#i cannot delet any other apps off my phone like. the one game i have maybe but its no lonher on the app store and i play it everyday
thedogsleg · 2 years
can someone help me with the fucking math here??
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 282: Aizawa Defeeted
Previously on BnHA: Oh my god do we even care about that at this point. Tomura made a speech; Gran Torino died; Deku lost his shit and tried to strangle Tomura to death with his bare hands; Ryuukyuu came back from Wherever She Was and tried to grab Tomura but he punched a hole through her giant hand; and now he’s grabbing his Quirk-Be-Gone bullets and is ready to cause some mayhem okay?? That about sum it up?? Is anyone even reading this?? CAN WE JUST GET ON WITH IT I’VE WAITED AN ENTIRE WEEK.
Today on BnHA: Well I guess let’s start with what doesn’t happen: Bakugou doesn’t lose his quirk. HE LUCKED OUT!!... for now, anyways. Because, thanks to a near-impossible-to-predict series of events (seriously, raise your hands if you had “Aizawa gets shot but goes full World War Z on his own ass” on your bingo card), Tomura has seemingly regained his regeneration powers, which means that his other quirks are probably back online as well! So we’ll see how that all goes. Anyway so in the meantime Shouto’s back, looking very mad that everyone temporarily forgot he was a main character. And Gigantomachia is back as well! Or almost, anyway. Also, you’ll never guess who broke another one of his arms! Go on, guess. But at least he still has the arm, though, which is more than we can say for certain other people’s limbs. Poor Aizawa is literally on his last leg. He and Tomura really got off on the wrong foot. He chopped his leg off, is what I’m saying. It’s that kind of chapter folks.
you guys I’m losing my whole fucking mind. I straight up deleted the tumblr app off my phone for 24 hours so that I wouldn’t be tempted to log in and risk potentially being spoiled. and I’m happy to say that it worked! so here we are now, completely spoiler free, and let me just say that if Horikoshi decides to cut back to Gunga Mountain now, I will either cry for hours or abandon the series forever and go do something more productive with the rest of my quarantine like learning how to play sad songs on the guitar
all right. here goes
so we’re opening with Deku, who is currently comprised of 100% rage and 0% mercy, and is doing that thing where only the whites of his eyes are visible. and basically he’s just thinking “I’VE REALLY GOT TO HOLD ON TO THIS GUY AND MAKE SURE HE DOESN’T DO ANYTHING ELSE HOMICIDAL.” which is a solid game plan, but perhaps not so easily accomplished
-- oh my god this poor kid is still in denial, I can’t. why are you doing this
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is there even still a Gran Torino to tend to at this point? after Tomura bulldozed a hole through his torso, and you went and finished the job with your own fucking attack? sob
but I guess the law of Tragic Shounen Mentor Deaths mandates that Gran’s should be at least as drawn-out as Nighteye’s was, though. so he’s probably only Mostly Dead, which is still Slightly Alive if I remember my Princess Bride correctly, and I think I do
so now the rest of these stooges are finally catching up with us here
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yes, my friends. a bullet. WELCOME TO MY LIFE FOR THE PAST FUCKING WEEK. anyways I have a LOT of pent-up energy here just fyi. there may be a lot of unnecessary screaming in this recap
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(ETA: fun fact: this attack did absolutely nothing except make things approximately 100x worse. but you tried Deku. you tried.)
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anyway so if you’re just joining us, Tomura just pulled two bullets out of his pocket, the good guys finally noticed, and then Deku did a smash and everything exploded. the radius of this attack actually looks wide enough to have potentially involved Aizawa, who probably does NOT want to get any debris in his eyes right now, and also Gran, who probably doesn’t particularly want to be hit by another deadly attack for the third time in the past ninety seconds. anyway so I guess what I’m trying to say here is WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT YOU LITTLE GREEN LUNATIC
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he got the one!! the one that was in Tomura’s right hand!! but what about the one in his left ahhhhhhh
(ETA: lmao at Kacchan being the one to blow up the same bullet I was so sure he was going to be shot with. saw the writing on the wall, huh kid? what do we say to the god of foreshadowing?? ‘NOT TODAY.’ ...except that we’re still not actually out of the woods yet so you still better watch yourself lol.)
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based on the font here, these are Tomura’s thoughts. which he is thinking immediately after getting the lower half of his jaw very painfully cronched by the VERY homicidal sixteen-year-old still clinging to him. anyway so Tomura’s thought processes are as inscrutable to me as ever lulz
and Deku’s arm looks broken again, yaaaaay. but at least it’s his left arm and not his right! so that’s nice. now they can match
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my reading process here is as follows: 1) scroll down exactly one panel. 2) scream even though absolutely nothing has happened yet. 3) WRITE THAT DOWN 4) REPEAT
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YOU GUYS IT REALLY HIT AIZAWA AND NO ONE DID A GODDAMN THING?? it wasn’t even drawn out or anything??? it just HAPPENED, within like four pages??? NO SLOW MO?? NOT EVEN A REACTION PANEL WHAT THE FUCK
son of a bitch I would so dearly like to grab Manual and RockLockRock’s heads right now and just conk them together real hard. YOU STUPID FUCKS sob YOU HAD ONE JOB!!! IT REALLY WAS JUST ONE!! AND YOU WERE SHARING IT!! SO IT’S MORE LIKE HALF A JOB!! AND YOU STILL COCKED IT UP IN ABSOLUTELY NO TIME AT ALL OH MY GOD
(ETA: they should blow this panel up and make it into a t-shirt and make Manual and RLR wear the shirts every day for the rest of their lives. half a job, you guys. please go away I cannot even look at you right now.)
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(ETA: I still can’t figure out if this horrific angle is due to the earlier damage from the Noumu, or if Tomura really just flung the bullet THAT hard. honestly I’m surprised it didn’t just slice right through him with that kind of velocity. “no thanks because then I wouldn’t get to write a scene where he chops his own leg off” oh okay well when you put it that way, Horikoshi.)
if I recall correctly this is the leg that he said was “twisted”, no? yeesh. might just want to chop it off real quick, then. s’not like it’s doing you any more good. does anyone know if zombie rules apply or not with this sort of thing?? shit
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“THANKS”?? okay what. did it hit him or not??
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jesus fucking christ. when I said “might just want to chop it off real quick” literally FOUR PARAGRAPHS AGO, I can tell you that the one thing I did NOT expect was for Aizawa to be all, “you know what, that’s a good idea”, and then YOINK OUT HIS TRUSTY HERO SHANK AND GO FULL 127 HOURS ON THIS BITCH. "LALALA WE’RE GONNA DO IT RATIONALLY TEEHEE” like excuse me, the fuck
anyways. I don’t even know what to say. thank you Aizawa’s leg for your sacrifice, and for always supporting him. literally. oh my god I came here ready for my son to enter a new phase of character development, and for the manga as a whole to enter a new phase of glorious, glorious angst. no one told me I’d be sitting here making puns instead. what a fine, confusing day
anyway though let’s just fucking hope it worked. and side note, if Aizawa Shouta really did chop off his own fucking leg just now and somehow STILL managed not to fucking blink, I think we might as well just go ahead and hand him the Biggest Badass In The Series award right now because no one is ever going to top that. nope. not happening
it is truly a testament to Shigaraki Tomura’s unfathomably mysterious sexy villain energy that he still somehow manages to look hot with only half a face
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also no one in this manga actually feels pain, do they. not Deku, not Aizawa, not Tomura, no one. no wonder none of them have any self-preservation instincts to speak of
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did someone just randomly explode just now. at this point it might as well happen, right
oh it’s the shockwave from Deku’s Wyoming attack, apparently. how nice of it to have a delayed reaction for absolutely no reason
anyway so Deku’s being flung back, but he’s grabbing onto Tomura again with Blackwhip. but oh shit you guys, if Tomura escapes Deku and Ryuukyuu’s clutches and still has any bullets left in his pocket, we may still be able to salvage this Bakugou quirk situation after all. would be nice to be able to actually do something with all of these “happy quirk losing day” balloons that I ordered
(ETA: actually, believe it or not I honestly like this better. Tomura using AFO was always the more dramatic option anyway. and now that we’ve done the bullet thing everyone has presumably let their guard down again, which, good.)
I love how Tomura apparently hasn’t noticed that Aizawa’s just amputated his own leg? to be fair he’s probably distracted by all the explosions and such
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also gotta love how Deku’s arm-breaking attack seemingly just made everything worse for no reason. and also how Manual and RockLockRock are once again just standing there doing absolutely nothing
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just like we all saw coming!! ...
so is this Endeavor’s attack?? Bakugou’s?? either way, hot damn. fortunately for Tomura he is apparently operating under the same guidelines as the U.S. Federal Reserve, in which mutilated bills may still be exchanged at face value if more than 50% of a note identifiable as United States currency is present. basically as long as roughly half of him is still vaguely Tomura-shaped I assume he’ll be fine
(ETA: in hindsight I should have immediately been able to identify this as a Shouto attack based solely on how murdery it was lol.)
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a LOT. of smashing, guys. feels like... 60% smashing, 20% severed legs, 20% Kranch
-- oh no oh SHIT oh shit oh shit
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(ETA: um so I really can’t tell how far that wound extends and whether or not Aizawa still has his right eye, shit.)
first of all how did Deku get here next to Aizawa when he was just over there with Tomura, what. and second, I think Aizawa just blinked, oh shit. probably on the verge of passing out after CHOPPING HIS OWN LEG OFF which STILL hasn’t been acknowledged yet?? did I just completely misinterpret all of that back there or what
(ETA: there was seriously so little attention called to this that I scrolled back up to confirm it probably like half a dozen times. apparently Horikoshi thinks that THE MOST BADASS THING TO EVER HAPPEN IN THE MANGA should be completely downplayed. whereas if it were me, there’d be an entire two page spread of JUST THE LEG. WITH MUSIC PLAYING. EVEN THOUGH IT’S A MANGA.)
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look at him though. he’s so happy. this is why I can’t stay mad at you no matter how deranged you get you little maniac
so is quirk-stealing back on the menu then or what. don’t think I’ve been lulled into any kind of false sense of security by any of this lol
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so Todoroki really went after them ALONE. the better to put his dad right back up at the top of the Lose Your Quirk Sweepstakes finalists. well... second-to-top, maybe. like I said I will not be lulled
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why do I feel like the odds of Gigantomachia arriving to herald the end of this chapter just shot up DRAMATICALLY
so the next page is almost entirely just a list of cities that the news anchor is telling people to evacuate because they’re in Machia’s path. along with a bunch of dead heroes lying around everywhere, and Ochako being all ominous
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(: weren’t they, though? heh. this is going to be so, so bad (: (: (:
-- fuuuuuuuuuuu
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aaaaaand that’s it. hahahaha. okay then let’s summarize
Bakugou defied all expectations and kept his quirk (FOR NOW)!
Kranch showed up after 157 years and is probably wondering why the heck I keep calling him “Kranch” now. THINGS CHANGE WHEN YOU’RE MIA FOR A WHILE MY LITTLE STARBUCKS CHRISTMAS CUP
Deku broke his arm for the 78th time
Tomura regenerated but seems to think Aizawa’s quirk is actually gone for good, which I’m pretty sure it’s not. so if they can keep him from destroying everything long enough for Aizawa to turn it back on again, we might possibly still survive this
and lastly, Machia is about to kill all of these stupid people frolicking around outside of this fitness club who are probably so proud of themselves for not being glued to their phones 24/7 because they prefer to LIVE LIFE IN THE MOMENT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. well that’s on you my friends. at least it’ll be a quick death. ffff
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theroguequeenaniki · 3 years
Questions 2009 -> 2021
This is from my Facebook. It popped up on my memories page thing. I originally answered this in 2009 when I was 15, it’s now 2021 & and I am 27, so I’m gonna do it again. Leaving the original answers. Original answers will be italicized. Commentary on the original answers in parentheses & crossed out? Lol. (I’m not gonna tag anyone, but, like, I guess if you want to answer these random questions from Facebook 12 years ago, go ahead lol) 
Can you fill this out without lying? You've been tagged, so now you need to answer all the questions HONESTLY. At the end, choose people to tag. Don't forget to tag me so I can see your answers! To do this, copy this entire message, then go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, delete my answers, and type yours. Easy! Next, tag people that you think may enjoy this (in the right hand corner of the app). Click publish (at the bottom). Have fun! :) 1.What was the last thing you put in your mouth? My cup with my Big Red in it The straw to my Kate Spade tumbler to drink my HEB Cola Lol.
2.Where was your profile picture taken? I got it off the internet. it's a random anime girl. My bedroom. 3.Can you play Guitar Hero? Never played it. Probably wouldn't be good at it. Not to good at video games. But I am good at Mario Cart, both 64 and the Wii. plus I'm good at some Sonic games. Still never played it. Idk if I’m any good at Mario Cart or the Sonic games anymore, I haven’t played either in years lol
4.Name someone who made you laugh today? Doctor Who TikTok. My cats.
