#crackpot theory
littleluminaryzzz · 5 months
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I had a blurry dream that there was a special episode of the Smiling Critters that had been released by MOB exactly 10:05 at night where in the episode There were two Dogdays, the normal Dogday and The one from the poster Dogday(Lets call him Dog days for now) From the start it was like that one episode where Pinkie pie from My little pony turned into Pinkamena except it was Dogday instead
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Andd also how Dogday is actually Experiment 1006, which is.. yeah a very weird dream. It explained how the reason there would be times Dogday has different colours like how Dogday didn't had the orange on his face on his reveal unlike his plushie, his hands at the end of the VHS was lighter, and the poster of him were darker(altho maybe its a filter?) He had a was because the VHS Dogday is actually Experiment 1006, while Dog Days is the original Smiling Critters Leader
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
On Twitter, Wilson Cruz asked why people are so fascinated with Zombie movies/shows.
I couldn't resist giving my 2c:
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Or, expanded a whole 47c worth:
Zombies embody our fears of the poor and disenfranchised.
(They will rise up, they outnumber us, they are dirty and wear rags and want to eat us.)
Vampires embody our fears of the rich.
(They prey on mere mortals, they slowly suck us dry, they seduce us, they are beautiful and well-dressed and own castles and we secretly want to become them.)
Werewolves embody our fears of ourselves.
(If the moon is right, and we lose control, we just might rip someone's face off. We are all savage beasts, and we're just barely holding this shit together. Also if someone murders a bunch of people in our town, let's be honest, it was probably one of us gone wrong.)
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greenbloods · 5 months
my new batshit reddit-esque theory that someones probably already come up with is that rhaegar's rubies are actually a glamor, and that the "rhaegar" on the trident was actually lyanna who wore rhaegar's armor a la the knight of the laughing tree incident, giving the whole situation a layer of dramatic irony as robert unknowingly kills his dream girl in an attempt to save her from the person shes disguised as. this, of course, means that rhaegar is glamored as lyanna and gives birth to jon, and thus ned's "promise me" scene in the tower of joy is actually between ned and rhaegar. this was rhaegars idea because of the "prophecy" or whatever. it's perfect. except for the fact that it's utterly stupid
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sweetlittlestarbursts · 3 months
I'm under the strong impression that Henry Clerval was the type of kid who would just randomly walk up and kiss Victor on the lips and then giggle his way out of trouble.
"henry, what are you doi-" smooch "where are you goin-" kiss "can i come?" mwah "what do you want to be when you grow u-" SMOOOCH "i found you this flowe-" kisses ensue
(note: sleepovers must've been fun.)
I am also under the impression that Henry Clerval's advances would pale as they grew up. Innocent kisses and joyous giggles would become guilty glances and sorrowful laughter. they wouldn't kiss anymore, and when they'd touch hands, accidentally, and just for a second, they'd both blush and turn away, acting as if it had never happened.
I AM ALSO UNDER THE IMPRESSION that Victor and Henry probably had that "what do you want to do when you grow up?" conversation, and that Henry's answer was "i want to love somebody…"
and Victor probably said "oh…who?"
and then Henry woul blush and hide his face beneath the covers of their shared bed (its a sleepover, duh) and they'd just be quiet for awhile, before falling asleep in each other's warmth.
i aLsO bELiEvE - according to hours of studious work, blood, sweat, and tears - that every. last. one. of Henry's poems over the years were about Victor, but Victor never knew, because he wasn't allowed to read them… and secretly that "favorite poem" Victor mentions Henry reciting for him in the book was actually written by Henry, for Victor, but Victor wasn't aware of who it was written by, he'd just heard Henry recite it before, and he liked it so much that he asked Henry to recite it again and again…unaware that the words were about him.
(i'm losing my sanity over these two. send help.)
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aybri · 8 months
This is probably not true but it kinda sorta makes sense??? Just a fun thought. I am making a lot of assumptions tbf.
