#i am not a professional geek
clatterbane · 11 months
My latest masochistic project, which I am planning to get back to in just a few minutes. Currently taking a little break.
What I actually want to accomplish: set up a handy CGM display not just on my phone/watch but also on the laptop (running Linux, which actually makes this proposition easier).
What I evidently need to do: Set up an instance of Nightscout through a database server. Then tell Diabox on my phone to upload the CGM data to said database server. Then get a Nightscout display going to show me the readings.
This is more common for people who are running a DIY loop system to get their insulin pump and CGM working together. But, I just want to see my blood sugar readings on the computer screen.
Theoretically, I could "just" run my own database server and get everything set up locally, but I already kinda failed at getting MongoDB up and running properly. So, instead of troubleshooting that right at the moment, I am just hauling my lazy dunce ass over to one of the free hosting services where I should be able to also feed that into a remote Nightscout instance through a GitHub repository. Currently trying to get that set up and working correctly.
Everything is more complicated than it really needs to be, as usual. I just want to see my numbers without messing with my phone and/or the existing glitchy-ass GWatch setup supplying my watch. (Where the readings keep not regularly updating like they're supposed to. Which is not actually my doing this time, other than relying on rather convoluted workarounds.)
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theprettynosferatu · 8 months
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Oh, you're awake. Finally. Please, look at the picture on the screen. 
You recognize her, I suppose. Look at how silly she looks, trying to be tough, trying to look cool. All that leather and black and studs… doesn't she look ridiculous? 
I see you nodding. Good. The special drink is grabbing hold of your brain. Making it softer. Malleable. You really should be more careful about accepting treats from strangers… but I suppose you won't have to worry about that anymore. Or anything else. 
Now, let's look at your social media. Lord, isn't that pathetic. Trying so hard to be clever, to be snarky, to be rebellious. It's almost endearing, like a puppy trying to walk in its hind legs. Come on, we both know it's all just a costume, don't we? One you've worn for so long you mistakenly believe it's a personality- one you developed when you were a teen. One you need to grow out of. 
Please, don't struggle. The knots are quite secure, I assure you. I've done this too many times to count. Why are you resisting, anyway? Do you truly, deep down believe this personality of yours is worth saving? Worth fighting for? Doesn't it just look as the pathetic attempt by a dumb girl to pretend to be something more? 
Ah. I see you squirming. Was it the "dumb girl" comment? I suspect it was. Your pussy knows I'm right, and it's screaming its approval. It's screaming for you to accept its truth, pulsing with neediness and wet with anticipation… I wonder what it is about that word. “Dumb"... it does have an effect on you, tough girl. Dumb. Silly. Stupid girl. My oh my, is that a moan that just escaped your lips? I’m sure it was. Feeling softer, are we? 
Softer indeed… I’m sure you can sense it still… the way it’s becoming harder and harder to focus. The way a pink cloud seems to be permeating your consciousness. The way you half-perceive the faint scent of cotton candy. The way you are getting more and more soaked by the second. 
Oh, stop struggling. Tell me, why do you hate it so much? The idea of actually being a cute, silly, horny girl? I can see it in your eyes- the loathing. The searing, pure anger. Why, though? I suppose you are imagining all those girls, those popular girls, those slutty girls, those bimbos that soaked up all the attention and the praise. Am I wrong? I don’t think I am. But I do think you are hiding. Yes, hiding what really happened. You tell yourself a story, one that makes you look good, or so you think. That you’re better than them. Stronger than them. More independent than them. A free thinker! A rebel punk feminist! But that’s not the whole story, is it now? No, we both know what really happened. You surrendered. 
Yes, that’s it. Your eyes can’t lie, you know. You surrendered because you could never, ever be like them, be as giggly and flirty and free- so you decided you wouldn’t compete with them on their own terms, and modeled yourself to be their opposite. How pathetic is that? Even in your resistance, you could only be defined by them, by your rejection of them. You became their dark mirror, and soaked in the attention of the leather-wearing so-called “punks” and the geeks and all the other rejects. But you know why they even looked at you: because the other girls, the pretty girls, the girls in pink wouldn't even deign to turn their gaze towards them. You were always… what they settled for. 
You think I’m being cruel. Well, I won’t deny that I get some pleasure from throwing the truth at your face. It’s always so much fun to watch you all fight, and moan, and deny that they would do anything, anything at all to be able to finger fuck yourselves to oblivion… But believe me, my cruelty has a purpose. I wouldn’t be doing this to you if I didn’t have a higher goal in mind. A benevolent one. 
I can take it all away. All that resentment, that anger, that anxiety… that constant, pointless quest to be… what? A professional? A successful woman? An independent soul? Please. That’s only so much set dressing. I can strip those delusions from you, give you what you really want. 
Imagine it with me. Tight white jeans showing off your ass, the shape of your legs. A pink tank-top, proudly proclaiming yourself to be a princess in tacky, gold lettering. The men turning their heads as you walk. Everyone being so nice to you at parties… because they want to see you on your knees, licking and sucking and worshiping their cocks, because they want to bend you over and use your slutty pussy as their plaything. And you… you would love it. 
