#hair mask vs hair conditioner
Unlocking the Secrets: Hair Conditioner vs. Hair Mask
We all desire soft, shiny, and healthy hair, and beauty stores offer various products to help achieve those dreams. Among them, two products stand out in granting soft, lustrous locks – hair conditioner and hair mask. However, confusion often arises regarding when and how to use them. To shed light on these hair care essentials, let's delve into the purpose and usage of each.
Purpose of Using a Hair Conditioner:
A hair conditioner is a conditioning and hydrating product that smoothens and moisturizes the hair strands. Lightweight with a silky texture, it swiftly improves hair texture and appearance. Hair conditioners work on the hair shafts, laying flat the raised cuticles, hydrating the hair, and reducing frizz. These products contain active ingredients that form a protective layer on the hair, preventing breakage and damage from sun exposure.
Various types of hair conditioners are available, including rinse-out, leave-in, and deep conditioners. They should be used on damp hair after each wash, and you can rinse them out after a few minutes or leave them in, depending on the type you choose.
Best Hair Conditioner Products Price List in India:
WOW Red Onion Black Seed Oil Hair Conditioner (300ml) - ₹499
WOW Coconut & Avocado Oil Hair Conditioner (300ml) - ₹495
WOW Moroccan Argan Oil Hair Conditioner (300ml) - ₹549
WOW Green Tea Hair Conditioner (300ml) - ₹499
WOW Hemp Hair Conditioner (250ml) - ₹374
WOW Rice Water and Lavender Hair Conditioner (300ml) - ₹449
WOW Himalayan Rose Hair Conditioner (300ml) - ₹449
Purpose of Using a Hair Mask:
When your hair needs deep conditioning or repair, a hair mask is the product for you. Hair masks have a thicker, richer texture and are enriched with natural oils, butters, and reparative extracts. Ideal for very dry, damaged, or breakage-prone hair, hair masks penetrate the hair shaft, nourishing and moisturizing the hair to restore its natural health. They work by repairing hair bonds, delivering protein compounds and essential nutrients that strengthen the strands. Hair masks also contain concentrated conditioning agents that provide intense moisturization, preventing split ends and minimizing frizz, resulting in softer, healthier hair.
Hair masks should be used once or twice a week on wet, washed hair. They are especially beneficial for people with color-treated, dry, damaged, and breakage-prone hair.
Best Hair Mask Products Price List in India:
Hair Conditioner Vs. Hair Mask at a Glance:
The key difference between hair masks and hair conditioners lies in the level of moisture, hydration, and nourishment they provide to the hair. Here's a quick comparison between the two:
Conditions/moisturizes the hair
Lightweight and more liquid texture
Used after every hair wash
Applied on wet hair, avoiding the scalp
Smoothes rough/lifted hair cuticles and detangles hair
Adds shine and forms a protective barrier to prevent breakage
Rinsed off after 3 to 5 minutes
Hair Mask:
Nourishes and helps repair the hair
Thicker, creamier texture
Used once a week as special care for the hair
Applied on shampooed and towel-dried hair
Penetrates the hair shaft to repair damaged strands
Adds softness and bounce to the hair
Kept on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing off
While hair masks serve as reparative treatments for specific hair problems, hair conditioners offer instant protection by forming a protective layer on each strand. Hair conditioners deliver quick results, whereas hair masks take longer but provide more lasting outcomes. Depending on your hair's needs, it's advisable to have both a hair mask and a hair conditioner in your hair care arsenal.
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kamiliora · 2 months
Too people who want to get "prettier" and have a "glow up" Do NOT expect it to go over night.
Plenty of people believed that you just become pretty with no effort like you see on TV. It's never that easy. It takes steps, processes and Discipline. Always start with the basics like :
Make a skincare routine for your skin
Know your skin type and build you skincare routine from there
body care for the entire body
Scrubs , lotions and body butters are a must
Exfoliate 1-2 times a week
haircare (hair is everything even if u have a hijab hair care is still possible)
Oil train your hair and know you hair porosity to know what products to use
Use a non sulphate or silicon shampoo
Conditioner and a hair oil of your choice based on your hair problem
Hair mask 1 times a week
Know ur hair pattern to be able to use the right products and not damage your hair pattern
Do not straighten your hair everyday!!!
Use Silk pillows and silk scrunchies instead of elastics!!!
Getting a closet and hair cut for you
Find your best colors and body type
Therefore you would know which colors make you shine the most as well as
Find your seasonal color and which fraction ur in (like winter bright , summer light and etc)
Find which type of hair cuts and bangs suit your facial featured and face shape most
I recommend looksmaxing or the Yt channel Dear Peachie to help you including makeup tutorials, which archetype you are and which closet you can do
Look for styles that match your personality and makes you stand out
Build up a hobby
like sports photography, drawing, crocheting, dancing, and etc.
Doesn't have to be time consuming just something to do when ur bored or free even
Also depends on your time to be careful on what you commit to
Try to explore more options without much costs before fully committing to something that isn't for long-term
Exercise ( unless you already do)
Exercise requires discipline for you to be able to do it continuously for progress
If you can't afford a premium membership take a walk/jog/run around the block,street,park
If you feel unsafe you can do a YouTube work outs as they are effective depending on your goal
I recommend channels like :Madfit ,Hinafit, Shirley kim, April Han, ema wong, and Chloe ting
Take time for yourself (not all the time)
If you dont have time for yourself your body and brain will get stressed (from experience)
It can be as simple as drinking your daily detox water, green juice, coffee, tea or reading a book
Get 8 hours of sleep
Make sure not to stress for something so complete a task when given no matter how far the deadline is!!!
Reduce screen time to 3 hours a day (outside of school/work related stuff)
Never go too extreme like you see those people online do
Unless you are talking to professionals such as dieticians, Nutritionists and etc. (Bc most public figures do have professionals that they seek help too for these types of situations)
stick to a healthy diet like the 80/20 method
Or you can also do keto/greek/high carb or protein just never go extreme as it will slow down your metabolism
Find who you really are and trying to be better
People never really open up to try different things you should try more to find what you like most or which you are most stable with
See the perspectives on how you act im different situations and see what your mistakes are to try to avoid doing them again
Fix your mentality (watch wizard Liz, Song Jia,) and read quotes to inspire you to do better and the most you can
Always Analyze the situation before commenting or doing action unless its an emergency
Do not let people decide for you or get to your head it is their opinion not yours. You opinion is never invalid and justified in your perspective
Confident vs Arrogant vs Egoistic
Confident people never brag nor do they drag people down. They know they are THAT person and will NOT care about your opinion of them.
