#i Know what happens in the finale so if i just dont watch any further i can continue to live in denial xx
malcolmreeds · 6 months
just watched ofmd s2 ep6 calypsos birthday three times in a row bc it made my heart happy, what if i literally stopped watching here, perfect end to the show wrap it up everybody
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lovelybrooke · 1 month
you have said wanting to write more of Ohshc, how do you think they would act when they are jealous ?
Like maybe Reader have some friend from middle school and they catch up like the ep with Haruhi i dont remember which one
Jealousy (Yandere OHSHC)
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I really like this but I changed a few things from your original ask, sorry. This is inspired episode 6. Also don't mind the name, I just looked up a random name.
based on these headcanons
"I want to learn how to charm (Y/N)! Please teach me!" 
It was a quiet day in the Music Room, at least before all this started happening. The Club period was over for today, the rest of the Hosts getting ready to leave before a random first year walked in. 
"I apologize, the Hosts are all done for today" Kyoya said without even looking up from his papers. "Please come back tomorrow if you would like to meet with one of them." 
"I don't want to meet with any of them." The voice was deep, deeper than most of the clientele. The voice caught the attention of the other Hosts, mainly the twins and Tamaki, who moved to see who exactly it was. Kyoya looked up from his paper, peering at the person in question.
Kida Yutaka. He was a first year in your class, including your art elective. His father owned a tech company, partnering with schools all over the world to provide computers, as well as making popular phones. Kida wasn't known for being particularly popular, in fact some would even say he was shy, evident by the way he was shaking while speaking. So it's surprising to see him so bold at this moment. 
Tamaki was immediately fuming, rushing up to Kida, causing him to back away in shock. "Who are you?! What do you mean to (Y/n)!?" Kida was clearly shocked by the Host's behavior, seeing him react so badly to something so simply puzzled him. 
"I-I see (Y/n) come here often--I assume you know what they like..." Kida moves away from the blond, who is seething, backing into the twins in the process. "What--" 
"Aww, you look nervous~" They say in unison as Kida spins around. "You must really like them~" They say again, watching Kida's face heat up. 
Kida was obviously getting fed up with these Hosts, pushing past the twins and moving further into the room. "Okay look, I don't--It's just--look all I want to do Is--" 
"Mori--what's going on?" Kida jumps at the sound of another boy, Honey-Senpai, who looked clearly very tired. He was standing near a much larger boy rubbing his eyes. Mori's gaze was locked on Kida, surely meant to intimidate him. 
Where are they all coming from?
"This boy--" Tamaki spits out. "Wants to take (Y/n) from us!" He cries, leaning all his weight on Kyoya, who seemed unperturbed. Honey however, who was now being held up high by Mori, gasped dramatically.
"Really...I don't want (Y/n)-chan to leave..." Honey sounded like he was about to cry, very scared. Mori look like the exact opposite, his face was stern and cold, holding no empathy for Kida whatsoever. "Are they really leaving..." 
"No Mitsukuni." Mori says with a low rumble. 
"He might as well be." Kaoru says on his left. 
"He wants to sweep (Y/n) off their feet." Hikaru adds on his right. 
Kida looks like he's about to explode, his face red, confused and scrunched up. Moving away from the Hosts encircling him, he knew he needed to explain himself. "Look--all I want to do is learn what (Y/n) likes so I can ask them out! I assumed that since they spend all their time with you that you'd, y'know, give me advice." Kida finally let out. The room was finally silent, which strangely made him feel worse. It was gut wrenching, watching them analyze him. 
The first one to break the silence was Kyoya, letting out a low chuckle while pushing up his glasses with the hand that wasn't being restricted by Tamaki. "Well what a predicament we have here, it seems our dear (Y/n) has caught the eye of someone else, what a surprise." He didn't sound so surprised, the smirk on his face evident to that. "If it's advice you need then you came to the right place, isn't that right, Tamaki?" He turned his head to face the blond, who was still moping. 
"No absolutely not!" Tamaki belted. "I refuse to divulge my dear (Y/n)'s secrets, especially not to a scoundrel like you!" He all but spits in Kida's face. 
"Scoundrel..." Kaoru sighs
"What is he, five?" Hikaru finishes. 
"You should be making fun of him!" Tamaki points to Kida "He's the one trying to sneak his ways into (Y/n)'s life." 
Kida scoffed, crossing his arms and raising a brow. "What do you mean sneak? Me and (Y/n) are already friends." The sentence made Tamaki gasp, looking back at Kyoya, who was still smirking. 
"What does he mean? Why did he say that? Kyoya?" 
"It means that (Y/n) has friends outside of us, Tamaki." You would've thought Tamaki was shot by how much pain it looked like he was in, a stark contrast to his knightly persona. The twins both laughed at his shocked expression, moving closer to him. 
"Oh you hear that boss, they have friends~" They say in unison, laughing as Tamaki tries to jump them, only being stopped by Kyoya. 
Kida watched in pure confusion as he feels someone tap him on the shoulder. It was Honey, still being held by Mori. "What is (Y/n)-chan like in class?" He tilts his head, and if it wasn't for the situation at hand he would've thought it was cute. "We don't have any classes together so I don't get to see them much..." He drones on. 
Kida thought for a moment. "They're kinda quiet, they don't talk much, especially not in art class. They're really kind though" He smiled for the first time since entering the music room. "Once, they let me use their paint during class since we sit next to each other, we talked the entire time. It was the first time I heard them talk, it was nice. They're nice..." The room was silent, Honey simply staring at Kida, nearly unblinking. 
Kida realized he liked you months ago. You and him were alike in a lot of ways, quiet and reclusive. It made him comfortable around you, it made him like you. You were his first crush, and for a while, he hated it. You were a commoner, there was no way that his father would let him be with you. But that didn't stop him from wanting you, he'd talk to you every day during class, some days he'd even eat lunch with you. But as time went on, he noticed you spending more and more time at the Host Club, he started to think that maybe there was something about them that you liked. 
If he could make himself more like them, then maybe you'd like him. 
"So are you gonna help--" 
"What are you guys doing? Who are you?" Haruhi walked into the Music room, you right behind her, causing Kida's face to light up. 
"Sorry, I left my bag here--oh hey Kida, what are you doing here?" You waved to him, moving around the Music room. Kida watched as you grabbed your bag, too afraid to say anything. This was too sudden, he wasn't ready to confess to you. 
"Hey Kida do you know when our next painting is due--Kida, where did he'd go?" Hikaru and Kaoru appeared on your sides. 
"You scared him." Hikaru whispers in your ear. 
"He's a baby." Kaoru whispers in the other. 
You push the two away, sighing as you swing the bag over your shoulder. "I have to get to work, bye guys." You wave, leaving as soon as you came. 
With Kida gone it as though Tamaki could finally breathe, slipping off of Kyoya and composing himself. "We're never letting him in again." He exclaimed. 
"Already banned, sir." Kyoya said with a smirk.
A/n: In conclusion they're insane.
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azurlily · 1 year
NSFW read at your own risk. Everyone in this is aged up to 21+ AFAB reader. I'm a beginner writer so this isn't the best.
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I can just imagine the AOT girls fighting over who gets to have you first. Its practically a fight to the death that you have no say in. Hange says it should be her because shes the oldest! Ymir and Historia say it should be them because you've known them longest. Each girl has their reason and believes their reason is the better one.
Poor you. An agreement is made, they all get to have you together! You're going to be sore for weeks. You get laid on a bed with nothing but lingerie Hange bought for you. You can feel hands on you, you dont know how many but they're there. A hand slips into your panties and starts rubbing your pussy. You trace the hand back to Sasha who has a big smile on her face.
"Sasha, no. We agreed how we'd so this, I know you haven't forgotten." Ymir pulls Sashas hand away and your whimper at the loss of contact.
Two strong hands grab at your hips pulling you up. "Open your legs up baby, Hange and I are getting your holes first."
You felt a warm haze fall over you as you do what Yelena commands. Hange slowly pulls your panties off, a wet spot very evident. "Aww is this for us, darling? Pretty little thing you are."
You watch as Hange attaches large black dildo to the harness. Oh, oh that wasn't going to fit. "H-hange it's too big!"
You feel a mouth cover yours, Hitch. She pushes her tounge in your mouth before pulling back. "If you want air breath through your nose." That's all she tells you before pushing her tounge back in your mouth.
You whimper and cry into her mouth, but it didn't matter. You feel Hange line up with your pussy and gently push it in. You didn't take all of it, like you expected but she just kept pushing in and pulling out. Slowly she got into a rhythm. You didn't even notice something else lining up with you ass until it was in you.
You let out a choked sob. Too much, and they knew it too. That didn't stop any of them though.
Yelena didn't move, instead she had you warm the toy. You could feel the build up, you were close and fuck did you want it. You start trying to match Hanges pace, trying to rut into the toy like a bitch in heat.
When Hitch finally stopped kissing you and pulled back you noticed the others staring at you. "Hange, Yelena, Hitch! Your times up, it's Mikasa, Annie, and Sashas turn. After you three its Historia, Ymir, and Piecks turn."
You cry out, it was fair! You were so close, they cant just edge you like this!
The two women pull out, you grabbed a hold of Hange as you felt Yelena pull out. It hurt, a lot.
The three move back and place you down on the bed. Three new sets up hands are upon you. You feel someone open your legs up, Sasha presses her tounge into you. "Oh fuck-"
Annie slaps your thigh harshly. Fuck that hurt. "Watch your mouth little girl."
Sasha pulls her tounge out sucks on your clit. Your hands darr toward her hair. You start pushing your hips into her face, you didn't get to come last time and you wanted to oh so badly now.
Mikasa moves behind you kidding and biting you neck. She intends to leave marks. "Your skin is so soft darling, and you look so sensitive. Are you? Are you so sensitive you're going to cum so soon?"
