Hot Take Discussions
Hi demigod and half-blood homies! It's Praetor Rose here with Hot Take Discussions, where every Wednesday a new Riordanverse Hot Topic will be released. Give your thoughts in the comments or through reblogs!
Just because this is your PJO opinions doesn't mean there aren't any rules, even Chiron has his limits. You will be expected to abide said rules at all times.
Keep it kind. These topics don't have objectively correct answers, and the people who oppose your opinion likely can't be budged on theirs, but you can explain to them why you think yours is the best. Personal attacks and aggressive behavior towards your fellow demigods will not be tolerated. If you feel like you're being targeted by unkind behavior, please Iris Message the moderators by tagging @half-blood-community
No racism/misogyny/homophobia/ableism/etc. will be tolerated. This falls under the umbrella of "keep it kind," but is worth reiterating. None of the debate topics are related to human rights issues per se, but some may be perceived as adjacent to these issues, so it's important to keep things respectful. Therefore, responses such as "I don't like Character A because they are LGBT-identifying" or "I don't like Actor B playing Character C because that's not how they look in the books" are unacceptable, as they do not facilitate a safe space for debate. The Riordanverse is a place that was made to represent and empower those belonging to minority groups, not to put them down. Remember, someone's identity is never debatable!
Explain your opinions! You're not being graded on this, but it's helpful to everyone if you explain why your answer is what it is. That way, it leaves an open-ended space for someone to reply to you. For example, if the debate topic asks, "Is The Lightning Thief a good book?" don't just say "yes." Tell us why you think it's a good book!
Give spoiler alerts. By this point, everyone knows who the lightning thief is, but not everyone has gotten to read the newest Riordanverse books, so if you think your response includes a major spoiler, it might be best to start with "Chalice of the Gods spoilers ahead!"
Dead debates may be awoken with Happy Meals. Any and all past debates are still considered "active" so if you didn't have anything to say about a topic from a while ago, but you do now, or if you're new around here, feel free to start it up again! We'd love to hear from you!
Iris Message the moderators if you need any support. If you feel like the debate is getting out of hand or becoming too aggressive, send an Iris Message to the moderators by tagging @half-blood-community and one of us will be there to de-escalate and/or offer support.
Oh, Fleecy, do us a solid. Please follow our PJO community, or reblog this post. Trust us, you won't want to miss out on any of the topics. Maybe the first one won't spark your interest, but that doesn't mean future ones won't! We also appreciate any likes you might be willing to give; numbers boost our views.
Yes, and... Afraid of confrontation? Maybe you're not ready to directly disagree with someone just yet, but did you know that agreeing with someone is always a viable option in a debate? Let's say someone says, "Yes, The Lightning Thief is a great book because it has the original trio in it" and you agree with that statement. What you can do is expand upon that idea by replying to that person. Say something along the lines of "I agree with you because it has platonic Percabeth and I love the way their friendship develops. My favorite part is when..." Bam. You just participated.
Respond to someone! Get the conversation started by responding directly to someone else's comment instead of just shouting into a void. Remember, you can agree or disagree with that person!
Don't be afraid to ask follow-up questions! Maybe someone responded to the prompt with "I don't like The Lightning Thief because I don't like Grover." That's a hot take. Ask them why they don't like Grover, and explain why you do.
Break the ice! So, you're early. Nobody has responded to the prompt yet. Maybe everyone else is just as nervous as you are, but you have the power here to steer the conversation in whatever direction you want! To reference our ongoing example, now you can explain what you did or didn't like about The Lightning Thief. Want to talk about how much you like Grover? Want to talk about how Procrustes is actually a good character and how much you love waterbeds? The floor is yours!
Start a new thread. Okay, so maybe the first person who replied wants to talk about Crusty and how awesome his waterbeds are, and that's just not your cup of tea. Maybe you're really excited to talk about Nancy Bobofit and how she was robbed of the chance to develop as a character. Start a new comment thread and invite people to reply!
Tag your friends! Maybe the conversation is really dry and a tumbleweed just flew across the comment section, but you know someone who would really love to talk about Crusty and his waterbeds with you. Let them know you're thinking of them by tagging them!
