#how many times do you think hawkeye figured out they were in the bad place
airyairyaucontraire · 2 years
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one of the more bizarre bits of M*A*S*H dialogue given that Oxford defines "gleet" as "a watery discharge from the urethra caused by gonorrhoeal infection."
how one gets that from a bite on the neck is anyone's guess
but bonus points to "gleet" for apparently being a real medical word and not some weird bit of old-man slang
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bumblebaubles · 2 years
marvel series rankings (so far)
falcon& the winter soldier: sigh, ok. me, as a black person in america, i feel as if i was obligated to like it. The social commentary was a bit too on the nose for me. (since its a franchise like marvel i can get how they probably didnt want too too much ambiguity for these issues because they could do serious damage if they didnt draw clear boundaries for what they do/dont support) But,additionally, i dont think i cared about the characters enough before hand to really get into this series. Bucky is super popular on here, but he never really caught my attention. falcon was cool, i liked seeing more of him, but i dont think much about him either. to his credit, he is one of the more sympathetic, likeable characters, most of the reason i even got as far as i did into the show was because of him. but another thing that led me to tune out was the stakes of the show. The stakes weren’t all that high, or as high as they used to be in marvel. and i mean i get it, theres only so many times the world can end or a place can be threatened before no one really cares. but because of the relatively low stakes, it was mostly carried by the characters, which as a i previously mentioned, i did not care deeply about before. around the time the walmart captain america went awol and started fighting the doramilage i tuned out. maybe i’ll try and finish it sometime
hawkeye: hawkeye was cute. i thoroughly enjoyed the dynamic between our main characters. it was a spiderman type of wholesome. disgruntled vet, starry eyed newcomer. teamwork. family. shennanigans. there were a few things the show did cleverly i appreciated. in the first minute of dialogue its established that kate bishop is rich but not spoiled.”dont forget about the charity gala””oh god you know those galas are stupid” “i know helping the community is so bad” “you know thats not what i meant” or whatever. she excelled at a lot of sports, is a carefree spirit and not very responsible.hell, she breaks a monument on a dare. yet, throughout the show, she starts to mature without losing her optimism. she’s put under pressure and she doesn’t break. hawkeye has a pretty good arc too, learning to forgive himself, trying to move on. i dug it.
wandavision: i know, i know, blasphemous. but i didnt really care about wanda before the show started im sorrryyyyy. The show made me care more about her by the end though, it was a really good show.  apparently there were some fanservice moments i missed, like since i didnt finish agents of shield i didnt get any satisfaction from seeing those characters, had no idea who they were. While i thought monica was a good antithesis to wanda i think her superhero arc was rushed. The mystery element of the show??? phenomenal??? the plot twists?? exceptional???i think i enjoyed the buildup more than the finale. by the time vision had that talk with the other vision, and wanda started trauma dumping I thought it was pretty cool, just shortlived. the joy is in the journey, not the destination
moon knight: moon knight slayed i cannot front. i really loved their depiction of tarwett ( i’ll figure out if i spelled queen’s name right). they did a good job of setting up marc and steven. one user pointed out how by getting viewers to sympathize with steven first he wont be seen as the alter that gets in the way of marks hero work, he wont be seen as dispensable. which yes, he did break my heart on multiple occasions marvel is paying for my therapy. but marc, marc was also bringing a lot to the table. not gonna lie, i felt like layla was a bit rushed in at first but I started vibing with her when her father was brought up. The brief few times he was mentioned i really did sense how much he meant to her. I already mentioned tarwett but tarwett is a queen i stan. konshu is a asshole and i did have a like/dislike relationship with her character. he was so manipulative and selfish to marc, but in a way i appreciate how it was steven, the sweetone, the earned his respect. even though his respect doesnt really mean much like hes still hella shady. the end, once again, i liked it. i didnt love it. i just thought it was good. but the next one, this next one left me wanting more
LOKI: now loki.... loki.... loki is that bitch. point blank. argue with a wall, a lamp, a rug idc. the premise was already so cool. and even though i didnt care about loki as a character before this show, the circumstances and situations he was put in made him compelling to watch. he was a character that had to hear about how he lost everything, and became a better person, without ever experiencing it. he had nothing left for him ,no purpose, no family, no life ti escape back to. but the bonds he made with  sylvie and morbius worked in a organic way to help loki realise his worth or his ‘purpose’ and i actually really dug the finale. it had me STRESSED let me tell you. This show was really well done honestly. seething and fiending for season 2 
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a-black-pegasus · 3 years
I see you are taking asks 🤔, I was just wondering if you could you giant Hawkeye? Maybe the tiny is falling (idk how or why they jumped or fell) from a building and he sees them and catches them, maybe Hawkeye tryes to find who did it to them, or he gets a new roomy idk I just throwing ideas around like a balloon.😅 also ur writing is really good!
Hawkeye x tiny one-shot
Speedrun story because I'm in the car.
Also in my personal universe tony is alive
"I think we should just let new Jersey go if you ask me." Spidey joked over the intercom.
Clint snickered as he drew an arrow and fired. From his position in the abandoned apartment, he had a birds eye view. He watched the arrow soar through the air with a whistle and land at the feet of a storming group of robots.
As soon as the first few had passed over it, it exploded, demolishing a near dozen walking chunks of metal.
Maybe they should let New Jersey go. Why did they have so many robot problems?
"Pe- Pete's sake, Spiderman," Tony stumbled, trying to cover whatever he was going to say. "What happened to that friendly neighborhood persona you said you had?" Tony quipped back.
"Pe....Peeta? Peat? Pe....?" Clint wondered to himself as he nocked another arrow and aimed. Well, either way he was a step closer to finding out that Spiderman's name.
His thoughts came to a quick halt as a tiny screaming blip fell right in front of his view towards the ground.
Barton reacted instinctively. His legs jumped out the side of the building before his brain could tell him no. He pressed his bow arm flat against his back and stretched out his other arm straight.
He picked up momentum as he fell, the sound of the wind whipping around him was almost completely blocked out by the shriek of a tiny figure.
A few more yards...
The tiny figure was spinning wildly in the air.
A few more feet...
He could see the ground approaching.
A few more inches...
That rubble was not soft looking.
His fingers closed around them as he felt an arm wrap around his waist and swing upwards.
"Mr. Hawkeye! What are you doing?!" Spiderman asked, his voice amplified by both his presence
Clint had no time to check out what he caught, but whatever it was, it was warm and moving. He slipped it in a pocket and made a note to not roll on that side.
"Nothing. I tripped."
"Bullshit." Tony's voice crackled harshly over the earpiece. "You jumped."
Spidey let Clint go on a rooftop and spun to look at him with those mechanical digital black lens that Tony built in his suit. Clint suppressed a shudder as he could just tell spiderman was running a diagnosis on him.
"I'm fine." Barton said firmly. "Let's just finish cleaning this mess up." He drew a bow and shot it at another robot.
Sooner they finished here, sooner they could get on the ship and head home.
They had cleaned up most of New Jersey and shut down the source of the commotion. Clint barely paid attention. He was getting to old for this. It was just another wannabe Tony Stark, blah blah vengeance, blah blah invention.
What he was really interested in was the thing in his pocket.
As the rest of the guys went to the ship to go get showers and change out of their suits, he went to the supply room to check his catch in peace.
He pulled the figure from his pocket, and they were not a happy camper.
As soon as he pulled them out they began to push at his fingers. But Clint could tell this was not a full effort.
For one, they were slick with sweat, and covered in dirt. He held them in his open palm and let them take a few minutes to breathe.
"You're seriously dehydrated. Here, take some water." He set them on a bin and pulled out his water bottle. He unscrewed the metal top off and hesitated. The bottle was three times bigger than them.
He filled the lid up and set it next to them. Even the lid was like a bucket.
They didn't care. They dragged their body over and held the edge as they guzzled down water.
Clint got a better look at them. They were slim, almost stick thin, and had short cropped hair. Their clothes looked like they were stitched together from scraps.
"What's your name?"
When they finished, they looked up with tired eyes and sighed.
"Does it matter?" They asked in a small, shakey voice. "Isn't this where I get a tag number and shoved in a cage?"
Clint wasn't expecting that.
"No. This isn't recruitment." He said. "If you don't want to give me a name I can give you one... Tiny."
He thought he saw them roll their eyes.
"My names Quinn." They said.
"And mine is Clint." He offered his hand to them. "You look like you could use a shower and a place to crash."
Quinn took one look at the incoming hand and pulled away.
"I have my own place." They said defensively.
Clint pulled back. "New Jersey? It's under repair at the moment. It's not suitable for civilians."
Was this a civilian? A person this small probably wasn't registered under any name.
"I'll be fine on my own. Thank you." Quinn said quickly, scooting back more.
Then the plane shook slightly and tilted to the left. It was probably just a bit of turbulence.
But Quinn yelped and clung to the groves of the crate. The water bottle lid tipped and clattered to the floor.
Clint just adjusted his weight with the movement. When it settled he crouched down in front of Quinn.
"Hey hey, it's ok. It's just some turbulence."
Quinn was shaking. "What's that??"
Clint slipped into dad mode. "Turbulence is just a little patch of air that bumps against the ship. But the plane is so big that it just flys right through-"
"We're flying!?" They interjected.
Clint winced as tears cut through the dirt on Quinn's face. Maybe he should get Thor, he was better at dealing with this kind of thing.
"I want to go home!" Quinn's voice cracked. "Take me home right now!"
"Quinn," he softened his tone. "I am not going to keep you from going home. But there's nothing back there. I'm not going to hurt you, but you need to consider your options."
Quinn shook their head, "I can't let people know about me! It's bad enough I got caught."
Clint could understand that. Getting your cover blown was the worst. He nodded.
"I can keep you secret from most people but my team will need to know about you." Clint could see Quinn balk at the mention of more people. "I can promise you they will treat you with respect. You'll have a place to stay and anything else you need." He paused.
"Or, I can leave you alone on this ship and let you take your chances. It's your choice."
He didn't want to force them to agree but he didn't want to leave Quinn on their own.
Quinn's shoulders slumped. "How many people?"
Clint thought it over in his head. Who needed to know?
Well, he and Natasha. Probably Tony and that would mean Bruce. And if Bruce knew he would definitely tell Thor...and they maybe should let Steve know once he got back from Canada. He would have to remind them to keep it from the spider kid and Loki.
"Five more." He said decidedly. "Just five."
Quinn bit their lip and after a few long minutes, nodded. "Ok." They wiped their face but only spread the grime around more. "I'll stick with you."
Clint offered his hand once more, and this time Quinn climbed on.
"I promise, we'll keep you safe." ---------------------------------
@sammigruber @gatlily @nightmarejasmine @misfitsgalaxygt @obwjam @bee-wrecker @nerdqueenkat @tinyliltina @lost-done @queenofconspiracies @dc41016 @tinyinabigworld @bloodmoon-memecore @exquisiteren @smolkuriboh27 @i-like-cookiez @shortmarcy @inthemusicbox @random-fandom-dragon
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heliads · 3 years
Til Death Do Us Part
There are a few things that are important to Pietro Maximoff. His sister, his home, his past. Now, there’s someone even closer to him- a mysterious S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, a woman with the ability to heal any wounds.
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Pietro sits by himself on the Quinjet, watching the ruckus about him. His foot taps impatiently while he waits for the plane to arrive back on the safety of land once more. Across the room, Wanda is conversing with Hawkeye in hushed tones. Steve Rogers and Tony Stark are bickering over something for the third time since the plane took off, Natasha Romanoff is emotionlessly prepping her weapons, and Thor is inspecting his hammer for damage.
There are multitudes of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents popping in and out of the room, sometimes checking readouts on the central cockpit and other times asking quick questions of the Avengers. There’s one woman who catches Pietro’s eye, who is currently flitting about Bruce Banner.
As Pietro watches, she hovers her hands slowly over his injuries. After Banner lost control over the Hulk and was subsequently brought back by Tony Stark, he was covered with scrapes and bruises from the fight. The woman who Pietro had noticed earlier is holding her hands a few inches away from Banner’s skin, and faint white light is spreading from her outstretched fingers to the cuts. 
Interestingly enough, the second the pearlescent light touches Banner, his wounds close up and fade away, leaving behind perfectly undamaged skin. Fascinating. The woman must have noticed Pietro’s gaze, as she heads over to him once Banner is deemed healthy once more.
She extends her hand to him. “I’m Y/N. Y/N L/N.” Pietro takes it, allowing a small smile to grace his lips. “Pietro Maximoff. That’s a nice trick you did with Banner’s injuries.” Y/N laughs lightly. “You’re not the only one with inhuman abilities. Healing people is my specialty.” Y/N gives him a once-over, checking for wounds that need her attention. She finds a series of gashes across his arms, and they continue their conversation as she begins to heal them.
“Unlike you, I was born with my powers. They didn’t show up until I was around twelve or so, and they were slow to appear. I was able to keep them hidden until I healed someone in public, not knowing any better. Next thing I know, Tony Stark’s knocking on my door and asking if I want to help out with the Avengers.”
Pietro makes a small scoffing noise in the back of his throat at the mention of Stark. Even though he’s now fighting on the Avengers’ side against Ultron, he still feels resentment towards the billionaire after his weapons were used against the Maximoff family. Y/N evidently notices this, as she fixes him with an understanding gaze. 
“I know how you feel about Tony, but he’s not all that bad. He was one of the first people to help me control my abilities for the better, instead of having to hide them. This job with the Avengers is one of the best things that’s happened to me. He regrets everything that happened with his weapons, and he’s almost killing himself trying to make up for all of the blood that was shed. It won’t make up for what happened, but I hope you know he’s doing everything he can to make up for the wrongs he’s done in the past.”
Pietro nods slowly. “I know. It’s just hard to look at him without thinking of what happened.” He changes the topic. “What exactly is your role with the Avengers? I didn’t see you out in the city with them at first, and I don’t think you’re a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.” Y/N studies the now healed gashes on his arm, then sits down next to him, taking advantage of a rare moment to rest.
“I’m kind of in between the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. I don’t fight with them because my powers can’t really help in battle, but in the tough fights I come out onto the battleground to heal the worst of the injuries on the go. It just depends on what they need.” Pietro clicks his tongue, thinking. “Does it drain you, healing all of these injuries all of the time?”
Y/N nods exhaustedly. “You have no idea. It’s easier than you’d think because so many of them have pretty strong healing processes by themselves, but the more severe the injury, the harder it is on me. One time, after the Chitauri came to New York, I healed Tony after he almost died. I was unconscious for two or three days.”
Pietro whistles softly. “Wow. Do you think there’s a limit to how much you can do?” Y/N inclines her head. “I ran some tests with Tony a few years back to see what I could do so they could clear me for the field. I can heal almost any injury, and I can even bring someone back from the dead, but only once.”
Pietro looks at Y/N, confused. “What do you mean, only once?” Y/N sighs, looking up to the ceiling. “I can make someone come back to life after they die, but it will kill me instead. A life for a life, I guess. As long as I’ve known that, I’ve lived in a state of constant stress. With all the time I’ve been with the Avengers, I’ve seen so many people who died. How can I decide to give up my life to save someone else's if I can only do it once? How will I know it’s the right person?”
Pietro takes Y/N’s hand, holding it close to him. “In the end, I think that will have to be up to you. Just know this- I think I can speak for everyone here that we’d rather have you saving people now then give up your life for just one person.” Y/N smiles at him gratefully. “Thank you. I just can’t shake the feeling that at some point, I’ll have to do it. I just hope I have enough time to really live my life before I give it up.”
Y/N and Pietro talk the rest of the journey, and quickly grow close. When it’s time to head back to Sokovia, Pietro doesn’t want to say goodbye. He’s happy to hear that she will be coming with him to the city, as the Avengers want her around when things undoubtedly go south. However, Pietro knows Ultron will be bringing his forces, and he’s afraid that she will get hurt.
Pietro tries to keep her close when they enter the city. Y/N immediately runs over to the refugees as they’re brought onto the ships, healing almost everyone she encounters. When the Avengers need her help, Pietro helps bring her to them. She looks exhausted, but she keeps going no matter what. Pietro can’t help but admire that.
Before he knows it, the fight is practically over. Almost all of the Sokovian refugees are on the ships, and they’re about to take off when Hawkeye spots a lone boy separated from the others, unable to get back to his family because of attacking robots. Clint sprints over to the boy, and the two of them are about to get back when Pietro hears the drone of engines overhead.
It’s like everything moves in slow motion. There are Clint and the young boy, almost to the rest of the refugees and safety. There is Ultron in his ship, firing away. The bullets rain down around them, inches away from the two figures. Pietro starts moving. One last sacrifice.
He almost doesn’t feel the pain. He almost can’t feel anything. His vision is starting to fade, everything disappearing into a haze. He can see Clint looking up at him in horror, and Pietro has time to utter one last sentence before he collapses to the ground.
“You didn’t see that coming?”
Distantly, Pietro can hear someone screaming. There’s this loud noise, coming again and again. He realizes it’s his heartbeat. It sounds again and again, but it keeps slowing down. It beats once, twice more, and then it stops, and Pietro Maximoff is dead.
There’s darkness.
Then, a sound.
It’s barely there, something just a decibel or two above complete silence. But it’s something. Dully, Pietro thinks that he shouldn’t be able to hear anything. Didn’t he die? Maybe he’s gone on to something else, some place after life. The afterlife.
The sound grows louder. It sounds almost like the whir of machinery. Then there’s something else- hushed voices, gaining volume until it sounds like the voices are all around him. Pietro gains a new sensation- feeling. He’s lying down, eyes shut against the world. What is happening to him?
All of a sudden, his eyes fly open. It takes him a moment to take in his surroundings, for understanding to seep into his first few thoughts. He’s in a white room, lying in a bed. A hospital bed. There are faces around him- no, people. He can recognize them now- Clint, looking relieved. Banner and Dr. Cho discussing a readout in the background. There are other people moving in the hallway outside, and starting to enter the room. Steve, Nat, Tony.
There’s a woman next to him, beaming tearfully. For a second, he thinks it’s his mother. He stares at her in disbelief, but then his vision sharpens. No, it’s Wanda, and she’s embracing him now, still sobbing. “Don’t ever do that to me again.” Pietro feels a smile slide onto his face. There should be someone else here, right? There’s someone missing.
Where’s Y/N?
All of a sudden, Pietro is filled with panic. He looks around the room, but she is nowhere in sight. He turns to Wanda frantically. “Where is Y/N?” She doesn’t answer him, but a saddened, almost guilty look crosses her face. A realization is coming to him, one Pietro is terrified to face.
She could bring someone back from the dead, but only once.
Clint is standing next to him. “Y/N saved your life out there.” Pietro can only repeat himself. “Where is she?” Clint sighs and looks away. “She died. We brought her body back with us.” And just like that, Pietro shuts down. The heart monitor next to him starts beeping frantically, and doctors start to pour into the room. Pietro’s eyes jump from person to person. “I need to see her. She can’t be dead. She can’t be-”
He’s cut off by a pinching sensation in his arm, and then his vision starts to slide into blackness.
Pietro wakes up an hour or so later. Tranquilizers never worked well on him- they always made their way through his system far faster than they were supposed to. Wanda is still sitting next to him, her face weary and worn. Pietro’s voice is cracked and quiet, but she still hears him. “Y/N. Is she really-” He can’t say it. Wanda nods, taking his hand. “I’m sorry, Pietro. I’m so sorry.”
Pietro just sits there dully. “Is there nothing you can do? Please, Wanda. You have to save her.” Wanda inclines her head. “There might be something- a procedure, risky, but our best bet. It’ll take the abilities of both Vision and myself. We start in a few minutes, I just wanted to be here when you woke up.” Pietro looks at his sister pleadingly. “Thank you. Please, bring her back.” Wanda smiles sadly, then stands up, gently placing his blankets back across his lap from where they had fallen down in all the commotion of earlier that day.
Eventually, Pietro finds he can’t wait any longer. He removes the IV from his veins, swinging his legs out from the hospital bed to stand unsteadily on his own. It takes him a while, but he manages to make his way out and into the hallway. 
It’s pretty easy to tell which room is Y/N’s because of the amount of doctors circulating around it. Pietro sinks into a chair opposite it. He’s never been good at waiting;  always too full of the unbridled need to get up and be active to ever sit still for longer than a few seconds. Yet now, Pietro can’t bring himself to do anything but stay here and wait.
After a while, Wanda comes out. She seems paler than normal, probably after the exertion of using her abilities to save Y/N. Pietro can only look up at her, afraid to say anything. Wanda stops in front of him. “The procedure is done. We don’t know if it will work. Only time can tell.”
Once all of the doctors have finally filtered out of the room, Pietro drags himself to his feet and shuffles unsteadily through the doors. Y/N is lying on another hospital bed, looking deathly still. Pietro stands next to her, wrapping his fingers around her unresponsive hand. 
He’s not sure how long he stayed there, but his patience is rewarded when there’s a slight twitch in Y/N’s hand. Then, her eyelids flicker open and Pietro’s tension finally leaves him. She’s alright. That is enough.
It takes her a few seconds to focus, but then she looks at him dazedly. “What happened?” Pietro smiles down at her. “You saved my life, so we saved yours. By the way, I’m going to need you to never try that self-sacrificing thing again. You’ve scared almost everyone in the building.” Y/N squeezes his hand, adopting a mock frown. “Technically, I think you’re the one who sacrificed himself first.” 
Pietro laughs, a bright sound in the midst of all the quiet of the hospital. He leans down and presses a kiss to her cheek. “Maybe so. But we’ve got each other back, and that’s all we need.” She smiles up at him, and Pietro feels happier than he has in a long time. 
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ScreenRant Misinterpreting and Not Understanding Loki as a Character.
Disclaimer: I really do not like ScreenRant. This just happened to catch my eye. If you like ScreenRant skip this.
"Unrealistic Survival"
During the final moments of Thor: The Dark World, Loki became impaled and passed away in the strong arms of loving brother Thor. Dead? Not really. He was back in Thor: Ragnarok. Apparently, that was just one of Loki's holograms and the villain himself was very much okay. However, recent history in the MCU proves that he holograms cannot be touched. In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor even failed in his attempt to throw a rock at Loki’s hologram. But in the death scene, Thor just happens to be holding him comfortably. And given that rocks go right through a hologram, then any other hologram shouldn't have been stabbed either.
"Loki became impaled and passed away in the strong arms of loving brother Thor." I threw up in my mouth. I am going to repeat myself. Thor is not loving. Please stop calling him this. (Post regarding this)
They are not "holograms" they're illusions. A hologram is technology; Loki is not using technology he is using magic.
Why do they only reference Thor: Ragnarok? Loki has used illusions in Thor 1, Avengers 1 and this movie!
"Comfortably"? That's how they describe the scene? They're on the ground, and Loki is bleeding from his chest! How is that comfortable?
On another note, this is correct. How Loki survived does not make sense. I am not suggesting he faked it. This is just an example of Marvel skipping over important information.
"Poor Attempt At Trying To Kill Thanos"
Before he was made to look incompetent by Thanos, Loki was a very intelligent villain. Catching and defeating him wasn't easy, and this was all thanks (ScreenRant Typo: takes) to his ability to create illusions at will. He used this trick very many times and it always worked. But when Loki is trying to kill Thanos in Infinity War, the only trick up his sleeve is pretending to pledge loyalty to the Mad Titan with secret intentions of stabbing him with a blade. Of course, Thanos stopped him and killed him. Why didn't Loki use a smarter trick? More importantly, why didn't he use his tried and tested illusion trick?
Now they call them illusions.
Please do not completely villain code Loki. He is more than that.
"Before he was made to look incompetent by Thanos" Yes, this scene made Loki look incompetent.
This is a great point. Why did Loki do that? Loki has tons of abilities even outside casting illusions. His IQ is 265, and he pulls this move?! Why?! This not redemption and this not a honorable death. What happened?
"His Evolution Into A God"
According to the MCU, Loki's parents are the Frost Giants Farbauti and Laufey. Despite his parents not being gods, Loki evolves into the “God of Mischief.” How is this possible, given that he was only adopted by Asgardian parents who were gods, but he himself had no god lineage?