You nod like crazy pushing your further into Sasha. "Please, please, please! I'll be so good s-so g-good for you please!"
Annie grabs Sasha by her hair and pulls her back. "If you want to come, it'll be on this strap. Got that?"
You didn't care, you just wanted to come, no you needed to come. You buck your hips against the strap. "Please, please! Need it s-so bad!"
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I'll let you imagine what's happens after.
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
how i met my boyfriend - the designer axe story
as promised, since we have both now graduated the statute of limitations has expired on this story and i can now share it all with you.
some notes: ra is resident assistant and this story occurred in august of 2021. i wrote this all out the day after it happened almost 2 years ago. we did not actually start dating until october 2021 after we both realized we were in love with eachother. yes, we are still together as of may 2023.
without any further ados, the much anticipated designer axe story.
so part of RA training is that we have to make door decorations and bulletin boards for our halls and buildings. i had finished my door decks at 1 am sunday morning and the bulletin boards weren't due until 9 am monday morning. so i had all of sunday to work on it.
my building has no less than seven bulletin boards per floor and an additional 4 on the entrance floor. i dont know who the hell built this building but we need to have a serious talk about when too many bulletin boards is too many fucking bulletin boards.
so i was in charge of three on my floor. one about me, one covid policies and one sloth (his name is sam and i love him). and i am a chronic procrastinator. so i finished my about me and got through about 95% of my covid one by like 9pm and had to go back to the res life office to cut out a few more letters and get some scrapbook paper.
at this point its probably important to know that the only people on campus at this point were the RAs, some students getting mentoring training, and a few random first years here for an early arrival program. plus some staff.
now, i need you all to understand that there are 42 RAs. all of us have the same deadline. all of us had between 2 and 5 bulletin boards to complete. plus door decks. and room condition reports. so we were all moving at literally 600 frames per second, 120 miles per hour, or about as fast as a child does when they are told there's cake.
which is to say, we were all frazzled and stressed out of our minds.
so i open the door to the res life office at around 9 pm to cut out the word "but" in orange construction paper and grab 2 sheets of purple scrapbooking paper. in the office are the four RAs that were on duty that night, plus a good 7 other people are running around asking about glue sticks and construction paper and keys.
i knew that i only had my sloth board left to complete so i decided to take my sweet ass time, knowing that i was in need of a good break (and also im just a procrastinator) so i cut my letters and grabbed my paper and stood at the desk for no less than an hour talking to everyone about things like the fact that i fell out of a suitcase when i was 2 and that tamper proof lids exist because of the chicago poison pill murders and the flagship l.l. bean store in maine. it was very productive.
so i finally slink back to my dorm at around 10pm, very confident that i would finish by midnight and could watch some netflix or something before i went to bed. if only i knew what was in store for me.
i enter my dorm building and walk to the elevators. and then. one of the RAs from the third floor was like "oh saph. [another RA in the building] is looking for you."
and me, of course, didnt bring my phone to the res life office so i didnt know this.
i go up to the second floor and see one of the RAs from the second floor and another from one of the other buildings working on a bulletin board. they say "oh saph. [the same RA in the building] is looking for you."
i run up to my dorm and discover that somehow we missed the bulletin board by the downstairs elevator. seriously there's too fucking many bulletin boards. and they were asking me to do it. because they wanted to put covid policies on it.
and i know i said this story was about axe body spray. and it is. we are getting there.
so panic sets in because its 10pm and i still have two whole bulletin boards to make now. one of which i have nothing planned for. so i threw some soup in the microwave (because i had forgotten that dinner existed) and opened my laptop.
thankfully, i could reuse some of the same stuff from my own covid policies board in my common room. i just had to print it. which meant, yep you guessed it, another trip back to the res life office!!
at this point i think i had taken a grand total of at least 7 trips to the res life office that day alone. its a good 5 minute walk. not terrible, but just annoying enough that you hate yourself a little more every time that you have to do it. and now its 10:30pm. i am starving. i have two boards to complete. it was crunch time.
i make it to the office and this time i had no time to sit around and debate how popular l.l. bean is. i had policies to print and letters to cut.
as im struggling with the printer (because those fucking things can smell fear), someone else in the office starts loudly discussing timothee chalamet.
and now, this is where you want to actually pay attention because this man would be the reason i ended up only getting 4.5 hours of sleep.
said man in question is quite the character. he's in my grade and im pretty sure he's a polisci major (and maybe creative writing? there's some kind of writing) and he plays lacrosse. i dont really know how to describe him other than the fact that the first interaction i ever had with him was two years ago at freshman orientation when he complained to me in the dining hall that there was no milk for his protein powder.
that interaction is in my top 10 favorite interactions ive had in college.
but the one we are about to unpack definitely takes all of the cake.
so here i am, struggling with the printer and my tiny knock off dongle. the other RA on my floor starts discussing timothee chalamet's outfits with the protein powder RA.
and so apparently the protein powder RA worked in some major fashion designer brand corporate something or other thing over the pandemic. he told me which one but i was so shot and only thinking in construction paper and glue and staples that i didnt process any of it. but it was a fancy one. the store that is.
and so here's what happened:
me: "timothee chalamet? isn't he like, 17?"
protein powder RA and the other RA on my floor: "nah he's like 25. ive checked."
yet another RA: "yeah i just googled it."
me, a wimbo: "oh im thinking of finn wolfhard. but i dont think he's 17 either."
listen before you slam me, remember it is like 11pm and i have to still do 2 bulletin boards and we have training at 9am the next morning.
so protein powder RA pulls up some photo of timothee chalamet and starts telling me about all the brands he's wearing and i literally said "i understand all of the words that you're saying separately."
and he said "exactly!! he's just so great that when you put it all together you can't understand it!! he's just too perfect!!"
and the i made a detrimental decision.
there is life before this decision and life after.
i said "well. bring your fashion designer knowledge into the lounge and help me decide what color to cut my letters."
and he said okay.
so after severely debating the different color purples that we had and listening to the finer points of the fashion industry, i noticed something important.
he smelled like axe body spray.
see i bet you thought i forgot the point of the story. i did not.
let it be known that we are juniors in college (that's 20-21 years old if you dont know). axe is very common in middle and high school boys locker rooms. i have vivid memories of avoiding that hallway so i wouldn't be choked.
so im trying not to inhale too deeply because the smell has permeated my mask as i cut my "covid safety" letters in the color this man has dubbed "light lilac" and half listening to him talk about the fashion industry.
but i finish quickly, somehow escape the smell of axe, and grab my laptop and print outs before tagging along with the same protein powder RA and the other lax player RA back to the dorms. its now 11:15 pm. i still have 2 bulletin boards to complete. my soup is sitting in my microwave in my dorm, almost forgotten about.
halfway back from the office i realize that i forgot my dongle. i say so out loud and protein power RA says that he will go back and look because he's just that guy who likes to help. i say okay fine. and i sprint to my dorm building, drop the print outs and letters downstairs for later, and start the sloth board.
several minutes later, my soup has been inhaled, my papers glued, a sloth cut out, and im sitting in a mess of construction paper and staples in the hallway when i get a text from protein powder RA that quite simply said:
"its not there. do you need help with your boards?"
and me, being me, because i am exhausted and in need of company, say "yeah sure."
by the time he finally shows up, he's changed his outfit.
as a side note, every time ive seen this man during the last 5 days of training, he's been wearing a different outfit. oh and he works for lulu lemon. forgot to mention that.
but alas, here he came, holding my papers and reeking of axe as he walked down the hall to me, who is failing to staple a sloth to my bulletin board.
so for the next two hours i did my boards and he sat and talked. he wasn't physically helping me, but he was helping me stay awake, cause this man is a ball of fucking energy, and that was very important.
i only remember about half of what he said but essentially he was talking about how he was trying to be a better person than the one that he was freshman year. which is admirable. but he does still reek of axe.
at around 1 am i finished my last board and went upstairs to clean up. he came with me and sat on the floor and continued to talk while i cleaned up my disaster of paper and staples and glue among other things. at this point i was so relieved that i had finished that i was actually able to engage in the conversation, which was surprisingly deep and interesting.
and then. its about 1:45 am. i am about to wash my dishes so i can shower and go to bed. because remember that i need to be at training at 9 am the next morning.
and he says something about trying to be a better person again. and me, in all my sleep deprived glory, says:
drum roll
"and yet you still wear axe body spray."
and all hell broke loose.
i would like to preface by saying that he freaked out in a very joking matter and was not actually mad at me. but he was definitely disappointed and in shock. the next hour pretty much consisted of:
"are you kidding me? this is prada something something cologne and all these celebrities wear it!! how dare- it could not POSSIBLY SMELL LIKE AXE!!! well i guess its a little dry and axe is kind of dry smelling...bUT I SPENT SO MUCH ON THIS BOTTLE and the lady sold me on the larger one and it was like 150 bucks and UGH i cannot smell like axe! you know i got four compliments on how i smelled today??! and you're telling me i smell like fucking- *sniffs shirt* no! there's no way!! well i mean... no i cannot. i cannot smell like designer axe. damnit saph! im gonna have to sell this whole bottle now cause i can't use it! BUT ITS PRADA!!"
for an hour.
but it was very entertaining.
eventually i dragged him to the common room cause i needed to do my dishes and sleep and he continued ranting about it there, going as far as to call his best friend (who was asleep) and another RA and ask them if he smelled like axe. i meanwhile was laughing my ass off and 12 kinds of tired but couldn't find it in myself to care.
eventually he decided he needed yet another opinion. so he went to find the other RA on my floor, which, if you remember, is the same one who was thirsting over timothee chalamet with him in the res life office all of those fateful hours before. but that RA was nowhere to be found. so he ran down to the common room below us and scared the shit out of three freshmen.
and he asked these freshmen if he smelled like axe.
the answer was yes.
after that he left because it was 2:30 in the morning, and all the while he was yelling about how he was going to come to training tomorrow with different shirts with all his different colognes on them and have me sniff them because he couldn't smell like designer axe.
and i did the only logical thing. went upstairs to my my dorm and made him a door deck that looked like a bottle of axe that had a post it on the front that said "designer."
and so. now you all know not to buy cologne because its expensive because there's a good chance it will just end up smelling like axe.
and i didn't get to smell his other colognes because i almost passed out in training and left to take a nap. but maybe that was a blessing in disguise.
we’ve been dating for a year and seven months and just graduated college :) and in a fun twist of events, prada no longer makes that cologne anymore.
