#i have to babysit my siblings and my older bro is helping
fishybehavior · 1 year
I'm going to cry at work
I'm so fyck8ng done rn
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dragon-giggles · 1 year
I've only been in the Mario fandom for like a week! But hey, imma try and make some headcanons about the bros with the little knowledge I have anyway
Let's goooo
(Oh wait, keep in mind that a lot of my hcs might be inspired or based off the 80s cartoon, cause that's one way I've been trying to get into the fandom)
. Mario and Luigi's voices are a lot deeper than what they sound like in any of the games. Like, kind of what they sounded like in the old cartoons.
. Mario is good with children, he just gets them. When he was a teen, he was a popular babysitter with all the kids around the neighborhood.
.Luigi on the other hand is good with animals rather than kids. He can be ok with a kid for a while but freaks out if there's a point where he doesn't know what to do. For ex: He's all good with a baby... until it starts crying, then he starts freaking out and instantly hands it to Mario to take care of. But animals are his thing! While Mario was known for babysitting, Luigi was the neighborhood dog walker!
. Mario is only older than Luigi by about a year. Still, as kids he would try and use his age as an excuse to boss Luigi around. 9 year old Mario would tell his mother that he was capable of babysitting 8 year old Luigi lol.
. Mario is bi/ace, I can't unsee it. Peach is too. So it's bi for bi <3
. I know a lot of people would probably go ballistic over this and disagree and all that, but Luigi is aromantic/ace. BUT, he is all up for a queer platonic relationship. He realized when he was younger that the thought of an actual serious romantic relationship was scary, and that's how he found out he was aromantic, the end.
. Mario's eyes have always been blue, but Luigi's are brown (it's canon in the old cartoons)
. The bros grew up never knowing who their father was so Mario took it upon himself to be the closest thing to a father figure that Luigi could have while also still acting like a sibling
. It's Mario's fault but Luigi can barely ever hug someone half the time without stiffening up or getting jumpy. It's because whenever he would hug Mario when they were younger, he'd end up getting a noogie of being tickled half to death half the time cause Mario was a little gremlin like that. It happened so much that it's just become habit for Luigi to involuntarily start smiling like a goof or move his arms down to his sides when someone raps their arms around him.
. The bros are super close but they definitely bicker quite a bit. At least half of their conversations with each other throughout the day consists of arguments over unimportant things. What can I say, they're siblings and that's what sibs do. None of their arguments are actually serious though, they mostly consist of stuff like who's going to do which chore and stuff like that.
. Like I said before, Luigi is good with animals but he also knows a lot of cool facts about them as well. He loves to throw off little random facts when he can!
. Though Luigi is the taller of the two, both of the bros are pretty short. Mario is 4'8 and Luigi is 4'11
. Their job may be to fix pipes, but the bros did all kinds of different side jobs aside from just being plumbers. They loved to help out their friends with tasks or chores and were known well around their neighborhood for it! One day they may be helping stock cans in a friend's store, then the next day they may be painting someone's house!
. Mario is definitely a tough guy but he's also really goofy. One second, he'll be in complete serious mode, the next, he's breaking out into a silly smile and laughing his butt off at one of the stupidest jokes ever.
Ok I tried my hand at headcanons with these two. Guess I'll just throw em out here and see what people think
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fanfic-inator795 · 2 years
Okay, I just gotta ask. To the people who say that Raph “raised his siblings” and who write fanfics where he’s the main caretaker of the other turtles while Splints lays in bed depressed/watches tv... Do you guys have a reason why you think this was the case, or are you just projecting?
I don’t mean to be rude, I really don’t, but some of the fics I’ve seen recently just kinda take this idea to an extremely OOC degree. I know the Turtle Tots stuff we got in the show was pretty light so their past is pretty open to interpretation, but I just don’t see any indication that Raph was ever parentified.
In the Turtle Tots short, he’s fooling around with the weapons just like his brothers are, not being worried about them hurting themselves or trying to be all that responsible. Same with the flashback in the s1 finale, where it’s RAPH who decides to play with/throw a fragile tea pot. Again, Raph is playing WITH them, not babysitting them.
I’d also like to add that while Splinter isn’t fully supervising them, he does come check on the boys IMMEDIATELY after he hears a smash in the s1 finale example. Speaking of that ep, we see brief flashbacks of Splinter engaging with his kids (encouraging Mikey’s art, patching up Donnie, playing lemonade stand with Raph and Leo) and we know that Splints did things with them when they were younger too, like take them trick-or-treating (Turtle Tots short) or help out with their Lair Games. Flash forward to their teen years, and for as much tv watching as he did, the moment that the Turtles asked for more training in the ELoM ep, Splinter immediately got to work with them, only using the Lou Jitsu method because he thought the Turtles weren’t ready for tougher things/was being protective NOT because he was being lazy/wanted to relive the glory days (at least, not entirely).
Could Splinter have been more hands-on/responsible as a parent? Yeah, absolutely! But there’s a big difference between you and your siblings being allowed to play in a different room/do your own thing while your parent does their own thing, and you having to babysit your siblings and fend for yourself while your parent does nothing. Yes, Splints became more distant as the Turtles got older and became more independent, but even in early s1 where he was at his ‘worst’, he showed that he cared about them. 
Honestly, if Splints truly was an extremely neglectful and emotionally distant parent during their early childhood, then why do the Turtles still love and care about him so much? Yes they’re his kids, but those natural family ties only goes so far - a parent still has to put in at least some work for their kids to truly love them, and the Turtles love Splinter! If they felt like he didn’t give a crap about them, they would’ve left as soon as they got their mystic powers. If RAPH felt like their dad didn’t care and thought he could find a better life for himself and his bros, then HE would’ve left and taken the other turtles long ago. 
Hell, APRIL HAS BEEN THEIR FRIEND SINCE SHE WAS 11 YEARS OLD! If there was serious neglect and emotional mistreatment going on, April would have noticed and talked to Raph about it. She certainly wouldn’t be as close with Splinter as she is in canon if she heard about him forcing Raph to be the one to make sure their home’s pantries had food/be the one making their meals/being the one putting his bros to bed/being the parent/etc.
“So why is Raph so protective/why does he feel like he has to be responsible?” you may ask? Well, maybe that’s just in his nature!
As the eldest sibling in my family with a brother who’s only a year younger than me (same age gap as the turtles), I’d usually be the one letting him inside after we both got home from school. I wasn’t ‘babysitting’, I was just keeping an eye on things until my parents got home from work, where I’d usually just watch tv or whatever while my brother played video games in his room. I had to be responsible, yeah, but there was no parentification or anything like that.
Guess what? I still ended up being protective of my brother - not because of any influence from my parents, but because I love my brother and (back then, at least) I had a mother hen-esque mindset when it came to him. And I just feel like Raph was the same way - it’s just what kinda happens when your siblings are also your closest friends growing up. He was never forced into caring for his bros, he just did it! He was never told to be a good example, he wanted to be one! He took up the role as leader of his own accord - and if anyone should be blamed for making Raph feel like he had to be responsible, it should be the other turtles who (during specific moments at least) chose to relax instead and ‘just let Raph handle it’.
And really, for as responsible as Raph can be sometimes, he’s just as much of a goofball as the other Turtles, and can be just as reckless (if not more so at times)! He doesn’t feel like a mini adult or a parent, he feels like a kid who has a better grasp on when to get serious than his brothers do (which makes sense for Raph, since he cares the most about protecting others and actually being a hero!) 
I’m gonna reiterate: I DO NOT THINK that Splinter was a perfect parent. I fully believe that there were likely moments where he could’ve been better - less forgetful, less distant, less focused on TV - and he certainly could’ve been more responsible. But Splinter still ACTIVELY TRIED to be a parent - at the very least, he tried to when the Turtles were little and actually needed more care and guidance (VS them being teens and being able to be more independent, which I could see Splints - who didn’t have a good parent relationship himself - interpreting this as them not needing him or wanting him around).
He wasn’t the best parent he could be, but he was FAR from the worst. Furthermore, I don’t believe there was any true parentification of Raph done. Maybe it could have been done accidentally - I’m sure there were times where Splints had to leave Raph in charge while he went to go scavenge for food - but purposely? After the treatment that Splinter went through from his grandfather, who was essentially trying to force him to grow up (for a noble and important cause, but still)?? I really doubt it.
tl;dr: Splinter was an imperfect parent but he wasn’t THAT bad. Just because Raph is naturally a bit more responsible and a bit overprotective doesn’t mean he was parentified. And if you’re going to write angst or hurt/comfort fics based in the Turtles childhood, PLEASE make it in-character instead of only focusing on the angst bits.
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hypmic-writings · 2 years
Can i request a headcannon where the dummies from MTC or Fp / maybe both have a s/o which has 2 little little brothers around 4 and 7 and how they will act around the kiddos ??? Thank you 🥺 personally my brothers are one of the most important things in my day by day, this request will make me very soft.
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x reader; Juto Iruma x reader; Riou Busujima x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: I decided to do this one with the MTC boys because it’s adorable and I love them with some good fluff! I think they would all be such good older brothers to any of your younger bros haha I hope you enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
we already know that Samatoki is an amazing older brother to Nemu, and he’s going to be just as good of an older brother to your two younger brothers
Samatoki naturally takes on the role of the caretaker to kids because of how he used to take care of Nemu when she was younger
he’ll cook for them just like he cooks for Nemu, and he’s constantly going to make sure that the boys are eating all of their meats and veggies before even thinking about desserts
which makes you laugh because you always have to tell him to finish all of his food and now he’s nagging your younger brothers
I can definitely imagine him saying something like ‘real men eat all their vegetables’
he dotes on them, but he’s not going to be as overprotective with them as he is with Nemu
if you call him up and tell him that your brother came home from getting into fights against bullies, he’s going to be more proud of them than anything else
he’ll help you patch them up too, sitting them down on the ledge of the bathtub and clean up their cuts and bruises, pressing bandaids down on them before giving them a small fist bump and ruffling their hair
telling them that he’s proud of them for sticking up for the little guys
on that note, Samatoki is constantly making sure they know never to take advantage of the weak, and to always help those in need
he loves you and wants to treat your brothers just like his own siblings, but not at the expense of his own vices
so he’ll still smoke, but he’ll only do it outside on the patio
and he’ll still drink, but he’ll keep the alcohol on the top shelf and drink at work or when his baby bros are asleep
I can imagine the two of you getting into some arguments about your younger brothers and how you don’t want them to see Samatoki’s life of crime and violence and think it’s okay
but at the end of the day, you love your brothers and you want them to have a good relationship with Samatoki so he also agrees to cut back on the vices from time to time
Samatoki will humor your younger bros, but will never let them win at any video games or sports
he’ll beat them up with nerf guns or make them run after baseballs but it’s all in a cute, brotherly teasing way
he’ll help you babysit them, offering to help them with their schoolwork, grateful that they’re still young and that the math is still easy
whenever it’s time for bed and they ask you both for a bedtime story, Samatoki always struggles to keep it PG, toning down the violence to try to make a good story
overall though, Samatoki loves you and he wants to make sure that he does right by your brothers just as much as he does right by you
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Juto Iruma
Juto never had siblings and he doesn’t really want children yet, so interacting with your kid brothers is a bit tough for him at first
he doesn’t have the most natural reaction to kids, so it’s a bit hard for him to really connect with them
but he loves you and he wants to be close to your family, and he’s never one to turn away from a challenge, so he’s quick to change his ways to make sure that he and your brothers have a good relationship 
it takes him a while to realize that young kids don’t want to go to museums or eat fancy food
but pretty soon he’ll be the cool older brother that’s always buying them dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets or McDonalds
and taking them to amusement parks or to the movies
Juto is definitely the type to set up movie nights and end up watching all of the Disney movies with your younger brothers whenever you ask him to help babysit them
and it gets to the point that he’s watched them a million times and quote all the little kids movies
you find it hilarious because Juto is usually the type to watch artsy indie films, but now he can’t stop quoting Moana and Encanto
your younger brothers are completely unaware of any worries Juto might have and they latch onto him very easily
they’re always trying to tell him the cool things they learned or show him their favorite toys or games
sometimes your brothers tag along with you on date nights and they quickly end up becoming game nights
Juto was a bit frustrated by this at first because he wanted you all to himself and it was annoying to have to share you
but he’s quick to give into your brother’s demands, because they really are adorable and it’s clear that they love you too
so you’ll all sit down and play candyland or go fish and it ends up being a really fun night and Juto is pleasantly surprised
he’s definitely the type to teach them large words that they can barely pronounce just so that they get excited by it
and he’s also going to make sure they’re doing well in school 
if you ever come to him and tell them that your brothers are being bullied or that there’s a problem at school, Juto won’t hesitate to put on his cop uniform and go help them
speaking of which, your brothers always ask Juto a million questions about his job and beating up bad guys and it’s just another reason they love him
they’re always asking if they can play with his handcuffs or his baton and you have to remind them that they’re not toys
overall, it takes Juto some time to warm up to your baby bros, but as soon as he does, they’re all going to be really close
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Riou Busujima
Riou is immediately in love with your baby brothers and will treat them just like his own family
he’s the type of older brother that is always looking out for the younger ones and making sure they’re staying safe
when you first introduce the boys to him, they’re a little nervous because Riou is so tall and big, but they quickly learn that he’s a friendly giant
he’s always asking if your brothers want to go on walks through the woods or little hikes with the two of you
and whenever the four year old gets tired, Riou just casually scoops him up and puts him over his shoulders
and then the seven year old gets jealous until you have to put him over your shoulders as well
Riou is extremely good at encouraging your baby brothers to try new things and go out and be adventurous
and whenever you go home, your brothers are always asking when they’ll be able to hang out with Riou and have another adventure again
you always have to gently remind him that they’re still really young though, and that they can’t go extreme rock climbing because the younger one is literally four
and Riou just grins and shrugs saying that that’s the age he first learned how to extreme rock climb 
they love hearing all of the war stories that Riou has, and they’re always asking him to tell them more
those are also the stories he tells them for bedtime, but you always make sure that they’re filtered and PG
Riou loves to play games with your brothers and will definitely throw around a baseball with them or even just play tag
he’s the type of person to never run out of energy so he’s perfect to keep your brothers busy whenever you have errands to run 
Riou is the ideal babysitter and is always making sure your brothers stay on top of their schedule, never running late to any practices or daycares they might have to go to
he also encourages a healthy diet and will gladly cook for your younger brothers if you ever don’t have the time
he promises to only use food from the grocery store, but then your brothers get sad that they don’t get to try the grasshoppers that he mentioned eating because they sounded so cool
Riou never really gets nervous around your brothers, and just really wants to have a good relationship with them
he can see how much they love you and how much they look up to you so it’s nice for him to be able to share his love for you too
giant cuddle piles during movie nights are absolutely a thing and sometimes Riou is the last one awake when you and your younger brothers are all hanging off of him sound asleep
and he just smiles and kisses your forehead because he’s so happy to have so many people that he cares for in his life and who care for him in return
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sleepwalkersqueen · 4 years
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(Ignore this post, it’s just fucking... headcanon fluff.)