In Undertale, when you "name the fallen child," you're naming Chara, right? The first fallen child.
You try to put in names of pre-existing characters and it goes "nope!" Why? Because there can only be one of them, it would cause a bit of a confusing paradox.
You put in "Gaster," the game crashes. Why?
Because if "Gaster" was erased from reality before the events of the game, would that not extend to other beings of a similar concept? Gaster's closest fellow scientists, the followers, all became goners alongside them. Anything especially close to them... gone, erased from existence.
Chara is already notable to Gaster because of their determination, but if they were to share the same name... I wouldn't be surprised if they came close as a result, causing Chara to become a goner alongside the others.
This, of course, completely fucks up the timeline. (Something, something, pun with "doggy style" and Toby Fox.) It fucks up the timeline SO badly, WAY more than naming them any of the other characters, that the game straight up can't handle it and just crashes. Chara's absence results in... pretty much the main plot of Undertale not really happening anymore.
In Deltarune, I feel like it's more that Gaster is trying to give us a throwback and/or is slightly annoyed at us trying to steal their name.
Just a fun little thought.
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class1akids · 1 year
You know what? Forget the Agni Kai, I'm picturing the Todo-brothers ending like this:
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Just to be precise, Shouto is Anna in this scenario. Like imagine how much he'll have to surpass his limits to stop a 5km fireball to go off...
Horikoshi's original ending says I'm right:
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They'll thaw him out with a long-overdue family hug.
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yonoseporqueestoy · 2 months
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elains · 4 months
Some ideas on Theia, Fionn, Pelias and the High Lords
Since House of Flame and Shadow is coming out soon, I want to leave this registered here for posterity hahaha. I'm doing most of this by memory, I haven't really reread, so any mistakes you find that's probably it lol. Also this is WAY more focused on CCity and its character's than ACOTAR proper.
ACOSF introduces us to the Daglan and Fionn, the First and Only High King of Prythian. According to the Prythian side of the legend, he has a sword called Gwydion which was dipped into the Cauldron by the High Priestess Oleanna, which he used to defeat the Daglan. Milennia of peace followed, the land was divided in the precursors to the courts, but then they were at the brink of war. He became High King and was betrayed by his best friend and his Queen, who was also queen of her own territory in her own right.
In Crescent City, we are introduced to the figure of Queen Theia, the Starborn Queen who led the Fae out of their homeworld and brought them to Midgard. She had two daughters, Helena and an unnamed second one. She was betrayed by her most trusted general, Pelias, who then married her daughter and forced her to bear his children. Her other daughter escaped, never to be heard from again. The Starsword beloged to Theia. Come HOSAB, we learn it and Gwydion are one and the same.
Applying Occam's Razor to these two characters, the simplest outcome is that Theia was Fionn's wife and the one who betrayed him, Helena and Nameless Daughter are their children, and Pelias is the best friend and general who betrayed him. Fionn probably wasn't a great person because let's be real, Theia found Aidas later and SJMs has a thing for making past love interests looking bad when a new one is in town (example: Shahar for Hunt).
I don't want Fionn to have been evil! And I guess this is what these ideas boil down to. I'm not even gonna call them theories because they aren't really based on hard evidence. Just fun What Ifs, possible parallels, headcanons. Who knows? So without further ado:
What If Pelias played the role of Iago?
We all know Pelias is utter trash. He betrayed his Queen and forcibly married her daughter so she could be the mother of his now royal children. If he was Fionn's best friend, I have exactly zero reason to think he wasn't trash and power hungry then too. All in all, regardless of what Theia and Fionn's relationship was like (and I want to believe they were both good people), I believe Pelias was the root of all evil.
I can see him feeling inferior to both: Theia with her blazing starlight compared to his meagre one and Fionn was probably remarkable in his own way. I like to think that though they didn't love each other, there was respect and trust and even camaraderie. They both played their part in expelling the Daglan. Fionn got to be High King and married Theia, who was Queen of Dusk. He was their friend, relegated to their shadows.
