#i do have about 10 other shows and 5 books on my list so i’ll have that
askew-d · 3 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
hello, there! thank you for following me, by the way. this ask’s a sweet surprise! i don’t mind at all, i’ve never answered this before :) i’ll make a list of all the characters i cherish. it’s not ranked over who i cherish more though (they’re all special for me). they’re all random nonetheless, but let’s see if you can catch a little bit of a ‘type’ here, haha.
1. kageyama tobio, from haikyuu!! — i first found him to be a very bothersome character in terms of background and personality. perhaps a little bit aggressive, unnecessarily so. however, i can see how much he’s changed after finding a team like karasuno and hinata especially, and over time we go unraveling his attitude to find an actually sweet person who probably only thinks about milk, cats, leaving his nails neat and other stupid things. he’s one of those tsundere characters and that’s nice. he’s overall a nice person who’s judged unfairly. and his awkwardness turns out to be adorable, so that’s a plus.
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2. minato, from the film kaibutsu — this japanese show absolutely wrecked me. it seriously did. how the hell could they expect me to move on after it? i have no words for how much this story impacted me. this main character brings such a tender feeling of youth and fragile love towards another person that sweeps me off my feet. he’s got a repressed heart that slowly comes free and it made me feel very protective over him.
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3. violet, from the anime violet evergarden — heartfelt letters aside, this anime felt to me like a coming of age show. or perhaps more like a coming of ‘human’. i love her because she’s truly intrigued about the world, the people, feelings as a whole and what it means to be a breathing creature. she’s just a child. she wants to see everything. to understand her heart. she’s a force of nature that beholds so much and doesn’t even know how to put into proper words, even if that’s her job.
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4. lu guang, from shiguang daili ren —i just watched link click recently, but this boy surely made a way into my heart. i love how he’s ready to fight the world on behalf of cheng xiaoshi, and although he’s a hypocrite through and through, he’s real. he’s one of the realest people i’ve seen being portrayed. because who in heavens would choose someone unimportant to tou if you can choose someone you love? and how he hides his emotions? chef’s kiss. i love that he’s an ‘actions speak louder than words’ kind of guy; he’d call you an idiot in one moment, then burn the world for you in the following one.
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5. the little prince, from the book the little prince — i cannot forget this book not even in a million years. changed me as a person. this vulnerable, free character makes me think he’s not just a hallucination from the author, he’s a magical shiny little person who’s discovering about life. i love him because he’d never change, you can’t change him, because he’ll always be a child at heart and mind. he’s everyone. he’s you, he’s me, he’s who we were. and that breaks me apart. he makes me cry, this one. he makes me remember that i’m a child too, regardless of how many time passes.
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6. léon doré, from the film it’s not me, i swear! — i was a fifteen-year old watching this after having reconnected with my mother and that’s why it marvelled me. it’s a lot of what i’ve been through, of what i’ve been. i love him because i relate to him, and i wish i could’ve had that courage. i won’t spoil the story, but i really recommend it! my favorite film of all time. it has trigger warning for child abandonment, suicide attempts and child abuse though.
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7. wei wuxian, from mo dao zu shi — oh, boy, i can’t relate to this one at all. i think he’s the only one from this list that doesn’t fall into the ‘introvert with hidden feelings and traumatised past’ type, not entirely. he only falls into the traumatised past. i think he’s the only extrovert character — besides hinata shouyou — that i actually like. i’m an introvert at heart, so at first he annoyed me too, lan wangji, i get you. but his strength? how he looks into the world that broke him and says ‘i’ll keep trying, i’ll keep smiling’? how he loves to the point of sacrifying himself? how he’s not attuned to his feelings because he’s more worried about being excited over little things? how he’s just overall so rebellious, but intelligent, sincere, witty, and does this all for the good, regardless if he’s being misjudged? how he’s been through hell but chooses to find reasons to keep going instead of looking back? oh, how i love him.
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8. todoroki shouto, from my hero academia — i don’t enjoy boku no hero anymore, it has lost the entertaining bits for me. but i do expect the best for this boy right here, i love him for his cool nature, how he walks into life trying to let go of his resentment (after he befriends midoriya), and how he cares for his friends more than words can be let out to express. i wish the anime had grew to be better so i could watch more of him, but the feeling’s gone for me now. nevertheless, i still cherish him.
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9. gin, from hotarubi no mori e — he’s a mystery, that’s for sure. he deserved so much more. he deserved life, he deserved a chance to live. i love the tenderness in him, and the sheer tenderness he showed our main character even if he didn’t even managed to be a real, normal boy! how can beings find the love in themselves and be so painfully alive even if they’re not in fact in the human spectrum? i love that he taught us this concept of love. i love this type of trope. i love and hate it at the same time.
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10. dr. house, from house m.d — i had a hard time wondering if i should indeed add him here. because he’s an asshole. why do i like him? i don’t know. i see this flawed, asshole man and i see the pain in him and though it doesn’t justify anything at all, it’s what humans are all about. he judges everyone. he shames everyone. he shows people’s true intentions. he hides his true intentions. he’s repressed and lonely and he’s doomed. but he’s got this relationship with wilson, and women, and monster trucks games, and he lives. and he’s an awful man, but aren’t we all at core? i love to hate him.
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bonus: nozomi fujisaki, from cherry magic, and nano, from girl from nowhere. they’re wonderful. they’re everything. love fujisaki’s view in life (it matches mine) and nano’s brilliance ✨
haha, well, this got longer than i thought, but wow, i enjoyed this a lot. thank you for asking me this, really! big hugs!!
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sneakers-and-shakes · 6 months
My 2024 Journal Setup
This month I thought I’d share my 2024 Journal Setup! I’ve been journaling around six years now and I still find new things I can add or things to tweak as time goes on, so after doing some research and a review of how 2023 went I’ve come up with a mix of old and new things for my 2024 journal Setup.
Cover page
This is just a 2024 cover page to welcome the new year and define what this journal is for. It’s really just a moment to make a pretty and decorative page for the start of the journal.
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2. Word of the Year
This is something I’m trying out for the first time after seeing other people do this. Basically, you chose a word that will serve as the vibe for the year, sort of like a nebulous general goal. I also decided to add a definition/quote for what that word means for me specifically.
3. Year Questions
I saw someone answer these four questions in their setup and decided to include the on the lower half of the word of the year page. The questions are:
-a habit I’d like to break
-a new skill I want to learn
-a hobby to start or carry over
-something to do better at
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4. 24 in 24’ / Yearly Goals
24 in 24’ is also a first for me! Essentially, it’s just a list of 24 things you want to do in 2024 that aren’t necessarily goals and things you need to plan out and do progress checks on, but just things you want to do or maybe were already planning on doing.
Underneath it I also have my Yearly Goals broken out into Lifestyle and Creative with subheadings under all of them.
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5. Monthly/Weekly/Daily Goals
I just wanted to list out the things I try to accomplish every month, every week and every day ranging from habits to accomplishments.
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6. Money Tracker
I like to keep track of how much money I’ve spent in a month. I also donate to charity every month so I also set aside some space on the side to track the amount I donated and where I donated to.
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7. Weight/Cycle Tracker
I also try to just track how much I weigh once a month and of course, follow my cycle throughout the year as well. I denote each phase with a different color so that I can get an overview of how my cycle looks.
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8. Monthly Notes Pages
I’ve talked about the concept of monthly notes before on my blog but it’s basically 3 things I want to accomplish in the month. It could be a goal I’m working towards, one of my 24 things for 2024, or just something fun I’ve been meaning to do. It’s also where I put my monthly checklist of things to do (denoted earlier page 4).
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Note: After the Monthly Notes Page begins each Month’s own section which I’ll include in a separate blog post.
9. At the end of my journal I also do a Year in Review page where I list out:
-the books I’ve read
-music I’ve listened to
-shows/movies I’ve watched
-the writing I’ve done
-the creative projects I’ve worked on
-the new things I’ve done every mont
10. I also have a section for a more abstract Review that is 4 parts:
-what I learned
-what I accomplished
-what I enjoyed
-challenges I’ve faced
11. 2024 Highlights page
This is broken out into each month and I just like to list out the highlights and positive memories that happened over the course of the year!
And this is my year set up! I’m excited to try out some of the new things I’ve found and see how all of this shakes out! I will also make a post on my Month setup if anyone is interested!
I hope this helped or inspired you to make your own journal setup!
Thanks for reading!
9 notes · View notes
unganseylike · 5 months
 Hi y’all! As promised, here’s my 2023 reading wrap-up – my reviews and thoughts about some of the books I read this year :) As a heads up, some of these reviews may contain very very vague and mild spoilers just because I personally feel like it’s impossible to give a good sense of my thoughts on media without that; so I’ll list the books I’m going to include in the order mentioned above the cut in case you want to 100% avoid any potential spoilers. Another disclaimer- these reviews are each quite different in content; my goal was to give a synopsis (except for a few I didn’t feel were worth my time), give my thoughts and mostly-non-spoilery takeaways, and connect to an overarching theme of this post. My initial goal was to write like 2 sentences for each book, but that definitely is not what happened. This is a long post. A long post where I gave into my inner booktuber and wrote like I was doing a video. I enjoyed writing this, but. It’s a lot. You might not enjoy reading it.
If you’ve read these books, I’d love to hear what you all thought…Since these are all books I read this year, I haven’t gotten to re-read any yet, and I’d love to have some new things to think about when I do! Please tell me if you check out these books after reading my list <3
Also…let me know if you have any books you’d recommend. I think this list might just give a sense of my picky taste. 
I’d like to give a shoutout the love of my life, Libby, for making this possible.
Books, in order of mention, with numerical ratings: 
What Moves the Dead- T. Kingfisher: 5/10
The Hollow Places- T. Kingfisher: 6.5/10
The Hacienda- Isabel Cañas: 9/10
The Honeys- Ryan La Sala: 7/10
I’m Thinking of Ending Things- Iain Reid: 7.5/10
The Ruins- Scott Smith: 3.5/10
The Cabin at the End of the World- Paul Tremblay: 4.5/10
The Beautiful Ones- Silvia Moreno-Garcia: 4/10
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau- Silvia Moreno-Garcia: 6/10
Where Ivy Dares to Grow- Marielle Thompson: 5/10
Beloved- Toni Morrison and The Turn of the Screw- Henry James (brief discussion, no ratings)
Paris Is a Party, Paris Is a Ghost- David Hoon Kim: 8.5/10
The Fragile Threads of Power- V.E. Schwab: 4/10
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue- V.E. Schwab: 4/10
When the Angels Left the Old Country- Sacha Lamb: 6.5/10
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes- Suzanne Collins: 8.5/10
Project Hail Mary- Andry Weir: no rating because didn’t finish (bad)
Station Eleven- Emily St. John Mandel: 7.5/10
Severance- Ling Ma: 9/10
Annihilation- Jeff VanderMeer: 9.5/10
The Archive of Alternate Endings: Lindsey Drager: 8/10
Ok, let’s kick this off with my first category: horror and/or I read this because I thought it was horror but it wasn’t. Over the last two years or so, I’ve gotten into reading horror–ish books, because I like the genre expectations, and it freaks me out less to read it than watch it.
Over the summer, I decided to check out T. Kingfisher. I’d heard good stuff about her as a horror author. I first read What Moves the Dead. This is an adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe’s short story “The Fall of the House of Usher.” Both this book and the new Netflix show are pretty different from the original and each other, but of the two adaptations, What Moves the Dead is probably closer in tone and setting (19th century countryside, gothic elements), but that’s mainly because the Netflix show has barely anything to do with the original (thanks Mike Flanagan!). Like the original, the plot kicks off with the narrator receiving a letter from the Ushers asking for help, leading them to travel to a crumbling manor. On the other hand, Kingfisher’s book does casually take place in what must be an alternate reality; it’s set in the fictional country Ruritania, and the narrator, Alex, is from another fictional country Gallicia. This world building mainly functions to normalize nonbinary identity and unique sets of pronouns. This does play into the plot, but I feel like it wasn’t necessary to create a fictional culture just for this, or otherwise it should’ve played more of a role in the story…like the narrator could’ve just said ka uses neopronouns and it would’ve been more straightforward than creating whole new countries. This worldbuilding aspect was probably my biggest issue with the book (though of course I love cool linguistic discussions about pronouns and gender!), maybe along with the random cameos by Eugenia Potter (as in, relative of thee Beatrix Potter, of Peter Rabbit fame). There are some great creepy bits with fungus, rot, rabbits, and corpses. There are some similarities to the fungal horror in Mexican Gothic (which T. Kingfisher actually discusses in the appendix), but it’s not quite the same – either way, we love the crossover between fungus and gothic lit! Overall, certainly a far better adaptation of Poe’s story than Mike Flanagan’s, but some of the original content seemed out of place, while other original aspects needed more fleshing out. 5/10. 
