#i didnt think i was going to make it this week nor if i wanted to post it bc of what's going on
mysicklove · 8 months
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With: Tamaki Amajiki
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Sub! Top! Tamaki, bottom! gn! reader, praise kink, slight breeding kink, reader is a slight tease and tamaki is trying not to pass out from embaressment, fantasies, creampie in fantasy Y/N? does that need a tag?
A/N: another fic i STRUGGLED with. idk whyyyy.
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Tamaki knows he shouldn't be doing this. He knows that if anyone ever saw him, he would be deemed a weirdo, a pervert, really. But it was just so hard. 
It's not fair that you left him alone. Its not fair that you made him miss you until his heart ached. It's not fair that you havent touched him in longer than three weeks. Its not fair that he is here, straddling a pillow, while you probably aren't even thinking of him at all.
The whole thing makes him fume red. Humping a pillow was as desperate as it gets. His hand wasnt doing it for him anymore, he needs to move his hips, pretend he is fucking something. It was bound to give him more satisfaction. Or he hoped it did, but it doesnt change the fact that it was embarrassing.
The pillow was soft, but sturdy, and held a bit of stability. It wouldn't crumble against the sheets with each thrust, nor be too feathery to really feel anything. A good pillow – it will work fine.
He wears one of your shirts. An oversized one, that seems to drown him with the fabric. It smelled like you, and he has to refrain from pressing the collar of it against his nose. It would only turn him on more, and thats not what he needed right now.
Tamaki's hands tremble as he adjusts himself. He flips the hem of your shirt upward to give himself a view of his thin cock. Its red, and pulsing, ready for him to begin moving. He brings his hands up to his face, covering it with the back of his palm. “So embarrassing,” He whines into the empty room, but not moving from his position on top of the pillow.
He stables himself, and then very hesitantly drags his hips forward. The bottom of his dick grazes against the pillow and he takes a deep breath. Its soft, slightly cold from the lack of human contact with it, but he doesnt mind warming it up. He grinds himself forward again, his two hands gripping at the front of the pillow to slightly pull it up, giving him more area to brush himself on.
He whimpers, closing his eyes and falling into a steady pace. It's not as pleasurable as he wanted it to be, and it was driving him insane. But he liked the feeling of riding something, and he pretended the pillow was you. The thought spurs him on, and his pace begins to pick up. The movements of his hips are short, quick, and he slightly bounces on it. Tamakis breath becomes short, and he sighs into the open air, throwing his head back and humping whatever surface of the soft fabric he could. 
A couple minutes go by and he was on the verge of crying from frustration. It barely made him feel any better, and he was going to have to be here for awhile if he wanted to cum. He grabs onto your shirt and brings it up to his nose, inhaling your scent and groaning into the fabric. It made him feel a bit better.
Suddenly, he hears the familiar vibrations from his phone. He was getting a call, and the last thing he wanted to do was talk to someone. But, he wasn't one to ignore something that could be important. So, he leans forward and flips over the phone. When he sees your name with an abundance of heart emojis that you typed in for your own contant info, his eyes light up.
He inches toward the answer button, but pauses for a second, realizing the position he is in. It was definitely not appropriate to talk to you like this, but he wanted desperately to hear your voice. It was gross and pathetic, but didnt you say you like when he acts pathetic? Besides, you could definitely fix his problem. You know exactly what to do to make him feel good.
So he answers the phone, and waits for you to speak. 
“Hey love,” You hum through his phone, and he almost whines out from that alone. He glances back down at his cock, a glob of precum dripping down pathetically onto the pillow. He covers his face in embarrassment.
“Hi Y/N,” He mumbles into the mic, staring at his fingers, and doing anything he can to ignore his cock. He wants to ask you for help, but how? Even after all this time of being together, he has never voiced his sexual wants and needs. It was just too hard to, and besides you always seemed to find out his desires one way or another.
“Whatcha up to?”
Tamaki pauses. Lying was definitely not one of his specialties, and to you? He was a goner for sure. He goes silent for longer than 30 seconds. “Tamaki?”
“Something I shouldn't be doing,” He whispers, falling forward to rest his cheek on the mattress. He still lays straddling the pillow, but now his cock was trapped between his stomach, and the pillow. 
A slight giggle comes from the phone, and he gulps, ignoring the way his dick twitches. “Are you doing something naughty?”
Naughty. Such a childish word, but it was the perfect adjective to describe his situation. It made him feel small, and strangely it brought comfort to him. He nods into the mattress, his hips moving without his permission, and continuing their grinding movements.
“You've gotta speak up for me, love.”
He may be shy, but he would never dare to not listen to a command. “Yes. Sorry.” 
“Yes what?”
He lets out a small whimper, barely audible over the phone. “‘m doing something…naughty.”
The dark haired boy squirms on the bed, listening to the way you inhale sharply. His hands begin to travel downward, but he stops himself before he could start stroking himself off. “What are you doing, love?”
He goes silent for a couple seconds, and he continues to shift around the bed. He gulps and looks down at his leaking cock, and then away. “I’m….I’m humping a…pillow?”
You let out a dramatic, slightly teasing gasp. “So dirty, Tamaki!”
He wants to curl up into a ball and die from embarrassment. He knows you are just poking fun at him, but truly everything about this was so humiliating. “I-I know! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just miss you so much!” He warbles into the mic, wiping away a stray tear before it could fall.
He was so unbelievably cute, and his plea made your heart throb. “S’alright, relax, love. I miss you so much. So so much,” You reassure, closing your eyes to listen to his breathing. ‘
You hear a sniffle on the other end of the phone. “Why are you crying?”
You expected to hear a response declaring how much he missed seeing you, or having you around. Or maybe how lonely he felt. What you didn't expect was for him to say, “‘m not crying! Im frustrated because I cant cum!”
Tamaki being blunt about his needs was unheard of, and the shock of it made you bark a laugh. He shakes his head into the mattress, but begins his humping again. You already knew at this point what he was doing, and he was already as embarrassed as it gets, so he rather search for more pleasure than wither is his own misery. 
“Well are you doing it right?”
He pauses his movements. Was there a right or wrong way to do it? His horny brain was screaming at him to just get any sort of friction from the white item, but was there a better way to do it? To feel more pleasurable? “I-I dont know…”
“Aren't you pretending that I'm the pillow?” Your words make him yelp, and you hold back a snicker. You were right of course, but the fact that you knew about it made him want to dig himself a hole to hide in.
But nevertheless, his hips havent stopped their movements. Its a slow pace, just enough to make his breaths heavier. “Yeah,” He breathes into the mic, so quite that you almost missed it.
You hum to yourself, hand traveling over your own body to get yourself in the mood. “Then you need a hole to fuck, dont you, pretty boy?”
The statement causes him to lose his breath and he can't think quick enough to find a response. You continue on, “Put two pillows together so that you can get friction on both sides of your pretty little cock. It will feel so much better,” You encourage, and his eyes instantly travel to the extra pillow just inches away from him. He gulps, but grabs onto it, and places it under his lower stomach and on top of his dick.
“N-Now what?”
“It's not rocket science, silly. Fuck it now. But make sure to keep the pillow beneath your stomach, so that the hole is tighter.”
He blushes at his stupid words, but instead focuses on your advice. He pulls out, and then pushes himself back into the two soft cushions. He groans out, and sets the phone on speaker and places it next to his face. This was way better, and he needed to focus.
You hear his breaths get quicker and you smile. “There ya are. Does it feel better, Tamaki?”
He uses his hands to push the pillows together, creating a even smaller hole. But he nods at your words, staring at your profile picture with tears in his eyes. “W-Wish it was you. Not as tight…Warm.”
You hands travel toward your pants at the words. “Yeah? Use your imagination, love. Pretend that's me, what do you want to do with me?”
His whole body caves over on himself, and he bucks his hips frantically. His face is a bright shade of pink, and he wears a wobbly, but content smile. “Wanna—Wanna….You to tell me what to do,” He whines out, fingers dragging along the beds sheets, wishing it was your back.
You snicker at him, not surprised by his words. “You are hopeless, Tamaki. So submissive, its so cute, you know that? You know how cute you are?”
He covers his face with his arm, moaning and whining into the soft skin. “Stop it…” He mumbles half heartedly, loving every drop of praise from your mouth.
“You love it,” You tease, and he secretly nods into the bedsheets, but not daring to tell you. “Alright, let's have you cum, hmm? Can you close your eyes for me?”
His eyes flutter shut before you could even finish your sentence. “‘kay.” 
“Good job,” You murmur, and he gulps, nuzzling his face into the bed, pretending it’s your chest. “Now move your hips for me. In and out, yeah?.”
He doesn’t have to do much, considering that he has been doing this exact same movement for the past couple minutes now. He doesn’t say anything, afraid you may poke fun at him again. “Tamakiiiii,” You purr, “I need to hear a response.”
“Sorry. Yes, yes, I‘m doing it. Promise!” He splutters, trying to maintain a steady pace of breathing. It was feeling so much better with both sides hugging him, but your voice was definitely helping as well.
You let out a breath, and smile. “Good boy. Now, tell me, what are you imagining. Wanna hear the specifics, love.”
He whines at this. He didnt want to expose his thoughts; you would definitely think he was weird. A pervert who cant go a couple weeks without cumming. “Nooooo,” He whimpers, eyes still shut. “So embarrassing.”
Your voice turns commanding in an instant. “Oh? Stop moving then.”
Unwillingly he listens, his body so used to listening to your commands, that he doesn't even process what you said until he stopped his hips. He groans into the sheets, and feels his cock twitch within the pillows. It doesn't want to stop. “Noooo,” He complains once more, hating the way tears begin to build up, and threaten to spill over his closed eyes.
Your heart throbs at the small whimpers he lets out, and your strict tone seems to melt away. “You have to listen if you want to cum, baby. I know its embarrassing, but I want you to feel good. Dont be shy, I won't judge you.”
You hear a sniffle from the other end of the phone. “Okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. C-Can I move now? I'll tell you my…my fantasy.” 
You hum encouragingly at him, and he takes it as a yes, slowly beginning to move his hips again. He sighs at the softness, nodding his head to himself. But, he doesn't get too lost in his pleasure, he has to hold up the end of the bargain. “I-Im pretended the pillow is you.”
You roll your eyes slightly, a grin on your face. He was obviously nervous if he was stating the obvious. “Yeah? Are you fucking me nice and hard?”
Your words are so lewd and he fumes red at them. “U-Um…Yeah. Y-You feel so good.” Referring to the makeshift hole as you, makes him feel slightly bad. He knows you are may more than that to him. But it was obvious that you were trying to initiate some sort of phone sex, and he didn't want to ruin the moment.
Your fingers travel down to your pants, and you finally get comfortable. You begin to touch yourself, trying to imagine yourself into his fantasy. “So deep Tamaki,” You purr, sighing into the mic.
His eyes widen for a split second, but he quickly shuts them again. At your words, he finds himself thrusting himself deeper into the hole, mewling out as pre covers the soft fabric. He finds himself imagining you beneath him, grinning up at him with a flushed out, but cocky grin. 
“Fuck,” He whispers gently to the image of you. “I missed you so much. So so much.”
“Missed you too,” You murmur, throwing your head back slightly. “Doing so well for me.”
His hips stutters at the praise, and he gulps. Whenever you praise him, it sends his head spinning, and he loves it more than anything. “F-For you. Only for you!”
The position he was in was so lewd. His mouth slightly gnawing on his hand, his hips thrusting into two pillows, and his body a bright shade of pink. The bed was even creaking from his intense movements, but he didnt seem to care. “P-Praise me…More, please?”
“You're doing so good. Making me feel so good, Tamaki. Are you going to make me cum?”
He nods his head frantically, loving the idea more than anything. To make himself cum was one thing, but making you feel good enough to cum was a whole other thing. It made the service sub in him preen, and his thrusts are more desperate now. He imagines you shivering, and moaning into his neck, maybe even leaving scratch marks down his back. “Yes. Yes, I'll make you cum. I'll make you feel so good, please!”
You smile lazily at the wall. “Such a good boy. I'm so lucky to have such a pretty and obedient boyfriend.”
A wobbly smile is tugging at his face, and he feels like a schoolgirl. Giddy, and nervous around you and your voice. He swears the fantasy becomes more surreal. The pillow seems to be hugging him just how you would, and in the back of his mind he can hear the slapping of skin upon skin. “I love you. I love you so much, you feel so good. I can't hold it much longer!”
“Aw are you going to cum already?” You tease, feeling your own high approaching rapidly.
At the words he lets out a dramatic whine, feeling guilty. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Y-You just…oh god. Feel so good!” He warbles, shaking hands gripping onto the phone. He spreads his legs out wider, finding a new position to thrust his hips. His hair begins to stick to his head, and with every breath, a moan slips past his lips.
You are on the same page, hands moving quicker to hopefully match his high. “Its alright. Im going to cum to. Are you going to cum inside me? Wanna fill me up?”
He heaves at your words, hearts in his eyes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. He did desperately. It was way better than pulling out, or cumming into the condom. “Please! Please!”
His moans are high in pitch now, and his pace is sporatic. They are frantic though, and the entire bed shakes with his fierce movements. 
“Good boy. Cum inside me then,” You purr directly into the mic, and his eyes fly open when he cums. He lets out a high pitched scream, and bites his hand to try and stay quite. The boys hips ram into the pillow, and his thoughts are cloudy, thinking about how deep he must be cumming in you. His whole body is shivering in pleasure, and he wears a small smile.
You cum a moment later, shaking and sighing, but not making as much noise as your beloved. You didnt mind, his high pitched moans and screams were cute, you just wished he got over that stupid need to bite his hand whenever he cums. It muffles them way too much for your liking.
Post nut clarity hits Tamaki like a truck and his face turns a bright shade of red. Asking you to praise him, and even begging to cum “inside” you? Humiliating.
“I know what you are thinking, love. Dont be embarrassed. It was fun. Good. What lovers do,” You reassure, knowing his anxiety gets the better of him. 
He takes comfort in your words immediately, slightly nodding to himself and trying to think of something else to hopefully die down the embaressment. He feels exhausted, and instead focuses on that. He pulls out of the pillows with a sigh and brings the phone to his face to begin wishing you goodnight.
