#i might do more w this but I didn’t wanna sleep so here’s this
daigina-3 · 2 years
Max and Eddie are just across the way from each other, just like Before.
Max waves at Eddie in the misty mornings, getting a lazy finger waggle in return and rolls her eyes, just like Before.
Eddie intrudes into her space, saddling up under the pretense of wanting something when really all he wants is someone to fill the silence. Just like Before.
Except now, in the After, nothing else is like Before.
Max sits on her perch, cold and solid- she assumes. She can’t really tell, its more like a phantom sensation than anything. Etched into the rock, the still shiny granite inscription reads:
Eddie’s stone matches her own in style, the light grey speckled granite simple but tasteful- both commissioned and paid for by Hopper or Joyce or maybe all the parents, she doesn’t know.
“Why’s mine lamer than yours,” Eddie asks early on, after the fog clears and they settle into the After. He cocks his head, pursing his lips at Max’s stone.
“Are you blind,” Max mirrors his tilted head, trying to see what he sees. “‘Always with us’? It’s a little too ironic from where I’m standing. At least yours talks about your family and friends. Mine just screams ‘STUCK HERE FOREVER’ as if we don’t already know.”
“Its better than having to remember what a shitty nephew and friend I was the whole time. And now they want to put that carved in stone where its permanently shoved in my face? Nah, Red.”
They agree to disagree.
Time passes weirdly and sometimes not at all.
Sometimes they’re together, passing the time by playing eye-spy or talking through what-ifs. What if a zombie apocalypse happened, what if you were stranded in an island. What ifs are funny to think about, now that they’re kinda past all the “if”s they can be past.
Sometimes they’re together, but sometimes they’re not. Its easy to slip away, usually without realizing. Sometimes by choice. Neither of them can really put a finger on where they go- after the first three or four times they put their heads together and figure its like blacking out or sleeping, the kind where you don’t remember falling asleep and wake up forgetting where you are.
The idea of nowhere, black out, disappearing is scary. Every once in a while Eddie will look up and realize Max is gone, whipping his head around and searching for her carrot top weaving between graves in the distance. But of course, she’s not there. She’s slipped away. He waits for her to return, the tension in his bones afraid this will be the time she doesn’t.
Max doesn’t admit to doing the same when Eddie slips away; feeling the silence close in around her when he’s not there for who knows how long- minutes or days, not even knowing when day becomes night or night becomes day and so painfully aware of the not knowing when she’s on her own.
They look for others. Max finds Billy’s headstone- terrified at the idea of seeing him looming over her from behind the carved rock. But if he was ever there at all, he never shows his face.
Eddie looks for Chrissy’s grave. Its a rosy kind of stone and Eddie thinks of her pink backpack when she bought weed off of him. The script on the headstone is in cursive- he imagines thats what her handwriting would have looked like.
Eddie spends a long time there, he thinks. Sitting and reading the curved letters over and over, feeling sorry for himself and sorry for Chrissy and sorry sorry sorry- until Max finds him, worried he’d slipped away.
Eddie takes the hand she offers to help him stand, their touch the strongest among all the phantom sensations, and slings an arm over her shoulder as they walk back to their little homes across from each other.
They get visitors, of course. Those are some of the clearest moments- when Max finds Lucas curled up on top of where she is- where she is six feet under- flowers clenched so tight in his hands and tears slipping down his cheeks falling on that grass that separates the two of them and Max just stands there. She stands there and thinks, stupidly, that maybe she could feel the tears hitting the grass if she tried hard enough. Or feel Lucas’s hands, his shuddering breath as he cries and sobs and shakes because he thinks no one’s there to see.
But Max is there to see. She just can’t feel it and it makes her so, so mad that before she even knows what she’s doing, she’s pulling back her arm and swinging. She bends down and punches Lucas right in the middle of his back, where he’s sprawled out. Her fist goes right through him. She doesn’t stop, feels the anger rushing up into her face, feels for the first time in forever her face grow hot and she punches and punches until Lucas stops crying and just lays there. Silent.
She punches her fist through him again. “Idiot,” she collapses next to him, so close but never further. “You probably would have stolen all the popcorn anyway.”
She grabs onto Eddie later and lets him rub her back, just a little. “Stupid,” she says, her voice thick with tears that can’t fall. “He’s so stupid.”
Eddie’s usually- conveniently- gone when Dustin visits. Alone, most times, although once with his uncle. Eddie hadn’t been slipped away for that, but he hid behind a tree for most of it. When Max pointed out that they couldn’t see whether or not Eddie was there watching them, he’d snapped at her to mind her own business.
As in life, so in death; once a coward always a coward.
Eddie doesn’t hide all the time. NancyandRobin visit (always with their arms locked, fingers intertwined, together). Sometimes they visit Max first, then turn to Eddie. Sometimes the other way around. Steve stands by the car, if he drove them their. But he always visits himself when he’s alone.
And when Max is off somewhere and Steve visits, Eddie sits cross legged on his tombstone and listens to him. He listens to Steve mumble to himself- or maybe to Max and Eddie- seeing a Steve that maybe no ones ever seen. A Steve who thinks that no one is watching.
To Max he Kees it simple. He talks about memories and Eddie hears all about how Max sped a busted Steve in a stolen car across town, about how Max and Lucas would gang up on unsuspecting members of the group and laugh at them, about her and El stealing ice cream from the little ice cream place at Starcourt.
To Eddie, Steve talks like an old friend. The tone in his voice keeps Eddie on the edge of- what, he doesn’t know. Some emotion he cant quite place but it feels like a little twist in his gut. Steve talks about his day, about his parents that Eddie never met and good thing too cause he would hate them.
“You know,” Steve says one day as Eddie is swinging his feet from where he’s perched on his grave. “This fucking sucks. We didn’t even know each other- and maybe that’s a little on me. I didn’t spare Robin a second thought in school and look how dumb that was of me. And maybe.. i think we could have been friends. We could- we could have-“
They could have, Eddie thinks, his sneakers not really thudding against the cold rock he’s sitting on. Could have. Coulda, woulda, shoulda.
He hates thinking about could have.
“You were. So loud. And obnoxious. And.. incredible,” Steve says and Eddie goes still.
Steve bows his head, the two of then silent for a long time. “Bye, Eddie,” he says to the dead air and heads off to his car.
But even when Steve leaves Eddie remains. Max comes back, appearing somewhere and slowly pulling herself from the fog of having slipped.
And they’re together. Across from one another.
“Hey, Freak,” Max calls with no malice in her tone. Eddie hops off the headstone, stretches his muscles that aren’t sore at all.
“Heya, Red. If you had to pick a team of 5 celebrities to fight with you in a zombie apocalypse, who would you pick?”
And they spend a long time like that. Eternity, maybe, but probably more like a few hours, talking what-ifs and making up silly stories for the names from the stones around them.
Eddie laughs loud, Max smirks and rolls her eyes. It’s not perfect, but its where they are now. Across from each other.
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mostly-imagines · 24 days
So This Is Love
jason todd x fem!reader
aka you show each other what love is supposed to be like
4 in 1 blurbs
warnings: section 1: close-call panic attack for j, mentions of ptsd for j // section 2: implied sexual activity // section 3: mild angst w comfort // section 4: implied ptsd for j
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He feels like his heart might burst through his chest.
The nightmare wasn’t anything unusual for him, but it did feel particularly vivid tonight. It was more of a memory than anything, though. That same one that plays on a loop in his head throughout the night the more he tries to push it away during the day. It was the last thwack of the crowbar that had him jolt awake in bed.
You shift in your spot next to him, opening your eyes to see his rattled state. If he’d been in a clearer frame of mind he would’ve lied to you. He would’ve expertly leveled his breathing and told you everything was fine and to go back to sleep.
But instead, he looks over at you with wide eyes, chest heaving and shaking like he might start hyperventilating at any moment.
You shoot up from the bed, instantly on alert. This isn’t the first time he’s had one of these nightmares around you, so it’s not hard for you to guess where this is coming from.
“Jay? What’s—what do you need?” You know better than to try and touch him unprompted right now, you’ve panicked enough yourself to know that sudden contact only makes it worse.
“I—I can’t, I—” Now he really looks like he’s about to lose all control of his breathing.
You sit up further, moving onto your knees. “Here, let me—can I see your hand?” you ask gently, holding your own out.
He extends it to you without question, a tiny act of vulnerability that he couldn’t have dreamed of doing in this state before he met you.
You flip his hand over, palm-up and start tracing lines over it in the moonlight. You’re looking at his hand quite intently like there’s something very important on it. It’s enough to make him question what the hell you’re doing. 
“I can read palms.” You tell him, simply. 
“What?” His voice almost breaks, like he’s right at the edge of tears. 
“Yeah, my friend taught me. I can tell the future and everything.” You look up at him, fingers not stopping their trailing. “Do you wanna hear yours?”
All he can do is nod.
You smile and start to inspect his hand carefully, tracing over calluses and a few tiny scars. You draw your finger across the short, deep line parallel to his fingers.
“This one…see the way it curves upwards right there?” He nods. “That means you’re very resourceful and ambitious. Like a leader.” His breathing starts to slow as he watches you, trying to focus on what you’re showing him in the dim light from the window.
“And this one,” you trace the line that curves downwards in the middle, “This one says that you’re strong and stubborn, which I can confirm,” he huffs out a laugh. It’s little but it’s genuine. “But it also means that you’re resilient. You’re built to overcome things and bounce back even stronger because of them. Which I can also confirm.”
He leans forward, resting his forehead against yours. He takes in a deep breath, watching you draw patterns across the base of his palm.
The sensation soothes him in a way that he frankly didn’t know he could be soothed. He figures he usually can’t, except when it’s you. He tries to match your breathing, syncing up with you. If anyone else tried to get this close to him when he was on the verge of a panic attack they’d get punched, at best.
But you…you always know how to help him. He’s considered in the past that he did something really right somewhere down the line and you were sent to him as reward. He’d racked his mind for hours of every good thing he’d ever done, trying to find one that could explain your presence in his life. For anything that could explain why he deserved you. He poured and poured over every memory he could dig up but couldn’t find any good he’d ever done that surmounted to a single piece of the good in your heart.
There was a time when he would’ve thought—when he did think that you were only in his life to be taken away as soon as he felt safe. That would certainly be in line with previous experiences. But you showed him quickly that you have this way about you…it makes those loud thoughts in the back of his head shut up and just listen. Listen to your words, your breathing, your footsteps, your laugh…anything he could. Because it turns out, when he listens, he feels safe. 
He’s quiet for a long time, contentedly watching you work. He notices that at some point you’d stopped tracing the lines and began drawing designs instead. 
He breaks the silence after several minutes, softly commenting, “You don’t know how to read palms.”
“No, I do not.” 
But you continued to leave your invisible art on the palm of his hand just the same, both of you taking comfort in the sound of the other's breathing and the soothing feeling of each other’s skin.
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The radio plays lightly in the background, surrounding your night with soft ambience. You’re working at the cutting board with tomatoes as Jason leans against the counter next to you, having just finished getting the pasta set up on the stove.
His hands find your hips, resting them there as he watches you work over your shoulder.
“Watch your thumb.” He comments when the knife gets a little too close for his liking.
You shrug him off, “I know how to do it.”
He eyes the way the knife stutters as you cut through the tomato, slicing through not very cleanly at all. “Doesn’t look like it.”
You ignore him, elbowing him gently in the abdomen. He’s joking, but he’s not. The skill level you’re displaying is only above Bruce and slightly below Tim, which is not great.
“Will you let me do it?” he asks you when he realizes there’s going to be no improvement. 
“Fine.” You relent with faux annoyance. 
You switch over to the stovetop, keeping a careful eye on the pasta as it cooks. It’s quiet for a moment as he works, chopping with much more efficiency than you had.  
“You didn’t have to stay here tonight, you know.” You say quietly, still intently watching the stove.
In spite of the music, your low volume does nothing to faze him as he continues his actions, “Why wouldn’t I?”
You stir the contents of the saucepan around. “Well, I know Roy wanted you to go out…”
“Not missing much.” He mumbles, opening up the above cabinet to get out plates.
You lull your head to the side, “Come on, he’s your best friend.”
Jason frowns. “He’s not my best friend.”
You turn your head towards him, “No?”
He meets your gaze, frown consistent. “No. You are.” He says it like he’s confused that you don’t know that. 
“Oh.” You smile, “You’re my best friend too.”
His eyes soften at that, a light smile gracing his lips. He knew that, and he knew you’d say it, but hearing it out loud just…does something to him.
You flick the stove top off, prompting him to on instinct reach for the Marinara jar and crack it open for you. He hands it to you and you accept with a smile, twisting it open the rest of the way as you turn back to the stove. The jar sputters as you open, spitting out sauce.    
“Oh, shit.” You hiss, when the splatter hits your shirt.
He takes one glance at the mess on your shirt and pulls his own shirt off his back. He’s tugging yours off just as fast, replacing it with his. You’ve barely processed what happened as he scans your body, eyes lingering on where his shirt stops at your thighs. “Can you wear this to bed tonight?” He asks, hands running over your waist.
You laugh, “Really?”
He meets your eyes, face serious. “Yes.” He squeezes your hip, “You look good.”
“In your shirt.” You say with a knowing smile.
“In my shirt.” He confirms.
You turn back to the stove to dish out the salsa, his hands skimming around your thighs as you do. He watches you as you work, though rather than watching your hands he’s fixated on the size of his shirt over you and how fucking good you look right now. 
“Or…” He sweeps his eyes over your legs before looking back up at you again. “Did’ya turn the stove off?”
You tilt your head at him, “I did…?”
He grins at you, lifting you up by your thighs til you’re a head above him. “Good.” He maneuvers you over to the counter, setting you on top. He brings your wrist up to his mouth to press a delicate kiss before dropping to his knees.
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You’ve been laying in bed for at least three hours, bordering on sleep but never quite falling in. You and Jason had a little spat, though nothing insurmountable, it was still the biggest fight you’ve had to date. You’d tried going out (at night) to see your friend that was having a hard time, and yeah, you should’ve told Jason you were going. It was only five blocks, give or take, but in Gotham at eleven o’clock at night, it’s a risk to say the least.
You should’ve told Jason, you know. But he wouldn’t have let you go or would’ve insisted on putting hold on patrolling to accompany you. You always feel bad when he does that—people could be getting hurt somewhere because you needed your boyfriend to walk you down the street. Unfortunately, it didn’t matter in the end because he caught you red handed before you’d even made it a full block away. Of all the nights for him to come home early, it had to be this one.
He dropped down from the rooftop behind you and scared the absolute hell out of you, and you didn’t even have time to be relieved that it was just him because he was on you in a flash. 
“What the hell are you doing out here?” His voice was hard through the modulator, a rare tone for him to use with you.
“I just—my friend—” he sounded tired and angry, sure signs that he’d really not had a good night so far which was probably all the more reason that you shouldn’t have been out by yourself in the middle of the night.
“What are you—no! Go home. Now.” You would’ve, you really would’ve, but your friend called you crying about her boyfriend cheating on her again and she needed the in person support. 
“Ja—” You’d cut yourself off, “It’s down the street, it’s fine—” He dropped his shoulders in a huff and faced you dead-on. You didn’t need him to take his helmet off to know exactly how he was looking at you.
He dropped down and hooked his arm around the back of your legs, lifting you off the ground with no discernible effort. “Wha—”
He started walking before you were even fully planted on his shoulder, arm wrapping around your legs to hold you in place. 
“Hood! I am so fucking serious, put me down!” You swatted at his back and struggled in his grip, though in the back of your mind you knew it was a pointless effort. Even if you were a match in size, whatever mood he’d been pushed in was enough to guarantee that you had no chance. 
He ignored you, not even pretending that you were giving him any difficulty with your squirming. He marched you back down the block to your apartment, not stopping until you’re outside your door. He set you down in between him and the entrance, digging into his pocket for his key.
He kicked the door shut behind him, finally letting you go. He wordlessly grabbed one of his spare guns and two cartridges of ammo from inside the closet by the door and turned back to you with a firm stance. “Stay here.”
You immediately tried to push past him again, at that point more angry about him dragging you back here than about having to duck out on your friend. He stopped you, holding you by the arms, which led you to respond by raising your voice at him, “Jason!” 
But he didn’t waste any time letting you know how it is, “I will lock you in this fucking apartment. Stay. Here.” Him cursing at you like that was very rare and not a particularly good sign, so through your anger you’d made the decision that it was better to relent, for now. Your posture dropped and you frowned at him resentfully, a visible cue that you were giving in without you having to say it. 
He stayed true to his word and locked the door on his way out, though knowing you could easily unlock it from the inside. You’d trudged into your bedroom, slamming the door behind you.   
Now you lay on Jason’s usual side of the bed, partially because you do miss him, partially because the bed feels a little less empty when you can’t see all the empty space. You know he was just trying to keep you safe after what was probably a rough start to the night, so you feel less than great that you’d yelled at him.
Your dwelling over the memory is interrupted by a quiet creak of the bedroom door. You blink up at him blearily, “Jay?” You sit up, furrowing your brow. You didn’t even hear him come home. “What’s wrong?” You figure he must be hurt to come in here—it’s not unknown for him to sleep on the couch if he feels like he did something wrong or upset you.   
Your eyes attempt to adjust to the darkness, scanning over him for any injuries. He’s out of his armor and in his regular clothes which means he must have showered already. And you know from dozens of nights patching him up that he always tends to his injuries before showering.
This leaves you confused, as you look up at him, waiting for an answer. “I can’t…I don’t want to sleep without you.” He whispers, eyes on the floor. 
You shuffle back into your usual spot near the wall and hold your hand out to him expectantly. You’re still a bit cross with him, but you miss him too much to care right now.
It takes him a second to move, but he eventually lingers away from the door and makes his way to the bed. He takes your hand as he climbs onto the bed, letting go only when you lay down after him, staring up at the ceiling next to him. 
You weren’t entirely expecting him to wrap his arms around you and tug you into his chest. Somewhere in the back of your mind you’d assumed he would lay on his side and you on yours and that would be enough for him to fall asleep with. Instead, he tightens his arms and buries his face into the crook of your neck. You lay there in silence for a couple minutes, both thinking.
“You’re mad.” He mumbles into your shoulder after a while. You know he feels badly about the dispute, you knew it while it was still happening. As hard as he tries, he’s not very good at hiding his emotions. Not with you, anyways.
You shrug slightly. “Barely. I’ll get over it. This is more important.”
He picks his head up to look at you, “I love you. You know that?”
You wiggle out of his grip a bit, making him frown. You use the new space to flip over to face him, before placing his arm back around your waist. You peek up at him, looking him in the eyes, “I do. You know I love you. Even when we fight.”
He looks at you like he’s a bit thrown off by your words. “I’m sorry. It was just…it was a rough night…I—I’m sorry.” He tells you dolefully.  
You shake your head, frowning. “Don’t be. I should’ve texted you.”
“It—yeah. Please. I just worry about you.” He looks so sad and it makes you feel somehow worse.
“I know,” you whisper, “I’m sorry.”  
“Don’t be.” He kisses your forehead, not moving away after.
You feel like you can finally relax and your tense body doesn’t take long to slacken in his hold. Soon after, he does the same, both of you closing your eyes. You feel your heart slow and your mind starts to find a space of peace.    
Before you crash out, you mumble out, “I’m going to be a little passive aggressive in the morning, though.”
“I’d hope so.”
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Jason didn’t get it at first.
Honestly, he didn’t really realize that you noticed things about him that even he didn’t see.
Your neighbor was having their place remodeled and you knew there would be construction going on near your apartment all day.
Jason didn’t really care, planning to bury his head under the pillow and trying to sleep through it. You however, seemed very adamant about getting out of the apartment that day. You’d left hours before the construction crew had even gotten there, telling him it was a nice day out.
It was an alright day, but he let you have your way.
You held his hand as you walked down the street, looking into shop windows and commenting on things you think he’d like.
You led him into a book store excitedly, telling him about how the author he’d been binging had just published something new. He didn’t even know that.
You were browsing the sections, flipping through books as you went. You peered across the shop at a kid holding an absolutely massive pile of books, who was clearly struggling to keep them in his arms.
His mother tried to help him but he shook his head and strided away independently, albeit very slowly. The weight of the books though, did get the best of him, and you could tell by the quivering in his arms that he was going to drop them.
“Loud noise.” You said quickly, seemingly out of the blue. Jason turned to you, confused, before seeing the stack the books splat flat onto the ground. It was indeed a loud noise.
He tilts his head at you, though you’re still busy watching the little boy as he throws his head back in frustration.
“What was that?”
You look at him, “He dropped his books.”
“Yeah, I saw. But why—”
His question gets cut off by the kid bursting into tears, wailing. You turn back to look at him, your gaze getting caught by the new book you’d been telling him about. “Ooh!”
You grab his hand and pull him over with you, smiling widely when you have the book in your hands. The sight of you makes him feel so warm so fast that he forgets about the odd interaction all together.
A couple hours later, you sit outside a cafe and eat lunch together, his back to the road, you sitting diagnal to him.
He’s telling you about the shit Damian got in trouble for at school last week, holding your hand with his right hand and eating with his left.
“He thinks he’s not going to get expelled for pulling shit like that every other week, it’s ridiculous.” He says, tossing his napkin down on the table.
Your smile is wavers as your eyes move past his shoulder looking down the block before widening, “Car—”
The sudden noise startles him enough to make him visibly jump, hand flying to where his holster would be. He looks over at the fender bender, shoulders relaxing.
He turns back to you to find your eyes looking far more worried than they should. You seem to be scanning his face, looking for something and he’s about to ask you what’s wrong when it sinks in.
He does get scared by unexpected loud sounds, doesn’t he? He never really thinks of it until it happens, but his mind is trained to expect gunshots or crowbars making impact.
It doesn’t happen often, but it noticeably takes a little piece out of him when it does.
“You…” he tries, but falters. He’s not even sure he’s processing this right.
He’s never seriously tried to fathom that you love him half as much as he loves you, though love doesn’t feel like a strong enough word. He lives and breathes for you, you’ve become a lifeline he’d been stranded without for most of his life. But now you're here and you’re everything, you’re in his head all the time, in every emotion he feels.
He thinks he’s here for you, that he was brought back from the dead because of you. You can’t possibly understand how much his heart is full of you, he doesn’t understand it himself.
He knows you love him, he’s gotten that through his head. But he can’t get a grasp on the idea that he’s equally matched in the who loves who the most battle.
Do you really care that much about him to go out of your way to keep track of things that might startle him? He knows there’s a million things about you that are in the back of his mind at any given time, but surely you don’t operate that same way with him?
Do you?
