#i have headcanon roles for most character too if any one wants lol
polyjoly · 1 year
I am passionate about a les mis star trek AU where Grantaire takes on the role of Q (except of course he goes by R) he is this inter-dimensional being who, for some reason, is just obsessed with Captain Enjolras. He doesn't contribute anything of worth to the ship, quite the opposite to be honest. He just keeps randomly showing up and causing problems. He has befriended a lot of the crew and they have all just kind of gotten used to him at this point.
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bogglecatboxx · 9 months
genshin reverse au headcanons
in which you’re a character in the hit video game genshin impact, and they’re your biggest fan ; notes: gn!reader, all lower case, reader is a limited 5-star bc i said so, also reader is an antagonist in tartaglia’s part lmao
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if you have any kind of character song or leitmotif, he’s learning it on every instrument he owns. posts an acoustic cover online. (he also writes an original song about you, but he keeps that one to himself, wanting to really perfect it first.)
has pins and keychains of you; you’re probably also his phone wallpaper. reads fanfics of you and goes ‘y/n would NOT say that >:/‘
runs teams centered around you; regardless of what role you are, he makes sure the rest of the team has synergy with you. even if he has to run a specific character that you don’t work well with for whatever reason, you stay on the team lol. any online friends he plays with are so used to this they might accidentally refer to him as y/n.
hums while playing; if you have any singing or humming voice lines, he tries to hum along to them.
no matter what role you’re supposed to be, he’s running full damage y/n. if you’re supposed to be a support this is extremely confusing to people, especially when they see how well he’s making it work (he likes the challenge). if you’re meant to be a dps anyway, people are still surprised to see the high damage he’s doing and how fast he clears bosses.
probably posts pictures or videos like ‘clearing spiral abyss w just y/n (and traveller) !!’
on that note, he probably does run a one-character team for everything he can. you’re strong enough to win on your own, why would he need anyone else?
does your boss fight/trounce domain on repeat. feels kinda bad for repeatedly beating up his favorite character, but also loves seeing you in your (slightly evil) element.
posts stuff like ‘i support hot people’s rights AND wrongs 🥺💕’ and ‘i don’t want to fix them i love them as they are 💖💞’ next to screenshots of cutscenes where you commit atrocities
had been playing before your banner (freminet had introduced him to the game), but you were the first (and likely only) 5star character he c6’d
honestly, lynette is probably sick of hearing about y/n this and y/n that all the time. (she doesn’t play herself, although she sometimes watches her brothers play.) (freminet’s a little sick of it, too, even if you are one of his favorite characters.)
practices small, simple card tricks during cutscenes and loading screens (he has, like, ten decks of cards on his desk alone). gets embarrassed if he fumbles while you’re on screen lol
will try to find a way to do any cool magic you do in game with practical effects. depending on how magical or complicated your abilities are, this might take a while, but he’s determined to look at least almost as cool as you do in game.
probably most likely to cosplay you.
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imaginethezeldaverse · 11 months
ganondorf nsfw alphabet, any letters....pleaseeeee
Funnily enough I got this request on AO3 as well so I will post it here too! Letters that were chosen were A, D, I , N, S, T, V, W, X NSFW Alphabet Reference here
 A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) He's often silent, allow his hands to do most of the talking. He'll trail his larger fingers over your skin in a very soothing manner. Might place some kisses on your body here and there as he holds you close. During the times he's much more rough and really fucks you up, he'll be sure to be very gentle on you afterward, handling you carefully and checking in that he hasn't truly hurt you in a way that requires medicinal aid. D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) The feared Gerudo Chief and Demon King actually likes to be restrained every once in a while. Though he is prideful of being a very dominant male, he finds it fun and a bit of a turn on to have his strength and power held back to where he no longer holds a dominant role. It's a secret because he chooses not to be open about it. I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Oh that will depend on what kind of sex you engage in. If you're both taking your time with each other - where the kisses are slower, the touches linger a little longer, and you find yourselves getting lost in another - then Ganondorf will be quite saccharine with you. He'll worship your body like a temple, whisper lowly of his love for you, hold you closely as he takes you so you can feel his presence in the moment. However, if you're both just looking to fuck - like pent up, nail-digging, cursing and biting kind of sex, then there's no romance lol you're getting railed. N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Cuckolding. Ganondorf plays second fiddle to no one and absolutely will not share you. You belong to him as much as he belongs to you and because of that, no one else can have you. S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Until you can no longer take it or he personally is done. Ganondorf has not only the strength and stamina of a Gerudo man, but the limitless energy of Ganon with him. He might quite literally be unable to stop; however, that doesn't mean he won't respect you and your body's limits. So in short: for however long you need him to last and as many rounds as your body can handle. T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) Ohhh yes. The Gerudo Chieftain has anything and everything he wants at his disposal to use on you and on himself. The language of lust is a broad spectrum tongue, he would find it only fair that anything he uses on your body he would use on his own. Though, should you allow him free reign on you - he may get a tad carried away with how long he has that vibrator in you. He does like to see you squirm a bit. V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) His volume builds depending on what he's doing. If he's going down on you he may not be particularly loud aside from the normal throaty growls or groans. However if he's inside of you, you will absolutely hear him. He's groaning, he's grunting, he's panting, cursing in your ear, the whole nine. The closer he is to orgasm, the louder he is. If it's an especially hard-hitting orgasm, he will roar. It is both incredibly intimidating and unbelievably arousing.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) He tags in Ganon every once in a while just to satiate the demon's hunger every once in a while. There's a lot of ground rules with that, but Ganondorf being the true vessel for a prolific world ending evil in all of the reincarnations that have housed him, he thankfully has very good control over its power. So don't be totally surprised if you see his eyes glow a sinister red - just know that you won't be meeting your demise anytime soon with him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) For a man with his build, you may never know what to expect, right? ...Well expect it - this Gerudo is packing heat. To accompany those biceps that are well past the size of your head and a torso you can't even fully fit your arms around, he rather long and incredibly thick. It takes some getting used to every time he enters you. There's a slight curve in it when it's at complete attention - a fact that often has you singing his name from the angle it hits inside you. If I had to give it a number - a solid nine inches, surrounded by neatly kept crimson pubic curls.
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partywithoutsmiling · 27 days
what are your thoughts on branch brothers?
Oof, that's will be a complicated answer XD;
Trouble with the Canon is that is missing lots of scenes that would give us necessary info on all the Brothers' background after they went their separate ways- and from the surface level clues, it doesn't look squeaky clean for them XD
Based purely on movie... (and mind you I am going with the unconfirmed Canon that the Tree got caged and Trollstice started happening after Brozone broke up)
Branch seemed to be roughly 3yo, and the Trolls left the tree when he was around 6 or 7
John Dory:
JD returned to the tree when everyone was away and any tracks were too old to follow - that still puts him at being away for at least 5 years, but there are some things to consider: he does seemed to be a step-in guardian for his Brothers, putting a lot of pressure on him, and he didn't know all the others left too- buuut it was his deviation from the choreography and putting unnecessary expectation on his family to cause that Argument in the first place. It was also implied he might have been the only one of age, so at least 18/19
'Bad Brother Ranking' 5/10?
Reason: Yes, JD's behaviour seemed to be cause for most of the discord between his brothers, as was his obsession into placing them in carefully shaped boxes, and him leaving was seen as rather dick move- however, if he started as a minor forced into parent role to his siblings- something he was not obligated to through- and if he was already an adult, him wanting to escape stressful situation is understandable, especially if he worked with the idea that all his other brothers would say (especially if they were all minors). It also speaks to his merit he did eventually come back, and that without him promising to do so. Considering his muted colours, he must have lived the next 15 years thinking all his family is dead, and all that was left were their old Brozone mementos; when Bruce's postcard came, he felt relieved to know at least one brother was alive- but probably made no effort to seek him out because he believed the others are still dead and didnt want to see the blame in Bruce's eyes
Overall, I do like John Dory: he is supremelly flawed yet well-meaning character; full of himself, yet socially awkward and genuinelly happy to see his brothers alive (all those Brozone posters were probably the only family photos he had of them)- probably doesnt cope with his past trauma very well lol. That said I am docking points for his absolute disregard of the fact that Baby Branch was, well, a baby, and he spared no consideration to him while having heated argument with Clay and Spruce
So, Movie!John final 'bad brother score' 6/10
I do headcanon he dealt with being grey for a while because suppressing it all, but recognized it Branch and doesnt know how to breach the topic. He is bad at expressing himself and living in the wilderness in complete isolation only made it worse; being the Big Brother and the Leader/Manager, he definitelly wanted to be seen as the pillar his family could count on and so he has hard time to open about his feelings, let alone admit to needing help in anything
Left definitelly in the midst of his teen rebel phase. Most likely felt very objectified, and not seen for himself- something that had him decide to not only move out of the Tree but to leave his tribe behind completely
Parted with JD on bad terms, but definitelly parted with Clay on good terms; in the timing of them leaving the pod together, Spruce/Bruce seemed to be the only one out of the two who was really serious about actually leaving, and made no promises to return. If he was just shy of being of age, he might felt no need to- and if Bergens were no threat yet, he would feel no guilt- after all, his family was not in danger
Considering his age and the situation, I don't blame him for leaving; but his lack of effort to properly connect in the future and probably basing his only interaction on half assed postcard seems like a really dick move
He might have been of the opinion JD only went to sulk and then returned to take care of things as usual, but there was no indication he even tried to reach out to the rest of his brothers- maybe kept contact with Clay but that's it
That more than anything shows lack of familial care/worry he might have felt for his youngest brothers, being quite content to ignore them for years
Movie!Bruce 'Bad Brother Ranking': 8/10
Reason: he allowed his petty and bitter arguing with JD to get in the way of even trying to reconnect to his youngest brothers- and considering Branch's age, he probably at the time felt no desire to (after all, what teen wants to take care of a toddler). That said, his new family does feel like bit of a replacement, and when both JD and Branch appeared, he was ready to drop kick them out at the mere mention of the Family Harmony, no willingness to listen at all. JD at least wanted to move past whatever conflict they had in the past while Bruce was keen on keeping the grudge- it was understandable, if family harmony was what caused all his troubles, but he made his judgement and they had to force him to listen- I don't know, his behaviour in the movie kinda rubbed me wrong way, as it was clear he would have been happy to live his life cut off from his siblings forever
He has potential to get better, but I don't know- all the fanfic writers are doing god's work really, in fleshing out their characters, to make them less of an asshole XD;
Overall, I dont really like Movie!Bruce- especially as he made extreme effort to not be connected to Brozone/his family at all costs.
