#he also showed me other memes he saved to his phone but he specifically sent me this one to post
plushieanimals · 1 year
dad and I went to ikea yesterday and i pointed out the BLÅHAJ shark plushies and told him they were a plush cultural icon. and no joke he said it was like the meme he saved to his phone and sent me this “for my blog”
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
saw ur request is finally open dlsksksks i hope modern au is your jam 🤞🏻
I would love to get your thought on buggy, shanks, and minawk reacting to reader accidentally sending them a nude pic 🤧
Oh I love you RN ❤️
Okay so did I go overboard? Absolutely Do I care? HELL NO!
You Accidently Send them a Nude Pic!
Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk
You are gonna need some Ice cubes 🧊 after this one ;D
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"For fucks sake" You grumbled as you looked through google- You needed a specific pose for this commission, it was an expensive NSFW one and yet you could not find the right pose and for some reason couldn't figure it from memory-
"Fuck it time to go old school-" You grumbled, Peeling off your clothes and walking to the bedroom were your mirror was, Setting up you snapped a few pictures in the pose needed.
Looking at the few shots you couldn't help but pat yourself on the back. You looked good and got the pose perfectly- Dressing back you went back to your computer.
You kept your phone gallery opened to look at the photo, embarrassed you had to go to such lengths to do so- But money was money.
As you continued your sketch you saw a message ding and smiled- It was non other then Buggy, your close friend and truthfully your partner in crime.
Buggy Boo 🤡: U busy?
Me: Yeah I'm trying to find some references, but what's up?
Buggy Boo 🤡: NVM wanted to hang out
You smiled at this.
Me: You can still but at a price 😌
Buggy Boo 🤡: Price? 💰
Giggling you open up your text gallery. You scroll through the photos to find the McDonald's meme youd saved earlier and quickly sent it-
Me: Gotta Bring Me The Mickey D's 😩 💦
However you saw two images loading to be sent with the text. Raising a brow as you waited for it to load- However when it sent and showed you the second image you threw your device across the room.. there just below the McDonald's Meme was your nude reference photo.. You tried to panic unsend but saw he read it instantly.
Expecting a call or a WTF text of some sort but .
Silence- You didn't see him text back or anything. Fear eating you up inside as you thought the worse.. He's going to fucking hate you now- you two had just been really really good friends for years and maybe had a few drunken nights together however nothing like this!
In your panic you didn't realize how much time had passed before a knock snapped you from your thoughts.
You heard frantic knocks in your front door, surprised by the urgency of them and walked over- Opening the door your face flushed with what you saw. There was Buggy, with a shirt barely and clearly backwards, his hair down in thick waves looking wet and barely holding up his pants like he had gotten into clothes on the way to you however the 4 massive bag of McDonald's in his hand clued you in he had stopped at the restaurant right before.
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"Buggy?-" You say shyly and face cherry red at seeing him in such a disheveled state- that and his boxers didn't exactly hiding him very well.
"I came over as fast as I could- I also got everything on the menu-" He said breathlessly holding up the bag and you glance to see his car parked sideways in your driveway, words seemed to leave you as you could practically see the desire in his gaze as he grinned widely.
He stepped forward and gently pushed you back into the house closing your door behind him as he quickly closed the space between you two, handing you the bag whicj you could barely hold onto.
"Gotta say, that was a welcomed surprised from you. I loved it~" He purred out, You squeaking in surprise at his words as his hands found their way to your hips.
"I have some modeling I'd like to see you do~ For art purposes of course" He said with a wink.
"Y-You actually liked those?" You manage out- Buggy laughed at this.
"Of course! It was sexy, flashy, surprising all at once. Not gonna lie if it wasn't for me needing to get the McDonald's I'd have came straight here and fucked you into the floor" He growled out in desire. You decided to not tell him you were joking about the McDonald's thing.
"In that case-" You sent the bag to the side and smiled as you felt him practically waiting for you to give the OK.
"Food can wait~"
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So bored- You thought as you laid on the couch of your boyfriends apartment. Shanks, The famed biker gang leader in your state. It was famous for his skills, the brutality of his gang and the unfortunate missing arm from a accident to save a child.
However for you he was just the love of your life- and also the one who had left 3 hours ago to do some sort of meet up with his gang which always ment leaving you behind-
Deciding to text him you open your phone to snapchat seeing he was still at the bar and sent a message.
Me: Red I'm Bored 😴
Red Head: I know Babe but I'll be home soon.
Me: It's been 3 hours 🙃
Red Head: Almost done here. I'll Bring you flowers if you're good.
You rolled your eyes- Flowers if your Good hm? You stewed for a moment before jumping up and marching to the bathroom. Maybe it was boredom or sexual frustration but you figured some teasing was in order- Deciding to take off your bottoms you poses in the mirror and snapped a quick picture. Smiling as you loaded it to send
Me: Good like this? {Image}
Prepared to hit send you stopped yourself and sgiggled... This was so stupid. Why would you do this? Rational thought clearing your heated mind and you tossed the phone on the couch to stop yourself.
"Just watch TV Jesus-" You said to yourself and plopped down. Turing in the TV but heard your phone rapidly ding, raising a brow you picked it back up and your face fell- It had sent dear God it had sent. It seemed when you tossed it the screen pressed sent by accdient.
Red Head: I'll be damned-
Red Head: Holy Shit did you just take this now?
Red Head: Baby?
Red Head: I'll be over in 10 minutes..
You saw Shanks text and you felt your face grow hot. This was not how you wanted it to happen but you weren't mad either-
In 8 minutes you heard a knock on the door and you quickly rushed over to open it. Assuming his hand was full-
He smiled at you, Holding the flowers in hand which had somehow survived his speedy ride to you.
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"As promised flowers" He said with a grin and you stepped back so he could enter fully and took the flowers that were handed to you.
"Thank you" You say shyly but can't meet his gaze.
"You just love giving me a heart attack hm Love?" He purred out grabbing your chin gently to look up at him.
"I had to put away my phone so quickly cause I was at the bar with the gang" He said with a chuckle as you held the flowers close to your chest.
He leaned forward releasing your chin and began to kiss your check- His body pressing into you and you felt dizzy and warm.
"I-It was an accident" You Squeak out as Shanks layered kisses down your neck- His hand pulling you by your waist as he pulled you closer, your hand setting the flowers to whatever was closest to you as you felt warmth flutter through your body.
"Really?~ Didn't seem like one to me. As yoj said you were bored~" He said softly, you hadn't realized it but he had worked you two backwards till you felt the couch hit the back of your legs and you fell with a surprised yelp. Shanks smiling at this as he pulled away his leather jacket.
"Well let's make sure I don't leave you bored again~" He winked and lowered himself right after you.
Seems you were about to have the ride of your life~
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You kicked off your heels with a sigh as you finally made it back to your home. Flopping on the couch with a groan- be a lawyer they said, You'll make a lot of money they said- BULLSHIT!
You were overworked, under paid and under laid- it was brutal honestly but you did like your work to some degree and you got to meet interesting people.
You hear a ding from your phone and sigh, already prepared for some client to email- But instead you were met with a text Ling saying your photos were ready.
Photos?... OH The Nude Boudoir Photos of yourself! Jumping up you quickly press the downloadable link and open it up quickly.
It had been a gift for yourself, when your confidence had been down and wanted something to make you feel beautiful and sexy. Opening up the downloaded folder you smiled, it was a bit weird to admire pictures of yourself but the photographer had done such a great job!
However you were cut off when another email rolled in- Sighing heavily as you saw it was non other then you poss and CEO of the firm Mihawk Dracule. The man was a sticklier about everything and he was just lucky he was hot or else you would have slammed a folder in his face by now-
Mihawk D: (Y/N) I need the file for Eros vs Tuller Case. Seems file did not send correctly.
You sigh, that wasn't hard and you'd already downloaded it on your phone. Attaching the document from you phone quickly you sent it-
So lucky!-
There it had been the last thing you...downloaded- wait... it hadn't been the last thing you downloaded.
Dread filled your chest as you slowly opened up your phone once again and clicked the downloaded tap- Seeing two downloaded files, slowly opening the file you sent Mihawk only to see your naked body...
You stared at your phone and screamed- Bloody. Murder
'NO NO NO NO-!!' You panicked as you literally through your phone across the livingroom.
"I'm so so fired I just sent my boss my naked photos!" You sobbed as you fell to the floor, your face as red as a tomato and you damn near cried. You hear another ding and crawl to your cracked device and took a look.
Mihawk D: Come to my office tommorow morning early. We have things to discuss.
You were dead- So very very dead... You cried that night and shot out your resume to several firms and waited for the next morning.
On cue you arrived to the firm brighf and early, having to psych yourself up before going in. You walked in to the building and up to the executive office- you half expected to see a box and a pink slip waiting for you- your head low as you stepped into your bosses office.
"Sir?.." You say softly, looking up you saw Mihawk sitting there looking through some papers- Your eyes focusing on what he was so interested in and you damn near had a heart attack. Seeing professional prints of your boudoir images on his desk and he was looking through them calmly, He glanced up at you finally seeing your wide eyes and flushed face he pointed you over to him calmly.
Slowly stepping forward you stood next to him behind the desk- Seeing the expensive professional prints of your intimate photos sprawled out.
"A-Am I fired?.." You finally asked, Your voice no better then a shaky whisper.
"No. I quite like these infact- I've had many people in my company who have tried to flirt, I was even curious when youd act.. But ive never seen one as bold as this" He said clearly amused, the humiliation burned in your chest- especially since he knew you had a crush on him.. but now you were curious why he didn't want to fire you.
He flicked back to one of the photos, one were you had worn something akin to a playbunny outfit made of lace. He tapped the imagine a bit playfully.
"I must say, This is by far my favorite out of the lot... I'd like to make a proposal to you" He said, craning his head to meet your eyes as a smirk played on his lips.
You felt your brain turn to mush.. first that he liked them and second that Mihawk Dracule was smiling- Had you died?!
"A date if you will, But I'd like to explore your skills in your modeling afterwards. Back at my home. If you're more comfortable with a written contract that is fine with me, but verbal is just as good" He stated calmly, Heat flushing your form at his words and you skittishly nodded.
"What would be the terms of this contract?" You ask shyly, Now more interested then you thought it would be. Mihawk reaching into his caot and pulled out a satin case, opening it to reveal a beautiful necklace, it was very classy looking and could truthfully be worn with anything- but you realized it was a infinity choker with a key lock in the back.
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Warmth hitting your body once again asnyou realized what this represented.. A collar.
"Dates, a more personal relationship and some.. let's say recreations of these works?" He said calmly still holding his favorite one.
You thought for a moment, before running your fingers over the necklace and nodding softly.
"I agree to those terms" You say a bit playfully, Earning a smile from Mihawk. He stood up calmly and picked up the necklace, moving behind you as he carefully clasped it and locked it into place.
"Wonderful" He practically purred out and admired you for a moment. Head flooding your body once more at his golden gaze.
"I will pick you up tonight then, 8 sound good?" He asked, you agreeing and he patted your behind playfully.
"Good. Now Run along now Bunny, I still need the file for the Eros vs Tuller Case" He said amused, You nodding quickly.
"Yes Mr. Dracule" You say softly and as you stepped out a blush on your cheeks and a smile on your lips.
That went better then expected~
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Hi, I've never really watched much SPN but I saw you say in a post to look through your J*red tag, (I could've sworn people loved him but I took a long tumblr break) and I'm confused about the Destiel thing. I thought when the Destiel episode aired, that people said Jensen looked like he was holding back a slur in that episode. But also excited for it? Which is it?
let me preface this by saying that i'm not mad at YOU at all, but i really am fucking annoyed that people took one screencap with no further context and made it a meme that a whole person was homophobic because of what they interpreted as his facial expression.
first of all, here's a gifset of that part of the scene so you can see what's said and how they look while saying it. here's a gif of the specific bit that the screencap was taken from:
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i can't speak for anyone else, but i'm pretty good at reading facial expressions, and i've been watching jensen/dean for years now. i can tell you that this facial expression, being shown in response to "i love you" is dean saying please don't, not like this.
because cas isn't JUST saying "i love you", he's saying it to trigger his own death, in order to save dean's life. by the time cas says it, dean knows that, he knows this is goodbye. and he can't fucking bear for what's between them to be said out loud like this, for the first, the only time, not as cas leaving him again, not as cas sacrificing himself for dean.
this is nothing remotely like "i want to say a slur", it's not pain because he doesn't feel the same; it's pain because this is basically dean's worst nightmare. cas has just told him everything he always wanted to hear, and he's saying it as a goodbye.
BUT, what's more important than my personal interpretation of these facial expressions is that in jensen's first panel after this episode, he said - as tactfully as possible - that a lot of dean's reaction in this scene had been cut.
(he also was very animated when talking about the episode and this scene in particular. he said that he had a crew member record the scene on jensen's personal phone because it was so important to him. he and misha sent fan reaction videos to each other that night. he was excited while talking to fans and asking what they thought, all smiles and delight with how much we liked it.)
you can see that, right after the previous gifs, dean looks over his shoulder at where the empty is coming for cas, and his eyes are absolutely filled with tears.
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as soon as the camera angles switch back, the tears are gone.
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so we know there were takes where jensen was acting his ASS off, he was full-on crying, and they just cut it all for the blandest reaction possible. because the thing is that while they filmed this episode, 15x18, just before quarantine, they finished filming the last two around six months later. however, 15x18 didn't AIR until after those six months.
long story short, it appears that they were going to make destiel canon, but that long break caused the cw execs to get nervous and hit the panic button to cut out as much gay as possible (most likely to keep the gay cooties off of padalecki to repackage him for his new show walker). i cannot emphasize enough how everything about the season (which was genuinely good) leading up to this moment absolutely screamed 'canon endgame destiel', and then something happened, and nothing about the final episode (which was horrible) or what anyone says about it makes any sense.
we know that misha was in vancouver at time of filming the finale, yet castiel never reappeared. we know that at least ten scenes were cut from the finale script, and the aired episode was suspiciously short with a lot of filler. we know that the explanations people have given for why things changed don't hold water, and we've gotten different stories from different people, some of whom are obviously under NDAs.
okay, so the reason i explained all of that is because fans more knowledgeable in filmmaking than i have analyzed this 15x18 confession scene and determined that it's not just that they used the most boring takes, but they actually butchered it. i.e. they used footage of jensen from different parts of the scene and shoehorned it into this moment so that it was as not-gay as possible.
my friend @winchestersingerautorepair has done a bunch of meta on this topic if you happen to be interested on the above mentioned analysis of the editing.
tl;dr: they butchered jensen's acting to make the scene as straight as possible.
and despite that, they couldn't edit out the fact that dean spent hours sobbing on the floor after cas was taken.
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hetawrite · 4 years
Hello how are you to day? Good, good. If you can could you do some hetalia headcanons for the main 8 (not including America or including him if you want to) as well as Prussia, Romano, Spain, and Canada that have a American S/O that uses a lot of Meme slang (like Yeet or Salty or Shook or Mood you get the picture) and the countries are just like 'WTF are they saying?!' and because of it they have to try and explain it, Key word TRY. Sorry if this is to long, thanks for read this have a good day.
My day is good, thanks. I think I quite enjoy writing headcanons like this. And no problem for a long ask. Just means you have something more specific in mind!
"I am shooketh"
Pardon? You were drinking some hot chocolate, reading on your phone. He'd ask if you were alright. His mind would assume you’re scared, or got shivers from a ghost walking through you.
“Did you just have an Encounter?”
This man is high-strung so don’t laugh otherwise he’ll be offended and get rude. What an absolute brat. 
It’s meme slang, you tell him. “Love, I deal with enough slang on a regular basis. We don’t need any more.”
This guy is vaguely aware as he is exposed to America quite often and he himself is a London aware of changing tides, but he’s then he deems it ‘Improper’ and implores you not to use it too often.
“He is being salty.”
He doesn’t know how to take this. That man on the TV is being irritating, but he can’t comprehend what you mean. 
This man is helpless with technology. If you show him the word meme, he will say “mee-mees”. He is uncultured in the ways of the internet.
You explain, and he just nods, but he doesn’t understand. He comprehend, but doesn’t understand. Barely ever.
This man basically embodies ‘old dogs can’t learn new tricks’.
“You’re such a simp.”
