#i know this is a crappy sketch but I was bored
saltytearsofjoy · 2 years
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anyway tomura with his dog
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deejadabbles · 8 months
Hiiii friend!! wanted to request a spooky prompt number 6 and 😈 with Fives please and thank you!!
Hello darling!! Thank you for sending this in, I was very inspired the moment I read it so I hope you enjoy this 🤩 This one also got a little ~heated~ since Fives had officially become one of my faves 😏
How to Summon A Demon Boyfriend (Demon!Fives x GN Reader)
Summary: There's no such thing as demons, they're just something to use for cheesy cautionary tales...Right? Rating: M (Minors DNI) Word Count: 1,813 Warnings: Crappy 'friends', small injury and mentions of blood, reader gets a big scare but it's fine in the end I promise, heavily suggestive content. Masterlist /// Tag List Sign Up  /// AO3
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You really needed to learn to say no sometimes.
Tonight was supposed to be the perfect chance to curl up on the couch in your favorite PJs and coziest blanket. Instead, you were freezing your ass off in a dark playground, pretending to summon a demon like some bored teenager. 
Cam and you weren’t even that close, just work buddies, but that little voice inside your head had been yelling too loud: 'he was really sweet and invited you! You have to go! It would be rude not to!' Now you were annoyed with every moment of this silly little seance.
“Alright, I think that should do it!” said the cute blonde girl, who you didn’t know before tonight. You didn’t know any of Cam’s friends, yet here you were with them. “I think it’s a good little summoning circle, if I do say so myself!” She beamed down at the chalk drawing she’d sketched onto the area usually reserved for hopscotch. 
Then another one of Cam’s friends, a young man with dark hair fit for a punk band, voiced your own thoughts, “This is stupid, what makes you think we can summon a demon from some random book you found in a second hand store?”
“Dude, I’m telling you, if anything’s the real deal, it’s this!” Cam insisted, cautiously taking the book from the blonde and flipping a page, “I mean, just look at this!” He tilted it towards you and the punk guy, “The ancient looking paper, the notes and stains- plus, the store owner said she got it from her friend when he died and that his family was into all kinds of strange occult shit.”
You would admit, it was a very convincing tome, even if the demon summoning was all fiction, the owner had put lots of work into its design. You reached out to touch the edge of the page, to see if it really did feel ancient, but just as you did Cam moved as well and a sharp pain seared through your finger tip.
With a loud hiss and a curse you pulled your hand back, clutching it close to your chest.
“Shit- sorry!” Cam said, “Paper cut?”
“Yeah,” you muttered, taking a tentative peak at the now throbbing finger. It was leaking red, the skin around it looking angry, and you noticed part of the offending page was now stained with your blood too. Well, at least it added to the book’s authentic aesthetic. 
“Wow, didn’t know we’d be making blood sacrifices tonight,” the blonde said with a laugh.
“Happy to contribute,” was your sarcastic reply as you tried to soothe the throbbing. “Next time I-”
“Uh, guys!” Cam’s eyes were wide as he looked down at the book, “The words are glowing!” Then he let out a high pitched yelp, and dropped the book as if it had burned him.
With a loud thud, it landed on the summoning circle and that’s when you saw that the curving calligraphy on the pages were indeed glowing! Not only that, but the moment it touched the chalked symbols, the ground below you started to rumble unlike any earthquake you had ever seen.
Cam and blondie yelped as they fell to the ground together, you not keeping your balance for much longer, and punk kid only staying upright when he threw himself on a picnic table.
“What the hell is happening?!” the girl yelled, pulling the hood of her jacket up as if that would shield her from the horrors unfolding.
“You’re the ones who wanted to summon a demon!” Punk shouted, looking pale and ready to hurl as the ground continued to shake.
Then, within the circle, the already cracked and worn cement split apart. Chunks of it flew as old compacted dirt from beneath surged to the surface, making way for something else.
It wasn’t a man- “man” didn’t begin to describe it. Clawed hands reached towards the sky, lifting above a head of dark curls that did little to hide two large horns. Dark skin around tight muscles that flexed as he rose up from the earth, a bare chest with marks that might have been tattoos, and a blue kilt of some sort that made room for a swaying tail.
Paralyzed on the ground as you were, all you could do was watch with wide eyes as the demon stretched, and let out a roar of a yawn as if waking from a deep sleep. Then his eyes flashed open, revealing deep brown irises rimmed in red.
He scanned them over your little petrified group and, for some reason, your stunned brain noticed the dumbest little detail. 'Oh, he has a number five tattooed on his forehead. Wonder what that means'.
That’s when the demon pulled his lips back in a dastardly grin, revealing large fangs surely made to rip apart human flesh.
“Run,” he growled.
Somebody screamed. Someone else cried some sort of plea. But you couldn’t say anything, all noise dying in your throat as you rolled over and tried to scramble to your feet. Just as you started to, someone (Cam?) knocked into you and sent you tumbling back to the dirt painfully. Footsteps thundered around you and, looking up, you realized that the other three were already disappearing into the darkness as they ran, leaving you behind.
“Wait-” the pleading call was lost in the wind, just as something behind you took a loud step closer.
Somehow your brain was going a mile a minute and not thinking anything at all as you became painfully aware of the large, looming presence closing in on you. Body unable to move from fear, all you could do was listen as the demon let out a low, deep chuckle.
“Some friends you have,” he purred. “Leaving you here.” Something brushed along your back. “All alone.” Leaves rustled as he knelt above you. “With me.” Hot breath fanned against your ear.
A noise very close to a squeal left you as a hand grabbed your shoulder and rolled you over onto your back. You were face to face with the demon now, his arms caging you in on either side, his face hovering over yours, and still sporting that hungry grin as his dark eyes looked you over slowly.
“P-please don’t kill me,” it came out as little more than a wheeze, but at least you managed to say something.
That’s when those brilliant eyes snapped back to yours. There was a heartbeat of silence in which you went through a thousand different ‘this is the end’ scenarios in your head-
But then, the demon threw his head back and laughed!
It wasn’t a sinister, cruel laugh either. Instead it was light and, dare you say, joyful. The kind of laugh a loved one would make after you mentioned some inside joke or another. His broad shoulders shook and that tail of his swished behind him in a way that reminded you of a cat ready to play.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he gasped between laughs, “I didn’t mean to scare you that bad!” He leaned back some then, as if to give you some air, though his arms were still on either side of you. “See, that’s just a little act I do to give you humans a scare.” This time, the grin he flashed was playful and a little lopsided. “You have to admit, you kind of deserve it for yanking me out of my cozy little dimension. It’s a little annoying when you don’t expect to be summoned.”
You opened your mouth, now stunned in a completely different way, but no sound was ready to come out yet, apparently.
That didn’t deter the demon, though, his eyes searched your face when he said, “Course, I did want to scare off the others. Groups are always more annoying, and I kinda liked the idea of having you to myself once I saw how cute you are.”
The unexpected statement caused you to come back down from your fearful high a little. You blinked a few times, then found it in yourself to look him in the eyes more directly. You managed to stutter out a “Wha-what?”
The demon laughed again, a shorter one this time, “Wow, I really must have done a number on you, I’m sorry, mesh’la.” He held up a hand, though the black claws at his fingertips almost made you flinch. “I swear, I’m not going to kill you. Even if I was that type of demon, there’s no challenge in killing humans,” he winked, “you’re too soft and supple.”
Heat took over your face and you weren’t sure if it was annoyance, embarrassment, or something else. Probably a cocktail of the three. After a deep, steadying breath, you finally managed to say something more than a strangled noise or single word.
“So, you’re some kind of good demon?”
He shrugged those naked, now very distracting, shoulders. “Something like that. Mostly, I’m just here to fulfill whatever contract you want from me.”
“Why me?”
The demon looked down at you with something…interesting in his eyes, something you couldn’t quite place even though his expression was still light. His hand slid down the ground beside your prone body, until it reached your wrist. He grasped it gently, lifting it to show off your still sore cut.
“Because your blood summoned me. You’re the one I’m bound to, sweetheart.”
Keeping his eyes on yours, he brought your finger to his mouth and closed his lips around the bleeding cut. You found yourself breathless again as a wet tongue ran over the little injury, soothing the ache in a way you didn’t expect.
He pulled your finger out of his mouth with a little pop, then turned that fang flashing smirk on you again. “See, you summoned me, now we make some sort of deal, a contract. You give me something and I give you something in return.” He placed your hand on his naked chest so he could pin his own by your head again. “Name’s Fives, by the way, and you are?”
After swallowing the sudden lump in your throat and not feeling any more calm after doing it, you introduced yourself in the firmest tone you could muster. The demon- Fives, repeated your name slowly, and you could see his tongue tasting every letter of it.
“Hm, I like that name,” he said and again, you caught a glimpse of the spade-tipped tail flicking at his back. 
You must have been more distracted by it than you realized, because he brushed the back of a claw down your cheek, before taking your chin in a firm grip to force your eyes back on his. When you did, his gaze seemed just a little darker.
“So, darling, what kind of deal do you want to make with me?”
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agentnico · 1 year
Ghosted (2023) Review
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Adrien Brody’s crappy French accent in this movie I could have forgiven, if only I haven’t seen John Wick: Chapter 4 a couple of weeks ago where I experienced the most delightful Parisian mouthing of Bill Skarsgard’s villain, so now Brody’s French-ish slur sticks out like a sore thumb. And boy is this one sore thumb. Everything is not j’aime up in this joint.
Plot: Cole falls head over heels for enigmatic Sadie, but then makes the shocking discovery that she's a secret agent. Before they can decide on a second date, Cole and Sadie are swept away on an international adventure to save the world.
