#had the patience to blend :D
alicentshair · 5 months
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being beautiful at the baratie (insp.)
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shaisuki · 23 days
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ft. bully! gojo satoru and geto suguru
content warnings bullying, university au, heavy bullying, degradation, humiliation, threats, blackmails, she/her pronouns, sabotage, bribes, blow jobs, cunnilingus, name calling (slut, whore, being called pig related names), noncon, dubcon, dacryphilia, penetrative sex, implied spanking, anal sex, double penetration, nonconsensual recording, dead dove do not eat.
notes it's been long since i've paid attention on this one and for @bimbosandbubbles, vanny. thank you for inspiring me to finish this one. semi part 2 here. part 3.
synopsis evading your bullies isn't a good idea so they take you to learn your lesson.
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at the start of your uni days, you expected life would open a new path for you. meeting new people from different cities or in the international, new experiences and a way for you to start a new life with a degree after college but you shouldn't have planned anything for yourself as life had different plans for you. to mock you and spat at your face for being naive.
stuck in the endless game of cat and mouse with the university's golden duo.
his bright blue eyes peering behind his dark glasses while he watch the busybodies of students walks through the busy hallways of the university. searching for a certain someone that has been the sole enjoyment of his for the last few months. the only one who have lasted them for so long.
spreading his long arms at the back of the bench. legs spread in an inviting manner as he leans back, head thrown back. looking at the person sitting besides him.
“suguru, are you sure she'll show up?” gojo whines, asking the dark-haired male with the same footing as his in the university. looks and popularity-wise.
taking a puff from his cigarette, geto turns his eyes to him before looking at the students coming out for their next classes. blowing out the smoke before replying to him. his purple eyes glints.
“patience, satoru. she will show up.” anticipating the return of their favorite plaything. you could such be a tease at time like this.
it was time. your eyes rapidly searching for them. hoping to avoid the duo that everybody have singing their names. you don't want to deal another humiliation nor degrading remarks coming from them. you prayed. prayed and prayed, hoping someone will hear your pleas. clutching the straps of your bag tighter as you step outside of your class.
you began to made your way to your next class. you were glad many students were still present and crowding the hallways but you could never be so sure. passing the crowd with an apology to your lips as you occasionally bump into them but you keep your guard up, avoiding to look in the courtyard. you keep your sight straight ahead but you could feel your eyes tear up when a sudden shove from a busy student hit you. the collision making you look in the direction where the duo was waiting for you.
even at the distance, you can see geto's eyes fixated on you. a smirk curls in his lips. shooting you a playful smile at your direction.
your prayer wasn't heard that day.
scrambling into your feet and pretends you didn't see him. making yourself blend in the crowd and disappeared into the place where you only know. your heart beating a mile per minute, running away from them.
“there she is, satoru.” geto called out to his friend. making gojo straighten himself up and looks where geto is looking at. you're running away from them. how sad. how stupid.
thinking you could easily escape them and blending in the crowd. clever girl. they thought but they couldn't miss you. like predators marking their prey to be devoured. they know you more than you know yourself. exchanging looks and geto smirks while gojo chuckles. fuck, you interest them more.
two cats letting the mouse escape and corner it again before they can fully escape in their grasp.
looking around, you made sure there's no one following you. no signs of the white hair and dark long hair best friends lurking around. taking the more quiet place that students use as shortcut when in a rush.
you just wanted a peaceful college life. not being a playtoy for the duo who passed you around like you were some cheap whore. you want to ask someone to help you but how could they help you. some attempts were made and the good souls who believes in you where blacklisted from the university for some unknown reasons.
you didn't know how much power gojo held and the words coming from geto's mouth enticing people who hang from his every word and realizing it only at the end.
gojo satoru is the only son and the heir of a multi-million company. who made a name for himself in the campus. the pretty boy who have different arm candies hanging in his arms weekly.
geto suguru who you doesn't know much but made himself popular along with gojo in the campus. charming he is and had a fan club made for him and to his best friend. they're the best if people were asked about them.
and you. you were just nothing but a toy to them. a past time when they're bored and you're left like nothing when they're done with you.
they won't follow you, do they? looking behind you to check and you almost let out a breath of relief. you barely escaped geto earlier. your nerves still working you up.
“i didn't take you the type to ditch us, (y/n).”
you almost jump, making you stop in your tracks as you look up in front of you. hand in his pockets while waving the phone in his other hand. a grin in his face while stepping closer to you.
with every step he take, you took backwards. not wanting to face him or geto. you don't want anything from them. tentatively taking your steps backwards. you just could blend again with the crowd. your mind formulating a thousand escape plans. you only look at him in contempt. a last chance of bravery against him.
spinning your heel and you made a run for a life. you could taste the escape in your lips. away from him. away from the people who made your life hell.
flashes of light blinded you for a second before realizing you were stopped. the tight grip in your arm, the smell of cigarette clinging into his shirt. it almost made you gag.
“nice one, suguru. (n/n) thinks she can escape us.”
there was a stinging sensation behind your eyes. the hope you're once clinging ripping into shreds. falling once again to the madness this two seeks for the pleasure of their own entertainment.
geto pulls you closer to his. wrapping his arm in your shoulder. your back against his chest while his hand went to cup your jaw. raising your head to meet his smile. you sure could punch him if you have the guts but looking at his face, you couldn't deny that geto suguru is attractive. maybe it's the lightning or how his hair is elaborately tied in a bun where the other locks of his hair is loose underneath and the single strand of his hair falling down. acting like bangs in his face. the warm light of the sun illuminating his face like halo. it's almost— godly.
you felt stupid for admiring one of the people in your life who made it hell. it's a realization how small you felt, how powerless you are with this two and they remind you of it every single time of your life.
your lips is curled up in a frown and gojo take notice of it. the latter grinning and walking forward where his friend got you trapped.
grasping your chin in his slender fingers, blue eyes inspecting your face behind his dark glasses. leaning closer to brush his lips to yours and the immediate reaction earns a laugh of amusement to his. tucking back your lips and moving your head to the side. blinking back the tears and he'd be lying if he didn't like the tears on you.
you weren't special. you're nothing worthy of praise nor attention but you do give them a hell of a time. you didn't even look or close to the numerous bitches they had fucked. they were naturally submissive which they like and the worst is they got clingy which is incredibly annoying for them. skanky bitches like them think they can have a piece of them. thinking they're now hotshots for sleeping with them when they're just holes for them to fill and to leave.
you — you got a fight in you. they wouldn't tell you that aloud. they didn't need to shape a bitch for them. bitches are made for them and you, even a dozen times they break you, you're still standing up and perhaps they could keep you longer until you submit to them and throw you away like a trash. follow them like a lost puppy that is still coming back even kicked and worship them at their feet. they needed you to break.
your eyes betrayed you, no. it wasn't tears instead it was the impalpable glare you have given to someone and not just to someone. it was one of your bullies.
his shit eating grin turning into one of a coldest lines forming in his lips before turning into one of a condescending smile. an immediate silence taking over and geto didn't missed that despise being behind you. harshly yanking your arms he was holding and earning a whimper from you.
“ah, ah. what's that? acting brave now are we? who taught you that or perhaps we didn't teach you enough what happens to fat slut like you acting up? mmm?” he hums. closing his eyes as his lips crooks into a smile. his bangs covering one side of his eye and the other opens or both. you couldn't tell when his bangs is covering the other.
“suguru, don't be like that. we've been just too lenient at her and now — acting too brash. we don't want this for our pet suguru, do we?” gojo tuts. tapping his fingers to your cheek, eyes locking to geto. the eye contact generating the sickest of punishments they can sentence you to.
“please — i-i need to go....” your voice stumbling at the words and your false courage starting to crumble. you couldn't think how stupid you were for glaring at gojo. he deserves it and it's not enough. you thought. bitter memories starting to surface while you think of all the humiliations you had to endure by his hands and if you were getting punished which was already placed into you, you should have glared at his friend too.
gojo tuts.“nuh uh, where do you think you're going? this is what you get for avoiding us. you need to learn your place.” the snow white haired boy jeers at you.
suguru only smirks, grabbing your arm to drag you from wherever they wished to punish you. gojo following suit whilst humming a tone from a random song.
you ended up in a vacant classroom in where the area is currently renovated and staff and students alike are forbidden to enter minus the construction workers who were taking a lunch break. giving the duo the time to punish you in their own ways. you can feel the bile rising in your throat and the familiar sparks of tears stinging behind your eyelids. your heart quickening its beats from the nervousness and the shame you have to face on or it will never end. it never ends.
“strip.” the black haired male ordered you. seated in one of the chairs in the vacant room. his friend is also comfortably seated too. a huge smirk plastered on his face, resting his head in his palm while those blues in his eyes glints in anticipation.
“n-no.” you stammer out. your hands trembling. clenched in fists in your back.
geto fakes a frown. twirling his phone in his hand while he types the password in his phone.
“no? such a shame if the whole uni would see what kind of a slut you are. you look good in this one, pretty i might say. taking satoru's cock so well. hm?” tapping the phone in his fingers while showing you a clip of a video they had previously filmed from the past sessions. both had a copy in their own phones. they may never say it but it's a video they treasured whenever they misses you. “poor mommy and daddy. they will know how much of a slut a daughter they had raised.”
“you can't do that. you have no right.” there's a sound similar to a whisper in your voice. a cruel smirk etched in his face, looking at your helpless state. they know the power they hold. what would you do report? ask the others? too bad, they'll never believe you as long they're around. people worship them. what's the power of a peasant against them? nothing.
“he can, (y/n)-chan. just one tap away and the whole world will see you for who you really are. a slut who's desperate of attention. now, follow suguru's order or we'll post it.” satoru warns. playing with the arms of his dark glasses. the action making you see a peek of what's under them.
and just like that, like a puppet you obey them. your hands trembling along with your vision blurring from the tears that started to spill from your eyes. forced to follow what they ordered to you. you couldn't risk to be find out. knowing full well that you would just be shamed even it's not your fault. who would believe you after all? you were an unfortunate being that got thrown in a tiger's den. you think of your parents — who worked so hard for your education. if hardwork and determination would reward you along with their sacrifices. you will be the first one to graduate in your family. you just have to endure it. give in to their demands and maybe — just maybe. it will end faster and you could wallow in shame on your own.
retracting your arms and you unhooked your bag slinging in your back. placing it on the nearest table. there's a soft thud along with the taps of their shoes in the wooden floor. impatiently waiting for you to completely strip of your garments.
your head hung know as you hesitate to reach out for the lower buttons of your blouse. your fingers wobbles as the buttons enter the holes of your blouse. one by one. the buttons coming undone and you blinked back the tears again but no matter how many times you blinked the tears came running down your cheeks.
you couldn't run. not when the fate of your education and dignity are stored in their phones — or maybe. you'll let them and disappear forever — away from their hungry gazes and hands that turns filth whatever they touches.
a pair of blue and purple dances at your snivelling form. that look suits you better than being a stubborn bitch you are. all bark and no bite. who's the the loser now?
it's getting quite annoying how you slowly take your clothes off and the modesty of it. a red long sleeved blouse and underneath it a black tank top paired with a long black denim skirt that preserves and gives you the impression of being a modest and goody two shoes person. boring. they make sure to put in mind what clothes you are allowed to wear for immediate contact.
satoru sighs but it's closer to belching. growing impatient as he taps his shoes in the floor before standing up and walks towards you.
he holds the tops of your shirt before tearing it up. the last buttons flying away as they got ripped. you panicked and grasping his hands to stop it but he's stronger than you. easily pulling your arms away as he yank your shirt. the action resulting in your skin burning and welts starting to form where the cloth had touched your skin.
“no! no — please! i—i'll do anything you want but not this!” you cried, hands squirming to take it away from his tight grasp. “tsk. too late.” gojo taunts. turning his head to look at geto who was enjoying the view. “suguru~, lend a hand will you? little mousy-chan is real stubborn today” asking his friend nonchalantly.
geto shakes his head, cupping your jaw harshly that it started to hurt and leaves bruises to the skin. forcing you to raise your head to look at him. “this wouldn't happen if you were obedient. we could have shown you mercy and instead what did you do? running away from us like a squealing pig. accept your punishment.” his pupils darkening and you watch it through your glossy eyes.
“a bad, bad — bad girl, you are. who taught you this? ahh, maybe it's mommy or daddy. run away from the big bad wolf eh. it's that what they taught you. they're wrong. you're a swine who lures men at your undesirable self.” he continues to sneer at you.
you didn't know what's hurting at this point. your body or your soul. you didn't know. you couldn't even shield yourself from the spite of their hatred and disgust for you. if you were really this ugly and undesirable for them. why would they bother for it. you know it wouldn't be difficult for them to get their dick wet. girls swoon and was more than willing to give their body for them and if they want another to give the same treatment you receive, they can. a much more appealing person for their taste. a far cry from what you are.
he lets go of your jaw, the sound of your tank top being ripped from the back resonating in the room. geto grabs your head, your face pressing on his chest while he holds you to avoid interrupting his friend who was having the time of his life tearing your clothes off. your bra following suit. your denim skirt being tugged away and that made you cry even more, leaving you only in your panties.
gojo continues his torment at you. slapping and pinching the muffin top in your waistline. chuckling while his fingers digs marks into the skin. amused from the fat of your body jiggling and swaying with the assault it was taking.
his eyes twinkling in pure glee and it returns to normal meeting geto's gaze at him. looks are exchanged, a quiet agreement that they both fully understand what it meant coming for you.
geto places his hands into your shoulders before pushing it down, forcing you to kneel with no consideration for the bruises that will later bloom. gojo watches in pure amusement while his friend manipulates you into his will. this is what suguru is. his true colors in full display.
geto is not the person you want to be messed up with. striking in the place where you don't expect it. nothing can hinder suguru when getting what he desires and a shame for those fuckers who tried to help you. what they did get? blacklisted from the university with a anomaly he conjured up.
flickers of sunlight and dust mingles in the room. gojo shakes his head watching as his friend switched his charismatic demeanor into one of a sadistic. “suguru, don't get too hasty. i thought you were the cool one here.” he said nonchalantly, eyes hungry with desire and need from raking through your half naked figure. kicking your torn clothes strewn in the floor.
“i don't tolerate defiant bitches who can't follow rules and begs for mercy from their mistake.” his voice cool with hint of malice behind them. “i should put you in your place, (n/n). ” he smirks, relishing on how hope simply vanishes into your eyes.
“now don't be like that to me, (y/n). please me and maybe i'll change my mind.” his eyes narrows down at you while you're in the verge of tears. your lips are wobbling. faced with suguru's crotch and you regret looking in his eyes. a silent plea for him to change his mind. a condescending smile only and you received your answer.
you blink back the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes while you reach for his belt loops. shaky hands unbuckled his belt and you were shook that you were fumbling and when geto took a breath, you quickly managed to unhook the loops and pulling the zipper of his pants down.
you never wanted to make it worse than it was when geto would show his impatience towards you and in your situation you can only obey.
he's huge. always was. the outline of his cock is pressed against his boxers. “i presume you won't be needing my help to get it out, princess.” his tone velvet smooth with a hint of impatience dripping in it. you accepted your fate when you tug his boxers down. his cock springing free and it slaps to his abdomen. “suck.” he orders you with no hesitation and you think you could cry at this moment and then you remembered how cruel the two are when disobeyed especially the male above.
you take a experimental lick in the tip of his cock before enveloping it with your tongue. you feel him shiver. a grunt can be heard next as you swallow half of his cock. bobbing your head in a slow motion while you stroke the other half of his cock.
suguru stare at the scene below him. his cute piggy taking his cock in your mouth. he places his hand behind your head. forcing you to look at him and it makes his cock throb more at your mouth. your round cheeks in display and your lips wrapped around his cock and that teary gaze of yours meeting his own. “take more of this cock, princess.” tapping your cheek and you obediently followed. he let out a curse as you take him deeper. closing his eyes for a brief moment and he returned to watch you take more of him. “you can only follow an order if you're being threatened. might do more of this—shit—haaah.” grunting as you fondle his balls.
satoru watch in pure amusement as you take his friend's cock. slobbering all over it as you suck him deeper and he's a little jealous. not used in his spotlight being taken by someone and suguru was no exception and your attention should be also on him. his blue eyes peering through his glasses. he watch as your round face struggled to swallow more of his friend's girthy cock. drool seeping from the corner of your mouth as you bob your head back and forth.
gojo shudders at the blood rushing in his cock. he began to palm his cock through his pants. groaning and the little puffs of breath he was taking. unable to contain his excitement he pulled out his cock. stroking his veiny cock in a slow torturous manner as his cum dribbles down from the tip of his cock.
