#i dont know much about computer words or internet stuff
safety-pin-punk · 1 year
Idk if this is punk-adjacent but feels like
It’s damn annoying that just about any website punishes you for trying to protect your online security
I’m using TOR browser whenever I’m streaming something online (and with the crap Netflix is pulling currently, fat chance I’ll ever make an account with them /s)
And I noticed whenever I use TOR rather than Firefox and just my standard VPN, I have to solve at least thrice as many captcha
That’s my point. Why are we getting punished for trying to protect our online security? It’s damn annoying that I have to solve thrice as many captcha just because of the browser I use
^^^^^^^^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t express enough how annoying it is that it is HARD to be anonymous on the internet in the year of our lord 2023
I hate that even without syncing contacts or connecting facebook or turning on location or any of that shit, websites and apps just know who you know and will recommend them as friends. I hate it.
I hate turning off all the ‘tell the world who I am’ options and then constantly getting pop ups saying ‘are you sure you dont want to turn this on?’
I hate that kids feel like they are EXPECTED to put their lives on the internet for everyone to see. I hate that teens feel like they need to post on tiktok constantly to be someone.
I hate that everything is connected to google. I hate that everything wants to know my demographics. I hate that everything was location data.
I want internet usage without being tracked. I want to exist on the internet completely anonymously, only revealing the information that I choose.
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manonamora-if · 7 months
i dont know if u feel up for it to answer but like... how do u handle negative comments and ratings and just people being negative about ur stuff? bc i have someone just being rude in comments or like notes and game folders on itch and its making me want to just delete everything and never show anyone anything anymore. or even have an acocunt on itch either.
Hi Anon,
I'm sorry you've been dealing with this, and that it took me so long to answer. I've been thinking about this for a while honestly. I've been writing a bunch of drafts for this one, because my answer seems to change with the day or my mood. Some of my stuff have had some strange interactions lately that's made me question whether I should stay on itch myself. I mean, I don't think I'll ever leave... there are too many fun jams I want to participate and, you know, to force people to play my weird stuff. But I've been more anxious about new stuff or updates I share recently.
I don't blame you for wanting an out. Some users will poison one's experience of a platform, that even opening the site would give them anxiety. It doesn't take much to have events or projects soured. Often, just a few rude words is enough to make accounts disappear without a word. And many platform don't have good safety nets (blocking, moderation, reports) to temper or avoid these situations. Many will have half-ass solutions that, at the end of the day, still allows interactions from blocked users. It's easy to wonder if all of this is worth it...
Anyway, the very boring and short answer to your question: it depends.
The probably as boring and long one is a bit of a ramble:
It depends on the day, or the mood I have. It's easier to deal with comments when I'm confident and things are going find; but I'd feel more hurt or have a harder time dealing with them when I'm a bit more morose (I think most people feel this way). I'll disregard any (even barely) negative points some days, only to take it into consideration a few days later. <- this especially during jam/comps time, just need time to digest criticism of any kind.
It also depends on the content of the comment, their tone, and intent of the commenter. Not all negative comments are on the same level. I've had negative comments in the past where the commenter was genuine, and really gave my stuff a shot, bringing interesting points or important concerns. And though it hurt a bit, because being told you made a mistake sucks, those helped me grow. But those are the good kinds of comments...
On the other hand, I try to disregard the trolls, and the abusive comments (towards my work or me), the ones where the engagement was clearly not done in good faith... you know, the ones who will literally tell me I've made the world worse by uploading my games on itch. Doesn't mean that it doesn't affect me at all*. Some of them really hurt or made me angry and frustrated, some have lingered for hours or days in my mind, a few made me close to delete stuff as well. Words are not just empty things without meaning... *I've had to block a few people both here and other places recently because of it, they had become so insistent on wanting to engage with me while bashing most of my work, my values or the few aspects of my identity that I've shared online.
It would be easy to say I just don't give them the time of day or any of my energy, or that I pretend they don't exist, because, if I do, then the trolls win. But that would be lying. Obviously.
Screaming to the void/a pillow or ranting to friends have helped get rid of my anger and frustration. I've laughed with others about some comments I got (usually the bad faith ones, some of them are funny in how sad/bad they were). I think what worked best for me was just turn off the computer and go outside for a bit. Or turned off the internet and play silly games on my phone. Or picked up a book. Or watch a movie. Essentially, any activity that would distract me from it and force me to take a break. And when none of this worked, because some trolls are just that insistent, blocking/deleting stuff*. *unfortunately, it's not always possible, see second paragraph again.
It does suck that you're kinda forced to grow a thicker skin to enjoy or even exist in those spaces, and I wish those would be friendlier... but I don't think social platforms/the internet is going in that direction anytime soon.
Maybe not super helpful to your decision, but borogove.io hosts IF games (without ratings or comments, though people can download the files), so does the IFDB through the IFArchive (but there are ratings/reviews there, also can be downloadable). I've seen other peeps host their stuff on neocities (no ratings/comments). None of those platforms are like itch, in the positives or the negative. Or just be old school, and email stuff.
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fipindustries · 1 year
so i decided to check what other stuff did tamsyn muir do on the internet back when she was just a simple homestuck like the rest of us.
so i read the webcomic she did with shelby cragg, Apothecia.
god damn
god fucking damn. i was worried that the glimpses that i had seen in the locked tomb trilogy were just me reading stuff into it or were merely an artifact of the specific story she had decided to tackle but no. there is a theme. there is a common ethos to all her works, which if i had to try and capture it would be something akin to "humans are complicated, our emotions are complicated and for all that we talk about Love with a capital L as this all powerful emotion that grants purpose and meaning and worth to life, love is just but one tiny shard of the much bigger, much more complicated, much more twisted and ugly and weird and uncomfortable spectrum of human emotion"
it makes me think of that one lovecraft story, the other gods, about a priest who climbs a mountain to found there the Gods of earth but then he also finds there the other gods, "the gods of the outer hells that guard the feeble gods of earth"
and is like when writers explore the depths of the human heart and soul they are content with finding the feeble gods of love and hate and such but tamsyn fathoms deeper for those eldritch emotions we cant put words to.
she explores those emotions i only felt when i was 5 and in the bathtub and my parents were arguing in the other room, the feeling i had when i decided not to put my stuffed toy with me for the night because i always did and i wanted to see what it was like to draw on its own and then i started crying because it felt like my toy was abandoned, she comunicates that emotion i felt when walking alone in the hallways of my college during a weekend and i realize i was completly alone in the building and for reasons i still cannot understand i had to crawl beneath a table and just lay there on the ground, that feeling i had at 3am in front of my computer browsing incomprehensible websites from 1996 that seemed like they had risen spontanously from the ether of the internet because i couldnt understand who or why would bothe making this, she....
words fail me.
all i can say is that i feel tamsyn muir is the only writer who gets me. the only writer who has ever gotten me. maybe the only person who ever will, i dont know what a terrible curse, to be understood so well that you realize noone else ever did
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trickstarbrave · 2 years
i actually don’t think ppl understand how little the younger generation has been taught about navigating online spaces. this isnt just “they are so entitled and stupid lol” bc i feel like thats just an excuse to feel intellectually superior and like they were personally lazy and thats why they never learned. 
when i was growing up we were taught how to type at a keyboard. proper placement of fingers. internet safety (dont give up out your full name, address, parents names, where you go to school, etc). how to look something up and do research, filters on various archives and engines, and how to troubleshoot things 
to us these are basic skills for using the internet. requirements really before we were let loose on it. did we always follow them? no. but then when we didnt other people will quick to point and say it was our fault (even when it could be really inappropriate to do so and is was just victim blaming)
but that was because the internet had not invaded all of our lives yet. using the internet required you to know how to type, read, and navigate it. not everyone could afford to buy a computer, and dial up was slow as shit and inconvenient. then people started putting their babies in front of tablets like they did TV and let them loose on youtube, then youtube kids. smaller social media sites aimed towards kids vanished bc they werent as profitable. facebook killed privacy and now the goal was to extract as much ad revenue as possible. this is the internet they grew up with: short form content filled with ads, plastering your name around, and only being able to hop from content to content without much control 
and because these kids have grown up with a tablet in their hands since they could grip things and react to lights on a screen everyone just assumed they knew how the internet worked. that they all just figured out these skills we used to teach people. that they learned to type the most efficient way, that they wont give out personal information, and that they know how to look something up and evaluate academic sources. i mean look, they can navigate youtube by just typing in a bunch of random words and typing to find a video that doesn’t look like shit, obviously they know how to format a question and use filters!
