#i love this song!! i think the board turned out great i hope you like it too
autistic-partisan · 7 months
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mizushima marika + groovyfes track.1 (round and round) + stimboard
💄 - 💚 - 💄 💚 - 💔 - 💚 💄 - 💚 - 💄
9 notes · View notes
berberriescorner · 9 months
pregnant sexs w rio
I had to sit and think of which direction I wanted to take this in. Whew, chileee! Way too many scenarios are playing in my mind. This man😩😍!
I'm going to keep it a stack with y'all. This turned into a whole-ass fic.
Sit back, buckle up, and prep yourself for the trip my imagination's about to take you on♥️. Love, comments, and reblogs are appreciated, lovelies💞.
A/N: Sexual frustration and prolonged foreplay ahead. If that's not your vibe. You may want to skip out on this one. A couple of twists and flips here and there. I hope you lovelies enjoy what I did with this♥️. Just a heads up, I really got into this one, so it's going to be pretty lengthy. Worked on it for a while. Even made a damn mood board...I couldn't resist.
One More Note: A polite, gentle reminder that I don't usually take requests. If you float something in my ask that I just can't resist. I will give in here and there. In other words, if you don't get a response, please don't take it personally.
If you missed any other ask about dad!rio or hubby!rio, they're all listed on my Masterlist under Rio Asks/Headcanons (in order). Enjoy my lovelies! Feel free to love, comment, and share🥰.
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Song Inspo💜:
"Let's Go Little Kitty-Kat"
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Livid. Irritable. Restless. Each one of these words perfectly describes your current mood. The kids had begged to spend their spring break with Rio’s grandmother. Marcus was spending his time off with her, and his siblings loved to follow big brother’s every move. You weren’t surprised that they wanted to be wherever he was. It didn’t hurt that their great-grandmother spoiled them rotten and gave them whatever their hearts desired. Even your sweet baby boy left his momma in the dust. That wasn’t the reason for your foul mood (though being in this big, empty house didn’t help).
You were angrily resting on the couch, a permanent pout etched on your face. You huffed loudly as your husband’s voice sounded on the other end of the phone call.
“So, you’re not going to say anything?”
“Mama,” he sighed. 
You were willing to bet any amount of money that Rio’s hand was running down his face right now. Were you overreacting? Possibly. Maybe even being a bit unreasonable? Probably so. Did you give a damn? Not at all. Blame it on the hormones.
“Let me make sure I’ve got this right. You’re pissed off–again? That’s two days in a row, mama. I’ve still yet to figure out the reason behind yesterday's bad attitude. Normally, I don’t let that shit slide, but I understand you’re emo-.”
“Call me emotional one more time, Rio.”
“And you’re going to do what, darlin’,” he questioned, voice laced with a hint of warning. Rio chuckled sarcastically, “I got a lot going on right now. Call me back when you’re ready to talk like an adult. Ready to get back on your grown woman shit.”
“Whatever, Christopher. You called me. Nobody wanted to talk to your dusty ass anyway. Get off my line,” with that, you both hung up on one another, more irritated than before the call.
You knew your behavior was coming off as petty, but too much pent-up frustration kept you from acting like a rational human being. You rolled your eyes so hard they nearly got stuck as you recalled yesterday's events.
You lay awake in bed, your body vibrating with lust. The day had dragged by slowly as your need for Rio grew more and more. You changed positions so many times your head scarf came undone.
“If I can just manage to wait up at least another hour. Maybe Rio will get here soon enough to put my ass to bed.”
Nope. The tiny human growing in your womb pulled you into a deep slumber. 
By the time Rio reached the threshold of your master bedroom. You were snuggled deep into the covers with pillows surrounding you. His shoulders lowered with a hint of disappointment. Rio knew you wanted him home, even if you hadn't said the words aloud. He could sense the attitude and frustration in your voice when he called to tell you not to wait up. Rio had tried his hardest to get home hours ago, but with every attempt at leaving came more matters that required his attention. He lowered himself to your sleeping form. Adjusting your scarf so it wouldn’t slip off, Rio softly pecked your nose and cheek. After a quick shower, he carefully climbed into his side of the bed, gently pulling two of the many pillows from behind your back. It took some effort, but he managed to cuddle up to you and delicately pull you into him. You stirred for a few moments but quickly fell back into a deep sleep. Your husband watched, smirking at the light snores you released.
“Night, Mama. Love you,” he whispered, kissing your neck.
The following morning, you woke up. Still horny as hell. You rolled over to find his side of the bed empty. He had been there. Rio’s side of the bed looked slept in. Your head turned in the direction of your en suite. Not a peep sounded. He wasn’t in there.
Maybe he’s downstairs. I should fix him something before he heads out. Perhaps he could eat me for breakfast. These freaking pregnancy hormones are out of control. Every waking moment, I feel like swallowing this man whole. When I’m not hungry, I’m horny. When I’m not fiending for my husband, I want to eat everything in sight. Fucking Rio. The dick just doesn’t miss. He shoots the club up every.single.time.
You smiled at your small bump, rubbing soft circles at the sides. Honestly, you didn’t mind being pregnant for the fifth time, but for your sanity (and the kids), this would be your last. If Rio wanted more babies, he had better find a damn good surrogate. Mama’s tired.
Does this man not realize he’ll have to pay for three, possibly four, weddings? Who am I kidding? In his mind, Rio probably believes he’ll be able to chase off any and every potential love interest. He’s in for a rude awakening. My dad didn’t like his ass at first. I have a (legally) pistol-toting father as well. That didn’t stop shit. Now look at us: marriage and a gang of children.
Pregnancy turned you into an impatient woman. When you wanted something, there was no convincing you different. 
In your thoughts, the bedroom door crept open. Rio’s head peeked inside. He noticed you sitting on the side of the bed and stepped into the room. He swaggered over to you, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. His voice was low, and restlessness lingered in his tone.
“Morning, Mama. You sleep alright,” he asked as his fingers took hold of your chin, tilting your head back for a kiss. His rough, calloused fingers danced along your jawline, trailing low enough to graze the outside of your breast. He smiled as you gasped against his lips.
The kiss started sweet, turning into hunger in mere seconds. You tried tugging your husband down onto the bed. Rio pulled back, pecking your lips a few times, before standing upright, hand slowly stroking the inner part of your thigh. With just a few inches, he would've been dangerously close to where you wanted him most. 
“I had to come to kiss my beautiful wife before heading out. I need to slide, mama. I’ve got a lot on my plate today. It's going to be hectic, and shit might get active. I ordered you some breakfast. It’ll be here soon. I’ll probably get in late tonight. Don’t wait up for me. Make sure you and my baby get some rest. Love you,” he said, kissing you again.
“Love you too, Papa,” you exhaled.
You watched him leave and groaned with irritation. 
It would be two nights in a row that he’d be coming in late at night. That typically wouldn’t be an issue. You had grown used to it throughout the years. The only time it became a problem was when you were in your current state: knocked up, horny, and hormonal. It was just something that switched in your brain during these times. You wanted all Rio’s attention. The need to have him buried deep inside you was high, and you couldn’t quite get your fill of him.
Several attempts to distract yourself throughout the day had failed miserably. No matter what you did, your thoughts always redirected themselves back to Rio and sex. You made one last effort to ignore the constant need to devour your husband. Turning Apple Music on shuffle, you opened a magazine and thumbed through it. Unfortunately, the universe wasn't on your side. Every song was more explicit than the previous one. A frustrated sigh fell from your lips as you shut the music off.
Enough is enough. Hubby won’t come to me, but rest assured I can go to him.
You padded to your bedroom closet, looking for a sexy little number. Slipping on a pair of Steve Madden heels, you snatched up your car keys. You set forth on a journey to Rio. Bringing him lunch would be your excuse for showing up unannounced. That reason, however, wasn't enough to prevent the lecture you received from an overprotective husband, Rio. As if that wasn’t enough, you also caught shit from your meddlesome bodyguard/homie, Mick. He escorted you into the warehouse when you arrived.
“Boss lady, you know you’re not supposed to be here,” he instigated.
“Mick, hush. I can bring my husband some lunch. Chill on me.”
“Alright, but you already know. The boss won’t be happy you're out, running around for him.”
“I went to get him some takeout. I didn’t even get out of the car. It was a curbside pickup.”
You were about to continue the debate when Rio’s voice sounded behind you.
How could one little word send your body into a frenzy? You could sense both curiosity and a little anger in his tone. Mick stood there smirking at you. He knew what was about to go down. It was one thing for you to be out and about with no security detail. That was enough to put you in hot water. The fact that you were pregnant pushed his disappointment to another level.
“Mick, that thing we were about to take care of? Start without me. I need a few moments with my wife.”
He nodded in agreement, giving you a ‘good luck’ smirk on his way out. You turned your attention to Rio after the door closed. His jaw ticked as he shook his head in disbelief.
“What did I tell you about leaving the house with no security detail? You’re supposed to be at home relaxing. What are you even doing out and about? I specifically told you I’d be busy today. You know that’s code for business dealings. Your ass shouldn’t be anywhere near this warehouse right now.”
“I just wanted to bring you lunch, Papa. I needed to see that handsome face,” you replied in your best baby voice.
“Nah, that little voice and smile ain’t cutting it right now. Why are you so damn hardheaded?”
Now you were starting to get a little pissed. It was understandable that Rio was always concerned for your safety, but what choice did you have? Several, you had several. It just couldn’t wait. Yes, you were slightly irritated by his reaction, but the ache in your core grew even more being in his presence. The scent of his cologne wafted through the air. With just one sniff, you could feel your nipples harden.
These hormones are so out of control. I need this man to wreck my shit. The sooner, the better.
Taking a deep breath, you attempted to plead your case.
“But baby-”
“Listen. I’m too busy to have this argument with you right now.”
Rio closed the distance between you and placed his hands on either side of your face. He angrily sighed and pecked your lips.
“I appreciate the gesture, Mama, but please listen to me next time.”
You bit your lip, looking at him apologetically. Snaking your arms around his body, you allowed him to engulf you in a hug. Wrapped tightly in his embrace, Rio caught you off guard, giving you a hard swat on the bottom. His voice was low and gravelly as he growled, “You're trouble, Mama.”
You moaned, pushing your backside deeper into his palms. Eyes drifted shut as you stood on your tiptoes and puckered your lips for a kiss. Rio’s hands caressed the soft, plush globes as his breath fanned your lips. He denied your request for a kiss. Instead, his lips ghosted your neck, and his mouth traveled to your ear. Nipping at your lobe, he rasped, “Sorry, mama. We don’t have time for that. I have to go handle business.”
He pulled away, smirking at the frown that quickly shifted to a pout.
“We can’t spend just a few more minutes together?”
“Don’t do that, ma. You know this is important. Since you’re already out and ignoring my demands, why don’t you spend some time with your best friend? Here, take my card. Lunch is on me.”
This man is so preoccupied with business. He doesn’t even see that I came here to give him a piece of pussy. For some reason, that irritates the hell out of me. Usually, he can read my body like a book. I see where his priorities are at the moment. Business must trump his pregnant wife’s needs. I gave this man four and a half babies, and this is the thanks I get? Let me take my pregnant, horny, irritated tail home. His ass is sleeping on the couch tonight, and I don’t give one fuck that I’m being irrational.
“Nah, I’m good,” you waved your hand dismissively.
Sensing attitude, Rio tilted his head back, giving you a look of incredulity.
“Look, I ain't got time for the dramatics right now. I told you I would be busy. Go home, mama. We can discuss this in the privacy of our home.”
Cocking your head to the side, you gave him an irritated glare. A rush of pregnancy hormones came hurtling towards you. Snatching your handbag and keys from his desk, you stormed out of the room. Rio knew he struck a nerve and possibly hurt your feelings. Stepping into the hall, he called after you. Ignoring him, you stomped out of the building. With an exasperated sigh, your husband ran his hands over his face. Taking a deep breath did little to soothe the irritation that started festering inside him. It also didn’t help that the idiots working the warehouse floor were ogling your behind as you angrily switched out of the building.
“Y’all got a death wish or something? Fuck you looking at,” Rio barked towards the group of men.
“I suggest you get back to work before I unload the clip in this bitch,” he boomed, walking back into his office to cool down before heading to the meeting.
“She’s almost to her car. Hurry up! Follow her. Keep a watchful eye over her. She’s in her feelings. Make sure my wife and child make it home safe,” he ordered one of his men.
Her ass is out here walking around in those tight-ass jeans. We’re about to have a heated exchange when I get home. Out here showing out. She’s over here pressing on my last nerve and still making me want to put her on her back at the same damn time. Thick-ass. Feisty-ass. Sexy-ass. Spoiled-ass. Hormonal-ass woman.
Rio’s detail only served to anger you more. Pulling into your driveway, you flung the car door open, grabbed your stuff, and turned toward the henchman.
“I don’t need a fucking babysitter. Either wait out here or take your ass back to the warehouse.”
Not waiting for a response, you went into your home. Setting the alarm, you settled in for a quiet, lonesome evening. You had hoped a nice relaxing shower, comfy PJs, and stuffing your face would put you in a better mood. It could have worked, but your husband kept blowing up your phone.
Annoyed by the fourth call, you answered icily, “What can I do for you, dear?”
Rio could hear the sarcasm in your voice. “This what we on tonight?”
“Why, whatever do you mean, husband?”
“Cut the shit, mama. Why are you ignoring my calls?”
“You were oh so busy. I’d imagine that ignoring you would give you more time to concentrate on business, sweetie.”
“You petty as fuck. Stop being mean, mama.”
His mini flirtations went ignored.
This man hasn’t seen petty yet. Watch me work, Daddy.
“What can I do for you, Christopher?”
“Oh, are we using government names now? Bet. Why are you being stubborn?”
“So, you’re not going to say anything?”
 “Mama,” he sighed. 
“Let me make sure I’ve got this right. You’re pissed off–again? That’s two days in a row, mama. I’ve still yet to figure out the reason behind yesterday's bad attitude. Normally, I don’t let that shit slide, but I understand you’re emo-.”
“Call me emotional one more time, Rio.”
“And you’re going to do what, darlin’,” he questioned, voice laced with a hint of warning. Rio chuckled sarcastically, “I got a lot going on right now. Call me back when you’re ready to talk like an adult. Ready to get back on your grown woman shit.”
“Whatever, Christopher. You called me. Nobody wanted to talk to your dusty ass anyway. Get off my line,” with that, you both hung up on one another, more irritated than before the call.
Hours later, you came down from your mood swing. Guilt slowly started to seep into you. Not one to give in and apologize first, you decided it was the right thing to do. Unlocking your phone, you sent a request for FaceTime. It rang twice before being denied.
He’s probably busy. I’ll try again in an hour or so.
The next time you tried his cell, you called. It rang several times before going to voicemail. Waiting another hour, you tried again. Ringing once, it went to voicemail.
Now, wait a fuckin’ minute. One ring means he hit the “f you button.” See, now a bitch is starting to get mad again. Woosah. Fight them mood swings, girl. Fight them!
Just as you had calmed your nerves, a text came through.
Husbaeee (Papa)🥰😈👅💦: You and the baby good?
Wifey (Mama)🌎💍: Yes, we’re fine. Why haven’t you called me back? Are you okay?
Husbaeee (Papa)🥰😈👅💦: I’m busy, remember? You didn’t feel like talking earlier? Why are you so chatty all of a sudden?
His petty ass.
Wifey (Mama)🌎💍: Stop making it hard to tell you sorry, Papa. Chill on me.
Husbaeee (Papa)🥰😈👅💦: Keep your sorry, ma. I’m cool on that. See you when I get home.
Oh, okay! It’s just, ma, now? Bet.
Slipping his phone back into his pocket, Rio smiled to himself. He purposefully pissed you off again. Part of him did it out of payback, but his main objective was getting you frustrated. If it had done the trick. You would be ripping his clothes off and begging to be fucked once he made it home.
Not one to tell a man where he can and cannot go in his own home. You decided against telling Rio to sleep on the couch. However, the need to be petty was vibrating heavily in your bones. You fought sleep as long as you could, hoping to wait up for him long enough to ignore him for a bit. The baby again had other plans and lulled you into a deep sleep.
Rio braced himself for whatever you had planned to throw his way. He smirked to himself, releasing a low chuckle before exiting the car. Dragging his tired body into the house, your husband entered the code into the security system. Resetting it, he headed in the direction of the bar. He filled a tumbler with two fingers of bourbon. Tossing it back, Rio let the warm liquid flow through his chest. He rinsed the glass, set it in the dishwasher, and headed upstairs. 
Her moody ass is probably sleeping.
Attempting not to wake you, he quietly padded up the stairs. Rio unbuttoned the first couple of buttons on his shirt as he walked toward your shared bedroom. He nearly made it there but stopped in his tracks. The look on his face turned stone cold, and he slowly turned his head to peer into the guest bedroom.
What the fuck is this shit?
There you were, the door cracked, and lights dimmed just enough for him to see you tucked in tight, slumbering peacefully. Your plan to ignore him may have fallen through, but you still managed to be petty even in your sleep.
You jolted awake, feeling arms slip under your frame and pull you up from the mattress. Moments went by as you willed your eyes to wake fully. Your sight focused on Rio’s angered expression, and you pushed at his chest.
“What the hell are you doing? Put me down, Christopher!”
He ignored you. Rio’s jaw ticking as he took long strides exiting the guest room. He carried you into your bedroom, laid you in bed, tucking you in. You started to explain that you were a grown-ass woman and could sleep anywhere you damn well pleased. The look in his eyes forced you to think better of it.
“I don’t give a fuck how angry you are! Your ass will sleep in this bed regardless. Go to bed mad if you want to. Your stubborn ass is going to do it lying next to me. No room for debate, mama. You mad at me? You don’t want to be near me right now? That’s all good, but you sleep in our bed. Roll to the edge of the bed. That's all the space you're getting.”
Rio snatched his shirt over his head and threw it into the clothes hamper. You did your best to bite back any more snarky responses as you watched Rio stalk to the bathroom. The door flew shut, and you mumbled, “Dramatic much.”
The bathroom door swung open. Standing in the doorway, eyes set on you, Rio commanded, “Can you stop talking? Please give me a moment of peace, ma. All that talking’s gon’ land your ass in a world of trouble. Save yourself, mama. Be quiet.”
You cut your eyes at him, sliding down into bed. You lay on the side facing away from him. The corners of your mouth pulled into a mischievous grin. Waiting for the shower to start, you attempted to remove yourself from the bed and head toward the exit. Rio's voice bounced off the bathroom walls, halting your movement.
“Get back in bed, mama.”
You kissed your teeth, “Ain’t nobody left. Shut up, Rio.”
“You heard what I said. Stop playing with me.”
Pouncing back on the bed, you snarled towards the bathroom door.
“Fix your face, ma. You’re trying my patience tonight.”
Can he see through the damn walls or something?
“Nobody worried about you, Christopher.”
“Yeah, okay. Your stubborn ass got back in that bed. Didn’t you?”
Rio wanted to wash the events of the day away. He wanted a few quiet minutes to destress, but being a little hellcat, you wouldn��t give him that. You had a response for everything. He loved you combative and keyed up, but tonight, you were laying it on thick and wouldn’t let up. Rio was slightly irritated that his plan to piss you off again was starting to backfire. Taking a few calming breaths, he readied himself to regain control of the situation.  
The water cut off, and he walked into the room, towel hanging dangerously low around his waist. There were beads of water sliding down his naked torso. Being irritated by him wasn’t enough to stop your eyes from tracing him from head to toe. Squeezing your thighs together, you bit your lip, fighting the urge to jump on him. Rio felt your eyes on him and smirked in your direction. He laid a fresh pair of underwear on the foot of the bed. Standing upright, his eyes connected with yours as Rio pulled the towel from his waist. His eyes stayed on you as he took the time to dry the rest of his body. Your vision latched onto his manhood as you watched it swing from side to side. The tip of your tongue danced across your lips, and Rio rasped, “You hungry, mama?” The knowing smirk on his face aggravated you. Not thinking it through, you mumbled, “Like you give a fuck.”
A low and bitter chuckle fell from Rio’s lips. That was your last chance. His bottom lip pulled between his teeth. His eyes darkened and held yours as he slipped into his underwear. Tossing the towel into the hamper, he crept toward you. The silence that filled the air added to the moment's intensity.
Rio’s fingers glided along the column of your neck. His digits cupped your chin, giving it a light squeeze as a warning. His face crowded your own. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from smirking. Finally, you had pissed him off enough to get the reaction you craved. Wetness pulled between your thighs in anticipation.
“This all could’ve been avoided, mama.”
Rio’s thumb traced your bottom lip as he backed away. You watched in confusion as he stepped into a pair of sweatpants and grabbed his phone. Stepping toward the door, you asked, “Where are you going?”
“Thought you didn't want to be near me, darlin’? I think you need some time alone. Just go to bed. I'm not tired.”
“I’ve been alone for two days! You’re such an asshole.”
His hand gripped the doorknob as he rolled his neck and shoulders. He was fighting the urge to pounce. With his back to you, Rio finished, “Next time you want to be fucked. Just say that, ma.”
You growled in annoyance, chucking a pillow against his back as he walked out of the room.
“Your ass is lucky you're carrying my baby. It's the only thing keeping me from snatching your little ass up. Crazy ass woman,” he called out from the hallway.
You punched your pillows and got back in bed. Too upset to sleep, a slew of emotions rained down on you. First, there were tears of frustration. Then anger, followed by another round of guilt.
Why do I keep putting this man through hell? All over some dick. That’s what it comes down to. However, if he would’ve cracked my damn back, this shit could’ve been avoided. You're so damn busy you can’t slide inside me and bust a quick nut? 
You smiled, rolled your eyes, and finished your thoughts.
Damn, I’m a brat. Let me drag grumpy pants back to bed. I thought, “wE sLeEp BeSiDe EaCh OtHeR No MaTtEr WhAt,” Head ass.
Rio was sitting on the edge of the living room sofa, arms draped over his lap. The longer he sat there thinking over the day and your attitude. The more he had to fight the urge to do the things he truly wanted. Rio fisted the top of his pants as wicked thoughts of you crying out for him cycled through. His hands trembled, filled with the need to possess and punish you. He closed his eyes, tilting his head back to calm his hunger. That plan fell through as your scent flowed into the room. He groaned, opening his eyes and settling his gaze on you.
“You could’ve slept in the guest room. Why are you being extra? I thought we didn’t sleep in separate rooms anyway?”
“I’m not about to keep going back and forth with you. Just go back to bed, Mama,” he responded with tiredness in his voice.”
That pulled at your heartstrings.
Be nice, bitch.
You swallowed your pride and made the first move toward reconciliation.
“Come back to bed, Rio. I’m sorry for being unreasonable, papa.”
Still standing in the entryway of the spacious living room, you waited for a response. The room was painfully quiet as you two watched one another. Rio’s gaze trailed your body. It was just something about you in his T-shirts that always drove him crazy. He kept his expression blank, making it hard for you to get a read on him. The silence continued for a moment. When he finally spoke, his voice was different. It wasn’t angry, but it wasn’t happy either.
It was dominant, possessive even. 
“Come here.”
Oh, shit. Not that voice. Anything but that.
There were two types of dominant Rio. One, you had been working his nerves for. The other? Not so much. You stayed frozen in place.
“Don’t make me ask again.”
Your legs carried you over to him. Stepping between him and the coffee table, you waited for further instruction.
“Look, I know I’ve been working your nerves-.”
“Mm-Mm. Quiet. Talking seems to be your downfall, Mama.”
Rio’s hands reached up and grasped your hips.
“Sit,” he instructed, pulling you into a seated position on the coffee table.
His elbows rested on the top of his knees, hands folded underneath his chin.
“You’ve been doing your best to get my attention. Now that you have it. You seem a bit worried, Mama. It’s what you wanted. Right?”
“Good girl. You finally learned how to listen and not talk. It’s a little shocking, honestly. You’ve had so much to say for the past two days. Now, when it seems you’re about to get the response you want, and then some. You don’t have shit to say.”
You could feel the heat radiating off of him. Fucked. That’s what you were. There were times when you would overdo it, pushing him too far. Tonight was going to be one of those nights. Pulling in a shaky breath, you continued to listen. Being pregnant, you didn’t know how he would play it. That alone sent a shiver down your body.
See, this is what my emotional, spoiled ass gets. It’s too late to turn back now. Dear sweet Kitty Kat, I wish you the best of luck, girl.
“What’s wrong, darlin’? You seem a bit nervous.”
More silence.
Rio leaned towards you, placing his hands on your plush thighs. He was so close your noses were an inch apart. He tilted his head, angling it to nip your bottom lip. Pulling back, his hand massaged your left cheek. It circled your skin as he leaned back in.
“My hands itching to wrap around your throat, Mama. You know I can’t act like this and do things like that when you’re carrying my child. I don’t take risks with my seed, and you know that. Playing with your oxygen supply is the same as messing with theirs. So why the fuck do you keep trying me,” he groaned.
“Baby, I’m-“
“Shhh.” He laid a gentle kiss on your lips. “You've been talking all day. Right now is a time for listening, darlin’.”
He leisurely rose from the couch, towering over you.
“Let’s put your mouth to better use. Yeah?”
Your breath hitched as his fingers threaded through your hair. Tugging it, he tilted your head back, pecking your lips again. Rio’s eyes held yours as his free hand dipped inside his sweatpants and briefs. Releasing and stroking his member, he hovered over you.
“You wanted some attention. Right, mama? You need dick? Open that pretty little mouth for me.”
Rio jerked your head forward. Hand still wrapped tightly around his thick length, he tapped it on your lips. Your mouth watered and instantly fell open.
“Now you want to be a good girl,” he groaned, swiping the head of his cock on the tip of your tongue.
You started to wrap your mouth around him, but he backed away. A whimper fell from your mouth. Rio held your chin, “I’ll tell you when you can eat it up, Mama,” he whispered, gently tapping your face with his girth.
“You so fucking fine. Wet juicy ass lips got my shit throbbing,” Rio moaned, bending down to kiss you again. Eyes blazing, you used your mouth to capture his thumb. You suckled it, giving him doe eyes. It was as if your beautiful orbs were pleading for him to give in. Your body was so wound up it screamed for some sort of relief. You so desperately wanted to taste him. Thoughts of him spilling his seed into your mouth had you salivating. Rio’s lips parted as his tongue did that snake motion you loved. He slid his thumb from your lips, moving it out of reach.
“Can’t even ruin you in the manner you deserve. I want to shove my dick in that pretty little mouth and fuck your throat until you choke. Damn, I want to leave you gasping for air, voice hoarse. You know I love the way you swallow the dick.”
 An appreciative whimper sounded from your lips. Rio’s eyes danced with excitement. He took joy at the needy and desperate look on your face. The rise and fall of your chest quickened as sinful sounds came from your sweet lips. 
“Look at you moaning and whimpering. That’s my nasty bitch. Does the thought of me shoving myself down that pretty little throat turn you on, mama? It makes you wet. Doesn’t it?”
You shivered and released a stuttered breath, “Daddy, please.” He smiled wickedly, “Damn, I love it when you beg, darlin’.”
“Christopher, please. I’m about to go crazy. I don't think I've ever wanted to swallow you down this bad. Please, Papa. I need you.”
A chuckle fell from his lips. Rio swallowed hard, and you could see the pulse dancing on the side of his neck. His eyes grew darker as he leaned close enough, and you felt his breath brush against your lips.
“You are so cute, mama. Beg as much as you want. The question is: Do you think you deserve it,” he whispered, peppering your lips with light kisses. The corners of his lips lifted, forming a smile as you panted the word yes. “Mm, no. I don't think so, darlin’. You've been stomping around, throwing tantrums, twisting and turning, rolling that neck for days now.”
Your impatience and temper got the best of you.
“If you're so tired of my damn attitude. Put me out of my misery already. You're the one being stingy with the dick! You can't find a few moments to love on your wife?”
There was that sinister smile once more. Rio’s hand went to wrap around your throat, but halfway he stopped. Closing it into a fist tightly, he forced it down to his side. He smirked, slowly opening his mouth to speak, “You’re letting these hormones rattle you, mama. They got you impatient as fuck and coming out of pocket.”
Tucking himself back into his sweats, Rio reclaimed his spot on the sofa. Leaning back into the cushions, he watched your face twist up in frustration.
“Fuck this. I’m going back upstairs. Sleep wherever you want. I don’t care.”
“Sit. Down,” Rio roared.
You froze, back still facing him.
“I’m getting tired of saying things twice,” Rio hissed. “Sit your ass down.”
You swung around and stomped to the coffee table to reclaim your seat.
“Not there. Come here.”
Standing in front of him, you crossed your arms over your chest.
“You beckoned? Dear sweet husband.”
Though Rio wore a thin smile, you could tell he didn’t find shit amusing. Glancing at his lap, he whispered, “Sit.”
You kissed your teeth, plopping into his lap. He pressed up against you, hands gripping your waist. “You enjoy making me tick. Don’t you darlin’?”
Not waiting for you to answer, one hand abandoned your waist. It slid into your hair, tugging at the strands. The action caused you to release something Rio couldn’t decipher. What had started as a gasp shifted to a whimper and ended as a moan. The sound caused his erection to twitch underneath you as he bit back a groan.
“Why are you giving Daddy a hard time? Thought you loved me, Mama,” he teased.
Your lips parted, but he tugged more, signaling you to remain silent.
“Don’t deny it, love. I’m over here fighting everything in me right now. I know how you want it. You ain’t in no condition for that, baby girl.”
“How do I want it, Papa,” you whispered breathlessly.
Rio’s hand trailed to the column of your neck. He gave it a light, gentle squeeze. Pulling your ear to his lips, he groaned, “You want that rough shit. Need me to choke you. Talk my shit and say all the nasty things you like. Pin you down, fuck you until you cry. That’s what you want, yeah,” he questioned, nipping at your earlobe.
A smirk danced across his face at the sound of your whimpering.
“Can’t you just do it as gently as possible? Please, you begged, grinding into his lap.
His growl bounced off the living room walls. It was a signal, a warning, but you couldn’t help yourself. Circling your hips, you pressed further into his erection. Rio hissed, “Behave. You really gotta chill, Mama.”
You stood long enough to turn and straddle his thigh. His hands cradled your small bump. Pecking his lips, you watched as Rio’s eyes fluttered closed. The two of you slipped into a sensual kiss. Your hips rolled as you started to grind your moist panties against his thigh.
“Papa, please. I’m begging you. I need you. I’ll take it any way you’d like.”
He sucked in a shallow breath, grasping your chin.
“I know you will. You don’t have a choice, mama.”
Cocky motha-.
“Keep grinding that slick little pussy against me, baby,” he rasped, grabbing up the globes of your behind. “Now I know you can do better than that. Grind harder,” he finished with a smack to each cheek. Mouths collided as your fingers traced patterns along the nape of his neck. Your tongues wrestled for dominance. His palms dug into your supple flesh, guiding you along the slick spot that started to form on his thigh.
“Damn, mama. Just the sound of my voice makes that little pussy weep, yeah?”
He watched you with pride, your eyes shut tight, breathing ragged. Rio moved his hands to your breast, giving them a light squeeze. He moaned as his teeth sunk into your bottom lip.
“Go a little faster. Pull yourself toward the edge, darlin’.”
Your body rocked faster against his drenched thigh as his hand crept until it found its way underneath your shirt, pulling at the hardened nipples.
“Hmm, baby? Talk to me, mama. What do you need from Daddy?”
The words got stuck in your throat, and you edged closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. Your head tilted back, and the mewl you released made all Rio’s blood rush to his thick member. He peppered kisses along the soft skin of your neck, cooing, “You close, baby girl? Hmm? Come on now, tell me how you feel, darlin’. Let me hear that pretty voice.”
“So damn close. Add a little pressure, Daddy. Press into me, please.”
Rio chuckled, lifting his thigh just enough to give you the desired pressure.
“That better, sweetheart?”
“Fuck,” you whispered. Ye-I’ma come. Please-.”
You started to tremble, signaling an explosive orgasm. Rio’s fingers gripped your waist, halting all movement. A high-pitched whine echoed throughout the room as you tried to power through his grasp and thrust your hips. His hold on you was too strong to fight. The teasing chuckle he gave frustrated you.
“Why would you do that? Don’t play with me like that, Rio,” you whimpered.
“Oh, you thought this was about to be easy? No, love. See where all the nagging and expectations got you. Playing with my patience had you believing I would let you have your way. Fuck that. You better work for that shit, mama. You know how I operate, and I ain’t feeling too generous right now.” He pinched your nipple, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth.
Shoving his shoulder, he fell back against the couch, pinning you with a mischievous glint.
“Ain’t shit funny, Rio. You’re pissing me off,” you snapped, pacing the hardwood floor.
“That makes two of us,” he countered, shrugging his shoulders.