This is the third time Chris Evans and Ana de Armas are co-starring in a film together, following the fantastic murder mystery Knives Out and the Netflix action film The Gray Man. As such this pairing on paper seems like a natural one, however upon seeing the new Ghosted film on Apple TV+ I have made quite the peculiar discovery - these two have absolutely zero chemistry. I mean none whatsoever. All their flirting comes of as cringeworthy, the romance is none existent and I didn’t buy into their relationship whatsoever. Their kissing scenes reminded me of that Andrew Garfield/Emma Stone SNL sketch where they don’t know how to kiss on camera. It was just awkward. And when in a rom-com your central couple have no chemistry, well then the movie is doomed to fail as is. Also, talk about a miscast! Chris Evans is supposed to play a farmer boy with an inhaler having an innocent outlook on life, yet it’s so hard not to see him as the alpha male, as such making his casting very questionable. Ana de Armas is usually a likeable presence, however, again, here is very bland and forgettable. And wears a wig. A very obvious wig, made the more obvious by the Twitter community, so thank you guys. It’s a shame really, as one could have easily done a trashy silly spy rom-com with A-list actors. Just look at Mr & Mrs Smith - an absolutely stupid movie but its hard to deny the sex appeal of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie together... though obviously that hasn’t aged too well but back then they were fire!
There’s a lot of talent involved behind the camera here. Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick who are known as the writers of the very successful and entertaining Deadpool movies have story credits here, and Dexter Fletcher is in the director’s chair. Evidently all three must have been undergoing some kind of collective erectile dysfunction causing their creative juices to dry out like water in a desert, as this movie consists of all the possible Hollywood plot cliches imaginable, with a painfully unfunny script, boring direction and general nonsense. Fletcher is fresh off the heels of his previous directorial outing with the Elton John biopic Rocketman that was visually filled with colour and charm, yet here the directing is so shallow and plain. So uninspired. As for the action sequences, they are there I guess. There’s a somewhat passable fight/chase on a bus, but even then, all those stunts you would have seen before. 
Ghosted would have been a perfectly acceptable affair back in the early 2000s, however in 2023 it is simply ticking off every generic cliché of a Hollywood action film, only not anywhere as good as the movies its ripping off, nor that funny either. There’s even a few pointless cameos thrown in, and I do mean pointless. So in a nutshell, not worth getting Apple TV+ for anyway, however if you’re wondering about that streaming service, there is a delightful movie about the backstory of Tetris that came out on there recently starring Taron Egerton, and that’s actually much more interesting. 
Overall score: 3/10
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tigerkirby215 · 2 years
Talking about the Wonders of the Multiverse UA like three weeks late
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(We still use League of Legends artwork because why not. Artwork by Esben Lash Rasmussen. Made for Riot Games.)
Oh right I have a Tumblr account.
I’m writing this for a few reasons: partially to get it off my mind, partially because I feel bad leaving this account to rot for so long and this is a good way to get back into the swing of things. Don’t know when it will be posted but these are my thoughts on the latest UA, and there’s certainly not initial impressions lol.
If the mechagnomes weren’t enough for a “definitely not Warforged” race then here’s your full on cyborg race. Yes I do know they probably existed in Spelljammer or something but counterpoint: we don’t need three robot races when we don’t even have an official dog race yet? At least that’s my opinion.
Anyways this race continues the mechagnome trend of giving robots tons of free stats and abilities because “they’re a robot, I guess.” They’re a Construct (immune to Hold Person) but can still be healed by Cure Wounds, they have 14 + DEX AC (+2 Studded Leather?! 1 more than Mage Armor?!) because why not, can turn a 9 or lower on a d20 into a 10 (Rogue’s level 11 ability / Clockwork Soul’s level 14 ability) a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus because why not, have advantage on Insight checks and saves against charms because why not, and to top it off they can fly.
Like it feels like I’m reading crappy homebrew! This genuinely feels like a comedy sketch: like a Tiefling Fighter is complaining about their Glitchling Wizard by saying “they have better armor than me, never fail at anything, know if anyone’s lying to them, can’t be persuaded, and what else can they do: fly?” before the Glitchling takes off and leaves the Fighter dumbfounded.
For what it’s worth I think Vestigial Wings is fine. We’ve seen traits like this with the Ascendant Dragon Warlock and I’ve seen traits like this on homebrew races. I think it’s a very balanced way to handle racial flight and it allows for interesting combat, exploration, and roleplay without being overpowered. But that being said holy shit this race has too many abilities.
I’m fine with innate AC in concept but holy shit it shouldn’t be 14 + DEX lmao. I feel like they should either make the innate AC be equal to a Breastplate (14 + DEX max of 2) or take a book from the Loxodons and use CON-based AC. Everything else however just makes the race way too strong: turning fails into 10s (again: 11 Rogue / 14 level Sorcerer ability as a racial trait) is way too strong, advantage on Insight checks “just because” is dumb and the same can be said for the advantage against charming effects.
Keep this as the limited flying race and give it a few other positive benefits: maybe the Construct tag, maybe the innate AC, maybe boost some skill checks idk. But it shouldn’t have all this when the flight alone already makes it an incredibly strong race.
Fate Domain Cleric
It’s cool conceptually but some abilities are more hit-or-miss. I think the Channel Divinity is way too strong for its own good, essentially being the Foresight spell (a 9th level spell!) as a Channel Divinity option. And Insightful Striking feels like it should have synergy with your teammates (the Eloquence Bard is better at weaving fate than the Fate Cleric?)
But beyond that the subclass honestly seems fine. It plays a bit weird from the looks of things but I’m sure you can make a very interesting character with the kit.
Seeing as the backgrounds actually have more to them than just “you get a feat because you’re associated with (clan)” I’ll talk about them: I like them a lot! I’ve always liked extraplanar and supernatural characters and having backgrounds related to them is really cool!
Gate Warden is a simple but effective background for a character that you want to be planetouched, Giant Foundling is neat for a variety of characters even if the background is kinda inflexible, Planar Philosopher is a little boring ngl, and Rune Carver basically exists for Rune Knight Fighters and Artificers lol.
We saw a lot of reprints of old feats and a lot of somewhat new ones, so I figure it’s fitting to talk about them one by one. That being said we still have the feat trees so I’ll try to bundle them all together.
Since there’s so much versatility between the options I’ll “rate” each one on the basis of the cantrip you get, damage type you resist, and the feat that you can get later on with your choice.
Astral: Damage type is good, Message is a good cantrip, but because there’s no alignment you can’t get any of the fun feats.
Chaotic: Damage type is mediocre, cantrip is mediocre, the next feat is super fun though.
Evil: Bad damage type, bad cantrip, bad extra feat. Evil doesn’t pay.
Good: Radiant is one of the rarest damage types but Sacred Flame is a decent cantrip. The feat you get for opting for goodness is kinda bad though?
Lawful: Again Radiant damage is very rare, but Guidance is an amazing cantrip and the feat you get for opting for law is also really fun. Easily the best option you’ve got.
Outlands: Mage hand is nice, Psychic damage resistance is nice, no additional feat because it’s the Outlands.
Agent of Order
It’s basically a Wisdom-save version of Stunning Strike... so cheers to devaluing the Monk lmao. To be fair this is a feat that requires a previous feat so I think it’s fine. It also doesn’t have any inherent synergy with your own abilities since it goes away at the start of your next turn, but it has good teamplay synergy which I think should always be promoted in 5e.
Plus the visual is just really cool. I’ve always liked the idea of binding someone down with magic and it’s kinda a shame that Hold Person and other similar spells feel really boring in all honesty? Like Hold Person / Hold Monster are very strong but I’d rather be casting something more flashy. So this strikes a nice middle ground, especially since ranged characters can use it. Even ranged martials! So the Ranger gets to have some more fun with their Wisdom score.
Baleful Scion
Holy shit guys they finally added Lifesteal.
I mean, the damage is bad and the healing is bad, but I know there are people who will really love this feat. I really feel like this could come back on a Short Rest and it would still be balanced. But if you consider that when you grab this feat (at level 4) it heals / damages for 2d6 + 4, and even at its theoretical maximum value (at level 17) this feat will only give you 6d6 + 36 total damage / healing. To put 6d6 + 36 into perspective: that’s a slightly better Fireball of damage / healing. By level 17.
I like this feat a lot conceptually, but I realize it’s less “I like this feat” and more “lifesteal mechanics beyond the spell Vampiric Touch and Enervation should’ve been added to 5e about 5 years ago.”
Cohort of Chaos
Mini Wild Magic Surges, which are all more fun than the actual Wild Magic subclass! Lmao they really need to publish an updated Wild Magic surge table.
Disruption Field is pretty bad in most situations, although it can be good for a martial character. Battle Fury is kinda just... universally good in combat? Like you can give this to any martial character and they’ll be happy. Unbound is pretty cool and generally applicable enough to be useful. And Wailing Winds is a bit too situational and kinda overkill in my honest opinion.
This is a really fun, silly feat that I know a lot of people will enjoy. My only recommendation would be to nerf Wailing Winds (because 60 feet is excessive.) Disruption Field at least has its uses for a melee character, and it can be funny in the moment.
Outlands Envoy
Wait what the fuck this is literally just the Fey Touched feat?
Like, you get Tongues as a spell? That’s arguably good? I’d still prefer Silvery Barbs, Gift of Alacrity, Bless, or Hex? Honestly this feat just feels kinda lazy to me. Like your best idea was just the Misty Step and Tongues spells? Like you couldn’t even learn a language?
Planar Wanderer
Damn first you made Archfey Warlock into a feat I guess we can just turn Horizon Walker Ranger into a feat too?
I mean, this feat is basically just a roleplay feat. Honestly I’d just let a player character do this if it was part of their character or the plot demanded it. It seems like a weird feat considering it does literally nothing else?
Righteous Heritor
This feat blocks 2d10 + 4 damage when you get it, and a maximum of 6d10 + 36 damage when you’re level 17. I again go back to the fact that you’re basically shielding a 4th level Fireball’s worth of damage.
