#i don't know if the original even worked but it def doesn't now
fractoluminescence · 2 years
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Don't ask how the machine works. Let's just say it's ✨magic✨
Made for a fellow Bleach fan's birthday :3
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biscuitdolly · 6 months
skincare recommendations ♡
note: i have very dry skin and don't suffer from acne or oily skin. these products worked for me, but may not work for everyone!
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avocado nourishing hydration mask by kiehl's ୨୧
this stuff literally changed my life!! my skin was literally so smooth and texture-less after using it??? originally i had gotten this as a freebe in a small test bottle, i was a little grossed out at the texture of it at first (as i had never used a face mask before), but i'm so glad i used it!! 10/10 would recommend!!
beauty of joseon products ୨୧
out of all their products, i would personally recommend:
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♡ ginseng essense water
almost acts as a toner but without a lot of the harsher acids. fun fact, Hwang Jini, known as 'the most beautiful woman in the Joseon Dynasty', used ginseng root water whilst bathing! ginseng is a herb that has long been used in Korea as a natural way to supply moisture to the skin. this product helped even out my skin tone so much!
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♡ green plum refreshing cleanser
my favourite cleanser everr!! doesn't leave my skin dry after , i swear my skin looked so dewy after using it!! has an almost minty fresh feel to it! i was a little worried about using it at first, as it has a slightly acidic formula , but i'm so glad i tried it!!
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♡ red bean refreshing pore mask
cleaned out the excess sebum i had on my chin! it doesn't dry fully so it didn't strip the moisture from my skin either, my face looked so much brighter after i used it !
Korean skincare  🔛 🔝 !!
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innisfree products ୨୧
now, i feel some of innisfree's products are a tad bit overrated , BUT i still love thier products none the less! their face masks are super cheap and affordable , i love the dewy rose one. their green tea range is super good too! i LOVE their lip products as well.
i haven't tried their cherry blossom range , and while it is super pretty, a lot of people have been saying that it either dried their skin out or broke them out, so maybe avoid that just in case. (if anyone has purchased it i would love to hear what you think in the comments!) remember, just because the packaging is pretty doesn't mean it's good !!
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rose water ୨୧
u can make this at home or buy it , (let me know if you want a recipe for homemade rose water!) i have one by natio and it leaves my skin super soft and hydrated! (i love natio entire rosewater collection, i would def recommend checking it out!!)
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face sunscreen by mecca cosmetica ୨୧
approved by the cancer council aus !! never gotten sun burnt when i use it, and it doesn't feel greasy at all, nor dry out my skin !
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lovelyney · 1 year
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CHARACTERS. . . mark heathcliff, cesar torres, adam murray, jonah marshall
GENRE. . . headcanons
WARNINGS. . . my clear favoritism of Jonah BHAHSHS.
BAKER’s NOTE. . . these aren’t my best work ‹//3 sorry there’s not too much either, LMFAHSJDK. if i think of more, i’ll def add them! ):
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Mark didn't really initiate the relationship at first, not being all that interested in what relationships had in store.
however, he quickly grew fond of you, and Cesar highly encouraged him to ask you out! and that he did...
𖠵𝟎𝟐: he isn't a very touchy person, but he doesn't reject the idea, either. if you want to cuddle, he'll happily do so, but you have to be the one to initiate it.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: you happened to be a big stress reliever for this man! whenever he feels stressed or overwhelmed, he'll plop himself on top of you and ask if you can rant about something so he can listen to you talk.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: he's always been slightly protective over you regarding getting yourself hurt. when the idea of alternates came out, god, that was multiplied by 100,000.
he would not let you go almost anywhere by yourself. (at least out in public). he'd eye anyone you'd be talking to, trying to figure out if they were an alternate.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: he's a silent lover; he shows he loves you with smaller actions rather than big ones.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: it doesn't take much to make him happy romantically. as long as you're safe and unharmed, that's all that really matters to him.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: isn't much for PDA, but he'll hold your hand everywhere to ensure that you don't wander off anywhere.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: takes really good care of you! especially when you're sick or injured. he'll stress heavily over either one ‹/3 the boy just wants you to be healthy. he doesn't mind either, one of his favorite things to do is take care of you.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: makes sure to check on you regularly to see how you're feeling, physically and mentally; this was heightened after MAD came out.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: has always felt a little awkward around you, given how much he likes you. he sometimes shyly links your pinkies, hoping you'll get the memo that he wants to hold your hand.
for some reason, he won’t directly ask you when he wants affection…
𖠵𝟏𝟏: isn't too big on pet names, but he'll occasionally call you “baby/babe” or “sweetheart.”
𖠵𝟏𝟐: steal all of his hoodies!1!1 i guarantee you he has thousands. he finds you super cute in them anyways, especially if you’re smaller than him so that you drown in them. (he won't admit that, though).
𖠵𝟏𝟑: a really good cook! he always makes sure you’re eating well and enough ‹3
𖠵𝟏𝟒: one of his favorite things to do is run his fingers through your hair or even brush it if you let him ‹//3
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: starting off with alive Cesar. he was more loud with his love! almost the complete opposite of Mark, really.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: a pretty big hopeless romantic, i'd imagine. he loved to take you out on really romantic dates. it doesn't matter if it was a big occasion or not.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: he'd boast on and on about how much he loves you to Mark ‹/3
𖠵𝟎𝟒: a big cuddle bug! he loved to be attached to your hip no matter where you went. he'd hold your hand without meaning to, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: would bring you home the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find and/or afford.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: each and every morning, you'd either wake up to: (A) Cesar literally on top of you or (B) you suffocated in his chest from him pulling you so close.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Cesar liked to call you “baby,” “mariposa,” and “(my) love!”
𖠵𝟎𝟖: we all know he's a family man ‹/3 he was so excited to start a family and get married. starts crying
𖠵𝟎𝟗: loved to pick clothes out for you and choose your outfits.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: now, let's move on to alternate Cesar...
these apply to the theory/headcanon that any human who gets turned into an alternate still has their original features/personalities from their human self and has at least a silver of their dignity left. (@/hornyforgothdick headcanon.)
𖠵𝟏𝟏: he's a lot more withdrawn because he's scared he's going to hurt you accidentally.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: watches over you very intently while you sleep, making sure nothing (meaning any other alternates/intruders) gets inside your house.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: was very against the idea of affection, being incredibly not used to it (as an alternate). however, you've found out that giving him affection helps calm him down and keep his sanity intact — well... whatever's left of it anyways.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: grimaces at literally anyone else but you, given his nature of being an alternate. for that reason, you prefer he stays at home.
however, he despises the idea of you going out alone because he can't be there to protect you.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: i can't decide whether or not he'd tell Gabriel of you because he wants to make it abundantly clear that you should not, no matter the circumstances, be harmed by his or any other alternates hands or because he fears that Gabriel would purposefully try and target you.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Adam is fairly similar to Mark when it comes to romance. although he more actively sought it out.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Jonah noticed the way he kept staring at you and kept nagging him to confess because “it’s honestly sickening the way you look at them.”
Jonah was actually the one who gave you Adam’s number, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: he's infatuated with you and doesn't hear the end of it from Jonah and Sarah.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: you catch him staring at you with the most lovesick eyes like 24/7 and when asking why he says, “can’t a guy bask in his lover’s beauty?”
𖠵𝟎𝟓: one to hold your hand or have his on your thigh while he's driving.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: felt horrible he had to stop taking you out in public when he became wanted ‹//3
𖠵𝟎𝟕: protested against the idea of you getting involved with his work because god forbid something happen to you under his control...
you normally stayed in the car with Jonah, while he goes inside the houses. (always glaring at him to not try anything, LMFAO).
𖠵𝟎𝟖: gave you one of his hoodies that he adores seeing you in!!! it's because it's a soft reminder that you're his lover and not someone elses ‹//3
𖠵𝟎𝟗: “baby/babe” and “princess/prince.”
𖠵𝟏𝟎: you were the first one he quite literally ran to after his and Jonah's last mission. he clung to you days afterward.
you, however, didn't know what to make of the situation. how were you supposed to know that this Adam was YOUR Adam?
