#habit and lady d have a daughter too
cameronthecryptid · 1 month
I love Tomodachi Life because only in there can these people be in loving relationships and marriages
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Panty and the Batter are just dating but in my mind they’re good as married
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billthedrake · 1 year
Story idea by and collaboration with top son Turner ([email protected]).
"So what are your goals, Mr. D?"
We were sitting in a side area of a large cinderblock-construction room that was part of a gym the next town over. It was more of a lifter's gym for serious dudes, and a change of pace from the corporate health club I normally went to downtown. And certainly a change from the country club where I golfed on the weekends or on days off.
But when I hit 50 and decided to get a personal trainer, I'd scoured the online listings and read reviews and came across a familiar face: Austin White, a baseball player who'd dated my daughter back in high school. Well, he wasn't playing baseball these days but had graduated from college and was now working back in a nearby suburb as a personal trainer.
"You don't have to call me Mr. D," I reminded him. "You're no longer dating Shannon."
The trainer flashed a pearly white smile. He definitely had Lady Killer written all over him. Strikingly handsome-cute, laidback, and no small amount of easy charm. "Sorry, Scott," he laughed softly. "Old habits..."
I smiled back. "Yeah.... hope you didn't mind me looking you up." It had seemed like a great idea at the time, but now that I was face to face with Shannon's ex boyfriend, I realized there was something a little awkward about it all.
Austin put me at ease. "Glad you did, Scott," he said. "But you didn't answer my question."
"My goals?" I prompted, recalling what he'd asked me. "Well, I turned 50 last week..."
"50's a number," he said, challenging me some. "Not a goal."
I nodded. "I guess I've let myself go some, to be honest. I'd like to get back in shape... healthier. And I guess there are some personal reasons, too," I admitted shyly.
He flashed that Lady Killer smile again. "I'm a professional Scott... you can tell me."
I chuckled. "Well, I'm hoping to rekindle things in the bedroom, you know?"
I felt dumb saying it, particularly to a dude as young and jacked as Austin. But he didn't miss a beat. "That's a pretty good motivation, Scott," he grinned. "And common, too. It's good to be honest with yourself about what drives you." He picked up his clipboard to take notes. "OK, so we know a big goal... any others?"
I filled him in on some lingering back and hip issues. They didn't keep me from being active, but they affected my golf game sometimes. "I'm afraid I haven't always prioritized being active," I said, no longer embarrassed but feeling proud I was taking the first step to being a better Scott Delahunt. "You know, long hours, lots of sitting at a desk..."
"Still doing the executive thing?" Austin asked.
"Yes. CFO," I clarified. "Though at a different company than when I last saw you."
"That's cool," he said. "And we'll work on your back and hip and see if we can improve your overall mobility... training's not a substitute for physical therapy of course but it can complement it," the guy added thoughtfully. "I work with all types of clients, but I specialize in men over 40.... you know more functional training and flexibility."
"Sounds great," I said.
"I just want to make sure my clients are on the same page with expectations."
"I'm putty in your hands, good sir," I half joked.
He laughed. "All right, Scott," he said, standing up from his chair. "Let's do some measurements and a few diagnostics." Austin had put on some muscle since high school for sure, and the form-fitting zip-up and joggers showed off a body that was big but that somehow didn't look overly musclebound. This young dude was definitely gonna be some inspiration for my own fitness journey.
I stepped on the scale. "198," Austin read out. "And 6-foot-even?" he asked.
"Maybe a hair shy, but yeah, 6 foot." I stepped off. "I really would love to lose the spare tire," I said, patting my midsection. I didn't have an outright beer belly, but I had some major love handles and midlife spread there.
Austin's easy smile was gone and he was in full business mode. "We'll work on it," he assured me, gesturing me over to a mat to do a timed plank. "There's no quick fix," he explained as he started the stopwatch. "No crash diets, either... I believe in strength training first as a foundation and then we'll work on the rest, OK?"
"Yeah," I grunted. I was holding my own I guess, but my lack of regular exercise was biting me in the ass, hard.
I did better on some of the diagnostics and not as hot on the other.
"I told you, Austin," I said. "You're getting a real project." Pulling out the self deprecating humor.
He was still in business mode. "I'm not one of those hardass trainers, but I have only one rule, Mr. D," he said, his old nickname slipping back. "No comparing yourself to anyone else. If you're on social media, I want you off it. In here, for 60 minutes twice a week, it's going to be about you... what you're doing and what you can do better and how we can get you there. Not any of the other guys. OK? "
"Got it," I said. It felt weird being bossed around by a man half my age, but Austin was the one with the Instagram body. I'd follow his lead.
We walked on toward the locker area. "And one other thing you'll learn about me, Scott," he added with a wink. "I have more than one rule."
"Beast!" I grunted in encouragement as Scott pumped out a personal record on the bench press. He even did two reps without my spot, before I helped him on the third. As I helped guide the bar back into pace I saw his exertion-red face and concerted look break into a wide smile.
Psychology is a big part of my job. Every client is different and has different things that motivate them as well as different reasons they weren't motivated before they came to me. Being a trainer doesn't mean being a miracle worker, but you try to figure out what's going to work for a man or woman in the gym.
But I'd never seen a man respond so well to encouragement as Scott. I honestly didn't know what to expect when Shannon's dad first contacted me. But I always liked the guy, and he'd always made me feel welcome when I was over at the Delahunt house. He'd always take the time to say hello or chat and ask me how the baseball season was going or what colleges I was considering. When anyone else had grilled me about college, it felt like pressure - like "are you good enough for my daughter" BS - but with Mr. D, it felt like genuine interest.
Now that I'd been training the man for over a year, I'd gotten to see another side of him. He was guarded at first, but after a few months he'd started being more open. Something about the extra time to chat in the gym does wonders for getting the conversation flowing. He didn't talk ill about Mrs. Delahunt, but the man was clearly frustrated in his marriage. I was getting the picture of a man who'd thrown himself into a high-powered career and who liked to show off the spoils of financial success. And he wasn't happy.
"Give it a couple minutes rest," I said as Scott sat up, stretching his arms a little and rubbing out the burn in his triceps. "And maybe we can try for 10 more?"
"Oh yeah," the executive said enthusiastically. "Let's do it."
As he cooled down for a bit, he asked. "You doing anything this weekend, Austin?"
I was putting two fives on the barbell. "My Dad's coming to visit."
Scott looked into my face. "You're not excited are you?" he said, observant as hell.
I sighed. "I don't know, Scott... a dumb part of me looks forward to it every time.... but when he's here, it's like we don't have anything to talk about. He'll spend a couple hours with me, then go meet up with one of his buddies instead."
Scott didn't try to tell me it was OK. Or make excuses for my Dad. He just listened. "That's tough, guy," he finally said. "I guess some parents aren't good with the emotional stuff."
He got into place and went for another set. I had to spot him for a good deal of that one rep. I could read the disappointment in his face.
"Give it a longer rest," I urged. "Refocus. You got this, Scott."
The next attempt wasn't pretty, but it was all Scott. And the beaming look of pride in his face after was one of those moments that makes my job worth it.
"You hear from Shannon lately?" Austin asked between squats. He'd been pushing me more on leg days lately, and I was starting to see progress.
I never knew for sure why Austin and Shannon broke up, but Austin was a grade ahead of Shannon and gone off to college before her. A part of me wondered if Austin still had a thing for my daughter, but I figured this was just something to talk about, the connection that first brought us together in the gym.
"Not lately. I only hear from her when she needs money," I said wryly.
"Oof," my trainer gave a "that hurts" wince. "For real?"
"I exaggerate some," I explained. "But not a lot. Sometimes it feels like she sees her Daddy as a living, walking credit card."
Austin gave me a reassuring, empathetic look. "Well, at least she's probably having a blast in college, right?"
It was the perfectly timed joke, and it made me crack up. "That she is, buddy," I said.
I got in place and knocked out another set of squats. It was a struggle, but I got to eight.
"Nice," I heard Austin say. Then he added some weights.
"Sorry if I'm out of line, Scott, but Shannon is a spoiled B. She kind of always was."
I grimaced. He was right, but I didn't appreciate him talking about my daughter like that. "Maybe she is, but I take some responsibility in that. Kelly too... we both spoiled her growing up. We just wanted her to have the finer things, you know."
Austin gave me a look that said he felt contrite, even if he wasn't saying his apology out loud. "Better than the opposite, Scott," he said. "You're there for her, that's what matters."
"Things been rocky with your Old Man lately?" I asked.
Austin shrugged. He had a jock's bluster, but I could tell he hid how much things bothered him. Even discussing his relationship with his father, he tried to pass it off in an even, unaffected tone. "Worse. I haven't heard from him in two months. I left a couple of voice mails, but felt like some desperate chick wanting a second date."
"I take it you speak from experience in brushing off desperate chicks," I teased, trying to change the subject.
Austin grinned. God, he really was a strikingly handsome young man. "Ah, I talk a big game, Scott. Truth is, I guess I'm just waiting for the right one, you know."
It was adorable to see this muscled up ex-jock act shy, and endearing too. "I'm sure she'll come, Austin," I assured him. "Probably sooner than you think."
He looked at me as if he was trying to decide whether he could share a secret. He did. "It'd be a 'he,' Scott."
"Oh," I muttered dumbly. It didn't even occur to me that Austin would be gay. In fairness, I knew him first as Shannon's boyfriend.
The guy went into reassuring mode. "I don't generally share my personal business," he said. "With any of my clients..."
There was the Mr. Business side of my trainer coming out. Serious, professional.
"I'm glad you did, Austin," I said. "Um, is that why things didn't work out with you and Shannon?" Maybe none of my business, but I was curious as hell.
He didn't seem fazed by my question. "Yes and no. I mean I didn't decide I really preferred men until college. But even in high school I felt I wasn't 100% into dating the girls I was with. No disrespect to your daughter..."
"None taken," I assured him.
I did another set. It was getting really fucking hard now. "Let's stretch some," Austin said, a signal we were done with squats for the day.
On the mat, Austin guided me through some gentle stretches.
My curiosity was still getting the best of me.
"So... you have any boyfriends in college?" I asked. Before stopping myself. "Sorry... that's none of my business."
He didn't admonish me but just said softly. "Yeah, like I say I don't advertise my personal business."
Like with a lot of clients, I told Scott not to weigh himself at home constantly. We'd step on the locker room scale once a month. That way, he'd be focused on strength and diet and not on the ups and downs.
I could tell he was nervous that day as he stepped on, wearing only his compression. I tried to act normal around Scott Delahunt, but the man was my type to a T. Older, just the right amount of muscle, clean cut daddy. A year and a half of training had done wonders for an already good looking man. His back had a nice curve and definition and his shoulders and arms were swells of rounded muscle. He still had a little padding on his middle but his gut was solid muscle behind it. He'd definitely lost some extra weight.
"190!" he beamed. "I haven't weighed 190 since my 30s," he said as he stepped off the scale and turned toward me. Scott wasn't overly hairy but he had a nice pelt of light brown hair on his now defined chest and torso.
"And some of that is extra muscle," I reminded him. "So... you told me your goal when we started... any luck in the bedroom?" I tried to make it sound professional, or maybe buddy-to-buddy. But lately I'd been thinking way too much of Scott Delahunt having sex.