Arrogant people like to Brag about something that they have and thinks their all That. They bring down people for not having the luxury they have. But when someone has more and better than them they always try to avoid them, argue with them or get annoyed by them as They want to show supremacy
Egoistic people tend to make fun of people. Self-centered people that only think about themselves without knowing or thinking that they hurt others. Their too preoccupied with themselves to think of others helps or needs
(Sorry its so long and unorganized I made this at 2:30 am bc idk and these are just some tips)
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cantuscorvi · 1 month
What’s Raum’s morning and evening routine? Does he do skincare? Does he use hair masks? How often does he shave? Where does he shave vs where does he trim? How long does it take him to style his hair until he’s happy? Does he use products to keep his hair neat all day?
@nezumivc103221 here to answer the oddly specific and mundane details of Raum's life lmao
Raum showers twice a day, morning and evening, although the morning one is more like a quick rinse to get rid of any sweat during the night and settle his hair. Frequently, the evening one is hot, the morning one is lukewarm or cold.
Yes, he does practice skincare, but it's a quick three-step routine after showering.
He doesn't use any sort of hair mask, or even conditioner, shampoo is enough.
He shaves his face every day, in the morning, because he finds any stubble itchy and distracting, he prefers to keep on top of it.
Due to being blond, his body hair is naturally quite light and sparse. The only other body hair he trims is in the nether region, just to keep everything tidy.
It will take him about ten minutes to settle his hair from wet to dry, as it's fairly routine, maybe a little longer if any hair at the back of his head is being particularly stubborn.
His hair is quite fine, so too much product would weigh it down and make it oily (hence no hair mask, treatment, oil, conditioner etc).
He uses a small amount of lightweight wax to keep it held - that way it's not stuck in place. He can move it, he can run fingers through it to adjust, but it's less likely to fall out of the style it's dried in at the start of the day.
( image below for your reference :^) )
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merrybrides · 1 year
10 Tips For Wedding Hair in Humid Weather
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Worried about humidity ruining your hair for the wedding? 😳
We get it.
Humidity makes hair poof & encourages frizz… we get it.
Hair loses its volume and refuses to stay in place without extra help… we get it.
Don’t worry…
You can’t control the weather, but here 10 tips for wedding hair in humid weather.
Ready to get started?
Prepare Before Your Big Day
1. Shampoo & Conditioner
Preparation is key for keeping your hair in place when it’s humid outside.
Take care of your locks as a part of your normal hair care routine, not just in the weeks leading up to your wedding.
This means finding the right shampoo & conditioner for your hair.
Pay attention to:
Your hair texture
Level of dryness
The health of your hair
With this info, you will find a shampoo & conditioner that suits your hair type.
This is great for your hair’s overall health because it helps your hairstyle battle humidity on the big day.
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2. Wash the Night Before
I’m sure you’ve heard the age-old argument of styling your hair dirty VS clean.
People believe that dirty hair is best for a better hold.
Or is that just me?
Either way, it’s better that you wash your hair the night before instead of the morning of.
Hairdressers likely prefer to work with clean hair when styling your hair.
Dirt & buildup can weigh your hair down.
You’ll enjoy having clean hair and feel more comfortable in the heat & humidity.
If you’re not sure about it, discuss this with your hairdresser.
They’ll tell you how to prepare your hair for the best hold & look.
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3. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize
Moisturizing is not just for your face!
Aside from conditioning, make sure to keep an eye on your hair’s moisture.
A moisturizer, like a hair mask, is different from a conditioner & a deeper form of conditioning.
Both work to maintain your hair’s moisture and water retention.
The healthier your hair is, the more it will retain its moisture on a healthy level.
It will look better too!
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4. Say NO to Hairdryers
This is especially important when you wash your hair the night or day before.
It’s better to let your hair air dry.
Using a hairdryer with heat damages your hair and its texture.
Your hairdresser will know how to deal with your hair texture in its natural state.
So, don’t worry about using a hairdryer to tame your mane.
Heat styling isn’t the best option for hair.
It’s better to avoid it when leading up to your wedding.
On your wedding day, give yourself enough time for your hair to dry.
Be sure it’s completely dry before heading into the humidity.
We want your hair in tip-top shape – not something you are constantly worrying about!
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5. Embrace Texture
When you choose your wedding hairstyle, consider your natural texture.
Pick a style similar to your hair’s texture to avoid changing it with heat styling.
The less you fight against your hair, the more it reduces frizz & the risk of it falling flat.
Wear naturally curly and/or wavy hair in its natural state or with more defined curls.
For straight hair, wear your hair naturally with accessories.
Embrace your natural texture to give your hair a fighting chance against humidity.
If you want other options, then the next tips are for you!
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6. Low Ponytail
Another option for a style that holds up well in humid weather is a low ponytail.
Your hair is completely out of the way, and it’s securely in place.
So don’t worry about your hair moving everywhere and the friction causing frizz.
A low ponytail is also an alternative way to wear your hair in its natural state & avoid heat styling…
Which is always a plus!
Add braids, accessories, flowers to jazz up the classic ponytail look.
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7. Up-Do
An up-do is a great way to go.
Your hair is securely in place and styled in a way that keeps its shape, rather than hoping for the best.
Because of how you style an up-do with pins & extra accessories, your hair is less likely to fall flat.
Your hair doesn’t have to be slicked up.
You can wear it loosely, like a swept-up look.
Choose from a sleek bun or tousled curl up-do.
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8. Half Up Half Down
Next, we have the half up half down style.
Wearing only half of your hair up is the best of both worlds.
You can still wear your hair down in any texture you want, but also achieve a decent hold by styling half the hair up.
When half of your hair held up, there is less free hair to get unruly with wind & humidity.