5.How late did you stay up last night and why? Umm, probably about 10:00 cause it took me forevor to get into bed. Uh..Past 4am. Lol. B/c my sleep schedule is fucked. I was in bed by 3am though, but I was playing games & watching TikToks on my phone. Lol.
6.If you could move somewhere else, would you? Yes. I'd move to either New York or Sweden. I don’t know. Part of me says yes. But part of me says no..b/c even though Texas has it’s faults (a LOT of them), I cannot imagine living anywhere else long-term..
7. Ever been kissed under fireworks? HAHA. Yeah right. I've never even been kissed! Still nope. I have been kissed though. He just didn’t kiss me under the fireworks the one NYE we spent together...
8. Which of your friends lives closest to you? Um, I think R, but D might also. D is accross Stasney from me and R is a couple blocks down (I don’t talk to these people much anymore & I’m not going to share their names on Tumblr) Uh. I think Maybe Raven? B/c they’re the only one who lives in the same city still. But, Sarah might technically be closer distance wise? Hold on. Ok, yeah, Sarah’s closer, even though she doesn’t live in this city anymore.
9. Do you believe exes can be friends? It all depends on the situation.(I totally stold M's answer but it's true) (I don’t talk to this person anymore & I’m not gonna share their name on Tumblr) I mean, yeah. Two of my best friends are each others exes and they’re still friends. I haven’t stayed friend with my ex, but, uh, he ghosted me so? Lol.
10. How do you feel about Dr. Pepper? I love it. I still love it. Lol.
11. When was the last time you cried really hard? I can't remember. I don't think it was that long ago, I had a light cry on Saturday, but I don't remember the last time I cried really hard. When we got back from our trip in July. Had a full on breakdown that night. Overheated all weekend. Overwhelmed. Anxiety. It was not a very good vacation..I cry a lot though.
12. Who took your profile picture? I got it off of google. I did. 
13. Who was the last person you took a picture of? Umm, either myself, or one of my family members. Aside from myself. I think my dad, on his phone, b/c there was a cicada on his shoulder and he wanted to ask the family group chat if he could keep it. Lol. I take a LOT of pictures of cats though. Lol.
14. Was yesterday better than today? Hail yes! To much drama today! And I couldn't avoid it cause I was in the middle of it! (Oof, what drama was 15 yo Linda dealing with that she couldn’t avoid? Lol. I mean, I guess, Sophomore year was a bit full of drama lol) Anyway, I mean, they were pretty much the same. One wasn’t better than the other. One wasn’t worse than the other.
15. Can you live a day without TV? yeah. Now Music there is something I can't live without! Yep, Do it almost everyday. Sentiments about music remain the same. Lol.
16. Are you upset about anything? Yes. I'm annoyed about something and it's making me upset. (I assume this has something to do with the the drama mentioned earlier lol) Always. Anxiety & depression are a bitch. My rooms a mess & I can’t get myself to clean it. My shelves are still a mess.
17. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? yeah. though i havent really had one yet. I mean, yeah. Even though I haven’t had one last, aside from friendships, but they’re worth it. 
18. Are you a bad influence? I hope not. If so, let me know.(again I took M's answer but it's true) Probably. Idk. Lol.
19. Night out or night in? Depends on what's going on and how I feel about it. Night in usually. I do like going out sometimes, but, like, to dinner. Maybe a movie or a show. But, you know, we’ve been in a panini press, the only thing I’ve been comfortable doing is going to dinner (fully vaxxed & masked). But I also prefer staying home anyway. (Like I usually just go to dinner with my family lol)
20. What items could you not go without during the day? my computer. my book. my journal and a pen. My phone. My journal (b/c I write in it every night, as a diary, 14yo Linda wrote stories). Uh. I didn’t take food or drinks into account in the og, so I won’t in those. But, yeah. My phone & journal. I can go a day without my laptop if I need to. (Went the whole trip in July without pulling it out, though maybe that’s not a good example since my anxiety on that trip was so high..) I want to say a book, but I’ve been in a massive reading slump so...I wish I read as much as 15yo Linda did..
21. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? I don't remember. I think it was myself.(if you want to know, ask me in person) I honestly don’t know. I don’t remember the last time I was in a hospital. 
22. What does the last text message in your inbox say? "Mrbobbybones:  wish ted would finally meet their mother already. geez. get to it. However, I see myself in that character more and more each episode." yeah. That's what it says. It's from Twitter. (Huh? and I can’t even go check b/c my inbox doesn’t go back to 2009 on Twitter?? (I haven’t had my account that long) Wait wait wait just remembered I used to get tweets to my phone as text messages lol)
Facebook messenger: “ Cool” From our group chat. Lol.
From actual text messages on my phone: “ heeey! Just put up the Tuesday PDS just for you  it’s a big one.” From Phillip Defranco’s text line Lol.
23. How do you feel about your life right now? I'm loving and hating it. but hey nobody gets out alive right? Uh..I mean. I’m alive. I have WiFi. Food. Family. I haven’t seen my friends in 2 years. (Minus Alex, b/c they were here in July to cat/house sit, but I saw them for like, one night..) There’s a lot that could be better. A lot that could be worse. 
24. Do you hate anyone? yes!!! Oof. I mean, kinda.
25. If we were to look in your Facebook Inbox, what would we find? some random conversations. most of my convos on her though have been in chat or through comments. Facebook Inbox is now Facebook Messenger. So you’ll find all my Facebook Messenger convos. Mostly our group chat. And side group chats for secret planning (birthdays & stuff). Plus other chats? Lol.
26. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? I better! (excuse me miss 15yo Linda you absolutely could have passed a drug test you ALSO didn’t drink or smoke or take any drugs lol) Yeah. Absolutely. I don’t drink or smoke or take any drugs so, yeah? Lol.
27. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? 
Yes. But I can't remember when... Yeah. Pretty sure. 
28. What song is stuck in your head? Gee by SNSD(Girls Generation) They're Korean. A few My Chemical Romance songs
29. Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m., who do you want it to be? EDWARD CULLEN! Joke! lol. No I don't know. If it was Edward, I'd call the cops. whoever it is though better have an explaination or they are gonna get hit in the head with my Book of Shadows. (Maybe I wouldn’t mind Edward at my window though? Lol.) Uh. My friends? Lol. Idk if I want anyone knocking on my window at 2am.
30.Wanna have grandkids before you’re 50? I don't know....... Uh. No? Idk. Most likely not gonna happen. 
31. Name something you have to do tomorrow? I can't think of anything right now... Eat. Should probably clean my room.
32. Do you think too much or too little? Way to much! lol. Way way way too much
33. Do you smile a lot? i try to. I think I do. I get told that alot in Theater...
I think so
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livlepretre · 4 years
I'm so glad you decided to do this ask game. I love your writing style and have been curious about 4, 11, and 54 for a while. Thank you for being so interactive about your writing!
💙💙💙 honestly thank you for asking! I love interacting with all of you here on tumblr, and honestly, talking about writing gives me a lot of energy to see through really long projects (you all know which one). 
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?
Yes! The most helpful habit I’ve developed is actually finding the right time of day (for me) to write-- I’m best in the mornings, so the first thing I do 2-4 mornings a week is caffeinate and open up my word doc with my wip. Often I’ll reread a few scenes from where I left off to get myself going, and then I write for an hour or two. My thoughts are so much clearer in the early mornings, before I head to work and exhaust my mental energies, that the work flows really freely-- I can often cover the same terrain by writing first thing that I might take all day to cover if I get started, say, on a Saturday in the early afternoon (sad but true). 
I also do like to amp myself up with songs, but I don’t listen to any music WHILE writing-- only beforehand. I find music during writing to be way too distracting. 
I only ever write sober, because I find even a glass of wine throws me way too far off my game (and I hate squinting at my screen). But the more caffeine the better. 
Also, detailed below: I OUTLINE LIKE A FIEND
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
hmmm okay
so, often an idea will hit me and I will immediately have maybe 3-10 pages that flow really fast... but then I’ll stutter out 
so after that comes the outline. 
and I mean: OUTLINE 
I put my outline at the bottom of my word document, below the scenes that I’ve already written-- for FE this started as a pretty basic series of like, maybe a dozen bullet points overall. As I kept brainstorming and writing and thinking about it, I started having more specific plot points. Every time an idea occurred to me, I added it to the outline. In the beginning this was a very flow of consciousness outline, not even bullet-pointed, just paragraphs and paragraphs detailing in often vague terms the broad strokes of what I wanted to happen and what the emotional beats would be. I think it really has helped me with FE that I had a lot of the BIG moments outlined before I started writing, including the ending, so I knew the narrative arcs and could foreshadow a lot of things, even if a lot of the chapters get written between updates and I have added in a lot of things that have just sort of naturally developed. The good news is that if you overall stick the outline, you can also add a lot of other things in. 
I review my outline A LOT. 
Before I write any particular chapter, I look through the outline, and figure out which pieces I want to include in the chapter. I then go through and MINIMUM outline by bullet point the scenes that will be in that chapter-- although, I like to have the next 5-10 chapters outlined that thoroughly so that I know exactly where I am heading. I cannot stress enough how hard it is for me to write without a blue print. 
Sometimes I write a scene that I end up not using. Rather than deleting it, I move it to the bottom of my word document-- often these scenes can be revised later to fit into the story. 
I also write at the bottom of my outline any scenes/dialogue that pops into my head that I know will happen later. This way, I have it on hand when I get to it. 
For the actual writing, once I start writing a chapter, I pretty much work on it every day until it’s done-- sometimes all I do is tinker with the outline, or write a few sentences, and sometimes I wrote 4,000 words-- it doesn’t matter how much or how little, because in writing, every word is a victory. 
I try to apply the same rule to my creative writing as to my essay writing--just get the idea/emotions/plot out, describe it as clearly as possible, and any finangling with words can be wrestled with on a later pass. 
I usually reread each chapter 5 or 6 times before posting-- often it’s the first thing I do when I open the doc up to write. This is often a good chance to add in connecting scenes, change sentences slightly, or revise paragraphs so that they fit into any emotional arcs/discoveries later in the chapter. I often change lines because earlier writing contradicts something I want to say later in the chapter, or use the chance of the reread to change words/restructure sentences. 
When I get lost, I make character motive charts. Like, I write down each character’s name, and I come up with a list of what each person’s motive is. I then try to come up with a definitive action each person can take to accomplish their goals. Hopefully at least some of these characters will be in conflict. 
Whenever I get to a major inflection point in the story, like, whenever I am about to drop a major plot reveal or change the course of events in some way, I do a major reread-- I reread my whole fic start to finish and use the notes app to copy and paste any paragraphs that are important (from my view as the writer) into a note so that I can keep track. This could include any paragraphs with foreshadowing, plot threads that have not been tied up, characterization notes I’ve forgotten about... anything at all that will help me wrap up anything I may have forgotten about. 
For that matter, the notes app on my phone is also where I punch in anything that occurs to me in the middle of the night or when I’m at work, running errands, etc. 
I basically repeat this process, until I find myself at the end. 
Long story short: It’s all about the outline!
54. Any writing advice you want to share? 
Find your best time to write and take advantage-- when do you feel most mentally alert? when do you feel most inspired? for me it’s early in the morning-- I could potentially write 7 days a week if I wrote at night, but I find I can get a ton more done in 2-4 days of 1 or 2 hours of focused writing than I could blearily staring at my screen. So, even if your BEST window is only available a couple of days a week, that is still a HUGELY productive window of time that will lead to good things!
Outline. As mentioned above. 
If you only write one sentence today, you’ve done the hardest thing: you’ve written. One sentence as often as possible will eventually make it easier to write two sentences as often as possible, and so on. 
Writing is a continuous act of self-improvement. I try not to worry about revising my work too much after I’ve hit publish, instead recognizing that there are fics easily accessible on the internet that I wrote when I was sixteen and yes they are highkey embarrassing but they’re also kind of a badge of honor because wow, I’ve gone from struggling to write a short 2,000 word story to working on an epic length novel. And what people say is true: it is an agonizing process to hit publish, full of self-doubt and hand-wringing (I cannot tell you how often FE has made me NERVOUS because of the content), but the beautiful thing about writing is that when you put it out into the world, you’re giving it over as a gift for everyone else. So, try to let yourself just write as much as possible. 
Be honest in your writing. Go ahead and squash that little voice in your head telling you to hold back on the emotions, to be more solemn, more restrained. So long as you write your heart, it will be true, and there will be people who will connect with the writing because of that. 
