ftxsanha · 6 years
“ hi ” she greeted back, her own smile dying before it could reach her eyes. was her state noticeable? could he tell what was on her mind? “ it’s not taken, no ” she replied softly, and her own words toke her by surprise. well, she might have come there wanting to be alone but the seat was empty and she was no one to force him out. and maybe having some company wasn’t that bad of an idea. “ there’s no service on the rooftop today, though ” she warned him after a small silence, just in case he was expecting the area to come to live anytime soon.
her gaze returned to the sky, where the moon fought a silent battle with the dark clouds that threatened to cover her.
     taking the seat beside her, sanha can’t help but chuckle lightly. he hums in thought, shakes his head. “definitely didn’t expect to come up here and be waited on hand and foot,” he raises a brow, shoots her a sidelong glance, a lazy grin on his lips. stretching his legs out he lets out a far too loud yawn, far too exaggerated, far too familiar. “unless you’re offering, diana-ssi?” he jokes, tilts his head in question. 
     he continues to look at her in question, curious as to what it is that seems to have her so down. there’s practically a visible dark cloud hovering above diana’s head as she gazes into the distance. at nothing --- sanha is convinced, glancing back and forth between her face and the blank sky, absent of stars, all the light and wonder of the universe fallen to the rush of the streets. 
     coming right out and asking would be a complete overstep --- it’s not his place, he doesn’t know her at all. boundaries exist, even if he ignores them half the time. he likes boundaries in weirdly intimate emotional spaces. sanha has always had a big mouth, though; is terrible at keeping to himself, remembering his place. “are you okay?” he blurts out, inelegant and brash, his words breaking the still of the night. his hand comes up automatically to rub at his nape, a habit whenever he’s shoved into (or, shoved himself into, more like) awkward and uncomfortable situations. clearing his throat, sanha shakes his head, pushes forward. “i mean, you just seem kind of...” he flounders, searches for the right word, ends up nowhere near right, in the end, “lonely?”
     belatedly, he realizes this isn’t just weird because they’re polite colleagues at best. he’s also the weird guy that followed her up to the roof out of nowhere. sanha abruptly turns to face forward, keeping his gaze locked away from diana in a last-ditch attempt to not seem like an absolute fucking creep. “not that you’re lonely or that i’m trying to make you un-lonely,” sanha says, shaking his head at himself. he blames the long day for the loss of his usually smooth tongue, infinitely embarrassed. 
safe spot
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ftxsanha · 6 years
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MEME 1.2, 15.11.18 - 30.11.18
in addition to the 15-day writing challenge, we bring you an ask meme! the following can be counted towards the challenge as long as the answer to the meme reaches a world count of 200.  please reblog to signal that you’d like to play along and feel free to cross things out that you’d rather not do (tag: ft. meme 1.2)
send 🎤 and i’ll make a short playlist for our muses send 🎼 for a song that reminds me of our muses send 🌹 and i’ll make an aesthetic/moodboard for our muses send 💛 and i’ll make an aesthetic/moodboard about my muse send 👗 and i’ll make an aesthetic/moodboard about my muse’s fashion style send 👶 and i’ll make an aesthetic/moodboard about my muse’s childhood send ✉ for a written letter from my muse send 💬 and my muse will say what they really think about yours send 👤+ a muse name for my muse’s opinion on that muse   send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses send 👀 for my muse to compliment yours send 😍 for my muse to tell yours three things they love about them send 🍎 and my muse will tell yours why they’re thankful for send 😵 for my muse to tell you something they hate send 🍵 and my muse will reveal one of their biggest regrets send 🎁 for my muse to describe one thing on their personal wishlist send ☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text) send ☄️ for 2-4 songs that are always in their playlists send 💫 for one place they sometimes end up falling asleep send 💥 for the game they’d destroy everyone else at send 🌙 for the emoticon they’d use most often send ✨ for what my muse would act like when they haven’t gotten enough sleep send 💐 for how they take care of themselves while in a slump send 🍂 for what they wanted to be when they grew up send 🌈 for my muse’s favorite kind of weather send ✔️ for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours send 💋 for how my muse would seduce/flirt with yours send  👏 and try to fluster my muse (anything goes!)