I had to look into this because Frigga is a terrible mother. This is actually something the MCU got wrong. Laufey in Norse Mythology is actually Loki's mother, and Farbauti is Loki's father. Laufey (mother) also goes by the name Nál. Nál was actually considered as goddess of youth and playfulness who also really enjoyed nature. It also says that she was a frost giant, so she could have possibly been a shapeshifter. Her bio is kind of all over the place, and though I have read Norse Mythology, I am no expert. BUT this is something that the MCU should work to clear up. Not me a fan.
"Blue Hue"
As the son of a Frost Giant, Loki was born with a blue skin tone. When Odin adopted him, he cast a spell that changed his tone from blue to white. However, Loki never seems to have an idea about his true skin color. Given his history of mischief, he has never attempted to change back either. After, Odin’s spell to keep Hela far from Asgard ended in Thor: Ragnarok, his spell on Loki ought to have ended too. Or perhaps Loki has always been aware that he is blue. If so, then the confusion ought to be cleared up.
"Given his history of mischief" What history? Someone explain. If they are talking about the snake story I'm suing. And that doesn't even count since it technically did not happen.
"Or perhaps Loki has always been aware that he is blue." Clearly who ever wrote this did not watch Thor 1. If they did I hope they have a good explanation for this comment.
This also goes along with 8/10 that Loki could possibly be at least 50% Æsir (Asgardian).
"Mind-Controlling Hawkeye Instead Of Fury"
Loki found himself in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base after using the Tesseract’s portal to transport himself. One of his first tasks involves mind-controlling Hawkeye so that he can use him as security. He also mind-controls Dr. Selvig to make him create the Chitauri portal. But it's strange that he doesn't mind-control the boss ,Nick Fury. If he had done that, everything he wanted would have been achieved more easily. Fury would have been his puppet and he could have used him to make the Avengers make regrettable decisions.
Although minor this is a good point. My only explanation is that Loki may not have been thinking clearly. Especially since judging by the way he looks in the scene, he's evidently sick.
Thanos Was Too Lenient Towards Him
Long before they became enemies. Loki and Thanos were associated. One of the instructions that Thanos gave Loki was to get the Tesseract as soon as possible, or else. Yes, there were stipulations from Thanos outlined to Loki by The Other. Loki was promised a kind of pain he'd never known before. However, Loki wasn't able to deliver the Tesseract for more than six years, and nothing really happened to him. Given how ruthless the Mad Titan is, it's a mystery why he was so lenient towards Loki.
"Long before they became enemies. Loki and Thanos were associated." When was this? If by "associated" you mean tortured for a year than...sure. I am also confused for why they say "associated", and then talk about him being tortured later in the same paragraph.
Just going by the MCU, Thanos was also looking for the other infinity stones, so he probably figured he would get Loki later.
Stopping Agent Coulson
During Loki's invasion of Earth in Avengers, he trapped Thor in a cage, and while he was talking to his brother, Agent Coulson tried to stage a surprise attack. Not so fast Coulson. It appears the God Of Mischief is also the God Of Anticipating. Coulson ended up shooting a hologram instead of the real Loki. But how exactly was Loki able to anticipate Coulson's arrival? Can he see the near future? If such is the case, why didn't he see the attack from Hulk coming? Why didn't he use a hologram during the beatdown that left him in a pretty bad state either?
Again with the "holograms"? Seriously!
This is also minor, but all I have to say is that it is difficult so sneak up on, or scare Loki. In the scene prior Natasha did it, and he didn't really react. He may have used a clone as a protection method, since he probably suspected that someone would come once everyone was alerted he had escaped.
"Hatred For Thor"
Thor has always cared about Loki, but Loki has always wanted to end his brother. During the events of Thor: Ragnarok, a flashback scene showed Thor and Loki during their childhood days. Apparently, Loki did plenty of bad things to Thor. He once transformed Thor into a frog, while he also transformed himself into a snake to fool Thor into picking him up. Thor loved snakes, so when he tried to pick the reptile, Loki transformed back to himself and stabbed Thor. Why was there so much hatred? According to the first movie, Loki used to love Thor. He only started hating his brother when he found out that Thor was going to be the Asgardian king.
This argument is so poor I shed tears. I have a whole essay of why this all of this wrong here. But I'll give you a summary.
"Thor has always cared about Loki" This is not true. The only time Thor has expressed care for Loki is when he is gaslighting him and for 5 minutes after he "dies". "During the events of Thor: Ragnarok, a flashback scene showed Thor and Loki during their childhood days. Apparently, Loki did plenty of bad things to Thor. He once transformed Thor into a frog, while he also transformed himself into a snake to fool Thor into picking him up. Thor loved snakes, so when he tried to pick the reptile, Loki transformed back to himself and stabbed Thor." Plenty? This is two. Like I said prior, and at the beginning if the post I linked, the snake story logically did not happen. This scene is also improvised.
"According to the first movie, Loki used to love Thor. He only started hating his brother when he found out that Thor was going to be the Asgardian king." Loki has never hated Thor. (I really do not understand why though.) When Loki found out Thor was going to be king, he was the only person (even though everyone knew it was a bad idea, and I mean everyone) willing to stop Thor. Thor was not ready. This was not an act hatred but of love, acknowledgement, and honest will. Again, whomever wrote this evidently did not watch Thor 1.
Takeover Plan
Still, in the first film, Loki began scheming after finding out that he was adopted and he'd never become king. The God of Mischief assisted the Frost Giants in gaining entry to Asgard so that he could destroy the Frost Giant King Laufey before he could kill Odin. Sounds good, but then Thor tried to feud with the Frost Giants too, and this didn't turn out so well for him. In fact, Thor was banished and dispatched to Earth because of this. It is thus strange that Loki thought Odin would like him for doing what Thor had done. Loki also waited for Odin to sleep first before trying to destroy Laufey. Wouldn't it have been better for him to try and do this while Odin was awake?
Wow. This person did not watch the movie. They couldn't have.
"It is thus strange that Loki thought Odin would like him for doing what Thor had done." Loki did not do what Thor did. This is what Thor did. His coronation was interrupted, so he went to Jotunheim to "learn why" the Jotuns had attacked. They reach Jotunheim after everyone around Thor tells him it is a bad idea (note, this after Odin his father told him no), effectively committing treason. Laufey calls Thor princess, and Thor loses it. This breaks the "peace treaty" and starts a war. Asgard nor Odin are in a good state for war. By doing this, Thor has put all of Asgard in danger. Now what Loki did. Loki let Laufey into Asgard as a trick to kill him. Why this is different. The war had already started. Thor's "banishment" (and Frigga's terrible parenting) left Loki to stop the war. Loki kills Laufey and as a result the Jotuns no longer have a leader. The rest of the plan is to wipe out Jotunheim to ensure the Jotuns didn't invade, take over, and possibly destroy Asgard.
"Wouldn't it have been better for him to try and do this while Odin was awake?" No it would not. We see later in the franchise that if you are Loki, you can follow the Asgardian way and get severely punished for it. (*cough* Thor: Dark World *cough*) Odin does wake up at the end of the movie, and he just ends up being Loki's tipping point, causing Loki to attempt to kill himself.
Not Teaming Up With Hela
Loki and Odin’s abandoned daughter Hela had the same goals, but strangely enough, they didn't team up to make everything go smoothly. Given the kind of unity Loki had seen from the Avengers, he'd have been smarter enough to value teamwork more. When Hela arrived to take the throne and get revenge, Loki ought to have been the first person on her side. Her plan was basically a newer, small-scale version of his own plan in Avengers. Given his nature, it could have been more logical for him to team up with her then destroy her.
If you...do not...know anything...about Loki...DO NOT MAKE POSTS ABOUT HIM, PLEASE. What the heck is this?! I see why who ever wrote this has a job under ScreenRant. I really do. This is irrelevant.
"Loki and Odin’s abandoned daughter Hela had the same goals" What "goals" were those. Loki's goal was to impress Odin. Hela was trying to basically return Asgard back to "normal". "Normal" is explained later as being a consistent state of war and conquering .
"When Hela arrived to take the throne and get revenge, Loki ought to have been the first person on her side." Why?
"Her plan was basically a newer, small-scale version of his own plan in Avengers." Loki was being mind controlled, had been previously tortured, and was fresh out of a cult he had been in for a year! That doesn't count! Hela, who also has valid reasoning, is upset that her biological father cast her out (like Thor) for being too much like him.
"Given his nature, it could have been more logical for him to team up with her then destroy her." This person doesn't know Loki's nature evidently, since they are skipping over the fact that Loki kept Asgard safe from war for 4 years. So, no he would not team up with her since their views for Asgard are completely different.
Gosh, I hate ScreenRant.
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step-on-me-natasha · 3 years
Blade; chapter 1
summary: Parker "Blade" Wiles, a high ranking SHIELD agent with an aptitude for sharp objects, goes missing. When Blade is found again with a darker and colder demeanor, SHIELD, with the help of The Avengers, are tasked with finding out what happened to their colleague and friend.
OC is ace and uses they/them pronouns
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x OC! reader (Blade)
warnings: knives, dead mom?? if anything else, let me know
*thoughts are in italics*
Dear Journal, it’s Parker, well it’s actually Blade, my therapist said that it would help if I wrote in a diary everyday. I don’t know how this is supposed to help. How is writing in a journal going to help with the fact that my mother just died? I don’t get it. But, here goes nothing I guess.
When I was maybe 9 or 10, I started playing with knives. My mother would always tell me it was dangerous, but there have only been two instances where I got hurt by one. The first time was when I was in high school and I was cutting a carrot for my lunch and I looked away and the knife slipped. It was only the tip of my finger, so does it really count? The second time was last week when some damn HYDRA agent threw a fucking samurai sword at my head and it barely missed my ear. Which by the way, ruined my streak of at least 20 years of not getting cut by a knife. Other than that, nothing bad has really happened.
I guess I never really learned my lesson because now I play with knives for my job. Anyways, I’ll write some more tomorrow.
“First entry down. Boom” You say with a slight head nod. Never in a million years would you have thought that you would be writing in a diary, especially not a bright fucking purple one. That’s the best Dr. Lawrence could do? You work with superheroes and play with knives for a living and she thought that a bright purple diary was a good idea? It’s a rhetorical question, it’s definitely not a good idea.
A knock at your door took you out of your trance of staring at this obnoxiously bright diary. Steve pokes his head in, Jesus Christ he’s such a dad, you think.
“Hey there, we got a team briefing in 10. A new HYDRA breakthrough.” He says.
Oh goody. “Alright, thanks Steve.” You stand up and stretch your legs and back out.
“So uh, new hobby?” He says pointing at the journal.
“Oh yeah, totally. Dr. Lawrence said it would help if I wrote my feelings down. I think I'm gonna name it Sheila.”
He nods, “Sheila. Uh... yeah, Sheila suits it”.
The both of you begin the walk down to the briefing room.
“Wait wait wait, HYDRA? I thought we got rid of them when SHIELD collapsed.” You asked.
“They’re rebuilding.”
“Of course they’re fucking rebuilding.” You say with a sigh.
“Nice of you guys to finally join the party.”
“You actually interrupted my therapy sanctioned diary entry for today Tony, so thanks.” He rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“No need for the attitude Blade.” Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes and scoff as you fall into your seat.
“Let's just get this over with, I have better things to do” you mutter.
“....Alrighty,” Steve starts, “with the collapse of SHIELD and consequently HYDRA, what's left of HYDRA went underground. They used and analysed everything they had on physical files. We now know that they are trying to re-created the super soldier serum.”  
“Awesome” Bucky grumbles.
“That’s not all,” Steve continued “they are exclusively experimenting on women and children.” The room goes silent.
“Why wouldn’t they re-use the Red Rooms resources then?” You pipe up.
“They didn’t want to draw attention to themselves and what's left of the Red Room is nothing but retired widows who just want a normal life.” Natasha says.
“Including you?” you ask her. “In the future yeah, but not now.” You nod and your eyes linger on her.
“Do we have a location?” Bucky asks.
“Eastern Germany, more specifically East Berlin.” Steve replied. Whose bright idea was it to go back to Germany?
“Alright, suit up everyone, wheels up in 15.” Tony says as everyone begins to leave.
You make your way back to your room to grab your gear and suit up. Ya know, I know that this mission is important but, why do I have to go? I know it's unhealthy to stay holed up in my room but god, I really don’t want to go, you thought to yourself. You sigh and start walking towards the quinjet, grabbing your journal and a pen on the way out. You're the last one to get on, plopping down on a seat in the back. You start writing.
Sup Sheila. I guess writing has kinda distracted me from my poor pathetic self. I’m going on this mission to stop HYDRA. Yep, you heard me right. HYDRA. They’re fucking back. And guess where they are! Germany! FUCKING GERMANY! The audacity. I bet they’re all men. No woman, even a HYDRA agent, would go BACK to Germany. I digress, anyways, I guess this mission could help. I haven’t been in the field since the accident. So maybe this is for the better? I truly don’t know, i’ll let you know when I get back
You close your journal and kind zone out. I don’t even know why I’m here. Why couldn't they bring Clint, oh yeah, he fell off the roof trying to fly. What kind of fucking idiot does he think he is? I bet he’s having the time of his life right now. Not having to go on this mission. He’s probably watching shitty sitcom re-runs while eating something dumb, like garlic bread. Mmmmmm, garlic bread. I could eat so much garlic bread right now it’s not even funny. If I could, I would fuck garlic bread, and I DON’T EVEN LIKE SEX. Good thing Wanda’s not here, she would be concerned.
“Hey, you good?” Natasha nudges you and asks.
“About as good as I can be for someone who’s mom just died and is going to stop a rogue Nazi division from the 40s that never really went away.” That is such a lie, I was totally thinking about garlic bread.  
“Huh, well, that’s one way to put it.” She says, “Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here”  
“Got it, thank you Nat, I really appreciate it.”
Normally when someone says something like “I'm here if you need to talk” and all that other bullshit, it just goes in one ear and out the other. But when Nat says it, it makes you want to believe it. It’s almost comforting. You get up from your seat to grab your blades, and Tony stops you.
“What Tony?”  
“Hey, what's with the attitude? I just wanted to say that I upgraded your knives for you. Something nice, ya know. Thought you might need some cheering up.”  
“That- that's actually nice. Thank you Tony.”  
“They need a little sharpening but, I figured you could do that since it's kinda your thing.”
You chuckle, “Yeah, thank you, again.” I guess you learn something new everyday. Tony isn’t actually a self absorbed douchebag all the time. You start sharpening your swords when someone sits next to you.
“Sweet knives!”  
“Thank you Sam, they’re nice, aren’t they” You say glancing at Tony.
“Alright, let's go over the plan.” Steve gathers everyone's attention.
“Sam and Tony, you guys are in the air, make sure nothing goes in or out of the base. Blade and Nat, you two take the front entrance while Bucky and I take the back. It’s not a big base, we need to get in, take what we need and get out as soon as possible. Use your comms if you need something.” As the jet lands, everyone splits up into their designated teams.
“Are you sure you’re okay to go on this mission?” Nat asks. “I mean, you’ve been staring off into space since we took off.”
“I’m gonna be totally honest with you, most, if not the whole time, I was thinking about garlic bread.”
“Why were you thinking about garlic bread?”  
“Well, I don’t know, it happens from time to time, I can't stop it.”  
“You’re really weird.”  
“You’re stuck with it.”
By this time, all teams have left the jet. You and Natasha are nearing the front. Do I still want garlic bread? Yes. I do.
“Please don’t think about garlic bread right now”
“You have very little faith in me, I was thinking about….not garlic bread”  
“Mmmhmm, yeah, sure. Just,” she sighs “watch by back and don’t do anything stupid.”  
“I don’t do stupid things. The person you should be telling that to is Clint. He fell off the roof for fucks sake! Trying to what? Hmmm?? Trying to fly! Fucking fly!”
He shouldn’t be called Hawkeye anymore. He already got too many bad ideas about trying to be a hawk. We should revoke his superhero name and call him sharpshooter or some shit. No more bird names.
You and Nat enter the base. It’s too dark in here. HYDRA couldn’t afford some lights? Cheap bastards. You’re walking down the darkest hallway known to man, when you hear something.
“You hear that?” You ask.
“Yep, we should probably go check it out.”  
“Fuck no! I am sure as hell not doing that! This place gives me American Horror Story: Asylum vibes, and I am not here for it.” Unless Sarah Paulson is there. I would do anything for her.
“Jesus Christ Blade! This is what we are here for!”  
“Ughhhhhhh, fine. You go in first though.”
You two go into the room where the noise was heard.
“There’s no one here.”  
“no shit Natasha, it’s almost like you have eyes.”
She gave you a pointed look and you sighed and started searching the room.
“What are we looking for again? I was too busy thinking about garlic bread to catch what Steve said”  
”Of course you were . We’re looking for any information regarding HYDRA. Weapon plans, base blueprints and info on the winter soldier project.”
*GASP* Buckyyyy….. “Got it, thanks.”  
“I'm gonna go find another room, you got this covered?”  
“Yup, don’t worry about me, I got this” you give her a thumbs up as she leaves.
You continue to look around the room when you feel a slight breeze.
“That's weird” You say to yourself. You start following where the wind is coming from and find a door.  
“Wow, HYDRA could afford a secret door but not lights?” You go through the door to find another empty room.
“Okay, that’s extra weird.” The door closes.
“Oh shit.”  you try to open the door but it doesn’t budge. “Hello!” you use your comm but you just hear static.
“Ok well, that’s not good.” you start trying to find a way out until you hear footsteps behind you. OH SHIT, STRAIGHT OUT OF THE HORROR MOVIES. And then the lights cut out.
“Okay, ha ha! Very funny! Making sure the person with the big scary knives can’t see. Well jokes on you! I'm just gonna start swinging! And if I hit something, then well, hopefully it’s HYDRA.” You yell out.  
“You are not gonna make it out alive” A voice came from the right of you. You pull out your swords and turn to the right.
You gasp. “You’re a woman!”  
“Indeed I am. But, like I said earlier, you’re not making it out of this one, sweetheart”  
“Oh honey, they call me Blade for a reason, so you might not make it out alive.”  
“I highly doubt that” she said as she hit you upside the head, knocking you out.
A/N: AHHHH! this is my first book/fic and I am very excited! please please please don't be afraid to like or comment, it makes my day when you do!
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smokedstorybara · 3 years
I have so many bnha fanfic ideas, they’ve just been popping into my head every few days for weeks now
So I’m just gonna share them all on this one post instead of making a million new fandom posts out of nowhere (ok, it’s closer to, like, ten - but still!)
If any of y’all want me to actually write any of them, don’t hesitate to say so - or if you just want to ask questions and talk about the ideas I’d be totally down for that too
Also, if any of them inspire you to write or draw something, please send me a link when you’re done!
(under a readmore cause it’s long and also there’s spoilers)
Fae courts AU
Nedzu - Spring King
U.A. / The Spring Court - also known as the Court of Lost Children, all members of the Court were once human children or children of one of the other Courts and they view it as their duty to care for the lost, neglected, and abused children of the world (one of two child stealing Courts)
All Might - Summer King
All For One - Winter King
Objectively, the Summer and Winter Courts are not as different as they like to believe - a Summer fae is just as likely to trick or turn on you as a Winter fae, they just prefer to play at benevolence while Winter fae make no secret of their nature
Shie Hassaikai / The Autumn Court - used to be more like a lesser version of the Summer and Winter Courts, until Overhaul put the King to sleep and made his research into humanity the Court’s focus - they’re now the second child stealing Court
Eraserhead was once human but has made enough deals over the years - most notably with Nezu himself - that he’s practically fae now
Deku and Kachan are human children who were taken in by the Spring Court, though Deku only after catching the attention of All Might
Endeavor - High Fae in the Summer Court - wants to become Summer King but knows he’s not powerful enough to overthrow All Might, married a High Winter Fae in hopes that combining their powers would make one of their kids powerful enough
Dabi fakes his death and eventually becomes a High Fae in the Winter Court
Shouto seeks sanctuary in the Spring Court’s halls
(I don’t actually have a plot for it, but I’m enjoying figuring out the world and stuff)
Evil All Might AU
The underworld knows that young Yagi Toshinori is a con-artist, and a very good one
The kid’s quirkless, and from a bad neighborhood, so of course he gets involved in shady dealings to get by
But he never ever gets caught
See, he’s mastered the eager, innocent, “I know I’m quirkless, but it’s my dream to be a hero! To fight crime! To be someone people can look up to, put their faith in! To be a… a symbol!” act, he’s been running that con any time he’s found in the wrong place at the wrong time since he first started walking - no one with even a single good bone in their body ever questions it
He gets involved with AFO, who’s like “I could give you one of my lesser quirks in exchange for your loyalty, or you could do a long undercover mission for me and get one of the most powerful quirks in existence out of it”
His mission: pulling his signature con on Shimura Nana, being given One for All, becoming a hero, becoming the Number One Hero and Symbol of Peace and the singular pillar holding up hero society, maintaining that status for long enough that everyone grows a little complacent, finding a weak and manipulable child to pass One for All on to, setting them up to fail, and then retiring
(I’d either have this one be All Might-focused and end with the reveal, or have it be Izuku-focused and give it a happy ending where All Might totally chose the wrong kid, cause nothing about Izuku is weak)
Commission analyst Izuku au
Member of the commission overhears him muttering/catches a glance at his notebook while watching a hero fight, strikes up a conversation
The commission tracks him down, shows up at his home with a similar offer to the one they gave Hawks - but instead of a hero they want him to be an analyst for them
Like Hawks, they take away his name, only calling him something like Eagle Eye or something (I’d go with Hawkeye but Hawks already exists so it might be weird?)
