#hopefully that one-sided 'who shall not be named' treatment will end
smoshers-comment · 11 months
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mbfarookh · 6 months
COVID - Condition Of Viral Infectious Delusions
Sitting at home during the COVID lockdown having nothing to do can be quite challenging. Those were the days when we were literally afraid of stepping out.
We were regularly bombarded with a ton of information (useful and useless) via the newspapers, TV news, and the social media each claiming in their own way that the end of the world was near… well, almost near.
No one exactly knew how to cope with this pandemic. Most people, however, were debating as to whether this COVID was natural or man made, an accident or a conspiracy gone wrong. But, what was beyond debate was the tragic loss of lives. The number of lives lost all over the world was catastrophic.
Human nature is such that it strives to see the funny side of life. It seeks comic elements in the throes of despair. No wonder – ‘life lives in spite of death and to spite death’.
Those were the days when my mind would wander and my imagination would flounder (if that is even possible). I began to think more about bacteria, viruses, and the micro-world. My imagination was working overtime. I began to imagine what would be going on in their netherworld, and I fell asleep…zzzzz…
“Good morning, India! And welcome to the SOS News. My name is Carena Vidis. Today, we bring you the latest on Carona Virus.
The corona virus pandemic has been, so far, winning the battle. In fact, it has taken the entire world to ransom. We’re forced to give it the royal treatment it has been demanding.
It’s the Trojan Horse we didn’t know, that entered our body, until it was too late. And, these tiny warriors have found and opened the chinks in our armour for others to enter and play COVID with our immunity.
We were too lazy, and drunk with our own infallibility, like the City of Troy. However, we have escalated the war against this unseen enemy and hopefully, unlike Troy, we shall win���.
Miss Carena Vidis presses a key and a song comes on…
We shall win no matter what
Never ever say we shall not
It is in our mind and our heart
We look cute but are so smart
We shall win no matter what
The fun nights are about to start
After a long fight I'll have a tart
Fighting with germs is a rare art
I’ll sleep after I tear them apart
We shall win no matter what...
Suddenly, the song is interrupted by a flashing sign…
Breaking News!
“It’s not as if we humans are the only ones saddled with this pandemic, news is trickling in that there are problems in the germ world too”.
Deep in the netherworld of microscopic pathogens; the home of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, things were not looking good. Even acute life threatening agents like Cancer, Hanta Virus, Ebola, AIDS etc., were beginning to feel jittery of the new kid on the block.
“Our reporter says…
An emergency meeting was called for and held at the highly secured, fortress like, headquarters of ‘Free The World From Humans’ party.
Cancy Onco, from the Cancer faction and General Secretary of the party, spoke at length about the new threat to their hegemony. The party has a presence in every country and, therefore, it is important to know what transpired in the meeting with regard to recent cataclysmic developments.
Mr Onco, in his opening address, opined that they should all remain united despite the factions in the core committee. He also spoke about the long haul that lay ahead. He requested all factions to bury the hatchet and join their RNAs and proteins to fight the new imposter who was threatening to take over the microbe world.
Onco advised all party members to tune in to the macro world to understand the gravity of the problem facing them. He said the humans were panic-stricken and locked themselves in their houses. Nobody was taking liberties; they also adopted a strict regimen of hygiene and cleanliness. That, according to him, was bad business for the microbe world”.
“We thrive in filth, and the recent focus on purchase of hand sanitizers and house cleaning liquids by humans is driving us out of business”. “We can’t allow that to happen”, he stressed with authority.
Miss Carena Vidis, “We provide you with further specific details received just now through our mole, Mr Gene Marburg, and we believe they are authentic.
Here is rest of the transcript of the meeting…”
Gun Chigun, from the Chikungunya faction, “Sh-t, where did this guy come from, how dare he usurp our territory?”
Jon Den, Dengue faction, “Oh, he jumped parole and hitchhiked from Wuhan”.
“How come, we didn’t know of this dude before”, asked Miss Mos Anophelia of the the Malaria(India) faction. “ Was our intelligence compromised?”
Mr Onco, “No, this guy is adept at disguises, first he appeared as SAARS, then as MERS and now as Carona or COVID.”
There was a collective gasp before an uneasy silence took over. All the members looked visibly shaken.
“How do we deal with this jerk, can’t we send some sharpshooters, maybe snipers, to liquidate this scumbag?” volunteered a confident looking Tubercool Rao of the Tuberculosis(India) faction, also a senior party member.
“No!” said Mr Onco, “Like I said before, he is good at disguises. Our intelligence says that he has many duplicates, as well. He also has access to 1200 WMDs, Protein Bombs, that could destroy the microbe world. So, one mistake could lead to a microbe world war, and we can’t afford that.”
Hiv Aiden, of the AIDS faction and President, “Mr Onco is spot on, we’re hiding with great difficulty from the humans. We must not give away our hideout, even if we have to bear the pain of drugs and chemicals dumped on us”.
Mr Onco’s heart surged with pride as he remarked, “In addition, people from my faction also have to bear the ignominy of Chemo and Radiation. It’s not something for the weak hearted”. He never lost an opportunity to inform the committee of the sacrifices they had made.
“The way the humans are seized with a fear psychosis, I fear they could do something covidiotic and direct their war against us instead of this duffer”; said an enfeebled Scrach Luper representing the almost defunct Leprosy faction.
It was a genuine concern and the old Luper knew a lot more about human behaviour. He was also a highly frustrated relic from the middle ages. He never forgot the fact that if it hadn’t been for a certain Jesus Christ, his faction would have been all powerful and he could have been elected the party general secretary. Now, all his supporters do is scratch.
The atmosphere in the hall was filled with trepidation, but there was also an eerie silence. All the members were lost in their own thoughts. After an eternity of self-introspection, someone dared to speak.
Histos Enteb, head of the ‘Bloody’ Diarrhoea faction and reeking of stale blood croaked, “Why can’t we wait in ambush until this douchebag enters the human body, and then attack him from all fronts?”
Mr Onco, displaying his great knowledge and capabilities, which was one of the reasons why he was successful in clinging to the all-important post, negated the suggestion “Mr RNA Covid, I believe that is his real name, has trained his followers to enter the nasal passage and immediately occupy the lungs.
There, they sit in hiding and multiply and build up an army before they are ready to strike. By the time we realise, it’s too late for us to besiege his bastion. All we can do is sit and pray, this guy can infect humans at an alarming rate”.
Clostros Bots, Vice President FTWFH and also Gen. Secretary of ‘Anti Human Party’ and belonging to the Botulism faction, is a ‘bacter’ who loves isolation and solitude. He seldom speaks, unless there is something worth speaking about. He had been observing the proceedings with a sense of detachment only he could summon. At last he spoke.
“Why do we have to fight this guy and his legion of followers?” He said. “Really, we don’t need to. The humans are doing a good enough job. They are using up all their resources in their war against this Covid bloke. It looks like they’ll succeed in the long run. That’s good for us too, in the meantime, we can lie low and continue to add to our stockpile of weapons.
We also need to develop a reliable defence against the Protein Bomb. After the battle drags on for a year or two, both the parties will be weak and lacking in resources. That will be the time for us to grab the situation to our advantage. If this guy is smart, as I think he is, he will surrender and forced to join our party. Additionally, we can dangle a carrot for him to take the bait, we can offer him the post of Party Spokesgerm”.
“In my opinion, it is good for our business to have him on our side rather than have him working against us”. Saying this, Clostros Bots took a deep breath and slowly sat down in his aluminium can.
The entire committee was struck by the simplicity and clarity of thought. They were wondering why it didn’t occur to them before.
Cancy Onco sprang to the dais and without further ado seconded the proposal. “Has anyone any objections to this brilliant idea?” he roared. All the members stood up in unison and kept on applauding. Cancy Onco took that as a unanimous approval and the motion was passed 121 to nil.
The satellite link from Gene Marburg was lost as he quietly and surreptitiously slithered away from his vantage position moving out with a sense of pride that was not misplaced. He had done his job, now, it was left for us humans to take the war to the nether world of microbes. However, first we had to deal with the immediate job on hand - COVID 19.
Miss Carena Vidis was back on the screen, her face radiant as the morning Sun. She knew it was one of the most important scoops of her ten year career, and she was working non-stop for the last 14 days to get this scoop, if everything went right, she could get a substantial raise.
“This is the SOS News, this was an exclusive scoop we brought to you. Please stay tuned for further updates… and now, the headlines…”
As she was reading out the headlines, she felt a tightness in her throat that wasn’t there a few moments ago. The itching in her throat too was growing… and then, came the first of many coughs. All at once, pandemonium broke loose.
In the pandemonium, I could discern a continuous beeping sound, it kept growing like the horn of a car approaching me. I was groping in the dark to locate the source of the sound, which was now more like ringing. I found something, the ringing stopped. I feebly opened my eyes, my hand was holding a table clock and my forefinger on the alarm off button.
mbfarookh ©
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pepsicup · 3 years
Chaotic Commentary: We Have Always Lived In The Castle
Welcome to my thought process when I watch movies! 
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The arrival of a cousin with ulterior motives threatens the claustrophobic and isolated world of two sisters and their uncle. (Oooof, bitch. I already know Sebastian is gonna look damn fine in this movie.)
Watched: April 22nd, 2021
Alrighty, right off the bat, the opening music giving me very much throwing it back at summer solstice 1531. Might fuck around and show some ankle, who knows
Um miss girl, first off all, i know damn well you aren't wearing a stark white shirt and capris shorts after labour day. And secondly, you gotta work on your self care babygirl, you are looking rough
Okay, so noted; there is clearly something off about this girl because i know when i personally rummage through family keepsakes, i don't have a hannibal look on my face
I don't know if you guys know this but your house...it needs a little 5 minute crafts, diy, extreme makeover: home edition treatment
Ohhhh baddie alert, baddie alert, baddie alert. That chick’s silhouette already got me acting up. Yes sink low to the ground girl, drop it down for me
Short monologue before being cut in half by that creepy ass stare, gotcha. I literally needed more nightmare fuel, thanks bestie
‘A change is coming, and nobody knows it’ how much more change can you get, your house is literally in shambles girl one battle at a time
First Act
Ah, here we are, title screen. Very cottagecore.
Timeskip: What did happen last tuesday, I must know...the suspense is suffocating
I’m not one to judge, but that record doesn’t sound like a life-coaching audio. 
Oh heyyy there's a kitty!
Yes hun, that is a working tap, your telekinesis is redundant. Eleven from stranger things eat your heart out.
Alexandra! Babyyy Daddario! Step on my face or domesticate me into a housewife, i beg of you. The uncle tho, he isn't it.
Chill out Mary, you’re just running errands. Why is she walking in a slow-mo naruto run like that. She is giving me a schizophrenic Napoleon Dynamite vibes.
Wait...is her name Meerkat?
Oh, its Merricat...nah i like mine better lmaooo.
Her inner monologue is making cackle because it sounds like a Gabbie Hanna original piece 💀
Okay what i got from the coffee shop scene was Stella is also a grade A baddie, I want to commit double homicide on those two douches, and i want to invite miss meerkat to my lunch table because awwww. She's just different leave her alone.
Wow, the village folk really know how to talk shit huh? Well, I can eat rats like all of them for every meal of the day, plus snackie snacks. Go fuck yourselves, thoroughly.
God that family needs to smoke some weed or something. Why do I feel like the sisters are about to kiss...and the uncle sounds like he means risky business. Very bad vibes here, back to you in the studio.
Ooooh, miss daddy really knows how to roll her tongue huh? Again, very much cottagecore ‘history says they were just really good friends’ aesthetic. And so many bops in this movie, kinda feel the need to throw it back or do the renegade.
Why do I feel like this next scene is just a posh episode of gossip gorl. Sipping tea and spewing nonsense. Rum cake? No thanks, babygirl. Oh but here comes uncle wanky, whisking away Lucille with his talk of arsenic.
Yes. Speak 8 course meal to me daddy...fuck, now I’m hungry. Okay the uncle isn’t so bad I guess, very poetic and philosophical. Yes, very nice. Sucks that he was roofied and turned to a professor X cosplay for solace, though.
Timeskip: Last Thursday huh? We are in for a rollercoaster folks.
*she glares in rhubarb pie and possibly shelved jam*
OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING, I SAW THE SIDE/BACK OF HIS HEAD AND MY HEART STOPPED. He has a very nice shaped head, yes, pleasing to the eye.
Hi sirrrr, I have a pocket full of horses, trojan and some of them used. Pls let me ride you in the little red corvette. Pick me, Charles, choose me, love me.
Real talk, I feel so bad for Mary Katherine (I literally almost typed Gallagher at the end lmaooo thanks molly shannon) she is obviously struggling with something and Constance looks like she is very traumatized. 
But I still think there’s something not right about Mary. Miss girl no one walks like that (thats a lie, it would probably be me after a night with Bucky barnes) and I love me a little witchy goodness. But not enough to start locking up my bedroom like it’s Area 51 and having secret rituals at my super exclusive, diy bohemian temple in the middle of the woods.
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when he stood up—bitch I’m gone, I’m his whore now. Sorry, I am owned by this man. Bye I was literally launched off earth for a moment there, kinda chillin’ in dead space, standby.
Okay I took a break for a moment. I’m cool, I’m collected, play button is a go. NOPE, GIRL MY MOUTH IS FOREVER OPEN, AND I DUNNO IF I WAS MY BODY TELLING ME TO KNEEL IN FRONT OF HIM OR WHAT—SOMEONE HOLD ME
Current state: I am hugging my knees and wasting away under my blankets. I paused and played and paused and played because I cant go more than 2 seconds of looking at him.
Okay, I’m all good.
All I keep saying is no...no ...NO, louder and louder every time he opens his mouth, ‘got a hug for your cousin?’ um not a cousin but yes, right bitch for that job present for attendance. Here ✋🏻
Girl I’d run like the wind, too, this kitty isn’t gonna dry itself, nyuuuooom, double time! Fall in, Rogers. Gotta keep up. 🏃🏻‍♀️
Timeskip: Last Friday night, yeah we dance on table tops and we took too many shots, I think I gave Charles a blo-oh-job, whoops—
Ah, see I knew there was something fruity about Charles, hopefully he kisses a boy in this. Would love to see that. 
Uh oh, the way he just pops that fruit into his mouth...I fine, I’m totally fine. Mentally I am... the way he chews if making my oral fixation quake
‘now that’s a handsome cat’ sir if you don’t—he wonders why he is such a fucking meme, this is why Sebastian. 
‘Jonassss’ which one of the brothers, tho? 
Ah yes, the best of friends; Meerkat, Frankie Jonas and a middle-aged Carter Baizen. Ugh mega sad that this is the closest I will get to see Charles pet a puthycat though.
Why don’t you slap my ass like a flapjack pancake, Charles. You won’t.
OMG so quirky 🤪when you steal his shirts 🥺🤪🥰
Who the is venice, Charles? Who, who, what are you, a fucking owl? WHO’S VENICE AND WHY IS SHE YOUR FAVOURITE?! sorry i had to get that out of my system, iconic cinema shall not be overlooked. 
all this commentary is fresh from my chicken breast brain by the way
All i heard out of that little inspirational, facebook-esque speech at the dinner table was was shoes. Also peep Frédéric Chopin banging in the background noise, a little Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 to keep party goin’
Charles...that is your cousin.
It isn't a PHASE, Charles. Let him be emo over his dead brother and great tragedy of losing his legs then gaining the likeness of sir patrick stewart. Therefore, he will not forget.
Oh...i’ll sit down i guess. 
I COULD LITERALLY—...I could literally watch him eat for the rest of my life pls sir have murthy
Grocery boy...hmmm reminds me of a yee ole jingle i heard in my youth. What can i say, I’m a connoisseur of the classics my friends.
Sidenote: I’m getting vietnam flashbacks to singing ‘carol of the bells’ at the elementary christmas concert. I am overstimulated. And not in a good way.
Charles...do not add that newspaper clipping of your cousin to your personal spank bank, pls.
Timeskip: Last weekend, alright. What did we do; brewski’s with the boys? Hockey night in canada? one legged race? I’m dying to know...
Very nice form charles, you’ve almost dug right through the wood. A real mans-man here if we are being honest. I’ve never in whole life seen a construction crew do better than Charles Blackwood.
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I could watch him do this all day.
Pearl necklace huh? Me too, girl.
‘I’m beginning to think, that my spells no longer work’ 8-year-old me, sitting in a bath full of salt and a charm bracelet of rock candy dissolving in the water after my fifth attempt to transform into a mermaid
Aw, but i would sit out there and eat a sandwich with Meerkat. Hell yeah, we can go halfsies on a BLT no problem 😢
oh no...Charles.
Here is my first sexual grievance, the way he carried that sack over his shoulder, mmm yes i have been fed most wonderful nutrients. BUT NEXT?! THE TWO FINGERS LINE AND THE FUCKING MOTION HE DID AND SAYING SHE WASN’T GOING DEEP ENOUGH PLS
what is with this man and gold...alright debutante Lance Tucker simmer down.
And the ‘hot’ thing, ‘needing a bath’? miss daddy is working it in for her cousin real hard, sweet home alabama all summer long
Oh, so there’s this ominous whistling, nice, a blade kink, cool, and Charles serving body audi audi audi audi all the damn day. Hi sirrrrr. God i just love his chest, man. Its just so buff. He looks this good for what? And in front of his cousin...ew? um child, anyways so
the way my stomach clenched in the most uncomfortable way just shows that my body doesn't care about my comfort when it comes to thirsting and simping. He didnt have to look at her like that or fucking back her out
oh to be a chair...
esteemed audience member sac is a little tired of hearing cousin charles and cousin mary call each other cousin charles and cousin mary
Charles, eat your fruit and shut the fuck up. But also, hi sirrr.
I see you, Constance, I see you...tig ol’ bitties 👀
Timeskip: It’s Monday without the benefit of a sebastian stan, full frontal nude scene...smh
baby, just give up on the step and go fondle some plants please, i’m begging, stop at once. or, i spoke too soon?
If i have to hear sebastian say constance one more time i am going suck down all the arsenic i can find...he just says it so weird lmaoooo i hate it
Climax (make it happen, Charles 🙄)
Aw i love fruity, coffee shop, car men AU’s
that shot of him looking over his shoulder single handedly sent to into a spiral...what the fuck are you doing to me, Charles.
uh oh...one of the car men is madddd
why dont you just come up behind her and literally growl in her ear what the fuck, Charles. I swear sebastian plays his characters just to make women go feral sometimes.
that little ‘aahh’ at the end when he drank it all got me, oh my fucking jesus. Hold on i need a minute, my stomach hurts from laughing my guts out.
Oooof but the eye-contact and the expressions are computing mega well to my chicken breast brain so fanfics will be written and sin will be committed so help me lord jesus on the cross almighty, amen (sorry i’m ex-catholic, its just my go-to)
pfffft that is so iconic, Mary is literally gathering sticks in the pitch black woods while Charles basically puts down his own wood for her sister to pick up on fjgrebgnuierijiojfd, i’m dying
why does he have to pull that poetic, sensitive stud act...just give us the goods charles, slap someone i’m begging you
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This is like star wars all over again, they served head-on into on-coming incest traffic 
*holds up finger guns* sir, ma’am i’m gonna need you to put your hands behind your heads and get down on your knees exactly 8.92 feet apart, this is a citizen’s arrest 
but, i too would like to slow dance and make plans with him. Maybe we’ll go deep in the garden with two fingers on top of the rhubarb, maybe we will commit arson, who knows...
Meerkat continues to be my every mood, she really said:
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Timeskip: Oh shit, its tuesday ya’ll, grab your party hats it’s about to get funky
Charles, if you don’t shut the fuck up and stop yelling out her name i will suffocate you between my thighs, electrocute your arm until it falls limp and shoot you with a grenade launcher, don’t make me do it
And yes, am i currently squirming in my seat because of the way he is smoking the pipe and hollowing his cheeks, what about it?
Second Act 
Yes baby girl! you trash that room like ozzy osbourne and tommy lee did to that motel on tour in 1982. Go, Meerkat, go!
Charles holding those sticks in both hands is the equivalent to a 1-year-old holding those little cocktail weenies, it has the same energy and i’m dying over it
Try to tell me it's not the same picture:
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You can't.
Oh shit, its getting heated now. Mary’s in trouble.
Everything isn’t making sense at the same time its all coming together, i am confused, frightened, a little bit horny, but mostly just entirly overwhelmed. Mom...can you come pick me up, i’m scared.
Oh my god! knew it! i knew i knew the actor that plays the uncle, he's the creepy thin man from charlie's angels! Wowza, what a world.
Oh no...i’m flashing back to vietnam again, the fucking bells dude i’m tellin’ ya. There is so much going on, i feel everything but nothing at the same time, help...
What in the criss angel mindfreak is going on in here on this day? Who are they? And why is the broad such a bitch...oh is she the mom? My bad. Pops seems nice though. Yes, indeed.
Awh, hiii frankie jonasss. 🥰
Oh here we go with the eating again. If i have to see him flex his jaw one more time i’m gonna go feral. And on the usual, loud and obnoxious noises like the ones he is making when he takes a bite, or chew or swallow food/a drink like the who fucking milk debacle. But he just makes it okay? Maybe its just my eating disorder bias coming into play but how can someone be sexy while eating, or smug? Like huh???
‘Why dont you like me?’ WHY DO YOU CARE CHARLES, GODDAMN IT
Is he playing the sad boi card reallyyy? You want someone to say thank you? Put yourself to good use then. I can think of a lot of ways you can use that mouth better than going on these strange mini-monolgues like some tortured writer with a kink for control...and breatheee
And she’s back with the Eleven telekinesis, sweet kat that is a meer you have running water! Pfft she is actually dressed like eleven too, like what. Oh wait did i just uncover the plot?
Breaking News: Eleven holds a whole town hostage.
Jesus with Charles eating, Mary getting the sudden urge commit arson, miss daddy looking so fucking fine that i would literally throw myself in front of a bus just to get her attention, and uncle X with his weird theatre act: my blood pressure must be through the roof
Wow hes got a temper, but poor connie, shes a hot mess lmaooo
Oh god...oh god okay this is happening, oh wow, you didn't even get through dinner first charles jesus. Listen, i never give choking up on the first date but if i had the chance...i don't want any sausages other than his, i said what i said
and it keeps going?? ummmmmm i ummmmmm, i don’t have words. I was not warned of this savagery and i don’t know if i’m going to be able to write for anyone other than Charles for a whillllleeee, hun, apologies
Good to know he also uses his super soldier senses in another universe to sense a fire deep in his loins like the dramatic king he is
Now he is driving away and laying on the horn, nice
Oh ho ho, yessssss my coffee shop baddie, my black coffee queeeeeennn Stelllaaaaa. She said, Superhero mode real quick.
ummmm uncle x with the sick mustache...thats certain death? I mean if you are into that sort of thing, have at it.
Okay still driving, people are crying over the bed burning into dust, the heavily disable man is still smoking the good stuff...got it.
Big red truck go Honk, Honk.
Oh here come all the old, white men. Lovely.
‘oh-hooo yeah, thats a fireeeee’ as far as old white men go, that was pretty fucking funny to me
Yeah its gonna be in the arms of the angels real soon if you girls dont get the fuck out????
‘We’re firemen’ and i’m a homo, you want a gingerbread cookie or something? put out the damn fire PLEASE 💀
Ummm you’re too late, i was already wet before you got that camera spray shot, dawg, oh but that poor camera guy lol
AND WEI’RE GOONA LETIT BÜRN BÜRN BÜRN BÜRN, everybody its a singalong
hi, yeah...fuck off, jim
charles, you greedy bastard i dont know if should be ashamed when i say that i would still let him top me quite violently even still
Wow this rave got out of hand really fast, i blame marilyn manson
another day, another professor X 😪🔫💀☠️🔥🔪 𝚛𝚒𝚙, 𝕗𝕝𝕪 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙, 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔢 𝔪𝔦𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔡
i swear to go if anything happens to either my coffee mama or baby miss daddy i will reign hellfire.
Oh so it takes a gunshot for Charles to do a 360 running man but not a jay gatsby meets canadian, hockey riot, emo rave. Gotcha. Hes a man with a code.
That’s what you get for hoeing after your cousin, constance. This is all your fault!
Timeskip: Ooohhh, yesturrrrdayyyy all my troubles seems so far away--
hunny that ain’t the moon, thats your super secret boho alter
Noooo the kitchennnn, that was my favourite room, other than the bathroom for obvious reasons, I hope the milk cartons are okay...👀
I guess meerkat isn't getting her num-nums, and charles is just going to have to live with charred fruit if he decides to come back
Oohhere'ss the tea, it's about damn time! I called it! I knew ms variant mongoose was the one who did the fucky things! But i was shocked to find out that Mary was the favourite child over connie, hmm very much bad parenting
ooooh, knock knock, is it charlie-boy? oh, thats disappointing, its just that gossip chick and her husband, boooooo
Never again...never. We get it baby daddy. 
oh? another knock? HAHAHAHAHA ITS THE FIRE GUY LMAOOO, what a king. He reminds me of stan lee!
What aare these people doing, they aren't goddess you give offerings to so that your crops will be plentiful, fuck off man. ANOTHER KNOCK..
and i opp-- herreeeees charlie!
‘friends’ sir you were halfway in her pantaloons, stop trying to act all innocent, the fuck. Wow hes really going for it huh? 
did he just rip the chain off? Oh charles relax, its door, you don't need to moan like that.
Uhm, i love connie, so fuck you charles you twisted, manipulative burnt cornstalk of a human being. Oh yeah throw a hissy fit, that's real attractive, keep going, she’ll totally say yes.
*standing ovation* give it up for meer-to-the-kat, bravo kid! OH NO HES DEAd, YOU CAN STOP NOW
hahahaha guess whos deep in the garden now, Charles.
Ooh and we are back to start, nice. Children, she's a seasoned murder, might wanna chill on the whole bit you got going on.
Good, smile andddd scene!
Final Thoughts
Okie Dokie, I actually liked this movie a lot.
The acting was absolutely phenomenal, especially on Alexandra’s Daddario and Taissa Farmiga’s part, the characters were so well played. They focused in on so different points of view in this story that it captured the chaos that they were living individually and as a group under one roof. It constantly kept you on edge with the strange nuances in their dialogue, unnerving pauses and the progression of the condition of each character. 
It was great. The aesthetic was there, the small but necessary breaks with dark humour really kept the story flowing and most of all, the fervour. It was everywhere, in their emotions or outbursts like Charles at the dinner table and on the stairs, or the way the townspeople kept adding fuel to their own personal hell. And I must admit, it's hard to make characters like Jim the firefighter relevant, but every person that this story involves has a distinct purpose and significance to the plot.
The only negative thing I could think of was I just wish there was more, I wanted it to be longer so that the small gaps in the movie could have been powerful. Okay, what else. Yes, Charles Blackwood, despite all of...that, will make a great character for me to touch on and has a lot of interesting qualities that I will be sure to tap into. Oh! And the only reason why no one else is getting the stan award was that my coffee mama was the only character who wasn't off the rails or just a terrible waste of human life! We stan!
Hoped you enjoyed this and my questionable thought process, I’m gonna go now...bye lol
Overall Score: 8.5/10
🏆  Honorary Stan Award: Stella Ella Ola, Clap Clap Clap. Periodt.
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ka-za-ri · 4 years
Descent Pt. 10 (Finale)
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚  IT’S TIME.
Hello! I would honestly really like to thank every one of you who’s read this and encouraged me during this long ride! It’s been a wild one and it’s been an honor to share this smutty smut fest to you all. I’m a little sad that it’s over, but hopefully after some time away from writing this fic I’ll come back and write one last bonus chapter. Because what’s my writing without boning a demon amirite?
Chapter Index and Obey Me! Masterlist: here Ao3 Mirror: Here Part [1] Part [2] Part [3] Part 4: [4] Part [5] Part [6] Part [7] Part [8] Part [9] Part [10]
  Pairing: Simeon x Reader Genre: Angst, fluff, smut Wordcount: 7,100 ish   Tags: Angst, Fluff, Smut Summary: Accepting and confronting feelings come with the consequence of a fall.
