#i have and like at what point do I admit that this is actually a problem
sunkissed-zegras · 1 day
★ ALWAYS AN ANGEL, NEVER A GOD ─── CC²² (part 2/2)
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❪ requested -> "Can you write something about cc and reader being enemies and hating eachother. but they are on two different teams so they play against eachother and something happens during one of their games and they take their hate out on eachother with smut?" ❫ part one!
─ warnings | nsfw under the cut, read at your own discretion. lots of shit talking, just rivals shit yk how it is. fingering but it's kinda soft (like the actual fucking part), lots of praise and a sprinkle of degradation (if u can even call it that) cause u know me.
⇨ missing out on updates? check out my wcbb masterlist!
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EVER SINCE THE GAME AGAINST Iowa, you were determined to keep up the keep up the momentum and prove that your victory was no fluke.
In the weeks that followed, you poured your heart and soul into every practice, honing your skills with a relentless intensity that left your teammates in awe. Every drill, every scrimmage, every mere second on the court was a chance to improve, to get one step closer to your ultimate goal (you weren't sure what it was at this point, to prove yourself to Caitlin or the world).
But it wasn't just about proving yourself on the court. Caitlin's words lingered in your mind, a constant reminder of the unresolved tension between you. The memory of that heated encounter in the hotel hallway replayed in your thoughts, the desire and frustration mixing into a potent cocktail that fueled your determination.
You found yourself replaying the moments of that game over and over in your head ─ the way you intercepted Caitlin's pass, the exhilaration of your dunk, and the look of pure rage in her eyes (and of course, the kiss that followed). You thrived on those memories, using them as motivation to push yourself beyond your limits.
"Good job, Y/N!" Hailey called out during one particularly grueling scrimmage, her admiration evident in her voice. "What, did you have an energy drink before or what?"
You gave her a playful shove as you shrugged, wiping the sweat from your brow as you walked toward your water bottle. "Just trying to stay ahead,"
Hailey shot you a knowing look, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "This isn't just about staying ahead, is it?" she teased. "It's about Caitlin."
"You can't say her name out loud like that," you joked as Hailey laughed. You didn't bother denying it, the truth too obvious to ignore. "Maybe," you admitted, a hint of a smile tugging at your lips.
As the season progressed, your hard work began to pay off. You dominated the court with a newfound confidence, your skills shining brighter than ever before. The media took notice, your name becoming synonymous with excellence, just like Caitlin's.
But even as you basked in the glory of your success, you couldn't shake the lingering thoughts of Caitlin. You wondered how she was doing, whether she was training just as hard, whether she thought about you as often as you thought about her.
You kept repeating the moment in your mind, over and over again, feeling some kind of weird excitement at her words.
"I'm not fucking you until we win," she replied, her voice low and husky, the words a mere whisper against the charged silence that enveloped you both. "Until I get the trophy, until your team loses."
However, you knew that pushing her buttons would make the hook-up a whole lot more satisfying. You thought about that particular part a lot more than you should have, the challenge in her voice igniting a fire within you that you couldn't ignore.
Then, one day, the schedule for the next season was released, and there it was ─ the match against Iowa, the game that would determine once and for all who would come out on top. The date was set, and you felt a surge of excitement and nerves at the prospect of facing Caitlin again.
The weeks leading up to the game were a whirlwind of preparation and anticipation. Your coach pushed you harder than ever, knowing how much was riding on this matchup. And through it all, Caitlin's words continued to echo in your mind, a constant source of "motivation", if you could even call it that.
Finally, the day arrived. The arena was packed, the energy palpable as fans from both sides filled the stands. As you stepped onto the court, your heart pounded with adrenaline, and your eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on Caitlin.
She stood across from you, her dark gaze intense and unwavering. You could feel the heat of her stare, a silent promise of the battle to come. As the referee signaled the start of the game, you took a deep breath, centering yourself for what was about to unfold.
From the very first whistle, the game was a fierce clash of skill and determination. You and Caitlin matched each other move for move, your rivalry playing out in a series of fast breaks, sharp passes, and contested shots. The tension was palpable, the crowd hanging on every moment as the score remained neck and neck.
As the clock wound down, the score was tied, and the pressure mounted. You found yourself with the ball, Caitlin guarding you closely, her eyes locked onto yours with a mix of challenge and desire. With a quick move, you faked left, then darted right, driving towards the basket with all the speed and agility you could muster.
As you drove towards the basket, Caitlin moved to intercept your path. With a swift motion, she blocked your shot, sending the ball ricocheting off the backboard. The force of her block knocked you off balance, and you stumbled, falling hard onto the court.
You hit the ground with a thud, the impact jolting through your body as you landed awkwardly on the hardwood floor. Pain shot through your limbs, but it was nothing compared to the sting of defeat that washed over you in that moment.
Caitlin stood over you, her dark gaze intense and unyielding as she glared down at you with satisfaction and you hated it. There was a silent challenge in her eyes, a reminder of the relentless rivalry that defined your relationship both on and off the court ─ you could practically read her mind, "I'm getting the trophy."
As the referee blew the whistle to signal a turnover, Caitlin offered you a hand, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Good try, Y/N," she taunted, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Maybe you should uh, stick to defense."
As Caitlin extended her hand towards you, a smirk dancing on her lips, something inside you snapped. Maybe it was the sting of defeat or the frustration and anger that had been building within you throughout the game, and you couldn't hold it any longer.
With a scowl, you swatted Caitlin's hand away, ignoring the lingering pain in your limbs as you rose to your feet on your own. "Shut up, Caitlin," you spat, your voice dripping with venom as you glared up at her. "You're just a self entitled bitch who thinks she owns the court,"
"I do," Caitlin stepped so she was directly in front of you. You looked up at the brunette, suddenly feeling small under the weight of her imposing presence. Despite the anger that simmered beneath the surface, you couldn't deny the intensity of the moment as Caitlin's dark eyes bore into yours.
"You don't get to talk to me like that," she continued, her voice low and dangerous, a warning laced with barely contained fury. "And didn't I tell you to cut the fucking attitude?"
You just scoffed, however some sick part of you liked this, the way she was talking to you. As much as you wanted to deny it, there was a certain allure in the challenge she presented, the promise of tonight making the whole thing a lot harder to resist.
Caitlin's proximity was overwhelming, her presence towering over you. You felt a surge of defiance rising within you, fueled by the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
"And what if I don't?" you shot back, your voice laced with defiance as you met her intense gaze head-on. "What are you gonna do about it, Caitlin?"
Caitlin's jaw clenched, a flicker of anger flashing in her eyes before she regained her composure. "You wanna find out?" she retorted, her tone sharp and cutting as she leaned in closer, her breath hot against your skin.
You felt a rush of heat flood your cheeks, a mixture of fear and excitement swirling in the pit of your stomach. Despite the tension between you, there was an undeniable thrill in the air, a palpable energy that crackled between you like electricity.
But before anything could escalate, Hailey's arm yanked you away, breaking the charged moment between you and Caitlin. The sudden interruption jolted you back to reality, the adrenaline still coursing through your veins as you were pulled back into the flow of the game.
With a sharp exhale, you forced yourself to focus, pushing aside the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to overwhelm you. The game had resumed as quickly as it had been interrupted, the intensity of the match returning with renewed vigor.
But despite your best efforts, Iowa proved to be a formidable opponent, their skill and determination matching your own at every turn. As the final seconds ticked away, the score remained neck and neck, the outcome of the game hanging in the balance.
And then, with a final buzzer, it was over ─ Iowa emerged as the winners, the thrill of victory evident on their faces as they celebrated their hard-fought win. As the reality of defeat sank in, you couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, the bitter taste of loss lingering on your tongue.
"God fucking damn it," you muttered under your breath as you glared toward them.
As if on cue, Caitlin turned around and met your gaze. Her expression was satisfaction, a silent acknowledgment of the victory she had secured over you and your team. You felt a surge of frustration rise within you, the bitterness of defeat stinging like a fresh wound.
"Y/N?" The reporter's voice pulled you back into reality as you shook your head, opening your eyes with a very forced smile.
You nodded your head. "Yeah, sorry. Zoned out, uh... can you repeat the question?"
The reporter gave you a sympathetic smile before repeating the question. "I was just asking for your thoughts on the game and the performance of both teams, particularly Caitlin Clark. She had a standout performance tonight."
Yeah, of course she fucking did, you wanted to shout but you just nodded. "Yeah, she played a great game," you replied, your voice steady despite the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. "She's a talented player. Iowa put up a tough fight, and they deserved the win tonight."
The interview was slow and it felt every answer you were giving was fake but you were livid. As soon as it was over, you practically ran out of there. You needed to blow off some steam, and you had no idea how–
"I'm not fucking you until we win," she replied, her voice low and husky, the words a mere whisper against the charged silence that enveloped you both. "Until I get the trophy, until your team loses."
You had forgotten about the entire thing until that moment and despite all the anger, your stomach twisted in excitement. However, it was a year ago and you weren't even sure if Caitlin meant what she said, she was probably just really angry because of how the game ended, much like how you were feeling right now.
As you mulled over the memory, a sense of longing washed over you, mingling with the lingering anger and frustration that still simmered beneath the surface. Despite everything, despite the rivalry and the animosity, there was an undeniable attraction between you and Caitlin, a magnetic pull that defied your comprehension.
Then, your phone buzzed inside your pocket.
Cait: got the trophy 🥇 Cait: did you think i forgot?
You had forgotten you even had her number, it was from so long ago. The text made your stomach drop (in a very, very good way) as a rush of emotions flooded through you. Surprise, excitement, and a hint of apprehension all mingled together as you read Caitlin's messages.
It was as if the past year had been condensed into those few simple words, reigniting the unresolved tension between you with startling clarity. However, you couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered in the back of your mind ─ was this just another game to her? Another way to assert her dominance and superiority over you?
Cait: where u at?
And that was all it took for her to win you over. You knew you were letting your heart do all the talking but right now, you just wanted to feel good. Was that so bad?
The knock on the door shouldn't have startled you as much as it did, especially since you had been waiting for it. But still, when the knock echoed through the room, a shiver of anticipation raced down your spine.
You took a moment to steady yourself, to quell the fluttering nerves that threatened to overwhelm you, before crossing the room to answer the door.
As you swung it open, Caitlin stood before you, her presence commanding and intoxicating all at once. She was wearing a black hoodie and sweats, the hood was up and she looked too good. Your eyes scanned her body and you saw her lips quirk up into a smirk.
You felt your stomach leap out of your body at the sight, and you felt like you were gonna go insane, were you ovulating?
"Hey," she greeted, her voice husky with desire as she stepped closer, closing the distance between you with deliberate intent.
"Hey," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper as you met her gaze head-on. Despite the tension that lingered in the air, there was an undeniable pull between you, a magnetic force that drew you together like moths to a flame.
And as Caitlin's lips crashed against yours in a searing kiss, all doubts and fears melted away. In that moment, nothing else mattered ─ not the rivalry, and certainly not the consequences, nothing except the intoxicating desire that pulsed between you and Caitlin.
Caitlin's hands gripped your hips as she closed the hotel door with her leg, effortlessly. Her lips stayed on yours as her hands roamed your body, exploring every curve and contour with a hunger that sent shivers down your spine. The heat of her touch seared through you, igniting a fire that blazed hotter with each passing moment.
Lost in the heat of the moment, you pressed closer to her, your body molding to hers. With a low growl, Caitlin lifted you effortlessly, your legs wrapping around her waist as she carried you further into the room. Every touch, every kiss, only fueled the pure need that raged between you, driving you both to the brink of ecstasy.
And as you surrendered yourself to her, you knew that this was just the beginning ─ the beginning of something that would consume you fully despite resisting it for so long.
She dropped you onto the bed and broke the kiss, her eyes dark as she gazed at you. You were both breathing heavily as you tried your best to maintain eye contact, despite the pressure that was building your lower stomach.
"Didn't think you'd answer," Caitlin finally spoke, her voice breathless as she began climbing on top of you.
"Why?" You asked as she latched her lips to your neck, sucking harshly as you gripped the sheets beneath you.
"Because you're stubborn," Caitlin murmured against your skin, her breath hot and heavy as she trailed kisses along your jawline. "But I knew eventually, you'd realize that there's no point in all that whining,"
You let out a shaky breath, her words igniting a fierce hunger within you as you arched into her touch, craving more of her intoxicating presence.
"I knew all you wanted was for me to show you why I'm better," Caitlin teased as she began stroking your sides.
You wanted to counter, to say anything back to her but you couldn't ─ she already had consumed you and you couldn't of any reason why you'd want to resist her any longer.
Caitlin pulled your lips into another harsh kiss, pulling a moan out of your lips. That seemed to encourage her because next thing you know, she's pulling your shorts off. Her hands eventually found your neck, pushing you into the mattress as you both moaned into the kiss.
Caitlin pulled away for a second, pulling her hoodie over her head and gazed at you, expectantly. You mirrored her actions and you were left only in your bra and underwear, you felt embarrassed under her gaze until she pulled you into a deeper kiss.
