#her friends did miss the play but she was the one who got them tickets in the first place
Hey guys look at my cat
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Okay this one's been stuck in my head all day but I have absolutely time to write it so please share this vision with me
Try as they might, Steve and Robin couldn't get tickets to Chrissy Cunningham's arena tour, but they could get tickets to a festival she was playing.
The last thing Steve ever wanted to do was go and stand in a muddy field for sixteen hours while they waited for the headline act. But he was pretty sure Robin was in love with her favourite musician, and he wasn't about to deny his best friend a chance at love.
So he helped her make personalised t-shirts because honestly all the other bands in the line-up kinda sounded like they sucked.
His read, "Only Here for Chrissy" on the front and "I'm Steve" on the back and Robin's read "Chrissy, Will You Be My Girlfriend?" on the front and "If Lost, Please Return To Steve" on the back.
And it turned out, as they stood against the barrier in a not so muddy field, on a lovely, warm, but overcast, May day, that even bands that sucked could be fun. Even if it was only because they spent their day with earplugs in, so their eardrums wouldn't combust, bitching about each artist's lack of ability to put notes or an outfit together.
During the lunchtime intermission, the pair made friends with the lesbian couple next to them, Kayla and Jess, who were also eagerly awaiting Chrissy's set and similarly liked to mock those who committed crimes against sound and fashion. Steve was glad to have met them, they were really nice, and he felt better about leaving her to use the bathroom or to fetch food, knowing Robin was in safe hands.
He also felt better about letting her wander off, not that it stopped him from stressing out when she and Kayla had been missing for over fifteen minutes. He spread himself out to keep their places against the railing with his back to the stage, watching the crowd intently. Jess wasn't quite as chatty once they were alone, but she seemed content enough, bobbing along to the band that'd appeared on the stage.
Steve didn't turn back around to face the stage until he spotted the girls heading back towards them, he gave them a wave and turned around to look at the guys who hadn't been attempting to destroy anyone's hearing and was met with the face of the most gorgeous man he'd ever seen. Pretty face, long curly hair tied up in a bun, muscle tee showing off his many tattoos, piercings and chains and glittery Docs; Steve felt himself owl blink and blush.
God's gift to mankind was kneeling centre stage, guitar in hand making the most beautiful sounds Steve had ever heard as his fingers flew over the strings, and it was only when the rest of the band kicked back in that the man looked up, winked directly at Steve, and then jumped back to his feet, spending the rest of the song bouncing around the stage.
Steve only realised his mouth was agape when Robin finally arrived next to him and elbowed him hard in the ribs, giving him the same look she did whenever he was embarrassing in the club. He watched the rest of the Corroded Coffin, according to the backdrop, set in awe. Screaming and clapping along when they wished everyone a great day, throwing picks and drumsticks into the crowd and taking a bow; patting each other on the back as they wandered offstage.
As soon as it was quiet again, Robin wanted to know what the hell was wrong with his face and honestly, he couldn't answer her. He didn't even believe in love, not for himself at least, and he certainly didn't believe in love at first sight. It didn't stop him from spending the next couple of hours watching the faces at the sides of the stage, hoping to catch a glimpse of his new favourite guitarist, though.
As soon as Chrissy hit the stage, Steve got lost, between filming the set and watching Robin trying not to hyperventilate when Chrissy spotted her t-shirt, pointed to her, and giving her a coy little wink, blew her a kiss.
"An old school friend is here with me tonight, and I'd like him to help me out with this next track. Especially for the beauty in the front row, this is Girlfriend!"
The crowd went wild as the beat kicked in, but Steve was still watching Robin because it looked like she'd stopped breathing altogether. That was until she gasped loudly and started smacking Steve in the way she always did whenever she got overly excited; pointing wildly at the stage, and it was only when he looked over he saw Corroded Coffins guitarist bouncing up and down next to Chrissy.
Instead of the black muscle vest and skinny jeans he'd been sporting earlier in the day, he had changed into pale blue board shorts and a baggy white t-shirt that read "Hey Steve!" written in black sharpie with a giant winking smiley face underneath that could only really be seen when he swung his guitar around his back to copy Chrissy's dance moves.
The song ended, and the friends hugged, Chrissy waving him off the stage and calling out, "Eddie Munson everybody!" letting the crowd go wild for her friend before launching into the rest of her set.
By the time Chrissy had actually left the stage, Robin looked exhausted, having screamed and sung and danced herself out. They hung around a bit, said goodbye to Kayla and Jess, wishing them a safe journey home, and they were just taking one last look at the now empty stage when he heard someone yell his name...
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gunnerfc · 3 months
Double Trouble | Kyra Cooney-Cross & Matildas!Reader [Platonic]
Summary: Matildas camp becomes a bit more chaotic now that you and Kyra are reunited after you were out for an extended period of time with an ACL injury 
Warnings: there's like one really dirty joke lol
WC: 2.2K
AN 1: wish I could take credit for the dirty joke but i heard it ages ago from some youtube video 
AN 2: in hopes of helping Arsenal fans distract themselves from the game today…
You thanked your cab driver as he pulled up to the hotel the Matildas would be staying in for the upcoming camp in Brisbane. You, despite playing Australia, were one of the last ones to arrive that day due to misplacing your plane ticket. Despite arriving late to the hotel, the team still sitting in the lobby due to a room error the hotel staff made. 
As you entered the lobby, you immediately spotted your teammates, one in particular. You sped up your walking just as Kyra lifted her head when she heard suitcase wheels rolling across the floor. The midfielder quickly jumped from her seat as you two embraced in a tight hug, squealing loudly together. You could hear a few groans and whispered “oh no’s” from some of the older girls on the team which made you and Kyra laugh. 
You and Kyra had a bit of trouble making a reputation within the national team, always finding yourselves in some sort of trouble. The team had been free for your pranks and jokes for a while as you were out with a harsh ACL injury. Now that you were back, you and Kyra had a lot of time to make up for and you would not be holding back. 
“I’ve missed you so much!” Kyra all but yelled in your ear before you two pulled away from each other. 
“Didn’t have too much without me, I hope,” you joked as you took a seat next to Charli, quickly giving her a side hug.
“Of course not,” Kyra replied with a teasing grin on her face that you knew all too well. You were glad to be back with the national team after your injury but you were even happier to get to spend time with one of your best friends. 
“Okay, guys! They got everything sorted out, here are your room assignments. When I pair you up, you can come get your keys and head to your rooms before dinner,” a staff member spoke loudly to get your attention as they walked toward the group. 
They read off their list, pairing up those who were there and leaving everyone else who wasn't there yet for a later time. The staff member was almost done calling out names, only you, Kyra, Alanna, and Mary were left. You were silent hoping that you would get a room with Kyra, making it easier to plan pranks.
“Y/N, you’ll be rooming with…” the staff member read off, pausing as she saw the hopeful glint in your eye. “Alanna,” she finished as she held out two hotel room keys.
You groaned, throwing your head back when she didn’t say Kyra’s name. Alanna dramatically gasped at your actions, hitting you in the arm as she stood up. You rolled your eyes at her but she could see in your smile you didn’t mean anything mean.
You followed the blonde to the elevator, making small talk about her life in Manchester and the things you did while you were out. When you made it to your room, you claimed the bed near the window and got started on putting your things up. 
“What time did they say dinner was,” you asked as you got your training bag ready for training tomorrow morning.
“If you and Kyra had been listening, you would have heard them say seven thirty,” Alanna playfully scolded, throwing you a pointed look when you mocked her.
Dinner came quicker than you thought and you found yourself sitting at a table with some of the other younger players, all of making jokes instead of eating. You and Kyra took turns telling jokes, trying to see who could make your teammates laugh harder. You eventually won after telling a dirty joke, something you were known for on the team. Even in moments when you should be serious, you had a dirty joke ready to go.
Dinner ended without much excitement other than the jokes told and everyone found themselves back in their rooms, ready to hit the training grounds bright and early. You told Alanna goodnight after you were both in bed, both of you falling asleep pretty quickly. 
You groaned some hours later when the alarms you both set went off, the sun peeking in from the curtain hitting your face, making you squint your eyes as you rolled over to turn your alarm off. You let Alanna sleep for a few minutes longer as you went to the bathroom to get ready, hurrying as fast as possible so you could meet Kyra. 
Alanna groaned as you softly shook her shoulder before she sat up, her hair all over the place. You laughed at her bedhead before she shoved you slightly as she got up to get ready. You yelled out to her that you were going to find Kyra as you passed the bathroom, opening the door and coming face to face with the midfielder you were hoping to see. 
The two of you chatted in the hallway before heading toward the conference room that had been turned into a dining hall for the team. “I dare you to tell Steph a dirty joke while we eat,” Kyra knew you would be able to get a reaction out of the captain, one of your usual victims. 
“Say less,” you smirked as you two entered the room, most of your teammates already sitting down with their food. A joke came to your mind as you got your breakfast, grabbing a glass of milk as well as some water. The milk would be useful later for your joke.
You and Kyra joined her fellow Arsenal teammates as well as Hayley and Macca at a table off to the side. You received a chorus of sighs when you sat down causing you and Kyra to laugh at your teammates. The two of you kept your jokes to a minimum as you ate, Kyra giving you a look every so often as she waited for you to say something inappropriate to Steph.
You took sips of the glass of milk you had, prepping it for the joke you were going to tell the defender. You waited until there was a small sip left and everyone at the table was done eating so you had their full attention. 
You gave Kyra a teasing smirk before turning to face Steph, waiting for her to end her conversation with Caitlin. “Hey Steph,” you laughed lightly when she turned away from Caitlin, her focus now on you.
“Do I even wanna know what you have to say,” the captain sighed, earning a quiet round of laughter from everyone else at the table.
“What did the virgin say to her boyfriend after her first blowjob,” you laughed as you took the last sip of milk, keeping it in your mouth instead of swallowing. 
Steph groaned at your words, already shaking her head as she waited for you to finish the joke. Others at the table mumbled things like “oh my god” or simply started chuckling at the first half of your joke. 
“I love you,” you said as you spit the milk back into the glass in front of you. Steph brought her hands to her head in disbelief at your words. 
Your joke earned you loud laughs from Kyra and Hayley as Caitlin and Macca sat across from you with their jaws dropped. You laughed harder at their faces, using a napkin on the table to wipe your mouth. Kyra lifted her hand for a high five which you gave her as she pointed with her other hand toward Steph who refused to meet your eye. 
You didn’t get the chance to get told off by your captain before a staff member told everyone to get their things and head for the bus. You quickly disposed of your trash before you and Kyra headed to your separate rooms to gather your training gear. You met back up with some of the younger players as you headed for the lobby, retelling the joke you told Steph earning another round of laughter. 
You and Kyra sat together on the bus, much to everyone else's dismay. You two spent the whole bus ride messing with Charli and Mary who were sitting in front of you. You two laughed as Charli turned around in an attempt to hit you, though she missed as you quickly moved away. 
The two players in front of you were grateful when the bus pulled into the stadium, thankful to be away from the double-trouble duo that was you and Kyra.
Everyone was quick to change into their boots and training tops before everyone was headed for the pitch. You were one of the first ones out the door and took the opportunity to hide around a corner to scare some of your teammates. You let a few of the pass before you heard Ellie and Hayley coming through the tunnel, knowing they would be great targets. 
You waited until their voices were close to you, yelling loudly as you jumped around the corner. Ellie’s loud scream alerted everyone else as Hayley started swearing at you as she hit your arm multiple times. You laughed each time she hit you, their reactions to the scare were comical. 
“Camp was so much nicer when you weren’t here, y’know,” the winger huffed as she walked past you, throwing her middle finger up as you laughed harder. 
During training, you and Kyra were kept separate the entire time. Everyone knew if you two had even a second together you could come up with some prank that would get everyone. Each time you even attempted to go in her direction during breaks, someone would pull you back by your shirt. 
The only time you had to be near Kyra was when you were doing scrimmages. You two were more focused on trying to trip each other rather than playing the ball. The team couldn’t be mad at the two of you, knowing how long it had been since you two got to spend time together. Plus, they found it extremely funny each time one of you tripped the other. 
Training went on for a bit longer before Tony decided to call it a day. You and Kyra made your way back to the locker room while trying to wrestle, her arm wrapped around your neck as you tried to keep her other arm pinned to her body. You moved your hand to tickle under her arm, the midfielder quickly pulling away from you as she started laughing. 
Everyone changed quickly before making their way back to the bus, ready to take showers before relaxing a bit before dinner. You and Kyra took your seats, this time everyone made sure to leave the two seats in front of you empty so no one would have to suffer whatever you two came up with. 
The bus was quiet on the way back to the hotel but that didn’t stop you and Kyra from hatching a plan to prank Alanna. It was risky to prank your own roommate but you knew her reaction would be worth it. Everyone took their time exiting the bus and making their way through the lobby, too exhausted to do much. 
Though the same could not be said for you and your best friend, the two of you were bouncing with excitement. You two waited to take the elevator, letting Alanna have enough time to get to the room and start her shower. You giggled as you rode the elevator up to the tenth floor, already picturing how the blonde defender would react to your prank.
Kyra quickly tossed her things into the room she was sharing with Mary before you both entered your hotel room. You were as quiet as you could be as you sat your things down softly as Kyra grabbed the hotel ice bucket. You two rushed down the hallway to where the ice machine was, giggling to yourselves as you filled it up and rushed back to your room.
Kyra propped the door open so you could make your exit quickly as you quietly opened the bathroom door. Steam had fogged up the large mirror and Alanna’s phone was lying on the counter blasting music as she took a shower. Kyra stood at the bathroom door, her phone ready to record. 
You held your laugh in as you stood on your toes to dump the buck of ice into Alanna’s hot shower. The blonde shrieked as the cold ice hit her body and you quickly raced out of the bathroom and into the hall, Kyra laughing as her phone caught Alanna’s loud swearing. You two fell to the floor as you could still hear Alanna’s voice, not-so-kind words escaping her mouth.
You two rushed to Kyra’s room just as Alanna opened the hotel door, clad only in a towel as she dripped water onto the carpeted floor. She quickly looked up and down the hallway expecting to see you and Kyra peeking around the corner. She cursed when she didnt see you, quickly closing the door before someone saw her. 
You and Kyra laughed as the midfielder watched through the peephole. You were glad to be back at camp with the national team but mainly you were happy to spend time with Kyra. The team may suffer when the two of you are together, but they'd be lying if they said the two of you didnt make camp a bit more exciting.
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spencest · 4 months
pair: Spencer Reid x fem!YN Hotchner
synopsis: Gideon gives Spencer tickets to a Bruins game, with the excuse of inviting Y/N. However, things don´t go as they both planned after he asks his friends for advice.
warnings: none, just fluff, corny, and awkward Spencer
inspired by: S1 E4: “Plain Sight”
words: 2,2k
A/N: Sorry, this is really bad. This is the first one, i promise the rest will be better. Take it as an introduction to the story
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it had been one of those cases that left you thinking for a few hours, so i decided to settle into my seat on the jet, trying to find something that could distract me. It was then that my gaze went to Spencer, who as always was playing chess with Gideon.
i couldn't help but feel bad for him, his birthday had been interrupted by a case, and one of those that left you with the worst feelings. He didn't even complain when he had the chance, i just saw his joy fade when my dad interrupted the little celebration we had prepared for him.
i wanted to continue with the celebration that Morgan, Elle, JJ and i had prepared for him, but i know that my friends were too tired and that he would probably refuse this time.
i let out a sigh, remembering the way he smiled when he saw the cake, or the way he kept trying to beat the infinite candles despite explaining him why it wouldn't work.
my chest felt warm when that happened. Spencer has a comforting smile, the kind you would love to see over and over again, because he will always give you that nice feeling.
you would know he was a sweet, innocent soul just by seeing him smile.
a clearing of the throat brought me out of my thoughts, it was coming from my side so i turned my head to see who was calling my attention.
it was Spencer.
- hey, uhm... Gideon just gave me some tickets to go see the Bruins tomorrow, and i found out that you really like them... - After saying that there was silence, i looked at him for a few seconds, waiting to see if he would say anything else.
- uh yeah, actually i love them, why?
- well, i wanted to know if you... uh.... wanna go with me to watch the game - i saw him playing with his hands and looking towards Gideon's seat.
i felt my cheeks heat up, was he inviting me to a Bruins game? me?
i cleared my throat, trying not to make my nervousness so obvious.
- sure, i'd love that, Spence
i saw his cheeks turn red in the same way, which made me feel a little more confident.
after that we stayed talking for a few minutes, agreeing on a time to see each other before the game and once ready, Spencer sat down with Gideon again, but not before turning to look at me before sitting down.
JJ suddenly appeared next to me, smiling.
- so, a date with Reid? - She murmured as she sat next to me.
i hit her with my elbow, embarrassed again.
it's not a date, it's just hanging out as friends.
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once i got to my apartment i started to prepare dinner. After dinner i usually call my mom to talk to her about my day and keep in good contact.
she's my best friend, the only person in the world i would tell everything to. Even if it means having my dad listen to some of the conversations from time to time, especially now that my little brother Jack has born, since he usually comes into the room he shares with her, telling her that Jack misses his mother, and then he just didn't come out again.
however, the ringtone on my phone alerted me while i was cooking, so i quickly took it out of my pocket.