You had fully intended to go home as usual after a session with Simeon. Even if the post coital cuddles were much desired and needed, he always kept business and personal relations separate. You knew better than to get too attached to the warmth and comfort of his embrace. It pained you to know he would always approach your relationship with a cool detachment and you expected things to be the same as usual this time as well.
The endorphins of such an intense session sedated the both of you, letting you fall into a comfortable doze for a bit. Simeon clung to you as he slept, rousing you from your slumber more than once as his arms wrapped around you tighter. He whimpered from time to time, twitching and clutching you tighter as if you could drive away whatever bad dreams he had. It was strange to see him so possessive, not that you minded. Even if it was only when he slept, he was at least comfortable enough around you to let down his guard a little bit. By the time you needed to leave and catch the last train home, his limbs were tangled with yours and there was no way to move without waking him up.
“Simeon, I have to go…” You protested, trying to pry yourself from him.
He groaned and only pressed himself against you more in his half-asleep state. “No.” He whined.  “Stay the night, please. I don’t want to be alone.” His voice was surprisingly quiet and it cracked at the end of his plea.
Your heart skipped a beat at his sudden confession and any desire you had to leave immediately disappeared. “Okay, okay. I’ll stay.” You reassured, patting his arm and his hold on you relaxed just a bit.
Simeon sighed in content and took in your scent when you agreed to stay. His breathing stuttered for a moment as he savored your warmth next to his own. In a rare moment of vulnerability, he allowed himself the chance to indulge in a show of affection. Normally, he would have brought up his walls and politely seen you off. Yet, something prevented him from doing that right away this time. Likely, it had to do with the burning feeling that settled in his chest earlier when he saw you being fucked by Lucifer. The image and the feeling refused to go away, causing him to be needier than usual.  
He couldn’t go back to the way things were before when he was simply asking you to do things for the sake of his book. It was impossible to deny that he had budding feelings he needed to confront. The consequences of being too deeply involved in the human realm laid heavily on his shoulders and he didn’t want to think about them when he had you in his arms. He need to recenter himself and stay rational while he tried to figure out a way to reclaim who he was before this all happened. To do that, his feelings had to be carefully locked away. Wearily, he brought up the walls around his heart once more even though your close proximity threatened to tear them down at any moment.
You turned over to look at him and noticed he still had the collar on. Carefully, you helped him out of it. Unbuckling the ornate clasp was surprisingly harder than you anticipated, especially since you didn’t want to hurt Simeon. When it was finally pulled away and thrown to the side, it was hard to not notice how he skin of his neck had been rubbed raw from receiving such rough treatment throughout the night. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, tentatively tracing the tender skin and he winced at the touch.
“Don’t be. I’m alright. I promise.”  He reassured, but there was no conviction behind his words. He pulled away from you, ignoring the throbbing around his neck from where the collar had sat for so long.
You decided to leave the issue for the time being. Simeon wasn’t a stranger to harming himself, the long scars on his back was proof of that. Why he thought such self punishments were necessary were beyond your comprehension and you couldn’t begin to think about how to comfort him whenever this habit of his came up. You only had a few canned, rehearsed words that everyone had been taught to say and countless empty promises that you could never keep. You wanted to believe he would reach out for help if he needed it; however, if you knew anything about Simeon, it was that he would never say what he wanted.
“Shall I draw you a bath?” he asked quietly after a long lull of silence. He was staring at a point just past your head, in a daze and not quite focused as he normally was. As if he noticed how zoned out he was, he blinked and made proper eye contact with you. “I’m sure you’re tired, and it’ll give me a chance to change the sheets so you don’t have to keep sleeping on the mess I made.” He smiled softly, already in the middle of getting out of bed to start running the water.
There they were again. Those walls you worked so hard break through had been rebuilt in the short time you had been nodding off in his arms. When you weren’t fully focused on him, he was pushing you gently to the side, distancing himself and the cool detachment was more than a little depressing for you. It felt like with every time you got him to open up, the more he closed off his feelings. You thought you had gotten somewhere when he asked you to stay, but it seemed to be a temporary lapse.
He beckoned you to the bathroom shortly after, the tub was already half full and you could smell the jasmine oil he had put in there to help ease the aches and pains away. If anything, you thought he deserved a bath more than you did, but he was adamant about attending to your needs first and foremost. “Please take as much time here as you’d like. I’ll get a robe for you in a bit.” He turned to take his leave but you stopped him, holding onto his hand and tugging him closer.
“Won’t you stay? You need to get cleaned up too, don’t you?”
He smiled, though the emotion didn’t reach his eyes. “Unfortunately, the tub is not large enough for two.” He reasoned.
Before you could further insist that he stay by your side, he was already through the door and off to change the sheets like he said he would.
You sighed, knowing you weren’t going to get anywhere else with him for the night and slipped into the bath. The hot water did wonders to your sore muscles. Whatever he put into it only aided in relaxing you to a point where you were quickly dozing off in the bath. Your mind was much more active than your body, replaying all the events that lead up to this moment. From the first hesitant time in that sunroom all the way to the moment he surrendered his body to you, your relationship and your feelings for him had only deepened.
You felt a wave of guilt wash over you as you mulled over the discussion you had with him so long ago, going through the things he was comfortable with doing and what he absolutely refused to do. Somewhere along the line, you had pushed aside his boundaries in pursuit of getting what you wanted out of your agreement. You ended up assuming that he desired you the same way you desired him. Upon this realization, it was no longer a wonder why you were being politely pushed away.
You lost track of how long you had been in the tub. Your disheartening thoughts pulled you down a deep rabbit hole where you analyzed every moment you shared, wondering where you had gone wrong and when you had become so inconsiderate. Your mind ran in circles while your body slowly shut down from exhaustion.
Simeon thought you died in the tub when he found you. Your torso was practically hanging out the side of the tub and you didn’t respond when he called your name the first time. To say he was relieved when he saw you twitch slightly after he called you again would have been an understatement. He sighed softly, setting the robe he brought in to the side and gently propped you up. “Come now, Little Lamb. You’ll catch a cold if you sleep like that.” He chided.
You blinked, clearing your bleary vision and grumbled at him, brushing his hands away. “Just a few more minutes.” You whined.
“The water is no longer warm, you’ll get sick if you stay in here any longer.” He was insistent, half dragging you out of the tepid water much to your dismay.
Simeon wrapped you in the largest towel he had, smiling softly the whole time you were turned away from him. The fluffy bath sheet smelled of lavender and something else you couldn’t quite place, but it was a familiar scent. You clearly did not seem to be in any state to properly care for yourself and he took it upon himself to properly dry you off. It wasn’t often he got to dote on you in the way he wished, and it seemed the only time he would get the chance was when you were barely conscious after being fucked out of your mind.
Seeing you barely able to stay on your feet, Simeon almost carried you back to bed. Stay distant. Do not meddle any further. Though he knew he was likely too far gone to return to the Celestial realm with any sort of good grace, he childishly thought it might not be too late to rectify his wrongs.
He took you by your hand, lead you back to bed and tucked you in. It took no time at all for you to fall asleep on the newly changed sheets. You hogged a majority of his pillows and the blankets, but he didn’t mind. Only when he was sure you were soundly asleep did he allow himself the chance to shower off the worst of the fluids which had caked themselves onto his skin. As he watched the water swirl down the drain, he wonder if he really stood a chance against Lucifer’s wiles and seduction. He couldn’t get the image of you being taken by another man out of his head no matter how hard he distracted from himself.
That dull, burning feeling spread across his chest once again. The ache of yearning for something he could never have consumed his being. And as the conflicting emotions warred within him, he sank into the corner of the shower, letting the water pelt at him until it ran cold. Even then, he didn’t feel like he he had the energy to drag himself out of the shower. The moment he left, he knew that he would need to decide between his devotion to you or to the…
Gods were known to be all benevolent. He had experienced and executed the outcome of such goodness to many before. He thought, perhaps the gods would remember his good deeds and forgive his few misgivings in the human realm. After he finally pulled himself off the chilled floor of the shower and got dressed, he reached for the rosary tucked in the back corner of his night stand and knelt in reverence to the Heavenly bodies above.  
For the first time in a very long time, Simeon prayed before going to sleep. He pleaded for forgiveness and mercy. He prayed for a sign to save him from his inevitable fate somehow. Kneeling on the hard floor, he hoped his words could invoke the infinite benevolence of the Celestial realm to save his soul. He recited prayer after prayer, hoping that those above could excuse his lapses of judgment in his assignment to observe and understand humans. He was wrong, he had known that since the first time asked for your help. He had been so naive and confident, he had somehow lost his way.
Simeon had been so sure he could have anticipated the moment of his fall. He could have sworn all he had to do was abstain from defiling you. In his prayers, he apologized for being so simple minded, he confessed to the countless sins he committed onto your body without having tainted you. He had foolishly trusted himself too much and ended up falling for you in a way that was equally taboo.
He omitted his feelings from his prayers. If the other angels were watching, surely they would already know the truth behind his actions. It was all rooted in an intoxicating addiction to the temptation that was you. Outside of all the lewd acts, he adored you, cherished you and deeply wished he could give you the world on a platter if only he was allowed the chance to.
Yet his pride stood in the way. His stubborn need to cling onto what the Celestial realm deemed as divine kept him from sacrificing everything. Simeon hoped that his prayers would be heard as he implored the powers that be for forgiveness. If he received an answer, he could turn back. There was still time. His knees ached as he recited prayer after prayer. He hummed hymns and sang praises in a futile attempt to curry favor in his direction once more. He stayed in the corner of his room until the pain of kneeling became too much.
Ha, I must be getting old. I used to be able to do this all day...
He shouldn’t have been surprised when there was no reply from the heavens. It seemed that he was already beyond salvation in their eyes.  
If he had been a stronger man, he would have practiced decorum and slept in a separate room, or at least on the floor that night. However, Simeon was weak; weaker than he had ever thought he could be. His muscles and joints felt like they creaked when he finally got up and made his way to bed.
He was careful not to rouse you when he crawled feebly under the sheets and laid next to you. He could hear your deep breathing and the light snore coming from you as you slept soundly. Curling his body behind your own and wrapping his arms around you felt so right. Whatever resolve he had for keeping human temptations at bay dissolved as soon as you were in his arms and his own breathing evened out. The gods above had forsaken him, there was nothing left but to embrace the beautiful dreams that came whenever he was with you.
He would see you off in the morning, tell you how much he appreciated you and how much fun he had the night before. In a rare show of affection, he kissed your cheek and hugged you tightly before you set off for the day. He kept everything cordial and guarded his feelings close to his chest while you were still around him. As soon as you said your farewells and walked through his door, he felt his whole world fade into a grainy shade of gray. With every step you took, the color evaporated from his vision until there was nothing left but a dull monochrome.
Alas, it seemed the most disgraceful thing to the gods was the feeling of…
Falling in love with Simeon was not something you expected when you first met him. Your intial impression when you first met him was that he did not fit your mental image of an author. You had expected someone much mousier and less refined. That first meeting changed your life. Not only did it begin your career, but it also planted a seed of affection deep in your heart for a soft spoken, eloquent, beautiful person. Pushing your feelings to the side had been easy enough in the beginning, you could pretend your infatuation was because of how star struck you were to work for the Christopher Peugeot.
Of course, you were young and naive to have thought those emotions would go away with time. Those budding feelings only took root and spread into what they were today. You were obsessed and hopelessly in love with a man who would never open up to you.
In the following days after you left, Simeon continued to distance himself. You didn’t blame him. You had a fair amount of thinking to do on your own. Life carried on as normal, or as normally as it could when there wasn’t a book being written. Simeon had requested a well deserved break from writing in order to brainstorm his next bestseller. There was the obligatory call that you had to make at the beginning of his break to ensure he would have something to present once his little vacation was over; but outside of that, you left him alone. It was likely for the best. Your one way infatuation with him had become an unhealthy obsession as of late and the distance would allow for you to properly sort your thoughts out.
You picked through a few freelance offers to edit short stories during the lull in your main work. It was boring and tedious, but it kept food on the table and your bills were paid on time. The shorter length and the sporadic nature of such work meant you had much more time to dwell on your thoughts. Without any outside influences like a nosy bartender or an overly familiar CEO, it was easier to sort out your feelings for Simeon and figure out how you wanted to proceed the next time you had a chance to meet him privately.
The fact that he still most likely had that chastity cage on his cock was not lost to you. Every time you thought about it, a pang of guilt ripped through your chest. You had done a fair number of things to push his boundaries and you couldn’t blame him if he hated you. There was a hollowness in his voice when he saw you off that rang in your head. You always thought his eyes had a bright life and joy to them, but if you thought too much about that day, you could recall how dull and dark they were even when he smiled.
You hated to think that you could be the reason why he was like that.
You wanted to contact him and maybe discuss things between the two of you, preferably without Lucifer. Your feelings and infatuation was with Simeon and no one else. After days of contemplating the events of your last session, you came to the conclusion that whether or not Simeon would fuck you was a negligible aspect of your relationship with him. You needed to stop pushing him and let him come to you when he was ready. Sure, it was frustrating when he didn’t express his needs, but you never considered that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t comfortable enough around you to do so.
He trusted his body to you. Upon reflection, it felt like you had taken everything he gave you for granted. The importance of his actions and words were all disregarded in favor of what you wanted. The guilt of such neglect ate at you from the inside. Now, the least you could do in repentance was respect his wishes and his need for space. You had expected him to reach out to you once his break started, but it had been a dead radio silence ever since he announced it. You worried about his well being constantly, checking your phone as soon as you woke and right before you went to bed for any messages. You caught yourself mindlessly refreshing your phone for hours on end, hoping that he would be the first to contact you.
Then again, you shouldn’t have been surprised when there was no reply to your wordless prayers.
The pain of distance you experienced now was a necessity. You needed to accept that and practice patience if you wanted to have another chance to make things right. The heartache from being so far apart for so long ate away at your soul, but you knew it was something that you deserved it. Day by day, as you continued to wait patiently, the color in your world drained away into a grainy shade of…
Grey skies were common at the end of winter. They fit well with his outlook on life these days. Simeon walked a lot, now. He let his feet wander and take him to no goal in particular. It was an odd sort of meditation in a way and it let him clear his mind in a way that his home could no longer do. Every surface and corner of his abode reminded him of you. Getting out and breathing in the crisp, cold air cleansed his mind and his lungs.
He’d wander until he couldn’t feel his legs or his nose. At first, the cold winds whipped and cut his skin, making his lips crack and bleed if he spent too much time out. However, he got used to it quickly. The mixture of pain and peace brought him a calm that couldn’t be achieved elsewhere. He loved the soft quiet that came with snow. It muffled the sounds of the city as well as the sounds of his heart beating. The peaceful atmosphere soothed the frazzled edges of his mind and amplified the hollow feeling of loneliness in his chest.
Simeon didn’t take a heavy coat with him whenever he went out. A sweater was sufficient for his needs. He may or may not have received odd stares, but he couldn’t be bothered. None of those people mattered to him anyway. He only sought the approval of two beings and one of them had turned their back on him when he begged for a bit of forgiveness.
Winter was letting up slowly, giving way to chilly rains which soaked him to the bone whenever he took one of his long walks. He usually didn’t mind it, but when the rain became a downpour, he had no choice but to seek shelter somewhere until the worst of the storm was over. Looking at his surroundings, he could have laughed when he saw his feet had somehow taken him all the way to your neighborhood.
He had maybe visited you a handful of times since he first met you. It wasn’t often he got a chance to go see you considering your work revolved around him. He wanted to see you, he wanted to hear your voice and hold you. That desire was enough to make him take a step towards your door. As he got closer, he could hear a part of him tell him to turn away before he fell any deeper for you.
Unfortunately for that rational part of him, falling didn’t scare him anymore. With the Celestial Realm averting its gaze from him, he was free to accept the darkness that he willingly cultivated within himself. If anything, it meant he was allowed to feel something besides emptiness. He didn’t deserve the chance to see you again, but it did nothing to stop the desires
Simeon was knocking on your door before he realized what he was doing. His body seemed to move on its own when it knew you were close. You drew him towards you like a moth to a flame and he would be forever entranced by you. As your door opened, a gust of warm air washed over his body and the gray world around him shattered into a thousand brightly colored pieces. “I… I’m sorry, I just didn’t know where else to go.”
His voice sounded foreign to him, the most familiar thing he knew was your soft expression as you lead him indoors away from the cold.
“You’re lucky I was in the middle of getting a bath ready.”  you said as you hurriedly shuffled his soaked frame to the bathroom once his shoes were off. An inviting tub full of steaming hot water was waiting for him when you finally got him through the door of your bath room. He took a deep breath and the scent of sandalwood and oranges filled his lungs. He recognized it as the scent that always lingered on your clothes over your perfume. Just having his senses filled with something that reminded him of you warmed him much more than the balmy temperature of the bathroom.
“I think I have something that might fit you, if not I definitely have a robe.” you mumbled to yourself, already pulling out a spare towel out of a nearby cabinet for him. “Just leave the wet clothes on the floor, I’ll throw them in the wash for you when you’re done.”
You scurried off to dig through your closet in search for spare clothes, leaving him to him to his own devices. Simeon sighed, smiling for the first time in what felt like weeks. Finally seeing you in person, he needed to accept just how much he missed you and just how whenever you were around, his world was…
Colorful clothes of all sorts were strewn across your bedroom floor as you tried to find that over-sized sweater you swore you saw just the other day. You didn’t want Simeon to wear just a robe, the one you owned was likely too small for him, but it looked like you wouldn’t have a choice in that matter considering you didn’t think anything else you owned would fit him.
He had appeared at your door like the answer to your prayers. You were getting antsy from the dead air between the two of you and it had been shaping up to be another day of listlessly staring at your phone while you waited for a message. With the storm brewing outside, you had fancied a nice long bath to combat both the cold and the dreary weather. Just as you were ready to hop in, you heard the knocking at your door.
Seeing Simeon so drenched and pitiful broke your heart. It didn’t matter why, or how he had arrived at your abode, you immediately dragged him to the bath as soon as you could. He clearly needed it more than you. It also meant he deserved much better than a too small robe to wrap himself in after he was done soaking. Unfortunately, it seemed like there would be no other options considering you couldn’t find that damn sweater you were thinking about.
Tiptoeing back to the bathroom, you knocked softly before cracking the door open. “Hey, I found a robe, it… just might not fit you, sorry about that.” you apologized, feeling like a terrible host. You stuck your hand through the crack and laid the robe on the sink, ready to slink away and let him have his space. Even if you wanted to be near him, you needed to remind yourself that he would approach you when he was ready, you couldn’t rush or push him more than you already had.
You grew concerned though when he didn’t respond to your intrusion. Curiosity got the better of you and you pushed the door open a bit more to see if he was alright. The sight you were greeted with was not what you expected, to say the least.
Simeon sat in the tub, staring blankly at the tiles in front of him. He looked like he was in a daze, barely aware of his surroundings. Most concerning of all was the fact that he hadn’t even bothered to take his clothes off. He was still wearing the rain drenched sweater and faded jeans he arrived in.
“Simeon?” You called out to him, quietly padding closer to make sure he hadn’t fallen asleep. He turned sluggishly and gave you the barest nod. The bright blues of his eyes was so dull and dark, you worried he had somehow gotten sick in the short time you had left him on his own.
Kneeling down next to the tub, you peeled off the sodden sweater off his torso, tossing the thing into the sink before looking down at his jeans. He didn’t say anything to you as you went through the clinical actions of stripping him for the sake of his comfort. Your hand brushed against the metal bindings around his cock and he let out a hiss, the first indication that he was really aware of what was going on around him.
“Simeon, are you--”
“I’m fine.” he cut in. “I’m fine.”
There was no conviction in his voice as he tried to reassure you. He repeated those words over and over again as if they were a mantra, mumbling them under his breath. “I’m fine...”
His voice cracked when he looked at you, unshed tears being barely held back. No matter how much he told himself that the Heavens didn’t care and all he had to do was just accept the fall, he couldn’t shake off the fear of the consequences. There you were, inches away from him, calling for him as if you could hear his desperate prayers for salvation.
If the Heavenly Father would no longer listen, he at least had you. With you, any consequence was bearable.
“I’m fine. As long as I’m with you...” He whispered, pulling you closer to him for a slow, tender kiss.
When his lips met yours, a warmth blossomed throughout him. The hollow ache in his chest was immediately filled with a pleasant fluttering that spread through his limbs. Your unique aroma overpowered the perfume of sandalwood and oranges in the water. The cloying combination made him dizzy and drunk with his affection for you. The smell would forever be connected to the last temptation that made an angel fall.
His cradled the back of your head as he kissed you like it was the first time. The taste of your lips was sweeter than the ripened celestial peaches that immortals coveted so much. He breathed out slowly through his nose before taking a deep breath, filling his lungs with the smell of love and his impending fall from grace.
You moaned softly against his lips, gasping for breath from how tender yet passionate it had all been. He took that moment to swipe his tongue across your lower lip before delving into the caverns of your mouth and deepening the kiss even further. The sounds Lucifer elicited from you would be nothing compared to the songs he would get you to sing under his touch.
When he finally broke the kiss on his own terms, your lips were swollen and glistened with his saliva. The light in his eyes had returned and you noticed the familiar hard glitter of desire in them. He pulled you into a tight embrace, half dragging you into the tub with him to kiss the rest of your face and whatever skin he could get access to. You squealed in surprise, stumbling to keep your balance and pressed yourself against him. His breath was hot against your ear as he continued to press his lips everywhere he could. “I… I want you… Will you have me?”
You could barely believe what you heard. You wanted to pull away and look at him properly, but his embrace was strong and held firm. The kisses he laid on your skin traveled down your neck and you held back a shudder when he brushed across a sensitive spot. “I… is this what you want?”
“More than anything.”
He let you have a bit of distance so you could look at sincerity in his expression. There wasn’t a hint of hesitation in his voice and the glitter of desire in his eyes had changed into a bright flame of lust. There was no way you could deny such a request. You had been waiting for him to say those words for so long. The weight of guilt on your chest crumbled away and there was nothing but elation left. All the anxiety, all the waiting, all of the trials and tribulations was so worth it for the moment he earnestly asked to be with you.
“Then you shall have me.”
The smile that spread across his lips was surely divine. No one should be allowed to be as beautiful as he was. Simeon could barely believe you had agreed. He knew he didn’t deserve you; but now, he had all the time in the world to persuade you otherwise. Heavens be damned, he loved you and he had the freedom to show you exactly what that meant to him.
Removing your partially wet clothes felt like unwrapping the best present in the world. He felt like he was truly seeing you for the first time. He memorized every detail of your body with his lips, followed by his fingers. Your soft, breathy moans would be emblazoned in his mind for the rest of his life as the most holy of hymns.
He was loathed to be separated from you for any amount of time; but your knees were beginning to ache from kneeling, your position was less than ideal, and the tub was much too small to fit both of you. Begrudgingly, he let you go, only to usher you to your room with a gently wave of his hand.
“Just a moment, Little Lamb. I will follow shortly.” He reassured, his voice syrupy and low. The promises that it held sent a shiver down your spine. You hurried to the room as he directed, eagerly divesting the rest of your clothes as soon as you got the chance to.
He arrived in your room shortly after as he promised. The robe you had given had been unnecessary as he opted to have a towel loosely wrapped around his waist. Even then, that was about to be a frivolous exercise in modesty as he tossed it to the side the moment he saw that you were also nude. In the dim light of your room, the metal cage he so obediently wore glimmered and the familiar feeling of guilt rushed through you.
You beckoned him over to you and you swore he purposefully put a little extra sway in his hips as he approached you. The bed dipped with his added weight and you immediately pulled him into another round of slow, sensual kisses. Now that there were no clothes in the way, you were free to explore his body just as much as he did to you.
It felt like a dream to share your bed with Simeon. You had only fantasized about the possibility of something like this happening. The moment was made more magical knowing he sought you out. He had been with you enough times to know exactly where to touch you in order to draw a moan from the back of your throat. However, there was a sort of intimacy this time around that couldn’t be denied. “Wait… Wait...” you breathlessly put a pause on everything to rummage through the drawer of your night stand.
Pulling out the tiny key to the lock on the cage, you were quick to undo the damned thing and toss it to the side. It had seemed like a great idea at first when Lucifer subtly suggested it, however it had brought nothing but anguish and guilt in the end for you. You were glad to be rid of it, the accursed thing clattered to the ground as you carelessly tossed it to the side before refocusing on the man before you. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long now...”
“And I’ve wanted you for so long.” He replied smoothly, pushing you down onto covers and resuming his ministrations. Having his cock freed from those dreaded confines meant he was free to take you as he wished. His resolve wouldn’t waver, not when he was already forsaken and he was staring love in the face. He felt like he was being reborn every with every second that passed.
Simeon’s knee pressed between your legs and you eagerly spread yourself wider for him. He contemplated for a brief moment the idea of burying his head between your legs and tasting you until you were a shivering mess from his tongue. However, the need to sate himself and lay his claim in you overrode his desire to tease you.
His hands smoothed down your thighs before he hooked your legs around his waist. “I want you. I want you. I want you so much.” He leaned forward to kiss your neck, your chest, your collarbones, your shoulders, everywhere he could get access to before his patience snapped and he finally, blissfully pressed the tip of his cock to your entrance.
Simeon took his time, watching your expression change as every inch of him sank into you. He let out a long, guttural groan when he finally, blissfully, bottomed out inside of you. You were his sun, his moon, his stars. You were all that was good and was divine to him. He would happily desert the kingdom of gods to make you his paradise. Without you, he wouldn’t have fallen. Without you, he had no reason to live.
“Oh God, Simeon.” You whined, your eyelids fluttered as he filled you. You knew he would have taken his time, but you didn’t expect him to slide in so excruciatingly slowly. He made your body feel every ridge and vein of his cock, forcing it to memorize his shape and size, molding your cunt to fit him and only him forevermore.
“There is no God, there’s just me.” He seethed at the mention of the Heavenly Father. “There’s just me and you, and what I’m going to make you feel.”
Simeon was everything you had imagined he would be and more. He was so attentive, sweet and he knew just how to make you moan. His cock hit every spot within you that made you see stars. Though the pace he started off was languid and slow, he was quick to pick up speed when he saw just how positively you reacted to deeper and harder thrusts. It seemed like he effortlessly had you clutching onto the sheets below you and crying out for him.
“Mine.” He growled, slamming his hips into you. “Mine.”
He wouldn’t let anyone else interfere. He had made his decision and he would make sure that you could never desire anyone else ever again. His kisses turned into bites, leaving intents and marks across your body as he laid his claim. He gave everything to be with you and the feeling of being so intimately connected with you was divine.
The way you moaned his name as he railed you was unlike any other. It was his name that fell from your lips. Not some other man, not some unintelligible babbling. You were calling for him every time his cock slid home and filled you to the brim.
His desire to see you dripping with his seed only increased every time you begged him to go harder. Simeon was more than happy to comply with your wishes, letting the sound of skin slapping against skin echo in your room. The smell of sandalwood and oranges was soon overtaken by the scent of sex as you met every one of his thrusts with a roll of your hips.
Sweat plastered his hair to his face, his breath came out in heavy pants and he could feel how close you were to your climax every time you clenched around his length. “Ah, Little Lamb, will you cum for me, soon?” He asked sweetly against your ear.
“Yes, soon.” You confirmed, wrapping your legs around him tightly, urging him to keep going. Finally being filled with him was an absolutely transcendent experience that you wanted to last forever. You were afraid that the moment it was over, he would once again return to holding you politely at arms distance. It all felt like a dream to you and you didn’t want to wake up. “Fuck, Simeon! Ahhh~”
It seemed as though your body had other ideas. With how Simeon rubbed against your inner walls, you couldn’t last for the eternity you wished for. You screamed his name as your climax overtook you, the edges of your vision going white from the intensity of it. Frantically, you pulled him towards you for heated kisses as you rode out the high of your orgasm. Your walls fluttered around his cock, milking him encouraging him to follow you into bliss.
