#he’s always calling me Missus in his mind
honnelander · 8 months
The way I hugged my phone at the impromptu go fish blurb that you served of us losing control over cooking dinner, just to give Sanji the night off 🥹 This was such a sweet, early Saturday morning read! Thank you both for keeping us fed 🥰 Have a wonderful weekend!
- 🥞 anon
of course 🥹💖🤭 your ask/tale of woe sounded so cute so it was very inspiring to make a little blurb about it 🥹
happy Saturday Missus! and have a great weekend 🩵
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alwaysshallow · 7 months
hey babes, for the drabbles in the inbox post all I can think of is price with a breeding kink so upset he's "too old to give you a baby" only for him to end up with a wife pregnant with their 2nd baby
Fifth time, sixteenth test, and he's fuming. He doesn't even look at you, and you feel bad, when he's pacing back and forth around the house, deeply in his thoughts. Normally, you'd try to hug him, like the last times, but somehow, you can't do it now. There's something wrong with his mind, and you just can sense that, even if he's not telling you anything; being with him prepared you enough for moments like these. He's a captain, the head of the team, usually stressing about things himself.
"John, could you finally talk to me?" you ask after another ten minutes, when enough is enough; he suddenly turns around in your direction, like he finally acknowledges that you're here. Apologetic look on his face makes your heart break even more.
"'m sorry, missus." He's quick to sit next to you on the couch, kissing your hand a few times, with hope you're gonna forgive him for ignoring you.
It's what he usually does, and it always breaks your facade, but now you're not mad. Rather, confused, but you don't talk about it with him, when he smiles into your lips and drapes a blanket over you. You two just cuddle on the couch, watching some ridiculously old documentary about war, when he decides to pop the question.
"Why aren't you with someone younger?"
To say you are shocked, would be an understatement; completely bamboozled, you look at Price, your eyebrow cocked. "The fuck are you on?"
He sighs, as he looks down at you; it feels like he doesn't want to fight, but he genuinely asks, which makes you feel weird even more. "Simple question."
You prop yourself up a little, to take a better look at your husband. "Because I love you, and that's settled?"
"Someone younger would give you a baby," he mutters under his breath, as his eyes are on the TV again. John's implication shoots right through you, like a bullet, sharp and hurtful, but not that much for you, as for him. You're quick to sit on his lap fully, to bring his attention to you.
"It's definitely not your fault, John. It might be as well something with me, you know?" you frown, your fingers tracing his bearded jawline, as he still doesn't look at you.
"I waited too long, and now there's the consequences of it." His tone is hard, like he didn't hear your explanation before, and he continues to blame himself for it. Your heart sinks. "'m failin' you, love. If I'd meet you earlier, it would be different. Or if you'd be with someone else, maybe he would give you kids."
"None of that," you say, grabbing his face, to make him look at you. He opens his mouth to say something, but you're quick to put a finger on his lips to shush him; he already told you enough to make you want to do a monologue on him. "We're gonna have kids, even if it will take years, do you hear me, John Price?"
"Affirmative," he replies, kissing you a few times. On lips, cheeks and nose – you learned that doing it this way soothes him. Makes him less nervous than he already is. "I wouldn't blame you, if you'd want to—"
You don't even try to talk to him this time; you just kiss him, interrupting his intrusive thoughts with hope that he'll focus on something else. It's not a surprise when he takes the bait, and he's quick to pick you up in his arms, while you just giggle, knowing that he takes you to bedroom.
Three years later, he's off at deployment, when you learn that you're pregnant again, with your second child. 9 weeks, your gynecologist says, when you look at the scan, thinking how happy you are right now. Tears pricks in the corners of your eyes when you're in your car, taking deep breaths before you'll call your husband.
A lot of thoughts are going inside your head; should you tell him now? He's on the mission, probably doing important things, maybe he doesn't want to be interrupted? Yet, it is an important thing, something that he waited to hear for the longest time, having doubts if he's ever gonna be a father— and now, he's about to be a father for the second time.
"Love, are you okay?"
You blink twice, when you hear him through you phone; you don't even know when you called. "Yeah, baby. I'm okay, why?"
"Been askin' you how's your day, and you tell me nothin'. Got me worried for a second," he laughs, and for some reason, his laugh completely calms you. Before, you were a little scared to even call him, interrupt whatever he was doing.
Now? Now, you're more than excited to tell him the news, since you have time, and your firstborn is with his grandma.
"I'm okay. I promise," you reply warmly, smiling to yourself, as you take a peek at your stomach. You don't have a bump yet, but you smile nonetheless at the thought that, if everything will go well, in following months you're gonna have a bump. "Are you busy?"
"Just got back to base. Will be there for a while," he hums. "What is it, missus?"
"You should sit."
"…everything's alright, yes?"
"Yes, but you should sit. And, turn the camera on, please?"
He doesn't even question your request; in a minute, you see his face – happy and confused in the same time, while you grin the widest you possibly can. You felt joy this big back when you were just a kid, getting your Christmas gift.
And, now you're the one who delievers the gift.
"You're in the car? Thought you're gonna be home," he speaks up, and you have to hold back a laugh.
"I had to see a doctor, and—"
"—you had to see a doctor? You told me you're okay, love. Is it our little man? Baby, I'm—"
"—I'm pregnant, John." Words fall from your mouth.
"I'm pregnant," you laugh, as you show him the ultrasound on camera, the closest you can. "Nine weeks. I'm back from my gyn, that's the doctor I needed to see."
"You're not pulling my leg, are you, love?" he asks, and when you shake your head with excitement, he laughs. He laughs so happily, and he even stands up for a few moments before sitting again. "A week, and 'm gonna be back. Is it okay?"
"A week?" you raise your eyebrow. "You're supposed to be another two weeks on the mission, and—"
"—I'd like to spend it with my wife, and my two babies, alright? A week won't harm anyone," he whispers lovingly, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "We have to talk about so many things."
And the fact you had to try so many times for the first baby, is just a faded memory.
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mypoisonedvine · 2 months
𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | riley poole x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 - having a girlfriend who can decode secret messages comes in handy when you're a treasure hunter; and having a clingy, needy treasure hunter boyfriend can be annoying when you're trying to decode something, but you find a way to compromise.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 4.4k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - SMUT (18+ only, and honestly who under 18 is watching this 20 year old movie about the declaration of independence? regardless, minors go away), established relationship, free use kink, touch of dumbification kink, FLIP PHONES (oh the noughties nostalgia), a totally unnecessary plot because everyone deserves a dose of colonial american history with their filth, riley and reader being nerdlove goals
(honestly can't believe I actually wrote this but now that I did I'm like hold up... is this my new obsession??)
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When Ben answered the door obviously not ready, and obviously surprised by Riley’s presence, it didn’t take a genius to put together that he’d forgotten about tonight— which Riley had sort of seen coming, with how many times this one thing had been put off or rescheduled at the last minute.  One of the downsides of being a treasure hunter?  Your coworkers tend to be somewhat… unreliable.
“Riley— what are you doing here?” Ben wondered.
“Warm greeting as always…” Riley sighed before answering the question: “I'm here to pick you up.”
Ben gave Riley an even more confused look.
“For dinner,” Riley added flatly.  “At Talerico’s.  To meet my—”
“To meet your new girlfriend, oh god,” Ben realized, “was that tonight?”
“No, it's tomorrow, I'm just picking you up twenty-four hours in advance,” Riley replied snarkily.
“I'm sorry, Riley,” Ben sighed, “I really— I do wanna meet her, Abigail did too— but I completely forgot— can we move this to another night?”
“Ben, we've moved this so many times that she's not even a new girlfriend anymore,” Riley sighed.
“I know, I know, but we can't tonight— Abigail just went out,” Ben justified.
“Where'd the missus go?”
“The library, she's trying to help me with something.”
“A clue?  It's another clue, isn't it,” Riley realized, not trying very hard to hide his excitement.
“I was going to call you tomorrow,” Ben explained.  “Come in, I’ll show you.”
After walking into Ben’s house and upstairs to the study, Riley wrinkled his brow when Ben handed him the coded message.  “Well, that’s just a whole bunch of letters,” Riley noticed.
“Astute as always, Riley,” Ben frowned.  “We found them in a journal that belonged to James Madison.”
“Why would James Madison write down a bunch of random letters in his journal?”
“No— each letter was underlined in a different entry.  And, at the back, we found this,” Ben continued, showing Riley a scanned parchment.
“GABE FADECCE,” Riley read aloud, changing his mind a few times about the pronunciation.  “It’s a name, right?”
“It must be,” Ben shrugged, “but we’ve been searching online for any evidence of a Fadecce family or a Gabriel that worked for or with Madison, and we haven’t found anyone.  That’s what Abigail went to the library for.”
“It sounds Italian, could he be Italian?” Riley wondered as Ben set down the images with a sigh.
“I don’t know— possibly, but we’re at a dead end at this point,” Ben replied.  “I’m sure we’d have a lot more to work with if we could decipher those letters from the journal entries, but we were up all night trying to figure it out—”
“Not what I’d be up all night doing with my girlfriend, but okay,” Riley interjected.
“And I haven’t gotten anywhere with it,” Ben concluded.
“Wait— you can't solve it?” Riley challenged with a smug grin.  “The Ben Gates can't solve a clue?”
“It's not that I can't, it's just that a code like this requires a lot of time,” Ben explained.  “I'm a historian, not a cryptographer.”
“We need a codebreaker,” Riley nodded thoughtfully, “somebody who can decode something this complex, and knows enough about the Founding Fathers to have some context for the message...”  He tapped on his chin like he was really thinking about it, before proudly smiling and tilting his head in faux-realization.  “Hey, how about a former intelligence agent who specialized in decryption, with a master's in world history and beautiful eyes that you can get lost in for hours?”
Ben raised an eyebrow at Riley.  “Yes, that would be great— give or take the eyes thing— but where are you gonna find one of those?”
“At Talerico’s,” Riley announced, “waiting at a table for four.”
“Your girlfriend is a cryptographer?” Ben realized with wide eyes.
“I told you you'd like her,” Riley beamed.
Riley was engrossed in his game, furiously clicking the mouse and clacking at the keyboard before mumbling a curse of defeat and pulling the headset off; sighing, he turned around and looked over the back of the couch at you.
He'd only started playing the game because you weren't giving him attention, so it made sense that as soon as he died, he'd go back to bugging you.  “Hey,” he greeted plainly, smiling yet clearly fighting the urge to pout.
You were laying on your stomach on the bed, half-dressed, looking at the pages Ben had given you and scribbling notes on a pad.  “Hey,” you returned flatly after a pause, adjusting your reading glasses before taking a few more notes.
“You look cute doing that,” he hummed.
“Doing what?”
You frowned a little in concentration but didn't look away from your papers.  “I like to think I'm always thinking…”
“No wonder you're so cute all the time then,” he cooed, leaning in closer and resting his chin in his hands.
He waited for a moment for you to keep the conversation going, but sighed when you simply continued working on the cipher without paying him any mind.
Getting off the couch with a sigh, he hopped onto the bed and laid beside you, making the mattress bounce a few times.  He kept looking at you for a little while, eventually reaching out and rubbing your back for a moment, before sliding himself even closer to you and planting a kiss on your shoulder.
Even with ninety-five percent of your attention on the puzzle in front of you, you could still tell what sort of mood Riley was getting himself into.  “Well, there is one thing that makes you stop thinking…” he recalled in a purr, nuzzling into the crook of your neck and giving you a teasing trail of kisses there.
You sighed a little and shrugged him away.  “Riley, I need to focus.”
“Baaabe,” he pouted.  “I can't help it, you're just so— how am I supposed to resist you like this?”
“I'm literally just laying here,” you noticed.
“You know what you do to me in those bifocals, sweetheart.”
You snorted and finally looked back at him, admiring the puppy dog eyes he was giving you— they almost always worked on you, and he knew it.  Sighing in relent, you looked back at the pages in front of you.  “I need to get this done, I promised your friend I would finish it in twenty-four hours,” you explained, “but you can go ahead.”
“Go ahead?” he repeated, confused.
“You can just use me, while I work,” you offered flippantly, hardly noticing the way his face turned red.
“R-right… I can just, um… use you.  That's— okay, sure,” he coughed nervously.
“Just be quick,” you insisted.
“Yeah, that's a challenge,” he scoffed, shuffling on the bed to straddle your legs and run his hands over your back.  “I, uh, like when you wear my shirts,” he informed you, as if feeling his erection press against your ass wasn’t enough of a clue.
“Just get on with it, please?” you groaned.
“Yeah, yeah— sorry…” he mumbled, moving his hands down to your panties which he traced slowly.  “These are cute,” he noticed aloud anyways, and you sighed a bit to yourself as you realized how futile it was to try to keep him from talking.  You were just going to have to tune him out to get this done.
