#haha thats a pun
ada-barisi · 1 year
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stargirl230 · 7 months
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At the beach! Tumblr challenge: spot the crab 🦀
My final piece for the Haikyuu!! Gone Wild zine (2022) @hqanimalzine - keep an eye out for leftover sales opening 11/24 - 12/17
🛒Shop link 🛒 (hqanimalzine.bigcartel.com)
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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irequirealobotomy · 19 days
Trans person with a boner in a bath. Thats what I like to call a hard boiled egg
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vindictive-suggestion · 9 months
Get up. We aren't done until I say we're done.
Now draw your weapon.
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i-eated-paint · 11 days
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mercurialsmile · 5 months
so I'm gonna tell yall what we ain't about to do.
this year, we aint gonna make fun of people in the south trapped in any ice storms or bad weather that may occur. we aint about to make jokes about how southerners cant drive in ice and snow (altho it is true i dont need any northerners being an ass about it)
I will reiterate what I said a couple of years ago: the roads in the south are not made to handle ice. they are not built to handle snow. we do not have snow chains down here, at least not typically.
I dunno about other states, but we all know jack shit has been done about the Texas grid. If the power somehow fails again, we aint gonna make fun of us who have no power. we aint gonna be an ass about any rolling black outs. we aint gonna tell southerners they deserve to freeze to death just because we happen to live in the south or a red state.
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monofazz · 10 months
I just think Spamton should be allowed a little murder, a little violence perhaps.... as a treat.....
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hi, ash! i'd love to hear about your ffxv s/i and your ship with gladio! also, what does iris think about your s/i? :O
YAY!! I love talking about this kind of stuff!!!
(Some talk of death, injury, drowning, a bit of blood + spoilers for the game)
F.FXV Ash was born in the Crown City to two members of the Crownsguard (eventually the Kingsglaive). Ever since she was young, Ash was always fed this idea that her kingdom was amazing. She loved her home so much and she wanted to grow up there forever with her parents and her sister. It all changed when she was 16. She parents were killed in combat.
(In Episode A.rdyn, there's a boss fight against two soldiers... Those were her parents.)
Ash stayed in the city long enough to graduate high-school, but after that, she just couldn't keep going. She felt hollow and empty inside. The murder of her parents shattered her in every single way possible, wrecked her faith and her love to kingdom, ruined her life. She's messed up.
And so, Ash leaves. She makes a name for herself as a monster hunter, drifting from town to town and protecting the people. She comes to be known as Eos' Rose. Beautiful, but with thorns too. She didn't choose to be called The Rose, it's just that part of her outfit is a long, red coat. I still need to work out the details of her outfit and all that, but she has a red coat and quite a few earrings. She has a chain threader going through two lobe piercings on one ear, and a dangling rose earring on the other. Both silver.
(Whenever she was about 20, she met a lonely chocobo chick. This chocobo stays with Ash for a long time. She is a green chocobo named Sage. Sage is Ash's companion and best friend. Sage is very friendly to everybody, but she has a distaste for Gladio and has tried to bite him on multiple occasions. She succeeded once, but more on that later.
Again, Sage is naturally green. Prompto asks about this once.
"Hey, Ash! Why is your chocobo green?"
"Well, I dunno, Prompto. Why are you blond?"
It gets a good chuckle out of everyone.)
Anyways, early into the game, the Chocobros run into Ash! She actually draws her sword on Noct at first and then she realizes "holy shit, you're the prince. Oh my god, I tried to kill the prince. Oh no, oh no, oh no-"
It's a bit of a funny moment, but she ends up allying with the bros and she gets especially close with Gladio. They get along really well, both protectors of people and absolutely dorks too.
Ash is a gamer, so she gets along well with Prompto and Noct. They actually all played Kings Knight together online! So it's a bit of a "WAIT WE'RE KINGS KNIGHT MOOTS?!" whenever they finally meet. She gets along really well with Ignis too! Ash is very close with all of the gang. It's not long before her and Gladio are falling in love, kissing and sharing Cup Noodles under the stars.
