#like maybe she got a little snappy but she was STRESSED!!
Hey guys look at my cat
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nouvxllev · 2 months
Summary: Co-workers in public, lovers in private 🙌🏼, while shooting for Wednesday, J gets really stressed, and craves for R's intimacy, but can't have that yet until break of dawn, so J basically gets sooo annoyed with anyone who tries talking to her that isn't R.
the waiting game
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Gn!Reader
Summary: request!! ^^
Words: 4.8k
Warnings: fluf, grumpy & clingy jenna!
a/n: caught basically the nastiest cold for a whole week, but im back! sorry requests taking too long, tryna to balance everything rn but it all will be done soon!!!!
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Jenna hasn’t seen you in almost 4 hours, 36 minutes, and 4 fucking seconds. 
Yes, she counted, yes, it’s still ongoing, and, yes, she could almost murder someone with her bare hands if time even dares to pass by without you.
What makes matters worse is that she's terribly sleep-deprived even with someone's arms wrapped around her night after night.
Of course, the aforementioned someone swirling in her head 24/7 is you. Her not-quite-lover in public but entirely her beloved behind closed doors.
If Jenna had it her way, she would’ve jumped off a building by now and hard-launched the both of you by herself just so she could get hugs, kisses, and your hand intertwined with hers all she wanted.
Obviously, the universe decides to be a stuck-up bitch just now in their 14 billion years of life, wanting nothing more than to see Jenna Marie Ortega suffer without having you.
But it's fine.
She could get through this.
If there's someone in the world that could handle a single day without your warm hugs and lovely kisses, whether it be on the cheek or the lips, it would be her. She didn't endure almost half a year seeing that godforsaken Wednesday dance to go completely insane without you.
— Is what she kept telling herself 30 seconds earlier before she broke down and almost turned to witchcraft if you don't appear in front of right her.
She could push through with it, like she always does. It's a simple routine that never got the best of her.
Wake up and have breakfast with the love of your life while prepping each other with kisses and whatnot, run to set for the both of you to act out a scene for a while, when break hits all Jenna has to do is intertwine her pinky with yours under the table, then do hair and makeup after, act out a scene then wrap it all up, lie to everyone for the 100th time that her house is just a few steps away from yours, hit a bakery on the way home or maybe an ice cream shop if Jenna feels peckish, break down the apartment door Jenna shares with you, run to the bedroom, and smother each other with kisses and cuddles. Maybe a makeout session if Jenna's lucky.
It's bliss then repeat.
But today just so happens to be the day that Jenna takes over the whole episode, doing stunts and everything with little to no cuts for side characters.
She'd think that you would have nothing to do than act out your scenes—with her—might she add and it'll be all fine and the nights she'd spent waking up at 3 in the morning would be all's well.
But no, unfortunately you were the epitome of the perfect person and everyone just has to drag you around to who knows where to deal with some difficulties.
Plus, the both of you woke up late so she didn't even get the full girlfriend treatment she always got in the morning.
It was completely unfair!
Jenna was tired, grumpy, a bit too snappy, desperate for your attention, and she misses you. Alot.
And by that she means she misses the way you would wrap your arms around her after a busy day of filming together, pull her close, and feel the way how her lips fits perfectly on yours.
She would've dragged you back to bed and cuddle with you if she knew what was about to happen. Every second not spent with you is absolutely meaningless in her book.
Unfortunately, she has to play the waiting game.
She's fucking losing it.
It was 11 PM on a Thursday night.
Jenna is really so fucking tired, she could almost snap.
She had almost endured five to six hours of you nowhere even near her. The most she even interacted with you on set was when the both of you were acting a scene then abruptly got cut because of technical difficulties.
Plus, everyone but you was talking to her as if she was some kind of star! (she is.)
Jenna almost wished for an accident, or maybe a wardrobe malfunction that leads her to discovering some sort of new allergy about herself, just so she could be rushed off to the hospital and have you fussing over her, then maybe you could hold her hand and kiss her as if she would heal.
"How's it going, Ree—"
"Literally, I mean this in the nicest way possible, shut the fuck up Georgie."
He doesn't respond immediately, his eyes wide open as he steps back in surrender with his hands up in the air. "Ooooohkay!"
The brunette's head shot up immediately, her eyes burning and her shoulders slumped as she sank further into her chair for what felt like the millionth time.
"I... I didn't mean that, I'm so sorry." She closed her eyes shut, rubbing her temples, "I'm doing fine." She reassured herself more than anyone else, gripping the armchair for support.
"Biggest lie ever."
"You caught in Jenna's crossfire too, Emma?
"Oh damn, even Moosa?"
As if on cue, the whole cast decides to join in the damn conversation. Jenna loved them all, really, but it would've been so much better if a certain someone also joined and not far off into the distance talking to one of the editors.
Come on, would it literally kill you to question yourself why half of the cast was surrounding practically the love of your life while you're standing like 10 feet away!?
"You seem tense, J."
"Something wrong?"
"You've been staring at us for an hour with that Kubrick Stare of yours."
Who's exactly talking to her? Georgie, Emma, Moosa, it's all in that order but their voices seemed deranged, and it couldn't be any more worse when she's been trying to catch your eye for what seemed like the past hour.
She couldn't take shit when she's horribly missing you. So, she bites, and raises her voice more than she should, "Should I close my eyes to spare you the terrible fucking horror? Fuck, man!"
Jenna let an exasperated sigh escape from her mouth as she rose to her feet, eyeing the group with probably the most intense stare someone could bear witness to. She half-expected she'd get another pain-in-the-ass comeback from atleast one of them, but she was met with unusual silence.
The three look practically horrified, as if they were seeing the fictional idea of Wednesday Addams in the form of a 5'1, 22 year old woman dressed as her. Like they have the small but terrible quote running gears in their heads.
She heard them in unison muttering quiet apologies, "Sorry, Jenna…"
Her mind told her to forgive them for whatever they did, but her heart told her y/n.
"No, no it's fine." The brunette shook her head, her words forming icicles on each synonym and her eyes were like seeing inside of a storm. Without the peaceful atmosphere of an eye, clearly. "I'm just... stressed. Is Y/n free?"
Emma tilted her head to the side, "Actually, I never really saw them that much today, no?" She exchanged glances with the both of them.
"Heard they're busy with the tech team," Georgie crossed his arms, "Even for an actor, they've got a skill to be a director with how familiar they are behind the scenes."
Moosa nodded in agreement, "Yeah, they've been pretty tied up with all the technical stuff lately. Must be exhausting."
For fuck sakes, why did you have to be the most perfect and talented goddamn person?
"Why you looking for them?"
Jenna definitely did not need another goddamn voice entering her goddamn space.
She could almost roll her eyes and flip everybody off if not for Joy and the others being the most precious co-stars of them all.
"Because!" Jenna exclaimed, her voice cracking while lifting her arms in the air, "Y/n's my fucking lov...-"
Oh, shit.
"...Lovely neighbor." She blinked. "They... They bake me some cookies whenever I get in a bad mood."
Oh to fucking hell with this lovers in private bullshit. Lovely neighbor, that was the best damn excuse she could come up with?
"Well, heard they went home early because of an emergency, but it's kinda pouring out—"
It was in Jenna and Jenna alone on how insanely and horrifyingly fast she bolted out of the conversation, quickly changed clothes, thanking to the literal heavens (fuck the universe, Jenna will die on this hill) that Tim wrapped up early.
Josh. Josh was always the one you manage to bring up to be one of the most carefree guys in set, it's certain that he knew wherever the fuck you went. Actually, you always looked so happy whenever you talked to her about Josh and how much he lends with whatever left over set pieces they had, it's almost insane that you were—
"Aliyah, I'd tell you to shut up and fuck off as of this moment but I am literally too tired to even say that, what!?"
"Jenna, where the hell is your hoodie you wore on Christmas Eve!? I literally told you like an hour before your half-assed reply to tell me where'd you put your clothes."
Of course her sisters, more specifically Aliyah Goddamn Ortega, would find the most perfect timing to call her about the stupidest shit there could ever be.
"Okay, now, fuck off."
Jenna grimaced through gritted teeth as she hung up. She loved her sister, but does she love you more? Absolutely.
"Josh!" She called out, running towards him, "Sorry, kind of abrupt, but do you know where Y/n went?" Atleast she had some decency left in her to be polite to some.
"Let one more word come out of your mouth not related to my question, and I swear, Josh—"
"Y/n left early, they told me to tell you but I guess I forgot."
Maybe a little too carefree.
"You fucking guess!?— I mean, yes, thank you. I’ll be going."
Oh, the waiting game is a pain in the ass.
You pace back and forth in Jenna's apartment, your socks making a dent in the fuzzy carpet in the living room Jenna bought when you moved in with her, a nail in between your teeth and rain pouring in the background.
How in the hell did you forget possibly all your devices on fucking set!?
Your phone was dead, and your laptop was unfortunately abandoned by its owner (yours truly) and you have no way of contacting your lovely girlfriend.
And worse of all, it was a little over midnight.
All this because you got a notification that someone was at the door for an hour.
And it was just a fucking cat. (To be fair, they were really cute.)
You were starting to worry, especially how it was pouring outside like there was a hurricane incoming and how you left early without Jenna intertwining her warm and soft hands around yours.
So not only did you leave all your devices behind, but you also left Jenna without any means of contacting you.
You almost cursed yourself, maybe even doing the most stupidest and financially unstable decision of ordering a new phone as if it was going to be delivered same day.
Until you heard a slight click and a door opening.
There were times thunder struck, but it definitely did not beat the way your heart almost leaps into your throat as you hear the door opening.
You pause in your steps, a deep breath stuck in your mouth as you cross the living room and peer through the door way.
The door swung open and you're met with the, one of the most gorgeous and relieving sights you may add, of Jenna standing there. Slightly damp and with an... angry? Expression on her face.
"Jenna!" You blurted out, rushing over to her and enveloping her in a tight hug. "Did Josh fill you in? I feel terrible for getting home early, I'm so sorry. There was this whole thing I had to deal with, then the rain came pouring down, and I thought I'd at least get you a cab—"
"Shh. Just stay still. And preferably quiet."
When she's in your arms, she melts in the warmth of the comfort you bring to her. "Guess you caught the cab." You whisper under your breath.
You notice her breathing slowing down, the tension in her body easing away, a gentle smile playing on her lips as she buries her head in your neck. A sway the both of you took upon as she tugged at your chest with her hands wrapped around your body.
Jenna felt and smelled like home. Maybe heaven really is real if you're back in her arms after death.
"Is everything okay? Did something go down on set while I was away? Oh, Jenna, I'm so—" You start to pull back, placing your hands on her shoulders.
"Y/n, push me away, I fucking dare you, I'll bring down hell upon this godforsaken world."
You hesitate, but her gaze wants nothing more than to be in your arms. Who were you to deny her?
With a gentle squeeze of her shoulders, you pull her back into your arms. You weren't much taller than Jenna, in fact, just an inch or two apart. You loved that about eachother, like the two of you were a perfect fit.
Minutes pass, the only sound of the soft rhythm of Jenna's breathing and your heartbeat became a melody to your ears.
"I'm gonna hard launch the both of us right fucking now."
Well, that definitely caught you off-guard.
"Something happened?"
"You weren't on set for like hours! And everyones got too damn annoying for my ears to even process so I was trying to look for you, but then I ended up insulting Emma and the others, then I called you my lovely neighbor because I almost ended up saying you're my lover so I had to cover for it!"
"...That's quite a handful. I'm sorry I wasn't there, baby."
Even so, you knew that Jenna wasn't ready for a public relationship, not now that everyone was currently holding her at a social and cyber gunpoint with her life.
And even back then, you were the first one in the relationship who told her that the both of you would be better off if they both kept it private.
Even from their friends... And maybe more so families. Or maybe Jenna's. It's pretty hard to keep secrets from her family.
Obviously, look how that turned out.
Finally, Jenna murmurs something. "Sorry. It's been a rough day." Then she adds, almost as an afterthought, "Just without you."
You could almost kill yourself of the mere thought of even having to leaving Jenna the whole day.
"Don't worry, I know you were busy with tech."
"Yeah. They got me wrapped up in their troubles, but 's all fine."
"Ever thought beating the complete shit out of them?"
"Jenna, you can't just say that!"
"But they've been literally hogging you from me! And I think that's completely unfair!"
"But you really shouldn't. You'd probably end up getting destroyed, especially with your height."
"Oh, but I definitely should. Besides, we're the same height, Y/n."
You laugh softly, shaking your head. "Okay, you know what, tempting as it sounds, I don't think violence is the answer."
She scoffs another time, a crease in her forehead. "Well, it's definitely an option worth considering."
After a moment of silence, you carry her to the living room, her legs dangling as you lift her from her feet and settle her onto the soft-cushioned couch.
You start to pull away once you set her down, stretching your body after a tense day, yet a certain someone was making grabby hands for you while shooting a look with her eyes begging you to stay.
"Y/n, don't you want to stay here with me?" She pulls you closer, locking her legs around yours.
Oh, Jenna knows damn well you couldn't resist her.
"Jenna, just relax," you gently tug her legs apart with your own, letting them fall as she permits, "I'll just get you some water."
She tugs at the hem of your shirt, "Then I'll come with!" Her smile almost comes back alive and she's already clinging onto your arm.
"Jenna. The love of my life."
"You're tired, stressed, snappy, grum—"
"Okay, I am not grumpy or snappy!" Jenna bites back almost immediately. "Why does everybody keep saying that?"
You shoot her a look. A yup-thats-why-look, and it's enough to get a pout to form on her lips.
"Grumpy, and you're still damp from the rain. I wouldn't be surprised if you wake up with a cold in the morning." You gently pat her head before sitting her back down. "I'll be quick, alright? You know I'm not going far just for a glass of water."
"Fine," Jenna huffs, "But you better hurry back! Ten seconds, tops!"
With a smile playing on your lips, you roll your eyes before making your way to the kitchen. And of course, Jenna's gaze from the couch was following you. You know patience was never Jenna's strong suit when it comes with you.
It wasn't even a few seconds before you heard,
"Y/nnnn!" Jenna's voice calls out from the living room, almost sounding like a groan and a whine.
It's almost amusing how someone as seemingly nonchalant yet sweet as Jenna could also be this puddle of affection and clinginess when it came to you.
You chuckle to yourself before quickly making your way back to her, holding out the glass of water for her.
"That was well over ten seconds." Jenna remarks, downing the water in one go before setting the glass on the coffee table. Then, she pulls you back towards her, and before you know it, you're both collapsing onto the couch.
"Well, I thought I did great." You say before Jenna tackles you into a very tight hug.
Leaning back against the cushions, you let out a sigh, feeling the everything slowly melting away when she's in your arms. Jenna inches closer, resting her head on your chest as you wrap an arm around her, holding her close.
"Hug me tighter, y/n." She murmurs softly, almost demanding if she didn't have a soft melody to her voice, her body warm against yours and her breathing seemed to be in sync with your own.
"You'll die if I do." You sigh contentedly.
Jenna lets out a huff, her breath warm against your skin and her scent was all too comforting. That earthy rain smell and her aromatic fragrance. "You know that I don't mind," she replies, "Of course you'd think I'd care if I died in your arms."
