#i had to fucking pause the episode before this bit i saw where it was going from a mile away and it still took me out sgsjdhd
one of my favorite things about zedaph is that on a server full of people that find strange and oft-overlooked minecraft mechanics or rare events and then see just how far they can push them in the name of spectacle or efficiency or world-breaking, zed is over here finding these mechanics in order to do the weirdest things he can think of in as entertaining a manner as possible
like i 100% have faith in zedaph's theoretical ability to be just as efficient or spectacular or world-breaking. if he wanted to do that stuff, i trust that he absolutely could. but thats so far from being his priority. instead, hes going to spend around a week of irl time focused entirely on eventually having the good luck to spawn in something insanely rare so that he can convert it into something even rarer, the result of which being something that 99% of the server reacts with complete and utter shock that it even exists in the first place, just because its zany and funny and he wanted to. and i love that
#zedaph#hermitcraft#genuinely i adore the clucky few project im not even done watching the episode and i had to pause and make this post#i saw impulses video first and went ''that HAS to be some sort of datapack or something-''#only to immediately go ''no. no it cant be. because this is zed#and its practically a trademark of his to push the limits of the game as far as possible in the direction least expected#not for the purpose of efficiency or spectacle or intimidation or whatever like some players who push limits#but purely for the purpose of making something so funny you cant help but laugh at whats going on#and maybe being a bit impressed that he ever thought of it in the first place''#at which point i went ''holy shit. since its zed doing this. somehow he ACTUALLY got a villager on a chicken. with no cheats. thats INSANE'#i was relieved when i checked my subscriptions to see what the next video i had to watch was and saw he would be next in line#bc if i had to sit through 19 other hermits videos before i could watch his and find out what the fuck he was doing i would have been so sa#sidenote but i feel like a zed video where he interacts with this many other people all in the same video is so rare#idk i didnt watch season 9 and i know he started collabing a lot more w/ other hermits then#so maybe its not nearly as rare these days#but like the last one that *i* saw where he interacted with this many people at once was towards the end of season 8#when all the people he experimented on earlier in the season came back to experiment on him#and like i would like zeds videos with or without the collabs. but its a lot of fun to see him interact with people#so its very cool to me when he does it with a lot of people all in the same video
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canonicallyanxious · 2 years
You have to admire this man's dedication to the snacking agenda even when the producers of his gm talk show fully attempt to murder him on camera
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
ok so given that the oscars just happened, imagine a joel x actress!reader. before everything went to shit joel was a normal human being who loved watching movies and like any basic person had a celebrity crush. fast forward and the world has gone to shit and joel and ellie (and maybe tommy too) go on a patrol that goes wrong and get saved by miss “i just smashed a guys head in with my oscar” or something like that, just a fluff and fun imagine that isnt gonna break my heart in a million pieces like last nights episode
oh my god, your mindddddd - I love this idea :)
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Big Fan
Joel Miller x actress!reader
Joel Miller masterlist
Joel recognizes her right away. After all, she starred in his favorite movie of all time.
warnings | 18+ a little angst, nothing wild, this is fluff through and through
Read part two!
“Are you–”
“I am.”
“You were in–”
“I was.”
“Well I’ll be damned.” 
“Alright, somebody better start speaking in full sentences, because I have no clue what the hell is going on.” Joel huffs, glancing at Ellie who's looking at him like he’s gone crazy, her gun still cocked at the woman in front of them.
“What? You don’t recognize her, kid? I just showed you Curtis and Viper.” Ellie’s brow furrows, but then she looks back at the woman and her eyes finally widen in recognition.
“Holy shit.” The woman laughs, eyes still focused on the barrel of Ellie’s gun.
“That’s not usually the movie people recognize me from. But I suppose it was my big break.” Joel nudges Ellie, muttering for her to put her “damn gun away, jesus christ,” and she quickly tucks it back in her belt.
He’s trying to not be weird right now, they did just kill five clickers together, but he’s finding it hard not to lose his cool over the woman who had been a silly crush of his since he first saw that cheap action movie as a teenager. He knows she did much better films afterward, remembers hovering behind the couch one night while Sarah was watching one of those awards shows, lingering just a bit longer when he saw her giving an acceptance speech with a blinding smile in a dress that probably cost more than his house. She’s certainly less elegant-looking now, but even after twenty years in a world like this, he can’t help the quick kick of his heart at actually meeting this woman in the flesh.
He clears his throat, also trying to clear his mind.
“Are you alone?” She sighs, wiping the blade of her knife on her jeans before sliding it back into its sheath.
“I wasn’t, and then I was. We were headed toward a settlement we heard about, I think a bit further north from here?” Joel keeps his expression steady, but can feel Ellie glancing at him. Movie star or not, he knows they have to be careful about who finds out about Jackson. But apparently, this woman isn’t just pretty, and she seems to pick up on the heavy pause after what she said.
“Do you two know about the place I’m talking about? Are we close?” Joel, sighs, looking at Ellie before making a decision that Tommy is probably going to smack him for later.
“We, um– we’re from there, actually. If you’re talking about where I think you’re talking about.” She huffs out a laugh, and offers them that megawatt smile Joel remembers seeing on his TV screen. Ellie, meanwhile, scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest as she glares at Joel.
“No shit. Do you think you have room for one more?” Joel’s eyes dart once more to Ellie, just seeing the subtle shake of her head, but he chooses to ignore it. How could he say no to the woman who had, embarrassingly, been one of his first wet dreams?
“You’ll have to talk with my brother, but I’m sure you’ll be welcome to stay on.” Megawatt, megawatt, megawatt. He reckons that smile could melt steel beams.
“Joel, what the fuck–”
“No, what are you thinking? If not Tommy, Maria’s gonna be so pissed she’ll probably cut your balls off.” He shushes the girl, glancing ahead at the woman hiking further in front of them.
“Look, she’s all alone– hardly a threat– and she’s looking for somewhere to stay–” She scoffs.
“Oh, so this has nothing to do with the way your eyeballs practically popped out of your head just looking at her?” He grumbles, hand tightening around the strap of his rifle.
“You just mind your own business, alright? I’ll take care of it.” Ellie huffs, starting to trudge further ahead of him, but not before muttering out “whatever you say, fanboy.” Joel is stunned still by her words.
“Where the hell did you get that word from?” She turns on her heel, walking backwards for a beat as she smirks at him.
“One of those old magazines. Pretty sure she was on the front page if you wanna borrow it.” Before he can get a word in edgewise, she’s already turning back around and continuing their hike back to Jackson.
“Holy shit. Joel, look who it is!” Joel grunts, nudging Tommy out of his starstruck stupor.
“Yeah, I know. Just hiked five miles with her.” Tommy laughs, slapping him on the back before grinning at her.
“It’s real nice to meet you. You know, Joel here had your poster on his bedroom wall–” The nudge he gives his brother this time is a little less friendly, causing Tommy to grumble and rub his arm. She, however, takes it in stride, laughing lightly as she shifts in her boots.
“I’m flattered, really. It’s, um, it’s nice to meet you, Tommy.” Tommy’s eyes go wide.
“I can’t believe you just said my name. This is crazy–”
“Tommy.” Joel cuts his brother off with a hard look before he embarrasses himself anymore. He clears his throat, seeming to get a hold of himself as Joel continues.
“She had been traveling with a group, looking for this place. She’s the only one left though. Was hoping to join the town.” Tommy grins again, glancing between her and Joel.
“Well, I’m sure we can make that happen. I think Joel would kill me if I didn’t let–” He squeezes Tommy’s shoulder hard, willing him to shut his mouth. 
“That little house next to ours is still empty. Why don’t we set her up there?” Tommy’s smile at his brother’s words is all too smug for Joel’s taste, but he still nods, turning his attention back to her.
“If that’s alright with you, ma’am. I’ll let the folks know to turn the gas and electric back on for that place.” She smiles brightly at that.
“That would be amazing. Thank you so much. I owe you all big time.” Tommy snorts.
“I’m pretty sure you can pay Joel back with an autograph, he’d probably cre—“ Joel’s heard enough, resorting to kicking Tommy in the ankle to shut him up. Ellie huffs from where she’s watching their pathetic display.
“Alright, well if you two freaks are done making fools of yourselves, I’ll show her over to that house.” 
When Joel gets home, the first thing he does is look at that DVD. He had found it a week or two ago on a patrol shift, left in a hollowed-out RV. Ellie was less than impressed and Maria refused to show it at movie night because it’s so gory, but he held onto it anyways. He can still remember going to see it in the theater with Tommy, both of them too young to get in if not for their friend working the ticket booth. He flips the case over in his hands, and sure enough, there she is on the back cover, looking impossibly beautiful while firing a machine gun. What’s not to like, right?
He’s broken out of his revelry by the sound of the front door opening, and soon enough, Ellie is stomping up the stairs to come looking for him. When she finds him in his bedroom, sitting on the end of his bed, she glances at the DVD he’s holding, a grin spreading over her face.
“Just like you remember, huh, old man?” He grumbles, getting up to set the movie back on the bookshelf before turning back to Ellie.
“She settling in alright?” She hums, nodding lightly.
“Yep, made a beeline for a shower. Told me to thank you. I told her you’d be coming around for your autograph later.” His face crumples in indignation while Ellie lets out a cackle.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding. But in all seriousness, I think she’s interested– in you– which pains me to even say, but, I figure you deserve to know that the woman of your pubescent dreams was asking questions about you.” Joel’s jaw goes slack, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead.
“She– she was asking about me?” Ellie nods around a smirk.
“Mmhmm. And I told her you’re a grumpy old bum who doesn’t take kindly to strangers.” He huffs, but she laughs again.
“Sorry, kidding again. I didn’t tell her much. Just that you’ll be around. But if I were you, I’d “be around” sooner rather than later, before the rest of Jackson gets a piece of her. Snatch her up before there’s sweeter bait to bite down on, you know?” He thinks briefly that he needs to see just what sort of magazines this kid is reading, because he can’t quite believe what’s coming out of her mouth. He grumbles, shaking his head at her antics.
“There ain’t gonna be any snatching going on. Just mind your–” She huffs, already walking out of his room.
“Mind my business, yeah, yeah, I know. But think about what I said, old man. Better cast your line quick for this one. My guess is you weren’t the only one who had her poster in your bedroom back before.” 
He’s not letting that kid read magazines anymore.
When he steps out on his porch later in the afternoon, fully intent on what Ellie has affectionately started calling his “adult nap time,” he’s interrupted by someone calling his name. He catches sight of her sitting on the porch of the little house next door, waving and smiling at him like it’s the most normal thing in the world.
“Hey, neighbor.” He tentatively waves back, but that doesn’t seem to satisfy her as she motions for him to join her. He sighs, rather stiffly walking over to her porch and joining her on the bench seat, keeping a very respectable distance between them. Clickers, raiders, general imminent danger, he can handle. Pretty lady? That’s touchy. Pretty lady who he imagined marrying as a teenager? Just put him out of his misery already. He knows it’s ridiculous, that none of that matters now. She’s just as worn and weathered as the rest of them by this crumbled world. But that smile she keeps flashing him might just bring him to his knees.
“I wanted to thank you– for bringing me along. I was, uh, starting to lose hope back there a little bit.” He nods, glancing at her.
“No need for thanks. Just the right thing to do in this world. I’m sorry– about your group. I don’t know what happened, but that couldn’t have been easy being out there on your own.” She shrugs, waving off his sentiment.
“It was barely a group to begin with. Just some folks who happened to get out of the San Francisco QZ together.” His brain is quickly trying to knit together the movie star he remembers from the past and this woman who sits before him now, an obvious edge to her.
“Were you in California? Back when everything…” She nods, her face set in a grim look.
“LA, where else? Now that was a nightmare. I bet the only worse place to be when everything went down was New York. Bodies everywhere. Don’t think I’ll ever forget it.” She lets out a humorless laugh before glancing at him.
“That movie you like so much? I remember when I got the role, I had no idea how I was gonna pull it off. Grizzled heroine with a dark past and a penchant for violence. I was nothing like her. But now, I feel a whole lot more like her and a whole lot less like me.” She sighs, shaking her head.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I dumped that on you.” Joel is quick to shake his head, leaning over his thighs to catch her gaze.
“No, no. I get it– in my own way, I guess. The world changed and– we had to change with it.” That coaxes a crooked smile out of her as she looks at him. A simple silence descends between them as they share quiet smiles. She finally giggles, scrunching her nose at him.
“That girl– Ellie? I think she said something about you wanting an autograph?” Joel can feel the hot blush creeping up his neck as his face goes slack. She just splits out in a laugh, tipping her head back in delight.
“I’m sorry, I’m kidding. But, you know, what I went by, what people still call me, that isn’t my real name.” Joel’s eyebrows quirk up and she sighs, shaking her head.
“Just a stage name. I don’t really mind people calling me that, but can I tell you my real name?” He can feel the smile tugging at his mouth as he nods. Before he knows what she’s doing, she’s taking his hand into her lap, slowly tracing out her name with her finger across his palm. An autograph, of sorts. He’s pretty sure his brain short-circuits, just barely stringing together her name as she finishes. He murmurs it lowly and she offers him her brightest smile yet, still holding his hand lightly in her own.
“And you’re Joel, right?” He’s only a little embarrassed by how quickly he nods.
“Mmhmm. Miller– Joel Miller, yep.” She lets out a breathy laugh, now clasping his hand in a firm shake.
“It’s nice to really meet you, Joel Miller.” 
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heythrrdelilah · 10 months
timmy Timmy Timmy Timmy! Everithing about this lovable man
This man actually owns me. He’s #1 on my list and will forever be. So please request more Timmy y’all 🤣 I haven’t written smut in forever so please be mindful of that when reading.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, oral manipulations, sex
Pairings: Timothée Chalamet x F!Reader
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The sound of bustling New York traffic filled your small studio apartment as you lay in your bed. You had a particularly rough day at work and you were wanting nothing more than to lay in your dark apartment, binge watch Love Island while you mindlessly scroll on your phone. Your air conditioning in your apartment went out a week ago so the window behind your bed had been open in an attempt of temporarily relieving some of the heat. The busy New York streets have become your sleep ambiance.
In the middle of the re-coupling of the episode you were watching, your finger stumbled upon your dating app folder in your phone. You were scrolling on Instagram before, but something in the Love Island air had you wanting to use Hinge like it was a phone game. You were never looking for anything serious, or anything in general. You never messaged your matches back. It was more like you had the apps for the option.
Scrolling to pass the time, you stopped on one profile that seemed a bit too familiar. The man had curly dark hair that fell over his face. In most of his pictures, his phone covered the majority of his chiseled features but showed his green eyes. It wasn’t until you looked at the name that it struck you where you knew him from. He lived next door to you, well across the hall. He was attractive, tall and lean. You’d never spoken before, just saw each other in passing, he probably hadn’t ever actually seen you before if you really thought about it. You still felt like you couldn’t swipe on him. The likely hood of you matching would probably be impossible, but in the off chance you did match, you lived right across from each other. You’d have to see him every day. If you matched and ignored it like all of your other matches, there would still be the lingering of the known fact you at least find him attractive.
In the deep thought, the show got good and you lay your phone down for a moment, allowing yourself to give your brain a break to dive into the drama of the show. When you looked back down at your phone you saw a giant ‘MATCHED’ across your phone screen. You must have accidentally swiped while putting your phone down. Your heart paused for a second and your eyes widened. The next notification across the screen was a message. He had already messaged you.