- Let’s just imagine... what it’d be like, if Enji had been a wholesome dad!
[Calculating 16 years back in the canon: Enji was 30, Toya was 9, Keigo was 7 (Rumi was 11) ]
- Enji saved Keigo from an abusive home, but when the HPSC notices Keigo’s bloody potential and wants to buy him... Enji just - adopts Keigo.
- Rei was angry about his sudden desicion: Because they already had huge responsibility with their other children! - But then she saw the tiny malnourished child who just escaped the abuse, without a home or anyone to turn to- and her heart just snapped. 
- Tiny Keigo knew he wasn’t wanted, so he made himself smaller and bowed to her. - But Rei just fell to her knees and hugged him really, really close.
- Toya next to them was like: “Yeah... actually, I wanted a dog - but a bird’s fine too.”
- The whole family went shopping to buy a bunch of wing-fitted kid-clothes. Kei’s just happy to have clothes and’s still too shy to ask for anything specific so fucking Toya ends up deciding what he tries on. Fuyumi next to them is like: “Tou, That’s just black. There’s no color- Wait- I think thats a mini-skirt, what the- What do you want with the lipstick!?” - Enji has to bring half of the clothes back.
- Enji starts to read guidebooks about therapheutic parenting for Keigo, but ends up overwhelming all of his kids with love and attenttion. He talks with Keigo that its okay to cry when he feels like it, but Keigo still just swallows everything down and is scared to make noise.
- Rei and Enji made sure Keigo’d eat and sleep enough, helped him preening his wings and constantly reasurred him that his accidental lil chirps are nothing to be ashamed of.
- But in the first month, instead of playing with his new siblings, Keigo constantly helps with hard work in the house and gardens without getting asked and doesn’t stop until they tell him to. Toya asks him about it at night. Keigo admits that he loves this place more than anything and is horrified of being tossed out again, so he tries to be worth their money.
- Toya punches him (softly, with love) in the face and tells him that he’s part of the family, even if he’d burn down down their house.
- Keigo feels like a stone falling from his chest, but the fear just doesn’t go away. One day he helps Enji do the dishes and he breaks a plate. And his whole world just cracks with that plate. He’s starts trembling and is like- “You can hit me and all, but please don’t toss me out!”
- Toya heared that and he’s like :O And Enji’s like >:O
- And then Toya stares at his father, grabs a plate and smashes it to the floor so it breaks. He grabs Keigo’s hand and screams: “If you wanna punish Kei, you gotta punish me too!”.
- Enji just hugs both of them, holds them really close: “Kei, we won’t ever toss you out, we love you and you’re a Todoroki now. That was just an accident. And Tou- I’d never hurt one of you!” - Touya’s like: “I know, I just wanted to smash a plate”
- After that Enji takes a day off and they all just play in the gardens. And one moment, Keigo just stops and looks at them laughing about a really bad joke he just made and he thinks: “Woa, I’ve a family now!” And he’s so happy, he starts crying. It’s the first time he cried since a long time, and it’s because of joy.
- Enji isn’t the no. 2 hero, since he spends more time with Rei and his kids. So he moves between 2nd and 4th place in the rankings, but he really doesn’t care. 
- He is still a kinda-dick to the public, but he actually talks about his family, when you ask him about them. (”Yes, my family is way better than yours. Are you blind?” *Pulls a picture out of his wallet* “Just look at my amazing sons and this pure-hearted angle of a daughter. Now out of the way, my wife said I should grab milk on my way home.”) And when he comes home can’t but smile when he sees Rei and his kids. He is really proud of them.
- Enji helps Natsuo with his homework and he makes soba with Fuyumi, plays referee for a sparring-match between Keigo and Touya. But neither of them accepts their limits or defeat, escalateing their fight until it get’s so heated, that Enji has to put a end to it, because he can’t see his kids hurting each other like this. So he let’s them fight him instead, forcing them to team up, and even though he just fakes defeat, he sees their potential.
- The kids are super scared sometimes that he doesn’t make it home after a huge fight, but Enji always returns to read the bed-time story before giving good-night-hugs, So they don’t have nightmares.
- Shoto is born and he’s allowed to sleep in his parents bed. So the other siblings want the same and they fall asleep in a puppy-family-pile. Enji sleeps half on the floor that night.
- Natsuo sees in a TV documentary that male baby-chickens get often killed instandly after they hatch... And so he freaks out, cries and hugs Keigo, like wanting to protect him. - They need the whole night to reassure him, that Keigo is in fact, not a chicken.
- One day the kids should help move some boxes up the staircase to Enji’s study. - And Keigo’s is like: “We can do that later, right guys? Let’s go see what’s inside first, play with it and then try if we can make it look like we never opened it. That’ll be fun!”; And Toya’s like: “Fucking finally” - Inside were reports about unsolved crime cases in the city. Toya and Keigo talk about it the whole month. They decide that they wanna become heroes together. 
- Enji “trains” with Fuyumi, Natsuo, Toya and Keigo - But it’s actually just goofing around and playing villan-attack. (So they know what to do if someone tries to harm them, but he always watches so noone gets hurt.) Toya and Keigo are the only ones to take the play seriously, since they want to become heros for real.
- Enji tells Toya that there’s no need for him to become a hero, if he isn’t fitted for using his quirk. Toya thinks about this, but works out extremly reffined techniques where he uses his fire more defined to avoid burns.
- Toya and Keigo constantly fight about who’s the strongest. (But they are careful not to seriously hurt each other and instandly stop when the other is down. They also teamed up, when a guy in Natsu’s class stalked and tried to bully him. There isn’t much stronger in this world than their big-bro-insticts.)
- Natsuo always cares for their injuries and then Rei gives the two household chores as punishemt.... - And then they fight about who should do the dirtier work.
- Later they met Rumi hanging around in the dangerous parts of the playground and started a fight about a last soda-can. Rumi just obliterated both of them. (since she is 3/6 years older.)
- Toya and Keigo go to UA and both win the sportsfestival first place in their year. They sparr and work-out together with Rumi. They go to different agencies during their internship and try to out-do each other in solved cases.
- They were supposed to babysit Shoto once. The kitched burned.
- Toya becomes a top ranked hero and the todorokis have a big family dinner twice a week. They always cook together and everything is chaotic but in the good way. 
- Toya pierces Keigos ears, because Keigo lost a bet. They start a big fight about it on the stage of the Hero-billboard-charts, live on TV. (- But they do team ups on every big mission to keep their backs safe. They’d litterally die giving the other cover.)
- Enji always tries to get team-ups with Toya, but Toya always dodges. (Because it’s kinda fucking embrassing to work with your dad, who has your baby-pictures in his wallet.)
- They are super fucking happy and nothing will ever change that.
EDIT: If anyone feels like writing this into a fic or something... I’d kiss ya feet and read the crap outta that!
EDIT 2: Like, really man. I need that fluff.
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twistedoverbloat · 2 years
I think Idia would be scared of me bc if I went into twisted wonderland and saw the cameras I would be right up in the lens saying I know it's you.
Lmao I would give that man a heart attack.
I would hang out with Othro too bc he would remind me of my younger siblings. So I would become his honorary older sister! And also help him get Idia out of his room once in a while.
Also I think I would try and follow Riddle rules but snap at him for how ridiculous they are.
Me and Ace would butt heads. But would help hom, but tell him off if he trys to rope me into shit.
I would relate to Duece who wanted to change himself to be better. I would help him with his anger bc I have those burst out too. But I know how to calm down and hide it.
Bro I would make Grim not be a lil shit but incouage it when someone pisses me off.
Would vibe with Ruggie and give him small snacks. But fight him if he tries to steal anything from me.
I would understand Leona more because I have been compared to my siblings, like my younger brother Gabby. My dad was the one to constantly do it. He doesn't do it alone anymore but it hurt me so much because Gabby is younger than me I'm the eldest child.
Jack, I would call him out on the 'Lone wolf' bullshit. Just like in the Game, like dude I thought that too but at one point your gonna need other people's help.
I would also understand Azul because when I was younger I was very chubby. And my cousins would bully me. I got called a cow by one of them.
Floyd I think I would vibe with him bc I like hugs.
Jade is hard to crack but I would respect him and I know he would do the same bc he's unbothered by most people.
Also would probably fuck around with Malleus. Like barging in and steal him away to go get ice cream and do normal teenage shit. Lmao sebek would hate me for it. Also if he yelled at me I would do it back.
He would probably get use to it and were just having a loud ass conversation. NO one knows if we're arguing are not.
Silver I would probably take naps with him or give him places to sleep so he's not always on the ground.
I would understand Epel too because I feel like I look too masculine sometimes or act too boyish but help him by being confident and letting him be who he is.
Vil I would probably be intimated, and he would probably help me with my skin routine.
Rook I feel like I would try and see where he is if I feel like I'm being watched.
Kamil I would probably and do t flame me on this get annoyed by him. But Ills till vibe with him. He remind me too much of my younger brother Milio.
Jamil I would relate too bc I always feel like I'm under my dad's presure of beign perfect. And I would also help him take care of Kalim since I know how to take care of rowdy kids (I was the one that got on babysitting duty alot)
Lilia I think I wouldn't talk to a lot sicne I would probably get creepy out by him but be respectful bc he acts like a old man but looks younger lmao yeah didn't trust that.
For Trey I would want to bake with him bc I love baking and eating them.
With Carter I think I would take photos with him but if he's just using me I'll just ignore him. Bc he used Vil for likes for one of the stories?
For Crowley I would snap at him for him to do his own damn work but do it anyways be we all know the man won't do it.
Crewel I would respect and try to do my best in his class.
Along with Mr. Trein I would try my best in history. Might falk asleep in his class but I'll try my best.
Aston I think I wouldn't do so well in his class bc I'm not that athletic but U would still try!
I think I would vibe with Sam too and get a fuck ton of snacks off of him.