Her hands gripped your face and pulled you from the kiss, earning a disappointed whimper from you. "Look at me,"
You met her gaze, the intensity of her dark eyes holding you captive.
"You're fucking beautiful," Caitlin murmured, her fingers tracing the outline of your jaw.
Her words sent a shiver down your spine, the sincerity in her voice disarming you completely. You nodded, swallowing hard as you tried to steady your breathing.
Caitlin's hands moved to the clasp of your bra, her touch gentle yet deliberate as she unhooked it, letting it fall away. She leaned in, her lips brushing against your ear as she whispered, "I'm gonna make you feel so good, you're gonna forget how much you hate me."
A soft moan escaped your lips as her hands roamed over your body, exploring every inch of your skin with a tenderness that contrasted sharply with the intensity of her gaze. You arched into her touch, your body responding to her every move with an urgency that left you breathless.
As she trailed kisses down your neck and across your collarbone, you felt the last of your doubts melt away, leaving you completely vulnerable and exposed.
Her hands found your thighs and squeezed them, her fingers slowly drawing closer to the place you'd wanted her all night. Caitlin's finger slowly began stroking your clothed pussy, her eyes watching your every movement.
You let out a broken whimper, your head falling back on to the mattress before her other hand gripped your face, guiding your gaze back to hers.
"What did I fucking say? Look at me," Caitlin spat, her voice a mix of authority and desire. You forced your eyes open, meeting her intense stare, the heat between you building with every passing second.
"So fucking wet, all for me," she murmured, as continued stroking your clothed heat; she could feel it pulsing all because of her and it made her ego skyrocket even more.
Caitlin's finger moved and before you could voice your disapproval, she slowly slid your underwear off. You were completely naked now, you could feel her eyes rake over you fondly. She spread your legs again, further this time ─ each leg was placed at her sides, leaving you completely exposed and vulnerable under her gaze. Caitlin's eyes darkened with desire as she took in the sight of you, her breath hitching slightly.
"So pretty," she murmured, almost to herself, as she trailed her fingers lightly up your inner thigh, sending shivers of anticipation through your body.
You squirmed beneath her touch, a mix of excitement and impatience coursing through you. "Cait," you breathed out, your voice barely above a whisper, filled with need.
She looked up at you, her eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart race. "I want you to remember this," she said, her voice low. "Every time you think you can challenge me, every time you think you can beat me, I want you to remember how I make you feel right now."
With that, she leaned down, her lips finding yours in a deep, hungry kiss that almost knocked the breath out of you. Her hands continued their exploration, moving with a confidence that left you trembling with anticipation.
"Do you still think I'm a bitch?" she murmured against your lips, a teasing edge to her voice.
You could barely form a coherent thought, let alone a response, but managed to shake your head, a breathless, "No," escaping your lips.
"Good," Caitlin replied, her lips curving into a satisfied smile. "Because I want you to know exactly who's in control here."
And with that, her finger slid into you perfectly. You let out a surprised moan, your back arching against the mattress. "Oh, fu-fuck."
Her finger began thrusting in and out of you, swiftly. You were so soaked, her finger was moving easily in and out of you. Caitlin's hand gripped your hip, pulling you closer into her.
She slowed down her movements and you let out an disapproving huff, her gaze intense as she looked down at you. "Why did you hate me? Were you jealous?"
Did: as in, past tense.
Her tone sounded almost amused but there was an edge of seriousness to it. "What?"
"I thought that's what it was," her finger slowly began moving again, causing your breath to hitch. "I don't think that's what it was now," she continued, her voice contemplative. "I think it was something else."
You could barely focus, your mind clouded with the sensation of her touch, but her words cut through the haze, making you confront something you'd been avoiding. "I don't hate you," you admitted, your voice barely more than a whisper. "I never hated you."
Caitlin's smirk grew, she knew exactly what she was doing. Her finger continuing their slow, torturous rhythm. "Then what was it, Y/N? Why all the anger?"
"Because," you gasped, struggling to form coherent thoughts under her relentless pace. "Because you always got to me. You always made me feel... things I didn't want to feel."
Her movements stilled for a moment, her eyes searching yours. "And now?"
"Now," you swallowed hard, your breath coming in ragged gasps. "Now, I can't stop thinking about you."
A slow, satisfied smile spread across Caitlin's face, her fingers resuming their movement. "Good," she murmured, leaning down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. "Because I don't plan on letting you forget this anytime soon."
Her touch became more quick, driving you closer and closer to the edge once again. The intensity of the moment was almost overwhelming, the culmination of all the pent-up anger and unresolved tension between you. She added another finger slowly, causing you to let out another breathless moan as your back arched.
"Take it, come on. I know you can," Caitlin's fingers never faltered as she gazed down at you. "Fuck, who's the princess now, huh?" she spat as she finger-fucked you, your legs beginning to shake.
As the pleasure built to a fever pitch, you felt yourself letting go of everything ─ the rivalry, the anger, the fear ─ and surrendering completely to the sensation.
"Cait," you moaned, your hands gripping her shoulders as you reached the brink, your body trembling with anticipation.
"That's it, fuck," she whispered against your lips, her breath hot and ragged. "Let go for me."
And with a final, shattering wave of pleasure, you did, your body convulsing in her arms as you cried out her name. Her finger rode you through it, your chest heaving as you slowly came down from your high.
"Can't believe I did that with just my fingers, baby." The pet-name left her lips effortlessly as she broke you out of your reverie. You couldn't believe it, either.
Her fingers slid out of you and she pushed your lips open, forcing them into your mouth. You sucked them clean as she looked down at you, her shitfaced smirk was back.
You rolled your eyes as she removed her finger with a pop. "Yeah, well, don't get too cocky," you shot back, trying to regain some semblance of control even though your body was still trembling.
She laughed, the sound was unfamiliar but genuine; it made your heart flip. "How can I not? I mean, Jesus, I had you literally tell me you never hated me while I was knuckles deep inside you. It was one finger too-"
You groaned loudly, cutting her off as her laughter slowly died down. "I just wanted to cum,"
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah," you countered, finally meeting her gaze. She had the same cocky ass expression, the one you've always hated ─ but now felt different, somehow.
"Thought I told you to cut the attitude, Y/N," she teased, her fingers trailing along your arm, sending shivers down your spine. Her eyes bore into yours, the intensity of her gaze sending a shiver down your spine.
You felt a surge of defiance rise within you, refusing to back down. "And what if I don't?" you challenged, your voice steady despite the fluttering in your chest.
Caitlin's smirk widened, a glint of amusement and something deeper flickering in her eyes. "Then I'll just have to remind you why you shouldn't,"
She leaned in and pressed her lips against lips in another heated kiss, her hands roaming your body with a renewed sense of purpose. The teasing edge in her touch drove you wild, a tantalizing reminder of the power she held over you.
"You're impossible," you muttered against her lips.
"And you love it," she shot back, her breath hot against your skin as she moved to kiss along your jawline, her hands exploring every inch of you. The sensation was intoxicating, every touch sending waves of pleasure through your body.
As she continued her relentless assault on your jaw, you couldn't help but surrender to the moment, letting go of all the anger and frustration that had once defined your relationship. In that instant, all that mattered was the connection between you, the raw, unfiltered desire that pulsed through your veins.
"Do you regret it?" Caitlin's voice was softer now, almost vulnerable, as she paused to look into your eyes.
You shook your head, a small smile playing at your lips. "No," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "No, I don't."
Caitlin's eyes softened, her expression shifting from playful to something more tender. "Good," she murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Cause neither do I."
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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cheriladycl01 · 3 days
My love, is mine all mine - Max Verstappen x Norris! Reader x Charles Leclerc Part 6
Plot: Norris' Twin sister is also a driver in the 2021 line up and is in her rookie era. Not only do the commentators struggle to now talk about the pair in the race, but they also struggle to talk about talent. What happens when two drivers find her eye-catching.
A/N: I've brought Luisia into things because of the timeline and it being 2021. Don't hate on her, or the fact that i've brought her into my writing please!
Credit to countingstars-17 for the GIF
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After the shit show of a party, you woke up earlier than everyone else and left the docked boat. You caught the earliest flight back to the UK. You were so pissed with your friends and brother that they’d just up and left you in the club.
The whole flight home, you pondered whether you just really needed to grow up about ever situation in your life.
Lando and the clubbing group leaving you? They were drunk and probably saw you with loads of other people and assumed you were safe and good.
Charles admitting his feelings for you? You arguably needed to focus more on your career that you’d worked so hard for, you didn’t have time for boys and if Charlie really did care for you like he said, he would understand.
Max sleeping or dating your best friend? Good for him, he should be happy.
You needed to not be bitter about all of these minor blips in your life and just get on with it.
Little did you know that this would create a version of you so far from her normal bubbly self that even people who hadn’t spoken to you in years would be able to tell something wasn’t right with you.
Max and Charles had both tried to contact you through texts and phone calls all which had been ignored, you knew it was for the best to just let it all go and leave it at a what could have been. You had responsibilities far greater that you needed to focus on.
When it came to after the summer having left your brother and gone travelling on your own, updating your Instagram and family group chat whenever you managed to get wifi, you were back and raring to go for your home race.
Lando had sent a text to the family group chat asking who would be coming. He wanted to invite Luisa and only had two passes to give out. So that would mean one for Luisa and one for his dad.
Lando - Can you give your paddock passes to mum and Flo, Cisca can’t make it because of Uni
Y/N - Kinda awkward i had someone in mind i wanted to bring :(
Lando - come on its mum and your little sister Y/N don’t be rude and give up your pass to some random dude you met in Bali …
You ignored it, before going to McLaren and begging Zac for a spare paddock pass. You gave your original 2 to your mum and Flo, but your next one went to Nathan Bishop, he was a goalkeeper for Manchester United and you’d met him on a trip you’d been doing in Bali and he immediately knew who you were and you guys got talking and one thing led to another and you were inviting each other to your sports.
In the time you’d travelled he’d became a really good friend and you didn’t feel as lonely as you had since starting in F1. It was really refreshing.
You met him before, driving him to the paddock in your McLaren and pulling up into the Silverstone car park together.
“Thanks for the pass, I’ve never been to a race before so this is actually really exciting for me” he smiles waiting as you grab your bag from the back seat.
“Always welcome!” You grinned back.
“Mmmm and I’m excited to see if you are really as good as you say you are!” He teases elbowing you as you swipe your pass through the paddock scanners.
“Hey! I am a good driver! I got you here safely didn’t I?” You smile and he just nods, you point out various bits of the paddock talking about all the hustle and bustle and all the different teams and the workers running around fitting last minute bits to the motorhomes.
“Oh come on! We need to get you some McLaren team merch!” You grin pulling him to the quiet fan zone thanks to the early time it was and going to the merch stool.
“Hiya! Oh Y/N! How are you?” The worker smiles noticing it’s you.
“Hey! I’m really good! How are you? It’s hot today, make sure you drink lots of water! Radio through and ask for top ups yeah? And don’t forget sun cream!” You chide knowing sometimes the workers forget that they are humans and will push themselves till breaking point!
“Thank you! Really and I’m all good” she says flashing you the large icy bottle of water she had behind the stand with her. “What can I get for you?”
“Any chance we can get the Y/N number hat?” You grin turning to look at Nathan who just rolls his eyes but can’t help the smile that comes into his face.
“Sure! We have lots on stock today, as you know it’s home race! Good luck by the way! I know you’ll do great!” She smiles and hands you the number 42 on the baseball cap. You place it on Nathan’s head who just laughs at your antics but keeps that hat on before paying the lady for it in cash.
“Hey! I was gonna pay for it! I’m the one that got you to buy merch!” You exclaim in horror.
“Mmmm but it’s my hat … so I should pay for it!” He explains with a cat like grin.
“Argh fine come on! I want to show you round the garage and do track walk with you!” You say gently taking his hand and pulling him through the growing numbers of people in the paddock.
You showed him all around the garage and even let him sit in your car which he was really impressed with how low to the ground it felt, and how much the halo restricted vision. After showing him the pit wall and all of the engineers working and running around before free practice you took him out onto the track to do a walk.
The sun wasn’t as harsh anymore and it had started to cloud over a little bit meaning that the track walk wasn’t as strenuous as you anticipated it would be.
You guys walked around talking about the season so far and how it felt being a rookie along with Yuki Tsunoda.
Afterwards it was time for you to have a team meeting and you didn’t want to leave Nathan on his own so you walked him to the hospitality suite to find your parents.
“Mum Dad! Hey this is Nathan! Can you just watch out for him while I’m in the car please!” You ask kindly showing Nathan to a seat with your family.
“Of course sweetheart! Hi Nathan, I’m Adam, this is my wife Cisca” he introduces standing up slightly and leaning forward to shake the younger gentleman’s hand.
“You gonna be okay?” You ask, unsure if you should just bring him to the garage and find him a seat and headphones and leave him there.
“Yeah - I’ll be” he starts only for commotion behind to stop his words.
“Sorry, I’m running late. Oh … whose this?” Lando asks looking over to Nathan, someone he didn’t think would be around his family.