Timothée: hey neighbor.
That was it? What were you supposed to respond to that? You tossed your phone to the side and continued to watch the show again until your phone buzzed again.
Timothée: is your AC out too?
Is that why he matched with you? To see if your apartment was in the same condition as his? You could only find out one way.
You: yeah. I talked to the super last week but he just said he would get to it when he gets to it. Glad to know im not the only one.
An hour had passed and no response, so you assumed that had been exactly what he wanted, to ask about your AC. You were on your third episode into the binge when your phone buzzed again.
Timothée: I have a window unit but I have some extra fans. I’ll come bring you one if you need one. This summer is hot as fuck
You rolled your eyes as if it was habit. You’d be crazy to accept. Because he just wanted to know about your ac, but you obviously found him attractive and he knew it because you matched with him. His was information based, yours was attraction based, how embarrassing.
You didn’t respond. You turned your alarm for the morning on, just in case you fell asleep and continued watching your show.
Until a knock came at your apartment door. You huffed out a sigh and flung your legs off the side of the bed. The oversized shirt covering your shorts but you didn’t care. It was one in the morning and whoever it was, didn’t need to be knocking anyways. You opened the door and saw the curly haired man standing in a white t-shirt, black shorts, sneakers, holding a white oscillating fan.
He smirked down at you, “you didn’t answer so I brought it over anyways.” His voice was low and raspy. It added to his attraction. You felt suddenly aware of your messy appearance. “Thank you. I can return it to you when they fix it,” you reached for the fan but he pulled it back. “I can bring it in for you. It’s heavy and the button is finicky,” he informed. You moved to the side and let him in. You pointed to the bed area, “there would be great.”
“You swiped on me. Was it weird knowing I’m your neighbor?” He asked as he plugged the fan in. You turned bright red. When you didn’t respond, he broke the silence, “I am only asking because I swiped on you weeks ago. When you moved in? I told my buddy how beautiful you were.” Your heart was beating fast and you were definitely bright red at this point. “Really?” You asked, too nervous to tell him you basically told your best friend he was hot when you moved in. He nods and looks over at you, his eyes looking slowly from your feet to your head. You managed to find the courage, “I told my best friend basically the same.” He took a step towards you and now there was just inches between you.
He looked down at you, you up at him. The tension was rising. “The fan definitely is helping in here already. It feels cooler,” you croaked out, not breaking eye contact. He smirked, “let’s use the cool air to our advantage and make it hot again?” In that moment he leaned down and his lips met yours. You allowed yourself to sink into the kiss. His hand was on the back of your head, moving your head with his. His other hand was on the small of your back ever so gently. You placed both of your hands on his chest and gripped his shirt to pull him closer. The two of you stumbled back and fell to your bed.
Your hands moved to grasp his hair as his kisses went down your neck, his hands up your shirt gripping your breasts. You pushed him up so that you were in a sitting position. You slipped your shirt off to expose your breasts completely. He kicked his lips in his smirk, throwing his head back and groaning “fuck” before taking his own shirt off and laying back over you. His lips pressed against yours once again and his left hand trailed from the center of your chest, his middle finger just barely grazing your skin, down your shorts and circled your clit slow and gentle.
You instinctively clenched your thighs but he backed away from the kiss and used both of his hands to remove your shorts and push open your legs. He knelt down beside the edge of the bed, gripped your thighs, and pulled you to where you were placed perfectly at the edge. He placed his head between your thighs and began working his tongue and finger in unison. You wiggled and flexed your thighs, arching your back in pleasure. When you couldn’t take it anymore, you moaned out a simple demand, “fuck me.” He looked up grinning at you wickedly, “all you have to do is ask politely.” You looked back at him with pleading eyes and used the sweetest voice you had, “please fuck me.”
He removed his shorts and boxers quickly, grabbing his condom from his shorts showing that he had this planned all along and the fan was most likely just an excuse. A helpful excuse. He lined himself up and slowly inserted himself. He was being a tease. He thrust slowly until you were begging for more.
Six positions and 45 minutes later, you were both lying on your bed, out of breath, listening to the noises of New York. “Nice to finally meet you, neighbor,” he chuckled wrapping an arm around you. You nudged his side jokingly, “likewise,neighbor.”
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kumezyzo · 8 months
p2 of the enemies to lovers pls!!
very fun pt.2 to thissss.... i rambled about their minecraft world cause its kinda cute and builds on their relationship a bit.
i know someone else asked for pt.2 but i could only find this one. so, im sorry it took soooo long to write.
i really hope you enjoy! or dont... :)    m.list
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having to share a minecraft house with sapnap made you realize what kind of person he actually was. he was just a six year old in a 22 year old body.
"I want my bed over hereeeeee," he whined, picking it up and moving it to the other side of the room.
it just so happened that one of the next requests from your viewers was to have your beds next to eachother. you two debated pretending like you never saw it, but the next day, it was the top comment on both of your perspectives.
or (when you first started your world)
"what colour do you want your boots?" he asked you as he died his own leather boots orange. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion for a second, looking at your camera strangley.
"what do you mean?" you asked, crafting another pickaxe.
"your leather boots?" he asked, pausing to wait for your answer. "fuck it, youre getting the plain brown."
but you also started to realise how much differently he truly was from when you met him.
"yn, i have a suprise for you," he announced, smiling as he grabbed the item out of his chest. "where are you?"
"chest room," you replied, completely expecting to get thrown dirt or some garbage he didnt want in his inventory.
"close your eyes," he instructed.
"okay whatever," he sighed and threw you a notch apple. you silently let your character pick it up before you opened your inventory in disbelief.
"where did you get this?" you asked him, reading the item title over and over.
"in the desert temple," he told you simply, waiting for a 'thank you'.
you were silent for a moment, "youre telling me.... you've had this... for 15 EPISODES???"
and you two started having normal conversations. texting stopped being you two asking for face cam perspectives or gameplay. you actually started forming inside jokes, laughing with eachother instead of at the expense of eachother.
your viewers started to notice as well. you two weren't in a visibly bad mood around eachother anymore. it was refreshing. in the later videos of your series together, you're smiling through half of it, laughing together, and talking kindly to eachother.
people even started making edits of your relationship. it would be of your first interaction, swearing at each other, then fading into your side by side face cams laughing and celebrating over beating the wither.
the friends in your circle started teasing you about how your life was becoming a little fanfiction. every time you would be streaming irl, you would happen to get a text from someone that made you smile at your phone.
"oooh, yn, who are you texting?" your friend teased, seeing you type on your phone excitedly. you look up at the camera and ignore your friend, finishing the text you were sending.
"does it start with s and rhyme with snap map?" your other friend teases.
"shut the fuck up," you roll your eyes, trying to hide your smile.
when dream and george saw the clip, they were hanging out with sapnap. and a similar situation occurred with them
"was this you?" george asked, giggling. the man in question looked up from his phone and watched the clip silently. the smile on your face was contagious. and he hoped it really was him that made you react like that.
"wait, let me see," dream said, pulling georges wrist toward him to see the phone. "looks like she might be dating someone."
"yeah... definitely not me..."
then you both realized you had feelings for each other. it was a harsh realization. but it was one that made you like imagining you two together. for sap, he knew it was coming. he just knew you would never be able to leave his mind. if a childlike crush didn't manifest from it, he would have known something was wrong with him.
sap started getting the feeling that you liked him too. he can't see all those clips and edits and think you didn't like him too. but he was afraid to shoot his shot, just in case you didn't feel that strongly yet.
"hey, what do you think about coming down to florida?" he asked you when you two were on a discord call and fixing up some building in your minecraft world.
"like... to visit you?" you asked, feeling excited by the invitation.
"well- i mean- if you want," he tried to sound nonchalant, but his stammering gave it away.
"if you really want me to... im sure the viewers would really like that, too..."
when he goes to pick you up from the airport, dream comes with him. and the entire drive there, he's considering hugging you or just shaking your hand.
"do i hug her?"
"yeah, if you think you're that close now."
"i dont know if she thinks so."
"I'll hug her first, and then you hug her?"
"what if i just shake her hand?"
the silence that fell over them was sickening. dream turned to sap slowly and laughed.
"dont fucking do that, dude."
and he hugged you after dream did. it was warm, and it gave you both such intense butterflies. it was a hug that you also never really thought would happen. you thought back to the first time you met im person when you refused to even look at him, let alone stand next to him.
dream thought it was adorable, seeing you guys laugh on the way back to their house. he happily sat in the backseat and let you two interact.
he took a picture of your backlit figures in the front seat, neither of your features visible. he thinks about not posting it for half a second before he puts it up on snapchat with "👀👀" as the caption.
everyone slowly lost their minds trying to figure out who they were looking at. most people assumed it was you with sap. he's not hard to miss. but it was even more shocking that you'd be there. so others assumed it was his secret girlfriend.
you two honestly didn't mind that dream posted the picture. it was fun when you two posted a dumb video announcing that you were in florida. it started with small subtle hints.
the first video started with you laying on their couch and patches laying on your chest.
"she's purring!" you coo softly, feeling your heart meltm
then it was of you talking about absolutely nothing while you walked around the parts of the house people had seen before.
"british people are so weird, you know? like, i was talking to one today. and he was just shitting on americans. but he lives here. so i obviously had to fist fight him. i won, obviously. and stole his sock to give to a house elf."
the last video was of sapnap finding you in his office, using his pc to play snake.
"i think george is in my office again," he said from behind the camera. he opened the door and stopped in his tracks when he saw you with a concentrated look on your face. "HEY!" the video cut with you looking up in pure fear.
all of those videos were posted to your account hours apart from each other, and your views felt like it was a slow coordinated attack to make them slowly go insane. with the first video, people were sure if it was patches. the second video made them believe it more so and they started going crazy. then the last video was the icing on the cake. it was filmed on your phone and posted to your accounts.
then, you had to stream together. and that was the definition of chaos.
"yn, move over."
"youre sleeping outside then."
"what the fuck-"
'what's one thing you guys like about each other?' a donation read out.
you two sat there for a second, thinking. "hes..." you grimaced, trying to think of something
"she... is funny?" he said painfully.
"wait, i am funny," you said defensively.
"its pure crickets when you speak."
"wait, im you now," you said, laughing as you put on his headphones.
"you look nothing like me," he said, deadpanned.
"oh wait," you took them off again and ran out of the room. sap sat there completely confused before you came back in wearing his beige killua hoodie. then you put the headphones back on.
"you still dont-"
"what the fuck is this music?" you ask in complete horror from the sound coming from his headphones.
"is there something playing?" he asked, clicking his mouse around to find his spotify window.
"oh my god, is this cbat?"
"no, shut the fuck up, sage"
'i thought your name was actually sage?'
you both sat there in silence before laughing loudly.
"no he was just an ass."
"and you were just a bitch."
all you have to know is that a lot of edits and ship content came from that stream. and the future streams you did with the other two. and people loved that you were hanging out with the dream team now.
the longer you spent time together in person, the more you just wanted to be around each other he remembered being afraid to hug you, but now you were sitting next to each other on the couch watching movies alone.
it was a strange dynamic neither of you chose to acknowledge purely out of fear. but then it was hard not want to cuddle during movies or occasionally hold hands if you're walking together. so sap works up the courage to finally do something about it.
you're both once again, sitting in his room, on his bed, watching some random movie you found on hulu. you're resting your head on his shoulder, only really paying attention to how he's so close to you.
you look over when he sighs heavily. he looks down at you and, without thinking, leans down to kiss you. you sigh softly, feeling your heart soar. your reaction is almost immediate, and it gives sap the incentive to keep going.
when you pull away, you're looking at eachother with droopy eyes. your heavy breath hitting eachothers faces.
"i really like you, yn" he whispers quietly between breaths, looking down at your lips briefly.
you smirk, trying to catch your breath as well. "really?" you say before you lean back in, placing your lips on his.
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i feel like there wasn't enough building onto them liking each other, but whatever. -nony
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OFMD S2 EP 4-5: Izzy Hands (from a S1 Izzy fan)
I'll admit. I teared up at the Izzy shit in ep 1-3. Not a full-blown cry. But close. I was stressed, and tired, and hurt more than anything. I only cried in my car driving home. It hit, but it was more prolonged.
Do you know what got me crying? Izzy opened that letter, revealing 'For The New Unicorn'. He looks up and smiles. I went from 0-100 dry eyes to crying in seconds. I had to rewatch it because HELL.
The entire episode, hell, debatably from (S1ep4) we see Izzy go through it. Socially isolated and losing his identity. Leading up to S2ep4. Drunk and sad and heartbroken. He tries his best to stay afloat without a lifejacket as his self crumbles around him. He doesn't care anymore. He thinks his life is over. He lashes out because there's no one there to help him.
BUT THEN THE LEG. He cried and I cried during both scenes.
GOD, and the way that leads into EPISODE 5. Izzy slicked his hair back and regaining some of his own personal identity. Izzy genuinely bantering with Stede, and gently helping him to be a better Captain. The way he desperately asks Stede if Ed said anything else nice about him? Showing that. Yeah, he's not all the way there yet, but he's working on it. The training scene where Izzy just looks on in fascinated horror at Stede's skills? THE LITTE OKAY HANDSIGNAL AT THE END WHEN STEDE USED HIS GRUFF VOICE? He smiles, and jokes, and TRIES. Izzy is pissed, obviously, but he's getting there.
He is kind and caring, all WHILE STILL BEING A PRICK? Him being a total nerd during the curse monologue? Izzy mutters 'rude' and pointedly crosses his legs as Stede ruins the vibe. I laughed harder at Izzy sitting at that desk than I did at most of the jokes in the show. THAT'S MY FUCKING BASTARD!! I'm so happy I saw a character and have been rewarded by showing, yes. He is kind, and trying, but he needs to learn to let himself become new.
I fucking love him. I can tell from the teaser that Izzy is just going to grow closer with the crew (and with himself) and I can't wait. (Even if it means his imminent capture, whoops).
I do think they'll do something with Izzy/Lucius, at least a single happy (Izzy no longer holding himself back from wanting) consensual kiss or genuine discussion about life(post-wedding) to show their growth as characters because I had to pause with the cig and shark interaction. Jesus Christ. I didn't really ship it before, but they are so snarky and it's great.
I'm a bit sad as Izzy's current arc likely means he might not get the big 'fuck you' moment of anger to Ed that Lucius got. Mainly because Con would make me cry, but If Izzy is genuinely just shoving this shit down, ignoring the years that Ed ignored his existence, then...idk.
They purposefully gave Izzy and Ed no scenes and thank god we get a TINY break. Because Ed will try to patch things up, and I don't think it works like that with Izzy. He needs proof that Ed is trying. Add to that Ed ACTUALLY saying sorry to him, and not expecting Izzy to immediately accept it(my theory as to why Lucius pointed it out: Ed will ACTUALLY say sorry to Izzy and mean it. This will heal something for Izzy, and hell). I can't wait for Ed to come back and see him. See him for who he is, a silly prick who is loyal to a fault, who is loved.
This is likely the happiest two episodes we'll get, and fuck, I loved them both SO MUCH. After a rewatch I'll write about the crew. Ed/Stede is actually working for me as we watch them both learn, and Fuck, Lucius/Pete...my darlings.