There’s this burning in his heart that aches and it only gets stronger when he sees you looking at him like that. So genuine. With care, with love.
He squeezes your hand, “I love you. More than anything.”
The look on your face sinks back into that sweet, adorable look that he’s so used to and it makes him want to scream.
You smile that bright smile and it sends his heart rocketing into oblivion. “I love you.” You squeeze his hand back, “More than everything.”
He feels like his heart might burst through his chest.
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parkerdoeswriting · 8 months
Late Night Talking
(Dad!Spencer x GN!Babysitter!Reader)
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category: fluff oneshot
summary: spencer’s daughter wonders about his and reader’s relationship
warnings: pure cringey fluff
word count: 2k
A/N: HHHH might not do a part two for this it’s lowkey embarrassing……… ALSO DONT ASK WHY I KEEP POSTING CHILDREN AND PREGNANCY FANFICS IM FERAL RN
Spencer had been gone on a case for around two days now, his unit being called out to consult on a case somewhere in Tennessee. So now you were staying at his house for the meantime, babysitting his four year old Alice, who you had been a nanny for since she was around nine months old. She and Spencer were practically your family, even though you’d never say it out loud to anyone.
“I wanna watch Frozen!!” Alice pouts, holding the dvd case out for you.
“Munchkin.. it’s almost bedtime” you laugh, crouching down to match her height.
“Pleaseeeee?” she says, giving you the most adorable puppy dog eye look.
You recheck the time, mentally making calculations on how long the movie will take, since you wanted her to keep with her bedtime schedule. 
“Didn’t you watch it two days ago?” you question the four-year-old, raising your eyebrow at her. 
“It’s my favourite movie!” she exclaims, holding out the dvd case more, begging you to take it.
“Okay, but it’s our secret okay?” you shake your head, taking the dvd and standing up.
“Yay!” she jumps up and down, hugging your leg.
“Come on, let's get your jammies on first” you pick her up, carrying her to her room.
You spend a couple minutes changing her into her pajamas, which coincidentally were Frozen themed. You swiftly brushed her long brown hair, styling them into two French braids. You move her to the bathroom, helping her brush her teeth.
“Thank you” she smiles, making an ‘uppie’ motion at you.
“Course hun” you pick her up, giving her forehead a quick peck. 
You head back downstairs and place her on the polyester couch, wrapping her in a fluffy blanket. You smile at the scene before heading to the player, slipping in the dvd. You sit back down next to her, in which Alice responds by resting her head on your lap. You gently trace circles into the back of her head with your finger, emitting a yawn from her. 
Hans and Anna’s song starts playing in the background, causing you to hum along to the beat, which you knew by heart. Alice giggles faintly, her eyes still peeled to the television. 
“Love is an open dooooooooor!” you sing along, pretending to hold a microphone.
“You’re so silly!” she squeals, laughing and squirming around.
You chuckle, pinching her cheek, causing her to giggle more. The song ends, and you see as she sits up to look at you. 
“What’s wrong baby?” you ask her, rubbing her back.
“Are you married?” she asks, sitting in a criss-crossed position.
You laugh softly, shaking your head.
“Why do you ask, Ali?” you tilt your head.
“Do you want to be married?” she scooches closer to rest her head against your arm.
“One day, maybe, if I meet the right person” you smile, holding the back of her head.
“Oh..” she yawns, clinging to your arm.
You move her to your lap, readjusting your body so you're lying on the couch and she's resting on you, trying to get her to sleep.
“Is daddy the right person?” she asks, the sleepiness evident in her voice.
Your eyes practically bulge out of your head, your face red with embarrassment. 
“W-Why do you ask?” you play with her fingers, looking at how tiny they were compared to yours.
“Cause..” she mumbles quietly, a little shy to answer, “I want daddy to be happy, and he’s always happy when you're here”. 
The sentence sends a shockwave through your heart, causing your body to heat up.
“He is?” you ask, smiling. 
She smiles sleepily, nodding matter of factly before cuddling back into your chest. The movie plays in the background, but you don't pay attention, your head rushing with thoughts. You can hear faint snores mixing with the dialogues. You snap out of it, picking up the blanket and placing it over you both.
You check your phone for any new messages from Spencer, as he hasn’t called for his nightly phone call with Alice. You sigh as your notifications turn up empty, placing your phone back on the end table. You decide to get some hours of shut eye, having been exhausted from a day of entertaining an energetic kid. You shut off the tv, falling asleep moments later.
The next thing you know, you hear keys in the lock jingling, the door opening quietly. You hear footsteps stepping in and a bag dropping to the floor, you drowsily look over the couch, trying to see who it was.
Spencer walks into the living room, seeing your drowsy face and smiling. You put your finger to your lips, indicating for him to be silent, pointing it back down to where the sleeping Alice lays. He peers around the couch, laughing silently at the sight. You get up, gently picking her up, making sure she remains asleep as you bring her up the stairs to her room. You set her down, letting Spencer tuck her in. He leans down, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. She stirs slightly, a small smile creeping onto her face.
He looks back to you as you both leave her bedroom, and you notice the dark bags under his eyes. You smile softly, reaching out for him, giving him a small hug.
“You okay?” you whisper in his ear, his arms tightening around your waist.
“Rough case” he sighs, pulling away moments later.
“Wanna talk about it?” you head back down the stairs, getting ready to pack up your overnight bags so you can head to your apartment.
“I’m good, thanks” he follows closely behind you.
“Well then.. I should get going, if I wanna make the next subway” I smile sleepily at him, throwing various things back into my bag, making sure I have everything.
“You should really stay over.. it’s not safe for you to be out at this time” he speaks up, reaching for your shoulder.
“I wouldn’t want to impose..” you reply, your body heating up as you feel his touch.
“Please.. stay?” he says, his voice soft.
His words cause your heart to flutter, causing you to remember words his daughter said to you just hours earlier.
“He’s always happy when you're here”.
“Course” you smile once again at him, causing his face to blush a light pink.
He gives you a double handed thumbs up, before heading to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water and a quick snack. You trail after him, watching his movements.
“I can heat up some leftovers for you.. if you want?” you offer, leaning against the smooth countertop.
“It’s alright, I’m not that hungry” he shakes his head, snacking on some mixed fruit.
“Are you sure, when's the last time you haven't eaten something that came out of a vending machine?” you tease him.
He chuckles, looking at you.
“I’m fine, really, thanks for worrying” he leans his lanky body against the counter, next to you.
You both stand in relative silence for a while, watching as his hands dip back into the bowl of fruits. 
“Alice asked me a funny question tonight” you laugh quietly.
“Oh?” he nudges you with his elbow, beckoning you to say more.
“Yeah, she asked if you were the person I wanted to marry..” you rub your neck. 
He chokes on the berry in his mouth, coughing loudly, he tries to cover his mouth so Alice can't hear.
“She what?!” he stumbles over his words, his face red like the berries he was eating.
“She also said you are always happy when I’m around” I tease him, poking his chest.
He groans, holding his head in his hands.
“I can’t believe I’m raising my own little profiler” he laughs, rubbing his forehead. 
As if on cue, a small “Daddy?” can be heard from the top of the stairs, alongside the sound of mini footsteps stomping down them.
“Baby.. hi” Spencer swiftly moves to her, swooping her into his arms.
“You’re home!” she exclaims, still sleepy.
“I am, were you good while I was away?” he looks at her, his eyebrow raised.
“Yuh huh!” she nods, her face tucking into his neck.
“Good, good” he rubs her back, looking over to you once again.
You smile at the scene, imagining what life would be like if you were actually their family. You approach them, giving her head a soft caress.
“Look at my braids!” she claps her hands together excitedly, showing them off proudly.
“They look gorgeous” he kisses the top of her head, lingering there for a second. 
“Can I sleep with you tonight?” Alice pouts at Spencer, her small fingers in his wild hair.
He bites his tongue, knowing it’s impossible to say no to a request like this. You know he’ll most likely say yes, as she wasn’t the only one missing the other. 
“Just for tonight, alright?” he says, making her squeal in excitement.
“Are you staying for a sleepover?” she redirects her attention to you, smiling.
I nod as well, my mouth curling into a smile.
“Yay!!” she starts to celebrate, but gets cut off by a long yawn.
You all head back up the stairs, grabbing your overnight bag as you pass it. Alice watches you from behind Spencer, her eyes fighting to stay open. You wave her goodnight as you turn to open the guest room door, but you are swiftly met with objections. 
“No.. sleep with me and daddy!” she frowns, reaching her hands out for you. 
“Sweetie..” Spencer says, his voice filled with sternness.
“I’m sure your father wouldn’t feel comfortable with that, sorry baby” I lean your lips near her forehead, giving her a kiss. 
“I’m.. I’m fine with it, if you are…” he mumbles quietly. 
“Come on!!” she attempts to grab you.
“I will, just let me change first, okay?” you chuckle, heading back inside the guest bedroom. 
You change into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, brushing your hair and looking at yourself in the mirror. You make sure you look decent before heading to Spencer’s room, seeing Alice jumping around on his bed. 
“Hey monkeys” you giggle, making your way to the mattress. 
She happily jumps close to you, practically pulling you onto the bed. You sit down, crossing your legs together. 
“Okay Alice, it’s bedtime now, alright?” Spencer says, yawning as he rests his head on his pillow.
“Okayyy” she huffs, laying down beside him.
You rest on the edge of the right side, trying to put as much distance between you and Spencer as possible. Alice reaches for you, trying to pull you closer to her. You begrudgingly obey, rolling next to her. Spencer’s eyes watch you, a faint grin on his face. Alice attaches herself to you, cuddling into your chest. Your hand rests against her back, letting her face hide in your collarbone.
Spencer scooches closer, his hand resting on his daughter’s shoulder as she snoozes off. Your breathing hitches, your face flushing for the fifth time today. 
“I’m sorry if you feel pressured to do this, you can leave now if you really want to” he whispers, his eyes moving to his daughter's sleeping body.
“It’s fine” you remove your hand from her back, rubbing the back of your neck before returning it back to its position. 
He swallows nervously, moving his hand on top of yours. A grin creeps onto your face, moving your and his hand’s so they interlocked. His thumb caresses yours, sending little shivers into your body.
He moves closer to you, sandwiching Alice in the middle of you both. Her face was still pressed into you, her little hand clutching at the fabric of your tank top. His jaw rested above her head, trying desperately to touch foreheads with you, in which he succeeded. 
You could get used to this.. 
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toruro · 1 year
hyung line + making up after a fight
a/n: find part one with the argument right here and maknae line's version right here! i promised a resolution and here it is! hope you like it, and please leave likes/comments/reblogs <3
w/c: 2.4k
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when you wake up the morning after your fight, seungcheol isn’t next to you. you kind of expect it, the effects of last night’s argument still fresh in both of your minds. still, you miss the warmth of his body next to you in the morning, and the chill you’re feeling right now does nothing to aid your already wounded heart. you crawl out of bed slowly, pulling on a sweater as you make your way to the kitchen where you find seungcheol leaning against the counter as he waits for his morning coffee to brew. you realize he hasn’t noticed you yet, and you figure he’s lost in thought so you quietly creep up next to him, looking down when you mutter a quiet “good morning.” he jumps a little, surprised, but then turns to look at you with a soft expression on his face. “hey,” he murmurs, quickly bringing a hand to yours to interlock your fingers in his, “do you wanna talk now?” and when you nod, he’ll agree, pulling you to the dining table so you can both sit across from each other and talk about the situation but much more calmly and slowly than the night before. once the issue is resolved, he’ll be standing up and pulling you into his arms so tightly you think he might just squeeze the air out of you. “i’m sorry,” he’ll whisper as he buries his head in the crook of your neck, “for what i said,” and it would only take you a second before you’re spewing out your own apologies, holding him closer. after a few moments he’ll pull back and let me tell you seungcheol would kiss you SO passionately your mind would go blank. the rest of the day is spent with you two basically joined at the hip, being way more clingy than normal to make sure that there’s no more pent up anger or frustration.
granted, arguments with jeonghan will pretty much never reach the point where you’re both still bitter in the following morning. but in the rare case that you’re still a little sulky in the morning, he’d press closer to you and prop himself up against the headboard, pulling you on top of him so your head was resting on his chest. as he strokes your head, he’d ask you to talk about how you’re feeling and he’d let you ramble all that you want, occasionally adding in his own short and calculated responses. once you’re done, he’d still have you in his arms, talking about solutions and stuff and basically the issue is resolved within minutes if it was not already resolved the night before. he’d still take extra care of you this morning, spending at least an hour cuddling with you in bed before suggesting a shared bath which you obviously can’t deny.
mornings after Those Arguments with joshua are whole experience on its own. you slept on the couch, so naturally you didn’t have the best night’s sleep—not only was the couch not the most comfortable (you did propose to sleep there yourself though) but the words from last night’s arguments are fresh in your mind, popping up in your vision whenever you close your eyes. that’s not to say joshua had a great night either—he probably stayed up hours more than you thinking about all the things he said and why in fuck’s name he let himself say that stuff. he didn’t mean it, but he understands that that’ll be hard for you to believe so he spends all night thinking of ways to approach the situation in the morning. he’s up super early too, and eventually he can’t stand being in the bed without you beside him so he gets up and goes to the kitchen which is attached to the living room that you’re sleeping in. upon seeing you, he adjusts the blanket over your body before quietly making himself a cup of coffee while he waits for you to wake up. it doesn’t take long though, and when you’re pushing yourself up from the couch and rubbing your eyes, joshua is by your side immediately. there’s a thick silence that coats the atmosphere in the room right now as you look at each other, and joshua is the first to speak, “i’m so sorry,” he says quickly, and you want to start crying again at how sad his voice sounds. and well you technically do. your eyes are already starting to water and joshua tentatively brings a hand up to brush the tears away. when you lean in to his touch as opposed to turning away, he takes this as his chance to cradle your head and pull you into a deep hug. you’re wrapping your arms around his torso immediately, basking in his warmth that you’d been craving throughout the night. when he pulls back, he sits on the couch next to you and faces you so he can start talking. you both pick up the same discussion from the night before but much more civil and without the anger and frustration. once the issue is resolved, joshua would be pulling you into his chest again, mumbling endless apologies along the lines of “i don’t know what came over me,” and “i didn’t mean it,” and endless “i love you.” you forgive him of course, but he still spends the rest of the day wary and heeding by your every wish. it’s a little bit endearing, but eventually you have to kiss him and tell him that everything is a-okay and that he doesn’t need to be worried.
he'd feel so bad for pushing the argument to the point that you felt you needed to sleep on the couch that once you were asleep, he'd make a makeshift bed on the ground in front of the couch to sleep there. when you wake up, you don't even look down, not expecting to find jun in front of you, so you accidentally end up stepping on one of his legs. that has him jumping up from his sleep and it almost causes him to hit his head on the coffee table, but you're quickly throwing out a hand and shielding his forehead from the contact. once jun blinks a few times and realizes what's going on, he looks at you so intensely that you find it extremely hard to maintain eye contact. the air is thick but then jun is pulling himself onto the couch so he can face and you hold your hands in his and he doesn't say anything—you it's because he knows he talked too much the night before and wants you to have to chance to talk, to explain, and to try to reason with him. unlike the night before, he listens and he waits before responding, and now that neither of you are acting in the heat of the moment the conversation flows much more smoothly. the problem that once seemed blaring and hopeless is now being resolved within minutes and jun will pull you so close to him that you think you two might just mold into one. he'd whisper quiet apologies before saying, "also can we like, never sleep in different places ever again? i think that was the worst sleep of my life pretty much ever." you cock an eyebrow. "are you sure it just wasn't because you slept on the floor?' he shakes his head vigorously before responding, "nah, it was all because you weren't next to me." you let out a soft giggle at the corny comment, but jun doesn't give you the chance to make fun of him because he's swooping down to kiss you in no time.
when he wakes up in the morning and you aren’t by his side, it’s like his worst fears have come true—you’ve left him, he thinks. it would take a few moments of him frantically checking under the covers for him to realize that from the noise that’s coming from the kitchen, you haven’t left him and that you’re just probably making some coffee or something. he's scrambling out of bed faster than he can think and you're undeniably a little bit startled when he's barging into the kitchen without warning. he doesn't even wait for a second to approach you but right when he's about to engulf you in a hug the events from the night before are crashing in on him and he pauses, waiting for you to make the final move. when you lean into him, wrapping your arms around his torso, a wave of relief washes over soonyoung, and after holding you for what feels like a good five minutes, he pulls back so he can start spewing out apologies. he's talking so fast that you're mind is racing and after just a few moments you need to tell him to slow down. it doesn't seem to work because he just keeps on talking about how he was so stupid last night and you finally think enough is enough and you decide to shut him up in the only way that you know works: smashing your lips on his. a little unconventional, yes, but it works, and you can see him getting pulled back into the present. "can we have a normal conversation, please soonie?" you ask, and with the way that you're using his nickname, soonyoung will know that everything will, eventually, be okay. you both stand across each other in the kitchen, running over the events from the night before taking things step by step to figure out where it all went wrong. it takes some time, yes, but the issue is eventually resolved—you didn't doubt that this would be how it ended up though, because after all, you could go through hell and back if he was by your side.
you wake up the next morning with his hand draped over your waist, and while you would usually cuddle closer to him, embracing the way he's literally your living heater, this morning is full of thoughts from the night before—you're understandably tentative. you and wonwoo tend to wake up around the same time, so you don't really move much, expecting him to wake up within a few minutes too. you're correct, of course, and within just a few moments he's stirring away, shifting in the bed next to you. it takes both you one more minute before you're escaping your drowsiness, sitting upright to look at each other. the silence that sits between you is uncomfortable to say the least, and you're not quite happy with that. wonwoo doesn't seem too pleased either, and he's the first to speak up. "let's get some breakfast and talk, yeah?" he suggests, and there's no way you can say no. you follow him to the kitchen where you two don't really talk, wonwoo making the coffee and you making some toast. eating in silence, the air is thick and you can't remember the last time things were this awkward between you two. you're so relieved when you're both done eating, finally sitting across from each other at the table to discuss the issue from the night before. on a full stomach and rested mind, both you and wonwoo are much more civil about the way you approach the issue. it's like how you normally deal with arguments (and last night was definitely not normal), but there's the added somberness of the extra mean words you both might have thrown in the night before. the conversation is long and will definitely bring tears to both of your eyes but by the time you're done you feel nothing but relief that it's all resolved and happiness that wonwoo stuck by your side through it all. once you both get up from the table, he'll be striding over to you, pressing you into the wall so he can kiss you fiercely, nearly sucking your breath away, pulling back, he'd rest his forehead against yours and whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
he's already awake when you wake up, as expected. you realize jihoon isn't in the bed with you when you open your eyes groggily, glancing around your room before hearing some noises come from the kitchen. you take this passing moment as your chance to fall back into the bed, rubbing your eyes and letting all your thoughts from the night before sink in. jihoon will undeniably want to talk this issue out as soon as he finds out you're awake and don't get me wrong—you'd love to do that too—but you just need a moment to collect your thoughts and think about exactly what you'd want to say to him. after you feel like you've thought enough, you're peeling the covers off of yourself and following the noises from the rest of your apartment to finally catch him in the kitchen, cleaning some dishes. he whips his head around immediately when he hears your footsteps, telling you, "let me finish this for a minute and then we can talk." you nod in agreement, sitting yourself down at one of the tall chairs at your kitchen island, waiting for him to finish. once he's done, jihoon pulls up the chair next to you, swiveling it so that he directly face you. "how's your voice?" is the first thing he asks, voice clearly concerned. you purse your lips, realizing that you haven't spoken since last night. when you respond to him, it's not nearly as hoarse as the night before, but it still comes out as a little strained, causing jihoon to frown. he reaches over a hand to interlock his fingers with yours before he encourages you to talk about what's on your mind. once your done with your own long tangent, he follows with his own response. you both kind of go back and forth like this, letting each other speak and comprehend until all of your emotions and thoughts are out in the open. it doesn't take more than half an hour for you both to come to a solution, you feeling more relieved than anything that this issue is out of the way. you're so happy, in fact, that you pull him into a kiss right after jihoon says, "okay, then it's all good now." he's a little taken aback by your immediate forwardness but the blush on his cheeks tells you all that you need to know—he loves you and you love him and that is all that you need, now or ever.
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hr43s · 2 months
His favorite
Teacher Joel x f!reader
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Summary: You’re a needy girl who needs to be taken care of, the pressure of studies weighting on your back making you sleep deprived. He is a reserved man in his 40’s thinking his age can’t attract a love interest into his life. And he’s needy too.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI . Unprotected p in v, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, Possessive Joel, reader is in her 20’s, No specific description of reader body except the gender and outfit. Age gap, no outbreak, porn w/plot, very slightly mean Joel ( he just doesn’t show much fluff ), dirty talk, no use of y/n
w/c: 2.1k (this is short, see a/n )
a/n: this is my first smut hence why it’s short !!! PLEASE GIVE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, I wanna learn !! Also give ideas if you have any <3 If this gets a few likes and some appreciation I might keep going with this so tell me if you’re intrested !!!
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His eyes makes you shiver every time he looks at you, like thunderbolt sliding along your spine all the way down to your core making it ache so bad for him. Your head hurts like hell, the sound surrounding you feeling like a bell ringing constantly in your ears as the students around you chats in group, thinking about their projects.
“Hey ? Are you okay ? You seem distracted.” The girl next to you interrupting the bell
“Yeah, head hurt that’s all” you feel your heart pumping in your head, and hear your blood stream in your ears.
“ You better focus, I don’t want my art grade to go down just because of you” she spits
You can’t stand the people around you. Ever since you started university a few years back, everybody turned into unfriendly assholes thinking having a second of inattention can ruin their whole year
They’re not wrong, in a way. You’ve been distracted since the start of the year by your art teacher, Mr.Miller, and you can’t think of anything but his brown hair with a pinch of white snow on the roots, his messy beard with a visible growth along the neck and his square glasses makings his jawline stand out more. You want to kiss it, bite it.
There you go again, not paying attention, but at least you forgot about your headache for a second.
You take a box full of pills and a water bottle half empty out of your handbag and put one in your mouth, swallowing it with the mid temperature water making you grin.
“ Is everythin’ okay here ?” He say, him, Mr Miller. “ Noticed you were making faces and didn’t seem to focus too much, need’a hand to the nurse office ?”. You can feel your cheeks turning red, a burning sensation matching with the burning between your thighs. That’s how bad your attraction to him is.
“ I’m okay, I took a pill but thanks” you nod, putting your head back between your hands.
You suddenly feel a large hand on your shoulder, making you lift your face again.
“You’re going to the nurse office, right now” he say with a harsh tone.