You laugh, shaking your head. "You're impossible, Jenna." You shake your head once against, ruffling her hair as you give her an extra squeeze before loosening your hold slightly to let her breathe.
"You want dinner?" You whisper to her after, not even above a decibel just for her to relax. "I didn't get the chance to stop by at the bakery."
"Please," comes Jenna's response.
You know what a full-on smile with dimples from her sounds and feels like when she has that hopeful and happy tune to her otherwise grumpy voice today.
You slowly pull yourself back up, gently pushing Jenna off your chest. And also unknowingly pulling a koala trapped in a 5'1, 22 year old body named Jenna Ortega clinging onto your back.
She buries her head into the crook of your neck, eyes half-lidded. "Mmm… Yeah?" It's honestly surprising how she can actually and literally attach herself to you.
"Jenna, you have to let go so I can cook." Even as you ask her to release herself, you adjust to her weight on your back, carefully making your way to the kitchen, your hands securely holding onto her legs.
"You can cook just fine, Y/n," she whines, "You have two arms."
"And you," you reply, gently patting her legs, "have two legs and two arms. I can't cook with you piggybacking, baby."
You can tell the nickname made her smile. "Yeah, but I don't have a built-in Y/n in my system that I can cuddle with all day. So please just let me be."
"No, Jenna—You're gonna get hurt."
You reach the kitchen and gently lower Jenna from her back, setting her down on the kitchen island.
Her arms still lingered around your neck for a moment before she reluctantly, and against her will so it seems, lets go. "You know how frantic I am when I cook."
"Then maybe, you're not a good cook."
"I'm trying to keep my girlfriends, which is you, may I add, life out of harms way."
"Maybe that's the reason why you're not a good cook."
Grabby hands, once again, making a return and tugging you by your shirt collar. But this time, you resist.
"Whyyyyyyy?" she whines, her bottom lip jutting out in a Jenna Ortega fashionable pout. "Do you hate me, Y/N?"
You roll your eyes playfully before booping her on the tip of her nose. "I'm cooking you a meal to show that I love you, baby." You pull back yourself and put on an apron standing off side to the fridge, Jenna's gaze could almost burn holes into the fabric.
"Okay." She sighs, dropping her head down. "Okay, fine! Can I just hold your hand?" She looks up to see you standing in front of her, wearing the cutest apron with the well-known kiss the chef quote.
A faint blush spreads across her freckled face, and you couldn't help but smile at her.
You can't really cook with one hand that properly. But if Jenna wants you to cook for her even if you had your hands surgically removed from your body, then so fucking be it. A few missing limbs can't top a few smiles from your girlfriend.
"Alright, baby." You place take her hand and lead her to the stove where it seemed like you've got everything prepared. "Just get behind me when there's oil splashing, mkay?"
A few minutes pass by with Jenna's hand in yours while you cook. Her head leans against your shoulder as she stands close.
Between the two of you, Jenna was always the one who takes over the cooking part of the relationship, no matter how much you insist cooking for her. But you're grateful and very fortunate now that she's allowing you to take over. Plus, Jenna keeps you entertained with her witty remarks and random stuff about her day.
Oh, what a life you're living in.
"You didn't cook for yourself?" Jenna's voice interrupts your thoughts as you plate a serving of salmon topped with herbs, accompanied by sliced lemon and a few kiwis. With the skin left on, of course, just how she likes it. Only for your loving girlfriend.
You shake your head, taking her hand and her plate in the other, leading her to the dining table. "I'm good. I had a late lunch earlier," you reply, gently placing the plate on the table and sitting her down. "Besides, it's not often I get to cook for you. It wouldn't be as special if I cooked for myself too."
Jenna's eyes almost appear teary as she looks at you. "Please never show yourself again in public. I seriously cannot lose you." She replied almost immediately.
If you didn't miss it, you would've seen the adoration and love shining in Jenna's gaze. It's as if she wants to ditch the meal entirely and cover your face with kisses.
You swear you probably ate a seed in your chest by how you kept feeling warmth bloom in your heart at her. "How can I do that if I'm an actor?" You chuckle, "They'd probably question you first if I disappear."
Jenna takes her fork and points it at you, slicing a piece of salmon with her spoon. "Hey, I've seen the tweets about people practically drooling over you. It's like they're your lover and not mine!"
You crease your forehead, crossing your arms, "You get more thirst tweets more than I do!"
"And I believe you contribute to that percentage." She raises one eyebrow, smirking at your direction before chewing on another piece of salmon. It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
A factual one at that.
You almost choke at your own words. "Oh, you know me so well."
A sigh escapes your lips, your smile still in place. "Besides, we're not exactly public, are we?" Leaning in, you draw Jenna into your own little world. "You're the only one who gets the real me. If I leave, I'll cross my heart on my own and I'll die on my own."
Jenna looks at you while taking a bite of her salmon, chewing slowly as if she's contemplating something, a tug in her lips. "Mn, guess so."
You'd think you'd get some work done, maybe memorize future scripts or send out some emails to directors asking if you could audition for a show at one in the morning.
Instead, you're lying in bed with Jenna.
Or maybe a koala in this case.
In bed. Blankets over the both of you. Pillow's a bit too comfy to even think about getting up. Plus, the koala in question may or may not have hidden your phone and charger.
Jenna wasn't always a light sleeper. Sometimes, you'd wake up in the middle of the night to find her sitting up with a blanket draped over her entire body, furiously typing away in her notes app. It's endearing, but also makes you wonder if she's ever dabbled in witchcraft.
Now, she's wide awake to even be one.
Her eyes closed and her breathing steady enough to lull you asleep. The atmosphere is cozy, and so is your girlfriend laying atop of you.
Her arms were wrapped around yours for the millionth time while her head rests on her favorite part of your chest, her head staring off to the side as if she's trying to hear your heartbeat.
You thought she'd be passed out after dinner, but she dragged you by the cuffs of your hoodie and lead you to the bedroom.
"Jenna," you whisper not above even the slightest decibel, "I have work to do." The gentle rise and fall of her chest steadies in sync with yours, her head tilting slightly in the other way, and the grip she has on your body suddenly got tighter. It's already as if you'll fly away from her.
She huffs as she raises her head to face yours. "Your work—whatever that is—can wait, but I can’t." The room is dim, too dim, yet you could see the slight dip in her bottom lip.
You know you should focus, but with her so close, it's hard to think about anything else other than, 'Nah, fuck it. I'll live.'
You bring your hands up to cup her cheeks, gently brushing her messy fringe away from her face. Even in this dim light, you could see her freckles scattered across her face like vines making something so abandoned a painting.
Jenna sighs when she looks at you. "Y/n, how long are you gonna keep me playing the waiting game?"
"The waiting game? What even is that—"
"Can you kiss me?"
Oh. Her eyes become almost second nature to her words.
"Because I remember being woken up to the most gorgeous person ever but they didn't give me kisses, and I think—mpmhmmh..."
It took all your effort not to pull her into a kiss.
Obviously, your efforts were in vain.
Truth be told, you miss the way her lips hung on yours, she was perfect in every way. How her arms would wrap around you, how she'd reach up to tug on your jawline, tracing every thing you had offered her, how you would push back only for her to pull you closer.
The kiss soon ended with you and Jenna locking eyes. No words exchanged but the heavy breath the both of you took apart from eachother.
"—I think I might die..." Her words are breathless, her arms perfectly secured around your neck as you sit up.
You smile at her. "Well, I kept you alive, didn't I?"
"No," she breathes, taking hold of your cheeks before sitting up herself. "No, I'm still six feet underground if you don't continue what you were doing."
"You know, I'm starting to like the waiting game."
"Make me play that shit again, it'll be the last time you'll ever make a decision."
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Liked by ememyers and 1,398,938 others jennaortega goodnight to my gorgeous gorgeous girl @.y/l/n x 6 hours ago
natalieortega1: My fav girls!
joysunday: what lovely neighbors we have here
ememyers: !?@#%%#?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
moosa_mostafa_: we never knew....
user: MY??????? MY???????? WHAT MY WHY MY?????????????????????
user: now how long....
georgieebleu: the coolest ever
naomijogawa: two losers having a loser rs
user: having a heart attack holYHIST WHAT HT FUCK
user: literally stop.
hunterdoohan: Respect!!!!
user: shit so insane she got the whole cast to comment
In short, Jenna won. Plus, she got all the kisses and cuddles she wanted until the alarm hit. (When it did, your name was surprisingly all over social media along with Jenna.)
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wanderingsoul6261 · 25 days
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Credit for gif goes to creator, cinevettel
A Hint of Green
James Beaufort x Reader
Synopsis: Reader promised to support the Beaufort twins no matter what, having been friends with them for years. Reader adores Lydia, but loves James. But what happens when a certain scholarship student gets in the way?
Warning: only some swear words
P.S, a little self reflective because I've been dealing with thyroid and iron issues. Also, to the person that requested this, I'm sorry if this isn't particularly what you wanted. I'm a tad sick and so grammar and spelling might not also be the greatest.
(Y/N) was a creature of habit and instinct. She did things as they appeared normal for her, doing them in ways that she was used to, as if any other way would stress her out and be too overwhelming to complete. And she has made it work.
One of these such habits? Hanging out with the Beaufort twins. Who are often arrogant but not enigmatic as many thought them to be. Or at least, that's what (Y/N) thought.
But it was also surprising to many because (Y/N) was plenty different from most heirs and children of millionaires. She wasn't arrogant. She didn't use her parents' money as an advantage. And maybe that was why the twins were so drawn to her. She was real. (Y/N) was herself. They could be themselves around her. No trying to please or live up to the expectations held by their fellow classmates, the professors, or even their parents. They could just be, and that was enough.
When it was just Lydia and (Y/N), they did typical girl stuff. It was actually more Lydia doing the girl stuff and (Y/N) reading a book. Lydia appreciated her company nonetheless. She allowed Lydia to talk about Mr. Sutton when she knew she couldn't talk to anyone else.(Y/N) had created a safe place for Lydia. And it was something that both Lydia and James were grateful for.
When it was James and (Y/N), things might have been a tad different. They were agreeably closer. They went for walks together. Studied for the Oxford interviews. Sat in silence listening to music, often resulting in (Y/N) gazing softly at James as he closed his eyes, basking in the moment.
She allowed them to be them.
The three studied together. They went to parties together, even if parties weren’t much of (Y/N)’s thing. But it didn't matter, because James or Lydia was always right there. And they were there for her when she started having health issues and finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism and iron deficiency anemia. They were there for her when she got frustrated with the constant testing and the changing of meds. They knew that it was affecting her hormones and understood it would take time to balance back out. And she was thankful for them. That they never took her snappy comments and fatigued laiden excuses to heart.
(Y/N) knew it before, but when the Twins understood her health issues just as much as her parents did, when no one else would, it had only strengthened her want to support them and be there for them in every way that they were there for her.
And she did just that.
As much as it was wrong and someone should have been told, she saw how happy Lydia was with Mr. Sutton. Although, (Y/N) was certain that she could never look at him in the same way ever again.
She ultimately supported James when he started spending time with Elaine. Even if it hurt and it pained her, because deep down, her heart held a place for him, just waiting for him to come and take it. But she knew he was doing it for Mortimer, being the golden child of the twins. Although she didn't like Mortimer nor the way he treated either one of his children, she supported James wanting to please his father. Didn't mean that she didn't stress to James about being his own person.
And then Ruby Bell came into the picture.
(Y/N) was there for Lydia when she walked up to the group of them at the poolside of their home. James caught (Y/N)’s gaze from where he sat in the pool, her stomach doing a flip before the two went to Lydia, where they found out that Ruby Bell had walked in on her and Mr. Sutton. She was also there for her when ultimately, Lydia would tell her that she was pregnant.
(Y/N) didn't necessarily support James' way of trying to buy Bell out, regardless if it worked or not, but she stood behind him, supporting him regardless. She stood with him and the other boys when the Welcome party was destroyed by the strippers. Lexington was beyond pissed with him, but she supported James regardless for wanting to protect his sister. She wanted to do the same.
And now, here she was, supporting James, although very poorly, as he spent time with Ruby Bell on the planning committee. It was his punishment for the stunt pulled at the welcome party. She understood that. But it didn't mean she liked it.
She watched as over the weeks, the two had spent more and more time together. And although James and (Y/N) still texted plenty throughout the day, the time in which she saw him lessened and lessened as hours moved by. And she understood why, but she knew who he was with, and although she could tolerate Elaine, she couldn't tolerate Ruby Bell.
So (Y/N) did whatever she could to take her mind off of him and Bell. She didn't want to face a heartbreak if he became a couple with her. So she did what she thought was best. Love someone before James loved Bell.
Although it would have been best to talk to him, she did not. She knew this, but refused, because if James being with Ruby would make him happy, she didn't want to get in the way. Even if it tore her slowly apart.
And as the days since the enactment of his punishment grew in number, he spent more time Ruby. Less time with (Y/N). But it gave (Y/N) more time to go on dates to fill that questionable hole of the future. A future that she would prefer with James, but a future nonetheless. Unfortunately, it also left less time to spend with Lydia.
And over time, texts with James became small and quick. They often left (Y/N) staring at her phone in sadness before putting it away. Something had to be done, but she wasn't sure what.
If James cared enough, he would reach out to her. But she was also smart enough to know that it went both ways. But it was just as much her responsibility as it was his to mend things. But nothing had even happened to break things. So why was she acting like this?
And so (Y/N) spent the next few weeks going on dates. Most never made it past the second one. They were not James. And she knew that, yet she still continued to slowly break her own heart without even noticing.
Whenever she saw James with Ruby, she avoided the two, even if James noticed her or not. She kept herself at a distance because she knew in the end she would potentially be safer. But was she really? Was she only doing more damage?
Whenever she moved away and avoided him, she could see the hurt evident in his eyes. Lydia was also confused as to what happened as (Y/N) slowly became quiet to the both of them. The Beaufort twins began to wonder if they did anything.
Neither of them technically did anything wrong.
It was all (Y/N). And she realized that.
News eventually spread that (Y/N) started dating, after for the longest time, she swore it off. She didn't think he would find out. (Y/N) wouldn't think that James would care. But secretly he did, and she was soon to find that out.
The Beaufort twin was jealous. Jealous of the ones that had (Y/N), even if he only had himself to blame. And she Would get her wish for James to do something.
(Y/N) was walking down the hallway, her bag slung around her shoulder and her face in a book. It was enough to distract her from who also was in the hallway with her, and it wasn't until she collided with another body that she refocused herself with her surroundings. Especially the person currently standing in front of her.
James Mortimer Beaufort.
She opened her mouth to say his name, but only closed it when her body wouldn't let her, even if her brain screamed for it.
(Y/N)’s eyes danced across his face, taking in his appearance, and in the spur of the moment, quickly turned on her heel, hoping for an escape.
She was quickly stopped, his right arm stretched out, his hand wrapped around her wrist. She now realized she had dropped her book.
“What are you doing?” He asked. (Y/N) stared at him in silence for several moments, before finally turning fully to face him and straightened her posture.
“What am I doing?” She asked. James gave her a hardened stare, almost similar to the one she heard he had given Ruby Bell after hearing what happened.