He wasn’t far behind you. The way you pussy hugged him and pulled him even deeper into you was all the encouragement he needed to finish the deed. His pace stuttered and he rammed himself home, once, twice, thrice before holding your hips still as he spilled his load into you.
Outside, the rain storm had turned to snow. A quick, bleary glance over at your window and you could have sworn the big, fluffy flakes looked like thousands of white feathers falling from the skies. Simeon groaned in content and exhaustion, feeling the last vestiges of what divinity he had leave him only to be replaced with an all consuming devotion to you.
He collapsed gracelessly on top of you, unwilling to depart from the warm confines of your pussy as he reveled in the feeling of his fall. You caught him him, cradling him against your chest and waited patiently for him to ride out his own high. “I love you.” he murmured softly, getting up just enough to kiss your forehead softly.
“I’ve wanted to hear you say that for so long.” You admitted, your cheeks warming at the affectionate gesture. “I love you, too.”
“Say it again.” he demanded, kissing your forehead again. “Say it again and again and again. Never stop saying it.”
“I love you.” You reiterated, giggling and rolling over so you were laying on his chest. “I love you, I love you.”
“And I love you, my Angel.”
The descent to Hell was a long one, but as long as you caught him when he Fell, it was worth it.
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iwillbeinmynest · 4 years
Holiday in Cairo - Jonathan Pine x Reader(f)
Author’s Notes: Alright, here we go. I’m branching out into the other fandoms that I’m in. Hopefully you all won't send me hate for this lol.
Word Count: 2k+
Notes/Warnings: minor harassment, fluff, flirting, a sleazy friend, more flirting
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You’d just wanted to be alone. This holiday with your friend was meant to help you relax but all she’d done was add to your stress. It started with her harassing the airline about upgrading your seats and went on from there. It seemed like nothing pleased her...except maybe the male staff at the hotel.
From a first glance, it may look like you were jealous of her but the truth was you were just over it. You’d known her for years and the amount of men she’d gone through was astounding.
So, when she found herself, once again, occupied by the bell boy, you’d managed to slip away to the hotel bar.
The Nefertiti Hotel was swanky to say the least and it’s amenities were extensive. Lucky for you, your friend had “persuaded” the bartender to give the both of you free drinks for the entirety of your stay.
You waved him over to ask for your second drink when a man sat in the seat next to you and leaned in uncomfortably close.
“Whatcha havin’, sweetheart?” He croaked in your ear.
When you finally looked at him he clearly surpassed you in age by at least three decades. You scoffed, “Nothing from you, thanks.”
The bartender looked at you and you met his eyes, praying that your silent look of help was received. He walked away without getting you a drink and made his way to the phone at the other end of the bar.
The man beside you inhaled and put his hand on your knee.
You swatted it away, “Hands off, old man,” you said with a glare.
“Come on, darlin’, I’m just getting you warmed up.  I’ll pay real good.” He smirked.
You could teall he’d had a few too many.
“I’m not a hooker.” You spoke as clear as possible in hopes that your message would penetrate his thick skull.
He rolled his eyes. “Sure, and I’m the queen of England.”
“I’m serious. Beat it.” You were really at the edge of your limits. If he didn’t get out of that chair in three seconds you were going to swing on him, old man or not.
The man snarled at you then took a deep breath, as if he had something nasty to say but before he could,
“Excuse me, Miss Y/L/N?”
A tall, dirty-blonde, gentleman with a name tag on his left shoulder put a hand at the back of your chair. ‘Jonathan Pine’, it read.
The old geyser beside you faltered and his face washed over with something you couldn’t quite place. Shock, guilt maybe?
“That’s me,” you answered.
“I must apologize for Mr. Harris’ lack of propriety.” He patted Mr. Harris on the shoulder before gripping it so firmly that the old man winced. "Unfortunately, Mr. Harris is, once again, at the wrong hotel. Also, sir," he smiled at Mr. Harris, "Your wife called looking for you. She seemed quite worried, something about a medication for-"
At this point, the old man had lost all aggression and now wore a mask of shame. “Yes, yes. Aright, I’m going!” he shushed Jonathan, clearly embarrassed.
Jonathan smiled and held an arm out, showing him the way to the door. Once Mr. Harris exited the doorway to the bar a large man followed closely behind him to make sure he left the property.
Jonathan turned to you, "My apologies. Are you alright?"
You could only nod.
His smile to you was much less forced than it was a moment ago. "Mr. Harris has been here every night for the last week. Thankfully, his wife confessed that tonight was their last night in Cairo. You shouldn't have to deal with him again. Oh, I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Jonathan Pine. I’m the night manager here.”
 “Pleasure,” You squeaked out.
“Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
You were stunned. He was gorgeous and kind and talking to...you. "I- um, no, no. It's fine, I'm fine."
"Please, are you sure you're alright? I saw him touch you. Shall I phone the police?"
Your eyes widened. "No, no. It's-" Well, it wasn't fine but you were already embarrassed from all the attention he was giving you. "Really, it's okay. Thank you for making him leave."
He waved the bartender over, "Another for her please." He turned back to you, "How about this. Tomorrow, around, say 10 a.m., you head down to the spa and I will make sure you are well relaxed, full treatment, on the house."
"Oh, my gosh, no. I can't let you do that," you flushed.
"I'm afraid my mind is quite made up." He smirked.
You put your head in your hands as you leaned on the bar top. "This is so embarrassing."
He sat beside you but not before adjusting the chair so that he was a full two feet from you. "Why on earth is this embarrassing? You were wronged under my watch and I intend to make it up to you."
"You don't even know me." You finally looked to him, having been given your second glass of liquid courage.
"I know you're not a hooker."
You laughed and nearly choked on your drink. You nodded, “Right.”
He chuckled beside you.
“I really do appreciate you getting rid of him, though.”
“Of course.” He smiled. There was a pause between you for a moment. He looked like he was about to say something when another gentleman approached him.
“Mr. Pine,” He said slightly timidly, “I’m sorry to interrupt but you’re needed at the front desk.”
“Yes, thank you.” He answered and then turned to you. “I’m afraid duty calls.”
“Of course,” you smiled at him, although you couldn’t say you weren’t disappointed that he had to leave.
“I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow. Remember ten o’ clock sharp.”
Right, the spa. “Ten o’ clock, got it. Thank you, Jonathan.”
He paused when you said his name and smiled at you. “Have a lovely evening Miss Y/L/N.”
“Y/N,” you corrected.
“Y/N.” He nodded. “Good night.”
*  *  *  *  *  *
Your day at the spa was absolutely wonderful. Jonathan had made sure that the staff treated you like royalty. Or at least that's how you imagined it. In all honesty there may have been a fancier package or services that you didn’t receive but it didn’t matter. What he had arranged for you was a dream. Massage, facial, mani/pedi. It was heaven.
Your friend, Olivia, hadn’t seemed to even notice you’d been gone all day. No text or calls asking where you were, nothing. You figured you should be upset about it but if you were honest with yourself, it was actually kind of nice.
You walked out into the lobby in your day dress and found Olivia in the lounge with a man at her side. You rolled your eyes.
Something made her turn around and she caught sight of you.
“Y/N!” She smiled and waved you over. “There you are! I’m famished, let’s head into town for dinner.”
“Just the two of us?” You asked, glazing quickly at the man- no boy… he couldn’t have been over twenty.
“Of course, sily. Who else would be coming.” She hopped up from the couch and made her way to you, grabbing your arm to lead you to the front doors.
You looked over your shoulder at the boy she’d abandoned and were surprised to see that he didn’t seem offended. In fact, he stood up and put on his work shirt, buttoning the buttons and adjusting his name tag before walking off.
You rolled your eyes, of course.
Dinner would have been lovely if Oliva’d had any tact at all. Instead, she relentlessly flirted with the wait staff and even “snuck” off to the employee bathroom.
You’d finally had the last of it.
When Olivia returned to her seat you lashed out.
“Really?” You looked over at her incredulously. “Haven’t you had enough?”
“Enough of what?” She actually had the nerve to look confused.
“Tell me, how many people have you slept with since we left my apartment? Hm? Twenty, thirty? You are going to get tested, right?”
“Y/N!” She looked at you shocked.
You didn’t give her any more time to speak. “I mean, really. What is the point of bringing me along on trips like this? You don’t spend any time with me and on the off chance that we happen to be in the same place at the same time, you’re busy trying to find your next lay.”
Olivia’s jaw dropped.
“I appreciate you inviting me but, honestly, what’s the point?”
“Well!” Olivia finally composed herself enough to be offended. “Who I sleep with is none of your business-”
“We share a room, Olivia!” You shouted quietly, trying not to make a scene in the busy restaurant. “Who else’s business should it be?”
“Well,” Olivia started to collect her things, “Since you’re having such an awful time with me, maybe I’ll just leave.”
You shook your head. She was trying to make you feel bad but it wasn’t working. “Won’t be any different from the rest of the trip.”
She let out a, “Ugh!” and stormed off.
You took a deep breath and sipped on the last of your wine. It was a long awaited argument and you were relieved to get it over with.
On the one hand, Olivia was the reason you traveled so much but on the other, you shouldn’t have to wait for her to plan a trip to go somewhere. You decided right then and there that you’d start to travel more… by yourself, or at least with someone other than her.
“Excuse me?” A familiar voice pulled you from your thoughts.
You looked up to see Jonathan standing beside you. He was in tan slacks and a white linen shirt. As relaxed as he looked he was still handsome.
“Hi, fancy seeing you here.” You offered a quick smile.
“I’m sorry but I happened to see what happened between you and Olivia and I wanted to see if you were alright.”
“Oh,” You wonder how he’d seen it.
“May I?” He asked and put his hand on a chair.
“Oh, yes! I’m sorry. Please, sit.”
Jonathan sat beside you and waved over a waitress. “Another glass for the lady and a scotch for me, thanks.”
You waited for the waitress to leave before leaning onto the table. “‘I’m sorry but you said you...watched my fight with Olivia?”
“Yes, I stopped in for dinner before I have to go to work later.”
Ah, that made sense. “Right. Well, I’m sorry you had to see that then.”
“You don’t seem sorry.” He smirked.
“For upsetting her, no. That you had to see it, yes.”
The waitress returned with your drinks and both you and Jonathan took a sip.
“So, what was it about? If I may.” He asked.
You took a deep breath, “We just have very different ways of vacationing. I like to enjoy the amenities and she likes to tease the men.”
Jonathan laughed into his glass as he took another sip.
“This dinner is the most I’ve seen her in the past week and I’m glad to see her go.”
“Well, hopefully you can enjoy your holiday now.”
“I already am.” You flirted vaguely. “Thank you for the spa day, by the way. That was really kind of you.”
He nodded with a subtle smile. “I just hope it makes up for what you had to deal with last night.”
“I’ve had worse, honestly, but I still appreciate it. You’ll definitely be getting a rave review from me.”
“I didn’t do it for the review.” He looked at you seductively.
You raised your brows and chuckled. “Is that so.”
“Tell you what,” He perked up from lounging in his char and now leaned close to you. “How about I show you around town? A real tour, not the ones for tourists. Give you a proper holiday in Cairo before you go.”
“Oh?” You smirked.
“The food here is great but it’s nothing like the home cooked meals by the locals.”
“Sounds lovely.” You agreed.
“How about tomorrow?” He asked, taking your hand.
“Tomorrow? But don’t you work tonight? Won’t you be exhausted?”
“Oh we won’t go out until the afternoon.” He rubbed his thumb across the back of your hand. “The best part of Cairo is it’s desert sunsets and I wouldn’t want you to miss that.”
You leaned closer and lowered your voice. “But then we’ll be all the way out there in the dark.”
“How fortunate for us.”
*  *  *  *  *  *  * 
Forever Tags:
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obsessionsposts · 4 years
📸Yan! 2p Austria hc's🎸:
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Tw: Yandere /memes alot of 'em if squint / tired author/ slight references to religion / slight nsfw.
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Franz Edelstein - 2p Austria
O - First sighting: Well, this chaotic and hectic boy first laid his scarlet irises upon you in a concert. Franz didn't expect a feminine woman such as you to intend a Slayer(one of my favourite bands) concert, nor did he expect to meet a person with such tastes as him when it comes to music.
While he struggled to reach out for you, you vanished inside the crowds dropping your phone. After the whole concert fiasco, he grinned at the phone. It seems that fate decided for both of you to meet.
O - Infatuation: To put it simply, his intrigue transcends into devotion. When Franz saw your true self that you cared to hide from the eyes of the public. To him, you're like an extension of him; which is substantial considering everyone thought of himself as a bratty satanist.
Franz ,despite being a little shit, is aware of your manipulative and dark side that floats; when your loved ones in danger or if you're extremely tedious. A Devil wrapped in an angel clothes, that what sealed the deal to him.
Yandere type:Obsessive, Worship, Manipulative.
My my, you're a fickle one. But, this time Franzin will play the devil advocates like usual , but this time it is not for the sake of nonsensical arguments, to garner your attention on him as well as sway you away from the populus. Slowly, planting the seeds of doubts till it blooms to become paranoia.
Don't fret, Franz will serve you like the deity you are. Speaking of deity, he most likely will try to create a cult focused on you and how to elate you. In that case, get ready to be showered with food,dresses (god knows how he got it. Probably from one of the cult follower.) , and of course his delightful modest company.
Nevertheless, he will not share you with anyone{whether be it in the cult or not.} with the exception of a certain albino those who he is close to and even then Franzin will be hogging you like a cat. Furthermore, he have eyes and hands that work for him and he will not hesitate to order them to steal barrow your stuff for a ..... while?
Bonus: The more defiant and feisty you become the harder he gets. That kinky bastard!
O - Method of stalking and the frequency of it: oof, Franz is basically the epitome of big brother ( from one of my favourite books,tbh) when it comes to monitoring his darling.
Franz makes sure that his darling knows and be uncomfortable that he is there, but not to apparent that the government will interfer. One of the most common method is: cyber-stalking. (what's better than using the power of anonymity to Observe your significant other, amiright?)
O - How do they treat their s/o?
At this point, do I really need to speak? Fine,fine. You're a goddess harry and will be handed literal sacrifices(depends on your behaviour, if your good you'll get your favorite things. If your horrid you'll get dead carcasses decorating your garden. Great isn't it? ) from your dearest prophet. Generally, you're fine even if you piss him off to 451 Fahrenheit degrees, considering he is one of the mildest yanderes.
A good boi with soft heart that treats his lover (even if his darling commited heinous actions except: sexual crimes.) like he always wanted to be treated with. Kindness and thoughtfulness. So, I, the author, beg you to treat him with love and respect.
O - Nicknames for s/o: Names that indicates holiness mixed with daredevilish-ness{Fallen angel, angel, succbus,tbc..}.In addition to pet names from his native language* : {Schatzi,Süsse,Maus,tbc..}.
Honestly, Franz is one of hardest yanderes to rouse him up to the point of delivering penalties to his Ëngel. Considering, He is the largest troll in the history of trolls. Let's not digress shall we? Note: if you reached this level then gg you did good to the Franzs victims of trolling.
Silent treatment: Despite the pettiness of the punishment, it is actually dangerous; in a sense that he will refute and ignore your needs along with your wants. If you didn't starve or dehydrated to death, he will drive you to the brink of isolation and madness. Ps: Humans are social creatures, depraves them from sociability and they'll get wanky. (This applies to all no matter how much "introverted" you are. Unless, you have some disorder.)
Isolation: Which leads directly to this one. Usually, Franzin is lenient enough to let you socialize with your loved ones. However, once you disobey consider your relationship with them severed as you'll be locked like Rapunzel.
Spanking: "Little Maus, has been a naughty girl~. It's time for reimbursing". Honestly, it is more of a kink than a punishment. But, you'll notice a shifting difference when your arse is red and purple instead of the normal pigment of your skin.
In Conclusion:
Franz is a man-child who believes that s/o is entitled to him, however he will relent and share with certain somebody but will be clingy x 100.
Most of the attraction came from how anomalous s/o and how she differs from society? Finally, he found someone similar to him and won't let her go. Bonus: He is often misunderstood for his eccentric personality, so often he relates to s/o in a personal level. Thus a n unhealthy relationship was born. Press 'F' for s/o.
Also, it most likely the shared preferences in music(mainly,metal and rock. Unlike his counterpart.) that brought Franz close to you.
Franzin will not hesitate to cut a bitch down if his ëngels safety is threatened,but if s/o took care of the perpetrator herself he will cheer her on and may get a bit bothered. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Finally, Franz is a horny shit. If you want to torment him just sway your hands underneath his crotch and he will be your little slave for day. Just give him a taste of yourself or you'll be a victim of his annoyance trolling.
In the end, it is assured that you'll survive ; however your loved ones might....not if you played hard to get (according to his deluded set of beliefs) for long enough. So, be a daredevil-ish and tease him then you got a free personal follower.
"Of course, anything for my Ëngel~"
A/n: Tbh, this is quite hard considering 2p austria doesn't have a concrete personality nor a common name. Hopefully this satisfy you! .
* I see that hetalia characters refer to their s/o with pet names from their native languages.
* I choose the name Franz because it means a free man. Which suits the personality of 2p austria.
* I see 2p austria as someone who love rock n roll and metal with a streak of troublemaking. Mischivous,cunning, and loathes anyone who limits his freedom. Basically, he has similarities with 1p prussia but differs in interests and many things.
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Summary: A tale as old as time. Dom stumbled upon a castle and perhaps something more. (will be a series) 
Warning: some language, it’s a slow ass burn y’all 
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The legend was a juicy one, so juicy many an author had taken time to transcribe their own version of the tale. Some were incredibly far-fetched, others took a strict moral approach. Those who know the in parties involved agree the events occurred in a similar manner. 
Long ago in the English country side, a small kingdom sprang up. The castle was idyllic, with sweeping rose gardens and stables, ivy crawling up the towers, and a lavish ballroom for parties. Known for a variety of goods that grew just a bit too magically, the kingdom prospered. Magic was not unreasonable in the kingdom and served as a comfort, especially as protection from the restless wolves that lurked beyond the castle walls. 
Still, life was pleasant and just until the princess came of age. Perhaps it was the philosophy she took to reading, or the endless days bemoaning to the kitchen staff, but Y/N simply could not believe she was expected to get married at the tender age of 16. It was disgusting. Damn near revolting and illegal. 
So when the royal ball brought conquests from around the world to try and whoo her, they all failed. One by one she rejected every prince (and the occasional princess) in their hand in marriage. Most took the rejection with stride or at the very least were so royally cold it did not matter that is until one rather evil prince (speculation was his name was Loki and remained second in line to the throne) was rejected. 
“You pathetic quim. Any girl would consider it an honor to marry me in Asgard.” He hissed like a snake, moving around her as she tried to cross the floor. 
“Then leave.” She stepped onto the throne, overlooking all of the hall. “Anyone who shares his sentiment may leave as well.” 
“If you so desperately want to be alone, alone with the wolves for eternity you shall be.” 
All at once, Loki brandished a staff, twirling it around his head as a beam of green light struck the fair princess in her chest. Amidst the chaos the crowd fled, leaving a collapsed Y/N in the arms of the king and queen and the staff. 
“Send for the witch!” The queen shrieked, a notable lack of concern for her daughter present. A curse one was a curse on all. 
Ashley arrived wearing a cloak that disguised the beauty beneath. For hours she tended to the young princess, doing her best to reverse the spell. In the end, she managed to alter things just enough that hopefully the young princess would have some time. In good faith and service, she remained in the castle which would come to be a blessing as the young beauty would soon become a beast. 
Many years later, a musician woke from his slumber with a stretch. He rubbed his eyes and stifled a yawn as he rushed to get dressed for the day. Today, Dominic Harrison was going to make it big. The village could just suck it. If he didn’t, he supposed he could return to the small minded village and marry a simple small minded girl, but that was hardly Plan B. 
Kissing his mother and father, he loaded the cart and hitched his horse. His younger sisters rushed out to hug him farewell, housecoats billowing behind them. “You were going to leave without saying goodbye!” They accused. 
“Me? Never. I was just letting my girls rest.” He pinched a cheek and nose for good measure. “Now, what do my darlings want me to bring back for them?Crepes? Biscuits? A puppy?”
“A rose!” 
He smiled his crooked smile. “Those are my favorite, why don’t you pick something else?” 
“Biscuits then, but get a rose for you.” 
Dom couldn’t believe he was so blessed with such a loving family and such darling sisters. He did intend on expanding his family one day, he just hoped it would be with someone as loving as he. 
With his final goodbyes, he mounted his horse and headed off. He had made the journey plenty of times in 22 years, no doubt this time would be any different. This thought would soon prove naive as a storm swept in, his horse tossing him off and running straight toward the castle gates. 
Running to catch up with his beloved pet, Dom heard the howls began to echo through the woods. With a strangled cry of frustration, he met up at the gates with his horse, holding the reign in his hands. 
“Please!” He wasn’t sure what he was begging for. The royal family weren’t exactly the most helpful or kind bunch from what he had heard in his lifetime. Dom shook the rusting gates, the thought hitting him he didn’t know when the last time the gates had been opened. 
A low creak pushed the rusting gates open just enough for him and his horse to squeeze on through. Kissing the Saint Christopher that hung from his neck, Dom led his horse inside the gates. The rusted metal clanged shut trapping him in. 
“Don’t worry, bubba, we’ll be alright.” He assured, stroking his horses mane as they ventured up the drive to the castle. “Look, there’s a stable for ya.” 
Leading bubba into the stable, the horse whinnied happily entering a stall with plenty of hay and water. “You stay here, I’m going to see if I can get some shelter.”
Soaked to his core, he trudged on to the castle, stopping only briefly to smell the roses that grew in twisted  knots on a trellis. How beautiful they were, he was certain his sisters would love one. 
He plucked a red one off the vine. “How delightful.” 
“Who goes there?” 
Dom jumped in fright, turning quickly to find a short young woman, arms crossed. A cloak covered her head which paired with long tendrils of hair covered her face. “Please, I mean no harm. I just got lost, the storm spooked my horse and I-”
“So you steal a rose?” How cold Dom felt in her presence. “Guards!” 
A small army dressed in faded tunics baring the royal arms surrounded him and ceased his arms, struggling he was carried down into the depths of the castle. 
“Princess? Perhaps it might be wise to offer our guest a room of his own?”
 The question was posed by Harry, one of the most faithful members of the staff. Once upon a time he sang for the crown at parties and balls, now he kept the castle a foot and kept Y/N company in her chamber. He was not usually so bold in his distaste of her actions, though he was always quite kind. 
“Harry, I said no.” Y/N turned her back to him and focused her attention once more on the wilting rose that remained encased in glass on her balcony. 
“But what if-”
“But nothing!” She had turned cold in her isolation, her view of the world tainted by such loneliness, her view of men tainted with the oppression they caused (except for Harry it wasn’t his fault, nothing ever was). “Besides, who could ever love me?” The list of reasons to not were ever growing. 
Harry crossed the room in two brief strides, his professional guard dropping as he scooped her into his arms. “Y/N, don’t think like that. We all love you and if I could break it, you know I would.” 
Tears fell onto the glass dome encasing the rose as the two fell into silence. Once Y/N curled up into a ball and fell into fitful sleep, Harry grabbed a candle stick and rushed into the prisons. 
The chill made his teeth chatter as he tsked under his breath. “Princess’ll learn one of these days, only way somebody’s gonna love her is if she’s fucking nice.” He continued his grumbling as he reached the cells. 
Drawing out his keys, he unlocked the cell revealing a strapping young lad that reminded him of himself when he first arrived at the castle. “Hello mate, I’d like to offer my most sincere apologies for the treatment you have received up until now.”
“Pop your clogs.” Dom spat, squinting his eyes at the stranger. Under any other circumstance, literally any other one, he would be jumping the tall man’s bones because damn he was pretty. 
“Well that’s not very nice at all.” Harry quipped unlocking the cell door and holding it open. 
“You arrest people for picking a bloody rose around here?” 
A harsh look clouded the servants face, eyes turning sharp. “Some suffer eternal damnation for one.” Um, what the fuck? Dom thought. “Unless you would like to spend the night freezing down here, I suggest you follow me.” 
Sucking in a bated breath he decided he had one option and that was to follow the stranger. Harry flashed a dimpled grin, “Name’s Harry. The delightful princess you met earlier is her royal highness Y/N.”
“She’s a peach.” Dom scoffed keeping his stride in time with Harry’s, a frown lacing the other man’s face. 
“Things were not always like this.”
“What happened?”
Harry shook his head, leading him into one of the many unused guest chambers. “Nothing you need to worry your little head about right now. For now, dry off and rest we cannot have our guest getting ill.” 
Now, Dom wasn’t entirely sure he was a guest, or at the very least a willing guest, but he desperately wanted warmth and to sleep so he complied. He found robes of the finest silk and immediately thought of how much his mum and sisters would love the extravagance of it all. 
It was the first time he cried to go home. 
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Shadowhunters Short Story #67. Alastair and Cordelia meet their little sibling.
(This was written way back in March before I finished Chain of Gold, so there may be some minor inconsistencies with the plot.) 
CW/TW: Alcoholism. 
It is a cool October day in 1903, when Cordelia and Alastair Carstairs get to meet their baby sister for the first time.
It has only been 3 months since Cordelia found out her mother was expecting, and ever since she has been eagerly awaiting the arrival of her little brother or sister. Alastair has also been excited, but he has not shown it in the same way as Cordelia. Cordelia and Alastair’s friends are all eager to meet the newest little Carstairs too, especially Lucie who has always wanted a little brother or sister, and now will not stop pestering Tessa and Will to have a baby.
Elias stood trial a few weeks ago, but before he did Cordelia explained to Charlotte- The Consul- about his alcoholism and how he needs medical attention and help more than a prison cell. Thankfully Charlotte was extremely understanding, seeing as her Matthew is clearly an alcoholic too and she would never want to see him put in prison instead of being given the help he clearly needs. Now Elias is still in Idris, in the Basilas, receiving the right treatment. He has written a few letters to Sona and the children, and will hopefully be able to come visit the new baby soon.
Sona had gone into labor late last night and while Cordelia stayed with her mother, Alastair rushed to the London Institute to have them summon The Silent Brothers.
Cordelia had been delighted when Jem arrived along with a Clave midwife, she knew Jem would take good care of her mama and little brother or sister.
Now it has been approximately 8 hours since Sona went into labor, and Cordelia and Alastair are both waiting in the living room, trying their best to stay awake. Alastair is reading a mundane newspaper and Cordelia is attempting to stay awake while reading Layla and Majnun, though she is not having much luck and keeps dozing off.
After dozing off for about the 8th time, Cordelia is jerked awake by a familiar voice speaking in her mind.
Cordelia, Alastair.
Cordelia and Alastair both look up to see the robed figure of Jem, standing in the doorway to the living room.
“Jem?” Cordelia asks, pushing herself up in the armchair.
Yes Cordelia, would you two like to come meet your little sister?
“Sister? It’s a girl?” Cordelia asks in a breathy tone. She would have been happy no matter what, she would have been thrilled to have another brother, but secretly the idea of not being the only girl anymore is quite nice.
Yes, a very healthy little girl. She and your mother are doing very well, and I believe they are both eager to see you. Would you like to come meet her? Jem asks.
Both teenagers leap from their seats and eagerly follow Jem upstairs and down the hall to their mother’s room. When they reach the door to Sona’s room, Jem tells them
I will wait out here to allow you four some privacy, I will be right here if you need me.
Cordelia and Alastair nod, before Alastair softly knocks on the door before opening it and walking in with Cordelia right behind him.
Straight away they see their mother sitting up in bed in a pale pink nightgown and matching dressing gown, her roosari sitting perfectly as always. In Sona’s arms is a little bundle of pink and white blankets, and Sona is gazing lovingly down at the bundle, though she looks up when she hears the door open, and smiles lovingly at her eldest two children.
“Hello my loves, come meet your sister.” Sona softly says, beckoning them over. Cordelia and Alastair make their way over to their mother’s bed, both of them sinking into chairs that have been placed on either side of the bed. Cordelia eagerly leans forward to look at her baby sister.