Play devil's advocate. Maybe the debate isn't really a debate, and it's just a bunch of people shouting into a void about how great The Lightning Thief is. You're craving a little spice. Sure, you might agree with them, but if you really want to see some debate, think of what a naysayer might say. Try commenting something like, "While I agree with the majority's opinion, it might be interesting to consider that someone might not like the expository nature of the book" or "I saw someone on Tumblr say they didn't like The Lightning Thief because they hate waterbeds. What do you guys think about that?"
if you have any Hot Topics you'd like us to cover give us a message! We'd love to hear it!
Here's a link to the most recent Hot Topic Discussion: https://www.tumblr.com/half-blood-community/750579837794648064/hot-topic-discussions-may-15th-2024?source=share
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MAIN POST: https://www.tumblr.com/half-blood-community/750311211309088768/hi-half-blood-homies-this-is-your-online-demigod?source=share
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rayof-damnsunshine · 1 month
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enfinizatics · 1 year
severus snape smoking cigarettes.
severus snape brewing potions late at night with his sleeves rolled up.
severus snape reading chemistry books.
severus snape eating takeout during summer break while working on the course syllabuses for the upcoming school year.
severus snape listening to the muggle radio while preparing potion ingredients while humming softly.
severus snape having tea with his older muggle neighbor and discussing plants and gardening tips.
severus snape enjoying his freshly brewed coffee in the morning.
severus snape doing groceries in a local supermarket and always buying a bar of milk chocolate.
just domestic severus snape things.
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maddies-chronicles · 4 months
bio - camp half-blood DR - book-accurate
name: eliana jackson
nickname(s): eli, ellie
age: 10
birthday: october 31st, 2005
gender: genderfluid
pronouns: she/they/he
sexuality: bisexual
height: 5'3
ethnicity: chinese
race: demigod
nationality: american
accent: american
languages: english, ancient greek, latin
hometown: new york city, NY
personality traits: sarcastic, even-tempered (usually), witty, clear-headed
strengths: powerful, extremely smart, resourceful
weaknesses: only has two braincells and has to share them with percy
likes: cherries, pineapple, tortilla chips, being mean to people
dislikes: collaboration
powers: earth manipulation, water manipulation, accellerated healing in water, never gets dehyadrated
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thedemigodsguide · 26 days
Has anyone else noticed that most of us in our corner of tumblr are either mentally ill, neurodivergent, lgbtq+, or some combo? ‘Cause I have!
✌️😗✨ADHD and Ace✨
🖤❤️💛🤍🩵💚🖤 <– disability flag! It’s new!
(Also, demigods! I’ll be posting guide pages on ADHD and Dyslexia at some point. They’ll probably take a while, though, because I want to write about them well and represent them properly.)
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rainbowskittle · 19 days
If you Greek and lgbtq+ hiii! Can we be friends ?? Your food is delicious and country is beautiful!! Haha.
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
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It was a long time ago that he was able to sleep. There were times, he had to fight with himself to stay awake, because Dumbledore wanted to see him over and over again...
Now, after many things left behind, he is able to have peaceful nights without any hint of nightmares. On weekends he often stays nearly all the time in bed and he only gets up to make coffee or tea. He reads a lot, but no books about magic. The only magical thing at his side is his wand, but this one is not really in use.
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crazy-as-a-jaybird · 2 months
pole of shame 🥲
@ticklishsquish thanx for inspiring me meanie /lh
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context under the cut
sfw interaction only pls
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isbreulla · 11 months
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Riordan Roleplay Prompts Intro!
Hi demigods and half-blood homies! This is Riordan Roleplay, where every Tuesday a new role-play prompt will be released. Your monster fighting OC (or Canon Character) will be able to follow along the story!
What godly counterpart would you prefer to roleplay first, Greek or Roman.
Just because this is your PJO Universe doesn't mean there aren't any rules, even Chiron has his limits. You will be expected to abide said rules at all times.