He shook his head. "Not really," he said. I expected a sad sack expression but instead he just replied, "But I've decided I'm doing this for me, actually."
"Yeah?" I asked. I wasn't sure if he was just parroting what he thought I wanted to hear.
"It's about time I focused on what makes me happy, you know?"
"You should," I said. "You deserve that."
He gave me a grateful look. But he didn't respond. Instead, it was like he was displaying his body for me. Not lecherous exactly, and I think I did a damn good job of hiding my attraction to him. But it was like he wanted a gay dude's approval of his improved physique. Some straight dudes have hang ups about gay men checking them out, but I've met a couple of buds who feel they can trust me with my assessment of them physically.
I ventured a compliment. "You're looking really good, Scott. Muscle, definition, and the slimmer midsection are really coming together," I said. "Incredible progress, really."
He ate it up. "I couldn't be doing it without you, buddy. For real."
I forced myself to stop ogling his half naked body, as I told him I'd see him for our session Friday.
When I got home, though, I jerked off. A nice heavy load just imagining mounting Scott doggy style and pounding him hard and fast. As I cleaned up, I had to laugh at how turned on I was by this 51 year old corporate exec. Like, I always had to pine for the unavailable ones.
I just hoped for his sake that Scott Delahunt was getting laid that night.
It was tough getting back into the gym after two weeks. Austin kind of laughed as I showed my frustration at not being able to bench nearly as much as before.
"Been there, Scott," he patted my shoulder as I sat up. He'd been doing that more lately, touching me. Nothing too weird or invasive, kind of like one close buddy might do for another. But knowing Austin was a gay dude made me read something into it, I suppose. Not that he'd be into a middle-aged man like me. But I did find myself wondering a lot about the kind of men Austin was into. I chalked it up to idle curiosity. Austin had opened up a lot to me as we trained and talked, but he kept one part of himself private.
"How was Italy?" he asked.
"Incredible," I replied. "Villa in Tuscany, good weather, amazing food... what's not to like?" I started.
"That's awesome," Austin said. He seemed to enjoy living vicariously through his clients' vacations, and I knew that as a trainer he probably didn't have the time or money to do any big travel.
I nodded. "Yeah, but this sounds spoiled as hell to say... but I would have been as happy on one of your Smokies camping weekends." Austin grew up in the east part of the state and still enjoyed getting up into the mountains from time to time.
He gave me a sympathetic look. "Yeah, why's that?"
I shrugged. I felt like sometimes I unloaded a lot onto my trainer, but it was like he was the one guy who'd understand. "I dunno... With Kelly, it sometimes feels like things have to be perfect... you know, THE best winery and THE best private tour... and she spends half the vacation posting the pictures on Facebook so her friends all know how she's having THE best fucking vacation.... sorry, man, I know I'm being a jaded asshole."
Austin patted my shoulder again. That touch against my warm shoulder through my workout shirt. "Not at all, man. You just have a better perspective on life is all." He gave me another pat. "Ready for another set?"
I nodded and got back into place. We finished up at the bench and went to do a superset of dumbbell exercises.
I was a little out of breath when we finally paused.
"Tough, huh?" Austin said, reading my face.
I nodded, not quite formulating a word. "Yah. Sorry."
"Take a sec," he assured me. He had me drink some water.
As we went to do some stretches and core work, our conversation resumed.
"So... I didn't know you were into camping," Austin said.
"I'm not," I replied. "At least I haven't done it since I was a boy scout. But the idea of getting away from Brentwood seems real appealing sometimes."
Austin squatted down next to me and reached over to pull my hip to correct my form. "No offense, Scott, but you're Brentwood through and through."
I laughed. "Yeah, I guess," I said. Austin was originally from a small town in east Tennessee and had moved to the Nashville suburbs when he was 12. He seemed to have mixed feelings about the tony suburbs we lived in, and I had a hard time figuring them out. "Guilty as charged."
"I'm just razzing ya, Scott," Austin said, that easy going charm coming back.
I'd taken a break from the apps. I told myself it was healthy to do so, but maybe it was healthier to get laid. In case, Scott's break from the gym somehow made me miss the guy. I was becoming crushed out on my client. I told myself that was because I wasn't getting any daddy ass.
My profile was clear. 24yo total top clean cut jock into masculine 40+ daddies. Inexperienced OK. Married or DL OK. Just be willing and ready to take care of my 7.5 inch cock. No-strings fun only.
I had a great set of pictures that got a lot of bites. That first weekend of Scott's vacation I got messaged by five men. Two just weren't my thing, two were smoking hot, and one was OK. I messaged the smoking hot daddies back and clicked with a businessman staying downtown. He wasn't Scott Delahunt hot but he was my type. 48, balding, strong barrel chested build, trimmed goatee. He was married but played when he was out of town. I assured him I was totally discreet.
It had actually been six months since I'd hooked up with a guy. I remembered now how fun it could be. Even dealing with the traffic heading into downtown. When I got to his hotel room, he'd just gotten out of the shower, freshly cleaned for me, and had a towel wrapped around his waist. He had a soft belly, not big but more along the lines of what Scott had when he started with me. His front was incredibly furry and I found the swirls of hair incredibly hot.
"Hey," he grinned as he led me in. He could barely take his eyes off me. I'm not an egotist... well, I am a little. But it's great to have that silent appreciation of my looks. His words made it explicit. "Man," he said in a deeper-South accent. "I thought you wouldn't live up to your pictures, but you're incredible."
My eyes swept his body too. He wasn't the hottest man I'd ever slept with but I loved his real dad-ness... married-with-kids Southern daddy, deep voice, ex-jock vibe. "I'm liking what I see, too," I growled, pulling my shorts up to let my boner ride up. I had been looking forward to some release real bad.
He seemed like he'd won the lottery ticket. "Dang! You really do go for older guys don't ya?"
"Exclusively," I said. I loved the chance to be direct with men about my sexual preferences. I stepped up to him and ran my hands along the soft furred belly before slipping my hands around his waist to pull him toward me for a kiss.
Some married guys aren't into kissing. I forgot to ask if Business Daddy was OK with it. He was. Or made an exception for me. He was used to soft kissing from a woman and was surprised by my approach. But he got into it and was soon pawing at my T-shirt, feeling up my muscle.
I was getting worked up, fast. My fingers undid his towel and felt up the bare buns. Some men like Scott Delahunt had to work to develop a thick round ass. This guy had the genetics for it. I could be satisfied with a nice slow BJ from a hot daddy, but knowing from our DMs that this guy wasn't virgin made me really want to tap his hole.
"What are your thoughts on the D word?" I growled. Business Daddy seemed real into me, and I felt I had the cards, at least enough to push this.
"Daddy?" he asked, to clarify.
"'Dad' is even hotter to me," I said, taking his wrist and guiding it to the hard ridge in my mesh shorts. Instantly his thick fingers curled greedily around it.
He gulped. "Never done that scene," he admitted. "But if it turns you on, buddy..."
"It turns me the fuck on," I assured him. I kissed him again then kissed and licked along his ear lobe. "Why don't you get down and suck my dick, Dad?" I whispered.
He had a naughty look on his face as he crouched down. The man wasn't all that hung and his shorter dick stood out like a spike from his hairy crotch as he got down. He peeled down my shorts, like he was unwrapping a Christmas present.
"Dang... fucking big piece ya got, buddy," he hissed, taking it in his hand and licking it. "Go easy on me, will ya?"
"Yeah, Dad," I hissed, not wanting to get out of this scene now that I had the green light. Then I felt his warm mouth descend on me. Business Daddy wasn't experienced but I wasn't his first cock either. It was a nice sweet spot. I imagined my father doing this to me. Sucking me, learning how to suck me.
"That's it, Dad," I grunted. "Suck your boy. Love your hot fucking mouth on my dick, sir." Some guys were turned off by my verbal approach, and others were way turned off by the incest scene. That's one reason I sometimes found hookups not to be satisfying. It was hard to develop a rapport to go deep with a one-off guy.
But Business Daddy was getting into it, sucking me more fully now, with a bit more of a slow suction that was getting me worked up. I watched his balding head bob up and down on my crotch. My own father had more hair, though it too was thinning. Like Scott Delahunt's.
"If you keep sucking, Dad, I'm gonna cum," I warned. "But I really wanna fuck you, sir."
Business daddy pulled off and took one admiring look at my spit wet dong. "Damn you are a pervy fucker," he laughed.
I kicked off my shorts and peeled off my T-shirt. "Yeah I'm a perv," I replied. In the past I might have felt embarrassed but now I was unapologetic. I fisted my cock and looked him in the eye. "When was the last time you got fucked?"
He seemed to be on the defensive now, and I worried I let my horns get the worst of me. If I fucked this up....
"Two years," he said softly. "I don’t usually...."
"You enjoy it?" I questioned him.
He nodded, blushing some. "A little too much."
"You got ready for me, right?" I just wanted to remind him of the reason I was there and not hooking up with one of the other guys.
He nodded. "You're intense, you know that right?" he said. Like his physical attraction to me was countered by a vibe that just wasn't working for him.
"I'm just horny, man," I explained. "I haven't fucked a guy in six months. I fucking miss it."
"A dude like you... I would have thought..." he started and didn't have to finish.
"Let me eat you for a bit," I said. "I want you to want this, man."
He nodded and got on the bed, pulling his legs back. Fuck, that hole was beautiful. Furry dad trench with a nice tight hole. I got in place and examined it, taking my time before leaning in and licking. Business Daddy was squeaky clean and I took the opportunity to go to town, really feasting on that ass like it was my last meal.
It was a nice cool down from the BJ and the Dad-talk earlier but also worked me up in a way.
"Lube?" I asked when I finally pulled back. He gestured to the small table on the other side of the bed. I went around and Business Daddy scooted to reposition himself on the bed.
I took my time fingering him, talking with him about men and cocks and fucking. I avoided the Dad-Son stuff since I wanted to build the vibe rather than kill it.
"So..." I said as I now slid three slick fingers in and out of his stretched tightness. I had the conquerer gene in me, I suppose, because I LOVED the idea of getting a hole that had barely been fucked. "We talked a little earlier... I'm on PREP and get tested regularly... I'd love to get in you raw, sir."
"I've never done that," he whispered, but I could see his shorter, fatter dick throb as I worked the first inches of his insides.
"Is that a NO?" I challenged him. I was going to respect his wishes, but I was gonna do my damnedest to get the fuck I wanted then.
"Go ahead, man," he said. "I trust ya."
I scooted up and lined my bare cock against his ring. It took some work, alternating fingering with some teasing with my cock. But I finally breached him in a way that was comfortable for him.
"Easy," I hissed as I rubbed his soft belly and pushed deeper. "Just going slow here.... you got this."
He took a deep breath and nodded. "Feels good actually," he said. His eyes had been on mine but now he looked all over my body. "You're so fricking hot."
I grinned. "You like the jocks, huh?"
"I do," he replied. Not embarrassed, but forthright.
"You wanna tell me about any of them?" I was pushing the envelope for sure, but my cock was almost bottomed out in his hole.
