#i did NOT have the mental fortitude to do that
if i was absolutely FORCED to go back in time to high school i think the one thing i would change would be. being more involved w the theatre kids
#sorry. introspection post time#watched the movie version of a show we did when i was a freshman and i got hit with a massive wave of. damn i kinda miss that tho#i was! head spotlight techie#and it was. so fun and i loved it sooo much i miss the burns on my arms i miss the ozone smell#i miss the clunky sound when u change color filters#i miss early rehersal practices where my job was to sit on the balcony with a copy of the script and make lighting note annotations#i miss sitting on the balcony with my legs dangling off the edge.#i dropped a flipflop one time and nearly clunked one of the leads on the head LMAO#we were friends tho so he just. picked my shoe up off the floor and waved it at me like a grouchy old man raving about kids on his lawn#and he didnt give it back to me until after practice LMAO#fuck dude........#and i learned all of the songs bc id be at every practice and would just like. sing to myself on the balcony bc nobody could hear me#ugm. we are not going to talk about my partner tech so she is just a big static filled void in all of these memories <3#we spent. so much time together and it was. hmmmmmmm. bc we were on the balcony by ourselves. no supervision no witnesses etc. she was. hm#anyway. happy memories only.#i miss my clunky old spotlight his name was megatron#i always kind of wished i had the abikity to try out even for like an understudy part bc i think i would have fun w that#but unfortunately high school was the bottomless pit of my mental illness and despair and etc#i did NOT have the mental fortitude to do that#but it always looked rlly fun.....#anyway this was entirely inspired by my remembering that anybodys from west side story existed#and like. thats the EXACT character i wouldve loved 2 play in hs#do u know jow much fun i had singing officer krupkie on the balcony. i wouldve nailed that shit#also it wouldve given me a better excuse to be friends w the drama club guys and not..... you know. the static filled void#anyway. hi. how r we all tonight. im finding myself nostalgic for the worst period of my life <3
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fagtainsparklez · 11 months
the animated pfp feature sounds cool in theory (esp because i have literally Dozens of animations to choose from) however i fear if i drop this one i will have a full on identity crisis. i got disoriented when i changed the color of the sans eye and even more confused when i added a background. who even am i without menacing sans crumb
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sukimas · 6 months
You know, I was considering sending an ask that was just like "instrumence? bwaa?" and then realized that was kind of a weird thing to send someone, like, in general, so let's try this like a normal person. Do you play any musical instruments?
the violence? eeeeeeeee?
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safyresky · 1 year
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16k!!!! 16k!!!!!! I'M D Y I N G HOW DID IT GET SO LONG 😂😂😂
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lexicog · 8 months
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OK New pinned post I am going to track & share my cleaning progress because I want to be healthy and not explode YAY
[ Updated 12/2 - 10:25 PM ]
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goblin-craft · 2 years
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SO MANY MUD BRICKS. ...more mud bricks will be necessary in the future.
But right now, I need more quartz. A lot of quartz.
This is, as far as anyone knows, historically and archaeologically accurate, btw. It will remain so. I play to leave little lecterns around to give information about the facts regarding certain features of the ziggurat and the temple complex.
I’ll probably also add lecterns with my own lore (clearly indicated), because I’ve gone to the effort of getting a whole lot of heads of goblin Grian and Scar and Gem to slap on my villagers before I release them into the temple complex. The goblin lore is going to happen.
But the point is, the ziggurat is historically and archaeologically accurate. It’s frankly an improvement on the design I did a few years ago. It’s beautiful.
.......if you’re interested in playing this world and exploring my ziggurat, pls PM me or @ruffboijuliaburnsides on twitter. We’re very open to friends, there’s plenty of space to claim, we’d love to have you if you think my archaeologically accurate builds are interesting.
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woahthisguy4721 · 1 year
I think I'm doing your followers a disservice by anon'ing it up in your asks. I'll message you soon and answer everything in-depth if you want but, you are correct, about everything. You're a beautiful person. Being anon for destructive behavior really makes me a loser; destruction in general. However, I am glad no one knows who I am so I can correct this and make things right.
Youre not a loser, youre a hurt person. And hurt people hurt people. Hmu anytime. As a former 4chan troll myself, I know what drives a person to behave like this and will gladly give you a fresh start to show me who you are.
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fangswbenefits · 6 months
The Arrangement (6) - Broken
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Chapter summary: A long overdue conversation is finally had and things take a turn....
Pairing: Astarion x female!Tav
Warnings: 18+. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Mentions of past trauma.
Word count: 5.7k
Series Masterlist . Ao3
If you could have it your way, you'd immediately cast Mage Hand and shove Ava through the deepest pits of the Underdark, all the way down to Grymforge and until she was faced with molten lava rivers coursing below her.
Whether you'd drop her or not would entirely depend on a set of answers you intended on squeezing out of her – quite literally, if possible.
You crossed your arms, watching as the woman dressed in a burgundy red dress made her way inside, holding that nauseating and overly sweet smile of hers.
She came bearing a satchel, which she handed to Astarion as soon as she stood before him.
“Are you well?” she asked, holding his free hand momentarily.
He gave her a dramatic sigh. “Within reason. It's hardly an ideal scenario, but I'll manage.”
She rubbed her thumb across the back of his hand, nodding with supposed concern on her face.
Something about the way she looked at him made you want to gauge your eyes out.
It took an inhuman amount of mental fortitude and no less amount of restraint to keep yourself from scoffing.
Gale gave you an inquisitive side-glance, but remained silent.
“Who's this? Your playmate?”
Lae'zel's bluntness could render many speechless and rabid at worst or slightly taken aback at best.
It seemed that Ava fell under an unexpected third category: sheer amusement.
But it was Astarion who spoke for her, “Ever so direct, Lae'zel." He let out a dramatic laugh. "Charming as always."
"I do not care for such frivolities."
His face dropped with an eye-roll. "It was a joke."
"You're the only one laughing."
You had to hold back a chuckle.
Astarion merely glared at her.
Her eyes narrowed dangerously. “So, who is she? Your hairdresser?”
“This is Lae'zel – a githyanki extraordinaire. Fierce in battle with her sword and off the field with her words, as you can tell.”
Ava extended an arm out to her, earning a scoff from Lae'zel who refused to return the courtesy.
You beamed in joy at her antics.
Astarion moved to your side and Ava immediately spoke up before he could, “Oh, we've already met.”
“Ah, yes. At The Blushing Mermaid?” he said, tapping his chin.
“More than once.”
You scowled. “A single encounter would have been one too many.”
He glared at you, squinting his eyes inquisitively.
“Feisty . I like you already.” she said with a pout.
You considered hexing her right there and then.
Just like with Lae'zel, she extended a hand out to you.
You crossed your arms instead, earning a narrowed glare from Astarion.
Ava's overly sweet smile only widened.
Astarion then waved dismissively at the only person in the room he had yet to introduce.
“Oh - and that is Gale.”
Unlike you and Lae'zel, he moved to take one of Ava's hand in his own before planting a kiss on the back. “Gale of Waterdeep. What a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, madam."
The betrayal had you shooting invisible daggers at him through your eyes.
Ava brought a hand to her chest. “What a gentleman.”
Your patience now spent, you moved towards her. “Where did you go after I ran into you at The Blushing Mermaid?”
Ava turned to face you. “A rather intrusive question, dear.”
“Answer it.”
Astarion was scowling already.
“No. I don't think I will.”
You felt the familiar tingles of fire magic spread along the palm of your hand.
“Where were you when we got arrested, then?”
Gale seemed utterly confused and Lae'zel's face twisted in amusement.
Ava's smile didn't waver once. “She's adorable, Astarion.”
“You little-”
Astarion was already on you before you could lunge forward, rooting you in place.
“Would you excuse us for a moment?” he swiftly interjected, effectively silencing you.
Before you could voice out a protest, you felt him tug at your hand until you were pacing in front of him before bringing both hands to grip your shoulders and prevent you from deterring off the intended path.
“Hey!” you huffed in annoyance.
“Do make yourself at home, darling,” you heard his sweet voice behind you.
“I shall.” Ava chirped. 
Your temper exploded from their exchange.
“Actually - don't!” You shouted over your shoulder only to earn a warning squeeze from him.
Astarion pushed you rapidly along the corridor until you were being guided into your own room, door slamming closed behind you.
You immediately jerked away from his grip, turning back around with an indignant growl.
“What in the Nine Hells has gotten into you?” he asked through gritted teeth.
Oh, you were so ready to blow up.
“Me? What is she doing here?”
He quirked an eyebrow at you, crossing his arms. “Is this another one of your jealousy tantrums?”
You gasped at his nerve, outrage nearly blinding you for a split second.
“What – no! I am not jealous! I just dislike her!”
He nodded. “Stating the obvious, but why?”
You groaned in exasperation. “Why what? ”
“Why do you dislike her this much? Surely there must be a solid reason – other than jealousy, that is.”
Insufferable and impossible man!
For a moment, you pondered your answer, not wanting your disdain for her to come across as unwarranted.
But you failed.
“She's… icky! There is something really off about her,” you said, sounding far too exasperated to your liking. “I think she…”
You paused briefly, and Astarion furrowed his brows, waiting for you to go on.
Maybe you should just voice out your suspicions.
“I think she had something to do with us getting arrested - or that man dying. Maybe both.”
He glared at you in silence for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.
“Oh, aren't you just cute?” He said with a click of his tongue. “Ava would gain nothing from such an ordeal.”
You were fuming at his antics, but tried to rein in your temper. “What does that mean?”
“You'll just have to trust me on this.”
“Are you being serious?”
He tilted his head. “I fail to see how my private affairs are of your concern.”
You placed both hands on your hips, glaring at him with perplexity. “You brought her to my home, so it starts being my concern.”
“Please – as if I want to be here in the first place.”
“Then leave.” You immediately suggested, pointing to the door.
He scoffed with a grimace. “Alright. I will.”
He turned to leave, but suddenly halted as he glanced at the covered window to his right.
You crossed your arms, raising your brows. “Well?”
He twirled on his feet, giving you an artificial smile. “Could it perhaps wait until nightfall, darling? I'm afraid ‘burning to ashes under the midday sun’ isn't quite an invigourating activity to indulge in.”
Your shoulders slumped as he disarmed you with his words.
A wave of sickening guilt took hold of you.
What a ridiculous thing to have suggested to him, and even more ridiculous that you two just couldn't seem to be on the same page for more than a few hours at a time.
“I'm sorry.”
He waved a dismissive hand. “Think nothing of it.”
“I'm really not jealous,” you said with a sigh.
It was true.
For the most part.
“I just worry.”
His features softened and the room plunged into silence.
Astarion eventually broke it with a sigh. “She used to be a monster hunter.”
You arched an eyebrow in disbelief. “A monster hunter?”
He nodded.
You had seen your fair share of monster hunters throughout your travels, and if there was one thing you knew for certain was that Ava did not look the part at all.
“And you trusted her word?”
He snorted. “Kind of hard not to with a stake pressed to my chest.”
Your eyes widened in horror. “She did what?!”
“Do calm down. I was just as skeptical when I first met her, so I foolishly asked for proof,” he said with a shrug. “Let's just say my doubts were put to rest.”
Your mouth dropped open in sheer perplexity.
So Astarion had been meddling with someone who hunted his kind for a living.
This was a whole new level of… derangement. Even coming from him.
You found your voice once again. “And you trusted after that?”
You blinked. “She hunts… vampires!”
“You never listen to me properly, do you? I said she ‘used’ to be one. She practices Alchemy now.”
A lump rose in your throat. “So…. you and her…”
“Let's just say that we found a sweet spot in between and we each provide something useful to the other.”
You gave him a level look. “An arrangement?”
“I suppose you could call it that.”
Another one? Was Astarion hoarding these? First you and now… her?
And what could she possibly provide him?
And then it was as if your body was engulfed in ice shards.
“So… what are the terms?”
Did you even want to know?
He seemed to be wondering whether or not to reply, but eventually spoke, “Well, she helps me feel more at ease in terms of being close to others... intimately.”
Your heart sunk into the deepest pits of your core.