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ftxsanha · 6 years
she approaches him with her mouth set into a frown and her nose scrunched up, her frustration painted all over her cute, bunny - like features. arms folded over her chest, she tilts her head to one side, mouth uncurling into a small, cautious smile. it’s a little uncharacteristic, an obvious sign that there’s something on her mind. it’s difficult for suhee to share how she feels with most people, always hiding behind defensiveness and bitchy retorts. when she’s in a better mood she’ll remind sanha that he’s lucky for her to bless him with her problems. it’s a luxury few can claim to have. “         do you have a minute? ”
     finishing a performance always comes with a strange mix of emotions for sanha. the rush of it is still their, his blood jumping in his veins, breath coming short and fast as he tries to get his bearings; but the critical thoughts come just as quickly, with every inhale, filtering into his mind. out there, with thousands of eyes watching him, he can be mindless---wipes everything away to move and sing in a way he’s forced to become instinct, that he’s spent hours upon hours practicing until it was second nature. muscle memory. backstage is where he can see it played back with all the imperfections on display, with a voice in his head telling him he could have been, should have been better. 
     the set of his jaw has only just begun to solidify this time when he’s pulled out of the big blue vastness of his thoughts, head breaking the surface of the water to blink, surprised, at suhee. more surprising, still, is to see her smiling at him. willingly. small as it may be. it brings one out of him as well, automatically, lips curling up as he veers from his path, bumping his shoulder against hers. “sure?” he says, tilts his head, reaches out to pinch at the tip of her nose like he would a little kid. to him, she felt like one, someone he wanted to protect, a far cry from his actual little brother but close enough, close enough. 
     “what’s on your mind, bug?” he asks, grinning at the thought of suhee like a tiny mosquito. he’s more than positive she must think of him as such, and often. “just looking at you is giving me a stress headache,” he laughs, taking a water bottle from a passing staff member gratefully, completely gassed. “can we sit though, before i, like, pass the fuck out?”
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ftxsanha · 6 years
“are you coming in? you must be freezing.”
Keep reading
     “oh, i’d love to come inside,” sanha winks, snickering at his own terrible joke, stumbling over himself as he steps into the dorm. he happily hands the food off to avery until she’s snapping back at him with jokes of her own. his grin is wiped off his face, staring at her with a deadpan expression, before he rolls his eyes, turning to shut the door behind him. kicking his shoes off, he takes a second to arrange them neatly, off to the side, very conscious of the fact that he’s invading someone else’s home, before he follows after her with a pout. 
     “don’t be mean to me,” he whines, draping himself over her back for a quick moment, clingy and overly affectionate. he blames the cold. it’s only natural to seek the warmth of body heat when it’s cold, scientifically proven or whatever. sanha just likes to touch, honestly. “look i even thought everything out for you,” sanha says, gesturing to the food. “all these delicious calories to replenish us after all the strenuous, strenuous exercise we’ll be doing beforehand.” he wiggles his brows, slips in front of her to whip his jacket off in the most overdramatic fashion he can manage. “i’d never subject you to all this when you’re suffering from a food coma.” 
     sanha pinches the bridge of his nose, making loud noises of appreciation for himself. he knows avery will laugh along, where other people might have gotten weirded out by him being like this. or, at the very least, awkward and standoffish. too many people took his fake arrogance seriously---possibly spoiled by his moments of real arrogance. “ugh,” sanha shakes his head, “i’m really the perfect man, aren’t i? i do so much for you.” he wipes away a fake tear before a wide grin breaks back onto his face. “appreciate me, avery,” sanha demands of her. 