“suguruuu~” geto winces at the call of his name. eyes half-glaring at his friend for interrupting the haze he was in of your mouth sucking him. “you're not the only one allowed to fuck (y/n)-chan's mouth. sooo let me have her mouth.” gojo smiles at him and suguru scowls for a moment before giving your mouth to suck satoru's cock.
gojo grins. “f-fuck... suck me more...” the white haired boy stutters. burrowing his dick deeper in your mouth making you gag but he didn't care. feels too good to notice that you're almost choking on his cock as tears appeared in the corner of your eyes. your other hand still occupied jerking suguru's length.
the duo loves nothing more than this. their cute, little toy being used by them. you spent the last minutes alternating between their cocks, both covered by your spit. you were currently sucking him off and suguru groans at his impending orgasm and satoru isn't doing good either but before their orgasm bursts. they made you stop.
“open wide baby.” gojo pants. both of them pumping their cocks in unison before shooting their load in your mouth. spurts of their cum dropping in your tongue and some landing in your face. “what do we say after giving you our cum?” his face remaining passive as he reminds you and if you answer it wrong, this will last longer.
“t-thank you.” you shyly mutters. voice low and sounding so obedient. that seems to satisfy suguru as he replied with a hum. holding your jaw between his thumb and index finger. swiping the sticky cum glazed in your face with his thumb, he smeared it in your face and without further adieu you swiped the cum in your lips with your tongue. the bitter taste of their cum coating your taste buds and it would linger for days to come.
“you could be such a good girl, you know that, sweets.” satoru commented. admiring your face covered in cum. “even you could be such a bitch sometimes and you choose today to act up and we know what happens when you break a rule, you get punished.” squishing your round cheeks before staring at you dead in the eye with his blue eyes glimmering more than ever. “and punishment starts now.”
breathing is not the same as it was anymore. you sat in suguru's lap uncomfortably. your ass stinging, covered with handprints as it starts to form welts. air became lacking as suguru continues to kiss you.
“mmm...” the small sounds is all you can manage while suguru shoves his tongue deep inside. it's been minutes and this punishment gets worst as the clock ticks.
suguru can be gentle as he is rough. the dried tears sticking in your cheeks are the evidence of it and your much demure attitude after a spanking does the trick of it so he's rewarding you of kissing you until you're breathless. your soft lips perfectly melding in his and suguru enjoys every minute of it. you taste of the sea and something sweet or it just could be him. licking your tears before this. it was humiliating to you while he savors every minute for it.
geto smirks in the kiss when he hears gojo speak. “she's so fucking wet, suguru.” gojo laughs. watching as slick flows in your dripping hole. your thighs are spreaded by him and preventing you to close your legs away from his gaze. “all that spanking got you, hah. i barely touched you.” mocking you as he laughs. your body tensed and geto noticing the change in your body chuckles. “getting shy, are we? let satoru do what he wants and maybe we're going to be gentle to you this time.” it wasn't much of a request but an order. you simply nodded. “good girl.” suguru mutters before dipping again for a another kiss. holding you closer to him while his hand in your back gripping the rolls on it and the other hand in your breast. his finger brushing to your stiff buds.
satoru let suguru have his fun and so is he. what's in front of him is going to tastier and he can't wait to dig. parting your thighs wider, satoru first bestowed a chaste kiss to your doughy thighs. making sure they are given equally the amount of being worshipped by him. he won't say it aloud but your thighs are his favorite. smooching the expanse of your thighs and sometimes resting his cheek to your thigh just to feel that softness over it. he will get both of them to squish his cheeks or crush his head. he doesn't care.
a smack sound can be heard as satoru took his first lick to your fat pussy. humming in delight for diving back in. his tongue lapping in your sweet heat and more obscene noises grew from his desperate feats of licking your slit with his tongue. alternating between sucking and flicking his tongue to get more of that goodness.
your plush body jerks involuntarily. all the places with the extra bits jiggling at the sudden intrusion of his tongue. moaning in the kiss where suguru had you locked. “mmm...hah—mmm...” is the only sound you can produce as suguru licks your tongue and going back again to take your lips in his. drool covering both of your mouths. eyes half-lidded and you're drunk in this haze and you take a peek of satoru in between your legs. his white hair moving so gracefully as he slurps loudly the juices spilling in your cunt. his large hands holding firmly your thighs. sinking in the softness of it as your thighs gets bigger at being squish. the flesh spilling in his thick fingers.
satoru let goes on your clit with a loud pop before you can cum. your whines muffled by suguru's lips on your own and satoru chuckles. wiping the juices covering his mouth. “i got on her pussy first, suguru.” satoru reminded him and the man in front of you smiles. “no need to remind me, satoru. i'll take her ass.” he nonchalantly commented and your widens. squirming in his lap to get off but suguru clutches your flabby arms in his hands. “don't be scared. it will feel good like your pussy does.” he convinces you but you don't want it. “who cares about that, it's part of the punishment.” suguru growls and that puts you in your place. accepting what they decided for you.
“hey, suguru. frightening our dear (y/n)-chan will get her holes tight. you might want to loosen her.” gojo commentated whilst rubbing your slit with his fingers.
geto tsk. visibly annoyed, a rare occurrence for gojo to see his friend like this. “satoru, punishment is punishment.” the purples in his eyes darkening and gojo shrugs. “whatever. i still get to fuck her fat pussy.” sticking out his tongue towards suguru.
it was painful to swallow the lump in your throat that never existed again and again. your hands are clammy while the duo began to position themselves to you. satoru slapping your ass before hooking his arms behind your knees and his hands holding the back of your thighs hoisting you up. wrapping your arms in his and the other in suguru.
the black haired beauty holds your ass. suguru spreading your ass cheeks and the tip of his cock prodding at your tight hole. “please, geto. not in there please. i—i'll do any—mmph” the sharp thrust of his cock interrupted your plea. making you cry at the burning sensation in your hole. clenching your fist in a tight manner. your eyes hot and warm tears came rolling down your cheeks from the pain like rivulets. “and what? you'll do anything. too late now, sweetheart.” suguru examines your face as it twist again in the thrust of satoru's cock in your cunt.
“fuck!” satoru curses out. chuckling at himself. “the only good thing in you is tight pussy of yours.” your velvety walls clenching around his cock. “are you crying?” satoru teases taking a mental note of your tears.
both of them adjusts their hold on you. beginning to move their hips in an upward motion to thrust their aching cock in your warm holes.
it burns. everything stings with every move. your muscles begging to rest as it tears from how they stretched your muscles and your limbs put in a uncomfortable manner. this is how your day supposed to go on. why you must be in this position. unwilling and unlucky to escape this kind of situation. you're always in trouble with this two and maybe if you weren't so fat for this two to mock and make fun of you wouldn't be here.
mistaking the tears in your eyes as being overstimulated which is true but you're troubled with the inner turmoil of yourself so you get lost and the two began to harshly pound their lengths deep inside you. groaning and throwing at curses.
satoru rests his forehead in your shoulder and behind his glasses, his eyes, the prettiest shade of blue seems to shine in astonishing sight of your pudgy belly. squished together and like dough being stacked together. jiggling at the impact of their thrusts in you and his sight lowers. his cock disappearing inside your pussy as it glistens and the wet squelch it was making, it was simply music to his ears. biting the junction of your neck. he stare at suguru who's smirking at the sensation of your tight hole gripping his cock. “she feels so good, suguru—ahh.. this pussy's trying to choke my cock.” satoru commented.
“you hear that, you feel so good.” suguru holds your jaw forcing you to look at him. “open your mouth, baby.” parting your lips at his order, suguru spits on your mouth. a glob of his spit hitting your tongue in which you didn't hesitate to swallow and suguru smiles. “good girl.” he praises.
hard muscles are a contrast to your soft body. sandwiched between their bodies while they keep their pace steady in bullying your holes with their cocks. a moan is ripped from your throat when satoru hits the spongy spot in your cunt. knowing what he had done, satoru grips your thighs firmly as he angles his cock inside. hitting that spot repeatedly until you can't stifle the sounds coming from you. involuntary moans come spilling from your mouth and gojo swells with pride that only him, well both of them. he and suguru could make you moan like that. how did he know? silly to ask that. they're the only ones who had fucked you since you started college and the first to take your virginity. they didn't even allow men to approach you.
suguru wanting you to make you feel good like satoru does have to speed up his thrusts usually than what he always do. it's not even a work up from him. his desire for your asshole to only know the shape of his cock and he's the only one who can fuck this ass of yours.
“'too much. too much.” you babbled. the pleasure and pain is getting overwhelming for you to take. instead in pitying you it earned a chuckle from the two. “since when did it became too much for you, huh? you're a slut. sluts don't go to tell that it's too much. all they can do is shut up and take it.” satoru taunts you.
gojo hisses when your cunt squeezes around him. the creamy white ring forming in the base of his cock as you came. “shit! she came suguru.” satoru said in amusement and even he's like that he's getting close too and so is suguru. they exchange looks briefly before putting their strength in reaching their end.
you can't speak. they've taken your ability to speak. you can only moan in silence as you feel another orgasm bubbling in your abdomen again. you're going to cum and it's going to be more intense than the last one. you feel them both. hot and throbbing. the veins in their cocks making ridges in your soft walls. taking and molding their very shape.
harsh thrusts are back to back being blown to you. the tips of their cocks hits deeply as they can before releasing their loads. both groaning as spurts after spurts of their cum are being loaded inside of you. never did you felt to be so full and warm until they've released their loads inside of you. hot and sticky.
it took a few more thrusts before the both of them had ridden their high. handsome as they are and wicked even after fucking their favorite plaything. removing your arms around their shoulder. you slowly descended on the floor. both of their cum escaping your holes. dripping and staining the cold hard floor where you sat. you ignore them and you know the drill after being fucked by them. it's time to leave and slowly, you began to gather your clothes. your blouse are useless. tattered and shredded and it won't cover you. you're lucky your denim skirt are still intact.
reaching out for your bag to get the spare clothing you packed for when it happens. you grabbed the wet wipes. patting where their release had stained you, mostly in your face. a stream of tears you didn't even notice falling from your eyes got you wondering why the floor below you is getting wet. the realization dawning into you and you can only cry silently. dressing yourself and trying to be more decent.
satoru and suguru busied themselves fixing their clothing. not leaving the sight of their toy cleaning their self. suguru crouches down to meet your position. “crying after what you've put yourself into.” he commented. “pathetic.” satoru mutters as he watch you beneath him. “try not to defy us again, okay? it would be much worst than this one.” there's a hint of softness in his voice and maybe you could convince yourself that he wasn't a jerk from the way he spoke but you know better. they had humiliated you until you hated yourself. degrading you like you were nothing a dirt and not a human being.
“i understand. i'm sorry.” you say. bowing your head in shame for being disobedient at them. for not following simple orders. “good.” his only response to you.
“can i please go now?”
suguru hums and with that, you slowly made your way outside. your bag tightly secured in your back with your ripped clothes, you left without saying a word again with tears streaming down your face.
when you disappeared from that door, the duo both left at the building. going on with their lives again as the golden boys of the university and you were left with nothing, not even a shred of your dignity.
satoru reviews the newly recorded of you being impaled by their cocks. feeling hard again from the way your pussy wrapped around him along with your soft body pressed against him. “the best, satoru.” suguru commented after seeing what his friend is watching in his phone. “send it to me.” whipping his phone in a second and quickly typing.
your phone buzzes. alerting you with a message. you were wiping your tears after you nearly trip. absentmindedly wandering in the campus and if it wasn't for you almost tumbling you wouldn't break out from your stupor. more tears rolled in your cheeks, dripping down in the screen of your phone after you've read the message.
suguru: see you later.
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dfortrafalgar · 2 months
Gift of Belonging
Luffy x GN Reader
Life didn't have a purpose without Luffy.
Warnings: Fic from my 100 followers poll!!! can be read as either platonic or romantic, mentions of self deprecating thoughts but nothing too severe, just some short, feel good, reassuring hugs from our favorite straw hat-wearing captain <3
Taglist: @bokutosbiceps | @luffy0s | @surgeonoffish
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You were at the end of your rope when you joined the straw hats, but who wasn’t?  You weren’t special in the grand scheme of the world’s most infamous pirate crew.  You couldn’t compare to the tumultuous lives of the rag-tag bunch that had quickly become your lifeline, you had nothing on being the child of an abusive royal family, or the last survivor of a decimated nation, or the unfortunate witness to the killing of a friend or parent, or a literal god.  You weren’t a cyborg or an animal or a reincarnated being hundreds of years old.  You were just… simple.
And yet, the Straw Hats made you feel accepted.
They made you feel wanted.
And no one had wanted you more than Monkey D. Luffy.
You still struggled to accept the boisterous boy’s words when he welcomed you aboard his grand ship.  You had put up an argument, insisting that you would only get in the way, that your strengths paled in comparison to the rest of the crew, that you had no business being a part of the inner circle of one of the Emperors.  But not a single eyelash was batted in the direction of your plight.  Simply endless stares of patience, waiting for you to finally bite the lure and climb up the gangway and officially join the Straw Hats.  And when you finally did, Luffy had said the words that had stuck with you since then.
“I don’t care who you are.  You’re special and you deserve a spot in my family.”
It was as if the world opened up around you for the first time.  Instead of seeing your surroundings in black and white, colors infiltrated your retinas in ways you had never experienced.  Suddenly, the sunshine that beat down on your skin felt like a pleasant hug from the world, rather than a punishing burn against your weary being.  Food you ate and drank every single day tasted extra good because it was always cooked with love and affection, the flirtatious cook not caring at all where you had come from.  Luffy and his crew made it known from the second they met you that you were deserving of love, respect, and friendship.
And you couldn’t lie… the first few days were overwhelming.
The Straw Hats were loving.  They were really loving, and their unique ways of showing they appreciated you were slowly building up in your veins like a disease until one night, when you were on watch, you cracked.
You broke down.
You sat on the stern of the Thousand Sunny, gazing out from the white-painted railings and over the vastness of the dark ocean and seamlessly blended in with the sky above you, the only light shining on you being from the twinkling stars millions of light years away.  Quiet, salty tears flowed down your cheeks, your shoulders clenched as you wrapped your arms around yourself, sniffling into the collar of your shirt.  You loved your crew, you really did.  You began to realize that you loved them more than you ever loved anyone else in your life, and that thought somehow scared you.  Like you were unprepared.  Like your heart had been so deprived of love for your whole life that the overabundance of it in such a short time caused your brain to short-circuit.  And you cried.  You weeped on the Sunny’s back deck, into the calmness of the night.
Until the sound of clopping flip-flops climbing the steps to where you sat alerted your attention, causing you to freeze up, holding your breath, wishing your tears could evaporate away.
“Hey, what are you doing up here alone?”  It was Luffy, his usually exuberant voice a rare form of calm as he approached you.  He wasted absolutely zero time in plopping himself onto the hard deck beside you, extending his legs and holding his arms out, hands behind his head.
You stayed hunched into yourself, trying to hide your shame in your hands.
“Hey… are you alright?” he asked, his voice somehow even softer.