THE IDEA OF SEEING CON IN DRAG AGAIN MAKES ME SO HAPPY! Especially what it means for Izzy. Izzy lets his hair down and has fun with Wee John as he explores what actually makes him happy. Hell, him opening up to being a bit of a masochist as a joke while tied up is...actually my favorite thing (while obvious, given his propensity to put Ed before him in all matters, Izzy casually mentioning 'I like to be roughed a bit up' in front of the crew is the type of openness about himself that I crave). Izzy "cocksuckers" Hands letting himself joke about SEX-GAY SEX(probably)- Kill me now.
(To clarify: I don't think he or Ed ever got off to the abuse, hell, we see Ed flinch away when Anne/Mary do it. That's not the face of someone who knows what that's like as the Sadist).
I just love the way Izzy has so obviously relaxed into a person that he'd never let exist. Hell. I hope Izzy gets to rub this happier version of himself RIGHT in Edward's sad face. I need a 'he was never like this with me' moment of Ed watching Izzy SMILE to parallel Izzy's jealousy in S1.
Con obviously loves this character, you can see it in the performance. He fills the role perfectly, from his ups to his downs. Con smiles and hell, that's not Con, that's Izzy fucking Hands. Striding along proudly pretending his world isn't changing, because it is, and he is healing and I LOVE IT.
I am so proud of our growing Izzy loving community. For some, we've been through a lot of shit. Probably in life, and hell, maybe even in this fandom. Even if you haven't been harassed, you loved Izzy, you saw yourself in him, and I hope you felt the show giving us a big fucking hug.
We grow, we recover, and hell. We get a happy fucking ending (with a few yet-to-be-seen bumps in the road).
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 3 months
I think a fic where Anetra has to take care of Sasha or their kids (in wedding planner au) could be fun
Oooh, that's so precious!! (Also spot the hidden easter egg in this!)
In which Anetra has to be a nurse to a clingy toddler, a grouchy teenager, and her wife who won’t stop getting out of bed and get some fucking rest
(aka they all have the flu except for Anetra)
“Mommy, don’t go yet.”
“I’m just going to check on your sister for a minute, I’ll be right back.”
Instead of hearing an answer, Anetra felt a small, clammy hand grab onto her arm. She saw her daughter’s lip quivering and her green eyes filled with tears.
“Okay, after this episode of Bluey, and then I have to go. But just for a little bit.”
Just as Anetra laid back against the headboard in the toddler bed, she heard a voice from across the hall.
“Mom, can I have another Gatorade?”
“Yeah, I’ll be right there,” Anetra answered as she stood up and walked to the bedroom door. “Do you want anything from the kitchen, Dee? More juice or something?” She asked her toddler.
She shook her head in response, “You are coming back, Mommy?” Delia asked instead.
Anetra nodded tiredly, “Yes, I’ll be back soon.” She said as she walked backward a few steps into the hall. Just as she was turning around, she bumped into something in the hall.
Actually, it was someone.
“What are you doing out of bed?” Anetra crossed her arms as she tried blocking the rest of the hall from Sasha leaving.
Sasha coughed a few times before answering, “Kerri wanted a Gatorade so I-” she was interrupted by another coughing fit.
“Uh-huh,” Anetra answered in a bored tone. “Nice try, go back to bed and get some rest.”
“But you shouldn’t have to take care of the kids and me by yourself. Let me help you.” Sasha offered, tightening her plush robe. Her hair had been in a messy bun for two days and her nose was red and sore from all the used tissues in their bed.
“The best way to help me is to just stay in the bedroom,” Anetra said as she turned Sasha around by the shoulders.
Sasha coughed a few more times before answering, “Fine. Be sure to get the blue kind for Kerri.” before she slumped off back to the master bedroom.
Anetra found the fridge empty of any of the blue Gatorade that they bought two days ago. She settled for the cherry flavor instead and grabbed a blue raspberry-flavored popsicle from the freezer as a consultation.
She knocked on the door to Kerri's room before letting herself in. Anetra found the teenager lying under her covers, with her laptop in front of her, paused on an episode of The Real Housewives of New York.
Kerri looked at her as she walked into the bedroom, "But I wanted the blue kind." she whined before coughing,
"We're out of the blue, but here's a blue popsicle if you want it," Anetra said as she placed the bottle and the popsicle on the bedside table, but noticed a cup from 7-Eleven on it.
Anetra took a moment to look at the cup, noticing it was a Slurpee cup, "Where did you get this from?" she asked, hoping Sasha didn't sneak out without her noticing.
She already had to wrestle Sasha's work laptop bag out of her hands that morning.
"Jasmine brought it over," Kerri shrugged as she tore open the popsicle with her teeth. Anetra noticed the window next to the bed was open, and saw a folding lawn chair sitting outside with another 7-Eleven cup in the cup holder.
Anetra looked at her in shock, "Why is she here? You know you can't have friends over when you're sick." she said in her well-practiced mom voice.
"Mama said it was fine when I asked her last night," Kerri said as a counter-argument.
"Did you ask her before or after she took the Nyquil?"
"That makes sense." Anetra sighed as she started to leave the room. "And tell Jasmine you'll see her at school after you get better," she said as she left the room without hearing a word from Kerri.
Besides coughing, she's been hearing that all day.
Anetra walked across the hallway into the other bedroom, "Okay, I'm back-" she stopped when she saw Sasha sitting next to Delia in bed. "What are you doing in here?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips.
Both of them looked at Anetra with their matching green eyes, "She wanted to watch Moana," Sasha said with the TV remote in her hands.
"I meant that you needed to go back to your bed, not Delia's," Anetra said as she settled at the foot of the bed. She noticed Delia was leaning on Sasha, clinging onto her upper arm.
Then she got a brilliant idea to handle her clingy toddler and her restless wife.
"There, all settled," Anetra said as she laid the duvet over the king-sized bed. "Make sure Mama doesn't get out of bed, okay?" She said to Delia, who looked tiny in the middle of the large bed. She held her German Shepard plushie in one arm and clinging to Sasha in the other.
"You really got our toddler to make sure I stay in this bed?" Sasha asked in disbelief. Anetra nodded, and Sasha sighed, "Fine, it's a smart move. I'll give you that." she said in a slight mumble.
"Let me know if you need anything," Anetra said as she leaned over and kissed both of them on the forehead lightly. She heard the movie start to play on the TV as she started to think of what needed to be cleaned in the kitchen.
Just as she turned the doorknob, she heard a small voice come from the bed behind her.
Anetra turned around, "Yes, baby?"
"Can you come watch Moana with us?"
Anetra felt herself smile slightly as she saw an empty spot in the bed, "Of course I can."
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noirvette · 1 year
[band smau]
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prev. | next.
cw: talk about depression but no in depth detail.
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Heidi sighed, nervous. Nichole had asked her to meet up and she had no clue about what. Well, she had an inkling but she hoped it wasn't about the podcast episode that went up yesterday.
She was surprised to hear of Cartman hosting ANOTHER podcast episode today. Normally they only did one episode a week, sometimes two if it was a particular exciting week but even so that had at least a few days in between.
Heidi looks up and sees Nichole, "Oh! Nichole hey!"
"Cut that shit out, did you know?" Nichole asks and crosses her arms.
A look of shock runs over Heidi's face briefly, "Wh? What are you talking about?" Heidi stutters.
"Y/n. And Kenny? Hello? The podcast last night? Did. You. Fucking. Know?" Nichole grits out.
"No! NO! Oh my god I swear I had NO clue whatsoever!" Heidi exclaims, "I wouldn't EVER have participated in that podcast if I knew what Cartman was planning, I swear!"
Nichole stares down at Heidi with a hard stare, "Heidi. Be straight with me here."
"I am! I am! Nichole oh my god please believe me." Heidi pleads.
Nichole clicks her tongue, "You do the logistics behind that podcast Heidi. Sorry I'm a bit apprehensive to believe you, there's no way Cartman orchestrated that entire episode ON his own."
"Okay.. okay look, I don't know how Cartman had this whole thing planned, I didn't even expect Red to show up at the stupid podcast either and share her piece. If I had known ANYTHING I would've shut that down so quickly, Nicky you have to believe me." Heidi speaks quickly, voice softening a bit at the end, cracking.
Nichole sighs and sits besides Heidi, "Then how did Cartman of all people, get this information.. and HOW did he do this."
Heidi racks her brain, "There..there was a mystery caller, uhhh.. a while ago, said they had some world shattering news or something stupid like that to Cartman. Asked if... if uhh.. if friends or fame was more important? As like, like a test of sorts," Heidi plays with her hands unsure of how to continue, "Do.. do you think whoever that was.. may have had the information?"
"Well.. we could assume that caller was Red?"
Heidi ponders that for a second, "The caller sounded male.. I mean there was a voice changer on it but it didn't sound like Red on a voice changer.."
"So there's someone else out there that KNEW Red and Kenny had a thing going on..but why tell Cartman? Why not gather the evidence and go straight to Y/n?" Nichole wondered aloud.
Heidi shrugs, "I wish I knew.. listen if I knew that Cartman had that information I would've started unplugging everything. I literally walked into the studio and Cartman was already hosting the episode and there sat Red.. and before I knew it, Cartman and Red were already talking about Kenny."
"I saw the podcast episode, I thought it was somewhat scripted that you were coming in shocked, listen I'm sorry.. Y/n is in a state of despair and I just.. I know coming to you accusatory wasn't right of me but.." Nichole sighs, "I want to figure out who is trying to hurt Y/n and for a second there I thought maybe you were the one or at least knew more information.. I'm sorry for the doubt Heidi."
"It's okay Nichole! I'd be the same way, I've been trying to figure out who the caller was but Cartman won't let up with the information."
Heidi pauses, "Oh my god! He's going live right now!"
"He's.. what." Nichole slowly raises her head to look at Heidi.
"Yes! He's got an episode planned right now! A live one? I think. I told him I was busy today and couldn't attend and he just waved me off and let me go."
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"Can you guys BELIEVE, Reify? Canceling the rest of their state tours! Have you guys even gotten your money back?" Cartman asks the group in his chat.
Cartman loves this section of his live podcasts, the part of it where he turns to fans to ask them questions. People asking him HIS thoughts on matters and in turn him asking questions (and only choosing answers that fulfill his hateful agenda) has always validated his need for fame, for status.
"Oh thank you mm_panles for your answer; you say you HAVEN'T gotten your money back?" Cartman hums, "Well that's a shame! Seems like Reify are a bunch of greedy money hungry bastards huh? Well.. I'm certain we can see why."
Cartman continues reading the chat of the current, ignoring any comments that allude to how Reify has returned the money for those who are returning tickets.
"Yo, chat look at the user connor_conned, look at what he said haha, fuckin loser." Cartman snickers, munching on a small bag of popcorn as he continues reading.
"Right well," Cartman clears his throat, "Reify certainly has let down a lot of people. Speaking of letting down people, let's all give a shoutout to Kenny McCormick for possibly being the BIGGEST let down of the centuryyyyyy, bro does not know how to keep a woman."
Cartman munches on popcorn before continuing, "Speaking of, you gotta hand it to him, he managed to get not only Y/n L/n, a BASSIST for a band, albeit it being Reify, but also Red McArthur, a MODEL, everyone give him a round of applause real quick."
Cartman stifled a laugh as the chat split in two; people actually giving applause emojis and people going "bro that wasn't funny".
Rolling his eyes at those who claimed he wasn't being funny he sighed, "If you guys are gonna be lame this time you're free to leave. No one wants you hear anyway, chat boo the ones being lame as hell right now."
Cartman's phone started ringing, "Oh jesus christ, sorry everyone call ale.." Cartman trails off, before chuckling, "You guys are never going to believe who this is.." and the chat goes insane trying to guess who the caller is.
Cartman pauses for dramatic affect before continuing, "Stanley fucking Marsh."
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Stan and Clyde couldn't help but sit in silence trying to figure out the mess that is going on. The friend group was in rough shambles, with many people blocking Kenny, Stan not being one of them, not that anyone but Kenny probably knew that.
"Dude.. has Y/n said anything to you? Anything at all?" Clyde asks.
Stan shakes his head, "No bro, nothing. Kyle and Nichole both said their attempts haven't worked. I just.." Stan sighs.
Stan is in a state of complete chaos. He has no clue how you're feeling right now, you've gone through so much in the past few weeks.. too much for one person to handle. Stan had no clue how he'd react if all of this happened to him like how it has for you.
Stan thinks back to the stalker, in all honesty it'd been on his mind ever since it happened and he's been slowly trying to figure out who the stalker could be in his mind... and with the bulletin board in his room.
He knows for sure it couldn't be Kyle, Clyde, Nichole, Bebe, or Wendy. He knows for sure it's not Kenny anymore nor would it be Red considering recent events. He knows Craig and Tweek are out of the picture for that, considering they had no reason too stalk you NOR would they ever, plus their alibi was tight.
Everyone else was up for debate..but Stan was so tired of the mess, of the drama that he hasn't given the stalker much of a thought.
"..ude? Yo! Stanley Marshhhhh." Clyde drawls on.
Stan perks up, "Hu..? Oh Clyde sorry man what's up?" He scratches his neck awkwardly.
"Nice dream huh?" Clyde jokes, "Listen to this shit, Cartman's going live."
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me.. let me see that." Stan reaches over to grab Clyde's phone and checks the tweet, "Oh my god. That little bitch weasel."
Clyde takes his phone back and opens the link for the podcast and starts watching it. Stan moves himself closer to Clyde and they listen in on Cartman's ramblings as he talks about the disappoint that Reify is for their actions of canceling the rest of the tours.
Clyde scoffs, "Classic Cartman... bank on everyone's misfortune. Like always."
Stan feels anger bubbling underneath his skin. How dare he. How fucking dare he. This was all Cartman's fault.. well Kenny's for cheating in the first place but Cartman's out here airing everyone's dirty laundry like he doesn't have a mountain of horrendous shit underneath him.
How dare he drag Reify through the mud? Stan's pride and joy? This band is his family and Cartman just comes through knocking down everything Stan has done to help build Reify? Everything Kyle has done? Clyde? Nichole? Y/n?
Stan feels his anger dissipate, he can hear Clyde continuing to rant about how awful Cartman is but his mind is on you again. What if you saw this? How would you feel? None of this was your fault but he was sure you had heavy guilt that you're the reason for this.
He texts you quickly, another "Please tell me if you're doing okay, I'm here for you Y/n, I need to know you're doing okay." and sighs. There was no way you'd respond and he knew that. He just was hoping.
Unfortunately he lacked a key to go over to your house and a part of him assumed that if he went over there, there's no guarantee you'd let him in even. He knows the feeling too well of self wallowing pity, of being self deprecating, of depression.
He sighs and looks back up at Clyde, who is still on a rant about Cartman, Kenny now included and he can't help but feel a twinge of guilt for not blocking Kenny like everyone else.. but he can't bring himself to end years of a friendship.. not quite yet.
"Let's call Cartman." Stan pipes up.
Clyde looks at him confused, "The fuck? Why would we waste our energy on that bozo?"
Stan shrugs, "Cuz, I need to tell him how much of a bitch he is."