I decided to try another book by T. Kingfisher, The Hollow Places, which I had heard really good things about! This one’s an adaptation of the novella “The Willows” by Algernon Blackwood, which features some sinister willows and cosmic horror (fun fact: I read the novella because Algernon Blackwood is where Martin Blackwood of TMA gets his last name) (fun fact 2: read “The Willows” it fucks. it’s free on project gutenberg). Unlike What Moves the Dead, Hollow Places takes place very much in the present, following a recently divorced woman who moves into her uncle’s museum of oddities. She and her GBF (okay, actually, he’s the eccentric middle aged neighbor who is a barista at the cafe the narrator goes to get wifi, but he does feel a bit gay best friend cliche to me) slip through a hole in reality to an in-between dimension full of willow-y islands…and hungry eldritch beings beyond their perception. Please appreciate that full sentence. I really liked the times while the duo was in this other place, but some of the moments in their own dimension felt a bit discordant; I honestly think it’s because their present was so modern. Like it felt weird to read them discussing memes after exploring a deadly pocket world. But maybe that’s the point of setting horror/fantasy in the modern world instead of a vague past. Despite this complaint, I actually think this a better adaptation in comparison to What Wakes the Dead, with original content nicely expanding on aspects of the novella. I did kinda hate the climax, but I’ll ignore that and rate this 6.5/10. When you fear getting torn apart by terrifying otherworldly beings, it really does put your ex-husband’s annoying texts into perspective. 
Before I get back to mid books, let’s talk about one I really liked: The Hacienda from Isabel Cañas. I actually wrote a few notes about this right when I read it because I knew I wanted to share something about it eventually. Those notes were: “cinematic, especially in flashbacks, not so typical final girl or just female protag period.” Which was not that helpful for writing this review because I don’t remember wtf I was talking about, but I’ll try to interpret past-Julia for you all. The book takes place after the Mexican War for Independence, during which the father of the main character, Beatriz, was executed. So, with her and her mother dependent on the goodwill of their cruel estranged family, Beatriz happily accepts a proposal from a hacienda owner and is ready to prove herself a capable homemaker. But, there’s something deeply wrong with the house, something that wants Beatriz dead. The only one that believes her is the priest Andrés, who has recently returned to the area, where his beloved grandmother had taught him witchcraft and had been a pillar of the community. He struggles to keep his witchcraft secret, while protecting Beatriz and trying to take on his grandmother’s mantle. I think I enjoyed nearly every moment of this book! I got a little stuck on the beginning, but once I got through the first few chapters, I was so invested in the story and was really following the ups and downs as Beatriz tries to solve the mystery and escape some evil shit. I loved the main characters, especially the women and Beatriz’s role as a gothic/horror heroine (hence the “not so typical final girl” note?), and I remember being surprised by the actions of characters I thought I was rooting for! Also, it must be said. Hot. Priest. I’m not generally a big fan of romances, but it worked for me lol. And, as I said in my notes, some scenes were so cinematic- I could picture exactly how they’d play out in a (good) movie. 9/10! I need to reread this, it was one of my favorite books I read this year! 
Around the same time, I read The Honeys by Ryan La Sala, and also had written down some terrible notes (adding some punctuation to make it semi-readable): “the horror of hypermasculinity, hyperfemininity, and the gender binary, bees, mean girl cliques, superorganisms like bees and aspen and rot. Actually very similar to midsommar in terms of grieving protag and sunlight horror and uhhhh joining a cult. Also I learned the term social horror.” I think that says it all…but I’ll give a more clear summary. When Mars’ twin sister dies terribly, he decides to attend her preppy summer camp in her place to reconnect with her memory and learn about her strange violent death. Mars is genderfluid and has always struggled in his political and public-facing family, thus resulting in his parents placing their hopes and confidence in his sister. But at Aspen Conservatory, Mars finds himself drawn away from the traditional gender roles of the camp and toward his sister’s elite and insular female friend group, the Honeys. They seem to accept Mars as one of their own, but what exactly does that mean? Overall, I really enjoyed the book, especially for all the creepy stuff that happens by daylight. It’s a great example of social horror; the gender binary sure is sinister in this book! I had a few complaints though. I thought Mars was a fun protagonist, but I didn’t always understand his motivations and occasionally he felt a bit annoying to me…but he is a teenager who has just witnessed his sister’s horrific death, so perhaps that behavior was intentional. I wasn’t a fan of the mystery reveal/conclusion, it felt a bit out-of-left-field to me, but maybe I just missed something. Also, it was a little too YA for me at this point in my life (though I wouldn’t actually classify it as strictly YA, if that makes sense), but I’m picky about genre, as you will see in these reviews. 7/10– after writing this review, I’m definitely considering rereading so I can see if I pick up on more foreshadowing!
I had a note saved for my next book I’m Thinking of Ending Things (Iain Reid), but it’s a spoiler for the entire thing so I won’t share. All I’ll say is, it was a joke about final girls…you’ll get it if you read it. I read this after trying to watch the movie on Netflix and giving up because it was boring in a discomfiting way (the stilted conversation and repetition was all intentional but it was getting to me), but I still wanted to know what happened and figured the things that bothered me in a film media wouldn’t be problematic in a book. I honestly don’t know how to describe this because it’s super surrealist and very easy to spoil with any of my personal takeaways. Most basic summary of all time: a woman questioning her relationship with her new boyfriend decides to go on a road trip to meet his parents. I actually recommend watching the movie trailer to see whether you’d like the book, because it gives a good sense of the inexplicable weird and tense vibe and atmospheric horror. 7.5/10 because reading this made me feel itchy. It was supposed to make me uneasy, and it sure did the job.
Ok, next are two books I don’t feel like describing in depth because they were mid/bleh. The first is The Ruins, by Scott Smith. I just learned they made a movie of this? I was thinking that it would actually work better as a movie than a book, but apparently it did terribly in theaters. Quick summary- four young American tourists in Mexico explore Mayan ruins in search of a fellow traveler, but become trapped on a hill covered with man-eating vines. The official summary mentions “a creeping horror” and “the terrifying presence that lurks there,” so I want to explicitly say that the big bad is man-eating vines because I was expecting something a bit deeper based on the blurb. I’d classify this as survivalist/nature/psychological horror and want to note it’s pretty gory. I’d give 3.5/10. It’s fine, but not what I look for out of the horror genre. 
The second book is The Cabin at the End of the World (Paul Tremblay). I saw really good reviews for this (btw there’s also a movie, which I haven’t watched but apparently is very different), but it also wasn’t all that interesting to me. I honestly don’t remember the plot very well/don’t feel like I have anything to write about it, so you might be better off looking it up, sorry. I’d give 4.5/10 though. 
Next, we have a few books that fit under the “I read these thinking they’d be horror” umbrella. This is my own fault for assuming Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s other books would be similar to Mexican Gothic. I would say I mainly didn’t like these books because I thought they were going to be a different genre, so take my word with a grain of salt. I read Moreno-Garcia’s The Beautiful Ones and The Daughter of Doctor Moreau over the summer. The Beautiful Ones is what I learned is called a “novel of manners,” where the quirky main character must navigate elite society to search for a suitor. The twist is that this takes place in a historical fantasy universe– the main character and her love interest have telepathic powers. I wish that the fantasy elements were more smoothly incorporated; I think this book could’ve been much better as magical realism. Even if the author didn’t want magic to be the main focus but for it to still be included in the story, magical realism would make that possible! I’d give 4/10, but that’s partially because I’m not really interested in the genre; if you like romance or YA fantasy with a twist, this might be fun, but I unfortunately do not! 
I somehow made the same mistake with The Daughter of Doctor Moreau. Okay, actually this one might’ve been a result of requesting it on Libby months before, then forgetting what it was by the time I got the book. This one I liked a bit better because the story had more interesting political meaning and is sci-fi/historical fiction, but it still wasn’t 100% for me. It’s inspired by H.G. Wells’ The Island of Doctor Moreau, which I haven’t read, so I can’t comment on this as an adaptation. It takes place at a hacienda in 19th century Yucatan, Mexico, where Dr. Moreau experiments making human/animal hybrids and cares for his sickly daughter, Carlota; beyond their estate, a Mayan rebellion is mounting. The plot kicks off as the Moreau’s resources dwindle, and they hope to resolve their financial troubles with a union between Carlota and their patron’s son…but, of course, things are not what they seem at the hacienda. I enjoyed reading the book, mainly for the commentary on connections between colonialism and patriarchy, and was definitely invested in the story, but I think it just wasn't my taste– all in all, though, 6/10.
One more book in this category, but this one’s not actually my fault. This one actually mentions Mexican Gothic in the description just to fuck with me I guess. Where the Ivy Dares to Grow (Marielle Thompson) does indeed intentionally use gothic tropes and subverts them, which I guess is cool, if you don’t carry a sense of betrayal about getting gothic lit baited :/ Saoirse travels with her fiance to his family’s ancestral manor as his mother reaches the end of her life, but his parents have nothing but contempt for Saoirse. Plus, the passion has long since cooled between her and her fiance, especially as he has grown exasperated with her mental illness that causes her to disconnect from reality. Though the manor seems unwelcoming at first, she eventually grows attuned to its idiosyncrasies, and begins to slip back in time to meet her fiance’s charming ancestor. While I found a lot of this book frustrating (not just because of the genre betrayal…), I did like the incorporation of a protagonist with a dissociative disorder (specifically, Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder) into a fantasy genre. I think many times with fantasy, characters will question their sanity, only to be reassured with the realization of the truth of their magical reality. Here, the fantasy setting doesn’t negate Saoirse's struggle with mental illness, or vice versa. I think the conclusion was well done in this vein, and it increased my perception of the whole book. Despite my bitterness. 5/10. 
Before we leave the horror genre, I want to mention 3 books I read during my ghost fixation this spring, which don’t 100% fit as horror, but y'know, ghosts. I read Beloved (Toni Morrison) for the first time ever! There’s a million things online/in literature about Beloved, it’s a classic, nothing unique I can say, other than it’s so so incredible and who am I to give it a rating. My class read The Turn of the Screw (Henry James), which is the 1898 novella that “Haunting of Bly Manor” is based on (once again, Mike Flanagan is out here making wild adaptations…). We discussed it through a queer theory lens, and I recommend reading it with attention to sexuality and innocence, and how interrogating these things can be deeply violating. 
I read an excerpt of David Hoon Kim’s Paris Is a Party, Paris Is a Ghost for that same class, and I liked it so much that I read the whole book. Fun fact- half of the title alludes to the poem “Ghost Q&A” by Anne Carson, which I actually used in a web weaving post (here’s the relevant line: “A: have you been to Paris; Q: no; A: Paris is a ghost; Q: no it’s not”).  It plays with nonlinear time, since ghosts classically disrupt the progression of time and the definition of a “present;” us trc folks are quite familiar with that… The book follows (in the most ghostly use of the word) Henrik, a Japanese adoptee raised by Danish parents, an expat living in Paris. To top off the layers of identity and belonging, Henrik begins working for a blind physicist (i.e., someone who can’t see and question his ethnic background) as a translator between English and French, neither of which is his first language. The book is divided into three parts across Henrik’s life; the first centers around the implications of his girlfriend’s hikikomori. The third part focuses on Henrik later in adulthood, which I personally found less engaging than the other two (which I REALLY liked), but that may just be me and my interests as a young person, and that was my only issue with the book. I’d say this book is for fans of nonlinear storytelling, ghosts (of course), interrogation of identity, language and the art of translation, ambiguity, and weird shit. 8.5/10. Also I have a pdf of the first chapter (from when I read it for class), so DM me if you want to read a sample. 