I don’t get why these relatively weaker feats don’t recharge on a Short Rest. And no: “WoTC is abandoning Short Rests” is not a reason.
I like this feat a lot because I literally have a Warlock who’s more-or-less based entirely around cards and gambling.
Card Focus is fun; it’s a few extra d4s of damage that won’t break anything.  Card Tricks is cute flavor. But of course the real meat of this feat is Hidden Ace. I don’t have to explain why having an extra spell is good, nor why casting an action spell as a bonus action is strong. At pretty much all tiers of play this feat is strong: when you get the feat it basically gives you a whole extra caster level (whole extra “spell slot”), and even as you reach the higher levels having an extra 4th, 5th, or even 6th level spell is kinda crazy. I don’t know if every caster ever wants to lose an ASI for what’s effectively “you can cast one spell for free” but like... I’m pretty sure there’s an Epic Boon that does this? So uh... this feat is basically an Epic Boon?
I do find it weird that it’s restricted to the Arcane Casters. (Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock.) Like I understand why Druids / Rangers / Clerics / Paladins don’t get it but... not Bards? Really? I mean, I guess it’s not a big deal because you can get this feat with just a 1 level multiclass dip, and 2 levels in Warlock is already one of the better muticlasses you can do.
I really hope this feat doesn’t get nerfed, even though my objective balancing side says this feat is overpowered lmao. Because it’s just so fun and thematic, and I really don’t think it’s going to break anything.
Much like with the planar feats I’m going to rate both the initial effect of the feat and the additional feat you can get.
Hill: Extra damage and knocking people prone is very good! The feat you get after this one is alright too but I wouldn’t really go out of my way for it.
Stone: Pushing people is pointless, but the feat you get after this is so good it’s honestly worth taking just for the extra feat.
Frost: Good because it’s Cold damage, bad because it’s a CON save, and the feat that comes after this one is kinda bad.
Fire: Damage is damage, and the next feat you get gives you some cool utility in hectic fights.
Cloud: Cool to see they brought back the “invisible to one target” mechanic, but honestly the damage is so bad I don’t know if I’d even bother with this feat, even if I was playing a Rogue or something. The feat that comes after this one is also alright but nothing to write home about imo.
Storm: Effect is good, damage type is good. CON save is bad, feat that comes after this one is bad.
I will say that I like that they’re giving new weaponized bonus actions to martial characters, and that we’re getting support for both melee fighters and thrown weapon fighters! I think it’s really cool that you can choose to make your next attack more powerful a few times per day.
Ember of the Fire Giant
Did they buff this from the last UA? It feels like they did but I genuinely forget what the differences are between the last UA and this one. Anyways my opinion remains the same: it’s really cool to give martials new combat abilities and pseudo-maneuvers to vary up their combat some more. I really wish something like this was tied to a magic item or just general combat ability instead of a feat, but I will happily accept it as a feat.
Fury of the Frost Giant
This feat was definitely changed. Thing is it’s still kinda mediocre? Like, I’d rather the Gift of the Gem Dragons feat from Fizban’s as pushing melee enemies back is more useful than slowing them, and slowing a ranged enemy is pointless.
Like, this feat is cool and flavorful? But I can’t help but feel it’s ultimately useless.
Guile of the Cloud Giant
Really gonna just powercreep Gnomes like that, huhn? Back in my day you used to have to be a specific race or subclass to teleport or turn invisible as a reaction. But now you can just do it with a universal feat!
I mean, Gnome Cunning and Archfey Warlock prove that having a panic button is nice. Hell, the Shield spell proves that having a panic button is nice. It’s a flavorful feat and also a useful one.
Keenness of the Stone Giant
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I like this feat for simple reason: it gives melee characters a practical ranged options. Having an attack that both has decent range (none of this 30/120 javelin crap) and can knock enemies prone (notably this will knock flying enemies out of the sky if they don’t have a hover) is a really big asset for any Barbarian or Paladin. You really won’t need more than proficiency bonus uses of a ranged attack in my opinion (and you can always carry javelins as well if you’re really worried about that.) Add in the fact that this can be based off Strength, Constitution, or Wisdom and it’s really nice!
And this feat gives Darkvision too? WoTC you’re too kind! Honestly I thought the ranged attack was already good enough. I know Stone Giants having Darkvision is kinda a “thing” (based on the Rune Knight Fighter) but like... you don’t need to make this feat better? Even if I was playing a Druid or something I’d unironically consider this feat because it’s just that good to knock people prone at range. It falls off a cliff in higher tier play but even then it’s mostly going to be used for backup, and some damage is better than none.
Soul of the Storm Giant
I preferred the evasion tbh is all I can say. This new wind wall thing is weird.
Vigor of the Hill Giant
Behold the new, cooler Durable feat! This obviously benefits characters who are going to have high CON and take a lot of damage: you may think Barbarians but I’d actually honestly argue this is maybe worth it for a Monk? (I mean, excluding the fact that the prerequisite feat takes your Bonus Action.) The problem is that I’m trying to find a use for the anti-knockback part of the feat.
This feat is basically the same as it was in the last UA, right?
I mean opinion still stands: Comprehend Languages is a boring spell, and beyond that this is basically just a grab bag of spells. A midway decent grab bag (Disguise Self, Command, Entangle, and Sanctuary are all good spells) but still just a bunch of 1st level spells?
I do find it funny that you can cast Chromatic Orb without the 50 gp diamond, but honestly I don’t find Chromatic Orb to be that good of a spell.
Rune Carver Adept
Yup so they’re ditching the Rune Carver Wizard, because this feat is basically that subclass.
I mean the feedback on Rune Carver Wizard seemed fairly unanimous that the abilities didn’t fit a Wizard, and they they should “just be a feat.” So it’s interesting to see that they just made that ability a feat.
I wonder if we’ll see a return of the Rune Caver Wizard? Maybe as an Artificer? Probably not.
This is very strong! Not only is Minor Illusion a damn good cantrip, but being able to fly (even for a round) can get you out of a lot of dangerous situations and into a lot of advantageous ones! Not to mention that it’s just cool to reposition yourself imo; I love strategic movement and varied terrain, which this feat takes advantage of.
WoTC stole my buff to the Earth Genasi smh.
I mean this is just a cool aesthetic? Straight out of Avatar The Last Airbender where you pull up a rock wall to block attacks. Not the strongest but definitely neat.
...Really? Your best way to embody the Element of Fire was the Dancing Lights cantrip and the Produce Flame cantrip? Like sure you can cast Produce Flame as a Bonus Action I guess... I don’t know why you’d bother taking a feat for that? Especially when the Metamagic Adept feat lets you cast better cantrips as a Bonus Action, such as Eldritch Blast?
Thaumaturgy was the best spell you could think of to embody water? Really? Like, not even Acid Splash like the Water Genasi? Broooo they really need to just make the Elemental Evil cantrips official...
Anyways pushing and pulling people is cool, although maybe not all that practical. Again reminds me of Avatar The Last Airbender. Kinda wish they let you do some cool stuff with ice like they did it ATLA but...
Reddit was very angry about these I remember. I will say that I really love these spells thematically but the power level is kinda hit-or-miss.
Behold! Upcasted Vicious Mockery! I mean, the effect is cool but the damage is fucking garbage for a 3rd level spell. Add in the pitiful range and the fact that this spell does nothing if the target succeeds and it’s kinda a hard sell for me.
House of Cards
WoTC... why are you printing an errata for Leomund’s Tiny Hut in this UA? Like, this spell is just objectively worse than Tiny Hut most of the time? It’s also worse than Galder’s Tower, but that spell is technically unofficial so...
I mean this visual is awesome and I thank you for it, but this spell is just needlessly bad compared to Tiny Hut and Galder’s Tower. Like you can’t even cast this as a ritual why?
Spirit of Death
I mean cool visual but I can’t shake the feeling that other summoning spells are better? I mean, this thing can walk through walls and has permanent advantage, but it also disappears when the target falls over? This is a good spell for a boss fight but a bad spell for general combat I feel. And I can’t help but feel that this spell could’ve just been a generalized summon instead of having the mechanic where it attaches to someone. I understand it thematically but it doesn’t stop it from being a bad spell imo.
Spray of Cards
So this is either a slightly better Color Spray with a saving throw or a... really bad Burning Hands? Like why is the damage so aggressively terrible? 2d10 is nothing my lord.
Can’t shake the feeling this should just be a 3rd level spell that combines both effects with more damage and perhaps a wider AoE. (20 foot cone?) As the spell is currently it’s kinda laughably bad compared to other 2nd level spells, or even upcasted 1st level spells. Like instead of getting within 15 feet of an enemy I could just cast Blindness / Deafness on them. Yes this spell can theoretically blind more people but you don’t need that many people blinded.
Summon Warrior Spirit
“omg guiz u canz cats a 7th levul spel slit 2 maek a fitur az da weezurd who iz betar dan de figutr hiz i amz redit i am so smrat i complan dat cazturz r strungur dan mashulz!!!!!1111″
Can you tell I don’t like r/dndnext?
“This spell makes a better Fighter” aside: this spell is a bit overtuned? The damage output is incredibly good (unless you pick the Monk lmao, but the Monk can knock people prone.) The Fighter in particular completely devalues Summon Celestial imo, as it distributes a similar amount of temp HP for very little effort.
Even if I think Reddit overreacted to this spell I can recognize an overpowered spell when I see one. The Barbarian does too much damage, the Fighter “heals” too much, and the Monk has too much CC.
tl;dr final thoughts:
Glitchling - Comedically overpowered and has way too many abilities for its own good.
Fate Domain Cleric - Cool but lacks cohesion and has some overpowered abilities.
Backgrounds - Very fun.
Feats - Some misses mostly hits.
