#i like my detective's hard-boiled
ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
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I fought the law ii
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ferallair · 1 year
Goddammit, Klaasje! I have distrusted this woman since the first time I talk to her and almost 250 in game hours later I finally get it. She's a goddam spy for Wild Pines.
Everything below this is probably crazy:
So first, Klaasje is a liar. Nothing she says in true. I've never belived her story that she is on the run from being burned by her former employers. The fact that she confesses this is enough for me to think it's not true, at least not totally. Yes, I have trust issues. But she also knows way more about espionage then she lets on. For instance, her knowledge of telecommunications and radios:
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You did what with the what now? That's class A espionage stuff right there. She obviously knows how to do more then just flirt and steal documents like she claims.
She also arrives in November.
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What does that matter? Ok, bear with me:
At some point in there is a raid on the abandoned church in Martinaise. Something top secret, undercover, that multiple precincts where involved in, including 41, and Harry was most likely a part of. Drug dealers might have been involved, the place was shot up and people were probably killed. Ruby is running from La Puta Madre because she betrayed them in some way and she knows all about Harry the can opener, so I suspect she was a part of this raid in some way. And according to Titus the only drug dealers in Martinaise are Union approved one's like Ruby. What exactly happened is a mystery (one that niggles and crunches my brain at 3am sometimes), but I suspect it happened right before November. Why?
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Harry gets a new badge in November. Perhaps he lost his old one in a shootout in a church? Or perhaps he got a promotion for a shoot out in a church? (November's seem bad for Harry).
So November Harry got a new badge, Klaasje rolls into town, so what? Well, the strike starts in December. I think what ever happened in that church peaked someone's interest in Martinaise, in the Union, or both, so they sent in Klaasje. I don't think it's a coincidence she immediately makes friends with the Hardie Boys and Ruby. She targeted them to "party" with. Even her affair with Lely was probably at the behest of her real employer wanting to keep an eye on Krenel. I also think that whatever happened in that church lead to the strike. Perhaps too many people were getting too close to the Claire's drug running scheme so he locked up the harbor as a distraction. I suspect Klaasje isn't the only spy keeping an eye on things.
The Sunday Friend always seems so out of place. Why would a high ranking bureaucrat who is supposedly in town for a booty call with a sex worker WANT to talk to the police? He doesn't offer that much to the case and Mr Martin Martinaise could just as easily have given the police his friends testimony. But he wants to meet them in person. It sounds like he makes a special trip out. Probably because the smoker on the balconey is actually a Moralintern spy and the Sunday Friday is his handler. He wants the RCM to know they are being watched by their "boss". I don't think it's a coincidence that the Smoker plants himself in the middle of the Whirling in Rags after you interview his friend. He's keeping an obvious eye on the Hardie Boys, Harry, and probably Klaasje as well.
And technically, Harry is also a there as a kind of spy for the RCM. Harry isn't just there to solve a murder, he's also supposed to be investigating Krenel.
Plus there are a number of unseen spies, spies for the Union, Spies for Krenel, ect.
I wondered at first if Klaasje was a spy for some other, unnamed, company, but then I remembered this:
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She's got a great vantage point up on the roof, where she stays all day until 11pm, after which she mysteriously vanishes.
Anyway, I'm probably crazy so if you got this far... sorry? I don't know, I need a nap.
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detective-ws · 1 year
i want a hard-boiled egg so bad right now
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goosedoes-fics · 1 year
Spiderman Noir x Reader
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Content warnings: alcohol mention, no use of y/n, first person (reader pov)
Notes: if you look closely you can see the exact moment that I lost all inspiration to actually finish this oneshot!! anyways yea I was gonna have it from Noir's POV but it would be harder for the reader to be gender neutral if that was the case
The young shamus' office was colder than a summer night in Antarctica. A single light dangled overhead, dimly illuminating the room just enough that the corners were pitch black, but everything else was a bit visible. I had heard tales of the hard-boiled gumshoe, the only private eye in New York to wear a mask. It was pretty dang smart, really. Protecting his identity and all that jazz.
His feet were propped up on his desk, clad in worn leather boots that seemed to have dirt caked in from his many adventures. His fedora covered where his eyes would have been, had he not been wearing a mask that already concealed them.
I took notice of the bottle of moonshine on his desk, picking it up and inspecting the label. "Bit ironic for a detective to be drinkin' hooch, ain't it?"
For a moment, I thought he wouldn't respond, as he didn't look up nor tilt up his hat, but he leaned forward slightly as he addressed me. "Don't blow your wig, pal. You can't convince me ya haven't stepped into a speakeasy a few times."
His retort earned a quiet laugh out of me as I placed the bottle back in its original spot.
The private investigator finally took his feet off the desk and looked up at me. I could only imagine his piercing gray eyes inspecting me. The thought somehow got me flustered, subtle heat rising to my cheeks.
"You got somethin' to say, or are you just gonna stand there gawkin'?" He eventually asked, snapping me out of my stupor.
He reached into a drawer on his desk and took out a cigar, lighting it and putting it up to the fabric of his mask where his mouth would be. "Usually people come in here for me to solve a mystery."
"Oh!" I laughed nervously. Had I been staring at him? Idiot. "Right. Yeah."
Reaching into my back pocket, I retrieved a small photograph, sliding it across the table like an 8 ball in a game of pool.
"My grandma." I tapped the photo. "Y'see the necklace? It's been in my family for decades. And today, it wasn't in the safe."