(Basically this fic idea is just an excuse to have Izuku and Hawks as the ultimate team, and helping each other get out from under the commission’s thumb - maybe revolutionizing hero society along the way)
Canon rewrite w/ Monoma as main character, somehow
All I have for this one so far is just:
Monoma copies afo, uses copied afo to steal afo, AFO is now defeated
After getting better at controlling her quirk, Eri rewinds Kurogiri back into Shirakumo Oboro
But he’s the age he was when he died
So he joins the current class 2-A
As in Izuku’s class
Basically it’s just his old best friends having to teach him and him making friends with all Aizawa’s problem children
Time travel
(I have multiple cause I really like time travel)
Aizawa-centric time loop fic
Loop stretching from day before Oboro’s death to towards the end of the liberation war (diverging from canon in at least the first loop cause he fucking dies during the fight)
At first he thinks maybe he just, like, dreamt up those 14(?) years
But then things are happening the same way and so he starts changing things and he dies and wakes up the day before Oboro’s death again
He experiments a lot with the loops, figuring out that they’re definitely not time based - unless it’d loop back at the end of the liberation war even if he survives? Requires further testing
Details he changes throughout the loops (culminating in a loop in which he successfully changes all of them):
Oboro’s death
Shimura Tenko being taken in by All for One, All Might’s injury(?), Izuku accepting One for All, and more I haven’t fully decided on
Time travel fic where Pro Hero Deku accidentally time travels back to just before Aizawa’s first year as a student at ua and somehow gets hired as a teacher
Gonna be a two-parter
Part one: Izuku has to teach teen versions of his old high school teachers, channels their future selves a little
Part two: Aizawa, Yamada, and Kayama have to teach the teen version of their old favorite high school teacher, and end up channeling his future self - in different ways
(I’ve come across a couple different “Izuku gets accidentally sent back in time to when his teachers were students” fanfics and they keep making me think about how Aizawa & co would react to meeting him in canon timeline after meeting him in high school and then I took the natural step forward from there to “let’s parallel their nostalgia, make him their high school teacher so it can really hit hard”)
Izuku is related to rooftop trio aus
(I’ve come across a bunch of “Izuku is the biological son of at least one member of the rooftop trio” aus but only one acknowledges that in canon he’s only 15 years younger than them and that one has a very angsty explanation, so I wanted some that fit with canon and also aren’t too heavy - cause like, sure you could go with the complex extremely angsty trauma reason or you could go with the “these 13-16-year-olds(idk Inko’s canon age and as long as I never look it up I can pretend I’m not going against canon by making her only 2-ish years older than them) did what teenagers do and went to a party and made some relatively innocent mistakes and ended up with a pregnancy”)
Oboro and Inko have been neighbors and best friends their whole childhood, despite being a couple years separated in age
The fall before Oboro starts high school, Inko takes him along to a party with her high school friends
They get drunk and sleep together
Inko gets pregnant
They talk it through with each other and their families and agree to keep the baby (they’re both actually pretty excited to be parents) and raise it together platonically
Some months into first year (maybe second), Oboro tells his friends about his kid
Spends the rest of his life gushing about Izuku to all his friends (sorry for the word choice fjdhshshx)
Oboro dies and his friends make pact to help Inko take care of Izuku once they have steady income and stuff
But Inko’s family has moved and she’s married and they can’t find her
They keep searching, for roughly 14 years
And then Midoriya Izuku enrolls in UA’s hero course and his big green eyes and curly green hair match the pictures Oboro used to show them and his smile is identical to their old friend’s
And his mom’s name is Inko
But they’re not sure (His quirk doesn’t match Oboro’s nor his Inko’s after all)
Not until after the first term and the summer training disaster camp and Kamino, when All Might and Aizawa go house to house talking to parents about the dorms and All Might tries to insist on visiting the Midoriyas alone but Aizawa insists right back cause this is the closest he’s come to confirmation
and then he’s face to face with a woman he’s only ever seen in photographs
And then they talk about everything or something idk I haven’t got that far
Dadzawa and Dadmic (trans!aizawa)
A year and a half before he starts high school(I know I changed the timeline a whole year here but shush, how’s he supposed to get into U.A.’s hero course while pregnant?), Aizawa’s middle school and one or two others have a Joint Event, at which he meets a loud but cute blonde who keeps flirting with him
They hook up
He gets pregnant
His dad insists he get an abortion but he doesn’t want to and his mom supports his decision, they convince his dad to let him go through with the pregnancy on the condition that he gives the baby up for adoption immediately
He has twins, both boys (one with green eyes like the blonde’s(but darker) and the other with purple like Shouta’s mother’s)(that’s right, Shinsou is also their son in this, you’re welcome), and he gives them up for adoption to separate families
But with conditions
No one from his blood family is allowed to initiate contact with either boy without the kid’s knowing consent (he’s terrified of his father changing his mind, tracking them down, and hurting them)
With the one exception being that he’s allowed to send each one a birthday present and card every year
Which he does
Then he starts at UA and then gets into the hero course and there he is… the blonde… the father of Shouta’s children… who does not recognize him now that he’s started transitioning
This time Shouta’s the one who flirts - or tries to, the kid’s a little too oblivious
Of course they do eventually get together, and even end up married! (Haven’t decided if they get together during high school or after they start teaching there or what(probably the latter, for plot reasons))
The first time Midoriya Inko contacts Shouta is after Izuku is diagnosed quirkless - she knows the young man loves her son as much as she does and might be able to reassure him where she already failed
His next birthday, Izuku’s mystery card says he can be a hero even without a quirk; it makes Izuku’s year
Hitoshi’s parents also contact Shouta that year, the boy struggling to make and keep friends ever since his quirk came in; Shouta’s birthday card to him isn’t much different from Izuku’s, really
The Shinsous get in an accident and Hitoshi is placed in foster care and suddenly Shouta can’t send him his yearly gift and card anymore cause nobody will tell him where the boy is now because of the contact portion of the adoption contract
They also won’t tell Hitoshi that he was adopted and his birth father is out there looking for him, so Shouta’s pretty sure they’re trying to hide that he’s being mistreated wherever he is
Inko continues to contact Shouta now and then whenever she thinks Izuku will need extra encouragement come his birthday (she never tells Izuku about being adopted - even after he enters his teen years - cause after his diagnosis, everyone but her left him and she doesn’t want him to internalize the idea that his birth parents didn’t want him - Shouta’s not happy with the decision, but he understands)
Then one year he sends Izuku a Present Mic figurine and she writes him to share how excited the boy was and how Present Mic is one of his favorite heroes and he listens to his radio show all the time and Shouta simultaneously melts and has a minor breakdown at the realization that he hasn’t told his husband that they have sons, he can’t tell Hizashi that their son listens to his radio show regularly when Hizashi doesn’t know Izuku even exists
So of course, being the rational man he is, he finally tells Hizashi about Izuku and Hitoshi
Hizashi freaks, of course (in a good way(mostly))
And then, one of the worst days of Shouta’s life
He’s on patrol and sees a figure on a rooftop and rushes to get there - just in case it’s a jumper - and it’s his son, his Izuku
They talk(it doesn’t breach the adoption contract, he didn’t know it was Izuku when he approached and the kid spoke first) and Izuku tells him “everything” about his encounter with All Might, Shouta tells him to tell his parents - they’re there to support him - and also that All Might’s full of shit and a quirkless hero is totally possible with the right training and enough willpower
Then after they leave the rooftop his kid gets in trouble again, rushing in to save a classmate from the same sludge villain that attacked him earlier that day
Of course Shouta swoops in and pulls the kids out of danger before All Might arrives to “save the day”
This time Shouta insists on walking Izuku home to make sure he actually gets there safely
But then All Might shows up again wanting to talk to his kid privately and he wants to tell the man to fuck off but he’s not legally allowed, really, so when Izuku says it’s fine he reluctantly leaves
Inko asks to meet him just days later
She tells him that Izuku told her everything about what happened that day - including what Shouta told him - and she tells him that she’s realized she needs to properly support her son in pursuing his dream
She understands that Shouta wouldn’t feel comfortable training him one-on-one with the kid not knowing who they are to each other, and she’s still not ready to tell him yet, so she asks for a list, for him to help her get in touch with people who can train Izuku or ways for Izuku to train on his own, ways for her to help
He puts her in contact with seven pro heroes (Midnight, Gunhead, the Wild Wild Pussycats, and - somehow - Sir Nighteye) and a vigilante team (the Naruhata Crawler and his team), all of whom he talks into helping - and has to tell about his connection to this boy they’ll be teaching
(Each have something important to teach him: Midnight - using words and body language to throw off opponents, Gunhead - martial arts, Wild Wild Pussycats - stamina, teamwork and use of your environment when out in nature, Sir Nighteye - analysis and planning, the Naruhata Vigilantes - use of gadgets and weapons, use of your environment when in the city, having the heart of a hero, and - most importantly - that quirkless people can be fucking strong and skilled and terrifying and certainly aren’t weak or useless (they were trained by a quirkless vigilante after all, they’re bound to have a different perspective on the idea of a quirkless hero than anyone else, a perspective Izuku could really benefit from))
Ten months later, Izuku passes UA’s entrance exam and is placed in Shouta’s class (he’s pretty sure Nezu did that on purpose)
When the school year starts, he and Hizashi discover that Izuku isn’t the only one in one of their classes - Hitoshi is in Hizashi’s homeroom
They are, of course, fucking extatic
They just need to, y’know, figure out how to tell him that they’re his parents and maybe possibly would love custody of him if he wants
(Again I haven’t gotten any further than that yet)
(Also, if you can’t tell, in this au Izuku turns down All Might’s offer of One for All, cause Eraserhead said he could be a hero without a quirk and was honestly a lot kinder and more responsible (like, making sure the kid got home safely instead of leaving him on a roof) and stuff than All Might and honestly might be his new favorite hero)
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cauldronofmorning · 3 years
Okay so.... I've encountered your tags about "the talking scene between trapper and hawk in dr pierce and dr hyde the stuttering the grabbing the not blinking how another of hawk's coping methods has bitten the dust#trapper being soft parental but annoyed and how he needs to check out while hawkeye needs to save the entire world"... if you have time, Go off! I would love that 2000 word essay and your opinions.
It’s a bit of a mess and would probably get a C- if I handed it in, but! Dr Pierce and Dr Hyde and how it shows the difference between Hawkeye’s and Trapper’s coping methods.
Context! Alan Alda wrote the episode, mental health is important to him (not to psychoanalyze an actor, but he had depression before the show and his mom was schizophrenic) and there’s a quote on how Hawkeye didn’t actually change much in the eleven years, just had his coping methods beaten down.
So throughout season one, Hawkeye and Trapper have mostly been ignoring the trauma of a war. Hawkeye naturally ended a movie with a speech about propaganda (Yankee Doodle Doctor) and Tommy tells them (Sometimes You Hear The Bullet) about a kid who should have been the blonde hero in a war movie actually dying and not hearing a bullet, forcing them to actually quietly think about it. But for the most part, they can distract themselves with booze, pranks and women, and Hawkeye can still draw a straight line between his tenuous sanity pre-war and the place he’s in.
There’s also two important episodes in season two before Dr Pierce and Dr Hyde, that make the war more personal for both of them. The first is Radar’s Report, where a scared prisoner contaminates Trapper’s patient by knocking the blood over. Trapper’s sulkier throughout the episode, obsessed with how it could have been okay if it weren’t for that incident, and less indulging of Hawkeye’s girl of the week problem. His patient doesn’t make it, and he makes a beeline to the POW’s tent, maybe would have killed him if Hawkeye hadn’t bought him back to reality. “That’s not what we’re about.”
The second is For The Good Of The Outfit. This one has a village bombed by American military and Hawkeye/Trapper run afoul of previously decent sounding generals trying to shut them up from talking about it, including passive aggressive threats to send them to the front, and specifically to Hawkeye, intercepting letters to his dad. It’s okay by the end of the episode, but he’s still livid when he finds this out.
In comes Dr Pierce and Dr Hyde. The episode starts with Hawkeye already slightly dissociated from a long shift, thinking it hasn’t ended, and Trapper having to gently take him by the arm and guiding him out of the OR, telling him he was taking the chest cases “like he was their only hope”. Hawkeye wanting to save everyone keeps popping up throughout the episode; here, when he’s stumbling into Henry and his ego filtered through deprivation making him think he’s the only one who can do chest cases, the scene I’m getting to, and the end where Trapper and Henry sum him up.
As much as Trapper is “let’s get drunk to deal, okay?” kind of comfort in comparison to BJ who can actually talk about emotions, if not necessarily knowing the best way to deal with them (Hawkeye has a type and it’s repressed blondes), he’s soft with Hawkeye – gentle touches, firmly telling him to go to sleep, indulging that chopper noise is just thunder – until he figures the best way to get his friend to rest is to sedate him behind his back.
The thing with Trapper is that while he might be a bad husband, cheating on his wife with no shame (but he keeps bringing up that Hawkeye is more perverted so that might make it easier for him to deal with, see the couple of times he glares at Hawk for flirting with Henry/a male patient, Divided We Stand, The Trial Of Henry Blake, Check Up, Life With Father, Adam’s Ribs), he’s a good father who ran into a minefield for Kim and tried to go AWOL for Cathy and Becky. That’s not to say he always treats Hawkeye like a child, that would be weird considering how much flirting they do, but when the other man is manic or badly affected, Trapper’s first instinct is to be parental.
After Hawkeye in his doubletalky way admits to Radar he’s compulsive and psychotic (sidenote:  his symptoms of strong emotions, not being able to think clearly and too many spirals to name actually bear that diagnosis out, instead of just using the word when one thinks another is behaving badly), he wanders around the camp like a ghost, making notes about corpsmen with guns and nurses checking patients in post-op.
As Hawkeye often does, whenever he finds something out, or thinks he has in this instance, he has to tell his live-in boyfriend of the season immediately, and if he can’t sleep then neither can anyone else. He sits on Trapper’s bed, extremely close and not blinking, and jostles him awake. Already Trapper’s slightly panicky, as no matter what he says about being the mellow one, any time there’s shouting or loud noise in the swamp, he always wakes up with a start. Even when he sees it’s Hawkeye it takes him a few seconds to process and get back into his role.
Hawkeye’s very sad and very quiet. For the past seven minutes, even though he’s dissociated, exhausted and not doing well, he’s still trying to do his normal thing of turning his anger sideways and being snarky or being a clown bottom for the gaggle of nurses. Going back to one of Trapper’s good qualities is that he’s a decent parent, Hawkeye can regress emotionally into being like a ten year old (incidentally, the age when he had the most trauma pre-Korea, with Billy, his mom dying, guilt over not wanting dad to remarry and at some point losing his virginity), both for funny like in Picture This and for sadness.
So he’s finally noticed that he’s in a war zone and he’s too tired to make jokes about it or distract himself from it. Trapper already sounds frustrated but still listens, telling him to go bed before he drives himself crazy. There’s been a few takes that Trapper would get sick of later Hawkeye, and given how much they really can’t talk to each other that often, even just a mention of Hawkeye’s will when he has to go to the front makes Trapper shut down and Hawkeye cover with a joke, that’s probably true. They’re both messes, but for now Trapper can give Hawkeye someone to lean on.
“If I thought I could stop it just by going to sleep, don’t you think I would try?” Hawkeye does a twitch of the head, still unblinking, and that’s just really asking Trapper to understand and take him seriously. Also the wording, he’s not saying he can stop thinking about it just by going to sleep, or stop feeling anything just by closing his eyes, although both of those are implied. He makes it very clear later on (Letters, Preventive Medicine, Blood Brothers) that he feels like he’s as bad as the war – god and martyr complex combined – and if he can’t fight against/blame everything on that then it’s time for some self loathing.
Trapper does actually pay attention and gives him some advice. Definitely not great advice, but advice nonetheless, to close his eyes when things get unbearable, and to keep checking out when it keeps happening. This can’t work for Hawkeye, who’s had a guilt complex ever since he was a child, but it’s how Trapper copes. The next episode when Kim’s mother turns up for the boy, after a time of being actually open, he goes right to dismissive snark. Plus in season three’s Mad Dogs and Servicemen, another one on how differently Trapper and Hawkeye deal with things, he shrugs that he pretends he’s not there all day along.
Hawkeye’s stuttering a bit at this point. Words are important to him, it’s why you should probably leave him a note even if you’re a man who 1) wants to forget about Korea as soon as he arrives in Boston but won’t 2) wants desperately to believe he’s straight but isn’t 3) cares through physical touch and can’t think of what to say for seventy two hours. Wordplay is important to him too, and he admits to Sidney in the finale that his brain thinks too fast. Obviously exhaustion is going to put his brain and mouth out of sync, and considering how he sounds like he’s going to cry in the mess tent when he can’t even get words out to Frank Burns, it makes him all that more helpless.
“Somebody, and it wasn’t you or me, started this war.” It’s the “whoever the them, we were always us” of it all. It’ll be more important in the third season, and what happens in Welcome To Korea, but Hawkeye has taken it for granted that he and Trapper will stay co-dependent no matter what happens or who they come up against or how their time is running out. Much how he probably didn’t tell Trapper about the abandonment trauma he’s suffered before, Trapper always reassures him to come back soon, or no charge for leaning on him, or it isn’t a Christmas goodbye, and doesn’t want to share real feelings.
Beyond that scene, with Hawkeye dragging himself off to be a hero, assume that everyone who tries to take care of him really just wants to sleep with him, and cry while singing, Trapper tries to sedate him while he’s not looking. He’s tried being parental, he’s tried the repression advice, it’s time to be passive aggressive for Hawkeye’s own good. Or what he thinks is Hawkeye’s own good. It’s not especially great on Trapper’s part, but a similar thing happens reversed in Mail Call, where a drunk Trapper tries to go AWOL and as soon as he’s distracted laughing at Frank, Hawkeye locks his bag away so Trapper won’t be tempted again. Both of them are repressed messes who can’t really talk to each other.
When that sedation attempt ends up in Frank falling over, Trapper goes to Henry to be the worried macho boyfriend. Like with the only comedic dancing allowed and not the time in Officers Only when a genuine offer gets turned down, being protective over Hawkeye where he can hear can only happen when it’s for fun/likely no real danger.
At the end, Trapper and Henry sit by Hawkeye’s bed when he’s finally asleep and talk about him. Kindly, but they know he’s unstable with a hero complex. Like Mulcahy said in season eleven, the camp has a lot of experience with not dealing with reality, and even Trapper says in Iron Guts Kelly that one man’s reality is another man’s fantasy. Nobody has the capability to talk about this yet, and Sidney and Hawkeye only really become friends in O.R. Hawkeye will wake up and he and Trapper will pretend this never happened.
When Adam’s Ribs comes around, and Hawkeye has a manic episode over needing to eat something that isn’t liver or fish, Trapper and Henry are again the ones looking after him, comparing him to their kids and Trapper in the background both snarking over Hawkeye’s slippage in sanity and looking out for him. It’s not as quite high stakes as Dr Pierce and Dr Hyde, but they’re still worried about him.
To end this out, Trapper and Hawkeye and mental health is a fun thing to look at. Neither of them are particularly emotionally intelligent yet, Hawkeye just kind of a self absorbed mess and Trapper finding it easier to be a reassuring rock and keep his own struggling to himself, and they keep things from each other while also taking past each other, but they comfort each other with jokes and distractions that only they can understand. The repressed clowns are trying, even if it does all end with a borrowed kiss and only just barely missing each other.
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filmadaydiary · 3 years
1/18/21 to 1/21/21
Marvel Part 2
I was nervous about watching this set of films, because I know they are the least critically-acclaimed. I figured they would be a slog to get through, mostly filler between the big Avengers events. But I was surprised to find that these films were actually quite character-driven and plot-heavy, albeit relying on the previous events to make everything that much more satisfying. There’s definitely something to be said for knowing what’s going on when you watch a film, as opposed to passively being engaged in the spectacle (which I am often guilty of). I wouldn’t be so quick to write these movies off in the future. 
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Thor: The Dark World – Alan Taylor, 2013
Bookending The Avengers with the first two Thor films made for an interesting viewing experience. As mentioned earlier, watching things in chronological order made the overarching plot much easier to follow. I liked seeing what happened with Loki immediately after the events of New York, and that was a nice reminder that not much time has passed between the first Thor and this one. People hate on this movie a lot, and even Ragnarok makes fun of it, but it’s really not that bad. Yes, it’s incredibly dramatic, but it’s also pretty darn exciting! There’s magic, there’s aliens, Chris Hemsworth does that cute Thor smile that melts hearts everywhere. It’s a grand old time. Phase 2 of Marvel is typically regarded as the worst of the bunch, but in my opinion these movies are still pretty darn enjoyable. 
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Iron Man 3 – Shane Black, 2013
Speaking of movies that I thought I hated, there’s this. I only saw it one time and then let the popular opinions sway me into dissing this movie again and again. Turns out this is an introspective look at how being in a war zone will negatively affect even the most confident of civilians. Tony suffers from extreme anxiety after New York and has to confront who he is without his armor (literally and metaphorically). It’s so rare that we get to see superheroes get this stripped down, and it’s a nice reminder that Iron Man is really just a guy under all that bravado. My boyfriend thinks that the hatred of this film comes from the portrayal of the Mandarin and how that differs from the comic books, but I think the way they did it here is a really interesting take on a cookie-cutter villain. Don’t write this off so quickly. 
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier – Joe and Anthony Russo, 2013
Aka the film where everyone fell in love with Sebastian Stan. No? Just me? What can I say, there’s something about guyliner that really gets me going. Seeing Cap get gritty and real after the optimism in his first outing makes it clear why the Russos were handed the keys to the MCU kingdom. This is a very well-constructed movie, deftly introducing new characters and story elements that feed into the greater plot without compromising what we already know and love. It sets the foundation for Steve and Natasha’s friendship going forward and helps fill in the blanks for what’s happening on Earth while there are galactic happenings in the other films. Plus the fight scenes in this film are truly epic. Steve’s takedown of the Hydra agents in the elevator is for sure one of the highlights. The ending does drag a little, but the rest of the film sets the tone for many of the other MCU entries going forward. 
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Guardians of the Galaxy – James Gunn, 2014
And now, onto something completely different! This movie, much like Captain Marvel, does feel slightly out of place when watched in sequence with the others. But since it takes place in 2014, we have to watch it here. I can understand why this is the favorite of many Marvel fans. In many ways, it feels much more like a comic book than the others. It’s colorful, it’s chaotic, and being set against the backdrop of ‘80s pop music gives it a certain sense of nostalgia. You can’t help but dance along with Quill in the opening number, and it does wonders to endear him to the audience. The ragtag gang is always a fun dynamic to play with, even more so when they’re criminals. Oh, and Lee Pace is there, which means I will automatically like the movie more. The characters are edgy and unique, each with distinct personalities and quirks. Those do soften out a bit over the course of the movies, which is a shame as they all get lumped into one ensemble and become flatter for it. But there is no doubt that this is a very fun time. 
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – James Gunn, 2017
This movie was slightly disappointing, thought it was much more enjoyable right on the heels of the first one (as opposed to three years later in theaters). I don’t love the Guardians sense of humor, it tends to be a little bit too goofy and rely on cringing or making fun of others as opposed to real jokes. So for me, I didn’t have the best time here. The only thing of value to the overarching storyline is the evolution of Nebula as a character, and builds connection between the characters. Although much of that connection is built off-camera, between the two movies. There aren’t even any Infinity Stones in this movie. It feels too unnecessary to have a whole movie just about getting the characters where they need to be when we won’t see them again until Infinity War. Space escapades are fun and all, and Baby Groot is always a bonus. Okay, and the soundtrack is also excellent, and there were a few moments that genuinely did make me laugh. My problem is it makes the jump back to Earth very jarring, and I wish there was a way to smooth that out somehow. 
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Avengers: Age of Ultron – Joss Whedon, 2015
Ah, Age of Ultron. Another movie that seems to be widely disliked by the fans. I saw this at a midnight premiere as well, and I had a great time. I had a great time watching it now as well. Ultron’s creation is truly haunting, and his cold, calculating logic in destroying the human race feels almost reasonable. If you’ve been paying attention, then Ultron no longer seems like an overreaction from Iron Man, but instead an extension of his anxiety and his drive to protect everyone now that he knows what’s out there. The movies in between the first Avengers and this one actually did a good job of setting up where everyone is emotionally and why it’s important for them all to be back for this major event. Plus, here we get some nice character-building for Hawkeye, my main man. This pushes the Avengers in a new way, with world-ending stakes, and I think it’s great. Not only are they fighting an endless army of robots, but this time they’re also racing against the clock because they’re on a city in the sky. It’s so cool! Not to mention loads of other things get set up in this film, from Vision to Thor’s epiphany about the Infinity Stones. It sets the stage for a whole new era of Avengers, one that I’m very excited to move on to. 
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starryknight09 · 3 years
Friendly Fire
Febuwhump Day 4: impaling
Read on AO3.
Peter dodged the drone that tried to ram into him and kicked it as it passed by.  It fell to the ground in a clump of metal.  These things terrorizing Manhattan weren’t hard to destroy but there were so many of them the sky practically looked black.  It was the Avengers first mission since they’d defeated Thanos after Captain Marvel had snapped the gauntlet.  It was too bad she’d disappeared back into space a few weeks ago because they could really use her right about now.
Peter swung closer to the main battle where most of the drones seemed to be amassed.  He shot out a taser web along the way taking down another five drones that were crowded too close together.  
“Nice shot kid.” Tony said as he flew by.
“Thanks Mr. Stark.” He grinned under the mask and shot out another web at a drone that had ventured too close.  “Is it just me or does it seem like we’re not even making a dent in these guys?”
“According to FRIDAY we’ve taken out about ten percent of them.”
“Wonderful.” Clint complained over the comms.  “So at the rate we’re going, we’ll have these things cleaned up by tomorrow morning.”
He wasn’t wrong.  They’d been at it for almost an hour now and the sun was about to set.
“Anyone have any bright ideas?” Rhodey asked.
“We could really use Thor right about now.” Clint said.
“Yeah well point break’s off philandering with Quill and his merry men, so we’re going to have to make due.” Tony said.
“It’s too bad we can’t just EMP them.” Peter said, all his skills being tested as he dodged drones, webbing up as many as he could and striking any that got too close.
“We’d have to take out a significant portion of New York's power, and mine and Rhodey’s suits, for that to work, so let’s try to avoid that.” Tony sniped.
“Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way then.” Clint said.  Peter briefly caught sight of the archer on the top of nearby rooftop as he swung past.
To be fair, there was a lot going on, so what happened next wasn’t completely Clint’s fault.  Or Peter’s.  
A handful of drones attacked him simultaneously, and they were too close to use his webs.  He landed a hard hit on one, but when he did, he got too close to another one and his spidey sense flared as it shot its lasers at him.  He yanked hard on his web to dodge out of the way and narrowly avoided getting hit, but the moment he moved his spidey sense wailed at him.  Before he could figure out why, his leg jerked.  What?
