#he asked me if i knew who jack chick was
salomeslashes · 1 year
I'm going to be very angry about stuff in the body and the tags on this post. I hope I've sufficiently tagged it for safety of others, but I'm upset. Rage under the cut.
Re that post from earlier:
To clarify, I'm not anti religion-as-a-concept. I'm anti proselytizing. I'm against walking up to strangers and telling them that "education without salvation is damnation" and that they're going to hell. I'm against warm handshakes and Chick tracts from a man who just said (within earshot of me!) that all people like me will burn.
I'm against being made to feel unsafe at a location I have no way of leaving.
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jockbroski34 · 5 months
New Year's Resolution
Hey bros, Happy New Year's! I hope you all make this year your best yet and I hope you all reach your goals. I came up with a short story on the fly to ring in the new year. Hope you guys didn't party too hard like these two!
Before I knew it, 2024 was almost here. Everyone always says that next year will be their year, but few people actually end up following through with their New Year's resolutions. Some people want to make more money, some might want to quit smoking, but me? I just wanna get jacked, bro. I know how it goes though. People go to the gym for a week, then are unable to keep up with that lifestyle. But I can do it, and I will. I felt a sense of determination with the desire to get in shape.
I found myself at a New Year's party. One of my co-workers invited me. I didn't know most of the people there, but I didn't have any plans so I decided to go, because why not? My friends barely have time for me anyways. A lot of them have started to settle down and some decided to have smaller celebrations with their spouses or are visiting family.
I was sitting on the couch when a guy I've never met sat down next to me and greeted me. He told me his name was Mike. He was my age, wearing a backwards hat, tank top, and shorts. Not exactly the best look for the winter, but he looked just like a fuckboy who partied all day every day. He probably just wears this every day just to show off his muscles and pick up chicks. He started chatting me up about the party and about the football game that was on the TV. I didn't really know anything about sports, but it was what was on so I played along, not wanting to be rude. He asked me what my New Year's resolution was. I said I wanted to get jacked. He seemed confident that I could do it. He downed what had to have been his third beer so far before asking if I wanted another drink as well. His breath stank with the scent of beer.
I said sure. As long as it got this dude away from me for a minute or two. I might tolerate him more if I was drunk anyways since it didn't seem like he was going anywhere anytime soon. He came back carrying two bottles of the same type of beer. We made a toast for the new year and chugged our beers. As I drank, I started to realize that Mike wasn't that bad for a dudebro. He was actually really chill. I ended up asking for his number so we can get drinks sometime. He said he knows some good bars nearby and he didn't live too far from me.
He asked me what my New Year's resolution is. He already asked me that though? His memory must not be the best since he was drunk. I told him I wanted to be jacked, kinda like him. He chuckled a dumb laugh, drunk from the excessive amount of alcohol he drank tonight.
"What do you mean? You're already jacked, bro."
I was confused at first. I didn't have a lot of muscle.
"Look at yourself dude."
I thought he was fucking with me until I looked down. My biceps felt like they were throbbing, burning as they seemingly increased in size. I panicked, running to the bathroom, unsure of whether I wanted to check out my new gains or find a way to stop the aching burn in my muscles. I looked at myself in the mirror, and flexed. I wasn't hallucinating. I was just as jacked as the bro I was drinking with. I stripped down. I realized that I had a six pack as well. The dude from before knocks before entering the bathroom with me.
"You good bro?"
"What the fuck did you do to me?" I asked, overwhelmed by my new body.
"You said you wanted to be jacked, so I made you jacked. I put something in your drink, and now you're huge. Isn't that what you wanted, dude?"
I couldn't deny that. I wasn't sure whether to feel grateful to him or mad at him for doing this without my consent. He could've even drugged me further. Before I could comprehend everything, he grabbed my shoulder, pulling me in for a picture, showing off our ripped bodies.
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"Hey, try my hat on. I wanna see how you look in it now."
He tossed me the hat he was wearing, but I didn't wear hats. I took care of my hair and I didn't want my hair to get messy. I wanted to look professional, not like a frat bro. Despite that, I found myself wanting to put it on, and so I did. To my surprise, I even turned it backwards just like my best bud. Best bud? I didn't really have a best friend. But Mike was my new best friend. We met at my co-worker's New Year's party and we hit it off really well. I needed a new workout partner to help me stay consistent, so he offered to take me with him every day. He's actually looking for a new roommate so I might move in with him since we get along so well. Makes it more convenient since we plan to hang out and party all the time in the coming year.
I start to realize that my mannerisms are changing, starting to match his. Before I was uptight and professional, a total bore. Now I’m an outgoing, party-loving dudebro. I felt my penis grow erect in my pants and start leaking as I became as horny as Mike, with my length growing to a sexy 9 inches to go alongside his. I doubt that I could pull as much as him with my old size.
"You feeling better, bro?"
"Yeah dude. I feel great! Let's pound some more brewskis and fuck a baddie or two."
"That's what I'm talking about!" Mike gave me a high-five. "You can keep the hat by the way. A memory of the day we met, bro."
And keep it I did. I decided I would wear it everywhere, especially when I was out with him and his bros. I would fit perfectly in with them in a way that my old self would have never.
We returned to the party with even more beers in our hands, and me and Mike chugged every last one of them. We drank the most beers out of anyone in the party combined. My coworker caught the two of us causing a scene and kicked us out. He almost didn't recognize me at first, but after seeing me with him, he started to put two and two together. He told Mike that this is why he doesn’t invite him anywhere. I thought my coworker would tell my boss about my conduct, but I didn't really care what happens. It's not my fault I’m a party animal.
"What a buzzkill," Mike said. "Whatever. Let's go back to my place. I took a box of beer with us to finish as we left. They aren't gonna finish themselves."
Midnight was still a few hours away, and all of his bros were at other parties anyways. We sat down on his messy couch and finished what was left of the beers, cheering on our team and playing loud music. Didn't matter where we were or who we were with, we were the life of the party. My bro became pent up after not being able to get any action tonight and so was I. I offered to suck him off. After all, it's not gay to suck a homie off, and so we got off together. Getting head from him was almost as good as a hot babe. I’ve never had a guy blow me before. Neither of us could tell the other how much we really enjoyed it without the fear of being called gay.
After we both released our loads, we passed out from all the alcohol we drank, him on top of me. I don't think I ever drank this much in my life, and it was just one night. We woke up, looking like a total mess on the couch. Damn, we slept past midnight. I was still wearing his hat. I thought I would wake up and find out this was all a dream, but nah. I’m still Mike’s douchey best friend. But I smiled, knowing that we would always have each other’s back.
"Happy New Year’s, bro." I said.
"Happy New Year’s! Now tell me your real New Year's resolution, dude?" Mike answered, obviously hungover.
"I wanna party and fuck all year long!"
"Fuck yeah, bro!" He gave me a strong, brotherly hug. He told me about a rager that one of his friends was hosting tonight. All of his bros are invited and so am I, and some hot babes are gonna be there. This was the life I always wished I had, and this year, it will be my life.
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zepskies · 4 months
The Old-Fashioned Way
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x F. Reader
Summary: You and Dean are having trouble trying to start a family. What happens when you turn to a spell for a possible solution? [Soulmate AU]
AN: Happy Valentine's Day! ❣️ Welcome back to the Never Say Goodbye-verse, my first ever Soulmate AU! Feels appropriate to celebrate today with some soulmates lol.
Honestly, I have really missed these two. I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since I wrote this series! And I’ve been wanting to find a way to come back to it, so when I recently got this request, I couldn't resist:
The reader finds out she is pregnant and Dean’s reaction.
But of course, I couldn’t make it that simple… This story takes place five years after the Bonus Tracks (3-part sequel).
Word Count: 5,000
Tags/Warnings: Established relationship (marriage). Soulmates, angst, issues in pregnancy, hurt/comfort, fluff, implied smut.
❤️ Series Masterlist
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Today marked five years that Dean had been an officer of the Sioux Falls Police Department.
After twenty-eight odd years of committing felonies of varying degrees…mostly for the greater good, he still found it strange sometimes.
He’d been partnered with his father-in-law, Jack, and by now, Dean had finally lost his sense of “imposter syndrome.”
Jody bought him a pie to commemorate the occasion, and while a little embarrassed, he wasn’t mad about it. The precinct employees now shared the dessert on paper plates from their respective desks and cubicles.
Dean sat in the bullpen with Jack (who was on a call), Jody, and even Jessie Deluca, the boy he’d once arrested for stealing candy and groceries from a gas station.
Well, Jessie wasn’t such a kid anymore. He was now their 18-year-old intern.
“How’s the boysenberry?” Jody asked Dean. Her lips curved upward when he turned to her with a crumb-covered smile. 
“Real good,” he said.
She couldn’t help but laugh a little. “I can’t with this. Come ‘ere.”
She grabbed a napkin and leaned over to wipe at his mouth the way a mother would her errant child. Dean just rolled his eyes.
“Really?” he snipped.
“You look like my five-year-old son after a round of SpaghettiOs,” she said.
“Makes you wonder how his wife deals with him,” Jessie muttered under his breath while he entered expense reports into his computer. Never mind that he had a purple berry stain around the corner of his mouth.
Dean shot him a wry look, along with his crumpled napkin.
“I don’t wanna hear that from a punk like you,” he teased. “You haven’t had a girlfriend since…what, junior prom?”
Jessie fended off the stained napkin with a grimace. But he also smarted at the dig. His arms crossed defensively as he leaned back in his chair.
“As a matter a fact, I’ve got a date on Friday,” he sniffed. “And no, I’m not telling you her name.”
Dean and Jody shared an amused look.
“Aww, look at him, pretending he’s got a date,” Dean said. He fought a deeper grin when Jessie threw the disgusting napkin back at him.
“Fine! Her name’s Annie. You happy now?” Jessie said.
Dean shared another look with Jody.
“Aww, he’s actually got a date,” said Dean. He smirked at the kid next. “Lemme know if you need to borrow some cologne. Chicks dig that.”
“Ugh,” Jessie groaned. He leaned his elbows on his desk and pushed the palms of his hands into his eyes. He knew he’d be catching flack on this for the rest of the week.
Dean chuckled, but before he had a chance to tease their intern some more, his cell phone rang. It was you, and he felt his good mood continue as he answered.
“Hey, baby.”
“Hey, how’s the day going?” you asked.
“Good,” he replied. “We’re on lunch break. Jody got me a pie for my five-year mark at the PD.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet…literally. She knows you too well,” you laughed.
He nodded in agreement. “Yeah, she really does.”
“Tell her and everyone else I said hi.”
“Will do,” he said with a smile. “You just callin’ to check up on me?”
“Well, that, and…when are you getting home tonight?” you asked. The smooth, leading note of your voice had Dean’s lips curving into a smirk.
“Ah, well…” He pushed away from his desk and stepped away from the bullpen for a little privacy in the hall. “That depends. What’s going on?”
“Let’s just say…I have an idea,” you replied. It had Dean’s brows raising. You’d been having a lot of ideas for the past year, and he’d been more than ready and willing for most of them.
“Oh, yeah?” he intoned. While he leaned against the wall in the main hallway of the precinct, his arm crossed under his elbow as he continued holding the phone to his ear. “What’d you have in mind?”
“You’ll just have to find out,” you said.
It only took his brain about a moment and a half to compute.
“All right. In that case, I’ll try to be home promptly at six, barring there’s no shootouts at the 7-Eleven,” he quipped.
“Ugh, please, don’t even joke about that,” you said, your tone sobering.
Dean realized, without even having to read his soulmate’s thoughts, that you were reminded of the last time an explosive incident happened at the local gas station, just two weeks before their wedding day. He dimmed as well. 
“Yeah, ‘m sorry,” he said, swiping a hand over his mouth. “Uh…okay. I’ll see you tonight, sweetheart.”
“Okay, be careful,” you said. You always said it—in the morning, whenever he left for work, whenever you two managed to talk during the day. It was routine, but it also wasn’t. 
And you still wished him a good rest of his day before you hung up. Dean pocketed his phone and returned to the bullpen, where Jody was putting away the rest of the pie. He eyed her just to know exactly where she was setting it down in the kitchen, for future reference.
Jessie peered up from his computer and asked if that was you on the phone.
“Yeah, she says hi,” Dean replied.
Jessie smirked. “‘Course she does. I’m her favorite.”
Dean shot him a look, knowing the kid liked you probably even more than he liked Dean. You’d become like a big sister to Jessie…but it didn’t stop Dean from occasionally being annoyed. 
“Shut up and eat your pie.”
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Dean arrived that night, more or less on time, to find that you’d cooked up a feast. It was laid out across the dining table: steak, scalloped potatoes, carrots and broccoli, and even freshly baked cornbread with butter. 
“Is it my birthday again?” he asked, despite it already being February. 
He ventured into the kitchen where you were getting two bottles of beer. You looked up at him with a smile when he came over and held you from behind. You enjoyed the warmth of his body pressed against your back, while his hands found your hips.
“I cook all the time, Dean,” you pointed out. He pressed a kiss to the side of your head in greeting.
“Hmm. Yeah, but now my spidey senses are tingling,” he said.
You set down the beer before turning in his embrace and twining your arms around his neck. Already he could feel your anticipation through the soul bond, but that was all you were letting him sense. You were keeping your walls up a bit, to stop him from hearing your thoughts. In this case, it felt like a tease.
You tilted your head, a smile playing across your lips. “Oh, yeah?”
Dean smirked down at you. “Oh, yeah.”
You laughed and let him greet you properly with a kiss. You returned it, affectionately caressing his cheek, but you stopped him before he could start pressing you harder into the counter. You held up a placating hand against his chest.
“Wait, wait, the food’s gonna get cold,” you said. And all too quickly, you’d extricated yourself from his arms and went to finish placing the silverware on the table. Dean begrudgingly followed suit by helping you with the glasses and plates.
Dinner was delicious. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a steak that good; you two had been scrounging and saving to get out of this apartment and buy a house, along with other things you and Dean had been planning for your future.