His fingers shakily hooked into the elastic and pulled your panties down, a low hum echoing in his chest as he looked at you.  Grabbing handfuls of your ass and kneading them gently, he mumbled something to himself that you weren’t really paying attention to— until he got your attention suddenly with a quick slap.  “Hey!” you yelped, jumping slightly.
“Sorry, sorry,” he breathed through a grin, “couldn’t help myself.  I-I won’t distract you anymore, okay?  Just, you know, keep working…”
You did just that, of course, re-ordering the papers in your hand to look at the scanned back page again.
He went on mumbling to himself as he shoved his sweatpants down to his thighs to free his cock: “juuuust keep working,” he breathed.
He spit into his hand quickly and smeared it on himself, before nudging in between your legs and pressing himself to your opening.
Admittedly, you did react slightly when he pushed inside you— a wince from the stretch of it, especially without much preparation— but you managed to keep quiet and focus on your work again.  “God, so tight,” he groaned, digging his fingers into your hips slightly as he slid deeper.  “You're too good to me, baby…”
He pushed as deep as he could go, which was honestly a bit further than you expected at this angle, and leaned over you slightly as he started to move.
“You feel so good,” he praised through a heavy breath, not taking very long to savor the moment before picking up speed.  You knew if you reacted too strongly to what he was doing, he'd notice instantly and start trying to pull you away from your work; so, you did your best to focus on the problem, even if you found yourself gripping the pages a bit tighter.
Even if your attention was straight ahead, you almost wished you could see him now— but then again, you had a pretty good idea of what you would see if you looked back: his mouth parted slightly with sighs of pleasure, a subtle pink flush across his face, his eyes going a little glassy as they drifted over you.  In fact, you could sometimes feel his gaze on you, especially at those times that his fingers traced your back and hips.
Realizing something suddenly about the cipher in front of you, you put your pen between your teeth and pulled the cap off, biting down on it slightly to hold it in place so you could keep writing on the paper your other hand held.  “Fuck, you're so hot,” Riley groaned, starting to thrust a bit more urgently.  Resisting the urge to smile to yourself too much, you kept taking your notes and didn't especially pay attention to him behind you, even when his occasional whimpers started to grow louder.
For the most part, you were able to keep your focus.  It wasn’t that Riley was especially easy to ignore— certainly not with him going just a bit faster with every thrust— but you were finally on a roll with this puzzle; maybe you would’ve already solved it if it weren’t for your boyfriend, even if he was a welcome distraction.
He panted with each movement, holding on tighter to your hips.  “Fuck,” he whispered, leaning down after a moment to rest his forehead on your shoulder.  Normally, you would have to stop yourself from reaching back to run your fingers through his hair, but you were too engrossed in your work; and it was a good thing, too, because if you’d done that he almost certainly would’ve grabbed the papers and tossed them away, impatiently demanding for you finish that later and let him finish now.
Instead, it seemed like the pace and intensity of both your decryption and his movements grew together: your writing was hurried while his thrusts were faster and harder suddenly, until you could hear skin hitting skin, his groans muffled slightly as they came out through his teeth.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, taking your pen away from the paper abruptly and looking at your work.
“Yeah, you like that?” he encouraged in a rough voice.
“Oh my god, I solved it,” you announced, hardly noticing how he'd misunderstood your exclamation.
That seemed to break him out of his focus for a moment, and he stopped moving as he leaned down over you, resting his chin on your shoulder to read the page you were holding.  “At the place of eighty-five pleas, remove the Crucifiction keys,” he read aloud from the paper— once he managed to navigate your disorganized notes.
“It's a polyalphabetic substitution cipher,” you explained excitedly.  “Once I realized the key word was his wife’s name it was relatively simple— aside from having to reverse engineer some Vignere tables—”
“But what does it mean?” he wondered.  “What even is a Crucifiction key?  Please don’t tell me Ben’s gonna rob some nuns.”
“This was Madison’s journal,” you recalled, “and he co-wrote the Federalist papers with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay— eighty-five pleas— but Hamilton wrote the majority in his home.  I think we need to go to his estate, and see if they still have any of the instruments he owned.”
“The Crucifiction keys, that threw me off too,” you admitted, “but Hamilton was a pretty accomplished pianist— but he would’ve played the colonial precursor to the piano, the fortepiano, which was created by an Italian inventor named Cristofori.  Cristo as in Christ, obviously, and fori meaning ‘holes’.  The Crucifiction!  The keys are piano keys!”
“But who’s Gabe Fadecce?” he pressed.
“It’s not a name,” you answered, “it’s a song.  G, A, B, E, F…” you hummed each note as best you could recall.  “If we start at the first key in the bass and take out the first G, A, and so on up the scales, I’m guessing there will be another clue beneath them, or on the back or something.”
“You're amazing,” he smiled, kissing you on the cheek proudly.
“I'll call Ben,” you decided, reaching to pick up your phone from nearby on the bed and flip it open; you hadn't even opened your contacts yet before Riley wrapped his hand around yours and— gently— pulled it away and closed it.
“I'll call Ben,” he offered, “later.”
You turned to look at him, and he smiled at you, though there was something softer and darker about his gaze as it fell slowly to your lips.
“You and I have unfinished business first,” he continued softly before kissing you with more patience than you expected from him after all that…
When he pulled away, you reached up to take off your glasses, but he clicked his tongue as he stopped your hand from moving any further.
“No no no, leave those on,” he encouraged.  You grinned before he kissed you again, his weight sinking into your back as he slipped an arm around your shoulders.  You moaned softly into the kiss when he started moving again; it was a relaxed pace, but with him draped over you like this, he seemed to go so much deeper.
When he pulled away, you found yourself leaning towards him for more— but he just smirked at you and propped himself upright again, starting to move faster behind you.
“Look back at me,” he requested in a softer voice, and when you turned to look over your shoulder at him behind you, you found him biting his lip at the sight.  “Oh god,” he choked on a groan, meeting your gaze before shutting his eyes and tilting his head back.  “Fuck, is it weird that you ignoring me kinda turned me on?”
You laughed a little, and shook your head.  “No, that's fine… I can go back to it, if you want—”
“No, please— I still like you better like this,” he insisted.  “I like how responsive you are.”
He ran his hand up your back and you shivered, rocking your hips up slightly as he ran his fingers over your hair before taking a hold of your shoulder.
“Yeah,” he breathed, something beautifully dark to his voice, “like that.”
He began to fuck you hard— not fast, but intense and deep and just the right amount of impatient— and you didn't even try to hold back the loud whine of pleasure that jumped from your chest.  “Fuck,” you gasped, “oh my god, yes…”
“Uh huh?” he encouraged, watching with half-lidded eyes at the way you moved under him, your body naturally starting to rock back towards his.  “Tell me how that feels.”
“Good,” you panted.
“But not good enough to distract you from your work, huh?” he challenged.
“Well, to be fair, nothing feels better than cracking a code,” you giggled.
“Oh, baby,” he groaned, putting his hands on either side of you on the bed so he could lean down and kiss your neck, only to bite it a second later— not too hard, but a little harder than just playful.  You felt him smile when you yelped softly.  “You’re trying to piss me off, right?”
“Maybe,” you shrugged a little bit.
He sat back up and pulled out of you unexpectedly, but thankfully explained himself before you would’ve likely let out a pathetic whine that he would’ve held against you.  “Turn over,” he instructed, “and take that shirt off.”
You flipped onto your back with a smile; “I thought you liked how I look in your shirts,” you reminded him as he helped you pull it over your head and toss it aside.
“Yeah, but I like how you look without them even more,” he explained, running his hands along your sides before surprising you as he suddenly bent down to swirl his tongue around a hardening nipple.
“Fuck,” you gasped, grabbing onto his hair as he moved to the other, first with his eyes shut and then opening them to look up at you as your back arched.
“You’re so pretty,” he praised as his lips traveled to your neck; he yanked you closer by your hips, making you laugh slightly with surprise as you slid across the bed, though it turned into a moan when he thrust into you again in one go.
This time, he didn’t hold back at all: rough, needy, hungry.  You moaned louder than you planned to, grabbing onto his shoulders through his t-shirt.
“Sorry,” he panted out through a thin laugh, “but I can’t slow down now— not after you drove me crazy like that.  God, baby, you’re so fucking wet—”
You choked on the back of your own throat; you couldn’t help it, you just loved the way he said that.
“— this is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
“Uh huh,” you mumbled, 
“You like when I use you, huh?” he taunted, and you bit your lip before nodding.  “That’s pretty kinky, you know.  Is that all you wanna be?  A fucktoy?”
“Oh god,” you groaned, accidentally digging your nails into his shoulder, though he didn’t seem to mind.
“Want me to just fuck you whenever I feel like it, whatever you’re doing?” he continued.
“Yes,” you admitted in a hiss, head dropping back onto the bed.
“You're really trying to spoil me,” he cooed, leaning down to kiss your neck in between words.  “Be careful what you wish for, sweetheart— I might end up fucking you five times a day.  At least.”
You moaned lowly, feeling your muscles seize up on him briefly, making him laugh in the most condescending-yet-sexy way.
“Oh, fuck— you want that!” he realized, and his voice dropped to a low growl again as he thrusted even faster, teeth teasing your pulse.  “You can never get enough, can you?”
Not that you ever really thought your response to that was going to be especially coherent… but the way you cried out totally gave yourself away; how had he made you so desperate so fast?!
“Oh, poor baby,” he offered pityingly, only to fuck you even faster until you whined pathetically.  “You don’t wanna think, huh?  Just wanna be my hole.”
“Y-yeah,” you gasped, “fuck…”
“You’re too fucking perfect, you know that?” he praised.  “The only thing sexier than fucking you while you use that gorgeous brain of yours, is fucking you until you can’t.”
Your moan was sort of trapped in the back of your throat as you tried to swallow it down; you wished you had the wherewithal to hold it back better, but you weren’t really used to him talking like this.  Normally he would just go on tangents of praise and begging (as needed), and even though it wasn’t your first glimpse of his more dominant side, this all felt a bit different.  Even the way he was looking at you seemed different— a sort of pride in his eyes, pride in his own ability to turn you into a wet and whimpering mess.
“So fucking good,” he cooed, “you’re so good, baby— my good, dumb little fucktoy.”
“G-god,” you choked, holding on tighter to the sheets under you, trying to hold yourself together.
“You’d better come fast, ‘cause I don’t know how much more of this I can take,” he warned with a sigh— which would be a much more credible threat if he’d ever left you hanging.  But no, those times Riley’s stamina hadn’t taken you all the way, he was more than happy to put his mouth on you and let it do the rest of the work.
This time, though, all he needed was a thumb drawing rough circles on your clit to help you along.  You hadn’t even noticed how sensitive it had become, not until your back arched and a needy whine jumped from your chest.  “Oh fuck, Riley, I’m close,” you yelped.
“Yeah?” he whined— actually, he repeated it a few times as he watched you get closer to your peak, but it was all falling on deaf ears as your moans got louder and louder.
“Yes!” you cried out, shaking under him; even with his weight pressing you down into the bed, it began to feel like you were floating somehow.  It was one of those orgasms that left you a little numb, with little jolts of raw pleasure that were almost too much— but your only defense was holding tighter onto him, inside and out.
“O-oh god,” he choked weakly, the movement of his thumb slowing but his hips going faster than ever.  “Fuck, fuck!”
He stopped all at once, burying himself in one last stroke as deep as he could reach, moaning lowly against the crook of your neck as he went mostly limp atop you.
After catching your breath for a few moments, you hummed softly in contentment and he carefully lifted himself up just to fall back down beside you on the bed.  He looked at you with heavy eyes but a huge smile; “You wear me out, you know that?” he breathed, reaching up to move some hair stuck to your face.
“You distract me from my work, you know that?” you countered.
“Hey, you got it done,” he defended.  “We’ll let Ben know as soon as I… you know, remember how to exist.  And use cell phones.”
“And maybe after a shower…” you suggested.  As soon as you saw the sparkle in Riley’s eye you added: “Separately.  I’ll pass out before we can make it to dinner tonight if we just end up fucking again.”
“I mean, they’ve been putting off dinner for months— why can’t we blow them off for once?” he suggested with a smirk, moving closer to you on the bed.
“I thought I’d worn you out,” you remembered with a breathless laugh, and he wrapped an arm around you to pull you into him.
“You did,” he sighed against your neck, “I’m just… easily re-inspired.”
It was a good thing this place was mostly empty, since this was technically somewhat sensitive information, but you figured anyone who overheard wouldn’t know enough about the conversation to glean anything too significant.  You found yourself rubbing your hands together under the table anxious as you watched Ben across from you, holding your work, and waited for his response.