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He is now next to you, walking you to the nurse office. You start walking a bit wobbly, feeling his eyes on you making you forget how to walk normally. As you get near the office, his pace speeds up a bit to walk in front of you, reaching for the door to open it. He lets you in with a small gesture of his hand telling you to go in.
“Hi Mr. Miller, what’s the matter ?” The nurse says, giving him a huge smile showing her bright white teeth.
“student here lookin’ sick, I’m worried it might get worse with everybody around her chattin’” he says while putting a hand on your back between your elbows.
“I already took a pill, I’m going to be fine, just need a few minutes” your voice low, trying to avoid your head to hurt even more.
“Well I’d be happy to help but I’m going to close soon and you already took a pill, I’m afraid I can’t do anything else to ease the pain darling” she looks at you with a soft smile
She has always been so nice to you, and other people in general. All the times you came in with a bad migraine after a busy night drinking shots of vodka, or for period cramps, she’s been extremely helpful.
“I could take her in my office for the next 30 minutes. Class is ending in 5 minutes and I don’t have any class for half an hour”
You get taken aback once again from your thoughts, your eyes widening from what he just said. You can’t possibly stay in a room alone with just him, HIM, the man who haunts your day dream. The one who’s looking at you in class silently, while you wished he was touching you, feeling you right here on your desk
You’re out of the nurse office and on your way to your teacher’s office two hallways away. You can’t think straight because of your headaches. The both of you reach his door, he take the keys to his office from his back pocket on in his pants and open the door.
“ You wait here, don’t touch anythin’. You can sit on the couch or the office chair, whatever you prefer”
He leave the office, looking back at you when closing the door behind him, catching your gaze.
His office is well decorated. Plants sitting almost everywhere. A succulent on his desk and a few on some shelves with books; a monstera in the corner next to a small CD reader with a disk already in, and other plants you can’t name. His office is mostly brown with wood furniture. His desk is near the back of the room in front of tall windows with black curtains giving the room a dim light, a leather chair tall enough to support his broad back. The couch is near the door, it’s small but there’s enough space for two. The book shelves are on the left of his desk, on the other side some closed shelves with the CD reader on it and a box filed with disk in it. There’s a Lamp at the far end that is turned off.
After a few minutes of contemplating the room, the door opens up again with a large figure coming in.
“I brought you a hot chocolate, didn’t know if ya liked coffee so I went the safe way”
Your headache went down a bit, probably from scanning the room around you that is weirdly relaxing and cozy.
“Thanks, my head feels better by the way” you sit down on the couch.
“That’s good news” he says, putting the hot chocolate cup down on his desk. “ So uh, I didn’t wanna make this too embarrassing so I wanted to talk to you about the project we’re currently doing in class.” He leans on his desk, his butt on the edge of it.
“ ‘Noticed you didn’t seem to fit in well with your classmates, but this is a group project and you need’a work with them, or I’ll have to grade you down.”
He takes the cup from his desk, stands up and hands it to you. You reach for it when your fingers accidentally brushes his, making the hair on your arms and neck rise. He stands a few inches in front of you, crossing his arms.
“I know, sorry. It’s just that my friends aren’t in the same classes as me and I kinda struggle to make friends.” You sip from the cup.
He hasn’t moved, his eyes scanning your body before he notices his own movement and looks away.
“Still. You need to be careful, this could be bad for your grades” he goes back to his desk and turns your back to you, reaching for something on his desk and stars fidgeting with it. Rays of sun are peaking out from the curtains, highlighting his figure. A minute goes by, the both of you staying silent until-
“I noticed you looking at me during class, and this almost every time. Are you being distracted by me ?” He turns around.
Your eyes meet his, a hint of panic in yours.
“l uh…haven’t noticed” your heart pounding in your chest. You’re sure he can hear it. You stand up, anxiety making your legs feel numb.
He walks to you, standing close to your face.
“I’m warning you, this is not appropriate, you know that right ? “ his eyes on your lips, almost devouring them.
“Well, what if I am ? “ you look in his eyes, hoping that this is going the way you want it to go. If not, you will just keep dreaming about him in class and in your bed with your hand down I’m your panties
“I wouldn’t wanna risk anything if I were you darlin’” his breath hitting your face. You know he wants to touch, feel your whole body against him.
“We can just…be careful” your eyes almost begging
“Yeah, you’d be my little secret huh ?” his hands grips your waist, making you gasp, the burning sensation between your thighs growing bigger.
His lips suddenly crash onto yours, teeth touching as he brings you closer to him making your hips grind against his. Moans escape his mouth and yours between kisses.
He pushes you to the nearest wall keeping his lips on yours, reaching to lock the door with a swift movement.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so fuckin’ long “ he grabs your shirt and takes it off, while you zip off your skirt and toss it away.
“Fuck Mr. Miller…are you sure you wanna do this ?” You say while trying to catch your breath.
“I’m more than sure Angel, as long as you’re down for it I’ll do anything you want”
At this point your headache is long gone and forgotten and all you think about is him, him him him.
“Also please, call me Joel” he say as he grips your left leg and put it around his waist, making it easier for him to slide his hand down your cunt.
“Fuck you’re so fucking wet…Been’ wanting me the whole time huh ? “ he grins as his fingers rub against your clit, slowly building up your arousal.
“Please, please just fuck me already” your moans becoming louder and your breath going faster as your hands try to unbuckle his belt.
“Jesus you’re so needy, but you need to be quite, or else we’re gonna get caught, you don’t want that huh ?” He ask as he slides two fingers into your cunt, making you gasp.
“Fuck Joel, “ hearing you say his name is making him go feral. He lift you up in his arms, your legs around his waist as he turn around to put you on his desk, tossing some of his stuff to the ground including his poor little succulent plant.
“When’s the last time someone fucked your pretty cunt, huh ?” He takes his belt away, unzip his pants and take his hard growth into his hand, then slowly rubs it against your wetness.
“It’s been way too long, that’s why you need to stop waiting and fuck me already “
He obeys and starts grinding against your cunt, until his length slips into your core , stretching you out
“fuck you’re so tight Angel” he pants as his hips starts trusting into you, going deeper and deeper.
Your hands grips to his desk, desperately searching for hold as your body moves up and down.
“Shit Joel I think im gonna cum already” you say as his trust are getting deeper touching your sensitive spot inside.
“I wanna taste ya’ on my tongue” he comes out of you, leaving you empty, pussy clenching around nothing as he comes down on you. His breath hits the inside of your thighs, hot and fast until his tongue finally touches your swollen clit.
You gasp loudly, the fleshy part of your hand in your mouth to cover the filthy sound of you enjoying the tongue of your teacher on yourself.
“You taste so good baby, I’m gonna need this as a dessert every fuckin’ night”
He pushed two digits inside of you moving slowly to build your high until you finally cum, covering his fingers with your slit as he takes them inside of his mouth and licks it off.
“Fuck” you pant, coming down of your high with your heart racing maybe too fast
You know he probably ruined you for any other man, as short as it was, his cock was surely way bigger than you thought.
He stands up, putting his pants and belt back on.
“wait you didn’t finish, maybe I can help you out” you say, grabbing his tie making him come closer to your face, nose almost touching.
“Maybe for next time, sweetheart.”
Next time ? Oh. My. God. Next time.
“You wanna see me again?”
“Why not ? ‘s long as we keep this secret then I’m fine in fucking your here ‘n there in my office” the side of his lips lifting.
“ I’m down but, I’m not sure I just want to be some kind of doll to you.”
Your love for him is growing, there’s no doubt. But you want more than just sex here and there. You take a pen from a cup on his desk and a note from the note pad to write your number down and put it in the pocket of his buttoned up shirt.
“Well, was scared to ask but yeah, maybe we can go further than just some filthy sex” you look in his eyes, a smile showing on your face.
“What about going out to the restaurant just down the street then maybe I’ll let you suck me off ‘til I cum”he say, smiling back at you, exiting the room.
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w--zii · 1 month
a surprise - part two
bf!jihoon x f!reader
[minors dni]
smut warning:usage of words like slut, filthy etc. orgasm control, let me know if theres more.
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you took a deep sigh as you closed the folder in your hands and checked for the time. your dinner order should be here by any time now. you went to kitchen to have some water and when you came back to lay on your shared bed with jihoon, a notification popped on on your screen from him.
he must be so bored, you thought, as you clicked on the notfication. how innocent.
hi baby^^ listening to it now<33
he only sent a creepy smile and left you alone with the voice record.
first seconds of the audio were only his breathing, you didn't understand a single thing, just continued listening while your eyes kept a stare on the white ceiling.
"y/n.. a-ahh,"
your tracks stopped after hearing his voice. did he really moan your name? your face and entire body started to warm up, you felt like your heart might melt anytime.
"f–fuck oh, feels so good."
you started to breathe heavily.
"i miss you–ah," his every word ended with a whine or moan, it turned you on more. hearing your name on his lips has a dirty impact on you.
now you can hear his breathe getting faster and his groans deeper by every second. you started to squirm in your place, pressing your thighs together to get some kind of friction, didn’t help much though.
one message. and he got you. thinking of how wet you would be right now made his cock twitch in his pants. (yes, again, he was desperate.)
"i s–swear, mhh–if i don't get there asap, my cock is g–gonna fall ah–off"
his words made you chuckle. your right hand reached for your clothed wetness, cupping it. you let out a whimper. jihoon didn’t respond to your message yet, he wants you desperate too.
“y/n, i know you're dripping right now. my filthy slut.”
you kept listening to him as he reached his climax. audio ended, you called jihoon in light speed to ask about the heck he done.
he accepted the call with a smirk on,
“what's up baby?” he's having fun and it's obvious.
“jihoonie... i miss you,” you said in a crying tone, he will help, right?
“mhm, i miss you too. i wish you were here, pretty.”
“i love it when you tease me.”
sudden confess made his heart drop.
“oh? is that so?” his eyes turning dark, he knows what you're trying to do.
“you can wait for me, yeah? beautiful?”
“it won't take long i promise, baby.”
you fake cried to him, not trying to be a brat but you needed him, now. your pleas continued and jihoon just listened to you. still smiling to himself.
“y/n, i said no. right? you heard me? no touching to yourself. be a good girl for me, yeah?”
“okay hoonie...” almost whispered to yourself. you lost your voice.
“mhm? couldn't hear you, baby.”
“i'll be your good girl i promise, jihoonie”
he grinned when he heard you, you are all pouty and he knows it.
“good girl, as you should. now i'm gonna go, i need to sleep, okay? i'll call you when i'm done with work tomorrow. good night baby. i love you.”
“love you too jihoonie good night.”
you let out a puff and sulked. “really jihoon...”
as you were making your way to bathroom, to get cleaned up, another notification popped on your screen from him.
baby boy^_^;
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would you like to send me a picture of yourself too before we sleep?
i wanna see you without a top on, baby.
you cursed in your breath and removed your shirt, your tits bouncing when they freed.
you took a photo showing off your boobs, lips in a pout, you tried to act angry but failed, he'll find you more cute.
that's my girl, thank you. you look so good baby i missed those tits so much.
if i was there i'd just make you cum only playing with your buds
i bet you're so fucking wet for me right now
filthy girl.
tf jihoon you look so good TT
i miss you i miss you i miss youu
shut up or i'll come untouched😭
bet lol
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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a/n: help i don't like this at all lmaoo TT
not proof read. © w--zii. do not repost.
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Hit ‘Em Up! (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Cowboy!Gojo Satoru x Cowboy!Geto Suguru x Black!Cowgirl!Reader (Slow Burn/Enemies to Lovers)
Synopsis: You get to meet Geto & Gojo the Gunslingers, the notorious outlaws that have every town and law enforcement in a twist, when your bum-ass BF offers you as payment to avoid going to prison. Little do they know that this is only a part of your plan to get what you desire. But when you realize that the infamous gun-slinging, smooth-talking cowboys could be everything you want and more when they offer you a deal to team up with them, will you successfully be able to go through with it? 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINOS GTFO); poly!SatouSugu; Reader is Black & Fem; Mention of other JJK characters; Porn with Plot; Tragic Backstories; T/W for Childhood Trauma, Parental Death, Violence, Panic Attacks & Torture; Angst/Hurt/Comfort; Hand Kink; Masturbation; Voyeurism; Gay Sex; Polyamorous; Double Deepthroat; Mutual Oral; Fingering; CMNF; Spitroast; Riding; Unprotected PiV Sex; Creampies; Outside/Public Sex; Shotgunning; Multiple Positions; Spit Kink; Facials; MDom/fsub Undertones; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: This chapter got me horny. Sometimes I be wondering why I don't just become a porn writer or something lol. Enjoy!! -Jazz
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen PT I & PT II. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Epilogue. Soundtrack.
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You awaken the next morning to the sun barely peeking over the horizon, just as Geto instructed you to do. 
It feels good to sleep in a comfy bed for once, especially after you made sure you patted it down with the bug powder you packed. You sit up in the bed, slightly clammy from the heat of the hot, dry air creeping into the motel room. It is quiet and relaxingly so. For once, you feel good despite the circumstances. 
You still can’t believe Geto and Gojo decided to pay for a room for you. They walked you to your room right next to theirs after getting a key from the lobby. “Just remember to get up before the sun rises,” Geto gently said, mostly to keep his voice down in the motel hallway. “It will take about five days to get on the Devil’s Trail since it’s outside the West. That works out well for us since we have a list of baddies to catch on our way there.” 
“And most of them are Benji’s accomplices,” Gojo stated as he handed you the key to your room. “Which means we’ll probably find him too if we play our cards right.”
You looked down at the key, clutching it. “You know, y’all didn’t have to get me a room.” You couldn’t help but be suspicious of this. Why were they being so kind? Were they tricking you in some way? 
‘Or maybe they’re just nice guys, you crazy girl,’ you thought. 
Gojo raised an eyebrow at you. “Well, where else were you gonna sleep? With us?” A smirk appeared on his face. “‘Cause if you want to–” 
You cut him off by moving to unlock the door, purposely stepping on his toe as you do. “Fuckin’ pervert,” you muttered under your breath as the motel door opened. It was identical to the duo’s though empty and clean. 
“Ignore him,” Geto chuckled while Gojo complained about you breaking his big toe. Just get some sleep and yell if you need anything. These walls are paper thin, so we’ll hear you.” He gave you a kind, warm smile, leaving you to your privacy. “Sweet dreams, Y/N.” 
Gojo gave you a wink as he held the doorknob, nodding at the bed. “Don’t let the bed bugs bite,” he teased. He then closed the door, still behind it. “I’m serious!” he called. “You might wanna lay down a towel or somethin'!” And then you were finally left alone to take a hot shower and get ready for bed. 
You lay here now, thinking to yourself how fast everything is happening. You still can’t believe you’re here with the most notorious outlaws in the West, about to go on a long journey with them that could either go really good or really bad. You think of Shoko, wondering if she read your letter. Is she looking for you? Does she miss you? And what about the others at the saloon? Are they okay? Are they safe? 
You suddenly hear a tiny chuckle from behind your headboard where a wall separates your bedroom from the duo’s. Gojo’s voice drifts through the wall, sugary sweet and seductive: “Sugu~” 
“What?” Geto sighs, sounding exhausted. There is a rustling sound like bedsheets shifting. “C’mon, Satoru, not now. I have to clean up before we leave.” The bedsprings creak as someone sits up––probably Geto. 
“Can I clean up with you?” Gojo purrs. “C’mon, I can help you clean all of those spots ya can’t each.” Then you hear it: a deep, soft moan that makes your face grow hot and your mouth part in shock. Are they…? 
Another one of Geto’s velvety moans makes it very clear that they’re not cuddling over there. “Shit,” he sighs. “C’mon now, stop it. I’m serious, you slut.” Gojo giggles–giggles–as he continues to do whatever he’s doing. “Oooh, I love it when you call me that, almost as much as you loving it when I call you my cock whore.” 
Your jaw goes slack. Are they that slutty? “No, I don’t,” Geto growls. “I’m not about to do this while Y/N is in the other room. These walls are thin as ice!” His words are cut off by another series of quiet moans and hums of pleasure. “The water will be on, so she won’t hear,” Gojo assures him. “And even if she does, I think she’d enjoy it. Especially when she hears how hot your moans are.” 
You would never admit it, even to yourself, but the sounds of Geto’s moans are getting you hot. They are so smooth yet syrupy; deep yet soft. Seductive. Sexy. They make your body tingle, especially one body part in particular. You can feel your pussy throb annoyingly so from beneath the sheets like it has a heartbeat. 
You can’t remember the last time a man-made you this aroused. Even the ones at the Blackwater saloon barely got you wet. And sex with Valentine was never a fun time. He did nothing to turn you on despite his pretty face. There was barely even a wiggle down there for you. But now? Now, you feel like you need a release or you’ll go insane. 
“Let’s get in the shower, baby,” Gojo seductively says. “We have no time to waste, remember?” And so they do. You hear the bedsprings as they get up from bed and their footsteps as they walk to the bathroom on the left side of their bed but still behind your bedroom wall. You can hear the rustling of their clothes as they strip; their breathless giggles and the soft, wet sounds of their lips meeting each other’s. 
Their soft moans and hums of ecstasy mingled with the sound of pounding water light your body on fire. You find yourself squirming uncomfortably in your bed, especially when Geto begins to moan. You begin to feel a tingle from down below that only grows the louder Geto’s velvety moans become. “Fuck, ‘Tarou,” he sighs. “You’re so fuckin’ good at that.” 
Your hand slides down your stomach to wedge between your thighs. You know that this is wrong. You know that you’ll regret this later, but fuck, they sound too hot to resist. And it’s only natural, right? You just need some release. They’ll never know. So you begin to slowly rub your tingling, needy clit in time with Geto’s deep moans and swears. 
It doesn’t take a village idiot to figure out what Gojo is doing, but when you hear the soft, sucking sounds and the sloppy noises of his tongue swirling around Geto’s dick, you get your answer. “Yeah?” he chuckles. “You wanna give me a reward, Sugu?” 
You hear more lewd sounds that take you to unholy places and bring colorful visuals to your head: Gojo on his knees gagging on dick with Geto’s hands in his wet, white hair, his hips bumping into Gojo’s mouth as he fucks his pretty face. “Just make sure you keep it down,” Geto instructs. “You don’t wanna wake the whole hallway, do you?” 
Gojo giggles and there is only the sound of water until both men moan in unison. The sound nearly makes you gasp, your back arching as your fingers work faster on your now slippery clit.
“Oh, fuck!” Gojo moans. His language has become nothing but slutty moans and whimpers while Geto lets out soft grunts and gasps. “Soon as I’m inside you, you’re singin’ like a little songbird,” Geto chuckles. “What am I gonna do with you, Satoru, huh?” 
You close your eyes, picturing the long-haired outlaw pressing Gojo against the wall, grinding his hips into the white-haired outlaw from behind. You see Geto’s cock, long, thick, and gorgeous, sliding in and out of Gojo’s taught and firm yet soft asscheeks, stretching out his hole. 
“Sugu, please,” Gojo begs. “Don’t stop! Keep goin’ just like that!” 
“Just like what?” Geto teases. “Like…this?” He must do something with his hips or his cock because Gojo is moaning uncontrollably, slutty gasps and whines leaving his pink lips. The sound of wet, slapping, of skin against skin, emits from the wall. “C’mon, babe, shhh,” Geto shushes him. “You’ve gotta keep it down.” 
But Gojo is too far gone just as you are as you rub your pussy in time to Geto’s thrusts. “C-Can’t help it!” he stutteringly, pathetically says. “You’re fuckin’ me too good!” 
“Cover that slutty mouth then,” Geto demands in a voice that has your clit throbbing increasingly so. “Yes, that’s it, my love. Let’s see how quiet you can be filled with all this dick.” 
You imagine him saying the same thing to you, his cock stretching you out while Gojo tweaks your hardened nipples that one of your hands has begun to do for you. Briefly, you imagine yourself sandwiched between them, nothing but stolen kisses and breaths between you. You can almost feel their muscles and warm skin under your hands. You can almost taste them on your tongue. 
As their moans and the lewd slapping grows louder, your hand grows a mind of its own and works your clit faster, harder, wanting to peak with them. You picture yourself doing the same thing while Geto fucks you from behind while Gojo fucks your throat, both cocks filling you up the way you want to be. The way you need to be. 
“Fuck, Sugu, I’m gonna cum!” Gojo warns, high-pitched and needy. Geto responds with a grunt, loud and so unlike him, that nearly sends you over the edge. “Me too,” he growls. “Cum with me, ‘Tarou, c’mon. Don’t you wanna be my good boy?” 
‘Do you wanna be my good girl, Y/N?’ he asks in your head. ‘Don’t you wanna be our good girl?’ You want to say yes. You’ll do absolutely anything to feel like this all of time, even be theirs. 
“Cumming!” Gojo suddenly gasps. “I’m cummin’, Suguru, fuck!” ‘Me too,’ you think. ‘I’m cummin’ too!’ And you do. As a series of slutty, loud moans and groans of release drift through your wall and into your bedroom, you let out a whimper and cum all over yourself. For a moment, you’re soaring through the clouds, covering your mouth to muffle your moans as Geto and Gojo cum together. 
Then as soon as it happens, it’s over. The sounds die down and the pleasure fades, leaving you feeling icky and your fingers coated in your cum. You can’t believe you just did that. 
You can’t think about it for long though because three loud, terrifying knocks on the duo’s motel door next to yours nearly make you jump out of bed. “Oh, shit!” Gojo gasps. “What the fuck was that?” 
You think the same thing before you hear the knocks again. “You sure this is the door, sir?” a rough-sounding voice asks. 
“Yes!” a high-pitched voice replies. The shower immediately shuts off and the pitter-patter of feet stomping around behind your wall makes you jump out of bed and grab your clothes set out for today. “Th-This is the front desk clerk with security!” the same man calls through the door. “We know you’re in there, gunslingers! You’re not gonna get away with not paying for these rooms! That’s a crime!” 
‘What the fuck?!’ you think. ‘Those mother–’ 
Four more demanding knocks silence your thoughts and make you hurry to get dressed. “Gunslingers!” the guard barks. “Either come to the door and surrender to us now or we’ll break down this goddamn door and take you into custody. Don’t think we won’t do it!” 
You toss on your clothes, pull on your riding boots, and tie your bandana around your mouth. You begin to look around for an escape route as the knocks become more agitated. The door is out of the question, so you look at the window which is about twelve feet above ground. 
‘I’ve gotta get out of here,’ you panickingly think as you hurry to the window, only to see Gojo already there and waving at you from outside. He is fully dressed with his hat, gloves, and blinfold on as if nothing happened before. You throw open the window, allowing him to climb inside with ease. “Hi there, little miss,” he greets you, tipping his hat. “You’re up early.” 