By the time the leftovers were put away and the dishes were put in the dishwasher, he started to sense that you were ready to come around with the real reason you’d called him at work today, let alone made such a nice and expensive meal. You went over to where he stood at the kitchen sink and rubbed his arm.
“Hey,” you greeted.
Dean tried to stifle his knowing smile. “Yeah?”
But when he looked over at you, he realized you seemed nervous, not flirtatious. You were serious, and now, he was concerned.
“What?” he asked.
You sighed, hesitating for a moment. Then you went over to a nearby drawer and got some rubber gloves you always kept at work and at home—the kind doctors wore.
You went for your large work bag that normally stored your laptop and files, and instead, you pulled out an old book. Dean’s brows raised of their own accord, considering the last time you accidentally trifled with a book like that.
“What the hell is that?” he asked, with some trepidation. You laid the book out on the kitchen counter.
“It’s a journal of some kind, written in Latin, dating back from the late 1500s. Can you believe that?” Your head raised from where you were examining the cover and spine, but Dean was incredulous.
“What’re you doing with that?” he asked. Your lips pursed, and he felt a tendril of your guilt.
Most likely, you’d taken it from the museum where you worked without permission. You were in charge of the growing library of ancient texts that were stored there, and most of them were too old and valuable for exhibition, even behind glass. He doubted you were even allowed to open this book, let alone “borrow” it from the museum.
You sighed and held up a placating hand. “Okay, Dean, just hear me out.”
You opened the book to a page you’d placed a strip of paper in for bookmarking purposes. You pointed at a page filled with scrawled words that Dean didn’t really understand. Sam was always better at reading Latin.
“That is a fertility spell,” you said.
The weight of that fell between you for a moment, rendering Dean speechless. It took a few seconds for his brain to register what you were saying, followed quickly by a sad, contemplative frown as he stared back at you. You were serious about this, even hopeful. 
“Sweetheart, we don’t need that,” he said, shaking his head. Your expression firmed, though it became touched with melancholy.
“It’s been a year, Dean,” you said. “We’ve been trying for a year, and I’m still not pregnant.”
He blew out a breath. “The doctor said—”
“We’ve done everything the doctor said,” you snapped. “Fertility treatments are either going to take too long or are too expensive, and they still carry risks.”
“And this isn’t a risk?” Dean shot back, gesturing at the book. “You don’t know if this will work, or what the hell it’ll really do to you.”
Your brows furrowed, but you didn’t back down. You held your hands to your hips.
“Uncle Bobby said it’s legit,” you said. Dean blinked in surprise. He shifted back on his heels and crossed his arms.
“You ran this by Bobby before me?” he said. You could feel the small lance of his upset, as well as see it across his face.
You bit the inside of your lip. “I just wanted to make sure!”
Dean took in a deep breath. He mentally counted to five.
“What exactly did he say?” he asked.
You paused at that. “…Well, he said it was a real spell.”
His brows rose. “And?”
“And…that magic is unpredictable and we should talk about it first. But that’s why we’re talking now!” you reasoned. 
Your husband’s gaze lifted heavenward as he threw up his hands in aggravation.
“Dean—” you tried, but it didn’t stop him from snatching up the book. Despite your protests, he took it with him into the master bedroom you shared and shoved the book into his nightstand. You had followed him this far, but you stopped short when he turned around to face you.
“I will check this out,” he said, and his tone boded no argument. “But for the record, I’m against this. Magic is unpredictable at best, and not for nothing, it always comes at a price. I’ll be damned if you’re gonna pay it again.”
You paused. Hearing the vehemence in his tone, feeling the force of emotion behind his words, and your own circling memories of being possessed by a magic-wielding goddess…it had you nodding in agreement, even as tears welled up in your eyes.
Dean faltered a little inside. Always the damn tears. He gathered you into his arms and held you close in comfort. He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“We’ll figure this out. I promise,” he said.
You tried to believe him.
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Late that night, however, you couldn’t help yourself.
Once you were sure Dean was asleep beside you, hearing his deep, even breaths, you made your move. Dressed in just an old college shirt and some pajama shorts, you slid out of bed and tiptoed over to his nightstand to get the book.
You took it into the kitchen and started assembling the ingredients Bobby had reluctantly helped you translate. (He didn’t know that you had taken a couple of items from his house for the spell.) 
You prepared them in a bowl. The resulting liquid looked brown and disgusting. You mixed it around, grimacing at the smell, and carefully poured it into a glass. The last thing the spell required was a few drops of your blood, and then you were supposed to drink it. 
God, this is terrible, you thought. Part of you couldn’t believe you were going through with this, but…you grabbed a kitchen knife in order to make a shallow cut on your palm. 
The steel was poised against your hand. You took a fortifying breath, but before you could cut into your skin, Dean grabbed your wrist with a strong grip, startling a gasp out of you.
“What the hell are you doing?!” he said, or more like shouted. He was irate, his voice bounding off the walls of the apartment.
You knew he had every right to be, and you didn’t have a good answer for him. Shock had stifled you into silence.
Dean let go of you and took the glass next. He peered in disgust at the concoction inside, but he quickly dumped it into the sink and ignored your protests. He threatened to burn the damn book next.
“Dean, stop! Please,” you said tearfully as you stilled his hands on the book. “If there’s some kind of price to the spell, I’ll pay it!”
“What’re you talking about! Are you crazy?” he asked, through furrowed brows. You squeezed his hands.
“Believe me, I love what we have. I love our life, my job, all of it,” you said. “But I want a family, and I want it with you.”
Dean started to soften at that, when you met his eyes. You paused, taking in a shaky breath.
“It should be simple, but it’s not," you said. "I just can’t understand why it’s so impossible. Why…why there’s something wrong with me.”
Dean’s anger broke down, bit by bit the more you spoke. He let go of the book and reached for you. He held you against his chest, rubbing your back as you quietly wept. You tried to stifle it, but that just made your body tremble even more. He did his best to steady you, rocking you back and forth. His eyes closed for a moment.
You both knew that the expensive fertility doctor hadn’t found anything wrong with either of you, even after a month of testing.
“In certain cases, it just takes longer for some couples,” she’d said. But clearly, you had just been blaming yourself. Dean couldn’t abide that.
“There’s nothing wrong with you,” he said firmly. “Believe me, I want that too. But I also want to make sure you’re safe.”
Emotion clogged in his throat when he thought about what might’ve happened if he hadn’t stopped you. And in turn, you sobered even more when you managed to pick up on his thoughts.
“If something would’ve happened, and I was too late to stop it,” he said, clearing his throat. “…I just can’t, okay?”
After a moment, you nodded. You allowed yourself to rest against his chest and try to calm the racing of your heart. All the while, you tried your best not to resent him for stopping you.
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The next day was a Saturday. You slept in because your body needed it, after the stress of last night. When you woke up, Dean wasn’t beside you. His keys and the Impala were gone, but he’d left you a text: he’d gone to your uncle Bobby’s place. 
And you saw that he’d taken the book as well. Predictable. 
You felt bad for how you tried to go behind your husband’s back, but if you were honest with yourself, you were still upset at him for stopping you, even if you understood why he did it. 
You sat on the edge of your bed. Not for the first time since you and Dean were separated by miles of roads and his family’s mission to find the thing that killed his mother, you found yourself praying. 
Please, God…or if there’s even anyone up there…please help me.
For a while, there was silence in the room. 
But even if your eyes were open, you wouldn’t have seen the being that was standing in front of you. He stared down at you with a tilted head, finding himself a bit too curious. Hesitantly, he reached his hand out and touched your forehead. 
You didn’t completely register the feeling that washed over you. It was like the tingling of a breeze across your skin. You took it for a chill in the room as you shivered a little. Then you opened your eyes, and resigned yourself to starting your day. 
Castiel left the room with but a thought and a flutter of wings. 
He knew he was only supposed to observe Michael’s vessel, not his soulmate. And yet, with one touch, he had sensed the rare genetic defect your doctor had missed.
Your mother had unknowingly suffered the condition as well. Your father never told you this, but she’d nearly lost you in the early stages of her pregnancy. It had been a miracle that you were born at all. 
Castiel fixed the problem. 
He knew what Uriel, or even Naomi would say. Perhaps they didn’t need to know, in this case. They were both far too busy for worldly trifles. Even so, Castiel knew he wasn’t authorized to heal you.
Still, it felt…right. And so, he did it. 
It confused him.
…Maybe it isn’t something to be closely examined, he thought.
With that agreement within himself, he resolved to leave that decision behind him, and continue watching from afar. Those were his orders, after all.
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Visiting Bobby Singer wasn’t as productive as Dean wanted it to be. The men had been arguing in Bobby’s living room for close to an hour.
Dean was upset with him for translating that goddamn spell for you, but the old man didn’t have a good answer. They both knew you were like a daughter to him.
“She came in hot, all damn stubborn and sass up to here,” Bobby said, holding a hand up to his forehead. “But you try sayin’ no when the waterworks starts.”
…Dean could concede that, but he rubbed his face in frustration. 
“What do I do here, Bobby?” he asked, holding up the spell book in question. Apparently, it was more like a journal; it was rumored to have belonged to a sixteenth-century witch named Rowena. “I don’t trust this thing. Deep in my gut, I know it.”
Bobby considered him for a moment. In fact, he gave Dean a long-suffering look that made him really see Bobby’s age. 
“Then trust your gut, son,” was all he said. 
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Dean returned home with a peace offering: some apple crumble pie. You were lying on the sofa watching mindless TV, still in your pajamas. Your mental walls were down, so Dean could both see and feel how miserable you were. 
He took out the pie from the small bag of groceries he carried and held it up so you could see.
“I come bearing sugar,” he said. He also set down a bottle of wine on the dining table. You were focused on the pie, however.
“Who’s that for, me or you?” you dryly remarked. 
“I got ice cream too,” he said, shaking the grocery bag. 
You smiled a little, but he could feel through the bond that you were still sour at him. He sighed and went over to you. He set down the bribery on the coffee table and settled a hand on your pajama-clad thigh. 
“Sweetheart, I am sorry.” 
Sighing, you turned off the TV and sat up against the other end of the couch. You eyed him with a frown.
“You’re not sorry about chucking the spell,” you accused. Or for stealing the book you’d eventually have to bring back to work, lest your boss notice something amiss in the inventory.
“No, I’m not,” said Dean. “It was dangerous. I felt it. And that gut feeling? That’s what’s saved me more times than I can damn count.” 
You were still upset, you couldn’t deny…but you understood his point. When he beckoned you over, you were more willing to go to him. After you scooted closer, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Look, I’ll go to whatever doctors you want, try whatever treatments, however long it takes,” he said.
You sighed, but you eventually agreed with a teary nod. “Okay. Thank you.”
Even with that, Dean wasn’t convinced that he was getting through to you. He was picking up on a thread of hopelessness that you were trying to hide.
He’d just have to change that.
“But…” He earned your attention by squeezing your side. His lips formed a grin. “I still think we can do this the old-fashioned way.”
He slowly rubbed a hand up and down your back. With the other hand, he reached for your face, tracing your lower lip with his thumb. You smiled slightly at his teasing. Part of you wanted to heed the suggestion in his eyes, and the familiar warmth and promise in his touch. The other, more vulnerable part of you hesitated.
When you caught sight of something over his shoulder, you had to smile a little more.
“I see you got a bottle of Merlot,” you said. A notable upgrade from beer. You couldn’t remember the last time Dean had willingly bought some “bougie-ass” wine.
“A little pie, a little booze…” you noted.
Dean grinned. “I’m thinking we have a not-so-quiet night in.”
Your brows rose, and you hummed in surprise. “Is my husband trying to butter me up?”
“Nah,” he said, tilting your face back up to his. “Your husband’s trying to seduce you.”  
You giggled at that…at first. But it seemed he was serious.
You accepted his passionate kiss. Closing your eyes, you reached blindly for his shirt and held on while his lips moved ardently against yours. Through the bond, you felt his desire like it was your own.
In the five years you’d been married, and the years you were together even before, there were often moments where it was impossible to discern what was him and what was you. 
The beautiful thing about it was, that part didn’t matter too much. Especially not when you and Dean became a tangle of limbs, lips, and tongue on the couch. He ridded you of your threadbare pajamas, and you helped him halfway out of his shirt and jeans before he yanked the rest of it off himself.
And all while he drew lusty moans and sighs and pleasure from your body in the comfort of your living room, the ice cream slowly melted in its container on the coffee table—completely forgotten, along with the pie.
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That night, you lied awake in his arms for a while. Round one on the couch had migrated to rounds two and three in the bedroom, and you were almost too exhausted to sleep. 
It had been months since you and Dean had sex without thinking of calendars and timing, optimal positions and ovulation.
This felt right, you thought, as you stroked his arm that was wrapped around your waist. Even though your skin was sticking to his under the sheets and your frizzy hair was probably tickling his neck, he didn’t seem to mind.
Dean? you tried through the bond, seeing if he was awake. He felt like he was still in-between wakefulness and sleep. At your prodding though, he slipped back into the former. 
“Hmm?” he replied. You let out a sigh in the dark. 
“I’m sorry I kind of tried to take matters into my own hands, with the spell.”
He hmphed in response. “Kinda?”
Your lips twitched upwards. 
“This is a ‘together’ thing,” you said. “I made it all about me.”
Dean shook his head at that. He responded through the bond. No, you didn’t.
I did, you insisted. You were right to stop me. I didn’t care about the consequences…but that’s not fair to you. To either of us.
He took that in with a deep sigh of his own.
“It’s okay. We want the same thing,” he said. “And we’ll get there, baby. Don’t you worry.”
“What makes you so sure?” you asked.
“…I don’t know. I just am.”
You closed your eyes, and once again, you tried to believe him. You let his heartbeat and the sound of his steady breathing lull you to sleep. 
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Nine weeks later…
You were alone in the bathroom at seven in the morning. After almost a month late on your period, you were also staring at two positive lines on your last pregnancy test. 
Dean was already at work. This wasn’t something you wanted to tell him over the phone, however. 
How the hell am I supposed to keep this from him all day? you thought.