This gets even juicier if we accept as true that Pelias was always a Starborn Prince. Maybe he was Theia's illegitimate brother, maybe a distant relative. I can see him wanting everything his friends have: the crown of High King, the title of King of Dusk, everything. Greed and Jealousy that drove him to manipulate his closest friends into turning against each other and ended with Theia slaying Fionn.
He never got to reap the rewards in Prythian, though: Theia's killing of Fionn sent the realm into disarray. We are told the Fae were lured to Midgard, and I think that's because Theia took the chance to flee a whole land that wanted her dead for her crime either for justice or their own greed (we will come back to it). Theia escaped believing Pelias was her friend and trusted general. I don't think they were ever lovers. Maybe that too played a role in his jealousy and anger, how Theia never loooked his way and found love with Aidas.
Regardless, he betrayed and murdered her anyway, dooming her daughter to a lifetime of unhappiness.
What if Fionn and Theia were siblings?
Frequently, across Crescent City, we hear that the Starborn have intermarried to keep their bloodline pure (how utterly Targaryen of them). We have yet to hear about any historical examples of such unions, but Fionn and Theia provide a fine opportunity for this to be brought to the table. The Last Starborns marrying out of duty to keep their bloodline pure in their old world. It also goes well with how Gwydion and Truthteller are siblings blades, one belonging to each.
Could Theia have been a Queen of her own territory in her own right then if they were siblings? Why not? Plenty of queens in history were queens in their own right, regardless of their husbands. She could have been the oldest and heir to the Dusk Territory, Fionn the younger sibling who was chosen as the High King. Or maybe he was the eldest and gave up the throne to her. Maybe the territory passed down in the female line or to the strongest starborn. In any case, it's not really a hurdle.
In this scenario, Pelias as their best friend (distant relative/bastard half-sibling/wtv) still works. In fact, it complements it because it highlights Pelias's hatred and envy for them both. They get everything, he gets nothing. Taken further if Fionn didn't have the Starborn's light, but was a legitimate prince.
It would also create an interesting parallel between Ruhn and Bryce. Siblings, one dark and one light. "Maybe there's a knife for me out there", Bryce herself says. Ruhn's the older brother and as far as we know, the heir, but it's Bryce who is most often compared to a Queen. Not him, though if I recall, Bryce think she will be a good ruler. She is right. Ruhn might carry Pelias light, true, but his shadows are Fionn's.
This time, it doesn't end in tragedy.
What if Theia was Fionn's daughter?
This is VERY far-fetched, I freely admit to it, and was born out of me trying to rationalize the difference between ACOSF and CCity: Gwydion is Fionn's sword, but it'salso the Starsword, which is Theia's.
Simplest solution is either: it was Fionn's and Theia took it all after she killed him and Midgard doesn't have the full story or it was always Theia's and Prythian remembers it incorrectly. The Dread Trove we know was likely made by the Asteri and it wasn't originally Fionn's.
Crackpot theory: Fionn was the Starborn King, hero to the Fae, and married the Night Queen to secure his rule (that's where shadow power would have com into the bloodline). Fionn and his Queen have a daughter, Theia, and Theia herself has two daughters of her own. Who fathered these kids is 100% irrelevant. Sarah didn't give the Archeron sister's father a name, I'm not holding my breath he isn't just a no one.
Pelias is Fionn's best friend and general, and madly jealous of the man. Likely wants to marry his daughter, too. In any case, he and the Queen betray and murder Fionn, intent on setting Theia on the throne. In the end, Pelias tricks Theia into believing it was all her mother, and he is on her side. The Night Queen, ruler of Nightmares, was always a means to an end. Maybe she was aligned with the Asteri too, considering the Wild Hunt imagery in the CoN.
Or maybe the Queen was dead by then, and history has conflated her with Theia. Maybe Theia, Queen after her mother, thought her father was becoming a tyrant and decided to kill him. Maybe Pelias pushed her into it, thinking he could marry her. We actually never know how long Fionn reigned. Theia never stole anything at all: it was always hers by right. She was to be the next High Queen.