His eyes widen when he realizes something, and he lets out a dramatic gasp.
The sound makes you perk up, and you are on immediate alert. “Whats wrong?”
“Oh no. This is bad. What do I do now?” He begins to mumble, eyes scanning across the bed.
“What? What happened?” You question more frantically now, pulling the phone closer to your ear.
It goes silent on the other end for about thirty seconds. He pulls away the two pillows and gulps as his stares at his own product. This was bad. Truly a problem.
“What am I supposed to sleep on tonight?”
It takes everything in you to not hang up on him.
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fl4r3z · 5 months
"𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬."
(𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜, 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫?)
𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐭𝐚 (ゆうた) 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Smut MDNI!!, Fingering, Afab! Reader, P in V, Blood, Vaginal Sex, Yuta eating Reader out, Yuta cumming inside, Dead body, Cannibalism, Dismembered body parts (not readers), Yuta is his own warning, Jealous! Yandere! Yuuta.
𝐀/𝐍: Now, please let me know if i missed any warnings! I tried making this days ago but got mad cause i couldn't make the text centered... Here it is!!!
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭? 𝐘𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐞𝐬.
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You've been dating Yuta for over a week now. Right now, you're outside of his apartment, waiting for him to open up as you rang the door bell. He didn't know you were coming over today, nor was he prepared. You plan on making it a suprise to make it more romantic, right?
Yuta got the door and he was surprised to see you on his doorstep.
"(Name)? I thought we talked about how i was going to your apartment later in to the day?" Yuta is now looking at you with a confused look.
"Well...i got impatient because you know..! It's you we're talking about!" You said excitingly as you went inside his apartment and plopped into his couch, acting like you were home. "Sorry, did i disturb you?"
"No, of course not! I'm happy to see that you're here! " Yuta exclaims as he walks over to you. Well inside he just knows that he's so happy that you were beside him. So, so, so happy. "I was trying to catch up on my cooking skills but, eh.. i tried cooking fried egg and well.... Please don't mind the mess. "
You giggled. "Is that why it's that messy in here?" You're now looking at him slightly giggling. You weren't entirely sure what to do now that you're in his house—you were just waiting for his reponse or waiting till he gets an idea of what to do.
"Well- Yeah..you should've atleast let me knew you were going- it's embarrassing for you to see the mess i made..." He feels humiliated, who knows why? Maybe he's just so shy that even his apartment being messy leads him to a blushing mess.
You absolutely think he looks so, so cute flustered and red.— "Do you think we should...go to the cafe? It's a new one, just right across here. " Yuta asked. " And to also avoid my messy apartment! Eheh.. " It was starting to sound confusing on why he hates seeing the mess on his apartment so much. Maybe he just thinks it's humiliating? Right? WRONG.
"Great idea! Yuta you're amazing when it comes to planning! You should definitely just plan out my whole life" You laugh while trying to put your shoes on.— Yuta on the other hand, he'd definitely love planning out your whole life. He'd love you obeying all his orders. Everything. He didnt think it was a bad idea generally, he thought it was the best.
As you guys stepped outside, you both started walking through the sidewalk. "Hmm, what do you usually order in cafe's, Yuta?" You looked at him.
"Well, i like trying out different things. Usually to find out which is best, so anything sounds good!" He knew you'd offer him your favorite, he wanted to know it. So that he could pin it to his headboard and get it for you everyda—.
"You should definitely try out (favorite coffee/order)! It tastes absolutely amazing!" You said happily. He knew it, you were gonna tell him your favorite. Now he has a new favorite drink.
If you search up on the internet "people who decides with other persons decisions" you'd see a picture of Yuta if you clicked images. Yuta thinks that whatever you like, he must like. Even if he has to force himself into doing it. That's just how much he loves you!
You guys entered the cafe, and the smell of coffee filled both of yours noses. You both picked a seat, got each others orders, and you went to the cashier.
Yuta was following you with his eyes everywhere you go. Eventually, you end up into the cashier, handing over the orders.— Yuta didn't fail to notice that the cashier who was talking to you was, a guy. Now, that definitely brought up something from inside of him.
He knows why he's acting like this, and was trying to secure himself to not kill him infront of you. Of course! Who wants to see someone you love with your whole heart kill someone infront of you, right?! That would definitely ruin everything.
It's been 6 minutes. He was glaring bullets into the persons head. He's mad, especially now that he noticed that the person was hitting up on you. You eventually got back to your seat, you didn't fail to notice that Yuta was looking down at the table.
"Yuta? Are you okay? Did something happen?" You asked him, slightly tapping his shoulder.
"The guy, was he hitting up on you?" He asked, trying to contain his anger. But he probably didn't do it correctly, cause you knew he was mad.
"Yes he was, but Yuta, you don't have to worry! I rejected him and told him i already had someone..he even wrote his number on the recei-" You stopped when Yuta grabbed the receipt off your hands. Leaving you with a shocked impression.
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That was what happened 2 days ago, when everything wasn't wrong yet.
In front of you, was the persons dead body. Inside of Yuta's kitchen, it was dark, only the light of the kitchen was glimming, the rest were off. His hands, legs, and arms were gone. Everything was a bloody view. It was horrifying.
Behind you was Yuta, he was giggling and speaking like all these, were normal to him. You were horrified, you were trembling.
"See (Name)....? This is what happens when someone other than me gives you attention. Have you learned..?" he was approaching you, your heart was pounding so fast. You were scared. "Please, don't be scared! I won't do anything to you!"
You were silent, not letting a single word drop. He approached you, hugging you from behind. "You love me, right? Right (Name)?"
"Of course! D-dont hurt me..please...I promise, i love you, Yuta!" You weren't lying though, you loved Yuta. Even if he just killed someone.
"G-great! I love you too, (Name).." he started slipping the strap of your dress from your shoulders. "And, if i ever find out that you're lying..Then," he pulled a sharp knife. "I'll kill you, okay? So you better not be lying..it would be a shame to kill someone like you."
You felt cold sweat running down your neck. Just from the tone of his voice, he doesn't seem like he was lying. "Yes, i promise, i love you.."
"Then you'd let me help you prove that it's true?" He said whilst reaching for your tits, now he doesn't care if it was big or not, he would love groping it.
"... Yes."
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Now you were laying on his couch, naked. He was sucking your tits like a baby who was starved. Playing with the other nipple, flicking it and squeezing it.
"Will you give me all of you?" He was on top of you, his voice was low but was loud enough for the both of you to hear. You could feel his erection as he pressed his body on you. He wanted, no, he needed to hear your response.
Your legs were in heat and you were sweating so hard.
"yes, please..just please... " You muttered into his touch.
"See, you dont need anyone else. You only need me, I'll give you everything. Everything you need." His voice was hitching.
You felt his mouth onto your neck to your lower abdomen, giving you trails of kisses. He positioned himself between your legs, raising one leg then diving his mouth into your pussy, earning a loud gasp from you.
"Holy shit, Yuu..." You throw your head back from the pleasure.
Now all his stalking ability would be used. The way he'd watch you from your window, fingering yourself, doing all sorts of things to relieve yourself. He knows everything, from how to make you overstimulated, how to make you orgasm, and on how long you'd last.
He pulls away from your pussy, his mouth and chin covered in your slick. "You taste so good, (Name).."
He rhen positioned you near the couches hand guide, earning a suprised gasp from your lips.—He then unzips his pants, pulling his aching hard dick. You couldn't help but think on how that would've fit you! It was wayyy bigger than any other you'd saw.
"Don't worry (Name).. it'll fit.. I'll make it fit." Yuta murmured. He directed his tip on the entrance of your hole, pressing it. He puts his index finger in mouth.
Yuta carefully puts his dick inside your pussy, earning a breathy moan from you.
"s'tight (Name).." He starts pulling it out, then pushes it in again, and again, and again! You swear you could feel it growing inside of you. It just felt too good.
"g'nna mold your pussy, yeah?" He sounds like his voice was about to give up. He's so painfully hard for you. "(Name) pleaseplease" you could hear him starting to moan and whimper.
You were a moaning mess, covered in sweat, and your whole body was heating. You felt like you were about to orgasm any second now. It just felt so amazing, he's rutting himself so hard and fast inside you.— You bet your insides were bruised by the next day.
"Holy shit Yuu!" You were slowly feeling your orgasm chase closely.
"g'nna cum (Name)..!" Yuta was whimpering beyond this point, he couldn't tell what was going on anymore, his brain was dead. All he could think about was ruining you and fucking you so deep that he'd cum inside and paint your walls.— "S'close" was the only thing you could hear from him.
"g'nna cum inside you, yeah? Pleaseplease let me (Name)!" Yuta begs you with a high pitched voice.
"pleasepleaseplease!" He cums inside. You were both panting, sighing, and breathing so heavily. Yuta pressed his lips onto yours, sharing saliva's.
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"(Name)..could you help me hide the body..?" Yuta asked you willingly and nervous.
"What?! What if we get caught?? We're going to ja-" Yuta cuts you off.— "Don't worry about that now!" He places the body into an abnormally huge sack.
"where's the other body parts?!?" You asked him nervously and scared. — " well uhm.. " he hums.
"well?!"— "(Name),— do you remember the pie that i gave you?"
You felt yourself about to vomit.
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©fl4r3z all projects belong to me.
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591 notes · View notes
munivrse · 7 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆ Too close
closeted bada, bf-to-ex howl, secret gf y/n.
c/w: angst. angry howl, homophobia, minor and very, very minor physical harm done to bada. closeted bada, out and proud reader. its alooooot of angst. some comfort at the end though so don't worry!
a/n: the characters depicted are not related nor based off of their personalities in real life. this is purely fiction. also shout out to @wrosie-writes. they wanted to see anti howl fic. they ask, they shall receive. enjoy!
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── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"are you okay?"
bada hears howl, but she's more concerned with the contents on her phone than she is with him.
"i'm fine." bada tries to make it sound as believable as possible.
“i don’t get you.” howl glares at her, eyes boring into the back of her head.
“...what are you talking about?”
“you and y/n. you’re just really close with her. you confide in her, you trust her. it kind of pisses me off if i’m being honest.”
bada moves her focus from the tv to howl who stands behind the couch she sits on. she looks at him incredulously. why is he bringing this up now?
“what prompted this?”
“you. i know you’re texting her right now.”
bada challenges him, “and if i am?”
howl rolls his eyes and runs a hand through his hair. he was so fucking fed up with you. every chance you got, you were with howl and bada. howl felt like you were intruding all the time, meanwhile, bada told you to not be a stranger. he was angry.
“i want you to stop talking to her.”
bada fully turns around and blinks up at him, “what?”
howl’s eyes narrow, “you heard me. stop talking to her.”
bada shakes her head, “i shouldn’t have to choose. don’t make me choose.”
howl stands firm and bada almost caves. a part of her loves howl. another part of her loves you, deeply.
bada stands up and tries to walk around him. what the fuck was she supposed to do? why was he putting her in this impossible position?
“lets go to bed and talk about this in the morning. please.”
bada continues walking towards their shared bedroom but howl stops her. he grabs hold of her wrist and pulls, “don’t walk away from me. you’re avoiding this.”
she wrenches her hand out of his grip and rubs at her wrist. he’d never done that before and it hurt. it hurt.
“i just don’t want to talk about it right now.”
howl frowns and tries to grab at her again but bada dodges his advancement toward her. she shifts to the other side of the island in their kitchen.
“i dont like this.”
she felt scared. small.
howl raises his voice, “you know what i don’t like? watching my girlfriend be mentally intimate with another person. you’re not even fucking her, you just care too much about her. you pour yourself into her instead of me. god, bada, we havent had sex in weeks! you barely let me hold your hand. Is it y/n? is she forcing you to do something you don’t want to do?”
bada’s jaw drops momentarily. but her shock is replaced with anger and frustration. distress and confusion. “what did you mean by that last part?” she leans forward and places her hands on the surface in front of her.
“you heard me. i know y/n likes women. is she coming on to you? you know i don’t like that and i can make her stop if you want me to. just say the words.”
bada shakes her head, confusion still drawn on her face, “you can make her stop? how? and what do you think it is that she could possibly be doing? what’s so wrong with her liking women?”
howl puts his head in his hands. he couldn’t believe how dense bada was acting. it’s like she didnt understand that-
“i don’t like that about her. you know that doesn’t sit right with me. i can take care of it. of her.”
fear pools in the bottom of bada’s stomach. she gets nauseous and thinks carefully about her next words as they mean alot for your own personal safety. she did not want to compromise that. she… she did not want to compromise herself either. she tries to act passive and pulls out her phone. she sends you a quick “sos” and sets her phone on the counter.
“you don’t need to take care of anything. stop worrying about it. about me. about her. everything is fine. i’m tired baby, can we please just let this go for the night?”
she glances down as she sees the texts coming in from you.
are you okay?
please answer me.
are you at howls?
its late, i need to know if you’re safe
i see your location, i’m on the way
*y/n has shared their location with you*
i’ll be there in 10 minutes. if it’s howl messing with you again, i swear to god i’ll take that fucker out tonight.
howl rounds the corner of the island and takes steady strides to bada and she stumbles back, praying that you show up sooner rather than later.
“you don’t see how she’s fucking with your head? she doesn’t love you like i do, bada.” howl reaches a hand up to bada’s face.
bada shakes in fear, its creeping up her spine and she can feel his breath on her face. he’s too close.
he’s too brave.
bada takes his hand in hers and places it back down by his side,
“you don’t love me howl. I’m something for you to show off like a trophy to your friends. I have no real meaning to you. you dress me up and make me out to be whoever you want me to be, but i’m not her. I’m not the girl you want me to be so desperately.”
bada straightens up for the first time in a couple months and she laughs as she realizes - her and howl stand at the same height. it makes her chuckle in his face. she advances towards him instead and now, the tables turn. howl looks almost… disturbed? shocked? he’d never seen bada be so… firm. so confident.
“y/n lets me be myself. fully. she accepts every part of me without question. her love is unconditional with no limit. no ceiling. there are no dealbreakers- she just loves me. howl i cant even wear sweatshirts around you without you saying i’m not being feminine enough. i’m not pretty enough. but y/n? it doesn’t matter what the fuck i have on because its me. and she loves me regardless.”
bada’s phone dings again and as she looks down at it, its you.
i’m parked, i’m in the elevator going to your floor now
bada walks around howl to their bedroom, he follows.
