#i made a post the other day about some other ones
drchucktingle · 2 days
wanted to post today about recent health journey of chuck. ALL STARTED at texas show when i began to feel tightness in throat. i have learned this is called GLOBUS which is a tingler character name if ive ever heard one. got through appearance and had blast but felt terrible
plane journey home was even worse. first thought i strained my voice, then tested for covid (negative) and then figured it was just some kind of virus. had running nose and hoarse and extreme pain behind face and MOST of all this golf ball throat
figured i would get better as viruses tend to go but I DID NOT. after a few weeks went to way of urgent care and they took one look and said you have EXTREME FORM OF ACID REFLUX called laryngopharyngeal reflux (also great tingler character name)
basically this is when your stomach acid comes all the way back up into your throat and erodes it. they immediately put me on medications name of pepcid plus tums plus gaviscon and on and on. was inhaling a dang pharmacy every morning
problem is, NO CHANGE. in fact it started getting worse. in addition to previous symptoms i now couldnt keep any food down. upset stomach all the time. could barely sleep. plus it is scary to have a sickness that gets WORSE over time like this
more doctor talks. i up doses of medication to combat sickness but does not seem to work. one night wake up and think 'dang i need to go to er my stomach is going to just melt or something' (keep in mind because i cant keep food down i am always hungry too).
i go to hospital and they say 'WHOA we need to intervene right now we are doing some tests and putting you on SERIOUS LIFE CHANGING MEDICINE. but here is catch to do the tests we need you to stop all your medication for 48 hours and it will be HECK but you gotta do it bud'
so i stop all medication in preparation for new SICK LIFE and suddenly… i start feeling better. not just a little but after weeks of this awful way i wake up in ONE DAY and feel fully cured. now heres twist: at the same time this was happening I started taking allergy medicine
you may already know where i am going with so i will just hit you with it. my INITIAL SICKNESS was just extreme seasonal allergies that required nothing more than claritin and flonase. however i was misdiagnosed with ACID REFLUX and medication was making my stomach a wasteland
the second i stopped taking acid reflux meds and started on allergy trot i was better almost instantly. today i feel HECKIN GREAT. (SIDE NOTE: after 4 years of chronic pain i am so thankful to not have some OTHER long term health trot to deal with. DANG)
so what is lesson here? first of all please do not think this is in ANY WAY anti-doctor rant or anti-medicine. my doctors were trying their best and made a mistake, they are just people. ALSO while acid reflux medicine made me sick, allergy meds made me better. i am SO fortunate
but what is REALLY fortunate is that chuck is covered under SWEET BARBARAS HEALTH CARE (she gets very good coverage under the frozen lake). most artist buckaroos, even WILDLY successful ones, do not have health care which is huge issue that should be talked on more.
point is EVERYONE should have healthcare. this whole adventure was bad, but it also only cost me 50 dollars. hundreds of thousands of other buckaroos would have to deal with this PLUS it would completely upend their life to cover medical expenses because of a SIMPLE MISTAKE
so that is my story, usually there is more of a lesson to these rants but this one is really just ‘dang what a trip.’ so grateful for my health and my way and the fact i can get simple allergy medicine over the counter. most of all THANKFUL FOR MY BODY it is such a treat to exist
thank you for reading and remember to advocate for yourself and your feelings both BODY and MIND at the doctor. listen to your trot and do not forget that LOVING YOURSELF AND THE SYSTEMS OF YOUR BODY proves love just as much as loving others. trot on buckaroos
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ninyard · 3 days
I just saw a post wondering what Andrew and Neil’s first proper argument is, and naturally I have to offer this:
Andrew and Neil don’t fight. They’ll ignore each other if they’re pissed off - but never for more than a few hours, or maybe until one of them has slept it off and decide it’s not worth it (usually Andrew). They’ll have tiffs but never over anything serious.
Except for in the months coming up to Andrew’s graduation. That is when I believe Andrew and Neil have their first real argument.
Andrew gets officially signed to his pro team around abouts the February of that year. It’s in a state further away that Neil expected, and since they found out, Neil keeps catching Andrew looking at apartments or researching the state and the team. He’s happy for him, of course he is, but he can’t quite identify what this feeling in his stomach is every time Andrew brings it up. The little fights that last longer than their usually bickering start not long after; Neil getting more pissed off by the little things Andrew does, Andrew having off-days with Neil more and more often, each of them asking for their own space because they know if they stay around each other they’re going to start a fight. It’s gradual in a way that they don’t realise for a little while that it’s getting worse, until just after the championship finals, and the season is officially over, when three days have passed without them talking for not much of a reason at all. Neil used his finals as an excuse, but Andrew didn’t have any good reason. After those three days, they’re finally alone in their dorm for whatever reason, and maybe Andrew has started packing or he’s just got some sort of welcome package from the team: everything explodes. Andrew tries to kiss Neil, and something feels wrong, and when Neil asks what the fuck is going on, all hell breaks loose.
Andrew doesn’t yell, of course he doesn’t, but he’s venomous. He’s asking Neil why he’s acting as if the world is going to end just because he’s graduating, he’s angry at him for becoming so dependent on his presence, he’s angry at himself for feeling like he’s found a future in Neil when this was never the plan. He was supposed to be nothing. A casual fuck, with an end date and no feelings but fuck if he can’t live his life without him now. Neil yells, because he does, and he’s angry that Andrew still seems so unsure about what they are, how comfortable they were, but suddenly things are different, and it feels like he doesn’t care. He’s angry at himself for building his life around Andrew, but he’s the only reason why Neil Josten exists. Andrew reminds him of that, and it makes everything worse.
It goes on for far too long, quickly becoming meaningless and just an excuse for either of them to vent out the frustration they’ve been keeping inside for months.
“You know that I won’t overstep your boundaries,” Neil points a finger at him. “So in your head it’s okay to treat me like shit and ignore me because you know that I will give you that space.”
He doesn’t even really think that, but every little thing, every little excuse is multiplied by a thousand when he feels this red hot rage. He hates the things that come out of his mouth, but Andrew gives it back, and his insistent refusal to back down just further butts their heads together and infuriates them both.
“I won’t chase after you because you’ve decided to allow me distance,” Andrew says, calm and ice cold. “You can’t invent boundaries for me and then be upset that they exist.”
Lows blows after low blows, unfair quips and insults from both sides, slamming of drawers and doors and throwing of things; they have never, ever fought like this before. It’s over everything and nothing at the same time. Andrew knew it was only a matter of time before campus security was called, but when he tried to tell Neil to calm down and lower his voice, it only made things worse.
They’ve been unkind and awful with each other for about an hour when Neil finds himself starting to get so furiously angry thats he’s upset, that he can feel himself being needlessly nasty with Andrew. For the first time ever he feels the tilt. He feels their foundations getting rocked, a crack in the base of the pyramid of their relationship that gives him the feeling that this might not last forever. He leaves their dorm with a slam of the door, and goes for a run. He hasn’t done that in a while, a run from his feelings, running from his problems and responsibilities. He’s not sure how long it’s been before he finds himself too far away from campus, because he just ran in a straight line.
When he checks his phone he realises he’s over an hour walk away from their dorms. He almost calls Matt, and hesitates over Coach’s phone number, but instead he clicks Andrew’s name. It’s only ringing for two rings before the ringing ends and there’s a quiet hiss at the other end of the line. Neil double checks that he’s answered, because Andrew hasn’t said anything, and brings the phone back to his ear.
“Can you come pick me up?” His breathing is heavy, all of his anger drained out through his feet with every single step that he took to get further away from their dorm.
“Where are you?” Andrew is quick to respond, and Neil can hear him already picking up his keys.
Neil tells him the name of some bar that he can see, and Andrew hangs up almost instantly afterwards. Neil starts to put his phone away, used to the abrupt endings of phone calls, but wishing he would say something more. He puts his phone away and wonders why Andrew can’t just give him something. He’s not looking for a Love you! Bye! But maybe just an answer that let him know he was listening. but then it starts to ring again, and it’s Andrew, and Neil doesn’t say anything when he answers.
“I’m leaving now,” Andrew says. There’s something in his voice. “I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”
“Okay,” Neil responds. “Thank you.”
Andrew hums in acknowledgment, but this time he doesn’t hang up immediately. He hesitates, but he’s somewhere outside now.
“I will always pick you up.” He says after a while, after he’s shut his car door and the engine has rumbled to life, and maybe it sounds like I love you, I care about you, I need you. Maybe it sounds like I need you to know that i can’t lose this.
“I know,” Neil says, and it sounds like I can’t do this without you. “Thank you.”
Andrew waits a second or two then before hanging up, and Neil waits for him by the curb. Andrew is there quicker than twenty minutes later. Neither of them say anything as Neil slips into the passenger seat, and neither of them say anything as they pull away. Neither of them say anything until Andrew has switched the engine off, and the car is sitting in its parking spot. They look at each other then, and maybe then they understand what’s happening.
“I’m not above telling you that I don’t want to leave here,” leave you. “But this was always a certainty. You’ve had plenty of time to prepare.”
“I thought that I had,” Neil tells him.
It’s the truth, in some way. He realises then that all of these little fights, and growing agitation, and this almost primal urge to push Andrew away was how he’d prepared. He’s been trying his hardest to soften the blow that it would have on him, and if he pushed him away first, then it wouldn’t hurt when he inevitably pushed him back or let him go. Only, that was never going to happen, and that’s what made it worse - nothing could happen to them now that would not bring them back to each other. So when Neil pushed and pushed and pushed and Andrew was constantly hitting a wall instead of a door, all they were doing was filling the room with resentment.
They sit in the car then and talk about the reality: Andrew was moving away in just a few weeks, moving further away than they’d ever been apart. The truth was that regardless of whether or not Neil decides to spend the summer with him, August would come, and Neil would go back to PSU, and Andrew would stay wherever it was that he was staying. They’d been fighting more in a subconscious test with each other, to see if one of them were going to give up, to see it this was the thing that would finally tear them apart. They talk about that, too, as difficult as it is for Andrew to be honest about that kind of thing. Neil asks him if he thinks it would be better for them to break up, to give each other space, to let Andrew flourish on his new team and meet new people and grow into himself as a professional exy player. It’s the first time either of them have acknowledged the possibility out loud with each other, and it destroys Neil to ask it, and it destroys Andrew to hear it.
Andrew thinks about how Exy was supposed to be the deal with Kevin: how he was supposed to come off his meds, and Kevin would give him purpose, and he would find something to live for in the sport that would not love him back. Instead he gave him Neil. That was his something to live for, and while he’d started to learn how to live for himself, and he would eventually survive without him, he didn’t want to. He couldn’t. He would sooner give it all up just to keep him, and Neil knew that was the truth.
Neil thinks about how Neil was supposed to be temporary. Now it was the future, it was Andrew, it was a long and successful life. Neil Josten did not have an expiry date anymore. He could have things that were his own, things to keep, things to live for.
They knew it wouldn’t be easy, but as the evening went on, and they stay in that car and talk about the future, they’d truly come to the understanding that neither of them can lose each other. They will always be half of one another, and no amount of distance can change that. It’s hard conversation after hard conversation, and it’s emotional in the way that Andrew and Neil get emotional. All the fighting ends up being a catalyst for possibly the most personal, deep, intimate discussion they’ve ever had. There’s lots of silences and voices that threaten to raise but stay low. There’s a lot of questions, and answers, and questions without answers, too. Buts it’s needed. Andrew could not leave PSU without them having this conversation. If he had, I think they would’ve struggled a whole lot more with the distance, and the conversations they would have afterwards would’ve been far more difficult.
Ultimately that’s where they end the conversation sometime past midnight - with a semi newfound understanding of where they stand with each other, what they are, what the future means for them. It’s a fight that needed to happen, and in their own ways they apologise for the things that they said. Maybe they don’t say sorry, they just say everything is going to be okay, and distance will not be the thing that ruins this.
I don’t know. I really do think it’s a fight that’s needs to happen. I think it’s a terrible, angry, nasty argument, and they both feel awful about the things they said and did, but it had to happen. Yeah, could it have been communicated with words? Sure. But Andrew had to understand how afraid Neil was of losing him, he had to understand what Neil was doing to protect himself from it. And Neil had to understand that Andrew was always, always willing to fight for him, but he couldn’t do that if Neil wasn’t willing to see that he would.
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emphistic · 3 days
A/N: i must finish this series before it finishes me. this is also only my second time writing on laptop instead of my phone.
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Sukuna wasn’t supposed to be enjoying this.
It came natural to him — talking to you, I mean.
“Hello?” you asked, putting him on speaker. You didn’t bother moving your phone to your ear, your roommate slept over at her boyfriend’s last night anyway. So you had the apartment to yourself.
A deep, raspy voice answered on the other line with a quick, “Hey,” and you assumed he had probably only woken up a few minutes before he called you.
“Do you . . . need something?” You had to admit, this was quite odd. It was rare for Sukuna to call you so early in the morning, after all, your tutoring sessions were usually in the evening or right after Sukuna got off of basketball practice, which was never before 4pm.
“I’m supposed to need something now? What if I just wanted to talk to you?”
“. . .” You almost dropped your phone on the tiles of the kitchen floor; your silence told Sukuna everything he needed to know.
“What, don’t tell me I can’t talk to my favorite tutor?” His voice held a mischievous tone to it, and the expression painted on his face was no different.
“I’m your only tutor, dickhead.”
Sukuna feigned a sigh, and you almost pitied him for a second. “I just, y’know, miss hearing the voice of the prettiest girl on campus—”
“Sukuna, don’t—don’t do that. Especially not to me.” Chance no. 1 — Those words and the tone in which you uttered them almost made Sukuna think back on the whole bet. If only he had. If only he had listened.
“Do what?”
“You know what.”
“Why not?”
“For fuck’s sake, Sukuna, don’t play coy. It is eight in the morning—”
“I’m serious, though. I just want to talk to you, it’s, ah, lonely over here.” Sukuna twirled a pen he picked up from his nightstand between his fingers.
Lonely? Lonely? Sukuna was lonely? Yeah, he had to be playing with you or something. “Where’s that girl you posted on your story last night then, hm? Was she not up to your liking, Ryomen?”
“Don’t even start.”
You laughed. Sukuna smiled; in all honesty, he really did miss your voice. He had neither seen nor heard from you in days. Coach had been kicking him in the ass lately, telling him to do this and do that, and the injury on his shoulder was really starting to take a toll on his body. He wasn’t allowed to work out, much less, even play ball.
“Are you really serious though? Like, deadass?”
Sukuna paused, before answering moments later. “Why the hell would I not be? Yuuji’s out of town with some of his friends, so I have no one to bother, and no games for a while, either. This is the first time I’ve had — what did you call it? — a lazy morning.”
You couldn’t stifle your giggle. “Is that all you care about? No Yuuji and no basketball?”
“. . . I also have no food in the fridge . . . so that’s that, I guess.”
“Oh, my God! You being miserable is not supposed to be this funny. I can’t.” Sukuna could still hear your laughter loud and clear from the other line even after you set your phone down to clutch your stomach in hysteria.
“How rude of you, Madame President.”
When you realized how casually you were speaking to Sukuna — out of all people, you abruptly regained your composure, and cleared your throat. Yeah, sometimes either you or Sukuna would crack a joke or two during a tutoring session, but you two rarely held a civil conversation without it breaking out into a petty fight or argument about something trivial. So this was certainly new. And, you were also fairly surprised with how natural it felt, as if this was totally normal, and you totally weren’t speaking to the biggest nuisance and bane of your existence.
However, this also wasn’t the first nor last phone call you two would ever have. And usually, speaking while separated also helped keep the peace between you both.
“Are you stable now?” Sukuna teasingly questioned.
Your voice cracked, “Mhm.”
“Good.” Then, he hung up. That was it. That was it. Chance no. 2 — Sukuna should’ve just left it at that. He should’ve never called you another morning, or another evening. But no, he was determined to prove Naoya Zen’in wrong. He could do this. But. . . He shouldn’t do this. And that made all the difference.
Maybe it was a bad idea to immediately start his car and drive to your complex. Maybe it was a bad idea to knock three times, sparing only a glance at the number on your door: 116. Maybe it was a bad idea to enter your apartment. Maybe it was a bad idea. Then again, you were the one who let him in — in the first place. It was a bad idea.
“You said you were hungry, right? I’m making breakfast right now. Wan’ some?”
He should’ve shook his head no, and said, “My fridge is empty. But I’m not hungry,” but he didn’t. Sukuna stayed over for three hours. You two spent the morning sharing a stack of pancakes, and spoke in hushed tones — not for any specific reason — over cups of coffee.
But that wasn’t all. Sukuna began calling you almost every morning after that day. At first, it was an inconvenience, as most of your meetings were in the early hours, but you two came to a compromise and only spoke on the phone for as long as it took you to change your clothes and get ready to leave. However, unbeknownst to you, Sukuna also took the time out of his day. Though it wasn’t much, Sukuna skipped out on his morning jogs to hear your voice. It didn’t matter, anyway, because Coach wasn’t going to let him run if he had a say in this. But he didn’t.
The bet stayed in the back of his mind. Sukuna rarely thought about it. At times, most times, really, it didn’t feel like a bet or a dare or a joke, to Sukuna. It felt real. It felt like he was actually talking to and hanging out with a real person. He was talking to and hanging out with you. And he was enjoying it.
But when Naoya called, and asked for them to meet up after school, Sukuna automatically knew what that little mutt wanted. They agreed on a small diner, close to campus, and not too far from their gymnasium. It was rough, downtrodden, and looked too old to still be running. Nevertheless, no one was supposed to see them here anyway, so it worked.
“Have you two hung out yet?”
The memory of having breakfast at your place was not a distant memory, so Sukuna didn’t mention it. “Not out of school.”
“I assume progress has been slow, then?”
“We’ve started talking more than usual.” Sukuna silently reminisced about all the nights you spent on call together, when either of you couldn’t fall asleep, and about all the mornings you spent eating breakfast together, when Sukuna’s fridge was, like always, empty. But he didn’t mention any of those things.
“You seem to be enjoying this, y’know. I saw the way you dropped her off at her Student Council meeting, don’t think I didn’t.”
Sukuna frowned, but the blond continued.
“You had a smile on your face.” 
That, he did.
“If you don’t hurry up and get her to go out with you, I’m calling off the bet. Money’s gone. No prize, nothing. Make up your mind. Go through with this, or, like the pussy you are, forfeit,” Naoya spat out; his tone was far from benevolent, did Sukuna forget about how this all started in the first place? Chance no. 3 — Sukuna should’ve ended the deal right then and there. But he didn’t; if Naoya thought Sukuna was going to back out of this unsuccessful, he thought wrong.
“You seem to have forgotten who was the pussy in the first place, dumbass. I’ll forfeit when I die.”
“We’ll see about that, Ryomen. We’ll see.”
It was later than usual when Sukuna called you that night, and exhaustion was evident in his voice.
“You’re telling me, that, you’ve started hanging out with SUKUNA!?”
“Nobara, shh! At this point, the whole building’s going to know.”
“They should know! This is revolutionary! My friend’s getting laid!”
You shot her a pointed expression.
“Alright, alright, let me just tone it down a bit, my bad, because I’m totally not shocked that my best friend is now talking civilly with the man of her NIGHTMARES!” Her pitch gradually got louder and higher as she continued with her sentence. You curled up into a ball on the floor of your shared living room as the brunette paraded around the apartment waving her arms about and screaming in intervals of only two seconds.
“And, and, not only that, he’s also asking you OUT?!”
“Nobara, oh, my God.”
“‘Oh, my God’ is right. This is — I don’t even know what to say — is this good? Is this great? Are we excited? Are we friendzoning him? What’s—what’s the situation here, girl? Fill me in a little more.”
“Oh, yeah, about that. . . I’m not really into baseball, but I was talking to him the other day about it—”
“Why are you only telling me just now?”
“Anyways, I was telling him about this player who I thought was really cute. Y’know, the guy I showed you a picture of—with the really spunky hair, yeah, that guy, and umm, I guess he took that as me saying I’m into baseball. But I’m not. I have no clue what anything regarding that sport even is, I just—ugh, I need help. He says he has really good seats,” you pinched the space between your brows in exasperation.
“What I’m getting at here is that you don’t want to say ‘no’ because he already paid for the tickets?”
You nodded.
“But you don’t want to say ‘yes’, right?”
When you didn’t respond, Nobara audibly sighed as loud as one could, and slapped her palm on her forehead. “I thought you were better than this. Sukuna? Really? You want to go out with that punkass? The one who — you told me — annoyed the shit out of you back in high school? Girl, something has to be possessing you right now, what the fuck.”
“Okay, okay, deep breaths. Let’s backtrack a little,” Nobara seemed to be the only one not following her own instruction.” So, he’s asking you out on a date, with him, and not another better guy who would be better deserving of you. Yes? Ugh, damnit. Okay, anyway, and you plan on saying ‘yes’.”
“I might’ve already said ‘yes’,” you winced as Nobara looked like she was about to faint.
“Oh, dear Jesus. Do I not exist to you anymore? Why are you only giving me the scoop, like, centuries later? Are we not friends, roommates, anything? . . . Okay, okay, deep breaths, Nobara, deep breaths. . .” She shut her eyes and began to breathe in deeply, over and over again. 
All the while, you tried to contain your own mind. If you really thought hard and long about it, it would seem a little strange that you were going on a date with Ryomen Sukuna. Scratch that, really strange, actually. I mean, how much could a person possibly change over the course of — what, a year? — to go from teasing and bullying you relentlessly, absolutely determined to make your life a living hell, to asking you out on a date. A date? Isn’t that what couples do? Isn’t that what people who like or love each other do? But, you weren’t supposed to like nor love Sukuna. You were supposed to hate his guts, or, at the most, tolerate him. But no more, right?
That’s what Nobara Kugisaki was trying to figure out, as well. But her specific thinking was on a level below yours. As your best friend, roommate, and all the things you could possibly think of, she knew you. She knew your favorite type of sandwich, your favorite music genres and songs, your favorite hairbrush to use, your favorite pair of shoes. She knew you well. But, after some previous events, she now only knew you well enough. She also used to know your type. . . And, Sukuna? Wasn't it, until now, apparently.
“So what’s the game plan?” The sound of her genuinely curious voice brought an abrupt end to your train of thought.
