#i am nothing if not stubborn
mxwhore · 8 months
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clatterbane · 11 months
My latest masochistic project, which I am planning to get back to in just a few minutes. Currently taking a little break.
What I actually want to accomplish: set up a handy CGM display not just on my phone/watch but also on the laptop (running Linux, which actually makes this proposition easier).
What I evidently need to do: Set up an instance of Nightscout through a database server. Then tell Diabox on my phone to upload the CGM data to said database server. Then get a Nightscout display going to show me the readings.
This is more common for people who are running a DIY loop system to get their insulin pump and CGM working together. But, I just want to see my blood sugar readings on the computer screen.
Theoretically, I could "just" run my own database server and get everything set up locally, but I already kinda failed at getting MongoDB up and running properly. So, instead of troubleshooting that right at the moment, I am just hauling my lazy dunce ass over to one of the free hosting services where I should be able to also feed that into a remote Nightscout instance through a GitHub repository. Currently trying to get that set up and working correctly.
Everything is more complicated than it really needs to be, as usual. I just want to see my numbers without messing with my phone and/or the existing glitchy-ass GWatch setup supplying my watch. (Where the readings keep not regularly updating like they're supposed to. Which is not actually my doing this time, other than relying on rather convoluted workarounds.)
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pariahfox · 10 months
Well, that was some debugging practice that I wasn't necessarily looking for right then. I have been trying to seriously brush up on some skills in a language I haven't really touched in years, by going through sime simple game tutorials.
So, of course I hit one where the scoring just did not want to increment up properly as written by the guy doing the tutorial, even though the suggested code in question was clearly working for him. (Different system, slightly earlier version of the same language. Still not sure exactly what the issue was)
So, I eventual resorted to a kludgy solution of just pasting in some known-working similar stuff from the last little project, slightly edited to fit the job. And it's kinda working now, when it just was not before.
Not the first time some on-the-fly trial and error shit like that was needed on this same project, but hey. Guess I am learning something, successfully figuring out annoying little stuff like that so that it does sorta work.
An unfortunately good summary of my approach to a lot of things: it may not be pretty, or even particularly original, but it kinda works. Hopefully.
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monarchisms · 2 years
Now a rule book may be more of a mod or datapack thing :/
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never say never
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levemetal · 26 days
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Watercolor test to get back into it! It's botched, especially the chair but eh. Gonna post anyway ٩( ᐛ )و
Mei Nianqing, inspired by the lovely @kimbapchan's gorgeous design of him in their swap AU <3
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lorillee · 10 months
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sorry everybody ive become a bit obsessed with this au . take some messy ms paint drawings
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cinnamonmelody · 4 months
Listen, I will admit that I couldn’t figure out amarantha’s riddle for the life of me BUT my first thought when cardan exiled Jude was “isn’t this bitch ~the crown~? Pardon yourself and go back…” and that has to count for something right???
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kindahoping4forever · 4 months
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Two worlds collided and they could never, ever tear us apart
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mirusx · 5 months
does anyone grasp the depth of grief, persistence, and hope all at the same time from these supposedly just system notifications? please bear with me and my incoherence bcs i might actually be losing my mind????? i apologize in advance
[Story, --, has begun its storytelling once more.]
[Story, --, is continuing on with its storytelling.]
and then kindly replace those '--' with a story like "Life and Death Companions" or other stories affiliated with kdj and kimcom.
Orv has repeatedly emphasized how people are stories and how we are all just stories trying to understand each other. Seeing these 'stories' that were made from kdj and other's connection trying to continue on and starting once more evoke emotions deep inside me. Because Kdj and every member of kimcom live on through these 'stories', they embody the stories that they obtain. They're the ones who want to continue on and to begin once more. Because 'once more' implies that it has already come to an end at one time, and 'continuing on' means persevering despite of.
like resisting permanent death.
It's like no matter what catastrophe befall the world or the universe and how long these stories and connections may stay dormant, they will always awaken once someone remembers them. Once someone speaks of them. It's like how people have this irrational fear of being forgotten, and so being remembered, being told, and being shared just like a story somehow realize our existences. And we all know that these system notifications appear when the people involved in the story are wielding their shared story/experience to get through something(scenarios) or to someone(between themselves) and hope that the stories they've created are good enough to be acknowledged. Whenever the system narrates a story— one, both, or all of the parties included in the story want to be seen, recognized, and understood as we all crave to be good enough to continue being somebody in at least someone's story— in someone's life. It's like our souls despairing and rejoicing at the same time, "i'm here! i'm still here. i'm still continuing on. our story's still existing.", pleading to be read.
and so once someone recognizes our story, connected with us, and understood us— our story continues on despite of, and it begins once more even when it might have ceased at one point. It tells this new story of not being forgotten
and how our existences— our already written stories, always endure. just like theirs.
....the grief, the persistence, and the hope of it all.
[Story, Life and Death Companions, has begun its storytelling once more.]
[Story, Life and Death Companions, is continuing on with its storytelling.]
fuck did this even make sense im so sorry. i just really needed to get this off my head, it's rotting my brain
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l3irdl3rain · 5 months
Merril and Petunia are like Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg from the discworld series
Someone on here mentioned I should read this series and I really, really need to. So thank you for your reminder again!!!
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clatterbane · 7 months
In a further update, I did finally manage to get a copy of the 2013 Skyrim: Legendary Edition (a.k.a., the original 32-bit version, plus bug fixes and the first three DLC packs) installed and running playably with controller support working! That's the version I started out with on PS3.
Not through Steam, since they haven't had it available at all for several years apparently. I did manage to find the original minus that DLC bundle in the store, though it's been hidden by Bethesda's request and won't show up on internal searches. But nah, it's grey market all the way here. I'm ethically fine with that, especially since I now own copies of this for two platforms, plus that currently unsuitable remastered version that I just bought.