The detective's interest seemed piqued, at least from what little I could deduce from his body language. "Touched it lately?"
"Not since two months ago. It's only for VERY special occasions." I shrugged, taking a glance at the nameplate on his desk. "Mr. Noir... can you find it?"
The silence was thicker than 5 year old expired eggnog. Golly, how I wished I knew what he was thinking. The only thing I could decipher was a bit of curiosity from the slight tilt of his head.
I hadn't even realized I was holding my breath until I started getting dizzy.
Eventually, he spoke up. "The question ain't can I, toots. It's will I. And the answer is yes."
A small smile spread across my lips as he stood up, handing me back the photograph with a slight tilt of his head.
"Thank you, sir."
The apartment I lived in was quite small, and hardly luxurious. Despite our family heirloom being one of such high worth, we weren't a wealthy family. But I managed to get by. Even if it wasn't large, it was cozy.
"This is your place?" His body language betrayed no thoughts. It was really quite frustrating how little I could infer from him, with only his voice and movements to determine what he was feeling.
"...it's not much," I admitted carefully, "But I do like it."
"And you never thought to sell the necklace?"
"No, sir. It's too important to our family."
Noir hummed softly, inspecting the safe when I pointed it out. He dragged a gloved finger over the surface, a thin layer of dust now coating his fingertip like ash from a fireplace. The motion somehow made me nervous, as if he was convincing me I had something to hide.
Noir looked up at me after a moment's pause. "...Listen, if you can't pay, I can-"
"No." I cut him off. "I can pay. I wouldn't have hired you if I didn't set aside some money."
The vigilante didn't respond. He merely turned back to the safe, closing the door of it before standing up straight again. He looked down at me, and I could practically feel his eyes burning into me.
"...I can't take your money, darlin'."
Frustration boiled inside of me as I took a step forward. "Yes you can. I don't need pity, detective."
A small sigh could be heard through the fabric of Noir's mask. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from having an outburst.
In a swift, almost imperceptible movement, Noir took one of my hands in both of his. The investigator's huge gloved hands dwarfed my own. "You don't understand. I know what happened with yer necklace, I can't ask you to pay me for such a quick job."
It was hard for me to choke out any words. "But-"
"No buts."
"I have to pay you. This is your job," I protested.
Noir was quiet for a moment before cupping my face in his hands. I was aware of heat rising to my cheeks. If he noticed how flustered he was making me, he didn't say anything. "You really wanna pay? I'm not gonna bump gums with you about this."
I nodded stubbornly. Perhaps I didn't quite understand the implications of his words, because after lifting up his mask just above his nose, he kissed me square on the lips.
The light pink on my cheeks doubled, turning my face red as I slowly began kissing back. My mind clouded, halting any racing thoughts and focusing only on the gentleness of his lips.
When he finally pulled away, it felt too soon. I couldn't squeak out any words as he took a step back from me, tilting his hat by the brim with a small nod.
My mind was still in a bit of a daze when he started to leave. "By the way, darlin'." I looked up at him as he spoke to me. "Check the coffee table."
And sure enough, there was the necklace, hidden from view next to a stack of magazines.
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hearthotchner · 1 year
can I request a hotchycakes blurb about how fucking gently he speaks to people, like, I personally tend to shut down if people are yelling at me and I think if Aaron noticed bau!reader sort of closing off when he’s yelling at the local PD or at Morgan or something he’d find a quiet moment just to check reader’s okay, and he’d be so so sorry for upsetting them and he would make it his life goal to be careful raising his voice. He might even take to shutting down other detectives or officers who are trying to yell at the team (like they always do y’know) and he would so calmly sit down and shut up them
if you had told yourself two years ago that ssa hotchner would be the kind of boss to speak to his subordinates with such a gentle tone, you’d laugh.
the unit chief was notorious for being a drill sergeant, hardass, and, some may even say a bully, which was why you were so cautious around him at all times, not wanting to feel his wrath.
however, he quickly changed your perception of him during your first few months with the team.
it had been a straightforward case, but the police force that you had been working with decided to disobey direct orders and leaked classified information to the press. this lead to aaron becoming furious with them, and he let them know — he was like a thunderstorm, coming down aggressive and loud.
you never liked yelling, whether it was directed at you, or anyone else — it would bring back memories you’d prefer to keep locked away.
whenever you’d hear somebody going off on anyone, you’d shut down, become quiet, trying to busy yourself, so you wouldn’t be next; aaron noticed.
he noticed how after, you wouldn’t meet his eyes out of fear, how you’d be afraid to even speak to him, on edge that he would snap at you.
so, he went to you, without anyone else around, and apologised — speaking so softly, that his deep voice was close to soothing you to sleep. since then, he vowed to himself to never yell, while you were in the room.
this meant that, however much he wanted to rip this pathetic excuse of a deputies head off, he wouldn’t.
“don’t shout at my agent, deputy.” he spat, towering over the shorter man.
internally, aaron was boiling over with rage. he could take the side remarks directed towards the team as a whole — at this point, it was normal. but, when someone purposefully decided to single out a member of his team, to berate them, while they struggled to defend themselves, he wouldn’t take it.
“i don’t need to remind you that my team and i were sent here to help you, not to cause unnecessary conflict.” aaron scowled. “i’m sure the sheriff wouldn’t approve of knowing what you like to do during your breaks.” he threatened, now rendering the deputy speechless. “if i see anything like this happening during the case again, i won’t hesitate to have you stripped of your badge and gun.”
when he stomped out of the room, aaron turned to face you, hard gaze shifting to one of fondness.