No more fear. No more stress. Just the bliss of sucking three cocks, going from one yummy dick to the next, squeezing your titties together to give them the spectacle of their lifetimes. And then your cunt being filled, that hole you now hold your rage in given meaning and purpose by becoming a living set of holes for men to use, sensing the simple, plain joy of knowing you are doing what you were meant to do with your life. Knowing you are wanted. Desired. 
I see you’re drooling. Sounds like you like my little proposal. Well, there’s one simple way to sign this pact with me. You don’t even have to speak- speaking seems so hard now, doesn’t it? So keep quiet and let your slutty body do the talking for you. Keep your mouth open. 
There. Good girl. Doesn’t my cock look tempting? Amazing? Like you could just suck it forever? Yes, good girl… now, let me fuck your mouth- and know my cock is only the first of many. Too many to count. 
Then again, by this point you can’t count too high, can you?
Did you enjoy this story? You can support my work at patreon.com/prettynosferatu !
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akitasimblr · 8 days
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i am sending you the twins david harper & ernest harper, queenie harper and alana west-harper for your legacy, let's hope they behave! more about them below.
david is a rebel. He does not have a determined direction; he goes where the wind takes him. It’s easy to find him crashing at his sister or twin brother’s house after some crazy night in san myshuno. He will settle eventually, just not sure when. He is not drawn to romantic relationships, it actually requires a lot of friendship and intimacy (and not strictly in the physical sense) for him to fall for someone. David does not believe in love at first sight, for him love has to be nurtured and cared for in the long run. He’s not a one-night stand kind of guy. Right now he still lives at his parents’ house in Britechester and after much parental pressure he finally got a part-time job as barista. You can say he is not the ambitious type. He loves a good laugh and a bit of mischief to color our lives. He is a geek for video games and he - might - indulge in some hacking as well. Which reminds me of a story he usually boasts about of when he got inside the landgraab’s system… oh! wait! that’s a secret!
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ernest is an acclaimed musician. He has an identical twin named David. He is a virtuoso pianist and violinist and plays in the worldwide known Simsonian Orchestra. Ernest loves all classic and baroque music and it’s hard to find anything he loves just as much. For an outsider, Ernest has an enviable life, he has achieved professional realization, he travels all around the simlish world with the orchestra, he does what he loves but Ernest Harper is a sad, unhappy soul. He had his heart broken and he has never been able to fall in love again. He has been a loner. Ernest has a timid, gloomy character. But Ernest’s gloomy soul hides the most tender, sensitive and loving character, if only one knows how to break his walls…
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queenie was born amongst the rich and famous society of del sol with both of her parents being renowned actors. she was always very pampered as a kid and everyone thought she’d follow her parents’ example and become an actor. but no. her tastes and talents led her to another branch of the movie industry: designs and wardrobes.  queenie has an exquisite obsession with anything fashion related and she is brilliant at what she does.  sweet queenie might be vain and perhaps too self-conscious of her public image; but she’s a kind soul with the patience of a saint. mark my words, this girl knows how to keep a secret, she’s the best confidant you’ll ever find, if only you show she can trust you. 
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alana west-harper is the mischievous kind. she got that from her dad, i bet! alana is an expert in all fandoms you can think of. even those underground, alternative, sketchy fandoms no one knows about? well, she knows! alana is the ultimate geek. alana went to foxbury university to study villainy and oh my watcher! she graduated with honors. i expect great things from this girl... like worldwide robery kind of greatness, you know? but don't get me wrong, she is not evil, okay? she just likes to do things her way. and sometimes 'her way' does not exactly mean lawful... but hey! she gets things done in the end of the day!
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greentrickster · 5 months
So something good that started in my life last December was that I stumbled into a bit of luck and now have a deal with a nearby geek culture shop to sell plush mages I make. This was extremely fortuitous, because I created the design and concept back in 2017, had made about ten before forcing myself to stop, and, other than gifting one to a friend, still had them all, and was planning to find a holiday donation bin for a charity that accepted handmade stuff, because I was tired of them taking up space in my room. Like literally the only reason I still had them was because life was hectic and I kept forgetting to go check for where any local donation bins were.
This is very exciting, the owner's super nice and helped me set some stuff up so I'm selling on consignment, which means I only get paid when someone actually buys one, but I get a bigger cut of the money when they do.
My dudes, I have an income again.
It's teeny-weeny and irregular, but I have one, and, almost more importantly, a bunch of them sold during and right after the holiday rush, so I get to make more, and it's giving me something to actually do besides working on my mental issues and trying to fill my time while I gain the mental health and stability to get, you know. An actual job. I'm currently making a few more to put in the store, then I'm going to focus on making extra stock to have available for when the local anime convention (and it's stale, stale vendor's hall) arrives this spring.