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donnerpartyofone · 4 years
I know I never sound older than when I complain about the internet, but I cannot deal with the perpetual increase in everything I do being fed back to me as an ad. My gmail account has over 23,000 unread messages in it, because every time I so much as breathe on my phone, my address gets sold to a zillion scammy little lifestyle companies that swarm me every day for the rest of my life. I started a separate account purely for a project I never started, and now that one is full of spam even though I've never used it. I've gone through a few rounds of unsubscribing/blocking/deleting, but it's just not worth it. This is life now, and it cracks me up to think about these legions of parasites who think they're sooo smart for accumulating all these email addresses, because data is the new crude oil, but because they did this, I can't even use the fucking address they stole at all. So good job, suckers, I'll never read any of your emails or sign up for your contests or become aware of your brand or do anything that could affect my engagement or spending habits or whatever, because you guys specifically made it so that I'm totally paralyzed. I imagine like a bunch of cavemen passing the same huge bag of rocks back and forth between themselves forever, with no change or increase in anything, and they think that's "business"...
The most recent Facebook debacle was extra traumatic for me. I had this moment where I was making fun of a Tumblr ad for some shitty mobile game with a few of my friends; I didn't know the name of the game or anything about it really, but I sent some screenshots around and we all had a laugh. Next thing we knew, all of us were seeing ads for it on Instagram. Then I had this thing happen where I was looking up exercises for a strained elbow using this little indie web browser that's not supposed to sell your shit, and suddenly I had ads on every platform I use for athletic compression sleeves. That type of thing had been happening more and more recently, but my personal worst version of it came when I ordered breakfast on Seamless one morning. My food included a chili crisp dressing, which I had never heard of. It was really good, and my husband and I talked about it as we ate. Within a day, I saw an Instagram ad for some extremely off-brand-looking recipe site telling me how to make this chili crisp dressing. So either the contents of my Seamless order, or our actual voices, had been converted into an advertisement immediately. With each new incident, my friends and I racked our brains to remember if we had truly Googled something or clicked on a link to associate ourselves with the ad we're seeing, or if it could only have been leeched out of personal conversations, financial transactions, or something else you normally think of as relatively private. It created this churn of paranoia and unease, it made me really fucking sick and I hope it was all the fault of the new "off-Facebook activity" function that gives that app the right to your entire life, and not a bunch of other things that I have yet to be unpleasantly surprised by.
Whenever I get ambushed by ads, I fly into a rage and rant to myself about how fucking stupid these incredibly invasive marketing techniques are, because their main effect is to make me not want to use the internet AT ALL. I basically abandoned my email address, and the more I see an ad for something the more angry I get about it, so that there is absolutely no chance I will ever Engage with that Brand even if it's something I could have really used. Basically what's happening is not only creepy and awful, but it's having the exact opposite effect of what's supposed to happen. And like, you don't have to be smart or political or whatever to feel like something bad is happening when "private" chats get turned into ads. Do the people behind this stuff really think that the average user will go, "Oh wow, it seems like I was just THINKING about X, and now I see a link to buy it everywhere I go online! This is extremely convenient and it makes me feel catered to, which sure puts me in the mood to spend money. I am grateful for this and I love the future!" I mean is that how it was sold to the companies who adopt this practice or buy information from virtual spies, do people believe that happens? Probably not, it's probably all exactly the same as the douchebag who tells you to hit on every single girl you see no matter what you think could happen, because it's all just a numbers game.
But yeah, this shit makes me want to leave the internet forever. It makes me want to delete all my user profiles, wipe my phone, and only keep it in case I need to dial 911. You'd think that would be counter to the original purpose of all this spying, but I actually have a personal conspiracy theory about it. It involves the post office, and net neutrality too. On the surface, it seems like the deliberate Republican-backed degradation of the USPS is designed to make the government some money, when they completely defund it and sell it off. On the surface, attacks on net neutrality seem like they're designed to make money by further commodifying internet access as it already exists. On the surface, relentless spying seems designed to make more money by constantly feeding your perceived desires back to you as spending options. But let's say the actual effect of all this is you want to be online less because it's such a creepy, intrusive experience, and because it's becoming too expensive, and also you stop sending and receiving as much mail because that's too expensive now that it's privatized. And let's take the Republican "EARN IT" bill, that would mandate that the government scans every single message sent over the internet--on the surface it seems designed to collect more data than ever, but let's say its actual effect is to make people stop communicating as much, out of fear and disgust. Wouldn't it be a huge accomplishment for a fascist state, to establish a scenario where people just don't talk to each other almost at all, because it's so cumbersome and invasive and costs too much money? Wouldn't it be great for such a government if people had less access to information than ever before, and the people who do have information were less willing and able to transfer it to others? I'm not saying I truly think that everything that's going on is NOT just business as usual for capitalism, but that capitalism is the cover for a conspiracy to prevent civilians from being able to communicate with each other. I mean, nobody's ever NOT trying to make more money. I'm just saying, like, I would not be surprised, at all.
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ilguna · 4 years
hi- I’m not sure if you’re the right person to ask, but I wanted to know how to start a fanfic writing tumblr- I mean, I’m just not sure how to start since I’ve never posted anything on my account- I’m sorry if this is an inconvenience-
Don’t worry about it. I’m a little offended that you would think you’re coming to the wrong place 😂.
Imma break it down for you.
BTW this post is long bc I wanted to cover all bases
First of all, if you’re on tumblr mobile, then that’s fantastic and we’ll start with that first. If you’re on desktop, I would like to suggest getting it on your phone because it’s more accessible and easier to manage than doing it on the computer. The only time I go to the computer is when I’m going to post fics, but we’ll get there.
I know you said you’re wondering how to start posting fics but I gotta give you some advice before that. Because there are just some things I cannot stand when it comes to some fanfic blogs, alright?
Be easy on your color scheme. I wouldn’t put any bright colors because it could hurt someone’s eyes, and sometimes it looks really bad. Going along with that, you should be careful what your second color is on your blog (let’s say that your base color was a maroon, and then you’d choose a color similar to that/darker than that. It’ll be hard to read the things in your bio, and it’s frustrating)
This is obvious, but make sure you have a profile and header picture, it’s more appealing rather than tumblrs default.
Turn ON asks and then proceed to do it for anonymous questions, because that’s the only way you get requests. Some people do it off anon but that’s not as common.
You can do this on desktop and a safari browser. It’s not possible to do on mobile just yet. Open up safari > log in > little person icon in the top right > edit appearance. Scroll until you see “let people as questions” turn that on. Turn on anon, and edit the box to whatever you want. Keep it short
Turn off “share posts you like” and the following one below it. It’s a risky game to play when it comes to what you’re looking at and liking.
No submission posts, normally people don’t submit things anyway. Turn OFF “on blog advertising” and then that’s it. It automatically saves so you can just leave to the next screen imma bout to tell you about
IF you go to my blog on desktop, you’ll see that there’s a theme. My font is different, I have a different set up than most blogs, etc.
If you wanna mess around with that, scroll to the top of page (you should still be on the same page from the anon instructions) and tap “edit theme”
It might take a second to load, but you’ll get there.
Besides the fact that it lets you edit your theme, this is how you put in a Masterlist, and all other links you might want in your bio.
You said you haven’t written anything yet, so there isn’t a need for a Masterlist just yet. But when you DO start posting, please come back to me and I’ll let you know how to put one in your bio, okay? Nice and shiny for your future followers.
If you wanna change your theme go to browse themes, change it from “all themes” to “free themes”. If you like mine, it’s called “Accesible”. If you just want the font, get out of the theme screen and scroll the screen on the left. Turn ON “open dyslexic
Remember, you can do all of this on desktop too, it doesn’t have to be on safari
Now onto posting, I have some opinions that might offend my mutuals (oopsie)
I can’t tell the difference, but PERSONALLY, I think posting fics on tumblr from my phone is gross. But that’s also because I’m writing 1000+ words normally and it gets difficult to post
If you want to post fics with more than 100 paragraphs, then you have to go to desktop or maybe safari tumblr (I don’t post from safari tumblr so idk if it works) because tumblr says NO paragraphs after 100 on mobile. There is no restriction on computer
I write in Google Docs, because it’s neater and I’ve discovered some hate for Word after deleting some of the shit I wrote over and over. Plus it’s an app, and you can open it up on computer. Easy to use.
If you use Notes on your phone, or type directly onto a tumblr post, then that’s fine but you don’t know your word count and it’s a little difficult to navigate.
When it comes to formatting, I used to have it be really long. But I’ve narrowed it down to 3, sometimes 4 things.
Summary: this is where I put the request so the anon/person knows that it’s their request. (I copy n paste the entire request in the summary part, I don’t answer asks (requests) anymore because it’s easier to answer them after I posted).
Warnings: my permanent is swearing, and then I add on (what type) violence, murder, suic*de, gore, etc DEPENDING ON THE REQUEST
Word count: and I do this because I write long imagines sometimes and some people don’t want to sit through 5k words of boring shit
And the optional—Note: I put this if I thank someone for their patience on the request, if I say happy holidays or some shit like that. I don’t have notes on every post anymore because they just turn out being the same every time
Apart from that, give it a title (make it unique but not too long!) who it’s for and then copy and paste the fic in
I’m using my own posts as an example right here, okay. But I have the summary and all of that bolder because it’s easier to see, and I want it to be different from the actual post. Most fanfic writers do this.
I also put 2 —‘s between the authors note at the top and the fic to also make a difference there
Don’t have the entire fic italicized, it takes away the special part of italicizing a word
Finally, it’s tagging.
I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT tag things that have nothing to do with the post. It’s my biggest pet peeve and it’s because I can’t comprehend why people tag (for example) Katrina Stuart when it’s a fic OR A RANDOM POST about someone else
Instead, let’s keep it simple.
🌸 STOP 🌸
I forgot to mention this. But choose your username wisely. You can change it later on, but it’s a goddamn pain in the ass when you have 50+ fanfics you wrote and your Masterlist is nice and clean only to realize that you have to RELINK every post individually
Listen, I changed my username on my old blog, and it took me 8 hours ROUGHLY to relink and fix every individual Masterlist. I had to create new masterlists, with so many tabs open to fix it
Instead, change it before you start fics
If you wanna be a colby brock blog, I have a canon url (which means that it’s so fucking GOOD and I’m angry that i realized it was open only a month ago rather than when I created this account) and it’s colbysbrocks (it’s a plural canon url). And I have colbysecrets too. If you don’t like either of those, I have a couple of other ideas that I wrote down if you want them
🌸 okay continue 🌸
This is how you should tag:
(I’ll give an example after this)
Your username first, the person it’s about, the fandom (if it’s not Colby brock, then something like marvel, etc). Then the persons name, imagine, fanfic, x reader, and oneshot. Then if it was requested
Azurebrock, Colby brock, Colby brock imagine, Colby brock fanfic, Colby brock x reader, Colby brock oneshot, requested
Simple, right? You can even use this method for Wattpad too.
(This is Star Wars, im using my own username again)
Kylorenlovesyou, Kylo ren, Ben solo, kylo ren imagine, kylo ren fanfic, kylo ren x reader, kylo ren oneshot, Ben solo imagine, Ben solo fanfic, Ben solo x reader, Ben solo oneshot, Star Wars
Notice that I tagged both of his names. I do this because it draws more people in, and more people will be attracted to it (however, in the Star Wars fandom there’s a difference between Ben Solo and Kylo-Ren, so you would have to specify in the title Ex. Resistance (Ben Solo) or Struggle (Kylo-Ren). It would depend on which persona you’re using
This works for a couple of fandoms, like twilight and shit like that
(Final one, I just wanted to cover this base just in case)
If it’s a request for more than one person. Let’s say Colby Brock and Sam Golbach (like a Polyamorous relationship, if it’s just about a bunch of people, tag the people in it and don’t put the imagine, fanfic, x reader, oneshot after any of them, it doesn’t apply)
If it’s a poly relationship (or maybe more) then do everything you normally do for one person, and then just add on the second;
Azurebrock, Colby brock, Sam Golbach, Colby brock imagine, Sam Golbach imagine, etc
If you’re on desktop, I would suggest putting in a Read More (this goes BEFORE your fic but after the authors note, below the 2 —‘s). The way you do that is press enter, and hover over the new break in the fic.