𖠵𝟏𝟏: keeps you closely knitted at his side whenever you two are out together; he wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: sorry y'all, there's no meeting his (actual) parents ‹//3
𖠵𝟏𝟑: the type to get angry-worried at you if you put yourself in front of harm's way. )):
𖠵𝟏𝟒: he knows he probably doesn't deserve you, which terrifies him. he's scared that you're randomly gonna get up and leave one day or that the alternates are going to target you to get to him; you are his one and only weakness.
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𖠵𝟎𝟎: LET'S GOOOO MY MANNNN!!! 👹👹 ‼️‼️‼️
𖠵𝟎𝟏: Jonah is 100% your number one hypeman. he's ready to cheer for you on just about anything.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: he always tried to 'subtly' flirt with you before you started dating, thinking he sounded calm and confident. nine times out of ten, he got nervous and stumbled over his words ‹/3
𖠵𝟎𝟑: would not shut up about you to Adam or Sarah.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: a touchy person! he loves to be holding onto you in one way or another. he's basically a koala.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: likes to drag you along on their ghost-hunting uhhh expeditions; Adam doesn't mind because you normally keep him out of trouble, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: loves whenever you run your fingers through his hair! (and he has a lots of it)!
𖠵𝟎𝟕: whenever he gets scared of like... uncertain of something, he'll always pull you protectively at his side.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Jonah probably calls you every pet name in the book, but the most common ones are “baby/babe,” “(my) princess/prince,” and “doll.”
𖠵𝟎𝟗: whenever Adam leaves to investigate the houses, most of the time, Jonah takes that time to make out with you ‹//3
𖠵𝟏𝟎: is the person to go "shh!" whenever you're trying to sleep, and people are being too noisy.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: quite the jealous and protective boyfriend. however, he trusts Adam enough not to be around him.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: has like 10,000 Polaroid pictures of you; he keeps one on him at all times.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: kisses your palms before pressing them against his cheeks, relishing in your touch.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: flirts/compliments you juuust to see you smile or blush.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: squeals very loudly whenever he sees you wearing his clothes.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: boasts about you like he's your mom, LMFAOAOS.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: would throw himself in front of danger if it meant protecting you.
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© loveloxcked ― please do not reupload or publish my work anywhere else
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taeraeszn · 1 year
can i request zb1 as love languages? thank you so much!
ps i LoVE your writing.. thank you for making my day
zb1 as love languages
hi luv! thank you for requesting <3 tbh i thought this request was very cute when i first saw it and now that i have time to write it, i'm so excited!!!
also thank you for your kind words!! it makes me so happy to know that people love my writings!
warnings: food mentioned but no more from what i saw but pls lmk if there is any!
btw these are all just my thoughts PLS don't attack me if we don't have the same thoughts. these are just what i pulled out from my brain so i apologize if it's similar to what other writers have posted on here.
kim jiwoong - gifts
idk about you guys but i think jiwoong is DEF the guy who'll gift you so many things when you two are dating
like your just heading to a cafe and he's outside waiting with a bouquet in his hands
most of them you don't even ask for, he just offers you them but you can't decline them either since he'll ignore you and hand you them anyways
i also think that for very special occasions like anniversaries and such he'll think carefully of what to give to you then make it the biggest reveal ever
^like maybe a ring or necklace!!
like bro is going all out for you
with every gift he gives, their for a reason, and that's what makes you love him so much <3
yeah i just love jiwoong so much guys <3
rest of the members under the cut!
zhang hao - acts of service
hao definitely loves giving acts of services that may seem small to others but are actually so thoughtful and considerate
say there's a day where you come home from a long day and the house is literally spotless bc hao offered to clean it, thinking you were mostly likely tired
and this could also be like him helping you with something so you're not struggling alone!!
he's just your little helper and you love it!!
not just that but he'll always talk to you when your feeling down and listen to whatever you have to say and try to make the situatio better
in general, having hao in your life helps everything become so much easier with his presence
and you're always thankful for everything he does <3
sung hanbin - words of affirmation
fun fact this one was the first one i thought of when i saw this request lol
and seeing how he originally wanted to be a therapist really shows this
you can just tell he cares about what others have to say and he listens to them with full attention
and same goes for you!! i think everyday he'll remind you of how amazing you are and how much he loves you just because
sometimes he'll even send a text or two reminding you that he loves you deeply
and whenever you come home, he'll remind you that you did well and worked your hardest!!
idk im squealing writing this, ALSO HAPPY EARLY BDAY HANBIN!!!! <3
seok matthew - physical touch
i was pondering between this option and gifts but idk after seeing how affectionate matt is with some of the members i chose this one!
i think matthew just loves hugging you or holding your hand
like in public he will REFUSE to let go of your hand bc he doesn't want to lose you in the crowd
as well, i think matthew would also give you sweet kisses on the forehead and lips, reminding you once again of how much he loves you
idk maybe i'm thinking ahead on this because this is my love language lol
and whenever you two are sitting together he'll just casually rest his hand on your thigh to ensure that he's right there
and though he claims that he wants to be woohyun oppa, he's still your cute little matthew through his physical affection
in the end he's clingy and you love it!!
kim taerae - quality time
i chose this since a lot of the trainees on bp said that taerae would bring his guitar with him and just chill with the trainees
i think he'd also do the same with you!!
like his stay that was supposed to be only twenty minutes ends up becoming 2 hours since he keeps singing songs for you and just wanting to be by your side
and out of the blue he'll just message you and say that he wants to be with you
or he'll just sit on facetime with you for hours on end while studying and not say much, only because he wants you to be with him
you are his favourite person to be with and he will always show that through his quality of time
especially seeing how in the taerae he went to each member's room to see how their doing, idk man that just did things to me
best boy kim taerae
shen ricky - words of affirmation
i was torn between this and acts of service tbh but i think woa suits ricky so well
like hanbin, he'd always remind you of how much you mean to him as a partner and never make you second guess his feelings for you
he's quite literally the perfect boyfriend ever!!
as well, he'll also encourage you to do what you think is right whenever your talking with him and give you great advice for situations
not only that but i believe that ricky would remember small things you mentioned in the past and bring it up again to remind you of how much he actually listens to you
and at night he'd casually slide in a text or voice chat that tells you that he loves you forever and always <3
idk mane ricky is just literal perfection!!
kim gyuvin - physical touch
anyone who says no is lying to themselves
gyuvin LOVES affection especially seeing how he literally adores yujin by touching his face 24/7 and being close with his other members!!
and as your boyfriend, gyuvin would quite literally do the same to you
just always touching your face to kiss you gently
his arms always wrapped around you to keep you near him at all times along with a few sweet hugs
^also he never lets go of your hands
even when your sitting down he'll casually intertwine your fingers together
but you love it sm since it reminds you that gyuvin adores you dearly <3
park gunwook - acts of service
idk about you guys but this just makes total sense to me
as a class president in school, gunwook probably has lots of experience helping others
for you he'd always want to offer a helping hand
you text him that your bored at home and one second later he's at your door with food
or when your sick he takes time off of studying to take care of you despite you telling him that he doesn't have to
even small things such as you saying your thirsty leads to him running to the vending machine to grab you a drink
he goes out of his way to pretty much do everything for you
you always thank him for his help but he plays it off as what every partner should do <3
han yujin - gifts
originally i was thinking another one but after seeing him gift ricky those figurines with the box and matthew with the protein bars, i had to choose this
he genuinely thought out those gifts well which makes me :"")
for you, he'd consider everything he gives you carefully, thinking of what you've been wanting and telling him about
and for each birthday of yours, your always surprised at how thought out each gift is
and the times when you express wanting an item, he goes out to buy it for you right away, packing it nicely for you
i also think his gifts would have a cute note on it!!