“This is incredible,” Ben smiled as he read your decryption, making both you and Riley smile back with pride.  “A polyalphabetic substitution cipher, I should’ve known.”
“Yeah, any idiot would’ve known that,” Riley joked flatly.
“Where’d you find this girl?” Ben asked him, and you glanced at your boyfriend to find a little flush on his cheeks.
“You know, the technical answer is that we met at a panel lecture proposing that certain ‘random’—” he accentuated the word with a sarcastic tone and air-quotes— “radio frequencies detected by military technology might be messages from extraterrestrials—”
Ben rolled his eyes even at the passing mention of one of Riley’s more absurd conspiracy theories.
“But,” Riley continued, “I have a theory that she was actually created in a lab, specifically for me, by a team of scientists with the inexplicable goal of making me happy.”
“Oh, come on,” you giggled nervously, shoving Riley on the shoulder but failing to stop him from giving you a kiss on your heated cheek.
“That line working on you really is a testament to the fact that you’re made for each other,” Ben offered, and you decided to ignore the backhanded element of the compliment because of your sense that there was something very genuine about it.
“Look who’s here,” Riley pointed towards the front door of the restaurant, over Ben’s shoulder, causing the latter to turn in his seat and look back.  “Abigail, over here!”
She waved when she saw you, quickly approaching the table and taking her seat as she apologized for being tardy; “This is Dr. Abigail Chase,” Ben introduced her with a proud smile.
“Oh, don’t be so formal,” she gently scolded him (maybe everything she said sounded that nice with her accent, though), but she beamed as she grabbed your extended hand to shake it.  “It’s so nice to meet you, finally— I’ve heard so much from Riley.  He’s been bragging about you so much these past few months, I feel like I already know you!”
“Apparently he met her attending some panel about secret alien messages from space,” Ben told her with a smile and a yeah, I know, it’s crazy look in his eyes.
“Attending?” Riley repeated with a scoff.  “We were both speakers!”
Abigail was a little better at hiding any judgmental instinct; “How perfect,” she announced sweetly.
“She’s a real whiz with decryption though— look at this,” Ben instructed, handing the (condensed) page of your notes over to Abigail, who took it and tilted her head as she read to herself.  
“Wow,” she sighed, “you made quick work of it: Hamilton’s fortepiano?  That must be in a museum somewhere.”
“It’s still in his home in New York,” you replied quickly, “we already looked into it.”
“Did you help her at all with the solve?” Ben asked Riley suddenly, who turned to you with a slightly mischievous look in his eyes.  
“Uh,” he stalled before clearing his throat nervously, but never looking away from you— “y-yeah, I helped… in my own way.”
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obsessedduh · 29 days
genre: smut and fluff!
cw: simon is a tad bit of a pervert ig, either than that, nothing else. implied fem reader.
side note: this has been on mind for literally a week. 😻
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
simon 'ghost' riley who lives next door to single mother. he hates to admit it, but you are annoyingly cute. he also realises that when you come out of your house with your young girl/boy, fumbling with your house keys in a hurry. "c'mon! we're gonna miss the bus, can't afford to have you be late!"
you're stressed out demeanour immediately fading away when you see simon. you flash him a quick but cute smile. at least cute to him. then you hold your kid's hand and rush away, probably in a hurry to get to the bus stop.
he finds it adorable though. how you still manage to smile at him even though you're in a hurry. he doesn't mind it anyway, when you run away. you don't realise it, but he always stares at your ass.
he curses at himself for doing it, calling himself a pervert but he can't help it. those tight pencil skirts you wear, to look good at work, drive him insane though he does feel bad that you have to rush yourself and your kid get to the bus stop, every single morning. that must get tiring.
so, it was a usual morning, you rush out of the house with your kid. the usual fumbling of your keys to lock the door, and you were about to rush to the bus stop when you were stopped by simon. you smile, "oh, morning, simon! sorry, but can we talk later? i'm in a bit of a hurry."
"no worries, but do you want a ride?" he tilts his head towards his car. you smile and shake your head, "no, no, no. it's fine, i don't want to be a burden!"
"nah, lovie, you ain't no burden." you're eyes widen at the nickname. sure, you guys barely see each other, but you can't help fancy him a bit. when you first moved in and he introduced himself, you were hooked. cmon, which woman or man wouldn't be!? a six foot two man who works in the military?! makes you weak in the knees.
"you sure?"
"then a ride would be nice!"
he then heads over to his car and opens the door for your kid, and helps them with their seat belt. you can't help but realise how gentle and sweet he is with them. it's cute. you know it's bad to assume, but you'd think he'd be the type to hate kids.
he then focuses on you. he opens the car door for you, "for you." you smile and go into his car and do up your seat belt. he does the same and starts driving. you guys talk the whole ride until he gets to your kids school.
you thank him and try to leave the car. "where you going, missus? need to still drive you to work."
"oh, simon, please. you've done more than enough, finally got her/him early for school, for once."
"nah, just let me do this for you? give ya a break."
"if you insist."
you look at your kid with a smile, "say thank you and bye bye to mr. riley."
"thank you and bye bye, mr. riley!"
"no problem, kid."
"bye mommy!"
you wave and watch as your kid struggles and shuffles out of the car. they close the door and rush off to school. you both stare for a bit to make sure they get to the school gate safely. as soon as you both see they do, simon stares up the car and drives the car to your workplace. you guys talk during the ride.
until you guys arrive at your workplace. he parks, and you thank him, and you leave the car and he rolls down his window, "when do you finish work, and what time does (your kids' name) finish school?"
"me at two-fifty; my kid at three-fifteen. why?"
"imma pick you two up." you deny but mid sentence. he drives off. you groan and go into work.
after your shift you come back out to see simon already parked outside your workplace. "ello missus." you roll your eyes playfully and get into his car and close the door, "told you to drop it."
"hm, really? didn't hear you." he says with a teasing tone.
"that's because you drove off mid sentence!!"
he laughs and starts driving you to your kids' school. when you guys pick them up, he then drives you two home. you guys go home, and he walks you to your front door. you offer him inside, and you three hang out. then late at night, you put your kid to sleep, which leaves the two of you alone on the couch.
"i hate to be nosey, but how did you end up a single mother?"
he notices how the smile wipes of your face, "shit, sorry, personal?"
"nah nah nah... you deserve to know."
you explain how you ended a single mother because you're so called boyfriend figured out he knocked up and left you pregnant and to fend for yourself. you fight back tears as you told him.
"what a dickhead. sorry you had to go through that. he's a fool for that, but you don't need him. you'll find a guy who'll treat you right."
you looked at him with tears in your eyes, "really?"
"yeah, any guy is probably head over heels for you."
you wipe your tears with a soft and broken chuckle, "you think so?"
"yeah, cuz i sure am."
he grinned and watched as your eyes widen and waste no time to pull him in for a kiss.
never in the two years when you and simon met you'd think you would be in missionary while simon's cocks buried inside of you wet cunt as your kid sleeps in their room, absolutely clueless to what's happening to their mother right now. he fucked you slowly but deeply at first, then the more you begged him to go faster and harder made him start fucking you like he hates you.
you let a slightly loud moan, and his hand is on your mouth. he grins and leans down and kisses from your collarbone to your neck to your ear, nibbling a bit on your ear lobe. "sh... don't wanna wake up (kids' name), now do you? they've got school early in the morning..."
you slowly leaned back up and moved one of his hands away from your hip to fondle with your tits. you were sure you were seeing stars. sweat drips from his forehead and onto your cleavage but he still keeps up the paste. he moves his hand away from your nipples to the pretty hidden bud in between your folds.
he plays with your bundle of nerves, rubbing it in circles with your thumb. your eyes roll to the back of the head, and moans are muffled with his hand. your pussy clenches around his length greedily trying to suck him in more. your nails dig into his back and he groans in pleasure but also pain. mostly pleasure.
he groans at the feeling. you're tight pussy sucking cock him back in each and every time, not a single struggle from how soaked you are. his cockhead bullying your poor g-spot over and over again and soon enough, you scream into his hand and cum, hard. you're pussy drenching his cock and the sofa under you. that's gonna be a pain in the ass clean later.
simon groans, and soon enough, his cum paints your gummy walls. he takes in the feeling of your pretty pussy milking him dry, taking in his creamy white with no hesitation. it goes on until his cock goes flaccid, he pulls out and watches his cum leak out of your pretty hole. "sure took you on a ride, hm?"
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
extra side note: this seems rushed, so sorry, but i'm sick asf as per usual, soooo, hope it's enough to get me a decent amount of likes. 😭😭
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masterlist —> here
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kittykattropicanna · 5 months
it's 2 am and i should sleep but i just read your prison penpal!ghost now it's rotting my brain!!!! ><
reader would so try to send him gifts if they're allowed. special holidays aren't miserable for him anymore as he would be accompanied by reader's sweet little presents!!!
Sleeps for the weak baby, sleep when you’re dead ;)
Of course you're going to look after your man, he does so much for you, the least you can do is send him some money to treat himself!!! maybe a gift or two you dirty girl :3
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I know I promised to upload this last night after work but I was sleepy. IM SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME
TW: edging, Si fucks himself with your dirty panties, smut, masterbation (Reader and Simon) its just fucking disgusting and dirty, but also kinda sweet <3
PrisonPenPal!Simon masterlist
Regular masterlist
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Absolutely, holy shit. After your first phone call, you’re his, he makes that so unbelievably clear through his next letters. :)))
Telling you how much he craves you, how you’re the only thing on his mind, describing in intimate detail how his gonna touch you, kiss you, fuck you :((((
His so fucking desperate for you, to the point he actually gets enraged knowing he can’t touch you. Just the thought of you being on the other side of the wall makes his skin crawl, you’re right there, only thick cement dividing him from you :(( 
Its even worse knowing that he can’t do anything about it >:(
Si’s a problem solver, he prides himself on being able to weasel his way out of practically any situation without a problem, if that’s  reducing his sentence down to basically nothing or getting away with his little late night phone calls with you. He always finds a way to make it work, but for the first time ever, he can’t fix this, his stuck here. No exceptions, no sweet talking to get what he wants, no amount of calculated manipulation could get him out of this situation, and it makes him go absolutely mad. 
At this point he has a year left of his sentence, his so fucking close to being let back into society, so close to finally being with you :(((
Letting his emotions (and dick) cloud his judgment, driving him to think about making stupid decisions such as an attempted jail break would be absolutely the worst idea of his entire life.
Ohhhhh, but its so tempting :(
But it would just put more time between you and him, as much as he wanted you now, he knew it was only going to rip him away from you again in the long run :/
And that’s if his even successful, one night with you would mean the world to him, but it wasn't worth being thrown back in jail, only separating the two of you for longer :(
He just needed to sit tight, let the days roll on and try not to think about your soft moans through the shitty speaker of the prison phone. :(((
He absolutely asked you to be official after speaking to you for the first time. It drives him crazy knowing when guys try and hit on you at the bar, you smile brightly and tell them that you're his, his to keep. 
One of the guards asked him what’s the first thing his going to do when he gets out, with a dopey smile he chuckles a little
“See ma’ missus mate” his so fucking cute, his actually so obsessed with you, so proud that you’re his ;))))
Of course the other inmates wouldn’t know, and technically he most definitely shouldn’t of told a guard, news spreads, but he couldn’t help it, it slipped out, and you know what, he was fucking proud of it :)))
You 100% would send him money and gifts, Si makes a little money, about £35 a week either cleaning, laundry duties, basic maintenance, basically anything the job program can offer him. 
The only issue being when he first signed up, he made sure that all his money was payed into Price’s bank account. He didn’t want to risk using it, the whole reason he started the work program was because he wanted to try and set himself up once he got out, at least have some type of savings waiting for him on the other side. Every now and then he regrets it, but he knows its for the best :/
Learning that Si was so strict with his money that he didn’t treat himself to anything didn’t sit well with you….and its not like you’re struggling financially, you work a good job and your daddy is always willing to send money if you ever needed it!!!!
A hundred odd pounds a month isn’t going to leave any sort of dint in your bank account, so of course your going to send Si some money to treat himself!!! You’re such a sweet, sweet girl :(((, his sweet, sweet girl. 
You start sending the maximum amount each month which comes out to about £150, its the least you can do!! His your boyfriend! he might be a felon, a little perverted and rough around the edges, but to you, his perfect :)))
His so grateful as well :(( treating himself to snacks :((( chocolate bars, skittles and gummy’s, buying himself a book or two, replacing his flat, stained pillow and ratted blankets, getting himself some actually nice soap and a new toothbrush, buying clothes that actually fit him!! 
