daniiduna86 · 1 month
I created a drawing set : Exhausted Severus or How to fell asleep in all places and positions
'Cause I love to draw body in original and dynamic poses.
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Minerva is a bit worried about him. She's asking herself how the hell he's manage to give teaching every freaking days in this state.
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daniiduna86 · 1 month
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Even Snape sometimes fails a potion experiment 🧪🧪🧪
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daniiduna86 · 2 months
Why I didn't post any stories about our favourite Potions Master? Why it is so quiet in the last time?
I'm working on a bigger project and I have a exhibition of my art. So I'm very busy at the moment, but I will come back with wee stories about Severus. I still have no idea when...
Here is my latest work, and it is sold.
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More about my art, my work and me are on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram, if you want to know more about me.
Hope you have a good evening! See you!
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daniiduna86 · 2 months
Thanks to @redroses694 for tagging me!
But 15 friends to tag? Well... I'll do my very best. 😅
Named after anyone?
Nope. Boring, isn't it?
Last time you cried?
Long time ago, but I remember that I was angry.
Have kids?
Yes, 2 wonderful teens.
Sports play / have played?
I danced in a tribe for 6 years, now I do my sports alone or with my daughter.
Use sarcasm?
Sometimes, I think, but who cares? 😜
First thing you notice about people?
The face or facial expressions, so that I can see if someone is good or bad.
Scary movies or happy ending?
Happy ending. I have no idea why... 😂
Baking, cooking, being creative in absolutely countless ways... 🫣
Where were you born?
Flensburg, Germany
2 mad cats, one is black white and is called Saoirse and the other one is black and is named after our favourite Potions master. Her name is Severina.
Tall? Am I... what? I'm a dwarf with Hobbits roots. I'm Gimli's daughter...
Favourite subject in school?
Art, definitely!
Dream job?
Volcanologist and geologist, but I became an artist and honestly, that's the best what could happen to me. That's my real dream job!
Okay... That's a long list... A lot!
(Does anyone know where my overview is?)
Eye colour?
Tagging: @chocoramo-cow @snapecentric @snapegender @bodoniyambo @notexistingtoday143 @vulnus-sanare @mrs-snape5984 @marvel-snape-writes @giosnape @momo-t-daye and anyone who wants to play!
15 questions for 15 friends (but who the hell has 15 friends on here?)
THANKS @giosnape @mitsuki91 🥰😍😍😍
Name after anyone?
My grand-grandmother.
Last time you cried?
I have no idea, which is good
Have kids?
my gay ass could never
Sports play/have played?
Voleyball, swimming, high jumping, tennis, running, ballet, skiing, running on skis, dancing.
Use sarcasm?
Oh never!
First thing you notice about people?
I think their skin and their hair.
Scary movies or happy ending?
Happy ending lol
Fast reading, good memory, lately Excel
Where were you born?
Favourite subjet in school?
any if the teacher was hot
Dream job?
used to be academia, now whatever pays a lot
daydreaming, disociating, drowning in delusions
Eye colour?
I'll tag people I'm mutuals with and want to know better: @ronavorona @redroses694 @kookooka2 @sempervenefica
love you 💕
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daniiduna86 · 3 months
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Where to travel?
He thinks a lot about it.
The first destination must be the Isle of Skye. Severus just wants to explore all the beautiful places there, and maybe the distilleries.
And he will have a lot of time for himself after quitting his job as Potions Master. Minerva did understand his decision, but she was sad about it.
"I know you need your time after this war, and more because your soul and mind must heal! Take the time you need, Severus, and be sure that you can always come back to Hogwarts."
He had just nodded slightly, because he didn't know what to answer. His heart says, he would do better not to go back to Hogwarts ever again. He wants to be free and find peace. And this seems to be his way.
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daniiduna86 · 3 months
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Hi there!
Hope you have coffee for me.
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daniiduna86 · 3 months
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Severus, shortly after waking up from his strange dream and with a little duck face. Funny and cute at the same time.
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
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Weird dreams
They sit together on a bench on a beautiful hill in The Shire. The sun is shining, it is warm but not hot. A gentle breeze blows, the green grass sways gently as Gandalf speaks a thought aloud. Then he takes out his pipe, puts tobacco in it and lets the smoke rise into the sky.
Severus thinks about Gandalf's words and his gaze turns to Rincewind, who is just sitting there perplexed, a teacup in his hand and his eyes elsewhere.
He has absolutely no idea what Gandalf is talking about, Severus thinks, as Rincewinds eyes fixes something far far away. Maybe Ankh Morpork, maybe a Hobbit on a field, or maybe just the smoke of Gandalfs pipe that wipes around Rincewind's nose.
Or something strange is in his tea that makes him stoned, he thinks and smiles.
This is the idea of my hubby. I think, this is the first step for Severus to see a change, to feel relieved and that he can sleep and dream peacefully again - or maybe the first time in his life.