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gyulovly · 6 months
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drunken desires part 2
genre: friend with benefits au! smut
word count: 862
summary: after drunk sex in a bathroom stall yeonjuns going through it
warnings: solo masturbation, oral (male rec), gagging, choking, use of force, slight face fucking, kinda like free use if you squint, big cock yj (daisys fav BWAHHA) truly just pure filth with little to no storyline
note: jumps between imagination and reality ><!
yall sm has happened since i’ve been gone and YES SOLO QUEUE WILL COME OUT. i havent written in forever and after rereading that shit im making major MAJOR edits
im also in school again <3
Yeonjun hates himself for what happened.
He feels ashamed for not being able to control himself last weekend.
But he couldn’t help it. not on half a bottle of hennessy with the girl of his dreams dragging him somewhere secluded.
yeonjun gasps through shallow breaths, chest slowly heaving while seated in bed.
his heavy cock in hand twitching at the thought of you…
his name rolls off the tip of your tongue as you tug at his waistband seated on the bathroom floor pulling them lower exposing his hardened length.
Yeonjun wraps his hands tightly around the head of his weeping cock, arousal dripping from the tip.
“youre so fucking big,” you drawl, holding it up against your face, it was larger than you anticipated and thicker too.
yeonjuns fingers trace along your pretty features. your doe like eyes and needy expression, eagerly waiting for permission.
Yeonjun swipes the slit of his cock, sharply inhaling. the tip of his head so red, so angry. precum continuously leaking from the top.
“not yet.” he breaths, resisting movement of his wrists.
your shallow breath gently knocks the base of cock, nose grazing at his tip. a heady scent fills your senses, watching pearly translucent beads leak from the tip of his head.
yeonjun tugs on the base of your neck, bringing his weepy cock to your lips.
“go on kitten.”
you hesitate.
yeonjun whines your name in silence, pained resilience urging for any sense of friction. cock twitching in hand begging to be played with.
how he wishes to use that pretty mouth of yours.
yeonjun grasps his heavy length with his free hand tapping the tip against your lips. precum effortlessly staining them clean.
“just taste me darling, dont worry.”
weary eyes peer below yeonjun watching those precious lips of yours slowly part way for his bulbous head. your tongue gently swipe against his weeping slit, coating your appendage with the taste of him.
“shit y/n..”
yeonjun hisses working down his entire length.
his heady taste overwhelms your senses lapping along the tip of his leaking cock for more. yeonjun shallowly thrusts upwards, both hands finding their position at the back of your unmoving head.
“come kitten open wider for me.”
your jaw slacks, lips forcefully parting wider at the intrusion of his tip shallowly fucking the entrance of your mouth.
yeonjun’s cock weighs heavily against your tongue leaving barely any room for you to breathe.
tears well unable to do anything else but be used by him.
“youre such a good girl you know that?” yeonjun grits, cock twitching between his hands tugging on his shaft lower and tighter.
saliva drips around your mouth the further he shoves his length down your throat, inch by inch closing in on your airway. tighter and slower, larger and wider, theres no time to adjust.
just how long is he?
yeonjun grasps the back of your head with one final push, the tip of his cock slams the back of your throat. nose at the hilt of his pelvis. tears spill unable to breathe, panic ensues frantically tapping his thighs for release.
he stares. holding you still.
a wicked smile of satisfaction.
“stay like that for a little longer kitten.” he pants standing on his knees. a pillow folded in half in front of him trusting his entire length at the entrance.
the rough texture of the fabric encases his sensitive cock, bringing him to ecstasy.
yeonjun moans your name.
hands gripping the base of your neck firmly, he pulls himself off. you gasp for air, thick strings of saliva spill from your lips dripping onto your thighs.
arousal pools at the sight of his cock twitching under low light, glistening.
“jun..,” you mewl, voice hoarse from deep throating his cock.
taking a hold of his shaft between your hands you wrap your lips around his cock shoving your face down his length stretching your muscle, readjusting quickly to his size. yeonjun chokes at the sight of your bobbing head taking him in deeper with every shove. his tip knocking the back of your throat with every push.
“youre such a good girl y/n..” yeonjun whispers taking control of every thrust.
hand firmly grip the back of your head, yeonjun thrusts upwards slamming the back of your throat, forcing your face down at the same time. he doubles over holding you there unmoving, thick liquid suddenly fill your mouth, warmth slowly running down the back of your throat.
a loud moan rips out of yeonjun at his release. thick sticky liquid coating the inner lining of his pillow coming undone at the thought of you.
he feels like shit.
even if it was just his imagination. his corrupt thoughts were all about you.
guilt washes over yeonjun, his breathing unstable staring at his stained pillow.
he’s never came that much until now and he hates it.
Yeonjun sighs.
how was he to face you tomorrow after what he’s done.
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moriahwritez · 7 months
Late Night Subway
(Grayson x Fem Reader)
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(For more further experience, can add music while reading…or not :)
Hey y’all out there! Am happy it’s a nice and cold day jeez. I want to let you know that I’m glad that I am able to make more and finding more people reading my stuff, including lesbians which is amazing 💜 I want to say thank you for loving my stuff.🤭
Enjoy reading this for today and be doing more hopefully next week since I’m off for break yay!
Gloomy night in Piltover city, their was finally an underground train station that was made for people to get back to their usual home. And one of them is you actually. A lot of folks was already home in their cozy bed, while you just got out of work and you were pretty much the only one there. The subway was dark and green, which showed in the atmosphere. Some of the lights were flickering and some weren’t but dim. The air was musty, thinking none of the workers ever cleaned down there. It felt like you were in Zaun already but weren’t. You just got off from late night working at the main area of the library in Piltover, wanted to go home so so bad. You sat on the bench waiting for the train to arrive….hopefully. This place felt unfamiliar like it wasn’t suppose to be this awful compared what it looked before. All cleaned and perfection. It would be packed everywhere during the day. Maybe this night wasn’t the right time to get pick up. It was now 10pm. You had this deep thought if someone was watching you in the shadow as you kept looking back and forth. Just in a few moments later, you heard someone approaching you. “Sorry to startled you, miss but it seems that no one should be here at this time of night. Where are you heading to at this hour?” The sheriff says coming from behind. “Um home.” You thought for a second it was a creep asking you for something, until you realize enforcers do check on others who are still around this subway area. And she was one of them. “Oh thank goodness I wasn’t the only one here, I was scare for a second.” You took a deep breath from all the anxiety you had. “Dont worry ma’am. It’s my honor and job to protect any citizens of Piltover. May I ask what’s your name, dear?” The big women says. She was pretty much taller and look pretty strong comparing to your size XD Which made you not focus on her question but her whole body figure, til you shake your head.
“Oh uh it’s y/n.” The sheriff smile in pleased. “Y/n, how lovely. I’m Grayson. As you might’ve guessed already that I’m an enforcer in case anything happened here. That’s why I came to make sure everyone gets home safely.” You form a small smile and blush appear on your cheeks. “That’s very nice of you, Sheriff Grayson. I do need to get home actually. I was just afraid something might’ve happened to me. But thanks to you,” you said. “It’s no problem, ma’am. It’s my duty to ensure city of Piltover is safe. Since I’m here, may I walk you home and make sure you arrived there safely?” Grayson says offering her hand at you. You nod, smiling as you hold her hand. “That’ll be lovely, Sheriff.” Grayson offered your hand, gesturing to walk with her as you two saw the train finally arrives. “Follow me. I’ll find us a seat somewhere.” You two walk in and sat at the farthest back corner near the window. The train begin moving on towards the tunnels. While looking through the window, you look back at Grayson, seeing her as she makes sure everything was okay during the train. She saw you look up at her, which made her chuckle and wink at you, as a way of flirting at you. You couldn’t help but lift the palm to your mouth as you turn completely red looking slightly away from her. Oh god.
Later on, Grayson sigh, sitting down next to you. You two talked for a little while to the point, you felt your eyes tired. Letting out a yawn, you tried to stay up but couldn’t. Grayson glance at you. “You seem tired, y/n. Why don’t you lean your head on my shoulder.” You look at her twice, while blinking to stay more focus. “Wha-Really? Your such a sweetheart, Grayson.” You nod at her sweet advice and lay on the side. The sheriff lets out a small hum, flustered by your nice words. Throughout the train, you two were in complete silence. An hour later, train finally stop for your destination. You didn’t know Grayson would do such a thing, which was carrying you in a bridal style, while getting off. It caught you off guard being in this sort of situation. You didn’t say anything but just let it happened. Towards home, you thank Grayson keeping you safe and warm around her. You actually wanted to do more of this with her. So you gave her your phone number in case. You gave Grayson a hug, not wanting to let her go for tonight, but didn’t wanna make things too awkward, so you pull back. “Thanks for bringing me home. Hope to see you another day. Stay safe out there, Sheriff and gets some sleep. Goodnight.” You smile waving at her, but startled when she let you go inside as a way for respect. “Me too, y/n. Me too. Have a goodnight, dear.” Grayson says before walking out and watching the night sky, thinking about you, with a warm innocent smile linger on her face.
“She does like me. Just as much I like her too.”