“where do you think you’re going?” howl crosses his arms.
bada grabs her emergency bag, only needing a couple items since you already had half of her wardrobe at your apartment. “i’m going out. i’m not sure when i’ll be back.”
she exits the bedroom and makes her way to the door,
“and let me just tell you this, howl. If it came between you and y/n, i will always choose y/n. without question.”
and as if on cue, the doorbell rings. bada swings the door open to reveal you in a pair of sweatpants and one of her sweatshirts draped on your body. bada tries her best to shield howl from your sight and exit as swiftly as she possibly can given the situation, but howl grabs her arm and yanks. you hear bada hiss, and as soon as you lay eyes on howl, you feel rage encompass your entire being. you step into the door and remove his hand from her arm, pulling bada from out of the door frame and behind you.
“how dare you lay your fucking hands on her? are you kidding me?” you take a step forward but bada pulls you back and intertwines her hand with your own, “let’s go y/n. please”
howl’s body is slumped, insecurity swallowing him whole. you can't help but laugh at him. he was such a fucking idiot. you turn around and scan bada for any harm, luckily, she seems fine other than being a little shaken up. you lean up to give her a kiss on her cheek and take one last look at howl. pathetic. you both turn to walk away and howl hopes bada turns around to look at him, show any waver of uncertainty. but she never looks back, she just moves forward. with you.
──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
your fingers twirl through bada’s hair. she’d changed into comfy clothes once you guys got home and now she’s sprawled out on top of you, head laying on your chest.
“you okay?” your hand pushes the hair out of her face. you feel her nod. she shifts so that her head is resting upright.
“i am now.” she grins up to you, pressing her lips against your own. she really meant it this time.
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mimikittysblog · 2 months
TXT when Someone Badmouths You
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Pairing: OT5! TXT x Fem! Reader
Genre: Slight angst, fluff. Hurt to comfort.
Synopsis: How the boys would react when they hear and see someone badmouthing you, their lovely girlfriend.
Warnings: Some jerks bullying you for different reasons. Implied chubby reader for Yeonjun and Soobin, and somewhat body shaming for theirs too. I think that’s it? Please let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Guess who made this instead of their thesis??? Meeeeeee! Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this, especially cause I made it on the fly. Also got a bit carried away with beomgyus lol
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
Yeonjun decided to go out to take you shopping being the fashonistas you two are. While you’ve always loved clothes and fashion, it was always a bit of a struggle to find your size here in Korea, no actually it was a pretty big struggle, but Yeonjun never minded.
He just wanted to spend time with you and spoil you with whatever you wanted. If the store didnt have your size he’d just look for it online or actually have it custom made. Just for you. Whatever you wanted, its yours in less than a week. You were always grateful for that.
However it still bothered you a bit. It was also always quite embarrassing when you have to walk out of the dressing room to tell him the biggest size didnt fit you. It also doesn’t help when the store clerks are not so subtly or quietly poking fun at you.
“I don’t know why she even tries”
“I know right? Why is he even with her?? Like he clearly takes care of himself. Why can’t she do the same?”
“He deserves so much better.”
Yeonjun obviously heard it too, he isn’t deaf, nor blind cause he sees the looks they give you. He especially sees the small frown that you’re trying so desperately to hide.
“Hmm MY pretty baby” he says as he holds your cheek. “This store is not inclusive huh? How about we just leave and find a better store that values you more, hmm?”
“No yeonjun it’s ju-“
“Hush.” He cuts you off. “This store is clearly not a good one. Cause every good store should always carry beautiful people’s sizes which includes you and they must have RESPECTFUL. Staff too. Don’t you think so pretty baby?” He says as he leans into you.
“I-I guess..?” You say shyly, trying to ignore the harsh glares you’re getting.
“Well thats what I think baby. Come on! Lets find a better store and never come back here, okay beautiful?” He asks as he pats your head.
“Okay” you smile at him.
Before you two leave though, he pulls you in even closer and gives you such a passionate kiss, completely reassuring that he finds you so gorgeous and he doesn’t care what people say about you.
And without your knowledge he also opens his eyes to make eye contact and practically glare at the rude staff that was standing behind you. Seeing their reaction also causes him to smirk into the kiss.
He then pulls away and happily takes you away from that store. Constantly holding you close, to reassure you that he loves your body just the way it is, and he could never be ashamed of you, especially with how firmly and proudly he’s holding on to you.
“Thank you baby” you say as you snuggle into him.
“No one messes with my pretty baby. Remember that.” He said with his charming smirk.
You literally only told him you think the weather feels perfect today, and he suddenly already had a picnic basket packed. So here you are now, at the park having a nice picnic with your lovely boyfriend. While he did pack some food from home, you two also went to your local bakery to pick up some of the most delicious bread and pastries ever. You kind of went overboard with how much you bought but you two wanted to have fun and enjoy your day with great food, if you still had some left you can easily bring them home. So it didn’t matter to the both of you.
That is until another couple who were also having a picnic nearby decided to stare at you and the large amount of food you two had. They were far enough to where you could barely hear what theyre saying, but unfortunately you could still hear. Even if you couldn’t the judgmental looks they gave you, and only you, said it all.
“Can you believe how much she’s eating?”
“Mhm. It’s just all pure carbs and sugar too.”
“Could she be anymore unhealthy? She’s eating so fast too.”
You were trying so hard to ignore it and were just about to take another bite of the croissant you got until you heard they made another comment and even laughed at you. You really did try so hard to ignore it and tried to take that bite but it just felt so humiliating. So you bit your lip and slowly put the croissant down. Soobin on the other hand quickly took the croissant again and put it back up to your mouth.
“Aaah!” He said smiling
“Oh.. Soobin I’m ful-“
“Don’t make me shove this in your mouth princess” he cut you off with another cheeky smile.
God the look in your eyes was so heartbreaking to him.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen okay? We also came here to have fun and eat well. I want you to eat well beautiful, and I also want you to have the happiest tummy ever. Please don’t let anyone stop you. Besides, good food makes you happy. And I also want you happy. So please.. Aaaah?” He said, staring straight into your eyes with the purest look ever.
How could you ever deny that? So with a smile you took the bite you did so desperately wanted. With that it made his smile even bigger. He then also took a bite. Since then he continues to feed you, showering you with encouragement and also continues to eat with you too to make you not feel alone. You could never feel alone with him, but he wanted to make sure you knew that.
“Thank you my love.”
“Of course darling”
By the end you were so incredibly happy and so was your tummy.
It’s been a while since you had a date with your boyfriend due to your busy schedules. So when said schedules finally calmed down, you two were very excited to get to finally meet up at your favorite cafe and catch up. Unfortunately you were running a bit late so Beomgyu was already sitting and sipping at his coffee when you arrived. You quickly ordered before sitting down across from him.
“Beomieee! Oh I’m sorry!” You apologized
“It’s okay sweetheart, you’re here now and thats all that matters.” He said with his usual cheeky smile on his face.
The cafe was quite packed, so it was pretty noisy but you two were able to drown everything out with your conversations. You both missed each other very much. Due to the busy cafe it also took a while for your order to get done. By the time it was you and beomgyu decided to continue your date at a nearby park and have a nice walk. He had to use the bathroom first though, and you had to get your drink. So thats what you two did.
Unfortunately for you though, just after you got your drink, you accidentally slipped and caused your coffee to spill a little bit onto the shoes of a nearby customer.
“Oh my goodness I’m so sorry!! I didn’t mean to-“
“Are you fucking kidding me?!?! You bitch!!! These are brand new and now theyre ruined!”
“I didn’t mean to! I’ll pay to have them cle-“
“God you’re so fucking stupid! Didn’t you hear me they’re ruined! How can someone be so clumsy?! There wasn’t even anything there!! Fucki-“
“Oh sweetheart whats going on- WOOOOOAAHHHHH!!!” Beomgyu suddenly showed up out of nowhere and then (purposely and quite dramatically) fell and also spilled his coffee on this customer, though this time it spilled on the rest of their outfit too.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” They yelled and you could only cover your mouth in shock.
“Dang these floors are so slippery! don’t you think?? Everyone be careful okay!!” He chuckled as he still stayed there on the floor.
“Beomgyu are you okay??” You asked as you helped him up.
“Are you?” He asked concerned as he held onto you softly.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!? You just ruined my outfit!!!” This customer bellowed before you even had the chance to answer him.
“And you yelled at my lovely girlfriend for a simple accident. Listen, you have every right to be upset. it’s understandable. Hell she would’ve been upset if you did the same to her. However you had NO. Right to yell at her and talk to her the way you just did. She said she was sorry yet you still found it necessary to berate her in front of everyone. So yeah. I find it necessary to have the rest of your tacky outfit ruined. Even though what I did was an accident too.” He said with a smirk, clearly showing everyone who was still watching, that it was in fact NOT an accident.
“But yknow what? Here.” He explained before opening his wallet and throwing a good couple of bills at them. “Take this to go get those cleaned, or yknow, get better clothes that not only look better but wouldn’t be ruined by simple coffee. Come on my sweet.” He continued as he lead you to the door of the cafe.
And with that the both of you left.
“You okay darling?”
“Yea.. but you shouldn’t have done that beomie” you pouted at him. “I mean thank you! But ruining their outfit was-“
“Sorry to say sweetheart but I couldn’t care less about their outfit. Whoever is mean to my girl especially over something so trivial deserved that kind of treatment okay? I’ll always stick up for you my sweet. Never forget that. Plus, it waaaaas an accident” he said with his cheeky smile again. While you still felt a little bad, you could only chuckle and roll your eyes at this silly boy you call your lovely boyfriend.
“Thank you once again my prince” You said after giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
“For whaaat? It was an accident!”
“Oh stop it!!” You laugh
“You’re welcome my sweet”
You were never the biggest fan of the gym, however you always note that it’s not that bad. It gets you healthier when you need to feel like it, gets you to get out of the house a bit more and best of all, you get to spend time with your gym rat of a boyfriend. Who you love to look at when he’s all sweaty.
You don’t come as often as he does, you only join him like about twice a week sometimes just once. Sometimes it’s even once a month but you still go occasionally. Just to fill in some gaps in your schedule. Furthermore because you’re not the biggest fan of the gym, you do usually only very light workout, again just to get your heart pumping and muscles moving, and usually people don’t have an issue with that. You’re healthy and thats all that matters.
Yet for some reason some people decided to be very judgy today. Typically you always have your music playing to focus on yourself, but while you were taking a break and making light convo with your boyfriend, your ears couldn’t help but pick up the chatter of nearby gym goers that can’t mind their own business.
“She barely did anything here and she’s talking about leaving already?”
“And she wanted to get fried chicken too like dang that bare minimum of work out is really gonna go to waste huh?”
“Why is she even here?”
Taehyun who was putting on his hand wraps to have his boxing training session also couldn’t help but hear and lets say he wasn’t pleased. You took notice of that and simply patted his shoulders.
“It’s fine baby” You smiled at him.
“They shouldn’t be saying that.” He grumbled
“Hey its whatever..” You said trying to reassure him, but also yourself. ‘Cause to be honest, you couldn’t help but start to feel maybe you should workout a bit harder.
“No. Here baby put these on.” He said as he suddenly gave you some hand wraps too.
“Tyunnie, it-“
“No come one, lets have some fun” he cut you off with a smirk.
And how could you say no to that?
While you and Taehyun didn’t share your love of workouts or gym equipments, what you did share was your love for martial arts, specifically boxing. While Taehyun mainly did it for its physical benefits, yours was its mental benefits. It was kinda fun throwing punches and showing your strength that way, a good way to get all your anger and frustrations out too.
Plus when you first started doing it you realized you kinda had a knack for it too. So with Taehyun’s encouragement, and some slight anger towards those comments, you put on your gloves and started sparing with him. And let’s just say your punches and kicks were LOUD. People from across the room could hear and kinda feel it.
But mainly you and Taehyun just had fun, he constantly reassured you that you were doing a good job, you still had it, and he’s happy you’re here with him. Once you two were done, even though you were exhausted you two became a giggly mess. You quickly packed up and left to go home and still order some nice delicious fried chicken.
“Thank you baby” You said as you fed him some chicken.
“No worries my strong princess” He chuckled.
You and your boyfriend, hueningkai, had many common interests, from movies to food, one of the cuter interests you two shared are plushies. You both just LOVE plushies. How fluffy they can be, how soft and squishy they are, their cuteness. Like whats not to love really? The amount of plushies you share is quite concerning but hey! They make you both happy!
Today you decided to go out to see a new movie that came out, but you still had some time before the movie started so you decided to look around the mall first. You had no destination in mind, just wanted to walk and talk with your boyfriend before, hopefully, enjoying this new movie.
However as you continued your stroll you came across a new store that had just opened and was filled to the brim with the cutest teddy bears you’ve ever seen, and they came in every size you can think of. From teeeeny tiny to massive teddy bears that fills the corner of the room. So without much thought and a huge gasp you dragged hueningkai inside to check it out.
Quite the understatement to say you were having a blast checking out all the adorable teddy bears they had. They even had clothes for these bears. However excited you were, you didn’t actually have the intention to buy any, but Hueningkai being the angel he is offered to get you one.
“Are you sure?”
“Oh come on its like you don’t know me. Come on I’ll get one for myself. Our teddy bears can be dating too!” He said with his angelic smile.
Now thats an offer you couldn’t refuse!
So you two picked out your teddy bears and dressed them in matching outfits. You then left making your way to the movie theater, as the movie would be starting soon, but you couldn’t stop giggling and hugging your bear. It was just so cute and fluffy. You still had your bear in your arms as you waited in line to get your snacks, when suddenly the people behind you started whispering.
“What a fricken weirdo.”
“I know right? What is she? 5??”
“Exactly! Like who the hell would willingly carry that around?”
“Why would you still even want one at her age?”
Then it was followed by snickers. It made you gulp and as much as you hate to admit it, embarrassed. You were never ashamed of your love for plushies but hearing that just isn’t nice. You started to slowly try to put your plushie back into the bag the store gave you, when Hueningkai gave your hand a firm squeeze.