Now he looked rather impatient, rolling his eyes. “Do not jump to conclusions. She offered a helping hand once she realised how I... severe this was."
“When you walked in on us the other night with her naked by my side… nothing had happened.”
You remembered him telling you this.
“Nothing ever does,” he continued, his words sounding slightly bitter. “So I take comfort in her naked form, but only so that my body can get used to it. Nothing more and nothing less.
A pang of discomfort ran through you and you suddenly felt like an idiot.
The rage you felt towards her dwindled rapidly as you understood the true nature of their arrangement.
Ava was merely helping him out with his intimacy.
“I suppose ‘oh’ covers it.” he said nonchalantly.
“And what does she get in return?”
He shrugged. “My blood.”
He had to be joking.
You felt the scalding flames of rage for Ava take over your entire body all at once.
Your jaw dropped and you were at a loss for words.
“You – idiot! ” you growled in a fit of pure outrage, smacking his arm. “A blood merchant?! ”
He was scowling so deeply the lines on his face sank tenfold. “Do you think of me as a child?” he spat, suddenly towering over you. “I treaded this world long before you were even thought into existence.”
“Oh – please do tell me more, you ancient… tree! ” you blurted out, nearly wincing at the weak insult you had just hurled at him.
He snorted. “Your flattery needs working as usual.”
You ignored his taunt. “A blood merchant? Seriously? ”
“She is not one!”
“Then what does she want with your blood?”
“She is doing some research. That is all you need to know,” he ground out between gritted teeth.
Before you could retort, a soft knock on the door was heard.
“Astarion? Ava is leaving,” Gale spoke.
He threw one final scowl at you before heading out.
“Judging from the murderous look on your face, I imagine the conversation wasn't all that pleasant, my friend.”
You clenched your fists tight, brushing past Gale to follow Astarion.
By the time you reached the ample room, you were met with Ava giving his shoulder a tight squeeze.
She gave you a final glare, that sickening smile of hers still dancing on her lips. “I'll be seeing you soon.”
Then she turned to leave as Astarion exchanged a tense look with you.
You felt a gentle hand on your arm and flinched.
“If it's of any comfort to you, I am also suspicious of her aura,” she said with a grimace. “Although I can't say I'm surprised he would surround himself with such company.”
Heaving a deep sigh, you sank on the nearby cushioned chair.
She lowered herself at your side, offering you an all-black vial.
You raised a brow. “What is this?”
As you had come to expect from Shadowheart, she gave you the warmest of smiles. “Lavander extract mixed in with some herbs. It is said to keep the worst terrors of the night at bay,” she said, giving your forearm a gentle squeeze. “The apothecary did mention it is only a temporary fix. You must address the root cause of these dreams, friend.”
Your eyes immediately landed on Astarion who was busy emptying the contents of the satchel Ava had brought him.
Shadowheart followed your line of sight and gave you a knowing nod. “The two of you speak but neither listens, and I care too much for you to watch your light dim for him.”
You swallowed hard. 
She was right. 
Of course she was.
You took the tiny vial in your hand. “Thank you, my friend.”
She nodded curtly. “I shall keep an eye on him lest he does something foolish to you.”
And you knew she meant every single word.
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How many times had you counted to twenty? You'd lost track of it already.
Maybe increasing it to thirty and repeating it many more times over would help you muster the courage to do this.
You kept on rasping your knuckles softly against the door to his room, but not soundly enough to provoke a knock.
It was becoming unbearable.
You felt as if something was constantly gnawing and clawing at you from the inside out. 
“I can hear you breathing, you know.”
His voice startled you, your heart skipping a beat.
Taking a deep breath for added courage, you gripped and turned the doorknob, swiftly pushing the door open.
There he was.
Sitting by the windowsill, bathed in moonlight as he flipped through a book that lay pressed against his thigh.
He looked positively… ethereal. 
The candles scattered across the room, made it feel more homely and inviting.
“Sneaking up on a rogue? My, my… feeling bold tonight, are we?”
Your heart faltered momentarily.
He didn't lift his head to meet you, and you were thankful for this.
You were having a hard time keeping yourself together. Beads of sweat pooled in the palms of your hands and you tried your best to keep your breathing as even as possible.
But this needed to happen.
And depending on the direction of this conversation, you might just leave his room feeling even more heartbroken than before.
“We need to talk.”
That caught his attention, and his crimson eyes met yours.
He arched an elegant brow, pressing the book shut. “Go on.”
Suddenly, you felt cold.
No… freezing .
As if the weight of his stare steadily drained the warmth from your body, even with your robe tightly wrapped around you.
You mustered all the willpower you possibly could.
“Why her?”
A crow's foot of amusement appeared by his left eye. “You'll have to be more specific, darling.”
You heaved a deep sigh of frustration, considering the idea of simply walking away. 
Why was this so hard?
But a small sliver of determination kept your focus. “This arrangement you have with her… I…” You paused for a moment, struggling to find the right wording to this. “I just want to know why her.”
Why not me?
Astarion shifted to stand gracefully on his feet, leaving the book on the padded chair.
“Why not?”
Answering questions with more questions was a sure way to frustrate you, but he excelled at this dance.
“Please answer me…”
He took a few steps in your direction, his eyes studying your face as if trying to strip you bare.
“Because it's easier.”
“Than what?”
He didn't answer.
You waited for him to go on, but were far too impatient to hold back.
So, you tried again.“Is she the reason why you're so distant from me, then?” 
He tilted his head. “And how did you arrive at that conclusion, I wonder?”
Another question for a question.
“You've been distant from me for a while now,” you said, trying to rub the sweat away from your hands. “And I can't help but think she's the reason why.”
He straightened ever so slightly before closing the distance between you two.
“What I have with her is merely transactional.”
Ah. Well…
You did know all too well of transactions with Astarion… 
After all, you had been pushed into one from the moment you had gotten together with him at the Tiefling celebration, even if unbeknownst to you.
“Seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so you'd never turn on me…”
His words of confession still echoed through your mind from time to time.
“Like what we have now?”
“It is nothing of the sort." he immediately said.
For better or worse?
“How so?”
His proximity had you suck in a sharp breath. “She's not you.”
A cold chill ran through your body.
“That is what you want to know, isn't it? Why I never asked that of you.”
Astarion could be too perceptive for your own good. It was as if he could easily read you like an open book.
You slowly nodded.
“Because you're – well… you're you ,” he said,his face softening. “And as selfish as I am, I could never burden you with this. Not you.”
His words carved into your chest like the sharpest daggers.
Even after all this time, he still regarded himself as a burden to others. That what he had been through had tainted him beyond repair.
“Is that why you push me away?”
He was too close now.
Close enough to throw you off balance with his imposing demeanour.
“How can I not?”
That stung. 
“Have you any idea how much I envy those who have never met you?” 
Your heart dropped.
And then dread took over.
“Or how I envy those who have yet to meet you?”
This had been exactly what you had feared coming into his room.
The confirmation that he was ready to move from you.
That all that was left of your bond with him was this arrangement and the empty shell of what used to be something that resembled a friendship.
Even after he had comforted you last night.
How much of that was truly genuine?
“Do you want to know why?” he asked.
Did you?
“... why?”
Then you felt his icy fingers on your cheek, jolting from the sudden shift in temperature. “Because they get to know you for the first time. They get to experience all of you,” he went on, brushing his thumb across your skin. “In another lifetime, we would have met without the manipulation and hurt and pain.”
You froze in place and your mind went blank.
“You would have met my unbroken self, and I would have adored you unconditionally, because how could I not when everything about you is so easy to love?”
Somehow, this made everything even worse.
Your stomach twisted in knots and you were left utterly speechless.
You had promised yourself not to shed more tears for him, but it was proving to be a challenge as his words seeped into your core like poison.
It was the painful realisation of what could have been.
“And even through all the deception and lies, you could never bring yourself to loathe me. Even when it was decidedly the wisest thing for you to do,” he said, voice steady and calm. “You never loathed me. Not then and not now – maybe not ever .”
Your lips quivered as he spoke every word of truth.
You then swallowed the thick lump in your throat and met his gaze. “You're not broken.”
But it was evident he didn't believe your words.
“And it is not fair that you get to make my decisions for me,” you said, pulling his hand away from your face. “You could have told me all of this, Astarion. We used to have sincere conversations before. What changed?”
He looked away, and you could feel the vulnerability creep into his features.
You placed a hand to the side of his face, wanting him to meet your gaze once again.
He resisted at first, but eventually succumbed, soft eyes meeting yours.
“Do you regret not going through with the ritual?”
He winced under your touch as if you'd just burnt him.
“A few days ago… that conversation in the cell…”
Astarion didn't look willing to pursue this matter at all.
You inwardly cursed at yourself.
Fuck… you've pushed it.
“Do I wonder what it would be like? Yes – can you blame me for it? To live again without being reduced to a vampire spawn? To tread the lands freely and with so much power that no one would dare cross me?” He paused abruptly as if snapping out of a dream, eyes narrowing at you. “This Wish spell nonsense is dragging, and I feel my chances are slimming with each passing day. We take one step forward and two steps back.”
You felt for him. You truly did.
It seemed that the odds were ever against you, but you also had faith in Gale and your own abilities.
“We'll figure it out. I promise.”
He scoffed. “Do not make promises you can't keep.”
His face looked sour and it pained you.
“You're still the same man I…” fell for…
But you let the final words die in your mouth, not wanting to take it too far.
He stared expectantly at you and, in that moment, you were sure that feeling had never truly left.
You were still foolishly in love with him.
And the confirmation that it could be perhaps reciprocal to an extent was tugging at the frayed ends of your sanity. 
“You could have anyone you desire,” he said, with a slight hint of pity in his voice. “From artisans to noblemen – they would all crawl for you.”
It was tempting to accept his praise, but it frustrated you that it felt like he was merely deflecting.
And the trace of pity truly gnawed at your nerves. Why did he pity you? For still having feelings for him? 
You snorted. “Well, they're not you.”
Hurling his own words at him had him pressing his lips together.
“I don't know if I can give you anything real. I simply don't know how…”
You caressed his cool cheek. “We can start by rebuilding our friendship.”
He leaned into your touch. “I rather like the sound of that.”
You offered him a reassuring smile.
To be honest, you were more than perfectly fine with that prospect. 
Even if a part of you craved more than a friendship, you were also aware that some wounds took longer to heal.
His wounds.
Your wounds.
And the ones you shared together.
So long as he didn't push you away with no solid reason, you would be fine.
And so would he.
Then you came to the conclusion that…
He didn't need her.
He didn't need Ava at all.
You were there for him.
There was no need for him to meddle with strangers when he had you as a friend.
“You don't need her.” 
His eyes widened slightly. “What do you mean?”
“You don't have to resort to her for intimacy,” you said carefully, waiting for his approval. “I can help, if you so wish, of course.”
Much to your dismay, he scowled rather deeply.
“I have already stolen too much from you.”
You shook your head, gripping the lace near your collarbone, tugging gently. “You cannot steal that which is freely given.”
And you meant every word.
You then gripped the string of your robe. “May I remove this?”
He silently nodded.
As you undid it, the silk fabric began to slide down your arms, leaving you to stand only in your nightdress.
His eyes dropped from your face and roamed along your frame.
He took a few steps in your direction until he was standing close enough that you could feel the coldness of his skin.
“You don't have to do this.” he said.
You gave him a reassuring nod. “We can stop if you don't feel comfortable.” 
His eyes found yours. “Can I look at you? Bare?”
“Are you sure?”
Slowly, you unravelled the first lace at the front of your nightdress.
Suddenly, Astarion's hand gripped yours as you moved to the next one further down.
You took a deep breath, fearing you had overdone it.
That he would stop you.
Only… he didn't.
Instead, he picked the string in between his fingers, giving it a tug until it came undone.
His eyes never left yours and you felt shivers prickling at your skin, as he exposed more and more of your skin.
You felt another tug and the fabric loosened.
“I do wonder…”
Another one.
You bit down on your lower lip, holding his unwavering gaze.
And another one.
Your chest heaved more rapidly as your heart hammered in your ears.
This time, his eyes dropped as he worked on the last strings.
“... do friends do this?”