he always prioritizes you and rejects your offers to buy him something
i know yujin is still very young so i think this suits him very well
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Follow up to my silly little Vees in Heaven AU that I might as well keep developing because people seem to like it lmao. This is my basic idea of how each of them individually would react to ending up in Heaven :)
Vox: Would probably behave like a normal person the longest because A; being in Heaven for an extended period of time could offer some Business Opportunites and B; he cares about his image so fucking much, and given that he was probably pretty well known while he was alive I don't think he'd want the people of Heaven knowing about all the evil business man shit like, at all. Though the monotony of Heaven would ABSOLUTELY drive him up the fucking walls. Nothing ever happens there. He can barely even network because Heaven doesn't have anything even RESEMBLING the overlord system down in Hell, there's no rank mobility for mortal souls. And that's assuming Sera even lets him DO anything because sinners ascending at all is a pretty fuckin new concept and she would at the very LEAST want to keep the news from spreading until she figures out what the fuck is going on. Either way it's not like he can do much because oh god what would PURPOSEFULLY going back to Hell do to his reputation!?!? He's stuck between a rock and a hard place and hating every second of it, but hey at least he can try to. Get some Heaven shit for Voxtech. And his head probably(?) isn't a TV anymore-
Velvette: Lasts for a couple months(or however long it takes her to get whatever information/materials she deems useful) before she starts causing problems on purpose. Think Respectless x100. It's even worse cause Sera has absolutely no experience dealing with this kinda shit. It's also terrible for Vel because nothing she's doing is getting her sent back down! As much as Sera wants to, she has to keep the "sinners ascending" thing contained until she figures out wtf is going on, which means no going back to Hell until Sera can discuss things with HER higher ups, which based off of how little Sera seems to know abt how Heaven works just. In general. Is probably nigh impossible. So Velvette's just stuck in Heaven, constantly attempting whatever she could possibly do to go back to Hell. Probably starts off small like just pissing Sera off on purpose every way she can, insulting people, etc because she also doesn't wanna do anything bad enough to get herself like. Executed or some shit. But as time presses on and shit just keeps Not Working she keeps upping the anti until she's wracked up several counts of arson and is being held in the closest thing Heaven has to a prison. Which she'll probably find ways to cause problems from there too Idk.
Valentino: He's in Heaven for like 5 seconds and then immediately just
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Its like having Adam back only he's Worse and Does Not Want To Be Here.
Now I would like to note, all of this is very dependant on whatever plot points might be happening around them? Cause like I said in the original post there's def a lot of Heaven/Hell drama going on in the background that would definitely effect the plot of the AU, but I don't really know. What that is yet. Because it means doing more world building hcs then I am mentally equipped to make rn. So for now these are just what I think their ✨general reactions✨ would be + a stupid doodle of Val I did last night.
Also I need a name for this AU. My only real idea is Heavenly Vees? But that feels kinda basic idk. Maybe HeavenVee? Idk-
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matan4il · 4 months
That CUPE poster is fake. I don't know why someone would try to frame a Canadian workers union like that, but that is NOT the kind of thing they post, ever. They are in support of minorities and deal with Canadian issues and working conditions, not international conflict. And they would absolutely NEVER make a horrific poster like that. See for yourself: instagram . com/cupeontario/ and instagram . com/cupe_scfp/ and they're on Twitter and stuff too. The pixelatedness of that poster speaks to how fake it is too, none of their other material looks anything like that. And while Fred Hahn has posted/retweeted some stuff about the conflict on his twitter, he has never posted anything inflammatory like that and the reply of his that is in the screenshot is replying to something completely different.
Hi Anon,
I'm gonna reply to you and to the following ask together.
https://www.tumblr.com/matan4il/742531713829404672 This is a faked image; CUPE may have problematic opinions, but it doesn't help anyone to falsify atrocious posters when the reality should be more than enough.
Here's the post in question, showing a poster with the photo of Shani Lock's stripped, raped and murdered body being kidnapped into Gaza. The poster has CUPE's logo, as well as a text that legitimizes the Oct 7 massacre. CUPE, as mentioned above, is a Candian workers union.
Here are the links to the two IG accounts of CUPE from the first ask. To fthe first anon, you're right that the poster in question does not currently appear on either, you're wrong that they don't touch upon international conflict, they def weighed in on this one (more on that later in my reply).
The poster does use the pink filter and the CUPE logo with the right font, but it's true that someone skilled enough with photoshop can fake that. At the same time, if that person was good enough to be able to copy that well CUPE's visuals, I doubt they would be "exposed" through pixelation, so rather than proof of photoshopping, the pixelation seems to be a result of zooming in on the poster to show just a part of Shani's body along with the text. That would make the pic appear pixelated, and then a screenshot was taken that way.
So far, I would say nothing's conclusive one way or another. The poster isn't on the IG accounts, but it could have been there and deleted, or could have been posted on another social media site to begin with, the visuals being the right ones doesn't prove anything, and neither does the pixelation. BUT since I noticed the dialogue about the poster seemed to have taken place on Twitter, I went to have a look there.
I found the post where someone quote retweeted Fred Hahn, asking him about that Oct 7 poster, along with Hahn's reply that CUPE had nothing to do with it, and then he added the false accusation of genocide, telling people to "focus" (because apparently Jewish pain is never the main focus, not even when we talk about the Holocaust, which is the term for the genocide of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis... there's a reason I mention this, I'll get back to it later). I will keep my mouth shut about how many ignorant, antisemitic, anti-Israel tweets I had to see as I was scrolling in order to get to the relevant one, I'll just say that workers unions that want to be safe for Jewish workers as well should do better than that, including when the heads of these unions post on their "personal" accounts (since they're not posting as a private person, they're posting as the head of said union). Here's the exchange, dated Feb 14:
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But the person who challenged Fred Hahn did mention where this poster was supposedly originally shared:
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Apparently, CUPE has local branches, with numbers, and each has their own Twitter account, so I went to CUPE 3906, and went all the way back to their tweets around Oct 7. Needless to say, this official account is full of anti-Israel, antisemitic propaganda, too. Now around the relevant date, what does their timeline look like? There's one last pre-war tweet on Oct 6, a general anti-colonial one re-tweeted on Oct 7 (even though the timing makes the context obvious, the wording doesn't explicitly mention either Israel or Gaza), and then the next, VERY interesting tweet is on Oct 11. Here's the relevant segment (obviously the tweets appear with the latest at the top, older below):
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Here is that Oct 11 tweet, which is a statement made in response to backlash they got for a tweet that they say was "made in solidarity with Palestinians."
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Only the first paragraph is truly relevant, but the last one is also telling. "As the death toll rises," they said, just a day after Israel's counter action started, and while Israel was still counting its dead from the deadliest day in the history of this conflict, and the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Still, the more important part is that if there had been nothing wrong with the tweet they refer to in the 1st paragraph, it should have still been up on their account, but it's not. Something was there and deleted, because there's now NO TWEET between Oct 6 and this statement, that could explain getting backlash... Deleting the tweet indicates they KNOW something was wrong with it, and they no longer wish to be publicly associated with it. But what was it? Have a look at this tweet, replying to CUPE 3906 on Oct 11:
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It explicitly mentions rape. If the above poster was a fake, photoshopped and shared online in February 2024, how did someone posting in October 2023 know to mention rape specifically, and not just CUPE 3906's general justification of the massacre?
I can't prove anything one way or another regarding a deleted tweet, and with the progress of fake images, no one else can either. But I feel like the general progression of events indicates to me that it's more likely the poster is real, CUPE 3906 realized they won't get away with it, deleted it, and then they all closed ranks, claiming the screenshot is fake. Again, whatever they posted in the deleted tweet had to be real bad for even people as one-sided as they are (with all of the anti-Israel and antisemitic stuff they do proudly still have up on their accounts), that they were compelled to delete it. And justifying not just the massacre, but the rape specifically, might just do that.
Now let me get back to the IG accounts that the first ask pointed to, because even though they post less frequently than the multiple Twitter CUPE accounts, they're still very clear regarding this union's bias, and I'll also get back to that Holocaust mention, as promised.
I did not find a single post of solidarity with or compassion for Jews on either IG account following the Hamas massacre. I did find, on the Ontario account (and cross posted to Twitter, too) shared on Oct 10 a post that states they stand with the colonized over the colonizer, while the image (as well as their anti-Israel tweets) makes it clear they're erasing Jewish history and native rights in the Land of Isral and Jerusalem. The image could have been inclusive, show both mosques and the Western Wall, but nope. Jews are excluded from this image of our holy city and historical capital.