The baby has brown skin, the same shade as Cordelia and Alastair, she is almost completely bald expect for a few tufts of dark black hair, the same shade Alastair’s is naturally, when he does not dye it, and big black eyes just like Cordelia’s. Immediately Cordelia falls completely and hopelessly in love with her sister, feeling a huge rush of love and a fierce desire to protect her at all costs. She can now understand why Alastair is so protective of her, why Jamie is so protective of Lucie, why Eugenia is so protective of Thomas and why Anna is so fiercely protective of Christopher and Alexander.
“Oh mama, she is so perfect.” Cordelia says in a tight tone, as she feels the tears well up in her eyes.
“Layla, are you crying?” Alastair asks in a tone of disbelief. Why would Cordelia be crying at such a happy moment?
“I-I... y-yes b-but I-I don’t u-understand why, I-I’m so h-happy!” Cordelia hiccups as she tries to control her tears, it makes no sense for her to be sobbing her eyes out at one of the happiest moments of her life.
“Oh khoshgelam, sometimes you can be so overwhelmed by happiness that you cry, it’s alright Layla, would you like to hold your sister?” Sona softly asks, brushing away Cordelia’s tears. Cordelia sniffles and nods eagerly. Sona helps her position her arms before carefully lowering the baby into them.
“Oh, hello baby, my sweet baby sister. I love you.” Cordelia says in a soft, teary tone, bending to press a kiss to the baby’s forehead.
“Have you decided on a name for her mama?” Alastair asks.
“Yes I have, her name is Daria Esta Carstairs.” Sona gently says, brushing her finger’s over the baby’s few tufts of dark hair.
“Oh that is so beautiful! It suits her.” Cordelia exclaims, gazing down at her sister, never wanting to let her go. “I love you Daria.”
“How do you feel mama, is there anything I can do for you or get you?” Alastair asks. Unknown to all but his family, Alastair is a complete mama’s boy and always has been, as a little boy he always clung to his mother’s skirts and followed her around, while Cordelia has always been more of a daddy’s girl, wanting her father to tell her stories about Cortana and the time he slayed Yanluo. The two siblings have remained much the same, Cordelia is still a complete daddy’s girl and Alastair is still a complete mama’s boy.
“No  Aziz-e delam, I am fine thank you.” Sona says, placing a hand on Alastair’s cheek and smiling at him.
“Are you sure?” Alastair asks, eager to be of some help to his mother. He hated being completely useless and unable to help while she was in labor, now he wants to do whatever he can to help her.
“I am sure Alastair Joon, thank you, you need not worry about me, I have done this three times now, I shall be fine.” Sona assures her son ,squeezing his hand reassuringly.
“Alright mama. Cordelia, let me hold the baby now!” Alastair says, turning his gaze on Cordelia, who is still cooing and fussing over little Daria.
“Well I would have had you asked nicely, now I will not. One thing you need to learn sweet Daria, is that Alastair is very, very annoying, I am afraid we just have to put up with him, I have asked many times if we can trade him for a puppy but alas, mama and papa seem instant to keep him, Angel knows why.” Cordelia quietly says, slowly rocking her sister back and forth, as Alastair glares at her.
“Cordelia, let your brother hold Daria, honestly I do not know how I am going to cope with three of you.” Sona says. Begrudgingly Cordelia passes Daria to Alastair, who holds her with an air of expertise and comfort.
“Poor little thing looks just like Cordelia.” He says, adjusting the blankets around the baby’s face, smug in the knowledge that Cordelia cannot hit him or throw something at him while he is holding the baby, he can tease her relentlessly for the next few years and be completely safe, as long as he is holding the baby.
“Mama, are you sure we cannot trade Alastair for a dog?” Cordelia asks, looking at her mother, who smiles back and brushes Cordelia’s hair back from her face.
“Quiet sure Azizakam, quiet sure.”
About 40 minutes later, little Daria wakes up crying and fussing, clearly in need of feeding, so Cordelia and Alastair decide to wish their mother and sister a goodnight, and finally head to bed, after a very long day.
A week later, with permission from Sona and to the delight of Cordelia, Tessa, Will, Jamie and Lucie call around to meet little Daria.
Currently they are all gathered in the drawing room in Cirenworth, fussing over the baby. The only ones who are not there are Elias (who is still in Idris) and Alastair who left for London this morning, to go see Charles and help he and Grace with wedding arrangements.
Currently Lucie is holding little Daria and seems happier than she has ever been, no one doubts that she would sneak her home if she could get away with it.
“Oh she is just so adorable!” Lucie exclaims, as Daria wraps her tiny hand around Lucie’s finger. “Oh mama, papa, are you sure you don’t want another baby?” Lucie adds in a pleading tone, looking at her parents with begging blue eyes full of hope.
“Quiet sure Lucie, after my pregnancy with you I am quiet done, you never let me sleep a wink for about 5 months, and I was sick through the whole pregnancy, then you decided to be late, so late that I had to be induced, no my love I am quiet done with pregnancy.” Tessa laughs, though it is easy to laugh at now, her pregnancy with Lucie was a total nightmare, after she was born, Tessa and Will agreed that they did not want to risk Tessa’s health in such a way again, and would not have anymore children.
“Oh but you could adopt! Papa you always said you wanted a big family because you and mama came from such small families.” Lucie points out.
“Lucie my dear, adoption is not as simple as you seem to think, we could try to adopt but there is no guarantee we would end up with a baby, and we are quiet content with you and your brother, and having a big family is not only limited to having many children, I have you two, your mother, your aunt Cecily, Anna, Kit and Alexander, and angel forgive me, I even have your Uncle Gabriel and Uncle Gideon, as well as your Aunt Sophie, and Thomas and Eugenia, and of course there is your Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Henry, and Matthew and Charles, and now Cordelia and Alastair too.” Will gently explains. He understands Lucie’s desire for a little sibling, but he and Tessa have their hands full with her and Jamie, and all their nieces and nephews, who they love as their own.
Lucie sighs and looks back down at baby Daria.
“I know papa, I would just love to have a little brother or sister.” Lucie says in a longing tone.
“Oh Lulu, you would not be saying that if you did have a little brother or sister, trust me, I have your Aunt Cecily and she drives me absolutely mad at the best of times.” Will says, putting an arm around his daughter’s shoulders and kissing her temple. Lucie is such a sweet and happy girl, and has Will wrapped around her little finger, and has done since the moment she was born. It kills him not to be able to give her anything and everything she wants, but having another baby would be too unfair and harsh on Tessa, and as much as Will loves his daughter, he adores his wife too and would never want to do anything to compromise her.
Little does anyone know, that over 200 years later, Lucie finally gets her wish for a little brother or sister, when in March of 2013, Tessa gives birth to her and Jem’s first daughter, little Wilhelmina Yiqiang Ke Carstairs.
Lucie’s spirit often visits her little sister, keeping her company when she wakes up from her naps so Jem and her mother can rest some more, telling her stories about the adventures she and Jamie, Matthew, Thomas, Christopher and Cordelia went on when they were teenagers. Lucie adores her baby sister just as much as Cordelia and Alistair adored little baby Evie.
One night, as Lucie stands in Mina’s nursery, watching her sleep peacefully, she feels someone next to her, and looks over to see her father, watching Mina with the same love he always watched Lucie and James with. Will puts an arm around his daughter and holds her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“So what do you think Lulu? Is being a big sister everything you thought it would be?” He softly asks. Lucie nods.
“Yes, and more. I love Mina so much it hurts, and I would do absolutely anything for her.”
“Just as Jamie would for you and I would for you Aunt Cecily, you are officially a member of the big sibling club, like you always wanted. Come on, let's leave this little one to sleep.” Will softly says. Lucie nods, but before leaving, she walks over to the crib, and using all her power she manages to reach down and brush a hand over Mina’s thick dark hair, and press a kiss to her cheek.
“I’ll see you soon sweet baby sister, I love you.”
She then turns and follows her father, rejoining the rest of their family and loved ones in the afterlife, watching over and protecting Tessa, Jem, Mina and Kit.
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nicka-nell · 4 years
I'm Kiyoomi Sakusa and I'm a germaphobe - Chapter 26: I will not fail
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Words: 1.801
Warning: angst, mention of blood
Chapter 25 -  What kind of feeling is that?     | Masterlist
(y/n) = your name | (l/n) = last name | (e/c) = eye colour | (h/c) = hair colour
“Kiyoomi...” she whispers softly and begins to tremble. She talked to him a few hours ago. They were supposed to go to the park together tomorrow. So why is he lying in front of her now? Blood overload, with weak pulse, closed eyes and cool skin? “(l/n)-sensei! (l/n)-sensei!” brings the voice of her doctor’s assistant out of her mind. “We have to get started. Are you all right?" he looks at her seriously and questioningly. Nodding, she looks away from Kiyoomi and gives a determined and loud “Yes! I won’t fail again.” She speaks the last words to herself so quietly that only she can hear it. She takes her time to take a deep breath before she gives her concentration to Kiyoomi. They spent several hours in the operating room, and fortunately the bleeding stopped quickly. Lucky for him, only a few ribs are bruised. It’s different with his skin. He had several deep wounds, some even with broken glass. They were stitched, at least as far as she could sew his already extremely damaged skin. His whole body is still overlooked by first and second-degree burns. Water bubbles draw his whole body. She hadn’t imagined his skin that badly. He must be in pain if the fabric of his clothes rubs against the blisters, and they start to wet. But these cuts and also the bruised ribs will probably hurt him more now. She closes the last cut on his chest and looks at the EKG device to look at his heart rate. Now everything here is in the green zone. “I didn’t fail." She whispers with relief. Just so loud again that only she can hear it. “Brilliant (l/n)-sensei! Once again a complete success, right? And that, even though I’ve seen really black for the young man here." Her assistant taps her on the shoulder and smiles at her proudly. I really like working with you, (l/n)-sensei." he adds. “Yes... You’ve been a big help to me again. I’m going to call his emergency contact right away and then I need a break..." (y/n) still sighs relieved that she has actually managed to save Kiyoomi. That she didn’t lose another patient in a car accident. Especially not another loved one like their parents. She was scared, but she faced her fear again. After Kiyoomi is taken to a hospital room, (y/n) goes to her treatment room to call Kiyoomi’s emergency contact. Actually, that’s Wakami’s job, but this time she wants to do it. “Well, let’s see who you left for emergency contact.", she mumbles to herself as she goes in search of the emergency contacts. As expected, Kiyoomi has an emergency passport in his wallet, with three numbers deposited. Shouyou Hinata, Motoya Komori and Atsumu Miya. In this order, (y/n) also tries to contact the people. But the first two no longer answer their phone. Well, it’s also very late. They’re probably asleep by now. With a sigh she now tries to call the last number. She’s on the line for a long time, and just as she’s about to hang up, she’s hearing a voice. “Miya, hello?” an irritated voice calls up. “Atsumu? Hi, it's me... (y/n) (l/n). I’m a surgeon at Ileos Clinic, and I’m calling about Kiyoomi Sakusa. Maybe you can still remember me." She answers him calmly. “(y/n)? Yes, of course I remember the sexy lady on Hinata’s birthday. How could I forget you. But...how did you get my number?" Shaking her head, she rolls her eyes and leans back in her chair. “I’m calling about Kiyoomi. He had an accident and is now in the hospital with us. He was operated and-", “Shit what? Don't fuck with me! You're joking right? What the hell happened? How is he?” Worried, his voice gets through the phone. She expected the least pity from Atsumu, and yet he is the one who answered his phone at night and asks for Kiyoomis condition. “Calm down, calm down. He’s got multiple cuts and bruises on his ribs, but he’s doing okay so far. He’s in his room, and he’ll get through it. He’s still weak, and he hasn’t woken up yet, but he’s not in a life-threatening state. From tomorrow, you can visit him if you want." His relief can hear them even through the telephone line. “Well, I’m glad... And how are you doing with all this? Sorry you had to operate on him." She is surprised that he asks her about her condition. “I’m fine so far.", “When is your shift over? Shall I come over? Maybe you want to talk...?" His voice is friendly, and she still hears a little concern in his voice. “I don’t want to ruin your sleep.” After all, he has to train a lot like Kiyoomi and needs his sleep. “That’s quite all right.", “Okay, if you say so. How long do you have to work? Hopefully you can sleep soon." he asks her, and she hears a gentle laugh on the other line. “Just one more hour. So it’s not that long for me to be able to go home either." She laughs. “Then that’s all right. Don’t worry too much. See you then." She also says goodbye to him and ends the phone call. Atsumu, who she thought was a daredevil and macho, actually seems to be quite nice. Just before her shift ends, she goes to Kiyoomi’s hospital room one last time and looks after him. Still, his eyes are closed, but according to the EKG, his vitals are excellent. She gently strokes his hair and looks at him with a sad expression. “Kiyoomi... what are you doing with yourself?" she whispers softly. Carefully she bends forward to give him a kiss on the hairline. “Good night, Kiyoomi. Rest. I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you." She says it as quietly as possible since she does not want to wake him and leaves the room with feathery steps. A little tired, she rubs her eyes as she leaves the clinic on the darkest night and stands in front of the building. “Hey, are you okay? Have you finally finished your shift?" She hears a voice that she had in her ears less than an hour ago. “Atsumu? What are you doing here?" she asks in surprise. “Well, you said you’d be out in an hour. So here I am..." he grins and walks up to the young woman. "But...", “No, no. You need someone to talk to.” He interrupts her and puts his arm around her shoulder. “So should we go to me or to you and talk about Kiyoomi?" She really wasn’t expecting that. Still, she’s glad to see him here. Smiling, she leans her head against his chest and looks up at him. “Thank you.” Without answering her, he just smiles nodding and follows her steps to go home to her. Having arrived at her home, he is amazed at her rather large house, just like Kiyoomi. But he does not have much time to look at it, because she draws him joyfully into the living room and makes him sit down. She goes to the kitchen in a sweeping manner and comes back after a few minutes with a pot of hot tea, which she pours to Atsumu and herself. Then she sits next to Atsumu in the cross-legged seat on the sofa and looks at him. “What happened to your beautiful face?" asks Atsumu anxiously and brushes his thumb over her slightly scabby lip. “Kiyoomi’s mother sent her bodyguards after me when I went to her property to look for Kiyoomi. Very nice man.” She laughs ironically and looks at her tea. Atsumu briefly twists his face at her words, but then looks over to his tea. “His mother is a fury. His father’s perfectly fine, but she’s a disgusting bitch. Sorry...” Anger is heard in his voice, which he tries to suppress, since he is still talking about his friend’s mother. “It's all right.” (y/n) answers quietly and looks over to Atsumu again. “You know, Kiyoomi has never had a girlfriend. Even if he understands that he has feelings for you, he probably won’t be able to sort that out properly." (y/n) must laugh at his words. “Yes, I know. I’ve been told that a few times, Atsumu." Now he looks again in her direction. “Hey but, the offer still stands. If he’s getting on your nerves or you’d rather have a hotter and cooler guy by your side, feel free to come to me." he laughs mischievously and bends over to her. “So? Now that you mention it, you’re actually quite a handsome guy. Maybe I’ll come back to your offer sooner than you’d like. Maybe now?" She whispers seductively in his ear and slowly moves her index finger from his neck down to his chest. With an urgent look she looks at him and looks at a completely surprised, irritated Atsumu. “What?" he escapes uncertainly. Laughing, she leans back against the couch and tears flow down her cheeks. “You should have seen your face, Atsumu!" she keeps laughing and hitting her thighs. Sulking, he looks to the side and crosses his arms in front of his chest. “That was not funny. Don’t play with my feelings." He keeps pouting. “What's going on? Who’s so loud here?" Kaede’s tired voice makes the two look towards the door. “Osamu? Did you dye your hair? The other looked better on you." He mumbles to himself as he sees Atsumu sitting on the sofa. (y/n) has to stop laughing and sees Atsumu turn red. “Hey you asshole! My name is Atsumu! Osamus Brother!" he just hisses. “Oh... okay... Did I miss something?" he asks in wonder. “Yeah... I had Kiyoomi in the operating room today... he had an accident with a car. Atsumu was one of his emergency contacts." She answers him calmly and slips a little closer to Atsumu to tap on the sofa next to her. “Oh... how... How did this happen? How is he?” Although he absolutely dislikes Kiyoomi at the moment, he feels sorry for him. An accident is never nice. The three of them now sit on the couch and (y/n) tells him how all this happened. They sit there for a long time, talking, fooling around and trying to get some nice thoughts. 
Chapter 27 - I don’t want this
Taglist: @kara-grayson04​ @suna-allie​ @pleasemelafook-outta-ere​
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sativaaaaaaa · 4 years
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Just Us Two || Sarah Paulson
11.) Don't cry. Everything's going to be okay.
14.) Am I not good enough?/ I'm not good enough.
||Reader's name is Gina.||
"Babe its time for us to go! Are you ready?!" I was standing at the bottom of the stairs shouting up to Sarah. She's kept me waiting for over an hour and we were almost late to my doctors appointment.
"Here I come!" I saw her stagger out of our bed room while trying to put her shoe on. I simply rolled my eyes and walked around from the stairs as she started to descend them.
By the time I made it to the door she was behind me with her keys and phone. We got in the car and basically sped to the doctors office since she had made us late.
"Next time slow down and be on time. I'm carrying precious cargo here!" I immediately scolded as I got out of the car. I instinctively set my right hand atop my stomach as I walked around the car and to the entrance of the building.
"I'm sorry I kept getting distracted while getting ready and I didn't want us to be late. We find out our baby avocado's gender today aren't you excited!" Her voice got slightly higher in pitch as she ended her sentence. I looked at her and my heart melted when I saw her eyes lit up and a giant smile on her face.
"Yes I'm excited now let me go check in so we can see our avocado." I pecked her lips quickly before walking over to the desk and checking in with the receptionist.
After everything was done I went and sat by Sarah, who immediately put her hand on my stomach before leaning down and talking to our baby. The baby instantly started moving around making me slight groan in pain and a bit of irritation. I was about say something until the doctor called my name. I simply side eyed Sarah before getting up and walking in the back with the doctor.
Sarah trailed close behind me and once we got in the room she helped me up on the table before sitting next to me.
"So how have you been? Been sleeping okay?" The doctor questioned as she logged into the computer and turned the ultra machine on.
"I've been alright but it gets hard to sleep sometimes because our little avocado likes to push up against my lungs when I lay down. But other than that I've been fine." I explained as I laid back on the table with my hands on my stomach, softy tapping my fingers over it.
"Well that's normal. The baby is starting to grow so sometimes the stretch in odd ways but if that's all then lets take a look at this bugger shall we?" She stood up and walked over to the sink as I lifted my shirt up to me chest exposing my round stomach.
"Hopefully we'll be able to get a good look. Sarah woke em up. As usual." I slightly side eyed Sarah making her chuckle under her breath as the doctor came and sat by my other side.
"Every time I start talking avocado wakes up. Its not my fault!" Sarah vindicated herself whilst raising her hands in defense. I just rolled my eyes again before wincing at the coldness of the gel.
I turned my head towards the screen and watched as the picture began to form once the sensor was in my stomach. Soon the baby's heartbeat filled the room causing all of us go to silent. A smile began to grow on my face as the baby moved giving us a better look at her.
"Oh my god its a girl! Yes you owe me 30 bucks Sare!" I exclaimed whilst clapping my hands and doing a little dance.
"Oh man I was hoping for a boy!" She huffed before flopping back in her seat with an adorable pout on her face.
"Its okay Sareee. If she's anything like me she'll definitely be a tomboy." The doctor snapped a few pictures for us before wiping my stomach off and heading back over to the desk before speaking.
"We have the results back from the genetic test you did a few months back. Would you like to hear the results?"
"Yes I would like to." I sat up once my shirt was down and I leaned forward placing my hands on the edge of the table.
"Well we can confirm that the baby will have asthma when she is born do to it hereditary. No down syndrome, clef pallet, clef lip or arm. But we have discovered that she may or may not have autism. We won't be too sure until a year or so after she's born. We can get her tested early and start treatment soon after that but we'll just have wait it out and see."
As she was speaking Sarah and I stayed quiet just nodding along. I could visibly see the panic in Sarah's face but I on the other hand wasn't too worried. I've dealt with and monitored my asthma my whole life and I was well experienced in taking care of special needs children.
After hearing the results, getting the pictures and planning my next appointment Sarah and I went back home. She was being a bit distant but I wasn't really too worried. I knew she needed sometime to digest what the doctor told us so I wasn't pushing her to talk or bothering up. I sent some pictures of the baby to our friends and let them know the gender before retreating upstairs.
"Babe I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up in an hour?" I glanced down at her as she stood in the kitchen.
"Yeah. Go ahead and get some rest." She hadn't bothered to look up at me when she responded. I sighed softy to myself before heading upstairs and laying down.
I woke up about 3 hours later. The sun was setting and the house was unusually quiet. I sat up while rubbing my eyes and checked my phone before getting up and going downstairs.
"Babe? You were supposed to wake me up sooner." I rounded the corner into the kitchen and was met with silence. Sarah wasn't there.
I frowned and went to check the living room. She wasn't there either. I went back upstairs and checked the bathroom and the guest room. No sign of her there either. I went back into our room and noticed her nightstand was cleaned off completely. I opened the drawer finding it empty.
Panic set in as I went around the room and noticed her things were gone. Tears stung my eyes as I frantically dialed her number. I couldn’t get through to her. I started texting her inside and saw my texts not sending giving me verification that she had blocked me. I went on all social media and saw she had blocked me from there too.
It was like my heart stopped. Tears ran down my face as I dialed Sandy’s number with shakey hands.
“Genie!! What’s up girly?” Sandy cheerful voice rang from the other end.
“Sandy she left.. She’s gone and she blocked me and I have no idea where she went!” I began to ramble as tears ran down my face. It soon started getting more difficult for me to breathe.
“Hey hey hey calm down. Who left Gina? What happened?!” I heard the panic lace through her voice. I heard some shuffling in the background but I was too concerned about what was happening in my little world.
“Sarah! Sarah left! I don’t know why. We.. We went to the doctors office and she was a little distant but I wasn’t too worried because we got some heavy hitting news but I didn’t think she was gonna leave! Oh God Sandy she really left!” I began to hyperventilate causing me to get dizzy so I sat down on the bed. It felt like the room was spinning.
I closed my eyes and began to take deep breaths to calm myself.
“Come open the door.” Sandy’s voice startled me but I got up and went downstairs. I unlocked and opened the door revealing Sandy standing in front of me with two boxes of tissue and her arms wide open.
Tears stung my eyes again as I leaned into her crying into her chest. She walked me back into the house closing the door with her foot and we sat down on the floor. She opened one of the boxes of tissues and used one to wipe my tears and she held me in her arms.
“Why did she leave? Did I do something wrong? Am I not good enough?” I sobbed into Sandy’s chest as my breath began to get shallow again.
“Hey hey. Shhh. Breathe with me honey. Don’t cry. Everything will be alright. I promise.”
word count - 1500
part one of 3
21 notes · View notes
the way you make me feel (is kinda annoying, actually) - ONE-SHOT
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Rey’s childhood leaves her with a warped defense mechanism, the kind that makes it hard to trust people and leaves her suspicious of all kindness and frames even the most basic human wants and needs as a weakness.
So naturally, she doesn’t have the best reaction to her instant connection with her new TA.
(In other words, Rey’s not sure who she’s more annoyed at: Ben Solo for being so attractive, or herself for being so attracted to him.)
Here’s a (hopefully!) fun modern college AU in which Rey really, really doesn’t want to be attracted to Ben Solo but oh no, she is anyway. Oh, and what’s this? Actual feelings on top of physical attraction?? Double oh no. (Yeah, full disclosure: this is not my best work.)
Also available on AO3. And hey, maybe check out my Twitter or Ko-fi? 
“So then he took me to this underground poker night thing, and I swear I saw Professor Ackbar at one of the tables–”
Finn’s retelling of his fourth date with Poe is cut short when he bumps into Rey, who’s just bumped into Rose, who’s abruptly come to a complete standstill in the very doorway of their lecture hall.
“Rose, what’s–”
“Guys, look!” Rose whisper-screams before Rey can ask why she’s suddenly decided to do her best impression of a live statue. “New TA alert!” she squeals as quietly as one can in a half-empty room with at least sixty other people present, pointing at Hux’s usual desk in the corner in the least subtle way known to mankind.
“Thank fuck,” Finn cheers a little too loudly, garnering them curious looks from other students filing into the room. “One more day with Hux and I would’ve gotten rid of that weasel myself.”
Rey is vaguely aware of Rose scoffing at his bold proclamation and Finn defending himself, but all of that fades into background noise when she finally catches sight of the newcomer occupying the TA’s desk. He appears to be completely focused on a pile of loose papers spread before him, allowing Rey’s eyes to rove over his dark curls, furrowed brow, prominent nose, plush lips…
Thankfully, Rose puts an end to her uncharacteristic gawking before the man himself notices by hooking their arms together and leading Rey to their usual seats in the third row, cheerfully greeting familiar faces as they pass. And Rose isn't the only one handing out bright smiles and friendly laughter – the air of relief, of sheer joy in the room is palpable, after weeks of suffering through Hux’s miserable presence and the uncertainty of not knowing if Holdo and the dean would side with a bunch of undergrads over one of their own.
Really, Rey muses as everyone settles into their seats and Holdo sweeps into the room precisely on time as always, they should’ve known better than to doubt their professor.
“Good morning, everyone!” Holdo calls out, her gentle, lilting voice accompanied by a blinding smile. “Before we start, let’s address the white elephant in the room, shall we? Armitage Hux, as I’m sure you’ve all noticed given the general air of celebration in this room, has been removed from his position as TA. He has also been removed from the department, and in fact from this campus entirely. His unethical and discriminatory actions and what they represent go against everything I, the dean, and this university stand for, and I can only offer you my sincerest apologies for not catching onto his behavior sooner.”
“But I can promise you this debacle will never happen again, certainly not on my watch and not on Mr. Solo’s here,” she says, gesturing at the man sitting just behind her. “And on that note, I’d like to introduce you to your new TA for this semester. Ben, why don’t you come up and say a few words?”
The man – Ben Solo, apparently – nods with a distinct lack of enthusiasm, but plasters on a polite smile and proceeds to stand up anyway.
“Jesus Christ,” Rose mutters as Ben walks toward Holdo. “Is there a height requirement to TA this class or something?”
Rey merely shrugs, her eyes intent on following the movements of this absolute mountain of a man. Because sure, Hux had been ridiculously tall too, but Ben Solo… Ben Solo is a whole different breed, tall and broad and built and…
Oh no, he’s hot.
Blood rushes to Rey’s cheeks at the realization that she finds her new TA attractive, broad shoulders and lush hair and thick lips and all, and of course that’s the exact moment his eyes happen to meet hers.
“Hi, everyone,” he says, and Rey can’t even bring herself to react to his voice because he appears to be addressing her directly, making her skin prickle and her throat dry and her heart pound. She drops her eyes down to her hands, and doesn’t look up until she feels him look away. “Um, I’m Ben and, as Amilyn here just mentioned, I’ll be your TA for the rest of this semester. I’m also a second-year grad student here at Chandrila U, so uh, that’s one thing I guess we have in common. Oh, and I’m really, really glad Hux is gone too, so make that two things.”
Faint laughter ripples through the room, and the effect it has on Ben is devastating: his eyes light up, his smile relaxes into something closer to a grin, and a little puff of laughter escapes him. What makes all of this ten times worse is the fact that he’s looking at her again, and Rey nearly gives into the smile tugging at her lips in response before she realizes what she’s doing.
She quickly puts a brake on the stupid, girly smile and twists her lips into a scowl instead, internally berating her apparent lack of self-restraint. She’s been attracted to people before, and it’s never fun brushing that aside and pretending nothing’s amiss, but this… this is stupid on so many levels: this is a man she doesn’t know, this is a man in charge of her grades, this is a man she absolutely cannot allow herself to crush on, no matter how deep his voice is or how distracting his lips are or how compelling the sad look in his eyes–
Belatedly, Rey realizes that she’d forgotten to duck her head while lost in thought and that she now appears to have been scowling at her new TA for the past ten seconds for no reason at all.