A chill ran down your back as it dawned on you that there was a contrast to this.
Just a few hours ago, he had been tying the very same laces to preserve your modesty in a moment of vulnerability.
But now, you had been the one to initiate it, and he had undone each of them until your front was fully open.
“It depends…” your voice was but a whisper.
He pushed the fabric aside just enough to expose a hardening nipple.
“On what?”
You couldn't bring yourself to provide a decent reply as you felt his thumb ghost the underside of your breast.
Then he flicked the sleeve from your shoulder, until it draped down your arm.
“Are we really just meant to be friends?”
Heat rushed to your face at his bluntness and you looked at him dazedly as if drunk on his words.
“Is that why I plague your dreams at night and your thoughts during the day?”
Astarion had a gift for words and he could almost make it seem like he could easily make love by using them, if he so desired.
Or completely make you crumble under the weight of his words.
You couldn't bring yourself to answer any of his questions, as you felt the burden of the truth weigh down on you.
“You are beautiful.”
His sincere praise almost drew a gasp from you.
You had the other sleeve sliding down as well, until the nightdress slipped along your body, pooling at your feet.
For the first time in what felt like forever, you were standing fully naked in front of him.
There was familiarity in it, but that wasn't what had your heart fluttering.
It was how he silently glared at you as if awestruck.
“So very beautiful…”
This time, his words of praise made you feel too self-aware and far more exposed than simply being naked.
Reflexively, you brought your hands to cover your bare chest.
You had always felt undeserving of his attention. 
Astarion was what some might call the epitome of physical harmony.
His body was a work of art and his beauty unmatched.
“You don't ever have to hide from me,” he said softly, taking one hand in his. “Come here.”
He slowly guided you towards the window, the full moon up high casting its pale glow down on you.
“Look at the window.”
You did so, watching your lonely and washed out reflection show up on the clear glass.
Fleetingly, you wished you could see him, too, as he came to stand behind you, placing both hands on your shoulders.
But there was no one there but you.
You stood alone, but felt his presence all the same.
“You are a sight to behold,” he said in a whisper, his lips close to your ear. “Do not ever doubt it.”
“So are you…”
He chuckled, placing one finger under your chin, and tilting your head towards him.
You suddenly felt your knees buckle under you as his lips ghosted over yours.
“May I kiss you?”
That startled you and your eyes widened. “Are you sure?”
His brows furrowed lightly. “We don't have to, of course.”
You wanted to.
More than anything.
But this wasn't just about you.
“Maybe we should take it slow?” you suggested, the coldness of his lips nearly touching yours.
He drew back slightly.
“Is that what you want?”
“Maybe it's what you need.”
He hesitated at first. “I think… I need this.”
Doubt flared inside you like a wildfire. On one hand, you feared he was rushing things once again.
On the other, he seemed rather at ease with the prospect of going further.
So maybe…
“You need to let me know if it's too much.”
He inched closer once more. “I will.”
Your heart clenched hard before rapidly doubling its pace. 
You fully melted into him as he took your lips in his, keeping you still by gripping your chin lightly in between his fingers.
This kiss was familiar.
It was measured and controlled.
This one felt and tasted like… home.
It was reminiscent of the last kisses you had shared before Moonrise Towers. When both of you had gotten so comfortable with each other, it felt like second nature to be so intimate.
This wasn't driven by lust like the one you shared at The Blushing Mermaid only a few days prior.
It was driven by yearning.
He pressed down on your chin with his thumb, parting your lips for his tongue to slip through, and your eyes quickly fluttered shut.
How you had missed this… tasting him as he completely overtook your senses.
His cold touch set your skin alight and you had to grip the hardwood shutter by the window to keep yourself from melting away.
You broke from him to let out a soft gasp when he pressed himself against you, his growing erection nudging at your lower back.
As touch starved as you were, you still held back, not wanting to overstep any lines.
He trailed his tongue along your lower lip, and you slowly turned to fully face him, cradling his face in your hands never parting from him.
The kiss morphed into something more urgent and primal, as if he had waited an eternity for this moment.
Your body was now fully flushed against him, and you heard the faintest growl emerge from his throat when you pressed into his bulge.
He suddenly broke the kiss, causing your eyes to fly open.
“Too much?” 
Astarion slowly tore himself away from you body, his face tense and his eyes avoiding yours.
For a split second you felt panic take over your mind at the fear of having hurt him.
But he quickly straightened himself, offering a reassuring smile.
It felt genuine and you allowed yourself to relax.
“Are you well?”
His face seemed blank for a moment. “Of course.”
Your heart dropped at the realisation that his words, once again, did not match his body language.
“Maybe we rushed it…”
As if your voice had snapped him out of a trance, his eyes finally met yours. “It's hard not to do so with you.”
The impending sense that he was trying to compensate with words began to loom over you.
He swiftly circled you and moved back to help you slip into your robe, careful fingers tying it snugly around you, yet you felt more exposed than ever.
“Astarion, I didn't mean for-”
He pressed his forefinger to your lips. “I was the one who got carried away. Do not take the blame for that. Please.”
You felt relief slowly settle deep within you.
Astarion's words did match his body language this time.
You then heaved a big sigh as he dropped his hand.
“Do you wish for me to stay? We can talk about it…”
He closed the space between the two of you and pressed a light kiss to your forehead. “Not tonight.”
You nodded understandingly, enjoying the tenderness.
“Will you still seek out Ava?”
He pulled away to meet your gaze. “I might indulge in some of her words of wisdom, yes.”
“And will you still give her your blood?”
“I believe so.”
You felt the beginnings of a frown settle on your face. “You don't have to…” … not anymore .
“You also don't have to give me yours, yet you willingly do so,” he said, arching an eyebrow. “As do I.”
“But it's different with us… I can easily withdraw my consent.”
You hesitated for a moment. “I just worry that she might take it too far…”
A genuine smile of amusement tugged at his lips. “Ava is not someone you should worry about.”
Well, it was easier said than done.
There was still an unsettling feeling about her brewing within you. You couldn't quite place your finger on what it was, but it was still there…
“If she tries anything to hurt you-” 
He immediately cut you off. “Oh, I am quite sure you would bestow upon her a curse so great that historians all over Faerûn would rush to document such an event in their books.”
Your outer shell of toughness cracked open and you chuckled. 
“I would hope they do that.”
“A cautionary tale, if you will,” he nodded with a sly grin.
“And I will gladly do that to her should the situation call for it.”
It wasn't an empty threat. 
He nodded. “I don't expect anything less from you, darling.”
You stared at each other in silence for what felt like an eternity. 
It felt… comfortable.
Your heart felt full from finally having had a heartfelt conversation that was long overdue.
There were still edges to polish and fears to keep at bay, but, for now, it felt enough.
“Have a good night, Astarion.” you offered a sweet smile.
He returned it. “Dream of me – well, the satisfying kind, I hope.”
“So do I.”
“And if not, you know where to find me."
His words of comfort wrapped around you like the warmest blanket.
You nodded, snatching your nightdress from the floor to exit his room.
With a final glance over your shoulder, you found that his smile had wavered ever so slightly, and did your best not to overthink it.
And as the door to his room clicked shut, you shook your head and held it up high, determination setting in your mind.
You were going to talk to Ava.
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drunkjaked · 2 years
new fic tanked
Are you 5?
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soapybutt17 · 10 months
Night Showers
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Summary: A shower, a missing condom, and Soap doing his best to get on his Captain's nerves (the 20 laps around the entire base was worth it). Character: John Price x F!Wife!Reader. Simon "Ghost" Riley. Kyle "Gaz" Garrick. John "Soap" MacTavish. Word Count: 2,168 Chapter Warnings: Smut. Unprotected Penetration. Creampies. P in V. Oral Sex (F receiving). Alternate Universe. Soap just being a little shit for the giggles and all. Unedited as usual. A/N: To the anon that sent me the request, this is for you. I just can't get this idea out of my head and it shows.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist || Request are Open
One of the few perks of being part of the upper ranks were the privilege of having your own time to bathe. But unlike other assholes that prefer being in first, you preferred to be the last one to step foot in the communal showers. You prefer taking your time, lathering yourself up to the perfect suds and savoring every single minute of the cold water against your skin.
You preferred your privacy as much as the next person and practically living in the base, you don’t get that privilege as often as you want unless you were here. It was ironic seeing it was a communal space and there was an off chance another female member of the base would slip back in but it was rare especially at this time of the night where you were certain almost everyone aside from the people on watch duty were fast asleep.
The frigid cold water would have woken you up but the longer you stood in the water, the more did you feel the weight of the day get to you and you were close to falling asleep from where you stood. You were close to ready to finally get to bed and sleep before the following day of drills.
You felt a hand before you realize it and instincts had equipped you to act fast and hit whoever was ballsy enough to touch you. But it seems your husband was faster than you as he held onto your fisted hand. A smirk playing on his lips for catching you off guard.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” You whispered screamed at him at this point. The panic of someone possibly entering immediately crossed your mind and the possibility of either of you (mostly him) getting in trouble for being in the same shower together.
“Locked the door on my way in if that’s what you’re worried about, Love.” He smirked and only now did you come to realize that he was butt naked just as much as you.
You felt the heat on your cheeks at the realization. It’s been far too long since you’ve had even a semblance of intimacy with your husband. With mission and reports constantly pulling the both of you apart, having him so close to you now only brought the much deprived need in you to come back full force for him to see.
“Fucking hell, cold as ice.” He muttered as the water has finally hit his skin.
Your eyes gazed at the bear of a man you had the privilege of calling your husband. The way the water slither against his hairy chest and down to his happy trail all the pent up desire has come and you did not know if you had the mental fortitude to resist him at this point.
“Seein’ something you like, Love?” He teased, his watercolor eyes gazing down at you as he caught you staring.
“Very.” You quipped turning back to the waters to wash away the last of the suds that was still covering your skin. “But I think you already know that by now.” You muttered looking over your shoulder to look down at his manhood alive and awake you to see.
“Most definitely.” He chuckled, his arms found their way around your waist, pulling you further into his torso, his manhood pressing against your back in the process. “And you could feel it right now.”
“John…” You warned. You’ve had far too many close calls with the man in the past, had it not been for everyone’s lack of idea about what was going on between the both of you, you both would have been caught in one too many compromising situation.
“I’m doing nothing, Love.” He chuckled, his hand slowly creeping from your stomach up towards the swells of your breast giving a gentle squeeze before one hand rested against the columns of your neck and the other holding onto your jaws to keep you in place. “Nothing at all.” He purred, lips finding their place against where your neck and shoulders met.
“John not here.” You warned him again, the fact that the doors to the showers were locked did not reassure you at all. You still fear the possibility that someone had seen you then seen your husband walk inside in the middle of the night.
“Where then? Name a time and place.” He propositioned.
“Your room, after you shower.” You finally relent knowing that when your husband was in the mood just as much as you were, nothing would stop him from having you.
“Deal.” He turned your head until your lips met his own in a searing kiss that drowned you more than the water that showered above you both.
Your hand found their way against his wet beard, trying and failing to control his kiss, savoring the first of many kisses he was more than willing to give you for the rest of the night.
Fuck Protocol. Fuck Reputation. You will be fucked and you will make the most out of it.
“I’ll meet you naked on your bed.” He practically commanded you now as he pulled away. Any other time you would have made the protest of him giving him orders the way that he did but you truly didn’t care at this point.
Nodding, you pulled away from his hold. The coldness of his absent touch did more damage than the water ever could. Without even looking back, you had toweled dried yourself and put on your clothes—ignoring the fact that it was your dirtied ones. You’re going to be naked once you’re back in bed anyways and made your way out of the showers and making sure to lock the door behind you in the process.
“God fucking damnit.”
With shaking legs, you peered down at your husband post-orgasm from between your legs as he began searching through his discarded pants. A few choice words escaped his lips as he continued on with his search. It was so unlike the Captain to be this antsy but it was given in the situation at hand.
“What?” You asked, dazed still from your release with just his mouth. You felt the ache on your lips from biting too hard and trying and somewhat failing to keep your moans and whimpers to a minimum.
“Condom.” He practically growled as he began to look around his room.
