’s no pain that could ever explain how I let you down.”
“I failed you once, and I will fail again.” I cried when I watched this the first time
“If I Fail You” is such an emotional song
“Alright, let’s go.”//“Fuck, yeah! Should I move these boxes first?”//“Fuck, yeah.”
Charlotte? Where did you come from???
“The only man that’ll have her now is Jack Daniels.”
“And you, you little shit.” Says Draco, the little shit.
“A magic hat? That’s ridiculous. Only dolls are magic.”
“Is this some kind of a joOoOoOoke?”
“Answer me, or I’ll cut your mouth open with my FUCKING KNIFE.”
“You’re a fucking moron.”// “Then you’ve been out-fucked by a fucking moron.”
Lauren’s wiggles during “He will wigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle his way into life.”
“Wiggle” is such a silly song but the harmonies and choreography????? Iconic.
The crying when Becky shot Linda.
“Gerald? It’s Gary. Yep, we need to talk about the will. Goldstein!”
The red light that symbolized Wiggly being on fire.
The followers deciding to burn with Wiggly.
“I have this cooky, reclusive Biology professor.” *audience loses their shit*
“What am I supposed to do without my iPhone?”//“Wear a watch?”
“What If Tomorrow Comes” is such a haunting song
Kendall’s voice is so GOOD!
The dabbing
Hannah and Lex hugging
Paul hugging Emma and Bill
The Hot Chocolate Boy and the Cinema Kid holding hands honestly adorable and I lowkey ship
A little bit of instrumentals from “Not Your Seed” in the end-credit music?? (From the lyric “Look what happened, nightmare time.”)
That’s it. It’s very long, but those were either my favorite parts or small things I noticed. Mostly just my thoughts.
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