And both of them knew at this moment that it would be their first actual fight in the several years that they have been friends. Will they make it or break it?
James matched her stare and stance, his hand still wrapped her wrist and she basked in it,loved it, and then hated herself when she pulled it away from him to further prove her point.
“You are going to have to elaborate because I don't know what you're talking about James.” He let out an angry huff through his nose, and (Y/N) had barely missed the look of jealousy that flashed across his face.
“The dating, (Y/N). What are you doing?”
“Oh. I didn't know that you suddenly took on the role of my father, James. What is wrong with me dating?” She asked. (Y/N) was being genuine. What was the issue?
“You swore it off. So why start now, all of a sudden?” At this point in time, (Y/N) could almost feel the jealousy seeping off of James in waves.
“And what happened to hating Ruby Bell?” She asked. “You've been hanging around her so much.”
“What does she have to do with this?” James argued.
“What doesn't she have to do with this, James!” (Y/N) cried out. She threw her hands up in the air, tears threatening to spill. He noticed the tears, wondering really how bad things were. “You came to Maxton Hall after that day Lydia came to us with a sickening hatred for her.”
“Things change, (Y/N).”
“Yea. I guess they do.” She turned to leave again when James stopped her once more. “Let go of me.” (Y/N) snapped. James hesitated, knowing she’d probably leave, but was surprised when she didn't. Dare he say pleasantly surprised.
It was several minutes before one of them spoke.
“When was the last time we hung out James? The last time we were together as friends and not some acquaintances that would be forgotten weeks later? Or how about when was the last time we went over stuff for Oxford? Preparing for the interviews. Talking about the campus and what we'd do once we got there? When was the last time we were just “us” together?” She stared at him for several minutes before he finally spoke.
“And you thought the best way to fix that was by avoiding me? Not only me, but also Lydia?” He asked.
“Oh my goodness! What don't you understand James?”
“I don't know (Y/N). You might have to explain it to me. Because what does me being with Ruby Bell have anything to do with you and me and my sister?” She stared at him, realizing that the conversation had gone off topic. They were no longer talking about her dating. They were talking about them.
“I admit, it had nothing to do with Lydia and I feel like an ass for abandoning her-”
“Understatement.” He huffed out. (Y/N) stared at James, at a loss for words. What was she doing? She was willing to support the twins no matter what. And right now she is failing to do that.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stammered and she turned to leave once more, only to be stopped once again. James tugged her against him, his hands coming up to cup her face as she closed her eyes, letting the tears fall. She missed this. She missed him. And she was blaming herself because she might lose it all.
“(Y/N). Look at me.” She hesitated, but slowly opened them. James stared at her, and the jealousy and anger was gone and in was a look of comfort and apologies.
“You want to know why I questioned you about why you were dating?” James asked. A tear rolled down her cheek and he was quick to brush it away.
“Because a crazy rabid squirrel in your head told you too?” She asked, trying to make humor of the situation. He gave her a small smile, a huff of laughter escaping from him.
“Jealousy.” He answered. (Y/N) snorted and James frowned. “What's so funny?”
“Because that's the same reason I started trying to date. I got jealous that you started to spend more time with Bell and not me and I took the irrational way out. And now I feel like arse because I wasn't supporting You guys. I blamed you and it wasn't your fault.”
“But it was my fault. I should have devoted equal time to you as well.” He explained. the two stared at each other for several moments. James gently brushed her cheeks as one of her hands played with the strap of his bag.
It was several more moments of silence before (Y/N) spoke again.
“So are we just going to avoid the elephant In the room?” She asked.
“what's that?”
“We both said our actions were because we were jealous.” It took James a moment to process what she meant. And when he finally did, he glanced down at her lips and then back at her eyes before harshly pulling her in for a kiss. A tiny gasp left her, before she quickly followed suit. A small thud could be heard as her bag fell of her shoulder and onto the floor and her hands found refuge in his hair. She met the ferocity of the kiss equally, letting out a small huff as he pressed her flushed against the wall. One of his hands moved from her face to her waist, pulling her flush against him.
They savored the moment. After so long of nothing, they were going to savor this.
At least that was until they remembered they needed to breathe. Oxygen was a fundamental after all.
“So you don't love her?” (Y/N) asked. James gave her an incredulous look.
“We are both out of breath after just kissing and you ask that? Am I in love with her?” (Y/N) only stared at him in silence, but a small smirk pulled at her lips. She was fucking with him. “Oh darling. You are truly something.” Her smirk softened into a tiny smile as it was now her turn to press a hand to his cheek. James turned his head softly, pressing a kiss to her palm, never breaking eye contact. (Y/N) swore her legs turned to jello just then.
“I missed you.” She finally spoke. “And I'm sorry for being so stubborn.”
“I missed you too, darling. and if anyone has to apologize, it's me.” James’ stare hardened, telling her that he was going to win this apology battle. And she gave it to him. “Oh. And one more thing.” (Y/N) stared at him, waiting.
He paused for several seconds.
“I'll give you the world, sweetheart. Don't forget that.”
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@lifeonawhim @honethatty12 @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27
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mixtape-racha · 11 months
YAYYYYYY 100 followersssss :) im so happy for youuuuu :)))))
okay, here is my request... hehe, im suchhh a sucker for hurt comfort and I loveeee fem 9th member au's. but like not smut or like fwb, just like a really juicy story y'know? I haven't been able to find any of those two categories combined tho, especially into like a longer fic, like it's always in the hundreds (I would love it if it was a little longer, no pressure tho :). literally, anything works, from some kinda mess up on stage to maybe you messing up a relationship w a member??? idk. I'm letting ur thoughts run wild here... THANK YOU AND CONGRATSSSS
(im sorry im really vague in requests lol)
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thank you so much my lovely bae!! ilysm and i hope i did this request justice!! i kind of went off on a tangent and got carried away with the plot waaa &lt;3
sorry seems to be the hardest word
pairing: ot8 x fem!9th member!reader
warnings: angst, hurt comfort, reader snapping at the members, reader being physically unwell, fluff at the end
words: 2.29k
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everything was going wrong today, and you truly meant every. fucking. thing.
somehow, you had managed to turn your alarm off the night before (probably because you fell asleep while on your phone, accidentally calling your mom in you sleep in the process), and none of the guys took the initiative to wake you up when they got up.
okay, sure, you couldn’t blame them entirely. you were a grown woman, and you could look after yourself. but weren’t you supposed to be a team? eight other people surrounding you, and none of them thought to check on you? especially when you were usually up and alert before they were? no, instead they were all out the door without even knocking to see if you were feeling okay. so much for being your brothers and best friends.
so god forbid, you were late this morning. you managed to turn up at the company for your vocal lessons only ten minute late, but it felt awful as you’d never been late before. you were so incredibly lucky to get the opportunity to debut with skz, especially joining the group later in their career and being the only girl. you wanted to do everything perfectly to show that you deserved to be where you were, and with the way today was shaping out you were so disappointed with yourself.
but then - it got worse. you, in your rush to leave the dorms, had forgotten your sheet music, leaving your vocal teacher to be short and snappy with you. yeah, you brought it up on your phone instead, but she was strict, and a firm believer in “good old-fashioned pen and paper over your silly little radio devices nowadays”. her attitude towards you for the remainder of your lesson affected you more than you liked to admit - excusing yourself to the bathroom to have a little cry before you headed to the studio.
for some reason, none of your schedules were properly coordinated today, leaving jisung to be the one in the studio with you - rather than chan, like usual -  while you recorded your lines for the demos to be sent to the company later in the month, when you’d decide the songs for the new album you had upcoming later in the year.
jisung was always the nicest to you, especially when he could tell you were having a rough day - you were both very alike in that sense, very attentive towards each other as if you could tell what the other was feeling. 
however, it seemed today that something had crawled up his ass and died. he was almost as snappy as your vocal teacher, and you were quite frankly sick of it. you kept messing up your lines; whether from the stress or the ache building in your throat (god you hoped you weren’t getting sick), you weren’t sure. but clearly, jisung wouldn’t stand for it.
“honestly, (y/n), you might as well just call it a day and come back to this with chan-hyung another day. i need to get on with other stuff.” he sighed, dismissively, as you bit back the tears fighting to escape your eyes. he wouldn’t even look at you, and your stomach was doing somersaults. was he really that mad? surely he could see how hard you were trying.
but instead of confronting him, you just grabbed your belongings and left after silently agreeing. no one answered your message on the group chat when you asked if anyone was down to get lunch together, even though you could see basically everyone had read it, so you retreated to the canteen alone before you had to go to practice with the boys.
as the ache in your throat spread to your joints, fatigue plaguing you, you trudged up to the practice room for rehearsals with the boys. you were learning a new dance - in fact, the already chosen title track for the new album, and deep down you were dreading it. it was more difficult than you had imagined, and definitely aimed more towards moves the boys could do compared to you. you loved the boys, but sometimes you felt like they forgot that men and women’s bodies worked differently.
surprisingly, you weren’t the last to arrive, squashing your fear of another thing going wrong.
but just as soon as practice began, your fear was reawakened. the ache in your joints was making the dance more difficult for you to execute, and you could feel the annoyance radiating off of minho’s body even if he wouldn’t admit it. you stumbled a few times, almost knocking into felix, who looked at you more frustrated than concerned.
“seriously, (n/n), what’s going on? it’s really not that hard. get your head in the game.”
you huffed, shaking out your limbs and telling minho to start the track again. maybe if you ignored your surroundings, ignored how you were feeling, then things would be easier. you could block out minho’s harsh criticisms - he was probably just tired. you could block out everything, knowing the boys were suffering just as much as you lately. but when the music stopped again, and everyone was talking at you, voice after voice lapping over each other you just couldn’t take it anymore.
“shut the fuck up! shut up, shut up, shut up! give me a fucking break, i’m trying my hardest!”
you honestly didn’t mean to snap, you were just so overwhelmed and couldn’t take anymore. when chan tried to put a comforting hand on your shoulder, you flung it off, all your annoyance and stress from the day building up at once.
“don’t fucking touch me. i don’t need your pity, i don’t need you to tell me that i don’t know how to do my job well enough. this is the fucking worst day of my life and you all keep making it worse!”
every fiber of your being was telling you to stop, to be reasonable, but it was like your mouth was making its own decisions. you couldn’t tell which member it was, but you were interrupting the gentle call of your name before you could even control it.
“and no, before any of you try to be funny, i’m not on my period,” you sneered, anger bubbling under your skin as you saw jisung look away sheepishly. “i’m just sick of feeling like i have to fight to prove i’m good enough, like i’m not one of you guys yet. we’re supposed to be a team, but all day i’ve been pushed to the side and treated like i don’t matter. i’m sick of it!”
you breathed heavily, grabbing your duffle bag from the side of the room and storming towards the door.
“i’m staying with yeji tonight, leave me the fuck alone.”
was all you said before leaving the boys stood in shock, confused as to why you were acting like you hated them.
regrettably, the minute you found yourself in yeji’s dorm and explained your day to her, you knew you were in the wrong. how could you let yourself treat your best friends that way? they didn’t deserve that, and you would be most understanding if they never forgave you. it was only when the throb in your head and ache in your joints became too much that you finally allowed yourself to sleep.
chan’s apology
luckily, you and the boys were granted a week off a while ago, and today marked the first day of that week. however, knowing chris he was probably still hauled up in the studio from the night before. it was around 3am (yeji shouldn’t have let you crash so early, your sleep schedule was going to be manic), so you pulled yourself together before making the decision to go visit him.
he may not even want to see you after your little outburst, but you could still try.
you stopped by the convenience store on your way to the studio, grabbing some snacks and some drinks just to be on the safe side. carefully checking the group chat, you saw that changbin was still in the studio with chan and you hoped you could get there before he left - it might be easier to kill two birds with one stone. you were just glad you bought way too much food for just two people.
you smiled politely, bowing at the security guard as he let you into the building, heart thumping in your ears as you carefully traced the steps to chan’s studio.
when you finally approached the door, you had to take a minute to prepare yourself to knock. you heard chan’s voice mumbling behind the door once you did, nervously waiting until he came and opened it.
he looked surprised to see you, frozen for a moment before quickly ushering you in and sitting you on the couch next to changbin. almost in instinct, changbin’s arm was slung around your shoulder - something he always did when you were close by, relishing in the fact he wasn’t the shortest in the group anymore.
you sheepishly held out the bag containing all the goodies you got at the convenience store to chan, a small smile on your face when he took it.
“got you some snacks.. kind of guessed you might have forgotten to eat.” your voice was quiet, ashamed. you just hoped they wouldn’t hold your outburst against you.
but when chan grinned, you knew he could never be mad at you for long.
“we were worried about you, y’know? that’s why jisung let you go early today - something seemed off and we didn’t want you to get too overwhelmed.” changbin said from next to you, the hand on your shoulder rubbing it comfortingly. 
you couldn’t stop the tears from welling up behind your eyes again, but bit them back in fear they’d think you were looking for sympathy.
“i– i’m so sorry. i’ve just had an awful day, and i feel like shit, but that doesn’t excuse my actions, and i shouldn’t have snapped at you all - you couldn’t have known, and its not your fault.”
you explained why your day had been so bad to them (after some pushing from chan), and how you were feeling physically, causing changbin to look at you with great worry.
they indulged in a small cuddle session, feasting on the snacks you provided while they tried to help cheer you up. and honestly, it worked, just talking through how you were feeling, and gettin constructive feedback rather than just a shoulder to lean on was relieving.
you couldn’t apologize to them more, feeling so ashamed of your actions, but they were quick to reassure you it was okay - everyone had bad days, you were only human after all. you just needed to work on your communication a little bit.
when you finally got ready to head back to the dorm at 5am, you felt better than you had in a long time, actually.
apology numbers one and two: complete.
but when you arrived back at the dorm, head peacefully resting on changbin’s shoulder, what you weren’t expecting to walk into was what you all called a “cuddle pool” - the sofa bed pulled out, covered with pillows and blankets - and a spot waiting for you between felix and seungmin.
your eyes watered at the expectant faces of your soul-brothers, small sobs leaving your lips as your shoulders shook. god, the day had taken a toll on you - you couldn’t remember the last time you cried in front of the boys.
it was only then that minho - who you hadn’t seen standing by the door - scooped you into a hug.
“oh, angel,” he frowned, a hand pressed to your forehead. “you’re burning up. is that why you felt so bad earlier?”
words seemed to fail you, and all you could do was nod as your grip on his sweater tightened. it certainly wouldn’t be the first time you got sick from stress, but you hated being sick. you hated feeling out of control in your own body, and despised being doted on like you were unable. however, this time… you think you could let it slide. you just needed your boys close by right now.
they seemed to enjoy looking after you, and you felt you owed them that after the situation in the practice room.
minho was quick to place on you on the couch, felix and seungmin suffocating you in a bone-crushing hug. jisung handed you the tv remote, saying you could choose to watch whatever you wanted, and that everyone would be having a slumber party in the living room until you felt better.
minho and chan had gone to make you some chicken noodle soup - using felix’s mom’s recipe, which was known for being a lifesaver in your dorm. jeongin was quick to grab you your comfort plushie, taking his place on the floor by your feet - the two of you were 100% keen on physical affection, but having him close by helped.
within merely an hour, all nine of you were curled up, an animated disney movie playing, with soup and mugs of tea being passed around the room. it was nice, and it felt so good to have your boys so close and willing to help you.
you definitely took on changbin’s mention of needing to improve on communication, wanting nothing more than to improve yourself for the little family you had build around you. and yeah you were sick, and they would probably get sick too by being in such close proximity to you, but that was a problem for another day. you’d just return the favor of looking after them.
you just knew you were lucky to have them.