Also left as a teen, most likely cca 15yo, but didn't dare leaving the Tree- his leaving was definitelly more of a sulk, as it was implied he was in the Tree when the great escape was happening
Yes, the Troll Tree was huge- the population more akin to a metropolis than just a large town- but that means he never even bothered once to come and check on his youngest brothers- as he knew John and Spruce left- and thus probably wasnt even close enough to find out that not only Grandma got eaten, but that Branch went grey- or even that Floyd left
Both JD and Bruce had an excuse in being out of the loop for the horrific events that started happening when Bergen's came, but Clay was in the tree
He knew Trollstice was a thing, and not once he came around to see how his immediate family was doing
Clay shows a level of selfishness neither of his older brothers did honestly- yes, JD left but then came back, and Bruce left but though his family was safe; while Clay stayed, knew his family wasnt safe, yet did not care to make sure they are safe
Naturally, what can a teenager do? Nothing against the Bergens, trully, but him just staying near would be enough
Movie!Clay gets 9/10 on the 'bad brother scale' from me, and honestly I am glad he is not my brother XD;
Floyd is bit of an enigma honestly- him leaving home seemed more like running away from home, as he was what, 14? Trying to go on Solo career?
He was the most attentive and kind to Branch, but that however ended up doing more harm than good, what with his promise and effort in making Branch busy
He probably gone back to three however- but it must have been around the same time JD did, as his ears seems to have the same defect Branch's does, which means Floyd definitelly went through period of grayness- but that means it took at least 5 years for him to return
It seemed he had plans to leave even before Brozone broke up- something churned within him for a long time
He would have been 18/19 around that time- a convenient age though, as that would make him old enough to be a legal guardian perhaps?
I dont know, there are lots of unknowns, but overall his Bad Brother Scale is really low, like 3/10, 4/10
I like Floyd, he really gave the air that he cared deeply, but especially for Branch as he was aware Branch needed the most support in his early stages of life
He was also the only one to promise to come back, and also the only one to pause at the treshold and look at his Brother as if to memorize his looks
In General:
Out of the movie!Brothers, I like JD and Floyd the best, when it comes to their family loyalty and relationship, though JD kinda killed it a little with him wanting to split once more after the are done rescuing Floyd
Both Bruce and Clay just really seemed to live in their own world: yes, Bruce was convinced his family was safe but that doesnt excuse him from reaching out; Clay was well aware about the Bergen threat and was co-leading a whole Clan, but he wasn't doing that before the Great Escape
Either way, both Movie!Bruce and Movie!Clay are selfish in a way that I am not vibing with.
Of course, this can be improved with some headcanons:
JD was well aware of his role in his family 'Tragedy' and never gave up on trying to find them, even if all of his hopes rang false. He kept photos of all his brothers, wallet size, close to his heart- but especially the on of Branch, as a reminder of his failings
His cold acting at the night of the Show was not Big Brother John, but Manager John, as he needed to separate the two- something he, as an adult, understood, but his younger brothers did not
Bruce suffered from terrible self-esteem issues, most likely unable to see himself when he looked in the mirror, only seeing 'The Heartthrob' - someone wearing his face and mame, but not him. This is the real reason he changed his name
Definitelly had some food disorder and it took him time and help and love from Brandy for him to heal from it and to feel right within his skin
The Postcard he sent John used to have writing, but it got lost in transit for years- it was accompanied with a wedding invitation that never got delivered, and since Bruce thought John was back at the Tree with his brothers, he just assumed John was ignoring him on purpose
He sent his other brother's invitation as well, but as he never received reply, assumed John intercepted them
It was for his own mental health that he tried to find happiness and purpose in his current family then being hang up on what was
Clay tried to be present in Branch's life but had disputes with their Grandmother, who wanted him to move back into the pod with them while Clay refused
He was forbidden from interacting with Branch as Rosiepuff felt it would be too disrupting for the toddler, if Clay kept coming and going
Clay eventually- much to Rosiepuff's dismay- joined a party of scouting trolls that ventured beyond the cage to scavenge in Bergens' homes- an extremelly dangerous job, that convinced Clay it was better Branch didn't know he was around, as he wouldnt risk the grief of one day learning his brother was killed on one such venture
When the Great Escape happened, it was moved ahead of schedule than planned- after learning about the Bergens' intent to eat Baby Poppy, Clay and his scouting team were tasked in bringing the rear to leave no stragglers behind, eventually ending up being sepparated
Brozone often went through breakups and reconciliations, and it happened even when Branch wasnt even hatched- Floyd remembered each and every one of them, and how impactful it was on a small child
Seeing the same happening to Branch, he started making plans for how to have both of them split and escape that toxicity, but knew he couldnt contest any custody over him while still minor himself
Grandma Rosiepuff was a shit guardian, forcing JD to be the primary caretaker- it was only after they all left that she had to step up and take care of Branch properly
It's honestly only with these headcanons that I am able to like all the brothers equally XD
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astral-mariner · 2 months
Wait a minute I can just send you an ask about how you think saiyan culture varies by region and also about that religious tail removal headcanon you mentioned on the extremely long tail post lol
Infodump incoming! (Caveat: these are just some fun headcanons, and I love other people's headcanons just as much. I love when there are a million different versions of things so I can enjoy them all and enjoy the content millions of times over!)
Epic Rambling below the cut.
Okay, so. I made up all of this to be background stuff for my Saiyans under Freeza fic. Like a collective memory the characters have that people like Nappa could reference. To give the fic a sense of history and context even if we don't see the saiyan planet. To show how the characters see the world, how they think about things, what they care about, and why.
Basically, I imagine that Vegeta-sei had a handful of "nations" that roughly correspond to different population groups on different parts of the planet. They each have some unique cultural practices, beliefs, fighting styles, etc. Only in the recent(ish) past had their culture become more globalized due to receiving more access to technology from the Planet Trade. So they may have had scouters and whatnot before, but not everyone would have had them. They may have had healing/incubation pods too, but they weren't readily available to most people. All of this is to say that their different cultures wouldn't have converged into a uniform one due to globalization/colonization.
As for the different nations themselves, I imagine that different regions prioritized different things about being saiyan. Or they had different ways of approaching class hierarchies. For example, one nation might center Super Saiyan legends in their cultural consciousness, whereas another might center Oozaru transformation. This is precisely the difference I imagine between the nation that surrounds the royal palace/lands and the nation that houses a population closer to one of the planet's poles:
The royal bloodline bases their claim to power not just on their (supposed) higher latent strength, but also their alleged ancestral ties to saiyans that have become Super Saiyans. And the royals/nobles themselves perpetuate this narrative to consolidate power. Even though it seems pretty apparent that no saiyans have living memory of actually seeing a Super Saiyan---just that there are stories about their might, what they look like, etc. So the royals and everyone around them would be steeped in these legends. And the general culture of nobility, too, would contribute to obsessing over ancestry, power level, etc., where having ties to the royal family grants social status.
But it's not just social status---probably one of the reasons why SSJ legends have such a hold on people is that the Super Saiyans of legend helped them conquer their own planet(s?), won critical battles in the distant past, and perhaps played a sort of "savior" role. They have a sort of spiritual/religious significance. They provide a sort of "ideal" to which any strong, virtuous saiyan should aspire. An avatar for how saiyans construct morality and excellence (beyond just those in power wanting to maintain order and control).