“What happened to a happy wife, a happy life? I’m carrying your child. Where is the love?”
“So damn dramatic. You just knew you’d get your way, huh?”
You stopped, turning to face him. Your arms crossed your ample chest. Frustration ran deep in your mind. The two of you matched glare for glare.
Rio’s eyes darkened as he stood, walking toward you. He kissed you long and hard, backing you toward the living room wall. Your body shivered as you made contact with the chilled surface. He broke the kiss and rasped, “Should’ve used these past few minutes to make a convincing argument,” he tsked. “I don't even know if you deserve to come at this point, darlin’.”
Rio dropped to his knees, and you watched his head disappear underneath the fabric of your shirt. Heat pulsed throughout your core as you felt Rio pull fabric aside. Thousands of tiny sparks flooded your body as you felt his wet, warm tongue trail from the bottom of your dripping sex to the top. His middle and pointer fingers spread you open while the tip of his tongue danced around your bundle of nerves. You released a shuttered breath, head tilting back as your eyes fluttered closed. Without having to look up, Rio paused his licking and growled, “Keep you’re fucking eyes on me. Take off this damn shirt, and watch me eat this pussy up, mama.” 
Say less. I got you, Zaddy.
His eyes burned with passion at the sight of your breast. “You don’t need these either,” he rasped, tearing the panties from your body. Without another word, his head dipped back between your thighs. He teased you with nips and licks until you squirmed, begging for more. The pace had started achingly slow. His breath fanned your lower lips, “Look at you wiggling and shit. Are you aching for me, mama?” Rio inhaled your scent, “Damn, I’m about to eat this shit up.”
“Less talking. More licking, Papa,” you mewled, trying to thrust your heat back into his face. Rio leaned away.
“See, that’s your problem. You need to learn patience, mama. We don’t need to rush. Let me take my time and enjoy all this fine dining.”
“Truthfully, you get off on torturing me, don’t you?”
Instead of using his words, Rio answered with action. Still holding your lips apart, three fingers from the opposite hand pressed into your clit, rubbing wide circles slowly.
In a husky tone, he taunted, “Come on, sweetheart, I know you can get wetter than this.” Your sarcastic rebuttal halted as he continued, “Let me help you with that, ma.”
His words fully registered as you felt his saliva collide with your silky flesh. His mouth covered your lips again, alternating between slow, languid strokes and rapid, hungry licks. From the movement of his tongue to the way he gripped your thighs. Feeling everything at once was hurdling toward a powerful orgasm. His fingers rejoined the party, using them to fumble with your clit as he thrust his tongue into you.
“N-no, baby. Not ye-it’s too soon. S-slow down, fuck!”
Your hand wrapped around his wrist, trying to pull his fingers away. Rio swatted it as he hoisted you higher, locking his arms around your thighs.
“I thought you wanted to come though, Mama,” he teased. “Let me switch it up for you, yeah?”
His tongue replaced those same fingers, licking and sucking your sweet little nub like a man who hadn’t eaten in days.
“Oh! You fucking demon. Daddy, no,” you mewled, body starting to jerk. The sensation sent tingles throughout as your fist pounded against the wall. The digits of the other hand dug into his scalp. You felt him smile against your flesh, moaning and growling. Slipping three fingers inside, he flexed them, deliciously tapping your g-spot. The pace of his digits quickened as his lips wrapped around your abused clit, and he sucked as hard as he could. Your body writhed. The feeling was so intense you considered climbing the wall.
This bitch would go harder. I need to learn how to shut up.
Rio tsked again, “There’s nowhere for you to run, Mama. Daddy got you locked in,” he taunted, fingers speeding up a little more. “Thought this is what you wanted, hm? You've been crying for this all day. Is it too much for you, baby?” Rio’s fingers slipped out of you, and the palm of his hand delivered smacks over your lips. “Yeah! There we go! That’s that wet shit, mama.” Rio dove back in, the sounds of his mouth on your body growing more lewd by the second. All you could do was tremble and whimper. Rio groaned, his mouth devouring you. His words tickled your slick heat, “ You gon’ come for me? Hmm? My mouth got you leaking all over the place.” Your legs started to shake as his tongue lashed at your skin. 
“Answer me, ma,” he demanded, harsh yet sexy.
“Yes, fuck. I’m so close, shit!”
“Beg me to let you come.”
“Please, Papa! Let me come all over that sinfully delicious tongue.”
“I know you’re close. Look at that pretty little pussy squeezing around my fingers,” Rio teased, adding a fourth finger. “Look at these thick thighs shaking,” he taunted. Your husband took a moment to nip at your inner thighs. “Soft as fuck. Tastes so damn good.” His lips licked and sucked at the soft skin as he massaged your g-spot.
“Hold on a bit longer for me.”
His eyes glistened, and you knew Rio was about to make you suffer. There was something in his expression that just reeked of revenge. Minutes ticked by, and you were proven right: every torturous lick of his tongue was his getback. Every time his lips captured your bundle of nerves, it felt like he was trying to suck the soul out of you. He had brought you to the edge for the third time, only to slow down. Tears threatened to spill as you begged and pleaded. At this point, you were no longer begging him to come on his talented tongue. You just wanted him to wrap your legs around his waist and pound you into an earth-shattering orgasm. Twice, you had tried pulling his head away, pressing him to fuck you. Both times, Rio denied you and went right back to eating. His greedy mouth slurped at your juices, “Mm-mm, mama. Daddy’s still hungry.”
His tongue grazed your clit, causing your body to shiver with force. You cried out, “Rio, please! You have to let me come. I can’t do this anymore.” Tears trailed down your cheeks, tugging at his heart a bit. He kissed your nub once more before he pulled up from between your legs. Using the pads of his thumbs, he wiped at the remnants of your tears. Pecking your lips, his hands cradled your face. “I’m sorry, mama. Shh, I know, baby. I know. Breathe for me, catch your breath.”
How could your emotions be all over the place? Yet, every ounce of you still ached for him. Though you were irritated and pissed at the way he edged you. The need to be fucked and orgasm was still the top priority. You could curse him out later. Truthfully, you had done it to yourself. You knew pushing him too far was what brought you here. Patience and understanding had been an option that would have left you well rewarded. Instead, you had opted to try to force his hand.
I’m pregnant, horny, and a bit illogical at the moment. I want what the fuck I want, and I want it now.
Rio’s eyes locked with yours, his orbs still dark but sympathetic at the same time. His teeth sunk into his bottom lip as he swept hair that blocked your vision. Taking a deep breath, he leaned in, lips brushing against yours.
“I’ma stop fucking with you, mama,” he whispered, stealing a kiss.
Rio shushed your whimpering as his hands trailed back down your body and between your thighs. His fingers brushed your slit, collecting moisture along the way. His fingers slid lower until they reached the destination they were in search of. Two fingers penetrated you as his free hand tweaked your nipple. You sucked in a sharp breath as his digits tapped against that special place in warp speed.
“R-rio. Oh, God,” you mewled. “No, please. I want you inside. I need you inside me, baby. Why won’t you just-.”
His head fell into the crook of your neck as you pleaded. An anguished growl echoed against your throat.
“I can’t right now, mama. I just can’t,” he responded helplessly as his fingers kept slamming into you. “Give it to me, mama. I know you can’t hold it anymore. Come for me, baby girl,” he moaned against your skin.
“But why? Oh! Fuck! Y-yes. God, yes,” you cried, falling over the edge.
“Fuck, mama. My arm’s soaked,” he groaned, breath shallow, as he trailed kisses down your neck. He waited for you to respond, but the only sound he heard was sniffling. Rio pulled back with a quickness, hands cradling your face once more. He kissed you, “What’s wrong, mama? Why are you crying?”
“Are you not attracted to me anymore?”
“Mama. Don’t start. Why wouldn’t I be attracted to you? That’s a wild ass question. Please don’t take this wrong, but these hormones got you all messed up. You know better than to ask me such a ludicrous question.” 
Your eyes started to water again, and Rio threw his head back, running his hand down his face. Releasing a long sigh, “Don’t start again, mama. You’re all over the place today. One minute, you’re cursing me out, trying to push me away. The next minute, you’re on me. I damn sure can’t keep up with the mood swings today. Now I’m getting pissed all over again because you're questioning my love for you.”
“It’s a simple question, Rio. Something must be wrong since you won’t fuck your wife. It can’t be that bizarre of a question. Just admit it. I’m gaining weight (not to mention I was already plushie before), so you’re not interested.”
“What number mood swing is this?”
“Fuck you, Rio.”
“You’d like that? A fuck. Wouldn’t you?”
“Such a dickish response!”
You stormed away, ignoring his demands not to walk away from him. Upon entering your bedroom, you slammed the door. Climbing under the covers, you snuggled down until you found a comfortable spot. He didn’t immediately follow you upstairs. Sinking back into the couch, he tried to calm his temper. 
Rio’s mood/urge was why Y/N hadn’t gotten what she wanted in the first place. He was right back to being as pissed as he was earlier. It was all the more reason to stay where he was until he could calm himself. During the first round of this sexually charged argument, it had taken every fiber in him not to fuck you relentlessly. No matter how bad you both wanted it. He wasn’t comfortable with manhandling you at a time like this.
He tilted his head back against the cushions and chuckled to himself. Looking back over the day, you had been a pain in the ass. However, Rio loved that you were adamant about getting what you desired.
The fact that she thinks there’s a way for me to be gentle and rough in that sort of head space is laughable. I love this crazy ass woman.
He replayed the last of your conversation. Guilt crept in as he remembered how your lip trembled as you fought back tears of frustration and neediness while leaving the room. Thinking the situation over, Rio started to hold himself accountable. He knew what to expect at times like this. If he was being honest, having another baby was mainly his idea. That thought alone had him shaking his head and smirking.
This woman is going to drive me insane. She can’t be serious thinking I’m not attracted to her right now because she’s pregnant. If anything, that makes my dick harder. These kinks, man. Her ass knows I love her any size. Mama knows I love it when she’s stupid thick. Damn, I want to bend her ass over something. Just wait until baby girl or boy gets here. I’m going to remember every single mood swing and attitude. Like that man Miguel once said, that pussy gon’ be mine. Let me check on her mean ass. Remember to remain calm, Rio.
He flipped off all the lights downstairs and made sure everything was locked up tight. It was pitch black in the master suite. Rio entered quietly, not wanting to wake you. The faint sounds of sniffles came from under the covers on your side of the bed. Your husband’s head hung low at the sounds, shaking it side to side in disbelief. Sadness ached deep in his chest. It had never been his intention to make you feel unwanted. He certainly didn’t mean for you to feel unattractive. You had pushed him to that place of uncertainty. Rio didn’t trust himself enough to remain gentle. His anger had been raging off and on for the past two days. It was time for him to set the record straight and make things right.
Self-control, my boy. Self-control. I may not be able to choke her. Let that mouth get to firing off again. I’ma spank this woman. Lord, help me.
He approached your side of the bed, attempting to lower the comforter, but it wouldn’t budge. You grumbled, “Don’t, Christopher. Just get in bed. Let’s get some rest. We can discuss this in the morning.” The fabric of the blankets muffled your voice a bit, but Rio could hear how you fought back tears.
Rio gently rubbed what he believed to be your hip. “Don’t hide from me,” he rasped.
“I’m not. Goodnight, Papa.”
He lowered his head, rubbing soothing circles against your back. He stood there a few moments, trying to find a way to make things better. A thought entered his mind. His head leaned to the side as he gave a quick head nod. Heading to his side of the bed, Rio checked his notifications one last time, setting the ringer to silent. He grabbed an item from the nightstand, setting it to the side. Rio got into bed, sliding closer. The feeling of his chest pressing against your back as he joined you under the covers.
“You still mad at me, Mama,” he questioned, leaving butterfly kisses against your skin. “You gon’ forgive me, hm?”
“Shut up, Rio,” you responded with a giggle and sniffle.
“You know you’re crazy for thinking that bullshit, right? I love you, mama. Don’t you know that you’re my favorite person in this world? I love you for life, woman,” he explained. “I’ll always be attracted to you, no matter what. You’re my heart and world, baby girl.” Rio nibbled at your neck. “Those better be happy sniffles, he teased.
“They are, trust me. Thank you for the reassurance, Papa,” you responded, voice still shaky.
His fingers caressed your thighs, drawing small patterns on your flesh, lips peppering kisses against a bare shoulder back to the soft spot below your ear.
“Papa, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m still wet from earlier,” you whispered, lower lips tingling again.
Rio shushed you as his tongue swept across the column of your neck. “You looked so damn good in those jeans with the heels. You just had to get me hard while I was working. Didn’t you? How am I supposed to focus with images of fucking you against my desk floating through my head?”
“I just wanted to see you, baby.”
“Yeah. Okay.”
His hand slid between soft thighs, swiping at the moisture pooling between your folds.
“Always wet. Forever ready for me. Shit. Give me those lips, ma.”
Both of you tried to take control of the kiss until his fingers pulled away. You huffed, “Not this shit again-Oh! Shit,” you moaned. Not only had he placed his hand back where it was, but you felt a lovely buzzing sensation against your clit. “Yes,” you whispered.
“Been waiting for the right time to break this out. You’ve been rambling on about that damn toy, so I bought you a rose, Mama. How’s that feel?” Unable to speak, you answered with a sweet sigh. Rio’s lips connected to your temple. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he laughed, increasing the speed.
Between his lips and the toy, you hadn’t noticed Rio tugging down his sweatpants. The kiss broke as you mewled. He bit his lip, watching you gasp at the feel of the rose pressed against your nub while his aching erection slid back and forth against your folds. The leaking tip dipped in and out of your spasming channel. The covers kicked down to the foot of the bed as Rio’s hungry gaze drank in the writhing of your bodies. His breathing quickened, listening to your faint moans.
“I think we’re both a bit calmer now. Don’t you agree, Mama,” he questioned, sucking in a breath at the wetness pulling around his tip.
If you had heard him, Rio didn’t wait for a response. He reclaimed your mouth, sinking his thick, veiny rod inside you.
“Got Damn,” you both moaned in unison.
“That’s a good girl. Take it all, Mama. So fucking tight. Grip that shit.”
Burying your head in your pillow, you trembled, moaning repetitively. Rio’s hands sunk into the plushness of your waist. His finger sunk deeper, pressing your behind into his lap. Pumping you slowly, you felt his hips do that circular motion. 
“Faster, Daddy. Please go faster.”
“Whatever you say, love,” he answered, pulling your hair and snapping his hips harder. “The settings go higher, baby.” Shifting the rose to its highest voltage, he growled at the screams that bounced around the room.
“T-too much. Fuck!”
“No, ma. You got this. Take that shit. Don’t you want me to make that pussy feel good, yeah? Yes, baby. Oh, shit. Take it, baby. Just let me pound that pretty little flower.”
Every thrust sent you higher. Your fingers dug into Rio’s hand as you thrashed about the bed.
“You keep fucking me like this. I’m not going to last much longer,” you whined.
“You got that. Go on and wet that shit up, mama. Fall apart. Come for, Daddy. I’ll put you back together and break you apart again. Don’t bury your face in the pillow. Let me hear you come loud and clear. Come for me right fucking now,” he demanded, giving your ass a hard smack.”
“Fu-Chris! Baby,” you screamed, body tensing, shaking violently. Kisses danced along your temple. Whimpers continued to fall from your lips, the aftershocks sending waves throughout your body. Rio attempted to center and bring you back down from the high.
“You’re good, mama. I got you. Good job,” he praised. 
You couldn’t imagine a better way to end a long day. At least that's what you thought until Rio decided to take it one step further.
“I’m not finished with you yet, baby girl,” he whispered.
Rio slid out of you, laying on his back, while he waited for you to turn toward him. Your face hovered over his. Staring lovingly into his eyes, you spoke softly.
“Tell me what you need, Papa,” you questioned, stroking his jaw.
He reached for your leg, bringing it over his to straddle him. Hands traveled the length of your body, stopping to cup your breast. Through body language alone, the communication was clear. Giving him a gentle nod, lip tucking between your teeth. Rio felt your digits wrap around his length, rising just enough. You slowly slipped his throbbing length into the slick cavern. The two of you moaned in unison.
Rio sat up, wrapping his arms around your waist. You rode him slow and steady. Biting your lip, he encouraged you, “Mm, that's it, mama. You feel so good.” He wrapped his lips around your nipple, tongue circling it hungrily. Giving it a playful bite pulled a meal from your lungs. Releasing the taut bud, Rio whimpered, “Keep squeezing me. Just like that. Fuck.”
He tugged one of your hands from his shoulder, placing the digits around the column of his throat. He smirked as your eyes widened.
“I can’t choke you, so why don’t we switch shit up? You be me for a change, mama. Be rough with Daddy, yeah?”
A tremble coursed through you at the thought of it.
“It’s your body, mama. You’re in control. Ride me as hard as you can stand it.” He pecked your lips, cooing, “Are you going to ride your daddy nice and hard, hm? This is your dick. Take it, mama,” he insisted, giving your bottom another slap.
Pushing at his chest, you laid him back against the mattress. Your hand tightened around his throat as your hips circled, taking him as deep as possible. Your head fell back as your speed increased.
“Oh,” you cried. “Daddy!”
“Look at me,” he gasped.
Your face floated above his, and you started to bounce erratically. Rio’s face twisted up as he grunted your name. The hold on his throat tightened, causing him to bite his lip harder. You felt his hands spank and grip your cheeks. The two of you entered a lip lock as the headboard banged against the wall. Coming up for air, you felt him twitch inside you.
“Fuck, Mama. I’m about to nut. Is that what you want, baby? Do you want to be filled up? Yeah, I know you do, darlin’. F-fuck! Come with me, mama! Right now!”
You both plummeted over the edge, calling out each other’s name. Trying to keep balance, your hands rested against Rio’s chest. He sat up, pulling you into an embrace. Leaving kisses all over your face, you giggled breathlessly. His arm reached around your waist, guiding you to lie down comfortably.
“Let’s get you cleaned up. Stay right here. I got you, mama.”
Rio disappeared into the bathroom, returning moments later with a warm towel. With the aftercare complete, he quickly got himself together. Making his way to the kitchen, Rio returned with a glass of ice water for you.
“Drink up. You need to replenish, ma.”
“Thank you, Papa. What about you, though?”
“Drank it downstairs, " he responded, cuddling up to you.
“So we’re switching roles now? Is that what we are doing,” you teased.
Rio’s laugh bellowed throughout the room. “Listen, ma. You’re little thirsty ass needed that rough shit. I figured since I’m not doing that right now. You can get your fix if I relinquish a little bit of that power. Temporarily, of course.” He gave your shoulder a playful bite. “You should know I’m keeping tabs for the remainder of this pregnancy.”
“Tabs? What tabs?”
“I’m keeping a mental log of every time you act up. The moment the doctor clears you. That thick ass will be stinging, and you won’t be able to walk straight for a few weeks. Maybe a month,” he shrugged, nonchalance written on his handsome face. His eyes reduced to slits, “Breath play’s about to be a beast for you, mama. Hate it for you.”
“No, you don’t, liar.”
“You said it. Not me,” Rio shrugged.
He felt your fist collide with his arm.
“Aye, chill out now. You know what, let me put this shit in my notes. What is this? That makes at least eight offenses. For the day alone.”
“Whatever. Goodnight, crybaby.”
“Says the woman that’s been crying all night.”
“Don’t piss me off again, Rio. Go to sleep. Keep in mind that you won’t be leaving for work on time. I can tell that I’ll be just as needy in the morning. Have my dick ready.”
“Just admit that you only want me for my body,” he teased.
You kissed your teeth and mugged his forehead.
“Aye! Chill. Where my kisses at?”
Rio pulled your leg over his waist, cradling your bump, and kissed you goodnight.
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What did y'all think about that roller coaster? Hope you enjoyed it. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated, lovelies 💕!
@darqchilddaydreamz @4everbrookemarie @fineanddandy @rio-reid-whoreee @novaniskye @that-one-anxious-mango @1andonlytashae @blkbutterfly816 @lovedlover @vanityinvenus
@librarian1002 @banana123pudding @fezcosonlylove @sunshine-flower @invisiblegiurl
@astoldbychae @amorestevens @starrynite7114 @alertyoulikeitsamber
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We're Shit Out of Luck, Munson
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Eddie Munson x gn!reader
Masterlist Part Two
Summary: You're excited to take a trip north to Steve's cabin with all your friends. That is, until you're snowed in alone with Eddie.
Word Count: ~10.5k (I'm sorry)
Warnings: Swearing. Fluff. Improper knowledge of how a fire stove works. Sort of strangers to lovers? One Bed Trope!!!
A/n: This took way longer than I'd like to admit. I just couldn't get it work, but I hope it's good enough now :) Please let me know your thoughts! Love hearing from you all, and thank you for reading <3
The wheels of Nancy’s car churned up snowy roads under drifting clouds and floating snowflakes from above. In the rumbling backseat of her car sat you in the back, your head leaning toward the window. She drove, her bracelets jingling whenever she turned the wheel, while Jonathan sat in the passenger seat.
Some Fleetwood Mac song played through the old speakers, your head bobbing along as your eyes danced along the white landscape leading your way north – away from Hawkins and away from regular day-to-day life for just a few days. The three of you were planning to meet Steve, Robin, and Eddie there for an extended weekend away at a rarely used cabin Steve’s family owned. 
A knit hat hugged against your head, a heavy coat weighing along your body as you thought toward spending time with some you knew well – missing the days of standing doubled over again in laughter together every other day – and others you were excited to get to know better. 
Like Robin, who Steve had talked endlessly about how great the two of you would get along – though he seemed to especially say it after you teased or annoyed him. Or maybe like Eddie, your face quirking just a little at the thought.
You didn’t have anything against him, though you had only met him once. But it was just that you weren’t someone who would climb on cafeteria tables like he did back in high school or speak the way he did. You weren’t sure just yet whether his unashamed self put you off or impressed you.
Once your body had begun to ache from sitting for so long, you leaned forward, pushing yourself past the supplies containing clothes, food, movie, board games to rest a hand along Nancy’s shoulder. “Hey, we’re almost there, right?” you asked, peering at the map stretched across Jonathan’s lap.
He cleared his throat, stretching his legs before muttering, “Yeah, we should be there soon. It’s at the end of the road after we turn onto Lake Street.”
“Oh, is there a lake? Maybe we’ll do some ice fishing,” you suggested, humor in your voice as you leaned back into your seat.
Nancy let out a soft laugh, raising her eyebrows in a “maybe” sort of gesture and glancing to Jonathan.
He merely put his hands up. “You two feel free, but I think I’ll stick inside with all of my fingers warm and still connected to my body.”
With a smile, you returned to the view outside, watching it slowly change from straight county roads to winding dirt ones with trees growing thicker on each side. Swaying branches dusted off snow with each passing breeze.
Old brakes squeaked as Nancy pulled the car next to the cabin. Just as you thought about where the others were, Nancy muttered, “They’re probably not getting here until dark, if it’s those three trying to leave on time.”
You put down “chronically late” into your mental descriptions of Eddie and Robin, imagining Steve standing next to the car and waiting for them like the mom he often acted as. Spending time with the kids sometimes required a small escape like this, or at least it certainly seemed from Nancy’s urging to get away from Mike.
She huffed while getting out, but you just took it as a chance to get first pick at the cabin rooms. Grabbing your bag and hauling along food, you walked to the door as Jonathan asked, “Are we sure this is the right place?”
Glancing down, you saw a snowy welcome mat that said, “Live, Laugh, Love” – you turned around and shouted a giggly “Oh yeah.” Though all laughing died down as you tried turning the knob to open it… but nothing. Of course.
“Hey Nancy,” you called back to her at the car’s trunk, “Did Steve happen to give you a key to getting into this thing?”
You pressed your coat closer against your chest, trying to shield yourself from the wind, though the noisy breeze did nothing to hide Nancy’s sigh. “No, he didn’t. He said they’d be here in time, so it’d be okay.”
Pursing your lips, you nodded at the solemn information. Your breaths out made swirling white in the air in front of you as your boots creaked down the wooden steps. You searched around for a window that could be propped open and crawled through, but most seemed too high off the ground. The others refused to budge, even with all three of you trying to pull. Either they were locked or frozen shut out here.
A thud sounded out when your head rested against the cabin, slowly coming to terms with the rocky start to the getaway. Instead, you all were left inside the car, intermittently turning the car on to get enough heat going without wasting all of the gas. 
“Go fish,” Jonathan told you for what seemed like the hundredth time, making you mutter under your breath.
Your cursing only increased when Nancy asked you, “Got any eights?” You shoved your eight into her hands, ignoring her smug smile and ready to give up on this game. It’d been a couple rounds of her winning every single one.
All of your heads popped up at the same time as rumbling came from behind, eyes catching a large van pulling up on the other side of the front of the cabin. You breathed a sigh of relief at the unmistakable flowing hair of Steve through the passenger seat window after what felt like an hour. “Thank the lord,” you whispered before the three of you clambered out.
Nancy was the first to speak, her nose red like yours. “Steve, if you don’t open this cabin right now, we’re stealing it from you and locking you out.”
You guessed he would’ve had wide eyes and a surprised response, but he looked tired, nodding with a straight mouth. “Yeah, sorry about that,” he said, tossing the keys to her.
The wave and smile Steve your way had you returning them as you went to hug him quick. “You’re so lucky that’s all you’re getting from Nancy. Another half an hour, and you’d be getting much worse threats from me,” you laughed. 
As you turned to grab your things and finally find a warm blanket or bed or shower – something – he sighed out, “Hey, don’t blame me. Eddie here woke up late and was supposed to be the one picking us up. But I appreciate your kindness.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s good to see you though.”
“Good to see you too,” you said, patting his shoulder. And you meant it. That contagious smile and corny jokes were well-missed by you.
Making your way inside with your things, you wrapped your arms around yourself and grumbled under your breath things about Eddie that certainly didn’t help in his favor toward impressing you.
Stomping off the snow from your boots and slipping them off, you rushed through toward the rooms. You found three, which it didn’t take much mental math to figure out it’d have to be two people per room. Jonathan and Nancy would take one of them, leaving you with Steve, Robin, or Eddie. In the moment, though, you didn’t care too much as you picked a room at random and muttered your way into the bathroom with fresh clothes for a hot shower.
The steaming water dripped along your body, slowly warming your frigid fingers and toes. A long breath emptied from your lungs toward the smooth shower tiles, sending a warm shiver through your body. You weren’t sure how long had passed before you eventually turned the shower off, the leaky shower head dripping water droplets over and over again as you stepped out and dressed. 
You exited the bathroom expecting your bags to be right on the bed where you had set them. You had no reason to expect otherwise, until you were met with the chaotic sight in front of you.
Technically, your things were still where you had set them, but they – along with the rest of the bed, most of the floor, the wooden dresser – were covered in clothes, candy wrappers, toiletries, and… were those mini figurines? You only took one step into the room, making the floor creak below you, before a wild wave of hair popped up from the other side of the bed. 
Wide eyes stared into yours, big brown ones that nearly made you forget about the mess. That is until Eddie spoke up. “I uh, lost my Walkman. Tryin’ to find it before I go insane listening to their music.” He motioned his head toward the door with an unamused look on his face.
Listening for a beat, you heard music coming from the living room – which seemed to be “Material Girl” playing. Nodding, you looked around while asking, “Are you sleeping here?”
Eddie still rummaged through his bag as he muttered, “By the time I got in this woodsy cabin, everywhere else had been picked, and Robin was already nearly started the place on fire trying to start the wood stove before Nancy stepped in. So I guess?” He turned to you then. “Are we roomies?”
Between his lateness that caused you to sit in the car and freeze your ass off and having to now dig your things out from his mess, you pressed your mouth tight while thinking of your options. “I’ll be right back,” you told him, flashing a flat smile.
You didn’t give him time to answer before you left, seeking out Steve. You found him in the kitchen unpacking some of the refrigerated food. Walking right next to him, giving him a sweet look, you helped him put away some things.
His sigh filled the quiet space between you two. “What is it?”
“Have I ever told you how good your hair looks, Steve?” you asked.
“Of course. Now, what do you want?”
Groaning, you whispered, “I did not sign up for having Eddie Munson as my ‘snowy getaway’ roommate. Please switch with him. Or with me, I’m sure Robin is better.” You looked at her laughing in the living room while watching Nancy try to teach Jonathan to dance, unsuccessfully.
Steve let out a breathy laugh. “If you find uncontrollable snoring and sleep talking better, then maybe. But I already promised Robin I’d room with her. And you have those freezing fingers that I don’t want to wake up with on my back.”
“I promise I won’t do that, even if you are the greatest furnace I’ve ever known,” you begged.
He looked at you, stopping his unpacking and tilted his head. “What’s wrong with Eddie as your roommate? He’s not all that bad.”
You glanced back to your room to make sure he wasn’t listening. “I’m sure he’s not, but he’s been in there for two minutes and already trashed it. And I’m not exactly the type to share a bed with a stranger.”
“Well you could just talk to him. Or get to know him so you’re not strangers,” he offered, glancing toward the room. Your eyes followed, seeing that Eddie was walking out. You had meant what you said, that he wasn’t terrible – maybe you’d even like his sense of humor or laidback personality. But you already liked the rings wrapped around his fingers and the crinkles around his eyes – and all of that mixed with having to lay mere inches from him all night had you hesitating.
You quickly gritted out, “He could just sleep on the couch though” while bringing a smile to your face as Eddie approached.
Steve looked the same, leaning over to whisper, “Or you could.”
You’d seen the couch, a fancy one that looked as if it hadn’t ever been sat on. Your back hurt from just thinking about using it as a bed. There were no other quiet protests you could give before Eddie made it to you two, the chain on his jeans jingling with each step.
“Harrington, you seen a Walkman around here or in the van?”
Steve shook his head, sending his hair swishing along his face. “I’m sure you just missed it when shoving nearly everything you own into a single bag, Munson.”
“Except for extra underwear. I did forget those,” Eddie said with a sad sort of grin, though it turned happy at seeing your twisted face. “Just messing with you, roomie. Though I did forget toothpaste.” He pretended to bat his eyelashes, silently begging for you to share yours and only stopping once you gave in.
His hand patted Steve’s shoulder before walking away to ask the others whether they’d seen his Walkman. With a tight mouth, you just looked at Steve with pleading eyes.
“He can borrow some of mine,” he offered. 
You leaned your head against his shoulder in a silent “thank you” before making your way back to the room, planning to unearth your bag to settle in. To your surprise, most of Eddie’s things were cleaned up – or at least shoved to one side of the bed, which you appreciated as you opened up your bag, putting away your things into the drawers. 
This was okay. You’d only spend the nights in here, and that was only part of the day. You’d be having fun elsewhere the rest of this time out in the snow or sitting among friends in a nice cabin. This was still going to be a great getaway, no matter what came.
“Oh shit.”
Your head jerked up at the sound, your heart sinking for a moment at hearing Steve say those words. The music quieted down a little, sure someone had turned it down at the outburst. Making your way back, you found everyone else staring at Steve as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Anyone seen the packs of beer?” he asked, his voice low like he already knew the answer.
At everyone shaking their heads, Robin spoke up. “I thought you were bringing them.”
He nodded, putting his other hand on his hip – his classic mom pose. “Yeah, yeah I was. Except they’re back at my house, just sitting on the counter,” he sighed out. “I forgot them when running out of the house when Eddie pulled up.”
Groans echoed out in the space, a quiet “Way to go, Steve” from Robin joining them. 
“Well, how about a trip into town? That could be nice,” Nancy offered, clasping her hands together. “Grab some beer, check out the stores too.”
Jonathan peered out the window, pulling open the blinds. “It’s stopped snowing for a bit. Is it supposed to pick back up?”
You shrugged your shoulders like the others, none of you having bothered to check the forecast. “I’m sure it’s fine. Let’s get this road trip going,” Robin said with a toothy grin.
“We already had a road trip,” you said with a laugh.
“Well, a mini road trip then. Maybe there’s a Family Video there, Steve. We could use our double employee discount to get The Apartment for basically free.”
“Robin, you’ve already seen that literally a hundred times,” he responded.
“But not a hundred and one times.”
You smiled at the sigh he gave as opened up his hand to Nancy. “I can drive.”
Nancy nodded, digging out her car keys before throwing them to him. Most of the others started making their way to the door. Though it wasn’t snowing, you weren’t yet ready to weather the cold so soon again. 
“I might stick back here, if that’s okay. Stay warm for a little longer,” you told them, giving a small smile.
“Want us to pick you up anything?” Robin asked as she shoved a winter hat on her head. 
You waved them off, happy enough to just have the place to yourself for a bit of quiet before everything got going. But your body stilled when Robin turned to look past you, asking, “What about you, Eddie?”
“Besides beer? Nah, I’m good,” his voice sounded. You began to chew on the inside of your cheek, suddenly debating on joining the group after all. Your chances of relaxing went down to zero, instead launching in the other direction of keeping you on edge.