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taglist: join taglist here @pretty-racha @chubbyanarkiss @taeriffic @mits-vi @chanssmiles @5kayzee @torixx80 @fawnpeaks @bangtanmix73 @savluvsmingi @boi-bi-ahaha
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silly-writes · 11 months
Camper(s): Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Jasmine, Zoey, etc.
Prompt: Camper falls for a reader who suffers from Imposter Syndrome (person is successful at things they do but doesn't acknowledge it themselves and think they're unworthy of their achievements or skills due to strong self-doubt and fear of exposure as a fraud which they aren't) with said camper being the only person to realize the self doubt of the reader yet still falls in love with reader. How'd things develop?
Contestants with reader who suffers from imposter syndrome
Tysm for the request, I hope you enjoy :]
Everyone knew you were amazing and gifted, everyone.
A fact not gone unnoticed by Courtney. (She’s got an eye for these things, she used to be a CIT after all).
At first she uses you for a little bit of extra leverage during the challenges, but after a bit felt too guilty to continue to do so.
So as a sort of apology she wanted to spend more time getting to know you as a person, rather than just a tool that everyone in the competition had been utilizing.
She sat beside you on the cabin steps one night, after you had absolutely crushed it yet another challenge.
“Really great work today, I’m impressed,” she said, putting a hand on your back.
You couldn’t help but recoil just the slightest bit, but tried to play it off with a smile “uh. Yeah, sure.”
It wasn’t great work, not to you. You saw all your little slip ups, your stress. No less than anyone else’s, you saw it when you fell, or when you tripped. It was an awful effort.
Courtney mistook your self consciousness as humility and so she smiled at you brighter “oh you don’t have to be modest around me you know? You’ve earned a bit of gloating.”
You chuckled a little albeit a bit emptily “do I? Really?” You just couldn’t help that self doubt seeping through a bit.
Courtney’s face changed at that, maybe it was your tone, or something in your eyes. But her expression softened.
“Hey- don’t be like that. Of course you do. You’re great, I mean- you’d have to be stupid to disagree with me on that,” she says with an assured expression.
You chuckled again, this time more amusing dances in your tone “stupid huh?”
She crossed her arms and gave you a pointed glare “I know a worthy competitor when I see one. And I definitely know refined skill when I see it too. You better not be getting cold feet on me now.”
You smiled at her, leaning towards her hand which was planted firmly on your back “no. No, of course not.”
“Well-“ she looks a little flustered, but beyond determined to keep her footing in the conversation “-good then. Better be on your A game again tomorrow.”
You watched her walk back into the cabins. Maybe if she thought you were something great, maybe you were.
Courtney goes out of her way from that conversation on to compliment you (something that is rare, and hard for her to do).
But she really likes you, and she wants you to see yourself the way she sees you.
Gwen mainly hangs out with you for your snappy witty sense of humor.
She couldn’t stand to deal with anyone who couldn’t match her social wit.
But it’s not like she hasn’t seen you during challenges, you’re good, too good.
She’ll tease you about it to no end, you could never tell if it’s because she’s actually upset with you for winning challenges for the team, or if she just likes to get on your back about stuff.
“Wooow,” she deadpanned after watching you do one challenge that was particularly physically taxing.
“What?” You said lifting a brow at her.
She scrunches her face a little at you for a moment and then begins “oh nothing, but do you have to make the rest of us look bad while doing the challenges?” She laughs (somewhat evilly from your point of view)
You know she was just teasing you, she always is, but it hurts a little more.
“What?” She asks.
“No, seriously. Why do you have that look on?” She presses again, leaning over on her knees to get a good look at you.
“Nothing it’s just- it’s stupid,” you admit.
She snorts a little “from you? I doubt it.”
“It kind of freaks me out when you say stuff like that?”
She makes a face at that “why?”
You shrug “makes me feel like everyone is expecting something great from me that I can’t give.”
She stops chortling at you then, because she can see it plain as day written on your face. You’re not kidding.
You of all people worried about not being great? She could hardly believe her ears, she thought the world and moon of you, you were the only person at this shit hole camp who she could stand.
She punched your side lightly “you better not really believe that you know?”
“What, that I’m a fraud?” You say darkly.
She scoffs “you’re ridiculous you know that. You work harder than anyone else here to compete in these mind numbing challenges, and still you can’t see?!”
“Well I guess-“
“No, you guess nothing. Don’t you dare believe you’re anything less than what you are any longer.”
She said it with such a sense of finality it was hard to argue back with her. Impossible even.
“I knew you had a heart in there,” you smirk at her.
She goes red (which doesn’t take much honestly she’s paler than fresh printer paper) at that, and pushes you a little. “Shut up.”
After that she lays off comments like that, and you don't hear much teasing from her to anyone.
It feels a little weird at first, not getting teased, and even more shockingly getting a few compliments from her.
But the two of you slump into it after a while, and it becomes the new natural for your relationship.
Heather can read you like a book.
She knows right away that you’re useful, skilled, and have a strong self doubt about yourself.
(Sorry but yk our girl is evil, she definitely manipulates you especially if we’re talking island)
She definitely somehow pulls you into an alliance, and you kind of just float along with her for the most part.
You know it’s wrong the stuff she’s making you do to the other campers sometimes, but you glom onto her praise a little bit.
“You, I need you to go find Lindsay for me. We need to have an alliance meeting,” she demands hands on her hips.
"What for?" Heather seemed to get tripped up sometimes on even the smallest of things, sometimes it seemed like stupid things, but what did you know?
"What for? What for? Excuse me, hello, earth to _______! We totally bombed that last challenge in case you're not paying attention!"
"Right, sorry," you said in response.
That wasn't totally true though, we weren't right, more like they.
Not that you would ever correct anyone to say something that conceded, much less Heather (she'd kill you).
"What's that look for?" She demands.
"What? nothing," you assure.
She scoffs "So then what are you doing still on your butt? Go get Lindsay!"
Lindsay going against Heather in the end makes you turn on her the same, if it's someone Lindsay hates, they must be bad news. Not that you didn't already realize that, I just imagine that to be the final straw.
Oddly enough, after being with Heather makes your self worth increase.
Despite the fact that she verbally assaults you on a daily basis, it's easy to feel good about yourself since in comparison to Heather not only do you look even extra adequate in challenges, but you seem nicer too.
It doesn't take much to warm up to Jasmine, she's wildly easy going, kind, smart, and good at everything she tries.
You two click based on skill alone.
Being in Pahkitew requires a lot of athleticism, and a lot of survival instincts.
Being good with Jasmine is just common sense.
She's always giving you praise and compliments about everything you do, she's always delighted and amazed by your skill.
"Wow! Look at you, you're better than a bear on December first at foraging!" She said over her pile of berries.
"uh... sure," you shrug.
She gives you a look "What's that face for?"
"Nothing," you shrug, not wanting to give yourself away for the fraud you are.
"You should be proud, not everyone is a master forager right out of the gates."
You shrug again "it's just picking berries."
"Not quite, its picking the right berries,"
"...yeah" you say.
She stands up and looks at you with her hands on her hips "what's wrong?"
Jasmine is very good with people's emotions, she can always tell when something has shifted with someone. So there was no real use in hiding it.
"It's just... I feel weird accepting compliments from you sometimes," you admit.
"Why's that?"
"Cause I just feel like they're never really... deserved I guess."
Jasmine frowns down at you, and puts a hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that. I get it, you know? It can be hard to get to a point where you feel confident enough in yourself to accept that stuff. But you should know by now I'm not a liar, you wouldn't really think I'd say that stuff about just anyone, would you?"
"No... I guess not. But-"
"Right then, we'd better get these back to the team then, huh?"
She said and then pulled you along.
From that point on Jasmine would take extra note of when you were feeling particularly off and would try and nudge you into the right direction.
She'd always give you extra support, but it never sounded forced, or fake, with her things are always very natural I imagine.
With her things truly are a team effort especially after your heart to heart.
Zoey always knows you will be there to save her, or help her when she needs help.
She is caring and sweet, and super cute, so of course you would go to great lengths to know and understand you.
I do think (solely based on how long things took with her discovering Mike's system) It would probably take you spelling anything like that out for her.
She's always impressed by your work, be it social, academic, physical, she's just impressed by you, through and through.
It was another night of lengthy praise from her, after you had rescued her from yet another fatal situation (why had you come on this show again?).
You could feel yourself growing more and more uncomfortable as compliment after compliment ticked on, you just couldn't live up to what she thought of you.
How could you? She over and over told you she thought the world of you, how could this pressure do anything but build and fester?
"Zoey! Please," you interrupt, trying not to let your outburst cost you the challenge.
"What?" she asked innocently.
"Nothing, it's just... It's kind of a lot," you admit. And you hate how weak it sounds, but you knew you needed to be direct with her.
"Oh no I'm sorry. The pressure is a lot for you I'd bet..." She said sort of sadly, shaking her head.
"Yeah, a little bit," you nodded.
She rubbed your back comfortingly "I promise I won't do that to you anymore. How about from now on we decide to expect less from each other?"
It sounded a bit strange, expecting less from your teammates should sound like a bad deal, but it's what you needed. On top of the fact that you felt like a big huge liar, you didn't need everyone expecting the world of you on top of that.
Things run a little more smoothly with your team from then on. Zoey finds unique ways to praise you that go unnoticed to you sometimes, and gives you as much support as you give to her.
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carnivorousyandeere · 11 months
Bringing Them with You to the Doctor (ft The Werewolf Pack)
For Mazzy 💞
CW: hospitals, illness, drugs
Mason: more than willing to use his status as the Sheriff to try and get preferential treatment for you. He has the patience and talent to deal with medical companies and insurance to get any expenses from your visits slashed. If your medication is still too expensive, Mason will use every last drop of his money to ensure you get it. If he also has to skim some money from the police department’s budget, it is what it is. Mason would break any law to make sure you’re as safe and healthy as possible.
Hunter: a little on edge and snappy with other people in the hospital. The smells, sounds, people, and horrible fluorescent lights grate on his nerves. As it is, he’s already bristling at anybody who gets too close to you in the waiting room, and nurses just trying to prick your finger or give you a shot. Does his best to stay calm and collected for your sake, but heaven forbid the nurses and doctors don’t take you seriously— you’ll hear him giving them an earful out in the hallway. He wants to be at your side and hold your hand the whole time, and paces anxiously outside exam or operating rooms he’s not allowed in while you’re being treated. If your medication is too expensive, Hunter will find a way to steal some for you. No shame in it— it’s the company’s fault for valuing profit over people. Especially you— Hunter’s person.
Ace: voted most likely to get kicked out of the hospital for getting aggressive with doctors he feels aren’t treating you they way they ought to be. It’s a real shock to the emergency room staff that are used to him coming in with broken bones from fighting and things like that— when he’s the one being treated, he’s usually so nonchalant and carefree, even if his injuries are bad. He’s no stranger to stealing medications, and he will steal some for you. It might not be the exact ones you need (he’ll begrudgingly enlist Mason’s help to get those), but he’s certainly got some things that will ease your pain if you need it (nothing addictive though— he’d hate himself forever if something he gave you hurt you more).
Cyrus: extremely anxious in medical settings as well, from a childhood of mysterious health problems, lots of testing, and oftentimes being overlooked and dismissed by the very people who were supposed to help him. He’ll come with you, a silent shadow whose hands shake ever-so-slightly when he laces his pinky with yours to try and ground the both of you. The most likely to cry and assume the worst whenever there’s testing or procedures you need. Maybe not the best for comfort in the moment, but he at least understands what you’re feeling, and he’ll hold you close afterwards for as long as you need— and probably longer, for his own peace of mind.
Hana: not as steady as Mason, but not as anxious as Cyrus, Hana is a solid choice to bring with you to the hospital. She’s very practical when it comes to going with you to doctor’s appointments and the hospital. Brings some extra food either way, unless you’re instructed not to eat before a procedure. If the two of you go to the hospital, she’s probably going to also bring some extra clothes and a blanket in case it ends up being an overnight sort of stay. Hana will be quieter than usual, trying to avoid doing or saying anything that might stress you out more, but if you ask her to get your mind off things she’s got a lot of fun stories to distract you. She cuddles with you in the waiting room under the blanket she brought. Most likely to bring you a vase of flowers to brighten up your hospital room.
Mateo: hates everything about hospitals— it all brings him back to when he was little, visiting his grandparents while they were sick. All of the smells and strangers around scared him back then. With his stronger sense of smell as a werewolf, those scents can still make him nauseated. Mateo will come with you regardless, clinging to your side and making you sit in his lap as much as possible or vice versa the whole time. He’s definitely a complainer here, but it’s not in a guilt-tripping way to make you feel bad for asking him to come. The complaining is more to commiserate with you and let you know you’re not alone in your discomfort or crazy/weak/etc for being uncomfortable. He won’t bring up his grandparents or why she’s a little quieter and shakier than usual, though, unless you ask.
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [6]
chapter six, act one: antichrist
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November 29th 2012
Tommie nudges Matty’s foot under the table to get him to look away from the menu and he looks up, raising a brow.
She grins, sliding the white serviette across the table, dimples showing on her cheeks when he smiles brightly at her.
You look so cool x <3
He tears his gaze from her when Adam and George return, Adam sliding into the spare seat by Ross and George onto the opposite side with Matty.
They place the drinks down on the table that they’d gotten from the refill machine and then pick a menu for themselves.
“We’ve got a month,” Matty starts, tucking the little piece of white tissue into his pocket, “Well, just over a month to get this album perfect.”
“I think it's pretty good already.” Tommie says, chewing on her straw.
“Pretty good isn’t perfect, Tommie.” Matty says sharply.
She holds her hands up, looking to Ross who sits beside her and shares the same look, “Alright, Jesus.”
“Sorry,” Matty mumbles, running his hands through his hair and then resting his elbows on the table, “It’s just, we have to finish this, and we’ve got a show next week with no set list yet.”
“We have like four songs, I’m sure the set list won’t be hard.” Adam shrugs, almost flinching when Matty glares at him across the table.
“Actually, Hann, we have eight songs out right now, not including any Drive Like I Do songs old fans might expect. God, maybe if you listened to me once in a while you’d know. Jesus, you fucking ign-”
“Hey,” Tommie says, brows furrowed as she kicks him, this time not in a playful manner, but a harsh one that has his knee jerking up to hit the table and the drinks spilling, “We’re all stressed, Matt. Ross and I are still working, George is trying to learn the ropes to produce this thing and Adam’s still trying to perfect that stupid guitar solo you thought was necessary. But you don’t see us snapping at one another.”
He remains silent, looking out the window beside him but she presses forward, “Huh? Do you?”