But then again, maybe this was a good thing. You had time to make sure.
So you called out of work for a personal day, and you immediately called your doctor on your way out to the closest pharmacy. You were going to need a few more tests. 
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When Dean eventually got home that evening, there were two pizzas waiting for him. The smell was already making his mouth water. He peeked under the hood of each box and rubbed his hands together. 
“Ooh, awesome.” Pepperoni, sausage, and double cheese. His favorite.
You appeared then from the kitchen with a strange smile on your face. 
“Hey!” you chirped, but you seemed a bit distracted as you pulled out a sheet pan of cookies from the oven. You nearly dropped them when the corner of the pan banged against the oven. 
Something was off with you. Dean knew it intuitively. He went over and tried to steady you with a hand on the small of your back. He could see that you were frazzled, but he realized, with a frown, that you had your walls up again. He couldn’t pick up on what you were thinking.
“You okay?” he asked. “What’s going on?”
“Uh…well, something,” you nodded and wiped your hands after you peeled the oven mitts off. “And I need to tell you about it before I bake everything in the house, including the expired bran muffins.”
Dean was growing more concerned by the moment. He knew for a fact he’d hidden that bran muffin mix deep in the pantry, so you wouldn’t force him to eat a “healthy dessert.”
“Okay, what?” he asked.
You paused, steeling yourself with a breath.
You then took his hand and led him to the bedroom, into the adjoining bathroom. Across the entire counter were no less than seven pregnancy tests. 
All positive.
Dean’s breath caught in his lungs. Slowly he turned back to you with his widened eyes.
“Surprise?” you smiled, a little nervously. 
Dean grasped the counter and had to sit down hard on the closed toilet seat. 
“Yeah, I did that too,” you said. You couldn’t help but giggle as you caressed his face. He grabbed your hip, both to bring you closer and for added stability. You two had been trying to make this happen for over a year, but the gravity of this being real was finally hitting him. 
He stared up at your face with a growing smile. “This is happening.” 
You nodded, smiling through your burgeoning tears. 
“Yeah. It is,” you replied. “Dean, you’re gonna be a dad.”
That realization had him nodding, swallowing hard and blinking past a sting in his eyes. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you in between his knees. You threaded your fingers through his hair, and his head came to rest against your stomach. He pressed a kiss there, over your shirt. 
After a moment to gather himself, he rocked back onto his feet. Then he enveloped you in a secure and warm embrace. He kissed the side of your head, and you felt his smile there.
“We did it, baby,” he said.  
“And that was the easy part,” you quipped, making him laugh. Yet the holy shit of it all hit him in a new wave—one you felt through the bond. You had to take a deep breath to steady yourself as well.
“Oh my God, this is happening,” he repeated.
You uttered a tearful laugh. “Uh, yeah, Dean.”
He was still smiling, but it started to dim a little. 
“We’re ready, right?” he asked.
You chuckled, wiping at your eyes. “We better be.”
Dean nodded and pulled back enough to see your face. You met his gaze. Maybe you’d just had more time than him to process it all, but you finally felt a sense of peace.
“Together, right?” he said.
“Yeah,” you smiled. “Together.”
Dean let out a deep breath. “Shit, I gotta tell Sam.”
Your smile brightened and you squeezed his arms.
“Let’s call him!" you said. "Hopefully Eileen’s there too.”
The two had moved in together a couple of years ago, after Eileen officially retired from hunting. But she often had long shifts at her job, just like Sam did at the law firm he started working for after he graduated from law school, near the top of his class.  
While you and Dean went into the bedroom to call Sam together, an angel watched from a distance, unseen by human eyes.
He found himself smiling.
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AN: Ahh I'm soft. 🥰 I hope you all enjoy this as much as I had fun diving back into Never Say Goodbye.
And I won't say that I'll never come back to it in the future...for obvious reasons. 😉
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Series Masterlist
Dean Winchester Series List
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Series + Dean Tag List (Part 1):
I did my best to get everyone who was tagged in the original run of the series first, then my normal Dean tag list.
@curlycarley @chubby-teddybear @jamerlynn @iprobablyshipit91 @globetrotter28 @deamus-liv @deans-spinster-witch @my-proof-is-you @vera0124 @deans-baby-momma @lacilou @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @theonlymaninthesky @spnexploration @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @imagineteller1
@icequeen1371 @tiredqueen73 @bitchwitch1981 @abbigaleelizabeth @ohgodthebogisback @where-the-river-bends @loveprof6 @shadowcrowsworld @thespnlover @this-is-me19 @stevenknightmarc @leigh70 @syrma-sensei @brain-has-left
@hobby27 @ashbatz @saranghaey @jori21 @lillyrob @adoringanakin @agirlwithdemonblood @mimaria420 @nephil-with-a-gun @writethrough @iamsapphine @definitelymentallyderanged @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer
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scary-lasagna · 2 months
hello, I don’t really understand your request situation right now so if I’m sending this at the wrong time I’m sorry.
But, I just read your post about Slender’s dark secrets, and I really liked it! So I was wondering if you could talk more about them.
Have a good day!!
I decided to dive into the bit about the...things Slender has done to the earlier residents.
"Why the Hell would he do that? That's a fucking strong assumption to make, Jeff." An offended tone slapped the walls of the Rec Room, unusually empty besides a proxy and a infamous killer.
Jeff and Toby have never really clicked well. Something about Toby has always managed to rub Jeff the wrong way: his walk, his love of talking too loud, his abrupt tics, and his unkept hair, for a few examples.
Jeff just didn't want anything to do with him. But that didn't mean that he hated the poor bastard. Even so, they had more in common than they thought. Not that Toby knew that.
"I'm just saying, it all makes sense, right?" Jeff faced his palms up with a casual shrug from the beanbag chair, "He killed her. And I'm not just saying that to piss you off or anything. I mean look at what he did to Kate. She's terrified of him."
Althought Toby wasn't entirely close to Kate, it was obvious how much she avoided pissing Slender off, and always happened to be missing whenever things got tense around the manor. Her burns...had he also been the cause of them?
"Just because he may or may not have done something to KAte doesn't mean that he's an evil creature. Why would he kill a random chick in Michigan? Slender wouldn't do something like that-" Toby refused to believe it, not after Slender had took them all into open arms.
Jeff pinched the bridge of his nose before dragging his palm down his face. He crossed his arms as he stared up at the proxy. "Toby, who the fuck do you think cut the breaks in Lyra's car? Who drove Tim's friend to insanity? Jack's culty origin? Fuck, even Jane. She didn't have a violent bone in her body until my incident. I mean, think about it, doesn't it all just lead back to him?"
"It doesn't matter!" Toby didn't flinch at the mention of his sister, but then again he didn't have anything backing up his claim. It made him angry. He knew he was right.
"Then ask him, Toby." Jeff nonchalantly scratched his neck, "And you'll come back not remembering a damn thing like last time." He rolled his eyes toward the brunette. "And the time before that, too."
"You're fucking with me."
"'Fraid not." Jeff tsked and wrestled himself out of the beanbag chair. "Start leaving notes for yourself, Tobs'. That's how I figured everything out."
"I'm not quite sure I am comphrehending your accusation, Toby. Do you believe I had something to do with Lyra's passing?" The Tall Man sat at his great oak desk, his spindly fingers clasped together on his desk mat.
"I-It's just sketchy. I mean, my memory is spotty, yeah, but right after I caught The Sickness, she died." Toby adjusted his seat on the leather office chair, scooting to the edge. His leg bounced. His nails were wearing thin from the abuse of nervousness.
"Toby, why on Earth would I do something like that? In no offense, it would be pointless to me to harvest such a small soul. From my recollection, Lyra did not have any great power that would have ade her a sustainable feeding victim." Slender suddenly furrowed his brow line, his head tilting ever so slightly, "You should know this Toby. Are you feeling alright?"
"I've been a little under the weather, I guess. I'm sorry for pointing fingers, everything has just been so confusing lately. I'm loosing track of time, and I can't remember what I did yesterday." Toby ran his hands through his slightly gready hair, and took great effort in slouching into the leather.
"Perhaps it's time for a mental health day. I'll adjust your schedule to fill in Kate for your shift in the next three days." Slender opened one of the larger cabniets in his desk, pulling out one of the many vintage tabloids he used to schedule his proxies. "And if we see no improvement, then we can adjust or change your medicine if needed."
As Slender set the tabloid down, Toby noticed a familiar face peeking out from under one of the many loose papers among the mess of a busy desk.
"Why do you have Brian's folder open?"
Slender paused, craning his head to eye the headshot picture. "I'm simply refreshing my memory of his medical history. No need to wear your heart of your sleeve, Toby." Slender quickly dismissed, waving Toby's concerns away. He seemed a bit more hasty to modify the schedule.
Toby's voice dropped into a gravely tone.
"Are you sure?"
Slender slowly lifted his head to look at Toby, who seemed to be fixed on a leaflet.
Kate. More specififcally, Kate's fresh burns from so many years ago, all photographed and on display. The nights of restless sleep must have finally caught up to Slender, and forgot to tuck them away before allowing Toby to burst in.
"Did Brian do that to Kate?"
"I will now be asking you to leave, Toby, this is a breach of confidential information on Kate's behalf. I'll adjust your schedule. Have a lovely vacation." And even though the words seems so considerate, Slender stood at full height, a tendril slithering around the front of the desk to tuck any pictures under loose papers. "Leave."
Maybe Jeff was right.
Toby stood quickly, and pivoted on he heels to walk out of the room. But something stopped him. An unforeseen force keeping his body in place.
"Absterge rasa, a medietate prius. Mote fiat."
Toby turned, his brows furrowed in confusion. "Y'know, your German sometimes sounds really weird!" He laughed, "Anyway, I gotta drop that paper off to Jeff, you said he's in the Rec Room, right?"
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punk4ndisorderly · 11 months
waking up in vegas
Y/N just wanted to forget about this week from hell. In Vegas, she forgets just about everything, including her aversion to marriage.
Y/N gets extremely drunk and marries a random man she meets in Las Vegas
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absinthe | last name | consequences
warnings: underage drinking, possible innuendos.
"I told you this was a bad idea. Bringing rookies to Las Vegas is bad luck!" Alex groaned loudly, walking back and forth in the suite's sitting room.
"This isn't bad luck, this is Trevor being a dumbass." Quinn corrected from his seat, his eyes glued to his phone. "Well, him and the rest of you jackasses. No offense, Leo."
The rookie looked away from the amazing view to look at the veteran. "None taken."
Trevor sighed, throwing his head back against the seat rest. Quinn wasn't wrong about him making really dumb decisions. He could feel the gold ring burning into his skin as he listened to his friends discuss his latest fuck-up. He had really gone and done it this time, hadn't he?
"First of all, Leo was never here, alright?" Jack asserted. "The only thing worse than getting married when you're one shot away from getting your stomach pumped is to do it with a drunk minor you got a fake ID for in the entourage."
"This is why I don't drink with you guys." Jamie said from the bathroom.
"No, you don't drink with us because last time you did you puked everywhere."
"Guys! Not the time." the blond man intervened, raising his hand in the air, the golden band demanding everyone's attention. "I need to figure out how to undo this."
Everyone looked at each other, no clue what to do next. It wasn't common for a group of men in the 18-24 year-old range to know about legal proceedings or how to clean up their own messes. It was usually all tidy and taken care of before they even realised there was a problem to be dealt with.
"Well, first off, we need to find your wife." Quinn pointed out. "Then, we need to get down to whatever wedding chapel you dumb idiots stumbled into, and ask for an annulment, I guess. Oh, you should warn your agent and ask for a lawyer, too."
"Can you guys imagine Z having to give a random chick half of his money because he got blackout drunk in Vegas? Oh dude, you'd go down in hockey history." Alex chuckled to himself, getting hit with a pillow not long after.
"God, my mom is going to kill me." Trevor groaned, throwing himself on the large, unmade bed he had woken up in with a complete stranger he had decided to marry staring down at him.
"Forget about your mom, Trev. The Ducks are going to lose their shit." Cole mused. "This is terrible publicity."
"There's no such thing as bad publicity, brothers." Jack countered, poking Trevor's back with the remote he found on his dresser. "Get up, dude. Quinny's right. We've got to find your wife and convince her to unmarry you."
"Oh trust me, she doesn't want any of this." he gestured to his body, going limp again after he did. "She ran faster than Bolt when I showed her the name on the ring."
"Yeah, well, we need to get to her before anyone else does and this gets out." Quinn said matter-of-factly, annoyed that, yet again, he has been roped into one of Trevor's shenanigans.
"Does she know who you are?" Jamie asked, propped up against the doorframe.
"Nope. She didn't do the screech and she wasn't taking pictures of me sleeping when I woke up. Last time that happened..."
"This happens regularly?" Leo nearly screeched, looking panicked.
"If you're Trevor, yeah." Cole shrugged. "Never to this extent until today, but... Don't worry, rookie, the fact that you look alarmed already tells us you've got more functional brain cells than he does, you'll be fine."
A sudden knock on the door halted the conversation, prompting Quinn to release another exasperated sigh and answer it. He should definitely stop letting his brother convince him to come on their trips, he already knew he'd be the babysitter at the brink of a nervous breakdown by the end of it.
He opened the door, being greeted by a small woman, backed up by tall redhead, surprise evident on their faces.
"Can I help you?"
"Yeah, we're looking for the ass my best friend ran away with and ended up married to last night. You know anything about that, sad-looking little boy?" Y/F/N/2 fired away, pointing at the eldest Hughes.
A cackle came from inside, Cole turning up beside him in the next instant. "I think you're in the right place, ladies."
Quinn rolled his eyes, stepping aside so the two women could come inside, meeting the other men in the living room, who immediately sized them up and down, eyebrows raised, most likely waiting for their reaction.
No reaction. They could not give two shits about them, and the annoyed looks on their faces were proof of it.
"Where's Travis?"
"Trevor." Y/N corrected her friend, using her fingers to rub at her temples. "I'm pretty sure we've got the right room."