“You bastard!” you hiss, wanting to punch him. “You ain’t pay for the rooms?!” 
“Well…not exactly,” he sheepishly confesses. “We paid for half for this one, but inflation is a bitch and these rooms are expensive! I ended up havin’ to steal away one of the keys to this room while the clerk wasn’t around. Can ya blame a guy for tryin’ to help?” He shrugs, giving you an apologetic smile. 
You want to cuss him out, but before you can, another bang on the door next to yours stops you. “Open the fuck up!” the guard yells. “You’ve got ten seconds to come out or we’re breakin’ down the door!” 
“Get me out of here,” you demand, glowering at Gojo. He only gives you a tiresome look as he snatches the drapes off of your window. “That’s what I’m here for,” he scoffs. “Just get your things together and follow my head. Geto is roundin’ up the horses. By the way, is that black one with the braided mane yours? She’s such a pretty thing!” 
You could’ve kicked him out the window, but instead, you hurry about and gather your shit. Luckily, your bag is already packed with toiletries and everything else you’ll need on your journey, so you toss it onto your body and put on your cowgirl hat. The sound of a large bang from the next door makes you gasp in fear. “Gojo!” you snap. “Hurry!” 
Gojo is currently tying the drapes together into a makeshift rope, taking his sweet time doing so. 
“Alright, alright,” he sighs. “And…finished!” 
He then tosses the rope outside the window, tying the end to the leg of a chair. Next, he climbs out onto the ledge, grasping the rope. “Stick your feet out first and grab hold,” he instructs you. “All you have to do is climb down. Don’t worry; I’ll meetcha at the bottom and catch ya if you fall. See ya at the bottom!” 
“Wait!” you hiss, but he’s already inching down the makeshift rope. You watch him as he climbs down the rope with ease and precision, his upper strength doing all the work until he finally meets the ground. Obviously, he’s done this many times before, but you haven’t. Even just looking down makes you want to throw up. 
You grip the window ledge, suddenly dizzy. ‘I can’t do this,’ you think, the words repeating like a mantra. ‘I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t–’ 
BANG! The door to the motel room next to yours busts open and the sound of stomping footsteps makes you jump out of your skin. “They ain’t in here!” one of the guards angrily growls. More footsteps, this time out in the hallway. “Try the other one,” the clerk says. “I know someone is in there!” 
When you hear them at the door, now you know you have no choice. You look down again, finding Gojo standing there with his arms waiting for you and a smile on his face. You don’t think––you just do. 
You turn around, put your hat between your teeth, and stick your legs out the window first before grasping onto the rope and gently, carefully, edging yourself down. The wind hits your face, the sun warm against your cheek. Its warm rays and the promise of the ground below are the only things that keep you from looking down. 
“You’ve got it, little miss!” Gojo calls up to you. “Keep goin’!” His words help somewhat though the feeling of your feet dangling in midair and the burn of your arms are all starting to get to you. You’re about halfway down the rope when you hear the sound of a bang and the guards and the clerk now in your room: “Where are they?!” the guard demands. 
“The window!” the clerk shouts. “Hurry before they get away!” Fear leaps into your heart and before you can rethink your decision, you release the rope and leave it all up to God. You feel nothing but the wind in your hands, slipping through your fingertips, as you soar through the air. 
You expect to feel the hard ground below, but you don’t. Instead, you feel muscular arms and a solid chest. You look up into the blindfold and smile of Gojo. “Told ya I’d catch ya,” he chuckles. For a moment, you feel secure and safe in his arms, hating that you do. 
Luckily, the moment is ruined when Geto comes running up with your horses and the guards come to the window. “There they are!” he shouts, pointing down at you. “Shoot ‘em!” The glint of the sun off of metal frightens you even before you realize that his partner has a pistol. 
The first bullet zips past you and Gojo, scaring the horses. You begin to squirm in Gojo’s arms, enough for him to put you on your horse himself before jumping on his own. 
“Hurry!” you yelp, snapping your horse’s reins. “Let’s get the fuck outta here!” The second and third bullets hit the dirt as you three begin riding like hell away from the motel, your horses’ hooves thudding against the dirt. 
“Don’t come back here ever again!” the clerk yells at you. “You hear me?! I’ll make sure you’re all behind bars if I see you again!” 
‘Don’t worry,’ you think. ‘You won’t.’ 
When you’re finally out of Blackwater, you feel like you can finally breathe and relax.
The shops, homes, and all signs of civilian life have since disappeared, replaced with a dusty trail, trees, and mountains dusted with snow in the distance. Blackwater is but a blip in your memory, nothing but nature there now as you travel alongside the gunslinging duo. You feel Reneigh’s body move underneath you as she slowly walks up the road, the sun’s rays turning her black hair golden. 
You sense a presence beside you and turn, finding Geto riding his horse with one hand. You try not to think about how good he and Gojo look on top of their horses. “Sorry about earlier,” he says, actually sounding guilty about it. “I would’ve preferred us to be gone earlier than we did to avoid that, but I ran into some…complications.” He coughs into his gloved hand. 
‘Yeah, I know,’ you bitterly think, but then feel a pang of guilt due to the fact that you willingly flicked your bean and came to the sound of these “complications”.
You still feel weird and guilty like you invaded on something you shouldn’t have. But then again, they’d have to have known you’d hear them since the walls were so thin…did they want you to hear them? 
“Long as we’re alive and not behind bars, I’m good,” you sigh, looking away from Geto. “Thanks though. So where to first?”  You hear the sound of him unraveling something and look back to see him taking a map out of his pocket. 
“Bull’s Creek, which is only five miles from here,” he answers, reading the map. “We’ve got a gang of wanted outlaws to catch that are residin’ there who robbed a town in another county. A woman there wrote to ask us for help because apparently, these four are terrorizin’ their town too.” 
Gojo hums in acknowledgment from in front of you, a weed in his mouth. “Not only that, but these four are old accomplices of Benji’s that we worked with: Zankoku, Makima Murakami, Angelface, and Arata Katana. We plan on shakin’ ‘em down and askin’ either one of them where Benji is without resorting to too much violence.” 
Geto rolls his brown eyes from beneath his hat. “Too much violence,” he parrots. Gojo looks back at him with a smirk. “Excludin’ killin’!” he cackles, wagging a finger at him. “If we wanna stay outta prison.” 
“Sounds good to me,” you reply, and it does. Anything to get your hands on your target. A peaceful silence falls over you three as you totter up the road, the breeze cool and sweet. Suddenly, Gojo speaks: “Y/N, where are you from? You’ve got a distinct accent on ya that I’m just now noticin’.” 
You wonder why the fuck he cares, but curiosity couldn’t have killed the cat that badly. “The South,” you vaguely reply. “Born an’ raised.” The white-haired gunslinger looks back at you in awe. “Really?!” he excitedly asks. “I’ve got friends from the South! What town ya from?!” 
“Why?” you ask, more harshly than you intended. The silence becomes awkward almost immediately. “C’mon, Gojo, don’t make her feel weird,” Geto calmly criticizes his partner and gives you an apologetic smile to ease the tension. “I think he’s just tryin’ to make conversation. It makes these long travels easier.” 
You don’t know why, but you feel guilty about being so harsh. You don’t like being asked about your past. It’s just too painful. But if they can tell you about your past, you can at least answer Gojo about where you’re from. “Pinewood,” you answer. “It’s a small town in the Southwest county.” Gojo hums thoughtfully, not missing a beat. “Hm…haven’t been there before.” 
‘And you never will,’ you think. 
“So how did y’all meet?” you curiously ask, quickly changing the subject. “I mean, since we makin’ conversation or whatever.” 
The duo share a smile you can’t decipher as they look at each other. “We were childhood friends,” Geto explains. “We both lived in a small town with about a couple hundred people. One day, we were playin’ by the lake after a bad rainstorm and I slipped on the mud by the bankside. I nearly drowned that day, but Gojo saved my life. That day was it was for us: we fell in love instantly.” 
Even as cold as you are, you feel yourself thaw at such a cute story. It’s like a fairytale romance for them.
“But we didn’t start dating until we were older,” he continues. “As kids, we both had tragedies we helped each other deal with. Gojo’s mother died in childbirth and his father was pretty much absent. And I came from a family of alcoholics who never accepted me. So we became each other’s family.” 
Gojo looks back at you, the weed still in his mouth. “Didn’t think two of the most notorious gunslingers in the West had tragic backstories, huh?” he sarcastically asks. “It’s a damn cliche.” 
You don’t say anything, letting their stories and honesty wash over you. 
“So what about you?” Geto asks. “What’s your story? You got anyone waitin’ for you back at home?” 
“Like a lover?” Gojo adds. “He or she is a lucky bastard…or bitch.” Geto shoots him a sharp look.
“Shut up,” you mutter. “And no. I ain’t never been with nobody before…well, nothing that was real anyways.” All the “lovers” you’ve had were either hook-ups or false relationships on your part, like yours with Valentine. 
“So you’ve never been in love?” Geto asks, and he sounds almost saddened by this prospect. That irks you and you don’t know why it does. How is it that two of the most notorious and dangerous gunslingers managed to find love in such a harsh world and you haven’t? Maybe you’re just meant to be alone. 
So you give them both the realest answer you can as you stare ahead at the rocky road: “Love ain’t never done nothin’ but get me in trouble and cause me pain.” 
And just like that, the conversation ends.
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undercovergamer · 4 months
✨ Sunshine and Giggles ✨
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⚠️This fic focuses mainly on tickling. Please do not read it if that upsets you.⚠️
cw: brief moment of arms being held at some point!
Based on a dream I had once where I tickled Gorou :)
For this fic, I rewrote my dream notes and replaced myself with Itto. I also turned it into a more silly and romantic setting. Enjoy~
Word Count: 1994
Today was a special day. Gorou and Itto finally had enough time to spend a whole day together, which they wanted to do for quite a while now. After plenty of planning, they decided to run a few errands together in the name of adventure, before playing games and relaxing near a large tree. I mean, you’re never too old to play tag, right? After running around in the grass for quite a while, they were both pretty tired so they decided to just lie down and look at the clouds.
“Ahh… doesn’t it feel nice to just relax and bask in the sun?” Gorou said, letting out a content sigh as he laid in the grass like a starfish.
“Hmm… you’re right, it feels great! The sun is so warm~ and nice~…” Itto replied, stretching out to relax his muscles.
“Yeah, it’s very relaxing! But… let’s be careful not to get sunburnt.” Gorou said, glancing over at his buddy.
“Eh, we don’t have to worry about that, right? It’s not that hot.” Itto replied, chilling with his hands behind his head.
“Let’s just be careful not to fall asleep. We should probably get some shade soon…” Gorou looked up at the big tree, which wasn’t too far away.
“No problem, it’s too bright out to sleep anyway, haha! At least for me.” Itto chuckled to himself, smiling as usual.
They spent the next few minutes viewing the scenery, feeling the soft breeze blowing through the grass. It felt so nice and relaxing to spend time together like this… but eventually, Itto started to feel a little bored. He looked over at Gorou who was laying next to him, about a meter or two away. Just curious, y’know. But then, the oni suddenly felt a wave of mischief come over him…
“Hey, I’m getting kinda bored… you wanna play some more?” he asked, sitting up with a “subtle” smirk on his face.
“Again..? I’m a bit tired right now…” Gorou replied. He didn’t really feel like running around at the moment. At least not yet.
“Oh, don’t worry! You don’t have to get up for this one… heheheh…” He felt playful seemingly out of nowhere, getting a silly idea to bully the general just a little bit.
“Hm? What do you mean…?” Gorou asked, looking up at him with curiosity.
Itto scooted closer with a mischievous look, giving him a slight poke to his tum, resulting in a surprised jolt as Gorou covered the spot.
“H-Hey!” Gorou’s ears twitched and he became nervous seeing the look on his friend’s face. Itto chuckled and poked him again, resulting in a squeak. “Eek! D-Don’t!”
“Heheheh! Ooh, what’s that? Is someone ticklish?” Itto asked, grinning with mischief. Oh dear…
“Uh… I-… um…” Gorou’s eyes widened, realizing his fate might be sealed. However, before he could make his grand escape, Itto playfully wrestled him down.
“Hehehehe! Imma getcha!” Itto teased, grinning at his newest catch and wiggling his fingers above him.
“W-Wait! Wahait! L-Let’s not get too hasty here! Heh! Uhm-!” Gorou said, nervously looking around and already losing his so-called composure, giggling in advance and wagging his tail.
“Are you ticklish here~?” Itto teased as he started tickling the general’s exposed sides. Wrong day to wear such an outfit, huh?
“EEP! Ahahe! Nohoho!” He immediately burst into a flustered giggling fit, trying to protect his sides while pushing Itto away, which didn’t work.
“Aw! You little liar, you ARE ticklish! That’s so cute~” Itto teased playfully as he gently squeezed his sides and waist, making him arch his back and yelp, laughing louder. His smile was adorable and Itto loved seeing him so silly. He kept his tickles soft and playful so that his little buddy wouldn’t freak out too much.
“Ack-!! Ahahahahahaha!! Stahahap ihihihit!!” Gorou laughed, squirming and bucking his hips, trying to roll away. Gods, what had he gotten himself into?
“Hehe! You’ve gotta let loose every once in a while, y’know! You can’t be serious all the time, right? Even war generals have to laugh~” Itto teased affectionately, switching spots as Gorou rolled to his side, scribbling his nails all over the general’s tummy.
“AAEEEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” His laughter rose an octave and immediately became more hysterical. “NAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!!” He squealed, throwing his head back and frantically kicking his legs, successfully covering his sensitive tummy with his arms. He was more determined to crawl away this time, but Itto pinned him onto his back.
“Aww, who’s a good boy? Hehe! Tickle tickle tickle!” Itto teased, scribbling around randomly at any exposed area he could get as the ticklish general scrambled to protect himself, laughing his adorable little head off. It was obvious Gorou was having tons of fun, because his tail was wagging like crazy. Upon being called a good boy, his face flushed red from embarrassment.
“Ehehahaha! Wahahahait!! Dohohon’t!! Ahahahaha!” Gorou squirmed as Itto tried to move his arms away from his tummy, which earned him a lot of giggly protesting.
“Are you too ticklish? Hm??” Itto said, gently tugging at his arms to drive up the playful tension.
“WahahahAHAIT!! PLEHEHEHEASE!!” Too late~ Itto lifted the little man’s arms up with ease, holding them above his head with one hand and using the other one to tickle all over his ribs and tum, even adding silly sound effects for extra crit damage.
Gorou was promptly sent into another fit of loud, high pitched laughter, once again frantically kicking his legs and wagging his tail at the speed of sound. “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” His heels dug into the ground in desparate attempts to escape.
“Tickle tickle~ hehe! You’re so cute!” Itto said, teasingly scribbling around his bellybutton.
“AAEEHEHEHEHehehe!! Plehehehehease!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! Stahahahap ihihihit!!” He pleaded through his adorable laughter.
“Aw~ is someone getting tired? Heheh… what a shame~” Itto teased, stopping his attack and letting go of the lil’ guy, leaving him a giggly, panting mess.
“Ahaha… ehe… hehehe…!” Gorou rolled onto his side and curled up, still wagging his tail as he caught his breath.
“Hahaha! Wasn’t that fun? You’ve got such a cute laugh!” Itto said, petting his head softly.
“Uh- I- eh… d-don’t say that…” Gorou whined, covering his blushing face.
“Why not? It’s true! Didn’t you have fun~?” Itto asked, still petting his head.
After a bit of hesitation, he sighed and admitted, “Y-Yes… I- uh… Th-that was a-actually kinda fun, heh…”
“I knew it! Your tail was wagging the whole time, y’know…” Itto said, chuckling to himself.
Gorou sat up and hugged his tail to keep it still, feeling embarrassed. “N-No it wasn’t!”
“Aww, hey. It’s okay. You don’t have to be embarrassed! Everyone is ticklish, right? It’s normal.” Itto pulled him into a big ol’ hug from the side.
“Huh… I guess you’re right, but…” he looked at the ground, still blushing from embarrassment, but be leaned against Itto anyway, feeling cozy near him and letting his tail wag freely.
“Are you alright? Did I go too far, lil’ guy…?” Itto asked, feeling a little guilty seeing him so nervous like this. Maybe he shouldn’t have done that…
“Ah, uh, I- I’m alright! It’s just… I don’t get… t-tic-… er… p-played with like that very often. I… feel embarrassed about it, that’s all…” Gorou admitted with a slight sigh, his ears dropping down.
“Are you sure? I feel a little mean now that I’ve teased you so much.” Itto just hoped he didn’t remind him of that weird lady with the fox ears… whatever her name was. He could tell Gorou felt nervous.
“Eheh… i-it’s fine, really! Don’t worry, I’m just.. not used to that much playfulness, I guess…” He stuttered, blushing again.
“Hey, didn’t mean to embarrass ya too badly, y’know. D’you wanna talk about it?” Itto asked reassuringly, hoping to ease his worries.
Gorou hesitated for a moment before replying. “It’s just… I’m a strong general of the Watatsumi Army, and yet I-… I’m just-… uh…” He felt embarrassed opening up like this.
“Adorable? Ticklish?” Itto grinned at him.
“Y-Yeah… that. Ugh…” He felt insecure about being so vulnerable, but struggled to express it properly due to that dreadful word…
“Aw, c’mon… it’s perfectly normal to be ticklish! Doesn’t mean you can’t be an awesome general, y’know.” Itto said, smiling at him.
Gorou sighed and said “I know, but… how would anyone take me seriously if they knew? They’ll just see me as an adorable puppy…” His ears dropped down, showing he felt upset.
Itto wasn’t gonna let him feel bad like this. “Nah, you’re so much more than an adorable puppy, haha! Seriously though, give yourself some credit! I mean, you’re a mighty warrior, right? With your speed, strength, and intuition, you’re basically unstoppable!”
“Huh??” Gorou wasn’t expecting such a speech, that’s for sure. Even his ears were surprised!
“I mean it, man! Just cus you’re a cutie doesn’t mean you’re not tough and cool at the same time, y’know. You’re really awesome!” He continued with confidence, giving Gorou a bigger hug than before.
“W-Wow, haha… you… you really think I’m cool?” Hearing that made his heart flutter.
“Dude, of course! I mean, you’ve got a bow on the front line, man! I could never!” Itto chuckled and patted his head. “… you’re still adorable though. Heheheheh!” he had to tease just a wee bit.
“Shut up…” Gorou avoided eye contact, hiding his face in his hands.
“Hahaha! Sorry, I had to… but like, honestly, you being cute actually gives you the upper hand!”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Well think about it. If an enemy thinks you’re just a cute doggy, they’ll underestimate your true power… and then, BAM! You STRIKE ‘em down!!” Itto made his point clear by playfully, but carefully, pushing Gorou to the ground again, which made him laugh with surprise.
“Hey! Hahahaha!” The pupper squirmed in a playful attempt to escape.
“And besides, it’s not like someone’s gonna tickle ya’ in combat… unless I’M someone!!” Itto said, tickling Gorou again to prove his point. “Mwahahahaha!” he teased.
“AEEEEHAHAHAHA!! Ittohohoho!! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” His poor tum got attacked again, making him squeal and squirm.
“Hahahaha! See? That’d be too silly, wouldn’t it?” Itto said, before stopping his attack and helping Gorou sit back up.
“Haha… ha… y-you didn’t have to do that…” Gorou said, catching his breath.
“Hey I’m just tryina help you out! Nobody would DARE to tickle their opponent in a life or death battle, you know.” Itto said, poking his side.
“Eep! Ok, ok! I get it!” Gorou said, giggling and pushing Itto away. “Stop tickling me!”
“Haha! Alright! You’re safe, I won’t tickle ya anymore… honest.” Itto laughed and hugged him with one arm, giving him headpats with his other hand. The two of them resumed their chill, with Gorou wagging his tail.
“Sooo, uh… is it ok if I call you cute and all that?” Itto asked, smiling at him.
Gorou was surprised, but nodded at the question. “Uh... Y-Yeah, I guess… j-just not in public! I’d get so embarrassed…”
Itto hugged him again. “OK! I shall respect your boundaries, cutie. Cus I got UNLIMITED affection for ya’! Hahaha!”
“H-Hey!” Gorou giggled a little bit, hiding his blushing face again.
“You wanna play tag again? Bet it’ll be lots of fun~!” Itto asked, grinning playfully and ruffling Gorou’s hair.
“Hahaha! Sure!” He replied, smiling at the silly oni.
“However! New rule! I’m it, but if I catch you, I tickle you! Hehe!” Itto said, wiggling his fingers towards him.
“Eep! N-No way! Ehehe! Y-You’ll have to catch me first!” He giggled, quickly getting up and dashing away.
“Rawr! I’m the tickle monster!” Itto exclaimed, getting up as well and chasing after him.
“EEK! Nooohoho! Stay back!!”
“Grrrr! Imma getcha~!”
It may be rather childish, but their bond grew exponentially that day, with lots of laughter and smiling from both of them as they played around. But oh, if only Gorou was brave enough to tickle him back…
Surely one day… right?
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mellowsadistic · 1 year
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Mindy wailed and thrashed as her Nanny spanked her forcefully, aiming for the top of her thighs, what little of her bottom that wasn’t protected by her thick, crinkly, heavily loaded naptime nappy.
“Bad girl, Mindy!” Nanny scolded, “Very bad girl! You do not yell at Nanny, and you especially do not complain about your treatment!”
“Ow! Ow! Ow! STOP IT!” Mindy cried.
“You need to learn your lesson, little girl, “ Nanny continued sternly. “Your loss of night-time bladder and bowel control is a good thing. Waking up with a soaked and stinky diaper sagging from your bottom shows that our regression training methods are working.”
“But I don’t want them to work!” Mindy shrieked. “I don’t wanna be some big baby freak!”
Nanny’s arm began swinging down with all her might, smacking against the skin of Mindy’s rapidly reddening bottom with so much force that the girl’s squealing doubled in volume. “BAD GIRL!” she shouted. “VERY BAD GIRL! You’re here to be punished, young lady! The court sentenced you to four years as a two-year-old, but since you were too proud to allow your boyfriend to treat you accordingly, he had no choice but to enrol you here! State-run discipline nurseries have a 100% success rate at putting regressed girls in their place, and you’re not going to be any exception, missy! A big baby is exactly what you’re going to be!”
“OW! OWIE! PLEASE!” Mindy begged, tears streaming down her face. Her bottom hurt so badly. She didn’t even know what she was begging for. For the spanking to stop? For her adulthood back? To be let out of the discipline nursery and get sent back to her loving boyfriend? How could she have pushed him to enrol her here? If she could turn back time, she would. Who cared if she had to live like a two-year-old, to have her boyfriend change her wet and messy nappies, to have him feed her and bathe her and burp her like a baby, if this was the alternative? Spending her time playing with baby toys and dancing along to toddler songs, and spending hours a day gazing into those screens, swirling colours and faint music that infiltrated your head and whispered to you.