A faint sniffle from you was all your captain needed to hear.  He sat up with a start and grabbed your shoulders with his calloused hands, yanking you around to face him.  Your eyes were wide with shock at his actions, but you stayed frozen.  It’s not like you could run anywhere, the man was made of rubber.
“Why are you crying?” he asked, his eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed, an intense stare that bored into your skin.  “Did someone say something to you?  Did someone hurt you?”
You shook your head, wiping your tears away on your arm.  You took a deep, shuddering inhale before finally forcing your shoulders to relax.  “No… no one said anything to me.”
“Then why are you crying?”
Luffy, despite not being overly emotional in normal circumstances, was scarily good at reading people.  It didn’t matter if you couldn’t outright say what was bothering you, he would eventually figure it out with that convoluted tunnel system of a brain.  His adorable lips curled into a pout as he analyzed your face, picking apart every twitch of your muscles.
You inhaled once more, turning your face away from him slightly.  “I’m just… not used to this.”
“Not used to what?”
His questions, and the feigned clueless tone of his voice almost made a smile crack onto your face.  Another talent of Monkey D. Luffy: he was like a wrecking ball for the walls you built up around yourself.
“I’m not used to… this.”  Your hands circled around you, gesturing to the ship, causing Luffy to finally drop his hands from your shoulders.  “Being a part of a crew.  You guys are… too nice to me.”
Luffy was ready with a response immediately.  “We could never be ‘too nice to you.’  That’s impossible.  We love you.”
Your lip quivered slightly.  “That’s what I’m not used to.”
“Being loved?”
There it was.  You feebly nodded.  “Yeah.  That.”
Your captain scooted across the deck closer to you, if that was even possible.  He was basically flush against you at this point.  He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into a warm bear hug, his fluffy black hair tickling the skin of your cheek.  “We love you because you’re special to us, we don’t need a reason for that,” he described.  His voice faltered, as if he wanted to say something else, as if he was trying to add to his words.  Instead, he squeezed you into him, closing his eyes as he felt your muscles grow limp.  ‘We love you, but I love you more.’
“I just wish it was easier for me to accept that,” you whispered into his shoulder, struggling to hug him back.
Luffy’s embrace didn’t relent.  If anything, he tried to pull you in closer.  The force of his hug made you lose your balance on the floor, falling over on top of him, your chin hitting his shoulder.  But he still didn’t let up.  He held firm, squeezing you as if you would fade away into dust if he let go.
“Luffy–” you wheezed against his skin.
“What?”  He sounded completely oblivious.  “I’m going to keep hugging you until you don’t feel sad anymore.  No more crying,” he demanded.  “Captain’s orders.”  His last sentence held a hint of playfulness, the smile he surely wore on his face coming through the sound of his voice.
He must have been contagious, because your own grin slowly grew on your lips.  After what felt like hours, you finally reciprocated his hug, curling your arms under him and letting yourself finally relax in his embrace.  You knew Luffy had odd ways of showing he cared, but this was definitely unexpected.  Unexpected, but not necessarily unappreciated.  His presence emitted a warmth akin to summertime air, his existence like the calming breeze of the open ocean that wafted around you and circled you in comforting drafts.  Luffy never judged, never wavered, never ceased to let his crew, and now you, know how truly grateful he felt to be able to live his life with his favorite people.
You made a slight movement to stand up, but Luffy’s arms tightened their hold around your back.  “Not yet,” he grumbled.  “I don’t wanna stand up yet.”
“Is this how you comfort everyone on the crew?” you asked, your voice coming out muffled as you spoke into his neck.
“Hmm… not necessarily.  Everyone’s different.  Chopper really loves hugs, and Zoro lets me hug him, but sometimes Nami and Robin can take them or leave them.  Usopp likes hugs but doesn’t like to admit it.”  A smile crawled to your face as your captain rattled off the preferences of your fellow crewmates, the ways in which he perceived their unique and individual personalities bringing a comforting reassurance to your heart.  “I feel like you really like hugs, and you clearly needed one right now.”
You bit the inside of your lower lip, trying to bite back the tears that formed in the corners of your eyes.  The tension escaping your body dissipated in large waves, leaving you with nothing but warmth and comfort in the arms of the man who had surely saved your life.
And for the first time since officially joining the Straw Hats, you began to feel truly, unconditionally loved.  It was miraculous.  All it took was a single hug from the nicest, most selfless person you had ever met.
Someday, you’d be sure to return the favor for Luffy, even if he wouldn’t accept.
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btnclmrttn · 7 months
Nsfw alphabet with saitama
I know is a lot but is up to you, hope you are alright these days!
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NSFW ALPHABET(+18) - Saitama
[Kicking ass, hon! Thank you for your patience with this. I hope it satisfies your request!]
A = Aftercare
His go-to is taking a bath with you. Cleaning up the mess he made of you (and on you) and cuddling until the water isn’t so warm anymore. He doesn’t notice how clingy he is, as he doesn’t want anything less than his arms wrapped around you for the most part. 
B = Body part
On him, his hands. Shit, he's strong, and his hands have something to show for it. They’re so gentle with you and adore having your waist fill them. He loves your waist area. Holding it and letting his thumbs run along your back or drawing circles around your stomach.
C = Cum
Loves fucking you until cum starts trailing down your thighs or slopping against him. A visual reassurance he’s making you feel good. Also likes pulling out and cumming on your hole, smearing it on you with his tip before sliding himself back in and going for a second round right there. He likes doing that almost as much as just cumming inside you.
D = Dirty Secret
Would so love to walk in on you masturbating one day. He’s thought about it so many times. He wants it entirely unexpected, so he doesn’t ever bring it up, but he has his hopes.
E = Experience
Well, he's got the gist of it. He never had the best luck with dating and didn't like it casually, but he's read and watched about plenty enough not to be ignorant about how the general of it goes.
His attitude is that he would rather have a connection with someone and learn about them thoroughly versus quick satisfaction, so whatever needs to be hands-on to learn, he's ready and willing.
F = Favorite Position
Being able to see your face is what he wants most. So ASIDE from somn basic, he likes holding you up either against a wall or with your legs wrapped around him. He isn’t so bummed about being so strong anymore since he can do that to you.
G = Goofy
So fucking goofy. He was so shy and nervous the first time you two did it he had to be a bit goofy to relax. Now, it's just his thing. He loves hearing you laugh, too, while you're having your fun. It makes it more intimate for him
It's also pretty hot to him how your laughter blends with your moans.
H = Hair
I = Intimacy
Aside from being goofy he is a total cornball, too. Absolute goober. Holding you close and whispering all the sweet things, taking his time, looking you in the eye, and occasional random kisses on your forehead. Lots of non-verbal cornball shit
J = Jack Off
He doesn’t do it as much now that he’s in a relationship. Did it a lot when living alone and being so bored all the time. These days, it only happens when he’s been away from you for too long.
K = Kink
I will die on this hill. He started liking it more and more when he figured out it wasn't hard for him to do it by accident—being overstimulated himself, though? Loves it. He wants to see how much he can push himself and take it. He'll whine and grip the sheets so hard he could tear them, fumbling over his words
"I can take it. I can take it."
L = Location
Perfectly content with keeping it in just the bedroom. He wouldn't feel that comfortable doing it outside unless there was certainty no one would be able to stumble on it (i.e., on the roof of a tall building or a middle of nowhere ass location). That and also some of the annoying inconveniences of what you could run into kill the mood for him
M = Motivation
It isn’t difficult at all to get him going. Oh, and especially if you make him something really good. Seriously, if you ever make him something that he likes a whole lot, it’s damn near some foreplay. Quickest route to getting fucked good.
N = NO
Not into any pain play of any kind. No biting or manhandling. He's too strong and would hurt you, which is the last thing he wants to do. Also doesn't want to be mean. Degrading is a no-no. 
O = Oral
Loves recieving for sure he ain’t quiet about that. When giving, he enjoys you thoroughly. He eats you up like he’s savoring his last meal and is in no rush at all. Not stopping just because you came either. 
P = Pace
Overall prefers to be slow and sensual. Making love like he's just stupid drunk off you. It's the intimacy of it that he favors. You might get surprised sometimes though; when you're getting closer and closer that's when he starts being rough and just has a massive grin on his face as he messes with you that way. You know he's plotting overkill when he's cheesing more than usual.
Q = Quickie
Absolutely! He could make it quick if need be. It’s not something he would do often intentionally, its more of a last option to you both being busy and a little sexually frustrated. He’d still prefer to “make it up to you” whether a quickie was resorted to or not.
R = Risk
For sure would try about anything at least once within your guys boundaries. Why not? It’s not often he has a suggustion, but when he does you gotta wonder what’s running through his head when he’s quiet. He don’t even know some shit he says can be considered kinda freaky and is so nonchalant about it. 
S = Stamina
Strongest guy in the known universe. No need to guess! It's great that he doesn't tire out until he doesn't and you are whipped. You're in control of when you two stop. He could go all day, and would. He'd be so down for just a day of nothing but nasty.
T = Toys
They are so damn expensive and that irks him. However! Dude will use anything you already have. Once he realized how much of a friend these devices were, it became a weapon. Straight-up murder. His overstimulation kink would go berserk. That being said, any toys that use batteries are his enemy. Batteries get expensive with a kink like that.
U = Unfair
Quite a bit but he's still a bit goofy. "You sure? Absolutely sure? Positive?"He does it mostly for laughs, or because you thought you could do the same and he's giving it back. As much as he likes to just take his time touching you it messes with you eventually. Oh but if he's in the middle of just tearing you up and he's got you all a noisy mess, he's looking to push your buttons.
V = Volume
Mostly it's his heavy, trembling breathing that makes the most noise. He's more vocal when he's getting closer Cursing under his breath and moaning your name. If you want a crybaby, though, you can get one if you play into that overstimulation kink. Just don’t get another noise complaint on you guys 
W = Wild Card
Mutual masterbation would be so enjoyable for him. You get a whole full view of how he looks at you and how hard you make him, and watch how he tries so badly to let you finish by yourself instead of swoop in and make you come himself. It drives him NUTS.
X = X-Ray
Considering how average he presents himself, it would fit that he's also average in the pants. Not huge, not small, not super girthed up or anything. 5 and some odd inches is the average.  Throwing in though he has the most excellent Adonis belt you could feast your eyes on because of all that training he did.
Y = Yearning
Higher than you’d assume. As chill as he seems it’s just a bit surprising. He’ll jump from his chill state to horny. Being as quiet as he is though it’s just hard to catch on to when naughty thoughts start cycling until they finally get to him. 
It makes him relaxed enough to fall asleep not to long after, but he can hold out until he knows you’re properly taken care of. That sleep is about to be deep as hell, though
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gattnk · 10 months
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When the ambitious Miki and the conformist Gas cross paths, it's pretty much an "unstoppable force VS unmovable object" situation.
Last but not least, a couple of fan favorites! My redesign process was very different for each one: I did a quick sketch of Gas on day one, as soon as I was done with Raf and Sulfus, and I pretty much stuck to it. Meanwhile, I couldn't form a clear thought for Miki until my AFapril comic prompted me to do it! Now, about that creative process:
While Miki's canon designs are significantly different, Gas is pretty straightforward. Even then, I decided to work on unifying their respective color palettes first, and then focus on their redesigns proper.
I went with their Prisma Fly colors as their new main colors. To contrast the orange better, I switched Gas' purple for a washed-out blue, and included black and white for variety's sake. In Miki's case I went with three shades of forest green and included key lime green since it's closer to yellow and pops out nicely; I also included desaturated browns and off-whites to visually frame the key lime better.
Since Miki is characterized as somewhat non-conforming in the comics, I doubled down and updated her parka jacket to something more extreme-sports looking (thank you @haloheadhater for helping me figure that one out!), added thick denim jeans to the mix and the toughest pair of timber boots I could come up with.
Gas is the kind of character that tries to look tough (despite being the least intimidating devil ever), so I added a biker's denim vest to crank the Cool Factor™ to the max. There's little difference between his canon designs, so blending them together was easy enough. I tried to preserve his iconic Emo Frog shirt with a minimalist design, all derived from triangles to keep in line with the devil design philosophy I've been keeping so far.
I wanted to reflect Miki's dragonfly mascot in her overall design, so I gave her wings a peculiar shape. While adult angels may have multiple pairs, Miki's wings are a single pair: I took inspiration from pennant-winged nightjars for her wing design.
Officially, Gas has the smallest wing-to-body ratio of the entire cast. He can still fly just fine, no worries, but he took more naturally to phasing walls and floors around the school to get by. My biggest challenge was his horns and wings, specifically finding the right shade of orange so they would not blend with his ginger hair. I didn't want to use red for his hair, nor blue for his horns/wings like his original designs, so I had to put my eyes to the test there.
Mascot placement once again comes with meaning: Gas' tomato frog may have bright and intimidating colors, but it's actually cute, round and inoffensive; it rests right over his heart to represent his true nature. Miki's green darner dragonfly hangs at the end of her braid: braids are often associated with bravery, wisdom, patience or experience in character design, and dragonflies are renowned for their maneuverability; this way, Miki's core traits are in the end held together by her ability to adjust on the fly.
There it is! the entire main cast of Angel's Friends, redesigned :D I've also been working on the humans and teachers, but it'll be a while before I finish those. For now my attention is almost entirely on my AF rewrite fic. Shameless self-promotion aside, I'm really proud of my script and characters, and I really appreciate it when I get comments/kudos/hits. So far everyone's been really kind and excited and I definitely share on the enthusiasm!
I'll Fly With You (rewrite fic) Art masterpost
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marabarl-and-marlbara · 6 months
i think i saw you talk about picayune a bit on your twitter! i was wondering about it if you’re willing to give your thoughts. i heard it was similar to that one game that’s called the void rains upon her heart, at least from a friend of mine.
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hi anonymous; although i say i could gush about it: i mostly said everything i:d want to on the twitter already, but yeah: i love it, it:s a sneaky "top game of the year" for me, i think, and is one of those passion-projects (?) that just feels as though it carries with it a-lot of love for game design and just the act of creating games; i:d put it like this: i really enjoy survivors-type games because they:re dopamine-traps that just give me skinners-box gratification when i:m struggling to get through a day, but as a genre the games are very formulaic and usually seem like they:re 1) cynically made because the formula is hot + can make some easy cash for little effort since the game-design aspect is just laid out like clean providence 2) made a little more earnestly but usually for a developer as an exercise which happens to also be probably decently lucrative -- and both of these prior points lead to pretty stale experiences, but dopamine-trap experiences that i like all-the-same, as-well: due to me just not having a lot of money outside of my weekly grocery budget, i don:t really let myself spend money on non-grocery things, so: looking @ picayune dreams i was hit with this mix of "this looks awesome" and "i know this formula and the gloss is just going to be another stale 100% achievement grind that:ll eat up my time but leave me mad at myself for wasting $5 when i need groceries" -- but it had a demo, and (happily) the demo betrayed my cynicism and just oozed with sincerity on behalf of the developers, so: i bought it.
it:s a very good blend of shmup/bullet-hell type gameplay and the standard survivors-genre, and although i don:t think it:s the best gameplay in either genre, the experience as one whole is executed perfectly for what it is: it unfolds and never seems lazy in its effort or gameplay; the obtuse mechanics are fun to figure out; the story segments (while super iterative of yume nikki type rpgmaker stuff) have this razor-sharp conciseness for the vibe it wants you to feel that i really enjoy (it reminds me of scientology, archangel:nemesis in a weird way: because the breadth of the plot centers around being selected to save a humanity that is trapped down here on earth, sort-of indifferent to your mission -- and i think it creates this plot really beautifully despite using very little words or demanding a lot of your time (<- this point here is key for me, cause i have northernlion syndrome of nearly no-longer having patience for games that want me to stare at some story for a long time, or hit you with tutorials before gameplay, or whatever: picayune dreams just goes and trusts you to figure it out)).
i haven:t played it much lately, cause (if it had one fault, which is more just my user-experience than the devs) the runs can get to be longer than i have patience for (you can loop and at this point you:re getting close to an hour run), so i end up self-destructing when i get bored;
i:d encourage anyone to give the demo a try, or just look at the steam-page and take in the art direction -- it:s a game that probably won:t let you down if it even /slightly/ looks interesting to you, & i still feel a rush of goosebumps when the final song comes in during the last boss; it:s just solid (void rains upon her heart is another one of these great games for me but i 100%'d it earlier in the year and have just been waiting for the dev to add more content; that:s another game that i think more people should give love to because it blends shmup+roguelite formula better than any other attempt i:ve played and also never really let my expectations as a player down as i trusted it to unfold with content and excitement -- because that:s what i like about this trend of roguelite/meta-progression in games: games that use these are like constantly wanting to award you with more because it:s like they are just so eager to spend time with you and don:t want to let you down (at the least cynical)).
at the moment though i:m just playing DCSS cause i:m back in a "everything feels pretty dull and colorless at the moment" spell -- but again: that:s why i love stuff like picayune dreams and sci-fi harry; occasionally stuff surprises you with its love, its passion, and you can:t help but let yourself be affected, and i like being affected.
take care.