This is what happens when she allows outsiders and hormones and feelings to complicate things.
She looks away then, and scrutinizes the abysmal state of her nails until a scraping sound indicates that Ben Solo is once again safely tucked away in his little corner desk. The next time she looks up, Holdo has returned to the lectern and is pulling up her slides for the day.
Class passes by in a flash after that, as it always does. Holdo is known for interactive and informative lectures that are always succinct and lively, making her a campus favorite. It’s the reason why Rey, along with more than a third of her classmates, opted for a notoriously heavy poli-sci class as their elective in spite of all the ‘easier’ options available to them, and it’s a decision she’s almost never regretted.
And with Armitage Hux, TA from hell, abuser of power, and thinly-veiled racist/sexist/classist pig, finally gone, Rey can now confidently say she has zero regrets about signing up for this class.
At the end of lecture, Amilyn raises her voice to be heard above the din of nearly a hundred and fifty students rushing to pack up and hurry to their next class or lunch. “One last thing! Ben and I have been hard at work all weekend regrading your papers in light of Hux’s misconduct, and your new grades will be available in an hour’s time. All right, class dismissed!”
Sitting in the third row gives Rey and her friends the distinct advantage of being closer to the doors, allowing them to rush out before everyone else gets stuck at the bottleneck. Today, though, another person manages to make it out with them.
Ben Solo passes through the doors at the exact same moment as her, his arm brushing her shoulder as they walk out. He murmurs an apology, one Rey is fully prepared to acknowledge with a simple, wordless nod, only to follow it up with a question. “Rey Niima, right?”
Her name said in that voice, coming from those lips, has Rey twisting her face into a grimace in reaction to the unusual fluttery feeling in her stomach right now.
“Yes,” she says, directing a glare at the retreating backs of her traitor friends scurrying down the hallway to avoid the TA before she turns to face him. “That’s me. Is something wrong?” Rey asks a little too sharply, courtesy of a lifetime of learning to hide her uncertainty and weakness behind a façade of ice-cold irritation and aloofness.
A sharp spike of regret lances through her when the slight smile on Ben’s face wavers.
“No, nothing’s wrong, not at all,” he mumbles without quite looking at her. “Sorry, it’s just… I recognized you because of Poe, Poe Dameron?”
It makes sense, Rey supposes, that the two grad students would know each other. But then wouldn’t he recognize Finn and Rose as well?
“And I just…” Ben runs a hand through his hair with a heavy exhale, and Rey’s fingers twitch with the impulse, the want, to do the same. She curls them into her palm instead, digging into her skin so hard she knows she’ll leave a set of angry red crescents behind. “Um, I just wanted to say… your paper was exemplary. If there was any doubt before that Hux was unfairly marking you guys, his treatment of your essay would’ve been proof enough.”
“Oh,” Rey says softly, completely taken aback by this unexpected turn of events. She’s also relieved, so relieved to know that she’s passing this assignment after all – exemplary, he’d said – that the tension in her shoulders just… melts away.
Ben seems to take that as a sign of encouragement, because he barrels through the rest of his thoughts. “The connection between neoliberalism and the shrinking welfare state isn’t new, but the way you wrote about it and the strength of your arguments and the sheer scope of your knowledge and the way you defend your stance – it’s just… the paper really stands out, in a class most people are just taking as an elective. That’s all,” he concludes almost sheepishly, clearly cutting himself off to keep it short.
And Rey, Rey can feel herself straining toward him like a flower to the sun, her starved soul eagerly lapping up every last drop of validation and praise. But…
But old habits die hard, and her first instinct is still to treat kindness – especially unwarranted, unexpected kindness – with suspicion and casualness, to pretend that his words have no effect on her.
So she shrugs and says, “Elective or not, it still affects my overall grade.” And then, because she likes to think she’s made some progress in the last three years, Rey allows herself a barely-there smile and adds, “So um, I’m glad to hear I did well. Thanks for letting me know.”
“Oh, uh, sure, no problem–”
She’s already turning away as he speaks, intent on getting the hell out of here before she can do something stupid like actually smile at him or get lost in his eyes or give him any hint of how much the opinion of a total stranger means to her.
“Yeah, thanks again, see you around!” Rey tosses over her shoulder, and wills herself not to break into a run as she chases after her friends, who have been waiting just around the corner like the absolute assholes that they are.
“Oh my god, Finn,” Rose squeals as Rey catches up to them. “Is she blushing? I think someone’s blushing,” she adds in a sing-song voice.
Finn laughs and teasingly jostles her as the three of them fall into step. “I didn’t even know you were capable of turning this pink, peanut!”
“I hate you both,” Rey mutters at her friends, but even their knowing looks can’t keep her from turning back to get one last glimpse at Ben.
He’s still standing where she’d left him, looking completely still… and lost.
Rey almost allows herself to feel bad for him.
❄  ❄  ❄
Their subsequent interactions don’t go any better.
The second time they meet outside of class, it’s for a quick feedback session that she’d taken three whole days to talk herself into setting up. Rey splashes cold water on her face ten minutes before Ben’s office hours start, takes deep, calming breaths throughout her short journey from the library to the grad student lounge, and instantly regrets every single life choice she’s ever made when she walks in to find him waiting for her.
Even worse, he appears to be genuinely happy to see her, spinning around in his chair to greet her with a wide smile.
And worst of all, he’s traded in the black sweater from last time for a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up that somehow – impossibly – makes him look even bigger as he gestures for her to take an empty seat next to him so they can both refer to his screen. She’d emailed him her two ideas for the final research paper ahead of time, along with a brief outline for both, and it’s actually really nice to see that Ben’s clearly taken the time to go through everything she sent him and come up with valuable feedbacks and concerns for both ideas.
What’s not so nice, though, is the fact that she keeps getting distracted by his exposed forearms, and then she get visibly flustered about it, and then she grows irritated at herself for being this way, and by the end of her twenty-minute slot with him Ben’s smile is completely gone. Rey can’t even blame him, not with her distraction and irritation conspiring to make her seem ungrateful for and uninterested in his feedback.
All in all, it’s a disaster – and yet, somehow not nearly as bad as the third time they meet.
Two weeks later, Poe somehow manages to talk Ben into joining them for their weekly happy hour over at Maz’s. It’s bad enough when he shows up without warning, but Rey knows things are about to get really bad when she realizes that he’s in a tee shirt this time, a tight tee shirt paired with jeans that show off way more than his usual slacks.
Rey tells herself that it’s natural to feel hot in a crowded cantina, that she’s only overheating because she hadn’t had the time to change out of her sweater and jeans before heading here straight from the library.
A hush falls over their table when Poe shows up with their new TA of all people, but Finn and Rose quickly recover from their shock to seamlessly weave Ben into their ongoing conversations about midterms, holiday plans, and more. Rey, however, takes a little longer to adjust.
And maybe, just maybe, her external silence while she internally snaps at herself to get her fucking hormones under control comes off as a little unwelcoming, because at some point she feels Ben’s eyes on hers only to see him quickly look away when she finally lifts her head, his lips devoid of a smile and his shoulders slumped in what she can only assume is discomfort at being around her or disappointment at her behavior.
He gets over it quickly enough though, falling into easy conversation with the others while Rey makes the occasional contribution here and there, though only when prompted by Finn or Rose or Poe. She feels Ben’s eyes on her every now and then, but they manage to avoid each other until Finn and Poe finally slip away to join the crowd gathering on the makeshift dance floor and Rose goes off to say hello to some friends at another table a few minutes later.
After what feels like an eternity of uncomfortable silence and avoiding his eyes and growing steadily warmer to the point of discomfort and nausea, Rey nearly jumps out of her seat when Ben finally speaks.
“Would you… that is… I was wondering if…” He closes his eyes for a moment and clears his throat, and Rey thinks she catches the faintest hint of a flush on his cheeks when she finally finds the courage to look directly at him.
It turns into an outright blush when he opens his eyes to find her staring at him. “I, um, I’m going to get another round,” Ben tells her, tipping his empty beer bottle at her. “Can I get you a drink?” he asks with a little smile.
And she knows, Rey knows he’s just asking out of politeness, just asking because it’s the friendly thing to do and he probably doesn’t mean it that way and honestly, even if he did it wouldn’t be the end of the world–
But suddenly it’s just too much too bear, the heat and the noise and the way that stupidly cute shy little smile makes her feel, and before she knows it Rey’s slipping out of the booth and collecting her jacket. “No thanks, I’m done for the night,” she abruptly announces, words tumbling past her lips in her haste to get out of the cantina and into the cool October night before she passes out or spontaneously combusts or something.
Rey thinks she hears a disappointed little oh as she brushes past him, but she chalks that up to her imagination and doesn’t look back as she steps out into the night. Later that evening, alone in her bed, Rey spends the entire night tossing and turning and dreaming about Ben Solo. Her Saturday morning plans are completely messed up the next day, when she finds herself trying to catch up on sleep instead of going for a run and stocking up on groceries and working on her paper.
Her wasted Saturday only confirms her suspicions: Ben Solo is a distraction, the way he makes her feel is annoying, and there is absolutely no space for him in her life.
So when things suddenly take a turn, it’s probably for the better. Rey should probably be happy. Things will probably go back to normal now.
But it doesn’t feel like anything’s better when Ben stops looking at her in class the next week.
She doesn’t feel happy when he runs into her and her friends at their usual coffee shop a few days later and he acknowledges Finn and Rose by name, only to give her a wordless nod and then brush past her.
And it definitely doesn’t feel normal when Poe convinces Ben to join their group for brunch two Sundays later and she doesn’t feel his eyes on her even once.
After nearly a month of being ignored by Ben, Rey can’t tell who she’s more annoyed at: Ben for disrupting her life and making her feel this way, or her for letting herself get all messed up over a man who’s practically a stranger. All she knows is that she’s crankier than she’s ever been, and that doesn’t bode well for Rose and the sympathetic looks she keeps giving Rey every time Ben acts like she doesn’t exist.
She finally snaps after class one day, when Holdo informs her that Ben’s too busy to handle office hours so Holdo will be stepping in for Rey’s scheduled consultation regarding their upcoming midterms instead. Rose walks her out of class with a supportive hand on her back and looks at her as if someone’s just run over Rey’s beloved puppy or something, and it all finally gets to be too much.
“Stop it,” Rey hisses, shaking Rose’s hand off her. “Stop acting like… like I’m broken, or someone died, or something. Just stop.”
Her friend just gives her a sad little shake of her head. “Rey… I wish you’d get it together and fix this, for both your sakes. Poe thinks maybe you really hurt his feelings.”
The accusation – gentle though it may be – lands a little too close to home for Rey, who’s spent half her nights dreaming about Ben’s smile and the other half losing sleep over all the times she wiped it right off his face.
“Or maybe,” she snaps back defensively, “he’s just an asshole for no reason and I was right to treat him exactly the way I did.”
Rose simply crosses her arms and gives Rey a look, the very rare kind that signals she’s run out of patience for someone’s bullshit. “Honey… I love you, but I’m starting to worry that maybe you’re the asshole in this situation.”
Rey storms off without a word.
She’s always been good at running away from the truth like that.
❄  ❄  ❄
Two more weeks pass.
Midterms come and go and get graded, and Rey sees red when she receives a B- while all of her friends score As and B+s.
It’s like Armitage fucking Hux all over again. She knows she deserves at least a B+, knows this isn’t about her work but about her, and like hell is she letting another asshole TA unfairly target her.
Her rage carries her all the way across campus and into the grad student lounge, potent enough that she doesn’t even hesitate when she realizes she and Ben are the only two people in the quiet room.
He doesn’t notice her at first, grading away with headphones in. Rey takes a probably unhealthy amount of satisfaction at the way he jumps when she announces her presence by slamming her palm onto his desk, and barely waits for him to take off his headphones before she says, “I demand a remark.”
She’s prepared for an instant refusal, for bullshit excuses, even for him to outright ignore her, but Rey is not prepared for the way he just looks at her, staring into her eyes with an indecipherable look in his.
It’s… unsettling, the way he looks at her, the way it makes her feel. “I worked my ass off studying for that goddamn test, which you would know if you hadn’t bailed on me when I made an appointment with you about it, so I know for a fact that I deserve better. Which means you’re going to pull up my paper and remark it, even if I have to stay here and go through it word by word with you until you treat me fairly like a decent goddamn person–”
Ben’s shoulders slump, but strangely she’s the one who suddenly runs out of steam. He’s not looking at her anymore, choosing to stare at the floor instead as one hand nervously fiddles with the pen in his grip… and there, under his hand, laid out on his desk, is her midterm.
“I’m sorry,” he says so quietly she almost misses it, even in a room with absolutely no other sound. “You’re… you’re right. You deserve better, and I was being unfair. Childish and unprofessional and–” Ben sighs, and drags a hand over his face. “God, I don’t know what I was thinking. I’ll fix it right now, I was about to anyway, I regretted it the second I– Anyway, if you want to go to Holdo about this…”
She’s a little too hung up on childish and unprofessional to realize what he’s saying at first. What cause has she ever given him to be childish and unprofessional to her and her alone?
Unbidden, the image of Rose rolling her eyes flits into Rey’s mind – and with it, some of the last words they’d ever exchanged on the topic of one Ben Solo… and his hurt feelings.
Rey’s anger melts away, and so does a bit of the ice wall around her heart when she sees the way Ben is staring blankly at his desk, shoulders curved into themselves in absolute defeat and guilt and… maybe, just maybe, hurt.
His last words finally catch up to her, and she finds herself curling a hand around his shoulder before she’s even consciously aware of choosing to do so. “Just… just fix it, and don’t do it again,” she tells him softly.
Ben doesn’t turn to look at her, but she knows she’s not imagining the way he leans into her touch just the slightest bit. “Never again,” he vows and slowly, ever so slowly, turns around to look at her.
And something inside her, the same something that keeps her up at night with memories of him and reminds her of him at the oddest times and makes her heart ache as she looks at him now, compels Rey to hold out her hand and offer him a smile. “Truce?”
His hand shakes as he slowly reaches out to meet her. It makes no sense, the way her hand fits perfectly in his even though his absolutely dwarfs hers, but Rey manages to beat back an instinctive flare of irritation at the discovery and keeps her smile firmly plastered on instead.
“Truce,” Ben murmurs in agreement, and gives her a small smile in return.
She cherishes it more than she probably should, the lingering smile on his lips as they remain that way, hand in hand, until the sound of approaching footsteps snaps her out of the moment.
The sound of Poe’s voice hits her like a bucket of ice water, and Rey drops Ben’s hand as if she’s been burned, ignoring the way his face falls when she rips her hand out of his.
“Oh hey there, Rey!” Poe says cheerfully, heading straight for them. Thankfully she’s had her back to the door this entire time, conveniently hiding their hands from Poe’s view. “Nice to see you in our neck of the woods for once. What’s up?” he asks, throwing himself down onto a nearby chair and rolling it over to them.
“Just wanted to discuss my midterms with Ben, that’s all,” Rey tells him, summoning the most natural-feeling smile she’s capable of right now. “I was just about to head out, actually. I’ll see you at Taco Thursday?”
Poe nods enthusiastically. “Definitely. Finn won’t stop talking about it. Wait,” he suddenly says, turning to Ben with narrowed eyes. “You still haven’t gotten back to me on that! I’m not letting you bail on me again, buddy.”
Guilt slams into Rey like a freight train. She’s noticed Ben’s increasingly frequent absences at their group outings this month, but she’d desperately tried to protect herself from the truth by linking it to what Holdo had said about him being busy with his research this month. The way Ben’s eyes flit to her before he turns to Poe, though, tells her everything she needs to know.
“I’m sorry, Poe–”
“You should come,” Rey says before she can overthink it, before Ben misses out on yet another evening with friends just because of her.
He and Poe turn to her with matching looks of wide-eyed surprise, and the sight is enough to coax a real smile out of her.
“I should?” Ben asks.
Rey nods, ignoring the way Poe’s mouth is slowly curving into a grin as his eyes jump from one of them to the other as if he’s observing a ping pong match. “Yeah, definitely. It’ll be fun.”
She’d much rather focus on the way Ben’s smiling at her anyway, a genuine, fragile little thing full of hope and joy while he gives her the softest, warmest look she’s ever received.
“Okay,” he finally says.
“Okay,” she echoes, knowing that she’s smiling like a fool.
“Okay!” Poe cheers, pumping his fist for exaggerated effect. “Taco Thursday, here we come!”
“I’ll see you guys then,” Rey says with a little laugh, and waves goodbye at Ben even as Poe starts to talk his ear off about bro time and the idea of a taco competition and god knows what else.
He waves back, eyes on her until she finally, reluctantly turns her back to him and leaves the lounge. She walks for all of two minutes before she turns a corner and slumps against the wall, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths to steady her racing heart and quell her wide grin.
Ben Solo might be a distraction, but the way he makes her feel… isn’t all that bad, Rey supposes. Maybe there’s some room for him in her life after all.
❄  ❄  ❄
Rey does not so much decide to let Ben into her life as she decides to just… allow it to happen.
True to their promise in the grad lounge, they fall into a tentative truce – and it’s almost as if the universe takes that as a sign and decides to run with it. Suddenly there are secret smiles shared in every single class, near-daily run-ins around campus that include friendly hellos, and, of course, an endless string of group outings organized by a gleeful Rose and a scheming Poe.
(Finn, bless his heart, simply tells her to trust her gut the day he finally catches on to what’s happening and leaves it at that.)
With each smile, each hello, each group brunch or lunch or dinner or happy hour that somehow always ends up with the two of them sitting and talking together… Rey feels every facet of her defense mechanism slowly melting away, leaving behind only her undeniable connection with Ben and the fact that he’s worth being attracted to, worth caring about, worth making herself vulnerable to and for.
She doesn’t really have the time or energy to do anything with that realization though, not with finals just around the corner. The last leg of the semester is an endless nightmare, with major papers due and ‘surprise’ revision quizzes and, of course, finals themselves.
There’s barely any time to eat, sleep, and breathe, let alone think and feel and reach out, until she makes it out of her last final the Friday before Christmas relatively unscathed. It’s been a miserable two weeks, but the relief of finally being done –for now – gives Rey a much-needed burst of energy to drag herself over to Maz’s later that day where everyone else is celebrating the end of finals and the semester as a whole.
She draws the line at dancing though, telling Finn and Rose that she can barely keep her eyes open when they try to pull her into the fray.
“You should’ve just stayed home,” Rose says with a concerned frown as Finn disappears to get her another round before they leave her to her own devices.
She would’ve, if not for the fact that this is probably her last chance to see Ben this year. She’s not all that familiar with the schedule for grad school, but surely even they get to go home for the holidays.
Rey doesn’t tell Rose any of this, though. “If I’d stayed home, I probably would’ve crashed for twenty-four hours straight or something like that,” she says instead, which isn’t all that far from the truth.
Finn returns with her drink a few minutes later, and the two of them fuss over her a little more until Poe and Ben show up.
He smiles at her, and Rey fights off the sudden and strong urge to curl into him and go to sleep in his arms.
“Perfect timing!” Finn says as he gives his boyfriend a quick kiss before Poe heads off to get drinks for Ben and himself. “Ben, you’re not much of a dancer, right?”
“That’s probably the understatement of the century,” Ben says in that dry way of his, drawing laughs from the rest of them. And then, before Finn can even ask, he nods. “You guys go ahead and have fun, I’ll sit with Rey.”
Rose and Finn need no further convincing, immediately disappearing into the crowd gathered in the center of the room. Poe stops by their table just long enough to drop off their drinks, and quickly follows suit.
And then, as is so often the case with these group outings, it’s just her and Ben.
“Too tired to dance?” he asks, moving closer to be heard above the crowd.
Rey slumps onto the table with her head cradled in her folded arms. “Finals broke me,” she mutters into her arm, not quite sure if Ben can even hear her.
He does, somehow, and gives her a quiet laugh in return. It warms her in all the right ways now, coaxing a slow, lazy smile from her as she turns to look up at him.
“I’m sure all of your hard work will pay off,” Ben predicts confidently, and Rey lets out a little hum in reply before they fall into a comfortable silence. She doesn’t fall asleep, can’t with all the noise in the background, but she closes her eyes for long stretches of time and pretends she doesn’t feel the warmth of Ben’s gaze on her every time she does.
It’s nice, what they have together. Warm and easy and comfortable, so comfortable that Rey isn’t really thinking straight when she allows a combination of exhaustion and alcohol and, quite frankly, affection and fondness and want to thoroughly lay waste to her verbal filter.
“I’m hostile toward people I want to fuck,” she finally admits, eyes half-closed and words more than a little slurred.
The booth seems to shake along with Ben when he startles at her blunt confession. “What?” he asks faintly, as though she’s knocked the wind out of him. She opens her eyes to find him staring at her all wide-eyed like a deer in headlights and shit, that shouldn’t be attractive but of course it is, everything about him is.
And the best part is, that’s just one of the many reasons why Rey somehow finds it within herself to shake off her exhaustion, pull herself upright, and finally take a leap of faith. “That was crude, sorry,” she says with a little smile, biting back a laugh at the way Ben just blinks at her.
“It’s just…” And this is the hard part, the bit she’s never actually put into words, not even for Finn and Rose, not even for herself, but for Ben she’s willing to try and finally make sense of it all, of the warped defense mechanism her childhood had forced upon her without her even consciously knowing it. “Where I grew up, how I grew up… I couldn’t have any distractions or weaknesses,” Rey begins, and finds the strength to go on in the way Ben hangs on to her every word like he actually cares, in the way he leans in and blocks out the rest of the world behind him so that she can share this secret with him and only him. “And for the longest time, my greatest weakness was wanting. There were… so many things I wanted, people above all. Parents and friends and just… someone who cared, that’s all.”
To his credit, Ben stays quiet and lets her go on even though it looks like it physically pains him not to say something at this point. He finds a nice compromise by placing one hand next to hers on the table in a silent offer, and Rey smiles as she takes him up on it and slides her hand into the familiar, comforting hold of his. “Eventually, I learned that having feelings for someone, wanting them, caring about another person’s opinion of me or even caring for another person period… all of that made me vulnerable, in one way or another. I learned that I couldn’t afford any of that, and so I trained myself out of it. I stopped wanting, stopped trusting…” she pauses, takes a shaky breath, “stopped feeling, for the longest time.”
And Ben, Ben just squeezes her hand and gives her a small smile and nods for her to go on.
“Then I moved here three years ago, and everything changed. Suddenly it was okay to like being around people and to want to make friends and even to want someone. But my brain didn’t quite get the message, I think,” Rey says with a laugh, “because whenever I do find myself attracted to someone – not that it happens often, I honestly can’t remember the last time before you –, I just get really, really weird and silly and pissed about it, like how dare you be appealing to me and make me feel things I didn’t ask to feel, and then…” She shrugs. “Well, you’ve seen firsthand how much of an asshole I can be when that happens.”
At some point during her word vomit Ben’s hand had grown slack in hers, and so Rey lets go and busies herself with peeling the label of his bottle while he processes her little – well, not so little – ramble.
It takes a while. Quite a while, really, so much so that Rey starts to wonder if she’s just made an absolute fool of herself by throwing caution to the wind just this once. Just as she’s about to give up and shut down and run away from him, though, Ben finally speaks.
“Um,” he says, and it’s the look in his eyes, uncertainty swirling with the slightest bit of hope, that keeps her in place even as he struggles to form more words. “Um, so you… does that mean… because you just said– And I’m not your TA anymore, you should probably know that, Amilyn and I finished grading the finals two days ago so… I mean… if you want…”
He sounds so hesitant and uncertain and shy, and Rey’s heart is so full of endearment and fondness and affection for this ridiculous man. She takes pity on Ben, figuring she owes him a break anyway, and finds enough courage for the both of them to take one last leap and ask, “Can I kiss you?”
Thankfully, he doesn’t leave her hanging this time. “Please,” he breathes almost immediately, almost reverently, and catches her as if he’s been doing it all their lives when she promptly throws herself into his lap. His lips are so soft, just as she’d known they would be, and at first he kisses her so sweetly it makes Rey’s heart ache. It doesn’t take long for him to get comfortable though, for him to coax her to part her lips while his hands settle around her hips, for him to make her heart race.
And Rey, Rey is living for this, has dreamed of it for far too long to even think of stopping him now, even as the loud music and endless chatter insist on reminding her of just where they are. It isn’t until Poe alerts them to his presence with a wolf whistle that they finally part, though Ben still keeps her firmly within his arms even as they turn to find all three of their friends staring at them with smirks of varying degrees.
“Get a room, lovebirds!” Poe finally cackles, prompting Finn and Rose to burst into laughter as well.
Rey waits for dread to put out the fire in her veins, waits for her instincts to kick in and attempt to extricate herself from the situation, waits for her automatic reaction of making up for a moment of weakness by turning herself into a fortress.
It never comes – not any of it, not even the slightest blush of humiliation. She relaxes into Ben’s arms as the realization finally washes through her and settles into her bones: it’s not a weakness, what she feels for Ben Solo. Frankly, it’s exhilarating.
On that note, she allows herself a smile so wide her cheeks hurt. “Great idea, Poe,” she says casually, and turns back to a grinning Ben. “What do you think?”
Ben leans down and gives her a chaste kiss. “Yes,” he murmurs against her lips, “yes to everything.”
And so, with the very, very vocal blessings of their far too enthusiastic friends, they make their way out of the cantina and into the night. And sure, it’s still really unfair for Ben to be so hot and smart and nice, for him to look the way he does as he drapes his coat around her before ushering her to his car, but funnily enough, Rey can no longer find it within herself to be annoyed by any of that.
Ben Solo might be the biggest distraction of her life, but that’s okay. The way he makes her feel is new and foreign and all kinds of wonderful, and Rey decides right there and then that she’s definitely going to keep him in her life.
❄  ❄  ❄
Hey, remember when I came back from hiatus last month and assumed at some point I'd get back into the swing of things and remember how this whole writing business works?
I have never been so wrong in my life. But I'm also having great fun stringing together words and stories even though I have no idea what I'm doing anymore, so at least there's that. Anyway, thanks for stopping by and I hope this was as much fun to read as it was to write! As always, please don't hesitate to like/reblog/leave a comment!
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lokisgame · 5 years
A Generous Donation [11]
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10]
They woke up together, early, because she needed to stop by her place to change for the day. "There's a new toothbrush in the cabinet," he grinned, kissing her good morning and earning a poke under the rib, laughing. "Good, you should use it sometimes," she said, and sat up, stretching arms over her head. "I should bring something to sleep in next time." Mulder grinned and ran one hand down her bare back. "I'm not complaining." "Something silk and short, you'd love it." "More than what you're wearing now? I doubt it." "Flatterer," she teased and went for the bathroom, wearing nothing and wearing it well.
Ten minutes later she was downstairs, taking the coffee he offered. They stood next to each other, leaning against the counter, she in her yesterday's business casual, he in loose swats and a t-shirt, scratching his cheek. The day settling in. "What time do you think they'll have the results." "Sometime before lunch," she said, "they'll call." "I can't imagine you did this for weeks." "What?" "Waiting, it's killing me." He said, but then checked himself, "bad joke, sorry." "Transplant ward humour," she smiled, bumping his shoulder, "you're a natural." "Type 0 negative, take what you want." "More dad jokes?" "As long they are not dead jokes." "You're hilarious," she deadpanned making him laugh, for real this time. "I have to go, thanks for the toothbrush." She put the mug in the sink and as she looked up, he touched her chin, bringing her lips to his, kissing them softly. "What's that for?" "Luck," he said and kissed her again. He got the call around noon.