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TAGLIST: @captivq @kimiesstuff @bwljules @the-cooler-kira @1one1person1 @kenny-the-ken @neenieweenie @n0tangeliccc @frogindisguise @revzxn @mirophobic @gonefiishiing @musiclovebot @bootsieboo @ryenwritess @bonez4brainz @s0l4riss @1996kj @sweetadonisbutbetter @scinclaitnoir @okarigold
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aristrocrat · 2 years
Upside Down Feelings
Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street
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an episode-by-episode incorporation of the reader
summary: Dustin has all of the sudden started being secretive?? Y/N has a run in with the boy she lost her virginity to and gets a call from an old friend.
pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader (slow burn)
word count: 2525 (sorry it's short. new chapter will be up later tonight to make up for it)
tw: not editeddd what else is new, talk of v-cards
Go check out Chapter One if you haven't already ->
“Did you find anything last night?” You asked in a hushed tone Dustin before you took a bite of your cereal. His eyes widened as he coughed into the milk he was drinking, causing it to go everywhere. “Ew! What the fuck, dude?! That was disgusting..”
“Your face is disgusting!” He bit back without second thought.
“Oh? My face isn’t the one covered in spewed-out milk! But my cereal has your spit in it now. So thanks for that, asshole,” You huffed, grabbing your bowl angrily to take it to the sink.
“Y/N!” Your mother hissed as she entered the room. Of course that’s all she heard. “He is twelve year old! Watch-“
“Watch your language. I know!” You rolled your eyes. “I’m going to school.”
“Without your brother?! I think not!” She called. You ignored her before walking towards the front door. “Hey! You haven’t even finished your-“
The door slammed.
“-Breakfast..” She finished, looking over at Dustin.
“Teenagers, am I right?” He shook his head, making her laugh begrudgingly. She kissed the top of his head before going to fetch him another shirt.
“Hey, man! Watch where you’re-“ The all-too-familiar voice trailed off as soon as it’s owner’s eyes laid on you. Eddie Munson looked down at you and shot you one of his famous grins. “Oh, it’s you!”
“It’s me,” You smiled as you both bent down to grab the rogue books and papers. Your hands both reached for the same book, pausing for a moment before you both pulled away. Once you gathered your things, you both stood back up and smiled.
“Sorry about that,” He chuckled before shifting his weight and grabbing his left arm. “I haven’t seen you around for a while.”
“Yeah, Dustin’s been a bit preoccupied with the whole Will thing so he hasn’t asked me to watch any of your club’s campaigns,” You shrugged.
“Ah,” He nodded once, puckering his lips slightly as if to say ‘Of course. Why didn’t that occur to me before?’. “So how is he?”
“Honestly? I have no clue,” You shrugged. “He snuck out last night with his friends to go look for him in the woods. The bastard blackmailed me into covering for him. I let him borrow my pepper spray and gave him a few flashlights and pocket knives to..”
You trailed off, looking at Eddie’s amused smile. You blushed when you realized you were rambling.
“I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this,” You laughed, looking down at your feet for a moment to collect your pride.
“Oh, I don’t mind. I like hearing you ramble. It’s cute,” He smirked, making you laugh and roll your eyes. You noticed he had his backpack on and furrowed your brows.
“Where are you off to?”
“Outside,” He said simply.
“No shit,” You deadpanned. It was his turn to laugh.
“To my car, I mean,” He spoke as if that cleared up any curiosity you might have, but you didn’t miss the way his hand tightened around the strap of his bag.
“Ah. I hear it’s nice there at this time of year,” You nodded. He chuckled again, giving you a look of utter fascination. “Well, be careful. Wouldn’t wanna be caught anything you aren’t supposed to be doing.”
“Me?” His jaw dropped as he pressed his hand to his chest. “You offend me. I would never!”
“Get caught or do something you aren’t supposed to be doing?” You smiled. He shrugged.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” He smiled, twirling around but maintaining eyes contact. “Better go the class, Henderson. I’d hate to see you get caught skipping just to talk to little ol’ me.”
“See you later, weirdo,” You laughed, shaking your head as you turned around to walk off.
“I saw your little run in with Eddie,” Robin smirked as you closed your locker. You rolled your eyes playfully. She knew that you used to nurture a small crush on him back in the day. Even if Robin could ever get you to admit you had a type, she knew he would be the exception to it.
“You know it’s not like that,” You responded, zipping up your backpack. To say you had a crush on him is an overstatement. You were by no means in love with him, nor were you ever planning to be, but his way of being has always fascinated you.
You’d never exactly been his friend per se, but you always found a way to sneak out a deep talk every once and a while when you’d accompany Dustin and his friends to watch his club’s tournaments. You liked hearing his perspective on the world. You liked his music. You liked his kind soul. And most of all, you liked that he liked you in the same way.
The first time he ever tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, it felt more like a summer breeze, there but not really. The first time he’d ever touched you was when he gently guided you away from a puddle you were about to step in while he walked you out to your bike after a D&D game. The first time he kissed you, he barely touched his lips to yours, almost as if he were afraid to break you.
The last time he kissed you, it led to so much more. You weren’t expecting to lose your virginity to Eddie. You’d always assumed it’d be an act of romance- of love. It wasn’t. It was simply two teenagers who trusted each other to get it over with. The last thing you expected were the butterflies that had yet to leave your stomach at the thought of that night. You’d been avoiding him like the plague since it happened, not quite sure what to make of your odd feelings. You were both used to going a month without speaking though, so it really wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.
“Right,” She sighed as you walked toward the exit. “Just the guy who took your virginity. Your fuck buddy, if you will.”
“Can I call him a fuck buddy if I’ve only been with him once. That feels like a stretch,”
“Ha!” Robin smirked. “Stretch. It’s funny because-“
“I got it,” You laughed. “And I told you, it was just a casual thing. Just two hormonal teens that didn’t want their first time to be a bitter memory to look back on. It felt more like… like a business transaction.”
“Wow,” She spoke in a monotone. “That might be the most romantic story I’ve ever heard.”
“Fuck off.”
“Are you sure you aren’t just gay?” She asked casually, making you laugh. “Sounds like something a gay person would say.
“Why? Are you trying to make the same arrangement between us?” You teased. It was her turn to laugh and push you away. “Because I’m down.“
“Meh. You’re not my type,” She shrugged as you both unlocked your bikes. You chuckled as your hand routinely unlocked the lock before you, tossing it into a side pocket of your backpack. “And unlike some people, I’d like my first time to mean something. I wanna be in love.”
“Why?” You scrunched your nose as you both hopped on your respective bicycles but remained walking them towards the street. “You’d have to be reminded of your first heartbreak every single time you thought of your first time. Pass.”
She opened her mouth, ready to argue with your logic when Barb walked in front of the two of you. You both stopped and smiled.
“Barbara!” Robin grinned. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
“Please tell me you’re coming tonight,” She didn’t even bother to hide her desperation. You shook your head no and she threw her head back and groaned. “Why?”
“Why do you think?” You chuckled. “I’m not trying to party with the same people that make it their life’s purpose to remind me how insignificant I am our societal hierarchy. It’s just not my scene. And it’s not exactly yours either, so I could be asking you the same question. Why are you going? If it’s because you feel obligated to say yes to Nancy, then just tell her to fuck off.”
“Don’t flip this back around on me!” She playfully placed her hand on her hip and pointed at you with the other in the same way a mother would. Robin found this entertaining. “Come with me or else!”
“It seems as though the sweetest, most harmless girl at the school is trying to threaten you,” Robin laughed.
“Be afraid,” Barb narrowed her eyes, continuing with her act. “Be very afraid.”
“Cute. You almost got me there with the whole intimidation factor but the answer is still no,” You smiled. “Come hang out with us tonight instead!”
“Yeah! I have snacks in my bag if you want to share!”
“I would but Nancy would throw a fit,” Barb sighed, finally giving up on her persuasion. “Rain check?”
“I don’t miss that,” You shook your head at your long time friend. “Be safe. Don’t drink and drive. And don’t do anything we wouldn’t do.”
“So don’t do anything?” She raised a brow.
“You offend me,” Robin raised her hand to show her offense before hopping on her bike and rolling away. “Don’t expect me to share any snacks if you decide on coming over!”
“Call if you need anything,” You smiled before following after your best friend.
“My mom’s here,” Robin said as she peaked out the window and chaotically put on her shoes with what was left of her PB&J in her mouth. “Love ya, bye!”
“See ya,” You smiled. She opened the front door to reveal your little brother. She ruffled his hair before jogging out to her mom’s car. You narrowed your eyes skeptically at the boy. “You’re home late.”
“Campaign ran late. What can I say?” He shrugged, trying to walk past you to his room. You stepped in his way. “Y/N, can you not? I just had the most insane night of my life and I’m just trying to go to sleep.”
“Insane?” You questioned. He hesitantly nodded. “You’re hiding something, Dustin. I can see it in your eyes. Since when did you start keeping secrets from me? You know I won’t judge you, right?”
“My eyes? What- these things?” He chuckled nervously pointing at his eyes. “No! No, no, no. You must be getting confused. These are tired eyes. All these eyes are trying to tell you is that-“
“You’ve sure been spending a lot of time at Mike’s,” You ignored, pausing for a moment before noticing the faint blush on his cheeks. “Oh, my God. Is this about a girl?”
His eyes widened. “Nope. Not a girl. Can I go now?”
“Are you gay? Because you know I’d be totally cool with that if-“
“What?! No!” He squeaked before clearing his throat and laughing again. “Could you just fuck off? I want to go to sleep!”
“I know something’s up, little man,” You lowered yourself to his level, keeping your voice in a hushed tone. He gulped audibly. “And I’m gonna find out what it is. That is, unless you want to avoid the drama and just tell me..”
“I have nothing to tell you,” He stuck to his story.
“Have it your way,” You shrugged, stepping aside for him. “Goodnight.”
He glared at you for a moment before rolling his eyes and muttering all the way to his room, “You’re so fucking weird. Jesus, can a growing boy not get any privacy..”
You allowed yourself to giggle as soon as his door shut. Besides the natural curiosity that came from his behavior, you really couldn’t care less about what he was up to as long as he wasn’t in any sort of trouble. You looked around and realized you and Robin left a bit of a mess and got to cleaning up; putting up snacks, throwing away wrappers, reorganizing all of the notecards and paper you both used. You underestimated just how long it would take you.
The ringing phone caused you to jump before looking at the clock. It was late. It could only be one person.
“Hello?” You answered. The lines stayed silent for a moment but you could recognize that breathing from a mile away, considering you’d fallen asleep to it at countless sleepovers. “Nance?”
“I, uh..” She spoke softly, almost as if she was frightened.
“Is everything okay?” You stood up a little straighter, only relaxing when she let out a quiet laugh.
“I just lost my virginity to The Hair,” She confessed. You smiled. Though you didn’t approve, you thought it was sweet that she called to talk about it.
“Oh yeah?” You laughed. “How was it?”
“Painful,” She admitted before giggling. “Fun.”
“Where was Barb when that happened?” You leaned against the wall with a smile on your face. You both eased right into your old types of conversation for the next half hour before you both decided to call it a night. “Hey, Nance?”
“Hey, Y/N,” She responded, making you both laugh.
“Thanks for calling,” You sighed. “I’ve really missed you.”
“I’ve really, really missed you,” She spoke a little more seriously. “Look.. I know I can’t take back what I said to you a few weeks ago, and I know it’ll take us a while to go back to the way things were, but Y/N, I am.. so sorry. Truly. If I could go back in time and take back that whole night, I would. I just want my best friend back. I’d really appreciate the chance to try and redeem myself.”
“I’d like that,” You said after a moment. “Goodnight, Pants.”
She laughed at the old nickname you gave her in the second grade, recalling just how hard you both laughed when you thought your shared teacher called her Pants instead of Nance. The name stuck.
“Well, then if you’re Pants, then that must make me Shirt,” You shrugged, handing her half of your PB&J sandwich. “Because we go together so well!”
“No, no! That makes you Skirt!” Nancy giggled, handing you half of her ham and cheese sandwich. This was a daily ritual.
“Skirt? How does that make any sense?” You furrowed your brows.
“That way we’re the same type of clothing. I think it’s better this way since we’re so alike,” She spoke as if she made all the sense in the world. And at that moment, she did.
“You’re so silly,” You giggled, bumping your shoulder into hers. “I like it. Pants and Skirt. The same but not really!”
“The same but not really!” She tapped her sandwich to yours as if it were a toast being made with champagne. You leaned your head on her shoulder and smiled.
“You’re my favorite pair of Pants,” You admitted.
“You’re my favorite pair of Skirt.”
“That makes so sense.”
“That’s what makes it funny!” She said as you both erupted into a fit of giggles that made your tummies hurt.
“Goodnight, Skirt,” She smiled.
Chapter Three ->
A/N: hi everyone!! i’m so happy you liked the first chapter of my new series. i’d love it if you checked out my other work too :) please comment down below if you’d like to be part of the taglist! i’ll be posting a couple times a week if you wanna tune in!!
side note: fuck. okay so maybe y/n can make a small side quest before she dates steve bc I AM SIMPING FOR EDDIE NOW. oops. jkjk. probably. idk yet. fuck
@werewolfbanshee-love @reallysparklychaos @katsukiswrld @i-bitch-you-bitch @yashirawr @grfields @001andeddiearetodiefor @thatmarvelchick19 @fixtionlover @idkwhyimhere013 @b3rrysoda @hair-dye-or-nawh @tpwkhollandd @dawnyboy @rexorangecouny @kimmchijjajang @efvyqrs @lou-la-lou
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csprslvt · 10 months
you and i, and her. pt 4
Chapter three ( see masterlist for previous chapters)
Summary: After Joel's death Ellie tries to deal with grief, anger and revenge. Reader learns that the perpetrator of Joels death is in fact her past lover Abby Anderson and reader starts a plan to find Abby before Ellie. Betrayal is indefinite but who will reader choose? Her best friend or her ex-lover?
Warnings: loss, aftermath of major character loss, angry Ellie, violence mentioned, sexual references.
When Ellie cried, not able to leave her bed plagued by dreams, re-living the site of Joel’s bloody death, you stayed by her side.
It got to the point where you never left her cabin. You'd resorted to sleeping on her floor, just so she wasn't alone. The last thing she wanted was to be alone. Sometimes she was angry, she would scream and shout and want to fight, but you knew she was just hurting. Other times she would cry and at certain points, what you considered the worst points she wouldn't talk or move at all. She would just lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.
During one of these episodes you were sitting on her bed, rubbing her shoulders and stroking her hair. She firmly pushed your hands away and sat up.
“I want to kill her.”
“Ellie, I understand but-”
“No! No, you don't, you don't know what it was like to see him like that! I cant get it out of my head, everyday all I can think of is how I wont be able to sleep, to eat, to fucking live If  I know shes out there, getting away with it.”
“Listen, if you dont support me then leave. I'll be gone tomorrow and I'll find her”
You paused.
“Ellie, I’ll always support you”
She looked into your eyes, searching to see if your words were true. 
She relaxed.
“Okay, tomorrow we are leaving. I’ll take care of getting supplies before you wake up, I won't be able to sleep anyway”
You took her hands, she gave in to your touch in an instant, she reveled in it. She adored every part of you she could get, even though you hid a lot of you, she would gladly enjoy every moment she was given. 
“I just…If this will make you okay again, I'll help you. I just don't think-.”
“If you're going to tell me some bullshit about how killing her won't bring Joel back don't bother, because I know. It's not like that I just want to hurt her how she hurt me”
You sighed, still grasping Ellie’s hands.
“Okay. I'm with you”
“You’ll come with me?”
“I'd follow you anywhere.” 
Ellie nodded, “Okay, sleep, we have a long way ahead of us.”