“This is your sisters guest, hence the hat” your mum explained pointing to the hat still on Nathans head.
“Right … yeah I just came here to drop Luisa off. Please look after her and … you know don’t be weird” he begs as Luisa starts to talk to both Flo and Nathan.
“We’re never weird! Now you both have to go get ready!” your dad grins forcing you both away.
You start to walk together to the garage in an awkward silence until Lando breaks it.
“So you brought a boyfriend with you?” Lando scoffs looking towards you.
“And what if I did?” What’s it to you, you brought Luisa!” You say looking to him confused why it was such an issue you’d brought a guy (who wasn’t anything to do with you romantically).
“Because your playing with a lot of hearts here Y/N and it’s not exactly fair. First Charles, then Max, then Charles again and then Max and now this guy? Max and Charles are my friends Y/N and I can’t help but feel like your going to go one step too far and ruin all of this …” he complains and for a second your stunned into silence not knowing what to even say.
“How am I toying with Max and Charles when Max is off with my best friend and Charles … is so hot headed that I don’t know if I can take the heat of him yelling at me for an overtake every race weekend! So how am I the one playing with hearts when it’s feels like mines the only one being toyed with, even by my own fucking brother!” You cried out frustrated with him, but that was Lando. He always spoke before he thought about what he was saying. Both a blessing and a curse.
You started to hurry off no longer wanting to entertain this conversation.
“Y/N wait … I didn’t mean it like that” Lando admits speeding up after you and walking in step with you trying to slow you down.
“We have a meeting to get to. Let’s not waste anymore time” you say coldly, so coldly it actually caused Lando to shiver as he never had heard that tone of voice or anything remotely close come from you.
Briefing for what it was, was pretty boring only talking about the upgrades they’d brought to this weeks Grand Prix. Lando had the full package and you had half, the others to come next week in Hungary.
You were in the garage after changing into your fireproofs, your race suit hanging down off your hips talking to your engineer about strategy for Silverstone, but it was always changeable depending on the track temp and the weather.
FP1 clearly showed Landos new flashy upgrades and how much quicker it made the car placing him in P2 in between Max and Lewis, the two battling it out for the championship this year.
As for you down in 9th you’d just been testing the track and were on different tyres to the top few people, wanting to test out the hards.
As the weekend progressed and the less you concentrated on all of yours issues and just had fun while concentrating on the race weekend you got better. Ending up starting in a decent P6 for the race and getting points in the Sprint that was held earlier on in the day.
“Okay Y/N, it’s looking like Plan B. Reports of rain on the radar for the last half of the race” your engineer says as you pull up into your P6 stop, next to Lando both your Orange McLarens locking out your row.
“Okay, do we have a pit plan?” You ask knowing you were on mediums in hopes they’d last long enough to get you onto Intermediates or Wet if it’s due to rain that badly.
“We’re checking now, looking into stuff with Lando too and seeing what the other teams and looking at doing, but looking like Pit Plan E”
“Yep, copied” he grit out unhappy that they are already prioritising your brother.
“Well Y/N let’s get racing for you first F1 home race! Lecelrc and Bottas in front of you and Lando, Alonso and Vettel behind you and both. And then Max and Hamilton front row” he explains, you knew you had to get a good start to overtake your brother and possibly Charles if there was an opening so as you were driving round the formation lap, you cleared your mind of everything but racing.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul l @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall l @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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ellecdc · 10 hours
just had an idea for a fic/drabble!
poly!wolfstar where reader is self-conscious/insecure about like her stomach being a bit chubby (or something like that) and wolfstar catch her looking at herself in the mirror, and Sirius is all like touchy and hugging and Remus is all like telling reader about how he is insecure about his scars?
idk the idea just popped into my head lol
thank you mother :)
- 🌙
thanks for the prompt, lovie <3
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader who was feeling insecure about her appearance today
CW: poor body image on readers part, discussion of body issues/insecurities, mostly fluff I think
You took a heaving breath as if the simple action of slipping off your jeans and unclasping your bra had actually given air better access to your lungs.
It had been one of Those Days™; a day where every article of clothing felt too tight on your body, your brain felt too critical of your appearance, innocent comments felt too pointed, and your body felt too heavy for your legs to carry.
You spent the day in a state of masochistic self-sabotage by slowing your pace in order to stare at your reflection in passing windows and cars, looking at the disappointing view in the glass doors of the frozen section in the grocery store feeling terribly sorry for everyone else who had to look at you too.
And you were still doing it; even now after shedding your unflattering and restrictive clothing in place of one of Remus’ large jumpers, you stood in front of the mirror and scrutinised your form, hand pulling the fabric tight over your middle exposing the outline of your stomach alerting you to the fact that you were, indeed, no longer a sprightly little teenager.
“Admiring the view, dovey?” Remus asked as he leaned against the dresser to your left; you only tuned in at his petname for you, however, meaning you didn’t realise he had a) asked you something, or b) knew more than he was letting on. 
“You’ve got great taste, dollface.” Sirius added as he came up behind you and hooked his chin on your shoulder; eyes roaming your body that seemed equal parts hungry and adoring. “It’s one of my favourite sights too.”
You looked up to meet his gaze in your reflection to correct him, only to realise he knew what he was doing - or better yet, he knew what you were doing - looking at you with one eyebrow arched as if daring you to contradict him. 
“What’s that head of yours telling you now?” Remus asked as he positioned himself beside the mirror and admired you and Sirius. 
You sighed as you returned your gaze back to yourself, simultaneously annoyed that you couldn’t seem to hide anything from your boyfriends and grateful for the fact that you didn’t seem to have to.
“I’ve not felt very pretty today.” You offered slowly, not daring to look at either of them for their reactions.
Remus hummed in acknowledgement and Sirius tightened his hold on you. “I’m sorry you’ve not felt that way.” Sirius offered cautiously and just as slowly after a beat of silence. “But that doesn’t mean that you aren’t - pretty, that is; you know that, right?”
You made a sound of disagreement causing Sirius to hum sympathetically. 
“You’re hardest on yourself, dovey; I think when you spend so much time looking at yourself, you stop seeing the appeal.” Remus tried, causing you to chuckle slightly.
“I look at you boys all the time and I never stop seeing the appeal.” You admitted shyly, causing Sirius to chuckle as he swayed your bodies back and forth.
“I could look at the two of you all day.” Sirius offered salaciously; trailing a hungry gaze over the length of Remus’ body as the two of you delighted in the fierce blush it elicited from your boyfriend. 
“I could too.” Remus said somewhat chidingly; his gaze softening as it moved back towards you. “That’s my point; I’m not always pleased with the reflection I see when I stand in front of a mirror - but I very much enjoy looking at the two of you.”
“But…you’re so handsome.” You offered bemusedly, truly not understanding how someone who looked like Remus sodding Lupin could feel anything but gorgeous.
“So you’ve said.” Remus replied with a smirk.
“And we’ve told you how gorgeous you are, so why argue with us? Don’t you think we know what we’re talking about? Two of the hottest blokes snagged the hottest girl around, why are we even talking about this?” Sirius joked, earning him a warning pinch in the side by Remus for his cheek. “What!? It’s true!” 
“While I agree it does seem absurd to try to convince such a beautiful girl how truly beautiful she is, Pads, not all of us walk around with an ego the size of Buckingham Palace.” 
“Play nice you two.” You chided; placing your hand atop of Sirius’ where it lay lovingly on a part of your body you wished he’d not pay any mind to, though he seemed to feel nothing but love for it. 
“You’re the one being mean to our sweet girl, dollface. You play nice.” Sirius replied, punctuating his sentence with a kiss to your neck. 
“I’ll try.” You agreed, smiling at Sirius in the mirror before flitting your eyes slightly to the left to see your other gorgeous boyfriend watching the two of you with the warmest and softest gaze you’ve ever seen.
You may not always see yourself as beautiful, but dammit when you had your two boys looking at you with that much love and affection, you couldn’t help feeling at least a little beautiful.
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AITA for editing my sister’s college essay?
[☀️🛟🎓 to find it later]
I (22f) have a younger sister (17f) applying to college this fall. Her english class recently gave an assignment that was essentially “write your common app”. For context, I am known for editing college application essays, I have done so for several family friends, and I don’t pull punches. As such, I asked if I could help edit her essay, and she agreed.
It was a great essay!! I helped her out with some smaller grammatical things and to tighten up sentences, and she submitted the class assignment.
Here’s where I may be the asshole. Later that night I kept rereading the essay, and I noticed a few issues in the middle portion. I wound up heavily editing the essay on my own document to make the emotions came across clearer and to tie in some key metaphors.
The next day, I wound up asking if I should share this document with her, and she ended up agreeing. I tried to give her an out because I could tell she was a bit annoyed, but she insisted that I share it now that I brought it up. Immediately after I shared it she called me crying, saying that she felt as though I had steamrolled over her work. She was sad because she liked it, and angry that I butted in. To be frank, I did inject too much of my own voice into this rewritten essay.
My sister has admitted to feeling very pressured when compared to me, as I achieved a lot academically and have a steady career. My parents and I have tried to reassure her that she is not expected to emulate me, but no matter how many times we say it, she won’t internalize that I am NOT a bar she needs to measure up to. She doesn’t seem to realize that I struggled and failed so many times in so many ways b/c she didn’t actually see it; she was too young at the time.
I want her to grow beyond what I could achieve, and I want her to be confident in herself. She’s incredibly smart, but she thinks I’m smarter because we have different strengths and she devalues her own.
I feel guilty because it was not my intention to “lord over her” by writing her essay “better”; our writing styles are different, but her essay came across as dry and I wanted to give an example of how she could inject more emotion into the turning point, which is arguably the most important part of a college essay. However, I fear she took it badly, and I should have been more careful given how she views me.
I really don’t want her to make the same mistakes I did with my college applications, and I know that getting into college has become incredibly difficult post-pandemic. Objectively, some of her test scores are below where mine were, and her extracurriculars, while good, are slightly “less” than what her peers are doing (our high school is extremely competitive) so I want to ensure her essays are as polished and punchy as possible to give her the best shot at getting into the colleges she wants. We’re not hiring any college application tutors, so I’m the only major mentor she has for this, since our parents did not attend college in the US.
My sister and I def talked it out and we both apologized to each other, so we’re all good. I admitted to being too pushy, she admitted to not handling criticism well and putting me on a pedestal, and we both agreed to handle essay help differently in the future.
AITA here? On the one hand, I was harsh in my delivery and should have given her more opportunity to edit using her voice instead of forcibly tossing mine into the mix. One the other hand, college apps are getting tougher and tougher and she needs as much help as she can get (not a dig at her intelligence, everyone needs help these days). Though sis and I worked it out, I’m curious to know what the general opinion is.
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bookuce · 2 days
Change My Mind (Jey meets William)
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Read Part One if you haven't yet, this adds context to that chapter and why she was so upset and ignoring him.
SUMMARY: Josh and Alina are great friends most days. Other days, they want to tear each other apart. Some days, they’re in love with each other, but neither of them will admit it. 
*DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters in the writing except for the OC. The book uses actual names of wrestlers. Josh is Jey Uso and Alina is Alina. The one-shot is not realistic and does not take place during real events. I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO TRANSLATE OR REPOST MY WRITINGS ANYWHERE. THAAAAAANKS. *
PAIRING: Jey Uso x Black OC
TROPE: Friends to Lovers
WARNINGS: Language
“So, did you have fun?” William asks from the driver’s seat. Alina peers over to him, grinning. They had just finished their first date. He had chosen a Michelin-rated restaurant just to impress her. Between that and the grand bouquet in her lap, she was impressed. She wouldn’t have minded seeing him again. 
“I did. Thank you again for tonight.” She says. William meets her gaze before reaching over to grab her hand. His hand was a comforting warm on her own, a tolerable dry. His thumb would brush over the top of her hand, sending her stomach into a frenzy of flutters. She had a good feeling about this one. They’d turn onto her street, their evening now winding down to seconds left. “Can we do this again when I’m back in town?” She asks. He’d smile, showing the prettiest white teeth. 
“You’d want to see me again?” He asks.
“Yeah,” She answers. “Maybe I can cook dinner, we can watch a movie?” She proposes. He’d nod slowly, his dazzling smile becoming a grin. 
“I’d like that.” He says. His car would slow down, a sign he was nearing her home. His eyes lower into squints as he looks past her. “There’s someone on your car.” He points, prompting her to look towards her house. The smile she once wore was gone quickly. There, dressed in all black, was her friend Josh. With his arms folded across his chest, he leaned against the side of her car. Josh would glance at William’s car, his dark brows furrowed. He’d glance away, looking straight ahead at the next house. 
“Great.” She says under her breath.
“Stay here,” William says, getting out of the car.
“That isn’t…” His door opens and closes before she can finish. “Necessary. Okay.” She breathes. Alina starts to gather her things. This wasn’t going to end well, and she knew it.