“Oh, um, I don’t know? Just go to the game with him, I guess. That’s all there is to it, right? It’s just a simple date, a simple outing, an evening of fun. Yeah! Let’s think of it that way.” While you tried to act normal about the whole arrangement, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of misgiving about the whole thing. You were actually starting to like Sukuna more than you let on, he made you feel giddy inside, like a little middle school girl talking to her crush, he made you laugh and smile, but, in the end, you weren’t sure if he changed enough as a person to not go back to his old ways.
“That’s all there is to it?” Nobara repeated, not completely understanding your words.
Maybe you were overthinking all of this. After all, Sukuna never referred to this as a date in the first place, it was you, instead, who thought of it as one. I mean, who wouldn’t? Sukuna played it off as, “Me and Yuuji were originally going to go together, but we bought these tickets before he went out of town. And I don’t like baseball that much, either, I’m more of a basketball typa guy — as you know, so there’s no way I’m going alone. And there’s also no way I’m letting sixty bucks go to waste.”
You laughed with him, and said, “So I’m the replacement?”
“Whatever you want to be.”
To be completely honest, you didn’t give it much thought when you quickly replied only moments later, “Sure, I’d like that.”
“What the fuck?! He was clearly safe!” Sukuna yelled, standing up from his seat as the rest of the crowd held similar reactions to what was called.
You crossed your legs, remaining seated, and placed a hand over your mouth to stifle your giggles. “I thought you weren’t into baseball?”
“That doesn’t mean I’m stupid!” Sukuna extended an arm out in the direction of the umpire, and mumbled a string of curses.
“Was it really that big of a deal? Mind you, you’re the brainy one in this area, not me, for once. You’ve gotta start giving me some pointers.” You cocked your head to the side, and used your hand to escape the harsh rays of the sun.
“Oh really, that so?”
“Was my lecture lasting the whole car ride here not enough for you?”
You let out a laugh, “You already know the answer to that.”
“Let me guess, you didn’t listen to a thing I said?”
“Sukuna, what are we doing?”
“Hm? What do you mean by that?”
The two of you spoke quietly, whilst sharing a cool milkshake after you unanimously decided it was hot as fuck, and you both were sweating like absolute pigs.
“Y’know. . . What are we doing? What are we doing at a baseball game together? What are we doing spending most nights and mornings on call together? What are we doing on a date together? What are we doing—together?” It was hard enough for you to keep eye contact with someone, you always felt uncomfortable by it, but Sukuna made it nearly impossible. You couldn’t meet his dark eyes for long enough until you had to avert your gaze elsewhere. But sharing a milkshake together? There really was no escape for you.
When the stadium grew boisterous and louder than ever out of the blue, you thought everyone was listening in to your conversation. Then, the logical side of your brain shut that idea down. But, when you and Sukuna turned your heads simultaneously to face the Jumbotron at the same time, you realized.
Inside of a heart-shaped frame decorated in pink and red hearts on the live-streamed video up above was none other than your and the pink haired-man beside you’s faces on the screen. And below your faces, written in bold, large, and white letters were: KISS CAM.
This was it. This was how you would die.
“I don’t know what the fuck we’re doing,” Sukuna turned to look at you with a calmer-than-he-should-be face. “Hell, I don’t even know what I’m doing. But . . . if you’ll let me. . .” His voice trailed off as his eyes languidly moved down your face, until his gaze rested on your lips.
Chants of “Kiss, kiss, kiss” filled the stadium, and grew louder and louder and louder, despite your evidently growing embarrassment.
You don’t know who leaned in first, and to this day, you still don’t know.
Sukuna’s arm — which previously hung around the back of your seat, moved to rest on the small of your back. His other hand gingerly cupped your cheek, and you subconsciously leaned into his hand, relaxing at the feel of his seemingly soothing touch.
A smirk grew on Sukuna’s face, and you waited for an obscene, vulgar joke to come out, but it never did. As your faces got nearer, your noses almost touching as a result, time seemed to come to a halt. You couldn’t even hear the restless crowd anymore. It was just you, and Sukuna. Sukuna and you. You and Sukuna. Come to think of it, you liked the sound of that, to be honest.
While Sukuna came closer, you couldn’t help but notice how handsome he really was. I know, it sounds weird to say, but it was true. In high school, he had his fair share of girlfriends, but you never really paid much thought to it. But now, you know why. It was undeniable. Sukuna really was attractive. Even if you push aside him being built like a Greek god, there were still other aspects to his beauty. His seemingly hypnotic eyes, his defined cheekbones, his tattooed skin, and that sharp jawline of his. It was all so, so beautiful.
You closed your eyes, afraid of what would happen next. But really, there was nothing to be afraid of as his lips met yours in a tender, yet fervent kiss.
This was . . . new. You didn’t expect a kiss from the Ryomen Sukuna to feel this way — not that you ever thought about that, no way. Was he always this gentle? Fuck, why was his hair so soft? While your focus was entirely on the man in front of you, your hands were quite distracted and moved to his nape to play with the little ends of hair there from his undercut.
Earlier, the cries of the stadium were softened and shut out because of . . . something you didn’t know about. (And the author doesn’t know, either.) But now, sounds of the stadium were completely drowned out, for you could only hear the hammering of your own heartbeat in your own chest.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Your mind was wiped completely blank, and you felt lightheaded, beyond dazed, even, as Sukuna caressed your cheek whilst he deepened the kiss ever so slightly. His lips began to move more ravaging-ly, like he was greedy for more. His tongue lightly grazed against your bottom lip, before he gave you lick. Taking the opportunity — as you parted your lips in a gasp, Sukuna added a little bit of tongue into the kiss as well.
The crowd grew wild, erupting into cheers as the sight on the screen grew closer and closer to a mere porno. Some parents were even forced to cover the stares of their curious and confused children 
You swore — for a split second, that you could taste the bitterness of the chocolate syrup from the milkshake you two had shared earlier, which made the kiss feel impossibly more sweeter, and even pleasant, if you will. You felt your face heat up, and your cheeks redden. You just knew he was going to tease you about this later, but did it matter? Not really, no.
The kiss turned sloppy, as Sukuna grew insatiable like the jerk he was, and people in charge of the KISS CAM quickly moved to a different couple, in hopes of keeping things a little more on the PG side.
You were surprised, to say the least, as you found yourself craving more. You grew fond of the feeling of his lips on yours, and you were beyond devastated — a pout evident on your glossy lips, when Sukuna pulled away.
You sank down into the back of your seat, covering your reddening cheeks, and attempting to hide from the world as Sukuna only gave a shit-eating grin to the people around you both.
Was it the beer that made you do all of that? Oh, right. You’re completely sober! God, you wondered what possessed you to do such a thing, much less, on live video! There was no excuse for what you just did. Nada.
“Was it really that bad? — That you had to hide away like a little hobbit?” Sukuna teased, laughing as you continued to get impossibly more red.
He really, really enjoyed this.
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E̴N̴T̴W̴I̴N̴E̴D̴ - Series - Part 6
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x f/reader
Warnings: Context and then some well-deserved smut, filthy stuff wink wink
Notes: Sorry for not posting but I work F, S, and S 8hrs so here it is!Thank you all for reading, you truly make my day with the likes
WC: 5.6K
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Suddenly a good selection of paintings inside the museum made perfect sense. The way the people in the paintings showed their physical affection, the way the sculptures were exceptionally objective with their sculpted fingers gripping legs and arms and oh-so-loving embraces. It made sense to you, after all this time. Erotism.
“The more you stare at it, the more you’ll raise suspicion”
You turned and looked at his tall figure, Benedict was quick to offer you his arm “Isn’t it the opposite?”
“Not quite. People who don’t understand it walk fast and prefer to admire fruit bowls than this” he pointed at the painting “but people who do get it… they admire” he sighed “after all. That’s what you do with art”
“And what if they knew I understand this?” You shrugged “It is like you said… are they going to make us marry? We have the leverage”
Benedict chuckled at your joke "You using the power game here is..." he sighed looking forward "Making me want to do this with you"
You eyed the sculpture of a naked man embracing a woman, his palm resting on top of her breast, the other one resting on her navel... resting? No, perhaps he was going southern to her-
"And still, even if you have a respectful air of confidence I still make you blush. Oh, Lady Danbury"
You blinked away, the blood all around your face being mentally pushed by you so you could face Lady Danbury and her soft yet harsh eyes if that makes any sense "Lady Danbury"
"You pair of doves" she smiled, "I thought you knew better than staring at these cultures far too long"
"I told you so" he whispered in your ear
"Well, Lady Danbury isn't this art to be admired?"
She ticked with her tongue, her cane softly touching your dress "If I didn't know, I would say you and Eloise are twins..." she then frowned looking at Benedict "Do not make fret about it"
"I'll make sure to ignore that"
"Now" she came closer, a hand resting on your back quite tightly "Ready for tomorrow?"
"Sure" you both replied
"I expected more enthusiasm from two people who clearly decided not to follow courtship rules"
"Since when you follow them neat and clear, Lady Danbury?" Benedict teased
"Since our Queen expressed to me that your underground engagement was not keen to her eyes"
"Underground?" Benedict's brows joined "Then what is tomorrow if not a public gathering about it?"
"Your intentions my dear artist were not clear and a man paid for it" She gave one nod "And you are not off the hook, Miss Ashbourne"
"Hmmmm, you sound like my Mama, Lady Danbury"
"And I can imagine what she said to you but at least I had to tell you... you know? Make sure that you know your thing as romantic as it is, it was seen as a surreptitious thing to do. Now, I'll go and you two move from this sculpture, the next thing we don't need is you two to reenact it!"
You saw her walking and how quickly a nobleman was ready to talk to Lady Danbury, you turned to Benedict who was pouting just so slightly.
"Did she just say surreptitious?"
"I don't know brother"
Benedict's face contorted and his eyes glinted with mischief "Oh, please do not. My ears are bleeding"
The day was merely a breeze, compared to the avalanche you believe tomorrow will be. Of course, everyone was invited, the Queen the exception because well... it is not like she helped the match to happen. You did that by yourself. When night became day you followed your morning, you bathed until your skin was wrinkled like a raisin and your hair smelled like a complete bar of soap.
"Tighter" she refused to let you have some piece "Tighter, girl" she ordered your Lady and you felt your ribcage extremely squeezed "Good" Your Mama stood behind you and stared at your figure "Your father and I haven't talked too much but I know he is quite involved in this, he will have things settled with Mr Bridgerton by no less than before the party ends"
"Alright?" you stared at her eyes but she avoided them "You are still vexed with me?"
"When I see you all dressed in white it will pass, now... tighter"
"No, MamaAaAaouch!"
You could not move as much from your torso and your rapid breathing was not noticeable still you managed to welcome each one from the ton with a wide smile, after all, this was an engagement party for you.
"Lady Danbury, you are glowing"
"Why thank you and you're so... straight, Miss Ashbourne. Lady Ashbourne, a moment?"
You saw your mother leave and that was as if God allowed you to breathe for a second -trying to at least-. The Garden of your house is now decorated with cream and pastels, bushes holding garlands of pearls, tables filled with delicate pastries and-
You flinched and balanced yourself only to see his clear eyes wrinkling as he laughed "He-"
"Benedict" however it was Violet who went straight to scold the twenty-eight-year-old man winking at you now "Manners, she is your fiancé"
"Indeed" You followed the game but smiled at him in return, your eyes went to the real ton of the evening, all the Bridgertons looking like they always do, stunning. "Lady Bridgerton" but your eyes danced to Kate who quickly shook her head at you and you understood "Lady Bridgerotn" you once called
Violet smiled at you, her kind eyes shining "My dear, you look radiant as always but today..."
"Oh thank you"
"She looks like a bride, right?" Anthony was quick to join
"No, more like a china doll" Hyacinth corrected but Eloise elbowed her
"Thank you Anthony and thank you Hyacinth. Please, there are refreshments, you all can sit down and have a good time"
You watched them go, and then turned to see Benedict still looking at you, you tilted your head and he walked toward you, his hands in his pockets.
"Are you having fun?"
"What do you think?"
His hand went to your dangling earrings and then moved a curl from your face "If I die right now, I'd depart knowing I've witnessed the most enchanting work of art ever created"
The already constricted chest you have due to the corset felt like fire with his words "Thank you, but you won't die now"
"Life is short"
"Not that short for you to die in your engagement party"
"Then marry me now"
"Is that a yes?" he murmured and then leaned down kissing your cheek, you sighed closing your eyes and taking a deep breath "Hmm?"
"Yes" You saw him lean back to his place, the violin in the background could not make you flinch nor the chatting could make your ears pierced. What sorcery was this? You could only stay put and see him
You snapped back to see Anthony and blinked away "Lord Bridgerton... I believe your Brother needs you, Mr. Bridgerton"
he grunted, "I love you Anthony but why?"
Anthony so gallantly with a hand on his side palmed Benedict "Business I'm afraid, it won't take that much"
"If it does, I'll send Eloise and she'll throw a book at him"
You both chuckled, you did not move from your place, your Mama did not let you, you saw Eloise coming from the distance and Benedict was nowhere to be seen.
"You look like a statue, a very uncomfortable one"
"I feel like one"
Eloise sighed and leaned on her shoulder "So..."
"We haven't talked"
"Not because of me"
"Hey, give me some rights..."
"I am the sister, and oh my your sister-in-law, future sister-in-law"
"I love the enthusiasm, El"
"You know I mean well, after all, you are my girl just like Pen who is... eh"
You knew better than to talk so you moved your hand to allow her the stage for the monologue you knew she would throw.
"I mean" she inhaled "Do you, no, did you imagine kissing my brother every time we went out together?"
"Just answer, you know how this goes"
"No, I did not" you admitted "Especially not the first years"
"That would have been alarming"
"Yes... and I found those sentiments not that long ago but strong. Does that make sense?"
"No, yet I believe you"
She grabbed your arm "Come on now, let us join Francesca"
"What about Pen?"
"Eh let her do her own thing"
Anthony was lying. Benedict went away and returned before the party finished, some minutes to spare for some dancing couples still taking advantage of the sunny day above them.
"Why haven't we danced?" you inquired and he turned around to see you a slight seriousness on his face "What's the matter?"
"Nothing, it is just that..." his hand caressed your chin and then the palm of his hand went up until it cupped your face, his thumb caressing your cheekbone "I missed you"
He shrugged and looked to the dance floor "We haven't have we? Danced"
"No, now that I think about it we haven't"
"Excluding those small dancing sessions with the family..." he muttered
"So now you also want to save a second thing until marriage?"
He saw your smirk and grinned back "I will only save one thing until marriage and I won't tell you what"
"And I won't ask"
"Dance with me then"
You nodded and he grabbed your hand, the way the wind was moving the tree branches, the birds singing... everything was perfect, the sky was the shade of his eyes, the flowers contrasted with his pale skin and finally you danced. You don't remember why on heavens you haven't shared a proper dance not even during innocent times, perhaps those dancing sessions with the Bridgertons but his hands never landed on your back nor his eyes were fixated on yours like now.
Your hands never surrounded him with intensity like now, your mind was never filled with loving thoughts and passions -maybe except from the last year to the present time-.
"What are you thinking?"
"Your eyes"
"I swear I saw the sky and then I looked into your eyes and I thought..." you smiled, your heart beating rapidly, "I thought... there is not much difference"
Benedict blushed, a thing he has mastered not to feel bad about "You're just making me go all mellow on you"
"Afraid of a lady paying compliments?"
"No, I am just afraid of what my body does when it's near the woman who is paying me the compliment"
You swallowed and stared at his face, his hand caressing your spine, your other hand resting on top of his shoulder "Do it then. We were cut hours ago"
"By my lovely brother"
"Is everything alright with... whatever that was?"
He exhaled "Well, if you want to know I will tell you but what if I tell you tonight?"
"Another adventure through back gardens and brandy?"
"You said it better than I could. Come here"
He stopped dancing to the harmony of the violins and flutes. In a second he gave you the sweetest close-mouthed kiss. You felt tingling for a brief moment, you smelled his cologne and felt the softness of his lips.
You smiled like an idiot. Yes, an idiot you called yourself because you couldn't believe this was happening. You couldn't believe the feeling. It was a mix of everything.
By the time the party ended, you gave your farewell to everyone invited. Still, the party was not kind to your mother's mood, her frown kept crippling now and then, triggered by your closeness and unfortunately the collateral damage, your father's.
However, things ran smoothly and you dismissed your two ladies who were quick to go to the servants' chambers for the rest of the day. You did not change attire and still with some light from the twilight, you bravely walked through the back gardens of the houses.
Before your knuckles could touch the door it opened, Benedict still not changed from his black suit was smiling.
"Did you know I was coming?"
"I did not but I was hoping"
You nodded and walked in, he closed the door "Thank you"
"So" he spun in his heels "I must confess something"
"I have some work I must finish before we talk and... talk"
"Oh, that's alright I must also confess I'm rather curious about this place"
"Please feel free to explore. It is yours"
You saw him leave with an air of madness, but of course, you knew better than cutting his thread when he had that look. So curiosity got the best of you, the living room had a fireplace and a portrait of the whole family.You went upstairs to the hall and saw that there was a door to another studio this one amazingly empty that made you chuckle. Benedict was never one for bookkeeping, files or forms so this room being clean is exceptionally him. His office is the art studio.
You smiled and before turning away you spotted the mirror on top of the fireplace, you looked the same as this morning with more curls out of your hairstyle yet the same. Your hands however found a fight of their own as your fingers tried to unclasp the buttons of your dress, the damned corset was pressuring you too much. You managed to unbutton it, the sleeves were the problem as you couldn't reach it from your position, you took a deep breath and sighed, your back arching and you saw him through the mirror.
"high!" you flinched and lost balance when you swore you were going to feel the hit on your bum you opened your eyes to see him holding you
"What on earth?" he chuckled
"Hi!" you smiled back "you scared me"
"And you scared me"
"I heard silence... silence with you in this place" he pulled you up with him, grunted as he tried to balance your rigid back "Everyone knows that you love creating racket"
"Even if it is just humming a song" he brushed your sleeves "So why are you getting naked in this studio?"
"I am not getting naked, my corset is too tight. Has been like so all day and my chest feels like it's going to explode. Help me please?"
You turned around and he undid your dress, the sleeves falling off, the corset's laces were visible yet he hummed "How?"
"It is well-knotted"
"Have you never untied one?"
Benedict bit his tongue. He has seeing corsets but the women never have asked him to remove it or sometimes they don't wear one at all.
"Not... quite"
"Un-knotted" you instructed "try each loop to loosen it"
You felt some movement behind, you moved at his weird shaking of you "there" he said "done"
But the corset was the same you could feel it "No, it is still tied"
"No, I..." he humemd "Oh I untied the sides"
"No that only for decor"
"Noted, so the middle"
"Yes the middle!" you shriek
"Alright Alright..." he stood silent again and sighed "wait here"
"Wha- Benedict you only need your hands!"
"I will be right back!"
"Oh Lord"
"Here" he said
But you frowned at the sound, like knives or... "No, Benedict! Bene-"
"Ahhhhhhh" he exhaled relieved "Done!"
You turned around with the coldest glare you have ever done in your life "Really?"
"You cut my corset"
"Horrible corset, ribcage-breaker if you ask me"
"And you hate it too, I do not know where this affection is coming from"
He was right, your chest felt better and his adorable innocent smile was melting you away "Thank you"
"Always, now... what to do with this?" he pointed at you
"I have my camisole here, you can go now to your work"
Benedict pointed with his finger "I thought you knew I came for you"
"You told me you had work"
"The most infuriating thing I have ever said in my life. Forgive me for that"
"So there is no work?"
"There is, plenty. Loads. But you are here with a broken corset. Call me juvenile but not an idiot, my love"
You rolled your eyes "Fine. Take it away and burn it"
"Aye Aye Captain"
Carefully you slid your arms out of the tiny puffed sleeves and then with his help your broken corset was gone leaving your cotton camisole on. Your hands cupped your breast feeling how the tightness made you sore.
"What's wrong?" he asked behind you
"It hurts... like a lot"
"My breasts"
"Well, they're finally free"
"No they are not!" you said turning around "see?" and saw his grin "Oh, I know what you did"
"You turned, not me" he tried not to look down the thin camisole so he instead focused on the two orbs on your face "Are you fine wearing your gown? I can lend you some clothes"
"Like what? Do you have spare woman's gowns here?"
"No, but I can find something, let's see"
"Benedict you don't need to do that, I will be fine"
"Well, I can't have you naked"
"I have a camisole and a dress"
"You are not sleeping in that" he said leaving you again in the studio, you turned around to see your reflection in the mirror and saw how your hair was starting to fall, the pins around your curls as well dropping and your camisole exposing just a tiny pigment of your ni-
"Here!" he exclaimed and entered the room with a pile of clothes "I know you hate wool, flannel is too hot so cotton it is"
"Thoughtful" you took the ample cotton shirt. The flounce long sleeves and the collar made you know this one was a hunting shirt "thank you"
"I'll leave you to it, I will..." he walked to the door but then gave one step backwards "unless you want me to-"
"Me? want to...?"
"I meant that- well, me here-"
"Oh, it's-"
"Fine, yes I'll go"
The awkward moment was cut with him closing the door as you usually let yourself change. Your garters holding your stockings and the camisole away made you look like one of those illustrations you found under your father's desk. You however decided to wear Benedict's hunting shirt, your slender arms too fragile for the flouncing sleeves and your collarbone too narrow for the shoulder-width.
Was it too untoward of you?
"Oh for heaven's sake," you muttered
Isn't this enough? too proper all the time? You have been raised in the rules of the time, clear as water you understand them but you are going to be living behind closed walls with a person who is like you. Why should you keep following them? They have domesticated you so well and here is Benedict who has been too -domesticated- but still you two gravitate to unchain yourselves.
"Why Am I thinking so much about the camisole?"
You opened the door of the studio and heard nothing, however as you descended the staircase you started to hear the brushstrokes, the dipping into the water, the brush getting dried with a cloth and a sudden gulp, Brandy it must be.
You reached the art studio and peaked inside, Benedict was facing back at you, the easel with a canvas was ready and his paint pallet was in front of him, the glass full of a golden liquid. You knocked on the door and he turned around.