“Only for you.” Awww, Canada, baby. 
Of course he knows. This boy is young in comparison to every other personification and he goes on the internet. 
He isn’t one for speaking in slang normally, only when someones being extra cringe or dissing someone. Boy is cultured but sassy.
He also has a folder of memes. Mostly saved from America, but now he knows you’ll understand them and won’t cringe at him, you will now get them when you’re apart. He wants to make you smile and if memes are the way to get deeper into your heart then so be it. America is literally supplying him with the hottest memes out there for free.
“Cash me outside, how ‘bout that?”
He recognises it. It doesn’t click in his brain, but he remembers America shouting it at some point. Just like you’re doing because he inconvenienced you. Please don’t fight him.
You can show it to him, but he isn’t all that interested. Internet culture doesn’t interest him. He doesn’t follow trends and only got Facebook because America insisted on making him an account. The dude only has a laptop for work and his phone has basically no app. His highest used is Tetris.
He’ll recognise things you say, but will mostly just give you a judging stare. Or maybe chuckle if you make a fool of yourself.
Calm down, you’re being way too energetic about throwing that into the bin. 
He deals with all of his siblings at home, and then America at Big Work Meetings. He does not want to have it from you.
This man needs chillness in his life, consistency. He hates hecticness. So you throwing shit and shouting will get on his nerves before he tells you to pack it in. 
Yeah, he’s too grouchy for this stuff.
“Is this a bird?”
“That’s a butterfly...” He doesn’t get it. He has watched a few animes, that’s what happens when you’re friends with Japan. And America. And Prussia. And also Romano because it’s his guilty pleasure so he may catch on to what you’re saying.
He’ll also understand other memes you say, but he doesn’t find them themselves funny. He just actually enjoys watching your expressions to it and your enthusiasm. 
He works off other peoples happiness, so seeing that grin of yours whilst you imitate gives him the butterflies in his stomach. 
He will try though to pepper some in if you are a user of memes in your language. He wants to pick them up to make you smile. He’s such a cutie-pie UwU.
“Ah yes, stonks.”
No, these are the finances, honey. They’re not-oh... now he’s slightly disappointed as he looks at you from over his glasses.
Prussia is energetic about his memes, and Germany will often be ‘gifted’ with them. Sometimes, he’ll read through them but often he’ll scroll through them all. His brother spams. Heavily.
You may get lucky sometimes if it’s an animal meme to make him smile, or exhale sharply through his nose, but Germany doesn’t often find them funny. 
Like Italy, he’ll smile if your positively thrilled with it.
“That is a juicy boy.”
Oh, thank you, s/o. He’s happy you’re enjoying the meal he made you.
He knows memes. This man watches anime. He has every social media account on all platforms. He will smile, he will partake in some fine dining that is the dank meme section of the internet. 
They’re mostly the anime version of a meme. He doesn’t really enjoy edgy humour, and while a Danny DeVito meme about magnum dong is mildly humorous, it just isn’t his sip of tea.
He’ll say memes out-loud in the same room as you sometimes, in that deadpan voice of his, which always makes it ten times funnier. Even his commentary of anime that you’re watching a rerun of will have memes in it. And if you say you’re watching an anime and got to this specific episode, you bet he’ll pull up his neatly made folders on his phone for that anime and send it. He appreciates that you like that type of humour.
“That is a sweaty boi.”
Dat boi? Dat boi! Prussia is a people pleaser at heart and a goofball so of course he knows memes. This man has a large following on the internet, he makes a living off people enjoying his content!
As soon as you spill the proverbial bag of you liking memes, he will spam. His line of thinking is often, “Hahaha, this is hilarious. S/o may also find this funny. I will send it to them!” And if there’s one meme on that website with him scrolling hours at a time, you will get sent at least like 30 in an hour.
He will try his darnedest to make you laugh, so you will get a specific meme made about anyone you know too just to see you in tears over it.
“I have an army.” He sends you a picture of England. “We have a Germany.” Yeah, it’s that MCU meme of Loki and RDJ... Sometimes he’s not that funny, but A+ for effort!
“One does not simply--”
Yeah, he knows what you;re going to say and rolls his eyes. If it’s anything too cringe, he will laugh at you and take the piss. But he will not hesitate to make an edgy or self deprecating meme.
Romano is ‘do as I say, not as I do’ type of person, and also never call him out for his hypocrisy. He will get snooty with you.
But he does enjoy them even though it doesn’t seem like it. He enjoys seeing you happy about them so as long as you’re shameless and don’t take his elbow digging to heart it’s all fine. 
Don’t call him out for laughing at whatever meme you say or send, as he will get defensive and annoyed with you. Imagine edgy teenager ‘I’m not like everyone else!’.
“Pepe the frog.”
He partakes in a bit of memeing. He enjoys it. He’s got you.
But boy does he like the incomprehensible ones. Where the pictures highly saturated and has a couple of nonsense words put across it not lined up. He is cracking up at it.
Normal ones are fine too, but it’s either Facebook mum ones or weird incomprehensible. No in between. He doesn’t get that deep on the internet to understand the ones with context.
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openheart12 · 4 years
Hi, yes, hello beautiful! Can you write a fic where MC accidentally sends Ethan her entire fanfic folder by mistake 😂🤣
How To Get Away With Fanfiction
I’m reliving my embarrassment 😭 but it is done and idk wtf happened with this lmao. This is also to make up for earlier kmjhygfd
Only tagging @ao719 @oofchoices @loveellamae @burnsoslow because no one else should have to read this unless they click on the read more and if they do... god bless. And thank you to Maroe for helping me come up with some of these ideas!
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It had been a long day at work when Dr. Gertrude-Sue Claws made her way home to do the one thing that relaxed her; writing fanfiction.
She had thought of the perfect idea for Spirit and Rainbow Dash and her fingers flew across the keyboard.
There was something about the multi colors in his mane and tail that drew him to her. He lived by the phrase, “hump ‘em and dump ‘em,” which he planned on doing with Rainbow Dash, but not without consent because horse jail wasn’t fun. He had heard the horror stories from his human friends, Kurns and Bryce.
“Rainbow Dash,” he neighed.
“Spirit…” She neighed back in response, she knew all about his...extracurricular activities. He was the biggest fuck horse out of the herd. Ever since Rain had died from drowning, god bless, he hadn’t been the same. It was also why he paid more attention to Rainbow Dash because she had Rain in the first part of her name.
“Let’s do this,” he smirked with his horse mouth.
“Fine…” She turned her back to him as he reared on his hind legs and mounted her, letting out a series of neighs.
She laughed silently to herself before moving on her Owen Hunt fic and she knew how much she was going to enjoy this one especially.
Owen was walking through the halls when he saw five women stalking towards him like cats, one even had whiskers drawn on her face. “Anitah with the h, get him!” He heard one of them command and watched as she came up to him, kicking him in no man's land. He felt them drag him into an empty exam room.
“MAROE! You got the chainsaw?”
“Nah bruh, Bears and Rams were in charge of that,” she explained.
Anything but Krista, cocked her half shaved eyebrow at Burns and Ella. “Y’all got the chainsaw?”
“No, but I have the cream for the burn I’m about to inflict,” Burns snickered to herself at her own joke, the others joining in before getting back to business.
“Burns, Ella, go scope out the cafeteria for some good food because I can’t kill in good faith on an empty stomach and as me and Ella say, we always get food first,” Anything but Krista said, turning her attention to the two people left, throwing them both a knife. Then proceeded to stab Owen numerous times, but making sure not to hit any major organs yet.
“We need a blender,” Anitah with the h announced.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Anything but Krista and MAROE said at the same time, looking at each other and bursting into laughter at the jinx.
“If that was making a human smoothie, then yes. We’ll show him that no one messes with Derek Christopher Shepherd,” Anitah with the h said smugly, pulling a blender out from behind her back and plugging it into the wall.
“You...you pulled that out of your jacket?” MAROE asked in a surprising tone.
“Y’all don’t keep blenders in yours?” Anitah with the h asked as if that wasn’t common, but it was good to know that she was always prepared.
Suddenly, the walkie talkie came to life, “Team Bears/Rams to Team CA, what y’all want from here? Over and out.”
“Team CA to Team Bears/Rams, we want CookOut. Over and out.” Anything but Krista responded. “It’s about time y’all tried a little piece of heaven,” she looked at Anitah with the h and MAROE.
“That’s a negative ghost rider, the closest CookOut is on the other side of the country. Over and out.”
“Well you better get on your way because you two also need to try a little piece of heaven, we’ll save the good stuff for when you get back. Over and out.” The trio resumed their slice and dice game, taking a short break to play Choices because the latest chapter of The Nanny Affair had just been released and even Owen wasn’t going to keep them away from Sam Dalton.
A couple hours later, Burns and Ella arrived with the food, handing out their respective trays to their respective orderers, they were able to keep the milkshakes from melting by their cold hearts.
“Ahhh gimme my milkshake,” Anything but Krista snatched it from Burns’ hand, earning a slap on her hand from her adoptive mother and a threat of taking away her pony...again.
“Yooo this shake hits different,” Ella exclaimed.
“You could even say that it slaps,” MAROE added making her squeak.
“It’s the one good thing North Carolina has to offer for me,” Anything but Krista chimed in, fist bumping Anitah with the h because the struggle was real. The cows really did outnumber the people, they just hoped that there wouldn’t be a cow revolution because that would be awful except the yeehaw folk would probably survive since they did have a song called “A Country Boy Can Survive.” 
“Burns, we left you the honor of picking the perfect weather for us to dispose of the body which is more like liquid at this point. We need rain, thunder, and lightning to erase all of the evidence. Watching “Forensic Files” has finally come in handy. And Ella, we need you to pretend to be a nurse or something to help us get out of here. I’ll be honest, I haven’t thought that far ahead…” Anything but Krista admitted, but they expected that from her so they already had a plan in place.
“If anyone happens to see Derek Shepherd, I ask that you tell me,” MAROE added.
“Not if I find him first,” Anything but Krista said.
“He’s like fifty four years old…” Burns said being ever the good adoptive mother.
“Then I call Spencer Reid!” Anything but Krista exclaimed.
“I have Lucifer then,” MAROE challenged knowing that would get under her skin. 
“Children, calm yourselves.” Burns shook her head.
“Hey, I’ll be eighteen in like a number amount of months,” Anything but Krista said.
“I’ll be eighteen before you,” MAROE said, sticking out her tongue.
“I’Ll Be EiGhTeEn BeFoRe YoU,” she repeated, placing her hands on her hips and doing that Spongebob meme. After thinking of a better comeback, she grabbed her knife she used on Owen earlier and plunged it into MAROE’s back.
“Et tu, Brute?” MAROE said with shock in her voice before her body crumpled on the ground.
“Yes, bye bitch.”
The other three just stared as the blood drained from her body before turning their attention to Anything but Krista. They were the epitome of 👁👄👁.
“What? She wanted to “due” anyway. And at her funeral we can play “To Be So Lonely” because well she will be lol.”
“Anywaysss, we gonna get food or what?” Ella asked as she covered Owen’s body with a sheet.
“Wings?” Burns suggested and they all agreed. After arriving at the restaurant, they were very shocked to see MAROE sitting at a table waiting for them.
“It’s the trying to kill me for me,” she said upon taking their seats, glaring at Anything But Krista specifically.
“It’s the stealing my fictional husbands for me,” she retaliated.
“It’s the acting like children for me,” Burns' authoritative voice came.
“Sorry,” they both murmured as they looked over the menus to order their food. The rest of their lunch going smoothly, their victims already forgotten about. Don’t mess with hangry chicks who hate Owent Cunt.
“So who’s next?” Anitah with the h asked.
“Ahh you’ve gotten the first taste of blood and now you’re addicted,” Burns observed. She would make for a good profiler for the FBI at Quantico. She would have a cool nickname; Cunt Punter.
“Why not just kill everyone we hate?” Ella questioned.
“That’s a great idea! I say we kill Guy and Vanessa,” Anything but Krista suggested.
“And Landrat!” MAROE added, the whole group agreeing, finishing their lunch before getting to their killing spree.
Gertrude-Sue was laughing at her made up characters and story when she received an email from Ethonk Remy to send him a folder that she had. Goggle Drive was acting stupid so she didn’t realize that she had shared her fanfiction folder with her boss before it was too late. She saw a little giraffe pop up in the right hand corner telling her that he was already viewing what was inside the folder.
“Holy donkey claws,” she cried out loud, smacking her hands against her face.
Meanwhile, Ethonk was going through her folder when he came across a document and his eyes went wide. “What are they doing with the dog?” He said to himself.
Wonder pets, wonder pets
We're on our way
To help a friend and save the day
We're not too big
And we're not too tough
But when we work together, we've got the right stuff
Gooo wonder pets yaaaaay!
The phone
The phone is ringing
The phone
We'll be right there
The phone
The phone is ringing
There's an animal in trouble
There's an animal in trouble
There's an animal in trouble somewhere
“What the hell are Wonder Pets?” He continued inspecting the different documents ranging from murder of one Owen Cunt, horses having sexual intercourse, Wonder Pets stuff, four kids and a dog where they did questionable things with each other, a sponge and a starfish were high on marijuana, a game where Gertrude-Sue had made him and her a family that looked way too realistic for his liking, two bunnies who kept hopping around with one of their little brothers, and multiple documents about Matthew Gray Gubler, Tom Holland, Tom Ellis, Patrick Dempsey, and Harry Styles which were all quite disturbing.
He took out his phone to call her. “Hey uh, Gert, what is this?”
“Oh well you see, the funny thing is that I accidentally sent you the wrong folder so if you could just pretend like this never happened, that would be fantastic. Okay thanks bye. I’m sending you the right one this time.” And she hung up, ready to throw herself off a cliff at her stupidity.
One thing was for sure, she would never make this mistake again.
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solalunar-eclipse · 4 years
Scars You Can’t See - Chapter 5
Chapter title: Ready to explode
Word count: about 3800 words (whoa)
Author’s Note: I think it’s about time I gave a shoutout to @teamxdark! Their comments have gotten me to start planning out some of the later chapters (and giving me a lot of inspiration), so I figured they deserved some credit!
And thank you to everyone who’s read this fic so far- every note I get is incredible and I hope you’re all enjoying the ride :)
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Sonic stared blankly at his phone screen for the fifth time this morning. The old texts and the name at the top of the messaging app blurred slightly as his eyes unfocused. He was waiting for...something. What, he wasn’t sure.
That was a lie.
Truthfully, he was hoping that the three little dots showing that someone was typing would appear like a miracle. He knew that wouldn’t happen, though. The hedgehog on the other end of the messages had turned off his phone entirely. Heck, Shadow was literally in hiding. There had been exactly one post on Chatter (which he and Tails totally hadn’t read over and over searching for hidden messages) and that was from Omega.
But chaos, how Sonic wished for just five minutes to talk to him. He hadn’t even realized before now how much he normally texted the hybrid in a day. The hero honestly just messaged whenever he saw something or found a funny joke that he thought Shadow would like. In dealing with his new absence, though, Sonic had come up with an idea to write down whatever it was he’d seen that he figured Shadow would enjoy and save it for later.
He was forced to stop this when he wrote nearly two thousand words’ worth of moments in half an hour.
Sonic cursed all the times he’d taken Shadow’s near-constant presence for granted. The hybrid had always been a punctual texter, despite Rouge’s repeated attempts to convince him that he didn’t have to answer right away. Even when the other hedgehog had been off on a mission, Sonic still had an idea of how long he needed to wait before he could start texting. But now, it could be days, weeks, or even months before he could talk to Shadow freely again.
What if you’ll never hear from him again? a nasty inner voice whispered. What if that call was the last time you got to hear his voice?
Sonic felt his stomach fall through the floor at that idea, before swallowing the sensation and shaking his head. He couldn’t doubt Team Dark like that! They were guaranteed to pull through, and kick G.U.N.’s butt in the process.
Speaking of which…
The hero was pretty angry at G.U.N., and that was actually a big deal for him. Sonic didn’t get angry, except sometimes at Eggman. Even when a bitter detractor had posted a lengthy essay on Chatter explaining exactly why Sonic was (supposedly) a terrible person, he hadn’t reacted in fury- or even close. He’d had his friends’ support, and honestly? He’d pitied the person more than anything. Anyone who was trying to tear others down had probably been hurt pretty badly themselves.