And then the High Lords intervened.
What if the reason Theia fled to Midgard was because of the High Lords?
Theia was lured by the Asteri to Midgard. But why? Why did she gave up everything in her former world to a new one? What could have driven her to take such a risk? I think she wouldn't have, had she any other choice. Theia was, to put it simply, pushed against a corner because she had a rebellion in her hands.
If she killed Fionn and he was recognized as the High King and well loved, this may as well have started a rebellion. Not even because he was a good king (maybe he was), but for their own power. The Royal House is in disarray, regardless of its familial arrangement, and what better place to strike? They do not want a High Queen whatsoever.
So they attack Theia. Maybe at some point she loses parts of the Dread Trove, which is why Helion has the reaction he has to the mask: it's an echo from when his ancestor used it against Theia. In any case, she's fighting a losing war. Her people will be eliminated. She's losing and desperte, and the Asteri's call is her salvation. She doesn't notice the trap.
Victorious, the High Lords weave history to be whatever he wanted, twisting or erasing the role she played. And, perhaps, this is why there have been no High Ladies: there's magic preventing it, magic which the first High Lords established to keep the power at bay, because Fionn's only heirs were women.
And this closes the bunch of ideas I wanted to write down lmao. Probably none of this will become canon but hey, it's fun to think of other possibilities! Again, this was all by memory, incosistences galore, self-indulgent, I don't really expect any (except Pelias is the Iago but that's pribably what EVERYONE thinks, but I needed to write it down for the rest to make sense you know).
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hisnie · 11 months
I always found it interesting in Skyward sword how Zelda and Ganon technically always had beef way before the events of Skyward Sword. Hylia fights Demise and seals him and then creates trials for Link, the Chosen Hero, but I never understood how she knew that Link was that chosen hero in the future.
TOTK kinda fucks up the OG canon of LOZ with Skyward Sword and the Zonai. It construes the founding of Hyrule and doesn’t make since in how the Zonai tribe were never mentioned in previous games. Which makes me believe that botw/totk is a completely different timeline and completely strays from canon. What really influenced this is Demise’s curse in Skyward Sword.
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“You fight like no human or demon I have ever known. Though this is not the end. My hate... never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end! I will rise again. Those like you... Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero... They are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!"
Demise said that he never seen any creature that fights like Link, therefore a Link has never existed and fought Demise before he was sealed by Hylia. That one anniversary manga was never confirmed canon so that version of Link is not the first version of Link. Then, Demise is the only one that reincarnates. He cursed the spirit of Link and the bloodline of Zelda to always fight the reincarnation of Demise. So no matter what, a reincarnation of Demise is always going to be a male gerudo and gerudo’s physical characteristics are similar so it makes sense why Ganon always looks similar to each other reincarnation from each timeline in some shape or form. Or that ugly pig form he has in some games. Zelda will always have the same characteristics of whatever race the goddess Hylia was. Which explains why Zelda always look similar to each iteration of her character. Each Zelda are Hylian descendants of Hylia no matter what timeline. Zelda and Ganon both have restrictions to who they are rightfully so but not Link.
Link’s spirit is cursed, not his bloodline or soul. To add on top of that, Link legend technically came from nowhere. Zelda is Hylia reborn and descendants of Hylia and Ganon is the reincarnation of Demise. Link has no legend to his name prior to SS. Outside of the triforce of courage, there is nothing notable about his bloodline except for maybe Twilight Princess. Nothing restricts him to being a male Hylian with blond/dirty blonde/brown hair with blue eyes outside of merchandise/advertisement reasonings. He is allowed to change forms and be a different race or gender and he isn’t constricted to one form.
Now I ask you to consider botw/totk to be a new canon to the LOZ timeline. It’s own separate branch that wasn’t created because of OOT. That it is it’s own story without the older games to continue it.