"Yeah, you got the right one..." the blond man spoke quietly, probably for the first time in his life, coming from the bedroom. "Wife."
welcome to the ducks, leo! also, i totally made up the "rookies in vegas bad luck" thing. i do it all for the plot!
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tinandabin · 1 year
You had grown quite tired of living in this same old bland room. And it isn't like the archons were hovering above you 24/7 like some kind of mosquito. I mean, they did have their duties to attend to after all. So most of the time you were left in the care of some servants and a few knights here and there.
You are but a weak, fragile mortal in their eyes. They weren't really all that worried about you running away, look at it, where could you even run away? No matter where you would still be in Teyvat so they would find you one way or another. Sure, it was annoying. But who was to say you can't leave Teyvat? There isn't really any concrete evidence. If you can be brought into this world, then surely you can also leave. That's how it always works.
Thinking of it now, it was weird. Like Genshin Impact is just a game. How could you even be brought here? As the 'Creator's beloved' nonetheless. All of this thinking was making your head hurt.
Exiting your room, you causally made your way towards the front door intending to leave as quickly as you can. But of course, things never go the way you want.
"Your Creator's Beloved, I do not think that you are permitted to leave at this time of the day." The head maid told you. She told you the same phrase everyday and you would sigh and go back to your room every single day. But man, not today. Today you were gonna wreak havoc upon everyone.
"Oops, would you look at that? I seem to have run out of the fucks I give."
"Your Creator's Beloved, that is extremely rude and inappropriate! I forbid you from going out."
"And I forbid you from speaking to me, bye Becca."
"Huh? That is not my na-" Before she could finish her sentence, you had already made your leave and were running faster than 'Becca' could with her old miserable legs. You didn't win gold medals in every marathon in your school for nothing.
You didn't quite know which state you were in, none of the archons bothered telling you. You were but a mere decoration meant to please this Creator of theirs. You felt pissed. So obviously, you went and punched a tree and 2 or 3 lavender melons fell. At least you knew where you were now. Inazuma. Had the traveller reached here? Or were they still in Liyue perhaps? Maybe they could help you escape. I mean, they too are an outlander. Probably the only one to understand your struggles.
"Hey boss, check out that chick over there!"
"Damn, she would probably fetch a good amount."
You heard some voices not too far away and saw the treasure hoarders you would kill for your Kaeya. They rarely fucking dropped golden raven insignia.
"No thanks," You mumbled, getting ready to run away because you were no way in hell gonna fight these jacked-up guys. It was way easier to fight them in the game, but in real bro. You don't even have a fucking vision. The disrespect. Couldn't you at least have a vision? What's the point in being the creator's beloved.
And so you ran.
Well, you tried to. Hey, at least you tried! It's the thought that counts.
Somehow, don't ask how, somehow the Treasure Hoarders tied you up and were just talking within themselves. Rude to not even include you in the conversation!! Bitches.
"Man, her clothes look so luxurious too! Is she a rich man's daughter or some?"
"We ought to let her go. What if we get caught? Wouldn't be surprised. She looks hella loaded.."
And thus an argument began. Whether to let you go or keep you. Really, they didn't have a choice. The dumb Archons would probably find you easily.
But looks like you didn't have to wait for that to happen, because soon enough someone else arrived. And just blew all the Treasure hoarders away. Hahaha.
"Are you alright, miss?" The boy with white hair and a red streak politely asked you, sheathing his sword. ( is it katana or sword? )
"Uh, yes. I'm okay. Thank you!!" You replied, as he undid your bindings.
"I'm Kaedehara Kazuha, pleased to make your acquaintance." Kazuha smiled at you. Oh God, his cute little smile. You just wanna squish his cheeks.
"I'm...[Name]." You replied with a smile of your own. Your existence to the whole of Teyvat was practically unknown. Only the Archons and a few maids knew you existed. So perhaps, this can play in your favour.
"Well then, Miss [Name]. I will be heading off. I hope you return home safely!" He got up and started leaving, assuming your house was nearby.
"No, wait-wait! Can you help me?" You jogged up to him, how he fuck did he go so far away in barely 1 minute? Inhumane.
Now to hope he does help you.
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hughesd4le · 1 year
21 (insta edit) | jack hughes x pop star singer! reader
summary: you & jack have been dating for a while neither of your guys fan base had a clue that the two of you we’re together or that one of the songs you wrote was about him.
note: this literally came out like ass but i still wanted to post it. hope you guys enjoy
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liked by trevorzegras, lhughes_06, _quinnhughes and others
y/nofficial i just wanna say a huge thank you to everybody that came to see me perform. i am very thankful for all of you.
load more comments.
trevorzegras you were amazing my favorite litte rat. we’re so proud of you, can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you.
y/nofficial love you too satan. so glad that you guys got to come out and see me.
fan1 they know eachother???
lhughes_06 it’s so obvious the last song was about him.
y/nofficial no shit sherlock, this is why quinn is my fav hughes.
_quinnhughes i’ve been promoted to favorite hughes now?
fan1 she knows the hughes??? and who is the song about????
fan2 the song is probably about trevor
y/nofficial it’s definitely not about trevor. he’s literally like a brother to me.
fan3 who is she dating?
jackhugeswife better not be jack. she’s literally a whore.
fan1 she’s not a whore.
jackhugheswife she’s friends with his brothers and trevor i bet she hooked up with the three of them
fan2 her and trevor have been childhood best friends? and second of you don’t even know her so she’s not a whore💀
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liked by y/nofficial, trevorzegras, lhughes_06 and 134,053 others
jackhughes had an amazing break with my amazing friends and family.
_quinnhuges you’re so whipped on her but congrats on finally pulling her after being a scaredy-cat to ask her out.
jackhughes quinn what the fuck why are you calling me out.
jacksnico damn quinn really did jack dirty
trevorzegras who’s that girl all over my boyfriend. how dare she steal you away from me🙄
lhughes_06 cry about it zegras. she’s way better than you
jackhughes trev it’s not like that i swaer she’s a side chick
y/nofficial damn i gotta go tell her.
fan1 that’s y/n it has to be
jacknico omg you’re right it might be they have similar hair and facial features 
fan2 omg you’re so right
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liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, _quinnhughes and 96, 502 others
y/nofficial you’d be the love of my life
jackhughes i love you, my angel
y/nofficial i love you most pretty boy
fan1 I KNEW IT.
trevorzegras boyfriend stealer🙄 kidding. congrats on coming out to the crazy jack stan’s
jamiedrysdale why didn’t you tell me she was dating jack. i feel betrayed
y/nofficial i’m so sorry jams please forgive me
jamiedrysdale i’ll forgive you. only because you said you would still wear my jersey.
lhughes_06 i think i should get credit for the first picture🙄
y/nofficial all credits goes to little hughes for the pictures 🙄
nicohischier so you’re the girl he’s been talking about the past few days
dawson1417 nico this was supposed to stay between us and jack
jackhughes what the fuck nico i thought you were better then this💔
nicohischier you have been annoying me the last few days during practice. you deserved to be called out.
y/nofficial awh he talks about me. i knew he was down bad but didn’t know he was down bad like that down bad.
213 notes · View notes
lilys0evil0twin · 1 year
.... Y/n is quite pleased with this new boyfriend of hers. He's overall sweet and kind unlike the other jerks she dated~ Now she wanted to know how he is in bed So invited him over to her house,saying she has a fun game and wanted him to play with her~ Heracles being the sweet innocent himbo he is,agreed. He probably didn't expected to be pushed onto the bed by his gf, who is wearing a sexy lingerie that made him overheat minutes ago. Y/n sitting on him just simply smirked and say:"Oh darling I'll make sure to love you fully tonight, let me give you a taste of pleasure~"
Who's ready to destroy the innocence of this gentle mountain of a football player?! Enjoy!
Uhh please don't get confused at my constant switching of his name... I don't know myself
Warnings: smut, nothing much just Hercule losing his v-card.... Hard
Word count: 4198
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School, the hell on Earth. The stress of constant exams, the lack of sleep and as Y/n says; being surrounded by morons. Every teacher thought their subject is the most important in students' life, girls fought for every cute guy, spreading lies and secrets around the school and all the guys wanted in return of playing hard to get, was to fuck and move on.
Y/n was tired of it. This highschool stereotype. This teen stereotype. So, out of boredom, she decided to claim males reputation. She became a fuck boy. Well not eternally, but you know what, why not give those bastards a taste of their own medicine. Through out the years her reputation grew, she played the popular boys, the cute chicks. Everyone were gossiping about her but she knew it all about the others. The high-class girls started to fear her, for obvious reasons. You know the song "Take your man" by Mahogany Lox?
"I can take your mans, if I want to
But lucky for you, I don't want to"
And to the male party? The ones brave enough approach her, the ones with death wish will try and flirt, the others just admired from afar....
The sudden loud call of his name strattled the mountain of a teen. Currently in the middle of lunch break, Heracles was sitting at his usual table with his close friends; Castor, Jack and two years younger Göll, who was more like his little sister really. Now with his attention finally focused, Heracles turned towards his friend. "What are you doing, your food's getting cold" the teen with a bob cut asked picking on his rice. With a small, confused 'hm?' Heracles looked down towards his plate "Wha- Oh, ya! Sorry I kinda got lost in thoughts" the ginger smiled, putting a mouthful of already cold marinated chicken with vegetables in his mouth. A small laugh could be heard over the voices in the cafeteria, opposite from the ginger football player.
"Come on Hercules, go talk to her~" their senior Jack laughed, seeing his friend's face go totally red. "T-Talk to who?!" whispering a chocked yell, the football player's tough facade flew out of the window. Jack only raised an eyebrow "You know who, Y/n L/n of course! The Miss unapproachable? The, sorry for the expression, Fuck girl of the school?" Heracles only mumbled something shyly, staring holes into his food. Göll giggled beside him, leaning to catch his eyes. "Don't be scared she'll definitely like you!" she said with so much enthusiasm, it was a wander how it fit into her small form.
"I'm not scared! Why would I be? Wha? Wh-what are you even implying??!"
"Oh please, you're kind, funny and handsome! A total gentleman!" Göll clapped her hands, frowning her eyebrows in determination. Hercules only blushed, buds of sweat forming on his forehead and turned towards Y/n's table over his shoulder. "Oh look now's your chance! She's talking with my sis!!" Göll pointed towards her, jumping in excitement. But Hercules hasn't moved, quickly turning to his plate head falling between his stuff shouldes. Castor leaned closer to Hercules smiling gently. "Look you should talk to her, that way it won't weight you anymore" Jack leaned back sipping his tea as Hercules took a breath.
"Aaaand you can't be a virgin forever~"
Hercules could hear his friends bicker and laugh as he neared hit target. Just as he was in sight field Brunhilde smile at him in greeting. "Oh, hey Heracles" Brun's voice made Y/n turn and see who was the unlucky soul that decided to interfere in their conversation. Her e/c eyes met with sharp baby blue ones of a surprisingly tall guy. Unimpressed she raised a brow waiting for him to voice his request. The boy cleared his throat, lightly preparing himself. "I apologize for disturbance ladies, but uh," he took a pause, eyes flicking between the two girls "m-may I talk to Brunhilde for a minute please?"
Brun slowly turner her eyes away, looking towards the table Hercules left moments ago, only to meet with the excited shines of her younger sister. The girl was squeezing her tumbs so tightly her knuckles turned white. Her overjoyed form was moving around in her seat, quite opposite to the boys sitting at the same table. Both looking they're way in interested, Jack's heterochromatic eyes slightly squinting in mischief, small smirk hiding under his slowly growing mustache. Obviously getting the hint Brun smiled turning her attention back to Hercules' nervous form. Resting her cheek against her hand, she asked "Oh is it about your game today?" the glit in her eyes showed Hercules she wants him to follow her lead, so despite knowing what she's implying, he obeyed.
"Ah, um yeh.. yes" he nodded nonchalantly. Brunhilde smiled sweetly "Yes, I'll come watch" she turned to her companion "Wanna come with me?" Y/n only hummed, playing with her food. "Ya, why not. I have nothing better to do anyway" she sighed and returned to her food, not really glancing at Hercules. His eyes twinkled as his lips twitched upwards slightly. After a short moment of silence, it started to feel a little awkward.
"So um, I'll see you both there then" he smiled sheepishly turning away to leave before the lunch break finished. But before he left he heard Brun "We'll cheer for you!" Heracles only chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed.
Y/n kinda wanted to check out the football game today so she'd visit anyway. But why not play hard to get? Now she was sitting beside Brunhilde on stands, watching the game unfold. It was interesting. Well not the game itself, but rather the players. I mean who wouldn't like tall, sweaty men ramming and wrestling with each other while the prettiest girls in the shortest skirts cheering them on.
Y/n was intrigued, here and there she caught the Hercules boy looking their way. Of course she couldn't tell whether he was looking at Brun or her. Brun was the friend of his after all.
Brunhilde on the other hand didn't miss those small smirks of his everytime Y/n cursed their team for losing the ball. Brun was determined, she knew this plan would work. Despite not taking part in this whole Heracless-crush-thing, those quiet desperate signals from Göll were enough to decide she'll take the matter in her own hands.
As the game ended Brun excused herself and quickly left, leaving Y/n at the stands near the entrance to the changing rooms. With a little compliance, Y/n agreed to wait for her friend.
Leaning on the wall she boredly swiped through her phone. With an irritated groan she checked the time. 'God where the hell is she?' pushing herself off the wall, about to leave not wanting to waste anymore time. Well she tried to leave, if it wasn't for the soft wall that someone placed right before her. Grunting courses under her breath, Y/n looked up meeting baby blue irises.
"Oh excuse me miss, are you alright?" Heracles stood before her, sweaty and breathing slightly unevenly. Y/n took a step back and . She must've admit, he looked quite tasty in that football uniform of his. It clung nicely to his chest and shoulders. He was tall with wide shoulders and slim waist. Long ginger hair and some kind on make-up on his face. But as her eyes slid down his abdomen, the same markings peaked from under his shirt. They were even on the same side, but other boys from their team weren't painted like that, maybe it is a tattoo?
