#he cant even look at him. HE actively turns his head away.
carltonlassie · 4 months
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well. they were insane for this
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luveline · 9 months
Bombshell reader is my queen. What would happen if she like got hold hostage or something? She’s usually so confident, I’m sure going thru that would rough her up. Would Spencer take up the more ‘active’ role and take care of her
tysm for requesting ♡ fem, 1k
Spencer doesn't know if you're aiming for him when you come out but he grabs you as soon as he can get his hands on you. You were running hard enough to wind him, breathless yourself as you gasp into his shoulder. He can't feel you right wearing the FBI vest, desperate to take it off. 
You won't let him go. 
It must've been bad inside to panic you like this. "Are you okay?" he asks, forcing you away to check you over. "Do you need medical?" He's mildly hysterical.
"No," you say, eyes closed, shaking your head until he lets you back into his arms. "I'm fine." 
"You don't sound fine–" 
"Spencer, I'm fine." 
Spencer can't remember the last time you called him Spencer. He's used to Spence, babe, baby, handsome. He's even used to your hand on his elbow to say hello without speaking. So no matter what you say, he knows you're not fine. 
Spencer leads you over to the back of an ambulance, where you glare at him. You've definitely never done that before. 
"I don't need medical–" 
"You have to get checked out." He's definitely never spoken to you like that. Terse, his hands on your arms to stop you from getting up. "Non-negotiable." 
Your eyes shine with betrayal while the EMTs check your vitals. You have a bruise like whiplash against your neck that's tender to the touch, wincing as they prod it with their white gloved fingers. You're acting peculiarly but not outside of the realm of reasonable. 
A car backfires somewhere in the street and you flinch. "Spence," you say, looking up at him through your lashes, "can we go?" 
He waits for a nod. "Yeah, we can go." 
The issue is that you can't stand. You push up, you blink, and you sit down hard again, making a small pained sound from the back of your throat that Spencer cant abide by. "What's wrong with her?" he asks.
"Adrenaline." The EMT squeezes your shoulder affectionately. "You're alright, hun. You can sit here until you feel ready." 
She and her partner take a break in the front of the ambulance and tell you to shout if you need help. Spencer hesitates for a few seconds, looking down at you with a quick assessment of behaviour. He finds the things that are wrong with you —shaking hands, painful contusion against your throat, obvious emotional distress, weak legs— and he runs through options on how he's going to help you. 
Spencer takes your hands into his, just a little smaller, less skinny, and way softer. He doesn't know whether he can truly smell your hand cream or if he knows the scent from the hundreds of times watching your routine. You take it from the pocket in your purse, squeeze the smallest bit from the tub, and rub it in slow circles around your palms. It calms you in your rare wounded moments, and Spencer imitates that now. He draws gentle circles into your skin, the tremble ever so slightly quelled. 
"Is it bad?" he asks you, transferring both of your hands into one. Freed, he trails the knuckles of his left hand parallel to your wicked bruise. 
"It hurts." Your eyes are glassy, your lips in a downturn that turns his heart. "Hurt my ego." 
"He got a cheap shot," Spencer says sympathetically, dipping forward to kiss your jaw just above the bruise. You go still. He worries it was the wrong thing to do, but you crane your head forward into his chest.
Your tired sigh is like a rake.
"It's okay. It's okay." He takes your hand again. "We'll ice it at the hotel. With arnica, it'll be gone in a week."
"I was really scared," you murmur. 
Sitting as you are in the back of the ambulance, he doesn't have to bend much to press your joined hands to his chest. Eyes shut, that close to one another, Spencer swears he can hear your rapid heart. 
"But you made it out. You're always going to make it out, because we have a great team and you're good at what you do. You're strong. Smart. And you're brave, because you got scared and you kept going anyway. You saved someone just now." 
You push him away without malice, your perfect eyebrows pinched up at the starts. "I thought maybe this time I wouldn't make it out. Not like me, huh?" 
Spencer sits next to you in the ambulance, sliding his fingers into yours with more confidence than he feels. "That's easily explainable. Do you know what working memory is?" 
Your stress melds fond. "No." 
"Working memory is one of the brain's systems necessary for thought and function. It's important for everything. And when you're under immense pressure, the strength of your working memory depletes– being in a high stakes situation like that, it's natural to choke. It doesn't mean you underperformed. It doesn't mean you let anyone down." 
"I never said I let someone down." 
"I worried you were thinking about it." 
"I was." Your glassy eyes have clarified. Spencer lets out a breath of relief as you raise your hand to his cheek, stroking it briefly with the back of your fingers. "I'm glad you think that, but I doubt Hotch will say the same thing." 
"Hotch will tell you well done and make you take mandatory leave for a week. We should regroup with the others." Spencer nudges you in the arm. "I'll write your paperwork if you tell me what to say." 
You drop your face into his shoulder. "I'm recovering from a traumatic event. Can't you do the muscle work?" 
"Y/N!" Hotch calls, a phone glued to his ear. "Well done. Nothing else tonight." You smile. "You can do the paperwork when you get back next week." 
"Told you. Well done, mandatory leave," Spencer says. 
"Excessive," you mutter into his arm. It takes you a few seconds to warm up, and when you do it's like groundhog day, sunshine filtering through the chill, "Thanks, handsome. For everything." 
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murdrdocs · 7 months
thinking abt peacekeeper!snow needing asking you to sit on his face bc he heard abt it in the barracks but he never heard abt it in the capitol and now he cant stop thinking abt it and then he gets real messy and desperate w it🫠
he fiddles with his thumbs before asking you. his head ducked, a shyness he hasn't felt in a while clouding over his being. he picks at his hangnails, and instead picks at the loose threads of his uniform whenever you slap his hands away from their assault.
"your hands are pretty as they are, don't mess with them," you chastise easily, a teasing smirk woven in your words as you turn your head away from him. with your back facing him, you don't see him take a step towards you.
you jump when his hands press against your waist, then you melt back against his chest when he implants a kiss to your head. coriolanus opens his mouth to ask you, then he closes it and doubts himself, and then he remembers the stories from the other peacekeepers in the barracks.
the way they described it all. the girl above them using their mouth like that, in a way they didn't even know they would like. how she writhed and cried out as she ground her hips along their faces. usually, such crass talk would make coriolanus uncomfortable. but then, with the picture of you in mind, he couldn't stop listening. he filled in the images of you with their words, grateful that the other men would begin their recounts of their lewd endeavors when coriolanus was already tucked in bed with a blanket covering his crotch.
just the thought of bringing his imagination to reality makes him voice the idea to you. and it should be embarrassing how delighted he gets when you agree.
and it's better than coriolanus could imagine. never would he think he would enjoy intimate activities to be so messy, but he figures that he simply enjoys stripping away your own pristine and civilized nature and instead turning you into this: a pretty thing sat above him, cunt flushed against his mouth as you work yourself back and forth. your hands flail around helplessly with nothing to grab onto, coriolanus' curly locks that you hadn't even known to ever exist gone. instead, you dig your nails into his shoulders, the newly toned and newly tanned expanses of them providing enough stability for you to ground yourself. for your previously guttural groans of frustration to melt into pretty moans of pleasure.
your clit brushes against his nose with your movements and eventually, coriolanus realizes what the slight probe does for you. he grips your ass cheeks with his nails, both hands cupping as much of the flesh between his palms as he can, and he takes over. he brings you as tight against his mouth as he can, and works his tongue as well as he can against you. he moves his head, too, just enough to provide the friction from the pointy tip of his nose against the searching sensitive bud. all the while, his bright blue eyes never part from your frame. he refuses to look away for even a second. he refuses to blink, and when you look down, he has tears of desperation leaking down his face, only adding to the mess.
he wants to speak to you, to encourage you and praise you like you deserve. but his mouth is occupied, and he likes it like this, with you spewing out disjointed words that often don't make any sense.
"coryo, it's s'good. i – ah – you're so good at this, coryo. 'm so close. please, make me cum, coryo. i'll do whatever you want me to, just please don't stop."
and when you do cum around his tongue, wet and messy and oh so sweet, coriolanus commits the entire ordeal to memory, storing it somewhere deep where he'll never share the details with anyone else.
you're his to keep. only his.
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lolitakirstein · 5 months
Sleepy men
How the men of Aot sleep/cuddle and what they wear
Ft: Eren Levi Jean Reiner
Cw: nothing really, fluff? Hint of smuttiness. 
EREN: He’s a restless sleeper. Constantly tossing and turning. Mumbling. Slinging his arms over and around you when he rolls over to curl up next to you, mushing his face into the crook of your neck and kissing it. He generally just wears his boxers, nothing fancy. “I sleep hot,” he admits. And good god yes the guy is a FURNACE, you sometimes have to push away from him during the night because he gets so warm. “Get back here” he’ll whines, reaching blindly for your body across the bed. “You’re burning me up!” you say, putting space between you and his hot body. He’ll groan and then throw the covers off of you, exposing you to the cold room. He smirks as you yelp at the cool air and immediately curl back up into him.  The heat DOES pay off in the winter because you sneak your cold feet onto his back. “Goddamn, get those ice cubes off of me!” he mumbles sleepily into the pillow. “But your sooooo warm,” you giggle. 
Levi: He sleeps like a Victorian child struck down with the plague. On his back, hands across his chest like he’s in a casket. He doesn’t move once during the night. “I don’t want to mess up the bed that much,” he says. He wears luxury silk pajamas with his initials on them. It was difficult when you first started sleeping together, you didn’t know if he was a cuddler or not so you just laid on your side next to him for the first few stays over. However, you got brave enough and ask “Do you like to cuddle?” He takes a beat before answering, “Its been awhile since i’ve done such activities but i’m not opposed to it.” You take that as a go-ahead and wrap up against his side, his arm curls around your shoulder, gently stroking your bare arm. “Is this ok?” you ask. He sighs, “Actually this is perfect.” He loves having the weight of you on top of him, sometimes your legs thrown over his. Even when you turn away in your sleep, he will reach a hand to keep on you, just a reminder that you are there with him. 