“are you okay?” he asked, standing infront of you.
“you really shouldn’t let them get away with that stuff, you know. these guys always have issues with authority for some reason — it wouldn’t hurt to put them in their place, once in a while.” he smiled, trying to lighten the mood.
“i know.. but you learn to uh.. tune it out.” you added on, “plus, putting people in their place really isn’t my thing. that’s what i have you for.” you grinned at him, “you’ll always be here to stick up for me, right?”
“yeah. always.”
“thanks, hotch.” you leaned over, pressing your lips to his cheek.
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ozarkthedog · 1 year
𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧
summary: you and Tim have a strained relationship and it boils over at the scene of the crime.
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warnings: Tim Rockford x Fem Reporter!Reader. hate/love fucking. pining. FILTH. rough wall sex. fingering. cream pie. THAT LEATHER HOLSTER - yeah, he makes you hold it while he fucks you. fluffy feels. no beta.
word count: 1.9k
author's note: this all happened so fast. I saw this image, almost fainted and then wrote this. enjoy!
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭  ♁  𝐎𝐳𝐳𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 
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“You’ve got some nerve showing your face around here.” The handsome Detective in charge grits shooting daggers in your direction. You send him a sly grin as you lean against the doorframe of the enormous library and scene of the scandalous crime. 
“I read what you said about me. About my competency.” Tim seethes. “You think I’m in over my head. That I’ve got no fuckin-” He cuts himself off before his anger gets the best of him and takes a deep breath. 
You scan the massive shelves as you walk into the impressive room, dragging your fingers along the spines as Tim follows your every move. He’s raging beneath the surface. His leather holstered shoulders rise and fall heavily with each breath, all because of your article in the local paper. 
“Awe, did I strike a nerve?” You jab, showing off your pearly whites with a smug grin. You honestly didn’t think it’d matter to him but maybe you were on to something after all.
“So, have you found any clues then?” You ask, edging closer to the chalk outline of the recently deceased. Yellow tape cuts off your quest for a closer look, but you mentally note the markers around it.
“It’s time to go.” The burly detective grunts as he curls a hand around your upper arm and drags you across the room. 
“Come on, Tim.” You argue with a soft sigh. No matter how hard you tried to free yourself his hold wouldn’t budge. “I was only doing my job.”
He stops in his tracks and turns on his heel standing over you with a feral gaze. Your belly swells with hot arousal from being so close to the stoic man. His size overwhelms you as he squares off his shoulders turning him into a brick wall. The grip on your arm locks ever tighter leaving you no chance to run.
“Doing your job? Really?” His lips curl into a snarl. “Could’ve fooled me. I think you get off on ruining people’s lives.”
“Fuck you.” You bite, poking his white button up chest. “I am doing my job. I’m just as invested in this case as you. We all want to know what happened.”
His eyes soften for a moment as your anger crests. Remorse balances on his tongue when tears prick your eyes. The chaotic relationship you two danced around for the last few years always beguiled him. No one has ever gotten under his skin quite like you.  
You shove at his chest yearning to break free from the intense moment as bitterness laced with heavy desire consumes you. The throbbing between your legs has you close to whimpering and you can’t have him knowing the effect he’s had on you despite your long held affection for the older Detective.
He easily thwarts your escape by locking his free hand around your other arm and tugging you into his solid frame. “We’re not done yet. You can’t run from this.” 
You close your eyes and will the burning torture away as your breasts press against the crisp white linen of his shirt. Your hands inadvertently smooth over his strong chest before a gasp tears from your throat when your fingers brush the straps of his holster.
His brows quirk at your response from touching the leather. “Look at me.” Tim gently commands. You shake your head and bite your lip too afraid that’ll give your feelings away.
He gives your body a slight shake, showing off his strength. “Open those pretty eyes now or I’m bending you over the nearest object and spanking your ass until you’re screaming.”
A needy mewl slips from your tongue at his sinful threat and you finally open your eyes. 
“Thatta girl.” His wild, deep mocha eyes are tinged with slight softness as he slowly traces his thumb over your bottom lip. You purse your lips and kitten lick the pad making you both moan in unison. 
He tests the waters and slips the thick digit into your mouth. Your eyes flutter closed as you suck on his thumb with a purr and lave the salty skin. 
“All this time we could’ve been hate fucking. Such a waste.” He muses with a deep groan that makes your cunt clench. “You gonna be good and let me fuck my cock into that sweet pussy? Or are you gonna be a brat?”
The terse tone makes your cunt quiver and you moan unabashedly around his thumb like a writhing whore.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” His lips pull into a grin as he slips his thumb from your mouth only to shove your body into the nearest wall.
Air is forced from your lungs as your back hits the rich mahogany. You shudder along with the books on the shelves as he stalks toward you with ravenous energy. He smothers your lips and body with his own, pressing you cruelly into the hard wall. 
He licks into your mouth with hot, heavy swipes and his mustache tickles your lips leaving you a moaning, wanting mess. Teeth clash as each kiss deepens more than the last. Large hands descend your body and weighty palms drag over your breasts, shoving the thin material of your dress down and exposing your soft globes before giving each a rough grasp that sucks the air from your lungs. 
Tim smooths around the curve of your hips and settles his hold on your panty covered ass making you grind against his growing bulge.