except they don’t. not to mention the rise of unrelated hashtags to reach as wide an audience as possible means once some of these kids get to ao3 their brains are programmed to skim over them and just click on whatever title sounds interesting. they don’t know how to search for stuff without just typing related terms and tropes into the search bar and don’t know how the filtering works, even though AO3 doesn’t have any more complicated of a filtering system than most other archives.  
you can blame their parents and say they’re lazy pieces of shit who should have taught internet safety and never gave their kid and ipad, but it goes deeper than that. the death of TV wasn’t caused by them. underfunded education systems that didn’t teach them this weren’t caused by parents. this is a society wide issue and should be more concerning than “teenagers are annoying online” because corporations have just trained an entire generation of kids to not be able to fact check or stay safe online and rely on them to curate content for them because they never learned how to do it themselves. and this is only gonna get worse if we don’t address it and talk about it and the root issues without going “its those damn kids that don’t know how to take care of themselves, back in MY day--”
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telestotelezzz · 23 days
You want a long anonymous message? I can cook one up!!
I genuinely think you’re one of the most kind people i’ve ever met. You deserve so much more credit than you give yourself. You’re like the best friend I never had, if that even makes sense to say? You’re fun to talk to, this sounds incredibly and embarrassingly sappy but you’re one of the few people that i feel 100% comfortable talking to. You give off this vibe of comfort without judgement like I can talk as myself and not have to worry about being too talkative or bothersome and, of course, you still have human emotions and you’re allowed to feel those things but there’s not a lot of people i feel so able to freely talk about my interests with and stuff.
I got off-topic I think, oops— Let me add, you’re a very funny person. I genuinely adore your sense of humor. I think i might’ve subconsciously picked up some of it? Sometimes i say something or I See something I think is funny and I think, “Sounds like something Lucifer would say.” I would talk to you way more often if I wasn’t so shit at starting and ending conversations, sadly ;;
I know sometimes you do feel your lows, and I just wanna say, I care about you. Words don’t do a lot, there’s no magical cure for feelings, but please try to keep in mind that even when you’re at your lowest there are people who Care about you. and love you even! Love you for your artwork, your writing, your humor, your interests, your personality, your kindness, you. And the way you inspire people and make people happy and are a fucking amazing friend. Out of this world. Like a world future star!
Sorry if this long of a message feels weird,, Near the end I’ve kinda given up on trying to hide most of my typing style because you’re most likely gonna know who this was anyway— unless I did a good job of being anonymous? That’d be surprising I think. Anyway, you’re wonderful, Lucifer, everything that you are.
i have no clue who yoiu are because i am Terrible at recognizing typing styles unless its super distinct ....... you have kept your anonymity do not fret
i actually read this last night and started like. tearing up???which is why i didnt respond as soon as i saw this ask + i wanted to be on a computer to type like a real response. Not that i know how to give much of one because i am rendered Speechless
this is maybe the nicest message ive ever gotten and the nicest thibgs ive ever been told and it means a Lot to me and its crazy to think that you spent time typing it and you mean it and ???!?!??!kind of silly because its some Message on the internet but i think im going to think back to this a lot when im sad and know that i can hold on for a little longer because there is in fact someone who cares about me. im so glad i can be a good friend to you adn that you feel comfortable around me thats really what i strive to be i just want to be a nice person who helps people and makes em feel Happy (❁´◡`❁)
thank you so much idk who you are (except that we're friends which just makes me want to go and give you a hug even though I CANT why dont computer let me reach through the screen) but i really needed this message i think and it means A Lot to me :)))) (this is probably not everything i will want to say and ill absolutely go and kick myself because i didnt think of something i wanted to say and you cant edit tumblr posts like you could in the Olden Days)
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florenceisfalling · 2 years
sometimes when i look at your blog existing on my dash i remember that we're used to be quite good friends, i think, i'm terrible at social cues, then everything fell apart due to one massive asshole. kinda miss hearing about your ego lore and other rambles. kinda miss the energy of your discord server. but dwelling on the past rarely brings anything productive. idk why i'm sending this ask really. maybe because of your nostalgia /neg post. who knows. have a good day still. -🌻
see the sad thing is i can name a few people that this could be from. the cycle of relationship destruction continues! i'm sorry, anon. im always around if you wanna try to talk again. just because a door was closed doesn't mean it was locked.
however, the much, much more sad thing is that i can name one person that this could be from who has been lying to me, and a lot of other people, for a very long time. who hurt and threatened someone i care about. and if you're that person - i think my last words to you were on christmas? - i do miss you. we were good friends, at least i thought so. but it will take a hell of a lot of explanation to make me feel okay with you again. i hope you have a good day too, regardless. you were always very kind in your words to me.
and if you aren't that person, i'm an idiot and i'm sorry for rambling like that. i hope you're well too :"D
i really do have trouble keeping my relationships together, or existent in the first place. but i hope you know you all matter to me. i have a folder on my computer where i keep pictures of my internet friends so i dont forget them even if we havent talked in ages. i still see stuff and think about the internet friends i had when i was on quotev as a little kid, or on instagram as the world's tenth most problematic doll collector. that sort of shit never leaves my mind, yknow?
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willowfolksong · 3 years
Everything has changed
- Kozume Kenma x Reader
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🎮 It starts with you sliding into his DMs to thank him for helping you. You're new to the game, still haven't found good weapons or armor, and he was casually there to give you a few pointers. Not many experienced players do that, much less for people online they don't know. So of course you're thankful.
🎮 He doesn't answers you.
🎮 Okay, that's good. No problem. You memorize his username and make your goal to find him again. When you do— two more times in wich you don't say anything but stay back and watch him fight higher level monsters instead— you realize that KenKen always goes alone. He doesn't seems to be part of any team. Weird. Most people play on groups.
🎮 You smile at your computer screen, your cat purring contentedly on your lap. Maybe he doesn't have that many friends that play online games. Like you.
🎮 When you find him once more, you ask him if you can tag along. He takes twenty minutes to answer you.
KenKen: no
CattyCatThief: why :(
KenKen: i dont know you
CattyCatThief: well ask me anything! we can be friends!
KenKen: no thank you
🎮 You can't blame him. You wouldn't trust a random stranger online either. And maybe HE is the weirdo, and being friends with him would drag you into the so called "Internet's dark side" you've always heard people talking about. But he's the first person that helped you and the first player you encountered in game and his tunic is so cool and—
🎮 Your wish of getting to know him better comes back full force a week later, when you've managed to become one of the Dark Rose Guild members: a place for rogues and dual wielding warriors with a fancy for working in the shadows. You're sure whoever is behind DashingDarkBlade13 snorted before answering your question.
DashingDarkBlade13: everyone knows who KenKen is. he's like a living legend around.
CattyCatThief: really???
DashingDarkBlade13: yeah, yeah. he's a lone wolf. not in any guilds, and probably one of the highest level players around.
CattyCatThief: that's so cool
DashingDarkBlade13: he's not known for attacking newbies, but be careful anyway.
🎮 You hunt him down and manage to find him camping outside the capital walls. This time, you don't say a word, just silently following him around and trying your best to help him take the enemies you find on the road. He almost always ignores them, but they're good for leveling up, so you take the time you clear a path for him anyway. You wonder if he sees you as a kid trying to catch bugs.
🎮 After a whole week of logging on and basically just following him around as soon as you spot him, he finally snaps at you.
KenKen: what are you doing?
CattyCatThief: i want to be your friend! :)
KenKen: why?