— coming in the back
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ftxsanha · 6 years
“i was in my dressing room,” she begins, noticing that even though there’s one thing she recognizes here, the rest of this hallway continues to keep her uneasy. “they sent me to go get more water. i —” she’s cut off then by the sound of something the likes of a loud whirring noise from behind another corner; she flinches and looks at sanha with wide, startled eyes to ask if he’d heard that, too. “oppa,” she cowers behind him then, grasping onto the satchel he’d had across his chest to keep him close. if only the situation didn’t call for this, they’d actually look quite adorable.”i’m starting to really get freaked out.”
     the hairs on the back of his neck prickle at the strange noise, sanha attempting to cover up the way he jumps slightly, bouncing on his heels. his hand goes to his nape, trying to physically rub away the uncomfortable feeling, a habit he’s long had. forcing a laugh, he wraps a hand around kimberly’s, tugging her out from behind him, even as he casts a long look down the hallway in apprehension. “c’mon,” he teases---attempts to, keeps his voice light and calm, especially when he sees how wide hers have gotten. “you’re just letting the halloween spirit get to you.” sanha wraps an arm around her shoulders, bringing her in close to his side, “besides, i wouldn’t let anything hurt you, i’m like---” he gestures down at himself, his outfit, “a version of prince charming? it counts.” 
     turning them around, sanha attempts to put the weird noises behind them, shut them out with the barrier of his body. he blinks, searching for a tether, changing the subject back to something normal---his skin is still prickling, though, persistent. not needles, but like someone’s nails, pressing crescent moons into his skin. “anyway,” he stresses, “what do you mean they sent you to get water?” he raises his brows, annoyance joining the uneasiness. he’s often worked up by the type of treatment kimberly gets. “shouldn’t you be prepar---” his attempts at normalcy are cut short. 
     the strange whirring noise has grown louder. there might be clanging attached to it now as well, hollow and echoing---which. should not be possible. sanha’s heart is beating a million miles per minute, instincts pumping adrenaline into his bloodstream. he’s sure kimberly must be able to hear the quick thumping from the way he pulls closer, doing his best to not hide behind her, even as he pretty obviously cowers back for a moment. he coughs, attempting to get his wits about him, loosen his grip. “okay,” he says, looking down at her. “okay, that’s not a normal sound?” sanha looks back at the end of the hallway, squints, curiosity wanting him to go toward it, squash the ridiculous fear winding around his spine. he takes a step forward, unintentionally pulling kimberly along with him. “should we---it’s probably nothing? let’s just check it out, real quick.” 
— best part
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ftxsanha · 6 years
— accidental
     sanha is genuinely cursing himself for every decision he’s made that lead him to this moment, staring in horror at demi’s face in a painfully awkward standstill, his hand hovering in midair, absolutely incriminating. it’s like those cliche scenes, where the world freezes and narrows down on the two of them, except it’s one of the most embarrassing moments of his life and he’s pretty sure he can hear the devil cackling at him from the corner. or that might just be one of his members. landing himself in sticky situations is starting to feel like a near daily occurrence but he at least somewhat stays within the range of decency and not---whatever this is. just further proof, he supposes, that he really, really has got to stop being so fucking familiar with people. 
     “uh.” sanha says, mouth opening and closing around soundless words, unintelligible, physically cringing at himself right after. he shrinks in on himself, taking a step back and finally whipping his hands away, behind his back like he’s hiding something from his mother, like rewinding his body can take back the action. “sorry?” it comes out like a question, doesn’t sound sincere even though he is, has him clenching his own eyes shut, lips pursing. he lets out a slightly strangled laugh, “could have sworn you were someone else.” 
     which is true, to be fair. it’s not like goes around smacking the butts of strange girls. he’s got some respect---he’s not a creep! he’s just a complete dumbass, oblivious and absolutely unobservant, apparently. from behind demi had looked like someone else, but now that he thinks about it, small stature and long, black hair is---just not enough to indicate identity. but he really did have good intentions when he’d bounded up and aimed a well aimed smack right against her ass. he clears his throat, face flaming, sure he must be bright pink by now. 