It’s also a great way to show off accessories, if you ask me!
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The Wedding Day
9. Oils, Balms, and Serums
It’s likely that your hairdresser will use oils, balms, or serums to style your hair.
This helps to manage any flyaways, frizz, and can also be a heat protector.
Balms help add texture to the hair & are useful to keep your hair in shape.
To minimize damage to your hair, you need a heat protector for any kind of heat styling.
Serums are thicker than oil and are usually used after oils & heat styling.
The serums seal your hair and are often anti-frizz products.
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10. Light Hairspray
Finally, your hairstylist is done!
After prepping, protecting, and styling, the final touch should be light hairspray.
Avoid touching your hair as much as possible after the last touch.
Don’t use hairspray so strong that it leaves your hair crunchy.
Make sure it’s just strong enough that your hair is held in place.
A light spray helps block out dreaded humidity.
Final Tips
There is no 1 size fits all solution, but you can take steps beforehand to have style-ready healthy hair.
How you take care of your hair in daily life, what products you use, and how you style your hair contributes to fighting the humidity.
Consult with your hairdresser for recommendations.
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proadsindia · 19 days
Unveiling the Truth: Hair Mask vs. Conditioner — What’s the Difference?
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Purpose: While both hair masks and conditioners aim to nourish and hydrate the hair, they serve different purposes and offer unique benefits.
Consistency: Hair masks typically have a thicker consistency compared to conditioners, allowing them to penetrate deeper into the hair shaft and provide intense hydration and repair.
Ingredients: Hair masks are formulated with higher concentrations of nourishing ingredients such as oils, vitamins, and proteins, making them ideal for addressing specific hair concerns like dryness, damage, or frizz.
Usage Frequency: Hair masks are usually recommended for weekly or bi-weekly use, as they provide a more intensive treatment for restoring and revitalizing the hair. Conditioners, on the other hand, can be used more frequently, typically after every shampoo, to maintain hydration and manageability.
Application Method: Hair masks are often applied to damp hair and left on for a longer period of time, allowing the ingredients to deeply penetrate and work their magic. Conditioners, on the other hand, are typically applied after shampooing and rinsed out immediately for instant hydration and detangling.
Results: While both hair masks and conditioners leave the hair feeling soft, smooth, and moisturized, hair masks offer more long-term benefits and can address specific hair concerns more effectively.
Ideal Candidates: Hair masks are perfect for those with dry, damaged, or chemically treated hair in need of extra nourishment and repair, while conditioners are suitable for all hair types and can be used to maintain overall hair health and manageability.
In conclusion, while conditioners and hair masks are essential for keeping hair healthy and gorgeous, knowing the distinctions between the two and selecting the best product for your unique hair type will help you get the best results. There is a great product out there for you, whether your goal is to retain hydration, improve shine, or repair damage!
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stayhealthy21 · 26 days
How to Get Healthier Hair – and keep it that way!
Step 1: Wash your hair less often
Shampooing your hair removes dirt and oils, but over-shampooing can strip natural oils from your hair and scalp. Plus, shampoo that isn’t rinsed out fully can build-up on your hair, leaving it looking dull and lifeless.
Washing your hair a few times per week can help maintain oil balance for most hair types. Use our Batiste™ Dry Shampoos between washes to absorb excess oils and refresh your hair.
Also, try our Batiste™ Naturally Dry Shampoo line with 100% natural, plant-powered extracts and propellant for great results in a recyclable can that uses 40% less packaging when compared to Batiste Original.
Step 2: Apply conditioner properly
Conditioner is best applied to the middle and ends of your hair, then worked backward toward your scalp. Your hair needs the hydration further from the scalp, but your scalp can get dry, too. Pay extra attention to hydrating your scalp if it’s itchy or you notice flakes.
And make sure you choose the right conditioner for your hair type: thick curls need a different kind of hydrating than straight or thin hair.
Step 3: Use a hair mask weekly or as needed
Hair masks are deep moisturizing treatments that penetrate into the hair shaft to hydrate and strengthen from within. To help keep your hair supple, shiny, and strong, make a hair mask part of your healthy hair care routine at least weekly. To learn more about hair masks and how Batiste™ Leave-In Masks are different, check out our guide.
Step 4: Protect hair when heat styling
Try to reduce how often you get a blow out or use a hot iron on your hair and apply a moisturizing protectant before using heat. Batiste™ Leave-In Masks can help protect hair against heat up to 450 degrees – – rub some on your strands before blowdrying or ironing your hair.
Step 5: Minimize hair processing such as dyes, perms, relaxer
It’s fun to change up your hair color and style, and once you start bleaching, dying or processing, you have to maintain the look. Let your hair rest between processing treatments and give it extra love to allow it to rehydrate and recuperate after you’ve given it a chemical workout. Is your bleached hair damaged and in need of some love? Treat it to a hair mask to repair and strengthen.
Step 6: Protect hair when going in the sun or swimming
When indulging in some fun in the sun, help keep hair healthier by applying conditioner or a leave-in mask before swimming in any type of water (but especially chlorinated pools). If you’re a regular swimmer, wear a swim cap when you can to minimize your hair’s exposure to chlorine, and it’s always a good idea to wear a hat when out in the sun to help protect your hair and skin.
Step 7: Detangle hair before shower and shampoo
Brush or finger comb your hair to remove tangles before you wash it. Taking the few moments to detangle before jumping in the shower after a workout or in the morning will save you time and help prevent breakage.
Step 8: Brush your hair when dry vs. wet
When your hair is wet, it becomes more vulnerable to breakage. If you want to prevent flyaways, split ends and damage, avoid brushing wet hair. The best time to brush your hair is when it is almost or completely dry. This may vary by hair texture, as those with curly hair can potentially create more damage with dry brushing. If you really can’t resist brushing your hair when wet, use a wide tooth comb instead of a hairbrush. Tooth combs can be more gentle to the scalp and hair follicles, if you comb slowly.
Step 9: Squeeze wet hair with a towel, don’t rub
Wrap the towel around your head or long strands and blot to absorb water. Rubbing your hair with a towel introduces tangles and creates breakage.