The end
🥺aww me next Grayson pls
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noforkingclue · 7 months
Oh im so happy request is open. Pls, pls do something with dark!reader wanting revenge on the doctor (which doc is up to u). Despite the other companion wanting to punish u or cant forgive u, the doc wont give up on u n try to rehabilitate u but u dont make it easy.
So I made this more ambiguous about whether or not it's the Doctor, the reader of both that are dark.
I also chose the 13th Doctor for this
Hope you like it!
Title: The Truth?
Warnings: dark (?) fic, unreliable narrator, dubious morals
Doctor Who tag list: @v4n1r, @queerconfusionthings, @yourneighbourhoodclown, @love-of-fandoms, @emilythezeldafan, @fabulous-jj-style, @theseeker945, @pleadingeyes, @kjaneway1, @truthbehindthemysteries, @im-a-muggleborn, @startrekkingaroundasgard, @mythandmagik, @geocookie21, @zerocanonlywriteshit, @thewinterpoet2, @anteroom-of-death, @night467, @clarasoswaldd, @sessa23, @mxacegrey
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
“Ah,” you smirked slightly as you saw who has entered your room, “Yaz. Pleasure as always.”
Yaz remained by the door, a tray of food in her hands. You held your hands up and walked further away, giving Yaz space to venture into your cushy cell. You watched her intently as she dumped the tray down on the table and swiftly march toward the door.
“You don’t like me, do you?” you asked
Yaz, who had just reached the door, gripped the handle tightly. You were almost certain that she would walk away but to your surprise she said,
“Can you blame us? Any of us?”
“Well,” you shrugged and sat down, poking at the food with the fork, “you do only know one side of the story. The Doctor didn’t make this did she?”
“No, Graham wouldn’t allow us to give you any of her cooking.”
“Make sure to thank him for me will you?”
“What do you mean, one side of the story?”
You grinned at her and pointed to the seat opposite you. After a seconds hesitation she walked over and sat down opposite you.
“Do you know why I asked to be located here?” you asked, “Near the heart of the TARDIS?”
“So you’re near the centre of it,” said Yaz, “can could possibly take control.”
“So cynical.”
“Am I wrong?”
“Yes,” you jabbed your fork at her, “tell me- how are you feeling?”
“Pissed off.”
“Besides from that.”
“Annoyed. Irritated. Frustrated.”
“Those basically mean the same thing.”
“Well that’s how I’m feeling.”
“Don’t you see how clear your mind is? What did the Doctor say before she allowed you to see me?”
“She didn’t-“
“What did she say?”
“She said…” Yaz frowned, “she said… she said to be careful.”
“Just be careful.”
You leant back in your seat and took a bite of your food. You chewed slowly as you observed Yaz. You swallowed and said,
“Don’t you feel how freeing it is down here? Here clear your mind is?”
“I don’t feel any different.”
“I’ll admit,” you said with a soft smile, “I didn’t feel anything at first. Then, ever so slowly, you do. It’s like a fog has been lifted from your brain. You’re finally able to think for yourself.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“You haven’t noticed your opinions changing? How one moment you think one thing and the next,” you clicked your fingers and smirked when Yaz jumped, “you don’t?”
“You’re lying,” you said bluntly, “I know when people are lying Yaz and you’re terrible at it.”
“She warned me this might happen.”
“The Doctor,” Yaz tapped the side of her head, “that you’d try and get inside.”
“I’m not telepathic. I can’t read your mind or change what you think. The Doctor can though.”
“No,” Yaz stood up and shook her head, “No. I don’t believe this. This is over.”
She walked towards the door but just before she left you called,
“I’ll see you around.”
You laughed as she slammed the door behind her. Oh yes, they always acted like this at first but in the end they always saw the truth. Even if you had to manipulate it.
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How sweet
child!Riddle x child!reader
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yes lets forget how dead this account was until now💀 Half way through writing I forgot I was writing for child!Riddle but everything works out in the end yeyyy -K.
✧|: Riddle being salty cuz he doesn't want a babysitter tutor at home so he's really mean to you at first but then you start doing all these really nice things that makes Riddle want to cry in a good way and now he doesn't know what to do.
༶•┈This will be part one (1/2?)
When Riddle thought all was lost, that he could never get to taste a sweet strawberry tart nor play outside with his friends ever again, his mother hires a... tutor? and you're the same age as him? like he's supposed to care, if anything he's even more displeased!
After the recent incident, young Riddle really couldn't think his life could get any more restricting than it already is. He can't play, he has to watch what he eats, he has to keep up with his academics, and now his mother's hiring a tutor to keep him company when she's not around?
"Do I really need this...?" It's been a few days since then, yet Riddle still couldn't bring himself to look her in the eyes, not after what he did. He didn't want to anger her any further. "You certainly have a long way to go until you can gain my trust back, and what better way to show me, than with this." She gestured to you at her side, posture straight with a slight smile on your face.
The young boy has heard of you prior before your arrival from his mother. You as well have been placed in the same position as Riddle, yet unlike him, you didn't seem to dislike the idea of having to work twice as hard for both him and yourself. If anything, you looked very much delighted to be here.
With a small bow you then began to introduce yourself, but all Riddle was able to focus on with your voice fading out was the slight ringing in his ears that grew louder by time.
"Now, do try to get along."
A week has gone by. A week of you constantly pestering Riddle to work twice as hard. A week of extra papers piled up on his desk. A week of the very thread of his patience finally on the brink of snapping, or in short,
it was a week of pure torture.
Again, Riddle really didn't understand why you were needed here. He was doing just fine by himself, save for what happened and for the very reason WHY you are present here in the first place but he's changed! He's already been enduring this far without complaining, so surely that was enough proof he no longer had any ulterior motives in changing his daily routine his mother has given, right?
"You should've completed these papers by now."
And again, your annoying voice cuts of his train of thought. "You shouldn't be slacking, I've been given strict instructions to make sure you finish these on time", you say while taking the paper Riddle just finished and replacing it with another.
"I'm not some immature child, you don't have to tell me every time, my oh so annoying Tutor, and for one, I dont need a babysitter either." Despite the initial fear of his mother finding out he's been speaking to you in this disrespectful manner, (unbeffiting of the rosehearts name) this is the relationship you've made from the one week spent here together, and besides, you're both the same age! 'Formalities shouldn't be taken that seriously', Is what you said, but Riddle already had no intentions of refering to you in any high regard (because of his newfound bitterness with a hint of saltyness for those around him).
"Hey! I already told you to think of me more as your study buddy! I have my own homework to do too you know."
"You say that and yet you continue to nag at me like an old lady, how irritating."
"It's not nagging, I'm simply looking out for you."
Yeah right. Despite the happy display you've shown at your first meeting, Riddle knows it was all a play, that you're only here because you were forced into this position. With a sigh, Riddle finally finished the last of his homework, stretching his small arms up into the air to signal his victory over the sheets of problem filled papers.
"There, I'm finished. Now will you give me this time for myself or will you continue on with this pointless conversation?" With that the playful look on your face disappeared, and in it's place you let out a small laugh, but it lacked any sense of glee, accompanying it was a sad smile.
"I thought the conversation to have been... nice. You don't often come to openly chat with me, even if it's for things relating to outside of your academics. That's why your mother- I mean, that's why I—"
The chair scraped the floor as Riddle shot up from his seat, giving you a look that clearly showed his distaste for the topic you took on. You never broke eye contact as tension soon began to build up. It was moments after, Riddle finally chose his next choice of words, and did they stung, cutting deeper than any paper cut you've ever received. "Let me make one thing clear," your breathing was becoming heavy, but you hung onto his every word, "If you think being my tutor would give you some sort of privilege to speak to me like we're close, as if we're actually friends, then please leave."
You could only watch as he promptly made his way towards the kitchen, probably wanting to be anywhere away from you, is what you think. Sighing, this may come to be more difficult of a task than you expected, but you weren't just going to leave like what Riddle wanted. You've already made it this far into a week with him, so you're not going to give in and give up. Afterall, Riddle is your friend, you just need a bit more time in order to help him see it. To accept you were there for him.
You caught onto his final words, and that only was the beginning.
"I've had enough of people expecting me to be better,"
'You're a Rosehearts for our Great Seven's sake! this shouldn't be difficult for you to do right?!'
"To have others cut into my life without warning when I tell them not to, only to leave once I've been caught,"
'You can study later, come on let's play, and eat all the sweets we want in the meantime!'
"I need at least one person to do their job correctly, so make things easier for me, will you?"
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floororangejuice · 1 month
BION Information master post!! (abibaz oc)
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real image of me after making all of this or something
hit the read more to get blasted with everything or something
I want people to find some things out through hints and clues hidden in art, so there may be a big chunk missing! Also, his story isn't FULLY finished yet too, so there will be a lot more to come. This post will (if I remember to) be updated along with any major art/information I make about him! (FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS TOO!)
Bion and Bryne are the same person. Bryne is the person/version of himself when he was alive, and Bion is the spirit that remains after death.
I just wanted to clarify this as this can be something that is easily mistaken if you see me draw them at different times/in different posts, sense at first look they can seem like completely different characters.
In my interp of abibaz, it takes place somewhere in the 90's, so that is also where his story takes place.
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BASIC LORE (quick/low effort summary)
Bryne is a poor-ish guy living on his own and looking for a job and in some way ends up applying as an IT guy for the school. He applies for this job because it somewhat relates to his huge interest in computers, and he is already desperate enough for any job so this place seems perfect for him so far.
Upon entering the school for the first time, he can immediately tell something is off. He cant place his finger on exactly what it is but it does raise some red flags for him. Even so, he continues on for his interview and gets hired yadda yadda I dont really know how to explain that part and its not important.
Though, adding to his suspicions about this place, he has to meet and be around Alex now. I dont know how to word it in a good way, but basically he thinks Alex is a massive freak.