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acutiewithagun · 5 months
Taglist: @oleander-nin @radicallxser @itsyagurlchip @cr-33-d
Word count: 1,740
Subways Are The Worst
That was one way to describe the crushing weight of time ticking away. Gazing lazily at the clock it only read fifteen minutes left. What agonizing numbers, they taunted your already dwindling patience. Alas, they were the key to spending before you could be released from your personal prison.
But then you had to go off on that awful subway ride and you were just not ready for it. The people bustling home, the strange smells, and those awful rodents that snuck on the cars. You shuddered at the thought before praying you'd at least get a seat.
The hands on the clock ticked like always, slow and uselessly. The button on your pen tapped rhythmically against the desk as noises rattled, filling your head with unnecessary information you would forget the second you bolted from your seat.
Eyeing the paper laying in front of you, intended for writing notes that never happened, you fought the internal struggle of doodling anything to fill up your time. You clicked the button on your pen as the thoughts won the wimply fought battle. You just hoped the person sitting next to you ignored the doodles of shapes filling your piece of dead tree.
Checking the clock once more you almost banged your head on the table in frustration over only four minutes had passed. Opting for the wiser decision to rub your palms against your forehead to lessen the mounting headache, you let out a tired groan.
That all nighter last night was not your brightest idea, especially considering the day it had been. It wasn't your worst time but it was up there. Everything went wrong and you cursed the universe for its messed up musings. Glancing around you, the people were hard at work taking down the information spewed a mile a minute.
After the eternity that was this meeting you got up along with the other people and stretched your arms before tiredly heading for the door. Only to be caught by a coworker as you both stepped outside.
“Hey, a few of us are heading to a little food joint close by, wanna come?” You looked exhaustedly at them with a shake of your head. “Not really, I'm dead on my feet already and just want to get home.” They frowned and looked over to the little group of fellow employees that had formed.
The colleague took a moment before snatching your wrist. A protest sat on your tongue before they dragged you to the group. “We got our final member!” You bit back your arguments as a tired chorus erupted from the gathering. Figuring they were also dragged into this as well, you begrudgingly followed down to the building. You were by no means going to partake in whatever they were doing. At least not with your own will.
You were all seated at a table in the corner, the booth barely big enough to fit you all. The staff seemed nice enough, very considerate of your few yokai and mutant colleagues. But all you wanted to do was pass out in the booth as you were squished between two people that you were barely acquainted with.
The dark sky hardly changes as hours pass by, everything truly a blur as coworkers have their fill and the forced social interaction is blending together. You barely made the last subway, having run there on dead legs that just wanted to collapse like a poorly built popsicle tower. You slump on a seat, hardly registering the person beside you as your foggy brain starts to drift.
It's no surprise that you passed out, the rough day and late hour were just too perfectly entwined for the event to occur. What was unexpected was the rough and scarred hand that checked your forehead as you dazed with mild consciousness. Eyes fluttering open partially, you sat up and immediately checked your phone. Luckily, you hadn't missed your stop.
You turned your attention to the person beside you with a soft apology for falling asleep, most likely accidentally on them. Their words were mumbles by the white noise that filled your ears. Drooping lids urging you back to sleep as you resisted. Only able to stay awake due to sheer will, leaning away from the stranger.
“Where's your destination?” You jolted in surprise from the question, barely comprehending it before answering. “In about two stops…” The odd unknown person beside you gave a sharp nod. Using the opportunity of more alertness, you decided to examine the figure beside you.
It was a taller turtle man, dressed appropriately for the chilly weather outside. Bags hung under his eyes as if he were awake for far too long. Which causes a pang of guilt to emerge from within for passing out on this guy. Giving an apologetic look before you drifted your gaze around the primarily empty car. Only a few people also were dozing off and slumped in their own seats.
The automatic message of the next stop incoming chimes overhead. Looking up at the speaker, you just wanted something to fill the uneasy air created by the situation from your knocked out episode. Awkward silence was deafening as you pat your thighs in the hope to cut a bit of the suffocating atmosphere. “So… what are you doing on the subway?” You were about ready to strangle yourself as you cringed from the question. The guy just snorted and hummed before leaning back. “Just seeing all the interesting people heading home late at night, like a creep.” Your face burned with embarrassment as he looked back at you. “What are you doing on the subway?”
That question did not help the flaring on your cheeks. “You know, just heading home.” He just shrugged with a bit of laughter. “Ah, I should have suspected as such, he said sarcastically.” Despite your fatigue, you laughed lightly and nervously at the joke. With a break in the conversation, you turn back to him. “So you said you were watching interesting people on the subway? What's that about?”
The guy rubbed the back of his neck, leaned backwards into his seat. “Ah, well… just look over there.” He jerked his head in a direction for you to look. Trailing your eyes, you spotted a man surrounded by rats, feeding them bread. You shuddered, subconsciously tilting in the strange turtle man's space. “Oh, I see…”
Silently, he pointed in a different direction and you gazed over. Sitting on a primarily empty bench was a weeping man in a large hat being comforted by an older woman. “Fascinating… truly…” The words seem to slip out of the person beside you’s mouth. He smiled as you looked back at him and quickly scooted away.
The next stop chimed overhead as the subway stopped, the man surrounded by rats leaving as the horde followed. You almost burst into laughter, if only you weren't so tired. A few other less notable people also exited the car before the doors slid shut once more and the vehicle was in motion.
“So… is that all you're really doing? People watching?” He hummed at the question as he crossed his legs. “I suppose I am, the city of New York is absolutely intriguing. Although I refuse to ride during the day, far too crowded.” You could easily agree with that remark.
Your mind blanked on another topic to bring up, and it seemed the same for your newly acquired acquaintance. So the two of you sat in silence for a bit until you noticed a small tag on his hoodie. It had a familiar logo on it that you frowned at, trying to remember.
He noticed with a hum and pointed at the logo. “Recognize it?” You nodded before something clicked in your brain. “Genius Built! I remember reading about how it was a human, mutant, and yokai friendly brand. Sorry for the outburst, I was just trying to remember the logo.” A proud smirk crossed his features as you nervously looked away. “You seem to know a bit about it… know anything about it's CEO?”
Shaking your head, you tried to recall the article you read briefly. “Not really, the writer didn't say much and I was busy so I kinda sped ran the article.” He tapped his hands on the seat before folding them together. “Interesting, did you know the clothing brand also is connected with a tech company under the same name?” You looked at him curiously. “Oh really? Wow, that CEO really likes to dabble in different things.” He nodded and was about to say something when interrupted by the overhead speaker announcing your stop.
“Ah that's me… well I hope you have fun examining the people of New York…” You gave a slight wave as the subway stopped and you stood in time, swaying slightly with the car. Suddenly, your coat was tugged and you looked behind you. The stranger held out a small card for you to take. “It's been a surprising pleasure talking with you. Maybe we could do it again sometime.”
You smiled and took the card, placing it in your pocket. “Maybe we could, I'll see you later…?” He hummed before his eyes widened slightly. “Oh right, Othello Von Ryan.” You laughed as you creeped over to the doors, introducing yourself in turn.
The doors closed behind you as you waved to the departing subway. You turned away and started your walk home. The streets bustled with horns and engines, but all you could think about was how your day took a delightful turn. The air pinched your cheeks with cold, steps filling your growing sound checklist.
The lack of lights in the buildings passed were a testament to the late hour. You chuckled as you saw your building, remembering the stranger's name. It was odd, you figured his parents were old fashioned people. But then the curious thought of him changing his own name peeked your interest. You hummed it off as you unlocked your door.
Creeping into your room, you all but flopped down, exhaustion taking you down before your shoes hit the floor. That was probably the best subway ride you'd ever had. Snuggling into your pillow, your sleep aided mind gave a quiet reminder of the card in your pocket. You made the drifting decision to investigate in the morning. Right now, sleep was calling and you happily indulged it.
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sobredunia · 7 months
Hey u should tell me oc lore ok? ok we can exchange oc lore like uh. uhm. like. we can exchange. like telling stories around a campfire yeah thats it. yeah. yay
okay so i started writing this and then i had to go to sleep and now that I wake up in the morning tumblr has eaten the entire fucking ask. thankfully i decided to copypaste it on a drive folder but fucking christ i did a lot of text and tumblr eated it all and didnt even care :(
This started out remotely normal and I ended up writing it like fanfiction lmao
(TW: cannibalism (?), death, mentions of alcohol consumption)
Okay so there's this guy named Charcoal, he's a fox that can turn into a human :D. He's been alive for a very long time, causing mischief be it through good actions or bad actions just to see what would happen. Although he can easily blend in with the humans, he changes his aspect to show more fox-like features just to see how they'd react. Most of the towns he's been in either consider him a small god to pray and make offers to or a threat that needs to be eliminated (but he's always faster, always smarter. he knows humans all too well)
The years pass and pass, and he's decided that he's gonna enter this one city looking like a starved and sad teenage boy, trying to see if these humans are foolish enough that they'll treat him kindly
They don't
He begs for money on the streets and no one gives him anything. He begs for food in restaurants that are about to take out the trash and no one gives him anything. He begs other homeless people to make space for one more in their makeshift huts and no one does
The bigger the city, the ruder the people, he's noticed
Eventually, he just pickpockets someone and goes to a random bar to get at least a bit happy before sleeping somewhere as a fox. He'll go to a different city tomorrow
"Are you sure you're old enough for a drink?"
The bar is run by an old man that looks like he should've retired more than a decade ago
This was the most compassion Charcoal had been shown in the entire city, so he decided he'd try to play his role just a bit more
"Psh- of course!" He says in a tone that makes it seem like he's lying, and then slides the coins he stole over to him
The old man frowns, before going under the bar and pouring the drink he had asked for, and then retrieving the coins
He takes a sip, and notices that it's a non alcoholic drink. Still, he technically gave him what he asked for, so he can't complain. He can appreciate a fellow trickster
The two engage in conversation, Charcoal coming up with a sob story about how he's an orphan that escaped a cruel orphanage and is now looking for refuge in an unknown part of the city. He also sees how the old man engages with the other clients, remembering their names and preferred drinks and how much they had all drank, knowing when to stop pouring them glasses. Despite some rude and some annoying customers, the old man dealt with them with patience and appropriate responses, and he always gave a listening ear to any who needed them. Charcoal was definitely impressed
Once everyone had had their fill, the old man shooed them out, all but Charcoal
He offered him a job and a place to stay, living in his house that was over the bar and working as a barista or when he wasn't able to work due to age
"Isn't it illegal to work while you're this old?"
"As long as none of the clients snitch, it doesn't matter. And it's not like you're living a very lawful life yourself"
He cackled. "You got me there"
When Charcoal went to sleep, he decided he'd keep up the bit for just a few more days, just to see what it's like to be a bartender, and maybe snatch all the money in the register once he bails out and goes someplace else
He did not, in fact, stay there for "just a few more days"
He hated to admit it, but he'd actually grown attached to that old man and the barista lifestyle. It was fun listening to stories and breaking or starting fights. He also began to gradually change his appearance, to simulate the concept of growing up. When the old man began to teach him how to pour and mix drinks and what the regulars' preferences were, it genuinely felt like an honor, and his days of aimless wandering and pranks and thievery were long behind him
And then tragedy struck
The old man had a heart attack
He had actually written a will. A will where he left everything he had to Charcoal, the closest thing he'd ever had to family
It actually hurt
He actually wanted to cry
He had been alive for years and years, and this was the one time he had cared so much about someone. Not as a human, but as a person
He decided he'd continue running the bar, to honor him
He wasn't so sure why he did that so determined. But he did
But it wasn't the same without him there
He started to lose regulars and newcomers alike, leaving the bar nearly empty most nights
On a rather populated night, though, he met a certain someone
Someone like him
An animal that could turn into a human
A hare. Chalk was his name
He looked like any other person, although he was rather insistent on keeping his hat on
They didn't recognise eachother for what they were. Not right away, anyway. It was only when he saw a bit of a hare ear poking out from under the hat that he realised
They hit it off right away after that, happy to not be the only ones. Charcoal offered a job as a bartender, like the old man had done all those years ago. He took it, because why not
He was far far younger than him, in his 20s. He still had that bit of respect for human rules and didn't view them as distanced from him as Charcoal did. It was probably a thing that came with age. There were still plenty of humans older than him, after all, and he had next to no life experience
Money wasn't exactly an issue. If they wanted, they could just steal some, but Charcoal knew that's not what the old man would have wanted. He wanted to try living clean. For at least a while. But the bar just kept on losing clients
And then, the straw that broke the camel's back
Charcoal was out in the back, about to throw a trash bag into the larger container, when he noticed something in it
A corpse
A young woman's corpse
He panicked. Someone must've dumped her there after killing her
He couldn't let the body be discovered here. If it did, it would be the final nail in the coffin for the bar, and they would have to close it for good. No one wants to go drink in a place where they murdered a young lady
So, in a panic, he retrieved the corpse and put it inside the bar, locking the door
Chalk panicked when he entered the kitchen and saw the scene
"What the fuck did you do!?"
Charcoal hurriedly explained the scene and the consequences this would have for the establishment if she was found here
"S-so, you want to move her someplace else?"
"No, we can't risk it getting traced to here. Then we'll get in even bigger trouble for having moved it"
"Then what do you suggest we do!?"
Charcoal took a cleaver and chopped up the body, before turning his mouth into that of a fox, and eating desperately
Charcoal could only watch in horror as his friend ate a human like a rabid beast, turning his hands into claws to rip apart the flesh better
Eventually, he finally stopped being locked in place and left to fill up as a bartender for the two clients they had. Luckily, both of them were too drunk to notice anything. Chalk shooed them out before going back to the kitchen. It was a mess. So was Charcoal. He was too busy licking the bones clean to notice him coming back. Or even leaving in the first place
They cut up the bones even more, before keeping them in a plastic bag to turn into stew later. Things like the skull or the hips were grinded up beyond recognition and thrown out through drains, sinks and toilets, and the two silently agreed to never speak about this again
Besides, they just had to wait around 30 years until the case went cold. What's that to someone who's lived for far longer than that?
At least Charcoal could say that. Chalk was still very disturbed by the whole ordeal. He couldn't really blame him
They pretended not to care when they started seeing the missing person posters
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inkyquince · 1 year
Patreon Post: Unwilling Sacrifice (Quincy- Nu Carnival)
content warning: Predator/Prey, Tsundere, Rough Sex
You should be more afraid of a playful predator than an aggressive one. A dog snarling, a lion growling, a snake hissing, show that they’re afraid, even just a bit. They want you to back up, they want you to leave.
Playful predators have time. Have patience. Have a streak of mischievous delight in watching you. They look down at you.
What you were never told was what to do with a silent predator.