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croakings · 3 years
weird dream time! this one was scifi? not a genre my brain often chooses!
i was like, a child in a mansion that my mad scientist dad had mostly turned into a lab/testing facility, with the exception of a few apparently random rooms scattered around that were like, excessively normal, if maybe a little tacky.
i had a(1) younger brother that fucking hated our dad, but was bros with the robot assistant our father made that i didn't like. i, meanwhile, hung out with our dad all the time, and generally had a blast wandering around committing science crimes that my dad referred to as "experiments" and to all appearances just considered kind of funny.
i was not the main character of whatever story was going on here. that was 100% my younger brother. i was like, peripherally aware of some beef happening, but my dad didn't seem to care very much about whatever problem my brother had with him, the robot assistant still helped my dad with whatever bullshit they were up to when it wasn't running around with my brother, and i was like, "that's probably fine. dad is babysitting him by proxy. i remember when i was like 11 and hated everything on principle. good times." i just sort of avoided my darling baby bro and his glower-y appropriated robot sidekick, and they vaguely glared at me from a distance. all was right with the world.
but the thing is, apparently our dad was like, evil or whatever. which is why my younger brother didn't like him. my dad thought it was hilarious that i had no idea and was completely happy to let me run around doing whatever and talking about science with him sometimes. the house was actively a death trap that honestly should have definitely killed me, but instead i was, like, fucking with it. my dad was like, this kid fucking rules. the robot assistant had adopted my brother, and they were running around trying to not get merc'd. in their spare time they were also trying very hard to escape the house, which they could not leave (i could, because i didn't know that that, y'know, wasn't allowed, and had tunneled through the walls as part of the fun and cool puzzle of things rearranging/trying to kill me whenever i approached the great outdoors (boring, disgusting, filled with bugs). i did not actually ever leave the house because why the hell would i do that. Mean Team Duo had no idea about any of this and very predictably my dad thought it was the funniest thing in the world. he used me to increase security), and also maybe stop my dad from being fucked up and evil whenever that wasn't something that would immediately cause them to die, probably.
eventually my younger brother arranged this big confrontation between him and me where he was like, "where the hell did you go wrong? you used to be my cool and smart and nice older sibling and then you suddenly joined dad in being an evil monster. is there no hope of redemption for you?" and i was like. "look i mean i know being 11 is kind of tough, but isn't this going a little far? is this a game you're playing with the robot? can you lighten up a little, maybe? i am worried you're going to like, actually create some problems for yourself if you keep beefing with dad. you can talk to me if you need to champ but like maybe stop sulking and make up with pops over whatever argument you're having???? he's really chill. it'll probably fine. maybe at worst he'll like, make it really annoying to get to the bathroom for a week. can't we all just get along?" he's like "wait. are you being serious right now. are you for real. do you have worms in your brain. also what the hell are you talking about we don’t even have bathrooms this fucking house is a completely non-functional rat warren death trap that dad made to fuck with us until we die. and. the robot???? do you mean. [i don't remember his actual name and for comedic purposes he is therefore] kevin??????? the reanimated corpse dad resurrected with evil robotics and has been forcing to help him for years?????????? kevin???????????" i was like. "are you seriously telling me you think we don't have bathrooms" he was like "YOU ARE VERY MUCH MISSING THE POINT HERE" and i was like "it is very important to me— perhaps the most important thing, ever, in fact—that you tell me where you have been going to the bathroom, actually" and then my dad walked through and was like, "hey, kiddos! no fighting please! remember that i'm keeping an eye on you haha," and then my younger brother ran away. i was like. ok. whatever. i guess i'll call the robot kevin now if that's what we're doing.
i continued to just vibe up until the point my dad was like. “the fun child appears to be acting as usual, but the other one is getting kind of bold in his plots for my downfall, and honestly if he manages to convert the fun one, i may be in legitimate trouble. i have done absolutely nothing to hide my secrets and in fact have sometimes actively shared them with my beloved favorite, so. maybe i should just preemptively murder my children before the two of them ruin my day.”
i'm just like, skipping along whistling in the "garage" (which is actually just like, a storage room/scrap heap in the middle of the house full of discarded parts etc that i liked to scuttle around in when i wanted to throw something together), and kevin careens in out of nowhere, scoops me up, and chucks me out the door. he then gets snatched into the ceiling by robot tentacles and i'm like. "ok! well. i'm going somewhere else, i guess! message received, dad."
i later learn that this is part of my brother's main character antics, where he and kevin had discovered our dad's plans to kill me before i became a problem and they were like, oh shit, this is our fault. that idiot actually didn't know anything. and they had a big argument about saving me where my brother was like "no, we can't risk it, we need to focus on getting out before he gets us, and then he won't even care about my stupid idiot sibling anymore," and kevin was like, "that's a really big assumption to make about a child's life, kiddo. we really can't know that for sure, and i'm super not okay with like, letting them die, or the only possible alternative where you are right and what happens is your stupid idiot sibling actually helps your already completely unhinged father reach greater heights of crimes against humanity and science either unwittingly or probably eventually on purpose. i'm gonna save them. you both very much need to get out of here to stop your father," and then it's like, this whole dramatic parting and act of selfless sacrifice that i know absolutely nothing whatsoever about. i'm just like. classic kevin. did not know my dad installed like, grabber arms to yank him around. seems kind of fun.
there's like a scooby-doo worthy scene of me wandering around absolutely failing to be killed by literally anything because i'm essentially impervious to the house, and then eventually my dad is like, "damn. i didn't want to do this because i do actually like that kid, but. eh," and he wanders out of his little office with a gun.
he, my brother, and i all arrive to the same room at around the same time with vastly different intentions. i'm still like, mentally frolicking through a field of flowers. my brother wants to avenge kevin and take someone down with him, ideally, or maybe just grab me and run to get a petty win. he has a weapon he and kevin jury-rigged but are not certain actually works as they could not test it without my dad noticing. dear old dad is gonna commit yet another horrific crime, just another day in the office. we all are like, just entering the room when my brother chickens out of all his grand plans, flings the untested doohickey at our father, grabs me, and runs. another scooby-doo chase scene ensues. i'm like, "wait, where the fuck are we going. this is not how you get places, my dude," and he is like, "well you fucking lead the way, then, you stupid asshole!!! do you know how to get outside??" and i'm like, "yeah, obviously???? what is your problem today. just follow me, bud. we'll get some fresh air. sunshine. touch some grass, even, mayhaps." as we go along he rants about the situation to me and i'm like. thinking about my day. i'm like. oh. hm. there may. potentially. be something to all of that. i say this out loud after we've been crawling along in silence for a while and he's like "GEE YOU THINK? i can't fucking believe kevin died for you" and i'm like "well, yanno, i doubt kevin is like, actually dead, even if you are completely correct about everything. like i mean that's not just me being optimistic, dad is pretty proud of kevin. he's probably planning to like, reprogram him, or something," and my brother is like. "thank you so much. i think that's actually worse." there's more silence until i'm like, "so i now realize there are more important things going on, but i seriously have to know, where the hell have you been going to the bathroom. do you shower???? brush your teeth???????? oral hygiene is very important for your health, and also teeth" and he's like "shut. up. oh my god please stop talking before i throw you to father on purpose" and i'm like, "sorry! sorry. ok. touchy subject. noted. we'll be outside in like, 15 minutes about. my bad." he's like. "yeah. it is your bad."
i had work so my alarm woke me up, but all of my dreams have past and future lore compressed into them, so i have a vague impression that what inevitably happens is i just end up stealing control of the house from my dad and throwing him in the brig. we save kevin. he and my younger brother yeet away into the distance and i stay doing way less (morally) fucked up science. eventually i let my dad out, he immediately attempts to be evil again, and he goes right back to time out. my brother and kevin visit occasionally after going out and making lives for themselves, where my brother is considered like, some sort of genius or something, because he was also doing some science in the name of survival sometimes, as living with our father kind of meant you naturally absorbed at least some level of basic robotics. kevin attempts to wrestle with those stereotypical questions of like, can i even call myself human anymore? am i fit to take care of this child, or any child? is it ok to leave that other child in the murder house to keep watch over that insane man that tried to kill all of us like 5 minutes ago? am i even allowed to make my own decisions? as a product of that homicidal maniac, can i even trust my own judgement? etc, and then eventually he just decides he actually doesn't care about any of that and happily settles into his role of full time dad. i continue to live in the middle of absolutely nowhere having the time of my life in the murderhouse and idly thwarting my dad's ineffectual attempts to do, like, most things. we still talk about science sometimes and he still thinks i'm hilarious. everything is mostly fine. i do not ever discover where my brother went to the bathroom, and it haunts me to the end of my days. the end.
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salthaven · 4 years
not too much salt: Alya and Nino get Lila to babysit again. However an Akuma arrives at Alya's residence for her- your idea and motive. Since Alya wasn't there the villain took the children and Chat Noir and Ladybug fight them. THe parents become aware and Alya and Nino are doubt going to punished because taking care of the children was there responsibility
    Thank you for the request, and my apologies for taking so long to get to it! With that said, here you go:
    Alya thought it’d be fine. After all, Lila has saved celebrities (and their pets!), she can watch three kids, can’t she? It’s happened before, and Lila is always happy to help! 
    “That’s what friends are for!” Lila had said with a smile, and so Alya asked her to watch the siblings. Everything would be fine, and Nino and Alya got to go on their date.
    It was great. Nino and Alya had plans to see a new movie, then go grab some food before returning home. They timed everything perfectly, so Nino could take Chris home before her older sister or parents found out they’d left someone else in charge. It was great, having someone so kind as Lila to offer her assistance, especially when Marinette was always busy, forgetting her promises, or just plain out flaking out of work. 
    Tonight wasn’t about that, though. It was about Nino and Alya. And they had a blast. The movie was interesting, and the night was perfect.
    But then Gardienne attacked. Wild and rampant, and angry that she’d been unpaid for her work, the young girl had been an easy Akumatization. And then she went off, breaking into homes and taking their kids.
    “If you won’t pay me to watch them,” she hissed out, “you’ll pay to get them back!” 
    Alya hadn’t even known about the villain du jour, not until she glanced out through the window of the café they were in, only to do a double take. Dozens of kids with blank faces roamed the streets, following a teenage girl who was dressed like a princess. With a flick of her wand, the kids chased down one that stood at the end of the street, tackling them and dragging the screaming boy back to Gardienne, who tapped him with her wand.
    His screaming cut off quickly, his fear falling away as he stood numbly. A moment later, Gardienne resumed her stroll.
    A moment later, Alya was pulling Nino after her, phone at the ready.
    She didn’t even notice how her siblings were in the group, or that Nino’s little brother strolled right beside them.
    It wasn’t Nino who pointed out Ella, Etta, or Chris’s presence, and Alya didn’t spot it for herself either.
    It was Ladybug herself. And the heroine looked pissed. 
    And it all happened as Alya live streamed. 
    Ladybug and Chat Noir leaped into action, fighting against Gardienne and avoiding the swarm of kids that the Akuma commanded. It was chaotic, and Alya was practically vibrating as she watched the duo defeat Gardienne. They were so quick, and so in sync with one another, Alya was going to get so many views.
    ‘Thank God for Lila,’ Alya thought.
    She’d regret that thought later. 
    Ladybug cast her Miraculous cure, and the rush of ladybugs took the kids with them...except three.
    Four people remained from the fight: the babysitter, Ella, Etta, and Chris. All four stared up at the spotted heroine with wide eyes.
    Alya felt herself tense as Ladybug crouched down.
    “Hey,” she said, voice soft. “Do you know where your parents are? Or siblings?”
    And Ella turned and saw Alya. “She’s right there!” Ella cheered, and Ladybug snapped her attention to Alya.
    Her eyes quickly lost any warmth, and Alya gulped. She’d never seen Ladybug look so… threatening.
    “Is that so?” Ladybug asked, voice hardening. “These two are your siblings?”
    “Yeah!” Chris said, nodding. “They’re out on a date! Hi, Nino!”
    “Uh, hi, bro,” Nino responded, tugging on his hat. 
    “Who was watching you?” Ladybug asked, bringing their attention back to her.
    “Lila!” Etta shouted, then she pouted. “But I wish it was Marinette. She was always more fun.”
    “Yeah!” Ella agreed. “Marinette at least protected us during Akuma attacks!”
    Chat Noir looked away from the Akuma victim, eyes narrowing as he sent a quick glance to Alya and Nino. “What did Lila do?”
    “She ran,” Ella huffed, and Alya froze. 
    Ladybug froze, too, and then stood up. “Kids, give me and Chat Noir just a minute, and we’ll be right back.” The heroine grabbed Chat Noir by his tail, and then they were off.
    “Guys, let’s go home!” Alya said, shutting off her livestream (she’d worry about the contents later). Right then, she had to worry about getting her siblings home, before her parents did. Later, much later, she’d question why Lila left.
    But Ladybug and Chat Noir returned before the group was even half a block away.
    “Ella, Etta, right?” Ladybug checked, and the girls nodded. “It’s rather cold out, I’ll swing you home.” She glared at Alya. “I’m sure you can make it on your own, considering you were already out and about?”
    “I, uh,” Alya nodded. “Sure.”
    “Little guy, I’ll get you home before you can count to thirty!” Chat Noir said, picking up Chris. “I’m sure your bro can get there before I reach fifty.”
    “I can only count to seventeen!” Chris whined, but he smiled and cheered as Chat extended his staff and vaulted away, leaving Nino to chase after them.
    Alya couldn’t help but worry as she raced home. The way Ladybug looked at her, the fact that Lila left her siblings to fend for themselves against an Akuma…
    She felt sick.
    The feeling only got worse when she opened the door, and her parents were waiting there, drinking hot cocoa with Ladybug and all three of her sisters.
    Alya shut the door, and tried to smile at her parents. “Hey, mom-”
    “Why weren’t you watching your sisters?” Her mom cut her off immediately, and Alya winced. “I go to work, and I come home to Ladybug telling me that you left Ella and Etta, and someone else’s kid, under the care of some girl we don’t even know?” She shook her head, disappointment clear. “I thought I raised you better.”
    “Mom, I-”
    “You what?” Her father interrupted. “You left them with someone incompetent! You left them with someone we don’t trust, and that’s not the only problem! You were supposed to watch them yourself, not pawn them off to a classmate so you could go on a date!”
    “How was I supposed to know she’d leave them?” Alya retorted. “She’s Ladybug’s best friend, I thought she was better than that!”
    “She isn’t my best friend,” Ladybug responded calmly, and Alya felt her jaw drop. “She and I have only interacted when she’s been Akumatized. Which, by the way, has been multiple times. She is a delusional liar, and I’d advise that you never trust her with your siblings.”
    “We liked Marinette better, anyways,” Etta said again, then drank more of her hot cocoa.
    “Wait, Marinette? Was she watching them, too?” Her mother asked, looking even angrier.
    “Not anymore! She hasn’t watched them in over a month!”
    “And when did she watch them?”
    “Only a few times!”
    “Ella? Etta?” Her mother asked, turning to the girls. 
    “Over a year!” Ella said sweetly, and her mother slammed her hands on the table.
    “A year?! Alya, I’ve paid you for watching your siblings! I know your friend Marinette is busy, isn’t she the class president? A designer? A student, just like you? You took up so much of her time, and you never even gave her the money she deserved for her time?!”
    “It’s- it’s what a friend would do!” Alya protested, face burning as she avoided Ladybug’s disappointed gaze. 