CattyCatThief: you helped me when i had just started playing. and i also think you're really cool!
KenKen: ...
CattyCatThief: :D
KenKen: you wont leave me alone, right?
CattyCatThief: nope
KenKen: fine then
🎮 He's quiet, doesn't really talks much, but he starts giving you pointers on stuff you need to know, unintentionally sharing the lore of the game in a way that soon makes you realize that you're in the company of an expert.
🎮 You make simple missions while he goes on complicated quests, and then exchange stories after. And that's mostly you excitedly telling him about the monsters you encountered, or whatever loot you managed to find.
🎮 Slowly, but surely, he seems to start to enjoy your company. At least a bit. You decide on a place where always meet each other, he lends you the weapons he won't use, and his texts get longer and longer until you somehow manage to convince him to explain the lore of each place you visit in detail.
🎮 Then one day he's telling you about dragons, and you open your mic to screech because that's just so cool and you love this game and his explanations so much!
🎮 He pauses, and you watch the chat with worried eyes. Maybe letting him hear your voice wasn't such a good idea after all.
🎮 And then you hear, clear as day, a low warm chuckle that has you tingling all over.
CattyCatThief: omg was that you?
KenKen: yes
CattyCatThief: you have the cutest laugh ever :')
KenKen: i had to take my earphones off because of your screech
CattyCatThief: :(
KenKen: and thanks
🎮 From then on, his voice is a constant source of happiness for you. Your mic is permanently open now, and tho he remains mostly silent, his random comments and sudden laugh when you say something funny always manage to warm your heart in the best way.
🎮 You get better. You're not as good as him, but soon you're a force to reckon too. You take dangerous missions with him, and now always go accompany him on long assignments. He relies on you, and the fact that he waits for you before starting a new quest has you in disbelieving everytime.
DashingDarkBlade13: i mean, i don't know how you did it, but KenKen definitely changed since you came around.
CattyCatThief: you think??? :o
DashingDarkBlade13: he's not a lone wolf anymore.
CattyCatThief: we're two lone wolfs now
🎮 You move to Tokyo that year, because of your father's work. Going to a new school with new people is not something that has you specially thrilled, and so you spent more time moping in bed and being miserably in general after the moving than normal. Four days without going online, when you do you have around ten messages from KenKen. The last one brings butterflies to you stomach.
KenKen: please come back
🎮 You quickly type a reply, eyes full of tears because you're still emotional after leaving everything you know behind.
CattyCatThief: i'm here! i'm so sorry! I just moved to tokyo because of my dad's work and i'm still processing th fact that i wont be seeing my friends anymore and that i'll have to start my second year in a completely new high school.
🎮 You stare at your screen, biting your nail and wondering if you just shared too much personal information. You're about to apologize when he writes back.
KenKen: which high school
CattyCatThief: nekoma high
🎮 Your first day is a rollercoaster of nervousness and excitement and sadness because everything is new but also so strange and foreign. The teacher introduces you to the class, and you bow and ask to be treated kindly by everyone. When you straighten your back, your eyes land on the boy by the desk near the window, his wide eyes staring straight at you.
🎮 You don't really know how, but in that moment, you know it's him. The only available seat is one by the front, and so you slide into you chair and lean towards the girl on your right as soon as the teacher turns her back.
"Who's the guy with the blond hair, sitting near the window?" you ask her.
She snorts, of course she does. "That's Kozume Kenma. Everyone knows who he is. He's Nekoma's volleyball team brain."
Eyes wide, you take a peak over your shoulder. You think he's still staring at you, but is hard to tell with his hair falling in front of his face "Oh"
"Yeah, yeah" the girl adds, and finally there's a sense of familiarity for you "He's a lone wolf tho, has few friends. He doesn't really talks with anyone"
🎮 When class is over, you turn around to approach him, surprised to find him in the middle of standing up himself. You both gaze into each other's eyes, and you have to resist the urge of running to him and hug him with all you have. He smiles at you, timidly, the curve of his smile almost resembling a smirk.
"Hey!" you say, laugh bubbling up before you can stop it "Do you mind if I tag along? We could be friends"
His chuckle sounds much better in person, and that's the moment you realize that both you and your level 56 thief might have a huge crush on Kozume Kenma.
"Yeah. Thank you"
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🧣 RED Love Story Collection
Part VI - Next is I bet you think about me
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How he reacts to fanfiction 🌹
Harry Potter:
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- you and Harry were at your muggle abode when scrolling through curious to see what Harry seems to muggles. "Erm so is it bad y/n I don't know much about the internet". He smiled awrkwardly. "No Harry it means your centuries behind" you laughed.
That was until you stumbled upon a "Harry X reader". "What's this y/n" he was curious as he then hits the tab "no Harry I wouldn- oh blimey". He read along the lines of "Harry snogged the beautiful reader-" he suddenly went red "Merlin I think that's enough for one day" he closes it. You ended up smiling awrkwardly and laughing "yeah thats why".
Ron Weasley:
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- you introduced the Weasleys to the internet from per say it was rather entertaining to go through. "Merlin look at all this wicked stuff" he seemed amazed. You smile and watch Ron click on everything from food to replicas. That was until he saw something "Merlin whats this" your eyes widened realising what it is. "N-no wait" as he sees the block of text reading "he enjoys his time snogging and holding the reader as-" he grew wide eyed and scared. "Bloody hell who got this rubbish" he read a naughty part closing it. "Did rita Skeeter get into the computer or something" you shrug looking awrkward.
Fred Weasley:
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- you and Fred were mucking around on the computer mostly in Photoshop playing around with making Ron looking silly. "I'm using this for Christmas y/n" Fred laughs. You laugh back as you find something which was a "Fred X reader". Fred smiled "haha guess Rita Skeeter found out as well" he clicks reading through the tabs. "Oh my Merlin haha this exists oh I have so many ideas" he smirks he loved the idea. "Oi y/n let's make one of those Slytherin slime balls or embarrass the Merlin outta Ron" he smiles. "Imagine to think he might have a girlfriend that isn't mione" he laughs.
He had a brillent idea "oi Goerge you know what I'm thinking mate" Goerge grinned evily. As then he types up a draft "Ron's gonna loose his head when he thinks it's from mione". You stood there in on this "haha alright so what's the next plan".
Goerge Weasley:
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- Fred and George were being mischievous looking up pictures on the internet laughing. You were sitting in the back eating chips when suddenly a fanfiction came up "oh look Goerge". Fred laughs "oh look got your name mate" as he clicks on it you choke on your chips. "Ack no dont" turns out you wrote this fic. "As Goerge and y/n travel to Hogwarts snogging in the common rooms of Gryffindor". Goerge and Fred laugh "omg y/n brilliant just brilliant" Fred was rolling on the floor laughing.
Goerge grips your hand "I can make it a reality for ya you know" he whispers. As Fred mocks you "ohh make sure you get my tounge y/n" he reads a line. You on the other hand smacks his head with the daily prophet that they use for their garden. "Ow" before you grin "care to say another word Weasley" he shakes his head. "I thought so"
Nievelle longbottom:
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- you showed nievelle the internet he was fascinated by it looking up recipies. He found it fun and harmless until he came across "hey y/n what's my name doing with yours". You wrote a harmless little story about him "don't nievelle wait-" he reads on. "as Longbottom plants his seeds in the garden and proceeds to-" his face goes red as a beet. You couldn't help feel embarassed "oh Merlin stop reading" as he covers his face. "Blimey I think it's alright but erm" he wasn't trying to be mean. "No just say it's bad" before he holds your hand "no everyone starts out somewhere you have talent" he smiles. You lean into his shoulder "Mabey I should keep it up erm ignore the other bits" you replied awrkwardly.