- hi? - i asked her, fearing that something had happened.
- when were you going to tell me? - she asked me, with a very serious tone of voice, so much so that she scared me.
what did i do?
- what are you talking about, mom? - The nervousness was clear
- about your date with Spencer!
wait... what?
- how...? - Then something clicked in my head. - was it dad?
- it doesn't matter! why hadn't you told me?
- i was just getting home! you know i always call you after dinner. - I tried to defend myself, but i heard her snort on the other side of the line.
- this is more important than routine! it's your first date since you broke up with...
- it's not a date. - i let out a sigh.
- your dad said it's a date.
- don't believe him anything!
- what are you gonna wear?
- i don't know, he'll take me to watch the Bruins game...
i heard her scream, which made my eyes widen.
- is he going to take you to watch the Bruins game? Y/N, honey, that's a date.
- but…
she interrupted me and started giving me advice for “the date.”
my noodles were forgotten when i heard her enter the non-verbal language tips.
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- hey, Spence. - i greeted him, watching him quickly get out of his car to get to the passenger side and open the door for me. - Thank you
after getting in and closing the door, i hurriedly put on the seat belt while he returned to his place.
- hi Y/N, you look... g-good - i heard him stutter.
my clothes were pretty casual. I decided to ignore much of the advice i received the night before, choosing to be myself.
this is what i would wear to watch the Bruins, but a little prettier.
- thanks, Spence. You look good too.
he looked quite formal, but still casual. It wasn't exactly the same outfit i would see him in on a day at work.
i have to admit, it looks more than just “good.”
his cheeks reddened as he began to drive. A somewhat uncomfortable silence settled in the atmosphere.
- is this your first time watching the Bruins?
- do you wanna eat something?
we both asked at the same time, so we looked at each other a little surprised, and then started laughing.
- for me it would be nice to eat something before going. -I decided to answer his question, still laughing a little.
- cool, i actually know a place near where we should go
he started to tell me a little about that eating place, but i noticed that he sometimes stopped himself when he felt like he was talking too much, so i tried to ask more. I want him to feel comfortable today. I want him to be himself.
when we arrived he asked me not to get out of the car, and instead he got out, walking around the front until he reached my door, which he opened for me.
after unbuckling my seat belt i got off and we both started walking inside the place.
calm music played in the background, and the atmosphere was cozy. I saw some families eating quietly at some of the tables. The conversations were not so loud, there was no smell of food, the colors were pleasing to the eye.
it was the perfect place to go to eat, so i turned to see Spencer, smiling at him and thanking him with my eyes for that.
we quickly found a table and went to sit down. The silence is more comfortable now, but i still feel like Reid was avoiding talking and that was getting me a little upset.
- is everything okay, Spence? -His eyes widened, he seemed surprised, almost scared by the question.
- yeah, why do you ask?
- for no reason, don't worry. - I smiled at him again, trying to convey confidence. - And tell me, is this your first time watching the Bruins?
- oh, n-no, no. I had already gone before. - He was quick to respond.
that surprised me. He doesn't seem like the type of person who is passionate about hockey. It almost sounded like a lie
- really? what other game have you gone to? - I rested my elbows on the table, getting a little closer to him.
- well... - He closed his eyes for a moment, as if he were trying to remember. - i went to see the one a few days ago against Pittsburgh
before i could ask anything else, a waiter came to us with two menus in his hands.
- hi, sorry to interrupt you, here's the menu. In a few minutes i'll come back. - We both nodded, watching him leave.
during our stay at the place i decided not to ask him any more questions about hockey, focusing on knowing a little more about his personal life, about the things he does outside of the BAU. I discovered his passion for certain writers, and i even tried to convince him to read some novels, arguing the entertainment it would bring to his life.
he seemed more relaxed at that moment, his shoulders no longer looked tense and he no longer stuttered. He was being him for a moment and that really made me happy.
once we finished eating he offered to pay, being faster than me and paying before i could even say anything to him.
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the game had already started, it had been 10 minutes since it had started and Spencer didn't say a word. He was attentive watching the game.
normally someone would think that he was just enjoying the game, but from the corner of my eye i could see him moving in his spot and playing with his hands constantly. That distracted me, so i couldn't really focus too much on the game the Boston Bruins and the Florida Panthers were playing.
- Spence, are you okay? - He was startled when i called him
- Yeah! Why? I don't look good? - He stammered again
- Spence, do you really like hockey? -I saw him bite the inside of his cheek, still playing with his hands, so i decided to take one of his hands when i noticed that he was distracted by his thoughts.
- Not really, i mean, i'd never been interested in hockey before, but Gideon gave me the tickets and…- His voice was getting faster, so i gently squeezed his hand, making him stop. - Sorry, i shouldn't be talking so much either.
- What are you talking about? Spence, it's okay if you don't like this, we can leave and do something else if you want. -I offered him, but he started to shake his head, telling me no.
- No! Well i... actually i wanted to learn so i could understand it and that you wouldn't be the only one who know about this but... uh, when i had everything ready they told me to try not to give so many data or statistics and to be more of a gentleman, but they don't understand that if If they take away my statistics, things get a little more complicated and i... - He started talking faster again, so i squeezed his hand again.
- Spence, who told you that?
For a moment i saw him hesitate
- Well... Morgan... JJ... Elle...
i let out a sigh, relaxing my shoulders, which i didn't even notice were tense.
- Spence, i don't want you to stop giving me your data and statistics, even if that means you´ll tell me all the time. That's fine with me, i love it when you do it.
his cheeks turned red again.
- Really? I know it can be suffocating and i don't know when to stop...
- Really, you can tell me whatever you want, i just want you to be you, relax and do what you really want to do. So, do you wanna keep watching the game or should we leave?
- I wanna continue watching it, the truth is it's quite entertaining to analyze the possible plays, plus the Bruins are playing better, so i can't take this opportunity away from you.
i smiled at his words. That's when we were finally able to concentrate. Spencer talked to me the entire game about different tactics they could use, or why the other team was losing.
and yes, we earned bad looks from those near to us.
and yeah, maybe i still don't know if this was a date or just hanging out as friends.
but i know that i have a beautiful experience to tell mom that same night, and three people to hit when i see them.
Spencer is a lovely person, and getting to know him better helped me see that comforting smile again. Even at the end of our date / not / date he hugged me for a few seconds. For a moment I feared that he might feel my strong, rapid heartbeat against his chest, but if he did then he didn't show it, and that's something I was grateful for.
Spencer, what exactly are we doing?
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
can i request a quiet gf reader who plays bass in a band with her friends and like this guy has been making fun of her and she gets enough and punches him infront of her bf with kazutora, smiley, and mikey
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get out of my face!!
synopsis: how will they react when you punch the creep who's been bothering you and your band?
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☆ a/n ˎˊ˗ haii thank u anon for requesting ! :3 this was super fun to write, so i hope you all enjoy!! xoxo [just as a note, i didnt rlly see a reason to make this fem reader + there was really just not any relevance so i made it gn! i hope you dont mind ╥﹏╥]
☆ characters ˎˊ˗ kazutora hanemiya, nahoya [smiley] kawata, manjiro [mikey] sano x g/n!reader
☆ wc ˎˊ˗ 3.4k+
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kazutora hanemiya: 
❥ he loves the fact that you’re in a band!! he thinks it’s so cool, and he is constantly asking all kinds of questions about all of it, like ‘do you get nervous when you see all the people?’ and ‘is it hard to play fast songs?’. he’ll ask you the same questions over and over again whenever the two of you are talking, but he can’t help it! he’s just so interested about all of it!
❥ while it’s a bit unrealistic for him to be able to attend every single show you perform, he tries his best to come to all the ones he possibly can, (really, he’s only missed two which is quite impressive). he’ll always send you encouraging messages before the show if he can’t see you, and he’ll send little messages while you’re performing for you to read later. 
kazu <3: you look so cool! kazu <3: i can hear your bass playing right now! it sounds so good! 
❥ he doesn’t want to cause a scene in the crowd because he doesn’t want to make more trouble for you, but he will death glare anybody who is cheering for you, (minus your friends). why are they cheering for you? he’s the only one who should be cheering for you!! will proceed to shout your name ten times louder. 
❥ when he has the funds for it, kazutora will bring you your favorite snack or drink after a show!! he knows that you get tired afterwards, so he likes to contribute a little bit to your recharging. he’ll usually be the one taking you home too since it’s usually late by the time your band finishes up, (when he’s there, he will not entrust you to anybody else). 
❥ your number one bodyguard!! he’s always with you whenever you’re not on stage, making sure that there aren’t any creeps who are trying to approach you. if there’s anybody who has the nerves to do so, he’s immediately threatening them and making sure they leave. 
❥ kazutora had been suspecting that you’d been keeping something from him, but he wasn’t sure what. lately, you’d seemed a bit more jumpy and uptight at your gigs, your eyes looking around as if you were searching for someone. when he asked what was going on, you had said it was nothing. 
❥ after this particular gig, he found out it wasn’t nothing. 
“hey!! you really think you guys are gonna be one of those bigshot bands??” a twisted laugh echoed through the hallway, making kazutora perk up, his eyes locking onto a boy who was approaching you and the rest of your friends. he heard you sigh, your eyebrows knitting together in frustration and annoyance; did you know this guy? 
“uju! you have some goddamn nerve showing up here!!” one of your friends yelled, their voice tainted with rage. “you’d really pay a 4000 yen entrance ticket just to cause trouble?!” 
“you really think i’d do that? i snuck in.” the boy scoffed, shaking his head. “i just had to come and tape this so i could have a record of how much you guys fuckin’ suck.” 
kazutora could feel his eye twitching, anger flooding through him at the boy’s words. how dare he badmouth your band like that? does he not know talent when he sees it?!
“(y/n), do you want me to-?” he began, but you shook your head, giving him a small smile. 
“no, it’s alright. i got this.” he looked at you confusedly but you’d already started walking away, moving through your friends to face the boy. he started laughing, leaning closer to as you as if he were sizing you up, (it made kazutora’s blood boil, but he restrained himself because you said you could handle it). 
“wowww, the big time bass player!! you reallyyyy have some nerve coming up to me like this; you’re usually so quiet i can’t even see you!” he said, his voiced laced with malice. “just like the bass, you’re always in the background-” 
one moment he was talking, and the next you had driven your fist right into his face, your punch making a solid impact with his jaw. the boy lost his balance, falling to the ground and making a loud thump! sound. 
silence hung over everyone for a few moments, all eyes on you as you continued to stand there, looking down at the boy. after the shock passed, you shook out your hand, wincing a bit as you did so. 
“i didn’t know punching someone would hurt like this.” 
your words triggered reactions from everyone, your friends huddling around you and hyping you up for finally beating some sense into the boy. 
“someone had to do it soon, i just didn’t know it was going to be you, (y/n)! haha!” you smiled a bit at their comments, obviously feeling a bit shy from all the attention that was on you. 
“let’s go get something good to eat in honor of (y/n) kicking his ass!!” 
“let’s go!!” you laughed at your friend’s rowdiness, telling them that you would come out soon. after they all left, you hesitantly looked at kazutora, wondering if he hated you. 
he was staring at you with his eyes open so big they could fall out of his sockets and his jaw was hanging open; it was the most shocked you’d ever seen him. 
“(y/n)...you totally just punched him…” he managed to get out. you shyly smiled, coming closer to him. 
“yeah, i learned it from watching you…i hope that’s alright.”
“alright…? it was amazing!!” he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around your waist. kazutora easily picked you up, swinging you around with a wild and excited grin on his face. “you were so cool! it was like something out of a comic!!” he was planting kisses all over your face, making you laugh from the ticklish feeling. 
“h-hey! stop!” 
“no! you were so so awesome!” he put you down, but he continued kissing your face, the gleeful look on his face being absolutely adorable. “lemme take you to go with your friends, hm? i can take you home too.” 
“are you sure? it’s already pretty late…” 
“it’s not even question, c’mon.” he answered, pressing a final kiss to your temple. his hand found yours, lacing your fingers together as he started to lead you to the parking lot, passing by the boy who was rubbing his jaw on the floor. when the two of you walked by, he let out a sound of fear, his eyes flicking between you and your boyfriend. 
“if i see you again in here, you’re dead meat, you got that?” kazutora threatened, his voice suddenly stony cold. 
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nahoya [smiley] kawata: 
❥ he’s surprisingly very into the music scene! he’s always hyping you up before and after your shows, ruffling your hair and telling you to give it your all. 
❥ he’s always bragging about the fact that you’re his s/o! he loves to brag to everybody he knows, talking about how his amazing and perfect s/o is so talented, talented enough to be in a band! he keeps videos of your performances on his phone to show people, (they are poor quality and you can hear him screaming your name in the background). 
❥ when at your shows, he does the same thing! my apologies to anybody who is standing near him; he is going to be talking their ear off the whole time about you, saying how ‘their bass playing really brings the whole thing together, don’t you think?’, (they are forced to agree). 
❥ he’s not afraid to make a scene and he will punch anybody who is booing your band or is overall just being negative. one thing he won’t stand for is a negative and unwelcoming atmosphere, so you best believe he’s going to do his part to make sure that the audience is welcoming for you and your band!
❥ regularly drags his brother and friends to come and watch you perform, making them cheer as loud as him. they are happy to do it though! they all think that you are super talented and they are always super supportive, congratulating you and telling you that you did an amazing job after the show. 
❥ screams your name while you are performing! he gets really into music, and he’s even more into it because you’re the one who's performing! there won’t ever be a time when you don’t hear his voice while you’re playing, and despite the fact that he always loses his voice by the end of the night, he thinks it’s completely worth it if he’s supporting you!
❥ he never misses your sets! he doesn’t usually have a whole lot going on, and even if he does, he absolutely would not miss them for the world! he’s even skipped toman meetings before to go see you, (he got in trouble, but again, he thought it was absolutely worth it). 
❥ his rowdy personality and your more shy and quiet one make for an interesting pair, but all of your friends agree that the two of you are perfect for each other. smiley is there to give you more confidence when you don’t have it, and you’re there to calm him down when he gets a little bit too unruly. 
❥ tries to get you to teach him how to play bass, and he fails horribly at it, (‘it’s so hard to put my damn fingers where i want them to go!!’).
“oi, you got a problem bud?” you suddenly heard. following your boyfriend’s gaze, your mood immediately soured when you saw who he was looking at. 
uju had been bothering you and your friends for a few weeks now for no particular reason, (maybe he was just bored) and you were all beginning to tire of it quickly, his negative presence ruining the vibe of the set. 
“hah, you guys think you’re such big hotshots that you need security? talk about lame!” he sneered, shaking his head. “why don’t you guys just go back to playing in your garage? at least then the rats will listen to you.” 
“hah?! you think you can stay shit like that and get away with it??” nahoya asked, his grin turning violent. “you’re in for a world of pain if you think that-” he paused when he felt a tug on his sleeve, your expression as you looked at him being strangely resolved. 
“nahoya, it’s fine. let me handle this.” 
“hmm…whatever you say, lover~” he hummed, giving you a confident grin. “go show them what you’re made of.” 
you nodded at his words, giving a small smile before approaching the sneering boy, his face twisted in hostility as he saw you approaching. your friends were whispering to each other as they watched you approaching him, talking to nahoya. he just shook his head at them, subtly pointing to you and keeping his confident smile. 
“you need to leave.” 
“you’re telling me to leave? i’m just out here telling the truth! everyone at school is embarrassed to see you guys doing this, so really, you could say that i’m helping you all out!” he laughed, rolling his eyes at your annoyed expression. “you should just deal with the hard truth and move on-” 
“you’re such an asshole.” you stated, your voice sharp enough to cut. “if you say one more word about us, you’ll regret it.” 
“riiight, like the little background character is gonna do anything. at least your little bass isn’t terrible, but the others…whew, they just don’t know how to-” 
your fist flew into his face, knocking straight into his cheek and making him collide against the wall beside the two of you. he fell to the ground, too shocked to even process what had just happened. 
“yeah!! that’s my amazing (y/n) right there!!” you heard nahoya yell, his voice booming through the chatter of the venue. it was mostly empty now, but the remaining people turned to stare at you as you walked back to your friends, wincing a bit when your hand brushed against your side. 
nahoya was the first the greet you, his hand landing on top of your head to ruffle your hair. his grin was huge as he looked at you with pride. 
“you didn’t tell me you were such a badass, (y/n)!! that was a solid punch!” 
“ahh, i’m really not…he was just pissing me off.” you answered, a bit embarrassed that you’d let your anger out in such a violent way. 
“either way, he totally deserved it!” one of your friends piped up. the rest of them agreed, complaining about how he had been bothering your band for a while. 
“yeah, he was such a jackass!! we gotta celebrate this! meet us in the parking lot, yeah?” 
“oh, yeah, okay!” you responded, watching as they all walked off, giving you big smiles and thumbs up as they were leaving. you shook your hand out, a bit of your discomfort showing on your face as you felt pain shoot up your knuckles. 