    “A friend should expect someone to do work for them, work they’re being paid to do?” Ladybug was the one to ask this, tone full of disapproval. “That’s called using them. I’d be surprised if Marinette is still your friend, it sounds very one-sided.”
    “It does,” her father agreed. “But we’ll fix that. Alya, tomorrow you’re going to go to Marinette and give her all of the money you owe her.”
    “What?” Alya shouted. “But that- that’s hundreds of euros! That’s nearly all of my money! I saved that up, I shouldn’t have to give it to her!”
    “It’s saved up because you unfairly kept it from her,” her mother pointed out. “And I expect you to apologize to her.”
    Alya huffed. As if they’ll know whether she actually gives Marinette the money… “Fine.”
    “And to make sure you do, I’ll drop you off tomorrow and come in with you!” Her father decided. “I’m due a day off, anyways.”
    “What?! No, you can’t do that!” Alya scrambled for excuses, then perked up. “Marinette is always late to school anyways, she won’t get there before you’ll have to go!”
    “I’ll stay the whole day if I have to,” her father states, and Alya growled.
    “Ugh! This is so unfair!”
    “What’s unfair is what you did to Marinette and your siblings. Now, go to your room, I’m done with this conversation,” Her mother said at last, and Alya stormed off, slamming her door shut behind her.
    Leaning against the door, she could hear her parents thanking Ladybug, and Ladybug’s cheerful response.
    She thought everything would be fine… she thought wrong.
    I hope you enjoyed this! And, as a little bonus, the aftermath:
    Alya goes to school, a stuffed envelope in hand. Nino is the same, carrying an envelope and ducking his head in shame. It looks like he had a similar talk with his parents.
    Marinette arrives twenty-five minutes before the bell, looking… oddly happy, compared to usual. (Although Alya hasn’t paid her much attention in the past month, being too interested in Lila’s tales...which she’s still realising are fake.)
    The apology is awkward, and so is Nino’s, but they get through it as the whole class watches on. With shame, the couple gives Marinette the money she’s owed. Marinette accepts their apology with grace, albeit somewhat cold as she points out how they deceived her. She then excuses herself from the class, racing the money home before it can be stolen.
    Later, Marinette buys some new fabric. She’ll have fun designing, something she’s been able to do much more since Alya stopped asking for babysitting help. 
    And life goes on.
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Raphael and madzie!! please I will sell you my firstborn for some Raphael and madzie content. Like him babysitting and sleepovers and playing dress up and watching Disney movies together. Raphael wearing this tiara and him and madzie playing together. Baking and singing together, going on trips to the park together and Raphael just being so happy.-
-Like if you think about it they are technically cousins🤔 with the whole found family thing, Catarina and Magnus are siblings Raphael is Magnus’ son ergo madzie and Raphael are cousins but they still think of each other as siblings. Raphael is her big brother! Please🥺
ok anon i hope you know that you are literally my new favorite person in the whole wide world and this ask is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. i will literally never shut the fuck up about raphael and madzie i will make this brotp a thing if it KILLS me just you watch
idk if id say they are technically cousins because i don’t know if catarina and magnus consider themselves siblings - definitely family for sure, but i get the feeling it’s more of a “generic” family feeling rather than a Specific Dynamic you know? but either way this is found family so it’s not like family tree/architecture is actually that stiff and matters that much, RAPHAEL IS MADZIE’S BIG BRO idc
and it’s literally canon that raphael is the best, most thoughtful, caring and dedicated older brother so like!!! honestly it’s what madzie deserves. she has a wonderful mom (two if you subscribe to dotarina raising madzie together <3) and underful uncles and a wonderful brother who is always on her side and would do anything for her, and that! is! fantastic! 
especially because like madzie is implied to be used to big families, since iris was going around making an army of warlocks basically lmao and like of course that was an abusive family dynamic but the point is that she was used to having siblings. but she was also implied to be the eldest and now she is the youngest! and she gets to have a nice big bro who takes care of her and plays with her and has her as a priority and i just 🥺🥺🥺
and god not to be a slut for raphael and rosa but i picture raphael just telling madzie all that he could about rosa?? you know??? he’s all like “you have an older sister too, you know? it’s a shame you never got to meet” and madzie kind of tilts her head and asks him to tell her about it. so raphael does. he sits down with her and shows her pictures of the both of them together from their childhood up until her death, and he tells her all the stories he possibly can. he says, “she would have loved you just as much as me. she always wanted to be someone’s older sister. said she wanted to take care of them like i take care of her” and madzie is all like “she sounds sweet. i wanted to know her, too” and raphael tears up slightly and he’s like “yeah. yeah. me too, cariño” and she hugs him
and like not to slut over this but i like to think that raphael teaches madzie about the monarch butterflies and día de los muertos and one day they are playing outside and a monarch lands on madzie?? and madzie calls it “rosa” and the butterfly is just flying over her head, alternating between her and raphael, for the whole afternoon? and raphael chokes up. fuck it all the legends are true, i love this alright
just like.... obviously raphael’s relationship with madzie is not some kind of substitute for his relationship with rosa, because madzie deserves better than that and no one can be rosa but rosa. raphael loves madzie for madzie, because she is sweet but fierce, extremely intelligent and with a playful/slightly mischievous (in a good way) side that is slowly blooming as time goes by and she heals from her abuse more and more. she is also good, endlessly caring, kind, compassionate, imaginative, affectionate. madzie is madzie and that’s all she needs to be. but the idea that raphael has someone to share rosa with, even if madzie obviously doesn’t feel about her the same way raphael did as they never met, but to bring her into this new family in a way... and let madzie knows that she also has another sibling looking out for her, even if from another plane... that’s nice and good food okay. and i think madzie would want to know about her, just like she tells raphael about her other siblings from when she lived with iris, even if they never got to be too close (cuz i doubt iris would risk letting them become very close and eventually realize her abuse and possibly rebel against her) 
maybe it’s madzie herself who brings it up, she asks raphael about the pictures in his home or about his “ave rosa” plaque 🥺 and he tells her about it and makes sure that she knows that he doesn’t love rosa more or less than he does madzie, just differently. they are both his little sisters no matter what
anyway! onto more rapha&madzie focused headcanons. first of all you are so correct about playing dress up and shit, raphael is a SIMP and a sucker for his lil sis so he absolutely will wear a tiara if she asks no questions asked. simon sees it one time and he doesn’t even consider making fun of him because raphael shoots him a glare that absolutely reads as “i double dare you, motherfucker”. not because uwu girly stuff just because he has this whole serious vibe and there he is with a tiara and tiny braids. we stan
also look i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, raphael absolutely learns how to handle black/kinky hair for madzie. he was used to doing rosa’s hair but that was very likely straight or just wavy hair. madzie’s hair texture is different and raphael makes it a point to learn everything he can about how to take care of it and make hairstyles that she might like and won’t hurt her, okay? and yes i know that madzie straightens her hair but i like to think that over time she stops. i kinda headcanon that one of the reasons she did it was to look closer to iris, plus just the fact that as a white abuser i doubt she exactly planted it on madzie to love her natural hair. but over time living with catarina and being closer to a mostly-poc family and seeing maia and other beautiful black women with their natural hair and/or afro hairstyles, she stops straightening it, and everyone encourages her, raphael included. he even uses that, like, “i’ve been learning how to do these hairstyles for you, you know” and he shows her some and she gets so excited about trying them and it’s great
(initially he has catarina’s supervision, because again black hair is important and even if raphael is a moc he’s still nonblack. but catarina trusts him and he’s always so careful and makes sure to always listen to what she says, asks questions and all but takes notes lmao, so it works) 
and baking!!! i mean look madzie is gonna be naturally prone to liking to bake, as a warlock and shit. and if regular kids already play with making potions, warlock kids are definitely even worse, especially because she does see catarina, dot, and magnus doing that all the time so it’s one of the things that she likes to mimick. and baking is basically potion making but edible and solid lmao. but like she loves it, mixing the batter, adding sprinkles, seeing as the textures change and the taste builds and stuff like that, you know? she’s definitely fascinated by it especially because she does it without magic and it’s just, wow, so cool to her?? and raphael as the cook that he is is more than happy to teach her, bake with her, and see her enthusiasm. raphael with oven mitts taking a batch of cookies out of the oven yall. i need a second
and like i absolutely subscribe to genius madzie because LOOK that girl is endlessly fucking smart and so intelligent especially for her age, not to mention powerful and observant and just, she’s brilliant. and with both catarina and magnus, huge nerd extraordinaires, and possibly maia because i like to pepper in the fact that maia and raphael are dating, she gets all the incentive she could possibly want to want to learn about both mundane science and magical theory
but in short like! raphael getting her those chemistry sets for kids, you know? where you have some recipes and you can mix up ingredients and they change color or otherwise change and shit? my friend had one of those when we were kids and my god i loved it so much, i was just fascinated. i think madzie definitely would love it, and raphael knows that she will, so he takes a whole day off for when he brings her this gift because he knows they will be playing all afternoon. and they do! she’s super excited about it and raphael as usual is all careful and teaching her how to do it properly without spilling and taking the measures appropriately and stuff. and it’s super sweet
initially they follow the recipes and raphael’s autistic ass is just delighted to do that, but madzie quickly starts doing some #improv, and again, because she is a genius, she quickly starts to figure out what each substance does. so she’s texting theories, trying out experimenting, seeing if she’s right, trying to asses her work? you know? basically literally a mini scientist using the scientific method and stuff and raphael is so proud of her and in awe of how smart she is and he tells her that she’s the smartest kid he’s ever met and kisses her forehead and she giggles and is just super excited?? 
also sometimes she asks raphael what he thinks and he’s just like “uhhh” because he has no idea lmao he’s just happy to see her do her thing and help her with the practical parts. and she giggles at him and she’s lowkey outraged but again, she’s just sweet and he loves her
i also 100% think it was madzie who figured out a potion to make raphael able to eat (oh look what is this fic that mentions that doing here) because FUCK mundane raphael all my homies hate mundane raphael, the heavenly fire made him a daylighter. and she could see how sad raphael was that he didn’t get to eat at all, especially because he clearly loved food and he always had this sort of longing when they were cooking together, you know? it also made her sad that he couldn’t try her cooking, and he was always telling her that to cook, you need to always taste what you’re making, and once she says “but you can’t do that” and he looked so sad she immediately felt bad about it, even if obviously it isn’t her fault
anyway my point is she knows how much this means for raphael and she wants him to be able to eat human food again, both for him and for herself. so she spends a long time studying vampire anatomy/digestive system, food properties, and magic, and she eventually figures out a potion that he can take before a meal that makes him able to eat. it goes slowly, initially he can only drink, but eventually she does figure out a way to make him eat anything and he just cries like a baby tbh. she is worried for a second but then he takes her in his arms and hugs her fiercely and peppers kisses on her face and says that this is one of the best things anyone’s ever done for him and that he’ll “forever be in her debt” or something that makes her laugh because raphael doesn’t owe her anything, he’s her brother. and he tears up all over again
of course that takes some years but they’re immortal so who cares. and catarina is SO proud of her little genius for that, too. raphael and maia include the potion as courtesy for any vampire who orders food at taki’s and share the recipe and it’s just a small revolution in the vampire world and madzie is already making history like hot damn. GENIUS MADZIE OKAY
but of course first and foremost she is a kid and deserves to be a kid, i just love her being naturally curious and interesting in researching and learning and stuff. but of course they also play a lot, and keep trying to out-cheat each other as she has magic and he has super abilities and the game becomes more seeing who can cheat the most and get away with it than anything else lol. and it’s its own brand of fun
also, raphael keeps trying to get madzie to eat healthy but the second he averts his eyes she’s like “abrakadabra this is now ice cream” and he’s SO frustrated. absolutely nothing can stop her from doing it. “if you eat these carrots i’ll buy you ice cream later”. guess what she can just turn it into ice cream now. your tactics are meaningless
also madzie playing dressing up! and she wants to be Stylish like her mom and her big bro and her uncle magnus but of course she’s a kid so her sense of style is essentially book magnus lmao but raphael 100% indulges her in all her endeavours and helps her make her outrageous outfits and shit. she likes colorful stuff as we’ve seen and he paints her nails and stuff. sometimes she makes herself mini suits mimicking or straight up matching raphael’s and raphael thinks it’s the cutest thing. especially when she like, imitates his blazer but keeps wearing a boa as well or something. aioudjsauihda i love kids and fashion can you tell
and she sometimes picks out clothes for him and guess what? raphael 100% wears them because it’s madzie and he is s o f t for her
and singing!!! and DANCING!!! there is no way raphael can’t dance no matter how hard he tries to pretend otherwise, and between him, dot, and magnus, madzie just loves to dance and becomes a great dancer in no time. raphael loves twirling her around. also him teaching her the jarabe tapatío you can’t tell me that she wouldn’t be all over that shit. the playing with the dress, the bright colors, dancing around the sombrero.... bitch she would love it. and they have so much fun doing their little improvised version of that and she claps and he has his hands behind his back and has the greatest smile on his face and she’s having so much fun
also raphael loves reading for her!!!! and eventually when they move away from reading books with pictures she starts creating her own “holograms” to illustrate the stories with magic, and raphael is so proud of her!! she’s just immensively creative and makes such beautiful illustrations for the stories and as raphael reads she changes around the setting she’s creating and it’s so fun and they both like it so much?? and she eventually falls asleep on his lap and he tucks her in and kisses her forehead and 🥺🥺
she also likes to paint and idk why but i have a feeling that raphael fucking sucks at painting, so that’s funny and he smiles and says that she has so much more talent than him... 
and every time they are together raphael has the hugest smile on, it just doesn’t leave his face for a second. especially when they are playing outside in the sun and he just so fucking happy and basking in the warmth and playing with her, you know? and as madzie grows older, talking and just chilling together as well? you know? he just loves her so much and his cheeks almost hurt by the end and just aaaaaaaaa they are the sibling dynamic we DESERVE and DEMAND 
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moonlit-imagines · 5 years
Headcanons for being a Wheeler Sister
Wheeler’s x sister!reader
a/n: i just have a lot of ideas abt characters finn wolfhard plays dont @ me
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you were two years older than mike, one year younger than nancy
you like, rarely got along with mike
but at the same time, you were always by his side
“move your legs so i can sit on the couch”
“sit on the la-z-boy”
“are you kidding me, mike? that’s dad’s seat!”