Step 10: Protect and moisturize your scalp
Your scalp can get quite dry, especially if the air is dry, you over-shampoo, or it’s exposed to the sun. Wear hats and scalp sunscreen when going out in the sun, run a humidifier in your home if your indoor air is dry, shampoo less often and use a moisturizing shampoo. Use a deep scalp treatment as needed to hydrate your scalp if it’s gotten dry and flaky.
Step 11: Care for your hair while you sleep
Pull long hair back into a loose braid or put hair up into a sleep cap. Also try changing out your cotton or microfiber pillowcase for a silk or silk-alternative one. The smoother fabric can help prevent or reduce tangling while you sleep.
Step 12: Get regular haircuts
Trim your hair every 3 to 7 weeks if it’s short or bobbed, every 8-12 weeks for textured curly hair, and at least every 12 weeks for long hair to remove damaged or split ends and keep the shape of your hair style. Regular trims are a must for keeping your hair healthy, no matter your hair type.
Step 13: Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water
Eat a diet rich in protein, essential fatty acids, and B-vitamins to help give your body the nutrients it needs to produce keratin, the structural protein in your hair and nails. Drink plenty of water to help keep skin and hair hydrated as well.
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theplotline · 4 months
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In the realm of beauty and personal care, hair color has become a transformative tool for many individuals seeking a change in appearance. The allure of vibrant hues and creative shades has captivated hearts across the globe. However, a pressing question often lingers in the minds of those contemplating a hair color transformation – does hair color damage your hair? In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the intricacies of hair coloring to demystify the perceived risks and unveil the truths behind this transformative beauty ritual.
Understanding the Chemistry: How Hair Color Works
To decipher the impact of hair color on our locks, it's crucial to understand the chemistry behind the process. Hair color involves the application of various chemical compounds to alter the natural pigmentation of the hair shaft. Melanin, the pigment responsible for hair color, undergoes a transformation through oxidation and reduction reactions during the coloring process. This intricate chemistry is the key to achieving the desired shades.
Dispelling Myths: The Perception vs. Reality
Myth 1: Hair Color Equals Inherent Damage Contrary to popular belief, modern hair coloring products are formulated with advanced technologies that minimize potential damage. Ammonia-free and low-chemical formulations have paved the way for vibrant hair without compromising the hair's structural integrity. Myth 2: Permanent Color Spells Disaster Permanent hair color is often perceived as a drastic commitment leading to irreparable damage. However, advancements in hair color technology now offer nourishing ingredients like keratin and natural oils in permanent formulations, ensuring a balance between color vibrancy and hair health.
Navigating Potential Risks: Best Practices for Healthy Hair Color
Preparation: The Foundation of Healthy Coloring Prioritize hair health by conducting a strand test and a patch test to assess compatibility with the chosen hair color product. Pre-treatments with deep conditioning masks can also enhance hair resilience. Application Techniques: Precision Matters Invest time in precision during application. Even distribution and avoiding overlapping can significantly minimize the risk of damage. Sectioning the hair and applying color with a meticulous approach ensures uniform results. Post-Color Care: Sustaining Vibrancy and Health The journey doesn't end with color application. Implement a post-color care routine with color-safe shampoos, conditioners, and leave-in treatments. Regular trims help eliminate split ends, maintaining the overall health of your colored mane.
Expert Insights: What Professionals Say About Hair Color
Seeking advice from hairstyling professionals is paramount when contemplating a hair color change. Experienced colorists emphasize the importance of using high-quality products and adopting a personalized approach tailored to individual hair types and conditions.
Conclusion: Striking a Harmonious Balance
In conclusion, the question of whether hair color damages your hair is nuanced. While the process involves chemical reactions, the industry has evolved to prioritize both style and hair health. By embracing modern formulations, adhering to best practices, and seeking professional guidance, individuals can revel in the joy of vibrant, colored locks without compromising their hair's well-being.Read More Read the full article
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cbdalchemy · 10 months
The Beauty Revolution: Unlocking the Power of CBD Cosmetics
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In recent years, the beauty industry has witnessed a revolutionary ingredient that has taken the world by storm - CBD. Short for cannabidiol, CBD is one of the many compounds found in the cannabis plant. However, unlike its cousin THC, CBD does not produce any psychoactive effects. Instead, it offers a myriad of potential health benefits and has quickly become the cornerstone of the beauty world. In this blog, we'll delve into the captivating world of CBD cosmetics and explore why they are taking the beauty industry by storm.
The Rise of CBD Cosmetics
CBD has made its mark in various fields, from health and wellness to skincare and beauty. The popularity of CBD cosmetics has skyrocketed due to its natural properties and potential to address numerous beauty concerns. The beauty industry has embraced CBD as an alternative to traditional ingredients, such as retinol, hyaluronic acid, and other chemical additives. Consumers have been drawn to its organic origins, cruelty-free nature, and the promise of a more holistic approach to self-care.
Benefits of CBD Cosmetics
The key to CBD's success in the beauty realm lies in its powerful therapeutic properties. CBD is renowned for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and calming effects, making it an ideal candidate for various skincare products. Some of the most notable benefits of using CBD cosmetics include:
Skin Nourishment: CBD-infused skincare products, such as serums, creams, and masks, can deeply hydrate and nourish the skin, promoting a radiant and youthful complexion.
Acne and Blemish Management: CBD's anti-inflammatory properties can help calm irritated skin and reduce redness, making it beneficial for those with acne-prone or sensitive skin.
Anti-Aging Effects: As an antioxidant, CBD helps combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, supporting the skin's natural ability to fight signs of aging.
Stress Relief: Incorporating CBD beauty products into your skincare routine can help create a sense of relaxation and reduce stress, leaving you with a soothing, spa-like experience.
Hair Care: CBD-infused hair products, such as shampoos and conditioners, can nourish and strengthen hair, promoting healthy growth and shine.
Scalp Health: CBD's soothing properties can alleviate dryness, itching, and inflammation on the scalp, addressing common issues like dandruff and irritation.
Sustainability: CBD cosmetics are often derived from organic hemp plants, making them environmentally friendly and sustainable.