Off to the right you’ll see a . . . Click that and then you have the read more. I would only suggest using this if there’s more than 500 words, so that if the fic is super long, it doesn’t take up the entire dash for the follower (it takes forever to scroll and it’s annoying
If you’re on mobile, it isn’t possible. Just post and you can go back and edit later if you have a computer
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succulent-poet · 5 years
I love your moodboards! Especially the maze runner and hunger games ones. Do you have any tips for making them?
aw, thank you so much! it really makes me so happy that this little hobby of mine can bring to joy people! ☺
as far as making moodboards goes, i have definitely got some tips to help make the process successful and fun! these are all things that i do when working on a board, but i think it's also important to explore different habits and adapt ideas so that they work best for you. just like no two moodboards are alike, no two people are going to make moodboards the exact same way! the way i see it, as long as you're having fun, then you're doing it right. 😁 so without further ado...
so you want to make a moodboard?
decide who or what your moodboard will be focused on. pretty obvious first step, but it's an important one! for me, i tend to pick a character or idea based on my mood in the moment i sit down to work on one. (or based on whatever form of media i recently interacted with -- i made a ton of lord of the rings moodboards while rereading the novel!) when i worked on the katniss moodboard, for example, i was in a sort of cozy mood -- the sun was out and the sky was warm, so i wanted to look at warm-tinted pictures. if that makes sense lol.
consider your subject from multiple angles. first, i try to get a baseline of my character/subject. so, for instance, when i want to do a moodboard for a character, i start with what I know generally. what are their motives? their values? what do they look like? what is their attitude? is there an object or image associated with them? what is their story? then, from there, i delve into specifics. thinking about the layers of a pyramid might help -- what's the character's base, what's their core, and what's their crowning details? i also like to focus on what personally interests me in a character/subject. after all, you've got to make the moodboard that you'll most enjoy!
start collecting images! i find the majority of the pictures i use on pinterest. and i cannot stress this enough: rabbit trail while looking for images!!! look for things that you definitely want to utilize. then branch off and see where the world wide web leads you! pinterest has a great feature where you can look at an image, and then you can scroll down and look at related images. i will literally sit there and just keep clicking through related images forever -- but i always wind up finding things i wouldn't have thought to look for! also, i will literally save every single picture that remotely sparks my interest, even if there's no room for it in the board i'm making. i would rather save a hundred pictures and delete all but nine than work from a smaller collection only to find that i'm not satisfied with what i'm working with. after all, you can delete them all when you're done! i find that hoarding images like a greedy little magpie helps me notice patterns i might not see at first. am i collecting images that all have the same color palette? do i have twelve different pictures of a broken window? later, when i take a break from searching for pictures, i can reflect on the direction i'm going and then build more from there. (also, keep track of what images you find yourself thinking about long after you've seen them. i have a pinerest board where i save striking images to use later/eventually. surround yourself with the things that inspire you.)
crop the images all into squares. it takes two minutes, and you can even change the feel of an image by cropping from an unusual angle. for example, for characters from movies, i often like to obscure part of a face -- the character is still recognizable but it makes the viewer focus on a micro expression and can totally change the feel of a board! (plus, it looks rad.) a lot of times, i'll crop the same image three different ways and then compare them all during the draft stage of making a board.
find a super cool (and preferably free!) photo editor. sometimes, if i want all of my images to have the same color tone, i'll use the filters that came on my phone's photo program. but the main app i use is snapseed. (totally free babyyy!) it's got a little of everything -- cool effects, a text tool, and my personal favorite, a double layer tool. i use the double layer tool literally all the time! for example, i used it in my mj/zendaya moodboard for the image of a girl and the feminist quote. it's such a fun way to play with layers and add depth! plus, it can help utilize space for a board -- two pictures for the price of one!
don't be afraid to make a dozen drafts of the same thing while you're figuring out what you like! just be sure to save them all so you can scroll through later and see what's working! it's the same as saving dozens of potential pictures -- you can see what patterns emerge. for instance, if i make five potential drafts of a board and notice that there's one image that's appeared in every single one, then i shift my focus and build a board around that picture because it clearly resonates with me.
don't be afraid to move things around when playing with the layout of a board! try that picture in one corner, then the other, then see what it looks like in the middle, then move it back. i try to build a layout that keeps the eye entertained. since i'm from america, i'm used to reading from left to right, and moving down on a page. so I try to make my boards "read" in the same way. ultimately with a moodboard, you're telling a condensed story. also, this is another place to pay attention to emerging patterns! have you got three quotes you want to use? good! how does one in each row look? should they move left to right, or would an inverse better suit the subject?
consider any possible symbolism! i studied poetry in college, so i've literally trained myself to always notice what ideas or themes are lurking in the layers of a picture. for my winter soldier board, i kept coming back to an image of steel doors with red stars on them, and when you think of the character, the doors being closed and reinforced begins to take on greater meaning, as the winter soldier is really bucky who is trapped behind his assassin-programing. plus, there's connotations with the metal of the doors and the metal of his arm, which emphasizes a man-made, industrial, and inorganic quality. (if you want to train yourself to notice symbolism, read widely! also, grab a highlighter or sticky notes and physically mark images that stand out in whatever you're reading. you can figure out what they mean later, but training your brain to notice them is the first step!)
speaking of images, pay attention to ones that engage the five senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. you don't have to use them all to create a successful board, but playing with a few can make a beautiful variety in the pictures you use. since moodboards rely solely on pictures, using images that invoke or imply a sense other than sight can really make an impact. pictures of fabric, for example, suggest touch.
stop working if you're frustrated! like, if a moodboard is stressing you out, stop. take a break. go drink some tea. breathe. it's never worth trying to make a board if your mood turns sour! trust me, your finished piece will come out so much better if you're enjoying the process.
i hope this helps! also, if you wind up making moodboards after reading this goliath response, send them to me! i would love to see all of the beautiful things you create! 😘
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So like, I’ve tried going paperless in the past for my physical health (back and knee problems, carrying heavy bags, etc) as well as for the environment!! Being digital was always the ultimate zero waste student goal for me! Going paperless was the motivation to get my Lenovo Flex, 15.6in laptop with touch screen that flips 360 degrees. Plus i also had a Samsung tablet and figured that I was set.
One thing I’ve been pretty consistent on, not only on this tumblr but in life as a whole, is that I absolutely cannot stand Apple and aside from the 4th gen iPod touch i bought in like 10th grade, I’ve never owned an Apple product because I simply cannot. Stand them selling the same 5 lacklustre products with absolutely no innovation and just - wow okay let me pause this is not a post about why i hate Apple.
So the other thing I’ve been consistent on is hating how classist, consumerist, and just skdfjs the whole studyblr community/ aesthetic can be. The vast majority of the more successful accounts are people who feature a MacBook Pro and an iPad Pro and wireless Beats headphones and these beautiful notes all around them with a venti Starbucks coffee nearby in literally every single picture, even though the vast majority of students and people in the community who actually work really hard and have amazing tips and stories to share and want to get involved are not recognized without the $5000 setup and - omg okay again off topic.
Anyway where was i going with all of that? I thought that I could make do with what I had and go paperless. I thought a touch screen laptop (which, tbh was still $1400 and a huge investment for me and had I known it wouldn’t work out I probably would have gotten something more affordable) and tablet would be enough for me to take handwritten electronic notes, complete my assignments, read my textbooks, etc but I was wrong. This school year I went ahead and got myself the budget iPad and Apple Pencil. The lady at the Apple Store tried to upsell me on the Pro but I refused to spend laptop money on a tablet. She then tried to upsell me on the Air and throw in some beats but again that’s still good laptop money and I honestly need a new laptop but I’m hanging in there bc I cant afford it right now.
For the past 3+ years, I’ve tried handwriting notes and typing notes then annotating them and e-books and kindles and all these things that were just barely doable and something seriously crucial was lacking. After a year more or less of research i decided to just go ahead and spend a bit more to get the iPad and Apple Pencil. It honestly pisses me off that Apple has roped me into their ecosystem and I’m truly forced to buy this product, not because the iPad is the best tablet on the market, but because of the exclusivity they have with certain apps and just creating apps specifically optimized for the iPad through iPadOS, allowing them to recreate that paper experience in digital format.
If the app selection was built this way for android and windows devices, there would be absolutely 0.000 need for me to get an iPad but they have very cleverly and strategically cornered the market for students, artists, and other creatives.
In any case, I’m actually happy with the iPad because it does what I need it to do. I bought it purely for school so (now that I’m recovering from surgery and on bed rest and what not I did download a few games and social apps but I have a phone for all that so I ended up deleting them anyway but like) I really onl have apps that I would use for school on my iPad, with the exception of my tv/movie app.
I actually find it hilarious but also awesome that google play books, music, and movies and tv are actually all available o iOS so there’s absolutely no incentive to even bother with the Apple version of these. All the media I’ve bought and paid for as a lifetime android user it’s still accessible on my iPad
But anyway, so ends my scrambled 2am ramblings.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Have you ever had FOMO (fear of missing out)? If so, what’s caused it? >> Sure. A lot of random things causes it, like the fact that I miss out on stuff on Discord because I have a sleep schedule (and let’s be real, most of the people in the servers I’m in don’t seem to sleep at all, and when they do it’s in the middle of the day lmao). But I get annoyed by FOMO really quickly so I’m always counteracting it by just... missing out on purpose, to remind my brain that it really ain’t that deep. Are you happy with your social life? If not, what would you have to do to change that? >> I’m fine with it. I’ve been reminded recently that a lot of this angst about lack of friends and shit is based on comparison with other people, which is pointless. Also, I can’t just bully myself into socialising with people. It shouldn’t be something I’m forcing myself to do just because I think I’m “supposed” to. I like myself, quite a bit, despite everything, and I feel that best when I’m alone, puttering around the house or sitting in the sun, doing whatever the fuck I feel like doing. Not when I’m trying to be someone that someone else might want to be friends with, or whatever. Have you ever hosted a party? If so, what kind of party was it? >> Nope.
What’s the best thing you can cook yourself? >> *shrug* Are there a lot of graffiti around your neighborhood? >> No.
What kind of a phone do you have? >> Moto g6. Or something. What kinds of stuff do you have on your keychain? >> I have an X-Files charm, a New Orleans souvenir keychain, and some other shit that I can never remember off the top of my head. And a few keychain-sized store rewards cards (and a library card). Have you ever made something with your own hands that you’re proud of? If so, what is it? >> I’m sure, but it hasn’t been anything recent. What is your favorite Jack Lemmon film? >> I don’t know who that is. What is your favorite David Hyde Pierce film? >> The only thing I know him from is Frasier. Have you ever made your own soda? (Soda Stream doesn’t count!) >> No. Do you have a hobby that forces you out of the house? If so, what is it? >> No. Have you ever been part of a theater group? If so, did you get any lead roles or mostly supporting roles? >> No. Which IM app do you use the most? >> Discord. What’s the most ecological thing you do? >> I don’t do anything “ecological”. I just do my best. What’s your favorite board game? Why do you like it best? >> --- Besides English, what other languages can you speak? >> None with any fluency. I know bits and pieces of a couple of languages. Besides English, what other languages can you read? >> ^ Do you think you could make it as a chef? >> No. Particularly because I have below-zero interest in being one. What’s your favorite kind of tea? How do you like your tea? >> Ginger or peppermint or some other kind of herbal. I just like it plain, or with a bit of honey. What thing/person/happening has made you the happiest you’ve been? >> --- Girls, do you ever just say “Fuck it!” and go without a bra? >> --- What’s the most freeing thing you’ve ever done? >> *shrug* Have you ever had a restaurant dish that was made with bugs? If not, would you ever want to try one? >> No, I haven’t, but I probably would try one if I had the opportunity. I’ve always been curious. Do you think today’s kids are really impatient? >> No more than any other generation of children, not to me. Have you ever tasted birch sap? >> No.
How about the young buds/shoots of spruce trees? >> I don’t think so. Which edible flowers have you tasted? >> I did have edible flowers somewhere, fairly recently, but I can’t remember where or what kind of flowers they were. It’s the most vague recollection. What has been your worst restaurant experience? >> I’ve never really had a bad restaurant experience. Mostly what makes restaurant experiences negative for me is stuff that’s specific to me, like sensory overload. It’s not the restaurant’s fault that I can’t handle loud noises.
What’s the most immature, adolescent thing that still makes you laugh? >> *shrug* I don’t rate the things that make me laugh that way. Have you ever had a life threatening condition? If so, what was it? >> No. Do you ever compare your life to somebody else’s? If so, why? >> Yeah, because I use the internet and it’s fucking inevitable. I don’t even notice I’m doing it half the time, I just suddenly feel like shit and I have to backtrack just to figure out why. I sure don’t do it on purpose lmao so like “why” isn’t even relevant. What is a food item or a dish you absolutely cannot stand? >> I can’t stand bananas. Have you ever had a custom print done on a shirt? If so, what was it? >> Yeah. I had a shirt made in the mall that said “where is John Galt?” because it amused me. What does your favorite mug look like? >> I have described this enough times that I’m tired of it.