0 notes
ftxsanha · 6 years
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don’t mind me, everyone…..just wishing that I had a butt like jung sanha. His butt is really ridiculous, though, isn’t it? I feel like it’s not really fair especially after the last mystery comeback, i could cry?? i want to squeeze both sets of cheeks and feed him a good meal~ he became my bias wrecker after “I Need U”, no joke, and now i can’t stop thinking naughty thoughts about him even tho siwoo is my #1. (so pretty~~)
i’m sorry seyoonie~ i still love you the most!!!! (but sanha’s butt……. ㅠㅠ)
[ZENITHof_hormone]: ㄷㄷseriously he could f*cking crush watermelons with an ass like that?? it’s not even fair  ㅠㅠ i do squats everyday~!! curse you, sanha, for giving me butt expectations             [siwoo_1]: @[ZENITHof_hormone] ㅋㅋ ideal butt ㅋㅋㅋ please stop i’m gonna pee  ㅋ better than girl idols, even!!! [ 박 ]: He’s the reason the peach emoji exists, know your history. [silverSurfer]: see….you guys would think a post like this were bad if this were a girl idol, right?? make up your minds             [libra_Eveju]: @[silverSurfer] shut up ㅋㅋ didn’t i see you under a post about pandora’s body line?? go away [minseo_ 완전_이뻐 ]: ㅎ shake that booty that booty booty~~ ㅎㅎ [jung_ok776]: Are people acting this way because of exams? Is that why??  ㅠㅠ Get some sleep, children, I beg~!
                                          ( load more comments / @ftxsanha )
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ftxsanha · 6 years
still silent, the words she had heard that morning echoing in her mind, she sat on a bench and toke a sip of her drink. a mixture of warmth and coolness descended through her throat, and Diana wrapped up her legs, resting the chin on her knees. 
     it’s not a rare thing for sanha to be out and about, shrugged down into the collar of a jacket, looking for a little bit of release from the pressures of idol life. even with how hectic this year has been---if he didn’t take these moments to himself, these “nights off” as he likes to call them, he probably would have reached his breaking point long ago. it is rare, though, for him to drag it out. he’s not stupid, he knows what a risk it is, to be out alone. he’s been caught once before, a blurry picture on the phone of a fan who couldn’t understand boundaries. so it is rare, for him to stray away from a restaurant that serves his favorite brand of soju, or a corner bar where the plastic stools have become too familiar, too comfortable; for him to make his way to a western-style bar instead, early enough that it’s not crowded yet but popular enough that there is still a bustle of people, voices overlapping. 
     sometimes it’s easier to hide in places like this, anyway. 
     or so he thinks, until he catches sight of a familiar face. not because he knows her, but because she’s like him---an idol, in the spotlight, and the spotlight trains on her now, illuminating. sanha blinks, whips his head around far too suspiciously to see if anyone’s noticed. they haven’t and it eases tension in his shoulders. he doesn’t really know diana, doesn’t really care to, but he doesn’t want her stuck and in trouble. (doesn’t want that trouble to lead back to snag onto him, either.) 
     he follows her after a few moments without much thought---a strange feeling of solidarity mixed with curiosity leading him up the stairs, drops of water gathering around his fingers, wrapped tight around a bottle of beer. sanha coughs before approaching her, rooftops generally not the place to surprise a woman. “hey,” he smiles, the typical smile, camera perfect; now would be a terrible time to be recognized. he glances back over his shoulder, nervous still, fingers white where they press against the bottle. tension an enemy he can’t ever seem to escape. “this seat taken?”
safe spot
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ftxsanha · 6 years
hi! i’m not dead! i’m just working lots of extra shifts this week so i’m only half-dead ;; i’ll be getting to all messages to plot and the replies/starters i owe soon though!! ;;;;;;;;;;
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ftxsanha · 6 years
— best part
     being good with faces is a gift, especially in moments like this---when sanha is trying to escape. he barely dodges the stylist coming in his direction by the skin of his teeth; he knows he’s seen her before---employed by dbg. probably sent after him because he can’t even get a little bit of breathing room. sanha rounds the corner into an empty hallway, frowning because he suddenly feels a lot farther away from the main area he was just in, idols and staff milling past each other, last minute panic abound. 
     sanha spins in place trying to orient himself. it’s rough when he feels like his costume is squeezing him to death, yanks at the collar of his jean vest thing in agitation, only for the stuffed iguana plushie attached to his shoulder to go askew. sighing heavily, sanha turns to go back the way he came, only to find himself even more lost, because it doesn’t actually look familiar at all. he wasn’t worried before, wandering off is normal and they had tons of time before mystery was set to perform. but now his skin is crawling, a little bit, and something akin to nerves twist in his gut. sanha tries not to think too hard about it, definitely doesn’t let himself acknowledge the way he jumps when he hears footsteps behind him. it was just the aura of the day---he was psyching himself out.
     he turns another corner, this time at least a flyer on the wall looking familiar enough. “huh,” sanha says to himself, setting off down the way only to see a familiar face come around the opposite end of the hall. “hey!” he calls out, a grin overtaking the pout that had formed on his face. “where have you been all day?” sanha asks, picking up his pace enough to reach kimberly. “you know, no one fucking recognizes flynn ryder when you’re not around? i’m like, the star of the movie. what the fuck?”