Meanwhile, on the outside of the car, William was in Protector mode. He unbuttons his suit jacket before moving around to Alina’s side. Josh wasn’t going to say anything. She was on a date; he would be respectful this time. He promised her that. “May I help you?” William calls out to him.
“Nope,” Josh replies quickly, still looking ahead. He adjusts his stance on the car, swaying briefly from left to right. Usually, a question like that would have earned someone attitude from him, but again—he’s trying to be respectful. “Go on and drop her off, Uce; I ain’t studying you.” He says, now looking towards the house. Alina opens her car door, pushing past her date. 
“You’re supposed to be in Florida.” She says, earning his attention. They would lock eyes with each other, staring for several moments. 
“I changed my mind.” He informs her. That wasn’t a lie. Josh had planned to go to Pensacola but realized he didn’t want to be alone. Third-wheeling his brothers and their wives wasn’t exactly fun to him. He could go on dates, but they’re not her, so what’s the point? Now, he wasn’t aware she had a date tonight. No, this was a coincidence. Some would call it fate, though. He’d call it fate—just not out loud. 
William’s brows furrow, his gaze shifting from Josh to Alina. “You know him?” He asks.
“Nah, we just met.” Josh quips, earning a glare from the man. Alina steps from the car, closing the door behind her. That’s when Josh snuck a glance at what she was wearing. A creme-colored bodycon dress hugged her body, accentuating her curves. Father, give me strength, he thought.
“So, you the ex?” He asks.
“My name and ex won’t ever be in the same sentence, Uce,” Josh says with a smug grin. At least for her, it wouldn’t be. “Quit trying to figure out who I am and drop her off. Doorstep is over there,” He points at her front door. “Hug her goodnight and keep it pushing.” 
“Joshua.” She snaps. Alina looks up at William. “I’m sorry, he’s a coworker.” That would earn her a sound of disapproval from Josh. He doesn’t like it when she reduces him to that. It’s already bad enough that she friend-zoned him. This is embarrassing, she thought to herself. She shifted her gaze to the ground, twisting her lips to the side while she thought of something to say. “Um,” She starts, looking up at her date. “I had a lot of fun tonight, I did. Thank you for the flowers and for being so kind. Hopefully, we can do this again soon.” She says with a nod.
Alina would touch his arm before leaning in to kiss his cheek. Josh averted his gaze, not wanting to see her kissing another man. Without another glance, she begins to march up to her front door. Josh and William watch after her before turning their attention towards each other again. Josh fought back a smirk that wanted to show on his lips. He wanted to tell that man he didn’t deserve her. Hell, he knew William couldn’t handle her, but he promised to be respectful, and he thought he did well this time. He didn’t cuss anyone out, no one tried to fight, and he even kept the staring at a minimum. Promise fulfilled. 
He leans down, grabbing his black duffle from the ground. With every bit of audacity known to man, Josh tilts his head up at the man across from him. “Have a good night.” He says, turning to walk up the steps to the front door. His hand touches the doorknob, but it doesn’t turn. She locked the door. He smacks his lips, reaching into his pocket to fish out his keys. “This woman—.” He mutters to himself. 
He unlocks the door and steps into the house, quickly closing the door behind himself. Alina came walking around the corner from the kitchen. He scanned her appearance again, his tongue dragging along his bottom lip this time. This dress was going to drive him up a wall. “A heads—.”
“Go to hell, Josh.” She snaps, making her way up the stairs. He’d watch after her.
“How the hell was I supposed to know!” He shouts after her. She doesn’t respond to him verbally, but the slamming of her bedroom door is enough of a response for her. “He don’t even deserve your ass.” He mutters to himself.
A/N: I been wanting to write this for a while LMAO. This is why she was avoiding his ass in Part One. Did he do too much or did he do good being "respectful"?
🏷️ list: @thesamoanqueen @whatdoeseverybodywant @headoftheetable @mzv11 @southerngirl41 @yana3sworld @wanderingreigns @wrestlingprincess80 @siriuslycee @vebner37 @astridxxxxxx @alichesmi @tshepisho @scarlettnoir01 @brokenglassslippers @reignsboy19 @sayyestoheav3nn @cyberdejos2 @empressdede @sisinever @truefant4sy @paigereeder @tbmotw @fearlesschimera @venusesworld @usoholic @sageispunk @bebesobrielo @jstarr86 @vibesonvibes @issahyland 
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sweet1delusi0ns · 1 day
I need more sub naruto boys x dom fem reader pls maybe one where the reader is punishing/rewarding them for theyre behavior
Naruto boys being rewarded ──☆*:・゚
Pt.1! pt.2 will have the rest of the characters, stay tuned!
Fem!dom!reader + smut
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲
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reward:letting him play with himself
Hes relatively behaved he’s just a little bratty. He mostly gets in trouble for touching himself without you knowing so when you allow him to touch himself right in front of you it’s he loves it. Although it takes a while to earn up enough good boy points to actually get a reward~
He has been doing your chores all day while also trying to hint at what he really wants is special time with you. He’s currently cleaning the dishes while trying to look as sexy as possible which is not that easy- “naruto what are you doing? You look silly~” “I am NOT silly I am attractive!” You laugh “if your trying to get a reaction it’s not gunna work~” he drops the dishes at your teasing tone, he turned around to start pleading “oh come on I’ve been the best I could be all day dont I deserve a little something?” You raise an eye brow “hmm maybe you do deserve a little reward~” his face dropped “REALLY?!” “Yup, or maybe…you should give yourself the reward” you grab his hand to place it on his own clothed dick, He got hint immediately. “I can?!” “Yes~” he wasted no time pushing his hand into his pants, softly grazing his tip. He came extremely fast which he normally isn’t allowed to do but it’s his reward so he did what he wanted!- “Aw you came so fast baby?” “i-it’s my reward!” You tsk at his breathy response “I guess it is, well since it’s your reward it’s your responsibility to clean up~” your hand pressed over his cum stained pants. “Y-yes ma’am…thank you…” “of course~ although if you get any of that on the floor you will be punished!” Which made him arch into the air “I won’t…”
Reward: using a vibrater to cum
He secretly loves vibraters, he rarely gets to use them though so when you offered to let him cum with a vibrater instead he was ecstatic. He also loves when you hold it for him since sometimes he gets a little lazy-
“Wait what? Wh-why are you pulling away!” You put your hand on his cheek to calm him “this isn’t a punishment, this is a reward! I figured you would like to cum in a different way~” you pull out a small wand which has been used before so he is very familiar, once his eyes landed on the toy his legs softly started to shake “yes p…lease” you turn it on to the softest setting and press it against his length causing his hips to buckle into it “OH ahh yes~ I-I want more!” You turn it up while resting your hand on his hip stopping him from moving “like that?” “YES!” You drag the toy up and down making him cry out “M-MISS IM CLOSE~” you drag the toy all the way up to his tip making him cum all over his stomach “Thank you thank you thank you!!!”
Reward: pegging
He’s shy to admit that he loves being pegged but he does, he loves feeling you inside him so you normally use it as a reward. Once he makes you cum you always want to return the favor which he will gladly exept
“Did I…do good?” “Yes~ so good in fact…I think you deserve a little something.” He lifts his head up to see what you were talking about just to see you reaching for the special drawn. “R-really? Ah~” you grab the strap from the drawn than you turn back to him “get into a position tachi~” he does as you ask and rolls over onto his side, hooking his leg over his arm gently spreading him open while he softly moaned. You grab onto his leg to position yourself with his cute hole. You plunge into him causing him to squill loudly. “That feel good? Mh” you start to pump into him gently which made him shake, he can’t hold it very long sadly so not even 2 minutes in he’s already warning you “I-I’m c-c-close mh-mh-mhh~” you speed up as you watch him twitch, he soon came all over the bed which made you press inside his as deep as possible, which overstimulated him the perfect amount. “F-fuck yes!! Ngh~ so good…” you pull out slowly “watch your language~”
Reward: hand job
He only gets hand jobs when your to lazy to do anything more but he still finds it rewarding, you could be watching a show or reading a book and when you start giving into his neediness he feels rewarded even if your not really paying attention~
Your just trying to read a book and for once his attention isn’t on a book either. Instead it on your thigh, he’s currently trying to rut against you but you keep on pushing him off “stop kakashi!” He groans “Cmon… i need You!” You roll your eyes at his neediness “fine. Just don’t be that distracting I’m still trying to read” you reach down to his pants button with your free hand unbuckling it with ease before pull out his cock which is already dripping. “Yes…finally…” you start pumping while he shamelessly humps into your hand. “Hm~ faster?…” you agree since you didn’t want to stop reading to scold him. “Yeah sure whatever” you pick up the pace cause him to throw his head back, he reaches up to his nipples softly toying with them which you didn’t mind either “hurry up, I’d like to read with two hand-” “y-yes mistress in close..” he pintches his nipples causing an orgasm to flow over him. “OH! Y/N AH~ HM~” “oh god all over my hand? Really?”
Reward: thigh humping
If he has been behaving his fav reward is dry humping your thighs. He does every little thing you ask hoping by the end of the day he can feel your soft thighs on his dick
“You’ve been really obedient today pup? What did you do.” He shakes his head aggressively “nothing!!! I was just…hoping for something in return…” his eyes flicker to his pants trying to hint to you “oh, is this what you want?” You push your thigh between his legs which instantly causing him to hump onto it “ah! Y-yea~” he wraps his arms around your shoulder for more support while he’s thrusts grow needier “t-thank y-you…hm~ can I cum too?” you giggle “sure~” five minutes of whimpers and moans later he is finally close. “I-I’m close…fuck..” you push into his dick causing more friction “AHH NGHH YES~” he releases into his pants which quickly dripped down his inner thigh. You pull your thigh away before kissing his cheek and walking away to grab a towel and a new pair of pants for your messy boy
Reward: nipple play
He could cum just for you softly rubbing his nipples in circles, he loves when he’s just relaxing at home and all of a sudden feel your hand slip under his shirt and rub his nipples, it makes him whimper and whine and he loves it.
He just woke up from a nap, just as you walk into the room. “Hey Shika~ what are you doing?” “I just woke up…” he reaches both hands up to tuck them behind his head. You walk over to him then clime over him. He closes his eyes when he feels you over him since he assumed you guys were gunna cuddle, but instead he felt something soft and warm pressing against his nipples which made his eyes shoot open. “W-wow…I wasn’t ah~” you use your other hand to pull up his shift fully so you have access to all of his chest “shh~” you reach down so your lips are just over his nipple and gave it a small lick. “Ngh…y/n…” you fully engulf his bud with hot, wet sensations causing him to arch his back. “Please ngh…” he reaches his hand up to play with the opposite nipple so there is equal stimulation“I-I’ll cum if you don’t NGHH~” “go on~” you start sucking on the bud making him scream right before cumming completely untouched.
Reward: make outs
He likes the simple things, not every reward with him must be sexual he honestly just likes having you in his mouth while pulling on his hair~ making out isn’t even intended as a reward but he views it as one
You were in a kissy kind of mood and decided to use him as an outlet *wink* you found him on the couch reading and you wasted no time climbing on top of him which made him jump. “Don’t worry it’s just me baby” his eyes flicker up from his book with a startled look “oh..you scared me heh” you pull in for a very soft kiss, even though it was just a little peck he still moaned softly at the touch of your lips. What he didn’t expect was for you to pull in again, this time you did not pull away. He moaned into your lips knowing what’s going ti happen. “Hmm hm~” you bite his lip commanding him to open his mouth, he submitted and opened his mouth to let you inside his hot mouth. Your tongue swirls around causing him to softly gag, you reach around to grab a hand full of hair to stabilize him, he is slowly loosing his breath he moans to signal you to pull away. You pulled out of his mouth and open your eyes to see his droopy eyes, mouth slightly open with his tongue stick out. You both gasp for air and you could feel his pants tighten underneath you but instead of tending to his hardness you go right back into his mouth. He cries out into your mouth the whole time~
Pt.2 coming soon!!! Once pt.2 is posted I’ll start to write one abt punishments 😋
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 days
“Took him to that banquet, where the men there... well, took liberties.” Except they didn’t. That’s the gag. They tried. They offered their rings and their jewels and Marius entertains them all while giving Amadeo knowing looks. Armand describes these looks as “secretive” and “teasing” because he knew that none of the men were going to make it out of there alive. Marius is literally toying with them. “I couldn't help but smile. Kill them, I thought, slaughter them. I felt fetching and even beautiful.” (TVA)
He KNEW Marius would never make him do anything he didn’t wanna do. “Martino, kiss my child if he'll allow it, and mark you, be gentle when you do." (TVA)
One would think so called book experts would be the first to point out the misinformation being spread about the banquet scene, but they’re not. In fact, you’re actively contributing to it with nothing to back it up. So I have to ask, just why are you making it sound like something happened when it clearly didn’t? It’s okay to admit that not every change being made for the show aligns with what’s actually in the book.
(you're the nonny who got pissed at me for saying that Marius did not kill Santino decades after Amadeo's abduction, aren't you. When it's clearly a play on centuries...)
Let us let the text give the whole scene, okay? Or, more of the scene, than the one sentence you picked (since it's a rather long one).