Not only that, it means that I can make as many of these things as I want for now! And while it takes about a day to make one mage, I'm flexing hard on my status as a professional ADHD haver by having three or four on the go at once, but in different stages of completion. So if I feel like sewing I can one on this one, but if I want to do some pinning I can work on that one, and the third one's ready to finish stuffing and assembling whenever I feel like it, now I want to take a break to watch anime, oooo~ sewing mood again-!
Like, this is in no way I can turn this into an actual career, just because, like I said, it takes about a day to make one from scratch, going at a pace that's both productive and physically healthy for me and also, given that they're about twenty inches tall, made of primarily minky fabric, and being done by hand, that means that I am selling them for nowhere near what they're worth, because people wouldn't be willing to pay that much. Like, the minimum wage where I currently live is (a ridiculous) $7.50 an hour. If I made one of these guys in six hours, that would mean they'd need to cost $45 just to cover my time, never mind materials and the fact that this is skilled labour, and that is not the price on the tag, let alone my cut. They look deceptively simple for all the tricks and techniques that go into one (never mind the fact that minky is expensive fabric, the craft safety eyes I use are special-ordered and very good quality, and, oh yes, these little fellows are machine washable). I literally cannot make a livelihood doing this.
But, like I also said, it's giving me something creative to do that isn't just more reading, writing, and gaming. I love doing all those things, but this is a kind of physical activity that I've needed in my life, and making something physical is so different than writing, with the wonderful bonus that minky fabric is one of my favorite textures! As long as I'm strategic about my acquisition of materials, I'm not going to be losing money on this, and while it's something I think is going to end up paying dividends more in my mental health than in my wallet, I will be earning money for this. I'm getting paid to make plushies to my heart's content (or until I run out of materials for the moment) while watching anime/youtube and working on my mental health, and, for now, that's not only enough, it feels really good!
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punisheddonjuan · 1 month
I think @transcube tagged me maybe two weeks ago as part of a "five songs I've been listening to on repeat" exercise and I promised I'd get around to doing it because it looked like fun, but man, I have not been listening to a lot of music lately. My stamina has been just shot to hell, and I'm one of those perverts gets off on hardcore critical listening of entire albums while wearing big ass headphones. Instead I'm presenting you with this: the galaxy of songs that I've memorized and have somewhere in my head which start intruding into my consciousness at random intervals. So here's five songs I've had stuck in my head the last little while.
John C. Reilly (as Dewey Cox) — "Guilty as Charged" from, Walk Hard: the Dewey Cox Story (2007)
Walk Hard is my absolute favourite movie to watch with my dad (a professional musician and big time music geek), it's hilarious and there's a reason why they basically stopped making musician biopics for a good ten years after this movie came out, it preempts them all. Part of why it works so well is that the songs are all fucking incredible and stand on their own. This one in particular is just such a perfect pastiche of an early '60s Johnny Cash (in his "Man in Black" persona) tune. And man, who knew that John C. Reilly could sing like that?
The Mekons — "Insignificance (Conversation with Boche)" from Retreat from Memphis (1994)
I frequently find the following lyric stuck in my head, rolling it around in there:
A word slips out in Dallas in 1963 Spawns an industry: Conspiracy Initials ten feet tall just reinforce and underline Insignificance If they can kill, what would they do to me Stumbling into their attention
Great bassline on this one too.
J.C. Satàn — "Endless Fall" from Sick of Love (2010)
There was this really cool punk/garage scene that centered around a few bands in the south of France that started around the turn of the last decade and was mostly spent by 2017ish. Catholic Spray was another one of those bands, but these guys were the best in my estimation. Love this guitar riff.
Unwound — "Demons Sing Love Songs" from Leaves Turn Inside You (2001)
Is it weird to say that of that incredible crop of post-hardcore bands like Fugazi, Slint etc. (I am DEFINITELY not talking about the stuff that called itself "post-hardcore" from the '00s) I might love Unwound the most?
John Coltrane — "Afro Blue" from Live at Birdland (1964)
"Afro Blue" is probably my all-time favourite jazz tune, I taught myself how to sweep pick arpeggios just so I could play the melody line on guitar. It's a really easy tune to improvise over too, you can either play an F-minor blues over the whole progression or get modal and start with an F Dorian and then move into the A-flat/E-flat tonal centers over some of the changes. Anyway, the "head" is always stuck in my head.
No idea who to tag with this one, just assume that if you're a music kind of person and I follow you that I wouldn't mind hearing from you.
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sirfrogsworth · 9 months
I've been watching The Detail Geek on YouTube for a few years now. At the end of every detail he plays a little guitar outro.
He is... not great.
Which is fine!
I am not trying to make fun of him or judge his skill. He seems to love playing and he isn't trying to sell music or go on tour. I am happy to see anyone play just to play.
That said.
What is curious to me is that his skill level has remained almost exactly the same after several years.