As time goes on, he gets more and more curious about what is happening in the school. Kids keep going missing, if there is any at all, and the place constantly smells like iron and rot. Bryne tries to research about the school online, trying to find any documents or reports about the school, like possible crimes that happened or any leads on the disappearances, but keeps coming up empty-handed.
This leads Bryne into a spiral, he keeps trying and trying to find information, it just seems right out of his reach. He spends most of his time at work in his own classroom, in the back with his personal computer most of the time because of this. That computer is like a sort of personal companion to him now, with how much time he has spent there alone with it.
Alex is aware of Bryne's researching, and after a while started to have his own fun with him. Setting up red herrings and letting information slip as a way to reel Bryne back into a game he almost had set up from the start.
Anyways, as time goes on Alex starts to get bored of this, and decides one night to finally get some real enjoyment out of this.
He was ready. The clock seemed to tick exceptionally slow that day, there was nothing different about that day from the rest, all but that usual feeling of dread seeming to hang heavier on Bryne's shoulders.
Alex slinked into his room, looming over him just watching him before making his presence known. He just started talking to Bryne, placing a hand on his shoulder and getting close to his level. Bryne could sense that something was wrong with this little meeting of his, though he did this type of thing this one felt wrong.
Bryne started to head out of his room and to the exit doors, hurrying his pace as he got further away from his room. Though when he finally reached the exit, he found the doors to be locked. No matter how much he tried he couldn't get them undone. He was now stuck here, unsure as to why. He started to panic, Bryne had always been weary of Alex, and now his suspicions have been proven. He was stuck there with a monster.
Now, I dont feel like I have the capability or patience to write the whole next segment, but to quickly summarize it: Bryne gets fucking hunted and chased through the school, becoming exhausted and more panicked over time and ends up heading back to his room, then Alex corners him there and kills him by giving him so much blunt force trauma to the face through smashing his face into a computer screen. yay!
I will probably try and write it out better at a later date when I have it more clearly thought out and have the energy to
anyways, here is a quick demonstration of what that looked like:
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really good mock-up i know right
Anyways, after this there is a week period(important) of time where he is dead, his body rotting away, semi-untouched. Bion apears within one of the computers as, well, him, and has to re-learn what it feels like to exist again along with his newfound unstable emotions and overall physical form.
He now has a hatred for Alex that burns brighter than the sun, and in simple terms is extremely violent over even the mention of him.
I'll add more onto Bion's way of processing thought and emotion later, but it is a pretty key part in everything he does. He is extremely impulsive.
Bion is a massive recluse, hiding away in his computer most of the time, rarely ever coming out. The computer is his safe space, leaving it even voluntarily causes him to get horribly stressed. The only times he ever fully leaves is when he is driven by an extreme emotion. (usually anger)
Touching him is most times lethal, he is electrically charge. Holding onto him or touching him in general causes a feeling of numbness after a period of time, intensity varying on his emotion and the time touching him. (it feels like when one of your limbs falls asleep, but a bit more painfull)
If Bion was ever added in game, or if I felt like ever attempting to mass mod the game, his mechanic would be to locate Alex.
He would be a (mostly) neutral character, helping the player by showing where in the map Alex is with a pop-up map. It would only be accessible in his room. Along with this Alex would be unable to enter the room at all, but he could just camp at the door and completely trap you, so it would be wiser to be quick while in Bion's room.
Bion's room is also located in a semi-inconvenient spot, near the end of a very long corridor with the only exit down that hallway being one of the rooms with a red key required door. (I'll add a map of where his room is later)
He also has the chance of being a hostile character too. If you provoke him with enough questions about himself, his past, speak of Alex, or bring a special item to him. Any of these will result in him killing you instantly, or becoming one of the hostile character that chase you in the game from that point on.
I also have an idea with him for an Easter egg ending that is related to his lore, but i have to do some more developing on it before I explain it to the public.
Because he is a spirit now, his reactions and emotions are alot more raw and intense, causing him to lash out often or go into violent spirals. He is his greatest enemy. (other than Alex)
His most common emotion that happens is rage, appearing whenever his mind starts going down a path of thoughts about how he was wronged, and the monster that he was wrongfully made into.
His rage and his fear of new things causes him to become more of a recluse than he already was. He cant even go out of his classroom without being reminded of how he was made into such a beast.
Bion can still feel and react like a normal person, and is still somewhat the same man he was. Whither that is good or bad is for you to decide.
The way he comes off when not in any fit of emotions is more flat and mechanical, being inside machinery for so long has changed the way he talks a bit, becoming more formal and thought out.
Here are my Toyhouse pages for both Bryne and Bion where you can find most if not all of their art, which includes lore art.
(lore art will be specified in the bio of the images, and you can usually tell because there is more effort in the details)
ALSO, Bion has a twitter account! its mostly fun silly stuff, but occasionally there will be lore related posts!
@B10NSC0MPUT3R <- link to his account!!!
btw this is going to be updated with more soon!!!!! im probably going to add some facts + more clarifications later!
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love-toxin · 2 years
Omg Ellie so (totally haven’t been stalking ur spicy tag 👀) but I just found this and... if you ever wanna do more of puppy play Eddie, you definitely have an audience lmao
heh.....my brain is rotating......Eddie puppy play but it's a throuple--you, Steve, and Eddie, your precious pup that you two just looooove caring for <3
(cw: petplay/puppy play, collars and leashes)
it's something that happens kind of on a whim. you and Steve have had those conversations about having a threesome, maybe even a third partner, but you haven't found any viable candidates yet. too bossy. not affectionate. only interested in sex. only interested in Steve or you, not both. every time you try, something comes up.
but then Eddie just falls into your laps, and you find your answer. probably strolls into Family Video one day while Steve's working, or the arcade next door where you work, and you two get to know him--and when you realize that he's a lot more apt to be unconventional, you grab the opportunity to propose a threeway. he's only a little hesitant but he eases in quickly when the time comes, and he understands that you're not just mocking him--it actually goes amazingly, leagues better than any that you and Steve have tried before. but afterwards, when you hint at taking things further, Eddie warns you of a little "problem" of his--an interest that he swears you won't be down for even though he hasn't told you what it is yet.
when he does, finally, after weeks of pestering, the stuff he has in his room makes a lot more sense. handcuffs could just be written off as kinky, but the collar and the leash....it makes a lot more sense when you find out Eddie's into puppy play. but like the open-minded people that you and your boyfriend are, you offer to indulge him in his fantasy, especially since he's revealed that he's never done it with someone before. only messed around by himself. that's gonna change.
first, Steve gets the leash. clips the collar round Eddie's neck and works out some guidelines--safeword, dos and donts, things he can say and not say--and once that's done, it's go time. literally. Eddie's butt is already wiggling where he's knelt on Steve's bedroom floor, looking up at both of you with big, brown doe eyes and a hopeful whimper as he barks softly for your attention. you thread your fingers through his soft hair and watch him lean up into your touch, eyes closed and nose scrunched up as he tries to nuzzle you for more. his cock is already leaking when you call him your good boy, and when Steve sternly orders him to beg for it, Eddie begs. he does it for you, for Steve, for a touch, any touch to relieve that awful pressure you two are putting in his belly with your commands. he's indiscriminate, eagerly drooling all over his own lap when Steve fucks his face, and humping your leg when you snap your fingers at him and tell him to enjoy his treat--cause good boys get to cum, and Eddie makes sure to be a very good boy for you. his ass is sore and his cock is soaked and strained by the end of it all, but he doesn't even settle down until he's nestled up between you two in bed, clean, fed, warm, and happy. he's so overwhelmed in a good way, wishing and hoping in his dreams that you two will have mercy and let him act out this fantasy with you again--he's got no idea you and Steve have absolutely no plans of letting him go, and are gonna tell him you're keeping him as soon as he wakes up. you've always pestered Steve for a dog, anyways, and now you've finally got one <3
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fyowhore · 2 years
The BSD men… on being tired
Honestly an embarrassing interact while I’m making a garbage dinner gave me inspo for this one ;; I DONT APOLOGISE FOR HOW FLUFFY THIS IS
Dazai - This man is NOT letting you go anywhere looking like that. This is the KING of procrastination you’re speaking with here. He’d see your head dropping while pouring over whatever you had to get done right this second and just KNOW you needed a distraction. Normally he’d suggest a lovely double suicide by the river in the romantic hours of twilight… but what you needed was some well earned rest.
He’s taking you to meet Oda. Not that he’ll tell you who this is. Think Atsushi meeting him at the grave during Bad Apple. He’d tease you for not knowing who Oda is but there’s no explanation for you, ever.
The point of being here is to enjoy the dwindling summer weather. Enough to be comfortably warm, with a cool breeze to avoid either of you over heating.
When he’s sure you’re asleep (with your head on his chest of course), he’d speak absentmindedly with the man beneath him.
“It’s not an orphan but I promise I’ve been working on that part too. I hope you like them.
And you’d never hear any of it. Your mind focused only on the fact the man who possibly loves dying more than anything in this world, is alive and well enjoying this moment with you.
Atsushi - oh bless your heart. He can see you’re trying so hard but his own heart cries for you watching you struggle like this.
He’s insisting you head out together for lunch.
Maybe a cheeky bit of going to the arcade too? You’re getting a new plush (tiger) toy forced on you. Not that you minded.
He’s holding your hand the WHOLE time too.
Stopping by the coffee shop, he’d insist you talk him through what you’re feeling right now. Even if he didn’t get it, or if YOU didn’t get it because it helps you both figure out what kind of tired it is at least.
He’s taking you back to his place for the night. Even if it’s not glamorous, he insists spending time together will help you feel at ease.
Fyodor - Honestly speaking this man doesn’t care at first. He saw your exhaustion coming over the last few days but he’ll just let you keep going. Whatever the results require, he will get them. Not that he isn’t keeping a close eye on it, and you for that matter.
When he finally acts, it’s when he knows he can’t push the work horse any further. Or at least, without causing lasting damage.