But Steve gave you a pointed look, as if telling you to stay and get along with Eddie. Between his flared nostrils and a breeze pushing through as the front door opened, a fresh wave of frigid air coming through, you just swallowed hard and nodded. You gave them a wave and locked the door after they left, soon watching it pull away.
You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you slowly turned around, preparing yourself to say something to the near-stranger you shared this cabin (and bed) with. But all you saw was the tail-end of the towel sticking out of Eddie’s back pocket as he walked into the shared room, calling back, “Taking a shower” right before the door shut.
Standing in the middle of the cabin, staring at the space where Eddie had just been, your stomach twisted. This wasn’t going to be as easy as you thought. Leaving you with the empty rooms of the rest of the place, you grabbed a snack from the kitchen and the book you’d left on the counter. Taking a blanket thrown over the back of the uncomfortable-looking couch, you sat in a La-Z-Boy next to it, tucking your feet under yourself.  You weren’t sure how many pages you made it through before leaning your head back and slowly drifting off into sleep, the crackling of the fire and winds gusting outside weighing on your eyelids.
The second Eddie shut that door to shower, his mouth opened in a silent scream as his palms came up to his face. Only once he started the shower did he release a groan, fingers coming up to wind through his hair. He trashed the room of one of the most beautiful people he’d ever seen? God, he must’ve looked so dumb and selfish looking for his Walkman.
Where did he put that damn thing anyway?
And he saw the way you talked with Steve right after, probably begging him to switch rooms. A sharp pang ran through his chest thinking of you running to mother hen Steve to tattle on Eddie – all spiraling because he’d forgotten to set his alarm last night. He deserved a little slack, right?
He would’ve tried to make a better introduction if he knew he’d be meeting you. He was sure someone had mentioned it earlier, but after hours of listening to whatever Steve and Robin deemed “music” in his van before being unable to escape it even here, his mind wasn’t altogether there.
He’d stayed back from the beer run to shelter from more musical soundtracks, but he hadn’t expected you to stay too. So here he was, standing in the bathroom, head resting against the tiled wall as he thought of the least annoying way to share this room – or at least not make you hate him during this weekend. 
Eddie’s shower burned against his skin, scalding water dripping down him and washing away the bad start. The curls of his hair grew heavier as he washed it. At least this place had hot water. 
As he dried off and dressed, his lungs filled deep with breaths and emptied them fully, preparing himself to face you again. Silently opening the door, squeezing his dripping hair with a towel, he padded across the floor back and forth for a while. He wasn’t sure how long he’d spent arguing with himself on how maybe hash this out, occasionally taking breaks to tidy his things further – maybe that’d help? As the sun began to dip toward the horizon, he threw down his towel he’d somehow picked up again to find you and fix this. And find you he did.
His breaths grew much shallower, quieter, at seeing you curled up in that plush chair, blanket and book resting against your body. Though he knew if you woke up to see him staring at you, there was no way you’d stop hating him. But your chest rose and fell in even waves, your eyelids twitching once in a while, your fingers intertwined with one another. And as he was about to turn around and go back into the room to leave you asleep and content – without him – his eyes returned to yours one last time to find them already staring at him.
The scream you let out rang through the air, echoed by expletives from Eddie. Hand clutched to your chest, you gritted out, “Why were you staring at me? You scared the shit out of me!”
His teeth clenched together, eyes wide, as he nearly yelled, “You? You scared the shit out of me. Jesus… just came out to check on you, got a fucking heart attack instead.”
Eyebrows screwed downward, you replied, “Is that how you check on people? By staring at them until they wake up?”
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes, though not quite as menacing as it could have been. “I’ll leave you out here to die next time, sweetheart.”
“Die? From what? The only thing that’s made me fear for my life was finding a mysterious man standing over me,” you scoffed, a hint of an incredulous smile across your face.
That made his face change, a growing smirk replacing his grimace. “Ah, so you think I’m mysterious,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. He’d changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants, and your eyes flicked down to his forearms more than once. And maybe at the way his damp hair curled against his shoulders.
“Mysterious like a man wearing a trenchcoat at the end of an alleyway, maybe,” you told him with a hint of laughter in your voice, your gaze rising up to see his face screwed tight.
“Yeah, well at least–”
Whatever retort Eddie had fell flat as the phone rang right next to you. Your gaze went between it and Eddie’s for a brief moment before you threw off the blanket and your book just as he scrambled to it as well. But your hand reached it first, your other pushing him away from getting it.
Your fingers grasped the handle, rasping into it, “Hello?”
“He- hello? Can you hear us?” The voice crackled through the receiver, though it sounded familiar. But Eddie by your side whispered, “Who is it?”
“Robin?” you asked, ignoring him.
“Where are you all? You’ve been gone awhile,” you said, though only guessing from how much darker it seemed outside.
“Oh yeah, about that. We’re in the middle of butt-fuc– Hey!” The sound of rustling and distant voices talking over one another on the other end erupted into your ear before Nancy’s voice came into focus.
“Still there?” she asked, a bit out of breath.
“Still here, Nance,” a smile evident in your voice.
She huffed out a breath before speaking up again. “We’re stuck here in town. Snow blocked my car in while we were shopping – we can’t get it unstuck no matter what we try–” More noise comes from behind before Nancy’s voice comes from farther away as she says, “We are not using Steve for traction.”
You assumed she said that to Robin, and you’d laugh if you weren’t waiting for the other shoe to drop. Nancy let out a long sigh. “No one can come get out to us today… or even a few days if the storm stays this bad.”
Your eyebrows lowered into a deep valley. “Storm?” you asked. You craned your neck toward the nearest window, unable to see much outside with the sun far down now. As you did, you caught Eddie’s face in the reflection looking stern, making you turn to him. 
He waved a hand at you, mouthing something that you only caught every other word of. You mouthed back “What?” but held up a finger as Nancy began speaking again – leaving Eddie with his arms crossed and jaw tightening.
“Yeah. Ugh, I was stupid not to check beforehand. But we’re not making it back tonight.”
“Not at all?” You knew the question didn’t quite make sense, but your eyes flicked to Eddie for a moment, your heart crawling up your throat. All it did was make him whisper-yell at you to tell him what was happening. “What about all of your things here?” you asked, your voice much quieter. There was no way they’d be able to walk all the way back, especially if this snowstorm was as bad as she was saying.
You could practically hear the frustration laced through Nancy’s words. “After we walk to the one motel this town has, we’re going to buy toiletries and things. We’ll try again tomorrow and call you, but in the meantime, are you two okay by yourselves? I know you and Eddie don’t know each other too well.”
Glancing at Eddie again brought his patience to an end, his legs bringing him to your side and holding the receiver between both of your heads to listen. The proximity of his body so close to you all of a sudden had you stepping back, eyes merely blinking at him as you tried to answer, but the way he looked at you didn’t make words come any easier. Eventually, you let out, “Uh, yeah, we should be okay. We brought enough food to last us.”
His gaze held yours, his eyebrows raising high at your words. He mouthed, “Why?” but Nancy responded first.
“Good, good. Okay,” she breathed out, “Sorry about all this, but we’ll hopefully see you tomorrow then.”
You didn’t think Eddie’s face could’ve twisted further in confusion, but you were mistaken. “Yeah, see you, Nance,” you said, your own voice feeling distant from where your mind was at. The line clicked to an end after saying goodbye, the receiver falling limply with your hand.
Before you could even collect your thoughts, Eddie spat out, “Can you finally tell me what the hell is going on?”
Your head jerked back just an inch before your eyes rolled. This was going to be a longer weekend than you ever thought. Instead of answering him, you walked to the cabin’s front door, pulling it open carefully so the wind didn’t fling it off its hinges. Standing there, gazing out into the world, you felt Eddie’s feet walk across the floor until they stopped next to you.
With the front porch lights illuminating the way, you could see heavy flakes pelting down onto growing piles of snow. It wasn’t nearly as much of a surprise as to how their car had gotten buried so fast after seeing how much snow blanketed the world.
“They’re stuck – staying in town tonight,” you finally muttered. “They’re shit out of luck.”
He rubbed a hand down his face, fingers tangling in his hair as a groan rumbled up his throat. “No, we’re shit out of luck. Jesus.”
Despite the view of endless stars littering the sky, goosebumps started littering your skin. Your hands grasped the door handle and pushed it shut and locked before resting your head against the thick wood. 
“Well,” Eddie said from behind, making you turn and watch him shift from one foot to the other, his hands stuffed in his pockets. “At least we don’t have to share a bed anymore.”
You let out a mostly unamused snort, lifting your head to shake it back and forth. “That’s the least of your problems. They had all the beer.”
The two of you had nearly started a fire and a fistfight in the kitchen while trying to make a late-night dinner. This cabin felt ancient, none of the appliances working how either of you thought they would. Eddie tried to come in to help, hoping it’d mend some sort of relationship between the two of you, but he ended up pulling off one of the dials. Instead, while he piled up logs high into the wood stove for the night, not knowing if any of what he was doing was right, you rummaged through food to make a couple sandwiches.
In silence, you two sat at a creaky dining table and ate a meal that wouldn’t fill you up and that would have you searching for snacks in the middle of the night. But he was having dinner with you, trying to not stare at you too much – though, part of him thought “How could he not?” There was a way you spoke, lived, breathed that had him strangely captivated and wanting to know more.
“So…” he started saying in between bites of his surprisingly delicious sandwich, “do you forgive me yet for scaring you?” He tried to sound sincere, but a wry smile rose along his cheeks.
Tilting your head, you told him, “Might be my memory, but I don’t quite remember you apologizing for it, Eddie.”
As his name rolled off your tongue, he couldn’t stop his face from flushing for a second. But his grin came back almost immediately. “Think it’s your memory then.”
“While how about you refresh it for me,” you said, looking at him expectantly. The crackling of the fire filled the air between you, its heat wrapping around his body while you waited.
A few emotions crossed his face, determining the right way to do this, before he finally said, “Sorry about it.” He shrugged. “Not sure you could blame me for staring me for staring at you, though I didn’t realize you were so jumpy.”
Eddie’s throat felt tighter as he swallowed down the risk he took to say that, but he’d say it a million more times if it meant to see the way you paused, your face turning shy as you looked away. 
“See…” you said, your voice returning to you as you pointed at him with your sandwich, “I don’t think that’s a very good apology. Not sure why it’d make me forgive you.”
“It came from my heart.” His hand came to rest on his chest, right above his heart with a solid thump. His fingertips felt the way it beat just a bit too fast for his liking. His apology wasn’t good, but it got you to talk to him some more, and that felt like enough.
Flat-toned, you told him, “Sounds like you should go to a cardiologist, cause your heart gives shit apologies.”
Dramatically, he pretended to stab a stake through his chest. “Great, now you’ve wounded me.”
“Clean up dinner and I’ll forgive you, okay?” You stood up with a smile you tried to hold back, only moving to the living room once he wordlessly nodded. “Thanks.”
He felt glad you weren’t watching at how fast he put the few ingredients away and tidied up the table. He glanced at you while you gathered up your things, your face a bit shyer as you approached him.
“Gonna get ready and head to bed. See you in the morning, yeah?” you said, making a pang hit his chest in a way that left him confused and nearly breathless. 
“Yeah, sleep well,” he muttered, hands back in his pockets and playing with the coins left in there. 
Standing in the cabin alone as your door shut, only accompanied by the hot fire and chilling winds outside, had Eddie walking to bed with too-loud thoughts. Had he won you over? The way his body seemed to care so much about the answer to that question didn’t help his tiredness as he climbed into bed.
Despite the constantly creaking house under the harsh force of the storm’s wind, the night passed quietly at first, only accompanied by your occasional tossing and turning. You went to Steve and Robin’s bed that night, leaving Eddie in the one you were supposed to share with him. You thought of your friends and hopefully what plans they had in store for all of you once they made it back tomorrow.
Robin had a million movie recommendations for the group to watch. Nancy brought games for you all to play. Mostly, you just wanted to catch up with everyone that you hadn’t seen in awhile, happy to finally find a time to be together, but look where you were…
Sleep came and went, and came and went again until you woke up a few hours later with a chill climbing up your spine. Your weary blinks barely did anything, the room soaked in dark. Though if you had been able to see, you would’ve expected to see your breath billow out into the air. 
How did it get so cold? Squeezing your eyes shut, you willed yourself to curl tighter against yourself and fall back asleep. But it evaded you, slipping away through chilled fingers and goosebump flesh. 
No part of your body agreed, but you slid out of the bed with a blanket wrapped around you. Your feet curled against the cold floor as you made your way to the fire stove, doing your best to not run into anything. 
In the dark, you could spot the last embers in the fire stove still dying out. Shit, you hadn’t been paying attention to where Steve’s family kept the logs. While searching in the dark for a light switch or the logs, pain erupted through your toe as you stubbed it against something. 
A subdued groan stuck in your throat, one hand over your mouth while the other went to your toe as you bent down. Breaths came from your nose in rough bursts, the cold air only making the pain worse. 
Feeling around, you vaguely recognized what you ran into as Eddie’s bag he’d brought out at some point last night. You silently cursed him before making your way to his room, exhaustion fueled by the cold weighing on your eyelids and shoulders, slowing you down.
Fingers wrapped tight around the blanket still, you knocked on his door once, twice, three times… you lost count when he didn’t answer. Fed up, you creaked the door open and whispered, “Eddie?”
Only once you repeated his name louder did he stir, his mouth releasing a groan from beneath the sheets.
“Hey, Munson. Where’s the firewood?” you asked, walking closer to him.
His hand came up to rub at his eyes. “Jesus,” he mumbled, “it’s freezing in here.”
He couldn’t see you roll your eyes, but that didn’t stop you. “Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. The wood stove burned out, where’s more firewood?”
“I used the last of it when I filled it. Thought it’d last us awhile.”
You didn’t want to absolutely lose it on Eddie, but the heat of your frustration felt welcome in your cold body. “You used the last of the firewood in a winter storm? Are you trying to get us killed?”
He sighed out, “I’m sure there’s more somewhere.”
“How should I know?” he asked, sleep still laced through all of his words. You envied him and wanted to strangle him. “We can look in the morning or call Harrington, okay?”
“And what, do we freeze until then?” you asked, pulling your arms in closer to your body. You weren’t sure you had enough layers to last you that long.
Shifting himself over, Eddie offered, “You could join me to share body heat or whatever, or you could leave. Either way, I’m falling asleep in the next 60 seconds.”
Your face twisted, nails digging into the softness of your blanket. Part of you wondered whether freezing during the night would’ve been better than sharing a bed with Eddie, the first thing you tried to avoid after getting here.
But his hand flopped over near you, and you could feel the warmth of him washing onto your thigh. With a final shiver through your spine that you blamed on the cold and nothing else, you grumbled, “Let me in. And watch your hands.”
He held up his hands as if to show you he wouldn’t dare, not that you really expected him to. Climbing into the bed, your body relished in being near him. Your tired muscles loosened with the heat as you curled against him while he laid on his back. 
“Shit!” Eddie nearly yelped as your cold feet accidentally brushed against the skin of his legs. 
“Oh suck it up and warm me, Munson.” You pressed closer to him still despite his protests, and despite the nerves firing inside you. Your blanket stayed wrapped around you like a burrito, acting as a barrier between your bodies at least a little bit. Maybe it’d be enough to let you fall asleep without overthinking all of this.
But the blanket constricted your upper half, so as you wiggled against Eddie to get comfortable, you brought your arm across his chest. Hoping that didn’t go too far, you began to ask him, “Is this oka– are you not wearing a shirt?”
Pulling back a bit, you tried to look him in the eye… and maybe lower. But the darkness obscured any glimpse. 
“Got warm when going to bed. Shirt’s somewhere on the floor. S’that okay?” For once, his voice sounded void of teasing. Instead, you could tell he angled his head to try and get a look at you as well.
Settling back against him, laying your head against his shoulder and pressing your body to his, you nodded. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, of course.” Was it okay? Your fingers rested along his ribs and unable to get the feeling of his bare chest out of your body’s memory.
The weight of his hand resting against your back and the slight tickle of his wild hair brushing along your face warmed more than just your skin. All of this breathed intimate, made you close in more than a physical way.
“Good night, Eddie,” you whispered. Your body began to relax as the chill left in favor of the blooming warmth he provided you.
Against your head, he whispered back, “Good night, sweetheart.” 
You thought sleep would be impossible while wrapped together with him, and while calling you those pet names, but the comfort of your breath falling in line with his had you tipping toward exhaustion. And though you seemed to be bursting with thoughts and questions, Eddie had vowed to go back to bed soon, so you shut your eyes to let him sleep, falling into unconsciousness within moments.
Eddie did not fall asleep soon, not even close to the 60 seconds that he had told you. Not with you snuggled this close to him, your soft breath sliding against his skin with each exhale. He was sure you’d fallen asleep then, little noises sounding from the back of your throat kept his mind racing and his body all too aware of yours.
When your thumb had rubbed back and forth along his skin, his brain went blank then burst back online when his stomach tingled. Did he really have god damn butterflies from that? At least it seemed he’d won you back over from pure annoyance to mild tolerance. 
He hadn’t told you, but he’d been cold too. Eddie absolutely wouldn’t have told you about the way his heart lept into his mouth when asking you to stay in the bed together. Or how wide his smile had gotten when you actually said yes. Each time you twitched, he feared you had gotten cold again or had some bad dream. But there you stayed, in his arms.
No part of him could tell what time it was by the time his tingling nerves finally settled and warmed. Dipping toward unconsciousness, he knew he’d sleep better than he had in a long time. And he did, with you pulled tight against him and refusing to let go.
The sun peeked its body up above the horizon. Light streaming in painted the frosting swirls adorning the window in a rainbow of shades. The absolute silence out here in the winter felt welcome against your ears. Through everything this trip had brought, at least you had time to sleep in. 
And Eddie took full advantage of that. As your eyes blinked open, you found him out cold – but he certainly didn’t feel cold. The first thing touching your awareness was the feeling of Eddie pressed against your back, the rising of his chest and pounding of his heartbeat. His arm wrapped across your ribs and came to rest his hand on top of yours. 
Silently, a soft smile rose on your face as his nose nuzzled against the back of your neck. Who knew he loved to cuddle so much? As each quiet minute passed, you seemed to care less and less about the minor ways he had annoyed you through this trip so far. Well, not completely – but at least this was nicer than bickering with him or being stuck outside.
Despite the chill still in the air, your body ached to stand and stretch. As you slipped from Eddie’s grasp, you glanced back at him. In the morning light drifting past the curtains, you could get a better look at him. But only a short one, not wanting a repeat of what he’d done to you yesterday. Facing you, your gaze took longer than you’d like to escape from staring at his arms and chest or how his hair cascaded across his face and onto the skin of his shoulders.
 He had nice shoulders.
Shaking your head, you opened the door to let him continue resting, which apparently he really needed. While he slept in through most of the morning, you’d managed to make breakfast, get washed up and ready for the day (and covered in many, many layers) and actually read this time – with the record player on its lowest volume. Through the busyness of work and college, you found it hard to capture (let alone appreciate) moments like these anymore.
You’d checked outside again and again to see whether the snow had miraculously melted since you last looked. But each time you pulled back the curtains, the blanket across the land still sat there – though snow continued to fall, it drifted slower now. Its quiet and undisturbed body looked peaceful, comforting in a way despite everything.
Though not unwelcome, the soft air broke once the phone rang. With quick footsteps, you went to it and picked up, rushing out, “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s Nancy again,” the voice on the other side breathed through the receiver.
Maybe you should’ve asked how she was or how she slept, you skipped past any pleasantries. “Any good news?” you asked.
The sigh Nance let out told you the answer before her words did. “Wish I had some. Everywhere within a hundred miles is facing exactly what we are. No one’s getting anywhere for a bit, barely even plows.”
You swallowed down a deep groan, your fingers tightening around the phone. “There’s no way you’re getting here today?”
“Maybe, if we’re lucky. I’m sorry.” And she did sound sorry, but she was the one stuck in a motel room in a tiny town buried in snow.
“Don’t worry… I’m sorry you’re roomin’ it in that motel for the time being. And with those two children,” you laughed out, breathing easier when hearing Nancy’s laugh too. You vaguely heard her say something else, but you turned to look at Eddie’s room to see the door open.
Your eyes roamed across his sleepy state as he walked toward you, the back of his hand coming up to rub against his eye as he yawned. His hair laid at odd angles, the curls raining down on a faded Judas Priest shirt he now wore, which hung down onto a pair of black sweatpants. You couldn’t quite look away, a warmth in your chest at seeing him in such a state. Only hearing your name through the phone brings you back.
“Sorry Nance, what was that?” you ask, shaking your head and keeping your gaze elsewhere.
“Just wishing you luck on your extended vacation with Eddie,” she said, a slight humor in her voice, almost as if she knew what just went through your head.
You nodded even though she couldn’t see – maybe she could apparently, or you were just that obvious – but you followed up with, “Yeah, good luck too. Keep us updated?”
“Of course,” she said, and your mouth pressed tight. Perhaps from missing out on this time with her or perhaps from the impending conversation with Eddie in a second. 
“Oh wait!” you said louder, “Please ask Steve where the extra firewood is. We’ve burnt through it.”
Nancy mused out loud, “We should’ve had one of you there when he explained all this. One second, I’ll ask.” You imagined her whispering to Steve while Robin was still asleep.
While sounds of shifting and moving went through the background, you watched as Eddie grabbed the blanket you’d been using on the couch and wrapped himself in a burrito. You turned away to hide your smile, thankful Nancy came back.
“Hey, he says it’s out back in a log rack. And that you only need to put some in the stove at a time, not too many or it’ll burn out faster,” she explained to you. 
You thanked her, and the click of putting the receiver back echoed through the room. A silence settled before Eddie finally asked, “They on their way back yet?”
Leaning back against the kitchen counter, you angled toward him as you answered, “Uh, no. Quite the opposite, actually. There’s a small chance they get back today.” Gesturing to the window with the head, you followed with, “Snow’s probably not stopping soon.”
You allowed yourself to glance back at him while he looked past the curtains, knocking his head against the glass with a groan. “This storm has a vengeance against my quest for beer.”
Letting a laugh out through your nose caused him to stare at you, eyebrows furrowing in a way to ask you what was so funny. Shrugging, you told him, “You certainly have a flair for dramatics.”
He crossed his arms as he stood tall. “Maybe you’re not being dramatic enough. We’re stuck here for a whole weekend.”
With wide eyes, you asked, “Oh, having to stay here with me calls for melodrama and agony?” Eddie’s face looked hesitant, even speechless for a second, until you were unable to hold back your smile anymore.
His eyes roll back, his usual demeanor coming back quickly. “You’re the one that didn’t want to share a bed with me, sweetheart.”
Your fingers came to pick at the hem of your shirt, eyes drifting downward. Your grin fell, throat tight as you struggled to explain yourself. “I, uh…”
His shrug followed with, “S’alright. We made up for it last night.” He let out a small laugh, one that didn’t quite ease your embarrassment. “Where’s this firewood though? Freezing my tits off here.”
That did get a giggle from you and let your shoulders ease a little. If Steve were here, he’d give you an “I told you so” about communication or whatever, but you were just glad Eddie wasn’t too upset.
Still, you couldn’t stop your sigh as you told him, “Firewood’s out back in some log rack apparently.”
Raising his eyebrows and pulling his blanket tighter, all he offered was, “Well, good luck. Have fun with that. I’ll be here to warm you up again when you get back.”
“Ahh… no. You’re the reason it burned out in the middle of the night. So if anyone is going out by themselves, it’s you, Munson.” You crossed your arms, letting the silence grow louder as you two stared each other down.
“Fine! We’ll both go,” Eddie gritted out, shuffling back to his room. You slipped on boots, a hat (or two), gloves, and your coat. You were plenty tired of the all too familiar chill aching through your body.
But as Eddie came back out, you barely contained an explosive laugh at seeing him covered up. A ratty sweatshirt bulged against him, clear that he wore many layers beneath it. And he at least had on two pairs of pants. 
“Not one word,” he muttered, about to grab his shoes when you convinced him to wear Steve’s boots he’d left here. You also spent too long forcing him to put on a hat – it would “ruin this perfect hairdo” he told you, but you won out.
You were sure the two of you resembled young children bundled up and unable to move well by the time you opened up the front door. The porch allowed you to open it at all, unlike the back door that had a growing wall of snow barricading it.
Both of your boots crunched as you walked around the cabin. Despite trying to shield your face from the wind that seemed to come from every direction, the view you had certainly didn’t get old. Thick trees weighed down with fresh snow all spanning for miles, looking like a scene out of an old Christmas movie.
Nearing the other side, you spotted a rack with a tarp over it, sure to be piled high with logs. Your freezing fingers clenched at the promise of warmth soon. Just as you were about to look for the logs, you felt a thud against your back along with muffled laughter. Eyes narrowed and jaw tight, you turned around to see Eddie very obviously looking away from you, pretending nothing happened – like he didn’t just pelt you with a snowball. 
But in his act, he didn’t see you bend down to form your own snowball between your gloved hands. Packing it tight, you pulled back your arm and let it fly, hitting him square in the chest as he turned toward you at the last second.
There was no stopping the shit-eating grin on your face at his mouth dropping open or the way his gaze steeled. The look pierced past all the ridiculous layers, making you feel a little less cold out there. The way his head tilted to the side, awaiting him to make some cocky comment that’d have you internally stuttering – it kept you still, even as he bent down.
“Oh, you are so fucked,” he told you, packing another snowball.
He had no idea how right he was.
The second he stood back up with his ammo, your legs took off in the other direction, feet slipping through the snow as you ran from him. Though the icy air sharpened against your face, your grin stayed, now accompanied by uncontrollable laughter as Eddie chased you.
Rounding the next side of the house, you slipped around the corner to press against the wall, hiding from his view. His own laughter grew louder as he followed, making your teeth sink into your lip to stop from letting out any noise.
As he ran full speed around the corner, which wasn’t that fast in knee deep snow that wormed its way into your boots, you jumped out at him. Your hands landed on his shoulders with a slap, forcing a scream from his throat and his hand to release the snowball.
But he flew back in surprise, his legs tangling with yours and bringing you both down into the sea of snow. White powder billowed up and around your bodies, some of it wiggling into your exposed neck and wrists.
And yet, you weren’t complaining as you landed with your body pressed against Eddie’s, half of your chest on top of his – your faces only a breath apart.
Perhaps you should’ve scrambled back, apologized, or even laughed at him for screaming, but you admired the snowflakes littering his dark hair like constellations against a night sky. Then you glanced to the soft red covering his cheeks and nose, sure that it came from the cold but hoped it grew from something more.
Eddie’s breathing rose and fell beneath you, pressing close and then all too far a second later. You thought you might’ve caught his doe eyes glancing toward your mouth, yours doing just the same, but as he shifted closer, more snow dipped on the back of his neck and down his coat.
“Shit!” he yelled, flying up to try and shake it out, breaking whatever had held you two together for that all too brief moment. 
You sat there with a smile, watching him scramble to rid himself of the quickly melting snow. Letting out a long sigh, you stood up and waited until he calmed before nodding your head back toward the logs.
Moment broken indeed as you began to sweat trying to grab as many logs in your arms as possible – no part of you wanting to trudge back out here. Between the two of you, there stood (balanced precariously, really) a sizable amount of logs to fuel the wood stove for a while.
Your body felt a little lighter as the layers of clothes dropped to the floor, your cold cheeks beginning to warm up back inside and out of the wind. This time, you loaded the logs and set the stove ablaze, declaring the spot directly in front as yours for the next half hour.
Eddie, of course, had none of that. He plopped himself next to you, pressed against your side – claiming “it had the most heat, stop hogging it.”
You didn’t stop, not when the still-warming skin of your arm goosebumped as it touched his. The veins running along his forearm occupied most of your thoughts while you two sat there in silence, only interrupted by occasional complaining of a different body part being cold and cursing of this storm.
“You warmed up?” Eddie asked, turning his head to look at you. 
If you turned to him, you’d get caught up in the deep brown of his eyes or how soft his lips looked, so continued staring at the flames in front of you. You’d been plenty warm for some time now, but if you told him that, then you’d have to leave his side.
But before you could speak, he brought a hand up to scratch at his neck as he continued, “Cause I was thinking we could watch one of those movies Robin brought.”
Oh, that you could do. “Yeah. You can pick, I’ll go search for that popcorn Nancy put somewhere,” you said, getting up and finding it before he noticed how scattered your brain was becoming. 
The TV came to life as kernels popped in the pan you shook on the stove. As you watched each one burst, the nerves of being with Eddie settled back in your body, sleeping against your spine. This weekend hadn’t gone as any of you expected, especially not with seeing this near stranger as cute, charming even – not that you’d tell him that.
And rather than watch The Apartment as planned, you realized you didn’t want Eddie to be a stranger anymore. So you pestered him with questions, not that he seemed bothered. You loved hearing about Uncle Wayne and the auto shop Eddie worked at, or his D&D campaign he was planning at the moment.  Not with that smile when you told him about your family, friends, and how work was going. He even vowed to fight your annoying coworker if he ever saw him in public – like you had promised to check out Corroded Coffin when you made it back.
“Like, I know we fight literal demons in our game, but are you sure Tanner isn’t one of them? I mean, who falls asleep in the only bathroom? And locks it!” Eddie said, shaking his head as he filled his mouth with more popcorn.
“Right?” you said in between salty bites, “But as long he doesn’t show up at The Hideout, I’m coming for your show next month.”
And you’d give him a million more promises if it meant making that look spread across his face again – excited grin, cheeks squishing up to make his shining eyes shut. Wow. Maybe you’d put too many logs in, the air feeling much warmer now.
But it was easy, so surprisingly simple to spend the day with Eddie. He played you some of his favorite songs while you both laid on the ground, heads next to each other but feet pointing opposite directions. Every time he bopped his head to the beats, his hair brushed against you. The way his hands shot up to play an imaginary guitar and softly mouth the lyrics had you holding back giggles. 
This time, he tried making you dinner. And he did make a surprisingly good plate of pasta – without burning the whole place down. While eating, he nodded along to what you said as if every word quenched some sort of thirst he had for listening to you, for learning everything there was about you. He had this air about him of confidence, but past that, in those soft moments, you saw him settle into a quieter form of himself – one that calmed you too.
And reaching the end of the night, you awaited his question. Whether you’d be staying in his bed again. The fire was fixed; it’d stay lit throughout the night. But the two of you threw on another movie, maybe just so you didn’t have to confront that just yet in case you would separate ways. Your eyelids drooped and you yawned so hard it shook through your body. And that tiredness made your decision just a little easier.
“Hey,” Eddie whispered, resting his hand on your arm and shaking it gently. “Let’s get to bed, alright?”
Your head had drifted down until it rested against his shoulder, so it ruffled his shirt as you gave him a few sleepy nods. Shutting the TV off, he grabbed your hand and led you toward the bedrooms. As he slowed at the split between the two doorways, you kept shuffling your feet, pulling him into his room. Not bothering with getting ready, afraid it would break the unspoken moment between you two, you climbed into the bed and took the leap, holding out your arm as he had the night before.
God, he took the space next to you so quick. But he kept his movements gentle, not wanting to rock you out of your sleepy state in case it woke you from this dream you’d created. Eddie settled in, wrapping himself around you and under the covers. Jesus, he spent all night working up a way to ask you for this.
A deep sigh loosened from his lungs that you had done it instead. Maybe it’d been the way your eyes lit up whenever he made you laugh before they shut as you turned breathless, clutching your stomach. Or how excited you got talking about your favorite show at the time, your hands flying through the air. 
It’s not that you were intimidating, but you sure made him feel intimidated – nervous that he’d say the wrong thing and make that beautiful smile drop. But it didn’t. He could still see it in the faint light coming from the hallway, and it only grew as he pressed his body against yours.
Eddie really wanted to stay awake, on purpose this time. To enjoy this time as he stroked a thumb along the soft skin of your hip peeking out from under your shirt. But your heartbeat pumped against him, your breath made his fall in line to yours like a steady conductor – leading him right into sleep along with you. And he followed you without question.
It was in the late morning that you it happened, it finally came together. Half-awake, you laid your arm on the one wrapped along your stomach. It pulled against you, bringing you closer to the chest behind you. You weren’t yet aware enough to recognize that you weren’t dreaming, that it was Eddie also on the cusp of sleep holding you.
Not until did his lips connect to the point where your neck slopes into your shoulder did your eyes shoot open, any bit of tiredness inside you disappearing in a moment. Your head turned back to look at him, seeing his own eyes shut before also blinking open at your sudden movement.
He glanced between where he’d just kissed and your face, a blush rising to his cheeks as his mouth opened and closed wordlessly. “I, uh… I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry, um…” he stammered out before pulling his arm and scooting back until no part of him touched you anymore.