The red-haired man leaned forward, deep into the flirt, and put the goblet right against my lip. "Little David, you'll grow up to be the King, remember? Oh, I would worship you now, tender-cheeked little man that you are, and beg for one psalm from your harp, just one, were it given with your own will." My Master whispered low, "Can you grant a man's dying request?" "I think he is dead!" said the gray-haired man with obnoxious loud- ness. "Look, Martino, I think I did kill him; his head's bleeding like a damned tomato. Look!" "Oh, shut up about him!" said Martino, the redhead, without taking his eyes off mine. "Do grant a dying man's request, little David," he went on. "We are all dying, and I for you, and that you die with me, just a little, Sir, in my arms? Let us make a little game of it. It will amuse you, Marius De Romanus. You'll see I ride him and stroke him with one artful rhythm, and you'll behold a sculpture of flesh that becomes a fountain, as what I pump into him comes forth from him in my hand." He cupped his hand as if he had my organ already in it. He kept his eyes on me. Then in a low whisper, he said, "I'm too soft to make my sculpture. Let me drink it from you. Have mercy on the parched." I snatched the goblet out of his wavering hand and drank down the wine. My body tightened. I thought the wine would come back up and spew. I made it go down. I looked at my Master. "This is ugly, I hate it."
"Oh, nonsense," he said, barely moving his lips. "There's beauty all around!" "Damned if he isn't dead," said the gray-haired man. He kicked the body of Francisco on the floor. "Martino, I'm out of here." "Stay, Sir," said Marius. "I would kiss you good night." He clapped his hand over the gray-haired man's wrist and lunged at his throat, but what did it look like to the red-haired one, who gave it only a bleary glance before he continued his worship? He filled my goblet again. A moan came from the gray-haired man, or was it from Marius? I was petrified. When he turned from his victim, I would see even more blood teeming in him, and I would have given all the world to see him white again, my marble god, my graven Father in our private bed. The red-haired man rose before me as he leant over the table and put his wet lips on mine. "I die for you, boy!" he said. "No, you die for nothing," said Marius. "Master, not him, please!" I cried. I fell back, nearly losing my balance on the bench. My Master's arm had come between us, and his hand covered the red-haired man's shoulder. "What's the secret, Sir?" I cried frantically, "the secret of Santa Sofia, the one we must believe?"
The red-haired man was utterly befuddled. He knew he was drunk. He knew things around him didn't make sense. But he thought it was because he was drunk. He looked at Marius's arm across his chest, and he even turned and looked at the fingers clutching his shoulder. Then he looked at Marius and so did I. Marius was human, utterly human. There was no trace of the impermeable and indestructible god left. His eyes and his face simmered in the blood. He was flushed as a man from running, and his lips were bloody, and when he licked them now, his tongue was ruby red. He smiled at Martino, the last of them, the only one left alive. Martino pulled his gaze away from Marius and looked at me. At once he softened and lost his alarm. He spoke with reverence. "In the midst of the siege, as the Turks stormed the church, some of the priests left the altar of Santa Sofia," he said. "They took with them the chalice and the Blessed Sacrament, our Lord's Body and Blood. They are hidden this very day in the secret chambers of Santa Sofia, and on the very moment that we take back the city, on the very moment when we take back the great church of Santa Sofia, when we drive the Turks out of our capital, those priests, those very priests will return. They'll come out of their hiding place and go up the steps of the altar, and they will resume the Mass at the very point where they were forced to stop." "Ah," I said, sighing and marveling at it. "Master," I said softly. "That's a good enough secret to save a man's life, isn't it?" "No," said Marius. "I know the story, and he made our Bianca a whore."
The red-haired man strained to follow our words, to fathom the depth of our exchange. "A whore? Bianca? A murderer ten times over, Sir, but not a whore. Nothing so simple as a whore." He studied Marius as though he thought this heated passionately florid man was beautiful, indeed. And well he was. "Ah, but you taught her the art of murder," said Marius almost tenderly, his fingers massaging the man's shoulder, while with his left arm he reached around Martino's back, until his left hand might lock on the man's shoulder with his right. He bent his forehead to touch Martino's temple. "Hmmm," Martino shook himself all over. "I've drunk too much. I never taught her any such thing." "Ah, but you did, you taught her, and to kill for such paltry sums." "Master, what is it to us?" "My son forgets himself," said Marius, still looking at Martino. "He forgets that I am bound to kill you on behalf of our sweet lady, whom you so finagled into your dark, sticky plots." "She rendered me a service," said Martino. "Let me have the boy!" "Beg pardon?" "You mean to kill me, so do it. But let me have the boy. A kiss, Sir, that's all I ask. A kiss, that is the world. I'm too drunk for anything else!" "Please, Master, I can't endure this," I said. "Then, how will you endure eternity, my child? Don't you know that's what I mean to give you? What power under God is there that can break me?" He threw a fierce angry glance at me, but it seemed more artifice than true emotion. "I've learnt my lessons," I said. "I only hate to see him die." "Ah, yes, then you have learnt. Martino, kiss my child if he'll allow it, and mark you, be gentle when you do." It was I who leant across the table now and planted my kiss on the man's cheek. He turned and caught my mouth with his, hungry, sour with wine, but enticingly, electrically hot. The tears sprang to my eyes. I opened my mouth to him and let his tongue come into me. And with my eyes shut, I felt it quiver, and his lips become tight, as if they had been turned to hard metal clamped to me and unable to close. My Master had him, had his throat, and the kiss was frozen, and I, weeping, put out my hand blindly to find the very place in his neck where my Master's evil teeth had driven in. I felt my Master's silky lips, I felt the hard teeth beneath them, I felt the tender neck. I opened my eyes and pulled myself away. My doomed Martino sighed and moaned and closed his lips, and sat back in my Master's grip with his eyes half-mast.
So, let's see.
I've highlighted a few instances. And yes, I DO see these as Martino here take liberties. Now, I'm not sure how it is with your reading comprehension, but it's very clear to me that an offered kiss on a cheek and one taken open mouthed are two different things.
And it's not even the first kiss either, as highlighted above.
Oh, and above that, the "bantering "how he would ride him until he makes Armand come".
And it makes Armand want to throw up.
That is what I mean with "liberties".
Now, you obviously can call this as you want.
And Marius let it happen, actually more or less coaxed him into it as well!! Oh, yes, he always planned to kill Martino - for Bianca. Well. But do grant that dying man his last wish Amadeo, hmmm, how about it. /sarcasm off. What do you want me to say to that.
So, actually I DO think that it is in the book. At the very least hinted at. The "ankles of the boys" and all that, too. Want me to dig that out, too?
So, nonny:
Take your passive aggressive asks elsewhere in the future, please.
Because despite your claim I CAN back it up.
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blue-jisungs · 2 days
Hey how are you!!! Hope you're doing amazing I always love your fics and now that i know you are also taking one piece requests I am taking the step of actually sending requests cause i don't really have much of an imagination when it comes to k-pop idols i just read the fics but never had ideas of my own but as an anime watcher i do have lot of ideas when it comes to my fav characters🥹
Feel free to ignore my request if it's too much
So as you mentioned that you were in skypedia arc meaning you have completed alabasta meaning you know ace😁
So i was wondering if you would be able to write a modern au where ace and luffy meet go to a cafe where the reader is the owner and ace falls for the reader first like he loves her food and wants to thank her and then is completely blown and head over heels for her when he see's them and talk with them it would be amazing if the reader is gender neutral so that everyone can enjoy it thanks for going throught this hope you can do it take care!!!!!!!
a way to man’s heart…
# author's note ... IM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG BUT IM SO HAPPY FOR SOME OP REQS:( i hope this meets ur expectations!!!! :D
# extras ... a lot of food; gn! reader; modern au :D
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“so, luff, today’s all about you. the food is on me!” ace grinned and patted his younger brother’s back. luffy’s eyes widened and sparkled with childish joy.
“you’re really the best, bro! can i pick the place too? there’s a new cafe that has opened up–” luffy started.
“your wish is my command” ace hummed and the younger one almost jumped out of his shoes, excitement over the roof.
well, it’s not everyday when ace visited his brother. as he moved out for university, they lost the ability to hang out that often. but it was summer, meaning ace could return to his hometown and his family.
“sanji went there already! he said the food was delicious – and ya know, he’s a cook! he knows the deal. he also said something about the service people… but i didn’t really care…” luffy put a pointing finger on his chin “it’s not that popular though… i hope they are open…”
ace listened with amusement to his little brother, soft smile on his lips. he missed him a bit more than he’d like to admit – the absence of his energetic yells was almost crushing in his quiet, lonely apartment.
upon arriving, they noticed it’s a very small and almost hidden from the society’s view cafe.
luffy barged in, doors swinging open, a sound of a doorbell ripping through the air.
it was empty inside, only soft sound of jazz music filling the room.
“yahoo! anyone here?” luffy hummed, looking around. then he came up to the check out, eyeing the menu. ace went to pick a seat.
a gentle voice spoke out, drawing the brothers’ attention.
“yes, welcome, come in! how can i help you?” the waiter asked with a happy smile. ace checked his phone upon realizing his not getting any say in the food choice anyway.
“can i see the menu?”
after what it felt like ages, luffy came back. buzzing with excitement, he tapped ace’s souldwr repeatedly.
“that lovely person gave us a food testing deal, so i ordered literally everything! isn’t it just the best day ever?” the younger one grinned, giggling boyishly.
ace frowned and turned his head to look at the cashier but they were gone. it was a bit suspicious but he didn’t want to burst his brother’s bubble. shrugging, he put his phone away and focused on luffy.
after a while, the waiter brought all the food that took up all the space on the table.
“are you sure you’ll eat everything?” the waiter asked and ace looked up, suddenly struck by their beauty. the name tag read ‘y/n’ with a small heart next to it.
“duh!” luffy puffed his chest proudly and dug in, not realizing how mesmerised his brother was.
“enjoy your meal, then! if you need anything else just let me know” you smiled and went back behind the counter.
ace smirked, an idea blooming in his head, and started eating as well.
he was a good lover, that was no lie. he has eaten lots and lots of delicious meals but those… those tasted like heaven. this carrot cake or rice pudding… could top sanji’s cooking, for sure.
there’s a saying “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” for a reason.
while exchanging joyous nods with luffy, ace knew he’ll leave this cafe with more than a full stomach.
“um, excuse me?” ace called and walked up to the check out, drumming his fingers against his wallet.
you came from the storage room, wiping your hands against your apron. a bright smile painted on your lips.
“i’d like to order another thing” ace smiled and with the corner of his eye he noticed how his words peaked luffy’s interest.
“mhm, of course! and what would it be?” you asked, looking at him interested. he (and his brother) were definitely unusual clients.
“two cups of cappuccino and an orange juice. and a dessert… of your choice, y/n” he said smugly and leaned against the counter, his muscular arm flexing.
your eyes widened… then your brows frowned and nose scrunched. ace giggled upon your reaction and winked.
“you should join us, y/n” ace hummed and then realized one thing: you’re at work “oh, i mean, unless the owner minds it but i can take the blame”
“oh, no. there will be no need for that. i’m the owner and i will certainly don’t mind” you sent him a soft smile and saw his lips turn into an o in awe “i’ll bring the coffee and be right back”
“ace, can i have your brownie muffin?!” luffy yelled.
in a blink of an eye you arrived, steaming cups of coffee and an orange juice. placing them down on the table, squeezing the dessert too, you pulled up a chair and sat down.
“i hope you enjoyed your food?” you looked expectantly at luffy.
“my friend, if i could marry a meal… i’d marry them all!” the younger brother cheered and you laughed.
ace’s heart melted – the sound of your laughter was the cutest sound ever.
“thank you so much, i really appreciate it” you hummed, grabbing your coffee cup. ace did the same and his heart skipped a beat when he saw that you made a heart out of foam at the top of his beverage.
“so you’re the owner? is it hard to own a cafe?” he asked before taking a sip.
you chatted with the brothers for a long time, occasionally pausing to serve the other customers that would come in. or to deliver more food for luffy.
ace fell for you with each word, gesture… everything you did.
before you realized it was the closing hour, sun setting behind the windows.
“we’ll get going, this guy has an important exam that he has to cram for!” luffy whined, puffing his cheeks and pointing at ace “i’d love to stay longer…”
“feel free to visit me whenever! don’t tell it to anyone but you might just be my favorite customers” you winked and luffy chuckled, packing his stuff.
“do you need any help though? we made a mess…” ace asked, looking at the table with empty dishes (and some stains from luffy’s messy eating)
“no, no, don’t worry. i don’t want to keep you busy. good luck with cramming!” you grinned.