And as for Iris, Iris ADORES Ash! Looks up to her as the big sister she never had. Iris thinks Ash is so cool and strong! And she tells Gladdy that if he breaks her heart, she'll kick his ass! Ash really loves Iris too. She was always the youngest in her family too, so it means a lot to her to be able to be an older sister figure to someone. Ash teaches Iris a bit about how to use a sword too.
Anywho, back to the plot.
Ash accompanies the bros whenever they go onto the boat to Altissia. Her and Gladio have a sweet, romantic date there. But that happiness doesn't last. It's been a bit of a running joke that Ash doesn't know how to swim.
The last thing Gladio expected was to lose her.
As Altissia falls, Ash sacrifices herself to save Gladio and Prompto. They both have to watch as Ash falls from a bridge and into the water. They watch as Ash dies. But there's not enough time to save her. Prompto sobs, Gladio screams in horror. Ash is content. She's going to die protecting the people she loves, right? It's not that cute and her almost drowning to death was the scariest moment of her life. She's choking and gasping for air, trying to grab any rubble she can just to stay alive.
Ash isn't seen again for a while. It's part of the reason why Gladio lashes out on the train—he's mourning his girlfriend's death. Whenever he's sitting there across the table from Ignis, you can hear him crying.
However, a few chapters later... Guess who comes back. She's injured, has scars on her face, and her coat is in tatters. Gladio hugs her and cries, Ash tells him to loosen up a bit since she has a few cracked ribs.
"What's the matter? Not a fan of ghosts?"
Gladio tells her that this isn't the time to crack jokes, but he hugs her so tight. She was alive. She was okay.
(However, during this time, Gladio actually found Sage and told her that Ash was dead. Sage bit him hard that day.)
But... How exactly did Ash survive..?
That gets explained in Episode Ignis. I won't talk about Ash's involvement in every DLC just to not make this to lengthy, but in Iggy's... Ravus sees her drowning. He grabs her out of the water and onto land. He's not gentle about it, and the impact of being thrown against rubble isn't great for Ash's bones, but she's alive. Ash is nursed back to health by the survivors of the town. There's a lot more detail there, but that's the gist of what happens.
Ash's relationship with Ravus is fascinating. They bond quite a bit and have a chat under the stars much later, right before Ash reunites with Gladio. I had to dig through like two years worth of discord messages for this but it went something like this
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Oh and you know that level that's just Gladio and Ignis? Yeah, Ash is there too. She cusses out Ardyn actually. Although I really like Ardyn, my S/I doesn't. He makes a comment that she's quite grown up now. You know how he gets those flashbacks of peoples' memories after he kills people in his DLC? He saw an image of a little girl with red glasses. And here she was, a grown woman.
She breaks off from the group before the Ravus fight. I don't want her to see him like that.
Anyways, then timeskip rolls around. Whenever Noct arrives at Hammerhead is met with a familiar "kweh-kweh!". Sage greets Noct after ten long years, and then Ash runs over. They have a cute hug scene.
However, Ash's outfit is different. Not only is her hair curly (pre-ts Ash had it straightened), but she's wearing... Kingsglaive armor?! Her outfit is vaguely inspired by Crowe from Kingsglaive, but Ash had become a soldier. Not just to follow in her parents' footsteps, but because she had spent her whole life feeling lost and she had finally found a purpose. Traveling with Noct and Co had made her realize that her life had a purpose. She wanted to spend her life protecting her kingdom.
After her parents died, she didn't know what to do with herself. Noct was both her best friend and her king. Noct says that the Kingsglaive outfit looks good on her. It makes her smile. Ash had finally come home to Insomnia, and she had finally found what she was meant to do.
Before the gang leaves, she gives Noct a long hug and tells him to come back alive. She gives Gladio a kiss too.
And that's basically it!
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wickymicky · 2 years
anyway Aladdin by Wednesday Campanella
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kaidencexo · 2 years
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shipofthesis · 2 years
Trying to break this in so its not as empty and maybe I’ll actually start using tumblr more (I’m actually behind on uploading art aaa).