Scully stood a few feet from the door to Will's room, waiting for Walter to be done talking to the head nurse, realising, she was biting her nails. "You're a mess," she told herself under her breath, trying to calm her heart and conjure some leftover confidence. "Shall we?" Walter said and together they went in. "Will," she greeted him, crossing the room as he looked up from the book he was reading. He smiled, if faintly, his eyes fixed on the man behind her. "Hi mom," he said and nodded, "Sir." "How are you doing Will," Skinner asked, shaking his hand. "Not too bad," Will said, closing the book. "Mom? What's going on." "We found a donor." She said, moving straight to the point. "Yes," Skinner nodded, standing by the foot of his bed. "And since you're legally an adult, we need your consent to start with the treatment." "You got a pen?" Will said, turning pale but sitting straight. "It's not like I have much choice." "You always have a choice," Skinner said, resting his hands on the footboard. "Hear him out, Will." Scully said, putting her arm around him. "I'm obligated to explain to you the procedure, before you sign anything, so listen carefully." Will nodded. "Before we get you better, we will have to make you worse, a lot worse." "Chemo, I know." "You have to understand, we have to wipe out your immune system and destroy your own bone marrow, to get you ready for the donor cells. It won't be pretty, you will have to go through a very aggressive regimen of chemotherapy, during which you will remain in isolation to limit any risk of infection." "How long that will take?" "About two days, it will hurt like hell and there might be complications." "What then." "While you go through the preparations, we will take marrow from the donor and store it, until you are ready for transplant." "Then?" "Then once you're ready, you’ll receive the new, healthy marrow, and then we wait." "How will that look like?" "Like a blood transfusion, the cells are transferred into your bloodstream and through that, settle in your bones, where they'll hopefully stay and start to grow, rebuilding your blood and immune system, while you remain in observation." "And how long that might be?" "Usually around 100 days," Skinner said, "during that time we will monitor your condition, watching blood cell counts and keep an eye out for any signs of graft rejection." "So we're looking at three months." "At the hospital, after that, you will remain under supervision, but hopefully on an out-patient basis." "Alright, when do we start?" "As soon as we get you transferred to isolation." "Don't worry," Scully said, drawing him closer, "I'll be as close to you as I can." "I know you will." He said, leaning a little into her. "Okay, where do I sign?" "Here are the forms," Skinner said, handing him a stack of papers with a pen. "I'll leave you for a moment, I have to talk to the nurses." "Thanks." Will said and started scribbling his name on dotted lines, his hand shaking a little. He was almost done with the paperwork when he spoke again, careful not to look up. "Mom?" "Yes?" "Who is it?" He asked quietly, "The donor, anyone we know?" Scully took a deep breath, finding her voice, then whispered. "It's Mulder." Will nodded, writing his name one last time with a flourish.
He answered the phone on third ring. "Mulder." "Hey, it's me." Her voice on the other end sounded small. "How is he?" "It's bad, the things he went through so far, are nothing compared to this." "It's necessary." "I know," she sighed, "but it doesn't make it any easier." "You'll stay with him all night?" "I need to, I can't leave him." "Of course, but try to get some sleep, for me, please?" "I'll try, and how are you doing?" "Nervous," he said, closing his eyes, "it's not like I'll be peeing into a plastic cup." She huffed out quarter of a laugh. "No, it's not," "Good to know there's still one laughing bone left in you intact," he teased softly, "you'll be okay. Both of you will." "You want me to take you home after?" "No, you don't have to." "Someone should keep an eye on you," Mulder laughed, warmed by her concern. "Scully, baby, you can't be in all places at once, and right now, Will needs you more than I do." "But it's the least I can do." "I talked to some friends, they'll come pick me up." "But," "Relax, I'll be alright. When do you think they will," "Thursday, if there's no complications." "Thanksgiving," Mulder said. "Yeah, let's hope we'll have something to be thankful for." Silence stretched, humming with anxiety. "Does he know it's me?" Mulder asked finally and Scully sighed, he could almost hear her shoulders slump. "Yes," she said, "I'm sorry, he asked." "No, it's okay," Mulder said gently, "he would've figured it out, eventually." Someone said something in the background and Scully said she'll be right with them. "I have to go," she said to the phone, "they're starting Will on another round." "Sure, go, we'll talk tomorrow." "Wait, what time is it?" "Almost eleven, go, be with your kid." "Mulder?" "Yeah?" "I," she choked on words and pain in her voice tore at his heart some more. "I know, go," he said and hung up.
The ballpark was full, Fenway Park packed to capacity with red, white and blue. Heavy clouds gathered in the east, threatening to dump their load and end the game before the Red Sox had any chance at fighting back. The score was tied and the tall, chestnut haired kid in the field already earned two strikes. Opposite him stood a giant, clad in Yankee midnight blue, his face merciless like the face of baseball God. Mulder watched the boy fix his grip on the bat. "Remember," he muttered under his voice, "hips before hands…" The ball flew, the boy swung the bat… "How are we doing, mr Mulder?" Boomed a voice, yanking him out of the dream and blowing it away in seconds, while reality rushed in. The sky outside looked painted with red and orange, sun finally peeking through to say goodnight. A tall, bald doctor was walking in, the one who was in charge of the procedure. Skinner was the name, Mulder remembered, gathering himself to sit up. "I had worse," he said while the mans' hands were on him, businesslike but not callous, checking pulse and bandages. He looked through Mulders' chart and satisfied, started making notes on some new papers he brought. "Well, you look fine enough to go home for the rest of the day. Most of the side effects should be gone by the end of the week," Skinner said, signing the release form, "but it can take up to a month for you to completely recover, so my advice is to try to take it easy." "I will," Mulder said and shook the doctor's hand. "Thank you." "No, Mr Mulder, thank you. You quite possibly saved a young mans' life, and my friends' son, I'm truly grateful." "He's a great kid." "He sure is." Skinner smiled and left the room. The tv hummed in the background and Mulder glanced at the clothes laid out on the bed. His back ached and the thought of pulling on pants filled him with dread, but he bit the bullet and, perched on the edge of the mattress, gingerly started to dress. "I can do this," he said to himself, moving at a glacial pace when a voice came from the doorway. "We volunteer to pick you up and this is what we get in return?" Mulder sighed and looked at the two men standing in the doorway. Both of them were around his age, but as he aged with grace and dignity, they looked basically as they did the day they met. Basements of MIT held some pretty interesting relics. "Stop passing judgment," he said to the tall one, "it's like Arctic in here." "No it's not," the man replied and walked in. "You sure you're okay to go home?" Asked the shorter one, pushing a wheelchair in front of him. "Frohike, get that thing away from me." "Hospital policy," the tall one grinned, adding, "old man." "Blow me, Langly," Mulder said, pulling himself to his feet, but then he hissed and wobbled. Langly caught him and helped him into the chair. "Easy." "Thanks." Frohike took the bag and the jacket from the bed and glanced around the room. "You had anything else with you?" "No," Mulder said, trying to control his breathing while his stomach auditioned for Cirque du Soleil. "Hey, you sure you okay?" "Yeah," he swallowed hard and finally looked up. "I'm just worried, I can do that at home as well." "If you say so." Frohike said pulling the doors open and Langly pushed the chair, with Mulder in it, towards the elevators and the parking lot.
The Gunmen didn't try to pull him into their conversation, letting him rest, while Byers pitched his patience against late afternoon traffic. They took him straight home, arguing from where to order the pizza, and what should be on top. They made the call from the car to save time. Mulder managed the steps to his front door and headed straight for the couch, pulling the blanket over himself, barely any strength left to toe off his sneakers. "Did you talk to the good doctor today?" "Yeah, she called this morning." "Called." Langly said, dubious. "She's with her son, no point in her going in and out of quarantine zone just to talk." "Well," he began, but then thought better of it. "You're right." "Here are your meds," Byers said, putting a glass of water next to the bag on the coffee table. "You should take them after dinner." The doorbell rang and Langly went to get it, his wallet out to pay for the delivery. Mulder ate one slice, without getting up, took the pills and watched the game on tv, which someone had turned on. Low conversation hummed around him, comfortable, familiar, and completely undemanding. It was one of the little things he was grateful for most, having people he could count on without worrying about returning the favour. Food, meds and being home helped a lot, but his mind kept drifting to Scully, her nervous hands he wished he could hold, her tense shoulders he would gather under his arm. His brave, strong Scully, fighting for her son. Mulder's prayers were short and to the point, since he wasn't even sure, if there was an all-powerful God. He didn't need much from the one above, or below, or around for that matter, if one wanted to be fair to all, nothing more than not making them stand over a hole in the ground, because that hole would forever stay open in their hearts. He didn't watch the game end, or notice the boys look at him then at each other. The question that hung unspoken, finally ripened enough to be voiced. "Why do you do it?" Frohike said from the chair by the fireplace and Mulder sighed, pulling the blankets a little closer around himself. "If I ever had a kid," he said quietly, "I hope there would be someone, who would do the same for him." His friends looked at him for a long moment, expressions gradually softening, while they accepted the answer as true to Mulders' nature as they might ever expect. "Well, let's hope it works." Frohike said and smiled warmly. "Yeah, let's." Mulder relied and watched them get up to leave. "Take it easy," said Byers, shrugging into his long coat, "and call if you need anything." "Thanks." "Anytime man." Langly said and zipped up his leather jacket. Frohike patted his shoulder and they left, leaving Mulder with his fears and aches. His part was done, now all he could do was wait.
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walls-dmc5 · 5 years
Walls - 8th chapter “Revelation”
Words: 11k
Warnings/tags: canon-typical violence
Synopsis: Back on the road. V and Cara have to fend off a powerful opponent, while the revelation of the Amalgam demon shakes V to his core.
Author’s note: I’m really, really proud of this chapter, especially the very last scene where we dive into complete canon divergence territory. I also really love the bonding moments between Cara and V.
I hope you enjoy it! 🌹
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Cara put all the materials for wound treatment she could find in her backpack after she changed his bandages. The wound was far from healed, but she wouldn’t be able to stop him from continuing their mission today just like Griffon told her yesterday. She has already been relieved that she saw him fast asleep when she returned to the living room after her shower yesterday. It was probably all she could ask for right now. And she didn’t have any right to say anything anyway. But at least she could be prepared in case something happened on the way again.
V rose from the couch and tied his vest back together. She didn’t watch him while he did it, but she secretly admired his patience for tying the vest each time.
“Take care, though, please. Too much strain and it will take even longer to heal,” she told him. V nodded at her which she just returned.
“Alright, fellas, Lady is awake. But she’s not coming with us today,” Nico declared as she came downstairs.
“Is she alright?” Nero wanted to know. Nico nodded enthusiastically.
“Just tired. Said she won’t be of use to us today. But, if we don’t happen to save the world today she’ll be with us tomorrow. Oh, also! She doesn’t remember a lot right now, so questions may be better at a later time.”
“Will she be alright though? Alone here that is?”
“While it may not be ideal, it is relatively safe here.”
“And she’s got a gun. Not gonna leave a girl without her weapon,” Nico added to V’s reply. Cara nodded. They slept peacefully at night despite demons roaming the city, she should be alright. Maybe they could check up on her occasionally.
“Better you go with V again. Just in case something’s off,” Nero said as he shouldered his sword, obviously referring to V’s injury.
Cara just nodded as a response. She was a bit reluctant to admit but despite the factor that she could treat his injury should something happen on the way she was also looking forward to this alongside him. Maybe she could get to know more about him this way. She had questions. So many questions. And being around him and his demons was… rather pleasant. Given the circumstances and the gravity of the situation she never expected to find such… joy in his and his companion’s company. It distracted her mind enough to not think too much about her mistake, to not let her own dark emotions catch up with her. And after yesterday she also came to appreciate the blue bird demon a lot more. There was more to him than just a foul mouth and an offensive attitude.
“Shall we drop you off anywhere specific?” Nero wanted to know once they were inside the van.
“The Qliphoth roots are everywhere. It does not really matter,” V replied, sitting behind the driver’s seat.
“Then we’ll drop you off along the way. This should be enough for you to avoid that machine demon,” Nero replied. Cara agreed and as much as she wanted to see and get some information about that demon she would stick to the plan and get rid of these roots and then she could hopefully take this tree down and prevent any more deaths from happening.
Nico dropped them off at a larger crossroads where they could see a larger conglomeration of roots blocking off a whole street in one direction. With such a high concentration of roots and vines demons were probably around or at least would spawn as soon as someone approached them. 
And it truly didn’t take long.
As soon as the van’s engine wasn’t audible anymore and V and Cara made a few steps towards the pools of blood on the floor seemingly began to boil. Blood started to rise, twirling around before changing colors and taking shape. A twisted demonic figure appeared before them. Red and purple tentacles wrapped around a disgusting figure and two long sharp blades formed on the long arms.
Cara pulled her weapon from the holster around her left leg, her eyes quickly scanning her surroundings. The street where the demon spawned was too narrow to risk getting behind it, those arms were too flexible and long. But she knew these demons could teleport, so the first thing to do was to lure it out of the street and onto the open crossroads.
Two Hell Cainas spawned alongside the Hell Judecca, but Cara paid those hardly any mind. Of course she should not underestimate them but they weren’t the real threat here.
V next to her stretched his arm to the side, his gaze darkened, his lips curved upwards into a small smirk. Just like before the fight against Nidhogg he seemed almost eager. There was a twisted sense of enjoyment all over him. He hated demons, didn’t hide this disdain, didn’t make it a secret and Cara would like to know what his reasons were. 
Cara watched him as the black tattoos on his body dissolved and the particles flowed through the air to take shape. Like wisps of smoke did the ink glide over the ground until the panther demon stood in front of V; the last particle vanishing with a growl from her. Griffon appeared on V’s outstretched arm, shaking his blue feathers which sizzled with electricity.
Cara joined their determination and anticipation of killing yet another bunch of demons. While she couldn’t say she loved fighting them as much as V and his companions seemed to do, she still loathed with them with a passion. These distasteful creatures took her parent’s lives all these years ago, none of them deserved to continue their pathetic existence.
There was a subtle movement. Just V smirking and moving the hand that held his cane. But it was enough to start the battle.
It was one fluid motion. V pointed his cane at the demons, Griffon jumped from his arm, Shadow charged at them with a growl, Cara ran at the demons while they released their typical growls, raised their arms to attack.
Evading the attack of the Judecca as it stretched its tentacle arms at V and Cara was easy enough; Cara jumped to the side while V V slid over the ground with Shadow’s assistance (a move that still fascinated Cara). But Cara could use the attack to get closer to the demon. She still needed to lure it out of this narrow street, so she was well aware that her move would be of no use, but it would force it to teleport. She dodged the Hell Cainas, raised her Kama over her head to bring it down on the bigger demon, but before the blade even had a chance to connect with the demon it vanished in a blur of purple and red colors as predicted.
It reappeared near V, though Griffon reacted quickly, grabbing V’s bracelets and putting some distance between them. Cara looked at V for a moment, a concerned glance in her eyes. He really shouldn’t move too much with his wound. 
However, the worry in her eyes vanished within a moment as a plan formed in her head. Yes, it was simple, but these demons weren’t smart, so there was no need for a complex strategy.
“V!” She called out his name over the battlefield and she felt a sense of pride when he reacted immediately, his attention on her despite the fight around them.
“Can you keep their attention on you, so I can get close to them and end this?” These demons couldn’t understand human speech, so she could freely raise her voice. V nodded, a gesture barely noticed and Cara could have sworn there was a warm sensation in her chest when he listened to her and did as she told him to because she knew he wouldn’t have followed her strategy back then in the Qliphoth; hell, not even when they arrived in Red Grave again. It was hard to explain but it meant something to her that he seemed to have let her in that far at least.
“Alright, let’s go then!” Griffon called as V retreated him and Shadow back to him and focused on long-range attacks which allowed his familiars to still stay nearby as to not divert the demons’s attention from them.
Cara smirked as it truly worked and the demons didn’t pay her any mind anymore. She tried to stay out of their field of view and she moved slower than before, not trying to gain the demon’s attention by doing reckless and harsh movements. She kept an eye out for Griffon’s lightning attacks too, so she didn’t accidentally run into one and got roasted.
Only when she managed to get behind the Hell Judecca her motions needed to become faster. Demons could feel humans if they were really close, so she had to be fast, and she only had this one chance.
She gripped her Kama tighter and attacked.
She jumped, getting a well aimed grip on one of the purple, but tangible, tentacles wrapped around its upper body. Cara used it as leverage to pull herself higher and closer to the bigger demon’s head. It was just one deliberate swift of her weapon. The blade dug through the demonic flesh and nerves like paper, the screech of the Judecca was all that indicated the lethal strike. It fell down and dissolved into a pool of blood within mere moments.
Cara allowed the satisfied smile on her lips as she landed back on her own feet. Now all that was left were the two Hell Cainas who surprisingly didn’t charge at her. V apparently was doing a rather great job of keeping their focus on him.
She looked over to him to see what exactly he was doing.
Only to halt every thought and motion instantly.
V was dancing.
There he was. Swinging his legs around, his feet jumping and tapping the ground in a rhythm only he heard, his arms following the swings of his feet, his cane spinning in his hand. There was a smile on his face, his features carefree and relaxed with his eyes closed as for just this moment he was lost in his own world, in the music playing in his head.
Cara was hypnotized. She stared at him dancing, this open display of happiness on his face, his elegant and deliberate steps. She was aware he was doing this to provoke their enemies, still, that didn’t stop her from admiring this unexpected gesture.
Whatever spell she was under in that moment broke when Shadow’s claws and Griffon’s lightning rained down upon the Hell Cainas, almost instantly beating them down. It didn’t take long for V to reach them and to stab them with his cane, ending their lives for good. And within moments silence settled upon the battlefield again.
“Do you like dancing?” Cara finally asked him after they eliminated the Qliphoth roots in the area after the question has been burning on the tip of her tongue, she just didn’t dare to actually ask him. V didn’t stop walking and Cara also noticed he used his cane for it, which worried her a bit but he didn’t look hurt, neither did his wound seem to bother him, so she hoped he was just exhausted. He really shouldn’t have come with them today… V turned his head to her, she couldn’t read his expression but he watched her intently for a moment as if he wasn’t sure if he heard her correctly before he turned his attention back on the road.
“Under every grief and pine Runs a joy with silken twine.”
That was another quote, Cara recognized that much, but her first thought was that it wasn’t a random one. V seemed to choose the quotes very carefully, putting emphasis on certain words, his voice lowering each time; he didn’t quote poetry just for the sake of it. But before Cara could try to analyze what he meant by that quote V raised his voice again.
“I do not indulge in it often.”
“What a shame. It looked really good.”
The words spilled from her lips before she could stop them but she was speaking her honest mind and she figured she really didn’t care. His unexpected steps and moves and his carefree expression still replayed in her mind and very deep down she hoped that she may get to see it again.
V, however, did not seem to have expected to hear such a compliment.
His head turned to her way too fast, his eyebrows rose, not much but very much so noticeable, his lips parted the slightest bit, his steps slowed. There was no wall left, no barrier that protected him from anyone seeing how he felt, what he thought. The surprise and bewilderment was clear as day in his green eyes and everywhere around him. V didn’t say a word. He just looked at her completely caught off guard before he gathered himself again and wordlessly continued his way.
That’s… adorable, Cara wondered for the next minutes where this thought came from.
They reached a rather big square after quite a while of walking. Roots and vines of the Qliphoth blocked off most of streets, leaving only a few routes they could take. But still, despite the huge amount of roots and the vast space of the streets and the square, this place was rather quiet. There were no demons around and the only sound in the air was the breeze blowing through the streets. They definitely shouldn’t let their guard down but…
“Shall we take a break?” she asked V. Cara could have continued their path for now but she was a bit worried about the man. While V was not heavily leaning on his cane when he walked he did use it, which he hasn’t done before since she met him. So they should use this opportunity.
V thought for a moment but nodded in agreement.
They walked to a building as to not settle down right in the middle of the square where every demon could easily spot them.
“I wonder if these still work.” Cara thought out loud as they approached a telephone box at the side of a road. Compared to the conditions of most of the buildings the box seemed pretty unscathed, it just seemed really old.
“Most of the electricity has been cut off. The line may still work however,” V replied. The man sat down on the ground, his back to the phone box. Cara shrugged and reached for the phone. She smiled when she heard the familiar peep sound. It was really working.
“Do you need me to call Nico?” she asked V. She had her mobile phone but she still would try this phone to call her this time, even if it was just for fun, since she didn’t need supplies from Nico right now. She had everything she may need in her backpack. So she mostly asked for V. The couch in the van was probably more comfortable than the cold stone ground.
“I don’t think that’s necessary right now,” he answered. Cara nodded and put the phone back.
She looked around the area, observed the many buildings and streets, but there was absolutely no sign of any demonic entity anywhere around. When she turned around she was a bit surprised to see V sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, his cane leaning against his shoulder and his back against the telephone box. He looked like he could fall asleep right there.
“You can,” she started but hesitated for a moment, “get some rest. I’ll keep an eye on the area.”
V stared at her for a moment that seemingly never ended. His green eyes studied her face, her expression, considered her words and contemplated about if he could listen to her, if he could trust her. Cara couldn’t deny how her heart seemed to skip a beat when he nodded, wordlessly agreeing with her suggestion.
A quiet purr sounded as Shadow emerged from the particle of V’s tattoos and the panther demon nudged V’s face with her forehead. There was the hint of a smile on V’s lips but he didn’t react otherwise. Shadow jumped and laid on top of the telephone box, her head laying on her paws but she didn’t look like she was about to go to sleep. V looked at his companion out of his peripheral vision before he leaned back, lowered his head and closed his eyes. He didn’t let go of his cane but he allowed himself to drift off to a hopeful peaceful rest. Despite her being around, despite them still being out in the open.
Cara couldn’t help but think that he wouldn’t have allowed himself to do that around her a few days ago.
She watched him for a few moments. How his posture, while properly not the most comfortable, was relaxed, how the grip around his cane softened, how his black hair fell into his face, blowing gently from where his even breathing hit it…
She smiled as she sat down on the ground next to him, carefully and quietly so he wouldn’t wake up and fetched her phone from her backpack. There was not a lot she could do right now aside from being wary of her surroundings, so she might as well could indulge in some mindless fun. It would also distract her from getting lost in her own thoughts while V was getting the rest he desperately needed apparently.
She played the little game on her phone for a while before Shadow jumped down from the phone box and Cara felt her body brushing her shoulder. She looked at the panther demon who sat down on her hind legs and watched her out of glowing red eyes. Cara smiled at the demon’s display of curiosity about what she was doing. She scratched Shadow behind her ears, her smile widening when the demon leaned into the gesture. It was such a beautiful and adorable contrast to how ferocious the demon could be in battle.
After a while the demon resorted to laying down, her head on Cara’s legs, while the demon hunter kept playing the game, occasionally looking up and observing the surroundings.
“What are you doing?”
She looked up in surprise as she heard V’s dark voice next to her. Shadow raised her head to acknowledge the man but then laid back down. Cara couldn’t really tell if V looked more relaxed now, the bags under his eyes were still deep and she also had no idea for how long he rested, but she assumed it wasn’t longer than an hour.
“There’s not much for me to right now, so I’m just playing a game on my phone.”
V knitted his brows a bit and tilted his head, his eyes falling onto the device in Cara’s hand.
“A game?” he didn’t sound judgmental or accusatory, no, in fact he seemed much more lost. Cara didn’t doubt that he knew what a game was. However…
“Were you… not aware you can play games on your phone?
“Never owned one.”
“You never owned a phone?” the surprise was everywhere around Cara, in her eyes, her hand gesture, her voice. If V was in any way surprised or bothered by her reaction he didn’t let it show.
“Never had the need for one,” he simply replied. Cara wanted to ask him immediately how he couldn’t own one. How was he even living?! But then she reminded herself of everything she learned about him so far and how he seemed to be. If he had been with his demons for already ten years then maybe he truly had no need for one. Cara wondered what kind of life he had led to end up here at this point.
V didn’t really look at her and it took Cara a moment to realize he was looking at her phone where the game was still running. It was nothing but the hint of a smile on her lips as she noticed how curious he was. Too proud and still not trusting her enough to let her in that much to actually ask her about it but she could see that intrigue in his deep green eyes.
She inched a bit closer towards him, earning a dissatisfied purr from Shadow in the process, until she was close enough that she would brush V’s arm should any of them move. It was only then that she noticed just how close they were. And this time not because she had to treat his injury or because they were fighting. This time it was just because they were taking a break and they were about to indulge in  a simple but fun activity that had nothing to do with demon hunting.
V was looking half over her shoulder before she offered her phone to him to explain the game to him, a gesture that caused their fingers to brush against each other’s. His skin felt cold. It reminded her of the previous day when she touched his arm to gain his attention. 
The touch of his cool skin on hers still lingered long after he took the phone from her. Just like it did yesterday.
“Here, look. You just drag and swap matching colored pieces. If you cleared enough you’ll move on to the next level,” she explained and demonstrated it to him while he held the phone and looked at the screen. She automatically leaned a bit closer to show and explain it better, causing her arm to brush his and Cara regretted having the sleeves of her jacket all pulled down and she only truly realized how close they actually were in that moment.
Cara remembered how intimidating the aura and his gaze was back in the office and during the time in the demonic tree. He was so different now. Now after she spent some time with him, talked to him, got to know him at least a little bit and caught glimpses of what was hidden beyond his walls and barriers. There was nothing intimidating about him now and she felt even comfortable being this close to him. Something she wasn’t expecting to ever happen but she also wasn’t fighting this realization. 
In that moment she decided to much rather embrace it. Maybe she could find some comfort and contentment under these so grim and severe circumstances.
Cara tried not to stare as V played the game on her phone. She switched between looking at Shadow, her head still in Cara’s lap, observing their surroundings and watching V. His black hair fell into his face, so only caught glimpses of it as he played, but his eyes were fixated on the little screen, his finger slid over it, dragging the colorful orbs around to clear the level. It was adorable to see him like this, there just was no denying that. This man who managed to intimidate people despite his lean and fragile looking frame, who fought with demons that were bound to him, who fought powerful demons despite being injured.
V handed her the phone back after a while with an unreadable expression. But given how he took the time, allowed himself to take this break on their mission to play this game, Cara supposed he did enjoy it. She made a mental note to offer it to him later again.
“We should go,” V said then. Shadow growled quietly, rising from her lying position and dissolving back into V’s tattoos.
Cara agreed. She shouldered her backpack and followed V again, who this time didn’t use his cane for walking. Looked like the rest helped. And was apparently really needed.
“V,” she started after a while. The man didn’t stop his steps but he turned his head to her slightly, showing her he had his attention. She really appreciated gestures like this. It didn’t matter if his walls made his reaction unreadable but knowing he was still listening was a highly valued thing.
“Why are you in this?” Cara asked with a hint of hesitation in her voice. She was walking a thin line, she knew that. Griffon told her she may be able to ask him somewhere along this mission, but she may have pushed her buttons too soon. But the question was still nagging her. Why this man, as unusual and weird his methods were and as mysterious as he seemed, was on this quest to save the world. Griffon said he had a good heart but that he couldn’t tell her more. So there was a reason that went beyond just doing something good.
“Is it difficult to believe a person simply wants to stop the end of the world from happening?”
“Maybe if that person is traveling with demons that reside in their skin.”
Cara knew she probably pushed a bit too far with that judging by the way V turned his head to her, a scrutinizing look in his eyes. For a moment she felt like back in the office when he tried to analyze and judge her but not allowing her a glimpse at what was hidden beyond his walls. She was alright with dropping the topic again, apparently it was too soon, but V raised his voice again before she had the chance.
“My parents were killed by demons when I was a child. I merely seek to destroy that evil. By any means necessary.”
Cara stared at him. Lips parted, her eyes studying his own and features. The words only slowly sank in, they clouded her mind like a fog and only a few heartbeats later did her mind realize what he just told her, how much he actually just revealed to her.
“I’m sorry,” she said, after she felt like she stayed silent for too long and should say something. She averted her eyes from him, his words repeating in her mind like a broken record.
There was a part in her that related to him, that made her heart ache when she listened to these words, although she could not imagine how terrifying it must be for a little kid to lose their parents.
“I… my parents were killed by demons too,” she didn’t look at him as she dug through her mind and revisited these still painful memories, though she was incredibly aware of his green eyes staring at her, “my mom died when I was 13… My father… a few years later…” She stopped there, didn’t know what to say next.