Choosing the Best CBD Cosmetics
With the increasing demand for CBD cosmetics, the market has been flooded with an array of products. To ensure you are getting the best CBD cosmetics, consider the following factors:
Source of CBD: Opt for products that use CBD derived from organic hemp plants, grown in reputable, pesticide-free farms.
Full-Spectrum vs. Isolate: Full-spectrum CBD contains a range of beneficial compounds found in hemp, while CBD isolate is pure CBD. For enhanced effects, choose full-spectrum CBD cosmetics.
The beauty industry's embrace of CBD cosmetics has been a game-changer, offering a more natural and holistic approach to self-care. CBD's therapeutic benefits, coupled with its sustainable nature, have made it a favorite among beauty enthusiasts worldwide. From skincare to hair care, CBD-infused products are revolutionizing the beauty industry, providing us with a chance to indulge in self-care while harnessing the power of nature.
If you're looking to enhance your beauty routine and elevate your self-care experience, consider incorporating CBD cosmetics into your regimen. Embrace the beauty revolution and unlock the incredible potential of CBD to unveil your natural glow and radiance. Remember to choose products that are transparent about their sourcing and production methods, and take your beauty routine to new heights with the power of CBD.
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envyglowbeauty · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Matrix Food For Soft Hydrating Dry Hair Shampoo Conditioner 33.8 oz.
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hairstyleforteen · 1 year
Why Is My Hair So Dry After Bleaching?
Do you are feeling like your hair was a pile of straw after bleaching? Have you ever been combating dryness, brittleness, and breakage? Bleaching is usually a harsh chemical course that may wreak havoc on your hair, leaving it feeling dry, broken, and lifeless. However don't be concerned, there are methods to nourish and restore your hair to its former glory. Bleaching is a chemical course that entails eradicating the pure shade of your hair. This will strip your hair of its pure oils, leaving it dry and brittle. Moreover, bleach can injure the cuticle – the outer layer of your hair – resulting in split ends and breakage. So, when you've been questioning why your hair is so dry after bleaching, it is a result of the method has broken your hair's pure protecting barrier. However, with the proper care and a spotlight, you possibly can restore your hair's health and shine. Why is My Hair So Dry After Bleaching?Bleaching removes the pure oils and proteins out of your hair, leaving it dry and brittle. The chemical substances used within the bleaching course break down the protecting cuticle layer of your hair, making it extra susceptible to break. To fight dryness, use a deep conditioning remedy usually and keep away from utilizing warmth styling instruments. Moreover, restrict your publicity to daylight and chlorine as they will additionally dehydrate your hair. Why is My Hair So Dry After Bleaching? Bleaching your hair is usually an enjoyable strategy to change up your look. Nonetheless, when you're not cautious, it may go away your hair feel extraordinarily dry and broken. So why does this occur? Listed here are some key causes: Lack of Moisture If you bleach your hair, you are stripping it of its pure shade. This course additionally removes the protecting oils that keep your hair tender and moisturized. Consequently, your hair is left feeling dry and brittle. Moreover, bleach can even injure the hair cuticle, which is the outer layer that protects the hair shaft. When this layer is broken, moisture can escape extra simply, leaving your hair feeling even drier. To fight this subject, it is essential to make use of hydrating hair merchandise that can assist replenish moisture. Search for shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks which can be particularly formulated for dry or broken hair. Overprocessing Another excuse why your hair could also be feeling dry after bleaching is that it has been over-processed. For those who go away the bleach on for too long, or when you bleach your hair too usually, you possibly can injure your hair past restore. To keep away from overprocessing your hair, it is essential to observe the directions in your bleach equipment rigorously. Do not go away the bleach on for longer than advisable, and wait at least several weeks between bleaching periods to offer your hair time to get well. Warmth Injury Bleaching your hair can even make it extra prone to warmth injury. For those who use scorching instruments like straighteners or curling irons in their bleached hair, you possibly can trigger much more injury and make your hair feel even drier. To keep away from warmth injury, attempt to restrict your use of scorching instruments as a lot as potential. If you do use them, use a warmth protectant spray to attenuate injury. Advantages of Bleaching Your Hair Whereas bleaching your hair could cause injury, there are additionally some advantages to this course. For one, bleaching can provide you with a new look, permitting you to experiment with totally different hair colors and types. Bleaching can even assist take away buildup from your hair, leaving it feeling lighter and cleaner. And when you're somebody who struggles with oily hair, bleaching may also help steadiness out your scalp's pure oils and make your hair much less susceptible to greasiness. Bleaching vs. Different Hair Coloring Strategies For those who're contemplating bleaching your hair, you could be questioning the way it compares to different hair coloring strategies. Listed here are some key variations: - Bleaching is extra damaging to your hair than different coloring strategies. It is because it entails stripping your hair of its pure shade and oils. - Bleaching is more practical for lightening your hair than different strategies. If you wish to go from a darkish shade to a lightweight shade, bleaching is normally the simplest method to take action. - Different coloring strategies, like semi-permanent or demi-permanent dyes, are much less damaging to your hair and is usually a good choice when you're on the lookout for a refined change. Ideas for Maintaining Your Bleached Hair Wholesome For those who've already bleached your hair and are combating dryness, there are some issues you are able to do to assist preserve your hair wholesome: - Use a deep conditioning hair masks as soon as per week to assist replenish moisture. - Keep away from utilizing scorching instruments as a lot as potential, and use a warmth protectant spray once you do. - Do not wash your hair on daily basis, as this will strip it of its pure oils. Purpose to scrub it each 2-3 days as a substitute. - Trim your hair usually to eliminate break up ends and stop additional injury. - Think about using a leave-in conditioner to assist preserve your hair moisturized all through the day. Conclusion Bleaching your hair is usually a enjoyable strategy to change up your look, but it surely's essential to concentrate on the potential injury it may possibly trigger. For those who're contemplating bleaching your hair, be sure that to observe the directions rigorously and take steps to maintain your hair wholesome and moisturized. And when you're already coping with dry, broken hair after bleaching, don't be concerned - with the proper care and a spotlight, your hair can bounce again and look more healthy than ever. Regularly Requested Questions Why is my hair so dry after bleaching? Bleaching is a chemical course of that removes the pure pigments out of your hair. This course of could cause a number of injury to your hair, making it dry and brittle. The bleach removes the pure oils out of your hair, leaving it