Finally, we are done with horror (or are we? More on that later).
Next is a category I call “YA/YA adjacent/adult fantasy/gave me YA vibes sorry I know this is a controversial classification but that’s how I think of it.” 
I’ve already made two petty posts about the two V.E. Schwab books I read this year , The Fragile Threads of Power and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (here’s one post, can’t find the other now). They were…fine. First, Fragile Threads– it’s a spinoff series (?) from A Darker Shade of Magic, which I read a while ago and liked but forgot the details, so I think I’m a pretty good objective reviewer here. This new book takes place seven years after the original series and follows the original main characters and a few new ones. I think it was a good choice to have this fairly hefty time skip. The original characters are now in their late 20s/early 30s, which is unusual in the genre (or often post-time skip, the characters’ issues will be suddenly all solved and they’re all comfortably settled into adult life and domesticity). On the other hand, the new main characters are both tween girls, which felt like a strange choice and made everything feel kinda disconnected. I would’ve liked to spend more time with the new characters; the older set had pretty disproportionate screen time (perhaps Schwab felt readers who are big fans of ADSOM would be unhappy otherwise?). The major plot beats felt really rushed and unearned (especially the resolution of one of the major conflicts offscreen…if you’ve read it you know what I mean). When the next books in this new series come out, I’ll check them out, but I’m not that invested. 4/10. Regarding Addie LaRue, yea it was mid and I don’t feel like delving into it. readwithcindy has a video about the whiteness of the book  and books like it, which is worth checking out. Also 4/10. I still don’t believe that every person in the world would feel compelled to COMMENT ON ADDIE’S FUCKING FRECKLES WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT HAVING SEVEN FRECKLES I DON’T GET IT??????? Anyway. 
As per many tumblr recommendations, I read When the Angels Left the Old Country (Sacha Lamb). It’s a queer Jewish immigrant story that follows an angel and demon who are chavrusas (Talmudic study partners); they leave their shtetl for America to find and help a girl from their village. Along the way and through their time in America, they explore things like free will, gender, names and identity, labor justice, and fucking up rich people. I felt like this was a good historical fantasy, and I’m always up for Jewish fantasy! I’m not super into the angel and/or demon thing I know tumblr people like, so fans of those tumblr posts that are like “an angel is actually high tension wires” would probably like this. 6.5/10 - not 100% my taste, but definitely a fun read and I can’t believe this is the only really Jewish book I read this year. Someone tell me about more Jewish books please. 
There’s a couple other books I read in this category, but I don’t feel strongly about commenting on them (and we definitely don’t need to discuss the fact I read two game of thrones books in like a week for no reason), so let’s move on to my next set, sci-fi/apocalypse-y/dystopia. 
I read A Ballad of Snakes and Songbirds early this year. Obviously lots of people have been discussing it recently because of the movie, so all I’ll say is that I was pleasantly surprised. I was nervous it might be another pointless spinoff about a villain’s backstory (and trying to justify their actions), but this is definitely not that. This book had shit to say, and it was really well done. 8.5/10. 
I want to start the rest of this category with a book I didn’t like before getting into books in this genre that I felt worked so much better, at least for me. My brother sent me a paragraph-long text with a glowing review of Project Hail Mary (Andy Weir). He’s not a big texter, so I figured I had to check it out- I joined the long long waiting list for the book. And, I couldn’t get through it. I really tried, but everything about it annoyed me so much, despite the fact I had liked The Martian which is a fairly similar style. First, the narrator exemplifies the worst of scientist characters; while reading this book, I posted several times to complain about this problem. If you haven’t seen my many personal posts about my life, I currently work in a microbiology lab and ultimately want to become a research scientist. I regularly interact with truly incredible scientists, people I aspire to be like one day. But if I asked my supervisor to calculate a star’s orbit in her head, I think she might slap me. I really don’t think you can write a realistic scientist who is an expert in every subject, and the weirdly humble and immature attitude of the book’s narrator pissed me off more because of this. The fact he claims to be a microbiologist but seems to do everything but microbiology is beyond the point…It would be much more interesting to me to have the narrator find himself so out of his depth in a time of crisis and/or when alone in space. Of course, this would require some more creativity to move the plot forward, but that could be really cool! My other major reason for not finishing was the actual apocalyptic conflict. This was more a personal thing for me than a book problem; the conflict is a bit convoluted, but not bad in itself. Honestly, reading about an all-consuming response to a planetary crisis was just overwhelming and some aspects of their stopgap solutions made me physically nauseous (I don’t want to give specific spoilers but uh. I think the idea of what happens with the Sahara and Antarctica were what actually made me finally stop reading). On the other hand, it made me so sad to think about a reality where such a crisis warrants the appropriate response. We have a real planetary threat on our hands, and we can’t even mobilize the bare minimum measures because of the same capitalist and exploitative motivations that have driven climate change this whole time. This second unrealistic aspect gave me a good dose of climate doom. I can’t rate the book because I didn’t finish, but I’d be really interested to hear your thoughts on this one, since I don’t understand why it has been so praised. 
I do think it’s possible to more realistically handle the idea of proportionate crisis response and normalcy/lack thereof in an apocalypse situation. We have all been living through a pandemic and have all personally experienced how quickly the definition of “life as normal” can change, as well as seen our world’s failure to raise a just and appropriate response when profit is in the picture. I’ve felt pretty sensitive to how fiction handles these topics, and I have a few broad  categories for pandemic media: pre-COVID and eerily accurate or pre-COVID and absolutely inaccurate; post-COVID and insensitive (it gives the audience a little elbow, like “hey we all remember THAT right, look, it’s been incorporated into this story lol!”) or post-COVID and tastefully incorporates some interesting insight or post-COVID and ignores the whole thing (though it’s a different question whether you can create something fully new without incorporating lived experience even subconsciously) (as another note, I want to add that before 2020, I was really into the science history of pandemics, but haven’t done much reading on that front since) (also, when I say post-COVID, I mean post-outbreak. COVID rates are soaring right now, let’s stop ignoring this. While we’re in a parenthetical, please get the new vaccine if it is accessible to you). 
Both Station Eleven (Emily St. John Mandel) and Severance (Ling Ma) were indeed published prior to 2019, and so they fit into category #1. Reading them this year actually felt really valuable and almost cathartic, rather than anxiety-inducing. Station Eleven loosely follows several people who are connected by their involvement in a production of King Lear immediately before the outbreak of a deadly flu. The fairly extensive glimpses into their lives prior to and after the outbreak round out really nicely. I like that we see such a range of ages of characters. One of the main characters was a young child when the flu started, and most of her screen time takes place twenty years after; only a small fraction of her life took place in what the older characters view as “normal” times. So what does that mean for people like her (or those born after the outbreak)? Should she be mourning something she experienced for just a few years? Her whole life has taken place during a period of apparent transition, but what is the world transitioning to? When does a transition end? After twenty years, there’s a sense of peace and predictivity to her reality- isn’t that a sort of normalcy? I also really liked the way all the characters were loosely connected to one another; there are lots of books with such setups, but I like that this connection doesn’t entail some great mystery or a climactic meet-up. Connection is just how the world works. 7.5/10; it left me with things to think about, but it was a bit of a slow read for me at some points.
While I read Station Eleven because I saw my lovely mutual posting about it, I read Severance because my coworker posted about it…but what are mutuals if not coworkers. It is similarly made up of pre- and post- outbreak scenes, but it follows only one character, Candace Chen (interesting quote from a New Yorker article about this choice: “...Ma flouts a trope of dystopian fiction, a genre that, with its fixation on the fate of civilization, has a tendency to produce protagonists meant to stand in for society at large. Rather than an Average Joe, Ma gives us a Specific Chen, conjuring an experience of the apocalypse through the lens of someone whose variegated identity is not an exotic distraction but part of the novel’s architecture”). These scenes of the past are less strictly cohesive flashbacks, and more snippets of Candace’s dispassionate existence. When the epidemic breaks out, she keeps working her corporate job in bible manufacturing in New York City, even as her superiors and coworkers leave or fall ill, even as the city’s infrastructure crumbles and she moves into her office, until she eventually is rescued by a band of survivors. Candace is a cog in a machine, otherwise adrift and lonely in late-stage capitalism. The Shen Fever isn’t a disease where the victims fall ill and die, leaving the sight of the narrative; the fevered linger, acting out loops of their daily/familiar routines until they finally wear themselves ragged and die. So, there definitely is more cutting, explicit criticism of consumerism and capitalist society in Severance than Station Eleven. It’s also more psychological (and ambiguous). While Station Eleven gave me a sense of peace and calm occasionally, I never felt that here, where the non-fictional aspects of life under late-stage capitalism is inseparable from the book’s fictional dystopian elements (perhaps the difference in tone between the two books is because Station Eleven is about connection, and Severance’s narrator exemplifies the disconnection wrought by capitalism). There’s not really a sense of urgency or stress, though. In my opinion, that’s because (as many of us have experienced) when crisis is happening all the time, people become exhausted and adjust their idea of normalcy to some level of tragedy. Between the symptoms of the fever and Candace’s commitment to work a pointless job through a pandemic, this book really did eerily reflect the world’s insistence on “life as normal” during the beginning of COVID. There is so much more to talk about with Severance (I was mainly focusing on how it compares in regard to a sense of normalcy in crisis, but there’s SO much interesting stuff in it- I didn’t mention at all, for example, the role of immigration), and I highly recommend checking it out if you don’t mind an uncomfortably realistic sense of impending capitalistic doom! 9/10.
These three apocalypse books all used scenes set before, during, and after the onset of a crisis, so it’s interesting to me that they have such different relationships with normalcy. I’d be super intrigued to hear what y’all think about these books (or other similar ones) and their very different treatment of the same themes.
Sorry for the mini book report there. It’s time for me to talk about one last sci-fi book, which was actually one of my top books of the year- Annihilation (Jeff VanderMeer). I read this after I finished my last finals of my university career, and I finally had some time to myself. It was a strange and liminal sort of period for me, existing in this space for two weeks where I was just anticipating graduation and my move to a new city, a looming end to life as I had known it the last 4 years. I spent several evenings sitting on the quad, enjoying the nice May weather, and barely noticing as the sun set and it grew dark around me. I really expected nothing from Annihilation and couldn’t believe how much I loved it. For one, it gives me hope that scientist characters don’t have to be awful (unlike Project Hail Mary’s protagonist, the narrator here sticks within her field and even explicitly mentions being recently refreshed on the scientific topics relevant to the story). I don’t know what genre you would call this– it’s like 60% horror 40% sci-fi (but I couldn’t bear to add another book in the horror section, that’s why it’s in here, and also I wanted another jab at Project Hail Mary’s protagonist); it’s cosmic horror, where the incomprehensible thing is biology and the strange inhuman beauty of nature. The narrator is simply called The Biologist, a woman who is absolutely fascinated about the natural world; she’d be satisfied staring into a puddle in a parking lot for hours. I love her. She joins a mission, made up of women also referred to simply by their fields, to learn more about the mysterious environmental disaster zone called Area X. The movie’s description calls this a “mysterious zone where the laws of nature don’t apply,” but I think the Biologist would say the exact opposite. The story, told through her field journal, records the team’s investigation into Area X and the terribly strange and beautiful things she encounters there; meanwhile, she reluctantly reveals her not-so-scientifically-objective motives for signing up for this doomed expedition. You’ve probably heard of the movie and/or seen gifs of its beautiful visuals; this is one of the cases where the movie is pretty good (and Oscar Isaac is there), but it’s really a completely different piece of media than the book- I recommend reading the book as a separate entity than the movie. This one is a 9.5/10! Once I reread and better understand the conclusion, I’d probably add that 0.5 points back. Has anyone read anything similar to Annihilation they recommend? I need more of a funky scientist interacting with surreal natural horror. 
Ok, one last book that I would consider miscellaneous to my categories here, but theoretically could be scifi? 