Sonic had even made a meme out of their misspelling of his name- “Sanic” was now a worldwide joke with a hilarious drawing to match.
But now, all he really wanted to do was beat someone up- some robots, some evil agents, whatever- and trash the whole organization until they were all falling over themselves to apologize. The fact that G.U.N. had dared to treat Shadow’s obviously painful past with no kindness whatsoever really got on his nerves. The hybrid had suffered a hundred times over, lost his memory, and even died to save the world, yet he still didn’t get the respect he deserved.
“Uhhh, Sonic? Is everything okay?”
The blue blur jumped, startled out of his spiraling thoughts. He heard a growling noise, and his eyes widened when he realized it was coming from him. Sonic could feel his lips curled back into a snarl and quickly straightened his face out, blinking and clearing his throat. “Yeah! Sorry, Tails…” he said, embarrassed at having been caught in that kind of state. The fox eyed him skeptically. “Really, I’m fine!”
“Are you su-”
“Yeah!” Sonic exclaimed, grinning reassuringly. No point in upsetting others with his own problems, after all. “Everything’s good here, buddy!”
“If you say so…” Tails muttered. He didn’t seem convinced, but accepted it despite this. “Anyway, what I came over to say was: we’re out of groceries- can you head out and get some? I made a list of everything we need, it’s right here!”
Ordinarily, Sonic would’ve complained loudly and with much drama about having to do something so menial as a grocery run when he was a hero, for chaos’ sake. But that wasn’t the case these days. “Sure thing!” Sonic agreed, feeling better already. With a distraction to keep his worries and negative thoughts away, he’d be back to normal in no time. “See ya soon!”
The blue blur dashed out the door- before returning a second later, a sheepish grin on his face. “Forgot the list,” he explained, rushing out again.
With the wind in his quills, it was almost too easy to forget everything that he’d been thinking about just moments before. Sonic grinned properly as he raced across fields and through side streets. This was his element, after all!  He made his way to his and Tails’ favorite grocery store, bounding over obstacles and pulling a few awesome parkour tricks he’d picked up over the years. Shadow had always gotten on their case for not supporting a more local store- this one was a big name, after all- but Sonic had--
He shook his head, walking into the building. No more thoughts like that! There was only so much ruminating on bittersweet memories a guy could do in a day.
His presence here was relatively common, so he didn’t do much more than turn a few heads as he stepped through the automatic doors into the air-conditioned halls of the large grocery store. Sonic forced himself to walk through the aisles (instead of sprinting through them and accidentally whipping half the items off the shelves in his wake). As he did so, though, he began to hear people talking. And they weren’t just talking about the latest viral video, or boring politics, or any of those things, either.
They were talking about them.
Of course, everyone would always change the subject when he walked by, chatting loudly about their dog or their kids or whatever. It was almost as though they were saying, “Don’t look at me! I didn’t say anything about your friends! I’m just here, minding my own business!” But of course none of them really had been.
He recognized that he was spiraling down the path of thinking about it again, even though there was nothing he could do. And now no matter what, the thoughts of some of his closest friends were tainted. Which totally didn’t frustrate him at all. 
It didn’t help, he thought irritably (not noticing the mild scowl that had appeared on his face), that G.U.N. was basically screaming in all the op-eds and information releases the organization could get their hands on that they weren’t in the wrong. They didn’t say that specifically, of course- that would be too obvious. Instead, they just published the same old news over and over again: Team Dark had stolen classified files and then run away. 
This had all begun to grate on Sonic’s nerves a little, particularly when pundits and newspaper writers alike began to spout wild conspiracy theories about Team Dark having been spies for ‘the enemy’- whoever that was- or that one of them had finally lost it...or even all three at once. The most frustrating, however, was when once avid supporters of the former G.U.N. agents completely disavowed them and distanced themselves from the team as much as possible. It made him want to pull a Knuckles and punch a wall- how could people turn on the team so easily?
The hero pulled himself back to reality to realize that he’d been staring at a can of soup for the past few minutes. And were those dents where his fingers had been? He put the can in his shopping cart, took a deep breath, and continued on, giving himself a little ride on the back of the cart as a treat. Normally, he’d remember his various accidents and restrain himself, but lately the hero had needed to clear his head. He deserved this.
A few minutes later, a chime on his phone let him know that Tails had sent him a message. Sonic opened it up and read the text: 
milesperhour: Sonic, I think you need to see this. Take a close look at paragraph 5. https://www.centralcitynews.com/team-dark-update
Sonic clicked the link, sighing, and began to scan the article. Another one? Really, he’d had enough of-
Oh boy. Oh wow. Okay.
They’d made a move. G.U.N. didn’t release much in the way of information- all they’d done was declare an official alert asking people to keep a lookout for Rouge, Shadow and Omega. And to tip G.U.N. off at a hotline that they’d provided for this purpose.
Sonic had learned how to read between the lines over the last few days, though, and on his second read-through, he saw what most would not. 
...are in possession of multiple classified files…
So they’d stolen more info? That must’ve been what Omega’s post was about! Sonic began to squeeze his phone hopefully. Maybe this was it, maybe soon this whole nightmare would be over!
He practically flew through the rest of the store at the thought. Team Dark would give G.U.N. what for, the organization would apologize, and then everything would be fine!
Sonic checked out in a hurry, rushing home as fast as he could. Slamming open the door, he yelled out, “Tails! Did you see- oh right, you sent me the article. But still! Things are looking up, buddy!”
Tails had a slightly lopsided grin on his face, making the hero’s heart sink. “What’s that look all about?”
“I don’t know- it’s probably nothing! After all, Team Dark can handle any situation they come up against...just, G.U.N. has a lot of resources, you know?”
Sonic’s smile returned in full force. “Sure they do, but they also owe me for saving the world, like, a million times over! Once we’ve got the Edge Gang back with us, I’ll go talk with the commander and get them to straighten everything out!”
“That sounds like corruption, Sonic…” Tails said, a wicked smirk appearing on his face.
“Dude, what?! No! I’d never-! I just meant I was gonna see if I could talk some sense into them- hey, get back here!” Sonic screeched, seeing Tails run off with the groceries...including the donut he’d bought for himself.
Later that afternoon, Sonic was in the middle of finally enjoying said donut after wrestling it from Tails’s (evil terrible Sonic-and-sugar-hating) claws. It was a little squished, but it was still great- he wasn’t complaining!
That was, of course, when he heard a loud, sharp knock on the door.
He jumped up and zipped over to the entry hall, pastry still in hand. Whipping open the door, a shocking sight greeted him- one that made all of his battle-honed senses immediately scream danger danger danger. Two impeccably dressed G.U.N. agents stood before him, a human and a barn owl. The human seemed pretty awkward, wearing slightly rumpled slacks and overall looking a little messy. The owl, however, despite being about the same height as the blue blur, exuded an air of steely discipline that would make everyone she faced feel about two inches tall.
Everyone except Sonic, that was. He was secure in the knowledge that his friends were not wrong, and he maintained his usual relaxed demeanor without a hitch. The hero smiled fake-pleasantly at the two agents, ignoring the fact that he had sugar glaze at the corners of his mouth and all over his glove. “Sorry, guys, I wasn't really expecting guests.” He gestured to himself as an obvious example. “Anything I can do for ya?”
He didn’t offer to let them inside, though. These agents were hunting down his friends, he was absolutely sure of that. Sonic refused to help them in any way, not when Team Dark was still out there and being threatened by their organization.
The barn owl gave him a look that nearly pierced through his very soul. “Sonic the Hedgehog. I am Agent Toya, and this is my colleague, Agent Jones. We have a few questions that we would like to ask you. Inside.” Her voice was cold and clear, with no trace of an accent.
Sonic felt a chill run down his spine, but kept his smile up regardless. “Sure thing!” he chirped, despite very much not wanting to let them in. “The living room’s right this way- make yourselves comfortable, I’ll be back there in a sec.” He honestly didn’t think he could have refused them entry without...complications.
The hero zipped over to Tails’s workshop, flinging open the door with a little more force than he’d intended. The fox jumped up in a fright when it smacked against the wall, staring at Sonic. “G.U.N. is here. Two agents.” he said quickly. The imminent sense of danger in the back of his head wouldn't leave him be, despite the fact that he was one of the most powerful people alive.
...Despite this, don’t let G.U.N. take you or anyone else anywhere. You might not come back…
...These people aren’t crazy geniuses- they’re ruthless destroyers…
“Oh, chaos.” Tails breathed. “I’ll wait nearby, okay? Then I can do something if they start getting too intense.”
Sonic nodded, before speeding back down to see the agents sitting on his couch. “Hi! So whatcha guys want?” he asked perkily, burying his thoughts for now.
“Hello to you too, Sonic.” Jones said politely. “How are you?”
The hero tugged slightly at the cuff of his glove. “Pretty good!” he lied through his grin. “Been chilling around the house for most of the day- how ‘bout you?”
“Not bad,” the human answered. “Work is work though, you know?”
“Yeah, sounds pretty rough.” Sonic said, a little unconvincingly. Before he could stop himself, he thought of all the late nights Shadow and Omega had spent working on paperwork and various odd jobs for G.U.N., and the times when Rouge had to cancel her dates with Knuckles because she was just too exhausted from work to do much of anything. His smile became slightly strained as he worked to keep his frustration on Team Dark’s behalf under wraps.
The owl gazed at him silently for a moment, having watched this whole awkward transaction with a calculating look in her eye. Then she spoke. “I’m certain you have seen the news lately.”
“Uhhh...kinda, I’m not big on newspapers, but I try to keep up, yeah! Always nice to see an article about yours truly, hah.” He played it off, deciding to act dumb for now.
Agent Jones shifted in his seat, looking cautious. “Yeah…” he said, offering up an incredibly fake smile. “I’m a bit of a fan, myself.”
Sonic knew exactly what was going on. It was almost so classic he had to laugh- the old good cop/bad cop scenario. The human was clearly trying to play the good cop, and not enjoying it either. The hedgehog had to wonder, though, was he just a better bad cop or uncomfortable because he was helping grill a hero?
Oh, right- Agent Toya was talking again. “We know that you have seen the articles published about the betrayal of Team Dark. Even if you do not read the news, one of your friends will have told you by now.”
The hedgehog’s eyes narrowed a little. “And what’s that supposed to mean? What do you want outta me?”
“You. Know. Something.” she said sharply. “That team- in particular Shadow the Hedgehog-” He tensed at her flippant use of his name, as if they weren’t hunting him down like he had legitimately gone bad. “-trust you. You are very close with them. They would not have left you with nothing.”
Sonic shook his head, trying one last time. “I don’t think so, lady. I know about as much as you- if that. It’s not like we’re besties or anything.”
Agent Jones shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know- it looks like you guys are pretty close to me. Not that that’s bad, I mean-!!” he amended rapidly, realizing his mistake. In addition to having blown his role as the ‘good cop’, he was now being stared down by a very irritated pair of green eyes. The look he was being given contrasted sharply with the grin plastered across the hero’s face, and the agent began to sweat slightly and avoid his stare.
Meanwhile, Sonic turned his attention back to Agent Toya, sitting up straight and squaring his shoulders in preparation for more. He was a fighter, after all.
It seemed that the barn owl came here ready for a fight as well, because her own eyes flashed and she straightened her G.U.N. uniform. “Sonic. We need information. Our organization has been compromised. Twice. We are in a crisis and we are ordering you to tell us what you know.”
That did it.
“As if!” the hero exclaimed, jumping to his feet. “You think I’m the kind of guy who’d sell his friends out and watch them get carted off to jail- or worse?! I don’t know as much as you think I do, and if I did, I wouldn’t tell you!” He had probably blown any semblance of ignorance up now, but Sonic couldn’t find it in himself to care.
The owl agent stood as well, glaring at him. “If that is the attitude you are going to take, then we have no choice but to take you into custody.” She began to reach for the Taser on her belt at the same time as Jones grabbed the gun from his holster. Sonic’s eyes flickered between them both- the human he could take on, but he wasn’t completely sure about Toya’s skill with the Taser.
Could he get around them? Sure, but not without breaking something...and he hated to bust up his house just because a couple of agents showed up on his doorstep and pulled weapons on him. He’d handled worse odds, hadn’t he? But then he and Tails would constantly be on the run, and that was no way for a nine-year-old to live…
A loud crash resounded in the kitchen. Jones shouted and jumped up, Sonic’s head snapped around so fast he tweaked his neck, and Toya took a step backwards.
Rubbing his neck and wincing, Sonic yelled out, “Everything okay in there?”
Tails dashed into the room out of nowhere, crying out, “Sorry! Sorry! I was just working and wanted a drink- and I heard- I heard-” 
The fox then began to cry, sobbing and clinging to Sonic’s chest. “You’re not gonna take him away, are you? I need my big brother…” he sniffled. “Sonic, everything’s gonna be okay, right?”
The hero was trying his very hardest, meanwhile, to keep his jaw from hitting the floor as he watched his brother, a brave, intelligent sidekick and someone he was proud to fight beside, put on the most incredible show he’d ever seen. “I…I dunno, buddy…” he said honestly, uncertain about how to react. 
This seemed to be a pretty good move, as Tails immediately began to bawl harder and gasped, in between sobs, “Please don’t take him away from me!”
It appeared that Toya would not feel comfortable using force against Sonic (or even resuming her interrogation) when the young fox was around. Instead, she gave him a very pointed, piercing look, before declaring, “We will be back at a later date to continue this conversation.”
She stalked out the door, Jones shoving his gun back onto his belt and following sulkily behind her. As soon as she had gotten into her car and driven off, the hero sagged into the couch and let out a loud sigh. “Welp.”
Tails flew out of the room immediately afterwards, whispering a quick “Wait there and chill for a second I’ll be right back” before he exited. Once he returned, the fox crawled around on the couch next to Sonic before letting out an “Aha!” and holding up what appeared to be a tiny piece of metal.
“It’s a shame to have to do this, but…” he muttered, before vanishing with it. A couple minutes later, a very loud noise boomed from Tails’s workshop and made Sonic panic before blasting in there at top speed. 
“What was that?!” he shrieked. 
“Just destroying this camera that human agent left in our couch.” the engineer replied lightly.
“Wait- what??” Sonic gasped. “He did what?”
“I thought they’d be crazy to leave without planting one, so I checked the camera feed, and it was pretty obvious! He must be a new recruit.”
“Wait- you have a camera? In our living room?” the hero asked, feeling slightly creeped out.
Tails shrugged. “Well, I didn’t until recently, but I figured that G.U.N. would have to show up at our place eventually, so yeah.”
They both stayed there in silence for a minute, before making their way back down to the main house. 
“Well, what do we do now?” Tails wondered. 
“I dunno- you’re the smart guy, pal.” Sonic replied quickly. “I just don’t want to have to escape from them! I like running, but not away from people. Especially bad people.”
“Well...does it count as running if we’re hanging out with Knuckles?” the fox suggested hopefully.
Sonic sighed. “I guess not...it’d be cool with him, too, since Angel Island is a pretty safe place and all. I still hate the idea of hiding from them, though.”
“Maybe you won’t have to!” Tails said, trying to be cheerful. “After all, I don’t think people will buy it if G.U.N. says you’re a...traitor…” He trailed off, remembering a particularly eventful moment from their past.
“Yyyeah.” the hedgehog said dryly, having thought of the same thing. “That’s exactly why I didn’t have to ride through the streets of Central City on a piece of helicopter.”
“Let’s not think about that for now though, okay?” Sonic asked. “ I don’t like the idea of being scared all the time.”
Tails nodded in agreement. “Besides, we’ve handled them before! We can cross that bridge when we come to it anyway.”
Sonic grinned. “How about we watch some TV for now, take our minds off things?”
“Sure! But I’m definitely gonna tell Omega- or whoever calls us next- about this. They deserve to know.” the fox answered.
“Okay…” the blue blur said. He felt a little guilty that he could just turn on a movie and forget about G.U.N. for a while- Team Dark didn’t have that luxury. Quickly, though, he added, “Anything on there you’ve been dying to watch?”