Be Kind. This is meant to be a friendly and non competitive event. Please make sure to be kind and good-nature with other role-players. Aggressive behavior towards one role-player to another will not be tolerated.
No hurtful comments, no matter your beliefs. Do not discriminate against anyone whatsoever because of their lifestyle and how they believe, this is not tolerated in our Community. This goes with other players and characters.
No inappropriate stories. Nothing with nudity, smut, pedophilia, or anything similar will be tolerated and will be blocked.
Iris message the council for backup. If any of the rules are broken, you are uncomfortable with the situation, need assistants, or feel the steam rise, fear not! Tag us @half-blood-community and we will take care of it.
Oh, Fleecy, do us a solid. Please follow our PJO community, or reblog this post. Trust us, you won't want to miss out on any of the topics. Maybe the first one won't spark your interest, but that doesn't mean future ones won't! We also appreciate any likes you might be willing to give; numbers boost our views.
Here's this week's RP link: https://www.tumblr.com/half-blood-community/750459022557216768/riordan-roleplay-may-14th-2024?source=share
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MAIN POST: https://www.tumblr.com/half-blood-community/750311211309088768/hi-half-blood-homies-this-is-your-online-demigod?source=share
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coming-of-age-witch · 2 years
nothing comes in between me and my undying love to read psychological/crime thrillers
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rayof-damnsunshine · 29 days
Yes, I drink tap water
It increases my homosexuality
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brehaaorgana · 5 months
People joke about ADHD all the time, even swear up and down they totally think they also have it, but then if you ask for an accommodation, to please please please provide things in fucking writing, EXACTLY what they want and need, you will even work it out WITH them, like they promised they would do — repeatedly over and over, and then you don't get it people really will fucking be like:
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I am using the incorrect bathroom (TM) to place my shelving and store my things. Homegirl literally removed various sundries and toiletries from a CLOSED CABINET and SHELF because she's interested in boundaries and accountability for my mess.
I said months ago I wanted to improve things for her comfort level and needed a written list of what precisely that fucking looked like in order to achieve it and not miss anything she deemed important. I explained how ADHD works, why I needed a written reference. Why I had to have it laid out, and if something needed changing we needed to write it all out. I would've made the list myself, but they said they would make it for the whole house to hold up their end of things. And, thinking this was a very reasonable adult solution to keeping the house in good shape, I said okay, come up with the list of expectations and what is needed and that way we can update how we handle chores. Awesome. I will do that to uphold my end.
No list ever gets made or drafted or anything despite my bringing it up, knowing we need to do it, but I DO get berated for failing to meet expectations and boundaries that were never fucking provided or delivered and include "don't store toiletries in this particular bathroom because I don't like it."
I can't believe I am a goddamn adult who gets treated like an idiot child for expecting adult communication instead of snide ass passive aggressive bullshit and basic respect for my things.
Because when I fucking get home, my shelving has been removed and a cabinet emptied of my things and placed in the "correct" bathroom.
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Oh shit she solved it, this doesn't look cluttered at all!
What a vast improvement to storing things in appropriate storage!
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melodysbookhaven · 8 months
“It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.”
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
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caistrophytum · 2 months
28/03 | 15:34
We have exciting news!
I present to you: A Camp Half Blood community!
Welcome to Camp Half-Blood! An online community for all things related to the Riordanverse.
This server has many opportunities to meet new people, talk about all things Percy Jackson, and have fun!
The server has a cabin system that allows you to have a private channel with other cabin mates, allowing for ways to grow new friendships! To pick your cabin, you will need to go to the ‘roles’ channel, you have 20 different cabins to choose from, ranging throughout the Greek Pantheon!
Please keep in mind the server is 13+ staying along the lines of the Discord TOS!
Have fun and enjoy!
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[i.d.: gordon freemans from half life 2 (left) and hlvrai (right) stand side by side on a metro system. they both are wearing scratched, bloodied hev suits and side eye one another, thinking: "At least I'm not that guy." /end i.d.]
possessed by the urge to draw hev suit . gordons on a tram through gman space
(textless under cut)
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[i.d.: same image as above, now without the thought bubble. /end i.d.]
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