Mindy could never remember the exact words, but the results were clear. After a few days she noticed her bladder and bowel control beginning to weaken, her hands becoming slightly uncoordinated, her walk turning into more of a toddle – and when she’d asked the nursery staff if it could be reversed, they’d only smirked at her.
And now she’d woken up from her nap to find her nappy absolutely drenched, and worse, packed with a yucky mess that she certainly didn’t remember making. The evil bitches at the discipline nursery had turned her into some kind of oversized two-year-old who filled her diapers in her sleep!
“Once we drop you off with your boyfriend at the end of your training, you’ll be a completely different girl!” Nanny said happily, not letting up with her furious swats. “Just like your little friends that are almost done with their conditioning!”
Mindy sobbed and screamed and kicked her legs over her Nanny’s lap. She couldn’t become one of them. She couldn’t! Not those dim-witted baby-women she shared the nursery school with, the diaper-dependent losers with their adult minds still more or less present, but so heavily conditioned with spankings and hypnosis and all the other foul training methods the nursery employed, that they may as well have had their personalities reverted back to toddlerhood – nothing but babbling, screeching, pants-wetting babies in the bodies of beautiful young women.
Mindy wanted to fight it. She couldn’t think of anything worse than ending up like one of them. But it was hard to think straight when her bottom was blazing like it was on fire. She couldn’t help herself. It was just too horrible! She wanted it to stop! She needed Nanny to stop!
“I’m sowwy, Nanny!” she wailed, hating how easily the baby talk came to her. Another gift of the hypnosis programs. “Baby was just cwanky ‘cause she did a poo-poo!” She cringed with shame as she said it, but she knew it was what Nanny wanted to hear. She wasn’t complaining because she was being turned into an oversized toddler who waddled around in full Pampers all day. She was just being cranky. “Pwease, Nanny!” she sobbed.
And then, mercifully, Nanny did.
“That’s a good girl,” she cooed, her voice soft and sweet, but with a definite note of condescending satisfaction. “What a good baby. Well done for taking your punishment, little Mindy. I’m sure you’re right. You were just being a little cranky because of your yucky, stinky nappy! But I’m afraid I’m not going to change you anytime soon, sweetheart. Babies need to get used to being in full diapers. You need to learn that you’ll be changed at an adult’s convenience, not when it’s convenient for you. Is that clear?”
“Yes Nanny,” Mindy whimpered.
“Good girl! Now let’s get you over to the playroom. We’ve got some lovely programs for you to watch this afternoon. Isn’t that nice?”
Mindy sobbed and sniffled, but didn’t resist as she was led off to sit in front of the television in the nursery’s main room alongside all the other infantilised women, to stare into the screen and allow herself to slip further and further into her new life.
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brighttears · 1 year
Drink Up and Look at the Stars
Joel x reader
No physical description, no use of y/n, gender neutral
Summary: Joel and you get some alone time while Ellie’s asleep, sharing a flask under the stars. Joel acts on some liquid confidence. 
Warnings: Drinking
Word count: 1k
A/n: I can’t stop writing. Also you may recognize the title from Between the Bars by Elliott Smith
Despite all his sleepless nights, Joel hadn’t realized just how much brighter the night sky is nowadays until tonight, and he’s thanking the moon and all the new stars for illuminating you like they do tonight. The liquid confidence he swigs makes him want to tell you but he’s still just cognizant enough to not want to take the risk. As he notices the whisky making his body feel lighter, now firmly in the zone of tipsiness, he hopes that you’ll be braver, or stupider, than him and let something like that slip. 
He felt lucky already that you couldn’t sleep and decided instead to join him at his post by the water. He didn’t even mind that the two of you might end up emptying his flask. He likes when he can get you alone and talking, and now he’s got you right where he wants you. Ellie’ll be sound asleep for at least a few more hours, and the whisky has helped you both let your guard down a little bit. 
The conversation has just arrived at recollections of your old lives.
“I always wanted to travel.” you continue on, “Look at me now, hiking cross country, sleeping by the water under the stars.” You try to keep your voice light but your smile is fading. “I guess I should have tried harder, to travel, I mean. I guess it's just that I thought I had more time. Doesn’t that seem so weird now? I used to plan for the future. I mean I was saving up money for when I retire.” you chuckle, “And now…”
“There’s still a chance,” Joel says. You look at him thinking he’s making a joke but his eyes are earnest, “to grow old. And I don't mean like me, I mean old, old. Like, die from natural causes old.” You snort. “I mean it.” 
Joel had always been the pessimist of your little group, but tonight it’s you who brushes off his offer of some positivity. “Would you really want to though? I mean I don’t want to die now, I just mean, I’m not super stoked at the idea of this dragging on for a few more decades.” 
Joel watches your face. He understands, but he doesn’t want to think about you dying, or him dying, so he’s going to ignore all that, just for tonight. Being alone with you like this is some kind of magic for him, protecting him from all the ugliness in his life. He can just be here, now, passing a flask back and forth, watching you under the stars. If only he could freeze time, stay here with you forever and make you feel safe like you make him. But he’s looking in your eyes and they’re distant and he recognizes the sorrow in them. The whisky is a pleasant burn going down his throat.
“Well, we don’t have to think about it, you know.” He reaches his hand towards you, offering the flask. “Drink up. ‘N look at the stars.” You take it from him and raise it to ‘cheers’ the sky.
There is a long, comfortable silence for a few more passes of the flask before Joel speaks up.
“If I could, I’d freeze this right here. ‘N put it in a snowglobe.” His cheeks are plump and pink at the ends of his smile and you giggle at him, putting your hand to your mouth to try to keep yourself from spitting out a mouthful of whisky. 
He turns his head to the stars. “Yeah. Just stay here. Stay here with you for the rest of time. Yeah, rest’a taaaam.” His southern drawl is more pronounced with a belly full of liquor and it makes you laugh.
“I think you’re drunk.”
“Tipsy, not drunk.”
“Well you sound drunk.”
“Well, you’re burstin’ my bubble. Come on, join me in the snowglobe.”
“The rest of time, huh?”
“Yeah. I got millions a questions I wanna ask you.”
“Like what?” you smile with him. 
Joel takes a swig as he considers his answer, then hands it back to you.
“Well, for starters, would you wanna stay in a snowglobe with me?”
“For the rest of time? Hmm…” You pretend to ponder, turning your face to the sky and taping your finger on your chin before returning to his eyes. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Joel smiles wider, adjusting his seat on the ground and looking up at the stars, feeling accomplished. You pass him the flask and yawn.
“Don’t you go fallin’ asleep on me. The night is young! We still got time in our snowglobe!” Joel giggles—an unfamiliar sound that you savor.
You laugh, “I’m not sleepy, just tired. There's a difference. I don’t wanna sleep, I wanna stay up with you.” You turn your head to him, swiveling your neck down to lean your cheek on your hand and stare for a minute or two. “You’re so pretty.” It slips out, but you don’t care. 
“I’m pretty?”
“You’re pretty.” He smiles wide at you and you giggle. “Pretty, pretty lil’ thing, you are.” Your heart skips a beat at his words and you watch his eyes dawdle on your face.
“I’m cold.” You lie. 
Joel nods his head towards himself, “C’mere, then.”
You get up and walk the couple feet to him and as you sit down he leans to lay on his side, elbow on the ground to support his head in his hand. He abandons the flask and lifts his other arm up while you settle in and then lays it over your middle. You scooch your body back into his and he wraps his arm around you. 
“Yeah. You’re warm.”
“Mm. Good. You still got a good view‘a the stars?”
“Oh, no, not really. I forgot they were up there.”
“You forgot they were up there?”
“Yeah,” you giggle, “You’re distracting.”
“Well here,” He grunts as he sits up and you feel a twinge of nervous disappointment in your chest as he moves away to lean against the rock wall, but it leaves when he reaches his arms out to you, making grabbing motions with his hands. “C’mere.”
You happily crawl back into his arms and he reaches one to rest behind your neck, his other hand going to gently hold your waist. From this angle, your head leaned back against his shoulder, you get a good view of the stars, but now when you look up, his face is close to yours. You watch his eyes reading your face again.
Joel is lost in you. Right here, right now, there is no sickness, no death, nor loss, there's only you. The only thing that reminds him that he’s a person again is when he sees you looking into him.
“Now you can’t see the stars.”
“Mmm, that's ok. I like lookin’ at you more.”
“You are drunk.”
“Am not. Yer drunk.”
“No I’m not.”
With that, Joel leans his lips down to meet yours. It’s an innocent, long kiss. Each time you pull away from each other you’re magnetized back again. It feels like forever and you don’t mind that at all.
“Perfect lil' snowglobe.” Joel whispers once you’re able to break your kiss.
“Rest of time.” You whisper back. 
He rubs the tip of his nose back and forth over yours. 
“Rest’a time.”
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ultralightpoe · 1 year
Can you please do “You might be sleeping” by Jakob ogawa w. Clairo for Aemond x reader?🥺😩
You Might Be Sleeping - Aemond Targaryen
Authors Note: Amazing! Hope ya like it
Warnings: none i think
Word Count: 745 (It's a really short song so I just made a sweet and short blurb)
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Baby, when you're near
It's warm inside
Sometimes when you stare
Our hearts entwine
There was something funny in the way that Aemond ran cold. 
He was surrounded by a thick summer heat and the burns of a dragons flame nearly every day of his life, but he could never get warm. His mother, always the worrier, always treated him as if he was ill. She would drag the Maestors to his room nearly every morning when he was young and tell them to help Aemond. 
But he grew up, and the family learned that it wasn’t an illness that made the boy cold. It was just him. 
His father liked to joke that Aemonds heart was frozen, and it was freezing the rest of him. Aemond often thought Viserys should have lost the eye rather than him, for the man talked so much but he didn’t actually do…….well anything. 
But then he met you, and for the first time in his life Aemond felt warm. An intense heat, the kind that had him kicking off the blankets just to breathe. 
He had taken you as his mistress, though you deserved much much more than that. And he makes you live at a small cabin far away from the family so he might fly to you whenever he needs because sometimes he freezes and needs you to warm him. 
Everytime he lands outside you greet him, arms wrapping around him tightly and pulling him in, you then cup both his hands in your own and drag them up to your mouth to pant hot breaths on them, staring up at him as you do so. 
He feels like he might melt everytime you do so.
And in the morning I'll be here
You might be sleeping without a care
And in the morning I'll be here
You might be dreaming
Play with your hair
It was rare that he would stay for more than a night, having been dragged back and forth all the time you always felt like a burden. He would simply remind you that you weren’t and kiss you on the head before he left. 
But lately he can’t find it in himself to leave. 
He was addicted to mornings with you, waking up to find you curled up under the fresh morning sun as he gets to watch you. You looked to care free in these moments, like nothing could bring you down, and that happiness and warmth spread throughout him in a protective manner. 
He would play with your hair softly, running it through his fingers as he hummed one of the old songs he learned from Rhaenyra when he was young. He hoped you could hear them in your dreams, he hoped you dreamt of him. 
When I think about you, boy
My sadness disappears
I could lay around forever
You wipe away my tears
He makes it to you first the night he kills his nephew. 
You had been asleep when he stormed into the cabin, gasping awake with a scream at the unknown intruder as Aemond just fell to his knees sobbing. The second you see that it’s him you step forward, trying to catch your breath as you take him into your arms and pull his wet body into the warmth of your hug. 
He explains what he had done as the sobs racked through his body, gripping onto you like you would disappear any moment. But you just sit with him, wiping his face of the tears and humming the same song he hums to you, gently rocking him back and forth as he cries. 
He wants to stay with you forever, never return to the war. 
And you want him to more than anything. 
And in the morning I'll be here
You might be sleeping without a care
(Without a care)
You finally dragged him to bed at some point, holding him in his sleep until sleep claimed you at last. When he awakes his first instinct is to look for you, gripping you like his life depended on it. 
There was that serene face again, even after hearing what monstrous thing he had done you still felt safe enough to sleep beside him. Carefree and safe. 
Aemond felt himself leaning in and laying on you as he closed his eyes once more. When you wake up he would be there, and that’s how it would be for the rest of his life.
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pinkbunny268 · 6 months
A short fluffy fic for everyone’s sweet boy! Ugh he’s so sweet it makes me wanna cry 😭
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A gentle breeze flies through the air as the sun begins to set. It runs through the leaves causing a soft rustle to ring out. I sat on a rock near the tip of a cliff mindlessly picking at the dirt with a stick. I waited.
And waited.
Waited for my beloved to come sit with me as he promised he would. No mission would cause him to break such a promise. He says he loves me far too much to ever do such a thing. However, I know better than to have false hope. But, to his credit, every time we have met up he keeps his promise. There’s always that chance though.
As the day light became scarce and all the animals in the forest slept, I sat on the rock. Alone. Wondering where my love might be. When would he arrive? The moonlight bathed the forest in its embrace, lighting up the woods. I watched as animals alike cuddled up to their partners as they prepared to sleep the night away. A pair of foxes snuggled against each other, their tails around their partners body as they placed their faces close to each other, their noses barely touching. My heart ached.
I continued to poke around in the dirt with the stick before letting out a sigh, my heart heavy in my chest. Dread washed over me as I felt my stomach drop. What if something happened? What if he was injured somewhere and here I am pouting because I think he’s late? What if-
“Hello, darling.” I hear him whisper, as if he’s afraid to disturb the peace in the forest. I turn around and smile at him.
“Hello, my love.” I reply as I get up to give him a hug. We stand there embracing each other, silent before I speak up. “You’re late this time. Why?”
I feel him chuckle as he rubs my back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. I had to visit Zenitsu at the butterfly mansion before I stopped here. His letters described he was deathly hurt, but upon arriving, I found he had stretched the truth by a lot.” I loosen my grip on the hug to lean back to look at him. Tanjiro. My Tanjiro. His red hair lit up by the moonlight, while also highlighting his eyes. His gorgeous eyes.
“I’m glad to hear he’s ok. He has told us that that was a mission he was nervous about. Then again, every mission makes Zenitsu nervous. For good reason, might I add.” I say as I look at him. He smiles.
“I’m glad to be here with you. I was looking forward to this.” He explains as his arms drop down to my side as he grabs my hands into his own. I give them a soft squeeze.
“Me too.” I lead him to the rock I had previously been sitting on and we both take a seat on it. Our gaze follow up to the night sky as the stars twinkle, almost as if they’re dancing to a song we can’t hear. I point to a cluster of stars and trace their pattern. “That’s called “Cassiopeia”. It has some of the brightest stars known. Do you see it?” Tanjiro follows my finger and closes his eyes furthest from me.
“Kinda? I think I do. Is it a shape?” I shake my head.
“It’s really just a line. A really wonky line. Actually, now that I’m looking at it, it looks like the letter “W”. Just really short and fat. And kinda stretched out.” Tanjiro chuckles at my description and nods.
“I think I see it this time. It’s beautiful.”
“Isn’t it? I love the stars. I love space. It’s so mysterious. We know practically nothing about it and it surrounds us in its endless arms of nothing. Waiting for us to discover what it has to offer.” I look up at the sky and smile. “And the stars. I wonder how they came to be.”
“I’m not sure. There’s too many of them for them to be there for no reason.” I turn to face Tanjiro and I place my hand on his arm.
“I heard it’s the souls of loved ones, looking down and watching over us.” I look back at the stars. “And when we die, we’ll be reunited with our loved ones once more and watch as our children and their children make it in this world. And when they twinkle it’s really them waving at us or giving us a sign that they see us. That they’re with us. I’m not sure how to tell who is who but honestly knowing they’re up there at all is enough for me.”
Tanjiro gives me a small smile as his eyes gloss up. “That sounds like a wonderful thought. I hope that’s what it is.” I lean my head on his shoulder as I wrap my arm around his and caress his hand.
“Me too. I’d love to spend the rest of eternity up in the stars with you.” He looks down at me with loving eyes, the stars reflecting into them causing his eyes to seem as if he held the universe in them. He moves his arm and puts it around my shoulder.
“I’d like that too.”
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Hope you guys enjoyed <3 it’s been awhile since I wrote anything so there might be some mistakes!
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woobly · 2 years
MY FIRST AND LAST . . . 이주연 !
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PAIRING. secretary! juyeon x gn! reader GENRE. fluff, ceo ish au, implied childhood friends to lovers WARNINGS. none, kinda corny but when was i never WORD COUNT. 1k words
𓂋˚˖ A/N. for @svhnflwr’s next steps collab! the prompt i chose is being their plus one at an event. pls do check out the works by the other writers in the collab! i tried to make this follow the theme but my dumb ass matched it w/ a conflicting genre so i hope it still works 😭
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“I did not!”
“Yes, you did!”
You chuckled as you stretched your cheeks into your nth smile of the night.
“They’re not going to stop bickering, are they,” you whispered as you tilted your body sideways, closer to Juyeon, who was seated to your right on the banquet table.
“No, I don’t think so, Ma’am,” he chuckled.
You turned your head slowly towards him, who was still watching your father’s friends tease each other. This wasn't the first time he addressed you formally in a place where he didn't have to. “Ju,”
Ripping his eyes off the other guests, he returned your gaze and took your hand from under the table. “Sorry. Old habits,” he smiled shyly, causing you to smile as well. 
With your other arm, you straightened your back a little to place your elbow upright on the table and your chin on your open hand. “Old habits? Wouldn’t that refer to all those nicknames you called me back in high school?”
He pressed his lips into a thin line and squinted his eyes while looking upwards as if he was thinking. “Technically, we’re at work, so I can’t just do that,”
“But this is a Christmas party,”
“A formal Christmas party for your father’s company that he is also hosting. The first one, might I add,” he corrected you.
You give up, sighing and pouting as you lightly squeeze his hand. Feeling the lack of sleep begin to sink in your body, you yawn as you turn your head so that your left ear is on your palm.
“Did you not sleep well last night?” Juyeon asked, voice laced with concern, as he rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb.
“After you fell asleep first on FaceTime, I stayed up for maybe another hour, so yeah, I slept well. For about three hours,” When you hear him sigh, you lightly chuckle and give him a lazy smile.
“We can leave right now. Only the dancing is left anyway, and I’m sure your father won’t mind,”
“Everyone’s still here, and you already want to leave?” He squeezes your hand and looks at you with a face that says ‘you know what I mean’. You chuckle again, quickly gracing your eyes over his suit and tie that accentuates his shoulders well. “Not when I put effort into picking a tux and styling your hair, you’re not,”
“I think I’ve had this on long enough,”
“No, I wanna see you like this longer,” you pouted, making him chuckle and look away. Even if you two have been friends ever since who knows when, things like still make him flustered, especially because it’s you.
Yawning once again, you slightly turned your body towards Juyeon and placed your arm on the table so that you could put your head on it like a pillow. Watching you get more comfortable in your new position, Juyeon mirrors what you were doing and did the same.
As time ticked by, your eyes were finally beginning to droop even with the loud music blaring. However, before your fatigue could get the best of you, Juyeon started playing with your fingers. Eyes opening lazily, you chuckle once you see how focused he was on your numbing fingers.
“You know what, let’s dance,” you announced, slowly getting up from your seat.
“I thought you were tired,”
“Yeah, but when did we ever actually dance at a party like this? We didn’t even dance during prom ‘cause we were a bunch of awkward teenagers,”
Finally getting convinced, Juyeon stands up and drags you toward the dance floor, where majority of the attendees have gone. 
“May I have this dance?” He placed his hand out in front of you, and you take it while miserably failing to hid your growing smile. He spins you around before placing his hands on your waist, to which you place yours over his shoulders.
From an outside perspective, you looked like you were in your own little bubble as if you were the only people present in the large hall. And in some ways, things did feel like that with Juyeon. Even if you were now both working adults, looking at him brings you back to when you used to walk each other to class, both in high school and college. Looking at him makes you feel like a child again, when the two of you would spend afternoons in the playground, free of all care and worry.
But at the same time, seeing him as he is now, especially in this moment with only the fairy lights shining on his features, will always be a new experience for you.  He’s no longer just the guy who followed you around school like a cat or your secretary in your father’s company. He’s standing before you as the man who you’ve entrusted your entire heart to, which you perhaps didn’t even realize you did until only recently.
And of course, he feels the same about you. Even if he’s seen you in your most embarrassing times, he still thinks that you are the definition of beauty in human form, that when you open the dictionary and look for the word ‘beauty’, there would be a photo of you under it. Although he spent months on end debating whether he should keep his feelings to himself and simply watch you from a step away or just come out with it and hopefully be the person who holds your hand while you both grew older together, he’s extremely glad he took the leap and did it.
Because in this moment, despite the loud music and energetic crowd, you feel safe and at peace.
Or maybe it was just your exhaustion taking over your body once again as you leaned on him while swaying together slowly, not caring about the eyes looking your way.
Whatever the case, you knew that despite all this time, you’re more than happy to continue your intertwined paths full of new firsts together with Juyeon, your first and hopefully, your last as well.
© woobly, 2022. all rights reserved.
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averagetmntfan · 5 months
it’s crazy that 2023 is almost to an end! Another year that just flew by!
I’ll be honest, I was desperate to post my art somewhere. It’s been kinda a rough couple of years for me. And recently.
I was extremely sad last year. Around this time, actually. Let me paint a picture.
Last year, I switched schools. Which I guess doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it was to me. My whole life was at my other school. My friends. They were the best. As u can probably imagine, I starting at a brand new school is hard. Especially when everyone already knows eachother. This might come as a shocker, but I’m kinda Anti-social when it comes to ppl around my age. (Especially cuz ppl my age are such bitches Lmao) for the longest time, I coped using discord And tik tok. I Even made my own little group. But ofc, that had to come to an end too. after that, I was sad again. For the longest time I had all these ideas, but no one to really share them with.
(cuz none of my irl friends like nor watched tmnt) and recently I ended a friendship w/ someone. We were both in the wrong, I’ll admit. I did say somethings behind her back. Nothing too bad. But it did call her a hypocrite. Because she would always complain about our other friends leaving to hang out w/ other ppl. When she does the exact same thing. And I was alone. Alone at lunch. Just sitting there. She would treat me so..rudely. Just plain rude. I asked her a question (Idk what is was exactly) and she responded with such a rude response. And that was on fucking Halloween. (Which I was sick on) so that’s when the entire friendship fell to shit.