What am I doing here? What’s up with the dumb pun of a username? Well, I wanna spins my wheels and Talk More and I am finding out maybe my silly little thinks about media, creative endeavors, and fandom are stuff other ppl will enjoy reading!
What does that mean? It means I might do liveblogs here, spit out my musings about a piece of media I’ve consumed and perhaps most importantly slap a thesis on something and see how much mileage I get out of it. I’m not here to be Right TM, I’m just here to ponder. If what I say is enlightening (or atleast entertaining) that’s a bonus!
I am not actually formally educated. I’m in college right now but it’s technical stuff. I don’t even know if I’m using “thesis” right or if there’s some kinda proper way to go about this. This is more a disclaimer. I’m here to have fun! I’m here to go “if we say A is B, then what happens to C” or “if we say A is B, how far can we apply that before it falls apart?”. I’m less interested in establishing an Absolute Truth or divining out some True Meaning than I am just banging rocks together cuz I crave stimulation.
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pinazee · 27 days
And down the stretch comes murder
I wanted to take this moment to highlight the adorable child actors they got- Liam James and Carlos McCullers II. They are so perfectly cast as Shawn and Gus and they do such an amazing job! Im so impressed by them 👏👏
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The whole spitball incident really highlights the differences between Shawn and Gus’ ethics. Shawn feels guilty for thinking he got the wrong spitter and ruined Jimmys life while Gus actually did it and feels no remorse at all. Perhaps it’s because Jimmy tortured Gus more, but it’s also come up a few other times i believe, that Gus is not above revenge nor is always willing to do the right thing if it interferes with his safety or his own code of justice, whereas with Shawn it’s like he can’t rest until he’s made things right. This, in addition to the ways he looks out for people (helping Lassie solve a case without him knowing, helping juliet find some kids without getting paid, standing between Gus and a gun), I think is why i tend to be more drawn to Shawn. I love tender-hearted morally just characters. Im not saying he’s always riding the high horse (pun intended), simply that at the end of the day you know he’s going to do the right thing. Don’t get me wrong, i love a morally ambiguous character too, and if I’m honest Gus’s outlook is certainly more realistic, but if i had to pick a favorite, i want the reliably good and wholesome over the self-serving. Not that im saying Gus is selfish at all, but of the two Shawns more our hero, even compared to his own cop father. I think Juliet is the only one who comes closest to matching that above and beyond heroism. I think the only reason she’s a step below is because Shawn simply notices others more. Thats all. If Juliet had Shawns abilities she’d be just as on top of it as him, probably more so. Actually she might get overwhelmed by seeing it all and not being able to help everyone. I think it’d be really hard for her to ignore sometimes. Which, okay I’m going down a tangent, but do you think Shawn had to learn to shut it off sometimes or like, learn to walk away? Cause i imagine day to day Shawn’s seeing people dealing with grief, abuse, or pain and with as kind as he is, it must be hard for him to ignore. Like if you’ve ever seen Daredevil, I’m imagining a less dramatic version of that haha
Henry will take any opportunity to point out Shawns failings or try to make him feel less than. Shawn tells him he’s there for a case and instead of asking him about it, Henry goes right back into you never could be a good handicapper because you lack the patience and follow-through it takes to put the time in and research. Also, the line “i let him talk to me” just doesn’t sit right with me even if the guy did turn out to be a skeeve. This kind of stuff makes me think Shawn either learned how to respect people from his mother or refused to treat people like his father. Probably both, though i hate to give her credit for anything haha
Look at his smile when he sees Lassie feed the horse. He’s so warmly amused by him. I wasn’t a Shassie shipper originally (as i just didn’t ship ppl in ye olden days) but i think I am now. I see it guys, I get it haha
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These scenes are what makes the episode for me! I love them! We get to see both Shawns interacting and how he utilizes his vast memory, taking a peak into his mind palace so to speak. Plus he literally answered that common question of if you could go back in time what would you tell your younger self? (“Think big!”) I know they never really intended for this to be like a deep scene (nor expected certain fans to overanalyze it haha) but i like how he approaches the kid version of himself with a certain degree of amusement. Like I imagine if i was seeing my young self I’d probably be rolling my eyes at my sheer stupidity, but Shawns a lot kinder to himself haha Also little Shawns line “I thought I’d be bald by 20” was fucking gold! I wish I had better words for why this works so well but all i have is that it does and its brilliant.
