#hal Jorden
satoshy12 · 6 months
Chestburster Fentons and Zatanna Zatarra
It all started when Zatanna did a super good deal! She could rewing time and save her friends from Darkseid attack; all she has to do is swallow these two glowing balls! She should have read the fine print..... Because a few hours later, twin babies burst out of her chest! It didn't hurt, and her organs are all okay; they seem to have a phasing power. While a meeting in the Justice League! Flash:" Did you just give birth to Xenomorphs? What again did you do? We can't have Xenomorphs on Earth!" Hal Jorden:" I don't think they are Xenomorphs!" Bruce made his way to the two babies and touched them, which made them turn into a more human form with black hair and blue eyes from silver hair and tail. Now they had two toddlers in the room. Zatanna:"Hey, Bruce! You can't steal them."
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devine-fem · 11 days
thoughts on Hal Jordan x Oliver Queen or Dinah Lance x Sandra Wu San
Ollie and Dinah are bi4bi, t4t and poly.
Your honor I rest my case.
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thatgraysoncharm · 2 years
Since we call the founding member’s of the Teen Titans the ‘Fab Five’ and Young Justice the ‘Core Four’ I’ve made the executive decision that we should call the founding member’s of the Justice League the ‘Slutty Seven’. 
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jurnalistik39 · 3 months
Taman Karya Jurnalistik
article by Evra, Ihsan, Javier and Rafi
Sejarah Kilas Balik Jurnalistik Indonesia
Di era modern ini, penyebaran informasi dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan mudah. Setiap harinya, alat-alat komunikasi seperti hand phone dan laptop terus berkembang menjadi semakin canggih. Hanya dalam waktu sekejap, konten berita bisa dibuat dan seseorang bisa disebut sebagai jurnalis. Tetapi pada zaman dahulu, hal ini tentu sulit untuk dilakukan. Alat-alat canggih seperti ponsel dan laptop belum ditemukan. Lantas, dengan segala kesulitan di masa itu, apakah jurnalisme bisa dilakukan? Nyatanya, jurnalisme dapat dilakukan dan bahkan ditemukan di masa tersebut. Produk jurnalistik paling awal didunia adalah Acta Diurna, yang merupakan sebuah koran pada zaman Romawi Kuno. Mulai dari sini, jurnalisme lama kelamaan menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia.
Di Indonesia sendiri, jurnalistik masuk pada saat masa penjajahan Belanda, tepatnya pada tahun 1615. Saat itu, Gubenur Jenderal VOC Jan Pieterzoon Coen memerintahkan personel nya untuk menulis tangan lembaran berita mengenai keberangkatan dan kedatangan kapal-kapal niaga dibeberapa tempat. Surat kabar yang ditujukan kepada kalangan pejabat tersebut kemudian diberi nama, Memories der Nouvelles oleh Coen. Di masa itu keberadaan mesin cetak di wilayah Indonesia belum ditemukan, sehingga proses pembuatan lembar berita harus ditulis manual. Hal ini membuat kapasitas dari usaha yang dimulakan Coen itu sangat terbatas. 
Mesin cetak baru masuk ke wilayah Indonesia pada tahun 1668 dimana, hal ini memotivasi Jan Erdman Jordens untuk membuat koran yang lebih canggih dari Memories der Nouvelles. Jordens kemudian memberikan usulannya kepada Gubenur Jendral Willem Baron Van Imhoff dan singkat cerita, pada tahun 1744 Imhoff mendirikan percetakan Benteng dan menerbitkan koran berbahasa Belanda Bataviasche Nouvelles. Setelah itu, berbagai koran berbahasa Belanda lainnya seperti Vendu Niews mulai diterbitkan dan akhirnya, pada tahun 1854 koran berbahasa lokal mulai diterbitkan. Koran berbahasa lokal yang pertama kali terbit adalah koran Bianglala. Setelah itu diikuti koran berbahasa Jawa, Bromartani, yang didirkan oleh Carel Frederik Winter, seorang guru bahasa Jawa di Solo pada tanggal 29 Maret 1855. Saat awal diterbitkan, surat kabar yang dikelola oleh Frederik dan anaknya Gustaaf ini disambut hangat oleh pembaca umum dan anak-anak sekolah. Mulai dari sini Jurnalistik di Indonesia terus berkembang hingga saat ini.
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jwb2012 · 1 year
Godatz (A DPPC Retcon that NEEDS to happen!!)