"Uhm, m-miss?" his voice was what chaught her attention and she quickly looked to his face. Not that she was hiding that she was literally feeding on his appearance. And that pink tint on his cheeks was kinda cute. "You're surprisingly polite for a guy your age" she grumbled, crossing her arms over het chest "I like it, give me your phone" she said extending her hand. Heracles wanted to say something when Y/n mentioned his politeness, but that was quickly shut down after she asked for his phone. Honestly, his whole brain shut down. So he just stood there, like a statue.
"Hello?" Y/n raised an eyebrow "Are you still there?" Heracles only blinked. "Y-Yah uh... I-It's in my back, i-in the locker" pointing a finger behind Y/n. She turned seeing the entrance to the showers. He even pointed to the wrong direction, damn he's so cute. "Well" she faced him again "then go get it, hop hop! I don't have all day!" She clapped her hands, making him nod and particularly ran to find his bag.
After a minute, Heracles was back. Panting and fluffed up, his clothes wrinkly and hair flying all over the place. Showing his phone into Y/n's face. Y/n only chuckled at his cuteness. He was so desperate and desperately trying to hide it. So cute. She tapped in her contacts, putting a heart behind her name. Then she did the same with his contacts in her phone. Putting him under the name 'Gladiator<3'. After she departed with a wave telling Heracles to text her when he gets home. Leaving this poor boy to freeze where he was, gripping his phone a little too hard, blushing so much that if you looked close enough, you'd see steam coming from his ears.
After some shy messages here and there, those two started texting each other regularly. Becoming good friends in no time. Heracles' personality was probably the main indicator, he was sweet, kind and just so easy to talk to. Good mornings and good nights were a must. Telling each other what they were doing each day, how they were etc.
Until Hercules sent this one message that changed everything.....
Hey Herc
Whatcha doin~?
Nothing much
Just thinking
Abt wha?
Y/n really didn't know if it was intentional or if he just sent it and later the meaning hit him like a train, and to be honest Heracles didn't either.
Needless to say he was frightened shitless the next day at school. He even considered not showing up, I mean..... His stomach really felt weird, like he'll throw up if he sees y/n in the hallway.
Thankfully he was able to avoid her the majority of the day, but unfortunately for him Jack took things into his own hands.
Y/n felt bad, like really bad. This guy was the only one that she felt bad for after leaving on "seen". The feeling got even worse during the day, Heracles didn't even text her good morning for God's sake!
By the time lunch arrived, Y/n was on nettles. She hoped she'll see Heracles at their table and maybe would be able to talk it out, but once there only Jack was there to meet her. Reading news on his phone, such a weird fella.
"Hi Jack" Y/n slumped into the chair beside him with a sigh. Jack only hummed at her presence, too deep in the thing he was reading. They never talked much, but we're never in uncomfortable silence, so Y/n never pressured him.
Jack put down his phone taking a sip from his tea. "He's at the gym" Y/n looked up not really getting what he was saying. "Hercules, he's in the gym. He's probably juicing his brain for ideas." Jack specified, looking Y/n into her eyes. She only stared back, not moving a muscle.
"Well? Just go" Y/n stood up and left knocking few students out of her way, leaving only her lunch to keep the company to Jack. Who just continued to drink his tea with a smile.
Pacing back and forth the whole gym Hercules already lost count of how many times he circled the room. What the hell was wrong with him? How could he text her that?? Of course she left him on "seen", what was she supposed to text to that. He wouldn't be surprised if she never texted him again, if never even wanted to see him. But.... He wanted to see her...
God he's so fucking scared. What should he do?
Pulling on his ponytail Heracles groaned, head falling backwards, his eyes closed. How could Y/n call him a gladiator when he's such a coward. Heracles had his back turned to the door when they were banged open by someone. He looked over his shoulder to see who was so impatient, only to freeze in his spot.
Stunned by her sudden appearance, Heracles never experienced first hand the "speak of the devil". The poor boy was even more surprised when Y/n walked to him and hugged him. "What the fuck are you doing, huh? Ignoring me like this?" her voice was mumbled due to her face being pressed into his chest. Heracles calmed down a little and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back. After a moment of silence Y/n spoke again, now more clearly. "I'm sorry, for not texting you back."
"I meant it"
Hercules took a breath, straightening his back. Gathering up courage to look down at Y/n. "I like you"
"You're such a dork" Y/n laughed hitting the stressed out boy playfully.
Yep, they started dating. The play girl Y/n L/n was now in a relationship.
Those two love birds started spending more and more time together, even going as far as to have sleepovers. Y/n didn't believe Hercules was real at some moments tho, he was like from a romantic novel. Taking her on dates, bringing her flowers, listening to her ranting, even gossiping with her.
It was like a dream, Y/n may have really fallen in love. Only one last thing to do to make sure she's really about to invest into this relationship to work. She wanted him to fuck her. I mean... Can you blame her? Every time she saw him laying on the couch in his worn out tank top and sweatpants.
As time went on, Y/n was only hornier and hornier. Plus it was frustrating that even tho she did catch Hercules staring, he never crossed any lines. He only followed her lead. So why not use it to her advantage?
One evening Y/n called upon the girls meeting. She with Brunhilde and her sisters sat in a circle in her room. The problem at hand? How to seduce Y/n's boyfriend Hercules. The girls exchanged ideas:
Hrist was for Y/n to greet him wrapped up like a present, holding a paper with "For Hercules" on it. And if it didn't work then to just grab him and fuck him senseless.
Thrud was for a simple "Netflix and chill", maybe make some snacks to enjoy and just be a lil touchy and he'll surely follow.
Randgriz was too shy to say anything and the other girls just listened excitedly. Except for Alvitr that was sulking, because no one acknowledged her idea with sexy lingerie. Göll with Hlökk nearly passed out three times if it wasn't for Göndul.
And so the plan was made, with the finalizing help of Brun of course. Now it only needs to be put into action.
The plan was simple, text Hercules asking him to stay at Y/n's house. This weekend was perfect because her parents went on some trip and won't be back till the next weekend.
Hercules agreed to stay of course and Y/n got to work. The first day was their usual. They lazied around the whole day and went to town in the evening. The next day however, Y/n sent Hercules shopping while she got ready.
Putting on her favorite red lingerie, ready to confront her boyfriend whenever he comes back.
"H-hey" Y/n pushed Hercules on the bed. He was quick to sit up when she lowered herself before his legs, comfortably kneeling down. "W-what are y-..?" "Don't worry love, just relax and enjoy~" Y/n says seductively pulling his knees apart. With a lovestruck sigh, resting her cheek on his thigh. Her steady breaths brushed past the space of his pants, getting tighter and tighter with each exhale. Slowly unzipping his pants while maintaining eye contact with the blushing boy. First to look away was Hercules, his blush getting darker and spreading all the way from his ears to his chest. Heart drumming in his ears, banging against his ribs so hard he'd think they'll break. He didn't know where to look, it was getting so hot, where should he put his hands, what should he do?! Just as Hercules started to panic a gasp filled the room, his body shaking, mind going blank.
'Y/n! She-She's !! -' taking in a shaky breath
Y/n only chuckled seeing his flustered state. She licked the under side of his manhood, following the giant vein from it's base to the head. Giving it a kiss with little kitten licks along his slit. Inching her hand towards his base, fingers slowly rubbing in circular motion. The precum rolled from his tip only to be gently licked off, twitching every time she did so. "Y-Y/n.." her e/c eyes peaked from below her long lashes with a seductive look, fire dancing behind her pupils. He couldn't look her in the eye, it was too much. Cowering his blushing face with the back of his hand, he looked away, eyebrows frowned.
"Oh sorry for teasing you love, but you're just so cute~"
Being called cute now? Hercules pressed his lips together, only to open them in a moment letting out a relieved sigh. The warmth and wetness of Y/n's mouth enwrapped his cock. Sighing and moaning softly, Hercules closed his eyes. His tip hit the back of Y/n's throat. Hercules expected a gag from how hard the impact felt, but nothing. Only the small exhale as her nose buried in the short ginger hair, filling her lungs with his musk. This went on for some time, Hercules's moans and grunts sounded over the muffled sounds from the street.
"Let it out" Y/n said as her deep throat session ended, going back to licks and kisses. Stroking his length at fast pease, her mouth opened over his swollen red tip. The atlete let out a sudden loud groan reaching his big hand for her petite shoulders. "W-wait! Y/n!" She only chuckled moving her hand faster, forcing him over the edge. His hot cum shoot into her opened waiting mouth. Pulling away and sitting on his lap, Y/n swallowed the sticky, slightly salty substance, her e/c gaze meeting his blue one.
"Why did you? ... Doesn't it taste bad?" if his blush could get any darker, it did. Heracles' squinting, teary eyes barely saw his girlfriend. Y/n shaked her head, her h/c locks swinging from side to side "No, you're sweet" she reached for her face, swiping some escapee cum from the corner of her plump lips "Like a candy cane! Here!" and stuffed her seed covered finger into his mouth. His baby blue eyes widened as his shoulders shifted in surprise. Just as he wanted to protest, Y/n pulled her hand away, replacing her finger with her lips. In hopes to calm him down a little, she deepened the kiss, rubbing her tongue against his. Thankfully it did help, seeing as Hercules relaxed his shoulders, his hands unconsciously moving to rest on her hips.
Parting from the kiss to get some air, a small string of saliva hinting on the so recent kiss. Hercules, now completely relaxed, sighed resting his forehead against hers. "That ... That was weird" y/n chuckled again kneading his biceps gently. "Hmm, you'll probably like my juice more.... But I'm a little pent up so maybe later" she said as she moved from his lap. Y/n pulled up the skirt of her lingerie and pulled down her lace panties. Hercules turned his gaze to the side, being the gentleman he is. ...And not really mentally ready for what's to come.
Y/n grabbed his surprisingly still hard dick and aligned the tip with her soaking entrance as she straddled him again. "Sh-Shouldn't we use the protection?" Y/n's eyebrows flew up, her eyes meeting his in surprised gaze. Then smiling brightly hugging his neck and kissed his cheeks and lips repeatedly "That's why I love you! You're not like all the others!" Y/n hopped down and grabbed one, out of many, condoms from the drawer near the bed. Ripping the cover and slowly wrapping the condom on Hercules's manhood. Once finished she hopped on his lap once again and slowly sheathing him inside. Hercules let out a surprised hiss, eyebrows knitting together his blue eyes now tightly shut. Y/n moved her hips from side to side slightly to adjust to his length faster.
"AH, w-wai-- !!" Hercules grabbed her by her hips, stopping her movement. "Y-You're too tight!" He sighed out, resting his forehead on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her, his thighs shaking. Y/n waited for her lover to calm down again, gently rubbing his wide shoulders till she felt him move his hips upwards slightly. She pulled his face from her neck, moving his head till their eyes met. With that her lower body moved, slowly at first spreading her love juice around the thin wrap hugging Hercules's length. Hercules's hands holding Y/n's hips slid down to her ass, lifting her body effortlessly, opposite way to his thrusts. Gaining speed with every thrust, the room was filled with their mixed breathless moans and groans.
A small drop of sweat slid down his neck all the way to the pecks on his stomach. Y/n followed the drop with her eyes, feeding on the movement of his muscles with every labored breath. She was fascinated in Hercules' improvisation skills, maybe he was really just shy. Y/n moved her hands from his shoulders. One entangling with his low ponytail, slowly pulling on the band to free his ginger hair, and eventually resting her palm on the back of his neck. The other slid down his heaving chest, shifting the direction as soon as she reatched his bellybutton. Her hand gently held his on one of her butt cheeks.
"A-Are you ok?" Heracles asked breathlessly. It was hard to concentrate on more stimulants at once but her holding his hand may have meant he was doing something wrong. He needed to check. Y/n only chuckled giving him a kiss on his neck. "No, just hold on now baby" it took a second for Heracles to hear the meaning of her words. But by the time he could ask what she meant his hands released her bottom and his back hit the mattress. Her small delicate palms holding his down beside his head. With wide eyes he looked up, meeting her e/c irises. The smirk on her face was devilish. Her eyes nearly glowing in the dark.
"Hold on ok, big boy" with that she bounced on his lap with such speed and force Hercules though he'd pass out. Despite being much stronger, Hercules felt weak, literally under the command of his girlfriend. The coil in his stomach snapped before he could even register it's approach. With a quick movement of his hands he grabbed Y/n's arms and turned them both around. Now with him on top, Heracles stopped, emptying himself in the condom, hiding his head in her neck. He gasped for oxygen, tired and drained but still held himself up, not to crush Y/n with his weight. "Y-You did not.... D-did you?" he asked quietly, Y/n chuckled patting his back. "It's okey, it's your first time after all" she said with a gentle smile, Hercules moved from her neck looking at her face then down between her legs, where his cock still rested in her warmth. Blush returning to his ears he slowly pulled out, making sure to catch everything before spilling. He pondered for a second deciding what to do with it till Y/n smiled again and gently took the full condom from his hands and tied it shut, throwing it out into the bin next to get bed. Heracles' blush was constantly present as he turned Y/n to face him. He kissed her gently and lovingly. With their lips still touching he said "But I want you to feel good too"
His fingers moved between her legs. Y/n laughed and kissed just below his lips, "I love you so much" Hercules smiled "And I you" they both chuckled as Y/n palmed his hand against her womanhood, guiding his fingers.
"My lovely gladiator"
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Duce in cannon that he shy when it comes to talking to girls ( other then his mom and granny ) and out of curiosity how did he react as he realizes that Daley!mc is actually a girl because they can pull any look look so fine?
Because he is but of a hbo but he is cute
*Daley! Reader is gender neutral/can be any gender you desire! For this request, however, they will go by she/her pronouns!*
Can be read as romantic/platonic
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- NO BECAUSE IMAGINE THEY WEAR A DORM UNIFORM BASED OFF OF LARRY'S NIGHT GAURD ONE, but like, they end up deciding to wear something more feminine or Vil wants to dress them up to bring out that charm.
- Ace kinda knew from the start and looks at Deuce weirdly when Deuce just stares at you in flustered shock as you model the new outfit.