Spells - Cool flavor bad balance.
This UA has a lot of really fun ideas and while I don’t think anything is overly experimental I will say that the balance is really out of whack. The one good thing about this UA is that most of the “reprints” from previous UAs are way better balanced, so it seems like WoTC is understanding what people want and how to give it to them. I really hope that most of the stuff in this UA gets balanced to an acceptable level because I will be happy to support it.
Also gotta beg my DM to let my Bardlock use a deck of cards as their focus.
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reallyjtl · 1 year
This year I created a Youtube channel to just pump out dumb comedy sketches on a regular basis.
So, if you are a fan of a time when Youtube was more about small creators making silly videos, instead of trying to squeeze every dollar out of their viewers - well hopefully this content will be for you. I really appreciate every like, comment, and subscriber. But if you want more content - see below.
On Twitch is where you will find me streaming my video editing process. Sometimes I will have my mic muted if my wife is in the office with me as a courtesy. But I'll always respond to chat messages.
Occasionally I will post "chopped down" videos for tiktok as well as new videos that don't really work with the longer Youtube format. Also plan on doing a series of music videos starring puppets. So if you like puppets, stay tuned and follow me there.
I'm somewhat active here and this is your best bet for interacting with me outside of where I upload videos. Probably the best place to reach me in general. I probably won't be posting too regularly here until I get a larger following. It's kind of cringe to tweet with only (21) followers so I'll spare you for now.
Same deal here, not going to spam you with a bunch of garbage. I only upload photos when I really think I have something worth sharing. I'm a little more loose when posting to my stories so follow me here if you want to see what I'm doing in general. As I get a larger following I'll probably post teaser and behind the scenes type content.
Speaking of behind the scenes, I've started a Patreon. Why would I do that with zero followers? Because I have seen other content creators receive backlash after creating their own Patreons and locking content that used to be free behind paid tiers. I find that to be a little icky. So, I would like to be upfront about what kind of content can be found there. It's mainly for people that want to see more of my creative process, behind the scenes, prop making. Also when I write sketches, sometimes the final result is different than what I originally intended. In those instances, I'll film both versions and release the alternate exclusively on Patreon. There are other bonuses like getting your name or social in the credits, idea pitching, video messages, and gaming sessions. Basically, if you're bored and you want a little more community involvement, this is a way for you to do that for a small donation. I've capped the three highest tiers so those are on a first come first serve basis. Also, the money I get will go towards better props, better film equipment, and paying actors for future sketches.
I know my style of humor isn't for everyone, and that's okay! I find myself laughing at things that others don't find funny and failing to laugh at things they DO find funny. If I make one person laugh that otherwise is having a crappy day, then that's alright with me. And if you read all this, I see you cool person. I see you.
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cyn-00 · 4 years
hello there!! i've been following you for a while and i remember you posted a couple of fanarts (Moreid) and i was wondering...why did you stop drawing Moreid...? are you gonna post any more art some day? 😣
Oh sweetie. I never started posting fanart lol. As u said, yeah I posted a couple things (that kinda sucked anyway) but that was about it! Apart from the mere fact that drawing is time consuming (I find writing more "versatile" sort to say bc I can do that literally anywhere/anytime), it's also that for some reason I can only manage to draw 5-minute sketches now - unless I have to draw for school ofc - I get bored and kinda discouraged if I try to make detailed stuff
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destinydraw127 · 6 years
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Hehehe...yeah I did a mini sketch of Ripred being pissed off as usual...ye sorry it looks crappy but yeah... *shrugs*
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sacrificialblood · 2 years
Hello, saw requests were open! could you do Vincent where his s/o always watches him work not only normal art but the wax sculptures too and when asked why they are watching they say "Im not watching, im admiring."
Please and thank you, I will forever believe that Vincent deserves to be admired
i sorta changed the prompt just a little bit to make it fit!! again all of vincents dialogue is signed!
It's hard to concentrate on the book you're reading -- some crappy little sci-fi novel that Bo threw at you when you said you were bored -- you've been staring at the same page now for a few minutes you think but you're sure if you check one of the clock down here, it would tell you it has been significantly less. This week has been so long, each day dragging on for what seems like a century. Vincent’s been struck by inspiration and with the group of tourists, it was the perfect time to execute his idea.
You didn’t get all of the details, his signing had been to frantic and rushed as he’d swept across the house, but you heard enough. It’s supposed to be a new exhibit, sprawling an entire room -- that you and Bo had to clean out at Vincent’s insistence -- something that would make even Trudy Sinclair’s work look like amateur hour. He gave you simple sketches of the outfits he’d wanted each new statue to wear, simple and shapeless monotone gowns with billowing sleeves (”For dramatic edge,” he said) and it had taken you less than four days to finish it off.
You set the book down with a huff. Even if you wanted to read this book, it’d be difficult to focus with the volume of the music and the noises of Vincent’s work. Today it’s one of the men on the slab. He’s positioned on his knees, hands held up in a prayer and his head tilted up.
The angel wings have already been made.
Vincent’s motions are smooth. There’s no hesitance when he scrapes down lays of wax and softens it with warm water and a sponge. His work has always fascinated you, from the very beginning. There’s something so surreal about his sculptures. The first time you’d been frozen to your spot. At the time you didn’t know what made the statues so unnerving, you thought that maybe it was just the artist’s technique, but you know now. The work is only more beautiful now. You don’t get many opportunities to see him work with wax like this, he doesn’t like the staring, so you take in as much as you can.
You’re lost in the movements. He hypnotizes you with each stroke, each caress. But then he stops, stiffens up like he can feel your gaze directed onto him, and turns to face you, tools forgotten on the small work table.
“You’re watching me. Why?”
“I’m not watching,” you lean forward, elbows against your knees and chin resting in your the palms of your hands, “I’m admiring.”
His fingers twitch in his lap. Poor Vincent can’t take the attention so well even if it’s positive, even if it’s from you.
“Admire less. You’re distracting me.”
You can’t be sure if he’s glaring at you, he’s too far away and the room is too dim, casts too many shadows over his good eye. Everything else points to another answer, that his cheeks are pink and warm from your refusal to stop admiring him. He fiddles with his hands for a moment.
He picks up an oval sculpting tool and continues his task. You continue yours.
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mikasplay-blog · 4 years
Doodles of Mine
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura
Relationship: Shigaraki x Reader
Warnings: Just soft shiggy 🥺
*My asks and requests are open! Feel free to send me a prompt*
Summary: You never knew that Shigaraki doodles in his spare time.
You never knew that Shigaraki liked to draw. In fact, you’re absolutely certain you weren’t supposed to know that he liked to.
You had seen his doodles in passing when you left the grocery bag of new clothes on his bed earlier that week. Compress and you needed to make a run for new apparel after a rather risky side quest your leader and his goons went on. Toga’s favroite sweater came back littered with blood and rips too big for your seamstress skills to cover up. It wasn’t like you weren’t used to removing blood stains, but the tears in the fabric were too large to repair. The same was said for the rest of the group.
You knew Shigaraki fairly well at this point. The league was your family now, and Tomura and you had grown fairly close within the nine months you’ve been at the hideout. He often took comfort in your companionship most nights. Whether it was you silently scrolling on your phone while he played his favorite MMO, or if it was eating your home cooked meals and watching YouTube together. Needless to say, Shigaraki let down his guard for you. And only you.
As you gently set the bag of clothes down onto his bed, you noticed a stack of papers litering over his keyboard. It wasn’t unusual that Shigaraki had scattered papers on his desk, but never on his PC set up. Like the curious cat you were, you pondered over to the desk and peeked over his gaming chair. They were....doodles? Sure, there were some documents and coordinates littered in the mix, but most of the stack consisted of little sketches and drawings.
They weren’t professional by any means, but gods were they cute! Little sketches of miscellaneous things littered the papers. One wrinkled page held a small scene of aliens. They were circled around a spaceship, some with little mini blasters and others with helmets on. The next page you shuffled through had Minecraft mobs drawn lazily across it. There was mostly creepers, his favorite mob, littered with a blaze and what looked to be a squid. It made you chuckle to yourself.
You were about to retreat from his room when you noticed another page peeking out towards the bottom of the pile. After looking around the room to ensure no one would catch you, you gently tugged the sheet from the bottom. Your breath caught in your throat from the surprise of seeing the sketch. It was still a doodle, no major details really, but it pulled at your heart nonetheless. It was a little girl, and a dog. You were surprised to recognize the breed-a corgi. You knew Shigaraki liked dogs, he had about ten of them on your shared Minecraft world. But it wasn’t the dog that caught you, it was the little girl. She seemed so special, so innocent, and there were flowers doodled here and there on the page. You shouldn’t be seeing this, it felt wrong. Quietly, you shoved the paper under the stack where you had found it, and tiptoed from his room.
That drawing had touched you for the rest of the week. You found yourself thinking about it when you weren’t busy. Sitting at the bar, listening to Spinner and Toga argue, or wordlessly shuffling to the kitchen for your off brand morning coffee.
You had offered to bring your switch into Shigaraki’s room that night after pizza. The two of you were planning on raiding the nether fortress in your shared Minecraft world. You didn’t even bother knocking when you went to visit him around 10:30 that night. You never did, and he never seemed to mind either. But you paused with your console when you noticed he was hunched over his gaming chair with a hand delicately wrapped around a pencil.
“Heya Shiggy, what’cha doin?” You called out above the idle gaming music playing on his paused monitor.
“Hrm” He grunted wordlessly while his left leg bounced below his desk in a steady rhythm.
You took that as an invitation to shut the door and shuffle over to him. Once you set your switch down on an empty part of his desk, you looked over the back of his desk chair curiously. Like before, he was doodling. It was a cute little face of a monster. Nothing identifyable, just something he could do to pass the time.