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Nice try Psych, your Canada is showing ;)
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Heres some completely irrelevant info. The difference between a dreamcicle and a creamcicle: both are orange flavored, but dreamsicles had an ice milk center while a creamsicle was ice cream. And dreamsicles are no longer made.
I like this addition to the background. Its so cute. (Sidenote: this screenshot makes it seem like Shawn is the babyfaced assassin)
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P.S This is the second episode ive seen him hold this frog. That is all.
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nite-puff · 9 days
Hey hey your idea about Daiya being a closeted animator making the queerest character he could with Mondo sent me down a mental rabbit hole (pun unintentioned haha). It made me think of Andreas Deja, gay Disney animator who did and still does a lot of stuff for the company, but one of the things he's most famous for is for being the supervising animator on the queer-coded villain trifecta of Gaston, Jafar, and Scar. That made me think about Mondo in the context of the AU and how Ishimondo in canon has that sort of enemies-to-lovers thing going on. So, thought..... what if Mondo was never made to be Kiyotaka's love interest at all, but his queer-coded antagonist? And offscreen the queer-coding that was baked into him for a gag (or at least with the excuse that it's a gag) blossomed into something deeper with his cartoon co-star?
maybe they had something that was overall very similar to the ishimondo story, where their pre-determined roles as a protagonist and antagonist kinda affected how they viewed each other off set as well. because that’s how they just are outside of their cartoons as well. they were literally made to hate each other. but push comes to shove and they end up in a situation where they’re pretty much forced to spend time with each other and learn about each other beyond their roles as hero and villain. and the result of that was a cute friendship. which quickly developed into something more.
also. their relationship progressing like this really affected how they performed in their cartoons. they can’t even pretend to hate each other anymore because that’s not how they feel. it’s mondo and taka, what’re ya gonna do??
eventually the studio gets sick of it and has to make the decision to separate them, at least on set. they can’t just let go of their star, so they’re forced to fire mondo and replace him with a new antagonist. which is how mondo ends up performing in night clubs and such. his iconography is bound to attract a lot of patrons, to say the least.
all in all, mondo and taka’s love story is one the film world has never seen before. there’s never been a toon couple that wasn’t previously written to be together, let alone a hero and a villain falling in love off set. it’s a rare occurrence, to say the least, but mondo and taka wouldn’t have it any other way.
(also mondo being a villain and him also being queer-coded during a time where i believe the hays code was in full effect was definitely a big contributor to why so many people found it easy to believe mondo was cheating on taka right??? i mean, if we’re going in the direction of the original movie…)
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anyways, happy pride month to them.
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bunnihoshiki · 1 year
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🐰 . . 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 ⋆ @milkandcookies-post "I was wondering if I could request a poly with CREEK (tweek + craig) thats full of fluff and silliness yk? Like a small one shot about reader (gender neutral btw!!) where they really like both of the boys but are embarrassed but end up with them. Also maybe the reader is the balance between tweek and Craig"
💭 . . 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐬 ⋆ Creek (tweek and Craig) x Reader
🐰 . . 𝐒𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⋆ so you happen to fall in love with the cutest boys in the town? Lets see how it turn out!
💭 . . 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐬 ⋆ Reader crying but for a happy reason. the headcanons is just filled with silliness! it MAY be a little ooc since shiki tweeked their personality a bit so reader can be with them! Haha get it? Sorry for the bad pun
🐰 . . 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 ⋆ this was very cute ty for the req^_^! (don't mind hoshiki using random pictures and sorry if you didn't wanna get tagged;'3) oh and one more thing, ki realized he doesn't know what one-shot meant so he made both headcanons and scenario-y? Sorey he isn't fluent ALSO ALSO he doesn't know if this is angst or not-
Navi | Masterlist
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Lead to a disaster! Well, not really. You're more of a disaster. Not as much as tweek tho. The fact that you're in love with both of them and that they're already a healthy and cute couple AND you don't know if whether they were an open relationship or not makes you overthink and the whole situation is overall overwhelming! Does that mean you'll stop? No! Will it be hard for you? Yes!