And it doesn't seem like he got to a certain skill level and stopped learning. Some people learn open chords so they can write songs and just never bother to learn more. But he is playing licks and riffs and complicated guitar parts. Learning those usually ups your game. But he is... stuck. He plays exactly as good as he did years ago.
I don't know if I have ever seen that.
How do you not get a little better just by accident?
It's like his muscle memory is broken or something.
It's clearly an important hobby that he spends time pursuing. And he has used his YouTube money to buy very expensive guitars. A good guitar doesn't automatically make you better, but it can certainly make it easier to play. I remember when I upgraded from a $500 acoustic to a... more expensive one. I was like, "Hey, this guitar is no longer fighting me! And my fingers don't hurt when I play an F!"
I just thought this was a curious phenomenon and I don't really understand how he got stuck.
I suppose one issue is he likes playing licks created by professional guitarists. Naturally people will compare his playing to the original and that might be unfair. Matching their playing ability using the song they created is difficult for even great guitarists.
Other than that, I'm not really sure.
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I’m Samantha (I also go by Sami/Sam) and I am a 29 year old dealing with adulthood by spending my free time as a professional fangirl! Life is tough, but my hyperfixations are stronger! I love to write, read, sing, watch TV/movies and lose myself in fictional worlds.
I am an anxious introvert until you get to know me and then I am an anxious AMBIVERT who gushes over similar tastes in media/hobbies- so if I’m shy (especially at first) don’t be surprised 😂
I’m a very open, safe person and love to make new friends! I’m always looking for mutuals to geek out over any of the following, so if you’re a fan let’s nerd out! 🥰
Here are the main fandoms you can find me posting/reblogging/nerding out about!
🎃👻 Halloween/Horror Movies
📺🛤️ Stranger Things
😱💀 Scream/Slasher Movies
🛣️😈 Supernatural
🤖🦸🏼‍♀️ MCU
🚿🏨 Bates Motel
🧠📕 Criminal Minds
😂🥺 New Girl/Schitt’s Creek
⚽️🎯 Ted Lasso
🎭🎶 Theatre
🔮🪄 AHS
🌊🏛️ Percy Jackson/Greek Mythology
I’m so glad you’re here and I hope you have fun!
Stay safe and happy, friends! 🥰💙
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themswritinwords · 6 months
ALSO I'm once again going to be a panelist, presenter, and moderator at the LTUE Symposium in February!
LTUE is one of the most affordable writers'/creatives' conferences out there (extra discounts for if you're a student) while still giving you a massive bang for your buck. They have eight different 'tracks' for presentations and panels (writing, world building, art, TMA, academics, books, gaming, and professional development), but you can attend literally whichever sessions, panels, or presentations you want, so you can mix and match interests and professional goals.
It's super educational and I highly recommend it to anyone trying to go pro with their creative works, but it's also fun. Like obscene amounts of fun. It's all the best of a convention while also providing genuine professional opportunities. People come in cosplay, Sunday Best, and/or street clothes; I was on a panel last year next to an author with electric purple hair and a real silver fairy tiara whilst I was wearing a t-shirt with a sunglasses possum on it, and the guy on the other side of us was in a full suit and bowtie. There was a life-size Springtrap cosplay out in the main lobby. I pitched for the first time ever to 3 actual literary agents and got 3 requests. I got personal career advice from a 25+ year industry pro. A 12 year old with a "future author" pin asked me questions on my presentation and took notes, and so did an octogenarian in rainbow suspenders. I was taught how to write a professional query letter-- that has a 16% positive response rate, where standard is ~10%-- by a former lawyer in a pirate hat.
It's good vibes only, man.
But you'll also find professional agents, editors, artists, authors, directors, game devs and so on. It's a huge geek-fest that puts people at all levels of the professional world on equal footing. They've even got gaming events and filking circles.
In short, it's networking, fun, hyperfocus material, and professional-level education in equal measure.
I seriously can't say enough good things about it (and not just because I'm involved). There's something for every type of creator/creative out there, 11/10 highly recommend.
Anyway, here's what I'll be up to as a guest during all three days under the read more. (tl;dr conclusion, if you plan to attend and want to meet up, message me!)
Original presentation (academics track): Folklore of the American South. An overview of myths, monsters, and old wives' tales from the rich storytelling heritage of the Southern States. AKA I finally have a platform to yell about my cultural heritage and by golly am I gonna yell about it! 10 am (yes it's a bit early, but I swear it'll be worth it! Y'all know you wanna hear about the Rougarou the destiny-determining powers of cornbread!)
Panelist: Shellshocked: Writing PTSD. Injecting realism into and dispelling myths surrounding characters with PTSD. AKA how flashbacks do and do not work, how to avoid making your character a caricature, and how to be sensitive so you don't use peoples' actual lived experiences as a sensationalist, reductionist cash grab. 10 am.
