kiwibomb · 2 years
ult name + my name color association ask!!
Jhope (Of BTS) + katia please ! thank you in advance !!
hope you like it! 💓 thanks for playing!
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yandere-daydreams · 3 months
Title: Intoxicated.
Pairing: Yandere!Fae King x Reader (OC).
Word Count: 1.0k.
TW: Non/Con -> Dub/Con, AFAB!Reader, Aphrodisiacs/Sex Pollen, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, Unhealthy Relationships, Orgasm Denial, and Obsessive Behavior.
[Commissioned piece. Donate to Palestinians in Gaza here.]
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His chambers reeked of honey and lavender.
A stark improvement when compared to the raw stench of sweating bodies and animal fervor that’d hung over the celebrations still raging on in his banquet hall, but strong thick enough to turn your stomach, still choking enough to leave your head spinning, your vision distorted and dark around the edges. A thick, lilac smoke clouded the air, courtesy of the herbs smoldering in jars of stained glass on a nearby windowsill – only adding to your current haziness. It went without saying that none of it, of course, was aided by the clever, slender fingers slowly drawing lazy circles into your clit, the stimulation too much to block out entirely but not nearly enough to bring you any real satisfaction. It was hard to be frustrated, though, when you considered who that stimulation was coming from.
Aisling had positioned himself behind you, propped against the ornate headboard of his almost comically oversized bed. Two long, hoofed legs stretched out on either side of you – flecks of golden pollen still dusted over his dark fur. His chest was bear and cool where it pressed into your back, and his unoccupied hand alternated between wrapping snuggly around your midriff and prying your thighs apart when they attempted in-vain to shut. His touch, like most other things about him, left much to be desired. You’d lost track of how long you’d spent here, how much time had passed since he carried you out of those wretched rituals his kind called revelries, but couldn’t have been any longer than a few minutes, even if it felt like a small eternity lapsed by every time you let your eyes droop shut. He prided himself on his adeptness in all things frivolous and pleasurable, and you couldn’t imagine him taking this long to bring you to climax.
“I’ve grown quite fond of your meekness, you know.” His voice was a deep rumble, less a string of words and more a prolonged, inflected purr. Cold lips ghosted over the curve of your ear, and his fingers found a new pattern; one with enough force behind to it make your head lull forward, a slight whimper slipping past your grit teeth as the loose knot in your core began to tighten. “At first, it was rather irking to realize I would never be able to make love to you under the light of the full moon to the accompaniment of my finest bards, but I think I’ve come to like how—” A quirk of his wrist, a strange crescent-like motion. You withered against him, your hips bucking stiltedly into his hand. “—reserved your kin tend to be. It feels more intimate, locking ourselves away like this. Like we share a common secret.”
That fucking smell. The sickening sweetness of it seemed to claw and tear at your lungs, to lodge itself in the hollows of your skull and send a warm, steady pulsing down the length of your spine with every slight movement of Aisling’s fingers. You let your eyes fall shut, your hands kneading at the silk of his sheets as the knot sitting in your core coiled ever-tighter, as you came so, so close to that—
As Aisling pulled away, his touch skirting over the inside of your thigh before forcing two fingers into the dripping entrance of your cunt. You couldn’t bite back the fractured whine that bubbled past your lips, arching your back as he spread and curled his digits inside of you. “Still,” he went on, sighing in mock-disappointment. “I feel like our relationship has been far from reciprocal, as of late. I do adore taking care of you, and I don’t mean to sound unthankful, but—” Another pause, another sigh. “I am beloved to all folks of the land and air, worshiped by the valleys and mountains alike, and dearest to all beings with the wisdom necessary to appreciate true beauty. Why is it that the one I cherish most so evidently detests my very existence?”
“Be—” A broken moan cut you off, draw out by a particular scissoring motion of his fingers. It was a fight to find your voice again. “Because you’re a fucking prick.”
“Your honeyed praises will have to wait, for now.” The heel of his palm ground into your clit, but the friction was too soft, too half-hearted to do anything. His lilac smoke seemed to claw its way down your throat and dislodge a pathetic string of whimpers and mewls, filling the new vacancy with a sort of… a sort of liquid heat, strong enough to leave you panting and hot enough to have you squirming against him, eager to get that much closer to his frigid body. Your desperation earned a melodic laugh from Aisling, a tender nuzzling of his cheek against yours. “Oh? Do you have something you’d like to ask for, little fawn?”
He forced a third finger into your terribly empty cunt, and something inside of you seemed to break open. “Please, Aisling, I—” You paused, gasped as his fingers curved against the clenching walls of your pussy. “I need to cum. I can’t take another—”
Whatever you might’ve said dissolved into a broken, pained moan as he drew back entirely, his slick-stained hand moving to your chin and tilting your head back, his lips finding your own before your shock could fade into hurt. Pointed, cat-like fangs burrowed into your bottom lip as his rough tongue laved over your own, the gesture less of a kiss and more of an attempt to permanently attach a part of him to a part of you. His taste was one of fresh fruit and sugared cream, and by the time he pulled away, you were panting, heaving, clambering to stay as close as him as you possibly could, to get as much from him as you possible could. Aisling only laughed as you rushed to straddle him, taking your face in both hands and pulling you into another long, lingering kiss – his mouth just as sweet as his poisons.
“Such a beautiful song,” he muttered, pulling back far enough to speak, but not leaving quite enough distance to disguise the crooked smile spread across his lips.
“Perhaps, by the time we’re finished, you’ll love me enough to deserve to.”
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dom-rp · 2 years
I hope I did this okay x2,, aftercare hc question:
cuddle !
for Chaerin ~
[ cuddle ] — does your muse crave physical affection after sex? how long of a cuddle does it take for them to start coming down? do they need gentler cuddles or tight, squishing snuggles?
I wouldn't say that I crave them but I do love them especially when my little sweetie is all cuddled into me and wanting my kisses and love. I give gentle cuddles during this time
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quintessencewrites · 1 year
Little Panther
Shuri x black!fem!reader
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And collect my son I do, adorning his little fluffy figure in kisses. "None for me?" Shuri pouts, eyes begging.
"Uh, uh. You told me to collect my son, not my girl."
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Warnings: FLUFF!! Implied smut, explicit language.
Word Count: 1.9k+
Tags: @yvxmpire @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @remwritess @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12
Request by: @laurensmabel1 I hope I did this justice for you lovely!
A/N: Don't got much to say this time, other than enjoy my loves <3
Translations: sthandwa - my love; umama womnthwana - baby mama; usana - baby; mama wabantwana bam - mother of my children; i-panther encinci - little panther; molweni ekuseni, sthandwa - good morning, my love; enkosi, intombi yam - thank you, my girl
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I was taking a risk, removing the beautifully sculpted kimoyo bracelet from my wrist and dropping them on the end table by my front door. Shuri knew my schedule better than I did; she would be ringing my beads, wondering why my location revealed me to be home and not in class. What she didn’t know, however, was that my Metallurgy class ended an hour early today, giving me enough time to execute the idea I’d been sitting on for weeks. 
The bus ride was far too long, my patience burned short with excitement. When the double doors parted at my presence, I felt like royalty; the way my Shuri must feel often. “Hi! Welcome to The Animal Rescue League of Boston. How can I help you today?” The chipper girl’s grin was contagious and I caught it like a virus. 
“Uh, hi,” I stated, suddenly feeling timid. “I’m interested in adopting a kitten.”
Her eyes could not have lit up any brighter, gifting her a glow that could rival the Sun. “Oh my goodness, absolutely! Are you a first time pet owner?”
I shook my head, easily. “No ma’am. I had a cat growing up, from the day I was born. She lived 17 years.”
Her already bright smile grew larger. “Oh, so you’re a pro then! Also, you can drop the ma’am; I’m not that old. Name’s Mackenzie.” Extended is her hand, awaiting my own. I give into the offer and give a gentle squeeze. “Y/n,” I say back, still smiling.