“Do you have a lead?”
“I think so, Tommy was telling me about the WLF? Washington liberation front? They Are located in Seattle-”
Your blood ran cold, Washington, Seattle, Abby.
“That's where they're located. I'm going to find that bitch and kill everything she has. I’ll save her for last and make her suffer”
“Yea, it was a women, tall, blond, built like an ox” 
Oh shit
Oh fuck!
Fucking christ Abby why did you kill Joel! There has to have been a reason. With her there was always a reason no matter how little it was, there was always a reason.
But it was Joel, Joel who saved you from being killed, Joel who always did his best to help Ellie even when she didnt want him too, Joel whose past haunted him in his sleep, Joel whom you smiled at passing every morning. Joel who was such a big part of Ellie’s world.
“Are you sure it was her?”
“I watched her bring a golf club to his head, I watched her tear him apart” The expression on Ellie’s face was once filled with terror, but now it only portrayed true rage.
Your hands trembled a little bit but Ellie didn't notice, she was too caught up in her revenge plan to seem to realize your panic. And for that, you were grateful.
What would she think of you now? Knowing that you loved the perpetrator of Joel’s painful demise. What would she do if she saw that locket inside, how happy you looked hoisted on Abby’s  shoulders? How would she react if you told her the person you missed the most was the same individual that had ruthlessly murdered Joel?
“Ellie, let's just try and sleep right now. We don't know when it’ll happen again”
“I’ll try”
That night, the two of you had fallen into a restless slumber. Dreams haunted Ellie, but with you, only memories came and filled your senses with the scent of pine. 
The WLF base was cold in the winter, but you didn't mind. Half the time you were wrapped up in your girlfriend's arms and when she was out training or patrolling or doing whatever it was when she disappeared you were out training yourself.
The endless workouts kept you strong, calm, collected, and warm. It was a hobby you picked up from her, though you didn't train nearly as intensely as she did you were proud of your progress and so was she.
One day though she didn't return at her normal time, like she’d always promised. You wasted no time, grabbing your steel toe boots and shotgun, axe hanging from your bag on your side. You were determined to find her.
After all, she was all you had.
The sun went down and it got colder, but still you didn't care. Abby would never stay out this long without you. Something was off.
You kept your eyes peeling spotting a horde of infected, and your girlfriend fighting them off in the center
Breathing in, you aimed the shotgun, far enough that they wouldn't know where you came from.
The first bullet struck at the head of a runner that abby was cornered by
“Gotcha, you fucker”
Abby jumped a bit at noise, the bullet barely missed her head. She looked at the source and you waved and continued shooting from a distance, once the numbers had depleted you ran down to offer hand to hand help.
“Hey babe. Need some help?”
“Fuck. I had it handled” You plunged your axe into the skull of the infected. It made a revolting squelch you cringed a bit before moving on to another one.
“Sure looked like it”
“Oh shut up!” Abby smiled, still beating the absolute fuck out of another runner
It was kind of hot, her biceps pulsing, veins showing off, blood on her face, sweat dripping down her neck despite the cold weather.
God you have problems.
When it was all over, you had both fallen to the floor, it began to snow. You were panting and then stood up, holding your face up staring at the white sky with your tongue out.
“What the hell are you doing?” Abby questioned with a playful smirk
“Catching snowflakes!”
“That's disgusting, put your tongue away.”
You wiggled your eyebrows at Abby, a smile made its way onto your face.
“You wouldn't have said that…last night” You burst out into laughter at your own stupid joke. Abby groaned, putting her head in her hands, still a teasing smile grew on the corners of her lips.
“Can we stop with the ‘last night’ jokes?”
“ You started them?”
“Yea well i'm finishing”
“Oh yea, I bet you are” 
“Shut up… that sounds bad.”
“What's wrong with finishing?”
“Oh my god, y/n. Shut up”
“ Yes ma'am!”
You awoke in the middle of the night, surprisingly Ellie was fast asleep. You sat up in your sleeping bag, pulling your knees to your chest. Cradling yourself, rocking back and forth in an attempt to self soothe.
Ellie, your best friend was going to try to kill your girlfriend. Or rather, ex-girlfriend? You had never technically broken up, you just… got lost. Abby was somewhere, and you were determined to find her before Ellie did. You couldn't just let her die and if that made you a bad person you were okay with it. You were already a liar, a murderer, a thief, what's one more sin on your conscience?
You got up while Ellie was fast asleep. You tiptoed to the bathroom with your pack, taking off the clothes you'd borrowed from Ellie in your time there and replacing them with sturdy jorts, a belt, and a wife beater. Your belt almost resembled a tool belt, you could holster a pistol in it among other things. You’d wear steel toe boots with a pair of thin socks. You grasped at your locket.
You had to find her before Ellie did and return so she did not have a clue. You'd have to lie a lot but it wasn't the first time.
You snuck out, mindful of the creaky floorboards. Ellie was still knocked out.
Poor thing
You've never felt so conflicted before. What would you even do or say If Ellie found Abby? She wouldn't take the betrayal well; you could tell by the way she looked at you that she was attached. And in a way so were you. But Abby, at one point she was your entire world. You knew that indefinitely, you'd have to pick between the two and though Abby was once your greatest love, she killed someone Ellie adored. 
Fucking idiots.
You wandered out, in the midst of the night with a few hours of darkness left. You went back to where you'd found Ellie passed out on the floor. You felt like a shitty best friend, but you couldn't help it. It wasn't like you could let Abby die. She was strong though, very strong, she would put up a fight and that fact brought you peace. 
Eventually after some digging around in that house, you found it deserted but with things left behind. A bullet casing there, a few loose arrows but what really interested you, was a map. Abby was never really good at covering up her tracks, and she had left you a path right to her. The map was marked up with some sort of colored pencil. You held it carefully, pointing your flashlight at it.
Washington, WLF base and Patrol routes are all marked up…so is Jackson with the words “town?” written on it, you almost smiled, recognizing Abby’s handwriting like it was second nature 
You decided you'd bring the map back with you.
Doing one more look around you discovered photos, polaroids.
One of Abby and Owen, smiling.
Your expression dropped.
There's no way she's associating with him again. And if she was, it was definitely out of desperation. Whatever, you'd fix that.
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twig-tea · 10 months
Be My Favorite Ep 11 First Thoughts
Okay, I took a lunch break at work to get this out, watched the episode and am writing this down now, before I read what everyone else thought later: I really, really liked this episode. Once again this show manages to never lie to us in the trailer and yet still take us by surprise in terms of how things play out in the episode. I have to say, I was really tickled by the fact that a time travel show faked out time travel in the episode preview by showing us clips from a time skip (but then still gave us time travel because it never lies)!
We got more from Kawi and Pisaeng's first time, first at the beginning of the episode where we saw more of their intimacy and all of the careful checking and non-verbal consent taking place after the verbal consent [btw Krist did a decent job of telegraphing comfort and intimacy here, I appreciated the arms around Pisaeng's neck] and a little more at the end, where we get more of the amusement park date and it shows us that Kawi wasn't lying when he said he had a good time. With that additional context I no longer needed a conversation, there was enough happening to be on the same page around Kawi's fears about intimacy and how he and Pisaeng moved past them together. I still think Kawi could be on the ace/demi spectrum and I feel for everyone who was hoping for explicit representation and didn't get it from this show 💕 You're visible and you're valid, friends!
Pear reading the poem over the montage was lovely and I really enjoyed that as a way of showing everyone reaching a new point in their different journeys at the same time (love that everyone gets to grow in this show except for Not, which is as it should be).
[Also just saying that this montage perfectly set up my clown theory for what the final post-credit scene will be for this show lol]
The flashback to the explanation about time travel was a bit oddly placed but I took him reflecting on it in this moment to be the closing chapter of Kawi's growth, that he finally fully understands the lesson that Time Travel Guy was trying to teach him and he's going to live in the moment from now on. This sets us up for the story pivot to Pisaeng as the protagonist later in the episode.
The relationship montage was so lovely! At first I was worried they were trying to show couples growing apart but it became clear that it was about finding a sustainable balance in a relationship. Love that Kawi gets a second set of covers and still cuddles with Pisaeng when they sleep, for example.
Kawi getting sick and having a flu turn life-threatening immediately had me thinking immediately about COVID and I have a lot of complicated feelings about the show not naming COVID.
The scene with the doctor was absolutely shattering, "are you his family?" ...and the pause where Pisaeng knew he couldn't say yes even though that's the true answer. Fuck every government that does not legally recognize our importance to one another. This is even more devastating with Kawi who literally has nobody else.
Pisaeng going back in time makes perfect sense considering his guilt and his desperation. What I really love about the switch between Kawi as main character and Pisaeng as the main character is that Pisaeng is getting an arc. It's so interesting that he's taking the chance now that he knows what he has to lose, rather than before when Time Travel guy offered to help him and Pisaeng was confident he didn't need it. I'm wondering what the show thinks Pisaeng needs to learn; the chance to learn to live for himself rather than for Kawi? To be able to manage not being in control? Or is this less about a learning opportunity and just a chance to get to spend more time with the love of his life, along the lines of Eternal Yesterday?
I'm wondering about the timing of this event in the timeline: I think this was around the time Kawi travelled the first time, assuming Pear's marriage is taking place at the same time in the various timelines just to someone else in almost each one. So now I'm wondering whether Kawi got the chance to try again because he was about to die in the first timeline (since that seems to be something that can't be changed, along the lines of Kawi's dad).
If that's the case, then I would anticipate that Pisaeng being sent back in time is his opportunity to process his guilt, grief, and fears about Kawi 's death with Kawi, come to terms with the fact that he has to face his present, and then travel back to....I really hope find out that Kawi does not die. But I'm kind of getting the sense that he will. As Time Travel guy says, he's used up all his luck. And as Pear's dad said in ep10, there's no such thing as a perfect life because change happens, so you need to be able to be resilient to change.
[I don't think we'll get a Once Again ending because this show is all about living in the present and living a time loop just so that you can be together would be completely counter to that.]
What I want to happen is for Pisaeng to get strength from past-Kawi to face his present, have Kawi survive, and let them process together about living without regrets so they can face whatever comes without time travel. And maybe join Max in fighting for marriage equality.
[Also sidenote, I wonder whether Kawi being less ultra-famous in this timeline is a side effect of him being in an open and public relationship with Pisaeng? He's still clearly doing music work but their apartment doesn't have the same accoutrements from his career that the other timeline did. I may be reading too much into it though; it's also possible that he prioritized their relationship more than he did his relationship with Pear, or just didn't decorate the same way in this timeline, or a mix of these.]
Excited to read everyone's thoughts!
[edit: @waitmyturtles just saw your note! Tagging you here a bit late]
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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A High Price - A Joel Miller Story
Joel Miller x f!reader/f!oc
Joel Miller masterlist
She's been with Joel and Ellie since the beginning. When she finds out Joel's plans for Tommy to go with her and Ellie the rest of the way, she decides it's time to end whatever closeness they had shared. But a change of plans and a brush with death forces both of them to come to terms with just how much they’re willing to pay to hold onto each other.
warnings | 18+ angst, smut, canon-typical violence
a/n | this fic follows the events of episode 6 verrryyy closely, but I fixed it :) but also, it's a doozy folks, you've been warned
The town of Jackson is making her nervous. Mostly because she can see how uneasy Joel has been since they got here, how he wearily eyes the children that seem to be everywhere, his dismay at the sight of Christmas decorations . She can’t help but feel much the same, it’s like they’ve found the one place in the world where time paused before everything went to shit, and after months on the grizzled road, it’s far more than just a shock to the system. Ellie seems equally perturbed, and her hackles have been up from the start. 
She softened a bit after a shower and a clean change of clothes, had laughed at the gift Maria had left for Ellie. She had to explain to the girl how the menstrual cup worked, the humor of it quickly rolling over into sorrow when she realized that she herself hadn’t needed to worry about that for twenty years, her body too flooded by a constant stream of cortisol. It made sense really, her body knew there was no use trying to create life when the whole world had rolled over in death. A streak of pain shot through her when she saw that Maria was in fact pregnant, followed quickly by a stark anger that she smothered out before it got the better of her.
Joel had skulked off to try to resole his boots, leaving her and Ellie under Maria’s charge. She had offered them both haircuts at her house and while it was nice, to be taken care of, her heart was stinging with the sight of Sarah’s name on that chalkboard. She didn’t know much, but she knew enough for it to be like a slap to the face when she saw it.
Maria had taken Ellie along to a town movie while she had returned to the house they were staying in to get some sleep, and try to shake off that uneasy feeling that had settled in her spine. She finds Joel’s pack in what she supposes is the master bedroom, slipping into the large bed and waiting for the warmth of his body to tangle with hers. They had picked up some habits along the road, falling into something with each other that she knew would never be called anything other than comfort. It was fine, she figured she’d take him anyway that he’d let her have him.
She must have dozed off, because much later she’s startled awake by the sound of shouting coming from down the hall. It sounds like Joel and Ellie, but she still grabs her gun before creeping down the hall towards where all the noise is coming from, light seeping through the crack of the ajar door. She shoulders up against the doorframe, tucking her gun into the waist of her jeans and listening in to the pair’s argument. Her head spins at the information that Joel has asked Tommy to take Ellie the rest of the way, the harsh words he spits at the young girl. Ellie shouts back at him.
“Well, what about her, Joel? What’s she gonna do?” Ellie says her name like a broken question and Joel huffs.
“I don’t know. She’s better off without me too. Can do whatever the fuck she wants for all I care.” His words take her breath away, and she doesn’t have time to catch herself before Joel is turning heel and storming out of the room with a slam of the door. He runs straight into her in the hall, grabbing her elbows to steady them. She wrenches out of his grip, stumbling back. His face goes slack at her pained expression.
“How much of that did you hear?” She scoffs, muttering “heard enough” before shuffling back down the hall to grab her pack from the bedroom. She’ll find somewhere else to sleep tonight.
Joel is hot on her heels, following her into the bedroom, a hand tugging at his hair in seeming frustration. She wordlessly grabs her pack, shoving her things back into it as he watches her. 
“Will you talk to me?” She lets out a bitter laugh at his words, finally turning and looking at him.
“What the fuck, Joel? What the fuck was that? You making decisions for us now, huh? Think you know better than me? Well newsflash, that was the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard!” She’s gotten up in his space and shoves hard at his chest, making him stumble back.
“Look, you may be mad right now. But eventually you’ll see that I’m right about this. I-I can’t protect her. Can’t protect you, it’s–” “That’s such bullshit. I don’t need protection, Joel. And maybe you can’t protect her, but we can. Did a damn good job of it these past few months. God, but now you’re gonna be a fucking coward?” She thinks briefly that she sees the glimmer of tears in his eyes, but she’s too mad to care. She shoulders her pack, going to step out of the room, but he blocks her path. He swallows hard under her steely glare.
“I’m sorry, but I–” she shoves at his chest again.
“I don’t want your fucking sorrys! Finish the job, you coward, or get the fuck out of my way.” She finally shoulders past him, and he doesn’t follow her this time. He seems to have made his choice, and she’ll have to live with that.
She spends the night, restlessly, on the couch downstairs, waiting for Tommy to come pick up her and Ellie. She’ll go with them to the university, it hadn’t even been a question to her. And after that, well she certainly won’t be coming back here, back to Joel. 