You’d done it – you’d broken the tension in the ugliest way, and you felt cold without him there. Turning to fully face him, you rambled to try to fix this in some way. “No, no, it’s okay. Don’t be sorry, really I should be the one sorry for taking your bed and forcing you to sleep next to me–”
“You didn’t force me–”
“But it’s really okay because it was cold that first night and so it made sense. And we both weren’t really awake just now, and–” You’d gotten up now to pace, unable to look him in the eyes anymore. You didn’t want that extra space between you, but he’d done it first and maybe that’s what he actually wanted.
Shit. Shit. Shit. How could he kiss you in his sleep? What a god damn idiot. Though he understood why he did it, watching you pace and float through the room like some angel he felt undeserved to kiss.
As you glanced at him for just a second, you saw the way his fists squeezed the blanket between his fingers. Oh, how could you have been so stupid to misinterpret things, and now you’ve made him uncomfortable.
Taking a long breath, you finished with, “I’m sorry, Eddie.” Your hand clasped onto your other one as you shifted from foot to foot.
With a hand rubbing down his face, he shook his head. “I’m the one that kissed you, and you’re apologizing,” he laughed out. “I didn’t mean to do that, especially without asking or something first, Jesus.”
You barely heard his next words that he spoke to himself, but your ears held on to every word. “Maybe my subconscious had gotten into my thoughts…”
Your teeth dug into the inside of your cheek as you contemplated your next sentence, the rabid butterflies ravaging your stomach. Pursing your lips, you quietly asked, “So… you would have wanted to do that if we were both awake?”
And his face shot up, those eyes the color of melting chocolate meeting yours. He climbed from his side of the bed, shuffling toward you – one of his steps for every three of your racing heartbeats. “Yeah, of course. But I didn’t even ask if you wanted that…” he said, leaving his unspoken question hang in the air.
Fighting the smile trying to rise up, you said, “So, you should probably ask then, Munson.” And the kind light shining from his eyes turned brighter into a tall flame threatening to burn you both. There it was, that cocky way he had.
His hand reached to grab yours, giving it a squeeze before he finally said it. “Can I kiss you?” he whispered, gaze unsure of where to stay, definitely your mouth it seemed.
You tried to come up with a million different ways to say yes, to tell him that you couldn’t stand another second without him being pressed against you again. As your mouth opened, a creaking noise came from the front of the cabin, followed by voices.
“We’re alive!” Steve shouted as the group walked through the door and stomped off snow from their shoes. Other words shot through the air, destroying the haven the two of you had made. Dropping your forehead against Eddie’s, you sighed out a breathless “Yes” that fell flat against his cheek.
Fuckin’ Harrington.
A/n: ​Thank you so much for reading. Reblogging and commenting make my day (and make me love you), so I’d love to hear what you thought! <3
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natti-ice · 3 months
The Blind Date- Sirius Black.
Pairing: Sirius Black x fem!reader
Summary: Hogwarts annual valentines party has a twist. A test that pairs you with the best match
Warnings: written in third person (she/her pronouns) (1.6k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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Valentine's day.
The one day of the year card and candy companies thrive. Couples around every corner, corny love songs on the radio. The perfect day to make all single people feel bad.
This year at Hogwarts they have decided to do a cupid event. Sixth and seventh years who are interested, take a test to see which student they are most compatible with. Each pair can attend the valentine's party together the following week. Most students were excited to be paired with someone, and then there was Y/N,
"Come on Y/N it'll be fun." Lily Evans said dragging her friend into the great hall
"No no, it won't" Y/N protested
"And why is that?" the redhead questioned
"Going on a blind date isn't really my style"
"Lighten up Y/N, who knows maybe you'll meet the one" James Potter chimed in as he sat down wrapping his arm around his Girlfriend Lily
"Right, maybe you won't be so lonely. Honestly, it's getting depressing." Sirius Black said strolling alongside his best friend James.
"Shut up Black, Why are you two here anyway?" Y/N asked the boys
"I came to see my Lily flower" James gushed causing Sirius and Y/N to make faces. Earlier this year James and Lily became an official couple, Ever since they've been inseparable.
"Ew. I'm here because I don't have a date this year, couldn't pick one" Sirius said shrugging
"How humble of you" Y/N said sarcasm in her voice
"Attention please students," Dumbledore announced to the great hall. Heads turned to face him faces full of wonder. "As most of you are aware, we will be hosting a Valentine's party this 14th. For all the sixth and seventh years who are interested in being paired with a date, please see Professor Flitwick for a compatibility test"
"I think it's a great opportunity to put yourself out there Y/N" Lily said wanting to get her friend out of her comfort zone.
"Fine okay I'll do it" Y/N agreed in hopes to get Lily off her back about it. She hesitantly stood up, walking over to the growing line.
She hoped that she didn't get some creep who only tries to get in her pants. Please not Gilderoy Lockhart she thought. Patiently waiting to get the test, glancing around to see all who were in line. Turning around she comes face to face with Sirius Black.
"So who do you want to get?" Sirius asks her
"anyone, I don't care" she lied
"What if you get me?" he smirked
"okay anyone BUT you" she grinned at him
"Ouch, I'll have you know I am the best date anyone could have." he said pretending to be offended
"Oh yeah I bet" she said rolling her eyes. It was her turning in line, thanking the professor as he handed her the paper. Taking it back to her table to fill out the form, pulling out a quill. Filling in the basic information, name, grade, house.
Okay, first question "what's your favorite color?" she read in her head. Easy, Y/F/C. This won't take long, she thought.
She was right, it took her about 5 minutes to fill it out. Walking back up to the table to turn in her paper.
- February 13th
The day before Valentine's Day, the results of the test come out.
Nervously a group of kids walks up to the bulletin board to see who they've been paired with. Most were happy about their partner, others were nervous, some were just confused.
Y/N saw the crowd and knew the list must've been posted. She worked her way through the swarm of people to find her name, scanning it carefully.
Y/N L/N ..... Sirius Black
You have got to be kidding me, she mentally groaned. Of all people, it had to be him. Maybe she could get it changed before he found out. Moving through the sea of people once again.
"Well, it looks like we matched after all" Sirius said leaning up against the wall with his signature smirk.
"You seem awfully happy about this" Y/N said with a questioning eye.
"I just think it's kind of funny" he replied with his hands up in defense. "You seemed so confident we wouldn't be paired" Sirius said wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"Did you copy my answers or something?" She lightly knocked off his arm.
"Of course not, I never cheat on test" he said defensively
"Really?" She furrowed her eyebrows
"Okay okay maybe once or twice but not on this, I swear" He crossed his heart "don't act like this is the worst thing that ever happened to you"
"It kind of is" she said playfully
"Oh please, do you know how many girls would kill to be you" he matched her tone
"They can have you"
"But in all seriousness, do you want to go to the party with me?" Sirius asked slightly hoping she'd yes
"Well" she sighed "I did promise Lily I would go with a date so, I'll go with you." She agreed
"Fantastic! I promise I'll make it worth your while" he grinned from ear to ear sending her a wink.
"I'll see you tomorrow then" Y/N says walking off
"It's a date!" Sirius yells into the hallway knowing he'd embarrass her
- "Are you excited about tonight Y/N?" Lily asked Y/N walking out of their last class of the day
"Terribly" she replied with a straight face.
"I'm sure you'll have a great time, but you know what this means right?" The redhead said with a mischievous smile
"Make over time!" She was ecstatic
"Yay" she faked excitement. But honestly, a makeover didn't seem THAT bad
- As the night approached, the tension in the air rose. Everyone was nervous about this big group date the school has decided to have. What if it's totally lame and they're stuck with awkward conversation for hours?
"Okay, I'm ready to see myself now" Y/N said impatiently, antsy from sitting in a chair for so long
"Alright alright, open your eyes" Lily told her friend
Opening her eyes allowing them to adjust, glancing at herself in the mirror. Lily had only done light makeup that enhanced her already beautiful face. "Wow. I look quite pretty." Y/N said admiring Lily's work
"You always look pretty Y/N" Lily spoke genuinely "Now, go get dressed the boys will be here any minute"
Doing as told,  putting on an outfit she thought was "fancy" enough for the occasion. It was a school function so, not fancy at all.
A rapping on the door in an unrhythmic beat told the girls one thing. James is here.
Lily opens up the door and is greeted by 2 slightly spiffed young men. "Greetings miss Evans, are you prepared for our gala this evening?" James said in a posh accent. Taking her hand and kissing the back of it gently, causing Lily to blush
"Gross" Sirius commented "Is Y/N here?"
"Yeah she's just getting dressed"
"Hi boys" Y/N said walking out of the bathroom. Lily and James head out first leaving Sirius and Y/N alone.
"I must say, you look very beautiful tonight." Sirius told the girl
"Thank you, Mr. Black" she said mocking his friend
" Are you ready madam?" He offered her his arm
"Certainly" accepting his gesture
- As one could expect, school parties are lame. Sappy songs couples awkwardly slow dance to. That one teacher who thinks they're one of the kids. And of course the infamous punch bowl.
"I knew it would be bad but not this bad" Sirius cringed
"Most of the paired couples didn't even show up." Y/N stated
"Do you want to get out of here?" Sirius suggested
Walking out of the hall, they figured out why some of the couples didn't show up. They were in the halls, snogging.
"Looks like Hogwarts is a great matchmaker after all" Y/N stated not sure to believe it or not.
"Yeah I guess you could say that" The boy replied
Wondering the halls, discussing the uncomfortable things that were seen at that said "party". Eventually, the two make their way into the Gryffindor common room. A few younger students were scattered around probably catching up on homework, sitting on the couch not knowing what to do. Sirius came up with an idea.
"How about a game of wizards chess?" He asked
"Sure, let's play" she agreed
"Good, if I win... I get to kiss you" Sirius said calmly
"You're crazy" Y/N said dismissing the entire idea
"C'mon, afraid you'll lose?" He challenged
"Alright Black you're on. If I win you have to run around the halls in a ballerina outfit, deal?"
- A tough neck and neck game of chess with great concentration and skill led to one's defeat. As Y/N's pawn captures Sirius' king, victory overcame her.
"Checkmate Black, time to get your tutu"
Accepting his defeat and holding his deal of the bargain, he ran around the school acting like a ballerina. He actually kind of liked it, but you didn't hear that from me.
Y/N's stomach hurt from laughing so much. She was glad he didn't get upset with the deal, he was so lighthearted and good-natured. It was hard not to like him.
After Sirius retired his ballet flats, it was already late. This "date" had come to an end, Y/N felt a little sad but didn't know why.
"I should probably go to bed, but I had fun tonight, really" Y/N smiled
"I'm glad you did, I thoroughly enjoyed your company" he brought back the fake posh accent. "Goodnight m'lady" he bowed
"Goodnight good sir" she curtsied.
"I still can't believe you beat me at chess, who knew you were so good" Sirius laughed
"We all have our secrets" she shrugged. Standing on her tippy toes giving him a small peck on the cheek. "Goodnight Sirius"
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Tags: @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @madwcman @timbradfordisbae @de-duchess
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fluentmoviequoter · 10 months
hiiii, I love your work lots. I was wondering if you’d be up to writing something for Dalton lambert. Maybe he, reader, and Chris decided to go to another party (after the red door was closed) and Dalton maybe had a bit too much to drink so the reader and him say goodbye to Chris and reader takes Dalton back to the dorm. (Maybe reader and Dalton share a room or reader just decides to stay at his place for the night, that’s up to you!) And after reader brings him in the room reader starts to get ready to sleep and she sees him bringing a pillow to the floor so she asks him “aren’t you coming to sleep?” And he says “no thank you I have a girlfriend.” And sleeps on the floor. Thank you and have a great rest of your day/night
Thank you so much!! I saw your username and knew it was going to be a good request, but this is amazing! I hope this is what you wanted! Enjoy and let me know what you think! :)
Warnings: alcohol/drunk characters, established relationship (reader and Dalton haven't said 'I love you' yet), Dalton gets touchy, fluff. 1.1k+ words.
I Have a Girlfriend
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You’re unsure how Chris convinced you and Dalton to attend another party. The memories of the previous party should have been enough reason to say no, but Chris figured out how to make Dalton agree. 
“You closed the door, Dolphin. Don’t you think we should celebrate?”
As soon as Dalton heard that, he agreed, and Chris knew once he was on board, you’d go too. That's why you are now walking into a party crowded with people you don’t know and music playing so loudly you can barely hear yourself think. 
As you walk deeper into the house, Chris grabs your hands and drags you and Dalton to the kitchen. 
“I don’t want to know what party juice is, do I?” Dalton asks voice raised over the music. 
“No. It’s probably worse than frat juice, so,” Chris turns to pass each of you a cup with a smile before shouting, “BOTTOMS UP!”
While Dalton sniffs the contents before committing, you raise your hand to stop Chris from shoving the cup at you.
“I’m gonna pass. One of us should stay sober tonight,” you explain. 
Chris shrugs and takes the cup for herself. “More for us, Dolphin! 3, 2, 1.”
As they drink the party juice, you half expect them to gag when they lower the cups, but they look at each other with wide eyes and start laughing. 
“Why is that so good?!” Chris asks, turning to refill their cups. 
You raise your eyebrows as Dalton turns toward you. He starts to say something, but Chris passes his drink back, and he opts to drink it instead. Rolling your eyes fondly, you stand at the edge of the kitchen where you can see them but aren’t getting knocked around by people coming in and out. 
Chris is sipping her second cup while Dalton refills his for the third or fourth time. He’s talking a mile a minute, and Chris sends you a look that must mean, ‘How do you deal with him all the time?’
You smile and shrug as she shakes her head and returns her attention to Dalton. You're unsure how long you’ve been people-watching or how drunk Chris and Dalton are when they rush over and grab your hands. They tug you toward the dance floor and wait for the song to change before whooping and moving around you. Chris stops first, leaning against you as she focuses on something to make the room stop spinning. 
“Lover boy is, like, five sheets to the wind,” she says in your ear. 
On cue, Dalton realizes Chris is beside you and rushes to your other side, his hand slipping into yours as he looks at you. You have yet to see Dalton this drunk and are starting to expect the worst when he just stares at you. 
“See?” Chris asks. “Good thing you’re sober because that boy is not going to be an easy patient, guaranteed.” She squeals in your ear, removing her hand from your arm as you lean away. “I love this song!”
As Chris moves back onto the dance floor, you gently pull Dalton to stand out of the way. He keeps his hands around your arm and his eyes on yours as you move him. 
Someone calls your name, and you turn to see Chris’s roommate. “How are they?”
“Chris is better off than him,” you answer. 
“If you need to get him home, I can keep an eye on her.”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. Dalton, uh, doesn’t seem like he’d be willing to let you go to help her if you needed to anyway,” she points out. 
You turn your head and see that Dalton is much closer to you than before, completely unaware of anything but you. Chris comes over and tosses an arm around her roommate. 
“I’m going to take Dalton back to his dorm, don’t do anything stupid,” you tell Chris. 
“He’s the one that does stupid stuff,” Chris argues. “But, I won’t,” she adds when her roommate elbows her. 
“Dalton, you want to say bye?” You ask. 
His hand tightens around yours as he shakes his head quickly. 
“To Chris?” You clarify. 
“Oh.” He glances up just long enough to say, “Bye.”
Chris rolls her eyes and grabs her roommate's hand. 
“Good luck!” You call as they walk away. “Dalton?”
Dalton’s head is in the crook of your neck, and the hand from your bicep is now on your waist. Whatever you had expected from drunk Dalton, it wasn’t this amount of touchiness. 
“We need to go back to your dorm. Can you walk with me? You can hold my hand.”
Dalton sighs against your skin, then stands beside you, his hand in yours. He nods and begins walking with you, following you between the crowds until you’re out of the house. It’s only a few minutes back to his dorm, and when you’re about halfway, he removes his hand from yours and rubs it harshly against his jeans. Dalton doesn’t take your hand back but mutters to himself for the rest of the walk. You decide to stay with him tonight and ensure he’s okay. 
When you reach his dorm, you pull your keys from your pocket, using Chris’s old key to let yourself in. You hold the door for Dalton, and he walks past you and into the room. He opens a dresser drawer and grabs clothes before kicking his shoes into the corner. 
“I’m gonna go change,” he tells you quietly before walking out of the dorm and to the bathroom. 
Shrugging, you walk to the other dresser and open the bottom drawer, where Dalton kept some of your things whenever you left them here or just decided to spend the night. You quickly change into more comfortable clothes and do a condensed version of your night routine. Dalton is still gone, so you walk to the bed, which was two beds before Dalton placed them together, and flip the covers down so you both can go to sleep. You sit at the end of the bed and wait for him, smiling when he walks through the door. He smiles quickly, then grabs a pillow and one of his blankets and drops them on the floor.
“Aren’t you coming to sleep?” You ask, confused as to what Dalton is doing.
Dalton flips the light switch, the faint glow of his now unnecessary nightlight the only thing illuminating the room.
“No thank you I have a girlfriend,” he answers bluntly before lying in his makeshift bed on the floor.
You lean over the edge of the bed and see that his eyes are already closed. There’s probably no point in arguing, so you smile and say, “She’s very lucky. I’m sure she loves you very much.”
“She hasn’t said that yet.”
You move to the head of the bed and lay down, pulling the covers over yourself. “Well, I’m sure she does. And maybe she’ll be ready to say it sooner than you think.”
Dalton hums, then his breath evens out. You look over at him again, seeing that he’s already asleep. I do love you and will tell you very soon, you decide.
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hugheswritetr · 4 months
Heartbeat | Jack Hughes
Author’s note: my fav chapter so far;)
Song: Unforgettable- French Montana
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Thalia’s POV
The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and i finally found the comfortable position to tan.
I haven’t got much time to tan during this summer, always running around, spending time with family or Luke.
I try to fill my free time with them as much as possible, knowing that once the summer ends, I am returning to Switzerland for my last year of boarding school.
But back to my tanning, If you didn’t notice, I am really enjoying the time for myself.
I just wish the process was faster, because I want the tan lines right now . Oh how I love being a girl.
My mom is cooking lunch with Ellen, so the Hughes family is over. Luke finally returned from his tournament, and it couldn’t be more perfect. The only two people who can’t share my enthusiasm are Quinn and Mattheo.
They are groaning few feet from me, laying on the outdoor sofa with ice packs on their heads. Thats what underage drinking does to you, my friend.
I can faintly hear Luke and Jack shouting at eachother as they play football, the ball nearly hit me a few times, but because of how good I feel right now, I can’t imagine myself caring.
After my mini breakdown I endured yesterday, today is a perfect calming day. My nerves settled down a bit after the talk with Jack, and I feel lighter.
Sure, I still have some anxiety left but I know I have a lot of time to figure it out. Nobody has it figured out at the age I am at, and I know that by then I will be calm and collected.
I hope.
My train of thoughts is stopped when I suddenly do not feel the sun on my face. I open my eyes and see Jack standing over me. I would start cussing him out, but today is a great day, so I choose not to.
But the words he says take me by surprise.
“Scoot over” he instructs me, and I free some space for him on the towel. “What do you want, Jack?” I suspiciously ask.
“Just want to spend some time with my friend, is that a crime ?” he chuckles. I look at him, and see no sarcasm in his eyes. He settles down beside me, the skin contact making me shiver. Why is he wearing no shirt? Thank god he isn’t tho, at least I have something to look at.
I stare, no shame in that. The hard ridges of his abs on the tanned skin are making it impossible not to. “Take a picture, it will last longer”he says, noticing my stare. Okay, I feel shame now, but I do not regret it, the sight was pleasant, not going to lie. So sue a girl for looking.
I am sure I look like an apple right now, and the embarrassment surges through me. “ I wasn’t looking” I say, trying to save at least a bit of dignity I have left.
“Please, Lils, let’s stop lying to ourselves “ he laughs and I scoff at the cocky asshole. He knows what he is doing.
We once again settle into comfortable silence, just sitting beside eachother.
He is one of the few people I actually enjoy spending time with in silence, just soaking up him and his energy.
“So tell me about the girlfriend” I suddenly ask, circling back to the words he said to me at the draft, even though a long time passed since that, it’s still on my mind.
It pains me, but I know that Jack Hughes will always be here for me to admire, not to have. I just hope he finds someone who understands his soul and his body, the way he deserves to be understood.
“Avery? What about her?” he confusedly replies, waiting for me to clarify. “You told me about her at the draft” I recall.
“Oh, yeah, sorry I forgot” he apologises, but continues “She’s great, we have been together since my birthday, so I think we’re doing good” the smile on his face when he is talking about her making my heart break more and more.
“I’m happy for you Jack, you deserve all the best” when I turn to look at him, he’s already looking at me, smiling. “Thank you Lils” he softly smiles and throws his arm around me.
I’m grateful that there are no powers that allow others to read my mind, because all I can think about is wanting him to speak about me. I know it’s dumb, but the charm of Jack Hughes has still not left me. I don’t even think it will leave , ever.
I think about Avery, already feeling the distaste for her, but deep down I know it’s just jealousy. Jealousy about her having him, and not me. She may be a great girl, but I can’t help myself.
That is something I will have to get used to by having Jack in my life, I mean, how can you NOT fall for him? I don’t think that is possible. And if it is, I need a tutorial right now.
There is no possibility that anyone who hears his voice, sees his smile, and gets to know his character will not feel love for him. And once again, if you don’t, please pull me out of this misery and tell me how.
I still remember the first summer living in Michigan, the first time I met him. The second I saw those ocean eyes, I knew I was goner.
The second I felt my hands on his skin, making them tingle, I knew he would be forever imprinted on my mind.
The second his signature toothy smile made appearance on his face, I knew I would do everything possible to be cause of it.
He stole my heart, and I don’t think I will get it back. I also think i’m fine with that, part of my heart being a small price to pay for his presence in my life.
I notice Luke walking up to us, he left to check on the dinner, the teenage boy appetite making him already hungry. I like to tease him about it, but that’s another thing im jealous of, non stop eating and not gaining a pound. If I even breathed the amount he eats, I would be ten pounds heavier.
Okay, I’m lying, I eat the same amount, especially when I’m having mental breakdown about the latest show I’m obsessing over.
Luke plops down next to us “What are you talking about?” curisously asking. “My girlfriend” Luke scoffs, I look strangely at him, and he rolls his eyes. I’m definitely going to ask him questions.
Jack notices his reaction, and scoffs too “I don’t get why you don’t like her, she’s been nothing but nice to you” he says, defending her, making the ache in my chest present again.
“Yeah, sure” Luke answers him, not wanting to talk about her for minute more. Okay, now I’m definitely curious.
I shift the conversation, not wanting to feel the uncomfortable silence longer “Luke, do you want to play volleyball?” I say, actually hoping to press him for details, but I forget that Jacks needs to be centre for everything.
“ No invite for me?” he frowns. Luke and me answer at the same time “No”, “Sure, but I want Luke on my team” . The answer I give him making him gain attitude “I’m much better player than Luke”
I answer him with laugh as I leave to get the ball “Sure Jack, hope you enjoy living in delusions”. Let me tell you a secret, he is better player than Luke, but I love annoying him.
He shouts after me, but I just laugh.
I stay in the supply room a little longer, needing to cool down my blushing cheeks, but the cause of my blushing problem once again appears.
“Having trouble finding the ball?” he asks, stepping into the room with me. “Not at all” I turn around about to reach for it, but he decides to do the same, and closes the proximity between us by pressing his front into my back.
I instantly pull away, the blush I originally had, and I don’t even know how it’s possible, worsening even more.
Why am I still blushing? Seriously, my face needs to get it together. Man up, we can’t embarrass ourselves more, I internally speak to myself and my face.
Yeah, I know these are the signs of starting insanity, but we are going to ignore it for now.
Jack coughs beside me, making me pull myself from my thoughts. “Went to Wonderland?” he teasingly asks.
I dismiss him with a shake of the head and leave the room.
When I return to Luke, he suspiciously looks at me, and then at Jack trailing behind me.
,,What took you two so long?” he asks, suspicion evident in his voice.
,,Nothing, let’s play” I say, hoping to stop his thoughts from wandering too much.
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I always considered myself great at volleyball, but how embarrasingly we are losing right now to Jack is almost making me rethink that statement.
But I’m not a quitter, and Luke isn’t one either, and we know that we are going to win this.
Because if not, this is going to get embarrassing real fast. But it won’t, because I wouldn’t let Jack’s ego rise more. Someone needs to seriously humble that man, and that someone is going to be me.
That is one of the main reasons I’m sweating like a pig right now, because there is no chance he is going to win, and if he is, it’s going to be over my dead body.
I don’t know what was I thinking wanting to play volleyball with two hockey players, because their stamina is much better than mine, hell, they didn’t even break a sweat yet.
I’m aware of how unattractive I look right now, but I don’t even care, the sole goal is to win the game and then shower.
“Wishing you chose me, huh Lils?” Jack chirps from the other side in a true hockey boy nature.
“Not at all” I answer him, one thing I’m not going to admit is me being wrong. My competitivness matches Jack’s own one and I think if volleyball scouts were here, they would choose us on the spot.
My poor Luke is in the middle of our ego match, I feel bad about screaming at him about every mistake he makes, but I will not lose to Jack. Luke will get his apology later.
The only boy matching my screams is the one infront of me, screaming obscenities at the poor ball whenever something doesn’t go his way.
I think today the universe is on my side, because when I do the winning move, my ego rises a few feet.
“Ha!” I laugh at Jack sitting defeatedly on his knees, between catching my breaths.
Luke does not even stay to clap me on my back, I’m sure he is going to Ellen for her to comfort him about how we were yelling at him. He’s SUCH a mamas boy (don’t tell him I said that).
Suddenly there’s a hand stretched infront of me, Jack’s hand to be particular. I don’t take it, smirking as I stand up even though I have about two cramps in each leg, but he doesn’t know that.
I’m certainly not going to shorten my ego even by millimetre, duh.
He laughs at me, then he hughs me.
“Congrats on winning, not sure you would win without Luke, but I’m going to let it slide” he says, that asshole. He knows damn well that I carried the team.
I don’t even answer him, my heart set on the shower I’m going to take.
What I don’t know is that by the time I was collecting things in my room for the shower. He beat me to it. In my own house.
But I’m not going to be mad, he deserves at least one win today. I laugh at my thoughts. I always knew I was funny.
If someone finds out what’s up with men and their long showers, let me know. I’m pounding on the door of the bathroom, because I honestly can’t wait no more.
I don’t even get my second pound in at the door, and hes opening them.
Once again, he knows what he is doing. Because he is standing there in all of his bare-chested glory.
Suddenly, my mind is a bottomless pit and my mouth stopped functioning, because I can’t even form and speak one word.
”Cat got your tongue?” he knowingly asks, getting second ego victory that day, dork.
I spare one last look at his chest, of course I’m not going to leave without looking. When he already catched me, I don’t have to hide it.
I push past him for the second time that day. Why does this keep happening to me? Entering the bathroom, I release a sigh.
But when I notice the familiar scent of the bathroom, I know that he used my bodywash, making a smile appear on my face.
He is going to be falling asleep with my scent today. I hope he enjoys thinking about me.
I know I called him delusional today, but I’m starting to think I should have been reflecting that one on myself.
Shutting down my thoughts, I step into the shower, the warm water calming my aching muscles.
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When I step out of shower and I notice the tan I gained, I smile from joy because that was the original plan for today.
The cooling lotion on my skin feels great, and I almost fall asleep from the relaxing effect it has.
Until I smell the scent of the food from downstairs, my stomach now agressively grumbling.
I put on some sundress I fish out from my closet, not even caring what I put on, I just want to fill the void in my stomach.
I braid my drying hair, not wanting to have a side of them with my meal. Men have it so easy with their short hair.
As I sit beside my now hungover-free brother, who is finally not complaining anymore, I notice the happiness radiating from the people around the table, making me smile.
The food is great ( shotout to my mom and Ellen ). Everyone is laughing and I’m winning again, beating Jack once again in our private kicking tournament under the table.
I laugh at him and stick my tongue out, making him smile. At least he is not a sore loser, because that would be sad for him.
He takes all these losses like champ and I think I found my new hobby, winning.
Everything is perfect right now.
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leslie-lyman · 2 years
i cannot get you close enough [alpha!Max Phillips x omega!fem!reader]
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[title from the Florence + the Machine song “100 Years”]
“You have to invite me in, sweetheart.”
Oh. Right. Vampire.
“Come in, please,” you say demurely, and Max’s smile widens as he steps over the threshold into your apartment. He reaches for you again immediately, kicking your door closed and pulling you close.
“Good girl,” he murmurs. “Such a polite little Omega.”
rating: E 🚨 (you must be at least 18 years old to read/interact with this fic or anything else on my blog)
warnings: oh lordy, here we go. A/B/O dynamics; one small scene of men being creepy and threatening towards reader (but, perhaps surprisingly, one of those men is not Max); extremely self-indulgent Halloween costumes on the part of your author; a bit of angst; fEeLiNgS; absolutely way too much plot and character backstory for what was supposed to just be porn; Alpha!Max is his own warning; heat sex; biting; blood-drinking; breeding kink; many, many creampies; Max has an absolutely filthy mouth; look, it’s heat sex with Max, it probably (hopefully?) entails exactly what you think it does
word count: 12.4K. You heard me.
a/n: HAPPY (belated, forgive me) BIRTHDAY @ezrasbirdie!!!!!! This one’s for you, babe. Thank you for encouraging me to finally write down my alpha!Max idea and for always being the most supportive, wonderful, amazing friend. I love you to bits and hope you had the loveliest of birthdays. ❤️❤️❤️ also thank you to @whataperfectwasteoftime for being my sounding board while I worked on this and for willingly subjecting yourself to increasingly unhinged screenshots of snippets of heat sex as I wrote them.
Masterlist. Taglist.
You meet Max on his very first day.
Water cooler gossip had preceded him:
He’s the youngest person in company history to be made a Senior Director of Sales.
He really turned around a failing branch in Albuquerque, if you know what I mean, and now he’s being brought in here to HQ.
He’s a vampire.
He’s an Alpha.
“A sales guy, a vampire, and an Alpha? Sounds like this guy won the douchebag lottery,” Morgan, your closest work friend, murmurs to you over lunch one day after overhearing some of your colleagues gossiping about the impending new addition to the sales team.
You snort into your salad, fiddling with the silver bracelet on your right wrist - a subconscious tick you did whenever your conversation involved talk of an Alpha.
“Well for better or worse, at least we have lots of experience dealing with men like that around here,” you reply. And lord knows you did.
The company was full of men like that, especially here in its New York headquarters. Men who swaggered around, cocksure and confident whether it was warranted or not (it usually wasn’t), hitting on female subordinates and superiors alike (though there were unfortunately few of the latter).
And good god, the smell. Most Alphas, in your experience, smelled like they’d recently emerged from a dunk tank filled with Axe body spray. It was a scent that pushed its way into your sinuses and took up residence like a squatter, overwhelming and nausea-inducing.
But most Alphas, in your experience, also overlooked you. Why should they give you, a Beta, any more than a glance, when they could otherwise be chasing some poor unmated Omega? And you were glad of it, the Alphas you encountered in your workplace and out in the world rarely giving you more than a passing leer and a sniff before they realized you gave off no scent of your own and moving on.
You can’t imagine trying to navigate through life if they knew the truth: that you were an Omega. You just went to great lengths to hide it.
Modern suppressants worked wonders, acting as birth control while keeping your Omega subdued and limiting your heats to two miserable weekends a year. But pills alone could not hide what you were entirely. The delicate silver chain around your wrist did the rest, the unassuming metal imbued with a powerful charm that erased all outward evidence of your designation, making your Omega undetectable to the senses of others. An old-fashioned relic from a time long before the invention of suppressants, handed down across many generations of your mother’s family.
Apart from your heats, you never took it off, and were grateful for it every day. You were content to make your own quiet — if often lonely — way in the world, confident that if someone ever were to take notice of you, they’d do so because of who you are, not what you are.
And you were comforted by the knowledge that Max Phillips, whoever and whatever he was, would leave you be just like every other Alpha you’ve met, and be none the wiser.
Max’s boss, Hector, an older vampire, brings him by your division as part of an introductory tour on his first morning. You’d been prepared for the perfunctory handshake and sly, flirty grin he gives you as you tell him your name.
“Nice to meet you, Max.”
“Oh, the pleasure is all mine, sweetheart,” he responds in that overly confident, borderline-inappropriate way typical of both Alphas and salesmen.
You had not been prepared for how handsome he is. The smooth, sharp cut of his jawline looks like it could cut glass. His strong nose is slightly hooked, but it only enhances his features, rather than detracts from them. His skin has a golden hue that’s a richer shade than most vampires you’ve met, who tend to have a paler, more washed-out quality to them. His expensive three-piece suit fits him like a glove (with the exception of his cuffs, which, you note, are a half-inch too long), and it shows off his broad shoulders and narrow waist. He’s going to break hearts all over this building, you can already tell.