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I also found a post about Holocaust Remembrance Day, which presents the Holocaust as including Jews. To make it clear, as someone who works in the field of studying this: "The Holocaust" is a term which is meant to reflect the Nazi intention to fully annihilate the Jews, something that didn't characterize their policy with other minorities. This is why we distinguish the Holocaust, the genocide of the Jews, from the persecution of other minorities by the Nazis. BOTH matter, and we talk about and educate against both, but they do have different characteristics, and so these are events, which are related, but CANNOT be reduced into one framing term. It is so problematic, talking about an event that was specifically about the Jews, as 'including Jews.' But let's say maybe that was ignorance, a lot of people don't get this distinction. CUPE's text doesn't mention antisemitism once, in a post about the most extreme antisemitic event in history, at a time when antisemitism is reaching its peak since WWII. When CUPE posted nothing else about this rise in Jew hatred, this text is just NOT good enough.
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And what makes it even more obvious that CUPE is not treating Jews as it does other minorities, is that the same account DOES include posts that are specific to other communities, and does center the term for their hatred and persecution. They shared a post about a mosque attack that occurred in 2017, and in the text, they don't hesitate standing in solidarity specifically with Muslims, and against Islamophobia. So, to CUPE, 6 murdered Muslims are worthy of centering in the post about them (rightly so), but at least 6 million murdered Jews are not. Worse, the post then goes on to repeat the false claim about a genocide in Gaza. It also mentions the rise in Islamophobia following the war, even though they posted NOTHING, on NONE of the accounts I looked at, which recognizes the much greater rise in antisemitism we've seen over the same period of time, and which was launched by an attack on Jews.
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The bilingual account, which I guess is a national one, didn't even mention Holocaust Remembrance Day. But on the very same date (Jan 27), it did mention the 2017 mosque attack, as well as Islamophobia, anti-Palestinians, but not a word on antisemitism.
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All of this together is so upsetting, shows such a deep lack of concern for the well being of Jews, such a strong bias against the Jewish state and Jewish identity, that I honestly wonder whether that one poster is truly an issue. If it was posted by CUPE 3906, as I tend to believe by all signs I've seen, it seems to be a continuation of everything CUPE is completely unashamed of. And if they didn't share that poster, well... I guess there's a certain amount of poetic justice about being accused of something you didn't do, and no one listening to you protesting against the lie, eh CUPE?
You're welcome to do with this what you will.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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oxceen · 23 days
Alterhuman alphabet!
(credits to @/local-xenogender-icon)
A - awakening
When did you realise you are an alterhuman? At what age, how long ago?
I awakened around two years ago, when I was 12. My neighbour/friend and I were hanging out outside our houses and he asked if I knew what a therian is. I said no, and he explained it to me, and told me that he is one. I was really interested, because I've felt very cat-like since I was a kid, and often saw myself as a cat, and afterwards I researched more about therianthropy and asked my friend a ton of questions and around a week later I confirmed that I am indeed a therian!
B - balance
Does your identity affect your social life (school, work, etc.)? Does it cause troubles or not?
It doesn't really affect my social life much, but I get phantom ears very often and it gets uncomfortable sometimes, and my friends often ask me if im ok bc I'm aggressively rubbing my palm against my head to try and get rid of my phantom shift :,)
C - city
Do you live in a city? If yes, is it hard for you to be away from nature? Does your therio/kintype even need nature?
I live in a sub-urban area (thankfully) because cities are pretty overwhelming for me. The area I live in has plenty of trees and bushes but it's mainly just in people's front yards and I wish there was a small forest nearby that I could walk around in, but sadly there isnt't :(
D - diary
Do you have a diary about your alterhuman experiences? If not, do you want to start one?
I used to, but I kept forgetting to add entries to it so I gave up lol
E - experience in the community
What is your experience and thoughts about the alterhuman community?
So far, everyone's been really nice! Everyone seems to be really supportive of eachother and I've only seen discrimination in the community once or twice. I'm also a little concerned about the nonhumans who are severely struggling mentally due to their nonhumanity.
F - friends
Have you told your friends about your identity?
My three closest friends know, and they're very supportive!
G - gear
Do you have any gear? If yes, is it handmade or bought?
I have an ear headband that my neighbour gifted me for christmas, and although the colours are wrong, I love it and wear it pretty often. I also have a half-finished yarn tail that's been a WIP for a couple months now because I can't find the time to finish it. And I also have a necklace with a green gem, a rainbow and a wolf pendant! It was originally just the gem to match with my best friend's purple gem, but then I added the rainbow (bc LGBTQ+) and the wolf pendant came from an old necklace I got alongside a book (Wolves of the Beyond, I def recommend) that I got in 2nd grade.
I - identity
What is (are) your therio/kintype(s)?
Vancouver coastal grey wolf, Turkish Angora, Western jackdaw, orca and banded linsang!
J - jokes
Do you like to make little jokes about your identity or is it rather serious for you?
Both! I don't really make jokes about it myself, but my friends often joke around about my nonhuman behaviours (in a nice way) and I laugh along :)
K - knowledge
In scale of 1-10, how big do you think your knowldege about alterhumans is? Are you new to this topic?
I'd say around a 6-7. I know pretty much all the basic stuff, but the more complicated stuff like physically-identifying nonhumans and otherlinks I don't really know much about yet, mainly because I've only recently heard about them.
L - liking, loving
Do you like your therio/kintype(s)? Do you love or dislike it/them?
I like my theriotypes a lot! I find my theriotypes really interesting, there's always something new to learn about my kind.
N - nature
Does your therio/kintype live in the wild, or rather not? (E.g. it's a house pet, or it's a robot.)
All my theriotypes are wild, except for my domestic cat theriotype.
O - otherhearted
Are you also otherhearted? If yes, what is your kithtype(s)?
I'm snakehearted!
P - popularity
Is your therio/kintype "popular" or is it rather rare?
I'd say my wolf theriotype is very "popular" if you just look at it like a wolf, but I've only seen one or two therians who are coastal wolves like me.
I see domestic cat therians everywhere so it's needless to say my cat theriotype is pretty "popular"
I see crow therians and raven therians a lot, but I've never met another jackdaw like me. I wonder why /gen
I used to think orca therians are rare, but after joining tumblr I found that there are quite a lot like me!
I've never seen another linsang therian, which makes sense because barely anyone knows asiatic linsangs even exist. They were discovered only in 2013 and we know next to nothing about their reproduction, social behaviours, and diet.
R - real body
Do you feel good about your physical body? Do you experience gender dysphoria?
I don't get gender dysphoria often, but I do get species dysphoria. A lot of the time I wish my legs were shaped differently, or my face was longer, or I had a tail, wings, etc.
S - sex
Does your therio/kintype have a different sex than you?
Yes! I identify dpecifically as a male dominant/"alpha" (I dont really like using that word to describe it)/pack leader wolf because I do not feel maternal instincts toward young wolves. I know this because when I look at pictures of kittens, or see actual kittens, I feel a strong urge to look after them, clean them up, protect them from danger, etc. Aside from these two theriotypes, I don't identify as a specific sex.
T - traits
What are your alterhuman traits? (E.g. a need to hunt, bark, ect.)
I get extremely aggressive toward people who wrong me or people close to me, and my typical response is to growl/snarl at them.
If a friend gets their hand close to my face, I try and play-bite but they always draw their hand away (understandably).
When I'm in a group of people, or I see a group of people, I can often tell who the "pack leader" is within a couple seconds, even if it's not obvious to a human.
Very wide smile during tense/awkward situations or any situation where I feel threatened. It's basically a snarl but bc im physically a stupid human, no one notices >:(
Sometimes I raise my shoulders and then shake myself all out (usually involuntarily), which is like the human equivalent of feather rousing
I sometimes also bump/rub my head on my (close) friends' shoulders as a way to greet them
U - urges
If you have a theriotype, are you good at controlling your animalistic urges? Do they bother you?
I'm fairly good at controlling my urges, but when I get angry I feel like I'm gonna lose control and just go feral on everyone. It's never actually happened though.