susceptible to breakage and injury. Furthermore, when hair is bleached, the hair cuticle is lifted, which causes extra moisture to flee from the hair shaft. This makes your hair dry and frizzy. To forestall this, you will need to use an excellent high quality hair conditioner and keep away from utilizing scorching styling instruments as a lot as potential. What can I do to forestall my hair from getting dry after bleaching? There are some things you are able to do to forestall your hair from getting dry after bleaching. Firstly, you need to use an excellent high quality hair conditioner that's particularly designed for dry and broken hair. This may assist to revive moisture to your hair and stop it from changing into dry and brittle. Secondly, keep away from utilizing scorching styling instruments as a lot as potential. For those who should use them, be sure that to make use of a warmth protectant spray or serum to guard your hair from warmth injury. Additionally, attempt to restrict the frequency of your warmth styling to forestall additional injury. Lastly, keep away from washing your hair too regularly as this will strip your hair of its pure oils. As an alternative, go for a dry shampoo to maintain your hair wanting recent between washes. How lengthy does it take for hair to get well from bleaching? The time it takes for hair to get well from bleaching varies from individual to individual. It is dependent upon the extent of the injury brought on by the bleach and the way nicely you handle your hair afterwards. Usually, it may possibly take a number of months in your hair to completely get well from bleaching. Throughout this time, you will need to use an excellent high quality conditioner and keep away from utilizing scorching styling instruments as a lot as potential. Additionally, attempt to restrict the frequency of your warmth styling to forestall additional injury. You will need to keep in mind that the method of recovering from bleaching is gradual and requires persistence. With correct care and a spotlight, your hair will ultimately turn out to be stronger and more healthy. Can I bleach my hair if it is already dry? It isn't advisable to bleach your hair whether it is already dry. Bleaching could cause a number of injury to your hair, making it even drier and extra brittle. For those who actually wish to bleach your hair, you will need to first take steps to enhance the well being of your hair. This may increasingly contain utilizing an excellent high quality hair conditioner, avoiding scorching styling instruments, and limiting the frequency of your warmth styling. It is usually advisable to hunt the recommendation of knowledgeable hairstylist earlier than bleaching your hair. They may also help you identify in case your hair is wholesome sufficient for the method and supply suggestions on how one can put together your hair for bleaching. Is there a strategy to bleach my hair with out damaging it? Sadly, there is no such thing as a strategy to bleach your hair with out inflicting some injury. Bleaching is a chemical course of that removes the pure pigments out of your hair, which might trigger a number of injury to your hair. Nonetheless, there are methods to attenuate the injury brought on by bleaching. Firstly, you will need to use an excellent high quality hair conditioner earlier than and after the bleaching course of. This may assist to revive moisture to your hair and stop it from changing into dry and brittle. Secondly, keep away from utilizing scorching styling instruments as a lot as potential. For those who should use them, be sure that to make use of a warmth protectant spray or serum to guard your hair from warmth injury. Additionally, attempt to restrict the frequency of your warmth styling to forestall additional injury. Lastly, it's endorsed to hunt the recommendation of knowledgeable hairstylist earlier than bleaching your hair. They will present suggestions on how one can decrease the injury brought on by bleaching and make it easier to obtain the specified consequence. In conclusion, dryness after bleaching is a standard subject that may be irritating and regarding for a lot of people. Nonetheless, there are a number of explanation why your hair could also be dry after bleaching. It could possibly be because of the harsh chemical substances used within the bleaching course of, the frequency of bleaching, or the dearth of correct hair care after bleaching. To fight dryness, it's essential to handle your hair through the use of the proper merchandise, together with shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks. Moreover, keep away from over-washing your hair and restrict using heated styling instruments. Bear in mind, sustaining wholesome hair after bleaching requires persistence and dedication. With correct care and a spotlight, your hair can stay wholesome and exquisite, even after present process the bleaching course of. Read the full article
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meismalis · 2 years
Some days are better than others, but luckily, most of my days the past couple years I have been able to dominate the messy and "dirty" side of depression. For the first time in a long time, I haven't been able to dominate it. The past three days have been the kind of days that aren't better than others, the kind that are filled with autistic burnout and deepening depression. I've done the bare minimum and have been unable to bring myself to do what needs to be done in a functioning household. Ive barely been able to achieve bodily cleanliness and it took all the might and energy in me to get my daily bath every night and my skincare. I did the bare minimum to make sure I was clean, I couldn't also shave and exfoliate my skin/feet, I couldn't do the hour long process I normally do and all I could do was lay in the bathtub with soap and use my loofah to clean myself, and that took all of the energy out of me. I couldn't possibly fathom doing my hair cleansing routine. I only do it every 3-4 days anyways because it's actually bad for your hair to wash it more than that, and if you have sensitive skin and psoriasis like I do, it makes it even worse. The thought of doing my whole routine (scalp and hair oil first then brush the scalp with an exfoliating brush, rinse that out, shampoo with a medicated psoriasis shampoo then rinse that out,then shampoo with a good smelling shampoo because the medicated shampoo smells like wet fucking dog Jesus Christ but i have to use it lol, then use protein conditioner to help with the dryness and then use an olaplex hair mask socmy hair doesn't dry frizzy and dry af, then rinse that out and then dry it with a cotton t-shirt, half dry and then put in bonding oil and leave in conditioner on the ends and then let that air dry without touching any pillow or blanket..and then once it's ,,80% dry, put it in braids to protect it while it finishes drying or do the sock curls method, and then FINALLY go to bed) the MERE THOUGHT of that made me want to cry, so I just skipped that part and I'm hoping tomorrow I'll wake up out of this pit of depression and able to do it tomorrow and if not,mill literally have to have my fiance do it for me. It's a very soul crushing thing to have the love of your life take care of you and wash your fucking hair for you because you're incapable of doing it yourself...... You feel so worthless and tiny. You feel like the whole time, he's thinking of leaving you because you're absolutely useless and he's literally washing your hair or helping you bathe like a fucking child. How can anyone, especially a man, look at their significant other in that state, doing that for them and feel love? Feel anything but gross towards them? And then only to be met with a less than stellar clean house afterwards because I've been useless at that too.