But how he looks is nothing compared to how he smells.
It had hit you the moment he’d walked in, strong and overwhelming. But where other Alphas’ scents make you want to retch, this scent makes you go weak in the knees. You can almost feel it curl around you like a living thing, warm and comforting, with a hint of spice and an undertone of something a little sharper, like clean linen, and you wonder if that’s his vampirism’s influence. You want to wear it like a favorite sweater, you want to rub up against this man like a cat, you want him to scent you…
That ridiculous thought makes you shake yourself back to reality. Hector is introducing Max to your coworkers, your brief moment of introduction long over, but you notice Max stealing a glance or two back in your direction. There’s a hint of a frown tugging at his plush lower lip when he does, like he’s confused about something. You resist the urge to spin your bracelet around your wrist, not wanting to draw attention to it.
It’s alright. You’re fine. He can’t smell you. He can’t know. Even with his enhanced vampire senses, your Omega is hidden. And that’s for the best. Just like it always has been.
You watch as Max and Hector round the corner to head to the next suite of offices, and Max’s scent begins to fade. For a moment you have the ludicrous desire to follow him, but you quickly shove it aside and turn back to your work.
You’re a paralegal for the company’s legal department, so you and Max will be working on complete opposite sides of the office from each other. It should be easy enough to avoid him going forward.
And you need to avoid him, because even though you’ve only interacted for a few moments, one thing is painfully obvious:
Max Phillips is, above everything else, trouble.
His first month in his new role has Max busier than he’d anticipated. Unlike in his previous roles with the company, working at HQ has him surrounded by more Alphas and more vampires than he’s ever been before. Forget the endless cubicles of lazy mediocre employees spending their time building their fantasy football leagues and watching porn instead of working; the New York office is full of people like him: driven, competitive, ruthless, intelligent. Alphas. Vampires. He can’t coast here, not when he’s amongst so many peers who all have the same sorts of biological and supernatural advantages that he does.
Max has to work hard to keep up and get ahead here, to outmaneuver the other Senior Directors, to suck up to the bosses, to think up the Next Great Sales Idea before someone else does.
He loves it, even if his schedule is more packed than it ever has been. This is what he’s meant to do, this is what he’s so good at, and however much time and effort the company demands of him, he’s happy to give it.
So why, then, during his rare moments of free time, do his thoughts keep returning to the pretty Beta over in Legal?
There’s something about her that he can’t quite figure out. He only sees her occasionally, happening to pass her in the hall or going in or out of the break room with a mug of tea (never coffee, he notes). Rarely he’ll manage to catch her eye, but she always looks away the moment he does.
He can’t help but notice the way her clothes always fit her perfectly; dresses in rich jewel tones that sweep over her beautiful curves; high-waisted trousers that make her petite frame seem tall and statuesque; blouses with jeweled buttons or other delicate details. He should ask her, he thinks, where she buys it all, and how she affords such an immaculately tailored wardrobe on a paralegal’s salary.
Someone brings donuts into the office one day, and Max has the strangest urge to bring her one. Before he can waste too much time thinking about it he plucks one from the box and makes his way over to her desk.
You aren’t in your chair, but your purse and coat hanging off the back of it make clear that you’re here somewhere. Max deposits the donut and napkin next to your keyboard, and takes a moment to snoop.
There aren’t a lot of personal items on your desk - a framed photo of an older couple who must be your parents, a coffee mug emblazoned with the name of your alma mater currently holding an assortment of pens, a little figurine of that baby Yoda character from that Star Wars show everyone but he seems to have seen.
But then he notices the drawings. There are a few tacked to the fabric walls of your cubicle, all women in different outfits, done in a combination of pencil, marker, and watercolor, all of the kind you would find in a fashion designers’ sketchbook.
Then Max realizes that there is, in fact, a sketchbook sitting on your desk, large and well-loved but cheap-looking, something you could pick up for a few bucks at any craft store. Is this your hobby? More importantly, why does he suddenly care to know? Max is no judge of art, but the drawings are beautiful, and he can’t help but imagine what these dresses, if made real, would look like on you…
“Can I help you, Mr. Phillips?”
He jumps, turning to find you standing there, watching him be far nosier than he should be around your desk. You’re wearing a sleeveless dress and matching long blazer in deep cream linen today. He glances down at the donut he’s brought you and feels uncharacteristically foolish. What is he even doing here?
“No, sweetheart, I was just…” A coworker - one of the actual lawyers - walks by. “I was just waiting for you, Clark!” He swiftly catches up to the other man and throws an overly friendly arm around his shoulders as they walk back towards Clark’s office. “Buddy, I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I’ve been told you’re the man to talk to about IRS compliance issues, or, rather, how to get around IRS compliance issues…”
Well that was odd.
You sit back down at your desk, reassured that Max doesn’t seem to have opened your sketchbook. You just keep it around in case inspiration strikes at work.
Then you notice the donut, the unmistakable scent of a certain Alpha all over it. Did he - did Max really - ?
Alpha provides, your Omega purrs, and you want to roll your eyes at yourself. Is the bar for men really so low that one of them bringing you a donut should make you want to open your legs for him?
But you also can’t help but smile, finding it a sweet gesture in spite of yourself.
You and Max become…workplace acquaintances, shall you say, after that. You don’t force yourself to avoid eye contact with him whenever you pass in the hall. You allow yourself a few moments of small talk when you happen to be in the break room together. You start calling him Max, instead of Mr. Phillips.
His scent doesn’t get any easier to bear, though. Nor does the way his shoulders fill out his suits.
It’s pleasant and superficial, even if you know it can never go any deeper than that. He’s friendly and nice, and even seems to get a little flustered by you sometimes, which you enjoy. And he doesn’t openly hit on you, which is a surprise, one you tell yourself you’re grateful for even if your Omega desperately wishes he would.
It’s all well and good, until it isn’t.
You’re crammed into the back of the elevator one day when you're running late and trying to get up to the office. Max and several of the other Alphas he spends much of his time with get on last, and suddenly you’re privy to an ongoing conversation you soon wish you could tune out.
“—nothing like it. But you’re telling me, Phillips, that you don’t see the appeal? Having a little Omega mate always waiting for you at home? Some insatiable thing always there with a warm meal and a wet cunt?”
You can hear Max make a hmm of acknowledgement at the other Alpha, who apparently sees nothing wrong with sharing his misogynistic views of Omegas in a public elevator surrounded by colleagues. Typical.
“Omegas can be fun, don’t get me wrong,” Max replies. “But they’re also so clingy and always want to talk about bonds and mating and commitment.” His dismissive tone makes very clear what he thinks of those ideas. “Why would I tie myself down when there’s so much of me to go around? Omegas are more trouble than they’re worth.”
It shouldn’t hurt. It shouldn’t. There’s two rows of people separating you; Max doesn’t even know you’re in this elevator, let alone that you’re an Omega. You should be glad he feels that way — then if he ever discovered your secret, you wouldn’t have to worry about him being interested.
Omegas are more trouble than they’re worth.
The elevator dings, and Max and the other Alphas file out.
“Just wait until you meet your mate, Phillips. You’ll change your tune real quick.”
“Yeah, and god help whoever ends up mated to this asshole.”
“Shove it, Bret, you’re just still pissed my team outsold yours last month.”
The rest of their conversation fades away, but the inexplicable nugget of pain in your heart does not.
The company’s Halloween party is its biggest employee event of the year, surpassing even the annual Christmas soirée. It’s always held at a ritzy hotel in downtown Manhattan, the kind of place you couldn’t afford a room at even for one night. Attendance is optional.
But really, it’s one of those events where failure to show up signified a lack of enthusiasm for the company. And even though you approach this job as just a thing you do that lets you afford rent instead of your great calling in life, you don’t want to risk making things more difficult for yourself by skipping out this year. Besides, you just finished an incredible new costume and you’re eager to show it off.
Even if you are cutting it awfully close with your heat this time.
You’ve felt it coming on all week, that telltale prickle of warmth under your skin that won’t dissipate even in the crisp autumn chill that’s finally descended upon New York. The Friday night of the party, it’s almost upon you, but you figure you have until the next morning before it truly arrives. You can make it to the party. Say hi to a few people, make sure your bosses see you there, have one drink, then bail.
You’ve already put together your nest, the pile of blankets and pillows and the odd stuffed animal carefully arranged on your bed. You’ve stocked up on Gatorade and cheese cubes and popsicles, things you can snack on quickly in between rounds of feverishly fucking yourself on one of your knotted toys. You’ve done everything you need to do to make this heat bearable just like you have for your whole adult life, to minimize the deep ache in your core that will never stop reminding you of the one thing that’s missing:
An Alpha.
And you know, deep down, that this time when you’re alone in your nest and begging out loud to no one for an Alpha to come and fill you up, you’ll be picturing a very specific Alpha in particular.
You try to put Max from your mind as you zip yourself into your dress and put the finishing touches on your hair and makeup, making sure your silver bracelet is secure around your wrist. You’ve managed to keep your interactions with Max to a minimum in the two weeks since overhearing him in the elevator, and that is for the best.
Nothing but trouble, you remind yourself. He can be absolutely nothing but trouble.
You are sure that most of the time, the ballroom where the party is held each year is a perfectly elegant place. Multiple chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and large gilded mirrors on the walls lend the place an elegant, old-fashioned, Gatsby-esque vibe.
Unfortunately, whoever at your company is in charge of planning the party insists on ruining the natural classiness of the room by putting a light-up dance floor in the middle of it, over which looms a DJ playing tacky remixes of “Thriller” alongside whatever counts as Top 40 these days. The walls are flooded with aggressively purple uplighting like you’re at every wedding in New Jersey circa-2012, and there’s a bar shoved into every corner serving every liquor imaginable and featuring multiple bowls of questionable punch on beds of dry ice. It’s like all the loud, drunken Halloween parties you went to in college, but with a much larger budget.
But it’s fine. Get in, be seen, one drink, get out.
You smooth your hands over your skirt as you walk in. Your costume with its petticoat is a far cry from the skimpier outfits many of the other women in your office tend to gravitate towards for this party, but you don’t mind.
You’ve been making your own Halloween costumes since you were a teenager. Your mother made them for you growing up, and passed on her love of sewing and fashion to you. Last year, you were the Scarlet Witch, handmade headpiece and all. The year before that, you came to the party in a replica of Belle’s blue and white dress from the beginning of Beauty and the Beast.
This year’s costume is more obscure, but near and dear to your heart. The bodice is blood-red satin, with a swooping boat-shaped neckline that shows off just a hint of your breasts. The fabric bunches together in off-the-shoulder sleeves that stop at your elbows, with a scrap of delicate ivory lace attached to the end of each one. The skirt falls in ruffled tiers of black, but for an open panel at the front that shows off the layers of white petticoat underneath. Black lace bows cut across the white three times, and the silhouette makes your waist look small while the skirt flares and moves like waves when you walk.
You’ve built a few pockets into the skirt for practical reasons, but otherwise, it’s a damn near exact replica of Catherine Zeta-Jones’ dress from The Mask of Zorro.
You quickly find Morgan and your small group of work friends giggling over drinks in a corner, and they appropriately ohh and ahh over your outfit, having come to look forward to seeing what you’ll come up with for your costume each year. A trace of Max’s scent reaches you, but it’s faint, and hard to detect under the myriad scents of the other Alphas in the room. He’s here, somewhere, but you don’t see him. Which doesn’t matter, because you aren’t looking for him, despite the way your nearly-in-heat Omega is growing increasingly wild over it.
You’re halfway through your one drink when it gets to be too much — too many people, too many scents, music loud enough you have to shout to be heard, a room that feels far too warm. Pinpricks of light start to dance at the edges of your vision, and your bodice feels too tight; you can’t get enough air. You excuse yourself from your friends, and take your drink into the hall.
You wander until you find a much more quiet corner where the noise from the party is subdued. There are several padded velvet benches along the wall and you sink onto one with a sigh, closing your eyes and trying to determine whether you’ve stayed long enough and whether you’ll be missed if you head home now. What you wouldn’t give to be able to snap your fingers and skip the ride home, to just be magically transported straight to your cozy nest in your dark, quiet apartment…
You’re so lost in your own thoughts that you don’t notice the way a particular scent grows stronger, indicating that you’re no longer alone.
“Buenos noches, Señorita Montero.”
Your eyes fly open.
It’s Max. It has to be, the way his delicious scent sinks into every inch of you, invading your senses and making your stomach clench. But for a split second you blink at him in confusion, forgetting for a moment that you’re at a Halloween party, because the person standing before you isn’t Max.
It’s Zorro.
Zorro, in head-to-toe black, from his boots to his (tighter than in the movie) pants to the billowy shirt that exposes a significant amount of his chest. A fancy-looking sword hangs from his belt, his shoulders draped in a cape that falls to behind his knees. The trademark black mask covers his eyes, but the wry twist of his lips gives the illusion away — that look he’s giving you is all Max.
You recover from your initial surprise, laughing at your serendipitous coordination.
“Well, if it isn’t Zorro himself,” you say, playing along. “I’m surprised to see you at a party — you’re not here to cause trouble, are you? Should I be worried that there’s danger afoot?”
“Tonight, I am only here for the entertainment,” he replies, in a surprisingly accurate imitation of Antonio Banderas’s accent. “And to perhaps enjoy the company of a beautiful lady.”
You chuckle, but the humor’s gone out of it.
“Well if I see any, I’ll be sure to send them your way.”
Max frowns.
“On the contrary,” he says softly. “I’m speaking to such a woman right now.”
You flush, your body growing even warmer at his compliment.
“Can I sit?” He asks, dropping the accent. You gesture to the bench cushion beside you.
He settles next to you, maintaining a respectful distance and taking care not to step or sit on any of your dress.
“I had such a crush on Catherine Zeta-Jones in this movie,” he admits. “It’s still one of my favorites.”
“I had such a crush on her and Antonio Banderas in this movie,” you tell him. “That scene where they dance together basically invented sexual chemistry.”
Max nods in agreement.
“Where did you ever find a costume of Elena’s dress from the party?”
“I made it.”
“You…made it?”
“I’ve always made my own Halloween costumes. I make most of my own clothes, actually.” You’ve also got a shelf holding several awards from cosplay competitions you’ve accumulated over the past few years, but you don’t mention that to him. He doesn’t need to know the full extent of how nerdy you are.
Max raises his eyebrows in surprise (or at least, you think he does under the mask).
“So that explains it.”
“Explains what?”
“Why you always look so good. I mean — ” if he still had the ability, you think he might be blushing right now. It’s adorable. “Why your clothes always look so good. On you. Why everything always seems to be…well-tailored.”
“Well-tailored,” you repeat, your Omega preening at his praise, odd though it is. “That’s one of the more unique compliments I’ve ever been given, Max. Thank you.”
He grins at you for a moment, before his features soften into something else.
“I haven’t seen you around the office as much lately,” he says quietly. “Everything okay?”
Your heart stutters in your chest. Your fingers go to your bracelet, the metal cool and comforting.
You can’t tell him you’ve been avoiding him, let alone tell him why.
“I’ve just been really busy lately, I guess. Some days I feel like I never have a free minute to leave my desk at all.”
“That’s a shame,” Max says, shifting just an inch closer to you on the bench. “But perhaps if you don’t have time at work, we could find a time to see each other outside of the office? Maybe…I could take you to dinner next week?”
Oh my god. Is he — did he just — ?
It’s not a come-on, it’s not a lewd proposition, Max Phillips is genuinely asking you out. You’re sitting here dressed as Zorro and Elena and it feels like you’re no more than five damn minutes away from your heat and Max Phillips is asking you out.
You want so badly to say yes. Your Omega is screaming at you to say yes (and then jump his bones right here in this hallway).
But you can’t. There are so many good reasons why you can’t.
That overwhelmed feeling is starting to suck you under again. You can’t think clearly, not when he’s this close to you and you’re this close to your heat. You have to get out of here.
You stand up.
“I’m sorry, Max, I — ”
“Whoa, what’s wrong, sweetheart?” He stands and reaches out a hand to steady you, but you step away before he can.
“Nothing, I just, I don’t feel well. I should be getting home.”
“Let me walk you out — ”
“No!” You nearly shout it at him, and the look that crosses his face makes you feel like you’ve just kicked a puppy.
“I’m sorry, Max. Let’s talk about this in the office next week, okay?”
“Okay, sweetheart,” he says softly.
You beat a hasty retreat for the exit, and don’t look back.
The entrance to the hotel is on a more quiet side street rather than one of the main avenues, and you’re grateful not to be thrust into the ebb and flow of a crowded Manhattan sidewalk the moment you step outside. But it also means there aren’t many cabs venturing down this way, and you know you’ll never make it if you have to take the subway. You whip out your phone and call an Uber.
Eight minutes away. You can handle that. Eight minutes in the fresh, chilly air, eight minutes to clear your head of the Alpha your body is craving more desperately with each passing minute. Eight minutes, then twenty minutes drive to your apartment. Less than half an hour until you’re home, until you’re safe in your nest.
“Well now, look at what we have here.”
Three Alphas are stumbling their way down the sidewalk towards you. Their scent and their inability to walk straight making it very clear they’ve been drinking.
“Look at this pretty little mouse,” one of them says.
Maybe if you just ignore them, they’ll keep walking past you.
“Little mouse is all dressed up like she’s going to a party,” another says.
No such luck. They stop only a few feet from you, taking up the entire sidewalk. Each of them is nearly a foot taller than you are, and they’re blocking your path back into the hotel.
“You wanna come party with us, pretty thing?”
“No, thank you.” You try to say it calmly, but your voice wavers.
“Aww, don’t be like that, honey, we can show you a good time!”
The third one leans towards you and inhales.
“Shit, she’s just a Beta.” But that doesn’t seem to deter them either.
“We can still have fun with a Beta. C’mon little mouse, come have some fun with us.”
“I’m not interested. Please leave me alone.”
“Maybe she’s just never had a real Alpha show her a good time,” the first one says.
“I bet we can make you change your tune real quick, honey — ”
It happens so fast. The second Alpha reaches out to grab your arm, but as you flinch away he catches your wrist instead. When you try to jerk away from him, his thumb snags on your bracelet, and you watch in horror as the clasp breaks.
It falls soundlessly to the ground. But the Alphas harassing you barely notice, all of them immediately interested in something else.
Your skin immediately breaks out in a cold sweat, your scent glands on either side of your neck now visible, red and swollen. And you can see the moment your scent — your real scent — hits them. The three men seem to grow bigger, all of their Alpha instincts triggered at once by the sudden scent of an Omega in heat right in front of them. All three of them breathe deep, and you’ve never felt more like prey.
“Not a Beta,” the third one growls, practically licking his lips.
“Look at that, it’s a little Omega mouse,” the second one says, and his malicious delight makes your blood run cold. The bitter taste of adrenaline floods your mouth. What should you do? If you scream, someone from the hotel has to hear you, right?
“Looks like this is our lucky night,” the first Alpha grins. “Come here, Omega.”
You fight it, you try to fight the compulsion of an Alpha’s command with everything you have, but it’s useless. You take an involuntary step towards him—
But suddenly the Alpha isn’t standing in front of you anymore. Some invisible force yanks him away from you and flings him clear across the street. There’s a painful-sounding crunch as he lands on the windshield of someone’s parked car and shatters it. The effect of his command dissipates.
His companions are just as confused as you are until the next moment they find themselves both shoved up against the building, a figure dressed entirely in black holding them up with a hand on each of their throats.
The sound he makes is inhuman, a warning snarl that starts deep in his chest. Alphas are strong by nature, but against a vampire, there’s no winning.
There is only one predator here now.
“‘Evening, boys.” He must be showing them his fangs, you can hear it affect his speech. “Looks like you’ve chosen a lovely night to die, hm?”
“Max! Don’t!” You place a placating hand on his shoulder. These men frightened you, yes, and would have done who knows what else, but you didn’t want them to die for it. And more importantly, you didn’t want Max to get in trouble for killing them.
“They threatened you,” he seethes, his grip on their necks tightening. “They touched you.”
“They’re not worth it, Max. Please, I’m safe now.”
He doesn’t let them go. But then the first cramp of your heat hits you, and you gasp in pain.
“Max, I need you. I — please, Alpha.”
That gets through to him. He cocks his head like he’s listening for something.
“Sounds like your friend is still alive over there. You’d better get him to a hospital. And if I ever see any of you again…”
He throws each Alpha one-handed to the ground like they weigh nothing, his point very clear. They pick themselves up, wheezing, and go collect their companion before slinking off into the night.
Max gathers you into his arms, your whole body starting to shake.
“It’s alright,” he murmurs, “I have you, I have you, you’re alright.”
“How did you know?” You mumble the question into his shirt.
“I could smell you. All of a sudden. Your scent — you were afraid.”
He tilts your chin up so he can look at you.
There are so many different questions contained in that one word, but you only have one word for him in reply.
Then he’s kissing you, his lips soft but demanding and you yield to him instantly.
“Omega,” he breathes, kissing his way down your throat till he reaches your gland, tracing it with the tip of his nose, his lips, his tongue, scenting you. “Omega, all this time…”
You cling to him, your hands scrabbling to pull his shirt free so you can get your hands on his skin, though you’re not sure to what end.
There is every chance you would have let this man fuck you right here on the sidewalk if not for the interruption of your Uber driver honking at you, having finally arrived.
“Oh shit,” you say, suddenly coming back to yourself. “That’s my ride.”
“Let me make sure you get home okay,” Max sounds like he’s out of breath, an impossible circumstance for a vampire. “I swear to you, sweetheart, I won’t do anything you don’t want me to, but please, just — let me make sure you’re safe.”
The absolute last thing you want is to be alone right now, so you nod.
Max bends down and scoops something off the concrete, a thin silver chain glinting in his hand.
“My bracelet,” you say, having forgotten all about it.
Max turns it over in his palm, and seems to understand. He loops it around your wrist, despite the fact that it’s broken.
“I need you to hold this right here until we get you home. Can you do that for me, baby?”
You can, and you tell him so. When you hold the ends together, the charm re-activates, camouflaging your designation once more. When Max slides into the Uber next to you, you think you see some of the tension leave his body, that at least he won’t have to sit in this confined space with the scent of an Omega going into heat. He settles his hand on your knee, and his touch helps calm you.
You pass the drive to your apartment almost in complete silence. You use the time to consider your options. Max knows you’re an Omega. He knows, and he helped you anyway. In fact, based on the hungry way he kissed and held you back there, maybe you could ask him to help you a little more…
By the time you arrive at your place, you’ve come to a decision. You’ll ask Max to help you with your heat, but that’s all. If he’s willing to do that, despite his stated aversion to Omegas, you can make it through the next 48 hours without doing too many of those Omega things he finds so distasteful. You won’t alienate him completely. You will not be more trouble than you’re worth.
Forty-eight hours, and that’s all you’ll give yourself with him. There’s no use getting attached and hoping for more now that he knows the truth. You’ll ask Max to be yours for the weekend, and no more.
When you finally make it to your front door, it takes you several attempts to get your key in the lock. Max hovers behind you, a hand on your lower back, like he can’t help but touch you.
You turn to him.
“Thank you, Max. I don’t know what would have happened if — ” You can’t even finish the thought.
“I’m sorry this happened to you, but I’m glad I was there.”
“Listen, about my designation, I - ”
“You don’t owe me an explanation,” Max says, shaking his head at you. “And besides, I think I got a pretty good example of why you’d hide it a few minutes ago.”
You both fall silent, just looking at each other, and it’s obvious neither of you wants to part.
“Do you want to — would you stay?”
His lips quirk up.
“What I mean is, it’s my heat, and I was wondering if you��”
“I know it is,” he says quietly. “Since the moment I caught your scent at the hotel, I’ve known. You’re in heat, baby. You want me to stay and take care of you?”
You whine, but that’s answer enough.
“Good,” Max nods. “I want that too.”
You reach behind you and somehow get your door open, letting your bracelet fall to the floor. There’s a moment of confusion as you don’t feel Max follow you inside, his hands slipping from you and for the first time since outside the hotel he isn’t touching you. You turn to face him as anxiety rises, fast and irrational: is he having second thoughts? Does he not want to do this? Is he going to leave you to face your heat alone after all?
These questions must be written all over your face because he gives you a small smile and gently says:
“You have to invite me in, sweetheart.”
Oh. Right. Vampire.
“Come in, please,” you say demurely, and Max’s smile widens as he steps over the threshold into your apartment. He reaches for you again immediately, kicking your door closed and pulling you close.
“Good girl,” he murmurs. “Such a polite little Omega.” And even that bit of praise makes you shiver in his arms, slick starting to leak into your underwear. Max’s nostrils flare and you know he can smell it. Perhaps you should be more worried that you’ve essentially invited a fox into a henhouse, but you can’t bring yourself to care. Alpha is here, and he wants you.
You’d assumed the moment Max got you alone he’d be all over you, and you can feel the tension in his body and smell the desire pouring off of him, but he holds himself back, pressing almost lazy kisses against your lips while he holds you flush against him, his hardening cock thick in his trousers.
“Where do you want to do this, pretty girl? Tell me now, before I strip you down and knot you against your front door.”
Another whine escapes you, your Omega having no objections to that plan, but the rational part of your brain prevails.
“Could we - ” you start, trying to take a step backwards towards your bedroom, “I made - ”
Max grins against your cheek, moving with you down the hall without letting any space come between you.
“Did you make a nest, baby? You make a nice, soft place for me to fuck you in? You wanna show me?”
You nod furiously, pulling him back down to kiss you as you both stumble inelegantly into your bedroom.
Max takes care as he undresses you, peeling you out of the layers of your costume without damaging it.
When he’s finally got you bare, he cups your face in his hands and kisses you, just once, before pulling away.
“Go get in your nest, baby, and let me get you ready.”
You obey him eagerly, making yourself comfortable among your blankets while Max strips, his body just as broad as his suits make him seem, but not overly muscled. His cock is big, thicker and longer than any you’ve taken, and you can’t wait to have it inside you.
He strokes himself lazily as he kneels on the bed and looks at you, a little wave of self-consciousness rising in your chest. Does he like how you look? Does he like your nest? You press your thighs together, suddenly worried about what this Alpha might think of you.
But Max quickly puts those fears to rest.
“Spread for me.”
You part your legs, and Max lets go of his cock to run his hands up your legs, just barely ghosting the tips of his fingers over the lips of your cunt, already shiny with slick.
“Beautiful,” he breathes. “You gorgeous girl. Made such a good nest, made such a perfect place for me to breed you.”
Your cunt bottoms out at his words, your Omega all happy and warm at his praise. He drapes himself over you and proceeds to cover your whole body with kisses, starting with your lips, your throat, your glands. He plays with your breasts, cupping them in his palms, and sucks and bites at your nipples until you’re a squirming mess beneath him.
He’s sucking a little bruise into your tummy, just next to your belly button, when he finally breaches you with his fingers, three of them filling you with ease.
“This okay, baby?”
“Mmhmm.” You bite down on your lip and roll your hips, wanting him deeper.
“You’re so wet already, Omega. You wanna cum for me?”
Yes, yes you tell him, and he curls his fingers and puts his thumb on your clit. In a matter of minutes he has you rippling around his fingers, slick gushing onto the bed below you.
“Good girl.” Max sticks his fingers in his mouth, licking up every drop of your slick. He leans down and kisses you, his tongue possessive as it tangles with your own, sharing the sweet flavor of your slick with you.
“You taste so fucking good, sweetheart. Get on your hands and knees for me.”
His cock pushes into you slowly once you’re in position, his hands on your hips holding you firmly, not letting you fuck yourself back on him.
“You’ll take it slowly this first time, Omega,” he says, finally seating himself to the hilt. He gives you time to adjust, until finally your patience breaks.
“Please move, Alpha. I’m ready, I wanna feel you.”
He obliges, driving into you with long, powerful strokes. The tip of him bumps up against your cervix, stretching you on his cock, and it’s indescribably good. His fingers had been one thing, but this is something else entirely. You’re surrounded by him, drowning in his scent, and it works you up to another climax astonishingly quickly.
“Alpha, I’m — I’m gonna cum — ”
Max reaches down to rub at your clit and you clamp down around him, keening his name.
“Yes, Omega, let me feel it. Fuck, you get so fucking tight when you cum.”
He plants one hand by your head, fingers splayed wide. His thumb rests barely an inch from your face, and without thought you stick out your tongue and lick it. Max hisses above you and you do it again, shifting your chin so you can take his thumb fully into your mouth.
“Oh, baby girl,” he growls, slamming his hips against yours, “you need it, don’t you? You need me in every hole? I’ll fucking give it to you. Need me to fuck your ass next? I’d love to see you all stretched out on my cock, watch you try to cram my knot inside that pretty little asshole - ”
You manage to garble out a little mhm around his thumb and Max moves his other hand to your shoulder for better leverage, trying to go faster, to get himself deeper inside you.
And it feels so good, his cock filling your pussy, his fingers in your mouth pushing you even further into the submissive haze of your heat. Drawing your Omega further up from where you’d buried her for so long, until she rises to the surface, set free. It feels good to be used, to be a good set of holes for Alpha to fill as he wishes, to have such a clear and useful purpose.
“You ready to take my knot, baby? You gonna take it all for me? Gonna let me breed you?”
“Yes, Alpha,” you moan, and Max comes undone. You feel his knot swell and catch inside you, locking you together and he cums and cums, filling you over and over with his spend. He trails kisses across your back, murmuring praises into your skin.
“You okay, sweetheart? Does it feel good? Such a good Omega for me, taking my knot, taking all my cum. Gonna make me such pretty babies, aren’t you? Gonna keep all my cum inside you until it takes, hm?”
You try to lift your hips, try and press yourself even closer to him. He won’t get you pregnant, he can’t. Vampires only shoot blanks, but when your heat takes control of you, your body doesn’t care about such technicalities. You’re so eager for it, you want it so badly.
And the small part of your brain that’s still capable of rational thought wonders how the hell you’ll ever come back from this, from him. Now that you know how good this can be, how can you ever go back to going through your heats alone?
You are, in more ways than one, so, so fucked.
Max is a surprisingly attentive Alpha. When you make to get out of bed to get something to drink, he pulls you back in, going to get it himself with a small growl of “stay.” He brings you back a bottle of Gatorade and a glass of water, along with some crackers and trail mix you’d left out on your counter. When you reach for the water, he makes a noise of discontent.
“No, let me,” he says, sitting down next to you and holding the glass to your lips. He looks a little sheepish at insisting on doing this for you, and it occurs to you that his Alpha instincts are probably riding him as hard as your Omega instincts are riding you. His innate need to care for you a perfect compliment to your need to be cared for.
Max tips the glass up and watches as you take several long sips.
“Good,” he murmurs, eyes on your throat as you swallow. When you’re done, he sets the glass on your bedside table. A drop of water clings to your bottom lip, and he leans over to kiss it away. He licks along the seam of your lips, politely asking for entrance, and you happily grant it. He tugs you into his lap and you can feel the fever rising again, your brief reprieve from the all-encompassing need to be fucked nearly over.
Max’s eyes darken and you know he can smell it, the way your body is starting to get you ready to be bred again.
“What do you need, baby?”
You squirm in his arms.
“You, Alpha.”
The grin that splits his face is so cocky that under normal circumstances you’d be tempted to smack it off him. But doing so is the last thing on your mind when he twists you around so your back hits the mattress, your entire field of vision taken up by your Alpha.
“That’s right, sweetheart,” he coos, reaching down to line himself up with your entrance, “that’s fucking right.”
This is the odd routine you find yourselves in: your mutual desire rising to an inevitable peak, culminating in a furious round of mating that ends with Max’s knot filling you over and over with his seed. But once you’re both temporarily sated, you get periods of lucidity to rest. Sometimes you take a short nap on Max’s chest, other times he feeds you from the plethora of snacks he’s fetched from your kitchen.
One time he carries you into the shower, refusing to let you walk there on your own. You intend to finally get all of your makeup off and product out of your hair from the night before, and you do, but barely have you done so before Max has you pressed up against the tile, frantic to replace the scent of him on you that you’ve washed down the drain.
He fills you again but doesn’t knot you, instead wrapping you both in a towel and rolling you back into your nest, still damp all over. He wedges his shoulders between your legs, spreads you open with his thumbs, and just looks, mesmerized. Then he leans in and licks up the steady trickle of slick and cum that leaks from you with a groan.
“You taste like me, baby. Look at how much of me you have inside you. You can’t even keep it all in.”
He gathers what his tongue missed on his fingers and pushes it back inside you.
“That’s what - ngh - that’s what your knot is for, Alpha,” you pant.
Max nods sagely in agreement.
“It is, Omega, that’s true. But I think I need to make some room for more before I breed this needy pussy again, don’t you?”