“first time punchin’ someone?” nahoya asked, gently taking your hand in his. 
“yeah, i didn’t know it was gonna hurt so much.” 
“well, it does hurt when you’re not used to punchin’ people.” he explained, gently tracing your knuckles. when he saw which spots were most painful for you he put your hand down again. “you don’t know how to correctly punch, but you still sent him into the wall like that? you’re cool as hell for that. and when we get back, i’ll wrap your hand for you.” 
“mm…thanks, nahoya.” 
“of course, sweets. now, let’s go celebrate your victory, yeah?” 
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manjiro [mikey] sano:
❥ he thinks you’re literally the coolest person ever!! he doesn’t have a single clue how to play any instruments, so he loves watching you play! he thinks you look the most attractive when you’re tearing it up on the bass, the enjoyment and happiness on your face making you look absolutely amazing, (secretly tries to take pictures during your set, but he keeps getting blocked by other people’s heads). 
❥ asks if you can play the bass for any of his favorite songs!! he’s definitely the type who will be absolutely shocked, amazed, and somehow even more in love if he ever hears you learning how to play them for him! 
❥ he can’t attend all of your shows, but he does make you promise to have somebody record it so that he can watch it later! he insists on watching the videos with you so that he can tell you at which moments you look the coolest, (he loves to see your embarrassed expression as you shyly thank him). 
❥ definitely brings all his friends to watch you! they all jam out to your band’s music and think you’re super cool! 
❥ because of mikey’s height, he will most likely ask if you can get him better seats so he has a good view of you. it’s not something in your power which makes him sad, so he’ll do his best to try and see you from where he’s at, (will yell at the people in front of him if they are too tall). 
❥ adding on to this, he might invite draken for the sole purpose of having him lift him up so he can see you better. 
❥ he creates a whole fanpage for you! mikey will compile all his different photos and videos of you and posts them to myspace, adding the most fanboy comments about you under the posts! 
mmikey_78: (y/n) was so cool at this show!  mmikey_78: my amazing (y/n) with their band performing their top song!!
❥ he likes to watch you and your band practice quickly before you guys perform, always teasing you by sending you cute winks and finger hearts. 
❥ you’re the only person he will share his snacks with!! he usually will split half of one with you before you play and then after, saying that you need it to get your energy up so that you can play really well. he also does it because he likes to give you a few moments of quiet before you go on stage so that you can calm your nerves, and then give you a few moments after your show to gather yourself since he knows you’re a bit shy. 
❥ he’s friendly with all your bandmates too, telling them that they all did a great job after you guys finish performing! 
❥ always makes sure to drive you wherever you need to go; he even got a special super secure holder on his motorbike for your bass so that you don’t have to leave it somewhere else, (he spent a lot of his money on it, but he would do anything to make you happy). 
“hm? (y/n)-cchi, do you know that person? he’s been staring at you guys for a while.” mikey whispered, his lips close to your ear. 
“gah! manjiro! don’t scare me like that…” you murmured, looking around to see who he was talking about. “who? i don’t see anyone.” 
mikey planted his hands on the sides of your head, turning it slowly until your head was facing who he was talking about. 
“ah, him…he’s just this guy from our school who’s been bothering us.” you explained, moving your eyes away from him. “it’s not really a big deal though. he’s just a weirdo- gah!” mikey suddenly turned your head to look back at him, a pout on his lips. 
“it’s a big deal if he’s bothering you guys! why didn’t you say anything about it before?” he whined, his brows furrowed together. “i could easily wipe the floor with him, y’know. do you not have faith in meee-!?” 
“no, it’s not that manjiro! i just don’t want to cause any trouble, y’know…?” you trailed off when you saw from the corner of your eye the boy approaching the two of you. “man, speak of the devil…” 
“hey!! where’s the rest of your little ‘band’? did they finally realize that you’re the most expendable?” he cackled. 
“what’d you just say?” mikey asked, his voice flat. “who do you think you are talking to (y/n) like that, huh?” he moved to step in front of you, but you gently grabbed his arm, shaking your head. 
“manjiro, it’s fine. it’s really not worth it.” you murmured, avoiding making eye contact with uju. “he’s just a jerk.” 
“really, it’s fine! let’s just go.” you pleaded. “i really don’t want to get into it with him right now.” mikey seemed hesitant, but after a few moments he relented. 
“fineee. let me take you home then-” 
“you’re ignoring me? hah, that’s rich. everybody knows you don’t have the guts to actually do anything.” uju leered, stepping forward to stand right in front of you. mikey had an intense look in his eyes, but you shook your head at him, making uju scoff. “oho, calling off your scary guard dog? wow, i’m soo scared!” he leaned forward getting right in your face. “i bet all your little friends left because they know that they would be better off without you! how does it feel to have the harsh truth shoved in your face? go on, tell me-!” 
before you knew what you were doing, your hand had formed into a fist and flew straight into his nose, sending him flying back. 
“gah, that hurt!!” you exclaimed, immediately cradling your hurt hand with your other. after a few seconds, you looked up, realizing that mikey was staring at you with a surprised expression and that uju was still laying on the ground. “oh my god, what did i just do?!” 
you suddenly felt a pair of arms around you and you heard laughing in your ear, mikey’s voice ringing throughout the room. 
“(y/n)-cchi, you punched him!! you actually punched him!! that was so funny!” he managed to get out. “you sent him flying!!” 
“i-i didn’t mean to! he was just all up in my face and then i just…! agghhh, i shouldn’t have done that!” all you got in response was mikey’s arms tightening around your waist, pulling you closer to his side. 
“you did so good! oh, but let’s get out of here before anybody notices!” he exclaimed, grabbing your hand and pulling you in the direction of the parking lot. “i’ll drive you home!” 
“am i going to get arrested?!” 
“don’t worry, i won’t ever let them catch you!” 
“ohh my god, i’m gonna go to jail!!”
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
hii, i wanted to request eddie and bimbo reader!! a unique pair, but reader likes metal and rock music, and they find other ways to bond later!! ( you can take the last however lol )
Genuinely love this character and their dynamic sm in this fic!!! I was going to wait to post it till I wrote everything I wanted to with this HC but I figured I’d pass it off to y’all and see what u think abt it as well
(Finally living up to my username ig)
Eddie x Bimbo!reader (this is going to be a series btw)
1.6k words
When the hottest girl in his math class asked him out he thought someone was playing a cruel trick on him. Like haha laugh at the freak and his massive crush on the school bimbo.
She came into pre-calc that day all giggling and happy and usual. She sat down right next to him, now that was unusual. Twirling her hair and smiling, she leaned over to him and asked “Hey Eddie, what are you doing this weekend?”
“I dunno.” His heart raced when she ran a finger over his bicep and looked up at him, fluttering her eyelashes.
Her nails were done in a French tip manicure and he wondered how she got anything done with nails that long and fancy. “I have tickets to a rock concert. Will you go with me?” She bit her lip in anticipation of his answer.
He did not give her one, deciding instead to jump out of his seat and rush to the bathroom and not return until the very end of class. She was still right there waiting for him with a pleasant smile. “I’ll have to check my schedule,” he finally answered, still not sure if it was a joke.
She was also repeating her senior year but it didn’t seem to affect her popularity. But that might have had something to do with the fact she was drop dead gorgeous and absurdly friendly and kind. He was skeptical of “preps” like her but he couldn’t imagine she would ask him out as a joke just to be cruel. She didn’t have a cruel bone in her body.
But he also couldn’t imagine her actually wanting to hangout with him. Still perplexed by the time lunch rolled around, he decided to ask the rest of the hellfire club what they thought. They didn’t have any helpful advice, due to the fact they did not believe him.
That was until the girl in question practically skipped over to their table and took the seat right next to Eddie. “Hiiiii Eddie. Did you check your schedule?” she giggled, tapping her nails on the table and looking at him expectantly.
The rest of the group was freaking out now and she had a confused look on her face, soon she was going to get upset if she realized the others were poking fun at them. So he did the only logical thing, grabbing her hand and leading her out of the lunchroom and into his secret spot in the woods.
If she was confused before she was really confused now. But there was still a soft smile on her face when he looked at her. “Why are we out here?” she asked, stepping closer to him. Her hands were resting on his chest and he wasn’t sure if he’d ever been this close to a girl before.
“I wanted to talk to you in private,” he answered, stepping away so he could breathe without taking in her floral femine scent that made him a little bit delirious and very horny.
“It’s ok,” she blurted out, shaking her head and looking a bit embarrassed.
“What?” he asked dumbly.
“If you don’t want to go. It’s ok. I won’t be mad,” she assured him, her gentle tone encouraging him to finally agree to her offer.
“No no. It sounds really fun.” She perked up at that, giving him all the information about the concert and hurrying off back to her other friends who were probably missing her.
They had a really good time at the concert. He stuck by her side the whole night, glaring at any guy who looked at her. Which was a lot of guys, she was very attractive. And it didn’t hurt that she was wearing knee high boots, the shortest and tightest skirt imaginable, and a top that barely qualified as anything other than lingerie.
His eyes were glued to her the entire night and when she asked to stay over at his place that night he thought he had died and gone to heaven. In the morning when he woke to her wearing one of his t-shirts while trying and failing to cook breakfast, he was sure she was an angel.
Their friendship grew quickly. It seemed like she always had an extra ticket for him to go see whatever band she was into at the time. Despite having little in common besides music taste and the same pre-calc class, they got along well.
He was fiercely protective of her once he noticed she wasn’t as popular as she might have seemed. People took advantage of her trusting and kind nature to make fun of her behind her back and it made him sick. From then on anyone who had a bad word to say about her would end up with a ring clad fist to the face.
After months of hanging out, things started to change. She looked at him with this longing in her eyes that he didn’t understand. There was always fondness but now when she looked at him there was hurt piled on top of it.
One day after school he had invited her back to his trailer and when he turned on a movie she just crumpled. He could instantly tell something was wrong. “Hey hey. What's wrong sweetheart?” he asked, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her in for a hug.
He wasn’t much of a hugger before her but she was very affectionate and he tried to match that since it seemed to comfort her. She pushed away and stared at the floor, angry tears starting to fall down her cheeks. “Why haven’t we had sex yet?” she asked softly, the words barely above a whisper as if she was embarrassed to even be saying them.
“Huh?” he questioned, his eyes widening at her words. He was very into her but he was sure that they were nothing more than friends. Had she been waiting for him to make a move this whole time? Now he felt like an idiot.
“We’ve been dating for months now. And at first I kinda liked it because I thought we were taking things slow. Usually guys don't take things slow with me. But like you wont even kiss me and I’m starting to think you don’t even like me that much.” He tried to interrupt her but she just kept rambling, her voice speeding up and shaking a bit since she was still lightly crying. “And then I thought, well maybe he’s just not that into sex but you don’t tell anyone about us either and you never hold my hand.” Her lip trembled when she looked up from the ground to look at him.
He had an utterly dumbfounded expression on his face “We’re dating?”
She ignored his question and kept on with her nervous monologue. “Are you allergic to me? Like my perfume or my shampoo? Because I can change that, it’s not a big deal.”
“We’re dating?” he repeated, sounding more stunned than the last time. The longing stares were starting to make sense now.
“So I just want to know what’s going on,” she finished, looking at him expectantly. She had seemingly not heard his twice-asked question.
“Ok this is a little embarrassing but maybe I didn’t quite realize we were dating,” he admitted awkwardly, fully prepared for her to blow up and never speak to him again.
“It’s not embarrassing, it’s cute. You’re really sweet to me, for a not-boyfriend. I like really really like you.”
“I don’t wanna be a not-boyfriend.”
“What-what does that mean?” Her face fell, confusion and hurt setting back in.
“C’mere, I’m such an idiot.” He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest tightly. She gasped, hands steadying her on his chest and clutching the fabric of his shirt. “Let me take you on a date officially alright?”
“Ok!” she perked right up when he touched her, bubbly and happy once again at the idea of a date.
Their first date was to the county fair. He took her on the ferris wheel and as she had earlier mentioned was an issue, he did hold her hand this time. When the wheel abruptly stopped right as they were at the top, he took it as his opportunity to finally make his move.
When he cupped her cheek and turned her face to him she said “Oh no! We’re stuck.” She was pouting with a very serious expression on her face, not quite understanding that the ride had stopped on purpose.
“No. They just do that so you can get a nice view from the top,” he explained, gazing lovingly into her eyes as if he was trying to send her a really sweet telepathic message.
“Oh. It’s beautiful,” she gasped, not taking her eyes off of him for one second.
“Can I kiss you?“ he asked, already leaning in so their lips brushed.
“Oh Eddie. Please.” He loved the way she said his name but in that moment he loved even more the way her lips moved against his. Her pink nails scratched at his chest over his shirt as she moaned and whimpered into his mouth, quickly getting worked up just from kissing.
When her hand started to slip down his chest and closer to the growing bulge in his pants, he had to stop her. “Woah. Let’s uh wait for that.”
“Why?” She asked innocently, batting her eyelashes up at him.
“Because we’re at the county fair and I think handjobs are generally frowned upon in that setting.”
“Oh yeah,” she giggled, turning to rest her head on his chest instead.
“I know it’s probably soon for this but I think I love you,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head lightly as he stared down at her sweet smile.
“I love you too, Eddie,” she replied, tilting her head up to meet his lips again.
@angelsarecallin @sebby-staan @niviiera @chaoticgurl @evqans @slut-for-matt-murdock @multihaven @tinyboxxtink @hold-our-destiny @weh-heh-heh @battiebabe216 @captain-satan @avril-reblog-cave @dragon-ash13 @stxvercgersslut  @fangirl199812 @variety-fangirll @buckybeefybarnes @strangerthings64 @baddestbiddiesonly @the-obscurity @racyreverie @ches65 @onxlymnsn @e-girl-on-the-server @marlrocks @endercherries @totallybiasedreviews @st3venluvbot @duyukneeewowutimeeen-anjodi8 @creepytoes88  @beyondblissxoxo
(lmk if you want to be added, and for those of you who are on it can u lmk if your tag is working bc its been giving me trouble)
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videolaa · 21 days
Idol!Chanbin x Idol!Femreader
Changbin didn't understand why his feet brought him to the venue with some of his friends. He didn't understand why no one stopped him from buying a ticket to see you live. Was it because they were getting tired of seeing you through his phone screen, jolting when some fans screamed louder than others in videos? Could it be that they thought it was best for him to see you one last time, even if you wouldn't have one more conversation? Whatever the reason here, he was standing in the sea of people who came for you.
"Are you doing okay?" Han asked, still slightly nervous, as if coming wasn't the smartest option. Changbin nodded his head, "Yeah. Thanks for coming with me, by the way." Han and Minho stood next to him, "It's no problem," Minho mumbled before focusing back towards the stage.
Changbin was lying. He wasn't fine. Changbin missed you. Even after all these months that went by, his love for you hadn't changed. But he was better at hiding them than you. Dispatch was quick on pointing out your lack of appearance at an award show. Your new photos for your comeback seemed to be a mix of sadness with a glint of happiness. He even caught you getting a teary-eyed in a teaser picture.
While in reality, at night after you'd finished getting ready for bed, having trouble sleeping from a long day of overthinking or on certain nights when the anxiety mixed tears would be too much, you'd open your closet and pull your ex-boyfriend's hoodie. Off the hanger and over your head.
You found it after you cleared Changbin's clothes from your room, and you didn't have the heart to text him you found it. If he couldn't be with you anymore, to have his hugs, his love and comfort, having this would be good enough for you to sleep in.
Now, seeing you on a screen and in person after months of nothing, your smile was almost forced with little shine in your eyes. Yet you still performed beautifully, Minho was shocked at how you never missed a beat, "She's putting her all..." Minho began leaning closer to Han, "I know. We'll talk later."
"Did we have fun tonight?" you shouted through your mic as you walked from one end of the stage to the other, earning well-deserved screams of joy. Changbin clapped and cheered with the rest of the fans. His friends who went with felt an unexpected ache in their hearts. Seeing him with a heart still full of love while you forced a smile, twisting, twirling, while trying to laugh away the pain.
You still loved each other.
But somewhere along your twirls, you stopped, taking a quick double take. After seeing your smile lower a bit, he pulled his face mask back up, hoping you'd assume you were just seeing things. Only you knew it was him.
Changbin, Minho, and Han; they all showed up. You'd recognize them a mile away, and for the first time in months, you felt you could finally give a genuine reaction to everyone. "Sorry about that, everyone! I saw some unexpected old friends here. Lets give them a quick cheer for coming out tonight!" You call out in the microphone before dropping it so you could join in for a moment.
Even though you chose to look in other directions at their cheers, catching glances at the three was slightly humorous. From red ears, looking down with rhythmic shoulders bouncing up and down out of laughter, and one attempting to play along with the crowd. Part of you felt bad until you turned your attention back to the audience, "Okay enough, embarrassing them...for now. Now for the last song of the night. What you've all been waiting for... here's my newest song."