Vegeta references that a Super Saiyan is a warrior with a "cold" or "pure" heart. Some of this is probably his own or his father's spin on the stories he was told as a child. Shutting down his emotions and detaching himself simultaneously from forming any connections as well as from the horrors he was experiencing/committing was certainly a coping strategy for surviving under Freeza. But some of it definitely came from his culture and from saiyan spiritual sensibility generally.
Different translations refer to the heart of the Super Saiyan as "pure," "cold," or even "tranquil." Because "pure of heart" captures a different kind of vibe in a Western mind than it does an Eastern one. It's not about being, like, "morally good" or anything---it's more about being empty, or single of purpose. Unaffected by attachment, and not in the "I don't care about anyone" sense (though it definitely is about that as well in some cases). Think along the lines of nonattachment philosophy you see described in Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, or (for a more Western flavor) Stoicism. So you can see how it simultaneously captures the adjectives of "pure" and "cold/tranquil." Or, for a pop culture reference that many will be familiar with, how the Jedi and Star Wars try to stay above attachment to the world and being swayed by personal passions.
And I bring all of this up to make a point about how saiyans might approach virtue. It's more about excellence than it is about doing what is right. So, something done excellently is virtuous, even if it is something humans would consider evil. A virtuous saiyan is someone who is as strong as possible, fights with clearness of purpose, and is unswayed by personal passions. The state of SSJ is a kind of state of enlightenment. (Which puts the differences between Goku and Vegeta on display: Goku is actually more exemplary of someone who fights in this "enlightened" way---purely for the sake of itself---whereas Vegeta is caught up in his emotions in every fucking battle he fights. He hates Kakarot, he hates Freeza. He's always trying to prove something. While Goku isn't trying to prove anything. He's just fighting because fighting is what he does, and he does it excellently.)
Now contrast this with a group of saiyans who prioritize Oozaru transformation more. Instead of trying to detach oneself, imagine leaning into one's passions and becoming a fucking monster. You know, the call of the moon, the bloodlust of the beast. Totally different vibe from the Enlightened Warrior. I find it absolutely fascinating that you have these two competing narratives for how a saiyan shows strength. That they have these two main transformations with these totally different flavors (that are later unified in transformations like SSJ3/4?). And you even see little nods to how saiyans think about their Oozaru transformation. Sometimes it's just about letting loose and being destructive. Other times, different saiyans in canon (such as Vegeta in the Saiyan Saga) seem to turn to it as a last resort. Not their main line of defense; something messy and unbecoming, even.
I'll write more about the saiyan cultures that lean more into Oozaru vs. SSJ in another post about the backstory I've constructed for Vegeta's mom! I headcanon that she belonged to one of these cultures, and that Vegeta's parents followed different traditions. (Also makes the relationship between King Vegeta and Vegeta's mom quite interesting!)
Now about saiyans who remove their tails: So with alllllllll of that said about SSJ vs. Oozaru and the different approaches/philosophies behind them, you can imagine a kind of extremist faction of the SSJ-prioritizing culture that eschews Oozaru transformation altogether as an attempt to strive for excellence only, to be totally pure-hearted, to have no passions whatsoever. And some of them would remove their tails as an expression of their spiritual sensibilities. Perhaps they belong to an ascetic warrior tradition. Tail removal would simultaneously be seen as something scandalous/taboo as well as very serious, as for most saiyans, this removes their access to one of their more powerful transformations (at least for a little while, if the tail eventually grows back).
I don't think King Vegeta would have belonged to this faction even if he would be drawn to some of their philosophies/practices. He probably couldn't remove his tail for social status reasons as well. But I can see him employing some of the tailless saiyans in various corners of his regime. Like, think of what kind of flex it would be to employ ascetic warrior fanatics to positions of, say, law enforcement. As in "these people are going to torture you, and they aren't going to give a single fuck about you or anything else while they are doing it." Because of the nonattachment stuff. People who just follow the will of the heir to the Super Saiyan Legacy and pursue strength/excellence while casting off all else.
I could literally go on and on about this. How these different philosophies shape the characters we know, how the characters twist these narratives to suit their aims or cope with their lives. I know this is super rambly, but I think you get some of the ideas here?
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I noticed that your older fics tend to lean towards dom eddie/ sub buck while the more recent ones are switch buddie (which I love) so I was wondering if something in the show made you see/interpretate the characters differently or if your own writing preferences changed or if I'm reading way too much into everything
You're not reading too much into it and I'm honestly pleased and flattered that you paid enough attention to my writing to notice!
Yes, as the show has gone on, and we've learned more about the characters, I've come to the conclusion that Buddie would be more switches. I think it's natural that as you learn more about the characters that you shift how you write them - in my earliest fics for example I had the headcanon that Eddie would have had some (young inexperienced and fumbling) experiences with men, and that he'd be more into casual sex. Now I headcanon based on his behavior that he's more demisexual and wouldn't have really any sexual experience besides Shannon because of that need for emotional connection. I originally thought Buck would realize his feelings first, but given how season five went and then Eddie's reactions to Buck in season six I'm now of the opinion that Eddie realized his feelings a while ago and has been ignoring them while Buck, bless him, is fucking oblivious.
Anyway those are just two examples of how as a show goes on and you learn more about a character you shift your headcanons and perceptions about them. So yes! I've shifted in my views of how the boys would be in bed.
I do think that Buck would overall be more submissive and when he's domming, do so more as a service dom - Buck likes to know he's doing a good job and being there for the people he loves, and so domming for him would be about knowing he's giving Eddie what he needs, rather than enjoying being in control.
For Eddie, someone who has constantly in his life scrambled for control and had it yanked from him, I think he'd still overall prefer to be in charge, at least at first, and I think that'd only be submissive to someone he really deeply trusts. However given everything in season five I think he'd also find being submissive to be incredibly freeing if it's with someone he can trust to love him and hold him (metaphorically), and Buck is that person. Eddie is very much a caretaker and likes to feel he's trusted (lack of trust in his abilities is a huge issue in his relationship with his parents for example) so I think he'd really like domming Buck and seeing how much Buck trusts him to take care of him. It was really season five for me that gave me the shift in feeling Eddie would be submissive at times, given his whole arc with his trauma. I think given how important it was in his arc for Eddie to admit he loses control sometimes and needs help, submitting would be important for him as well. He'd just be pickier about it.
In other words - I think Buck's instinct in bed is submit, but he ultimately shifts to reflect what his partner wants/needs (and headcanon it's probably led to him being sexually unfulfilled before - how many times has someone wanted him to just pick them up and rail them and play that Big Strong Guy when that's not who Buck is?) and would also find fulfillment in giving Eddie what he needs because he likes doing that for his loved ones. And I think Eddie's instinct is to dom, for multiple reasons, but that submitting to someone he loves and trusts would also by very fulfilling and enjoyable.
Ergo, they switch! LOL
I think also in most sexual relationships when you're not explicitly sceneing (i.e. planning a scenario out with set roles) there's a certain fluidity to the roles of who's submitting and who's dominating. So there's that as well, it's not always gonna be clear cut who's in what role and it's going to move back and forth. Y'know?
Anyway that was an extremely long-winded answer ha ha but I'm delighted you noticed that shift! One's art is continuously evolving and when one is writing for the same characters over the years (four and counting for Buddie in my case) while continuously getting more information about them and seeing them in new situations and so on as we get with each new season/episode, there's definite shifts in one's portrayal of those characters. I'm flattered that anyone would pay attention enough to pick up on the ways in which mine's evolved.
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
Eheh Dazai
Favorite thing about them: I really like how as a character he was able to deeply touch so many people!! Seeing so many people finding relief in being able to relate to and emphasize with the character makes me happy.
Least favorite thing about them: I mean, his personality? I don't like how his many flaws are written to be interpreted as strong points / good traits for his character to the point no flaw is actually a flaw, it makes the reading experience very frustrating for me.
Favorite line:
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brOTP: Mmmmhh, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about Dazai. Soukoku, probably. The Buraiha trio makes me emotional a little. Souheki, but in a very passive-aggressive, over-competitive, one-sided rivality, can't-stand-each-other way. Dazai and Kyouka. Dazai and Atsushi too I suppose, though I prefer them romantically. I think he makes for a lot of interesting dynamics with virtually all the characters, but none compells me in particular tbh.