“Oh shit.” Clint swore and a second later the pain hit him.  His leg felt like it was on fire.  He looked down at it and it took a moment for his brain to process what his eyes were seeing.  One of Clint’s arrows had speared through the fleshy part of his calf.
Oh.  Ow.  Ow ow ow.  The shock and the pain of it had distracted him enough that he’d forgotten to throw another web out to stay in the air, so now he was falling on top of bleeding.  He managed to focus and fire a web onto a building, just in time to slow his descent so he skimmed across the ground and landed on his good leg without hurting himself any further.  He slowly crumpled to the concrete, staring at his skewered leg stretched out in front of him.  Blood leaked out and stained the pavement.  The sight made him dizzy.  Luckily, none of the drones seemed to have followed him.
“Uh, anyone got eyes on the kid?” Clint asked over the comms.  Peter knew he’d fallen out of the archer’s line of sight.
“Why?” Tony asked immediately, and Peter could sense his tension.
“He might’ve, sort of, just a little bit, gotten in the way of one of my arrows.”
“What?  You shot him?” Tony yelled.
“It was an accident!”
“Where is he?  Peter!”
Oh right.  He could talk.  “I know how a shish kabob feels now.” He groaned.  “Can’t say I’d recommend it.”
“Where are you?” Tony asked, panicking.  “Never mind.  I see you.”
Ironman flew toward him and landed with a clang.  The helmet retracted and Peter could see the man’s eyes widen as he took him in.
“It’s not that bad.” Peter tried to reassure him.
“Not that bad.  We need to work on your definition of those words.  You’ve been impaled.” Tony said, crouching down to get a closer look at his leg.
“It’s just a flesh wound.” Peter said and let out a hysterical laugh.  He couldn’t help it.
“Not funny.” Tony had gotten touchy about him getting hurt ever since he’d come back from the snap.
“No but seriously, it’s just the fleshy part.  I think if you just pull it out it’ll be fine.”
“Pull it—” Tony stopped and took a deep breath.  “You never pull it out.  If you ever get stabbed or skewered or whatever you leave it in.  Capiche?”
Peter nodded.
“And you’re supposed to be a genius…” Tony muttered to himself and then the next moment the helmet of his armor formed back into place.  “Try to hold still kid.”
Peter frowned.  “I thought we weren’t taking it out.”
“I’m not.” Tony said and one of the fingers on his armor uncapped and Tony aimed it at the arrow.  A focused laser shot out of the finger and sliced off one side of the arrow, near enough to his skin that Peter felt the heat, but it didn’t burn.  Tony repeated the same process on the other side so now only about an inch of arrow shaft stuck out on each side of his calf.  For just hitting his leg it sure was bleeding pretty profusely.  The puddle of blood under his leg had been slowly expanding.  Looking at it made him feel a little ill.
Tony seemed to notice the same thing in the next moment.  “Let’s get you out of here kid.”  Before Peter could protest, Tony had lifted him up in his arms and taken off.
“What about the fight?” Peter asked, starting to feel lightheaded.  They’d barely been winning before and now they were losing Spiderman and Ironman.
“Don’t worry about it.  They’ll be fine.” Tony answered, sounding distracted.
Peter wasn’t sure he believed him, but he didn’t have the energy to argue.  He closed his eyes.
“Stay awake Pete.”
“I’m awake.” He responded, opening his eyes with a reluctant sigh.
The rest of the flight passed in a pain filled blur.  By the time they made it to the compound he wasn’t feeling the greatest, but he was still awake, and he wasn’t crying or screaming in pain even though he kind of wanted to.  Every jostle had sent sparks of agony up his leg.  Who knew how much an arrow wound hurt?  He had a new respect for Hawkeye and his primary weapon of choice.  He never wanted to end up on the wrong end of an arrow again.
“How are you doing?” Tony asked as he deposited him on the waiting gurney on the roof.  Peter gave him a weak thumbs up and the man gently pulled off his mask before they started wheeling him to the elevator.
“Don’t worry.  I’m going to kill birdbrain.” Tony growled.
“Don’t.” Peter said with a wave of his hand.  “It was an accident.”
“He should’ve known better than to be shooting those things so close to you.”
Peter knew it wasn’t worth arguing over.  Tony was acting like an angry dad, and when he got like that, nothing Peter said would change his mind.  They descended and as soon as the elevator doors opened, they pushed him into the medbay, Tony following alongside the bed.  Dr. Cho was already waiting at the exact spot where they stopped and locked the bed.
“I saw the scans from FRIDAY.” Dr. Cho said, more to Tony than him, as the medical personnel started helping him out of the suit.  “It should be an easy enough fix.  We’ll put him under to take the arrow out and stitch up the artery and everything else, but he should be back to normal in a day or two with his healing ability.
Tony let out a relieved sigh.
“You should go back and help.” Peter suggested once he knew the injury wasn’t too severe, even though he didn’t really want Tony to leave his side.  He winced as they finished carefully peeling the suit away from the arrow, guiding the ends through the holes in the suit, but unable to keep from jostling it slightly.
“I’m staying.” Tony said, adamant.
“They’ll be fine.  Trust me.”
Peter acquiesced with a sigh, hoping Tony was right.  He tried to ignore the flutter of motion around him as the medical people worked, attaching an IV and all the necessary wires to him.
“Hey Mr. Stark?” Peter prompted and Tony purposely didn’t acknowledge him as he continued to stare at a monitor over Peter’s head.  Peter sighed.  Right.  He tried again.  “Hey Tony?”
“Yes?” The man looked down at him with a smirk.  Peter rolled his eyes.  Ever since the snap, Tony had been relentless about Peter calling him Tony instead of Mr. Stark, and Peter had been working on it, but it was a work in progress.
“When I wake up will you watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail with me?”
Tony shook his head in consternation.  “You’re a menace kid.”
Peter grinned.  “Is that a yes?”
“We’ll see.”
“It’s a yes.” Peter said confidently.  “Because you love me.”
Tony’s eyes softened almost imperceptibly but Peter noticed it.  “Sure do.” He confirmed, something Peter was pretty sure the pre-snap Tony never would’ve admitted, especially around other people, but this Tony was different.  He was softer, gentler, more willing to share his emotions and show affection.  Peter was still trying to adjust.
Tony ruffled his hair.  “But don’t tell anyone I said so.  I’ve got a reputation to maintain.”
Peter snorted.  Ok, maybe he hadn’t completely changed.
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stefciastark · 3 years
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Rating: T
Characters/Themes: Tony & Peter (Irondad), Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Nick Fury
Genre: H/C
Words: ~1600 and counting
A/N: Originally made for Day 11 of Webpril (a little late, whoops), I have also published this into a separate fic. If you'd like to stay up to date with how this pans out for chapter 2-3, you'll find that on my AO3 or FFN on the 'Standalone Fic' links below :) x
~Read it on AO3 | Webpril | Standalone Fic
~Read it on FFN | Webpril | Standalone Fic
Peter had never thought he’d be afraid of plants. Alright, maybe poison ivy and rhubarb, but not vines of all things. He also never thought he’d see the day when plants came to life...well okay, plants were already alive, but sentient was a whole other can of worms that Peter wished was never opened.
“Remind me to add a herbicide feature to the suits next time,” Tony chimed in over the comms. Peter couldn’t see his whereabouts, a cloud of smoke barring his view. It seemed like no matter how many explosives or sheer blunt force they sunk into these things, they were getting nowhere.
“New York is struggling with the trees as is, Tony, I don’t think we need you nuking the last patch of grass in Central Park,” Clint fired back.
“Look, can we talk about saving the forests later? I could use some more hands on deck here.” Steve was about a block and a half away from the rest of the team, having appointed himself to ‘perimeter’ duty but had soon been confronted with a writhing mass of vines that sprouted from the ground like heads sprouted from a Hydra.
Steve’s request was met by an enthusiastic “coming!” from Peter, who promptly proceeded to assume the role of a modern George of the Jungle, but instead the jungle was made of concrete, and the vines were...well the vines were vines.
Peter locked on to the small speck of blue weaving in between a forest of green, and proceeded to deploy the four mechanical arms that erupted from the back of the Iron Spider. Each arm seemed to operate on Karen’s schedule, but Peter couldn’t complain; the AI had faster reactions than Peter ever would, and if he thought about that too much it scared him.
As each metal appendage slashed and carved its way through the thick stems, thick sap oozed out like blood, but as soon as the incisions appeared, they were gone, replaced by cell membranes that were multiplying way too fast.
“Uh, guys? This isn’t working…”
“You’re telling me,” Clint grumbled, feeling more useless than ever. It didn’t matter if his arrows were covered in acid, produced flames, or were laced with electricity - the outcome was still the same. As soon as Clint came to that realisation, he had perched himself on the balcony of a nearby highrise, not wanting to risk being caught amongst the chaos. There was many a time he wished he weren’t as human. Moreso, he wished he weren’t as fragile.
“Hold on, I’ve got this.” Tony rounded the corner of the sidestreet nearest to Peter and moments later as the suit brushed past Steve, a long thin pike that exploded out from a Tylenol sized capsule dug into the ground right next to one of the vines besides Peter.
Within less than a second, Peter felt a shudder beneath the ground, followed by a geyser of dirt. The vine writhed for a moment before falling limp with a heavy thud. It suddenly looked so much smaller, no longer resembling a gigantic green tube man from outside the local car dealership.
“Well that wasn’t so bad.”
Peter groaned internally, not needing his Spidey Sense to tell him that those would be Tony’s famous last words.
The vine began convulsing, and Peter was reminded of the nurses from Silent Hill. For a moment he wished they were; then he wouldn’t have to deal with something at least half the size of his apartment building.
Rising once more to its full stature, half a dozen smaller vines broke out from the soil beneath it. Now it really resembled a Hydra.
Tony registered simultaneously the resurrection-including-birth and his position that put him at the epicentre of it all. Firing all repulsors at maximum capacity, he took off aiming vaguely for Hawkeye’s vantage point on the balcony.
That would’ve been the plan.
One of the smaller vines had snaked its way around the suit’s foot, up the ankle, and began to relentlessly squeeze. Sparks were beginning to fly out of Tony’s right foot repulsor before sputtering and going dark, and in that brief window where full-flight momentum had been compromised, the vine arched back.
Peter watched with mild panic as Tony whipped into the ground with the vine still stubbornly attached. He knew the suit could handle a lot, but what he never knew - and he was fairly sure Tony didn’t really know either - was if the suit was going to be able to come back to the workshop in one piece, preferably with Tony in one piece in it. And speaking of the workshop, after the dust cleared Peter’s heart sunk as he took in the scuffs and the scattered uneven plates that normally fit together like a puzzle. Of course, with all of their recent calls to action over the last few days and most of the other suits undergoing major upgrades and testing during an almost two month long quiet period - which turns out was a major oversight - the only suitable suit candidate was already semi out of commission.
Tony’s communications stuttered back online, jarred momentarily by the impact, and a low groan filtered over the comms.
“Tony, you alright?” Steve was almost 300-feet away, jumping back in after spending an frustratingly inordinate amount of time trying to pull an answer out of S.H.I.E.L.D who had sent a few airborne vehicles to try and scan and triangulate.
“Just. Peachy.” Each word was punctuated by a forceful attempt to remove the vine’s grip from the suit. Tony didn’t want to admit it out loud, but the strength at which it was constricting was starting to hurt. A lot. He really didn’t want to think about how much pressure the baby vine had to be exerting for him to feel it beneath the suit. He was suddenly a lot more alarmed about the larger vines.
S.H.I.E.L.D used that moment to broadcast, Nick Fury’s voice filtering over the present team’s radios. “I see we might have a bit of a weed problem. I would’ve thought gardening was a bit below the Avengers’ paygrade.”
“Just tell us how to get rid of these things, they’re giving me the creeps.” Clint broke his silence, his time surveying the convulsing vines of chaos in Central Park not bringing him any answers.
Fury was all business now. “This thing’s set up camp over by the boat house to your north. Scans picked up a large form that looks like a bulb about 32-feet below the surface. Find it, kill it, and we can all go home.”
“Roger that,” Steve replied, shifting his shield to sit more securely. “Tony, are you rea -”
“I’m gonna need a bit. As kinky as being tied up would be in any other situation…” Tony never quite finished his thought, turning off his radio as the vine constricted once more and he gritted his teeth against the crushing pressure. More of the baby vines had seemed to smell the nearby prey and had turned their attention to his figure lying supine on the ground.
Peter winced, hearing the (almost) disguised strain in Tony’s voice. The parent vine didn’t seem to care about his mentor anymore, and if it had eyes, Peter was sure they’d be twinkling in a lazy kind of sadistic pleasure. It had minions to do its dirty work now.
“Alright Queens, you and I have got this.” Steve looked at Peter and nodded. Clint had one arrow left and that method of attack had so far proven incredibly useless. Except…
Peter swung his way up to the balcony Clint was occupying near the East Green section of Central Park. “Hey, can I have your last boom arrow? Maybe it’ll work, but I’ve got a plan.”
Clint raised an eyebrow, loathe to give over his last projectile and cementing how inessential he had begun to feel. Pressing his lips together, he reached behind him and pulled out his last arrow. “Just press this bit in the middle of the arrowhead, okay? After that you’ve got about five seconds before you need to get the hell out.”
“Cool, got it. Arrowhead, five seconds, run. Thanks!” And as soon as Peter had appeared, he had started his commute back towards Steve.
Tony was lying incredibly still. He discovered that if he barely twitched a muscle - which these abominations could somehow tell beneath a layer of armour - the rate at which the squeezing increased slowed down.
“Today would be great.” Tony turned his head towards Steve, who had just shifted his attention to Peter who had arrived with an arrow in hand. Steve at once understood the plan.
“Hold tight, Tony.” Steve’s voice dripped with an authority that Tony found profoundly irritating but Peter found comforting.
“Not going anywhere, Cap.”
Steve took off at a sprint next to Peter, who was using the surrounding trees and lamp posts as targets for his webs. The closer they got to the epicentre of it all, the more concentrated the vines were. What started as sporadically placed vegetation now looked more like a dense jungle.
Peter landed softly on the grass as Steve slowed to a jog. Looking up, they were confronted with a writhing mass that looked more like a Kraken than it did a plant.
As they deliberated their next course of action, Peter’s blood ran cold as over the radio he heard Tony’s agonised scream.
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aquietwritingcorner · 3 years
Comfortember 2020 Day 19: Memory Lane Word Count: 1048 Author: Katie/Ally (aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl)   Rating: T Characters: Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang Warnings:         Summary: Even places with bad memories have good ones. And perhaps more good ones can override the bad ones too.   Notes:  I mean, I gotta have a good Royai story or two in here.
  Memory Lane
  Riza stood in the yard, looking up at the big, imposing, crumbling home before her. It was still intimately familiar to her, even with its sagging frame, peeled pain, falling shutters, and cracked windows. The grounds, too, once cared for, were grown up around it, the shed and chicken coop fallen in, weeds having overtaken the garden, and flowers and bushes growing wild without any maintenance. Beside her, Roy stood, close enough to reach out and hold her hand if she needed it.
“Are you sure about this?” he said, looking at her with a bit of concern.
She looked around at everything and didn’t answer him. “I didn’t realize how bad it had gotten,” she said instead.
He didn’t push. “It does look pretty rough,” Roy admitted. “You can’t even see the garden anymore.”
“You can still see some of the plants growing there, though,” she said. “The fig bush too. And it looks like there are still some trees in the old orchard that are producing.”
“Can you?” he said, and his lips quirked up in a smile. “You were always better at identifying the plants then I was.”
She smiled. “That’s true. How many times did I save you from eating something that would have hurt you?”
“More times then I can count,” he admitted ruefully. “You also had to teach me how to look out for your traps.”
“You learned, after the first dozen times being caught in one of my snares and hanging upside down from a tree,” she said with a grin.
“Hey, what did you expect of a city boy like me?” he protested.
“I expected you to learn faster,” she teased him. “You were smart enough for my father to keep around after all,” she said.
“I was,” he confirmed, and reached over to hold her hand. “But I guess the outdoors just eluded me. Although, to be honest, I think it was because you distracted me. How many hours did we spend out here under that walnut tree?”
“A lot,” she admitted. “That was how you fist figured out how good my aim was. I was taking other walnuts and throwing them at the ones still on the tree to get them to fall. I was tired of being hit by them when they decided to fall on their own.”
He laughed. “And then you took them, used them in our food, and sold the rest.”
“They had to have some good to them somehow,” she said. “You can’t say that I didn’t know how to make use of everything or find someone who could make use of it.”
“No, that’s true, you did,” he admitted.
They stood there for a moment more, and then he tugged her towards the house gently, taking the key from her and opening the door, going in first. “Be careful,” he said. “It’s not in good repair. There’s a lot of mold too, so we probably shouldn’t stay in here too long.”
Riza entered carefully, taking care about what she touched or where she stepped. “Looks like animals have gotten in here too,” she said, looking around.
“Yeah. It’ll take a lot of work to get this place in shape again,” he said.
She stepped into the living room, looking at the old radio in it. “Remember teaching me to dance in here?” she said.
“I do,” he said fondly. “Your father wasn’t too happy I wasn’t studying.”
“Father was never happy,” she said dismissively. “But that moment made me happy.”
“I’m glad,” he said. “It was a happy moment for me as well.” He looked at the fireplace. “We spent a lot of time here as well,” he said. “Laying in front of the fireplace and studying or working on things.”
“I taught you how to knit,” she said.
“And I helped you with your homework,” he said. “I didn’t have much else I could help you with.”
“You helped me clean. You became quite good at washing dishes,” she said.
“Yeah, but I never could figure out how to cook,” he admitted.
“Oh, I know,” she said. “I stopped enough fires from you,” she said. “Not to mention had to scrub on enough pots. But you did keep me company in there.”
“I liked keeping you company,” he said. “It was enjoyable to just be around you.”
“I liked it too,” she said, smiling at him.
“We’d spend a lot of time in the library too,” he said. “I’d been studying hard, and you’d be working on your lessons from school.”
“It was nice to just be together like that,” Riza commented. “And being downstairs we were further away from Father, which was also nice.”
“True,” he said, then laughed. “Remember when we snuck out to that festival, and the only way we snuck back in was through your bedroom window?”
She grinned. “Father heard us and thought we were up to something. He gave you a lecture and threat, if I remember correctly, and he yelled at me, left me in my room with it locked for a few days.”
“Yeah… that wasn’t fun.” Roy said.
She shook her head. “That part, no, but I never did regret going to that festival. Besides,” she grinned at him. “I had ways out of that room.”
“That’s true,” he said, returning the grin.
They were quiet for a moment more, the grins fading into something softer. Then, Roy asked her again, face serious:
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Riza looked around the room then were in, took a breath, and nodded, laying a hand on her slightly swollen stomach.
“Yes,” she said. “We’re going to need some place private to retreat to, and this is the perfect location. Besides…” she looked at him. “The memories here aren’t all bad. The ones with you are good, and I’d like to flood this place with more good memories instead of bad ones.”
“Alright,” he said. “Then I’ll make the calls tomorrow—and this, Mrs. Mustang, will be the private escape for the Fuhrer and his family.”
Riza smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “Good,” she said, already looking forward to the day that this place was remodeled into their own place, and the sounds of laugher overrode all other memories.
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Essential Avengers: Hawkeye #1-4
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September, 1983
Listen to the Mockingbird
Now for something completely different.
-OR- Further justifying why the posts are titled Essential Avengers when I’m just going to put a colon and then an Avengers to get Essential Avengers: Avengers. Its because sometimes its not Avengers!
Sometimes its Hawkeye.
Since I’m doing four issues in one post, I’m not going to go as in-depth as I usually do.
So, last times on Avengers as related to Hawkeye: Hawkeye was cut from the Avengers due to a limited roster. He eventually got a job as the security chief at Cross Technological Enterprises with the same lack of restraint that got him a job with the Avengers. He’s been doing that for a while, since pre-200. Recently the Avengers needed beef up their roster and Cap and Iron Man convinced him to rejoin, which Hawkeye has done while also keeping his security chief job.
During an Avengers mission TO RESCUE THE PRESIDENT, he broke his leg and was put on medical leave from the team. He got one of the CTE people to build him a rocket-sled that he could putt around in. Judging by the lack of cast, his leg is better but he’s still using the cool rocket-sled.
And that’s where we are. Hawkeye has a cool rocket-sled and is actually holding down an actual job at Cross Technological Enterprises. He’s seems to still be on leave from the team despite his leg being better.
The miniseries starts with Hawkeye congratulating himself on getting a cool rocket-sled, even though it cost all of his money.
Hawkeye: “‘Bad guys beware -- Hawkeye’s in the air!’ Hmmm, not the worst slogan an aerial archer could have... but close.”
At least he’s self-aware. Some days that’s all you can ask of Hawkeye!
He spots three suspicious characters suspiciously sneaking and swoops down on the rocket-sled, taking them out with ease with his totally sweet trick arrows.
Hey, note to comic makers of our modern day. Trick arrows are sweet. I don’t need to see people getting shot in the eyes with arrows when I can see like a net arrow or whatever.
The three suspicious characters are actually CTE employees that Hawkeye asked to come in on their off time to help him get a hang of archering from the rocket-sled. Including the scientist, Jorge, who built it for him!
Wow, Hawkeye!
Jorge at least was happy to do build the thing because he feels like his talents are wasted at CTE and Hawkeye encourages him to go into business for himself.
Which is probably the kind of thing that’s going to get Hawkeye a reprimand but hey, good looking out, Hawkguy.
One of the other CTE employees asks why Hawkeye uses a bow and arrow instead of... a gun. Why not just shoot people with a gun.
Hawkeye: “The bow is quieter, more versatile, and in my hands the deadliest weapon in the state. Or hadn’t you noticed, Howie?”
He doesn’t mention that its also more believably non-lethal than if he were going around with a gun. Because Hawkeye says its the deadliest weapon in the state but he’s also a huge proponent of “superheroes don’t kill!”
But point being, you can buy a comic book guy pinning people to walls with arrows or using trick arrows or shooting weapons out of their hands without killing anyone way more than you could if Hawkeye was just using a magnum.
Also, this:
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I believe he is literally flexing on that dude.
CTE’s new public relations lady Sheila Danning shows up for a date with Hawkeye because I guess there’s no rule about dating co-workers. Or at least if they’re not in the same department?
Having a woman showing positive attention to Hawkeye is his cue to have a little internal monologue that’s a little bit sad.
Hawkeye: Man, this is the life! A ridiculously high-paying job, a fast machine between my legs, and a foxy lady who’s nuts about me. What more could a guy want? Until Sheila came along, I thought I was put on this world for women to dump on. Women... like the Black Widow and Scarlet Witch. No matter what I did, I just couldn’t get them to care for me like I did for them. Sheila’s different. Even though we’ve been seeing each other for only a month, what we have is special, real, like nothing I’ve ever known.
I don’t want to ruin his good times but I will remind the audience that he once rage-quit the Avengers because Scarlet Witch didn’t want to kiss him.
Anyway, Hawkeye is pretty enamored. He’s even thinking maybe it’s time he settles down.
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He takes her back to his place and they start dancing to some Mantovani as he recaps his entire backstory to her.
In fairness. In faiiiirness. She asked.
But you should know the drill. Clint and Barney ran away from the orphanage to join the circus. Swordsman saw potential in Clint and trained him in archery and Clint began seeing Swordsman as a father figure so threw himself into training in hopes that Swordsman would be proud of him.
Which is funny in an odd way because there’s some same-face going on and Swordsman looks just like Tony Stark!
I wonder if Clint ever slipped up and called Tony dad and had to cover it up by continuing into a daddio.
Anyway, he caught Swordsman with stolen money and Swordmaster left him in a broken heap and skipped town when Clint wouldn’t promise to keep quiet.
Later, he saw the adulation that Iron Man got when he flew over the circus and thought wait I can do that. Got a costume and tried to become a hero. Oops, tripped into being a supervillain and enemy of Iron Man. Annd then joined the Avengers.
Hawkeye: “I’ve done many a stint with my Avenging buddies, but I think I’m finally ready to wing it solo for good. Much as I like ‘em, they cramp my style a bit too much.”