W - wondering
How do you think you would look like, if you could physically shapeshift into your therio/kintype? (Describe or put an image here!)
I think I'd just look like any other member of my species.
Y - yarn
If you wanted to buy/make a tail, would it be real fur or fake/yarn fur?
I prefer real fur, but I'd only buy it if I'm 100% certain it's not from a cruel fur farm. But if I'm unable to buy it, I'd make my own, from yarn (which I've already started doing).
Z - zoo
How do you feel about zoos (a place, not z00philes)? Are they good or bad in your opinion? Do you want to go there to meet your theriotype (if you are a therian).
I think zoos are okay (only ethical ones), I enjoy going to them and seeing all the cool animals there. Sadly none of my theriotypes are at any of the zoos I normally visit.
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daz4i · 8 months
yknow what i have nothing to do and need to distract myself from *gestures vaguely* and i mentioned it a few times in the last few days so i may as well talk abt that one theory i like
first of all let me say. it's not my own original theory lol i can't remember where i saw it first but it's p common so it'd be a bit hard to trace who was the first to bring it up
second. i know it contradicts some themes or at least some messages bsd is going for. which is why i don't think it's too likely (on the other hand some elements in the story can def allow a plot point of that sort to happen without being contradictory asdfhg matter of perspective ig)
ANYWAY the actual theory:
dazai knows he's in a story and aware that he is a character
backup for that theory:
honestly not much. a minor fourth wall break for laughs (the "wow~" scene. you know the one) isn't really proof, but if it was true it'd add some depth to that scene i think!
the main thing i think is cool abt this theory is how it recontextualizes a lot of things about him;
the thing that made me think abt making this post is that collection of dazai saying "you can't kill me" at various points of the story. most of them have context for each scene (atsushi can't kill him bc nlh will nullify the tiger, fyodor can't kill him bc he has the power of friendship, etc), but the fact the same line repeats multiple times makes it stand out to me
so consider this: dazai is confident that he won't die because he knows he can't die before the story is over, bc that's what the narrative decided. that's why none of his suicide attempts ever work (tho you already know my opinion on why that is, in the context of the story itself). he keeps trying tho bc man. it's tiring to be aware
that being said! well. we know he's been suicidal from a very young age. he sees no meaning in the act of living. and, being a character in a story, knowing that your life is all fake, can certainly make one's life feel meaningless, huh.
and ofc, alienation from those around him, since he seems to be the only one aware of the story. he is quite literally separate from the human experience bc of this
also some more angst :) i do firmly believe dazai feels a lot of guilt, more for meta reasons than him really showing it. guilt is a very big repeating element in no longer human and its protag yozo, whom i think dazai is obviously very inspired by. soooooo now consider this :) guilt over odasaku's death. in the context of the story, there is no reason for him to feel that, more or less. maybe nothing beyond "if only i called ango out earlier" "if only i got there in time and got him help", he didn't actually cause oda's death, not more than mori did for example, and he did the best he could too.
buuuuuuut what if he's a character in a story. he doesn't know if the story is about him yet, but given how other people around him don't seem to notice they're characters, it must be, right? the narrative depends on him. and, in that narrative, odasaku ends up dying. if he didn't exist, odasaku could live (really interesting to think abt that in the context of beast, too)
actually since i brought it up. beastzai definitely seems to know he's a character. he knows his existence doesn't mean much, i mean his whole universe is just an offshoot of the main one, literally an au of canon. that's even more meaninglessness on top of canonzai's meaninglessness, and he experienced both of them at once. no wonder he ended up killing himself damn 😩 (sorry this is a joke. ik he killed himself for some noble reason. but also i bet this made it easier)
an awareness of this level can explain some things like how dazai knows things are gonna play out in certain ways - he knows he's in a story, so he knows the narrative has to end in some satisfying way. the main characters have to win, so the doa have to lose. fyodor can't kill him. and we're back to the start
problem with this theory:
that thing i mentioned abt themes and messages in bsd. a lot of the story seems to tell us dazai is HUMAN. having him aware of everything on a meta level, imo, may cheapen that message, bc that quite literally makes him More than others in the universe.
then again the story (and asagiri in interviews lol) also seems to show again and again that he is exceptional and knows best so eh. like i said, matter of perspective
how i think it might work:
no longer human lmao
yknow how it was said The Book was created by an ability (and that's probably why it caused a singularity when beastzai touched it). well. what if the whole narrative we're following, in a way, in the universe of bsd, can count as an ability too. like a combination of The Book and poe's ability, kinda. (i've seen some theories in the past abt how asagiri is gonna be the final boss of bsd lol and that he would indeed have an ability that's just. *gestures at everything* this)
sooooo while nlh can't take him out of the story physically, it nullifies his ignorance to the situation. in a way, he's out of the story because he sort of watches it from an angle others can't
ok i officially ran out of brain power. i might add more in a reblog at some other point but for now these are the only thoughts i have. if you subscribe to that theory as well, or even just thing it's cool, i would love to hear some of your ideas - what other parts of dazai and his story do you think this changes? what does it mean about his relationships with other characters? please share if you have any thoughts on the matter!!! :)
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Maybe a weird question but what is each of the Eddie’s favourite comfort food?
I love this question.
modern!eddie I feel like he loves that cinnamon sugar butter toast. like it's definitely a "struggle meal" that his mom grew up making him bc it was dirt cheap, but it hits. like he gets a craving for it every now and then and mean girl makes it for him and he's just heart eyes in love.
cowboy!eddie loves chili. like look at him and tell me he doesn't exude bowl of chili energy fr. like chili and a grilled cheese, especially on a cold day when he's been working all day. it just soothes his soul really.
mafia!eddie is definitely more of a sweets guy admittedly. he loves cookies a lot for no reason. but a fresh baked cookie does it for him. it just makes it all better.
janitor!eddie likes soup. I think he always liked the idea of hot soup just being comforting, and so he clung to it, and now he just loves it. chicken noodle is obv his favorite, but he's become a big french onion guy as of late. you turned him onto that and he's so impressed.
older!eddie loves a chicken pot pie. like I don't know what you want me to say about this, but he's a fiend for a pot pie. bro likes butter pecan so it shouldn't be surprising. he orders it at a restaurant and brielle gets so embarrassed. you think it's funny bc it's one of those things that like you forgot existed but not eddie babes, he orders it every time.
bouncer!eddie idk if this counts as a comfort food, but he's insane about buffalo chicken dip. I feel like that really checks with him like... he gives buffalo chicken dip energy. doesn't like the kind with celery in it fuck no, he wants that shit HOT and spicy. will devour it all in like under 45 minutes.
rockstar!eddie since he moved out to la doesn't get a lot of midwestern foods or even like southern comfort foods (bc wayne is def from the south fight me) and everything's organic and gross out there. he loves breakfast food. like greasy ass diner type breakfast food. like a waffle house?? find eddie munson at a waffle house in los angeles at least once a month, stoned out of his mind, eating an allstar breakfast and a waffle bitch. he loves it.
dom!eddie loves banana pudding. like it's very unexpected of him, but he loves loves loves a banana pudding. the original kind that's cold. he loves whipped cream ;) lol so it's not that surprising but you make it for him once and he's in love??? like he acts like you gave him a kidney.
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While I'm on my Arkham bullshit, you know I haven't seen or made any thots about? Black Mask. Like when it comes to Arkham Origins daddies, Slade steals the show but Roman is legit hot in that game. It helps that he's a genuine mobster and threat (until the plot says it's actually Joker because God fucking forbid we have a Batman adaptation without him front and center), and that his mask is way less goofy looking than in Arkham City.
He'd def call his Darling affectionate names: Doll, Kitty, Sweets, etc. He's a bonafide member of the Pizza Pasta Force and he has so many Italian names and phrases: tesoro, cara, principessa, cucciola, puzolla, etc. That also applies to when he's upset and berating them, which unfortunately happens more often than he'd like. They just don't want to listen, or appreciate the things he's done for them. He uses his wealth and power to keep them spoiled and safe in a goddamn penthouse, and they act like he's keeping them prisoner!