JEAN: This man is a fucking BED HOG! No matter how big the bed is, they cant contain his tall frame and long legs. He sleeps in a band tshirt and basketball shorts. He will let you wear one of his tshirts to bed as well. He’s a blanket snob too, always stealing them from around you. “Jean I’m cold!,” you pout, trying to tug the covers from around him. He’ll laugh at your pathetic whining and pull you to where you are both on your sides facing each other. His long legs tangling with yours. “Better,” he’ll ask, kissing your nose. “Much” you mumble into his chest, inhaling his scent. When you have a nightmare and are fretting around in your sleep, he will wrap his lean arms around you, kissing your sweat-damp head trying to soothe you. “Hey i’m here, its ok.” he’ll murmur. He easily relaxes you back to sleep. 
REINER: He sleeps in flannel pants and shirtless AND he is a CUDDLER!!!! From the moment your ass hits the mattress he is dragging you close to his body. He loves spooning, the feel of your naked back against his bare chest and the smell of your clean hair is like a sedative to him. “God you smell so good,” he says into your neck. He’s always struggled falling asleep, but once you started spending the nights, he was finally able to get the best sleep he’s ever got. He loves it when you spoon him, draping your tiny body over his muscular back, sometimes tracing your fingers up and down his back and kissing the nape of his neck as you both drift off. When you sleep on your back he lays on his side to face you and wraps his arm over your torso, legs intertwined. He loves watching you sleep, and how peaceful you look. It makes him feel so incredibly lucky. You always wake up to him stealing kisses on your neck or chest or even between your legs. He is ALSO ravenous in the morning. 
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blondwhowrites · 1 month
idk if you got this request but my tumblr was glitching and idk if it didnt submit😭
So raccoon!reader who matt lshares but only lets theo fucks her due to matt catching draco masturbating to one of your insta stories-ANYWAY
Teddy is slowly fing you but at a good pase.But in your fucked out state,you cant help but fixate on his skull right-oh!and the snake eating its tail one is so pretty!
But it isnt your fault!it isnt your fault thst theo has many pretty things!even out of your anigmi form,you still have the urge to take!
So you cant help but hold his fingers,sneakily sliding it off him so matt who is watching doesnt see
When you and matt sre in his dorm,alone,he sees you wearing rings that certainly arent yours and makes you apologise to teddy :(
He could also catch you sliding the rings off of theo and idk man
In the warm afterglow of the night's activities, you snuggle into the arms of your loving boyfriend, smiling down at the shiny new, stolen, ring on your finger. It was a guilty pleasure—stealing. You truly couldn't help it sometimes. You saw a shiny thing and you just had to have it! It didn't help that Theo just had so many shiny things.
"Princess—is that mine?" You're startled out of your thoughts looking up to see Theo at the side of the bed, shirtless, and staring down at your new ring with a knowing look on his face. "Give it back."
Your eyes narrowed and you shook your head vehemently. You curled further into your boyfriend's arms—using him as a shield. "No!" You hissed clutching onto your ring covered finger protectively.
Theo rolled his eyes and leaned over, grabbing at your hand to which you squealed and used your other hand to slap his hand away. "It's mine now!" Before you could utter another word another familiar hand grabbed your finger and slid the ring off of it. You gasped and turned your head to look at your boyfriend who had just betrayed you.
Mattheo only frowned and lazily threw the ring at Theo. "Here you go mate." His groggy, sleep ridden, voice sent a shiver down your spine.
Theo barely managed to catch the ring being thrown at him. You let out a pitiful whine trying to pull yourself out of Mattheo's hold to go after it. Your boyfriend only rolled his eyes, and tightened his hold around you, forcing you back down against his bare chest.
"I hate you both." You grumbled reluctantly giving up on your mission and snuggling back into Mattheo with a huff.
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pursuitseternal · 6 months
“Anything to Reassure You, My Sweetest…” smutty reassurance for jealousy update to “Bites in the Night” series
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Rogue Astarion x F!Reader | E | 3.4 K reassuring smut and body worship
Summary: You’ve made it to Baldur’s Gate, but you haven’t two coins to rub together. In a tavern, your Vampire Rogue puts his skills to use, and stokes your jealousy in the process. What it takes to convince you, to reassure you will surely cool your temper and arouse… other feelings.
Cw: Acts 2-3 spoilers, flirty, busty barmaids, jealous feelings, denial of such feelings, very convincing reassurance of undying undead devotion, breaking and entering (technically?), body worship, slight sensory deprivation, cum tasting, adoring nsfw activities
Read on AO3 | read series on AO3 | Masterlist
Come, be convinced…
The tavern is packed, so many pockets that could be picked, so much smoke in the air to cover the scent of rich, roasted foods and fragrant ales.
And you, you sit at a table, pockets bare since you reached Baldur’s Gate. It took every coin you had to secure a place to stay for you all. Now, you each ventured out to find food for yourselves. Each alone, save for you and your vampiric lover, your second shadow.
He is always at your side, especially since reaching the city. Especially since he finally confessed his need for you and his guilt for manipulating you with lust and desire. Since he admitted he wanted something genuine with you, that you were different. Special. But that means something new for you both, something that explores your intimacy in new ways. Ways that limit the physical desire between you. No matter how fierce that desire is for you.
He has been through so much, been denied so much. Even soft things, intimate things, have been twisted for him. And now he needs you more than for your body. You are necessary for his healing, for his own sake, and now he is even closer by your side than when you were… intimate.
But still, for all his closeness physically and emotionally, you fret if there is to be a path for you both forwards.
It gnaws at the back of your mind. Especially in crowded, peopled places like this. His old sort of hunting grounds.
And while he is hunting for your next meal instead of Cazador’s, you chew your lower lip. Only hunting now is picking pockets or convincing someone to buy you something of substance rather than the manipulation and seduction of his delectable body to entice a vampire’s next victim.
His voice cuts through the din to your ear, sharp and quick like one of his daggers. He’s laughing… you lean over to look around some massive Tiefling that’s in your way.
You catch sight of him, leaning over the bar, his teeth flashing bright and wide at the little barmaid as she giggles in response. You scan her, so petitte and busty, and yet you catch a glimpse of her narrow waist as she turns towards the kitchen. Her hair is perfect, soft little curls, washed and brushed until it shines. Your hands start to pick at the stands of your own, washed a day ago… maybe? And you start to brush it with your fingers as if that will fix it.
He’s waiting, frozen with that provocative grin, head cocked mischievously to the side. You suddenly see why, she returns with a plate piled high with roasted meat and steaming potatoes and a large mug of ale. The wench sets it in front of Astarion, his lips moving as he speaks something that makes the girl’s cheeks flame bright pink. Even her little turned up nose turns rosy.
Then, your heart sinks, only to leap to your throat right after. You can’t look away, the pretty little barmaid leaning across the dirty, sticky counter to press a kiss against your love’s cheek.
You watch him make some reply, that smile still frozen on his lips, those brows still canted rakishly. Taking the plate and mug in hand, he comes your way.
And you, your ears are burning and your throat is tight. Jealousy claws inside you, seething as you turn your head, unable to look at him while he sits beside you in the booth, the little round table before you doing nothing to give you distance.
“Here darling,” he croons, setting the food and drink before you alone. “Best eat up and replenish,” he crouches close to you, his lips featherlight against your neck, tickling that sensitive spot behind your ear. “For I cannot feed until you do, you know..”
“Suddenly I’m not hungry,” you mumble, pushing the plate back towards Astarion. Your eyes still fixed on a divet on the table in front of you.
“Darling…” you feel his hand gently turning your chin. Your head responds. Of course it does. You crave his touch with how much you miss it, everyday in agony to be so close to him, no longer indulging in the comfort of your bodies. “What’s the matter?”
You can’t look up, fists clenching in your lap. Tugging your head from his touch, you grumble an unconvincing, “Nothing.” You scooch down the bench, grabbing a fork, deciding it might be better to stuff your mouth instead of having to talk. But before you can lift the pewter fork from the table, he slams his hand down on it.
Damn his stupid rogue reflexes.
Then you look up at him, jealousy burning hot as anger inside your twisting innards. “Let go,” you snap.
“Not until you tell me whatever is the matter,” he teases, his brows furrowing with disapproval.
You pause a moment, that bubble of jealousy ready to burst and fling your hot words of vitriol in his face. But you swallow them back down. “Actually I think I’ll go find Halsin, foraging in the woods sounds far more preferable to this packed tavern.” You huff, “I’m sure you’ll find some company in my absence….”
“I dont think so, darling not until you say what the fuck is going on?” he hisses, a firm hand on your shoulder as you try to stand. “Spit it out, my sweet.”
You take a shaky, deep breath, watching as that pretty thief of a barmaid saunters past your table. Her clear blue eyes scan Astarion beside you, but he doesn’t even notice. His crimson gaze is a pinpoint on you, and you alone; his face is a mix of concern and agitation. It furrows those brows and wrinkles his nose as he stares intensely at you.
“Now,” he whispers, closing the distance between you on the seat, “please tell me whatever is the matter, my love.”
You give a single, breathy disparaging laugh.
“Come on,” he places a single hand over one of your balled up fists. “If I can admit to weeks of attempting to manipulate you and falling in love with you instead, you can admit a bit of jealousy…”
Your eyes dart wide, your mouth hanging open.
“Please, I know every movement of your body, I can feel every twitch and clench of your muscles, every rap of your heartbeat.” He softens a bit, his thumb gently stroking over your clenched hand trying to soften it. “But why you would be so easily piqued by some bar wench is beyond my understanding, darling.”
“She…” you swallow the lump that burns and grates in your throat. “She kissed you.”
“Without invitation, mind you,” he sneered as he glanced back where the offense occurred. “Made my undead skin crawl. But I needed to get you something to eat, so I left the foolish girl alone without so much a thank you…”
“Didn’t look like it from here,” your teeth grit as you talk. “Besides, I can understand, Astarion. She’s beautiful and clean, petite and curved, flouncing hair and puckered lips and rosy cheeks and…”
He silences your mouth with a commanding kiss. “There is only one set of puckered lips mine will ever taste, darling,” he murmurs between the intoxicating workings of his mouth, “yours, my sweet.”