“Oh look honey, it’s our turn. So what do you two want?
“I.. huh? Us two?” You looked at him confused.
“Yeah! You and this cutiepie! And what should I get him too?” Hueningkai explained as he pinched your cheek, the teddys nose and then pulled out his own too.
“O-oh!” You giggled before answering what you wanted, and just some gummies for the plushies.
“What a great idea!” He added before ordering, then carrying the snacks for you, and sweetly asking you to carry his teddy for him.
As you two made your way to your designated theater you did catch the judging eyes of the people behind you.
“You didn’t have to do that you know hyuka” You pouted.
“Do what?” He asked with a tilt of his head.
“You know.. now those people think you’re a weirdo too”
“Why should we care? I don’t feel like a weirdo for liking cute soft things, and neither should you honey. These things make us happy! I don’t think we’re weird for that, and hey if it is, lets be weirdos together hmm?” He said, again with that angelic smile and a cute raised eyebrow. And you know, he’s right.
“You’re right, these cuties do make us happy.”
“Mmmmhm! So lets go! The movie is about to start!”
“Okay! Oh! And thank you hyuka”
“Anything for my cutie”
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
© mimikittysblog 2024
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thelov3lybookworm · 3 months
Hello. I was wondering. If u could write something where reader is mayed to the bat boys. She has a sickness that her father died from and she has and hasn't told her mates nor her younger siblings. They find out and are frantic. You can add flashbacks of how her father was loving, single dad, and his final moments with her. ( I was hoping it could be a small series). U can add whatever u think looks cute. Thank you!
Why Don't We Celebrate? (part 1)
Summary: New revelations leave Y/n shook.
A/n: I'm gonna make this hurt 😌
(also, make sure to check out @readychilledwine's losing forever as it is based on the same request!)
Anyways, enjoy bbs!❣️
Y/n almost nearly flew with her nonexistent wings as she walked up to the door of the town house. She and her new lover were supposed to go to a new restaurant that he had found, and she had told him she would meet him at the town house.
It hadn't been all that long since she saw him. Maybe a day or two.
They had only met barely over six months ago, while she was walking around Velaris picking up groceries.
The two of them were taking it slow. They had only slept together once, and that was the last time she saw him. It also didn't help that they'd met just before Rhysand became high lord, and then Cassian had mostly become busy with helping his brother handle the court.
Y/n didnt mind. In fact, she was proud of him for it. But she couldn't say she wasn't jealous or possessive of him sometimes. After all, she should be allowed to spend time with her love.
But the fact that she loved how important Cassian was also did not mean she liked Rhys much. She almost hated him, and would have given him an earful long ago if he hadn't meant so much to her lover. She always pushed it down, trying not to let her anger at not being able to have her lover all to herself cloud her judgement and kill Rhysand the first chance she got.
Y/n knocked on the front door of the town house, smiling at the thought of meeting her lover.
The door opened after a moment, and Azriel, Cassian's other friend, smiled at Y/n from the doorway. "Hey. It's been so long since I last saw you. How have you been?"
Y/n smiled at Azriel, trying not to let the impatience show. "I'm good Azriel. Uh, how are you?"
Azriel gave her a knowing smirk. "I'm good I'm good. Are you here to see Cassian? I think he's a little busy."
Disappointment crashed through Y/n, and she deflated. Now that she thought about it, she should have confirmed with Cassian. After all, they had made the plan to go out a week ago. He might've forgotten or something important might have come up.
Y/n shook her head, smiling at Az. "It's nothing much. We had plans to meet and go out, but I guess not. Just let him know I was here and tell him to come home as soon as he can."
Az looked dumbfounded. "I think Rhys can get someone else to do the work, I- I will talk to Rhys-"
Any other time, Y/n would have gladly taken up that offer, but right now she was pissed at Rhys and wanted to make him feel guilty.
"It's okay, nevermind. Just let him know I was here for Cass and that he ruined all the plans." Y/n winked at the spymaster, on whose face a smirk spread.
Y/n stared at her father who lay on the bed for a moment, coughs wracking his body before she went to his side, settling on the edge of the bed.
She had walked directly to his home after she found that Cassian was busy. She had nothing else to do, and it had been over ten days since she saw him, so she had to go meet him anyways.
But the moment she entered, she heard him coughing from his room, and she had run up as fast as she could.
"Father? Are you okay?" She questioned as she placed her palm on his forehead.
He was burning up.
He continued coughing as Y/n filled a glass of water for him, bringing it over from the table in the corner. She helped her father sit up, wondering what the hell was going on.
After drinking the water, he calmed down a little, leaning back against the headboard.
He lived alone, all his kids having moved out when they came of age. He'd been pretty happy to have his space all to himself too, always grumbling about his clingy kids and cursing their late mother for not being around to go through the torture alongside him.
"Paa? Are you alright?" Y/n asked after a moment when he remained silent.
He sighed at that, patting the space next to him. "How have you been, my darling child?"
Y/n leaned against him, holding his hand. "I'm very happy, father. But that's not the important thing right now. Have you seen a healer?"
She did not say anything else, waiting for him to tell her what the hell was up.
After a moment, he spoke. "Do you know how your mother passed?"
Y/n's blood chilled, and she sat up straight to look at her father.
"Why are you asking me that?"
He smiled ruefully, ignoring her question. He ran his shaking hand through his thinning dark hair through which his scalp was visible, now turning white at the edges.
"She had been so healthy." He mumbled, more to himself than her. "It was all going so well. But one day, she fell sick. We thought it was a normal fever, that it would go away soon."
He shook his head, laughing a little as he let his hand fall limp at his side, only increasing the bad feeling in Y/n's stomach. "What are you trying to say paa?"
Again, she was ignored. "Her condition only worsened. I should not have listened to her and got a healer. Alas, I was madly in love and did not want to upset your mother. Curse her for being so selfless."
Tears shone in the eyes Y/n had inherited, and her heart squeezed at the longing in that all knowing gaze. Her father had always been a strong male, never showing emotions considered negative in front of his kids, so watching him cry now was like a bolt directly to Y/n's heart.
He hadn't even shed a tear at his wife's death, and Y/n, being an angsty adolescent, had resented him a little for what she assumed was the lack of love for her mother. She had grown to understand that all he wanted was to be strong for his kids and he thought that shedding tears with them would make him weak.
"She did not want a healer to come see her, because back then, we were not as well off. It was either get a healer, or feed the four kids. For her, suffering was a better option than starving her kids."
Y/n's father coughed again, and Y/n rubbed back until he calmed. With a sigh, he continued.
"When her sickness worsened to the point where she started begging for the sweet release of death, I dragged a healer back home. I had fought her, yelling at her for being so- so uncaring." A sob ripped out of his chest, tears slipping down his sagging cheeks. Y/n did not move to wipe them, despite how much she wanted to for fear of breaking this moment.
"But it was too late by then. On my way back with the healer, I had planned to apologise for yelling at her. We were both so young, and you were an unplanned surprise. We did not know what to do. And then you grew up so fast, and your mother wanted more kids. We had no idea how to navigate life. It was hard. And sometimes these feelings would just... burst out. And I know it is no excuse for my harsh words, but I have nothing else to blame but myself."
Her father lifted a weathered hand to rest upon her head, and she leaned her head down, laying her head on his lap to hide her tears. "When I reached home, you told me your mother had stopped coughing. I thought it was some miracle and that she'd healed. But then I went to check on her and she... she'd passed." His voice broke on that, and Y/n's throat constricted at the pain in his voice.
"The healer found out that she'd acquired a rare disease, even for mortals, who acquire diseases left and right. It was highly contagious, so that meant I was at high risk-"
Y/n didn't let him complete, sitting up straight faster than she could think. "What? Don't tell me you-"
"Are sick with with the same disease? Yes. It had apparently been lying low in my body, and now it's acting up."
"Paa..." Y/n spoke on a broken breath, the tears finally spilling over her cheeks.
Her father smiled sadly. "I've sent letters to all the kids to come visit me. They don't know that I'm sick, just that I want to see them. I do not think I have much time, but-"
He coughed, and Y/n watched helplessly, knowing she could do nothing but watch and curse the mother.
"Papa, why did you not tell them that you're sick?! They would have raced home if they knew-"
"Yes, but I did no want to bother them. I am old as it is. I would have died no matter what. I'm just dying today instead of tomorrow. What's the big deal? They anyways have more important things to do and care about than this old skeleton covered with flesh."
His entire body shook at the next fit of coughs, and he doubled over.
Y/n, unable to sit and watch his misery any longer, stood. "Papa, I will go get a healer. I'm sure there's a solution."
Her father glanced at her with a small, knowing smile as he settled back, slithering down to lie on his back. "Alright my child. I will just rest for a minute here. Sleep a little." He grunted before he finally settled down, calm overtaking his features. His next words were soft, mumbled on an exhale. "I love you, my little princess."
Despite not wanting to believe the fact, Y/n knew his soul had left his body before that final sigh did.
Y/n knew that the sweet embrace of death had claimed him before sleep could.
The door creaked open, soft light from the lanterns outside spilling through the crack in the door as Cassian shouldered his way in, mumbling to himself.
"I fucking hope Rhys gets burning diarrhea. Bastard." He muttered under his breath as he shut the door softly behind him, trying to make as little noise as possible in the darkened house, the only light source the lamps outside.
In the dark, Y/n could not see what he was doing, but she did not have to wait long. The faelights came on, and she found Cassian standing in the middle of the foyer, his hands outstretched out towards the lights.
He jumped when he realised that Y/n was sitting against the wall nearby, staring at him. He grinned wide before faltering, taking in the state of his lover. He quickly made his way over to where Y/n sat, her knees pulled up to her chest.
"My love, are you aright?"
Y/n could do nothing but stare, her eyes vacant and body numb. She had no more tears to give, so she simply stared at her lover as he tried to fuss over her. "He's gone."
Cassian gave her a cautious look, and Y/n could see the wheels churning in his head as he tried to think of a way to get more information out of her.
She spared him the effort.
"My father. He passed."
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @berryzxx
Cassian Taglist: @moonlwghts @samslittlespoon
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evidenceof · 12 days
just letting you know that your tags abt yearning Winters made me burst into tears at work and no one was more surprised than me. Never have I ever lost it like this lmao. Are those quotes from his book?
OMG. I am holding your hand, my friend because I Felt That Right Here. Yes, they're from several books/collections actually (I am screaming with you) and they're all burned into my prefrontal cortex. :') Presenting co-dependency as told by Dick Winters, as inflicted by one Lewis Nixon III.
To address said tags and their corresponding quotes: 1. #dick “didnt want to see anyone but the moment nix called he answered” winters
“Winters was not only separating from DeEtta, but people in general. When friends came to visit, he refused to see them. This included the wife of fellow F&M graduate Rick Burgess, the army friend Winters loaned $125 while at Camp Croft so he could get married. The new Mrs. Burgess stopped at the house to welcome him home, but he would not go downstairs to greet her. “Naturally I hurt her feelings, but I didn’t want to see her,” he said. “I didn’t want to see anybody.” But the offer from Nixon was still in Winters’ mind. At about the same time the man from New Holland Supply made his offer, Nixon again called his army buddy. “Job’s still open, Dick,” he said. “Let’s get together and talk about it.” Winters liked the idea of seeing Nixon again, and agreed.” From "Biggest Brother" by Larry Alexander
2. #dick “Capt. Nixon left this week...im as lonesome as a lovesick swab” winters (One of my personal favorites. Makes me chew on my arm)
September 16, 1945, Letter to DeEtta (on Lew's departure from Europe) "Capt. Nixon left this week, which makes everything just dandy. I am about as lonesome as a lovesick swab who married a Wave on an eight hour pass." From Hang Tough: The WWII Letters and Artifacts of Major Dick Winters
3. #richard “Dick's eyes shone as he recalled his old friend” winters
"You seem to have been polar opposites. You didn't drink, nor did you swear. Nixon did both and in huge quantities. He would have been the last man whom I think you would have befriended. What was the foundation of your friendship with Nixon?” Dick's eyes shone as he recalled his old friend. "It is hard to explain. I had first met Nix when we were at Fort Benning, Georgia, in officer candidate school. Later we served as platoon leaders under Sobel's command. A special bond always exists among the platoon commanders in any military com-pany, particularly when they perceive their own commander as 'the enemy.
There is no question in my mind that Nixon was the best combat soldier in 2nd Battalion. By the time we jumped into Holland, I was so lonely that I needed someone in whom I could confide my inner thoughts. That someone was Nix. Whenever the bullets began to fly, I could turn and there stood Nix. From “Conversations with Major Dick Winters.” by Colonel Cole Kingseed
Once again, I am holding your hand so we can both scream together and marinate in this Winnix brainrot. I'm so sorry to have caused you distress in the WORKPLACE!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Reader having to undress them for an injury (Masky edition)
OTP prompt generator coming in clutch for these silly short posts yet again, and it spat out probably one of my favorite tropes eheheeheheh starting this little mini series off with masky ! usually i pair his up with hoodie but i dont have the energy to write a two in one today
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masky gets injured fairly often... not every time he goes out but every few weeks he comes home with more than simple scratches and bruises... and today was particularly bad, it seemed that someone or something slashed him across the back
usually he would handle his wounds himself, but he cant reach it this time... if you hadnt noticed it the giant bloody slash on his back he would have just cleaned and dressed it as best he could and go on, hoping it would heal on its own
buuuuut you saw it, and here you are now. you had begged him to let you help him, and after a few minutes of you worriedly looking over him he lets you do it
both to get you to calm down and because he just wants to get the wound cleaned and dealt with
he has his back to you so he doesnt notice you looking up and down his back; taking in his skin. he had other scars, as well as moles and freckles you never knew he had. he never took his clothing off around you, at most he would take off the jacket but that was it
he doesnt react when you start cleaning the wound, nor does he speak
though, you didnt expect him to talk anyway
luckily the wound wasnt deep enough to need stitches; but that didnt do much for your worry
he doesnt really answer you when you try to ask him what happened, he seems laser focused on the wall in front of him
actually you notice hes tensing himself up while you work on him
you clean and bandage him up, lightly patting him on his shoulder to let him know you were done
the rest of the afternoon kind of goes on as usual, although the mood is a little off from your worry and your internal theorizing for what happened
he does notice youre a little off, so i think he might try to do something to help you unwind a little... it wont be answers or a promise to be safer, it will likely be more him drawing you a warm bath or offering cuddles (which he rarely offers or seeks out on his own!)
you try to keep him at home so he can recover but he seems to evade you to go out and... do his thing
overall the entire experience is weird and tense, especially since masky was so still and quiet as you tended to him but at least he tries to make you feel better
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noproofread · 7 months
A little Luffy fluff
I've never written fanfic on tumblr before so pls bear with me. Also I'm so used to writing smut but I started this one and it was just so fluffy i didnt wanna taint it so maybe there'll be a part 2, who knows.