It was not your intention -you told yourself- the brandy went to his lungs and he coughed at the sight of you. You took the slight moment as advantageous and you moved to the couch where he had put some pillows, you sat and stared at him as he drank from the glass, the amber liquid sliding down his neck.
"That bad?" you asked
"No" he rasped and cleared his throat "not at all. I... think I died and came back with the sight of you"
"You're such a charmer, Mr. Bridgerton"
"That's why I'm not the one who will inherit the title" he joked "I hope you don't mind"
"The title?" you snorted "as if... although now that I put more thought into it... I think my Mother is quite frustrated about it... with Lord Coxingworth being left aside"
Benedict left his glass on a stool and moved to the couch where you are but he sat down on the carpet instead "You are quite perceiving to form that conjecture"
"How so?"
"Your mother talked to me today"
Your blood, as hot as it was went cold "What?"
"Anthony needed me to talk with your parents about your dowry"
You sneered at the thought "I hate dowries"
"And I hate talking about them... but your mother seemed to love Lord Coxingworth and I can't blame her, the man has his charm"
"And he is a Lord"
"And he is a Lord" he repeated "But still, your father was trying to make everything run smoothly so I only nodded. Anthony will make sure to keep everything in place, after all, you will be part of the family. For me you already are"
"I was about to say I do not need the dowry but Anthony knew and did the talking"
Your eyes expanded "What?"
"I don't need a dowry is just money. A Business, as if this" he pointed to you and him "is business... it is not"
"You speak only the truth"
He grinned "Would you have taken the money?"
"Are you mad?"
"Imagine I am Benedictina!" he giggled, you slapped his leg with your foot "Hey! And you Mr. Ashbourne"
"Shush you"
"Would you have taken my dowry, my Lord?" he mocked
"Yes!" you laughed "Yes, to go to the coast of Italy and get some food and live there with your dowry Benedictina"
Benedict chortled loudly and hit your leg with his foot which you retaliated but he held it "Stop! You'll make me choke again!"
"Then let go of my leg!"
"You stop first!"
You stopped and looked at him, the fire in the fireplace behind him and the moonlight from the window making the scene even more dreamlike.
"Are you still certain about marrying me?"
He looked at your eyes and the way the firelight made them shine "More than ever. Why the question?"
you shrugged "I don't want you to feel rushed, perhaps Lord Coxingworth made you act fast and-"
"I know what you're saying" he nodded and took his tie from his neck and rolled it in his hand "but it was that or seeing you getting married to him which..." he pointed "It is not the only thing but it pushed me to do something which is the right thing to do"
"You better still think that" you hit his side with your foot again "because I will terrorize you if you ever point out it was rushed"
"I'll terrorize you back"
You sneered "I'll terrorize you further"
He straightened "I'll terrorize you harder"
"You think you can"
"Oh I know"
"Bring it, Bridgerton"
He leaned in close, crawling on the couch until his hand touched your clothed calf, his lips inches from yours, the fire's heat behind him and the night sky shining through the window.
"I have a lot of ideas"
"I have some myself" you replied
"Is that so" he licked his lips
"Then I'll start with this" he pecked your lips, once "Fight me" he kissed you, twice "Love me" he kissed you, thrice "Do it all together" and he kissed you again, his tongue tracing the seam of your mouth, your lips parted and let him in, his tongue was warm and his breath tasted like brandy and mint.
"And I will start," you said between kisses, his mouth was insatiable, your lips were swollen with his rapture "With this" your hands pulled the tie in his hand and pushed his torso forward, Benedict followed and he was on top of you, his weight pressing down but you loved it "Fight me" you kissed his neck and nipped his lobe, Benedict moaned and moved his lips down your jaw to your chin and then your neck, he was kissing and licking you "Love me" you tugged his hair, the moan reverberating against your neck, his teeth nibbling down to your collarbone "And do it all together"
His hands found the hem of his hunting shirt, your bare legs exposed with the pantalettes still around your body, his hands travelled up your thigh and cupped your ass, the touch burning against your skin. You could feel his fingers digging into your flesh even with the fabric against you.
His eyes as dark as they could be stared at your breathing chest, the small gap of his shirt showing your soft skin "Y/N... I need my shirt back"
"It looks good on me, doesn't it"
"Too good" he groaned as he kissed your collarbone, his hand travelling back to your leg and up to the inner thigh, your heart drummed in your chest, the air was getting thick and your core was getting wet "give it to me" he pleaded
You broke apart and nodded, why are you hiding? Your hands took the buttons in front and started to undo them, slowly and surely while he was waiting patiently, the shirt opened just to expose the middle of your torso and your navel.
"hey" he murmured looking down and up at you "You don't need to open it now"
"Then tell me why it feels alright doing it?" you said and your hands were quick to push the shirt down your arms leaving it forgotten, cornered by the couch that it might absorb it. Your eyes were glued however in the pulsating vein by his neck until his finger raised your chin
"You are still someone unable to be defined by a word" he whispered "beyond what the word beautiful means or any other"
You hummed unfit to say anything and you saw the delicacy of his touch. One of his hands was placed by the side of your head so he wouldn't fall on you, the other softly cupped your breast and traced the round shape. You could see the curiosity, his fingers pinching your nipple and you moaned "It's so soft" he mumbled "And this" he pinched the other nipple and felt it hardening under his palm "This is... everything I thought"
"Am I what you imagined me to be?"
"And more," he said and leaned down "Allow me"
"I-" but you were shushed by the erotic sound of a sucking noise, his lips latched onto your nipple, and you felt his tongue swirling around it and his teeth grazing your sensitive skin. You could feel him sucking the tender spot, the warmth spreading from the tips of your fingers to your toes and you moaned hard.
Benedict was delighted by the sound of your pleasure, his hand caressing the other breast, his thumb pressing the bud until you could only gasp, he stopped and moved to the other nipple.
"You're a tease"
"Let me play"
"Benedict" you groaned and arched your back to press your breast more against him. The scene was like the water you drink in the middle of the night, your mind could not process the moment and still, you could feel it all, your breast, the swelling too close to his face "oh"
Benedict however could not wait, he just couldn't. The sight of you, your warmth was inviting, more inviting than the day before, than any other thing he has done with, for, and by you. He pushed himself back, his hands travelled to your wait and hips and he left -agonizingly- your breasts now covered in his spit. His hands slid down to your thighs and opened them wider, he sat in his heels and took in the view of the most secretive part of your body -yet- he cursed at the pantalettes and then looked at you flushed, red and pink and all colours for him.
You saw he wanted to take them away and so you nodded. What could he do? You thought. He's done so much. He could do anything to you and you'd let him, and so his hand slipped into the sides of your undergarment and slid down your thighs. The air hit your exposed body, the wetness dripping from you and Benedict saw. He saw all.
"My goodness" he whispered, his hand trembling "Oh my goodness, Y/N"
You looked away, the sudden shyness taking over, and you could not look at him.
"Look at me" he commanded "Y/N"
"Look at me"
Slowly you turned your face and saw his eyes. They were hungry, the pupils blown and his lips were swollen. You bit your lip and he hissed.
"What do you think?"
"You're divine, I can't- oh" his hands were caressing your thigh, his thumb rubbing circles around your inner thighs "You are... more than words can describe"
"Don't use words, please"
He chuckled "Very well" he grazed your folds with his finger and you welcomed it for the second time that "I'll kiss you"
Ignorantly, you plucked your lips and waited however the puck laste a second because you "Uuuuuh!" you flinched but Benedict held you in place.
The sole image of his face close to your core started to drive you insane "What-"
"Shush, honey"
Honey indeed as he kissed your wet core, his tongue explored you, the taste, the sensation, the feeling, he was addicted to you and the moans, the way your hips were starting to grind into his mouth were driving him insane. His hand held you down and his tongue explored, lapped and sucked, his nose nuzzled against your clit and the way his tongue slipped inside your hole, he could not help the groan, his own arousal was hurting him but he wanted you. All of you.
He knew what he was doing, the tip of his tongue was teasing the entrance, your juices dripping, the sound of his lips and tongue lapping at you echoed around the studio.
Perhaps you were moving too much you thought. You were squirming and this was not like when he put his fingers inside of you. This was something else, so dirty and so good. Your hips were on their own, you kept arching, buckling, squirming and his chestnut hair was the only thing you could see.
"Ben" you articulated "Ben"
But he roared like a lion, the vibrations sending you over the edge, his tongue was thrusting in and out, his nose brushing the bud of nerves and you cried. He gripped tighter, he was not letting go.
"Ben!" you cried, the sensation too much for your own survival that night and still you managed to say "Ke-keep... going-Ah"
He lost it with your taste that he swore he would never stop doing this, your cries, the stocking threatening to fall, your breasts heaving and your nipples swollen. He has found his place.
And it came, you came on his face as he travelled inside of you with his tongue, your walls clenching around his tongue and his thumb was pressing against the bud. You could feel your eyes rolling, black coming and vision returning. Still, Benedict kept taking all of you, licking you and tasting.
"Enou-Benedict-ah!" you moaned, his tongue still getting into you, his nose hitting your clit "I can't, ah!"
And until your last clenching that is when he stopped, like a madman he looked up to see the sweat on your face, your body twitching and your eyes unfocused.
"I told you" he breathed heavily, his chest also heaving, the bulge in his pants evident and he licked his lips "I'll devour you"
"Why on earth you didn't do that since the beginning?!"
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Hermit-a-Day May, day 18: JoeHills. Today's style/medium is puppet-making! Or mostly sewing with a few other things thrown in. I had a ton of fun with this one, even though it took...so much time to make. I usually explain why I chose a certain medium but this one is...pretty self-explanatory, I think. If you have any Joe clips you want to see a puppet show of, send them my way! Details, materials, and a couple more pictures under the read more.
Materials: this pattern by Abby Glassenberg and all of its required components (minus the eyes), googly safety eyes from Amazon, baby clothes from a local thrift store, and white fabric paint.
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I was originally going to try to get doll clothes to dress the Juppet in, since I didn't want to sew the outfit from scratch, but couldn't find any that were quite right. After a couple unfruitful trips into stores, I stopped by a local children's thrift store and poked around their newborn and preemie section until I found an orange onesie and gray jacket/cardigan that were close enough to the right colors. I know the jacket on Joe's skin is probably a hoodie, given the pocket placement, but surprisingly, few people seem to be manufacturing hoodies for newborn babies. Once I got home, I hacked off the bottom of the orange onesie, hemmed it, and painted the at symbol on the back with fabric paint. The front (now back) still says "daddy's mighty guy" with a picture of two dinosaurs on it and that amuses me greatly.
The puppet pattern itself was a little tricky, and there were a couple spots that I think could have used some more explanation, but I made it through. In hindsight, I wish I'd used bigger eyes, but I couldn't find safety eyes (the kind that pokes through the fabric and gets secured with a washer) in a larger size and the style I wanted, and I didn't want to just glue regular googly eyes on because I was worried it wouldn't be sturdy enough (and the edges might look messy). I ended up having to hot glue the felt pieces to the inside of the mouth, even though the pattern recommended normal craft glue for that part, because it would not stick no matter what I did. If I were to make the pattern again, I'd probably try to sew the roof of the mouth and tongue pieces onto the pink felt before attaching it to the head, rather than gluing them on after.
Honestly, there are a lot of things I would do differently if I were to make another puppet, but I'm pretty proud of how this one turned out, especially for my first time doing something like this! I just. have a Juppet in my house now. I don't know how to feel about this. I know this is a pretty complicated piece, so if you have any additional questions, feel free to message me (or send an ask, or reply to this post, or send the message by carrier pigeon--whatever floats your boat).
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moon and stars | j.m.
*:·゚✧ back to masterlist
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pairing *:·゚ afab!reader x boston!qzjoel miller wc *:·゚1.6k  warnings *:·゚ mention of being catcalled, reader being cornered by a group of men, joel saving the day the only way he knows how (with his fists), mentions of stitching, openish wounds, blood, and alcohol, slightly insecure!joel/soft!joel worried about being too much, just some pretty pure fluff, methinks :)  an *:·゚this is heavily inspired by this post, because i saw it earlier today and couldn’t get this idea with joel out of my mind! nothing crazy, just a little ficlet with some tender joel. hope y’all enjoy! 
synopsis *:·゚ joel rears his big, brown puppy dog eyes at you while you’re stitching him back together. a promise is made. 
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“Stop lookin’ at me like that,” the words are muttered, accompanied by the sharp snip of your scissors and the slight rumble of thunder in the distance. 
The hand on the back of your thigh squeezes you gently. “Like what?” 
There’s something playful in his voice, in his usually rough and rich voice. It’s not the typical tone that someone who just got into a fight with three other men would usually have. But then again, Joel Miller wasn’t really the typical type of man. 
Your eyes narrowed at the man sitting on the bathtub ledge before you, taking in the bloody mess he was. He had a gnarly gash on the top of his head, one that had required you to dust off your stitching skills. His nose looked like it had been broken (again) and there was an array of blood and dirt littering his face like a dark constellation of stars. 
You weren’t even sure if half the blood on him was his own. 
The alcohol bottle made a gulping noise as you tipped it onto your towel, the glass clinking as you set it back on the bathroom counter before returning between Joel’s spread legs. His hands, which were also bloody from split knuckles, cupped the back of your thighs. His thumbs worked softly against the outer seam of your jeans, though his fingers dug into your thighs as you gently pressed the towel against the cut between his eyes. 
“I don’t know,” you replied, gaze narrowed in on the bridge of his nose as you cleaned the area. You couldn’t miss his big brown eyes watching you, though; the one hanging light in the bathroom reflected in the darkness of his irises as he stared up at you in… “Awe. You’re lookin’ at me like you’re in awe of me or something.” 
A chuckle passed through his lips before his eyes winced a little, the laughter no doubt causing the split on his lip to widen. This man had been beaten to hell and back, and all of it had been for you. As cheap as it was to say it, though… you should’ve seen the other guys. 
Earlier this evening, you had been walking through the lower end of the QZ with one of your friends, watching as the local kids took turns running through a broken fire hydrant that was spewing water everywhere. When you left, taking back alleys and walking on broken sidewalks, you had been cornered by a group of men who seemed to have been drunk. 
A catcall here, a few misplaced hands there, and one swift tug of your bag was all it took before the biggest of the men had been pulled out of the group, exclaiming loudly as a fist connected with his cheek. 
You hadn’t even realized Joel had been around, though you should’ve known better; he had a tendency to lurk around the apartment building when you stayed out later in the night. You had a clear view of the front door to the building from where you were cornered, so you could imagine that Joel had witnessed, well, everything. 
The fight had ended quicker than you expected, if you were honest. Joel had a lot of pent up anger that he was always happy to expel with the help of his fists, and even though it wasn’t a fair fight, he held his own. He was bleeding and bruised, sure. But he scared the hell out of the other men enough for them to stumble away from the sidewalk without sparing another glance at you. 
“Well, maybe I am. Whatcha goin’ to do about it?” There he was again, with that teasing tone. As if you weren’t wiping off blood from his face after stitching his forehead back together. 
Your eyes rolled. “Someone’s feeling charming tonight, huh?” 
You tossed the alcohol-soaked rag onto the counter behind you, reaching for the clean one you had placed on the toilet lid right next to all the other supplies from the first aid kit. Joel reached behind him, helping you run the faucet in the bathtub long enough to get the towel wet, his hand resuming that spot on the back of your thigh after shutting it off. 
Gently swiping at his skin, the once pristine (well… mostly pristine) white towel soon became a mix of red and brown as you cleaned off his face. In this position, you were barely taller than Joel, but that still meant he had to lift his eyes upwards to look at you. He looked like a damn puppy, gazing up at you as if you were about to give him his favorite treat. 
As if you had hung the sun and the moon and all the stars in the sky yourself, but just for him. 
“‘m always charming, baby.” He winked one of those big eyes at you, causing your face to heat up as you brushed his hair back to clean off the top of his forehead. “That’s why I have you cleanin’ me up right now after I defended your honor.”
“My honor?” You couldn’t help but snort, pulling the now dirty towel away from his skin to fully face him. “Joel Miller, you are ridiculous.” 
You moved to step away, to go grab another towel to help with the cut on his bottom lip, but his grip on your thighs tightened and he hauled you into him. The squeal that left your mouth would’ve made you embarrassed if it hadn’t made Joel laugh out loud, his chest rumbling against yours as he held you tight to him. 
“Yeah, I might be. But you still love me anyway, don’t you?” 
And there it was.
That slight desperation in his voice that had you realizing why he was acting so playful. That neediness in his tone, the one seeking out the affirmation that yes, you still loved Joel, despite his darker tendencies. That you still cared for him, still wanted him to care for you in the only way he knew how sometimes. That he hadn’t turned you away by his actions tonight, even if he was just trying to protect you. 
He knew in his mind that he may have gone a little too far with some of the men surrounding you, but when he saw you pressed up against the brickside of the building, clutching your bag on your shoulders and trying to evade the dirty hands of the men trying to take advantage of you, something in him just snapped. He had no excuse other than pure hatred for the men trying to touch, trying to claim you. 
As if you weren’t his and his alone. 
Joel didn’t often lose control like that in front of you though, and he hadn’t missed the way you watched the event with eyes blown wide, the way you had flinched each time his fists landed on someone else, or when someone else’s fists connected with his body. It was only when you were helping him into the apartment, his arm slung over your shoulder, that he felt worried that he might’ve scared you away. 
And you recognized that now, with his question. With the way his eyes were big, unwavering on your face as he looked for any sign of you backing out. Of you leaving him. 
Your hands rested on either side of his face, gently brushing back his hair and being mindful of the fresh stitches taking up space on the right side. “Joel, there is nothing you could ever do that would make me stop loving you.” 
Your words were firm, giving Joel no room to look for any hidden meanings or hesitant feelings. His eyelids fluttered for a brief second, and you could see the relief that flooded his body afterwards; his shoulders dropped down half an inch as his posture went from rigid to relaxed. His chest expanded as he took in a big breath of air, letting it pass through his nose with a quick nod of his head. 
“Promise me?” His hand found its way to the base of your neck, tilting your head ever so slightly so that your forehead rested against his. You inched it to the side, avoiding the cut, and nodded your head. 
“I swear.” 
Even though it had to have hurt him, he pressed his mouth against yours, capturing your bottom lip in between his in a deep, desperate kiss. The taste of blood lingered on your lips afterward, but you could tell that he needed this. That he needed some proof that he wasn’t as unlovable as he felt, that he wasn’t undeserving of love, your love, specifically. 
And you were more than happy to provide that proof, for however long he needed it.
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coco-loco-nut · 2 days
pairing: max verstappen x reader
summary: a journey through your relationship with max
a/n: so for a little background... my ex (he wasn't an F1 fan, it was never gonna work, let's be real) broke up with me the night before this album was released, so writing this series has been very healing; however, this one was extremely difficult to write bc it's the only song i can't analytically listen to and find the deeper meanings yet, especially after losing your first love. sorry for the rant and making this short🙃
tw: emotional abuse, manipulation
masterlist ttpd masterlist
You and Max were fan favorites, it was evident to anyone with eyes who had eyes. But they say you never know what happens behind closed doors.
“She’s the love of my life,” Max would always say about you, looking at you like you held the universe in the palm of your hand. His fans could recite your love story by heart from how much he loved to talk about you. It only made sense that he could shatter that public opinion.
“Y/n and I have divorced, I would like to ask for privacy as we navigate the changes,” Max posted one day, his socials wiped of everything. Your accounts remained the same, your last post being from the fateful race months ago. You haven’t posted since. The fans should’ve realized when the WAGs and George unfollowed Max.
Your apartment was full of things that reminded you of Max, every time you walked in it reminded you of every memory. He was embroidered in everything. You look at a printed photo of when you first met him. Despite it being six months later, you couldn’t get rid of him.
All it took was locking eyes with him across the pier for you to fall in love on that breezy summer day. He walked up to you and asked you to join him, and you did. You kissed him at the top of the ferris wheel later that night, and you didn’t even know he was famous all you knew was that he made you feel safe. The breeze reminded you of the warm ocean breeze from that day, one you called the winds of fate.
Despite being young, you married him after a year of being together. Things weren’t perfect even then, he could be incredibly mean, but he was also a standup guy when it mattered. That erased any wrongdoing of his.
“You have made me a better man, you reformed me, the love of my life,” Max had said that fall evening, repeating the one line that brought you back to him every time.
You believed his words, his lies spun to make you believe the hell you were living in was actually heaven. When he takes his anger out at you, doesn’t defend you against his father, you start to second guess him but he calls you those four words.
“I’ll never leave you, Schatje,” Max holds you in his arms, your back against his chest as you both look at a tv in the Paddock. The fans loved that photo, calling your love legendary. They didn’t know about the growing hole in your heart.
Your marriage was looking like one of those black and white movies you and Max watch on snowy winter afternoons. You and Max had been talking about starting a family, but you couldn’t get pregnant and you were watching everything you loved slip away.
“God, Max, you are like a con-man. I feel like I’ve been sold a get-love-quick scheme. What happened to you?” you ask, voice laced with hurt, during an argument about it. Max just ignored you, pushing past to stream with some friend. He ignored the sobs coming from your bedroom. He told the chat that you are the love of his life when asked about you.
“Y/n, we need to talk,” some of the WAGs pulled you aside during a race. They told you how Max was shit talking you to other drivers, saying you were a waste of a wife for your inability to get pregnant, saying he should’ve never married you, pointing out every flaw he told you was beautiful when he was lying to your face. You stand up and leave, not saying a word even when the girls try to stop you. Max is confused but simply responds to your text saying you were sick with an okay.
You are laying in your bed sobbing when Max gets back from the race. You face the terrace, where you and Max would dance under the stars. You can see the ghosts of it through your tears, and you wished you could un-recall when you thought you had everything.
“Please get out of bed,” Max says, his concerned tone laced with venom. Maybe the ghosts of your relationship are embarrassed by the scene on the other side of the glass.
“No,” you cry, mourning the loss of your counterfeit relationship.
“I’ll be back in a few hours,” Max sighs leaving the room. You sent a text to the WAG group chat who helped you remove all your belongings from Max’s apartment into George’s apartment that he wasn’t using at the moment.
Your phone is flooded with messages from Max, so you turn it off unless you are talking to your lawyer. Max finds a divorce petition and your apartment key on the dining room table when he comes home from training a few days later. The relationship that had such a valiant roar ended with the blandest goodbye.