“Y/n? That’s so freaking pretty! Come, follow me. I’ll introduce you to our felines.” Mackenzie stands, and I follow, each step igniting a thrill in me. We make a sharp left and soon approach a glass door, behind which tiny predators flock and flit around. 
I catch a glimpse of dark fur sprint across the room, and when I enter it, that’s the first kit I go towards. With a timid hand outstretched, I wait, beckoning the little thing to come forward. It was beautiful, with more fur than it had body and a dark hue mirroring that of a night with no moon. Golden eyes peered at me, filled to the brim with playfulness and curiosity.
The tiny puss pounces at my fingers, dangling in its face. 
That’s it. That was all it took to melt my heart. “I’ll take this one.”
Mackenzie beames down at the two of us. “Yeah, he took to you instantly. He’s a beaut, isn’t he?” 
“He’s gorgeous,” I mew. 
Moments later, the baby ball of fur was in his crate, rapid meows spilling from his body whilst I joined Mackenzie to fill out the appropriate papers. “What’ll you call him?”
“Little Panther,” I respond with no thought, no doubt. 
When we arrive at my apartment, I barely walk through the door, greeted with my abandoned kimoyo beads buzzing furiously. When I pick them up, an image of my Shuri greets me. “Hi, my love,” I welcome her, placing Little Panther on the floor to explore, out of Shuri’s line of vision. 
“Do not ‘hi, my love’ me,” She threw back, clearly angry. “Why have you ignored my first…” She glances down at her own beads, probably recalling how many times she’d tried to reach me with no avail. “Ten calls,” she continued. “I was worried. I thought something had happened to you. I thought-”
“Baby, calm down,” I sooth, sensing a panic rising in my queen. “I’m okay. In fact, I have a surprise for you. How soon can you get here?”
“Y/n, sthandwa, I am queen of a nation. I can not just up and leave on an impromptu trip to the States.” 
She’s trying so hard to be serious and failing miserably. “So,” I trail. “I’ll see you in an hour?” Shuri bears barely there smile in defeat. “Make it an hour and a half. I have to pack.” 
I can’t hide my excitement anymore, jumping up and down and squealing like a child. My sounds scare Little Panther, who squeaks a shrill noise and seeks sovereign underneath the couch. “What was that?” Shuri attempts, but I stop her short. “Okay, my queen. Have a safe flight, see you in a few, bye,” spills from me hurriedly, as I hang up on Her Royal Highness to tend to my fur baby crying from his safety. 
Exactly 90 minutes later, a key is inserted into my locked door as Shuri lets herself in, bags in tow. I anticipated her arrival, hiding Little Panther in my bedroom, wanting to build up to his reveal. 
“Baby,” I rushed to her, truly excited. It had been a month since we’d adorned each other last, both our schedules conflicting frustratingly so. My queen’s arm snakes around my waist, pulling my body against hers. “I’ve missed you,” I admit. Shuri doesn’t speak, taking in the moment with me in her hold. My gaze climbs hers and I confess. “I have news, my love.”
My attempt at a heavy demeanor brings my Shuri’s features to pull into a smile. “What? Are you pregnant?” Her tone is joking and the claim almost causes me to break character, but I decide to play into it. 
Taking her hand and pulling her to the couch, I sit her down. My seriousness is threatening to crack but determined to hold it together, I sigh, a deep, troubled sound. “Shuri, we have a son.”
Her sculpted brows jump, yet her dark eyes narrow in suspicion. Mouth agape, all she can utter is “What?”
“We have a son,” I repeat, corners of my mouth rising, but so little, I’m sure it goes by unnoticed. “Would you like to meet him?” Shuri’s mouth barely moves, though her eyes dart to my belly, as if searching for a bump. When I stand to retreat to my bedroom, her eyes refuse to leave my abdomen, as if the baby that’s not there will grow before her eyes. 
In the safety of my room, the giggle fit erupts, and by the time I find Little Panther and bring him out to the living room, the laughter hasn’t subsided.
“Shuri, my love, meet our son.” Her eyes drop, caulking with boredom.
 “A kitten?”
An excited nod shakes from my head, Little Panther in my hands preparing to leap straight onto my love’s skeptical form. 
“You got my hopes up, umama womnthwana,” she admits, actually sounding disappointed. 
“Shuri, how-nevermind. Here, hold him.”
“Why?” my dubious girl questions slowly.
“I got him cuz he reminds me of you, mamas. He’s my Little Panther.”
“First of all,” Shuri starts dramatically. “He is a he.” My eyes roll to the sky, then back to my queen.
“Secondly, I am nothing like a meek kitten.” She spits the last word like it disgusts her. “I am the Black Panther, protector of Wakanda. I am not a kitten.”
Smirk growing on my lips, I retort, “Oh, really? You be purring for me when I touch your-”
“Eh!” the Black Panther exclaims. “Hold your vulgar tongue. I am trying to be annoyed with you.”
“Trying?” I ask, hopeful that the girl would share my excitement. 
“Mhm, trying usana. So, you’re not giving me an heir?”
This girl gotta be joking. “Usana,” I repeat, throwing it back at her. “Ho-how would I be pregnant? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, though I’m sure you have, being the world’s greatest scientist and shit, but we don’t have the parts for that.”
A mischievous grin spreads across her cheeks and she wiggles those beautifully thick brows. “I have ways, mama wabantwana bam, if that’s what you want.”
“What do you keep calling me? It’s sexy, coming off your tongue like that, but I feel like I should be insulted.”
Shuri’s curls bounce as she shakes her head, leaving my question stranded. “Well, then,” I propose. “Let’s start with a fur baby.”
I catch the grimace glitter my girl’s face and she stands to stretch before heading to the kitchen. “Nope.”
The night goes by and when the sun rises on the next day, Shuri isn’t in bed with me. Searching for the royal doesn’t take long. She’s in the living room, hands trying to type furiously at something on the laptop she brought with her. Little Panther is thwarting her attempts, swiping and springing at her nimble fingers each time. 
Neither of them have noticed me yet, and I watch in amusement. Shuri takes a deep, frustrated breath. Creeping down to be eye level with the fiery orbs of the tiny puss, my queen seethes “Listen you litte fur ball. You are getting in my way.” 
Little Panther swipes playfully at Shuri’s nose, causing her to scoff. “You are nothing like me. I am mighty. You are mild.”
The kitten opens it’s tiny mouth to meow an insult back at my girl. “I-panther encinci, little panther. Little Panther,” she drags. Her eyes never leave the cat’s, and it leans forward, butt wiggling in the air. “Oh, you better not-” Shuri starts, but Little Panther heads her words, leaping from the table and onto her lap with a fury. “I bet you think you just did something great, huh?”
Finally stepping out of the shadows over to my queen changes her whole demeanor. “Molweni Ekuseni, sthandwa. Come collect your son.”
And collect my son I do, adorning his little fluffy figure in kisses. “None for me?” Shuri pouts, eyes begging.
“Uh, uh. You told me to collect my son, not my girl.”
Little Panther has taken a liking to the Wakandan Queen and he was determined to crack her hard demeanor. Later that day, when Shuri napped, head in my lap on the couch, LP took it upon himself to climb atop her chest for his own nap. 
My queen’s eyes opened at his presence, but she left him be. That night, she bore her claws and let them swing in the baby cat’s face, allowing him to practice his pouncing while she rattled off tips and pointers as if he could understand.
“Enkosi, intombi yam,” Shuri spoke to me the day before she was due to return to Wakanda. 
“Translate, baby.”
A smile bore her face, Little Panther asleep in her lap as her fingers shyly pet his furry body. “Thank you, my girl.”
“For what?”