Word count: 1,425
Nothing but cute fluff, first kiss, feelings, all the soft stuff
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‘Luffy!” you shout, spotting your captain in a restaurant. You have only been on this island for 15 minutes and already Luffy found a place to eat. He turns to face you “Hey Y/N!” Luffy says, crumbs of food spilling out of his mouth as he grins at you.
“You gotta try these potatoes! They’re so good!” The young captain shouts, making you giggle. “I believe you. We have to go to the ship though, Nami sent me to get you” you state, taking a seat next to him. He doesn’t look at you, too focused on scarfing down the hot food while he can. “Hmmm but I’m eating right now.” A whine comes out of Luffy. “We’ll just go back when you finish then” you smile at him. You won’t admit it to the rest of the crew but you developed a little crush on your captain in the time you’ve spent with the Straw Hats.
He had come into your village and beat up some guys that were giving you trouble as you were going back home from shopping for gardening supplies. He asked you to join the crew, per Nami’s request, as she saw the way you tended to the garden. She wanted someone who knew what they were doing when it came to green life, especially for her tangerine trees. You graciously accepted the invitation, mostly because of the young rubber pirate that helped you.
You were good at hiding your feelings for the most part. Nobody questioned your unwavering loyalty to the group of pirates you had only known for a couple of weeks. Nor did they notice all the times you stared at Luffy, studying his face. Appreciating the way he always smiled even when faced with scary situations. Nobody saw the way you blushed whenever he complimented the way the lawn on the Sunny looked.
You never expected him to feel the same way towards you so you never did anything about your feelings. After all, this is the future King of the Pirates. The man that will find the one piece. You were perfectly content just being close to him as his friend. Perfectly okay with simply admiring him from afar.
“Aaahh I’m all done now! Ready to go back to the ship then?” Luffy’s words snapped you out of your thoughts. You nodded at him and got up from your seat. “We have to hurry though, Nami says there’s going to be a storm soon and I don’t wanna get caught in the rain.” Without thinking, you grab Luffy’s hand and start heading back to the Sunny. Luffy looks down at your hand, confused but he allows it.
As you approach the ship, Luffy speaks. “Hey Y/N, what’s with this hand holding thing anyway?” He looks at you and grins. That signature wide grin he always has on his face. “Not that I mind, just curious.”
“Oh! I uh… I hadn’t noticed haha” You pull your hand away, hoping you didn’t sound nervous. Luffy shrugs it off and jumps up on the ship. You climb your way up and see Nami “See! I found him” you tell her. She smiles and looks at Luffy “Don’t run off without telling us! We almost left you until Y/N pointed out you weren’t on the ship” She nods disapprovingly at him and chuckles lightly. “NAMI-SWAAANN” you hear Sanji yell from the kitchen “Please oh PLEASE taste this tangerine tart I made just for you.” Nami rolls her eyes and walks towards the kitchen, leaving you and Luffy alone as the sun starts to set.
You are standing a little close to Luffy, who looks towards you. You notice a faint blush on his cheeks briefly before his voice cuts through your thoughts again. “Hey, why do you always make my face feel warm?” He smiles.
“What?” You stand shocked, looking at Luffy. “I don’t know, I just feel warm whenever you’re close to me. It’s weird.” Your eyes widen at Luffy’s sudden confession. “Good weird or bad weird?” you ask.
“I… I’m not sure. I honestly don’t know what to think about it.” The blush on Luffy’s cheeks deepens slightly. “I think it’s good though.” You smile to yourself and let out a sigh “That’s good…” You say softly. Looking out at the blue water past the ship, you make your way towards the railing. You feel your heart flutter at Luffy’s words. He catches up to you and looks at you, slightly confused. “Why is it good?” he smiles. “Just… I would never want to make you feel bad weird," your gaze still looking at the crashing waves. “Haha! Well you sure don’t make me feel bad weird so you’re good!” Luffy says, looking at your face as a small blush forms. “What about me? Do I ever make you feel… weird?” He leans against the railing of the Sunny, right next to you. You feel the air change as you process his question.
“Yeah… good weird too” You laugh, avoiding his gaze as you try to ignore the feeling of your heart dropping to your stomach. You can feel Luffy’s eyes on you, you wonder if he can see the blush on your face. If he can sense your nervousness. You feel a warm sensation on your hand and look down to see Luffy’s on top of yours. You look at him and he smiles “I mean… you are something else Y/N.” You feel your face grow hotter and you bite your lip. “Haha… So are you. Captain Luffy… Future King of the Pirates.” You look down once again, trying to focus on the sound of the waves to ease up the tension. It doesn’t work.
“Can I maybe… I don’t know…” Luffy says awkwardly, as his voice trails off. You look at him and notice the deep pink hue that washes over his face. His eyes meet yours and you see them trail down to your lips. You feel your stomach do a flip as you realize what he is thinking. “C-Can you maybe… what?” You speak but your voice is barely a whisper. Luffy leans in closer to you. “Maybe…” His voice is soft and low.
“I… I think I want to…” He continues to hold your hand as he inches closer to your face. Your brain cannot process what’s happening “You… you want to…?” You echo his words as you hear your heart pounding in your chest. He looks back up into your eyes “You… you don’t mind… do you?” Luffy asks quietly, his face is so close you feel his breath on your lips. You can’t find the voice to speak anymore and you simply shake your head no. Everything feels like it’s happening in slow motion. You can’t hear the crashing of the waves anymore, or the sound of your crew mates’ banter. You have never felt more present and yet so far away. Luffy’s hand is still on yours as he leans in further. You close your eyes and notice your shallow breathing. You feel his lips press against yours. They’re soft and light. It was only a quick second but it was enough to make you gasp.
You open your eyes to see Luffy smile. His face is a deep shade of red and you assume yours also is. You bite your lip to hold back an impulse, but it fails. You grab Luffy’s face once again and kiss him. You feel him relax into the kiss, which is already longer than the previous one. Your heart is racing as you feel Luffy cup your cheek with his hand. As you both pull away you’re both breathing heavily. “That…” Luffy begins but his words trail off. “I don’t know what to say…” You simply smile and bite your lip. “What do you feel, Luffy?” You finally find it within you to speak. “It’s.. It’s hard to describe um..” He begins. You see his eyes scan your face, trying to find the words.
“It’s like a strange sensation in my mind and my body… I feel um… I feel like these warm tingles and it’s hard to think sometimes.” He speaks softly. You simply smile and pull him in for a hug. He gasps at the sudden embrace and soon you feel his arms wrap around you. You can hear his heart beating in his chest. You close your eyes and sigh, feeling yourself be present in this moment. A moment you really never thought would happen.
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Aita for blocking a friend on instinct? So i (f16) have this friend, (m16) we can call him D, who i've been friends with since kindergarten.
About a year ago, i started growing very close to D through our friend group's dnd campaign we held every friday. I knew him for a long time but that was the first time we had started hanging out out of school. We were talking on snapchat every night just chatting and after a while he started to send much more... revealing snaps. Just his bare shoulders but like without a shirt. He said it was because he had to let his medication for his back dry. I was a little uncomfortable, but we were friends so i didnt think that it would escalate into anything weird.
After about a month, D starts sending snaps in a towel and pictures of his chest which made me very uncomfortable. I kind of let the chatting die down after that because it was the only way i could think of that would be enough to gently let him down easy (i was wrong). I stopped going to the hangouts with that group and kind of distanced myself because how uncomfortable D made me. This only made D try harder to get my attention.
I was still friends with the others in the group so i would often have one-on-one hangouts with the others and watch tv. One thing we watched was Miraculous and we laughed and joked about it all the time. D overheard us or something and went home and binge watched the entire series in a week. Then everytime i ate lunch with that friend group, D would always make direct references to Miraculous or sing the theme song really loud. This wasnt once a day, D would make miraculous references every single minute. He became obsessed with the show (which, for reference of how weird it was, D is a very religious Christian boy. He gets upset if he gets an A- and never drinks caffeine (no problem with any of those things but just understand that kind of guy being deep within the fandom of Miraculous out of all shows 😭)). It was so bad, and it once again was making me very uncomfortable.
Eventually, it got to an insufferable point where D changed his route to go home and made sure to pass me every day after school and wave. I started avoiding him in the halls, he would always ask obscure questions that werent that important. I couldn't understand why he couldn't get that i didnt want to be friends with him anymore so i set boundaries.
A text i sent to D: i apologize if i ever caused any misunderstanding, but i would like to make it clear that im not romantically interested in you. i can see that you have been trying to grow closer, but i dont feel the same way. i don't appreciate being followed around, and i dont like when people force themselves to like the same things i like. its not attractive to be a copy of someone. i enjoy being your friend but it's difficult to disregard these things. if im being totally honest, when you do things like this, it makes me really uncomfortable and borderline creeped out. i know crushes wont disappear overnight but i would appreciate more space. if youre looking for a girlfriend, this isnt the right person, nor the right way to get it. and i wont tell anyone about this so dont worry about word spreading or anything. thank you
D's response: Oh, I'm so sorry I made you think that! I don't have a crush on you, I just noticed how you don't hang out with our friend group as often and I just wanted to make sure that I was being as nice as possible to make sure you weren't mad at us or anything. I did start to think that maybe me trying all that made me seem clingy or annoying, so I'm really sorry for all of that. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll try to do better now!
This didnt sit right with me because after all of that i cannot fathom how that translates to "i wanted to include you". This made me question a lot about the situation.
Reasons i feel like i MBTA: i'm over thinking things and D could be a genuinely a nice person. Its hard for me to read the room and i need to work on that and probably apologize to D.
Reasons i feel like i MNBTA: i should trust my instincts rather than ignore them. I've had a psychological abuser in my family before and the situation could be a stalker behavior that i've learned is not ok to have.
What are these acronyms?
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toxic3mmy · 1 month
haiiii :3 can you perhaps do alex comforting you after you find out you guys are pregnant? >~<
ummm yes!!!!!! is that even a question!!!!
prompt: you find out you and alex are pregnant together
no warnings! fluff!!!!
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you found yourself pacing back and forth in your restroom. you were practically biting your nails completely off as you waited. finally your phone timer vibrated. you sat on the toilet lid and took a deep breath.
the pregnancy test was laid in your hand. you slowly flipped it over and saw those two little lines. you didn’t know what to do.
of course you were ecstatic! ever since you got with alexis, you decided that you wanted a family with him. it was just… very unexpected and a lot earlier than you planned. you hadn’t even brought up family making talk with alex.
oh god, alex…
as if on cue, a light knock on the restroom door brought you back down to earth.
“baby? are you okay? you’ve been in there for quite some time…” he jingled the doorknob to let him in
you quickly looked everywhere for a hiding spot for the pregnancy test and the box it came. you shoved it under the sink and pulled yourself together.
you slowly unlock the door and put on a fake smile for your boyfriend.
“what’s wrong? were you throwing up again or?” he asked, worry written all over his face
“no i was um pooping… i had a coffee earlier and it did not settle well in my stomach” you laughed, trying to seem normal. you needed time to prepare for the talk with alex. you had absolutely no clue of how he’d react to the news.
“i told you too much caffeine is bad for ya… well, sorry for interrupting you. i thought something was wrong. i’ll leave you to it then” he laughed lightly
and just like a god damn miracle, the box flopped out from under the sink. you should’ve cleaned that cabinet out a long time ago. it was so full that the damn pregnancy test just decided to show itself. your eyes teared up as alex walked forward and pulled out the test from inside the box.
“y/n… is this? is this real? please tell me it’s a prank..”
anger filled within you. he wanted this to be a joke?!
“i knew you would react like this! i don’t need you! i don’t need anyone! i can raise my baby alone!” tears were now streaming down your face as you spoke
alex had a sad look on his face. he stepped forward and grabbed your face in his warm hands. you sniffled and looked at him.
“baby girl… i never said i didnt want the baby. yeah, it’s a little bit early but i would never hesitate to raise a baby with you. i want to be the baby’s father.” he gently dried your face of tears
“you mean that?”
“of course i do y/n. you had me worried.. i thought you would force me to leave you or assume i wanted you to have an abortion. i want you and.. i want the baby” he smiled softly, relief evident on his face
“i guess i do assume the worst in situations like this. this is 100% your fault by the way! you can’t keep your hands off me!” you laugh, teasing your boyfriend a bit
“i guess you’re right on that one. but isn’t it your fault for being so sexy in the first place?” he smirked
“oh shut up!”
“but in all seriousness, how far along are you?” he asked, taking your hand in his
“i think three weeks? i haven’t had my period in three weeks and ive been pretty nauseous daily ever since”
“that makes sense. im really sorry for not being responsible and wearing condoms. but are you sure you want to keep it? i’m not saying i don’t want you to but i just wanna make sure you think about it, i mean a baby is a big decision” he rubbed your hand soothingly
“im really sure alex.. are you sure you still want me? i’m never going to have this body again and.. i’m scared of you losing interest in me after i have the baby” you said, feeling insecure about how much you’re going to change throughout this pregnancy
“is that what you’re worried about, mi vida? that’s got to be one of the silliest things i’ve ever heard. you being pregnant won’t stop me from loving you.. nor will it change my attraction for you, if anything, i find it really attractive..” he said, touching your smooth face gently
“you do?”