Since they're both ussually seen together you would be extra flushed and that certainly didn't help.
Even if they're both already dating you still had a bit of hope blooming inside of you, you were really in love with both of them and you're rather eager to date them. That would lead to you doing small helpful things to them to full on giving them a high-quality gift. On rare occasions you'd have to invite your friends to help.
Your very first step on getting closer to them is talking to them! You knew you shouldn't be direct and straightforward with it but how else are you supposed to get closer to someone?
You'd practice all day infront of the mirror and decided to test it out with your close friends to avoid fucking it up but guess what? You fucked up hard, figuratively.
The first time you tried to have a conversation with them didn't go exactly how you planned it to be, it was rather awkward and you almost always somehow fumble your words.
"gah! O-oh, hey Y/n" Tweek jerked his head to the said. He backed up as soon you appeared behind him. Of course he was beside Craig. Tweek seemed normal as he's just shaking and Craig had his usual poker face.
"oh uh- good morning... Tweek! And Craig..." you chuckled, obviously nervous. Your face started to heat up when both males just stared at you like they're waiting for something else.
"you want something?" Craig questioned in his monotoned voice.
"no..?" you replied confused. Well fuck, you've forgotten what to say.
"uh okay" He simply sighed and went back to getting things from his locker
"..." Tweek seemed to stop his twitching and looked at you. Waiting if you're gonna say something or not. It was dead silent and the only thing you can hear is chatting from the people walking by and lockers clacking.
It was so awkward you couldn't handle it, you didn't want to see them so it seemed that the best choice was to just ran away.
You closed your eyes as you sprint away from the scene, you could feel eyes on you. it was another fail and you're running out of time since summer break is nearing. You need to do something right now— well not now but now and quickly.
You decided went to put your mind at ease at the playground but one thing you hadn't realize was that tweek was running after you, it was—of course— surprising since tweek was always labeled as 'The paranoid' and 'overthinker' but a part of you was overjoyed that one of your crush went after you.
"gah- I'm sorry Y/n! It was just... I just wanted to... UGHH never mind!" Tweek shook at his mistake but was quick to discard it as he immediately went beside you.
"I don't... Really know how to comfort people but I'm sorry it was awkward back there...ahhh how do I say this?!" Tweek struggled with his sentence and rubbed the bridge of his nose, you did admit it was cute seeing tweek all annoyed. "oh right, uh- as I was saying it was kinda awkward back there but I er... Decided to go after you since you seemed like you wanted to say something back there..."
"oh... Well about that.... Er it's kinda embarrassing b-" as you were about to continue your sentence was cut off by Craig "Honey! You ran off without giving a warning what happened?" though the tone hasn't changed— and his expression was left untouched— you could tell Craig was genuinely worried.
"o-oh hey babe! Y/n was about to say something." Tweek signaled the other man to come sit with him. You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel jealous when they used pet names with each other.
Now that both of your crushes was beside you. Your face suddenly turned warm, you looked down and fiddled with your fingers. It would be even more awkward to admit your inlove with two people that are dating. The fact that they're beside you was a cherry on top.
"er... I guess...." your voice slowly became quiet. "uhm... How can I say this infront of you two..?" you simply crossed your arms, pretending to think.
"go on..." Craig was patiently waiting for your confession awhile tweek seemed a bit impatient but he tried his hardest to wait.
"I just... Yknow" you let out an exaggerating sigh and slowly turned irritated trying to think of a metaphor.
"fufk! Ok fine I'll admit it! I have feelings for both of you!" you felt overwhelmed that you straight up admit it without realizing. You audibly gasped and covered your mouth as soon those words came out of your mouth.