Her eyes were glossed over and she hesitated to speak. “This Little Panther…. He is nothing like me, I still stand firm on that.”
“Mhm,” I start, but her interruption cuts my voice short.
“But, he does remind me a lot of a greater Black Panther. The greatest one, in my opinion.”
The tears streak her face and I catch on. “T’Challa?”
“Yes,” she bites her lip, inhaling deep to steady her words. “He was meek and bold and determined all at once. He was a force to be reckoned with, one whom did not take no as an answer. Much like this Little Panther. That is his namesake, not my own.”
My own face is wet now as well, and I pull Shuri in close, her arm wrapping around me on instinct. “So, he’s grown on you?”
My love’s eyes roll, causing more tears to spill. “He broke my guard as soon as I realized his eyes matched the gold in my suit.”
Laughter pours from my lips and I accept the victory. “Yes! Welcome to the family, LP.”
Shuri’s head sways back and forth, a besting beam washing over her. “Welcome to the family Little Panther.”
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vampyr3wife · 8 months
im curious about ur makeup products
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this is like everything I use in my makeup routine n then a couple different lip products I like ^_^
NYX tame & frame in black Tony Moly cats wink clear pact Dasique blending mood cheek powder Fenty Beauty diamond bomb L’Oréal infallible concealer Aquaphor Kylie lip liner shade bare Clinique black honey Mac cremesheen glass lip gloss in Pagoda Lip smacker fruit punch lip gloss Rimocoo lip tint Colourpop supershock in flexitarian YMH Beaute glitter Nyx white eyeliner Maybelline lash sensational ???
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hockeyshmockey · 10 months
Daniel Riccardo Instagram Edit
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liked by maxverstappen, f1, and 1,320, 230 others
Danielricciardo and ynricciardo whatcha got cookin in there?
view 402,302 comments
maxverstappen oh god, we’re all doomed
ynricciardo it’s your demon spawn, wdym?
redbullracing so excited for the newest addition to the redbull family!
lewishamilton so thrilled for you both!
carmenmundt george and I are both crying
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liked by gerihalliwell, redbullracing, and 391,239 others
tagged daniel ricciardo, michellericciardo, cassln, kellypiquet
ynricciardo I can’t believe how lovely yesterday was! so thankful for @ michelericciardo and @ cassln for throwing this stunning shower. Only three months till we meet baby honey badger!
view 29,234 comments
gerrihalliwell so happy to see you glowing dear
kellypiquet p insists it will be a girl
user im sorry imagine a spice girl at your baby shower
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liked by f1gossipgirl, charlesleclerc, and 405,239 others
ynricciardo we’ve built a beautful life together over these past 6 years, but I just know the day our baby is here, the best will be yet to come. Happy 6 years of loving you Dan, I can’t wait for the rest of forever
view 90,320 comments
alexalbon help lily is crying over this
gracericciardo we love you honey!! happy anniversary to you both
danielricciardo stop you said you didn’t me to be too nice because you’d cry and thEN YOU POST THIS?
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liked by f1, skynews and 1,402,495 others
danielricciardo the two best things I’ve ever seen. Welcome to the chaos Joseph Blake Ricciardo
view 582, 328 comments
sebastianvettel congrats to you both, can’t wait to meet the little guy!
kellypiquet he’ll deny it, but Max cried when you texted him
christianhorner congrats Daniel and YN, from your whole Red Bull family
153 notes · View notes
pendragon1400 · 5 months
Modern BG3 AU each charectors walking in on someone putting on a facemask.
Gale: Askes to join you, makes snacks to eat together while they have face and hair masks in watching reality tv.
Astarion: He makes sure you are using the correct thing, "No, that's for energizing, here take this it's moisturizing. No, that one is mine, it has vitamin D and I need more of that." He not only joins you, but pulls out a but of products and it turns into a mini spa.
Karlach: Thinks it looks fun and wants to join in! But gets impatient and peels it off halfway through the setting time.
Shadowheart: Already did her mask for the week, but recommends you wash up with a particular facial cleanser. No you can't use hers buy your own.
Wyll: Wants you to know that you are beautiful with and without face masks and beauty products. Gets you tea to drink while you sit and sits next to you.
Lae'zel: Thinks it is very strange warpaint. "I see you wish to scare your foes before you slay them. Good, good."
Halsin: Wants to reassure you that you look beautful without anything. But, if you still want to do face masks, he recommends natural stuff like honey, bananas, olive oil ect. He is more than happy to make you some.
Jaheria: At first just tries to duck out of the bathroom and leave you to it, but if you can manage it you can convince her to join you or at least do her nails for her.
Minsc: Confused as to why you are smearing things on yourself, and offers to help you make a more precise war look.
Minthara: Unsure of this purpose, and questions if you are attempting to disguise yourself or look better to appeal to someone so you can seduce them, than backstab them and claim their throne.
Durge: Licks the mask.
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deadlynavigation · 11 months
Hello! how are you? I hope you are well, I love your account and I wanted to place an order with you if possible. Could you do a Male!Wednesday x Reader where the Reader is pregnant? how would he act? How would he take care of the baby when it was born? I hope the request is not too strange and I hope you can attend to it, have a good day.
HC: Pregnancy
Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of labor, swearing, grave robbing, mentions of castration, electrocution, serial killing, and beheading; mention of sex. (sorry guys it's wednesday 😭)
Author's Note: Oh my gosh you are so sweet, thank you for the request. This was a fun one. And honey I have gotten way weirder requests than this one. Side note tho, if you ever want to request something again make sure you specify headcanon or oneshot, etc. I made this one a headcanon- I hope that it's satisfactory.
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This experience would be entirely new to him
Someone he loves -romantically, at that- is creating and carrying something he’ll love just as much?
He’s obviously overjoyed, but scared as fuck
So he does everything in his power to prepare
The amount of books and tomes he would dig out of the library (and sometimes graves) would start forming a pile on your nightstands the second you tell him the news
Books like How To Raise Your Demon, Surviving and Dying In Parenthood, and What To Expect When You’re Expecting are always either in the corner or tucked away in Wednesday’s arm
And every single day without fail you’ll find your husband reading one of his newly-stolen books, brooding in the sitting room with the straightest posture and most panicked eyes you’ve ever seen
That’s normally when you yank the book from him, walk over to the window, and watch as it drops further and further from you both and into the bushy gardens below
Lots of affirmative kisses from your end
He's probably more anxious than usual but refuses to show it, so just in case, you make it a habit to pepper his face in pecks every ten minutes or so
But at the end of the day, when you're both in bed and cuddled up next to each other
Wednesday is fully relaxed, knowing that he holds his world (and a little addition to that world) in his arms
Besides the prep, this man is also a monstrosity when it comes to your wellbeing
He’s not going to be too protective, and he’s not going to monitor you
But he’s going to call in five different doctors the second you’re feeling under the weather
Your temperature is high? Doctor.
Your feet are sore? Doctor.
Your nausea has you bedridden? Doctor.