You sit in George’s apartment with Carmen and Lily drinking wine. You took over George’s lease after they insisted that you did.
“For someone who claims to be a lion, he sure is a manipulative coward,” Carmen says as the three of you comb through the years of lies he spun.
You took the dreams that you thought you and Max wanted and lit the match to destroy them with your divorce papers. Despite your somber eyes, you seem more at peace, even with the sadness you will carry with you until you die.
“He’s the loss of my life.”
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hecateslore · 1 day
Hey! I really like your spirit and your posts which ain't about fics, that's hilarious!!! And I also have an idea that Sugar daddy Ghost with reader whose parents are rich and she's beautiful, has nice body so her ego is much taller than her but Ghost just dicks her down=))) I'd truly appreciate if you answer my request 🎀 TAKE CARE❤️
Thanks!💗 I'm kind of rocking with idea A LOT, though it's not really sugar daddy!Simon just hellarich!reader MDNI mentions of alcohol if that is not your thing keep it moving!
.・゜゜・ ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ ・゜゜・.
You and a couple of your girlfriends decided to go to a that janky dive bar a couple streets down from the nightclub you all usually go to. Your best friend was graduating and before her schedule gets hectic, you all decided to take her out to party one more time before she goes back home.
You entered the small bar, twisting your nose up the second you get a look around the room. Seeing all the old biker men, some sloppy drunk and others playing pool while smoking. It wasn't until one man caught your eye. He was tall, huge, he looked quieter than the others who were howling with laughter.
"I want the one with the handle bars." One of your girlfriends said over your shoulder, You giggle along with her understanding the appeal, he was cute, but not like the other one- who was now staring back at you. You avert your gaze back to your friends quickly, butterfly's in your stomach while feeling his eyes on you.
At the bar, you were having a good time, a slight buzz going on but nothing too serious. After all, you still have to get to the nightclub. So you sip slowly, checking every now and then to see if the mystery man was checking you out. "I'm gonna go talk to mustache," You friend tickles your exposed shoulder, "Come on." She nods, smiling smugly.
"You want to buy me a drink?" She rested her hands on his shoulder, batting her eyelashes, smiling coyly; playing a rather charming trick. Simon eyed you while you stood beside her. Your arms crossed squishing your boobs together making them spill over your low-cut blouse.
He sipped his beer, looking over your figure, taking a mental picture of those tiny shorts that made your legs standout. You smiled politely at Price when your friend introduced you, giving him a small wave. You looked at the other two men who were ogling you, practically foaming at the mouth, you cringed crossing your arms even tighter, taking note of how drunk they were, whooping every five minutes then chugging their beers to the point they almost gag.
"You want something to drink?" His deep voice says, snapping you out of your thought. "I'm fine." You say, "Too good for beer?" He chuckles, sipping the foam that sat on the top, "Not a fan of Guinness."
Simon cocks a brow, nodding the minute he notices your change in behavior, more peeved than anything. "I can get you something else.." You think about it for a second, looking back at your friend who was all over "mustache", making out with him on the bar stool. "Sure."
One gin and tonic later, you were sitting on the barstool next to Simon, going on about how you hate when you go out with your friends because they always do "this stuff", getting with random guys and expecting them to call the next day.
"And you don't?" Simon asks, watching you wave your arms around, "Are you crazy? I would never let myself." You grab the lime wedge, eating at the pulp, "I'm too good for that kind of thing." You watch your friend lead Price formally known as mustache to the bathroom.
"Do you?" You cock a brow at him, He only smiles, showing his dimple, and you roll your eyes, "And is that what you think I'm gonna do?" You lean in. "Wasn't planning on it." He chuckled when he noticed your shocked expression. "You said you were too good for it." He shrugs, making you smack your teeth, "Oh please, anyone in here would want to sleep with me."
Simon only shakes his head, watching a pout start to form on your face, "Now what?" a small smile hides behind his fake annoyed expression, You check the time on your phone the minute you see it's been more than an hour and the rest of your girlfriends left.
"My other friends left." You sigh, looking at the bathroom door, "And this girl is too busy getting fucked on the nasty floor." You huffed, checking the time again. "By the time we get there, the clubs gonna be closed!" You complain, "I can take you," He offers, watching you pull out a couple of loose dollars leaving it on the counter for the bartender. "It's fine, I'll just call an Uber and go home." You suck in a breath, deciding if you should knock on the bathroom door. "I'll feel better if you let me take you home."
"It's fine," You dismiss him, heading to the bathroom to let your friend know you're leaving. You knock on the door hearing her hiccuping moans, "I'm leaving!" You shout through the door, "That's fin-Oh my god!" You roll your eyes, walking back to where you left your bag.
"Thanks for the drink.." You smile, "I'll take you home." He nods to the door, "You're drinking." You point to the half full glass, "I only drank three and half, I'm good." You squint your eyes at him, not fully convinced
"Then we'll both get in the Uber, we can share one, I'll pay." You roll your eyes at his persistence, "Fine."
When you get to your place Simon is taken back by the luxurious apartment complex.
You look at him, "I said, bye Simon." You snap him out of his trance, he looks at you "Oh right." You look at your apartment complex, "Do you want to come up?" You smirk, He looks taken aback, "Just for a drink." You shrug, giggling the second he nods.
You both exit the car, and walk to the entrance where you greet the older door man, "Late night?" He jokes, "Always." You smile at him politely, "Have a good night." He says, clicking your floor, "You too, Art."
Simon's still shocked, "I thought you were some college kid." He says and You snort, walking out of the elevator the second it dings. "No, no." You use the fob to unlock the door, "I work at my dads company."
Simon nods, taking in the interior that was decorated beautifully. Rugs, a chandelier, paintings, some extremely expensive art pieces. "Guess you don't need a man to take care of you then." He blurts, admiring the portrait of you. "Who says I don't like being taken care of?" You look at him with hooded eyes, the wetness in between your legs getting worse than what it was before.
"That's not what I mean." He chuckled, rubbing his jaw when he notices you walking closer to him. "I bet you can take care of me in that way.." You unbutton your shorts, keeping eye contact with him while you slide them off.
"I thought you don't do one night stands?" He bit the side of his cheek, his eyes on the way you play with the hem of your blouse. "I don't," You grab his belt loops, tugging him towards you, "I want you to take care of me," You say softly, your eyes flickering between his eyes and lips.
You grab his hand, putting it in between your legs, sighing when you feel him rub your covered cunt softly, "Are you gonna take care of me?" You breathe, moving your hand from his to make him look at you (why she kind of a pimp omg 🫢), Simon nods, You kiss his lips, pulling away to look at the lustful expression, licking his bottom and top lip making him smile.
You back off, "Come over here." You tell him, discarding the rest of your clothes as you walk towards the living room. Leaving nothing for his imagination, you grab his hand stopping him in the middle of the room, discarding his shirt.
You almost moan out loud, his big arms, toned stomach and pecks. You plant kisses on his chest and abdomen. You stand back up to kiss his mouth sloppily not giving him enough time to take all of you in, you were unbuttoning his pants, and trying to yank them down. "Woah, Woah." He grabs your hands, causing you to stop, "Slow down." He says, his voice smooth like honey. He takes his pants off, letting them fall to the floor.
At this point you're trembling for it, slobbering at the bulge that sat in his boxer, so close yet so far (too real).
"Let me see you.." He holds your face, Your eyes are wide and your lips wet with yours and his saliva, you look other worldly. He kisses your lips, it's deep and passionate. You moan pulling him to you bare body. You take one of your hands and play with his hair, messing up his overgrown buzzcut, "go lay down." He instructs you quietly, whispering against your lips. You do so, spreading your legs, giving him a full view of you, a shy smile on your face while he gets on the floor, going in between your legs. (MUNCH🫵🏼)
Simon kitten licked at your clit, making you moan softly. You push at his shoulders, telling him to give more. And he does, sucking harshly-maintaining eye contact. He pulls you lower, making sure to have your bottom hanging off the chair, he holds your legs- his head buried between your legs while you whine and moan.
Sighing, you try and spread your legs wider, wanting more of his mouth, he chuckles at the way you try and buck your hips. "Please, please?" You say weakly, grabbing his hair, pleading. He pulls away, taking his ring and middle finger in his mouth, sucking them.
Your eyes light up, you bite your lip watching him spread your legs again, sliding his large fingers inside. "Does that feel good?" He asks, smiling when you gasp, surprised at the change of pace. His fingers pumping out of you quickly. You pant at the feeling of his fingers touching that spongy part inside of you.
Then he slowed down, "Does it feel good?" He asks again, softly, looking in your eyes, "Mhm." You hum, gripping his wrist, trying to make him go faster. He goes slower and slower, "It feels good." you choke out, and then he finally speeds up, biting his lip in focus. They plunge in and out of you quickly making you squeal.
It all feels so good, your toes curling, calves flexing from his finger fucking. The pressure was overwhelming, he kept on. You could cry from the pleasure. Your moans got higher and squeakier, you were on the verge of screaming. That feeling you know all too well starts to build, but this time more intense and more at the front. You begin bucking your hips fucking yourself on his fingers, panting and writhing.
"Yes," You whine, grinding into his palm, it grazing your clit so nicely. "Yes, Yes, Yes." You repeated, working towards your orgasm. Simon watched quietly- still using his hand to please you. His cock twitched in his boxers, with his free hand he gripped his shaft, giving him some temporary relief. He was so focused on your cunt and how your arousal made your pussy shine. He was hypnotized.
Your orgasm was right there and with a couple more flicks of Simons wrist, your eyes shut and you could feel a gush between your legs, You moaned loudly while your pussy twitched and pulsed. You were so sensitive, still whining when he took his fingers out of you, stealing a taste for himself.
Once you calm down, you slide to the floor, making Simon sit on the couch, You bite your lip, "My turn." You giggle, pulling at the band of his underwear. He lifts his hips, helping you take them off. His cock springs out- You smile sneakily, so pleased with his size. You grab his cock, kissing his tip, making him hiss. You lick your lips tasting the remnants of his pre-cum. You hum in delight, making his already red cheeks even more crimson (she's a freak fr!). You lay your tongue flat on his head before you take it in your mouth. "Jesus.." He mutters, moaning when you bob your head on his cock slowly.
You pull back with a popping sound, going back to teasing his head, then taking him whole. Choking on his length, He adjusts his hips, pushing it further back making you gag. You take him out of your mouth, jacking him off, spitting on his head making it even more wet and sloppy. "I like you Simon," You look into his eyes, "I want you." You twist your hand, making him gasp and sit up.
"Yeah?" He says quickly, You speed up, "Yeah." You affirm, slowing down, he grunts and you speed up again. "Get off." Simon says and you stop, he stands, helping you off the floor (what a gentlemen. 😝).
He bends you over, one hand on the back of your neck, the other on your waist while your head rests on the couch cushion and your ass in the air. Simon grabs it roughly, squeezing at the meat of your behind, making you moan and push back against him. "I'll pull out." He pants, "I'm on birth control." You respond quickly, "I'm in love with you." He exaggerates, kissing your back before teasing your entrance with his cock.
"Don't say that to me." You joke, quickly shut down when he slides in effortlessly. Filling you in a way you never felt. Simon moans lowly, fucking into you slowly, the pulling out. Your cunt takes him so well, squeezing each time he slides in. You bite your lip, quieting your moans, trying to hears the noises coming from between your legs. Simon grabbed your arms pulling you up, "Don't be quiet," His voice was gravely, making your stomach feel warm. You nod profusely, giving in to the way his cock was making you feel.
His thrusts making thwack noises against your ass, your inner thighs wet with arousal, his cock would slip out and he'd waste no time putting it back in, fucking you hard and deep, you cry out in pleasure.
"Turn around," He ordered you, you oblige looking at him, waiting for him to say something else. He then grabs your legs lifting you up from the ground, his hands under your legs, guiding his cock into you. You mewl at him pushing in your swollen cunt. "Yeah baby?" He looks at you, watching your face contort with pleasure, "That feel good?" You hum, resting your head on his shoulder while he bounces you up and down. He puts his muscles to work lifting you up and down on it, "I'm gonna cum" You cry, whining when doesn't slow down. "Simon" You call out, your pussy leaking all over him. He sets you down on the couch, pulling your legs around his waist putting his full body weight on you.
He kisses you while he fucks you deeply, his pelvis grinding against yours. You're a panting mess, you have tears building, your mouth is wet with saliva. "I can feel you about to cum." He teases, chuckling deeply when you try to go in for another kiss. His thrusts get sloppier, slipping out of you when he goes too fast. You hold you breath when he slides in again, your cunt quivering when he thrusts in deeply.
You gasp when your second orgasm happens, holding his ass, trying to pull him in even more, when you hold him for a second longer Simon groans loudly in your ear, making small thrusts, too sensitive to keep going,
Simon rests on top of you, breathing in deeply, you rub his back while you both try and catch your breaths.
You both clean up, taking a shower and then getting yourself and Simon a glass of water.
"Hi." You smile shyly, handing him the glass. He takes it thanking you, chugging it making you stare at him. "I think my dad left one of his robes around here." You think for a second leaving him in your bedroom.
"Here" You hand it to him, taking the towel that wasn't big enough to dry him. You watch him tie the know swiftly, you hop in bed, still wearing yours, your hair wrapped up, You laid down, exhausted from the events earlier. You pat the spot next to you, and he slides in, sighing at the feeling of your mattress. "I noticed your dog tag." You point at his neck, he looks down, he nods.
"That must be fun." You yawn, "Not at all." He responds, staring at the way your eyes flutter, trying to fight off sleep. "I meant what I said." You say, your eyes shut. "I don't do one night stands."
"Heard." He nods, tracing the pattern on your robe, "So you want me?" He smirks, cracking himself up. "Mhm." you hum, grabbing his hand, kissing his palm, "I can deal with that." He touches the side of your face before kissing your cheek. "You better."
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wonwoosthetic · 3 days
Hi! So I have a newer idea for Daryl that popped up in my mind while shopping today. It's 100% okay if you don't want to write this, though! It is kind of long so I completely understand if you don't feel like writing this 💜
Basically, Daryl meets reader, aka Shane's fiancé, at the quarry and could instantly notice how toxic Shane was to her. She wasn't allowed to really talk to any of the guys in the camp and was forced to do most of the laundry to keep her from interacting with the rest of the group. However, one day while Shane's off doing you-know-what with Lori, Dale sends reader to go hunt with Daryl with a compound bow that he'd found. To Daryl's surprise, she's amazing at hunting and they have a little convo about Shane. They then stumble across Shane and Lori going at it like rabbits but silently retreat, not making a scene. Back at the camp, when Shane returns, reader simply just places the ring back in his hand and tells him they're over. Being free to do what she wants, she starts getting closer with Daryl over the next month or so, and when they get to the CDC, her and Daryl have this cute moment with a few people watching them and then Glenn, in his drunken stupor, makes a comment about what a cute couple they are. Cue the sudden realizations from both sides that they like each other. Can end with a confession or not. <33
a/n – first of all, to everyone who reads this: you better check Krys out! I am absolutely IN LOVE with everything she writes (Daryl and Hazel is my favourite but literally everything is a masterpiece!) second: to get a request from one of my favourite authors on this app here is an ABSOLUTE HONOUR and I truly truly hope that I could somehow reach your expectations!!!! Thank you so much for sending me it, and I really hope you and everyone that reads this enjoys it ˙ᵕ˙ thank you for marking my start in writing for Daryl now too!😊
A little side note: surprise, I still can’t write short stuff, but bc tumblr is a bitch and is messing with long stuff I post, I decided to make 2 parts, so I can truly involve everything I planned, I hope that’s okay!!🤍🤍
word count – 7.4k
pairing – daryl dixon x fem!reader, shane walsh x ex!fem!reader (rarely)
warnings – cursing, mentions of sex, infidelity, toxic man
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Don‘t Talk To Strangers Or You Might Fall In Love – Pt. 1
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Later in the evening, the women gathered down at the quarry once again. With each holding onto a basket of some sort, carrying the laundry of the rest of the camp residents, they had found their usual spot by the water. Their hands were already starting to get wrinkly by the amount of clothes they had to wash - it had only been a couple of days, and there was already a pile of it.
A wince from the oldest woman of the group made all three heads snap towards her, their eye following her carefully.
"Everything okay?" Jacqui asked, stopping mid-movement before she set down the soaked t-shirt she was holding.
Carol was quick to brush off her concerned tone, sending the woman a quick tight smile as she re-adjusted her position on the ground.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she cleared her throat. "Just... a stone."
The other women shared a quick knowing look. Yes, the surface they were sitting on was mostly stone, but not enough to get hurt or even wince the way Carol just did. She must've hit one of her bruises against the hard ground. One of the many that decorated her skin. While some of them she had clearly been able to hide underneath her clothing, the women couldn't help but notice the ones on her arms. And while some seem to fade, it didn't take much longer for new ones to appear just a day later.
"You know," Amy jumped into the conversation. "You... you don't have to share a tent with him." Everybody immediately knowing, who she meant. "You could stay in the RV, or-"
"I'm okay, Amy. Please." Carol's tone made the younger woman stop again, going right back to the task at hand. While you had hoped you'd go back to finish off your work in silence, Jaqui had other plans as she raised the volume of her voice to reach you, who was sitting a little further off.
"Well, speaking of shitty husbands." Getting a scoff out of the older woman. "Where's Shane, Y/N?" A chuckle erupted from Amy. 
"Huh?" Your head shot up at the mention of his name. You found three awaiting pairs of eyes fixed on you, sending an uncomfortable rush down your spine.
"Where's your husband?" Amy repeated the question, her voice holding a slightly more gentle tone.
"He's not my husband. Just... fiancé." You shrugged. "I don't know...," mumbling as you were almost too embarrassed to admit. "He said something about going hunting."
Jacqui let out an annoyed huff of air. "That was hours ago. It's getting dark soon, doesn't he think-"
"I trust him to know how to keep himself safe. He knows what he's doing," you told her mindlessly, pouring the now dirty water back into the river in front of you. 
You knew how most of the group felt about Shane. He had declared himself as the leader of your little group, thinking his status as a sheriff made him the right fit despite some of the eye-rolls and annoyed sighs it had gotten from the rest in return. It didn't seem to bother him, not even a little bit. You had tried to defend him, wanting to explain his plan of action and knowledge to the others, but he had shushed you down quickly. His own stance was enough for him to stand in front of the group of people, promising to lead them well and try to figure out how to move forward in the, what you'd now call, apocalypse.
While he was securing his place as the tough leader, commanding each person around and giving them a set role in the group, you had tried to find a sense of community. If you were to go and travel further with these people, might as well try to create some form of comradery. But that was brought to a halt before you could even truly start. By Shane.
'They're not your friends. They're just random people. We don't know them and we don't gotta know them.' He had told you. You had tried to start an argument, wanting to explain that while you didn't know most of them just yet, you might as well start now if you're going to spend more time in an enclosed area with them. 
'Let's keep an eye out for Lori and Carl. She just lost her husband, for God's sake.' He never really explained just how he knew that Rick was officially dead, but the two members of the Grimes family seemed to be his only concern. The fact that you had known Glenn for a while now and considered him a close friend, almost a younger brother, didn't even register with him. He was just 'another dirty man, just like the rest of them' to Shane. He had made his opinion of the members of your group very clear. They're strangers. If it wasn't about Lori and Carl, it wasn't important. Why you were the one washing their clothes though was still beyond you though.
Jacqui was just about to open her mouth again, not wanting to drop the topic of conversation just yet, but a loud voice from up the quarry got your attention.
"Ya just don't give a shit, ya old bastard!" Daryl's uncanny accent echoed through the open area.
While a deep sigh tumbled from Carol's lips, Amy tried to ignore the fight a few feet away from you and Jacqui shook her head.
"These Dixon brothers, I swear to God... I don't understand why we haven't made them leave yet."
"Daryl's a good hunter," Amy commented quietly with a slight shrug.
"Yeah, and selfish," the older woman spat back, "And Merle? He's nothing but dragging everyone here down."
You decided to leave the scene in silence, not wanting to add anything to the conversation. You believed that everyone had a good reason for acting and behaving the way they were. You'd like to think that your good nature was part of the reason why Shane fell in love with you. Your years of dealing with children coming from troubled families had taught you that there's mostly good in almost everyone, just that most hadn't had the chance to find that side of them yet. In some ways, the Dixon brothers' attitudes reminded you of them. 
Back in the camp, you brought the washing bowl back to where the rest of the clean laundry was already hanging to dry. Before you could go any further, hoping to find some alone time in your tent, Dale's voice made you stop.
You looked up at the top of his RV, where he had secured a chair, a small table and an umbrella to keep the sun from frying his skin.
"Hey, Dale," you smiled at the older man, who copied your facial expression. While some had come to find him to be a 'typical grumpy old man' - and by some you mean Shane - you and Dale had gotten closer over the short time you had spent in the group. He reminded you of your dad, who at that point in time was God knows where. You hoped he found a group similar to yours and was trying to find his place in the world you would now be living in.
"You know how to use a bow and arrow, right?" He asked you, remembering the story you had told him.
You nodded, shielding your eyes with one hand as the sun was starting to make them hurt. "My dad taught me a little, why?"
"Look what I found," he grinned before turning around to pick something up. He crouched down, now with a compound bow in his grip as he tried to get it down to you. With quick steps, you got closer, your eyes brightening up at the sight.
"Oh my god... Dale!" Your smile only widened once you got your hands on the bow. You let your hand glide over the metal, finding it to be heavier than expected. It was still in perfect condition, but you couldn't even finish admiring it before your eyes found another item being dropped down at you.
"Those were next to it," Dale added as he handed you a bag holding multiple arrows that were hopefully supposed to go with the bow. He watched your smile as you couldn't take your eyes off the archery tool. "You think you know how to handle that thing?"
"I mean... my dad taught me how to use a longbow, but... can't be that hard, right?"
The older man couldn't even answer you as a scoff erupted from behind you, followed by the familiar scruff voice of Darly.
"Ya think it's that easy." Stating it more than wondering. Knowing not to start a conversation with him unless truly needed, only able to imagine how Shane would react if he found you talking to him, you decided to ignore his comment, focusing back on Dale who seemed to have done the same.