He gave me a grin. "I don't play around at home... but there's the neighbor kid. Got a football scholarship at Ole Miss... hot fucker."
I plowed in. Business Daddy accepted me, his dick thwapping excitedly at the full penetration. "You wish he was here fucking you now?"
"God, man," Business Daddy was the one getting into the pervy headspace now. He reached up and clenched at my sides. Hungry. I gave him the kiss he craved. Then I started thrusting into him.
"I'd love both of you guys at once," he admitted. "Tag teaming me."
"That'd be hot," I leered, really getting into this. I rarely got to do this level of verbal with a guy, and it was really working me up. "Two jocks... taking turns.... opening up that Daddy hole."
"Yes," he hissed... "fuck me, stud!"
I was getting more athletic with my pumps. "Been too long hasn't it, Daddy... since you had a young cock in ya?"
Maybe the D word was pushing it, but Business Daddy picked it right up. "God yeah, son. Fuck your Dad!"
Oh jesus. The surprise of those words, and the deep Southern accent of them had my balls pumping. Not a pre-orgasmic warning, but the real deal. I was ejaculating hard into this older business man.
"That's it, son. Get your nut. Show Dad what ya got." For a man who didn't seem into pervy role play, he sure knew what to say now.
I growled my way through my deep orgasm and then kind of fell on him, reclaiming a kiss as my dick pumped out its dribbles into his conquered hole.
I gathered my senses and got back into the original position, squirting some lube on his spike and slowly pumping him as I urged him off. I even had him describe that Ole Miss tight end in detail. His whole body went beet red as he came, and I knew it was a major orgasm for him too.
We made small talk afterwards. He even said he'd hit me up next time he was in Nashville. "You're a wild one, buddy... but I sure as hell enjoyed the ride."
"You got anything going on this weekend?" I asked Austin as he had me do some shoulder raises. I'd been trying to find a nonchalant time to bring it up.
He examined my form and counted my reps silently. "Good," he said as I finished the set and set the dumbbells down on a bench. "Nothing really going on. What about you, man?"
I stood squarely to face him. He was the young jacked stud, but I was getting more proud of my body after a year and a half of working out with him, and more confident in my skin, so to speak. "Well, the Titans have a home game Sunday. I was wondering if you wanted to go see them with me," I ventured.
There came that pearly white smile again, and an excited kid-like look. "What, you got tickets?"
"Two of them," I boasted. "I got 'em through work. A buddy of mine was going to go but had to back out." That second part was a lie.
Austin showed some concern. "Man, I'd love to. Hell, I'd really love to. But I can't afford that." I got the feeling he was an independent-spirited man who didn't like to be beholden to others.
"The ticket's just gonna go to waste,” I said, “and I'll enjoy having someone to go with." I saw his resolve start to melt, so figured I could lay out the rest of my plan. "It's an afternoon game, we can get a hotel downtown for the night and live it up a little. Come on... Kelly's doing some girls trip to Napa, and I have a real bachelor's weekend I want to enjoy."
Austin smiled. "Well, when you put it that way.... jesus, I can't believe you have fucking Titans tickets. You go often?"
I could sense a real envy in his tone. "Yeah, from time to time," I admitted. "I did season tickets a couple years ago, but Kelly griped that my Sundays were all taken up."
He smiled. "I bet these tickets are great seats, too, aren't they?" Teasing me.
"Pretty damn good," I smirked. "We're gonna have a blast, buddy."
I was in a good mood. Strike that, I was in a great mood. The Titans had beaten the Texans but even if they hadn't I just enjoyed being in Nissan Stadium and shouting my lungs out. Scott seemed bemused how into it I was but didn't say anything. The man struck me as something more than a fair weather fan and less than a diehard fan.
But I was grateful for the ticket and that he'd had me tag along. He insisted on covering the hotel room. "Trust me I got a million hotel points to burn through," he countered. So I got the tab as we grabbed beers in one of the downtown bars.
It was a lot of regular guy talk. About the game and the upcoming Titans season. About how September can be the best month in Nashville. About his wife's wine trip and their fall plans. About the cheat day Scott was having and how my metabolism let me get away with stadium concession food and day drinking on occasion.
God, he looked good. Great even, in his snug pale blue Titans T-shirt that clung to his arms and pecs and the hint of dad gut he was still chipping away at. I never saw him outside of the gym, at least not since I'd dated his daughter. He was so focused working out, like that was a second job to him. But this was Scott Delahunt in the mood to let down his hair. Smiling, happy, joking.
Maybe that's what led me to let my hair down too.
"It was my professor," I blurted.
"What?" he asked.
Maybe I enjoyed catching him off guard. But I clarified. "You once asked me who I dated in college. It was my Chemistry professor."
Scott looked at me like I was kidding him. "Are you teasing me?"
I shook my head. "Nah. You're the first guy I've ever told actually. Buy yeah for two years... I don't know if dating was the right word, but it wasn't casual either. He was my first boyfriend."
I kind of wondered if Scott would be put off by the admission. Or even the gay talk. But he seemed laidback about it, and he'd been the one to ask. He took a sip of beer and eyed me up, like he was still trying to decide if I was on the level. "Was this while you were his student or after?"
"While," I replied. "Though we kept hooking up after. That's when I decided maybe I wasn't so bisexual after all."
Scott seemed nervous with that comment but didn't object. Instead, he shook his head. "I would have guessed you would have gone for another college dude."
I shook my head. "Not my thing." Here goes. "I'm only into older guys, actually."
"Really?" Scott was moving from incredulous to amused. "What are we talking about?"
I shrugged. It was kind of a relief to have this open dialogue with the man. "95% of the time, men in their 40s or 50s."
"I knew a buddy in college who was into cougars," he laughed. "The guys gave him a lot of guff, but Taylor got laid so fucking much..." Scott was laughing as he recalled old times then seemed like he had something on his mind.
"What?" I asked.
He paused and looked at me. "Nothing, buddy." He held up his now empty pint glass. "Can I get the next round?"
"No doing, Scott," I said, standing up. "I'm buying."
Bringing Austin along to the game was the right call, I realized. I'd never seen a guy so thrilled. He'd been to a couple of games before, but it was a rare treat for him. I was happy to have given him that.
I didn't have any ulterior plans. Then again, maybe I did and just didn't admit them to myself. I told myself I was just having a good time, too. Hanging out with Austin felt freeing, like my college days. Before my career and family, and before the country club set I socialized with. I liked my golf buddies just fine, but there was always that one-up-manship. I could play that game, too, but with Austin, I didn't have to.
We got a little tipsy but didn't go wild. I told Austin he should just enjoy the downtown nightlife on his own. He clapped a hand on my shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. "No offense to you heteros, Scott, but drunken hos aren't my idea of fun," he laughed.
I loved that he was freer with me. Not guarded, able to talk about being a gay man. I think stupidly I assumed gay guys didn't have the same problem with sex, of finding regular and compatible partners. But I could tell with Austin, he had some dissatisfactions of his own. I almost asked him about it in the bar, but figured I'd mind my own business. I hoped he'd feel free to share with me some time.
It had been in the back of my mind. What sex with a guy would be like. Yeah. I'd fooled around some in college, but that was just that, fooling around. Naughty fun I'd have with some buds when we didn't have girlfriends or weren't getting enough. After I met Kelly, I'd fantasize about other women, sometimes a lot. I figured most guys do. But I never gave much thought to men.
But as Austin and I got ready for bed in the hotel room, I was thinking of it. His eyes were on me. Quiet lust in his eyes that made me feel sexually attractive in a way I hadn't felt in years. This wasn't some cougar in some downtown hotel bar giving me the heavy eye, this was a young hot stud with an Instagram fitness body. Just a dusting of hair but also lots of pale, smooth muscle.
And, as he strutted out of the bathroom in his boxer briefs, I could see the definition in his round ass and the thick bulge of his crotch. It wasn't fair a young man this perfect should be hung, but I had a good idea he was. I tried not to let him catch me looking at his package, but he gave a soft smirk as I darted my glance away. He ran his thumbs along the waist band to adjust the underwear, but his eyes had a question in them. Maybe a plea.
"Good night, bud," I said. Forcing myself to slip into the covers of one of the two beds, as if my heart weren't racing a million miles an hour.
"Good night, Scott," came his reply. Almost soft, not cocky. I'd been nervous until that point, but that voice gave me a boner beneath the sheets. And the very fact I was responding to his gentle masculinity added to the thrill. A feeling I hadn't felt before but maybe wanted to for a while.
He turned out the light.
I was so hard, I couldn't sleep. Scott Delahunt had starred in my JO fantasies a lot lately, and I knew after this weekend he was gonna be in them a lot more. I tossed and turned and tried to think of other stuff. I tried to think of the Titans season but then I'd remember one of the coaches I wanted to bone.
I hoped the beer would catch up and help me sleep. It didn't. I don't know how long I lay awake. Maybe an hour. I decided to go to the bathroom, where I could jerk off in privacy. It wouldn't take long to get my nut and take the edge off.
"Can't sleep either?" I heard Scott say as I scooted to get off the bed. His voice wasn't quiet but wide awake.
"No," I gulped.
"Anything I can do to help?" came his voice in the dark.
My heart pounded. "God, Scott." I was SO close to just saying, "come over and suck me off Daddy." Instead, Scott could tell the frustration in my voice.
"I'm serious, Austin. If you wanna ask me, I won't judge." he said. Then, "I actually kind of want you to ask me."
My heart melted. Here was my dream man, vulnerable as hell. Maybe I'd made him feel that way. Maybe it was just fate.
"Would you join me in my bed?" I asked. Into the darkness of the room. I thought of turning on the lamp but didn't want to break the spell that was set between us.
Scott didn't answer, and I first I though I'd fucked it up big time. Misread what he was suggesting. But then I heard his mattress squeak and then felt his warm body bump against mine beneath the sheets. I scooted over to give him room.
The man was shaking some, but his hands were not wasting time eagerly touching my body. I knew from his touch he'd been thinking about this, wondering what my muscle would feel like. I let him feel and reached down to take off my briefs in case he wanted to feel more.
"Fuck!" he hissed.
"We can take this slow, Scott," I assured him as my own hands were pawing at his older muscle. I'd never get sick of the feel and rougher skin of a middle aged man. And the idea of what he represented to me. Power, authority, experience. I kept my urges in check and slowly caressed his warm back.
The man pulled his hands back some and like that he was peeling his own underwear off. Baring himself for me.
I don't know what I felt first, his hard dick against mine or his lips pressing into a kiss. It wasn't until that kiss that I realized how much I'd pent up. And how much Scott had pent up himself. He was married, maybe nominally straight or whatever. But this man wanted me.
In my past times with older guys, I insisted on getting serviced. It was part of my thing, I guess, my power trip. But I'd heard enough of Scott's marital woes, that I knew I had to give him a real blow job. I kissed my way down his hairy chest and still padded middle and started licking his cock.
His dick was on the smaller side, between 4.5 and 5 inches and was the hardest dick I'd ever encountered. I was grateful for his size as I opened my mouth and took that cock in.
"Yes," he hissed excitedly.
I rarely suck cock and if I do, it's as a teaser for foreplay. So I'm not an expert, but I must have been better than Mrs. Delahunt.