You knew how to handle Kuya. Play along, and he loses interest. Don’t rise to the bait. Try to look small. As a yokai, you were already safer than most other people, like humans. Kuya had always been your home, one of his preferred little followers, but he had become… Enraptured with the brown haired human that would come by sometimes. You weren’t a big fan of Kuya’s “playful” antics, but it meant things were always interesting.
Maybe the boredom had gotten to you, to the point you absolutely fucked up, to the worst degree.
“Bored… Are you?” Kuya stood above you, purple robes billowing gently despite there being no wind.
“I-I d-didn’t see you there, m-my-”
“Good thing you didn’t.” He replied airly, his grin too big for his elegant face. “I would never have learned that my favourite little pet was oh so bored here.”
You tried to deny it all, you were happy, you just missed Kuya, but you could tell nothing you were saying was actually sitting with him. He was just nodding, smiling as you stammered before putting an arm around your shoulders, ushering you away from the others. His hand even drifted down to curl his fingers into the soft fur of your tail.
“I would never want you to be bored~” He murmurs, nosing along your ear. “Why don’t I set you up with a playdate with my friend?”
His friend. The silent predator. Quincy.
Your soft, silky clothes were ripped, filthy as you tried to hide in the underbrush. Your breathing felt far too loud, so much so you doubt you could even hear any branches or leaves cracking underfoot. But you knew it was fruitless. You could feel his eyes no matter where you went.
With a desperate whine, you began to crawl deeper into the foliage, just needing to be able to get out of the forest and back home, that’s all Kuya wanted from you. He’d never put you in… Direct danger, would he? Maybe in a precarious, embarrassing position, but not… Dead? The words he left you with, was that since he wasn’t up to parr for your entertainment, why doesn’t his lovely friend see to it? You whine to yourself again, worried about what that meant. What good could come from being hunted by a lonely, quiet hunter?
Well, he could tell you… Show you… If only you poked those cute little ears up again.
Quincy could practically smell you. Scared little thing, your perfume sweet and foreign against the natural, earthy scent of the forest. He’d never thank Kuya, not for as long as he lives, but he needed this so badly. Saliva pooled on his tongue as he crept through the foliage, blending perfectly in spite of his stocky build. It was cute that you thought that he was going to hurt you. Not you. A little yokai who was stumbling around, getting smacked in the face with low hanging branches and ripping your clothes. But even Quincy wasn’t able to properly formulate what he wanted, not even to himself. He could rut into Eiden day after day and still struggle to actually speak his desires… Which he usually ignored anyway. But he has a taste now. A taste that curled on his tongue and it tinged the air around him as he made his way towards you.
Scared, quivering little thing.
Quincy had never gotten to get his hands on a yokai like you before. One of Kuya’s favourite little attendants, and the way you were actually… Scared? Of him? Was delicious. Kuya was the maestro of his craft, and you must have picked up some tips from him. You also knew the tricky fox bastard. Yet you were shaking in your little boots because of him?
Whilst pondering this, another thought slipped into Quincy’s mind.
Has Kuya fucked you?
Normally the thought of getting the bastard’s… “Sloppy Seconds” as Eiden gleefully called it, he would be pissed. Annoyed. Would throw you back into Kuya’s face. That image does make Quincy’s lips twitch. But he’s not angry.
He’d gladly take any chance to taste a Yokai, especially you. Cute little thing.
The sound of a branch breaking has his eyes pinning to your form, trying to trot away as quickly as possible. Pathetic.
You don’t even hear him. A harsh force shoving you from behind, sending you tumbling into the leaves and dirt. The massive weight against your back has you gasping, struggling to inhale before it lifted and you were roughly turned onto your back.
“D-Don’t hurt me!” You gasped out, before actually looking up at your attacker, stunned. It’s… The hunter.
And the hunter has a hard on.
That hard on was fucking your insides into the shape of his cock. He didn’t even say anything. Just desperately started tearing at your clothes and you just gaped at him. Fucked is better than dead. Much better.
Bruises were pressed into your hips, blooming over your skin as you were roughly jerked down, onto his cock over and over again. Bites trailed all up your throat, before Quincy licks into your mouth. He was so selfish with his own pleasure, so it was purely by accident that he had brought you to orgasm thrice over already. Fat, cruel cock, using your hole like one of those fleshlights Eiden had talked about. The hunter made no noises, his harsh breaths loud in your ears.
Something in your gut knew that you were not going to be set free for a long time, but being drained of orgasm after orgasm was worth it.
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
Hi Jen, and hello every butch reading this. I need your help.
I don't know where to begin, this has veen a problem for me for almost a decade now. I've followed you (Jen) for a few years now, and you're a very comforting figure to my brain, so I was hoping you and possibly others could help me out a bit. If not answers, then some good advice, open mindedness, patience, and possibly links to resources and helpful places. I've wanted to reach out to older butches and such about my issues with gender for a while, because I've flipped between a few and always have my mind coming back to butch in some form or another. Whether I act on it between each circle back or not, it stays.
I came out as some flavor of trans around 13, and then moved towards binary FtM around 14 or 15, which is when I met my first partner ever. I've had a ton of jumps back to being just kind of butch but in a weird middle butch state of not lesbian, not ftm, not anything but butch. I grew up in the midwest for 10 years (starting at 10,) and came out as a lesbian at 11 or 12. Regardless of how I was identifying in highschool, I was bullied and catcalled as a lesbian my whole childhood, seen as a d/ke, called it, I got the worst of it all, had girls try to kick my ass and dudes try to "turn me." I hung out with the fem cishet alt girls half my height and half my weight, carried them around, I was the ugly tall bitch that protected them. Had a wicked shaved head, wearing mens clothes handmedown, mens boots, brought a swiss army knife everywhere and my own wallet and housekeys. Getting pencils thrown at my head, smoking weed in the girls room, forced to change in the gender neutral stall for gym cause the school didnt know what to do with me. Guys would honk as they went past and shout dyke at me, so I started trying to blend in with highlighter shirts and jeans etc. Typical midwestern shit. I feel that despite now living as a man, i had the lived experience since a very young age (even before moving to the midwest,) of a butch. I am now fully living life as a cis man, stealth, and dating an amazing queer trans dude whose possibly genderfluid, and also very fem. He also identified as a lesbian for a long time and experienced a lot of toxicity there, and was nonbinary in his past, and I met him when he was agender and queer. He's amazing, I'm going to marry him, and he's everything I love in a partner. Feminine, went to cosmetology school, pretty nails, chubby, likes to bake and shop and wants to cook me steak, wants me to carry his stuff and his groceries, calls me his scary dog privleges, wants to scratch my sideshave. He realized he was trans and came out after we met, and I've been his biggest support against everything else, and I always will be. I love him, I'm attracted to him and he's the only person i ever have been. So I dont think I qualify anymore as a butch, despite using the term and being a butch for so many years. I was a butch, I still feel it even if I'm not really into many people at all including women (also on the aro/ace spectrum haha), but now I'm a man, I have a beard, I have a boyfriend I will never leave, who knows how I feel and loves me and we both know no matter where we end up gender wise or sexuality wise that pretty much me and him are it, and if it contradicts, who gives a shit, yknow?
My dating history has always been feminine nbs, feminine trans boys, and femme lesbians. I have never dated a masculine cis man, masculine nb, anyone masculine at all. For lack of better terms due to my situation, I have always been butxh4femme and at least masc4fem. I have always been the guardian and gentle giant of my fem partners, I also am mostly a stone butch due to sexual trauma and asexuality. Due to my aroace-ness, I've also hardly dated literally anyone lmao! Maybe 3 people longterm and seriously in my entire 21 years. This is getting really long, and I'll be honest, I've been yelled out of all communities I've been in for being so damn complicated. I'm scared I'll hurt mt partner and he'll feel I don't see him as he is, I'm scared I'll hurt lesbians despite living and growing as one most of my life, I'm scared I'll hurt me by identifying as butch because I feel like I'll have to detransition. I also kinda look fuck ugly without a beard nowadays, cause lord knows I've shaved that shit fullon twice now because of this exact issue.
I want to be called sir, and I love being on T. I hate getting a period, and my bottom dysphoria is agonizing, but I probably wont get bottom surgery. I want to not be catcalled. I want to get top surgery eventually, and maybe I don't want a full beard. I wanna cut all the sleeves off my shirts again and get some sexy workboots and jeans. I know I want my pretty femboy boyfriend on my arm forever, I don't care how he ends up identifying or me either, and to see him wear his dress on our wedding day. I want to be butch but still be seen as a man, but I don't think I'm allowed because so many people have shit on me for it and said I'm not. But I still wear my keys on my belt. I still lift the heavy shit, emotionally or physically, every day for him. I still do my role, I still protect the people around me. But I don't want people to look at me when I say butch and assume me or my boy are women, out of respect for him and me too.
Advice needed, please, anybody that's willing to help me and help me find my path. It's been so back and fourth so long. Thank you.
- R
i am sorry for taking so long. Fall is a very busy season with all my jobs ramping up and getting ready for winter on the homestead.
Your writing was a lot to absorb and I admit I read it several times and had to come back because it weighed on my emotions and heart heavily. I was driving tractor last night so I had lot of thinking time. I went over in my head how you much feel, how I could possibly answer this with any coherant advice or even just some comforting words.
You are only 21, my advice if you were my child (i have 3--25 year olds, a 22 year old and a 16 yo), would be to slow your roll. 3 serious relationships by 21 is a lot. At a time when we are sort of socially and mentally programmed to be free and using our energy to exlplore our individuality you were putting efforts into maintaining viable relationships with other people who were probably also trying to figure themselves out. I was 23 before I even had one serious relationship and i was probably still NOT ready for it.
When we never live a single life or a life on our own it becomes hard to separate who we are from our partner. It is normal to bounce off of each other and to both want badly to share the same values, identity and interestes EVEN if as individuals those things might never have lined up.
I am NOT a therapist nor can I possibly know you or your exact feelings, I can only go by what you told me. When I am asked for advice I am honest but kind, go from my experiences and or those stories I have been told by friends. Sometimes what I say is NOT what you want or expected to hear. That is okay. You can take what I say or leave it. Or use what helps, ignore what doesn't . So here it goes.
My point about you both meeting young,and thus relying on each other to work on your individuality comes into play here. You are both, I am guessing around 21. Neither of you have had any time to forge exactly who you are. Stastically what are the chances of two women who both lived as a lesbian meeting after you transitioned  and the partner ALSO being trans but not coming out until AFTER the fact. Until after the relationship has progessed.? Speaking in terms of how many trans people are in the population that feels like quite a statistical anomally. What are the chances? Now I suck and math and I know the percentage of any given population in the LGBT+  community as compared to greater society seems sketchy, based on shitty research and at best a bad guess. It just gives me a bit of pause and might give you some food for thought, a chance to think over outside influence vs life long dysphoia or other factors. 
 I preface this by saying I can in no way know you or your partner or pasts or any actual feelings, only what you have told me. I appreciate your stark honesty and your willingness to admit you are struggling. Reaching out is hard even as an anon. Is it in any way possible your partner was influenced heavily by wanting badly to share your life, your values, to feel more inline with you and to feel more close to you and to solidify the relationship in a space that she perceives as more comfortable to you. OR perhaps even your friend group?  
You talk aboout pressure from all sides to be this or be that and if you are a trans man I am sure she was getting not too subtle pressure to not use lesbian even though she was maybe just fine with that, it felt right. There is a vicious push from inside the house to tell people how to describe their sexuality and relationship when it is no one’s business. Others feel uncomfortable when two people live their lives as they see fit and don’t rely on how people perceive them to be happy. It makes some people nuts  in fact. 
To your concern about detransitioning or not or what makes you happy. I know detransitioners and they slide just fine back into the lesbian community they used to have or they have found their own new lesbians friend group. It is not impossible. At many events I have been to in my life, women’s festivals included, there were tans men there who lived soley as men outside the protective walls of women spaces but were happy to be seen as women within the safety of the limited time and space of the event. You can find community among lesbian no matter how you land, it just takes a little bravery and ultimately being okay with yourself. 
I am not going to tell you it is easy no matter the path you choose. Reidentifying as a woman with a full beard and staying on T is never going to be as easy as just saying “I am THIS “. You would have to spend time coming back out, explaining etc until such a time you formed a community who knows you and understands your past. 
Everything you described that you love is everything I love about being butch, I am short, 5′3 so I didn’t experience some things like you have as tall woman in high school, BUT I was definitely clocked as a lesbian even with great effort to be seen has just wearing “typical midwestern shit”. My entire wardrobe was T shirts, sweatshirts, jeand and tennis shoes. I gave up my beloved cowboy boots because others said they made me “look even more like a boy” and in the 1980′s I tranlated that to “butch lesbian” even if I did not have those words. I knew damn well what they were inferring.  
I also know lesbians who take T and remain in the lesbian community, they just feel they need to pass more as men in the larger world for their peace of mind, safety, job, whatever. So deciding that lesbian and butch is right for you does not mean you can’t continue to utilize tools that help you to feel okay. 
This is getting a bit long and I will admit I am unendingly biased, I have never denied that and don’t hide the fact that I think being a butch lesbian is wonderful. GIven all the factors and insecurities you have shared with me being a butch seems like the path of least resistance. Cutting back on T, not constantly worrying about “am I or am I not” and getting back to the basics of what you seemed to understand as you were coming out, before there was transitioning on your table. EVEN in the face of bullying and knowing being a lesbian was not desirable to the outside world you could not escape it and you came out. Perhaps because when you can’t escape you meet something head on and embrace it since that pulls power from the outsiders. 
When you and your partner are alone, away from all others. In the safety of you bed, talking softly and about your day or your plans tomorrow, the world gets no say. You both know that is true in your hearts and please don’t let those in the world, in our own community poison that with pressure and accusations. DO NOT give them control of  your heart, of your love. 
Best of luck and butch hugs to you.
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jones-friend · 2 years
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I recently beat Final Fantasy VII: ReMake and I have thoughts!
For a game like this context of the speaker’s experience is important. I grew up a fan of FFIV and FFX. I played FFVII once while sick and did not get far. I have since played bits of FFI, FFIII, FFV, FFVI, and FFXV. The music of the series is near and dear to my heart, and after beating the game I picked up the original FFVII and have just beat the Midgar sequence, where the remake ends.
If you’re on the fence on playing this game and would rather not be spoiled I recommend playing it! Its a mixed bag of an experience but its one I’d recommend from a cultural/historical/entertainment perspective. It isn’t the best game ever, but its a heartfelt AAA production. For those who read further there will be spoilers.
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Final Fantasy VII: ReMake is a mixed bag where its high points are incredibly high but its low points are incredibly low. It has a fantastic soundtrack, the main characters are stunningly animated, and its main boss fights are all fantastic showstopping sequences that at its strongest points blend story and boss fight together. It also had dreadfully pace breaking side quest hubs filled with PS3 era characters asking you to do tasks that feel like dragging nails down a chalkboard. It has my favorite and least favorite sequences in gaming all in one.
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FFVII: ReMake’s strengths come in its ability to spend more time with its characters and more properly stage the game’s more dramatic events. A fantastic example of this is the plate drop scenario, where Shinra drops a large chunk of the city to frame Avalanche. In the original game just after the Airbuster some turks approach Aerith in the church and you toss barrels at them. Then later when the plate drops you fight a named turk Reno. FFVII ReMake is able to use this foresight and gives you a lovely multistage boss with Reno in the church so Cloud and the player have an antagonistic relationship with him so when you encounter him atop the pillar there’s a reason the track is called “Rematch atop the Pillar”. Now you have this cinematic, story motivated battle where Cloud and Tifa juggle Reno as Barret keeps Rude’s chopper off your back. Its an incredibly well done sequence.