"Where did you find it?" You asked him.
"Oh just... from a house a few minutes away. Thought you could use it."
"I don't know when yet, but... I'll try," you smiled at him.
"How about you go and try it out now?" He suddenly asked you.
His question made your head shoot back up to look at him in wonder. "Now? What do you mean?"
He sighed. "It's gonna get dark soon and Shane and Lori aren't back yet, we should try-"
"Lori?" Her name fell from your lips as you glanced around the area, only finding the youngest Grimes sitting in the grass, entertaining himself with some sticks and stones. "Where is she?"
Dale shrugged. "Said something about finding berries and whatnot-" Another scoff from behind you made him stop to shoot Daryl an annoyed glance. "I think we should try to at least get something to eat for the kids. And if they're not back anytime soon, they won't have dinner."
"What? My huntin' skills ain't enough for you, old man?" The younger Dixon brother shot up from his crouched position on the floor, nudging his head up at Dale, who was clearly annoyed by his attitude.
"A squirrel isn't gonna feed an entire group. Take Y/N with you and try finding something."
"Shane's not here, honey," he immediately stopped you, apparently already knowing what your argument would be. "I think he'll be okay, knowing you were out finding something to eat for the kids."
"That asshole would rather watch 'em kids die than send her huntin' with any of us!" Daryl spat back, ignoring you standing right next to him.
He turned your head towards him. "Don't talk about him like that." Speaking to him in a much softer tone than he just did, only getting a shake of his head and an annoyed mumble in return before he turned his back towards you, making his way towards the woods. A quick glance back up at Dale made him nudge his head towards the direction the archer had just disappeared into. You could either get sulky and refuse to go with the man who had clearly other interests than to go hunting with you or you could be the bigger person and focus on bringing something into the community. Even if that meant rebelling against your partner's order to stay at the camp and focusing on the laundry in the quarry. You decided on the latter, knowing that he'd find something to get annoyed at one way or another.
With a sigh, you nodded to Dale's proposal and swung the bag of arrows over your shoulder. Turning around to follow the way Daryl had just strutted, your eyes found his silhouette already between the trees. It was uncanny. Anyone could tell it was him. His zero-fucks attitude and his arms just casually hanging by his side- The pop of his hips with each step he took just underlined the sass that man possessed almost making you chuckle.
Unlike a lot of the other members of the group, you didn't necessarily dislike him. His brother was a totally different subject. They were difficult to deal with and most definitely not the teamwork type of personalities - not directly at least. You had noticed the multiple times Daryl would vanish from sight, only to come back a few hours later with a few dead squirrely thrown over his shoulder, that he would then give to the group after skinning them. It was absolutely disgusting, to say the least, but he did his part to be a valuable part of the community, even if he might had been a unique character and more challenging to deal with. 
What Merle's issue was, you had yet to discover, but the man didn't intrigue you enough to bore into his background story.
A good few minutes in, you still hadn't caught up with the archer, his steps being way bigger and faster than yours. Panting, you hoped he would hear you.
"Can you slow down for a second? Please."
Not following your words, Daryl kept up his pace, only turning his head slightly. "Don't need yer husband to see us together out'ere or we'll be the ones rotatin' over the fire instead of a dear."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his comment, even scoffing loudly at what you had just heard, and mumbling too quietly for him to hear.
Your reaction made him suddenly stop in his tracks and turn his entire body towards you. "What? Ya think I'm kiddin'? I seen the way he talks to ya and everyone else in that godforsaken camp. Treats everyone like shit if it ain' abou' that woman or the kid."
Your glare didn't even intimidate him a bit. Neither did he budge when you took a daring step closer to him.
"How about you focus on yourself and stay out of other people's business? He's trying to be a leader, alright?"
"More like tryna be a dictator. Mussolini woulda loved him." Without another word, he turned around to continue his way further into the woods, leaving you in slight surprise rooted into the ground. A shake of your head and a deep breath brought you back into the present, making you follow him again. You tried to keep the distance between big enough to keep him away from you, let close enough to still have him in view - you sure as hell weren't going to get lost in the middle of the woods.
Looking down to be careful about each step you took, you held onto the strap across your chest. With your view on the ground, you didn't notice Daryl having stopped again, making you suddenly bump into him.
"Oh- sorry." You took a quick jump back.
He had lifted up his arm to the side, keeping you from going any further. Only after looking up, you could follow his gaze, finding what had gotten the archer so enthralled. Between the bushes surrounding you ahead on a tree, there were two chipmunks perked up on a branch. They hadn't noticed you yet and if it hadn't been for Daryl's eagle eye, you had to admit, you would've overlooked them as well.
Suddenly, overly confident, you realised this was the moment you could prove your skill. A skill you hadn't trained for in a few months, but you had long enough training before that, you believed. Swiftly, you grabbed a bow from the bag on your back and took a slow step back, careful not to make any loud noise to disrupt the two animals. Daryl had his crossbow already sitting on his shoulder, his eye trained on the chipmunks as he kept totally still.
"On three," you whispered as you drew the bow in your grip. You couldn't see the archer's slight confusion as he didn't budge, only knowing he had heard you when he suddenly started counting down. As soon as the number 'three' left his lips, you let your arrow shoot through the sky, him going at the exact same time, pressing the trigger on his crossbow. The two bows hit the chipmunks perfectly in sync, making them fall from the branch and onto the floor.
"Yes!" You whispered to yourself in a cheer, brushing past Daryl with a wide smile on your face as you made your way over to where your prey was waiting for you.
The man continued to stand still, only his eyes following your movements as his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Only a few seconds later, he found you standing up straight again, proudly holding up one of the chipmunks. He followed your steps, coming to a stop as he looked down at the other animal still on the floor.
"Was that beginner's luck or...?" He asked you as he gathered it off the ground and took out his arrow before taking its companion out of your hands to put both of them into the small bag he had secured by his hips. Your eyes drifted to his arms. Glistening in the sun behind you. He had been collecting dirt all over his body, but the sweat now on his biceps was making it look only half as bad.
You shrugged, not even trying to hide the small smile still on your lips. "Maybe a little since I haven't used one of these in a while," holding up the compound bow.
"Who taught ya?" In surprise, you glanced at him, not expecting to continue the conversation as you went back to resume your hunting journey through the woods.
"My dad."
You noticed his steps suddenly slowing down again, making you turn towards him in wonder. A finger brought up to his lips told you everything you needed to know. Daryl started looking around carefully, while you just turned in a circle, wondering what he had heard. And then you saw it. A 'geek', as Glenn had labelled them, was making its way towards you.
"How on earth did you hear that?" You whispered at him, but the archer just propped his crossbow up again, ready to take out the thing coming dangerously close towards you. The noises coming from the dead had only then started to register with you too. Maybe it was your hearing turning on you or maybe Daryl had just a trained ear. Realising that he was close to shooting again, you stopped him with a hand.
"Can I?"
With a careful look, he lowered his weapon again, motioning for you to go ahead, bringing a small grin to your face. His hand was quicker than yours as he pulled out a bow from your bag, handing it over to you before leaving you to do your thing. Drawing it tightly, you didn't let a lot more seconds pass before sending the arrow straight through the geek's eye.
"Fuck, yeah-" Grinning to yourself for a split second before you realised the words that had dropped from your tongue. "Sorry," you were quick to apologise, getting a look of pure confusion from Daryl in return.
"What? Ya not allowed to curse or somethin'?" Oh, if he only knew. After years of being with Shane, you had found yourself truly swearing off the usage of any curse words as your fiancé had labelled them 'unladylike', sending you a look of disapproval each time it would escape you accidentally. Strict looks had turned into warnings, which then turned into arguments, so you had just learned to bite your tongue.
You were about to head up to get it back, back Daryl's voice stopped you.
"Stay'ere." He walked past you towards the now truly dead thing to get your arrow back. After ripping it out of its head again, he took a good look around, turning his entire body before coming back to you.
"They're usually not alone," he pushed the arrow into your hands. "Let's see what else we can find and get the hell outta 'ere before it gets dark."
You just nodded in agreement before following him again. This time, you noticed walking side by side with him as he had slowed down his strides.
To you, it seemed like a relatively comfortable silence, but Daryl didn't agree with that apparently as his grunt slashed through it,
"Yer husband know you can hunt?"
A sigh evidently fell from your lips, but you were able to hold back a roll of your eyes. He was trying to keep up the conversation and you couldn't not admit that you quite enjoyed not necessarily having to walk in complete silence. Even if it meant talking about Shane apparently.
"Don't know," you shrugged.
"What d'ya mean, ya don't know? Yer never talked about that? Ain't he supposed to know ya inside out or some shit like that?" You knew, deep down his words held nothing but truth, yet, you had learned to ignore remarks like that, knowing that Shane was just a different kind of partner than most.
"Why should he know about something he's not interested in?" As long as you weren't out on your own and at home in the evening with a homecooked meal waiting for him, he had never truly cared about what you did. Lying, you'd be out with your friends for a few hours while doing something completely different had gotten you far. Him working late hours most days only helped. You never even thought about telling him about the childhood hobby you had started at 8 years old and had carried with you up until well into adulthood. While you had left home as soon as you had turned 18, knowing Atlanta was the place you'd want to study in, archery was one of the things that had kept you connected to home. To your dad.
"That don't sound righ' if ya ask me," he commented.
"Well," you couldn't help but sigh again, "good thing he's not your issue to worry about."
"But he is." His comment made you stop. Daryl was quick to notice you not walking beside him anymore, making him stop and turn. "I gotta worry about him havin' my balls on a stick if he sees me talkin' to ya."
"Then don't!"
"Then why d'ya follow me into the woods, huh?" It looked like you were about to start a fight with Daryl Dixon.
"Because Dale asked me to. Because no one trusts you to do anything good for the group on your own," you spat at him, continuing your way, making sure to bump his shoulder as you passed him.
The archer scoffed, "Yeah because everyone trusts ya lil' husband oh so much to care for every-"
You came to another halt. "He's not my husband! We're engaged, you ignorant fuck!"
"Oh, careful," Daryl eyed you, "What would'e say if he heard ya talkin' like that, huh?" Sending you a provocative look that made you take a deep breath in, trying to contain your anger.
"I think you got a brother to worry about, Dixon. Enough drama there, don't snoop into other people's lives."
That seemed to have done the job as he kept quiet while you walked ahead. It took a few seconds before you heard him behind you again, proud of yourself for leaving him stunned even if it was just for a short moment. You didn't want to snap at him like that, you had to admit. It just came out and if you could take it back, you would've. He wasn't directly snooping, you knew that. You weren't here to make enemies, at least you didn't want to. You desperately wanted to get along with everyone as best as possible. Not meaning that you'd have to become close friends with each person in the group, just good colleagues.
With your mind deep in thought, overthinking every word you had just dropped, you didn't notice the ruffling leaves close by. Not until you felt a tug on your arm that made you stop. Almost annoyed, you turned around, only to find Daryl lifting his finger to his lips, telling you to keep quiet. At first, you looked at him in confusion but the moment you heard a grunt, your ears perked up as you started to glance around. You had just ran into a geek with the Dixon brother reminding you that they usually travelled in bigger groups, meaning the possibility of another one being close by wasn't that small.
The grunting continued making your frown only deepen. It didn't necessarily sound like one of the dead, you realised. Daryl started moving around slowly and as quietly as possible, you following close behind, keeping ducked down just in case.
Suddenly, you caught another noise. One that sounded less like a grunt and more like a... moan? Clearly just as confused as you, the archer turned around to meet your gaze for a split second. 
With each step the two of you took further, the noises became much clearer. Shuffling leaves, grunts, and clear moans were now hitting your ear. One specific huff of air made a cold shiver run down your spine. It's like your body knew before your eyes could even see it.
Daryl and you hit a raised ground that kept you from seeing where the noise was coming from as you were still crouched down. But as soon as you let your back straighten, every last bit of air left your lungs. You saw the auburn hair spread out on the grass first. Directly next to it, an all too familiar head of black curls, the face deep in her neck, muting the moans coming from him. With each pound, they became heavier and louder. You already knew it. Right as Shane lifted his head though, you could feel yourself wanting to scream. And if it wasn't for the hand suddenly covering your mouth, you would've.
You were pulled onto the ground, back into your crouched position, and dragged back from where you came from. As hard as you tried to fight the grip the archer had on you, it was no use as he was clearly much stronger than you. The leaves and branches brushed against your pants as he kept tugging on you to keep you right up against him, not daring to loosen the hand covering your lip
Once it seemed far away enough for him, Daryl let go of you, letting you fall to the ground completely as you desperately choked up for air.
"You bastard-" You went at him, only for him to cover your mouth once again.
He pulled you in hard. "Ya screamin' 'ere and an entire hoard will hear ya. Keep quiet," he hissed at you in a whisper. You never noticed the soft specks of green that decorated his striking blue eyes. Not until then.
A quick moment of silence followed as your eyes suddenly filled with tears. Daryl's gaze softened immediately, removing his hand from you as if your skin had turned into burning hot metal.
While you had started to sob in the middle of the woods, trying to keep as quiet as possible, the archer didn't know what else to do, but to stand next to you, his eyes fixed on your shaking shoulders. He wasn't the right person to console someone. Nor did he even know how.
"I told ya he's an asshole," he mumbled, clearly not at the right moment as you sent him an angry frown.
"You didn't tell me sh-"
"I tried tellin' ya!" Raising his voice just a bit to turn his tone stern, yet keeping the volume low enough. "I told ya he ain't interested in anyone but that woman and her son."
"I want to go back," you sniffled, feeling your chest painfully tightening.
"Go back to 'em?!"
"Back to the camp, idiot!" You snapped at him, your hand flying up to your chest. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Trying to take deep breaths in that just continuously proved to be hard as you only choked up more. Coughing mixed with your sobs, you fell onto your knees, your hand clutching the very top of your chest as you tried to breathe.
"Hey-" Daryl fell onto the ground right in front of you, his rough hands grabbing you by your shoulders to pull you straight, trying to get you to look at him. "Calm down," he strictly told you.
"H-He-" you sobbed, "he... fucked her. He just-", coughing again as the air got stuck in your throat.
"I know- hey-" you lowered your head to look at the ground beneath you, only for Darly to grab your chin and make you look back up again. "He's a fuckin' idiot. Don't cry 'bout him."
"W-What did I do?" You asked, technically hypothetically, as you continued to choke on your own cries. "What do- How?!"
"Ya didn't do anythin'," he tried to console you. "He's a dumb fuckin' bastard. A coward. A stupid mongo-"
"Lori... I-I thought-," stopping yourself again as another sob shot through your body.
"It's okay," Daryl whispered, "don't fuckin' cry for 'em. Ya think they would cry for ya?"
"What about Carl?!" You ignored his comment, instead continuing to throw out whatever came to your head.
The archer shook his head, "That ain' your problem to worry 'bout."
"She- she just lost her husband... a-and now this?!" 
Before Daryl could say anything, you brushed off his hands from your shoulders and raked yourself up.
Still sniffling, you looked around. "We gotta go back." Noticing that the sun had already started to set and no one was supposed to be out in the dark.
With a grunt, he copied you, pushing himself up to stand again while his eyes continued to follow you as you tried to get yourself back together. You could feel his gaze burning holes into your skin, making you look up. Cheeks tears stained, burning read. Your eyes were swollen, still letting single drops of tears escape as you slowly managed to even out your breathing.
"Let's go back." You re-secured the bag and bog on your shoulder before turning around to walk to the camp. A sigh escaped Daryl's lips as he shook his head slightly before jogging up towards you, stopping you with his hands back on your shoulders. He swiftly turned you around, only to let go again, his steps slowing down to let you walk ahead. This time, in the right direction.
The way back was spent mostly in silence, only a few remarks coming from the archer each time he had to tell you to either turn right or left. In no time, you had come back, finding most of the group either already back in their tents or gathered by the SUV. The sun had fully set, now the only source of natural light coming from the soft glow of the moon.
"There you are!" Dale called out as soon as his eyes found you. The smile that had started to spread on his lips fell quickly as soon as you got close enough to him to let him see the dishevelled state you were in. "What happened?" He gasped, but you just shook your head and made a quick B-turn towards your tent. The tent you shared with Shane.
The older man's tone changed quickly, clearly blaming one specific person for your mood as he followed behind you not much later.
"What the hell did you do to her?" Dale snapped at Daryl, only to get a scoff in return.
"How abou' you ask her asshole fiancé." The Dixon brother left him with that, ignoring the looks of the people around them. He opened his satch to take out the two chipmunks you had caught, only to throw them onto a set-up table and disappear down towards the quarry.
In the comfort of the plastic walls, with the bow and arrows set down outside, you had let yourself let go one more time, the tears not needing more than mere seconds before running down your cheeks again. You couldn't continue crying about this.
'Ya think they would cry for ya?'
Daryl's words rang through your mind. You hated to admit that he was most probably right.
Your relationship with Shane wasn't tense. At least until a few months ago. It had always been a little bit more difficult than you would've liked to, but you remembered the words of your mother, saying 'marriage is hard', making you realise that most likely each couple had their fair share of issues to work through. And you and Shane seemed to just have a good amount of those. Either disagreements, discussions, or different ideas and wants. Everything from as simple as the colour of your living room walls, to which state you'd have your wedding in - since your grandma was almost bedridden, you had proposed to have at least the officiant ceremony in Ohio, but Shane was, surprise, against that.
You glanced down at your ring. A gold band, holding a small square diamond right in the middle. It was beautiful. Even though you had always solely worn silver jewellery and had mentioned the classic round diamond as your dream style. Still, you had accepted the proposal. You looked past the smirks he would send waitresses and secretaries. Ignored comments he made about other people in your life. You had even given in and promised him not to get too close to anyone in the group that was right outside.
It was never 'controlling' in your eyes. You didn't know any better. But while you had to lock yourself away, making doing laundry your only form of 'entertainment', he was having fun with a presumed widow. Whereas he had told you and everyone else that he would be spending the day trying to hunt down 'something big'. 
You shook your head. You had all the reasons to leave him already months ago and yet you didn't. A lot of your friends had told you you'd regret marrying him. But he had managed to get into your head, making you think that they were the crazy ones. That all of your 'dumb sorority girlfriends' had no idea what they were talking about.
Comments and stares were one thing you could look past, but cheating... you had to draw the line somewhere. You remembered all the times your college friends came crying into the dorm, sobbing into their pillows as they complained about their boyfriends fucking around with other girls on campus. Everyone would gather and support them with one opinion: dump him. Leave him. He doesn't deserve you.
'I told ya he ain't interested in anyone but that woman and her son.'
There was Daryl's voice again in the back of your head. Screaming at you. If even he could see it, yet you were too blind to realise it...
With one final deep breath in, you gathered the sleeping bag you had claimed for yourself into your arms, along with your pillow. You managed to drag everything out of the tent, suddenly feeling more free than ever.
Looking around, you found no one sitting outside anymore, indicating most had gone to bed, but the light inside the RV made you hopeful. You couldn't sleep in your shared tent tonight. Or ever again. And Dale was your only other choice. With everything packed in your arms, you made your way over to the vehicle, knocking on the door with your foot. Two voices made you look behind you, your face immediately falling when you found Shane and Lori coming back from the woods. They took their goddamn time.
The door opened, catching your attention again. Dale looked at you in confusion but before he could say anything, you beat him to it.
"Can I sleep here tonight?"
Forget about your age. Suddenly, you felt like a little kid again. Too scared to sleep on their own, begging their parents to let them sleep in their room.
"Y/N?" Shane's rough voice called out your name, making your heartbeat quicken.
You looked up at the older man in panic. "Please."
With no hesitation, Dale nodded, stepping aside to let you walk in, ushering you inside with his hand. Daryl's remark from earlier had engraved itself in his brain as soon as he found the sheriff strutting over to his RV in big steps.
"What is she doing, Dale?" He wondered, his voice holding slight anger to it. "Y/N!" He shouted out your name again, but you gave him no response.
The older man stopped Shane from coming any closer.
"You better leave, son."
"What the fuck did I do?!" He unknowingly asked before getting the RV's door closed in his face.
The moment silence took over the enclosed room, Dale turned to you, now sitting on the small sofa.
"What the fuck did he do?"
If there was one person in this apocalyptic world that you had come to trust, it was Dale. He had already let you into his home, he deserved to get a reason for it.
You could already feel the tears filling your eyes again. Both of you ignored the knocks on the door, the old man's eyes fixed solely on you as he sat down by the small dining table, ready to wait patiently for you to answer his question.
"He... he cheated on me...," You couldn't hold back the sob that followed. "With Lori." The added remark made Dale's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He leaned back into his chair, taking off his hat to run a hand through his hair as he huffed out a chunk of air.
"Daryl and I- we saw them in the woods-," You let your head fall into the palms of your hand. The old man was quick back on his feet, on his way over to you.
"Oh, honey," sighing out, but stopping as the heavy knocks on the door continued. With an annoyed huff, he rushed over to the door to pull it open.
"Get the fuck away from my RV!" Shouting at Shane, not even giving him a moment to answer as he smashed the door close again.
"I-I don't know what to do." You admitted in sobs, glancing up at the man as he got closer to you, making space to sit down next to you. A comforting arm found its way around your shoulder while his other hand rubbed your upper arm.
"That man doesn't deserve an angel like you," he whispered at you, hoping his calming voice would soothe your cries. "He clearly doesn't know what he lost with a stupid act like that."
"He proposed to me," you showed him the ring in desperation. "Only to cheat on me?"
"What can I tell ya, kid... young men are...," Dale sighed as he shook his head. "Dumb... and blind. They think they own the world."
You continued to sob in the man's arms. Listening to his soft voice as he spoke to you while you kept on your rambles of despair. Why Lori out of all people? You used to go out on double dates with your partners. You had known Rick Grimes for a good few years now. He was a good man. You had thought Lori was a good woman. But there she went, sleeping with an engaged man. The colleague, and best friend of her husband. Who may or may not be dead. Maybe Rick was gone, but you were still there. Only one partner of the cheating couple was widowed. The other part was still very much in a committed relationship. Or so you thought.
"W-What do I do now?" You wondered out loud. "How am I supposed to continue this?" Not necessarily talking about your relationship with Shane, but the situation altogether.
"You don't." Daryl's simple but straightforward answer made you look up. In the meantime, your sobs had quieted down again.