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But ofc, we need the previous games for inspiration. In Skyward Sword, it was said that Hylia had the help from the other races of Hyrule to seal Demise and although this is common in the plot for every Zelda game, it’s important to mention.
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In BOTW, to the left of Ganon, it shows a figure that looks like Zelda and to the right it shows an unknown warrior that wields the Master Sword and they’ve enlisted the help of all races to help deal with Ganon like Hylia has done before. The events in the tapestry is similar to the sealing of Demise. Hylia, with the support of the other races, seals Demise until Link can kill him in the future. The biggest difference however is that the botw tapestry shows a hero wielding the sword that seals the darkness. Which makes me believe that Demise wouldn’t have been sealed but instead killed in this fight.
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You probably already figured out where this was leading. I believe that the ancient hero aspect is botw/totk’s version of the first ever and I mean ever avatar of the hero’s spirit. The armor set and the hero in the tapestry are strikingly familiar to their skin color and the prominent red hair.
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Also, idk if anyone noticed but the text says the spirt of A hero who once saved Hyrule not the spirit of THE hero of Hyrule. Saying “a hero” separates it from the idea that the hero spirit has already been established or I guess cursed by this timeline’s version of Demise. “The spirit of a hero” is singular.
A lot of the timeline for botw/totk is very collapsing and confusing but I’d like to believe that the tapestry shows botw/totk’s universe’s version of Demise, Hylia, AND Link. Ofc this can be debunked as it was said the first calamity was 10,000 years ago and Ganon reveals in one of the memories that the Zonai have long died out and Rauru and Mineru are most likely the last of their kind.
But to further establish my theory as a loophole is that the interpretation of the tapestry could simply be incorrect and misinterpreted by the researchers of Hyrule.
Lets say hypothetically speaking, the Ganon in the tapestry is Demise and it shows Hylia and the Zonai Link killing Demise. He does his speech with the curse and starts the cycle of hatred until the events of Rauru and Sonya’s era. The absence of the Shekiah tech can be easily explained as it was said in botw that the tech was hidden until they were needed again to aid the hero that seals the darkness. Sonya could be a descendent of Hylia and for all we know, Rauru could be a descendant of the Zonai version of Link. Maybe Zonai Link had light powers and infused it into a sword creating The Master Sword and his power passed down to Rauru. And Rauru’s sister, Mineru, is the Sage of Spirit which can also correlate back to Zonai Link as his spirit was cursed. It can also bring more weight to Rauru having the ability to seal Ganon for so long but not being able to finish the job as he is a small fraction of the Spirit of the Hero but not the real deal. When Ganon is reincarnated during Rauru’s era, there is no Link to be found nor a Zelda from that era of Rauru as king. For some cosmic reason, they weren’t reincarnated until 10,000 years after the event of Rauru sealing Ganon which explains why the shekiah tech appears in botw but not during Rauru’s era. They are their to aid the spirit of the chosen hero and this was probably implemented into their programming after Zonai Link’s Spirit was cursed. To help the next avatar of the spirit of the hero. The technology of the Shekiah could’ve also progressed so amazingly with the help of the Zonai or teachings of the Zonai. I feel that there has to be some influence as there were Shekiah shrines in Zonai ruins like the Thylpho Ruins.
Oh and one small tid bit, for some reason the Zonai tend to worship the idea of courage as a lot of their trials relates to courage. Most notably the phrases for the Labyrinths and the ceremonies for the Glide Set. The Zonai most prominent ruins are also in Faron, named after the Goddess of Courage Farore which is also interesting. :)
I have no explanation however as to why Ganon reincarnated without a proper Link and Zelda to stop him.
To summarize my long ass theory and clear any confusion, I believe that the tapestry depicts BOTW/TOTK version and fight of Demise vs Hylia and the hero’s spirit. It depicts the fight where they were cursed into this cycle and the Era of King Rauru and events of botw/totk is directly after it. So basically, completely new and different canon.