You giggled at the horns and sharp teeth he gave it, along with menacing claws and grizzly hair.
“It’s so cute” you hummed and he grunted once more.
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The two of you had begun playing on your shared world. You weren’t sure how many hours had passed but the rest of the house seemed quiet. You couldn’t hear the creaking of footsteps or rumbling of voices throughout the base anymore. The two of you had already left the Nether and started building in your shared base. You were working on finishing the barn for your horses and cattle, while Shigaraki was terraforming the land outside. It was quiet, but neither of you ever minded that. You were both content with keeping each other company. Even if that meant it was silent.
“I had a sister once, y’know.” He spoke out over the soft piano in the background of the game. You and your avatar paused, and the grip on your console seemed to loosen ever so slightly. Shigaraki never mentioned his past, or eluded to the fact that he had a family. You figured they were out of the picture, or even dead.
“Yeah?” You asked breathlessly.
He nodded in return.
You spared a moment of your shock to glance at him. Father had been long since removed from his face, and he stared emptily at his screen. You wondered what was going through that head of his.
“What was she like?” You asked.
Shigaraki’s controller fell into his lap, and he blinked. Once. Twice.
“I don’t really remember, actually. She...” He paused. “She was shorter than me. She had pretty eyes, I think. I can’t remember her name. But she was good. Yeah.” He replied. You didn’t think it was your place to say anything. And he probably wouldn’t want you to either. So you simply looked at him. His eyelashes fluttered momentarily and his eyes were pinned to the floor now. No doubt lost in thought. He was a strange, broken man, but he allowed himself to open up around you. Even if it wasn’t much, you cherished the moments that he did allow himself to be vulnerable in.
Another week had passed since that day he spoke of his sister to you. It too, had played in your head on repeat. He was so soft in moments like those, it made you want to hug him, and let his fading memories pour out to you. But you knew he would only come to you when he was ready to. He was like a cat in that way. He needed his space, and if you respected it, the reward was worth the wait.
This time, after a crappy order of takeout curry, the two of you were playing Smash Brothers on your Switch. You liked bringing your handheld into his room because it meant the two of you could play games together in the same space. Sure, you both played more intense games on your respective PCs, but that meant you both had to stay in your own rooms. Shigaraki never minded your company, and you cherished his. So it worked out for the both of you.
You noticed by chance out of the corner of your eye, more crumbled up papers at his desk. Shigaraki was involved with a NPC match, while you silently watched. It was more of a warmup match than anything, but you knew Shigaraki would kick your ass when you finally decided to play against each other. However, once his round was finished, you decided to take a chance and speak up.
“What’re these?” Curiosity filled your tone as you pointed to the crinkled papers. Tomura glanced at you and then the pile of loose paper littering his desk.
“Doodles.” He hummed and set his switch down to the left of his keyboard. Your eyes lit up with excitement as he picked up one of the warn out papers in his hand. “I do it when I’m bored or whatever.” He groused out and flattened the paper out.
Your eyes noticed the flowers first. They were scattered here and there, some scratched out, some fading from eraser marks. Then, in the middle, that little girl again. She looked the same, all cartoony and sketchy. But she still pulled on something buried in your chest.
“She liked flowers. I remember that.” He said when your eyes curiously looked to him. You took in a sharp breath at the softness gazing back at you. A look you rarely ever got to see with his aloof personality. He looked away and back towards his drawing. It took a moment before he spoke again. “That’s what I remember the most. She was always picking flowers.”
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emsartwork · 4 years
i forgot to add: how do design ????!?!??????
So I’m not expert but this is how I think of character design! (also sry if you were asking about clothing/outfit design thats a little different)
under the cut because this is long im so sorry
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So in my opinion there are three really important aspects for character design!
AESTHETIC: obviously everybody’s aesthetic is different, but this is more about what vibe the character has, what makes them THEM design wise. 
INTENTION: who is the character supposed to be? this can range from their personality, their back story, their occupation, or their role in the story, but the design need to fit that intention.
COHESION: does the design go well together? or do certain aspects clash too much? obviously you can have disjointed parts of a character design, and if those serve a purpose then thats fine, but if its so disjointed its distracting from the character as a whole you might need to tweak things. 
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AESTHETIC: the contrasting part of the design (white flowers in dark hair, dark trim on dress, and dark shoes) provide interest to the eye. The mixing of round and sharp shapes also keeps the design from feeling “boring” even though its relatively simple. 
INTENTION: so what role would this little doodle character have? according to her design elements, shes cute and friendly with her round shapes (bouncy balls, babies, etc), but could have a sharp/fast/active or even dangerous edge to her with the triangles (arrows, knives etc). of course the design doesn’t limit her possible roles. She could be a bubbly younger sister who teases the older protagonist, or maybe she’s the villain hiding in plain sight. the shape this character design doesn’t really have is squares(think bricks and rocks), which communicates that she might not be really strong, steady, or reliable. 
COHESION: repeating the curves across her whole design builds cohesion, it communicates that “yes, these are all part of the same character”, it also allows the eye to “rest” on a familiar shape or line. 
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(Boku no Hero Academia) so both of these characters are super heroes, but have vastly different design elements. so lets analyze them.
OCHAKO(the pink one) is all rounds, with a few pointed shapes in hair mostly, but a little on her costume as well. Her personality is cute, bubbly, and friendly which perfectly suits her soft and bouncy design. Howevre she also has a very slight edge to her, which is seen her determination and drive to improve herself over the course of the anime. 
KIRISHIMA(the red one) at first glance, seems to be super pointy!! shapes that are usually seen on villains or really dangerous characters, but while he IS sharp(literally sometimes) and sometimes aggressive, he is also made of squares, which perfectly suits his loyal “i gotchu bro” attitude towards most of the other characters in the anime.  
ISSUE AREAS: so the only problems i have with Ochako and Kirishima’s designs is that their costumes each have one area that clashes a little too much for my taste. With Ochako, the belt over the color blocking stripes down her crotch are......questionable taste wise. I think the design would be better if the pink chest ended above the belt in a shallow v. not only would this mirror the triangle aspects of her hair, it would fit the belt outline, and continue the trend her costume has of being “grounded” or “heavy”. Kirishima has those.... gears??? around his shoulders??? and while the gear teeth are technically squares, the gear shape itself is a circle, which is a shape that isn’t present anywhere else in his design. I think changing the gears to something similar to his boots or his mask/headgear would create a more cohesive design(also the gears just look hard to move in)
These two characters are presented as individuals so their costumes don’t have to match at all even though they are still seen as “connected” because of the art style for the face, hair, and body. 
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In a group giving the outfits cohesive motifs is an easy way to present a strong team image! In Yuki Yuna is a Hero, the girls all have colored lines(usually princess seam placement), armor or fabric hip accents, covered arms, and similar flower shapes in their hair. The Aesthetic of each girl is strong in a monochrome signature color, but not over whelming as the black+white connects them even in color so they aren’t out of place. 
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Speaking of color! if your characters are all similar looking (like same body for all of them) you can communicate their personality and aesthetic just with color! (only gonna talk about a few of the ponies) Pinkie Pie (the really pink one) is energetic and playful, so her color scheme is a variation of the primary colors(happy, child like), and have one of the more saturated colors(high energy, intense) of these characters in a large quantity. Apple Jack (the orange one) is a down to earth farm girl, and her color palette is accordingly, mostly earth tones, its also warm analogous colors, which makes her appear un-complicated and warm personality wise. the pop of red is a nice touch to add interest, but notice that its uses sparingly in her cutie mark and tail accessory. Rarity on the other hand is elegant and fussy, her high contrast scheme of white and dark blue/purples gives her more visual interest and is something that makes her appear more “complex” in addition to the gradient thats included in her hair. the colors are also all cool colors, bringing to mind cool glass or water which both have connotations of grace and beauty.
however all the characters here are unified by their colors being on the pastel side, which is also important for a cohesive cast.
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another, short, note on color; making the color/line/shading of your figure different from the background can help them stand out, this is used ESPECIALLY in children’s media, but can be applied to any illustration or animation as needed.
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Color can also help your characters “read” quickly on screen, the powerpuff girls are a prime example, of having a distinct color blocking and silhouette. even the color blobs at the top and my crappy hand silhouettes STILL read as the characters despite being broken down into abstract elements. I also really enjoy the thick outline in the powerpuff girls, it really makes the characters pop to the foreground even though they have pretty simple designs and are often in a colorful setting.
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Also, for a lot of animation, silhouette is INCREDIBLY important for your characters, some designers sketch silhouettes and then design the particulars its so important to nail the shape. These examples from Coraline are some of my favorites (though Laika wins in my heart every time no matter what lmao) because the simple shapes are SO CLEAR and indicative of the character, you literally don’t need to have watched the movie to know these are each different characters with different personalities and roles. 
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silhouette can also help tell the story. In Kubo and the two strings (another Laika film) the above three characters are sisters. One has chosen to leave her home in the heavens to live on earth, and the other two stay in their roles as “heavenly” warriors. This is even shown through their designs, the two sisters are weighted on top and their cloaks don’t even touch the ground, while the first woman has trailing, heavy sleeves, hair, and robes all grounding her and emphasizing her connection with the earth.
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another example of shape/silhouette reflecting the story, In The Croods, the family of cavemen are for the most part very top heavy, with large torsos and arms, usually in a more hunched over position, while the newcomer, Guy, is bottom heavy with thin arms and stands more upright. In the plot, the family represents the old ways, the strength and rules that have helped them survive, they look like very stereotypical “cavemen”, while Guy resembles the modern man, and appropriately is associated with new ideas and forward thinking.