The boys looked up as the lights dimmed out of curiosity, only to shoot back down as the beat started, along with a different presence from the smiling, cheering, laughing girl they've seen all night. This girl was anxious yet determined. Her sudden change kept the crowd reeling.
You'd probably think I was psychotic (if you knew)
What I still got in my closet (sad but true)
I slip it on over my shoulders
Something I'll never get over
It makes me feel a little bit closer to you
Even though this was their first time hearing this. The three felt something stirring inside, a feeling that had stuck with them since they entered - yet the song hardly started. As if they were there for it's creation.
I can't keep your love
I can't keep your kiss
Gave you everything, and all I got was this
It was a small build-up, but just enough to cause your ex-boyfriend's jaw to hang open ajar. This was the truth. The truth you were so desperately trying to get out for the world to hear. The truth that tore you apart, together and alone. The truth everyone deserved to know, not the lie that was created for the internet.
And it did with just one post, one that had you forcibly packing.
I'm still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
Still rocking your...
He remembered that day crystal clear.
The weather was colder than the news called for, and it had you shivering. Changbin didn't know it back then, but pulling his hoodie off for you to wear had been caught on tape. You giggled, joking it was already warmed up just for you. If either of you had known, he wouldn't have slung an arm around your shoulders, while an arm tried to fit around his waist. Anyone who passed could tell they were looking at a couple in love. Sadly, the media and work caused a public announcement; your breakup.
You grabbed your chest almost as if you were trying to hold your heart together, still pushing forward with unexpected confidence.
I used to put my hand in your pockets (holding on)
The smell of your cologne is still on it (but you're still gone)
I slip it on over my shoulders
Someone I'll never get over
It makes me feel a little bit closer to you
So you did still have it. You didn't even seem sorry, it caused a small smile out of him. Changbin tapped away a forming tear. Ever since that day, he would question himself, "Did you still love him?" "Did you hate him?" would fly through his head? But hearing you say that you still love him was the answering he was hoping for. Even if in the moment you were upset with him.
Minho gritted his teeth in anger. The cat dad internally cursed profanities at any form of platform or anyone who had broken both your hearts. Han had a lump forming in his throat, seeing, and knowing both of his friends were shattered, yet still going around smiling for the world to see. He felt like he could cry.
Changbin bit the bottom of his lip, trying to keep his vision clear to see you, whose eyes were currently fighting away tears. He shook his head, wanting to scream, "I never wanted to go anywhere!". But why would you keep such a cursed shirt? What was going on while he was gone? Yet he kept listening, even if it was killing him or anyone relating to your song.
I can't keep your love
I can't keep your kiss
Gave you everything and all I got was this
You gripped harder to the microphone. Deep down, you knew this song would reach him somehow. Only it never crossed your mind he would be there to see you performing the song for the first time. A jelly like feeling was starting in your legs. "Who cares?". You thought, if they give way, it'll just make the performance look better. Videos already existed of you crying, along with your passion for falling into your performances. Figuratively and literally. No one would question anything.
I'm still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
"Binnie, sorry if this is too forward, but what are your thoughts of leaving some of your clothes here?" Your voice rang inside of his head, eyes lighting up "Yeah I'd love to." While you, on the other hand, you were hearing,"One day I want to - no, I hope I can scream it from the top of my lungs that I love you!" rang through yours. You hoped that "one day" would come. Until you got told, you couldn't because of a stupid company policy. That was it the end. Changbin didn't fight back, only a muffled "I'm sorry..." as he walked past you.
Still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
Still rocking your...
And that's when your legs gave way, yet gracefully, digging deeper at your own thoughts of packing up boxes of his things. Remembering the mindless packing of boxes, remembering a couple members would take Changbin's things away. Piling other things in bags because you'd run out of moving boxes. Unsure if he'd show up with the other members, you stacked everything outside of your apartment door.
Unintentionally, his pink hoodie laid comfortably on the back of a kitchen chair, letting it air dry from the wash. Quickly running over to see how dry it was before rushing the barely damp shirt out to the boxes only to find them gone, only a now spare key left in an envelope at on the doormat.
Without caring for a moment if fans saw who were in the stands, your head turned to Han, Minho, and Changbin's side, eyes only moving to look at him. Sadness, anger, passion, all were swirling in your eyes.
If you want it back
If you want it back
I'm here waiting
Come take it back
Come take it back
If you want it back
If you want it back
I'm here waiting
Come take it back
Come take it back
"Please, one last hello, one last goodbye. Yes, this is about you - for you - is it reaching you?" is all you silently pass along. "I don't want it, keep it!" Changbin mumbled. If it was the only way he'd see you again, he'd do it. He would take it. Only to find a way to bring it back to you again.
After all, you admitted an old hoodie that caused you to break up was something that brought you comfort now - even if it did bring you pain. If he had it now, all it would do was hurt him more than he could imagine, more than this. Simple threads were holding you both together.
I'm still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
There was his laugh again, the same contagious sound that could bring a smile to anyones face. "I love you," an echo could be heard. In desperation to ignore those sounds, you tugged out your earpiece, letting the crowd mute those memories. You let yourself drown just a little bit further into the song.
I'm still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
Even seeing you were in pain, slowly failing to bat away, tears were hurting the three.
Changbin, who was sniffling, trying to hide his own tears. All the good memories you shared, from first dates to first times with everything in between. His biggest regret wasn't fighting for your relationship. "I'm sorry" was all he could muster out as he rushed past you, wondering what was going on. "Binnie? Binnie!" Changbin heard your reaction. Only for his shoulder to be shaken by Han, "What? What's wrong?". Before Changbin could answer, Han stepped aside with Minho as a stranger was standing next to them, "I'm Miss. (Y/l) manager. I think I met a couple of you during (Y/n)'s last tour. Would you three mind coming with me?". Unconsciously thinking, the three began following after your manager. "Are you sure we can't wait until the songs over?" Minho quickly stopped. Your manager shook her head, "I'm sorry, but this is her last song of the night. It'll still be able to be heard from backstage."
"Backstage?" the three looked at her in disbelief. Changbin turned his head towards the stage. You were still entertaining the crowd while spilling your soul out to them. "Yeah. Backstage...let's go".
Still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
Still rocking your hoodie
Coming back to your senses a bit, your breathing hiccuped, leftover drops covering your face melted on your hand. Your fans were shouting your name, along with a few light sticks rocking back and forth. It made you want to cry harder, a few awes could be heard.
Wobbling to your feet, you smiled waving, "Thank you, everyone! Thank you for showing so much love to my new song, Hoodie! I hope it managed to reach you in some way. Thank you for coming out tonight. Please have a safe time getting home! Goodnight!". By the time your eyes made it to their seats, they had disappeared.
Staff opened the hidden door and ushered you directly to the long hallway, leading you straight to your changing room. A feeling of regret and embarrassment rose up as you noticed the pink shirt hanging against the door to the bathroom.
"Why did he even have to be here tonight or at?" you sighed, pulling out more comfortable clothes for after a post concert shower. Maybe if you hadn't made eye contact or wrote a breakup song, you wouldn't be feeling worse. It was wrote out of anger, pain, and heartbreak.
Even though the shower was brief, it was enough to ease the tension you'd caused yourself. As you changed into something more comfortable, you reached for the worn-out sweatshirt, only to feel a hand gently land on your shoulder, making you jump. Your eyes were bewildered, too stunned to say anything as you were met with Changbin.
"I remember looking everywhere for this after we..." Changbin pulled away and scratched the back of his neck. "Y-Yeah... I'm sorry I should have found a way to get it to you," you started before getting cut off. "No, it's just like you said. You're still rockin' my hoodie" he smiled. A bit of laughter came out, "I'll take that as a compliment."
After all these passing months, seeing one another felt so strange. Neither knew where the line started and ended or how far you could step. You had a million questions you wanted to ask him, yet you could only shake your head with one, "Why are you here, Changbin?".
"I wanted to see you. We wanted to see you," Changbin explained. "Okay, that's self-explanatory, but you know what I mean," you said a little more stern. Tired. Frustrated. Heartbreaking all over again, because he was standing in front of you. Changbin looked equally tired, his eyes slightly puffy. So desperately, you wanted to hug him and be happy to see him and let him tell you what was going on. He wanted to hug you, let you cry, and scream. Anything.
But from lack of sleep on both of you, high on emotions, both of you just blanked.
"I'm sorry"
"I miss you"
The sentences came out simultaneously, causing you to feel a ping in your heart, unsure of what to say. 'Hoodie' seemed clear enough of a message. What more could you say? Now, it was your turn to listen. No matter what had to be said.
"I should have tried harder - for us - I shouldn't have walked away." Changbin's voice was genuine and full of regret. "If I could go back to that day, I would have tried something, anything, because I still love you. I miss you too! I hurt you, and I am sorry. I -"
You put your hand on his bicep, making him stop, "Don't... We both knew it was possible or couldn't hide it forever," you tried to bring some comfort, which he returned with tired eyes. As you attempted to pull your hand away, Changbin gently took your hand, "I hurt you, but I still love you... and I-"
"No, no, Binnie, don't blame yourself on this. I'm hurt, yes. I'm hurt because I can't be with you, moreover you didn't fight for our relationship. You walked away. I still love you - I wouldn't have written that song about you if I didn't - I miss you too. We just broke a company rule, and well... now we're here."
Now you weren't fighting. You were just accepting, even if it hurt. Love hurts.
"One more time?" Changbin blurted out. It felt unreal, almost as if he'd forgotten the mess that came out from social media - which put you in this current situation - never happened. You couldn't tell if Changbin understood what he was actually asking.
Suddenly, another voice sighed into the conversation, "Don't say it like that - you'll scare her away." You both turned to face two familiar faces, "Hi (Y/n)," Han said, while Minho waved from the entrance. There was heat running to your cheeks, wondering how much they heard from the conversation, yet you still managed a wave. Han and Minho closed the door silently behind them. Thankfully, you doubted they heard much.
"I thought I asked you to wait outside!" Changbin whined. Minho crossed his arms, "Remember we're on a time limit? Plus, we'd like to see (Y/n) too." You chuckled at Minho's pouty confession, "I missed you guys, too." "We loved the show -" Han's tone attempted to break the tension. "I appreciate it, but what did you mean? You're here on a time limit." You shifted, looking between the three, "Did you guys sneak in?" Your voice raised only to hushed by Minho. "No! We wouldn't do that! Your manager said she'd let us in for a bit." Han quickly confessed.
"I...I have so many questions for her that will be handled a different day. She is right, though, I do have to get ready to leave... and I have a morning interview. " You took a deep breath as you switched between the group, "I really hope you guys did enjoy the show. I would love to hear your thoughts on Hoodie and the show, but we don't have that kind of time."
"We understand. But we did want to come support you, and we always will." Minho said. You were quiet and nodded your head. This made you think of when you were debating on buying a ticket to one of their shows from the upcoming tour, but you were waiting for concert dates to be released. "I will, too" you felt a lump in your throat.
Your eyes met Changbin. His eyes had more to say, "I'll think about it, Bin. I need to think about it, and you need to think about what you said with a clear conscience. Sound good?". Changbin nodded, "My number is still the same". You nodded, "Okay. I really have to go. Theres a place right down the block if you guys want to go there for dinner. Please eat something, and get home safely!" you shooed them out so you can grab your things.
"Bye (Y/n)!"
"Have a goodnight (Y/n)..."
"Great job tonight."
"Thanks, guys! I'll see you around." You shut the door behind them, leaning against it. As your adrenaline began to settle down, your fatigue began to rise.
Tomorrow. You'll think about everything starting tomorrow.
The following week flew by. Hoodie was hit, radio stations played it, and numbers were skyrocketing on streaming platforms. This just made it harder to not think about Changbin and the conversation at your concert. You were shocked the conversation even happened, or even seeing them in the green room.
But no, it was real, and you were still processing everything. It felt as if you were in a Damned if I do, Damned if I don't situation. You ran your nails through your hair, scared to say or do anything about it, Changbin wanted an answer. He deserved one.
Even if you had been avoiding your phone and computer like the plague, worried he'd call first and ask and you not having an answer made you nervous.
"(Y/n)? Are you the (Y/n)?" a girl walked up to you a giddy tone in her voice, sparkling eyes as she stood in front of you. Despite being in the music industry, meeting fans never got old, "Yeah, that's me." Her eyes still full of joy as her smile grew bigger, "I love your new song! I'm so jealous of everyone who got to see it!". You let out a chuckle, "Thank you! And don't worry, I'll make sure it'll be on my setlist for a while." The girl scrambled to find something to write on in her bag as a certain pink bunny pig plushie decorating her bags strap fell into view. "What a cute chain you got on there," you continued small talk. "Ah! Yeah, he's my favorite from Skzoo!" so enthusiastic as she pulled out a journal with a pen, extending it out to you.
"I like to journal in my free time, and I was wondering if you could sign a page? Anyone you want!" she said as you grabbed it with a smile. As usual, you asked for her name and flipped to a random empty page. Everything was going as smoothly as possible, until she said in a different tone, "I don't know who inspired 'Hoodie', but it's reached a lot of people like you wanted. You must have really cared about them for you to write a song for them," you looked at her a smirk on your face, "I'll always care about them."
"No! I'm not doubting that or anything, but do you think heartbreak can be reversed?" she nervously asked as you finished writing out a signature and note. You furrowed your eyebrows, "How do you mean?". The girl fiddled with her book, "Like when you can't be with someone because their family doesn't approve, but you still care about them and the relationship deeply and now that person is stuck trying to get a family approval but also having their partner be in their life as well. Sorta like going back, change the past for the future? Do you think a situation like this can be reversed or something?" she explained.
"Ah, I understand," more than you know. This girl wasn't far off from your own situation. That's when it clicked, "I hope this will make sense one day, just remember; If there's a will, there's a way and everything will find it's own way of working itself out."
She nodded her head, "I like that saying. I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time...and I hope you and that special person can also find a way to work itself out as well!"
Before being able to say goodbye, she was giving you advice in return, "Huh? Well, that was...unexpected."
Your entire ride back to your apartment, that multi-fan was giving you advice in return. Ironically, the shared advice between you two had your wheels turning. Maybe taking both words of wisdom, actually had done something to have you rushing up to your apartment to charge your phone while you got ready for bed. Again, it would be one of those nights where you were pulling his shirt on to calm you down a bit. Only this time, you were giving him your answer...
Dialing Changbin, you took a deep breath as you heard his voice after a couple rings, "Hello? (Y/n)?" he really was waiting...
Clearing your throat, "Did you mean it at the concert? Getting back together and everything?"
"Everything. I meant it all"
"I've been thinking about all the things that happened when we were together and when we weren't and everything you said and what I said. So I think, if you're also willing to fight for us, then I think we can try again. Is that okay?"
All rights to the song/lyrics Hoodie go towards Hey Violet. Click here to listen to Hoodie, and show some love to their other work.
Writing in this one shot, excluding lyrics, goes towards videolaa. Do not repost, steal, or post this anywhere unless you have permission.
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bestedoesmeow · 1 year
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c.leclerc ✩ x singer reader (request)
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'' When Ferrari told Charles to film a video with some star, he already knew who it was and how she made him feel the last time. ''
prompt : Y/N L/N is a singer who grew up in Y/HT. She followed her dreams and became a singer, just as she had always wished. However, little did she know that her dreams would soon be consumed by a Monegasque racer she met."
for @duruxoxo
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''Do you have any plans tonight, huh?' Pierre said. Charles was lying on the leather couch across the room while Pierre was flipping through TV channels. It was rare for them to find time to spend together like they used to in the past. Actually, last night when Pierre slept over at Charles's, he confessed. He told him that he missed spending time with him. Charles's cheeks turned red after his statement, and he wrapped his arms around Pierre's neck and squeezed him until he was out of breath. Normally, Charles was not good at expressing his feelings besides anger and rage, but Pierre had definitely found his sweet spot last night. In the morning, they grabbed breakfast and coffee before returning to Charles's family's house. Pierre was watching TV blankly and almost falling asleep when Charles was tucked in a blanket and laughing at some tweets, some of which he showed Pierre.
'Non, ami, pourquoi avez-vous demandé?' (No, mate, why did you ask?) Charles said when he finally locked his phone and placed it on the coffee table in front of him.
'I've got tickets for a concert tonight. Kika and her friend were supposed to go, but Kika had an emergency situation, so maybe you'd like to go, you know, frère à frère.'' Pierre looked at Charles from the couch on which he was lying, unsurely. Charles was not a 'concert' type, but he still asked, hoping he'd say yes, and they'd spend some fun time before he leaves tomorrow.
'Whose concert is it? Do I know him or her?' Charles said. He changed positions on the couch to face Pierre thoroughly.
'Y/N L/N. I never listened to her, but Kika is a big fan, so I suppose we could give it a try? I know you're not quite the concert type, but... '
'Oui, nous pouvons y aller.' (Yes, we can go.) Charles said, with a big smile on his lips that was showing off his dimples clearly in the light. 'Frère à frère.'
Pierre did nothing but smile at him before getting up to get himself an Estrella Galicia beer from the fridge. 'Get me one too, huh, mate?' Charles yelled after him, only to hear Pierre's almost soundless 'yes' before getting back to his tweets.