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The game’s actual gameplay is closer to something like Kingdom Hearts. It used the Active Time Battle or ATB system. To charge ATB you have to get aggressive and attack with Square and/or Triangle. Once you have an ATB charge you can use an action: ability, spell, item, etc. Use these to stagger your enemies and make them susceptible to the Pressured status. Inflict Pressured to make them take more damage. Use a limit on a pressured enemy to feel absolutely disgusting. Its a good, high stakes system! I would also totally understand where players may feel frustrated getting TPKO’d while trying to charge ATB for a heal. It isn’t a perfect system, but its one I find fascinating. Thats likely because of my experience with Final Fantasy games and patience with ATB. You use the D Pad to skip between party members so if one gets cornered you skip to a new party member and boom you’re flanking.
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Many bosses are now 10-20min productions and I love them. They’re showy with bombastic scores and dramatic movesets. The Jenova Quickening boss stands out in my mind as an example of what makes this game good: you fight through various stages of the boss as the score slowly puts together the Jenova theme and the last phases pitches all the previous phases together under the completed Jenova theme and its absolutely wild. The Scorpion Sentinel, Airbuster, Valkyrie, Ghoul, Reno and Rude, Hell House, Jenova Quickening, Rufus, and Sephiroth fights are top tier, A+ stuff for what this game has to offer.
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This game is a mixed bag bc as I love these boss fights I also loathe the sidequest hubs. They always break the game’s pacing and deflated my interest in the game each time. I highly recommend checking sidequest rewards for what you want and skipping the rest. The game also takes about 25% too long everywhere. Cutscenes, dungeons, combat, all of it overstays its welcome by about 25% leading to some serious pacing issues. For a game taking its time to spend time with characters its odd how much of that time isn’t used so.
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All that aside, I did greatly enjoy the FFVII: ReMake, I will play its DLC, and I will play the next installment. You can probably see by what I highlight and what I don’t talk about as strengths and weaknesses of the game. The Honeybee Inn segment was a fucking delight, the boss fights kept me on the edge of my seat, and the soundtrack is something I now regularly listen to. If you’re able to give this game a shot I recommend it! Its a well meaning even if flawed game I think is worth your time.
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kidsomeday · 4 months
For WIP Wednesday - wriiiiiiiiiite :-D
Thank you for asking me to write and for your patience! Here are some words! -  It was more difficult than it had any right to be, especially since he was trying to remain outwardly casual so that no one else knew what was happening. But it was also more fun than he’d had in ages. It was freeing to compete in something so low stakes. Sure, he was still trying to blend in with the group and be as inconsequential as possible, but he could tell that wouldn’t fly with Vash. The prince was far too perceptive to fall for such a ruse even if he didn’t already know that Wolfwood was among Nai’s elite. 
0 notes
harknesskc · 5 months
With the Tide
Inspired by this fantastic art:
The moon’s cold light shone down across the sands, its malignance glittering across the remaining ripples of the tide lapping at her feet. Beyond the pale sands of the secluded beach, ink-black ocean stretched on into the horizon. What little light she and her son could use to pick their way through towards the water seemed to shrink away from the border between the two worlds. Against the sand, their bare bodies nearly blended in, saved by the faint outline of shadow created by the very light that washed them out.
Utter darkness pressed in before them. Behind them, the meager light watched from the safety of the small cabin perched on the dunes. Everything in her gut told her to turn back, to run for the safety of the dry sands, the thin reeds, the trees beyond. To grab her son and never return to the sea again. It told her that she was never meant to be out this far unprotected, in the ocean at night. That the utter emptiness pulling her forward was anything but. That, in this place, she and her son were at the mercy of things unseen.
Her son, watching his footprints in the glowing sand, paused to let his gaze follow the moon-pale crabs skittering away from their grazing as they approached. Suddenly, he was running chasing after the crustaceans without intent to catch them.
Her voice seemed muffled by the oppressive shadows around her. Her voice died as soon as it left her lips. Blue glowing footprints marked out his path away from her winding ever further away.
She quickened her pace too. The blue patches carried him away further and further, only the faintest silhouette of his moonlight washed body at the very edge of her vision.
The dots of blue carried past him, further into the dark, up above them.
She broke out into a full run, yet still her son vanished in the gloom with a muffled shriek.
“Dillon!” She called. The tone of her own voice made her heart race faster. Blue lights danced overhead, moving and shifting until they seemed to be hanging directly above her.
It had found her son. He was wrapped in a single, massive hand. Too many fingers with too many joints glinted in the scant light that had dared to follow them, as dark as if they were made from the very shadows of the ocean itself. Its attention has moved from her son to her. Her pace slowed until she was walking and looking up at its head. A curtain of tentacles hung from behind the hands clasped over its horrible visage from a second pair of arms. She knew those countless eyes being those hands. They bore down into her with timeless patience and alien knowledge.
The fingers around her son loosened as she stopped before it. Slowly, she raised a hand to rest it on the serpentine lower half of its body. Touches against her legs startled her. It's lowermost extremities, tentacles as wide as her arm coiled around her.
How far away was the shore now? Could the moon even see them anymore? Depths upon depths sung to her this far out, above and below.
As she slid her hand along the slick body, her son turned to look at her. Two more glowing blue lights appeared in the gloom.
“Mom, dad’s here!”
Warmth bloomed in her chest as she moved closer to rest her cheek against the cool, sticky flesh. The hands covering the face above her parted. Her eyes hurt and head swam at the sight.
“Yes,” She said, brushing her hand through her son’s mop of black hair. “It's good to see you, darling.” Lips touched the slimy flesh she pressed her cheek against.
Damn the moon and curse the sun. She found her comfort in the darkness.
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mulberrysilk · 2 years
Room 505
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Gojo x Reader, Geto x Reader , Nanami x Reader
summary : Geto and Gojo were the strongest sorcerers to date in Jujutsu Tech College, you looked up to them and wanted to be just as strong as they were. Lucky for you they were so happy and willing to help you. Under their tutelage you bloomed, but Nanami finds your relationship with them suspicious. A three day mission to exorcise a cursed spirit at a resort, reveals more than Nanami expected.
cw : dubcon/noncon , f!reader, Virgin!Nanami , threesome , unprotected sex, coercion, voyeurism, characters are of age ( setting is that Nanami and reader are 19 while Gojo and Geto are 20 in college ) , Gojo and Geto abusing their senpai status , slight degradation, creampie, manipulation, reader calls Geto and Gojo senpai, Nanami catches them and watches, implied squirting, face fucking, slight dumbification
wc: 6.4K
a/n: yes it’s been awhile and I come back with a threesome fic. Thank u for waiting if u waited afsgsjjd thank u for your patience. Hope this doesn’t disappoint huhu just ugh I’m down bad for these three. I suck at writing summaries. Gg. Anywhooo enjoyyyvand don’t forget to reblog and if you like scream and fangirl in my inbox or the comments Huhuhu also will proofread more afshsj don’t mind the errors
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“Why don’t you go get us checked in?”
You were gently nudged to the front desk of the little holiday hotel, not objecting to the powerful jujutsu sorcerer and your senpai by a year in Jujutsu Tech College.
“We’ll look around and see if anything is suspicious, kay?” A soothing voice sounded from your left, the white haired male’s best friend patting your head as the two walked off together to check for any signs of the curse assigned to the team. The team being your two seniors, Geto and Gojo, and you and Nanami.
The blond lingered behind you, hands deep in his pockets and eying the lobby with his slanted eyes, paying you no mind as you checked in for them.
Nanami was usually paired with his best friend Yu on missions, and he wasn’t really enthusiastic about being given any as well. With Nanami, you could relax a little, his presence was soothing to you despite how quiet he appeared on the outside but really, once you strike a conversation that piques his interest he is very sociable.
“Nanamin,” you called out sweetly as you skipped to where he was, watching the people that passed by in the hotel’s lobby.
The moment your voice reached his ears, Nanami felt his ears burn and he met your eyes for a second only to keep his gaze away, opting to look at the beach a few metres out of the hotel.
“We should go check into the rooms,” you spoke, hands behind your back and playing with the hotel keys. “I tried to get three rooms since I knew you wouldn’t want to bunk with Gojo senpai but there were only two rooms left.”
“I can manage,” he reassured you, opening his palm for you to place the room key he was to share with the rest. He’ll probably hold onto it too, if Gojo gets it there’s a 98 percent chance he’d lose it and make you get a new one.
You placed the key on his open palm, his heart skipping a beat when your fingers brushed his skin and smiled at him.
He walked three steps behind you, admiring you a little as you walked ahead and waited for the elevator. The four of you hadn’t come here wearing your uniforms to blend in with the people, you had worn something Gojo had shoved into your hands and pushed you into the women’s restroom in the airport. The white summer dress hugged your torso snuggly, accentuating your curves and the skirt flowed daintily and loose around your waist to your calves. Simple and elegant.
The bell boy followed behind the two of you with Gojo, Geto, his and your bags. The young man eyed you up and down before glancing at Nanami, probably wondering about the nature of your relationship with him.
“Couple getaway?” He asked innocently.
“Huh?” You blinked at the question, your realisation settling in a little late, heat creeping up to your cheeks as you stumbled over your words.
Before the doors of the elevators closed, a foot stopped it from closing, making the doors open again.
“Darling, sorry I took so long,” Gojo’s voice sounded, round dark sunglasses set low on his nose bridge, walking in with Geto right behind him.
Gojo wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you to his side and giving the blushing bellboy a wink.
You didn’t say anything, looking down at your feet instead, your face too hot and sweat collecting in your palms. You could feel Geto’s gentle yet piercing gaze on you, watching in amusement as the much taller male dwarfed you, pretending to be your lover.
Nanami looked away in annoyance, worry blooming deep within his chest as he thought about whether Gojo was making you uncomfortable or not. He was always far too close to his liking, crossing boundaries that you found hard to say no to. Geto usually gets his friend under control but sometimes joins in on the teasing as well.
You couldn’t say no. Not with how you idolised them. Looked up to them and took every praise, guidance and word of advice from them like gospel. It was merely because you believed them to be good people, like Yu, you chose to see and believe the good in people.
Nanami was relieved that Geto would never cross the line nor take advantage of you. He would keep Gojo in check.
“You tell me if our room isn’t to your liking, Hm?” Nanami overheard Gojo , who followed you into your room, still playing the role of boyfriend to fool the bellboy till he left.
“I-it’s fine,” you muttered softly, heart racing to be so close to the Gojo Satoru.
You’ve gotten so close with the two when they offered to tutor you and teach you everything they know, to help you control your cursed energy.
“Don’t worry about Satoru, Nanami. He��s just teasing as usual,” Geto brushed off, taking the middle bed out of the three in the room. He laid down on the bed, hands behind his head and closed his eyes.
“Were there any signs of the curse?” Your small voice broke the silence, Gojo strutting into the room and heading straight to the minibar.
“Not yet. Most of the cases happened after the sun had completely gone down. So we have to wait a bit,” Geto informed the team, Nanami absorbing the information to make sure he’d be able to protect you.
“How dangerous is it?” Your brows knitted together with worry, sitting on the edge of Nanami’s bed.
“Nothing you need to worry about,” Gojo grinned with confidence, opening a can of soda. “Besides, you're the strongest right here.”
Nanami let out a deep annoyed sigh while Geto rolled his eyes.
“You won’t even need to lift a finger,” Gojo winked at you, sipping his drink, smirking at how you flushed and stared down at your folded hands on your lap. Oh, how your reactions made Gojo giddy.
“Do not underestimate her, Gojo,” Nanami crossed his arms over his chest.
“I’m not,” Gojo pouted, sitting in his bed that looked out the balcony and the beach.
Before Gojo could say anything to aggravate Nanami, Geto sat up, offering you a warm charming smile.
“How about you and I go take a walk on the beach? I heard some kids talking about the shaved ice treats there. We still have time to kill anyway.”
Your lashes fluttered, tempted by the sweet treat mentioned. Like a child easily swayed, you nodded excitedly, the white bow tied in your hair bouncing as you nodded.
And just like that you and Geto were off to take a walk on the beach, Gojo pouting when he watched the two of you from the balcony, the gentle summer breeze blowing through your hair as Geto’s hand rested on the small of your back, while you laughed at something he said.
Nanami always had suspicions that Gojo would’ve taken advantage of you when you had asked him to be your mentor but it seemed that Geto has always kept Gojo in check, never letting him be any closer than he was now.
He’d be able to rest easy after the curse was disposed of.
But for now, he watched you laugh and smile with another man who might just be carving his way into your gentle heart that he wanted a place in.
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The dead of night came too quickly and the curse was disposed of so easily. Nanami was already tucked in his bed, sighing at another day of fighting curses, wanting sleep to take him so that he wakes to a new day. He wanted to fall asleep before Gojo and Geto got back from partying in the beach bar, to avoid the drunken banter the two would have. He could hear the party faintly from the beach but it wasn’t that troublesome to affect his sleep.
He should check on you though. You didn’t go with them, wanting to stay in your room and take some time off to yourself since it was rare for all of you to be able to just lay back and enjoy life like normal people.
Nanami sat up. He’ll just knock and see if you’re awake, and then he’ll go back to bed. If anything sounds wrong he’ll come in with the spare key Gojo asked for safety reasons.
Pushing his hair back, he slipped out of bed, eyes already adjusted to the dark and made his way to the door.
“I-I still don’t know how this is supplemental to our tutoring” you murmured, crossing your arms over your naked chest, pulling your knees closer to yourself as he stared.
“Well since I offered to be your mentor, I need to get to know the way your body reacts,” he explained so believably you fell for it. He only wanted what’s best for you right? “Plus, it’s fun for me and Suguru. And from all the previous times, you had fun too. Remember?” He flashed you a smile, crawling closer towards you on the bed, his long lanky frame taking up most of the space.
“Come on, don’t hide yourself,” Gojo pouted, sapphire eyes glowing.
You glanced at Geto who sat on the edge of the bed, a cigarette between his lips and gave you a look of ‘Don’t worry too much.’ Hesitating, you slowly let your arms fall to yours sides, fingers curling to grip the sheets, heart pounding in your chest.
“Ah, I missed your tits,” Gojo sighed happily, mouth watering at the sight of your uncovered mounds, nipples hardening from the cold air.
Without a warning his fingers tweaked at your nipple, a shaky breath left you, trying to remain calm and collected. But he pinched and rolled them in a way that sent warmth to your core.
“Senpai…”. Your lips trembled, his face close to your chest, ogling your tits. “N-not too hars—ah!”
The way senpai fell so sweetly from your lips made Gojo shiver and take one of your breasts into his mouth, swirling his tongue around your hardened peak and sucking roughly. Your hands gripped onto his shoulders, a weak attempt to keep him away but his other hand was quick to cup and massage your other breast.
“Plus this is a way for you to give us something in return. A little exchange for helping you become a better sorcerer,” Geto mused, white smoke wafting through the air, the smell of tobacco mixing with the fresh scent of cotton.
“You learnt something of value today when I exorcised that curse today right?” Gojo asked, his face now close to yours, your breasts where his mouth had been now glistening with his saliva. He continued to tweak and massage your breasts with his large hands, squeezing just the right amount.
You nodded, biting your lip, your thighs visibly shaking and your breathing uneven. He burrowed his nose in the crook of your neck, licking along the column and pinching your nipples a little harder. You whimpered.
“I-I did.”
“And what do we say when we teach you something new?” Geto drawled with a lilt in his voice, scanning the curvatures of your body and how it was now arching into Gojo’s touch, who was now nipping and kissing along your neck and collarbones, leaving marks.
“T-thank you,” you squeaked out, heat collecting in your core.
This was the only way you could repay them, they said. The only fair way. You didn’t expect that you’d be losing your virginity a couple months back to Gojo and Geto, your body being the thing you paid your gratitude with.But then again, how was this supposed to be supplemental to becoming stronger?
One of Gojo’s hands left your breasts, it trailed downwards, caressing your stomach before tracing the band of your panties.
“Have you touched yourself without me knowing?” He suddenly asked, the question catching you off guard. You tried to squirm away, only to be stopped by the pillows against the headboard. “It’s okay if you did, as long as you were thinking of me.” He winked seductively, fingers skimming your covered pussy.