She manages to sleep a few hours, woken up by the sound of Tommy coming inside. He waits at the front door while she goes up to get Ellie. She’s surprised when she passes the master bedroom to see the door ajar, Joel and his pack nowhere to be seen. That bastard must have skipped town. Good fucking riddance.
They head out to the stables and she’s once again surprised when they find Joel there, saddling up. He’s changed his tune, and when Ellie says she wants to go with him, already foisting her pack into his arms, he tries to catch her gaze over the top of the girl’s head, but she refuses to look at him. She promised Tess she’d finish this job, and she’s going to, regardless of whom it’s finished with. But whatever closeness she had with Joel has withered in the course of the night. She decides that this will be the last time she works with him.
The trio sets out, Joel and Ellie on one horse and her following close behind on another. A week’s journey, and then she’ll never have to think about Joel Miller again.
Days pass in a frozen blur. It’s not lost on her how their roles have been switched. In the past, it was always her job to keep Ellie’s constant conversation entertained while Joel silently scowled. Now, Joel keeps up the talk, occasionally trying to draw her into the chatter, but she remains steeled against his attempts to get her to thaw, only answering the questions Ellie asks her. She knows it’s dangerous, how much she’s come to care for the girl. It was Joel who had told her as much, that the price for caring about someone was one you just couldn’t afford in this world. She figures it’s too late to pull back from her, having already sacrificed so much to get her across the country, because she knows she’d do a whole lot more for her too.
When they reach the university campus, it’s a relief and a shock. The last time she had been somewhere like this was when everything went to shit. Like every other survivor, she remembers the day all too well. She woke up that morning in her boyfriend’s dorm room, and by the end of the day she was getting hauled to a quarantine zone in the back of a military truck. 
She’s quiet as they ride through the campus, but can feel Joel’s eyes on her as he answers Ellie’s endless questions about what college was like. His voice is a bit gruff when he next speaks.
“You should be asking these questions to her, kid. She was actually smart enough to be somewhere like this.” She can’t help how her eyes widen at his words and when she glances at him, she thinks she sees the hint of a smirk there. Ellie immediately shifts her attention to her, asking her all sorts of questions about what she did at a place like this. For once, she’s happy to talk about the past. She feels the anger she’s been keeping bubbling start to roll over, finding ease in rejoining the conversation, but she still keeps her attention on Ellie, only barely glancing Joel’s way.
The campus is desolate and when they find what must have been the science building with a golden firefly emblem on above the entrance, disappointment lays thickly over them when they see it’s been deserted. On the third floor, however, they manage to find a map, with all arrows leading to Salt Lake City. They must have moved shop. Joel looks at her, both their faces set in a stern resolve. This trip is going to be a bit longer than they planned. Just then, they hear voices coming from below. She sidles up to the window and sure enough, a group of raiders are traipsing across the campus. Joel looks at her and she just nods, a silent confirmation that they need to move quickly and quietly. 
They get outside, and she tries to clear her mind of the way he keeps a hand on the hilt of her spine as she peers behind the wall. It’s clear, and they scurry over to the horses, trying to hastily saddle up. Ellie freezes where she stands, looking behind them. She whips around and sure enough, two of the men they had seen are rushing at them. She doesn’t even have to think, pulling out her knife and running at them. She handily slits the one man’s throat, but the other grabs her shoulder and lands a punch that sends her jaw singing in pain.  She doubles over, trying to shake off the ringing in her ears. Joel’s right behind her and grabs hold of the man, struggling a bit before snapping his neck. The sound makes her stomach churn.
When she finally collects herself and gets a look at Joel, she blanches. He’s been stabbed low in the side, the handle of the weapon protruding still. Joel looks down, seeming to realize at the same time that he’s been hurt. She doesn’t think quick enough to stop him from pulling it out, and when he does blood quickly begins to puddle in his cupped hand. Her mind is going a mile a minute, but Ellie shakes her out of it with a low curse. There are two more men coming towards them. She has to get them out of here and fast.
“Ellie, get on that horse, now!” She grabs Joel by the shoulders, shoving him towards the other horse and helping him up. He lets out a broken shout as he swings his leg over the saddle and it sends a streak of panic down her spine. She hauls herself up behind him, taking the reins and kicking off. Ellie follows alongside them, firing warning bullets at the straggling men. 
They manage to lose them, following train tracks out of the town and in the general direction of Salt Lake City. She keeps pinching Joel’s thigh, trying to keep him awake, keep him talking. But he’s fading fast, and she doesn’t know what to do. Suddenly, his head slumps forward and she curses.
“Joel? Hey, Joel, c’mon, stay with us here– shit!” His body goes slack and he slips right off the horse into the drifting snow. She immediately dismounts, Ellie following suit, and kneels down beside him. His eyes are flickering, rolling back up to the sky. She presses the heel of her hand down into his wound, trying to stop the bleeding that has persisted since they fled. He whimpers under the contact and it makes something in her shatter. Ellie is calling his name, lightly patting his face. But it’s not enough, and he slips unconscious, his face ashen in the gray winter light.
“Fuck!” For a moment, she just panics. No clue what to do. Her hands are shaking as she quickly shucks off her coat, Ellie watching her like she’s crazy. She takes off the flannel she had been wearing and rips it up into strips, tying them together and then wrapping the makeshift tourniquet around Joel’s wound. She doesn’t know if it’s the right thing to do, but right now, it’s the only thing she can think to do. She takes a deep breath, a wisp of a plan slowly coming into mind.
“Alright, Ellie, we gotta get him back on one of the horses. We gotta find shelter.” Ellie looks bewildered by her command.
“He’s not gonna make it if we–”
“Don’t, kid. It’s the only shot we have. Help me move him.” It’s a struggle, getting his slack body back up onto the saddle, but they manage and she slips up behind him again. She wraps her legs around his to keep him in place. The only comfort as they ride is the short puffs of breath she feels him letting out into her collar where his head has slumped down. As long as he’s breathing, I can be ok.
She was never religious, not before, and certainly not now. But, as they continue riding, she starts to pray to someone, anyone. She knows that Joel would’ve told her to leave him. Would’ve wanted her to leave him. But now, it’s become quite clear to her that leaving him is something she’s incapable of doing.
His breathing is getting slower, even more shallow. She counts the space between each exhale and feels panic rising as that space gets longer and longer. They need a fucking miracle.
They get a fucking miracle. 
A farmhouse appears in the distance, in a thicket of frozen trees. She can see smoke coming from the chimney. She’s too panicked to make any real plan, telling Ellie to hold back while she rides up. She doesn’t care if the people are hostile, she’ll kill them with her bare hands if it means Joel will have a shot at surviving.
She stops right in front of the house, and it’s a rather awkward maneuver to slide Joel off the saddle and lay him out in the snow while she sidles up to the front door. She cocks her gun and shoulders through the door, and finds herself both relieved and embarrassed when all she meets is a rather shocked looking older woman standing by a wood-burning stove.
A fucking miracle indeed.
The woman’s name is Maggie. She tells her to bring Ellie and Joel in. They lay him out on the musty couch in front of the stove and Maggie immediately takes to treating his wound. She moves with an unexpected precision, getting Joel out of his jacket and layers, cleaning the gash with rags that they boiled on the stove and then taking to the wound with bandages she pulled out of a rusted first aid box. Joel remains unconscious, but color starts to come back into his face as he lays in the warmth of the stove. Maggie offers soup to her and Ellie, but her stomach is still rolling as she watches Joel’s unconscious form so she gives her bowl to the girl as well. 
She sits on the arm of the couch, keeping a hand around Joel’s ankle as Maggie talks to them. She tells them that her husband’s name is Rod, that he’s out hunting and he’ll be home soon, but that she’ll deal with him. She can’t help but think that they’re much like that couple they had met only a week or so earlier, another pair that lived quietly enough for the end of the world not to notice them. The older woman seems to sense the tension in the air, seeing both her and Ellie still anxiously watching Joel. She asks Ellie if she’d like to help her dress a few rabbits out back and the girl’s eyes dart between the older woman and her. She offers her a small smile and a nod to go ahead, that it’s ok, and Maggie leads her out to show her how it's done.
As the door shuts behind them, she lets out a long sigh, sinking down onto the floor and resting her head back against the couch. She shuts her eyes, a wave of exhaustion finally washing over her now that the adrenaline has worn off. Her brain kicks up a chant of he’s ok, he’ll live that lulls her into a sleepy daze, only being startled out of it when she feels him start to stir behind her. She whips around, kneeling in front of the couch, her fingers itching to reach for him, but instead just watching as he slowly comes to. He looks shocked to still be alive, eyes darting around the room before landing on her. He goes to sit up but immediately winces in pain and she presses her palm into his chest to keep him laying down.
“Joel, just stay down. You’re ok. I’ll get you some water.” She grabs her own water bottle that Maggie had filled for her and brings it to his lips, coaxing a few sips out of him. He’s looking at her like she’s grown a second head, entirely perplexed. His voice is hoarse when he finally speaks.
“You should’ve left me.” She scoffs, shaking her head and forcing him to take another swig to shut him up.
“A thank you would be nice.” He only gives her a steely scowl at her words that she just rolls her eyes at.
“Joel, can you try to not be an asshole after we just saved your life?” She gets up to get him a bowl of soup but can still hear his grumbling words.
“Surprised you’d want to save my life. Thought you’d washed your hands of me.” She sighs, choosing not to respond to his murmurs as she kneels back down beside the couch with soup and a spoon. He raises an eyebrow at her. She gives him an unamused look, holding a spoonful of soup out to him that he begrudgingly takes. Surprisingly, he lets her feed him more of the soup, not moving his utterly confused gaze from her face. She thinks to herself that he must still be pretty out of it to be letting her do this.
He finally bats her hands away with a grumble, once again trying to sit up. Though he successfully gets upright, swinging his legs down so his feet are planted on the floor, it’s not without groans of pain with each movement, his bare chest heaving once he finally sits back. She instinctively goes to smooth her hand over the gauze they laid over his wound and he shivers under her touch, her eyes immediately darting up to his.
“Does that hurt?” He huffs, grabbing her hand in his own and giving it a squeeze before resting their entwined fingers on his thigh.
“Sure don’t feel good. Where’s Ellie?” Just then, the back door swings open, Ellie walking in ahead of Maggie, brandishing two dressed rabbit carcasses in her hands. When she sees Joel upright and lucid, first relief washes over her face, and then a very smug grin. She holds up the rabbits like shining trophies.
“Welcome back, old man. Told ya I could do it.”
Rod comes home soon afterwards, and while it’s tense at first, it’s clear quickly that he answers to Maggie, and what she says goes. They sit in the main room of the cabin, the three of them pressed together on the couch while the couple sit in two thread-bare armchairs, asking them all kinds of questions. Rod keeps looking between her and Joel and then glancing at Ellie, seeming to try to figure something out. He finally clears his throat.
“You don’t often see families out on the road, where are y’all heading?” Her and Joel practically trip over each other to correct him, speaking on top of each other.
“We’re not–”
“That’s not what this is–”
Ellie just laughs, telling the old man that they’re not her parents, just two people getting paid to transport her to her real family. She’ll have to thank the kid later for the smooth save. The couple seem to accept her explanation, but Rod continues to look between her and Joel over the top of Ellie’s head. It’s only just starting to make her uneasy when Maggie invites her and Ellie to help get dinner going. They leave Joel and Rod lowly murmuring about directions to Salt Lake City. 
As she chops potatoes, listening to Maggie explain to Ellie how to carve up the rabbits, she gets that same sickening feeling she got in Jackson. For a moment, there’s a sliver of normalcy that makes her shudder. They roast the vegetables and meat over a fire that Maggie sets on a small stovetop. She leans back against the doorframe, watching the older woman show Ellie how to cook the food. Her ears prick into the conversation in the other room, Rod saying something in a rather severe tone.
“Son, you do realize that young woman saved your life, right?” There’s a long hiccup of silence before Joel speaks.
“It wouldn’t be the first time. Believe me, I know. Saved me in more ways than one.” She’s not given too much time to ponder his words before Maggie and Ellie are whipping by with a huge skillet of food. They all eat in the living room, serving themselves straight out of the pan. She’s surprised by how hungry she is, though she figures it’s been nearly a whole day since she last ate. 
Finished with dinner, she asks Maggie for the first aid kit, taking Joel out to catch the last light of day in order to redress his wound. The old couple had offered to teach Ellie how to play gin while she takes care of him. He sits down on the bench out on the porch, already moving much better with some more food in his system. 
Relief floods through her when she removes the gauze and sees that the gash is already starting to clot, hardly any more blood coming through and the angry redness calming under the salve Maggie had rubbed in. She kneels down in between his thighs, trying to as gently as possible clean the wound as he stifles whimpers under her touch. She lays another square of gauze over the wound, letting her palm wander up his side before squeezing his shoulder and sitting back on her haunches. He clears his throat before speaking.
“Thank you, alright? Thank you.” She just nods, but Joel isn’t done talking.
“I figure we sleep here tonight. Rod showed me how to keep following those tracks to get to Salt Lake, we’re looking at three, maybe four days of travel.” Her head is spinning, not really believing his words.
“Are you serious right now? Joel, I don’t know if you noticed, but you almost fucking died. You’re not gonna be ready to travel tomorrow, and hell, probably not the next day either. Maggie told me they’d let us stay on a bit longer, if Ellie and I help her out with stuff around here. But you’re not fucking traveling anytime soon, not on my watch.” His fists are clenched in his lap as he listens to her speak, finally shaking his head in frustration.
“Look, I just need some sleep. I’ll be good to travel in the morning, you don’t know–” She’s on him in a flash, standing up to tower over him, right in his face.
“Don’t you dare tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m sick of you trying to call all the shots, Joel. This time? You’re gonna listen to me.” He tilts his chin up at her defiantly.
“And why should I?” She practically seethes with anger.
“Because I saved your life, that’s why. Don’t make me fucking regret it.” She whisks away from him, storming back inside and slamming the door behind her. She finds Ellie and the couple playing cards and mutters at the girl to go help Joel inside. She’s done playing nurse for the night.
Unfortunately, Maggie and Rod had different plans. When it came time to turn in, they offered the couch to Ellie, while giving her and Joel the loft upstairs. The loft with only one bed. She did her best not to balk at it, not wanting to seem ungrateful to the couple as they closed their own bedroom door after saying good night. 
She mutely helped Joel up the stairs, guiding him to sit down on the edge of the bed while she got to work unrolling her sleeping bag onto the floor. She heard him scoff behind her as he watched her movements.
“What the hell are you doing?” She glances at him over her shoulder.
“I’ll take the floor and you’ll take the bed. You need it more than I do.” He lets out a breathy laugh at that.
“Oh, come on. It’s not like we haven’t slept together before.” She finally turns to fix him with an icy stare. He just crosses his arms over his chest.
“Joel, don’t. I can’t argue with you anymore.” She sighs, fully sitting down on the ground, staring at her hands in her lap. She’s got no fight left.
“I don’t want to argue, but I don’t want you sleeping on the floor. Please.” Her head whips up at that, a word that doesn’t usually come out of Joel’s mouth. There’s something in his eyes that she can’t quite place. Something that makes her give in to him. She stands with another sigh, starting to toe off her boots.