The word "no" doesn't matter to him; if he wants something or someone, he gets them. So a Darling rejecting his advances just means they need persuading or..."persuading." Suddenly they're in trouble at work, their landlord is increasing rent by way too much, etc. And Roman's many gifts and notes come with the insistence of just one dinner with him. Just one evening and all their problems go away. And the problems just keep piling up until they give in.
True to his word though, he makes those problems disappear. But he does that by moving Darling into his place. Hey, no need to worry about rent or your asshole boss now right?
Big D stands for Big Demeanor AND Big Dom. Everything Darling does to him is because he tells them to, and he's the type to punish a Darling in bed: Spanking, grabbing their throat, forced cock warming, edging and denial, etc. But whenever he's rough and isnt punishing them, he always treats them with tons of aftercare and gifts afterward.
It isn't a matter of if he's fucked Darling at his desk, it's a matter of when and how often. The best way for him to clear his head and make a shitty day good is to have them come to his office and bend them over or have them on their knees under the desk. He melts at any kind of cock worship too. Just a few kisses and licks to the tip will have him throbbing and gripping the armrest while he moans
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ariel-s-awesome · 7 months
I'm rewatching Kid Cosmic and man, the one complaint I have about that show is the wasted Chuck potential. It would've been great seeing Kid adjust to Chuck trying to be a friend, or Chuck, Tuna and Rosa all going out on their own space adventure. Or heck, he seemed to have a bit of a thing with Biker Girl Carla in latter half of the series, give them their own adventure! Overall, I def missed the 'filler', even if the main story in KC was good.
Right!? Dave Thomas said that his story had been told (was gonna link you until I realized you were the one that asked him about it), but it reeeaally wasn't. They just didn't seem interested in his story.
His life just started after his old one got shattered. And him becoming a side character was really abrupt.
Then there's him trying to atone by straining himself to speak without a translator and bud. Bud bud bud bud. That's self harm! Let's work on that dangerously low self esteem!
The crew should of either addressed that to show that it's not healthy or left it out. Because now that I think about it, that's not a great thing to normalize in a kid's show. Or any show, but kids are still developing.
It would be pretty easy in universe to get him a translator. Or maybe he could've learned a form of nonverbal communication that the cast picks up so he can be included without hurting himself.
The process would help with his healing too since first he'd have to accept that he doesn't need to hurt himself to become a better person. Then he'd grapple with how being raised in his empire affected him, and that he isn't an inherently bad person for being one of their loyal soldiers.
The rest of the cast helping him find a form of communication he can use and learning it with him (along with showing concern about him martyring himself out of guilt) would reassure him that they care about him despite his past. And that they're a far cry from his old comrades who wouldn't even react if he got killed.
Anyways, Kid Cosmic's biggest flaw was having too large of a "main" cast. None of the Local Heros aside from the original five (minus Chuck after he got shoved aside) had enough focus to become actual main characters.
Building up a huge main cast like DC and Marvel's superhero teams requires hundreds of chapters/episodes where they're gradually introduced so people have the chance to get to know them. And plenty of character-focused "filler" episodes.
Unfortunately Kid Cosmic didn't have that kind of time and instead of giving up on the idea Craig brought 7 background characters into the "main cast" at once.
Frankly, with how Netflix cancels most of their cartoons after a single season (especially the ones they don't promote) Kid Cosmic was lucky to get three seasons. And while I do think Wander Over Yonder's cancellation taught Craig a valuable lesson about not expecting networks to give him ample time to complete the story he wants to tell, he was still overly-ambitious non-plotwise.
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So I've been on a Gajeel fic binge right now (It was originally a Fraxus one but then somewhere along the lone I picked up interest in Gajeel fics and changed course) and I was reading one fic and a little something jumped out to me. It was a fic that was set somewhere after the 7 year gap and in it mentioned Jet and Droy still not liking Gajeel. I'm here to argue why that isn't the case. (And also complain how we never actually get to see much of Gajeel being around them)
So def during Fantasia, they don't like Gajeel. That's obvious. I would say they start to change their view of him a little when they realise he was letting both them and Laxus beat him up with no pushback so that they wouldn't see him as a threat and would accept him as part of the guild along with him taking a pretty nasty hit to protect Levy despite already being in bad condition before hand (I do hope at some point if it ever came out what happened, that someone told Laxus off for that but if not, he did still get punished for his actions later) I wouldn't say they liked him but I think that's when they might have stopped being angry that he was there.
This is supported when around Tenrou, the only objections they have about Levy teaming up with Gajeel is that they weren't picked. We don't see them say anything about Gajeel potentially hurting her (Something the audience knows he won't do since he has used his own body to protect her from Laxus' lightning twice) And while sure that could have happened off screen, its not something we can confirm either since again, it isn't on screen.
After the 7 year time skip, they def seem to have forgiven Gajeel since we see them (once) go after Gajeel and Lily on a job and during Kotsh, they all seem fine with working together (Even if Lily and Levy are there as a kind of buffer) and don't appear to show any malice towards any of them (I will complain about Lily acting like Gajeel is a child earlier in the arc though because he is a grown man and if he decides he doesn't want to fight Laxus and doesn't show up by sunset then that's his business) I honestly can't remember exactly their reactions to Gajeel's fights in GMG since its been awhile since I've seen the arc in its entirety. I do remember that they were teamed up during Tartarous though but not much was shown there either.
But most definitely by the time Alveraz comes around, they are friends since when Gajeel "comes back from the dead" and starts defending Jet and Droy, Droy is telling Gajeel that he doesn't need to risk his life to save them, that they know he's been through a lot and that he should protect himself. Gajeel literally calls them his friends when he declines the offer to save himself and both Jet and Droy are happy at being called friends by Gajeel. They clearly at that point, like Gajeel and have forgiven him for what he did in PL.
The only sad thing about this is the lack of screentime they get together. Most of it involves Levy being there as like a buffer or the reason both Jet and Droy and Gajeel would be there which is kinda a shame because Levy wasn't the only one hurt by Gajeel. They were too. I wish we got to see some screentime of Jet and Droy being in a situation with Gajeel that didn't involve Levy because I like Gajeel being friends with them. Its sweet and a nice full circle for his character and gives Jet and Droy more than just being Levy's teammates.
Like maybe have Gajeel teach them self defence classes(Like a lot of people believe he did with Levy) so that they can defend themselves if someone were to ever surprise attack them again. I personally like the idea of him giving them knives made of his own metal (Something I headcanon he does for the people he cares about so that if they don't have magic at their disposal and are in a tight situation, they have a knife that won't break to most if any metals) but there are other options too.
This is just me giving out evidence to back up why Jet, Droy and Gajeel are friends and should both be portrayed as such and have been given more screentime. (I do hope we get to see their reactions to finding out Levy is expecting in 100 years quest and that they congratulate Gajeel too)
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sexynetra · 4 months
Hi! LATAM queer here that doesn't have English as a first language writing this just so you understand the importance of your work:
I haven't been active in tumblr for like almost half a year now, but I literally just logged in today to see if you had post any RAWNSYF update/new dialogue that I might have missed. I had no ideia what was going on on twitter when I logged in today. And I'm so sorry that you got exposed like that. If it is any consolation, RAWNSYF is one of my favorite fics ever written. Def my fav anarcia fic. To me, fanfic in queer spaces is a way I can read about the queer experience and relate to my own life. That is what I love about RAWNSYF, I have a past love experience that is really similar to what Anetra is going through in your fic. By reading it, I can help my 18 year old self heal. I'm not sending you this to necessarily encourage you to post a new chapter. After all that happened yesterday, I'll totally understand if you never update. I'm telling you all this so you know that your work matter. Your fic might be one of the few media work that I've ever felt so represented. Fanfic is important to queer people like us because of this: we don't have much representation in the wide media. So we turn to our own community to see ourselves being represented in this kind of spaces. Because of this, I ask you with all the kindness that I have inside of me: if you don't want to post an update, I'll totally get it! But please, PLEASE, don't ever feel guilty for what you've already wrote and posted. It means more to people that never saw themselves in media that anyone who's not queer could ever understand.