And since it’s the only aspect of your pregnancy he’s been a bit feral about, you let him. You know it makes him feel better and it's nice to know he has your back
The baby being born is probably one of the most stressful times of Wednesday’s life
He’s next to you the entire time, letting you squeeze his hand as hard as you deem necessary while he sits there with a stoic face
Every so often he’ll look down to where your face is scrunched in pain and effort, and lay a comforting kiss on your forehead or cheek
You want to slap him for it
There were times where he had to leave the room because of the danger you presented to his well being
Phrases such as: kiss me again and I’ll rip your dick off with my teeth; appreciate your head now because after I’m done, I’m getting your ass on a chopping block; and his personal favorite, I am not above using that electrocution chair to make sure there are no more potential children left within you
So yeah his mom made him leave
When your labor finally stopped after a grueling 13 hours, Wednesday is the first by your side, staring at you in awe as he brushes your hair back
He cries when he holds his baby for the first time
I am a firm believer that Wednesday wouldn’t care about the baby’s gender
Anyone can be a serial killer, no matter if they’re a boy or girl
So either would be treated with the utmost respect and love
As would you- you’re still recovering from labor, as well as caring for your beautiful child
So he dotes on the both of you (but would deny it if anyone asked)
He’s the one that gets up with the child in the night, unless he’s so deep in sleep that he could be mistaken for a corpse
And you take care of the child during the day
It’s pretty much an equal split, one that took time to master after many fights and sleepless nights
But aside from those difficulties
There have been many instances of you and Wednesday standing over your baby’s gothic crib, his hand snaked around your waist and your head leaning on his chest as you admire your creation
Or when you’re feeding the baby, and Wednesday just looks on, observing. When you’re finished, he’ll come to calmly take the child from you, take his time to lay them to sleep, and kiss you fiercely while murmuring how incredibly attractive you are
And though sex isn’t an option right then and there, the intimacy between you two is strong
Overall, the experience has brought you closer together and shown just how deep your problem-solving skills and trust with each other truly are
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
Hey Honey it's me again! I was wondering if could a Pomefiore and Diasomnia Headcannons with a Yor Forger! SO
I MEAN- WHO DOESN'T LOVE HER??? SKJDHSJDHDK I'm so sorry that I only did up to Pomefiore, but I'll try doing your other requests. ;-;;;;
You seem to lack social skills and initially come across as a somewhat aloof and sticking with the minimal with interacting, interacting, short and straightforward with a seemingly robotic and mechanical way of talking to others.
You are remarkably calm and collected in the face of danger, and you're incredibly polite… although sometimes you're rather blunt in compliments. Despite your front, you are actually a very kind and have a strong maternal instinct and as you grow closer with your peers, you're more expressive, and you have no problems with going to extreme measures to protect the ones you love.
However, you're usually insecure about your abilities, and you worry that you're not capable to be a good friend or more. Surely, they would see something more in you than you know it…
TWST The Aloof, but kind and motherly (and a bit violent) s/o (Yor Forger)
Vil Schoenheit
He doesn't really mind you being aloof, in fact, he prefers you being "straight to the point". You keep your answers sweet, short and relevant for anyone to understand, which he appreciates.
Vil values your politeness and courtesy, perhaps that's why he was charmed by you. Needless to say, when you got into a relationship, he realized that that calm nature of yours is to hide a very easy to fluster, sweet person.
In a way, it amuses him how someone who seems so calm gets their cheeks flushed when their lover simply gives them a simple kiss on the forehead. Who knew you were actually this adorable, potato?
Furthermore, you get more and more emotional the closer you are with him and your peers, which he blinks at a bit surprised to see you grin and chuckle, cry and whine. Oddly, however, you do seem to also... take "action" a bit too much when he's in trouble.
For example, one time a fan of his was being very pushy on Halloween, clearly neglecting his personal space and the number of times he tried to politely shoo them off, but to no avail. As he was wondering what to do with a slightly irritated look, you swiftly cut through the thick air to chop down a pole right next to that fan.
"He. Said. Personal. Space." Needless to say, that fan finally listened. Wow, how unexpected. Again-
What an odd lover he has. <3
Rook Hunt
To be honest, isn't Rook similar to you? He appears very kind (a little dramatic, pretty weird too with his shooting and stuff), but he has quite a backstory and... are those photos of students on his wall???
Anyways, like Vil, Rook doesn't mind your aloof nature. He thinks it's rather endearing to see you very polite as well as keeping most of your conversations short. So, he was a bit surprised by your change in attitude after you became his s/o, because the transformation was completely in contrast to your known nature.
You were more kind, more expressive, very sweet and easy to fluster. Oh my! How adorable! Beaute! He thinks it's lovely, absolutely lovely to see this adorable side to you. This dynamic between you too would be very interesting, nonetheless...
Rook does seem to know of you being "a bit" violent when it comes to protecting the ones you hold dear... like himself! (Oh god-)
When Rook found himself in a fair bit of trouble with the ghost, you swiftly used a pebble of some sort and threw it hard into the tree, which pierced through its trunk and flew to the other side. Seeing the intimidating and darkened look on your face, leaving the ghosts too stunned and they ran off in a frenzy. They can't even get hit...
Alas, he still thinks you're his beloved! You two sure make an interesting couple. <33
Epel Felmier
He didn't think much of it, but you are being aloof has him a bit awkward on his end. With your quick, short replies and mostly being quiet, he doesn't know how else to continue on with any conversation with you.
Somewhere and somehow down the road, he managed to get into a relationship with you, and to him, he has won the lottery of a romantic life.
The way you get so flustered easily, with your sweet and kindhearted attitude chiseled out of your usual calm composure is something real cute to him. On top of that, you called him "a real man" when he chased off those ghosts during that cursed wedding (quite literally cursed-)! He's ecstatic!
Furthermore... when did you learnt to fight??? He saw you punch the wall when a Savanaclaw student was making fun of his petite body, as you glared intensely into the soul of that now victim student.
"Leave. Him. Alone." Of course, he shrieked and backed off, the delinquent fleeing the scene without wanting to be the one your fist touched. Epel thinks you're so cool, and he wants to learn from you!
Well, he's trying his best. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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acaiasahi · 2 years
୨✩୧ ۫ 𓈒 ⭒ ݁ . "home" — kwak jiseok
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SYNOPSIS: mornings spent with jiseok always ends with cuddles.
INFO: fluff, kwak jiseok [gaon] x gn!reader, 545 words
WARNINGS: grammatical and structural errors, lowercase and smaller text intended, not proofread!
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the sweet sound of jiseok's guitar fills your tiny apartment. sunlight greets you as it peeks through the white curtains and beams through your room.
your eyes open slowly, blinking the sleep out of them as you remained laying in your extremely warm bed. rubbing your drooping lids, you let out a rather loud yawn, remnants of last night's sleepiness still getting to you.
bunching up the blanket, you toss it to the side, padding over to your shared closet to take one of your — well jiseok's hoodies. you slip it on fairly quickly before following the soft strumming of your boyfriend's guitar.
you don't need to search long for him as you see his figure sitting cozily on the couch, nodding along to the tune he'd made on a whim.
his eyes are closed, his head hanging just slightly as he gets lost in the notes. fingers skim over each string, the melody becoming more clear as he continues playing.
at the peak of the song, he stops upon seeing you before reaching over to grab his pencil to scribble something. probably along the lines of fixing his lyrics.
"'s pretty," you say softly, smiling at his puffy morning face that greets you, his glasses somewhat crooked. "good, because it's about you," he responds sheepishly, placing his guitar flat on it's back onto the couch.
he ushers you to come over, arms opening up wide as his warmth fights against the coldness that emits through your shoebox apartment. you smile sleepily at him, feet dragging over the wood floor lazily as you plop yourself on his lap as if it were your throne.
jiseok's arms wrap around instantly, hands coming to meet you waist while yours rest around his neck, pulling him closer to you. his head falls into the crook of your neck, a waft of your scent filling his nostrils.
home. he thinks, snuggling closer.
time passes you by as you slowly begin to reenter sleep world, your boyfriend rocking you side to side like you were a baby, soft hums rumbling through his chest.
your eyes get heavy, too heavy for you to keep up until you're fully asleep. jiseok feels your body slowly go limp, the grip you once had on him faltering as the small puffs of air leave your lips begin evening out.
although you're already asleep, he still sings and sways you side to side softly. a content smile on his face as he enjoys your company, regardless if you're awake or not, he feels safe.
he maneuvers your body to lay flat against the couch, fixing the hoodie sleeves that had ridden up from hugging him. he quickly gets up to close his notebook and put away his belongings before grabbing the quilt that hangs on the couch's arm rest, right above your head.
jiseok quietly lays next to your, despite the couch's restrictions, he tosses the soft blanket on the two of you before placing himself behind you, his chest meeting your back.
lanky arms wrap around you, nose filling with that familiar scent of honey and vanilla that he just can't get enough of. the light scent lures him closer and closer to sleep as a small drowsy grin lays upon his lips.