- "Dude, it was so obvious."
- He doesn't WANT to treat you differently but because of his shyness towards girls, he can't really help it as well. He has a harder time meeting your gaze and he tries to fix up his mannerisms around you more. Straightening his posture when you walk into a room, doing little grooming things like fixing his hair or patting down his uniform, and other things like that.
- He also starts to notice things about you that makes him realize he should've noticed you were a chick a long time ago. The fact that you have your own separate bathroom, the fact that Jed and Octavius would "stand gaurd" at your room door and yell at them for trying to walk in, and other subtle differences like that.
- If you call him out/ask him about this stuff, he WILL get flustered and stammer out an excuse. HE DOESN'T WANT YOU TO THINK HE'S TREATING YOU DIFFERENT BECAUSE YOU'RE A GIRL- Well, he is but it's not for any sexist reason- oh God, it sounds so bad when he says it like that-
- *cue Jed and Octavius cackling at poor Deuce*
- Don't worry! This awkward phase doesn't last forever. He adjusts to it and still jokes around and hangs out with you as usual, he does grow increasingly protective of you but he also knows when you can handle things yourself.
- I ALSO FEEL LIKE HE FEELS BAD THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ANY GIRL FRIENDS, like he notices that when you guys go to town to pick up ingredients for Trey or paint for the roses, you'll look longingly over to the girls who are out laughing and giggling with their friends, fawning over cute things, and it reminds you of your old friends back in your world.
- So he'll convince the first year gang to do more things with you that might make you happy. Such as planning a nail polishing session! Sebek is down and wants to paint his nails black like Malleus, Epel brings special "no odor" nail polish since the smell is too overwhelming for Jack (Epel won't really do jail polish but Jack would and Epel will do his nails), and Ace is hesitant but Deuce is all: "C'mon dude! They do so much for us. It's the absolute LEAST we can do for them!" and he does do it (and likes it).
- You do Deuce's nails and he gets a little shy again like how he did when he finally realized you were, in fact, a girl. However, when you take a break from your rant and look him in the eyes to thank him with a bright smile, it was totally worth it to him.
- You guys do have more nail polishing sessions because honestly, they really enjoy them.
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hughessdemon · 1 year
Maybe I’m twisted too . || J. HUGHES
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I can taste her lipstick and see her laying across your chest
I can feel the distance every time you remember her fingertips
Maybe I should be more like her
I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too
And she's perfect..
synopsis: did she give it to you better . ?
Authors note : this based off some baseless rumor about Jack and Trevor having a threesome with some girl in their rookie year :)
3 years back
“Wtf Jack ?” you silently said as you were sent a video from some random chick on Instagram
you were home in Michigan meanwhile Jack was half way in New Jersey he wasn’t home for summer . it was his rookie year as a devil , needless to say everything felt distanced with you both , not communicating with him had made you feel alone the most . You came home for summer hoping he would too, but he didn’t .… Quinn was home , he was your brothers best friend so they always were hip to hip , Luke was in the dorm in Umich so he was spending his summers with the boys . You ? you were in bed most days hoping he would reply to you but mostly late night calls saying “sorry I was so busy baby.” The calls were always short and silent , you knew then either this relationship was gonna fall apart or it would end messed up . You also knew what you guys were signing up for when he got drafted last year , but if you knew it’d get worser you wouldn’t have kept this going . There was a knock at the door , you get up to open the door to present Lukey boy at the door “hello sista sista” as he walks into your room plowing into your bed , you’re confused clearly as you close the door . “What brings you here Moosey I thought you were staying at your dorm this summer ?” you asked as you sat next to him on the bed fully examining this 6’0 foot creature on your bed . “Got bored everyone always partying so I need some peace today” he spoke as he looked over at you . “you don’t look so happy to see me what’s wrong ?” As he scanned your facial expression not a single smile or happy look in your eyes . Luke always read you like a book he was the only one who really knew what you were going through with your mental health and all , few times you would try to speak with Jack he would dismiss it because he didn’t really get what you would try and say . So ever since then you never spoke about your own feelings . “Nothing I’m just tired really moose.” you gave a reassurance look to him he nodded your way as he fell asleep on your bed again .
— Luke left few hours ago he was gonna head to another party I assume , it’s 11 pm at night . The house is at silence at the moment, Quinn and your brother is knocked out in the sunroom , parents still probably at the Hughes house. I don’t know really but it’s around this time Jack would call , so I headed straight to my room waiting for him … instead your phone dings up to a message request from some blonde chick , you opened up the app to see Jack and Trevor tag following her so innocently you decided to end up opening her message up as you opened to see a video ; confused as you are , you don’t know who’s in video ….. until you heard his moans , it was Jack … jack hughes your whole life , your boyfriend. Your eyes glued still on the screen , Trevor shown in the frame with Jack laughing "Behave yourself, baby girl ." Jack said, his both hands on her cheeks from behind, lifting her chin and giving her a dearly kiss on the lips. Then his fingers softly stroke across her cheeks, as he aroused her …. Hot tears threatened to fall out , white noises playing in your head . You just watched your boyfriend and his best friend sleeping with a girl who seems to enjoying the time with your boyfriend…. Clicking out of the video , “wtf Jack wtf” all you could say silently to yourself , your breathes hitched and stopped. Nothing was going through your mind until you see Quinn at the door looking at you with same facial expressions as you , “ im sorry y/n.” all he said to you hugging you , it seems like he found out the same way you did . Asking Quinn to politely leave so you can proceed with your thoughts to collect yourself ….
your phone started to ring showing Jack contact picture of you both . Answering the call acting like you didn’t have your heart broken 25 minutes ago , you hear him happily greeting you “hey baby how was your day I miss you .” he said chuckling
your heart was burning when he started to laugh not knowing you knew … “jack- I know I seen the video of you and Trevor .” silent falls on the call , he knew he was fucked up , regret’s running through his head. “Baby let me explain please- ” You stopped him mid way “does she tasted good , did she make you feel so good , how did she make a man like you fall on your knees ?” multiple questions falling out of your mouth with tears covering your cheeks . You were broken more when he admitted that she was good in bed breaking you more and more . Ending the call “im done Jack I’m done.”
“Y/N !! this song is gonna be a big hit forrreal.” You smile as your producer analyzes your lyrics to your song .
“what’s the song title ?”
“Perfect” you say
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psych0-str1ngs · 9 months
Admit it- Nikki Sixx x reader
Authors Note: I'm really trying revive my account because I really need more requests and such so I'm gonna try to pump out more fanfics.
Warnings: Cursing, drugs, alcohol (Maybe a part two with smut if this does well.)
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I am not gonna, I've always had the hugest crush on Nikki. Despite the fact that he was a raging drug and alcohol abuser, and he had chicks on his dick 24/7, I saw right through him. I always kind of, understood him. We've been pretty close friends ever since we were about 15. I knew how much of a bad child hood he had and I could relate. When we were sixteen we stole my dads car and just ran away, we were caught of course, but for the three days that we were on our own we took care of one another.
I obviously knew there was not a chance in hell Nikki would ever go for me, considering I was little on the heavier side, not too big just... Not pretty like the groupies were, and I had a pretty face but once again nothing like the groupies had. I was... More like an adorable than I was anything else. No body wanted to be with me but instead protect me like some innocent little bunny. It was annoying considering I was the least from innocent. I do drugs, and drink alcohol here and there.
So there I was, sitting next to Nikki on the short leather couch in his dressing room. I was leaning on the side of the couch while Nikki had some chick on her lap. It was infuriating to watch. I know that it’s just how he was, but I knew that I could treat him so well if he’d give me a chance, I sighed and took another long drag from my blunt.
“Hey y/n!” Tommy slightly yelled in the chair next to us. “You alive?”
I blinked before looking up. “Did I zone out again?”
Tommy nodded his head. I always had this problem of zoning out a lot, sometimes it happened so my brain could escape reality, and other times it happened because it was just fun to create my own world. I smiled slightly, staring back at my spot in the floor. Nikki held a small mirror with a line of code to melt face and waved it around.
“You wanna bump y/n?” Nikki had a laughing tone.
“Yeah,” I said taking the mirror from with enough sass for him to notice, but not enough to mess up the little line. I held the straw up to my nose and snorted. It immediately rushed through my veins. I sighed in relief, and passed the mirror to Vince who had the bag of coke. I stood up grabbing my pack of cigarettes. Tommy noticed my sluggish mood and shot up. He came up to me and put his arm over my shoulder.
“Can I come with?” He asked, a new bottle of jack in his hand.
“You don’t need to ask t-bone,” I laughed and rolled my eyes a bit.
He laughed with me and we walked out, my arm was around his waist and we were both stumbling around everywhere. We laughed because we both ran in the door. Tommy really knew how to cheer people up without even trying. Vince and Mick were laughing because they noticed but Nikki had a deadpan in his face. But The coke and weed started to really kick in, and I wasn’t worried about a single thing anymore. Me and Tommy continued to stumble down the hall, laughing loudly, I had even snorted, earning the annoyed stare of groupies and men.
“Dude you are totally high,” Tommy said.
“Yeah no fucking shit Sherlock,” I laughed.
The hallway seemed very long, Tommy and I walking for seemed like forever. Just as we were about to walk out of the door, Tommy spotted a chick. His eyes scanned over her like a fat kid looks at a chocolate cake. I already knew what was about to happen.
“Y/n,” he stopped in his tracks. “I have to go tap that real fast,”
“Go ahead man I’ll see you later,” I said, even though I didn’t admit it, I once again felt like shit. I understood that this is just how the guys were, but it was like a knife to the back constantly having people leave me for someone or something else.
I continued walking down the hallway to the door, finally pushing it open. The crisp cold air felt extremely relieving, the was slight rainfall, pellets of water hitting the pavement. I always enjoyed being outside, wether I was in nature or not. I sat on the curb, pulling out a cigarette. The door opened, and out came Mick. I gave him a slight smile and handed him a cigarette as well. He sat on the curb next to me with a slight groan.
“You know,” Mick grabbed my zippo from my fingers. “You’re gonna have to tell him eventually.”
I blew out the inhale of smoke that was held my lungs and looked at him. “Tell him what?” I questioned him.
“Don’t play dumb y/n.” He said taking a drag from the long white death stick.
“How the hell do you know?” I looked at him dumbfounded.
“It’s not that hard to see,” Mick started. “Everyone can see it, you look at him likes he’s pure gold.
“To me he is,” I admit, puffing my cig again. “There’s something so relatable in him. I understand why he is the way he is. I mean fuck, 90 percent of the time I just want to take care of him, I wanna hug him real tight and tell him I’m proud of him.”
Mick laughed.
“What’s funny?” I asked.
“You’re clearly in love,” he took a drag. “I think you should tell him.”
“Why would I?” I snorted. “There’s nothing in me that he could possibly want. I mean have you seen the other girls he goes for? I’m nothing like them.”
“That may be true,” Mick nodded. “But that isn’t bad. Nikki for sure has the same feelings. He stares at you the exact same way as you stare at him.”
“Then why haven’t I noticed?” I roll my eyes, putting my hands on my hips.
“Because you’re stupid.” Mick says, throwing his cigarette butt on the ground.
I punched his arm. “I am not.”
“You sure are y/n, now I’m gonna go back inside, are you gonna come or are you gonna sit out here and sulk all night.” Mick got up.
“Sulk out here,” I laughed.
“Okay,” Mick walked back inside.
Mick was such an interesting old man. He’s completely dead silent one minute, and the next minute he’s like some all seeing powerful guy. Finally I had a second to relax, be in my thoughts for a bit. My cigarette was finished, so I threw it in the ground and grabbed out another.
What Mick said earlier really stuck with me. He stares at you the exact way you stare at him.
I wanted to laugh right in Mick’a face when he said that. Nikki has a new girl on his arm every day, there’s nothing he sees in me. I continued to smoke my cigarette, eventually deciding to stop thinking about Nikki. I couldn't stop though, I mean I was flat out in love with the guy. My thoughts were halted when the man himself walked out. I smiled.
"Hey Nikki." I smiled a little wider.
"Hey Y/n," He sat down next to me, grabbing a cigarette from the pack.
"Shouldn't you be in there with all those sexy ladies of yours," I asked nudging his shoulder.
"Nah," He laughed slightly. "It was getting to suffocating out here. You know you've been sitting out here for like an hour right?"
Holy shit, no I did not know that
"No shit," I said. "Really?"
"Yeah man," He said lighting it.
My heart twinged at the name, at this point I just wanted to go home. I was feeling not as intoxicated, but instead more exhausted and sad than anything. I was over the after party. I got up, and dusted my ass off. I picked up the pack, and my lighter, shoving back into my purse.
"Hey where you going?" Nikki asked.
"Home," I said in an obvious tone, turning around.
Nikki stood up, his platform boots making him tower over me.
"Can I come?" Nikki asked, taking another drag of his cigarette.
"I guess yea." I replied, pulling out my car keys. I was kind of upset, as much as I loved being around Nikki, my extreme love for him has dragged down my spirit.
We walked to my car, Nikki leaning into the passenger side. Neither one of us talked. This was a regular occurrence though. Nikki constantly stayed at my house when he was feeling overwhelmed by the band, or the girls. I even let him have a few drawers in my dresser for his clothes. I turned up the stereo, only sightly, the international 70s rock hits played softly in the back round. I lived about thirty minutes away from the arena, so hopefully the music would make it go by quicker. After a few minutes, Nikki turned down the radio all the way. I looked at him for a second.
"What was that for man?" I asked, my eyes back on the road.
"I wanted to talk to you," He said cautiously.
"Oh that can never be good," I laughed.
"I'm serious." He said. "You've been off, disassociating more. You do that when you're stressed and sad."
"Don't worry about me Nikki," I forced a sad smile. "I'm totally fine."
"Don't lie Y/n," He said laying his hand on top of mine which was rested on the shifter. My breath halted for a second.
"If I'm being honest," I started hesitantly. "I've been stressed, with work, and my mental health, I'm just overwhelmed. Life man, you know?"