“Alright, fine. We’ll both sleep in the bed.” She’d like to smack the smug look that slides across his face, but it’s quickly replaced by winces of pain as he moves to take off his shoes and pants. She helps him shuck off his jeans all the way, ignoring his grumbles that he can do it himself, and helps him under the covers. She quickly peels off her own jeans before getting into bed, hugging the edge of the mattress and turning her back to him. He huffs behind her.
“Not how we normally sleep, is it?” She scoffs at his words.
“You’re injured. And I’m still pissed at you.” 
“Look, I-I’m sorry.” “What for?”
“Jesus christ, can’t you take a damn apology?” She chooses not to respond to that and Joel sighs.
“I’m sorry for what I did in Jackson. For not talking to you. Trying to cut ties. I just, I really thought it’d be better for everyone.” She swallows thickly.
“Well, I don’t get that. I thought we had a good thing going, thought we were a team.”
“We did have a good thing. It’s why I was trying to set you two loose from me. I’m getting older, weaker. A-and the price was getting too high.” She finally turns over, looking at him with her brow furrowed. He glances at her before letting out another sigh.
“I care about you, more than I should. I care about the kid too, but you– if I ever failed you? Out there? That’d be the end for me. I know I couldn’t go on then. So I figured it’d be better to let you go, without me, no chance of letting you down then.” They fall into a heavy silence as she studies his profile. Those were not words she was expecting to hear out of him.
“Joel, I– the price is high for me too. Think I realized it when you collapsed off that fucking horse. But sometimes I feel like you don’t take me seriously, and it drives me insane. I may be younger than you, but I’ve been out here just as long as you.” He draws one of his hands down to tangle with hers.
“I know you have, darlin. And I’m sorry. I’m an ass, but I’ll listen to you, I’ll really try.” She squeezes his hand.
“We’re a fucking team, Joel. I need you on my side.” His eyes soften in the dimming light.
“Fuck, need you too.” For now, it’s enough for them both. They manage to sleep that night, neither one letting go of the other’s hand.
They’ve spent three nights at the farmhouse, and Joel continues to heal. Ellie and Maggie are sitting on the porch, playing gin. Ellie has gotten wickedly good at the game, even giving Rod a run for his money. She’s out front, helping the old man and Joel chop firewood. She’s just glad that Joel feels well enough to be swinging an ax, but would be hard pressed to admit that her gaze lingers on the sliver of skin above his waistband that slips into sight each time he throws his arms back in a swing. 
It’s been decided that they’ll leave tomorrow and start the journey towards Salt Lake City and whatever it may entail. As such, Maggie had declared that they’d need to have a proper meal tonight, like she hadn’t been feeding them like kings all week. Rod had brought a deer back from his hunting yesterday, and Ellie had, very proudly, helped him dress the carcass. They’d certainly eat well tonight.
She and Joel had settled into a sort of closeness again, something more tentative, something heavier with meaning. They hadn’t really discussed what had been said that first night any further, but each night since they’d fallen asleep pressed close to one another. She had however noticed the way his breath would hitch as she checked his bandages, and had maybe started to trail her fingers a bit aimlessly just to see how worked up she could get him before cruelly stepping away. He was due for some payback anyways.
Dinner, as expected, is rich and near coma-inducing, and Ellie promptly flops onto the couch face first. She and Joel help the old couple clean up before saying their goodnights. Joel no longer needs help up the stairs when they head up for bed, he hasn’t for two days now.
They dress down in silence before slipping under the covers, settling into the middle of the bed. She rests a leg over his hip, turning into his chest as he wraps her into his non-injured side. He looks down at her.
“You ready to head out tomorrow?” She snorts, burrowing her cheek closer into his chest.
“Pretty sure I should be asking you that.”  His arm draws her in a little tighter.
“I am. Almost back to a hundred percent, thanks to you.” They settle into a simple silence. She breaks it with a hoarse whisper.
“Joel? You gotta know how glad I am that you’re not dead.” He just hums at that, but she tilts her head to rest her chin on his sternum, looking up at him.
“I mean it. Christ– when you were splayed out in the snow– I panicked– didn’t know what to do– just knew that you couldn’t die or I’d lose whatever is left of my mind.” He brings his fingertips to skate across the arc of her cheek, carding his fingers through her hair before pressing his thumb under the hilt of her jaw to draw her face up to his. It’s a shivering little thing of a kiss, their lips just ghosting together before breaking away. It’s a low thrumming whisper that breezes across her lips when he speaks.
“You’ve got me. I’m not going anywhere, darlin, not without you.” She presses forward this time into an entirely different kind of kiss. It’s a kiss that takes and demands that something be given. He brings both his broad palms to cup her face and she huffs as she tries to press closer to him without hurting him. He seems to notice her frustration, pressing her to lay down as he shifts to lean on his good side and dip back into a kiss. She pulls away with a sigh.
“Don’t wanna hurt you, not when you’re healing so well.” He huffs, tracing her lips with his thumb.
“You’re not gonna hurt me. Just let me have you.” She can’t even protest, not when he’s already licking into her mouth and fumbling with the buttons of the flannel she still has on. She swats his hand away to get the shirt off herself and he moves his now idle hand down to her hip, giving the plush swell harsh squeezes and drawing her closer to him. Her shirt draws open and he nudges away the fabric with his nose, lips smearing across her chest and laving over her peaked nipples in a way that makes her keen up into his touch. She runs her hands easily through the buttons of his own shirt, laying open-mouthed kisses in the middle of his chest. They’re a mess of mouths and hands and sighing breaths, finding whatever bare skin they can to mark as their own. She lets out a whine that he quickly shushes as he bites harshly at the soft skin at the juncture of her jaw.
“Joel, please, I want you now.” They press their foreheads together for a moment, swallowing each other’s ragged breaths before Joel nods. He shifts until he’s hovering over her, kneeling between her spread legs and caging her in between his arms. 
She presses the sleeves of his open shirt down his arms and he breaks away just enough to shrug it off entirely. She takes him in, fingers grazing down his chest and skating over the bandage across his side before he grabs her wrist, bringing her hand to his lips and laying a kiss in the middle of her palm. He brings his own palm down between her breasts, rough fingers splayed out below her sternum before dragging his hand down her torso in a way that makes her shudder. His fingers deftly slip under the band of her underwear and he doesn’t even have to ask her to lift her hips for him to slide them down her legs, tossing them off to the side before dipping back down to meet in another kiss. 
Still in his boxers, he presses his hips forward into hers and they both groan at the contact as his hardness ruts against her center. She tugs at the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Don’t fucking tease me right now, Joel. Need you.” He shushes her with a smacking kiss.
“I know what you need, I’ve got you. I’m yours, I’m all yours.” She draws her hands down to the waist of his boxers, shrugging them down his thighs just enough for his cock to come free and rest against her hip, smearing pre-cum across her skin. They move fluidly. She draws her knee up to his waist, opening herself up for him as he fists himself and draws the head of his cock through her folds before pressing into her. They both let out broken sighs when his hips press against hers. The roll of his hips is slow but harsh as he finds a pace in his thrusts. He dips his head into her collarbone, muffling his groans into her damp skin as she rakes her nails down his back. She’s entirely wrapped up in him, whispering little gasps of his name each time he presses impossibly deeper into her. Suddenly, he takes in a sharp inhale that sounds less like pleasure and more like pain, she draws his face out of her neck and can see the wince in his eyes. Panic seeps into her spine.
“Hey, hey. Is it hurting?” He sighs, trying to ignore her searching gaze but she presses a palm into his chest to stop him.
“Baby. Lay back, ok? Wanna make it feel good for you.” He sighs, but does what she says, untangling from her and laying down. She carefully straddles him, the wet heat of her cunt dripping over the throbbing underside of his cock. She leans in to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
“S’ok, Joel. I’m gonna make you feel good.” He brings his hands to the swell of her hips, fingers flexing into her dimpled skin as she lines his cock up with her entrance, stifling a moan as she takes him all to the hilt. Joel’s eyes are darting everywhere as she sets a gentle rhythm, the crease of pleasure between her brows, the golden dampness in the hollow of her collarbone, the obscene bounce of her breasts with each swivel of her hips. All he can do is sigh.
“You’re perfect, darlin. So perfect for me. You’re mine, right? Fuck– tell me you’re mine.” He presses his palm between her shoulder blades to press her forward and she hovers over him, brushing her lips over his in something far too messy to be called a kiss.
“I’m yours, Joel. All yours.” He bends his knees and plants his feet into the mattress, starting to meet her weakening thrusts with his own. She can feel herself at the edge of pleasure, ready to tip over into oblivion. She buries her face into his neck as he fucks up into her, letting out broken whimpers with each thrust.
“Need you to come for me, darlin. Know you can do it. Let go for me.” His words send her hurtling right over the edge, pulsing around his cock as she comes with a silent cry. He fucks her through it, his thrusts starting to falter as he feels his release creeping up on him. She reluctantly pulls off of him, nuzzling into his side and bringing her hand to wrap around his throbbing length. She brings her lips to his ear.
“Come for me, Joel. Show me you’re mine.” With one more pass of her fist he’s painting his stomach with his spend, letting out ragged whispers of her name as he comes. They lay entangled for a moment, but she’s quick to check his bandage.
“Was that too much? Are you ok?” He lets out a whisper of a laugh, brushing her hair out of her face and looking at her in a way she hasn’t seen before. His voice is hoarse when he finally speaks.
“I’m fucking perfect, darlin.” It makes her laugh, and she dips her head to press a kiss into his collarbone before getting up to find something to clean them up with.
They settle back into bed after getting cleaned up. He falls asleep before her, with her temple pressed right over his heart. She knows that it’s all hers, and that she’s all his, no matter the price.
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unknownchaos · 7 months
[flies towards your current location at high speed. Tries to open your door instead of breaking it, falis miserably, trembles, and falls directly on your bed] ... So you have seen the show!! That's amazing!! Please let's rant about it and reblog posts so chat can get convinced to watch it. Also, let me hug you <3
Accepting your hug with open arms <3 also, I love the show!!! So much!!! I'm taking your "please let's rant about it" as an invitation to do so, so here's the spoiler warning for Invincible under the cut for anyone else reading this :) (Also, warning for incoherent rambling. I got a little excited)
Where do I even start? The show is incredible, and the characters are incredible, and the animation is incredible; can you tell I like the show? When my friend first recommended Invincible to me (well, it was less recommending and more telling me to watch it) I did not have high expectations. Then Omni-man turned the Guardians of the Globe into red mist?? I was sold on the show right then and there.
Right before I even got to episode 5 with Battle Beast, a friend of mine who read the comics long before he watched the show likened Battle Beast's appearance in the first season to putting Thanos up against Pre-Serum Steve Rogers in a fight. I only realized how right he was when Battle Beast absolutely massacred everybody easily.
Dude, all of episode five was just phenomenal. I mean, if it weren't for episodes 7-8, it would definitely be my favorite. Everyone was just so cool, the action sequences where just so sick. I actually paused the show when Mark went super saiyan-- everything about that scene was so insane to me.
And then the fight scenes between Omni-Man and Invincible???? Jesus, dude. For a bit of context, I had only ever known of Omni-man from Mortal Kombat and a couple of out-of-context clips that made me think he was just some Deadpool-esque superhero. I don't know if you know about his Mortal Kombat fatalities, but in one of them Omni-man grabs his opponent and does the whole "holds them up to an oncoming train" scene he does to Mark in the show. At the time, I thought it was just a cool fatality, but then he did it to Mark in the show and I lost it.
Is this where I talk about my favorite characters? I'm gonna talk about my favorite characters now. Robot/Rudy is my #1, hands down. I saw him and it was adoration at first sight. What can I say, I love robot characters. While I do understand his whole "becoming-human" arc, I have to say that I am partial to his Robot version over his Rudy version. (If that makes any sense)
I don't know how controversial this is, but Omni-man's right up there at #2. Hang on, before you block me, I just think he's a really interesting character. The tears when he flew away from Mark? The fact that he let Mark live? All the fucked up shit he's done on top of that? There's just- something about him that's so interesting to me. I want to study him under a microscope.
Allen is #3. Like with Robot, it was love at first sight. He's just so cool and a good person all around, and I KNEW they would kill him off the SECOND his "Allen the Alien" title card showed up. I was watching the show with Red and I called it out loud and she said "they wouldn't kill him off, right? They wouldn't do that." and then he died in front of us. I was devastated.
Then it comes to Amber and Eve who I love very much and they are both very dear to me. If anything bad happens to either of them ever I will need 3-4 business days to recover. [Obligatory comment about how hot they are here. Anthony obligatory comment about how Eve with the buzz cut is an underrated look.]
I could go on forever about this show, but for both of our sakes, I'll conclude this post here :) feel free to give me your thoughts as well :)))
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Father Bucky x Young Reader
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Description: Bucky realises he might not be the best fit to take care of you
Trigger warnings, violence
You woke up from a nightmare in the middle of the night, you clutched you teddy close to you and shuffled to your father's room where he was sleeping.
You opened the door and looked in to see him sleeping.
"Daddy?" You muttered as he shot up in bed and glared at you.
"Who the fuck are you?" He growled as you felt tears in your eyes.
"I'm sorry, daddy... I didn't mean to wake you up." You whispered in fear as you backed away a bit.
"Tell me who you are!" He shouted as he stood up and stalked towards you.
"I'm Nova, you're my father! Please, daddy you're scaring me!" You shouted as he glared at you.
"Pathetic, you're lying!" He shouted as you began to sob harder.
"Maybe I need to call Uncle Steve, I think you're having an episode daddy..." You muttered as he grabbed your wrist roughly.
"If you fucking call anyone I'll kill you, do you understand that?" He growled as you cried out in fear.
You quickly break free and run back to your room, you grab your small emergency phone and hid under the blankets as you sobbed.
"Get back here!" You heard Bucky shout as you cried and quickly dialed Steve's number.
You here your door burst open and cry even harder.
"Y/N? Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Steve answered the phone as you cried.
"Daddy's angry! Please come get me!" You screamed into the phone before Bucky ripped the blankets off you and pulled you out of bed.
"I told you to not call anyone!" He screamed at you before he smashed the phone under his foot.
He gripped your wrist painfully tight as you cried out in pain.
"Why the hell are you here! Tell me!" He shouted as you sobbed and tried to break free.
"I'm sorry! I had a nightmare I didn't mean to be bad!" You shout back as he glares at you.
"I'm sorry!" You scream out in fear before he let's you go.
You run out to the living room and hide under the dining table and sob.
Bucky pauses as the fog in his mind begins to clear.
"Oh god... Oh god, Y/N." He whispered as he rushed out to see you cowering under the table.
"Y/N, baby. I'm so sorry, sweetheart." He whispered going onto his knees as you cried and looked at him in fear.
"I'm sorry, daddy. What did I do wrong?" You whispered as he felt tears in his eyes.
"Oh god, sweetheart. You did nothing wrong, it was me, baby. You're not in trouble, daddy lost control, that's not your fault. Can you come out, baby?" He asked as you looked at him and faulted for a moment.
He hated how terrified you looked.
"It's okay, baby. You're not in trouble, I'm not going to hurt you." He whispered as starred at him.
Suddenly you heard the front door open and Steve rushed in.
Bucky quickly stood up to face him.
"It's okay, I'm in control now." Bucky said as Steve looked at him.
"Buck... What did you do?" Steve whispered in fear as Bucky shook his head.
"I didn't mean it, I lost control." Bucky said as Steve saw you under the table. He knelt down, as soon as you saw him you rushed out and wrapped your arms around him tightly.