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(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ ☆ xdinary heroes taglist! @kflixnet ... @ficscafe ... @enhacolor ... @alohajun ... @i-luvsang [taglist form]
— jaydi's notes! ୨✩୧ ۫ 📓𓈒 ⭒ ݁ . i've worked on this beaut a couple weeks ago when i was unsure of adding xdh to my writing list but here we are LOL hope u enjoy it as much as i enjoy staring @ jiseoks + jooyeons faces :3
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vanilladaises-rp · 5 months
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"I hope I make your lives a living hell ;)" "xoxo yunjin hehe"
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"Hi . . ." Soojin sends you a small wave as she hides in the water
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"Ah sorry I just got out of work and need to rush home, Hi everyone!"
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tags: @idontlikelizards @honey-beaut @livealittleoc-cb @luxora @halloween-idols @nana-n-nono @wiickedxgood @bunnybubchan @moonlightchn @welcome-to-maniac @dia-oc @writingstuffandmore @zzzhoonie @k-venturetime @badbf-cb @evicted-oc @thisisnoteuropeanstyle @luvfaii @oc-honeys @fntsybot @urluvlyfe
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ivanzplaid · 1 year
hiii i just read a bunch of your lawrence gordon hcs and i love them <3 could i please rq a fic with him and a gender neutral reader? something along the lines of lawrence getting jealous maybe and being overprotective over the reader? thank you so much!
im back from my.... undefined hiatus and was looking thru my inbox and OF COURSE OMG, im feeling verh cary elwes and this is just soing it for me rn so of course of course i love myself some jealous lawrence
also because if my months long hiatus my writinf feels so weird so im literally so sorry if this is shit😭
requests r open, masterlist is up :)
Jealous Lawrence Gordon x Gn! Reader | Look At Me | Short Fic
The relaxed atmosphere of the hospital's annual Christmas party was to Lawrence's liking. He couldn't stand over-the-top encounters, especially when he had to bring you along with his coworkers. He felt consumed by his work at times, and while you'd think that having the peacemaker of his life with him would soothe his nerves, his coworkers bashed this thought by being a little too comfortable.
"Oh Larry, you gotta bring this beaut around more often. We're always in need of someone new. Especially someone as gated as you are. What's your name?"
Your face contorted to a small laugh, it wasn't often that people were as interest in you than Lawrence. The feeling of blood rushing to your cheeks was inevitable as the flattery continued, and it seemed the focus of a handful of workers went to you.
"Need a drink? I'd always be happy to go and..-"
"That's enough. We're doing just fine without your services, Doctor Marsh."
Lawrence's voice was stern, matching the hand that had over time been creeping around your waist. Silently, yet clearly setting the message that he wasn't amused. Yet when you peered to his face, there was a strained smile, making an effort to keep his cool for you.
His eyes met yours, signaling to you that if you said a word to them, he'd set up repercussions he felt necessary.
You tilted your head to his ear, gently trying to calm his down as you whispered,
"Thanks baby.. Wanna go ahead to the car? We've been here for a while already, its late too y'know."
A small breathe was let out, but the rough hand on your waist only seemed to guide you out of the building, making no change to its hold. You could feel Lawrence's finger pads circling your side, grounding himself with your presence.
As you made it to the car, the stillness of the air prompted you to look up, meeting his eyes whom were already on you. There was an undetected expression on Lawrence's face, he was hiding something from you.
"If they- or anyone treats you that way again, talk to me."
An awkwardly hidden smile crept on your face. Your Lawrence was jealous.
He hates displaying a ton of affection in public, especially infront of his coworkers. He hates acting like a teenage couple. But he hates seeing others pander to whats his the most. Its only natural that he takes initiative, and shows them (and you) who you're with, and who you belong to at a moments notice.
"Of course, you'll never have to worry about that, honey."
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dom-rp · 2 years
aftercare centered q’s: for Minhyuk ~
smooches !
[ smooch ] — does your muse like being kissed after sex? Gentle kisses or quick playful pecks? 
I do enjoy kisses after sex, gentle ones and specifically on the jawline, adorable
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atinylittlepain · 3 months
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Part One
climbing expeditionist!steve harrington x f!oc
series masterlist
Past, present, and future dance and daunt in the shadows of Mount Everest. He just wants to get home. She just wants him home.
chapter warnings | 18+ angst, pregnancy, commentary on eco-tourism, steve is a little depresso at 17,000 feet
word count | 3.4K
a/n | this fic is pure self-indulgence, as a climber who thought they'd one day summit everest, and then realized it's been ruined by eco-tourism! anyways, parts of this fic closely follow the 1996 everest climbing disaster, with many key changes. thanks for reading, there's a fun little treat at the end too.
March 1996 - Colorado
“You’re gonna be late if you stick around any longer.”
“Don’t worry about that, honey. I’ll run if I have to, just give me a few more minutes with you.” He doesn’t get nervous, she knows, not about these things. He gets charming, all slanted smiles and soft touches, sneaking kisses as he rocks in the soles of his boots, plane ticket tucked between index and middle finger. 
But she gets nervous. Even when they do these things together, let alone now with her staying behind and sending him off. Like watching her heart slip from her ribcage and tiptoe out onto a highwire with no net. With no net. So she gets nervous, and she tries to hide it from him, though she can feel her smile starting to slip the longer she stands here in the airport, throngs of people passing by in cloistered chaos. 
“Did Robin make it out there alright?”
“Yeah, got a fax from her this morning, she’s already at basecamp getting stuff set up with the local guides. Hey, you’re doing it again.”
“Doing what?” 
“You’ve got that look.”
“What look?”
“Steve.” Her arms crossed over her chest, and his hands curling over her forearms, leaning in, and in, and in, until his forehead is pressed against hers and she can no longer see the arrivals board, the people rushing by with suitcases and backpacks. Just him, and his smile that is everything, long hair like a curtain around them. She takes two deep breaths, smelling him, the badger balm he rubs into his hands and good clean soap from the shower he took that morning. And she wills herself to hold onto that scent, to tuck it somewhere safe in her mind, and this too, the soft warble of his voice when he asks her can I get one more kiss, please? Never saying no to that, a sweet simple one, followed by another with a little more want, little more ache behind it. He’ll have a beard the next time she sees him, she knows, but for now there’s just the slightest scratch of stubble when she presses her lips against his. 
“Please don’t worry too much about me.” And that makes her laugh, though it tightens and changes into something bordering on a sob, a high, clipped sound, shake of her head, her forehead still against his, and she has to, she has to take the step back, create that space, has to let go for now. He doesn’t abide by that, hands curling around her biceps, come back, come back, one more minute. He’s wearing his wedding ring on a chain around his neck, too many close calls losing it in the snow, in pulling off a mitten, in the chaos of what he does, what they do. She hooks her finger through it and pulls, a young part of her wishing that’d be enough magic to make him stay. 
“I don’t care what time it is there or here, you call me when you get to Kathmandu, and to Lukla, and to base, okay?”
“Of course I will, and you have the fax number. Gonna send me the scans?” His hand coming to rest over the slight swell of her stomach, still new, the small, hard curve of it, but there, but there. She feels like she might be sick, though she’s not sure why, not sure if it’s the pregnancy, or something else. 