“well, then, sit on the floor with holly”
the bickering was nonstop
it wasn’t any better with nancy
“y/n, did you take my sweater?”
“for the hundredth time, nance, no, i did not. your sweaters are not my style.”
nancy digging around your room anyways
“check mike’s room, you know how he is”
accidentally finding eleven
“uh, hey mike, can i talk to you for a second?” *pulls mike by the arm* “who the hell is that in our basement?!”
helping him with el as much as you could
what? of course you thought of the repercussions
but hawkins was getting boring and this was the most exciting thing of the decade
kind of loving and despising his friends at the same time
the kind of “don’t talk to me or i’ll throw a rock at you” hate but “hey do you guys want a slice of the pizza i brought home” love
mike and nancy teasing you about every single guy that even looked in your direction
as soon as you realized the severity of hiding eleven, it was too late
too far in
but now it was up to you to protect your brother
and his friends
seriously the monsters were hideous
he was gonna be scarred
he had nightmares a lot after the middle school fiasco
you know, where you guys watched like, ten people die and a giant faceless monster attack
you and him took turns sleeping in each other’s rooms for a while
one day the nightmares just stopped
but every once in a while he’d come knocking on your door and just coming in so that he didn’t have to face his dreams alone
being closer with his friends and your family
going to your mom for advice
babysitting holly
comforting mike when he misses el
teasing nancy about steve
seeing right through your sister
you knew she didn’t love him
talking to her about jonathan
“i do not have a crush on him!”
“oh, sure you don’t”
round two of goblin creature hell
“mike, stop being a dick to the new girl”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, i’m just making sure she doesn’t find out about eleven”
the boys running and screaming like little girls as they swarmed towards you
steve and the kids team up had you freaked out
“so, y/n, has nancy mentioned anything to you about me recently? do you know where she is?”
almost feeling bad for him
protecting the kids
“i need to be with my brother!”
trip to the byers home while the rest of the kids investigated
hysterically chatting with joyce about what had been going on recently
helping joyce around the house so she could focus on will
going to save hopper wheeler x byers x newby edition
will collapsing and what you could only deduce as seizing
“what the hell what the hell what the he—”
“y/n! shut up!”
going to the lab and watching the heartbreaking scene
at least will remembered your brother
going protective big sister mode when the power went out
“stay behind me, mikey”
grabbing a gun
“y/n, you don’t know how to use that!”
“i don’t tell you everything, little brother”
retreating to byers home base
chaotic last minute plans
el showing up
knowing exactly how mike felt in that moment
excitement, fear, anger, happiness
you tried to calm him down at first, but hopper pulled him aside
then he had you go into the room
“mike, hey, come here. you gotta understand why hopper did it, okay? he was trying to keep you and everybody safe. eleven was in trouble and she still is, she was safest hidden. but here she is now, and i know your hurting and your heart is broken, but you’re a badass kid, mike. you’re gonna get better.”
he cried on your shoulder and you rocked him back and forth
he gained his composure and ran back out to properly reunite with eleven
shortly after all of this, mike and eleven started dating
you were so proud
he went to you for relationship advice
you were always getting teased for your relationship too, but hey, you were going strong with your boo
him getting a little overly attached to her
“give her some space, baby bro”
girls day mall trip with max and el
mike was piiiissed at you
“y/n, how could you let this happen! you know the rules better than any of us”
giving up on mike’s love life
supporting nancy’s career goals, but trying to be realistic
“nance, it’s not the end of the world if your don’t become a newspaper writer by seventeen”
“i just need a story to blow them all away!”
your s/o getting caught up in some strange things
full girl’s team up to figure out what the hell is going on
el venting about mike
max and you cracking jokes about your brother
“i love mike and all, but he’s just clueless”
mike’s baffling rant and confession leaving him red in the face
you pulled him aside for a mini pep talk
“don’t worry, mikey, you’re not pathetic or anything for loving her. you’ve been with her for a long time and just because everyone else gave you a weird look about it doesn’t mean you should be ashamed about it. just work on not being a dick to her.”
nancy seeing a few cuts and bruises on your face and arms
“y/n, what the hell happened?”
“billy’s flayed.”
not hesitating to chase after the flesh monster that was about to kill your sister
mall trip 2.0
holding your breath while your siblings were in danger and you couldn’t help
crying and tacking them in hugs when it’s all over
of course you loved them, even if they were the most impossible people to live with
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agzeret · 4 years
Random thought
(Cuz sleep is for weak)
If we take the "dark" sides, they kinda have ( in my opinion) the typical 3-siblings energy.
My snake boi, is the eldest.(age wise: high schooler) The one that has to babysit his younger siblings (for free!) and even though he is really tired, annoyed and done with their bullshit, he can't just smack them cuz parents wouldn't be happy about that.
He won't let Virgil and especially Remus into his room.
Since he can't use violence, he likes to mess with them by lying about things they are too young to understand and uses a little bit of manipulation, so he can have some alone time.(or avoid doing chores)
The middle child. (Somphmore year?)
Being ignored by their parents because they are too busy trying to survive Janus' rebel "phase" and Remus' inability to be left alone.
He spends his time locked in his room listening to emo bands (so loud Janus has to yell at him to turn it down).
He is the least problematic ( even though he's going through his rebellious emo "phase"), because he's always less chaotic than Jan and Remus.
Middle school
the annoying youngest sibling. Too loud, too annoying... just too much.
Isn't allowed to anyone's room ( which doesn't stop him), gets the pleasure of seeing his older brothers suffer when they have to take care of him instead of doing literally anything else.
Just discovered the most disturbing side (and NSFW) of life.
Too young ( and too Remus) to have any kind of filter -> always embarrasses family members in front of their peers, friends, co-workers or just random people on the street.
Always gets what he wants. Even though he's acting like demon of chaos most of the time, he still has the ability to act like an innocent angel to stay out if trouble.
He can hit his siblings knows that if they try to defend themselves, he can get them in trouble, like the little piece of shit he is.
Janus and Virgil have to team up to get revenge
And lastly my favorite thing about siblings: Janus can mess with them, Virgil can say he hates them and Remus can make their lives hell, but NO ONE else is allowed to. Janus will make sure his bros are okay and If they aren't he takes care of the one who caused it. Virgil will defend them even If he hates confrontational and Remus will look up to them and help them... even if it's in his own weird way.
I wrote this based on my personal experiences (and few stereotypes you always see in movies/ TV shows). Did I try to avoid listing specific years of high school etc.? Yes, because they are confusing and it's 2 AM
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The Brothers Three Masterlist
Might as well do this, makes it easy to establish stuff and sort things out.
Dad Might ft. Big Bros Baku, Deku, & Todo
(Putting these under the cut because this list is getting long)
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Fluff - 💕
Angst - 💔
Spicy - 🙊
Not so Safe for the Workplace - 💦
Dark Themes - 🖤
Death - 💀
Spoilers - ⭐
Not all headcanons are marked (there is a lot of them)
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Who are the Brother’s Three Family Unit?: A unit that consists of the familial/platonic relations of Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Shouto Todoroki, and Mochi with Yagi Toshinori acting as a father.
Who is Mochi?: They’re the reader from this series.
Who is Tenshi?: They’re the Villain AU equivalent to Mochi.
Who is Mitsu?: They’re the All Smite AU equivalent to the former two.
Who is Kiyoi?: They’re the Overhaul AU equivalent to Mitsu
Are they different people?: No, Mochi, Tenshi, Mitsu, and Kiyoi are the same person, just in different universes/circumstances.
What are Nonnies?: Nickname for “Anonymous”, character based on the Anon icon here on Tumblr.
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Chapters / Main Writing:
Full Tag
Bentō - Part One [💔💕]
Ikari - Part Two [💔💕]
Kizukareru - Part Three [💕]
Akogare - Part Four [💕]
Uchi - Part Five (Mochi’s Dorm Design) [💔💕]
Wakai - Part Six (in progress)
Part Seven (in planning stages)
Side Stories:
Full Tag
Drabble: Toga stealing Mochi’s first kiss [💔]
Drabble: Older Sib protecting Lil’ Bros against Villains + art [💕]
Drabble: “I scraped my knee falling for you.” w/ Hitoshi [💕]
Drabble: Dad Might is sick and Sibs are taking care of him [💕]
Moments of Tenderness (Villain AU) [💔💕]
Incorrect Quotes
Drabble: Deaging Quirk, Toddler! Tenshi (Villain AU) [💕]
C̲u̖̰t͕̹̯̗e̪̩?͎̘̪͎̺ (Villain AU) [🖤]
Incorrect Quotes P. 2
Make A Move (About Todoroki’s S/O - Reader Insert) [💕]
Unforgettable (About Bakugo’s S/O - Reader Insert) [💕]
Smoke (About All Might’s S/O - Reader Insert) [💕]
Someone You Like (About Midoriya’s S/O - Reader Insert) [💕]
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Headcanons / Talking:
Full Tag
With Mitsuki, Inko, and Rei HCs
The Bakusquad Reaction HCs
The Dekusquad Reaction HCs
Endeavor’s Reaction [💔]
Fem Mochi & Mother Bonding HCs
HCs submitted by fluffymarshmellowcat
1-A vs Mirio & Internships HCs
Toga and Dabi Reaction HCs
Potential Love Interests and Approval Ratings HCs
Himiko Romantic Compatibility HC
Yagi Actually Adopting Mochi HC
Tamaki sees Mochi as a Bunny/Flower HCs
Mochi and Eri’s bond HC
Hugging Monoma and Tamaki + Bakugo HCs
Little Brothers Three & Big Sib Mochi HCs
Inasa’s confusion
Sleepover HCs
Flinching at Touch HCs [💔]
Interning with Gang Orca HC
Quirk Talk
About Mochi using their quirk against their parents [🖤]
Running away HCs [💔🖤]
Becoming a Pro Hero HCs
About meeting Dad Might and Izuku HCs
Where they start viewing Mochi as a sibling HCs
Finding out about intern offers HCs
Gang Orca talking to Katsu and Shou about Mochi
Favorite Foods are their brothers’ HCs
Piggy back rides HCs
How Katsuki feels about Mochi befriending intimidating people
Playing in the snow for the first time HCs
Hawks and Nicknames + Giving the TBT fam a heart attack HCs
Gang Orca’s Nicknames HCs
Clothes HCs
Holidays HCs
Guilt Ridden Mochi after Bakugo’s Kidnapping HC [💔]
Shinsou helping Mochi after punching them during training
Katsuki being questioned about Mochi by LOV
Monoma not knowing how to function around Mochi HC
Fatgum witnesses Tamaki being soft with Mochi HC
Where is Mochi when Izuku fights Muscular
Mitsuki treating Mochi’s Wounds [💔🖤]
More Headcanons
Movie watching with Bros HCs
Overhaul’s interest in them and where it stems from [🖤]
Mochi’s Selfies with Brothers HCs
Younger Mochi and their Family
Quirk Talk Pt. 2
More Potential Love Interests
Flipped roles with younger lil’ bros three HCs
Hero Costume and Sleepy Sibling + art
Mochi gets turned into a Cat HCs + art
Villain AU drawing + Bone Quirk
Koala Clingy, Sleepy Sib HC + art
Mochi’s Cafe Job + art
Bone Quirk Talk - Milk + art
Bone Quirk Talk - Milk Pt. 2 + art
Comic: Provisional Licensing Exams Aftermath [💕]
More Cat! Mochi HCs + art
Bone Quirk Mochi dressed as Sans + art
Bone Quirk Mochi + Suitors Reactions to Milk Hoarding + art
Chased through store by Katsuki HC
Surprise Birthday Party HC
Onesies HCs
Brothers’ Cis Swap HCs + art
Denki memeing and the Siblings are just...?? + art
Mochi with Hoarding Habit HC [💔🖤]
Hitoshi and Mochi at a cat cafe
Mirio and Mochi goofing around
Festival and spending time with everyone
If everyone but Mochi’s brother forgot about them HCs [💔]
Sleepy Mochi nods off like a kitty
Suitors react to Mochi falling asleep on their shoulder
Everyone’s memories are returned but it makes Mochi scared to feel happy again [💔]
Beach Time!! + art
Shopping with Momo! + art
Aftermath of getting their memories back + art [💔]
Mochi trying to spook people on Halloween
Mochi loses their memories [💔]
Bone Quirk Mochi + Training with Kiri and Tetsu
Quirk Talk Pt. 3
Mochi has their wisdom teeth removed HCs
Tamaki and Mochi go butterfly viewing
Dorm Room Blabs
Mochi and Plushies
Tsuyu and Mochi at the beach
Mei and improving Mochi’s Costume
Ochako and Mochi at a Thrift Shop
Toga and taking out Mochi’s stalkers
Bone Quirk Mochi + attracting cats + where their dorm is
Mochi’s Protective Cat
Katsuki and Mochi playing video games
Stain and All for One’s opinion of Mochi
Mochi's Outfits
Plushy Closet blabs
Nightmares and sleeping in one another’s dorms [🖤]
Mochi and Flirting
Mochi’s parents being Quirkless HC
Mochi working out with Eijiro and Tetsutetsu
Fuyumi and Natsuo Reaction HCs
Toddler Mochi and Baby Pictures
Mochi having coffee for the first time
Quirk Talk Pt. 4
The Siblings + Tomi the Cat unwinding
Mochi’s reaction to having fans
Mochi’s Fans and shipping wars
Brothers Three get aged down and how it’s handled
Mochi playing the Sims
What if Mochi suddenly disappeared for a month and returned with no memories of said month? [💔]
Interning with Gang Orca Pt. 2
Mochi about Steven Universe and Adventure Time
Pro Hero Mochi and Thirsty Fans [🙊]
TBT Fam & LOV react to Mochi and Tenshi [💔]
Internship Blabs [⭐]
Halloween with Katsuki
Mochi and Harajuku Fashion
Gang Orca takes Mochi to the aquarium
Mochi and playing sports
How Mochi and Tenshi feel about one another
Brothers Three react to Mochi getting very hurt [💔🖤]
Admirers finding out Mochi’s secret talent
Why Kiri wasn’t chosen as an admirer
TBT Family unit with a clumsy sibling
Mochi being exposed to intercourse and Fam+Friends reaction [🙊]
Shindo and Camie’s first meetings with Mochi
How Mochi met Miruko
Mochi’s Sponsors
No place to sit so Mochi has to sit on someone’s lap
Mochi on non-quirk based combat
Admirers’ reaction to Mochi saying they’ll marry them
Mochi having 0 self-preservation jumping in to save someone
Hawks influencing Mochi and the Fam’s reactions
Neito, Hitoshi & Momo cosplaying with Mochi
Mochi on bullying
Other members of Mochi’s family trying to get them back [🖤]
Brothers and Mochi on sour things
The Brothers on Mochi being almost fatally injured
Admirers’ reaction to Mochi asking them out on a date
Mochi’s Fans Ship Ranking
“Mochi is like kittens, puppies, and bunnies”
Tamaki, Tsuyu, Mei, Mirio & Ochako cosplaying with Mochi
On Mochi’s scars and changing in locker rooms [💔🖤]
Mochi on spicy foods
Admirers’ + Brothers’ reaction to the trip & kiss trope
Mochi’s room while living with Yagi
On Mochi becoming a crackhead b/c of Denki
Mochi on baking for everyone
Admirers’ perfect dates with Mochi
Friends that support HiMochi
Pranking differences with Mochi and Tenshi
Admirers’, PDA, and different kisses
Admirers’ reactions to Mochi getting severely hurt
What is Mochi doing during the School Festival Arc?