I haven't done a single chore in 3 days and it's starting to get messy, which is just making things worse for me because my environment is a huge part of how I feel. I have OCD traits when it comes to my house and environment and the battle of being absolutely depressed and have no energy whatsoever vs the need to have my environment perfect ...it fucking sucks. I found the energy to clean the kitchen and the bedroom, and some people wouldnsay it wasn't even dirty, which, maybe not but unless it's sparkly floors, furniture and clean linens, no clutter or mess anywhere and clean no streaky windows and mirrors, has to smell like lavender and crisp cleanliness, I feel disgusting. I don't know if it stems from my horrid mental illness as a teenager and my room getting ABSOLUTELY feral, or when I was going through withdrawals as a drug addict unable to do anything for days on end so it got real bad.....that any amount of mess, the tiniest amount, reminds me of my environment in those fucking traumatic times of my life, so I freak the fuck out, idk.
Anyways. I did the kitchen and bedroom and half the bathroom, and I feel like I've been hit by a fucking train. I really hope this ends soon, I really hope this isn't the start of a week's long depressive episode, because damn, I'll kill myself. My anxiety has been through the roof lately and I've been very very upset over personal things in my life and I've just been so overwhelmed and trying not to break down, the added hell of a fairly bad depressive episode, that lasts any longer than like a week, I don't think I have the strength to deal with all of that at once for !onger than that without either becoming a drug addict again or just finally leaving this shitty ass fucking world.
Also, my emotions have been totally out of whack and heightened at times, just wallowing in absolute depression and then I'll have a manic episode for like an hour or two and then crash and be even worse so that's good :) oh and I've been getting a lot more migraines and stomach pains and nausea as well the past few days so that's nice to deal with too.....
Idk, we'll see. Hopefully this doesnt last long.
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teachtoconnect · 2 years
The 7 Most Popular Online Beauty Courses With certificate
1. Professional Makeup Artist Course
2. Natural Hair Styling Course
3. Advanced Salon Business Management Course
4. Cosmetology Certification
5. Manicure and Nail Technician Courses
6. Waxing Technician Course
The beauty industry is booming, and the demand for trained cosmetologists is higher than ever. Beauty professionals can benefit from an online education by receiving training on their own schedule. Online learning also allows students to complete courses from anywhere in the world at any time of day or night. Here are seven of the most popular online beauty courses with certificates that we've listed below:
This course is perfect for people who want to make money as freelance makeup artists. You can take this course even if you don’t have any professional experience in beauty, but the more experience you have, the more likely you are to get great results from your work. In this course, you will learn how to apply different types of makeup for different occasions and how to make every woman look beautiful regardless of her skin tone, body shape, or hairstyle. You will also learn techniques that will help you adjust makeup for any face shape.
The Professional Makeup Artist Course includes:
Tips on what products and tools are best used for each task at hand
Different ways that makeup can be applied depending on where it's going (eyes vs lips)
This is one of the most popular online courses. It is the perfect option for anyone who wants to learn the ins and outs of natural hair styling. This online course will teach students how to care for their natural curls, add volume and shape, or create a simple updo. You’ll also learn about proper hair care products like shampoos, conditioners, hair masks etc.
The course is divided into various sections that cover everything from choosing the right shampoo for your specific curl pattern to styling techniques like flat-twisting and coil-outs (a process that involves removing coils from a wet braid). 
The Advanced Salon Business Management course is an online course that aims to teach salon owners, managers, and staff how to run their businesses. The course covers key areas, including marketing, bookkeeping, business development, and more. The cost of the course varies depending on which payment plan you choose but typically ranges between $80 to $150 per month.
Cosmetology is the process of beautifying the body and making it look attractive. Cosmetology is the science and art of hair care, skincare, and nail care. The person who practices cosmetology is called a cosmetologist. A cosmetologist must have a license before he or she can practice in any state.
Cosmetology training can be either a full-time course or a part-time course, depending on how many hours are required each week by your state's board. It is important to research your state's requirements before choosing what type of school you attend, as some states have stricter requirements than others do to get your license after graduating from their school.
A manicure is a process of removing dead skin cells, shaping and pushing cuticles back, and softening and moisturizing the hands. A pedicure is the same process applied to the toes.
The main difference between a manicure and a pedicure is that in some salons, they are performed by different people (a manicurist will do the hands, while someone else will focus on the feet). The benefits of both treatments are similar: they keep your nails looking healthy by removing dead skin cells; they prevent hangnails, and they soften calluses or hardened skin on your heels. If you have dry skin or cracked cuticles, then this treatment can help repair those problems too!
Waxing is a popular form of hair removal that can be done on the face, arms, legs, and other areas. This course will teach you how to properly apply waxes and remove unwanted body hair in ways that won't damage the skin. You'll learn the proper techniques for safely removing different types of body hair, such as eyelashes, eyebrows, and facial hair.
You'll also learn about maintaining sanitation during your procedures, as well as how to avoid common injuries like burns on your clients' skin while performing various services such as eyebrow threading or Brazilian waxes.
With an online beauty course, you can learn more about all aspects of the beauty industry. You can choose to focus on one area or take a broader approach and learn everything from hair styling to skin care treatments. There are even courses that will help you become a certified makeup artist or cosmetology expert! The best part is that these programs are available at any time of day and all year long, so they won’t interfere with your schedule. If you’re interested in starting your own business as a professional beautician, then these online classes could be perfect for helping you get started on your journey towards success!
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tauruswiftie · 2 years
ladies do not i repeat do not get lazy about buying shampoo and use your mans 2 in 1 old spice bodywash/shampoo instead!!
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Excellent meta on Stede, and you really hit the nail on the head on why it's so frustrating (as a real life queer man who found comfort in Stede's journey) to see so many--particularly women--seem to think Stede needs to be "buff" and "bearded" in season two. That's not who he is, and if you ship buff and bearded Stede with Ed, then you don't ship Stede with Ed.