He breaks the violent kiss with a heavy huff but smiles when you instinctively try to follow his lips. 
“Grab ahold, Sweetheart.” Tim nods toward his right shoulder with a smirk. 
Your brows pinch together in slight shame. He found one of your weaknesses. 
That damn holster. 
The man always looked good. Dressed to the nines in his suits. However, when he donned the shoulder holster without his suit coat all coherent thought went out the window. 
“Go on. I know you want to.” He chides. 
You teethe your bottom lip as you slide your fingers along the strap. The warm leather is butter soft under your fingers and it’s just like you imagined. Your belly swirls with nervous energy as you grab each strap and meet his frenzied stare.
“I’d hold on tight.”
A strong, nimble hand dives between your thighs and forces your legs apart. He rubs your panty covered core making your eyes roll back and grasp the holster hard. 
He tuts. “You’ve soaked through your panties. Naughty girl.”A finger hooks under the sticky material and pulls it to the side before he deftly teases your drenched folds. 
Tim watches your features twist from his torture, loving every single one of them as he learns what takes you apart. Your heart thumps against your ribs as he glides a heavy thumb over your swollen clit and elicits frantic mewls from your feverish form.
“Is that what you needed? Hmm?” His brows meet his hairline as he slightly mocks you but you couldn’t care less as the pleasure builds brighter and brighter. 
He presses two thick fingers into your searing heat and groans as your body widens around his digits. Your cunt drools as he thrusts his fingers steadily and smacks his palm into your aching clit. Your hands tug anxiously on the holster for support when he grazes that serene spot that always left you breathless.
“Shit-” A cavernous groan rises from his chest when he feels the pulse in your cunt quicken. He fights past your tight opening as your walls begin to shudder and clench down, ready to drown him in your arousal.
Just like hot coals doused in water, your orgasm is stamped out when he rips his fingers from your warmth. You want to cry as he leaves you a withering mess while he shoves his fingers in his mouth and tastes you for the first time. 
“You’re only coming on my cock.” A desperate groan rumbles from his throat as he tastes your sweet slick. His eyes flash a wolfish black when you mewl and grind your throbbing core against his own aching cock. 
“This what you want, Sweetheart?” In a flash, he unbuttons his slacks and pulls out his swollen, girthy cock that’s leaking from its bulbous tip.“You need my cock to fill you up? Keep you from being a brat and getting on my nerves?”
“Yes, please.” You whine and tug the holster bringing his lips to yours in a delirious kiss. He holds one of your legs around his hip and taps his meaty length against your shiny folds as he holds your panties to the side and smears his pre cum all over your puffy center making you hiss.    
He tips your chin with his slick stained fingers before curling it around the back of your neck forcing you to look at him. “I’m going to ruin you.”
Your head hits the back of the wall as he plunges his cock into your core in one long, unending thrust. He barely gives you time to breathe as he cants his hips and rapidly drives his length between your soaked folds. Your channel convulses with each brutal shove as he fucks you into the wall forcing you to the edge in record time.
 “That sweet pussy wants to cum. She’s practically drooling down my balls, she needs it so bad.” He taunts making your insides flip.
“Please, Tim! Please! I need-” You beg with tears in your eyes as your velvet walls flutter from the rough treatment as he opens you up with his cock.
“Shh. Shh. I’ve got you, Sweetheart.” He slips the hand from behind your neck under your other leg and easily lifts your shaking frame with his strong arms. He settles your ass in his large palms and pins you under him. The stretch is obscene as he shoves every inch of his length in your tight hole and his crown cruelly kisses your cervix. 
“Want to feel you come around me as I fill this cunt to the brim.” 
He nails you to the wall with heavy, pounding thrusts that drag sinfully along your channel. The unyielding movement rattles your bones making you fight to hold onto the sweaty leather still in your grasp. 
You can barely breathe as he wickedly grinds his pelvis into your clit forcing a strangled noise from your throat. He stokes the flames in your gut to rise and rise until you explode.
“Come on. That’s it. Let me feel you.” He commands, sinking his cock even deeper.
Your mouth goes slack as every muscle in your body tenses. Your shouts of bliss echo off the walls as you drag Tim over the edge. He grunts like an animal as your cunt spasms and locks around his girth and milks his balls. His heels leave the ground as he pumps you full, never leaving your warmth for a second as he fucks his seed into your cunt like it’s the last act he’ll ever do.
The tension that used to settle around the two of you like a heavy blanket is no longer. Tim gently cradles your face in his palm and kisses you so softly you’d think you were made of glass. Tenderness pours from his lips and drowns you in affection.
Your hands finally detach from his holster as he carefully sets you back on solid ground before tucking himself back into his slacks. 
You share a knowing look that things would be different now as he reaches for your hand and interlocks your fingers. 
He walks you over to the scene of the crime and points to the mantle above the fireplace. “See the candlestick? That’s the murder weapon. Happy now?”
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follow @ozzieslibrary for new fic updates!
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cosmerelists · 8 months
If Cosmere characters had to find work in a new genre...
[SPOILERS for Yumi & Nightmare Painter in #7--beware!]
Oh no! The Cosmere series is laying off its characters, and now they have to go and find work in other genres. Into what other genres could these characters most easily go?
1. Western: Wax & Wayne
Wax: I mean, this one is obvious, right? We're basically characters in a western already. Wayne: Yeah! You'll just have to remember that you can't manipulate bullets with your mind. Wayne: And I'll have to remember that I can only survive being shot...what? Three or four times? Wax: ... Wax: We will not survive long.