“thank you” ace sent you a warm smile and pulled out his wallet to leave the payment since you already told them what the checkout is going to be (you didn’t mention you included a huge discount too).
when you came back from the kitchen where you put away the dirty dishes, the brothers were gone.
you walked up to take another part of the dishes when something caught your eye.
next to the bill there was a napkin with something scribbled on it.
thank you for satisfying my bro’s wolffish appetite! however i’d prefer to hung out with you without this rascal… call me? <3
masterlist <3
taglist. @eternalgyu ,, @haecien
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canonfeminine · 2 days
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🌩 ₊˚⊹♫ … Jason Grace x Greek!Reader
in which: A accidently meeting with your boyfriend ends up with him getting his hair dyed. (well.. kinda.)
authors note: guys this is based off this !! I had to do it, it was too much of a cute idea and there was no way I could make that post and just.. not do it, yk??? anyways, the Jason Grace girlys are counting on me to make this good, so I hope I can make you guys proud 😭.
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You might have an hair-dying issues.
I mean, you knew it wasn't the best thing for your hair. You've heard millions of times from your parents, friends, and others, that dying your hair could damage it. But you're a demigod. You also have a 99.99% chance of being wiped out by a monster, so losing a bit of hair couldn't be that bad.
So one day, you tried it. And you loved it. After that, you couldn't stop. It's not like you 'wouldn't be able to live if you didn't dye my hair,' but you liked dying your hair every once in a while.
Actually, it was one of the things that attracted Jason to you.
He thought every color you dyed your hair looked perfect on you, and that the way you acted and dressed made you even more of a charming person. But did he ever say that out-loud? nope. Not until he confessed to you and you two started dating.
Now, this was before you (and the other campers,) found out about the other camp and that Jason wasn't Greek. So for a while, the two of you were able to hang out together and be the cute little lovers you were.
And then he went to the other camp, and went on a bunch of quests, and even though you knew that he had to be the hero he was, you had to admit—you missed him. And Iris messages weren't enough.
But after a while, you got used to it. Or, at least, you got used to him being gone for a long time. Being able to see his face and voice made you smile, and somewhat made you feel better. And when you heard about the defeat of Gaia/Gaea, the idea of being able to see your blonde boyfriend made that need to see him come back.
One day, you were in your cabin's bathroom, dying your hair—you heard a particular voice at the bathroom door.
"What color are you dying your hair now, Carissima?" Jason asked, leaning on the door frame.
"Blonde. Also, since when did you-" You turned your head and you jaw basically dropped.
"Hi, Baby-"
"YOUR HAIR. where is it? what is... where is the fluffiness?" You blinked, and the silence in the room was deadly. "I-I mean, it's cute! you look handsome, Jace. But.. what made you go from pretty boy to pretty military soldier?"
Jason shrugged. "Don't know. After this whole war, I wanted to try something new, y'know?"
"Oh, don't ask me if I know about trying something new. Look at me right now!" You said in a sarcastic tone, pointing to your [ insert color of your choosing ] colored hands.
Jason rolled his eyes, which made you laugh. Honestly, you were surprised you hadn't jumped off the counter you were sitting on and hugged him. But it was probably because the hair part caught you off guard.
"Okay, Uhm, quick question. How important is that shirt to you?"
"... Not that important, why?"
"BECAUSE I HAVEN- because, my love, I haven't seen you in months. I want to give you a hug, obviously." You made a fake angry face.
"Oh. I mean, I'd let you stain any of my shirts anyday if I meant I got a hug from you." He smiled and walked up to the counter. As soon as he came into arm reach, you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into a hug.
"Hey, I just thought of something." You lifted your head up. "Wanna hear it?"
"Of course I do." He looked over at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Okay, so what if, and stay with me here—what if you let me dye your hair, but instead of fully dying it, I can make like little hearts.. with my hair dye."
"I mean.. I wouldn't mind if you did. I just don't know if it would, well, look nice on me." Jason admitted.
"Oh, you'll be okay. I have a good feeling you'll look great. Plus, If it comes out looking like trash, i'll make you a hat to wear."
[ time skip ?? ]
Like you said, You knew he would look great. It took awhile for it to get done (because you forced him to tell you all the stories he could about his time on the Argo II,) But seeing him with blue stars in his hair made you giggle.
"Do you like it?" You asked as Jason inspected it in the mirror.
"Sorta. It's not bad, I think it just has to grow on me, y'know?"
"Mhm. But like.. on a scale of one to ten, how much do you like it?"
"Honestly, like a 7.5. But not because you did bad, just because it's new to me." He leaned down and kissed you on the cheek. "Thank you, corculum."
You smiled and kissed his cheek in return. "Your welcome, My love."
For a moment, there was a beat of silence between you two. A comfortable type of silence, not that icky type. "Oh, and the next time you go on a quest—you gotta sneak me with you. I don't think I can go another few months without seeing you."
Jason smiled, wrapping his arms around you. "I'll make sure to remember that. Though, you can't blame me if you get caught."
"I mean, I could.. but I think I love you too much to do so."
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Why Ceroba and the Feisty Four were right
Not bothering with any fancy opening, it's exactly what it says it is: Ceroba and the Feisty Four were right to call out Starlo.
Now before you crucify me, I love Starlo as a character. But I'm tired of people (not calling out anyone in particular) pretending that he's done absolutely nothing wrong and demonize Ceroba and the Feisty Four for snapping at him (largely Ceroba, but I see the Feisty Four get shat on every now and then). And this is not me calling Starlo a jerk. Typically, calling him a flat-out jerk would mean he did shit on purpose with malicious intent, and I don't think he acted out of spite. Rather, he did all those things because he just didn't think about it in the moment. I understand that, and I can 110% relate to that myself, honestly.
That being said, he did make some legit dick moves over the course of the game. Exhibit A: Having Moray walk around with a snake in their boot and giving them rashes.
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IK some of Starlo's more wild fans would probably do anything he says and all that, but put yourself in Moray's shoes (or boots I guess would be more appropriate). If your friend made you walk around with a rubber toy in your footwear that gave you a nasty rash, I think you'd be reasonable at least a bit angry at them.
Exhibit B: The Boulder Droppers
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They're literal goddam boulders. That shit could've killed someone. Setting them up at a busy mineshaft is reckless enough as it is but leaving them on after you're done using them just makes things even worse.
Exhibit C: Blaming Clover for everything that happened and shooting them over it.
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What am I supposed to say? If you hate Ceroba for what she did to Kanako and Clover, keep in mind that Starlo basically did the same exact thing.
Again, this is not me calling Starlo an asshole overall. Yes, he is a good monster deep down and just made some legit mistakes. But my point is, he does have flaws nonetheless and I can't stand people who ignore them. Like, him accepting what he did was wrong and coming to terms with that is one of the best parts of his character! C'mon guys.
And yes, people treat Ceroba as a horrible friend because she wasn't into it and apparently 'hates that part of Starlo' or whatever. If Ceroba actually hated Starlo's obsession with Western culture, do you think she'd indulge in his ramblings on humans?
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...or helped him set up all of those wanted posters for him?
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...or helping his family search for him when he 'goes missing' during a neutral run?
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*sarcastically* Wooooooow, what a horrible friend...
Yes, I understand Ceroba is a very blunt and sarcastic person, but I think because of that, she ends up coming off as harsher than she means to be. Trust me, I can relate to that.
To call her a heartless bitch is a disservice to her character. She does care deep down, even if she isn't that good at showing it.
And hey, she's a mourning widow and mother, I wouldn't blame her for not being good at showing positive emotions.
As for the Feisty Five, our favorite enby fish puts it best themself:
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My point is, despite snapping at him, Ceroba and the Feisty Four did not hate Starlo. They understood that his obsession over Western Culture was really important with him. It's made clear that they know he's a good monster deep down, despite his transgressions and were very ready to forgive him.
They just wanted him to dial it back. And yeah, he needed to. Granted, this is targeted at the 'Starlo did nothing wrong' crowd. If you admit that he's pretty heavily flawed but that Ceroba's done worse, I can accept that. Hell, despite me being a Ceroba apologist, I might even agree with you to a degree. But I am a bit tired of the fandom putting him on a pedestal while overhating everyone who remotely criticizes him.
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sneeb-canons · 3 days
heart is the lowest-empathy of the bunch. he gets caught up in his own emotions, no time for anyone else's. if someone else is upset when it's happy, it'll be annoyed at them. if someone else is happy when it's upset, it'll... also be annoyed at them. it's an involuntary response, sometimes he feels bad about it later. usually he doesn't. whether or not he acts on it depends on how pissedoff he is
mind is the highest-empathy, by some counts; she is the most capable of properly understanding others' feelings, but what she decides to do with that information varies. they generally (try to) remain composed, of course.
soul doesn't know what an empathy is. has considered herself low empathy in tthe past due to not really reacting to others pain with much more than 'uhm. Awkward!!..." but also cannot bring himself to kill an ant in his shower because it Feels Bad despite threatining the other two's lives as, yknow, a major point of the loop so?? who even the fuck knows. Not them certainly (just like me fr)
theyre all also alexythemic as shit. they rarely know how they feel unless the emotion is very powerful and even then it's basically either 'Good' or 'Bad' with little recognition for nuanced tones--with the exception of anger, which they feel clearly and distinctly.
that even applies to heart, of course! must suck being an incredibly emotionally driven person who cannot distinguish their emotions (minus anger and spite, of course) to save their life. not like i would have any experience with it. haha. slowly turns to the camera
On a slightly lighter note, uhh
i have a special interest in rain world so. they all get to be rw fans. yayayayay.
[rain world spoilers from here on out LOL sorry.brainrotting]
mind mains spearmaster, and has probably actually speedrun their campaign once or twice. big into movement tech. once wanted to make her own region mod but couldn't come up with any interesting ideas and eventually gave up. sees themself in five pebbles in a 'recognition of the self in the other (derogatory)' way, but would never admit to it.
heart mains artificer. has claimed to relate to them, mind told him that this is what some might call a 'red flag'. has several really cool region mod ideas but no lediting skills, alas. a lore guy more than a tech guy. despite not knowing much in the way of movement, is a force to be reckoned with in arena mode. also relates to pebbles, but in a slightly different way
soul mains rivulet (gotta go fast!) and genuinely cried when getting their ending with moon. tends to prefer vanilla to downpour, but has an attachment to each individual downpour campaign (it's complicated). ascension supporter. out of all of them, i think soul is the most likely to actually engage with the fandom. saint kinnie, because of fucking course they are /silly
Headcanon #602
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begebege28 · 2 days
My thoughts. Please don’t come for me.
Ever since that man is has been introduced back on our screens, and is now kissing Buck, it’s like we aren’t allowed to view Eddie anything other than, straight? It’s so interesting because we all over the years whether or not people shipped buddie, people viewed them as queer coded. Therefore, queer individuals identified and connect to their story. Now, we can’t because…… NOW it matters what’s canon in show? NOW, it matters what the actors say? REALLY NOW? Did we forget throughout the seasons, the SR and Oliver when discussing buck, classified him as straight… because at that time, he was. To buck and BuckTommy fans, you NEVER viewed buck as bi or queer coded DURING his previous relationships when he was CANONICALLY straight or when Oliver and co said he was straight in interviews? how he talked about his relationship with Natalia pre s7. Bi buck wasn’t even supposed to happen this season. So now they are tying to use Ryan’s comments as a “gotcha”…. They love to throw out the term “actual representation”.. but it’s like, you talk about “actual representation” but bi buck was simply a LAST MINUTE decision. They were gonna continue with buck and Natalia. But due to scheduling it fell though. Then it was gonna be buck and Lucy (same thing). Then Eddie and Tommy. AND THEN WE GET to buck and Tommy. They think Tim is master and this “great love story” but if that was the case, they would have planned them from the start. Not a last minute decision as Oliver admitted. Why have these scenes if you want the audience root for them. For example, their first date. Why include Eddie? Why make it awkward for buck. Why did Tommy leave buck stranded on the sidewalk looking like an idiot. It’s NOT Tommy didn’t have a right to leave. What we are saying is the “joke” wasn’t funny. Why even say it? Especially since Tommy is “so confident” Second, if Tommy knew he wasn’t ready, why continue with the date after buck made the “hot chicks” comment. He clearly saw and realized, and buck TELLING HIM. “THIS IS MY FIRST DATE WITH A DUDE, and IM AN ALLY”. Like…. It’s not rocket science. He led him on. Why not show the continuation of the date? They could have easily done that. But they mirror bucks and Natalias where they only showed like 5 minutes. Buck thought they were continuing with the date to go to the movie. Tommy couldn’t give him the benefit of the doubt. Especially he KNOWS what buck is going through… Tommy immediately, seconds after coming outside of the restaurant ordered the Uber and WAITED until he opened the door of the car to tell him. That’s fucked up and fuck him for that. Then they had buck apologize because he wasn’t ready to come out? LIKE HUH? Or Tommy’s continuation comments of being jealous of buck, the 118, and the way he belittles buck. “Enjoys while it lasts” after earning his medal? Like do you have to be a POS. WHY WHY for the life of me, have his LI say that if you have the audience to like him. The “daddy joke”. Really? In ANY other context, awesome! But there? I simply can’t. The way I have been watching since s1 and have never seen this much pushback to like a character or couple. None of bucks previous LI had this many “defenders”… AND HE ONLY HAS LIKE 15 minutes of SCREEN TIME. It’s weird.