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MORE SHAPES, in DC super hero girls each girl has a distinct personality emulated by her shape language. Zatana is dramatic curves and edges, Super girl is hard, straight edges against curves, giving her a solid muscular shape. Wonder Woman, though also strong, is taller and leaner, lending to a confident leader type. Green Lantern is slim, her lines all flow into each other giving her a go with the flow look. Bumble Bee is, of course, tiny, but her boots and gauntlets add weight and strength to her otherwise small frame. Batgirl is lanky and has a lot of pointed style lines, reminding the viewer of a skinny cat (ironic what with cat woman i know) or weasel which mirrors her preferred “sneaky” crime fighting style.  (also yes this was just an excuse for me to gush abt how much i love the dcshg designs shut up)
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so in my opinion, Cartoon Saloon’s The Secret of Kells is PERFECT in aesthetic, intention, and cohesion. Kells focuses very strongly on creating silhouette WITHIN the larger figure shape via color and line, most of the characters pictured here have no neck, the one who does, Brendan, is the main character and the use of negative space that cuts into his shape is used to draw attention to him. Kells is also very strongly inspired by Medieval Illuminated manuscripts (namely, the book of kells lmao). The characters still manage to stand out against outrageously detailed backgrounds via their simple shapes and strong color blocking. 
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Aisling, a secondary but very important character, is not human, and has a totally different shape language from the rest of the characters. She is thin and pointy, while most of the others are round or square. Aisling also has the most negative space making up her silhouette, compare the triangles made by her arms and legs in the above picture to the figures in the first image where everybody’s body is self contained with no negative space. She is also very different color wise, very pale and cool colored, as opposed to the warm saturated colors of the human characters. (yes this was another excuse to gush abt one of my fave pieces of media deal with it)
hopefully that wasn’t too rambley and actually helps? if yall have more specific design questions lemma know lol
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blacksdale · 3 years
just say yes
a crappy genya/david fic for @blackkwood
@grishaverseonline valentine’s gift exchange
fluff, mild confusion, confession background zoyalai ao3
“You can’t come to the lab today, Genya.”
She crossed her arms, glaring at her boyfriend. She always went with him to the lab, even when the smell of…whatever he worked on made her want to gag. “But I always go with you to the lab,” she huffed. And you should be glad.
“We’re doing dangerous experiments,” David scribbled in his notebook, avoiding her eyes. “I can’t have you there if you’re not a part of it. I don’t want you in danger.”
Genya shuddered as she thought back to the time when some acid had almost fallen on her kefta. “Fine,” she sighed, “but next time I go on a trip, you’re not coming with me either.” She fiddled with a loose thread by her wrist.
“Fine with me,” was all he said in reply.
She walked over to him, and he met her eyes for the first time, frantically throwing his notebook in another direction. Most of the time he was so excited to show her his plans for lab experiments, so what was making him avoid talking to her?
“Well.” She kissed his cheek anyway, causing his cheeks to flush just a bit. “Goodbye then, I’ll see you tonight.” She strode in the direction of the door. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” was the last thing she heard.
From Zoya’s look of disdain and Nikolai’s absence when she arrived in the war room, it seemed that both of the boys had abandoned them for the lab that day.
“What could they possibly be planning?” Zoya threw her hands up in frustration. “Nikolai is going to blow up the lab, anyhow. He had responsibilities here. The least he could do is leave a note.”
Genya sipped her tea. She may be perturbed by David’s behaviour, but at least she would have some gossip after today. “You seem awfully annoyed that Nikolai isn’t here. You hate him. I thought a break from him would bring you some relief.”
“What would bring me relief,” she snapped, blue eyes blazing “is if he were responsible for once.” She slammed her hand on the table.
“All I’m saying is your normally relieved when he’s not around,” Genya observed. “It’s odd that you’re so anxious for him to show up.”
Zoya sat down across from her, an expression of contempt now hanging over her features.  “Can it.”
“Fine, fine,” Genya backed down as Zoya placed a stack of papers on the table between them.  “What’s on the agenda today?” She ran a hand through her hair.
Zoya placed her chin in her hand, resting her elbow on the table, the silver threads at the wrists of her kefta reflecting the light. “Double the work for us.”
Genya took part in the stack of paper, absentmindedly skimming the words she wasn’t planning to remember. “What do you think they’re doing in the lab today?” She raised an eyebrow. “David said it would have been ‘too dangerous’ for me to go today since I was not taking part in their experiment. But I’ve been there for dangerous experiments plenty of times, and he’s never sent me away.”
“Maybe they’re pranking us,” Zoya suggested. “I wouldn’t put it past Nikolai to do that.”
Genya sighed. “You should have some faith in him, you know. He does take this job very seriously.”
Zoya tossed her hair over her shoulder, meeting Genya’s eyes with a glare before going back  to her work.
“He really wants you to like him, you know,” she revealed. “At least that’s what David told me.”
“Everyone likes him. Why would my opinion make a difference?”
“David says that to him, you aren’t everyone.” She hoped Nikolai wouldn’t kill her later if he found she had told Zoya the truth.
“How is David doing, by the way?” Zoya asked, scribbling on some form. “Other than keeping you from his lab.”
I will crack you one day, Zoya Nazyalensky, she thought.
“He’s nervous,” she set down the papers, meeting Zoya’s eyes. “Well, he’s normally nervous, but now he’s more so than usual. Also more distracted. But he’s always distracted too.” She exhaled. “But something is off, I can feel it.”
Zoya slammed her pen on the table, smirking. “Fuck it,” she mused, “if they get to skip work we do too.”
“What do you–”
Zoya grabbed her hand, pulling her out of her seat and dragging her towards the door. “Where are we going?” She questioned. Zoya didn’t do this. She was losing her mind. They both were losing their minds.
“The lab.”
Oh hell yeah, they were.
“I agree,” Genya smiled.
When they got to the lab, however, nothing seemed to be going on. From what Genya knew about “dangerous experiments”, they normally resulted in holes burned in the walls and giant smoke towers or fires engulfing the building his flames or the entire floor is flooded and the lights have gone out. But today, it was almost still, which seemed to scare her even more.
Zoya walked in front of her, black hair flowing in the wind as she pushed open the door to the hall. They had to be somewhere here, she knew, and she was going to find out why.
They pushed open every boring beige door, disappointed to find only sketches of things she didn’t understand much of other than measurements. There had to be something going on, so where was it? Where were they?
Finally, she felt Zoya tug on the sleeve of her kefta and saw her pointing towards the balcony, where she saw a flash of blond hair. If they couldn’t find David, at least they could crack Nikolai for where he was.
They ran to the doors to the balcony, pushing them open and running out, only to find Nikolai and David just…sitting and talking.
“When are you gonna tell her?” was all she heard Nikolai say.
“Tell me what?”
They both turned around, eyes widening. “We thought–”
“Well, you thought wrong.” Zoya retorted. “What are you up to? And if you don’t tell me I am going to make you.”
David’s soft brown eyes blinked rapidly behind his glasses, making Genya’s heart begin to burst just slightly. She saw him breathe deep, gaze flashing from her to Nikolai to Zoya and back. She felt a pang. Maybe she shouldn’t have pushed him.
“David,” Nikolai told him, “just do it now.”
David stood up, making his way over to her. He inhaled before placing a hand on her cheek, causing her face to go red as he looked into her eye. “Genya,” he breathed, “I’m sorry I said you couldn’t come today. I just didn’t want you here because I was planning something.” The light from the sun illuminated his features, making her heart beat fast. “I never meant to make you feel hurt. I just figured you’re you, and you deserve something grand. It would take a lot of planning, as I’m not much for grand things.” He ran a finger across her cheekbone. “But sometimes plans don’t work, and they didn’t today. So I’m just going to do this right here.”
He reached his other hand into his back pocket, hiding it in his hand before bringing it between them both. Slowly, he opened his hand for Genya to find a circular red ruby faceted into a band of gold.
She felt the tears start to rise, her breath starting to catch. “David–”
“Genya Safin,” he took his hand from her cheek, getting down on one knee. “I have loved you from the moment I met you, and the longer I have known you, the more I fall in love with you again and again. Every day I wake up next to you, I wanna spend the day with you, and the more I talk to you, the more I listen to you, the more you talk to me, the more I know I want to spend the rest of the life with you.” His gaze flicked to the floor before going back to her. “So, will you, Genya Safin, make me the happiest–”
“Yes,” she croaked a tear rolling down her cheek as she went to him. He stood up, ring in hand, catching her in his arms as she crashed her lips to his, head still spinning. She couldn’t remember if it was a dream or not, but if it was, she was never waking up.
She pulled away, cupping his face in her hands as he held her waist.  “A thousand times yes.”
He slid the ring onto her finger, grabbing her hand and bringing it to his lips before wrapping her in his arms again.
Safe to say that work ended early that day.
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bastart13 · 4 years
Hi, I was wondering if it's okay to ask you how you can make such wonderful characters and drawings. Im asking you becouse i look up to you as an artist. But if you can't or don't want to answer this then it's perfectly acceptable and valid. I've had a really bad case of artblock because of my mental health, wich mostly consists of remembering my past trauma and then shutting off, procrastinating and being angry at everything i draw. I can't seem to keep my problems out of my art and because of it drawing has become, not so great. I know i shouldn't ask strangers for help with this kind of thing, I'm just hoping you might have some tips or something to separate my art from personal problems. Again if you can't answer this it's fine and either way you're a great artist and i hope you have a wonderfull day
I definitely understand what you mean with this and it’s never a fun feeling to have. I don’t know the context of your problems so I’m not sure I can give any specific advice, but just know that you’re certainly not alone with this frustration.
The first thing is that as hard as it is, try not to beat yourself up over art block. It really isn’t your fault and rarely something you can control. I think one reason artblock can stick around if when you’re trying to draw something you don’t want to. Thinking about the things that comfort you and trying to draw inspired by those can help?