Tails smiled happily, and Sonic decided that this was totally worth it. “Well, there is this one documentary…”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
WHO was the last person...
you spoke to, in person? It was my mom. She went down around 20 minutes ago to make a couple of sandwiches for herself and dad. The quarantine has made our body clocks completely bonkers and it’ll be typical to see either parent go downstairs at 12 or 1 in the morning to make a meal.
you called? I rang up Gab fiveish minutes ago so we can do a video call on Messenger.
that called you? My mom called me from downstairs the other day to reprimand me about something I said on Facebook cause she said it might offend some of my relatives lol.
you texted? I haven’t texted in a hot fuckin’ minute. I’ve only been at home in the last month, so there’s been little need to spend on load for my phone when I can communicate with classmates and family from online anyway.
that sent you a text? My dad. He texted me that breakfast was ready so that he didn’t need to go into my bedroom, which I’m highkey thankful for. My mom would just burst into the room, pull up my window shade so the sunlight can come in, and yell in a loud voice so I wake up. It’s never improved my mood in all the times she’s done it so I dunno why she continues doing it.
you kissed? Gab, but that was a month ago ugh.
that kissed you? Also her.
you yelled at? My mom. She was yelling at me, so I yelled at her as well because two can play at that game now.
that yelled at you? ^
you watched a movie with? I watched Two for the Road by myself last night but as for companions, the last one I had was Gabie when we watched Titanic a few months ago.
you ate dinner with? My family. We eat dinner together every night, at least whenever my dad is back home in the country.
you were in a photo with? Also family. I haven’t been in a photo with anyone other than them in a while...
you took a photo of? That would be my dog. I don’t take photos of people these days, mostly because I’m unable to.
you went to a concert with? I went to my Paramore gig by myself since I couldn’t find anyone who had front row seats like me, but on the day of the concert itself, Denise, Erycka, and Leigh (who were all also going to the show but got cheaper seats) asked to hitch a ride with me. Gabie was also present but that’s only because she was excited for me and wanted to be around for that experience of mine.
you lied to? Probably a schoolmate that I had told I was busy even though I wasn’t and I just didn’t want to work that time.
you invited somewhere? I think Blanch? I told her we should go to Ayala Museum once we can go out again so she can see the prehistoric gold exhibit that they have.
you dated? Just my current girlfriend.
you dumped? I haven’t dumped anyone.
you rejected? Uh... technically Mike. There weren’t any words said, no closure or whatever, but I think we both knew and understood that he liked me but I let him find out for himself that I had already gotten back with my ex. Back then I was still horrible at the confrontation thing and didn’t know how to break it to him.
you held hands with? Gab, over a month ago.
you hugged? Same answer.
you let cry on your shoulder? Egh, I’m only mentally capable of doing this for Gabie. I can let people rant to me but it’s personally not good for my own mental health if I had people crying to me all the time.
that let you cry on their shoulder? Technically it was my dog. But the last person was either Angela or Gab, I don’t really remember.
you bought a gift for? I don’t remember aaaahhhhh. It was probably a Valentine’s gift though.
you wished a happy birthday? Luisa.
that disappointed you? Some distant relative who had recently added me on Facebook then, only for me to see her pro-government posts. I never unfriended someone so quickly.
that stayed over at your place? Ralph, my sister’s now ex-boyfriend. Never liked the guy and am so glad they broke up, I never did like seeing him around in our house hah. that let you crash at their place? Gabie, but only to have dinner and work. that made you angry? My mom told me personal insults over a chore I did wrong a few days ago and it made me really angry. that complimented you? Andrew and I exchanged compliments when we needed pick-me-ups sometime last week. whom you complimented? ^ you thanked? My dad, when I saw him baking chocolate chip cookies a while ago after I had nagged him all week to make some. that thanked you? Mom. She asked me to fetch her something. you saw, in person? Right now I can see my sister on the couch. I think she’s watching an anime or playing some game on her laptop. that bought you something? Now hasn’t really been the time to ask for non-essential stuff, but my dad did buy me my requested soju a few weeks ago. that made you laugh? My sister I think? My family watched an online mass livestream earlier and my mom wanted to try out an American Catholic church after my grand-aunt (who lives in the States) recommended that specific parish. ANYWAY so of course their accent was very different to what we’re used to, and my sister’s fazed reaction to how they said one of the words made me laugh. that you said you loved? Gab. that said they loved you? My mom. you flipped off? Haven’t done this to anyone in a whiiiiileeeeee. you made a silly face at? It would always be just my dog but person-wise I don’t even remember anymore. that drove you somewhere? Dad drove me and my mom to the local columbarium last month.
WHAT was the last thing you...
touched? Other than the keyboard and trackpad, I used a spoon to eat some of the raw cookie dough my dad had prepared heh.
threw? Second day I’m trying to finish this survey lol. I just took the last piece of painkillers to treat my headache, so I threw the packaging like 30 seconds ago.
ate? Shrimp pasta that my mom made for dinner.
drank? Coffee.
found stuck in your teeth? Idk, bits of food that I don’t really keep track of.
cooked? :( Never cooked a full meal ever but the last thing I *helped* my dad with was breading the meat he was gonna use to make pork chop haha.
baked? Chocolate chip cookies two years ago. I remember it distinctly because I never bake.
bought? Man I haven’t bought anything in forever. I’m thinking about it and it’s probably something I bought for lunch at school? The only thing I buy is food anyway so I’m pretty sure I’m at least on the right track.
sold? I'm not much of an entrepreneur. 
took a photo of? My dog with a cold compress on top of his head. The weather is starting to be unforgiving so I’ve been allotting my own compress for Kimi so that he doesn’t feel overheated.
were frustrated with? My mom telling us we had to watch a mass livestream this morning -_____- I thought she was only gonna make us ‘attend’ the Lenten masses i.e. Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, but it’s past Lent and she’s still making us do it. I’m guessing it’s gonna be routine every Sunday now, ugh.
broke? I don’t tinker much for the very reason that I tend to break everything I touch. That being said, I haven’t broken anything in a while.
spilled? I have a fear of spilling stuff because my mom has always reacted negatively to that. Yay for trauma!
tripped on? A piece of bone that my dog had left on the floor. It felt like stepping on a goddamn Lego.
kicked? My blanket when I started feeling too warm inside my room.
put batteries in? I haven’t used batteries in ages.
turned on? I opened my laptop to continue this survey.
turned off? My Nintendo Switch, when I didn’t feel like playing anymore.
wrote? A survey, if anything. I haven’t had to write anything ever since they suspended online classes.
wrote on? I think it was my sister’s notebook.
cleaned? Myself? I just took a bath if that counts.
WHERE was the last place you...
dined at? I’m pretty sure it was Yabu. Gab and I went out for dinner on the last Monday before the lockdown, didn’t see each other all week, then by Saturday when we saw each other again we just had dinner at her place. So it’s gotta be Yabu.
ordered something to go? A local sushi place and a local pizza place, a week ago. My dad was too lazy to cook that evening so we got takeout instead.
bought something? The local milk tea place that we have in school and Rodic’s. I got myself milk tea, and I got my dad my favorite meal from Rodic’s, tapsilog.
cried? My room, I think.
felt uncomfortable? Just the house cause I haven’t been anywhere in a month.
drove to? My girlfriend’s school and then her house.
had an appointment at? Eye doctor at SM Marikina.
went on vacation? Tagaytay and then we moved to Cavite the day after so that we got to maximize the time that we had to have a staycation.
hung out with a friend? The 30th. Ughhhhh I miss the mall.
bought clothes? Feliz, at an independent clothing stall at one of the top floors.
spent more than you had planned? Feliz then I even had the audacity to move to The 30th to spend more lmaooooo AND THAT WAS A MONDAY. I was so bad at saving money skksks.
saw a band/singer/musician perform? One of the local arenas in Manila so I can watch Paramore.
WHEN was the last time you...
told someone 'I love you'? A little over an hour ago I think.
cried? I don’t remember.
laughed? A few hours ago, maybe? I always laugh when I come across a dumb meme on Facebook.
left your home? March 10th. Really not a good time to be asking that question lol.
drank a soda/pop? Sometime in February when my org had an event and the only drink being served was Coke. I was extremely hungry/thirsty that evening so I had no problem chugging soda down, even though it was so unpleasant.
made your bed? This morning.
visited a doctor? March 9th.
went to the emergency room? I’ve never had to go to the emergency room except for the time I was being delivered.
kissed someone? The last weekend before the lockdown. Man, I had no idea how lame/sad my answers were going to be lmaooo I really should have thought that through before starting a “when was the last time you” survey.
hugged someone? Also a month ago. I’m not a hugger in the family but I do hug my friends a lot.
prayed? Sometime when I was 9 or 10 years old.
worked out? Last semester when my PE was actually focused on working out instead of a sport.
made a phone call? This afternoon. My mom got me load for my phone (after a month of not having any!!!) just because, so I surprised Gab by calling her.
answered a phone? Last night.
had an argument? A few days ago.
played a video game? A little over an hour ago. I was playing Mario Kart 8.
played a card game? It wasn’t necessarily a card game but last January at Rita’s place, she took out a deck, asked us to pick certain cards, and then told us about our relationships and the issues that lurk beneath it based on the cards that were left hahahaha. Of course I think the strategy itself is bullshit but Rita speaks well and is a psych student, so we still ended up having a good conversation after hearing the verdict for mine.
played a board game? Ages ago. I can’t even tell you how long it’s been.
rode a bike? Around a month ago. I told myself I was gonna learn how to ride a bike during the quarantine, but it’s been so hot outside these days that it’s so easy to run out of enthusiasm for it.
fell on your butt? I don’t remember.
took a shower? In the last hour.
took a bubble bath? A year ago, maybe longer.
watched TV? I asked dad to watch El Camino with me on my his and my mom’s TV when it came out, so that would be last October.
saw a movie at a theater? December. It was for Knives Out.
ate fast food? 3-4 weeks ago if I’m not mistaken.
ordered a pizza? A couple of weeks ago. We tried Angel’s Pizza for a change and it turned out to be loads better than Pizza Hut which tends to be our usual.
made someone laugh? I probably made a few people laugh off of the few memes I shared today, so there’s that.
sang? Like a half hour ago. Hayley from Paramore shared a clip of the band performing Hard Times to celebrate the song turning 3 and it turns out the gig was from their show in Manila, so I hurriedly clicked on the video and sang along.
played a musical instrument? It’s been many months since I last used the keyboard.
read a book? A month-ish ago.
drove a car? My dad asked me to move my car to a different spot sometime last week, which felt so surreal as I hadn’t driven in a few weeks. It felt so weird driving again and I had to drive in a crawl to get accustomed to being in the driver’s seat again.
went swimming? August 2019, at a beach in Nasugbu.
got a sunburn? Haven’t gotten a sunburn since I was little.
went to church or temple? First week of March.
went shopping? I don’t really remember but it was one of the last few weekends before the lockdown.
drank alcohol? Two weeks ago.
smoked a cigarette? Sometime in March, the same night when my friends and I went to BGC to party. When everyone else went home, Gab and I stayed for a bit, strolled around The Palace, and had a smoke while watching everyone else around us get crazy wasted.
threw up? Sometime last year. I haven’t drunk too much recently.
had a headache? Tonight.
had a cold? Maybe last year or a couple of years ago. I don’t get colds a lot.
had the flu? Probably not since I was little. I’ve gotten fevers in the last few years but that was all there was to it. I’ve never been sick and had cough and colds at the same time, at least not for a very long time.
had your hair cut? A week before the lockdown -____- Barely anyone got to see my bangs and I’ll always be disappointed about that hahaha.
dyed your hair? Never.
laughed so hard that you cried? I remember watching a hilarious clip on Facebook of this lady who had a contagious fucking laugh, I think it was a week ago or a little over that.
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iminyourhandskara · 5 years
A Second Schott At Love - Final Chapter.
Kara almost jumped outside the elevator, clearly impatient to hear all about Eve’s version of the date night: obviously, she was a bit scared that she misread everything and that she wasn’t happy with how it went, but she wanted to be faithful in her match making abilities. “Oh, Eve isn’t here yet.” Kara whispered to herself, looking around the office. James’ staff reunion was about to begin, when the sound of Eve’s heels clicking on the floor echoed in Kara’s super-ears; she waved at her enthusiastically, perhaps a bit too much, but they couldn’t even get close because all the employees were now walking towards the boss’ office. “We’ll talk later.” Eve mouthed from a distance, and Kara replied with a thumb up.
 “Sooooo?”  Kara slid at Eve’s side. “How was it?” “It went really well.” She smiled, “I had a lot of fun.” “Aw, I knew it! Tell me everything.” “At the beginning, I was terrified because I don’t do small talk, but then I felt really comfortable and relaxed, we talked about our jobs, our lives in general, we both like blue, technology, books, Harry Potter specifically, and chicken nuggets.” Kara laughed, that was Winn in a nutshell. “But I have something to say, promise me you won’t get mad.” She suddenly felt alarmed, “Of course.” “The dinner was delicious and the restaurant was so nice and elegant, but..we were still hungry after eating there. So, we drove to Big Belly Burger right after.” “You had two dates in one night?!” Her voice went a little higher than the usual. “Shh, technically it was one big date, but I have to admit that the second part was even more fun, we ate a lot and I didn’t feel judged once. My cousin doesn’t even eat carbs in front of her dates, I have no idea of how she does that. Are..are you mad?” “No, it’s the complete opposite! I’m so happy for you two, especially after those previous dates, you deserve all the fun.” Eve smiled at her friend, “Thank you for arranging this.” “No problem, actually I apologize for not thinking about this before. So, are you gonna see each other again?” “Oh, yes, I forgot to mention we already exchanged numbers…and we texted a lot..and that might be the reason I was late today.” “Woaaah.” “I don’t even know how we managed to text until 5 AM. I haven’t felt this traumatized by my alarm clock since the college days.” “This definitely exceeded every expectation I had. Also, I should probably text Mike that if Winn isn’t replying to his calls, it’s because he’s still asleep. He should be up by lunchtime, though.” The two girls laughed again. “Like I said already, I’m extremely happy for you,” Kara said going in for a hug “but we should get to work, now.” “Right, do I look too disheveled?” “No, you’re perfect.” “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you one last thing..” “What is it?” “…I might’ve kissed him..” Her voice was lower than a whisper, Kara’s mouth was now agape. “Eve!!” “I could not help it, he was so sweet to me..” She was now as pink as her blouse. James called his assistant, she winked at Kara and then walked into the office.
 Mon-El was afraid that calling Winn so many times could’ve made his phone explode—it was his first smart phone  and he didn’t want to break it after just a few weeks, Kara would’ve definitely killed him. He was about to push the call button again, when he suddenly got a text from his girlfriend: “Winn is still asleep, he spent the entire night chatting with Eve ;), you’ll see him later at the DEO I think” “Oh, that explains it! So, does she like-like him?” “YESSS! We’ll talk about it later, are you going at the bar now?” “Yep, I’ll see you at the DEO as soon as I’m done L” “Ohhh..okay, I’ll see you later babe” “Later, babe!” Mon-El grinned at the screen, she called him babe again and he still couldn’t believe it.
 Mon-El and Kara arrived at the DEO and immediately noticed that Winn still wasn’t there. “That boy sleeps like a rock.” “I’m here! I’m here!! Mon-El, 75 calls? Seriously?” “Good morning, champion!” His friend joked, “About time. How long did you sleep?” “Less than you think.” Kara walked into their conversation, “Go straight to the point, how was the date?” Winn smiled gleefully, scratching the back of his head, “It was..awesome, honestly one of the best dates I’ve had, though the bar is pretty low. But I have to thank you, guys.” He chuckled. “Ah, don’t mention it..Eve told me you went to Big Belly Burger!” “Oh, yes, sorry about that.” “You don’t need to apologize, Winn, it’s great!” “What did you guys talk about all night? I can’t even hold real life conversations for that long.” Mon-El wondered. “Literally anything, it was like a third part to our date. It’s great that we share the same sense of humor, look, we sent each other memes.” Winn picked his phone from his pocket to show the two aliens the funny images: too bad Mon-El looked perplexed and highly confused, “You’ll get it one day, my friend.” Winn said with a pat on his back. “One day I’ll show you all the vines you need to know.” “Aren’t those in India? Or was it Africa? I can’t fly you there like Kara.” Winn covered his disappointed eyes with his palm, “Hey, is Eve a good kisser?” “Really good- She told you?!” “She’s good, from what I remem-“ Mon-El had just learned a new fact about his super girlfriend: apparently, she could throw flames with her gaze without heating up her eyes. “I shouldn’t have said that.” “Anyways..Kara?” Winn interrupted the awkward couple exchange. “Yes?” “Did you tell Alex yet?” “No, I didn—wait, you told him?” “Oops, yes. I forgot to mention it, we were so invested in this date that I completely removed that from my brain..I’m just gonna go to the bathroom before I mess up even more.” Kara bit her lower lip and then looked back at Winn, who despite his past crush for his best friend, was now looking at them with so much love and support, “Not that she needs more confirmations, because you know, Alex Danvers always knows everything, but you should tell her soon.” “Tell me what?” Silent as ever, she walked closer to the three friends. Kara and Mon-El became red as tomatoes, Winn just found the scene really funny, “Whatever it is, it can wait until later: there has been an attack near the fire station.” With a perfect timing, J’onn interrupted the big revelation. “Ahh, I think I’m gonna tell her tonight.” The girl of steel thought. “I guess I’m gonna have to hold my pee for a little longer.” The hero in the making sadly realized.