Draco Malfoy:
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- you were showing Draco the internet you insisted since he hated muggles so much. You had to persuade him that was until he looked bored. "What is this bloody rubbish how can mudbloods love this" he sneered. You sigh "because it's fun to watch things and buy" as Draco scrolls down to a fanfic. "Wait hah about time these muggle posers knew about me" as he clicked. His eyes went wide "Malfoy slides his Slytherin in-" he chucked the mouse out of his hand. "Oh my Merlin what have you been doing y/n" he freaked out. "Y/n Rita Skeeter stalked me she must know about me and pansy". You sneer "no I wrote it about...us" he blushed "well if that's how you feel then I'm glad you feel that way I shall let father know of your writing skills" he laughs.
"prehaps you could write one about my mother and father they would love that" he scoffs strutting away. "Draco no-!" You hold him "Merlin they hate me as it is especially your father". He smirks "I know but if he knows about your writing skills then he's bound to accept you" as you roll your eyes.
Cedric diggery:
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- he was searching the internet after you introduced him. He looked through what seems to be your browser history "um oh look y/n has been writing about me". He clicks to read a line "Cedric grabs me and-" his face went pale. "Merlin what- it's good but what" he looks at you with horror. "Don't say a word diggery" he laughs "Merlin these muggles are weird aren't they". He ended up joking about it to you after class.
Muaraders era:
Sirius black:
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- he wasn't new to the internet but when you introduced him it changed him. He went on looking for things to buy for pranks and torture devices for snivellus. He was scrolling until he saw his name "Sirius X reader huh let's see~" he smirked. As he scrolled through he witnessed something amazing "you pull down his dog ears and bite-". You cover your hands over the computer. "Sirius stop-" he ended up winking at you "so want to reenact this scene" as you shove chips in his face. "Knock it off as if I would actually" he grabs the chips out of his mouth. As you peck his cheek "never announce this to the others".
Remus Lupin:
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- he had never noticed muggle technology before but since you introduced him he found it interesting. "Boy so many interesting things y/n" he smiles at you. As you turn your head you could see his name. "Wait is that my name haha-" he clicks on the link. "Um y/n why does it have my name and you" before it reads "they slid down in Diagon ally snogging in the ally way".
He closes the tab "Merlin's loo what on earth" he goes red. Before you laugh "don't worry it's fiction it's nothing" he shake his head. "I swear don't worry" you laugh as he walks out of the room.
James Potter:
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- he was walking through your room when stumbling upon your computer. "Oh what do we have here" he smiled as he looks through. Seeing a link that follows his name "guess I'm famous hah". He watched as he clicks and reads "he watches her quiver and he kisses her-". He ended up blushing "oh Merlin um y/n whats this". You tried not to blush and snatched your laptop immediately "ignore it" walking out. He chuckled hugging you from behind "don't worry y/n I'll keep it a secret" he winks.
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sunnyrinusstudies · 3 years
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Going FOSS: An Intro to Open-Source software for studyblr (and also some privacy related bits)
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Intro & attempt at TLDR
Hey everyone! Today I’d like to tell y’all something about Open Source Software, and also Why this should matter to you! This’ll probably be the first post of a series I intend to do, because I believe the Studyblr community, even the non-nerd folks, could really benefit from switching some things out in their digital environment. Since this is a long post, I attempted to summarise it below, please do read on if you have the spoons tho!
FOSS stands for “Free and Open Source Software” the “free” part doesn’t necessarily mean it’s free as in free pizza, but mostly means free as in freedom.
There’s a humongous amount of variants on this concept, but the core of FOSS specifically is the four freedoms:
1. To run the program however you want and for whatever you want
2. To study how the program works and to change it in whatever way you want
3. To be able to share it with whomever you feel like
4. To be able to share your modified version with whomever you want
There’s a whole host of software licenses built around these concepts, you can check those out at the Open Source Initiative website, or at Choose A License. Both have a good summary of what they all stand for.
Open Source software is used for a lot of products, nearly every single webserver is an Apache Linux server, Google chrome is built on top of their open source chromium (google is still the devil, but y’know, it’s an example), and even deep deep down, Apple computers run on top of a Linux Kernel. Many more can be listed, but I won’t do that otherwise this isn’t a TLDR anymore.
Now, Why is this important for you? The Open Source Initiative summed it up real nicely already, but heres a short paraphrase:
Control & Security. If software is open source then you can check if it really works the way it does, and to make sure it’s not spying on you. Even if you don’t have the skills for it, someone else who does will be able to check. Also if you don’t like how something works in a program, then you’ll be able to change it or find someone else’s changed version that you like more.
Training. People who want to learn programming can use the code to see what makes programs tick, as well as use it as a guide for their own projects.
Stability. Because everything’s out in the open, that means someone else can take up maintaining a project or make a successor of it, in case the original developers suddenly quit working on it. This is especially important when it’s software that’s absolutely critical for certain tasks.
Community. It’s not just one program. It’s a lot of people working together to make, test, use, and promote a project they really love. Lots of projects end up with a dedicated fanbase that helps support the developers in continuing to work on the software.
I’d like to add one more tho: Privacy, which ties in a lot with the security part. Nowadays with protests going on and everything being online due to the pandemic, folks have been and will be confronted much more with the impact of privacy, and lack thereof. Open Source software means that if any company or group tries to spy on you, then you and anyone who feels like checking, will be able to know and take action on it. Here’s the EFF page on privacy and why it should matter to you
If that got your attention then read on past the readmore button! Or, if nothing else maybe check out the Free and Open Source Software portal on Wikipedia? Or maybe the resources page of the Open Source Initiative?
Terminology: Let’s get that out of the way first
Open Source: The source code that a program is made up of is freely accessible, anyone can look at it and check whether it works well enough or to make sure it doesn’t spy on you.
FOSS: Free and Open Source Software. This doesn’t mean that you don’t need to pay for it, it’s free as in freedom and free speech, not free pizza.
There are four freedoms associated with FOSS:
The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).
The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others (freedom 2).
The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3).
By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
FLOSS: Free and Libre Open Source Software. This time it is “free” as in free pizza. The “libre” is french for “free” as in freedom.
GRATIS: Sometimes people use this word to mean “free” as in free pizza. Usually alongside “FOSS”
Licenses : A license is something that tells others what they can or cannot do with your code. Licenses also apply to art and literature, those are copyright licenses. There are many different software licenses and I’m not going to be able to list them all.
The biggest players however are:
Apache License 2.0
The 3-Clause BSD License
GNU General Public License (also known as GPL)
MIT License
Mozilla Public License 2.0
There’s even more and you can find a list of them Here on the Open Source Initiative site There’s so many licenses that there’s even a Choose A License site, where you can pick a license depending on what you want it to achieve
Who and/or what even uses open source software?
You don’t need to be some nerd to benefit from Open Source software, in fact, you’re using open source software right now! The biggest example is the whole entire internet. Websites are stored on servers, and nearly every single webserver is a Linux server. The second biggest browser Firefox is open source, and even google chrome is built on top of “chromium” an open source base. If you dont use an iPhone, then you’re probably on an Android phone. Guess what? Android is part of the Android Open Source Project, which is then built upon a GNU/Linux base. All Open Source. Chromebooks? Built on top of a Linux kernel (like a non-patented engine you could put into any motor vehicle you’d like). Heck, even Apple computers are, at their core, built on top of a Linux kernel.
Neat apps you may wanna check out!
I’ve made a little list of apps that might be especially useful for studyblr folks, but depending on how well this post does I’ll probably make some more posts for specific apps.
TiddlyWiki, has a bajillion different ways to organise your thoughts, and also a lot of variant builds out there. Check out their table of contents if you feel lost! There’s versions available for most big browsers, as well as windows, linux, mac, android, and iOS.
AnyType, is an app that looks and almost exactly like notion, but is much more decentralised. They’re currently still in development but if you want to support them, sign up for early access and give them some feedback so they know what works and doesn’t! They’re still in closed alpha, but are intending to give beta access to about 100 folks at a time throughout 2021, so please sign up if this looks interesting to you!