But anyway, it’s all just a theory. A GAME THEORY!!! :))))
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potarathecute · 9 months
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awalkingballofanxiety · 8 months
I have the dumbest murder drones theory. So in episode 6, it’s said that heat weakens the solver meat goop things. They labs are all Cabin Fever labs. A fever is your body overheating itself on purpose to get rid of pathogens and viruses. The Absolute Solver is now established to be a virus. In episode 4, Uzi’s body is overheating and she loses control of the solver powers. Cyn is taking control of her body, but she can also transfer her sentience. What if, when Uzi becomes controlled by Cyn again, they do something to cause Uzi to overheat and try to transfer Cyn’s consciousness into a dead drone or something. It would save Uzi, hopefully, and leave Cyn in a weakened state. Even if the sentience transfer doesn’t work and they have to fight Cyn in Uzi’s body, this would still weaken her and stop her from going all eldritch abomination like she was in the gala and as J in episode 2.
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dovahkiin796 · 4 days
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We finally got a full body look of the Phantom Rider and I got to say. He looks pretty badass! I hope he comes to Sonic Dash Battle.
Now the biggest mystery surrounding this character is their identity. Who is the person behind the helmet? Well we will have to wait and... it's Mimic. We see Mimic's picture at the bottom next to the Phantom Rider. Now that could be a red herring. Not the first time I seen something like that. But if they are a whole new character. What's the point of the mystery? They have to be Mimic for the reveal to mean something.
But my headcanon is he's Shadow the Hedgehog. Why would Shadow don a masked persona? Probably to not be in the spotlight. But also it be easy for him to move around while undercover. Shadow is almost as well known as Sonic and Shadow has partook in televised races in the past.
Now my crackpot theory is this. The Phantom Rider isn't Mimic. But instead they are....
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Think about it. The Mimic has the ability to compact or increase its form to fit any suit regardless if the suit was made for animatronic or a person. The Mimic could totally compact itself to be Mobian size and don a racing outfit to blend in. Study the competition and mimic their actions for later. The Mimic is deceptively cunning.
I am looking forward to this racing arc. Sonic Riders was a childhood game of mine. X3
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idothingsandstuffs · 7 months
On today's episode of "weird things that are possibly just coincidence that even the creators possibly didn't put that much thought into, but stucked in my head" we are talking about this guy.
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Dark matter swordsman every Kirby fan knows him, you can recognize his design nearly anywhere, but something caught my eye...
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Now you must be confused why I am drawing attention to that pattern because there is a character who has a piece of clothing with a similar pattern, HIM.
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Now I know that there is a huge time gab between those two images, but these pattern has been in dedede's design since dreamland 1.
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Why did they used that pattern for dark matter swordsman? And why did they chose to keep it in mass attack?
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(This was the best image I was sure wasn't fanart in google)
They changed his design a lot, but kept that pattern why? It is not like they even keep it the same but simmiliar enough, do they want to keep that pattern because they don't want him to be unrecognizable but they change another characters design to the point you would think they were two different people.
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So my point still stands, why do they match? Is it because he is dedede's first possession and they wanted to give it parts from dedede's design, but why did they chose that? It is not in the same place and nothing else in its design resembles king dedede and if they wanted the resemblance to be there why didn't they just use his robe? What does that mean? We've seen dark matter could consume someone's soul from magolor, was dark matter swordsman someone else, who got possessed by dark matter? If so did he had any relation to king dedede? Or is that a pattern that is asocieted with royalty and dark matter used to be the former ruler of dreamland? Or is it a pattern that dark matter have some kind of connection to dark matter, and dedede's connection to it is deeper than we thought, I mean he was the only one who get an extra mouth and an eye. Or I am just reading to deep into this and it is just a coincidence.
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d3f3n3str4t10n · 2 months
My current near-baseless Deltarune theory is that this game's rendition/equivalent of Megalovania will be used in a fight against Susie as the guitars in her theme sound a LOT like the ones used in older versions of the song pre-Undertale.