Do you ever copy surveys to Facebook Notes and share your answers? >> No. What’s the best thing about today? >> I played a good few hours of Skyrim? And it didn’t crash? Bar is pretty low these days. Do you ever read other people’s survey answers? >> Yup. Not everyone’s, but a few people who I think have interesting answers. And if I take a survey from anyone, I usually at least skim their answer before deleting it to put my own in. Do you like daytime or night time better? Why? >> I like daytime better because I’m in love with the Sun. What’s your highest level of education so far? >> I graduated high school, somehow. If you could have any job in the whole world, which would you like? >> --- Describe your ordinary day. >> Wake up, use the internet, go to sleep. I’m being half-facetious, but only half. Would you ever have a UV tattoo? >> Eh, probably not. What is the brand and color name of your favorite lipstick? >> --- What do you like on your tortilla? >> Oh, just stuff. How about inside your pita bread? >> *shrug* What do you like in your burger? >> Cheese and pickles and onions. Mustard. Stuff. How about on your pizza? >> Pepperoni, mushroom, onion, pepper. Would you ever take part in a games club? If so, what would be your ideal club? >> Probably not. Would you be able to give a speech on your favorite subject right now? >> I don’t have a favourite subject. Also, I’m in no mood to give a speech. Do you work better alone or in a group? >> Alone.
Are you more comfortable as a leader or a follower? >> I’m more comfortable just... by myself... Which one of your friends have you known the longest? For how long? >> Elle. Ten years. What is your favorite song right now at this very moment? >> You Ain’t Coming Back by Zeal & Ardor is one.
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I know it's your prerogative as a parent to listen to and ignore advise on how to raise your kids as you see fit, but I'd strongly encourage you to get your kids off of Snapchat, or at least look more closely at both the ethics of the company and the app itself. There's so much pro-porn sentiment and sexually explicit materials in the stories function that they can just access in the stories function -- Cosmo and vice are the two most concerning I can think of. 1/2
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I use Snapchat myself, and I’ve heard a lot of the scares around Catholic circles about snap chat. I even saw a post about it with a priest “warning” parents about Snapchat. BUT the biggest thing I hear parents saying is “the chat disappears right away, there’s no history”. This implies that the parents fear most isn’t actually the safety of their children, but their control over them. They want to maintain the ability to snoop through their phone and read messages, I strongly am against that except for in an emergency situation where I believed my child was in absolute danger. Even with all that said, it isn’t difficult to delete messages period.
The stuff you mentioned is on every platform, including Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube and Tumblr. The worst of it is often yes cosmo “sex advice”, ads, and celebrities and whatever they are doing this week (which is can be degrading and can make people have unrealistic body or beauty standards).
They will see this stuff everywhere, on their phones or their friends phone, on tv and at school, on the news, magazines, and every where on the internet. So I asked myself this, “how do I prepare my children to be adults?” Should I take away their phones, internet, PlayStation or Xbox, tv, music, and even books to “protect” them from the trash in the world? Will that make adult that are capable of making good decisions when they are approached with the trash of the world? Essentially Snapchat is no different than tumblr, actually I firmly believe tumblr is far worse.
The biggest thing right now, is they are being exposed to this everywhere at their age now. What I need to do for their age (teens, 14 and 16) is give them the tools to protect themselves mind/body/soul. We talk, a lot. I trust my kids. A lot. I have told them that if there is an app that is responsible for harming them, in any way, they are responsible for deleting it themselves. They don’t have to tell me why, they don’t have to tell me they deleted it, they are in charge of themselves and need to develop the ability to have self control and be disciplined. I cannot hover over their life and make decisions for them.
I have spoken to them often about how harmful porn has been in my own personal life, I have spoken about how it degrades men and women and how women/men who are in porn are abused, unable to leave the industry, get sexual diseases, addictions, and obviously sexual and physical abuse.
They have the information, they have the tools. They have my trust and the ability to make their own conscious decisions for their own well being. My job is not to control my children, in this world, I can protect them, but only to a certain extent. With the world at their fingertips, I can only give them the tools.
What leads others to sin/harm isn’t always the same for everyone. Some people probably shouldn’t even watch tv tbh. Some are tempted with money, some are not, some are tempted with body images, some are not, it’s different for everyone. It’s amazing that you were able to recognize that an app was doing you harm, and the ability for you to recognize that is something you had to form overtime. Imagine how much more easier it would have been for you to do if you had learn to avoid materials like that when you were in your teens rather than adulthood?
For myself as a teen, my parents were not religious, but they were extremely overprotective and did not trust me. Internet wasn’t as accessible as it is now, but they did absolutely everything to make sure I was fully controlled. They listened into my phone calls, read my diary, wouldn’t let me stay at my friends, have boyfriends, wear makeup. What hurt me the most was they always believed I was this sexually active girl who couldn’t think for herself, who couldn’t make decisions or protect herself. Do you know what I did? I did all the things my parents suspected me doing when I wasn’t before. Because if they thought that way of me, why not? If they thought I was sexually active when I wasn’t, why avoid sexual activity. If they thought I was doing drugs or drinking, why not do it? And since I didn’t trust my parents, and they didn’t trust me, I got myself into situations where I couldn’t ask for their help or advice. I had questions I never came to them when I should have had the opportunity. They didn’t prepare me for my future by controlling me and claiming the were “protecting me”.
I do realize that this is an unpopular opinion, and a lot of catholic parents have disagreed with this, and that’s ok. The thing is though, I do very much trust my children. Which is a difference for many parents out there.
The kids that have Snapchat are 14 and 16 to clarify. I don’t let my children have social media apps until 12-13 depending on their own maturity. I share some apps with my younger children however (YouTube, Instagram as examples).
I’m sure lots of people will read this and thing “ok so she lets her children do whatever they want???” And I assure you, that’s not the case, so I hope no one reads that and jumps to that conclusion.
For the most part however, my children use it to communicate with their friends, but usually they aren’t on their phones believe it or not, they are typically with their friends, playing games at home, keeping busy. I do feel as though if they did have something to hide, they wouldn’t sit next to me and use Snapchat or their phones. I really truly respect them and their privacy, and as a parent I can only hope they make only good decisions as a teen and adult, but hey, Im not Mary and they aren’t Jesus. They do their best, and so do I.
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blenderbender1811 · 5 years
Just random thoughts about Yellow and Red’s relationship because I cannot control myself apparently. I blame my boyfriend, he got my into this show and we’ve been binging it the past three-four dates at his house. I have like 8 episodes left to watch, but until he gets over here tomorrow and we can watch the rest, I’m going to write this.
- Yellow and Red started dating in high school, when they were like 16ish. In hindsight, Yellow’s still not sure why she did it - she knew Red was reckless and impulsive and irresponsible and didn’t take the Hue Troop nearly as seriously as she did. Red was MAGNETIC though, she had experience dating, and they were friends, so Yellow thinks it was just because it felt safe to start exploring relationships with Red. And there is absolutely no side of her brain that was enjoying the HELL out of Red’s bad girl maverick schtick nope no way.
- Red’s ‘barely-disguised-flirting’ style worked on Yellow WAY more than she wanted to admit. Once, just to prove to Blue that she could pull off classy for a disguise mission, Red started ‘chatting up’ Yellow and ‘asking her out’ and even though Yellow KNEW they were pretending, she still ended up getting a little dreamy-eyed and asking ‘Where are we going?’ She will still not admit she did this and if Red (or Blue) brings it up, she will deny it swiftly and decisively.
- Yellow kinda constantly felt at war with herself while she was dating Red. It was like her ‘smart brain’ was telling her ‘Okay, we’re fundamentally incompatible, Red goes waaaaay farther in her thrill seeking than I want to, she doesn’t take our missions seriously and it stresses me out, and I do not enjoy heart attacks’ and her ‘bad decision’ brain kept screaming ‘RED IS HOT AND THIS IS EXCITING’. 
- Red was a terrible, terrible student. When she bothered to show up, she was always either sneaking looks at social media, daydreaming or falling asleep. Her response to an uninteresting assignment (or ‘she just wasn’t feeling it’) was ‘Eh, I’m gonna skip this one.’ Yellow, on the other hand, was a straight A nerd with a strictly kept schedule for getting all her work done and who routinely stressed herself out to breakdown point making sure everything was perfect. Red tried to help Yellow calm down and relax, but Yellow decided this was ‘distracting’ and usually kicked Red out. Yellow also found one way to get Red to do even a modicum of studying was to say that she would have fewer people harassing her to get her work done and less time making up her grades to avoid failing, which would automatically mean more time to go out with Yellow. It didn’t cure things but it actually got a couple assignments done that way. Now, whether or not they were half assed is another question, but Yellow took that as a step forward.
- Yellow was always tagging Red to play app games on her phone with her. It usually worked, although maybe not at the times Yellow might have wanted (”DON’T PLAY GAMES IN CLASS, RED, COME ON.”)
- Red actually routinely did things she didn’t really want to do to make Yellow happy. Nothing skeevy, but it got her to go to more than one boring lecture series Yellow wanted to go to, and practicing Hue Troop stuff. ‘I would follow you to the ends of the earth with only mild complaining’ was in full effect here.
- Red once decided to show Yellow her ‘stunt driving’ around various ‘obstacles’. Yellow wouldn’t let Red drive her anywhere for a month after that. Ironically, Red driving her around was one of Yellow’s favourite things to do before that.
- I imagine they were actually pretty quietly cute, despite the frequent little arguments, like holding hands, cuddling, kissing...selfies that they both still have on their phone and Yellow isn’t sure why she hasn’t deleted them yet. Because they’re still cute that’s why.
- They always used to pair off together on missions and patrols and such, and they always looked for each other first after a fight. Green, Black, and Blue were the other usual team. Blue trusted that they would stay focused on their own once they started dating. ...Well, okay, she trusted YELLOW to stay focused after they started dating. And in Red’s defence, they only got distracted making out a handful of times. They dated for a while, so Red thought that was impressive. She and Yellow, ah, used to argue about that. Among other things.
- I wanna say they knew each other since they were like 12ish? Not childhood friends, but not like they only just met when they were both on the Hue Troop either.
- They argued a LOT. Like...a lot. They disagreed about a lot of things and a lot of those disagreements were vehement. There were things that Red and Yellow just fundamentally did not gel well on. What Yellow saw as well meaning, helpful advice, Red saw as nagging and nitpicking and ‘get off my back already’. Meanwhile, what Red saw as ‘harmless thrill seeking’ Yellow saw as ‘irresponsible and reckless, self-destructive behaviour’. What was half hearted grumbling to Red often came off as a resentment to Yellow  Add in that Yellow was a die hard Hue Trooper and Red ...had her doubts about it, and the fact Yellow thought Red SERIOUSLY needed to re-evaluate her priorities and they were, to put it politely, a poor fit. Most of these arguments stayed in the realm of healthy, if passionate disagreement, but sometimes...yeah, you’d think World War Three broke out in the Hue Troops’ hangout with their Big arguments. Red can get really mad and Yellow can be COLD when she’s upset. Mercifully, they usually made up pretty fast after fights like that because they DID care about each other (and Blue was on hand to lock them in the basement until they made up when they were being stubborn).
- That’s not to say they didn’t care about each other because that’s not it - there were definitely a lot of things they admired about each other too. Yellow thinks that Red is creative, brave, opportunistic, fun to be around, adaptable, funny, confident and, again, absolutely magnetic and that’s what she likes about Red (even if she wishes she had better timing and priorities sometimes). Red, for her part, thinks Yellow is determined, smart, caring, loyal, tireless, playful in her own way, and that she has a certain amount of not caring what other’s think (even if she’s also a stuffy nerd). There’s a lot they could have handled better and a lot they disagreed about, but they were friends who cared about each other. ...Even if, as friends, Red can’t resist winding up Yellow until Yellow is ready to strangle her. It’s okay, Yellow, she does it to Blue too.
- Okay, so Red had her leg with the Hue Troop, so I’m revising what I said earlier and Red was in the hospital for something that happened on a mission. Nothing TOO frightening, but bad enough she was off her feet in the hospital for a week or so. Yellow realized that she couldn’t keep worrying about Red being reckless and that she needed someone who was more calm and who could help her relax after being on duty with the Troopers. Again, she doesn’t regret breaking up with her (most days) and thinks they’re better off as friends (most days) but if she was willing to tell her past self, it would be ‘don’t break up with your girlfriend while she’s in the hospital, that’s never going to end well.’