Hi there <33
This has just been sitting in my inbox because every time I went to respond I started crying again 😅
This is the sweetest message I have ever received and I cannot even possibly express just how much it meant to me to read this.
I started rawnsyf out of a desire to see the stories I wanted to read about being shared. (Well, technically I started rawnsyf as a 2am writing practice that was never supposed to be expanded upon but here we are) I honestly never thought anyone else would actually read it 😂 it was just a little story that had all my favorite story tropes in it. That was it.
But then rawnsyf grew. It grew in the scope of what I was writing about, and it grew in its reach. Suddenly, people were reading it, and it was connecting with them on a level I never anticipated.
Rawnsyf started as a fanfic about two queens I enjoyed, but I hand on my heart believe that it has grown to be so much more than that. This story, that was originally just a fun little writing exercise and a cute little love story, has become something that people really feel a connection to, and feel represented by.
I honestly never expected that, it’s beyond my wildest dreams. I think anyone who creates content hopes that it will resonate with people, but I never expected the scope it would have (which sounds braggadocious but I never expected the story to really become important to anybody besides me, and over and over again the amazing community on here has proven me wrong).
It started as a story about two queens I love, but it has grown beyond that. The characters in the story have lives of their own. They exist beyond the drag queens that inspired them. And this message, maybe more than any other, reminds me just how powerful those characters can be.
I am so infinitely grateful that you took the time to send this message, and even more infinitely honored and touched that you have allowed me to express myself through my writing and taken it onto yourself. Nothing will ever mean more to me than people being able to feel seen and find healing through something I’ve created.
Rawnsyf is not over, and it’s all because of the love people like you have shared with me for this story.
I hope I can do you justice with this story and my heart is so full <3333
I am crying again so I will end this here but my heart just feels so full. Thank you for sending this to me and being so honest and vulnerable. It means more to me than you could ever know
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tangledbea · 8 months
in the birthday book i saw the line "you get to choose what the lantern tradition means to you now" and i was wondering if there was something like that in the said in series? or is it just more of like- this is a celebration of rapunzel not really asking her to choose what it means just going to keep doing the lanterns. especially because they mean something to her and her relationship to eugene and family
in a way i find it interesting as rapunzel has to adjust to her new life her choices are rather limited, i wonder if there was another movie instead if there would be a different kind of bittersweetness when being aclemated to the kingdom. i can imagine than it could be like in painter's block and focus on the relationship to rapunzel and her autonomy in a different way like "youre asking me what i want?" sort of thing and follow those sort of beats like in the series maybe done different
also when it comes to disney media i def believe there are like multiple detatched/kinda attached canons for many series and franchise, especially with original storybooks and the tv series. like you said though i do enjoy those storybooks because they are really cute especially the illustrations! so thanks for sharing those
I didn't really share them, I just reblogged them from the person who did share them.
I'm not really following your question, if I'm honest. Are you asking if there was a canonical line like that in the series? (Because no, there wasn't.) Or are you asking after the hypothetical situation under which she was told the lanterns could mean whatever she wanted them to now? Frankly, I think that, for one thing, she keeps asking for them for her birthday because it's something that she likes and has always associated with herself. Something that remained even after her hair was cut.
But she doesn't just use them for her birthday. The lanterns are also used for her return to the kingdom
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and for her wedding.
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Series crew said that the end of "Rapunzel's Return" was not supposed to be her birthday, and yet
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For Rapunzel, the lanterns are celebratory. Even though they, themselves, are no longer her dream, they still represent her ability to dream, and to achieve, to go out and reach for the things she wants. I suspect in "The Great Birthday Search" what's actually being said is that, even though they aren't her dream anymore, she gets to choose what they mean to her, not to Corona.
They wanted to make a second movie, but they couldn't think of a plot. What you're describing is too mundane and day in the life to make a compelling movie (as far as Disney is concerned).
I've said before that Disney has multiple canons, but there's different levels. Things animated at the Disney Animation Studios are all the top level of canon. Anything that disagrees with those aren't technically canon. In the case of franchises, those include the Disney Animation Studios canon, but not necessarily things like books, comics, etc. And this is because the people who write the books, while sanctioned or commissioned by Disney, aren't affiliated with the writing team who worked on the canonical franchise.
In the case of Tangled, we have:
God Tier - Tangled and Tangled Ever After. This is the ultimate canon for this franchise. The face characters at the park are required to know these two pieces of media in order to properly portray their characters.
Franchise Tier - Tangled the Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure and Tangled Short Cuts. Secondary level of canon. Face characters are not required to know this material, though several do in order to make guest experiences better. (Give 'em ten years and see if any Rapunzels or Eugenes know who Varian or Cassandra are.) While the Short Cuts don't slot into and specific time in the series (beyond "sometime during season one"), they are events that were written by the series writers, made with series events in mind.
Not technically canon - Books and comic books. While these are often canon-compliant, they aren't required to be, and many of them toe the line of noncanonical, if not skip up and down the road on the other side of noncanonical.
Noncanonical - Chibi Tiny Tales. Nothing that happens in these should be taken seriously.
The supplemental books and comics literally aren't canon, even if they're canon-compliant. They're not even "a kinda attached canon" because, even though they're about canonical characters, they aren't written by the people who were in the process of developing the series at the time, and what makes a compelling comic often went off the rails into things that not only never happened in the series, clashed with things that did happen in the series.
I don't have a problem with people who use the supplemental material to influence their take or portrayal of a character, but classifying it as canon - even and especially when it clashes with actual canon - makes it difficult for me to take such argument seriously.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
I know that whenever someone points out how badly Siege got left behind, there’s always someone that goes.:“Oh well she’s going to get an alter”. But…that doesn’t alleviate the pain…maybe that makes it a bit worse
I agree. I don't like the idea of Alters being proper replacements for units that HG failed to buff properly. The module system was supposed to be how HG gave buffs to units that badly needed it and while some poor saps (like Dusk and Mostima) got some good ones, it's often been the rich getting richer (lol Ling) while niche units like Tachanka get absolutely nothing.
But while we're here, let's talk about Powercreep in Arknights, because I see a lot of people on both sides of the tier list debate make some absolutely baffling claims when meta talk gets involved. Then we'll go back to Siege, who often gets a lot of defenders and naysayers alike as soon as comparisons to Saga and Flametail crop up.
Let's get one thing out of the way first: powercreep absolutely exists, though the appearance of a new overpowered unit doesn't actually (directly, we'll talk about indirectly another time and it’s mostly Surtr and Eyjafjalla’s fault) affect the overall /viability/ of an older unit. Or in other words the old unit's ability to solve a stage isn't suddenly gone.
For example, let's look at Blaze. Once the premiere cornerstone of Arknights with her tanky stats, range extension, status resistance, and AOE damage, she stomped CC#0 Risk 18 effortlessly and cheesed stage after stage for months afterward.
Since her heyday however, she's mostly seen stiff competition with Mountain (who is much cheaper, charges up his cornerstone skill in mere seconds, and has massive for self-sustain) and Thorns (also massive regen when not attacking, has gigantic range and ridiculous single target DPS). Nowadays, Blaze only becomes the optimal pick for a cornerstone when her built-in status resistance is needed (such as therapists being unavailable or stuns simply being too frequent), if the stage is very aggressive and requires a cornerstone with more DEF, or if the player simply does not own her competitors.
That being said, Blaze's actual ability to do her job as a cornerstone wasn't changed by her competitors being added to the game. She's still tough, does a lot of AOE damage, and in most stages you can pretty much set her, glue a medic, then forget about her like you could at the height of her popularity. She’ll still shred most stages, and even still gets recommended now and then as the borrowed 6 star for new player guides due to how easy she still is to use especially when the map layout suits her. Blaze hasn’t been deleted from the game, though the situations where she’s the most optimal operator given all available options has been greatly decreased.
Don’t feel bad for using her when she works even if she’s no longer considered the top of a tier list. This isn’t a PVP game and chances are you’re not a world record max risk CC player either, the only thing meta chasing will do for you is instill FOMO.
And now let’s go back to Siege, because when I posted her module here I had quite a few people rush to her defense.