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greenbloods · 8 months
havent seen any batshit insane theories in a while. the daynes, notable for their distinct violet eyes which have survived for thousands of years, keep their signature look through brother-sister incest similar to the valyrians. every single dayne supposedly born of the union of a dayne and some other house is actually secretly a bastard child of two daynes. jon snow is actually the bastard son of arthur and ashara dayne. a + a = j. open your eyes. the worst part is that someone has almost certainly come up with this already 100% unironically.
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badjohnspeakeasy · 1 year
Time for a Crackpot Theory (Webcomic Spoilers)
One-Punch Man Webcomic readers might remember this guy. The Neo Leader and Great Prophet Infelsinave, founder of the Church of Otherworldly Reincarnation. He had nearly a million loyal followers, and he joined the Neo Heroes to fight for justice or something.
I don't think he ever said a single fuggin' word, so I guess if one wanted to list his positive traits, you could call him stoic and humble.
His fighting abilities were probably negligeable, other than the well-built suit of armor underneath his regal robes, but he was elected a Neo Leader due to his admittedly vast influence.
He had divine powers, whatever that means.
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To be quite honest, I use the phrase "might remember" because he's pretty forgettable.
He was murdered recently.
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As you can see, he had a tough go of it during his first battle and wound up dead in the road.
I'm here to give the prophet his due and investigate his murder a little. Let's put on our detective hats and examine the evidence.
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He got a hole punched in his Neo Hero armor by a monster.
The monster killed him, then bounced. It's quite possible that's all it was; a monster saw Infelsinave, brutally ran him through, then walked away.
But notice that his homies were there to witness the murder. A horde of allies who were as weak as Infelsinave survived the attack without so much as being looked at by the murderer.
Are monsters usually that selective? No! Monsters are typically connoisseurs of surplus killing, like weasels targeting hordes of hapless mice.
So, why didn't the monster go on to maul the rest of the Neo Heroes present? Why were the other humans on-scene not worth its aggression?
So, that's my first piece of evidence; the monster seemed to have a grudge against Lord Infelsinave specifically.
But we don't know a single person with enmity towards Lord Infelsinave, do we? He had a lot of followers, which means he probably had plenty of detractors. Maybe there was a monster who hated cult leaders? In that case, we'd have no idea who killed him.
But what if, and bear with me on this, the monster didn't have a beef with Infelsinave in particular?
What if the monster was looking for a different person, and mistook Infelsinave for someone we know a little better?
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I have a long-shot theory; whatever attacked Infelsinave was actually hunting our friendly neighborhood Saitama.
Both are bald, both wear flowing garments (Saitama's cape, and Infelsinave's dorky cloak), and though their similarities are only passing, Saitama has a bland enough look that Infelsinave's attacker might have made the honest mistake of killing the Neo Leader like a dog without taking a closer gander for Saitama's trademark perfunctory visage.
Now, who has the power to smash through Neo Hero armor like butter, a grudge against Saitama, and the speed to assault Infelsinave and leave before his Neo Hero squad could react?
Well...any Demon-level monster, really. Awakened Cockroach, Bug God, Royal Ripper, or even the Lion Eating Zebra could probably speedblitz Infelsinave and leave, unfraught by any Neo Goon resistance.
But I have a theory.
It was THIS GUY. The Ninja Village Leader!
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He has the skills,
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he has the motive,
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and he's so unfamiliar with Saitama that mistaking Infelsinave for him would be believable.
Call me a gormless gumshoe. Mistake my detective hat for tin-foil. But I'd bet a fat Hamilton ($10) that the Ninja Village Leader is the culprit who eliminated Infelsinave, and he did it under the mistaken belief that he was taking down Saitama, the man who beat him up and stole all his cool ninja stuff.
Mystery solved!
"But BadJohn, Infelsinave is alive!"
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No he's not. That's baloney. That guy is a fucking robot husk designed to fool his followers and steal all his money.
I'm not crazy, YOU'RE crazy
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