I don’t know if you do this or not, but I’ve also found having a sketchbook specifically for crappy doodles can help as well. A lot of times when I’m feeling bad, I just sit down to watch something and doodle based on whatever pictures I’ve liked over the week. This often involves redrawing art badly or random poses, but even if they’re not good, drawing while your mind’s focused on other things (like watching a show you like) can help settle into it.
Art is never good all the time. Most drawings won’t be fantastic, but getting into a mindset where you draw just as a thing to do when you’re bored can be a nice habit. Lord knows, all my lecture notes have so many terrible sketches over them.
I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with this and even if this advice doesn’t help, it’s good that you’ve asked someone about it. There’s a lot of good advice elsewhere on what to do when you’re stuck in an art block or feeling low.
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rosepetalmark · 4 years
flowers in your hair
↬ Johnny Suh x Reader ↬1.8k Words ↬Your allergies and creating art are two things Johnny holds dear to his heart
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You hated the outdoors. Anything to do with bugs, dirt, and even plants made you itch and sneeze and scared that you’ll get some rare unknown disease and die because the innocent looking flower you picked by the bench turned out to be poisonous. 
Johnny on the other hand, enjoyed nature and embraced it to its fullest. Every day he’d make time to bask in the grass, and soak up all the sun while working on his latest art inspiration. 
Today, he decided that sitting in a field full of sunflowers would be ideal for his newest project, and what would make it more worthwhile and perfect was if you, his girlfriend  were with him to occupy his time and add further enjoyment to his favourite hobby. 
Horrible idea on his part because you’re allergic to flowers, and tall fields of grass would most likely break you out into hives and have you coughing up a lung. Johnny wouldn’t bat an eye though, because despite loving you with all his heart, he had a knack for making fun of you and the simplest inconveniences that occurred within your life. 
He always says you’re over dramatic when it comes to your “spring allergies” and that nothing like some water and the fresh air will clear your mind and nasal passages. 
He’s a dumbass, and he really will be the reason you die one day. 
But Johnny didn’t care, because as long he had you, a bottle of allergy medicine for your sneezing and itching, and his paintbrushes, he was content, even if you spent a great amount of your time in this damn sunflower field teary eyed and stuffy nosed. 
“Johnny, please tell me we can leave soon, I'm itching way more now than I did when i had the chickenpox as a kid,” you whine, rubbing your hands across your bare arms to provide you with any relief as you watched the bees swarm past you in their search for some nectar in the flowers nearby.  
“Mhm,” he whispers, continuing to stroke the paintbrush across the now detailed page, completely oblivious to the words that just left your mouth. 
This always happened. Whenever he took you somewhere new, he’d completely block out the world, yourself included, in order to capture the essence of life whether it be through his camera or canvas. 
Of course there was silence, why wouldn’t there be. Every time Johnny asks you to accompany him anywhere outdoors, you always think you’re going to explore and embrace nature, and every single time you are wrong, because the second you find something beautiful to look at, he sets his small backpack down and busts out either his camera or painting utensils to capture it. 
You’d say it pissed you off at times, but art is his passion, and you’d never do anything to get in the way he feels so alive and free whenever he consumes himself with something as minuscule and simple as a paperclip. He finds the beauty in anything and everything, never ceasing to amaze you with the wonderful creations he illustrates. 
“Johnny,” you say a little louder, unamused with the silence you receive, and the continuous strokes he continues to make on the page. 
You call his name again, and again, and again, and it’s only the third time when you yell out his full name, that he finally drops the brush on his palette and focuses his attention on you. 
“Were you not listening to me?” You question, seriously surprised that out of all the times you’ve called his name, he either completely ignored you or has gone def within his 25 years of life. 
“Oh, I was listening,” he hums, raising his eyebrows whilst providing you with his staple cheeky grin, one he always does when he wants to get on your nerves. 
Always a cocky one that guy, and how you manage to stay dating him truly blows your mind. 
Sighing, you focus your gaze away from the way he picks up his paintbrush again and gently strokes baby blue across the page, looking towards the tall stocks of sunflowers gently breezing in the wind a few feet away from you.
“You’re such a crappy boyfriend,” you chuckle, picking up one of the untouched pastel crayons and examining its fluorescent blue hue.  “You never pay attention to me.” 
“I never pay attention to you, hm?” He asks, causing you to stare back at his now stoic stature, face still focusing on his notebook and nowhere on you, but more contoured and rigid this time.
“Well, you’re speaking to me now yet your attention is never on me, always on whatever you’re painting or drawing,” your tone slightly angered. 
Obviously you were lying. Johnny was the most attentive boyfriend you could ever ask for, always checking in on you and ensuring your day goes smoothly, always hanging out with you when he’d rather be napping or out painting or doing photography, and almost always is down to make out with you whenever the opportunity arises. 
You just like to pull his leg most of the time because it’s funny seeing how riled up he gets when he believes that you think he’d rather focus on his hobbies over having conversations with you. 
“Here,” he signals, shoving his book in your direction, encouraging you to look through the worn out leather book he kept hidden for months, wanting you to see what he has been working on secretly whenever you were together.
Confused, you run your fingers along the enclosed ribbon on the cover of the sketchbook, hesitant to allow yourself in the work he’s immersed himself in for hours whenever the beauty in nature took over his attention span away from you.
Raising his eyebrows, he nods in a manner that demands you open the book. “If I don’t pay any attention to you, look through the book.”
Untying the string , you decide that whatever is in this book isn’t a secret anymore, because it wouldn’t even be in your hands if Johnny didn’t practically throw it at you to shut you and your curiosity up. 
The first few pages are beautiful, really. He has a way with his sketches, always seeming so simple yet so realistic you’d think they were actual pictures edited just to appear more striking to the eye. 
“Nature really is what inspires you hm?,” you ask, more of a rhetorical question because you already know the answer that’ll come from his mouth.
Chuckling, he brings his body closer to yours so his chin is resting on your shoulder, watching as you delicately turn the pages of his book. “Yeah, but there’s something more encapsulating that ends up being my muse, just keeping looking through.”
Golden sunflowers, vibrant pink sunsets, the giant pumpkin you both visited at the fall fair last year, everything you two experienced together when hanging out was documented in this book and reinvented through his drawings or paintings of them. 
And then you saw a sketch of yourself. At first you thought it was cute, because he’d always draw you and all your other friends whenever he got bored. But four pages later all you found were several pages filled with you, ranging from when when he placed different coloured tulips in your hair that one time you went on a walk in the new community garden not far from your favourite ice cream shop, or when you experimented with makeup and put glitter all over your eyebrows. 
Every moment you deemed minuscule and fun was captured so deeply in Johnny’s eyes, that he decided to relive it all again through the many strokes and colours that seamlessly came together to create something so beautiful. 
Your breath was absolutely taken away.
You always thought nature is what captured Johnny’s attention the most, but turns out it’s always been you. 
“I’m. Wait Johnny this is so-,” you begin to say, but your words become jumbled and your emotions a tangled mess, leaving you with tears in your eyes and so much more love for him in your heart than you’d ever had before, all because he drew some pictures of you. 
“Do you like them?” he questions, raising his eyebrows, awaiting your answer of approval, his question only promoting the waterworks to begin and your head to aggressively nod. 
You place the notebook gently on the blanket you two were sitting on, and crawl into his lap, pressing your body closer to his as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
They were absolutely perfect. He was perfect. 
Everything Johnny Suh says and does is absolutely incredible and you’re so incredibly lucky to be dating the cheesiest, most loving goofball the earth has to offer. Even if he’s a giant pain in your ass 97% of the time. 
Pecking his cheek, you stare into his gleaming brown orbs. “I absolutely love them, Mr. Johnny Suh, and I love you a million times more.”
Tightening your arms around his neck, you couldn’t help but embrace this moment for much longer. You don’t care that you’re five seconds away from bursting into hives and that your throat feels like it’s closing up. Holding on to your very sweet, thoughtful boyfriend for as long as you could right in this moment was all that mattered to you. 
“I was joking by the way, I know you care about me alot and pay more attention than most boyfriends would and I appreciate you tremendously.” You could start to feel the tears well up in the corners of your eyes, because you honestly don’t know what you’d do without Johnny. 
He was your best friend, and has been such an uplifting, inspiring person ever since he entered your life your freshman year of college, the thought of him not being in your life one day was a scary thought you never wanted to come true. 
“I love you always.”
“I know babe”, he whispered, kissing your cheek and running his fingers delicately through your hair, trying to calm you down as he could sense you were feeling rather overwhelmed. 
“I wouldn’t keep dragging you to places you hated if I knew you didn’t love me,” he exclaimed, bursting out into a loud, body shaking laugh that provided you with the comfort to let your tears go, and laugh in unison with him. 
Lifting you off his lap, Johnny grabs his art supplies and gently places them in his bag, grabbing your hand and pulling you up from the dry, matted grass you were both sitting on. 
“Where are you dragging me?” 
“Back to my place.” He winks, quickly pecking your lips before intertwining his fingers with yours, pulling you into the direction of his car. 
“It wouldn’t be romantic to be making out with my girlfriend that I love very much in a sunflower field if she kept sneezing in my face, wouldn’t it?”