2. Science Fiction: Navani
Navani: My qualifications include "having built a literal flying ship" and "being of a race that comes from a different planet." Jasnah: So you are the alien invader in this scenario? Navani: I like to think I'm the beneficent kind.
3. YA Fiction: Siri
Siri: I mean...I'm a beautiful seventeen-year-old with magic hair and a rebellious streak. Siri: I think my best bet is this or "Disney princess."
4. Shonen Anime: Kaladin
Kaladin: I got a giant sword. Kaladin: Flashy powers. Kaladin: Dramatic powerups and even more dramatic one-liners. Kaladin: A crew of other superpowered folks bound to me by the power of friendship. Kaladin: I even get fight sequences that only lead me to respecting my opponent and becoming their friend. Kaladin: I mean...come on.
5. Horror: Silence, Yumi, and Painter
Silence: Not saying my life is a horror show or anything, but... Silence: I do live on, like, a hell planet full of ghosts. Painter: I live on a darkness planet full of living nightmares. Painter: Plus, I kinda lived "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Yumi: One, I resent that. Yumi: And two, I got the ghosts, the nightmare planet, AND religious trauma! Silence: I'm...happy for you? Yumi: Thanks, I guess!
6. Spy Thriller: Rlain and Ranette
Rlain: I mean, I did literally work as a spy so I have the qualifications. Ranette: And I can make cool tech devices. Ranette: Do you want a suit whose lapels give off knock-out gas? Rlain: That does sound pretty cool... Ranette: We'll get along fine, kid.
7. Detective Novel: Marasi
Marasi: I think I could pull off "hard-boiled detective"--I've done my share of investigate work. MeLaan: Oooh! Ooh! Can I be the femme fatale?! Marasi: Uh...
8. Romance: Susebron
Susebron: I hear that tall, brooding, silent men are a staple of the genre. Susebron: PLUS, I know what sex is now! Susebron: That's gotta be a bonus!
9. Historical Fiction: Dalinar
Dalinar: Thanks to my visions, I have experienced several historical periods. Dalinar: I seemed to fit in them all with some degree of success. Lift: Yeah! A tight butt is always in style!
10. Children's Picture Book: Lift
Lift: Since I'm just a little kid, I don't see where ELSE I could go. Wyndle: M-Mistress, I'm not sure you would be, uh, the best example for little kids... Lift: What do you mean? I bet I could steal a food for every letter of the alphabet and that'd be stormin' educational! Wyndle: ... Lift: Sorry, sorry. Lift: Storming educational. Wyndle: T-THAT WASN'T THE ISSUE
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
RoR Toddler/Child Reader Masterlist
Hungry Toddler Reader
Summoned Child Reader
Being Confessed to in Front of them
Halloween Heroes
Halloween Heroes Part 2
Nightmare Protectors
Single Dads
School Parent's Night
Helping with Homework
Kidnapping Attempt
Saving a Kitty
Family Essay
Lost Soul Child Reader
Peter Pan is my Friend, right?
Quiet but Smart
Quiet but Smart 2
Hungry Baby Reader
Kidnapped (P!Yandere)
To the Dentist
Nightmare Sleepovers
Papa Hercules (yandere)
Yandere Adam and Eve
No Cheating Allowed!
Macarena Lessons
Papa Jack
Icky Vegetables
Nightmare Rescues
Perfect the way you are
I Want to Marry Daddy
Say no to Bullying
My Mommy!
Y/N Origin Story
An Average Day in Y/N's Life
Shapeshifter Toddler
Twin Trouble
Daddy's in Trouble
Witch Child Reader
Father's Day
Number 1 Father!
Paper Flowers
Hammock Cuddle Buddies
Rainbow Unicorns
Learning to Feel Safe
Big Boobies!
To Lose Everything
To Lose Everything- Alternate Ending
To Lose Everything- Alternate Happy Ending
The Littlest Sister
A New Familiar
Silent Child
Silent Child Part 2
Hide and Seek Champ!
Loki's Little Sister
A Father's Comfort
Doll Like Reader
Y/N's Favorite (Eve x child reader)
Thor's Little Princess
Pretend Married
Hey, Macarena!
Swimming Lessons
Dirt Bike Regrets
Mr. Noodle
Christmas Joy!
Heterochromia Beauty
First Words
Girl Dads
Death by Cuteness!
Death by Cuteness part 2
Death by Cuteness 3- Gods Edition
Affectionate Reader
Twin Tricks and Trouble
Allergic Reaction
Sensitive Tummy
Family Apprehension
Baby Scares
Christmas and New Years
Daddy's Spa Day
Daddy's Spa Day Part 2
Angry Baby Reader
Bullies and Protectors (Kindergarten AU)
Sick (Kindergarten AU)
School Play (Kindergarten AU)
Disney's Hercules
A 'Normal' Human
Lost and Found Papa (Poseidon)
Scary Girl Dad
Easter Dangers
Little Defenses
Extroverted Child
Naked Faces
Hard Boiled Detective Child Reader
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dokidokitsuna · 4 months
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Goldilocks in Grimmland
This is so, so premature...but my muses have been with me from start to finish on this idea and I adore it, so I'm talking about it now! :D
So in the RWBY NeverFell AU, Yang's little mishap during the Vytal Festival actually follows her around for quite a while; with pretty much everyone but her closest friends whispering behind her back about what she did to Mercury. This is very isolating and frustrating for her, especially since she knows from Ruby's eye-witness account that Merc was definitely faking his injury. She's determined to figure out how and why she saw that illusion, and also kinda wants revenge against Mercury for low-key ruining her life. ^^; And her investigation eventually leads her back to him...except, he looks a bit different now. Shocked by his Grimmification and eager to know more, she dives even deeper into the mystery.