“i do. you’ll be carrying our baby. our baby.. the product of our love. you’ll have a growing being inside of you that’ll have both our features. and seeing a baby grow inside of you that’s mine and yours… that’s goddamn attractive if you ask me” he chuckled lightly
“oh alex” you let out a sob, practically jumping into his arms as he held you close to his chest
“don’t worry baby girl, we’re gonna be fine. i’ll do everything in my power to make sure you and our baby are okay and safe, okay?” he said with a kiss to your temple
“yeah… i’ll have the best man in the world helping me raise our baby..” you snuggled into him more
“you make it sound like i’ll be an amazing father. i mean i can see myself being the best father possible but i can’t say i’ll be perfect. i’ll definitely do my very best to be a good father because our baby deserves it” he explained, caressing your hair
“woah… daddy alex? that’s pretty hot, im not gonna lie. i kinda see where you’re coming from that me being pregnant is attractive to you” you pulled back a bit to look at him as you spoke. you saw him visibly freeze
“did you just… did you just call me daddy??” he blinked a few times, processing what you just said
“you’re already an amazing daddy to me, always taking care of me. i’m good practice, no?” you practically purred, loving the blush that crept out onto his cheeks
“th-that’s, th-that’s not what i meant!” he stuttered, very flustered,
“i mean yeah i take care of you and look after you to the best of my abilities… but d-daddy?” he continued
“i know what you meant alexis, i think i just have a lot of hormones in my body right now. i think… i think these baby hormones are making me feel stuff already. i mean, the thought of you being a father is really sexy… im definitely turned on, not gonna lie” you confessed, not even feeling embarrassed
“so daddy alex then, huh?” he smiled, the blush still bright on his face
“i dont know what got into you but, hey im not complaining” he chuckles and wraps his arms around you
“you’re such a dream..” you sigh
“y tu eres la mujer de mis sueños, eres la cosita mas hermosa y perfecta que me ha pasado” he said lovingly to you
“god, im going to love you forever”
“i love you so much too, forever. this baby will definitely make that love even stronger”
“i agree, mi amor”
“by any chance, have you thought of any baby names? i know you said you thought about us having a family and stuff..” he asked randomly
“i have actually, have you?”
“it’s kinda weird but i have. for a boy, i think carlos or joan and for a girl maybe paz or xochil” he said thoughtfully and you gushed at the fact that he even thought of baby names
“those are actually really pretty. i was thinking for a boy, ezekiel or alexis jr and for a girl something like hyacinth or eliana” you said
“are… are you serious” alex asked, looking down at the floor
“yes, i mean its perfect. i’ve always adored your name and he could be our little junior” you shrugged as if it wasn’t the biggest compliment to alexis
“our little junior… that’s just… wow, i have no words” he smiled
“maybe if it’s a girl, she can have my name or something similar?” you said after a minute
“it’s settled then. if it’s a boy, alexis junior and if it’s a girl, she’ll have your beautiful name” he smiled, leaning in to give you a quick kiss
“then it’s decided” you agreed
“can you promise me something? well, two things” he asked
“sure baby”
“can you please promise not to stress yourself about this pregnancy? i don’t want anything bad happening to you or our baby..”
“yes alex, i promise”
“and also… please don’t stop loving me after the baby is born. i know it’s common for women to have postpartum depression and things like that or even resentment towards the father for getting them pregnant… but i promise to do everything in my power to ensure a good life for you and our baby. i’m going to do everything for us, y/n. just, please don’t stop loving me…” his gaze shifts to the ground once again
“ay mi corazóncito… i could never ever stop loving you. you’re the only person i want to raise a family with… you’re my family” you say genuinely
“oh my god… thank you amor. thank you for everything. i’ll take care of you, okay?”
“okay alex” you nodded and after a while,
“maybe… maybe we should celebrate” you say suggestively
“oh… you mean..” he said innocently
“yes… we definitely should celebrate” he nodded
“well then get to it daddy, mommy needs tending to”
alex lifts you from the toilet seat cover and takes your hand in his. he leads you to your bedroom and he made love to you. he was absolutely gentle and just overall a gentleman, tending to your needs.
he was going to be an amazing father, that was for sure.
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ppnuggiex · 3 months
hiii!! i saw that your reqs are open <3 i'd like to req a mephi headcanon where the reader is a rlly busy & active student and they barely have time to meet even at school but reader can do meetings and work stuff with others! and he gets all jealous n sulky HEHE i think it would be a silly cute fluffy hc... thank u 💗🫶
      MEPHISTOPHELES x gn reader
    『 mephistopheles ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> mephisto getting jealous and needy when reader gets really busy
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, angst w/ comfort ,, some insecurity and doubt from mephisto ,, jealousy from him as well
  — omg i just realized it said headcannon right now ,, and i was in the middle of writing a oneshot for it 😭 so ill link the oneshot that goes with it to this :3 ! these are kinda long ,, but tysm for requesting ! i love this guy sm ,, hes quite literally the text book definition for babygirl prove me wrong 🙄🤚 feel free to request anymore for mephisto :D !! hope you enjoy these headcannons <3 !!
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| • its not rare for mephistopheles to feel left out when around you . after all ,, you did have pacts with all the avatars and were more than acquainted with two angels ,, a reaper ,, one of the wisest and strongest humans the human realm had to offer and were chummy with diavolo and barbatos .
| • it did make him question why you hung around him some days . he didnt mean much ,, just the son of a wealthy noble family within devildom . he may have known diavolo as a child ,, but it wasnt the same . it never felt the same ,, especially after lucifer had shown up in devildom .
| • what did you see in him ? compared to everyone else you knew ,, he wasnt much to you . at least ,, thats how he felt and what he thought . somehow ,, you saw more than just his wealth and title . you saw more of him ,, his interests and dislikes .
| • he didnt think of himself as that interesting ,, but he never let it get to him . though the fact you two were in a relationship meant more to him than you'd every know .
| • days turning to weeks that slipped into months of pining after you . money spent on gifts to give ,, only to be shoved into your hands as he looked away to hide his desire in his eyes ,, mumbling something about how he saw it and thought a human like mightve wanted it or whatever excuse he could fish out .
| • so mephistopheles understood that you get busy . after all ,, being apart of the exchange student program while being a student council member and doing your best to keep the brothers (namely mammon) in line was tiring . and ontop of it all was a shift you usually worked with mammon to help him with his debts . anything to get him to start working towards having less bills and debts to pay off .
| • he knew you worked hard ,, but it didnt stop his mind from being plagued with not the nicest thoughts . he couldnt stop himself from wandering if youre purposely taking on more work to keep yourself busy and away from him . was it true ? he hoped it wasnt ,, but he wouldnt be surprised . he wasnt as interesting as the seven brothers were . nor did he have money or power like diavolo and barbatos ,, or solomon . he was far from being holy and pure like raphael and simeon . he wasnt as funny or affectionate as thirteen either ,, he knew that .
| • but every time you would text him an apology ,, he couldnt help but bite the vile feeling in his heart . how it clenched in his chest whenever he would read the message and reply with reassurance that it was okay . even if it didnt feel okay .
| • it didnt help with how he would see one of the brothers clinging to you in the halls the next day . how you seemed to go unaware of his sorrows ,, yet it would be rude to march up and demand your attention ,, relationship or not .
| • at least ,, you werent aware of it until you dropped by the newspaper club room with a gift in hand for your lover . you realized you had gotten busy and carried away ,, barely seeing him in the halls and missing his texts when he'd send them during class or work .
| • a small treat from madame scream's and some matching jewelry you had saved up for held close to your torso as you opened the door ,, eyes catching mephistopheles as a smile curled on your lips .
| • you would apologize for neglecting him ,, presenting him with your gifts as you awaited for a response . it took him a few moments to realize the situation ,, emerald eyes wide with emotion and heart beating frantically within his chest .
| • a pout formed on his lips ,, standing up from his chair and pulling you into his embrace . his arms snug around you ,, trying to prevent himself from showing anymore weakness than he already was . especially in r.a.d. where anyone could walk in and see how vulnerable he was .
| • " thank you my dear ." he whispered ,, pressing a kiss to your head and opening the present box . inside were two necklaces ,, resembling hearts and two different letters on each one . a 'm' on one for his name ,, and another to match the first letter of your name . intertwined together ,, he unraveled the necklaces from each other ,, witnessing the half heart they made when taken apart .
| • “ i can help you put it on !” you offered with a smile ,, hand held out . he placed his half in your palm ,, leaning down to let you put it on . he shivered slightly when the cold metal brushed against his warm neck ,, your hands rustling lightly against his hair as you clipped it on .
| • he would forever treasure your gift ,, hiding it under his r.a.d. uniform but sometimes you could see the chain peak out around his neck . it would take more communication between you two ,, but you would help with his insecurities and make him feel as loved as you could .
| • whether he would tell you or not ,, after this incident you were quick to figure out when he felt isolated and left out ,, alone with his jealousy and sorrow . you promised not to let him get like that again ,, letting him know you would always be there for him whenever he felt this way .
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savnofilter · 5 months
Talk to Me | k. bakugo
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           Fantasy AU!Katsuki Bakugo x [GN]Reader
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WARNING(S): suggestive content, angst, lack of communication, abandonment issues if you squint, name calling, toxic dynamic (they're actually a fucking hot mess), making out, shifty hands, sex innuendos, established relationship.
COUNT: 3.4K words [10 mins.]
READ MORE: masterpost [students + bakugo masterlists]
A/N: bro a good bit of this was written in like 2019 n i had to come up with something. originally, this was requested by someone ion fw no mo but i wanted to finish it lol. 😭 i didnt want it to end up in smut (like it was requested) so now you have this like… angsty-vague thing! idk lol. this will be followed by a hc part two that is more ehhhhh mature. ALSO if youre relationship is like this, do not let it be, amen. 🙏🏽🙏🏽 thank for reading. 👵🏽
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“Where the fuck is she, dunce face?!” Bakugo demanded, shaking the frightened dark-haired blonde who had his signature lighten bolt streak in it. The startled warlock tries to pry himself out of the explosive man's strong grip in irritation.
“I-I don’t know! She came around here like a week ago! How am I supposed to know?!” Kaminari exclaims, tears now beading in his eyes, whining desperately wanting to get away from his angry friend. Bakugo glares deeply into Kaminari’s eyes before letting him go, not passing up the opportunity to judge the space and ignores Kaminari rambling about his potions.
“There goes this week's rent portion…” He pouts cleaning up the bottles and trying to seperate them to put off to the side as he tries to fix the mess Bakugo made.
‘If you aren’t here now, then where the hell would you be?’ Bakugo huffs in thought as he leaves the small shop and looks around the area. The man’s anger quickly continued to scale up as he tried to think of something quick. As of now, he had recently been to every place you frequented, this shop being the last resort on his hunt for you. Suddenly he has an ingenious idea, the burst of thought sending him storming back into his friend’s store once again. Kaminari jumps as the door slams open and whimpers in protest pointing an angry finger at Bakugo.
“No get out! You already cause enough damage-”
“Does it look like I give a damn?! Use your stupid orb!” Bakugo growls, marching up to the frightened warlock with his fists balled.
“It’s not an orb, I've told you that!” A pout is seen on his lips, the warlock holding a stern look as a warning. He carefully scoops up the aforementioned tool and glares at Bakugo to protect it from his wrath. Kaminari scrambles in fear when Bakugo bucks at him, not wanting to provoke the haughty man any further. “Fine, fine! But it's not going to be free, nor will I let you smash my crystal ball.”
Bakugo mutters a few curses under his breath before digging into one of his pouches. It takes a few moments before he grabs a considerable amount and slams down a shit ton of money onto the merchant's counter. Kaminari purses his lips and hesitantly leans in to look at the lump sum, raising his brow a bit at how “little” the amount is. A few more curse words and snide remarks are set against him before he happily smiles at the new total.
“Who would you like to see, kind sir?” Kaminari beams.
“Whatever, that bitch who thought she could best me.”
He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes and tries to visualize what's happening in the distant moment. His brows raise a bit as he sees the familiar scenery, opening his eyes and a few sparks run through him as he looks around almost as if he was in the moment himself.
“I wh… Um it looks like they’re-”
““They’re?” Who are they with-”
“Yeah! This is the place I found them, he could hook you up with--Bakugo?” Kirishima asks, pausing as he stares at the disastrous scene before him. His left brow quirks as he could already tell Kaminari was using his orb. He grins with a chuckle, crossing his arms. “Who are you stalking now-”
“That bitch!” Bakugo fumes, pupils turning into slits as they land upon you. You cross your arms and step back each time he stomps towards you until he has you cornered up against a wall. Kirishima is quick to pull him off, Bakugo shoving him off as he glares sharply at you. “I thought thieves aren't allowed in this part of town.” Bakugo growls without paying any attention to his friends, his boiling rage making you scoff out a laugh.
“Is that how you talk to people, fuck face?” You cross your arms and tilt your chin up at him.
Bakugo immediately goes in to lunge at you, the other men in the room moving to get between you two. “You know you took my fucking money, bitch!”
His exclamation seemingly offends the other two although it wasn't directed at them, a round of dramatic gasps sounding from them. The red haired dragon who brought you in presses his hand against Bakugo's chest to hold him back, while the warlock behind the raging barbarian takes his place in holding his arms back.
“Bakugo! What's gotten into you?!” Kirishima asks before giving you a questionable look that undeniably had a look of sympathy behind it as well.
“They took my money at the bar and never paid me back,” Bakugo bucks at you with each word, a smug grin breaking out into your lips as you suddenly remember what had happened prior to his drastic outburst. “30,000¥!”
“You make a ton of money, you've probably made it back already.” You roll your eyes in correspondence.
Recently, Bakugo has once again felt trifled by you. You and Katsuki had known each other for quite some time now, and have a long wrap sheet with each other. Truth be told, Katsuki sure as hell made up the money you had taken in no time—but that isn't the principle of what you had done. Most importantly that he let himself get played so easily, especially from you.
About two weeks ago, on the night the notorious barbarian had come back from one of his tours, he had only one thing on his mind: unwind. Of course doing that was hard with his status and all, especially from all the promoting he had been doing for months. If there was one thing he could complain about, it would be about how tedious touring is, but that's not what we're focusing on here.
We're focusing on the fact you swindled him out of his fucking money.
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That night at the bar was a bittersweet one—Katsuki’s only plan was to get in and get out.