"You tell him," he strictly told you. "You tell him what you saw. And you end it. Men like that... they don't change."
"God...," you fell back into the cushions behind you, running your hands down your face as you wiped the tears away. "Was I just... not good enough for him anymore? Why would he do something like this?"
"I wish I could tell ya, honey. But don't think that this has anythin' to do with you," Dale's stern voice made you glance at him. "Men like him don't think. You think he really thought of the possible consequences of his actions?"
You shrugged.
"He didn't. If he did, he wouldn't have done it. And men like don't deserve a second chance. Hell- they don't even deserve a first chance. But they're charming and whatnot, and before you know it, they're havin' their dicks in other women, breaking hearts of the ones that actually care about them."
You decided to stay quiet, letting his words sink in and register with you.
"You don't deserve that, honey."
Nodding your head, you took a deep breath in, wiping your nose. "I know..." With a sigh, you pushed yourself to stand up. "I have to talk to him."
"You sure, you wanna do that tonight?" The man carefully asked you, but you had already made up your mind, so you just continued to nod.
Quietly, you left the RV, of course not before Dale promised to set up a bed for you to stay in inside his movable home. You knew you had found the confidence to face your- Shane. Yet, your shaking legs and hands almost betrayed you. Realising, you didn't even truly think about how to start the conversation, the anxiety inside of you only started to bubble up more, hitting its highest point when you suddenly saw Shane exiting your tent.
His eyes fixed on you in the dark, finding your silhouette coming towards him thanks to the light shining through the RV's windows.
"Y/N-" he started, but you interrupted him right away.
"It's over."
Shane's eyebrows scrunched together. "What?"
"It's over," you repeated, finding your voice slightly shakier than you would've liked to. You glanced down your hands, almost mindlessly, wrapping your fingers around the gold band. Once, the sight of the shimmering ring on your finger made you smile, now it just shot another wave of sadness through your body. Almost shakingly, you took the last step, pulling the gold band off your finger, the metal leaving your skin, making you breathe out heavily.
"Hey- hey," the sheriff rushed closer to you, making you scoot back in reflex. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"What am I doing?" You spat at him, a salty chuckle tumbling from your lips. There was a slight change in expression on his face as he lifted his hands in defence.
"No, you listen," you stopped him again. You didn't even let your brain think about what words were about to fall from your lips. "Don't even try-" You had to stop yourself, taking a deep breath in, trying to promise yourself not to cry in front of the man that you had lost so many nerves to.
"What the hell are you doing?" He continued to ask you, his frown only deepening.
But you just continued to shake your head, ignoring the anger starting to lace his voice. You had seen Shane angry before. Even angry at you. And it scared you. But right now, the anger, you were trying to hold back, should terrify everyone involved in this situation.
Taking a few steps closer to stop right in front of him, you lifted your hand that was still tightly holding onto the ring you had once worn and shown off proudly. Once Shane opened his palm underneath it, you let it drop down.
"It's over." Before he could ask you anything more, you left him with one last comment hanging in the air. "Have fun with Lori."
Turning around, you could hear his heavy huffs and the callouts of your name, yet he didn't even dare to try and reach out to you, leaving you to make your way back towards the RV. In the back, the sound of him knocking over some of the empty cans you had gathered, filled the silence. Up ahead, you found a silhouette standing still, almost scaring you if it wasn't for the distinct stance you were able to recognise immediately. The dim light illuminated Daryl's scowl as he had clearly watched the scene from a distance.
Arrived at the door of the vehicle, you wanted to at least send him a tight smile, a goodnight and somewhat of a thank you, but the archer had already disappeared again in his usual nature.
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I CAN‘T WAIT TO POST PART 2🙈🤗🥰 I loved writing this so much omg
this is me officially stating I'm writing for the man that is Daryl Dixon now too :)
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sweetbans29 · 17 hours
Long Way Home - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Due to a huge miscommunication, Caitlin and your sister Kate are put through the worst week of their life (based on THIS request)
Warnings: angst my peeps (you asked for it), a happy ending
Word Count: 3.2k
Sweetbans Masterlist
"I don't want you to go," Caitlin says, holding you against her. Your girlfriend of 2 years has not let you go for the last 3 days.
"That makes two of us," your older sister Kate says as she finishes making the three of you grilled cheeses.
Typically you would be the one to cook but since Caitlin had her arms around you 24/7 and the fact that you wouldn't be there pretty soon to make sure they are fed, you opted to let Kate take the lead in making food.
You were given your assignment a few days back and are about to head overseas. You knew this day was coming and so did your family and friends, but knowing never made it any easier.
Growing up, you knew you wanted to serve your country when you graduated high school. You knew when your elementary school hosted a day when active military staff and veterans came to your school for a service day. Your little third-grade self looked up to them and wanted to be them someday.
You went into the military right out of high school - going through training and then getting stationed only about twenty minutes out from where your older sister was going to college. It honestly was the best possible outcome for you starting off.
Kate meant the world to you. She's been your best friend since day one. Growing up people always thought the two of you were twins and honestly, you would have believed them. Kate is only 16 months older than you. The way your parents put you in school, Kate was a grade above you which kept the two of you close. The hardest year was when she went to college and you were stuck in your senior year of high school. The two of you would talk 24/7. She kept you updated on the transition from high school to college and you would keep her updated on your parents.
It was in Kate's sophomore year that Caitlin came onto the scene - Kate and she had become good friends as Kate took the freshman under her wing. You met Caitlin only a few weeks after Kate. You had some time in between training and your first post - deciding it would be fun to spend a few weeks with Kate. She introduced the two of you and it was like you had known each other your whole lives.
It was on that same trip that Caitlin asked you out, of course asking Kate for permission first. You didn't hesitate to say yes and the rest has been history. Caitlin's love for you hit hard right from the start and never stopped growing - you were the person to come into her life and opened her eyes as to why it hasn't worked with anyone else. Caitlin knew you were her end game.
Once you were stationed just outside of Iowa City, you moved in with Kate. Life was the best it had been in a while. You would go to all of Kate and Calitlin's home games and support them to the best of your ability. It was cool to get to meet more of their team, and they all loved you. How could they not? Kate and your apartment had been the hub for a lot of the team hangouts. It was a no-brainer since you had the best setup. Caitlin also practically lived there, which was also a pull as she would encourage the team since it meant she got to spend more time with you.
Slowly but surely Caitlin started bringing stuff over and found a home for it within your room. You not once complained seeing as she didn't really have much but knew how serious it was when she brought over her PS5 and her most worn basketball shoes.
"Are you sure it is okay that I am bringing all this stuff over?" She asks.
"I promise you, babe. It is perfect." You say and give her a smile.
"I just don't want to overstep," she says and you take hold of her shoulders.
"Hey - you know I don't make promises I don't mean," you say. She nods sheepishly. "I promise, this is exactly where you are meant to be." You reassure her.
When you found out you would be going overseas you had a sit-down conversation with Caitlin to break the news to her. She doesn't hide her frustration well but knows how much you pride yourself in serving your country. You tell her that when you go, she has to move in with Kate - not wanting either of your favorite people to be alone. You crack jokes with Caitlin about how she practically already lives there in an attempt to lighten the mood.
This brings it back to Kate making grilled cheeses with you sitting on the counter holding Caitlin.
"They are ready!" Kate yells in excitement over the perfectly cooked sandwiches. You grab a plate and immediately take a bite.
"Ahhh! Hot! Hot!" You say as you try to blow off the piece you had just taken a bite out, refusing to spit it out.
"Babe, you do that every time - will you ever learn?" Your girl teases you she grabs her own plate, blowing it off before taking a small bite herself.
"Hey, sometimes waiting is overrated." You say and go in for another bite. "Plus, when something is this good, if you could you would eat it in one bite."
The rest of the night is filled with light banter, cuddles from your girl, and another attempt at packing (which was quickly shut down when Caitlin held you captive on your bed, not allowing you to move).
Time moved faster than anyone would have liked as your send-off arrived. Your family came out, along with Caitlin and some of her team. They were there more as a support to Caitlin and Kate than to see you off but you were incredibly thankful for them.
You give hugs to your mom and dad first - they knew this day was coming and had much time to prepare yet still let out muffled sobs and final last-ditch pleas to stay.
You give hugs to all the girls who came in support of your two favorites and tell each and every one of them to watch over both Kate and Caitlin while you are away.
Kate is next. The two of you stand there embracing each other, neither of you saying anything knowing everything already. It is only before you release your sister that she whispers something in your ear.
"I've got her," Kate says and for the first time yet you feel a tear roll down your cheek. You wipe it away as fast as it appears, not wanting to make this any harder for anyone.
You whisper a thank you and release her - looking at her with the best smile you could muster up.
Finally, you turn to the love of your life. And runs into your embrace faster than you can brace for impact.
"I want to tell you not to go," she says with a sniffle. "But I know how much this means to you."
"I will be back before you know it," you say - trying to believe your own words. The truth is, you don't know when you will be back - this is an open-ended assignment which wasn't common in the military but due to where you are going is needed for the mission.
"I will call whenever I can and I will write," you tell her. "It will be our own little movie."
"Just come back to me, okay?" She says as your heart breaks hearing the desperation in her voice.
You separate from her just enough to reach down and grab her hand. A few months ago you had gotten her a dainty little ring embellished with diamonds for your anniversary. It was by no means an engagement ring or promise ring but in this moment it would have to do.
"I promise I'll come back to you," you say removing the band from her right hand and placing it on her ring finger. Caitlin knows to not take your promise lightly. She knows you would do anything to get back to her.
Both of you know that there is never a guarantee but the little gesture was enough for both of you to have faith in your promise.
You say your final goodbyes and before you know it you are off.
The first few months are hard as it is an adjustment for everyone. You Facetime Caitlin and Kate as much as you can - thankful that the wifi connection you had was stable. You told her as much as you could about where you were at, making sure not to disclose anything that would scare either of your girls. Kate would update you on the usual - this not being too far off from what her transition to college was. Caitlin on the other hand took the transition really hard, always crying in Kate's arms after the call ended. None of which was disclosed to you.
The next few months were harder as you were moved to a secondary location where the wifi was less stable - sometimes cutting out for a few weeks or more at a time. You sent letters to let them know you were doing okay even if a call didn't come. Every letter you would end with 'Slowly making my way back to you' then your signature. Caitlin would grip every word you wrote, most of the time falling asleep with them in her hand.
You were almost up to your year mark with no update on when you would be able to return home. They had moved you back to a base that had better wifi which was helpful in keeping up with Caitlin but still not as good at giving her a date when you would be home.
Caitlin was doing better and was able to keep her composure after calls with you. Whenever you would have a call with your girl, Kate would jump on towards the end of the call and tell you how Caitlin was really doing. Most of the time it would end with your girl getting frustrated with your sister for disclosing more than what was needed but you always appreciated it.
It was when things started to feel normal when it all hit the fan.
Kate and Caitlin had just finished their shoot-around before one of their home games and were about to head into the locker to get ready when one of the assistant coaches told them they needed to head to Coach Bluder's office immediately.
The two girls redirected to head to the office thinking it had to do with tonight's game. The sight they are met with is one that causes immediate confusion.
"Mom? Dad?" Kate asked, shocked to see her parents standing in her coach's office. Your mom is a wreck in the arms of your dad who has clearly shed his own fair share of tears. Coach Bluder looks like she has seen a ghost and tells Kate and Caitlin to take a seat.
"What's going on?" Caitlin says immediately feeling her stomach drop thinking there is only one reason they would be here.
"Why don't you two sit," Coach Bluder presses again.
"No, I think I would rather stand," Caitlin retorts. She is trying to tell herself if she doesn't give in to what they are asking then the news won't be real. Kate touches Caitlin's arm, starting to come to her own conclusions, and takes a seat.
Your dad is the first and only to speak.
"We got a visit this morning," he starts only looking into Caitlin's eyes. He refuses to look into his daughter's eyes, knowing he will not get through what needs to be said.
"There was an attack to which they said there were no survivors." He says as slow as molasses.
Caitlin just stares at him. Not yet has he mentioned your name or anything about you specifically which only prolongs reality.
Kate asks if they had to send you there to help out, then proceeds to ask if you are hurt. She doesn't understand why Mom is so torn up over that.
Your dad's eyes are still trained on Caitlin's, not breaking to look at Kate when she asks.
"It was her base-" Your dad barely gets out before Caitlin is countering.
"Bullshit," Caitlin says, not blinking twice. She refuses to believe the words coming from your dad's mouth. Normally this would have taken him back but under the circumstances, he was ready for any and all reactions.
That is when your mom cut in.
"They found her tags," she sniffles out. Before she is sobbing again she says, "Alongside an unidentifiable body."
"They are still searching, but they told us not to be hopeful." Your dad finishes as Kate breaks down like her mother.
Calitin on the other hand is completely numb. Her head is spinning and she feels like she is going to throw up. Before anyone can speak again, she runs out of the room.
She runs directly home, entering your once-shared apartment. She makes her way to your shared room and just stands in the doorway. She hadn't changed a single thing since you left, not wanting you to come home to a completely different place. That thought flies out the window when the pain settles in and the reality of you not returning hits her like a ton of bricks.
Caitlin's hands go swinging. Throwing anything she could get her hands on. By the time she is done, she is out of breath - the room looks like a tornado hit.
She finally falls to the floor - letting out the loudest cry.
Picking up one of your old Military sweatshirts, she puts it over her head and holds herself.
You on the other hand are sitting in the most uncomfortable plane imaginable - giddy to get back to surprise your two favorite girls. Your Leutienet set up a charter for you and a select other few to fly back to the States. It was something that only he and one other person knew about, not wanting news to get out.
You knew it was going to take you a long time to get back but with the three plane switches and delays due to equipment transfers - your 2 day trip quickly doubled.
It wasn't until day 4 that you were finally crossing back into US territory. Once your plane entered US airspace, your excitement grew even more. You knew there wasn't going to be any communication to anyone prior to your arrival which made the surprise that much more fun for you.
When you finally arrived at the base - you were met with a crowd of people. Confused, you started asking what happened. One of the captains pulled your group aside and let you know there was an attack and that they didn't know if you were a part of it or not.
It was hard to hear but you were so over the moon about seeing your sister and your girlfriend that you didn't think of the possibility of them thinking that you were a part of the bombing.
When you got in your rental - you thought it would be better to surprise them in person than give them a call. You want to see the joy in their eyes when they first hear your voice back home.
You make the drive to your apartment and park along the street. You are still in uniform as you walk up the steps of your apartment. It is the middle of the morning and expect both girls to be back from practice.
Unlocking the door you walk in.
All the blinds are closed and there are tissues everywhere. Food boxes are left on the table and counter, and most of the food is uneaten. You furrow your eyebrows as you see a sleeping Caitlin in Kate's lap. She looks absolutely sickly with her head being stroked by Kate as Kate's eyes try to adjust to the new light source entering their apartment.
The light is so bright that it takes her a few moments to make out the figure standing in the light as you.
"This isn't real," you hear Kate mumble. "You're not real."
You slowly close the door and make your way over to your sister. You were expecting excitement and happy tears and love as you walked in but were met with none of that.
"She's gone," Kate cries. "You're gone. This isn't real." She keeps saying over and over.
It is then when it hits you that everyone thought you were a part of the bombing.
You slowly make your way to your sister as you kneel in front of her and your still-sleeping girlfriend. Little to your knowledge, this was the first time that Kate was able to get Caitlin to sleep for more than 10 minutes before she ended up screaming your name and jolting awake.
Kate is so defeated that her hand doesn't even come up to try and touch you to see if you are real. She is so convinced she is hallucinating.
It is only when your hand comes up and touches her face that she lets out a gasp and a sob. She cries out your name, waking Caitlin.
Caitlin blinks a few times while she sits up. Her hands come to rub her eyes, trying to get them to unblur from all the built-up tears that had fallen.
She smells you before she sees you. Feeling a sense of peace wash over her before more tears are falling. She still hasn't seen you kneeling right in front of her. Kate is sobbing into a pillow - in shock at who is before her.
Your hand comes up to Caitlin's and she jumps, removing it from yours. Tears begin to roll down your face as you can't imagine the living hell she has been through these last few days.
"Caitlin," you say in the gentlest tone. Her head whips up, eyes finally meeting yours.
At first, her eyes flash with rage. Not rage at you but rage at herself for initially believing you are there. They are then in shock - not comprehending the sight in front of her. Her heart stops as she says your name.
Your hands come to her face as you caress both of her cheeks.
"They said you were gone," Caitlin says in disbelief. tears streaming down her face as her hands come up to yours. "They found your tags." Caitlin really doesn't know what to say. She still doesn't believe you're in front of her until she hears you speak again.
"I promised I would come back to you, when have I ever broken a promise?" You say as you bring her in for a kiss.
AN: Welp here it is - let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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conflictofthemind · 2 days
Not only do Robin and Will (and Mike!) have scenes together, they have a plot where the three of them visit Castle Byers in the Upside Down and here's all of the proof:
I originally posted this on twitter a month ago, which got a lot of backlash as well as prompting a certain someone to lie directly to my face about it. Now that I've been vindicated so much in the last few days, I want to share this mini-theory that I'm mostly convinced of at this point.
1.Let us go over the filming timeline: February 15th (left), Robin and Will at the McCorkle farm. Take note of the outfit that Robin is wearing here. February 20th (right), fans stumble on an Upside Down Castle Byers set in the woods.
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February 22 (left), a pap reveals they were filming at this location the past week, and likes a comment saying one of the figures in the red picture was of Noah/Will.
March 1st (right), Ross Duffer posts what is (possibly) weeks 7-8 of filming, including a picture of Castle Byers in the Upside Down with the prominent American flag.
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March 13 (but not really), we get a hidden shot from Episode 4. Oh, and an iPad in the corner that says this was actually February 13 - the same week they were filming with Maya/Noah/Finn at the farm.
Oh, but zoom in. Enhance image. What is that? It's the unknown!
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A flag.... the body of a person with a dark coat and a white t-shirt.... possibly in the mirror view of a car or some kind of framing device. Now what did they film in the same week(s) that looks like this? Just Castle Byers and Robin.
2. Aaaaand then we get a little bit into Lovers Lake gate (literally).
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The official version of the map, that could still be incorrect tbf, has Lover's Lake placed near the farms on the outskirts of town. There is also a fan-made map referenced from the actual show, which is different but still places Lover's Lake next to some farms and specifically Eugene McCorkle's farm.
Then we have this classic BTS photo from Ross of (possibly lol) Weeks 5-6 which would include the week of February 13 and 16th where we know they were filming at the farm.
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What this all means, I won't speculate on too much, but I am fairly sure we are getting a mission with Robin/Will/Mike as they venture into the Upside Down (maybe Mike drives them himself) through a rift that has strategically opened near the farm because of it's position near the Lovers Lake gate. I think it's possible that they are investigating Will's memories, and trying to induce them to come back. The opening scene as we all know happens at Castle Byers. Will wants to go for his own self-development and discovery, Mike tags along because that's his boyfriend bestie, and Robin tags along after developing a soft spot for Will and to get a glimpse at how the two interact.
3. Where are the others at (why only them three)? Also in episode 4, we have Nancy, Jon, Dustin and (probably since it's his car) Steve as a group all travelling from the McCorkle farm into the Upside Down. Perhaps they split off into their own missions, or something goes awry and this is the reconnaissance team sent in to find RoWillMike.
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The one thing I do have extra confirmation of is that Millie has not been involved in any of the farm scenes, even the ones filmed in April. There is no way El is involved in this plot. Millie was also on a filming break during most of February.
The others all likely have a plotline together (Lucas/Erica/Joyce/Hopper/El). Vickie couullldd be there though?
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Okay so hi I'm not super in any of your fandoms (watcher + try guys + dropout, hello welcome) but I'm a software developer and BOTH try guys and watcher announcing a custom streaming platform so close together had me suspicious.
So with just one, I'd assume that maybe they scraped together the money and resources to hire enough devs to make a well-designed secure platform (you want security for your login info and payment info). But two? Seems a bit odd.
So I actually looked a bit closer, at their privacy policies:
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So it looks like Vimeo has decided to up their game and partner with existing yt content creation outlets to make streaming platforms.
Wait, what about Dropout? Dropout uses it too!
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What does this mean, exactly?
Well, it means that Vimeo is providing a base software that gets customized for use by the companies (watcher, 2nd try). It means that Vimeo has a hand in your data associated with these platforms (account info, payment info, watch info, etc...). Is that a bad thing? Idk yet. Read through the streaming platform's privacy policy and Vimeo's privacy policy and make your own decision about what you feel comfortable sharing. But realistically the only additional info collected compared to your average youtube use is the financial info, and that seems to go through another third party (4th party?) (like Stripe or something like that. very common, most of your financial transactions online use things like that). It also likely means that Vimeo is taking some kind of cut of the profits made from these subscriptions (and lets be real, in this day and age, they're not just demanding a flat fee. It's likely some percentage of your subscription cost). The companies switching over (watcher and 2nd try) are making the gamble that the money made on subscriptions after cost taken is more than their adsense from yt, which isn't a wild idea considering how much we know yt loves demonetizing videos and paying their creators poorly.
It also means that Vimeo seems to be on some sort of marketing push, and that more of your favorite channels may swap over to streaming services in the near future.
Vimeo???? Yes, vimeo, that bootleg youtube that's been around for like as long as I can remember being on the internet. I guess they finally found a way to usurp yt's market control and good for them ig. Maybe this will be the thing that finally forces yt to fix their creator relationships? time will tell Why are you posting this in my favorite media company's tag?? I wanted fanart! Sorry to intrude, I just think this is neat and would love to hear opinions from other people on this knowledge.