“Then how about you talk to us a little better?”
“Don’t apologise to me.” She gestures across to Adam who, like the other two, have shrunk back into his seat.
Matty sighs, looking at her then slowly across to her cousin, “I’m sorry, Hann.”
“It’s alright, mate.”
“No, it’s not, Adam,” Tommie says firmly, “Now, why don’t you calm down, we’ll order food, then go straight back to the studio, yeah?”
He nods, then she follows with her own, “Go on then.”
“Your turn to pay, Healy.”
“I paid for our chinese last night.”
“Well, with the attitude you’ve had this morning you can pay again today, go on.”
He doesn’t move and she claps her hands in his face, “Chop chop, we’re all starving.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
“I don’t mean to.” Matty begins slowly.
He’s walking just behind the other three guys with Tommie who has her hands shoved into her jacket pockets trying to keep herself warmed up.
She looks up when he speaks for the first time since leaving the restaurant. He’s been stuck in his head for their little walk back to the studio they’re working at. Thinking of what to say to her.
“Don’t mean to be so snappy and picky, it’s just, it’s a lot and I need to prove myself, you know.”
“To who, Matty?” She questions softly, looking up at him as they walk, “Us four already know how great you are, how cool you are, who else is there to prove to?”
“I just,” He sighs, “I don’t want people thinking we’ve got this because of who my parents are. We worked hard for this, all of us, we’ve been doing this for years and this is our chance.”
He stops her from walking so he can grab her hands, “This is it, Tommie. If this goes right, we can finally make it.”
“It will go right. We deserve it, Matty. We’ve all put everything into this. Trust.”
He nods, “I know, I know, I’m sorry.”
“We’re all on the same side, Matty, you don’t have to fight against us all the time.”
“I know,” He repeats, chest heaving in a big sigh as he rubs his thumb over her knuckles, “I know. I’m sorry.”
“Good,” She smiles tugging him along a little faster so they catch up with the guys, she tugs his hand awkwardly and he winces as the uncomfortable ache, “Talk to Adam- talk to any of those three- like that ever again and I will break your jaw, Healy.”
“Okay, okay, ow, your grip is really strong.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
December 3rd 2012
She could feel it coming the entire gig, the way her headached and her heart pumped a little too fast. The way the lights are irritating her and the clothes she wears scratching her skin is another reminder of the incoming sensory overload. Which usually leads to an oncoming panic attack.
She’s not unfamiliar with a sensory overload, not being able to handle too many different noises all at once. But between the bass of Ross from beside her, Matty’s singing, her own guitar mixed with Adam’s, the beat of George’s drums and the many different voices yelling at the same time she’s not quite sure how much longer she can take.
But she also knows, once she’s over that barrier between the stage and backstage. Matty will be there, all attention on her, hands over her ears to block out the noise letting her cover her eyes in his chest just like always.
Matty was the one who had found her after the first gig they did, curled up in a ball in the shared bathroom with her hands over her ears and tears running down her face.
He wasn’t quite sure what was going on when he first found her there, but it didn’t take long for him to realise when he was panicking and talking a little too loud which only seemed to set her off a little more.
“Thank you, very much,” Matty says as the last few notes of sex ring out through the audience, “We have been the 1975, and you have been absolutely amazing! Thank you!”
Tommie doesn’t wait, she’s first off the stage straight away, pushing past Ross to get down the little stairs quicker and disappearing into the bathroom.
She waits anxiously, foot tapping as she sits in the closed lid of the toilet and tries to calm herself.
Usually it only takes Matty a minute or two to come after her, but as she taps her foot once more, hands anxiously picking at the skin of her elbow until it’s red raw and bleeding over her white radiohead t-shirt, she realises he’s not coming.
Her breathing is still in stuttered messes and she keeps running her hands through her hair, sometimes pulling a little too harshly.
But a loud knock on the door has her jumping up. She rips it open but gasps when she’s not met with who she thought.
“There you are, we’re all waiting for you.”
George’s brows furrow and he tilts his head, “Tom? You alright?”
She shakes her head quickly, her breathing getting worse as she walks back into the bathroom.
George follows, closing the door softly as he stands there awkwardly, “Shall I get Adam?”
“N-No.” She shakes her head and sits on the toilet lid again. “Not Adam.”
He nods softly once more, muttering ‘okay’ as he kneels in front of her.
He holds his hand up for her, “Just like squeeze it or something.” 
George has no clue what he’s doing, he obviously recognises the panic attack she’s having, but he’s never had to calm anyone down from it.
The two times Matty had a panic attack as kids Adam was the one to console him and calm him down, with Ross supporting and George rubbing his back when instructed,
“Like a stress ball.” He adds when he sees her questioning gaze.
She hesitantly takes his hand and squeezes a little, then he squeezes back with an encouraging smile, “See?”
She nods and he moves so he sits crossed legged instead of awkwardly crouching in front of her.
She swallows the lump that was in her throat and George’s other hand comes up to squeeze her knee, “Uh, usually Adam makes Matty talk, which we both know isn’t really an issue for him, even when he can’t breath.”
She laughs a little and George’s smile brightens, “Shall I go get him? Matty?”
She shakes her head quickly, “It’ll pass.”
“You sure? He knows this kind of stuff, he can help.”
“Was supposed to be here,” She says, pushing her hand against her heart as if pushing against herself will calm her breathing. “He’s always here.”
“You’ve had one before?”
She nods quickly, “They pass, G.”
She squeezes his hand again, “Just, don’t leave. Please.”
He nods quickly and moves to pull her down to the floor with him, “I’m right here, Tom, just keep squeezing my hand.”
She nods, squeezing again.
They stay like that for a while, George holding her under his arm, his back leaning against the wall beside the sink until she calms.
“I’m okay.”
“You sure?”
She nods quickly, “Is everyone waiting?”
“We were gonna head to this restaurant, but if you’re not up for it I’ll head back to the hotel with you.”
She shakes her head, “I’m starving.”
“There’s a McDonald’s on the way.”
“I’m okay, George.”
He nods then and slowly gets up, helping her to her feet and guiding her out into the hallway down to where everyone else is.
“Finally.” Matty slurs, drink in hand as he walks over wrapping an arm around her, “Where’d you disappear off to, kid?” He ruffles her hair and she pushes his hand away.
“Bathroom.” She says simply.
“Come, come.” He says quickly, dragging her across the room.
George catches her other arm, hand on Matty’s shoulder, “Not right now, Matty, give her a few minutes.”
“No, no, she has to come right now, or she’ll miss her.”
George sends her an apologetic look and she raises a brow over her shoulder, “Okay, I want you to meet Gemma.”
“Who’s Gemma?”
She pauses as she looks at the woman before her, much taller than her, with beautiful blonde hair and even more gorgeous eyes.
She smiles, teeth showing and Tommie grins awkwardly, “Alrite’?”
“This is Tommie,” Matty says with an arm around her shoulder, tugging her into his sweaty side causing her to grimace, “Adam’s little cousin.”
Tommie raises a brow at that, there’s no usual little speak that she’s grown to love, ‘this is Tommie, we found her on the side of the road but we love her like our own’ or ‘this is Tommie, my best mate and the third best guitarist after me, then secondly Matty Healy’.
She’s just Tommie, Adam’s little cousin.
“Hi, Tommie. It’s nice to meet you. I didn’t realise you were actually in the band.”
She nods a little, feeling uncomfortable with Matty’s arm around her neck.
“Yeah, have been for almost a year now.”
“She’s being modest,” Matty adds, shaking her around a little, “She’s been with us for years.”
Matty finally moves his hand from pointing at her to the woman opposite them, “Tommie, this is Gemma. My girlfriend.”
Matty grins, holding his hand for her and pulling her into him to clumsily place a kiss on her lips, missing completely and hitting her cheek.
“I uh, didn’t know you had a girlfriend, Healy.” She chuckles awkwardly, stepping away from him when he tries to place his arm around her again.
“I wanted to be sure, you know,” He says, soft eyes on his girlfriend, “Before I introduce you guys, make you become friends.”
“Well, anyone who can deal with you is instantly my friend.”
She clears her throat a little, giving Gemma another smile, “Uh, George and I were gonna head back early instead, both a bit too tired and he promised me McDonalds yesterday so…”
“Oh, of course, we can all go out tomorrow morning before we leave.”
She nods, “Yeah, yeah, maybe.”
She turns to Gemma, smiling softly, “Nice meetin’ you.”
Matty chuckles, “Nice meeting you.” He repeats her words for her, “Don’t worry, took me almost four years to understand her.”
Tommie turns, heading straight for George who’s talking with some daughter of a worker who has backstage access, hand on the wall above her head.
“Can we go?”
He’s about to shoo her away but when he looks down at her and sees her expression he nods quickly, “Yeah, I’ll call a taxi.”
She nods, moving to Adam and Ross to tell them they’re leaving while grabbing George’s jacket and her bag.
“Do you want me to come back with you?”
She shakes her head, “No, we’re gonna get some food on the way back.”
“You’re alright, yeah?” Ross asks then, head tilting up at her.
She nods quickly with a smile, “Just, uh, tired, George said he wanted to call that bird he met yesterday so he’s gonna take me back on his way.”
Adam mutters an excuse before following her out, “Tom? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I’m just, not feeling great.”
He tilts his head, in that mother hen way that she hates, “I’m fine, Ad, really.”
“Ring me if you need anything.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
George sighs, still searching in his pocket for the hotel room key, the five of them have one room together, it’s got a double bed, two single beds and a pull out sofa bed.
“Shit, what did I do with it?”
He tries passing the loose things in his pocket to her, a pack of cigarettes, about five lighters (none of them work), empty pack of chewing gums and his broken phone.
She doesn’t respond, standing staring into space and he tilts his head but then grins, laughing loudly which snaps her out of her trance.
“Put it in my back pocket of my jeans.”
She nods, forcing a smile but her eyes are still trained on a crack in the paint on the wall behind him.
He closes the door behind them, watching her try to get off her shoes, “You sure you’re alright? You’re acting a little weird, Tom.”
She breathes in shakily and turns to look at him, he worries even more when he sees the tears in her eyes, “Tom?”
His shoulders drop a little knowingly and he reaches over to tuck her into his chest, arms wrapping around her as she lets it out. She cries into his plain shirt as he rests his chin on her head. “Oh, Tommie.”
“I-I thought… I thought he liked me, G.”
George sighs, he doesn’t say what he’s thinking, ‘me too, with the way he gushes about you, the way he drools over you, the way he stares every single second his eyes are open, me too.’
The rest of the guys don’t come in until much later, George is sitting quietly in the double bed beside a sleeping Tommie who’s wrapped up in jackets, blankets and pillows. Which is something she does to herself when she feels like she’s getting too overwhelmed with the world.
“Hey, guys.” Matty says loudly.
George looks up quickly, shushing him and gesturing to Tommie.
“Sorry- Ow, shit! Fuck-”
Matty leans down to hold the foot he’d hit on the suitcase that he had left open in the middle of the room, “Sorry.” He says again.
Ross faceplants one of the single beds with a groan and Adam heads over to Tommie, he pushes some blankets back to look at her, “Is she alright?”
George looks over at Matty who stumbles into the bathroom, only half closing the door as he begins to take a piss.
“She was just a little overwhelmed after the gig, think she had a panic attack or something, didn't want to worry you.”
“Is that it? Is she okay?”
“She calmed down after a while, Hann, was fine after a McDonalds and a shower.”
Adam nods and gathers some clothes for him and Ross to change into for sleep.
George pulls himself out of bed to take up the other single bed as Matty stumbles out of the bathroom, he crawls into the bed beside Tommie, using one finger to uncover her sleeping face.
“Leave her alone, Matty.” George says, not looking up from his laptop.
“I missed her. Was supposed to get drunk with her tonight.”
“Just go to bed.” George repeats, headphones around his neck, the faint beat of a new song coming from them.
He grumbles something but tucks himself in, until Adam is harshly tugging on his leg, “Not in this one, this is my bed.”
“Not fair, you got the double bed with Ross last night.”
“I want to make sure Tommie’s okay.”
“She’s fine.”
“She had a panic attack, Matty,” George snaps, “Told me you were supposed to meet her there…”
Matty shakes his head, suddenly sobering up a lot quicker, “Shit, I-I… ah, I got distracted, I saw Gemma, I wasn’t expecting her and then it slipped my mind what usually happens. I’m so sor-”
“No point in apologising, mate. Just go to bed.”
taglist @thereisaplaceintheheart @indierockgirrl
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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heda-in-the-clouds · 6 months
uh uh have you written a one shot or anything of this ballet au? cause I would read the fuck out of that
Here's a little unedited smutty snippet that shows off their dynamic during their late night rehearsals. Read below for the sin 🩷
Clarke was frustrated with Lexa during their late night rehearsal. Lexa kept messing up the choreography, stepping on her toes, or accidentally running into her body. She seemed unfocused as if her thoughts were elsewhere other than this studio.
Lexa had snapped at Clarke when asked if she wanted to talk about it.
"Fuck off Clarke! Like you can help me. Just go and leave me be."
Lexa walked away and now stood at the opposite end of the studio from Clarke, tightly gripping the ballet barre as she derided herself in front of the mirror.
Clarke was pissed at Lexa's sudden outburst. She didn't deserve to be yelled at for just checking in on her partner. Clarke didn't know what was troubling Lexa. Honestly, Clarke could not care less other than the fact that it greatly affected Lexa's concentration. They only had a few more days to nail down their routine before their performance. Time was ticking.
Meanwhile, Lexa had decided to stretch out her tired limbs as a means to cool down. She stood back and leaned down to grip the barre. Next she stood on her toes and arched her back to stretch out her sore muscles. She moaned in relief as she felt her body loosening up. She drove her hips and ass further back to intensify the stretch to soothe the tightness in her muscles and joints.
As Lexa stretched with her ass raised up in the air, Clarke saw the perfect opportunity to punish Lexa for her lack of focus and snappy behavior. Clarke quietly approached Lexa who was too preoccupied with her stretching to hear her footsteps. Clarke positioned herself directly behind Lexa before placing one hand over Lexa's shoulder and the other on her hip
"You're too stressed and I know exactly what you need Lexa."
"Fuck off Clarke! I'm not in the mood to fuck right now"
"Who said anything about fucking?"
Suddenly, Clarke raised her hand backwards and delivered a powerful slap to Lexa's ass over her leotard. A loud smack echoed in the empty studio followed by Lexa's surprised scream.
"Ahh, what the fuck Clarke?!"
"Something is obviously bothering you and since you refuse to talk about it, you can't focus for shit tonight. Maybe you need to be spanked so you can clear your mind so we can actually learn our routine."
"I'm not a fucking child Clarke. This is bull-ahhh!”
Annoyed by Lexa's attitude, Clarke delivered another hard slap to Lexa's other cheek this time before she could finish her sentence.
"We're out of time Lexa. I'm pissed. You're pissed. We're both pissed. Indra is going to be fucking pissed tomorrow if we still can't nail down our combo."
"So your best idea is to fucking spank me? Smart idea Clarke. What other great ideas do you have floating around in the blonde head of yours?"
"Fucking bitch!"