Ed fell in love with Stede for Stede being exactly who he is, and that message is so important. Yeah, Stede gave up his wealth, but that doesn't mean he's going to be a completely different person. It feels like a lot of people who ship Stede and Ed only do so conditionally, IF Stede fits these certain criteria.
I think that bearded!Stede and the unfortunate excusing and idolizing of Izzy's abusive behavior come from the same place. The same people who think Izzy is a decent person deep down, the same people who think Izzy was somehow right for repeated attempted murder and betrayal and violence and racism, who side with and excuse and justify his behavior, are the people who don't think Stede is good enough for Ed the way he is. Who despise Stede for embracing his femininity while still being masculine.
(And there's a whole other post about how deciding all feminine men are trans women is another big problem--deciding Ed is a trans women because of how he expresses his femininity is JUST AS TRANSPHOBIC as the shit terfs say. It's still conditioning certain aspects and qualities as strictly feminine from a place of misandry.)
This fandom misses the point of the show when they latch on to characters like Izzy, and I know it's because he's close to conventionally attractive and because he's an abuser and fandoms love white male abusers (delena, spuffy, this isn't a queer thing).
Anyway. Got a little off track but yeah. Good post.
Well, first of all thank you!
I think many of the bearded Stede fanarts/headcanon stem from the fact that we DO see a change in Stede's apprearance at the end of the season. When he sets off on his own, with no money, he sports a different, simpler look than usual, and even his hair is styled differently. He does look like a more traditional "dashing hero" type, and I think that they went for that look to tell us, through this aesthetic "trope", that: 1) he's dead set on getting his man back 2) he's dialed the romance level all the way up to 11 3) he's ready to show himself to Ed as what he is, no frills and no masks. Just because he likes fine things it doesn't mean he'll always have them, and I think it's important to show us (and to the characters!) that Ed does not just like Stede for what he can offer him meterially, he likes Stede for Stede. (Brb crying about the fact that Ed was ready to leave piracy behind for Stede, and now Stede has left behind all his riches for Ed.)
In fact, I kind of expect the reconciliation to be something like the scene in the Cinderella live action (when Ella and the prince finally see each other again), with Stede and Ed telling each other that they're both insecure, fucked up in some ways, and can offer each other absolutely nothing but unconditional love. And that is going to be more than enough for both of them.
Do I think Stede will keep this look long term? No. But I do think he'll stay in plain clothes for some time and then, after getting his ship and his husband back, he'll find a way to steal some fine fabrics through some elaborate fuckery.
As for Izzy: I think the duality of Izzy (he's an asshole VS he is just very repressed) stems from the fact that in S1 we see Izzy more as a narrative tool than as a character of his own. Izzy is there because the narrative needs him and Jack and the Badmintons to show us what toxic masculinity looks like, so that the other characters can rebel against it. But while the Badmintons and Jack come and go very quickly, Izzy is there throughout the entire show. Of course we are bound to ask ourselves more about him. So, for me, the question is: in S2, will Izzy remain a stand-in for toxic masculinity, or is he going to break free of it? Is he really just an asshole, or is he just at a previous stage of Ed's journey, clinging to violence because that's all he knows? I'm fine with both choices, mostly because I have complete faith in these writers not to fuck it up either way.
In conclusion: Stede Bonnet is awesome and sweet and soft and a little bit of a bitch and I love him very much.
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ughihategmail · 3 years
signs you might be a child of aphrodite
you put your eyeshadow on with your fingers because 1) it’s easier and 2) it looks softer and more whimsical that way
your eyeshadow is also almost always sparkly
eyeliner. that’s all
you have a very strong opinion about lipgloss vs lipstick and you won’t be swayed
you wear SO MUCH highlighter and you have so many different highlighter palettes and compacts
you fall in love with people for reasons that you can’t make sense of
you’ve often thought that love is both so simple and also the most complicated thing in the world
there’s one person who Fucked You Up, and you don’t think you’ll ever truly forget what it was like to love them with your whole entire heart
almost all the people you’re close with now were intimidated by you at first
“i thought you were mean before we became friends”
you run late all the time because you change your outfit because of last-minute outfit or hair changes
you ALWAYS have at least one hairbrush
either pink or black is your favorite color and you can’t decide between them
rosé wine is your favorite alcoholic drink and cherry or vanilla coke is your favorite soda
you’re a really good listener and you’re the person your friends go to for advice or validation
people have made fun of you for reading novels that mix romance and fantasy, but you know they just don’t understand
you’re really soft, sweet, and affectionate, but, with good reason, you will not hesitate to Fuck Shit Up
(if you’re a girl) engaging girl on girl pettiness is NOT the move
hating it when people call other people ugly just because they don’t like them (on that note, ugly isn’t a thing because eurocentric beauty standards are invalid)
you’ve gone through so many different fashion phases that they all just blur together and there's no telling how you’re going to dress the next day
you loved pretending to be a mermaid in the water when you were younger (say what you will about poseidon, but that's an aphrodite thing idc)
sometimes you say really sarcastic or petty things without thinking but you almost always feel bad after (but sometimes they just needed to be said)
you think thrift stores are always more fun
you know that actually you’re not overdressed, everyone else is just underdressed
you’ve always thought valentine’s day is NOT just about romance, it’s also about friends, self-love, and embracing your glamorous feminine side
you know all the good tips and tricks for skincare, face and full body lotions, shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks, makeup, color palettes, non-toxic metals for jewelry, etc
you hate it when people underestimate you because of your more “materialistic” interests, “it’s your loss that you think i can’t wear sparkly pink lipgloss, and also carry our biotech lab group on my back for the quarter”
you love switching up your accessories, hair dye and hair cuts/styles, makeup, fashion)
you’re either fluent in a romance language, took one in highschool or college, are taking one now in highschool or college, or have always wanted to learn one (it’s never too late!)
disco music hits different for you
you love writing poetry and long ramblings (waxing poetic)
you’ve always had a knack for reading emotions and body language and deciding how to respond to them for the best outcome, as well as the best way to comfort people depending on what they’re dealing with
you’re trying to drill it into your head that people who don't appreciate your flair for the dramatics are people you don’t need in your life
you know love and beauty are underrated as values and that needs to change
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