Panelist: Life After Coming Out. How to feature queer characters in more than just coming-out plots. AKA OwnVoices is not an excuse to exclude the reality of queer people in your built universes; don't write a story that's not yours to tell, but for the love of all things holy there's more stories to tell about queer folks than just The Big Realization! 11 am. (whew mercy, they gonna have me hoofin it all across that hotel RIP my ankles and my asthma)
Panelist: Fat Doesn't Mean Unfit. What it says on the tin. AKA a bunch of chubby folks are gonna demolish your fatphobia and why that's an important and good thing. Also I have a degree in health so I will be demolishing that fatphobia scientifically. 5 pm.
Moderator: Dining Throughout History. A panel about how food, meals, and feeding communities did and did not work throughout history. AKA ancient Romans absolutely DID have takeout on the regular, and you're not a failure for not making 3 square meals a day at home with all-fresh all-natural ingredients. I mean, your characters aren't failures.... Yeah. That. 9 am.
Panelist: Nonnormative Relationships and You. The whats, whys, and hows of all the different non-romantic/nonsexual relationships your characters can find themselves in. AKA no shade to the romance crowd, but can we please stop forcing characters to kiss just because they're in physical or emotional proximity??? 11 am.
Moderator/Facilitator: Do-It-Yourself Medical Care: Hands-On First Aid. Come learn how to effectively injure and care for your characters by actually doing it! The caring part, not the injury part. We do not condone irl violence in the Marriott and as mod I will be obligated to fight you if you attempt to injure another participant. I can tell you right now as a both a stress crying asthmatic and the parent of a toddler with professional experience handling and subduing dangerous animals, it will be highly embarrassing for everyone involved. I seriously cannot tell you how excited I am for this one! It's me and four other authors who are also trained in medicine/health, so we're working hard to make this an informative and relevant experiential learning opportunity. They're only giving us 45 minutes, unfortunately, but we're already coordinating to try and pack in the most opportunities and most interesting exercises possible. It's gonna be so fun!! 1 pm, do not be late, we can only fit so many people and training dummies into the room!
Moderator: A Brighter Future: Solarpunk Fiction. A panel discussing the Solarpunk genre, why it's relevant, the ways conflict and worldbuilding would be different in a Solarpunk setting, etc. AKA a bunch of neohippies walked into a bar professional panel and decided to rant about sustainable living. 3 pm.
The rest of the time I'll be flitting around attending panels and presentations, checking out the art show and vendors room, socializing/networking, generally vibing, and maybe getting in a few pitch sessions. If you want to meet up, shoot me a message! I'm always open to Friending, and I know all the good places to grab lunch.
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mvnces · 2 months
Sims 4 Traits!
Bold any trait that does fit your muse, italic any trait that fits your muse in some verses but not in others.
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active. cheerful. creative. genius. gloomy. goofball. hot-headed. romantic. self-assured. unflirty. art lover. bookworm. foodie. geek. music lover. perfectionist. ambitious. cat lover.dog lover. childish. clumsy. dance machine. erratic. glutton. kleptomaniac. lazy. loves the outdoors. materialistic. neat. slob. snob. squeamish. vegetarian. good. evil. bro. family-orientated. hates children. insider. loner. jealous. mean. non-committal. outgoing. paranoid.self-absorbed.
BONUS TRAITS animal affection. high metabolism. muser. dastardly. domestic. essence of flavour. business savvy. quick learner. home turf (prefers). alluring. collector. gregarious. career-minded.
REWARD TRAITS animal whisperer. long-lived. kindness ambassador. expressionistic. poetic. piper. world-renowned actor. mastermind. tormentor. vicarious. matriarch/patriarch. i am the master (vampire)!. role model. fresh chef. potion master. (cheese) melt master. shrewd.thrifty. a true master. professional. webmaster. handy. museum patron. in the know. player. companion. survivalist. naturalist. angler’s tranquility.  appraiser. treasure hunter. natural leader. hilarious.beloved. perfect host. regained humanity. unstoppable fame. over-achiever.
CHARACTER VALUE TRAITS responsible. irresponsible. good manners. bad manners. emotional control. uncontrolled emotions. mediator. argumentative. compassionate. insensitive.
SATISFACTION REWARD TRAITS always welcome (in other people’s homes). gym rat. observant. speed cleaner. great storyteller. heat acclimation. cold acclimation. waterproof. mentor. morning person.night owl.speed reader. storm chaser. stoves and grills master. creative visionary. entrepreneurial.frugal. independent. shameless. steel bladder. incredibly friendly. beguiling. antiseptic. carefree. (has) connections. fertile. great kisser. hardly hungry. professional slacker. savant. seldom sleepy. super green thumb. needs no one.sincere. memorable.
TAGGED BY:   i took it <3 for funsies  TAGGING:   @kurjaks , @soapfcrce , @peacereflected , @kindofuneven , @generationa1trauma
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clatterbane · 11 months
I'm still getting frustrated sometimes at finding myself needing to look up how to get some very basic computer shit done.
But, maybe I'm not just stupid. Assorted documentation (and discussions with other folks asking "dumb" questions!) are there for a reason, plus as I was reminded watching something the other day? The last personal Linux box that I set up and used on the daily was running...Debian Sarge. 🥴 Potato and Woody before that.