Enraged by Lexa's diss insinuating she's a dumb blonde, Clarke reared her hand back and delivered another powerful smack to Lexa's ass.
"Fuck Clarke. That one really hurt!"
"It was supposed to Lexa. I'm tired of your bullshit so here's what I'm going to do. I'm gonna spank your ass ten times and I want you to count each and every one of them. Also, you're not allowed to take your hands off the barre or get off pointe. If you do, I'm starting back at zero. Maybe you'll finally learn your damn routine after this. Now get into position!"
Lexa begrudgingly got into position and gripped the barre tightly as she stood on her pointe shoes. She dipped lower when Clarke pushed her back down until she was parallel with the floor. Lexa was now in prime position to take Clarke's crude punishment
Instead of a verbal response, Lexa wiggled her ass back in Clarke at defiance. Clarke kindly responded as her palm smacked Lexa's ass hard.
"Ah! One" Lexa gasped out from the sting of Clarke's hit. Without thinking, she unclenched her fingers from the barre hoping to soothe the bite before Clarke's cough reminded her of the rules. She whined as she remembered the rules and grasped the barre again
Clarke reared her hand back again and delivered another slap to Lexa's ass.
"Two!" Lexa gasped out. This time, she remembered to hold onto the barre. The sting from Clarke's palm resonated through her body. However, Lexa couldn't dwell on the pain before Clarke smacked her ass a third time.
"Three!" Lexa hissed out. Fortunately, Clarke spanked her other cheek which provided some distraction from her other cheek that was already starting to feel tender.
"Four, Five, Six! Ahhh! Fuck Clarke! Please, I'm sorry." Lexa cried out as Clarke delivered 3 spanks in quick succession. Lexa whimpered as the pain in her ass started to intensify and spread out. Tears formed in Lexa's eyes as she wondered if she would see bruises on her pale ass once she stripped out of her dance clothes.
Recollecting herself, Lexa began to notice the silkiness of her tights sliding against her clit and folds making her wet. With each smack of Clarke's palm against her ass, her arousal intensified.
Lexa suddenly began to feel different as her body and mind began to register each slap as pleasurable instead of painful as time went on. She actually craved the harshness of Clarke's hits against her cheeks.
Lexa rubbed her thighs together to increase the friction she felt throbbing against her core from her tights and leotard. Lexa didn't realize she could potentially climax in this position.
With each spank, her mind began to clear up and focus. She forgot what she was even frustrated about that contributed to her lack of focus during their rehearsal.
"10!" Lexa moaned in relief once she felt the final sting of Clarke's palm on her cheeks. Her ordeal was finally over. She pleaded with Clarke that she learned her lesson.
However, Clarke was unconvinced. She slid Lexa's leotard to the side and ripped a hole in her tights. Clarke smirked and boasted that Lexa's ass should be slapped with a different technique.
Lexa wasn't the only one turned on right now evidenced by the wet spot over Clarke's leotard. She had been hard ever since she stood behind Lexa and spanked her. Clarke needed to relieve her own stress and what better way than fucking her frustration out on Lexa as usual
Unlike Lexa, Clarke wore her tights over her leotard tonight so it was easier for her to undress. Clarke pulled her tights down until they pooled at her feet. She then moved her leotard to the side freeing her cock trapped underneath the tight fabric.
"Maybe you'll be able to focus more and actually count with my cock shoved inside your cunt!" Clarke chided as she lined up her dick with Lexa's flushed entrance
"Ah Clarke!" Lexa whimpered in pleasure as Clarke suddenly thrusted deep inside her.
"Now, let me hear you count again." Clarke grunted as she reared her hips back unsheathing herself from Lexa's warmth.
To be continued...
So yeah, that's how ballerina clexa act around each other during their late night dance rehearsals. Basically, the hotter and rougher the sex translates to a more passionate performance between them on stage. Don't worry, they have real feelings for each other but they're too immature to talk like actual adults and would rather fuck than dredge them up.
Feel free to send me more asks about these two. I have lots of headcanons plus a lot more sin that I can't wait to share 😊
Finally, here's a photo reference so you can imagine what position Lexa was in
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aliypop · 9 months
Double Trouble
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Word Count: 1,742
Writers Note: This was a request from @rjmartin11 Who wanted to know more about Elaine and Jesse, the Presley twins I mentioned in Let Yourself Go,
Warning: mostly fluff
Pairing: OC x Elvis
Plot: With Elvis back from the war and finishing up filming GI Blues, Cecelia starts to notice she's having funny cravings.
California June 1960
"I'm telling you, Midge. Something's wrong with me..." Cecelia said while Midge was helping her get dressed, 
"What's wrong, Cil..." Midge asked as Cecelia took a deep breath. Maybe it was stress from filming her own movie, Cecelia sighed. As she looked at her feet, they had been swelling lately and aching like crazy. 
"Well, for starters, I've been sick lately... " Cecelia sighed,
"How sick?"
 "Like last night, Elvis and I stayed in, and I made this great big dinner and..."
"And then what?"
"Well, it came back up. I just haven't kept anything down lately, and I've been having bad headaches." Cecelia groaned, "I've been real sleepy!" she yawned, "A bit snappy too." she then began to pout, "And did I mention it was a steak dinner... A great one, too..."
"Cece. that sounds like you're pregnant..." Midge laughed as Cecelia blushed. She'd never think she was pregnant. It wasn't a thought that crossed her mind. 
"Me pregnant ?"
"It's not unlikely, after all, you and E have been going at it like Lovebugs in Florida."
"And I haven't had a period in a month..." Cecelia thought, 
"I'll call a doctor to come and check it-"
"If I'm pregnant, is it too soon in our careers? Can we afford a baby? Wait, we can afford it-"
"Out..." she sighed, "Calm down, Cecelia, for all you know, it could be a stomach bug." she shrugged.
"I can guarantee it's not a stomach bug..." The doctor said, gently pressing on her stomach. Cecelia looked up to know what it was then, 
"Then what is it..."
"A baby, Ms. Valmos," the doctor said, "So if I were you, I'd lay off any fatty foods and uh... milkshakes." he smiled, "Unless you crave them..." he shrugged. Cecelia nodded as she tried to figure out how Cecelia would even tell Elvis she was pregnant. Would it be through a song, shouting it out, or maybe asking about kids? Course, they'd talked about kids before he'd gone off to Germany and before their secret wedding, but of course, things could change, and maybe he wouldn't want kids anymore or worse, he wouldn't want her anymore, but those were just thoughts. 
"My advice to you is to tell your lover. You don't want to raise this baby alone," he commented as Cecelia gulped, 
"Thank you, doc." Midge sighed, watching him leave. He could see it in her eyes. She was worried. And overthinking, 
"What if El-"
"Cil... Elvis wouldn't leave you for being with child, especially 'cause it's his." Midge smiled, "If anything, you'll tell him, and he'll say." she cleared her throat, trying her best impression of Elvis, "Well, it seems my mama's gonna be an actual mama, ain't that right honey," Cecelia laughed as she stood up,
"No, he'd say it like this. Mmm, my favorite little mama's gonna be a mama, and a cute one at that," she winked as Midge chuckled, 
"Oh god, you even got his smolder down!" Midge had tears in her eyes,
"He is my husband." she laughed, 
"Do another thing!" Midge asked as Cecelia tried dancing like him, the two of them falling over in laughter,
"Cece darlin... " Elvis saw the two as she looked up from off the floor,
"Hey, sugarpie!" her smile and laughter were music to his ears, 
"I got some news for ya." the two said in unison,
"And that's my que to leave." Midge laughed,
"Later Midge." Cecelia smiled, "So what's the news, dear?" her attention back on Elvis. 
"Well... We finish wrapping up soon, which means you and I can finish what we started back in Memphis..." he kissed Cecelia's neck, hearing her breath hitch, 
"What would that all include sugar..." 
"Whatever you want it to be, I know we've been busy since I returned, and I don't think I've given my wife much attention lately,"
"Oh, I beg to differ..." Cecelia mumbled.
"What was that?"
"I'd just love not to beg you to dinner," she said as Elvis glanced at her.
"Honey, what's going on?"
"Nothing..." Her eyes shifted to the left. He now had his hands on his hips, looking down at her. She forgot how piercing those blue eyes could be sometimes.
"El..." she said,
"The truth, little darlin..." 
"You sure? What if I tell you this truth, and it changes how you see me or love me?"
"What did you do? Pull a prank or something?" 
"No, El..." she took a deep breath,
"Baby, you know you can tell me anything-"
"Well... you're gonna be a papa..." she mumbled
"You're gonna be a daddy."
Elvis was in shock, and Cecelia was standing there hurt, not knowing his thoughts, until he scooped her in his arms and spun her around, 
"Baby, this is the happiest day of my life."
"I thought our wedding was?" she joked,
"Second happiest." he laughed, peppering her face with kisses, "How long have you known?"
"Just today."
"That explains the strawberry and pickle milkshakes."
"What can I say? The kid already eats like you." Cecelia joked as Elvis peppered her face with kisses
February 1961
"Baby, don't worry, I got it." Cecelia smiled as Elvis had a worried look on his face. Cecelia was due any day now, but she wanted her independence too. Trying to reach for her guitar to compose yet another song was even a struggle with her pregnant belly in the way. 
"Cece honey... Let me at least help with something." Elvis asked as she glanced at him. Elvis was attentive and connected to her to the point he even started picking up on her cravings. 
"El... I..." she tried to reach over her stomach,
"What would you do without me here, mama..." picking up her guitar, as he kissed her forehead, 
"Well, daddy-o, probably not much," she laughed, patting the side of her stomach, 
"Elaine's kicking again?" he asked,
"No, that would be baby number two."
"T-T-Twins..." Elvis had a bittersweet look on his face,
"Mhmm... hey hey hey, what's wrong?" 
"You stuttered... " she looked at him as she held his hand, 
"Baby, I-I-I'm fine."
"You did it again... somethin's eatin at'cha, isn't it," Cecelia asked. Damn her for knowing her husband too well. 
"I guess you could say somethin is, but..."
"Elvis Aaron Presley, take a deep breath and look at me," she said as he did so, getting lost in her eyes. They seemed to ground him most when he needed to land from any storm. 
"It's just...Well, you know I told you about how my mama lost my twin brother at birth and..."
"You're afraid it could happen to us." 
"Yeah." he sighed, "It's stupid. But..." 
"Ah, ah, it's not stupid. I get it. I do."  
"You do..."
"See, There were supposed to be more Valmos children than just me, but my mother had two miscarriages. Well, she had an abortion a year later after having me." she nodded, 
"No..No.. It's for the better. One of me was enough." she laughed a little, 
"I don't want anything to happen to our babies..."
"I don't either, El..." she felt a sharp pain. 
"I mean besides. What if we have two precious princesses," 
 "Or the others, a baby boy, and he's a handsome devil or-"
"ELVIS!" She squeezed his hand hard,
"Cecelia, you're not pullin another prank, are ya..." he then looked at her face,
 "Oh shit... This, Th-Thi-This is real..."
"You can stay by the door if you'd like, Mr. Presley..." one of the midwives said,
"I think I'll stay by her side." 
"The whole time?"Elvis gave the woman a nod as he went in. The babies were closer to arriving, and laying there in the bed with sweat on her face was Cecelia, who still looked like a heaven-sent angel,
 "El..." her voice was soft and a bit tired, 
"Cece..." he kissed her hand, 
"We could put her under Twilight sleep..." The doctor said as Elvis looked at him confused,
"The hell is that..." Cecelia asked as she held his hand,
"Well, we'd sedate you, but you'll have no memory of any of this." 
"Does it include a needle..."
"Well, yes..."
"With all respect fuck that..." Cecelia growled, they already poked and pried her enough, and soon after everything was set and ready, the real fun began to start. 
"Just Keep pushing, Ms. Valmos!"
                "Just push!"
 "One more!" 
             "Come on, you can do it!"
      "Oh! It's a healthy baby boy!"
 In Cecelia's arms were a healthy baby girl and a boy. Elvis was trying not to still have the face of someone who just witnessed the most disturbingly beautiful thing he'd ever seen, but here he was by his wife's side. 
"Elvis, they're precious..." she said. Out of breath and tired, he kissed her forehead. 
"Have you seen who gave birth to 'em both..." 
"No, I haven't." She joked,
"A pure Angel." 
"Have you figured out a name?" one of the nurses asked them both as Cecelia nodded,
"Elaine Marie Love Presley, And Jesse Veron Presley." Cecelia smiled, she could see the tears in his eyes at the names of each as she kissed his hand. 
"You two shouldn't cry so much when your mama's sleepin..." Elvis said it had been a week since the twins were born, and Elvis was rocking Jesse and Elaine back to sleep. Elaine was a spitting image of her mother, with her copper skin, and her hazel eyes, but she had streaks of blonde in her hair. Oh how he knew she'd be a firecracker and his best friend, but then there was Jesse, his twin with his light blue eyes and black hair like Gladys. 
"You know... I may not be the best daddy to ya... cause well uh... I- I ain't never been a daddy before, but I can promise you, I'll love you both." he kissed their foreheads, "But your mama... Well, she's gonna spoil you both to death I just know it." he laughed,
"Is that so, Mr. Presley..." Cecelia asked as he turned to face her. The night sky always did reflect so beautifully on her,
"It is, you know why?"
"Cause all mothers do." he smiled, watching as she gave him a kiss on the cheek, taking Jesse from out his arms and rocking him slowly as she hummed love me tender, they both couldn't wait for what the future would bring.
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freedomfireflies · 8 months
We’ve already seen 404 Harry being gentle with Tink, only in serious situation though…so what if she’s working on this hard project and she’s been perfecting the code and it’s taken her awhile to finally get it right after it crashing and needing to tweak it a bit or the client keeps adding on more. Then when she’s near done, something happens maybe it’s bad weather, maybe it’s an overheated server, maybe the power cuts, maybe IT was restarting the system that day at that hour and she just forgot about the company wide memo. Either way she had just finished, didn’t even get a chance to save it, before in a flash the screen is blank and then showing the restarting sign. This could either be after hours so most everyone’s gone home or maybe during lunch hour, but she just doesn’t know how else to react apart for letting the tears she didn’t feel forming in her eyes drip down her face. The longer she sits there in her chair and watches her company issued computer startup, the more her face grows warm, the more tears slip past her. Then when the screen opens up and she signs in, she sees the time and her heartbeat quickens considering the project is due in two hours, but a small part of her is hopeful until she opens up the code and sees her work from yesterday, the one that lacks all the new needed tweaks and the one that took eight hours to correct, not her finished code. She doesn’t realize she’s not breathing properly until she’s turned in her chair and sees Harry crouched on the floor with one hand on her knee and the other on her cheek. He’s saying something to her as he wipes away her tears but she can’t quite make it out, her heartbeat to quick. Harry looks worried and now that she’s more focus on him, she can hear his voice, “what’s wrong baby? Why’re you crying?” She goes to answer his questions, but he interrupts her still with a worried look on his face, “tell me all about it and I’ll help you solve it, but first match my breathing. Baby you’re breathing irregularly. Good, breathe in…and breathe out” when she’s all calm and can feel her normal heart rate she back to crying, but this time she’s moving forward and hugging Harry while speaking into his neck to explain to him what happened. Harry rubs her back and listens with intent, once she finishes he pulls back, one hand still on her knee and tells her not to stress and the two of them together can get it done. He’s quick to remind her that most of the changes are still probably fresh in her head, next thing she knows he’s pulling up his chair, connecting his keyboard to one of her monitors and asking her details to get started. He offers her a breather, to relax for ten minutes, but she denies and then they’re at it. They work along side each other, focused on getting it done, only talking code that is until both of them are back to their regularly scheduled program of bickering. The banter has them both biting back a smile and sometimes a scowl, this they don’t hide. Neither of them willing to admit, that time crunch aside and the poor portions of the others personality aside, they enjoy being near each other. Maybe they even like the poor portions a little, but scratch that thought right away and make a taunt at the other to fix their internal balance. At the end, Tink is pushing all other feelings aside, turning to Harry and thanking him wholeheartedly and he, he’s having trouble holding back a smile and has a small urge to hug her, but he pushes both those feelings aside. Instead he nods in acknowledgment before he takes a crack to tease her on his way to grab his stuff and leave. She’s huffing still by her desk packing her things, her reply is just as snappy. Just like that, everything is back to normal and neither of them know if their relieved or…
Omg, I apologize for that last ask I sent in. It was too long, I just got carried away. It was only supposed to be a small idea and I just wanted to ask what you think would happen in that situation. I didn’t mean for it to get that long🫶
OMG STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!! This was so cute, PLEASE DON'T APOLOGIZE I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! You can send anything you want, no matter how long!!!
