#nightmare time season 1
jess-is-a-nerd · 8 months
Nightmare time 3 will be pro shot like Workin’ Boys. Pleeeeeassseee give NMT some more love, its so fucking good!?
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atoneofconscious · 7 months
real talk about hey Melissa
I just wanna know how people feel about hey Melissa, the cut episode. I know a lot saw wtf but what kind of what the fuck?
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louissatturi · 7 months
I was reading the script for jane's car (i am planing in traslating the subtitles to my native languege) and i got curious about her age since she says she was married to Stanley (YUCK) for 15 years
And assuming she is the same age as tom, since they studied together, she is 34/35
Witch means
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bird-likes-to-fandom · 7 months
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the-cryptid-finch · 2 years
Sniglet really be like "I'm not like the other girls" in sniggle form
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z3phyr23 · 10 months
Drawing day 10!
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Finally reached double digits! I tried for a harder one, and bit off a little more than I can chew. Uncle Wiley! I haven’t drawn a whole lot of people, so this was by far the hardest one I’ve ever done. I left his sketch under him to give him a more marionette-ish vibe.
If you have a character you’d like to see, let me know and I’ll do my best!
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lobotoboy · 2 years
I can’t watch 8 hours of a livestream because I have attention span issues and also don’t have 8 hours to spare. I watched all the unlockables and Hey Melissa(i am still uncomfortable) but I keep hearing them mention other scrapped or not yet used stories, so if anyone has either the timestamps or could tell me about them, that’d be great. 
also i’d like to reiterate that Paul is still my favorite character, no matter how much he takes after Jon Catteson. 
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lochlot · 2 months
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i haven’t finished the show yet but they totally are gay and run away together and live happily ever after right? guys ? right? guys?
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violetheart77 · 1 year
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Oh, you know 🟨 🐐
(original text post)
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Staredown at the Rainbirds’
Fav Tom Barnaby Scenes 4/?
Midsomer Murders - The Killings at Badger’s Drift
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mashpoll · 7 months
Life Time (s8 e11): The surgeons race against time to save a soldier with a lacerated aorta.
Hawk's Nightmare (s5 e14): Hawkeye starts sleepwalking and having horrific nightmares. He begins to think that he may be starting to lose his "war against the war."
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loki-us · 6 months
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Finals season creeping up on me like
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grinchwrapsupreme · 8 months
can someone please upload a video of the Gemstone kids singing in church while Eric Andre and his wife get shot down in Alaska please? I am in desperate need
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mcl-mia · 9 months
//another day, another route completed! this time we have nox, and amazingly, i don't think i have too many thoughts on this one, mostly because a lot of them cover... multiple bases. i'll try to explain that the best i can. blah blah blah, beware of spoilers.
okay, so i actually briefly started nox's route when it was first released, but i had to abandon it because... well, it was a bad idea to do that when i was so behind on routes in the first place, so it's not like i was going in 100% blind. this did not lead to a detrimental experience lol.
so.... nox. look. he's hot. i like his stupid little mullet and his very charming blue eyes, okay? he's hot and i'm not going to pretend that he isn't. it is still annoying to me though that you can REAAAAAALLLY tell that he was drawn by a different sprite artist. one of the best parts of the night class is that they ARE drawn by the same person, so it makes the cast look AND feel cohesive. not the biggest complaint, but it DOES bother me very slightly every time i look at nox when he's on screen with another character.
i've expressed this before, but nox's outfit as "nightmare" is... not great and knowing that it is COCO'S fault? absolutely hilarious. nox, i'm begging you to never take fashion advice from a cat again. i can fix you.
coming off that note, i know that there was budgeting issues for WH at this point in time (i believe nox's route came out around the time obey me got released, so... yikes), but i REALLY wished that they would have given nox a different pose or SOMETHING to hide that it was nox a little better. something like how the day class boys have different sprites for when they are holding their wands. i know that they basically stopped doing this after the night class boys (unless your name is alfonse), but.... sigh. come to think of it, i don't think even klaus had his front-facing sprites re-touched with the new ministry clothes. can't believe i didn't realize that until now.