You shook your head, a trimmed white brow raising with surprise.
“Oh? So you must be extra sensitive then,” he chuckled, pressing onto your clit, making you squeeze his shoulders. He sighed against your neck, rubbing your pussy through the dampening cloth of your panties while Geto watched from the side, still smoking but enjoying the view nonetheless. He’d get his turn.
“You looked so cute in the dress I picked up for you,” Gojo hummed, feeling the throb of your pussy against his fingers that were slowly starting to get wet with your growing arousal. “I bet Nanami thought so too.”
The mention of Nanami had you looking down almost in defeat, embarrassed even. Did Nanami find you cute? He couldn’t. After he finds out what you’d been letting Geto and Gojo do with you…he might ignore you purely out of disgust. You didn’t want that. Your panic manifested into tears, your eyes watery as you wanted it all to stop.
“D-don’t want to do this,” you murmured softly, turning to your side, covering your chest with your arms again and folding your legs into your chest. “It feels wrong.”
You heard Gojo huff in disappointment. His playtime cut short.
But Geto had it all in control.
“What does?” He laid down behind you, pressing close to you, his hand caressing the side of your arm to soothe you.
“This.” Your voice trembled, embarrassed to say your reasons but the tears in your eyes begged to flow freely and soon enough you blurted out, “I always thought I’d be doing things like this with someone…someone I love.”
Your eyes widened when you realised what you had just said, gauging their expressions with panic.
“Don’t tell me…” Gojo’s smirk widened and you covered your face, closing the gaps of your fingers tightly not wanting to see a glimpse of their expressions. It was embarrassing enough as it is to be naked and vulnerable to them but that…
Cold fingertips caressed your thighs and the next thing you knew, you were flipped onto your back with thighs pressed to your chest. Your panty clad pussy exposed to bright sapphire eyes.
“You’re in love with Nanami?” He teased, pink tongue darting out to lick along your slit, the cloth dampening even further as you squirmed in his grasp.
“S-stop,” you tried to push him away but warm strong hands wrapped around your wrists, restraining you so that his best friend could have his way.
“Would you rather Nanami be the one doing all these things to you hm?” Geto rasped in your ear while Gojo pushed the crotch of your panties aside to kiss your clit, your body jolting at the sensation.
“Ah, s-senpai, please st-ah!” His lips latched onto your sensitive nub, tongue flicking furiously against it, electric shocks shooting through your core while a finger prodded at your clenching entrance. “Not there, please don’t.”
“You sure? You’re getting turned on though ,” Gojo quipped, his statement backed up when he dipped two fingers in your clenching hole. “And so wet.“
The moment his digits were hugged by your walls, he didn’t waste time in curling them, fingers that reached deeper than your own would. The lewd squelching sound of him stuffing your cunt filled the room as well as your breathy gasps, all words caught in your throat and all reason melting away.
“S-stop,” you whined, clenching around his fingers that were rubbing your walls so deliciously.
“What’s wrong?” Geto pouted, faux pity in his tone as he settled himself behind you, placing you on his lap spreading your further for Satoru. He pinned both wrists behind your back with one hand, softly humming when your ass rubbed against his stiffening cock. “You were so eager to please us before. You don’t want to disappoint us do you?”
“Ah—n-no,” you admitted, the obscene slurping sounds of Gojo playing with you with his mouth and tongue, starting to feel good. Too good. “But please don’t tell Nanami…d-don’t tell him. Please.” You begged, Gojo’s tongue pushing past your entrance and tasting your insides, the bridge of his nose grinding against your clit.
“He won’t ever know, Princess,” Geto cooed, grabbing your right breast roughly, tweaking your nipple between his fingers. “It’s always been and still will be our little secret.”
The wet appendage bullying its way within your walls, wriggled inside you in an unexplainable way. You couldn’t believe that the Gojo Satoru was between your thighs , licking and slurping away at your cunt as if it was something sweet that he’s craved for so long. It felt dirty for him to be so utterly close to your intimate area and that the same lips and tongue that would kiss you were doing the same down there.
But it felt so good. Every time the bridge of his nose ground against your clit when he slurped and fucked you with his tongue had the heat in your belly grow and spark into flames. Your hips would jut and wriggle, the sensations being too much and not enough at the same time. And it didn’t help that Suguru was kneading and massaging your breast, tweaking your nipples now and then.
“Fuck,” Gojo groaned against your heat. “Missed this sweet pussy.” Then he continued his assault, bringing you closer to the edge.
You whimpered out his name a couple of times, mumbling that it was too much, to slow down but it fell on deaf ears, resulting in the uncontrollable shake of your body as you came.
“You taste so good,” he hummed, holding your hips down and lapping your juices that spilled forth, wetting your pussy even more.
“It’s my turn now, Satoru,” Geto spoke calmly from behind you, running his hands along your sides.
Next thing you knew, Geto’s lips were on yours, sweetly kissing you with such care and passion, no time given to you to gather yourself nor process everything. You’d be lying if the way he handled you didn’t make your heart flutter. His large hands roamed the expanse of your body, caressing beneath your breasts before squeezing them and guiding you on all fours.
The cold air brushed against the exposed slick folds of your pussy, your trembling impossible to control you could only grip the sheets and stare at the way they crumpled, the ache within you burning.
With his thumb, he spread your lips apart, whistling at the sight of your pulsing pink hole before rubbing the tip of his cock along your folds. “Why don’t we try something new this time around, hm?” The mischievous lilt in his voice made you heat up further, clenching around nothing.
“You can take Satoru in your pretty mouth while I fuck you dumb from behind. How does that sound to you sweetheart?” He cooed, his flush tip circling around your clit making you moan. You couldn’t take the teasing. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t want this, didn’t want to repeat over and over the secret meetings you three would have. You’ve always looked up to Geto and Gojo, admired them, loved them. But the love you had for Nanami was different. The way he made your heart flutter and warm was different from the searing hot heat that Geto and Gojo provided.
“Geto-senpai …” you had whispered, gripping the sheets, melting bit by bit by his hot cock prodding at your entrance, your walls begging to be stretched, to be filled. “N-need you inside. P-please. I promise to be good.” You panted, the greed within you blinding logic.
“Sweet Angel,”Geto sighed, his grips on your hips tightening as he popped the head of his cock inside of you, a moan of relief leaving your lips. “You’ve always been good for us.”
“Too good,” Gojo added, tilting your head up with his thumb, his usually bright electric blue eyes a dark glowing blue. His thumb swiped your lip while Geto slowly inched his way inside of you, stretching your walls deliciously. You couldn’t fight back the moan that left you as you stared at Gojo’s expressions.
“Best fucking pussy,” Geto groaned from behind, sinking to the hilt, the fullness driving you crazy, your walls and clit tingling from it all.
Gojo swiped your lips once more, this time with the tip of his cock, the slit leaking beads of precum that in your lustful daze, made you lick the pink head to taste him. Gojo swore and threw his head back, letting you swirl your tongue around his tip before you let him slip past your lips.
You moaned around his cock when you felt Geto draw back, only to thrust back in languidly before building up the pace. One that was too fast it had you squeezing him tight, where his cock was brushing against your sweet spot inside you, one that Gojo began to match as he held you by the hair and was fucking into your mouth, then deep in your throat.
“Shit, keep fucking her like that, her throat gets tight when you hit her sweet spot,” Gojo moaned, staring at your pretty bleary eyes, darkened with lust, looking up at him so cutely as you gagged and drooled around his cock. Fuck, you were gonna make him cum so fast if you kept looking at him like that.
“Such a good girl aren’t you?” Geto grunted, driving his hips til it slapped with your ass over and over, his eyes catching glimpses of the creamy ring of white forming at the base of his cock. “You’re so hot baby.” He groaned, fucking your harder you screamed around Gojo’s cock.
They felt so good. It was euphoric. All you could think about was how good they were making you feel, how hot and heavy their cocks were inside you, and how their praises fell so sweetly from their lips.
In the darkness of the small hall by the door, dark eyes watched silently. They watched the way the two men dwarfed your frame, how Geto’s fast thrusts made your breasts bounce til your arousal was leaking down and glistening on your inner thighs, and how Gojo’s balls slammed against your chin as he fucked your pretty face, drool dripping down your chin.
His breath was caught in his throat and he was desperately trying to deny the heat that began to bloom within him at the sight of you getting fucked. Trying to control the hardening of his own cock in his boxers. He was supposed to be filled with fury and thoughts to reprimand his seniors for abusing their power over you but instead he was wondering about how warm your mouth was and how hot and tight your walls would be.
This was wrong, he told himself silently, his eyes on you the entire time. And the sight before him, his two seniors fucking you at the same time was something he didn’t expect to walk in on, he was hoping to see you in your bed, fast asleep. Not on all fours taking two cocks as if you were in heat.
“Fuck, I’m cumming,” Gojo groaned, hips stilling in one final thrust, his hand tangled in your hair pressing you further down til your nose was pressed on his pelvic bone. You unintentionally clenched your walls as you felt his hot cum spill down your throat, taking all he was giving you. “Good girl.” Gojo praised, grinning as he pulled out, hints of his cum still present on your pink tongue.
Arms trembling, your upper body fell onto the bed, Geto’s grasp on your hips kept your ass up, your body jolting forward from each hard and deep thrust. Your fingers curled against the sheets, moaning at the way his balls slapped against your clit, his name falling in soft chants.
“C-cum…ah—,” you panted against the sheets, broad furrowing as you were getting closer to the edge. “Make me cum, s-so close. Feel so good. I—ah. Please. Please. Please.”
Geto swore at the small pleads, one hand snaking around your waist as he pressed his torso against your back, his hot breath against your ear as his fingers found your clit.
“Fuck, you’re getting so tight around me baby,” Geto moaned in your ear, the silkiness in his voice made you clench around him. “Pretty girl likes to get praised doesn’t she?” He teased, rubbing your sensitive pearl, your moans getting louder and higher, the steady pounding of his cock into your cunt and the pressure on your clit hurling you to the edge.
“Fuck, I’m close,” Geto burrowed his face in the crook of your neck, hips increasing in pace. “Take my cum, baby. Fuck.”
“N-no, not inside,” you gasped, the pressure on your clit making your eyes roll back, your protests ceasing almost immediately as your orgasm hits you.
Geto’s hips stuttered as the pressure at the base of his spine released, pulling out and pumping himself till he came all over your back. The hot spurts painted your skin white and he squeezes your ass in appreciation. you were lucky Gojo wasn’t fucking you then, he would’ve cum inside you and Geto wasn’t that cruel, he still cared for you in more ways than one.
Your head was spinning, the tingling sensation that exploded from your core washed over you like waves. The warmth that painted your stomach heated your skin and with heavy lidded eyes you glanced down to see the mess of his cum, panting as you tried to catch your breath.
“My turn!” Gojo chirped like a boy waiting for his turn at a toy. His large hand grabbed your ankle pulling you to the foot of the bed to carry you, back pressed against his chest and his arms hooked beneath your knees, his tip rubbing on your clit making you whine.
“S-senpai , wait,” you breathlessly spoke up, slumped against him, his strong arms supporting your weight. “I just c-ca—ah!”
His cock easily slipped inside you, splitting your walls apart again so quickly after your orgasm, you squeezed him tight. From where Nanami stood, he could see your pussy so clearly in the dim lighting. It glistened with slick and your cute lips were parted to accommodate Gojo’s lengthy cock, the sight made him even harder.
“How does it feel, Princess?” Gojo rasped in your ear, feeling your slick coat his length and drip down his balls.
“G-good. Feels good,” you admitted shamelessly, thighs shaking as he began to thrust up into you. “S’too much, Gojo.”
“Mhm? Make up your mind, baby,” he groaned, eyes closing at the sweet sensation of your soft walls hugging him. “You’re so fucking wet.” He pistons into you, your whines and moans filling the room once more. “I bet Nanami would love to fuck this pretty pussy too.”
A lump formed in the blonds throat, still stood in the shadows of the hall, the room door behind him closed. Why was his name brought up? Did Gojo know he was here? He should’ve known better. He should turn away now before he gets caught and makes you uncomfortable. It was already bad that he had stood there and watched you get fucked by his seniors, and enjoyed hearing your sweet sinful moans.
“You want that don’t you, Princess?” Gojo pressed on, his pace unrelenting, desperate to finish inside you. “Want Nanami to fuck you just as I do and fill your precious womb with cum.”
Nanami’s fingers barely touched the steel knob, pausing on his way out , his curiosity getting the better of him.
You could only whine in response, core clenching tight, the sensation of Gojo’s cock scraping your walls and brushing your g-spot, bringing you closer to the edge once more. They made you feel so good, it always felt like a dream.
“You little slut,” Gojo chuckled deeply, feeling your walls clamp around him. “Of course you want that. Why don’t you put on a show for him then, hm? Look.”
Panic surged throughout your body, eyes forcing itself to focus on the surroundings of the room, making out the unmistakable silhouette in the dimmed entryway. Your hands immediately covered your face in embarrassment, body growing hotter and hotter.
He was here. Nanami was seeing you like this.
“N-no,” you whimpered when your back met the bed, exposing your front to Nanami’s dark eyes. How much did he see? How did he get in? What was he thinking? A soft pressure on your throbbing pearl had you crying out. Why did it feel so good even when he was here? Why isn’t he looking away?
“Fuck, I’m cumming. Fuck,” Gojo hissed over and over, bliss seeping through his features and his grip on your hips tightening. “Watch Nanami, see how good she takes it.”
As everything Gojo appeared to be, even his moans, the one he makes especially when he finished, were pretty. He stilled inside you, cock pulsing as he shivered at the rippling pleasure up and down his spine. Warm heat flooded your insides, the sensation of his seed pouring into your womb making you softly moan in bliss, mind disregarding the idea that he actually came inside you. You were against it. You were. But it felt so good. The seeping warmth, the heat of his pearly white skin against yours and his breath fanning your neck as he caught his breath. It was all too good.
“N-na…,” you drawled softly, trying to form the syllables of the blonds name who stood by. Your eyes scanned him over, blinking away the drowsiness that came with the high. His face was flushed pink, lips slightly parted and as your eyes trailed lower, you could see the prominent bulge in his dark navy plaid pyjamas.
Did he want you too?
“Fuck,” Gojo hissed, pulling away, cock slipping out of you and bright blue eyes observing the white the seeped out your abused hole. “Shit, that’s hot.” He grinned proudly, getting a good look. “Suguru, look. This is what you’re missing out on.”
The raven haired stole a glance, admiring the creampie that Satoru just gave you.
“There’s always next time,” Geto reminded him, a smirk working it’s way up his lips as he tilted his head still crying your pink heat. He’ll definitely get his turn. But first…
“You know she can help you with that,” Geto’s voice pierced through Nanami’s trance, who almost drooled at what he just saw.
“W-what?” He cleared his throat, fists clenched on his sides, telling himself to resist.
“That.” Geto tilted his head, gesturing to the blonds hard on.
“I-I’m fi—,”
‘No. Don’t say my name that way’ , his teeth ground against each other. The call of his name forcing his eyes that had been on the ceiling to you. Gojo laid by your side, caressing your cheek and praising you, while you looked at him. Dainty fingers reached out to him, palm up, beckoning him to come closer.
“W-want you too,” you murmured softly, the shyness in your voice evident to his ears. The chosen words made him blush. This couldn’t be real.
And yet, he took a step forward. Then another…and another.
His body moved on its own before his mind could process what he was doing. He chanted the word ‘Resist’ over and over, even when Gojo placed his hands on his shoulders, making him sit on the edge of the bed, telling him that this was his chance.
Even when you had straddled his lap, your arms draped over his shoulders, your lips brushing his nose, your very being just so treacherously close, was breaking his resolve, tearing it down piece by piece so easily.
Nanami winced when your hand wrapped around his length, aligning it to your heat. There was little to no fight in him left, not when the woman he sought after, admired, fell in love with, was taking initiative in the way he could only dream of.