I read The Archive of Alternate Endings (Lindsey Drager) after seeing a quote from it in a tumblr post. In fact, you might’ve seen the post I recently made with a different excerpt from it. I finished it just before the new year so that I could fit it in here and give it the honorary place of the last book :) Archive combines a lot of things I know y’all like: the circularity of time, folktales, web weaving, siblings, tragedy, nautilus shells, etc. Since we’re at the end of this post, I’ll give a better go of describing an experimental book: a natural history of storytelling, as traced through the tale of “Hansel and Gretel” and Halley’s comet. Not sure if that makes sense, but essentially, Archive reveals the human connections at each 74 year interval of the comet’s orbit, from 1378 to 2365, through revisiting the meaning of “Hansel and Gretel” to different pairs of siblings. Compared to other works that attempt to do the grand connections across time and space thing, Archive does this very well, probably because this structure is not an afterthought and it’s not a tool to build anticipation of the characters meeting- it’s the thesis statement. One thing I did have trouble with was the incorporation of real historical figures into this piece, especially considering its structure. I was able to more easily digest some of the historical liberties taken than others; I didn’t mind the historical figures and original nameless characters separately, but it was strange to see Ruth Coker Burks (though she’s not named explicitly) interact with a pair of fictional siblings. 8/10. Other than that issue, I think this book worked well and was a great last read for 2023!
I said that was the last book, right? Sorry.
I realized I’ve never posted here about one of my favorite books, and I want to use this as the chance to talk about it, if anyone’s still reading at this point. 
I read A Tale for the Time Being (Ruth Ozeki) in the spring of 2022. I learned about this book because someone had left it in a classroom I was teaching in, and I thought the title was great, so I took a picture of the cover and eventually searched for it at the library. How’s that for fate? Here’s a brief summary. A novelist with writer’s block finds a journal that has washed ashore. Alongside the novelist’s annotations, we read the words of Nao, a Japanese teenager. Nao has decided to kill herself, but first she wants to do something that’ll matter: write about the incredible life of her great-grandmother, a hundred year old Buddhist nun. Despite her best attempts to focus on her grandmother, Nao ends up using the journal as a diary, documenting the events of her own life that have led her to plan a suicide. While Nao’s life and her intentions are obviously extremely bleak, she writes with a delightfully bright and peppy voice that makes her journal both a pleasure to read and that much more devastating, as we quickly begin to care deeply for Nao. The novelist’s parts of the book are objectively weaker than Nao’s, but her role as helplessly studying the journal years in the future is definitely necessary for the book to work (plus she’s the framing device). I do want to note content warnings for Tale; suicide, of course, but also I was surprised by brutality of Nao’s bullying (I’d loosely define some of it as torture) and the escalation of events toward the end. So adding some less obvious CWs in case people wanna check it out: graphic depictions of bullying; sexual assault; racist fetishization of Japanese women; child neglect; and lots of discussion of suicide. Beyond that, I’d add that this book is just absolutely packed full of everything, which can make it seem occasionally a bit all over the place, but it’s all connected, so it’s worth it to try to follow the various threads. From reviews I see online, some people LOVE this book, others hate it, so it might be an acquired taste…but personally, I recall it as one of the best books I’ve read and am going to take this as motivation to finally reread it. 
Right, now we are done. So what are the takeaways of this ridiculously long post ? Here are few bits of wisdom I learned from my 2023 reading: You have got to read the originals that adaptations are based on because Mike Flanagan and co will fuck around with the source material, but also because knowledge of the source material can add a lot to your understanding of an adaptation you enjoy (and there’s usually a reason someone found them worthwhile of adaptation). Screwing with time can work incredibly well in any genre, but it will come off as cheap if the author doesn’t get the implications of non-linear time and just wants an excuse for excessive flashbacks. There is good pandemic fiction out there, you just have to avoid cringey COVID-derivative material. Stop making your scientist characters be experts in everything, and start making them obsessed weirdos. And take better notes than a string of adjectives if you want to write in-depth book reviews. 
Thanks for bearing with me through this post! Let me know what you think! Did you read these books? Agree with me or disagree with every word? Do you have any recommendations for me? Read something good with a ghost in it? Or do you want to share books from this year you hated? And should I channel my inner booktuber and do more posts like this?
Happy New Year!
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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My Personal Goal Progress and Steps to Achieving Them: Part 1, Reading
Hello there. For today’s article, I decided to talk about what my personal goals are and how I plan to go about reaching them.
I’ve realised that I’ve made a lot of content on creating goals, but I haven’t shown how it works for me with real life examples. Maybe showing this little insight in my life will help you manage your own goals better.
My Goals for 2022-end
* Read 6 books
* Lose 5 inches off my lower waist
* Get rid of acne scars
* 20 Medium articles by the end of the year
* Go back to playing tennis
* Be able to read the language I’m studying fluently
Reading 6 Books
I chose six books because I’d rather read six books diligently and properly than read 10 books in a rush. I’ve chosen works that I’ll actually enjoy.
Reading List:
1. The Art of Seduction
2. What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business school
3. Power of pussy
4. Ho tactics
5. Why Men Love Bitches
6. Lean start up
7. Zero to one
8. How to sell anything to anybody
9. The Sweet Spot- how to accomplish more by doing less
10. The 10x Rule
I like a mix of psychology, relationships, business, finance and personal growth.
I have a kindle which allows me to carry all my books wherever I like, and fits perfectly in one of my mini Coach purses.
Often, when I read something and find something interesting, I’ll take a picture and send it to a friend or my mom so that we can talk more about it. I’ve noticed that really encourages me to read more.
Sometimes, especially in financial and business books, some concepts can be a bit more challenging to understand. If I can’t put the book down and explain it to an imaginary person in the room, I take it as I haven’t understood the concept properly yet.
I often highlight paragraphs that I find interesting and can refer back to while writing articles. It gives me more content, another great factor to read.
So how do you start?
- start with something as small as 5 pages. I think that’s very doable.
- I don’t think timing your reading is a good idea because the timer will break your flow of reading. I think the number of pages/ chapters makes more sense.
- Mark things that you find interesting. If you have no one to share things to, send them over to me! It doesn’t matter if we don’t know each other.
- If you used to read a lot as a child and stopped as you grew older, I noticed that reading the things you read as a child could help you get back on track. I loved books as a kid. I struggled finding the time to read in high school but got back to it in college because I began with my favourite subject- fiction. I read a couple of Enid Blyton books again, cover to cover, to “warm up.” That gave me confidence that I haven’t lost interest in reading, I just need to warm up and expand more.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 months
Random questions to distract you
1. What book/book series do you like the best?
2. What tv show do you like the best
3. What’s your favorite game
4. What’s your favorite color
5. Favorite hobby?
6. What’s something cool/interesting you did recently
7. What’s your favorite food
8. What is a activity you will never do (ie- zip lining, cage diving, etc)
9. Do you have any pets? What would your dream pet be?
10. What’s your favorite season of the year?
Answer some, all, or none of them, but I hope they helped distract you
Haha embarrassing fun fact… I don’t read a lot 🥴😅 not anymore, I guess I should say. I got into reading Harry Potter after seeing the first movie, but that’s about it. All the other reading that I have done has been school related, or science and Faith books or biographies. So not really any kind of fiction series. Aside from fanfiction of course 😂 So I guess tu answer your question, Harry Potter is my answer! I tore through those books, I have fond memories of everyone dressing up as HP characters to go downtown for a new book release.
Hmm… Avatar: The Last Airbender? Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood? Rurouni Kenshin? Probably one of those
Skyward Sword! :D
Either writing or walking. Does walking count as a hobby? I don’t have many hobbies 😂 part of my problem
I bought a house! :D
Green bean casserole, meatloaf, garlic mashed potatoes, arroz con pollo, Mac and cheese ❤️
Hard to say, mainly because I never thought I’d jump out of an airplane but I did that last summer. Probably something like cage diving, the ocean in general is kind of intimidating to me. I like my mountains and forests and valleys better. OH OB WAIT. Living in a city long term. That’s something I never want to do. Cities are Blegh. So crowded and angry and overwhelming and lonely all at the same time.
I have a bird, but we’ve been separated for the entirety of this year because of living situations. But once I move into my new house I’ll have him back ❤️ I would love to have a dog (I technically do, but she’s the family doggie and lives with my parents), but my schedule isn’t conducive to caring for a puppy by myself.
Fall! Followed by spring/winter, and then far, far down the list is summer.
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iambibliophilic · 2 years
My all-time favourite books &recs!
1. The murderbot series by Martha Wells. I truly cannot fault these books. Sci-fi with an undercurrent of the ethical ramifications of a society with human/robot constructs. First few are very short, then book 5 is a full novel. Diverse cast of characters, casual non-binary rep (esp later on), polyamory, asexual rep. 10/10 humour. What more could you want?
2. The Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews. Spicy urban fantasy. First trilogy revolves around human lie detector Nevada, second trilogy from the point of view of her sister. My favourite books are 4 and 5 (especially 4!). Such a cosy cast of characters I love them so much. Prepare for some problematic stuff in book one though omg I did not remember that the love interest did THAT how did they recover from that I’ll never know. Also stop whitewashing these characters they’re mixed race and it’s mentions that explicitly (although one criticism I have of Ilona andrews is that even their POC read like white characters. More depth needed)
3. The innkeeper chronicles by Ilona Andrews. I think it’s described as paranormal romance? But I would describe it as urban SCI-FI. I would say consider the first book a prequel of sorts and judge the series more starting from the second book. Again they’re pretty short. Defo get better as the series progresses since the world-building takes a while. Maud’s book was so unexpectedly phenomenal I highly highly recommend. Technically this series is most enjoyable after reading the author’s On The Edge series but I won’t put you through that. (I love those books but objectively only book 4 is perfect so decide for yourself if you want to give that series a go once you’ve seen Ilona Andrews’ other work. It’s their oldest series so the fact that it’s not their best is actually a really good sign - you can really see their growth and how they’ve improved as authors with every publication.) Don’t get excited they’re not non-binary: Ilona Andrews is the name of a husband and wife who write books together. They also happen to be my favourite authors so get ready for me to recommend all of their books to you
4. Red, white and royal blue by Case McQuiston. The perfectest perfect book out there. I’m just putting it on here to show you I have good taste
5. The Second Mango series. I’ve only read the first two but now that I’m getting better (I’ve been sick for the past couple of years) I’m rereading them and looking forward to reading the rest of them. Very short little books only available on Amazon unfortunately and no audiobooks rip. The most heartwarming story ever - lesbians, dragons, Judaism, magic, what more could you want? Fantasy series with quite simple storytelling. Lots of brown people yay. Kind of accidentally forgets trans people exist in the first book
6 There is a light by Ban Gilmartin. Love it. So full of humour it’s impeccable. Brown rep, gay and bisexual rep. Poetry, trans rep. Non binary rep. I’m just listing types of rep but in my head I’m telling you all the ways in which this book rocks. One thing is rep and another is doing it well. This book does it well and then some. Highly recommend. Tw: suicide
7. All for the game series. Do I really need to recommend this to tumblr though this is literally the only place that knows about these books. Gay, crimes, sports but don’t let that dissuade you the sports is actually a highlight of the series. I love my child Neil Josten and I love these books an unholy amount. If you do read them half of the enjoyment is looking through the content on tumblr so definitely do that after. Ooo also check out the art of one ‘polarts_’ on insta
8. The name of the wind books by Patrick rothfuss. The most misogynistic series I know but the world building and storytelling is impeccable. I would say these books are the polar opposite to the second mango: no gays, too many white people and it takes itself so seriously. The writing style is a bit much sometimes but I seriously love the story so, so much. It’s rich and well constructed and funny and yes. Also sad omg you don’t even know
9. The stormlight archives by Brandon Sanderson. Anything by him to be honest and like Ilona Andrews you can really see his growth as an author as time passes - in his case it’s to do with misogyny bc his earlier series (mistborn) reeks of Patrick rothfuss-level sexism but unlike Patrick he does something about it. Stormlight is way less sexist, almost not sexist actually, and his sci-fi series Skyward is even better in terms of that. Stormlight is a CHONK though so buckle in for a good time and a long time. High fantasy, lots of brown people and actually unexpected non binary rep? But don’t get your hopes up cos it’s not a human being. And it’s not till like book 4. Better than nothing though! Not gay enough
10. Kate daniels series by Ilona Andrews. Listen, I love this series wholeheartedly. Favourite author, remember? But the first two books and the first book in particular is not very good. The authors themselves say that. I recommend starting at book two and waiting till book three to decide whether to read the series. It’s urban fantasy with the best chemistry between characters I’ve ever seen. (Can start with book one if you want but be warned there’s gratuitous sexual assault descriptions/ sexual harassment. It was the urban fantasy scene at the time but yeah not the mos pleasant reread. Can be tricky to get your head around the world building but it’s so worth it I promise!) Not enough queer rep but they tried a little. Some brown rep but not really enough. (Again, main character is brown but doesn’t read like it. I understand why given how she’s raised but then there’s a few kinda racist/ fetishising things said about her appearance so -_-). Excellent epic storytelling, excellent humour and phenomenal characters. Can skip book 5.5 if you want but don’t skip Hugh’s book - read it between Kate Daniels books 9 and 10. It’s excellent you won’t regret it. And don’t forget to read Aurelia Ryder when you’re done with Kate Daniels.