OTP: Odazai is plain canon to me, idk what to tell you. I think they make for a beautiful, tragic love story. Get you a man who is willing to change the path of his whole life for another man just like that, nobody does it like them (actually, wait, I can think of another man... ). Although I always distantly liked them, dazatsu has grown on me like, an INSANE amount in the last few months. I'm not sure what happened. I think it was an unfortunate (lol) coincidence of growing a little fonder of Dazai and just wanting to give more space and agenda to Atsushi. Like to me a lot of what dazatsu is really is about giving Atsushi more agency and autonomy and independence and overall just respecting him as a complex, full fleshed out character. I don't see ANY kind of power imbalance in it I keep finding people talk about. Dazai pushes Atsushi to be better every day, and Atsushi does exactly the same for Dazai. Atsushi admires and respects Dazai, and Dazai admires and respects Atsushi equally. I really don't know why the ship isn't more popular and instead just gets discarded most of the time tbh. I feel like everyone should sit down a second and actually give Atsushi the dignity to choose for himself. And fyozai!!! The investment in this ship mostly goes on waves for me but despite that I firmly believe that they really make for an engaging and interesting dynamic to be interpreted romantically. The epitome of “You're both just enabling each other's mental illnesses. You're both perfect for each other. Never change. Just never involve anybody else in what you've got going on.”
nOTP: Nothing comes to my mind.
Random headcanon: Not canon related, but in modern aus I feel like he'd be one to always end up working at ceo roles and he would HATE it. He fires himself and starts working at some cheap frozen yogurt place and one month later he'll find himself as the ceo of the most important oil company of the country AGAIN without him even realizing it / despite his active efforts to avoid that. And he HATES IT. He fires himself again but the loop only repeats forever. He's just that kind of person for whom all doors open automatically.
Unpopular opinion: ............ I could be here forever. I regretfully fail to relate to a lot of characterization / readings of the character I've seen the fandom give him. I really don't want to dwell on this so I'll just mention something mostly unrelated to his characterization: I wholly can't share the take of him being physically built like??? At all??? Which got REALLY popular a few months ago. Dude feels like he never lifted a finger his whole life, I really don't know where the idea comes from???? And I personally don't take his manga visual portrayal as a telling factor for this; pretty much all the characters have the same body type, it's impossible for me to base the buff Dazai assumption on how he's drawn in the manga. Just one thing about his chracter though stop making him matchmaker for ss/kk he really isn't stop don't do it please
Song i associate with them: HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE associating him with my favourite vocaloid song ever but. Meltdown by iroha is a very Dazai song. So many other songs though... Parade of Liars by ryo. Abstract Nonsense by Neru. God-ish by Pinocchio-P. So on and so forth.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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mysticbeaver · 27 days
Your opinion on all the side characters? Or what you like or dislike in each of them?
Thanks for the ask, and it's a long one! Nice for a change. Let's see...
- Jonny 2x4 - one of the characters I'm guilty of neglecting... But I think he's a fun, quirky kid (even when he's supposed to be annoying). I remember when I first watched Dear Ed (where he got in a fight with Plank) the scene at the playground made me sad for him. It seems to me there's not much Jonny fanart here on tumblr compared to how Plank and him are considered icons of the show elsewhere. That's probably what makes some like me less interested in the character... I hardly react to pics of real Plank IRL, sorry Plank fans 😅
- Sarah - she's fun... c'mon! Again, non-tumblr fans are on a different planet, the hate boners people have for a 6-7(?) year-old character are entertaining... for a while. I love that she's actually intimidating and strong, she ain't just bark and no bite, another less slapstick-focused show would have handled her differently. A lot of people cheer for the scene where Ed shouts at her in Little Ed Blue, cause they want to see her get "just desserts", but I never care about that, I like her for the rabid little princess she is lol. I also like people's headcanons of her treating her brother better as she grows up, and hopefully escaping the unhealthy favoritism from her parents.
- Jimmy -  even more than Sarah, the hate he sometimes gets is really tedious to me... he's always entertaining, especially his "theatre kid" moments, and his squeaky voice borders on "dog frequencies" sometimes haha. The only thing I've found slightly odd is maybe his flaws and negative traits (spoiled, Sarah always has his back, secretly a cunning little bastard) are sometimes given a free pass just because he's queer-coded, maybe? This only ever bothered me exclusively in relation to someone like Kevin being written off instead, but this my own bias, just a lighthearted observation (for real tho please tell me if this is a dumb reasoning)
- Nazz - she's the nicest and most well-adjusted "normal" kid around (if you ask me kevin ain't normal haha), but had an unfortunate starting point of "girl all the boys have a crush on", which she was never developed out of, or at least not nearly enough as she should have been. I've read something about the writers struggling to figure out what to do with her, maybe? Can't remember. Some people point out her hidden intelligence, but I think it would also be interesting to explore her negative traits, mainly I see her as slightly two-faced/flighty when it comes to how she interacts with the Eds.
Kevin - oh boy, my sense of this character is probably so skewed... The one character I used to get upset and annoyed about like an idiot, in regards to other people's takes and such, sometimes I resent the fact I ever got fixated on the character... why??? Help 🤣 I guess what torments me is that the viewer was never really meant to like him or find him interesting in any way? and doing otherwise is just a case of "fandom brainrot", I dunno what others think 😵‍💫 His jerk/bully role is definitely handled in more interesting ways than other shows would, there's enough meat to the character I guess it's possible to be invested in headcanons/developments. (or so I convince myself...)
Without getting too rambling, let's just say I love him as much as I'd find it entertaining to see him get incinerated by a flamethrower lmao.
Rolf - my other favorite ofc, and a much more pleasant one lol. Nothing embarrassing about loving this character, for sure. In fact I'm probably guilty of not seeing his flaws, but I guess he can be arrogant, and violent/gross with his traditions, when he could learn to be lenient considering how he's treated with a fair amount of tolerance by the cul-de-sac. But in the end he's just a kid trying to get used to a new land and culture.
Kanker sisters - I never thought much about Lee but my eyes have been opened by the implication that being the oldest one in a tough family/social background kinda excuses a lot of her behavior... But others can analyse this better than me.
I think Marie is the unfortunate middle sister who maybe had the least distinct personality? (beyond her aesthetic hinting at her being a punk chick), thankfully she's got plenty fans (btw her being underdeveloped is more food for thought for marie x nazz/nazzarie 👀...). I haven't got much to say unfortunately, other than my first eene ship was eddmarie exactly because of Marie development.
I'm guilty of seeing May as the most innocent one (certainly thanks to that bit where she cries in Hanky Panky Hullabaloo) and the only Kanker I'm keen on shipping with an Ed (the Ed).
Bro? - well... He serves his purpose haha. And he's got an interesting aesthetic. I do like people being invested in the character and even liking him or imagining a more redemptive interpretation of him. Fans have been able to like much more monstrous characters in fiction, being a Bro fan is no big deal... "I can fix him" sure go ahead! You're a saint 🤣
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another-lost-mc · 6 months
have you ever thought of making an oc who's part of the brothers' family? the devs world building skills are a good 7/10 for me in general especially when it comes to the brothers' defection and their life prior in the celestial realm but when you take their dynamic after the fall + them turning into demons, it gets kinda hard to insert an oc in all that...? (at least for me lol)
i got curious bcs i love your ocs so much! pretty sure you're the only writer whose ocs i cared enough to know more lol karasu is my absolute favorite <33
I think inserting an OC into the brothers' family unit is tricky. Demons (or angels) that have established relationships with them somehow, before or after the fall, is probably the closest I'll get.
Most of my OCs are ways to build up everything else around the brothers that we don't really get to experience playing the game. The Devildom (and the Celestial Realm) are these huge worlds of their own. It's disappointing that we don't really see any other demons or angels other than the ones we directly interact with, but with so many dateable characters, I understand there's not much space to do that.
Other than the obvious "giving MC demons friends/love interests that aren't canon" role, I write my OCs with these ideas in mind:
Karasu — He connects MC with the Devildom using a format (technology) that they use and understand. He's less powerful than the brothers but still has some name recognition. He's also close with Mammon and works alongside Lucifer/Barbatos at times so his story is a way of viewing the demon brothers' family bond and impact on the Devildom from an outsider's pov. He's an example of a demon that doesn't act like a demon...usually.
Azra — He knew the brothers before they fell. In modern times, he owns The Fall which means they cross paths a lot. Certain brothers know/like him more than than others (Asmo and possibly Mammon/Satan). He's an example of a demon that's not afraid to antagonize Lucifer and his backstory prior to the exchange program is an example of some of the not-great things demons are known for.
Zekhan — He's less powerful than the other demon OCs and is meant to be an example of what a "regular" Devildom citizen might look like. His backstory has a lot of worldbuilding around the previous wars that took place with the Celestial Realm and how that history might influence a demon's opinion of the exchange program in present times.
Bathin — I wanted a child demon OC to explore what growing up in the Devildom might look like. He comes from a very well-known family but he has his own hardships to deal with. Prior to Nightbringer, I was really intrigued by Mephisto's relationship with his younger brother and I wanted to explore that dynamic more (I was too impatient for the game to do that).
I think the closest OC I have where I play a bit fast-and-loose with canon is Diavolo's older half-sibling (I still can't decide on a name for him). His existence is based on my headcanon that there's no way the demon king only sired a single child. I don't like Diavolo much but writing him as the younger brother in a sibling dynamic makes him more interesting. Plus, I really wanted to give him someone he could still love/care about (in a familial way) that wasn't Barbatos, Lucifer or MC.