You’ll be alone, writing something down for some reason, and he’ll enter. Admittedly causing your heart rate to quicken just a little as you can never be too comfortable around this man.
As your eyes are on him, he’d yoink whatever you’re holding and replace it with a cup of tea. You look at him in confusion as he places a blanket around you.
“Why so suspicious? I’m insisting you relax, just for a little while.”
Of course this man is including himself in that, sandwiching himself between you and the sofa. A long winded way of having you curled up on his lap.
This is for him, not you. At least you can take advantage of that. Your head finding respite on his shoulder as he begins to read.
It’s rare, and it won’t happen again for some time. Until his busy little worker looks fit to drop again.
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malewifesband · 28 days
trying to go back and actually write this scene w kabru and rin. my stupid illness is worse again so im struggling but id like thoughts if anyone has them. on like any aspect
to establish: i feel like kabru takes rin for granted like by far the person he seems to treat worst is her. hes not a terrible person for this no way but like the way he teases her about liking him despite having no feelings for her ... idk i feel like he counts on rin always being there. like nothing could push her away so he feels he can be a bit cruel and hell be forgiven--not like she doesnt rag on him all time, right?
but i think things change when he falls in love. like it finally hits rin that man, its never going to be her. shes watched him date around for years, and never truly fall for someone, so there was always that hope that one day hed just realize how he really felt about her. and now she cant delude herself thats true, she can just fuckin tell how bad he has it for laios after spending two years living between the castle and her apothecary. she starts trying to breakaway from him, because every time she talks to him theres a reminder that he loves someone who isnt her.
feeling especially pathetic one night, she sees marcille, who is also feeling especially pathetic bc falin is still over a year away from her and enjoying their open relationship, but marcille doesnt. she cant bring herself to want anyone but falin. rins like ok bet. we are the same kind of pathetic and i dont like you but youve also been nothing but nice to me and im not reconciling these feelings. lets have sex
the scene im struggling with comes after
like rin is in the garden again, hoping that marcille will come. she didnt feel lonely when she was with marcille. she felt... special. more seen. she didnt think about how she misses kabru even when hes with her.
but ofc kabru is seeking her out bc he just really fucked up with laios.
she tells him, yeah man, super your fault for pressing the bruise after fuckin kissing him and then refusing to talk about it. everybody knows the dude does not want to get married and have heirs why did u like agree with his dads letter that he has a duty to sire children
she really doesnt want to talk to him about this. she wants him to need her like she needs him--she doesnt want to need him like she does. and she doesnt want to help him fall in love with someone else, but its like he doesnt even realize whats happening.
kabru insists the kiss was nothing, and he shouldnt talk about it with laios bc he was just drunk its just... he wants laios' full trust. and its weird, but sometimes he pictures laios as girl and something about that works. but its a weird wishful thinking bc kabru wants to get thru this barrier they have where (kabru feels) laios feels like he cant trust him bc kabru is good liar and laios cant read ppl. like maybe if they shared something that intimate, them both being trans, theyd understand each other completely
rin doesnt really know what to make of any of that. it feels like further rejection. like it just feels obvious to her that no matter what, he loves laios. and that thorny feeling of jealousy is spiraling around her heart. maybe she says something cruel, gives terrible advice bc she feels so hurt that he cant see how sincere her jealousy is, that he cant see how it hurts her to hear him in love with someone else?
im not super sure where to take the scene from there. i know i want it to end with kabru feeling worse about laios and deciding to avoid him, but without him realizing that rin is purposefully pulling away yet. (he'll realize that later, when laios is the one to tell him she and marcille and seeing each other and he didnt even know. and he'll have to address then that hes taken her friendship for granted)
any thoughts on the kinds of things she might say? or might tell him? i feel like theres an obvious solution im just missing
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I can see Spider being taken to the Capitol and tortured like Peeta was in Hunger Games 3, it reminds me of Spider being interrogated by Ardmore.
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Hey everybody remember the Hunger Games Au i wrote up back in November? I needed to watch the final movie but then I got bronchitis (that took me two months to recover from) and it was also Christmas at the time and I really didn't feel like watching the child murder movies. But I never forgot about this and I finally got around to watching the final movie! So without further ado let's wrap this up.
To the question of what Spider and Kiri would have shown off in individual training, I feel like Kiri would have purposely tanked her's just for fun not even for strategy. She'd see the whole thing as stupid plus she knows her abilities so she's got nothing to prove. the gamemakers though can see what shes doing and give her a 9 to make her more of a target. I can see Spider pulling a Katniss and shooting an arrow right at the gamemakers to make them pay attention then bowing out. Quaritch is only half pissed at him. The other part is so proud. He's even more proud when Spider is awarded an 11.
In interviews they're both just kinda dicks lol. Spider taunts the whole crowd, talks mad shit on Snow, and heckles the fuck out of Flickerman. Kiri is similar just way more sarcastic and petty. So Snow was definitely super pissed when these two won the game.
Moving on to the ending.
I've tossed around a lot of idea's in my head for who gets captured and I had almost settled on it being Neytiri, Ronal and Paz, but that was mainly because I didn't want to hurt any of the kids especially Spider (I hurt that kid enough in Cabin and all I want is good things for him. I really dont want to hurt the moms either or anybody for that matter but this is a Hunger Games au) And yeah it does match actual Avatar canon to have Spider be one of the ones captured so that's what happens. Neytiri and Aonung are also captured.
The families are all incredibly distraught. Paz has a full on meltdown the moment she wakes up in recovery and is told the terrible news. It's her worst nightmare come to life and she completely blames herself for it. Quaritch, who's already inwardly losing his shit over his son but trying to keep it together, internally breaks seeing his wife like that because he's never seen her break before. After Paz is sedated Quaritch goes off to be alone. Spider's capture cases a real strain on their relationship because neither knows how to comfort or emotionally support the other. Paz is so guilt ridden that she doesn't want to be anywhere near her husband feeling intense shame when ever he looks at her. Quaritch doesn't blame her for Spider's capture. He blames himself for not volunteering in his son's place the day of the reaping. the only thing they can manage to do together is plan on saving their son.
Ronal also blames herself for her son's capture but she buries it deep under a wildfire determination to get him back. Tonowari of course wants Aonung back too and is just as determined, he just advocates that they be calm and level headed about their recuse so that they don't lose anyone else.
Jake hasn't felt this powerless in years. He wants to storm the Capital single handed to get his wife back but no one will let him leave. They all look down on him for being in a wheelchair and forget that he was a victor in the Hunger Games once. That he trained his children to be warriors while being paralyzed. But no matter how much he advocates for himself it just falls on the deaf ears of district 13's president. Who i decided is not Grace but General Ardmore.
Ardmore rules over district 13 in a strict but seemingly fair manner. And she is a pretty good leader. She's just extremely power hunger. I'm going to say Ian Garvin is the Heavensbee of this au. He sees right through Ardmore but he does need her to win the war. It's him that convinces her to let Jake, Ronal, Tonowari, Quaritch and Paz into her war room. Jake impresses her with his war strategies ( Don't worry Jake doesn't come up with Gale's plan. That's all Ardmore) and quickly becomes the lead strategist of her army. Tonowari and Quaritch are on the frontlines. They try to convince Ronal and Paz to stay back but Paz brushes them off with a bitter, "I have nothing left to lose," and Ronal snaps, "i will fight!"
The Capital starts airing interviews with their clearly brainwashed hostages. Paz's shriek silences the entire cafetiere when she sees her son on the t.v. His wild mane of curls now fall neatly around his chin, brushed out of his face like a perfect little gentleman. It shows off how sunken his cheeks have gotten. how hollow and dead his eyes looks. His once tan skin is now pale, made to look even paler by the snow white suite they've dressed him to hide his thin frame. "what would you like to say to your friends and family right now Spider?" "Kiri? Mama? Dad?," Quaritch is trying to hold Paz up as she openly sobs for her child for all of district 13 to see, "please stop. This isn't you. Your good people that would never betray the country. Just stop fighting and come home please."
Aonung get's the exact same treatment dresses up and paraded around on t.v like the Capital's little pet, begging his mom and dad to surrender. Ronal cracked a tooth from clenching her jaw so hard in rage and Tonowari put a hole in the wall when no one was looking.
Neytiri is also brought out, her braids are taken out, hair straightened within an inch of its life. she's dressed in a tasteful white cocktail dress, with a white rose tucked behind her right ear. when she's asked "what would you like to say to your husband right now." She says, "my Jake," there's a long pause, a whole war going on behind her amber eyes before she finally chokes out, "end them." the broadcast instantly cuts off.
And the kids in all this? Since I don't really have a mockingjay singled out among the bunch, I'm gonna say they're all kinda the mockingjay. They're the kids who survived. The ones who have to now live with the horrors inflicted on them by the capital. As I was typing this I actually thought it'd fit Neteyam to make a shrine for one of his competitors like Katniss did for Rue. He bonded with a little girl that was Lo'ak's age at the time but reminded him a lot of Tuk. When she died it was like he could see both of his siblings dying with her and it utterly gutted him. He honored her in front of all of Panem and for it everyone loves him.
Kiri is beloved for her definice. It inspires so many others to stand up and fight.
Lo'ak feels ashamed for what happened to his mother and is very candid about it. He talks openly about how he felt so inadequate compared to his "hero" parents and brother. But he understands now that underneath all the pageantry and splendor of the Capital is a absolutely vile core that needs to be ripped out so that they all can finally know peace.
Tsireya is a medic in this like Prim was. Her and Lo'ak start up a romance because they trauma bond over a family member being held hostage.
Tuk is there but she's just too little to really do anything.
And finally Grace in all this plays a similar roll as the mayor from district 8. She just had this lightbulb moment after having Kiri that her daughter would never know peace as long as there tyrannical government stayed in power. She wanted to take Kiri with her but she got word that a sickness was spreading through 13 that was killing all the children. Kiri and her have a lot to work through but Kiri doesn't get angry with Grace for wanting to fight for a better world. Kiri still grew up healthy and happy with her adopted family and soon all of them would be able to live freely and safely in the world they'll create.