You blinked as his frustration was now in full force as he began to look around his room for another spare but no luck whatsoever.
“Just fuck me, John.” You whimpered, hand somehow finding their way towards your still too sensitive bud. Keeping yourself sated while you waited.
“I’m on my pills, just fuck me already.” You were now practically demanding him at this point. “Please.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice as he dove right on top of you. Slotting himself in between your legs. He pulled you in for another searing kiss. Your arms and legs had immediately wrapped around him, urging him to finally fuck you but he was taking his sweet time—a time neither of you truly had with the night slowly fading into daylight.
“A fucking little menace you are, aren’t you?” He teased, grinding his pelvic bone against your nub. “Just so desperate for me are you?” He questioned, voice growling louder and instincts kicked in as you slapped your hand towards his mouth to quiet him down.
He did not like it one bit as he held both of your hands above your head.
“Did I fucking tell you to touch me, Pet?” He growled against your ears.
“John—you need to be quiet.” You whispered struggling to free from his hold.
“You don’t get to make orders here, Lieutenant.” He whispered against your ears, nipping at your lobe before his lips lingered against your cheeks and finding their way towards your lips but not truly kissing you. “Is that clear?”
“Yes.” You whimpered as his hips dug further into your core.
“Yes what, Lieutenant?”
“Yes, Captain.” You squealed as he finally slipped right into you.
The aching sting even with him preparing you lingered through your entire body. It was always a task in on itself as he held onto you. One hand held onto your own up above your head and the other held onto your leg and pulling it up as high as you physically could.
“Bloody fucking hell.” He groaned. “Fucking tight.” He muttered.
Without another word, his moved his hips, a gruelingly slow but deep pace that had you gasping at each piston. Your legs held onto his waist for dear life and your teeth bit against your lips stopping from any noise from escaping.
You watched all the control leave from your husband’s body as his thrust had gotten sloppy.
“Please…” You pleaded, even when you truly didn’t know what you were even begging for right now. “Please. Please. Please.”
You felt it before you realize what was going on, the spurts painted your insides and the mind numbing shiver that wrecked from your toes up to your head. You moaned, louder than you would have wanted it to be but your husband was quick to silence you with his lips. Pulling you into him, swallowing every moans and every whimper as he continued on with thrusting inside of you.
Finally, your husband had let go of your hands, you winced as blood began flowing right back and the familiar tingling sensation seeped through. He pulled away, looking down at you in the all too familiar adoration that you felt the same for him. You were sated, blissed and thoroughly satisfied from the longing you felt for your husband.
“Are you broken?” John inquired.
A playful smile rested on your face, the context that it was a question he often asked after any of his team were put in a bad spot. It was his own little way of asking anyone and everyone if they were alright.
“Split open, but I’ll survive.” You respond,
He smiled, chuckling at your antics. Before a flip has switch and his hand held onto you pulling you up and turning you until you were on your hands and knees. Without even missing a beat or even allowing you to say anything, he plunged himself right back into you.
“Good.” He chuckled leaning close to your ears. “There’s still more where that came from.”
Breakfast in the mess hall was boring and you preferred it that way. Enjoying your tea and toast and jam in the peace of the table you shared with John, Gaz, and Simon was all you could ask for after the grueling night you had with your husband.
Even from the frequent sips of his coffee, you know he was just trying his best to hide the smirk playing on his face. Last night had been a blur after the third round for you. When your husband was on a mission, nothing could truly stop him from taking what he wants and what he needed from you, you were all the more willing to give it to him if he needed it.
But with that being said, you also knew the consequences of your actions. The ache between your legs and the sore throat you were nursing with your ginger tea. There was also the array of hickeys and bruises that painted your entire body and you did your best to hide as much as possible even in the sweltering heat.
The next time you would even think about sleeping with your husband is when you’re both done with your deployment. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Aye Price!”
You winced, the peace of your own filthy thoughts of last night was ruined by Soap’s booming voice taking most of everyone’s attention (some already used to his morning antics, decided to just ignore him). You looked up towards the Scot and paled at the all too familiar foil packet in his grasp.
“Saw this in front of your room last night. Hope the lucky lady you had in your room was fine being raw dogged for the night.”
You could feel the fury boil from where you sat. You had noticed both Simon and Gaz strategically move a little farther away from where the Captain sat but they had an all good view of the man as he stood and ordered Soap to run the entire base twenty times.
It pissed John even more was the fact that Soap wasn’t all that afraid with his punishment, cackling as he skipped out of the mess hall, the condom still in his hand for everyone to see. Soap would truly not let him live this down.
His eyes slowly turned to you and this time it was you who was trying your best to hide the smile as you took another generous sip of your tea.
The consequence of his own actions it seems.
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cinnabeat · 2 years
i think i might iust get thosr ritz
#i am. unfortunately. very hungry#and very awake#michi tag#i was so fucking tired today too i didnt play undernauts once i was just like god that sounds like an exhausting activity to do#and it IS omfg i olayed that shit for HOURS yesterday and i didnt rven realize#cuz like most games u at least have some progress in gamr to like show the flow of time or whatever#but in undernauts its like so much fucking exploring and i keep getting lost and trying to remember the places i already went to and fucking#logic puzzles or whatever im not that smart ok and then the fucking foghts are so TEDIOUS its like pokemon but only slightly better bc somet#sometimes i actually do have to plan out my attacks so i cant just spam a button until somethings defeated#but most of the timr i have a SYSTEM on how to systematically destroy enemies and its just clicking shit until its gone basically and anyway#it took me two fucking hours just to find the base camp to actuslly start the plot#granted like an hour and a half (if you wanna be generous which i am) was spent character building but also i didnt really think to hard on#the character building part bc idk what any of thr terms or numbers mean and i kinda wish i did now bc like. all those isekai stories i read#that have a system make so much sense now and theres a VANGUARD and a REAR GUARD and that MEANS SOMETHING and i have to strategically place#my prople so they can actually hit a bitch and i could jusy makr new characters but im kinda very attatched to my team actually#fuck what was my poimt#omg ok yeah so anyways it requires like a lot of brian power but also no brain power at all man its like playing goalie in soccer cuz if you#have a good defense or if the other team just plain sucks most of thr time the ball hardly ever gets far enough for you to get it so youre n#not physically tired but youre mentally exhausted bc keeping an eye on the ball and directing your team is a lot of fucking work ok and i ha#have like zero focus or patience so you can imagine the kind of like. mental? fortitude?? whatever the pjarse is anyways i was working so h#hard to stay focused man but even then i slipped and i lost my point again#oh yeah so like the game tires me out right. man what the fuck was i talking about#oh yeah im tired and hungry and i was super tired but didnt really take a nap? does 15 minutes count that just sounds like i closed my eyes#for a bit but ANYWAYS i was tired to the point i didnt play my game and now im jot tired and very fucking hungry#the journey was long but we did eventually reach the point i can applaud myself thank you
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astroariska · 1 year
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATION [Chapter 5] ✨ - The North Node Version
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North node represent the new growth we are heading into. So it's very normal if you feel like you are uncomfortable to do everything related your north node chart.
But when you did it, your life starts to change
Once a Virgo north node started to get their fruits smoothies instead of wine, slow cooked meals instead of takeouts and having their schedule wrapped with yoga and pilates ... I swear it's DONE for y'all!
Virgo North Node need to carefully pick wisely who are worth their help. Because sometimes, people go through shit as their own consequences and yet feels like victimized????
I just want you to know that your Scorpio North Node friends is actually wishing changes in their life. They want change. They know that things supposed to change in order to grow. But what all they get is sometimes annihilation, destruction and even violence and that's not a pleasurable change for them.
Stop telling Scorpio North Node to let it go. They don't need them. Start to ask Scorpio North Node what can they do from the ashes. Transformation is the real fear of this placement. They had no idea if it will work or not and most time, they will feel the sorrow of having no idea is their adaptation to the new things is going to be painful or not.
This is the most underated documentary for Leo North Node. But i think Leo North Node is never about fame and get famous. It's more about strength and in general. Most people forget that Leo is a sign that represent fortitude and only highlighting the part of being "famous" and "taking the center stage" which is not true.
Leo North Node people learn to use all of their mental, physicological and soul power to cope with whatever life has thrown to them. They need to understand they have fight for their right instead giving it away to people (and this is when the fame and luxury come from, from finding what's already yours)
Pisces North Node and the art of letting go. It's not like they are holding into things that makes them uncomfortable. But it's learning that sometimes you can't fix what was broken from the first time. That life is imperfect, flawless and sometimes vague in it's own way and what they need to do is; just keep swimming.
Also, this north node need more sleep than other people. Sleep is the way they will gain productivity and mental clarity. Enough sleep provides them power to do the right things everyday.
Sagittarius North Node and the faith. It's not like they need to stick into one religion. But it's more like they need to hold the higher moral code and standard over a shortcut. Of course, you will outsmart anything. But this life calls your integrity and your morality as human being. Life ask your wisdom. So always be wise.
Sagittarius North Node is also a placeement that speak the law of assumtion and the law of attraction. So, positive mindset is needed because things will manifest easily with positive mind.
Aries North Node, y'all so angry. But what if i told you that life demands your action and not your insight? This is the north node that ask you to be the first who doing the impossible, the first who doing the things that nobody did it in the first place. You know what you need to do, so it takes courage to turn the table.
Aries North Node also have a knack to relieve after ... yes, cursing. Cuss some bomb and shit till it feels easy and lightweight again.
Taurus North Node. This is the most bitter north node that i've encountered because this north node is about self dignity and respect. They need to uproot themselves from what people has taught them to act and start building the strong boundaries and foundation for their own life.
No, Taurus North Node. This is not your time to be the biggest enemy of yourself. Because how people treat you, depends on how you TREAT YOURSELF.
Gemini North Node and equality. They are the type who need to understand that their difference and diversity doesn't mean that someone is in higher or lower class. So treat people equal and treat yourself as equal too. Treat the waitress over the restaurant the same respect like you treat the politician on their office.
Also Gemini North Node. STOP FIGHTING WITH YOUR NEIGBOURS AND BROTHERS/SISTERS. They will unlock you some good things in the future. So stay your COOL.
Capricorn North Node's pressure. In this lifetime, life wants you to be the authority figure of your own, so it's understable that you'll disappointing some people who love you and taken care of you. In turns, you'll see that sometimes loves and cares is form of emotional manipulation to prevent you from the growth you need. Don't get easily swayed by the fake love.
With the most respect. Get your shit together, Capricorn North Node. People tend to manipulate you because they can take adventage from you and rob something from you. Don't let them mess your kindness as a weakness.
Aquarius North Node need to take off some privilege they have in this lifetime and be the one who's responsible for greater duty. Responsibility and duty is unavoidable in this lifetime so make sure you handle them with care and love for humanity (people around you). You can't expect life is pleasure because only through the struggle, you'll understand how pleasure is priceless.
I will give some warning for you, Aquarius North Node. If you still feeding your ego, you'll become the public enemy. I've seen this placement falls down and rise up because their community is wishing them to. Make sure that people only wishing you the best so you could manifest easily.
Libra North Node need for the partnership in this lifetime has nothing to do with being in relationship. But being in the middle of the change. Most people in this north node will make the most life changing decision and partnership helps them to keep relate into the change they have made. Relationship happens when you are in the commitment in the change with someone who willing to helps you through thin and thick. So choosing the right partner means choosing the right person to change and evolve together.
No, Cancer North Node. Being in control and having your guard up doesn't mean success. Success to you is a sense of security to feel whatever you want to feel and everytime you want to feel. Your job, your salary and your social status doesn't define you. It's your warmth, present and personality that roots you deep for who you are that matters the most.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Heavyweight: Chaggie
Buckle up, Buttercups! This is a bit long. Google translate will be your friend.
Charlie: (exiting her office after a 72 hour video meeting and bee-lining towards the bar) UggGHhghhhHHh!!!! I need a DRINK!!!
Alastor: (whirling in out of nowhere) I wouldn't go in there if I were you.
Charlie: (jumps) Holy Shit!!! Fuck! Alastor, can you not do that, please? You nearly gave me a heart attack.
Alastor: So sorry, dear. I'm just warning you before you go anywhere that the bar is in quite the unsavory state right now.