“Yeah, baby, I’ll send them over. But seriously, you better go.” They both sigh, both say love to each other, quiet and close, and then it’s catch and release, him walking toward security, beautiful boy, beautiful world of a person in his corduroy pants rolled at the ankles and a new fleece that she stitched a stupidly sweet heart into the tag of, a little thread of luck, and his pack that he prides himself on keeping so light. She snuck a few extra clif bars into one of the side pockets, a different kind of nesting, preparing for a departure instead of an arrival. He looks over his shoulder at her one more time, wire rimmed glasses glinting, one more smile, and then he’s gone in the push and pull of the crowd. 
She knows the trip he’s about to take well, after all, she has done it five times herself. This will be his sixth. He’ll spend a night and a day in Kathmandu, gathering up the group of people who have enough money to pay him to be their guide. Eddie will be there too, his usual self, aviators and absurdly underdressed, and if there’s a woman in this season’s group, she'll swoon and yes, recognize him from the cover of Outside Magazine, climbing’s resident bad boy, according to the journalist that wrote the piece. They’ll be brilliant together, Steve and Eddie, capable, holding court over a shared dinner before their flight to Lukla the next morning, the group listening in quiet reverence as Steve talks about the death zone, and Eddie’s favorite line, when we hit 26 thou, we will literally be dying, so remember how much you paid to be here. 
He calls her that night, a day ahead now, catches her mid-afternoon and tells her that he has a good feeling about this group. No bullshitters, no brass either as far as I can tell. Brass, the big talkers, usually Americans that have decided this trip, this thing, is their self-given right. Brass, usually the first to turn around. She tells him that the crib was delivered, and he asks her if she’ll wait to put it together, he’d like to help when he gets back. Of course, she says, of course she’ll wait for him.
A week and a half goes by before she hears from him again. She doesn’t know whether to be pissed or utterly paralyzed with fear. Robin faxes her, tells her he’s bringing the group to base, and that he asked her to tell her he’s sorry he didn’t call. And later, when the phone rings in the middle of the night, the petty part of her briefly considers letting it go to voicemail. She picks up and the first thing he offers her is an apology.
“I couldn’t find a fucking phone where we were staying.”
“I didn’t know what was happening, Steve, I can’t– you promised me.” The sentence fizzles out, she feels small saying it. What did he promise her? What can be promised in an environment, in a place that stands upon uncertainty? But still, he promised her a few things before he left, promised communication, promised coming home, and promised never doing it again, shutting down the outfit, no more of this. And she’s not sure he knew what it meant to make those promises, ones that can be so easily broken. 
“It’s not gonna happen again, Josie, I promise. We made it to base, by the way, all good, all safe.” As if on cue, she hears Robin first, hey, Jo! Followed by Eddie’s not the same without you, Joey! Tinny voices made small by all the distance, and she realizes that while part of her misses the place, the process of it all, it’s the people she aches for, good people, good friends, a little crazy, but in the same way she is, and the same way Steve is. But he doesn’t seem too interested in sharing her with them, and she can’t blame him when every minute of this phone call costs twenty-five dollars. 
“I’m glad you made it, how does it look this year?”
“Crowded, I swear there’s more outfits every year. It’s gonna be a cluster summiting with all these bodies.”  
“Hmm, you’re always good at getting the jump though.”
“I try. How– how are you feeling? Doctor next Friday, right?”
“My Friday, your Saturday, yeah. We’re doing alright, they’ve been kicking actually.”
“Really?” Pure wonder crackling over the phone, his voice lifting and breathless, making tight heat curl up in her throat, behind her eyes. Of course, she wishes he were here, and of course, she thinks of the stories every year of wives leaving their husbands because they won’t stop chasing mountains. 
 When she told her friends, her family, that he was still heading out to lead another group, they had looked horrified at the idea. But she also knows it’s a particular situation they’re in. Unplanned, unexpected, but decidedly wanted, by the time they found out she was pregnant, payments had already been made, plane tickets booked, nonrefundable. Clients that know how to throw all of their weight around, very important people with very important wallets giving him their very important money to take them on this very important trip. And so they had to decide some things. Decided that two months out of nine wasn’t all that bad, that five successes couldn’t have just been luck, and that a sixth couldn’t be asking too much more. Thinking these things is different than feeling them, she is now realizing, listening to his voice get caught in static and wind as he tells her how much he loves her and that he’ll talk to her again soon, get some sleep, honey, I love you. 
Yes, different to think about it, plan for it, than to feel it. The bedroom is dark, perfectly silent, perfectly still. She begins to cry with the catch of the phone in the receiver.
March, 1990 - base camp
“Who’s that?”
“That chick with Art’s group.” 
“Don’t point, Steven, we’re all friends here. And that’s Jo Taylor, I met her at the airport, real nice, real cool. Also, requisite reminder that fucking at altitude is contraindicated.” 
“Thanks, Rob, yeah, thank you for that reminder.” Robin’s already off as he grumbles, already introducing herself to other strangers weaving in between brightly colored tents and packs. It’s not lost on him that she and Jo are the only two women at base camp, and he’s having a hard time not staring at this woman he’s never met before. Close-cropped hair and flickering hands, sharp, and she seems to have no trouble holding court with her crew, checking over gear, tanks of oxygen, things he should be doing right now, though he’s still stuck staring at her. 
Up here, it’s somehow both bitingly cold and quick to heat with the sun bouncing and bending over the snow, prayer flags pulled taut on lines in the thin air. Everyone has stripped down to base layers, faces whipped raw by the wind, Eddie walking around in a bright orange pair of Patagonia baggies and little else, steaming thermos in hand. And this girl, woman, person, Jo, in a Talking Heads t-shirt and an unzipped shell and leggings, and even with her reflective sunglasses on he can tell the exact moment when she catches him staring at her, her head tilting to the side, slight pull of her brow. He’s walking toward her, crunching over rocks and snow before he can think too hard about how she doesn’t really look interested in making friends with him.
“Hey, I don’t think we’ve met.” He gives her his name with a hand extended, and she takes it, if not a bit stiff, skeptical, offering him her name in return with her hip popped to the side. He watches his own nervous smile in the reflection of her sunglasses. 
“You’re here with Art’s team, right?”
“I am, yeah. And you’re here with Robin?”
“And Ed, he’s, well, you’ve probably met him.”
“Oh yeah, we all know Munson. No oxygen on Mont Blanc is pretty impressive, or maybe stupid.”
“I’d say both.” Her smile glints in the sun, a little stunner of a thing and he knows he’d like to see it again. 
“Both is probably accurate. I knew who you were too, by the way, you didn’t have to introduce yourself like that.” 
“You did?”
“Of course, men’s speed record for El Cap. That’s just impressive if you ask me.”
“Men’s? As opposed to–”
“I didn’t know there was a women’s speed record for El Cap.” Her smile slants and she pushes her sunglasses up into her hair, eyes crinkling and squinting in the wind and the sun. 
“There is, I hold it.” 
“Oh, oh, I didn’t– you– I didn’t mean to–” Foot in his mouth and it might as well be down his throat with the way he’s stumbling over his words. She grins, gives his shoulder a squeeze and a shake.
“You’re fine, man, really, just teasing you a little. Is this your first time on Everest?”
“Yeah, you?” He’s not even standing that close to her, but he still notices a freckle somewhere between the round of her cheek and her eye, watches it jump with her smile. She nods, a glance over his shoulder to what awaits them in these next few weeks. A slog, a perfectly graceless suffering. A climb, a brilliant, beautiful thing.
“I’ll see you out on the Icefall, Harrington. It’s nice to meet you.”
March 1996 - base camp
“That reporter packed out a fucking espresso maker, can you believe this shit? It’s like goddamn Disney world up here.” Eddie says it just loud enough to garner him a few turned heads as he slumps down in his chair next to Steve, making quick work out of a mug full of instant ramen. 
“I wouldn’t worry about her, Art will get her sorted out before they make it to camp two. I’m just worried there’s gonna be a jam up there. You ever think you’d see the day there’s a line to summit? Because right now, it’s looking like that’s exactly what we’re gonna have on our hands.”