Unfortunately, by this time, Salem has arrived at Beacon, parking her giant whale outside the premises similarly to the way she did in Volume 8. ^^ And upon landing, it creates a Grimm-based ecosystem-- a dark forest that gradually spreads outwards the longer it stays there, only adding to the population of Grimm overrunning the area. That's a whole other issue, that the rest of Team RWBY will probably be helping with. For Yang, it's mostly just a giant hindrance to her investigation. She's got suspicions about Mercury (and knowing he's a silver-eyed warrior, suspicions about her deceased mother) and she's sure that the answers are somewhere in that Grimm-whale. But with the death-forest of Grimm surrounding it, it seems impossible for her to get there.
Until, she remembers she knows someone with a semblance that's perfect for the job. ^^
There are several reasons why I love this idea: it gives Yang the spotlight for once in her life; it makes Mercury relevant; it provides an opportunity to get members of the main cast close to Salem.
But the biggest one is: IT GIVES ME AN EXCUSE TO USE REN!!!!! (≧∇≦)ノ
I've always loved Lie Ren; like Penny, he's one of those characters who's just impossible to screw up (in basic concept, anyway...). Across RWBY's many adaptations and spinoffs, he's always adorable and always looks cool in combat.
The only problem with him, and the reason I've rarely spoken about him, is that...people don't seem to care about him?? ;_; Specifically, in the source material, he's given so little to do that there just isn't much of a reason to care about him. He barely has any motivations that don't boil down to some variant of "protect Nora". Even Nora herself is given character connections and talking points outside of "her man", but Ren has no one and nothing else. He gets a couple episodes of spotlight in Volume 4, and that's it for the whole series. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I mean, just think about this: Ren is the only member of the main cast who doesn't have a character song. o_o Look it up, it's true. I had to look it up just to make sure, because I found it appalling...this is a character who was originally voiced by the creator of the show; why is he such an afterthought???
So I decided, if I don't like this, I gotta do right by him in NeverFell, somehow. And it was REALLY hard to think of a place to put him, until I suddenly struck gold with this idea. ^^ Yang's little 'detective story arc' had been a thing for a while, and although I wanted her to be separate from Team RWBY, I never really liked the idea of her being alone. A character like her works best with someone to bounce off, and Ren's coolness is a great contrast for her bubbly personality.
Plus, I think putting Ren in a position like this could service him, too: not only does it give me an opportunity to add his semblance, backstory, and maybe even a Nuckelavee fight to the plot in the absence of a V4 timeline; it could give him a chance to "flesh himself out" the way Nora did in V7. Y'know, allow him to really connect with someone besides Nora-- and then, maybe seeing how similar-yet-different Yang is to his childhood friend is what'll get him to realize that he's never done this before. That maybe he's stuck to the familiar dynamic of that early relationship for so long, that there are different sides of his own personality that he's forgotten about. Sides that are coming out now that he's on this new adventure, with a new friend~.
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giotanner · 21 days
After reading Batman 206 #147 and browsing through some online comments, I felt sorry that some thought the story somehow diminished Damian Wayne to highlight Tim Drake.
Speaking as a fan of Tim Drake, I believe he deserves recognition for his merits that have been overlooked for all these years. People reading comics in recent years found Tim useless, and… I get it. It wasn't clear what he was up to; he seemed like an outsider not included in the most important parts of the story. Which… rude, right? With the emergence of Jason and Damian, Tim seemed lost in terms of character development. They brought him back as Robin, but he seemed sidelined, without good writing.
Now, Tim Drake was one of the Robins who
1) chose to be Robin
2) uncovered the vigilantes' identities and knew he had to become Robin because Batman needed him as his partner.
It all boils down to this, and the last issue shows how this harmony between Tim and Bruce is crucial. This agreement between a young man who had to work hard because he wasn't a "natural," things didn't come easily to him, yet he persevered.
All of this is to say that I don't understand how this is damaging to Damian Wayne.
Let me explain my point of view: Damian blindly trusts Bruce, his father. And an abused child (by the League) who then grows up in a "healthy" environment (bat-family), where a father loves him… will struggle to find fault even though everyone tells him otherwise.
Sure, Dick is an important figure, and what happened to Jason during Gotham War is a wake-up call. BUT. At the same time, Damian is a fourteen-year-old boy who has finally grown from being that defensive, angry child.
Please, let's acknowledge that his character has had development. And precisely because of this development, he has more trust in Bruce Wayne. HE FEELS SAFE. Sure, he's Robin, and he's a detective, and he's intelligent, but he also trusts his father. And unfortunately, this leads him to make mistakes.
Instead, Tim in canon lies to Batman; he was that kid who wanted evidence first: that's how he discovered Batman, that's how he found out Bruce wasn't dead but lost in time.
It's not bad writing in my opinion. It's not a way to weaken Damian and highlight Tim. No. They are just two different characters who have grown in different ways. So I'm loving how this story is continuing.
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prpfs · 4 months
Begggggin for some mxm, ocxoc, Cop/Hooker or Detective/Addict Plots man.