Charlie: What do you mean? Did Cherri invite her biker friends again?
Alastor: Oh, heavens, no! That little manager of yours would never allow that to happen again.
Charlie: Alastor, we've talked about this. Her name is Vaggie. But why is the bar in an unsavory state?
Alastor: (grins wider) Oh, I suppose you'll just have to see it to believe it, I'm afraid. (opens the door to the bar and latin music blares through the hotel)
Charlie: Alastor, I really don't have the mental fortitude to deal with your bipolar-
-Record Screech-
Hazbins: GO!!! GO!!! GO!!! GO!!! GO!!!
Husker: (counting off Vaggie's reps) Forty-eight! Forty-nine! FIFTY!!!! That's it! Vaggie wins!!!
Vaggie: HA!!! (flips the pool table off to the side and stands up victoriously while speaking Spanish) ¡Toda la razón! ¡Paga, Ángel!
Hazbins: (half cheering and half groaning as money exchanges hands and a few lift Vaggie up like a champion)
Angel: (drunkenly slurring in Italian)
Charlie: And WHY are they speaking like that?!
Alastor: (cleaning his monocle) Ms. Vagatha found out that Angel took a video of your drunken stupor last week and demanded he give all copies to her. He said he would only do it if she out drank him.
Charlie: Again. Not her name. And WHAT?!?!?!?!
Alastor: Needless to say, that woman would do anything for you, so they went shot for shot on something called "tequila". Quite the show, if I say so myself. Angel ended up vomiting in the trash can. They've been arguing in Spanish and Italian ever since. It's almost friendly at this point.
Alastor: (obviously disgusted by the display but keeping his smile) She didn't want to rip her uniform.
Vaggie: (spots Charlie from her elevated position)
¡Charlie, mi amor!
Charlie: (arrow to the heart as she watches Vaggie hop down and strut over to her, eyes zeroed in on the sway of her girlfriend's hips) Oh, fuck..... I'm in trouble....
Vaggie: (hugs Charlie tight before taking her hand and kissing it) ¿Cómo estuvo tu reunión?
Charlie: (gets goosebumps and blushes) UuuUuUhhhHHHhhh.... V-Vaggie, babe, y-you know I'm not good with my Spanish yet.
Vaggie: Lo sé. (chuckles deeply and looks at Charlie through her long lashes as she snakes her arm around Charlie's waist while the other hand strokes her thumb over Charlie's pulse on her wrist) También sé que te gusta cuando te hablo así en español.
Charlie: (blushing deeper as she wiggles out of her suit jacket and wraps it around Vaggie's shoulders) L-Let's get you covered up.
Vaggie: (smirking as she traces her fingers around the waistband of Charlie's trousers and gently untucks her shirt so she can drag her fingers across the pale skin underneath) Eres tan dulce… y tan sexy cuando te sonrojas.
Charlie: (feels her tail and horns spring up as Vaggie's nails drag across the skin of her hip and tries to corral Vaggie towards the door) OH-KAY!!! L-Let's get you upstairs to bed!
Vaggie: (maneuvers herself so she's escorting Charlie up the stairs leading to their room and uses her wings so that she can hover right next to Charlie's ear from behind) Only if you join me~
Charlie: (thighs pinch together as a spark of electricity jolts through her body and whines) ...oh fuck....
Vaggie: Now, you're catching on~
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silentium-symphony · 9 months
Spoiled Rotten (Link x Reader) SMUT
(a/n) needed a break from now watch me whip, so here's some smut :) MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
i didn’t really mean to make a sequel for Starved, it just kinda happened 💀 can def stand alone tho! i don't typically write a dominant reader, but i had a lot of fun trying smth new :) i hope you enjoy ♡
cw: afab!reader, mentioned somnophilia (like one line), swearing, nice and fluffy in the beginning, ya'll being absolute BRATS to each other oml, taking turns dominating the other :), link once again having the dirtiest mouth in the world, spreading you on all fours, riding link like the gorgeous stallion he is
wc: 5.8k
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
Passerine warbles teased your consciousness from the lands of slumber to the realm of morning. A curtain of colors whisped behind your eyelids and you felt the warmth of the sunbeam conveniently placed on your eyes; cracking them open a smidgen spelled the death of your pupils as you were immediately blinded by its solar glory.
Your head lulled to the side, still very much weighted by sleep, and came face-to-face with your lightly snoring husband. His golden brows were pulled into a relaxed arch, no longer featuring a drawn, terse look. His cheeks, smushed into the pillow, slotted perfectly in your hand and you stroked them fondly. A soft moan left him and you could feel the little bits of tension in his jaw disappear completely. Looking further down, you saw his neck and chest littered with hickeys galore; your lips tingled hotly.
You lifted the arm that was dangled loosely over your waist with great care, gauging his expression for any hint of discomfort or arousal. You were genuinely shocked he didn't slug his arm over you and hug you tighter as he normally would. While setting his arm down in front of you, you saw bright red scratch marks running up and down his arms. Highlights of last night pervaded your mind and it took a considerable amount of mental fortitude to not start grinding against his bare member. Additionally, thinking about how he abused your cunt with his incessant pounding started to fill you up with post-orgasm sleepiness--not what you wanted when you were trying to get out of bed.
And he did all that right after he got back. Y'know... It makes sense why he'd be knocked out.
Your lips ghosted atop his twitching eyelids while you slinked out of bed and oNTO THE FLOOR OH SWEET HYLIA
A hand flew to the corner of your bedstand and you somehow managed to catch yourself before you ate shit. Link really diddly darn fucked you 'til your legs gave out, huh? Can't say you were complaining--
You hauled yourself up, your knees shivering and buckling from the arduous task of existing in an upright position. You scooted closer to your shared dresser, the smooth walls acting as support, and you slipped on one of Link's shirts. His scent wrapped around you comfortingly and was reminiscent of one of his hugs. There was also the added benefit of Link really liking you in his clothes--a fact you very much took advantage of.
With the wall still acting as your cane, you made the trepidatious trip to the kitchen.
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
You balanced two plates of fried eggs and rice on a small wooden tray, complete with silverware, water, and two mug cakes! You managed to find the recipe haphazardly scribbled down on a random piece of parchment. You thought it looked delectable and hoped he thought the same.
You limped ambled your way to the bedroom and opened the old door as gingerly as possible.
Unluckily for you (and him, now that you thought about it), the wakeful tendencies stemming from the extreme sport of sleeping alone in the wilderness kicked in and his ears visibly twitched, disturbed by the softest sounds from across the room. He shuffled quickly and turned to you, his eyes still drooped with sleep.
"Mm... g'morn..." His nose quivered. "What smells so good...?"
"Breakfast? In bed?" He could barely contain his excitement.
"Breakfast in bed!"
He sat up, propping and fluffing the pillows as you made your way over to him. He clapped and rubbed his hands in glee.
"Oh! Are those...?" The gears in Link's head buffered and churned.
"Mug cakes!" You set the tray down on his lap and saddled next to him.
"Mug cakes!!!" He returned your gleeful energy. "They look delicious, darling."
"Thank you, dear." You shoveled a fluffy mound of rice topped with an equally fluffy piece of egg in your mouth and sighed contently. He leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to your cheek before dipping to your ear.
"Not as delicious as you though." He breathed, eyeing the plain white shirt hanging from your frame. You gasped at the sensation of heat tickling your neck and your palm connected with the backside of his head.
"Ow!" He pouted. "Unnecessary."
"J-Just eat the damn food!" Clearly flustered, you scraped more food into your mouth and promptly turned away from him. He laughed while smoothing out your bedhead before chowing down on the simple spread before him.
"How're you feeling? I'm sorry for being a bit... rough last night."
Good sir you almost broke my back and yours "a bit?"
He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled. "Okay, fine, but my question still stands--how're you feeling?"
"I'm all right! My... Legs were pretty weak this morning." You shrunk, feeling Link's ego swell. You could practically feel the smirk on his face.
"Were you okay climbing out of bed this morning? You didn't fall, did you?"
You were so thankful he couldn't see the imaginary sweat beading down your brow.
"Nope! All good!"
"Glad to hear it."
Your conversation lapsed into a comfortable silence as you both relished in each other's company and the food. While you finished up the main dish, Link dipped his spoon into the gooey mug cake and almost kicked his feet in childlike joy.
"This is amazing! It tastes just like your hugs!"
Your heart simultaneously fluttered and melted into one big goop.
"Heheh... And what, good sir, do my hugs taste like?"
"Hm..." He leaned in and glomped onto you. "Warm... Soft... Sweet..."
While you were basking in his warm embrace, you didn't notice the sly hand sneaking for the hem of your shirt. Warm digits traced up your torso and cusped your breasts; a pleasurable chill shuddered through you.
"Tantalizing..." He husked, lowering you onto your back. "Enchanting..."
He showered your neck with gentle pecks and retraced the bruises and nips he planted on your skin the night before. Your arms wrapped loosely around him, pulling him closer. You could feel his dick begin to throb with heat.
"Mm... Link..."
He pulled away from you, light, innocent giggles bouncing between the two of you.
"Let's take our time today, okay?"
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
After clearing breakfast and cuddling for an hour or so, you both finally got up and started your day. Link volunteered to wash the dirty dishes while you put away the... scattered clothes from last night. Tidying the room to your liking, you came down to meet your husband.
Whose got his lean, toned, battle-scarred back turned to you.
Your love marks from last night were due to join his never-ending collection of scars--at least for the coming weeks. A wicked smile crossed your lips and you stalked toward him, tiptoes feeling around the squeaky floorboards.
He soaped up the water some more and smiled at the bubbles that floated to his nose, humming a happy lil' tune, completely oblivious to your sinful intentions. As he dipped a plate into the soapy basin, arms wrapped around his torso and he felt something warm and soft trace his back and sides.
His next exhale caught in his throat and he sputtered... some type of exclamation. As quickly as it tensed, his sinewy muscles grew lax in your embrace, melting into your touch. He adored the way your mouth hungrily suctioned to his old scars and how divine it felt for your hands to caress him, rubbing soothing patterns into sore spots he never knew he had.
You worked your way up and brushed your lips along the still-fresh scratches on his shoulders. You painted them with tender, loving kisses as your hand drifted lower and lower...
"You're marked up so nicely for me..." Your fingers coasted the prominent bulge in his pants and he bit back a whine. "I'm going to have so much fun with you."
Hands spun his waist around and his eyes flew shut, fully expecting to feel your lips slam into his as you took him right then and there.
Except... You didn't...?
His eyes cracked open to his beloved's absence, confounded. A bright, chirpy whistle had him swiveling his head for a double take and he saw you happily drying the dishes he washed. Like nothing happened.
"You okay, love?" You looked at him through your lashes. "You've got stars in your eyes."
Said eyes twitched.
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
The sun was still high up in the sky when you finished torturing the poor man with your household chores. The door swung open; Link went out first, bucket and brush in hand, while you stayed at the door for just a moment longer. The open windows couldn't quite demonstrate the soul-cleansing power of the fresh winds and you relished the wind tugging through your hair. Your lungs expanded as much as they could, filling themselves with the scent of home-tinged wilderness, before breathing out.
Epona's happy nickers tickled your ears and you drew closer to the duo. Link was going through her sleek coat, brushing it of dirt and grime while you filled her troughs with fresh hay and clean water. You threw yourself onto Epona and gave her fluttering kisses on her snout and neck, singing praises into the ears of your equestrian friend and thanking her repeatedly for bringing Link back home safely.
Link, smiling, grabbed the bucket and left her stall.
"I'm gonna grab some more water."
You acknowledged him with a bright "mm" and turned your attention to Epona, who was lovingly nuzzling your neck. Your husband rounded the corner and disappeared behind your house--you waited a few moments.
Now was your chance.
You flew out of her stall and veered into your house, cramming as many apples as you could hold in your arms, and practically teleported back to her stall. The sweet mare let out the happiest whinny you've ever heard and pawed the ground with anticipation. You peered over your shoulder as you presented her her favorite treats and prayed to Hylia Link's bucket broke or something. Just... Please Goddess, stall him for a bit.