He doesn’t wait for your reply before diving in with his tongue once more.
“How long have you been a paralegal?”
“Since I finished college.”
In all the things people told you about what to expect during your heat, “making small talk with an Alpha while you wait for his knot to go down” was not one of them.
But you find you don’t mind it. Max is surprisingly easy to talk to. He’s sharp and funny and laughs at your wit. He asks you more questions about yourself while you’re locked together on his knot than you’ve been asked during the entirety of some first dates you’ve been on, and seems to genuinely care about your answers.
You like him. A lot. Fuck.
“My parents want me to go to law school,” you tell him. “Being a paralegal is a way of appeasing them, though I don’t know for how much longer.”
“You don’t want to be a lawyer?”
You shake your head no, brushing against Max’s chin from where he’s lying on his side behind you.
“I like my job well enough. It’s predictable, and I’m good at it, and it’s good money and rarely insane hours. But the law isn’t my grand calling in life.”
“What is?”
You burrow your head into the pillow.
“It’s silly.”
Max gently runs his hand up your side, trailing his fingertips along the outer edge of your breast.
“I’m sure it isn’t.”
You take a deep breath.
“You know how I told you I make most of my clothes?” He hums the affirmative. “I’ve done it a few times for other people, too. A few formal dresses, some Halloween costumes, even a cosplay outfit or two, all for friends or their kids. If I could do anything…I think I’d do that. Make beautiful clothes for people that make them happy.”
Max is quiet for a moment. Then he asks:
“Why don’t you?”
You snort. “What?”
“Why don’t you? I’m sure you’d be amazing at it.”
“I can’t exactly work full-time and take commissions, Max.”
“So quit your job.”
You almost sit up in surprise before remembering at the very last second that you need to be careful how much you move right now.
“Quit my job? Just like that?”
“Why not?”
“I — I wouldn’t even know where to start. I don’t know the first thing about how to set up a business.”
“That’s okay, I do.”
You freeze.
“What do you mean?”
You feel him shrug.
“Well, not to brag or anything, but you may have noticed that I’m kind of amazing at the whole business thing. If you need help setting up a business plan and getting things off the ground, I could help.”
You squeeze your eyes shut. He isn’t yours, you remind yourself. So what if he just casually offered to help your biggest life dream come true? Who knows if he even really means it. It’s dangerous to get too close to him, it’s dangerous to let him into your life that way. This is. Just. Temporary.
“That’s…very kind of you, Max.”
“I know. I’m really quite something.”
You reach back and elbow him in the ribs the best you can from this angle, but he just chuckles and curls himself back around you.
“What about you?” You say, eager to change the subject. “Why sales?”
“I like making money and I’m very good at it,” he says simply.
“Typical Alpha.” You roll your eyes.
He tickles your side in retaliation.
You giggle, trying not to move in a way that will pull painfully at his knot.
“I just mean…Alphas like to win. Lots of opportunities to do that in sales, where you have exact numbers that can show exactly how much you’re dominating your competition.”
Max playfully nips at your ear.
“I guess that’s true. I’ve never thought of it that way before.”
He curls his hand over your hip and grinds his knot even further into you, making you gasp.
“Although, Omega, speaking of dominating…”
Max is asleep next to you. At least, you’re pretty sure he is. Do vampires need to sleep?
Regardless, his eyes are closed, and he’s unnaturally still in a way that’s a bit unnerving. His chest doesn’t rise or fall, he doesn’t snore or twitch, his pulse doesn’t beat beneath his skin. Still, he must be tired. You’ve probably exhausted him. He’s sure as hell worn you out over the last 24 hours.
But your skin still feels flushed and hot, your body insisting that it’s time again. Slick leaks steadily onto your thighs, your cunt starting to throb with the need to cum. You hate the idea of waking Max up, hate the idea of seeming that desperate and needy, of embodying all of the things you know Max doesn’t like about Omegas.
Maybe you don’t have to bother him this time. Maybe if you can just sneak your hand down towards your clit, if you can just get yourself off one time, it’ll trick your body into calming down until Max wakes and can fuck you properly again. If you can just be quiet…
You circle your clit with two fingers and bite back a small sigh of relief. It’s nowhere near the same as when Max does it, but hopefully it’ll suffice until -
“What do you think you’re doing, Omega?”
You freeze, turning your head to see Max now wide awake and pinning you with a stare that lets you know you are in a lot of trouble.
“Nothing?” Max hums, shifting until he’s hovering over you. He pulls your hand away from your cunt and secures both your wrists above your head in a one-handed grip. He trails his other hand down your body until he’s petting gently at your clit.
“It looked like you were touching yourself. Were you?” His tone is calm, but there’s a wicked gleam in his eye that says otherwise.
Max tuts, his fingers still barely stroking you, enough to make you squirm but not enough to get you anywhere near your climax.
“I - I thought you were asleep,” you say by way of apology.
“Vampires don’t sleep. We - ” Max searches for the right word, “rest, in a way. But if this pretty little pussy needs to cum, all you have to do is say so.”
He dips his head to pull your nipple into his mouth before letting it go with a dramatically loud pop.
His fingers start to move faster, pressing more firmly against you, touching you in a way you know will make you cum, but you’re still so empty. You need something to cum on, you need to be full of Max’s cock. You can feel it hard and hot against your thigh as he lightly grinds it against you.
“Max, please, I need to feel you - ”
“Oh no, sweetheart, I don’t think so,” he tells you sternly. “You decided to take this orgasm for yourself when you thought I was asleep, you decided to make yourself cum without being filled up, and now that’s exactly what you’ll get. Naughty girls don’t get to cum on their Alpha’s knot.”
You writhe underneath him, seeking more stimulation, but he’s so much stronger than you are that you’ll never be able to get more than exactly as much as he’s willing to give you.
“It’s not enough, Alpha,” you whine.
“Shh,” Max hushes you, his fingers never stopping. “Of course it isn’t. But punishments aren’t supposed to be satisfying. Cum for me like this, just this once, and then I’ll give you what you need, okay?”
You can’t do anything other than nod, and it isn’t long before you’re cumming, your orgasm barely more than a few ripples of pleasure compared to the tidal wave you know Max is capable of giving you when he’s fucking you full. He watches your pussy clench weakly around nothing.
“I know, baby, I know,” he coos at you with false pity. “That wasn’t a good one at all, was it? See what happens when you don’t let your Alpha take care of you like he should?”
“Yes, Alpha,” you say meekly, trying to appear as submissive and compliant as possible.
“You still wanna be my good girl?”
You can’t tell him yes fast enough.
“Then turn over, sweetheart. Show me all of that pretty cunt.”
You scramble to obey, going down on your forearms with your hips in the air. Max spreads your cheeks apart and inspects you, everything on display for him. You nearly jump when you feel him run his tongue all the way from your clit to your little puckered hole, tasting every inch of you.
“Mine,” you hear him murmur, almost to himself. Then you feel his cock nudge against your folds, and in one swift stroke he fills you. You don’t get even a second to breathe before he starts to move.
Max cups the back of your neck, his hand large enough that he can reach both of your scent glands at the same time, and presses his fingers and thumb into them. The message is very clear: submit. You instantly go limp like a ragdoll, the pleasure overwhelming. Another orgasm rolls through you from the stimulation, this one so strong you’re reduced to whimpering and drooling onto your blankets as you quietly pulse around him.
“Oh fuck, atta girl, atta girl,” Max grunts behind you. “This is what you really needed, isn’t it? Just needed a firm hand and a big cock to take care of you, hmm?”
And it is. It really fucking is.
Keeping track of time isn’t the highest priority for you at the moment, but you’re vaguely aware that Saturday night has bled into Sunday morning has bled into Sunday afternoon. The periods of rest you get are slowly becoming longer. Another twelve hours or so, and you’ll be almost entirely out of your heat. Normally, you’d be counting down the minutes. Instead, you’re dreading having to give Max — or at least, this fantasy you’ve built with Max over the past two days — up.
You’re lightly dozing and trying to forget about it when you become aware of Max spooning himself up behind you. His cock is hard against your ass, which isn’t surprising, but what is surprising is the way he nuzzles into your neck, kissing and lapping at your gland before moving up and fixating on a spot just under your jaw—where you know he can hear your heart beat.
“Mm?” Is his only response. He hooks an arm over your stomach and pulls you closer, precome smearing from the tip of his cock across the small of your back. He sucks at the skin of your neck, rolling it between his lips and giving you what you’re sure will be a hell of a hickie. You hiss at the feeling, and the sound snaps him out of it.
“Fuck.” He sits up, scrubbing a hand over his face.
“Max? Are you alright?” You reach out and lay what you intend to be a comforting hand on his forearm, but he goes still under your touch.
Run, whispers some primal part of your brain, some base instinct that understands before the rest of you does. Max runs a hand over his face and nods, but his gaze falls to your wrist and fixates there.
Right where you know your pulse is beating.
“You’re hungry,” you breathe, and the instant you say it you know you’re right. “You need to feed.”
“I normally shouldn’t, not for a few more days. Though in my defense,” Max says with his typical dark humor, “I’m expending an amount of energy I wasn’t necessarily anticipating this weekend.”
A pang of guilt lances through you. More trouble than they’re worth.
“No, hey, it’s alright.” Max places two fingertips gently on one of your glands, responding instantly to the distressed change in your scent and going to soothe you. “I have people I can call.”
He shifts away from you like he means to get up, like he means to leave your nest, and you tighten your hold on his arm.
“Just feed from me.”
Max shakes his head.
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.” It comes out perhaps more harshly than he intends. He turns back and crowds you into the bed, cupping your face in his hands.
“What if I can’t stop? You smell so good, you have no idea how much I want to devour you, consume you, in every way you’ll have me. You smell better than anyone I’ve ever - ”
He cuts himself off with a groan, burying his nose in your skin and licking a long stripe up the skin of your sternum.
It should scare you, the way he talks. You should heed the little voice that now screams danger, predator, run. But instead you thread your fingers through his hair and pull him closer, grinding your hips up against him, and all you can think of is yes.
“You won’t hurt me,” you say, and you mean it. “I trust you. You can have me, in whatever ways you want.”
You tilt your chin up and to the side, exposing your neck to his wild gaze. An invitation, followed by words you know he cannot possibly resist:
“Please, Alpha. Take it, it’s yours.”
Max snarls, flipping you both around so that you’re in his lap, the hard length of him trapped between you. The first hint of his knot is already starting to pulse at the base in his excitement. You roll your hips, rubbing your clit along the underside of his cock, automatically seeking that friction. His hands wrap around your waist and egg you on, your slick starting to coat him.
“Fuck, sweetheart, can you take me again? Let me be inside you when I - yes, that’s it baby, there you go - ”
He lifts you up just enough that you can sink down on him, and despite how wet you are and how many times you’ve done this it’s still a delicious stretch. There’s something about this position, too, where you’re face to face and chest to chest, that feels more intimate than the other times he’s fucked you. Max’s skin may be cool to the touch, but his eyes are so warm, a rich, deep, unrelenting brown you’d never truly noticed before.
He’s so beautiful, you can’t believe he’s yours.
For the weekend, you remind yourself. Just until your heat is done. You have to try your best not to lose sight of that fact.
You duck your head down to press your nose into the skin of his neck. He has a pair of scent glands here too that match yours, larger but usually less obvious. Now, though, you can see how they’re swollen and reddened like your own, and the little bird called ego flutters in your chest that that is all your doing. You swipe your tongue over one, and the taste of his pheromones is exquisite. It makes you clench around him.
“Come here,” he murmurs, guiding you up with a hand on the back of your neck. He kisses you, slow and deep, gliding his tongue across yours like he’s trying to capture the taste of himself from you.
“Are you sure?” He asks, grasping onto his very last thread of control.
“I’m sure,” you reply, offering him your neck again.
“No,” he tells you, one hand circling your wrist and pulling the inside of your arm towards his mouth. “Not your neck, baby. Too much risk.” You open your mouth to protest, but Max reaches down to circle your clit with his thumb and your ability to form complete sentences deserts you.
“Cum for me first. Let me make this so fucking good for you.”
You’re not sure how he could make this feel better than it already does, stretched on his cock that hits something deep and spine-tingling inside you at this angle, his thumb expertly working your clit and pushing you quickly towards your orgasm.
You hang onto his shoulder with your free hand and rock against him. Max rubs his nose against the soft skin just below the inside of your elbow and breathes you in. At first you think it’s a trick of the light, but then you realize his features really are starting to change. His skin darkens to a ruddy red. His brow bone thickens and distorts his face. His eyes go black, and when he speaks, you can see a hint of his fangs.
“Don’t be afraid, baby. You’re doing so well, doing so good for me. Perfect little Omega, giving her Alpha everything he wants, everything he needs - ”
But you’re not afraid; the very last thing you feel at this moment is fear. Max presses his lips against your arm, right where you know he’s going to bite you, drink from you, and it sends you over the edge.
You cry out and Max growls in triumph, finally sinking his fangs into you as you cum. It hurts for the barest moment before the pain blurs into pleasure, a numbing, tingling warmth emanating from his bite. His other hand leaves your clit and grips your hip hard enough you know you’ll bear marks from that too, pulling you down onto his cock as his knot swells and catches inside you.
It’s so much, it’s too much - you’re sure you’ve never cum so hard or felt so good in your life, and all you can do is hold Max’s head against where he suckles at your arm, breathing a litany of yes, Alpha, yes, against his temple.
Eventually, you start to come down from your high, the two of you still locked together by Max’s knot. He lifts his head away from you, blood coating his mouth, and presses his forehead (which morphs back into its usual size, shape, and color) against yours.
“Thank you,” he whispers. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
You nod, or at least you think you do. You haven’t been awake long, but you’re so tired all of a sudden, and are content to fall against Max and sleep.
“Hey, sweetheart, it’s time to wake up. I need you to wake up for me, c’mon now.”
Max strokes a hand up and down your arm, gently shaking you into wakefulness. It takes longer than usual for you to fight your way up to consciousness, your head a different kind of fuzzy than what you typically feel during your heat. Finally you blink your eyes open to see Max above you, and you swear you see relief cross his face when you do. He cups your cheek in one massive palm.
“There she is, my pretty Omega.”
You smile, leaning into his hand, sleep already trying to claim you again.
“No baby, stay awake for me. I need you to sit up, okay? Can you do that?”
You make a noise of protest, but allow Max to maneuver you into a sitting position. He climbs up behind you and settles you sideways across his lap, one arm supporting your back.
You rest your cheek on his chest. The lip of a bottle is pressed to your mouth.
“Drink some of this for me, okay?” Max says. “Wanna make sure your blood sugar doesn’t get too low.”
“Can I keep my eyes closed?” you mumble, still so tired.
He chuckles, and you hear it reverberate through his chest.
“Yes, baby. Now come on, drink up.”
You let him tilt the bottle and it’s not until the taste of sweet lemon-lime sports drink hits that you realize how thirsty you are. You down half the bottle before Max takes it away. Maybe Max feeding from you took more out of you than you thought.
“Eat something and then you can rest again, okay?” Max says. “Open your mouth.”
You do, and Max places a square of dark chocolate on your tongue. You close your lips a moment too soon, catching just the tip of his finger as he withdraws it. You hear him murmur a barely audible “fuck” above you, but he makes no move to turn things sexual. You let the chocolate melt in your mouth, and when it’s gone he gives you another, then another, dripping a soft litany of praise into your ear:
Good girl, that’s so good, such an obedient Omega, so good to let me take care of you like this.
He smoothes one hand over your hair and you swear you’ve never felt safer or more cared for in your entire life.
“Told you you wouldn’t take too much,” you tell him. “Told you I trusted you.”
Max’s nose nudges at your hairline.
“I was so scared there for a minute,” he admits. “You had more faith in me than I had in myself.”
“How often do you need to feed?”
“It depends,” he says. “But usually once a week or so.”
“‘M sorry I interrupted your routine.”
“Don’t be,” he rushes to reassure you. “It’s…I’m glad you did.”
And it has to be a combination of exhaustion, blood loss, and the last of your heat hormones that finally removes your self-preservation filter.
“You don’t have to say that, y’know. I know it’s just…” you wave your hand weakly in front of you, “instincts.”
You can feel Max frown.
“What are you talking about?”
You huff a sigh, still not processing the potential consequences of what you’re saying, but instead slightly annoyed at having to summon the energy to explain further.
“Instincts. Like when you call me your Omega - I know it’s just all heat of the moment stuff.” Whatever combination of factors is making you loopy also has you smiling at your pun. “And I know this isn’t even usually your thing. Being with an Omega.”
Max puts a hand around your jaw and forces you to look at him, confusion and anger starting to permeate his scent. You blink up at him.
“That’s what you think?”
“I heard you!” You say, growing indignant. “I heard you that day in the elevator, talking with all your Alpha buddies. Omegas are more trouble than they’re worth, remember?”
You having overheard this is clearly news to Max, who looks away from you. And this is the thing about heat hormones - you can’t resist the urge to soothe your Alpha, even when you’re cross with him, just like you can’t resist the way your body pingpongs from one mood to another so easily, feeling tears start to prick at your eyes.
“But it’s okay, I appreciate you helping me, and I - I promise I won’t do that clingy, needy Omega thing to you. I hid my designation for so long because it was just easier that way, you know? And we can just - just go back to how things were before, after this, and no one else at the office has to know - ”
“Fuck, I was an idiot.”
Wait, what?
“I did feel that way, for a long time. Everyone always says when you meet the right person, it’s different, and I thought that was a load of shit. I didn’t want a mate. I didn’t need a mate. I’m sorry I said those things, and I’m sorry you heard them.
“And I think…I think my Alpha knew, even from the beginning. I liked seeing you in the office. I liked talking to you. I wanted to spend time with you. And then this - ” he gestures around you, “this happened, and it feels…right. Yes, my Alpha instinct is to take care of you while you’re in heat, but I like taking care of you. I want to take care of you. I like…I like having you rely on me, I like knowing you need me. I’ve never felt that way before. And it’s, y’know…it’s not so bad.”
Max smirks, but it’s entirely self-deprecating. There is a feeling in your chest that is dangerously close to hope.
“Trust me, no one is more surprised than I am at this turn of events.”
“So…what happens now?”
“From your scent, I’d say you’ll be out of your heat tomorrow morning, does that sound right?” You nod. “I’d rather we finish this conversation when we’re both more clear-headed. But I think it might mean something, that we’re so…compatible. And I think we should explore that in the near future when we’re not both being driven by a bunch of chemicals that make us want to fuck each other’s brains out, if you’re amenable to that?”
“I am.”
“Good.” He smiles at you, and for once it’s not smug or coy or full of wry humor. Max smiles at you like he’s simply…happy. You want to see him smile at you like that all the time. And maybe you will.
“As for what happens right now,” and ah, there’s the smugness again, as he slides a hand between your legs and cups your mound, “I have a few ideas.”
And it turns out you’re amenable to those, too.
It’s Tuesday morning when you show up back at work, having taken Monday off to fully sleep off the effects of your heat and get your bracelet repaired. Max had (very nobly, he claimed) offered to take the day off too, just to make sure you were okay (“and, you know, just in case we need to have sex again” he’d told you with a grin before you’d playfully shoved him out of your apartment). But now you had his number in your phone and a promise to talk later this week.
You walk from the elevator to your cubicle, oddly nervous and excited at the prospect of seeing Max again, even if it’s barely been 24 hours. You don’t spot him, and you try not to be too disappointed. He has his own office, of course, quite a distance from you, and a very busy schedule.
But as you approach your cubicle a familiar scent greets you, and while there’s still no sign of Max, you know he’s been here recently.
A donut sits on your desk. There’s a note scribbled on the napkin underneath it, of a kind you haven’t gotten since about the third grade, but it’s so perfectly Max that it makes your heart melt a little.
Do u like me?
[ ] yes
[ ] no
If yes, dinner Friday?
[ ] yes
Max ;)
You reach for a pen.
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duchezss · 6 months
My favorite details/moments from Trolls Band Together because I have a problem.
Lemme just get this out of the way and say the soundtrack is a certified banger oh my god.
When brozone tries and hits the perfect family harmony the first time the colors that they get outlined in are all separate, the three colors don't blend at all.
Just Floyd comforting Branch....😭 😭
Branch's little hops when him and Floyd were talking about the bunker WAHHHH.
The real emotions of Branch missing his brothers while simultaneously not wanting to see them like???
"There goes my back" when JD was throwing Branch LMAOO.
The entire design of Mount Rageous is so whimsical and gorgeous I'm in love.
When the whole screen shakes when JD hits the counter eh oh el.
"If there was a brother I'd do this for...I'd be Floyd" WAHHHH.
The old MTV style music video Watch Me Work has.
Floyd singing with the posters of brozone floating around 😭
"Tiny, Poppy, Branch, and this random dude" I SPIT OUT MY DRINK LMAO.
"Are you a narc?" OH I LOST IT IM SO DEAD.
All of Branch's old hairstyles being references to Justin Timberlake's real hairstyles.
"Poppy seed" awwwww.
Branch's little "yay" is so cute.
The ongoing ring pop joke is actually so funny I'm sorry.
The way Bruce and JD just throw Branch on command.
Bruce still being considered the heart throb even though he's got a dad bod, a wife, and children 😭
The amount of songs they fit into Brozone's back is actually impressive, and the way they mesh so well together??? Legitness.
"That's not an idea, those are shoulder pads" I just can't...
When Floyd's hair started turning white and he was going transparent....WAHHH 😭 😭 WHEN I GET YOU VELVET AND VEENER WHEN I GET YOU......(But also the details to show how fast his health was declining? Someone cooked)
Branch's iconic clue board.
Bruce holding tiny diamond since he's also a dad.
Branch trying to be brave and talk to the clown but as soon as Viva came at him he backed up. That's such a real response I love is so much??
Clay's hair being green? Which kinda hints that JD or someone made him dye his hair yellow when he was younger.
Viva calling Clay "Mr. Clay" is actually the cutest thing everrr
Clay and Bruce's handshake, I also kinda like that it implies that they were really close, kinda like how Branch and Floyd were close. I think it really separates JD from them.
Also everyone's reaction to JD being super cold while everyone fawns over Branch.
Clay's so smart 😭 (and autistic) I love him so much.
All the brothers cute dancing in It Takes Two ❤️
The very real response of Viva not wanting to talk about her trauma and also not wanting Poppy to leave.
"I don't wanna lose my brother either" I feel like no one talks about how brave Clay is. He's in the same boat as Viva, he thinks Bergens still attack trolls, and he's going out into the world for the first time in who knows how's long. Just because he wants to help save Floyd, like that's so sweet???
Floyd's dead face was way funnier than it should've been.
"I thought ghosts just floated away" the delivery on this line is unmatched.
Floyd speaking one younger brother to Veener was so 😭, especially cause you know he felt like Veener did when Brozone was still active (on a lesser degree ofc) I can't.
We don't talk enough about how fire all of the choreos are, like they got professional dancers to make these dances, AND YOU CAN TELL OML.
JD's need for perfection constantly getting in the way of the greatness they all could achieve.
Branch being the voice for all younger siblings out there who will never be respected by their families hit me. But I also think there's something to say about the JD's of the world. The older siblings they took charge because they felt they had to. All parties end up getting hurt.
Also Branch actually wanting them to be a family so sweet. It really embodies the naive hope of wanting to stay together that youngest children have, but it's not unattainable. You can still be close with your siblings into adulthood, no matter how much time has passed, and that's what this movie represents as it's core.
"I didn't think we'd both find ourselves tied up on this honeymoon" WHATTTTT.
BRANCH AND FLOYD HUGGING THROUGH THE GLASS WAHHHHHHHH. Also Floyd being the only brother to respect that's he's grown....I just love them so much 😭
The whole interaction of all the brothers reuniting while in the diamonds is so funny for no reason lol.
Viva understanding she was wrong and striving to do better for her sister >>>
"Actually I've got two really brave sisters" When the message of this movie is that found family and blood family are just as important as each other, and that no matter what you get to pick who your family is >>> 😭
When Clay falls hard while in the diamond, Bruce and JD immediately check on him, meanwhile he's just focused on Floyd. The older brotherism... 😭
The message of this movie also being that perfection isn't important, but rather balance, harmony, and communication are key. ❤️
The acapella opening of Better Place....just.....wow.....
Clay's adlibs eating everyone up??? Kid Cudi I was not familiar with your game hold on.....
When they hit the perfect family harmony all their colors start mixing, showing their respect for individualism and also for the group.
The way Floyd eyes light up when they're all singing is just 😭
Branch building the bunker for all of them 💔, Floyd remembering the waterslide, all of them hugging?? Just peak filmmaking idk.
"Jail it is" also apparently someone did the math and in our world the twins would get over 6 life sentences for their crimes hello???
All of the boyband references are so funny idc.
Clay being excited to get to know Branch 😭 also JD reading a book in the back that presumably Clay recommended him?? That's so cute? He's really trying y'all, they're all trying, and that just warms my heart 😭
*NSYNC making their first song in over 20 years for this movie is actually the craziest thing ever I'm obsessed. Also they all designed their little trolls which I think is so cute.
The last songs....just bangers....I can't even, I sound like a broken record, why is every song in this movie so good.
Fav adlibs speedrun (from the last two songs): Floyd little "yeah yeah", Clay's "dohhh, ohhh," one of the nsync members "show the wayyy", Bruce's "so excited", Branch's "ohh" & "ayeee"
The layering when they all sing together is too good. It sounds so gorgeous and if you listen closely you can hear each persons vocals.
Also I just need to talk about the music production and mixing for a second. This movie has three version of Better Place, all of which are unique. The main one is the NSYNC version, which is notable for it's little rap section. The Family Harmony version use's the intro/pre-chorus as the main part of the song. It also lets the song slowly built, and adds instrumentals as the song progresses. The Reunion version doesn't use the intro/pre-chorus, but rather mainly focuses on the chorus. It also uses the bridge from the main song as the post-chorus/refrain. Just a very creative use of the song tbh. Also the instrumental differences between Watch Me Work and Mount Rageous? Like it's the same song, but the way they add more classical elements and more layers to build the tension and the song as a whole?? I have no words. Perfection.
Obsessed with this movie. If you haven't seen it pls go watch it.
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
josh's song || josh kiszka x reader
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Read on AO3 | Cabin Fever Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Summary: The Cabin Fever gang celebrates Josh's birthday. || Standalone in the Cabin Fever universe
Pairings: Josh Kiszka x Wife!Reader, Jake x Sparrow, Sam x Danny | Genres: pure fluff | Word Count: 3.6k | Warnings: none!
A/N: This fic was inspired by the pictures of Josh's birthday picnic - of course I had to have a little celebration with the Cabin Fever gang ♡
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“Sam!” You smacked his hand away from the perfectly constructed charcuterie board in the middle of the table. “Don’t you dare!”
“Ow, what?” He withdrew his hand and pouted at you. “Josh won’t notice if one cracker is out of place, will he?”
“Now, Sam,” Jake scolded. “Don’t drive her any more crazy than she already is about this.” He tried to hand you a drink. “Here.”
“Not yet,” you said, knowing you were being a little high-strung about this party but desperately wanting everything to be perfect. This would be Josh’s first birthday as a married man, and though you knew it probably didn’t make a difference to him, nor to any of your friends gathered in your backyard for his party, it mattered to you.
Unfortunately, you were also taking your anxiety out on your friends, and you were thankful for how they were bearing with you.
“Okay, maybe just a little bit,” you conceded, taking the drink from Jake. He smirked when you spluttered a little.
“Jeez, Jake,” you managed. “How much tequila is in this, anyway?”
“Enough to chill your ass out, honey,” he said. He waved it away when you tried to hand it back to you. “No, no. You need it more than I do.”
Sam left the food alone and came to your side.
“It’s gonna be great, kiddo,” he said with an encouraging smile. “You could have given Josh a lunchable on a beach towel and he would still think it’s the best birthday ever. He’s gonna freak out when he sees all this.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, still a little doubtful. You looked over the spread of artfully mismatched rugs, pillows, futons, and little tables decorated with candles, incense, flowers, and crystals from the vast collection you and Josh shared. Everything was under a clear tent that let the sun shine through; when the sun set, the fairy lights strung across it would give the party a cosy glow. Jake had personally overseen the bar and made sure there were plenty of fixings for salty dogs; Danny, currently the lookout for when Josh got home, had curated the perfect playlist. Sam and Sparrow had been a willing pair of extra hands for you, helping you set up everything to your liking. Everything was perfect. You hoped.
“Sam’s right,” Jake said, patting your cheek. “Josh is gonna love it.”
You tried to let yourself believe it, but you were nervous for Josh to come home. The anticipation was terrible; you were so excited for him to see everything, and you couldn’t wait to celebrate his birthday with him for the first time as his wife.
Fortunately, you didn’t have long to wait. Danny and Sparrow all but ran out the back door, tripping over themselves and laughing in their haste to get outside.
“He’s here!” Danny said. “Everybody act natural!”
All of a sudden, the nervous, excited energy that had plagued you all day seemed to take hold of the rest of your small party. Jake took his drink when you shoved it into his hands, holding it like he didn’t know what to do with it; Sam rushed around to light the candles and cursed like a sailor at the lighter when it wouldn’t work. All five of you caught a case of the giggles as you tried to be casual while running around trying to make sure everything was ready.
“Okay, okay!” you laughed, trying to create order out of chaos. “Danny, help your boyfriend light the stupid candles. Jake, fix Josh’s drink. Sparrow, turn on the music and make sure nothing catches on fire.”
You got a chorus of “yes ma’am” in response as you went inside and made your way to the front door. Nothing in your house gave away the party in the backyard; by all appearances, you were welcoming your husband home to a quiet afternoon.
You’d just reached the door when Josh opened it, and you tried to keep your beaming smile in check as you greeted him.
“Hi, honey,” you said, giving him a kiss. “How was the store?”
His smile was a little bemused. “Like it always is, I guess.” He held up the grocery bag of random things you’d sent him to get just to get him out of the house. “What are we making with all this, anyway?”
You pretended to be bashful. “I thought it might be fun to cook dinner together,” you said. You touched your fingers to the crystal on his necklace. “I know it’s not fancy, but... I thought it would be fun to do for your birthday. I don’t know. Maybe it’s dumb.”
“No, it’s not,” he assured you quickly. He gave you a sweet smile. “I’d love to cook dinner together, baby. Thank you for thinking of it.”
You smiled up at him, barely able to contain your excitement. “Oh, I’m glad you like it. We can use some tomatoes from the garden, too — some of them are finally ready to be picked. Do you want to see?”
He set the grocery bag on the counter and took your hand, happily following you out to the back yard. His willingness and contentment in doing something so simple for his birthday was like an arrow to your heart, and you couldn’t wait to show him his surprise.
“Do you have music on outside?” he asked. He grinned. “Shall we do a little dancing in our garden, baby?”
You squeezed his hand. “Something like that, honey.”
When you opened the back door, you looked up at your husband to watch his reaction as a chorus of “surprise!” greeted him. A wide smile spread across his face, his cheeks going a little pink with pleasure and excitement; he only took a second to take things in before he looked over at you.
“Baby!” he said, his voice bright with wonder and delight. “What is this?”
You grinned. “What do you think, handsome?” You kissed his cheek. “Happy birthday, Josh.”
He took your face in his hands and kissed your thoroughly, earning some enthusiastic wolf whistles from your friends. You blushed and looked up at him with adoration.
“Do you like it?” you asked softly.
He beamed. “I love it.” He kissed your nose. “I love you. Thank you.”
You watched with a beaming smile as he gave everyone a hug, thanking them for his party and telling them how happy he was to celebrate with them. When he came back to you, he took your hand and asked you to show him around, taking note of every detail like you’d hoped he would. 
“You did a beautiful job, baby,” he praised, glancing his fingers over the chunky citrine on the low table. “Are these all our crystals?”
You nodded. “I thought they would look pretty out here in the sun.”
He smiled. “They do. They look almost as pretty as you.”
You gave him a bashful smile and touched his cheek. “I have another surprise for you.”
“Bring it on, baby.”
You laughed and ushered him over to Sparrow, who was busy setting up her collection of face paint near the bar. Jake was making Danny a drink, and you saw that he was already sporting a silver moon and a dusting of stars over his cheeks.
“Oh, wonderful,” Josh said with a grin, rubbing his hands together as he took a seat on the futon in front of her. “Sparrow, I think I’ll leave the creative decisions entirely up to you.”
“How daring,” she teased, getting her paint ready. “Jake was a little nervous I’d paint him to look like a tiger or something.”
“I was not,” Jake chided. “I just wanted something a little more... subtle, that’s all.”
“I think it looks great,” you said. “Very becoming.”
Jake shrugged. “My girl knows how to pretty me up, what can I say?”
Sam came over from raiding the charcuterie board he was finally allowed to enjoy and asked Danny for a sip of the drink Jake had only just handed him. Danny, selfless as ever, handed it over without complaint.