Both went silent. Tears rolled down your face and you wanted to die right now but then
"actually... We both feel the same way..." Craig broke the silent first. You didn't know how to feel
"What? What do they mean?" Was all you could think
"oh uhm... You see, we both liked you even before the... Yaoi situation, we sort off— didn't like each other since we both liked you and all but because of the Asian girls making fanarts of us we somehow ended up together. That didnt meant our feelings for you disappeared. " Tweek confirmed, his twitching seemed to calm down as he said that and you full on sobbed from happiness.
"it's okay Y/n, let it all out." Craig comforted you with his words and both continued to embraced you. You felt safe around their arms, you felt happy knowing that you weren't weird for liking both of them.
While you all weren't sure about revealing your relationship, you might as well risk it since it isn't the others choice for your relationship! While other thought it was weird they still gave you a nod of approve but some did object to the idea.
At the early stages of your new relationship Tweek seems to be more cautious while Craig was... Craig. But later on tweek seems more honest and a little more laid-back around you but he's still the normal tweek and Craig let's out more of his emotions with you.
Now that you were all together, you also needed to pamper tweek alongside with Craig. You gotta admit it was pretty tiring but you actually loved it.
While you give attention to both men, tweek is aware you were even a little stressed due to him being paranoid all the time do he would give you, Craig or both of you something that would help you calming.
Sometimes the item in question is something very random, mostly rocks since it's common. You would even join tweek into the rock giving ceremony
Ever since you became apart of the relationship you became aware of some things they've kept secret. This would be a weird thing to say but you've been married 20 times now. Apperantly ever since the girls made them marry in 4th grade it became a tradition to pretend marry at a certain time and date. Which you found funny so you played along. They seemed serious about it tho...
Let's just say you compliment each other's personality really well!
© 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢 2023 do not repost, copy or modify without my permission. All rights reserved.
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lower-management · 9 days
a wrinkled, dirty letter that could’ve been made of a greased up fast food wrapper dancing alone in a gutter somewhere floated gracefully down from… the gross, almost broken ceiling, landing safely in what is most likely the fifteen cup of coffee of the work day. the ochre liquid soaked the already ink-splotched letter. the thing smelled of gasoline and forest fires in addition to broken dying dreams and somehow radiation. the text inside the letter, somehow not destroyed by the coffee, was sloppy yet legible, with grease stains and charcoal smears all over. it read:
To Prince
To The Esteeme
To Lord
To Bee!!!!!!!:
hi hi!!!! it’s Pol! I tried to be all diplomatic and fancy but I have no clue how to write letters so I gave up. I wrote this to tell you that I wanna have our donut-gossip day! I’ve been trying to be haha pun diplomatic and do this the ‘proper’ way and I got so caught up in demon ‘rules’ and how to be polite and formal and stuff that I didn’t even write the actual letter! I said ‘screw it’, threw the books in a grease fire, grabbed a wrapper on my way out, and started writing! so hi! uhhhh
I wanna have our us day! that’s what I’m writing to ask! I wanna ask if you wanna come and have fun with me! yeah! we’re gonna eat and relax and scare mortals and piss of Famine and gossip and it’s gonna be great! yeah! so yeah uh do you wanna come?
yeah that’s it! Thats the letter! love u!!!!
Pollution AKA Weiss, Chalky, Third Horseman, Albus, Nonbinary Icon, Etc
*they pulled out the letter from the coffee, said something which was probably, certainly, blasphemous and then read it*
*they looked around, shrugged and teleported to where Pollution was headed, hoping not to emerge in front of a human headed for a smoke break, or they'd have to do paperwork about why a humab saw them emergibg from the ground in the back of a dunkin donuts later on*
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forlorn-crows · 7 months
I have a question...questions? Request? Maybe a little bit of both...?
I am a (relative) newcomer to the fandom, I've been hyper-focused on Ghost for the last year and my heart's completely, irreparably and quite blissfully gone on all of the Era IV Ghouls (Phantom and Aurora included), but, in particular, on our beloved Earth Ghoul Mountain (Mmmmmountain...💕)
HOWEVER, recently, I've begun trying to learn more about the previous era's Ghouls, and although I already have a growing appreciation for Omega, there's another that I find myself circling back to again and again and again...