His muscles have grown so much since being locked up :3 there’s nothing else to do besides lift weights, work and sit around :((((
“Sweetheart, I want ya’ to know, the second I get out of here, imma treat you real nice, give ya’ everything I can, look after ya’, protect ya’”
“The minute I get ya’ home, its all about you, yeah? Imma lay ya’ down and eat ya’ like a starved man, overstimulate that little cunt till ya’ beggin’ me to stop, fuck ya’ so deep and hard that you’ll forget ya’ fuckin’ name, whatever ya’ want darlin’ its all yours, been lookin’ after me so well….. imma show ya’ how much I appreciate it, as ya’ can probably tell, i’m more a man of action, poetry an’t ma style baby ;)”
Definitely learns origami from other inmates, makes little paper swans and hearts for you, the paper always being a little stained from his dirty fingers, obvious crease marks showing his folded it the wrong way and had to reattempt :))))
God he knows how to treat a women :33333
But what I really want to get into are the gifts you send him…..;)
As I established in my last fics about you sending things to Si, you absolutely send him innocent gifts. 
Photos, one of your favourite gold necklaces, an oversized tee that smells like your perfume…. Cute little personal things so he can have a piece of you, nothing crazy :3
I feel like you were reading a spicy romance book. It mentioned the main character stealing his lovers used panties out of her dirty laundry basket, very quickly and idea clicked in your brain :((((
You wanted it to be a surprise for him :(((( you didn’t mention it to him in your letters, only telling him your working on a little something that’s crafted just for him ;))
Waking up in the morning you make sure to fuck yourself with your fingers :(( 
Covering your panties with your juices, making sure their absolutely soaked in your cum :((
Rubbing your thighs together while you’re at work, soaking through your panties with your arousal :((( thinking about Si eating your pussy just like he promised while in important meetings, loosing focus…. your boss pulling you aside and asking if you’re okay :(( 
Scrambling to find an answer to explain your distracted behaviour and flushed cheeks >:(
He ends up sending you home because you’re distracting everyone with your aloofness :(( putting the rest of your team behind because you're a selfish girl with a dirty mind >:( can’t even focus in your workplace because Si’s dirty words have taken over every aspect of your thoughts >:(
At the end of the day your panties are ruined with your slick, soaked  all the way through and smelling of your orgasm just like you planned ;))
And when Si received your thong obviously used??? :000000 he let out a low grunt....
Just the idea that you did this for him, fully confirming in his mind that you wanted him, craved him just as much as he craved you made something animalistic set off in his mind….
Because he received your package in the middle of the day, he couldn’t hide and tend to himself like normal >:((((((
He needed you now, he needed to fuck his cock NOW, not wait till his cell mates were asleep, his heavy balls ached and he knew if he didn’t relieve himself soon, his blue balls would become unbearable >:(((( aching and hurting with each step, uncomfortable and frustrated :(
Purposely being a dick and coursing havoc with his inmates so he can be locked up for his disruptive and disrespectful behaviour ;)))))
A shit eating grin when his in handcuffs being walked to his cell, knowing your panties are tucked into his boxers ;))))) his won yet again ;)
Like I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again, he ALWAYS gets what he wants :)))
The second his cell locks his ripping his hard, leaky cock out and wrapping your used panties around himself :((((
Pumping his fat dick, the friction of the fabric making it that much more satisfying :((((
Closing his eyes and imagining you walking around all day, turned on and flustered for him >:((((( the idea of you restricting yourself from fucking other men because you're his, knowing all you want is to be filled with dick, have the feeling of a real cock fucking you, not your cold, rubber dildo >:(
His precum mixing with your juices only turns him on more, knowing that this is the closest he’ll get to fucking your cunt for now :(( 
As his big hands slowly pump his dick, wanting to savour the moment, he lets out animalistic grunts, slowly speeding up and then slowing his pace, he edges himself almost whimpering when he refrains from his release yet again :(((
Something about holding back satisfies him, his training himself for you, getting ready for when he fucks you for the first time, wanting to hold out long enough that he can rip orgasm after orgasm out of you, forming a white rim of your cum around the base of his cock :(((
Grunted whispers of your name falling from his lips as he tries to hold back yet again, legs twitching and face getting hot as uncontrollable ropes of cum finally release from his vainy cock :(((
His never cum that much in his life, your panties damp with his semen, dick so sensitive that even the feeling of the fabric from his boxes makes him flinch >:(((
You’re such a good girl, always knowing how to please him, feels like you know him inside and out already ;)
You just wait until he gets his hands on you sweet girl ;))) 
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Y'all are so fucking obsessed with each other I CAN'T
PrisonPenPal!Simon is open for requests so feel free to send them throughhhhh, add to the AU, ask me expand on certain topics, whatever floats your boat >:)
!Disclaimer! - Above is NSFW content - MDNI - If you follow my blog without your age in your bio, you will be blocked - If you are under the age of 18, you are not welcome here, otherwise, enjoy :)
Cat divider sourced by @positively-mine from Pinterest - Pink line divider by @eloquentreverie - MDNI divider by @cafekitsune
Basic blog housekeeping -  fic requests guidelines, boundaries and my rules for minors
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vampykween · 6 months
toxic ex(?)husband!simon where he's all alone in his home, wife moved out across the city with their two girls, steps on something on the carpet and its the earring the missus lost a few days ago while moving out. it was a simple diamond stud earring, the pair being a gift from him during date night, once upon a time a long long time ago. he might bawl or lose himself in alcohol. or come crawling back; people change after all, right?
simon would actually spiral so hard over this. he's left alone in a house that's far too big, empty with all the furniture you took, along with all the laughter and joy you and the girls brought to the home. he hangs onto the earring as he storms around every corner of the house as if that'll make his girls materialize right in front of him. he's so fucking angry at himself. he vowed to be better than his father, and sure he doesn't drink himself under the table and smack around his family, but was he really any better?
he thinks about cracking open a bottle of Kentucky, the one you got him for his birthday, even though he's always insisted on not doing gifts (you always got him one anyway). if he drinks away the pain, perhaps it'll ease the ache of losing his family (again, only this time it really was his fault), but then he sees your face flash across his mind and he knew you'd hate for him to drown himself in alcohol; at least he hoped you cared, he wasn't sure if you really did anymore and he can't even blame you.
after he's sufficiently drunk, he decides he didn't even care if he drank himself to death in his now empty living room, he considers calling you. it isn't too late, only half past ten, so he knows you're still up; he's not sure what he would even say though. there aren't enough apologies in the world to win you back, you've made that abundantly clear, but god he misses your voice. the voice that nagged at him, that yelled at him, that kissed him with so much love. how could he have taken you for granted? he knows you'll get onto him about calling so late when it's not about the girls, but he needs you so badly it hurts.
"simon?" he lets out a drawn-out sigh of relief, he hadn't expected you to answer really. he goes to respond, but it feels like every word is lodged in his throat. "si, im tired. i really can't with this," you reply tiredness was evident in your tone. he hoped the girls weren't being too much for you, then again it's not like he was ever much more help when you all were under one roof. the way you whispered out the shortened version of his name made his heart race, perhaps this phone call would go much better than he expected.
he finally finds his voice after a moment, "baby... i miss you," he slurs out. he's not sure what he's expecting you to say back.
"you really have a knack for being too little too late, simon. goodnight, and please don't call me like this again. you don't get to drunkenly pour your heart out to me now." well that was definitely not what he wanted you to say. there's an edge to your voice that, despite the situation, sends him reeling. he secretly prays that this will all be some sick nightmare, that he'll wake up, roll over, and pull you into his arms. except he's awake, standing drunk and alone in a house that no longer feels like home.
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twit-ter-pa-ted · 8 months
Hi, I saw that your request is open but I am not sure where to request you so I send here. Hope this is correct.
Can I request for anime sanji? I have some ideas where f reader like him but feel insecure so she don't confess. And for sanji, he feel that he don't deserve love so he keep thinking the reader is just kind. And maybe the crew make them confess or something. Not sure this is enough but thank you in advance!
The Exception
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pairing: anime!Vinsmoke Sanji x f!Reader
warnings: silly mutual pining, the crew making everything so very obvious, reader and sanji kind of being blind, reassurances!! <3
a/n: thank you for requesting! yes, you requested at the right place hehe. i really enjoyed writing this one :)
+ lil backstory for the title, i was thinking of one then thought of 'foolish one' by t.swift, but like obviously with how the title is written, reader obviously is the exception. yeah that's about it. enjoy reading!
You had always known Sanji to be the flirty type.
Every woman he'd see, he'd end up talking to - flirting with.
Even you fell for the trap. Moreover, you had fallen for him.
You know you shouldn't, because he flirted with every woman he'd come across. You weren't anyone special, certainly not to him.
But then there would be times that it seemed as if he would slip. "Would you like some snacks while you wait, my missus?"
Your eyes widened at the pet name but you tried to hide it, given that he would probably often use it with others, too.
Usopp watched curiously from afar as the two of you looked away from each other, eyes wide and cheeks flushed.
Sanji can't believe he just called you that. He hoped he hadn't called himself out.
Luffy then suddenly approached the two of you.
"Hey! How's my favorite cook and favorite crew member doing?" He placed an arm around both your shoulders.
You chuckled as you were saved from the awkward tension you think you created. "You can't say I'm your favorite crew member, Luffy."
"Why not? I'm the captain."
"I was just offering to make Miss Y/N a snack, captain." Sanji looked at you as he spoke, though you couldn't bring yourself to look back at him.
"Oh, I want one!" Luffy took his arm from around your shoulders to raise his hand.
"What about you, lovely?" He asked you. You finally looked at him.
"Sure, Sanji." You smiled up at him. "Anything will do, thank you.
He nodded with courtesy. "Coming right up. It won't take long."
Nami was waiting inside the cabin when Sanji entered to use the kitchen. "Oh, Miss Nami," he noticed her presence, "I'm making snacks for the captain and Y/N, would you like something specific?"
"I'll have whatever they're having. Thanks," she spoke, seeming distracted.
Sanji went on to start making a snack that he thought you'd like. While doing so, he noticed Nami's gaze remained on him.
"Anything I can help you with?"
Nami smiled. "You like her."
Sanji looked at her, then uttered your name in a question. He then chuckled nervously as he looked back down at what he was cutting up.
"No, what makes you think that?"
"The fact that you immediately thought of her when I didn't give any hints or names as to who I'm talking about."
Sanji paused from cutting, then went back to it. "No, it's nothing like that. She's too good for me. She should be with someone who actually deserves to be loved by her."
"You just said it's nothing like that then proceeded to prove me it's something like that." Sanji only smiled - he got caught and he knew it.
"Don't mind it, Miss Nami, it's not a big deal." Nami, finding that she had gotten the information she needed, shrugged her shoulders and went to her room.
Meanwhile, as you watched Sanji retreat into the kitchen, Luffy looked between you and Sanji's departing figure.
"Seems you and Sanji are getting along well, huh?" You hummed.
"Zoro told me you had a crush on him." You almost choked. "Is that true?"
"Zoro?" You looked at where he laid, sleeping on the floor of the main deck. Your volume lowered.
"You don't think he told Sanji, do you?"
Luffy didn't seem to get your hint for him to lower his voice, as he laughed very loud. "With how much they play around and shout at each other, I don't think they have time to talk about those things."
You squinted your eyes at him. "You're not telling Sanji, are you?"
His brows furrowed in confusion. "No. Why, should I?"
"Gosh, Luffy, don't you know the principles in these types of situations?" Usopp had began approaching the two of you.
"What situations?" Luffy curiously asked.
Usopp sighed hopelessly. "Don't worry. I've been the Sanji in these situations a lot of times, I know just what you need to do."
"What do I need to do, Captain Usopp?" You teased, deciding to go along his narrative. Usopp's face lit up as you called him captain, a smile appearing on his lips.
"Hey, I'm the captain," Luffy argued.
"Shh, now." Usopp waved at Luffy dismissively while keeping his gaze on you. He then placed a hand on the ledge you were leaning against and pointed at you.
"Here's what you need to do: you're gonna glance at each other shyly at first, then you'd start to get closer to each other until not a day passes where you don't talk endlessly, then he's gonna tell you how he finds you beautiful and how you light up his world, then you'll share a kiss of happy ever after."
You turned to Luffy, though he seemed convinced.
"Woah, that sounds so cool!" Luffy genuinely/ gawked.
"...Isn't that the plot for famous romance stories?"
You questioned to affirm.
"...No," Usopp denied.
You shook her head as you exhaled. "Either way, I'm not doing that. I'd just be making a fool of myself."
One of their brows raised in unison. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, look at me." They looked, and they looked puzzled. You chuckled. Of course you had to point it out, it was them you were talking to. "I'm not exactly pretty."
Their eyes widened, bewildered.
You heard the sound of a sword unsheathing from the main deck.
"Oh. Zoro!" Luffy waved at the swordsman, clueless that his exclamation had led to him waking up.