 Kara invited Alex to her place to eat some pizza and watch a movie, and of course, tell her the truth about her and Mon-El: now sitting on the couch, munching her slice, Kara interrupted the silence: “Hey Alex, I wanted to talk to you about something..” “Is everything okay?” “I know that the past weeks have been a wild rollercoaster, for both you and me, and we’ve talked about it on my Earth birthday, but then I told you things weren’t as easy as they seemed..” “Go straight to the point!” “I’m dating Mon-El!” “Oh, thank goodness. Finally!” She let out an exasperated sigh. “And I know about your bet with Winn, he owes you 30 dollars.” “So who else knows? Me, Winn, and?” “Eve. That’s it.” “Wasn’t she going out with Mon-El?” “Now she’s dating Winn.” “Okay, what? When did that happen?” “Well, we set them up this weekend.” “We?” “Me and Mon-El.” “Ahh, right. There’s already an ‘us’, I see.” Kara grinned, she was really happy she didn’t have to hide her relationship to the most important person in her life. “I’m so glad I finally told you.” “It didn’t take a lot to see the chemistry between you two, I’m glad you finally got together! You know I’ve been rooting for you.” “So am I obvious too?” She asked her big sister, referring to when she told her about his confession. “Eh..Sorry. But changing subject, how was it?” “How was what?” “The sex, Kara.” “Alex!!” She covered her face, red as the tomato sauce on the pizza and then she started giggling. “I’m taking that as a good sign.”
  6 months and 12 double dates later, the two couples were hanging out at Eve’s place for a game night: “Guys, can I please have your attention?” Winn called Mon-El and Kara “I wanted to tell you something, uhhh, it’s not really that much of a big deal to me because it doesn’t change much—“ “We’re moving in together!” Eve squealed excited, seeing that her boyfriend was now taking too long to reveal it to their friends. “Yes, we found a place that’s pretty close to the DEO and not too far from CatCo, however this little genius right here might have a new job soon..” “You’re leaving CatCo??” Kara seemed to dread her future days at work without her favorite colleague, her eyes went wide. “I sent my curriculum to the DEO.” Now both Mon-El and Kara were shocked and pale, thinking about what it would mean for their superheroes identities. Winn started talking to save the situation: “If you guys didn’t already know, my girl has an impressive brain and a even more incredible resume, even J’onn was impressed. And I know what you’re thinking about—“ “Your secret is safe with me.” Eve took Kara’s hands in hers. “And yours too, Mon-El.” She looked back at who she used to call ‘Mike’.
“He told you.” Kara’s voice was still a bit shaken. “Oh, no, no. I figured it out about a month ago, I only told Winn last week and he just confirmed my suspicions.” “You really are full of surprises.” Mon-El spoke, getting over the initial stupor. “Can I ask how?” “A few months ago, I found myself in the same place as Supergirl and she had just saved something or someone, anyways..I was looking at her hair and I was like ‘Wow, to get those waves you either use a  curling iron everyday or you keep your hair braided all the time, like Kara.’ And then I just connected the dots.” “Jeez, I’m starting to believe Alex when she says that glasses aren’t that good of a disguise.” Kara shook her head. “Well, then, if the secret is safe, I really hope the DEO hires you: we would be really lucky to have your brilliant mind in our team.” “Thank you so much, Mon-El. I have my fingers crossed.” “Let’s have a toast, to Eve!” Kara passed the beer bottles to everyone, who echoed her toast. “Cheers!”
Mon-El leaned in to whisper something to Winn: “Hey, are you sure you’re not going a little too fast? Moving in so soon?” “Haven’t you been living with Kara since you started dating, literally?” “Hey! It’s different! I was living at the DEO and it’s not a really comfortable living situation.” “Whatever..I know you’re concerned, but trust me when I say this..She’s different, my life has been different since I met her and I love her, truly. So I have no doubt in my mind.” Mon-El smiled, knowing exactly what he was feeling, “I trust you. For the record, if I’m not your best man next year, I’ll be really offended.” Winn laughed heartily, “Of course, of course.”
 Little did Mon-El know that it was exactly what was going to happen in a year. There was no other choice for Winn and Eve than to have him and Kara next to them at the altar; after all, none of that would’ve happened if it wasn’t for their best friends who let them give a second shot at love.
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martakepite · 5 years
Music Talks Tonight
*Here’s a piece from a larger project I’m working on. Would really appreciate some feedback on this.*
Oasis have a song called “Talk Tonight”. It was the first song that Noel Gallagher sang by himself, letting people know that both Gallagher brothers have amazing voices. But that’s not the reason, why that song is so special. It was the song Noel wrote after the first huge fight with his brother.
The story goes, that after one of the band’s shows that went really badly, Noel had had enough of the industry, the band and his brother. They were touring in America at the time and he just went across the country to get away from it all. He ended up staying with a girl, whose name he didn’t even know and couldn’t remember later on, but they talked, listened to music, went to a park to clear his head, and eventually she talked him into going back to his band and keep the Oasis going. This time, he did, but he also wrote a song about those talks and it was “Talk Tonight”.
Julie thought it was a beautiful story. It made her sad and happy at the same time. She wanted to have someone who would talk to her at nights. Instead she only had her trustworthy Brain FM, and ever since Sam had appeared on it, she was looking for ways to shut it up.
Julie slept in her bed and listened to Noel singing about a girl, who “saved his life”. It probably was Julie’s favourite song on her “TUNES” playlist. She had read stories about this song, listened to interviews with Noel speaking about it, and, although it seemed like a true love story, she had one big problem with it: why didn’t he look for her later?
If you listen to any of his interviews, where he talks about this song, he claims that he still doesn’t know her name and that he was trying to look for her not long after he reunited with Oasis after their first “break-up”, but he couldn’t.
But you knew where she lived! Julie thought. Just go back there, knock on her door, ask her name, say thank you for everything she did and then marry that girl. For fuck’s sake, relationships shouldn’t be so complicated!
But then again, what did Julie know about relationships, and, more honestly, didn’t the song perfectly describe her own love life in the end?
Guys come in her life without even noticing her, most of them not knowing her name. She just always sort of admires them from a safe distance, and if she tries to get closer, they talk to her for a while and then leave, never coming back again. Only years later she hears that there’s a guy talking about her, saying how he once had this amazing conversation with this girl he can’t remember.
Noel finished his song and a voice, accompanied by cheers of a crowd, said: “Martha, it’s only love.” It was Brian Adams starting his song “It’s Only Love” in one of the live versions of the song, recorded at Bare Bones. Julie didn’t know who this Martha was that Brian talked about, but she imagined, that if her name would be Martha and she would listen to this song, she would most likely always respond with: “Fuck you, Brian!”
What did Brian Adams really know about love? How can you say “only love” as if it was something so simple and casual as brushing your teeth or making a morning coffee? If love really would be like coffee, it would be like the cup of coffee that tastes the best when someone else makes it, while thinking about how you will drink it and hoping that you would enjoy it. It’s fair to say, that every person can make coffee for themselves that they will definitely like. But it will always taste better, if that other person made it. And the reason for that is as simple and easy, as saying “only love”, because it’s made with nothing BUT love. But since Julie didn’t have anyone who makes her coffees for her, she just drank the black, bitter bean water and thought: “Fuck you, Brian, you have it easy!”
Her hand reached out for her phone and the game of “Shuffling until I find that one specific song” had started.
Pink Floyd’s “Comfortably Numb”? – Don’t think so! Supergrass’ “Alright”? – Not me. The Black Keys’ “Lonely Boy”? – Only a lonely girl here. The Verve’s “The Drugs Don’t Work”? – Love it, but too depressive. The Proclaimers’ “Let’s Get Married”? – To who? The Verve’s “Love Is Noise”? – To me it pretty much sounds like silence. KISS’ “I Was Made For Loving You”? – Too bad, nobody’s made for loving me back. Jet’s “Are You Gonna Be My Girl”? – I’m trying to, you’re not letting me! Ramones’ “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend”? – Said no one ever. The Smiths’ “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now”? – Does it? The Rolling Stones’ “This Place Is Empty”? – Said Mick Jagger walking into my heart. Ron Gallo’s “Young Lady, You’re Scaring Me”? – You and everyone else probably. The Clash’s “Straight To Hell”? – Is where I’ll be going after I die. Oasis’ “Stop Crying Your Heart Out”? – Don’t tell me what to do! Ozzy Osbourne’s “Crazy Train”? – Is the thing I’m riding. David Bowie’s “Be My Wife”? – I wish. The Rolling Stones’ “Fool To Cry”? – No need to call names. Counting Crows’ “Accidentally In Love”? – The story of my fucking life. Cheap Trick’s “I Want You To Want Me”? – The story of my life, vol. 2. The Cure’s “Friday I’m In Love”? – It’s Monday. The Beatles’ “Martha My Dear”? – If Martha can’t remember guys like you, she doesn’t deserve you. Moby’s “When It’s Cold I’d Like To Die”? – Not tonight, Moby, I’m not that depressed. Stereophonics’ “I Wanna Get Lost With You” – No… Actually, you know what? This can stay.
You were running around in my brain, Then you sent me a message, It said… I wanna get lost with you, It’s the only thing I wanna do, Get out of my mind with you, So come on over.
The acoustic version of this song is so beautiful, every time Julie heard it, she made a promise to herself to learn it on the guitar. She didn’t know how to play the guitar, but nine years of musical education should give her some leverage to learn it. She was also determined to learn Oasis’ “Wonderwall”, because she wanted to live up to the meme, that read: “There’s always that one wanker at a party: Anyway, here’s Wonderwall.”
Without giving it any thought, Julie started crying. She didn’t really understand why, but sometimes her tears just had their own way of being. Maybe it wasn’t just one thing that got to her. Maybe it was one of those times when a lot of things just had piled up and finally caused her to burst.
She was thinking of Sam, her mother, how Peter and Monika – her Czech friends – didn’t have time for her lately, how she felt like she wasn’t doing enough with her life, how her colleague had called her boring – he was just kidding around, but what he didn’t know was that he was actually right about it; and a part of her also cried, because Noel Gallagher never went back to the nameless girl, who made him go back to his brother and bandmates and keep going till Oasis became one of the most iconic rock bands in the music history. She cried because Noel Gallagher didn’t care or try hard enough to reunite with this girl, and somehow it felt, like, all her life she had only talked to bunch of Noel Gallaghers.
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I found a WIP post about 11x07 in the depths of my laptop, I’ll copy&paste it here so I won’t feel bad about deleting the file :p
Have a look if you want to be astral projected back into November 2015, I guess?
Man on TV: This is their second drive in overtime, with both teams having possessed the ball. The next score wins.
This is their second round at the Apocalypse, this time in the era after the Kripke one.
Both teams have had sexual relations with Dean Winchester.
The next person that will get Dean’s heart will win him. There will be Amara trying to get Dean, but the person that will “score” is Cas, clearly. Also see the double meaning of score *sly face*.
Man: Every play becomes…
What’s the endgame?
[ Sighs ]
We aren’t going to get the endgame any soon. (well, it’s called endgame for a reason.)
Man: 1st and 10 from the 32-yard line. 8:21 in O.T…
I don’t know how this game works lol so I don't know if there’s some specific meaning to this line. What I know is that 1 - 10 - 3 - 2: either 1x10 Asylum and 3x02 The Kids Are Alright, or 1x03 Dead In Water and 10x02 Reichenbach. In the first case, we’re talking about an episode where Dean and Sam aren’t “alright”, they are not in a good moment of their relationship, and well, literally an episode called “the kids aren't alright’, aka Dean and Sam have something wrong with them right now. In the second case, we have two episodes dealing with death, water (sea/ocean symbology?) and falling (or better, jumping yourself) and corruption of soul.
8x21 is The Great Escapist. Dean is escaping, he’s playing dead like a possum, he’s telling Sam to just ignore the visions and do nothing, he’s the one fear makes do nothing. But it’s over the time to do nothing, it’s too late, they’re in too deep. (“What do you wanna do? Sit back? Ignore him? Do nothing?” “No, that's — that's not what I'm saying.” aka yes, that’s what he’s saying…)
Stan! Can you take out the trash?
Winchester brothers! Can you take the toxic elements out of your relationship and your lives?
[ Sighs ]
He is running left. Ohh! He gets…
Dean is running to the devil’s side, aka the gay side! Ohh! He gets [angel cake *cough*]
Stinks to high heaven.
Speaking of angel cake, he’s not really an angel anymore, because he doesn’t belong to heaven. Heaven stinks.
[ Lowered voice ] It's your cooking that stinks.
No Castiel, it’s your Dean Winchester that is just a mud monkey.
[ Dish thuds ] What was that, honey?
What did you say about Dean? *goes in ‘flower meme’ mode*
Nothing, dear.
Ehm, nothing, nothing, Castiel. *sweats nervously*
2nd and…
Who’s on second? What is second?
The game's in O.T., can't it wait?
We’re already in season 11, but the endgame still isn't close. We’re getting at least a season 12 I guess.
...backs him into center, slowly defends...
Dean is backing to the center, he tries to defend himself, but the “defensive center” is the clear area at the center of the smoke.
[ Speaks indistinctly ] [ Sighs ] [ Grunting ] [ Crowd cheering ] [ Groans ] [ Men speaking indistinctly ] [ Door creaks ] [ Men continue speaking indistinctly ] [ Door creaks ] [ Rattling and clinking ] [ Lid bangs ] [ Dog barking in distance ] [ Rattling and clinking ] [ Door creaks open ]
Hey, hon, bring me another brewski.
Rude. Cas goes getting the brewskis himself.
[ Door closes ] [ Refrigerator door opens, bottles clink ] [ Refrigerator door closes ]
He's flushed out of the pocket.
I don’t know what this means lol. Is it something about getting sent out from the field or something? Is it Cas, that is now currently away from the bunker, or Dean, who’s “flushing” himself out of the battlefield?
Hey, thanks, babe.
Who brings you a brewski is you babe.
He's got a man open…
Cas has made Dean open up. It’s also a pun about stabbing the guy, I know, which is also a pun for ~stabbing a guy~… I mean, I guess “get a man open” has different meanings…)
[ Gasps ]
Throws… And it's caught by… [ Cheering, whistle blows ]
Dean throws himself to damnation, but he gets caught by Cas — every time.
[ Glass shatters ]
Uhh! Don't need possum traps, huh?
The possum is Dean, and apparently someone believes there’s no need to trap him, although the lady thinks so. The lady is Dean here I guess, the one that takes out the trash, albeit reluctantly, but who doesn’t trust himself and prefers to “do nothing”, keep himself in check, “trap” himself in a corner. Or the lady is Sam, trying to take out the trash, but who deep down doesn’t trust Dean, thinks he should be kept in check, or will think Dean should be kept in check after he finds out about his “bond” with Amara.
[ Lid bangs, glass clinks ] [ Screaming ] [ Squishing ] [ Groaning ] [ Screams ]
So, uh… on the off chance that you're actually listening, uh…  Uh, I gotta be real honest. The visions aren't making a whole lot of sense to me. Truth is… I don't know what's what. Please. [ Exhales sharply ] What are you trying to say? [ Exhales ]
I don’t know you, but I find this hilarious. “Send me a message please” *gets incomprehensible message* “What the fuck god”
Really? I mean, really?