Link loves hates it when you tease him with the 'nonsense' of Epona liking you more. You remembered the first time you brought up such a notion and Link was quick to scoff at your claims, assuring you that he and Epona share a bond like no other. The sweet, sweet look on his face when Epona responded to your voice and not his that one time never left your mind. To add insult to injury, not only did she straight up ignore the blonde--she clopped away from Link and over to you, leaving her beloved rider in the literal and metaphorical dust. Link reverted back to silence for the rest of the day.
Besides! She works just as hard as Link in keeping Hyrule safe. She deserves all the treats in the world.
Epona made quick work of the bushel and pressed her snout to you for more. You laughed and gently pushed her away, kissing her nose as you did. You turned around, half-expecting to see your husband with a silly exasperated look on his face; no one. You rocked on your heels, keeping a steady stream of pats on Epona's neck as you craned yours to find your beloved. Where was he?
The familiar knot of worry pitted your stomach and, pressing one final nuzzle into Epona, left her stall. You followed the trail your love had taken several minutes ago, careening your neck around the corner. The well sat unattended and the bucket your husband carried laid on its side. You approached the scene carefully, your lips forming into a 'Link?'
A pair of hands dug into your waist; your vision whizzed into a blend of colors, the back of your house bleeding into the scene of a little alcove. You barely had time to think let alone scream before something hot and wet muffled your lips. Your assailant pressed you further into the wall, pinning your arms above your head and coasting his digits up your thigh. Link's handsome features flooded your view and you moaned into the kiss, feeling your core grow hot with need.
He moved himself between your legs and gyrated his clothed tip against your engorged and sensitive bud. Your lips pulled away with a pop and he busied himself tarnishing your neck once again, reinforcing the lighter bruises already beginning to fade and making new ones in previously unexplored spots. His pants grew uncomfortably tight as he listened to the pathetic whimpers dripping out of you.
"Shh..." A playful kiss lapped your collarbone. "Not so loud hun, someone might hear..."
You fussed and squirmed under his treatment, his mischievous, nippy kisses along your skin sending your thoughts into overdrive. You hadn't even noticed your hips rolling faster, sloppier against him as your heat craved that sweet friction. Link felt your juices seep through the thin fabric of his pants and moisten the head of his cock.
"Look at you, making a mess all over me..." He sang, nibbling the lobe of your ear.
His hands left your wrist to find solace at the back of your thighs. With a grunt, he hoisted you into a seated position and pressed his full weight against yours, nullifying any chance for escape. Your legs hung uselessly at his hips as he continued moving against you in both body and lip.
His mouth moved to capture the beginnings of your breasts, suckling the curve of your mound until your chest glistened with his spit. He looked up at you through trembling lashes, committing your hooded gaze, gaping mouth, and flushed cheeks to memory.
The tips of your toes grazed the ground as Link lowered you delicately before he not so delicately spun you round and slammed your front against the wall. The sudden impact knocked what was left of precious air out of your lungs and your brain roared, the organ already doubling over from a pleasure-kissed lightheadedness.
Calloused hands connected with the soft of your inner thighs, flowing it open and dragging a finger, slow and deliberate, across your clothed folds. You all but screamed his name, his previous warnings to keep it quiet muddling with lusty bliss. Wet, hot breaths on bits of your exposed back sent your eyes rolling into your head and you balled your fists at the thought of him taking you here and now.
You felt his weight leave your form and you waited with growing impatience for him to be rid of his clothes. Your eyes were still squinted shut as you whined, trying to push your rear against his tented crotch hungrily.
He's... further away than you expected. How big is this alcove...?
You looked over your shoulder, confusion meddling with your arousal, and caught a glimpse of blonde swaggering away from you as if nothing had happened.
Heart thundering, legs quivering, blood rushing, your bent frame crumbled in on itself as your knees gave out from under you.
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
Safe to say by the time dinner rolled around, the two of you could hardly look at each other and any attempts at making small talk felt like Ganon shooting his piss into your eyes. Any semblance of Link in your brain always ended up with him either railing you or you fucking him until collapse.
You looked up from your plate to grab the water pitcher before you and you could feel the darkness glimmering in his eyes, heavy with lust and frustration. Your thighs grinded against each other, hoping to satiate the growing need to stimulate yourself even if only a little.
You were one look away from pinning him onto the dining table and fucking him until he was a babbling, crying mess under you. Unbeknownst to you (not really), Link happened to share those same sentiments.
Hylia, you were so horny for each other and your skin felt aflamed by his absence. But... you'd be lying if you said you didn't find a sick pleasure in watching you and him squirm under each other's heavy gaze, seeing how long either of you could last before one of you bites the arrow and takes the other.
You jolted at the sound of your own name and looked up into Link's blown-out pupils and barely parted lips, moistened with spit. Not a word was spoken between the two bodies; a velvety darkness took hold of your chest and you absently felt your feet march over to your husband before locking lips with his in messy desperation. Your hands explored the warmth of his skin, rubbing the back of his shoulders, his face, his chest. With a small tug on your wrist, you fell into his lap and he steadied you with level hands. You rolled your hips against his aching cock, teasing his stiffness with every sultry sway.
His lips latched onto your shoulder and his teeth sunk into the soft flesh, feeling your body shiver against his. He moved in time with your motions, rocking you faster against his dick that sweltered with desire. His chair skitted back and his hands flew to your ass, squeezing the soft, plump flesh as he carried you to the bedroom. Your legs hugged his torso to keep yourself up as he blindly fumbled with the doorknob, impatience ticking both your features.
He swung the door open, the shockwave from the sudden slam knocking down whatever trinket or picture was hanging on the wall. You paid little mind to the clamor of knick-knacks as Link tripped onto the bed, his back sinking into the soft mattress and you adding to his weight. You braced your hands on the sides of his head while his found your hips, fondling and diveting the soft flesh.
Languid lips moved with his before traveling towards his jawline and down to the soft skin of his neck, lapping it with butterfly kisses. A shaky breath all but stopped at the base of his throat as he saw you trail red, hot pecks along the dip of his shoulder and down to his chest, assaulting his lust-stricken senses with a campaign of pleasure. You looked up at him teasingly, swirling the tip of your tongue about his perked nipple.
Link's eyes fluttered close as a breathy sigh left him, his hips bucking wildly against your own. He tried so hard to catch his breath, but every roll, every graze, everything flared a white flame throughout his core. His mind was slipping, he could feel it, but by the gods did he do his damnest to savor every little sensation he would feel tonight.
Your hands quickly discarded your undergarments and flew to the hem of your shirt, tossing it aside like you've done hundreds of times before. Link followed suit, doing the extra step of lifting his hips (you still on top) to shimmy his pants off. He kicked the offending fabric off the bed and you both sighed, enjoying the pleasurable tingles the cool night air brought to your hottest spots. You lifted yourself and slowly rubbed your folds all over him, drinking in his dirty mewls like it would be the last thing you tasted. Something dark snapped into your husband's eyes as a hand left your hip to cruelly flick your sensitive bundle of nerves.
A whine lapsed out of your mouth and you bobbed your dripping cunt up and down his tip. A growl countered your moans while his thumb rubbed long, teasing circles about your clit. Nails dug into the swordsman's thighs as tears clouded your vision.
"You want to play this game?" His eyes read. "Fine. Let's see who wins."
You're unceremoniously pushed forward by his limbs and your chest lands squarely atop his face. Link's muffled moans hummed between your mounds and you sighed, head lolling forward. You scooted your hole closer towards his propped thighs, dipping just past his angry head and taking a little bit more of him in your cunt. You whorled your hips slothfully, savoring the way he rubbed every corner of your entrance. Teeth dug punishingly into your nipples and worked the small buds until they were raw and red from abuse. A hot, sloppy tongue swirled around the aching buds, matching the pace with your hips.
It took everything in you to not let out the sweet cry bubbling in your chest as you pulled and twisted his soft golden locks, determined to break this man before he broke you. Without any warning, you rammed your cheeks against his thigh, taking all of him in one go; you both choked as you stretched to accommodate his length and girth while your caving walls sent him to cloud nine.
Link was the first to cry out, with you following shortly after. Still remembering the game you were playing, you slid off him almost completely before slamming yourself down again with a force that got him seeing stars. Knuckles tightened around your waist and nails dug into your supple softness as the man beneath you writhed with untold pleasures. Your throbbing heat begged you to wait, to adjust to his size, but you were so focused on getting him whimpering under you that you brushed the sensual shock off.
Link adjusted himself slightly to naturally hasten your rolls; you also adjusted yourself in a bid to level the control you had over him. You decided your gait, not him. Soft hands went to pry the battle-worn digits off your side but were promptly met with a sharp slap over your wrists, gluing them to one spot. As he positioned you slightly angled above his pelvis, his smirk countered your falling expression as you began to realize the compromising position you were in.
Not wasting any time, Link roughly entered your hole, keeping you right where he wanted you for maximum pleasure. His sudden entrance elicited the sweetest calls for his name and you threw your head back, barely keeping yourself together. Try as you might, you couldn't wriggle free from his grip (though he loved watching your futile attempts, your countenance contorting into the prettiest, sluttiest faces). Your hands twitched and convulsed, wrists writhing uselessly against your side as he hastened his thrusts.
"Nngh! Link! S-Slow--please!"
"Hm? What was that?" He asked coolly, exertion inapparent in his voice.
"T-Too fast--Link, I c-can’t--"
"Oh, but you took me so well last night. Besides, I'm having fun watching you struggle like this." He snickered, watching the rebellious glint in your eyes dull into something lustful. You were trying so hard to pry from his grasp. You thought you could break him first? How cute.
Link's head rolled into the bed as he felt you stretch and expand with every thrust, locking his cock in a vice grip. Gods, you were so tight. And warm. And wet. He cursed under his breath as he watched your juices pool at the base of his cock. His clasp unknowingly began to loosen.
Slackening just enough for you to wiggle free. He gasped, no longer feeling your convulsing hands under his and before he knew it, those same hands that got you under his control were pinned above him. You laughed something wicked as you sat promptly on his dick, stilling his wild pistoning. He felt small under your piercing gaze, like some prey item looking up at its predator. You leaned down and nipped his ear lobe, a soft whine escaping him.
"My turn." You purred, rolling against him painfully slow and giving your abused cunt a much-needed break. A groan rumbled out of him the instant he stopped pounding your insides at unimaginable speeds. You fought the wrists that tried to pull away from you and locked his lips with yours, tongue and teeth mashing sloppily against the other. Frustrated at your own slow pace, you took your rolls up a notch--fast enough to keep his mind from imploding but not enough to give it the release he craved.
"Please, just a bit faster..." He sputtered, pleading.
"Do you really think you're in a position to be giving orders?" You cooed. "Don't rush me."
Your hips lulled into a steady rhythm that was a step faster than what you were previously going. Link turned into a fumbling mess under you, filling your bedroom with his begging whines and gasps for more. With one hand still pinning him down, the other grazed the various scars that littered his abdomen. Your tongue swiped your bottom lip while you watched the outline of his abs convulse with each pleasure-stricken breath. Every one of your touches, every one of your kisses, every sloppy squelch your wet hole made as it took him whole fogged his mind with ecstasy.
"Mm! You've been so good... Letting me use your cock..." You whipped your hips forward, grip tightening around his wrists. The Hero of Hyrule's pathetic little whimpers traveled to your ears and you looked down at the whining man squirming underneath you, tears prodding his eyes.
"You like that? Hm? You like it when I bounce on your hard, hard cock?" You accentuated each word with a snap of your hips. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he let out a cry of pleasure.
"Please... Please, let me touch you--feel you... I need it, please..."
"Not yet darling," you kissed his tears away, giggling as more came to replace what was lost. You felt him swell inside you and you moaned. "Fuck, Link..."
You leaned back, resting on his thighs for support, and gyrated your hips in a circular motion. Link was practically screaming, begging, imploring you to grab you, hold you, anything just please--
"Nuh uh uh," your sing-song voice dripped with a lusty venom. "The moment you lay your hands on me, I stop. Got it?"
"No!" Blue eyes shot up to meet yours, mortified. "Don't stop! Whatever you do, just don't... Ah... Don't stop..."