Those fingers dexterously tangle at the back of your neck, sweeping through your locks to brush them back off your shoulders. “You are so beautiful, your skin tanned and scarred from our battles, side by side… your cheeks glowing with the exertion of our adventures…”
He lifts his mouth to look you straight in the eyes, “Your heart beating all the quicker the closer I get, as if you hope I’ll ask you for a bite later…”
“Gods, yes,” you breathe. “If only to make sure you have someone to care for you, Astarion. Whether we are…” you blush and look back at that divet in the table, “…intimate or not…”
“Tch,” he leans in, his eyes wide and soft with adoration. “See what I mean, darling? I would take you over every other being in Faerûn.” His arms wind around your back, hand cupping the curves of your ass to bring you flush against him. “I mean… perhaps I’m warming to the idea of you thinking about me…” he pauses, his face twisting with that rakish smirk, “and I do mean sexually, to be clear.”
You giggle, his light fingers scratch their way up your thigh, tracing little circles through the soft leather that covers your skin.
He breathes right into your ear, honey-sweet words that spike your pulse all the more. “I don’t know if it’s the music and wine in the air, or the way your heart is just violently throbbing with your jealousy, my pet, but right now, finally, I want nothing more than to show you some… reassurance… of my devotion to you.”
“But…” you tease, craning your neck to press you nose against his, “the food…”
“Mmm, you’re not going to want a full belly anyway once we find some privacy and I begin what I’m planning to do to you… Trust me,” he grins those fangs at you, “you’ll feel very… very full.”
Nevertheless, you take a few bites of the hard won offering of food, just enough to sate your growling stomach. A swig of ale to chase it down is all he allows you before he rises so quickly from the table, it scoots across the floor with a screech. He grabs you by the hand and pulls you through the packed crowd towards a hall, the shadows dancing with flickering torchlight. Rooms line the corridor, but all of them are locked.
The moment you are alone, away from deafening voices and judging eyes, he’s on you. That wiry strength of his body cages you against a door. His mouth captures your lips, his own hunger, for blood, for your body, is palpable with every suck of his lips and dive of his tongue. His fangs and teeth catch your lips and steal your breath.
He hungers.
You feel him smiling against your lips, his body, hardened from fighting and lean from his feeding on your blood all along your journey. Hands run up and down your arms, clutching you tightly against him. And then, he laughs, “Why I do think we have found the perfect little nowhere for the right price.” Before his meaning sinks into your lust-clouded mind, he’s crouching, planting little kisses over your clothing as he goes. His lockpick in hand, he works his own brand of magic, face resting on your thigh as the latch clicks, the door swinging open behind you.
“Always so quick to slide your tools into little holes, aren’t you, Astarion?”
He says nothing as he stands, no words needed. Not when he gives you that ravenous smirk, his brows canted so deliciously. Before you can even breathe, he’s scooped you in his arms, carrying you into the darkened room, a swift shove of his hip to shut it firmly behind you both. You can barely see anything, there is no light. No candle or fire in this vacant chamber. Besides, his face is far too close as he consumes you in that commanding kiss of his. Something soft cradles your body as he sets you down, the comforting embrace of a feather bed.
Gods, when had you last been in a bed… it almost makes your body stretch in anticipation more than the way he’s crawled over you in it. Every brush of his body, every angle of his hips and pressure of his knee to spread your legs for him is deliberate. It’s so dark, the room lit only by some tiny window high above the bed, you can just barely make out the edges of his body on top of you, the little curls of his hair around his head that won’t ever be tamed.
No sights to take in, your every sense is heightened, flooded with the feeling of his hands that tug your clothes off your body, overwhelmed by the sound of his panting breaths in your ear, the taste of his tongue in your mouth each time he returns for more and more of your lips.
Before you know it, he’s pulled you up, slipping your shirt off from over your head, his voice purring in your ear. “Now, let’s see… you seemed to think your body inferior to that little wench.” He’s kissing into your ear, the lapping of his tongue deafening you, making your spine spasm with tingles, every nerve now lit on fire and hot with need. “Let’s begin to dispel those silly ideas, my love.”
He lifts from you, in the dark, all you can do is feel that cold weight of his body slipping from you. You whimper alone in the shadowed, strange bed. But you can hear he’s close, his voice softly shushing you, his fingers deftly sliding your breeches from your legs. His touch grazing over your skin now makes you whimper for new, all-consuming reasons.
Especially as you, now completely naked, feel him leaning closer to you, climbing back into the bed as the mattress bends under his weight. Your wimpers become full-throated moans as his hand comes to trace a single finger up your belly.
“Hmmm, I think you find your figure less… arousing,” he whispers, as you find his hands splayed on either side of your head, his knees shifting to straddle you… That’s when you realize it’s his skin now that brushes your flesh.
You feel movement over your belly, hearing the soft brushing of skin on skin, realization dawning as your head lifts and eyes widen to try to see. You can make it out faintly in the shadows, his hand beating slowly over his long, pulsing cock.
Oh, you missed that sight…. It makes you shiver beneath him, where he’s pinned you softly into the bed. “Clearly, we might not see eye to eye on how… arousing you truly are, darling.” His hand finds yours from your side, wrapping them together around his length. “See…” he leans his face into yours, his breath cold, his lips brushing yours as he speaks. “I think this proves you quite wrong…” you groan as he lays on top of you, your legs parting naturally to let him in, to wrap him tightly between your trembling thighs.
Every part of your body hums with need. At last. After so long. “Need more… convincing?” he purrs into your mouth, that erection now prodding over the top on your mound and pushing into your belly.
“Mmm,” you moan, pressing your own hips up into him, “always…”
“Tch,” he catches your lower lip in his teeth, “greedy little minx. I suppose it is fitting I indulge you. I can rid you of all that nagging doubt, darling…” his lips release yours one more time, trailing little sucks on your neck, your collarbone, your chest, until those full, smirking lips encircle your nipple.
And suck hard.
You mewl, biting your lip hard to keep from screaming.
“The softness of your breasts, the way they harden the moment I touch them, there is nothing like it…” he whispers against your tingling flesh, his mouth dragging with little nips to attend to your other one. Your back arches, your frame shaking to have his mouth on you once more, hands running through those soft, unkempt locks, as if you could trap him against you forever like this.
“More?” he taunts you, giving your nipple one last lingering drag of his teeth.
“Yes,” you gasp. “Convince me more…”
“It would be my pleasure,” he gives you that leer that sets your blood on fire, your innards quickening as his hand reaches back between your legs. The cold press of his fingers parts you, drawing their touch through your molten slick, a little teasing circle on your clit sending your whole body shaking. You raise your hips, wanting so much more, but his touch slips away.
Only to have him slide those drenched fingers between his own smiling, pouting lips. “Mmm,” he growls, “delicious…” He crooks his brows as you watch, so engrossed with the way his lips purse around the slight thrust of his fingers into his mouth. Then, he chuckles, low and deep, “Would you like a taste of just how divine you are?”
You give him half a smile, opening your mouth to let your tongue slide out, eager and anticipating.
Those fingers dive right back into your soaked cunt, crooking deep inside your channel as you squirm to feel so filled once more. You close your eyes as his hand withdraws, the salty tang of your own arousal brushing your waiting tongue. Your lover groans over you as you close your mouth, warm and wet, around his fingers. Fingers he slowly strokes between your lips.
“You are so perfect, every time…” he whispers, his throat thick with his need as his voice grates in your ear.
As his fingers disappear, your breath stops, drawn from your lungs by his devouring kiss. “I’m beginning to feel reassured,” you pant, your hands running over those ridges of scarring on his back, almost as familiar to you as your own marks and scars from battle.
“You had better. You are my only one, darling,” he growls against the pillowy flesh of your breasts, raising his head to look you straight in the eyes. His crimson gaze intense, filled with that glint of possessiveness, softened slightly by the dependence that brims from their depths. “And I’ll fuck every bit of your doubt from you, my sweet.”
“Please,” you beg, sighing to feel that thick, blunt, beautiful head of his cock pressing into you slowly. Your body squirms, stretching around him, taking him deeper as you try to relax. You pant, hands riding the little clenching thrusts of his ass as he gently works his way further into you.
And you moan, stretching like you’re a virgin all over again. Fitting him into your deepest recesses. Your legs raise, gripping around his narrow, lean waist. His mouth whispering his praises over your tongue as they tangle together. “Yes, darling, you’re so good,” he’s groaning, his hips thrusting and swiveling oh so slowly. Lovingly. “My one, my only…”
Your words fail. Only little breaths and sighs and noises left as your mind is swept away. Nothing more than the way your bodies are joined at last. It’s wave after wave of pleasure up your spine as he takes his time, as he meticulously plunders you. You buck, riding each thrilling drag of his cock inside you. His arms weave around your shoulders, embracing you, pulling you so every inch of your body is drawn hard against his, your yielding curves flattened, pressed and confined against him, all lean and hard and brawny as he is.
At last words tingle on your tongue. “You’re mine too, my one…” you finally pant, your voice harsh as your pleasure begins to crest, to crash through you to take control of your every nerve and every sense.
Your words, they trigger something inside him, suddenly that slow rhythm of love-making turns sharper. He’s demanding and pulsing, his thrusts harder, faster. You feel his nails clawing into the skin of your back, his breathing growing ragged and hissing between his clenched teeth.
On the cusp of control, he’s barely bridled, fangs grinding as he chases his climax, pushing you hard into yours. You shatter, shivering and clenching around his cock, his length hammering hard to fill you to bursting even as you can’t take any more of him inside. Your hand flies to cover your screams, your arousal squirting around him, soaking your thighs, his cock, even as you feel him spewing his seed to mix with your juices. Groan after groan through his firmly shut mouth, and he finally stills inside you, over you. One last breathless kiss on your lips, and he rests his head next to yours. His pants tickle right in your ear.
“That…” you whisper, turning your face to plant a kiss against the two little scars on his neck, “was….” you run out of words, too many flooding your brain to pick just one. So, you brace your hands on either side of his face, lifting it to bring his mouth to yours, one more time.
“Anything to reassure you, my sweetest,” he whispers, returning your kiss gently, tenderly, on the damp of your forehead.
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lilmashae · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
sunghoon has so much love and adoration for his sporty girlfriend !