Mochi in a big shirt and knee highs + art
Mochi on bringing home a baby Nomu
Hero & Tenshi: movie/meme references during fights
Admirers’ reaction to being suddenly kissed by Mochi
Older! Mochi babysitting Lil’ Bros
TBT Family Unit reacting to Mochi with constant stomach aches
Mochi kabedon-ing Admirers’ + Brothers’ reactions
Mochi on having so many plushes
Sir Nighteye meeting Mochi
TBT get turned into animals and Mochi takes care of them
Mochi Meme Comic that Dari took forever to draw
TBT when they can’t find Mochi buried under their plushes
Mochi on clinging to their admirers
Hitoshi & Tamaki reacting to Mochi in one of their shirts
Mochi on jewelry making
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Tenshi / Villain Mochi AU:
Full Villain AU Tag
How Mochi became Tenshi AU HC
Tenshi at USJ
Tenshi during Bakugo’s Rescue
Villain AU with the Vanguard Action Squad
Villain AU drawing + Bone Quirk
Tenshi and the LOV being their family
Tenshi during the Meta Liberation Army Arc [⭐]
Tenshi’s general personality
Tenshi, Toga, and Fashion
Chibi Tenshi
Tenshi about Hawks
Tenshi Wardrobe blabs
TBT Fam & LOV react to Mochi and Tenshi [💔]
Tenshi during the Shie Hassaikai Arc [💀🖤]
Tenshi’s Nightmares and who they seek for comfort [💔🖤💕]
How Mochi and Tenshi feel about one another
Tenshi’s Hobbies
LOV reacts to Tenshi swearing for the first time
LOV being protective of Tenshi
Tenshi first meeting AFO and Kurogiri
Bone Quirk Tenshi + Milk
LOV and stubbornly sick Tenshi [💔]
Tenshi remains polite [🖤]
On Dabi and Tenshi’s relationship
Himiko stealing school uniforms for Tenshi and herself
Tenshi’s Mask + art
Tenshi’s mask breaks, Mr. Compress gives them his
On Tenshi using one of Mr. Compress’s masks
Bakugo’s impressions on Tenshi during his capture [💔]
LOV on Tenshi being abducted and hurt [🖤💔]
Pranking differences with Mochi and Tenshi
Sleepy Tenshi + art
Mochi & Tenshi: movie/meme references during fights
Tenshi on getting captured and saved by Hawks [⭐💔💕]
Other AUs:
Mochi taken in by Overhaul + Mafia [🖤💔]
Fantasy and Mafia Mochi HCs [🖤]
Traitor Izuku AU & Tenshi first general HCs [💕]
Fake Quirk AU - Mochi & Tenshi [💔💕]
Fusion AU: Mochi’s fusions with TBT [💕💔]
Quirkless AU: Tenshi, the LOV, and the Purge [🖤]
TBT + Mochi being transferred to an AU
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soniana252 · 4 years
I've seen more than one person comment on how they would've liked Bitzer to join in Shaun and Lu-la early in the movie so we could see more 'dog and sheep dads babysitting baby alien' shenanigans and though I agree it would've been nice to see, I wanted to give my two cents on the matter:
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So let's start with what I believe are the roles of each character in this dynamic: Bitzer's the authority figure(could be considered either like a parent or the oldest brother in a way), he puts the rules and as a sheepdog he has been the one in charge of taking care of the flock since young. Shaun has been, if put in family perspective, the equivalent of the younger brother for a long time now, and thus with less responsibilities on his back slowing down his reckless side; that's it until Lu-la came and took that role, upgrading Shaun to middle sibling.
Now, respecting him as one or not, Bitzer is and always has been in a position of authority in the farm, and though more than once he had either allowed Shaun to be the leader or be at his side when there was an emergency to take care of, most of the time he tries to do things himself when it's a really delicate matter. To give an example of that we got the runaway caravan in the first movie, where he didn't allow the flock to go to the big city(not only cause he was angry but also because it was too dangerous), or the scene in the spaceship where touching random buttons just didn't look like a good solution while being in the middle of space. In that scene specifically, a certain scenario that most people with sibling may find familiar happens: Bitzer gets frustrated because he feels Shaun's getting in the way, and Shaun's upset because he just wants to help and isn't allowed to. The different methods they had made Shaun be pushed down to the young brother without a say again, next to Lu-la.
If Bitzer was there since the beginning, something along those lines would've happened earlier. Bitzer would've taken the role of responsible adult, with rules settled and such which we don't know how it would've affected Lu-la(I have a hc about that but again, that's a personal interpretation), tho we can guess that Bitzer's presence there would've, in a way, make Shaun less responsible for the well being of Lu-la. Yes, he would still look out for her and shenanigans with those three would've insued, but it's just not the same to take care of a child when there's the equivalent of an adult in the room.
Picture it this way: Imagine that you're with both your older and little brother. You and your lil bro are both doing your thing, and you don't really pay attention to what the kid is doing because there's already someone else(your big bro)doing that, and maybe the max you do is maybe tell them if the kid does something he shouldn't be doing. Since someone else has it, the responsibility isn't entirely yours, so  unless you're considered to have just as much authority as the older sibling, you're right now nearly in the same position of being the one taken care of, like your young sibling.
It changes when all of sudden you're told to look for him while the adult gone. You now have to watch out for someone else, ut's your fault if something happens and so now all your focus is on the child and what they do. This is the case with Shaun, he's assigned by his own common sense to take care of Lu-la as soon as he notices she's not aware of the dangers in that planet, and discovering she's a child only settles that role more for him.
Now, contrary to Bitzer, Shaun had never really had to take full responsibility over someone's else well being until Farmageddon. Neither Timmy or the flock count because a)the flock are older than him so it's different b) Timmy's mom was always around even when he was babysitting, thus the responsibility didn't fall on him 100%. What's different with Lu-la? That she's alone there, away from home and her parents, and she's reckless, way more than Shaun and as a child she needs supervition. Shaun knows this, and as irresponsible as he can be sometimes he still mature enough to be aware of how heavy the situation is, so he's forced to take in the role of the responsible one for once.
This is where he goes from the young brother without responsibilities to sudden older brother with someone who to protect and take care of. Lu-la is the kind of kid who can't stay still, touches everything and ignores rules even when they are given for a reason, so Shaun basically find himself in Bitzer's position at dealing with someone even more reckless than him. Bitzer and Shaun's scenario in the spaceship repeats with thse two, this time being Shaun the one getting frustrated over someone not understanding what a simple 'don't do that' is. But even with that, they still get along just fine and go as a team, and the same happens with Shaun and Bitzer.
So basically, would I've liked to see more of these three together? Of course, hope to see more of them in the future actually. Do I believe that Bitzer absence was needed to allow Shaun to take in the role of older brother and understand just what kind of thing his friend has to go through? Also yes, and I'm happy that we got to see him learning a bit from that.
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b-rainlet · 5 years
Totally Crazy AU Idea feat. Time Travel Shenanigans
TUA AU where they prevent the apocalypse by tinkering around in the past and then come back to the Future
BUT of course it’s not that easy because they come back to the Future….changed
Last time Five time travelled and ended up in his 13 year old body with a 58 year old consciousness
This time around it’s worse
Everyone - except Diego - has just gone completely wild. Different ages everywhere.
And not only are they stuck being a younger/older version of themselves, their minds actually adapted to that change
Highlights include (going from oldest to youngest):
A 70? 80? Old Five, who spends most of his time sitting in a chair by the window and sleeping
The only person who could potentially know how to fix this mess fucking. sleeping. the whole day
Diego tries to talk to him in the rare moments when Five’s awake but there’s nothing even remotely useful coming out of his mouth
“Five, I need you to help me change you back to your old bodies.” - “Is there going to be cake? I like cake. My wife used to back a delicious cherry pie...I wonder where she is…..” - “Five you’ve never been married.” - “You remind me of my youngest son….He is an architect. He never visits, that ungrateful idiot. But you’ll visit me, right?” - “....Sure I’ll visit you.”
It’s a fucking nightmare and that’s not even counting the awful times Diego had to give Five a bath
(He tried to ignore that but at some point the smell just got bad. Diego hopes that as soon as Five changes back he’s gonna be on his knees, praising Diego’s kindness)
(He also hopes they never ever talk about this)
Sometimes Five will get up and walk around the house looking for Delores and Diego actually found him napping on the floor in the attic
Most of the time he sleeps though and Diego is quite grateful for that because he’s actually the least of his problems
There’s also 17 year old Vanya being in her rebellious phase, going out to party and cracking the music just that teeny bit higher when Diego tells her it’s too loud
“Is that a hickey?! Who did this?” - “I dunno.” - “You don’t remember???” - “There were multiple people.” - “Multiple People?!”
The cliche “You’re not my real Dad!” but it’s mostly “As your big brother…” - “You’re not my brother! We’re just adopted siblings!”
Vanya - as the only one old enough to have any kind of responsibility in this situation - just not giving a fuck about the age problem
“We need to come up with a plan!” - “I don’t give a fu-” - “Language! Think of the fucking children!”
Also emo Vanya and Diego tries to explain how all of this happened and that he believes that maybe the commission knows how to help
“Wait I destroyed the world?”  “...Yes.” - “Good.”
He doesn’t elaborate how she destroyed the world though but with the current rage she’s constantly carrying around with her…..she really doesn’t need to use her powers
Also: Diego still having to do his whole vigilante gig and Vanya not really feeling the whole Babysitting thing
“That’s your baby brother!” - “I didn’t choose to have one though.” “I fucking didn’t choose this either Vanya, are you fucking kidding me-”
Catch Vanya coming down to - slightly burned - breakfast in black eyeliner and leather pants, wearing Reggie’s monocle even though she can’t see shit with it
“Aren’t you supposed to practise the violin?” - “Aren’t you supposed to grow up and get an actual job?”
Diego doing some good old depression drinking when it’s all getting too much and Vanya just swooping in to drink with him
“This is all getting wayyy over my head, I have no idea what to do.” - “Uh-huh.” - “That’s why you need to help a bit more…-wait, are you drinking Vodka? You’re underage!” - “Don’t derail the conversation now, big bro. We were just making progress!”
There’s at least one instance where Diego says. “Young Lady!” in a really stern voice and then immediately has Reginald’s face flashing in front of his eyes and a impromptu crisis about becoming like him
13 year old Luther who is obsessed with becoming a vet and starts a secret animal shelter in the house that’s not at all secret
“Luther, why’s your jacket moving?” - “I...don’t know?”