My angel OC's are meant to do explore the world of the Celestial Realm which we know even less about than the Devildom. They also have their own perspectives about Michael and the brothers before and after the fall. The exchange program opens up new possibilities for them to reconnect (or not).
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elains · 6 months
Some ideas on Theia, Fionn, Pelias and the High Lords
Since House of Flame and Shadow is coming out soon, I want to leave this registered here for posterity hahaha. I'm doing most of this by memory, I haven't really reread, so any mistakes you find that's probably it lol. Also this is WAY more focused on CCity and its character's than ACOTAR proper.
ACOSF introduces us to the Daglan and Fionn, the First and Only High King of Prythian. According to the Prythian side of the legend, he has a sword called Gwydion which was dipped into the Cauldron by the High Priestess Oleanna, which he used to defeat the Daglan. Milennia of peace followed, the land was divided in the precursors to the courts, but then they were at the brink of war. He became High King and was betrayed by his best friend and his Queen, who was also queen of her own territory in her own right.
In Crescent City, we are introduced to the figure of Queen Theia, the Starborn Queen who led the Fae out of their homeworld and brought them to Midgard. She had two daughters, Helena and an unnamed second one. She was betrayed by her most trusted general, Pelias, who then married her daughter and forced her to bear his children. Her other daughter escaped, never to be heard from again. The Starsword beloged to Theia. Come HOSAB, we learn it and Gwydion are one and the same.
Applying Occam's Razor to these two characters, the simplest outcome is that Theia was Fionn's wife and the one who betrayed him, Helena and Nameless Daughter are their children, and Pelias is the best friend and general who betrayed him. Fionn probably wasn't a great person because let's be real, Theia found Aidas later and SJMs has a thing for making past love interests looking bad when a new one is in town (example: Shahar for Hunt).
I don't want Fionn to have been evil! And I guess this is what these ideas boil down to. I'm not even gonna call them theories because they aren't really based on hard evidence. Just fun What Ifs, possible parallels, headcanons. Who knows? So without further ado:
What If Pelias played the role of Iago?
We all know Pelias is utter trash. He betrayed his Queen and forcibly married her daughter so she could be the mother of his now royal children. If he was Fionn's best friend, I have exactly zero reason to think he wasn't trash and power hungry then too. All in all, regardless of what Theia and Fionn's relationship was like (and I want to believe they were both good people), I believe Pelias was the root of all evil.
I can see him feeling inferior to both: Theia with her blazing starlight compared to his meagre one and Fionn was probably remarkable in his own way. I like to think that though they didn't love each other, there was respect and trust and even camaraderie. They both played their part in expelling the Daglan. Fionn got to be High King and married Theia, who was Queen of Dusk. He was their friend, relegated to their shadows.
This gets even juicier if we accept as true that Pelias was always a Starborn Prince. Maybe he was Theia's illegitimate brother, maybe a distant relative. I can see him wanting everything his friends have: the crown of High King, the title of King of Dusk, everything. Greed and Jealousy that drove him to manipulate his closest friends into turning against each other and ended with Theia slaying Fionn.
He never got to reap the rewards in Prythian, though: Theia's killing of Fionn sent the realm into disarray. We are told the Fae were lured to Midgard, and I think that's because Theia took the chance to flee a whole land that wanted her dead for her crime either for justice or their own greed (we will come back to it). Theia escaped believing Pelias was her friend and trusted general. I don't think they were ever lovers. Maybe that too played a role in his jealousy and anger, how Theia never loooked his way and found love with Aidas.
Regardless, he betrayed and murdered her anyway, dooming her daughter to a lifetime of unhappiness.
What if Fionn and Theia were siblings?
Frequently, across Crescent City, we hear that the Starborn have intermarried to keep their bloodline pure (how utterly Targaryen of them). We have yet to hear about any historical examples of such unions, but Fionn and Theia provide a fine opportunity for this to be brought to the table. The Last Starborns marrying out of duty to keep their bloodline pure in their old world. It also goes well with how Gwydion and Truthteller are siblings blades, one belonging to each.
Could Theia have been a Queen of her own territory in her own right then if they were siblings? Why not? Plenty of queens in history were queens in their own right, regardless of their husbands. She could have been the oldest and heir to the Dusk Territory, Fionn the younger sibling who was chosen as the High King. Or maybe he was the eldest and gave up the throne to her. Maybe the territory passed down in the female line or to the strongest starborn. In any case, it's not really a hurdle.
In this scenario, Pelias as their best friend (distant relative/bastard half-sibling/wtv) still works. In fact, it complements it because it highlights Pelias's hatred and envy for them both. They get everything, he gets nothing. Taken further if Fionn didn't have the Starborn's light, but was a legitimate prince.
It would also create an interesting parallel between Ruhn and Bryce. Siblings, one dark and one light. "Maybe there's a knife for me out there", Bryce herself says. Ruhn's the older brother and as far as we know, the heir, but it's Bryce who is most often compared to a Queen. Not him, though if I recall, Bryce think she will be a good ruler. She is right. Ruhn might carry Pelias light, true, but his shadows are Fionn's.
This time, it doesn't end in tragedy.
What if Theia was Fionn's daughter?
This is VERY far-fetched, I freely admit to it, and was born out of me trying to rationalize the difference between ACOSF and CCity: Gwydion is Fionn's sword, but it'salso the Starsword, which is Theia's.
Simplest solution is either: it was Fionn's and Theia took it all after she killed him and Midgard doesn't have the full story or it was always Theia's and Prythian remembers it incorrectly. The Dread Trove we know was likely made by the Asteri and it wasn't originally Fionn's.
Crackpot theory: Fionn was the Starborn King, hero to the Fae, and married the Night Queen to secure his rule (that's where shadow power would have com into the bloodline). Fionn and his Queen have a daughter, Theia, and Theia herself has two daughters of her own. Who fathered these kids is 100% irrelevant. Sarah didn't give the Archeron sister's father a name, I'm not holding my breath he isn't just a no one.
Pelias is Fionn's best friend and general, and madly jealous of the man. Likely wants to marry his daughter, too. In any case, he and the Queen betray and murder Fionn, intent on setting Theia on the throne. In the end, Pelias tricks Theia into believing it was all her mother, and he is on her side. The Night Queen, ruler of Nightmares, was always a means to an end. Maybe she was aligned with the Asteri too, considering the Wild Hunt imagery in the CoN.
Or maybe the Queen was dead by then, and history has conflated her with Theia. Maybe Theia, Queen after her mother, thought her father was becoming a tyrant and decided to kill him. Maybe Pelias pushed her into it, thinking he could marry her. We actually never know how long Fionn reigned. Theia never stole anything at all: it was always hers by right. She was to be the next High Queen.
And then the High Lords intervened.
What if the reason Theia fled to Midgard was because of the High Lords?
Theia was lured by the Asteri to Midgard. But why? Why did she gave up everything in her former world to a new one? What could have driven her to take such a risk? I think she wouldn't have, had she any other choice. Theia was, to put it simply, pushed against a corner because she had a rebellion in her hands.
If she killed Fionn and he was recognized as the High King and well loved, this may as well have started a rebellion. Not even because he was a good king (maybe he was), but for their own power. The Royal House is in disarray, regardless of its familial arrangement, and what better place to strike? They do not want a High Queen whatsoever.
So they attack Theia. Maybe at some point she loses parts of the Dread Trove, which is why Helion has the reaction he has to the mask: it's an echo from when his ancestor used it against Theia. In any case, she's fighting a losing war. Her people will be eliminated. She's losing and desperte, and the Asteri's call is her salvation. She doesn't notice the trap.
Victorious, the High Lords weave history to be whatever he wanted, twisting or erasing the role she played. And, perhaps, this is why there have been no High Ladies: there's magic preventing it, magic which the first High Lords established to keep the power at bay, because Fionn's only heirs were women.
And this closes the bunch of ideas I wanted to write down lmao. Probably none of this will become canon but hey, it's fun to think of other possibilities! Again, this was all by memory, incosistences galore, self-indulgent, I don't really expect any (except Pelias is the Iago but that's pribably what EVERYONE thinks, but I needed to write it down for the rest to make sense you know).
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alleyskywalker · 3 months
🐅💖💛 for Jeyne Westerling, please
Oooh thank you!
🐅 - Characterization: character habits, personality, etc.
I see/headcanon Jeyne as this mixture of sweet, romantic, idealistic and compassionate on one hand, but also passionate, headstrong, stubborn and maybe a bit selfish in certain respects on the other. I don't really see her as ambitious or interested in politics though. In my headcanon(s), that's more her sister.
💖 - Romantic relationships or ships. (This could be as simple as sharing a rareship you enjoy, or an unusual interpretation of a popular/canon ship!)