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It was around eight p.m. when the two left the house to spend the mentioned ''frère à frère'' night. Charles was driving and Pierre was trying to find something to listen for almost like ten minutes. Charles finally lost his patience. He wasn't also the ''waiting'' type.
'' Mec (dude), it's been million hours, are you producing your own music?'' He stated. Before taking a curve. '' Please for the love of god, play something.''
'' D'accord, Charles, d'accord.'' Pierre said before typing Y/N L/N on Charles's Apple Music account's search bar. And put her songs on shuffle.
'' Well at least, we'd know the names of the songs like this.'' He mocked Charles.
'' She has a pleasant voice huh?'' '' Like listenable.'' Charles said while he was tapping his finger on the steering wheel with the music.
'' Oi, this one's name is '' Pretty Boy.'' ( It's Lennon Stella's song, all credits to her)
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Kika's seats were in the first row and almost too close to the stage for Charles to bear. He hated to connect eyes with someone, because he was almost too shy for to proceed it professionally. He'd just blush right away, and try to look at somewhere else which made it too obvious that he wasn't also '' Eye- contact'' type.
Pierre made himself comfortable next to him. The first moment they were out of the Ferrari, media was all over them. They somehow managed to passed through them and find their seats. And from that moment they were not the center of attention anymore.
Stage lights has darkened and a big crowd of claps and screams were heard, Charles looked at the stage almost excitedly to see what she was looking like. Pierre was clapping his hands beside him which encouraged Charles to do so. With the sounds of '' Y/N, L/N'' and screams she finally made it on the stage. With a big smile on her lips. Her black dress was sweeping the floor while she was running on the stage to salute all of her fans, listeners. Charles thought, she looked just like he imagined she would and also thought, she was an unimaginable beauty, she was not a classic mentioned beauty. She had her own unique features, nose, body and everything. Charles couldn't notice but realize he was still clapping his hands when she finally talked.
'' Thank you Monaco for having me tonight, your energy is everything. I am hoping to make this night a memorable one. I love you all.''
It was definetly memorable for Charles. Actually more than memorable.
Last song of the concert was mentioned '' Willow'' ( Taylor Swift) Which Charles liked the best for sure. The rhythm, the lyrics. He imagined it was written for him, oh how good it was to imagine it. Pierre was dancing slowly with the rhythm next to him. Charles was too stunned to dance but also he wanted to dance so bad to the last song of the concert, he wanted to scream the lyrics at the top of his lungs but instead he accommodate his steps with Pierre's and let himself dance slowly with the music.
'' The more that you say The less I know Wherever you stray I follow I'm begging for you to take my hand Wreck my plans That's my man You know that my train could take you home Anywhere else is hollow.''
He could swear that he made the longest eye-contact of his life with somebody he had never seen or heard before. Her gaze focused on Charles for a couple of seconds, which was enough for Charles's cheeks to turn red with excitement and adrenaline. Her smile got bigger when she turned her gaze at everyone who was listening to her at the concert.
'' You were incredible, Monaco. Hoping to see you all very soon again. I love you, I love you and I love you. ''
Charles imagined that he was the one she was whispering these words to. While laying on the bed, snuggling and playing with his three days old facial hair.
'' I love you, I love you and I love you Charles.''
She left the stage as the lights were on again for the second time that night. Pierre looked at Charles's sweaty and happy features. He was more than happy to see his friend like this. He looked like he enjoyed every moment of the concert.
' Tu as apprécié, hein?'' Pierre said before wrapping his arm around his friends's shoulder. Charles's dimples were showing off again with the widest smile he had that night.
' Yes, yes mate, she was incredible.''
The two made their way out of the concert hall trying to slip through the crowd without being realized. It was raining and Charles's heart was pounding.
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It was the race week, and they were in Italy. Charles was anxious, mad, and excited. He was like a bomb ready to explode. Test drives and qualifying had been terrible, and the car was far from perfect; actually, it was far from good or even okay. Carlos, Ravin, and he had a meeting the following day, which forced him to be at his best no matter what. He was walking the track with Carlos when he received the news that Ferrari had planned a video with a singer for a promo, and they were waiting for him to film it. "Be quick," their media manager said. He excused himself and made his way to the paddock with fast steps, wondering who the star he was filming the video with was. He entered the room heavily breathing only to see Y/N standing next to the door of his resting room, with excited eyes. She was speaking with Charles's manager, Nicolas.
"I am so excited; I love Charles, you know..." She stopped when she realized Charles was next to her. Charles smiled at her before turning his eyes to Nicolas. "This is Y/N, Charles, and Y/N, this is Charles," he said.
"I already know her," Charles said. The words slipped from his mouth, and he regretted it soon after, hating how eager he sounded. But her reaction was much more eager than Charles's.
"You know me? Really?"
"Yes," he said, smiling at her shocked features. "Pierre and I came to see you last week in Monaco. You were great. (And I probably fell in love with you; you are the love of my life.)"
"Pierre Gasly? Oh my God, I'm so glad I didn't know you were there because I'd freak out for sure. I'm a big fan."
Charles's ego was stroked, for sure. He wished he were cooler about communicating with people. He took a deep breath before acting, touching her bare shoulder with his almost cold hand. "It was a pleasure, Y/N. You are so talented."
Y/N was stunned by the touch, so much so that she didn't realize she hadn't answered Charles. "Oh, thank you; I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart."
The two walked next to each other to the Ferrari they were filming the video with. They tried to talk, but there was mostly what they call "comfortable silence." Charles wished he were less socially awkward and cooler when it comes to his communication skills.
The team gave Charles the helmets before he was ready to get into the driver's seat, but he felt the urge to open the passenger's door for Y/N. She gave him a beautiful smile as thanks before settling into the passenger's seat.
"Are you ready to wear this?" Charles asked, handing her the helmet.
"Actually, before that, can I hug you? I'm a big fan and I didn't want to seem too needy in front of the others."
"Of course, yeah, amour for sure," he said, thrilled that she had asked him to hug her. Charles hoped his hands weren't too shaky behind her back, though she was too excited to notice.
"Now, are you ready? If you feel like throwing up, just let me know, okay?"
"Oh, definitely. I'm more than ready."
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Charles couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as he heard Y/N's response. He put on his own helmet and revved up the engine of the Ferrari, feeling the raw power of the car beneath him.
As they sped off, the wind rushing through their hair, Charles couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration. The world around them became a blur as they raced down the winding roads, the car hugging the curves with ease.
Y/N let out a whoop of joy and Charles couldn't help but smile. He was glad that he could share this moment with her, that he could give her a glimpse into the life of a professional driver.
As they came to a stop, Y/N turned to him with a grin on her face. "That was amazing," she said.
Charles felt a sense of pride wash over him. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he replied, his heart racing with adrenaline.
They spent the rest of the day filming the video, Charles and Y/N sharing easy conversation and laughter. As the sun began to set, Charles walked Y/N to her car, feeling a sense of sadness that the day was coming to an end.
"I had a great time today," Y/N said, giving him a warm smile.
Charles felt his cheeks flush. "Me too," he replied, feeling suddenly shy.
Y/N leaned in, giving him a quick hug. "Thanks again for everything," she said, before getting into her car and driving off.
Charles stood there for a moment, feeling a sense of warmth spread through him. He knew that he would never forget this day, and he hoped that he could see Y/N again soon.
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multifanhoe99 · 8 months
Kinktober Day 10- Public Sex
I am basing this one off a true story please don't do this it's so risky and unsanitary.
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Paring: San x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Sex in a port-a-potty, FWB, degradation (calls reader a slut), he likes the reader but doesn't know how to tell her so he's kinda mean cause she likes his bad boy act.
=Let me know if I missed any.=
18+ MDNI
You wondered how it was exactly that you found yourself in this position. Never in a million years did you think that resident bad boy Choi San would even glance in your direction much less have you bent over for him on the regular. The truth is though that San is about as close to a real bad boy as a puppy is. His cool demeanor and sharp gaze always seemed to convince people that he wasn't up to any good but to those who knew him best he was a big softie. He lived to cuddle and was a real romantic and he truthfully had the biggest crush on you.
You were so sweet and beautiful and always seemed to make whomever you were talking to smile. He's been playing into the bad boy act for so long now though that he has no idea how to ask you out properly or even get your to see the real him. His best friend Wooyoung tells him that he just needs to do it but is he's being honest he's scared. That's what got him in this mess in the first place. He was finally going to ask you out. He was preparing himself all week but when the time finally came he chickened out. Then, he saw you at a party. He decided he was going to tell you then, after plenty of liquid courage. Maybe, he had a little too much because then next thing he knew was that he came up to dance behind you and instead of asking you or properly like he planned he ended up saying, "What is a pretty little thing like yourself doing all alone?"
"Um, well I w-was just looking for my roommate. She's here somewhere," you stuttered feeling hot with San being this close to you. You had no idea why he was choosing to talk to you but you couldn't deny that it made you feel good to have this resident bad boy all over you for the moment.
"Forget her, let me be your roommate tonight yeah? I'll make you feel so good you'll be begging me like a desperate slut by the end," yeah he definitely had to much. Be want supposed to say any of that but his mouth was moving faster than his brain. That is how you both ended up in your friends with benefits relationship. He would come over and fuck your brains out, saying the nastiest things to you and you loved it. You assumed that was all it was but to him, he used it as a twisted chance to get to know your and spend time with you. Unbeknownst to you that is why he so often chose to stay at your place even though he said it was just because he was to tired to go back to his dorm.
One day he invited you to go to a concert with him. He said he got the tickets for free from a buddy but he had actually bought them and planned on taking you because you're favorite band was headlining. You played it off very cool but on the inside you were screaming you were going to see your favorite band and with none other than Choi San. You couldn't get your hopes up to much though this was definitely not a date even though it did kind of feel like one.
Soon it was the day of the concert and right on time at 4:30 San was at your dorm ready to pick you up. You got there early even though you had seats but you didn't want to miss any of the openers either. Everything was going well and you were having a great time. You and San jammed out to the music and you were dancing and having fun.
"Hey," you said after a while, "I'll be right back I am going to get another drink."
"Wait," he replied also getting up, "I will go with you there are so many people I don't want you getting hurt." You thought it was strange that he would care but you couldn't think on it too much or you would stay deluding yourself into thinking he actually liked you. In his mind it was now or never. He had to confess to you before things for any further and his chances are ruined. He wasn't exactly thinking straight he just needed to get you somewhere he felt he could talk to you without so much distraction. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into the closest room he could find and that just so happened to be the wheelchair accessible port-a-potty. It was not his best option but it'd do for now. What he didn't expect was to feel you so close and he couldn't help himself. He kissed you deeply and passionately. It had you morning into his mouth.
He pulled away saying, "I am sorry I just couldn't wait anymore."
"Neither can I," you replied reaching to palm at his cock above his pants.
"God, you are just a desperate slut for my cock huh? Can't get enough that you're willing to let me fuck you right here and now," he said while turning you around so he could grind his bulge against your ass. None of this was part of the plan but you seemed to be enjoying yourself there for her just went with it loving the feeling of your body against his. Luckily for you both you decided to wear a sundress with no panties. You knew how much that drive him insane.
He lifted your dress bunching it together at your lower back. There you were bent over holding on to a guard rail in a port-a-potty with no panties and dripping wet just for San. That was it for him, the congestion could wait he needed to be balls deep in your beautiful pussy right now. He wasted no time using his pants and pulling both them and his underwear down to his mid thigh letting his cock spring free. He guided his tip to your entrance tubing his tip up and down your wet folds. Them, he started to push in.
"Fuuuuck you're always so right for me. I love fucking your pretty little pussy. That's it take it like my good little slut," he said. Officially lost in the high of pleasure he just said whatever he thought. He began to move faster slamming his hips into yours. One of his hands on the same guardrail you were holding on to the other covering your mouth muffling your sweet sons so you don't get caught. You were surprised you didn't get cause already though with the way the whole thing seemed to be shaking. Eventually he moved his other hand from the rail to snake around your body and start rubbing your clit. Your mouth was still covered but you still screamed that you were gonna cum and hopefully he'd know your were close. Which he did, he could feel it.
"You gonna cum for me little slut huh? You gonna cum all over my cock? That's it, cum for me go ahead," he encouraged. The feeling of his cock and his hand and then the words he spoke had you coming undone. He was not far behind and when he was just about to cum he pulled out of your letting it all drip onto the floor. When all was said and done and you were both satisfied and clean, at least as clean as you could get, he finally spoke the words he's been waiting ages to say.
"Y/N, I really like you and I have for a while and I'm not good with my words really but I want to ask you out on a real date. Honestly I've been wanting to do that for a long time. I want to make you mine for real."
You were too stunned to speak you thought it was a joke but he seemed so sincere. You decided to agree under some conditions.
"Okay," you began, " you can take me out on a real date. I really like your top but you should know that if I get any sense that you're playing me at all I'm done and this whole thing will be over. I won't let myself get heartbroken like that."
"You don't have to worry about that," he said, "I don't even plan on letting you go now." You two say back in your seats and enjoyed the rest of the concert. It was amazing and you couldn't wait to see where this will go.
A/N: Yes, this situation was a thing. No, I will not be doing that ever again. Highschool was a wild time and that is all I will say. Anyway once again don't have sex in a port-a-potty it is not great but it did give me the inspiration for this so at least it was good for one thing. Asks are still open and I am ready to get writing.
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starsandhughes · 7 months
Penalty Box Series— Trevor Zegras Edition (Nine)
23-34 Season Masterlist
previous: eight
this might be the shortest one yet i’m so sorry
NOVEMBER 5, 2023
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liked by trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, and 19,639 others
yourusername welcome back to my postgame penalty box update show: THE COMEBACK QUACKS STRIKE AGAIN edition!
my duckies gave the golden whores their first regulation loss of the season!!! THAT'S MY BOYS!! LEAVE THEM IN RUINS! the first two periods were agonizing, but the boys came through in the third, as they do! WE HAVE WON SIX GAMES IN A ROW! WE MAY NEVER LOSE AGAIN!
you know what else made a comeback? trevor's streak since his last penalty! he was the default criminal again for the too many men penalty, but legally my baby daddy is at one whole game since his last penalty! good job, sweet boy!
i’d like to make a special shoutout to minty! he got his first ever nhl penalty tonight for hooking! we were all confused though because... it did not look like a hook... minty's confusion was captured in the ninth pic! whatever the case, congratulations! so proud! i hope you loved your trophy!
trevor, you look cute as fuck in the second picture. i’m literally so in love with you and obsessed with you and i can't wait to cling on to you tonight because good GOD i love to see you in those purple jerseys! i love you, always, sweet boy💜
tagged trevorzegras and mintyukov_10
view all 144 comments
jackhughes i love you, forever, soulmate❤️
yourusername i love you, too, soulmate but WOULD YOU STOP DOING THIS?!
jackhughes no <3
trevorzegras @/jackhughes i miss you
jackhughes @/trevorzegras i miss you more
colecaufield @/trevorzegras i miss you the most
trevorzegras @/colecaufield i miss YOU the most
jackhughes @/trevorzegras you cheating scumbag!
colecaufield @/jackhughes stay mad
yourusername @/trevorzegras stop flirting with your boy toys and come love ME
trevorzegras @/yourusername one second, dear
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras do i mean nothing to you?
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale you mean everything to me
yourusername @/taryntkachuk i will pay for your plane ticket to come hang out with me since trevor has THREE BOYFRIENDS
taryntkachuk @/yourusername after my season ends i’m all yours, babe ;)
trevorzegras @/yourusername well played
trevorzegras I LOVE YOU, FOREVER💜
yourusername too little too late, trevor!
trevorzegras so no head?
_quinnhughes why? just why?