"It's okay, love. I've got you." Steve whispered as you sobbed into his chest.
He rubbed your back softly.
"Are you hurt?" He asked as you pulled back a little to show him your wrist, he looked down in horror knowing it was definitely broken.
"Buck, I gotta call them." Steve whispered looking up to his friend, Bucky covered his face with his hands as he cried and shook his head.
"Steve, please. I didn't mean it." Bucky said as Steve stood up and held you in his arms.
"Bucky, you have to think about what's best for her." Steve said as Bucky looked at him and nodded.
"Okay..." He whispered as Steve looked at him sadly.
"Sweetheart, can you go pack a little bag? Make sure you get your teddy and pillow and some clothes, we're going to go to Uncle Tony's." Steve said as you nodded and ran to your room.
Steve looked at Bucky and hugged him while he cried.
"Promise me you'll take care of her." Bucky sobbed as Steve tried to hold back his own tears.
"Of course I will, Buck. You'll be able to see her again in a year, she'll be taken care of." Steve reassured his old friend.
After Steve had made a call to Shield to come and get Bucky for rehabilitation again.
Bucky hugged you as he cried, you hugged him back as well.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I'll be back in a year, okay? I need to go and get better for a little bit." He said as you nodded a little.
"It's okay, daddy... You just need to get better. You still love me don't you?" You whispered as Bucky looked at you sadly.
"Of course I do, sweetheart. I love you more than anything in this world. I promise when I get back we'll go to the pancake place and I'll buy you teddies. Does that sound good?" He said, putting on a brave face and smile.
"Yes, please. I love you." You whispered giving him one last big hug.
"I love you too, sweetie. We can still call sometimes, you be good for uncle Steve and Tony, okay?" Bucky said as you nodded.
You went back to Steve and he held you in his arms as you watched your father get driven away.
You cried softly as Steve held you.
"It's going to be okay, sweetheart. Let's get you home." He whispered as he got you into the back of the car and covered you with one of your favourite blankets.
It was only five minutes into the drive before you'd fallen asleep.
Steve eventually got back to his and Tony's apartment.
He grabbed your bag and held you in his arms as he got you up to their apartment, you were still asleep.
He entered the apartment to see Tony waiting for him.
"I'm going to put her down in the spare room." Steve whispered as Tony nodded.
Steve got you into bed and tucked you in with your teddy before he close the door and came out to Tony.
"You okay?" Tony asked as Steve sat beside him on the couch with his head in his hands.
"That call... The way she screamed and then I heard Bucky shouting at her." Steve whispered with tears in his eyes as Tony rested his hand on Steve's thigh.
"This is the right thing to do, I know you care about Bucky, but he needs some help. And Y/N needs a stable house for a while." Tony whispered as Steve nodded and rubbed his face.
"Yeah, you're right. We'll make sure she's taken care of. I'll sleep on the couch out here, just in case she needs me." Steve said as Tony smiled.
"Get your ass to bed, Cap. You're exhausted. I've got some work to finish so I'll sleep out here tonight okay?" Tony said as Steve smiled softly and kissed Tony.
"Thank you, wake me up if you need anything, okay?" Steve said as Tony nodded.
"Of course, love. Now get your ass to bed."
Tony woke up in the morning, draped over the couch. He felt something on top of him and looked to see you fast asleep on his chest.
He chuckled softly and rubbed your back.
You slowly woke up and yawned as Tony looked at you.
"Morning, darling." Tony said as you smiled and hugged him.
"I missed you." You muttered making him chuckle softly.
"I missed you too, love. Why don't we wake up Captain America and demand me make us pancakes?" He suggested as you giggled, you ran towards his room and jumped up onto his bed making him wake up in a shock.
When he saw you he calmed down and laughed softly.
"Tony says you have to make us pancakes." You said as he saw Tony walk into the room.
"Oh, did he? I see, she's been here for 12 hours and you're already turning her against me." Steve joked making you and Tony laugh.
"What can I say, Stevie? A promise is a promise, get your ass up and make us pancakes." Tony said as Steve got up.
He stretched and gave you a big hug before following you and Tony out of the room.
They both knew this wasn't going to be the easiest year of their lives, but ever since you were born the entire team had sworm to protect you, especially Tony and Steve.
Maybe it would get difficult at times but they loved you more than anything and they'd go to the ends of the earth for you.
And Steve knew Bucky would always do the same, he just had some getting better to do before then.
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lunar-system · 11 months
Good Omens s2 ep3 thoughts
The whole fucking subplot is about falling in love, I can’t handle this
Aziraphale was so damn sweet to the young angel, he saw himself in her
Pleeease bring crowley and azi back in the same location soon, this was fun but I need them together
We got to see the favour Crowley made for Azi in Edinborough!! 
Aziraphale supporting laudatum-drunk Crowley from the waist, that’s like more touching we’ve EVER seen between the two of them
Crowley was so delightful in this episode. Still hoping there will be more of his pov, he seems kinda secretive in these. But, there is a lot to explore about Azi, especially in the past. I mean even during s1 he was the one still stuck to their respective roles, he has so much more unpacking to do than Crowley. But still. I love my demon. He is more fine with himself than Azi, but I want to see his side of things as well.
David and Michael are doing a beautiful, beautiful job. Flawless. So much character packed in everything they do.
Subplot was grim, and I had a bit of tonal whiplash with the Crowley’s size shenanigans, but well, that was again the good omens vibe right there. Plus they are going through this whole gauntlet of Heaven’s biases, so that’s a way to do it.
Do I know anything about where the main plot is heading? No idea. Did God plan something so wild that even Gabriel noped out of it? Hard to see him grow a conscience.
Loved to see Aziraphale’s yellow bentley. And, um, the fanfic impications of Crowley being able to sense what Azi is doing in the car, uh. I gotta read some of that.
It’s 1am now and I’ve done 3 episodes, I think I’ll try to pause here and have a night’s sleep before continuing with the last three
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wellntruly · 1 year
M*A*S*H - Season 8, misc. notes
Welcome to March M*A*S*H-ness, the season in which I finish M*A*S*H
Here are some reduced notes from S8, I hadn’t forgotten! No approach this time, just whatever made the cut.
Oh you know actually there is a theme it's thighs???
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Start of this season gotta be the collective skinniest this cast has ever been, babes what was going on in 1979! Mike Farrell has always been a sapling, but Loretta Swit seems to have gotten even tinier this year, Alan Alda rushed into a frame partly undressed looking markedly thinner than the last time I saw him, and when Gary Burghoff comes back?! Positively a shadow of himself!
The other notable thing is that their doctors coats are now fully "blush." [Elliott Gould voice] It’s fine by me.
I appreciate that we simply all dislike Zale
The slipshod “Previously On”s they do for the two-parters finally worth it for the implication that Hawkeye hurting his finger is going to be just as emotionally impactful as anything else going on.
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Sitting Awards. And in the pink shirt.
The company clerk job going from Radar to Klinger is like a reverse Henry Blake to Sherman Potter, huh. I confess to being a little stressed.
Ohhh okay okay, I can see it, oh boy okay I can see how we pull this off: Klinger CAN be a good clerk, he just has to be a totally different kind: a renegade little rascal. Radar is like a London cabbie with the Knowledge: knows the entire map of the war and every rule and person in it. Klinger can be an improv artist, a con artist, schemes upon schemes. Oho, I would like this! Ed. note: hey I was pretty much on the money!
Okay don’t make me cry….. ah too late
Hoooooooooooo all of Hawkeye’s boyfriends simply have to kiss Radar and tell him to pass it along, huh. WHAT a way to reference when Trapper left…. !
Hey gang we’re still crying! :(
The most impactful way they could do this bit with BJ’s toddler thinking Radar was her dad is if it isn’t commented on again, we just have this wordless moment where he’s so visibly stricken by the fact that his child doesn’t know who he is.
Ah never mind, it’s the whole episode.
Y’know, when drunk BJ smashed up the still and hit Hawkeye, I thought well this is a lot to deal with, but it’s him later sobbing to him, quote: “I’m so torn up with envy I almost hate him! And I feel the same way about Trapper, and I never even met him. But he built that still with you, and…” that had me staring wild-eyed, repeating a strangled “Pause pause pause pausepause” while my hands search blind & desperate for the remote to give me a fucking MOment---
Just, the DARK GALAXY BRAIN, M*A*S*H, to go hey, how about BJ got violent because he’s jealous of your ex
...God the absolute nuclear event this episode would have caused if it aired during the Internet….we all would have aged 10 years.
“Well what else am I good at? Being a malcontent? Silliness? Booze?” The three Graces.
“Colonel, you wanted to see us?” “Not really, but it’s the only way I can talk to you.” Hahaha, Potter like, I’ve seen enough.
Whoa! Transition alert! I don’t even know how to describe this, it was like an in-camera PowerPoint wipe? Jaunty!
BJ grabbing his hands to get him to stop doing CPR, and Hawkeye just letting him hold them while he gets his own breath back. See, and now you do this…and I just…..!
Ah, I know exactly what you mean, Father. Hawkeye would ‘make a fine priest’ in the sense that he could write a good sermon. And he could write a good sermon in the sense that Danny Boyle, M. Night Shyamalan, Martin Scorsese—they were all on their way to seminary school before veering off into filmmaking. Because: they liked the storytelling. They liked getting at meaning, at feeling, through words delivered a certain way. Commanding an audience, and trying to get them to understand. Who does this apply to most in camp?
Line delivery of the episode once again goes to David Ogden Stiers, for “What is your name?”
I want to be playing poker in the sunshine with Klinger, Hawkeye, BJ, and Margaret with her sleeves pushed up her shoulders.
The way Klinger comfortingly trilled a little “Brrrr” to freezing Hawkeye as he pulls a blanket around his shoulders has gone right to the cockles of my heart. You sweet weirdo I love you!
INCREDIBLY dynamic of them to take five minutes from us for the commercial break, I yelped
Oh, SOLID Potter impression, Jamie Farr!
I like whenever they make grim jokes about this being a “police action,” not a war. Can you believe we were doing this shit all the way back in the ‘50s…. Potter, in his lil lilting gravely grandpa voice: “Believe me, boys and girls: this is a war.”
Father Mulcahy’s sad war song: it moved this reporter
Big ups to Kellye teasing Hawkeye behind the bar at Rosie’s in the most gender way possible
“Hawkeye, you’re really cute, and probably a wonderful dancer—” thanks, Scully
What does PDQ mean, Potter
Hawkeye is spelling “theremin” in Scrabble
With Radar leaving, Charles has probably taken the mantle of funniest character on this show per minute. He kills me. <3 His silly presh baby chatter, then segueing into “I talked to everyone in camp, which, by the way is a first for me—”
To everyone else they’re Class A’s, to Pierce they’re “Sunday go-to-court-martial clothes”
Uuuugh the loosened ties and unbuttoned cuffs of an off-duty Class A….
Are they using the Officer’s Club a lot more this season, or is this just me
Image set idea: every group shot where Hawkeye is half horizontal on some surface half asleep
Loretta Swit wins first actor on this show to feel for an elevated temperature correctly: back of the hand
Sometimes I wanna get at Alan Alda with Glossier ‘Boy Brow’ and just see what happens. I mean by all rights this man should have eyebrows
Wait, it’s MAXWELL Klinger. Maxwell Q! Quentin? Quincy? Quinn??
I like night in the camp when everything is quiet
Kind of appreciate that by this point putting Captain Pierce in charge is just routine. It’s only the third time but Potter’s like, it’ll be the charm. And then he’s right, it’s entirely uneventful.
I know I’ve cried at the last two episodes in a row and yet already can’t remember much of them. Truly this season is so odd.
The return of Alan Alda’s actual dad, and the emergence of Loretta Swit’s BIG HAIR. A lot to take in in one episode.
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That was his bROTHER????!?! Other Alda????!!
I mean we really need to bring the drag back because so far Klinger’s whole experience as the new company clerk has been essentially “god forbid women do anything”
At least Sidney’s here :)
I’m already so into the COLD & DREAMS episode and we haven’t even hit the DREAMS
Oh Klinger that’s brilliant. Warm up the blood against the bodies it wants to be back in.
The sense of spatial arrangement and time and perspective all so mutable…it’s really, really good. Most cinematic dreams are fantastical but overall too sequential—this nails that “and now this is happening” quality.
The bit where as Father Mulcahy nods off this soldier's words become nonsense?? So neat and so effectively rendered!!! Huge commendations to this actor’s seamless transition, god I loved the sensation of watching this.
Ohhhh this is not what I though Hawkeye’s nightmare would be like, and ho-ly shit
Very rare that you actually see someone in the real life swallow convulsively—5 narrative fiction points to Alan. No you know what: 7
Smitten with her deep voice. I have as the kids say, a crush.
“This is BJ, the doctor that put you back together, and this is Hawkeye, who uh, seems to be falling apart.” She’s so clever and so fun, hell yeah Mike.
WAIT “LET ME SHOW YOU MY ETCHINGS” HAS BEEN A JOKE SINCE AT LEAST 1980?? What is this from!!!!! I thought my theatrical design friends made this up in 2009!! Update: WOW! We’ve just all been making this same inside joke no one knows the origin of for over 100 years!!
I know I’ve had two hot toddies but all I want is to spend the night with Margaret and Aggie and just talk into the night while lotioning our arms, maybe flirt a little, who knows
Charles: “Klinger, as the poets would say: [lowers three inches] hubba hubba.” This episode is the most fun I’ve had all season.
Huh. Oh huh. It’s Hawkeye’s comment about how the war threw Aggie and Scottie together and now they care about each other, that cracks it for BJ. Now he can pin his feelings on the war. You gave him an out—both a way to reframe it and a tool to end it. I half-think you knew what you were doing, too.
“Everyone knows the civilian M.D.s pack away the dineros.” Excuse me?? Is ‘De Niro’ a homonym for money?? Is his name Bobby Money???? Update: Spanish for an old Roman coin. Incredible.
Just started chanting “Math! Math! Math!” through a mouthful of cake. Okay, average of 7 bowel resections a week, for 546 total = 78 weeks. Hawkeye has been there 1 and a half years. In Season 5, it was already 2 years. This has been: the Jeremy Bearimy Corner.
Potter: “Pierce, you’re like an unbroken colt, and all I can do is give you reign until you wear yourself out.” Help that’s astute.
Okay I still need to figure out what PDQ means, Sherm….. Oh hey it means “as quickly as possible,” but why...? PRETTY DAMNED QUICK ! Fuck this is going in my vocab immediately.
BJ grinning to himself at learning Hawkeye has squirreled a Jeep away somewhere as part of his “payment,” and receiving a warm conspiratorial grin in return, then later slyly stealing another Jeep for him—this is what I love.
Aaah yay they’re doing it again! Charles was eventually proven to be wrong and immediately starts apologizing and complimenting them and shaking their hands. This is very consistent!
Whaaaat we never shoot the tent from this angle??
Whaaahahahahaat is THIS ANGLE ALSO
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Get your camera out from between his legs, this man is a father!!
Oh and in closing, the numbers on this season: - 3 episodes written & directed by Alan Alda - 2 episodes where they’re all so cold - Venn diagram is a completely contained circle
In the third one he wrote & directed Hawkeye still ends up under a blanket being doused in ice, and another he just directed someone else's script—and put everyone in jackets and turtlenecks. I still don’t know what this means, but by god it sure is important. To me.
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