Also finally figured out that I can do more reasonable screen recording on the Windows side through the built-in X-Box game bar thing. Annoyingly, I couldn't quite figure out how to get it to also capture its own HUD, and I was too tired to try very hard by that point.
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The Windows screenshot tool would show it, but kept taking over so that it stopped displaying the framerate. Idek, and again I am too tired to figure much more out tonight. It was mostly running at somewhere around 30FPS on "Medium" graphics preset at 1280x768, so I was happy enough with that for now. Can probably tweak more to improve matters.
So yeah, I am looking forward to farting around with that some tomorrow. Probably try to get some mods working, for the hell of it. For now, I was worn out and need to be up and moving too early tomorrow, so I'm calling it a night before even getting further into the Helgen intro.
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the-worm-king · 22 days
Some Welcome Home doodles I've been working on today and this weekend
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Some period comfort bc, OWWWWWW
And Howdy would, of course, be the best husband and bring you snacks and give u a foot massage, just cuz he's the best <3
And finally i made a mob!Kitty for @clownsuu Mob!AU
ft. Luna, who belongs to @lunatheartist22446
Her and Kitty talk shit and drink together (and occasionally kiss)
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suggestive joke under cut
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poor Kitty, he just wants to smash
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cheekblush · 9 months
i'd rather be friendless than to constantly have my boundaries disrespected
#i am so frustrated and annoyed rn#at the beginning of this year my ex best friend reached out to me and i cautiously let her back into my life#things were going great but now she turned a harmless topic into a full blown discussion even though i told her multiple times that i no..#.. longer want to discuss this matter but she kept going & then accusing me of continuing the discussion as well#and tbh i really should've stopped engaging with her messages much sooner but it's so annoying when someone sends you lots of messages with#their opinion although i mentioned several times that i want to drop the topic & then i'm just expected to shut up lol#she didn't respect my wish to move and made a huge fuss about nothing#i stopped replying to her since yesterday bc i really had enough & i should've just left her on read much sooner#but her messages were truly annoying me#her last message now says that we often have different opinions & she thinks she's more optimistic than me & that makes it hard for her to..#talk to me..... i was so dumbfounded when i read that this morning#our initial conversation was about whether a song is more pop or rnb....... & she twisted that into me being negative lmao#she was so obsessed with being right that she couldn't drop the topic even though i told her how exhausting the convo was for me#and like it's such an irrelevant topic... imagine being that obsessed with always being right 😭#idc anymore i'd rather be a negative bitch than someone who disrespects others' boundaries <3#i thought she changed for the better but she's so self-righteous opinionated & stubborn it's awful#i calmly told her that her behavior is bothering me & we easily could've just moved on but she kept going on and on#and she herself admitted that it's one of her flaws that she always has to be right & she's being petty & yet she didn't stop 🤡#even writing all this down feels so silly to me bc the initial topic was sooooo trivial#am i supposed to feel sorry for thinking a song was rnb rather than pop???? like go touch some grass please#she even sent me a screenshot of the wikipedia page of the song to prove that it's rnb & it literally said synth pop & rnb lol#but i wasn't even mad about that her not respecting my wish to drop the topic & move on even though i said it multiple times really pissed..#me off though.... like girl just let it go it's not that deep!!!#but apparently i'm negative & pessimistic for having a different opinion than her 🤷🏼‍♀️#like imagine starting a fight over smth SO IRRELEVANT but i'm the negative one sure lmao#okay i just needed to get this off my chest bc i don't have anyone to talk to about this & it's just ridiculous to me#☁️
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bl33ditout · 1 month
i HATE my skin. i HATE having a body. i want to go away and just be a ghost
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flameswallower · 15 days
you know the Spartan fable about the kid who hides the fox cub under his shirt and doesn't cry out or show pain as it eats through his guts? if you were a millennial child, then you, like me, might have encountered this tale in a Horrible Histories book. well, what i took from that wasn't "gosh, those Spartans had some strange mores and values," it was "this is an ideal that I should personally strive for," and i think that, combined with the fact that by nature i'm an almost comically emotionally volatile and over-sensitive person, explains almost every negative thing about my character
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cowgurrrl · 2 months
Okay wait but now I’m thinking about a sweet home alabama au with Joel
Like maybe you’re an up and coming star and you’ve fallen in love with one of your costars, an absolute beautiful (albeit a little bland) man everyone in the world seems to be fawning over, and you guys get engaged which is all good and well until you remember you have some…. unfinished business back in Texas. You go home for the first time in ten years, divorce papers in hand, and meet your soon to be ex husband Joel at the house you two shared once. Maybe he’s out working in the garage when you pull up in your rental car and he’s got a bandana sticking out of his back pocket, grease on his hands, and sweaty curls slicked out of his face. Maybe he looks you up and down when you get out of the car before he turns back to the faulty engine at hand. “You sure haven’t aged much.” He mumbles and you sigh. “‘S what happens when you get outta this shit hole. Life gets a whole lot better.” And maybe y’all get into an argument because he won’t sign the papers and you won’t take no for an answer and who ever thought this marriage would actually work out? You guys were just stupid kids making stupid choices. You make wise cracks at each other in the company of others and all but torment each other with years of unspoken tension and unresolved issues.
Although the longer you’re in Texas and trying to force him to sign the papers, the more you start to see what his life without you has looked like and how he’s changed. Maybe he takes you line dancing for the first time in ten years. Maybe y’all have a nice dinner where you don’t end up screaming at each other. Maybe you apologize for things you should’ve apologized for years ago. Maybe he finally signs the papers and a piece of your wannabe Yankee heart cracks just a little.
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