I want my hard boiled rough around the edges tough cop guy to melt at your younger twinks feet. 😌🤭💕
Or have your twink follow my cop around like a thirsty dog? Whatever ur into!
Can be dead dove doesn't have to be.
(Smut but also good plot!)
Can be on the 🍪 side but also doesn't have to be!
Just please be plot happy, 18+ (as im 24) and okay with some lengthier replies. Between 3-6 is what im most comfortable with but I also don't mind when the 3 paras get a little shorter here and there! I just like a good balance of some longer and some shorter !
Like this Post and I will reach out! Thanks.
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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Hey folks, I apologise but I am feral about Pyrrha's moral code. NONA SPOILERS AHEAD. When Cam asks to be trained how to kill, Pyrrha says. "If you want to learn how to kill, you'll need my necromancer for that?" That's because though Pyrrha more than likely has killed but she is not a killer. You might ask how can she be one but not the other? And it all boils down to a tiny moral distinction between the two. Before the Resurrection, Pyrrha was a cop, possibly an undercover cop, the folks who are supposed to catch murderers. Later, she creates the Cohort. She's specifically a spy. No matter what you've seen in the movies, a huge part of spy craft is to remain hidden, get the information you covert, leave no trace and be as unmemorable as possible. If you are detected, protecting yourself and the mission is paramount. The enemy might get killed achieving that. Yes, its killing but its killing out of necessity, self defence/survival. Then there is Gideon Prime. He is an attack dog left off the leash. He is a killer in the correct sense here because he does not kill out of necessity, he kills because he is told to. Pre Res he willingly nuked a city, murdering thousands of innocent people, because John told him to. He makes multiple brutal attempts on a scared innocent teenager's life because John tells him to.
(There's also the question of how many times Gideon has had to spill blood on John's orders and the possibility that Augustine and Mercy never knew. With regard to him attempting to murder Harrow, Augustine tells Ianthe and Harrow that the Saint of Duty gets his weird obsessions suggesting Augustine has witnessed this behaviour before; Im looking at the Commander Wake diabolical. We are later told, though Gideon finds it a hard responsibility to bare, it is not merely an obsession but a direct order. We are also told that Gideon once fought a city and the city lost. As the Saint's Pre Res memories have been tampered with, this mustn't be Melbourne but a different altogether meaning that's more innocents murdered by Gideon Prime's blade on the orders of John.) Pyrrha kills the necros in the cages as an act of mercy. Pyrrha was prolly more than likely fully ready to kill Wake when they were going toe to toe, in a bid to survive the game of ''its either her or me''.
Its a hair breathe of a distinction but it is an important distinction. And dancing on that gossamer thin knife's edge makes all the difference to Pyrrha. Pyrrha is not a murderer, and if she sees herself as one, she is not willing to give Camilla the tools to become one as well.
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bitterkarella · 11 months
Midnight Pals: Jewish Noir
Zachary Rosenberg: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, I call this the tale of the long shalom Rosenberg: so it’s the 1920s Lovecraft: [nodding] Rosenberg: and there’s a detective Lovecraft: [nodding] Rosenberg: the detective is jewish Lovecraft: [nodding abruptly stops]
Rosenberg: so there’s a jewish detective Lovecraft: [sweats] Rosenberg: and the jewish detective is bisexual Lovecraft: [sweating intensifies]
Rosenberg: the bisexual jewish detective teams up with a Japanese woman Lovecraft: Rosenberg: and a black guy Lovecraft: Rosenberg: and a trans woman Lovecraft: Rosenberg: and the Japanese woman runs a rainbow museum of tolerance and brotherhood for all races Lovecraft: Barker: ah ha ha don’t stop now keep going Barker: howard really wants to hear more about that Poe: clive don’t be an instigator Barker: ha ha I’m not even doing anything Barker: I’m just really into this story Poe: clive
Rosenberg: so hardboiled jewish detective Moishe Marlowe was in his office Rosenberg: and in walked danger in the form of a beautiful woman Rosenberg: she needs help exorcising some Talmudic demons Rosenberg: so she’s in the market for a gumshoe Rosenberg: “listen I used to believe in America and the american dream” says hard-boiled jewish detective Moishe Marlowe “then I found out that it’s only so much bupkis and all my ideals crumbled like so much matzoh” Rosenberg: and the Talmudic demon is all “haha I’m gonna destroy new York” Rosenberg: and Moishe Marlowe is all “fuck you, nobody steps on a synagogue in my town!”
Rosenberg: “that’s right, schmuck, Moishe Marlowe might just be a two-bit schmendrick private dick but he’s 100% new york!” Rosenberg: “this Empire Stater eats novelty statues of liberty souvenirs and shits sewer alligators!” Rosenberg: “there’s dirty hot dog water in these veins!”
John Baltisberger: watch it rosenberg Rosenberg: baltisberger! Rosenberg: what are you doing here Rosenberg: selling tickets to the police mans ball? Baltisberger: just stopping in with a friendly piece of advice, rosenberg Baltisberger: don't stick your nose in police business!
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cosmosrebellion · 4 months
Reading these comics is such an interesting experience. My first exposure to Mickey and Donald as protagonists were the shorts from House of Mouse which were these wacky slapstick and domestic fluff stories that I remember being cute and fun. So seeing that way back when there were these great stories where Donald is a reluctant adventurer following Uncle Scrooge in his crazy travels for treasure, and Mickey is a hard-boiled detective is such a weird experience, it's still an experience I absolutely love because of how unique a setting they are.