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you were more popular on campus as an active member of all sorts of clubs and sports teams. sunghoon feels truly proud to be with someone as multitalented as you. he’s always bragging on you to his friends. sunghoon is such a supportive boyfriend — he’s always first row at your games and even watches you practice.
his eyes never leave you for a second — sunghoon wouldn’t dare look away from your moving figure: focused and hard at work. he liked watching the way your thighs moved and your hips swayed as you ran up and down the court — he’s also a fan of the demanding tone you use describing plays to your team.
he secretly wants you to yell at him like that.
sunghoon loves to see you all sweaty too! the way your sweat drenches your practice shirts neckline… he wonders if you notice that your once solid shirt is now clearly translucent — presenting a view of your cute little bra. of course that’s not the only thing that gets him worked up… watching water drip down your chin and fall into your cleavage , or the way you run up to him during practice — out of breath , flushed with your hair sticking to your forehead turns him on too. and you’re such a diligent captain , training so hard , even after practice you’re still in the gym. sunghoon wouldn’t mind staying behind with you either way , but luckily for him this means you two are the only people there: so there’s only one thing left to do… pull your sweet , loser boyfriend into the locker rooms and let him fulfill all of his perverted little wishes.
he’ll bury his head into the crook of your neck , trying so hard to breathe you in. let him lick the sweat from your skin and kiss your puffy lips — let sunghoon feel you up and massage the soreness out of your muscles. It’ll make him even happier if you drag him into the showers. you’ll wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a steamy kiss… in sunghoon fashion , his hands will desperately roam every spanning inch of your body under the warm water.
I mean really just imagine him as a pitiful loser! you don’t even have to ask he’ll get on his knees and hum into your cunt for hours after practice. he says it’s good to help you relax — which you honestly cant argue with. it’ll make him so happy — a dumb grin’ll plaster itself onto his lips. and in contrast to other drabbles I’ve written or seen , I think he’d like how strong you are! he wants you to mark him up and maybe even lightly choke him..? as a cute little moment you’ll try and teach him how to overhand or maybe jump serve — something easy… he’ll probably make some corny jokes too: “if I get a hit will you let me hit?” and of course it’ll make you giggle
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guidelines and disclaimers | writing some moreee , I’ve been having no ideas so this might not be GREAT , but I hope it’s enjoyable 🫶🏽❕
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dreamauri · 1 month
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♪ — 𝟱 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗦, 𝗟𝗦𝟮 logan sargent x fem! reader (fluff) “. . . using his five senses, these are his favourite things about you.”
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( fic master list | general master list ) ( requests | taglist )
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Logan absolutely loves seeing you danceing and having the time of your life
it makes him all giddy and happy inside
watching you forget yourself and follow the beat or jingle, he cant help but admire the sight
if youre dancing at a party or at home in a game of just dance, you know he's hyping you up
"that is . . . not-" Logan tried to hold in his laugh, sitting on the couch watching you play just dance (and recording for later). "SHH!! Let me concentrate!" you hushed back, trying to copy the moves only to gey a lot of errors snd red. Logan put his hand over his mouth, watching you you eventually trip and sit on your ass in surrender. "I dont like this routine." you grumbled, watching the blond get up to lift you back on your feet.
It's becoming a regular activity where the two of you are caught in a crowd,
wheather at a concert or in a street or even at circuits by fans or reporters.
His biggest worry with these things is losing you in the sea of people,
so when you grab onto him it eases his mind that you’re close and that he won't lose you.
“Y/n?” He called looking behind him in search of you. When he felt the little tug on his pinky finger he knew you were somewhere behind him in the crowd of people. The football match had ended and the halls to the exits and parking lot were packed. The only thing keeping him in his head was you holding his pinky and with him still.
Although not it’s something from you in particular, Logan associates incense with you.
He finds it a really calming part of you.
You usually light one up when studying. The scent fills the apartment if you forget to close the door or if you study in the living room.
His favourite part is that the smell sometimes sticks to you after an hour or three, which usually tells him how long you’ve been preparing for exams.
Sometimes, you light one jokingly, pretending to cast a spell.
“Calypso,” You pleaded, trying to hold in a smile as Logan sat on the chair, face in his hand, doing his best to hold in laughter as you circled the smoking stick around his head. He had his bags packed, ready to leave for the airport for the next race only for you to stop him and push him in a chair. “Give Logan a win, you bitch. This is the 7th time I've asked. please, thank you. Also, make Max crash out- actually, the whole grid. cradh them all out. cheers."
Logan's favourite part of the day is hearing you talk.
It doesn't matter what about.
Whether it's work, or something you're passionate about, or even gossip or just vents.
You have all of his attention.
youre the onky thing he hears, 100% of his concentration is on you.
its also very evident on his face and reactions, he practically turns into emojis,
'guess what!! i got the job!' 'You got the job! Told you could do it🤩'
'logan!! Person A cheated on Person B!' 'WHATT?? 😨'
'i love this course!' 'which one the one with friend? the assignment you had fun doing? 😊'
"Wait, wait. start over because I'm very confused." Logan told you, moving to sit closer to you so he can hear over. "What are you confused about?" You'd ask, and just like that, Logan would repeat everything you said, his facial expressions contouring to show concentrated blondie confused about the gossip you just spilled.
chapsticks have flavours. And logan is lucky that you have plenty because it makes kisses more delicious.
he already feels like he melts every time you kiss him,
now imagine double the effect with flavoured kissies!! hes not pulling away
"oh, but baby, you're so sweet" he protects if you try to part
he pouts and chases your lips and licks them if he manages too, might even bite yoir lower lip to keep you close.
"hm!" he hums surprised by the new flavour, momentarily licking just a bit to familarize himself with the flavour before going back in deeper with the kiss, holding your waist to stop you when you try to pull away. "Logannn," you whine against his lips but a moan only left your throat feelinghim tilt his head a little. "No one's looking," he mumbled to assure you. "You're like my very own cherry tree." he chuckled before kissing you, more softly this time.
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piratefishmama · 11 months
Finders Givers | Prompted by @aellafreya
Some may call it a dangerous thing. Some may argue for its ability to lead you to the truth of things. Some may claim it leads you to temptation, to regret, to suffering.
Steve Harrington, was curious.
He’d found the source of his curiosity while visiting a bar he’d planned on purchasing. It wasn’t a huge establishment. Or a well known one. Not exactly big bucks in the making but it was sat in a prime location atop a cellar that led to miles of underground tunnels which frankly.
He wanted.
He wanted them and not for legal reasons either. The tunnels weren’t on any official city map, predating them, Robin and Nancy, his right hand, and his researcher, found them by pure chance while on a fun little jaunt through the local libraries.
Fun being a stretch for Robin, but she needed to hang out with another woman her own age. And so did Nancy.
But he wanted those tunnels, they stretched all over the damn city, with just a little bit of work they could pop up anywhere, perfect for many a less than legal activity.
So many by-chance happenings had led him to that ratty little bi-fold leather wallet. Wasn’t even quality leather either. It looked old too, black with an embossed devil head pattern that probably came from some truck stop somewhere.
He could have just handed it in to the owner he was trying to buy out, could have even thrown it away, but curiosity was a devil sometimes. So there he was, sat down at one of the many tables in that little bar while one of his people did the majority of his work for him (honestly what’s the point of having people if they cant do your work for you?) perusing the contents and feeling more and more depressed by the second.
First, there was a wad of coupons and a single quarter in there instead of bills, which was never a good sign.
Second, a single, solitary, sad, badly rolled little joint.
Third. A single bank card with Mr E J Munson on it. Not even a credit card, just. A debit. Which statistically didn’t mean great things about this person’s credit score. Could just mean the owner was trying to avoid debt, but… doubtful.
Fourth, a stick of gum.
Fifth, a guitar pick.
Sixth, a library card, oof couldn’t even afford to buy the books.
An expired driver’s license desperately in need of renewal registered to Edward Joseph Munson, the photo made him look like he’d just gotten out of jail or some shit, his hair a terrible buzzcut and eyes too big, too dark, and too haunted to be anything else, but then that was just sometimes how those photos turned out. He could have been a totally innocent man!
It had his address on it, a few descriptors, height half an inch shorter than Steve himself, brown hair, brown eyes, male, 140lbs at point of issue (he’d been seventeen), date of issue, issuing State, along with a date of birth, clocking him at a year older than Steve, twenty nine, and… that he was apparently a donor.
And finally, a month old pay stub from a local fast food joint. So minimum wage worker at best.
It was… kind of sad really. Steve actually looked up the address on his phone, just for curiosities sake, because he was already in deep enough to look through a guy’s wallet, might as well google the poor saps address, just in case he felt charitable enough to drop it off on the way back to the high rise.
Oh there was that deep sadness some people might yell ‘I told you so’ about.
It wasn’t bad. But it sure as shit wasn’t good either. Steve knew of at least six bottom dweller drug dealers that operated out of that block, which explained the joint.
And also made him sadder about the joint, the weed probably wasn’t even all that good.
“Hey Robbie?” His long time friend and platonic soulmate turned her bored gaze over to him, she’d been playing angry birds on her phone, he could hear the war cries of those birds every time she launched one. “We done any charity this quarter?”
“Mmmmmnmnnnnoooooo?” It always looked good to the public for a rich guy like him to do charity work. Wouldn’t look too deeply into him if he was seen publicly doing good. “Unless you count telling Dustin to go wild in that nerd shop last week as ‘charity’, your child nearly emptied the damn shop.”
“Nah that was his birthday present, can’t call that charity.” He wasn’t going to reiterate that Dustin wasn’t his child. He was basically mom at that point.
“Alright, so what’re you thinking?” She sat up, turning to face him properly, putting her phone screen down on the table “Sponsoring something? A drive? There’s this cute little animal shelter in Japan called HEART I read about last month, ran by just a woman and her husband working with volunteers, could be a good thing to donate to? Helping animals is always good for PR.”
“…Those sound way better than what I was thinking, this guy’s wallet is bumming me out.” The expression on her face could have probably put grumpy cat to shame. “Pick one of your choices and do something with it, whichever you want. Imma do something about this wallet.” It didn’t have to be a big PR stunt, the fact that he was doing it on the DL as well? It always came back around all sunshine and roses because people believed it was totally selfless.
Didn’t do it for PR, couldn’t be doing it for PR, he hadn’t announced it.
It was always for PR. Always. The reaction just took a little longer to circulate and people were suckers.
“Just give it back to him? That should be charity enough. It’s like nine bucks to replace a driver’s license, you’re saving him nine bucks. Charity.”