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Here is the Main Antagonist of Delicious Party PreCure..... Godatz (ゴーダッツ,
), Now some of you are wondering, Well wait, Isn't Godatz the leader of the Bundoru Gang actually Fennel the Imperial Captain of the Cook-Fighters.... Well here's the thing, There is a reason how THAT fiasco happened.... It all comes back to the Toei Hack On March 11, 2022, According to Director Fukasawa Toshinori, He revealed in an Interview that Fennel originally was not (and I mean NOT!!) intended to be Godatz, But because of the hack, he and his staff had to immediately make Fennel the main Antagonist to fit the Rearranged flow of the season. True story, When I first seen the Fennel reveal on X-mas day.... I was laughing.... I was laughing hysterically at how Rushed, Out of nowhere and F@%$ing stupid it felt, While a part of me is offended that the Episode itself was mocking my Intelligence as a new forming Otaku, Making me question Reality as an Anime fan and an Artist.... Me and AzenZone where convinced that it would have been Ginger, After all, He was wearing Clothing Resembling the members of the Bundoru Gang in ways, But then Episode 41 came around to PULL the Rug from right under our F@%$ing Feet with this...... You all can imagine that Personally, I wasn't fond of this..... Fennel being the Main Antagonist felt like a Massive push in the gut for me, For not only did it Conflict with Fennel's own Character and Personality, You don't need me to Explain it, His OWN Wiki page does it in SOME detail
Godatz | Pretty Cure Wiki | Fandom
, Plus...... I actually liked Fennel, He seems more Honourable person in the Supporting cast, Has the same Japanese Voice Acter as Doctor Strange, If he got an English Voice I would Imagine it being Viggo Mortensen (What can I say, I love his portrayal as Aragorn from LOTR), Plus he would be the sort of person who would WANNA help Rosemary Prove Cinnamon's innocence and be the one to reveal Godatz's true Identity, So it was REALLY F@%$ing Contradictory that Fennel would be Revealed as Godatz himself...... Not only does it destroy ANY chance of MAKING Fennel a great part of the P.G.S. But it Ruined what I had planned for him (Making me switch my plans over to His apprentice Cerfeuil) But it's Character Assassination Not Adding the Phoned in Back story just to Justify his Reasons, My question would be WHAT Idiot at Toei thought THIS was a Good Idea, This is Yet again Toei's Editorial Mandate Dictating things because of an Incident that Happen in there OWN F@%$ing since they DIDNT Believe Anti-Hacking Software Exist, And when the Director and Script Writer submitted this to the Higher up for Approval, WHY didn't NOBODY in Toei's Editorial Over-sight go "Why make this Supporting Character be like this, Why not JUST make it like Pierrot, Or some like FFX's Final Boss" This is Hal Jorden Turning Evil and becoming Parallax All over again, But in Anime Style!!!!!!!
But while I was coming up with Ideas for Villains United, And Playing with the Idea of Lysandre becoming President of the Pokemon World Republic, I decided NO, I refuse to believe Fennel is a Villain and had to think of a way to Undo this mess like Chris Clermont did when he came up with Avengers Annual #10 to undo what Avengers Issue 200 done to Ms Marvel (Carol Danvers), And I didn't do it alone, I talked about this with my Good Friend @MLPFan053 and he came up with an  Idea I really like and will be a stepping stone for Fennel's Redemption, For I would play with the Idea of Him having No memory of what happened when Episode 41 happened.
"MLPFan053:  This idea of mine is inspired by the Green Lantern's aka Hal Jordan's infamous fall from grace as a result of Parallax's corruption.
Maybe Fennel was not actually Godatz. The REAL Godatz was only using Fennel as a host in order to paint the image that the CooKingdom's Imperial Captain was "Godatz".