He nodded. "Is that it?"
"Well," I had to make up some story, just see what he'd do. "You remember how I told you about the new guy at the bar. How he's really sweet and all?"
Nikki replied with a short yeah.
"Well, I think I've caught feelings. But he normally doesn't go for girls like me, I know it for a fact. He's pretty set in his ways."
I swear I could see Nikki's shoulder tense up.
"What do you mean girls like you?" Nikki questioned.
"You know," I sighed. "Fat girls, me, ugly girls, also me. He goes for fit sexy women."
"What?" He said offended. "Y/n, you're gorgeous. And not fat, a little chubby, but that's not bad. Lots of guys like a little pudge. They aren't called love handles for a reason."
My heart sank.
"You're just saying that," I forced back a tear.
"No," He said. "I genuinely mean it, you're a very pretty girl, any guy would be lucky to have you. Besides you know how to take care of people, you're totally smart, and you're funny. If this guy doesn't see that, he's an idiot."
"Thank you Nikki," I monotoned.
We pulled into my drive away. I was immediately relieved by the smell of my home. Nikki took off his platforms, still managing to tower over me. We walked into my room, spreading out across the clean area. He walked over to the dresser, grabbing a shirt and some shorts. I sat on my bed, pulling a joint out of my bed side table while Nikki changed in the bathroom. I sparked it, taking a long drag out of it. I sighed, my eyes starting to tear up. Nikki walked back into my room, immediately noticing my eyes. He said nothing and just climbed into my bed, grabbing the joint and taking a drag. I had always hoped one day he'd just kiss me straight up. He taped out the joint knowing I had just lit it.
Nikki pulled me onto his chest, I started to cry uncontrollably. I didn't know why I was letting myself be so vulnerable. Not that he hadn't seen my like this, but it was still embarrassing. His hand rubbed up and down my arm. We had often cuddled like this, though I'm sure Nikki though nothing of it.
"Y/n," he said still rubbing my arm.
"Yeah," I said into his chest, sniffling.
"I love you," He said quietly.
"I love you too," I replied.
He leaned up, slightly turning to face me, I did the same.
"No like," He stopped for a second. "I love you."
"Nikki you really need to go to bed," I laughed it off refusing to believe him. "You're getting extremely tired."
"Y/n, please listen." He stared into my eyes.
"You can't love me," I frowned. "There's nothing in me for you to love."
“What the hell does that mean?” He cocked his head to the side. “Of course there is.”
I snorted.
“I’m fat, and I’m ugly. You could have anyone you want Nikki.”
“But I want you.” He stood up. “I want YOU y/n. You’ve always been here for me, you were there when I tried calling my died, you were there when I stabbed myself to escape my mom. You’ve been with me. None of the other chicks have done anything for me. I’d pick you over them any day.”
I was starting to tear up.
“I just don’t want you to regret being with me,” I started to cry again.
Nikki quickly walked over to me. He bragged my hip, and gently put his hand on my face.
“I’d never in a million years regret being with you.” He looked me in the eye. “I really really do love you. I can only hope you feel the same.”
I moved pushed him back slightly.
“Of course I love you back idiot,” I giggled.
He moved his lips to mine, his moth felt like fire burning against mine. Of course I’ve already had my fair share with kisses with people but this was different. There was something behind it. Our lips moved in sync slowly, Nikki pulling closer. We parted for a second.
“Be my girlfriend,” Nikki said quietly.
“That sounds nice,” I smiled as wide as my face could handle.
I guess I was wrong, maybe Nikki actually did love me. Only time can tell.
I hope you guys enjoyed it!!
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 month
Hi! For the reverse prompts:
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss for jackharding sounds sooo funny bc jack genuinely does not mean to and does not care while chick just follows him around avoiding his responsibilities.
Bonus his men knowing damn well what chick is doing and where he is and just letting him be (like imagine blakely and douglass walking into a random diner and seeing chick tucked in a booth and the three just staring at each other for a beat before dougley walking right back out) while the other families are spitting mad asking where he is
Jack's new-ish at this, but he's not a fucking idiot. When his boys bring him back a man who matches the general description, he holds out his hand. "Wallet."
"What? You need one?" the guy asks. He stares at Jack, and Jack stares back. The man snorts after a moment and takes out his wallet. He holds it out. "Say please."
"Fuck you," Jack replies and takes the wallet. He opens it and finds the driver's license. "Neil Harding," he reads. He looks at his boys.
"He goes by Chuck," says Winks.
"I go by Chick," says Neil Harding.
"Why?" asks Lemmons.
"Who cares," Jack says before Neil Harding can say anything else. "Winks, Lemmons, get fucked until I'm no longer mad at you."
"So, we're fired?" Lemmons asks, all cheeky grin.
Jack wishes he could threaten it, but Rosie's his best lieutenant, and he's desperately in love with Lemmons, and Lemmons and Winks are both actually competent most of the time. They just don't understand how you do a kidnap properly. Jack hopes Hambone and Brady are having a good time on their honeymoon, but he also needs them to get back sooner rather than later.
Winks and Lemmons leave Jack's office. Neil Harding looks around, then sits on the leather couch along the left wall. He reaches inside his suit jacket and pulls out a cigar.
"You mind?"
"You care?" Jack asks.
"Not really," Neil Harding says.
Jack picks up the pewter ashtray he keeps on the windowsill. He carries it over and sets it on the side table next to Neil Harding's elbow. He pulls out his cigarettes as Neil Harding lights his cigar and takes a long drag.
"So, you're the Irish Fox," he says, snapping his lighter closed and tucking it back in his pocket.
"And you're not Chuck Harding," Jack replies. He sits in the chair across from the couch. "Am I gonna get the Moose after me?"
Neil Harding's smile falls away and is replaced by a sharp smirk and a sharper gaze. Jack's known his name for years. Everyone in the business does. He'd been Slick Chick when he'd been younger, able to talk his way into any room despite his low connections and fluffy hair the color of a backyard hen. It's been shortened to Chick in the two decades since, though Jack doesn't know how or why. If his father knew the lore, he hadn't written it down or said it out loud before getting shot in the back of the head by Chuck Harding.
"I believe you mean the Bucks," Chick says. He takes another draw off his cigar, then taps the ash into the ashtray. "You're, what? Third generation? Your grandfather got your family going, then your father moved you up the ranks--my sympathies, by the way. He was always willing to listen and made choices based on facts."
"Appreciate hearing that," Jack says. "But I'm still worried your guard dogs are going to snap at my heels."
Chick glances at his watch, then at the phone on Jack's desk. "Egan and Cleven will hold still for three hours before striking. But it's been about an hour, which means they know it's you."
"No doubt," Jack agrees. He nods towards his phone. "Feel free to call them and give them the okay. Or you can let yourself out."
"You don't seem worried I'm going to get revenge for this," Chick says.
Jack stands and flicks his own ash into the ashtray. "You could have done that when they grabbed you, but you let them walk you in here without touching them."
"They're boys," Chick says. "And besides, I wanted to be the first man to say he'd met the elusive fox."
Jack snorts and shakes his head. "I've got the same name as my father. What's elusive about that?"
"You don't go to the shows. You don't see pictures. You don't go out to eat. No one's spotted you out and about in a year."
Jack stubs out his cigarette and meets Chick's eyes. Chick's watching him with that same sharp gaze, but the smirk is gone. His face is sincere and serious. "I wasn't supposed to take this job until I was thirty," he says. "And there are some fellas who like to take out the young ones."
"Chuck Harding's a big fan of that," Chick says. "Your father's the eldest he's ever taken out."
"Which I'd like to pay him back for," Jack replies, the anger rising up in the sudden wave it always appears. "By taking everything he has and leaving him poor and alone and friendless."
"Your boys were nothing but polite," Chick says as he stands. "And I know they're not your usual snatch team."
"They're on their honeymoon," Jack says.
Chick huffs a laugh. "Disgusting. What kind of mob man shits where he eats?"
"From what I hear, your Elks."
"Bucks," Chick corrects, and there's a smirk on his face again, but it's softer this time, almost a smile. "What about you, Jack Kidd, Irish Fox. You like to shit where you eat?"
Jack shakes his head. "I suppose I am your type," he says. "Half your age and blonde."
"And leggy," Chick adds, and now it really is a smile, and it's a hell of a smile. "But before we decide on the wedding china, how about I call the Bucks and get them on Chuck Harding? They've been working an angle to make him think he's made a new friend who actually works for me."
"You'll hand me Chuck Harding when you've put a guy in already?"
"I want him out of the way because he's sloppy and rude. You want him ruined because he took your father. Your reasons are better and get me the result I want."
Jack considers the option. He licks the corner of his mouth when he catches Chick staring. "And however will I thank you?" he asks.
Chick outright beams. "Wrap your legs around my waist one time, and we'll call it even."
Jack meets that sharp, confident grin and feels a grin of his own. "If you think you can keep up."
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babygirl097 · 5 days
Raphael x reader
Shredders first attack on New York. No one knew who took him down, but what happens when a local photographer was able to snap a picture before the true hero's were able to make it into the sewer.
Part 2 of 4
*2 years ago, turtles pov*
Jumping down the man hole cover, cheering and laughing as they made it to the layer.
Heading to Splinter, fixing him up. They leave him to rest heading out into the main room.
"So, are we going to talk about the chick with the camera?" Mikey asked
Leo sighed, "maybe she didn't catch anything? I mean we were moving pretty fast"
"Yeah baby, cuz I'm as fast as lightning" Mikey said
"I can scan the area and look at Intel to see if I can find anything?" Donnie asked
"Or maybe we go look for the chick and make her delete it" Raph said.
"We really don't need another girl fainting especially after what just happened" Leo replied
"Plus maybe she didn't even really take the picture" Mikey said shoving pizza into his mouth.
"Did you not see the flash numb nutts?" Raph growled with a shove and a whine from Mikey
"It will be fine" Leo replied
*2 years later, readers pov*
Taking night strolls wasn't safe but being that Casey was out after basically putting me on house arrest it would have to do.
Hardly being able to leave the apartment when he was home. So sneaking out it was.
Mindlessly walking down alleyways was borning but being cooped up wasn't fun either. Passing an ally something caught my eye.
Taking a look, something stuck out from a pole. Walking closer to inspect it was a sai. I researched a lot about these after taking that picture. The red one had two of these.
Prying it out of the pole I tuck it into my jacked and rush back home.
Slamming the door shut I run to my laptop laying the sai on the table in the living room, pulling up the picture and zooming in.
The sai had the same red cloth on it like the ones in the picture. Zooming in more. Could it be?
The front door slammed open, "hey-" Casey paused his face paled
"Where did you get that?" He asked
"Found it" I replied
"Give it to me" he said walking over to grab it
Snatching it before he could, "what? No I found it, its
mine finders keepers"
"Y/N I'm serious, you don't know who it belongs to" he growled
"Oh, and you do?" I asked
"Yes!" He shouted "Wait, wait no i- I don't"
"Don't you dare lie to me Casey Jones" I seethed
"Fine, fine. You might want to sit down" he sighed
Setting the sai away from him I sat, "the picture you took, i- I met them tonight" he said
"If your trying to poke fun at me again this isn't funny Casey" I said going to stand
" I'm not! The blue one is Leonardo, the orange one is Michelangelo. The purple one is Donatello and the red one is Raphael. It belongs to Raphael. He's a dick by the way. They are working to stop shredder and the foot. We believe he will attack again we just don't know how or when yet " Casey replied
"I-" not knowing where to start
"I'm being serious here" Casey said
"I believe you. I, I want to meet them" I said
"What? No are you crazy? Their huge mutant turtles who are a bunch of jerks no" he said
"Your not the boss of me, house arrest is one thing but I've invested 2 years of my life on this one picture of them and don't forget you didn't believe me. So set up a time and place. I want to return this to him myself" I said holding the weapon up
He groaned, "I'll see what I can do"
"So, shredder what do you know about that?" I asked
"Well i know he's after some more of that mutant liquid from the last time he attacked but, this time his plan it seems more sinister" he said
"Oh, well I'm sure of they stopped him last time they can stop him again" I smiled
"You have a lot of confidence for things you don't even know" he laughed
"I know"
Smiling triumphantly I picked up the sai heading to my room, "Hey wait" Casey said stopping me
"Hm?" I mumbled
"I'm sorry for not believing you" he apologized
I smiled, "its okay, sorry for not believing your garbage truck story" I said turning around
"You said you believed me!" He yelled
I laughed, shutting my door.
*next day*
Casey sent out the message about me wanting to meet.
I'm not crazy! I knew they were real, I knew that I saw them and I wasn't going crazy.
Rethinking them and their names and old memory came back, frowning.
I head to my room and rummage through my closet, opening old unpacked boxes from my childhood.
Finding what I was looking for, pulling out an old diary my phone rang, startling me.
Not looking I answer, "hello?"
"Is this Y/N?" An unknown voice asked, looking at my phone realising it was a restricted number.
"Um yes, who is this?" I asked back
"Leonardo, you may have heard of me" he replied
With a gasp I stop what I was doing, "i-um yes, yes I do"
"Alright, good. You see my brother Raph wants his belongings back and he's not very patient. Tonight where you found it, at 11 and come by yourself." he said
"I- yes okay" I stutter
"Oh, and Y/N?" He stared
"Yes" I whisper
"Bring your camera" the line went dead
Storming out of my room, startling Casey making him spill his beer
"Hey! What's your problem" he asked
"You told them about the picture?!" I yelled
"What? Of course not!" He yelled back
"Then how do they know? Leonardo just called! He knows!" I yelled
"I don't know! The brother Donatello is good with computers and shit maybe he found out!" He said
Groaning "ugh, fine"
I head back to my room.
I'm screwed.
*time skip*
Tossing and turning was all i could do last night, sighing I turn over and look at my alarm, 2:30pm?!
I shoot out of bed, nerves and excitement making an uncomfortable mix in my stomach.
What if they were upset? How did they even know I had the picture from 2 YEARS AGO?!