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes i saw my opportunity and i took it
yourusername @/trevorzegras beautifully done. 11/10. you can have head
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale that is not on me
user7 sissy and trevor: ceos of grossing their best friends out
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras do you vacation in the penalty box?
trevorzegras why? are you looking for a time share?
jackhughes HA
yourusername POINT TREVOR
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras that was good, i have to admit
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes thank you, thank you, i’m here all your life
_quinnhughes unfortunately
jackhughes point quinn!
user16 penalty box? more like trevor's box
jamie.drysdale dibs on cuddling z first
yourusername i will hold you a nerf gun point
jamie.drysdale you have a tendency of losing our nerf gun wars, little miss
yourusername i will bite you
jamie.drysdale that's not new
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale she's feral right now i wouldn't test her
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras her pregnancy hormones are tearing our love apart😭
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale you're making a terrible case for being a god father with that comment, drysdale
_alexturcotte @/yourusername you mean to tell me that your two best friends aren't automatically god fathers?
trevorzegras @/colecaufield @_alexturcotte there's more to this than just who have we known the longest!
yourusername @/colecaufield @_alexturcotte whoever doesn't get a baby can have luke
jackhughes @/yourusername @/trevorzegras i still get to be an uncle, right?
yourusername @/jackhughes unfortunately
trevorzegras point y/n!
user39 return of the slut in the seventh pic! we love to see it
mintyukov_10 thank you, y/n! i love you, too! and i love my first penalty trophy almost as much as my first goal trophy
yourusername you are ever so welcome my little peppermint!
trevorzegras you caught on quick to my girl's nonsense, minty!! atta boy!
leocarlssoon @/trevorzegras i gave my fellow rookies the run down
yourusername @/leocarlssoon this is why you're my favorite son! i love you🧡
leocarlssoon @/yourusername i love you, too, mom!
lhughes_06 @/yourusername this blatant favoritism is just cruel at this point
edwards.73 @/yourusername we deserve love, too, mom!
yourusername @/lhughes_06 @/edwards.73 i love the rest of my sons equally! i didn't raise you to be whiny! get over it!
trevorzegras @/yourusername what if we have a boy? or two?
yourusername @/trevorzegras then the rest of my sons will be dead to me
mintyukov_10 that seems reasonable
yourusername @/mintyukov_10 your undying support is treasured
user6 i, too, am obsessed with trevor
colecaufield ceo of trying his best!
yourusername stop bullying my mans!
trevorzegras i’ll pop off just you wait
yourusername yeah you will!! give em the old razzle dazzle!!
colecaufield @/trevorzegras i believe in you!
trevorzegras @/colecaufield ceo of making me blush!
yourusername @/taryntkachuk is your season over yet?
taryntkachuk @/yourusername after the championships! i’ll save you soon, i promise <3
181 notes · View notes
pandorasprongs · 11 months
CHAPTER THREE | so inviting, i almost jump in.
'it's nice to have a friend' masterlist + playlist | previous chapter
PAIRING: jamie tartt x fem!reader
SUMMARY: jamie and reader go out for drinks and meet a familiar face that brings up a painful memory for both of them.
WARNINGS: language
A/N: i'd like to apologize in advance for this one because the end is just 100% angst so brace yourselves sorry :')
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It was like deja vu. Over the past weeks, you and Jamie started hanging out on a regular basis. Late nights and weekends were often spent eating pizza, watching old movies, and searching for old schoolmates online. He even helped you re-organize your room when he arrived during one of your cleaning days. You uncovered a box of old toy rings that Jamie gave you every birthday of yours for five years.
Initially, Jamie would message you if he was on the way. But the more he came over, it went back to your usual habits of him just showing up at your door at random hours of the day. When you weren't home, he'd message that he dropped by and then you'd call him when you got back. He'd race over to watch another one of your favorite childhood movies.
You hadn't realized how much you missed it all till you started spending time with Jamie again. You missed it so much that you may have neglected to mention to Liv how often you were with him. Despite the mini-sermon she gave you weeks ago about confronting Jamie, you hadn't actually made any moves to do it. All of this started to feel normal, regular, and the thought of disturbing that scared you too much. Even if there were times where you were annoyed at how casual he talked about the past few years of radio silence from him. Or how he'd mention his Man City teammates and you felt like tensing up every time.
There was no need to bring it up anymore, something you repeated to yourself. Plus, you were noticing that Jamie was now closer to your childhood best friend than the one who broke your heart. But still, you were cautious around the footballers Jamie associated with. Even when the season started again and Jamie would offer to tour you around the clubhouse or reserve tickets for the games, you'd always politely decline. You're sure the AFC Richmond players aren't terrible people given how highly Jamie would talk about them, but better to be safe than sorry.
Besides, with his now swamped schedule, you hadn’t seen Jamie recently. The most you did was when he’d send messages before training or games to which you’d answer with a “Good luck!” It was weird in the beginning, given that when he was at Man City, Jamie didn’t do any of that, but you hoped that this meant he wouldn’t leave again.
The next time you did was the night after one of their games, which continued their winning streak, thanks to Zava. While you knew Richmond fans — well, Liv and Frankie — were absolutely ecstatic to have him, Jamie despised the guy. You stopped yourself from pointing out the hypocrisy of him hating the player for being self-centered and thinking highly of himself.
You guess it’s working though because now you’re watching Richmond secure their fifth win in a row with your neighbor’s kid, Ronnie. When her mom found out you were a Science professor, she practically begged you to tutor her kid (and occasionally babysit). Ronnie was in primary school, so the lessons were pretty simple and you’ve been doing sessions every week to help her out. You always rewarded her afterward with whatever she wanted to watch on your TV that was age-appropriate, of course. This time, — after running back to their flat to get her Obisanya shirt, — she decided on watching the game. 
“Zava’s incredible,” she murmured next to you, staring at the screen as if in a trance. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the reaction. The game was finished and so the channel was just playing match highlights, which for Richmond, were mostly their current star player. Sometimes, you’d spot Jamie in the background and even though the rest of the team was cheering along, he was having a hard time masking his resentment.
When you were finally able to drag her away from the TV, you heated up two plates of lasagna. Ronnie’s mom still hadn’t knocked on your door and you didn’t want to leave her alone in your flat, so she was having dinner with you tonight. For the most part, it was just like eating with Jamie. She was non-stop talking about the match which turned to talking about her favorite players and future games. It reminded you of Jamie as a kid, who’d go on and on about the exact same things.
As you’re washing dishes and Ronnie’s answering some extra worksheets, — she asked for them! — you hear the doorbell ring. You go over and find Jamie standing at the door, much to your surprise.
“Hey! Didn’t know you were coming over,” you say, but after noticing his exasperated expression, you tilt your head. “I know you don’t like a certain teammate, but I thought you’d at least be happy about the win.”
Jamie sighs. “I know." He gives you a weak smile, and you have to admit that even that simple act made your heart skip. “Is that lasagna?”
Jamie enters the room without warning and as soon as he does, your eyes widened remembering who else was there. You turn to the dining room table at the same time as Jamie and together, watch a 9-year-old stare in awe.
“Oh my God,” she let out. “That’s Jamie Tartt!” She walks over to you, leaving behind the worksheets. 
You lean over and whisper to Jamie, “Forgot to mention I’m watching my neighbor’s kid.”
But Jamie’s already jumped into celebrity mode. He crouches down and confirms, “That’s me.” He glances at her oversized jersey before asking, “You a fan of Richmond?”
Ronnie nods her head enthusiastically. “I’m Ronnie! Congrats on winning!”
Jamie chuckles, and thanks her. “Nice to meet you, Ronnie.”
You hear someone approach the door and clear their throat and you turn to find Ronnie’s mom looking curiously at you. You turn back to Ronnie — who has now launched into a full monologue about how much she loves the team — and exclaim, “Look who else is here! I think it’s time to head back to your flat, Neens.”
She pouts at that statement, but one look from her mom and she was waving goodbye to the player. You quickly collect all of her stuff scattered around the place and hand it to her mom, who seems too exhausted from her shift to even notice the other person in the room.
Once you close the door, you lean on it and sigh in relief. “Sorry about that. I sometimes watch her after tutoring if her mom isn’t back, yet.”
Jamie shakes his head. “Nah, not a problem. I love meeting fans. Real ego boost.” 
Yet another countless eye roll. “Calm down. You’re not even her third favorite player.”
Jamie scoffs, almost offended but after remembering the lasagna, he heads to the kitchen for a plate of his own. You walk beside him and after tripping over a loose marker Ronnie left, you fall forward. Jamie's reflexes kick in and he catches you quickly and you grab hold of his — really broad, you notice — shoulders to steady yourself.
Now you're stuck in a position that happens in almost every 90s rom-com you've watched: your feet diagonally off the ground with Jamie's hands gripping tightly at your waist. Both of you are too much in shock to move and simply look at each other with wide eyes. Your faces were close, too close to be platonic if it was intentional. So much so that if you leaned forward, just a little bit…
You snap out of the trance and move to stand straight up as Jamie lets go of you. You head over to the sink and quietly curse at yourself and that stupid blue marker. Things haven't been weird between you and Jamie for ages. And you weren't going to let the possible resurfacing of your feelings ruin that. Not again. Plus, if you were already burying your old feelings of resentment, why not add onto it too?
You go back to washing dishes when Jamie asks you a question. "Are you doing anything Saturday night?"
Given what just happened, your mind wanders off in the romantic direction before you shake your head. Instead, you respond, "I think you know better than anyone that I never do anything Saturday night." You reply as you wipe your hands. "Why?"
"Just wondering if you want to get a drink with me. Well, you get a drink and I get water 'cause fucking Roy’s banned me from alcohol till the season’s over. I just really need a night out. Fucking Zava, I swear." Forget the fact that he was technically at a night out with his teammates earlier; he more of just wanted a night out with someone who isn't so related to his football life. Or, he just really wants a night out with you.
You snort at that last comment but oblige anyway, ignoring the feeling of disappointment.
Jamie and you had only ever hung out together in the comfort of your own home. You'd just assumed that it was to avoid any unwanted press and since the bar he mentioned was one of those members-only pubs, it makes sense that the first time the two of you hung out publicly was there. But seeing as it was a pub, it's not going to be a romantic not-a-date date that you'll be going on.
Though, you soon realized how different it was from your usual places. Everyone there was dressed up so formally and you were glad that you picked the black trousers that you usually only wear to work over your everyday jeans that had paint stains at the bottom of them. Maybe you had worn it in case Jamie at the last minute decided to take a detour to a nice restaurant, but you were relieved either way.
The two of you ended up just sitting in the bar while Jamie complained about his most recent Twitter feud. Christ, you pray for Keeley Jones for having to deal with all his PR nonsense. When he starts shit-talking Roy for getting him up at 4 am for training, — “I thought he was joking!” — you end up tuning out of the conversation knowing how long the rant was going to be.
Your eyes drift off behind Jamie when you notice a familiar face. Suddenly, it felt like the walls were closing in on you. You could feel your breathing hitch and your fingers were scratching the inside of your palm. Before you could even consider doing anything, he reached you.
"Jamie Tartt!" The footballer's train of thought is broken and he turns to his former teammate to greet him. "Haven't seen you since you went off to be a reality star!"
Jamie simply rolls his eyes at the comment. "Well George, I haven't seen you since they forced you out of Man City!"
"They couldn't afford me anymore," He shrugs before his eyes land on yours. You shift in your seat and you can see the exact moment when Jamie notices how uneasy you've become. "And who's this with you?"
He doesn't remember you. And why would he? To him, you were just another crazed fan at a pub, one of many he's encountered over the years. You doubt that the memory of that night stuck with him the way it did to you.
"This is (Y/N), an old friend of mine," Jamie adds carefully and you build up enough courage to shake his former teammates' hand, but not enough to stay in this conversation.
"I'll let you two catch up while I get another drink." You explain, in an obviously fake cheery voice, but only Jamie spots it. He reaches out for your hand on the table to comfort you, but you swipe it away before he can.
You head off to the other side of the bar to order another beer, but you can't stop your eyes from shifting over to the pair of them again. Jamie looked so comfortable laughing and talking to George. You scoff at the sight. How could he act so chummy with that guy when he was the driving force for why the two of you ended on shitty terms in the first place?
Jamie's told you all about how he's been working on himself and trying to become a better person, but a part of you still feared that one interaction with that guy would unravel everything. He was an absolute prick; the number of fights and scandals Jamie had been in for his entire career was nothing compared to the amount George had in his first five years.
You wanted to trust Jamie, but he was always quick to change who he was when he was around certain people. You just hoped he had grown enough to not let his Man City "mentor" — too many of George’s scandal photos had a 19 to 22-year-old Jamie Tartt in the background — bring back the side of him he's tried so hard to erase.
You don't know how long they were talking, but by the time they moved over to the pool table, your vision was already starting to blur. The drinks just kept coming. Flashbacks from that night started to come in too: the spotting Jamie in the crowd, the confrontation, the holding back of tears, and the walk-out. You couldn't look over at the pair of them without an intense pain appearing in your chest.
Jamie looked back to where you were supposed to be seated and found you spacing out into a corner. It was the same dreamy and tired look you had the first time you tested your alcohol limit when your parents were out of town. Immediately, he abandoned the game of pool and rushed over to you.
"Maybe that's enough alcohol for tonight." Someone pulls the Cosmopolitan from your grasp and you squint your eyes to identify them as Jamie.
"Ha, that's rich coming from you." You can't remember how many times you've had to help Jamie sneak up the stairs and into his bedroom after a night out. "Aren't you still busy hanging out with that Man City prick?" Lack of tactfulness is the most obvious sign you'd drank too much.
"Woo, a little harsh there," You hear George come up to the two of you. You rush — well, more of stumble — forward to confront him, but Jamie holds you back. The retired footballer points out, "She's a feisty one."
"Let's bring you back to your flat, yeah?" Jamie offers softly, but you remove yourself from his arms and shake your head.
"I am perfectly capable of getting home by myself." You grab your clutch from the table. "Don't want to ruin another night for you guys, right?"
A pang of guilt visibly hits Jamie, but George is just left confused. You start to walk towards the exit and get to the door till you feel someone gently take hold of your left arm.
"You can't even see your phone clearly to book a taxi. I'll drive you home." Jamie's voice is low and whatever common sense you have left takes him up on your offer. He turns his head to say goodbye to George, but all the former footballer does is shout, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" following by a boastful laugh.
You clench your clutch at the comment, but Jamie brings you out the door before you can turn back and do something that'll land you on the front page of the Sun the next morning.
When you get to Jamie's car, he carefully helps you into the passenger's seat and puts on your seatbelt before getting into the car himself. Once the car starts, you take the chance to close your eyes in an attempt to remedy the throbbing headache you feel is already coming on.
You don't know how long you stay like that, but when you open your eyes, you're already at your building. You slowly get out of the car and once you make it to the sidewalk, Jamie asks, "Can’t believe you just downed a dozen drinks like a recent divorcee."
"I wonder why," You scoff and side-eyed him, unwilling to move your head from looking forward. You see the footballer's expression drop and suddenly you understand what Liv was going on about. You finally break. "How could you still be so friendly with him, Jamie! He’s an absolute arse and everyone in England knows it!"
"He was my teammate! And still a major name in football, even after retirement and all the shit he’s done. I didn't want to risk anything!" Maybe if you were sober, you'd accept that reason. There were countless alumni, tenured professors, and chairmen that you had to suck up to just to keep your job. But were drunk people ever known to be rational?
"Is that why you let him talk to me like that? Back in the pub?"
"You two barely spoke a word to each other," Jamie points out but you shake your head furiously.
"I mean back in Cardiff!" You exclaimed loudly and you knew for a fact that at least one of your neighbors had heard your outburst. But you didn't really care.
For a moment, neither of you said anything. You went to walk up the stairs, expecting it to be the end of it. If Jamie didn't have anything to say, then what was the point? He'd let you walk away and tomorrow morning, you'd be back to normal and you can just pretend this night didn't happen. You've done it before.
"You said you didn't want to talk about that." Jamie finally speaks up.
"I thought I didn't," you admit, your voice levels lower than before. You continue walking when you feel a presence following suit. You stayed in that silence till you made it back to your flat. It's a miracle you didn't tip over on the way in, but spite was enough to power you through.
Jamie closed the door behind him and sighed, "I couldn't just ignore him at the bar."
Suddenly, any fear of confrontation seemed to disappear. Your anger resurfaced and you spit out, "You seemed just fine ignoring me for seven years." You turn to face him and for a second, the pitiful look in his eyes almost made you back off. Almost. "Or is abandoning your best friend easier when she's not some big-shot footballer?"
"I know you're mad," Jamie starts and you angrily run your hands through your hair.
"Yes, I'm mad, Jamie!" You shout and you watch him take a step back, but you don't falter. "I'm mad at you! Seeing George tonight just reminded me of it and how a part of me still fucking hates you for taking their side."
"I've been trying to apologize—"
"I know, Jamie, but I'm still pissed at you, okay? For leaving me like that! And for letting me leave that night! I mean, how could you? Just throw away a decade of friendship for some football assholes that threw you away the second they could." Everyone knew how Jamie's career with Man City ended and it was surely a sore spot for the player, but at that moment, you didn't care.
Before Jamie can even defend himself, you start again. "I... fuck Jamie, I loved you. You were my best friend. I would've spent every waking hour with you if I could've. But you couldn't care less about me, right? The moment someone more famous than me believed in you the same way I always did. You just stopped answering my calls, and my texts, and even my parents when they asked you for me! Worst of all, you didn't give me a single reason why!
"Honestly, I would've been fine if you did stop being friends with me, as long as you gave me an explanation. Even if it was for some stupid reason that I wouldn't understand or hate you for, because at least I could've moved on! Instead, I spent years wondering where it all went wrong. If I could've done something, anything to change what happened." You start to feel the strain on your throat and know for a fact that at least one of your neighbors would be eavesdropping, but you were finally letting it out.
Your voice comes out hoarse, "And then the next time I did see you, in that pub, you were a whole new person. A complete and utter prick, Jamie. After that night, I prayed that you'd come to your senses. Do the decent thing and apologize, even if it was just a fucking text or something. But no, you kept ignoring me and pretending I didn't even exist. So I forced myself to stop thinking about you. To stop caring about you calling me. To stop dreaming about you telling me you fucked up and that you were sorry. So I could move on with my life."