Sheila: “Fascinating story, Clint. Looks like I’ve got a real self-made man. How about if I try to unmake you a little?”
And then they’re about to do sexy times when Clint’s emergency beeper goes off. Because somehow the emergency always knows when you’re horny or mid-ablution.
Hawkeye has to suit back up and head out back to work
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But anyway, he catches a lady in a very sleevesy costume prowling around and during some back and forth and further back and forth pinned you no pinned you action, she introduces herself as Mockingbird, an ex-shield agent and freelance crimebuster (I think that means superhero?).
Some underworld contacts of hers led her to investigate Cross Technological Enterprises under suspicion that CTE is manufacturing mass mind control technology right under a certain Avenger slash archer’s nose. I.e., Hawkeye.
She wants him to lead her to warehouse 10 but their conversation is interrupted by a security night shift who rush in and surround Mockingbird despite Hawkeye ordering prior to the action scene to let him handle it.
They cuff Mockingbird and take her away but oddly claim that they thought Hawkeye sent the signal for them to charge in.
Hawkeye is perplexed and vexed wondering if there’s anything to Mockingbird’s story. He doesn’t know the full extent of what CTE manufactures and there was some shady business in Marvel Fanfare #3 where a vice-president was using CTE facilities to manufacture a bomb.
Mockingbird’s story bugs him so much that he returns home to Sheila and tells her that there’s something he has to take care of and sends her home in a cab.
He returns to Cross on his sweet rocket-sled and investigates warehouse 10, finding it empty but with a lot of fresh tracks in the dust, like something was moved in only the past hour or so.
Also, a bunch of security staff show up and point guns at him.
That’s also a red flag.
When reminding them he’s their boss doesn’t settle them down, he rolls to the floor to shoot out the lights like a cool action guy and then starts taking them out in the dark just by shooting whenever he hears one of the idiots make a sound.
But one of the guards has Sheila hostage even though she was supposed to have gone home so Hawkeye has to surrender.
The guards toss him into a pit with Mockingbird. Just an oubliette that CTE has on premise, as ya do.
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Hawkeye demands to speak with Sheila so he knows she’s alright and whoops she’s in on it.
Sheila Danning, heartbreaker: “Barton -- you stupid fool! Why did you have to be so conscientious? It was my job to keep you distracted so you’d have no time to notice the operation Cross had been contracted for -- a very costly, deadly operation.”
Hawkeye, heartbroken: “What are you talking about, Sheila? Are you saying they paid you to -- to --”
Sheila: “Yes, they paid me. I was pretty convincing, wasn’t I? You never had the slightest idea that I could sooner love a dog than a cornball Romeo with delusions of adequacy like you.”
Hawkeye: “You can’t mean that! They must’ve brainwashed you, poisoned your mind against me! Or -- or maybe you’re not Sheila at all, an imposter, or a robot -- !”
Sheila: “Don’t kid yourself, Barton. I’m the one and only. The woman who could barely keep from snickering when you told her your carnival story this evening.”
I like to mock Hawkeye because he deserves some light ribbing but ouch, she slipped a knife right between those ribbings.
That poor dolt was thinking about proposing and she was paid to distract him by feigning interest. Oof ouch.
Anyway, since CTE has suddenly become Bond-esque, they start dumping liquid industrial waste into the pit to drown and/or melt Hawkeye and Mockingbird.
The stuff is like acid but Hawkeye is kind of wallowing in being dumped and doesn’t care.
Hawkeye: “I ain’t moving. All my life I’ve been dumped on. I’m beginning to enjoy it.”
Mockingbird tells him that if he lets himself be melted by industrial waste because he feels sorry for himself, his ex wins. But that doesn’t move him so she has to mock him into action. This is what she was named for!
Mockingbird: “So this is what they taught you in the Avengers? What a bunch of jerks! They should see you now. I’ll bet you let them down in a pinch, too. Whenever your feelings get hurt.”
Hawkeye: “SHUT UP! I’m gonna get us out of here, lady. Then I’m going to kill Sheila for what she did to me. Then you’ll get yours, too.”
Mockingbird: “Sure, sure. Get us out first.”
Hah, I like Mockingbird.
And I like Hawkeye too. He makes good use of what he has to escape this Bond-esque trap. He doesn’t have his bow or his arrows but he keeps a fifty foot length of cord in his boot and spare arrowheads in his tunic. He calls his rocket-sled with the remote control, ties the cord to a spare rocket arrow-tip and rockets himself and Mockingbird out of the pit and up to his rocket-sled.
Then Hawkeye says he has to go attend some private business and Mockingbird is like cool, I’ll wait for you and hops onto a roof.
Hawkeye rams the rocket-sled through the window of Sheila Danning’s office and jump kicks the guards she has with her and confronts her.
Hawkeye: “You hurt me, Sheila... More than anything ever hurt in my life.”
Sheila: “Stay back, Hawkeye! I - I --”
Hawkeye: “I could kill you for what you did to me. But I won’t. I... can’t. I just don’t care anymore... about you or about whatever scheme Cross is up to! Give me my bow and quiver back and I’ll go.”
Tangentially, like an anime, his shirt is a lot flimsier than his pants and melted off in the acid while his pants are tattered but intact. If only they made shirts out of pants...
And if only they made any outfit out of lady outfit. Mockingbird’s outfit has a few holes and tatters but her whole top didn’t dissolve like Hawkeye’s did!
Sheila does give Hawkeye his archery stuff but warns him that he Knows Too Much and Cross will come after him.
Kind of a weird flex to pull on AN AVENGER WHO KNOWS THOR but you do you, Cross Technological Enterprises.
Hawkeye just takes off on his sweet rocket-sled without responding, zooming past where he left Mockingbird who has to jump onto the moving rocket-sled because he does not slow down for her.
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Mockingbird: “Got your business taken care of, sport?”
Hawkeye, crying a little: “Shut up, just shut up. If you hadn’t shown up, none of this could have happened.”
That’s the hurt speaking buddy. Ignorance wouldn’t have been bliss here because as soon as Cross didn’t need to distract you any longer, Sheila probably would have found some excuse to dump you.
Also, their scheme was asinine! They don’t have other facilities? Just build the mind control doohickey somewhere else instead of paying someone to distract Hawkeye with horny!
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October, 1983
So after having his heart broken and wallowing in some acid sludge in the last issue, Hawkeye is in a bad place. Emotionally. And also geographically.
He’s standing on some abandoned railroad tracks under the West Side Highway and shooting arrows at a bullseye he crudely drew on a cement block.
And Good Archer Hawkeye has not hit a single bullseye because of all the emotional turmoil. Also, since he’s shooting at concrete, he’s breaking all of his arrows.
He’s also wearing his no-shirt acid-tattered costume.
And he’s been here for 42 hours without sleeping, eating, or managing to hit a bullseye.
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He’s in a bad place.
So he passes out and he’s eventually found by some random street toughs who recognize him as an Avenger (although they think his name is Nighthawk womp womp) and decide ‘hey lets kick his ass and do him a murder maybe.’
Hawkeye comes to, as one might when people are kicking them in the head, and manages to nail three bullseyes on the three toughs he didn’t kick unconscious.
Hawkeye: Three bullseyes. Two kayos. Five sleezos in dreamland. Thanks, creeps. You gave me a reason to go on living. I’m just not sure what it is!
But now Hawkeye is at a loss of what to actually do. He refuses to go to the Avengers for help because blah blah blah muh pride. He can’t go and “mooch” off of them. So he decides to go check out the apartment he had through Cross Technological Enterprises and see whether they’ve cleared him out or not.
They have.
Everything he had to his name except the clothes on his back and bow in his hand gone. Arrow-making tools and spare costumes gone too.
But he also finds Mockingbird waiting for him.
Mockingbird: “Hello, Hawk. Can I buy you some breakfast?”
Hawkeye: “MOCKINGBIRD! Lady, you’re not one of my favorite people, but I know a good offer when I hear one.”
A free breakfast is a free breakfast.
Mockingbird takes Hawkeye back to her apartment and apologizes for blowing up his life but also says that it would have happened eventually anyway even had she never come along.
Which, yeah, you can only pay a person to pretend to love someone they hate for so long before the mask slips.
She also offers to mend his costume. Not sure how she’s thinking. Its not torn. Its half gone.
Hawkeye says yeah sure but hey why don’t you narrate your ENTIRE BACKSTORY.
So Mockingbird introduces herself as Barbara Morse, Bobbi to her friends.
She was a biology whiz at Georgia Tech and went with her favorite professor when she signed on to a government project to recover the super-soldier serum that made Captain America so super.
SHIELD was one of the sponsors of the project so Bobbi got to know several SHIELD agents and realized ‘hey being a spy sounds AMAZING’ and signed up with SHIELD’s spy school.
She graduated top of her class and was sent on a mission to track down Ka-Zar who SHIELD wanted to hire.
Mockingbird: “I found the jungle man all right. Even got involved with him, if you know what I mean. But things never quite worked out between us.”
Oh my god, what a power move to brag about nailing discount-Tarzan while recapping your life story.
Later, she investigated SHIELD itself at the request of a Congressman under the identity as the Huntress. But not the crossbow one. But because of her actions, she gained the reputation as a traitor to SHIELD.
So she changed her name to Mockingbird and took the evidence of corrupt agents to Nick Fury. And got shot a couple times in the attempt.
She had to spend six months recovering and after turned down a SHIELD promotion to go solo.
Mockingbird: “Not that I had anything against S.H.I.E.L.D... I just got used to operating alone. It wasn’t long after I got back into circulation that I came across the lead that took me to Cross Tech and I bumped into you. So that’s my lifestory in a nutshell, Hawk.”
I don’t know why I thought Mockingbird debuted in this series because she has a lot of backstory here. She showed up in Astonishing Tales #6 unnamed, was introduced as Dr. Barbara Morse in Astonishing Tales #12, was introduced in her Huntress (but not that one) identity in Marvel Super Action #1, and even Mockingbird debuted in Marvel Team-Up #95! Geez, Bobbi!
Annnnnd then Mockingbird realizes that Hawkeye fell asleep on her while she was recapping her entire life!
Bobbi doesn’t hold it against him, realizing how exhausted he must have been.
She tucks him in and heads off to go pick up some supplies to fix his costume.
Later, someone picks the locks to the apartment door and silently comes up and puts a gun to the sleeping Hawkeye’s head.
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Perhaps it is instinct -- a survival sense honed in hundreds of life-and-death struggles... But somehow Clint Barton feels the cool gun metal at his temple, instantly recognizes it for what it is -- and reacts.
(We actually see a hint of this dingus at Hawkeye’s apartment when he meets Mockingbird there. Implying that he somehow followed them from there to Bobbi’s apartment. Somehow. Even though Hawkeye and Bobbi took Hawkeye’s sweet rocket-sled. Good tracking, this guy.)
Hawkeye manages to dive away from the guy’s gunfire and hide behind one of those tables that looks like a giant spool. He weirdly realizes that the assassin’s gun isn’t making any sound when he fires and the bullets aren’t making any noise when they hit.
He’s in a tough spot unable to reach his bow in time when Mockingbird comes back to save Hawkeye, flipping the assassin and telling Hawkeye to grab his gun.
The assassin jumps out the window rather than deal with the both of them (Bobbi speculates its because she’s not on his hit list).
Hawkeye tests the gun after and discovers that its not silenced which means that the silencer was all in the guy’s suit, muting all the sounds he makes.
He dubs the guy Silencer and he has a pretty neat gimmick but doesn’t seem to ever appear again after this issue.
Shame. Imagine this guy against Daredevil.
Anyway, Mockingbird also managed to make Hawkeye a new outfit while she was gone.
Mockingbird: “Here -- better put this on. Half-naked men with guns make it hard for me to concentrate.”
Hawkeye: “Sure.”
God. Hawkeye’s non-reaction to that blatant flirt makes me laugh. He may as well have Saitama meme’d.
So the new outfit.
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The blue is a lot darker now. The dangly part of the tunic is a lot less dangly now. And the outfit has some asymmetrical sleeves. Also, its not entirely clear on this shot but the gloves are weird. They don’t cover the sides of his fingers. I don’t know if that’s an archery thing or what and I don’t know if that’s going to be a detail that lasts once other artists start drawing this costume.
All in all, not a bad looking new outfit. Its better than that time he didn’t wear pants.
Later that night, Hawkeye figures that they need to return to Cross and figure out who hired them to build that mind-control thing. But, they’ll need help getting back into Cross.
(Hey, I just realized. Hawkeye was double Cross’d by his employer. Hah.)
They go to visit Jorge Latham, the guy who built a sweet rocket-sled for Hawkeye so probably the guy he trusts the most now.
Jorge: “What happened to you, man? We got a memo two days ago that you were fired for incompetency, and I haven’t seen you since!”
Aw man, insult to injury! They told everyone that Hawkeye was fired because he sucked too hard!
Hawkeye tells Jorge the story, in brief, about how Cross is up to something, gets information on where the special projects are done, and tells Jorge to maybe get his resume in order in case he accidentally shuts the whole company down in the course of blowing this thing wide open.
Jorge is a lot more chill about learning he might be unemployed soon than I think a lot of other people would be. Although he had already expressed he wasn’t really satisfied in his job.
Hawkeye: “The info he gave us is going to save us a lot of hassle. Sure is good to have a few folks you can trust.”
Mockingbird: “You still don’t quite trust me, do you, Hawkeye? Even after I saved your life.”
Hawkeye: “No offense, lady. But it’s going to take me a while before I can fully trust any woman again.”
Geez, really hope that doesn’t last. He already teetered into disrespect of women without becoming a full-on misogynist.
Drink your respect women juice, Hawkeye.
The two return to Cross Technological Enterprises and Hawkeye uses his electronic security neutralizer arrowhead to neutralize the security on a window so they can jimmy it open and get inside.
.... Why do you need an electronic security neutralizer arrow? The way he uses it is tracing the circuit in the window and I don’t think you could shoot an arrow in a way that did that. And if you did shoot an arrow at a security system in a window, I think you’d break the window and set off the alarm?
What a mystery.
Hawkeye has never been in the special projects department but it doesn’t take a genius to find some filing cabinets.
Mockingbird: “Locked, of course. It also doesn’t take an electronic gizmo to open a locked file. Just a hairpin. See?”
Hawkeye: “Showoff.”
This would be banter if Hawkeye didn’t look so somber.
But Hawkeye gets to be useful too when he pulls out his....... penlight arrowhead?
Mockingbird: “I just don’t know how I ever got along without you and your handy tools, Mr. H.”
The Silencer guy sneaks up on the duo as they’re snooping the files and something cues Hawkeye in to swivel around and fire an electro-stun arrow. Couldn’t have been a sound so lets say air flow?
The electro-stun doesn’t stun the Silencer so him and Hawkeye end up grappling right out the window. Because that’s the kind of life Hawkeye leads.
Luckily the rocket-sled (although he’s changed the name to sky-mobile by this point) was hovering right outside so the two wind up grappling on it as it rockets around the CTE compound.
The two wind up falling off the sky-mobile and onto a smokestack... God, its starting to be like one of those giant chicken fights...
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Anyway, the Silencer catches the edge but Hawkeye misses and goes plummeting into a smokestack, hopefully not to find a Spider-Man skeleton.
The Silencer drops his guard to try to figure out how the heck he’s going to get down from here and Hawkeye reemerges, yanking the Silencer down and pulling himself back up.
Not sure if the implication is that Hawkeye killed him. Hawkeye is famously vehemently ‘Avengers don’t kill!’ and the Silencer isn’t confirmed dead but also never shows up again.
Hawkeye summons the sky-sled (the caption changed the name on me again) and rockets back to where he left Mockingbird and in the meantime she’s found all the information they need to find who hired Cross to build the thing.
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Hawkeye: “Run into any trouble?”
Mockingbird: “Not really.”
Hah. Apparently she beat up a room full of guards while he was gone. Good on you, Mockingbird.
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November, 1983
Beating the ODDS
Pretty neat cover.
Also, pretty neat logo. I didn’t mention it earlier but yeah you have a neat logo, Hawkeye.
Mockingbird and Hawkeye return to her apartment after breaking into Cross Technological last issue.
Something that they may have done well to ponder is whether maybe it wasn’t a safe HQ anymore if that Silencer guy was able to track them there.
What I’m getting at is that there are two more assassins - Oddball and Bombshell - watching from an adjacent rooftop as the heroes head inside.
And then the apartment explodes.
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Hawkey and Mockingbird manage to escape the explosion though because Mockingbird never sweeps and noticed footprints in the dust and Hawkeye used a thermite-tipped bomb-sniffing arrow.
... Okay, that gimmick arrow is valid.
Mockingbird watches her apartment burn “in increasingly sullen fascination” for two hours before Hawkeye suggests maybe coming back after everything is cooled down.
Alas, the sky-mobile was destroyed in the explosion. Alas, alas, we barely knew ye and now you’re gone.
Mockingbird has an odd sense of what’s romantic because she decides that her apartment burning down and losing all of her possessions is.
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Wow, she’s been friendly and flirty with Hawkeye but she’s downright into the lug. Right during the one period in his life when he wouldn’t enjoy that. How’s that for bad timing?
Also, someone is clearly shipping these two.
Mockingbird has assorted appearances before this miniseries so I wonder who got the idea to throw her together with Hawkeye. I’ve heard rumors that it was to copy the Green Arrow/Black Canary pairing. I don’t know if that’s true or just an assumption.
Anyway, Hawkeye also finds an 8-ball in the wreckage which is odd and a clue because Mockingbird didn’t have one of those.
The two heroes realize that Cross obviously sent more hitmen after them so they got to figure out this plot before they get got.
Mockingbird withdraws the rest of her money from an ATM (only $97. Freelance superheroing just doesn’t pay...) and Hawkeye insists on spending some of that money on some arrows since he’s down to his last one.
Mockingbird: “I thought you needed specially made arrows.”
Hawkeye: “My new modular arrowheads fit on any target arrow... get ‘em at any sporting-goods store.”
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This issue is a gift.
And since they now don’t have enough money to take a cab to where they’re going, they get on the subway.
Where in one of those amazingly contrived comic coincidences, Steve Rogers Captain America happens to be riding the same car!
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Cap recognizes that Hawkeye is on a mission and offers to drop everything to help him.
You’re a cool guy, Cap.
Hawkeye has concerns.
Hawkeye: Aw, no. Cap is Mr. Avengers himself. I know I’m at the end of my resources, maybe way out of my depth, but if I let Cap in on it, he’ll wind up running the show... and I’ll end up on the sidelines again, just like it was back in the Avengers.
Pride goeth before something, Hawks.
Although, knowing vaguely what I know is soon upcoming, its a very timely time for Hawkeye to worry about running the show.
Hawkeye: “Ah, it’s nothing I can’t handle, old timer. Just the same old bopping the bad guys stuff.”
Cap: “I read you, soldier. Anyway, you know how to reach me if you get in a jam.”
You’re a really cool guy, Cap.
Hawkeye and Mockingbird get off at the next stop and Mockingbird grills Hawkeye about the hunky stranger, recognizing that he was probably in the superhero biz. Adding some context to Hawkeye not wanting Cap involved perhaps. Although its still a lot of dumb pride.
Hawkeye: She meets Cap in his civvies and is bowled over. No wonder I always looked like a piker around him. You know, I never realized how second rate Cap makes me feel. I’ve just go to solve this whole mess on my own. If I don’t, I may never be able to stand on my own two feet.
Anyway, then an 8-ball rolls and bonks into Hawkeye’s feet and he sees one of the assassins lurking around the corner doing him a taunt.
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This issue is a gift for out of context panels. I swear.
Hawkeye realizes Oddball is baiting him but also is the exact kind of impulsive person who takes the bait. So he runs off after Oddball.
Oddball is..... apparently a juggling based assassin. Dunno why that’s such a common thing in comics. But here we are. He’s a juggling based assassin.
Hawkeye runs on ahead after Oddball and Mockingbird gets ambushed by a nun as she follows.
Its that kind of book, I guess.
Also, the nun is the other assassin Bombshell.
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She’s got a Black Widow style wrist launcher for incendiary charges.
Hawkeye and Oddball get into an archery vs juggling based standoff, yes really, and then Oddball jumps onto a subway train, further luring Hawkeye. Who should really know better but ignores the part of his brain that some call common sense.
Oddball, by the by, is somewhat of an oddball. He’s just giggling and joking his way through this mission to kill an Avenger. He’s definitely following the maxim that if you do what you love, you don’t kill for money a day of your life. Or something.
When he jumps on the train he goes with “We’re having fun now, all rightee! Care for another shot, sport? I’ll match my speed to yours anyday and twice on Sunday. Time’s up, gotta go. Ta-ta!”
Hawkeye jumps onto the back of a departing subway train to keep up the pursuit and you know what, he seems like he’s having a good time too?
Hawkeye: Man, there’s nothing like a good chase to make me feel great about myself again. Wonder if Oddball would consent to be my regular sparring partner? Cap’s got the Red Skull, Iron Man has the Mandarin. Me, I never had anybody all my own.
He must be feeling some chemistry with this dude if he wants to make him his archnemesis after only one fight.
Although after this
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Hawkeye decides that Oddball is way too much to be his nemesis. He’s got standards, dammit!
Oddball runs off the train, pursued by archer.
Oddball: “I could pick him off any time I want. I know I can throw faster than he can shoot. But I’m having just plain too much fun to cut it short.”
Sure, guy.
Oddball and Hawkeye wind up having a stand-off in the rafters of the subway station because that’s the kind of guy Oddball is.
Hawkeye manages to pin the guy down with an arrow to his throat but while he’s been chasing an oddball, Mockingbird got her ass kicked by a bombshell.
So a distracted Hawkeye gets knocked out via bomb to the back of the head.
Bombshell catches Hawkeye as he falls from the rafters and Oddball wonders why not just let him die.
Bombshell: “I just got a call from [the boss]. He wants these two birds brought to him to use in some kind of experiment.”
And so the third issue ends with Hawkeye and Mockingbird being carried off to the perpetrators which saves some time but being brought in as prisoners is less than ideal.
Shoulda taken up Steve on his offer, Clint.
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December, 1983
I guess Hawkeye fuckin’ dies.
He sure has a lot of friends but Johnny Storm looks like he’s annoyed that he has to attend. ‘What the heck, I barely knew the guy!’
Anyway, between issues, Oddball and Bombshell have dragged Hawkeye and Mockingbird to a place and strung them up on a thing.
The place is apparently a mortuary.
And they’ve been strung up for hours judging by how their limbs feel.
The man behind it all shows himself and guy knows how to make an impression.
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Not necessarily a good one.
The cross shaped codpiece is killing me.
As is Oddball juggling in the background to remind us that he is a juggler.
Crossfire: “I am Crossfire -- master subversive, brainwasher, and entrepreneur.”
Credit where its due, that’s a funny line.
Crossfire: “In the typical fashion of someone who holds all the cards, I’m going to divulge to you more than you will need to know about me and my business...”
I want to question this but he’s too self-aware about how stupid it is. I have no room to operate here.
Here is something I WILL make fun of.
Crossfire’s real name is William Cross. He is related to the guy that founded Cross Technological Enterprises. So them screwing over Hawkeye was like a family activity.
But he’s using Cross in his codename. Like if Hawkeye was instead Bartonman. It’s a choice.
Anyway, Crossfire was a CIA agent but when he realized that his real interest lie in fomenting disorder for profit, he decided him and the CIA weren’t on the same path.
Which. Guy. Dude. Fella. No.
Crossfire also realized that superheroes would eventually get in his way so he decided that his first goal is to eliminate all costumed superheroes.
Moon Knight and the Thing thwarted a prototype over in Marvel Two-in-One #52 but Crossfire managed to get away to refine his plan.
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(For bigger)
His plan is pretty ingenious actually.
He’s going to kill Hawkeye. So far so good. Then dump his body in Central Park where it will be easily found.
The Avengers will find out about his death and have a funeral for him. And Crossfire made sure they’ll use Restwell Funeral because it has the best name! But more seriously because its the funeral parlor the superheroes used for Whizzer’s funeral and because Crossfire will make sure every other mortuary is booked.
Then at the service, he’ll activate the Undertaker machine which will send a subliminal RAGE signal to all the superheroes and they’ll fight to the death.