"Suck me buddy!" Scott gasped. His fingers were in my hair, on my scalp. Not possessively, but more appreciative. Like he'd forgotten what pleasure like this was like. I was reminding him with steady and faster mouth strokes.
I backed off a few seconds before he came. I needed this daddy's mouth on my cock before orgasm removed his willingness to suck me. I climbed up and met Scott in another kiss before I pulled back and scooted up to line up my arching, hard prick to his face.
"Take your time," I urged. Not "please suck me" or "would you blow me too?"
I didn't need the pleasantries. I felt his warm wet tongue lick at my head. Tentative as hell, but it was the kind of tentative fear of not doing it right than not wanting to do it.
"Feels great," I assured him. Now running my fingers through his hair. Appreciative, but definitely possessive. I pushed into his mouth. About three inches. Enough to fill him but not trip any gag reflex. "Just take me, man. Nice shallow strokes... there." I was doing most of the work. Maybe I'd train Scott how to be my cocksucker. The very idea got my balls boiling with my load.
Even if he wasn't doing the work he was doing his best. Sucking at me, trying to keep his saliva contained while forming a ring around my softly pistoning cock. I was thick as well as long, and I knew I was a lot. But the man was acting like a champ.
"I'm gonna cum in your mouth, Scott," I warned him. Giving him an out. He had three seconds to do something about the situation. He didn't, so like that I was firing off big. A heavy load right into his mouth. I pulled back so he'd get it mostly on his tongue. I thought he'd feel more comfortable swallowing it that way, but mostly I wanted him to taste me. To know what my cum was like.
I pulled out and felt my prick twitch in the aftershocks.
The man deserved any release I could give him. I scooted back down to suck him to completion but as I approached his crotch, I smelt that familiar bleachy-floral scent. And felt his hands grip my head to stop me.
"I... just came," he admitted.
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itsstrawberrymochi · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers daddies trying to do their curly haired daughter’s hair
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A/n: Race of reader is NOT specified, daughter’s hair is like reader’s hair
for all curly hair types (3A - 4C)
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- A recipe for disaster
- Mikey can’t even do his own hair you really expect him to do someone else’s?? and to make matters worse it’s a completely different hair texture from his….
- You should have known better than to trust him to do it but you were running late for an appointment and couldn’t spare any more time to deal with d/n’s hair
- You could have done it in time if she had just gotten out of bed the first time you called her but she takes after Mikey with her sleeping habits risking it all just for a couple more minutes of sleep but anyways she needed to get her hair done and you needed to make it time for you appointment
- So you hesitantly asked Mikey if he could do it to which he replied with a loud and proud yes
- He genuinely believed he could do it, had all the confidence in the world how hard could it be? he thought, It’s just hair
- But all that confidence washed away when not one not two but three combs got tangled in her curls
- He didn’t bother trying to get them out it seemed to be impossible
- What he thought would’ve been a walk in the park became a terrible mess for Mikey
- D/n was running late for school and didn’t even have her uniform on yet because Mikey thought her hair would take only a couple minutes
- Poor d/n had tears running down her cheeks saying he’s brushing too hard and mommy is more gentle Mikey replies with a I’m sorry princess I’m trying
- He ended up giving up and didn’t take her to school he knows it’ll piss you off but he much rather you yelling at him once than have to do that again
- Another dumbass he was confident and thought it was gonna be easy
- He saw you do it with ease all the time so he believed he could do it too
- Did the one thing you’re NOT supposed to do with curly hair….. went to town brushing it
- Had no product in it just brushed/combed it, does it to his hair all the time and it comes out nice thought it would be the same with her
- Was so confused has to why it wasn’t going down but instead getting puffier and puffier
- Got so puffy to the point where her entire forehead and eyes was covered by her hair
- She ended bawling her eyes out because she said he made her look like Bob Ross
- He’s always trying to one up himself at being a good dad and husband always striding to make your life easier
- He sees how much time you spend on your daughter’s hair everyday and still have to do yours
- Thus him asking you to teach him because he wanted to eventually be able to take turns doing her hair, make it easier for you and give you more time for your hair
- you found the idea extremely sweet and agreed
- Absolutely struggled the first couple of times
- Always made c/n cry because of how ugly he made it
- But is getting better the more and more he practice with it
- It’s super cute watching them both get excited when the style he did actually came out good
- He surprisingly has this in the bag
- Ran is the type of person that 100% believes in self-care especially when it comes to hair, he often spends hours in the bathroom on a weekend doing a precise step by step hair routine that make his hair long and silky and makes him feel relaxed
- He wanted to do the same for you but your hair was obviously different but did that pose as a problem for him? No!
- One day he went to the hair store and with the help of Google and kind ladies who had the same hair as you he purchased all the oils, gels, shampoos and conditioners for you hair type
- He also watched YouTube tutorials on how to style and take care of you hair
- Whenever you allow him he’ll do your wash days/ hair routine for you
- So if he can deal with your hair he can deal with his daughter’s
- Thus making you not worry when he insists on doing it
- Howeverrrr he may know a lot about you and your daughter’s hair type but at the same time there’s things he doesn’t know
- One day when it was his turn to do her hair for school he decided not to put it all in one like you usually do and you urge him to do as well when he’s doing her hair for school
- Thinks she should embrace her curls, let them free show the world how defined and pretty they look
- As much as you would love to show off her curls there’s a reason why you don’t especially for school…..
- Nearly had a heart attach when she came home and the neat and defined curls was now frizzy and puffed out with all kind of random things like leaves and pencil crayons stuck in it
- Complains about how long you take to do her hair claims you shouldn’t take that long it’s easy
- You got pissed off at him as you should and decided he’ll do it next time to see how “easy” it really was which he agreed to
- Did he eat his words
- Rindou works out all the time but boy did his arms hurt from less than 10 minutes of de-tangling
- Nearly lost his mind when he put her hair into a bun for what felt like the 100th time but still had hairs sticking out from all directions
- You would have let this madness continue but bro was using way too much hair gel would’ve ended up being a pain to you to wash it all out so you took over
- He felt bad about what he said before and got a voucher for you and d/n at your favorite hair dresser for a month
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haitaniapologist · 2 years
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pairings — pirate! hanma shuji x fem!reader.
genre — fluff, medium angst.
warnings — reader is the older sister of hinata and naoto, v*olence, pirate things, a bit of m*sogyny, soft s*x, c*rruption k*nk, enemies to lovers ish, plot twist at the end, a 5 year old kid and a 8 months old baby make an appearance, family problems, d*ddy issues, a br*astfeeding scene.
word counting — 9.1k
notes — eheheh it's finally here !!! it wasn't supposed to be this long, but i guess old habits die hard. also, the ending is kind linked to my other shuji's works, so give a look at my masterlist if you hadn't read them!!! also, this is a respost, since this app have something against me lmao.
my taglist form can be found at my nav !!
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he thought kidnapping one of his worst enemies' daughter was a good idea.
but if captain shuji hanma knew how much of a brat you, lady y/n tachibana, would be, he would've killed your father in the spotlight instead of seeking revenge on him. 
maybe he was even helping the high commander of the king's army by kidnapping you — your groans and sighs and short words were insufferable, but he couldn't just return you to your family. he wanted your father to suffer, your siblings and mother to weep over the thought of never seeing you again. 
he wanted to destroy the tachibana family, and if that meant needing to deal with you, he would endure your bratty ways.  
but your bitching was so, so infuriating. he wanted to put a tape on your mouth and never hear your voice ever again. it was irritating, and it made him want to pull his hair out of his scalp whenever you directed your attention to him — but what annoyed him the most was when you weren’t talking to him, using your sweet words to lure either keisuke or kazutora to pay attention to you instead of doing their work in the ship.
you were a siren, a siren surrounded by men ready to fall for her voice and trap. 
tetta advised him to kidnap your younger sister, hinata, but shuji knew it was only because of his infatuation to the youngest tachibana lady — in a time that his family was favored by the king, you, him and your sister were childhood friends. but hanma knew that the middle child wasn’t as treasured as the oldest one or the heir, in case you and naoto. but he couldn’t kidnap the heir, too, since your brother had the best guards around his room.
you were the best choice, even though you trashed and squirmed around his hold when he was tying up the ropes around your flimsy nightgown and waiting for chifuyu to take some lady things from your dressing table. hanma shuji could be a kidnapper, a murderer and a thief, but he knew that nobody in his crew had womanly clothes or whatever ladies like to use to pamper themselves. 
but if he knew you would look as amazing as you did wearing an old shirt that belonged to chifuyu, a red long skirt and your hair loose, without all the pompous hairstyles the ladies in the land were using, while flirting with his quartermaster, kazutora hanemiya, he would’ve kidnapped your brother. 
“oi, kazutora!” his screamed for his mate, almost hearing the twitch in tetta’s eye by being interrupted by his captain while he was trying to discuss plans. “could you assist baji in sailing? i don’t think the winds are good today.” 
he could hear, too, the roll of your eyes and pout, but if he needed to watch kazutora almost drooling at the sight of your tits, he would’ve more blood on his hands than necessary. 
“yes, captain!” he heard kazutora screaming back, watching him placing a kiss on your knuckles before running to where keisuke was. he needed to stop having such thoughts about you, but it seemed that your spell managed to hit him, too. hanma would die before admitting that he wanted to be the one you flirted with, because he knew the extent of your hatred towards him. and the captain couldn’t do much, because you were right.
he was the one who took you away from your family and the luxurious life you had. 
“you are hopeless.” he heard kisaki muttering, but his eyes were still glued to your form. you were now looking at the ocean, probably wondering how many miles away you were from land, and if your father’s men were now searching for you. hanma made sure that lord tachibana knew it was him who kidnapped his precious daughter, the future wife of lord wakasa. were you happy that he took you from the miserable life of marrying a man ten years older than you, that preferred to have whores at his side than a wife? 
he gave his first mate one of his signature smiles. “what? don’t tell me you’re feeling sorry for lady y/n.” shuji teased, knowing how much tetta wished it was your sister there rather than you. 
“you know very well lady hinata was the best choice.” 
“for who, my dear tetta? you or my vengeance?” shuji didn’t wait for the younger man to answer, starting to walk in your direction. plans would be discussed at dinner, while you were in your room sulking and not just a few meters away from where the captain and his second in command were. hanma knew you weren’t dumb, and when you were retrieved to the land, you shouldn’t know anything about his plans.
he was the most feared pirate of the seven seas, after all. 
you only wished for a few moments of peace, after all, but capitan shuji hanma would never let you have it. “sunshine!” you heard his voice and you instinctively rolled your eyes — it was almost natural for you to rest that way whenever he was close, but hanma didn't to be bothered by your reactions. 