Hmm I don't know that I have a lot of Jeyne ships. I've enjoyed shipping her with Sansa! I do kinda ship her with Robb, tbh? But the thing is I definitely don't see this as either 1) a completely one-sided relationship or 2) a perfect non-problematic relationship as tends to be the two most common interpretations I've seen.
Without writing a whole ass meta here (lol) there's too components of my opinion here. First, while I think it's reasonable to assume that duty and wanting to do the right thing played a role in Robb's decision to marry Jeyne, I reject the notion that that's all it was. I see no reason to take his talk to duty at face value but not his super sappy "I conquered her castle and she conquered my heart." Like please, that's a cringe, goo-ey teenage infatuation if I've ever seen one. (Also, I'm sorry, but they fuck like rabbits on the daily. I know Robb needs an heir but this does not sound like someone who's not enjoying sex with his wife.) So yea, I think he was into her a lot, and wanting to keep her with him and also his feelings making him less willing to hurt her played a large part in in decision making as well as honor and duty considerations.
That said, Robb was kinda shitting to her and I think there's ample possible reason for this, everything from his initial infatuation fading somewhat to having to return to the war and all its stresses full time have put a damper on his ability/desire for romance if not his libido. (And it's not like Robb isn't ever kinda shitty toward other people he ostensibly loves/cares about...) I do think though, that had Robb survived the war, they could have ended up having a pretty happy marriage.
Second, this fandom really needs to recognize more how sketchy the circumstances around their first sexual encounter were. I'm not saying Jeyne didn't consent to the sex, but...it amazes me that people who easily recognize the coercive elements in the Criston/Rhaenyra scene don't see them here. The power imbalance is significant. Robb has conquered her home and his men are literally occupying it. Jeyne and her family are completely at his mercy. She doesn't really know him that well so it's hard for her to tell how he will/won't react to things (such as a sexual rejection). Robb absolutely has a temper, and if she ever witnessed it that would not have been comforting. Yes, she's attracted to him/infatuated or in love with him, but that's not really there or here when it comes to consent at any specific given moment. (Criston was attracted to Rhaenyra,, Cersei in love with Jaime - that didn't change the issues with those sex scenes.) Yes, Robb had recently been ill, but this is not a Petyr and Lysa situation frankly. Robb gives no indication of being confused about what had been happening or what they were doing. I'm also pretty sure no one was giving him war reports while he was high on milk of the poppy or whatever.
And again, I'm not saying she didn't say yes or want to... But also...that's kind of the point to. We don't know exactly what happened. Or really even any not extremely vague version. I'm sure Robb believes for every moment that she was into it. But this is less to say "it was definitely dubcon" and more like...I think this situation was more psychologically complicated than fandom has any desire to explore. (Weird in a fandom that looooves to talk about these issues. But then Robb's a Stark so what do I expect? lol) Personally, I enjoy some ambiguity there, a bit of uncertainty, a bit of confusion on Jeyne's part afterwards maybe. Because otherwise...how reckless, how selfish of her. And I don't want to be of that opinion of her.
(Literally, do not come at me with the "they drugged/seduced him" misogynistic conspiracy theories. I will sacrifice you to the Drowned God.)
💛 - Familial relationships.
I def have thoughts/feelings about Jeyne and her siblings! I think before her marriage/the Incident with Robb she was pretty close with all of them. Rollam is probably her most "surface" relationship - he's a lot younger and a boy, so they're not as close as she is with her sister and older brother, but it's also relatively straightforward and uncomplicated. That doesn't really change.
Eleyna is a more complex relationship - she's also a few years younger but them being sisters they have some more common interests/goals/environments/etc. Probably more of a complexity than their difference in age is their difference in personality. I hc Jeyne taking more after their father and Eleyna taking more after their mother. Eleyna is more practical and cynical, particularly for her age, less prone to romanticism and more prone to following the rules, or at least appearing to. But still being young this is also a bit sublimated with the naivete of childhood and such. She's far more ambitious than Jeyne. This all gets especially fraught after Jeyne gets involved with Robb. Eleyna does not take this well. She instinctively (and in part actually) understands the danger Jeyne's marriage puts their family in and the problems it will cause of Eleyna personally down the line, especially if Robb doesn't win. She also understands that if Jeyne's reputation is ruined her own could be impacted/questioned as well, especially when her prospects were already lower than Jeyne's, being the younger daughter. So she is extremely angry at Jeyne for what she considers to be her thoughtlessness and selfishness. So their relationship suffers not insignificantly.
Raynald I headcanon as like Jeyne's best friend. They're extremely close and while he's not sure how to feel about this whole allegiance switching thing generally and knows it's dangerous, he'll do pretty much anything for his sister's happiness.
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ohnococo · 3 months
thinking about Jjk guys divided into dominat or submissive in the bedroom headcanons? Like not full on bdsm but for example in my mind gojo would be the more active and dominant one most of the time. Choso I just imagine he would be shy and unsure and need leading. Naoya I reckon would 100% be the dominant one but more in a doesn't give a shit about your pleasure he just want to get off kinda way. OK this has turned into just random babbling rather than a request.
JJK Men Dom Vs Sub HCs
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Okay so here are my rankings (subject to change depending on whims, requests, and/or fic ideas lol). This is coming from a non-bdsm standpoint because that’s a wholeeeee other vibe analysis for me tbh.
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Toji - You get one of two things from Toji depending on what you mean (or don’t mean) to him and where he’s at in his life. Either rough, rowdy, bordering on too fucking much/inconsiderate sex. Or something much more intense, where he’s insistent that you will be out of your fucking mind on the tip of his cock. Either way? Dominant mostly, though he’s not above you taking the lead, it actually really gets him going to watch you try - but ultimately isn’t his preference.
Geto - It just comes naturally to be that much more active role in the bedroom. Always moving, always taking the lead, always aware of everything your bodies want and need.
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Higuruma - Law Daddy has BIG “boss me around” energy tbh. Push him on the bed, tell him to go harder or slower, straight up tell him “eat my pussy/suck my cock.” and he WILL beg. It doesn’t take much to get him to that point either, give him a certain look and he’ll be getting hard already.
Choso - He loves to please, and wants to be explicitly told what to do. The most forward he’ll be is letting you know he wants it, other than that you need to take the lead.
Ijichi - We already know my thoughts on him, he’s a messssss for you. Would actually struggle a bit to take a more dominant role (for you he’d try) but he’s honestly so happy to get washed away in the wave of whatever your heart desires of him. He gets almost overwhelmed by these feelings so that submissive role comes naturally to him.
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Ino - Loverboy Ino and will take the lead, but the smallest push and he’s putty in your hands. He’s just having fun either way.
Naoya - He goes into the both/switch category for me (he’s one of the few that I’d HC as being straight up in the bdsm scene). If it’s a one night stand or anyone in any way connected to his real life he’s dominant and if you try to push for anything else at the very best you’ll just get straight kicked out. Outside of that though? This man likes being made to cry.
Nanami - He is very considerate of you to the point that it can easily lead to him allowing you to dictate the direction things go in as well as the intensity of it. Your needs come first. If you need him to be more forward he will be, if you don’t he won’t.
Gojo - It’s kinda complicated for me. My gut is saying at the basest sense of these dynamics he could come across as dominant in a “knows what he wants” kind of way rather than a rough or “put you in your place” way buuuuut overall he’s more of a brat than anything. He wants to tease, he wants to get his way but at the end of the day what he really wants as a result of all of that is you taking the lead because of that. It makes things feel more “firey” so to speak. If you’re one to be more compliant and let him take the lead he will do that but what he really wants is a back and forth.
Sukuna - Another unpopular hc from me I’m sure lmao, but honestly I HC canon Sukuna as a fucking hedonist when it comes to sex. Yes he can be dominant, violent even, but if the whim takes him to lie back in wait while you try your very best to have him dipping into that hazy mind fog of pleasure where he’s at your mercy? He’s going to do it. He doesn’t ascribe any analysis of his character/strength to any of these kinds of acts so submitting sexually doesn’t feel like weakness or vulnerability to him because he always, always has the upper hand in reality. Doesn’t mean he prefers that often though.