This is literally one of the sweetest things I've ever read, tell me why I actually started tearing up from just the thought of him crouched down near her 😭💞💞💞
LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN....I love this so much, I do, and I so wish this would be the case but I already know our man's would not be this nice alsjfsf
I adore the premise, though!! And I can absolutely see her getting overwhelmed without even realizing it!!!
But the only difference I would make is that I think he wouldn't be that quiet and calming with her, at least not right away!! I think he'd come over, study her with a frown, try to figure out why she's being weird alsjff
And then he'd crouch down, maybe nudge her leg with his elbow to grab her attention, and murmur, "Hey, what's going on? What happened?" And she'd explain, angrily gesturing toward the screen, and cursing because she's been working for hours, and those fucking IT guys didn't even warn her of the restart.
And Harry would just smirk because she's kind of funny when she's this angry, and then he'd just nod and say, "Okay, easy, Princess. Relax, all right, I'll fix it." And maybe she'd snort and tell him that he has no idea how to fix her work but he'd just ignore her, pull up to his own computer, and get going You're so right, they'd be bantering through the whole thing, working late into the night, and griping but they would get it done!! And he'd walk her down to her car (claiming it's just a coincidence since he's walking down, too)
And they would never speak of it again HAHAHAH
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phrogberry · 2 years
Sex and Candy 🍭
Rodrick Heffley x Fem!Reader
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Author’s note: omg it’s Rodrick slay 💋💋 I was inspired by a song. I loved it. And even though this doesn’t actually have sex in it the song just reminded me of a relaxing smoke sesh with one of the most emo boys in school. I hope you like it!!! I may attempt to change some things later on. Redo it if I don’t like it since it’s 2:30 am. 🗿
Warnings: drugs, light grinding and making out, cussing.
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Your fingers cramped while gripping the #2 pencil in your hand furiously. You were in high school, barely getting through it. And math wasn’t helping your case. You weren’t a dumb student, you were smart. That was not the problem. The problem was you were stressed the fuck out. Ms. Cooper handing out accelerated equations like candy made your blood boil. The downside to being one of the well known “delinquents” at school was your friends, who you couldn’t ask for help since they were also “delinquents” at school. At least that’s what your mom called them. Although, your dad had kept some detentions slips from when she dressed like a slut or got caught for possession of alcohol in water bottles.
Currently your parents were on a cruise they had won for being listeners to a Christian radio station that they didn’t really listen to, but claimed they did to be with the God loving suckers living in the suburban half side of Plainview, unironically drinking Bloody Mary’s while you suffered at home with your little sister in the room across the hall. She was quiet, snobby, and respectful, no thanks to you. So babysitting hadn’t been too rocky.
You were about to snap the pencil in half. About to start balling your eyes out and just let the mascara blind you. About to jump off a cliff since this brought you physical discomfort at this point. But before you had the chance, there was a tap on the window. Whipping your head over, you saw your lovely boyfriend, Rodrick, hanging on tightly to the house. There was a tree just outside your faux, mini patio that was just there for show. You sigh, putting the pencil down and glaring at him. Opening the window. You didn’t know what he wanted, you weren’t particularly mad at him. But after everything you were like a rubber band left out in the sun. Ready to crumble and snap. “What the fuck are you doing here, Heffley?” You hiss. It seemed as though Rodrick was the only one who could handle your pissiness. Always finding a way to calm you down, or make you laugh. It was one of the things you admired about him. His patients for you and only you.
“Sorry, princess. I saw how monstrous you were after getting out of Ms. Connor’s class. Just wanted to make you feel better with a little bit of me. Forgive me.” You raised a brow, scoffing. “As much as I appreciate you using big words to make me feel better- I’ll pass.” You bit back as your face contorted, and although you didn’t mean to get snappy with him he was clearly trying to annoy you even further. “They’re only big words to you, babe.” He smiled like a shithead, stopping you from closing the window with his hand.“Okay- I’m sorry- don’t.” You stared at him for a few seconds. Slowly opening the window again. “What do you want?”
Rodrick fumbled with his jean pocket for a second before pulling out a bag of green buds of pure happiness. “I snagged this from the principal’s filing cabinet. It was all the way in the back hidden behind some smokes so I figured this would go to waste.” He wiggled his brows with a devious smile. You contemplated, putting a piece of hair behind your ears. “I dunno, Rodrick..” You cringed at yourself, knowing full well you needed it. It just needed to take a bit of persuasion from him. Rodrick would never pressure you to do anything. He’d maybe point out positives, and if you were clearly uncomfortable he would stop. So he treaded lightly. “C’mon. The smell would be gone by the time your parents get back. We’ll keep the window open. Your homework will do itself.”
This wasn’t the first time Rodrick got his hands on some pot, it wasn’t for you either. So you smiled after a moment of silence and nodded excitedly. Pulling him into your bedroom. The two of you giggling while he made a huge thud on the floor. “Shhhh!” You put your finger to your lips, getting him up. “My sister’s asleep!” Your mood had already changed drastically, but it was only because he genuinely made you feel better when you two were alone. In public he could be an asshole, but you were just as bad. Though- the amount of PDA was sick, you two couldn’t help it. As teenagers usually couldn’t.
Once you two were comfortable on the millions of pillows you insisted on having, you turned to your boyfriend and your eyebrows furrowed. “How did you sneak out and get away from your mom?” Rodrick chuckled and put his arm around you, shrugging smuggly. “Ah, a magician never reveals his secrets.” “You put pillows under the blanket.” “I put pillows under the blanket.” You couldn’t help but laugh, Rodrick just watching your face light up. Admiring you before taking out the blunts. Luckily, the kid who got in trouble was planning on smoking them soon so you two didn’t have to do any work. You had strips of paper for them, but melting into his arms made you lazy.
Suddenly, you jolted up and rushed to your stereo. Rodrick looked confused, trying to find his lighter. “What are you doing?” You didn’t answer, grabbing a CD and popping it in. You paid no mind to him, smelling the smoke. After a moment you’d figure you’d explain why you’re so fast to put this on. “A new CD was put out at the store. I stopped by yesterday.” Your new favorite song played throughout your room, your feet dancing lightly to the opening and your back hitting the mattress as you took the blunt.
Hangin' 'round downtown by myself
And I had so much time to sit and think about myself
And then there she was, like double cherry pie
Yeah, there she was
Like disco super-fly
Rodrick listened while tilting his head back against a stuffed animal. Exhaling while you inhaled. The deep breaths you had to take just added onto your relaxation. Passing the grass back and forth while you began to mellow out. You went up to rest your head on his chest while moaning mindlessly. It was an effortlessly intoxicating feeling. Rodrick brushed his fingers through your hair, a smirk plastered on his face as you nudged your way into him. “Wow.. I just wanna- wanna like-” Your thoughts felt mushed together and you couldn’t help but feel euphoric. He chuckled and looked down at you. “Wanna what?” Your head tilted up, a fist holding his shirt while you sat up and took the smoke. Taking a long hit and coughing hard. “Damn. I wanna like- be you.” You laughed out loud, shuddering and nuzzling your face into his neck.
Rodrick’s hand held your back as you climbed into his lap. He made a concerned, amused face as you got closer. “What? I don’t think that’s possible, babe.” His grin was toothy, whining when you kept smoking. “Hey- share.” You groaned, giving it over and kissing the moles on his cheek. Down his jaw and to his neck. His hand mindlessly founds it’s way on your ass and none of you were complaining.
I smell sex and candy here, mmm
Who's that lounging in my chair? Mmm
Who's that casting devious stares in my direction?
Mama, this surely is a dream, yeah
It got heavy fast, the drugs hitting you like a ton of bricks. After the blunt was finished, both of you were making out. Your hands were tangled into his hair and his hands were under your shirt. Your face was red, his eyes were bloodshot. Hips grinding pathetically and sporadically. These moments with you and Rodrick were absolutely amazing. His teeth grazed your neck, and you moaned while pulling his hair. You and Rodrick didn’t get far. As much as he would like to say he was a “lady’s man” he was nervous when it came to sex. So unless he was sober and ready to go a step further, you pulled your swollen lips away and you laughed when his fingertips tickled you.
“Can uh.. can you spend the night?” You asked, hopefully and slurring most of your words. He looked at the time, nodding quickly. “Yeah. Yeah-” His eyebrows furrowed as he licked his lips. “But water. My lips are so dry.” You nodded and stumbled to the door. The song on repeat. Your feet felt around aggressively, making sure you didn’t fall down the stairs as you got Rodrick a glass of water. Once you drank some yourself, you were good enough to go back upstairs. Stopping in your footsteps when you close the door behind you and seeing Rodrick shirtless. A cross sitting in the middle of his chest while he drew hearts on your papers. You blushed, walking over. “Here..” Your voice could barely come up to a whisper as he took it with an oblivious smile. Thanking you and downing it. “Get some sleep. I’ll- lay down in a bit. Head buzz.” You nodded and kissed his head gently, smiling against his cheek and climbing into the sheets. You tried to wait for him but it was a bad idea. You could feel yourself drifting off abruptly, painfully without him until you found him jabbing himself into your arms.
Yeah, mama, this surely is a dream, dig it
Yeah, mama, this surely is a dream, yeah
Yeah, mama, this must be my dream
When you woke up in the morning, you couldn’t find Rodrick anywhere. You put on the jacket he left, your eyes sore from the weed and your head feeling like a foot that fell asleep. You put one side of the jacket over the other, freezing in your boxer shorts. A note on your desk that made your heart flutter. In your boyfriend’s messy handwriting, it read ‘had to go home :( mom found out and called. she says hi! -love the best bf ever.’ Your lips curved into a smile, moving your eyesight to the finished math on your desk. Possibly incorrect but you couldn’t help but hold it to your chest. You chuckled and turned to the stereo, pulling out the CD that was probably worn down. You put it away. Keeping it close to your heart. In love with Rodrick fucking Heffley after committing a crime that only you two- and maybe his mom- knew about. He was perfect.
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goldenempyrean · 20 days
Another Marina hc because they are also my current hyperfixation 🥹 I came across this ask meme but unfortunately can’t link the original post… what are your thoughts on the below (if you feel inspired)? 💫
🤒: How often do they get sick? What kinds of illnesses do they tend to get most often? Colds, flu, sinus infections, stomach viruses?
🤧: What does their sneeze sound like? (Description, spelling, or both!)
😩: Do they tend to sneeze just once or twice, or multiple times? Do they have fits frequently or rarely? Does how many times they sneeze depend on the cause?
🤝: Do they like to be taken care of when they’re not feeling well? Or do they hate it when people fuss over them? If they do, what’s their favorite thing about being taken care of? If not, why don’t they like being taken care of?
😔: What are their “tells” when they’re not feeling their best? Do they sleep more or less? Do they become easily irritated, aggressive, snap at little things? Or do they withdraw and become quieter, cry at the drop of a hat, stay in the background? What’s the one surefire way that one of their loved ones would be able to tell that they’re sick?
😖: Do they ever try to stifle their sneezes? Can they do it almost silently, sort of well, or are they just one of those people that can’t stifle at all? If they don’t stifle normally, is there any situation where they would at least try?
🌸: Are they allergic to any kind of plants? Flowers, weeds, trees? If yes, how bad are their allergies to those plants?
🕯: Are they allergic to other things? Dust, animals, perfumes, certain fragrances?
Anon, my dear, I love doing these! If you’re comfortable please come pop up in my DM’s so we can hyper-fixate on these together! Anyway this is gonna be long so strap in!
(And to that one specific person - please don’t start a war in my ask box about formatting again. That was horrible and made me feel like shit so just please don’t <3)
🤒: How often do they get sick?
Personally I think Carina gets sick the most often out of the two, simply due to the fact she works in a hospital. But they’ve both got pretty strong immune systems so they both get sick 1-2 times a year maybe - not counting times they pick up each other’s illnesses.
🤧: What does their sneeze sound like?
I’ve said this before in my past one with Carina but she either sneezes all cutesy and quiet or loud and harsh depending on where she is and how tired she is. Maya I feel like she just sneezes normally y’know? She’d definitely try to keep them a little held back while at work or around Carina though (until she gets too tired to care)
😩: Do they tend to sneeze just once or twice, or multiple times?
In my head Carina definitely sneezes more than once, especially if shes sick. Maya, I’m honestly not sure about, she could be either. She doesn’t like being seen as weak so she’ll probably let one slide but she’ll try and stop herself from needing to do it more than once or twice.
🤝: Do they like to be taken care of when they’re not feeling well?
Carina definitely does. She likes cuddles and naps and just being close to Maya. Maya also enjoys it just as much but she’d never admit that out-loud. Especially with her childhood, she isn’t used to it. As said previously, she’ll act a little stubborn (which she definitely was at the beginning of their relationship) but now they’ve been together she’s finding it easier to allow herself to be taken care of.
😔: What are their “tells” when they’re not feeling their best
Carina honestly just goes quiet. She’s usually chatty but if she’s not feeling great then she’ll just try and blend in and not stand out. Her accent is usually a little thicker too. Maya is similar as she’ll also go quiet but in a high-stress environment like her work she’ll often get a little snappy and short tempered but she’ll always apologise for it afterwards.
😖: Do they ever try to stifle their sneezes
If Carina is able too then she will, especially if she’s around people or at work even though she’ll chide Maya for doing the same. Maya stifles only if she’s cuddled against Carina or desperately trying to be quiet but most of the time she’ll just sneeze normally.
🌸: Are they allergic to any kind of plants?
Carina has none that she knows of. Maya has mild spring hayfever but its more itchy eyes than anything but she’ll completely shut down any accusation of it despite the fact she will take meds for it occasionally.
🕯: Are they allergic to other things?