- They reconciled for the most part after a while, but for the first couple months or so after they broke up? HO-LY SHIT. If you thought their Big Arguments were bad, you had not seen anything yet that first week or so afterwards. Not even Blue could sort this one out. After that first week, things kind of...simmered. No more exploding at each other, but there was definite tension. Red was both angry and hurt and Yellow was too stubborn to grant that she might have screwed up (in the timing if nothing else) mostly to avoid feeling guiltier about hurting Red. Yellow made overtures trying to explain her reasoning more than once (because when Yellow is upset with someone for hurting her, understanding their logic makes her feel more solid even if she doesn’t agree with it), but once again, these two did not gel well. Red felt like these explanations were just rubbing her nose in their breakup. So, to try to annoy Yellow, Red started going on dates with any hot girl who looked her way so she could shove it in Yellow’s face. It worked more than Yellow wanted it to and Yellow thought it was juvenile as hell, so that started another argument when that boiled over. Finally, after what was like pulling teeth (have you EVER tried to get Red to admit things she doesn’t want to???) Red told Blue what she was doing and, moreover, it didn’t work - she couldn’t find anybody she liked as much as Yellow. Meanwhile, Black Strategy and Green Guts managed to painstakingly talk Yellow around to admitting that, yes, she could see why her timing was upsetting to Red. This resulted in Yellow ONCE AGAIN trying to explain why she did it...and they started arguing. But THANKFULLY, this time Red snapped at her for rubbing it in. They managed to talk their way through this breakthrough in communication and Yellow gave Red space to move on. 
- Mercifully, things went more or less back to being friendly after that. I think Blue’s plan if the above didn’t work was to smack their heads together until they made up. There was the occasional awkwardness or hurt feelings that came out in minor snarky comments, but things pretty much went back to how they were before they started dating. Yellow’s still got the best understanding of how Red’s mind works.
- Yellow still, very deep down, thinks Red is hot and while her smart brain says she’s not going to go down that road again (especially when Red has a new girlfriend), her bad decision brain still sometimes gives her a flicker of ‘Oh, but it’d be SO FUN to hang out with her again’.
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Promptsmas Day One: First Snow!
//This is for @spiderman-homecomeme​ and her Promptsmas prompts! I am so excited about it, and I wanna thank her for being a beautiful human!
**Special thanks for @im-just-bri for sending me the screenshots of this after I accidentally deleted it!
Prompt: First Snow
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Peter has grown used to Michelle Jones over the past few months, in the same way someone acquires a taste for fine wine. 
In the first few weeks of their friendship, her sarcastic remarks and dry sense of humor caught him off-guard. he had not known what to do the first time she fell asleep on his sofa during a sleepover with him and Ned, and Peter had never quite known what to do when he could tell that she was upset about something.
But it only took a few months, because now, Peter is “fluent in MJ.”
Now, he is well-versed enough in her humor to be able to quip back, and he and Ned have gotten used to draping their friend’s preferred blanket over her curled-up, sleeping form. Peter knows now that when MJ is upset, there is only one way to fix it: chocolate chip waffles and TV-show marathons with her and with Ned.
All this said, even if it feels like they’ve been friends for forever, Peter and Ned have only been friends with MJ since the end of sophomore year. This means that there is one thing that the trio hasn’t faced together: winter. As it becomes colder, Peter begins to notice little things about MJ that he has never seen before. As the temperature drops, he adds more and more tidbits to the growing collection of what he knows about their brunette best friend.
He learns that for some reason MJ does not seem to think that she needs a winter coat. She uses hoodies and jean-jackets every day, as if they are perfectly capable of shielding her willowy figure from the cold, and she refuses to accept any offer of a jacket from Peter or Ned. She does own a scarf, though, as well as a pair of fingerless gloves. She almost never takes off the gloves over the course of the entire school day. though MJ gives no reason for this, Peter privately knows that he has discovered something else about her that he did not know about her before-- her hands are always cold.
There are other things he begins to notice, too. Hot chocolate stars to be used as a substitute for tea in the mornings, and every so often Peter and Ned catch a glimpse of fuzzy socks that have been squeezed into her combat boots. Doodles of mittens and scarves begin to replace MJ’s normal sketches of autumn leaves on the corner of her papers. But there is one thing that Peter cannot seem to figure out about her now: MJ is glued to her weather app.
Peter catches her on her phone a lot more regularly than she ever has been before, and she refuses to cite the reason. She isn’t talking to anyone, Peter is sure, because she never appears to be typing a text (not that Peter keeps tabs on her relationship status or anything, though). However, there have been several points in time that Peter has caught her refreshing AccuWeather in the middle of AP Chem.
It’s only when MJ completely drops her phone from excitement that Peter realizes what it is.
It happens on a Monday in fourth hour. MJ’s sharp gasp of excitement catches Peter by surprise, but what really causes him to pay attention is when the cracked iPhone 5 clatters to the floor. The phone skitters across the floor, spinning slowly until it comes to a stop at the foot of Mr. Cobbwell. The sound is enough to make Peter look up from where he is working on improving the web-fluid, and the entire class is looking up now, too. Cobbwell peers back at them with a look of disapproval on his face, one that causes MJ to tense beside him.
“Is something the matter, Miss Jones?” prompts the teacher, raising an eyebrow as he sets down the dry-erase marker he was using.
“No, I, um...” MJ says quickly, her eyes suddenly widening.
She seems to be frozen by all of the eyes in the class on her. MJ is normally one of the most relaxed people that Peter knows, but he also knows that she doesn’t always know how to handle attention. It even took her a while to get used to being noticed by Peter and Ned.
“I was grabbing something from her bag for her, and I knocked it out,” Peter speaks up, gesturing to the bag that is on the table between them. “It’s my bad, sir. Can I grab it?”
Cobbwell hesitates for a moment, but after a second his face softens. Peter knows that both he and MJ have a good standing with him, since Peter is the only one who laughs at his science puns and MJ returns one of her own every once in a while.
“Alright, Mr. Parker. Just make sure it doesn’t happen again,” he decides, and Peter slides out of his seat in order to grab the phone with the worn, purple case. As soon as he has it, Peter returns to his seat and sits down beside MJ.
As soon as the lesson resumes, MJ glances back over at him with an acutely uncomfortable expression on her face. “Sorry,” she mutters, allowing a piece of hair that has escaped from her curly ponytail to fall into her eyes. “Thanks, Parker.”
She reaches for her phone, but before he hands it over, Peter turns it over and peers at the screen. There is a lightbulb moment in his head, and a smile plays with his lips as he passes it back.
“So, an 85% chance of snow on Friday, huh?” he comments as she takes the phone. He knows that the smug grin isn’t gone as she slides the phone into the pocket of her bomber jacket. He is pleased because he finally understands why she’s been on her phone so much, finally gets this one little piece of her.
MJ has been waiting for the first snow.
“Shut up, loser,” she instructs as she returns to her online notes. That isn’t enough to get peter off of her scent, though. He can see that she is struggling to keep him from noticing the rosy tinge of her skin, the reddened tips of her ears.
He doesn’t bring it up for the rest of the day, though Peter can see she is waiting for him to do so. Still, he doesn’t say anything in front of Ned, even though it’s become a habit of theirs to recap for him what happened in the one class the three of them don’t share. Ned is stuck next door in AP Computer Science, so he normally gets a play-by-play of the entire class... But not today. Peter lets her be lulled into a false sense of security over the course of the week as Friday rolls around, with all of its anticipation in tow.
Peter can see it in every inch of her body-- an excited sort of tension in her muscle, a skip in her step as she walks. Peter pretends not to notice it, but the gleam in her eyes is just enough to warm his chest a bit, despite the bite in the air. She is barely being subtle about her phone anymore as she checks the the hourly forecast, but this is to Peter’s advantage.
MJ is so preoccupied with her own phone that she does not see Peter doing the exact same thing.
It is scheduled to come during Chem, so Peter keeps an eye on the window the entire class period. Out of the corner of his eye, he watches the sky of swollen gray clouds, clouds that are waiting to unleash flurries of thick snow onto the city. Peter can’t help but feel the childlike excitement brewing in his chest now. According to the app, it’s supposed to happen any moment, and the lesson has just begun. Peter’s mind has never been farther from thermochemistry.
And once he sees it, the subject matter flies out of his head, out the window, and into the air, which is carrying the first new, fresh flakes.
Peter glances quickly at the girl next to him, who is so focused on her phone that she has not noticed the flakes yet. It is then that Peter sneaks out his own phone and sends a quick text to Ned.
Not even thirty seconds after Peter sneaks his phone back into his pocket, there is a flickering of the lights, and then the classroom is plunged nto darkness. There is a startled murmur that ripples throughout the room, and it is then that Peter acts.
“MJ,” he hisses as Cobbwell struggles to regain control of the class.
In the darkness, Peter can see the outline of MJ’s face, which is lit by the cool winter light coming through a single window. She does not even turn to him, still scrolling through her AccuWeather.
“What?” she hums. “Parker, in case you didn’t notice, we’ve just gone full dystopian novel, so it’s not the best time for me to help you with the homework problems. Maybe if you want to get ready for the Hunger Games together, we can talk-”
“What? No,” Peter interrupts, a grin forming on his lips. “Come on. We’ve only got a couple minutes to get out.”
“Get out?” MJ repeats, and now she’s looking up from her phone. “I was kidding, loser, not-”
“It’s snowing,” Peter states, dropping each word with equal weight, as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
MJ stares at him blankly for a moment, and then a playful grin crosses her face. “No way,” she finally laughs under her breath, shaking her head. The laugh, the smile, cause his heart to skip a beat for some reason. “Even you two nerds aren’t that good.”
“Aren’t we?” Peter hums smugly, thinking about the time they completely hacked Tony Stark’s own spideysuit. “Come on. Do you want to go, or not?”
MJ peers at the open door, then back at him. One last glance is spared for the window, where the snow is coming down in increasing speed. Then, finally, she turns back to him.
“You first, then me,” she instructs.
Without another word, Peter says something to Cindy Moon about going to grab his homework from his locker. As he heads out, Peter can hear MJ asking Abe to tell Cobbwell that she had to go to the bathroom. He is out the door first, and then a moment later MJ practically materializes by his side with a bathroom pass in her pocket and a little grin on her face.
“Come on, before someone sees,” she instructs, and before Peter can fully process what’s happening, she grabs his forearm and begins to run down the hallway.
For some reason, as they run, blood rushes to Peter face. He has run down this hallway many times before-- to save people from a bus crash, to go and stop a robbery in progress, and even to fight with Liz’s dad. But this is a good reason to be running, and he is all too aware of the warmth that her hand leaves on his arm as they turn and sneak out one of the building’s side doors and onto the path to the football field.
For a moment, the cold air washes over them, and Peter can feel both of their muscles tense. Then, MJ tugs him father away from the building and into the openness of the courtyard behind the school. 
The snow is falling in thick, fluffy flakes that stick together in the air, forming chains of cottony, clumpy snow. They flakes are so large that they appear to be spun from sugar, the sort of snow that is everywhere in the air. It surrounds them, as far as he can see, falling so slowly that is seems suspended in the air. peter feels like he is inside of a snow globe with her.
MJ is frozen still, and Peter’s eyes travel to her face as she takes it in and ignores him completely. He doesn’t mind being ignored in the least-- he would much rather be free to study the childlike wonder in her eyes, the awe that is written into every line and curve of her face as she blinks, disrupting the flakes that have settled onto her long lashes.
For a moment, Peter can’t breathe, because she looks like she belongs here and nowhere else.
The snow nestles into her kinky curls, dusts her shoulders, and settles on her long lashes as she tips her face slightly up to the sky. For a moment, her eyes close entirely, and she seems to be drinking in the cold air and the caresses of the snowflakes as they fall down around her.
For a second, Peter wonders what it would be like to slide his arm away slightly, so she was gripping his hand in that same gentle grasp that encircles his forearm.
But then, her eyes open, and they are wild with excitement. “Come on!” she insists. “We have to do that lame thing where we catch snowflakes on our tongues. For scientific purposes.”
“Scientific purposes?”
“Gotta taste those chemicals the corporations are pouring into the atmosphere, Parker. Come on.”
And then, they spend a good ten minutes outside tasting the snow and letting it settle in their hair and on their shoulders. Peter knows it is borrowed time, that Ned is going to have to come up with a good excuse later and that he and MJ are going to have to be extra convincing when it comes to their return to class.
But none of that matters as Peter Parker watches Michelle Jones spin like a child in the center of the school courtyard, with snow in her hair and an easy smile on her lips. All that matters is that he gave her that smile, the one that drives away the winter chill and leaves him with only her warmth.
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anhed-nia · 6 years
I've actually tried to watch this several times, and never made it past the first twenty minutes or so. The whole concept--that emojis inside a boy's phone struggle for survival when their glitchy antics provoke him to try to wipe the device--is so uninspired that it was hard for me to imagine it even being kitschy enough to justify watching the whole thing. However, since its release (only a year ago, but isn't it starting to feel like it's been with us forever?), THE EMOJI MOVIE has become so notorious that suffering through it feels like some sort of rite of passage. As of this morning, I can say with absolute certainty that this experience is actually much worse than you probably think it is.
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I don't even want to get that much into the "plot", but for the sake of whatever: TJ Miller is a "meh" emoji by birth, who is secretly plagued by a full spectrum of emotions. When he is classified as a "malfunction", in a series of repetitive arguments that sound uncomfortably like they're just barely skirting "the R word", Meh goes on the run to avoid destruction by his fellow emoji, who need to manage this crisis before their user erases all of them.