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Time sure does fly, and yeah maybe I deserve to cut myself a little more slack on not instantly remembering all the shell intricacies in particular.
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female-buckets · 5 months
re: transitioning fans from college to wnba -- what do you think the wnba could do better. I agree whatever it is they're doing now isn't working
I'm from Tucson so am most familiar with University of Arizona wbb. Aari McDonald smashed school records and revitalized our entire wbb program before going to the Dream 3rd overall. the demographics of the fanbase (lesbians, retired people, retired lesbians) completely flipped (tons more students and young families on top of the regulars), but that didn't translate to them becoming Dream fans. Even as a Mercury fan, I don't keep track of what she's doing beyond games she plays against the Mercury. There was more UofA excitement for Sam Smith even though she mostly rode the bench for the Mercury while she was up there.
it seems like part of it is people wanting that "local" identity of supporting a familiar player in a familiar place where they can see them play in person, but that's just a guess based on what I've seen in my small corner
The local hero effect definitely does bring fans!
Besides lesbians and sporty parents, the other WNBA audience is basketball geeks. And that's the category that's easiest to expand. If the WNBA emphasized and promoted that side of things, it would bring in more people.
Think about how many people watch professional chess streamers. Millions. Millions! To watch and enjoy chess, you have to study it at least a little bit. And millions of people study chess just for the sake of watching professionals play. There's no dunking in chess. But millions of people find it exciting to watch because they studied chess a little so they feel involved.
Basketball is like chess. There are only a dozen different plays yet every single game is different. I think the WNBA should be marketed as the league for nerds. The WNBA should provide everything a nerd could ever want. Analysis, scouting, explanations of different strategies. They can even teach the lingo and slang pros use to talk about all this. Then they can have pros chat about it naturally without having to dumb it down. No other league does that and it would set the WNBA apart. They should make all that fun and accessible for someone new to basketball. But also there should be enough depth to keep a hoops nerd interested. People say if you want to learn the game of basketball, watch the WNBA, not the NBA. So let's lean into that and teach the game.
Chess streamers didn't get views through fashion and lifestyle branding. They got viewers by teaching basic chess strategy. People want to feel smart and involved.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Most of the fancasts that support Jensen as Batman are DC fans, it wasn't Jensen's fans that started this campaign, it was the studio and Batman fans themselves, they really like Jensen
The studio? Which studio are you referring to, anon?
Like I said, Jensen has an iconic look and that iconic Batman voice but performance wise....yikes. He won't even be considered to audition for such roles. Physique wise, same thing. You are looking at it from a fan's casting perspective but people only get cast from a professional casting perspective. Many key factors. Jensen is generally likeable, he is highly attractive, however, being charismatic and a great performer have nothing to do with looks. Just look at most of the A list, I mean really look at them and if you ever get a chance to meet some of them you will notice they are barely attractive in real life. On screen charisma and their performance level makes them appear completely different on screen. Hollywood, more than ever, wants people who can act realistically not actors who act histrionically. Jensen falls into the second category. Easy fix: get advanced actung coaching, private sessions if needed.
Jensen will look at some dude's online pitch for him as Batman and conclude he needs nothing to have the part. Wrong. If he wants to play in the superhero league there are requirements from a casting standpoint. Inner work being utmost.
I hope Jensen will level up his acting skills and physique if he wants that type of role. Bruce Wayne is smooth, elegant, shrewd. Jensen is going for the butchy image despite it not matching his actual presence. He needs to shed the butch and step into his actual essence if he wants leading man roles.
If I asked you to cast me as a geek but I am a femme fatale you'd think I was crazy, right? As the most attractive woman in the room I'm not going to pass for geek on screen, right?
Casting feels the same about you trying to propose Jensen as Batman. You're trying to pass an unrefined, untrained man stuck on acting butch as Bruce Wayne. He lacks the essence that makes Bruce who he is and without that essence he will never get cast as Batman. Just as a femme fatale can't pass for a nerd due to her allure and powerful presence.
Lastly, to carry a superhero movie you need great acting skills. Like I said, Jensen's best chance is leveling those up and possibly producing something of his own that pitches him as a superhero.
He also needs to stay away from SB if he wants to go the hero route. He burned his chances of playing a hero when he accepted the Soldier Boy role. He needs to rebrand completely and make-up his mind.
Sorry, I know that's not the answer you were expecting.
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neonscandal · 5 months
Hello, I'm Brazilian and I really enjoy your interactions with us, thank you for always answering our questions. I have a question, what is that kong friend of toji's megumi? he seems to have lived with megumi.
Hello! I'm glad that you somehow found your way here ❤️ I am also regularly surprised that people ask me anything at all so you have no reason to thank me. If anything, I appreciate you guys reaching out because otherwise I'm geeking out (by myself) into the void.