“For someone who started out poor, you’re awful, Robin Buckley. Deal with this bar thing for me would you? I’m going to go on an adventure.” Curiosity was a powerful thing!
“Alright but if you come home with another stray I’m suing!”
“That was—”
“Seven times Steve! Seven!!” It wasn’t his fault that he struggled to see teenagers down on their luck. And four of them were two sets of siblings so it technically counted as one time per set, and one came with Nancy so—!
“Fine!” –So, he wouldn’t argue.
Empires weren’t built with throw away people who held no loyalty to you although he did have many of those on staff. Empires like his were built on the foundation of family, and while the one he’d grown up with was a little bit lacklustre, the one he’d built was perfect.
So he wouldn’t argue, he knew she loved them just as much as he did, in her own way, and that any additions would be welcomed with open arms.
Steve didn’t take the car. Although he probably should have, he knew at least three of his people would be following him, keeping an eye on him for safety reasons. At a distance of course but they’d be tailing him for the sake of safety.
That neighbourhood wasn’t safe. No matter if he had a weapon on him or not, it wasn’t safe for people like him.
People with visible wealth.
The watch on his wrist alone was probably worth more than some of the buildings in that neighbourhood, and it wasn’t exactly early in the day either. The sun setting made for an excellent ‘rich person in the wrong goddamn neighbourhood’ future police report.
But he made it to his destination unscathed.
The fast food joint from that pay stub. He even double checked the address on it. The chances of this Edward Munson being there were low, but that was fine, he just wanted to check it out. The atmosphere in there, the management styles, he’d hang out in the corner, get a cheap coffee and people watch for a while. See how fun Edward's work life was so he could add it to his decision making tree.
Curiosity really was one depressing little bitch baby.
The manager on staff was loud. Rude. Sexist. And he was pretty sure he’d made one of the staff cry because she’d hurried out very quickly rubbing at her face and sniffling. The temptation to put out a hit on him? High. But no, that was a lot for one asshole… maybe he’d just send Jane out, let the kid take his knees out.
She deserved a little bastard ba—
Someone beat him to it. A commotion later started by someone with a lot of hair, hair that’d been put up in a net and half hidden beneath the uniform’s god awful mustard yellow cap. It’d been two hits, the guy hitting him, and the manager hitting the floor, blood pouring from a very broken nose, spectacular.
The rest of the staff looked on in wide eyed horror, one yelping “Eddie, holy shit!” as the man pulled his cap off to reveal all that hair. “You’re so fired!”
“Didn’t need this shit show anyway! Chris an I quit, peace out assholes!!” Eddie. Eddie. Steve rose to his feet. Godawful coffee forgotten in the face of the mystery Edward, who caught his eye once before continuing on his way, all big brown frankly beautiful Bambi eyes, less haunted but still so big, full, kissable lips, and god, so much hair, going in the same direction as the blonde who’d disappeared to probably go and cry.
Eddie did need that job. He really needed that job. Steve had seen the state of his wallet. He needed that job, or at least he needed the paycheque that came from that job. Couldn’t even afford to buy his own books! He rented them, he rented books.
God, Robin was gonna judge him so bad for the person he was about to become.
Part 2
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darlink-xoxo · 1 year
in which, a boy thinks he's in need of medical attention
but he's really just in love..
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GIF isnt mine
just shoto being blissfully unaware of how whipped he is 💕
Warnings: Oblivious Shoto, Shoto in Denial, Puppy Love 🫶.. spelling mistakes
❥ · ゚₊ he blinked when a hand waved itself in front of his face. glancing at his surroundings, shoto's brows lightly scrunched together as he tried to remember where he was. oh right, he was in the middle of eating lunch in the cafeteria. turning to look at who waved in his face, he was greeted by his friends looking at him with smug faces.
".. hello?"
"sorry to interrupt you todoroki, but you were spaced out for a few minutes now." izuku spoke with a small smile.
ochako leaned over towards tsu and whispered something, before both started giggling with fox grins. shoto blinked, confusion clear on his face, he looked towards tenya who cleared his throat.
the engine quirk user pointed behind him to a table over with a sly smile on his face. shoto's head tilted as he looked over, his breath seemed to leave him as his eyes landed on a particular someone..
their name was y/n, one of the top students of class 1b. his surroundings left his mind once more, his vision turned tunneled, and it narrowed in on them. just how much time had passed? he couldn't say.
it was like they managed to stop his world from spinning, they kept him grounded, while also making him throw away any rationality he might've had. he felt lightheaded, did he have heartburn? or was he drunk..
wait shoto doesnt even drink
you were happily chatting with your classmates kinoko and tokage. although, it was more like kinoko was listening, while you and the dark green haired girl chatted away. you both knew that kinoko was the shy type, so you didnt forget to include her in your conversations.
as you sipped your drink, you glanced to your side to see tokage whisper something to the mushroom quirk user. it was then that kinoko covered her mouth to hide her giggles, her shoulders shaking with laughter and tokage let out loud laughs.
you flashed them a confused smile as you asked them what was up. they did nothing but laugh harder, before eventually calming down and pointing forward at the next table a couple feet away in front of you guys.
you tilted your head as you turned to face the direction where they pointed at, before being stunned when you made eye contact with a certain ice and fire user. although he seemed to snap out of whatever spell he was under, his face held a similar look of shock as yours.
you quickly glanced around you in case he was looking at someone else instead, when you found no one else you sent a confused wave in his direction. smiling at him before going back to eating your lunch
shoto responded with a wave of his own, although still stuck in a daze, he felt the corners of his lips quirk up. did.. did his quirk suddenly activate? last he remembered y/n didnt have the ability to activate someone else's quirk.. so why did he feel so warm..?
izuku lightly laughed at his love dazed classmate. how could one of class 1a's top students, be so unaware of how spell bound he looked?
"hey.. midoriya.."
"oh! yeah todoroki?"
"am.. am i sick? i feel warm all over, and i think i'm experiencing a heart attack."
the green haired male blanked as shoto was finally able to turn away from his attention capturer, "midoriya.. am i dying??"
.. eh?
"i'm serious, my mind is going blank, i think i'm experiencing cardiac arrest. i couldn't even breathe, and i zone out every time i look at them. i cant even speak.. it's like i've been brainwashed."
"pff," izuku was fighting for his life to keep his laughter in, but ultimately he failed when he heard how the rest of the table burst with laughter. ochako and tsu clutched at each other as they wheezed with giggles, while tenya repeatedly slapped at the table.
"wh- but i mean it! i'm not even sure recovery girl will be able to help with my situation!"
"guys i think i might be allergic to y/n 😨"
you looked over at 1a's table, your eyes narrowing in on a dual quirk user. you sighed happily, finding the escapade that you were watching from afar to be funny.
kinoko nudged tokage's shoulder, and both girls turned to look at you before lightly giggling behind their hands, taking a breath to recollect themselves, kinoko reached over and prepared to wave her hand in your face.
"sorry to interrupt you y/n, but you've been zoned out for a while now." they laughed.
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via-l0ve · 1 year
I'd love to see more Supernatural stuff like "would you love me if I was a worm?", please! c:
Calling The Spn Boys Really Cringey Nicknames (preference!)
a/n: i literally love you sm. when you requested this i was fr begging my brain to come up with ANYTHING and then boom here you are so thank you sm for this :)) i wasn’t sure if you meant like preferences or a funny little chaotic write up so i did both :) hope you enjoy!! (wendy williams is such a meme.)
Warnings: swearing, chaos tbh, not proofread
characters included: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley
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Sam was in the room and you know you gotta mess with the moose man
you walk up to dean all innocent and you hand him a beer you got from the fridge.
“here you go, honey bunches.” insert voice you use when talking to a puppy
dean stared for a second before going
“of course, Schmoopie.”
Sam rn:
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You just walk away like it’s normal and go back to doing whatever you’re doing and sam is literally DISGUSTED
after a couple of seconds he just goes
“schmoopie?” bro is about to cry hes so dead cus wtf is that nickname
“yeah?” you respond, shrugging.
“never say that again.” Sam deadpans and Dean gets up to walk to you.
“what the hell was that nickname.” he asks, a HINT of a blush on his face.
you smiled. “i think it’s cute!”
he literally looks scared.
“stop it. never again.” SHIVER ME TIMBERS
you scarred the poor man and his brother
He’s working late on research for a case you guys are in town for and he’s delirious
you bring him a coffee and decide to fuck with him a little bit
“here’s your coffee, Sammy.”
“oh, thank you y/n”
“anything for my cutie patootie!” you kiss his head and walk away
he’s literally going 👁️👄👁️
maybe he’s delirious but he’s not psycho (maybe)
him rn:
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“y/n.. what?”
you just turn around all innocent
“what? cant i call you my cutie patootie? or would you rather me call you my schnuckums?”
“what the fuck.���
“y/n. go to bed.”
you made him go to bed because he thought he was hallucinating
my precious baby
he totally asked dean all about pet names and stuff and dean was like “STAY AWAY FROM THESE ONES..”
so when you call him your poopsie he’s like 🤨
but he dosent wanna do anything weird so he goes
“love you too, Schmoop.”
he fought back
now it’s your turn to actively cringe
you when he fought back:
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he tells dean about it the next day and dean is in absolute SHAMBLES
i love cas he deserves nothing but love and support
he would totally keep calling you that name just to see you die inside every time
he loves you
i love him
he’d research cringe couple names and come across Petite Chou (small cabbage) in french and call you that
everyone would think it was something cute and meant a lot
Small Cabbage
i honest to god feel like crowley has seen so much and you’re so chaotic he wouldn’t even bat an eye
“i love you baby cakes!!”
“mhm. love you too, y/n.”
“hey my schmoople!”
“hi y/n.”
“how was your day, snuffleuffagus?”
“good. how was yours, love?”
he’s so used to you and your antics tbh he honestly thinks it’s hilarious
but he isn’t even phased anymore lol
you guys are a power couple
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ihave-atummyache · 18 days
i was never there
bang chan one shot/imagine
SFW but some allusions to NSFW activities.
toxic relationship! toxic!chan toxic!reader
summary: to everyone’s disapproval, you and chan just cant seem to leave one another alone.