If that is like...not very heroic-sounding to you, then you're hearing me right. THE EMOJI MOVIE is I guess about being yourself or something, but the details of Meh's adventure are so outlandishly stupid that it's hard to even worry about the moral of the story. To my apoplectic shock, our hero's escape from peril is totally dependent on Dropbox. That's almost all you need to know about this movie, actually: That it requires you to somehow reimagine a collaborative file management product as the Millennium Falcon, or Dorothy's ruby slippers, or something. Even if I were able to accept this proposal, it still remains beyond me why a tween boy would have Dropbox on his phone. I mean, is he going to Project Management Junior High or something?
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Of course, this is only one example of THE EMOJI MOVIE's inability to produce exciting, easy-to-understand ideas. It may not be surprising, on paper, that an unwieldy chunk of the story involves a loud advertisement for the money-grubbing mobile game Candy Crush. However, it's still jarring when the movie has the sheer nerve to insert its characters into a 3D version of the very-2D Candy Crush board, have them discuss the rules and mechanics of Candy Crush at length, and then have them actually play Candy Crush, in a scene that really accomplishes nothing other than exactly what is on the screen while it lasts. The audacity of the thing makes the McDonald's breakdancing sequence in MAC & ME look downright subtle.
The aforementioned scene should really be enough to sink basically any cinematic ship, but THE EMOJI MOVIE doesn't settle for less than 100% failure. Almost everything in it is so poorly considered that there isn't enough time in my life to get through it all, but I have to get *some* things off my chest. I mean, how the fuck do you take a concept like this, and decide that a whole bunch of your movie should involve DANCING? How can you possibly ask me to look at a bunch of Pac-Mans with little rudimentary limbs, and expect me to be able to tell that SOME of them are really good dancers and SOME of them are really shitty dancers, and ALL OF THE SUSPENSE hinges on this distinction? And while we're talking about physical activity, what are even the rules of this world? Apps are both giant monolithic cubes, like they are on your home screen, that can slide around and crush you between their unyielding walls, and they are ALSO little subdimensions that you can enter (not that we really see how this works) and dick around in. "Internet trolls" are somehow not separate human users, but technological entities that exists inside the world of the phone, right alongside junk mail and computer viruses. And speaking of junk, like, why is the phone owner deleting individual apps WHILE he's on his way to a Genius Bar to get the whole device reset? What the fuck is going on in any part of this movie?
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While I'm talking about how ~completely~ disastrous this movie is, though, I should admit that maybe I blew past the plot too quickly. The most remarkable thing about THE EMOJI MOVIE is that it manages to be so fathomlessly moronic, AND so majestically pretentious at the same time. There is something interestingly perverse about the idea of taking humanity's most vapid, dehumanized linguistic development, and using it as some kind of allegory for the supremacy of emotion, and the prismatic nature of the soul. It's disturbing, actually. On the one hand, the movie cannot resist advertising for office products and parasitic IAP-driven games, and all of its ostensible charm is predicated on the viewer's preexisting familiarity with fun icons for human shit and compressed fish byproducts. On the other hand, the movie makes a big deal out of identifying the fascism inherent in controlling how people express themselves, and confining their potential to the dictates of their heritage. At some point the movie even drags in some shallow commentary on the tyranny of gender roles, with a subplot about a "princess" emoji rejecting the few, oppressively girly options for females of the species--just in case there were any audience members left who didn't feel personally condescended to yet.
At this point, you might be wondering why I even bothered to write all this down, having already suffered the unnecessary indignity of watching the thing. The truth is that I have an insatiable curiosity about the psychology of productions like this. When I see something so abjectly catastrophic, I start to have enthralling nightmare visions about what it must have been like to make this movie. Especially considering the fact that it is animated: At what point did people begin to realize that something really bad was happening? Who noticed it first? Was there a protracted period of convincing oneself that everything was going to be fine, or did the darkness sink in at the very beginning? What happened when the movie came out? Have all of the actors even see the whole thing? How did they manage their social lives when it started to become common, international knowledge that they had participated in the creation of one of the worst movies in the visible history of the medium? Does one lose relationships over a movie like this, either among friends who don't know how to address it, or comrades who can't stand the slightest reminder of what they've been through? I am completely entranced by my own fantasies about what happens with movies like this. I would happily watch a documentary about the making of THE EMOJI MOVIE, or better yet, some sort of distorted psychodrama about the emotional environment of the production. Somebody get Peter Strickland on the blower.
PS Mike White, I am so, so sorry. What happened to you?
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enterinit · 5 years
Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18305 released
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Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18305 released. A simplified Start layout Tt=he simplified Start layout is part of an ongoing effort designed to enhance your Start experience in the upcoming release of Windows.
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Windows Sandbox Windows Sandbox is a new lightweight desktop environment tailored for safely running applications in isolation. How many times have you downloaded an executable file, but were afraid to run it? Have you ever been in a situation which required a clean installation of Windows, but didn’t want to set up a virtual machine? An isolated desktop environment where you can run untrusted software without the fear of lasting impact to your device. Any software installed in Windows Sandbox stays only in the sandbox and cannot affect your host. Once Windows Sandbox is closed, all the software with all of its files and state are permanently deleted. Windows Sandbox has the following properties: Part of Windows – everything required for this feature ships with Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise. No need to download a VHD! Pristine – every time Windows Sandbox runs, it’s as clean as a brand-new installation of Windows Disposable – nothing persists on the device; everything is discarded after you close the application Secure – uses hardware-based virtualization for kernel isolation, which relies on the Microsoft Hypervisor to run a separate kernel which isolates Windows Sandbox from the host Efficient – uses integrated kernel scheduler, smart memory management, and virtual GPU To install Windows Sandbox, go to Settings > Apps > Apps & Features > Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features on or off, and then select Enable Windows Sandbox. Windows Security app improvements New Protection History experience: The new Protection History experience still shows you detections by Windows Defender Antivirus, but it’s now updated to also give more detailed and easier to understand information about threats and available actions. We have also added Controlled folder access blocks to history, along with any blocks which are made through organizational configuration of Attack Surface Reduction Rules. If you use the Windows Defender Offline scanning tool, any detections it makes will now also show in your history.  Additionally, you will see any pending recommendations (red or yellow states from throughout the app) in the history list. We hope you like the changes we’ve made! Introducing Tamper Protection! Tamper Protection is a new setting from Windows Defender Antivirus, available in the Windows Security app, which when on, provides additional protections against changes to key security features, including limiting changes which are not made directly through the Windows Security app. You can find this setting under Windows Security > Virus & Threat Protection > Virus & Threat Protection Settings. Symbols and Kaomoji are now just a hotkey away! When you press WIN+(period) or WIN+(semicolon), in addition to emoji the picker that appears will now include symbols and kaomoji too! You may ask, what is kaomoji? Translated literally from Japanese, it means “face characters” – basically, it’s a way to create faces using only text. You may already use them, for example the one mentioned above is relatively popular: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ This experience, originally introduced for Chinese (Simplified) during RS5 development, started rolling out to Insiders across all languages with Build 18252 – as of today’s it’s now available to all Insiders in Fast! Clipboard history gets a new look We originally opted to show bigger entries so there was space to show an image preview nicely, but when we looked at our data, we found 90% of items in the clipboard history were text. Based on that and your feedback, we now optimizing the design for text snippets – shrinking the height of each entry and thus giving you access to more entries without needing to scroll the view. Hope you like the change we made! Copy some text and press Windows logo key + V to check out the updated design. Signing in to Windows with password-less Microsoft accounts   If you have a Microsoft account with your phone number, you can use an SMS code to sign in, and set up your account on Windows 10. Once you’ve setup your account, you can use Windows Hello Face, Fingerprint, or a PIN (depending on your device capabilities) to sign in to Windows 10. No password needed anywhere! Creating a password-less phone number account If you don’t already have a password-less phone number account, you can create one in a mobile app like Word to try it out. Simply go to Word and sign up with your phone number by entering your phone number under “Sign in or sign up for free”. Add your password-less phone number account to Windows  Now that you’ve created a password-less phone number account, you can use it to sign in to Windows with the following steps: Add your account to Windows from Settings > Accounts > Family & other Users > “Add someone else to this PC”. Lock your device and select your phone number account from the Windows sign-in screen. Since your account doesn’t have a password, select ‘Sign in options’, click the alternative ‘PIN’ tile, and click ‘Sign in’. Go through web sign in and Windows Hello set up (this is what you’ll use to sign in to your account on subsequent sign ins) You can now enjoy the benefits of signing in to Windows with your password-less phone number account. Note: This experience is currently only available for Insiders on Home edition. We’ll let you know when it expands to more editions Streamlined Windows Hello PIN reset experience We know remembering a PIN can be tricky, so we wanted to provide our Microsoft account users with a revamped Windows Hello PIN reset experience with the same look and feel as signing in on the web. Check it out in today’s build by clicking the ‘I forgot my PIN’ link when signing in to Windows with a PIN. Note: This experience is currently only available for Insiders on Home edition. We’ll let you know when it expands to more editions. Keep your device running smoothly with recommended troubleshooting For example, we may recommend turning off a setting that sometimes causes an app or feature to crash unexpectedly until an update is available. We’ll let you know when we can help, and you can choose to run the troubleshooter or ignore it. You can also change how recommended troubleshooting is run on your device by opening Start > Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics & Feedback. You may see recommended troubleshooting from us while we test the feature. These tests, marked as “sample recommended troubleshooter”, are safe to run and will not make any changes to your device. The tests help to ensure that the feature is working as designed and give you an opportunity to give feedback, so we can help keep your device working at its best. Automatic Restart and Sign On (ARSO) for Enterprises Are you tired of seeing these flashing screens after every update? ARSO is a feature that automatically signs-in a user after an update to finish setting up and then locks the PC. This feature is part of our Seamless Update Story for Windows, and its goal is to reduce customer pain points around updates, including things such as post logon set up time and not being able to pick up where you left off. This feature will be enabled on Cloud Domain Joined devices that meet certain security requirements: BitLocker is enabled and is not suspended during the upgrade TPM 2.0 SecureBoot To check if your device will get ARSO go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options > Privacy: If the toggle is switched “On” and is not grayed out, then the device meets the security requirements for ARSO, and is enabled by default. If the toggle is grayed out and Enabled, this means that your IT Admin has explicitly enabled ARSO for you, irrespective of your device’s security requirements. If the toggle is grayed out and disabled, this means that you do not meet the minimum security requirements for Enterprise ARSO, or your IT Admin has explicitly disabled ARSO for you, irrespective of your device’s security requirements. Set a default Task Manager tab You can set your preferred tab via Options > Set default tab. Updated Settings Homepage Inspired by the Microsoft account homepage, the Settings home page now has a header at the top allowing you to take quick action for things like signing in and managing your Microsoft account, making the Windows and Microsoft experience better. It also gives you an easy to glance at system status, such as when updates are available.
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Friendly Dates in File Explorer Based on your comments, in Build 18305, we’re making it a bit easier to turn off if it’s not your thing – you no longer have to dig through settings, you can now just right-click on the date modified column and toggle friendly dates on and off from there. Friendly dates isn’t yet available for everyone, so don’t worry if you don’t see it just yet – we’ll let you know when it’s live for all. Shadows are back! Shadows are part of our long-term vision of the evolution of Fluent Design, and we’re excited to bring them back to you today after addressing some of the feedback you shared with us following the initial rollout. Re-releasing the new Japanese IME The latest version of the IME has enhanced key customization options and improved candidate window reliability (fixing an issue where it wouldn’t show), and we’re looking forward to you trying it out. Because we want to ensure the best possible typing experience, this will be a staggered rollout – some Insiders will get it today, and we will carefully review both metrics and your comments before pushing the IME out to everyone. Note: We are aware of compatibility issues with some game applications and the team is working on them – we’ll let you know when this has been addressed. Introducing the Office app for Windows 10 The app is a great starting point for Office that helps you easily find all your files in one place or easily access any Office solution available to you. It knows to connect you to the Office rich clients if they are installed on your computer or it will send you to the web version of Office if they’re not. IT will also appreciate the ability to customize the app by integrating other line of business applications that use Azure Active Directory into the experience and apply corporate branding to the app. Get more done with Cortana and Microsoft To-Do Want just one to-do list that works twice as hard for you? Save time and stay organized – Cortana helps by adding your reminders and tasks to your lists in Microsoft To-Do with this feature preview, so you can stay on top of what matters most. Use your voice, your PC, your phone – your choice. Streamline your tasks – your lists and reminders from across Microsoft To-Do, Cortana, and tasks in Outlook can now become one, centrally located in your Microsoft To-Do app. Use Microsoft To-Do anywhere: on your Android or iPhone, with Cortana, or on your Windows 10 PC. You can also access it from the web. It’s automatically synced so you never miss a beat. With this integration, we are furthering efforts to seamlessly sync your to-do lists across Microsoft To-Do, Cortana, and your tasks in Outlook. Read the full article
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productiveborg · 6 years
IOS Apps for Productivity
Hello everyone! 