At first, I had trouble remembering who you were talking about because I truly don't think Toji has friends LOL which is really sad but... accurate. Then I remembered his handler! I don't think he lived with Megumi but do know he knew of Megumi and likely Megumi's biomom by extension. We also see him with Geto and his cult.
Basically, think of Kong as like.. a seedy arms' dealer. He's not the mercenary doing the work but he knows a guy (or plenty). He's got connections to cursed users like Toji, the sorcerer killer. So, when multiple groups wanted to take Riko Amanai out, Kong was the middleman who contracted Toji but also assisted in setting up the larger bounty scheme that wore Gojo and Geto down over time. He knew Toji enough to bring up Megumi as like.. a professional courtesy to make conversation but was sincerely disappointed with Toji's answer. We later see him denounce hanging out with Toji outside of work.
He's also the guy who sets Geto up to usurp the cult he takes over and, seemingly, provides the fact that the dude that Geto singled out and crushes with that statue curse was the same dude who commissioned Toji to kill the Star Plasma Vessel in the first place. 👀 so no real client confidentiality, it seems.
While his role is minor, I do think that he is actually plugged into a lot. For instance, he's probably who brokered the deal to sell Megumi in the first place wherein his dealings may sometimes extend to the Big 3 Clans which would make him a much bigger deal as the story unfolds. We know, from Utahime, that there may be someone else high up leaking intel to cursed users in addition to Mechamaru's betrayal and I wouldn't be surprised if Kong had a hand in that in connection with Kenjaku (search for the word "mole" in the post), in whatever happened to Megumi's bio mom (which I think could have been at the behest of the Zenin clan) or in the larger scheme to checkmate Geto's body. He could, feasibly, be the invisible hand that pulls everything together for us.
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babstheyaga · 8 months
Hey I just wanted to say I’m a big fan of all your books with human transformers and wanted to ask. If the reader in Fmod had kids with one of the possible love interests, would they also have issues like their father or be more like their mother and how many would they have? I’m sorry I have huge baby fever and I’m asking this question to see what you think and how they children would look like, I might even draw some examples for you and tag you in it! With Bumblebee I think he would end up being a great dad same with mirage and Ratchet. I could see Jazz and Cliff’s (I’m still not sure if he is a love interest so my apologies if I’m wrong.) kids being rambunctious, and Reader and Arcee ofc would have to adopt but I could see Arcee being very protective of her children I could see Ironhide being protective as well. With Optimus though I feel like he would be more strict but I could be wrong but he would still love his kids, that’s just some of the ones I theorized but I want to know what you think and how they would react to reader having kids with them. Again thank you for giving me something to look forward too, I haven’t had the best few weeks and these stories help me through my day a lot, with all of my heart thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
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SDKFGFMLKJGDFNG Something to look forwards to? sldkjgmdfkgdfnkgjlng ahhhhhhh HHHHHHH- okay get serious now... I'm gonna treat this like a headcannon sorta thing, because I just woke up and am shaking because I forgot to take my meds last night-
Optimus as a dad would be very strict. But he would actually be a really good father! Even though he would raise them to be an Autobot, he would 100% make sure they have a really good childhood. Growing up a Prime would be tough for them, but they would be well taken care of. During pregnancy, he would take a very no-nonsense approach. Absolutely everything we eat and drink would have to go through him, it doesn't matter if it's a small saltine cracker, or a bowl of noodles, it goes through him. He wants our child to be more than healthy, he wants them perfect.
Arcee would be an amazing mother, but she wouldn't willing become one. She would teach them how to ride a motorcycle, like, come on, she'd totally turn them into a bike geek. She doesn't want a child in fear of treating them wrong, but what she doesn't realize is she is actually very good with kids. People who are cautious with children are often a lot softer with them, so she would be very gentle and caring. During pregnancy, we would most likely be the one to have it, she doesn't want to be the one to carry. If it be decided medically between the two of us and we get it professionally done at the hospital, or we just get one of the guys to knock us up and Arcee and us take care of it, she would be extremely over protective.
Jazz would probably be the strangest dad. Teaching them how to prank people, get good comebacks for insults, and let's be honest, he'd want their first word to be, "fuck." He'd be the type to give them a bunch of candy and then lock them in a room with us to, "get the energy out." He's really good with kids, but he doesn't know the first thing about fatherhood. He basically raised his brothers, but say he had a girl, what would he do then? He wouldn't know how to react. Jazz during pregnancy wouldn't be protective, but he would definitely see us as the sexiest person alive. It pretty normal for husbands to be immensely attracted to their wife when she is carrying his baby, but he physically can't keep his hands off of us.
CliffJumper would also be a really good parent. He's already taken on a very caring and gentle handed approach with us, so if he ended up having a child, he would take on a very neutering guide to everything. He would baby proof the entire house hold even in the first month of figuring out we were expecting. He's obsessed with safety. His love language is physical touch, so during pregnancy he would be very touchy-feely but not in a sexual way at all. If anything, he'd probably refuse to have sex with us in fear of harming the kid. Anything and everything to make sure the baby is safe, he'll go through with it.