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mauvecherie-writes · 14 hours
endless melodies: l.hamilton
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part: v [series masterlist]
pairing: lewis hamilton x oc!jamilah riley
summary: shared time leading to perfect moments …
tags: 18+, MDNI, fluff, shameless corniness, dual povs, making out, cunnilingus, cliffhanger ending.
w.c: 4.8K
notes: the social media posts for this chapter will be coming later. Don’t forget to comment, reblog and like!
reading list: @queenshikongo3 @dhlfastestlap @saintslewis @serpenttines-library @saturnville @hopefulromantic1 @cocobutterqwueen @bluesole16 @chaneajoyyy @emjayewrites @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @sapphireheaven @olyvoyl @lewisroscoelove @lh44adore @hellomadamebutterfly @scorpiobleue @qveenmelanink @tremendousstarlighttragedy @bekindbecoolbeyou @greedyjudge2 @itsapurrfectstorm @createdbylivingclocks @samiwzx @omgsuperstarg @peyiswriting @miyuhpapayuh @blowmymbackout @purplelewlew @henneseyhoe @xoscar03
“Mmmm.” Jamilah moaned softly. “This is some of the best sorbet I’ve ever tasted.” Her eyes were closed as she savoured the taste but his eyes were on her face watching her. Since they had started dating, her and Lewis would explore all the vegan food spots that the city had to offer, including Neat Burger - a vegan fast food restaurant Lewis a controlling stake in. Lewis never cared about what Jamilah ate but he had picked up on the fact whenever they did decide impromptu food dates, she would suggest a restaurant that was vegan or had a lot of vegan options. He appreciated that effort from her and it made his feelings for Jamilah deepen further.
After her comment, Jamilah must have realised how quiet he had been. So she opened her eyes and turned to face him, he didn’t shift his attention from her face and it caused her to sheepishly smile as she licked her lips of the remnants of the sorbet.
“What?” Jamilah enquired with the softest giggle to her tone.
“Nothing.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I just like seeing you enjoy your food. Every time you eat., your first bite is your slowest, like you’re really savouring it and this expression of joy spreads across your face. That’s the moment I wait for to savour myself.”
His words caused her to take a sharp gasp and then exhale as she inched closer to his body on the bench. Lewis placed his head on the back of the bench behind her head as she crossed her leg so that her calf softly hung over his parted legs.
“That was the sweetest whole load of nothing Mr. Poet.” She said as she leaned closer to his face. Lewis smiled as he closed the gap in between them and brushed her nose with the tip of his.
“You like it when I become wax poetic for you.” He mumbled against her lips.
“Unfortunately, I do.” Jamilah whispered before sliding his bottom lip over hers and then capturing them completely. They both taste of the of the summer berries sorbet they had been eating but from her tongue, the flavour was so much sweeter.
A low moan left his mouth as she seeked out his tongue before beginning to suck on it. Lewis had to quickly stop this kiss before he took it too far. His free hand came to the back of her neck and softy gripped it, forcing himself to pull his lips away.
“You can’t be kissing me like that in public. You’re playing a dangerous game pulling that move.” He lightly teased her bottom lip, licking it and then slightly biting it. Jamilah’s free hand came to his chin and gripped it inbetween her pointer finger and thumb.
“I like taking you out of your element. I think about you losing your cool a little too often for my liking.” She stated as she caressed his lip with her thumb. Lewis suddenly nipped at the digit which caused her to yelp and then giggle.
“Let’s finish these cones before I do something that’ll get us in trouble.” He mumbled as he stood up and stretched out his hand for her to take. Once their fingers were interlinked, they took a walk down the block as they continued enjoying each other’s company.
A few days after the sorbet date, Lewis wanted to take Jamilah on one more date before he left for another race. With all of the time that they had been spending together, she was past the point of attachment, Jamilah knew that was falling and she was falling fast.
However, she knew that Lewis had to be feeling the way that she was. From the words he shared, his touch and his intended action with her. People in both of their camps were cautioning them about the speed of how their relationship was progressing but neither of them cared.
“So miss thang, we both know that you’re not coming home tonight so we changed your clutch bag to a larger shoulder bag and put in your essentials case.” Amal said as she dropped onto her older sister’s bed with a slight bounce. “Oh! And we swapped the condoms that were in there, lord knows that they needed a change.”
“AMAL!” Jamilah exclaimed as she whipped around to face her little sister as Jodie lightly chuckled as she snacked on a bowl of grapes.
“What? I’m nineteen, I know about condoms.”
“I know. You’re still my sister and I would like to not think about you touching such in relation to me.”
“Oh I didn’t do that, Jodie did. She changed the size too.”
“This is NOT the conversation I need to be having right now before I leave.” Jamilah scrunched her eyes shut as she tried not to focus on the words out of her sister’s mouth.
“Listen, we’ve all seen the shots and videos of Lewis adjusting his racing suit, we are not blind. We’re just making sure that you’ve got the right shit. I’m sure he has his own but you can never be too careful.” Jodie stated as Amal nodded her head along in agreement. Jamilah sighed as she stood up straight after finishing the application of her mascara.
“One, I don’t need to hear my two closest people talking about they were looking at videos of my man adjusting his junk. And two, while I appreciate your efforts, I highly doubt we’ll have sex tonight. In some cliche way, I’m waiting until he asks me to be his girlfriend.” Jamilah responded.
“And if he did ask you tonight? Would you?”
Jamilah pondered on the question. Things had been going very well between them but something just didn’t feel quite yet. The moment hadn’t arrived for the official question to be asked.
“No. But I will enjoy everything else.” She answered with a smile. “Now, stilettos or boots?”
She had chosen the boots to go with her black bodycon mini dress and the leather trench coat to shield her from the chilly winds of a London night. Lewis wasn’t able to come pick her up but he had arranged for a car to pick her up to drive her to the restaurant.
When she arrived outside of the restaurant, Jamilah was grateful to see that there were no paparazzi lurking by - at least from what she could see. She was quickly greeted by the front of house before being led through the space and led her right to Lewis.
He stood up as she approached the booth. There was a smile on his face as he moved around the table and outstretched his arm to take her hand and pull her into a soft kiss. Jamilah pressed a hand on his chest as she smiled against his lips.
“You look beautiful as ever Princess.” He mumbled into her ear as he embraced her.
“Thank you, handsome.” He was dressed simply in all black with a sleeveless buttoned cardigan with a couple of chains hanging from his neck. Jamilah placed one more kiss on his cheek. He took her hand and led her to sit down first before sliding into the booth and placing himself beside her.
The front of house placed the menus in front of them. “Andy will be your server for the night, they’ll be with you shortly.”
“Thank you.” Lewis replied to the staff before turning his full attention back to Jamilah. He leaned forward and took a sniff of her neck before placing a kiss onto her skin. The action caused her giggle. “You smell like vanilla and caramel today.”
“I changed my lotion a couple of days ago.” She replied as she opened the menu. “Are we drinking today?”
“I’m flying out tomorrow night so I can have a couple.”
“Yay!” Jamilah cheered as she reached for the drinks menu and browsed through the wine list. “Are you getting some sushi with me?”
“Yeah. I checked out the menu before I booked our table, they know my dietary requirements already.” Lewis said as he pulled the menu towards him.
“Will my fishy breath bother you?”
“Princess, I’ve kissed you after you demolished six birria tacos in like ten minutes. I think we are very much past the point of me caring about fishy breath after sushi.”
“Okay. I was just checking.” She giggled.
Andy came to their table and took their food and drink orders. Once they had left, Jamilah turned to Lewis and began playing with the chains around his neck.
“Are you coming back right after Monaco?” She asked him.
“I have some contractual things that I have to sort out whilst I’m still out there but then I have to fly out stateside to get some work done before Canada.”
“So I won’t physically see you until you come for Spain?!” She pouted, the cute expression causing him to laugh.
“We don’t need to be apart that long. I know your album roll out doesn’t start until Silverstone weekend. It’s in final production so you have some time on your hands.”
“And you’re saying all of this because?”
“I’m saying all of this because I want you to join me.” Lewis state confidently as he looked into her eyes. Jamilah was partially surprised at the statement but from what he had previously said that this was where it was leading to and honestly? It made her feel extremely giddy.
Then it dawned onto her.
“Why are you just asking me now?! I barely have time to prepare.” She said as she playfully nudges his arm.
“You can fly out on Saturday night and be there for race day.”
“No. I’ll fly out Friday night and then during the layover going stateside, I’ll grab the rest of my stuff.”
“God, my team is gonna think I’m crazy for doing this.”
“They had a meltdown at those pictures of us after our ice-cream date. I cannot imagine how Rosa is going to handle it me being there for the entire weekend without warning.”
“I’ll message her in the morning so that she has a heads up.” Lewis chuckled.
“Excuse me guys, here are your drinks. A white wine and an old fashioned with an extra half shot.” Andy placed their drinks down then announced that their food would be arriving shortly.
“Who is going to be at the race?” She asked as she took a sip of her wine.
“Roscoe. He’s going to be travelling with us for a little bit. I missed him.”
“Aww, I miss my little guy too.” She smiled. “Anyone else I’ll know?”
“I’m not really sure yet but some of the guy’s partners will be there.”
“Want me to join their little WAG’s club?” She joked.
“You can do that.” He laughed. “Making new friends is always good.” He added causing her to roll her eyes and smile before drinking more of her wine.
During their dinner, their conversation never stopped - mostly focused on their plans for their coming weeks together. They fed each other pieces of their food but it was mostly Lewis sharing his enoki mushrooms in chilli oil because Jamilah had not liked the seaweed salad she had ordered.
Once her glass of wine was finished, Jamilah was more than ready to leave and spend time with Lewis in a more intimate setting. She wrapped her hands around his arm and she dropped her chin onto his shoulder.
He glanced down at her with a soft smile on his lips.
“How are you feeling baby?” He asked as he moved his free hand to her face and brushed a braid that had fallen out of place and tucked it behind her ear.
“I’m good. Thank you for dinner.” She said, sighing softly as Lewis drew mindless patterns with the back of his fingers.
“You’re welcome baby.” He cupped her cheek and then pecked her lips. “You ready to go?” He questioned which Jamilah responded by nodding her head.
Lewis called for the bill and after it was settled he stood up first and grabbed her trench coat, holding it out for her to wear.
Their car was already waiting for them as they walked outside hand in hand. He let her enter into the car first and then he got in after. On the drive over to his home, Jamilah texted her groupchat updating them on her whereabouts and bidding her goodnights. It did not take long for them to respond. She just smiled to herself and locked her phone.
The driver drove into the underground parking of his building and parked close to the entrance doors.
“Thank you, Justin.” The two of them said to his driver, who threw an appreciative nod back.
They entered into the elevator and she smiled when she saw the mirror. “Take a picture with me.”
“Are you going to post it?”
“Only to my close friends.” She chewed onto her bottom lip.
“Okay.” He stopped leaning against the mirror as she positioned herself in front of him. His hands came to her hips as she grabbed onto his neck and took the picture.
“There we go.” She giggled as she stared at the way his head naturally leaned towards hers. Lewis glanced at the picture as well.
“Send me that.” He said as she posted the picture onto her private Instagram story. She hummed as an answer as the elevator finally reached the main floor of his building.
The entrance of the ground floor of his home was a well decorated foyer with a central table with a beautiful cherry blossom bonsai tree sitting on top a marbled floor. Dotted across the white walls of the foyer were decorative art pieces complimenting the colour palette of the area.
“Not only did you renovate this building to have an underground parking space and with an elevator, you have a foyer with a bonsai tree to greet you!”
“Wait until you see the indoor spa.” His comment caused Jamilah to gasp with glee.
“We are so ending the house tour with that.”
Lewis then proceeded to show her around his home, leaving the master bedroom and his closet. Somewhere along the way, they had both taken off their shoes - Jamilah, happy to be flat footed with her boho braids in a bun.
Seeing the blue of the water was like a siren calling which shot an idea into her mind. She stopped walking in her tracks and turned to face Lewis from where he stood.
“I want to jump into this pool.” She exclaimed which made Lewis chuckle.
“Are you sure that you want to do that?.” He asked.
“Is the water heated?”
“Let me check.” He walked towards the control panel closest to him. He pressed a few buttons and then nodded his head. “Yeah it’s warm.”
“So what’s stopping me from taking a dip in this gorgeous pool of yours?”
“Um, you don’t have a swimsuit?” Instead of answering, Jamilah took a good look around. The spa pool was dimly lit with loft music playing in the background, the sounds of the jets echoing into the space.
“You know you can always come back and do this at a later date. Are you sure that you want to do this now?” Lewis asked her as he stood by the entrance to the indoor pool as his eyes followed Jamilah who was dancing around close to the edge of the pool. She then turned on her heel to look at him with her eyes brimming with mischief once her mind was finally made up.
“I mean my underwear provides the same function right? Covering up all my good bits.” Her answer caused Lewis to laugh before he licked his lips and shifted his weight with his hands behind his back as he leaned on the wall with his shoulder for support.
“I guess so.” Lewis later mumbled.
Her next move could not be blamed on alcohol. She only had one glass of wine at dinner - Jamilah could only blame it on being high off the attention that Lewis had been constantly feeding her all night.
So whilst holding eye contact with him, she began pulling the bottom of her dress upwards her thighs. She could hear his breath hitching when her black thongs got exposed to his eyes. It brought a smile to her face. Jamilah grabbed the bottom of the bunched up fabric and completely pulled the dress of her body before dropping it onto the floor.
“Fuuck.” Lewis lowly uttered which sent a shiver down her spine. She bit onto her lip as he drank in her body. The softly padded bra did nothing to hide her body’s reaction to his gaze.
He stood up straight as she began slowly inching backwards towards the heated pool. “Are you going to join me or are you going to stand there and watch me?”
Due to the silence, Jamilah could only focus on the frantic beating of her heart after she had asked the question. But she didn’t need a verbal answer - her abdomen muscles involuntarily clenched as she watched Lewis push off the wall and begin to approach her.
With a smirk playing on his lips, he begun to work to unfasten the buttons of his sleeveless cardigan before pushing it off his body. Once the fabric fell away from his shoulders, he turned to his jeans to unbutton them and push them past his thighs leaving him just his boxers.
Jamilah chewed on her bottom lip as she let her eyes marvel in the beauty of the specimen standing in front of her. Not wanting to let nerves show any further than they had been to this point. She walked to the ladder leading into the pool and began to inch her body below the surface of the water. She shivered at the contact with the warm water but she let it wash over the longer she immersed herself in the pool.
She swam away from the ladder, careful not to get her hair wet as she got closer to the edge closet to where Lewis was standing.
“Don’t be scared to jump in.” She teased him. He rolled his eyes before he dove into the water. Jamilah squealed as she turned her face away from the splashes of the water. Before she could clear the water away from her face, she felt his arms reach across her waist and he pulled her into the warmth of his body.
“You’re so fucking lucky I have braids right now because had it been a silk press, it would been real bad for you.”
“I would have just given you the money to get it sorted.” He shrugged as he wrapped her limbs around his body.
“Not all of us have hair stylists on retainer. I have to book mine.”
“So I would have given you mine.” His sentence caused her to laugh as they continued to bob along in the water.
“No offence babe, because for whatever reason that works for you but I’ll never let your stylist touch my hair.”
“Not this again.” He groaned.
“Yes this again! Baby you need to change the person who does your hair. I’m tired of your fans crying in my comments every time I post.”
“Princess, I don’t want to talk about how much you and my fans don’t like my braider when you’re this close to my dick.” Lewis said he squeezed her ass cheeks causing a squeal to leave her mouth before giggling. She was just not realising how much she did when she was with him.
“Fine.” She tried to pull away from him but Lewis held onto her. “Baby.” A soft laugh left her as she placed her hands on his shoulders. “If you don’t let go of me, I can’t enjoy this marvellous pool the way I want to.”
“Give me a kiss first.” He mumbled. That she could do. She slid her lips against his. Lewis moved his hand along her back before settling on the back of her neck to deepen the kiss. On instinct, Jamilah pushed her breasts against his chest as she moaned into his mouth. Without realising, she had been rubbing herself against the fabric of Lewis’s boxers. He brought his hands to her waist to steady her before he pulled his mouth away from the kiss.
“If you want to swim then I suggest unwrapping yourself from me before I take you out of here.” She blushed as she detached her legs from his body. She splashed his back as she swam away trying to calm the rush that had began to spread through her body.
Before she had let go of him, Jamilah had looked into his eyes. They held promise. They had been playing so close on the edge and if she wasn’t careful, she was going to break the promise she had made to herself.
After spending no more than thirty minutes swimming and playing in the pool, Lewis led her to the master bedroom and showed her the en suite, giving her something to change in as he utilised a guest bathroom to shower. Once he was done, he went to collect their belongings and headed back to the bedroom.
Jamilah hadn’t left the bathroom but he could hear that the shower was off. As he folded her dress and placed it by her handbag. She opened the door and his eyes took her in. She stood there wearing one of his baggy t-shirt. He had also given her a new pair of brief boxers but they weren’t showing as they were swallowed by the fabric.
“Don’t you look gorgeous.” He smiled at her as she walked towards him and reached for her bag.
“You never stop do you?” Jamilah said as she dug through the bad and pulled out a smaller bag.
“Like any man, I like seeing my woman in my clothes.” She rolled her eyes at his answer as she pulled out a silk scarf.
“Give it to me.” He held out his hand and she placed the scarf into his palm. Lewis focused on carefully wrapping her braids, making sure that it wasn’t too tight on her edges.
“Thank you honey.” She lightly stood on her tip-toes and pecked his lips. “Where’s your durag? I need to wrap up your fuck ass braids.”
“You need to stop talking shit about my hair.”
“Not until you change your braider.” She replied in a sing-song voice. Lewis didn’t respond to her but he sat in between her legs as she sat on the edge of the bed. Jamilah soothed out his plaits once she had taken off his hair tie. She secured the durag and placed a kiss on top of his head. “All done.”
Lewis turned his head and kissed her thigh. He continued to place kisses on her skin as he turned his body.
“Stop!” She squealed, feeling ticklish and pushed his head away from her legs but Lewis picked her up by her knees and dropped her further up the bed. Jamilah rushed to pull the t-shirt down her body. The underwear that he had given her were tightly pressed against the dampness of her cunt.
Since they shared their first kiss in the studio, they had been playing it safe. But the kissing and touching was becoming too much for her. Her body was craving more but she knew that if they crossed that line, then she would be giving herself to on a platter. It was hard not to when he had been doing everything right.
“Hey.” His voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “Where did you go just there?”
She shook her head in response as she gave him a lazy smile. “I was just thinking.”
“What about us?”
“You don’t think we’re moving too fast? Like everything had been so perfect and at the back of my mind, I keep waiting for the ball to drop.” She confessed. “I want this with you so much but I’m also the first woman you’ve been with publicly. What if you don’t want this any more, the longer it goes on?” Jamilah was no longer looking up at him but as his chest, focusing on the compass tattoo, tracing the north tip point. She felt Lewis place his hand beside her head before tipping her face upwards so that she could meet his eyes.
“Did you ever think about the fact that it’s going really well because I want the exact same thing that you want? That I’m doing things out of my typical because I am so enamoured by you, I’m doing what my heart tells me instead of following the logistics of what our teams tell us to do.”
His words rained over and pooled into her heart. She cupped his face and stroked the swell of his cheeks.
“You’re not alone in this. I’m right here with you.” He turned his head and kissed her inner palm.
“Okay.” She whispered then leaned up to capture his lips. The gentle touch of their lips caused him to sigh into her mouth. Jamilah took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, sucking on his tongue. He groaned as he leaned down and pressed his chest against her stomach.
“Baby.” Jamilah whimpered as his hands moved beneath her shirt and settled on her back, just above the hem of the boxers.
“Let me take care of you.” Lewis mumbled before nibbling on her bottom lip. She parted her legs as he began moving down her body. He moved the fabric of the t-shit away from the stomach. He inhaled deeply as her hands rubbed on his head. Lewis grabbed at the boxers and pulled them away from her hips.
Jamilah sighed as he returned to lay kisses on her hip bones, the contact sent shivers up the length of her spine.
“Mmm.” She moaned as his thumb caressed her clit in slow, soft circles that made her pussy clench. Lewis dipped his head in between her thighs and glided his tongue across her clit. A tremor rushed through her body and made her legs wobble. He picked up her calf and placed his leg over his shoulder.
“Look at me, princess.” He commanded. When Jamilah looked at him and his stare was intense and full of desire. Full desire of her.
He winked at her and then lowered his mouth onto her clit. He wrapped his arms around her legs, pulling Jamilah closer to his mouth and locking her bottom half in place. Lewis kept his eyes locked in with hers as his tongue flicked against her clit.
“Oh shit! Lew!” One hand reached down and kept his head in place as she rode his face.
“You taste so fucking good baby.” He moaned and continued moaning against her pussy as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
Jamilah had received head before and she knew how good it would feel but it was never like this. All of her senses were alive but her mind was clouded with pleasure. Lost in it, she fell back onto the bed. A hard slap came to her inner thigh and the sting made her shiver with pleasure.
“Eyes on me princess. Don’t make me tell you again.” The sternness of his voice aroused her even more.
“Okay.” She whispered.
Right then, Lewis began to flick his tongue faster, forcing her words down her throat. She dug her nails into his hair, pulling on what she could through the durag as she began to tremble.
“Right there! Right fucking there!” She pleaded as she locked eyes with him, concentrating on rocking her hips faster, bumping her pussy against his nose. Jamilah was making his face wet and she didn’t care.
Evidently, he didn’t care either.
Then Lewis pulled her pussy lips apart and slid two fingers into her cunt and curled them upwards. Dragging his fingers forth as he thrusted them, with his tongue eagerly rolling on her clit and applying pressure on the nub. Jamilah’s mouth formed into a silent O with one last drag.
“Oh fuck! I’m coming! I’m c-.” Her body seized in place as her orgasm ruptured. Lewis hummed satisfied as his gaze darkened.
She fell backwards as she tried to catch her breath. He gently kissed her pelvis before shifting until he was hovering above her. He held onto her chin and pulled her in for a kiss. Jamilah moaned at the taste of herself left on his lips.
“You’re so pretty when you come.” He murmured, pecking her lips as he spoke.
“When will I get to see you come?” She threw back at him which caused him to smirk.
“Not tonight.” He replied, colliding their lips once more. “But I’m going to make you come on my face again.”
“Oh god!” Jamilah gasped as she arched off the bed as he laid his mouth on her pussy once more …
You’re really fucking with that nigga huh?
ru’s letter💌: it’s nearly 5am. I hope I wake up to all of your love 💋
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leothil · 2 days
fic recs: archive edition 26
We're back! I have been so Tired for several days now, but I scraped together enough extra energy to put together a list for this week as well.
Previous posts can be found here!