Recently I have been trying to maximize my productivity by deleting distracting apps off of my phone, and replacing these with more “productive apps”. Here is a list and review of some of the apps I have used over the past week. 
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Drops is a fun, minimalist way to practice and learn new vocabulary for your target language. Here is a list of the languages they offer: Arabic, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), Danish, Dutch, English (American and British), Esperanto, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazilian and European), Russian, Spanish (Castilian and Latin American), Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish and Vietnamese. They have a really nice variety of languages and you can choose between basic and intermediate when you start out. The goal of Drops is to get you to practice for 5 minutes a day (which they time for you as you're practicing!). You can choose a "path" (enthusiast, traveler, business, student, romantic) to further customize the experience. One downside to drops is that you cannot customize what vocabulary words you want to work on, which can be frustrating for someone who knows a lot of the words they start you out on. Overall I give drops 8/10
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Overcast is an app that gives you access to many different kinds of podcasts. They separate them into different categories and let you download the podcast episodes individually. I am personally using it to listen to TED Radio Hour and This Won't Hurt a Bit, along with other random episodes of podcasts that I find interesting. They have a great variety, breaking down podcasts into the following categories: Most recommended, Society & Culture, Technology, Comedy, Business, Science & Medicine, Arts, News & Politics, TV & Film, Education, Music, Sports & Recreation, Games & Hobbies, Gimlet, Radiotopia, Slate, Earwolf, Relay FM, The Incomparable, Mamixum Fun, and 5BY5. You can pretty much find anything that you could be interested, and the app is simple and user friendly. Overall I give drops 10/10 
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Peak is a fun brain training app that is simple to use (my favorite thing in an app). It essentially curates a "workout" for you that changes with level. Everyone will have a different experience and opinion of this app, depending on what goals you are trying to reach. I wanted to replace the 5+ mindless games on my phone with something a little more beneficial and productive, so I downloaded Peak. Try it out and see if it helps you remember a few more things throughout the day. Overall I give Peak 9/10  
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Plant Nanny
Plant Nanny is a water tracking app that I have been using for years. It is a cute and simple way to track your water, and you get to see a cute little animated plant grow (or die) depending on your water intake! It customizes your water intake by weight and level of activity, and it gives you a count of how many glasses you'll need per day. The one downside is it leaves red notifications (my biggest pet peeve) in the home-screen counting down your water, unless you turn them off. I really think this is a great app for any person that wants to monitor their water intake, or even just feel a little bit more productive and healthy. There are many different plant options (though you start with two at the beginning) and pot options. This is just a really fun and cute app. Overall I give Plant Nanny 10/10
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Duolingo has been the app I use the most over the past three months of 2018. This is the perfect app for someone wanting to pursue a language, whether it be casually or working up to fluency. Before I decided on Spanish I explored a few other languages, and every course is curated well and is fun to complete. The languages offered are the following: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Dutch, Swedish, Irish, Turkish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, Korean, Hebrew, Greek, Vietnamese, Chinese, Esperanto, Ukrainian, Welsh, Hungarian, Romanian, Swahili, High Valyrian (yes, seriously), Czech, Klingon (I may or may not be learning this). This doesn't include the multiple languages that are "hatching" (in progress) including Hindi, Indonesian, and Arabic. Duolingo has everything broken down in to lessons which include saying the words into the mic. listening and typing what you hear, translating sentences, matching vocabulary, having conversations with bots, and reading comprehension. You can choose to not have ads for 9.99/month but the apps features are free to the public. Seriously consider checking it out even if you want to learn just a few words in a random language like Klingon. Overall I give Duolingo 10/10
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Actions & Timepage by Moleskine 
While these are two separate apps, they work hand in hand and are made by the same company. I am all more minimalist apps (as you can tell), but especially when it comes to to-do lists and calendars. The apps sync so that you can assign items on your to-do list for a specific day, and Timepage syncs to different calendars on your phone so that everything is in one place. You get a 7 day free trial and then pay around $8/month to use the apps. I love the simplicity and the ability to not only assign to do tasks to a specific day, but also lists that are color coded to your liking. The custom color choices are lovely and the app setups are modern and appealing. Everyone will have a different feeling towards this app, depending on what you are looking for in a planner/to-do list. Overall I give Actions & Timepage 9/10
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IOS Utilities 
Simple, free, and they come on your phone already! If your looking to start organizing yourself and get a good system going before jumping in to more complicated apps, I highly recommend utilizing what is already on your phone. Notes + Reminders can be used for to-do lists, goals, brainstorming, doodling, etc. Your iPhone calendar is pretty customizable and simple to use. Before testing out other apps, especially if you're just starting out with using a system of organization, use what you already have at your disposal. You don't need a fancy app to be productive and organized.
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sharengayonline · 3 years
Lenovo A516 ( 4 GB Storage, 512 GB RAM ) Online at Best Price On Flipkart.com
Sharengay Trang Tin Tức Độc Đáo VIDEO Lenovo A516 ( 4 GB Storage, 512 GB RAM ) Online at Best Price On Flipkart.com
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1 Year Manufacturer WarrantyKnow More
Bạn đang xem: Lenovo A516 ( 4 GB Storage, 512 GB RAM ) Online at Best Price On Flipkart.com
512 MB RAM | 4 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 32 GB
11.43 cm (4.5 inch) FWVGA Display
5MP Rear Camera | 0.3MP Front Camera
2000 mAh Li-Ion Polymer Battery
MT6572 Processor
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4.5-inch (854 x 480 pixels) IPS display with wide 178 degree viewing angle, 1.3 GHz dual-core processor, 9.9 mm thick, Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean), 5MP auto focus camera, 0.3MP front-facing camera, 3.5mm audio jack, FM Radio, 512 MB RAM, 4GB internal memory,
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In The Box
Model Name
Browse Type
SIM Type
Dual Sim
Sound Enhancements
1 x Speaker
Display Features
Display Size
11.43 cm (4.5 inch)
480 x 854 pixels
Resolution Type
Other Display Features
IPS Display, Multi-touch, 178 Degree Wide Viewing Angle
Os & Processor Features
Operating System
Android Jelly Bean 4.2
Processor Type
Processor Core
Dual Core
Primary Clock Speed
1.3 GHz
Operating Frequency
GSM – 900, 1800, 1900; UMTS – 2100
Memory & Storage Features
Internal Storage
4 GB
512 MB
Expandable Storage
32 GB
Supported Memory Card Type
Memory Card Slot Type
Dedicated Slot
Phone Book Memory
Call Log Memory
SMS Memory
Camera Features
Primary Camera Available
Primary Camera
5MP Rear Camera
Primary Camera Features
Fixed Focus
Secondary Camera Available
Secondary Camera
0.3MP Front Camera
Secondary Camera Features
Fixed Focus
Video Recording
Connectivity Features
Network Type
Supported Networks
Internet Connectivity
3G Speed
21 Mbps HSDPA; 5.76 Mbps HSUPA
Pre-installed Browser
Micro USB Port
Bluetooth Support
Bluetooth Version
Wi-Fi Version
802.11 b/g/n
Wi-Fi Hotspot
USB Connectivity
Audio Jack
3.5 mm
Map Support
Google Maps
GPS Support
Other Details
Touchscreen Type
Removable Battery
G-Sensor, Accelerometer, Ambient Light Sensor
Other Features
Important Apps
AccuWeather, Evernote, Facebook, Route 66 Maps + Navigation, Skype, Twitter
GPS Type
Multimedia Features
FM Radio
Audio Formats
Music Player
66.7 mm
132 mm
9.9 mm
146 g
Warranty Summary
1 Year Manufacturer Warranty
Best mobile in this range
Pros- good battery life(way better than micromax) and battery backup is really important good touch responsiveness bright and crisp display Good camera(better than mircomax)
Cons- Poor quality earphones(but you can buy other, I use samsung ones and they work great!) Less support available(you won’t find its case and accessories easily, unless you have their officical center in yoru city)
Overall, I would recommend it over all the inexpensive brands like mircomax, lava or karboon since it ha…
Xem thêm: Có thể bạn chưa biết Mẹo vặt công dụng bất ngờ từ kem đánh răng
This phone is truly amazing..much better than samsung and micromax phones…this is the best phone you will find at 9k PROS: 1.Amazing user interface..much different than samsung and micromax 2.Superb touch response 3.the lenovo smart battery is simply superb 4.voice quality and call quality is great.. 5.everything seems fun on phone 6.smooth and comfortable gaming..with no lags
CONS: 1.The camera Quality is not as expected..
evrything else is perfect
nadella mohan
Certified Buyer
Dec, 2013
Good product and great commitment
My experience with flipkart were awesome. Great commitment, prompt service, easy searching for products. The product Lenovo A516 is very good. Almost all features in a smartphone of Rs. 15,000 range in this product. Pricing for this in flipkart is awesome…Rs. 7499/-.. Keep going.
Vijayakumar A V
Certified Buyer, Ernakulam
Jun, 2014
Worthy buy !!!!
Got this phone a month back and it is definitely worth the price. Big display, good call quality, decent battery, responsiveness, good gaming experience are strong positives. However the camera could have been better.
Sudarsan Parthasarathi
Certified Buyer, Chennai
Apr, 2014
Lenova A516
As usual superb delivery by FlipKart
regarding the phone, it is worth the investment. works perfectly. used more than a month. no problem so far. voice clarity is very good. movies playing great. watching youtube is a delight.
regarding the battery, it should have been with more capacity. battery lasts for one full lenth movie only. if you use only for phone and browsing and email it lasts for two days.
Suriakumar Ramamoorthy
Certified Buyer, Coimbatore
Feb, 2014
Budget Phone;good Performance& Build Quality
I bought this phone because I didn’t want to go for non branded phone and i am pretty satisfied with my decision.
Build quality is great. Speakers are good. Used it for 3 weeks and has hanged only once. Pretty smooth. The UI is great and the power apps come in handy Camera is average. the head phones they provide is not up to the mark(work fine but not great) so while ordering this phone buy any good 3.5 mm jack. Dual sim works pretty well
Altogether a very good phone at this price range.
Shwetabh Shekhar
Certified Buyer, Patna
Feb, 2014
With Nova theme, Phone is smoother, Display is sharp… Phone is compact…. Just awesome….
Xem thêm: Qua nhà youtube Mai Vũ cuộc sống Mỹ rộng lớn của chủ tiệm Nail ở Mỹ ra sao?
I have brought this phone and was very frustrated with default lenovo theme. It was eating up RAM upto 400MB… After installing Nova theme phone got smoother… Hanging issues where resolved. Lenovo has to work on their theme.
Dialer is not as good as stock android dialer but free dialers are also available. So customizing this phone is necessary….. hence 4 star….
Phone is awesome….. Just awesome…. compact and smooth(After installing Nova theme).
Prathamesh Salawkar
Feb, 2014
gOOd mObile, wOrth yOur mOney
I bought this Lenovo A516 a week ago and it has been fine till nOw.
Pros: 1) Although there is no flash for this 5MP camera,picture quality is awesome. Even front 0.3MP cam surprisingly takes clear pictures which you dont expect. 2) excellent battery back up 3)Lenova pre-installed apps are good. (There were few games, i deleted them on day-1, i hate gaming on mobiles)
Cons: 1) I updated all the apps in the mobile, after using it for two days. Before update there was no Lag. Once I updated a…
Shashank sharma
Certified Buyer, Mysore
Dec, 2013
Don’t Purchase…It will irritate you!
Hanging many more times.Some times Blutooth connection not working.On travelling..If you are connect to your car..most of times disconnect unknownly.The big problem it is brightness reduce after 30 sec.In day time the disply cannot visible due to brightness reducing.If your increased for 30 min.for stay brightness..No use..after 30 sec..the brightneee collps.DONT PURCHASE….WASTE OF YOUR MONEY.
Ravi Sankar
Certified Buyer, Hyderabad
Mar, 2014
I bought this 5 month back and since i the day, i am facing a problem of hanging. When it got hang, no display, no on/off button works. At every time, i unplug the battery and reboot it.
Very low RAM. While opening 2-3 application, it show almost full utilization of RAM and gets hang.
Dont buy this product. You can go for other lenovo phones with 1 GB of RAM like S660.
All 31 reviews
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Lenovo A516 ( 4 GB Storage, 512 GB RAM ) Online at Best Price On Flipkart.com
from Sharengay Trang Tin Tức Độc Đáo VIDEO https://ift.tt/3k0wISt via IFTTT
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