I think Dean is scared of Sam contacting God. God is the John Winchester on a macroscopic level, and he makes Dean uneasy. When you need his help, he doesn’t show. You’re dying and you call him for help, he doesn’t show, and you have to save your life yourself. You’re upset and afraid and he doesn’t even drop a word, and you have to face your fears alone. Dean feels abandoned and betrayed by God just like he felt abandoned and betrayed by John, except John did show up now and then and upset Dean, while God never shows up and that allows Dean to talk badly of him, because he feels safe to do so. He didn’t feel safe criticizing John, of course, because John might have been absent when Dean would need his help, but he’d always be present when it came to mistreat Dean. And Dean is afraid that if God shows up, it’ll be the same — God will punish him, humiliate him, force him to be someone else than he really is and do something he doesn’t really want to do.
You ever hear of privacy?
Sam feels more and more suffocated by Dean’s presence. He feels like the bunker is too small for the two of them, so to speak. He’s always lived in a car or in motel rooms with no privacy at all, now he’s been dangled the piece of meat in front of his face, and now he’s gotten… fond of privacy. He’s been craving privacy for his whole life, and now that he can have it, he’s quite “possessive” of it.
Hey, you want privacy, close your door.
@domlerrys and I laughed at this because we’d just commented the same thing right before Dean said it himself.
It’s not a good thing for their relationship in the short term, but a good thing in the long term. Closing the door means isolating yourself from the other, which is not a good thing to do now that they’re neck deep in huge problems (both external and of communication between the two of them), but it’ll be a good thing eventually because they need to stop being “conjoined twins” and live their own autonomous lives.
Thought we talked about this.
Dean, you talked to Sam about this. Sam has no intention of believing you, and will continue believing the visions are coming from God… until it’ll be too late and he’ll pay the price of his ingenuity.
Yeah, we did, Dean. But why is it so hard to believe that God could be sending me visions about the darkness?
Because the visions are not about the Darkness in the slightest and you know it, dumbass. But at the end of the episode Sam admits it to Dean — the visions are about the Cage, not the Darkness.
You kidding me? He didn't feel the need to show up for the Apocalypse. Why would he give a crap now?
“Dad didn’t show up when we were working that case in Lawrence, he didn’t show up when I was dying of heart failure, he didn’t show up so many times when we needed him. God is the same, Sammy. I know a thing or two about absent fathers.”
There’s also a Destiel element — Dean feels strongly that God is like John because he and Cas first bonded deeply over absent fathers, thus the connection between their fathers that has formed in Dean’s mind.
I don't know. Maybe because she's his sister? What do you wanna do? Sit back? Ignore him? Do nothing?
Well, that’s exactly what Dean is doing. The episode later tells us that it’s because fear is paralyzing him, but I think it’s not just about that. Dean has a keen sense of self-preservation — apparently that happens when you’re abused as a kid — and it only looks like he hasn’t because he fights against them because he cares too much about others and always puts others first. The first episodes of season 10 showed this quite clearly — when he was a demon and he didn’t care about others, his self-preservation instincts ran free and he even tried to kill Sam to protect himself from getting pulled into the “family business” again.
No, that's — that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying, don't count on God. Okay? Count on us.
I suspect Dean is highly right here…
Right. Oh, this is everything Cas dug up in Gaza, every last bit of pre-biblical lore.
“Where do we put Cas now that the brothers are in the bunker? We can’t stick him in front of the tv set, because if Dean is present he doesn’t stare at a screen, he stares at Dean.” “Let’s have him help from outside of the bunker.” “Why would he? The lore is inside the bunker.” “Then let’s have him seek out further lore… directly from the source!” It makes sense. And it is useful to explain why Cas isn't around for more than one episode — he’s traveling the world doing research. And since he doesn’t have functioning wings, he can’t just make a quick detour like he did to Jerusalem in Free to Be You and Me. He needs to take planes. I believe there’s no doubt about it, he’s traveling human-style.
Half of it I couldn't read. It's in Aramaic. And the other half… [ Cell phone rings ] Nada. [ Ring ] Not a single mention of the darkness, so… [ Ring ]
Miscommunication happens because Sam and Dean are speaking different languages, metaphorically speaking. And even when they speak the same language… still nada, like when Sam confesses the visions are about the Cage — Dean shuts him off because he’s too scared to deal with what Sam has just told him.
Well, I'll be damned. [ Cell phone beeps ] Huh? Donna, what's shakin’?
[ Lowered voice ] Fat sucker Donna?
Dean is much closer to Donna than Sam is, although Dean hasn’t really spent more time with her than Sam has. But Dean has connected with her deeply, while Sam hasn’t, because Donna is female Dean, pretty much.
What do you mean “Killer bunny”?
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
Foundation You don’t like to show off your flaws. You skin color is an ivory of some sort. You hate acne/zits. You like wearing masks for Halloween/costume parties. You have a red undertone. Total: 2
Mascara You hate using black mascara; You’d much rather use brown. You have really long eyelashes. You’re very long & lean. You don’t open your mouth when you put on mascara. One of your favorite features about yourself are your eyes. Total: 1
Hairbrush/Mirror Combo Your favorite color is teal. You look in the mirror often. You brush your hair often. People have told you that you are handy. One of your favorite features about yourself is either your hair or face. Total: 3
Blush Your favorite color is light pink. You like using sparkles. Your favorite makeup maker is MAC. Blush is a part of your makeup ritual. You’re pretty girly. Total: 1
Eyeliner You actually hate eyeliner. If you use eyeliner, it’s black. One of your favorite features about yourself are your eyes. People compliment on your eyes a whole lot. You borrowed something from a friend & still haven’t returned it. Total: 2
I am: hairbrush/mirror combo
Section One - Dating Dated someone you didn’t have feelings for? Hooked up with someone to make someone else jealous? Cheated on someone? Dated or hooked up with a friend’s ex? Regretted hooking up with someone? Had a rumor spread that you hooked up with someone, but actually didn’t? Kissed someone who was a really bad kisser? Been told that you were a bad kisser? Slept in your boyfriend’s clothing? Slept in your boyfriend’s bed? Lied about dating or hooking up with someone? Got in trouble for public displays of affection? Hooked up with two people in the same day? Had a friend with benefits?
Section Two - Partying Have you ever been drunk or high? If not, have you ever been offered drugs or alcohol? If so, do you drink and smoke regularly? Do you remember the first time you were drunk? What about the first time you got high? Have you ever been to a party that was busted by the cops? Do you or have you ever smoked cigarettes? Have you ever taken Adderall, Ritalin, or some other kind of drug to get high? Do you get bad hangovers? Do you have a friend who ALWAYS throws the best parties? Have you ever thrown a party? Have you ever passed out or thrown up from being so drunk? Do you ever wake-n-bake?
Section Three - School Have you ever cheated on a quiz/test? Has your phone ever gone off in class? Have you ever done anything illegal on school grounds? Can you B.S. your way out of getting in trouble at school? Have you ever skipped? Did you write a fake note or have someone call in and pretend to be your mom/dad? Have you ever gotten caught skipping? Do you think one of your teachers is creepy? Have there ever been rumors at your school about a teacher and a student hooking up? Do you ever stick gum under your desk? Have you ever used a proxy to access facebook/myspace/xanga at school? Have you ever stolen something from school property? Do you secretly enjoy school? Has something embarrassing ever happened to you at school? Have you ever been to summer school?
Section Four - Internet Have you ever taken a picture of yourself specifically for Facebook? Have you ever said that someone took a picture of you, but you actually set it on self-timer? Is there someone who you always Facebook stalk? Do you ever wonder who Facebook stalks you? Do you know the password to any of your friends’ profiles? Have you ever logged on without his/her permission? Have you ever sent a friend request to someone just because you thought he/she was hot? Have you ever sent a friend request to someone who you thought was someone different? Do you/have you ever watched porn? Do you know someone who has ever made a fake profile to pretend to be someone else? Do you think you spend way too much time on the internet? Have you ever chatted with someone on webcam?  Do you think internet stalking is fun?
Misc. Have you ever snuck out/snuck people into your house? Have you ever thought a sibling’s boyfriend/friend was hot? Would you hook up with the last person you texted? Have you ever stolen something? Have you ever lied to your parents about where you were? Do you/have you ever had a friend that you secretly hated? Do you have any regrets? Do you ever go commando? Do you like the size of your boobs? Are you comfortable with the way you look?
1 point Your phone has less than 20% battery You have a pink case for your phone Facebook app You have at least one picture of your pet I’ve got : 1 point out of 4
2 points You have a text about a store coupon You have more than 100 pictures Your ringtone is an actual song You have at least 1 reminder saved I’ve got: 5 points out of 12
3 points You have a passcode You used Facebook today You have an alarm set You’re using your headphone right now
I’ve got: 8 points out of 24
5 points Snapchat app You made a call today before 7 am Your recent text was to your mom The most recent text you have is from someone else I’ve got: 13 points out of 44
10 points You have 0 unread text messages You have a picture with your best friend You missed a call today Your screenlock picture has black in it I’ve got: 33 points out of 84
15 points You don’t have a smart phone You don’t have a note-taking app You have full battery You have less than 10 photos
I’ve got 33 points out of 144
0 notes
radiostationman · 7 years
Group Mom-bro
Inspiration for this fic came from this as well as this.
Also because I love Nino, he is my son. He deserves OT4 love, yes he does.
Warning: Kinda NSFW-ish
If you had asked him, Nino wouldn’t have been able to tell you how it all started. Sure, he was their friend and it was his job to be there for them… but becoming the ultimate mother hen to four of Paris’ greatest heroes?
How was this his life?
“Come on, he is definitely the better blogger! Just look at his black and white pictures about-“
“Current models dressed as old timey people in old timey clothing? Al, those already exist and are definitely unoriginal.”
Alya grabbed at her chest in mock offense, “How dare you call this MASTER photographers art UNORIGINAL! I’ll have you know that he graduated the top of his class in the navy seals and-“
Nino was quick to cover her mouth with his hand, eyes wide and shoulders hunched in disgust. “That meme has finally died, please let it stay buried and at rest forever.”
He nearly shrieked when a gross warm and wet tongue sloppily licked a stripe up his palm, resulting in him pulling away and desperately scrubbing at his hand with a fistful of napkins. “ALYA!”
All he received was an amused smirk and an eyebrow waggle.
Groaning, he tossed the used napkins onto the café tables surface and cupped his hands around the ceramic mug before him, pointedly dropping his gaze into the tea’s swirling depths and not at the gorgeously powerful woman before him.
“Now now, Lahiffe, don’t give me the, ‘I’m pretending to ignore you but can’t because I’m too nice’ stance. I know you too well for you to get away with it and will tickle you into submission if need be!”
The twitching of his lips was a dead giveaway that her words had taken affect, yet he kept his eyes trained on his green tea.
Alya sighed in mock defeat, holding her hands up in an ‘oh well’ gesture.
“It seems like you have forced my hand. Prepare to be- “
The whole building suddenly quaked, hanging lights swinging and forcing many of the cafés occupants out of their seats, including Alya and Nino. When the shaking had stopped, all went silent, as though no one knew what to do with themselves.
Turning to the blogger next to him, Nino opened his mouth only for a car to smash through the window right next to their table. Alya tackled him to the ground and out of harm’s way just in time, covering him from the shower of glass and the screaming of civilians inside and outside of the building.
As the chaos around them continued, Alya pulled him to his feet and quickly checked him over before giving him an apologetic look. Before she could say anything, he gave her an encouraging smile and tipped his head in the direction of the latest akuma. “Go, and be careful.”
Grinning dangerously, she nodded and ran in the direction of the restrooms, calling over her should as she went.
“Rain check?”
“Rain check.” He confirmed with a warm smile.
------------------------   ------------------------   ------------------------
When Nino had returned home later that night, he flipped his bedrooms light switch on and made his way inside only to stop with a look of surprise on his face. There, standing in the middle of his room, was Volpina. In her arms were an assortment of sweets and delights, as well as a small bouquet of his favorite flowers.
She placed the objects down on his bed before a feral look took over her face, sharp teeth glinting as she trained that look onto him. “Now, about that rain check?”
Nino closed his door just in time for the fox heroine to pin him the wooden surface, her clawed hands smoothing up his thighs to his waist, slipping beneath his t-shirt to turn him into a trembling red-faced mess.
“Yes p-please!”
------------------------   ------------------------   ------------------------
After a week of no akuma’s, he really shouldn’t have been surprised when one showed up at school in the form of an angry janitor seeking justice against the school board. Specifically, their school.
After everyone fled, Nino managed to stay at a safe distance while also keeping an eye on the four heroes. Luckily, after only- he glanced down at his watch- forty-five minutes, the akuma had been dealt with and school was called back into session.
They had ten minutes to sort themselves out and Nino took it upon himself to drag them all to a secluded alley where he handed out the necessities to everyone. Food for the kwami-bros, an emergency makeup kit for Chloe, and some bandages and muscle-rub from the medkit for anyone in need of it.
“Alright guys, we have t-minus eight minutes and twenty seconds to freshen up and get back to class. So, let’s hustle!”
The DJ exclaimed while helping Chloe brush and retie her hair as she applied her makeup as quickly and efficiently as possible. He had two hairclips held between his teeth as he did so, too focused on the blonde’s hair to notice the lovesick looks the other three sent his way.
The four kwami munching on their individual snacks only some feet away shook their heads in bemusement. Their partners were such dorks.
------------------------   ------------------------   ------------------------
“-and that’s why you should totally date all three of us!” Alya exclaimed, hands on her hips and as confident as ever.
Adrien and Marinette stood beside her, clearly nervous but standing strong.
Nino on the other hand felt as if he were dreaming… or about to faint? Probably both from how he swayed the slightest bit, a dazed look taking over his features. Of all the places to ask him out it was after he was already hyped and excited that his favorite album finally came out. He was on his way to get to the store before the crowds came in, only for his three best friends to stop him in the middle of the park and hand him not only said new album on vinyl but-
“Aaaaaand we broke him.”
Was that Marinette?
Suddenly, petite yet strong arms caught him before he hit the ground.
“Nino! Are you alright?” She asked in a panic, pretty blue eyes staring down at him from above. Wait, above? He shook his head to ward off the dizziness, wondering why everything looked all fuzzy around the edges, before realizing the Mari was dipping him. As if they were dancing and she had taken the lead, that kind of dipping.
“Uhhh…” He blinked, eyes widening in amazement as he snapped out of his stupor.
Marinette, as if suddenly realizing their position, squeaked and turned red. Nino knew he must be matching her with how hot his face felt. Damn him and his thing for stronger women.
With a mental shake, he gave her a nervous smile and murmured a quiet thank you. She had saved him from the hard ground, after all.
Seeming to calm down a bit, she returned the smile and straightened them both.
“Well, that was a beautiful example of a heroine and damsel in distress, eh Adrien?” Nino and Marinette’s heads both snapped in the direction of Alya’s voice, balking at the phone in her hand that was obviously recording the entire scene. Adrien, looking relieved yet also amused, crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the mischievous girl.
“Seems like it.”
Nino was thankful he wore his contacts that day, as well as his favorite hooded sweatshirt. Why, you ask? So he could become a literal turtle and hide from the world. He did just that by throwing his hood over his head, as well as his entire face, and making a frustrated (and definitely not a whining) sound.
“Aww, don’t be like that Nino.” A warm hand settled atop his hood covered head, before gripping the fabric and pulling it back down. Adrien’s face came into view and, oh wow he was super close! Noticing this, Nino felt his face heat up all over again, and could tell that his best bro knew just from the way his eyes tailed across his flushed cheeks.
“I can be anyway I want as long as it’s legal and not hurting anybody, bro.” Nino replied, smiling even though he was eyeing the ground as if it was the most interesting thing on the planet.