The REAL Godatz was actually imprisoned in the Recipe-Bon. Said prison is the VERY LAST page of the book itself. The Recipe-Bon's additional function as Godatz's prison was a tightly guarded secret. Known only to the members of the CooKingdom's ruling monarchy. Meaning that excluding both the CooKing and the CooQueen, none of the CooKingdom's citizens were aware of the Recipe-Bon's dark secret. Not even the Cook Fighters themselves as well as the Energy Fairies themselves. Not even Ginger. No one knows where exactly Godatz had came from or what gave birth to him. What is known about him is that he is actually an energy entity. In other words, he has no physical form but, after a long and hard battle, he was imprisoned in the book that would come to be known as the Recipe-Bon by the founders of the CooKingdom themselves. Every time a new kind of food is created for the very first time in the human world, a page that contains the corresponding food's recipe will appear as part of the Recipe-Bon. Thus, as long as the humans continue to make new kinds of food, all new recipes will be created and added as part of the Recipe-Bon. As a result, Godatz who is imprisoned in the Recipe-Bon in the form of the aforementioned book's VERY LAST page will not be able to gain the strength that he needs to break out of his prison due to the added recipes in question suppressing his power. However, then came a day when a certain Cook Fighter had lost his way and had a fateful encounter with the Recipe-Bon when no one was looking. One day, when he had the chance to do so, Fennel had came across the Recipe-Bon while he was performing a routine inspection of the place where said recipe book was being kept. The inspection had happened AFTER Ginger's funeral and, at the time, Fennel was wracked with grief towards his beloved master's death. Out of anger towards Ginger's passing, Fennel had destroyed the Recipe-Bon in a sorrowful fit of rage. However, by the time he had calmed down, he panicked and had genuinely felt remorseful for what he had done to the CooKingdom's sacred source of powers. Unfortunately, for him, what he had done had also freed Godatz from his prison. Deeming Fennel as a suitable host for his nefarious schemes due to the aforementioned Cook Fighter's hidden jealousy towards Cinnamon and his grief towards Ginger's passing, Godatz had grafted himself onto Fennel's soul when the energy entity in question had possessed him. As a result, both Godatz and Fennel had became one. After that, Godatz who is using Fennel's body then proceeded to completely repair the Recipe-Bon so that no one would suspect Fennel's act of destroying the book as well as suppressing Fennel's memories regarding his act of destroying the Recipe-Bon and his meeting with Godatz along with his memories regarding both Godatz and Fennel fusing with each other in order to become one in order for Godatz to maintain the cover that he had started to make for himself ever since that day. Once Godatz had possessed Fennel, the dark energy entity had been whispering into his mind with Fennel mistakenly thinking that all of his actions as "Godatz" were "His ideas" when, in reality, Fennel was nothing more than a "Puppet" to the REAL Godatz's control. In other words, well....The rest is history." What MLPFan053 came up with is VERY cleaver and clearly understood where I was coming from, and I could tell in a sense that he didn't like Fennel's Out of nowhere reveal as Godatz as well, Don't know what @Omniverse-Commander feels about it but it's up to him, But his Explanation here gave me some Inspiration of a Possible Origin for Godatz himself, It is sprinkled and hinted on the Picture itself, But it will be Greatly Expanded on the Storyline that will be the Sequel to to the Story which I will Title Pokemon/Pretty Cure: The CooKingdom Conspiracy. B&B Origins. According to Fennel, Godatz was originally a Cat Energy Fairy who was assigned by CooKing and CooQueen to partner with a Young Ginger, Together they travelled the world, Inspired by the Creations of Various Dishes, He was the one to Create the Recipe-Bon and bound his Power to it, Should a new Dish be invented, Not only will it be recorded into the Book, But also a New Recipepe will be born from it, Godatz was praised by CooKing and CooQueen for his Accomplishment and will put CooKingdom in the Dimensional map, However things started to change, One day, with Godatz looking after the Book, Ginger was Assigned a new Energy Fairy named Kome-Kome the 1st, and travelled the world seeing new found Recipepe's, And thanks to Ginger's own Experiences as training new Cook-Fighters, Kome-Kome the 1st would take up his own Student Energy Fairies in the Responsibilities, However Godatz became Jealous of Kome-Kome the 1st, believeing that Kome-Kome's contributions would overshadow his own, Letting his own pride get to his head, Godatz started to manipulate the CooKingdom Monarchy into believing his Precious Recipe-Bon can be CooKingdom's Greatest power, He sweet-Talked them into Allowing him to perform some new-Ventures with the Recipe-Bon, This would ultimately lead to Godatz's fall from grace, Discovering that When filled with Recipepes, the Recipe-Bon will be filled with many recipes for people to use to make their own cuisines, However as Godatz's greed grew, He discovered that all recipes and dishes will also be stolen, Seeing this, Godatz would see it as something he would use to an Advantage, No longer just seeing it as a Tool for of CooKingdom's Peace, But also as a Potential Weapon of War should CooKingdom Feel threatened, Godatz would