“What face paint are you getting?” Danny asked him.
“I was thinking of doing a Jackson Pollock type thing,” he joked. “You know, just letting Sparrow splatter paint all over my face.” He handed Danny’s drink back. “Thanks for sharing, honey.”
Danny smiled. “You’re welcome, love.”
Josh tipped his face up to you when Sparrow was finished, looking for your approval. The design was simple and pretty, gold and white lines across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, a gentle curve of white with red dots over the apples of his cheeks. 
“Adorable,” you said, taking his chin and giving him a kiss.
“Hey lovebirds,” Sparrow said. “Look at me.”
You did, and you smiled when she took a couple pictures of you. She sent them to you, and you laughed out loud at the one with Josh's big, wide-eyed smile and a paintbrush held in front of his face.
“This is the one I'm posting,” you told him.
He grinned up at you. “Awesome.”
He stood and brought another futon over. “Can I do your face paint?” he asked. “Not that I think Sparrow wouldn’t do a terrific job, but I have an idea I want to try.”
You smiled. “Sure, honey.”
You took a seat, and he and Sparrow shared her paints as she gave Danny a dusting of little pink hearts over his cheeks.
“You have the prettiest features, baby,” Josh said gently.
You blushed, watching the almost reverent way he studied your face as he thought out his design.
“Thank you,” you said softly.
He met your eyes and smiled. “I love you.”
You leaned close and kissed him. “I love you too.”
He let you kiss him for a moment before he drew back.
“Now, no more distracting me, sweetheart,” he said seriously. “I have to concentrate.”
You breathed a laugh and sat still as he began to paint. The brush tickled your cheek, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Don’t smile, baby,” Josh said, though he was smiling too.
“But it tickles,” you said.
He laughed. “I know, I’m sorry.” He touched a few fingers to your chin and gently turned your head. “Try not to smile, just for a minute.”
When he was finally done, he set the paints aside and pulled his phone out. “Okay, now give me a big smile.”
You grinned, and you liked that he smiled just because you did.
“There,” he said, showing you the picture. “What do you think?”
He’d given you delicate golden sunbeams over your cheeks, some of them dripping artfully, some of them ending in little white stars.
“You made me beautiful, Josh.”
He gave you a gentle smile. “You’re always beautiful, baby. I just added the sunshine I see every time I look at you.”
When everybody’s face was painted — Sparrow gave Sam a splash of daisies on his cheeks, and in return he gave her lovely blue and white clouds — you gathered around the circular table of snacks to eat, drink, and be merry. The afternoon passed into evening as your little family talked and laughed and shared fond memories of the birthday boy, each of you getting steadily more tipsy and giggly and sunkissed. The boys brought out guitars from your music room and played for a long while, and they invited you and Sparrow to sing along when they played an actual song instead of just inventing one on the fly.
“When are we doing presents?” Sam asked eventually. “Danny and I got you the greatest gift ever.”
Danny smiled. “It is pretty good, actually.”
Josh looked to you. “What do you think, my lovely master of ceremonies? Is now a good time to do presents?”
“It’s your party, sweetheart,” you said with a smile, standing to get his present and bring them over. “We can do whatever you want.”
Josh stood and followed you to the table where the presents had been set up.
“What if I want to take you to bed, Mrs. Kiszka?” he asked in a low voice, a handsome smirk on his face as he snuck a hand into your back pocket.
“Josh,” you scolded, though you were sure your blushing smile gave you away. You gave him a quick kiss. “Patience, lover. You’re getting another birthday surprise later tonight.”
“Oh?” he said, giving you a pleased grin. “Well, in that case, I guess I can try and behave.”
You laughed and gave his shoulder a playful smack as you gathered his presents, and the two of you rejoined your friends under the cosy twinkle of fairy lights with an armful of gifts.
“That’s from us,” Jake said when Josh picked his first present, a stack of two gifts tied together with a pretty ribbon.
“I see you let Sparrow do the wrapping,” Josh teased. “Wise man.”
He started to undo the ribbon but hesitated, looking back up at Jake and Sparrow.
“Hey, what are we doing for your birthday?” he asked.
Jake grinned. “You’re just now remembering that we share a birthday, huh?”
Everybody laughed at that, and Josh gave his twin an affectionate eye-roll.
“Ha-ha, alright. What are we doing, though?”
Jake shrugged. “No clue.” He looked over at his brand-new wife of only a few months and gave her a smile. “Maybe my Mrs. Kiszka has something up her sleeve too.”
Sparrow pinked, trying to be nonchalant but given away by the smile she couldn’t hide.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she teased. “Josh is the favorite twin, so he gets the party.”
Jake laughed. “Oh, I see how it is.”
Sparrow took Jake’s hand but looked over at you, both of you smiling when your eyes met. Everybody but the twins knew that you were doing a pirate-themed birthday bash for Jake in a few days. A new pirate-themed bar downtown was having its grand opening next week, but Sparrow had sweet-talked them into letting her throw a private party for Jake Kiszka of Greta Van Fleet before they were technically open to the public.
“Well, since I’m the favorite twin,” Josh said tartly, “I expect quite the tremendous gift.”
You smiled, knowing he was only teasing; Josh would be touched and thrilled at anything his best friends gave him.
“So there’s two gifts, obviously,” Sparrow said as he started to unwrap the smaller present, sounding a little unsure. “I picked out the one you’re holding, but it’s.... well, you’ll see.”
Josh gave her a sweet smile. “You don’t think I’ll like it?”
He opened the little box to reveal a quartz necklace, the exact same necklace he was wearing. His laugh was bright and musical, sweet and surprised.
“Look at that,” he said, grinning ear to ear as he held it up for everyone to see. “Sparrow, you know me so well.”
“I didn’t know until you walked out here earlier that you already had it,” she said, her expression caught between regret that he already had it and relief that he didn’t hate it. “I can return it and get something else.”
“No way,” Josh said, putting it on to rest against his chest with the other necklace. ���You can never have too much of a good thing.”
He reached over his twin and gave Sparrow’s hand a gentle squeeze. “I love it, Sparrow. Thank you very much.”
She gave him a warm smile. “You’re welcome, Josh. Happy birthday.”
He opened Jake’s present next, a handsome leather journal and a set of nice pens.
“Thought it was better for songwriting than that notebook of yours that’s falling apart,” Jake said.
Josh smiled as he thumbed through the pages, admiring the feel of the journal. “It’s wonderful. Thank you, Jake.”
Sam and Danny’s present was next, and all of you gushed over it.
“You got me the Master for my birthday?” Josh asked with a delighted laugh. He held the black-hooded figurine up to show you. “Look at this, baby. It’s the guy from all our posters.”
“It holds the amethyst, too,” Sam said, nodding to the crystal sphere they’d given him with the figurine.
“Or a candle,” Danny added. “Or whatever you want him to hold, I guess.”
Josh gave them a charming smile. “I love it. Thank you.”
Your present was last, and you watched his face to see his reaction. You hoped he liked it; it wasn’t much, but you hoped it would be meaningful to him.
“Oh, baby.”
You flushed with pleasure at the wonder in his voice. “You like them?”
He held up the delicate gold earrings, his special triangle symbol dangling from each hoop. They were pretty in the soft light, and Josh tenderly brushed his thumb over them.
“I love them, baby,” he said gently. He turned to you and gave you a kiss. “I love them. Thank you.”
You smiled. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
He handed them to you. “Can you put them on for me?”
You did, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek when you were done.
“How do they look?” he asked.
“Very handsome,” you said sincerely. Josh always looked handsome, and jewelry only highlighted his natural beauty. You smiled. “I’m glad you like them, honey.”
You and Danny served the cake after all the wrapping paper had been cleared away, and the six of your decided on a round of cards before you watched a movie on the projector Sam and Jake had set up earlier. Danny and Jake were both unfamiliar with the rules to the game Sam picked, so he and Sparrow jumped into a complicated explanation that their partners tried to sort through.
“This is gonna take a minute,” Josh said, leaning close to you.
You gave a soft laugh. “Maybe we should get a drink while we wait.”
He stood and gave you a hand up, and you walked together over to the bar.
“What can I make you, honey?” he asked.
“A salty dog, please,” you said.
He grinned and set about making two cocktails. “My kind of woman.”
He handed you your drink and clinked his glass against yours. “Cheers, baby.”
You tipped your face up for a kiss, and he obliged you. You took a moment just to look at him when you broke apart, admiring the softness of his features in the warm glow of the fairy lights, the glint of gold from his earrings, the way his face paint was a little smudged over his rosy cheeks.
“You want to know something?” you asked softly.
He hummed in agreement.
You touched a hand to his cheek. “I think you shine like the sun, Joshua.”
He smiled, warm and beautiful, laugh lines crinkling at the corners of his eyes. 
“Thank you, baby.”
You kissed him again, drinking in the feel of him, the gentleness of the warm spring night, the sound of your friends’ laughter mixing with the sound of a familiar John Denver song.
“This is almost a birthday song for you,” you said.
He smiled. “What do you mean?”
“It reminds me of you,” you said. “And it says ‘born in the month of June,’ but we can change it to April.”
You draped your arm over his shoulder and played with the soft curls at the nape of his neck.
“It’s called Eli’s Song,” you said. “But I think we can change it to Josh’s Song. I don’t think Mr. Denver would mind.”
Josh chuckled. “No, I don’t think he’d mind.”
He set his drink aside and pulled you close, swaying you gently to the music.
“You’re starting out strong, you get a kick out of life,” you sang, forgetting to be bashful of your singing voice as Josh smiled. “You like to sing songs and be in the spotlight.”
You gave him a gentle kiss. “And when everybody's watching you, you shine so bright.”
His smile was bright as a sunrise and twice as pretty.
“I love you, Mrs. Kiszka.” He peppered kisses all over your face until you dissolved in giggles.
“And I love to hear you laugh,” he said, his voice warm and affectionate. “I’m so glad I married you, and I’m so glad I get to spend all my birthdays with you.”
You brushed your fingers over his smile. “Me too,” you said softly.
He kissed you until your friend started calling for you, and then he made a display of ignoring them and kissing you some more as he flipped them the bird.
“Josh,” you giggled. He grinned and kissed you one last time before you joined your family again.
“Getting a special birthday present from your wife?” Sam teased.
“Oh, Sammy,” you said with a smirk. “That’s just a little taste of the special present he’s getting tonight.”
Sam clapped his hands over his ears. “Oh, god, forget I said anything.”
You and Josh got a healthy amount of ribbing as Sparrow dealt the cards, and your conversation continued with funny stories and inside jokes as you played. Danny and Jake eventually caught on to the game and then became the most competitive, and your back yard was filled with the comforting chaos of your best friends’ laughter and teasing.
You looked over at Josh, and your heart wobbled when you saw he was already looking at you.
He smiled. “Hi, pretty girl.”
You blushed and gave him a heartsick smile. “Hi, Joshy.” You took his hand. “Do you like your party?”
He brushed his thumb over the back of your hand. “I love it, baby. Thank you so much for putting it together. It’s perfect.”
“I’m glad,” you said. “You deserve a perfect birthday, Josh.”
He leaned in for a kiss, and you melted against him. There, surrounded by your dear friends, celebrating the love of your life — everything was perfect. 
“Happy birthday, Josh,” you said gently. “I love you.”
You felt his sunshine smile.
“My sweet baby. I love you too.”
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josh taglist: @way-to-go-lad
gvf taglist: @malany-gvf @spark-my-nature @eearevee @madneedshelp @demonrat444 @josh-iamyour-mama @honeyandsweettae @mydarlingdanny @gretavandann @sacredjake @myleftsock @joshskittytickler21 @hellowgoodbye @watchingovergvf2 @fearfulspirit @mywaysoon @carbondancingthroughtime @caprisunsister @eraofstardustchords @sacredthefran @shesawomaninadream @serendipiti
@gvfrry @ohhey1293 @the-chaotic-cow @mountain-in-springtime @xserenax-13 @stardustjtk @brooke-gvf @weightofdreams-gvf  @jakeydoesit  @gretasmokerising @hayley1623 @doodle417 @finestoflines @brokenbellz @bowievanfleet @s0livagant @strugglingtodoshit @s-u-t @kay-jordan @gretavanfleas @jakeyboiiiiiii @gretavansteph @gretavanbitches @myownparadise96 @luverleaver @weightofdreamz @greatervanfleet @maedesculpaeusoubi @jakekiszkasbestie @pineapple-photographer @baguettejuliette @alexxavicry @levi-wants-ur-bones  @carlybubs @cowboysamkiszka @dannyandthekiszkas @jordierama @slutforsteve @starshine-wagner
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demonio-fleurs · 1 month
the headcanon ask game!
for both sabo and koala:
Send in a character or characters and an icon and I’ll give you...
i am so sorry this took so long btw, a mixture of me being busy and also having to come up with these on the spot made it take longer than i wanted it to!
these also range from "simple and straight forward" to "mini fics/drabbles" haha, sorry for the inconsistency
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
they're both bisexual, although koala is (in my opinion) far more likely to be vocal about it than sabo, who is too busy with work to think about relationships.
koala realized she was bisexual when she met betty for the first time, and no i will not elaborate further. meanwhile sabo has just always kinda known that gender doesn't matter for him.
(more under the cut!)
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
one day, while traveling the seas with the sun pirates, their ship was attacked by slavers looking for a profit. they were arrogant, and believed they could easily take out the group of fishmen on the ship.
koala doesn't remember much about that night, except for how frightened she was, as the ship had been caught up in a cyclone right before being attacked.
but she does remember huddling in a corner of the ship, wide eyes staring as a man came rushing towards her. she remembers jinbei, stepping out of nowhere and using Samehada Shotei against the slaver, and how the sheer force of it was enough to cause the man to be tossed across the room, knocking him out. jinbei then turned to her, and had her crawl onto his back for safety until they could ensure there was no one left on the ship.
that memory stayed burned into her for the rest of her life, and the day that hack told her that she'd finally perfected the Samehada Shotei technique was one of the happiest moments of her life.
for the longest time, sabo's childhood was not defined by memories, but rather feelings and vague nightmares. he remembered there being a great, terrible fire, and the fear he felt when he saw it. he remembered the feeling of a bird, trapped in it's cage and wanting so desperately to fly free. so many dark emotions, so many nights waking up in a cold sweat, gripping onto his sheets.
but sometimes, there were positive thoughts and dreams from his childhood. a song played in a bar on a mission might bring back the memory of tall, towering trees amidst a humid jungle. koala clinging to him in the middle of a hot night brought back the feeling of creaky wooden boards beneath him, and the starry night sky above him.
it wouldn't be until after ace's death that he gained the context necessary to understand those lingering childhood memories, but context didn't make his heart feel any less heavy in his chest.
🎶 A headcanon about music
one day while laying low in a bar and trying to plan out their next steps on an important mission assigned to them by dragon, koala began singing along to an old song that was being played on a dingy old piano in the corner. to her surprise, sabo began humming along with it, despite it being a song that was usually only known by pirates.
after their mission, she sat down with him and sang the lyrics in the hopes of triggering some memories from his past, but the only thing that came to mind for sabo was a warm summer night in a jungle.
later on, he'd put together that he must have heard the song from luffy, who taught both him and ace the lyrics to "prepare them" for their life as a pirate.
💝 A headcanon about their love language
sabo is a very "physical touch" person, when they are alone he is constantly either in their lap, or clinging onto them, almost as if when he lets go of them, they'll disappear forever.
koala, on the other hand, is more of a "quality time" type of person. to her, so long as she is near the person she loves, that is quality time, even if they aren't doing the same thing. this doesn't mean that she isn't physically affectionate, in fact she can be quite clingy when she's worried or upset, but that isn't her primary love language.
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
oh gosh, haha, i'm honestly one of the worst people for romance but here we go
one of sabo's favorite things to do when coming home from a mission is to put his head in koala's lap and fall asleep. almost every outside observer wonders when koala will get fed up with him and kick him out of her lap, especially since she'll complain about it to anyone who will listen, but hack knows that koala secretly loves it. when she thinks no one is looking she'll often run her fingers through his golden locks, and simply enjoy the downtime with him.
😶 A random headcanon!
sabo has fangs like a dragon 3:
koala has an incredibly high spice tolerance, but primarily bc she enjoys food that has strong flavors.
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kitashousewife · 2 years
do better than this
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an: this is based off of the song tampa by LANY. i am a massive lany fan and i decided i might write some fics based off of their songs, so this is the first one!
pairing: timeskip!atsumu x fem!reader
warnings: angst, angst to fluff, swearing, cheating, flying, fighting, fluffy ending, childhood friends to lovers as well, the first part is a lot of atsumu focused story
wc: 1.5k
airports, especially late at night, are one of the most special places to be. quiet, empty, full of travelers whose stories you don't know. the gates and hallways are full of adventure and wonder. it is a very unique and lovely experience.
except, of course, when you're heartbroken.
angry and hurt are the two best words to describe how atsumu is feeling right now. MSBY had finally wrapped up their couple week long trip in the US, 4 games total with lots of practice matches, interviews, and events. the whirlwind experience finally coming to a close in the state of Florida, where the weather was warm and sticky and the beaches were sandy and blue. the team was very successful and everyone had a great time.
atsumu was having a wonderful time as well. this was one of his favorite parts of playing: seeing the world and going up against immensely talented players.
earlier tonight, after zipping up his last suitcase, atsumu was sent a couple photos that he wish he hadn't seen.
his girlfriend of two years, pictured in a club with what looked to be one of her co-workers that he recognized. no big deal. except the next set of photos showed his girlfriend in his lap, then kissing him with the other male's hands all over her body.
the worst part? atsumu isn't surprised.
this isn't the first time. the first six months were great, some of the best moments he's ever had in his life. the sweetest memories of all took place in the beginnings of his relationship. after that, though, things started to go downhill. small fights and disagreements lead to blow ups and yelling matches. doubts and worries lead to trust issues. his love and passion for volleyball, once a light of his life, had been painted over and turned into the villian. atsumu almost believed that his life's work was the cause of all of the issues in his relationship.
waiting in line at security gave him plenty of time to think, even though he didn't want to. slipping off his shoes and grabbing a bin, atsumu thought back to the most recent fight.
his girlfriend, if you could even call her that now, yelled at him before he left two weeks ago. shouts of all you care about is that stupid sport and you don't care about me like you used to filled the room. feeling defensive, atsumu tried to explain himself and fight for himself. bringing up moments he took time off every month to spend with her, sending her flowers and gifts while he was away, taking the time to call her as well, even though she wouldn't pick up. the fight ended in her storming out of his apartment, the slam of a door the only form of goodbye he received from her.
he wasn't a bad boyfriend. he knew that deep down. but her words cut deep, almost convincing him that he was the reason.
walking to the gate with his head down, atsumu feels empty. what do i do now? staring at the photos over and over, hoping that he made the images up in his mind, his head feels like it's spinning. he gets it, he travels a lot. he has a lot of practices, trainings, camps, and commitments. but he always made time for her.
hearing the approval to board, atsumu finally decides on what to say. hitting send, atsumu shoves his phone back in his pocket with a shake of his head.
i'm boarding now, but i think it would be best if we called when i land.
the flight was nothing special. atsumu tried to sleep, tried to watch a movie, anything to distract himself from the shitshow of a phone call that was bound to happen when he landed.
sure enough, his prediction was correct.
as soon as he landed, he sent her a text to let her know he arrived, to which she responded with enthusiasm, unknowing to the fact that he knows everything.
atsumu!! ❤️
the following hour of his commute back to his apartment was full of angry words, shouting at his dashboard while he drove through the city, finally pulling into his apartment and slamming his door shut. like most of their fights, it was filled with atsumu apologizing for nothing, trying to come up with solutions to convince himself to stay, all for them to lead nowhere.
in the end, she was the one to end things with him.
it was about dinner time when your phone rang. turning off the stove and answering, you set your phone on speaker as you serve yourself some food.
"tsum, welcome home!"
throwing himself on his couch, he smiles for the first time in what feels like years.
"why thank you, i'm glad to be here."
sitting down to eat, your heart beats a little quicker at the sound of his voice. you know you shouldn't, you know he has someone, but you can't help but feel this way. pushing your emotions down, you distract yourself by hearing about his travels.
"i'm glad you're here, too." wincing at how forward you sound, you quickly try to cover it up by asking another question.
"okay, tell me everything, and don't leave out a single detail."
the next fifteen minutes are filled with stories of matches, games, sites he saw, the cities he got to see, and how it felt to be somewhere new. both of you laugh as he recalled a couple stories from their times in Las Vegas, but the stories seemed to wrap up suddenly.
"and then we got to Florida," a long pause. "...and then it was all over and I came home! so, a pretty good trip overall," the last part mumbled, atsumu feels his heart break a little.
"what? you can't just leave out an entire state, 'tsum. tell me, I want to hear!"
another long pause, followed by a loud sigh.
"well, the activities itself were great. i had a lot of fun," smiling, he recalls visiting the beach with his teammates. the smile disappears when the memory fades. "um, well-"
sighing yourself, you pinch your nose. in annoyance or worry, you're not sure. you know exactly what he's going to say.
"what did she do, atsumu?"
putting you on speaker, atsumu walks to his kitchen to grab a snack for himself. shutting the cabinet a little too hard, you finally get a response.
"she cheated, she fucking cheated and with that bastard she works with, too. i should have known, maybe i-" he sucks his teeth and shakes his head, putting the bag of chips he grabbed on to the counter. "nevermind."
you know what he was going to say.
"atsumu. you didn't do anything wrong."
his chest feels tight. "yeah, maybe,"
"i'm serious. you've done nothing wrong. this isn't your fault. you aren't responsible for her actions."
silence fills the line, followed by a couple sniffles that atsumu hoped you wouldn't hear.
he swallows a sob. "yeah, i can do better than this, but maybe i deserve it?" tears fall down his cheeks. "i am busy, i'm gone all the time, and-"
he sniffs. "no?"
there's silence from your end this time. "atsumu, you deserve so much more. you did so much for her, you spent every ounce of extra time on her, and then some. she didn't value you or your time, she didn't love you like i-" stopping before you get any further, you take a deep breath. "like you deserve, 'tsum. i mean it."
his ears perk up at your last sentence. like i?
he never admitted it outloud, maybe to osamu, but he has always loved you. you've known each other for years, but he never thought you were interested. part of the reason he started dating was to forget about you, trying to distract himself. he really, really hopes he heard you correctly.
"woah, wait a second," he stumbles around, putting his shoes on and grabbing his keys in a hurry, wiping the left over tears off his face. "what did ya say?"
your stomach flips. "i said, you deserve to be loved," you cringe. there's no way he heard me, right?
he's driving now, that much you can tell. he still hasn't said anything in response. "'tsum, you still there?" the sound of automatic doors ring through the speaker.
"yeah, just got hungry and needed a snack," he lies. hes grabbing a couple things, but not for himself. "you're home, right?"
you sit up. "yeah, i am...why?"
the crinkle of cellophane and the shut of a car door peak your interest, but atsumu isn't clearing things up at all.
"could i come see ya? i just-i really want to see ya. i missed ya, after all."
still confused, but eager to see him after a couple weeks, you agree. "sure, 'tsum. i'll be here."
"great, see ya soon." atsumu hangs up, and places the wrapped flowers carefully in his passenger seat, along with a couple other things that he got for you while he was gone.
for the first time in two years, atsumu is buying flowers for someone he truly loves.
he only hopes that you love him, too.
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pulisicz · 1 year
lavender haze pt 2 - christian pulisic
i feel the lavender haze creeping up on me
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summary - during your date with christian, you both talk a little bit about your personal life’s, and you two realize that you want to give a relationship between you a try.
pairing - christian pulisic x fem!reader
song inspo - lavender haze (taylor swift)
warnings! - none
word count - 800+
note - again, i’m so sorry i have made this fic so long. i am proud of it though, so there’s that.
also, i tried making this part short and sweet, so i hope you like it!
part one
the second you walked into the restaurant, you immediately fell in love with it. the vibe was amazing, and the smell of the food was incredible.
you got seated at a table and began to look at the menu.
"everything here looks so good, it's impossible to choose".
christian gave you a little chuckle before putting his own menu down.
"i recommend the grilled cheese and fries. it's simple, but there is just something about the way they make it that just makes it so good".
so, just like christian recommended, you ordered the grilled cheese, and he was definitely right about it being amazing.
"so, you play for chelsea, right?"
the question came out of your mouth before you had time to even think what you were saying through. christian looked a little surprised at your question, and blushed a little and hid his face.
you started to panic, hoping you didn't make this entire thing awkward.
"i indeed do, ms swift".
"how the- how do you know?"
you were genuinely confused on how he knew. the only time you even talked about your sister was while you were on the phone with her and her name, but taylor is such a common name, so how would he have known.
"your sisters boyfriend come over to the bar last night to get you, and he was not even trying to be discreet about it".
then the events of last night flashed in your head. you and christian both laughed the whole situation off. if you were on a date with anyone else you might have been worried about the public finding out, but it was christian, someone who dealt with the same things as you. plus the two of you got so well together, it was almost like you were normal people, not a famous soccer player, and not the sister of a famous pop singer.
lunch was going great, both you and christian had both ordered vanilla bean ice cream, and you were talking about your lives, and what hobbies you had. you both liked to read and were very much introverts, you both likes board games and harry potter. it was nice talking to him.
just as you were about to get the check your sister texted you.
taylor: you doing okay? make sure you get to the hotel in time for you to get ready, okay?
y/n: we are getting the check now, then we are going to a nearby park for a little. i'll be back in time don't worry.
christian refused to let you pay or split the bill, which was both frustrating and sweet.
once you two got to the park, you found a bench to sit on.
everything was so normal with christian. you had been on many dates in the past, but none have been this casual. most of the time you would go out to dinner, and it was filled with awkward conversations, or the guy would just ask about your sister. it was refreshing to be on a date with a guy who cared about you.
after another 10 minutes, you and christian started walking around the park trail. the flowers were blooming and the weather was perfect. the two of you found the most beautiful fountain, and you threw coins into it making wishes.
next thing you know, christian turns to face you and he places his hand carefully on your cheek, cupping it to bring your face up to meet his. he then carefully connects your lips to his.
it's like he read my wish
christian deepened the kiss. what was once a soft, careful kiss, became passionate and messy. his hand snaked around your waist, as your hand wrapped around his neck.
you just wanted to stay in this moment forever.
but all good things must come to an end.
christian was the one to break the kiss, both of you out of breath. you and christian leaned your foreheads together, smiling like little kids. there was something so magical about the moment. was it because of the fancy fountain in front of you, maybe. but it was a meaningful moment, nonetheless.
"was your wish the same as mine?" he asks out of the blue.
"considering my wish was what just happened, i think it would be safe to say we did, in fact, have the same wish".
you gave christian another peck on the lips before you two started walking back to his apartment.
"how long will you be in london for?"
"my sister has 6 shows here, so i would say like, 2 weeks?"
christian smirks and looks up at the sky. he was already planning more dates with the two of you.
"are you free tomorrow night?"
"only for you, mr pulisic"
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smolwritingchick · 4 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 85- BTS in Dubai
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Words: 3,000+
‘Visiting a magical country Dubai for summer package’
Bangtan’s next summer package was in Dubai. They got settled in at the Palazzo Versace Hotel and went on to start their day off by experiencing a desert.
‘Going to Safari Desert in Dubai. Driving across the golden desert on a four-wheel drive vehicle’
Jennie drove in the car with Suga, Jungkook, and Jimin. She sat with Suga in the back while Jungkook and Jimin sat in front of them. Their car ride was much quieter than the other car that had the rest of the members in it. Jimin and Jungkook listened to their music separately while Suga shared an earbud with Jennie. She listened to his playlist and once The Don by Nas played, Suga let out a low chuckle as she danced in her seat.
Arriving at the desert, Jennie soaked it all in. Dubai was beautiful and the sun felt great against her skin.
“I love this. Like, look at this scenery! And we get to take photos here? Couldn’t get any better,” she smiled as the camera filmed her snapping photos. J-Hope was happily yelling about Bangtan arriving in the background. “I need to send these to my parents. They’ll love this,”
’Everyone is speechless because of its beautiful scenery’
Once the photoshoot began, the members were given sandboards to ride down the dune. Jennie balanced perfectly on her board and slid down the sand while the photographer snapped away. 
“How do you do that!?” Suga called out.
“Practice makes perfect!” she answered with a grin.
With her selfie stick, she walked around, enjoying the view. “I think I have gotten much better at skating thanks to Kevin. So shoutout to my friend,” she said. “I’ll make sure to visit you and attend one of your basketball games at your college,“
“Ennie! Try running up the sand dune!” Jimin suggested.
When she watched him slip down and fall, she laughed. Soon after Suga and Jin rolled down the sand.
“I would roll down there but I don’t want to get my hair filled with sand,” she said when asked by V if she wanted to join him with Jungkook.
“Jennie, watch this!” Jungkook shouted out and jumped down the sand dune, rolling over. He then smoothly stopped and posed.
She applauded him while shouting, “Ten out of ten, Kookie!”
“Wow, awesome!” V praised. “Jungkook, that was so cool,”
BTS spent a few hours in the area, playing around, and even had a few sand fights.
“Jin. Back up. Back up, right now.” she warned, taking steps back as he walked over to her with a handful of sand after chasing Jimin. She shrieked and jumped out of the direction he threw the sand and began running away. “Not cool! I am not getting sand in my damn hair!"
“Get her!” Jimin shouted, running after her
After they finished their photoshoot in the desert, Bangtan went to the Dubai Desert Bedouin camp to experience their traditional culture. Performers were dancing around and Jennie was mesmerized. She loved how they danced. The way their bodies moved. V was even invited to dance with them. A fun first night.
“Hey! I’m Jennie and I am happily in Dubai!” she waved to the camera after being seated for a solo interview.
‘What did you do today?’
“We went to the desert and it was breathtaking. You have got to check it out. Dubai is beautiful. And the sunset looked so romantic.” she smiled, thinking about her and Jungkook briefly walking around to check out the sunset.
‘What was most impressive?’
“When we went out to dinner to watch the performers. I loved it. It made me want to learn more about their dances,"
‘BTS Picture Day’
Jennie sat with Suga at the table to work as they wrote their daily diary. She wrote about her day in the desert and made a sunset drawing with the members watching it.
“I always put off writing diaries when I was in school,“ Suga said.
"Really? Part of me wanted to invest in a journal to write out my thoughts but then it turned into lyrics so I just started writing songs about my feelings,”
“That’s good. I’m still waiting for you to work on your project,”
“Eventually,” she grinned.
The next day the members were given a mission to buy a gift for their secret friend. They chose a bag that had a member’s name on it along with money to buy a gift. Jennie had gotten a unique bag with the most money because the paper said to buy a gift for All members. Several ideas went through on head on how she wanted to go about it. She could buy something for each of them or perhaps see if she could find something that could benefit all of them.
For shopping, the group went over to a traditional market to buy gifts. Some split into teams while Jennie went by herself. A large bodyguard accompanied her to make sure she was safe. He was nice and she offered him some of the food she bought when she got hungry.
“I thought it would just be one member I had to buy a gift for but today I am buying something for all of us,” she said on her camera with a selfie stick. “I have no idea what to buy y’all. I want it to be different. Something for all of us to share as a gift,”
She walked around and noticed a shop with tons of artwork and portraits. She was amazed by how realistic the drawings looked.
“Maybe...” she walked in. “Hi, how are you?”
“I am well, how are you?” the man stood up, speaking English to her.
"I’m doing great. Your drawings are beautiful. How much is one?”
They discussed the pricing and she showed the owner the photo she wanted to be drawn. 
“I have this picture on my phone. It’s with me and my brothers. I wanted to get it drawn in a big portrait that can be hung in our dorm,”
“I like this picture. I can do this,”
After a few hours, of watching him draw it, Jennie looked at the big portrait and smiled happily. “This is so breathtaking! Look at this, wow. They’ll love it, thank you so much,”
‘Bastakiah. A historical site in Burj Dubai region’
’60 buildings built in mid-9th century have been in operation until 1970s. Some are operating as cultural facilities’
Jennie and Rapmon were paired up for a photo shoot. They posed against the wall for a few shots and then Rapmon was seated down reading a book. She sat next to him and presented him with a lollipop while she had one in her mouth. After he smiled and took it, she wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him in for a side hug as they grinned for the camera.
After the photos were done, Bangtan returned to the hotel to open up their gifts. They sat on the floor in a semi-circle and Jen was in between V and Rapmon.
“My bag had two people in it. So I bought two gifts. For my first person, she-oh no,“ Jimin covered his face, laughing at his mistake.
"Ahhhhh~!” Bangtan shouted and laughed as he gave it away.
“So, you got Jennie!” V laughed.
“Jimin gives great gifts so I’m looking forward to what he got me,” she laughed.