You fucked and fucked this man until your thighs clung to his with sweat. Link pressed his face into his bicep and his hands balled into pale fists, shaking as he fought the urge to overpower your teasing self and ram his throbbing cock against your sweetest spots.
"You look so pretty, Link... Gods, absolutely gorgeous." You gingerly pulled his face to look at you. "Don't hide from me, I want to see you..."
You sunk your chest into his as your hips lifted and snapped down with a lewd squelch. He let out a noise between a gasp and a yelp and he bucked his hips up to meet your cunt. You hovered in the air, low enough for Link to slip in and out of you but high enough where he couldn't immerse himself wholly. A race of obscenities slurred out of his mouth.
"P-Please (F/N)... Can you come down a little lower for me? I need you... Need you wrapped around me..."
"Mm... I'll think about it." You laughed darkly as Link strained harder to fill you up with his cock. Eventually, his breathing became haggard and you felt his heart thunder in his chest. He threw his head back and chanted your name like something holy. Your lips left bluish welts all over his alabaster skin and you pulled away, admiring your masterpiece.
"So pretty... All right, I'll give you what you want..." You began lowering your hips--barely at first--while Link sang your praises, feeling the lower half of his dick be squeezed by your tight, wet walls.
"You fill me up so well, baby..." You rolled your hips faster, faster, faster. "Fuck, you're so big...!"
Link's abs suddenly crunched up and you yelped, slipping into his lap. Rough hands pulled you off him and spun your body round, faceplanting you into the soft sheets. He scuttled you closer and poised your ass in the air, taking a moment or two to appreciate your hole pulsating with want. His torso dipped into the arch of your back, sending hot breaths up your spine and into your ear.
"It's been fun, but..." He licked the sensitive spot under your ear, melting into your moans. "I'm gonna make you mine now, okay?"
Two fingers curled into your needy hole and thrusted at mind-numbing speeds. You screamed into the fabric bunched at the foot of your bed, fists balling uselessly in response to his merciless onslaught. As if your mind wasn't wrecked with enough pleasure, another hand snaked around your waist and dipped down your pelvis, kneading your swollen clit. The simple motion almost got you coming undone by his fingers.
"I'm gonna make you regret teasing me for so long." He hissed, his sexual frustrations turning into something sadistic.
As quickly as they entered you, his fingers pulled out and rubbed your slick all over his throbbing cock. He pained to feel your tightness vice around him, but Link was a patient man.
"You're such a tease, you know that? Gods, look at you... You're making a mess of our sheets." He hummed, rubbing his twitching head along your folds. "Whatever will you do to make up for this?"
"A-Anything!" The word flew out of your mouth before you could catch yourself. "Just please--please fuck me already!"
He chuckled evilly, prodding your entrance deeper. A whine wrenched from your throat and you tried pushing your cunt against him, but you were kept firmly in place with his hands.
"Begging's a good look on you, darling," He sang sweetly. "(F/N), you're gorgeous... Spread out so beautifully for me..."
Whispers laced with obscene praises overtook your senses as you felt your husband slowly fill you up, making sure you felt every sweet inch seep into your core. No words could explain the unholy heat that spread from your core to your fingers, tingling them with mind-rocking sensations. You felt his pelvis against your ass and you both let out a pent-up sigh.
Not a moment later, his hips snapped to life and you were completely at the mercy of the Hero's thrusts. Your breasts spilled into his hands, a wave of soft flesh lapping the other side of his palm with every forceful thrust. The other hand reached for your abused folds and rubbed your clit, each swirl more feral than the last.
"So good... So good for me... Your body was made for me..."
You were sobbing at this point. Shaking. Screaming. All for your beloved Link. He fucked every sense of coherency from your mind, filling your brain and cunt with nothing but him. He straightened his back and burrowed his fingers into your hips, admiring the little crescents his nails left behind. The air behind you stirred and the burn of a slap seared into your bouncing cheeks, lodging a pained whine in your throat. He rubbed the swollen handmark, loving the red that grew to settle on your skin and traced your relatively unmarked back that was practically begging to be marked by him.
He started with gentle kisses and tonguing here and there, gauging your expression (or moans) for discomfort. A high-pitched mewl acted as permission for him to continue. He followed the natural curve of your spine, teething the soft flesh and suckling so contently. He initially took his sweet time marking you, but the thought of his bruises painting your skin spurred him faster, rougher.
He bit the back of your shoulder and dragged teeth and tongue to your neck, his home. You felt him breath deeply, no doubt getting drunk off your scent and the smell of sex that clung to the air. You suddenly felt a hand burrow into your disheveled, sweaty hair and he pulled you up, pressing your body flush against his. The modified position allowed him to reach even deeper and at speeds he hadn't gone before.
Digits wrapped about your chin and neck, prying them sideways to make way for even more hickeys. Each mark still wrought your skin with a heat you could never get used to, no matter how many times he claimed you. Moist lips covered the shell of your ear as a husky whisper wormed through your thoughts.
"My cute lil' wife... You're taking me so well. Making me feel so good... Do you feel good too? Are you drunk off my cock yet?"
Some messy confirmation stammered out of you as lidded (E/C) met hooded cerulean. The imperceptible knot in your gut began tangling itself into tight ribbons. You were getting close.
He pulled you into a messy kiss raptured with delight, losing any form of standard structure as tongues met and coiled around the other in an intoxicating dance. You were no longer yourself, turned into a mere plaything by your loving, adoring husband. He chuckled at the dazed look in your eyes, nuzzling into your cheek.
"I love you so, so much..." His hand on your clit moved faster and faster. "Come for me, okay? Can you do that for me, my queen?"
The all-too-familiar tension grew and grew in your lower abdomen; your head lolled downward, bopping your nose clumsily against Link's. Your hand wandered to the top of his sopping-wet fingers while the other snaked around his neck. He balanced your forehead against his and locked adoring eyes with you.
"Don't look away... Look at me. I want to see your slutty face as you come..."
His velvety purr was the last push you needed to fall the over edge and into the sweet, white abyss. A scream you didn't recognize sang into his ears as you poured your juices all over his hand, your cunt shaking from the magnitude of release. The delightful twitches shot him over the edge and his eyes fluttered shut, pure unfiltered bliss kissing his features as he brimmed you with his seed.
All the strength in the Hero's legs sapped, you both fell backwards into the plush sheets, sweat and slick binding your limbs into a messy pile. Spent exhales intermitted with each other and neither of you moved, locked in warm, satisfied catatonia.
"I've never..." He breathed out with much effort, "Came so hard... In my life..."
"I think I... saw the gods." Exhausted laughs spilled from the both of you and you felt his loving gaze. You looked over at him as he tucked your sweaty locks behind your ear.
"Makes sense. You're absolutely divine, after all."
A weak slap to his bicep and a chortle.
"Must you tease me?"
"It's not teasing if it's the truth." He rubbed into your neck and sighed, feeling the post-orgasm sleepiness weigh his eyelids; your consciousness was already waist-deep into slumber. In the moments leading up to what would undoubtedly be the best sleep of your lives, he drew you closer and treated your ear with a low, tired whisper.
"I love you, (F/N)... Thank you for being mine."
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bimbolita · 5 months
I’m so glad everyone is having the same visceral reaction to episode 4 like I did. I thought I was being too sensitive but fucking no. It is painful. It is horrid. Knowing that this type of abuse actively happens to sex workers and those who are trafficked. It’s jarring because I didn’t expect to see this dark and explicit depiction in a cartoon that jokes about penises every 2 minutes. It’s like when light hearted coco melon shows start talking about death, it was just unexpected because I never took this show serious. I’m going to share more of my thoughts below! Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA ⚠️
I don’t think it’s my place to deny or confirm if the ‘poison’ scenes were fetishized, I personally believe it’s subjective. I know how I feel but I think no matter where you stand, you are right in your own way. Many things can be true at once. What we can all agree on, is that it was harsh. In a way, I hope the audience is able to understand how exploiting and non glamorous sex work is. There is nothing fun about having your body used multiple times a day by people you do not know and having said scenes recorded then plastered all over the media. Of course all forms of engaging in or creating adult content are different, I am specifically talking about sex workers who have no say or control over their bodies and finances. Like Angel. Let us put emphasis on WORK in sex work.
It is demanding. It is laborious It is scaring. Remember that and remember the unheard voices who must do this to simply survive.
There is a lot of criticism about angel’s personality and yes I agree it is annoying but you have to understand, it is a trauma response. Hypersexuality is a common trait among those who are sexually abused. Angel just outwardly expresses it all the time because it is all he knows. This thought process is the only way to tolerate his behavior. I say thought process because it is only an interpretation. It’s very obvious viv just adores writing sexed up characters with zero nuance or depth but let’s just pretend she can actually write male characters that think beyond their cock and balls. Let’s pretend that Angel Dust is a two dimensional character and not (grits teeth) fetish bait.
Now, let’s talk about Charlie. Alright great, she saw her friend being mistreated and was about to stand up to his abuser, ok good good. The victim (Angel) gets upset and wants her to leave because he was beaten. Yes, average response of someone who is an abusive relationship, he is afraid and wants to avoid more conflict between him and Val. The situation at hand couldn’t be more than obvious. How does Charlie respond? She cries. And not because she is frustratedly concerned for the safety of her friend. It is because he yelled and rejected all her poor attempts at helping. Charlie is weak as shit and I think that interaction was weirdly written. I wish she had the mental fortitude to understand how much danger Angel’s life was in at that moment. I cannot enjoy her ‘aggressive kindness’ cutie do no wrong baby girl type of character in a moment like that.
And I feel the same about Husk’s song. Out of all the responses you could’ve made, this is what made it to the final cut? Do better. I don’t care if I lack the mEdIa LiTeRaCy twitter keeps yapping about. It’s bad. You just showed a sexual assault montage and the rebuttal was basically “my uncle broke his neck tap dancing once :/“ lol we’re both losers and that’s ok, suck it up buttercup, I like you regardless. This was the best response to an SA victim? No degree in media literacy would ever help me think that was an acceptable response. I dunno about ya’ll but I major in common sense at the university of using my eyes and fucking ears. Now imagine, if that entire segment, when Husk and Angel are at the bar plus the musical number; imagine if all of that was placed BEFORE we see Angel and Val interact and then poison plays as the final song. It would be 10x more impactful because then the audience sees how deep and stuck Angel actually is. Trauma olympics is never acceptable but neither is trauma participation trophies. It is not right to make Husk’s issues be seen as the same as Angel’s issues. They are not the same and it is ok to acknowledge that Angel has it worst than Husk. It’d be more genuine if Husk were to just hug him in complete silence after dragging him out of the bar and have Angel tearfully embrace him back. The first non sexual and benevolent interaction between them. The first physical act of care with no ulterior motives of lust.
I grind my teeth at the wasted potential.
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{Chapter One – Disgusting Humans}
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Kim Namjoon: Black Mackenzie Valley Alpha wolf
Kim Soekjin: Alpha White Lion
Min Yoongi: Alpha White Jaguar
Jung Hosoek: Alpha Snow Leopard
Park Jimin: Alpha Albino Cobra
Kim Taehyung: Alpha White/ Bleached Tiger
Jeon Jungkook: Alpha Black Panther
Reader: Heaven Valentino
Status: Ongoing
Words: 2.4k!
CHAPTER WARNING: The following chapter contains sensitive and distressing subject matter, including references to child rape, kidnapping, and child trafficking. If you find such topics triggering or uncomfortable, I encourage you to exercise self-care and consider avoiding this particular chapter. Your mental and emotional well-being always come first.
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~Valentino Mansion~
Heaven Valentino, a skilled and determined woman, had just finished a rigorous training session at her gym. With precision and composure, she fired round after round at a target dummy, hitting the bullseye every time. Satisfied with her performance, she exited the gym and began making her way back to her room.
As she walked, a voice called out to her,
"Ms. Valentino?" It was her secretary and trusted right-hand man, Park Hyung-jae, hurrying to catch up with her.
Curious, she turned to face him. "Yes, Jae?"
"Someone is requesting your presence," Jae informed her, the urgency evident in his voice.
Heaven's sharp mind instantly assessed the situation.