“Luther, did your backpack just bark?” - “Nooooo, I-uh, I sneezed.”
(He’s a really bad liar)
Diego frequently stumbles over animals just, fucking, laying in the middle of the hallway
He once nearly stepped on a tortoise
He did step on a caterpillar
Luther’s still looking for it
One time, Luther managed to smuggle a pinguin into the academy
A real life pinguin
Out of the zoo
(Diego is convinced Vanya helped Luther just to fuck with him)
He’s also obsessed with space and convinced that he’s gonna develop the ability to fly next to his super strength
They’ve been in the ER for several hours because Klaus convinced Luther that maybe he could trigger his ‘second super power’ by jumping of the shed
(It didn’t work)
“Who on earth would jump down the shed without at least something soft to land on? Have you ever heard of safety regulations?” - “I had a parachute in case things went wrong!” - “You had an umbrella. It had holes.”
Luther slips up once and calls Diego ‘Dad’ and then panics so hard he forgets to breathe
He nearly faints and Vanya laughing at the whole situation really doesn’t make things better
“You do realize that I am not your Father, right? I’m your big brother.” - “Yeah, of course, sure, youß My Dad? Ridiculous, I’m gonna head to my room now, bye Dad-Diego! Diego! Not Dad!”
At least Luther is kinda a normal kid, not at all like Klaus
10 year old Klaus who still can see ghosts and is fucking terrified of them
They’re everywhere
And Diego honestly has no idea what to do with him or how to help
Klaus is afraid that the ghosts will hurt him when he doesn’t watch them constantly, so he tries not to sleep
By 6 pm, Klaus has already downed three coffees and several cheap energy drinks
Diego tried to limit his supply by taking away his stash under the bed but that only made Klaus more creative with his hiding spots
They’re behind the bookshelf in the living room, in the dusty cookie jar in the kitchen, under a loose floor panel under the table, under Diego’s bed, hidden in the ventilation system…..
Soon as Diego finds one spot, Klaus has another one at the ready
“Maybe they won’t spook you anymore if you just..stand up to them.” - “How?” - “Just, you know, scream at them. Go all out, scream ‘Go away’ at the top of your lungs, show them you’re the one in charge.”
But Klaus is too shy for that
He has braces and due to that, he has a slight lisp
He doesn’t really like talking
He does like making trouble with his brother though when the ghosts aren’t as close
They once stuck a magnet to Klaus braces and then couldn’t get it off again
Diego’s second visit in the ER
Klaus managed to somehow rip out part of it and the wires got stuck in his cheek and slashed it open
Third Visit
There was also that brief stint where Vanya pierced Klaus’ ear. Herself. Because Diego really is the only responsible person around here
Fourth Visit
‘That’s a lot of work!’ you say? Apparently the universe thinks it’s not enough because there are still the two youngest left! Please someone save Diego from this suffering, he never wanted to be a single Dad
There is sweet and cute 5 year old Allison…..
…..who is a brat when she doesn’t get her way
“I want ice cream.” - “All shops are closed now, you should’ve said something sooner.” - “I want ice cream!” - “Well you’re not getting any. And that’s ‘please’ and ‘I would like some ice cream’ not ‘I want ice cream’.” - “I. Want. ICE CREAM.”
Cue a screaming fit, complete with throwing herself down and banging her little fists against the floor
And occasionally looking up to see whether Diego is still watching all the hard work Allison is putting into this. He gets why she’s an actress now
(He may have ended up buying her some goddamn ice cream at the overpriced petrol station one town over. She nibbled at it and the gave it back to him because she ‘wasn’t hungry’)
Diego’s gonna fucking lose it if he has to do this any longer
But she can also be really sweet, playing calmy with her dolls or drawing him pictures
“Look!” - “Oh wow! You drew a….an elephant! Beautiful!” - “That’s not an elephant silly, that’s you!” - “Oh. Of course. How could I not see that?”
He may have cried a little when she gave him a picture of their family, sorted from oldest to youngest, all of them holding hands
”Why am I wearing a cape?” - “Because you’re our hero.”
It’s a good thing that Allison never uses her powers in arguments - the only thing Diego is glad Reginald drilled into her at a young age already - but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t use it at all
She uses it, alright
“Allison, for the love of god, stop constantly changing your hair colour. I like your hair just as it is.”
“Allison! Stop making the cat fly! And Luther, stop letting stray cats inside the house!”
“Allison! Stop turning your Oatmeal into chocolate! No, you can’t turn Klaus’ Oatmeal into chocolate either! Don’t turn anyone’s Oatmeal into chocolate!”
“Allison, stop turning yourself invisible when you’re playing tag. You know it freaks Luther out and you don’t wanna make him cry again, do you?”
But the greatest challenge of them all may be Ben
(It’s definitely Ben)
See, taking care of a Baby is already hard enough when it’s just a Baby, but a Baby with literal tentacles coming out of their body?
Ben is a quiet kid, let him sleep and - much like Five - he’ll spend his days like that
When he’s awake, play a bit with him, talk to him not at all in baby voices, Diego would never do that, no matter what Vanya claims to have seen
Try not to worry too much about the Tentacles that are constantly out (Is that normal? Were they constantly out the first time Ben had been a Baby? Should Diego like, try to stuff them back in? Would that be a good idea? Probably not)
Ben has killed people with them for fuck’s sake, but they mostly seem interested in wrapping themselves around Diego’s hand and holding on while Ben sucks on his pacifier
(The wiggly boys are kinda cute, in a weird, disturbing way)
Well, as long as they don’t-
“Luther! Get the cat before the tentacles get her! And stop letting stray cats in!”
There are only two rules concerning Ben and his...Bentacles:
Don’t scare or startle him
Diego found this out the hard way when he played peek-a-boo with Ben and was rewarded by having ink splashed into his face
Smelly Ink
Glowing Smelly Ink
Green Glowing Smelly Ink
(He spent two hours in the bathroom. In the meantime, Klaus nearly set the Kitchen on Fire and Vanya sneaked out despite being grounded to dramatically drive away with her girlfriend of the week)
So, don’t startle Ben if you don’t wanna be covered in gross stuff, noted
All is well
Then, Ben gets a cold
Which means he is more whiny than usual and barely sleeps, keeping Diego up all night
But cool, Diego could live with that
If it wouldn’t mean that Ben sneezes
A lot
And the Bentacles sneeze too
The walls of Ben’s room are soaking in ink, it’s dripping from the fucking ceiling and Diego can’t even leave because he’s afraid Ben’s gonna think he left him at the worst time of his life, but he also can’t take Ben into another room because he’d only ruin that one too…..
And Diego spending so much time with Baby Ben is making Allison jealous and Vanya hates being forced to stay around and watch over her little siblings because Diego has his hands full with the Bentacles and it only makes both of them more moody and snappy towards each other…….
It’s a long week for everyone involved
Rule Number Two, maybe the most important one:
Never. Ever. Take his Blankie
And he means never
(Thank fuck that he had pushed Allison out of the way, he still has a massive bruise on his shoulder from being thrown against the cupboard)
Basically, give me this family drama movie about Diego somehow becoming a single Dad to super children
With guest appearances such as:
Eudora, who is actually never physically there
But Diego phones her all the time because he’s freaking out
She categorically refuses to go play happy family with him, there’s no way she’s gonna get involved with that….mess
“Dora, could you come over to-” - “No.”
“Patch, there’s an emergency I need to-” - “No.”
“Could you maybe watch over Ben? Just for an hour?” - “I don’t know how to handle kids. I’m an only child.” - “I met your two brothers??”
Diego phones her and gets send to voice message and it’s just Eudora saying “Whatever it is Diego, the answer is no.”
Diego also keeps calling her to ask her really ridiculous questions about children
“Hypothetically….a kid wouldn’t actually die from swallowing a bunch of buttons, right?” - “A bunch? How does that kinda accident happen?” - “....Maybe it wasn’t an accident…..”
“Do you think it’s okay to curse in front of Babies? They don’t actually understand you, right?” - “Diego, I swear to God, it’s three am. I will kick your ass.”
Grace, who is somehow conveniently malfunctioning right when Diego would need her the most and who just….forgot how to take care of children
And how to not endanger them
Diego catched her giving Klaus tips on how to properly light things up (“Because you wanna make a big fire, honey, don’t you?”)
She basically does what the kids ask her to without any kind of regulation
They had cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner for one week straight before Diego forbid her to cook and took over that task himself
(Now, stuff may be slightly burned but at least healthy)
She helped Luther when he hid from Diego because he refused to take a bath, lying to Diego’s face - to his face - that she had no idea where Luther could be
She actually disfigures her arm so the Bentacles can play with it (!)
She gave Allison scissors because she wanted to cut her hair (!!!)
And she uses swear words in the weirdest situations because someone - Diego suspects Luther or Klaus but it’s actually Vanya - keeps teaching them to her
“Mom, have you seen Allison?” - “I have no idea where that hoe is, Asshole.”
“Diego, sweetheart, would you hand me the fucking bowl?” - “The what?”
She also does breakdance with Klaus to pretty inappropriate music
“My neck, my back, lick my-” - “JOY TO THE WORLD, THE LORD HAS COME”
She also keeps malfunctioning further because she doesn’t seem to get the concept of liquids being bad for robots
(She plays tea party with Allison a lot. Pogo has to try and fix her after every time)
Speaking of Pogo
He’s not around a lot because he spends all his time going through Reginald’s documents to either find a way to fix Grace or find some clues about Time Travel Shenanigans
(Klaus also cries every time he sees her and Allison refuses to talk to him, so it’s better if he’s not around that much)
He spends a lot of time with Vanya though under the guise of helping him with his research
(She really just likes jamming out in the same room as him because he doesn’t mind how loud her music is and he doesn’t annoy her as much as the others)
When the appropriate amount of time has passed for all the weirdest scenarios to play out and them to grow closer as a family in-between visits to the ER and mental breakdowns on Diego’s part and just general chaos all around, with some super elements thrown in
Diego has a lead about how all of this is actually the commissions fault
(Because of course it is)
So I am begging you to imagine Diego, storming into the commission headquarters, in full on Vigilante Mode, with the appropriate amount of Leather on his body and a broody look on his face
Basically ready to kick some ass
With Baby Ben strapped to his chest, in one of those Baby Carriers
Babbling and giggling, clutching his Blankie while Diego takes out all his knives
And he fights the bad guys in badass showdowns but still manages to cover Ben’s ears when they throw insults at him because “There’s a kid present! Show some class!” - “Sorry.”
Also one of them (maybe the big bad?) dares to take away Ben’s Blankie (because of course) and Ben handing his ass to him without as much as blinking
Proud big bro baby talking Ben like “Who’s my little Tentacle Boy? You are! I’m so proud of my murderous baby bro, yes I am!”
While all of that goes down, the others are told to wait in the car
Well, Vanya, Luther and Allison are supposed to wait in the car
Klaus got the huge responsibility of staying home and watching over Five because he’s in no state to be near any dangerous situations, not with his lack of sleep and his jumpiness
(Vanya, Luther and Allison were also supposed to stay at home, but both Luther and Allison refused to let Diego go alone - full on flinging themselves around his legs - and Vanya was already sitting in the car when the other three got there, not even saying anything)
But Diego is stubborn so he doesn’t let them go in with him (he has this whole speech about how Ben needs to be there because it’s the only place where Diego can properly protect him... but Diego is just really soft for Ben and doesn’t want to possibly lose sight of him)
Ben may possibly be Diego’s fave but don’t tell the others
Anyway, Vanya, Luther and Allison don’t make it more than three minutes before leaving the car
If asked, accusations would go wild, everyone blaming someone else, but fact is, Luther got out of the car first
(He saw a kitty)
Allison then got out of the car because Luthe got out and what he can do, she can do double
Vanya is the teenager stereotype who doesn’t even notice that they go because she’s listening to music on her walkman like an emo and trying to scope out the place as best as she can from her position
And then turns back to the others after a while
“Do you think everything’s alright back t-SHIT!”
So, they end up going to a whole other section of the evil headquarters and kick ass there
First Luther and Allison kick ass together, deciding to go find Diego if they’re already out of the car anyway
Followed by Vanya, who still believes she’s powerless and takes out guards sneaky style, hitting them over the head with a desk lamp or whatever else she can find
Luther and Allison are cornered by the bad guys and they don’t care whether they hurt children or not and it seems like L and A have lost
The guards are closing in and Luther positions himself in front of his sister to at least try and protect her while Allison hides behind him and both of them are crying…..
They close their eyes…..
And then there’s a loud clash and screaming and the sound of bodies hitting the floor and when they look up again there’s Vanya standing in the middle of the room, eyes white, guards laying dead to her feet
She doesn’t stay WV though, she comes back to herself to rush over to her siblings and check whether they are okay
Cue a short cuddle pile
“You have powers! Awesome!” - “Yeah, I….I guess so.”
Somehow, they reunite with Diego and manage to threaten the Handler enough she rights time, making them grown ups again and promising Five and Klaus are adults again too and that Grace should be functioning now
(Let’s just pretend she can do that and we can trust her for the sake of this AU. The important part is the whole de-aging anyway)
So, they come back home, slightly bruised but mostly okay and Vanya and Diego definitely have a heart to heart in the car about her powers while Allison, Luther and Ben are asleep in the backseat (a leftover gift from being children in stress situations)
“Thanks Diego. For all that you did.” - “I was a terrible surrogate Dad though.” - “You were a thousand times better than our real Father.”