Now, the plot hole that is 7x04 What stopped buck from reaching out to Tommy after the air hanger. NOTHING? He never called or texted… also, idk if anyone realized buck Tommy knew he was goi he to hang out with Eddie, and YET CONTINUED to invite buck… why show us the last maybe minute before they begin to talk about Eddie and where Eddie is NOW in the frame. Why didn’t they show the beginning where buck comes and meets Tommy? Buck getting upset at Eddie circling the basketball game? Buck grilling Christopher on his thoughts about Tommy? When did he care about Christophers thoughts before about his dads girlfriends or friends? Accusing Tommy of lying to get bonus points with Chris. You think he truly cared which movie is better? Why does he try to make him a bad guy to Maddie? He really didn’t have the time to talk to Eddie to go to the basketball game? Really? You mean to tell he HAD to wait until the gym scene? Or hell… even ask Tommy. When he does talk to Maddie after hurting Eddie, he says “i felt left out”. So that tells me something, he felt left out over not being able to do things with Eddie. the fact that buck didn’t know they were hanging out for 2 weeks? Not that he was trying to get Tommy’s attention
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frownyalfred · 2 days
i am completely willing to reread ASOH to figure this out but when an omega or otherwise is showing deference to someone significantly shorter than them, how does that work? Like I have my Pack Alpha and he's 5 ft 6. Bruce is 6 ft 3 and change and the Pack Omega. How the fuck....
[[also side thought i had was in ASOH verse what if Thomas was the Omega and Martha was the Alpha? Or they were an Omega/Omega couple??? Did someone already ask about this?]]
Oh!! I have an answer to this I actually thought out already! So the way I went for showing deference in ASOH was 1) scent, obviously and 2) flashing your neck at the person, which can look very different depending on the person, how they're positioned, and obviously like you mentioned, height.
So in my mind, if the person you were deferring to was much shorter than you, you're not flashing your neck by jerking it up and to one side, like most do. You're instead turning as far as you can in one direction and then looking down, baring the side of your neck.
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(normal throat baring, back and to the model's left)
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(shorter throat baring, down as far as you can to the model's right)
Ideally, if you were doing the short version you might even duck your head a little to emphasize this. The point is, you need to show a vulnerable part of your neck to complete the equation. Both versions do this, though different "vulnerable" parts are flashed (traditionally, the full one flashes the whole front of the throat, including the windpipe and various veins/arteries, while the shorter version might only flash some veins/arteries).
When all else fails, dropping eye contact will usually seal the deal. Esp with alphas, in my mind.
As for Omega Thomas/Alpha Martha -- no one has asked about this yet! I'm intrigued. Though I will admit I am a little tied to the dynamic I set up in their fic of the verse since I really liked the idea of Thomas being this traditional, thoroughbred alpha who defies his "proper" upbringing and Martha still feels guilty when she can't immediately conceive for the Wayne family line...hmm.
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saphronethaleph · 3 days
Extra Extra
“It’s like one of those logic puzzles,” Lando said, looking down at a Dejarik table that had been turned off an hour ago. “We know most of the ingredients we need, right?”
“We know most of the ingredients of one way to do it,” Leia amended. “Though I can’t use the Boussh disguise for both of them. I’d have enough trouble using it on one of them, though I think Jabba would be a bit easier to fool.”
“Relatively speaking,” the Socorran replied. “What do you think, Chewie? Jabba’s not kept on top of a crime ridden world like that for decades by being gullible.”
“That may be true, but he’s arrogant,” Chewbacca replied. “And, unlike with Luke, we at least know where Han is.”
“I get the point,” Lando admitted. “Problem is, none of us three are from Tatooine. Luke is, but… like I said, logic puzzle. The easiest way to rescue Han is to already have Luke – and the easiest way to rescue Luke is to already have Han.”
“Rescuing Luke, we could at least call on the resources of the Rebellion,” Leia offered. “Being able to actually kill Darth Vader would be an enormous blow to the Empire.”
Lando chuckled. “Yeah, sure, but – I hate to admit it, but Han’s better with the old girl than I ever was. If we were okay with Luke’s death, then an insane plan like attacking Darth Vader’s Super Star Destroyer would be a bit easier to stomach… if you want to get him out, Han’s touch with the Falcon can only help.”
Leia sighed.
“I have the feeling that doing Han is going to be easier,” she said. “I’ve got a few contacts I can call upon… and if we do manage to get Rebellion resources involved, then Jabba’s palace is a much softer target.”
“We’re going around in circles,” Chewbacca declared. “We need more information. Even knowing where Darth Vader was would help, because that way we’d be able to make better plans.”
He frowned. “Jabba’s strength comes from being a big fish in a small pond. But getting Han out means being inside the defences – and if he realizes what’s going on, he can use Han’s safety as a hostage.”
Lando nodded along.
“I actually wonder if we shouldn’t hope that Luke can rescue himself,” he said. “Or – if we are going to try and rescue Luke, we should abandon the idea of doing it with the Falcon directly. The YT-1300 might be common, but any light freighter of that class is going to stand out.”
Chewbacca looked curious.
“That sounds like you have a plan,” he said. “Care to share?”
“I most certainly do,” Lando answered. “That giant ship has to get supplies, right? Giant standard containers. I wonder how many old style battle droids we could fit in a giant container alongside the Falcon to provide a distraction – then jump out from inside the ship once we’ve retrieved Luke.”
“Now there’s a crazy idea,” Leia said, but she was looking contemplative. “That might work. Audacity can win the day when lesser plans simply don’t have a chance to-”
“Mistress Leia!” C-3P0 interrupted, hurrying down from the cockpit. “Mistress Leia! There’s something very strange on the holonews!”
Lando, Chewbacca and Leia exchanged curious glances, then Lando hit a switch and turned on a holoprojector.
“I didn’t know that was there,” the wookiee admitted, then they all stopped and stared at the news.
“Admiral Piett, this is most irregular!” Grand Admiral Tigellinus declared. “Your authority does not run to the Imperial Center Oversector – explain yourself at once!”
“My authority derives from Vader,” Piett replied, evenly, facing the viewscreen showing Tigellinus’s face.
The Grand Admiral was apparently not on board his capital ship, and the other displays around the Executor bridge were showing that the Empire’s Central Fleet was both out of position and unprepared for combat.
In the second part, at least, Piett fully knew how they felt.
“Vader’s authority also does not run here,” Tigellinus retorted. “Power down your weapons and shields immediately.”
“That request is out of order, Grand Admiral,” Piett replied. “I am under no obligation to stand down.”
Someone began speaking to Tigellinus, their voice a little too quiet for Piett to hear through the connection, and the Grand Admiral turned a rather entertaining shade.
“Admiral, you are violating my direct orders,” the Grand Admiral declared. “One of the ships of your fleet is making a full power burn for the surface of Imperial Center! They must stand down immediately or they will be destroyed!”
Piett’s gaze flicked to the displays, and it took all of a lifetime’s military politicking to avoid reacting visibly.
Tigellinus was very much telling the truth. One of the Star Destroyers of Battle Group Executor was burning for the surface at full power, and scattered fire from the defensive platforms was already striking home on it.
It wasn’t responding, though, and Piett had a sinking feeling that he was starting to understand what was going on.
It wasn’t that he necessarily disagreed with the idea of a coup d’etat, or at least that was what he would certainly say if Vader had asked him about the subject. Partly because denying Darth Vader was a good way of getting choked to death over a video call, but also partly because… something had changed in Vader in the last few months.
Since Bespin.
But he would very much have appreciated being told any of the details more than five minutes before the Executor had left hyperspace.
“The destroyer may have engine problems,” he said, instead. “It was undergoing refit and was mostly evacuated for that very reason.”
“That is not an engine problem!” the Grand Admiral snapped. “You are relieved of command and placed under arrest!”
Piett made a gesture, and the viewscreen deactivated.
“I suspect that conversation was going nowhere productive,” he said. “All batteries ready. I want a full ion cannon salvo on the first capital vessel of the Central Fleet to fire on our wayward destroyer.”
He folded his hands behind his back, and tried to seem like he knew what was going on.
Palpatine was not ready for the situation he had just found himself in.
In principle, assassination was always a risk for someone like him, and he had many means of protection.
He had a ferociously competent security service. He had his guards, armed and trained to a degree of furious perfection that was then hidden under ceremonial outfits. He had the mighty apparatus of Imperial power, grown for twenty-five years. He was the most powerful single individual in the galaxy, with the might of a thousand years of Sith learning and alchemy buttressing his own powerful hatred.
He also had flashbacks to the last time he had been utterly out of control of the situation, which was when he had been on board a crashing Confederacy capital ship.
And now there was a durasteel triangle sixteen hundred metres long, crashing down out of the Coruscant sky. Even as he watched it collided with the Imperial Palace shields, and the shields lost, collapsing with a CRAAACK like the sky splitting open, and the Emperor summoned the Force to himself – ready to do whatever it took to survive.
Whatever it took.
Then he noticed the bright red letters painted on the front of the Star Destroyer. Every single character a hundred and twenty metres high, spelling out a name.
Palpatine’s eye twitched, then the nose of the Star Destroyer made contact, and the next ten seconds was an incredible cacophony of rending metal and collapsing supports and energy as several reactors ruptured.
When the debris finally stopped and the smoke began to clear, the entire room was on a fifteen degree slant. The transparisteel windows had exploded inwards, and a horizontal rain of giant shrapnel had killed every one of the guards and functionaries in the room.
There were several fires going on, and it rather looked as though most of the palace complex was in the middle of collapsing.
Then two curved TIE/Advanced wings landed with a crash on the floor to his right, coming in through a hole in the roof, and Palpatine’s gaze snapped in that direction. He drew his lightsaber with a single quick motion, concealing it in his sleeve for now, and he saw two figures step off the pieces of curved metal.
One was entirely familiar. Darth Vader, his apprentice. His slave… but it was immediately clear that Vader was his slave no more.
Just from his posture, if it hadn’t also been apparent from the events of the last few minutes.
Vader was reminding him unpleasantly of Anakin, on the days when Palpatine had touched the wrong nerve.
But the other could only be Luke Skywalker. He looked different, now, to any time Palpatine had seen him before. Older, maybe. More touched by pain and loss, perhaps – but mawkishly certain of his convictions.
Like a teenaged queen he remembered. Or the same woman, as a twenty-something senator who had ruined far too many of his plans without even realizing whose plans they were.
“Ah, young Skywalker,” Palpatine said. “I see your father has brought you here to die.”
Vader ignited his lightsaber, and Luke drew his own as well – activating it with a flash of blue light.
It was Anakin’s old one, from Mustafar, and Palpatine could feel that the Force liked that.
He hated that, and that hate gave him strength.
Strength he was unpleasantly sure he was going to need.
For a moment, the Emperor dismissed Vader. He knew Vader, knew his weaknesses and his strengths.
A moment was all he could spare, but he needed to understand the younger Skywalker. The boy’s lightsaber was held in a form that looked almost like Soresu, or almost like Niman, but there was a touch of Djem So there as well.
Except that the weapon in Luke’s left hand was a blaster, with the flowing chrome lines of one from Palpatine’s own home world.
Luke glanced at Vader for a moment, then settled himself.
“I call for a vote of no confidence in Emperor Palpatine’s leadership,” the boy said, and Palpatine’s eye twitched violently.
Then everything was a blur of blue and red, of crackling lightning and the high pitched whine of a blaster.
“You know,” the Emperor said, most of a week later, as the latest bureaucrats left in a state of some confusion. “I expected that you’d be the one actually in charge, Father.”
Vader shook his head, implacably.
“I will upend the galaxy for you, my son,” he said. “Be your strong right arm. Your enforcer. Your teacher. I will place you on the throne of all eternity. But I will not do datawork.”
Luke smiled slightly.
“It’s not dramatic enough, is it?” he asked. “I looked up that quote, you know.”
Vader was silent for a long moment.
“It felt… appropriate,” he said.
“I’m sure it did, father,” Luke replied. “Now… I need to try writing my next letter to Mon Mothma. Somehow I am going to convince her to help me turn the position of Emperor into one with constitutional limitations.”
Anakin looked across at his son.
“I believe you might just do that,” he said.
“I must say, I didn’t expect this,” Obi-Wan mused, materializing in front of the throne.
“What didn’t you expect?” Luke asked.
“Well, take your pick,” Obi-Wan replied. “But if there’s one thing… it’s how you killed Palpatine. It seems that the Banite legacy of the Sith earths itself into the killer, meaning that the killer becomes the new leader of the Sith… a vessel for Palpatine, in other words.”
Vader gave Luke a concerned look.
“And?” Luke asked. “I don’t think I’m a vessel for Palpatine.”
“The connection requires a Khyber crystal,” Obi-Wan clarified. “And now I need to face that the galaxy was saved because you killed Palpatine with a blaster, of all things.”
Anakin started laughing, then coughing, then laughing again.
“Father?” Luke asked, concerned.
“Who’s uncivilized now, Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked, holding on to the side of the throne so he wouldn’t collapse.