You look away from Jamie and around the living room in an attempt to stop the tears from flowing down. You were unsuccessful. "And after years, I did move on. I went to London, got a job, and stayed as far away as I could from football. From you. But God, you always find a way back to me, huh?
"It just had to be you who found me in Nelson Road that night. It had to be you who picked me up, who drove me home, and reminded me how happy I was when we were kids. So much so that I thought I'd be fine without an apology! As long as I had you back in my life, it'd be fine. But as you can tell now, it's not." The amount of alcohol in your system was wearing you down and you were starting to get tired.
You start to lose your balance when Jamie's there to catch you, but you harshly push him off you. He doesn't seem affected by your strength, but even then, he moves back.
  "Just get out, Jamie." is all you manage to say this time and after hesitating for a moment, he does. Now you're left alone again, only with your thoughts and the realization that any chance of bringing back what you had with Jamie was gone.
A/N: and that's that! i hope this teases the interlude nicely cause i'm sick of being so vague about that night since that's up next and trust me, it gets worse in that one... anyway i hope you all enjoyed this one!
TAGLIST: @moonflowersandsparkles @faith-alons26 @rexorangecouny @aiyaiy @thegirlthatwantedtowrite @giggling-sewer-ginger @katdahlali @higherthanheroes @guccilongboard @alipap3 @rockchickrebel @ellietartt @shineforever19 @skewedcherries @jamirtarttdodo @meg-ro @deepdarkvelvet @scaramou @rae4725 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo (couldn't tag you for some reason?)
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sapphicmsmarvel · 2 months
modern au! competition
notes: in elains part i talk shit about The Exorcist. i’m sorry guys that movie is so so bad. Some of these are really short because i didn’t know how to elaborate LOL but yall will get the point. 
This cranky bitch has beef with your kindle paperwhite. 
You took it everywhere, always made sure it was fully charged and loaded with books. You even used the app on your phone until one day you decided you would always carry your actual kindle with you everywhere. 
When he wanted snuggles and you were reading? You had pushed him away. Until one day, he’d had enough. 
It was a rough day at work, he wanted his girlfriend. He saw you on the couch, with your emotional support water bottle, his hoodie, fuzzy sock-clad feet and a blanket. And you were holding your kindle. 
He knew he wanted to join you in that cuddle pile, so he did. 
He took away your blanket which caused you to yell an indignant, “hey!” Then he spread your legs which had you saying “oh?” 
He rolled his eyes at your dirty mind and laid down on top of you. Your kindle was in the air, he laid his head between your boobs and snuggled in. 
Breathing in your scent, he hummed contentedly. 
He felt you shake with suppressed giggles, “you comfy?”
“Mhm.” He hummed, his eyes closing. 
“My big baby.” You said softly, kissing his head and running your nails through his hair. 
He didn’t need to look up to know you were still reading, just multitasking now. After all, that’s what the pop socket is for. Multitasking while reading. 
(get your heads out of the gutter) 
He loved how happy it made you, though. He also loved the sex that came from the books that you’d want to reenact. 
don't get him wrong, he loves that you wear makeup because you love it. 
however that damn plumping gloss is gonna kill him. 
“It’s spicy!” 
“You’re being a baby, it’s minty.” 
“it’s fucking spicy!” 
It’s not his fault that your gloss is out to make him croak. He can’t help kissing you though, your lips look so plump and juicy, just perfectly kissable. And the gloss tastes like vanilla cupcakes until the spice kicks in. 
He's got beef with the sims. You’ll go missing for hours in your “cozy room” as you call it, and 9 times out of 10, he’ll walk in and see you hunched over like a cave creature playing the sims. It kind of scares the shit out of him because sometimes he’ll walk in on you like that, with a murder podcast playing on your TV. 
Eventually, he loves the game. Because he discovers that you can make your own families. You two have five kids in the sims, because even Sim-Rhysand is horny. 
Eventually he gets his own PC, he’s very excited. Owns and buys you all of the sims packs. 
Your IPad. You do everything on that thing. Work, planning, reading; writing, even. It’s with you all day, sometimes all night depending on the activity you’re doing. You can’t stop playing candy crush or some other game. She’s fully pulled the IPad out of your grip before to cuddle, and also a few times 
She didn’t get it until you got her her own with procreate installed. And now you’re the one who has to pry her away. She, like Rhysand, has learned the naughty things she can do with her new hobby. AKA, lots of drawings of you. 
Naked, clothed. You two together being naughty. 
She’s learned to love the wonders of an IPad. 
fucking theme parks. In the beginning of your relationship she didn’t know how to feel, eventually she fell in love with them. She used to be against them because she hated being sweaty (who doesn’t) but with your help she was able to be comfortable and enjoy a nice theme park day with her girlfriend. 
You two are out of state disney pass holders. Taking random flights on random days for a day at disney. Flying in that morning and leaving that night. Or driving for a long weekend. 
her competition is concerts. you’ll go to any show at any time. Your friends favorite indie band is having a show with 20 dollar tickets? sold you’ll be there. 
She’s not a fan of intense crowds, mosh pits aren’t her scene. But if there’s an artist you wanna go see and your friends can't go? She’s buying you the tickets as an early birthday or christmas gift. She’s even used mother’s day as an excuse to buy you tickets. Or Veterans Day. 
And she calls you dramatic. 
she genuinely doesn’t understand how you can play video games for hours. She does love it though because you’ll leave her alone to read while you play. 
You rarely play intense games, if you do you’re playing with friends and not some random lobby (because being a woman, a queer woman no less is not fun in random online lobbies). And that’s when you go into a different room because your friends and you are quite loud. 
But when you’re playing stardew valley or any zelda, mario game, or nintendo in general; you’re sitting by her. 
Your usual set up is you both on the couch next to each other, some asmr room video in the background and a few candles lit. 
She can even admit that your video games have awesome soundtracks. 
horror movies. you were a fanatic. On your first date you brought this up to her, nervous she’d be against it. She was all for watching them. She had never seen them, growing up her mother forbid her daughters from watching them. It didn’t stop Feyre and Nesta, however she was a bit of a rule follower. 
She thought it couldn’t be that bad. After all, they're fictional and the effects can be very cheesy. 
However, she hid that she was scared pretty well in the beginning and then when you two saw Jigsaw that killed her “street cred” with you. (her words, not yours) 
So after the intensity of Jigsaw, you had her watch The Exorcist, a movie you thought was ass but was a good movie to introduce her to horror with. 
She ended up thinking the movie was shit, too. But, it gave her a bit of a baseline to go off of.  
After that was The Conjuring universe, then The Paranormal Activity franchise ended up freaking her out in a good way. 
She liked watching supernatural, ghost hunters, and american horror story with you though! And she did enjoy the scream franchise as well as the scary movie franchise! 
She began to love them, and loved the adrenaline. 
She liked the idea of going to a haunted house during halloween, but it scared her a bit more. It was different with a screen in between her and the scare. 
Your stuffed animal collection. You personified almost everything you owned (which made it a bitch to declutter when you knew you needed to; but you couldn’t stop imagining objects with personalities). 
He loved how passionate you were, how cuddly you always looked however: 
You’re supposed to be cuddling him!! Not a damned stuffed animal! 
Then one time, he came home after a long work trip and found you asleep on the couch, you were waiting for him. 
He found you hugging a fox build-a-bear with one of his shirts on it.  
How can he hate that? 
His own dog is his competition. 
The fucker will cuddle with you then give him a smug ass look like “haha she chose me, she dont want you.” 
He loved the immediate love you had for his (son) pet. And he reacted to you the same way. You two formed a bond, the dog would follow you everywhere around the house. 
His dog was supposed to be a hunting dog, then when you (mom) came into the picture, that’s when you began babying him and forbidding Eris from taking him hunting. 
“My son will not go through the mud! He’s a baby!”
“My love, his whole life’s purpose is hunting. He’s a hunting dog.” 
“His life purpose is being the cute snuggly idiot he is!” Said snuggly idiot was wagging at your feet with an expression on his face that Eris could only describe as a “you go, mom!” look. 
“What if he gets hurt?” Your bottom lip wobbled and he knew he couldn’t say no to you. 
You were sensitive when it came to animals. It was pretty easy to make you cry, you just had to look at the dog being cute and you’d start bawling. 
But, he loved waking up in the morning to you snuggled into him with his beloved (but an asshole) dog with you two. 
Even when the dog pushes in between the two of you in the middle of the night. 
Surfing. He can’t believe he’s competing with his own hobby. 
He introduced you to it, but you cannot stop. You spend hours out in the ocean, and he wishes he could be out there with you all the time. But he’s always working with the city's ocean conservation teams and is the leading man in marine biology in your city.  So he can’t leave the office a lot, but when he can, he does join you in the surf. 
You two began a surfing contest to raise money for ocean conservation too. 
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Spencer's Choice: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: fluff at the end, angst, mentions of cheating
Summary: Spencer has a choice to make: stay with his wife and make his marriage work or follow the love of his life across the world. One keeps his family intact and the other is where his heart belongs. What will he choose?
Square Filled: interacting with children for @spencerreidbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Spencer stares at the door you walked through for what seems like hours. Even after the plane has left, he’s still stuck in the same spot. He only moves when another flight comes in and a swarm of people leaves through the bridge. He did what he swore he’d never do again: he let you walk away. He’s brought back to the first time he’s made the mistake, the time he lost a part of him. You had his heart and took some of it when you left.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” Spencer says with tears in his eyes.
“You know I love you, right? I love you so much.”
“That doesn’t make it hurt any less. Are you sure I can’t convince you to stay?”
“We’re headed in two different directions, Spence. You have an amazing FBI program here that needs someone like you. London is calling to me. I wish it could be different but it isn’t.”
Spencer nods and looks down at the ground because if he sees you walk off, then he’ll cry and never stop. You want to go to him and kiss him and tell him everything is going to be alright but you know if you do, you’ll stay. This sucks but this is how it has to be.
“Last call for Flight 267 inbound to London,” the announcer says over the intercom.
“I have to go,” you whisper.
Spencer looks up and watches you get on the plane.
That decision has haunted him ever since he made it. No, he can’t make the same mistake again. He can’t let you two continue on two separate paths. He has to go after you. He knows the city you’re traveling to, so all he has to do is buy another ticket for the next flight and be on his way.
The only thing that’s stopping him is his daughter. Not his wife. His daughter. His marriage has been over for a while even though he and his wife don’t want to admit it. They only stay together because of Marissa. Coming home after a long day, especially when Marissa is spending the night at a friend’s house, seems like a chore. He chooses hours that conflict with hers so that he doesn’t have to see her as much. Being in a relationship shouldn’t be this way. It should be freeing, loving, and exciting. What he had with you is completely different than what he has with his wife.
He takes the scenic route on his way home and parks in the driveway. He sits there for thirty minutes just thinking about his situation. His wife went to work late which is why he was able to meet you for coffee this morning. She must have called the babysitter when she got called in. He doesn’t want to keep her too long so he goes inside even though he dreads it.
“You’re home early, Mr. Reid,” the babysitter smiles.
“Yeah, I got a few things finished early.”
“Well, Marissa and I went to the state zoo. She had a lot of fun at the petting zoo.”
“Here, let me pay you back for that.”
“No need. We had tons of fun.”
“Thank you,” he nods.
He pays her and she leaves. Marissa bounces over to him with a smile, and he scoops her up so they can have some father-daughter time. He sits her on the kitchen counter as he grabs some ingredients to make them both a snack.
“Why do you look so sad, Daddy?”
He hates that she can see how sad he is.
“I don’t know,” he lies.
“Where’s the nice lady who gave me Teddy back?”
“Uh, she got on a plane. She left.”
“Is that why you’re so sad?”
Spencer chuckles and looks at her in amusement.
“You’re very smart for your age.”
“I did get an A plus on my spelling homework,” she grins with her two front teeth missing.
“I am so proud of you,” Spencer smiles and kisses her head. “Why don’t you go play in your room for a bit while I finish making us some snacks.”
He sets her down on the ground and watches her run off. The smile on his face is lost as he continues making the snack, this time, much slower. His mind has been filled with nothing but you ever since you arrived two days ago. He wishes he could be in your arms right now. Why did you have to show up now? He was doing fine before. At least before, he could pretend you were dead or something. No, he has to go to you. He has to tell you… what? What would he tell you? He doesn't know but he knows he has to do it.
He waits for his wife to get home before he can go out. She noisily slaps her keys onto the hook by the door and walks into the kitchen. He can immediately smell the stench of sex and another man’s cologne. Maybe she did get called into work early but she didn’t come home right after it.
“Where have you been?”
“Out with the girls.”
She’s lying but he doesn’t have the energy to care.
“I have to go to work. Marissa is in her room.”
He leaves the house without waiting for her response. He heads into work knowing they didn’t call him in. He just needs to get away and talk to someone so they can tell him what to do. When he walks into the bullpen, Penelope and JJ are gossiping like schoolgirls.
“Spencer! Hey!” Penelope smiles when she sees him. Both girls see the distressed look on his face. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m pretty sure my wife is cheating on me, and I thought the love of my life was dead until she showed up two days ago. She got on a plane and left.”
“Come to my office,” Penelope says. Both girls lead Spencer to Pen’s office, and she closes the door behind them. “Okay, start from the beginning.”
“Y/N was my high school sweetheart. We dated all four years of high school. I was gonna marry her until she got a scholarship to a college in London for architecture. That’s her dream. She’s always wanted to be an architect. I couldn’t stop her from pursuing her dream. I had just got accepted into the FBI academy and had to stay here. We broke up but it wasn’t because we stopped loving each other.
“It's been so long since I’ve seen her, I thought she was dead. It was easier to think that. Then, she showed up at my front door holding Marissa’s teddy bear. Everything I felt about her came back. I’m still in love with her. She left because she didn’t want to ruin what I have with my wife, but my marriage has been over for a while. We only stay with each other for Marissa.
“What do I do?” Spencer finishes with a broken look in his eyes.
“If your wife got on a plane at the same time as Y/N, who would you go after?” JJ asks.
Spencer opens his mouth to answer but he stops himself. He knows who he’ll pick, but if he says it out loud, then it becomes real. So, he closes his mouth and lowers his head in shame.
“I know you have a daughter who loves you, but staying with a woman who is hurting you will only hurt her,” Penelope says. “You should go after Y/N.”
Spencer still looks unsure so Pen turns around in her chair and fires up her computer. She spends two minutes on the computer before showing him. It’s your flight information. He knows where you’re going. It’s not an exact location, but he’ll be able to figure it out once he gets there.
“Why don’t I feel guilty about this? I’m married.”
“Life is short,” JJ says. “If you love her, you have to tell her. There is a very real thing called ‘right person, wrong time’. She’s your person.”
“What about Marissa?”
“I can watch her. She loves Henry. I can head over there after work.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t tell anyone, but I already got you a plane ticket. FBI-certified, of course.”
Spencer gets himself ready to go after you. He meant what he said before. He let you go once. He’s not making that mistake again. You arrive in Ukraine where your biggest project is waiting for you. The plan was supposed to be your partners would get everything set up and you’d join them a few months later. Now you’re here to start the planning process with them.
The project will be to make housing for people, shelters to house those who can’t afford housing, and food banks for everyone. You already have people lining up to donate food for people so you need to get started as soon as possible.
After grabbing the necessary PPE to get onto your construction site, you meet with the foremen who are in the trailer to discuss the plan.
“Hey,” you say.
“What are you doing here? I didn’t expect you for a couple of months.”
“I needed to get away. Leaving you guys wasn’t a good decision for me. I’m ready to work.”
The foundations of some of the buildings are already laid down, and the construction crew is working endlessly to build what you and your partners came up with. The minutes turn to hours which turn to days but Spencer is still on your mind. You don’t think you’ll be very productive when all you can think about is your long-lost love. You’re pouring over the blueprints of the food bank you’re building when one of the foremen comes in.
“Boss, there’s someone here to see you.”
“What?” you ask and look up. Who the hell would be looking for you here? “Who?”
“What’s your name?” the foreman asks someone down the hall before turning to you. “Spencer Reid.”
Your entire body freezes up.
“What?” Spencer walks in seconds later looking disheveled after a long plane ride. He walks over to you so he’s a foot away from you. “What are you doing here?”
“I might be crazy for this and I definitely haven’t thought this through, but you’re the love of my life. I love you so much.”
“You’re married.”
“To a woman who cheats on me four times a week.”
“What about Marissa?”
“I can’t stay in a relationship with her mother knowing we don’t love each other. It won’t end well for her. I have loved you the minute I met you and I haven’t stopped, not even after you left. I made the mistake of letting you walk away once. I won’t do it again.”
“Spencer,” you whisper tearfully.
“Don’t think,” he takes a step forward. “Not today.”