Crossfire: “Yes, I fully expect my lovely chapel to be thoroughly demolished. Don’t worry -- insurance will cover it.”
This is such a hilariously mundane concern.
Anyway, probably the whole funeral party won’t kill each other but it’ll thin the numbers, the survivors will forever be traumatized at what they did, and the government will crack down on superheroes.
And as for why he chose Hawkeye?
Crossfire: “I would think it was obvious, Hawkeye. You are the weakest, most vulnerable known costumed crimefighter in town.”
There’s planning to kill a guy as part of a larger scheme to kill all his friends and then there’s just being hurtful.
Further insulting injury? Crossfire is not just going to kill them. He’s going to make Hawkeye and Mockingbird kill each other by testing the Undertaker device on them.
That settles it. This guy is a dick.
The Restwell mortuary has a super sealed room for testing the device. Twelve inch thick concrete and steel walls and a door sealed with electronic lock. It would take even the Hulk some effort and Hawkeye and Mockingbird don’t even have their weapons.
Plus, there’s three cameras watching the room and the Undertaker speakers are hidden and durable.
Alas, Crossfire wouldn’t make a good Bond villain. He’s too not leaving a blatant way out of his death trap out of arrogance.
Hawkeye and Mockingbird get up close with their backs to the camera so they can whisper and make a plan.
Unfortunately, they can’t really think of a plan other than ‘try to resist brainwashing I guess?’
Mockingbird knows some SHIELD techniques and Hawkeye just promises he’ll try really hard to resist.
Hawkeye: “I really don’t want to hurt you. In the last couple days, I’ve actually kind of started, well, liking you.”
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But Crossfire is a dick still and activates THE UNDERTAKER right after they kiss.
They try to resist but yeah that plan wasn’t a plan and wasn’t even a concept. They start fighting to the death. Ironically, Bobbi “I know SHIELD techniques” Morse throws the first kick while Hawkeye is still trying to resist.
And Mockingbird is a lot better at martial arts than Hawkeye whose muscle memory keeps tripping him up into using a bow that he doesn’t actually have.
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This issue is a gift.
But yeah, Mockingbird beats the crap out of Hawkeye. Not that he doesn’t get some hits in. He even manages to surprise Crossfire who was heavily betting on Mockingbird to easily trounce his ass.
Also, during the fighting, Mockingbird manages to kick one of the cameras, jarring it so it points at the ceiling.
And then double kicks Hawkeye in the dick.
Watching two people fight to the death, Oddball has a question. How long does the brainwashing sound effect last after being turned off?
Crossfire decides hey actually that’s an interesting thought and turns off the machine to see. Plus, for dick reasons, giving them a brief respite will “make their plight all the more poignant.”
What a dick.
The brainwashing ends almost as soon as the sound does and the two heroes stop beating the crap out of each other to be disgusted by what they were doing.
In desperation, Hawkeye finally comes up with a plan.
It’s not a good plan but he had only a couple seconds and its impressive that he has a plan at all in that brief period of lucidity.
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Hawkeye huddles into the corner that the jarred camera no longer covers and goes through his spare (mispelled as space for some reason, shrug) arrowheads and finds a hypersonic arrowhead.
And if he puts the arrowhead in his mouth and activates it, it will be really loud and drown out the ultrasound! Also, shooting hypersonic frequencies INSIDE HIS SKULL will probably be bad for his hearing but what can ya do.
Crossfire reactivates THE UNDERTAKER and Hawkeye activates the mouth arrowhead with his tongue. Which feels like a “dull knife lacerating [his] brain” but at least he doesn’t want to murder all the time.
That’s something!
(Also, it’s a neat touch but the EEEEEE of the hypersonic arrowhead covers the NNNN of the ultrasonic signal. Good SFXing.)
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With his wits about him, he can actually beat Mockingbird by using his strength advantage, closing in, and not letting her use her fancier jumpy techniques.
After beating the shit out of Mockingbird and feeling like shit for having to do it, Hawkeye tosses her to misalign another camera, and then feigns that he collapses from exhaustion.
Crossfire thinks that there’s no way that Hawkeye could play dead under the effect of the RAGE NOISE so he’s really down. He sends Oddball and Bombshell to retrieve the two heroes to examine.
While being carried like a potato sack, Hawkeye grabs one of Oddball’s odd balls and knocks out the juggler and then bonks Bombshell unconscious as well before she has a chance to react.
Then, he runs to get Crossfire before the guy has a chance to figure out what’s going on.
Except, Crossfire has cameras all over the dang place and knows what happened and decides that Hawkeye is such a resourceful, worthy foe that he deserves to die by irony.
(Hawkeye has no idea what the guy is saying because he can’t hear a thing after sticking a hypersonic arrowhead in his mouth)
Crossfire tries to kill Hawkeye with his own bow but whoops, remember when Hawkeye was flexing on that guy earlier about his bowstring having an absurd draw weight?
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The dingus got irony’d by his own ploy at irony.
Hawkeye ties up Crossfire, grabs his bow and arrows because they make him happy, and runs back to check on Mockingbird.
Hawkeye: “Mockingbird -- ? You with me, sweetheart? We won. I beat them. Every last bloody oen of them. Mock -- ?” She’s not breathing. I - I killed her...!
Mockingbird: “Those tears for me, sport? Aw, shucks.”
Even beaten to hell, Mockingbird gonna sass.
And then they kiss. Which strikes me as... not a good time for it? Her face is all bruised up and she’s got a little blood going on. Ah, whatever.
An hour later, the police show up to arrest Crossfire, Oddball, and Bombshell. Presumably Mockingbird called them as Clint still cannot hear a single thing.
Which is unfortunate because Mockingbird comes over to talk and Hawkeye is like ‘geez what is she saying right now? I hope it’s not important’ and decides to get out of the conversation ASAP before she finds out he’s gone deaf and gasp pities him!
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Mockingbird: “Look, I’m not much of a joiner or anything. But I must admit that the two of us made one heckuva team. I was thinking... maybe we ought to become an item, you know what I mean? After all, you are one of the cutest --”
Hawkeye: “Yeah, well, see you around then.”
Hawkeye, you absolute fool.
Thankfully, Mockingbird isn’t the type to just go ‘wow what a jerk’ without going and ripping a person a new asshole, verbally.
So she did do that. She ran after Hawkeye and ripped him a new asshole, verbally, forced him to explain himself, probably rolled her eyes, and then dragged him to get a hearing aid.
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And one week later, they’re married and relaxing in a heart-shaped tub!
Wow, they operate fast!
I mean, in fairness, we knew Hawkeye was like that. He’d known Sheila Danning for like a month before he was contemplating marriage. And we can assume Mockingbird was like that too considering she knew Hawkeye like a minute before waggling her eyebrows and insinuating sex at him.
Mockingbird: “You owe me, pal. Sure, you saved my life. But what I’m going to do to your life is more than just a one-shot deal. I’m not just talking about helping you get a hearing aid. Or the blood test, or the license, or even arranging for a quaint little cottage in the woods. I’m talking about the rest of your life, and the difference having me around is going to make in it. Maybe eloping was my idea, but I’m going to see to it that for the rest of your life, you believe that it was the best idea you didn’t quite hear.”
Hawkeye: “I hear you, Mrs. Hawkeye. I hear you.”
Awwww. They’re a cute couple. And I do like their chemistry.
So that was the Hawkeye limited series. And it was pretty good!
It introduces some lasting changes like ‘being deaf’ and ‘being married’ to the character. Of course, because comics, both of those things will come and go. And in some cases come back. Lets enjoy them while they last.
Next time on liveblogging: something a little different.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because I just covered a miniseries. And then I had to redo the fourth issue in just an hour because tumblr didn’t save it. Please reward me. Also, like and reblog if you’d like to reblog.
7 notes · View notes
kangaracharacha · 3 years
Imogen and all the OC asks
What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about? ‘sparrow’, because she turned up with hawkeye and a sparrow is a little shitty hawk and tony stark thinks he’s funny
What is the color of your OC’s eyes/hair/skin? blue, blonde, white.
How tall is your OC? not very tall. very short. probably like 5′-ish.
What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC? there’s a long, ugly scar on the inside of her collarbone. otherwise, the general bad attitude mixed with the height is. amusing.
What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night? comfortable, practical clothing. dull colours, generic brands, doesn’t mind much what she looks like. for a special occasion, she’d dress down, but appropriate to the occasion.
What is one word you would use to describe your OC’s appearances? angry
Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar? scar on her collarbone.
How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like? I’m honestly struggling here. It’s just normal. Just a normal voice. Good at shouting. Very loud. Usually angry.
What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area? kind of messy but like, organised chaos. she’s not really a chore-doer, yknow, she’s busy doing other stuff and she mostly lives alone so it doesn’t bother her or anyone else. it’s not really out of control or anything. apart from her clothes and stuff, she doesn’t really have her own space; in new york, she lives in clint’s apartment, an old, small space in an outdated building with second-hand furniture and a bunch of clint’s crap still sitting around, and if she has a place in sokovia it’s temporary housing and doubles as an office, so in the grand scheme of things she doesn’t really have a huge impact on the spaces she occupies while she’s there.
What does your OC keep in a special drawer? as sad as it is, nothing, she doesn’t really have a lot of possessions, definitely not special ones; the only things she brought with her from SHIELD were a bag of clothes, a knife, a gun, and a toothbrush, and since then she hasn’t quite settled enough to start collecting things - and living most of her life so far without a lot of stuff is just a hard habit to break.
What is your OC’s relationship with his/her mother? the evil scientist? she’s not a huge fan. kind of resents her like, a lot. imogen doesn’t remember anything about her except what other people have told her and the things she’s found out about herself, so she’s kind of just a stranger that set her up for a lifetime of frustrations.
What is your OC’s relationship with his/her father? nevr knew him, has like one vague memory of him being kind of nice, but in the end he was evil so she’s not really searching for any way to keep his memory alive.
How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them? hah. she has one brother. having cut herself loose of that tie, she’s recently realised that that relationship was some kinda toxic and also he wasn’t afraid to kill her when ordered to so. you could say she’s not really interested in seeing him again either.
Who is the mother and/or father figure in your OC’s life? she’s a bit over parental figures and a bit too old for that kind of bond at this point in her life, but she does have a couple of ‘mentors’, people that she can rely on to point her in the right direction. clint barton is one, of course, you always have to have a good friend who can knock you out and tell you ‘hey maybe being on team hydra isn’t like, the most morally sound decision you could make’. pepper potts is a professional rolemodel she’s found she can look up to. she lowkey thinks she could be like pepper someday but she’ll never admit that ‘CEO’ sounds like a good job to her.  and shoutout to Agent Donoghue, whose name i had to look up because he’s in sparrow for a whole five seconds but. she feels really bad about this one. Donoghue was her last chance at SHIELD, he gave her every chance to be successful in that line of work and he really was a good mentor, she just wasn’t ready to change when they knew each other. she looks back on a lot of the things he said these days and regrets not listening sooner, just like she regrets how it ended...but things had to happen the way they did for her to want to grow and become a better person.
What was your OC’s childhood like? crap, mostly. well, it was fine in a way, but. her parents died when she was five and she almost died too but that wiped most of the memory out of her head at least. she was adopted by a neighbour who was actually just a hydra agent on a longcon mission to keep an eye on her, more because she was possibly useful for information on her parents than out of any concern. this didn’t really lead to a loving household to grow up in, and her brother, who is five (or maybe seven?) years older than her didn’t spend much time around the place, and got himself admitted to the SHIELD academy as soon as he could. she didn’t really deal with this whole situation very well, so she grew up struggling in school, getting into fights, constantly grounded and yet impossible to control. eventually, her brother managed to get her an admission into the academy as well, where she found some structure at least but wasn’t particularly well liked and was typically bottom of the class, problem student, one step away from being thrown out.
What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how as that impacted him/her? she sort of remembers the murder of her parents, sort of, but it doesn’t really hit her the way she thinks it probably should? it’s just there in the back of her brain, blurry and disjointed and she’s not sure how much of it she’s made up and how much she’s actually remembering, and it doesn’t really impact her all that much although it probably did as a young child.  otherwise, the day that her brother, will, left for the academy. she has a whole lifetime of memories of people failing her, but that was the first time that he failed her, and though she didn’t realise it at the time, it was the final straw for her as a kid; she only closed off after that, gave up on people and on school and whatever else she was dreaming about. looking back now, she realises that she should have held on to that betrayal instead of eventually forgiving him, because that was her first red flag that he wasn’t as focused on her wellbeing as she thought he was.
What is your OC’s imagination like? not very good, she’s a very impulsive and in-the-moment kind of person, and a pragmatic and logical thinker who doesn’t leave much room for fanciful dreaming or thinking very far outside the box.
How many times did your OC move as a child?  Which area was his/her favorite? she spent most of her childhood in new york, shifting house a couple of times but otherwise in the same area, attending the same school, etc. they all sucked, honestly; her favourite place was her parent’s house. or it would be if she could remember it.
What does your OC think of children- either in general or about having them? she used to have no tolerance for kids but she’s warming up to them slowly, the further she gets from being a loudmouthed, hotheaded teenager. she would have kids one day, but not for a while yet, but more because she’s just too busy and not settled in one place at all than because she doesn’t like them.
What kind of mother/father would your OC be? she’d be dedicated to being a good mother, and to settling down and living a life that is right for her kids. she wouldn’t be the perfect parent, she knows nothing about parenting and has never had one of her own in her life, but she would try her best. she might even learn patience.
Who are your OC’s closest relatives? none of her relatives are close. she doesn’t know any of her distant family, most of them are dead anyway, and her brother is the worst person ever, so she’d just like them all to stay very far away, thankyou.
Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)? she has a couple of good friends in sokovia, katja and sofia and vinn (but they are all ocs and so you’ll have to send me another ask to know more about them). clint and the maximoffs are her closest friends in the avengers circle of people, and i guess ruby (radford, hacker extraordinaire and Legally Dead) also counts as a close friend, if grudgingly.
Who are the people your OC surrounds him/herself with? people that challenge her, and people that have earned her respect, which she doesn’t give away freely. she likes to be pushed, whether in her skills or her wit or just as a person, and she has an acute sense of when people don’t really like her company - which is fine, she knows she has a personality that is grating to some people, but she would prefer that they just didn’t come near her if that’s the case. 
Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates? people that she feels are working against what she thinks is right. usually, this is groups of people - hydra, intel, certain rebel groups and militias in sokovia. otherwise, there are plenty of people that rub her the wrong way day to day, but she doesn’t really spend time actively hating them, she’ll just either get into a fight with them or avoid them as much as she can.
If your OC has a soulmate, who is it? (pietro, but don’t tell her)
Why does your OC and his/her soulmate work so well together? they’re both people that grew up lost and overlooked and angry at the world, and they were both manipulated by hydra and used and tossed aside by them, so they find common ground in that, even if it was on very different scales. they also tend to run in the same sort of circles as well - they find friends in the same people, their goals often align - but their personalities are different enough that they don’t just piss each other off. they share the same humour and the same brutal honesty and strong sense of right and wrong - they’re not afraid to call each other out, or argue, and they’re learning to apologise and forgive together. most importantly, they make the choice to be there for each other and to live new lives, and they stick to it. they both have an idea of who they want to be in the future, and both have the other in that vision.
What are some things your OC admires about his/her soulmate? she admires his commitment to his cause, how much he cares about his country and his friends and family and the responsibility he puts on himself to fix it. also, that he could put up with her for so long, without complaint; she’s always been used to people getting tired of her or taking off (or trying to kill her but we’re not going to talk about that), and she wasn’t really sure anyone could stand to be around her and still care about her for so long.
How did your OC and his/her soulmate meet? auntie stark playing matchmaker at a party because he was bored and he’s a meddler and they both annoy him in the same way.
What is your OC’s level of education? high school dropout and SHIELD academy dropout with no formal education, but she’s competent enough to get by in basic skills like maths and SHIELD related things like fighting and espionage.
Did your OC participate in extracurricular activities, and if so, what were they? is detention considered an extracurricular activity
What is your OC’s opinion of school?  What kind of student was s/he? school was a very negative experience. she hated every minute of it. she was that really annoying, disruptive kid that would physically square up to anyone who even looked at her funny and regularly punched people and things, yknow? bad grades, bad attitude, no friends, given up on a long time ago.
What subjects did your OC excel at? sports weren’t terrible, as long as they weren’t team sports. once she got to the academy, hand to hand combat was her best subject, except that she was used to fighting dirty and already too set against the system to sit down and learn proper technique.
What subjects interested your OC? nothing at school really interested her; all of her interests have really come to her in her 20s, when she’s free to discover them on her own.
What is your OC’s dream job and/or current profession? throughout the three fics about her, she’s a shield/hydra agent, a security officer at Stark Industries, and the director of the SRF camp in Nova Grad, Sokovia. she’s still figuring out where this is leading her, but the last two jobs have been perfect for her at that stage in her life.
How is your OC working towards his/her dream job and/or achieved his/her current profession? she’s been lucky enough to fall into each of her professions so far, which she is all too aware of and works hard to prove that she deserves it. her brother got her a place in SHIELD training, Clint helped organise the job at Stark Industries and called in a few favours so that she would get it, and she took over the SRF camp temporarily after an incident with the former director. she’s most proud of her work at the latter, and she’ll try to continue in that role until something else pulls her away.
What are your OC’s thoughts/opinions of his/her current profession? she enjoyed working at SI well enough, the job was within her skill level, the people were okay, she was comfortable. she could have easily stayed there for a lot longer if other opportunities hadn’t presented themselves. she loves running the SRF camp, it’s just the right amount of challenging and a little bit dangerous but not too dangerous, and even if it’s a lot of paperwork there’s also something new and crazy happening every day to keep it fresh.
What is your OC’s biggest dream? to find a place to fit into and live a life where she’s making her own decisions, outside of the control of other people.
How does your OC react to and handle stress? she gets short and snappy with people, doesn’t have time for stupid or time wasting, can get pretty heated but doesn’t often get overwhelmed, she’s still got a handle on the situation.
How does your OC handle anger? loudly. she will physically fight people, if she’s riled up enough, but she’s trying to curb that habit.
How does your OC handle grief? processes inwardly, and puts on a brave face outwardly. very few people would see her express grief, and it would take a few weeks for it to really hit her like that.
What is your OC’s greatest fear? losing everything she’s worked hard to get in the last few years.
What makes your OC happy? uninterrupted downtime, when she can just do what she wants. it’s a simple life. oh, and people getting what they deserve. it’s satisfying.
What kind of sense of humor does your OC have? sarcastic, dry remarks, and finding humour in other people’s misfortune.
What are some things that greatly upset your OC? being disregarded as stupid or useless or annoying, situations in which she’s helpless or too far out of her depth to catch up
What are some things that annoy your OC? people that can’t keep up with her or say dumb shit, people in general, irritating noises 
If your OC has them, what are some regrets s/he has? she regrets not trying harder in school or the academy, she feels like those years were mostly wasted and wishes they hadn’t been even though she knows it’s not something to blame herself for. she regrets killing donoghue too; in the moment, it was all she could do, and what she had to do to survive, but it goes so against her morals that she’ll always feel guilty about it.
How easily does your OC forgive? not very. she’s been let down a lot in the past, and she’s cutthroat about removing people from her life when she thinks that they’re dragging her down. 
What are some of your OC’s vices? pride, wrath, anger, impatience, unkindness, spite
If your OC experienced trauma, what was it? the death of her parents. during flicker, she struggles with the knowledge that she has killed and seriously injured people before, and with knowing that she’s done these things while trying to learn how to live a normal life. in swift, sokovia offers her a very immediate and major seachange; she has to live through bombings, violent riots, shootings, etc. I think the most rattling out of these for her is having to play dead on a street filled with the dead, not knowing if her friends are alive or if she is going to live through this. up until swift, she doesn’t really see the worst that groups like hydra can do; she sees the blood and the death and the injustice of soldiers running blindly in to die, but this incident really hits home for her that she’s putting herself in the way of bad, terrifying people, and the things they are capable of are scary.
What secrets does your OC have? she used to be a hydra agent. she’s open about it if she has to be, if someone finds this information out themselves she’s very upfront and will tell them the whole story and let them make their own decision, but she’ll keep it secret until that time, she’ll never be the one they hear it from.
What are some of your OC’s morals? usually her choices come down to just basic human decency, sadly; she believes people should be free to make their own choices and to live their own lives, safe and in peace. in the scope of swift, she wants the people of sokovia to be able to retain their country under their own control, she doesn’t believe that the invaders and the rising militia should be involved, and that they should be free to choose their own government, but she doesn’t really think that riots and bombs are the way to go about it.
What are some of your OC’s motivations? her own drive to be better than she has been in the past, to make up for the time she’d spent with hydra (even if the things she’d actively done for them were minimal), to find her way in the world and the place she’s meant to occupy.
What is the health of your OC? it’s good. lots of scars, the regular kind of aches and pains from living a very active lifestyle. as of swift, she has restricted movement in her shoulder from a bullet wound - not enough to really bother her day-to-day, but she’s given up archery since recovering.
Does your OC think with his/her head or heart? with her head
What are your OC’s thoughts on death? she hasn’t really come to terms with death yet - it’s a scary concept, and she’s young. mostly, she just tries not to think about it at all, even when it’s staring her right in the face. she could probably find peace with it when it happens, if it’s for the right cause.
What are some of your OC’s strengths? she’s willful, determined, brave, she can speak her mind when she needs to and she’s not afraid to tell people what she thinks or to fight for a change. she’s open to change herself, and she’s willing to learn, where she wasn’t in the past.
What are some of your OC’s weaknesses? she’s quick to anger and slow to forgive, she often picks a fight that she should refrain from and can easily hurt the ones she loves. she’s closed off and that turns away many people and loses her many opportunities. she has a negative mindset and low self-worth; she makes life harder for herself often.
How does your OC take criticism? not well. she’ll get angry and start an argument or storm off, and take a few hours or days to process. it depends who is offering her criticism as to whether she’ll come crawling back to apologise or if her pride will be too much to allow her to do that.
What does your OC think of him/herself? she doesn’t think very highly of herself. she’s acutely aware of her faults - that she’s too angry and hardheaded, that she doesn’t listen enough and isn’t particularly talented at anything. 
If your OC could change one thing about him/herself, what would it be? some days, she would say that she would change her whole personality, take out the anger or whatever it is that makes it so hard for her to sit down and listen, or forget her whole past. other days, she wouldn’t want to change anything at all, even though she’s a whole mess. she really wants the latter to be her answer, but she’s still learning to be okay with herself.
What is the general impression your OC gives other people? standoffish, strong personality bordering on rude, takes no shit, short-tempered, unfriendly.
How emotionally/mentally vulnerable is your OC with other people? on a scale of zero to ten, i’d give her a solid one. she’s closed off, pragmatic, and thinks she has to do everything alone. close friends might get more out of her, and she’s learning to be softer and more open, and to work with other people, but for the most part she isn’t giving anything away.
How does your OC display love? sarcasm, mostly. she doesn’t outwardly express it, really, especially in public, but she’s always there as support or to listen or offer advice, if she can. and she’s always trying to do better and to commit herself to the relationship, even if she doesn’t make a big show of it.
What are some habits your OC has picked up? clint’s coffee addiction has rubbed off on her. 
What is your OC’s favorite drink? it’s quickly becoming coffee
What is your OC’s favorite food? doritos
What is your OC’s favorite sweet? chocolate
What is your OC’s favorite season? autumn
What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather? sunny, but not too sunny
What is your OC’s favorite book? she doesn’t really read
What is your OC’s favorite movie and/or TV show? dog cops, she used to hate it but now she’s too invested to quit, shrek is her like, go-to movie when there’s nothing else which is weird and she’ll never admit it. but true.
What is your OC’s favorite kind of music (and song if there is one)? she listens to a whole bunch of different music, but her main genres would be pop, rock, rnb
What is your OC’s favorite form of entertainment? TV/movies
What is your OC’s favorite color? blue
What is your OC’s favorite scent? salty sea air on a strong breeze. it’s just so crisp.
What is your OC’s favorite animal? she wasn’t a dog person until she met clint’s dogs. now she’s totally a dog person.
What is your OC’s favorite sound? s i l e n c e on a sunday morning.