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That last fictional character sketch isn't finished yet, but he means a lot to me, and that will touch base on my name here, so hopefully the crappiness of the sketch will look better when y'all know what he means to me... so this past year, I found myself bored as we all felt during the last few years, and boredom is not always a great thing, so I started looking for shows to watch. I knew what genres I was interested in, and found Numb3rs on a list of TV shows that fit the genres I liked. As a kid, I wasn't really into TV, I wanted to read and sketch, so I never really saw much of these shows as a kid, unless my mother and Nana encouraged me to do something with a family, so I didn't really enjoy the show back then. So when I decided to watch Numb3rs this year, I didn't really expect myself to enjoy it, I thought it would be background noise as I tried to distract myself, but I was wrong. I enjoyed the show immediately, I felt so much of a connection to Charlie Eppes in certain points of the show(though I won't spoil it, don't worry). He fixated on things that felt safe and familiar, just like do; I go to one of the few fixations that have stuck with me my whole life: Harry Potter, books, and sketches. He went to his numbers, fixated on the unsolvable math question, and as I saw Charlie struggle with communicating when things were overwhelming him, I didn't feel as much like didn't belong, because when he fixated on the numbers, when he barely spoke, and didn't leave the safety of his comfort place, I go through that, even as an adult. When things get overwhelming and I'm scared or upset, I can't communicate with anyone, I fixate on fictional worlds, whether that be the worlds I'd read in books, or the worlds I create in my head. So right away, I connected to his character, because he knew what it felt like to be so overwhelmed, so scared, so upset, that there's this need, this need to fixate on something, to go to the safe worlds that my brain creates, because I can't function like my siblings do, I knew what it was like to feel like there's no way to talk to people who didn't understand the way my mind worked, people who wouldn't talk to me because they didn't love and understand books the way I did, and felt so intimidated as a kid because I was different, I was the kid no one understood, that one kid no one wanted to be around because I'm ND, just like Charlie Eppes, Luna Lovegood and Newt Scamander are described as or how they portrayed their characters to appear, I didn't play with my peers when I turned four or five, I couldn't understand the games they played, I didn't feel the urge to play like they did, and no one in my age group could read books that were aimed for second and third graders, so as a five year old, I sat off by myself and read books at a third grade level, read them as if the world around me wasn't there, and avoided the activities my peers would play. Not only were my siblings born that year (I could not understand the concept of twins when I was really young, until they were born), but I also started noticing things I was too young to notice before, that was also the year I started to feel separated from my peers, I didn't function the way they would, I didn't think like the AFAB kids in my class, where they played games and wore clothes that fit the gender typical norms, I didn't look like them or play the way they did. So, when I watched the show, I didn't feel so alone, so different. I felt like I finally had friends that knew what it felt like to space out, to feel the need to find comfort in something that provides an escape, and that means the world to me. I finally feel not so alone, because NDs are just as precious as NTs are. 💜🖤
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bigbatlittlebat · 3 years
hi! I know you have allt of these so please don’t rush! take your time:)) anyways, I would love a romantic match up with one of the batboys, if that’s okay!:)) I use she/her, am 5’7 and am a leo sun, pisces moon and capricorn rising. I’m actually swedish but I’m completely fluent in both english and swedish. I also know some french and german. I have brown hair cut in sort of a shag, blue eyes, a round/oval face, freckles and moles everywhere. I dress kind of like if you took a euphoria and 70s warderobe and just dyed everything black haha.
So, hobbies! I love writing, sketching and reading, I love romanticizing my life, going on picknicks, biking, going to parties and just being by myself reading fanfics and fantasizing/ daydreaming
I really want to study abnormal psycology, international relations, poly sci, criminology and behavioral science just because it interests me and I want to understand how the world works, not necessarily because I want to work with it. I’m really into Criminal minds so It’d be really fun to work for maybe Interpool. Oh, and I’m also a big language person so I really want to learn as many languages as possible.
A fun fact about me is that I’m a total adrenaline junkie but still I’m such a coward. Like I love extreme roller coasters and things that raise my adrenaline but at the same time I’m too scared to go swimming in the deep ocean or even go up on a roof because I’m scared.
I would say I have two or three major character traits that I currently really identify with. Firstly, I hate being bored, I need to constantly be kept on my feet in a relationship. Like, I hate the idea of settling down and living a normal boring life. I need excitement, adventure and fun. Usually people say that people who are ”up in the clouds” need a down to earth partner who can ground them but I’m the exact opposite, I need someone who will soar the skies with me and be as ”up in the clouds” as I am. This trait has kiiind of caused a tad bit of committment issues so whoever I date need to accept that I might get really scared all of a sudden and want to just run. So I’ll probably want to start the relationship with a casual hookup, excitment and tension filled relationship rather than something tender, lovey dovey and serious.
Secondly, I’m kind of a dreamy person. This connects into the whole fun loving personality aspect, I love dreaming and romanticizing my life.
I also love taking care of people, I don’t know if it’s some sort of saviours complex but I just love it when people cry and I have to comfort them. Or when they’re hurt and I have to help them, or when they just need help and I get to help them. Giving advise, comforting and just helping.
Another kind of important aspect to me is that I LOVE enemies to lovers and tension filled relationships. This ties into the whole excitement loving thing, I just adore the idea of me and a hypothetical partner starting out as mortal enemies and rivals but then we can’t take it anymore and give into our feelings. Also I love arrogance hehe.
Although I feel like I’m describing myself as very not tender and loving and such, I’m still a sucker for fluff and I’m super sensitive, my love language is touch and I literally die when people touch and play with my hair or caress my cheek or just pepper my face with cute little kisses. Also I have a tendency to ramble about things I’m really passionate about and usually people just think I’m annoying and interrupt me and such so I need my partner to really love when I ramble like that and think it’s cute! I also kind of need constant validation because I’m convinced people hate me, find me annoying and will leave me.
Christ, that was a whole psycoanalysis of my entire personality haha, I hope it’s not to long! Anyways, I just want to finish this off by saying that I really love your page, it makes me really happy and when I’m on it, for just a few minutes in my life, I can just relax and think about things that make me happy instead of all the stress. So thank you! I hope you have an amazing day:))
I am no longer doing these in any kind of order because that is stressing me out so I'm just doing the easiest ones in my inbox tonight. Also thanks hun I really like when my crappy little tumblr blog can brighten someone's day xx...
Damian Wayne (Robin)
Okay love the vibes I'm getting here first off. Secondly I know I just did him but also all then enemies to lovers stuff and arrogance you talked about just screams perfect for him! Because he probably starts off as a massive dick to you like taking the piss but then eventually it gets pretty romantic kind of teasing that's more mutual
Neither of you really think its serious at first until it gets a little too domestic and you both realise that you're like in love with a capital L
Would 100% push you to try swim in deeper parts of pools like showing off how well he can swim in the deep end but laying off if you start to get a little too worried and being there if you need any help swimming. Cue cutesy pool moments <3
While he can be pretty down to earth, yeah I think if he met someone who was like you and up in the clouds, it would be that push to make him let go a little bit and be more like you can be.
Yeah Damian would play with your hair and cuddle you and do all that cutesy stuff but not until you're both in a super close relationship because he would be so scared of frightening you off. Him playing with your hair while you watch TV and he thinks you're too distracted to notice but you do.
Think all those gentle ways of showing love that often go unnoticed because he wants to be able to have some aspect of his life done with some kindness
Side note: Yeah I think it's clear I had too much fun with this one
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Set in @moonbowphobia‘s Summer Vacation Au
Tommy uses his key to entre Techno’s house. He chills around for a while before getting bored and walking up to Techno’s room. He stands in front of the door.
He takes a breath. He’s just going to go in. He didn’t get a no when he asked. Well, he did get a look, but he was super bored. And the guy wasn’t home; what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
He opens the door. The bed is rumpled but made, tucked away in the corner. There’s a desk piled high with trinkets and pen holders. It has a black hardcover journal off to the side.
One wall is covered in book shelves. Full of little things, books, mugs, and what looks like years worth of empty journal, note and sketch books. He could tell from their mismatched spins; he also had his own, albeit smaller, collection.
The first thing he snoops though is Techno’s closet. The bottom is absolutely covered in paper boats. He finds the red leather bomber jacket that Techno wears on their colder nighttime adventures. He puts it on. Why does this guy have so many white button-ups?
Tommy gets distracted by the bed. If he has something in his closet, there has got to be something under the bed.
He crawls under and looks around. He finds a pile of books. They remind him of the line of journals on the book shelf. Why are they under the bed? Tommy pulls one out.
He opens it up and starts flipping. Its chockfull of memories; sticky notes; ripped bits of paper; quotes; stories ideas; dumb, crappy drawings; some useless, insulting quote on a piece of torn off paper with math homework written on the back of it; notes that him and Skeppy passed back and forth between the two of them in class.
Tommy flips through them legally. He doesn’t look to hard at them; mostly skimming. These aren’t for him, but he can’t help but flip through them all. Opening journal after journal from random time periods. Clearly Techno has just pasted things in order and thrown the completed book under his bed.
He finds one of the more recent ones. He finds spreads make up entirely of sticky notes with his handwriting on them. Has Techno kept every note he ever left around the house? And are those the stickers him and Tubbo gifted him? He thought that Techno had thrown them. Maybe he was just good at slight-of-hand magic.
Tommy was very careful to not spend more than a few seconds on each page. He was a snoop, but he wouldn’t sit down and properly read things that were clearly not meant for his eyes to see.
- - -
Techno walked into his house, noting Tommy’s shoes at the door.
He looked in the living room, the kitchen, the backyard. Where was he? The second he asked himself that; he knew the answer. Room.
Techno climb up to his room, the door wide open. He saw Tommy on the floor, a pile of his journals stacked beside him, jacket covering his frame.
“What are you doing in my room?”
Tommy’s head jolted up and around. He had a guilty expression on his face. “Nothing.” He looked at the evidence around him. “Sorry.”
Techno sighed. He couldn’t stay mad at this kid for long. “Put them back.”
Tommy closed the journal in his lap and carefully places his stack back under the bed.
Techno was honestly surprised that Tommy used any care at all with this task. Especially when he would have just chucked them under there.
“You aren’t keeping that,” Techno said when Tommy stood, pointing to the bomber.
“Right. I forgot I put that on.” Tommy took it off right then and then. Placing it on the bed, he left the room; presumably to open Mario Kart 8 on the Switch.
Techno laughed, going down to beat the kid at his own game.
That Techno owned, because Tommy had bought it for them him.
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