1.2k words
Chan knows that the two of you breaking up was for the best. Your relationship was unstable and toxic, borderline obsessive. You both had become distant from important things in your life because all you cared about was each other.
If he knows that then why is he feeling so guilty about having someone else in his bed? Why does he feel guilty that it isn’t you in some foreign country with him instead of some girl he met at a bar? Why has he only been able to write the worst heart broken lyrics that he has ever thought of?
Despite his better judgement, after his hookup leaves, he sits up and grabs his phone. He unlocks it and instantly opens social media, hoping that you had posted something, posted anything, just so he could see your face.
He feels like he’s going crazy. He checks your social media at least 10 times a day. He doesn’t care if he’s the first view, he just needs to see you. He opens your profile and sees you posted a story and of course he opens it.
13 s ago
He chews his bottom lip as he analyzes the photo you had posted. It looked like you were having brunch and mimosas but that isn’t what bothered him. What bothered him was the fact that there was somebody sitting at the seat across from you.
There was another plate and another glass but the chair was empty, something you had purposely done to try to maintain your privacy, he assumes.
Maybe it’s the drinks he had earlier in the night or the post nut high but something makes him open his texts and message you, despite every fiber in his brain telling him not to.
Who are you with?
Why would he say that? Now he probably looks insane. But your response is almost instant, not even a minute later.
it’s almost 5 am over there. why are u up?
He chuckles at his phone. You’re right, it’s 4:47am where he is but he can’t help his stomach doing a flip at the thought that you know exactly where in the world that he is. It makes him feel slightly less crazy that you seem to have been watching him just as much as he has been watching you.
Keeping tabs on me now? He types the message and sends it before he thinks too much about it. This is the first time the two of you have talked in almost a month and he feels like he’s getting an adrenaline high.
Chan stands from the bed and heads to his bathroom before turning the shower on and staring at his phone as he waits for the water to heat up.
ik YOU aren’t talking about keeping tabs on anyone. somehow you see everything i post within a minute of it being posted. care to explain? He can sense your sassy attitude through the screen and smirks down at his phone.
I can’t miss you?
Risky. Risky reply and he knows it but its all or nothing at this point.
He sends the message before he can think too hard about it. He sees you’re typing then the bubble disappears. This happens a few times before he finally decides to get into the shower.
A few countries away, you’re staring down at your phone, debating how you should reply.
“I fucked up,” you glance up at your coworker, a new friend that you had made. She had listened to you rant and rant about your ex boyfriend and it had actually brought the two of you pretty close.
“What happened?” She raises an eyebrow at you as she takes another sip of mimosa. you let out a sigh, running a hand through your hair before sliding your phone across the table to her. She reads the messages quickly before shaking her head in disbelief.
“He is fucking insane. Are you going to reply?” her words linger in the air for a minute before you grab your phone and read over the messages again.
“Should I even reply? This is so toxic. I’m feeding into him. Fuck!” You drag your hand down your face, frustrated and the waitress returns to your table at the perfect time.
“Can we get another bottle of champagne?” You ask with a polite smile and she nods before walking away.
“Y/n, it’s 11 in the morning,” your new friend eyes you from across the table and you shrug.
“I’ve officially been driven to drinking. I just need to get drunk and then I’ll go home and fall asleep then I’ll wake up and text him back,” you nod at her and she chuckles but lets you continue drinking anyways. Your phone vibrates again on the table and you flip it over, Chan had texted you again.
“What did he say?” Your friend already knows who it is without you having to say a word. You lean forward and unlock your phone and your heart drops at the message.
Baby, I need you. I miss you. Come to the show in Seoul.
You choke on air and start coughing before sliding your phone to your friend so she can read the messages. Her jaw drops and just as she hands your phone back, a notification pops up at the top of your screen; an incoming call from ‘Christopher Bahng’.
Without thinking you answer the call, excusing yourself from the table and stepping onto the patio, right next to your table so your friend can still see you.
“Chris…” you breathe his name out, it feels like a stab to your chest when you hear him let out a breath on the other side.
“I’ve missed hearing you say my name. I miss you so much, baby. Did you see my message?” His voice is slightly slurred over the phone and you recognize the influence that alcohol probably has over this entire interaction but honestly, you don’t even care.
“I saw it. Chris I don’t think that’s a good idea-”
“I don’t care if it’s a good idea or not. I just need to see you. I’m going to lose my fucking mind if I don’t get to hold you soon,” his voice is desperate and you can hear how overcome with emotions he is.
“We aren’t together anymore. This is exactly why. We aren’t healthy for each other, baby. You know that,” the nickname slips from your mouth like a habit and you immediately gulp when you realize what you said.
“I don’t care. I don’t care about anything if you aren’t at my side,” his confession just further nails it into your head that the two of you aren’t good for each other. You chew on your lip, pulling your sweater tighter around yourself.
“Fine.” Before you realize it, you have agreed to see him, just one more time. This will be the final time, your final goodbye.
Or the cycle will start over and you’ll be back in the endless toxicity that you two have been in for a long time.
“God, I love you so much, y/n,” his voice is raspy and you can tell he’s getting tired.
“I know, Chris. Send me two tickets so I can bring my friend since you ruined our brunch,” you chuckle and you hear him laugh on the other end.
“Yes ma’am,” he replies and you feel your phone vibrate, probably the notification that he just sent you the tickets.
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the-traveling-poet · 6 months
We hit 300 followers?! Thanks y’all 🫶🏼🤎 In celebration, here’s another Soft!Levi drabble cause OOC Levi can be a fresh breath of air :)
An image popped into my head the other night about Levi being so (secretly) smitten with you that he’d do literally anything for you and to help you, including keeping you warm on winter-time expeditions, and I just lost it I hAd to write.
“Whose bright idea was this anyways? Venturing past the walls while the weather is in the negatives.”
“It was Commander Erwin’s, sir.”
“Well then he isn’t too bright, now is he.”
Eld shrugged his shoulders once his Captain turned his back, shooting a look over to Gunther with a silent plea for something to say for the man to feel less bitter.
Gunther only pursed his lips and shook his head, unable and unsure how to help the poor man console their grumpy Captain.
He’d never been one to complain about the weather, that much they knew for certain. He never made a comment if it were too hot or too cold outside. Rather, he’d just dress accordingly and scoff at Hange for whining and cursing at the sky.
But today…Today was different.
Sure, the weather was a bit nippy. The wind had yet to cease its constant flow across the fields, and occasionally a speck or two of snow would float down from the heavens. It wasn’t the worst weather they had traveled through, by far.
But Levi was irritable. And when he was irritable, his squad had learned to tiptoe around him for fear of a quick lashing from his tongue.
While Oulo echoed their Captain’s complaints to a very unimpressed Petra some feet away, Eld and Gunther wondered amongst themselves as to why this could be.
They were only scouting the perimeter for titan activity, so that they could relay this information back to the Commander for the upcoming expedition that was soon to be held. So what could have set the raven off about this mundane, ordinary task?
The answer flew before their eyes and landed on the ground with a soft crunch as the frost clinging to blades of grass were squashed under foot.
The squad’s fifth Cadet, Y/N, was quick to sheath the handles of their gear back into their holsters and wrap their arms around their shoulders. Exhaling a breath that fogged the air, they shuddered.
“N-nothing on the east side,” they reported quietly to Captain.
Levi was quick to turn to them, assessing the shivering state they were in. The furrow in his brow and the downward tilt of his lips didn’t go unnoticed by the second command and his friend, who snickered to one another in realization.
Y/N was freezing out here. Of course their socially awkward Captain would be pissed about having his lovely Cadet uncomfortable.
Though their snickers soon died in their throats when, instead of responding to Y/N’s report, he shook off his Survey Corps jacket and cape and draped them over their shoulders.
“We’ll be heading back to Headquarters in no time. Till then…Just…S-stay by me, alright? Cant have you catching a cold.”
His muttered statement and pink tinted cheeks were enough to halt even Oulo in his rambling, who turned to Petra in confusion.
“It’s not that cold-“ he muttered in confusion, to which Petra quickly shushed him as she watched on in glee.
“T-thanks,” Y/N whispered, taking a step closer to Levi and huddling into their additional clothing.
“Don’t mention it. I-I run hot anyways.”
taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe
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writingoddess1125 · 6 months
Hockey AU Buggy
Hockey Buggy x GNReader
Fluffy Fluff Romance
Well Damn I come back with a writers block so bad not even a shotgun to the ass could blow it out! Anywho watched some TV and got this idea! Enjoy 💕
• Ah the Big Top Hockey Team- The best of the worse in Hockey.
• The Famed Center Clown Star of the Rink- Buggy.
• The Nickname coming from both his personality and the bright red nose he got from rosacea/cold
• Buggy is a notorious asshole to everyone- His long blue hair often poking out his helmet like little tuffs- often making him look ridiculous.
• He chews on his bright red mouth guard constantly and it looks like a permanent red smile shifting over his face when he sits out or is waiting.
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• He and his team are lazy- but dirty players. Being the first to break out in fights and first to fuck up a play.
• Wouldn't be the first time Buggy punches someone in the back of the head and gets sat out for retaliation
• Missing a Tooth after a bad scuffle with the Red Hair Team a few years back so wears a clip in tooth to cover it.
• You were the journalist for the Hockey division- new and having to sit at almost every game in your area. This being no different as you sit with your laptop on your lap typing everything down. Not noticing you caught a certain centers eye-
• Buggy slows down right infront of you- Looking you up and down as he gave a wicked grin-
• "Ay! Haven't seen you here before gorgeous" Buggy chimes in, making you raise a brow at the man.
• "You're in a active game?-" You point out, gesturing to his team and the opposing team behind him currently fighting on the Rink while the poor ref tries to break it up.
• "They can wait- Your phone number however cant" He said with a grin- You laughing at his antics and shake your head.
• "Well, Seems like you're gonna have to wait- Cause you ain't getting it" You wink- Seeing his face freeze in both shock and interest at yohr rejection.
• Oh it Was On!
• Everytime you were at a game, so was Buggy. Either playing or not he would show up and shoot his shot at you.
• Each time you'd reject him. Some days he took it like a champ and others he would throw a bitch fit.
• However he didn't quit- even after a solid year he hadn't stopped. While you rejected him romantically it didn't mean you hadn't become good friends with him and his team.