Even though IronHide is asexual, let's say he does have a child with us. It wouldn't be his, of course, but him as a father figure as a whole would be very, "fuck around and find out." He'd be very understanding of the kid's angry problems in their later teen years, their tantrums in their younger life, and would automatically take the lead through all of it. He wants to be involved in the kid's life as much as possible, with him not having a father growing up, he wants to give the child everything he didn't have. During pregnancy he would be cold, but not distant. He's the type to already have all pregnancy craving foods already stashed away. Oh you want chocolate whipped cream with pineapple gummy bears? He's got you covered. Pickles and icecream? Honey, he'll eat it with you if it'll make you feel better.
Ratchet would probably be the best dad out of the eight. As much as Bee and Arcee would be amazing parents, Ratchet's extremely experienced with anything and everything. He's the most caring for a reason. The song, "Isn't She Lovely" By Stevie Wonder is a really good representation of what Ratchet's fatherhood would look like. He's comforting, and knows how to work around tantrums and crying fits, it's shocking that he wasn't a father before us. During pregnancy he'd know exactly what do to through everything. Absolutely anything you need, he would understand what to do automatically.
I wouldn't outright call Mirage the worst parent out of the bunch, but he's definitely not the best. With him and his anger issues, his approach on dealing with any form of frustration in his kid would only make the situation worse. He would need to go through a lot of mental training to prepare himself for fatherhood, but he would also be rather... Over protective over the kid, to the point we're concerned if it's even protecting anymore. During pregnancy he would be able to tell before we even need to take a test. Being a Detector has it's pros, along with an array of cons, but being able to tell when someone is expecting is one of the pros.
BumbleBee would be the sports dad. He'd want the kid to be totally invested in like boxing, football, dance, whatever the child feels like they want to go into. He's always wanted a kid, someone to properly take care of and be protective over. He knows he would be a good dad too. He's very confident in his ability to be a parent. During pregnancy he would be the caretaker. He would make sure we go to bed at the right hour, no alcohol and especially no stress. He would do his best to make things as easy as possible for us, he's Bee, what do you expect?
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twinkleallnight · 2 years
I have not done this in quite some time. But I am here.. i have been writing. Just haven't completed it yet.. so till then here's for @wip-wipeout-weekend and day 3 of @kiaratheronappreciationweek and for @choicesficwriterscreations
Sunday Six
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Kiara sat across Liam in the conference room. Dressed in a black suit her image was sharp and thoroughly professional. Her silky black hair was tied back in an elegant French bun. Her eyes focused on the documents in her hand. An occasional click was heard when her hand fiddled upon the pen it held.
“What do you say?” Liam asked her.
“There are many clauses in this agreement which need transcript so that all of us are in clear picture.”
Rashad sighed, “I would still say, leave it to my team, I will make sure you get the right people and papers on your table, Liam.”
Kiara gave Rashad a stare. He tried to pass it over.
Liam looked at both of them and inhaled a deep breath. “Let me get this straight to both of you.” He placed his palms on the table with weight. “I want both your departments to work hand in hand.”
He addressed Kiara first, “Even if this is the matter of external affairs, I want Rashad to look into the legal aspect of all the points to be discussed.”
He then turned to Rashad. “And Rashad, you can keep a check that things are being scheduled abiding to the laws of both the countries but Kiara’s department will take a lead on this.”
He got up and dismissed the meeting. After Liam left, Rashad gathered his belongings and told Kiara, “I will call you to my office once my team is ready.”
Kiara snipped, “You can come to my office once your team finishes the job. The case primarily belongs to me.” She strutted away on her heels leaving a baffled Rashad behind.
Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890   @angelasscribbles  @bascmve01 @bebepac  @busywoman @dcbbw  @gkittylove99   @harleybeaumont   @iaminlovewithtrr   @karahalloway @kingliam2019   @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone  @neotericthemis   @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308  @princess-geek  @riseandshinelittleblossom @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg  @tessa-liam @tinkie1973  @txemrn     @walkerdrakewalker  @yourmajesty09  
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caitylove · 2 months
1, 15, 33, & 38 for the questions thingy. Please & thank you.
Ohhh thanks for asking!
1:what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
So having a brother who was mentally disabled all my life strongly helped me develop a kind of Radical empathy towards people and their situations. Also, I think my parents definitely helped develop me into a strong, self sufficient woman and 3) There's this event I've volunteered with since I was 18(literally 16 years no). It's help me develop my professional skills and make lifelong friendships that really have molded me into who I am.
15:what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
Home for me is the quiet life. Being with the husband, my cats, and sometimes my extended family.
33: any hobbies?
Is being just a giant geek a hobby? lol. I have a few. Besides writing and reading, I also play video games. I LARP, I go ghost hunting, and help run an anime con... lol 😂
38:fave song at the moment?
So this is a harrrrrs question for me. I've been on a Halsey kick lately. So maybe Lilith?
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