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ftxsanha · 6 years
— coming in the back
     it’s not that sanha doesn’t have friends. he’s got tons of friends. it’s just that good friends are hard to come by. good, not in the way that they know everything about him, more in the way that they don’t care to learn him minute by minute by excruciating minute. sometimes he wants the ease of being surface level, the comfort of knowing it could be more just sitting in the background, a safety net. he doesn’t want to be asked about the important things, doesn’t want to think too hard, put on affairs, doesn’t want anything more than lazy laughter for bad jokes. 
     avery is one of those people he has that ease with. she’s fun to be around---which feels painfully unheard of in this industry. sanha admits, he doesn’t really get her, not always. but that’s okay. he doesn’t have to. she doesn’t have to get him. they can be friends and shoot the shit and not worry about any of it at all. it’s a mental vacation. so, when things start boiling up for sanha, when he feels the throbbing in his temples start up in a heavy drumbeat, it’s a given that he would seek her out; feet leading him to her dorm, hood pulled low and mask high, before he can even really think it through. 
[ text → avery ] oi are u busy [ text → avery ] i hope not lol bc im outside open the door  [ text → avery ] lemme hit 😜 [ text → avery ] IM KIDDING DONT LEAVE ME OUT HERE
     he heaves the bag of chicken and snacks he has in his hand a little higher as he gets off the elevator on avery’s floor. sanha has to consciously keep his head down and not glance toward the cameras he knows are focused on the people coming down the hall. maybe it’ll all be good, maybe v!be’s managers haven’t been checking recently. either way, as long as it doesn’t get back to dbg, sanha doesn’t really mind. groaning, sanha leans against the doorjamb, pressing the button on his phone over and over, as if wasting battery needlessly will make her respond faster. “you better not be sleeping,” sanha grumbles, a pout forming on his face. 
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ftxsanha · 6 years
wrow hello!!! i’m massively late to the party but! I’M SO EXCITED to finally be here and to be bringing sanha to future :’) i’m eva, some of you might know me from like a million other rps, but i’m looking forward to getting to know and rp w all yall uwu
as always: give this a like if you’d like to plot and i’ll zoom into your dms. alternatively, you can hit me up on discrd (HE’S BLUE#7540) ((as u can see jimin’s hair got me fucked up lmao)) ANDDDD here are sanha’s pages to look through: profile, bio, plots
on to the tl;dr under the cut!
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ok so sanha is mystery’s lead dance/lead vocal & the center (despite not being main anything) (which is a big cause for his insecurities)
he’s always felt he was second best it’s something he struggles with a lot bc he has a lot of greed and wants to be THE BEST 
he’s kind of a dick tbh. a flirty greasy dick BUT HE MEANS WELL he’s just yknow........ugh
chaotic good, the good part is debatable perhaps
very into acting but feels maybe he has to choose between mystery and being an actor and it gives him lots of turmoil
BAD HOME LIFE gave him lots of commitment issues Will Not Want To Talk About It (pls pester him)
public image is of an umchinah v diff from who he is when the cameras are off lmfao 
can be v egotistical but it’s mostly a front........mostly 
when working, a perfectionist and workaholic; when not working, lazy and just wants to have fun. cheap thrills? heck yeah!
has worked long and hard to become less readable. it used to be, back in trainee days, that it was really easy to see through sanha but now he likes to keep all that goes on a little under the surface. (those that have known him a long time can probably still just as easily see through it all) ((and that probs pisses him off a lot ngl))
ok thats all i got for now idk more word vomit will probably come up when plotting
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ftxsanha · 6 years
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ftxsanha · 7 years
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i can’t believe this.
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ftxsanha · 7 years
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ftxsanha · 7 years
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a dinner with park jimin.  ✨
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ftxsanha · 7 years
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