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catflowerqueen · 13 hours
I know I said I was going to take a break from TSAMS, and I probably will double down even harder on that after what just happened in today's episode... but I just couldn't help myself after seeing posts from some of my mutuals and their followers.
Rant below. If you do read, please take it with a grain of salt--there is probably context I've missed since I haven't been keeping up with the series the way I used to considering how disappointed I've been with the direction the story has seemed to be heading for quite a while now.
Immediate thoughts:
Way to not tell Old Moon the whole story, Monty. Especially after hearing him tell you he has no idea who Solar is. You know perfectly well that New Moon is in this state, negatively interacting with his family, precisely because he is still trying to help another family member. Solar is family! Family who everyone else is grieving! You are intentionally leaving out tons of context, and at this point I am still half convinced you're doing it because you, personally, couldn't divorce Solar from the other Eclipse(s) who personally harmed you. So this is just a convenience, getting a Moon back who is more likely to enable you and go along with your shenanigans.
And it also makes me think that you, personally, just never got over Old Moon's death or respect his choices at all, that you would be willing to do the exact same thing New Moon is trying to do, just in a supposedly "cleaner" fashion: Kill someone else to get the loved one you personally want back. The difference being that, again, Old Moon chose to sacrifice himself so someone else could live, unlike like Solar, who was a casualty of someone else's cruel plot, and New Moon is going after people who have actually done a lot of harm and murder. Unlike New Moon, who I am pretty sure hasn't actually killed anyone yet. Or at least no one that the others didn't agree was an acceptable target.
It also reminds me of how generally off and combative Lunar has been toward New Moon this entire time. Like--I really, really don't think Lunar ever got over Old Moon's death in any sort of healthy fashion, and I do wonder if he isn't still doing some sort of weird, internalized survivor's guilt deal, since he at one time offered to be Moon's "happy" and protect him, but then just ran off with basically no warning and didn't get the chance to apologize or even say goodbye before Old Moon died.
Not to mention that Lunar knew from Solar what the likely consequences would be of trying to remove KC, but didn't think to/have a chance to warn Sun or Old Moon.
New Moon isn't Lunar's Moon... so Lunar just never bothered to really get to know him or kindle a relationship, especially since he got a shiny new sister with no pre-existing baggage to hang out with. Rather than confront or acknowledge his past with Sun and Moon beyond the fact that an Eclipse was around.
Seems like, in general, everyone else is now reaping the consequences of the fact that Moon isn't around right now to be the pillar who cleans up their messes and problems. Because that usually is his role--he works behind the scenes to quash what problems he can before they get bad, or he does the most to try and fix things and find solutions while everyone else just messes around and then blames him for not doing better when he fails.
Like... right before the first October takeover. Sun got upset when he found out Moon didn't really have a real plan to prevent the takeover from happening, and said he wished Moon had told him earlier... but did Sun even think to really ask? Or offer his own potential plan? It doesn't really seem like it! Because that was Moon's job.
It's always Moon's job.
The only times he's really gotten help are when Monty was involved--which even Monty today admitted was not always the greatest of situations--or when he had Solar.
But then he had neither, since Monty today has seemingly proven they never actually cared about New Moon as their own person. And Solar is gone.
Why are they so surprised now that Moon--either Moon--has hit his breaking point?
Also--they should have given New Moon Yahtzee to play with! Moon at least gave Sun a mirror to look at when he trapped him in that magic box, and they gave Ruin a Monopoly board and streaming abilities when he asked. Old Moon has a sunset and can't really perceive the passage of time!
But, no, New Moon gets absolutely nothing.
And they are surprised he isn't getting better? There are reasons why solitary confinement is considered such a harsh punishment! Getting no mental stimulation does things to a person, and I can only imagine that it is worse for animatronics, considering how much processing power they have and how fast their thoughts must move!
Final thoughts:
If they are using this an excuse to bring Old Moon back permanently, then I just feel like they should have done this very shortly after his death to begin with. That way it would have just been a case of a minor amnesia plotline--not murder, like even Monty admits it will be.
And, for that matter, why is it Moon who never gets a second chance after death? Lunar and Earth have "died," but they got to keep their memories. Eclipse and Bloodmoon have died, but they get both a pass for past actions--which is fair, since, again, they aren't really them--while still reaping the benefits of having those memories uploaded into them, to learn from or ignore at their discretion.
But New Moon got all the blame and consequences while getting none of the benefits, and now they just want to kill him off anyways.
It just makes me so angry and sad.
(And secretly kind of wondering if maybe we accidentally switched Point of Views to a different dimension without realizing it, and our original, beloved Sun and Moon/New Moon are still out there, somewhere, living their best lives with no idea of what the viewers are currently seeing. Though I would still be so sad for the versions we are seeing right now if that was, indeed, the case.)
...And that was quite a rant. Please remember what I asked about taking things with a grain of salt, and forgive me if I ended up being wildly inaccurate with any of my information or assumptions.
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cottagec0relover21 · 2 days
Hello! I'd like request a Chilchuck scenario or hcs, whatever works best! (Or both kanfkanfj) Reader is a tall-man and GN.
The reader told him once about how they liked how he looked when he didn't shave, and he just basically doesn't shave for a hot minute because of it. And he actually almost tries to make himself "look better" by taking care to not stain his clothes and brush his hair or something, all because he's crushing on reader. He won't say it out loud unless pressured to, but he desperately wants to make a good impression on them.
Reader ends up asking him why he's taking care of his appearance all of the sudden, and he basically admits he's into them and so on-
(I'm craving fluff so hard, please please please make it as tooth rotting as you can,,,)
Hi anon!! I loved your request so much! I'm sorry this took so long to post, but I hope you like it.
I see you asked for a side of extra fluff, so I made sure to made this as cute as I could right now! 💖💖
(The last part is based off something I can't help but do when my boyfriend has a beard, so shout-out to my boyfriend for the inspiration lol)
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"Love makes you act a bit stupid"
[Chilchuck Tims x gn!reader]
Warnings: none - fluff
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One comment. That's all it took for him to leave his beard grow, even if just a little, after that one time where (y/n) had mentioned they liked how he looked when he had left his beard grow before shaving it all off again. Usually, it took a long while for his beard to show, half-ling's were known for having mostly "baby faces" so Chilchuck didn't really need to shave that often. But that time when they did catch a glimpse of his face with a little bit of hair growth, they couldn't help but compliment him.
It made his heart flutter, to be honest. No one really had commented about his beard before, so the comment really stuck out to him, replaying in his mind sometimes even in the middle of battle (which was very distracting).
He began to take care of his looks more than he usually did before. Always making sure his hair looked nice and tidy in case (y/n) wanted to run their fingers though it, or getting overly upset if he ever stained his clothes in the slightest when he ate.
This change in behavior didn't go unnoticed by the members of the party, much less to (y/n), who looked amused every time he fussed over the slightest stain on his shirt or scarf. They noticed, as the weeks in the dungeon went by, that the area around his chin was getting a bit darker. Maybe it was a bit or dirt. Or was it his beard again?
The days kept passing, and eventually (y/n) found the answer to that question. Chilchuck had been letting his beard grow, and what was even weirder, he didn't seem interested on shaving it this time.
Approaching him from behind as everyone walked, they tugged softly at his scarf, definitely catching his attention as he looked around, and finally up to find their face.— Hey, can I talk to you?— of course you could, anytime was all he wanted to say, but he swallowed it down along with the light feeling of embarrassment he began feeling, and composed himself.
—Of course... but don't tug at my scarf like that again, I'm not a child— he faked indignation, but inside he wanted them to do it as many times as they wanted. Only they were allowed to, but if they kept doing it he'd just be a flustered mess everytime, so it was best to just pretend he hated it. For now.
(y/n) chuckled, letting go of the fabric as they began to walk side by side, falling slightly behind from the rest of the group.— Are you letting your beard grow?— they pointed at his chin, and his eyes widened softly. They really had noticed?
He cleared his throat before speaking— w–well, yeah, I am. Why do you ask?— he answered, shifting his gaze somewhere else.
— Is it because I said you looked good that time you were shaving it off?— (y/n) asked, and he swore he could hear the amusement in their voice.
He placed his arms behind his neck, looking towards them again, getting ready to answer when he was cut off by them once again— And I swear, all of us have noticed you fuss over your appearance more than usual. Are you trying to impress someone?— God was it that obvious? he bit his lip, embarrassment flowing through him, this time his cheeks definitely burning up.
—N–no! What makes you think that? Maybe I just want to look better for myself!— he protested, unable to hide the fact his face was getting redder by the second.
They chuckled— come on, you're not fooling anybody Chil, who's the lucky one?— they wanted to know, but at the same time, they didn't. There were very slim chances it was them, after all. Maybe it was for Marcille? Senshi? God, maybe even Laios for all they knew! They would be heartbroken if it was anyone else but them, but they weren't about to let their feelings get in the way of Chilchuck's happiness.
He stared at them, stopping in their tracks as the group kept getting further and further away.— C–Chil, the rest, we gotta catch up— they were about to start running towards the rest when the half-foot suddenly grabbed their hand, stopping them from doing so.— What are you doing?! We'll fall behind and get lost!— they blurted, looking down at him.
—Well it wouldn't be that different from getting lost in your eyes— he hadn't meant to say that. Why was he flirting all of a sudden?!
He began to panic, stuttering as he tried to come up with an excuse for whatever what he just said was.
—Wow... didn't know you were like that...— (y/n) chuckled, feeling embarrassed already but trying not to let that show.— So, um... who's the lucky one who's got you acting like this?— he deadpanned. Were they serious?
—Are you joking?— he raised an eyebrow, still not letting go of their hand.— I literally just– ugh... (y/n)— they were doing this on purpose. They had to be.
They fell silent for a moment as he took in a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever outcome was next after this.— You are. You've got me acting all... stupid. Fussing when I stain my clothes, making sure I'm clean and tidy, gods! I even let my beard grow because of what you said!— he confessed, the grip on their hand tightening as he looked up at them, determined to get his feelings across clearly.
Now it was time for (y/n) to blush.— You're joking— that couldn't be right. Chilchuck liked them?— B–but why me? I've got nothing special!— he sighed, letting go of their hand.
— You're... very caring towards me, to be honest— he wanted the earth to swallow him. You'd think that after a wife and three kids, a confession would be easy. But not for him it seemed.— You're beautiful. Gorgeous even goddammit. Every time you compliment me I get all... fuzzy inside, and I feel like I just want to kiss you right then and there. It's not fair you make me this nervous and you don't even know it!— he stomped his foot on the ground, looking down at it.— Perhaps you don't feel the same way but–! —.
(y/n) grabbed his face softly, tilting his head up and making him look up at them— Woah, woah, hold your horses, who said I don't like you?— another silent pause.
So it was reciprocated?
Chilchuck had a dumbfounded look written all over his face. His eyes seemed brighter and the way his blush spread across his pretty face guided their gaze down to his thin, soft lips. (y/n) had to bend down slightly to look at Chilchuck closely, still holding his face in their hands. The gap between their faces closed as they pulled him into a kiss. A sweet and slow moment as Chilchuck raised one arm to place one of his hands over theirs, standing on his tiptoes to reach better for the kiss.
Chilchuck stared into their eyes, unable to look away— so you mean... I'm not– the only one...?— he mumbled. They were so focused on each other they hadn't noticed the party had walked back to look for them once they had noticed they weren't following anymore and were now looking at the scene from a few feet away, as they held their breaths to not interrupt.— Hold on, what the hell do you see in me?!— he couldn't believe it, his heart was leaping around his chest with joy but it was all so sudden and it seemed so surreal too. Maybe this was all a dream...
They sighed, looking to the side— What's there not to like, Chilchuck? You're just so... cool— his ears must've been deceiving him, he thought, buy they continued— You try your best to express your feelings despite the fact it can be hard for you at times, and that shows just how much you care, even if you say otherwise. You're always so funny and witty when you tease too— they couldn't help but chuckle, their eyes finding his once again.
Pulling away after a moment, they both stared at each other, smiling incredulously.— So... what was that about getting lost in my eyes?— (y/n) tried to tease him, but failed, as he just chuckled and pulled them in for another sweet kiss.
—I'll tell you later. I have plenty of opportunities to openly flirt with you now— he couldn't help but tease them back.
The group cheered softly from afar, catching their attention and making them take a step back, creating some distance between them.
Blushing furiously, Chilchuck raised his fist and began protesting— How long have you been standing there?! Don't you know to give people some privacy!?— everyone began apologizing despite finding his reaction somewhat funny and endearing.
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(y/n) reached a hand down to his face and began scratching his beard, giggling. From everyone's perspective, the gesture looked just like a puppy getting scratched by their owner.— L–love! Don't do that in front of everyone!— Chilchuck didn't know whether to protest and yell at the rest of the party, or protest against them scratching his beard like a dog's. It felt nice but why did you have to do it in front of everyone, and even worse now?!
He ended just pouting and enjoying the attention as he stood there, an embarrassed mess as he crossed his arms and the rest of the party decided to settle down by a corner and call it a day.
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