i do also appreciate that they make sure to mention that nox's voice DOES change while he's in costume. i was wondering about that for the longest time lol.
speaking of chocolate cake, i am very glad that coco was a very minor character. coco is so one-note, which is disappointing because i think coco has a fantastic design. weird how that works out.
overall, the route itself is... fine. it's very day class-core, in which liz and nox get together very quickly. i mean, they TECHNICALLY get together only in the final chapters, but the quickness of both nox and rex falling in love with liz... goodness. y'all have known each other for like, 5 days. chill.
okay, i can't NOT talk about the love triangle. look, i'll be honest, it's so hard to sell a love triangle in an otome game. like, narratively, liz by the point in time rex's route begins, doesn't even reciprocate rex's feelings. it's funny to me in the moment knowing this, but it is a little annoying in practice. imo, if your love triangle is unable to become a reasonable threesome then don't write a love triangle. imo, nox and rex lack that kind of chemistry, so it's not the Good Shit. not to say that i don't think nox and rex shouldn't be hate-fucking each other (because they should, we love rivals to lovers here), it's just that they don't know how to fucking share and it would be way too distracting and nothing would happen. do you understand what i mean by this. i can't wait to get to gray's route so i can see liz turn the both of them down.
i will never tire of lucious being such a good friend.
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genuinely, this puts a smile on my face. like, all of the night class boys do, but lucious being the first person to notice when liz falls in love is so important to me (ESPECIALLY BECAUSE AMELIA!!! IS STILL!!!!! BARELY HERE!!!!!!!!!). i love that liz has another person to talk about boys with. it's so delightful.
i do appreciate that nox has a good reason for being the phantom thief, but... come on, man. you're REALLY telling me that NOBODY is going to figure out that you're nightmare? let's just compile the evidence for a sec:
works in a magical tool shop (strike 1)
said magical tool shop SPECIALIZES in roger nigel's tools, which nox is an expert on. like, at some point you have to wonder where they're getting their stock, even if nox keeps the important ones hidden.
while nox does use his mother's maiden name, i'm pretty sure that anyone that looks into roger nigel in ANY capacity is going to figure out who roger's wife was. i would not be surprised if rex, who is literally a reference dept. worker, would have access to this info. this would expose his relationship to roger immediately.
the way nox does his calling cards for the cast is dangerous. rex picks up on the fact that nightmare had "convenient timing, like he was listening in on their conversations" (which... lol, he was). there is a point where he literally sends one while in the SAME ROOM as everyone else (especially rex, who 100% has him figured out). ballsy, but unnecessarily risky. i'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he doesn't do this with all of his calling cards.
if liz can look into nightmare's eyes and be able to tell it's nox, i'm sure the other people who spent many years with him would be able to do do the same.
like, come on man. be a better phantom thief LMAO.
actually, i want to talk about rex for a second. because i will admit, i don't find him nearly as attractive or interesting as nox, but i have to respect the HUGE big dick energy play he did in nox's happy ending.
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LIKE. HOLY SHIT. ACTUALLY GREAT TWIST. i actually gasped lmao.
the 'our little brothers' comment does certainly solidify to me that rex already figured it out, though. i'm curious to see why he hasn't turned nox in yet... but i'm sure it has something to do with their rivalry. whatever it is, i think it's a selfish reason, since i doubt rex would know the real reason why nox is collecting the tools.
overall it's not a bad route, it's just not very remarkable. since there's no big bad threat looming over the narrative, there's less stakes. i get the feeling as though this mystery series (and possibly the next two, but i hear that clive's route has some particularly juicy dramatic bits so we'll see) is going to feel like a filler arc. not a bad thing by any means, it's very welcome, but just not as fulfilling as some of the other routes in the game. again, it's very day class-core, so it does evoke some nostalgic feelings in that way.
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wormthefriendly · 2 years
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It's spoopy month! Time to harken back to a tma episode I had frequent nightmares about.
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