What is your OC’s favorite time of day? morning, once she’s awake.
What is your OC’s favorite kind of ice cream? chocolate
What is your OC’s favorite dinosaur? pterodactyl
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faecaptainofdreams · 4 years
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I do not own Marvel. Yes, Wade drew this with crayon. Marvel HC: www.deviantart.com/foxdragonlo… Peter HC: www.deviantart.com/foxdragonlo… Wade HC: www.deviantart.com/foxdragonlo… If you don't like this ship i don't care. Don't talk to me about it, find something you do enjoy. If you're into it, then thanks for stopping by! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TW: strong language, mature themes ~~Humble Start~~ When Peter was 19, he met 25-year-old Wade in January when the merc was teaming up with the Avengers to help him find his target, who happened to be involved in something the Avengers were trying to undo. When the men first shook hands and Peter introduced himself, he removed his mask, to which Wade suddenly replied "Hot DAMN! What are you, a Disney prince?!" Peter, startled, backed away, and Tony urged Peter to put his mask back on. As it was, Spiderman and Deadpool got along. Before they all parted ways (with the problem resolved and Deadpool having gotten his man), the latter thought it might be fun to pop in once in a while and visit the Avengers. While the others drily insisted that he don't do that, Spidey thought Deadpool could be a potentially good friend. Despite Tony's aversion to it, Peter gave Wade his number and suggested they hang out sometime. Wade showed up a couple weeks later after having texted Peter off and on. Still shy about his appearance and preferring to not be seen at a lower profile, he came to the facility wearing fingerless gloves, concealing clothing, and his Deadpool mask. After he and Peter hung out the first couple of times, the younger of them asked if Wade would let him see his face. With lots of self-deprecating jokes, Wade said no. Sometimes Peter would go meet up with Wade and go mess around with him, and soon enough he introduced the assassin to his friends, Ned and MJ. They all talked to each other regularly, forming a tight little friend group. Wade sometimes felt like he didn't belong with them, like he was too old to be their friend, but they all had the same childish sense of humor. And given how intelligent the younger trio was, they felt mature to him. Many times, Wade forgot that he was older, even if it was only by a couple of years. As months passed, the Avengers got used to Wade's presence and didn't take much issue with Peter hanging out with him. It was innocent (although Tony loathed the sex jokes and vulgarity, especially when it was directed at his boy). It was clear that Peter had a vastly different moral compass and a much more sensible head on his shoulders, and was not going to be influenced by Wade's mercenary ways. He was trusted with the friendship. ~~The Crush~~ Wade fancied Peter from the start. The second the mask had come off, Wade was smitten, but he figured it would go away or just stay stagnant. He'd been attracted to and thirsted after people loads of times (hence all his sexual escapades), but he was never the settle-down type. He joked about Peter being attractive and sexy and made all kinds of quips, but given he was so crass by nature, Peter never took it too seriously. He did believe Wade thought he was attractive, but he knew he was like this with multiple people and figured it was harmless. Which it was, but he didn't understand that it was serious. The more Wade stuck around and the more he got to know the Spiderman, the more his feelings grew. He eventually had to face facts and accept that he didn't just like Peter for his body -- he liked his character. The boy was an absolute magnet; bright and sunny, happy, forgiving, generous, kind, merciful, hilarious, intelligent, and non-judgmental. He was the ultimate package. Wade also knew he was bisexual and knew that if he really worked up to it, asking Peter out wasn't out of the question or too far-fetched. What was far-fetched, to his mind, was the idea that Peter would ever say "yes." And even if he did say yes, was that fair to the Ironman's golden child? Wade was a self-sustaining disaster with baggage so heavy even Spiderman couldn't pick it up. As far as he was concerned, it was best to keep his feelings to himself and spare Peter the misery. What he didn't realize was Peter was starting to notice him, too. By Autumn, Wade sorely opened up to Weasel about his feelings. ---        "Ew, do you like...love him?" "Maybe."        "Gross. What are you gonna do?" Wade shrugged. "Nothing, same as usual. He doesn't need my insanity in his life, he's too kind and innocent."        "But you wanna fuck him, right? Maybe just try to do that." "No, Jesus! Are you even listening? Peter's not that kind of guy, and even if he was into it, I can't take advantage of him like that." Weasel's face scrunched in mild disgust.        "God, you have it bad for him..." "Yeah. It's like, he's a total bro, but fuckable. He's soft but strong, masculine but feminine, fierce but graceful."        "   " "He's the kind of guy you take on like fifteen dates, buy flowers and candy, get one of those stupid little Hallmark cards with some sappy bullshit saying how much the sender loves him. Then, you fuck him. Not at your place, but at his place, so he's more comfortable, and only after you've made him spaghetti and chocolate-covered strawberries, by candle light. You fuck gently. Passionately, but with strength, but you don't wanna hurt him. But he's secretly a sex tiger under the sheets, and it kinda scares you, but you love it, but you're still afraid to fuck him any other way than gently."        "I feel like this is a fantasy you've had for a while." "No, of course not."        "So...he's your friend, you want to fuck him, but you don't wanna just fuck him because that would be taking advantage of him. Because you'd rather have a relationship with him, but you don't wanna have a relationship with him because you think he deserves better, but you're gonna keep hanging out with him and torture yourself. Is that... I mean, am I close?" "Like a Hawkeye arrow through a nutsack with a target drawn on it."        "Ow. I think my left testicle just rose back inside of me in fear." "Balls are very perceptive."        "Okay, well here's my advice." Wade learned forward.        "... You're fucked." "Thanks, I totally needed help figuring that out."        "Who is the guy, anyway?" "...Peter Parker..."        "Pete-- like Spiderman Peter Parker?" "Yup."        "How the fuck...?" "I know."        "I feel like I saw his face on the news last year when he got all discovered, but I don't remember. You got a picture?" "Yeah," Wade grumbled while reaching in his pocket for his phone.       "Heh, 'course you do, you sick-o." After glaring at his friend, Wade pulled up a picture of Peter and zoomed in on his smiling face.       "WHOA, holy MOSES, that guy is good looking!" "I know."        "He looks like a stallion and a buck had sex with an Irish setter!" "Yeah, told ya. Fierce, but graceful."        "I've always been a pussy-man, but I gotta say... He's making me question my sexuality." "He has that affect on people."        "That is MAJORLY out of your league." "Thank you." Wade put his phone away.       "How old is he?" "Nineteen."        "Whoooa, a little on the young side, huh?" "Just a little, but he's mature for his age."        "..." "...That sounded a little creepy, I take that back." --- Wade began an off-and-on effort of keeping Peter at arm's length. He went through periods of texting and hanging out with him less, but whenever it was clear that Peter could tell something was up, he snapped back into the picture. He couldn't bear to make Peter worry or feel as though he'd done something wrong. This went on for a couple of months. Peter too, was beginning to feel a little bit of romantic sting. Wade hooked up with a couple of people over the months, including Vanessa. There was a brief period where the two of them copulated like rabbits, and that was with the ex-prostitute knowing that Wade had feelings for someone. In the merc's mind, maybe he could get his needs out of his system, but it didn't work. If anything, he felt emptier after each fling. Peter was attracted to Wade before he even realized he was. Always seeking him out, making sure their friendship was solid, feeling a constant need to have a hand on him in one way or another. He also played into some of Wade's lewd jokes and would tease him. Then there was the dancing and singing, of course, which only got more intense as time went on (a natural instinct of the jumping spider to try and woo a mate through display). Tony and Steve began to notice the men getting closer, and Tony was very unhappy. Steve convinced him to stay quiet and let Peter figure it out. In late Fall, Peter turned 20. Wade was there for his party, as were Ned and MJ. It was a lot of fun! Come December, Wade turned 26. He'd tried another couple of times to get away from Peter again, but the boy wouldn't let him go. They were like a binary system of stars, unable to pull away from each other, constantly drawn back into one another's path by an unseen force. For how long could this go on before they collided? And when they did, would they blow up and break apart, or make one bigger, more beautiful star? ~~Spoken Interest~~ By January, Peter came to terms with his own crush, and secretly told Ned about it. For the next month and a half, the boys gabbed about it, and Ned found it adorable and kind of funny. Peter said he wanted to ask Wade out, but was nervous that Wade wouldn't be interested. "Well you're not gonna know unless you ask," said Ned. Peter flirted a little more with Wade, but it mostly came across awkwardly. It basically felt like he was just humiliating himself over and over again, but Wade was noticing the difference in him. Regardless, he tried to respect the space, and refused to give himself up. In February, Peter asked Wade to hang out with him at a park somewhere and "people watch," since Wade enjoyed that activity. He felt it would be a nice, serene setting to keep Wade's attention and finally admit his feelings. He told Ned about his plan; the latter was exhilarated at the thought, and said he'd be standing by. Peter put on a warm but nice outfit and drove off to their spot to talk. Even though it was casual as always, they could both sense tension. They sat and chatted for a while, and with a racing heart, Peter finally found the right moment to confess. ---        "Hey, so... I've kinda been wanting to talk to you about something." "Hamburgers."        "I... What?" "Hamburgers! They're weird, right? I mean, ham comes from pigs, and beef comes from cows. Hamburgers are made with cow meat, but we call them ham-burgers." Wade threw his hands up, head rolling about. "The fuck is up with that??"        "O-oh, hah, I guess it sounds more appealing than...beef...burgers...?" Wade nodded thoughtfully. "Hm. Yeah, sounds kinda naughty." Peter could hear Wade's grin, and he stifled a laugh. His own smile was more earnest, but his desire flitted behind it. "Like beef curtain, or beef stick--"        "Wade." "Yeah?"        "Look, um..." He turned to face his company better, now getting nervous.       "You and I are...really good friends, right?" "Why yes, broski dear."        "Hah, well... It's just... Ahh, I don't wanna say anything and...mess that up." "...Well, what do you wanna say...?" There was a long silence.        "...Okay -- okay, total honesty... Wade, I..." He drew in a deep breath.       "I like you..." They stared at each other. After a long silence, the older male playfully slapped Peter's arm. "I like you too, beef buddy! ... Yikes, wow, see? Beef is just a naughty word." Peter blinked, thoughts spinning in his head a mile a minute. Wade knew what he really meant, but he couldn't begin to believe that in its suddenness. He was bracing for Peter to call him out on his own crush and possibly disown him, but this threw him for a loop.        "N... N-no, no Wade, I mean... I like you...as more than a buddy, or a bro..." He swallowed.       "Or a friend..." He rubbed his hands together, slowly and tensely, brown orbs wide while looking at Wade. The cold white eyes of Wade's mask pierced back at him. "...Oh..."        "A-and... I just thought, m-maybe, if...you don't think it's weird, or if -- I don't know, if maybe you liked me too, we could...date...?" There was another long pause. This time, Wade understood for certain. When he looked forward to contemplate, stunned expression hidden by the mask, Peter looked off and around, his heart sinking. There were times when Wade was genuinely difficult to read, and this was one of them. Wade was getting his wish, it was like the start of his fantasy had come true! All he had to do was agree to it. "Uh, I don't think we should do that." He regretted it the second he said it. Peter felt his heart drop, and his face begin to turn red with shock and embarrassment.        "Oh," he croaked while looking down at his lap. Wade's answer stunned him. When the merc spoke, he tried to bring it back to a place of casualty in the hopes of removing the heavy feeling from the air. "Look, don't get me wrong, you've heard me talk about ya. You're precious, and I'd be beside myself to fuck your brains out." Peter almost smiled, but the desperation for answers overpowered the natural response to do so. Wade continued. "But you're romantic, you need stability. I'm a one-night stand kind of guy, friends-with-benefits and all that. You're not really about that life, right? I mean, come on. You wouldn't sleep with me without getting to know me, right?" Peter swallowed something dry and thick. Looking away, the hope for this to go anywhere withdrew from his gaze, and he shook his head.        "No..." Even Wade was at a loss for words for a moment. He may have turned his head away, but out of the corner of his eye, he could see Peter's heart breaking. He saw his red cheeks, his pinkish eyes. He could feel the sadness, and a lot of it was coming from himself, too. But he pulled it together again and lightly slapped the back of his hand against Peter's shoulder. "Eyyy, come on, this doesn't change anything, right? We're still pals." Peter quickly nodded. He was polite as ever, but the sensation that he had just gotten hit by a train was easy to read.       "No -- yeah, yeah yeah yeah, it's -- it's just... It's a little embarrassing, aha, I mean... You know, I..." "Nah, it's not so bad. It's adorable! Like I said, doesn't change a thing. Now when we get past this, I can tease you about thinking I'm a hot piece of ass." Peter did finally crack a small, broken smile and shook his head. He was glad that Wade wanted to be friends, but the damage was done. "...I mean you still wanna be friends, right?"        "Absolutely! I just... It's kind of a hard pill to swallow..." "Yeah, I know. You put yourself out there, then get shot down..." With genuine remorse and a strong but hidden wave of self-loathing, Wade laid a hand on Peter's shoulder. "I'm sorry." Peter nodded again and closed his eyes. He felt emotional, but why? Did it really mean that much to him? Staying strong, he glanced at Wade, mustering a hurt smile.        "Don't be sorry, you know I prefer honesty. I mean it'd be really stupid to say 'yes' when you don't want that, right?" As if Wade's heart couldn't sink any further. "Yeah..."        "Look man, um... It's -- I'm not like mad or anything, you didn't do anything wrong, but... I think I should go home, and just, like...try to process it--" "Yeah! Nothing wrong with that. I'll give you a couple days to uh...reel."        "Yeah, I think that sounds good." When they rose to their feet, they both chuckled sadly. In their awkwardness, Peter offered his hand to shake, which Wade accepted uneasily, but eventually pulled Peter into a side hug. "It'll be fine, we'll get past it. You take your time."        "K-ay..." With one last hurt smile, Peter left Wade's company. On the way back to his car, he finally let the tears roll. Wade watched him go until his car was out of sight, stunned by his own foolishness. He wasn't stupid; he knew he had made Peter cry. He knew he'd broken his heart, and he hated himself for it. When Wade got to his apartment, he took out his anger on his environment, taking to breaking a lot of things in his living space. --- Peter did his best to get most of his emotions out before he got home, but the sadness and hurt would linger. When he got inside he pretended everything was okay, but it was obvious his mind was elsewhere. Not too long after getting in, he went to his room and called Ned. ---    "Hey, what's up? Did you talk to him?"        "Yeah."    "...Uh-oh. What did he say?"        "He said 'no.'..."    "Awww man, Peter, I'm sorry. Did he say why?" Peter tried to keep his sniffles quiet, but Ned could hear them anyway.       "Yeah, u-um... He said that...you know, he's a one-night-stand kind of guy, and that I'm -- we're -- ... He doesn't...think it would be a good idea, because he just...likes sex, and I'm romantic, so..."    "That really sucks, I'm sorry."        "Me too..."    "...Hey, I rigged my GTA 4 game to get Carmageddon on the 360." Peter continued to hold back his emotions, but only half-cared about Ned's random statement.       "Y-eah...?"    "Yeah, it's really funny! Can I come over and show you? It should work on your 360." Now understanding, Peter smiled a little.       "Yeah, that sounds cool. We could, um... I could make...popcorn, or something."    "Awesome! Is now good?"        "Sure, uh -- lemme ask Tony first, just to be sure."    "Okay. Text me." --- After they said goodbye and hung up, Peter got confirmation from Tony that having Ned over for a few hours would be fine. While on his way to go prepare everything, May found Peter and insisted he tell her what was wrong, as she could tell something was up. Although he'd wanted to keep it hidden from his elders, Peter (naturally) trusted May and knew it was confidential, so he came clean. Seeing her nephew's broken heart, May consoled him and offered a little advice about how to heal up from it, and insisted that they would, yes, go back to being friends in time. ~~SpideyPool~~ In the days passing, Peter and Wade refrained from messaging each other. Peter went about his usual life, including going on regular patrols. He took down a couple of small criminals, helped a few people in minor danger. This always felt good; even the littlest of ways he could help people made his day brighter and his heart fuller. Wade, meanwhile, had spent the days since the rejection in sorrow and self-hatred. He'd smashed a lot of the stuff in his apartment and all but shredded the couch, laying face-down on the tattered furniture in a mess of stuffing, old food scraps, alcohol and the same outfit he'd had on when he last talked to Peter (minus the coat, boots and mask). It had been five days. But on this fifth day, Colossus happened to pop in. He knocked. ---   "Wade? You are playing Elvis again. Are you all right?" "AwwwWWW!! I'm not in the mood, Sputnik! Fuck the shit off!" Colossus opened the door and hunched in, turning off Wade's music.    "You should really lock door. Wade, you are a mess; what is wrong?" The merc answered him with his face still down and pressed to the couch. "What's wrong is this big metal dildo man keeps showing up at my door even after I tell him to fuck. the. shit. OFF." Colossus looked around, ignoring him.   "How do you live like this..." "I'm not living, I'm existing."    "Clearly. Is this another episode? Perhaps I should take you back to the mansion again." Wade lifted his head, tired eyes closed. "GOD, no! No more bland-coated walls with old white men all over them and every other X-Man acting like the studio couldn't afford to pay them to even just walk around and pretend they live there." Colossus raised a brow, but ignored him, as he was so used to doing.   "Well, if this is not episode, then what is it?" Wade's face flopped back into the couch, pressing in harder than earlier. "Imn mm bmng m thnntl dmshm."    "What?" With a heavy groan of aggravation, he sat up entirely, allowing small bags of food trash to spill onto the floor from its position under his body. Colossus winced at the crinkling and crumbs. "It's me being a total dipshit..." "What did you do," he asked tiredly while folding his arms. "I told you I liked some guy, right? Well... Turns out, he liked me, too."    "That is good news." "Yeah, it was, until he told me he liked me and I shot him down like a retarded clay pigeon in a Guantanamo Bay shooting range."    "..." "I swear to god, it's like while I wasn't looking, the cancer snuck into my brain and made me even stupider."    "Why did you turn him down?" "Because -- he's nice, okay? I don't just wanna get in his pants, I want to date him. I want to have a relationship, but he's not the person I should be trying that out with on account of how fucked sideways with a cactus my head is."    "On inside, or outside?" When Wade glared up at him, Colossus chuckled. Squinting, Wade lowered his voice. "Are you The Moby? 'Cos I haven't even taken The Great American Challenge yet, and I feel like you're stretching my ass WIDE open."    "Eugh! Listen..." Colossus softened up and sat beside him carefully.   "You are...different, very rough around the edges. You are afraid that this guy is too good for you." "No, I KNOW he's too good for me. I can't risk screwing up his life."    "How do you know that would happen?" "Uh, do I not ruin everything everywhere I go?"    "Only when you really mean to. But he likes you too, yes?" "He says he does... I'm not sure why."    "Maybe because, in your own strange way, you are charming man. You have a big heart, you care about people -- most of all, him, it seems." "That's why I gotta stay away from him."    "No, that is why you must go to him." Wade glanced up at his company.    "You must go tell him the truth, give it a second chance. He deserves to know what you are thinking, does he not?" "... No, I don't want to make him more miserable."    "If he is miserable, it is only because you have not been honest with him." "...You really think I should do this? You really think I should go over there and just...tell him how I feel?"    "Absolutely." "...Just admit that you want me, Colossus." Colossus sighed. "I don't know,..."    "Trust me, if you don't do this, then you will never know what could be. You will spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been, your soul will forever be restless." "..."    "...Who is it that you are pining for so badly?" Wade's voice almost cracked. "P-eter Parker..."    "Peter Parker?? You mean Spiderman???" "Yeah."    "OH, he is a VERY good young man... Erh...over eighteen, yes?" "He's twenty."    "OH, good." "Like you said, he's very good. He's not...he doesn't deserve all my shit."    "You will never know, Wade. Not unless you take risk." "..."    "If you try your best, if you let love in, and it is real, then your messy life will work itself out." Wade looked up at Colossus, who then put a caring, large metal hand on his shoulder.   "Maximum effort." "...Okay... Maximum effort." --- When Colossus left, Wade showered and started cleaning up. On the sixth morning after their last conversation, Wade called Peter, but the latter was around other people while in the facility. Not wanting to talk to him in front of anyone, he declined the call, but texted Wade saying "Hang on i'll call in a sec." He went to his room and did as was promised, calling Wade back while sitting on his bed. --- "Hey, Spidey!"        "Hey, Wade." He sounded a little tired, but was kind and open-minded. "What's up?"        "Uhh not much, I was with Tony and Wanda and didn't want to talk in front of them. Just...sitting in my room, now." "Gotcha."        "So...did you want something?" "Aww, you're still upset about the other day," he said with an audible smile. Peter sat up, voice more peppy.       "No, no, I mean I'm not upset, I'm just... It... 'Upset' is just such a harsh word, um... I'm just kinda sad, you know? It's -- I'm still just trying to...make sense of it all, figure out what's...going on in my head." "I understand."        "I'm sorry..." "Why are you sorry?"        "I don't know, I just feel bad, I mean this can't be fun for you, either. I just feel really stuck. And -- I told May, but only because she could tell how down I was." "May is nice."        "She's the best..." "...I miss you, Pete."        "Me too... Ned...rigged his GTA 4 disk to run Carmageddon on the 360." "What?! That's sick as FUCK!"       "Yeah... Maybe sometime we could hang out and play it together. It's really funny..." "I'd like that. Or... I could just come hang out with ya right now!" Peter sat up a little more.       "Oh, Wade, I don't know, I... I think I still need a little more time to process everything. It's -- I'm still not mad or anything, you're still my friend, it's just kinda hard..." "Oh... Well that's too bad, 'cos I'm right outside your window."        "--What??" After Wade's shadow cast onto the wall and got Peter's attention, he quickly looked to the left and saw Wade in the window, waving happily at him before putting the phone back to his ear. Peter tossed his phone down in shock and ran to the window.       "Wade!" He opened the glass pane, shivering at the freezing air.       "What are you doing?!" "Just felt I needed to come by and clear things up with you." After realizing he was talking pointlessly into his phone, Wade shrugged and tossed it.       "Wha--" Peter quickly fired a web at the little computer, snatching it and yanking it into his hand. Wade crawled into Peter's room through the window, and then the latter closed it and handed Wade his phone.       "Why would you throw this??" Wade took his phone back and chuckled. "Ewww, now it has webs on it...!"        "That's better than being broken!" Wade shrugged the snow off his shoulders. He was in full suit with a beanie on his head over his mask, and a fur coat. "Plungers make really good building-climbing tools, did you know that?"        "Eugh, you -- you used plungers to get up here?" "They're all new, it's fine. Well -- except for the one for my right foot, I wouldn't touch that one." Wade slid off his coat and beanie.       "Wade, what are you doing here...?" "I wanted to talk to you about the other day." Peter motioned for him to be quiet, then stepped over and locked his door. Turning back to face him, he kept his voice low, and so his visitor did the same.        "Okay?" "Look... The thing is, I like you, too. A LOT. I've had it bad for you from the start, Petey, but... It's like I said the other day; you're a nice guy, and--"        "Wait, let me just stop you there." He waited.       "I know that you like to sleep around, and that's okay. Some people are romantic, and some people aren't, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not judging you, I think what you do is totally fine." Wade nodded.       "But... I'm still not that guy, you know? I still need those things, I'm -- I want a relationship. It's okay that you don't want that, you don't have to explain yourself. But if this is a request to just...fool around, um... I'm...not game for that, I'm sorry." "...Aww, you're so cute," he said happily before roughing Peter's hair lovingly. Peter stood in blank confusion, having no response to that. "I'm not here because I want to have sex with you. I mean, I'd like to, but not like...right now, I mean like in the future, when we've been seeing each other for a little while."        "..." "When you asked me out, I said no because I didn't think I was right for you. I still don't, honestly, I mean you should really, just...turn around and run while you have the chance. Because I'm about to ask you something, and I don't have a lot of patience, and I might just blurt it, cut and dry."        "Wade, what the hell are you trying to say?" "I'm saying... Will you go out with me...?" Peter stood in total shock, staring blankly at Wade. "......Is that a 'no'? That's probably a wise choice, but I'm gonna...need verbal confirmation. I mean if it's not 'yes,' it's 'no,' because basic principle, but ya know. ...?" He finally blinked and shook his head a little, making an effort to make sure he kept his voice low.        "Okay, wait... You do want to go out with me...?" "Yeah. I've wanted to since like, last June."        "FFFFFFFF-- Wade...?!?!?" "Yeah... Pathetic, I know."        "So why did you say 'no' the other day??" "I told you, because I don't think I'm right for you. I'm super fucked up and you're really nice! You're --"        "Shh...!" He lowered his voice to something of a shouting whisper. "You have your whole life ahead of you to meet fucked up people, you should at least have some normal, healthy relationships first...!"        "Wade, that's up to me to decide, and I know you think you're like the worst person ever, but you're actually really a good guy...!" "Why are we whispering...?!"        "Because if Tony finds out we're even discussing dating he'll throw you to the moon...!" "That would suck...!"        "I know...!" They both stood a little taller, each sighing some and looking off before focusing again. They stopped whispering, but remained quiet.        "So..." "I'm just saying... I've got a lot of baggage, and problems, and a whirlwind of mind shit that falls out of its little shit-filled cabinet whenever it feels like it. I have LOVED being your friend, but I'm..."        "...Yes...?" "...I'm scared of hurting you..." Peter relaxed and took a step towards him.        "You're not gonna hurt me." "You don't know that."        "And you don't know that you will. But if you think that, but you still had the nerve to come tell me how you feel and ask me out..." Wade looked up at him cautiously.       "...Then you must have some sort of faith in it being okay, right?" "..." Peter started to smile.        "What if we just tried it? Why don't we just...date...? And if it doesn't work out, then that's okay. We can just be friends. I mean that's what we were working up to being again anyway, right?" "That's how it would have to be. I can't lose you, Spidey, you mean a lot to me."        "..." "You're like ice on a burn. You have...the BEST heart. I don't wanna hurt it."        "Stuff's gonna hurt me, Wade. That's life, it's okay. If you hurt me, we can get past it." "...You promise?" Peter smiled bigger.        "I promise. Hey, who knows? Maybe I'll hurt you or something, pfft." Peter couldn't see it, but Wade was smiling, too.        "If you're serious, and this isn't you feeling guilty about saying 'no' or asking for a one night stand... I would love to go out with you. PLEASE, let me go out with you." --- And so it was, they secretly began dating. Wade made arrangements to take Peter out that very afternoon. After Wade left through the window, taking his plungers with him, Peter called Ned in a slight panic. He excitedly explained what happened and told him he needed to prepare himself for the date, and they hung up. When it came to Tony, Peter had to keep quiet. Like before, he didn't tell anyone, including May; he just didn't want anyone to know yet. The first date was just spent with the boys wandering around a nice part of the city, discussing how they liked each other and how long each of them have felt it. Wade explained that he was a mess for the days following his rejection of Peter, and that it took Colossus busting into his apartment and yanking him onto his feet to get him to go talk. He also confessed to having slept with a couple of people, including Vanessa, which Peter was more than fine with. But, he emphasized, Wade really needed to look into STI testing just to be safe. The first date didn't end with kissing or anything randy, and Wade still didn't show Peter his face. Instead, they hugged, and Peter drove back home. The dates following were very similar, with food as part of the equation. They even had a "parkour date," where both got in full suit and leaped around the city, showing their abilities to one another for the sheer sport of it. Peter even held Wade and swung around the city with him on his hip. According to Wade, this was terrifying but romantic. By this time, Peter told May and MJ. After a few weeks, Peter and Wade felt relatively steady. Tony and Steve could tell something was different with Peter when it came to Wade, and Tony had his suspicions from the start. Peter knew that Tony could sense something unusual, but he played around it and acted casually. Tony chose to stay quiet about it. During a date one late afternoon when Peter and Wade were on a harbor, in suit, the sun out after a light rain (yes, it must be that specific), Peter pressed a little harder to see Wade's face. He understood why Wade was shy about it, but kindly argued that it was difficult to date someone he'd known for over a year while still not having a clue what he looked like. Feeling that Peter's reaction could really make or break the potential of their relationship, Wade finally conceded and removed the mask. To his surprise, there was no horror or tension, or even the slightest bit of disgust. He looked a little surprised, briefly raising his eyebrows with a blink, and studied him. He said "Wow," and that was about it. Wade started to make jokes about himself, to which Peter put his arms around Wade and told him he wasn't allowed to insult himself whenever he was in the Spiderman's arms. This became a new theme with them. After a minute of talking, and with Wade allowing his new partner to lightly touch his scarred cheeks, he asked if Peter had anymore requests before the mask went back on. ---       "...You could kiss me..." Wade stared at him in light disbelief.        "...Or -- or not, it's totally optional. Just a suggest--" As the cliche stands, Wade kissed him, cutting off his sentence. When he pulled away, Peter was stunned and glowing.        "O-ohhoh... Okay, I-I don't have a lot of reference, but... That was really good..." "I agree." --- Wade put his mask back on, and the two were smitten. A few days after their first kiss, Peter finally sat down with Tony and Steve and came clean about his recent dating situation. Steve didn't love the idea, and Tony hated it, but the former offered support and simply asked that Peter be careful and trust his instincts. Tony was a tad more chilly with his honesty, but when Peter became insecure, he emphasized that he wasn't angry. He just didn't trust Wade on a romantic level, and feared Peter getting hurt. This gave Peter the opportunity to remind Tony that he was a big boy now, and he could handle making his own mistakes, and was willing to face the consequences of his decisions. It ended on a positive note, but Tony couldn't hide the lack of thrill he had over the new relationship. Weeks turned into months, and things when steady. In their time together, Peter got permission from Tony to make his very own original suit. Given how comfortable he was with Wade, and with the relationship also recently going public, Peter felt the desire to start fresh and switch up his look with a lot more blue. For one thing, the blue complimented Deadpool's vast red and helped him stand out.~ That May, when they'd been going out for about three months, Peter started becoming more bold in his physical interest in Wade. He'd been to the merc's apartment several times as well, and had actually managed to convince him to start cleaning the place up and get some new furniture. He wasn't judgmental; he merely worried for Wade's state of mind and the health hazards, insisting that he might feel better and more confident if he lived in better conditions. This conversation brought Wade to inadvertently mention how he was desensitized to the squalor due to being forced to sit in his own waste and vomit for a while when he had gotten ill at the Mutant Factory. This was one of the most serious things Wade brought up right off the bat, but upon seeing Peter's face stricken with shock and concern, he clammed up. Peter assured him that there was nothing to be ashamed of, and that he appreciated Wade talking to him. The conversation helped Wade feel better, much to his shock, and he agreed that it might be good for him to clean up the apartment. So he did just that. It wasn't spectacular, but the improvement was great, and Wade actually found himself wanting better for how he lived. In June, Peter's physical interests were more clear. They'd discussed sex, but Peter was shy, and Wade was never one to push. But finally, while making out one day, Peter came to the conclusion that he was ready to be intimate. They each went home and planned for Peter to go to Wade's. They each wanted to shower and prepare for it first. Peter brought a small bag with a movie and his suit in it (just in case). He told Tony that they were just going to have a movie date. Tony didn't like it, and insisted Peter also take his iron suit (which is tightly compact into a small shape when dormant like the Ironman suit). Peter obeyed, willing to do anything to help Tony feel more comfortable about him being out and about. At Wade's apartment, the pair chilled for a little while, but Wade was eager to show his company how he'd prepared the bedroom. He led Peter to his room, revealing soft pink and orange shaded string lights pinned up around the walls, nice bedding, and an overall sense of warmth. Needless to say, Peter was very impressed, letting Wade know he did not expect this, and didn't require it in the future. But yes, he absolutely loved it, and knew he would have a good time. When they were done, they both fell asleep in Wade's bed. Tony called around 1 in the morning, asking where Peter was. He was a little upset, but nothing Peter couldn't work around. He apologized and said they were both tired from watching the movie and then playing some video games, so Peter crashed on the couch and forgot to tell Tony he was staying the night. After a little back and forth, Peter reassured him that everything was all right and encouraged him to go back to sleep. He promised to come home early in the morning with a box of donuts as an apology. Tony hesitantly agreed, and left him alone. Once more, the next day, Peter made a point to tell Ned about his escapades. The next few times Peter went to Wade's house, he ended up spending the night. And again, he lied his ass off to Tony, saying they just had a new routine of playing video games until they crashed. Tony knew better, and Peter knew that, but neither were willing to give on the subject. By this time, Peter quietly told aunt May that his relationship with Wade was now very serious. She was excited for him, proud and happy and double checked that he was being safe. Embarrassed and a little exasperated, he confirmed this, and just like that May was back in fun mode. She was able to accept that Peter was grown now, and she was glad to try and guide him through this very impressionable period in his life. The morning after Peter's fifth time with Wade, Colossus visited unexpectedly while the boys were still sleeping. Wade got up and addressed him, completely naked, while Peter stayed back and hurriedly put his clothes on before meekly coming out to greet the metal man. He was shy but thrilled to meet the infamous X-Man. After Peter convinced Wade to at least put on some underwear, they all sat down together and had a chat. Colossus was happy to finally meet Spiderman, and when Peter got home, he told his family about how funny it was to wake up and meet Colossus. Later that day, Tony finally pulled Peter aside and broke down, having a serious discussion with him about the relationship. He asked for full honesty on whether they had become physical, and Peter answered honestly. The talk was civil, as Tony loved Peter too much to ever take out any frustration on him, but his concern was clear. He told Peter he respected that, that Peter didn't need to feel bad about it; he was just making sure everything was okay. Not that it was any of his business, but he considered his family to be his business. Peter didn't mind, so long as Tony stayed cool. The Ironman did confirm that Peter understood the fact that he wasn't going to invite Wade to live with them. Peter agreed. When Tony asked if Peter was thinking about living with Wade, the latter said "no." "So what are you gonna do?" Tony asked. Peter told him that he would just keep doing as they had been; dating, hanging out, and if they wanted to have personal time, Peter would go to Wade's. He told Tony he felt he really loved Wade, and was okay with the fact that he was, in Tony's words, "super fucked up." He understood that he wasn't responsible for Wade's mental health, but that he enjoyed helping him through some of his issues. He understood that trauma like this was a long-haul, and he was willing to at least try. After all, everyone he knew was traumatized, himself included. The conversation helped clear the air a lot for the father-and-son pair, and Tony grew a greater respect for the relationship. A week or so after that conversation, Tony ended up having a talk with Wade. The merc shocked him with his raw honesty about his feelings for Peter, revealing his only intention was to be happy with him without weighing him down. He loved him, and he would do anything for him, including whatever he could to please his family. He understood why everyone flocked to shield Peter; he was different, special. It was then that Tony finally saw an ounce of what Peter saw in Wade, and his respect grew. In August, Peter turned 21 and in December, Wade turned 27. In that time frame, Peter began sneaking Wade into his room sometimes to get physical.~ Not long after Wade's birthday, Tony finally came to grips with the reality that Wade wasn't going anywhere. His relationship with Peter was incredibly strong and steady, and despite Peter having his job, his family and friends and Wade, he'd managed to make it all work. They were mature, and mature together, and Tony wanted Peter to have every opportunity possible to make things a little easier. So as a surprise, he told Peter he was going to allow Wade to move into the facility, even though he wasn't being offered any Avenger titles. He even said he didn't mind if Wade and him shared his bedroom, so long as they weren't mindless sex idiots and kept everyone awake all the time. Stunned, Peter was beyond grateful. Together, everyone gathered up and invited Wade to the facility to make the offer. Wade was uncertain at first, asking if they wanted him to be an Avenger. "GOD no," said Sam. Peter informed him that this had no strings attached, and asked if he was ready to move in with him. Wade said yes, and accepted this very unexpected, beautiful birthday present. In being offered to move in, this was the Avengers fully embracing Wade and adopting him into their weird, messed up family. In time, they would learn to see that Wade was in fact, a good man with a big heart, and become used to his mouth. ~~Love Forever After~~ Living together, it was a dream come true. For the first time in Wade's life, things finally seemed to be on a steady path, and he would do anything to keep it that way. He was happy, he wanted to stay happy, and most of all, he wanted to do well for Peter. With them being together (even before Wade had moved in), Peter helped Wade open up about his past and his feelings. He wasn't judgmental, he wasn't off-put by Wade's mannerisms, weirdness, strange coping habits, random emotional moments, nightmares, or even the nastiest of content regarding his past. He just listened and consoled, and even shielded Wade from the harshness of others. With a guy as wonderful as the friendly neighborhood Spiderman, even though he wasn't perfect, Wade had a tough time feeling like he could give back enough. What he didn't tend to understand was Peter already felt Wade did give back. Wade was a passionate, attentive, caring, thorough lover, and exceedingly generous. He did anything and everything he could for Peter. Aside from just being the best mate he could be, he couldn't think of much else, but it was more than enough. Peter needed him, too. And when Peter had problems, his heart was heavy or he had his own traumatic episodes, Wade was there for him. He applied the very things he'd learned from his love and gave back. After some months living with Peter, Wade had his first serious emotional breakdown related to his trauma. Deadpool, Spiderman, Ironman, Scarlet Witch, and War Machine were out on a mission one night. On a rooftop, after the mission was finished and they had regrouped, Peter was wrapping some things up when a casual conversation started between Wade and the others. The Mutant Factory got brought up, which Wade appeared fine with. He joked casually about what he went through, and the others listened. But at a certain point, after making a comment about his torture that initially caused him to laugh, his laughter suddenly turned to tears. At first the others just went along with it, used to Wade's emotional switches at this point and figuring it would be fine. But when the merc's weeps became sobs and he could no longer stand up, everyone finally realized something was wrong. James stood by Wade and Wanda knelt beside him, clueless as to how to help or what exactly was happening. Tony called Peter to their gathering on the rooftop, and when the Spiderman saw his partner in a heavy heap of tears, he sprung into action. Wanda and James backed away to give Peter the space to console him. He was understandably confused and alarmed by the development, but stayed calm. Tony had an idea of what was happening, cluing Peter in with a reminder of how he had suddenly felt okay enough to grieve his uncle when the time came. It clicked; Wade finally felt safe and comfortable enough in his life that his mind was ready to start the healing process. Peter carried Wade away from the group, who let them have their space. He removed his mask, and convinced Wade to let him take his off, and he held him. Wade announced that he didn't understand what was going on and that he couldn't stop, so Peter told him not to stop. He told him that this was a good thing even though it didn't feel like it, and that it wouldn't last forever. After a while, when Wade was calm enough, Peter took him home. He explained to him what he thought was happening. From that point on, Wade was much more prone to having harder breakdowns, but at that point they seemed to happen at more appropriate times. He also had an easier time talking about it, even if it did hurt like all hell. Thankfully, for Wade's sake, his primary trauma response now is sobbing and nightmares. And when it happens, someone is always there to help him. Of course he still has his random weepy moments at weird things, but Peter has always been understanding of that and never judged him. If anything, he only ever helped Wade feel validated. When Peter was 22 and Wade was 28, the Trial of the Gods ensued. This was hard on Wade, and revealed he had a host of dependency issues with Peter. It led to them having a serious but gentle talk, where Peter offered to work with him on easing his mind about the fact that bad things happen, and if anything bad ever happened to Peter, he needed the peace of mind that Wade would take care of himself. Stay clean, healthy, surround himself with his friends, continue to do good things. If not for himself, then for Peter, because he would want that. Wade agreed, even though the conversation was hard. Ultimately, Wade's mind never reached any peace until he went on a mission and secretly killed himself in order to get to The Realm of Silence, Interitus's realm of the dead. After having a quick conversation wherein Wade asked the elk god if he would ever die for good, Interitus told him 'yes.' He said that Wade would not live forever, that his time would come when it was right, and in death he would be with his beloved. This gave Wade all the peace he needed. Someday, Wade and Peter will get married. How, when and under what circumstances remain a mystery. For now, they're just loving life together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Bartoned - Chapter 25
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Bartoned - A Hawkeye Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Square: none
Rating:  E
Warnings:  Babies getting vaccinations
Pairing: Clint Barton x F!Reader
Word Count:  1724
Summary:  Clint’s name has become synonymous with fucking things up.  When you have a one night stand with him, your whole life gets Bartoned.
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Chapter 25
“We shouldn’t have done the open house and this,” you said as you bounced and already fussy Nattie on your hip.  You could only imagine what was going to happen when they jabbed the sleepy little cherub in the thighs with needles.
This morning had been spent out in Brooklyn looking at houses.  There had been an open house that was today only and you’d decided to try and fit in looking at a couple of others before heading back into Manhattan for Natasha’s vaccination.  It had not been the smartest thing the two of you had ever done.  But to be fair, it hadn’t been the dumbest thing the two of you had done either, so you were trying to put a positive spin on it.
The house hunting felt like a complete waste of time.  You’d go and see houses that seemed within a budget that was at least not Tony Stark level high, and they’d be right on the other side of the city and falling apart.  As soon as you got within a distance of the city that wouldn’t kill you having to travel into every day and suddenly they were these huge townhouses in the multimillion-dollar range.
Not that they weren’t nice looking at.  You would wander through large bedrooms and perfect bathrooms and think about the furniture you’d buy if you were rich to fill it.
It was just a little less fun when your daughter kept crying.
So now after spending most of the day driving around the city, and having to get a more and more irritated infant in and out of a car seat only to finish the day at her pediatrician's office getting her first set of vaccinations since her birth.
“That first open house was today and today only.  Might as well have gotten it all out of the way at once.  It’s not like I get many days off anymore,” Clint said.
“Well, you’re holding her when they jab her,” you said.
“Aww, man,” Clint asked.  “She’s gonna hate me.”
“Yeah, she will,” you said.  “And I’ll be her favorite forever and ever and ever.”
“Sounds about right,” Clint huffed.  “You know I can afford it right?”
“What, being the mean parent?  I doubt it, Clint,” you teased.  “You wouldn’t last five minutes as the mean one.”
He laughed and shook his head.  “Not that.  The house.  The nice one.”
“Bull… shit,” you said.  “Clint!  You were living like a hobo when I met you.  I’m still not sure if you own a second pair of jeans.”
“I know,” Clint said, taking Natasha off you and putting her on his shoulder and started rocking and patting her back.  She whined and threw her head around as he tried to settle her where you couldn’t.  “And yet, I’ve been working as a spy and the last line of defense for the planet since I was a teenager.  You know how much hazard pay that is?  Plus, up until this little nugget, I had no expenses outside of pizza and Starbucks.  The apartment is free.  It’s just gone in my bank account and sat there.”
You blinked at him slowly, unable to comprehend what he was saying to you.  It definitely made sense that he’d have been paid well considering the kind of work he did.  But you couldn’t quite make that align with the Clint Barton you knew.  Nor how it could be enough to buy a four million dollar house when he hadn’t even invested any of it.  “What?”
“I mean, it’d be most of it.  Or all… but that’d be worth it for her to have a nice home wouldn’t it?”  Clint said.
“What?”  You repeated.
“I just…”  Clint started.
“Natasha Barton?”
The call from one of the nurses interrupted Clint’s attempt at trying to clarify with you.  The two of you approached her and she smiled warmly.  “Through here Mr. and Mrs. Barton.”
You rolled your eyes.  Assuming that you had the same last name since having Natasha was something you had been facing a lot.  To begin with, you had corrected them, but it had gotten to the ‘what’s the point’ phase.  It wasn’t like you ever saw the people who just assumed ever again.
She led you both through to the examination room and began looking Natasha over.  She measured her length and head circumference and weighed her as she asked about the milestones she was supposed to have met by now.  She would fill all the answers into a chart on her computer.  Natasha got more and more distraught throughout the examination, that by the time she was put back into Clint’s arms she was squalling and big fat tears were running down her cheeks.  Your breasts ached at the sound as your milk came in.
“Okay.  Now for the bad part.  Are you going to be holding her?”  She asked.
“Yeah.  I guess so,” Clint said as he tried to calm her down.
She started to settle and Clint sat down with her.  “Okay, dad,” the nurse said as she prepared the needle.  “Cradle her close against you and hold her thigh firmly.”
Clint did as he was told and you looked at him with your eyes narrowed.  “Don’t mess it up,” you said.  “That’s our daughter.” 
“I’ve got her.  I’ve got her,” Clint assured you.
The nurse jabbed her with the needle in the chubbiest part of Natasha’s very chubby little thigh and Natasha fell very quiet and looked up at Clint in shock as the nurse stuck a little round band-aid on the puncture wound.
“Oh no.  That’s the look Caesar gave Brutus,” Clint said, lifting Natasha onto his shoulder and patting her back.
“One more.  If you can switch sides,” the nurse said, getting the next needle ready.
The nurse jabbed the needle into her thigh.  The look of betrayal was twice what it was before and she started screaming.  “No… I’m sorry, baby girl.  It’s so you don’t get sick.  I’m trying to be a good dad,” Clint soothed, looking like he was about to cry too.
When the band-aid was in place Clint stood and held Natasha against his chest rubbing her back while he made shushing sounds.
“If you want to go out to the waiting room you can feed her,” the nurse instructed.  “Wait here for about fifteen minutes.  If she seems fine, you can take her home.”
You headed out to the waiting room with Clint and took a seat.  She was still making that large, hysterical hiccuping sound that kids make when they can’t quite get control of themselves as he placed her in your arms.  When you offered her your breast she made angry baby bird sounds as she started to suckle.
“That is definitely my daughter,” Clint said, laughing a little as he watched you.  He flopped on the hard plastic chair beside you and huffed.  “She’s never going to trust me now.”
“Oh, she’ll be fine.  This is going to be a daddy’s girl.  I can already see it,” you said.
“What do you mean?”  Clint asked.
“You notice that when she’s hysterical you’re always the one that takes her.  She settles for you when she won’t for anyone else.  Including me - the milk machine,” you said.
“Huh,” Clint said, putting his feet on the coffee table.  You swatted his thigh and he put them back on the ground again.  “I guess she does.”
“So, chill.  She loves you.  She’ll forget about this betrayal soon enough,” you said.  “Now… what were we talking about before?  Oh yeah.  You said you have four million dollars in your bank account.”
“Give or take,” Clint confirmed.
“How… how is that possible?  I mean… you don’t own anything,” you said. “Why don’t you spend your money?”
Clint shrugged.  “I don’t know.  I went from the circus, to spy shit, to the avengers.  Never had time or anything I wanted to spend it on.  Except you and Nattie.”
“What about… oh, I don’t know - your ex-wife?”  You asked.
“She was a spy too.  We kinda ended up just even when we broke up,” Clint said.  “She might come out better in that she kept the stuff as well as half the money, but what are you gonna do?  She deserved it.”
“Okay… well, we’re getting a prenup,” you said.
Clint waved you off.  “No.  We don’t need one.  That’s stupid.”
“Clinton Francis Barton!” You scolded.  “Prenups are like insurance.  They aren’t about anyone being mean to anyone else.  You can put in things to protect everyone.  But you need one.  We’re going to talk to Tony.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Clint said saluting.
“Secondly, I don’t want to spend all your money on a house.  We have lots of things to think about now.  School and college and … what if something happens to one of us?  There’d be a lot of expenses.  We should … you should…”
“We,” Clint said, correcting you.
“We should invest it.  And… start a trust for Nattie,” you said.  “The perfect house will come.  I just don’t think we’ve seen it yet.”
Clint leaned over and nuzzled into your neck.  “You’re so smart,” he said.  “And you’re probably right.  I haven’t loved any of them.  But we’ve been looking for so long and I just really don’t want to raise her around the Avengers shit.”
“I know.  I promise.  We’ve figured out everything else.  When we find the house, we’ll know,” you said and kissed his cheek.
Clint hummed and tickled Natasha’s chin.  “Here’s another way you can tell she’s mine.  She just fell asleep with a tit in her mouth.”
You stifled a laugh and elbowed him.  “Don’t talk about your daughter that way.”
He took her back off you and tucked her away in the sling while you straightened out your clothes.  “Shall we go home then?”  Clint said.
“Kinda want to say something corny about it not being our home.”  You replied, getting up.
Clint laughed.  “No.  I got one.”  He said wrapping his arm around your waist.  “Of course it’s home.  You’ll be there.”
You pulled a face at him.  “Oh gag, Clint.  Why did you have to do that?”
Clint broke down into laughter and kissed the top of your head as you headed back out to the car and home.
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