Since then I’ve been hanging out by myself in the library (well, the times it’s open anyway) so u can probably imagine how I feel. Then one day, it all changed. I discover this wonder escape. Tumblr. I signed up and made this acc. And I met such amazing ppl on it.
@allyheart707: has given me good advice on my little comic series, genially super nice, fun to chat w/. I think I’ve been mutuals w/ her for the longest.
@ghosty-0w0: very silly, I have so much fun doing art collabs w/ you!! Again, very nice and thoughtful. Mutuals for a bit but it feels longer!!
@mikey-rottmnt: the ultimate silly, whiteboard was to much fun (I’m gonna try and make another board for us lol), I have no idea how we became mutuals lmao. Very fun to chat w, always open to listen, caring and sweet. I enjoy having conversations w/ u!
@c00kietin: I had a lot of fun drawing u!!!, Irish gang 🍀☘️, that one time I didn’t get sleep was chaotic, very chill, a local amphibia fan!! I wanna talk more w/ u, cuz ur js so cool!!
I Hope y’all have an amazing new year! May the year bring u luck, kindness, adventures (hopefully) not artblock, and alot of ideas!! (Not that anyone of u need them, cuz ur so creative!!)
and dw..Hehe..I will make u all suffer w/ ANGST ANGST AND…fluff. JK MORE ANGST >:))
(no but real talk I will not js do all Angst I swear—)
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heavenlycloud · 10 months
the veil~ ღཾཿ༉ ༘჻ღཾཿ჻
four: you think i’m cute ‧₊˚ ⋅ ༘☆*.゚
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warnings: swearing, crying
pairing: huh yunjin x aespa 5th member! fem reader
summary: to be in the same place at the same time looking for the same thing is one hell of a coincidence. you both hope to find one another and the mutual ties of friendship may guide your way. so close to finding one another, just hope you don’t fall short and miss the opportunity.
author notes: its been SO long since my last update because i was traveling, in classes, now working, AND my laptop FUCKING BROKE ON ME???? so i managed to throw this chapter together using my phone and a glitchy ass version of google docs. there’s probably spelling errors i didn’t catch so sorry in advance!
this chapter might seem messy and not cohesive with the way it starts and ends but it’s because this chapter did get extremely long so due to that + mobile only letting me post 10 photos at a time—i have to split the chapter into two which will be posted soon as the next update. tag list is still open for those of you all who want to be added in, just comment or drop an ask in my inbox! lastly, feedback, comments, reblogs, questions, literally anything but hateful speech is welcome and very much appreciated!
̟ ̇ ˖ಎ˚˖࿔ masterlist 𓂅୨⊹ ₊˚๑
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you jolted awake when you heard the front door to your dorm slam shut followed by muffled sobs and hurried steps to the bathroom. sleep clouded your thoughts and you tried to figure out what was going on elsewhere in the dorm when you went to move your laptop off your bed. you glanced over and noticed you were alone on the video call, and your match was gone. at first you were disappointed and part of you had clung onto the delusion that she’d stay on the call until you woke up. however, that feeling of disappointment was replaced with full blown panic when you saw your camera was turned on when you were 99.99% sure you’d left it off. the only thing keeping you from completely losing your shit was despite the camera being on, your image was blurred by default of the app settings. but, that in no way guaranteed that your identity remained unknown. the screen blur worked when people were sitting a considerable distance from their camera, not a few inches away like you had when you fell asleep. even after you hung up, you racked your brain trying to think about what you could do until you heard a quiet knock at your door.
aeri slipped into your room with tearstained cheeks and swollen eyes as she stood in front of you like a lost puppy. her entire body trembled and her breathing became erratic while she looked down with unfocused eyes. you asked in a serious tone, “are you hurt?” aeri shook her head and you pulled back your blankets and made room for her beneath the covers. she slipped in beside you and you brushed back a piece of hair that fell into her face. the scent of her coconut-apricot shampoo and herbal body wash watered down the lingering odor of alcohol that clung onto her words. there was a small silence before aeri sniffled, “why do i feel like such shit? i thought i would be over all of this by now but i feel the fucking same.” you frowned and ran a hand over her hair before replying softly, “gigi, it’s only been four weeks. you were with him for two years, it’s gonna take time.” you debated on adding on more, but you knew she’d have to hear the truth eventually, “and i know you don’t want to hear it but….running off to other boys and getting white girl wasted isn’t helping much either you know?” she sighed into your shoulder and admitted, “yeah yeah i know but i don’t know what else to do.” you pulled away and looked aeri in the eyes, “you have all of us here, and you can reach back out to your therapist. remember that you have people around you that are here and want to help you when you need it okay?” she nodded slowly and rested her head back on your shoulder before humming, “i will, i promise this time. but right now, i just wanna sleep okay?” you smiled weakly and pressed a kiss to your member’s head, “of course.”
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚✭・彡♡・✫.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
in the morning you found minjeong sitting alone in the kitchen poking at a bowl of fruit she’d cut up earlier that morning. she looked up and made eye contact with you before looking back down silently. you knew the reason for her being upset so you didn’t bother asking because it’d really only rub salt into the wound. instead, you tried to lighten the mood with another question, “are you excited for the Gucci Cruise Show tonight?” minjeong cracked a smile and responded, “elizabeth olsen is coming and IU sunbaenim! i’m gonna try to get pictures with them if i can.” you gave her a look and she scoffed, “i’m serious this time, i’m not gonna just stare at them from afar. ningning and aeri unnie are rubbing off their extrovert energy on me, i can feel it already.” you shook your head and laughed, “so i’m not going to get a call from you 10 minutes into the after party begging for me to bullshit up an excuse to our manager so you can leave?” minjeong’s face dropped and she glared at you, “shut up.” you threw your head back with laughter and she changed the subject, “how was your date last night? has she talked to you since then?” she saw how you suddenly stiffened at the mention of your match and awaited your reply nervously, “i think she knows who i am.”
aeri walked into the kitchen and sleepily rubbed her eyes, “who knows who you are?” she moved to sit on your lap but shot up when minjeong answered, “her match.” aeri already had her phone out with ningning on FaceTime so you could explain to them both: “i was watching the movies with her last night and it got super late and i guess i dozed off at some point. when i fell asleep my camera was off but when i woke up it was on. the screen blur was on but i was super close to the camera so like i don’t know if she could tell it was me…and i’m starting to think she knows because she hasn’t texted me at all this morning and usually she’s up now.”
ningning tried to offer a consolation, “well your hair isn’t a vibrant color right now and your lights were off so if she saw anything it probably wasn’t much.” aeri chimed in, “yeah and she might have had an early practice this morning and hasn’t had a chance to text you.” minjeong nodded in agreement and told you, “they’re right. it’s probably nothing to worry about.” you sank back into your chair again and picked at your cuticles as you let your mind wander to a world of negative ‘what ifs’. ningning snapped her fingers in front of your face and placed her hand over yours, “hey! stop that. everything is going to be fine so stop letting yourself worry about this girl. instead think about how you might see her tonight at the party.”
minjeong perked up and asked, “what party?” jimin emerged from the hallway while she answered, “it’s choi jisu’s birthday party. every year she has this massive celebration for her birthday.” aeri clapped her hands in excitement and continued, “there’s always a cool theme to go with it. last year it was Starry Night and she hosted it in a literal planetarium! this year’s theme is Masquerade Ball. it’s admission by invitation only and this year we’ve been invited AND management is actually letting us go!” the younger singer furrowed her brows and asked, “for an event so exclusive why is she inviting us when we’ve only met her in passing?” ningning chimed in, “when y/n and i were trainees jisu was also training here with us.” you pointed to her then added, “yeah jisu and i were close back then. it was only a few months because she left SM and we lost touch after that…but like i said we were close.” minjeong stared at you suspiciously and asked, “how close?” aeri snorted and slapped ningning’s arm as the two doubled over laughing. you whined, “not like THAT WINNIE OH MY GOD?!” the latter shrugged and plainly said, “hey i never know…people get around.” her gaze fell to jimin for a millisecond then to the floor as if she never said anything. ningning coughed awkwardly then blurted out, “okay well i uh…i have a thing.” the rest of you all scattered as well to go about your mornings before you had to start getting ready for the big night.
all you wanted to do this morning and afternoon was focus on the upcoming party, but you had to practice. you dragged your feet against the floor of the company building hallways until you reached your destination. music was already playing in the practice room when you opened the door and a blonde woman called out to you, “you’re late.” you turned to check the time on the wall clock just to see it’d been unplugged. instead you made a move to check your phone but the woman swiped it out of your hand before you got the chance to look at it. she playfully mocked the sassy retort you always gave her, “by two minutes.” when you scoffed in feign offense she reminded you, “which still means you’re late. get warmed up, i have to make a few calls.” the older woman walked out of the studio and you did as you were told, starting with some stretches to warm up your muscles.
four hours passed and it was just around lunchtime when you finished the main part of practice. you spun in a circle before falling to the floor in a dramatic dip earning a laugh from your mentor. she stared at you from above and shook her head in amusement before holding her hand out to help you up. when you held out a finger for her to give you a moment, she instead joined you on the floor. your chest slowly stopped heaving but the burning ache in your abdominal muscles remained. you rolled onto your stomach and let your face rest on your forearms with your eyes closed. the older woman patted your behind and praised you warmly, “you did really well today. i can see you’ve been working hard.” for a few moments you both sat in silence as she let you catch your breath before moving to stand up. you followed behind her and hesitated before asking, “wait- hyoyeon unnie….can i ask you something?” your mentor turned around and answered, “what’s wrong, babydoll?” the old nickname she gave you years ago slipped off her lips effortlessly bringing you a sense of security that washed away your nerves.
you tugged at the fabric of your pants and a smile grew on hyoyeon’s face, she loved when you got shy and embarrassed over things because it meant she could tease you about it later. slowly you asked, “can you teach me how to dance? you know how they do in the princess movies? like ballroom dance?” the older woman put her bag back down and clarified, “a waltz?” when you nodded eagerly and excitedly followed her back to the center of the room she laughed. she showed you the moves and explained them simply as you started to get the hang of it within a few short minutes. when she added music to it she started asking more questions, “why do you suddenly need to know this?” you followed her lead and answered as you both moved, “there’s a party tonight and the theme is Masquerade Ball…i just wanna know in case.” hyoyeon could see the way you were trying to hide your smile as you clearly pictured she was someone else. your mentor then prompted, “so it’s not in case you happen to dance with a certain someone?” you shook your head in refusal but she could see right through your lies, yet she didn’t question you. you told her about your outfit for the evening and how your members, minus minjeong, we’re going together as well.
when you both finished dancing to the song, she picked up your phone and handed it back to you. hyoyeon pulled you into a hug, “good work today, babydoll. have fun this evening and take pictures, okay.” you nodded and headed down opposite directions of the hallways as she tacked on, “good luck with your dance, im sure you’ll charm your princess.” you whipped around just to see her smiling at you as she shot a wink over her shoulder. she pointed to her phone then walked around the corner leaving you stunned to a silence. you realized what she meant and checked your lock screen which had numerous notifications that read: Lyra 🪐
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚✭・彡♡・✫.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
“god- soobin wait! shit fuck- i can’t breathe take it out! somi save me!” yunjin rasped out as her best friend squeezed the last breath out of her lungs while tying up the back of her gown. he let the ribbons go and threw his hands in the air, “somi you’re up. my hands are cramping from the last four times i did it..” somi huffed, “you’re being dramatic. jen come here.” she walked over to her and took a deep breath before yanking the ribbons to the back of the ball gown and tying it tightly. she patted yunjin on the shoulder, “see not so bad right?” yunjin coughed dramatically and winced, “i think you broke one of my ribs…” somi beamed “then i did it right. come on the car is downstairs.” kazuha, chaeyoung, and chloe were already waiting in another room for the other three and the six made their way down to the garage.
chloe gathered more handfuls of her dress’ lilac tulle topped with lavender and silver flowers as she walked and tried not to stumble over her own feet. she asked while looking around for somi’s car, “somi, remind me again how you expect to fit all of us in your car?” the blonde simply pointed to two black Cadillac Escalade trucks, “i got drivers.” the five friends looked at each other with shared glances before remembering this was their best friend they were talking about. chaeyoung helped kazuha into the truck first, picking up her forest green dress so not to ruin it. chloe followed behind her then chaeyoung filled in last, adjusting her navy blue blazer that was lined with silver hearts around the cuffs and trim. from the front seat, keeho turned around, “we waited down here for like an hour.” the girls rolled their eyes and ignored him, insisting that the music be turned up louder instead. meanwhile, soobin was busy helping somi and yunjin into the truck. yunjin went in first and somi followed in suit. her bubblegum pink gown took up a seat and a half, some of the tulle spilling onto beomhan’s lap when he sat behind her. soobin sat in the passengers seat before letting the driver know that everyone was here and they were ready to go.
“who did you invite tonight?” yunjin asked as she watched cars go by in the other street lanes. somi, who was in charge of jisu’s guest list, replied easily, “everyone in jisu’s address book…more or less.” yunjin asked in a more serious tone, “hold on, you didn’t invite jimin did you?” somi looked confused as she slowly answered, “yeah, why?” everyone in the car collectively started speaking over one another causing somi to raise her voice, “STOP YELLING AT ME AND TELL ME WHATS GOING ON!” beomhan lowered his voice as he told her, “she has a thing with ryujin while ryujin also has a thing with jisu. and before you ask yes jisu also has a thing with yeji. i don’t even know what it is honestly. the whole dynamic is a little weird she said. but apparently yeji and jisu are cool and they have their own little…thing. jisu also has a thing with ryujin too though and yeji knows obviously they like live together. but jisu says that she doesn’t really care who else ryujin wants to be with because they aren’t an exclusive thing, right. but then when someone tries to talk to jisu, ryujin gets all territorial, even when it’s yeji sometimes. she said ryujin will act like she’s only hers and her feelings get all hurt when jisu reminds her that they aren’t really a thing. and then in the same breath ryujin turns around with karina and acts like she didn’t even want jisu to begin with. i dunno it’s all just messy.”
yunjin frowned and asked curiously, “i thought karina had a thing with chaewon?” somi added on with a confused look too, “i thought she was messing around with winter?” beomhan pursed his lips as he explained further, “technically you’re both right. karina just has girls she messes with but nothing exclusive. ever since she and ryujin broke up a few months back she’s just been friends with benefits with a couple different people…including ryujin. i’m pretty sure all of them know they’re not the only ones she’s seeing.” soobin offered from the front seat, “well ryujin won’t be there tonight. she has that Gucci event. so even if karina does show up, ryujin wont be around to entertain her.” yunjin added with a shrug, “neither will chaewon.” the rest of the car ride everyone noticed yunjin in her own little world, completely ignoring when taylor swift came on the shuffle.
somi waved her hand in front of yunjin’s face, “jen? hellooooo???” the american singer then snapped out of her trance, “what? my bad what happened?” soobin pointed to the radio and said, “you didn’t sing to the past three taylor songs. are you okay? what are you thinking about?” she tried to play it off but even with the mask over her face it couldn’t hide the smile that pulled at her lips. beomhan glanced at her phone and noticed her Veil app open then he giggled, “she’s talking to her match.” the rest of her friends cooed and teased her before getting her to admit, “jasmine said she’ll be at the party.” somi gasped then questioned, “do you know what she’s wearing?” yunjin shook her head, “nope. she barely even told me she was coming.” soobin asked just as the car pulled into the lot, “do you know if she’s here yet?” yunjin once again refused, “nope.” all of them adjusted their masks over their eyes and secured the ribbons on the backs of their heads before heading into the building to find the massive ballroom. while the ballroom was on everyone else’s mind, all that was on yunjin’s was finding you.
⚠️‼️extra tweets and messages (important) ‼️⚠️
♡‧₊˚˘͈ᵕ˘͈‎ 彡♡ ༘*.゚ .·:¨༺ ʚ♡ɞ༻¨*:·.﹢࿐ ☆
authors notes: since i’m posting on mobile (my laptop is still being repaired) i can’t post all the messages and tweets id usually do for a chapter. that being said i can’t post the FULL chapter until i get my laptop back. HOWEVER i think it’ll be ready for pickup tomorrow. but cuz i’m working and i have a hectic week ahead i don’t wanna deprive you all of what i do have ready. and idk if i’ll be able to post again tomorrow even tho i’ll have my laptop back ☹️ so just know something big is coming and it is ready to be posted, i just need to get back on desktop! thank you all for being so patient and understanding i know i’ve been breaking promises with my updating schedule since may 😭 but thank you for sticking with me!
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boogiewrites · 1 year
Seeing Stars Pt. 22
Part 1 if you missed it!
The honeymoon phase after a dark period between Star and Eddie. They enjoy the feeling of being together and every corny, cheesy rom-com cliche they can experience, they do. Eddie takes her out on real dates, having fun before the big third date where he plans on diving into the emotions that led them to this high point.
CW: Dates, very fluffy. New bf/gf feelings. Some Steve and Eddie.
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It had been dark for hours by the time Eddie’s van pulled into Star's driveway. She’d recently woken up, as Eddie had to find the heart to disturb the sleeping cherub next to him once they reached town. She looked around with half-open eyes still slow from sleep. The quiet white noise of the night crept through the glass and metal of the van as they sit in the sounds of popping and hissing as it cooled from the long drive it’d just politely endured.
“You want me to go in? Or I can go?” He was still giving her options to tell him to leave her the hell alone. He felt deserved it.
“No.” She shook her head clumsily looking toward her door. “I want you here.” She confessed turning to meet his awake and relieved face.
“Good.” His voice was quiet, the van falling silent except for the squeak of his seat as he leaned forward and filled the silence as he leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “I wanna be here.” He wanted to let her know where he stood at the moment. He was craving reassurance so he gave it to her.
He followed her in, watching her look around the space like she hadn’t seen it in a while. She was still wrestling with figuring out how she felt after the emotionally taxing day. After a slow complete turnaround, she stood facing Eddie’s poor postured, uncertain form. He’d switched on a light for her, she hadn’t even done that when she walked in. She didn’t look at him at first, her brow low but not angry, contemplative, and tired caused it.
“Do you need anything? Want me to make tea? Oh, you need to eat. Do I need to order pizza?” his eyes darted, his hands out as if he were waiting to catch something if it fell. Star smiled, her eyes now focused on him. He was more of a mess now than she was. She found it mildly entertaining since it’d felt so reversed lately.
“Leftovers should still be good.” she nodded to the fridge. She took off her sweater leaving a fitted tank behind after switching on her space heater. The cold felt amazing to wake her up and calm her down. “You heat those, I’ll go feed the cats,” she informed him as she tied back her hair.
She returned to Eddie sans shoes and outer layers. His hair was tucked behind his ears as he bent and stared into the oven. “I didn’t set anything on fire yet,” he said as if he was proud of the simple task.
“Of course, you didn’t.” she smiled softly and kicked off her boots, tall thick socks still protecting her legs underneath her long paisley skirt. He was comforted by the tenderness she extended toward him. First, he sat on the kitchen table, looking at the oven when she sat on her bed. He looked at her eventually after feeling her eyes on him. She put her hand on the bed bedside her. “I won’t bite.” He hopped up immediately and happily sank into the soft bed next to her.
“I didn’t want to crowd you,” he muttered, excusing himself with a shake of his head. “I don’t know what you need right now so I’m just…” he held out his hands, his shoulders shrugging.
“Neither do I.” a head shake he chuckled at herself. “I was focused on today for so long it felt like it’d never get here and now it’s over and I don’t know how to feel.”
“It did go well,” he said with an enthusiastic head lean. “It couldn’t have gone better, really.” he was supportive and soft with his brows high over darling cow eyes she’d missed getting to look into. “You were amazing. By the way.” He added quietly as if it might upset her.
“I was.” she nodded and smiled, her eyes still showing tired.
“I’m really proud of you.” he forced his hand out to place it over hers.
“Thanks.” she gave him a nod that told him it was okay that he touched her. “I am too.”
“Good. You should be.” a shy smile stayed as his eyes moved to the oven again. “You know… I was stoked when you said you had leftovers. I’ve missed your food so much.” a bigger smile appeared, curls bouncing as he turned back toward her with more of his trademark oomph.
“Really?” She asked with quirked brows, surprised. She knew he liked her food but she thought maybe it was more of a thankful for a homemade meal sorta deal.
“You kidding me? I love your cooking. It’s my favorite stuff now, you’ve got me hooked.”
“You’re not getting tired of it?” Her voice gave away her surprise. “I have like 3 things I make, that’s it.” She chuckled at herself.
“Never. Only Garfield liked lasagna more than you but I’m a close second. You could make it every day and I wouldn’t complain.”
“I should probably learn something else besides pasta and pizza. To keep it interesting, you know?” She paused with her mouth open before a slow blink. “That way…” she began with her eyes widening from her attempts at being more vulnerable. “…years from now you won't be tired of me making it for you.” She avoided his gaze for a moment before gathering up the bravery to have him see the cautious optimism in her eyes. At first, he was super soft, with eyes the size of dinner plates, and deeply touched by the underlying suggestion of her words.
“Years?” He whispered. She nodded wordlessly. “You want to be around me that long?” A huff of air, half-laugh half-nerves escaped him.
“Longer.” Her eyes relaxed, her cheeks rising in a warm smile.
“I can do that.” He nodded quickly.
“Yeah? You can forgive me after-“ she hesitated. “After the past week, the argument, my past?”
“Forgive you? I'm the one that should be on my knees begging for forgiveness here.” He looked at the ground as if he contemplated doing just that.
“Well…” she let out a little groan. “We were both wrong.” She admitted. “I should’ve been more vulnerable with you.”
“I shouldn’t have made demands like that. I thought a shitty ex was like… my parents, ya know? Or any number of domestic abuse things I’ve seen. I figure it was the usual shitty attitude and hitting your girlfriend and drinking too much. That old chestnut. I didn’t know how bad it was. I’m sorry. If I’d known I’d have never acted like that.”
“I never told you. How could you know?”
“I could've believed you when you said it was that bad. I’m sorry.”
“I should’ve told you too, though. When you want to be in a healthy relationship with someone you tell them things like that so they understand.”
“It helps. But I let my past get to me too! I just…” he swallowed audibly and wrinkled his nose. “I’ve been a secret too many times you know? And I gave people every reason I could to be with me like I was a person and not some object to be used to fill a need. And then when I realized I loved you it all came to a head and I got so angry because I knew you loved me too and it was like all that past shit came back and kicked me in my heart's balls.” He groaned and raked his lip a little. Star let out a laugh at his explanation which startled him.
“I’m sorry! Your heart's balls was really funny. The rest of it wasn’t. Sorry, I’m a little loopy you’re gonna make me laugh unintentionally.” She rubbed her face. “Thank you for explaining it. That makes much more sense.”