11. SAGA graphic novels. Graphic is correct cos there’s explicit everything in these books. Amazing storytelling, diverse set of characters. Sci-fi, feminist. Yes yes very recommend
BONUS: 12. If you’ve already read six of crows and crooked kingdom then king of scars and rule of wolves by Leigh Bardugo. Best enjoyed if you’ve read the grisha trilogy too but once again I won’t put you through that if you haven’t. These books defo smack of YA especially in the plot at certain points but OH MY GOD they are so epic and fast-paced and heists and shenanigans. 10/10 so enjoyed them. Warning I repeat: only read AFTER the six of crows duology, especially Crooked Kingdom for spoiler reasons. Once you have read king of scars and rule of wolves I recommend checking out jaded.draws’s art on instagram and also polarts_ again. Both make such beautiful art but it is slightly spoilerly if you haven’t read all the books. Also can we talk about the Shadow and Bone tv show because they did such a good job with it somehow?? It is it’s own work of art and I highly enjoy it
I recognise that my favourite books are overwhelmingly (exclusively?) written by white people and there’s varying amounts of diversity in them. I’m actively working to remedy that and I plan to post an updated list once I’ve read a little more broadly. These are just the books that are closest to my heart and I’ve wanted to share them on here for a while (read: a decade 💀). I hope you find a new book to love on this list but if not you can make fun of me for the ones I do! Also the format of this post is unforgivable but it’s my first one and I’m chronically ill so I’m not gonna put any more effort in that I already have. Xoxo have a good day!
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filmnoirfoundation · 10 months
ASK EDDIE - August 24 2023
FNF prez Eddie Muller responds to film noir fan questions fielded by the Foundation's Director of Communications Anne Hockens. In this episode, we discuss the recent changes at TCM, Eddie’s memories of Robert Osborne, the new Philip Marlowe book, The Second Murder, Poker Face and its inspiration Columbo, female investigators in film noir, and more. We wind up the show with a new game, “Femme Fatale or Not?”. On the cat front, Charlotte is a diva and Emily won’t come out of her trailer.
Want your question answered in a future episode? We solicit questions from our email subscribers in our monthly newsletters. Sign up for free at https://www.filmnoirfoundation.org/signup.html
Everyone who signs up on our email list and contributes $20 or more to the Film Noir Foundation receives the digital version of NOIR CITY Magazine for a year. Donate here: https://www.filmnoirfoundation.org/contribute.html
This weekend’s questions:
1.       I am wondering if there's a way to find out which movies screened at the first NOIR CITY. I'm also wondering when you first started distributing those spectacular programs.
 2.       Would you address the recent cutbacks and layoffs at TCM that are affecting NOIR ALLEY.
 3.       I would love to know about your relationship with Robert Osborne.
 4.       The estate of Raymond Chandler hired Scottish crime fiction writer Denise Mina to pen a new Philip Phillip Philip Marlowe novel, THE SECOND MURDERER was released in August. Have you read it and if so, what did you think? What do you think in general of the practice of having contemporary authors pen reboots based on other writers' classic detective characters? Are there any examples of this that you think are particularly well-done--OR that you think egregiously miss the mark?
 5.       Have either of you seen the new TV series POKER FACE? It’s not a whodunit.  It’s a howcatchem.  It’s been said it’s a homage to the old COLUMBO series.  Were you two fans of COLUMBO. Was Peter Falk ever in a noir movie?
Alan, San Anselmo, CA
 6.       Would love to see THE ENFORCER, 1952, starring Bogart presented on NOIR ALLEY sometime soon. I wonder about the film’s backstory. What parts of the film really portrayed the "Murder Inc.", if any?
 7.       Since becoming interested in film noir, I have seen several films with Richard Basehart. Did he ever talk about his career in noir films? I saw Basehart live on stage in the late 1970’s playing Macbeth at a theatre near Philadelphia. Did any other “noir” actors perform Shakespeare on stage? 
Ed, Washington, D.C.
 8.       What do you think of Roger Corman's 1962 film THE INTRUDER? And do you consider it to be noir? Doug, Silver Spring, MD
 9.        I was curious to hear Eddie's opinion on directors William Dieterle, Delmer Daves, Anthony Mann, Robert Wise, Jean Negulesco and which of their film noirs are worth watching.
Jeff from Montreal
 10.   I was intrigued by the plot of Joseph Pevney’s UNDERCOVER GIRL (1950) because it centers on a policewoman working. I couldn’t find UNDERCOVER GIRL anywhere- to stream or buy.
My question is two-fold. How rare is this type of character in film noir? And why can I not find this film (and other films like this)?
Kellee, Kansas
 11.   Was The movie PUBLIC ENEMY recut? I ask because Jean Harlow's role is so short and feels like it was recut. I know that the Hayes code had just come into effect so that adds to my suspicion.
 12.   Anne and Eddie: How many emails do you each get each day connected with movies? Is it overwhelming?
 13.   Does Eddie or Anne have a favorite or memorable tagline associated with a noir film? Also, is it Tizzie with an "ie" or Tizzy with a "y"?  Inquiring minds need to know.
Timothy, Schenectady NY
 14.   I’d like to propose a new game: ‘Femme Fatale or Not?’ And start off with one tough (or maybe off the wall) example:
PITFALL (1948) (dir. André De Toth) - Mona Stevens (Lizabeth Scott) is not a femme fatale in this film but Sue Forbes (Jane Wyatt) is. I’ll stop here and see what you and Anne think (about the concept and my interpretation of Wyatt’s character.
Dave in Pie Creek, Queensland
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terresdebrume · 4 months
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
Guadeloupe! (It’s a tiny French island in the Caribbean.) It’s warm and beautiful, and that’s the place that made me appreciate the beauty of hiking, even though I never did manage to get into it after that x)
It’s also where part of my family is from so that helps too :D
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
I’m really proud of how much I’ve grown as a person these past few years. I’m proud of the fact that I’m still standing even though it sometimes felt like I wouldn’t be able to.
Also I’m proud of my writing to be honest. I think that’s the most solid ‘I’m good at this’ part of my life and it was the cornerstone of me building any kind of self esteem. I hope I get even better as time goes by :D
Favorite books?
I think the Hunger Games books are the ones I reread the most often (sidebar: I absolutely recommend you read Spin Control by Trovia in this fandom. It’s still pretty high on my ‘Introducing people to quality fanfic’ list!)
That being said, Pride and Prejudice is also a big favorite! A lot of my favorite stories are fanfics, though, it’s my favorite medium x)
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
My cats, my goddaughter, my niece, my friends 😊
Favorite thing about your culture?
The fact that we’re used to pushing back against authority (make fun of the French all you want for striking all the time, we sure do it a lot and even too much at times, but sometimes it’s useful to have a coworker who’s not afraid to be frank xD)
Also: how affordable books are! I miss paying only 5-10 euros for pocket-format paperbacks, especially when I can’t find anything under 13 dollars here ;_;
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
Last year, and late in the year at that! Although whether I’ve really joined the fandom is debatable, given how bad I am at socializing, but I’ve definitely written fic xD
What can I say, I watched this show twice before I caught the fic/shipping bug for it! Now I’m trying to decide whether I can actually watch The Pacific without damaging my mental health because I am not a gore fan xD
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
None so far, though I’m still looking around for Bill Guarnere and Babe Heffron’s book…and I’d like to get my hands on David Webster’s book as well, if I can. Not that the others aren’t interesting to me, but I’d say these are the two at the top of my list.
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
To my own surprise, I had a hard time deciding between Webster, Guarnere and Liebgott for this one! But I think David is the one that rotates the most in my mind, and I do absolutely love his whole “Can you believe I said that?” bullshit when he gets shot like, man what are your priorities xD
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
Well, I’m coming up on a million words of fanfiction published on AO3, the most recent works being largely Band of Brothers fic, but I also occasionally fiddle on Canva to make fic covers!
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
I think I still have to answer Tom Hiddleston, and Thor (the first one).
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
I do love Mika’s lyrics in Rio: “Maybe I’ll be myself when I’m somebody else.”
It really resonates with me, and if I’m going to tattoo any words on my body it’ll be those.
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
When I go cross eyed I can make it look like my eyes move independently like a chameleon’s.
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
Beta reader, cheerleader, whichever you prefer! I have too many fics on the backburner tbh! Right now I’m trying to wrestle the one where modern AU!Don Malarkey and David Webster met on Grindr, disliked each other too much to actually sleep together, but accidentally become ride or die friends anyway x)
Three things that make you smile?
I’m going to count my cats as only one thing, even though there’s three of them :P
Whenever my students compliment me.
The smell of rain on a hot road or warm grass.
And, because I can: swimming in a river/lake it hot weather.
Any nicknames you like?
I would describe myself as largely indifferent to nicknames on the whole? I’m fine with Matt tbh, I picked it myself and it’s only one syllable so it works x)
I do have two people who refer to me by a (different) nickname though, and I would feel very strange if they stopped ;_;
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
Well, @almost-a-class-act, who tagged me, is a pretty nice presence :D I'm also always happy to see posts from @formerlyknownas-delight, @liesmyth (enjoying the Italian blogging at the moment even if I don't understand most of it), @lectorel, @nemainofthewater and @talysalankil
Lately, I've also really enjoyed the works of @renegadepublishing, @fuckyeahgoodomens and @atlaculture
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
Freeze and try to be as quiet as possible? Probably slowly kill myself with stress over my cats’ wellbeing.
Favorite movie?
The Lord of the Rings trilogy, but also The Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert.
Do you like horror movies?
No D:
Tag list: @ronsparky @cinnamonmalarkey @1waveshortofashipwreck and whoever else wants to do this :D
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carrotcakecrumble · 5 months
hi!! 🥰 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16 and 20 for the FT asks? :D
3. What is your favourite episode and why?
One day I will list all of them and why because ALL OF THEM. But with a loaded pistol held to my head I’d have to say ‘your nuts roasting on an open fire’ (4?) 1. Because sorry but who came up with that title is it in the book???? i love it. 2. BECAUSE.. BECAUSE,., BACEUSE…BECAUSE E,, BECAUSE UHM. BECAUSE .. Them. Them spending their Christmas together. The TIE!!!!! Tim’s little shoulder giggle in bed. Hawk picking that bespectacled twink UP. ROCKETTES IN RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL BABY!!!!!. The cufflinks paralleled with the bracelet. That scene where they move the plot along during foreplay??? You know the ‘why can I never say no to you?’ Bit like UGH. Also!!! Tim’s family!!! Him so happy to be wearing the cufflinks at Christmas dinner always finishes me🧎🏻‍♀️ and then so much more but my memory exists only in 5 second segments and weird smells so i can’t think off the top of my head but. Basically just everything🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
6. What is your favourite parallel/reference in the show?
I don’t know about it being my favourite, I’d have to put a lot more thought in to admit something like that, but one that’s been on my mind recently that I haven’t seen talked about very much is the scene where Hawk tells Tim about his plan to move to Italy and asks Tim to keep it between them, and Tim throws out the most Chekhov’s gun of reply and goes ‘I’ll take it to my grave’ and he DOES. when Lucy comes to talk to him in the 80s, he knows their planning on moving to Italy. He knows Hawk’s plan for Italy. I think maybe at that point, he’s kind of certain that Lucy does too, they don’t need to say it outloud. idk. I just kind of. he kept his promise girls i
8. How did you discover Fellow Travelers? / 9. What is your favourite headcanon(s)? / 10. If the show had one more episode, what would it be about? (Answered in my first ask reply!!)