He didn't want to talk to anyone (ever) or fake entertaining conversations and all that bullshit. Hell, if it was possible he'd have to commission Kaminari to make a device of some sort to handle that shit for him in his non-communicative moods. Thankfully, when he was like this , the stingy aura that came from him usually shooed people away from him. Everyone but you.
One moment Katsuki was inhaling the sharp and tangy scent of whisky in his glass as he downed that bad boy in one gulp. When he placed his glass down and motioned for the bartender to fill another, a familiar scent that wasnt the alcoholic beverage overtook his senses. Soon enough, the pressure of someone's body was against his muscled arm and similar limbs wrapped around his forearm.
“Katsu,” You whispered in his ear, smiling deviously as he didn't even try to hide the shiver that you elicited from him. “I missed you, why didn't you tell me you were in town?” You pouted and took a seat next to him.
“I just got back, how the fuck am I supposed to tell you that, exactly?” He grumbled, taking another sip from his glass to ease his stress.
“You could've lettered me.” You take his glass and have a helping for yourself, a hiss following after as you finish your serving. “I don't know how you drink these things -”
“What do you want, Y/N?” He finally faces you and snatches the glass out your hand and slams it down on the surface for another helping. A sharp look pointed at the attendant makes them quickly go to make another glass for him.
“Come with me tonight, haven't seen you in forever.”
The suggestion easily made his cock stir. It didn't help that your newly placed hand now sat at the top of his thigh, mischievous hands softly squeezing around the area but not reaching the place he needed you most.
You always had such an easy effect on him, something he hated. Which is why you two were on some fucked up on and off relationship that had no real direction.
You two would care for each other like devoted lovers, but then the next moment you two were arguing like there was no tomorrow. You would have amazing sex, and then jealousy would ensue. Various moments on where you two would find solace in one other was always drowned out by the toxic compatibility you two had going on. Just two individuals who had a lot to give but no clue how to healthily do so.
Irredeemably so, he liked what he had with you. It was toxic for sure and everyone was sick of it except for the two of you. He wasn't even sure how it even developed into this. Unorthodoxly Katsuki was always willing to do anything for you, as you would for him. Except he has resources you didn't, especially money.
That night when he let you come over to his place without second thought is the night where the longest beef you guys had in your “relationship” started. Your original idea was to bring him back to your place but seeing how fucked up he was before you had even got to the bar made you almost feel sorry for him. You begrudgingly dealt with his slobbering and drunk self as you tended to him, periodically swatting away his shifty hands and sloppy kisses.
“Mmnnn thought you’re gonna suck it..?” Katsuki tugged at your waist and pulled you into his lap, his boner proudly pressing into your hip.
“I'm not fucking you in this condition, Katsuki.” You roll your eyes and lay him back down on his bed and somehow manage to untangle yourself from his grasp. When you stand up again you press his shoulders back and point your finger at him as if he were a disobedient child. “I'm being fucking serious! Go to bed or I'll tie you up.”
“You're not my fucking mom!” Katsuki looked you up and down with angered sass, crossing his arms and defiantly looking away with a huff.
“Good, cuz you certainly wouldn't be acting like this!”
“Don't talk shit about my mom!”
“You brought her up first you dumbass!”
With Bakugo’s stubborn nature, he ended up arguing with you until he passed out. All your other attempts beforehand were as domestic as they could be, but of course this is the way you could get him to fall asleep.
You took a few moments to watch him sleep peacefully, his face as beautiful as an angel. His eyebrows that always furrowed in tension were eased and relaxed, the small wrinkles in his forehead smoothing as he fell into slumber. His eyelashes were a luscious and gorgeous batch although being short. His mouth was slightly agape as he started to snore, his body now completely in slumber from his extenuating busy job. You carefully leaned over to close his mouth to avoid the snoring and place a chaste kiss to his forehead before pulling back. It really was lost on you why you two couldn't just function normally but that was something to figure out on another time.
You quietly but hastily put together the things that could help him for when he wakes up in the morning, even cooking him up something that could be reheated without losing its quality. You carefully set everything up on his nightstand and left a little note for him to read when he wakes up. Getting ready to leave, you realize something sticking out of the pocket he was once wearing that night. You glance at him one last time before tip toeing your way to his pants pocket and light upon your discovery.
The way your pupils dilated in circumference gave you expert vision in being able to examine the money, and wasted no time whatsoever counting the dollars over. Shamelessly, you made your decision fast. In record timing you were stuffing the wad of cash into your shirt and happily trotting out of his place into the young night.
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The two males who devotedly choose to stay neutral in the matter moved a little, their wary expression now falling on you for your rebuttal.
You look away with a bit of shame, pouting as you do so. “I needed it for something.”
“So you wait till I'm sleeping?! What'd you even use it for!”
“That's none of your business!”
“Hell yes it is, it's my fucking money!”
Kaminari swears under his breath and pinches the bridge of his nose as you two start your yelling match, looking over at the other unlucky bystander that so happened to be there. Kirishima deeply sighs and nods as he steps back from them, his friend doing the same.
“You know what? Why don't you two go settle this in the backroom,” Kaminari yells over you both and waves an arm between you two to gather your attention. He gives a forced smile and dramatically swings his arms to motion your attention towards the hall of the shop. “I'd rather you two be a nuisance where my products and eardrums aren't in jeopardy.” Although his words are framed as a suggestion, it's imposed as a command; he respectively grabs both of you and tugs you to his ‘meditation room' (he uses it for when he sleeps on the clock) and shoves you two in there.
A pregnant silence follows you two when your fate in the enclosed place is sealed by the sound of his friend’s footsteps walking away. There's no doubt you two are locked in here, Kaminari has done that several times as you guys more than often ended up having bickering sessions in his shop. You hesitantly look up at him as you two are a few meters away from each other. You, closer to the bed as he was close to the door. When your eyes meet with his, Bakugo charges at you with conviction.
With quick steps he's right in front of you and gripping your jaw in one hand, red eyes burning into yours. Without any prior notice he leans in to press a kiss to your lips with force, his plump lips softening the blow. You groan against his mouth and immediately wrap your arms around his neck, both of you in a fight for a dominance that neither of you want to give up. Angrily fighting against each other for different reasons.
His hands greedily grip at your hips and forces you to sit down on the bed, his handling breaking the rough kiss. Heated contact between you two doesn't halt yet, but neither of you move to remove any clothes, just simply trying to get close to one another. You chase his lips as he takes pride in starving you of the pressure of his lips, his actions prompting you to grab the back of his neck and cement him on you again.
As of now his body is completely pressed against yours as you two occupy the bed, tensions rising in the warm room. This time when pulls away for air you don't protest, allowing yourself to catch up with him.
“Tell me why you're angry, hm?” Bakugo asks in a low voice, lips brushing against yours tauntingly. His hands although so used to gripping your hips so roughly held your body so tenderly, his gaze stuck on your lips and his body pressed against yours. Your silence does bring a concern to his thoughts, eye flickering up to meet yours.
Your bottom lip quivers as you can’t find yourself to speak like how you usually do, not even a toxic or sassy remark to mask how overwhelmed you felt. There's only a short moment where you wordlessly try to come up with something, maybe some pathetic excuse to mask your worries but nothing comes up. Instead, you breakdown in a sob, heart clenching in humiliation as you ca longer hide your anxiety behind toxicity and anger. Bakugo coos at your burst in emotions, enveloping you in a hug as he knew better than to press for more information. Against your will, your body succumbs to his familiar heat, face nuzzled into the comfort of his neck.
“I really would've appreciated it if you were here with me when I had my diagnosis, Katsuki.” You start off not wanting to continue, already knowing that he wouldn't like what you wanted to tell him. “I know you told me not to go alone, but… months? You didn't even tell me when you were going to be back.”
You feel your lover’s body tense up as he pulls away, his face stern as he tilts his head to meet your eyes. “You know I told you not to go alone—”
“I know but I couldn't wait anymore. It was killing me,” You solemnly look up at him for comfort.
His eyes soften immediately as you look at him and he pulls you in for a chaste kiss on your forehead, letting you rest against him as he settles for holding you tight. Bakugo wasn't good at these things, saying stuff that could make you feel better. But one thing was for sure, he liked holding you and he knew that's something you needed right now. After a few moments of collecting his thoughts he speaks to you.
“I just don't want you going through this by yourself. I'm not mad at you, okay?” Bakugo reassured you softly, large and warm hand rubbing your back as you completely leaned on him. “I know we go through some shit but I know it was selfish of me to leave so soon.” You merely nod, giving him a squeeze as you can't find any words to formulate. “I guess I was also scared to find out, but I should've been here with you instead…” Katsuki takes a few moments to gather himself, nervously biting his lip as he mutters against your hair, “I’m sorry.”
A silence falls between you two, a comfortable one albeit the circumstances and atmosphere. There were many things that needed to be talked about but a silent mutual agreement settled between you two as you calmed your chaotic energies. You couldn't even remember the last time you and Bakugo did this—just basking in each other without the verbal fights between you two. You both had to admit that it was a weird but welcoming experience. Bakugo shifts as he attempts to readjust himself, clearing his throat as he does so.
“When's the next appointment?” Bakugo breaks the silence.
“Um,” You pull yourself up from his embrace, rubbing your eyes as you gather yourself up. “Tomorrow at three o’clock.”
Bakugo seems to think for a moment as he glances at the clock on the wall, eyes later searching for a calendar. He definitely had some stuff to do tomorrow but he was willing to clear some space for you.
“... Do you want me to come?” Your boyfriend looks down at you, features softer than ever. His expression was similar to his sleeping one, his calm and delicate features being highlighted. Your pupils dilate upon being asked and you quickly nod your head, not being able to hide the flustered smile sprouting into your lips.
“O-Of course!” You hold his hand. The blonde haired male looks away flustered at how endearing you look, rolling his eyes as he hesitantly lets you hold his hand affectionately.
“Oi, quit acting like that.”
“Like what?! Don't ruin the moment!”
“Acting all soft n’ shit, it's weird!”
“Don't fricken start with me, Mr. “I Don't Want You to Go Through This Alone!””
On the other side of the door, two nosy friends have their ears pressed against the door, a questionable glance being met as they slowly retreat from the door. Kaminari does a motion with his hand to silently unlock the door, a small sigh coming from Kirishima as he crosses his arms.
“You think they're good?” He whispers, not risking being heard from the couple in the room.
Kaminari snorts and leads the way back to his shop with a shrug, “They'll be just fine.”
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    all rights reserved © do NOT steal, alter or copy this work.
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australet789 · 11 months
ok, something that are bothering me that people are making out about the finale of Miraculous (im not saying it's perfect but i want to analyse this)
Why Ephemeral's Gabriel's wish was worse and Recreation's was allowed?
Intention. In Ephemeral Gabriel only wanted to have Emilie back, regardless of who had to die for it. He indeed wanted to create a new reality in which she never got sick. In Recreation, Marinette talked to him and Gabriel got to hear his wife's last wish: let me go, accept your mistakes and love our son. He didnt create a new timeline, nor a new reality, he just changed his future, Nathalie's and probaby his wife's as well. That's why everyone still remembered everything
Does Adrien sees Gabriel as a hero?
For what i saw, yes and no. Adrien only saw Gabriel as a "hero" for giving his life to "defeat" Monarch, probably wishing to have been there helping Ladybug. But after that, he literally told Marinette "with you, i finally feel free". So he still remembers his father's abuse and incarceration. Sadly, he was still his father, so obviously his death still matters. And that theme could and should be touched in season 6
Why the statue?
Because Tomoe needed to save her ass lmao. No one apart from Gabriel, Nathalie and Lila knew she was involved. So she probably blamed Monarch of the hijacking, accepted Ladybug's "truth" of Gabriel dying and made the statue to look good for the parisians.
Why everyone acted as if nothign happened?
They did not. And this is important : THERE WAS A TIMESKIP. BECAUSE MS BUSTIER'S BABY WAS BORN. And Alec says it has been weeks since Caline was elected Mayor of Paris, so it has been a bunch of time for Adrien to mourn his father and for the rest to get themselves ok after the Nightmare Event.
i think these are the most important points being discussed. Obviously there are stuff i dont agree with (the statue specially, i hope Parisians pee on it), but there are some stuff that need a little more of instropection and not literally be told to the face.
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kenlvry · 11 months
cheating prank
s : pranking kenny kyle craig and stan wasn't easy, but it also wasn't impossible.
youve been wearing different perfume for a week now to test kenny, a mans perfume. it was a harmless joke yk its what couples do (not really)
you just wanted to see if he noticed your change in perfume from your sweet scent to a heavy one
you honestly thought that kenny didnt notice but kenny notices, every time he hugs you he sniffs in your scent and recently its gone to feminine to masculine.
your suppose to be hanging out with kenny right now, checking yourself out and fixing your outfit in the mirror you remember to spray your perfume all over, a ring to your bell stops you in your track and you hid the perfume.