The model hummed before stepping closer and tipping Nino’s head up with his fingers. Green eyes locked with golden ones for a moment. Instead of feeling awkward, Nino felt comfortable. Sure, he was a little nervous with how close they were but…
Once their lips brushed against one another’s, his hands flew up in surprise to grip onto Adrien’s shirt. He considered pulling away until he felt the other male become more confident in his actions. Thinner lips pressed much more firmly against his own, hands sliding around his waist to pull their bodies together completely. Nino nearly melted at the experience of it all, similar yet completely different to Alya’s ministrations. Hands larger than hers but not any less strong and sure of their place on his body, only staying in one area instead of immediately conquering every inch on his person because this was Adrien; his best and most loyal friend- although the friend part was starting to shift into something more. Sure, he had always had a crush on him, as well as Mari, but he never thought they’d all feel the same.
Yep, he must be dreaming. That’s the only way this could be happening, but he’d be a complete idiot not to enjoy said dream. With a moan he slid his hands up from Adrien’s chest to around his neck and relaxed against him, somewhat deepening the kiss in the process.
The tightening of the arms around him made him shudder, his sole focus on the male before him. They most likely would have continued if it weren’t for the squeal beside them.
Pulling apart in shock, they turned to the currently embarrassed Marinette who had clearly made the noise, if her own hands covering her mouth was anything to go by. Alya, on the other hand, was once again holding up her phone with a victorious grin.
“So we can take that as a definite yes then?”
------------------------   ------------------------   ------------------------
When Nino woke up he noticed it was warm, but not uncomfortably so. He struggled to open his eyes for a few minutes, nearly falling back asleep in the process several times, but was finally able to at least crack an eye open to look at the alarm clock on the bedside table.
In bright green numbers the electric clock flashed 11:00AM. That’s the earliest he’s gotten up in months, considering the fact that his career in the music industry involved a lot of traveling, late nights, parties and random meetings that his agent set up for him.
Sighing, he nuzzled his cheek into one of the many stupidly soft pillows littering the bed and tried to remember what he had to do for the day.
It was Saturday, he was in a large king sized bed (although it seemed bigger), he was alone and-
Wait, if it was Saturday then why was he alone?
With a frown, he racked his groggy brain for answers and after a moment he remembered. He was able to take the next two weeks off before meeting with his new producer in order to finally solidify his presence in the music business. His significant others, who were able to get weekends off depending on the season, mentioned something about a fashion event nearby that they had to attend. With Adrien taking on his father’s business and Marinette beside him as a lead fashion designer, both of them were a force to be reckoned with for sure, and it would be no surprise that they would be attending something so important. Alya was quick to work her way up as an editor to publisher and editor-in-chief of her own websites, magazines, and even channel on tv where she put E! news to shame. So, she would be there to get the latest scoop first hand, considering she wasn’t one to let her own workers have all the fun.
With a sigh he tried not to frown at the thought of his boyfriend and girlfriends being away from him. He was proud of them, and damn it all he would not admit to being the clingy one!
While his thoughts distracted him, Nino didn’t notice the bedroom door opening, nor the slight rustle of expensive sheets behind him. It wasn’t until a warm, toned body slid up against his that he snapped out of his thoughts and gasped, still too tired to react properly.
“Good morning~” Adrien purred into his neck, his hand sliding from the waistband of Nino’s boxerbriefs to his stomach.
With a sigh a relief, Nino relaxed and carefully flipped over to face his boyfriend. “You dork, you scared the heck outta me.” His actions betrayed his irritation as he wrapped his arms around Adrien’s torso and leaned forward to eskimo kiss him.
He nearly grinned when the affection-lover melted against him and tightened his grip around Nino’s waist. Adrien and Marinette were both romantics and went to great extremes to show it. If they loved you then they would make sure you knew it, by nearly any means possible.
“Uh oh, the bed goblin strikes again.”
Pulling back just enough to send Alya a playful glare over Adrien’s shoulder, Nino untangled his hand from his boyfriends torso to flip her off, only to have it grabbed and yanked on. He was stunned to find himself on his back in the middle of the bed, mentally cursing himself for forgetting how strong not only Alya was but his other significant others were as well.
“Really?” He deadpanned, feeling his eyebrow twitch at her growing smirk.
“Really.” She confirmed, pushing his legs up and open to slide in between them.
“Oh wow, I didn’t know we were having a party. I would have brought macaroons.” Marinette smirked as she walked in, untying her ponytail at the same time.
Alya turned to send her girlfriend a grin over her shoulder, “Didn’t you hear? Nino is going to let us do whatever we want to him in order to show how much we’ve missed him while he was away for all those lonely months. He was all alone, with no one to give him love or affection and he is starved! We must fix that at once!”
Nino felt his face heat up, “W-wait- “
“That’s a great idea, Al! We can’t let our boyfriend think he’s unloved and alone, now can we? Right Adrien?” It was Marinette’s turn to send a cheeky grin to their next partner in crime, who sat up with a matching grin and agreed, “Definitely not, my love~”
Suddenly, Nino found himself pinned down by three gorgeous super heroes and tickled mercilessly.
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10 Tips for High School Students
High school seems like a drag most of the time. Going to school, doing work that you don’t like, seeing people you don’t like, and maybe even eating food that you don’t like. However, it is something that we all have to do (unless you’re homeschooled, of course). The main goal in high school is really to pass your exams and graduate alive, but, we’re all dead inside so I should say, graduate mostly alive. Wouldn’t it be great if we were all gifted and smart? However, that’s not how life is; you have to work for everything. As a result, I have put together 10 tips that will help any high school student successfully pass their exams.
1.      Exam Calendar
Refusing to acknowledge the proximity of an exam won’t make it go away. In fact, it causes it to approach faster because without a calendar, the exam will be able to sneak up on you. Sneaky exams are exactly what we try to get away from, therefore, CREATE AN EXAM CALENDAR. Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout, but this is something I cannot stress enough, that’s why it’s number one. For CXC students, your timetables are available on the CXC website from maybe in September to the year prior to your exam (eg, if your exam is in 2018, the timetable is available in September 2017) therefore, you have no excuse as to why you didn’t already make a calendar. Ensure that you place your calendar in a spot where you will always see it especially when doing homework or studying. I recommend placing it on the wall above your desk or work space, this way, you always notice it. You don’t need to create any kind of huge, dramatic calendar (unless you want to of course). It can be plain and simple. Just ensure that you have the exam dates and times and what exams are happening on that day.
 2.      Study timetable
What is something that teachers constantly nag us about? That’s right, a study timetable. Hey! I know that you’re rolling your eyes! Honestly, I used to lowkey roll my eyes and sigh whenever my homeroom teacher even mentioned a study timetable too. However, I am a changed person. Take it from me, someone who hated study timetables. It is your key to passing exams because it ensures that you’re not wasting time procrastinating. What you need to do is look at your exam calendar and plan your timetable around it as to give yourself enough time to study and prepare for each exam. You can create two timetables; one for during the year away from exams, and one for during exams. Once again, put them in places where they will be noticeable to you like on the wall above your desk or work space.
 3.      Make Notes Ahead of Class
Well, well, well, this point is definitely something that we all know we should be doing, but is it being done? Of course not. Making notes ahead of class seems like torture, doesn’t it? We all want our teachers to open our heads and just shove the information right in. I mean, how cool and efficient would that be, right?  Unfortunately, that’s not how it’s done. Making notes ahead of class is actually pretty simple. First, you open the textbook and read a paragraph. Then, you summarize what you just read and write it in a notebook in point form. Difficult? *Inserts ‘nope,didn’t think so’ meme*. I recommend using a notebook that you will dedicate to this subject specifically as to prevent mixing up other subjects with this one. Also, you should use colored pens, pencils, or highlighters for the headings so when you’re looking for something, it’s easy to find. Let me give you some reasons as to why you should make notes AHEAD of class.
·         You’ll be prepared in case the teacher starts the class by asking questions about the topic, trust me when I say that it’s embarrassing not knowing anything.
·         You can ask any prior questions you had about the topic as the teacher teaches.
·         You can go to class with extra information (if you decided to do some research) and create a discussion in class. Teachers love discussions.
·         You can add examples and extra notes that the teacher gives.
·         Bonus: you can leave the heavy textbook at home and walk with your notebook instead since you already have the notes.
  4.      Use Technology
As the generation that lives within the age of technological advancement, there is so much resources to assist you online. For example,
YouTube. We’ve all heard of YouTube. I mean c’mon, if you haven’t, do you even live in 2018? Even though YouTube is mostly popular for music, beauty and DIYs, it is also useful for studying. Channels like Crash Course are great for revision or further understanding of topics. Another channel, Mr. Parr, uses the element of music to educate his watchers/listeners. He makes parodies of popular songs using science topics in order to teach.
BBC Bitesize offers a wide range of subjects and topics for a variety of educational levels. They have simple revision breakdowns of each topic, along with examples and revision questions. The website is very easy to use and navigate as it was created with youths in mind. Khan Academy is another great site. Whilst Bitesize focuses on typed explanations, Khan Academy offers video explanations, like YouTube.
If you write a lot of essays, then Grammarly is the site for you. It’s basically a grammar-checker. It checks for things like spelling, subject-verb agreement, capitalization, punctuation and a lot more. Sometimes Microsoft Word doesn’t get every single error because whenever it says that the document is fine and I put it through Grammarly, I get like 20+ new errors that Microsoft Word did not pick up.
 5.      Create Relationships with Teachers
Woah, woah, woah. I’m not telling you to date your 45-year-old math teacher. Gross. I’m talking about getting to know your teachers and having them know you. Showing interest in a subject really drives a teacher to wanting to helping you. After class, stop and talk to them; ask them about their day, if they’re ill, ask how they feel. Simple things. Always remember that teachers are people too. If you have problems or don’t understand something, ask them. Never be afraid of a teacher even if they seem scary, their best interest is in helping you. One thing that I found that really helped me improve was submitting extra work as practice. After a while of giving up extra work, my teachers realized that I was interested in the subject and paid more attention to me.  This really helps you out in the long run when you need recommendations for university or jobs. These teachers will be more than willing to help you out.
 6.      Ask for Help
Never be afraid to ask for help. Whether it be from a teacher or peer, if you need help, ask for it. Asking for help will not only help you to understand better, but it will also strengthen your bonds with others. Also, your class should create a group chat on social media sites like WhatsApp or Facebook. This will serve as your main communication center. Work can be sent in the chat and questions can be asked and answered. In addition, study groups are great for getting in knowledge if you work better in small groups rather than by yourself. Just get a few of your peers, who you now will study and not mess around, and start studying. It can happen after school in the library or even an empty class.
 7.      Past Papers.
Okay, I don’t know if past papers are available for exams outside of CXC, therefore I can only give my experience for CXC here. Past papers are available on the CXC website or at any bookstore. However, the best way to obtain past papers, is to have it handed down to you from someone who already did the exam. This way, it’s free! You can also find PDFs online. Past papers are great because they give you an idea of questions that can possibly be part of the exam. Sometimes, the same exact questions in the past paper, is what will be repeated. Therefore, you’re even more prepared because you already did that question. However, let me warn you, don’t memorize answers just to pass. Study to learn the general concept of the topic. This way, you will be able to do any question. Another awesome thing that CXC does is subject reports. These are reports of the answers for the exams each year. Most times, the answers for the questions are presented here and it’s best to study with the past paper and subject report side by side.
 8.      E-books/PDFs
Let me tell you, especially literature students, eBooks/PDFs will save your wallets. These are mostly available for novels but there will be eBooks for other topics too. Since they are free, you save tons of money. On the other hand, be careful when downloading these books as some may come with viruses or missing information. That is definitely the problem with PDFs, errors. Sometimes they may have spelling or grammatical errors. However, if you have an understanding of what you’re reading, the errors should not be a problem.
Literature students usually have to do things like analyzing information and other pretty difficult things. An easy way to get a general understanding of books is by reading summaries and analyses online. There are sites that offer these services like:
·         SparkNotes
·         Shmoop
·         CliffNotes
·         Enotes
 9.      Interact with People
So, you’re learning a language, what do your teachers preach? Get a pen pal. Well, in this day and age, pen pals aren’t really popular anymore. However, you can still talk to native speakers who want to learn your language. The app Amino is great for this. It’s basically like a little community on your phone. You just have to sign up and choose which Amino community you want to use. You can join as much communities as you’d like. It allows you to join group chats or even private chat with people. You can ask or help, take quizzes, participate in polls, make blog posts and so much more. It’s also a great way to make new friends.
 10.  Take a Break.
This is definitely what we all love to hear, right? Yes, of course. Taking a break. It’s great to take a break in order to just relax. Overworking yourself won’t do anything besides stress you out. The best things to do when taking a break are:
·         Take a walk somewhere. Walk around your house and maybe chat with your family a bit. Don’t study to the point where you completely lock off your family. Go outside and get some fresh air, you may even see something that can inspire you if you have writer’s block.
·         Stretch. Sitting in one position for too long can cause your body to become tense and this isn’t good for the muscles. Therefore, maybe do a bit of yoga. Looking up stretches for studying on Pinterest will be beneficial to you.
·         Eat. When you’re studying, it’s very easy to forget to do daily activities like eating and even showering. Therefore, I suggest when you take a break, eat some food or fruit, definitely not junk food.
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mintyjin · 7 years
GOT7: your camera roll is filled with pictures of them
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here you go sweetie @nidhahusain I hope you like this! 
Seungri is like the only thing on my camera roll and he’s my home screen I aint even ashamed I just really love Seungri 
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Mark would be looking for a specific picture of the two of you one day and when he couldn’t find it on his, he thought there was a good chance it’d be on your phone. After asking if it was ok if he played around on your phone, he’d pull up your photo album and lo and behold, his face. His face everywhere. He’d be shocked at first and would scroll to see if he really was basically the only thing on your camera roll. Honestly, his phone is probably the same way, but with pictures of you, so he thinks it’s really cute how your phones seem to mirror each other. Probably starts laughing shyly and blushing and when you ask him why, he’s like, “I love you, too, Y/N,” and would show you that he was looking through your photos. He’d treat it like this really cute moment for like, a week, but then the teasing begins.
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Upon first seeing his face plastered all over your camera roll, Jaebum would melt inside. He thinks it’s adorable that you’re just as obsessed with him as he is with you. Probably smiles to himself for five straight minutes, his cheeks the faintest shade of pink, before asking you about it with a teasing smirk that eventually gives way to a brilliant smile. When you try to stutter out an explanation, he’d laugh and pull you into a hug, his big arms holding you tightly against his chest. It’s a really adorable moment, and he brushes his lips against your ear as if to whisper something sweet and says, “You’re a fan, huh?” and girl, you’ve done it. He’s never letting you live this down. If you’re ever mad at him, he’s bringing it up as evidence that you can’t be that mad since you evidently love him so much
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JInyoung isn’t fazed by the fact that your camera roll is filled with pictures of him. What he is fazed by are the memes. “Where’d you get these?” he’d ask, an oddly determined look on his face. Even if you don’t tell him or don't remember, he’s going to google image search that shit and find the original poster, trust me. Is honestly so offended by the memes of his face. Not like, angry offended, but like, salty offended, you got me? Like, he’s making it his personal mission to find the first poster just to know who they were in case they ever showed up at a fansign or something lmaooo why so petty tho. After that, he literally doesn’t mention your camera roll until you’re angry at him and he’s forced to pull out all the receipts to remind you that you actually love him a lot
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Jackson would immediately shriek, as usual, when he saw his face all over your camera roll. He’d get right up to your face and make his expression quite serious before asking, “Are you stalking me?” Laughter would creep over his face and it would take a lot of effort for him to keep himself from laughing, but he wouldn’t let the expression drop until he felt that you had been messed with enough. Only then will he allow himself to fall to the floor laughing, tears probably making their ways down his cheeks every once in a while. Honestly, though, he’s flattered, and will tell you that by crawling on top of you when you were lying on your bed, his arms holding you tightly to him, as he whispered “I love you”s into your ear. 
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Youngjae is shocked by how many pictures you have of him, sure, but also of how many you don’t have. “Y/N, you need a complete collection,” he’d say as he took various selfies of himself in varying positions and with a new expression every time. He’d lightly tease you about it, but truth be told, he saves every picture of you that he can, so there’s not much room for him to judge. He’d admit that, too, passing you his phone so you can see his own extensive collection of photos. Probably thinks this is one of the cutest things to ever happen in your relationship and all he wants to do for the next 67 hours is cuddle with his cute s/o that loves him back, what’re the chances of that? 