Wait, what if they knew this whole time? Why wouldn't they have done anything? Its been a long time, wouldn't they have found me sooner in hopes not to blow their cover?
Sighing I head to the bathroom to shower, mind racing.
Once I'm finished and change and head to get some food in my system, just as I reach the kitchen I see Casey pass.
"Where are you headed?" I asked
"I have a lead on the two criminals, something big is going to happen I know it" he said
"Oh, okay. Well be safe and remember I cant afford rent myself" I mumbled nerves still running
"Yeah, yeah" he said while he walked out the door.
I think the clock on the wall is mocking me, an
annoying tick as the minuets pass.
Doing every little thing I can to try and make the day go by faster, I go back to my room and go for that old diary again.
Their names are familiar, an old memory I had.
Opening the book and flipping a few pages, I find what I'm looking for.
When I was a young girl I was sent here to live with my uncle and aunt after my parents passed, I remember making a friend with this one girl named April.
She would take me to her dad's lab to meet her pets, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello.
There was a rat too, splinter.
What coincidence is this? They were experiments as far as I knew but they died didn't they?
April and I were close, separating after highschool due to different career paths.
As college became more and more time consuming, our communications slowly drifted away.
Grabbing my phone, I open my contacts to see if I still have her number.
My fingers hovering above her name. What if she's busy or doesn't remember me?
Sighing I turn my phone off and throw it one the bed.
The rest of the day goes by as a blur and soon enough its 10:30
I finish getting ready, strap my camera around my neck pick up the bag with the sai in it and head out the door.
Finding the alley seemed to be a bit of a challenge but eventually I found it.
Looking around a bit, the suddenly being grabbed and blindfolded
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anabdaniels · 8 months
Cowboytober Day 28- Car sex
Paring: Agent Whiskey x Female Reader
Word counting: 1.4k
Rating: 18+
Warning: Alcohol consumption, semi-public sex, dry humping, lap sex.
A/N: This fic was high influenced by our cowboy's iconic quote "Looks like we're hookin' up with a chick at a rock concert."
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Attending festivals was something you enjoyed a lot, but when you moved to Louisville, away from friends and family and being a woman alone, that became an inexistent activity.
At least until you’ve met your handsome husband.
Despite your tastes in music not being the same, he was always more than happy to accompany you to any festival or show you wanted to go. No matter what it was, a Taylor Swift concert, an alternative music festival, or a K-pop presentation. Anything you wanted to watch, Jack would be excitedly accompanying you and, most of the times, discovering that he actually knew a few songs of the setlists.
That time your chosen event was the Bourbon and Beyond festival, most precisely the Sunday of the Bruno Mars concert. Already used to those situations, Jack was not surprised by your little fangirl moment when the show started, and was even least surprised with you singing along at the top of your lungs.
What Jack wasn’t expecting, was the results of your moving during “That’s What I Like”, your favorite song. As usual, your back was resting on his chest, which wasn’t a big deal, the problem was when you started to move your hips to the rhythm of the music and your butt started to rub against his fly. He tried to keep his cool and pretend he wasn’t aware of the reaction going on in his body, which only worked until you realized what was happening inside his jeans and pressed your body more against his, while still acting as if everything was fine.
Once the song ended, you tuned your head slightly to look at Jack, smiling with the expression on his face, with his eyes squinted and his tongue pressing against his bottom lip, in a mix of disbelief and amusement, while keeping one hand on your waist.
“What?” you asked as if you were truly clueless while grabbing the cup in his free hand, taking a sip of the beer while waiting for his answer.
“Don’t play the dumb, sugar. Y’know very well what you did.” Jack raised one eyebrow, pressing your waist softly, and making you laugh quietly.
“Stop complaining and let’s go back to the Bronco.” You said without beating ‘round the bush, and, on the same vibe as you, Jack only grabbed your hand and started to walk with you through the crowd.
Not much later, you two were out of the Kentucky Expo Center and walking towards the car, the show now sounding more like a distant muffled nose. Once you were in the car, you didn’t think twice before moving to Jack’s lap on the driver's seat, making him smile broadly and grab your hips.
“I thought you were actually interested in the festival.” He mocked while moving his hands down to your thighs.
“But I am, which doesn’t mean I can’t be interested in my thirsty husband too.” You answered calmly, resting your arms on his shoulders.
“I can go into some argumentation about who’s the thirsty one here.” Jack raised one eyebrow, keeping his hands on your thighs.
“Daniels, do you want to discuss which one of us is the more desperate one or do you want to fuck me?” you questioned staring him dead in the eye, catching him off guard with your statement.
“You’re aware of where we are, right sugar?” he asked with a slight smirk.
“Oh, trust me, everyone is certainly more interested in Bruno Mars than in seeing what’s happening in the parking lot.” Amused by your boldness, Jack shook his head and leaned to kiss you.
You smiled against his lips before kissing him back, grabbing the collar of his leather jacket and moving a bit to settle on his lap, making Jack groan quietly and squeeze your thighs with the sensation provided by the slight friction. Also enjoying that feeling, you kept moving against him, moaning quietly as you felt his cock getting harder inside his jeans.
Not surprisingly, it escalated very quickly to a heavy dry humping session, with both of you making a lot of noises and with your breaths mixed. You needed to lean back to catch your breath and take off your coat, since your whole body was burning and you could feel the sweat all over your skin. So messed up as you, Jack also got rid of his jacket and his Stetson, uncarefully throwing them on the passenger seat, only worried about turning his attention back to you. And once he did it, you couldn’t help but be once more fascinated by how easily he did the necessary contortionism to get you rid of your panties.
“You really can’t just slide to the side, right?” you mocked, shaking your head with a smile, allowing your idle hands to move to his zipper.
“Do you eat candies with the wrapper?” Jack retorted with a smug smirk, making you laugh.
“Fine, you have a point.” You answered with your head slightly tilted, keeping focused on your task of freeing his cock from his pants, not hesitating before sliding him inside when you did it.
Letting out a heavy breath, you leaned your head back and started to move on top of him, grabbing his shoulders to keep the steadiest possible. Fascinated with the whole scene and yet not satisfied, Jack lifted your dress until he could have a good view of your pussy making his cock wet while you took every inch of him and clenched yourself involuntarily, giving Jack no choice but sank his hands on your flesh and moan alongside with you.
Of course, you knew that, even with the loud noises of the festival, was convenient to be the quietest possible, but staying silent with Jack buried inside you wasn’t exactly a humanly possible reaction, especially when he also wasn’t worried about his noises, only turning you on even more with his warm velvety voice coming out as groans and whimpers.
When Jack shifted his hips to settle better on the seat, you had to sink your face into the curve of his neck to try to suppress a scream originating from his cock hitting a precise spot inside with the angle changing. Led by his teasing nature and his fascination for times like that when your rationality was gone, Jack couldn’t help but start to move his hips along with yours, making you squirm and clench tighter than before around him.
Being affected by the effects of his teasing, Jack was fully aware that, even with his good self-control, he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back for much longer while having you on top of him, wining and uncontrollably moaning against his neck, so his only choice was to move his fingers to your clit and rub it with an unfair precision.
With trembling legs, you moved a few times more, until you hit your release, losing your strength at all and collapsing on his lap, whimpering and sinking your nails into his shoulders while you felt Jack thrusting inside you a few more times before filling you up.
It took you a good moment to recover your capacity to think clearly, then you straightened your posture, and calmly rested your back on the steering wheel carefully to not press the horn. Still, with your breath out of pace, you grabbed the cup back for the cup holder, taking a generous sip of the beer, sighing with the refreshing feeling of the cold drink moving down your throat. You chuckled when Jack lazily held out his hand for you to pass the cup to him. After taking an even more generous sip than you, Jack let out an audible sigh and looked at you, seeming tired.
“Sugar, you need to warn me before decide to end the night like that.” You frowned with a smile at his remark.
“Who told you that the night is finished?” Jack raised one eyebrow and waited for you to continue “Judging by the song, there’s at least 30 minutes of show left, and there’s no chance I’m not going back to listen to “When I was your man”, so you better recompose yourself, old ass.” You explained calmly and leaned forward to kiss him.
Cowboytober Masterlist
A/N: Since I've saw a edit of Jack with "that's what I like" this song became the perfect soundtrack for him on my mind hahaha.
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chickensaladquinn · 10 months
Chicken Salad Quinn pt 9 - Day with Mommy
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Other Parts: Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Pt. 8
an: I've been in a been of a slump coming out with the next few parts, so here's a random little spinoff about Quinn hanging out with mommy. We'll be getting back to the Y/n storyline shortly <3
It was finally the off season, and Quinn could not be more excited to be spending his time back at the Hughes' lake house. His days were full of golfing, going out on the boat, hanging out with all of his hockey friends, but most importantly, he got to eat fresh chicken salad directly from mommy every single day.
Mommy always rolled her eyes at her sons love for chicken salad, but both she and Quinn knew that it was all a ruse. She secretly cherished her mommas boy always coming to her for her famous chicken salad. As a mom with three boys who were all grown up, it was rare to feel needed. But Quinn always came around to make mommy feel better.
One night, Quinn couldn't sleep, so he made his way down to the kitchen to grab a little late night snack (chicken salad, of course). As he tip-toed into the kitchen, he was shocked to see that it was already occupied. Mommy was still up.
"Hey there Quinny, coming to get some chicken salad?" she inquired. Quinn nodded blushing lightly. Mommy gave him a smile and handed him a bowl of the white, mayonnaise filled, oniony goodness.
"You know, I was thinking," she started, "maybe I could teach you my recipe. That way if a shipment ever goes bad again like last season, you'll be able to make it yourself. Then you won't have to settle for chicken salad chick."
Quinn's eyes widened. "You mean, your world famous, secret family recipe? That you've never shared with anyone? EVER?!?" Quinn was shocked that she would even bring it up. He was a little nervous, too. Would he ever be able to make it like mommy?
"You have to swear on Luke and Jack that you'll never share this recipe with anyone, no matter what," mommy said, eyes narrowed. Quinn nodded eagerly, not bothering that to tell mommy that he would swear his brothers away for a chicken nugget. He knew he would take this recipe to his grave, no matter who or what he swore on.
"Come on, dear. Let's first gather our ingredients."
And so Quinn and mommy spent the late hours of the night working away in the kitchen, mommy guiding Quinn through every step carefully. Quinn listened intently, hoping to soak up as much mommy knowledge as he could.
When they were finished, they beheld their giant bowl of chicken salad. The way it glistened in the fluorescent lights of the lake house kitchen nearly brought a tear to Quinn's eye. It truly was beautiful.
Just as Quinn reigned his tear in, he heard a sniffle coming from beside him. He looked over and what he saw nearly broke his heart into pieces.
Mommy has tears streaming down her face. She tried to dab them away with a napkin but they were falling too fast for her to catch them.
Quinn pulled her into his signature Huggy Bear embrace and asked her what was wrong.
"Now that you can do it yourself, there's no need for me anymore. My boys don't need me." Mommy broke down into sobs. Quinn guided her to the table and sat her down. He sat right across from her and took both of her hands into his.
He looked down and started to cry as well. These small, delicate hands had held him and his brother for years. They had brought them up and made them into the man that he was, that all the Hughes boys were. These hands that had played the game themselves, that had taught him much of what he knows, were now trembling with the sobs of the one person that Quinn knew would always be cheering him on.
"Mommy, listen to me." Quinn said, his voice thick with emotion, "There's no one that gives hugs like you. There's no one who puts on rash cream like you. There's no one that makes chicken salad better than you. I may have learned all these things from you, but they can't have the mommy touch when I do them. I'll always need you."
Mommy took a deep breath and smiled at her boy. They hugged for a long time, then packed up their chicken salad. Quinn walked mommy to her room and patted her on the back, reminding her that she would always be his one and only mommy, no matter what happened.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 11 months
I saw the cutest little tik tok of this dad and his daughter when I find it again I'm definitely sending you the link I think it'll make a cute little concept
originally requested by @harlowsbby
If you find it, please send it in! I thought of this one when you sent in this request 🥹
You and Brooklyn were walking through the parking lot back to the car after spending a couple of hours in the mall. At only five years old, Brooklyn already knew how to spend Jack’s money, and you were proud you finally had a shopping partner who wouldn’t complain like your husband did.
“B, do you wanna go to Chick Fil A for lunch?” You turned around to find Brooklyn stopped in her tracks, tears brimming in her long lashes. You rushed to her, thinking she was hurt.
“What’s wrong, baby? Did you fall?” You checked her knees and elbows for any scrapes, thankfully she wasn’t injured. She started crying uncontrollably, snot running down her face.
“Mama, I forgot to get daddy a pwesent!” You chuckled, giving her a kiss on the forehead. “You want to get something for daddy?” you asked, brushing her curls out of her face. She nodded, wiping her nose with her hand. “Baby, he doesn’t need a gift. When he comes home tomorrow, he’s just going to be excited to see you.”
That did nothing to calm her. “But, he always gets me something when he comes home! I want to get him something too.” She pushed her bottom lip out in a pout.
You huffed as you stood up, holding out your hand to Brooklyn. “Ok, let’s go get daddy something!” Brooklyn cheered, swinging her shopping bag as you walked back into the mall.
“Daddy, I got you a pwesent!” Brooklyn ran over to Jack who was lounging on the couch. He had just gotten home after traveling for two weeks and was exhausted. He pulled her into his lap and gave her a tired smile. “You got me something? Thank you baby!”
She handed him a white shopping bag, a brand new Barbie inside. Jack laughed, holding up the present that was definitely more for Brooklyn than for Jack.
“I love it, baby. Thank you very much.” He gave her a kiss before putting the doll down on the coffee table. Brooklyn stood there, swinging her skirt as she eyed the Barbie doll. Jack noticed she was about to burst at the thought of not getting to play with the doll, so he handed her the box. “Why don’t you play with it first, and then later on we can play together?”
She gave him a big smile as she ran back to her playroom.
“She played me today.” You uttered, sitting down next to Jack. “She begged me to buy you a gift, but ended up choosing something she wanted.”
“We are raising a mastermind.” Jack laughed.
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