I wouldn’t call it an allergy exactly but at the start of their relationship Carina could often be set off by the smell of smoke lingering on Maya, similarly after moving in together Carina’s numerous candles often made Maya’s nose irritated.
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macabrecake · 2 years
Hey cake <3 can i request a lil blurb with RE6 Leon and Rookie! Reader where reader and helena dont exactly get along and he finds out it's because reader is jealous/has a crush on him swwiwnwiwnwi
Leon feels he's pretty intuitive at times when it comes to what one is feeling. Body language, voice tone, things of that nature. Well not anymore apparently because, for the life of him, he could not nail down a reason as to what has gotten into you.
This whole ordeal since you both temporarily partnered up with Helena, you've been acting very different. Really snappy comments, quick to irritation, giving the cold shoulder. All characteristics that are highly unlike you. Every time he asks though, you dismiss him. Maybe it's the stress of the mission itself, you're still rather new to this of course, bioweapons and the sheer trauma they bring is something he completely understands. Especially with the addon of how cryptic Helena is being. In fact, as he really thinks about it...
Your sudden streak of fiery temper has shown ever since she got involved.
Now he feels he's getting somewhere. And after finally making it to the cathedral in one piece, Leon sets off to confront you again. Helena beats him to it first however, having had enough of your antics it seems. That immediately gets his pace to quicken. But, before he could lend you hand, he comes to an abrupt halt when his name is mentioned.
"It's Leon. You have feelings for him, don't you?" Helena asks you, tone softer and holding a more sympathetic gaze now. And, even with your back facing him, he can see you practically wilt on the spot. Suddenly so small as you slightly turn your head away to stare down at the floor in shame. He hates the sight of that, hates the heavy feeling it places in his chest. That sadness just doesn't look right on you. But suppose it's better then never knowing at all. Sometimes the only one who can figure out a woman... Is another woman. Because that would've never been is first guess, truth be told.
"I can't say anything, it's not professional." You explain, "I'm still just 'the rookie' anyway." He doesn't miss Helena's eyes instantly nailing him down as she nods to you. A very clear 'talk to her.' Before leaving you with a casual, "Why don't you see what he thinks of that then?"
You're turning around to follow her while in the midst of speaking the reasons why you can't, only to freeze when you spot him. Literally a deer caught in headlights. He's careful to approach you, but unable to hold back the curiosity any longer. "So, what Helena said. That true?"
Instant fear, that's all that clouds your eyes when you stare up at him. You still manage to gather all of your courage however, "Am I gonna get fired if I say yes?" The question, as terrifying as it was to ask, remarkably rewards you with not a look of scrutiny or some other form of disapproval. Just the agent's eyes falling shut while he shakes his head as a warm chuckle falls from his lips. Leon's then quick to gather you up in his arms with a simple, "C'mere."
The action pulls a soft squeak from you but you do not hesitate for one second to hug him back, doing a marvelous impression of an octopus right now while quietly giggling into his chest. You then peer up at him, still a little shy as you apologize for your behavior earlier. "I'm not normally like that."
The man lightly shrugs it off with a smile, "Don't worry about it." He would leave it at that but he can't help himself as he leans down closer to kiss your cheek and whisper in your ear, tone a much deeper octave now. Easily sending that adorable shade of pink on your face into a pretty rosy red.
"It's sexy.~"
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russeliarat · 1 year
For a long while now, I’ve been really struggling with my emotional issues so I’m gonna majorly project before I go cry. There’s not a lot of context at all to the backstory behind Fife either in this or in the fic, so uh major spoilers for OOTF but there’s still a lot to be explained. I did want to keep this a secret until it actually reached the chapter, but I found this so damn cathartic to write that I couldn’t help it. Might make a part two if I don’t feel embarrassed making ocxcanon content again (which is a talk for another time uhh).
It was a small thing that set her off, really. Some inconsequential, something that really didn’t matter. Yet, Fife cared. She cared so much to bear her teeth and scream in fury. She cared enough to throw the pages and pages of research into the beautifully crafted Divine Beasts and their ways of piloting to the floor. She cared enough to punch the glass shards of her mirror to a sharp mist. She cared enough to tear the jewellery from her fins from the debilitatingly tight, metallic feeling against her scales. It was nothing, really, so why did Fife have such a reaction to something as insignificant as a simple written sentence?
‘The Divine Beast Vah Ruta seems to have a mind of its own, and vowed to protect its pilot from seemingly the smallest of harms.’
What a load of bullshit. 
With a shivering lip, “I hate you, Vah Ruta.” It set off the fury settling deep within. The pressure exploded. It was relieving at first to let the pressure go. Her fists may have hurt and her head may have made her see an unbearably tangy, sour sound, but it felt so good. It felt so good to yell about the failures of the one thing meant to protect her. Fife hated how it tried to drown her family and friends. Vah Ruta killed her ‘sister’ and she would never forgive it for that.
But then the anger wouldn’t stop. And it wasn’t just Vah Ruta she was mad at.
The water began to sizzle, insufferably hot like a blue flame. Her hands shook as she slammed her fists into the metal of her desk, desperately attempting to relieve this painful stress. She was reminded of the Guardian attack that almost seared a hole through her stomach.
The terror the tiny girl felt as she gazed at her demise. But that small Zora committed that shocked blue eye to memory and knew she was going to die. And she wished Mipha and Sidon and all her friends wouldn’t miss her. Little did she know she’d miss that moment the most, where she’d come to detest the poor guard merely doing their job of sweeping little Fife from her paralyzed spot. She had honestly wished she died so she didn’t have to ever feel the pain that came after.
She let out a pained shriek. “FUCK YOU! FUCK EVERYTHING YOU EVER DID! FUCK EVERYTHING YOU EVER STOOD FOR!” She didn’t even know who she directed it at. The poor, scared girl? The Guardian who almost made her a dying star? The guard who sentenced her to a miserable life? Or perhaps whoever her failure of parents where who abandoned her in a cave before she could even hatch from her egg?
The table topped over from her powerful strike. She didn’t want its support anymore.
Maybe if she never survived that Guardian, she would have never dragged everyone through the hoops that eventually harmed them all. The fact she even got out of it alive after the first laser shot was a curse she hoped Hylia and the rest of the gods and deities could see the middle finger she put up to them for. Maybe she should walk straight up to that damn statue in the temple on the plateau and give it a piece of her mind, audience be damned. She was sick of pretending to be fine and happy and joyful so others could have the peace of mind that nothing was wrong and carry on their days. She wished Mipha let her stay the feral, snappy kid that was so untrusting of others. She wished she really did scratch or bite or snap at Sidon the first day they met in that cave, maybe then he would have left her behind for good. Fife would have been better off a Bokoblin snack than the Domain’s Guardian. All she did was suffer doing it.
Her claws tore at her face. She didn’t even realise such a guttural-sounding scream had torn its way from her throat. Was it coming from her mouth or her gills? She must have gone deaf to the world if she couldn’t tell. And she certainly must have gone deaf if she didn’t hear all the footsteps storming to her door, or even her name being yelled from the doorway.
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letarasstuff · 3 years
My little Princess
(A/N): This was requested by an anon. I hope you like it :)
Summary: The Fisher King threats the team’s family. Is Morgan ready to bring his daughter in, even though nobody knows about her existence?
Warnings: Some slight angst, I think
Wordcount: 0.9k
“Behave for Granny, can you do that for me?” Derek is crouched down in front of his toddler, who nods giggling. “Yes, Sir”, she salutes in mock. “Oh, it’s on, Little One!” He grabs his daughter and tickles her. Her sweet laughter is heard through the whole house.
“Derek, are you attacking my Granddaughter again?” His mother makes her way down the staircase as she is alerted by the noises. “Of course not, Ma.” He is quick to let go of her, smoothing (Y/N)'s clothes and hair.
A smile appears on the woman’s face. “Honey, how about you go play with your aunties? You father will come up to you to say goodbye, ok?” “Yes Granny!” And off she toddles, as fast as the legs of a four year old can.
“I say this as your mother”, Fran tells her son, “I want you to relax on this vacation. You had enough stress over the last months. So please use it to not worry for once. (Y/N) is going to have so much fun with me and your sisters, she is in good hands.” Because of the distance between Quantico and Chicago and his job, the little family is rarely able to visit them. So for obvious reasons Fran saviours every moment she can have with her granddaughter.
“Thank you, Ma.” Derek hugs his mother, happy to have her support any time.
Unfortunately his vacation with Elle in Jamaica is anything but relaxing. As soon as he sits in a precinct waiting for Hotch’s arrival to get their co-worker out of the police’s custody, an eerie feeling sets down in his stomach. Even though Derek knows to listen to his gut, he tries to ignore it and concentrates on the facts he has so far.
As far as he knows there is nothing to be worried about concerning his daughter’s safety. She is in Chicago with his family probably enjoying a bowl of cereals or something with her Auntie Sarah. His princess is safe and sound.
Once again the FBI agent is wrong. The video from the so called ‘Fisher King’ not only left Spencer running around like a nervous chicken. Morgan looks like he could be his chicken companion.
“Hotch! I need to talk to you in private!” He calls out to his Unit Chief. Aaron nods and shows him to his office. There Derek immediately begins to talk.
“I know you read my files and at first I wanna thank you for not telling the team. I-” “It’s ok. Bring her here”, he cuts off the rambling man. Thankfully Morgan looks at his boss. “Thank you, Hotch. I can’t stress that enough.”
The next half an hour he is not seen by anybody, because the young father walks back and forth in the building’s parking lot, making countless phone calls.
“Desiree, I swear to you, I owe you for a lifetime. Can you come directly to the FBI? I’ll make sure the receptionist lets you through. I love you, see you in two hours.” The following time you can only describe Derek as a nervous wreck. He can’t stop bouncing his leg, is not really there mentally and grows more and more snappy with the team.
After he barked for the third time at Spencer as he tried to explain something and began to ramble, Gideon looks at him. “What is your problem, Morgan?” His calm voice agitates the man further. “What my problem is? There is a freak out there, wanting to play some weird game with us and we have NOTHING! Maybe that is my prob-” A small voice cuts him off.
A girl stands in the doorway to the conference room. Derek turns around and runs over to her. She meets him halfway and throws herself into his arms. “Auntie Desi and I flew with a plane, just like we did! I also got peanuts, but I told Auntie Desi I wanna share them with you.” (Y/N) pulls out a small white plastic bag and offers her father some.
Morgan begins to smile, though he gets teary eyes. “Thank you Princess. God, I love you so so much.” He hugs her again, keeping his daughter closer to him and kissing her hair. “I love you, too, Daddy. I hope you had as much fun as I had at Granny’s.” The agent chuckles. “I did. Hey, there are some people I want you to meet. Is it alright with you?”
Not until this moment the little girl realizes that there are more people in the room. She nods timidly.
“Ok, this is Spencer, the genius I told you about. Say Hi to Elle, she is the tough lady. There is JJ, she is perfect with words. At the table sits Jason, the wisest man you can meet. This is Aaron, even though he has a mean stare, he has a pure heart. And the woman you can see there walking through the bullpen is Penelope, my only other baby girl beside you and a goddess with computers”, Morgan describes every single person to his daughter.
(Y/N) turns towards him, whispering not so quietly into her father’s ear: “Are these your superhero friends? The people you make the world saver with?” The team’s heart swells, so does Gideon’s, though he won’t admit it out loud.
Between the cruel things they saw in the last hours and such an innocent act let them believe there is still good in the world.
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theglitterypages · 2 years
Till I Met You
Chapter 9
You've already know that Levi can be a little hot headed sometimes but he never snapped at you or anything, he's always been calm even if you two are arguing but he's probably had a lot to think about today that he accidentally shouted at you to get lost when you tried to tell him to stop working.
“Lev, come on you've been working for hours you gotta eat, love.”
“Y/N just eat without me, I'll be done in 30 minutes.”
You sighed and walked towards his table and you looked at what he was working at, they were lots of paper works that Erwin asked him to do and you kinda feel bad for him but you knew it was part of his job. Skipping meals, however is not part of Levi's job as a Captain.
“Levi Ackerman, let's go.”
You tried taking his papers from him but he immediately backed away, “I said eat without me, I'm not your mother, you can eat perfectly on your own.” he just raised his voice and the room was filled with silence, all you could hear was your own heartbeat and his heavy breathing.
As you feel that tears are starting to form at the corner of your eyes, you walked out if his room and you made your way to your own room and locked yourself up. You cried against your pillow, you think it was stupid to cry but it hurts, you just want to take care of him, he didn't have to be mad.
He never raised his voice at you like that, you didn't like any bit of it. You know that he was probably tried and he probably didn't mean it but it wouldn't mean that it doesn't affect you.
If there is someone surprised, it was Levi. He never wanted to shout or yell at you and he just did. He made his way towards your room but as he was about to knock he realized that he might make everything worse if he'll try to talk to you, maybe you both need time to chill because of what happened tonight, he wouldn't want to get all snappy around you.
It's just that he had a lot in his mind, after his meeting with Erwin and he's stressed out because of it but he knew that he fucked up when he had shouted at you, he knew he shouldn't have done that but he'd like to give you time for now.
He'll fix this.
That time eventually became three painful days for the both of you, Levi had to be away for a mission and he couldn't even see you at the hq when they left, all he knew was that you were at the inner walls with Mike to pick up supplies, at least he knew you were with him but it wouldn't make up for the fact that he left without you two being okay.
You found out that the Levi Squad left and Hanji swore she could hear you sobbing every night ever since they left and haven't return.
Now that it's the third day you were excited to welcome your kids and Levi with open arms, you are ready to forget what happened before Levi left but what you saw in front of the stables made you bitter and jealous.
Levi is talking to a beautiful woman wearing a uniform for the MPs and by the way she stood confidently you knew she's got a high rank, not to mention she has the guts to touch Levi's cut on his cheek.
The other scouts saw you and their eyes widened, they were about to call Levi to inform him about your presence but you stormed out of the scene already and looked for your kids.
Eren, Mikasa and Armin were looking for you as well so they went straight to your clinic, when you saw them there unscratched but obviously tired you hugged them so tight and cried on their shoulders.
The three knows the cold war between you and Levi but you told them to stay out of it and they did as you told. But they gave their captain the cold stares and replies as a silent message to tell him that they aren't fond of what's happening.
“Keep your hands off me, Kelsea." Levi told the girl and the latter laughed, “Ooh you hate filth, I'm sorry.” Levi looked at the woman and raise his brow, “You're probably here to talk to Erwin, why don't you get lost and find him?” Kelsea giggled, the captain never changed huh? She nods her head and tap his shoulder with her finger before she asked one of the scouts nearby to bring her to Erwin.
“C-Captain, we can't interrupt earlier b-but Mo—I mean Doctor Y/N saw Commander Kelsea flirting at you.” Jean gulped as he saw Levi's eyes turn blank.
“Fuck shit.” hw whispered before he ran to the the clinic and found you talking with the kids.
“Took you long enough to—”
“Eren, stop it. Mikasa and Armin, bring Eren with you will you? Captain Levi and I will talk.”
You two were just staring at each other, Levi was trying to find the right words to explain before you could even speak but you tore his heart into pieces as you talk before he could even open his mouth.
“I want to break up.”
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