"Sorry, Zoro, we're all safe!" Usopp reassured.
"Then why are you screaming for?!" Zoro shouted back, scolding them.
"Boy, he sure gets grumpy when he gets woken up." Usopp scratched the nape of his neck.
Luffy's booming voice echoed across the ship's entire deck. "We're telling her how to tell Sanji she likes him!"
"Are you trying to tell him yourself?!" You and Usopp knocked him upside the head.
"Shh, he'll hear you!" Usopp said at the same time.
"You're not telling me you like that curl-fry freak?" Zoro asked as he got into position to go back to sleep.
"What does it matter? Nothing's obviously going to happen."
"Not when you're bringing yourself down. You need to stop doing that." He crossed his arms and shut his eyes.
"I'm sorry, okay?" You looked at the three of them.
"I'm sorry that the truth offends you." Usopp and Luffy gently knocked you upside the head.
* * * * * *
Everyone knew about your little crush at this point. And Sanji had to have heard Luffy.
He was acting odd now, but not in a way that anyone who didn't observe him as much as you did would notice.
"Miss Nami, would you like some refreshment? I made cocktails to battle the heat," he offered. You and Nami had been sitting on chairs overlooking the ocean, a table between the two of you.
"Thank you, Sanji."
What seemed like a brief pause (Nami silently signaled Sanji to approach you while the latter's cheeks became flushed) settled while you tried to mind your own business.
Then Sanji called your name. Just your name.
"Cocktail? It's good."
You swallowed the lump that built up in your throat.
"Of course it is, Sanji, you're the one that made them," you complimented as you took a glass. Though you had looked away, Sanji smiled at you at your compliment. Then he brought his foot down onto Luffy's head.
"These are for the ladies, Luffy!" He scolded as the captain reached for a glass.
Luffy frowned as he rubbed the crown of his head through his straw hat. "Ow."
You couldn't help but chuckle at the interaction.
"Thank you, Sanji."
Sanji's scowl left his face as he turned to you, a smile replacing it. "You're welcome, my love."
Nami slowly turned to you as she heard Sanji's footsteps depart.
""My love," you are kidding me," she was first to speak.
"He's called you "my love," before," you argued with a chuckle.
"He called me "love," there's a difference, the biggest being I wasn't his love."
You shook your head. "Nami, I - "
"You have got to tell him," she told you sternly. You looked in her eyes to see if there was any way out of her decision for you.
"It doesn't mean anything, I'm telling you," you insisted.
Nami contemplated on telling you about Sanji's accidental confession of his feelings towards you.
She decided to wait on it.
* * * * * *
The crew teased you a lot.
There was no way he didn't know at this point.
There was even one time Luffy slipped up during dinner.
"You know, when I see the two of you together," he motioned towards you and Sanji, who had winded up sitting next to each other, "I just keep thinking about the time Zoro and Nami told me about your little cru - "
"Crud!" You cut him off in a shout, then stomped on his foot under the table.
"Oh, crud, I - "You could see Usopp stifling a chuckle. You stomped on his foot as well.
"Stubbed my toe," you said flatly. "But it's fine," you reassured.
Sanji glanced under the table and sharply exhaled. "We really do need a doctor."
He stood from the table with his plate, placing it in the sink before taking out a pack of cigarettes and facing the counter.
"You keep your mouth shut," you told Luffy with a hushed tone.
"The sooner you tell him, the sooner we'll leave this hell of you pining over him," Zoro spoke before scooping food into his mouth.
"He's oddly right," Nami agreed with the swordsman.
You glanced at everyone at the table before sighing exasperatedly. You stood wordlessly from the tahle and went to your shared room with Nami.
Sanji turned as he heard footsteps, his hand raising as he almost called for you. "Oh - " Your door swung shut before he could.
"She's heading to bed early," Nami excused you.
"Huh..." Sanji looked at your closed door and inhaled through his cigarette. "I was gonna give her a desert."
Still, he turned back around to face the counter.
"Ooh, can I have it instead?" Luffy asked, already salivating and reaching for it despite it not being finished.
"No, you can't." He kicked Luffy's hand away.
* * * * * *
You think Sanji finally had enough.
He seemed pent up today, his mouth moving as if he were speaking to himself (though the cigarette between them didn't fall), though no words came out.
It totally wasn't odd, the way you would pass by the kitchen on the way to your room and back to the main deck multiple times just so you could assess what he was feeling without staying in the same room as himself for too long.
You were on your way back to your room when he called your name. You froze in your steps and slowly turned to face him.
"Why do you keep going back and forth?"
...He noticed.
"I'm getting things from my and Nami's room," you thought quickly.
"Like what?"
Nothing came to mind. "...Things."
He opened his mouth to speak but you beat him to it.
"Are you okay? You seem pent up." He seemed taken aback when you talked before he could, because he only looked at you for a moment.
"What's been going on with you?" He asked.
"What's been going on with you? I asked you first."
He sighed and took his cigarette between his middle and index finger as he took a hit from it.
"The crew's just been having some inside joke, apparently." Your blood ran cold.
"Yeah." You nervously scratched the back of your head. "You shouldn't...listen to them."
Sanji's brows creased together with confusion.
"No, I'm supposed to tell you that." He pointed at you.
Your brows furrowed as well. "Because...?"
His eyes slightly widened. "...I thought you knew."
"Knew what?"
He muttered something.
"That I...like...you," he spoke louder this time, and more hesitant.
You were stunned for a moment.
"What do you mean "why?"" He questioned bewilderedly.
"Have you seen me?" You motioned at yourself.
"Darling, all I do is look at you." He chuckled. "You're the most beautiful, most clever, most kind person I've ever met."
You laughed, flustered from his words. "Where are you getting that from?"
"From looking at you - watching you and seeing you struggle to love yourself." He ran his hand through his hair.
"But that's all I've been doing - watching. Even if somehow, you did like me - "
"I do," you cut himself off before you even realized that you did. Still, you continued. "I like you, too."
Sanji sighed, smoke leaving his lips. "We couldn't."
Your heart fell. "Why not?"
"Because I don't deserve you. I don't deserve your love. You're kind and pure, I'm scared I might," he shrugged sheepishly, "taint that."
"You won't," you reassured and absently took his hands in yours, "Here I was thinking you were too good for me."
Then the two of you just laughed, because you both realized that you both thought the same about each other. You sat in silence for a few moments, just looking at each other.
"Maybe we should just try," Sanji suggested. "We've already determined we're too good for each other, I think we should prove ourselves wrong," he humored.
"You do deserve my love," you assured him. "And I want to love you."
"So do I." He smiled at you.
He saw your reciprocated smile falter and if he looked close enough, he could swear to see the different, negative, self-conscious thoughts running through your head at that moment.
He took his hand from yours to tuck your hair behind your ear. "My beautiful, lovely Y/N."
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ragingbookdragon · 10 months
It’s subtle things they notice in Price’s demeanor that tell them something’s going on in his personal life. A flash of joy in his eyes at a text here, a private phone conversation outside the building there. It’s only until Ghost makes a note of Price’s new aftershave that the man seemingly fumbles his reply with, “Oh, just wanted to try something new.” Something new, their asses. The man’s been using the same aftershave since he was sixteen. Why change now?
With no tact at all, it’s Soap that breaks the silence in the break room with, “So, who is she, Captain?”
Even Ghost rubs his temples at that, but Price looks shocked. “What?”
“The lass that’s got you tripping over yourself. Going home at five-thirty on the dot. Who is she?”
Price looks like he wants the ground to swallow him whole, an uncharacteristic expression on him and he clears his throat, scratching at the table. “Just a woman I met at a shop the other day.”
“Just a woman?” Gaz retorts with a smile. “C’mon, Price, you changed your aftershave.”
He flushes. “I just wanted a change.”
“After thirty years of using the same wintergreen scent you got from your old man?” Ghost mutters, cocking a brow. “Try again.”
Price’s neck disappears into her shoulders. “She thought it smelled nice when we were shopping one day.”
Soap smirks. “Oh…he’s whipped.”
“I am not!” but his defense betrays him as crimson creeps over his skin.
“How old is she?”
At that, Price falls silent and he looks away. “She’s…a few years younger.”
Soap blinks. “Sugar baby younger or just younger?”
“Dude,” Gaz gripes. “Subtlety much?”
“What? No one else was ripping the Band-Aid.”
“She’s in her late twenties,” Price answers. “Twenty-nine.”
“Damn, she’s almost half your age.”
“I…I know,” Price says, practically deflating. “I keep trying to tell her that there’s someone younger and better for her, but she won’t have any of it.”
Before anyone can even break that silence, Price’s phone rings, Elvis’ Burning Love echoing between them, and he’s just a hair short of Soap’s fast grip to answer. Price is spitting as he jumps for his phone but Soap answers it on speaker.
“Hello! You’ve reached Captain Price’s phone.”
Uh…is Jonathan there?
“Oh, Price is busy at the moment, but I’m one of his guys. I’m Soap.”
Oh! Jonathan talks so much about you! You and Kyle, and Simon! He’s so proud of the three of you.
“See that’s surprising, because he hasn’t told any of us about you, Missus Price.” Soap smirks at Price as the man suddenly goes still.
Oh—I, we—he, oh, we’re not—we’re not married. We’re just...dating.
“I dunno, Missus Price, you got him to change his aftershave after thirty years. I think it’s a sealed deal.”
You think? I wouldn’t mind being married to Jonathan. He’s…everything I’ve ever wanted. He’s amazing. He takes care of me, even though he doesn’t have to. And he’s always telling me that whatever burden I can’t carry, to just give it to him, because he can. He…he’s the love of my life. I’m so proud of the man he is.
Soap’s smirk melts into something soft, much like the Captain in front of them. “Yeah…he’s good like that.”
He is. Look, I was just calling to ask what he wanted for dinner, but I’ll just make his favorite. I know he’ll be happy with it regardless. And, John, will you…will you tell him that I called and that I love him? And that I hope he has a wonderful day?
“Yeah, Missus Price, I’ll tell him the second I see him.”
Thank you, John. And tell the others that they’re welcome to come visit any time. I know I can’t wait to meet all of you in person.
“Neither can we. Have a good day, Missus Price.”
You too, dear.
Soap hands Price back his phone and smiles at him. “So, can we come over for dinner?”
The lot expects Price to rear back and punch him, but he’s still trying to pick himself up from the puddle he melted into. “Yeah…I think that will be okay.”
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the-froschamethyst4 · 5 months
My wife’s the boss
𖤐Pairing: Husband! Price x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, mentions of smut, language, married couple, mentions of children, drinking, mentions of smoking, jealous, flirting, pregnancy,
𖤐Summary: The Team likes to tease their Captain John Price on how whipped he is for his wife
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"Do you guys think Y/n wears the pants in hers and Price's marriage?" Soap asked as they all looked at Price outside the bar cigar in between his finger and he was talking on the phone to whom?
His wife.
"What do you think they're talking about?" Ghost asked.
"Well, he doesn't seem like he's arguing with her...he seems calm-oh smirking, he's smirking, he's flirting with her," Gaz says, the guys all looked at Gaz on who the hell he knows that. "What? I took some body language classes in college, leave me alone," he says, sipping from his glass.
"I wonder what he's saying to flirt with her?" Soap said.
"You guys are so fucking nosy it's embarrassing," Kate says as she came back from the bathroom.
"Oh yeah, wanna bet?"
"With you? No fucking chance," she says, sipping from her glass.
"Oh shut up, he's coming back."
"No one was talking about him," Ghost says as Price opened the door to the bar placing his phone in his pocket and paying for his tap.
"Gotta head out."
"What why?"
"The missus wants me home," he says as he thanked the bartender.
"What?" Soap groans.
"We just started having fun, Captain."
"Have fun without me, my wife needs me right now," Price says as he called for a cab and went home.
Y/n sat on the nice white couch watching TV a bag of Cheetos between her thighs, a glass of apple juice on the coffee table in front of her, and a bowl of popcorn on her right side.
She was craving every single one of these.
She was also watching a sad romcom.
"I love you...always and forever-" the TV says.
"LIAR!!" She throws popcorn at the TV.
"My love?" She heard Price come in from the front door.
"Oh hi, baby," she said, looking over the couch. She rubs her big belly and looked back at her TV. "What a cheat."
"Huh?" Price sat next to her, he knows not to touch her snacks, so he got his own snacks.
"Oh this prick, he cheated on his wife and claims to love her," Y/n says.
"Haven't you watched this before?"
"Yeah, so?"
"So, don't you know that already?" She just shrugs at him.
"I like this movie," she says, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth.
"I know, my love," he says, rubbing her belly and placing his head on her stomach, the baby was moving around.
"He's been kicking so much," she says.