“captain.” you said back, eyes trained in the horizon line. 
you wondered if your father, or even lord wakasa, sent their man to search for you in the sea — you doubt it, of course, since lord wakasa seemed to want to marry any whore but not you, and the fact that you were your father's least favorite child. you didn't resent your siblings, not at all, but in more nights than you could count you went to sleep with wet cheeks, praying that any god who was willing to listen to you, to make your father look down with the same gentle eyes he did to hinata and naoto. 
you felt his presence on your back, his arms caging you between his sturdy chest and the wood of his ship, your eyes now observing his hands — how sin and punishment were beautifully written in black ink, mixed with the pale green of his veins and the bloody red of his knuckles. you wondered if his hands seemed to be as warm as they looked to be, and you dreaded yourself for having such thoughts. 
shuji hanma was everything that you shouldn't desire, yet, he was the embodiment of everything you ever wanted.
but you know what you were to him. you knew that all the flirtatious words, the subtle touches and the winks during dinner time were just a part of his revenge against your father. maybe he just wanted to be the first man you laid with and break your heart, and then return you to your family — as a disgrace. 
your father would probably be overjoyed about such news, but you wouldn't be the one telling him that it would be better if he had kidnapped hinata. 
“today we’ll stop at a city.” the news didn’t make you excited. you wouldn’t leave the ship, of course. you may have more freedom than the prisoners that your father dealt with, not needing to use chains or ropes around your body, being able to walk around freely in the ship’s deck, but you were still one — your chains were invisible, but you could feel them around your body. “i’ll give the boys a free night. they deserve it, don’t you think?” you only nodded, trying not to flush because of the way his lips touched your neck when he told you the news. “we’ll have the ship all for ourselves.” 
that made you nervous. 
what should you expect from that? hanma had always been as respectful as he could be, but he was always under the watchful eye of tetta kisaki, a boy you knew from childhood until your father discovered his parents to be traitors of the crown. king shinichiro and his queen were always kinder than they should've been, and you remembered how your mother rushed into your room in tears to announce the news for you and hinata — how kisaki’s parents died in a carriage accident, and the boy was nowhere to be found. it was a surprise to find him as one of your kidnappers, but you could understand why he wanted revenge on your family. 
but he seemed to keep hanma in his shoes, and spending a whole night without him on the ship made you nervous. 
“aren’t you happy, sunshine?” he asked, putting emphasis on his nickname for you. it used to bother you a lot when you first found yourself inside his ship, but it now brought uninvited butterflies to your stomach. you hoped they could all die with the acid you knew was inside you, but they seemed to revive every time the captain got closer to you. “because i am.” he finished with a kiss to your right cheek, getting away from you with a happy trot, shouting orders to his subordinates. 
you didn’t dare look back to see his reactions, cheeks in flames as if he was prometheus and you were the first human to discover fire. 
you should not, and you would not, fall in love with him. 
night time arrived quicker than you would like, and it was quieter than normal, too. 
you thought that at least one of the boys would be staying. tetta, probably, since you were aware that he didn’t enjoy “mundane” things, such as drinking his ass off and returning to a tavern with a whore hanging by his arm. he never expressed such out loud, but by the way he asked about your little sister was proof enough that he harboured some feelings for her — you would’ve found that cute, but she was already betrothed to lord takemichi, and they were pretty much in love. you envied her in such a way. lord wakasa never batted an eye at you when your father and him were discussing your marriage, and never answered any of the letters you sent him in the beginning.
you sighed, passing a hand on your face to get rid of such thoughts. 
since no one was in the ship besides you and its captain, you knew it wouldn’t be a good idea to lock yourself in your room and only go out when you heard more voices. shuji had the key to your chambers — which used to belong to him, once — and he could enter the room as he liked. and you were hungry, too, and you heard kazutora saying he brought fresh bread and some vegetables from his first trip to the land. the captain wasn’t the best cook, but it was better than nothing. 
you found yourself making your way to the main deck, wearing only the nightgown they stole from your belongings, and a red blanket over your shoulders to protect your modesty and from preventing the wind from making you cold. it was some minutes past dinner time, and you found hanma exactly where you thought he was going to be — putting the table for both you, hair in a messy ponytail and wearing just plain clothing. 
“oh, so the princess finally decided to join me?” he asked in a mocking tone, and you were surprised at how quickly he managed to sense your presence. you knew he was the best pirate in the seven seas, hearing stories about how him and his ship always meant doom whenever they stopped at — but you never thought he would have supernatural abilities too. 
you scoffed. “i am no princess.” you stated, sitting comfortably in one of the two chairs the captain put on display. normally the table would be filled with chairs and laughter and hungry hands in search for food, but tonight it was only you two. it made everything seem more domestic, in a way, and you didn’t know if you liked it or not. 
he smirked, putting the food he cooked on the table. it seemed to be a soup of vegetables and meat, and it had a good scent coming from it. “you’re far more beautiful than princess emma, after all.” 
you cursed yourself for blushing from his words. “did you ever saw her to be speaking such nonsense?” you weren’t as close with the princess as your sister was, but she was kind enough to always spare some kind words in your direction and gift you with the most beautiful jewels and gowns you ever wore — sometimes you even missed them, but your time in the ship made you noticed how heavy they were, both physically and mentally. 
“of course.” he replied while you handed him your plate, watching as the soup filled the stolen ceramic from your house. it wasn’t just you who were stolen — the boys made sure to ravage your family’s state, bringing all kinds of objects, such as ceramics to gold, so they could sell whenever they stopped in a city. “you’re way more beautiful than her, i can assure you.” he winked in your direction, sitting at the end of the table, in your diagonal.
“you are lying.” it was only what you could say before shoving his soup in your mouth, ending the matter. 
hanma chuckled seeing your flustered state, eating calmly in comparison with you. “only if you could see yourself with my eyes, y/n.” you knew he only used your name when he was speaking seriously, and you averted your eyes to your food, not being able to hold the intensity of his gaze. it was the first time you were truly alone with him, without any of the boys surrounding you — without hanma being a captain, without the authority that always followed him like a lost puppy. he seemed different somehow, as if the light of the candle in the table and of the moon had a different effect on him. 
you decided to say nothing, earning a chuckle in return, and you both finished eating in silence. 
you helped the captain to clean the table, still getting used to performing household chores. as the daughter of a duke, you never needed to do anything, always with servants gushing over you and treating you as if you were made of glass — your time as a prisoner made you realize that you were stronger than you believed yourself to be, enjoying doing mundane tasks such as combing your own hair and helping the boys to make the meals.
after everything was cleaned, you found yourself sat again facing the captain of the valhalla ship, a cigarette hanging from his mouth and a set of cards on the table. “do you play?” he asked, his voice an octave lower, as if he was offering you the apple that eve ate. 
you just shook your head. your father would never allow you to learn such an activity — it was only for the men, he used to say. 
“do you want to learn? i’m not just the best captain of the seven seas, no. i’m also their best glamber.” you giggled at his dramatic ways, and shuji smiled at you — it was the first sincere smile he ever gave you, and you almost said he should smile more. it suited him, it made him look the age he was. 
but his smile was pretty as a devil’s one should be.
“i do.” you answered, and his smile grew wider. he always noticed how you would look at him and the boys whenever they were playing, and shuji wondered if someday you would break the ladylike shell society made you grow around yourself.
maybe today was that day, after all.
it was almost like the devils were rolling their dice now, trying to pinpoint exactly when you would give up and give yourself to the man in front of you, while the angels rolled their eyes, knowing they lost another pure soul to the temptations of one of the devil’s spawn. 
something changed in your relationship with the captain after that night when he taught you how to play cards, but you couldn't pinpoint what.
it seemed that you were more open to his touching, more open to his flirting — you found yourself spending all your "free" time on his company, his hands always in the small of your back or around your shoulders, as if he was claiming you as his to all the other boys in the ship. it was almost pleasant having someone wanting you that much, so pleasant that you even forgot that he was probably doing that just to return you back to your father not as a maiden anymore, pregnant with his bastard child and an empty promise of seeing him again. 
but even if he did that, you couldn't care less. 
shuji treated you as if you were the most precious gem he ever saw, and it was good — good to be wanted, good to be cared for, good to be heard. it was as if you became the queen of the ship, all the boys knowing that you were off limits now, and a friendship was the only thing they would be able to pursue with you. and they did, and you found on kazutora the friend you've always wanted while growing up.
you told him everything, even your feelings for hanma. it was relieving being able to tell every single thing you felt for the captain, your head resting on kazutora's lap while you poured your heart out. he only chuckled, stroking your hair. it was one of the times you managed to be without shuji trailing behind your skirts, but as soon as you heard his voice calling for you, you were on your feet, promising to kazutora that you would finish your rant after dinner. 
but you never did, because you were once again in shuji's company, laughing and smiling as if you were a little girl.
besides playing cards, the captain also taught you a lot of skills you would never dream of having before — such as fishing, shooting and even what parts of he body was better to kill a man. alongside that, you also grew into the role of the only woman in the ship, sewing the boys’ clothes, making sure they were eating well and drinking water, as well as learning how to cook some things that the ship’s cook didn’t know how to. 
however, as much as you liked to pretend your life was a field of fresh roses, the reality that you were just a tool for shuji to accomplish his revenge became a harsh reality. 
it was a warm night the day you decided to pry in the boys’ meeting. you were forbidden to participate — even if someone never expressed such a prohibition out loud, but just the fact they did the meetings when you were sleeping was enough for you — but as a curious person, you needed to know at least something. it would be easier than sneaking into one of your father’s meetings, as you just needed to leave your room and stay hidden behind a drinking water barrel. 
but you wished you had stayed there, with your imagination. 
at first, they only discussed pirate things — such as what lands to invade, where it was better to stop the ship and have a peaceful night, how they would divide the gold they’ve stolen from the last stop. until a curious question popped up. “do you think you are close to accomplishing your mission, captain?” tetta was the one who asked, and you had a feeling he knew that you were listening to their chat.
you could hear the confusion on hanma’s voice, almost. “why do you ask, tetta?” 
all the boys were silent, and you were sure they could hear how fast and loud your heart was beating inside your ribcage, waiting for hanma’s answer. “just wanted to know. i do not know when we will be able to stop at the kingdom again.” 
“that makes sense.” shuji answered, and you clutched the fabric of your nightgown. “hopefully soon, then. i think just some more weeks until y/n open her legs for me, then we can deliver her back to her father.” 
tears soon blurred your vision, and you bite down on your lip to stop the sobs that were threatening to escape your mouth. deep down, you knew that shuji would never love you like you loved him — his first love was the sea, and she would always have his heart intrinsically intertwined on her hands. you had lost that fight, and you wondered if that was something that you had chances of winning.
you tried to pretend you didn’t know anything, but it was difficult. you tried to put a bit of distance between you and him, but it wasn’t easy. hanma was always in your company, treating you as if he wasn’t just doing that so he could get revenge on your father for god’s knows why, and you needed to pretend your heart didn’t break even more every time he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. your only solace was kazutora’s friendship and the bit of peace you had at night. 
your days passed like that, until you kissed him. 
it wasn’t something you were expecting, only three days after you listened to the boys’ meeting. you thought he would wait a bit more to make his move on you, enjoying the gentlemanly way of “courting” you — you didn’t know his past, but it seemed that he had some influence of the aristocracy on his uprising, due the way he was treating you. it was bolder than the men you were used to, only gentle smiles and some gifts every time they visited. shuji, however, touched you freely, but always managed to have a small gift for you everyday. 
though he never expected to have the same knife he gifted you pressed against his throat. 
old habits die hard, but maybe he had teased you a little too much. he didn’t mean it when he called you “a spoiled papa’s little princess”, but that seemed to ignite inside you a fire he never saw before. your body was caged between his chest and the ship’s prow, wind messing your hair and eyes shining with a fierceness that seemed that you both were the most hated enemies. he wasn’t no better, with his gun pressed to your temple and a smirk on his lips — his gun wasn’t loaded, of course, but the pressure of the knife on his throat was making him pant with something he hasn’t felt in a while. 
desire. luxury.