Trilium Notes, is slightly more like a “notebook”, however you can arrange your notes in nearly infinitely deep folders. You can use things like Relation Maps & Link Maps to visualise your notes and how they go together. There’s even more they do and I just cant list it all, so go check out their stuff for a more comprehensive overview! Works on windows, linux, and (unsupported) mac
LibreOffice and ONLYOFFICE are two office suites that function just as well as micro$oft office, often Even Better in my experience. I’ve used LibreOffice for years now and honestly? never going back. OnlyOffice is technically free (as in pizza), but it’s a slight hassle to get everything set up, cause you need to set it up on a server. They have a paid and hosted version available with educational discounts, but honestly i’d go with LibreOffice.
OnePile, is an app I haven’t used myself since it only runs on Apple stuff. But I’ve heard a lot of good things about it so that’s why it’s in here. It looks like it works similar to most general “note taking notebook” apps. Looks really pretty too honestly.
EtherPad, is similar to ONLYOFFICE, however this one’s a lot more focused on specifically text documents. Works with real-time collaboration which is really neat.
Anything that FramaSoft has going on. They’re a non-profit organisation, dedicated to promoting digital freedom. A lot of open source cloud related things are not really useful to people who don’t have the time and/or money to set up a whole-ass server. That’s where FramaSoft comes in, they do it for you. Just about everything they offer (here’s a full overview) are free (as in free pizza). They also have a separate site to help you get started!
It’s not free to run it all on their side, so if you find yourself interested in using their services please try to support them any way you monetarily can! (they even have a “minetest” server (not minecraft, deeeefinitely not minecraft))
Joplin!! Which is also what I used to write this post so I wouldn’t have to use The Tumble’s post writing thing. It’s good for taking notes, has a bunch of neat plug-ins, and can also sync with a variety of cloud services!
Nextcloud For if you want to go just that little bit further on the open source and the privacy. Nextcloud has honestly way too many features for me to list, but the important parts are that it’s a nigh perfect replacement for office365, and probably even GSuite. The one caveat is that you either gotta host it yourself, or get someone else to host it for you. Framasoft (mentioned above), has a nextcloud instance. It works on just about every single platform, and can integrate with an absurd amount of services. Here’s a list of providers that work with nextcloud, and what different apps they have installed on their server.
I personally use Disroot, because they’re a local (as in, my country) non-profit that offer about 2gb of free storage, and then for about 15 cents per GB per month you can get more storage if you want. They also have an email service which is hella neat. Their one main rule is Do Not Use For Business Purposes, because they’re here to help the individual folks, not companies.
Neat Links you may also want to look at!
Here are some sources, and also resources that I used for this post. There’s also some stuff here that I think folks may be interested in in general.
General Wikipedia Article on Open Source Software
The Free and Open Source Software portal on Wikipedia
Resources page of the Open Source Initiative
Free Software Foundation definition of “free software”
itsfoss page on what FOSS means
itsfoss page on the history of FOSS
Open Source Software Foundation list of projects and apps they really like
Open Source Initiative on “the open source way”, and how it goes beyond software
Check out literally anything the Electronic Frontier Foundation has going on maybe?
TED talk on privacy and why it’s important
The Surveillance Self Defense project by the EFF
This EFF page on privacy for students
ExpressVPN article on privacy (not necessarily endorsing this company, just a good article)
What’s next?
I’ll probably make some more posts on specific kinds of software that I think folks may like. Or maybe a general overview on the more privacy forcused reasons and solutions for doing all of this.
Future post ideas, none of these are set in stone:
Open source Note taking apps
Replacements for just about Every Single google service I can think of
My personal setup
Open source / privacy conscious social media that studyblr folks may be into
Chatting, Calling, Videocalling: Discord and whatsapp alternatives etc
??? More studyblr apps that could do with a FOSS alternative??
How to support open source when you’re not a big fudgin nerd
How to be better at digital privacy and security, while still maintaining that studyblr aesthetic
Apps, software, other stuff, for specific areas of study maybe?
Feel free to suggest other ideas! Or leave feedback! This is my first big resource post so I wanna know if/how I can do better when I make another one!
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silent-dragon · 2 years
🌟 🔥 and 🤖 for your oc Reno~
🌟 Reno and Kalim: Sadly they never met each other. I think if they did would become fast friends as Reno is a music man. Due to Reno's species and behavior he is avoided by alot of students. Jamil probably preventing them meeting.
🔥 Reno and Idia: Oh my you hit one of my main ships..uh im going to speak as if i don't have a canon x oc ship of them aka they friends..haha..
Reno comes to the Ignihyde abit after school starts so Idia has to go talk to him. Neither know a thing about each other so when they met it was 5mins of stareing as Reno had never seen someone with Idia's hair before and Idia had never seen a colorful painted goatman with literal hooves no feet before.
Idia 1st words to Reno was that he sure is weird looking which he likes. Reno told him he loves his hair and can he touch it. They are good friends due to their weirdness and Idia has taught him how to play video games. Reno respects his housewarden so much cause he accepts him when other students are abit afraid as they dont take time to get to know.
🤖 Reno and Othro: Reno's niño astro(nickname he calls him). You'd think he was Reno's brother with how much he dotes on him. Othro could just be there in deep networking or something and Reno will snatch him up into a hug. The 1st few weeks Othro didn't like this as he does understand the physical hugging stuff but soon got used to it as he likes Reno's smile & laugh. He now laughs when Reno hugs him. Othro helps Reno understand computers & the internet as Reno had no idea what those were prior to coming to the dorm.
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parttime-creative · 3 years
Fanfiction tag game
Thanks for tagging me @dhwty-writes Even tho, this will probably be pretty disappointing ...
How many works do you have on Ao3?
0. Zero. Nada. Nothing. I enjoy reading on Ao3 A LOT. But i've never come around to actually publishing something there. I haven't published much of my writing in general.... The only ever fanfictions I've published are in german on the website fanfiction.de
So I'll be answering the following questions for that side instead.
What’s your total Ao3 word count?
66.588 of published stuff
... but there is probably another 500k of unpublished stuff somewhere in the dephs of my computer, notebooks and google docs :D (200k of them are partially @dhwty-writes ' fault)
what are your top 5 fics by kudos stars?
Well... thats hard because I have published barrely more then 5 fics xD. But they would be:
You don't need eyes to see (Again: GERMAN!) its a SwanQueen (Once upon a time) Fanfiction where Regina Mills goes blind after an accident with old magic and Emma Swan helps her navigate her new life. I write that thing since 2015. It was my second fanfiction, and I am not sure if I'll ever finisht it xD
The Handmaiden .... another SwanQueen one. Smut... its just a huge excuse for flirtatious smut
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf ... more flirtatious SwanQueen Smut. I like that okay?
Lost and Abandoned ... SwanQueen Angst. Just Angst ... But I added a second chapter later ,that one could argue makes it Hurt/Comfort.
The Cerberus Agent ... I actually think its funny that that one is on this list. This is the first ever fanfiction I wrote, so it probably wasnt to shabby after all xD Its about Mass Effect (Miranda Lawson/FemShep) Tho I never finished it...
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Oh Yes! To every single one! I am way to happy about any little form of feedback, to not respond! I love comments! And people who leave comments!
what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Oooof.... I don't think, I can answer that. None of my fics really have endings. I mostly write One Shots, where the ending is basically the beginning of a bigger story. And my bigger fanfictions never got finished.... so I'd say the smutty ones have the happiest endings? I mean GET THE GIRL, GIRL!