He grabs your cheeks and pulls you in to kiss you. Every emotion you have buried deep inside comes rushing to the surface. You don’t know what tomorrow will bring or where you’re going to go from here, but the only thing that matters is Spencer. Your heart is happy and that’s all you care about.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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ultrone · 11 months
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─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ drummer!gf!nat who met you at one of her concerts. you were standing in the front row next to lottie and van, who had given you their extra ticket since tai couldn’t show up last minute.
it wasn't a big concert; after all, they were an upcoming band. the show was being held in a bar close to your university, and there were around 100 people. however, the space was small, so the room was completely full.
nonetheless, even though the area was dark and everyone was jumping around to the music, nat still noticed you. and ever since she did, she couldn't tear her eyes away from you— it got to a point where even kevyn, the guitarist, had to approach her multiple times to check on her, as she was getting distracted more frequently, dumbly missing a few beats.
and the same thing happened to you—you were completely hypnotized by her. the constant eye contact throughout the show, the way the neon lights illuminated her face from various angles, the rhythmic bobbing of her head causing her hair to cascade onto her face. the way her muscles flexed as she played each drum, and the intensity with which she gripped the drumsticks, making her veins noticeable. she was so fucking hot.
thankfully, she noticed you were standing next to lottie and van. they were both her soccer teammates, and van happened to live in the same trailer park as her. so, not even five minutes after the concert ended, she leaped off the stage and landed right next to the three of you. she put up her typical nonchalant facade, and hoped that both girls would introduce her to you, and that's exactly what happened.
you had heard rumours around school about how she wasn’t the best influence—always doing whatever she wanted, not giving a fuck about what anyone said or did, skipping classes frequently and getting involved with different types of drugs and alcohol. but it didn’t take more than three outings with her to realize that she was the sweetest person ever—yeah, she could be a bit aloof at times, but who cares? she always listened to every word you said with utmost attention, noticing the little things you like or do and bringing them up later on. she always made sure you got home safely, and if she couldn’t personally drop you off, she stayed up until you texted her that you arrived safely. she never forgot to text you good morning and good night, and kept sending you memes on instagram 24/7.
what made you fall head over heels for her, though, was that one time when she got on stage slightly tipsy, snatched the microphone, and compelled the band to play "iris" by the goo goo dolls, saying “this one’s for you, y/n” while pointing directly at you. at first, you couldn't help but laugh because she looked so ridiculous, all dumb and clearly intoxicated. but then she started singing, and holy shit, her deep and raspy voice sounded so fucking beautiful, all while keeping eye contact with you the whole damn time. the second she got off that stage, you grabbed her face and gave her the most mind-blowing, soul-crushing kiss you've ever given anyone in your life.
─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ sum dating hcs
you think it's cute how her eyes always light up whenever she talks about her band or just about music in general. she had explained to you that she started the band with kevyn after talking about their shared love for the band nirvana. however, they’re heavily inspired by deftones and loathe.
whenever she has a show, she ensures that you and your friends have front-row tickets. and as soon as the show begins, the first thing she does is search for you amidst the crowd. when she finally spots you, she instantly breaks into a stupid smile, which often leads to her bandmates teasing her after the show.
she writes songs about you all the time, and a bunch of them actually made it to the final draft of their first album. despite this, she's shy about it and tries to appear casual and nonchalant when showing them to you, so as not to feel embarrassed. most of the time she doesn’t even tell you unless you bring them up 😭
“ohh you like that song? i actually wrote it for you lol.”
ever since the band started gaining popularity and going on tours, she always brings you along, often using that as an excuse to shotgun the master bedroom.
after a few months of dating, she went ahead and got your name tattooed on her bicep, and of course, you scolded her for it. but instead of taking it seriously, she simply chuckled, gave you a kiss and playfully grabbed your ass ☠️☠️ she even mentioned that she wants to get your eyes tattooed on the nape of her neck.
it became a routine for the two of you to lock yourselves up in her dressing room before each concert and have a hot make-out sesh. as a result, nat often comes out to the stage with messy hair and leftover smeared lipstick on her mouth—not that she cares at all.
she also lets you do her eyeliner sometimes, and each time you finish, you plant a big kiss on her cheek, leaving a mark of your red or dark lipstick. she proudly leaves it on her cheek throughout the entire show, showing it off to everybody.
whenever she steps off the stage and heads towards the exit with the rest of the band, she straight-up ignores all the groupies and focuses only on you. some people call her an asshole for it, but she doesn't give a damn. because no matter how much she appreciates her fans' support, you’re always her top priority, and she wants you to know that no matter how many people try to get in her way, she'll always choose you, no questions asked. you were there for her from the start, and she'll be there for you until the end.
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clarksels · 1 year
It's not a cruel summer
Ona Batlle x rem!reader
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(pecas : freckles)
"pecas" you called Ona, ever since you met her that had been your nickname for her "you have my cell phone?" Ona raised her arm from the deck chair by the pool, holding your cell phone "why did you have my cell phone?" you asked taking it out of her hand "why do you only have Taylor Swift music?" she answered with a question "because it's summer duh" Ona took off her sunglasses "I'm sure in the winter your playlist will be the same"
You sat on a deck chair next to Ona, while the other girls of the team were preparing the grill "when did your boobs grow? Ona asked you when she saw you in your swimsuit "I think this morning" you answered with laughter.
"I always wanted to live a movie summer" you said turning to look at Ona "a summer doing what girls my age do" you added.
Ona was about to respond when Mary arrived holding two glasses, Ona took one and you took the other, after a while of conversation with Mary and Ona you got up to help your teammates with what they were preparing.
Batlle thought about what you told her, she knew that to be a professional athlete you had to make sacrifices.
Some girls were in the pool playing with a beach ball, others were sunbathing, you and the others were taking care of the food, you were very comfortable with the music, after these days you had to return to America to train for the women's world cup.
"pecas come to dance" you shouted to Ona who was still in the same place, only this time she was watching something on her cell phone "party pooper" you didn't pay more attention to her and continued dancing, the song that was playing always gave you good vibes ~paramore - hard times~.
In the best part of the song you heard Ona's voice calling you, you wanted to embarrass her but her insistence won "YN!" you went like a puppy running to its master but you stopped in your tracks when Mary made a toast, obviously she was already drunk.
"I love you girls" she said crying raising her glass "you are my favorite girls in the world" she finished saying and the hubbub of the Mancherter United players was noticeable.
Continuing on your way you reached Ona "if you don't want to celebrate let me do it" you protested at her earlier interruption "look at this" she showed you her phone, you recognized what it was, pictures of two tickets to Taylor's next concert.
A high pitched scream came out of you that made Ona crumple her face and cover her ears, the girls in the pool repeated her act, you started jumping for joy without even realizing it, you hugged Ona still jumping up and down with happiness. You looked at the pictures of the tickets again, you didn't know how Ona had gotten the tickets two days before the concert, "thank you thank you thank you thank you" you kept saying.
You were back in your country, on the plane ride Ona had slept, you watched videos on youtube of how to make bracelets, you had no idea what you would do with them but in tiktok most of the girls who went to a Taylor concert wore them.
Ona was putting on some earrings in front of the mirror when you decided to talk "I don't want you to say goodbye to me" you complained.
Since you found out that Ona would be at Barcelona next season no one talked about it. Ona had been your first friend on the team and as Mary said in her toast, they were also your favorite girls in the world, but the connection you had with Ona was different and if she left it wouldn't be the same.
"You think I'm doing this to say goodbye to you?" you shrugged "you traveled all this way just for a concert instead of going to see your family, for what other reason would it be?" Ona finished putting on her earrings and looked at you "first don't make me look bad daughter and second if you think we won't be friends anymore because I will be in Barcelona you don't know me well" Ona informed you "I'm going to miss you anyway" you said pouting.
When you and Ona finished getting ready you and Ona left the hotel to get to the concert earlier and live the whole experience. "I'll be back in a moment" said Ona before leaving in a hurry and disappearing among the people coming and going, while you were waiting for Ona's arrival you exchanged bracelets with some girls, the excitement could be seen on your face.
Ona came to you and gave you a white t-shirt "we should wear this" she said holding another t-shirt, you took the one she had given you and spread it with your hands, it had something written on it, you recognized it was Ona's handwriting "karma is my girlfriend" you read the phrase on the t-shirt "this is mine" Ona said showing you hers that had "karma" written on it.
You laughed "you know that is karma is my boyfriend, right?" Ona rolled her eyes "don't you understand?" Ona said with frustration "this is my way of asking you if you want to be my girlfriend" you opened your mouth slightly in astonishment, that had taken you by surprise "you like me?" you questioned "I didn't come to America to say goodbye to you, I came because I love you".
"pecas" you exclaimed hugging Ona "this is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me" Ona cradled your face in her hands "I need an answer" she mumbled, you nodded repeatedly "yes" you answered still with your hands around Ona's waist "she is my girlfriend!" shouted Ona provoking applause from the people around, Ona brought her face close to yours and gave you a tender kiss on the lips.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
#46 with luke
“Stop being a fucking prick”
Milo’s birth had been the best kept secret of Michigan.
You honestly thought Mackie would’ve spilled the beans at one point.
You were cautious when Ethan left to play in Jersey. With Luke having left the year prior and Milo being a couple months old now, you waited for the
how come you had my baby and I didn’t know? text.
It never came.
So, you carried on with life. You were close to graduating and looking for a job. Not having a job after graduation wasn’t an option at this point, being a mom was expensive.
“Hey, you wanna go watch the Red Wings Devils game this Saturday? Eddy says that he can get us tickets” Mark asked, shouting through the house.
“I’m down but we’ll have to take Milo because his babysitter is out of town”
“Eddy also said ‘tell her she better bring Milo because I miss him’” you laughed, always one step ahead.
At almost a year old, the little boy was beginning to develop noticeable features from his parents. He had Luke’s hair and nose while he had your eyes. He hadn’t fully developed a smile yet but the way he gave his gummy half smiles with a certain slant you knew they’d be just like Luke’s.
Dressed up in his Devils jersey, a gift from Ethan when he left. Milo had been to so many hockey games in his short little life, being a common spectator at Yost.
While Luke wasn’t in the picture you still wanted to bring those certain aspects of him around Milo. You took him to hockey games, you celebrated certain Jewish holidays with him (after a lot of googling). People thought it strange, you hadn’t told Luke by choice but wanted to keep him around.
Your reasoning sounded stupid to some but others understood where you were coming from. Luke broke up with you after loosing out again at Frozen Four.
The devils organization were there in Tampa. Luke had signed before he even got out of his jersey.
He told you it wouldn’t work, how you were going to be too far apart and that he wanted to experience life as a rookie in New Jersey with a fresh start.
You planned to tell him that night, you were pregnant. You never got the chance. Instead, you nodded and wished him well in Jersey.
You then didn’t tell anyone for months until you were all leaving for the summer and you bid your goodbyes very tearfully. You weren’t sure what would happen next year, if you’d ever be back in Michigan with your friends.
You told them, they dragged it out of you and you made them promise to not tell Luke.
It was awfully quiet at the lake house that summer.
Everyone had brought their partners and Luke was alone for the first time in years, he felt lonely. He missed you. He screwed up.
“Have you got his bag? His ear defenders? Oh did I pack snacks? What about-“
“You gotta calm down, what’s up with you?” Mark stopped you, taking milo out of your arms and looking at you bordering on tears.
“This is the first time I’m gonna see him Mark, I thought I could do it-“
“You can! Luke knows nothing about Milo and I’m sure he won’t even notice us there. I’m right here with you”
His words of encouragement calmed you, nodding in agreement and making your way to the car.
It was a busy night and Milo was loving all of the attention he was getting from random people that passed, all waving and smiling at him.
“C’mon buddy let’s go find Ethan and get your first NHL puck” Mark announced, taking him from your arms and walking down the stairs to ice level.
You watched people skate by that you recognized; Jack and Dawson both from your visits to Jersey with Luke, a few Red wings players who had been in contact with Mark over the year with the team showing interest in signing him come graduation.
Eventually you found #73.
“Look Milo, who’s that?!” You pointed and his eyes followed to Eddy who had stopped right infront of you.
His eyes lit up, babbling and slapping the glass in front of him at his uncle.
“Hey buddy I missed you!” Ethan shouted, smiling down at him.
You were too consumed in the people around you, you hadn’t noticed a certain defenseman watching from the crease in utter disbelief.
Luke’s heart broke. You had moved on, with his old teammate and friend and now you even had a baby.
Jack skated into his little brother, almost knocking him over “Yo, what’s up with you? Move!”
Luke just pointed ahead of him and Jack’s mouth fell open when he saw it “Holy shit!”
Luke just pushed away from his brother, shaking his head and making his way back to the locker room.
When the game started Milo fell asleep leaving you and Mark to enjoy. Sometime after the second period started he began crying softly and you decided to take him on a walk around in an attempt to calm him again.
“I’ll be back” you whispered to mark.
“Sure you don’t want me to take him?”
“Nah I’ve got it, text me if anything exciting happens and if Eddy gets in a fight film it”
You were bouncing up the stairs, Milo starting to hush now smiling up at you “Hi cheeky boy, you’re just tired huh?”
Just before you could exit to the concourse you heard your name being called, turning to see The Hughes.
oh shit.
“Oh my goodness, I haven’t seen you in forever!” Madison, Jack’s girlfriend said while standing up from her seat to hug you “How have you been?! You have a baby now?”
You felt overwhelmed, a flush landing across your cheeks “Yeah, yeah I know it’s been a while!”
“He’s so cute! Hi little man” she cooed, her finger swiping across his cheek while he smiled a gummy smile.
You looked over at the rest of the family, they looked conflicted and your heart was racing.
“I should be going-“
“Luke’s hair was that light when he was that age, it’ll get darker” Ellen said, looking straight at you.
You’d been caught.
You bit your lip “I didn’t-“
“We’re here now, no point causing a scene for something we can’t change. You’ve got my number sweetheart call me when you get back to Ann Arbor and we’ll talk” she was always so good at getting her point across.
You nodded with a slight smile “Do you want to hold him?”
You could see their eyes light up “Please?” “Of course”
Milo groaned when he lost contact of you but soon situated nicely in his grandma’s arms while she doted over him.
Madison hugged you tightly now your arms were free and mumbled in your ear “You’re so strong for doing this alone”
Down in the locker room in the second break Luke was fuming. Since seeing you all he saw was red.
When everyone had filed out back onto the ice Ethan pulled Luke back “What’s wrong with you dude?”
“What’s wrong with me?! You knew Mark and Y/N had a baby and you never fucking told me!”
Ethan looked confused “Mark and Y/N? Milo isn’t Mark’s son you moron! Is that what you’re so upset about? You’ve been missing easy passes because of that?!”
“Because of that?!” Luke mocked him
“Yes it’s because of that! How would you feel?!”
Ethan chuckled humourlessly “You left her Hughesy don’t get it twisted”
“You don’t get it!”
“Oh I get it plenty, you’re jealous now you think she’s moved on with someone else! Milo isn’t Mark’s son you dipshit he’s yours! He’s almost one and he loves hockey, his mom is really fucking awesome and his dad? Well he’s a giant fucking loser”
Luke stuttered a response but came up empty.
“She’s out there, with your kid right now and you have every opportunity to make things right. Now stop being a fucking prick and sort it out but first we have a game to win”
Luke didn’t reply, just nodding and headed out the door to the bench.
Luke’s parents hadn’t wanted to let go of Milo, soaking up all of the time they had with him and you let them because who were you to stop it. After all, you’d deprived them of their grandson for months.
The game ended with a devils OT win, you were ecstatic for Ethan and nervous to see Luke. There was no hiding it anymore.
The hallway outside the locker room felt claustrophobic while you waited, staring down at your sleeping boy.
Ethan came out first, giving you a hug and mumbling “He knows, I told him and I’m sorry but he needed to know”
You nodded, a non verbal agreement that it was ok.
Luke was one of the last out, side by side with his brother.
He looked around for you almost instantly, shoulders physically relaxing when he saw you there. His eyes flickered between you and the baby.
“Go, go see her” Jack pushed him. The whole family watching him stumble over to you.
“Hi Lu”
You were both visibly nervous, taking it upon yourself to break the tension you asked “you want to hold him? Your mom said it’s the best cuddles she’s had”.
He chuckled, nodding and you handed the small body over. You watched him closely snuggle closer into Luke’s chest in his sleep.
Luke laughed softly and when you looked at him you saw the tears that lined his eyes and a watery smile to add “He’s so-“
“Perfect?” “Yeah”
The two of you had your moment, being mom and dad for a few seconds until the family interrupted. Uncle Jack claiming his stakes to meet the little one.
The two of you stepped back for a minute watching them all coo over him. Luke’s arm slinging over your shoulders to pull you in under his arm.
Your head dropped onto his shoulder “Lu I’m so sorry I kept him from you”
He shook his head lightly “It’s done now, let’s just go forward not back. Come back to the hotel with me, we’ll talk about everything”
“Everything?” “I want to fix it all, you and I too”
“I’d like that, I don’t think we’re getting him back anytime soon though” you joked.
“More time with you? I’m not complaining”
Later that night you were asleep in his arms on the hotel bed, Milo asleep in a travel cot next to you and Luke felt happy for the first time in a very long time.
Next morning the family had woken up to a text in the family group chat.
Quinn Hughes: what the fuck is this I’m hearing about having a nephew? Was someone gonna tell me? Jack who did you knock up?!
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