"Who is it, and what role do they play?" she calmly inquired.
Jae answered without missing a beat.
"Choi Woobin, Chief Executive General Officer," he replied, conveying that the person in question held a position of significance.
"Very well," she replied nonchalantly.
"Set up an appointment for two in the afternoon. If he fails to arrive on time, I will not entertain him. Punctuality is of utmost importance to me."
With that, she moved on, resolute in her decision. It was typical of her to make swift judgments and take charge of her own schedule, refusing to waste time on those who did not value timeliness.
Her composed demeanor left Jae slightly taken aback.
"Well, that was easier than I expected," he mused to himself, shrugging off the surprise. With a sense of relief, he left to fulfill his assigned tasks.
~Heaven's Room~
Heaven's POV 
Ah, I knew it wouldn't take long for him to come begging. I could see right through his façade, right from the start. You see, there are very few things that I despise more than tardiness, laziness and liars.
Hybrid abusers.
Growing up as the youngest daughter of the illustrious Valentino family, I've had my fair share of enemies. From the moment I entered this world, there were those who sought to bring me down, to harm me, or even to kidnap me, all in an attempt to weaken my family. But these feeble-minded individuals could never succeed.
Many assumed that, as a wealthy and privileged young woman, I would be nothing more than a spoiled brat with no ability to defend herself.
But oh, how wrong they were.
From the day I could walk and comprehend the world around me, I have been trained relentlessly.
The Valentinos believe in honing the skills and fortitude of their children, regardless of their gender. So, from the tender age of four, I began my journey towards becoming a force to be reckoned with.
By the time I reached fifteen, I had accomplished what most could only dream of. I graduated high school with a flawless 5.0 GPA. But my thirst for knowledge was insatiable, leading me to a prestigious university known as the "Gifted Souls."
In just a few short years, I secured a PhD in psychology, a Masters in business, and even delved into the realm of fashion. I achieved all of this by the tender age of twenty-two, and now, at the age of twenty-three, I am well on my way to solidifying my empire and making a name for myself.
The professors at my university were astounded by my brilliance, bestowing upon me the moniker of the 'female version of Albert Einstein.' But, I paid little attention to such trivialities.
My single-minded focus was on gaining knowledge and establishing myself as a force in the business world. I aim to take over one of my parents' companies, the very essence of the Valentino empire.
People may see me as a woman who walks with an iron fist. When they encounter me, they don't think of mesad merely as Heaven of the Valentino family, they see Heaven Valentino, a woman who commands respect and exudes power.
Some have even had the audacity to refer to me as the ice princess, the demoness and a sadist. But I take such labels in stride because I know the true strength that lies within me.
As an individual who values efficiency and productivity, I possess a limited tolerance for trivial matters or individuals who impede progress.
In the circle with which I surround myself, idleness and unproductive behavior have no place.
Vigilance remains paramount, as there are perpetually individuals plotting one's downfall or even one's demise, and I personally acknowledge the latter as the ultimate threat.
Over time, I have accumulated a considerable list of adversaries. The number of instances where I have inadvertently provoked others is too extensive to accurately quantify, such is the nature of my assertive personality.
When confronted with something disagreeable or incongruous to my stated preferences, I swiftly take decisive action.
The ability to discern and rectify undesirable situations is a responsibility I take seriously, akin to the saying,
"With great power comes great responsibility."
In my case, this responsibility is focused solely on my survival.
While some may perceive my approach as cold or detached, it is merely a matter of survival in a world where dangers often lurk beneath the surface.
In conclusion, my aversion to nonsense and unwavering commitment to productivity have inevitably resulted in the development of numerous adversaries.
This is an outcome I readily accept due to the assertive nature of my character.
My consistent and immediate response to unfavorable circumstances is driven by a sense of responsibility towards self-preservation.
Ultimately, it is this unwavering dedication to my own well-being that helps me navigate the precarious landscape of existence.
I felt my eyes narrow as I thought about the man who had recently come into my crosshairs,
Mr. Choi, the Chief Executive General Officer of Seoul National Police.
To the public, he was a respected figure in his early fifties, but I knew the dark secrets that lurked beneath his facade.
Mr. Choi's wife had tragically succumbed to stage four cancer, leaving him without any children to carry on his legacy.
Many saw him as a pillar of the community, a dedicated servant of the people. But I saw through the facade to the truth - he was a twisted, solipsistic man who had been engaged in despicable acts.
It was a revelation that had shaken me to the core when I had discovered that Mr. Choi was involved in taking bribes from hybrid traffickers.
The thought of such corruption within the ranks of law enforcement made my blood boil.
But what truly turned my stomach was the knowledge that he was also a child rapist and a sadistic individual who derived pleasure from the suffering of others.
Only I and my uncle knew the extent of Mr. Choi's depravity. My uncle ran a Hybrid facility called Hybrid Heaven (HH), dedicated to rescuing hybrids from abuse and capturing traffickers who sought to exploit them for profit.
When my uncle had uncovered Mr. Choi's involvement in these heinous activities, he had turned to me for help in bringing him to justice.
With the help of my loyal team of associates, I had quickly gathered evidence of Mr. Choi's crimes. It was not difficult to connect the dots once they realized that a police officer was complicit in covering up the illegal activities of hybrid trafficking.
And when Mr. Choi's name had surfaced as the linchpin in the operation, I wasted no time in setting my plan into motion.
I stood in my room and felt a surge of anger and revulsion towards the man who had committed such atrocities. I knew that he was reaching out in a desperate attempt to cover his tracks, but I also knew that I held the power to bring him to his knees.
With a steely resolve, I prepared myself for the confrontation that lay ahead. I would not rest until Mr. Choi faced the full force of justice for his crimes.
And in that moment, I squared my shoulders and steeled my gaze, I knew that I was ready to confront the darkness that lurked within the heart of a man who had once been seen as a paragon of virtue.
~Mayás Fashion House~
As I arrived at my company building, the energy in the air shifted as the employees stopped in their tracks to greet me politely. With a nod and a smile, I returned their greetings, keeping the interactions brief.
I made my way to the private elevator that would take me up to the 8th floor where the meeting room awaited.
As the elevator came to a stop, I stepped out and approached the meeting room. The transparent glass walls and doors allowed me to catch a glimpse of Mr. Choi inside, his figure pacing nervously.
I watched as he reached for a handkerchief to dab at his sweat, a reaction that I found somewhat distasteful. Pushing open the doors, I sauntered over to one of the swivel chairs, disrupting Mr. Choi's anxious movements.
"Good Afternoon, Mr. Choi," I greeted him calmly, causing him to visibly startle. With hesitant steps, he made his way towards me and took a seat on the opposite side of the table.
"G-good af-afternoon, Ms. Valentino," he stuttered out, clearly flustered by my presence.
"Relax, Mr. Choi. I just need some information from you, and then we'll be done," I reassured him with a light chuckle, meeting his gaze as he averted his eyes and nodded eagerly.
"Good. Now, let's not beat around the bush. Tell me everything you know about the illegal underground Hybrid dealers," I said, leaning back in my chair, a sense of authority evident in my tone.
Mr. Choi hesitated before beginning to speak, revealing details about the underground operation.
He mentioned a mysterious figure known as Black Eagle who orchestrated the kidnapping and sale of hybrids for profit.
The auction took place over five days at a luxurious resort on the outskirts of Seoul, shrouded in secrecy to all but those in attendance.
His eyes met mine as he shared more about the nefarious activities, including a bi-monthly Hybrid auction where rare exotic hybrids were sold off to wealthy clientele with exclusive VIP passes provided by Black Eagle.
I listened intently, absorbing the information and maintaining a composed demeanor throughout.
It was clear that Mr. Choi was apprehensive, but my focused interrogation drew out the pertinent details I needed to pursue further action against the criminal syndicate.
My eyebrows creased as I listened, a mix of disbelief and horror washing over me.
The thought of such a place existing where people indulged in their darkest desires on hybrids, pushing the boundaries of cruelty and exploitation, made my stomach churn with disgust. The depths of depravity that some individuals would sink to astounded me.
He continued, "Participants torture hybrids to feed into their twisted sexual gratification,"
What the actual fuck!
These creatures, who were part human and part animal, deserved compassion and care, not to be subjected to such heinous acts.
It was a stark reminder of the darkest facets of humanity, a side that I never wanted to believe existed.
As the details of the auction event unfolded, each revelation seemed to plunge me deeper into a pit of revulsion.
"They also indulged in the "hunger games" a concept, where the rarest hybrids were paraded and objectified for the amusement of the audience, they would compete to inflict pain and suffering on the hybrid, all for the chance to possess them as prizes."
It felt like a nightmare brought to life. To think of it was sickening beyond words.
My heart ached for the hybrids subjected to such cruelty, for their pain and helplessness in the face of such brutality.
It was a stark reminder of the darker side of society, one that I had never truly comprehended until now.
The callousness and inhumanity displayed towards these creatures left me feeling a deep sense of shame for belonging to the same species.
Despite the turmoil of emotions swirling within me, I forced myself to remain composed, to listen to the grim details of the auction event with a steely resolve.
The urge to lash out in anger and despair clawed at the edges of my composure, but I held onto my restraint, determined to bear witness to the extent of the atrocities being described.
As the final details of the event were laid bare, the mechanics of the auction and the fate of the hybrids outlined in chilling clarity, a cold fury settled over me.
The thought of the buyers participating in such cruelty, of treating living beings as mere objects to be traded and discarded, filled me with a sense of loathing that I had never experienced before.
With a clenched jaw and a heart heavy with sorrow, I steeled myself to hear more, to confront the depths of depravity that lay at the heart of the five-day auction event.
Despite the revulsion and horror that threatened to overwhelm me, I knew that I had to bear witness to the truth, no matter how harrowing it may be.
I made a solemn vow to ensure their safety and vowed to lead them to a life free from such atrocities.
Determination consumed me, and I pledged to keep my promise, declaring my identity as Heaven Valentino.
In the intense confrontation that followed, I confronted Choi Woobin with unwavering resolve, demanding information and justice.
As the truth unfolded and the gravity of his actions came to light, the shock on his face was palpable.
Despite his pleas for mercy, I stood firm, condemning his heinous crimes and refusing to yield to his empty remorse.
Taking charge of the situation, I orchestrated his confession and surrender, unwilling to let him escape accountability.
With a mix of anger and compassion, I ensured that justice prevailed, even as his pleas for forgiveness fell on deaf ears.
The moment was charged with raw emotions as he was escorted away, a tearful reminder of the consequences of his despicable deeds.
After the intense encounter, I made a call to Jae, seeking solace after the harrowing events.
Exiting the meeting room, I left the company building and made my way back home, reflecting on the tumultuous events that had transpired.
~Unknown Location~
3rd Person's POV
Two hybrids were drained and weak, their bodies suffering from the beatings they received for sleeping in. Locked in a heavily secured cell, they endured days without food or water, leaving their mouths dry and their bodies craving molesols of food. Heavy metal shackles dug into their wrists, leaving painful bruises as a reminder of their captivity.
One of the hybrids expressed a strange premonition to his older brother.
"Hyung, I have a weird feeling," he murmured, his eyes distant.
“What is it?” his brother inquired, concern evident in his voice.
“I feel like something big is going to happen,” the younger one replied, his hybrid instincts alerting him to an unseen future.
As they shared a tense moment, the older brother hoped silently,
'I hope it's not bad, my dear brother.'
Hey lovebugs,
I'm super excited to hear your thoughts on this book!
I added a tad more detail to offer a glimpse into the world of the book, just enough to spark your curiosity without giving away too much. I wanted to provide a little peek behind the curtain to entice you to come along for the ride.
A quick heads up - this book doesn't hold back on the intense stuff. It deals with some heavy, triggering content that might not be everyone's cup of tea. So, fair warning, this is not your typical light and fluffy read. It's raw, real, and might hit close to home for some.
I'm all ears and eager to hear your feedback, so drop a comment and let me know your thoughts.
Thanks a ton for taking the time to check this out and for sharing your thoughts. Your support means the world to me! Let's dive in and see where this wild literary journey takes us. 📚✨
Thanks a ton again!
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