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Ohhh, Definitly "Lost and Abandoned!" The whole premise of that Two Shot was angst!
do you write crossovers? Yes, sometimes. But none of them are published and several of them are Hogwarts AUs.
have you ever received hate on a fic? Not from all the lovely internet peeps that read my stuff, but IRL I've gotten weird looks. No explicit hate tho, and I am thankful for that. Let's hope it stays that way <3
do you write smut? if so, what kind? ....... yes....... I love flirtatious banter and power dynamics. So The literal dagger to the throught kind mostly (tho the dagger is often of verbal form tho) ... hmm besides that, it's mostly romantic, fluff and pretty vanilla smut.
have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes. I mostly write together with another author. I only write One Shots alone. 95% of them aren't published tho xD
The biggest and arguably my favourite one tho is with @dhwty-writes . its a 200k unfinished monstrum. .... UNFINISHED! You hear that @dhwty-writes ??? UNFINISHED!!!
what’s your all-time favourite ship?
oooooooffff... I probably should say SwanQueen, as I've read and written the most about it... but my own Characters and DnD ships are growing on me far more by now.... for the purpose of this game tho, let's stick to SwanQueen
what’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Definitly You don't need eyes to see. I hate leaving it in that constant unfinished state with publishing aroung 2 chapters a year... but I had no real plan for the story aside from some some scenes I've already written... and at this point, it's just a huge bundle of lose strings I can't even grasp properly. Also my writing style has changed so much over the course of this story, that I can't even bring myself to reread the early chapters.... I hate myself for letting it come to that....
what are your writing strengths?
Thats a mean question to ask... I don't think I have a particular strength. I like writing in metaphors and I've been told I am very good in describing scenes and the emotional states and thoughts of characters... So I guess, describing is a strength of me?
what are your writing weaknesses?
TIMESKIPS! DIALOG (besides flirtations) HAVING A F*CKING PLAN FOR A STORY! I almost exclusively write one shots alone, because I just can't think of a cohesive longer plot. I am in awe of every author who knows in the beginning how many chapters the story is probably gonna have and what roughly happens in every chapter. I SUCK AT THAT. I just start writing and stop when I think it's a nice cliffhanger. And the next chapter is picking up at that cliffhanger and ..... looking where the story carries me... that's the main reason why "You don't need eyes to see" is taking so long
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Hmm... I've never written in another language than german. So I don't really have a thought on that. But I have some characters who speak fantasy made up languages, and it's really fun to write sentences and expressions that the other characters or the co author dont know. Especially if you teach them in character this made up language. So.... Its a pain in the ass to read, if you don't know the language but a lot of fun worldbuilding and dialog/character development wise in my opinion.
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
The game triology "Mass Effect" by BioWare. To this day, it's my favourite game. But I've only ever written and published one fic for that fandom, and it's not even finished.
what’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Hands down The Handmaiden . I am thinking a lot about translating it into english, because I like it so much... but the Fandom for it is pretty dead I think....
That was fun I think... Thanks for tagging me! I tag everyone who feels like it, Since the only mutuals I have here, eihter tagged me or did the game already xD
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resources that i use for my userboxes and other things that are free (with links lol) and applicable examples:
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Userbox Maker: Since we’re talking about userboxes, this one is indeed a no-brainer. The interface is easy and simple: You type the message, you change the colors, and then voila. The site doesn’t have images to add to the userbox ID square, thats up to you to put something there later.
What does it offer me?/Pros:
well, it offers you a way to make really easy userboxes with a color scheme (some are premade, others you can choose the colors) and resizeable text.
The whole ‘Use this code in the English Wikipedia’ to get the box is LOST on me completely. im savvy but im not that savvy! What i normally do is enlarge and cut it, make the background transparent, then make the edit from there for what I need. Is that illegal? Who knows.
The colors of the premade color schemes are very dull and kinda washed out/ muted. You can change the color scheme of you box manually in the hex boxes, but even then they’re not as bright as you would hope. But hey, its free, what can you do? Here’s the color hex site that I use: X and here’s a pixel art maker bc I know the kids love that: P
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LunaPic: Allows you to make transparents, flags, and other little photo edits like crop and filters. Con is that you have to have the thing you want to edit saved on your computer already, thus if you wanna do a quick edit of something in your clipboard you have to save it first aka, a hassle if you’re trying to meme
What does it offer me?/Pros:
See all those tabs right there? each one has a bunch of effects and things that go with them, so you’re bound to find something useful on the site no matter what you’re looking for, complete with sliders for easy adjustments.  There’s color tinting, watermarking, transparency, pixelations, and the list goes on. You can also draw but its no PTS if you catch my drift.
There’s a editing history at the bottom of the page for you to see what you’ve done to your image. The site automatically carries your image over to the next tool you click on (if the tool is applicable to it, such as Draw from Color Tint). This is also a con if you accidentally edit your picture to something else entirely, but the history allows you to jump back an edit.
No flash needed for a lot of them!
 The site it massive in your browser, and because of the automatic drop down when you hover, you end up getting this overlap over the category and may end up clicking what you didn’t mean to. Easy fix is zooming out to about 80% to combat the overlaps. Because of this, if you’re going to use your phone, do it in landscape mode. wont be the best experience but it gets shit done. 
site has ads but not pervasive ones. if you really dont like them, use an adblock.
For flag editing, the colors are a little rough, and require pretty damn good memory of what the right colors you want are called if you want a richer or more specific look. there is a color wheel though, which i believe is new.
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Bloggif: another photo editing site, but its hella retro  kinda. I believe the site is originally french so hey. lets you make old internet type gifs and icons, complete with glitter effects,fx effects, and even little smileys to add to your stuff.
What does it offer me/Pros:
Truth be told: not very much! There are only 20 editing tools on the site to use at your leisure, a significant downgrade from LunaPic’s 200+, but what it lacks in editing it makes up for the lovely retro feel it has. There is gif support, including deconstructing gifs if that’s your flavor, and the infamous glitter tools kids love these days! 
some of the tools actually have lots of options with them, for example, the ‘Animated smiley’ tool, which offers 16 smiley shapes, numerous little add ons, and the ability to upload your own image to edit into this ‘smiley’. There are options at the bottom for the blink speed (Rapide, Moyen, Lent, Aucun which in layman translation is Fast, Slow, Slower, Stopped). 
can support small images and larger images, but i wouldn’t recommend trying to over power the site. Here’s an example of the smiley tool in effect:
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It’s fast! And really easy. You can do it from your phone as well!There are photo collages, animated text with effects on the letters and a few other things. 
Flash not needed for all of them!
‘Swiss army knife of photo editing’ is a bit of a stretch since there are so few tools.
For smilies, there is no free placement of the little effects. They pick a spot and stay there. To layer, you have to reupload the smiley and  drop another effect. 
Just not a lot to offer, tbh...but retro! and cute!
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Blingee: ye olde blingee.com, lets you make blingees for that really early 2000s feel. TRES IMPORTANTE: to make blingees you need to set up an account (its free). You also need to use firefox (if DDG works im not sure i havent used it with that browser) and update your flash to actually make them after setting up an account. IDKY but it does not work with chrome whether you fixed your flash or not. the site gives you options to share your blingees as well, and you can also see shit from like ...2006 sksk
What does it offer me?
The ability to make blingees. What more can you want? If you’ve been online and a little tech savvy for a lot of your childhood, you may even have a blingee account still. the site is still active hasn’t updated its look for a WHILE, but it’s a pleasing site to look at.
Variety is of the essence here, as there are more than just blingees to create. There are internet postcards and stamps as well, with lots of little effects to add like sparkles and glitter and backgrounds of your problematic kins. 
it’s cute ahaha <3
G-D FORBID YOU LOSE YOUR PASSWORD!! I believe there is a bug right now that won’t let you sign up, even though the FAQ claims that you don’t need an account to make blingees (you very much do!!). I have emailed about the process of logging in after you reset your password and if there is a wait period until you can log in again, and I’m still waiting for a response. I also told them about the signing up part. I’ll update later...
You need flash. Flash is leaving soon :(
Pretty damn confusing to use actually. So much so you wonder if it’s worth the trouble... 
Honestly its a very archaic site, would recommend using Bloggif frfr
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Glitterfly: it’s glitter. its a lot of glitter. Theres 50 cent glitter images on this site. It’s legit.
What does it offer me?/Pros:
Glitter. And lots of things to put glitter on. And i mean A LOT!
Allows you to upload a picture to throw glitter on. 
The jonas brothers are here. and camp rock.
Make glitter words, change their color, and roll that sucker in some sparkles!
askjhdjasf theres a tab to make??? a fucking PIMP CXARD/???JKHFSK (its just an american express black card stock image with a fake number on it)
my G-d is it ugly. So much purple....
use an adblock
Not a lot of glitter effect options or color options for the words
No way to get rid of the watermark at the bottom, but what’s a little credit?