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He’s shy at first because oh my god you’re as obsessed with him as he is with you??? He really is the luckiest guy alive. So he smiles to himself and giggles softly and his cheeks are pink and then he sees them- the memes. And all of a sudden, he’s shrieking with laughter. His shoulders are shaking, his arms are flailing, it’s quite a scene. He’ll definitely compliment you on your taste in memes, saying that they’re all very good looking memes. Oh, and he’ll show off his meme collection of you- screenshots of snaps you’ve sent him, random pictures he’s taken of you, etc. He’s so happy that you two share a mutual love of memes of the other person and don’t be surprised if you come home one day to find meme pictures of the two of you framed in one of those frames with little hearts on the sides to suggest romance.
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Yugyeom has a ton of photos of you, too, but not nearly as many as you have of him. It takes him by surprise and he’s not really sure how to react for a second, so he just sort of freezes, his jaw hanging slightly open as his thumb scrolls through the countless photos. And suddenly, he’s blushing. “Ah, Y/N,” he’d say, flustered, “this is too much! Seriously, what do you do with all of these?” When you explain that you have them because you love him and miss him a lot, the blush only gets more intense. He’ll pull you close to him, burying his face in your neck and wrapping his long arms around your waist. Placing a soft kiss on your lips, he’d admit, “I love you, too.” 
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destiny-smasher · 7 years
So I did the “get to know me” meme on Twitter but because of how Twitter functions now it’s a hard to follow mess of a thread. Decided to post it all here -- and hey, if any of ya’ll are curious, feel free to read.
1) When I was 10 my abusive stepdad threw a spray at me. I ducked -- it scraped my head. Sent to school bleeding b/c he was too stoned to realize it'd get noticed and I'd get pulled out of that environment immediately. This moment changed my life, left a scar on head.
If I hadn't ducked, would've hit my stomach. No cut. Whole childhood would've been different. My first Butterfly Effect Moment.
2) I started writing fiction about Pokémon. First-person, from the Mons perspective. Rotating point of view each scene.
3) I moved on to crazy crossover fanfic where I constructed an entire war, personal and political motivations, so many ideas I still like?
4) Part of this involved detailed drawings of Mario-themed Keyblades I wish I still had.
5) Paper Mario 1&2 are some of my most influential inspirations. expanded such a simple world so much so fluidly. (Harder than it looks)
6) When I was a kid my sister would wake me st like 6am to watch dubbed Sailor Moon. Bothered me they all sounded like same person.
7) I can recognize voices very well and even specific sounds and songs. Couple years back my roommate ran a test - playlist of 100 NES tracks, he'd play the first NOTE, singular, and I could recognize exactly where it was from if I'd played the game.
8) My first computer was a PC I bought w/$ saved up during an entire summer of custodial work in HS. Had no Internet.
So I'd use the public library's very slow connection to download things to floppy disk and copy them over.
Eventually, I was able to graduate to a USB. Obtaining music was hellish so I treasured each song I could download -- most from OC Remix.
9) We had this tiny rabbit ears TV that could get WB and Fox sometimes if it was set up in a specific corner of my sister's room
And so I would desperately use it to try and stay up to date on Pokémon and Digimon, it was so bad
10) Teen Titans was arguably the most influential piece of media for my teenage mind. It formed the base of so much I care about re:stories
Fleshed out, varied protags who grew together and each had their times to step up and step down. Action w/character dev context.
Fantastic themes important for growing humans; awesome moments "between the panels" instead of all comic book melodrama and action.
Then everything changed when TT GO attacked and pissed on everything smart and thoughtful because MONEYYYYY
11) Cowboy Bebop was the first "good" anime I ever saw and blew my mind open about what animated stories could do -- i.e. Not just kid stuff
I don't like "anime" in general because most of its common tropes but the shit out of me even worse than most western toon tropes
And yet like 50-75% of my most favorite shows ARE anime because thoughtful animated storytelling has so much potential.
11) I predicted months before Last of Us came out that you'd play as Ellie but when it happened I had to stop, cry happy tears.
I predicted the second I saw the Left Behind trailer what was going on w/those two and again, still had to stop and cry happy tears.
(I seem to have pretty good gaydar now but I also don't like, ship everyone together all the time)
It just hits me so hard when actual canon queerness happens in mass media and is done well, but we're still so bad at following through.
12) Favorite m/m ship: Troy and Abed in the Morning. Favorite w/w ship: Max and Chloe BFF Pirates 2008.
ATLA ships: Tokka the most, also Katang, also Smellershot. ATLA makes me more open to shipping than any other series?
Like, Zutara makes me feel kinda gross and some of the crack ships like Sokka/Azula scare me but otherwise I'm pretty chill w/ATLA ships?
13) When I was a kid, and we'd role play, I always wanted to play the girl characters. I was surrounded by boys so they always were weirded.
It was weird to me, too, honestly.
Now it makes perfect goddamn sense.
14) Apparently I was kidnapped as a baby by some mobster or something but it's hard to tell with my mom what's real or not.
15) Smash Bros. Melee was the first game I ever got genuinely hype over before launch. I still remember being startled to discover it --
-- existed via E3 trailer on GameTrailers back on my goddamn dialup connection in 2001. I had to wait all fuckin' day for that thing to load
And when it did, it was GLORIOUS (and had FZero music, which at the time I did not recognize) and I was FLOORED.
The screenshots made the game look too good to be real, and I was instantly sold on the GameCube, the first time I NEEDED new hardware Day 1
I got SSBM as an Xmas gift before my grandpa's GCN present arrived, so for a week or two all I could do was stare at the box/manual/disc
That game kind of changed my life -- SSB64 was the first time I'd gotten so invested in a multiplayer game, and SSBM crushed it.
A fire was born in me -- competition, something I'd never been much interested in w/games before, not against actual humans.
Those months between E3 2001 and finally getting to play SSBM felt like forever. And thus did I post online fiction for the first time.
That's actually how I met @SDiDuro , my first 'Internet friend' and what I'd consider to be my first proper 'reader.'
16) After college, I ended up working at a call center because it was  the only job I could find and I needed to support my disabled wife.
DURING college, I gave up on writing fiction and had focused on gaming editorial through a site where I'd engaged with an online community
But that empty space between phone calls eventually got filled in by writing fiction on a notepad, with a pen, inspired by Street Fighter 4.
Eventually, this evolved and radically changed into what is now (still in dev) DownRight Fierce.
Back then, I had no idea I'd be motivated to DO this, though -- write original fiction -- but the fire had been re-lit.
I wanted to write.
I was sickened by my "naive" adolescence crossover fics and wiped them from my http://FF.net  profile and started anew.
Having just come off of ATLA 1st time, I knew I wanted to explore that world/characters more, so I wrote a story about Toph & puberty.
That serving as "practice," I then went on to write SRU, and...well, that...changed EVERYTHING.
17) My biological dad (who I have never met) has OCD, to the point where he apparently washed his skin raw trying to avoid germs?
So as soon as I showed enthusiasm in gaming, my parents FREAKED and worried I was exhibiting OCD and they brought the hammer down.
They made me feel BAD for writing about video games when I wasn't playing them, but they never READ anything I fucking wrote.
Even now, my mom tries to comment on what a good writer I supposedly am, yet when I ask for her thoughts, I ask what she's read?
I wasn't writing fiction based on games because I was THAT addicted to games.
I did it because a storyteller was awakening within me --
-- and I told stories through the worlds and characters I was familiar with.
(And my first genuinely "serious" fic was Teen Titans, anyway)
But even now, it really hurts that my parents will sometimes try to guilt me over not calling or whatever the fuck, when they never READ
never supported, and actively DISCOURAGED my writing, my storytelling, refused to understanding why I loved games.
18) I never watched Avatar until after college (years after it had finished), and I watched it because of the live action movie.
I watched halfway through the season 1 of the cartoon to get "read up" on it. Then the movie. Which was horrible. Then the rest of season 1.
At that point, the movie utterly baffled me. My wife and I proceeded to marathon the rest of the series. And it became my fav story ever.
But I ironically owe it to that terrible live action movie. ^_^;;
19) My taste in music is really weird. I couldn't tell you what my favorite genres are, and even fav musicians is hard.
Like, every year my top three fav musicians "change" because I just add more to the pile and spend the year focused on their music.
But music inspires my storytelling more than any other medium, I'd say -- in terms of me actually planning and growing ideas.
I didn't just give Nishiko and Seiko last names of my two fav game composers as tongue-in-cheek. In fact, that's not why I did it at all.
I gave them those names because I wanted some element of their very design to express how Japanese composers inspired me in my teen years.
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princeadams · 7 years
The Ultimate BATB tag
- Always include the rules.
- Answer the questions as truthfully as you can.
- Tag at least 3 people at the end of the tag.
- You don’t have to be tagged to paticipate, you can do the tag even without       being tagged.
- Tag the post “#BATB Tag” so we can keep up with the tags.
- That’s literally all there is to it! Have fun!
You can use this as reference:
When did you start your blog, and why? I started right before I saw the movie because I knew I’d be obsessed and wanted an area away from my  main multi-fandom blog where I could freely fangirl and shitpost and whatnot. Also, my “likes” on Tumblr were filled with four years worth of BATB meta, fan art and fanfics, and I wanted to clean my likes out so they would actually be a specific place for bookmarking. I had 14,00 likes before I made the blog, and now that I’ve almost completely cleaned it out I have about 900. Still not great, but it’s getting there.
Where did you get the idea for your url? Obviously the growl at the end. I decided I wanted daysinthesuns for my main blog, and I'd had danstevensgrowl saved for a little while. For daysinthesuns, I saved it when the titles for the new songs were announced, I think that was in late summer.
Where did you get the idea for your icon? I didn’t make my icon, I just got it from an icons post by someone on Tumblr. I like the color pink and I love 1991 Belle, so I went with it. 
What was your first choice of url? dayinsthesuns was the first one I had for this blog, then I switched to danstevensgrowl. If you mean what my ultimate choice would be, I’d really like to have daysinthesun or princeadam. On my main blog, my first URL was weareteenageheartsforeveryoung and it stayed like that for 3 years or so.
What was your first icon, or the oldest you can remember? And if you can, post it. This is the one I’ve always had, but on my main blog I had a picture of Miley Cyrus from the movie LOL once, a picture of Elvis once, and my freshman year of high school I had my favorite fan art of Adam hugging Belle from behind with his chin on her shoulder while she’s reading. 
Would you die for the person on your icon? I mean, I consider myself to be Belle, so that’s a bit weird. But if my icon was Adam, yes, in a heartbeat.
Which url of your mutuals are you most jealous of? Hmm. I don’t know, I honestly like my URL. However, if we’re talking about @gastt‘s mutuals…you know who.
Which icon of your mutuals are you most jealous of? I love @ohstaythisway‘s icon, I would use it if she wasn’t already.
Do you have any sideblogs? And if you do, what are they about? And if you don’t, what would your sideblog be about? I have a ton that I made while cleaning out my likes to get meta and fanfic out of there, I have an Anakin Skywalker one and a Pride and Prejudice one. I also run the Tally Hoes Archive, and I have a professional blog to showcase my articles and other things I’ve written.
Are you satisfied with your blog currently? If not, what would you change? I guess, I mean, it’s a trash blog so I don’t aim for the content to be high quality. 
If you weren’t in the BATB fandom, what would you post about? Star Wars, Doctor Who, basically everything I post about on my main blog.
What fandom(s) did you belong to before BATB? BATB was actually my first fandom, but after that, Divergent, Once Upon a Time, Doctor Who and finally Star Wars. 
Which blogs do you regularly check up on? @je-suis-em-jee and @theteaisaddictive because they’re my favorite fic writers.
What would you say is your most common tag? “Prince Adam” because I reblog gifs of him a lot.
How many people are you following, and how many people follow you? I think I follow around 300, my main blog has 1,700 followers and this blog has a little over 200.
Who are your current top three fans on Tumblr (for this month)? For this blog, it’s @trippsykes, @lee-lee-ed and @snipandsnail. Thank you guys :)
What is your top post (for this month)? It actually won’t show for some weird reason, but I’m guessing it’s my Ultimate Fic Rec post. 
Which post are you most proud of? Probably my meta about the enchanted object’s part in The Mob Song.
Which post are you most embarassed by? The Meme Queen Adam fic and every time I’ve self-promoted (which is a lot of times.)
Weirdest message someone ever sent you? When I posted my selfie for the Introduce Your Self(ie) challenge, I immediately got a DM from some girl with a weird URL saying I was hot. I assumed it was a porn blog so I marked it as spam and blocked them, but then I looked at their blog and it was kind of normal? So I hope that wasn’t one of you guys lol. 
Weirdest message you ever sent someone? God I don’t even want to know
Have you ever received anon hate? And if so, for what? When I was 13 I got a ton but I honestly deserved it. I had this ongoing joke where I acted like I was really self-absorbed and snobby ironically, because I actually hated myself and had been struggling with an eating disorder. But either way, I took it too far and I was really obnoxious and people called me out on it, some less gracefully than others.
Do you have any blogs blocked, and if so, which? I’m sure I have a lot blocked for spam and stuff. 
Have you ever thought about quitting Tumblr? If so, why? Not really, because I’m kind of terrified of ever deleting anything. I hate the idea of erasing any part of my life, even if it’s a part I’m embarrassed by or don’t want to think about.
What device do you use Tumblr the most? (e.g. Laptop, Tablet, Phone, etc.) Probably my iPhone, since I’m always in class and stuff.
What was the last thing you searched on Google? Meme Queen Adam bc I was too lazy to go on my profile on Archive of our Own and click on my fic, I just wanted to get the link the quick way lol.
What time is it currently as you make this post? 11:45, I really should go to sleep after this.
What are you wearing currently? Star Wars pajama pants and a black camisole. 
If you had to legally change your name (in real life) permanently, what would it be and why? Belle, because I’m a dork.
What kind of characters and/or pairings do you tend to turn to? Is there a recurring theme to it? I feel like in terms of male characters I always love the brooding, angsty, damaged guys with tragic backstories, like Prince Adam or Anakin Skywalker. For female characters, I always like strong, witty, outspoken women, like Belle and Elizabeth Bennet.
Tell us a favorite of yours and why? (Literally any favorite, something that touches you and you’re passionate about.) I guess Beauty and the Beast in general, honestly. There’s so much to love about it, but it really changed my life when I fell in love with it all over again the summer before my freshman year of high school. I was doing a Disney movie marathon alone, because I really didn’t have any friends at the time, and I actually skipped Beauty and the Beast because I figured I remembered it well enough from my childhood that I didn’t need to waste time re-watching it. However, I still had some time to kill before school started, so I watched it again, and not only was I struck by the Beast’s character and how deeply and unconditionally he loved Belle, the message of Beauty and the Beast really got to me. After I recovered from my eating disorder and dealt with (deserved) backlash on Tumblr for my crappy sense of humor and coping skills, I’d become really tough and rigid and pessimistic as a default. Suffering from such an awful illness really kind of stripped me of the usual kindness and warmth I held. Belle kind of helped me get it back, helped me find myself again, and the movie in general helped me to believe that maybe it was okay that I was fat or my voice is weird or that I’m short because I’m eloquent and I’m kind and true beauty is found within. Maybe my words and my heart is enough. I still struggle with believing that today, but I would’ve given up on believing it and given up on myself a long time ago if it wasn’t for Beauty and the Beast. When I started at a new high school after becoming obsessed with Beauty and the Beast, I was both a new person and my old self at once, and the optimism and kindness and open-mindedness I’d regained helped me to finally let people in a bit, and I made a ton of friends. My love for the musical also inspired me to join theatre, which I never would’ve given a thought if I hadn’t loved the musical.
Tag 3 or more blogs to do this tag, and also add what you associate them with and tell them what you truly think about them.  I can’t tag @gastt because they already did it and literally made the tag, but gatt, you are such a loyal and supportive person. I don’t even know your name or your face or anything like that, but I don’t have to to know that you an amazing person and all us Tally Hoes are so lucky to know you.  I tag @mmedegarderobe, my sin sister and fellow Mass Communications major, my other fellow mass communications major @thestanfoubrew, the mother of the Heelys meme @uncledisney, and my two favorite fic writers - one I’ve loved since I first fell in love with BATB, the other more recently, @theteaisaddictive and @je-suis-em-jee. You both are so talented and wonderful and portray the characters that are so close to my heart perfectly. 
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