eventually show All of his discoveries to CooKing and CooQueen, Despite seeing the Potential of Weaponizing the Recipe-Bon, They do see that Godatz Pride is is Driving him to Competition with Kome-Kome the 1st, and is leading him down a Dark Path, Warning him Not to continue in his Experiments on the Recipe-Bon, But Godatz stubbornly refuses to listen Believing that Anyone Outside of CooKingdom Don't Appreciate what the Recipepe's do for there Food And pins them for Approving of his Experiments on the Recipe-Bon, To keep Godatz from Revealing there involvement, And to Keep Godatz from Starting a Potential War, CooKing and CooQueen Warned Ginger of what Godatz plans to do, But not informing him of Godatz's Experiments of the Recipe-Bon, Confronting Godatz, Ginger and Kome-Kome the 1st try to reason with Godatz to not go through with his plans of Taking Everyones Food away, But Godatz was Too far gone for reason, Due to his Emotions becoming Corrupted by Greed, He created Proto-Ubauzo to battle Ginger where as Godatz himself battled Kome-Kome the 1st, In the fight Godatz ended up unleaching an Attack on Ginger that changed him completely but completely destroys his own Body, Rendering Godatz a Bodyless Energy Entity, CooKing and CooQueen Arrived to Eventually End the Battle by Trapping Godatz inside his own Creation the Recipe-Bon, Imprisoning him in the Last page, Whole Ginger claimed the Recipe-Bon should be Destroyed, CooKing and CooQueen Reassure him that as long as Recipe-Bon makes new pages, The final Page where Godatz is will never be reached, To make sure Ginger and Kome-Kome the 1st never Expose them, Both CooKing and CooQueen Used magics to Erase there memories to the Event. However that wouldn't solve the problem, Over the years, Godatz would not only Feed on the the Negative Emotions of All Cook-Fighters and Recipepe's that pass by the Recipe-Bon, But would have his own Influence within the Recipe-Bon itself, Waiting Patiently till the day he'll be freed, Leading up to his Eventual Escape and Possession of Fennel. Even if Godatz eventually get's Defeated by Delicious Party PreCure and, His Spirit will Ultimately Return to the Recipe-Bon as bit of a Respawn point, for the Next time someone messes with the Recipe-Bon and Get's possessed.
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sugarlesswriting · 1 year
Tagged by @the-type-a and @webui1tgwensface
 1. Three ships: Duncney (Duncan and Courtney), Huntress and Question JLU, Rogue and Gambit
2. Last song: Psycho Killer-Talking Heads
3. Last movie: The Nice Guys
4. Currently reading: Have several books/comicbooks on rotation, but I’ll just put what I read (I guess rereading) last night Hal Jorden and the Green Lantern Corps by Venditti
5. Currently watching: Bad Movies and a Beat by Kennie J.D. on Youtube (so good)
6. Currently consuming: Sprite
7. Currently craving: My mom’s poppyseed chicken
 Tagging: @sentimentalslut
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zhanenova · 1 year
John Stewart is one heck of an character when it comes to Justice League Animated series. He is my first Green Lantern I ever discovered. Last time I’ve saw of him, was there while around the time I was in high school ish. If we’re counting Unlimited, last time was on the CW 4kids Vortexx 8-9 years ago. Talk about that amount of long time. I decided to check out this blu-ray as one of the DC Animated Original Film. It wasn’t released that long ago. Well, almost a half year ago, but it’s a still new new.
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After seeing the film and watched it’s special feature. I never knew John personally until now. He’s a person who decided to choose a path of not wearing the mask, unlike Hal Jorden and Kyle Rayner. (Which I thought Kyle is Hal at the time when I second discovered another GL in Superman TAS. Years later, there was GL TAS in CGI featuring as Hal the protagonist. They’re both different people. He does has broad shoulders like Batman/Superman. I don’t think the CGI one ain’t relevant to the actual DC TAS Universe. And yes, I’ve seen the series.)
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Seeing Green Arrow and Hawkgirl Shayera especially her who reminds me from JL TAS along in the film is pretty dope. Having both alias that begin the name with an green. They felt like flesh and blood already. Right, also Hal is also in there. Man he’s like- no spoiler. If haven’t seen “in brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. let those who worship evil's might beware my power… green lantern's light!” go get to it. Another DC for your pleasure. Some intriguing way to watch those two bonus episodes of the JL TAS. Me, myself, and I, it’s been quite a while, like way a while. Maybe I should re-watch a bit since I got the DVD set.
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somethingswell · 7 months
Ildprøven (Trial By Fire) - Danish to English
They walked by the fjord in the days of dawn. Suddenly, she returned his ring to him.
And she saw his pain and was filled with joy: a sun-dried flower sucking in moisture.
He thought: "Smiling wide she walks and ponders, As my wonderful world comes to an end."
She stomped her foot hard on the ground and threw the ring far out into the fjord.
Then she stomped and shouted: "I hate you! I hate you!" And tossed her arms around his neck: "I will die if you leave me!"
(poem by Emanuel Goldstein, 1910, from "Nogle Digte" // translated by me)
De gik ved Fjorden I Gryets Dage. Hun gav ham med ét Hans Ring tilbage
Og saa’ hans Smerte Og fyldtes med Glæde: En soltørret Blomst, Der indsuger Væde.