The sheer gravity of his words, the fact that he had just revealed such a huge part of himself, she never expected it. Never thought he would just like that let down his walls for a moment and let her in… it only seemed right to do the same thing. She wasn’t good with gestures of comfort, but maybe telling him that she could relate to the feeling of losing one’s parents to the demons may be helpful to him. Even if her father’s death was a very much different case the culprit was still a demon; still a devil that took his life.
V didn’t say anything and Cara didn’t hold it against him. She hardly had any more words of comfort to offer, even saying thank you for telling her this seemed out of place, so she didn’t expect anything from him either.
But something’s changed. Maybe she wanted to see it this way, but she had the thought flickering inside her mind that they have gotten a bit closer. As if V had torn a hole in his walls for her to peek through. She didn’t know why he did that so suddenly and maybe she interpreted too much into it, but she appreciated it nonetheless and she would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit that she was happy about this unexpected development.
“I absolutely hate to interrupt but something’s coming,” Griffon appeared behind V, his voice hushed. He flew close to V, as to not draw any attention to himself by anything that may be close by.
Cara looked around, her left hand reaching for her weapon, but she couldn’t spot anything. High walls and pillars made up the narrow street and while there were notches here and there nothing was big enough for anyone or anything bigger than a human to hide in there. Cara took a deep breath, kept her hand near her weapon and let her eyes observe her surroundings. Neither V nor her stopped walking ahead though.
V was wary as he walked onwards. The same wariness that caused Griffon’s feathers to sizzle with electricity. V could sense demonic energy if he was close enough, but he was no demon, a change in the air, the presence of an entity was hard for him to notice if it wasn’t in sight. Griffon hardly ever warned him. There were few instances in the last decade where the avian demon felt inclined to appear and warn them.
He almost didn’t notice the two giant demons on the square and barely so hid behind a pillar to avoid getting seen.
Cara was behind him and the woman had reflexes fast enough to follow him and hide from sight.
V’s heartbeat spiked as he peeked around the corner and the demons which have been nothing more than a blur of colors because of his quick reaction became clear. He couldn’t deny the layer of dread that settled around his bones as he took in the detestable form of the amalgam demon. He did not know what it was, he couldn’t explain why something in his body screamed to turn around and get away from it. He seeked to destroy it, such a disgusting creature did not deserve a place in this world, but something stopped him. It was like his mind and body froze when confronted with it.
Maybe it has been because of the display of a power over years he could not understand. The manipulation of demonic energy to an extent that it created possibilities which could only be described as sorcery; endless and incomprehensible.
V inhaled the breath deeply through his nose to prove to himself that he was composed, that his nerves were not shaking.
“Who is that?” he heard Cara whispering, though he did not look at her. He kept peeking at that hellish creature standing atop of destroyed buildings surrounding the square with his eyes locked on it, his lips parted, his back laying against the cool stone wall.
“Malphas,” Griffon replied, standing on the ground close to V’s feet, “of course, more trouble. Not sure about that one though. Never seen him before- Not in the underworld anyway?!” Griffon squeaked as V pressed him against the wall with his cane, signaling him to stay quiet as voices reached his ears - not to mention that whispering was not Griffon’s forte.
V peeked back around the corner as the distorted voice of Malphas reverberated through the area.
“Search for the devil sword Sparda. You know where it is. He told me to leave it be, but I’m afraid it still concerns me. As long as there is a blood descendant of Sparda I cannot take any chances.”
The devil sword… still existed?!
V looked down at the ground as he dug through his mind to comprehend that information. If it wasn’t destroyed in the battle against Urizen then maybe there was still a chance… He did not know what happened to Dante. He had an assumption, though the probability of him being dead was far more likely, so… that only left the kid. Maybe they could destroy Urizen with the power of the sword and V still had a chance to see his own mission through.
He still had a chance. They all had one.
“Do you understand?! Find it, and destroy it! Only then will his reign be truly realized!”
V stared with slightly widened eyes, parted lips and a pounding heart at Malphas as the amalgam demon made a waving hand gesture and a dark purple colored portal appeared in front of her. A cloud of purple smoke and darkness, raw demonic energy. V swallowed to avoid releasing a shaky breath at the sight of this power. Few demonic objects had the ability to create portals, so very few, and to see a demon being capable of doing that with a wave of its hand was as awe-inducing as it was terrifying.
V hated to face the truth that wrapped around his heart like barbwire that he could not face this demon. He did not have the strength.
Once Malphas disappeared only this other demon remained and V agreed with Griffon that he has not ever seen him before. A demonic knight riding a horse was an unfamiliar concept for him. He has come across demonic knights, demonic horses but the combination was… unusual.
“I’ve seen that horse before.”
V looked at Cara who was still peeking around the pillar, gaze locked on the demon they had to face in mere moments.
“Hu?!” she looked down at Griffon who stared up at her with confusion evident in his yellow eyes.
“I… don’t remember the name but it looks like the same kind that can manipulate time.”
“But that would mean it’s Geryon! I thought Dante killed it already!”
“A rare species, but apparently not quite extinct. Until today that is,” V replied to Griffon’s statement. He did not doubt Cara’s suspicion, she has proven herself to be quite knowledgeable in these areas, but it made V wonder still who that rider was. If it could tame and ride Geryon but was neither familiar to V, his familiars nor the woman, then it was assumingly an artificial demon, created by Urizen. And that would mean...
“No use coming up with a strategy beforehand if we don’t know who that other demon is though,” Cara whispered and V agreed. But those two didn’t seem like an opponent they couldn’t take on.
“Then let’s go.” V said. He barely waited for a reply, instead stepped out from behind the pillar and made his presence to the demon by hitting the ground with his cane.
The demon turned the horse around, heavy steps from its hooves that only hinted at the power behind them, its blue mane flaring, its nostrils releasing  breath that showed an agitation which was not yet visible in its stance. The heavily armored demon on the horse’s back scowled at them through purple-glowing eyes, a growl leaving its lips which was barely audible over the horse’s neighing. The horse reared when the demon held out its weapon, the huge sword burning with purple lightning, which was all the confirmation V needed.
The fact that it was apparently brought into existence by Urizen, its striking lightning powers... To V there was no doubt in his mind.
“I see. I know what you are,” he said and threw up his cane, catching it in the middle. The smirk that appeared on his lips grew until his expression was taken over by a vicious grin as he kept tapping his open palm with his cane.
“I’ll be gentle.” He finally said, holding the cane up and pointing it at the demons. His objective was to get rid of the horse, sealing the race’s extinction, and to beat the lightning demon to free the source of its power.
Cara stared at him for a reason he couldn’t explain and out of his peripheral vision he caught her shaking her head before she let her backpack drop to the floor and reached for her weapon. 
“Alright then! Gonna show ‘em what real lightning looks like!”
V allowed the smirk on his lips to appear as Griffon spread his wings, the blue feathers shining with sizzling electricity and the avian demon flew forwards, drawing the hostile demon’s attention to himself and allowing them get to closer.
“It’s your turn.”
Cara saw that V pointed downwards with his cane and Shadow leaped out of a pool of ink and energy right at their enemy but she herself did not charge right away. She entered the battlefield, a circular place almost like an ancient arena, and kept her distance, although her eyes never left the two demons they were fighting.
The demon riding the horse threw balls of lightning in their direction, orbs out of sizzling electricity cutting the air. V slid to the side, he easily evaded the attack with Shadow’s help.
Cara observed, tried to figure out a pattern but since Geryon and the rider were their own entities it was not as easy as assumed. The horse’s movements looked hectic, sometimes uncoordinated and just unpredictable. 
Griffon started laughing when the demon failed to hit him with its sword. The horse nickered as if it was agitated because of Griffon’s mockery and chased after the avian demon. It galloped across the battlefield, leaving behind a trail of crackling lightning and blue flames.
“Weak, powerless creatures.” The demon growled, the words barely audible over the sound of the horse’s hooves and the lightning flying through the air.
Cara jumped to the side to evade a bunch of flying rocks the demon launched into the air with its attacks. Griffon laughed again and Cara wondered how the demon managed to stay so confident or if it was already just recklessness. 
“So? You got a comeback for that?” the demon called to V, who stuck close to his demons and used Shadow to evade their opponent’s attacks. You hoped his injury wouldn’t bother him so much in this fight.
“One thought fills immensity…”
“This is not the time for poetry! Wait, what does that even mean?”
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way… Now let’s go!”
V’s words seem to have triggered something because Cara could feel a shift in the atmosphere. The attacks of V’s companions came faster, they seemed more urgent and intently. And the enemies reacted in kind. The horse’s moves became erratic, it galloped and stomped, turned around and kicked without aim. The demon riding it moved more deliberately it would seem. It swung its huge sword around, though it was much slower in its movement than the horse.
And unpredictability was their worst enemy in such a battle. Not to mention that Geryon could manipulate time, an ability it hasn’t revealed yet. Which led to only one conclusion.
“We need to get rid of Geryon first.” She told V once she managed to get closer to him. V looked at her, determined green eyes bore into hers before he nodded once. There was no time for another word as they had to jump to the side to evade another attempt of Geryon crushing them under its feet.
Cara rolled over the ground to the side, the hard stone digging into her arms despite wearing a jacket and she groaned. There were definitely more comfortable places to battle. The flowers of the Qliphoth all across this place didn’t soften the ground at all. She shouldn’t do this too often or else it would take a toll on her real fast.
She got back up on her feet again only to see how the horse raised its forelegs, it neighed and raised to an impressive height while its clear blue flames flared up. Her brows furrowed as the demon on its back held the giant sword down towards the ground. Purple lightning surrounded the sword, it crackled and sizzled with the intensity of the electricity. But then something changed. It was subtle but Cara caught it. There was now lightning in the air as well. Small streaks that were barely visible and light enough to not make a sound. But they were there. And they moved towards the sword.
As if it was charging-
“V, get away from it!”
She only caught a glimpse of surprised green eyes before the demon brought its sword down.
For a moment Cara’s eyes were blinded by the brightness of the lightning and she didn’t know if V managed to get away after all. Over the crackling of the lightning shooting and spreading across the ground, barely missing her and destroying flowers and stone in its wake like thin paper, she couldn’t make out any other sounds. Her heart started to race, now concern mixed with the adrenaline of the battle. A state she didn’t like. Not on the battlefield. It made her emotional and it created a possibility of her missing something, details that could be crucial for the outcome of this fight. 
When the lightning faded she saw V getting closer to the demons again as well as his familiars. So he did manage to evade the attack. Cara didn’t even try to push the sense of relief that spread through her away.
There was a moment of pause as Cara noticed. Geryon lowered its head while the demon on top of it pulled its sword out of the ground again.
Cara used this opening. It was probably the only one she would get anytime soon.
She crossed the battlefield quickly, her weapon in her hand, and once she was within reach she swung her Kama. She brought it down hard on the horse’s leg as V’s familiars used the opportunity and charged at the demons at V’s command. The following neighing was ridden by pain. Cara evaded the horse’s lashing out without getting some distance since she knew the opportunity to get close again might not present itself again. Shadow’s transformed tail and back pierced Geryon’s body and the neighing filled the air accompanied by the horse’s hooves lashing out.
And then everything came to a halt.
There was a visible wave of energy crossing the entire battlefield and within a heartbeat everything was covered in a layer of dull blue and grey colors.
The sensation was almost impossible to fathom. Cara thought and planned and ordered her body to move, for her muscles to do what her brain was telling them, but her body hardly reacted. Everything felt heavy and so slow, she could barely move, let alone move her head around to observe the battlefield. Her mind was working as if nothing was wrong, but her body didn’t follow it at all and it became clear to her that Geryon just used its time-bending ability. She didn’t like the sensation, it caused a shiver of dread to course through her body and clawed at her brain, trying to send her mind into a panic.
She was so focused on staying calm, of not allowing the undeniable fright that this unusual and unfamiliar sensation brought with it to get to her that she barely registered that Geryon was still incredibly close.
She couldn’t do anything about it, even if she wanted to. Cara tried to raise her arms to shield her head but to no avail.
The pain that erupted in her upper body wiped her mind entirely blank.
The side of Geryon’s leg hit her hard in her chest and sent her flying backwards. It happened as if time wasn’t slowed down, as if her getting hit was not affected by the attack. Cara collided hard with the ground, the impact knocked the breath right out of her lungs and she gasped for air. She was rendered completely immobilized. It felt as if her mind and body were imploding from the pain. The attack hit her normally, fast and swift, but the pain spread through her body in slow-motion. She could feel every nerve that screamed out in pain, she could feel the agony crawl through her body, felt her nerves burning with the agony of being irritated in this slowed down time. She didn’t register what was happening around her. Didn’t hear the sound of her name being called, didn’t see how her enemies turned their attention to her again now that she was on the ground, vulnerable and weak.
She gasped for air when she managed to roll onto her side, her instincts kicking in and tried to bring her to move and to get to safety, but her mind and body were solely focused on themselves, struggling to cope with the pain and her mind only slowly came back to reality.
She started noticing the blue and grey colors around them fading as the adrenaline finally kicked in and pushed the pain a bit into the back of her mind, but time was still moving too slow for her, she still could hardly move a muscle. She heard a neighing and a growl again and only caught a glimpse of purple lightning and blue flames as the demons prepared to launch another attack. Her body still hurt as she tried to move onto her feet. She needed to get away, get out of range, but her body barely reacted.
She heard the sound of the hooves on the ground, heard the sizzling of the lightning of the sword, saw the dull colors and the attack finally fading, felt the dread and realization settling in that the demons charged her, that she had no idea to escape-
She yelped as she lost the ground beneath her body.
She could feel the heat of the blue face, could feel the electricity making the hairs on her arms stand up, felt the wind of the horse’s swift movements as she was lifted into the air, barely so avoiding getting trampled down.
She breathed and gasped in relief and for a moment she remained on her knees after she was dropped again. 
“Are you alright?” she looked up at V with parted lips and slightly widened eyes. She swallowed, took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her racing heart. But she nodded and got back on her feet.
That one was too close for comfort.
“Hehehe, guess you’re glad I didn’t forget how to use my wings after all.”
She looked up at Griffon but she didn’t reply at his callback to yesterday’s conversation. But that she was glad and relieved that he got her away from the demons was evident. Cara wiped the sweat off her forehead but that’s all she managed to do before she jumped to the side to evade yet another ball of lightning being thrown her way.
She rolled her shoulders as she grabbed her weapon again. Her muscles were still aching, the pain was still a throbbing sensation inside her body but it wasn’t overwhelming anymore. She would need to push through. She’s been there before. She could do this.
Geryon neighed again and once more stormed across the battlefield in an attempt to trample them down.
There was a firm grip around her wrist and suddenly she was pulled away just quick enough to once more avoid the heat and energy from the demons. She slid over the ground smoothly, out of the demon’s reach. The black demonic cloud of Shadow vanished underneath her feet quickly but the touch of V’s cool fingertips lingered for much longer. She didn’t dwell on it too much, not in this situation, though she was grateful for his quick reaction.
But now it was time to take these things down.
“Can we do it the same way as before?” she asked V. They evaded more lightning balls being thrown at them before V looked at her.
“We distract them and you take them down?” he put the plan into words, mindful so that the demons couldn’t hear them talking about their strategy.
“Yeah,” Cara replied. It worked perfectly before. And while the demons were vastly different in their capabilities and powers, the same strategy could still be applied here. The more attacks Cara witnessed the more apparent it became that the demons were limited in their perception. They both never looked into a different direction than the other and if the demon riding Geryon looked to the side and wanted to change his position he turned the horse around as well. They should be occupied enough if V kept their attention on him and his own demons, so she could get close again. Without getting kicked again. The spot where Geryon’s leg hit her still throbbed, it would probably turn into a dark nasty bruise later on.
There was a nod from the man and then a whirl of claws and lightning raining down on their opponents, which allowed Cara and V to put some distance between each other and for her to get close to the demons again.
Cara approached the demons in what must be their blind spot, not exactly from behind as to avoid getting kicked but an angle right out of the horse’s eyesight. V and his demons were focused on keeping the demon’s attention on them, especially Griffon was incredibly devoted to his cause. Under V’s command he threw his lightning attacks at the demons with one snarky remark spilling from his beak after another. He was confident in facing the enemy head-on, but Cara also got the impression that he wanted to prove himself in front of V, not only because of entering his so called core-state last battle but because he was also up against an enemy who used the exact same element for its attacks.
Cara relaxed her hand holding the Kama before she swung it, tensing her muscles shortly before impact to utilize the most strength her body allowed her to. It collided hard with the horse’s hock, it tore easily through the thin demonic skin, cutting muscle and flesh and rendering the limb useless.
The reaction was immediate.
Geryon neighed, a loud, high-pitched sound that pulled the corner of Cara’s mouth upwards in satisfaction. The horse stumbled, barely so held itself up with one of its hind legs bleeding and the joint destroyed. It tried to defend itself, tried to turn around to get his wound away from the attacker, but it didn’t have a chance to do so. With a growl, dark and dangerous, Shadow latched its teeth and claws onto the horse’s neck while Griffon unleashed bolts of sizzling lightning upon Geryon’s rider. All under V’s watchful eyes.
They were in full control of the battle now.
Geryon and its rider had nothing to counter their assault.
Cara slid across the ground to the horse’s other side to repeat the very same attack on its other hind leg. The blade of her weapon bored into the demon’s flesh and the wave of demonic energy the demon unleashed as a last resort pushed her back on her feet, away from the demon. 
But the damage has already been done. It screeched and neighed, blue flames flaring up, a desperate attempt to shake Shadow’s claws off its body. The demon on its back had nothing to counter the imminent demise of the horse demon.
And then everything happened way too fast that even Cara had a hard time following all the details.
Geryon managed to rise onto his destroyed hind legs one final time, neighing and forelegs kicking, before there was a purple glow surrounding it. Cara only caught a blur of black before V was in front of it, his cane in hands and raised, ready to strike it down.
“The hours of folly are measur'd by the clock, but of wisdom: no clock can measure. Die!”
The sound of V’s deep voice was hardly audible over the sizzling of the lightning and the crackling of the flames but there was no doubt in Cara’s mind that the man quoted poetry once again. V drove his cane deep into the demon’s neck, ending its miserable life for good and with one final push pulled the cane out of the hellish skin and flesh, causing the demon with its rider to be pushed back on the battlefield forcefully.
One enemy down.
V did not pay the dissolving body of the horse demon behind him any mind. He was entirely focused on the demon that was thrown off Geryon’s back and against a metal gate, groaning in pain. V turned his body towards him, stance widened and the cane made contact with the ground with an ominous sound as a reminder of what it was capable of. His gaze was hard. There was no hesitation to be found in his green eyes despite his heavy breathing as he stared the fallen demon down. He had a mission to fulfill. Open this pathetic demon’s shell and stop it from reaching the sword Sparda.
The demon groaned in pain and scrambled to its feet as the gate behind it opened. V caught on fast as the demon stumbled backwards to flee from the fight.
The stinging pain shooting through his body brought him to his knee with a painful moan as he attempted to chase the demon. He had to stay like this for a moment, his heavy breath left his parted lips while his body tried to handle and suppress the stinging pain from his wound. He did not expect the battle to wear him down like this, it should not have and he refused to allow a wound like this to do so now. 
Warm hands settled on his shoulders immediately. A firm grip, meant to help and support his exhausted form and he couldn’t help but find the contact almost soothing. His chest felt heavy as that warmth lingered and felt as if his heart and soul reached out to keep that comforting feeling around him. He could not find an explanation to why he did not want to let go of such a feeling and he denied it to be because of the lack of physical warmth and contact in his life. He never sought it out, never felt his heart and body yearning for it in all these years, so he had no idea why it all at once became so desirable.
And still, there was a pulsing thought in his mind that hoped for the contact to last a moment longer, for her not to retreat her hands just yet.
He couldn’t explain it.
“V!” Griffon called out his name.
“Are you alright?” Cara asked him. V tried to take a deep breath, though the pain and strain this battle took on his body turned it into a shaky gasp for air.
“I’m fine…” he said before he looked up to where the demon disappeared, “We must chase him,” he continued and pushed himself up. The hands on his shoulders, although hesitantly because he knew she didn’t believe him, she was observant enough to catch his heavy breath and the slight shaking of his limbs. Still, she let him go once he was steady on his feet again, but the warmth and touch still lingered like a mark burned into his skin. It was distracting to his already stressed mind but still he could not find it in him to label it as unpleasant. It was anything but.
“If the devil sword Sparda still exists it may very well be our only hope,” V said, though the breathlessness of his voice was drowned out by the sound of a building ahead of them collapsing, burying the street to where the demon escaped underneath debris and making it impossible for them to seek the same route.
“V, uhhh, think about this for a minute now. What will you do if you find it? You gotta be strong in mind and body to wield the Sparda, and you, sir, are neither. Hate to break it to you, but the Sparda will just be too much for ya.” Griffon circled him as he looked on ahead. 
“For me, yes. But what of the boy… Nero?” he wondered out loud, brows pulled together, mind focused on whatever he had to do to take down Urizen and to fulfill his mission. If that meant he had to make the young devil hunter wield that sword to take that demon down then he would do it. Urizen had to be beaten no matter what its demise would mean. The human world would come to an end soon if they didn’t stop him and V would not allow this. They would defeat Urizen and he would fulfill his mission and then deal with the consequences. And as of right now that sword was their last hope. When they fought Urizen the first time it was wielded by that woman, a demon, but not a descendant of Sparda himself. The situation was different.
And Nero was still their last and only hope. They needed him to finish off Urizen. No matter what that meant for the devil hunter in the end. They just had no other choice.
“I’m sorry, are we talking about the sword that Sparda himself used? I know about the sword but I’ve never come across actual proof that it exists, only myths and stories.” 
V looked to his side to Cara. The battle has taken its toll on her as well. Her chest was heaving, he spotted small cuts and bruises on her hands, but the attack that hit her earlier didn’t seem to have wounded her severely despite how bad it looked in the moment it had happened.
“Indeed, sweetie.”
“Why should that be around here?”
“You already saw it,” V replied this time and she frowned slightly as her blue eyes stared into his.
“Blondie had it when we first entered the tree,” Griffon added. V could almost see how Cara got lost in her mind as she thought back to that day.
“This organic looking sword?!”
There was a longer pause before Cara spoke up again, “and Nero? According to what you said, is he… a descendant of Sparda?”
There was disbelief in her voice, she didn’t even try to hide that but he could not really blame her. While the legend of Sparda was widely known to most people it was just that, a legend. And even people who knew the legend was indeed true usually had no idea there were still blood descendants of Sparda alive today.
V only replied with a nod. Cara formed a very small, barely noticeable, “wow” with her mouth. He assumed for someone who made a living of gathering information about demons this was incredible knowledge to gain.
“Then Nero wielding the Sparda would mean he could utilize its powers fully and give us an advantage.”
“Indeed. It may give us another chance,” V replied, impressed by her deduction. There was a spark of something in her blue eyes, something he would interpret as hope, a sense of optimism and relief. It was admirable but at the same time he hoped it wouldn’t be in vain.
V felt the dread settling in his soul even before he heard the sound of the portal opening behind them.
They spun around.
The echoic voice proved to V indeed that his body’s reaction did not deceive him and when he turned around he came face to face with the abhorrent form of the amalgam demon. The giant creature stood on small platforms of purple demonic energy, the portal behind it sizzled with its raw energy. A part of V told him to turn around and run. He could not face this demon, he could not beat it. Now, after the exhausting battle against Geryon and that other demon, even less so. 
He swallowed. And desperately hoped Malphas was not able to see through him. He wanted to convince himself that he was alright, that he was not nervous, that there was no tension inside of him, but the hard and fast beating of his heart didn’t give him any chance to deny it.
Cara next to him grabbed her weapon tighter, eyes set on the obnoxious creature and burning with a determination. It impressed him that she was seemingly so unconcerned by the demon, though that was neither the time to wonder about the reasons nor if she ever encountered this demon’s powers before.
He held up his cane to the side, just slightly, but enough to stop her from making a move. As strategic as she was he doubted she would, but V had no idea how Malphas would react to an offensive stance.
They could not allow themselves to fight this demon now.
Cara looked at him, he saw it out of his peripheral vision, but she lowered her weapon again.
“We should’ve expected something like this from the likes of you! Siding with blood descendants of Sparda.” the amalgam demon yelled at him, its piercing, echoic voice invaded his ears like a parasite, wrapped around his nerves and unsettled his mind. He wanted to deny the feeling, instead he focused on not letting it show on his face and body language and held the demon’s gaze.
“You have no respect for our kind and yet you serve him.” The demon made gestures with its three hands before Malphas started laughing, a sound that was ear-piercing and simply revolting. V was not surprised Malphas was aware of him and his mission, despite them never encountering each other like they were now, always watching from a distance, always observing the display of these incomprehensible powers while staying out of reach. But he had no idea how observant this amalgam demon was, if it watched him just as much as he did over the years. The thought was terrifying.
“So devoted to your cause. We wonder if you would show the same resolve, if you knew whom you’re truly siding with.”
“Hey, you stu-”
V stopped Griffon from interfering by raising his cane again and making a single step forward, his gaze still fixated on the demon, though the wrinkle between his eyes got deeper with each passing heartbeat.
“What do you mean?” he wanted to know and for a moment he felt his heart sink at the possible implications of the demon’s words. There wasn’t something he had missed. He had spent the last decade researching demonic contracts, his mission and how to fulfill it, the demons he has come across. Yes, the demon he was bound to by that contract had no name he was aware of but that never made him falter. Knowing a demon’s name could give one so much power over said demon if one knew the right tools to utilize that fact. It was the very same reason why he only went by V and abandoned his real name over a decade ago. So he was never surprised when a demon did not reveal its name to him. 
But there was this dreadful feeling wrapping around his bones, that told him that Malphas was not lying.
“On that day 22 years ago it was Mundus, once the demon king and the very demon you bound your life to, who sent demons to look for someone here in this town. They found your powerless kin instead.” Malphas laughed again.
V felt his blood run cold.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing could prevent his eyes from widening, the cold spreading through his body, wrapping around his heart and squeezing it in its devastatingly freezing grasp. Not even his mind had a chance to scream in denial at him, he just felt everything he was freezing from the inside out. Not even because of the revelation of what demon he sold his life and soul to, no. It was because he entirely knew who that someone was without asking the question. It was just a morbid realization.
And still he asked the question.
“The son of Sparda, Dante. So you better be sure of whom you’re siding with. Your loyalty can only lie with one,” Malphas said and disappeared into a portal of black and purple smoke. 
But V didn’t even took notice of that.
His hand clenched the cane in his hand so tightly he thought it might break. But then a soberness and apathy settled over his very being. This devastating cold left his body and soul and only left behind an emptiness that made everything irrelevant. He just stood there. Gaze fallen to the ground, shoulders slumped, cane barely held in his hand, not saying anything, not listening, not even thinking anything.
A strange silent settled around him and he could not say nor think about whether it was just him or if he just did not perceive anything that was being said or done around him.
“Listen, V-”
“You knew? All this time?” his voice was quiet and sober, completely void of any emotion and it made it all even worse. There was a tension in the air, threatening to snap with even the slightest word or gesture. Griffon did not reply and it was all the answers V needed. He did not move a muscle and he did not look up nor said anything as he forcefully pulled Griffon back inside the confinements of his tattoos.
“V?” the voice was quiet, careful and confused as Cara approached him slowly. He only looked at her out of his peripheral vision for the moment of a heartbeat before he looked ahead into nothingness again.
The moment when she laid a hand cautiously on his upper arm again something snapped inside him and he was pulled out of his apathetic state.
He shook her arm off. Neither being able to deal with something that confused him already nor did he want to want to deal with any other being. He only caught a glimpse of her looking to the ground and pulling her hand back.
He turned on his heel and walked away from the place. This dreadful, obnoxious place that just broke a part of his soul. He wanted to fight it, but he utterly failed at mustering any energy to resist that sense of hopelessness spreading through every fiber of his being.
“I’ll meet you at the safe house,” he said with the same monotony he talked to Griffon just now and walked away with a soul at the very edge of breaking.
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carndriverrecords · 4 years
First Blog Post 3/20/20
Started CnD Records today. Feels Good.
Working on some diss tracks. Not sure if they see it coming - doesn’t matter either way.