“Any thoughts on how to avoid that?” He hums, pinching off another bite of his clif bar and working his jaw around it, looking out on what seems to be a veritable sea of tents. At least fifteen outfits this year, and all the ragtag debris they entail, lost-looking group members that probably have no business being up here, already hacking into the elbows of their expensive-looking jackets, camping chairs getting knocked over in the wind, boots tucked outside of tents, the sound and smells of human intervention in an otherwise silent landscape. 
“I do, Rob’s not gonna like it though.”
“What am I not gonna like?” A hand on his shoulder, and then a face leaning upside-down over his, almost alien in her round, mirrored sunglasses. 
“Do you know if the other outfits are planning for May tenth?”
“Yeah, as far as I know, same as us. Why?” Easy, all of them easy together, Robin sits down between their chairs, carabiner hooked full of keys jangling at her belt loop. She takes a bite of Eddie’s ramen when he offers her the fork and Eddie grins over the top of her head at Steve, cheshire bright in his thermal and leggings, and suddenly, he thinks, they’re sixteen again, driving cross country to go climb in Yellowstone with a few months worth of part-time job savings split between them. 
“Stevie here wants to be first in line on the Everest Express.”
“It’s not about being first, it’s about not wanting people stuck up there longer than they need to be. If we could just get a couple days–”
“No, Steve. Everybody wants May tenth for a reason. The weather is looking good–”
“The weather is unpredictable and you know it.”
“And, these people need those days to get ready. You start shaving off days and that’s less time they’ll have been at altitude for the last push. This is just the way it is this year, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, and it’s getting worse every year. I really think we’re getting out at the right time, you know, picked the right year to have our last season.” Robin huffs, unfolding her legs and standing back up, shading them from the sun for a moment as she brushes off her cargo pants and runs a hand back through her hair. 
“Look, I’ll take another pass at the weather. Maybe, and that’s a big maybe, we could swing May eighth. But I make no promises.” And then she’s off, wielding her walkie-talkie like a scepter, already rearranging plans in her mind as she ducks back into their comms tent.
He knows he’s frustrating her, bitching about everything, scowling about everything. Eddie had said as much during the first night at base, why are you being such a downer? We’re on a fucking mountain, at least sell it to the customers, man. And he’s right, they’re on a fucking mountain, and it’s beautiful, and it’s brutal, and it’s all the things he’s loved since he started backpacking as a kid. And there are good moments, there are, moments of looking out onto the landscape, the steep tumbling snow and gray slate crags, witchery in the dance and daunt of ice, the near painfully blue sky that can turn dark and mean in a breath. Moments of true awe, and still, still, he knows that he shouldn’t be here, not really. 
Last year, there was a man in their outfit from Texas, brass. Steve can’t remember his name now, but what he can remember is what he admitted to the night before they headed out from base. Everyone had laughed except for Jo and the one other woman who was in their group, when the man confessed that he had forgotten to tell his wife he’d be gone for two months in the spring. And it had been Jo who had plainly asked him if he had any kids, her chin jutted, arms crossed over her chest, her usual all-smiles-all-jokes-but-all-business-lead-guide facade slipping away into something steely, something cold and unamused. Yes, the man had said, two, a boy and a girl. He doesn’t remember much more of that conversation, just that Jo excused herself early from dinner, and when he returned to their tent a little while later, she was already asleep with her back turned to him. 
“You alright?”
“I don’t know, Ed. I’ll be good to lead though, that’s not a problem.”
“I didn’t ask if you’ll be good to lead, I asked if you’re alright.”  Something tight turns in his chest, he keeps his eyes down on his hands, folding and unfolding the empty clif bar wrapper. 
“Yes, no, I knew it was gonna be hard, but this is fucking– something else.” Eddie leans forward, elbows on his knees, brow furrowed, and he’s nodding, and it’s a look of concern. Steve hates it, never the one needing concern, never the one to be concerned about. The leader, right, level-headed, right, no need for concern.
“You talk to Jo today?”
“Last night, she asked if you packed out sticks of butter again this year.” 
“Pfft, of course, a little American comfort at seventeen thousand feet goes a long way. How is she?”
“Doing alright, I think. Had the twenty-week scan on Friday.” He can’t help but smile thinking about it, and Eddie mirrors him, grin spreading and brows raising, oh yeah?
“She found out if it’s a boy or a girl, but she said she’s not gonna tell me until I get home.”
“Well, how about that for a little motivation, huh? I have to admit though, I miss her this year, not the same without her.” Eddie’s smile softens, slighter, sadder, a hand on Steve’s shoulder, and he feels his own face slacken, the ache returning. 
“No, it’s not.” Not letting him fall for long, Eddie gracelessly shrugs his chair closer, arm hooking around Steve’s shoulders, cheek to cheek as he starts pointing out their clients.
“But, think of it this way–” He points to one man, him, another, him, one more, and him.
“Add those three up and you got yourself a nice little college fund.” At the very least, it feels good to laugh, resting his temple on Eddie’s shoulder, letting the sun be the sun, and the moment be the moment. 
“Can’t argue with that.”
“We’re gonna climb that fucking thing on the eighth, aren’t we?”
“Yeah, I think we are.”
“I’m with you all the way, man.” He holds his hand out for Steve, and it’s a relief, he finds, to clasp his hand, to hold onto something. And Eddie’s one last send? His smile turning young and slanted, a little wild. Steve nods. One last send.
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theinvitation-bot · 1 year
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺
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After you received an invitation with your new outfit that Wednesday evening, you’ve been unable to see any of the kings. You assumed that since the party was so soon they’d be pretty busy with their assigned duties. The party started a few minutes ago and you could see the celebration set up outside, you heard they were celebrating the lucky couple as it was now two weeks away from the wedding. As you were looking amongst the people, you saw a few familiar faces but also some new ones, they seemed to be royal as well but not from this kingdom.
It was only getting later and you decided it be best not to be late like instructed in the invite. You exited your quarters and were greeted by your usual maid, she smiled and lead you downstairs and to the party. You tried looking around for any sign of him but you found nothing, you were nervous, was he not coming? did something happen? An uneasy feeling sat in your stomach, you imagined yourself entering with him but once you reached the archway and heard the castle’s steward announce your name, you had no choice but to walk in to the event.
All eyes were on you as you walked through the lighted archway, it was dark outside and there wasn’t much light besides the fairy ones hanging around which made you feel more secure. You made your way to get a drink but then suddenly ran into a girl, she was smaller than you and had a friendly smile “hello! you must be Y/N, K/N has told me so much about you! I’m yuna!” she giggled before hugging you. Yuna seemed unusually happy to meet you, a stranger she just met but you figured that was just her personality. It wasn’t long after when another female had came up from behind her, having more of a dark, cold aura.
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“Forgive my sister, she can get too excited sometimes” she said to you before pulling her sister back and glaring at her “so you’re Y/N? You’re more scrawny than I’d imagine, surprise my cousin is interested in you” she lightly scoffed making yuna gasp and smacked ryujin’s arm “don’t be so rude! just cause they’re scrawny to you, doesn’t mean the same for our cousin.” she scoffed making ryu narrow her eyes at the younger before turning back to you “anyways, I take it the wedding planning is going well, this party isn’t bad so i expect the wedding will be better” she said again with a condescending tone. Before she could continue though, the steward had called for everyone’s attention as the monarch’s arrival was announced.
“Please welcome K/N” he announced each name in order as everyone applauded them, each brother had spoke a little bit, thanking everyone who had been helping with preparations for the wedding. Unfortunately, the lucky couple wasn’t able to join them tonight but before passing the mic back they made sure to thank you and mention your hard work, “and before we start dancing, I’d like to praise our wedding planner, y/n” he sent a small smile your way before continuing “she/he/they have been such a big help, even through thick and thin, they’ve been able to pull through and comply with every assignment we give them. Thank you Y/N” he toasted to you before the music began again.