“can’t handle a bit of teasing, sunshine?” he whispered against your lips, almost touching — but he wanted you to be the first one to give in, and, by your state you were really close to finally doing something he only dreamed about. if things were different and you weren’t a lady, you would already be on his bed, legs over his shoulders and his cock buried inside your cunt. 
you rolled your eyes, applying more pressure to the knife. you didn’t know what prompted you to react that way — maybe the thought of you actually not being treated amorously by your father as he hinted, or maybe the fact that it had been almost two months inside the ship and nobody went to look for you. kazutora told you that you had no ‘missing person’ poster on the streets, just a drawing of shuji labelled as a pirate and a thief. “you are insufferable.” 
“but you love it.” he replied quickly and you groaned, letting the knife fall from your grip so you could cup his face between your hands and press your lips to his. 
shuji didn’t hesitate a second to wrap his arms around your form, gun long forgotten on the ground alongside your knife, his hands squeezing and groping your skin, reading you as if you were a poem he wanted to memorize. the kiss was messy and desperate, as if your mouths were fighting each other, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. his taste was addicting, just like a drug, and you wondered if it wasn’t because of all the cigarettes he smoked when he was bored — but you couldn't get enough of him, and you wished the gods would make you and him become one person. 
but the spell was broken as soon as shuji broke the kiss, his mouth latching itself to your neck and his leg coming between your thighs. 
he had you exactly where he wanted, didn’t he? exactly where he needed to get his revenge on your father. at first, you thought you didn’t care if he managed to have what he wanted and leave you in the dirty — but now? now that your feelings for him were so much deeper and stronger than when you first had such a thought? now that you were so used to living on a ship, that you were sure you couldn’t ever be the lady of the household again? 
now that you couldn’t phantom the idea of living without shuji at your side, even if you knew he didn’t love you? 
you snapped from your thoughts when he bit hard on your neck, something you knew it would leave a bruise on. you weren’t as strong as him, but just a faint push from your hands made him take a few steps from you, a dejected puppy look on his face. “y/n?” he asked, voice small, as soon as he saw the tears in your eyes. 
but deep down, he knew what it was. 
you still had a prejudiced vision of him. you couldn’t believe that shuji was doing that because he loved you, but because of his revenge — which was the least thing inside his mind, now. what would be the best revenge for your father than making you his wife and happy at his side? not returning you pregnant to the kingdom anymore, but having you pregnant with him now, raising a small child at his side and exploring the seas.
he thought he had given you all the signs to show how serious he was about you, but maybe it wasn’t enough. would he ever be enough for you? probably not, as he was no fancy lord, but he still could dream of being happy at your side. 
“i will not let you use me for your sick revenge against my father.” was what you said before you stormed off, going down to your chambers. he couldn’t follow you there, because you would never open the door for him again, and hanma never felt his heart so heavy before — was that the pain of heartbreak? it was too much, as if he had a beast inside his guts from inside out. 
but how did you know he was — really was, because he had dropped such an idea as soon as he saw himself thinking about you more than he should have — trying to use you against your father? was it too obvious? 
but just by looking at tetta’s eyes, he knew what happened. 
he kicked the wood before him, cursing in pain, both physically and mentally. what was he supposed to do? shuji never felt such strong feelings towards someone as the one he held for you, and he was lost. he never loved someone like he loved, only used to fuck and leave the whores in their brothels, or the low-born ladies in their houses, and never thinking about them again. it was so easier before — he was a man married to the sea first, he could never allow himself to get attached to someone who could never think about living in the sea in the first place. but you were getting used to it, and he thought… 
shuji really thought you were the one. 
but he was the one to blame for everything, and now he didn’t know what to do to fix his own mistakes. 
you stayed locked in your room all day. 
even though your stomach was rumbling with hunger, you didn’t have the strength to leave the four walls that protected you even more from heartbreak. it was foolish and you knew that, because in some moment you would need to face the harsh reality of your foolishness, but you preferred to ignore your own health than to face shuji again. 
every time you thought about leaving your room, not hearing any footsteps or voices near the room’s corridor,you heard his voice — softly pleading that you left your room, because you needed to eat and maybe you two could talk. you didn’t even need to look at him, he said after a while, just accept the food he made for you. but shuji was met with silence and the faint sound of your sobs, of course, because you didn’t know if you would ever be able to look at him again without feeling the most painful pain you ever did in your life.
it was something ugly and blue, something that you never found describe in the romance books you once read — it was tearing apart your heart in paper cuts, as if shuji was using the knife he gave you to make them on you. 
you didn’t know how many hours you spent crying, or how you did manage to sleep through your tears, but you woke up hearing gunshots and screams above you. tetta and shuji, and even kazutora, always told you that you should stay in your chambers whenever they were under attack — even if that never happened in your almost six months time in the ship — but what the enemies were screaming got your attention. 
“lord masato tachibana is ordering the return of all his stolen property or your head, captain hanma!” 
masato tachibana was your father. were their men there to rescue you, too? 
you should try your luck. you would never be able to live happily now, not after having the biggest heartbreak someone could have, but everything was better than to live seeing hanma and knowing what he wanted to do with you. maybe you could even find happiness with lord wakasa, a man that you didn’t love and could never — because he didn’t have black and blond hair and amber eyes, and his name wasn’t shuji hanma. 
but it was better than to have to look at his amber eyes and know the love in them was just a lie. 
the ship was shaking from the battle and from the pouring rain that was cursing such a situation, but you still managed to climb to the deck, eyes scanning the battle in front of you. the boys were fiercely fighting against your father’s men, sword against sword, sometimes a gun there. curses were being shot by both parties, and you noticed that baji was bleeding on your stomach area. even though you were worried about him, your eyes quickly scanned once more the deck, finding hanma fighting a man you knew very well who he was — one of your father's most trusted advisors, lord rintaro. 
you knew it would be difficult to reach them, but you could try — what harm could happen if you treated something that was once heaven to you, for hell? 
“lord rintaro!” you screamed from where you were, gaining the attention of those who were close to you. they stopped fighting, recognizing you even though you were soaking wet. “it is me, lady y/n!” you noticed how hanma froze in his place, eyes pleading for you to shut up and return to your chambers. but he didn’t have such a right anymore, not when the only thing he could think about was using you. 
you rushed to where they were, trying to avoid the still fighting men as best as you could. you received a few cuts and slaps, but you didn’t care — rintato and shuji were still fighting, but it seemed like hanma had lost his spark. when your eyes first landed on him, he was fighting like you always heard him to be: skilled and dangerous, his movements always a surprise to his opponent. but now, it seemed as if he had given up, and your heart almost broke in half again seeing your father’s advisor managing to stab him on his shoulder.
shuji fell on the ground exactly when you arrived where he was. that was it, he thought, that would be the last time he would ever see you. he was ready to die — he couldn't bear the idea of you marrying a man that didn’t love like he did, bear the thought of never seeing you again. his plan had backfired, after all. 
your father managed to make his life even more miserable. 
“lord rintaro!” you pleaded, putting your body in front of him and the older man. “do not hurt him even more. he might have kidnapped me, but captain hanma was always kind to me.” how could you still be like that? shuji expected you to order his death as soon as you had the opportunity, but you still pleaded for his life. 
but the lord just sneered. “why would i listen to a bastard’s words?” he spat, and you froze in your place, hearting falling to your stomach. what was he saying? “the captain here did a favor to lord masato, getting rid of his wife’s bastard and, for that, he asked me to give him a peaceful death.” 
that couldn't be true, could it? lord rintaro was just making up lies, lies for making it easier for you the fact that your father didn’t want you back — but, if you thought about your childhood and the way your father treated you, it made sense. you didn’t look like him or even like your mother, like naoto and hinata, and she always said that you resembled your great-grandmother. you never paid much attention to that, because not looking like them never bothered you, but your siblings were always more loved than you, by both parents. you didn't have the prestige an older sister was supposed to have in your family, such things always destined to hinata, and your needs were always pushed back. even your marriage proposal was something chosen to humiliate you. 
you never tried to understand why, but it now made sense. your whole life was a lie, and you didn’t know what hurt the most — the fact that your family wasn’t your family, or the fact that you weren’t loved by your parents because of something that wasn’t your fault. 
while you dwelled in your thoughts, you didn’t notice lord rintaro taking his gun from his belt, only noticing the gravity of the situation when its barrel was pressed against your forehead. “we were never here to rescue you, foolish woman.” he explained, a sinister smile on his face. the rain made it difficult for you to hear or see what was happening around you, but at least you would die surrounded by people that cared for you. “i will be granted with the highest honors by killing such a disgrace as you. he gave you a sinister smile. “or i can make you my personal whore, what do you think, captain?” he put pressure on the gun’s barrel, the act bringing you back to reality once more.  
you whimpered, closing your eyes, accepting your death with open arms — it was the best option. what was there for you to have now? you didn’t have a family anymore, the man you loved only wanted to use you as a tool, and now you weren’t even useful to him. 
maybe it was better to die. 
you heard a gunshot and you opened your eyes, seeing the blood coming from rintaro’s head. you burst into tears, shuji’s arms around your form as soon as the first tear fell down your cheeks, his voice screaming instructions to his men. you just stood there, limp around his warmth, feeling his blood staining your blouse until he held your face between his hands. 
shuji’s heart broke even more seeing the emptiness of your eyes. but before he could say anything to soothe your pain, your hands gripped his forearms. “you are hurt.” it’s what you said, tugging him to follow you. 
and he did, not before spatting at the man you called rintaro. 
shuji didn't know how you managed to bring him to your chambers, with all the fighting still going up on the deck. he ordered the boys to kill every single one of your father's men and then take everything of value from their ship, before sinking it. everyone was up and well, despite some blood stains his eyes managed to see through the pouring rain. 
it was almost like he blinked and he was inside the safety of the room that once belonged to him, your smaller hands pushing him to sit on the bed, despite the fact he was drenched and would wet the mattress and the blankets. he watched your form while you took the few medical supplies you had — the ship would need to stop at a city so he could get proper treatment, but you learned some things that could be useful. 
“can you take your shirt off, captain?” it hurt not being called by his given name, or even surname by you, but he thought he deserved that. he would miss your honey dripping voice calling his name so beautifully, as if by just muttering some syllables you were the salvation he always desired. but because of him your life did a 180 degrees turn, and for the worst, so he would never blame you if you could never call him that again. even not in his wildest dreams he would imagine that you were a bastard, and not the firstborn child of lord and lady tachibana. 
but that didn't change anything. shuji's heart would always beat for you, and only for you. 
he nodded, opening the last buttons of his white shirt, wincing when the fabric was lifted from his skin, and he could see the worry shining on your eyes. it was better than the empty look they carried when that lord gave you the news about your true heritage — hanma would do anything to not see such a thing in your eyes again. they were always full of life and kindness, a contrast with his own amber pair. 
as soon as he discarded his shirt on the floor, you started your work, soft hands pouring alcohol on his skin and cleaning the wound. 
but shuji could tell that you were doing everything you could to not break in tears and sobs. 
he encircled one of his arms around your waist, bringing your body closer to his, resting his head on your chest. it was the closest of a hug he could give you at the moment. “it’s alright, sunshine. you can cry around me.” he tried to console you, but he never knew such a thing. his parents were taken away from him too quickly, yes, but they were still his parents. he could never imagine that his father wasn't his own father, that his siblings weren’t his full siblings.