“I noticed that you have lots of accessories hanging around so I thought this item would help tremendously,” he announced and presented her with a large white jewelry box. “It also has your birthstones on it. Topaz and Citrine. So, Ennie, I hope you like it,”
Loud cheers surrounded her as she looked at the box with a huge smile. It was beautiful.
“Oh wow, thank you!” she happily accepted it and opened it. “Oh yeah, this is great. Thank you so much, Jimin. Come here,” she set it down and went over to hug him.
“Wow, I would love something like this. Very cute box,” Namjoon complimented.
“I think Jimin had to buy mine. He chose Jennie and me,” J-Hope said confidently.
He was so sure that Jimin was the one that chose him after Jennie. It just had to be him. 
“He keeps saying that he’s absolutely positive that Jimin is his secret friend,” Namjoon said.
“Explain yourself why you think that,” Jimin said.
“It is?” J-Hope looked at him and watched as he laughed. “See? He can’t act,”
‘Why is J-Hope so sure?’
“The second person I have is someone who likes collecting small things like figures,” Jimin announced.
He took out the present to show the shiny ornaments and presented it to Jin. The camera panned over J-Hope’s facial expression as he looked embarrassed that he was wrong. Everyone laughed as Jimin showed off his items to Jin.
“J-Hope kept saying that it was him, so I wasn’t expecting this at all,” Jin stated and went to hug Jimin. “It feels much better to receive something when you least expect it. Thanks, Jimin,”
“I’ll go next and then Jin. Okay, this is very special to me,” Jennie began.
“Munchkin. Look at me. This is for me, right? You picked me?” J-Hope asked as the members laughed.
“You’ll see,” she responded, leaving everyone in suspense. “Okay, this is very special to me because this is regarding the day we got our first win for I Need U and how proud you all were of me for just always working my hardest in this group. There are days I go back to this picture and I’m like wow we are thriving and I’m cherishing every moment. So, this is for all of us. My bag was all of you and I thought the perfect gift for us was a portrait of my favorite photo we took after our first win,” she revealed the large drawing as they all looked at it in awe.
“Wow~!” they shouted gleefully and applauded. They raved about how realistic it looked and thanked her for giving them something like this.
"It looks so real!” they rambled on.
“Where did you go?” Suga asked after taking the drawing to get a better look. “The artist drew my smile perfectly,”
“I was wandering around and came across this art shop. I’m glad I did. We can hang it up in the dorm. I hope you guys like it,”
"This is beautiful. Let’s hang this up in the dorm when we return to Korea. The living room is what I’m thinking,” Rapmon said.
V wrapped his arms around Jennie as she fell back and laughed. Rapmon got on top for the hug and so did the other members. A chorus of thank yous and compliments on the gift made her heart soar. Buying that for them was the best decision ever.
“God, y'all heavy! What are you eating!?” she joked while they got off of her, one by one.
After they all got situated again, it was Jin’s turn to reveal who he had.
“Wait Jin. Look at me. Did you get me?” J-Hope asked and watched as he let out a laugh. “He did!” 
‘No, he did not’
“You’re mighty confident there,” Jen chuckled.
“J-Hope, what if he didn’t?” Namjoon laughed.
“I know he did. I am very confident in my prediction this time,” J-Hope declared.
“I picked this because he has a lot of things on his desk but there’s nothing pretty,” Jin revealed and took the lamp out of the bag. He plugged it in the showed them how it looked and they all complimented it on how fancy it appeared. “The person with a messy desk is Jungkook,”
“Wow, awesome!” Jungkook took the lamp out of his hands. “Jin hyung, I’m so touched!”
“Glad you like it,”
“Thanks, Jin,” he high fived him.
“It’s awkward,” J-Hope scratched the side of his neck and laughed that he still had not been chosen individually. “Whoever bought my present must feel awkward now. Who bought mine?”
Jungkook took out the gift he bought. “Well, this person really likes clothes. He likes accessories, too,“
“It’s V,” J-Hope assumed.
‘How can he not know?’
“He likes something fancy but something simple, too. Here’s a bracelet first,” Jungkook revealed the present out of the bag and then the shirt and bag.
‘Gotta be J-Hope this time,’ Jennie thought as she giggled at him being oblivious to the hints.
“But I think this is the big hint. See? It’s green.” Namjoon pointed out as realization hit Hobi like a truck and he laughed with Jungkook who smacked his chest.
“Wow, I had no idea,” he said as the members playfully made fun of how bad his guesses were.
Next up was Hobi to revealed the gift he bought as he explained that it was a Dubai fragrance. 
“I hope he remembers what we did today whenever he smells this fragrance. Suga!”
“I knew it!” he grinned and received it. “We went to the fragrance store together. I said I like how it smells and he bought it,”
After spraying some for everyone to smell, Suga grabbed his gift to present. “I bought this for him because he’s into accessories these days. When I first saw this, I thought it goes really well with what he usually wears. It’s a ring,”
He took it out of the bag and presented the silver ring. Once they saw how big it was everyone knew it was for Rapmon as he let out a laugh.
“I wasn’t sure which size to get,” Suga said but it fit perfectly on Rapmon and he was satisfied with the ring.
After thanking Suga for the gift, he grabbed the present he bought. “When I was getting his present, I knew I was going to get him and it really happened. V was born in December, right? The birthstone for December is turquoise,”
After explaining, he revealed the necklaces and bracelets with turquoise in them as everyone looked at them in amazement. Rapmon then explained that wearing his birthstone would bring good luck.
“You’re starting a drama, too. I wish you good luck and success,” Rapmon applauded him.
Lastly was V who had Jimin as he thought this gift would be useful for him. He revealed golden playing cards that excited all of them while Jimin had his eyes closed.
“Jimin has been playing this game a lot,” V said.
“It’s one-card,” Suga laughed.
“Oh, I know what it is. I think it’s a golden deck of playing cards,” he figured out. “Someone was trying to sell them to me,”
After being given the cards, Jimin shuffled them and Bangtan was impressed with how he shuffled them with ease. After enjoying their gifts, the members spent their last day at the hotel taking photos and writing in their diaries. 
On their last day, they spent time in the pool area to play some games.
‘BTS having fun in the water at a swimming pool in Dubai’
‘Playing three games in two teams. The winning team will get 1,500 AED!’
‘Which team will win?’
The teams were divided by older vs younger members and the first game was the relay swimming. The rules were simple. Swim to the other side and choose an item.
First up was Suga vs Jungkook as they ran in the pool.
“Wow! Min Suga! Go Min Suga!” Rapmon cheered.
“Come on, Jungkook! You got this!” Jennie shouted as he managed to pass the halfway point first.
Jungkook picked up a watermelon ball while Suga picked up a tube to swim back to their teams. Jungkook made it to his team first and V ran into the water. Suga slowly made it back to his team as Jennie laughed.
“I tried my best, I tried my best,” Suga said out of breath.
“Oh my gosh. It was smart for us to get the ball instead. The tube is slowing the other team down,” she said next to Jimin as Rap Monster accelerated slowly.
As the game progressed J-Hope caught up with V and started playing around, trying to stop each other from going.
“V!” Jennie laughed when he suddenly threw the ball, allowing J-Hope to make it to his team first.
J-Hope gave the tube to Jin and he quickly swam forward while V was still far behind, trying to swim back with the ball.
“V~! Get over here! We’re losing!” Jimin wailed.
Loud cheers from the older team got louder as Jin progressed. Once V gave the ball to Jennie, Jin progressed to the half waypoint.
Now, this was pressure.
Jen ran in and swam as fast as she could but sadly, the older guys won and celebrated. Once she made it back, Jimin and Jungkook looked displeased that they lost all because V had messed up and Jennie didn’t swim fast enough to catch up.
“Sorry,” she frowned.
“I don’t even know what to say,” Jimin said, mostly to V who was the main reason for the defeat.
“Guys, it’s fine~! We’ll get them next time,” she reassured. “You tried your best V, don’t even worry about it,”
However, Jungkook and Jimin didn’t listen and decided to punish V by giving him a smack on the butt and kicked him into the pool.
‘2nd game. Calvary Battle’
‘One person from each team wears a hat. Whoever takes off their opponent’s hat or pushes them into the water wins.’
It was decided that Jungkook was going to go up against Jin. Jennie aided Jimin and V to lift him up while Jin’s teammates did the same.
“Go!” a staff member shouted.
Jin attacked first but Jungkook swiftly leaned back to avoid it. It was a back and forth battle up until Jungkook pushed Jin back to make him fall into the water.
“Woohoo! Victory!” Jennie cheered.
“Yay! We won!” V happily said.
‘3rd game. Taboo’
‘Explain words using the body in 60 seconds. Whoever gets more correct answers will win’
The younger team went first and J-Hope revealed the first word to V.
“Contacts!” Jungkook said.
“Eyelashes!” Jimin shouted
“It’s mascara!” Jen answered which immediately got a smile from V.
‘Statue of Liberty’
V posed just like the statue and Jungkook answered it correctly.
‘Free Fall’
This was a difficult one because the team thought he was trying to explain hula hoop with the way he was swinging his hips.
“I...I have no clue, man,” Jen shrugged, looking confused.
“What is he doing? He’s really bad,” the older team pointed out.
“Next one!” V said
“How do I do this?” he pondered
“Stairs!” Jimin answered as they watched V walk down.
But nothing he was doing was getting through their heads.
“A mountain God!” Jungkook randomly answered. “Elevat...escalator!”
Then V showed off his teeth, making them assume it was a vampire. Jungkook answered Dracula and got it correct.
“Poop! Urgent poop!” Jimin answered as they watched V look uncomfortable.
"You got gas?” Jen wondered.
“Constipation!” Jungkook said and got it correct.
Once the older team went, Jennie and the rest of the boys laughed at how extra J-Hope was to try to show off the word with his body. And she was blown away at how easily her opponents were getting everything right. They were good at this game, yelling out answers.
In the end, the younger team got 5 points while the older team got 6 and won the tournament and prize.
“I’m not going to team up with V again,” Jungkook announced.
“Hey, come on...” V grinned sheepishly.
“We almost won,” Jimin added as he walked away with Jungkook.
“Stop being mean. I’ll be teaming up with you, again. It’s all good. At least we had fun,” Jennie smiled and ruffled V’s hair, making him feel better about himself.
Off camera, Jennie spotted an open volleyball court and suggested, “Hey, can we play another game?”
“What game?” V asked.
“Volleyball. We can be on different teams,”
“I want Jennie on my team!” Jimin announced and grabbed a hold of her.
The Golden Maknae made a facial expression of protest. “No, she’s going to be on my team,” he reached out for her, pulling her away from Jimin. He held her close into his arms while playfully glaring at him.
“No way. I said she’s on my team first,”
“You only want her because Jennie decimates everyone in volleyball during the Idol Star Athletic Championships,”
“Okay, but it’s unfair if you and her are on the same team! It’ll be OP!”
“V, help?” she pleaded as she was in the middle of this tug of war.
V did help get her out of it as they watched Jimin and Jungkook bicker.
“OP? What is OP?” Namjoon asked.
“Over Powered. Overpowering. You know. Like in video games,” Jen explained.
After some serious protest, the teams were split up so that JenKook could face each other. Jen had Jimin, J-Hope, and Namjoon while Jungkook had V, Suga, and Jin.
“Okay babe, be prepared to lose,” she stuck her tongue out at Jungkook, initiating his competitive side.
“We’ll see about that,” he answered.
The game started great, a back and forth battle. Even though Jungkook said he wouldn’t team up with V because he made their team lose, V was doing a great job keeping the ball up in the air. 
Jennie spiked the ball but Jungkook managed to block it. “Darn it!“
"Move faster, honey,” he teased her.
“Shut it!”
As the game progressed, she watched as Jin prepared to hit the ball over the net. She dashed forward and jumped high in the air while throwing her hands up. The ball smacked against her palm and managed to stay on his side, winning a point for her team.
Their game had a lot of close calls along with Jimin and Jin bickering. But in the end, Jen’s team won thanks to Namjoon’s unexpected spike.
“Yes!” she ran and jumped on his back, giving him multiple kisses on his cheek. “We did it!”
In the evening, the group went to the Dubai Mall and watched the largest fountain show during dinner. They took tons of photos and videos of the sight and then went to stand around to get a better view.
With the cameras away from them, Jungkook stood behind Jen and kissed her cheek as they watched the show.
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revoleotion · 6 months
Secret Santa: dishes
Puff!! Remember when you said you my secret santa match was very lucky? Yeah. I had to step away from my PC to laugh for a bit. 
This year I ventured out into the world of writing scripts/audio drama-esque texts, and it was a lot of fun to do this with this gang. Imagine this to be a vaguely canon divergence AU where Kuro and Sloth are both a part of one another but also Sloth is the weird twin.
I hope you enjoy!! Merry Christmas (Eve)! 
The date: Christmas Eve
The cast: Mahiru, Sakuya, Kuro, Sloth
The problem at hand: dishes 
[interior: the Shirota residence. The small apartment is decorated with what its inhabitant perceived to be christmas-themed; there's a little more than a healthy amount of red, gold and green.]
[An old radio by the living room door is playing what seems to be a loop of Christmas songs. It has almost reached a number of repetitions that would instill bloodlust even within the calmest person on earth. Unfortunately, neither of the beings inside this room have a lot of self-control.]
[SAKUYA and KURO are sitting on the floor, next to a small Christmas tree with presents piled up next to it. SLOTH is lounging in front of the TV, staring at the blank screen like it is showing something interesting.]
[there are noises from the kitchen, the clink of dishes in the sink, running water.]
Sakuya: This sucks. 
Kuro: Feel free to offer your help. 
Sakuya: Do I look like…?
Kuro: Yeah. 
Sakuya: (sitting up) Wait, what exactly makes you think I'd walk in there and offer to do the dishes? 
Kuro: Your–
Sloth: (simultaneously) Your crush on him. 
Kuro: What it said. 
Sloth: (turns back to the TV with a shrug) 
Sakuya: That's a little childish now, isn’t it? 
Kuro: No you are childish. In fact–
Sloth: You’re twice more childish than the rest of us. 
Sakuya: You two are five times more childish.
Sloth: Okay but you are infinity times more childish, so checkmate. 
[KURO extends a fist towards the television. SLOTH'S hand snatches out, hesitating, before giving him a fist bump. It looks like this behavior is a recent development.]
Sakuya: I should have accepted Tsubaki’s invitation. But I expect him to be drunk by now, and that’s when he starts telling everybody how much he loves his friends. 
Kuro: Oh god.
Sakuya: So perhaps this is better.
Kuro: Slightly. 
Sakuya: Yeah. 
[A beat.]
Sakuya: Why is he like this. 
Kuro: Tsubaki? I always expected it to be a healthy mix of trauma and mental illness. 
Sloth: That's what people say about you, too. 
Sakuya: Hah. 
Kuro: (shrugs, like this is not something he can or wants to deny)
Sakuya: I meant Shirota, though.
Kuro: Do you expect my answer to change here? 
Sakuya: I didn’t really expect an answer. I was just making conversation. 
Kuro: He likes to be useful. This is probably fun for him. 
Sakuya: Not for us. 
Kuro: It's not about us, though. 
Sakuya: Urgh. 
[A beat.]
Sloth: Does Tsubaki's party have a karaoke machine? 
Kuro: I didn’t think you out of all people would be in favor of abandoning Mahiru like this.
Sloth: Don't imply that I'm a person. That's disgusting. 
Kuro: My bad. 
Sloth: Besides, I wouldn't abandon him. I just want to steal the karaoke machine. Naturally. 
Kuro: Naturally. 
Sakuya: I hate to disappoint you all but there's no karaoke this year. They're doing a board game marathon because karaoke doesn't have enough human interaction, apparently. 
Kuro: So, that's why you're here?
Sakuya: (noncommittal shrug) 
[The sounds from the kitchen have stopped. There are steps in the hallway.]
[MAHIRU stops at the door, looking at the three others in his living room. He seems a little stressed but it’s not a bad look on him. Truly, it’s hard to imagine him in a state where he isn’t stressed at all.]
Mahiru: Does anyone want something to drink?
Kuro: We're good.
Sakuya: We know where you keep the liquor. 
Kuro: Exactly. 
Mahiru: Ah… that's great, then. 
[MAHIRU walks towards the table and starts tinkering with the remaining cups and mugs on it. The display is a leftover from both breakfast and the cake they had in the afternoon – a lot of “oh no, leave it, I will use it later” and then you catch yourself drinking from an unused cup once that ‘later’ arrives.]
[It happens within the blink of an eye. SLOTH'S face grows restless, dangerous. It sits up, eying MAHIRU with pure, unfiltered focus.]
Sloth: Sit down. Now. Or else I'll slit your throat. 
Kuro: Wow. 
Mahiru: (blinks) Sorry? 
Sakuya: Yeah, sorry about that. 
Kuro: (trying to look like he is somehow not related to SLOTH at all) It doesn't speak for all of us, by the way.  
Sakuya: I agree with the sentiment, though. What's so important in the kitchen?
Mahiru: The dishes?
Sakuya: Okay, and now you're done with them. 
Mahiru: I still have to prepare our desserts.  
Kuro: I thought you did that yesterday. 
Mahiru: It still needs a bit of work. 
[SAKUYA rolls his eyes. KURO slaps his arm.]
Mahiru: Is there a problem? Can't you get along for one afternoon? 
Sakuya: Hey. We're being civil here. 
Kuro: Fighting is too exhausting. I refuse to kick that guy’s ass in my free time, I’m already doing it during working hours. 
Sakuya: You don’t work. 
Kuro: Fighting you is a full-time job. 
Sloth: (continues staring at Mahiru like a sleep paralysis demon)
Mahiru: I don't see your problem. 
[MAHIRU grabs a few empty cups and starts walking towards the kitchen again]
Sakuya: He doesn't get it. 
Kuro: Nope. 
Sakuya: Why doesn't he get it? 
Kuro: Because you can’t just say things to him. You need to hit him with a steel chair. Metaphorically speaking.
Sakuya: Wow, good thing you clarified that. 
Kuro: You're welcome.
Sakuya: I don’t want to say anything until we're one hundred percent certain that this is not an elaborate display of kink. Do you think he will get out a maid costume next? 
Kuro: No, that's still wrapped and under the tree. Right next to you. 
Sakuya: Nice. 
Kuro: (shrugs)
Sakuya: Full offense but I want to celebrate Christmas with him, not… (gestures vaguely, before realizing he doesn’t care all that much about hurting KURO’S or SLOTH’S feelings) you. 
Kuro: You need to say that to his face.
Sakuya: Thanks, I would rather die. 
Kuro: Well, if you're lucky, your problem will solve itself in about five to ten seconds. 
Sakuya: How so?
Kuro: (pointing at the empty space in front of the television SLOTH was sitting just seconds ago) 
Sakuya: … It's not going to kill him, right. 
Kuro: No. 
Sakuya: Are you just saying that because you don't want to get up?
Kuro: Wouldn't you like to know.
[A beat.]
Kuro: It wouldn't hurt him. 
Sakuya: (rising to his feet, a little nervous) Are you sure?
Kuro: Yes. It's a part of me. And I would never let anything or anyone harm Mahiru. 
Sakuya: Hm. That’s the one thing we can agree on, isn’t it. 
Kuro: That and our mutual dislike for theater kids. Does that mean nothing to you?
Sakuya: (snorts with laughter, then tries his hardest to make it seem like KURO didn’t just make him laugh) Okay. 
[SLOTH always moves like it’s not human. And of course it isn’t, but the uncanny fills out every little movement, every inch of its body. KURO may pass for a human from time to time but SLOTH refuses that privilege. It drags MAHIRU inside, gripping his festive snowman pullover so tight that it threatens to rip it apart.]
Sloth: Open. Now. 
[MAHIRU is forcefully positioned next to KURO and SAKUYA. SLOTH grabs a present from the pile and puts it into his hands.]
[Despite its rough exterior, and the intense expression in its eyes, SLOTH’S behavior seems less aggressive and more assertive; this is the driving force in this group when it comes to enforcing self-care. It prefers trickery but just like KURO, it has come to terms with the simple truth that you have to push MAHIRU towards his own wellbeing, with the gentleness of a high-speed train.]
Mahiru: But the–
Sloth: We’re here to celebrate with you.
Sakuya: (nodding along, his face gentle) Do you really think any of us care about Christmas? You know how I steal the Jesus figures from nativity scenes that make the mistake of putting him up before the 24th?
Mahiru: No, and I think I preferred not knowing that. 
Sakuya: (shrugs in a way makes it clear that he is not very sorry about this) I declined an invitation for a board games marathon to spend this day with you. 
Mahiru: You love board games. 
Sakuya: I love you more. 
[a beat.]
[He’s never openly said it before, and was waiting for the perfect moment. Perhaps with flowers involved. An Orchestra. He’s pretty sure he imagined rain, too.]
Mahiru: (softly) I just wanted it to be perfect. Because it’s the first time you celebrate with us. I know how important Tsubaki is to you and… I didn’t want to make you pick sides because I’m not your divorced parent, actually. 
Sakuya: Calling you Daddy is off the table, then?
Mahiru: I didn’t say that– Listen, it’s supposed to be a perfect day. And I like doing housework, you guys know that. You’re not making me do anything I dislike at gunpoint. 
Kuro: Except opening presents. 
Mahiru: There was a switch-blade involved, yes. With a candy-cane pattern.  
Sloth: (looking pleased with itself) Festive. 
Kuro: I am supposed to be mad at you but you wanted to stab someone with that on Christmas, so I suppose you stayed true to your word. 
Mahiru: (with a long sigh) Let me open a present, if that makes you happy. 
[MAHIRU squeezes the gift SLOTH gave him. It’s soft, giving in to his touch, the wrapping paper crinkling a little. He suspects that it might be a Christmas sweater.]
[The present is also very maid-costume-sized but MAHIRU doesn’t make that connection yet.]
Mahiru: Okay. 
[he braces himself for it, like receiving an act of kindness is somehow something he needs to emotionally prepare himself for. After a few seconds, he slowly pulls away the wrapping paper. He has a habit of removing all bits of sticky tape first and attempting to leave the wrapping in one piece, but once he tears into it, his movements become at least a little bit less careful.]
Mahiru: That is… 
[MAHIRU pauses. His face is slightly redder than usual.]
Mahiru: (groans) Very funny. A maid dress. 
Kuro: You’re welcome. (pauses) Wait. That’s not my present. 
Sloth: No. 
Kuro: (tilting his head) Great minds think alike?
Mahiru: Just exactly how many maid dresses will I find in that pile, friends?
Kuro: Two. 
Sakuya: And counting. 
Kuro: Oh my god. 
Mahiru: I hate you guys. Worst Christmas ever. I’m going to the kitchen. 
[but he doesn’t move. He’s smiling. For once, he doesn’t look stressed at all.]
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inkybloom-luv · 10 months
Words Unsaid 12, so there's school festivals here too?
Heya guys! Today there's another setup chapter for you cuties! The chapters will come out slower now as I have not yet read chapter 5 completely so please give me time to do so! In the meantime I'd like to know if drabble requests are something you guys would be interested in.
Slight Chapter 5 spoilers!
Part 1 Part 11 Masterpost Part 13
1.5k+ words
Even though he slept less than usual Jamil felt strangely energetic today. Perhaps it was because he'd slept the best he had in a while or straight up because he woke up next to Inky. It was such a simple thing but he'd be lying if he didn't wish it would happen more, just because of how nice it felt. Is it bad he wished the prefect would have more nightmares only so he could hold her..? Probably. But as it stood, this was the only way he was able to act on his own feelings. Not like he didn't know Inky had feelings for him before his Overblot but he doubted it was love, now that he'd done what he did. Still he hopes and dreams as he stirred the non-proverbial pot of curry in front of him. It was one of the dishes he was making for lunch. He was making something else for Kalim, of course, as Kalim obviously didn't like curry.. but Jamil and Inky could have it, especially since the prefect did say one time she really wanted to eat something Jamil made and admitted in the same sentence that they've been looking to try more foreign food like different curries. Also in that sentence they said that anything Jamil made would be more than satisfactory though.
At the same time that day Kalim was at a housewarden meeting, simply to discuss the future event that would be held soon. The National Arcane Academy Cultural Fair. It was a yearly event mostly consisting of artistic type events like poetry slams, research presentations and, the most well known part of it all, the SDC. The SDC, or Song & Dance Championship, was a contest for singers and dancers, basically any musical talent, to go up on stage, by themselves or in a group, and show their aforementioned talent to the world to show who was the best of the participants that year. The winners would get not only a monetary prize but also a ticket to stardom. Of course that ticket to stardom wasn't exclusive to first place but they had the best chance.
Riddle, who was head of the planning committee was rambling on and on about the details but the report was necessary. Turns out both Vil Schönheit and Neige LeBlanche would be participating this year as well, which meant extra press coverage for the school. Crowley was delighted about this of course and put up audition posters through negotiation with Vil that very same day. They were plastered all over a few notice boards, especially the one in the cafeteria. By lunchtime it was surrounded by people, which had sent Ace, Deuce and Grim to check it out. Inky stayed seated with Jamil and Kalim, though the occasional glance was thrown their way, since she was pally with Kalim as well as Jamil, who had literally tried to off them over the winter holidays that ended recently. Not that Inky really cared.
Unfortunately she did have to tear herself away from the Scarabian duo as she had class duty along with Deuce for the upcoming alchemy lesson and Ace was tagging along to chat. Speaking of Kalim and Jamil, that was where the conversation drifted, though grim did most of the talking.
"Seriously, first he tries to manipulate and kill you and now you're friends? Kinda weird if you ask me" Ace commented.
"Don't call my hench-human weird! Besides, it's not like he hasn't apologized and more. He's been taking care of me and Inky very well, Kalim also..! I think my henchman and I can decide who we, mostly I as a great mage, will spend our time with!"
"Thank you Grim.. I think that gets the point across. Besides.. Jamil is really nice to me, I like him a lot" The two half-students said, one confirming the other.
"What, you're still crushing on the guy? How? He literally gave you a massive scar on your arm, he could have ended you..!" Ace once again protested.
"And again, he apologized."
"You believe that?"
"Yes and you know next to nothing about him so I won't be hearing another word out of you about this..!" The prefect said, anger lacing into her stern tone, sending ace a small glare.
"Alright alright, I'll shut up" He said, though not happy about it. Before their conversation continued though, they were promptly distracted by singing.
"Who's singing? It sounds really nice" Deuce said as they listened, right after though, the singer seemed to choke up on their own voice, which sounded less than healthy. So, with slight concern, the group closed in on where the sounds were coming from, the well in the school courtyard.
Upon approach they met another first year, his name was Epel Felmier. He had lavender hair and blue eyes, his stature was small and skinny but well balanced, his skin was pale too and he spoke in a generally soft voice, unless some sort of accent came out that Inky personally could not place. All went well until they were interrupted by the Pomefiore housewarden Vil Schönheit. He had a regal presence, something like a king or queen in a sense that he was confident and knowledgeable in a few areas. Basically a perfect upperclassman if it weren't for his temper at that moment. Vil was upset that Epel was not training so he wanted to move Epel somewhere else so he wouldn't get interrupted. This went over wrong with Ace as well as Deuce as they misinterpreted Vil's tone and words. The fight that ensued wasn't even that long as Vil was vastly better at his magic than those two unfortunate souls.
The end result was an utter defeat which gave Vil the opportunity to leave with the lavender haired boy. Though not before the latter waved goodbye to Inky as she ushered Ace and Deuce up on their feet to clean themselves up and check for scrapes. She did wave back though. They went to Professor Crewel's lab and classroom, setting up the next lesson with the instruction of the teacher. In the midst of this, another student came in.
This girl was pale as can be and her hair was back length and white. She was rather short as well.
"Hello professor Crewel! I'm here to deliver those late project papers you asked me to go get" Her voice rang through the room as she grinned in a friendly way, waving to the first year trio that was setting up.
"Poor guy was really under the weather, caught a stomach bug or something but he'll be fine. He's over the worst of it according to the nurse, he needs a day or two to recover properly."
"Good girl, thank you for informing me. You have a free period now, yes? Why don't you sit in on the first years and help out? I could use a helping hand to whip these bumbling pups into shape and you're on the school's student tutoring program, so you'd be a good fit." Crewel said, to which the pretty student agreed as he explained what they would be doing during the class period.
It gave Inky the ability to look at her a little more closely. She had facial piercings and some on her ears. The ones on her face were a septum and a lip ring as far as Inky could tell. She didn't wear a blazer, had her sleeves rolled up and her purple vest was open. She wore her white blouse tied up in a way that it would expose her stomach, though not in a war that was inappropriate. She wore a shorter skirt variant at her hips that ended above her knees and flip flops as her footwear. It left a lot of questions as to how she wasn't cold. Then again it wasn't too cold, simply chilly.. she dressed like it was summer though. She had jewelry too, a few rings, a choker and a necklace, an anklet, two bracelets and on her other arm she wore her Pomefiore Armband, except she had it tied more around her wrist than anything, like another bracelet.
That lesson was over quickly, and it was fairly nice. Turns out the student's name was Alani and she helped out around the classroom after having changed into appropriate gear. She was a Pomefiore third year apparently and had heard about the prefect from Leona, whom she visited during spelldrive practice after school occasionally so she could exercise with them. She was good at explaining things and this included her clothing. Apparently she was dressed the way she was because it was usually hot or at least warm here compared to her homeland, which was very far up north. In conclusion the lesson was lovely and after all the cleanup the prefect even managed to get Alani's number, for emergencies or if Inky ever really needed or wanted something.
The rest of the school day went off without a hitch as well, only really starting to pick up the pace when ace and Deuce along with grim decided they would contact this 'Rook' character to get an audition appointment.
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mario8th · 8 months
I'm gonna start watching Hunter x Hunter I know next to nothing about it, but I want to listen along with the new Friends at the Table show, Media Club Plus I'm very hesitant to do so. I did not like Yu Yu Hakusho. At All. (Aside from the intro). But I do like JoJo's, which I've heard it compared to. So I think I'll document my progress. Certainly open to being surprised, but nothing I've heard makes me hopeful. Guess I'll find out.
Well, three episodes in and I'm fairly optimistic
I'm still tired of many of the more used anime tropes, but I'm coping
And there hasn't been a Single Fight yet! (a good thing), and I'm somewhat interested in the premise, more so with the characters.
But I was also interested with the premise of YYH, and then a few episodes in it completely changed (I wanted a demon detective show and got endless monotonous fights), so I'm not entirely sold
At the very least, I'm really liking the score, the intro's all right (think I've heard it before) and the outro is absolute garbage, haven't hated an anime song this badly since that one My Hero Academia song that also overdid it on the crummy autotune (and this one adds unpleasant screamo)
All being said, I'm not dreading the next three
I enjoyed this batch of episodes quite a bit (eps 4-6)
It helps a lot that I feel like I know the premise of the show, and I don't want these posts to only be about YYH, but so far HxH seems to know what it wanted to be from a much earlier spot
And what it's trying to be is just smashing words together. The amount of weird guys in this show is staggering. The Crow that imitates speech? The big frog? The weird card guy who has a higher body count then most shows I watch? Lotta stuff going on
But the soundtrack, especially Gon's theme, is really great, and a lot of the hi-jinks are fun so far, if not a tad bit predictable
It was really nice that Gon got a friend his age, it's wild that old guy isn't that old, and the line where people with Strong Hunter Aura or whatever attract one another is just how JoJo Stand Users attract, but whatever.
And stop the presses, Snooty Gourmet Hunter Girl is my new fav, despite me groaning when the old guy focused on her breasts. Seriously it's mainly because I like cooking and cooking characters. No really I mean it. Wait No Don't Go
One thing I forgot to mention last time was just How Many People Died
So Many Dead
Anyway, just realized in the intro, when the narrator says "These are Hunters" the silhouettes are (at least) some of the examiners, so that's neat
I continue to enjoy these episodes (Eps 7-9) as I watch them, but remain... ambivalent? Unconvinced? I'm enjoying the show, but I'm certainly not In Love with it.
Speaking of death, we had a really brutal one this time, that guy was not expecting that weird dinosaur bird thing. Of all the side character deaths, his felt the most impactful. And it turns out skateboard kid isn't such a chump, in some ways those deaths were Not treated as brutally, but it really paints skateboard in a certain light.
Gon continues to be charming, I enjoy the interactions with the four friends, loved the reveal of their fifth companion
I liked the twist on expectations with the Blue Guy. He began powering up like that boring villain in YYH, but wound up just being a chump.
And the Music! There was one song that played as they learned of the tower, that had such a good bass riff, I was dancing around in my seat. Great tune, great score across the board.
In the end, these episodes weren't surprising, I knew exactly what red eyes was gonna do well before it happened, but everything is executed well, and the pacing fairly good, so, again, I'm enjoying my time.
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