The way you moaned in his ear when his leaking head popped inside your cunt began in him an addiction he never thought he’d have. He wanted to hear those sounds from you again, he wanted to be the reason for your moans, for your pleasure.
“K-Kento,” you whimpered, sinking lower unto his length. “Ah—you’re inside.” You breathed out shakily, walls tightening around him, a soft grunt leaving Nanami at the sensation.
Slowly, despite your tired body, you rocked your hips up and down his length, the heat and the pressure drawing you into a trance, already lost at the feeling of Nanami filling you up.
“She feels great doesn’t she?” Gojo mused, watching you ride the usually stoic man before you.
Nanami could hear the grin on his senior’s face, no quick retort nor remark could leave him. Not with how your walls enveloped him so tightly. Instead his hands found purchase on your hips, guiding you along his cock. He could feel your arousal leaking from you, along his length and down his balls. It was so easy to thrust into you with the mess of your wetness and the previous man’s cum. It was all so dirty.
“A-ah—feel s’good,” you moaned, wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing his face to your chest, your body trembling with pleasure.
“Awe, look at our little Princess,” Gojo cooed, watching your cute lewd expressions. “She finally gets the man that she wanted.”
“She looks pretty when she’s fucking like that.” Geto chimed in, lighting a cigarette a he enjoyed the show before him.
“Oi, Nanaminnn. Isn’t this your first time?” The white haired man chortled from behind.
The blond ignored them both. Too lost with the heat of your body against his. Too lost with the squeeze of your velvety walls. Your moans, your gasps, the cute whines of his name on your lips. All of it. It was dizzying.
Gently, Nanami switched your positions. Your back pressed against the bed with him between your legs, and his string hands on either side of your head, pinning you below him as he thrusts into you again at his own pace. Fast and deep, giving you all he’s got.
You cried out at the new position, feeling another orgasm quickly building up in your very sensitive core. But the warmth that enveloped you this time was different. It was like the first morning rays of sun against your skin, comforting and sweet. It was because it was Nanami. As your body rocked from the power of his thrusts, you admired him above you. His blond hair was matte and no longer neatly swept back, bangs falling over his dark eyes, and a pink blush dusted his cheeks, and his lips were glossy and parted slightly as he grunted and panted above you.
Nanami wouldn’t be able to last long. Not with how you were looking at him.
“F-fuck,” he groaned under his breath, pressing his torso against yours and guiding your leg with one hand to wrap around his waist. He was close. And by the way your cunt was tightly sucking him in, you were close to.
“C-cum with me,” you breathed out, wrapping your arms around his neck, his cock drilling into you relentlessly, fat cockhead kissing your cervix with each thrust and brushing your g-spot. “F-fill me up, please. Want you to cum inside me.” You babbled, your words only spurring him on.
“Fuck, she’s so pretty when she begs like that. It’s getting me hard again.” Gojo groaned from the back.
Nanami reached between the two of you, fingers finding your swollen pearl and massaging it in a circular motion, your walls tightening even more around his length.
“Cum for me,” he rasped against your ear. The gruff, deep timbre of his voice made your whole body shiver and melt even further for him.
His thrusts quickened and his fingers continued to rub your clit, your nerve endings becoming more sensitive with each second. You could feel it. The tightening in your stomach, the build up of pressure in your lower belly. Your moans were leaving you without restraint at this point, feeling too utterly good from his cock, til the knot inside you snapped. You came all over him, your sweet release dripping down his muscular thighs and onto the bed, and in a couple of thrusts, his release soon followed, and you basked are the blissful expression on his face.
“I l-love you,” you murmured, against his neck, as he stilled on top of you, cock pumping out his seed into your womb. The warmth welcomed and even making you giggle. You were happy to be connected with Nanami like this. Your heart felt full.
He softly moaned against your ear, your confession making this messed up union, sweeter than it should have been. He could feel you milking his cock, walls pulsating against his length, taking what you could of his cum while the excess leaked out of your abused hole.
“Feels nice to cum inside her huh?” Gojo quipped from the back, cock hard again and hoping for another turn. “Shit, you made me wanna go agai—
“You’ve had your turn dipshit,” Geto grabbed his friend by the ear, dragging him towards the armchair in the corner of the room.
Nanami slowly parted from you, blushing at the sight of your pussy leaking with his cum. He didn’t know what to say. What could he possibly say?
“Are you okay?” He cleared his throat, lying beside you, letting you catch your breath.
You nodded with the sweetest smile on your face.
“You’d be surprised with how much she can take, Nanami,” Geto spoke, the bed dipping in your side as he settled beside you, turning you on your stomach. “The night is far from over. Plus,” he smirked, pushing your puffy lips apart just to get a good view of your cum filled pussy. “I haven’t come inside her yet, and you,” he helped you to your hands and knees, your face perfectly close to Nanami’s cock.
“You haven’t even gotten to try her mouth yet. As you can see….” he lined himself with your cunt, sheathing himself instantly to not let any cum go to waste, only to find your walls greeting him with a gentle squeeze. “She doesn’t disappoint.”
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primofate · 3 years
Hi! Congrats on 2000 followers! 🎉💖
Could I request Cinnamon Sugar Waffles with Zhongli please?
Thank you and congratulations again!
Thank you so much dear! :D I believe two of you asked for this, so far. So here it is.
If you guys missed it. Here’s the menu to my 2k followers event:
Cinnamon Sugar Waffle (“I change my mind, I like you, okay?”)
Note: Zhongli would never outright say something like that so... I tried my best. IT’S REALLY MILD ANGST I FEEL LIKE IT’S MORE FLUFF HAHA I’M SORRY
“That poor girl,” Hutao said, in a not so remorseful voice. In fact, it sounded as if she was having fun in explaining your situation. Zhongli looks up from his tea to the Director. 
“You are referring to...?” Zhongli trails off, not quite sure what his current boss meant. Hutao merely ignored him and hummed to herself, looking busy with papers. Zhongli stares at her. Patience was not an issue with Zhongli, even with Hutao. 
But the Director continues to hum to herself, glancing at the clock and merely excalimed, “7:00 on the dot!” her head swerves towards the door of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. As if a fortune teller, there’s a knock. “Come in!” Hutao sings, and in you come with a package in your hand. “Hutao, Zhongli, good evening!”
Zhongli smiles out of courtesy. Ah. She was talking about you. Perhaps about the fact that you visited every day just to drop off fresh tea leaves. For him. “Y/N,” Zhongli curtly greeted and braced himself for another round of you explaining what type of tea leaves you’ve brought today. 
The first few times was rather amusing. Informative, even. For someone like him who had seen nearly everything and with the experience of 6000 years, he still managed to learn something from you, albeit just a little. Most of the tea leaves you bought, he was aware of its history, its uses and its benefits. Weeks later when you still continued to visit, on the dot, Zhongli started to wonder if this had become some type of hobby for you. I didn’t bother him at all, but he was curious as to why you did it. Hutao suddenly excused herself, saying that she needed another piece of document from another room.
“How are you today, Zhongli?” You asked and took out a small sachet full of dried leaves. “Quite a mundane day,” he answered, and pushed away some documents to make way for you. “Today is a special blend! I mixed it myself,” he watched how your eyes sparkled as you told him about your special blend of tea. A mix of dried berries and ground Camellia leaves. Invigorating you say, for days where one is a little more tired than usual. 
It then suddenly occurs to him that you are doing this for him. Zhongli is far from dull-witted. Hutao was not present at the moment, and you only ever explained the tea leaves to HIM and not the Director. Nevertheless, he continues to watch you explain the other benefits of it, and its taste, then after putting back the small pouch into the paper bag, handing it over to him.
Zhongli accepts it but clears his throat slightly. “Y/N,” you tilt your head in question at his sudden, somewhat serious tone. “Yes?” He’s silent for a moment, ruminating on what to say. “Pardon me for inquiring and I do not mean to imply any hostility, but...” he fixes his gaze on you, “perhaps you’re allocating too much time on this?”
You frown a little. He says that he didn’t mean any harm, but it sounded as if, in his own careful, sophisticated and nice words, that you were wasting time on it. Or were you just imagining it? You decide that Zhongli isn’t that petty, and smile in return “It’s only really one hour out of my day...” and without hesitation you add, “and it’s for you, so I don’t mind at all.” 
Zhongli only hums in understanding. He senses that this is more than just a daily visit for him to be healthy and drink tea. “I see,” then there’s a small tension in the air. An awkwardness that hangs between the two of you until he breaks it. “I still have some tea from last time, you see, and the day before that...” your cheeks start to heat up in embarrassment, because you know what he’s implying before he even finishes. He was just too nice to say it outright: you were coming by too much and too frequently. 
“Ah, yea, I...see,” then you push the paper bag further towards him before bowing, “I’m sorry to bother you then, I’ll see myself out,” still you smile and still he smiles, just to be polite. He...hadn’t really planned for you to feel small or terrible about it. Perhaps him trying to be indirect and dropping hints was more hurtful than the truth. 
Since you had gotten the hint, for the next few days you had neither dropped by nor seen the man. It wasn’t strange to Zhongli. He went by his tasks and day as usual. But something strange happened by the seventh day. There was a distinct feeling of “something is missing” as if his every day routine had not been completed and it left him a little antsy. 
It was similar to having an itch that one couldn’t scratch. 
He was unsettled. He merely thought that it was something that would pass but by the 11th day, the itch just got worse.
He’d made a mistake. It was not just the fact that the routine was broken, but more about the unease and uncertainty. Were you doing well? What kinds of things had you been doing the past few days? Was it his words that had forced you to stay away or were you perhaps actually occupied with your own business? Either way...maybe it was his turn to visit.
“...Hutao, would you happen to know where Y/N resides?”
Hutao giggles happily, Zhongli raises his eyes at the sudden sound. “Finally giving in, huh?” He doesn’t reply, but he still receives directions to your house, which he visits, at 7:00 sharp. 
You’re beyond surprised to see him standing outside your door and for a minute you wonder if he was lost. “...Y/N, have you been well?” He doesn’t ask to be invited in. What right did he have? The only thing you do is open the door a little wider and smile at him, as if nothing had happened. “...Quite...a mundane few days,” a grin appears on his features, knowing that you had thrown him the same reply as he did that day. 
“I must say it’s been the same for myself,” you chuckle, thinking that he had nothing more to add. “perhaps a little more mundane than usual, I admit, without your presence around,” you freeze at the words. Eyes trained upon him and unsure of what he meant. You tear your gaze off of him in slight embarrassment, turning to the ground. “Mmhmm,” yet again there’s a bit of silence hanging around like a curtain concealing and separating the two of you from the rest of the world. 
Like the two of you were in your own world.
He speaks up first, voice smooth and low. “...would you be opposed to the idea of me visiting you instead?” because he thinks you’ve done your fair share of work. You’ve done your fair share of showing interest. And try as you might to stop your lips from curling upward, you fail at it, showing a slightly lopsided smile. “No, I would love that,”
“7:00 on the dot?
“7:00 on the dot.”
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thatsmellofrain · 3 years
🌩 astrology observations 🌩
because someday i had to hop on the bandwagon after reading them for so long.
DISCLAIMER: these observations all come from personal experience, i am no professional astrologer, only take what resonates!
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☁️ venus in the cancer-capricorn axis are so damn underrated. i swear, these people are the ultimate providers in relationships, and they'll always be there for you when you need it, true ride or die energy with these people.
☁️ i can never realize someone's a pisces rising until they show me their chart. pisces in general tends to be very flowy and adaptable, so it may be more natural for these risings to blend in with the crowd.  h o w e v e r , their eyes might be a good giveaway. they tend to have an overall soft, watery look even if they're not blue (examples: billie eilish, michael jackson, zayn malik).
☁️ speaking of pisces placements, i've noticed most of the ones i know have shown deep interest in different artistic pursuits, specially songwriting, poetry, photography and film.
☁️ the same goes for leos but with them (and i say these as someone who attracts way too much leo energy) it's more related to performing arts. the ones i've seen more interested in writing also had a virgo mercury.
☁️ i've never seen two capricorns have a peaceful relationship with their parents, there's always one of them who prefers not to talk about it.
☁️ besides, i've seen that you're not "supposed" to get along with signs inconjunct (that make an angle of 150°, or are five signs away from yours) yours, since the inconjunction/quincunx is an aspect of total misunderstanding. however, i find signs like gemini and leo way too prominent on most of my friends' charts. maybe it's because i am a fire dominant as well so i tend to enjoy having fire and air energy all around me, but... i disagree with "textbook" astrology on this particular take. if leos and geminis bring me discord, i want more of it.
☁️ this is a popular one, but stop with the oversexualization of scorpio placements. the scorpio archetype has to do with many more things such as discoveries, taboo, mystery, emotional depth, secrets, the unknown, looking deep within ourselves, psychology. it is also related to sexuality, but... chill out on that aspect, please.
☁️ aquarius placements culture is saying: "i did x before it was popular". and i am directing this towards most of gen z because we all have at least one generational planet in there (could be uranus, neptune or both -i have both). if they're personal planets, of course the effect is even more intense.
☁️ the sagittarius-gemini axis gets the best ranter award, i swear i could hear these guys talk for hours.
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☁️ can some people stop stereotyping sag and gemini venuses as cheaters? as a sag venus, i do tend to get bored easily, but that doesn't mean i'll cheat, i just need someone who can keep up with a great amount of energy and my random rants at 1am about useless topics.
☁️ look at the top students in your class, they probably have an earth or air mercury since those are the elements where mercury's the most comfortable in. that doesn't mean that if you have a water/fire mercury you're dumb, by the way, it's just that communication may not be as effective and striaghtforward, with cold hard facts.
☁️ people with aquarius in personal planets can go from "fashion icon" to "wtf were you thinking??" way too fast. but you guys, just like your sister sign leo, certainly do not go unnoticed.
☁️ i have come to the conclusion that the most intense energy belongs to fixed signs. i can feel those folks from a mile away. i've also been living in a fixed dominant family my whole life, so i have experience with them in general.
☁️ speaking of fixed signs, i'd like to add that not only tauruses are the monarchs of stubbornness, but the entire fixed mode can have that characteristic as well. of course, it depends of the entire chart, but when i encounter someone who's a fixed dominant and they disagree with me on something, even though i'm right, i just let them be for a while. they probably won't admit you were right and might act like it was their idea all along, though.
☁️ you may tend to enjoy music made by people who have personal placements landing on your fifth house. for example, i am an aries rising, so my 5H lands in leo, sign that many of my favorite artists have as their big three (rina sawayama, woodz, phoebe bridgers and jesse rutherford are leo suns; jungkook and heize are leo moons). also pay attention to the signs in your 8H and 12H along with your venus sign, your faves could have important placements in those.
☁️ fire risings all radiate main characte, given that the houses are all in the elements they are the most comortable in (the 1st is in a fire sign, the 2nd in earth, the 3rd in air, 4th in water, etc.). and in the case of aries risings, we have all our houses "in order".
☁️ people tend to stereotype aries placements as the ones with anger issues (when we're just being passionate, btw 🙄), but... have you guys seen a taurus? specifically a taurus mars? they'll raise hell if you cross the limits of their patience.
☁️ fire dominant culture is being told you're being "too much" at least once a week...
☁️ it's so fun to see my mom and i pick a destination to go to because you can literally see our venus signs in action. she, a taurus venus, is always talking about how much she wants to go somewhere she can be comfortable, in a resort with beautiful views to the coast. on the contrary there's me, a sagittarius venus, who would much rather get lost in a city, exploring and learning and moving all the time because that's how restless i am. i just can't imagine paying so much just to be locked up in a hotel, you know? i need to go places.
☁️ moon in the 6H people deserve an award for being the underrated mom friends we all need -they'll call you out on your bs right away, specially if they have strong aries energy.
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thank you guys for reading! i might post more of these soon.
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