• "I swear to God I'd be so good to you" He said, leaned against the wall. Dressed in his gear as his game was starting up soon. You smirk at this, not used to a more Eros form of remark.
• "Oh? Switching up the flirting Clown Boy?" You mused. However looking in his eyes you don't see lust like all the times before- No this was different.
• "I'd rub your feet good, Cook you dinner- make you fruit covered in chocolate. Just let me shoot my shot (Y/N) I promise"
• You stare at him surprised- A feeling of warmth hitting your face. "G-Go play. Your game is soon"
• He nods accepting what he felt was another rejection as he headed off to the rink.. Your heart seemingly skipping some beats.
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• "I need your quote from the last game" You say, Seated in a Cafe so you could interview Buggy. However he was being difficult and turned facing away from you in the chair. "Which would be easier if you turned to face me"
• "Don't know about that- If I face you I may blow a hole through the table-" He deadpanned which made your eyes roll.
• "Well try-"
• "Alright but you look like that so don't be surprised if I look like I wanna be underneath you" He said with a smile, turning in his seat to take you in fully. A bright smile on his face-
• "Wow-" He said like he was blown away by you. "Quote- Now" You emphasize not wanting to fall into his new attempt at you.
• "I'll Honor you to the day I die- I Swear.. And you can quote that" He said with a bright smile, Winking at you and staring with only love in his eye.
• This continued for a week- And in truth your resolve was starting to break. It wasn't just flirting anymore but true interest in you and desire.
• It was getting harder and harder to reject him.. Maybe you liked his red nose, his blue hair or the way he giggled.
• However it wasn't till the first game of the new season that things changed. He had come to you with roses this time and his jersey.
• This was the most that people had ever showed up for a Big Top Game and it showed by how clean the team seemed for once. Including Buggy-
• His hair in a ponytail as he held the items out to you, stopping the flow of his team going on the Rink just for this.
• "Buggy what are you-" He cut you off with a desperate look in his eyes.
• "One chance- Give me a Moment and I swear, I'll make it last a lifetime"
• You stare at him, smiling as held put the jersey to you and flowers to you. A grin on his face as you shake your head with a chuckle, taking the gifts from him.
• His face lit up like you'd given him a million dollars and a blow job.
• "You get one moment- Make it count"
• That night you'd seen he had actually tried- putting out the best plays you'd ever seen and winning the game that night for the first time.
• The whole time he was staring at you as well
• Seemed all he really needed was that chance-
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Hiii I love your writing so much!! If it’s possible can I request smth with red haired Cheol? I haven’t been able t stop thinking about him ever since the concert 😩
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requested?: yes pairing(s): choi seungcheol x afab!reader genre: fluff, smut warning(s): smut, unprotected sex (wrap it hunnies), oral (f recieving), slight mention of alcohol (wine), not proof read (i'm a lazy bitch, dont judge) summary: 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘭 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘥𝘺𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘪𝘵. word count: 1.8k a/n: omd his red hair is going to be the actual death of me!! hope this satisfies what you were looking for anon:). remember to eat and drink something, love yas, mwah! (P.s i am actually so sorry i haven't been active that much, i haven't had a lot of time or the motivation for a lot lately, but i promise i will try my hardest to pull myself together and write more lol, or i will let yous know if i am going on a break, but love yas and thanks soooooo much for the support and love you all are giving my account!) (Pps i got very lazy with this if you cant tell, so there isnt a lot of mention of his red hair sorryyyyy)
you were the first person to see cheol’s new hair. he had texted you to come over “urgently” but, oh boy, were you in for a treat.
you got to his house and practically pounded on the door for him to open up, when he opened the door, you looked up at his slightly taller frame urgently, asking what was wrong frantically when you cut yourself off. he was standing there, gorgeous as ever, with bright cherry coloured hair. your mouth fell agape.
he looked so sexy, it was almost like a flip was switched inside of you that made you want to worship him, fall to your knees and worship him like he was your god, because, hell, he looked like one.
“you don’t like it?” he said, and his face fell. you were quick to shake your head and take his face in your hands, kissing him passionately.
“don’t like it? honey, i love it” you say as you both pull away.
he was then even quicker to smile and grab your neck, pulling you in for another hot kiss, but this one was less like the other that was sweet and sensual, no, this one was a lot more frantic and needy. but, oh lord, none of you cared. you felt cheol’s tongue swipe at your bottom lip, asking for entrance, to which you gladly accepted. he grabbed your waist with his free hand and pulled you through the doorway into the threshold before closing the door and pinning you against it, his palm flush against your throat. you let out a small whimper as he pulled away.
“well, with that kiss, i think i can tell you like my hair, sweetheart” he teases, taking both of his hands away from your body and walking off towards the kitchen.
“where are you going?” you call out.
“you want a drink, sweetheart?” he calls out, ignoring your question, you make your own way towards the kitchen.
“you aren’t gonna fuck me?” you ask, ignoring his question as he did yours.
“not yet, gonna make my sweet girl wait, get her all worked up so she gets exactly what she wants later on tonight” he says nonchalantly, grabbing two wine glasses before grabbing a bottle of wine from the cabinet above the sink.
he then fills the two glasses up before turning around to hand you the glass, but you weren’t there. instead, you had silently made your way towards the living room, sitting on the sofa furthest from the kitchen and turning away towards the window and looking out of it. cheol made his way over to you quickly, placing the glass on the small side table beside the side of the sofa you were sat on. cheol tried to get you to look at him, but instead you looked straight ahead, where he wasn’t. cheol made his way in front of you, standing up.
you moved your head to the right hand side, again, avoiding looking at him. but cheol wasn’t having this, so he grabbed your chin with his right hand and made you look up at him. he looked down at you with a stern gaze, to which you certainly grew shy under. you don’t know what it was, but it was something about the way he grabbed your chin, or maybe it was the way he made you look up at him, whatever it was, it made you wet, and incredibly horny.
you swallowed thickly as he spoke.
“we can either watch a movie, and you can wait for me to fuck you tonight, or you don’t get to cum at all for the next week. your choice” you blinked once, then twice. he wasn’t joking.
“fine” you say and cross your arms, bringing your face down to not look at him again. cheol moved your head back up to look at him, this time more forcefully.
“fine, what, princess?” he asked
“we’ll watch a movie then” you almost grumble
“such a good girl”  he coos, smiling down at you before letting your chin go and going to close the curtains, then grabbing the tv remote and sitting next to you, putting his arm around you to pull you closer. you two then chose a movie together before settling down and watching it.
about half an hour later, you were getting worked up. cheol was looking good, just sitting there, and it was almost impossible to stay still. you had your legs strung across cheol’s lap, so any movement you made with your thighs, he would know. you had your back against the sofa arm, cheol’s arm resting on the back of the sofa with his hand drawing soft circles on your shoulder.
it was unintentional when you did it, almost as if your body took over, but you rubbed your thighs together, and cheol looked over at you, with a raised brow. you quickly looked away and pretended to watch the movie, he knew you weren’t. you could still feel his eyes on you a few minutes later, so you decided to push your luck a little further and move your thighs again, just to create at least some friction for your growing wetness between your legs.
“fuck” you heard him mutter, and god, did it sound angelic. you did it again a few minutes later, and then again, and again, and again, until you could feel him growing hard underneath your right thigh.
but you still didn’t look at him, you couldn’t. you knew he would be angry at you, but you still decided to test your luck since he hadn’t done anything about your behaviour yet. so you did it again. this time, it earned a low groan from him, a sound you could have sworn by to be the most gorgeous thing you had ever heard.
“fuck it” you hear him mutter, before a hand is grabbing your neck, and he is on top of you, his lips attach to yours almost instantly, and you gasp. taking this opportunity to his advantage, cheol slips his tongue inside of your mouth, letting your tongues explore each other’s mouths, but it wasn’t long before cheol pulled away again, kissing and biting down your neck, it was sure to leave a mark by tomorrow.
his other free hand, glided down to your waist, to your lower stomach, pressing down to keep your hips down when you tried to grind them up against him. he was quick to rid your shirt and bra, throwing it across the room and sucking on one of your tits. the movie was long forgotten by now. the sucking didn’t last until he moved down your body again, leaving marks on the way and slowly, but surely pulling your shorts down.
it didn’t take long before he was smirking up at you.
“all this for me and i didn’t even touch you? wow princess, i’m flattered” he smirked, hooking a finger in your panties before ridding them, throwing them across the living room.
you looked down at the sight in between your legs, and fuck, did he look attractive. he was looking up at you, his brown eyes piercing into yours, you wanted him to eat you, so bad.
“please cheol” you whimper “please put your mouth on me” you almost moan out.
he just simply smirks before nodding and getting to work. he let out a low groan as his mouth came into contact with your pussy. he licked a stripe up your folds, gathering your juices on his tongue before stopping at your clit. he didn’t waste much time to getting to sucking you.
he sucked your clit as it his life depended on it, as he did most nights when you were both about to go to bed and he just climbed in between your legs and ate you out until you passed out from how much you took, how many times you came. but it wouldn’t be like that tonight, not likely anyways.
he was quick with how he sucked on your clit, and how his tongue stimulated your clit. he almost had you cum on his face, but just as your moans got louder and your sounds sped up, signalling to him that you were close, he pulled away just as fast. you whined when you felt his tongue leave, the warmth of his mouth somehow evaporating just like the feeling of your oncoming orgasm.
“good girls don’t get to cum when they were being a tease” cheol says in that teasing voice of his.
“m’ sorry, please let me cum” you whimper out, cheol just stares at you, expecting you to say more in order for you to be able to cum. “please let me cum, i promise  i’ll be good, i swear” you practically beg.