Unfortunately, there seems to be a distressingly small amount of information on him in terms of HC's and fandom lore which really does make it harder to get a feel for his character and personality, so, I was wondering if you could help with that.
How do you see him in your head?
What is he like?
Who is he to you?
Please help me add a tenth Ghoul to the nine I already love...
hi, welcome!
ive got lots of headcanons about them so i'd love to go through some of those for you. i'll drop some great zephyr photos first and then we'll continue under the cut :3
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firstly, i cant tell you where the name zephyr originated. maybe fanfiction or other fan circles. zephyr is more commonly known as "chAir", because they were almost always sitting down to play. sort of like cowbell is named after the instrument he appeared for two seconds to play lmao
you'll notice i use they/them pronouns for zeph. thats something i picked up from @gayrickgrimes when i first started interacting more with ghost fanfic. but lots of people also use he/him. not sure why nonbinary zeph has really stuck with me since then, but i quite enjoy it!
i would say the most commonly shared headcanons about zephyr are as follows:
older in age, like omega or alpha often are portrayed
has chronic back and/or joint pain (there's lots of clips of them walking off stage holding their back, thus the headcanon)
has light or white hair, commonly portrayed as longish and wavy.
reserved. maybe a little "old mannish" at times. less spontaneous than other ghouls.
however! they like groovin' on stage. can be seen doing some wiggles during their keytar solo or jamming out on their stool.
some artistic portrayals i love are @endopyre's, @turbodrawn's, and @kamonart's :3 also for a portrayal that doesnt necessarily fit those 'common' appearance hc's above is @joeynihil's zeph, whom i LOVEEE.
i also love @divine-misfortune's depictions of them, but i have indeed given void the zephyr brainrot soooo....oopsies sorry not sorry.
so, now onto the things i specifically headcanon about zephyr. i dont know if youve read any of my ficlets with them yet, but i do have a few! generally, i hc pretty similar to the above bullet points. some other thoughts i have are as follows:
i think zeph has a more antiquated way of speaking. doesnt use a lot of slang or 'modern' words. is very precise, refined in the way that they speak.
very amicable with and well-loved by their pack (aether, ifrit, dew, mountain).
has an 'air' about them, if you will (pardon the pun haha). some may say its too much like they're looking down their nose at you, but i think they're clever, smooth, and teasing in equal measure. has a way with words, in more ways than one.
they really do like to have fun on stage, and i think they like to 'let loose' a little bit that way. that ghoul can groove and move when they want to! and i do enjoy watching ritual footage of them, would recommend <3
not sure if you're interested in unglamoured hc's, but i think they turn very gangly, resembling something like a vulture or other long-legged birds. taloned feet and hands. hocked legs. feathers sticking out behind their ears and tattered, crooked wings. bright eyes that glow in the dark and can see for miles. razor sharp teeth. literally terrifying if you catch them peering at you from high in the trees.
likes when the others offer to help with their back pains. ifrit with his warm hands. aether with his quintessence. maybe mountain with weed or dew taking them to the lake to take some weight of their joints. always very kind, thankful in return.
i think the abbey has a chapel with an organ that zeph likes to play. i think that's what they learned on originally, and transferred that knowledge to the keyboard. when they retired from the band they still enjoyed playing for midnight mass or special occasions.
lastly, i think zeph is a quiet dom. very controlled of a ghoul in normal situations, but very good at controlling and directing others. has a silver tongue and can absolutely take mountain down to studs with just words. i have many feelings about mountzeph in general, and how their dynamic works, which ive explored a little bit. but in general, i think zeph likes to have that control, either because they have pain that doesnt allow them the freedom to explore certain pleasures, and/or because thats what they like. its natural and fun for them. and its certainly fun for everyone else involved lmao. i just think of them as a very elegant ghoul in all aspects of their life.
all in all, im very fond of zephyr as a character, at least how i see them in my head and how i've seen them portrayed by others thus far! hopefully that can serve as some inspiration for you in 'getting to know' this air ghoul :3
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