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I haven't checked out Mystery Magazine yet. I'll most likely will after finishing the Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck.
I'm really getting the feeling this is a universe of stories I'll love because it shows a side of these character I mostly thought of as mascots I'm really looking forward to checking out more of it.
P.S: I'm a fan of the Ducktales show, so the idea of Donald as an adventurer isn't so weird to me, but it's doing something very different from the comics that I still think it didn't really prepare me for the curiosity I would have for these comics.
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wondrouswendy · 3 months
FBI vs Fictional Alex Casey
I'm glad to hear that Sam Lake himself even sees the difference between FBI Casey and Dark Place/Fictional Casey--as opposed to how sometimes the two are conflated as being the same person.
He acknowledges himself that FBI Casey has more of a safety net around him which prevents him from becoming like Fictional Casey. He COULD become something akin to Fictional Casey, it's not outside the realm of possibility, but Agent Casey has people like Saga (and later Kiran Estevez) who serve as his support group.
Even Fictional Casey isn't Max Payne. Casey's character concept (the FBI Agent and the Fictional Version) is based on the film noir hard-boiled detective, but to differing levels of influence. Fictional Casey is based on visions Alan received (but didn't know how to parse) and turned into his fictional stories. Alan wasn't 1 for 1 recreating Casey's life; he was using it for inspiration in the same way writers get inspired by real life all the time... In Alan's case, it just has a supernatural foundation (that he isn't aware of until later).
To my absolute shock (and joy), I noticed that AO3 finally created the relationship tag Fictional Alex Casey/Alan Wake at last. I'm the only one using this tag at the moment (but here's hoping maybe other people will use it now too???). SO... I guess that means Fictional Alex Casey/Alan Wake is a rare pair!
I've used both Alex Casey/Alan Wake and Fictional Alex Casey/Alan Wake tags for fic Out of My Hands and Into Your Heart since the latter didn't exist until recently apparently. I used the Fictional tag for Casey because I wanted readers to know that this story would follow Fictional Casey and his relationship with Alan, not his FBI counterpart (as I've always seen these people as separate individuals).
But it's good going forward there will be two separate tags for both FBI and Fictional Casey.
Hopefully other fic authors will start using these tags more frequently now that Sam Lake has confirmed they're both their own men in their own right!
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everytimeigetmoody · 4 months
You stated all my thoughts about White. Up until this point he has no stakes in this story. They better do something with his character quick because there are only three eps left and I could not care less about whether he lives or dies right now. I even want Fluke’s selfish crazy ass to survive more than White at this point.
they just aren't giving us anything about white. as far as we know, he's just boyfriend. he has no ties with non and has done nothing to harm him or the investigation. he just doesn't have many ties to the main story with non. let's be honest. it makes him a little boring and bland. i kinda care about him cause he seems nice. he's innocent. there's nothing wrong with his place in the story and i feel like he does have his seat at the table even if he's not involved with non. he plays detective with phee and tan and he does his best with trying to contact the outside world. we see how fluke is going crazy through how he interacts with white. we get to see tee fleshed out a little through white.
i just don't think it would be satisfying to leave him as final girl. i mean, it's just too cookie cutter to leave the "innocent" one alive. this doesn't really seem like a story that's so rigid in its sense of morality. a lot of the characters we see are very much not black and white. you have phee who cares very much for non, but sleeps with jin and, at least the way i see it, kind of likes him too. he's on his mission to seek the truth about non or kinda get revenge but he gets distracted and veers off course. we have tee who is a major bully and does fucked up things to non which could have landed him in jail and did land him into deep shit with his uncle, but he also ultimately asked for mercy for non and tee is dealing with a lot of shit at home. i mean, he has the health of his dad on his shoulders (if i remember correctly) and his uncle was stepping on his neck threatening him with money or the lack of it. i am a tee hater but when i really think of his situation, i can't help but feel bad for the guy and everything that he's going through. and i love phee, but man was it fucked up to sleep with jin without knowing the full story.
with all of these complex and interesting characters to really dig into and analyze, white just seems bland in comparison and i feel like that's probably the point of his character. i mean, maybe i just haven't caught onto any foreshadowing, but white isn't going to turn out to be some great mastermind or part of the conspiracy with phee and tan in the end. that would feel like such shitty writing. i think this is more or less confirmed by white getting the hallucination of boils on his skin. he's not in on the plan and he didn't use this to throw off suspicion like tan did.
i think he works best as a tragic death. he would work best as collateral in the end. he has done all that he can and that is still not enough sometimes. you can do all the right things but circumstances get you sometimes. that's just what life is.
white is not final girl material. this story ultimately isn't about him, and i think that's what seals his fate. no part of seeing him coming out of the woods bloody and crying would be satisfying as an ending and would honestly create the most basic ass theme. it would make me actually angry if the "innocent" one got out alive. in a show that works so hard at being morally complex, that is such a slap in the face as an ending. it sends the most basic theme of "if you do bad things, bad things happen to you, and if you do good things, good things happen to you." the story would say nothing interesting. it is such a tired theme that doesn't take into acount the cemplexities and nuances of life.
i believe dff will do better than that. i think it will give us a story that leaves all of us speechless and satisfied. white being the final girl will not give us that.
sorry anon that i unloaded all of this on you. i never really got into it in my original post, and i still didn't fully get into it here but this was getting long.
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