Han tænkte: "Saa smilende Gaar hun og grunder, Imens min dejlige Verden gaar under."
Han stemte Foden Haardt imod Jorden Og kasted Ringen Langt ud i Fjorden.
Da stamped hun og raabte: "Jeg hader dig! Jeg hader dig!” Og svang sig om hans Hals: "Jeg dør, hvis du forlader mig!”
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satoshy12 · 1 year
Danny liked it to spent time with Clockwork, and most fun are the missions he is send by the Old Ghost. Few are dangerous but most are pretty fun. He liked to see the other timelines and similiar helping the people and their lifes. Not knowing that he made a huge impact in that life and the hurt when he left.
As he was in this new Dimension the first thing he noticed was he was in his core. The one that finds him was Wonder Woman with the Justice League, they thought it was a Weapon that had fallen out of the Portal. Kind of like a Weaker Mother Box. They took him with them to the Watchtower. It took him not long to get outside the core like a chicken. While a meeting of the Heroes what to do with him.
They chose to let him stay in the tower and had stopped Batman from taking him just with him. Even after his dibs.
Once reborn of his Core, he aged himself up quickly into a child. Danny without a question was the biggest fan of Martian Manhunter. It was for him. Coolest uncle J'onn best Alien, Uncle Kal boring Alien, Cool Aunt Shayera, Granny Diana (she is SUPER OLD!), Batdibs, Funny Uncle Flash and Cool Uncle Lantern. Kal was not happy he was boring alien uncle for his human looks, but he got him over with applecakes. J'onn liked to talk about Mars, Danny loved to listen to it. Batman was the reason his first word was Dibs, but he was a good caretaker Hal Jorden was turned cool uncle as he learned he worked in the Airforce Flash was just funny and brought fast laughs for him Shayera was still cool Aunt, for she was a Alien Soldier even if she talked much about the evil race Gordanians. Maybe he will send a attack against them later. Diana had worked hard to get him to stop calling her Granny. She gave up after a time and gave Flash the Fault, she would have gotten mom but he just had to say she would be more a Granny then mother with her AGE! Yes Flash wasn't in Watch Tower for few weeks after that. And her mother Hippolyta was not happy that the Amazons are now Super Grannies as she visited Lord Hades because of his underworld nature.
After few months Danny noticed that a Portal had open up near him almost 1 feet, he was aged up to his original age and Clockworks hand pulled him out of the dimension as if he was never there in the first place only with the memories and the videos to see what happened.
The Justice League wants their boy back. Clockworks plan worked and they are now much deeper team like a whole family. They would do anything to bring him back to them.
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xaracosmia · 2 years
Hiii!! Echo here, asking to take all my muses Richard Grayson (DC), John Constantine (DC), Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption), and Astarion (Baldur’s Gate) off hiatus! I’d also like to reserve Hal Jordan (DC)! Today is 8/31 and you can contact me here, thanks!
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy hal jorden has been put on reserve until 9/7
✨mod exo
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
A hurt speedster
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vz24dQS
by A_Speedster
Barry gets hurt in battle, badly. It did something to his speed healing, making all his wounds heal even slower than they should. of course, Barry being barry. he doesn't ask for any help. And that sure comes back and bites him in the ass.
Words: 250, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU, Justice League - All Media Types, The Flash - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Barry Allen, Iris West (mentioned), Hal jorden, Bruce Wayne, Clark Cent, Victor Stone, Arthur Curry, Billy Batson, J'onn J'onzz, Diana (Wonder Woman), others - Character
Relationships: Clark Kent & Lois Lane, Barry allen & no one, Bruce wayne & tiredness
Additional Tags: Barry Allen Needs a Hug, Hurt Barry Allen, barry Allen and iris and not together, Hal is annoying, Protective Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Diana (Wonder Woman) & Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne Friendship, Protective Clark Kent, Clark Kent is So Done, Bruce wayne is too old for this, Jo'hn is not having it, Billy batson is a child, Why is arthur even here, Victor Stone is Cyborg, Confusion, i just like pain, Poor Barry Allen, Everyone Loves Barry Allen, why does barry always get hurt?, Barry Allen is The Flash
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vz24dQS
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bzdsentai · 2 years
Barry Allen and Hal Jorden should of stayed dead.
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shokuheshi · 4 years
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long time no hal sketch 
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batmaneveryway · 7 years
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Happy Nowruz a.k.a The First Day of Spring
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helreigns · 5 years
tag dump #2
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