#harry and ally
therealharrywatson · 28 days
she broke up with me. 💔😭💔
@a-victorian-girl @topsyturvy-turtely
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allaboutlov3 · 20 days
The amount of people who started as Jily shippers only to discover Jegulus is astounding. It’s me. I’m people.
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colouredbutnotblue · 2 years
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harry is a true ally (of the french)
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vickriarts · 8 months
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I hand you my disco elysium ships in meme format. I leave immediately
redraw of one of my favorite memes of all time
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ch0colate-cake · 4 days
getting into the sentient ai fandom and noticing a parallel in the slasher fandom: fans put a mix interacting together and its kinda funny ngl (on both accounts)
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oh look they're at the same park
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chiocchi · 1 year
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The Knight and The King AU
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Every hot girl had a one direction phase im sorry
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frankie-idk · 1 year
this is my grave to all the ships i lost because netflix is the worst
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mazovianmeatgrinder · 3 months
Guys I’m ngl I don’t think Klaasje framing Ruby for Lely’s murder was ally behavior :(
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therealharrywatson · 6 months
so... i uh... i met someone. 🙂
her name is Allison (no, not Sarah 😆) and she's lovely. she comes by the restaurant every day to deliver fresh produce. we went on 2 dates so far and hopefully there will be more.
not sure what else to tell you guys right now. but yeah, she's the reason that i was a bit 'distracted ' lately. 😊 send me an ask or something if you wanna know more idk
@a-victorian-girl @topsyturvy-turtely
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allaboutlov3 · 7 days
I think Remus is the kind of guy who’d know so many weird secrets about different people. They’d randomly show up and talk to him about stuff that has been happening in their life or that really bothers them. And don’t get me wrong. He is nice to them and like responds emphatically, but he doesn’t get it. He is not your typical popular guy. Or popular in any sense really. Logically, it doesn’t add up at all. But still, I strongly believe people randomly open up to him. And I think he gives them real good advice, too!
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nature-husband · 5 days
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
the hogwarts legacy conversation really highlights something that i think usually stays hidden under the polite facade of liberalism. in the past days, weeks, months, it has become increasingly more apparent that there are SHOCKINGLY few trans allies in spaces which pride themselves on inclusivity and acceptance. as liberal people whose allyship so far has been limited to offering pronouns in their bio and maybe putting an infographic on their insta story once in a while are pressed to make choices to actively support trans people, it becomes increasingly clear that what they offered was never allyship at all. it becomes increasingly clear that their 'allyship' was contingent on all trans people being nice and unobtrusive and separate from other issues. people are dropping their illusions of supporting trans people shockingly quickly when confronted with the choice to actively harm people or not play a video game. as pat loller described it, they are presented with a trolley problem with trans people on one side and jk rowling/the (already paid) game devs on the other. one side will not be damaged. the train will take them on to their next destination, in fact, with very little fanfare. the train will crush the trans people. you have to actively pull the lever to crush the trans people. so-called allies are actively pulling the lever and then getting upset when trans people get upset about being DIRECTLY HARMED. how dare we speak up about the issues we face. how dare we be upset about the direct disregard and harm that people who claimed to support us are now foisting upon us. how dare we be messy about that. we are being actively legislated out of existence, and people who said they were our allies are abandoning us in droves for their much larger problem of... not being able to play a game. it's honestly fucking comedic. your allyship means nothing if it comes with conditions. your allyship means nothing if you are not willing to take action for the sake of your allies. your allyship means nothing if you are not willing to LITERALLY SIT STILL AND NOT DO A SINGLE ACTION for the sake of your allies. the trans community asks people NOT TO PLAY THE GAME. and people look us in the eyes and tell us that a few hours of antisemitic gameplay is worth more than our lives. fine. whatever. we see how it is. glad that they're finally being honest, at least. if you play hogwarts legacy or engage with harry potter i hope you die.
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therealharrywatson · 6 months
I just got a phonecall from your very concerned flatmate Sarah. She says you haven't been home for the last 2 days and she is worried. She said she is about to call the police and report you missing.
Is everything in order, dear?
oh... i... uh. this is awkward. 😅 everything is fine, Mrs. Turner. i spent the last 2 nights... somewhere else. i met this woman, Ally, and we ...err... get along quite well, you see. we met after work and spent the evenings together. and then i was too tired to go home, so i just stayed the night. on her settee! (before anyone draws conclusions 🙄)
i am actually on my way home now. and Sarah and i should probably exchange phone numbers, so she doesn't have to bother you next time, Mrs. Turner. sorry for the disturbance. 😇
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