“And now your stuff makes sense to me.”
“Yeah all the stuff you heard, you can guess how he talked to me and why I thought I’d fuck everything up. I’ve never cared about someone like this and it scared me because if I make it real then I can lose it.”
“Tell me about it, I’m still scared shitless about it. This is new for me too.” He admitted and finally took her hand into his.
“So we were both wrong. That’s a very mature conclusion I think.”
“I’m proud of us.” He offered with a smile. “We got all the bad stuff out in the open now.” They both felt the weight they’d been carrying for so long begin to lift. “Well except one thing.” He said with a grin.
“What?” She asked seriously.
“Oh my god.” She let out a laugh that hunched her over. “Yeah. That’s my government name.” She nodded and let out a noisy sigh of relief. “I hate it, I always have. So a few years back I changed it.”
“You hate it?” He asked with a confused tone.
“Yeah, it’s so… old-fashioned. I feel like an old lady.”
“I think it’s lovely,” Eddie said quietly, a subtle smile as he gazed at her lovingly.
“You do?” She looked frightened, perhaps it was the extreme surprise. She’d never been told that before.
“It’s a classic. It’s kinda stoic. Sounds like an important duchess or something. Lady Florence.” He paused and saw her cheeks blush. “Don’t get me wrong Star is badass and cool as hell. I would choose Star if I had to choose between those two but Florence isn’t bad at all. They both suit you.”
“I can’t believe I was scared of being with you.” The honest response given as a gift in the form of a content sigh caught Eddie off guard. “You’re the sweetest man in the world.” She shook her head and smiled at him.
“Wu- psh- I- uh don’t know about all that.” He looked down flustered like he had been when they’d first started fooling around. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek.
“I do.” She said it so confidently, demurely as she touched his cheek.
“I’ve got an idea.” He perked up. “I want to do this right. We started this out a little backward, right? I think we should reverse it. ”
“What do you mean?”
“I think we should start over. I can ask you out properly. Like I should have. I’ll take you on dates. I’ll take you somewhere nice. I’ll woo you properly. Like you deserve.”
“What do you mean by start over? Aren’t we a little far into this to start at square 1?”
“Not completely, I mean I wanna date you. Ask you out like I wanted to last year. You know, take you to the movies and hold your hand. Walk you to class and kiss you between bells. Have you next to me at lunch. I wanna give you all that. I wanna do this right this time.”
He watched her face soften impossibly so, he’d never seen that expression before.
“I’d love that.” She agreed. “But for tonight, can we be the dysfunctional idiots who sleep together and keep each other company more than people who just started dating should? I don’t want to be alone yet.”
“You couldn’t get me to leave tonight.” He grinned. “We’ll start at school tomorrow, kay? Tonight I’m gonna eat your food and cuddle up and sleep like the dead.”
“Sounds perfect.” She cooed.
They woke up together. Which was blissful enough by itself. But this morning they both realized they didn’t have the nasty cloud of negativity floating around them from the moment they woke. It was sweet and gentle. Eddie kissed her cheek as they both moved around the trailer with muscle memory getting ready in tandem.
Eddie guarded her like it was his job. Which in his mind, it was. He walked her to her classes and sat next to her again in the ones they had together. The usual close body language resumed at lunch as they flirted and got involved in the discussions. Their legs touched under the table, scooted as close to the corners as they could, getting in any physical touch they could while being around one another. Everyone felt it in their group. Things had fallen back into place. They left lunch together early, he was going to walk her to her class again. The guys left talked among themselves, grateful but beyond curious. At least it was peaceful again.
Eddie popped up next to her as she gathered her things to leave for the day, hip to hip as they chatted with ease to his van.
“Wait right here.” He asked with a precocious smile as he took her books, already in his arms, and sat them in the van. She did as he told, watching him jog back to her and wipe his sweaty palms on his jeans. “This isn’t exactly the same. It's my van instead of your car but, it’ll do.” He nodded. She stood with expectant eyes as he cleared his throat. “I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?” He asked with such genuine nervousness it made her heart stutter at how precious he was.
“Like a date?” She smirked. He saw her smile overtake her whole face, a soft girlish laugh followed that made him openly swoon.
“A date-date. I pick you up, we watch a movie and I worry if my hands are too sweaty to hold yours or if I should just be a man and put my arm around your shoulders the whole time. The whole shebang.” He shook his head animatedly as he spoke with a smile that beamed like hers.
“Will you buy me Good and Plenty’s at the concession stand?”
“Disgusting choice but yes.” He agreed with a laugh.
“Then yes. It’s a date.”
“Yeah?” He asked again with a crooked smile, stepping closer.
“Yeah.” She nodded and reached out to take his hand. “Thought you’d never ask.”
“Well, to be honest, I’m a huge idiot so it took a while.” He grinned and stood almost chest-to-chest with her.
“You’re smart, pretty boy. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” She bumped him with her shoulder.
“I missed this.” He whispered, smile still joyful but more subdued in his moment of reflection.
“I did too. You don’t have to miss it anymore though.”
“I mean I’m gonna miss it while I wait for this date. So you wanna go tonight?” He got a higher-pitched laugh out of her.
“Awfully short notice.”
“You took a few days off right? Might as well use them while we can.”
“You’re right. I wonder if I’ll ever get used to that.” She teased.
“Take your time, I’ve got forever.” He sighed contently.
“Romantic.” She muttered and scrunched her nose. “If we’re going on a date… does that mean we’re dating?” Eddie tilted his head and reminded her of how much he could resemble a puppy at times.
“Dating as in-girlfriend and boyfriend?” He clarified.
“Yeah.” She answered obviously.
“I think that’s up to you. I like to think you know where I stand.” His eyes softened with hesitation, worry for a moment.
“Ask me. Properly. Like you said you wanted to.” He lit up and put his hand on her cheek.
“Star?” He began with a slow-building smile. “Would you bestow upon me the honor of being your boyfriend?” She couldn’t help but chortle at the nerdy delivery. But that’s who she was in love with. A total dork.
“Yes.” She put her hand on his forearm.
“You’re my girlfriend now?” He said with antsy excitement.
“I hope so.”
“You’re ready for that? That’s okay? This is- good?” He asked quietly, nervously now holding her face in his hands.
“I am.” She nodded. “Did you doubt it?” She asked apologetically.
“I’ve wanted this for so long.” He confessed. “Since the moment I saw you.”
“You’re laying it on pretty heavy there, babe.” She smirked but giggled, trying to relax and let herself enjoy the tender clumsy moment between them.
“It’s all true. I was a goner from that night at the party.”
“I was too.”
“I was admittedly going pretty heavy-handed but now you’re straight-up lying.” He poked fun at her, bumping his forehead into hers.
“It’s true though.”
“You’re serious?”
“I didn’t remember you but I dreamed about you.”
“Please don’t be lying.” He said softly.
“I’m not. Drunk me knew a good thing when she found it. I dreamed about you before I saw you again. Tried to draw you too. You can look in my old notebooks, they’re dated, you’re there.”
“Star.” He whispered a blush creeping up his cheeks.
“I know.” She smiled, her tone apologetic. “I’m done fighting it. I’ve received every sign possible that I’m supposed to be with you. So I am.” She put her hands to his waist. “I’m all in now, Eddie. When it comes to you and me? I’m not running anymore. I promise. I’m not gonna push away something as special as you. You are a gift from the universe and I intend to try to take as good care of you, of us, as I can. Like a gift should be.” She was so earnest, her face expressive and set tight and apologetic as she pushed her chin toward him, speaking so the conversation was kept private.
Eddie's heart was about to beat its way out of his chest.
“I was gonna wait to kiss you and try to do this properly with the date stuff but please can I kiss you right now?” His hands were warm on her face. His voice rushed out desperately and low as he leaned toward her. Her face shifted to something resembling a milk-drunk kitten, high off affection and feeling the love for her pouring out of him. She nodded and met him halfway, a kiss that was far too intimate for the environment it was happening in. But nothing about this was appropriate so why start now? It went on for while, only moving forward so he could put an arm on her back to pull her to him properly.
As all this was happening the entire Hellfire Club was standing at the end of the parking lot. Too far away to hear but close enough to see the interaction go down. They’d been quietly making bets.
As they saw Eddie pull her in and kiss the hell out of her they let out a mix of groans and aw.
“Okay, so it was a good conversation.”
“I told you they were too chummy today. They’re back together.”
“Were they ever actually together?”
“They seem like they are now.”
“That does seem like a relationship kiss. Not a friend kiss.”
“Damn he’s really going for it.” One chuckled.
“I’m so proud.” Dustin beamed.
“You’re so weird Henderson.” They laughed.
“They’re still going.”
“It’s kinda sweet,” Lucas smirked, feeling nostalgic about Max's reincorporation back into the smaller friend group.
“It’s super sweet! Who knew the guy had it in him? This is downright romantic!”
“I wouldn’t call kissing in a school parking lot romantic, kid.” Gareth grumbled.
“Where isn’t important, look at them. That’s love right there.”
“Oh! He’s pulling away!”
“5 bucks says she slaps him.”
“Easiest five bucks I’ve ever made.”
When they pressed their foreheads together and soft laughs were shared before another much shorter press of lips occurred.
“Aw look at 'em.”
“Jealous much?”
“Shut up!”
“Okay, they’re leaving now, act casual.”
They turned and pretended not to be watching. Opened notebooks and started in the middle of fake conversations as they all watched the two love birds walk around the van, Eddie running to open her door for her before running back around to jump in.
He didn’t notice them watching as he drove out of the parking lot.
“He’s even letting her pick the music.” Dustin cooed as a melodic guitar could be heard from inside instead of the usual heavy thrash beat.
“Damn. He sold out.”
“Making a girl happy isn’t selling out.”
“Not that you’d know anything about that.”
“Alright dick, too far.”
Everything was right back where it was supposed to be.
Eddie was in his van, hands hanging on the steering wheel as he growled. He was outside of Star's dwelling and in the short drive to her place from his he felt like he’d sweated through his shirt already.
“It’s freezing what the hell is my problem?” He griped in a high-pitched voice. He calmed down, winging out his jacket to let the vents hit him. He realized that he was nervous. With a face that looked annoyed outwardly, he wiped his palms on his jeans. “You made this woman cry, you’ve made her cum. There is no reason you should be nervous! It’s a date to the movies. This is middle school shit.” He talked aloud to himself. He didn’t remember the last time he’d primped himself so much. He had fussed with his hair and made sure he put deodorant everywhere. “This is good right? I should be nervous?” He asked himself, eyes to the rearview mirror. They’d skipped all these bits of relationship ships. The dates, formalities, and gifts. The waiting to kiss and the PDA. These just so happened to be all the parts that made Eddie nervous. He figured he was making up for lost time.
He stands at her door, hearing her music from inside. He wore a sweater she made him, plain black with red stitching. A denim jacket hung boxy on his lean frame as he shifted, suddenly second-guessing how he was standing.
Star appeared slowly from behind the door she pulled open. She was also the victim of the sudden onset of unsuspected nervousness. There her boyfriend stood, flowers in his hand and his curls practically frizz-free. He’d cleaned off his white sneakers, almost shining with polish and a black sweater looked neat with his mismatched denim shades.
“Hey, Eddie.” Simply saying his name made her lips turn into a smile now.
“Hello, beautiful.” He gave her an almost cheesy smile but the dimples that appeared made her want to kiss him.
“Let me get my coat on, come on.” She ushered him in.
“Brought you these.”
“They’re gorgeous, thank you.” She cooed, smelling the flowers and leaning in to kiss his cheek.
“What about you? I’ve not seen this before.” he wasn’t coy about looking her up and down as she bent over to grab a vase from under the sink.
“That’s because I’ve not worn it.” she turned to look over her shoulder at him, pleased he seemed to be staring at her legs covered in warm, dark sheer black tights over a very 60s mod-inspired mini dress.
“Why not? You look amazing in it. Legs for days.” He grinned.
“Didn’t have any hot dates to get all dressed up for did I?” She wrinkled her nose affectionately at him and went to grab her leather jacket. They looked like a matching pair, in their black and leather. “I missed it,” she sighed happily. “A lot.”
“I’ll take you out every day if I get to see more of this.”
“Maybe I’ll wear my little dresses and stuff again. I didn’t because I didn’t want the attention but if I’ve got you…” she lilted with a smile.
“I’ll make sure no one else says a god damned thing to you looking sexy as hell. I’m gonna make it so obvious I’m your boyfriend and you’re off the market you’re gonna be sick of me.”
“I’d like to see you try.” She challenges. “I mean really, I wanna experience that. The happy PDA, the whole thing you know? I’ve never had it. Not for real.” He saw the vulnerability he’d longed for in her face.
“You’ve had boyfriends though.”
“Eh, a few?” Shrugged. “And by a few, I mean a few like 3?” she counted on her fingers.
“Seriously?” his chin dropped and his eyes widened.
“I know. I’ve had a lot of one-night stands. I’ve not had romantic relationships where it’s all…. Nice ya know? Sweet and healthy with the little stuff like holding hands and all that. Dates were always a means to an end.”
“The end being in bed?”
“Pretty much.”
“And I thought I knew everything about you.”
“That’s the only good thing about me not oversharing. I’ll seem interesting for longer now.” She laughed.
“You are interesting.” He took her hand and pulled her to him. “I don’t think you have to worry about being boring, sweetheart. You’re gonna keep me on my toes I know it.” He smiles and tucked her hair behind her ear.
“I’ve-“ she huffed out a nervous laugh and looked down, he could see a blush coming across her cheeks. “Can I ask stupid questions and you not make fun of me?” She asked with a scrunched face.
“Me? Make fun of you? Always! I mean never.” He cheesed. “If you’re feeling sensitive just warn me and I won’t give you any shit. Promise.” he added candidly.
“Then I’m warning you.”
“Consider me warned. Serious face.” He swiped his hand down his face to take away his smile.
“Is it supposed to feel so…” she paused and smiled, tilting her head and thinking. “Whenever you talk about being together in the future. Long-term stuff. I just feel so…” she stutters and finds her words. “Is it supposed to feel so… good?”
“Oh, baby.” He cooed and cupped her cheek.
“I said not to make fun of me!” She giggled and hid her face in his chest.
“I’m not! I swear! I can’t help but act like you’re the sweetest woman alive when you say that shit. Makes my teeth hurt you’re so sweet.” He lovingly teased, rubbing his jaw. “It is babe, it’s supposed to feel good. It’s security. It’s… stability. Trust. All those things.”
“All those very important things.”
“Extremely important. I think it’s a new one for both of us.”
“Like our first adult relationship.”
“Good way to put it.”
“I feel like it’s so much so fast but it’s not. This has been going on since September.” She chuckled.
“Half a year.”
“That makes me feel better. I don’t want to be those annoying girls who are always in love and getting married 1 month in you know?”
“Nah, you’re not that impulsive. I had to work for it.” He smiled and kissed her cheek.
“Made you run a fucking triathlon.” She laughed.
“And I’d do it again.” He said earnestly with a smile. She let herself openly swoon, soft eyes and a big rise and fall of her chest. “Let's go on our first date then, huh? Ya ready?”
“Always for you.” She picketed her lips at him.
“Ah, c’mon you rascal.”
Eddie took her up on her challenge. He ran to hold doors open for her, starting with the van in her driveway. He offered to hold her purse while she ran into the bathroom. He held her hand in line for tickets.
“Two tickets for me and the lovely lady, here.” Was how he decided to tell the indifferent ticket person he wanted to buy.
He carried the snacks, he let her pick the seats. She crossed her legs towards him, huddled in close to whisper into his ear during the movie. She made the choice for him, putting her cheek to his arm and wrapping her arms around his to hold his hand while they smushed together in the old creaky theater seats. He got to rest his hand on her thigh while she played with his rings and mindlessly traced her fingers on his hands. She got to indulge in any impulse had now. She didn’t have to stop and wonder if it was too much. She could kiss his cheek or hold his hand or tell him how pretty he looked in the low light. It was like a whole new world had opened to her and she had never felt freer.
Eddie again insisted she never open a door for herself in his presence as he ran around the van to let her out. She thought it was a bit much but she wasn’t going to stop him. They stop in front of her door, him stopping outside it, halting her from entering from the tug of his hand in hers.
“I had a really great time tonight.” He said as he watched her soften up and smile.
“So did I. I had fun. Couldn’t ask for a better first date.” She kidded.
“Would you wanna go out again?” He asked, still playing by the rules.
“I want to go on so many dates with you that we lose count.” She leaned in and shook her head.
“Tomorrow. I’ll take you out to eat. Somewhere nice.”
“Nice? Are you sure? I really do like the hamburger hut, you don’t have to impress me, Eddie, you’ve already done it.”
“I’m doing this properly.” He whispered and kissed her forehead. “Speaking of- I had a suggestion.” She gave him her full attention with big doting eyes. “I know when people date, in high school I mean and we are almost out but - anyway- guys usually give their girlfriends their class rings or their letterman jackets? And I don’t have either of those but I wanted to see if you wanted something of mine? To have to like… wear ya know?”
“Besides the Star?” She asked reaching up to fiddle with the stone around her neck.
“Yeah, something that people would know was me. Like… these rings are too big for you- I probably have some smaller older ones at home if you wanted. You have a lot of rings already though.” He rushed through his words nervously. “I was thinking more like… my vest?” Her eyes went wide.
“Your vest? Are you sure? That’s like your whole thing. It’s YOURS.”
“Well…” he half shrugged and winced nervously. “I’m yours now so…I wanted to see if you wanted to wear it.”
“It’s so unmistakably you.” She said as if it were a reason she shouldn’t.
“That’s sorta the point. I want people to know we’re together.” She nodded slowly, understanding.
“How a letterman jacket has the guy's name across the back…” she hummed and nodded. “That’s a really smart substitution.” She praised him and saw his nerves break and a smile appear. “If you’re willing to part with it I’d love to wear it. It’s cool as hell.” She chuckled.
“Really?” He perked up with high brows
“Of course! I can be your little badass metal girlfriend.” She giggled more girlishly as he clumsily moved to take it off. “I’ll look like I match my big bad metalhead boyfriend.” She cooed as he stood catching his breath and handing it to her. “Ugh, I’m gonna be able to smell you all day.” She hummed and brought it up to her face. “That’s the good stuff.” She closed her eyes and smacked her lips.
“Feral girlfriend.” He chuckled and sighed, feeling his chest all fuzzy.
“All the good stinks are in this.” She nodded and whiffed again making him laugh. He groaned playfully and grabbed her up in his arms, forcing her head to angle up to his.
“My little gremlin.” He beamed down at her and she giggled back with the same adoring smile.
“We loves the vest, we do.” She warped her voice to something goofy and as Gollum-like as she could make it. “Master gave us his precious he did.” Her voice popped and cracked and Eddie didn’t know whether to laugh from joy or cry for the same reason.
“You’re my precious. We loves her, we does.” He cracked his voice back all garbled as he leaned in to kiss her. They snorted and laughed against each other’s lips. “I wasn’t gonna kiss you. First date and all that. But you had to pull out the Lord of the Rings references.”
“You can’t resist!” She said dramatically.
“I can’t. You’re so hot when you’re nerdy.”
“You're hot all the time.” She sassed back.
“Even more so when I’m nerdy though right? Sooo sexy when I’m pissed off about a fantasy game?” He joked.
“Sooo sexy.” She snorted a laugh. “The sexiest.”
“That’s what I thought.” He grinned and kissed her again. Something sweet and uncomplicated. Something he thought he could still get away with despite it being the first date. “I’ll pick you up at the normal time in the morning?”
“You’re not gonna stay?” She asked looking a little letdown.
“Don’t look at me like that baby, I’ll break.”
“That’s the point.” She pouted.
“Not gonna stay after the first date. Gonna go home and jerk off thinking about you, sleep and wait to see you in the morning.”
“After the second date?”
“Still too soon.”
“Playing hard to get. I can respect that.” She puckered her lips and nodded playfully. “Third date. Right? That’s the rule.”
“I can agree to the third date. I can stay after the third.”
“So after our third date tomorrow…”
“No! Sneaky thing!” He pinched her sides and made her laugh. “So bad.” He tsked and shook his head.
“Can I get a little baby goodbye kiss tonight? Tomorrow I can get a big girl kiss?” She bat her lashes up at him.
“Deal.” He nodded. “This is goodnight then, baby.”
“Night Eddie.” She whispered as he leaned in, a delicate hand to her hair as a single press lingered. “Can’t wait to see you in the morning.”
“Not more than me, sweetheart.”
They’d become everything they’d mocked in the past. Sitting in gaggles with friends and high-pitched voices mocking their smooching peers. They were those peers now. A lesson in not making fun of something unless you understand it.
Both were up early the next morning, Star more so than Eddie by default. No matter how little of a morning person she was, he would always be less so. Star spent the majority of her morning trying to plan her outfit around Eddie’s battle vest. She wanted to find some balance of herself while being draped in the Munson Crest. She also quickly concluded that she wanted to look as attractive as possible while wearing it. She’d forgone the male attention purposely before, but now, wearing something that showed she was specifically under the protection of the Eddie Munson, not just a Hellfire Club t-shirt, she knew that anyone daring or dumb enough to act or speak on her appearance would be deserving of a brutal insult or a punch to the nose. She was reveling in the feelings of belonging to someone, exploring how healthy attachment and possessiveness felt for the first time. The thought of Eddie proud with his arm around her, her in his vest, and a hand in his back pocket made her feel warm and tingly from her chest to her neglected lower extremities. Since she’d struck the coy deal of friends who fuck with Eddie, she’d not gone long without getting the attention her body craved. She was figuring out a new aspect of herself where her emotional happiness was fulfilling her physical needs. She figured she’d have to knock the dust off her vibrator soon, but last night she was so tickled with kisses and sweet words that she snuggled right into bed and fell asleep without having to wear herself out. She floated through this new, healthy version of her mind as she threw articles of clothing around the trailer. She settled on a tight long sleeve black shirt under the vest, showing off her assets. She chose a pair of high-waisted golden corduroy flares and her well-loved boots. She matched the patch on the back and still felt like herself. In most anything else she’d felt like she was wearing an Eddie costume, and that wasn’t what she was going for. She still wanted her own identity, she never wanted to amalgamate into the same person as him, at least not personality-wise. Physically on the other hand…
She heard the rumble of his van into the driveway, she made a sound she was almost ashamed of, an excited chirp at the sight of him. He bound out of the vehicle as bouncy as she was, as she practically skipped to the door to open it before he could knock. She stepped out and jogged toward the door and bounded against his chest, arms around his neck into a kiss on sight. His eyes went wide at first, surprised before they fluttered shut, his arms finding their proper place around her body and squeezing her back. She didn’t deepen it, knowing he’d most likely scold her, but she did push her forehead to his and stay there for a moment.