“i do not want to cry for something that was never my fault.” you replied, softly, voice not above a whisper. your hands were still treating his wound, cleaning and applying pressure to make sure the bleeding would stop. shuji hummed, and it was what you needed to let some tears fall from your eyes. he seemed to notice the slight shake of your body, embracing you even harder, free hand rubbing soothing circles on the small of your back. you head fell into his hair, and you closed your eyes. 
he didn’t urge you to say anything, respecting your time. 
“i am… i am so a-angry, shuji.” you managed to say through sobs, lifting your head from his hair to not soak it even more. you found his amber eyes already looking at you. “my father treated me horribly.” you admitted, finishing tieing a cloth around his shoulder. it was the best you could make before he visited a doctor. as soon as his right arm was free, he wrapped it around your middle, bringing you to rest on his lap. it was the most intimate you have been with a man, especially one who was shirtless, but you weren’t a lady anymore — you didn’t need to have any scruples. “i never understood why. my sis— hinata, she was always the apple of his eye. always getting the best things, the best opportunities. she was a better option to kidnap than me.” you tried to smile at him, but shuji could see all the pain you always carried with yourself. 
he shook his head in denial. “no, never. she would be the best option for tetta, but for me?” punishment came to rest on your jaw, holding it so he could look at your glossy eyes. “i always knew you were the best. the best for me, sunshine.” 
shuji smirked when he noticed the way your eyes travelled to his lips then to his eyes again, but before he could claim what was his once more, it seemed that you had more to speak. “you will not be able to achieve your revenge using me, shuji. you did lord masato a favor for kidnapping his wife’s bastard.” just by the way that you know spoke so lowly of yourself, shuji knew his revenge had changed. he would kill the one you once called father, and he didn’t care for the consequences. 
“i’ve given up on such an idea as soon as you smiled at me, princess.” he admitted, chuckling when your eyes widened. “you heard tetta’s question in the last meeting, didn’t you?” you sheepishly nodded, trying to avert your eyes to anywhere but him, but hanma’s hand on your jaw didn’t let you look at anything else. “i can guarantee you that i didn’t want to do it anymore. use you, i mean, because the revenge plan will have some modifications now.” he stroked your cheek while you nodded and he thought it was his cue to kiss you, but as soon as he ducked his head to get closer to yours, you put a finger on his lips. 
shuji groaned while you giggled. 
“but why? why do you want revenge on the tachibanas?” 
it was a question that troubled you since he kidnapped you for the first time, but if he wasn’t comfortable saying his reasons now, you would respect him. revenge was something that always had ulterior motives, and you knew it wasn’t just because your father deemed shuji and the valhalla crew as traitors of the kingdom — his revenge had roots deeper than that, and you knew just by the ways he used to achieve it.
“your father— i mean, lord masato, killed my parents. as well as tetta’s, too.” he confessed, punishment letting go of your jaw so he could nuzzle his face on the crook of your neck. they were painful memories, memories that he wished he never needed to go through. your hand soon found his hair. “my father was a rising knight, a good friend of king makoto.” you have all your answers now. you knew how lord masato did everything in his reach to achieve what he wanted — killing someone was the least that you knew he was capable of. 
“i am sorry, shuji.” 
he had cried all his tears when he was just a little boy, but your kind words and hands on his hair was enough to bring a few more to his eyes. it was a sensation that he hadn’t felt in so long, the burning and itching in his eyes — he even used to joke about how his tear ducts were broken and dry, now. but he knew he wasn’t just crying because of his parents, far from it. 
shuji thought you were going to leave him, and he couldn��t think of such an immeasurable pain as that. 
he felt your lips kissing the crown of his head and he let out a breathy laugh. “if… if that man was there to take you back to your family, would you say yes?” he knew the answer — of course you would say yes, especially after what transpired between you two in the morning. 
“i do not know.” you answered, hands find their place to rest on his shoulders, bringing him impossibly closer. “i just know that i would be miserable without you. you broke my heart, shuji, but it’s still yours.” you confessed and he lifted his head, looking at you with big and glossy golden eyes. he looked like a puppy, a dejected puppy that was searching for someone to take him. “and i do not think i am still suitable to be a lady of a household. the sea welcomed me like no one else did.” 
the smile he gave you could rival the stars that shined in the sky when the moon decided to grace the earth, and you were so lucky — because that smile was for you. 
“what would you say if we stopped at the nearest city and i find a priest to marry us?” 
you felt your cheeks heating up. “first you need to find a doctor, because i will not marry a man that can die from a wound that easily.” you giggled when he pouted, softly pressing your lips against his. but hanma was a wild card and you knew it, and despite an injured shoulder, he managed to put under him on the mattress, hovering over you with a boyish grin on his face.
“are you saying you’ll marry me, then?” he asked, eyes shimmering with hope and love — and lust too, as far as you could tell. you were still soaked, white shirt now not hiding anything from his hungry eyes. his wandering hand grazed over one of your nipples, touch as soft as a ghost, and you whimpered. “what do you say, sunshine? i’ll only continue depending on your answer.”
“gods above, shuji. do you think i would say no? i have always been yours. ” you replied, hands bringing him closer to your face so you could kiss him. you felt him smirking, sin — the hand on the side that was hurt — already undoing the buttons of your blouse. 
as soon as your chest was exposed to him you felt the urge to cover yourself, shame already dancing inside your mind. what if that was still his plan? what if the fact that you were a bastard didn’t change anything? he could send you back to your family either way, because nobody, except lord masato and your mother, knew about your true heritage. but his words soothed all the poisoned thoughts in your head. “are you sure you want to do this, princess? we’ll be married by tomorrow night, i can wait.” 
you could wait as well, but the unfamiliar ache between your legs and the desire to be his in ways nobody else was, spoke louder. “please, shuji.” you whispered against his lips, pressing butterfly kisses to his cheekbones. “make me yours now.” 
it was all he needed to hear. as soon as the last syllable left your lips his head travelled south, pressing kisses and sucking in your untouched skin — the thought of being the first to see you like that made shuji’s cock heavier inside his pants, but he wanted to take his time with you before indulging on his desires. 
and he did. oh, how he did. 
he coaxed orgasm after orgasm from you, first using his fingers and then his tongue. by the time he buried his cock inside your warm cunt, you were already a babbling and drooling mess because of him. shuji tried to be slow and soft with you, trying to be considerate because that was your first time being so intimate with a man, and it was the best choice he had — he was used to being rough and fast with the whores he had slept with before, and he never knew what he was missing from having such an intimate moment with someone he loved. the soft praises, the touches of your shaking hands, the pleasure dancing in your eyes. he would murder everyone with two walking legs if another person saw you like that, if your loving hands touched another person as you were doing with him. 
shuji finished the night filling your womb with his cum twice, despite his aching shoulder — but he couldn’t stop himself. not when you asked so nicely if he could finish inside you, or how good your walls were sucking him up. your cunt was the best his cock had ever experienced, and he knew you had ruined him for anyone else.
as if he would need them now. 
he cleaned you up as best as he could, not used to after care, making sure to change the blankets of the mattress, lighting the fire inside the room and changing your clothes. as much as he wanted to cuddle you until you both fell asleep together, he still had his duties as a captain to fulfill — he needed to see if his boys were alright, and what treasures they would have after plunder lord masato’s ship. 
shuji left with a kiss on your forehead and the promise of coming back to your arms as soon as he could. 
despite your sleepy foggy brain, you still could hear the boys’ cheers when he told them the news of your marriage. 
“that’s how mama and papa met, sweetheart.” you finished the story with a smile, your daughter jumping in your lap as soon as the words left your lips. 
shinobu glanced at you with her big blue-green eyes, a puzzled look on her face. “mama, this doesn’t make sense.” she said accusatively, her small arms gripping your shirt. “papa isn’t a pirate, and you don’t have a sister! where was uncle chifuyu in the story?” she pouted at the absence of her dear uncle on her bedtime story, and you controlled yourself to not squeeze her. 
but you could never tell her how you and shuji met. it wasn’t a beautiful story — you had lost your first love two months before, still grieving about his premature death when you first found sitting in the stairs of a church in the last hours of christmas. someday she would know the truth, she would know why her mama had a photo of her, her uncle and an unfamiliar man on her bedside, why she was always sad on halloween. but not at five years old. 
“who said papa wasn’t a pirate, shin?” you teased her, kissing her cheeks before picking her up from the ground. “and as for mama’s family in the story, don’t worry, okay? they aren’t real.” they were, of course, but your daughter also didn’t need to know that they were one of your best friends and her brother, both now dead, alongside her father. it was purely for the love story you were telling her — because you didn’t know if you could portray your relationship with your brother without bursting into tears. 
mikey was dead, yes, but that won’t ever ease the pain in your chest, the emptiness you felt whenever you remembered you were a big sister without a little brother. 
you tucked your daughter under her blankets, whispering a song that your mother used to sing to you and chifuyu whenever you two were giving her a hard time going to sleep, watching as she fought with sleep. you almost giggled at how she was doing everything to not close her eyes, but shinobu gave up as soon as your hand started to caress her black and blonde locks — a courtesy of her father, who bleached her hair when she was just four and never asked yo go back to her natural color —, eyes closing at the same time you gave her a forehead kiss. 
you stayed a few more minutes watching her sleeping form, leaving her room as silently as you could. 
you smiled hearing the faint sound of your favorite music playing down the hall, walking towards your son’s room. 
you opened the door, poking your head inside it, your smile growing bigger at the same time you acknowledge what was happening — a shirtless shuji was in the middle of the room, holding his eight-month-old son while he danced with him at the tune of your favorite song, punishment rubbing circles on the little boy’s back. it seemed that chifuyu had the same problem as his older sister, always fighting with sleep. you could see he was tired, but the giggles leaving his mouth were still loud and lively. 
“look who’s here!” shuji exclaimed, turning his body towards your direction. chifuyu started to make grabby hands as soon as he noticed his mama was inside his room, and you promptly picked him up, nuzzling his small body on your chest, while shuji’s arms encircled your waist. 
he kissed your cheek tenderly, rocking you back and forth, to see this action could make his son sleep. “i think he’s hungry.” you whispered, putting the strap of your nightgown down and freeing one of your breasts to feed your youngest son. 
shuji watched with loving eyes the scene in front of him, pressing soft kisses to your skin while chifuyu finished his midnight snack. as soon as he burped, the little boy was already fast asleep in your arms. “i can do everything for him, but unfortunately i can’t give him milk from my boobs.” you giggled as you passed your son to his dad’s arms, adjusting your nightgown back to its place. 
you and shuji kissed chifuyu’s forehead before closing the door of his room. 