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ilynpilled · 1 year
Is there any hint Jaime could possibly have dyslexia or a learning disability in books? I think I've heard that it wasn't, but idk it feels like that's a detail from the show that did well portraying Jaime. Idk maybe it's my learning disability ass but I loved that!! But I also just love looking at Jaimes insecurities. It could be another detail that kept him relying on masking/being ultra warrior bc he probably doesn't think of himself as very smart.
yeah the insecurity regarding his intelligence, especially in terms of book smarts, is present in the books too. he really admires the quality in tyrion, and emulates it, often successfully too [saving brienne from rape, achieving things like manipulating shagwell without the methods he previously relied on (force, or even status at some point doesnt work so he has to really think outside of the box, like again, sapphires), tyrion rescue mission, the riverlands .] he can also be very perceptive. he is pretty good at noticing weak points. he hones in on cat’s relationship with jon, he does the same with brienne, looking out for and noticing all of her insecurities in response to her dehumanizing him, and the same happens with loras & kind of using his relationship with renly to prevent the bloodshed in the yard. he is actually just a good mediator in general. that makes so much sense to me bc of his role in his family. he is the only member that everyone likes, while every other party would love to tear each other to shreds, so his specific role in an abusive household is very clear. anyway, jaime’s most severe insecurity is being viewed as a monster. for this reason, he seeks out that *thing* in everyone else so he is not as vulnerable. he can be very good at reading certain people, this is also why his perspective is so popular among readers imo. like he also has an air of tyrion to him, he can also provide a new, and often clearer, vision of certain characters because of his personality & experience (like his argument with brienne regarding robert). this is also just funny when he has such major blindspots regarding other things (romanticization of cersei and sometimes the old kg, though he goes back and forth w this). i think post aerys, jaime really did resolve to not really make decisions anymore and not being someone with responsibility (he was never that interested in power, even before that, but i think he was not that opposed to responsibility, he was ready to be the heir, he did want to be a kg and a good knight), instead, he dissociated and lived pretty much on autopilot. even when he was a commander he was reckless enough to always be on the frontlines and was okay with dying (see the whispering wood). he was impatient and very impulsive because he dreads facing “knots and tangles” (like the horrid moral knot that the aerys situation was, and its devastating consequences) so instead of even trying to think about them he wants to just make them disappear and cut through them. until he cant. for multiple reasons, external and internal. until he has to sit down and untangle them. and he proves himself capable. i liked the learning disability aspect that he was given in the show, it is a nice dimension, and i think he has attributes that i really relate to as well (like how he can fixate and excel in one thing & put all his focus on it, how he keeps saying “oh tyrion would talk so much about history here haha nerd” and then proceeds to spend 2 pages infodumping loras with kg lore, or that one scene where he gets distracted counting coins lol), but i think a lot of it already makes sense without that being actually canon, idk like i wouldnt actually diagnose him (he has no trouble reading from what we have seen) but i am not about to come for anybody’s headcanons
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heartscrypt · 1 year
Jamie, don't worry. Just like you, I've been thinking about JamiAzu and I, too, have not been able to create any content.
The best thing to do is to chew them in your head until something manifests on your canvas or paper. Alternatively, you can use this ask as an opportunity to talk about them. (I would love to hear your scenarios and headcanons because you understand them like I do.)
oh my god ok OKAY so. i had this fic idea rolling around in my head and the premise was basically like. the aftermath of twst events that didn't feature jamil or azul really heavily / only had small cameos but it was just jamil n azul reflecting (and maybe bonding) afterwards.
this whole thing was inspired by azul getting rejected by eliza in the phantom bride event LOL bc i thought jamil would get a kick out of it. i wanted to cover more events like wish upon a star (which i might talk about in a later post) or harveston or port fest but the phantom bride part i have like. Fully mapped out.
i only have this excerpt because. i lost motivation but if anyone wants to take this fic concept and do it justice they can :3 id just like to be tagged and credited
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full outline is under the read more because God it is long. sorry. its also kind of incomprehensible because im incomprehensible about these two
but the ficlet for the first event, phantom bride, was going to take place a few hours after where the event canonically ends. jamil finds out azul got sooo rejected and laughs at him under his breath for a bit. says its because eliza could sense that he was fake as fuck all the time. azul gets frustrated and flustered bc the guy he wants so bad is currently mocking him for having NOOOO game. he's like "yeah well. you didn't participate b/c of kalim so you don't know what impossible standards she had"
jamils still used to deflecting when it comes to his competence so he'd dismissively say that of course he wouldn't have been a suitable candidate to woo the ghost even if kalim was guaranteed to not be involved. he's not that kind of guy. azul's Jamil Bullshit radar is ACTIVATED. he immediately insists that jamil absolutely Could've swayed eliza into wearing the ring and starts praising all of jamil's qualities with such a Genuine belief in jamil's abilities until jamil is the flustered one trying to beat azul's compliments off of him with a stick.
this part is really funny to me because in my head there's a scene before where jamil is telling azul that his approach failed because he always came off as disingenuous. and then here in this scene azul's so genuine that jamil's taken aback and in his head he's like "if he approached eliza the way he's approaching me NOW there's no way he would've failed." and then he promptly refuses to think about the implications of that thought for the rest of the fic. lol
anyways through the power of lovebombing and a few appeals to jamil's competitive side, azul goads jamil into demonstrating how he would've approached eliza to get the ghost sealing ring on her finger. jamil's pretending to be a suitor. one of jamil's rings (he's a jewelry guy no way he doesn't have a few rings) plays the role of the ghost sealing ring. and of course azul is the Substitute Eliza in their little pretend scenario so we get. these two indirectly flirting with each other in the weirdest fucking way possible. roleplay.
also there's a funny bit of azul mimicking something eliza actually did mid-scenario and jamil breaking out of character to be like "No Way ok Time out no way you aren't fucking with me right now" and azul responding like "no she really did say that" and jamil getting the most longsuffering expression on his face before slipping back into his princely character.
azul enjoys being the one "chased" by jamil for a change but he's always cognizant of the facade jamil's wearing while playing the role of eliza's prince. knows that that's just as much Not the true jamil as the "dutiful servant" jamil was, and is in return so totally lovestruck by how GOOD jamil is at being manipulative. not even swooned by the princely way jamils acting. he's falling head over heels for the fact that he KNOWS jamil is acting and in reality could not care less and yet is able to pull off such a convincing display. because azul's fucking crazy and his taste in men actually sucks so bad he sees all the red flags in jamil as fun little collectibles. he's mentally like "its so frustratingly attractive when he says something with that little smirk smile and we both know he's lying straight to my face but i cant call him out on it." GIRL. YOU ARE SO FAILCRINGE
on jamils end of things. yes he is pretending to be a "prince" for "eliza" but he's also hyperaware that this is azul pretending to be eliza for the sake of the scenario so. he gets a little sneaky. a little underhanded. starts doing and saying things that are targeted to catch Specifically azul off guard so azul gets flustered and breaks character for a split second. this is solely to fuck with azul and has Noooo other reason behind it (nevermind the fact that there is a giddy feeling jamil gets when he's able to crack the facade azul wears to see the real, vulnerable azul hiding underneath).
they go back and forth for a while, jamil pushing forward relentlessly while azul pulls away but always stays close (a complete reversal of their usual dynamic). but then jamil says something that's so completely him and definitely not part of the facade and azul forgets himself for a moment, forgets that they're playing pretend. lets his guard down completely. from jamils perspective, this startles him a little because he wasn't expecting it and he certainly wasn't expecting for azul to seem so convincingly enamored by him (it's because azul actually is but like jamil's kind of operating under the assumption that azul is incredibly fake all the time) and he REALLY doesn't know what to do with the realization that he likes the way azul is looking at him right now a lot more than he probably should like attention coming from someone he supposedly hates.
so he panics internally, shoves the ring onto azul's finger while azul is distracted, and tells him he can stop acting now because jamil proved his point that he Could've gotten the ring on eliza. azul snaps out of it and is like "ah. Yes. Acting. I'm so good at it Wouldn't you agree jamil" (hes pretending his inner monologue rn doesn't mainly consist of distressed dramatic bitch wailing and screaming. hes embarrassed abt being so vulnerable when they're both supposed to be acting he wants to crawl into an octopus pot and never come out). jamil's reply is smth like "yeah yeah whatever of course you're used to acting b/c you're a fraud" (his inner monologue also sounds like distressed screaming btw. less dramatic and more Full of dread and horror). moment of awkward silence where they just aren't looking at each other but azul's hand is still in jamil's (since jamil had to take his hand to put the ring on). worst handholding experience ever. 0/10
jamil breaks the silence. "i prefer it when you're not acting". on the surface its just a casual dig at azul's role at eliza but like THE WAY he says it. means something more. azul picks up on that, thinks back to all the times during the scene where jamil got him to break character for a second, the smug satisfaction on his face when azul sputtered or faltered. his first conclusion is "he wants me so bad" because he's delusional but then he reels it back a little and only says "i prefer your true self as well." jamil knows what THAT means well enough. he's starting to get suspicions that their dynamic isn't just "guy who is trying to exploit someone he sees as an opportunity x guy who fucking hates him because the other guy is a slimeball". he isn't sold on azul's intentions being all that pure though. he needs to bide his time, hang back and see whether this moment was a fluke.
they r still holding hands btw. neither of them has pulled away yet. jamil's the first to look down and Acknowledge it, silently swiping his thumb over the ring on azul's finger. drops the other's hand. says very nonchalantly that azul is going to keep the ring. azuls like "? haha i couldn't Possibly keep this. it's your ring". jamil smirks. says "keep it as a consolation prize. and a reminder of how badly you embarrassed yourself today". looks up through his eyelashes to watch for a reaction. azuls head nearly explodes. jamil knows in his gut that once azul recovers he's going to be Fucking Insufferable for the next few weeks flaunting that ring around everywhere and playing up the bond between himself and jamil but as he leaves, he can't find himself caring all that much about that as long as the other Does wear the ring.