“Mornin’ beautiful.” he grinned. “You happy to see me or somethin’?”
“Missed you,” she admitted with a warm smile.
“Aw, babe.” he groaned and blushed. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to you being so…” he sighed contently. “Sweet.”
“You better. You’re the one that has to deal with it.” she kissed his cheek and pulled away. He kept his hands on her waist.
“Let me see what I’ve got here.” he said suggestively, touching her hips before he instructed her to give him a spin to see the rest of her with a twirling finger.
“You like it?”
“I knew you were gonna look great in the vest because you look great in everything but damn.” he rubbed his chin.
“I wanted to look good so everyone can see what you’re gettin’ and they aren’t.” she let out a deep chuckle, fully amused.
“I guess I can say this now but god damn I love it when you wear pants.” he laughed. “I love the skirts, baby, don’t get me wrong. Especially with the easy access and all but getting to see the shape of you in these tight little numbers really does it for me. Ugh, work of art.” he gave a kiss to his fingers as if he’d eaten something delicious. “Put this ass in a museum. No, fuck that a temple. Worship this thing. Make sacrifices to it.” he made hungry sounds rubbing his hands together before stretching out his arms and doing grabby hands in the air while she turned to look over her shoulder, showing it off for him.
“Don’t get yourself worked up if you’re gonna make the rule that we can’t do anything about it.” she scolded, tapping his nose and batting her lashes at him.
“Too late, sugar.” he grinned and yanked her into his arms as their laughs melded together, pressing his lips to hers. “What’d I do to deserve a goddess like you, huh?”
“I think we’ll wait until the third date to get into all that. I’ll get all worked up.” she giggled as he smooched her cheek noisily, the threat of a bite with his teeth as he groaned playfully.
“Sweet, sweet baby,” he murmured into her cheek, making her blush. “You ready to head out? I’ve got a whole day of showin’ you off to get to.” he looked down at her, smoothing down her naturally wavy hair. She gave him sleepy, happy eyes, soaking in the tender affection.
“I feel like some high society girl announcing she’s off the market at some party.” she laughed.
“I can announce you as you come in if you like.” he cleared his throat. “Lady Florence welcomes you here to gaze upon her mesmerizing visage so she can announce her partnership with the lowsome fool Edward Munson. He is but a jester but he is big of heart. And other things he’s told.” he said loudly with his chest, playing a fake trumpet.
“To be a Dungeon Master you’re an awful lot like a bard.” she chuckled, shooshing him and tapping his arms down with her hands.
“Mmm keep talkin’ D and D and I might go back on my third date rule.” he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Take me school you nerd, before I bully you.” she scrunched her nose and hopped up to kiss him.
“What if I’m into that?” he stuck out his tongue as he followed her to the passenger side of the van.
“I’m counting on it.”
From the moment they crossed onto school property, Eddie took his enjoyment of staking his claim to Star at every chance. Much to his delight and relief, she did the same. She snuggled in as they walked, arm over her shoulders and her hand in his back pocket. He’d give her a peck before he jetted off to get to his class after walking her to hers. He passed her notes with no importance in their contents, only doodles and hearts and light-hearted insults back and forth. So it shouldn’t have surprised her when he yanked her into his lap at the lunch table. She held in her sound of surprise, having been focused on setting her tray on the table. Her arm naturally went behind his head to catch herself. He planted a kiss on her that made her smile into it, knowing most of the student body was watching.
“Come here often?” he grinned, looking up at her adoringly, his hand holding her in on her thigh and around her back.
“Not often enough,” she smirked, her face hidden, turned, from the audience of their friends. She leaned in to kiss him again, hand on his cheek. “Am I allowed to eat or do I have to sit here?” she asked mindlessly fussing with a few frizzy stray curls in his hair.
“You can do both.” he grinned before giving her butt a subtle smack and moving her from his lap.
“So,” Jeff smirked, the whole group moving into a subdued titter as they sat and turned to their food, their display of affection having passed. At Jeff’s voice, they both looked up, bright-eyed.
“I take it this is… a thing now?”
“She’s wearing his freakin’ vest of course it’s a THING.” Eddie smirked, taking his time responding as Star chuckled silently, starting in on her food.
“Go ahead,” she said with a nod to Eddie. “Announce it, bard.” she giggled.
“We’re dating now. Yeah.” Eddie’s smile tried to contain itself but couldn’t be tamed.
“Look at that face.” Dustin teased affectionately.
“Shut up,” Eddie muttered, turning his face down but still wearing a smile. “I’m... happy. Alright? Don’t give me shit about it.” he chuckled. Star reached out and held his hand on top of the table.
“Don’t tease the baby or I’ll have to defend him now. It’s the in the contract he had me sign.” Star said with a smile.
“You signed a-?”
“She’s joking.” Dustin clarified to Mike.
“Do we get to know what happened?”
“I asked her out and she said yes.” Eddie shrugged.
“Bullshit. You two were fighting. Then you were both gone Monday.”
“And we saw you making out in the parking lot.” Dustin chuckled.
“We had a fight and we made up. We both apologized. Then he asked me out and I said yes. So we’re together now. Officially. Boyfriend and girlfriend the whole thing.” Star explained with one hand, the other being doted on by Eddie.
“Letting her wear the vest, huh?” Gareth smirked.
“She looks better in it than I do.” Eddie shrugged, a precocious smile as he tried to focus on eating.
“No one’s arguing that.” Gareth joked. Everyone laughed, the lack of animosity and subtle support was a calming spell across the group.
“I’m glad you two figured your shit out. One less thing to worry about.” Dustin gave his stamp of approval.
“Yeah, it’s about damn time.” Mike grinned.
“You two look happy. It’s nice.” Jeff smiled at Star.
“I am. We are.” Star said perkily. “Sorry for dragging you all through the mud with us getting to this point. That’s on me.” she gave an apologetic cheesy smile.
“We knew it sure as hell wasn’t Eddie saying no to YOU.” Gareth laughed.
“Gee thanks for the support, man, love you too.” Eddie said with a nodding chin toward Gareth.
“You know I'm right.” he retorted with a smirk.
“You are.” Star nodded. “It’s not that I didn’t want to. I’ve liked Eddie for… a long time I just-”
“I KNEW IT!” Dustin gave a victorious fist pump.
“You did. You were right.” Star rolled her eyes and shoulder-bumped him. “I had a really, supremely shitty ex-boyfriend who ruined men for me.”
“To put it lightly.” Eddie chimed in.
“So I didn’t want a boyfriend when I showed up. But then this beautiful dork wore me down.” she chuckled and pinched Eddie’s cheek.
“Worth it.” he grinned and lifted her hand in his to kiss the back of it.
“Now we get to deal with the PDA. All this lovey shit.” Gareth made a sick sound.
“Better than them fighting.”
“Is it though?” he retorted.
Star pried Eddie off her so she could get inside and go get ready for a fancy date. She’d never been on a date to a nice restaurant. Granted, it was just the nicest place in Hawkins, which didn't measure up to much but she was still excited. Eddie was a wreck of nerves, knowing only one guy to call for help in an instance such as this.
“Hey loverboy, I heard the big news.” Steve’s crooning voice praised Eddie.
“News travels fast, shit.”
“Once Dustin knows…” Eddie could hear the laugh in Steve’s voice.
“You’re never far behind. I’ve gathered that.” Eddie chucked. “I need some help for tonight if you’re available.”
“Already? You just started dating man and you’re-”
“No. Nothing bad.” Eddie laughed at Steve’s immediate disappointment.
“Good. I was about to say-”
“I’m taking her to Enzo’s.”
“Look at you Munson, we’ll make a gentleman out of you yet.”
“Very cute.” Eddie rolled his eyes. “I wanted to take her somewhere nice. And that’s the nicest place without driving an hour both ways so- anyway I won’t pretend like I know what the hell I’m doing. I don’t do dates. I don’t do fancy restaurants. I'm way out of my element here, man.” Eddie cleared his throat, preparing himself to ask a favor. “But you… you’re Steve Harrington, you’ve been on more dates already than I’ll ever go on. You know fancy. I need that knowledge. What can I do to bribe it from you?”
“Man, just ask like a normal person.” Steve laughed. “Hey, dude I got a hot date, any tips?”
“Hey dude, I got a hot date. Got any tips?” Eddie mockingly asked.
“I’d love to help. This is much better than trying to figure out what the hell Dustin talks about with his radios. THIS I know.”
“Bequeath me with your wisdom, King Steve.”
“Former King. King adjacent now.” he chuckled. “And.. bequeath? Isn’t that when air gets inside a girl and-”
“That’s queef!” Eddie laughed and leaned away from the phone. “BEqueATH is to gift someone something. You’re in a totally different zip code man. I was keeping it PG.” Eddie snorted.
“Ohhh.” Steve nodded, mouth open. “I was wondering why you- never mind - you wanna come over? I’m better in person than over the phone.”
“Don’t sell your phone voice short Stevie, youv’e got me soaking my panties over here.” Eddie teased and made kissy noises into the receiver.
“You’re a married man now Eddie, behave yourself.” Steve snorted in amusement.
“Oh, she thinks the same thing.” Eddie giggled.
“Wh-huh?” Steve did a double-take despite being on the phone.
“See you soon big boy!” Eddie shouted as he put down the receiver.
“God he’s such a weirdo.”
“I’m gonna look like a kid in his dad’s clothes no matter what.” Eddie grumped, looking in Steve’s mirror as he put on one of his button-up shirts.
“If you keep saying that then yeah. It’s about confidence. You’re cock of the walk any other time. You’re loud and opinionated and everyone else can eat a dick about it.”
“I’m a married man Steve, stop it.” Eddie blushed and cleared his throat.
“What is it about some buttons that makes you not confident, huh?”
“They aren’t made of baby elephant tusks. You know I said strictly ivory from BABIES, Steven.”
“Shut up.” Steve laughed. “I’m not THAT kind of rich.”
“Your dad literally has a tusk in his office.”
“Yeah don’t tell anyone about that. They’re starting to crack down on that stuff.” Steve smirked.
“Well, he’s a lawyer I think he’ll be fine.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“So the shirt? It’s black. That’s…your color. I mean I don’t think that’s what is the most flattering but we’re not going to get into that.”
“Are we not?” Eddie raised an eyebrow.
“If you showed up in something besides black she might not recognize you is what I'm saying.” Steve joked. “So best stick to black. Baby steps.” Steve nodded and fussed with Eddie’s collar.
“I feel like a poser in this.”
“What do the metal guys wear to their big award shows?”
“Leather.” Eddie nodded. Steve blinked and frowned. Not the answer he expected.
“Anything else? They wear a suit jacket?”
“Sometimes. But like, a t-shirt under it. Or a vest over a shirt with a print on it. Usually all dark colors. Black, duh but also navy.”
“Alright now we’re getting somewhere. We’re gonna try something else.”
“Ugh, you’ve been talking about this the whole time!” Eddie whined. “Now we’re doing something else?
“Do you trust me?”
“When it comes to this, yes.”
“You know words hurt, Eddie.” Steve fake pouted.
“Yes, I explicitly trust you in all situations, dimensions, and realities Steve Harrington. Is that what you wanna hear?”
“Honestly? Yeah.” he gave him a perky smile.
“Fine. Dress me up like a fuckin’ doll. I need to look good.”
“Now you’re open to taking orders?” Steve laughed and shoved Eddie’s shoulder.
“That is usually reserved for Star but play your cards right and I might let a handsome man like you give me a few suggestions.” Eddie cheesed and made Steve blush but he shook his head and the thought away. “I mean you’ve got me topless already.” Eddie giggled and covered his nipples.
“You’ve been begging for it, admit it.” Steve laughed, putting his hands on Eddie’s back. “C’mon, let’s find you something else.” He said shoving Eddie towards his closet.
Star and Eddie were content with their final decisions. They both stood in front of a full length mirror and nodded in approval. They both went simple and of course, black.
Star had gone vintage, no surprise there. She’d pulled out a tight black dress that was worthy of the sexiest woman at the jazz club in the 60s. It went right above her knee, cut in and snug. The sleeves to her elbows and a high modest neckline. After getting ready she took her hair out of its rollers and chose red lipstick with little else pulling attention from them makeup-wise. She kept looking at her body in the mirror, realizing how much it’d changed. Maybe it was getting older, or the comfort she’d found in food while staying in so much with Eddie. She’d gained the relationship weight before the relationship began, she chuckled to herself. Her hips were wider, her chest hanging a little more, and a slight roundness to her lower belly to balance out the much larger rounding of her ass. She didn’t look like the girls in magazines, stick thin and sculpted but all the great painters she admired had immortalized women who looked like her in their paintings, and that had always made her accept her shape at the bare minimum. But the way Eddie talked about her body now, she found herself reaching above the minimum and learning to like it.
So the way his shoulders slumped as soon as he laid eyes on her, more flowers to add to her quickly growing collection in his hand made her feel as pretty as she ever had.
“Jesus Christ, Star.” He whispered, eyes not knowing where to look, afraid he’d miss something. “Hell, baby you look…” he took a deep breath and blew a raspberry with his lips. “Is there a word that means better than perfect?” he asked with a shrug. Star beamed, slinking right up to him and putting a hand on his chest.
“Can’t find any words in that big brain of yours?” she cooed, twirling a stray curl hanging down by his face. Steve had begged him to wear it back, Eddie almost fist-fought him over it, but Steve and his undeniable charm won out. They’d compromised when he let Eddie pull some hair down around his face.
“Not when I’m looking at you.” he gave a dopey grin. She looked down, putting space between their bodies to whistle.
“And what about you? You look like some rockstar.” she giggled, her hand slipping over the black button-up he eventually settled on, and a pinstripe vest over top of it. The vest somehow made him not hate the shirt. She nuzzled her nose to his, as he stuttered and blushed. “Seems I’ve been promoted from groupie.” she laughed and straightened his collar.
“You can be… who’s that one you like?” his nose scrunched in thought. “Marianne.”
“She wasn’t exactly a groupie but you get all the credit for remembering.”
“I’ll take it where I can get it when it comes to you, sweetheart.” a cheesy grin full of teeth and dimples made her kiss his cheek, promptly wiping away the lipstick with her thumb. “Leave it.” he chuckled. “The easier it is for people to tell I'm with you tonight, the less chance I’m gonna get in a fight.” Star laughed at that, continuing to wipe away the smudge.
“I don’t think anyone is gonna fight you at Enzo’s.” she snickered. “The Hideout maybe. But not Enzo’s.”
“Good, because I don’t have a good range of motion in this shirt.” he windmilled his arms and squatted a bit, Star sighed, perplexed as to how she fell so hard for such a goof. She didn’t truly mind though, his charm was offbeat and found in his quirky honesty. She found the nervousness adorable, the impulsive movements entertaining. He kept her from taking herself too seriously.
“You look very handsome in it though.” she put her arms to his shoulders and he calmed. “This is nice. Have you had this waiting around?”
“If I tell you, promise not to make fun of me?” he said with a lowered chin and puppy eyes.
“Why would I- ugh, no, I'm not going to make fun of you.” she shook her head and rolled her eyes, batting her lashes and smiling.
“It’s Steve’s.”
“Steves?” she said surprised.
“Yeah, I asked for his help 'cause you know… I’m no good at this stuff and I wanted to impress you and we both know he’s good with the ladies so...” Eddie shrugged.
“You asked him for help?” she pouted.
“Yeah?” Eddie added hesitantly.
“That's the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. I’m so glad you two started hanging out. I knew you’d like each other if you tried.”
“Another instance of you being right and me being a dumb ass.”
“Dumb ass is a bit strong. I think stubborn is better.”
“Again. You’re right.” he said mockingly but they both knew he was joking.
“Good way to butter a girl up. Telling her she’s right.”
“Yeah?” he smirked, putting an arm around her. “That might be something I’m interested in doing tonight.”
“Besides me?” she wiggled her brows.
“In this dress, baby, you’re testing the mettle of man. Seriously. Shit, you look good.” he got distracted again by her body being shown off in tight clothes.
“Maybe I should’ve worn it next time.” she flirted.
“I would normally agree because I would love to peel that off your body inch by inch with my teeth, BUT for the next date, I was gonna tell you, I need you to dress in something comfortable. Maybe something you don’t care about getting dirty.” his eyes narrowed as he thought.
“The infamous third date I need to dress like I’m NOT trying to get you in my pants?” she giggled.
“You don’t have to TRY.” he laughed with a snort. “And I’m going for… emotional impact ya know? Tonight’s about treating you to nice things like you deserve. The next one is about us.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna take us somewhere really nice and secluded and we’re gonna be together and talk.”
“Oh.” she said with batting lashes.
“Disappointed?” he asked with genuine worry.
“No.” she shook her head quickly. “I was having fun and being flirty and keeping it light you know? But you’re right. We can sit and let it all out. Go through all the things we’ve wanted to. All the stuff we’ve not said.” her eyes gave away the meaning of her words as they shifted nervously.
“Exactly. Tonight I feed you fancy pasta and tell you you’re gorgeous. Tonight’s gonna be nice. And fun! I mean I have fun when I’m with you no matter where we go. We could hang out by a dumpster and I’d have fun.”
“You’d have more fun at a dumpster than Enzo’s.” she laughed.
“Again! You're correct!” he said loudly, laughing. “But as much as I kinda hate this overpriced stuff I want to do that for you. Wayne taught me a lot about women, and I know you show them when and how you can that they’re worth the effort when it comes to taking them out. So I wanted you to get all gussied up like you like to do and I wanted to be the reason you got to do that ya know?”
“I'm gonna have to thank Wayne one of these days for raising such a good man.”
“You taking me off his hands is thanks enough I think.” he grinned.
“I bet you were a holy terror as a child.” she laughed.
“God, he’s gonna enjoy embarrassing the shit out of me and showing you photos.”
“I do wanna see baby Eddie.” she smiled softly.
“I looked like an angry fuzzy lump.” he laughed.
“And look at you now. A slightly bigger, fuzzier, angrier lump!” they both laughed at that and he kissed her cheek with firm pressure.
“Keep me humble, why don’t you?” he laughed into her neck.
“Shut up gorgeous. Prettiest man I’ve ever seen.” she kissed the side of his head where it rested as he held her. “Take me out and let me show you off all cleaned up, Munson.”
“Whatever you say, babe.”
Eddie took the lead and Star watched with amorous eyes as he did. He’d made a reservation and everything. It was the cutest he’d ever been. Trying to stand up straight and not let his voice crack. He didn’t let go of her hand once they entered the building. It was a lovely sentiment to feel like she was being useful to him for once.
Quickly the lipstick she’d meticulously applied was gone. Happily lost to breadsticks and pasta. They made sure they ordered something different, trying each other's food. The highlight was Star almost laughing out a mouthful of food when Eddie caught her off guard, holding up to two meatballs like they were boobs to his chest. The food was amazing, even Eddie had to admit it. He reassured her that no matter how good their lasagna might be he’d always prefer hers. They held hands over the table, chipping away at a cheesecake. The candle on the table did them both all the favors when it came to making them look lovely. Star wished she’d had her notebook, sighing and committing herself to draw Eddie lit by candlelight soon. They two were entirely out of place. They laughed too loud, they ate too enthusiastically. But they couldn’t take their eyes off each other to bother seeing any side eyes glances. He told her how pretty she was an almost annoying amount of times, apologizing after each and looking down, blushing. Confiding he was simply star-struck, pun intended.
“I had a lot more fun than I thought I would.” he confessed with a bashful smile.
“I knew I’d have fun. I had a great time.” she shrugged and gave him a nose wrinkling smile.
“So.” he nodded and blushed. “Do you wanna go out again?” he asked with bashful big eyes.
“You know I do.” she laughed. “You don’t have to keep asking, you know.” she stepped in closer. “I’m yours, Eddie.” she promised with a tilt of her head, watching his eyes go all glassy.
“I’m not gonna stop asking.” he leaned in and whispered, pulling her close. “I’m going to earn every date. I’m not taking any of this for granted.”
“I’m not either.” she promised, sighing with fluttering lashes in his arms.
In her doorway, he properly kissed her. Her lipstick was long gone and not serving as a hindrance to kissing her in his mind. It took no effort for them to come together, her holding him tight around his back, him pulling her closer and holding her cheek, sure to linger before he landed a kiss to give her the build-up and attention she deserved. He felt her give a little in his arms, a feeling he had quickly become addicted to. Instead of a long drawn-out press, they took turns, a gentle caress of a bottom lip to a top lip then switching, the slightest hint of tongue, reserved. They held firm, hands not wandering, each time they thought it’d be the last turn, but they found themselves falling into it again, not wanting to stop.
“Eventually we have to stop,” she whispered, he felt the heart-aching movement of her lips forming a smile against his. “Although standing here with you like this…” she sighed contently and let out a happy whimper. “I am open to staying in this moment with you as long as humanly possible.” her voice was teeth achingly soft, her fingers light and doting on his back. “I missed you so much, Eddie.” she confessed, her chest feeling full to the brim with warm affection that was begging to be given.
“I love you,” he whispered back, faces still notched together, heads tilted, and noses almost touching. “You don’t have to say it back. No pressure. I just.. do… so much and right now if I didn’t say it I might explode.”
“I know.” she grinned and he then broke, backing away to slump and laugh.
“Hitting me with the Han Solo.” he said clutching his chest. “And people have the nerve to call ME the nerd?” he said as if he were insulted before laughing and diving back in to kiss her, much more clumsily and squeezing her, swaying her back and forth. “Fuck, I love you. You big dork.”
“Don’t tell anyone.” she giggled as he noisily smooched her cheek and neck, more playful now than tender.
“Never. I’ve got a reputation to uphold,” he said as if it were obvious. He kissed her again on the lips, soft and sweet. “I’ll pick you up in the morning.”
“I’ll miss you until then.” she smiled, holding his hand.
“Can I call you?” he asked with big puppy eyes as he stepped away.
“I’d like that.” she nodded. “You can play me to sleep.”
“I’ll call as soon as I get in.” he said taking another step away, still holding her hand as she giggled, covering her mouth in shyness for how precious they were being.
“Take your time, baby, I gotta get comfy. Get all cozy then call me.”
“No I’m gonna do it as soon as I walk in.” he cheesy grinned and she laughed. She kissed the back of his hand and released it.
“The quicker you go the sooner you can call.” he nodded, bright and floppy-haired as he bounded to his van, dropping his keys and her chuckling at him as he fumbled for them. She was in so deep, finding his clumsiness so charming. But man, did she not care.
If you enjoyed my work, let me know! Reblogs and comments really help writer's out! ❤️
Here's the playlist for her mixtape if you're interested:
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