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FOR NOW that’s about it! For some artwork, I use either my own drawings or images that I just...have on my phone or free cliparts that fit the topic. Uh...that’s all, goodbye!
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evelynstarshine · 4 years
digimon series idea
Digimon:NAME virus Name is idk enough japanese to come up with the name of the company, imagine a japanese word in the place of NAME. There is a corporation, called NAME, Five kids who’s parents work at NAME are friends, not close friends but they know each other, they have different relationships with their parents, two are siblings. Some parents focus on work others you know, diversity of parent-child relationship. One day those kids, are sucked into the Digiworld, but not the digiworld, the Digiworld that exists within the closed server of the NAME corporation servers.
Trapped in the NAME Digiworld, they explore, meet digimon and form bonds gaining digipartners. The kids can see, in the sky what their parents are doing at work sometimes, or hear their parents voices, the parents discuss how the kids are missing, some are distraught others focus on work to like, hold off the emotions, but to the kid that just seems like, oh youve forgotten me.
The first arc is just, surviving in the NAME digiworld, finding food/water, escaping scary digimon, learning to camp. And dealing with the, oh our parents.Sometimes the land they are standing on will move or change as their parents move a file between folders, finish a document or etc. The work their parents do effects the digiworld. Occasionally they run into digimon who are vaccines and think they dont belong in the server so fight them, as well as fighting viruses and just trouble maker digimon and stuff.
The second arc is trying to escape and get home. They can’t. They find a place where they can see another digiworld, one inhabited by the digimon we know from the other shows. This is the internet, they are on a closed server though so cant get there (YET) This arc ends with, OH NO THE FOLDER THEY ARE ON IS BEING DELETED, they have to escape onto another folder/location within the NAME digiworld.
The third arc is, ‘when our parents delete a folder, move or change the digiworld, thats wrong. Digimon, die or have their lives ruined, families broken up! Children taken from there parents thats wrong!’ what can we do to stop that? To stop a region being deleted or moved, you have to corrupt it. THey find the solution is for their digipartners to digivole into.. a VIRUS, so you can corrupt the server functions and protect the digiworld from the input of the parents!
This gets, the parents work not working so the parents install anti-virus software.. which creates powerful digimon and sends them to hunt down and destroy.. the kids and their digipartners!
So you have this dynamic where, there is no big bad who is evil, the kids are ‘fighting against’ their parents work, and theres like emotional layers and junks, but also the escalation is bigger and bigger bad guys, but, the kids who have come to care about the digiworld fighting to protect it against, the functions of the server aka the parents using it for work., So like, the bad guys theyre fighting are Vaccines and are all light themed and stuff. Maybe even ones from the other shows who were good guys!
At the end of the season they shut down the anti-virus software and all input from the computers, protecting the NAME digiworld and then escape from the server into the internet into the Digiworld Digiworld, in the real world we see from the parents perspective that the NAME computer system has been ‘destroyed’ by a virus and a news station talks about how a virus, now known as the NAME virus has taken out their systems and escaped online. It’s the kids who are now that the NAME digiworld is safe trying to find a way through the internet back into the real world.
 Lost in a chaotic internet digiworld, the kids try and find their way home. Hunted by vaccines who want to destroy them, and viruses who want to absorb them alike, and now running into digimon adventure type bad guys as well, they search across the digiworld for a way home. Parents side of story is now unknown as they cant hear or see them anymore, eventually they work out how to send messages to their parents which at first their parents dont believe and think is someone mocking them but eventually they exchange messages but in a short form or it can only be emojis or idk, theres limitations.
 Digimon stuff happens At the end they defeat some super vaccine or something that was going to purge the internet of unused data (digimon) and then use its data to get home to the real world or something? It’s been acouple years and they arrive and find their parents and stuff.
basically i just think it would be cool if the kids were fighting not against super evil digimon, but. the functions of the computer they trapped inside and then fight against those functions so much the system goes oh a virus and starts hunting them?
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okay so who do you think is better at using technology
interesting question. i think theyre both okay? i mean Alec has to know how to use technology because a lot of institute shit relies on that, and Magnus keeps up to date with technology and stuff ("im centuries old and even i think it's outdated", plus he's just a curious guy who loves science and inventing like of course he likes seeing the new things that are created. i dont think he's a Tech Guy in the sense that he keeps up with models and whatnot because they are mostly just bullshit thats all the same and only updates to make more money for companies. but when there's an actual new invention, he's all for that stuff. i think he'd keep up more with the indie stuff, because that's a lot more interesting and these guys actually care about it. also! im super fascinated by the way magic and technology can interact. but anyway), plus he has broad interests and likes new stuff. also well sometimes the Hyperfocus™ hits and he's just learning everything there is to know about microchips, it be like that sometimes
but also i think Alec is better at like. figuring out how to use programs and stuff than the internet? like he's always used technology for purely practical reasons, it's not like he had Facebook or like dumbass shadowhunters know how to Google shit (i mean to be fair its not like they can find out stuff about the downworld on Google but you get what i mean). like he's basically using to the specific institute programs and interface and thats it
so to figure out other programs or start learning about stuff that's just supposed to be fun or for daily life (like idk, grocery list apps or something) it takes him a while, esp because shadowhunter apps were probably all designed/developed in pretty much the same way, so anything that follows another model takes him a while. also, he does Not know internet etiquette and shortcuts. at all. like he's totally the guy who goes to the URL bar, types in google.com manually, goes to the search bar, types in "what is the meaning of (word)" and then clicks on the search button manually. and magnus is like. SCREAMING. or who signs off texts no matter how many times Magnus tells him that he has his contact saved and Alec doesn't need to fucking sign his texts for fucjk's sake Alexander I'm begging yuo-
Magnus on the other hand knows these kinds of things and is pretty used to a lot of different interfaces and stuff because again ADHD like he gets Bored and just downloads a bunch of shit and uses it and then deletes it. but also he's unused to using technology for the more basic stuff because like, he has magic, so why bother? so there are certain things that he doesn't know how to do, mostly the ones Alec is good at. so that's good because together they are a full technology-knowledgeable person. I'm so proud
also this is making me imagine alec and magnus together both kind of hunched over a computer trying to figure out how to do something, and magnus has that little face wrinkle and alec is staring intensely at the screen and theyre both just concentrating so hard and figuring it out together and putting together that puzzle piece with their combined talents. so that's cute
jdndusnsjsnsjns i ended up enjoying this ask a lot thank u
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theroguefeminist · 4 years
Sorry to bother you but could you explain more how to develop the skill of explaining things like technology and science to other people? I think metacognotion skills is thinking about thinking right? I sometimes have difficulty explaining random things I learn on the internet to my mother. She is better at some tech stuff than average. You dont have too if its too much emotional labour or something. Sometimes I get too excited when explaining something and use too much jargon
No worries, this is something I am currently studying and working on as a beginning teacher. I think I would say teaching is probably more accurately a series of skills you build on rather than one single skill.
Empathy is one component - and I don’t mean empathy as in “I care how others feel” but cognitive empathy as in “I can conceptualize this other person’s perspective and thought process.” So the very basic level of cognitive empathy is one thing that is unique to humans: a cat can’t understand that if you stepped on its tail you did it on accident because it doesn’t know how to consider your intention. All it knows is you stepped on its tail and that hurt. This is also why a cat will hide behind a coat hanging on the wall with its tail sticking out: it can’t see you so it assumes you can’t see it. It literally doesn’t know how to view the situation from another vantage point. 
When you teach someone something you have to start imagining the situation from the point of view of someone who doesn’t know things that you know. But that’s a lot more advanced than me understanding that someone can see me if my hand is sticking out of my hiding place. It’s a similar type of cognition, though. What does a sheet of text look like to someone who doesn’t know a high percentage of the words? What does a scientific phenomenon seem like to someone who doesn’t know concepts like “chemical reaction” very well?