“fine, i guess i’ll let you cum since you asked so nicely” he says, feigning an annoyed sigh.
then he gets on top of you, quickly ridding himself of his shirt and bottoms, pulling his already hardened dick from his underwear. he smirked as he looked at you, having seen your pupils widen upon seeing his dick. his eyes were filled with lust and passion as he grabbed your chin for the umpteenth time to look up at him, his face was holding his infamous smirk as he swiftly slid his dick inside of you.
he waited a few seconds for you to adjust before he started moving his hips s his dick was sliding in and out of you in the most delicious way possible. but the feeling got even more delicious when cheol started speeding up so his hips were practically pistoling in and out of you, making your moans even louder. cheol leaned down to press open-mouthed kisses to your neck, still thrusting as hard as ever.
he had his hands on your hips to keep you still while he pounded into you, skin slapping against skin echoing off the walls as well as your loud moans, that were getting louder by the minute when cheol decided to put his thumb on your clit and begin rubbing harshly, making you feel ten times better. you let out an especially loud moan when he hit that spot inside of you that made you see stars, the part that made you feel like you were about to cum as soon as he hit it for the first time that night.
you felt him smirk against your neck as your moans started to get louder and louder, cheol knew you were close, but didn’t stop, chasing his own orgasm as well.
not long later, you reached your peak, your juices spilling all over his cock as you came harder than you ever had in your life, but you weren’t complaining. your vision blacked out for a few seconds as you came down from your high, seeing cheol smirking down at you, having came himself.
“holy fucking shit, that was hot” he spoke out, you said nothing but just nodded, “lets get you in the shower, yeah?” you again, just nodded as cheol picked you up and carried you bridal style to the bathroom.
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razbunz · 4 months
Best of the worst
Toji x Fem!Reader CW: Average Toji Activities,Older Bf Toji,Brief Suggestiveness, Smoking,Shiu's there too guys.
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Scumbag Toji! Who spots you working the late shift at a local dinner, He’s with Shiu ordering some food after a late mission. Where he cant help but smile and wink at you when you take their orders, Enjoying your little reactions to his suggestive jokes. He watches your ass when you walk away, The tight uniform leaving little to the imagination. Shiu shakes his head at Tojis antics.
Scumbag Toji! Giving you a wad of cash; quickly scribbling his name and number onto the receipt. His watchful eyes not missing the way your eyes light up seeing it. You hand over the change, giving him a moment to hold onto your hand a second too long. As he leaves you offer a shy smile. It's all he needs.
Scumbag Toji! Picks up his phone, Realizing it’s you he dips his hand into his boxers- Asking you about your day with little huffs of breath in between. He flirts with you throughout the call trying not to moan at your voice through his cracked burner phone. He smirks as he strikes a date with you.
Scumbag Toji! Cleaning up before his date, Shaving and trimming up his hair trying to cover up a few of his gray hairs. He puts on a black dress shirt with ash colored slacks,A silver stud earring on his left earlobe matching the silver cuffs adorning his wrists. He rolls up his sleeves showing up to your pad. Honking the horn of his 2006 Matte Grey Maserati coupe. It smells like tobacco mainly, with an ashtray on the center console. But when you smell his aftershave it makes your head swim with warmth.
Scumbag Toji! Take you to a restaurant downtown-It’s lit with candles and the walls are decorated in vintage wine bottles. A bouquet awaits you once you sit down, full of white Gardenias & Asters; Blush pink roses and baby’s breath dot the mix. It’d be a lie to say your heart doesn't flutter.
Scumbag Toji! Avoiding all personal questions, When you ask him what he does for work he takes a long sip of Cabernet wine, he responds with “Don’t worry dollface, I work hard.” When you give a look of confusion he changes the subject to how you're doing.
Scumbag Toji! Who restrains from devouring you whole when he drives you home.He holds back and opts for a kiss on your cheek.Once he arrives home it pains him that he held back.So he pulls a photo he took of your and finishes the job he should've done.
Boyfriend Toji! Surprisingly keeps taking you on dates, giving you money and little gifts. He knows you like plushies and gives you a giant teddy bear.It has a voice box in the paw and every time you press it the bear says “I love you.” But by far your favorite is a Vivienne Westwood Aleska pendant necklace, he gave you on the 9th date…The rose colored pearl shines up whenever you look at it.
Boyfriend Toji! Listening to your pleas to go for a joyride in his altered Maserati, the 3am highways raging with acceleration and tire marks. The radio turned so loud it drowns out all of your screams of joy. So when the adrenaline fades and he looks at you like you're the only one in the whole world.It's hard not to join him in the backseat.
Boyfriend Toji! Who's only been closer to you since then, (half because he got what he wanted he’s still a lil scummy) showing more affection to you. He even invites you over to his place-A nondescript house in a pretty nice neighborhood. But it’s so plain inside with one door locked under key.
Boyfriend Toji! Where you stumble into the guest room,It's an arsenal really. With sword sheaths covered in dried crimson. You're not dumb, You know it's not ‘paint’. But when he calls out your name, fear strikes your heart. Toji looks mortified and conflicted as if he should do something- But he drops his hands to his side and after a little confrontation he sits down with you and explains everything.
Boyfriend Toji! Crying in front of you for the first time, his eyes looking like he'd rather jump off the Tokyo tower than meet your gaze.His voice attempts to hold strong despite all the wavering his chest shudders when he bites back a sob.He lets you kiss a few of the tears away despite frequently claiming that, “He doesn't want pity.” It's not a pity though,It's acceptance.
Boyfriend Toji! Who's genuinely surprised you remain with him. And he takes a short break from work because of it, deciding to focus just on the two of you. Shiu is absolutely flabbergasted that he took a break, but his wallet is thankful.
Boyfriend Toji! Adores the marks on his back that you embellished him with during his break,Fawning over them and is not afraid to say it. But in your defense for making him a human scratching post…It's his fault that your eyes roll back as he hits all the right spots so that you can't think anymore. Luckily for you he coos and babies you after, giving you a nice warm bath and cuddling you to sleep as his large hands run through your hair.
(Boyfriend) Fiance Toji! Who brings to a botanical garden with you wearing a rose pink sundress that hugs your body perfectly, his choice. He sports an ivory gray outfit including the silver necklace that almost mirrors yours. So when he drops to one knee opening a red velvet box with a giant 4 Karat princess cut diamond in front of you, Incessant nodding and sobbing is what follows when your brain catches up with your eyes.
Fiance Toji! Listening to your pleas to do the little ‘couple activities’ you've been so intrigued about online. You make matching hoodies with him;a Hello Daniel patch adorning his hoodie and a matching Hello Kitty one on yours. An eyeroll is what you receive to the idea but he ends up wearing it a lot more than he intended to. Not always by your shining request.
Fiance Toji! Who is surprisingly good at making candles,Looking to decorate the new house with more personal mementos. So when the instructor gets a little to comfy with you he shoots him a glare that would send a doberman running. Giving you consistent kisses throughout the rest of the time.
Fiance Toji! Sitting down for cake testing for your wedding in the near future. The two of you try various flavors, anything from a classic vanilla to a boysenberry compote sponge cake. He agrees with your choice on the Raspberry cake with a light chocolate filling in-between each layer, which after much bickering was decided to be 4 layers. With cake toppers that you almost fought him for.
Fiance Toji!  Getting hired for a huge job just weeks before the wedding. You cry and weep at the front porch holding onto him begging him not to go. He escapes your grasp easily, ordering Shiu to bring you inside while you're hysterically sobbing and screaming at Shiu to let you go. Toji pulls Shiu outside soon after your sobs are gone.
“If you make any moves, Ill fucking kill you.” and holds Shiu by the collar,it catches him off guard and he almost drops his cigarette. “Wasn't planning on it.” Shiu looks up at Tojis cold eyes whispering “Don't die.Don't do that to the girl.” and Toji leaves for the taxi.
Fiance Toji! Feeling like an asshole as he waits for the victim to appear so he can get home to you,He sighs and his eyes catch a gleam of silver before his reflexes do.
Toji. Getting stabbed in the shoulder by the assailant,He hisses in pain but quickly unlatches his handgun on his waist and quickly releases two bullets into his head.He's covered in blood as he stumbles down from the rooftop, sniper rifle in hand killing his target as he saunters down the street. At least he still gets the money.
Toji. Covering up the blade still lodged in his shoulder with the target's white blazer.Its quickly dyed red as he hops onto the last subway of the night towards home.
Toji. Hearing you wail in agony as he stumbles up the hill to the house where you sob on the balcony. Shiu tries to explain to you that his calls aren't going through. You shiver in his grasp when he runs your shoulders up and down whispering words trying to comfort you. Tojis phone is long abandoned and shattered into millions of pieces in a city that seems so far away. He takes a shaky breath as he feels your gaze rake over his injured body. He swears you've never gone downstairs that fast. You run until you clasp him into a tight hug,When he winces your worry only deepens.
Toji. Smoking a cigarette as you begin wrapping the deep bloody gash where the knife was lodged.Your no doctor and he offers some pointers along the way, Shiu berates him during the whole process but still pours him a glass of Scotch to numb the nerves.
Toji. Who gets better just in time for his suit fitting.Its tapered off at his hip and it’s an achingly beautiful shade of midnight blue, he can only hope you love it too.
Husband Toji! Standing at the altar, Fingernails digging into his skin as he silently recites his vows under his breath. Did he say too much? Too little? He doesn’t even know anymore. But as soon as the first note of a Violin plays his head clears when he faces the aisle. Facing you. 
In a flowing crisp white dress, The veil is embedded with tiny Akoya pearls and bits of lace. It burns his eyes to look at you too long. And once you take place on the altar he can feel his face heat up from trying not to cry. He never thought he would be here.Let alone deserve you.
Husband Toji! Who takes all the strength in the world to start his vows,His voice shakes and quivers as he starts.But gains strength with every word he speaks. He doesn't even need to rack his memory; some words just flow out. Halfway he doubts if it's what he wrote a month ago at his bachelors party. Shiu stands as his best man, looking baffled.
He closes his vows, meeting your eyes with renowned vigor. You look at him, now filled with warmth, smile and recite your vows. At least for the majority of the time,Having to look away every now and then to not destroy your makeup. When you finish,Toji nods and discreetly wipes his eyes. It does not prevent the shimmer of tears on his thumb and index finger.
Husband Toji! Who slips the ring onto your finger,and feeling his skin brushing yours almost makes you collapse. He grins when you do the same- as the officiant gives their blessing. And as soon as the word “Kiss” leaves their mouth,He’s already on you kissing as if he might not ever again.
Toji,Who can’t imagine his life without you now.
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AN/ I really appreciate the support ive gotten so far thank you! Please let me know if you liked it- AND! if you want me to write a pt 2 featuring Father Toji 💓
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