I get this feeling I'm in motion (a sudden sense of liberty) by Anonymous (@buddienights) Back in early December 2021 season 5A was just about to wrap up. Ryan posted a teaser pic to his instagram account, featuring a new haircut, that he labeled "Stage 4 Eddie Diaz" and the fandom went off the rails. @like-the-rest-of-la jumped in and made it worse better via some amazing fanart and inspired this "how is Buck supposed to have a chill night out when Eddie shows up looking like THAT" fic! 3.6k words, rated E
Teardrops Could be Bottled by @princessfbi Photographer!Eddie, model!Buck AU that I am absolutely obsessed with! The prose is so dreamlike it feels like you're floating the whole way through, and they're so lovingly reimagined in this new reality that you'd believe this is where they originated. 15.5k words, rated E
that where'd-the-water-go love by iphigenias (@oatflatwhite) Buck kissed Eddie on a Tuesday, and now it's Friday and they have an evening off and their kid away at a sleepover, and Eddie really, really wants to have sex with him. This is so incredibly cute and all-consuming, and so tender it almost feels like I'm intruding on their private moment. 3.3k words, rated E
you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes by lecornergirl (@clusterbuck) Buck and Eddie play pool at the firehouse and do their best to distract each other. I got reminded of this one while looking up the stage four Eddie pic, because I remembered Emma writing this while we were waiting for 5x10 to air. Since I was sitting next to her, my hand got appropriated to check for proper cue-holding positions. 1.2k words, rated T
i'd spend a lifetime giving you my heart by hammersmiths (@henswilsons) Different first meeting, where Buck and Eddie meet while trapped under a building after an earthquake and they keep each other alive. Delicious hurt/comfort! 10.4k words, rated T
Enjoy, and remember to leave the authors kudos and comments if you enjoy their work!
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yesimwriting · 3 days
Felix and lovie:
L: but... arent promise rings meant for bfs and gfs?
Felix: i mean, we made the promise to always be close so its our promise ring i think.
L: i guess youre right!
Farleigh: 🧍🏾‍♂️
i want to queue posts before i go on my trip but i also i love instant gratification ahhh
this isn’t exactly promise rings but i think it feels pretty close
His room still smells the same--faint traces of smoke and cologne blending into slightly humid air. You're not sure what you expected. Felix left for a weekend for some family function his mother wanted him to attend. Two days.
Not a significant amount of time. Not enough time to change anything, and yet you felt every second of it. You missed him. Missed him more than you think you'd ever be willing to admit.
"Did you miss me?" There's no way he knows what you were thinking about, but there's something about the slight tilt of his head and his barely there smile.
You hold his gaze for a beat before letting your attention fall to your shoes. "Maybe a little."
Felix's mouth falls open in a mock gasp. "Maybe?" And then, still completely appalled, "A little?"
You press your lips together into a firm line to keep from laughing at his reaction. Felix moves to stand, leaving his bed in favor of approaching you. In an attempt to hold your ground, you cross your arms in front of your chest. Felix disregards your feeble line of defense, continuing forward until you're within easy reach.
"I could say--" Felix places a firm hand on your shoulder. A sound between a laugh and something slightly more panicked tumbles through your sentence. "I could say I missed you a lot, but--" Another hand on your other shoulder, another clumsy laugh. "But I don't need to feed your ego."
He pulls you forward gently until your face hits his chest. You halfheartedly lift your arm in an empty attempt to push him away. You're quicker to embrace defeat, glad for the excuse to be near him, really near him.
You hugged Felix when he first got back to campus, but with his usual crowd all desperate to catch up with him and Farleigh right there, you felt a little more watched than usual. You couldn't do what you really wanted, couldn't take a beat to just absorb Felix's warmth.
"So you were being mean."
You're only half listening, more focused on wrapping your arms around Felix. The scent of his detergent is stronger than usual, nearly obscuring the scent of his cigarettes entirely. Maybe he smoked less this weekend. You try to picture Felix under some kind of authority, sneaking cigarettes out on a patio to avoid upsetting his parents. It's so normal, a part of you regrets not getting to see him like that.
His hand presses against your back. "Lovie?"
You lift your head enough to look at him. "Yeah?"
Felix's eyebrows briefly pull together. He watches you for a moment before grinning. "You missed me."
His smugness has the instinct to protest crawling up your throat, but there's something so content about his expression, you can't bring yourself to deny it the way you usually would. "I missed you. A lot."
Felix's grin broadens. He tilts his head downwards, his lips briefly brushing against your forehead. He straightens before responding, "You could have come with me."
You did meet Felix's sister during your Christmas break trip, and she was really nice, but Felix's world is still something you're vaguely wary of. Maybe you could have come around to the idea of meeting Felix's parents, but the thought of attending some event intended only for his family was a little overwhelming, especially because Felix didn't invite any of his other friends.
"It was a family thing."
Felix lets out a soft sigh. "I brought Farleigh."
"Farleigh's your cousin, he was already invited."
He pulls back slightly, his hands moving away from your back as he lets go of you. "No one cares if you bring a date to those things." It's the same argument he used in an attempt to get you to go with him. "It's to keep the night bearable."
"Bearable?" You beam. "You missed me."
From you, it's an accusation. Felix's eyebrows draw together, like he's unsure why you felt the need to say something so obvious. "I missed you." He shifts back on his heels in a way that borders on uncertain. "So much, I brought you back a present."
You raise your eyebrows at that. Felix is a thorough person. When he gives someone his attention, that person has his entire focus. When Felix gives presents, he tends to be just as generous. It's not a bad thing, but it is something the two of you have talked about. Yes, you're best friends, but that doesn't mean you want Felix splurging on you. Even if it's not splurging to him.
Felix turns, walking towards the bag that he left on his bed. With his back to you, it's a little easier to watch him openly. He went to English countryside for some charity event put on by some cousin. What could he have gotten? "A present?"
He unzips his bag. "Yes," Felix shifts through his close, "A present."
When Felix turns to face you again, there's a something small and square in his hand. The closer Felix gets, the clearer the object becomes. A box that's oddly reminiscent of a jewelry box.
With an abruptness that doesn't seem to suit him, Felix extends his arm to hand you the box. You watch Felix as you take the box, doing your best to decipher his expression. He's strangely blank.
You open the box, revealing a ring safely tucked between cushioned velvet. There's an image carved into the flat face of the ring. The carving of an arrow-pierced hand emerging from a crown is vaguely familiar. You might have cared about placing the image more if the ring was less stunning.
"You um--you wear a lot of rings, so I thought..."
You do wear a lot of rings, there are several on your fingers right now. "It's really pretty."
"My mum was going through some older pieces this weekend and it reminded me of you." The explanation is mumbled cautiously, Felix's attention shifting from you to the ring and then back to you.
Your lips part, an uncertainty you're not accustomed to feeling around him making it hard to speak. You don't know everything about Felix's family history, but you know enough to understand that when he says something from his home is old, he means it.
"Lex." The gesture tugs at a sentimental part of you that exists solely in the pit of your stomach. "That's really sweet, and it's really pretty, but I can't take some family heirloom from you."
His eyebrows pinch together in a way that feels more confused than directly unhappy. "You're not taking it, I'm giving it to you." Felix shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "C'mon, I've got loads of these, it's just been sitting in some closet."
Felix is watching you with wide, almost pleading eyes. You let your gaze fall back onto the ring. With no warning, Felix places a hand over yours. "We'll trade."
You don't fully understand what he's getting at until Felix starts to straighten your fingers. He twists the ring that's on your ring finger. It's a nice ring, a simple band with thin carvings that you picked up at a vintage jewelry shop on a whim, but it's not exactly an even trade.
Felix slides the ring off your finger. A trade is a little easier to accept. The two of you share things like bracelets all the time. "Okay," you pause to take a breath, "But if you ever want it back..."
"Yeah, I know." The words feel like a dismissal. You narrow your eyes briefly, but don't push the subject the way you normally would. You're too happy to see him to care about technicalities.
Felix pulls the ring out of the box and slips onto your finger. You bend your fingers and turn over your hand to get a feel for the ring and its size. It fits. "It's really nice."
"It suits you."
Before Felix can pull your ring onto his finger, you put your hand over his. He lets take your ring from between his fingers. You hold your thumb beneath Felix's palm, the rest of your fingers curling over his knuckles. Felix keeps his fingers straight as you place your own ring on his finger. "There."
Felix grins. "There?"
"Yeah, it's--" You ignore the warmth attempting to make its way up your neck. "It's in place."
He stretches his fingers, studying the way the band looks on him. There's something about his expression you can't quite read, but it doesn't seem unpleasant. He drops his hand before you can attempt to decipher his thoughts any further. "Do you want to watch a movie?"
You drag your thumb against the side of the ring. "Yeah, a movie sounds nice."
fun fact the design carved into the ring is supposed to be the catton family crest :)
taglist; @vader-is-hot @spiritofbuddha @getosangie @freyafriggafrey @ilovehyperfixating @aryiannarae @willowpains @ker0senebunny @lilyrachelcassidy @khxna @imbabycowboy
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kandlewick · 19 hours
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Fake dating to get Magicam's most prized dessert is nothing to someone like Cater Diamond! And who else could he ask but his favorite little freshman? gn! reader x cater diamond
"Pleeaaase? Please, please, please~ Just for a a day, one simple visit!! All I need is you, a picture, and some cute and fancy desserts! Just until this fad dies down—"
"No, Cater! I already told you I don't have the funds to pay for expensive snacks this month!" You stopped and turned, nearly causing your upperclassmen to collide with you as you huffed up at him, arms crossed, "Crowley has been extra stingy with what little he gives me and I have to be able to afford Grim's fancy tuna. It's the only way I can manage to keep him from skipping study sessions with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum."
Cater stifled a laugh at your nickname for his fellow Heartslabyul students but was quick to hide it behind a well manicured hand, his shoulders shaking with amusement. If you weren't so miffed at his constant badgering, you would've almost had found it cute.
"You haven't even told me what I'm agreeing to, Cater." You quickly avoided his eyes, mentally slapping yourself for the momentary weakness as your words made Cater freeze and advert his eyes as well. He hid his mouth behind his phone but you could tell his lips were set in a nervous smile as he at least attempted to look shy. You raised your eyebrow at him "What? Is it like, super embarrassing?"
Cater hummed, twirling a loose strand of hair between his forefinger, "I mean, I guess, yeah? It's nothing like, totes awful or anything but you're literally the only one I could ask to do this. Asking anyone else is a total no go and Cay-Cay needs the engagement. My numbers have been so awful lately and It's driving me absolutely cray-cray."
Cater looked almost cherubic with how he kept batting his eyelashes at you. It was extremely annoying how cute he looked when he was like this, like he knew he could get away with anything as long as he knew how to press the right buttons. With a heavy sigh, you slumped your shoulders and gestured for him to continue. He let out an excited whoop as he smiled, the diamond on his cheek crinkling with delight.
"Aaah~ My favorite freshie to the rescue! I owe you one~!!" Cater grinned, taking your willingness to hear him out as a sign of acceptance. He pulled you close by the shoulder and swiped at his phone with practiced precision, pulling up Magicam within seconds. You glanced up at him as his eyes seemed to gleam in excitement, his eagerness almost infectious, "So there's this fad going viral right now with this local cafe nearby that has a couples special! It's this super cute dessert that's all the rage on Magicam and I neeeed it!"
"Why can't you just get it yourself?" You ask, watching his phone screen as he continued to scroll down his feed. You noticed as well that nearly every other post was about that supposedly super cute couples only dessert and couples sharing it between quick kisses. It was almost voyeuristic with how many couples openly shared their PDA with strangers on the internet. Cater was quick to roll his eyes and tap the screen again with his finger, his nail audibly clicking against the glass.
"I told you, it's couples only! You have to prove you're a couple and act all lovey-dovey for them to even consider handing it over!" He pouted, "Look, you know that I can't stand sweet stuff so when we're there, I'll buy you however much you want in exchange. You can even eat the special dessert! All I want is one little photo~"
You slid a hand down your face and sighed, eyebrows knitted in frustration. Why did you even have a crush on this guy? Normally you'd think anyone would jump for joy at the chance of a fake date with someone as cute as Cater Diamond but the way he words things can be so... flippant. It almost hurt! You glared up at him from between your fingers as he has since returned to his phone screen, entirely unaware of the feelings you kept close to your chest. Letting out a loud breath, you spoke up.
"Ok. I'll do it."
Cater immediately dropped whatever he was doing on his phone and quickly scooped you up in a tight hug, nearly lifting you off your feet with a twirl, "Yesss~ Thank you, Prefect! You're the best!!"
"Yeah, yeah," You mumbled, voice muffled from your spot pressed against his chest. The smell of his cologne tickled your nose. If you had any sense of shame, you'd resist taking a sniff but... You nearly melted in his arms. You mentally screamed at yourself, tearing out your hair. How dare he smell so good and play with your emotions like that even if he did it entirely unawares!!! It was unfair!!!
It was now the weekend. Free from any lessons and duties Crowley could throw at you, you were almost about to tuck yourself back into bed and drift off for a few more hours of sleep but you were quickly interrupted by the dorm's foyer door being thrown open and the cheery voice of your upperclassmen ringing in your ear.
"I'm heerree! And I brought MAKEUP."
You outwardly cringed and slammed your head back into the pillow, willing for it to swallow you whole and suffocate you in its feathery embrace but alas, it was not meant to be as Cater had quickly made his way up the stairs and down the hall, loudly greeting the ghosts. Grim, who slept beside you (he would never admit its because he liked the spot at your hip, he claimed it was simply because it was too dang cold in the dorm at night and shared body heat was great, in his words.) was quick to raise his hackles and growl in annoyance, blearily opening his eyes to glare at Cater as he opened the door and waved.
"Oi, you're interrupting my precious sleep time!" He whined, a puff of fire slipping out from between sharp feline teeth, "Go be loud somewhere else, pretty boy."
"Awhhh, does little Grimmy think I'm pretty? I'm totes flattered~" Cater ignored the obvious jab and instead chose to shake your blanket, lifting the corners up to grin at you, "Wakey wakey, Prefect. We got lots of preparing to do before our big date!"
A loud shuffling came from the couch besides the bed and a foggy eyed Ace erupted out of the covers, his bright orange hair sticking up in all angles while he let out a fierce yawn. He glared over at his upperclassmen in annoyance as a second figure emerged from besides the bed, the tell tale sound of a sleeping bag giving way to the sight of a barely awake Deuce. He had yet to notice Cater in the room and slowly crawled out of his spot.
"We... gotta get ready for class," He yawned again, tears dotting his eyes, "We're gonna be late..."
"We don't have classes today, stupid," Ace kicked at Deuce and sent him rolling back on to his sleeping bag, ignoring his choked whines of surprise, "It's the weekend and we're supposed to be sleeping in!" He glared up at Cater, "It's why we slept at Ramshackle instead of our own dorm!"
Cater giggled and attempted to look apologetic but it only made Ace more visibly annoyed as he huffed, throwing the covers back over himself and stubbornly tried to go back to bed.
"I'll get up, I'll get up," You whined as you slowly pulled yourself out of bed, pushing back your hair from your face. Ramshackle was bitterly cold in the morning and you mentally jotted down that you'd need to ask Sam if he carried any house slippers the next time you were over there. After ensuring you were awake and there was no threat of you passing back out in your bed, Cater made quick work of cleaning up your bathroom and making himself at home, finding spots for all his skin care and makeup. You shuffled in besides him and closed the door. Maybe the thin barrier between you and the others would keep them from getting too mad at whatever noise the two of you would be making.
Settling yourself down on the counter, you kicked your feet as Cater inspected your meager collection of cosmetics. Everything you had was stuff Vil had left you after the competition and while you didn't keep up with it as much as he'd like, you still tried to use some of it occasionally. You felt bad just leaving such an expensive gift unused.
"Do you want me to do your makeup or do you got it taken care of? Oooh, maybe I'll even let you do mine!" He grinned, "And then I can do yours?"
You were taken aback for a moment as you stared up at Cater, his smile never leaving his face as he returned your gaze. Did he really trust you that much that he'd let you do his makeup? You could feel your ears burn as you nodded eagerly, pulling him down by his sleeve so he was level to your face. He followed easily enough and made himself comfortable against your knees. He closed his eyes in anticipation.
"I cant believe you're trusting me with something like this," you breathed out, watching as his eyelids twitched, "What if you don't like it?"
"If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't be asking you for your help with the magicam date~" He giggled, moving his cheek to press against you hand, the soft skin nearly making you drop the brush in your hand. You audibly gulped at the intimate gesture but were quick to hide it behind a scoff.
"Don't blame me then if you end up having to wash it all off and start over then." You warned before reaching over, dabbing the soft bristles into the pallet and, with much trepidation, began working.
It was nerve wracking working on someone else's makeup... especially on the guy you had a crush on. His long lashes fluttered against his cheeks as he patiently waited for each stroke of the brush on his near perfect skin. You were glad for it. You wouldn't have to explain the near atomic levels of red dusting your face from just being so close to him.
"Aaaand there. Done." You finalized that with the click of the eye shadow pallet being closed. Your companion 's eyes flickered open before he abruptly threw himself in front of the mirror. He looked himself up and down, left and right and even reached and dug into his bag to pull our his phone. You nervously shuffled your feet as Cater remained quiet, inspecting himself in front of his frontward camera.
"You hate it." You whined, pretending your sniffling were only just for show.
"No! No - It's..." He was quick to silence your worries but his quiet inspection wasn't doing anything for your nerves, "It's different."
"A good different or a bad different?"
Cater hummed for a moment, "Just different. I look... cool?"
The stark difference to his usual makeup routine was much more anxiety inducing then he initially thought it was going to be and he inwardly cringed at how he must have worried you with something as trivial as his makeup. It took everything in him not to reach forward and douse himself in makeup remover and scrub till his face was pink but he knew that he couldn't. Your skills weren't even bad and he could tell your VDC lessons had bettered your skills but... he didn't know if he could pull this off... this.... cool him.
You reached forward and grasped his shoulder, startling him out of his thoughts with a soft look.
"It's ok if you don't like it, Cater. I won't be mad. Here, we can wash it off and you can start over fresh."
He bit his lip, his eyes darting over to the cleaners tucked safely in the corner of the bathroom counter, but his will eventually won out. He shook his head and offered you a shaky but genuine smile, "No, really, it's alright. This just means I'll have to work super hard to act cool when we're out!"
You inwardly deflated, sighing in relief. An honest Cater was not an easy thing to get,
"Now, enough about me!" Cater broke the stillness of the room with his usual cheery voice, eager to break whatever had just settled between the two of you, "I want to do your makeup!"
"Wow, Cater." You whistled, "You weren't kidding when you said this was all the rage on Magicam." Couples were lined up nearly front to back around the cafe and the start of the line was nearly impossible to see from your spot near the front. Cater was quiet from his spot next to you, obviously eyeing the line with a sense of a challenge.
"Mmm..." He hummed, "Hopefully the cafe will still have the dessert available by the time we reach the front."
As he looked down at his phone and nervously began swiping, you chose to instead be a little daring. You were supposed to pretend to be a couple, right? You nervously looked over at Cater, quietly admiring his profile, before taking a deep breath. With every ounce of your pride, you reached out and slowly wrapped your pinkie around his own. This startled him awake. He blinked, his eyes fluttering, before turning to stare at you with a small smile.
"Ah, right! The couple thing. Here," With the ease only Cater Diamond could pull off, he released your finger and instead intertwined your hand with his. His fingers squeezed your own. You returned his smile with a shaky one of your own but the slight dusting of a blush around his ears was enough to calm your racing heart. At least he was a little embarrassed about this experience too.
It didn't take much longer for the two of you to finally reach the front of the line, a frazzled but cheery employee greeting the two of you with a practiced smile. "Are you both here for the couple special?"
You both nodded, Cater more vigorously then yourself, "You bet!"
The employee raised her phone, "Then I assume you wouldn't mind taking a quick snap for our wall?"
"Of course not," You put on your best lovey-dovey act and leaned your head against Cater's shoulder, batting your eyelashes towards the employee.
"Okay then!" She gestured for you both, "Let's get a little smooch for the camera!"
You and Cater both blinked over at her in barely concealed shock. A kiss? You were supposed to kiss? Cater's eyes darted over at you, a nervous look plastered all over his face. He quickly tried to save the situation while looping his arm around your waist and pulling you close, a tense smile quickly forming on his lips.
"Ah - you see, they're really shy about PDA, you know? I don't think -"
The employee frowned and lowered her phone, giving you both an unconvinced look, "It said on the pamphlet that you needed to show affection to..."
"No, no! It's ok!" You were quick to butt in, nervously trying your best to act past your frayed nerves. You peeked over at Cater from under your lashes, "If it's what we need to do to get the treat..."
"Are you positive?" Cater blinked at you, taken back, before learning closer to you, lowering his voice so only you could hear, "I know I asked you to act like a couple with me but this wasn't in the deal."
You appreciated it, but you couldn't let this ''date'' go to waste. You shook your head, reciprocating his touch.
"Are you both ready then?" The employee asked, visibly tired.
"Yeah," Cater offered her a small smile, turning away from you, "Just..."
He was quickly interrupted by your lips swiftly meeting his own. Cater let out a small noise in surprise as you grabbed him by his jacket lapels, tugging him closer to you to better ease in to his lips. This was insane, you thought, but you weren't going to lose this chance.
He was slow to respond but after a few tense moments, his shaking hands slowly pressed against your waist, following your lead. You could feel a slow smile form on his lips as you pulled away. Rolling back on to the balls of your feet, you gave the shocked employee an expecting smile, "Did you get the shot?" If you had paid attention, you would've noticed the creeping grin on Cater's face as he quickly hid it behind his hand. His ears were burning while he watched you. You were so cute!
"Yeah... the dessert is inside to your left, it's free for the day. Please only take one."
"Thank you!" With a parting wave, you quickly shuffled ahead. You had to leave the two of them as quick as you could or they'd see the glowing flush all over your face. You bit your cheek and rubbed at your goofy smile.
The employee and Cater watched you go. She turned to Cater and blinked up at him, "You seem awfully shocked."
"Uh, mhm..." Cater twirled a strand of hair between his forefinger, "Yeah. I guess they really wanted that dessert... uh... but hey, can you send me that picture you took?"
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