Finally the opportunity arrives to save the hostages. Norm is able to hack the system giving a volunteer strike team an opening. the team is made up of Quaritch, Paz, Ronal, Tonowari and Neteyam. It goes off without a hitch. I want to say that unlike in the movie/book where Snow actually just let them go that in this au the strike team was actually just that good and got in and out without anyone noticing. The families all hold each other all the way home the only sounds coming from their cries of relief.
Also none of them are brainwashed to try and kill a loved one. They are severely traumatized though. Their tortures goes as follows and you can skip to the next paragraph if you’d rather not read this. Spider was made to see horrific fantasies under trackerjacker venom to the point where it’s hard for him to tell what’s real anymore. He’s jittery and anxious all the time and panics easily. He flinches if someone raises a hand too fast and that includes his own parents who are both devastated for their son and enraged that the capital would hurt their boy so badly he couldn’t even trust his own mom and dad anymore. Kiri helps Spider through it playing “real or not real,” something she tells Quaritch and Paz about to better manage Spiders dissociative episodes when she’s not around. Aonung was given electric shocks in water now making him fear it. Even seeing a few drops of water is enough to make him shake. This hurts his whole family to see since the ocean is the core of there cultural identity. Ronal and Tonowari want to burn the entire capital down to nothing for the crime against humanity they’ve inflicted on their son. It takes so much time but his parents and sister start with coaching Aonung through the breathing mediation he’d do as a small child when he was first learning to swim putting his mind at ease by reciting the way of water with him. Once he doesn’t freak out seeing so much as a cup of water they slowly get him to interact with it again first with a very shallow bath (basically a puddle) building until his family is lovingly coaxing him into a pool. He panics at first but swimming is like breathing to him and surrounded by so much love and support he eventually calms. Neytiri was given a drug that made the simplest touch feel like excruciating pain. She knows it was just the chemicals they pumped into her veins but she can’t help but flinch every time one of her children hugs her, her breath catching in her throat. She puts on a brave face and holds her children despite how much it makes her heart race. The only one she talks about this with is Jake. They do their own form of real or not real where he’ll brush his fingertips over her arm so so gently he’s almost not touching her at all and ask, “pain or no pain,” until Neytiri can retrain her mind to not associate every minor touch with pain.
After they take time to recover it’s decided that a strike team will be sent out to assassinat Snow. There’s no way in hell any of the parents will let there kids go on this mission so it’s all the adults. Maybe it's just because I love all these characters and don’t want to kill them off but I’m going to say they’re all so good that they outmaneuver every capital trap and survive Ardmore’s bombing of civilians but if I was going to kill people off here's how I’d do it…
Tonowari meets the same fate as Boggs killed in a trap.
Quaritch is overwhelmed by mutts like Finnick was. Paz shoots him herself to put him out of his misery
Neteyam is killed in the second wave of bombings. He snuck out of 13 with the medics because he wanted to give aid to the civilians hurt in the war.
I also had the very evil idea of Neteyam getting sent to the group like Peeta was for some reason, and him being injured in the same trap that killed Tonowari and Neytiri staying with him while the rest move on only for them both to die when the building their hiding in is bombed and then Tsireya dies trying to give medical aid to civilians but good god is that devastating for me to think about.
But it’s a good thing none of that happens! So Ardmore gathers all the past hunger games victors to discuss Snow’s public execution and to float the idea of a hunger games with the capitals children. They are all equally horrified because they’ve all been through so much and just want peace. The kids all speak out but the parents stay quiet all silently thinking the same thing. This bitch has got to go.
All the victors are lined up with bows and arrows to execute Snow in front of the whole country. Only half of the arrows pierce him though. They other half sail right into Ardmore’s chest. Grace is later elected president. Kiri is constantly going from the Sully’s place to Grace’s to Spider’s. Spider and his parents live in a cottage in a peaceful meadow where he continues his recover. His mom is kind of smothering now still recovering from the trauma of losing her son but he knows it’s all love. When he’s in a better place he decides to travel and see the new world. Ronal and Tonowari are surprised to learn they’re expecting but it’s a happy surprise. They can’t wait to bring their third into a peaceful world. Tsireya continues her medical training and Aonung becomes a sailor. He just feels at peace out on the ocean. Jake is basically Graces Vice President and Neytiri is basically the secretary of infrastructure working to rebuild every district. Neteyam, Lo’ak, and Kiri are the leads on construction on a memorial for all the children slaughtered in the games. Everyone is their on opening day. It’s seeing the memorial that really brings peace to all of them. It’s not only a testament to those killed, but a marker that all the horror is now over.
Hope you all enjoyed the long awaited part 2! I’d love to know your thoughts 💙
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rainstormcolors · 3 months
hi! im curious how u feel about. Kaiba's ending in dsod as a devout kaiba fan
bc quite a few ppl ik *arent* rlly big on it for reasons that include but arent limited to "it ruins the message of letting the dead go and moving on like Yugi did" and etc which i dont agree with for sm reasons but im curious abt ur thoughts on the matter too 😭
I’ve talked about DSoD and DSoD’s ending quite a bit over the years. I've come to understand the ending of DSoD to be layered on several levels, and it actually tackles several themes in the original work from different angles at the same time, and I think trying to force the ending into one neat "this is what definitely happened" box stifles that complexity. It’s deliberately open to interpretation. I also want to make room for fans who do not like DSoD. We have our preferences and individual concepts we value from canon, and carry personal experiences we relate to canon in different ways. Please understand to those reading this that it’s alright to omit this film from your internal design of canon.
I can talk some about my own relationship and journey with DSoD. I’ve loved Yu-Gi-Oh! for a long time. I watched the show as it aired and read the manga as it was released within the United States. One of my parents died when I was young. At the time I felt very disconnected from both that event and from the other people in my household. We never talked about our feelings and I was always vastly terrible at interpreting my own emotions and behaviors. The further catch here is we were seeing a grief therapist some, and I’d been in and out of therapy for a while before that as well. I just could not parse out any feelings at all and I didn’t know how to talk to other people about things. I was disconnected from it all. We flash forward to the release of DSoD. And to my surprise, something I didn’t expect from myself, I was talking to people. I was talking about what grief looked like even if a person wasn’t labeling it. I was talking about how sometimes we can’t name what we’re feeling. What I saw in DSoD were people grieving and I understood this. And I was communicating my ideas and emotions that had been so foggy up until then. I suppose this is the strange power of an autistic interest paired with personal experience – and I was actually trying to talk about feelings and trying to bond with other people.
And I was truly pondering on and reflecting -- not on a subconscious level but on a fully conscious one now -- on the loneliness and struggles the other people in my household had felt back then too. There had been a suicide attempt at a certain point which was something I had refused to let myself think about but I was now thinking about that too.
I like stories about the experience of grief over stories that are PSAs about grief. It was going to take a grief story with teeth and bite to awaken this piece of me, not a cutesy PSA on grieving. For me, it can feel like fandom at times has this idea that everyone has it in them to just talk about their feelings and reach out and that everyone has that, and that is just not true at all. (What a further surprise to me to discover later on why I was also drawn to elements of Death-T back then, back while I still felt so disconnected from “the experience of death.”)
I’m especially drawn to and touched by Seto’s narrative, but I think Yugi’s own story in DSoD harbors this as well. As I read this line, “it ruins the message of letting the dead go and moving on like Yugi did,” I think of how I feel the story was also about Yugi accepting that it’s okay for him to draw from the strength Atem gave to him and to feel inspired by Atem even though Atem is “gone” and that this is the meaning of why Atem joined Yugi in battle in that grand final showdown in DSoD.
As I said, there is the potential of multiple layered interpretations inside the film’s ending. There’s the theme of the power of friendship and love being able to break through the universe, that friendship can be so meaningful the barriers surrounding us can’t stop those feelings. It is love as a powerful force and Seto -- who had rejected others and feelings for so long, who has felt so disconnected from everything but those brief burning moments of winning -- has embraced love and what Atem meant to him. There is the hyperfictionalized portrayal of grief and its forms like emotions as art, and how grief stays with us but evolves and matures: Death-T as angry scarred grief and the negative impacts of the departed “villain” on the living “villain”, the Ceremonial Duel as the acceptance of grief and the positive impacts left by the departed “hero” on the living “hero”, and DSoD as finally seeing and understanding the departed one as just a person just as you are a person. And grief is a permanent marker on us. It doesn’t really go away. There’s the metaphorical portrayal of closure for the survivor finally being able to say goodbye to the one they love, to see that person outside of their grief for who they are and it’s painted in an artful and literal way, and it gives Seto the tools to move forward in life carrying Atem inside his heart. And there’s the wonder of science fiction as technology and humanity and the soul are fused. Our voices and images travel across the world through technology in our reality – could it travel even further? What are human beings capable of? And it’s about Atem still possibly being savable from this place, that death wasn’t his answer because people care about him. Someone wanted to see him this badly. There is no duel, no words we see exchanged, because this gesture already says everything. Seto being here to see Atem says everything.
It’s also a possible commentary on how scars don’t go away and sometimes we can’t save someone. Sometimes someone isn’t able to break free of their ghosts and it’s possible to wish peace for that person or to be left scarred by them or both at the same time. People can be warped by their trauma and not overcome it because it’s a hard hard road to walk. To only harbor any sympathy for the survivors who are healthy, cute, and palatable belies a very conditional idea of compassion. This isn’t to say the harm isn’t real or that people don’t need to be accountable for their actions, but they are human beings who have struggled and struggled. The wounds of trauma are not shallow and healing can be hard. Seto is only 18-years-old in DSoD.
Death and love are weaved throughout Seto’s entire story in canon.