14. Do you have any unpopular opinions about Fellow Travelers?
I’ve seen a LOT of hate for Lucy’s big final speech in the 80s saying goodbye to Hawk, especially the ‘I thought, once he was dead, things might all be over and we could live like a normal couple’ (paraphrasing) and like I get it, she’s wishing for our special little lesbian lumberjacks death and like bitch omg. But also not at all bitch, that piece of writing was so BEAUTIFULLY truthful. We spend 8 episodes of everyone just lying and lying and lying. To themselves and everyone else around them. Then BOOM episode 8 comes and everything’s just finally laid arse cheeks out in the sun after DECADES and it’s so REFRESHING. Like yeah, ofc she wished Tim was just gone. I get it. She’s held onto this hope she never actually really believed in because the lying had clawed in so DEEP, that thinking there might be a way out of the mess they’ve curated for themselves in life without having to up-end everything good in it as well, was all she had. Telling herself Tim’s death would be the end of it, even though she knows about the other affairs (the gardener i think it is?? etc), was the last bit of hope she had, just how Hawk seems to have stuck his claws into the Italy dream and not let go of it the entire time, despite knowing he’s dug far too deep in for it to ever become a reality now. But then she meets Tim and realises this isn’t just the soldier who wrote the love letter or the criminal Hawk kept in his cabin, this is the man Hawk loves, and that’s never going to just be gone. This ruins everything. She can’t hold onto the lies or the hope anymore. And she tells Hawk all of this and it’s so raw and beautiful and brave and we BOO her???? no not on my watch girls. No more Lucy hate!!!!! I’m leading the march
16. If you could give the show an alternative ending, what would happen in your version?
It was all a bad dream Tim had from drinking some slightly gone off milk and uhm they actually get uhm married and live happily ever after in San Francisco attending aerobic classes <333
Ok no but, I really like the ending. I was STRESSED about how they were gonna pull it off satisfyingly with so many ends to tie up and not a lot of time left to do it but WAOW did they give us something beautiful !!!! I think maybe something I would have liked to see (not actually changed, but just purely selfishly bc i love them) is Tim and Hawk dancing at the gala 🥹 like i get why they didn’t, that would have been too much of a leap for Hawk’s character at that point in time but AGH how i would have fallen at Ron’s feet and kissed the ground that little man walks on if we had got to see that
20. If Fellow Travelers had a spin-off or continuation, what would you like it to be about?
i want a PREQUEL and i want to see Kenny and I want to see Bob and I want to see Lucy’s trip to Europe and I want to see more of that initial relationship between Hawk and Lucy’s brother (pardon me but what the shit is his name again? Kevin or something??) because listen there is something there, they only briefly go into it but i can literally see all scenes in my head, there’s so much potential!!! I need to go read some fics now
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otp questions fair game list but it’s by an idiot who can’t sit in a chair correctly
“pens you’re alive???!?!??!?” yes unfortunately anyway the list, minus a couple of them because they’re a bit nsfw and im not here for it
i’ll put it under a read more because im not a sadist
1. Who is the most affectionate?
clover. no justification just facts
2. Most common argument?
do u know,,,, what its like,,,, to be AFRAID of yourself??? i could hurt u! i could- (translation: qrow telling clover to Fuck Off before he gets hurt)
3. Who apologizes first?
clover. qrow is emotionally constipated and sits on the roof brooding until clover comes up to find him
4. Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together?
board game night or some shit, idk. clover always wins
5. Who drives and who rides shotgun?
clover drives and scolds qrow for putting his feet on the dash
6. Who is most likely to carry the other?
clover initially but then qrow gets tired of him showing off and starts Picking Him Up to establish dominance in the middle of combat or something
7. Nicknames?
lucky charm and cloves are the obvious ones. soldier boy. dipshit. idk what clover calls qrow but it’s probably something disgustingly affectionate and qrow gets embarrassed every time
8. Who proposes?
clover probably, qrow is still in his “you dont want the burden of my name” arc
9. Who sings along with the radio?
qrow but in bird form ONLY
10. Who worries most?
probably qrow but poor clover is also pretty fuckin worried about qrow 24/7
11. Who always wants to take selfies with the other?
clover needs content for his instagram (which is private and has qrow’s account tagged with a bunch of hearts in his bio. qrow doesn’t even have a pfp. he forgot the password 3 years ago.)
12. Who likes to playfully tease the other?
13. Who has the weirdest taste in their music?
qrow. his spotify is a mixture of the most emo ass shit, nightcore emo shit, and terraria boss music. 
14. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
clover. qrow remembers too but clover orders so
15. Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?
im sure clover has some form of trauma after the whole chapter 12 incident. i wouldnt be surprised if there was a fic already about clover’s insecurities around his giant ass chest scar
but like also it’s clover 
16. Who initiates kisses?
clover mostly
17. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
also clover. qrow is too busy Repressing his Emotions to do such a thing but clover holding his hand is like therapy even if he wont admit it
18. Who brings an animal they found home?
clover brings a cat home. they name it lucky. they laugh for an hour then realize how stupid they are.
19. Who holds the umbrella for the other when it’s raining?
clover keeps trying to bring qrow an umbrella, but qrow runs away from it because he needs to brood in the rain
20. Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?
they’ve got a competition going. both of them are really good at the cocky act though so neither of them have cracked. yet.
21. Who kills the scary bugs?
qrow, with pleasure. clover tries to rescue them as much as possible depending on the bug. cockroaches are on sight tho
22. Who asks the weird questions at random in the middle of the night?
probably neither of them. they’re old, they need their beauty rest
23. Who hogs the blankets?
qrow. even if he’s overheating he still takes clover’s blanket
24. Who wakes up first?
clover wakes up at like 7:30 every morning and makes breakfast. qrow is both awed and disturbed by how well he has his life together. one time, qrow tries to pay him back, so he wakes up at 5am and makes an inappropriate amount of pancakes. (they have to invite nora over to finish the leftovers)
25. Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
qrow emerges from bed at 11am on average. it’s rare to see him out of his pajamas before noon.
26. Who always makes coffee for the other each morning?
tea. but see #24
27. Who cries during certain films or when reading sad books?
clover. qrow absolutely didn’t cry watching the lion king, and even if he did, you have no proof.
28. Who gets scared during horror films?
qrow acts all tough when clover’s clutching a pillow in anticipation, but he falls for every jumpscare
29. Who cuts the other’s hair?
qrow is a master of cutting hair. his niece is yang xiao long.
30. Who says “I love you” first?
clover. qrow will pine away but will never say anything for previously mentioned emo reasons
31. Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?
clover tells his family. qrow’s family tells HIM. yang and ruby get sick of watching him pine 
32. What do their friends/family thing of the relationship?
ruby and yang are just happy that their uncle qrow is slightly less edgy now. winter is happy for clover but will detest qrow until the day she dies just on principle
33. Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?
clover, i mean havent you seen the ballroom scene in v7? where clover asks qrow to dance and they end up getting married and salem leaves because she cant compete? what do u mean that didnt happen?
34. Who cooks best?
qrow is secretly a good cook but you would never know it by the way he pours milk straight into the cereal box
35. Who wears the other’s jacket?
I would say qrow because there’s no way his skinny man jacket fits clover, but let’s be real, clover doesn’t own a fucking jacket
36. Who uses cheesy pickup lines?
clover. have u met the man
37. Who makes the other laugh most?
clover makes qrow laugh a lot, if u count amused huffs as laughter
38. Who needs more reassurance?
39. Who would have to bail the other out of jail?
clover is usually the law-abiding half of the relationship, plus he’s part of the military so
40. What would be their theme song?
@synvamp (im sorry for tag syn) wrote an absolute banger for them. thats it. whatever universe it is, that’s the one
41. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
clover usually, sometimes qrow tries in bird form but lucky is one evil cat and WILL try to murder him
42. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
live their lives man wdym? clover sends qrow lots of texts though
43. A headcanon about them that stabs your feels?
44. A headcanon that mends the previous one?
my canon now
if you read all of this you’re a legend, see you in 6 years when i finally finish the next fic chapter
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vixen-academia · 2 years
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Summer Studying Challenge: Southern Hemisphere Edition
So, last year I did your own version of the summer studying challenge and we’re back! I really enjoyed it, it was pretty fun! So now this is the 22-23 edition!
The challenge is 100% inspired by @myhoneststudyblr summer challenge
The challenge goes from 1st December to 31st January, so we can do it during a part of South Hemisphere’s Summer
I’ll try to repost every post, you can mark them with #SouthernSummerChallenge
Everyday will have a different challenge
You can post pictures of your study sections, your readings or just of what are you doing!
If you have any questions, you can send me an ask!
If you want to join on the challenge, please reblog this post!
Catch-ups posts are 100% allowed! I know not everyone will be able to post everyday, so don’t worry!
If you do in any other social media, please give credits ❤️
The oficial star of out challenge is in December 1st, but feel fre to start whenever you want!
🍧 Dec 1: Do you like summer?
🍹Dec 2: This is your first “normal summer” since the pandemic? How does it feel?
🍧 Dec 3: Are you on vacation yet?
🍹 Dec 4: Show us a summer reading!
🍧 Dec 5: How hot is the place you live?
🍹Dec 6: What’s your favourite summer activity?
🍧 Dec 7: What are your summer plans?
🍹Dec 8: What’s your favourite summer drink?
🍧 Dec 9: Do you have any plans to travelling during this summer?
🍹 Dec 10: That’s for my latam fellas: cold coffee during summer or hot coffe no matter what?
🍧 Dec 11: Do you have any “summer ritual”?
🍹Dec 12: If you could chose a course to do during the summer, what would be?
🍧 Dec 13: Do you and/or your family celebrate any holiday during summer?
🍹 Dec 14: Your actual “summer music” (or summer playlist) please!
🍧 Dec 15: Do you think you study better during summer?
🍹 Dec 16: Recommend us a “summer movie”!
🍧 Dec 17: Do you like to go take sunbaths?
🍹Dec 18: Do you like beach, river, lake or pool baths?
🍧 Dec 19: Tell us something you’re very excited about doing during this summer!
🍹Dec 20: Do you plan go to any summer school/summer course runner by your college or school?
🍧 Dec 21: Two things you like and two you dislike about summer!
🍹Dec 22: Any New Year’s resolutions ideas yet?
🍧 Dec 23: How many books you read so far?
🍹 Dec 24: If your family celebrates Christmas, they celebrate at 24th’s night or 25th’s day? (Latines will understand lol)
🍧 Dec 25: What are your goals to next year?
🍹Dec 26: There’s something you regret off? (Doing or not doing)
🍧 Dec 27: How it was your last day of classes in 2022?
🍹 Dec 28: Any plans for New Years Eve?
🍧 Dec 29: Say some good memories about 2022 :)
🍹Dec 30: Just take the day to look back to who you were this year. Are you happy with what you see?
🍧 Dec 31: The last night! Make a wish to 2023 ❤️
🍹Jan 1: How was your New Years Eave?
🍧 Jan 2: Do you usually do goals list? Do a academic and “for life” mini goals list for this year!
🍹 Jan 3: What were your “new year’s firsts”? (First read, first music, first rain bath etc)
🍧 Jan 4: When your classes start?
🍹Jan 5: Your fav summer fruit?
🍧 Jan 6: What color you link with summer?
🍹Jan 7: You study/studied during vacations?
🍧 Jan 8: The first week of 2023 is over! How do you feel?
🍹Jan 9: Do you like summer rains?
🍧Jan 10: Name one thing for each human senses that reminds you of summer
🍹Jan 11: Have you finished any book(s) yet? Which?
🍧 Jan 12: Tell us something you’re really excited about this year
🍹 Jan 13: A FRIDAY 13TH RIGHT IN THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR! You think it’s a good thing, a bad thing or are you just indifferent?
🍧 Jan 14: If you could have a summer trip to anywhere with your friends (or alone or with a loved one), with everything payed, where would you go?