"I bet...hey now...stop hurting your mama, she needs to rest, she can't if you keep kicking her in the ribs," Price says. She giggles at him.
"He doesn't listen."
"Yeah, well that just shows he's my son."
"Oh I know that, you are stubborn as a mule," she giggles.
Price held Y/n stomach as she placing dirty clothes in the washing machine. Price was also just naming off some names for the little baby.
"Tony? No," she says.
"Well, what do you have in mind?"
"I was thinking...Hudson or Beau."
"I like Beau...Beau Hudson Price," John says.
"I love it," Y/n says, turning and kissing his jawline. Y/n smiled as Price had picked up her belly from behind. She lets out a soft moan as the heavy weight was lifted off from her front.
"Thank you, I need that."
"Anything, for the woman carrying my baby," he says as he then gently brought the weight back on.
She lets out a soft groan.
Price was off to work putting on his favorite bucket hat and making sure he has all of his gear before heading out. He looks at the master bed and saw how peaceful Y/n looked while she was sleeping.
She just have the covers on her body, unfortunately none of her usual pajama fit her so she resorted into wearing either his clothes or half naked.
"Price," she rolls over not feeling him next to her, John stopped and rushed to her side.
"Hey, I'm here, is everything okay?" He says, cupping her face and brushing a piece of her hair from her face.
"Yes, I'm fine," she sits up and the blanket just falls off her shoulder exposing her black bra and he can barely see the matching black panties. "I was just seeing if you were gone."
"Not yet, my love," Price says, kissing her lips. "You look so sexy," he says, kissing her neck and then her chest.
"Price, you need to get going for work."
"It's okay," he says kissing her neck again. "God, if you weren't pregnant I'd take you right here and right now."
"Then why not?"
"Because I don't want to tire yourself out," he says. "I'm off, okay."
"Okay, be safe," he kissed her lips.
As Price left Y/n waddled back to her bathroom, her little baby has been sitting on her bladder all day long. She's been to the bathroom around 13 different times since Price had left.
She at the this point just sits in the bathroom on the edge of the tub just waiting for it to happen.
"Come on, baby, I have things I need to get done around the house. I need to get your nursery ready, can I work?" She asked, rubbing her big belly. She slowly stood up and she didn't feel anything. "Thank you, baby," she mumbles.
Y/n had ordered somethings online without Price's acknowledge and had came in a few weeks ago, she had to hide them so she could be able to put them up.
She likes Price's help and all but sometimes, she wants to do everything for once.
She had order pictures online of cute wild animals, Price and Y/n had gone with a gender neutral themed nursery for the baby, even way before knowing the baby was a boy.
Now that they decided on the name Beau, Y/n was ordering some letters to hang up over Beau's crib.
She grabs a small step ladder and started to hang up the pictures, making sure they're even and straight. She steps off and looks at the photos.
"Perfect," she says.
As she takes her photo off the baby's changing table to take a photo and send it to Price.
My Love: Look what I did
Price: I wish you waited till I got home to help
My Love: It's okay, I got it under control, I also ordered some letters to put above his crib, you can help with that
Price: Okay, I hope you were careful
My Love: I was
"Price you want to come and start training the rookies?" Ghost called.
"I'm coming, just had to see what my love sent me," he says, placing his phone back into his pocket.
"Here we go, whipped Price with his wife."
"Yeah, I love my wife, she's my everything and she is my pride and joy, AND she's carrying my child, of course I'm going to be 'whipped' for her. You'd be too if someone was carrying your child," Price says as Soap, Ghost and Price all stood in front of the new recruits.
Price crossed his arms over his chest as he listened to Ghost yell at the recruits and Soap clapped his hands to get the recruits to move faster through the course.
Price felt his phone buzz and he looks down seeing that Y/n had sent him a new message. He opened it and saw it was her in front of her full body mirror in his old dark green Military shirt with Task Force 141's logo on the front.
Her big belly in view and her hand just under her belly. She wasn't wearing any shorts.
Price: How do you always look so good?
My Love: Because I am 8 months pregnant and I have that pregnancy glow
Price: Yeah, that's true *I do want to kiss your body*
My Love: Maybe when I'm not pregnant, I'm too sensitive
"PRICE!" Ghost yells, Price lifted his head from his phone and looked at Ghost and Soap.
Y/n was back on the couch sliced apples on a plate in her hands, orange juice sitting on the coffee table, and a peanut butter jar sitting on the little table next to the couch.
"God I feel fat-"
"Don't say that, my love."
"Price, you're home too early."
"I know, I wanted to come home early and spend time with you." He drops his gear at the door and placed his bucket hat on the coat rack by the front door.
Y/n placed the plate on the coffee table. She stood up and walked to him. His hands went around her waist and kissed her lips.
"You taste like peanut butter," he chuckles and then down to her belly.
"I was eating apples and peanut butter," she says with a smile.
"Was it good?"
"Yep, the apples were juicy and so sweet," she says.
Price bent down on his knees and kissed her belly. "I can't wait for him to finally be here."
"I can't wait till he stops sitting on my bladder," she says.
"Bet that was fun?"
"I hated every minute of it but I love my baby," she says, her hands went to Price's hair.
After some time, Y/n was sitting in a bubble bath, Price was sitting behind her washing her body or caressing her stomach.
"You do look so fucking gorgeous," he mumbles in her neck, gently kissing her neck. "You wanna know what Ghost and Soap told me today?"
"What?" She asked, leaning back into his touch.
"When we were training the new recruits and when you showed me the photo of you in the full body mirror, they had asked if they wanted to go for drinks afterwards. I told them no because I wanted to get back home to you and spend my time with you. They said that you must be my boss or something because of me always wanting to come home to you, and I was like damn straight," He chuckles. "My wife is the boss and that's why I love her," he kissed her neck.
"Price, you should at least hang out with them at some point."
"I always hung out with them before you got pregnant, I want to spend my time with you before Beau's born," he says, kissing her neck. "And my time will be towards you and Beau, I'll only be able to hang out with the guys every now and then."
Y/n and Price had gotten out of the bath, he wraps her body in a towel and she walks out of the bathroom to Price's closet.
"I like you better when you sleep naked," he smirks. His hands went to her waist and pulling her back against his hard chest. His hands started to unwrap her towel from her chest and letting it fall on the ground.
"As long as you join me?"
"You know, I will," he says, dropping his towel.
A Month Later
Y/n was having a hard time getting out of bed without almost falling because of how weak she felt. Price stayed home ever since she said she could barely move.
Price was by her side taking one step at a time, the doctor had told them both to keep moving around to make sure the baby be ready in time and so Y/n won't be in so much pain.
"W-Wait, hang on," she stops and leans on the back of the couch trying to catch her breath. Price's hand went to her back.
"Deep breaths, my love," Price says, rubbing her back, her eyes closed like she was in more pain than before.
"My knees hurt, my legs hurt, my whole body hurts, this moving around...doesn't feel like it's working," she cries.
"Aww my love, it's okay," he says.
"Price, I just want to go to the hospital already."
"We can, I'll get everything ready you just relax on the couch okay?"
Price was getting the hospital bag ready and getting some fresh new clothes for the both of them, and maybe some baby clothes.
“Hold on, my love, where are the-oh found them.”
“Okay, and that’s all, yes my love?”
“My water broke.”
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malum-forev · 1 year
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Summary: Co-Parenting is always tough, especially with the man you thought you'd be spending the rest of your life with. Now add a super soldier.
Pairing: ExHusband!TFATWS!Bucky x Reader
Her foot impatiently tapped on the floor as she sat straight as an arrow on her couch, had she done everything already? Dusted the tables, done, washed the clothes, done, organized the fridge, done twice. (Y/n) looked down at her watch and huffed. 
“They should be here any minute now.” She said to herself while smoothing down her skirt. 
(Y/n) had gone to enough therapy and read way too many self-help books after her divorce to not know that this was just her brains way of controlling the situation. The only thing wrong with her defense mechanism was that there’s no way of controlling co-parenting with the man you thought you’d be spending the rest of your life with. 
Bucky had met (Y/n) through Sam’s sister, Sarah had insisted on setting him up with a friend once she heard Sam say he was ready to start dating. 
“I never said I wanted to be set up on a blind date.” Bucky groaned through the phone, the three-way call was obviously not his idea but he was too afraid of Sarah to not answer. 
“What did you expect us to do? Set up your Tinder profile?” Sam’s laugh resonated through the tiny speaker. 
“I’ve heard of people having successful relationships from the Tinder.” Bucky said. “And the internet thing will help me take it slow.”
“You are so not ready for Tinder.” Sarah said. 
And she was right because the moment Bucky saw you sitting at the bar of the restaurant, he knew. Before he met you, Bucky said he didn’t believe in love at first sight because that meant you were only judging a person by their physical appearance but when he saw you, he knew it was real. The emotions he felt were much more than because you looked beautiful, it was like a gravitational pull. You were a magnet. 
“Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!” Sam wiped a fake tear as he pitched his voice up. It was a year later and Bucky was practicing his proposal with the only person who knew about it. Sarah could not be trusted with a secret this classified. 
Bucky stood up from his knelt position with a groan. “You think she’ll like it?”
“I’m not completely sure why she likes you but you’ve been clearly doing something right.” Sam patted his friend on the back. “Just do what you do best and she’ll say yes.”
“I don’t think she can tell the engagement story if I propose when I’m doing what I do best.” Bucky said with a smirk.
“And that’s my cue to leave.” 
Everything was going well, two years into the marriage was when Peanut came in. A beautiful baby girl that had Bucky wrapped around her tiny finger. Peanut was like a little tornado that went through the Barnes’ household, some days were easy and other days- well that’s where the problems came in. 
Sam first noticed it at Peanut’s third birthday party. He saw (Y/n) rush in and out of the house, decorations were still being put up and the serving platters with the appetizers were running low. 
“Shouldn’t Dad be helping Mom out?” Sam asked approaching Bucky on the dock of the house they’d bought.
The small ripples and the tranquil sound of the lake had eased Bucky’s nerves just to be altered again by Sam’s words. 
“I’m only in charge of holding up the pinata.” Bucky shrugged his shoulders. “Direct orders from the missus.”
“(Y/n) looks like she’s about to have a mental breakdown over cupcakes, I think you should go over there and ask if she needs any he-“
“Well I think you should mind your own business Sam.” Bucky said flatly. 
Sam’s eyebrows shot up at his friend’s words and Bucky cursed at himself. 
“I’m sorry it’s just-“ He tried to backtrack but it was too late. Sam got the message and he held his hands up.
“You’re right, it’s your marriage.” Sam said sternly. 
Only a year after that, (Y/n) and Bucky settled the divorce. It hadn’t come as a shock to her, and honestly she’d been thinking about it for some time before he mentioned the D word (and not the one she wanted to hear). They settled out of court and that was that. (Y/n) kept the house and the cat, and he got a pretty flexible schedule for his time with Peanut. 
That was that, six years of being together was supposed to be erased with one single signature. Bucky had stopped trying and (Y/n) had stopped waiting for him to do something. 
So now, at least two times a month, she was here. Waiting for the minutes to pass until it was 5pm. 
Alpine started purring once she heard the muffled voices coming from the other side of the door. 
“Of course momma’s gonna be home, silly goose.” Peanut’s small voice said before the doorbell rang. 
(Y/n) rushed to the door, waited a couple of seconds and took three deep breaths before she opened, not wanting to look like she’d been waiting by the door for an hour. 
Will I ever stop getting butterflies when I see him? She wondered. 
But she already knew the answer, no. Bucky had aged like fine wine, sure he had a couple of grey hairs here and there but he still looked amazingly handsome. And seeing him picking their daughter up so she could reach the doorbell- an activity Peanut thought was incredible and groundbreaking- sent her hormones into overdrive. 
“Momma!” Peanut yelled, wrapping her tiny arms over (Y/n)’s shoulders as she knelt down. 
“Hi P! How was your weekend?” (Y/n) asked her, taking in the strawberry scent her shampoo had at her dad’s house. 
“It was amazing! Uncle Sam was there and he showed me all the new planes they have, I got to watch a movie where Daddy said they copied his fighting style.” She beamed. “I also got to practice fight with some of Daddy’s friends and they said I do it just like Daddy!”
Peanut rushed into the house and quickly climbed up the stairs. “Oh! I also got to swing with Spiderman!”
(Y/n) widened her eyes at Bucky, she was about to tell him off for letting their four-year-old daughter swing with a teenager but Peanut’s voice rang through the house.
“Daddy! You need to come up and see my new bed!” She yelled from her room.
“Saved by the bell.” Bucky winked and he too climbed up the stairs of the house they had shared. 
Bucky came down the stairs ten minutes later, heading towards the kitchen. 
“You’ve done some remodeling.” He said resting his hands on the counter. (Y/n) only hummed in response. 