Bonus: They come back home and just find Klaus and Five sleeping on the floor, looking like they’ve been through the apocalypse all over
Because watching over Five was supposed to be easy and even boring
But with Five sleeping - as usual - and Grace shutdown for the night already (and Pogo locked in his studies to figure out a solution) there’s nothing standing between Klaus and the ghosts
So Klaus mixes himself a drink containing three different Energy Drinks and a bunch of sugar
And sets it on the table to down it as soon as he’s peed
He comes back, prepared to drink that stuff and not think to hard about the taste
But the Glass is empty
And Five’s gone
Five + accidentally drinking something strong enough to kill someone? A disaster
He’s on the loose
And he somehow thinks someone has abducted Delores?
Klaus has to spend the rest of his night chasing Five, who keeps glitching around the house like a maniac, yelling and rambling and…..fighting the air? With a sword?
Where the F did he get a sword???
And it’s impossible to get Five to sit down - or at least get off the table
He’s so high on sugar he is vibrating
(Klaus is fearing for his life)
And then there’s also the fucking ghosts, who keep lurking in the shadows and reaching out for him, moaning and cursing his name…..
But Klaus doesn’t have time for this right now and he is fed up of having his life controlled by a bunch of dead people
He wants to be able to sleep again
He wants his life again
So he thinks of Diego, of his advice, and he takes a deep breath and just screams at them
And it actually works
The ghosts recoil, shocked when Klaus doesn’t cower before them like usual
And they disappear
Just….disappear in a dust of smoke
And then he’s an adult again
And Five - who took the time to strip to his boxers and use lipstick like war paint - is too
Klaus rides out Five’s sugar high as best as he can, sighing in relief when he finally falls asleep, crashing down on top of him and taking a nap with him right there, on the living room floor
Where the others find them
That’s all I got tbh, but it’s already a lot askjkaj
Bls Hollywood, make it happen
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himboratking · 4 years
For the character game, G, or if you don't have, then I :)
Don't have much Gs I think but doesn't mean I don't have any at all. The names in parentheses are the stories they're in)
Edit: I w a s w r o n g
Gabriel Gale Johnson (Clair De Lune)
Gabe, Gale, iel, goldilocks
New Life, Who Dis? by Unlike Pluto
Clara Luna Beauchêne (Girlfriend), Marshall Mitch Ó Maoilriain (Brother figure), Isabella Elise Johnson (sister)
Nyctophobia, Astraphobia
Backstory: Being the middle child out of three siblings, Gabriel didn't really have as much attention in the family. He was still somewhat famous at school for being the rich kid, or the golden winged, but other than it didn't matter. It was only until he met Clara that everything did, not because it was romantic, but because Clara was proof of his little sister Stella's sadistic tendencies.
Gailen Legazpi (Missing Family)
Len, Leg, Puto
Glitter & Gold by Barns Courtney
Alec Miller (Close friend, Helped start a somewhat small coup.), Sheila Richards (Mother figure/Cousin), Jessie Jimenez (Was trapped alongside her/Close friends)
Autophobia, Tomophobia,
Backstory: He used to have a normal life, trying his best to be a responsible student but end up failing due to his childhood urges, though when suddenly his cousin and uncle goes missing, he looks for them, only to end up getting kidnapped. Unbeknownst to him, it was the same place his cousin was at but they were gone. Ever since then he has been traumatized by his time in the Project COPE.
Garry Oseman (Dear Overcast)
Bro, Big bro
Now You're A Home by Christian Reindl
Gina Oseman (Little sister), Harry Tydings (Close friend), Kevin Langley (Sort of leader, inspiration.)
Claustrophobia, Gelotophobia
Backstory: Had a somewhat normal life albeit poor and bullied for being too poor and "unable to love" though it doesn't bother him as much anymore. Until the sun dissapeared and so did his parents. He only had Gina now.
Generosity/Hemshail (It All Started With Boredom, Brother Brother
Gene, Hem, Shail, Hemshie, (Not much of a nickname but still) The White Hole Gaurded
The Therapist by Foreign Air
Gluttony/Pyrrhos (Best bud, partner in crime, co worker), Chastity/Carysiel (Younger brother, Close friend), Ermyntrude/Vladeti (Leader, close friend.)
Backstory: Not much has really happened to him though he did help take care of Vladeti once when he was still Ermyntrude alongside Pyrrhos. He accompanied Wrath/Aedh and Patience/Cassiel when they were helping Beatrice/Rizalino/Ahsa stop the discrimination between "Angels" and "Demons". After that, he left them to fulfill a task alongside Vladeti and Pyrrhos given by Alucard/Tiernan/Disentropy.
Gina Oseman (Dear Overcast)
(She's only 10)
Youth by Glass Animals
Garry Oseman (older brother), Jia Liu (Mother figure), Zevon Corbiche (Also known to her as the blue man, close friend.)
Acrophobia, Nyctophobia
Backstory: Nice normal life apart from being poor. She never had to worry much because her brother was always by her side until the sun vanished.
Glutton/Pyrrhos (It all started with boredom, Brother Brother)
Stop taking my food god damnit, Black hole dude, Pyre, Greed but specific, (not really nickname but still called by it??? idk) The Black Hole Devours
Gravity Of You by Starset
Ermyntrude/Vladeti (Partner in crime, leader, close friend), Generosity/Hemshail (Also partner in crime, co worker, close friend.), Wrath/Aedh (Older brother, Mentor Figure, close friend)
Kenophobia Atelophobia
Backstory: Being born or molded by Lucifer he was very mischeivous. He never really tried to socialize with other "Angels" until Generosity/Hemshail came to babysit and teach Ermyntrude/Vladeti with them. He is also one of the first few people that Aedh usually vents too, so when Aedh finds out that Rizalino/Beatrice/Ahsa had been reborn, he was one of the first people to find out. Eventually he leaves to go on a task alongside Vladeti and Hemshail.
Godiva (Drowning In Dreams series)
Godi, Ali, Alicia
Edge Of The Universe by Downplay
Søren (Husband), Ascella Bauldelaire (Close friend, treats her like she's her daughter.) Dietrich Jamison (Close friend, also treats him like he's her son)
Pyrophobia, Volcanophobia
Backstory: Not much apart from being the Godess of Expression And Art (mainly art and it's diffirent forms) though she did try to be human once, out of curiosity. She was born in a tropical island near another island filled with volcanoes, til one day one erupted. Her family didn't make it but she did and she changed back eventually into the Art Godess.
Godehydra/Edelia Hartmann ( Idk, haven't thought of a title for the story yet, It All Started With Boredom, Wings, Reality For A Life)
Deli, Edi, Delia, Lia
Trials by Starset
Janardar/Beorhtsige Kaiser (Husband, partner in crime.) Vladeti ( child), Rizalino/Beatrice/Ahsa (Gender fluid child)
Arachnophobia, Seismophobia
Backstory: Born in a kind of bigger version of earth, she notices her uncle looking more and more tired, until one day she overhears him crying to her mother that he is a hitman hired by their government in the midst of a war, his job was to target certain civilians on the opposing countries. Edelia decides to start a revolution, first passing notes to some close friends then going onto making speeches, and rebellion groups. Due to rumors of her speeches people from the other country start joining too, and this was bringing suspision. Eventually a massacre is found, 26 victims from her rebellion group. Longstory short, this creates an outrage and there is a Coup D'etat. She eventually has 2 kidswith her husband, and dies. Only to be reborn as a Gaurdian gaurding certain aspects of the multiverse. She helps her children train as they were also reborn as gaurdians alongside her husband, she helps her child Rizalino/Beatrice/Ahsa's friends and former babysitters, Aedh, convince his now sadistic boyfriend Cassiel to not make a global genocide, and then the Ó Maoilriain brothers (especially when one of them is her future son-in-law) plan a coup against their other Machiavellian brother. Then officially dies
Greed/Chellvon (It All Started With Boredom, Wings)
Stop asking me for my stuff, Rich Kid, Jack
Tip Toes by Half•Alive
Envy/Jolina (little sister, loves annoying her.) Pride/Charles (Close friend, older brother, partner in crime, Generosity/Hemshail (Free stuff suplier, best buddy.)
Kleptophobia Kenophobia
Backstory: Not much ig. I mean yeah he experienced most of human history, he was molded by Lucifer, he fought in a war alongside Cassiel, and eventually got punished.
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Hello, you do some great work! Do you have any cowboy sterek you can recommend?
Yeah, @fluentlyspeakingtreason! - Anastasia
Tumblr media
Stilinski Ranch: Part One by sexierthanyousterek (totallystereksexual)
(1/1 I 757 I Teen)
Derek is a new hand at the Stilinski Ranch in Beacon Hills, California. He has come far to get away from a dark past. Stiles is the son of the ranch owner, come home from school for the summer. What happens when Derek finds himself drawn to the younger male against his better judgement?
Western Night and Clouded Love. by HiAjay
(1/? I 2,430 I Teen)
“Yes,” Derek said. Vague, but it seemed to shut her up. Her eyes were wide and her cupid bow lips were slightly parted.
“He’s only a couple years older than you,” Melissa waggled her brow at Stiles. Stiles continued to stare at Derek. He shifted uncomfortably and took the whiskey bottle in his hand and poured another shot.
He’s not doing this sober. Leroy knew the way to the old barn.
Impossible Sky by aussiebee 
(1/1 I 2,613 I Teen)
Fleeing Beacon Hills after the Nogitsune is finally taken care of, Stiles makes his way to Montana’s Lone Wolf Ranch. Somehow, once there, he manages to find himself again.
That’s not all he finds.
Big Iron On His Hip by Stoney
(1/1 I 4,598 I Teen)
It was a good life. Steady. Quiet. No surprises. Not a one. Not in over six years. Nada, as some of the cowboys said. No sirree, Beacon Hills didn’t have a lick of drama or intrigue happening within its county lines. Not one little bit. Day in and day out, not a single surprise to cause a lick of worry. Stiles sighed and folded his towel carefully. Bored. He was bored. It was boring living in Beacon Hills.
…maybe just a little something interesting happening could be nice for a change, though.
Stiles would soon learn what the phrase “eat your own words” meant.
Happiness Is Not A Horse, You Cannot Harness It by otter 
(1/1 | 7,308 | Mature)
Derek’s expecting the new guy. He’s expecting another mostly-useless college kid who doesn’t know one end of a horse from the other, and Derek doesn’t have the time to babysit. What he’s not expecting is Stiles Stilinski, who carries on conversations with the livestock and gets maybe a little too chummy with Isaac and is really kind of stupidly perfect in every way. And it’s just distracting, that’s all.
Better Than Deep-fried Twinkies by shift (clarz)
(1/1 I 7,888 I Explicit)
There’s a guy sitting cross-legged in the hay, seemingly unconcerned with the cow excrement almost certainly contained within it; Inara’s laid down in front of him, and he’s leaning forward, her huge head cupped tenderly in his hands, his cheek almost touching hers. He looks completely enraptured, staring into her eyes intensely and rubbing her cheeks in slow circles, leaning into her with his whole body like she’s precious and beautiful and everything he ever wanted. It’s weirdly intense, and should really be off-putting, but Inara looks sleepy and calm and happy, and Derek is way too distracted watching the guy’s hands, long-fingered and beautiful, massaging her face tenderly.
In which Stiles hits on Derek’s cow, then hits on Derek. Also in which Stiles’ eyelashes are favorably compared with those of a cow.
Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy by werewolvesandarrows (nerdy_farm_girl)
(1/1 I 8,812 I Teen)
Stiles clearly hadn’t thought this whole thing through. When Erica had asked for his help, he had expected to be joined by the blonde, Cora and Isaac, the three members of the judging team. He was not anticipating the presence of tall, dark and scowly and his whole distracting persona. And he definitely wasn’t prepared to have to share the teaching stage with the aforementioned grump-a-saurus, or to be on the receiving end of some awfully judgmental stares. Bro had a stick so far up his ass he needed to make a trip to the ER.
OR: Everybody lives on a farms in New England, and Stiles deals with his crush on Derek by denying it so hard.
Mail Order Stiles by Green
(1/1 I 17,489 I Explicit)
Stiles laughs. “The day I become a mail-order bride is the day I eat my hat.”
“You don’t even wear a hat.“
“I’ll buy a hat for the occasion,” Stiles says. “A white one with a veil.”
(Stiles doesn’t eat a hat, but that’s just because he’s too busy with his new husband, his five children, his new husband’s ex, and a deadly feud with the neighboring ranch)
One Door Closes by KouriArashi
(5/5 I 27,594 I Explicit)
Derek knows that Stiles is too young for him, but Stiles doesn’t agree. Eight years after Derek rejects him due to the age gap, they meet again where Derek has settled in Wyoming as a ranch hand, and Stiles is the new deputy, and still pissed as hell about the way Derek turned him down. Things don’t go as either of them planned. (I’m sure a million fics have been written about older Stiles and Derek, but this one has cowboy Derek, does that help?)
Couldn’t Have One Without the Other by clio_jlh 
(21/21 | 67,520 | Explicit)
The little town of Beacon that weathered the Long Winter is growing with the arrival of new teacher Miss Laura Hale, who’s come to prepare ambitious students Stiles and Lydia for their upcoming college exams. Miss Hale’s brother and sister, Derek and Erica, have also come to town to start a horse ranch. But is it their beautiful horses, or the Hale siblings themselves, who have turned Stiles and Lydia’s heads?
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