Siege is not unviable. In fact for her original job of just holding a lane normally to make DP, she’s not even bad. It’s just that putting her head to head with Saga and Flametail makes it obvious that Siege faces stiff competition from operators who could do her old job while still having larger niches / more use cases than her. That’s /undeniable./
When I complained about Siege’s module sucking because it was just a +ATK +DEF boost, it’s because, well, it just sucks. The stat buffs it gives Siege creates no practical advantages vs Saga. You can use it yes, Siege will still work yes, and in fact I myself still use Siege more often than Saga simply because i like Siege’s convenience, but in terms of its cost efficiency I’m going to call a spade and spade and say Siege deserved something much better considering her position vs the competition no matter how much I like her.
Siege’s main advantages over Saga and Flametail are the convenience of her S2 being auto activated, her talent increasing all vanguard stats, and the ability of her S3 to scale into a ridiculously high damage per hit because of it being a large ATK% multiplier, letting her nuke even very high DEF enemies when buffed. Thus she becomes the optimal pioneer choice when there’s a constant stream of weak mobs (such as vs Essence of Evolution), or if there’s a very high DEF unit that specifically will only be faced by a vanguard (nothing comes to mind), or if the player specifically wishes to go Vanguardknights.
Her module should have doubled down on these advantages. If Saga contributes SP support to the team and has a get out of jail free card for a talent, while Flametail has double attacks and very high evasion with fast skill cycle times, then Siege’s module should have helped her go all in and become the phys nuker. Make it so that she doesn’t need to have Warfarin + Aak on her at once to crunch a guy with 2000 DEF – a module effect like “All Vanguard ATK and DEF +8%, when deployed with another vanguard, gain a 25% chance to get +100% ATK when attacking” for example, would help her out.
Bam, Siege is suddenly the DPH phys nuker pioneer, the one most effective against high DEF mobs. Rather than encroach on Saga or Flametail’s niches, she instead emphasizes her own unique quality, which is her ability to scale her damage per hit to really high numbers. This won’t suddenly make her broken or a must-have (she still has survivability issues, S3 continues to not make ANY DP at all, Bagpipe will still be the superior damage dealer to all but very high DEF enemies), but it at least would have emphasized what makes her different. At least it would have been fun. It would have helped sell Siege’s unique identity among pioneers.
And you know, very obviously a Siege Alter is coming and it’s probably gonna be super busted and yadda yadda, but relying on the promise of an Alt to “fix” a character left behind by evolving game design is pure sellout behavior when that’s what the module system was made for in the first place. Siege’s fans deserved better. They deserved to see her S3 unbuffed by anyone else smack a Patriot Shieldguard and randomly crit for 3k damage, then realized if they buffed her up by investing on her S3 they have a 14 DP solution vs high DEF enemies that doesn’t even get taken out by a Guard ban risk.
I understand and even encourage the quest to find the viability and unique identity of every operator. i do it a lot myself. But also like, we can be criticizing HG’s boneheaded balancing decisions and that doesn’t imply that the old unit is now worthless. We had dedicated Passenger players from when the guy was so fucking bad even HG realized they had to buff him thrice. You can make (almost) anything work.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
stop im thinking abt the transition between platonic to romantic puppy!steddie
like maybe they know from the start that they like u more than just platonically, but they can’t help but skip over the whole confession thingy and get straight onto doting over you (and each other)
like eddie’ll get too excited when kissing Steve one time and he shoves his tongue too far so Steve naturally just crawls to u for comfort bc he’s just spoiled by you at this point when he’s all pouty and fake annoyed, and Eddie - bless him - looks like a (forgive the expression) kicked puppy. so Steve’s in ur lap throwing a pity party hoping for some precious coddling from u and u reach over for eddie too and it’s like his eyes flash up with a golden ticket handed to him bc obviously this means that you finally worked up the courage to want his kisses even if Steve’s pouting over em. and he plants one on you so Steve’s like ?? THIS is part of the comfort package cmere cmere cmere and it’s all super sweet bc here you have two pretty pups just heart eyed and tails going 50 mph cus they got to give u a kissy (shutup shutup shutup if they think it’ll get you to be sweet and give them another kiss, they WILL call it a kissy).
the idea of kisses and what they think it shows could be such a sweet origin tho. like imagine they watch tv or see some mutual friends (in my eyes it has to be human nance and SOMEONE else that’s human) kiss and they think it’s the epitome of showing affection, and maybe they get a bit downtrodden or pouty sometimes when they notice you’ve never kissed them like that and through like, a show or smthn you all like watching, they realise that oh you gotta wait for a sign!! to be able to kiss like that!! love love love the idea that there have been like, almost kisses. almost kisses are so cute and it’s so obvious that you wanna kiss them too but it’s just.. ur platonic? :] right? :]
until eds needs to slobber into someone’s mouth and if steves being a baby abt it, and ur reaching for him, then he can kiss you!! <3
send me more poly!puppy!steddie thoughts!! / hybrid au faq
anon. the love of my life. sorry this took me a fair amount of time to answer, i got it the second you sent it and i haven't stopped re-reading it since!! it's sososososo sweet and i need it 😭 i def wanna write a fic on this now!!
no bc eddie is always too lovey for steve - he likes affection, he really does, but he likes gentle affection, and sometimes eddie's too excited for that - he'll let eddie drool all over him all he wants but sometimes he wants a sweet little kiss on the cheek so he mopes into your lap and looks up at you with sweet puppy eyes just begging for one. his face is all slobbery and drooly and you wipe it away and press a soft little kiss to his forehead :(
eddie's so distraught. you wiped away his kisses :( those were for steve :( but he sees that steve's all pouty and he gets considerably less pouty when you scatter little kisses all over his face - and so he thinks maybe he needs to start doing that too!
you offer him a hand and he's seeing heaven rn.. he's included? He s a part of this?? fuck yeah! he doesn't know which of you to kiss first, he's so excited. he goes for you, though, because clearly steve needs a break. man he lays the fattest kiss on you you swear you nearly pass out - you don't even have eddie's tongue out of your mouth before steve's trying to jam his in there too </3 he's tugging at the front of your shirt griping to eddie about sharing and suddenly your friends are not in your lap your boyfriends are in your lap and they are kissing the living daylights out of you <33333
i think you'd give eddie some kissing lessons! not makeout lessons, god knows he doesn't need to know anymore about that, he's got it down. but you have to make sure he knows that sometimes steve wants little pecks on the cheek and not a mouthful of drool - it consists of you and eddie sitting beside each other on the bed and steve sitting with one leg in each of your laps - he's sort of straddling the gap between you if you know what i mean? and you take turns pressing soft little kisses to his cheeks and he blushes so hard. he's got a dumb little smile on his face and eddie only bites his blushy cheeks a few times but eventually he gets the hang of containing his excitement to where steve'll lay in his lap now and he just bends over and smooches all over his face <3333
and yes!! if eddie's in the mood to be messy you and steve are his goal!! if steve isn't feeling it he'll plop himself right down in your lap and kiss away, tail going a million miles an hour especially if you scratch at his ears :'))
no i shit you not they see ronance kiss or maybe jonathan lays one on her before he leaves the room at a movie night and they look at each other like :0 later eddie goes for your lips 'cause he doesn't realize that it's not really casual like that (or at least, that you two are not intimate enough to do that) and you turn your head to the side so that he catches your cheek just because you think it's poor aim on his part </3 he's so sad!!!! genuinely mopes around for the rest of the night and you can't tell why but you dote on him while he's curled up pitifully at your side under the covers. it takes a lot of ear scratches and cheek kisses and face-smushes (exactly what they sound like. smush your face into his.) but eventually his tail thumps against the bed before he drifts off <3 luckily the next day steve catches a segment of a sitcom where a woman freaks out after her coworker kisses her and she basically spells it out for him and he runs to eddie like dude. we had it all wrong.
but that just means they're constantly striving to get to that point with you!! telling you how much they looove you, how pretty you are, how perfect the food you're making for them is: they turn into walking praise machines and it's only a matter of time until they butter you up enough to where you start wondering if they're still thinking of you as just their best friend <333
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