“Do you need any money? Are you wanting to remodel more parts of the house?” He asked quietly. Although they were no longer together, Bucky had promised to take care of the woman who gave him the most priceless thing in the world, his daughter. 
(Y/n) shook her head. “I’m okay.”
Bucky nodded slowly, taking in the uncomfortable feeling his old house gave him. He’d bought it with the intentions of remodeling it, to give (Y/n) the house she’d always dreamed of. Bucky had started it, he fixed up the whole basement and the master bedroom but somewhere in the middle of it all he lost inspiration. He lost himself. 
“Are you going to tell me why you thought Peter was qualified to swing our daughter around the city?” (Y/n) raised her eyebrows. 
Bucky chuckled. “Swing is an overstatement and they were in the training room, not the city. I was there, supervising every move.”
“I’m glad she got to spend some time with you, P misses you when you’re on missions.” (Y/n) offered Bucky a small smile, the kind of smile he knew (Y/n) reserved for people who didn’t deserve her. The smile meant he had broken his family in two over something he cannot remember now.
“I miss her too.” Bucky’s voice cracked. “I miss you both.”
(Y/n) rubbed her tired eyes, wanting to unhear Bucky’s words. “You should go home, James.”
“I am home.” Bucky’s voice just above a whisper. 
(Y/n) shook her head. “This isn’t your home, not anymore.”
Her harsh words drove the knife deeper into his heart. 
“We can try-“ He started but was interrupted. 
“You have no right to come into my house after all you’ve done and say that we can try. I tried, for months. I switched up date night, I got a sitter, I asked what you wanted me to become-“ (Y/n) let out a dry laugh. “I started to think of ways I could change myself to be someone you wanted. But the problem is that you don’t know what you want James.”
“So don’t tell me we can try. Because I played the part, the person who wanted this relationship to work only for you to burn my efforts to the ground.” (Y/n)’s voice waivered. “So now the only thing that’s left to do is for you to leave.”
Bucky swallowed the lump in his throat and blinked back the tears. 
“I almost forgot,” (Y/n) sighed, opening one of the kitchen drawers and pulling out one of Bucky’s action figures Peanut had said she “needed to survive”, even though her father is the one who the plastic is modeled after. “P wanted you to take this so that when it’s career day at school she can tell her classmates what you do. Something about how the figurine has more value if it’s been on a mission.”
“When’s Career Day? Maybe I can-“ He tried again.
“You’ll be somewhere in Europe.” (Y/n) shook her head. 
Bucky looked down at the action figure, a model of what he was supposed to be. A protector. 
“I’ll see myself out.” He croaked. 
Pt. 2 Pt. 3
Hi hiii I know this is short but I just couldn't get Ex Husband Bucky out of my head. Hope you guys like it! &lt;;3
As always pls like, reblog and comment if you do! &lt;3
And don’t forget to ask a prompt for my 1k bingo game! 💖
tagged: @kpopgirlbtssvt @shara-ne @namelesssaviour
*Any gifs posted are not my own and I give the artist full credit.
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reveluving · 2 years
writing milf!Batmom was bound to happen at some point lol I was waiting for the day to finally happen fr fr SO HERE ❤
warnings: smut (18+ content, minors DNI!)
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Look, with that many kids in the household, did you really think no one's going to talk about how sexy of a mother Mrs Wayne is?
Don't get me wrong, Bruce being called a DILF is not uncommon! Just look at him; a rich and respectable hunk of a man, who is also a father of six children and counting? So much hotter than when he was known as a playboy all those years ago. It was only natural for the public to talk about the missus in question as well.
Who could've possibly been the one to finally tame the Bruce Wayne and better yet, encouraged him into the married life?
You, obviously, and boy, did the public understand why.
No matter how much the media tries to deny it, they can never ignore your beauty, your grace, and dare I say, your MILF-ness.
C'mon, everyone's eyes were always on you the second you'd step foot into the gala. Oh, Mrs Wayne is here, in her new silky, silt-cut dress, matchint heels and jewellery that complements your every feature?
Sign me the fuck up!
You may have acknowledged the reputation bestowed upon you, but what you didn't realized was just how strong that power was.
But, of course, your reputation comes with a bit of a price to pay. Not by you, but by your children.
If there was one thing Dick, Jason and Tim were especially too familiar of hearing, especially on social media, it's about you, and the Internet can be very open with their thoughts. People are getting too comfortable on the app, as one would say.
While there was no denying that you were in fact beautiful, they were still your sons, and to see such language about you was almost as traumatic as seeing you and Bruce fooling around in bed.
• 'Mrs Wayne is so hot??? HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN HER IN THOSE HEELS??? GYAT'
• 'I've seen her IRL when I was visiting her café and let me tell you; photos do NOT DO HER JUSTICE 🥵'
• 'If my future husband and I don't give Bruce and (Y/N) Wayne energy, I don't want it ☝🏼🤨'
• 'mrs wayne's thighs appreciation: a thread that will having you SCREAMING [includes 10+ photos]'
That last one in particular had an intimidating number of likes, mind you. As if their own set of fans weren't a lot to deal with already.
But hoho, if we're talking about Bruce Wayne's opinion on the matter?
Picture this.
It's like watching an edit of your favourites; going from a random video of you adorably scrunching up your nose to BAM—a slow-mo of you looking like a literal model. How or where anyone's ever gotten that footage from was uncertain, but if you asked Bruce if he's ever seen that video before?
Chances are, he'd say yes.
Repeatedly, even.
Hell, he might've saved it somewhere, amongst other 'tresures', for educational purposes.
He acknowledges the fact that you may be a teenage boy's fantasy, the dream trophy wife of many men, regardless if they were in their lonesome or in a tasteless marriage, but in the end of the day, you were his, just as he was yours.
And while he has the means to save your most intimate moments via his greatest machines, he actually prefers the good ol' polaroid. Saving at least a couple of boudoir photos in his pocket, wallet, the Batmobile, locked away in one of the Batcomputer's rack and much more. Whether they're photos of you lying on your stomach cross-legged in your lingerie, or even a picture of the two of you, glistening in sweat and naked in front of the mirror, he never ran short of his precious 'supplies', and he has more where that came from.
Knowing he was the only one able to not only see you, but make you writhe and scream and cum in his bed—in your bed, around his cock? He could die a happy man, truly. And he'll do just about anything you ask him to, no question?
Want his fingers inside you while he smothers his face in between your breasts? Certainly.
Want him to lie back so you can straddle his face and make you cum with that talented tongue of his? You don't have to tell him twice.
Want him to take your dress and lingerie off so slowly, even though his cock is aching to be touched by those sweet hands of yours? Say no more.
That man is always hungry for you, borderline desperate even, but what's new.
But, if it ever goes down to you, or when the public gets too comfortable voicing out, especially in front of you, and it clearly rubs you the wrong way, best believe he'll do something about.
He doesn't need the comments of others to know how sexy of a woman his wife really is, after all.
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I wanted to write smut for this, considering it is a milf!batmom after all, but we all know how long it takes for me to do that HAHA I hope y'all still liked this one tho! Please don't forget to leave some sugar! ❤
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sweetpinkchampagne · 6 months
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gentle love
pairing: simon riley x fem reader
synopsis: simon has been feeling guilty about his work hours and how unpredictable they are - leaving dates cancelled, and the bed cold when you go to sleep. he comes home to your sleeping figure.
warnings: noooneee :)) just toothache inducing fluff, seriously u needa call the dentist, sexual innuendo
note: hellooooo!!! omgg :) im so scared to post this u have no idea, i typically write in a different style and for stephen strange but something just came over me (you get it, i know you do) i hope you enjoy, please leave feedback or any comments you'd like i love you all so so much <33
heavy, unforgiving boots trudged through your home tracking mud before being pulled off as well as his heavy tactical vest that he dropped with a grunt.
"baby..??" simon called out to you, assuming you would be upstairs as he made his way towards your shared room. his gaze softened as he saw your sleeping figure clutching the pillow from his side of the bed that he guessed smelled of him. cute. your hair was covering your face messily and you were curled up into a ball. a moment of guilt struck him. he wished he could give you the romance you deserved, the date nights and planned holidays - but he was either on call or on deployment. it made the moments you had together even more special to him. he gently opened the door to your ensuite to run a shower, careful not to wake your sleeping figure.
hot water poured down his face as the heat fogged up the glass. memories of you sharing intimate moments in the shower together ran through his mind. not just sex, but the type of showers that unearthed the gentle love the two of you shared. it was only with you that he felt comfortable dropping his cold exterior, 'ghost' if you will. with you, he was always just 'simon' and you loved him more than anything in the world. he wrapped his torso in a freshly washed grey towel as he studied the cuts on his face he had gained ealier in the night. they would worry you. he knew that.
he slipped on his signature grey sweatpants that hung loose on his torso, exposing his chisled v-line, something he often slept in, shirtless n sweats. he was unaware you were awake, smiling at him as he tried to be as quiet as possible. it was 2am. he always mentioned the awful feeling he was used to experiencing at work, the feeling of 'being watched' and in order to combat that, he learned to be hypervigilant, but not with you. never with you.
"hi si.." you yawned sleepily smiling at him and he whipped his head around and met your smile with one just as big. he walked over to the bed abd your eyes couldn't help but wander to the sweatpants that swayed as he walked.
"oh lovie.. 'm sorry baby - tried to be quiet for ya.. know it's late." he huffed as he knelt beside you and kissed your lips gently, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"your cheek! oh my god simon.. you.." you said panicked as your gently cupped his face, tilting his head to study the cuts on his cheek. he chuckled.
"it's nothin' i promise, just glad i came home to the missus..in fact.." he smiled at your flickering eyes, you cared about him so much..simon laughed softly as you squealed in laughter as he pulled you by your legs, down lower onto the bed and spread them apart gently.
"honeyyy, what are you doing- oh.. oh." you looked down at him as he crawled onto the bed, laughing at your assumption.
"psshh, 'ts not that baby, you're half asleep.. jus' wanna get comfy thas' all" he yawned and smiled sleepily as he laid between your legs, arms wrapped around your waist and face in the plush of your tummy. you sighed in contentment at the feeling of safety that washed over you. your hands ran through his soft hair and he moved his head down and peppered kisses along your stomach, something that in a different circumstance would send butterflies to your stomach but instead, you just felt love.
"goodnight si, i love you" you smiled, looking down at the blonde curls buried into your stomach.
"night lovie, i love you too."
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skelnexswriting · 1 year
Always Come Back to You
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Pairing | John Price x reader
Warnings: Fluff, Price coming home, Fem reader, civilian reader, slightly shorter story, no use of y/n.
Summary: After being away from home for months, price finally got some time off. He decides to surprise you, not telling you he’s coming.
A/n: Hope you enjoy!
Some relationships were hard. Especially when your lover was off someone across the country or even the world.
It was difficult rarely seeing John. Especially when the line of work he does is so dangerous. The thought of him being killed lingered in the back of your mind.
You knew he could take care of himself but you still couldn’t help to worry.
Communication was also hard since the both of you were busy. You having to work and him half the time fighting.
It was definitely hard, but the two of you made it work.
Little did you know, price was already on his way home. The task force was blessed with some time off after the recent mission.
Price was more than happy. The team even teased him about it.
After Laswell informed the 141 price practically jumped out his seat. Soap wad the first to tease gim
“Woah there price, excited to see the missus?”
“You have no idea sergeant. Now if you excuse me, ill be gathering my things.”
Before anyone could say anything price wad already out the room and across the hall.
He’d been waiting for something like this for a while. Its been about two months since he was home. He always felt guilty for leaving you alone for that long but he was also grateful for how well you always took it.
Price had to stop himself from calling you to tell you as he wanted to surprise you.
And now that he was only 20 minutes away from home was like a dream. He almost felt nervous like he was driving to take you on that first date all over again.
The drive to the house seemed faster than usual. (probably because he was speeding…) Once your shared house came into view he felt his heart swell.
This was home. He was actually home.
He quickly parked the car, trying to be as quiet as possible. He didn’t want to ruin the surprise just yet. He got to the door, slowly unlocking and opening it.
Soft music filled the house, along with a soft hum coming from your lips. The house was the same as when he left. Clean with the smell of you. He’d become so used to the loud, busy base he almost forgot how tranquil his actual home was.
He gently set down his bags and continued making his way into the home. You weren’t in the kitchen nor the living room. So he figured you were probably in your office.
And just as he figured there you were.
The sight before him took his breath away.
There you were in all your beauty. Hair lazily put out your face, with the exception of the front pieces. His shirt, much too large, swallowing your figure with some bright pajama pants to pull it all together.
He couldn’t be happier than right now. You could be covered in dirt and mud and you’d still be the loveliest woman he’s ever laid eyes on.