Once you establish cognitive empathy, you also need effective communication to bridge the gap in understanding. The cat doesn’t know my thought process, but I can understand that the cat’s cognition is different from mine. I know that I can’t just tell a cat to do something with sophisticated language, but I have to use a certain tone of voice or gesture or sound or possibly a key word (i.e. “time for TREATS” in a high pitched voice and shaking a box of treats and making sounds to call it over versus saying, “let us partake in supper this fine evening, my feline friend” when I’ve never said anything like this before.)
Anyone you teach who lacks knowledge you have is going to need you to translate your knowledge and thoughts into a form of communication they understand. For my students, if I use an advanced word like “invalidate” I have to define this word for them. If I’m explaining a concept to them, I can only use concepts they already know. If I give examples to explain what I mean, they need to be examples that they are familiar with or would understand (i.e. maybe I’ll reference Pokemon or refer to something we already covered in the past).
Of course, you can’t read people’s minds and you can’t always know exactly what another person knows and doesn’t know. So it’s a good idea to assess the person’s pre-existing knowledge on a topic. You can also build on their “funds of knowledge” which is knowledge of other subjects and their cultural background which you can make connections to when you teach them about a less familiar subject. For example, when I taught my students about mindfulness, I first checked to see if they even knew what mindfulness was. Most of them didn’t. Then I asked them what words inside “mindfulness” they recognized (they said “mind” and “mindful”) and I asked them what they thought mindful meant and they said “being aware,” “having empathy,” “noticing your environment,” etc. This helped me introduce to them the concept--and they actually did most of the work. Most people have prior knowledge that can help them understand a new subject, and you can help them make those connections.
They also may learn differently depending on their learning style: Some people may learn better with a “how to” video on youtube, other people learn better with written instructions or an article, and some people might need you to physically guide them through a task, etc. So one thing you can do is see if your mom understands better if you also refer her to an article or a video or by demonstrating for her on the computer etc.
All of this is metacognition to an extent because, like you said, it’s thinking about thinking: you have to think about your own thought process and the other person’s thought process and figure out how to bridge the gap between the two through communication.
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authorkimberlygrey · 5 years
Shitty Things Nobody Tells You About (Self) Publishing And How To Deal With Them
This isn’t in my usual style because I got tired of trying to do the paragraphs thing. 
fuck that I think in bullet points and curse words, y’all can deal with it. 
There’s a readmore a bit further down because this it got long don’t worry. 
It's Expensive
When you self-publish, you are becoming your own publishing company. 
you have to pay for everything
Marketing shit
fifteen billion other things. 
There are places that you can get services for cheap but you gotta be careful about that cause you might just get what you pay for. tbh I dont’ have much advice on this, its just a thing you’re gonna have to figure out, sorry. 
Everyone wants a piece of the pie
The shittier members of your friends, family, and community will probably try to horn in on your hard work
“Am I in the dedications?” 
“Am I in the book?” 
“Can I have a free copy?” 
etc. etc. 
fuck these people, you don’t need that shit. 
you just wrote a whole ass book, go you! 
they don’t get to take away from that. 
Shitty businesses definitely will try to horn in on your hard work
you will get messages
and emails 
and offers 
and followers 
Fuck those guys
fuck them so hard. 
It may be tempting because they’ll sound nice and shit
but listen to me: 
The reason they’re trying to get you to come to them is that nobody else is and they want to prey on your assumed inexperience. 
because the reason nobody is coming for them is that they are shitty. They are so shitty. 
I have gotten three messages from a company called Doran 
They are very professional, pretty messages
I have my very own publishing consultant. 
Doran has a total of 1.8 stars on google ratings. 
Block these fuckers immediately 
Do not pass go, do not give them the 200 dollars that they are asking for. 
Fuck them. 
Again, you wrote a whole ass book
they haven’t done shit. 
They don’t get to horn in on your hard work. 
tell them to fuck off
I’m putting the rest of this stuff under the cut because it got too long and I don't want to obliterate y’all’s dashes.
Post-Publication Depression
 Not everyone deals with it
Some lucky assholes get to feel accomplished and happy 
But you’re not gonna know until you get there 
keep an eye on that shit 
I’m not fucking joking here y’all 
this is shitty. 
Nobody talks about it because Ya Gotta Keep Up The Happy Author Image 
But fuck that, I’m not letting yall trip facefirst into this shit unprepared. 
You might feel like nobody cares about you, about your book, about anything. 
You may feel like you’ll never write anything again 
You may feel like what you have written is a shitty, shitty pile of steaming garbage and you are doomed to die cold and alone in the night
You may miss the world and the characters and feel like they’ve died and taken a part of you with them
You may feel a billion different shitty things and it sucks so bad my friends
You just did like several solid months of stressful shit at the very least. 
You are a rubber band and you have just been stretched to the limit and unleashed against the unforgiving back of the head of reality by some dumb fuck kid who’s supposed to be paying attention in class. 
But look at me: It's not gonna be here forever
There are always people who care for real
You will write again and it will be awesome
What you wrote is awesome, no matter how many imperfections you may see in it right now. 
The world and characters are with you always. There is literally nothing stopping you from continuing to write shit with them. or even just daydreaming shit. They are yours and the world cannot take them from you. 
You will get through this, it may take a week, or a month, or longer and it may be shitty that whole time 
but it will end. And you’ll make it through. 
My advice?: 
Get a support system
Tell them that this is a thing
Have them check in on you 
Don’t try to do this alone because you don’t have to. 
It's Difficult to Find Information
Remember that part where I talked about how everyone wants to horn in on your hard work? 
It is entirely possible that I’m just shit at researching but all of the videos, articles, and free PDFs that I found fell into one or both of these categories: 
Either they’re from a publishing company that wants to discourage you from self-publishing so that they can publish your book for you. 
fuck you, pocket guide to publishing
Or for some godforsaken reason, its full of utterly useless fluff to give it length or to cover up the fact that the creator doesn’t actually know what the fuck they’re talking about
The thing you need
if its there
will be one sentence long and buried somewhere in all the fluff somewhere in the middle-end of the thing
fuck if you’ll ever find it though. 
What I recommend is that you find a publishing mentor
Someone who’s been through this shit and can give you the short answer instead of letting you sit in front of your computer crying because you just need to know what button to push what the fuck
Again, maybe I’m just really shitty at research, but still 
publishing mentor
good shit
crying over ingramspark’s shitty, shitty website design:
bad shit
shoutout to @brynwrites for answering my neverending stream of questions when I finally gave up trying to find the information on the internet or on ingramspark
do not look for things on ingramspark 
just dont’
there is no logic or organization to that hellhole. 
the blog posts may have promising titles 
but the information you want is probably buried in the middle of a tangentially related article 
the rest of the internet isn’t much better tbh. 
Its Easy To Get Lost In The Crowd
There is a metric fuckton of books out there
and another two fucktons of WIPs 
because none of us writeblrs seem to have an attention span longer than two chapters before we get distracted by a shiny new idea
you know I’m right
People on tumblr are shitty in general at reblogging shit despite that being the point of the website
you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink 
People on writeblr are really busy with their heads stuffed up their own WIPs and they tend not to notice other shit
we’re all guilty of it, its fine
but it can be depressing
its not personal tho
What ya gotta do is make friends
yes, I am literally telling you to believe in the Power of Friendship.
You gotta make yourself an apocalypse survival group my pals
You and yours on the wild seas of greater indifference
it’ll be great 
All that matters is the people that matter 
Fuck everyone else or you’re gonna be crying yourself to sleep for the rest of your life
nobody wants that. 
Post-Publication Depression
I’ve cried myself to sleep more nights in the last two weeks than I have ever since I was hella depressed in high school
-100/10 would recommend
but I forgot to opt out of this subscription
this shitty, shitty subscription. 
God I’m so tired. 
Btw I’m going on hiatus for like a week after this last giveaway ends
Its been twelve days since Ascendant was published but it feels like a god damn month
fuck this shit I’m out
see y’all later
P.S please reblog the last giveaway or someth if you want a book. 
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