While I understand what people mean as they say “Seto needs to face the consequences of his actions and should have a strain with Mokuba," when it’s employed as a critique of the movie, I also feel very strange and think, "That's just the way grief is. Or rather how it can be and how it is for a number of people.” As I said, my own family was horrible about any talking about our feelings in the wake of grief and then that suicide attempt. There was no PSA-type talk between us. For me, the mess of DSoD comes across as real even if it’s an exaggerated presentation.
I’ve also had very dark periods in my life, terrified of having no one understand me ever again, and this also grounds me into how Seto’s head and heart may have been working. I didn’t know how to talk to people about emotions, including my family even though I loved them, and everything felt dark and like I was endlessly sinking.
And I had a moment of truly understanding how profoundly alone my father must have felt when my mother died, as my father was just as friendless as I was and didn’t have outside family to help at all.
I had felt I was incapable of connecting with other people and I felt I saw that trait within Seto, and so watching canon tell me “the bond between Seto and Atem is real, it meant something” was very very moving for me. Even if you don’t know how to talk, you can find connection through what you do understand.
I do think it’s quite understandable for people to feel put off by DSoD and its ending. I think it’s quite fair that people root for Seto and Mokuba together and that they’ve hoped for a journey of healing. People become upset on Mokuba’s behalf. I personally connect with the messiness of grief and Seto’s conflicted heart and the artful and challenging portrayal of a person spilling over in grief. I do personally hold interpretations of Seto returning, so my answer here is also shaded by that. Even on Mokuba’s side, I’ve sort of been there and it allowed me to talk about that experience which isn’t an experience many people talk about. It’s very hush-hush in our day-to-day lives and it’s not easy to talk about.
Does DSoD reward Seto’s self-destructive behavior too much? I would say I’m not here for moral lessons and life is full of so many contradictions, so many tangled complicated layered emotions. It’s fair to hold this as a personal gripe with DSoD, but given the amount of audience backlash and discussion over this ending I don’t personally feel it’s actually a fully rewarding message. It’s more layered and thematic than that to me.
For a film for a big money-making mainstream shonen franchise, DSoD is unusually arty.
Again, people have their own experiences and people need different things from art. Someone else will carry a different relationship to DSoD, and someone else may need different things to come to terms with grief.
Thank you for the ask. I hope this answer wasn’t too wordy. I think it’s good to form your own opinions too. Thank you for reading my rambling.
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 3 months
𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙈𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜!
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 488
𝙖/𝙣: EEE someone requested but i lost it :c also shes so PRETTY RAHHH
𝙩/𝙬: raspberries, lia is not here as i only reflect the group's current status/also i feel too sad to include her when i know shes not actually there! please dont hate me for this, and when she returns from her hiatus she will be included in future fics!
𝒍𝒆𝒆: yeji
𝙡𝙚𝙧: itzy
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeongins-diary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkedloveandlostpromises @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry @r00ni1
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞? 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐛s🖤
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Yeji yawned quietly, the vibes in the room sleepy. The lights were dimmed as the members watched a movie together, snacks in their hands. 
The movie was interesting, but being 2 AM, the girls’ leader was definitely tired and sleepy. 
She hoped none of them would notice if she fell asleep there. So she did. 
Yeji woke up to three loud, shouting girls. She immediately rushed to figure out what was going on, just to suddenly get caught around the waist and dragged to the floor. 
“H-Hey! What are you doing?” She yelled, suddenly squealing as a finger stuck into her armpit. 
“You’re tickling me!” She whined, trying to turn and see which member was currently torturing her. 
“You’re so crazy! Let go of me!” Yeji demanded when her limbs were stretched further. 
“We’re crazy? Imagine falling asleep during our movie night!” Ryujin suddenly reasoned from above her. 
“Yeah, unnie! You promised us that you would be awake for it!” Chaeryeong added, Yuna nodding in agreement. 
“This isn’t fair! What are you even gonna do to me?!” Yeji gasped, realizing that she was completely vulnerable and immobile. 
“Tickle attack!” All three members shouted, suddenly descending their fingers onto her body, tickling any spot that was ticklish. 
Yeji immediately screamed out in laughter, doubling over in large fits of ticklishness as she squirmed away from their hold. 
“Wow, she might even be louder than Yuna!” Ryujin commented, and the maknae turned a bright red color in response. 
“IHIHI CAHAHAHAHAN’T TAHAKE IHIT!” Yeji squealed, kicking out with a dangerous amount of force as she lost all self control to the tickling fingers on her torso. 
Her face was tinged a cute pink as she laughed happily, all worries in her mind gone to the fuzzy feeling of her hysterical state. 
All the members smiled joyfully at their leader throwing her head back and squeaking through her bouts of laughter. 
Ryujin noticed that Yeji’s oversized shirt had ridden up a little, revealing her pale, flat stomach that was just asking to be tortured. 
She precautiously stuck one finger into the vulnerable belly button, and the absolute howl of laughter that Yeji let out had Ryujin doubling over herself as she leaned down to blow a long raspberry onto the sensitive area. 
“RYUJINAHAHAHAHAHA—!!” Yeji screamed, her whole torso shaking with laughter that just couldn’t stop bubbling out of her throat. 
“Okay, okay. I’m gonna do it again!” Ryu blew another one, and grinned when the leader’s laughter turned silent, only small squeaks filling the room as she gasped for breath. 
Finally, all the girls let up and Yuna ran to get Yeji a glass of water, while the others rubbed at the spots a little to ease the ghost tickles. 
“This is what you get for sleeping during movie night!”
It happened many more times, so the scene repeated itself until their lovely leader finally learned her lesson. 
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im sorry that its short...
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mekakitsune · 1 year
Hiii! I loved reading your dating Mirage headcannons. I've been on a roll with simping and loving him That being said, I'd love HCs of how Mirage would act around his (major) crush on a newer Legend who is kind of oblivious to his care for them... so how do you think he'd act when they get hurt outside of a game?
Thank you so much if you fulfill this request! Your writing is truly admirable <33 take care of yourself and happy holidays!
thank you so much love, you are so kind! luv this request btw, i hope its want u wanted <3
cw: bloody nose mentioned quite a lot, elliot is a mess and so is reader..literally lol
mirage with a legend s/o;
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pray for your squad mates. its painful to watch.
elliot is SO flirty with you in and out of the games, and ofc, you dont see it as anything unusual from the legend. hes like that with everyone....right?
makes it his own responsibility to keep you on your feet in battle, would probably leave someone else to die to come help you.
yeahhh renee was not happy with him after that one
definitely a bet going around to see if elliot will actually spill his feelings. its become quiet the conversation starter among everyone.
you were training one day, something you all did regularly to stay on top of your game
and it can get pretty intense sometimes. but you all know your limits, thats why you called it quits with a bloody nose and a sore back after sparring with kairi.
she was spewing apologizes left and right, and you reassured her it was all in good fun, and that you were okay.
just as she holds out her hand to help you up, the door to the training room opens, and in comes elliot, ajay and octane not far behind him, in their own conversation.
to say elliot reacted immediately would be an understatement, by his reaction you would think you were sitting here being held at knife point.
"what the hell happened in here! we heard yelling... y/n?! youre bleeding?" he rambled on, not really giving either of you a chance to explain yourselves.
kairi steps aside for a moment only to come back with a small white box in her hand. a first aid kit. god knows how long thats been in here.
she passes the kit to elliot, giving a small grin and says "their all yours." with a pat on the back, before following the other two out the door, she turns back to you to mouth "sorry" with a wink. surely she hadnt...planned that.
it was painfully quiet in the room after that. elliot sits on the floor in front of you, opening up the small box to retrieve some gauze.
he hands it to you to place under your nose, and you take it quickly, not wanting to ruin the gym floor or your clothing any further.
hes quiet again, and you look past your hand to see him staring at you.
"she got you good, huh?" he said, with what could only be described as a pout.
"its just a bloody nose elliot...im gonna be okay." you said lightly, trying to ease the tension. he grins and shakes his head
"i know that. it...it just freaks me out to see people i care about get hurt, yknow." he said looking away
you let out a small laugh at his statement. "aw..you care about me? what happened to "dont get close to anyone"? you reminded him of what he said to you when you first came to the base.
while his advice rang true in a place like this, you couldnt help but share his feelings.
"you have...no idea" he said softly, looking at you again. you are only now realizing how close you two are, his face mere inches away from your own.
a few more moments go by, and he finally breaks the silence again.
"can i say something?" he askes, sounding nervous.
"of course" you respond curiously.
"i really want to um...i really want to kiss you right now..." he said, cheeks flushed. "i mean only if you want to i dont want to ma-"
you cut him off with a laugh. he looks horrified honestly and it only makes you giggle even more.
"normally, id say go for it. but im kinda bleeding from my nose right now" you giggled as you watched his face turn even redder.
"yeah! yeah right...i knew that....obviously....whatever, lets go get that cleaned up yeah?" he said, obviously trying to change the subject. you giggled again and got up to follow him out of the gym.
"hey elliot?"
"..yeah?" he turned to you
you stood up a little bit taller to place a kiss on his cheek. stepping back you take in the shocked look on his face
"thats for helping me, and if you really wanna kiss me, wait till im not a bloody mess, yeah?" you grinned at him.
he groaned, turning around to walk out, but you knew he wanted you to follow him.
"i hope you realize what you do to me." he says to you with a grin. "but i will take you up on that...if its okay" hes still unsure. you take that as a sign to slip your hand into his.
"if it wasnt okay, i wouldnt be letting you waste your time on something like a bloody nose yknow" you laughed lightly, hoping to ease both yours and his nerves.
"cant have you like, bleeding out to death." he remarks, keeping his hand in yours. you laugh at his comment.
"wouldnt wanna let me die without that kiss huh?"
he groans again, but you dont miss the shy smile on his face.
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