You had you back turned to him as you we’re tidying up a few things on the shelf.
John carefully creeped over, wrapping his arms around your waist once he did. He heard you gasp softly before you realized it was him and relaxed.
But suddenly you stepped away, seemingly realizing it was him!
You practically jumped in his arms, tightly wrapping your arms around his neck. In return he wrapped his arms around you, stuffing his face in your neck.
He was here with you. He was home.
You slightly pulled away, holding his face in your hands staring into those bright blue eyes that you fell in love with.
“I can’t believe it you here. You’re actually here.”
He gave you that soft smile you’ve always love. He put a hand over yours.
“ i’m all yours love. I get two months off.”
He saw the way your face practically lit up and it made his heart flutter. Instead of a reply, you connected your lips in a much needed kiss,
The way he carefully held you would’ve made you think you were made of glass.
The kiss wasn’t desperate or needy. It was love and adoration.
Moments like these made all the time away absolutely worth it. It was you and him. It was always gonna be you and him. And you wouldn’t want it any other way.
He pulled away resting his forehead against yours. Both your faces held smiles, basking in each others presence.
“I’m glad your back love”
“I’ll always come back to you.”
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
bad liar / mason mount
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request: heyy! can i request something like where the reader and mason mount are in a secret relationship and one time mason accidently called a woman by your name while hanging out with his teammates? thank you x
author's note: this is like the oldest request i have rn 😭 sorry that it took this long. hope you like it!! feedback is always appreciated, tysm<3
word count: 1k
you had never talked about keeping it secret in the first place, but it felt good to keep your relationship between you, close to your chest and away from judging stares and evil whispers behind your back. the fear that they could label you as unprofessional due to how you two had met in the first place -being part of the staff at the national team, and mason being a player- sure creeped in the back of your mind from time to time, making you doubt about everything you two had built during the year you had been together. but mason, being the incredible understanding and loving person that he was, always assured you that you two weren't doing anything wrong, and that your job was safe.
still, only your families knew about you two: not even his teammates at chelsea, and certainly not his mates from the national team.
you were certain that no one suspected anything yet, but you also knew that your boyfriend was like a little kid trying to hide what he got you for your birthday: he can't keep his mouth shut, even if his life depended on it, and ended up spilling everything as soon as someone questions about it. but he had been committed, gladly, to your request: when we tell the world, it had to be in your terms. and you had to congratulate him for how well he was holding up, lasting a year with no hints or slip ups.
at least, until tonight.
he spoke, in a joyful tone, maybe a bit taken by the alcohol already. "thanks, y/n- i mean, sasha". he had tried to thank jack's missus, for passing him the snack bowl, when your name spilled from his mouth before he could catch it. in that second, he sobered up instantly and prayed that everyone at the couch was too busy watching the game jack had practically begged to watch, to even heard his lapsus. his prayers went unanswered, he realised, when he saw his teammates' faces, shocked in recognition at hearing your name exit his lips.
"wait, what? did you say y/n?," jack inquired.
"what?" mason tried to act nonchalant, knowing damn well that he never could hide the smile that adorned his lips when he lied. it was even worse that the fact made him remember you, how you always tease him about how he's such a bad liar, which again, made it even harder for him to appear innocent.
"y/n, as in our physio at england camp, y/n?" john reassessed again, providing context for those who hadn't quite understood what was the matter with the name that had exited their teammate' lips.
"you're hearing things" the chelsea player tried to downplay the situation, gulping a big sip of his beer, which he had noticed that he was holding onto the bottle with excessive force, as his fingers were turning white. "i think john heard just right," assured his best friend with a growing smirk on his face. he had picked about it the last time they were at camp, but mason had denied it every time, so he dropped it. until now.
"shut up, declan" the boy grumbled, already annoyed at the topic, but mostly at him, knowing that there was no way that they would drop it if he didn't admit that, yeah, he had accidentally called your name.
"well, she's pretty cute if you ask me" said conor, coming to the living room again after he had gone away to do god knows what. mason's patience was running low, and even more with the flirty tone his teammate at both his club and the national team had used. of course, he didn't know that you were already taken, but it had made his blood boil nonetheless. "if you don't shut your mouth now, gallagher…", mason said, with a threatening tone.
"oi, getting jealous now, aren't we?" stones joked, and he noticed that, in the heat of the moment, he had gotten neck-deep into the entire thing, and couldn't back down now. at least not without accepting defeat, which he was reluctant to do. he knew you wouldn't get mad at him if he told his teammates, but he still felt bad for doing so without talking to you about it first.
jack's eyes, now bright with the spark of mischief in them, pushed the subject further, wanting to hear his friend say what he had been thinking since the topic was first brought up. "is there something that we should know, masey boy? do you have a girl that you didn't told us about?," he continued with the banter, encouraged by the cheers the boys were shouting. along them were some of their girlfriends, like sasha, who slapped her boyfriend to try and stop him from embarrassing mason further.
"absolutely not. we're just colleagues," he was too quick to answer, feeling how his throat was drying alarmingly fast. he took another sip of his beer -that was already getting too hot for his liking-, which elicited a weird frown to grow on his face. "then call her right now and we'll see how she responds," suggested declan, and he immediately choked with his drink when he processed what his friend was asking of him.
"what does make you think that i have her numb-" he was interrupted when his phone, that was placed on the coffee table in front of him lightened up, showing his lockscreen with the notification that had prompted his screen to turn on in the first place.
message by y/n 🤍
thankfully, something had happened in the game which made all the boys focus on the tv screen rather than his friend who had rushed into the coffee table to pick up and hide the electronic device deep on his pockets. but john, who was seated next to him, got to see who had messaged mason and understood perfectly why he had reacted the way he did. he patted him on the back, before getting close to his ear to mutter "i personally don't have my colleague's contact saved with her name and a white heart emoji, but you do you, brother," with a mischievous smile on his face.
safe to say, the next time that the boys had to join the national team for international duty, your interactions with mason were closely watched. the fleeting glances and the lasting soft touches shared by you two only made their assumptions more real for them.
it was only a matter of time.
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l0velylecter · 1 year
Could you do headcanons on what nicknames the cod guys have for the reader? ALSO EATING UP ALL YOUR COD POSTS ISTG THEYRE SO SMACKING >:]
— the cod : mw ii men + nicknames !  characters : simon ‘ghost’ riley, john ‘soap’ mactavish, alejandro vargas, captain john price, phillip graves, kyle ‘gaz’ garrick, rodolfo parra  fandom : call of duty modern warfare ii tags : f!reader, not proofread  rating :  g for general , sfw! 
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01 | Soap would call you hen, bonnie, and love. He’s a big ol’ sap, so pet names are definitely on the table, and when he’s especially moved or feeling more affectionate than usual, he’d call you  mo ghràdh, which is Gaelic for my love. Nothing makes him happier than teaching you the language, laughing as the words clumsily roll down your tongue.
02 | Graves calls you baby, babygirl, sugar, darl’, and sweetheart. He has a bunch of other nicknames for you, the list goes on, and they’re always so coy and smug as they roll down his tongue with a southern drawl. He's definitely big on pet names as a form of affection. 03 | Alejandro is known to be romantic, and he's old school, going with cariño, mi vida, amor, princesa. And sometimes, when he's feeling a little playful, he'd call you mami with a knowing smirk or a grin plastered across his face — leaving you flustered and blushing. 04 | Gaz calls you love, babe, darling, and hun, and you tease him about how painfully British he is. But your favorite has to be doll or angel, something about how he looks at you as he says it: eyes filled with awe and quiet admiration. It’s 10/10 guaranteed to earn him a kiss. 05 | Price refers to you as the missus and goes along with darling, sweetheart, honey, love. You love how the words sound out of his mouth, his voice gruff and heavy like whiskey. You especially love it when he hugs you from behind to whisper them against your ear, beard tickling your neck and making you squeal.
06 | Rodolfo is absolutely infatuated with you, obsessed if you will, so he is always calling you sweet names like corazón, mi celo, mi reina, bebé, and the list goes on. He sometimes sings a tune with it, showing just how excited he is to be home and next to you. And you love him all the more for that. 07 | In the beginning, Ghost wasn't big on pet names, and he will never call you them in the presence of others. But when you're alone, and he's sitting by the couch to listen to the vinyl you've just put on and cleaning his equipment, he'd call you from the kitchen — " would you pass me the screwdriver, love ?" You'd immediately drop everything you're doing to be by his side. He had stared at you, slightly surprised, eyebrow raised curiously. From then on, he'd let slip a couple of names like love, girl, princess, and even sweetheart.
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a/n : anon you’re so sweet !!! a thousand smooches for you !! i’m so happy to hear that you’re eating up my work 🙈 the chef is blushing !!! i hope you enjoy this one too <3 it’s a bit short but sweet so i hope you like it + i made it f!reader because you did not specify and i freestyled, HOWEVER, if you had wanted it to be gender neutral let me know and i don’t mind making another one xx 😙 thanks for requesting, i had fun writing this !! 
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postmortemnivis · 4 months
just thinking about how simon must feel after johnnys death and i feel it. it’s not about ghost and john, but simon losing his johnny. his best friend. soulmates aren’t always romantic, and they knew they were each others missing piece. the way johnny was there for simon anytime he needed someone was what hurt him the most, because he couldn’t pay him back. johnny was the first at base, along with price, that made simon feel like a human again, worth loving and worth having the patience for him to start trusting again.
johnny was a cheeky bastard, finding his way into people’s hearts and nesting there with jokes and smiles, hugs and his always loving manner.
simon will always cherish all the memories of the two of them together, but especially when they fist met. he’d go through the moments they spent together as if flipping the pages of a photo album. his head hurts just by looking at the box that gaz filled with johnnys belonging: his sketchbooks, his clothes, the picture he hung on the wall next to his bunk, everything. price’d stand by his side, a hand on his shoulder, ever the father figure of the boys, his boys.
i feel the emptiness and the grieve anytime i think about it and i know simon sees johnny in every empty place. he waits for a loud voice blabbing about whatever’s on his mind in a thick scottish accent anytime he walks into the mass room. his eyes looks for him anywhere, even when he’s in public and far from base he hopes to see a dark mohawk.
simon would be so reluctant and feel guilty about not contacting johnnys family immediately, but when he does he’s welcomed and treated like a son, a hero. everyone in the mactavish family knew about the lt. of course they would, johnnys loyalty and admiration for his best friend didn’t leave as he left base, it followed him around everywhere. he was proud that his best friend was a killing machine, he’d gone through so much and still was a human person, so hard to find in the ranks of the military.
simon can’t help but see johnny in the faces of his three little boys, his wife softly smiling at simon as they sit in front of the other in the living room that once echoed the loud laughs of johnny’s jokes.
“he really admired you.”
simon’s eyes met the woman’s. “i… i admired him too.”
“he’d always talk about you boys at the task force.”
“he’d always talk about his family.” simon tried his best to smile as he noticed a boy around eight standing on the stairs, looking at him in his pajamas. “he’d always show photos of you and his little boys. would call them his little troublemakers and-”
simon’s heart sank when the boy stepped into the living room light, standing next to his mother. he, like his brothers, was the spitting image of johnny. “ma?”
“go back to bed, baby. mums coming in a bit, there’s a friend that came to visit.”
“it is da’s friend?” the boy asked, his accent painfully familiar, “the one from the stories?”
the corner of simon’s lip twitched.
“yes, it’s simon.” the woman said, her left hand resting on her belly as the right one caressed her sons hair and simon only then noticed the small bump.
“did johnny know?”
she nodded, her eyes glossy. “he promised that’d be his last mission, i had finally convinced him to leave the military.”
simon only at that moment remembered one of his last conversations with him.
“lt!” johnny called.
“i was just thinking,” johnny yelled over the loud noise of the helicopter, “that’s been a real honor fighting with you.”
simon sneered. “you gettin’ all cheesy?”
“nah.” johnny snickered, “jus’ thinkin’ i’d let you know.”
simon chuckled again. “what’s that for, scared of the mission?”
“nah, it’s just that the missus’ startin’ to get worried an’ all, y’know? was thinkin’ about reassuring her for good and stayin’ home with ‘er…”
simon’s smile dropped. “you want to leave?”
“don’t call it leaving, makes me feel like im abandoning ye.”
“that’s not what you’re doing?” simon joked.
johnny shook his head. “we’re friends, lt, we hang around together also outside base. i just want to make her happy and start spending real time with the little four troublemakers.”
simon nodded as he bit his lip, his gaze fixed on his feet. at the time he ignored the addition of a number to his children, not thinking much of the usual three becoming four. “sounds right.”
“no hard feelings?” he grinned.
“no,” simon looked at him, “let’s just get over with this mission and then we’ll talk about you going all soft.”
“not soft, lt,” johnny grinned, “just in love.”
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