🍹Jan 15: Favourite ice cream flavours!
🍧 Jan 16: How you usually dress yourself during summer?
🍹Jan 17: Tell us something new you learned this year
🍧 Jan 18: Do you feel anxious about going back to college?
🍹Jan 19: Pool party, luau or barbecue?
🍧 Jan 20: Did you try a new hobby this summer? Which?
🍹Jan 21: What’s the first movie you saw this year?
🍧 Jan 22: Did you chose your college or school classes already?
🍹Jan 23: Quick: a summer-friendly date idea. Go!
🍧 Jan 24: What’s your very first memory of summer time?
🍹Jan 25: The first month of the year is almost over… How do you feel about this?
🍧 Jan 26: Sunrise or sunset?
🍹Jan 27: If summer was a mythical creature, which one you think it would be?
🍧Jan 28: I challenge you to read or write a poetry about summer. Go!
🍹Jan 29: How do you like to spent you summer days?
🍧Jan 30: Tell us a fun fact about your relationship with summer.
🍹Jan 31: The challenge is over, but summer isn’t. This is a space so you can reflect about what you already did and what you want to do this summer (+ say if you enjoyed the challenge 😊)
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karlyboyyy · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Okay first of all - thank you so much for sending me this ask! I haven't received an ask since like 2018, and I really like answering questions! (are any of y'all old enough to remember Formspring? I loved that shit lmao)
Second of all - this took me forever to think of! I suddenly forgot all pieces of media that I've ever consumed. Plus I wanted to make sure I had a mix of stuff lol
Anyway, here's what I've come up with, in no particular order :)
David Rose | Schitt’s Creek
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David Rose is honestly so important to me. When I first started watching Schitt’s Creek, I was just like “oh haha sassy queer man, so funny!” But then as the show progressed, I found myself identifying so much with the character. And then I decided to rewatch the show… four more times over the next few months. Like I just kept going back to it. And eventually I thought “ya know… why do I identify so much with a queer man? I’ve never thought of myself as queer and I’m not a man… so why?” Which led me down the rabbit hole of watching other queer-centric shows and doing a bunch of internet searching of sexuality and gender identity. And I honestly learned so much. Like it’s crazy how much I just assumed about a lot of stuff without ever thinking too deeply about it. And wouldn’t you fuckin know it, I realized I was bisexual. And then the more and more I thought about how I see myself and how I wanted others to see me, I decided that yep, I’m not a man… but I’m also not really too attached to being a woman either. So here we are today, just a big ol’ bisexual nonbinary androgynous blob. All thanks to David Rose!
2. Karasuno VBC | Haikyuu!!
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Is this answer cheating? I feel like it’s cheating. But I’ve tried - I’ve reeeally tried - to pick a favorite character from Haikyuu, and I just cannot. So I’ve chosen the entire ‘12-‘13 Karasuno High School Volleyball Club (coaches and managers included!). I just love them each so much for different reasons. Like, Hinata is such a sweetheart and I’m so proud of him by the end of the series! Kageyama is my baby, my sweet grumpy dumb-dumb baby. Sugawara is probably the one I relate to the most, coming off as shy and calm but in reality he’s a little insane. And Asahi! My sweet sensitive Asahi, I love him so much. I could ramble on for days, but I won’t. Just know that I would fight to the death for these fictional characters. 
3. Power | Chainsaw Man
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Since I’ve decided that I’d only do one cheat answer, I can’t list the whole Hayakawa family as one character. That said, I’d have to say Power is my favorite of the trio. She’s loud and obnoxious and egotistical and powerful and silly and gross and honestly everything I wish I could be. 
4. Xie Lian | Heaven Official’s Blessing
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Xie Lian is so awkward, but he’s low-key hilarious. There’s a moment in chapter 6 of the first novel, where he was worried because he didn’t have any shrines or worshippers dedicated to him in the mortal realm. But then, there’s this excerpt: “And one day, on a whim, he suddenly thought: If no one worships me, I’ll worship myself! None of the heavenly officials knew how to respond to that. Who had ever fucking heard of a god worshipping himself?! To reach such tragic heights, what was the point?! However, Xie Lian was used to receiving nothing but awkward silence the moment he spoke and thought amusing himself could be fun.” Like… that whole ‘fuck it, I’m just gonna do whatever the hell I want’ attitude gives me life. On top of all that, he’s a cheapskate scrap collector, a terrible cook, and has the worst luck. But he’s a total sweetheart, he tries his best at everything he does, he’s always trying to help people, and HELLO he’s got Hua Cheng wrapped around his finger. 
5. Uramichi Omota | Life Lessons With Uramichi-oniisan
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My favorite depressy boi. Life Lessons is so freakin funny and way too goddamn relatable. I think I have four different magnets at my desk at work with images / quotes of Uramichi from the show and manga. There's not much else I can say other than he speaks to my soul.
6. Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo | Mob Psycho 100
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The goodest boy!! A friend actually recommended Mob Psycho to me, and at first I was a little skeptical. But by the third episode I was hooked. And by season 3, I found myself literally sobbing. Just seeing Mob’s growth throughout the show, and how his kindness impacted so many people around him… it just fills my heart. But also the moment where he almost loses himself to the ???%… just wow. The whole message of that show is so so good and I will literally recommend it to anyone and everyone. 
7. Sasaki Shuumei | Sasaki and Miyano
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The sweetest cinnamon roll!! The way he truly loves Miyano is so refreshing. Sure, he has the whole “but he’s a guy…” thought at first. But he gets over that fairly quickly. He just knows that Miyano is cute and he genuinely wants to get to know him. He actively engages with Miyano to try and learn about his interests and hobbies. He reads all the BL Miyano lends him. He gives his honest feedback about each story! He stands up for Miyano’s interests. He confesses to Miyano pretty early on, but recognizes that Miyano may not reciprocate those feelings right away. He continually reassures Miyano that his feelings are strong, but he’s not pushy about it. It’s more like he wants to make sure Miyano doesn’t see his feelings as a passing whim. And when they finally get together, he’s not shy about their relationship. He talks about it to his friends and family. When the two of them start to get more physical, Miyano voices his concern about who’s going to be the “bottom”. And Sasaki’s immediate thought was that he didn’t really care which way they went, he just knew that he wanted it to be with Miyano. And my GOD I loved seeing that. I feel like discussing your sexual preferences with your partner and figuring out what you’re comfortable with doing is SO important, but that aspect of starting a new relationship isn’t portrayed nearly enough in BL stories. It’s usually just one guy being a little nervous about being bottom and the other guy automatically assuming they’re the top, with zero communication. Anyway, I digress. Back to Sasaki. My cinnamon roll. I just love him. 
8. April Ludgate | Parks and Recreation 
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Parks and Rec will always be one of my comfort shows. And I first watched it when I was about the same age as April - young enough to not really know what I wanted to do in life and also not really caring about that stuff just yet. I loved her dry sense of humor and her sarcasm. And watching her grow into someone with more confidence in her career and relationships was amazing. Also fun fact, when I interviewed for my first role at my current workplace - which happens to be an Indiana government entity - I was asked why I was interested in government work. And I straight up said that Parks & Rec made it seem interesting lmao. They must have liked that answer, because I’m still there almost 4 years later and have promoted up since then! 
9. Dorothy Zbornak | Golden Girls
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I first watched Golden Girls when I was in college, when my roommate was like “I promise you’ll like it, it’s so funny” and I was like bitch… it’s an old show about old ladies. But she was RIGHT. It’s hilarious. And honestly so wholesome. And ICONIC (I mean come on. This show talked about women's sex lives, old women's sex lives at that. And LGBT+ issues. And workplace harassment. And invisible illnesses / disabilities and the struggles of getting your doctor to actually listen to you. All of this in the '80s, no less!) And I feel like most people liked Rose because, duh it’s Betty White. But Dorothy was my jam. She was sarcastic and always annoyed by something (same). But she genuinely cared about her friends. And look. I ain’t gonna lie. That deep, almost raspy voice of hers? Hot. 
10. Jake Peralta | Brooklyn 99
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He’s honestly so annoying, but I love him. He gives off this “I’m gonna do the bare minimum and be silly the whole time and STILL get the fuckin’ job done” vibe, and ya know what? He does just that. He’s actually a great detective and problem solver. He just also knows how to have fun. And his relationship with Amy is one of the few straight(-passing) relationships that I honestly love so much. They’re so cute and pure and goofy and relatable. And don’t even get me started on his friendship with Rosa. I mean, he went with her when she wanted to come out as bi to her parents!! Aahhhh!! Lastly, his flannel / hoodie / leather jacket combo? Pure bisexual fashion and I am here for it.
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buddydollysims2 · 2 years
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Hi hi! I was tagged by @nigmos to list my favorite movies 18 days ago (I swear it was only 2 days ago last time I looked! 😱 time goes by so fast!) so here they are!
I think I’ve done some variation of the favorite movies tag once or twice before, but some of my picks are different now, because when I really think about what I consider to be my favorite movies, they’re the movies I’ve watched over and over and generally refer to as my “comfort” movies. I realize looking at this list that most, if not all, of these may be odd to refer to as “comfort” movies, but I’ll explain below. Feel free to skip! (because I go into A LOT of detail). replies welcome and encouraged! Tags also below the cut. 
1. Beetlejuice / 1988 / Director: Tim Burton I love this movie so much it’s hard to explain, but I’ll try to keep it short: I used to consider The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993 / Director: Henry Selick) my favorite movie because I used to watch it all the time with my dad, but as I got older I found it less comforting and didn’t really agree with it as much, though I still think it’s pretty good. Beetlejuice, on the other hand, I also used to watch all the time with my dad, but I didn’t understand it when I was younger, I just liked the imagery and aesthetics. As I got older, I understood it more, and I really like the story and what the movie has to say, both very obviously in the script and in subtext and general implications. Lydia and Delia are both iconic, the portrayals of death and the afterlife are a lot of fun, and it’s just good all around. Every time I catch it on TV, I drop everything and watch it (Even though I have a physical copy of it that I can watch whenever I want).
2. Interview with the Vampire / 1994 / Director: Neil Jordan My mom used to read the book this movie is based on to me as a bedtime story. It’s one of her favorite books and movies, and when she showed me the movie version when I was little I was just completely enamored with it, even though I, again, didn’t really understand it until I was older. I’ve since read the book on my own several times (it’s my one of my favorite novels, oops.) and I think this is a pretty faithful adaptation, and just a good film in its own right. You don’t need to read the book to understand it, and it drags at times, but it has a lot to offer! I watch it at least a few times a year and even get cravings for it when I’m feeling down. 
3. Corpse Bride / 2005 / Director: Tim Burton Another one I used to watch with my dad all the time. I think it’s a really beautiful story too, and I appreciate it more and more every time I watch it. One time when I was really depressed I watched it two times right in a row and cried both times (at/about the ending). No kidding. It’s good shit.
4. Sweeney Todd / 2007 / Director: Tim Burton I think I was around 10 when I first saw this movie. I was pretty close to my cousin around this time and her older brother played the soundtrack in his car when we’d all hang out, and we were both VERY into the movie—until Twilight (2008 / Director: Catherine Hardwicke) came out and she flaked on me and liked Twilight more, lol. I was immature about it at the time, but I’m over it now; we just have different tastes and that’s okay! I can watch it whenever I want with my bestie @pinacoladasims now, because she likes it just as much as I do. :)
5. Silent Hill / 2006 / Director: Christophe Gans Another one I was introduced to by a cousin. I used to watch this one all the time with my mom. I didn’t play any of the games it’s based on until much later, but they’re even better, and I’m so glad my cousin introduced this movie to me! It’s not the best one on this list, but I still go back to it from time to time.
6. The Grudge 2 / 2006 / Takashi Shimizu This is another one I used to watch all the time with my mom. Its the second in the Americanized version of the Ju-On movies, which I’ve also seen, but I still like the American movies just a little bit better. I played the DVD of this movie on repeat one time when I had stomach flu and couldn’t stop puking. Its pretty cemented in my memory because of that, along with the taste of Sprite and 7-up. 