K/N wasted no time making there way over to you, he was wearing a suit that matched yours very well but made sure that you stood out more, just like he intended. He kissed the back of your hand and lead you to the dance floor for the first dance of the evening.
⚔️ - “my my, I must say you look stunning in this dress bun, it seems I’ve kept you waiting too long huh? you unfortunately ran into this trolls” he glared at his cousins “leave them, let’s go dance @writingstuffandmore
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🏹 - “now where did this pretty flower come from?” he hums pulling you in close, holding you by the waist as his lips hovered over yours “how are you darling? hope these two didn’t reveal too much” he chuckled “shall we dance?” he asked @honey-beaut
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☕️ - “what a show off” he scoffed lightly, tsking as he eyed you in the outfit he picked out, admiring how it looked ten times better on you, “let’s dance bone boy” he winked, teasing jung slightly. @halloween-idols
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🦇 - “the deep red color is my favorite, especially on you” he hums while biting his lip, looking up and down, “mm like fine wine my darling” he pulled you close and kissed you cheek “come dance” he said before glaring at his two cousins. @jayswritingcafe
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🔪 - “hi ace, you look s-so pretty in that skirt” he smiled admiring the outfit, each aspect fitting his frame so well “we’re matching! or almost hehe, I tried my best” “sorry I’ve been gone for the past couple of days, a dance to make it up?” he offered before noticing ryujin and yuna “oh, hi yuna!” he cheered, then shuttered when he greeted ryu “let’s go ace” he said briefly @livealittleoc-cb
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(Disclaimer: ryujin and yuna are only side characters meaning they’re not gonna be added to the blog as official muses or anything, you can only interact with them when they are mentioned in a rp or update like this one. I was supposed to post this like 5 hours ago but got busy 😅 Please enjoy 🫶🏻)
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rendy-a · 2 years
Sick Day with your pets – Rook, Jamil, Leona, Kalim and Floyd
Being sick is no fun but it is an opportunity to have your trusty pet take care of you or for you to take care of them.  This is a story from Aurora’s Pet AU.  Check out her original works too. @glass-cage-of-emotion-12
Master is sick.  Which pets are great to have taking care of you? 
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This is probably not the most obvious one but Rook is such an observant pet that he has already noticed your slight fever before you even feel off.  By the time you are pulling out the thermometer to check your temperature, he has gone to the store and returned with just the medicine you need.  Lie down now master and let him take care of you.
Feeling bored just lying in bed?  Rook is prepared to entertain you.  Would you like to hear a story?  Rook seems to have seen every play that’s been on stage in the past 10 years.  Interested in a song?  He will gladly serenade you until his voice gives out.  Fancy some poetry, well reader, you are most certainly in luck.  Rook has composed a ponderous amount of poetry in your honor that he’d love to recite to you at this very moment.  And yes, it is mostly in French.
When you want to get up, Rook isn’t the sort of pet to keep you in bed.  He will tell you honestly if he feels like you are getting up too soon but, if you chose, he is perfectly fine in letting you make your own decision.  If you fall ill again, well you’ve learned a lesson and who is Rook to deny you such a marvelous life experience.  Ah master, seeing you valiantly fight against the hand of fate.  Beaute! 100%!
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Jamil probably doesn’t notice you are sick right away; he is very busy with his household duties, after all.  Once you call him over and sheepishly ask if he can make you a soup, well that is when his nurse mode takes over.  He once had to share a room with a pet that seemed to always need taking care of.  Due to this, his efficiency at putting you to bed and arranging everything needed for rest and recovery is top notch. 
The best part of being sick with Jamil in the house is obviously the cooking.  He will not only make you a classic chicken soup but he also seems to know a recipe for every little symptom that ails you.  Have a sore throat?  Jamil has the perfect honey sweetened tea for that.  Have an upset stomach?  Jamil will make you a lightly seasoned rice porridge.  Fever won’t stop?  Have a refreshing yogurt smoothie.  It’s the most delicious way to get over your sickness!
The hardest part of having Jamil as your nurse is getting him to stop fussing when you feel better; he is just so invested in your care.  Are you sure you wouldn’t like to stay in bed longer, he can make all the necessary calls to get you off from work.  Perhaps you should let him carry that heavy book for you, it wouldn’t do to strain yourself after you’ve so recently recovered.  Worried about holding him back from his chores?  Don’t be.  He has already finished everything for today and gotten a meal prepped for tomorrow.  Anything you need master, just consider me your genie of the lamp.
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Ok, ok.  Leona isn’t exactly the first one to come to mind when you think of someone to take care of you.  He does seem like the type to say, “Not my problem!” and ditch you for a nap but…
Let’s talk about naps for a moment.  You know how some days you are feeling under the weather and just need to spend the day in a dark room resting?  Ok, now you see where this is going.  Leona is like 100% the best napping buddy you could ask for.  He knows just how to pull the shade to make the room pleasantly dark or set you up on a couch with warm sunlight.  And if some other pet makes too much noise, Leona will take care of that too. >:(  
If you wake up from your nap you may even discover he has joined you.  Feel free to cuddle up to him, scratch his ears or ever touch his tail.  He’ll allow it this time…but only because you are sick!
You might even get to see his surprisingly capable side.  If you are sick for too long, he notices.  You’ll wake up to find that he has made you an appointment at the doctor, arranged a taxi and will even accompany you to make sure you get there safely.  He’ll take care of everything, so no complaining!  Quiet down Herbivore.  Be good now and when we get home, I’ll help you work on that little roar of yours.
Pets get sick too.  Who is the most interesting to care for when sick?
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Maybe it was something he ate but today your little ball of sunshine Kalim has no energy.  He lays on the sofa watching you quietly with his sad red eyes as you go about the day.  Try to send him to bed though and he will insist that he’ll be too lonely if you don’t go with him.  Congratulations, you’ve volunteered to sit at his bedside.  Hold his hand and rub little circles on his palm, the happy smile he gives you is worth the effort.
He will talk to you in a soft voice, asking you questions about many things; your life, your favorite things, your dreams…he wants to know all about you and this opportunity is too good to pass up!  Please tell him stories; he doesn’t care what kind.  He will smile happily when the hero wins the love of their paramour.  He will yell out loud during the exciting parts.  You will scare him when the villain appears (don’t forget to give his hand an extra squeeze).
How can you tell when he feels better?  He will probably ask you for a feast.  Hey, he was sick and needs to eat now to recover!  Just make sure you are the one ordering lunch or you may be in for some surprises.  What do you mean Master?  95 white Persian monkeys are a great addition to a casual lunch! Ha ha!
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When you see him just sitting quietly, you know something is up.  Ask him how he is feeling, and he will give you a long appraising stare.  If you continue to meet his eyes, he will finally tell you he isn’t feeling well at all.  The fact that he opens up enough to let you know when he isn’t feeling well is a major show of trust.  You must be doing something right!
What you do after that is highly dependent on his mood.  If he is in a good mood, he will want to have you cuddle up and play with him all day long.  Watching afternoon game shows on TV?  Check.  Playing card games?  Check.  Having ice cream for lunch?  Why not?  It’s just like being a child again.  Are you making him feel better or is he making you feel better? 
Or, if he is feeling down, he will only allow you to talk to him while he continues to lay down.  Don’t think that he isn’t paying attention though.  Not only is he taking in everything you say, but he is also keenly observing you.  If you aren’t careful, he’ll get all your secrets out of you.  Hmm, but you told Azul we had fried chicken that day because you didn’t have time to cook.  So that is what really happened, huh Master?  Don’t worry, I won’t tell…for a price.  I hope you are prepared to play with him all day tomorrow too.
Tags: @thecurrator
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