Planning to release Car and Driver first real record this Friday 3/20/20. Driving Test Driver Fest 1. 
Self release first record - another 20 tracks next week. Compile top 10 - 15 for first release with other label - thinking Terrible, Kranky, blu ish label or Thrill Jockey. Citrus City a no-go for now. Maybe just keep building CnD records.
Be the middle man - take advantage of opportunities without sacrificing my bands’ (and those I represent) integrity.
Reach sleep destroyer.
Last night at Ted’s - great DJ set. Kidz bop remixes, Fancy. Crowd hated it. Ted disappointed we had to leave but it’s ok with everyone. Tall guy took aux right out of computer, have video. Started dancing - cucked everyone. Everyone thinks they’re the crazy charismatic guy. Am I actually? I think so. Syd thinks so. 
CnD Fest 2 , 3 , 4 at Purchase and beyond. Would like to play apartments, Scully’s den in BK (reach out) and Philly, DC etc.
Next voice memo album - 20 - 25 tracks right now. Better than the first. Danny said best album ever.
Working on “My oh Maia Reason Why” video - my favorite video I’ve ever seen. Getting good feedback.
Important to collab with certain SUNY people before I go:
Members of Lip Critic, Dawson, Neal, Gabe.
Send stuff back and forth with Joseph Kress. 
Need to write song about not sharing a stage w unstable Car and Driver - cost me 2 gigs. Ok because I had the police interaction that night. 
Things have been working out quite well. Syd is keeping me in check. Main priorities are keep the energy going while I can and make sure everyone around me is comfortable with me doing my thing, specifically mom, sofia.
Going to Only Angels tomorrow to collab with Alex.
Tues/Wed in RI with Zach Gorton. Need to see Nick Holcomb, Sofia, Will Orchard if he’s around. Riley in Boston? Would love to. 
Visit Dad soon on the way to Richmond, in a few weeks perhaps. Grandma Roberta etc. They have a BBQ place now - I bet it’s great. 
Follow up in the morning (3 hours from now) with wedding band, Kevin Daniels, drummer etc.
Film sunrise sessions at Purchase: My Ride’s Here, Splendid Isolation, Keep me in your heart, Studebaker, Cat’s in the Cradle, Everybody that you know. Don’t think twice, Boots of Spanish Leather, Someday my Prince, Teenage Dirtbag, Arthur (Woof Woof), Forget You, Signed Sealed Delivered, Superstition, The Promise, Hold me now (TT), Love on Top, Townes Van Zandt, 1-800 superstar, Evan Wright, Tom Petty, Blinded By the Light, Searching for a Heart, Mag Field’s, Barenaked Ladies, TMBG, Dolly Parton one sided love, Byrds, Beatles, Kinks, Stones, Parquet Courts, T Swift (Red, Way I loved you), Mitski, Sasami, Anything Could Happen, Beach House, He Needs Me, These Days, YLT, Beach Boys, Big Star Take Care, G500/Luna, Felt, Psychic TV, Shelia, BJM, Yellow Sarong, Over and Over, Hazel St, Heatherwood, Helicopter, He Would’ve Laughted, I wanna be your lover, The pump, Good enough (sleep destroyer), Them airs, BH (14, indian summer), help me scrape mucus off my brain), Beach Comber, DO YOUR THING, Icehead, Bobby, 1000 times, WIll Orchard, Bon Iver, MGMT, Tame impala, Instant Crush, etc. Art Vandelay, Quick Canal, Stereolab, Grouper, Broadcast, Animal Collective, Panda Bear, Bachelor Kisses, Cranberries, Cure, Pastels, MBV, I found a reason, pale blue eyes, Deerhoof, Gretel Alex G, Dancing w tears in my eyes, Elvis Costello, No age(things i did), Are ya ok, Maus, Ariel, R Stevie, Aphex Twin, Zomes, Vampire Weekend etc.
Bring Laptop for Beats on some and lyrics for all. 
Love life more than ever before. Music feels so good. Want to help, make amends, everything that moondog did. Don’t be homeless much longer.
Not sure if I like throbbing gristle - definitely like Psychic TV.
How savage should diss tracks be? Very? Match the severity of the person’s treatment of me/others. Aka - pretty bad for all except for Auto.
Listened to new Kanye today - 10x better and more influential than death grips. 
Realized today that i’ve spent my whole life wishing I was Kanye and now I am Kanye. Feels very good.
Everyone is gifted but internet makes us angst. 
I am mostly Camus right now - maybe more Kierkegaard soon. Religion and Terrence Malik. Still need to read books.
Order of Books: The graduate Portrait of the artist Consider Lobster Infinite Jest Pynchon Ulysses (At recommendation of American gamer association)
Syd is incredibly gifted. Want to help her feel comfortable doing art/work here in the chaos but also sort out the chaos for both of ours’ sake. I thrive in it, she tolerates well. Want to move to Riverdale still, maybe East Williamsburg with Backpack Chris. We’ll see about money. Philly perhaps, little too far. Jersey is good location but bad commute. Bad to RI. 
Visit RI and Boston Tues - Thurs. Sell Cigarettes at Concerts. Feels right.
Keep smoking for now - quit end of summer perhaps. 
Don’t have Corona Virus - glad we are not quarantined. Still be smart. Don’t expose mom regardless. Protect at ALL costs. 
Really though, why does Journee hate me? Write new track (Journee into forever nevermore not now not ever (Lou)) or Journee into SJW self righteous moral posturing (way too savage - maybe voice memo outro)
AR Kane album is incredible. Syd loves too. Sample everything.
Crazy - sound better at jazz than ever in my life. Exploring harmony - never practice. Teach free lessons all the time. Love the diminished scale. Might be best jazz guitarist to ever live. Time will tell. Would be cool long term. Prefer singing. 
Getting good at piano too.
I’m my favorite lyricist/comedian/actor.
Is maia right, acting isn’t hard? Weird they can’t act.
^Remember to delete^
Don’t share this on Facebook yet.
Why does Journee hate me so much? Just the Louis CK joke?
People who stay home and do nothing hate to see irreverent people doing things.
People like when you’re losing - don’t like to see you win.
^That makes me sound crazy.
F00D outsider might make me famous first.
Need to keep up with legal situation.
Hope mom and dad both live long. Call Syd, get something nice for everyone in family. Get weird jewel cases. Order jewelry from etsy. Post merch on bandcamp.
Finish album art soon. Music videos. Get better at animation etc. Pay Ben for his poster. Actually really good. Maybe album art? Duo album! Record in Wisconsin, release under his name. WIll success be good for Ben? I think so. Still can’t believe Liv told him I wasn’t ok. Wow - good content for lyrics. You truly cannot write this.
How will people react to diss tracks? Extremely negatively. Or no reaction. We shall see. Maybe no real names in the titles...... only on Oh my. 4 names in titles is too many. Don’t release Auto track. Maybe on Voice Memos. 
Track List: Good God Bed Head Rosa Reprise Oh My House Pop 1 skydive Pop 2 APhex GVO Pay 4 Take some Cherish Stars in F Are ya ok too bright Honeys Get to work Everybody That You Know Frost Bit BPC NYC New Age Heimet Helmet Deadbeat dads watermill for slitting bars romantic song david byrne Cinema study in cinema Brain ego Cherry doc marten Can’t liv w/o Venmo groceries Oh you like? Dancin DJ blues We are the State Farm robots Danny dorito is a dirty devito My funny valentine Zoomer blues The thing abt genres Blss Like minds ft dawson Lil toucha jazz Introducing car and driver The holy moment empire Ethics 101 - gma in the street Otto is sad I don’t know what it means! Operatic mellismatic Car and driver fest will be a success! Car and driver fest was a bust again! Cipha’s comedy corner Ryder Be gone evil atonal spirits!
Unreleased mental breakdown compilation ep:
I like all music! I’m a stupid pos Electric micro bike Get off your phone! John frusc Nice song Lap steel for 2 My masseuse advice Bed head wash sq Punchie John Maus yoyo interview Diminished  kinda thing
Build the NYC scene, w Blu ish, Evan, 1 800, sweet joseph, Comics Club, Dawson, Sloppy Jane, Wheatus,
See Jack Fortin in NYC soon. Either my event or his. 
Things are still good. Syd will be a great filmmaker. WIll maybe will end up with a dancer or a filmmaker - Probably not a musician. WIll have many loves. 
Things are good right now - hope they stay that way. 
Feel like Ezra Keonig - hopefully someone reads this one day and agrees. Different time in history and the internet - hope this is less cringe than Ezra’s blog , probably not. Ezra, if you’re reading this, sorry. See ya at Bernie’s rally. 
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unholyforged · 5 years
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⤻   *       IIIIIIIIIIT’S EDIE !!!! :   back at it again   &   here to introduce you to my lil #irishaccentaf , #vsmol , #butvstrong , HENRIETTA FIGG !!!!!!!    
unlike my intros for siri sadboi black & frankleface longbooty , this intro post will ( hopefully ) not be , like , 1000000000000 words long b/c ,,,,,,,,,, like ,,,,,,,,,, i’m trying to turn over a new leaf ?? and am tryna live a life where i don’t spend 30 days and 30 nights pouring out my heart and soul into my muses backstories whilst crying into a pack of tim tams ??  :’) ajisodjeiowoew . so ANYWAY , without further ado , here’s the loml , henri ♡♡♡
** TRIGGERS : death , religious extremism , physical and emotional abuse .
⤻   *       APPLICATION   —— !
* ╰    ( KANG MINA )┋have you met ( HENRIETTA FIGG  ) ? ( she ) reminds me of ( holy water and incense ; a girl nailed to a burning crucifix . sorrow burdened , unholy forged —— magic mistaken for sin . could you speak through embraces rather than speaking with words ? it’s easier for her to understand the language of touch . there are brutal fists and the bloom of black bruises , she dreams of liberation ; she can find it if she chooses . so defying god , she closes her eyes , and with broken bones she refuses to cry —— she is divinity unto her own sacred self ; a girl reborn , all evil repelled . she dwells in that hazy in-between world which sits some place between where she’s escaped from , and who she’s yet to become —— an angel that fell , her tears are undone , she’s not holy , she’s no one ). a ( nineteen ) year old ( ninth ) year ( slytherin ), the ( unholy ) is known to be ( + adroit & + compassionate ), yet ( — feckless & — impervious ). that explains why they’re majoring in ( wizarding law ). rumour has it, ( henri ) is siding with ( the order ) in the solemn war that blazes just beyond the horizon. ( admin edie, 22, aedt, she/her )
⤻   *       THE BAD BEGINNING  ——   !!
YEAH , SO , HENRI !!!!!!!!
was born with the name delilah healy .
v religious parents
v religious upbringing
HAD a lot of faith in GOD before THINGS happened
“ what things though , edie ???? ” you may ask
VERY GOOD QUESTION. A++++ , my loves
my cupcakes , i shall tell you :~)
delilah grew up in the irish countryside . devout catholics , delilah’s parents had moved to ireland from korea when they were newlyweds , having heard of the large catholic population there . upon arrival , they changed their korean surname of ‘ hwang ’ to the irish surname of ‘ healy ’ ; the name change helping them feel more a part of the irish catholic church community . 
when delilah was a little bub , her parents just thought that she was the most perfect thing in the world ! with silken black hair & bright brown eyes eyes , delilah seemed like god’s gift to the healy’s , tbh .
delilah ( let’s just call her delilah until we get to why she changed her name to henrietta !!!!! ) was practically christined AS SOON AS her umbilical cord was cut tbh . all like *pops out into the world* *has umbilical cord cut* *CHRISTENED* !!!!
“ what a holy child !!!!!! an angel !!!!!!!! ” —— everyone would say this to the healy’s , and the healy’s were like HECK YA our angel faced cute patootie is the gr8est !
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and then , one day , STRANGE THINGS started happening .
only three years of age , flowers would BLOOM beneath delilah’s feet during moments of happiness , while during moments of distress , melancholy & anger , the ground stirred and shifted where she stood , as if it were about to SWALLOW HER WHOLE. 
“ WOAH , DEVIL CHILD , OUR CHILD HAS THE DEVIL IN HER !!! ” —— the healy’s . smh . 
a man who belonged deeply & FIRSTLY to god, his OWN SELF SECOND, and his WIFE AND CHILD THIRD , these mystical ( MAGICAL —— but normal WIZARDING WORLD ) happenings were painted by delilah’s father as evidence of his daughter’s DEMONIC POSSESSION . with misguided love & brutal hands , delilah’s father fully intended to cleanse delilah of the devil’s influence .
^ mr. healy began to beat delilah every time somethingmagical strange would happen
for a small while ???? this actually seemed ???? to solve everything ????? :( 
a religious girl herself , delilah believed that the magic , the BEATINGS , and MISERY that had consumed her life were all part of some GRAND TEST . all she needed to do , SHE KNEW , was PROVE HER FAITH IN GOD & SHOW that she was worthy , strong and true , and her hardships would be over . GOD would reward delilah for her love and devotion with kindness and fortune,  and everything would be fine in the end .
with this belief in mind , delilah ENDURED ALL OF HER FATHER’S BRUTALITIES for years —— she BELIEVED that she deserved the tattooed bruises of deep purple and blue that covered every inch her soft skin , and she spent day after day crying in the darkest corners of her room —— scarcely even daring to believe that she was even deserving of being touched by the rays of sunlight that crept in through her cracked bedroom window . SHE WAS WRONG , SHE WAS IMPURE , SHE WAS UNHOLY .
until one day around the age of 8 delilah turned around and was like “ NOT TODAY SATAN ” @ mr. healy :o & after a particularly harrowing beating , delilah decided to fight back . 
DELILAH WASN’T IN CONTROL as the furniture began to hover above ground , kitchen knives and chairs and cupboards levitating in an unnatural manner that foretold the DISASTER about to unfurl . as delilah let a wail rip through the air ( girl broken , girl afraid ) , a cupboard SLAMMED mr . healy to the wall —— CRUSHING & SWIFT . after a moment of pure terror ; the world grew SILENT once more . wood splintering , knives clattering to the floor , dust settling , and delilah held her father’s lifeless body in her arms until strange people called aurors showed up , obliviating her mother , and escorting delilah out from the premises .
six months after the incident, the wizengamot try delilah’s hearing . ultimately, the verdict was that delilah had killed her father ( unintentionally , through a burst of uncontrolled , pre-adolescent magic ) in self-defence —— an event that was built up over a lifetime of emotional and physical abuse at the hands of a cruel muggle mother and father . rather than being locked up , delilah was sent to a rehabilitative ward at st. mungo’s to receive physical treatments from healers , as well as emotional counselling . 
it is at st. mungo’s that delilah meets a healer by the name of fenella figg —— and , after establishing a relationship of trust and friendship , fenella and her husband ( ernest ) decide to adopt delilah into their family . 
⤻   *       SHE DEFIES GOD  ——   !!
the figg household is the exact opposite of the healy household ; filled with strange but affectionate creatures called kneazles , filled with magic and pumpkin pasties , and filled with love for the sake of people , not for the sake of god . best of all , the figg household isn’t lonely —— for more than finding the love of two new parents , delilah also finds the love of a sister , five years older than her : arabella figg . 
in the busy figg household , crowded with commotion , kneazles , and love , delilah finds the strength to defy god , and believe in herself instead . as a promise to herself ( a promise of never faltering again , and never fearing again ) , the girl changes her name to HENRIETTA ( derived from heimiric —— meaning home & power ) —— leaving delilah in her past with her fears & scars . 
⤻   *       LIL TIDBITS   ——   !!
cool cool cool , TOIT !!! 
so henri is a pretty sweet chick 
she’s very capable
exceedingly kind
but pretty sharp most of the time
she will hex u real good if you’re mean
* mushu vc * she’ll hex u , she’ll hex ur cow , she’ll hex ur whole family 
dw tho , she will hex her own housemates when they’re being asses too ( and NOT TO STEREOTYPE OR ANYTHING , but being in slytherin , there are ,,, a LOT ,,, of assholes in her house )
equal opportunity amirite ?? 
henri loves : quidditch ( is slytherin team’s keeper ) , duelling , kneazles , cats, owls, rats, dogs , dragons , octopi , pandas , unicorns , elephants , tigers , chickens , ANIMALS !!!!!!!!!!! , people are okay too ......  !!!!!!!!!! , firewhiskey , bonfires , fireplaces , the colour red ( shoulda been a gryffindor , sorting hat wyd ??? ) , muggle films , kidding around with arabella , hanging out with arabella , arabella (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ , watching the sunset , watching the sunrise , hexing nasty ppl , healing kind ppl , knitting , speaking her mind , starting fights , winning fights , watching the stars at night , her family & those that she holds dear .
henri abhors : clichés, norms, being painted as a damsel in distress , the patriarchy, blood supremacy / and its gross supremacists , people telling her what to do , organised religion , dark magic , tuesdays , arithmancy , losing , being wrong , being woken up , lukewarm baths , peeves , bullies , food that’s gone cold , when it’s cold but not cold enough to snow , when her owl doesn’t come back to the owlery by nightfall , hard beds , disco , condescension , malice & the ones she cares about being hurt .
henri eats a lot . food is her friend . yorkshire puddings are yummo & they are her fave [ assorted devouring sounds ] . she’s also one helluva cook :~)))))))))))) 
henri has no chill when it comes to her values i.e. fighting against blood supremacists , fighting for gender equality , fighting for equal rights for centaurs ..... EQUALITY THINGS IN GENERAL !!!!!!!! -— henri has a teeny tiny short fuse when issues of equality are concerned & she is always ready to smite any sonuvabeech who crosses her on these issues . she’s also pretty aggro on the quidditch field yo’ . that’s the unholy 4 u .
my babe can drink more firewhiskey than the whole student body at hogwarts combined , but she never gets drunk . she has the alcohol tolerance of a large blue whale tbH ???? she’s the #mumfriend at parties because she’s the only one sober enough to be .
henri honestly really kind when she lets herself be ????? she finds happiness in watching the stars , in flying , in climbing trees and caring for others —— she finds knitting , and cleaning cathartic , and wants nothing more than to lie down in bed for the rest of her life , surrounded by fluffy duvets and warmth :~))))) however , amidst trying to escape from the clutches of her past , make headway as slytherin keeper in a sport that’s still predominantly played and spectated by men , and trying to come to terms with the fact that there’s a very real war on the horizon , henri hasn’t been left with much room for softness . she is , though —— ... she has the softest of hearts , which is exactly why she needs to make sure her exterior is impenetrable . 
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whatzaoverwatch · 6 years
The Demon’s Bride (Part 8)
Oh shit it finally here! The wedding! Rejoice and clap! Hopefully I did the ceremony justice (god Japanese weddings what were you). You guys are probably thinking that it is probably nearing the end right? Not at all, if anything: we are about halfway done. So enjoy First Previous Next
Note: Female Pronouns
The sun rose on the fateful day. A day that the clan had waited to arrive for years. The wedding was about to take place. You could feel the tension among the servants as they were each given a specific job for the wedding. Everything had to be perfect, after all, this was the marriage of their Lord.
You were awakened far earlier than normal by the sound of knocking on your door. One by one, handmaidens would enter in with swift moments to handle their position. Some guided you to be bathed, to brush your hair, to dressing you in the white kimono, to even doing your makeup. You didn’t have to lift a finger whatsoever in this endeavor. Out of your entire experience within the Shimada castle, this was the most royal treatment you had been blessed with. Almost as if you had become a goddess overnight.
Hours went by of the constant development of your form until you were finally taking shape of an actual bride. Carefully eyeing each of them as they added more detail into your attire, you couldn’t help but be amazed by their detail. From the headdress bestowed upon your head, to the few layers of cherry blossoms woven into your kimono. Seeing the completed piece in front of the mirror almost made you cry.
You looked absolutely stunning. At the beginning of this journey, you were merely a fisherman’s daughter, betrothed to a demon. Here you were now with the appearance of a Queen. Your hair was done up through the head piece as your makeup complimented the purity of your form. Almost as if an angel was to be married to a demon. You couldn’t help but wonder how Hanzo would think of your attire.
Just imagining being by his side during the ceremony suddenly sent butterflies through your stomach. This was finally happening, you were marrying Hanzo and you were nervous and excited. Even with the events of yesterday were cast aside from this very moment.
“We are ready my Lady.” One of the servants informed you as you were guided out of your bedroom.
That room was no longer to be yours, for afterwards you would join Hanzo in his own. Not that it hadn’t happened before. Given that moment when you tended to his side. But there was nothing to hold back once you two were in privacy. However those thoughts had to be brushed aside, for the ceremony was about to begin.
You were guided by a set of handmaidens. Some either holding lanterns or keeping an eye on your kimono if you were to trip. The walk seemed to have taken forever, it was along the path towards the shrine that was near the forest. You hadn’t visited the shrine and no one was allowed near it. But given how it was used for important ceremonies, it was fair to abide to the law.
As you and the group were guided down the path, you saw in the corner of your eye the flash of green once more. Knowing that Genji was near to observe the ceremony. But his warning suddenly came back to you. Why was he so intent on making you leave? Did he assume that Hanzo would end up murdering you like his father did long ago? He promised you he wouldn’t. Did Genji see something you didn’t? Shaking away your thoughts when the green faded away, you walked down the path until you reached the gates to the shrines.
The sanctum was so peaceful, as the shrine blended into the forest with its aged architecture. Not a single piece of the forest touched the shrine as it remained cleansed and pure to the eye. It was a holy place, even if it was cherished by demons. The gates opened and the lantern handmaidens stepped aside. Bowing as you stepped in with one deep breath.
The inside was filled with ancient artistry that looked as if it told the history of the Shimada family. A long hall that lead to a table on the other end. Standing there were the Elders and what seemed to be some kind of priest. Just next to the priest was the very man that you were to marry.
Hanzo, dressed in a black kimono that seemed to form the pattern of storm clouds and demons within the pattern. Parallel to the scales within the pattern of your dress. His hair more groomed in its classic ponytail tied in a darker ribbon. His grey skin stood out within the garments alongside his red marks. Those clear coated eyes that made you tremble suddenly looked at you with complete softness.
Although his expression remained stoic, his gaze spoke a thousand words. Behind those horns and jagged teeth was a man who fell madly in love with you. One who once loathed not only your kind, but half of his heritage, now saw you as someone he wanted to have by his side for the rest of his days. You were unsure if you could live as long as him, but you desired to live with him enough to make him happy.
Walking down the hall, your steps echoing the hall as you approached your soon to be husbands side. The shrines door closing to bring privacy to just the occupants inside. Your eyes only set on Hanzo and him alone. It was as if it was just the both of you in the shrine alone. You made a formal bow, only for him to cease your action with his hand.
“You will no longer have to bow to me Lady [Name],” You felt your heart race as he took your hand with an informing nod, “You are my bride, and soon to be wife. I wish to see you as my equal.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that, unaware of the Elders surprised looks of his notion. Squeezing his hand gently, you hummed in agreement.
“I am honoured, to be your wife Lord Hanzo.” You could tell he wished to smile at that statement.
But the hinted blush on his cheeks was the only closest thing to a response that you were going to get. The moment was suddenly interrupted by the clearing of the throat from the priest.
“May we begin the ceremony?” The questioned with a hiss to his tone. Hanzo nodded to the priest as he began his work.
“Today we are gathered in Shimada tradition to seal the sacred bond between the mortals,” the priest began as he gestured to you and then to Hanzo, “And the demons. To prosper the clan and to bring peace among the land. The choosing of a human, pure of the soul, as an offering to the demon lord. Let us begin the sacred vows.”
The priest continued onto his speech as he proceeded to follow the very traditions of an old fashion wedding as you could remember. Purifying both the bride and groom (despite one being an actual demon), to offering the union between the both of you towards the gods. The Shimadas gods being more of the demon brothers that ruled their land long ago. In the art behind the priest you had notice the image of the two demons dancing in the sky. Within their red scales you had noticed the familiar patterns of blue and green. Much the same between Hanzo and Genji’s spirits.
Afterwards, one of the Elders stepped up with what seemed to be an ancient bottle of sake alongside a set of cups. Filling them in front of the both of you and stepping away.
“We will now end the ceremony with the bride and groom drinking from each cup. To seal their bond officially,” The priest turned to the Elders for a moment who shook their head. Seeing the priest grimace for a second before facing both of you, “It is tradition for the parents to join within the ceremony. However, with Lord Hanzos parents no longer with us, the Elders felt it was fair that Lady [Name]s parents didn’t attend this part of the ceremony.”
Your face dropped with a bit of hurt. You understood how it was hard for Hanzo to not have his parents around, but why were you unable to see yours? Now that you thought of it, you hadn’t been able to speak to them since your departure. You recalled how your old caretaker mentioned that you wouldn’t be seeing your parents often with your title, but you would’ve at least been grateful to see them on the most important day of your life.
Hanzos hand suddenly squeezed yours as you were in a trance of your thoughts. Turning to see his worried expression in his eyes.
“Are you alright?” He asked softly, not loud enough for the others to hear.
Clearing your mind, you nodded to him with a squeeze to his hand in return. His claws were merely gentle to the touch, and his skin that you once believed was cold was actually warm.
Each of you took your cups and drank from them. The faint but bitter taste of the alcohol burned the back of your throat. For what was a brew from years ago, it still held up to its taste. Once you both completed your drinks, the priest waved his staff towards the sky and bowed.
“The ceremony is complete, the gods now have accepted your bonds. You shall from now on be Lord and Lady Shimada.” The priest, along with the four Elders, all bowed as one to the both of you.
The fluttering in the pit of your stomach subsided as the marriage was now complete. The priest began to guide the Elders out the door, as the banquet was about to be ready for your arrival. You still held close to Hanzo as he walked alongside you towards the doors. Noticing that Hanzo slowed down, you heard his voice close to your ear.
“Forgive me, it was not my say to leave your parents out of the ceremony,” Hanzo told you having you turn to face him, “Unfortunately they also insisted that they would not attend the banquet either.”
“But why? They are my parents, I should at least see them myself right?” You saw his lower his head with a bit of guilt before speaking.
“As I had told them the same. But given the Shimadas history with humans, they felt that it wouldn’t be safe for mortals to attend with demons that no longer trust humanity.”
“Even if their Lord has changed their mind on my kind?” He closed his eyes for a moment and held you a bit tighter.
“You and my mother are the parts of humanity I can forgive, however I cannot forgive the rest of them for their actions,” He faced you and halted his movements once the both of you were just by the door, “I promised to you that I would understand you. But I won’t turn away from what they have done. There are demons who will not stop at trying to harm humans. For your parents sake, it will be safer that they do not attend.”
You lowered your head as you could feel a bit of pain in your heart. He was right, you were only a portion of humanity. You couldn’t convince all of them to change like Hanzo did. It still hurt that you were unable to see them once again. So much for this ceremony to be the bond of peace between humans and demons. Taking a deep breath, you held him a bit closer with a whisper.
“Promise me, that I will be able to see them again.” You quietly asked.
Knowing it wasn’t possible for you to leave the walls, you had at least hoped that you would see them once. You suddenly felt his finger curl under your chin to tilt it upwards. Having your gaze set onto his eyes. His gaze glowing in contrast to his skin and attire. Looking into your soul as you felt your heart race. His face close to yours for the first time.
“I will see to it that you will see them. That is my promise to you as your husband, my beloved.”
In a sudden spur, you felt his lips press softly against yours. Surprised by him providing you with such a gentle form of affection. Your red lips heating against his fangs. Imagination of kissing Hanzo was nothing in comparison to the real thing. A sway of the breeze brushed against the white scales of your kimono. You could feel his spirits wrapping around you. Inviting you into their hearts as they forever vowed to protect you. He left the kiss to sudden, leaving you to breathe out in amazement. Fluttering your eyes open to his gaze, you couldn’t help but smile.
“Thank you…” You whispered gently. Feeling his heartbeat ever so close until he straightened his posture. Guiding you out of the shrine.
“Come, it is time that the world are introduced to my wife.” He declared to you with a gentle smirk. Letting him take your hand as the two of you walk back towards the castle.
The flickering flash of green came from the forest, faded into a shade of red.
To be continued
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