FINAL THOUGHTS: My parents are both horror junkies, if you can’t tell, and my taste in movies has been HEAVILY influenced by that. My dad’s favorite director is Tim Burton, so I’ve seen a lot of his stuff as a consequence. I know he’s problematic in a lot of ways, but I do like his movies a lot. Ditto for Johnny Depp; good actor, less than spotless record. I think it’s okay to like things made by problematic people as long as you’re aware of it and what you’re putting in your own head. Anne Rice (author of the Interview with the Vampire novel), isn’t perfect either, and neither is her work, but nonetheless, I still like it very much. 
That’s all! Thanks again to @nigmos for tagging me! I tag @pinacoladasims of course, @simnostalgia, @s1ndle, @oceansidegraveyard, @fireflowersims, @penig, @furbyq, @nervosims, @kristallisims, @brokendoll-simblr, @vipercanyon, and whoever else sees this and wants to do it; just say I tagged you & tag me in your post so I can see your faves too! I know some of y’all have alt blogs, so feel free to do the tags on those if you want to keep them off your simblrs. And if you’ve already been tagged to do this recently, feel free to skip! Have fun! 
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horse-girl-anthy · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks..
tbh this is extremely hard to answer because I have many interests. I’m sure I’ll feel bad when I remember the hundred other characters that should have made the list. I’m not putting any Ikuhara characters because it’d been too hard to pick and honestly I’d have to go through each work individually. 
1. Tenma from Naoki Urasawa’s Monster. I don’t claim to be a complicated person, alright. I just think he’s nice. every time I read Monster I get more attached to him like a little baby duck, which is what all the other characters in that story do as well so I’m valid. trying to put it into words is hard--he’s just an alluring combo of pathetic, ridiculous, cool, strong, and kind. plus he kinda becomes a religious figure by the end and I’m a sucker for that shit.
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2. Xie Lian from TGCF/Heaven Official’s Blessing. I read the novels this summer after watching the donghua. I was just expecting a decent BL, but what I got was epic historical supernatural fiction (and BL). Xie Lian is such an impressively written character. his story helped me deal with my own fall from grace, as it were, and was overall cathartic and engaging. plus he’s my type. step aside Hua Cheng, I’d die for him first. 
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3. Orel from Moral Orel. I love this show a lot because of its focus on the cruelty and hypocrisy of WASP America, and Orel is relatable for struggling to understand the bulltshit answers he gets to all his questions. he’s a lot more innocent than I was as a kid, but I think his kind of purity plays well against the satirical, dark edge of the show. 
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4. Reki from Haibane Renmei. most of the reasons I love her aren’t revealed until the very end of the show. I’ll say that I love her because she’s the ultimate manifestation of the story’s themes of guilt and redemption.
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5. Ishida from Koe no Katachi. I just finished rereading this manga recently. if you want a character who does wrong, suffers, tries to change himself, but finds it isn’t that easy, Ishida is your man. he’s such a funny, well-written teen boy, but also someone I think anyone from any background can see themselves in--the good and the bad. 
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6. Naruto from... you know. Naruto was the first anime I became really obsessed with, when I was in middle school, and Naruto himself is the first character I can remember becoming attached to in an intense, lasting way. I loved him so much and I still have that attachment to him. he’s so, so cute, and so, so lovable. when I’m done with my first round of Ikuhara vids, I’m going to download Naruto so I can make my friend a Sasuke fancam and I’m also gonna make a Naruto edit just for me :)
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7. Miyuki from Naoki Urasawa’s Happy! I’ve read everything by Urasawa except for Yawara, and I’m one of the only people who seems to have read Happy! I gotta say, would I pick it as one of his best works? no. I love everything he’s done, but something like 20th Century Boys or Billy Bat is clearly a more serious, meaningful story than Happy!, which comes out of his transition phase between writing romantic comedy sports manga and his later thrillers. however... Happy! is one of those works which makes me lose my mind regardless of quality. and Miyuki, the main character, is just so damn adorable. I find her a very appealing, sweet character. beyond that, kind of like Monster, the entire story is about people trying to break her down, but she refuses to ever give up and I love that sort of thing when played right. 
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8. Ged from Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea series. I am still digging into Le Guin’s body of work but I’ve read most of her novels and short story collections. I could absolutely make a top ten list with just characters from her books. however, I managed to narrow it down to just three from this list, all from the Earthsea books. Ged is the only character who appears in all six books, and the reader gets to experience close the entire course of his life. he starts as an arrogant, careless boy and grows into a wise man. Le Guin decided not to leave him after he does his final great act, and his story continues after he loses his power. Tehanu, the fourth book in the series, is probably my favorite book I’ve ever read, I’ve thought about writing an analysis comparing it with RGU, and one of its main themes is life after loss and trauma. his story interwines with the next two characters on this list.
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9. Tenar from Earthsea. like Ged, we get to see most of her life throughout the books. book 2 contains her coming of age story, while Tehanu features her as a widow, struggling between the life of an ordinary woman and her status in the mythology of Earthsea. she brings so much fire, mirth, and strength to the series. she’s someone I wish I had in my life, and if you really pressed me, she’s my favorite character Le Guin ever wrote. 
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10. Tehanu from Earthsea. this character is a strange one to try to write about. I’ve seen people criticize her writing by saying there’s nothing to her, she’s just a vessel for the story. but I can’t agree. as someone who’s known people who went through severe childhood trauma, I think that Tehanu is written with thought and care. I love how unnerving and unknowable she is, but also how she is written like she’s any other child. the ending of her story in the final book made me sob and sob and sob. 
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sources for the last three images because they’re fanart: 1, 2, 3
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raviposting · 1 year
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February Stats Books Read: 16 Average Rating: 3.44 Top Genre: Mystery & Thriller My storygraph if you wanna follow me and see my reviews (though I’ll link them for each book in the ratings) :) Currently Reading: Perfect Ruin by Claudia Tan, The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman, and The Trials of Kate Hope by Wick Downing.
Standouts: So standouts for me don’t have to be positive, or even my highest ratings - they’re books that just Stood Out to me one way or the other, are in my memory, etc. so here we go lmao 
Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris: 2.5/5 Like I said not every standout can be great and alskj;faksdf;j this is one of them. What really got me the most was how much these characters didn’t speak like real people. There was no depth, no real characterization, and the writing felt stilted and overly formal at times. But it left an impression I guess so yay for that?
Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister: 4/5 This book fucked. It’s such an absolutely unique concept to me, not only just doing a Groundhog Day thing, but going back further and further in time until you can solve what’s happening with the murder. I found myself really invested in these characters, and I still think about them (granted it’s been like a month out, but generally doesn’t happen to me for thrillers). Everyone should read this book. And if you read it and don’t like it asdfjkl: my bad. 
All Other Books: 
The Ultimate Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams: 4/5. So the first book is definitely a standout to me, but the other books not so much. I think the first few books are really good and then it kind of meanders off, but I also read all these books after each other and it is SO possible I was just a bit tired of it lmao. 
And Put Away Childish Things by Adrian Tchaikovsky: 3/5. Releases March 28. 
You Can Trust Me by Wendy Heard: 4.5/5. Releases June 13.
Read to Death at the Lakeside Library by Holly Danvers: 3.5/5. Releases August 8. Don’t be dumb like me a;sdlkfja;sdl this thing is like the third book in the series or something
All I Want for Christmas by Nora Roberts: 2.75/5
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood: 3.75/5. I’m not gonna lie guys. If I didn’t know this was a Reylo fanfic I would have been all over this book. It honestly is pretty good, save for a line or two that made me howl lmao
The Night She Vanished by Wendy Dranfield: 2/5. Releases March 14. 
The Neighbors We Want by Tim Lane: 2.75/5 Releases September 5. I’m going to be honest guys out of all the books in this list I probably couldn’t tell you a single fact in here that wasn’t part of the book blurb. I read it like 10 days ago and it’s already just wiped from my memory
 End Game by Liz Mistry: 4/5. Releases April 14. Despite being the fifth book in the series I was able to get most of it! I also really enjoyed the diverse cast (despite the cop setting, which, blegh) - the author is white but the representation in this book felt pretty natural and the characters were nifty; I’m probably going to check out the other four books lmao
Northern Lights by Philip Pullman: 4/5. I really gotta check out the HDM show lmao but this was a fun time! Lots of worldbuilding here but it was worth it.
The Good Patient by Alex Stone: 3.75/5. Releases March 22
Kill Joy by Holly Jackson: 3.5/5. I mean like. It’s fine lmao.  Like read it if you love this series but I think she could have easily written a better story about something else in the AGGGTM canon 
Moonlight Can Be Deadly by Charlotte Stuart: 3/5 Releases March 14, fourth book in the series. There’s some things in this book that strongly threw me off of reading any other book in the series but if you’re interested I’d say read the others first lmao
You Are Here: Connecting Flights by Ellen Oh (and a bunch of other authors whose names I can’t find): 4/5. Releases March 7 
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year
interview questions!
tagged by the perfect and wonderful @skysofrey
1. Who would win in a fight- Dr.Phil or Oprah?
Oprah no doubt. Dr Phil is a wimp.
2. What is the significance of a piece of jewelry you own?
i own a lot of jewelry but my favourite is probably the necklace that my partner got me for our first anniversary. It’s a tiny and simple little crystal heart on a silver chain. super dainty and sweet. and now we’ve been together over 9 years :)
3. What’s your favorite cover song?
this cover of Britney Spears’s ‘Everytime’ by Ethel Cain. fuckin stunning
this cover of Smashing Pumpkins’s ‘1979’ by The Contortionist. either of these
4. If you were a Care Bear, what symbol would be on your stomach? I guess this question could also apply to if you were a My Little Pony
i fucking LOVE care bears this question was made for me (my faves are bedtime bear, wish bear and grumpy bear btw. if u even care)
i could be a funny guy and say that it would be a clown, probably. big red nose and all
but if i’m being serious it would be a realistic human heart i think!
5. If you could relive one day of your life, what day would it be?
probably the night that i saw Gorillaz live last year! i got the set list from that show and when i realised what it was my friend and i spun around hugging each other and sobbing while the stadium emptied. probably just that moment specifically <3
6. What is your favorite book and what are you currently reading right now?
my favourite book is Frankenstein! not reading anything at the moment because i’m trying my hardest to finish a fic and i don’t want anything to distract me until it’s done but i’ll be tackling some books soon
7. What’s the most embarrassing song you listen to?
being embarrassed about the music you listen to is DEAD!!!! love things with your whole chest because that’s what we’re put on this shitty planet to do <3
but in the spirit of making fun of myself, my most embarrassing song in my liked playlist is absolutely ‘Hero’ by Chad Kroeger from the spider-man soundtrack.
^^ this song’s pussy doth pop severely
8. What question do you never want to be asked again?
i can’t think of any questions, but i statement i’d be pleased to never hear again is this classic: “i can’t even draw a stick figure!” after i show someone my art. drives me up the wall i tell ya. there’s only so many ‘awww i’m sure you can! :)’s I’ve got in me and i’m running the hell out
9. What’s the craziest rumor you’ve heard of yourself?
nothing really outlandish, but someone started a rumour that i had a crush on one of my friends in high school. 🤷 i absolutely did not i thought he was smelly but eh what can ya do.
10. Does a horse go to heaven?
??? bitch i hope so???
11. Which of the 7 deadly sins best describes you?
wrath :)
12. Which would you rather have as a pet, a Vampire bunny or a rabid unicorn?
vampire bunny. i’d name her Elvira i reckon
13. If you were a famous rockstar, what would be something you’d always take with you on tour? Nothing boring like your phone
my framed picture of Kim Kitsuragi. he keeps me humble <3
14. Chunky or smooth peanut butter? What kind of jelly?
smooth, for sure. and i like strawberry jam a lot! that’s usually my go to for a pb&j
15. What is one thing you love about yourself?
my optimism! it’s a difficult choice to continue to make, but I make it every day despite the odds. i’m proud of myself for that.
16. If you were an animal what would you be?
fruit bat!!!!! I love fruit and love 2 scream <3
this was fun! :D i’ll no-pressure tag these angels:
@tisziny @vampirebutterflies @jellybeanium124 @ella-doe and you. yeah you. looking at this. yea. go on. do it. tag me so i can read your answers <3
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