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
Some time ago my hubby had a funny idea about Severus and a dream he had. We both had to laugh about it.
And now, after sketching this idea, I'm colouring this little fanfiction.
Any idea what it could be? 😁
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
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It was a long time ago that he was able to sleep. There were times, he had to fight with himself to stay awake, because Dumbledore wanted to see him over and over again...
Now, after many things left behind, he is able to have peaceful nights without any hint of nightmares. On weekends he often stays nearly all the time in bed and he only gets up to make coffee or tea. He reads a lot, but no books about magic. The only magical thing at his side is his wand, but this one is not really in use.
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
Y/N; “Are you making spaghetti sauce?”
Severus; “No, that’s blood root juice.”
Honestly, I’m thinking living with the Potions master would be like living with Sherlock Holmes. “Why is there a jar of eyeballs in the fridge?”
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
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Since I already scribbled this weirdness, I might as well put it here.
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
Uh! Another challenge! 😁 Thanks to @redroses694 for tagging me!
1. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
2. Don't tell me - Disturbed feat. Ann Wilson
3. Sharp dressed man - ZZ Top
4. Poetry Glass - Peyton Parrish
5. I can't dance - Genesis
And by the way there are a lot more songs I love to listen to!
Tagging @exlibrisseverus, @thatweirdchristians, @snapecentric, @notexistingtoday143, @momo-t-daye, @bodoniyambo and anyone who wants to play!
music tag game
Top 5 favourite songs right now, tagged by @tolovaj (asnakjnwdkjs thank youuuuuu 💞)
My Love - Sia
Doin' Time - Lana del Rey
Suspirium - Thom Yorke
Warm You - Matty
not a song, it's just perfect, I listen to it all the time.
I'm tagging: @vulnus-sanare, @giosnape, @mitsuki91, @kookooka2, @monarcho-mysticism, @redroses694, @mmad-lover, @shostakobitchh @indihpblog
and everyone who wants to join!
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
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Being in a house that I should call home feels strange. All the things around me are the same as ever, but I feel like I don't belong in this house in Spinner's End.
I don't want to complain at all, it's my parents' house, but the coldness it gives off makes me feel that I want to get away as quickly as possible.
Funny, isn't it?
After cleaning up the house, I feel a little more comfortable, and I am thinking about a decision for this house. Maybe one day I'll sell it and move somewhere else.
The idea feels good!
On the other hand, I don't want to rush anything. I want to approach everything calmly and I think first I will make a journey.
We will see.
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
Thank you so much!
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The candlelight flickered a little as I sealed my notice of quit. After that I got up to get the bottle of Laphroaig Whisky from Christmas. For a hole while I just sat there and thought about nothing.
And now? Now I'm drinking my whisky, my eyes are on the envelope on the table, and I realise that I smile. To be honest, first I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing, but now I know I did everything right - or just... (without wanting to be egotistical)... maybe the best for me. It's done, my quitting is here. I will leave Hogwarts. 
How do I feel about it?
I can breathe, I feel liberated and relieved. 
I am only one step away from freedom, the last big step now will be giving Minerva this letter. 
How will she react? Should I care? Maybe a little, we were colleagues for many years, and it would be rude of me not to show any feelings. 
I hope she'll understand me.
The idea for this little story of Severus is from my wonderful hubby. Thank you so much, my love! 😘
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
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The candlelight flickered a little as I sealed my notice of quit. After that I got up to get the bottle of Laphroaig Whisky from Christmas. For a hole while I just sat there and thought about nothing.
And now? Now I'm drinking my whisky, my eyes are on the envelope on the table, and I realise that I smile. To be honest, first I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing, but now I know I did everything right - or just... (without wanting to be egotistical)... maybe the best for me. It's done, my quitting is here. I will leave Hogwarts. 
How do I feel about it?
I can breathe, I feel liberated and relieved. 
I am only one step away from freedom, the last big step now will be giving Minerva this letter. 
How will she react? Should I care? Maybe a little, we were colleagues for many years, and it would be rude of me not to show any feelings. 
I hope she'll understand me.
The idea for this little story of Severus is from my wonderful hubby. Thank you so much, my love! 😘
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daniiduna86 · 4 months
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Well, I did it, he thinks as he brews himself a strong coffee. He takes his book and goes to his chair when one of the first rays of sunlight reaches him. He got over the dark mood and his heavy depression, and now he has something like hope.
It can only get better, he thinks and looks out of the window.
After some time Sev gets himself a second coffee, puts his book aside and pulls a parchment, quill and ink towards him.
It is the first time, that he really feels like that he has to leave Hogwarts forever. To many bad memories rest here, all around him is still the presence of Dumbledore. And to heal he must leave, otherwise he would drown in destroying feelings and deeper depressions than before.
But how can I explain this whole thing to Minerva?, he wonders. Just be honest, that's the best way.
And then he writes down his quitting.
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