"kenny!! hii, you ready?" you said while greeting kenny, his face beamed and hugged you his head falls to your shoulder, face in the crook of your neck sniffing in your scent.
after smelling the familiar scent his smile turn into a frown and tightening his grip on your body "k..kenny" tapping his back violently.
he pulls back with a stern look on his face and walks past you going in your house and searching every inch of your house, you following behind urging him to stop
"ken what r you doing?? if ur looking for something just ask" he stops in your hallway and turn back, running his fingers through his hair
"where is he? its been a week,it seems like you love this man so much to the point you see him before going out with me," he approaches you towering over you. "please, i dont care how many men you want just dont leave me"
you couldn't hold it in and laughed loudly, it lasted about 10 seconds. "you think this is funny?" "IM.. HAHAHA IM JUST PRANKING YOU IDIOT" you continue to laugh while his face go dumb "WJAY, I LITERALLY JUST BEGGED YOU RO NOR LEAVE ME YOU KNOW HOW EMBARASISING THAT WAS??" you laugh even louder at this "WHY WPULD I CHEAT ON YOU STUPIS"
he sulked after that, took three days to get him to talk to you... never again will you prank him
coming home late wasn't a rare occurrence for you, i mean its not rare you go home past 12 but its 2 am and youve been coming home late for a week and a half now, kyle thought work had taken longer than its supposed to but after a call with a friend from where you work at saying work ended hours ago he goes fuming
hes sitting infront of the door arms cross on the chair he pulled from the dining room. contemplating whether to call you and confront you through call or wait for you
honestly you've been meeting up with your online friend and always forgets the time so really.. was it your fault??
keys clacking he stood up from his chair eyes focused on the door, "oh hi, thought you'd be asleep" you smiled , he opened his arms for his hug everytime you see him but you gave him a side hug and walked away. you had to hold in every urge to hug him tightly
he couldn't take it, if you lost feelings for him you couldve been honest. "y/n, are you even trying to hide it?" he says leaning on the countertop kitchen while you wash your hands
"kyle what?" "i mean if you lost feelings for me atleast tell me so i dont look dumb" he rolls his eyes "the house is yours for the night, have him over, kiss make out heck fuck if you want. im leaving"
you didn't know it'll take this far, your too shook to say anything and hes already putting on his jackets and shoes "wait kyle its-" "its what? a misunderstanding? its not what it looks like? fuck your excuses, i actually trusted you and thought you were at work, i was cooking waiting for you to come home so you could enjoy your meal after a long day at work but your coworker said work ended hours ago so what the hell? i cant even-" "its a prank."
he just stood there, frozen mouth wide open from what he was about to say "im sorry i didn't know i thought it was going to be harmless" you hug the stoned man
hugging you back he sniffles "shit don't scare me like that." your heart shattered when he sniffled fr, after that night you took him out to so many dates ur basically poor
you usually never hide your phone from craig when someone texts you, infact you never did it once. you even let him type back to said person
but lately every time you get a message youd look at it secretly or get up from the couch just to check on it, everytime you put back your phone its facing down and you take it anywhere you sometimes laugh and giggle like a disney princess when you get a notification
now you had to make this believable, youd play your message ringtone and laugh while looking at your settings, texting your friend beforehand so when she replies it seems like someone texted you. to make it work you had to have some effort right?
craig seems like he dont give a fuck honestly but he is so curious he wants to know so bad he is such a busy body, he doesn't really suspect its a man he just thinks its really juicy gossip about his close friends so you try not to let him know
but after telling his friends thinking it was a funny thing hes shocked by the stories, some said that the last time their ex did it, it ended up being a man and they broke up. the other said the last time that happened their ex just randomly broke up with them just to find them taken the next day.
oh now his curiosity has grown from a hundred to a million. he gets it now, why you put your phone downwards or how you immediately grab your phone when his hands go to grab something near your phone.
that night you slept at his house, he's about to sleep, phone on the bedside table and ready to snooze, but you haddd to text your secret lover laughing oh so sweetly while typing back. tbh you were texting your bestfriend and she made to most funniest joke so...
"okay y/n ive had enough" he sits up and looks at you, your face puzzled. "dont play dumb bc i know damn well that you are texting your secret lover" you finally realised what hes talking about and you too sit up, holding back a smile.
"fuck y/n we've been together for 2 years, ive loved you all these 2 years but i guess you haven't. get out. i dont want some fucking cheater in my house" he gets up before you can say anything and rushes you downstairs and infront of the door, you tried explaining but he just wouldn't listen.
just as you're out on the porch you turned around "wait craig its a-" the door slams infront of you. damn. girl u messed up
craig sniffles walking up the stairs, two year relationship gone like that. ding a notification from his phone, he opens it and its you
"its a prank" hes dumbfounded and runs back to the door opening it to find you literally hugging yourself freezing with the cold weather, hugging you he sighs "fuck you"
you laugh "sorry craig"
after that he might have some trust issues but every notification you got you make sure he sees it first so he doesn't get paranoid.
now stan doesn't give a fuck honestly, he doesn't care who you hang out with what you do with them or what happens, he trusts you ALOT. meaning this prank had to be really believable.
you thought long and hard and finally got it, everytime stan comes over (which is every second) you are going to make a fuss whispering "hide" to make it seem like someone was at your house , genius right?? :)
stan notices quickly, at first all you do is make a lot of rustles, loud noises and eventually the Whispers
stan is immediately curious, you never hide your friends from him bc you know he doesn't care. ultimately his first instinct is to try and search the house but you insist on staying in the living room because your room is 'a mess' but who is buying that honestly?
his suspicions grew and he can't take it, he hears the whispers he hears the loud footsteps up the stairs and he hears you rushing around the house hiding stuff and hes devastated. he cant believe you'd cheat on him
hes had enough, he wouldve barged in to catch you in surprise but you have your house locked, the second you open your door he walks upstairs and you smile and almost laughed, you stopped him saying nothings up there and he shouldn't go in again, using the its a mess excuse but he doesn't care.
he immediately barges in your room and you pause, you walk in sitting on your bed legs cross and smiling
"hes under the bed is he?" "really y/n? cheating on me? you couldve told me you lost feelings, say something or atleast hint at it, fuck man." he turns around one hand on his waist the other rubbing his face. you felt bad and decided to call it off , walking up and turning him around you found him crying. you felt so bad
"stan omg its a prank im so sorry i love you" you hug him and he drops his head on your shoulder arms around you. "you love me right?" he mumbles and you hum "always" he looks up cupping your face and kisses you, his salty tears mixing in with the kiss. you kiss him back and literally curse yourself inside for hurting this man.
your trust in each other grew after a long talk and a whole week of spending every minute together. safe to says hes convinced you love him.
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shiemori-writes · 1 year
could i request some hcs of the octotrio + leona with a gn!s/o that's more powerful than them? like in magic and/or strength (it's up to you whether reader is yuu or not.)
i love your writing so much! keep up the good work :D
✰ Stronger than you!!
how the fish mafia and cat boy react when youre THE alpha male‼️‼️😈 THE QUEEN‼️👏 the absolute drip💪💪💪
characters: leona, azul, floyd, jade
includes: crack, lighthearted teasing + bickering bc YES, fluff (though more on the crack side,, apologies dearest anon!) and ofc, gender neutral and sfw!
notes: im in sm pain shark week can go die anyways enjoy mwa mwa i decided to make the reader yuu bc thats easier to write! 🫶
✎ Leona Kingscholar!!
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Hah? Some little herbivore managed to beat him? Now this he's gotta see
At first tbh hes mostly annoyed, heavily so, some random herbivore just decided to mosey on over and be all strong huh? What's next youre gonna go all-enemies-to-lovers-slowburn 100k words on him?
gosh damn i-
Ok real talk! he most likely doesnt, and wont care, at least not for quite some time
If some herbivore wants to beat him, then go, he barely has the time nor energy deal with it besides being mildly irritated
What he didnt anticipate for however, was to become closer to you
Whether that be platonically or romantically, he does come to realize you had become someone he cherishes, even if he doesn't want to admit it outright yet.
So the annoyance turns into admiration
(and teasing, dear sevens you will receive so much teasing from this man)
Expect him to teasingly challenge you into fights if you ever catch him during his spelldrive practice, and if you agree, sevens know he wont hold back
you can tell how much fun he's having competing with you, he hasnt felt motivation in a long time and you single-handedly made him grin, whether you lost the match or not he'll always have a teasing remark prepared
Overall he genuinely respects you, with how competetive and tiresome this school can be, he admires your skill, and how you can hold your head high, thats his herbivore alright
"Hah, great work herbivore, that was pretty impressive, still far from beating me though,~ now c'mon, im tired, lets go nap. You can go flaunt your skills later"
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✎ Azul Ashengrotto !!
Most likely was very tempted to drag you into a contract just to get said abilities, man held himself back to an intense degree ooooh boy
Envious, but knows when praise is due,
(even if said praise if back handed and most likely an attempt to scam you, wow zuzu so nice)
Will try to beat you, flaunting his skills infront of you as if a nonverbal way of telling you "he's better"
Eventually gets knocked off his high horse during his whole overblot-situation and stops pursuing his so called 'one sided rivalry' as floyd calls it
Starts to become more curious of your abilities and asks more questions, you two sharing nifty tips and tricks too!
(for a fee, of course,)
(said fee is visiting the monstro lounge to see him, psh softie)
The closer you two become, the less he minds and the more he appreciates your skill
After all, the twins cause enough destruction on a daily basis, having you by his side causes his stress levels to decrease incredibly low
(at this point he's just trying to convince you to join octavinelle for the sake of his sanity)
Hes more genuine with the compliments as time goes by, (blushy blushy octomer aww)
but at the same time not missing the competetive spark that he had when he met you, he's still willing to compete with you after all, only time time in a more "civil manner"
"My my, what marvelous skills you have prefect! perhaps you would be interested in...hm? No im not fishing you into another contract!..Although...I wouldn't refuse on the offer, my of course im joking. What do you think of me?"
✎ Floyd Leech !!
At first he was a bit annoyed, cant have a little shrimp be better than him now could he?
But floyd being, well, floyd, didnt really mind much upon finding out it was his shrimpy! (he has claimed you yes this isnt kidnapping)
In fact, he didnt care at all to be honest, he'll still squeeze the life outta ya, strong or not! hehehe <3
Loves to pester and torment you for fun or as he calls it, playing, challenging you every second to a game of some sorts to "test shrimpy!"
If you're the type of person who's strong physically then floyd will swoon i tell you and will most likely ask to be carried by you 24-7
(yes youre carrying him like a princess)
(no shrimpy this isnt embarrassing go faster cmon!)
The best way to motivate him is you tbh, he can be having his moodswings and jade or azul could casually mention you and suddenly hes fired up!!!
(not for work tho, so azuls still mad but shh)
Overall, doesnt really mind, in fact he'll even brag to you to others probably, talking about his little shrimpy being so so strong and how theyre just little guppies compared to you (and him) >:)
"HEHEHEHE shrimmmpy~~~ let's play! Huh? What do you mean you're not in then mood? Cmonnnn!!! youre strong arent cha? Im bored! We can compete to see whos stronger!! I wont let you win this time, too! Loser gets to do my night shift at the monstro lounge!"
Jade Leech
Oh? Fufufu..How amusing
When I say run I say RUN
Like Floyd, Jade is heavily interested in you, seemingly curious to your skills and strengths, wanting to observe and see for himself how strong you could really be, and my my do you not disappoint!
( tbh he treats u like a lab experiment for awhile /hj )
While he and his brother are known to be polar opposites, theyre more alike than people give them credit for, because just like Floyd, Jade liked to stick with more interesting people, and boy have you piqued his interest greatly
While he thought you were rather dull at first, your strenght definitely intrigued him, even more so when you're just a freshman
You wouldnt see it in his face as he remained his composure because, well, he's Jade after all, but the surprised look he gives for a brief second was there and you swear left and right you saw it
Regaining his composure rather quickly, his suprised face curved into am amused smile,
"My my aren't you interesting? Perhaps you can spare some time and visit monstro lounge later? I'll be working on my shift, of course but you can always talk to me," he said, a polite smile painted on his features
"Oh, and, feel free to bring your little first yeae group with you too, fufufu~"
As the two of you got closer though, it would be less of him treating you like some sort of creature and more of him praising your skills
(knowing full well it flustered you)
He does admire your skill though, no matter how his teasing remarks feel, you can tell hes being genuine when he casts a fond look through your direction
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ghxstyfae · 2 months
Little Doe ♡ John B headcanons
John b is just so daddy. He needs to take care of something, and he loves taking care of his little doe.
Warning: nsfw, not x reader, bit of dacryphilia,
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He calls her doe, little doe, and doe-girl most of the time
Shes actually pretty tall, 5'7, very skinny and frail though.
They met somewhere in the middle of the woods. She was foraging for berries (living her aesthetic nara smith life) to make a berry pie.
Whem she heard him rustling around, watching her, her head snapped up with wide eyes, just like a deer and thats where the nickname stuck.
When they approached her she was wary of them, but outstretched her basket to offer strawberries.
She has longg brown hair, and brown eyes that John B absolutely LOVES
Hes always staring at her wide eyes, even helps her put on mascara sometimes when shes tired before they go out
Like most my girls, shes a big fan of Sanrio, her favourite being pompompuri
Doe isnt too hard to please, one of her biggest love languages is penguin pebbling. She adores when john b brings her little things that remind him of her.
That being said she did it first, making him little knitted projects, crocheted keychains, regular rocks, crystals, or whatever she thinks he might like.
Its just how she shows her affection.
Doe girl doesnt like wesring shirts. Or bras. Half the time shes walking around home or the chateau in just her loose pants, overalls, etc. Titties to thr wind
She also likes wearing outfits like this, this, and this
Daddy jombee gets a little upset at that (^^), especially at first when he and jj walks in to her wearing her patchwork overalls and knitting in the couch.
"Doe weve talked about this before" "if boys can have their tits out so can i daddy" that shut him up quickly enough, considering neither him nor jj were wearing shirts.
Shes lowkey a crybaby, very fragile emotionally and that makes her really anxious
Gets overstimulated from people VERY easily, she lives near a forest that shes constantly exploring whwn she wants a break
Every thursday and sunday they go on a date night, but sometimes she asks to cancel whatever plans they had and either stay in or have a picnic outside.
It didnt take long for the tradition to have 1 solo date night a week, and 1 date where they're around other people
Shes so extremely kinky, but would never share that verbally
Loves to be tied up, esp with the colourful rope Jombee uses.
Shes very quiet when JJ, Pope, Kiara, etc. Are around, even though theyve known eachother for a very long time
Its not that she doesn't like them, shes just a silent soul
As i mentioned, shes a crier, and John B loves it. He loves watching her wide eyes fill up with tears as she takes him, gripping onto his back
Her nails are naturally a decent length and she shapes them sorta almond ish, but the scratch marks on daddys back are deep and sharp
She wakes up very early, almost 5 am every day, and she goes to bed at around 10:30.
First thing she does when she wakes up is makes a fruity smoothie (on weekends she'll make pancakes or waffles), take care of her plants, and finish up any laundry or dishes.
She is absolutely a morning bird, and looses her energy as the day goes on.
This results in naps from 2 pm to 3:40 (shes a creature of habit)
Shes lowkey very book smart buut not street smart at all. Kinda like Pope,
but worse, very oblivious. This is one of the reasons her and JB work so well together. He sees her as someone he gets to take care of
Holds his pinky instead of his whole hand
Doe always says the right thing. Shes a super comforting and empathetic person and is always the person to go too when you need advice
Hates scary things, she really is like a deer in headlights at any sign of horror or danger.
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