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astral-mariner · 3 months
Hopefully this isn’t too stalker-y, but I’ve noticed you say a couple times that you don’t ship Kakavege the same way as most of the fandom. Would you be willing to talk about how you see the pairing and how it’s different from the “default”? Obviously no pressure if you don’t want to talk about it, but I love seeing different interpretations of their relationship (whatever form it may take)
Not too stalker-y! If anything, I'm flattered that anyone would be interested in what I might think about stuff, haha. That said, all of the following is just my personal headcanon. There are lots of fun and valid interpretations of this pairing, and mine is but one of them.
First to clarify: When I'm thinking of the "default" (which is, of course, a very loose term, as the fandom and the shippers are obviously not monolithic at all!), what I have in mind is how Vegeta is constantly put in a submissive and/or bottom role where he gets his absolute shit wrecked and gets all sobbing and unraveled. And while Vegeta getting his shit wrecked is definitely up my alley (lol), I feel like the journey to get to that shit-wrecking doesn't vibe with how I personally interpret each character.
I think a great deal of it has to do with the fact that I don't see Goku as a very sexual person. I think he's very sensual in that he loves physical activities like fighting, eating, etc., but that like, sexual DRIVE just isn't there in the same way that it is for fighting. He probably has a libido, sure, but there's a difference between having a physical urge and being preoccupied with sexual desire. He doesn't really think about sex in the moment unless it's happening to him. In canon, he's often shown to be oblivious or not to understand things involving sex. Not because he's stupid or he can't pick up on things (because he definitely does and even plays dumb to mess with people for fun!), but because he's just on a different wavelength. Things that occur to "normal" people just don't occur to him.
And to me, all of that doesn't really line up with his being characterized as a dominant top most of the time, lol. Someone who exerts his desire upon someone else. (Which is not to say you can't have a submissive-leaning top---you definitely can; I think that is *cough* how Vegeta is with Bulma *cough*.) Now there are definitely situations where I can see Goku entering this headspace, though. Namely, say, if Vegeta nurtured that feral side of Goku's saiyan nature and encouraged him to get in touch with and act upon it. Exerting it on others.
Which brings me to Vegeta's characterization. I don't see him as particularly nurturing, lol. He sees Goku as a rival---someone he wants to tear down, not someone he wants to build up. He's obsessed with and angry at Goku for besting him. And I feel like one of Vegeta's responses to this would be to dominate him in any way he feels that he can. Unravel and defeat him. Even if it's just a pathetic attempt to feel superior or to shove down his real feelings and longings. (Because I think, deep down, Vegeta longs to let go of his NEED to fill a particular role, play the prince, be the best---it's a cage for him, and laying down his desperate desire for power and reveling in weakness would be freeing.)
On top of this, Vegeta strikes me as a person with far more dark, sexual energy. He's repressed as fuck, of course, but he's just BRIMMING with pent up feelings and desires. It even comes out when he fights. When he's dominating someone in battle, he gets really into it. He gets really intimate and personal about it. And considering his past, he's seen some fucking shit out in space. He's not innocent or oblivious even if he is a prude who tried to stay above it all. He knows what sex is, he knows what sexual desire is, he knows what sexual violence is, and he feels all of it intensely even if he doesn't let himself act on it (probably plays into why he's so ANGRY and frustrated all the time, lol). Not to mention the fact that Vegeta wouldn't have to stop and explain to Goku how to fuck him, lol; he'd just fuck him himself and show him what's what (or even sexually dominate him by bottoming from the top, so to speak).
All in all, in my mind, Vegeta would be far more likely to exert sexuality onto Goku vs. the other way around. Act his desires out on Goku. Dominate him in one of the few ways he can. Even though it's pathetic! And perhaps not even what he truly wants (to let go and have his responsibility/power stripped from him). But it's what he would do, and what he'd tell himself he wanted.
All that said, this leads to a "default" dynamic where Vegeta is more sexually dominant than Goku is. Which is against the more common fan interpretation. "Kakavege" is definitely more popular than "Vegekaka." (Even though I personally don't like when people get obsessed with who bottoms or tops... I'm a queer man, I'm messy as fuck, and I like when my ships are messy and complex like me, haha).
Even so, as I mentioned somewhere else before, there are definitely still situations where I can imagine Goku topping and/or being more dominant. Particularly in AUs where he's a lot less innocent and didn't get conked on the head, lmao. I LOVE when Goku snaps and goes feral like he did when he first transformed, though. I also LOVE when Vegeta lets go of his pride and gets his shit wrecked. But I feel like not a lot of people get either character to those places in a way that satisfies me personally when they write the pairing. Takes into account all the little subtleties and complexities of their characters. So it results in me being very picky with my shipping content for the pairing.
And THEN, on top of everything else, there's the issue of the imbalance in their feelings for each other. Vegeta feels far more intensely about Goku than Goku does about Vegeta. Vegeta is fucking obsessed. Whereas Goku has lots of rivals, and Vegeta might be one of his favorites, and he might even have a special bond with him as a saiyan, someone who understands him in a way the others might not, but he's not obsessed with Vegeta. Vegeta is always going to be angsting about what is effectively a situation of unrequited love. The pairing, at least to me, is an extremely angsty and doomed one for that reason. Vegeta just wants so desperately to be noticed and cared about the way he cares about Goku (see: the Majin Stunt). And a lot of people write the ship to be a lot less angsty than this. But I'm all about the angst, lol.
Vegeta really is the more "emotional" of the two despite insisting how little he cares for anyone or anything. Despite Goku wearing his heart on his sleeve more. Or being outwardly affectionate and comfortable sharing his feelings. Vegeta feels for Kakarot deeply even if he doesn't express it outright. Whereas Goku may love Vegeta as he loves everyone---his general love for life and everyone he meets kind of way. But it's not the intense, dark, emotional, romantic obsession that Vegeta has. The two characters are extremely different despite being two sides of the saiyan coin and sharing many important things in common.
I hope that sheds a BIT of light on how I see them? There is so much nuance to these characters. I love hearing other people's thoughts too. There are lots of really cool and interesting reads on them that are different than mine. Thanks for the ask!
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withdenim · 6 months
Hi! About your answering my question last time I'm totally agree with you!! The new series is really amazing and talk about another found family one is really great, just wanna ask you tho aside from that, who's your favorite side characters in ninjago and what's your otp?? Are there any hcs for any of them?? Also am I asking to much questions?? I'm really sorry if it is, I'm just really hype about it hearing someone has the same liking and stuff
Hi I started this draft MONTHS ago and just found it again sorry !!
Some of my favourite side characters are Benthomaar, Okino, and Faith (Heavy Metal). I like their character archetypes and they all have this. Air of tragedy to them (in my opinion) that matches what’s so compelling to me about Lloyd if that makes sense. Like ooohhh girl you have an Ancient And Poetic Tragedy in your characterization, I like that in a man /J
(I wrote this pre DR pt2 and now I’m obsessed with Percival and Jordana also)
As for ships I think the three I think about most are probably Bumblebee (Percy/Arin), PIXane, and lostshipping (Cole/Geo)? But I enjoy so many especially in this fandom where there’s a fantastic multishipping/poly-positive/rarepair culture. I think that’s so cool. I’ve been liking seabreeze (morro/Benthomaar) and citrus (echo/morro) maybe I just want to put that twink in a relationship.
As for headcanons ooohhhh okay where to start without doing too much.
1. There is a two part cycle in the FSM’s family that fascinates me. Dragon/oni ofc as the first part and The Child as the second. The role of the dragon and oni in this cycle are to end up believing that they are destined to be at odds, and the child is just The Figure That They Make Choose Between Them. Lloyd and the FSM are The Child, and wu and garmadon and the Actual Namesakes of the role are the dragon and oni.
(My favourite part of this hc is that it’s fully psychological there is no actual predetermined role for any of them to play. This just keeps happening)
2. The “Which Ninja Is Your Boyfriend (females only)” quiz exists on the in universe quotev equivalent and the ninja have all taken it.
3. Jay wants to be in a band and every time he meets someone who plays an instrument he gets Weird
4. On that note my music hcs for the ninja.
-Coles voice actually really suits a grungier style than he’s tried singing in
-Lloyd took drum lessons at darkleys and still remembers the general schtick bc air drumming is a fantastic stim. He hasn’t used a real drum set since he was 9 though lol
-Nya learned guitar bc she wanted to impress a girl. She can’t play bar chords and DID play wonderwall for Jay on a date. Jay was smitten.
-PIXAL can do a death growl I think
-Zane’s “hello my baby” rendition is my basis. He sings like he’s old and has fantastic taste.
-Jay’s just A Good Singer. He learned to play top forty radio songs on a piano he tuned himself in the junkyard and he’s dreamed of telling that story on a radio show ever since.
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