“a pirate, huh?” your husband teased you, his hands back again at your waist and his head nuzzled on the crook of your neck while you tried to walk to your shared room with him. 
“you were listening to shin’s bedtime story?” you asked, dumbfounded, wigrilling away from his touch. 
shuji chuckled. “you are always so creative. this one was my favorite, princess.” 
you groaned, dodging his arms that were trying to hold you once more. you weren’t embarrassed, but sometimes you didn’t want to hear the stories you came up with to make shinobu entertained before sleep graced her. you and shuji had been king and maid, mermaid and prince, and now lady and pirate. it was hard having an imperative five-year-old in your home. 
“oh?” you asked, allowing your husband’s warmth to engulf you. “think you can make me feel the pleasure lady y/n had when she and captain shuji had their first time together?” you teased, kissing his jaw silently. 
shuji only smirked. “you don't need to ask, princess.”
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kit-williams · 6 months
40k and D&D crossover Lion El'Jonson
Let's start off in order with Lion El'Jonson Will probably be just as disjointed and chaotic as the initial post
After splitting off from his brothers became a wandering mercenary/sell sword as he did not find exactly a place to call his own
Has a fey horse with 6 legs that can carry his weight
Magnus gave his brother rings to hide their true size but they are all still 7ft to 8ft tall (this is a plot point I'm going back and forth on as a bunch of 9ft tall men wouldn't be super out of place but I also know like Vulcan and Magnus are some of the taller ones) ((Feedback on this would be great))
Eventually the man ends up looking like his current 40k self (I really like the facial hair)
He is still secretive and only slightly less taciturn
After meeting his wife he is slightly less secretive and taciturn with his brothers and really only opens up to her.
He ends up working for a right bastard of a man but the pay is good and his reputation continues to grow and well no one else can seem to pay him off to switch sides.
This is where he eventually meets his wife. Gloria (Her name is up for debate as Gloria will either be her name or Konrad's wife's name.)
Gloria is a handmaiden of the lord, but her position was less than desirable as she was a bedwarmer for the lord. But she likes to call herself a hand maiden to have some dignity.
She was directed to help Ser Lion/Ser Jonson with anything that he needed which the noble figured would be "companionship"
Lion enjoyed Gloria's company as the way she dressed and spoke reminded him of Caliban maidens.
She eventually came clean with what she was after she felt like Ser Lion should not embarrass himself by calling a glorified whore "little dove"
"Lady Gloria I care little of what you are for others but to me you are my 'little dove' ." The words rumbled out of his chest smoothly. "Do not try to impress me with your acts of chivalry Ser Lion. I need not your pity!" Gloria snaps back, hot tears in her eyes. "Little Dove," He rumbled as he leaned down to be eye level with her, "I would not be talking this much if I felt only pity or just pure lust."
Has played enough political games to figure out who is given as a reward and who isn't; Of course he still felt insulted that this poor woman had basically been thrown at him for him to use.
However... Lion El'Jonson wasn't exactly complaining either
Eventually gets fed up with the Liege lord he is serving and decides to part ways but because of his tryst with Gloria he refuses to leave her behind
One evening when he is going to leave he jumps down, in full armor, onto the balcony of her room as he requested her and she was getting ready. This is also more impressive as he landed silently. He tells her to gather her things and that they were leaving. He wasn't going to leave his dove behind.
Had to kiss her after he grabbed her and lept from the balcony to keep her from screaming and alerting the whole castle to their escape.
Him and Gloria have 4 children Eldest son Luthor El'Jonson (this is the son we will follow) Eldest daughter Isolda El'Jonson Second daughter Gwendolyn El'Jonson Youngest son Asmodai El'Jonson
He will call his sons his squires and his daughters princesses
He adores her wit and the way she gets a crude mouth when he pushes her buttons showing that she was not a noblewoman at all and just trained to be what she is.
Seduced his wife with less than knightly flirtations
My man will most certainly get pussydrunk
He is very much touch starved and affection starved (Like most of the Primarchs)
Will get emotional the first few times with her as she also made him feel loved
Gloria has scars on her arms and back from times others felt she was too mouthy and punished her. She just has a bad habit of having to have the last word or to add her own comment to a situation and it's bitten her in the ass, Lion enjoys it as she is respectful but still willful.
He loves his wife as besides being a guide for him in this new place she is something for him to pour all of his attention into as he's never had a woman and him just being a fragment of a full soul allows him to explore his desires.
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quobber · 2 years
Gweter ABCs 😧
A - Attractive (What do they find attractive about each other?)
Everything. Every. Thing. But if they *had* to choose, Gwen loves Peter’s eyes. She’ll often zone out when he’s talking because she’s just staring into his eyes. Peter loves Gwen’s hands. How soft they are, how delicate. He loves holding her hand and will do it whenever he can.
B - Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Maybe one day. Peter wants a daughter, Gwen wants a son. They’re a bit worried that the spider dna will pass onto their kid(s.) Plus with all the villains it would just put a huge target on their back. So for now they’re okay just the two of them.
C - Cuddles (How do they cuddle?)
Usually facing each other, foreheads resting together. Or Gwen lays on Peter’s chest. They don’t spoon that much, but its a 50/50 who’s big spoon and who’s little spoon.
D - Dreams (What do they hope for in the future?)
To just have a normal life. They just want to grow old together and not have to worry about the villains.
E - Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
Both of them are really stubborn (see F - Fights), so they’re both pretty dominant in the relationship. Peter gives in more than Gwen.
F - Fights (What do they fight about? How do they react?)
Like I said, they’re both so stubborn. Both of them refuse to change their view on something and it leads to an argument. It doesn’t really happen that often though, they know each other enough to tell when the other is getting upset and they step away.
G - Gentle (Are they gentle?)
Both of them are. Soft kisses, hand holding, cuddling, its all very gentle.
H - Hands (How do they express themselves through touch?)
If Peter gets nervous (which is often) he takes Gwen’s hand and rubs circles on it with his thumb. Just a little thing that helps calm his nerves. He’s also very physically affectionate, hugging her and kissing her every chance he gets.
I - Insecurity (What are they insecure about?)
Peter’s very insecure about everything in general, he gets embarrassed easily. Mostly his personality though. He thinks he’s a loser or he isn’t cool.
Gwen’s insecure about her work. She’s really scared of not being smart enough or not doing well.
J - Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Peter gets jealous really easily, yes. Gwen does too but not as much.
K - Kiss (How do they like to kiss each other?)
They kiss a lot. Nothing too nsfw just kind of slow kissing. Peter kisses Gwen on the head a lot
L - Love (When did they know they were in love?)
Peter- When Gwen asked his name in class
Gwen- When Peter kissed her on the roof
M - Memory (What are their favorite memories of each other?)
Peter’s favourite memory of Gwen is the whole chocolate house thing. He thought it was adorable. Still talks about it.
Gwen’s favourite memory of Peter is the “I love you” bridge and his speech to her after.
N - Nicknames (What do they call each other?)
Peter’s nicknames for Gwen- Gwendy, honey, love, pretty lady, gorgeous, sometimes baby
Gwen’s nicknames for Peter- Bug boy, Pete, Spidey
O - Ode (Do they have a way with words?)
Peter does sometimes. Because there’s the bridge scene where he’s just flowing poetry and the sweetest things you’ve ever heard. But also when he first asked Gwen out it was so bad.
Gwen’s very well-spoken, she only ever gets flustered and stumbles over her words around Peter.
P - PDA (Are they upfront about their relationship? Or are they rather shy when others are watching?)
In public they hold hands, maybe a quick kiss. They’re openly a couple but aren’t super touchy in public.
Q - Quirks (What random habit or ability do they have that makes the relationship better?)
webs. 😛
R - Romance (Are they a hopeless romantic? Are their romantic gestures creative or cliche?)
all of the above. Peter does more romantic gestures than Gwen, he just constantly wants to remind her how much he loves her.
S - Sad (What do they do when their partner cries?)
Peter lets Gwen cry, he doesn’t try to push her to calm down. He’ll hold her and wipe her tears and kiss her and just tell her that it’s gonna be okay, that he’s here for her, and most of all he loves her.
Gwen holds Peter’s hand and talks him through it. Peter gets really worried and worked up, Gwen helps him through the anxiety. She reminds him that she’s there and everything’s okay. She’ll also run her hand through his hair.
T - Thrill (Do they like to try new things in the relationship or stick to a routine?)
There is no routine in their relationship. So yeah, they’ll try new things.
U - Understanding (Are they empathetic, or do they have trouble figuring each other out?)
They’re mostly understanding, but two things stick out. For Peter, it’s why Gwen works so much. He doesn’t understand it. And for Gwen it’s how Peter worries all the time. She comforts him through it and never gets upset, but she just doesn’t understand why he’s so worried. All. The. Time.
V - Vaunt (Is there anything they’re proud of that drives the other crazy?)
Not really? Gwen still teases Peter about being second at midtown tho
X - XXX (How often do they have sex? Are they kinky or vanilla?)
They have sex maybe once a week? Sometimes more. But with how much Gwen works and Peter patrolling at night it’s hard to find time. And they’re not vanilla.
Y - Yearning (How do they deal with being apart from each other?)
They talk on the phone all the time. And look at pictures of each other.
Z - Zeal (What lengths are they willing to go to for their relationship?)
They will go to the ends of the earth for each other. Literally. There is nothing they won’t do for each other.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you 🙂 how has your day been?
Have you ever made Nutella French toast rolls? Nutella is so good, I'd eat it alone haha.
Are you not good with abandonment or being left alone? Or is that in a sense of being in a relationship and your person just leaves you.. my number 1 fear is getting amnesia or dementia. I also have a fear of ladybugs. Haha.
To clean myself definitely a shower. And its not weird, totally understand you. I hate seeing the dirty water when taking a bath.. its so weird and I know what you mean by the slimy feeling haha I waste more water cause I take a longer shower after a bath. I do like bubble baths though. But the water has to be like really really hot.
What is a strange habit that you have?
Also do you have kids? Plan of having kids?
Hello you curious one. hahaha.
How are you? My day has been okay but cold. The temperature dropped 25 degrees cooler than yesterday. It has been 40ish degree the whole day and raining. right now is 35 degree and it will reach to 24 tonight. it's cold but I love it. :D
well, is not that I'm not good in abandonment or being left alone. If I'm forced to be left alone, I will eventually survive. I meant, I'm scared if the people I love will leave me and I end up alone. This includes romantic partner, families and friends.
Both my mom and my dad ends up having dementia before they died, it wasn't severe but it was significant. U r afraid of ladybugs? I'm not an insect person but i think lady bugs are cute. why are u affaid of them?
Ah yeah, I'm with you. I'm like that too with shower. I dont mind to be in a hot tub jacuzzi if I wear bathing suit though.
Strange habits, I can't really think of them right now but I do know I have quite a few strange habits. The only things I can think of right now is whenever I give someone a hug, my hand always give their back 3 pats. Whenever I eat a burrito, I always open it, eat the inside first and then eat some of the tortilla after that. Whenever I eat sandwiches/burgers, I only eat half of it n then I will eat the rest half of the meat and I'm done. what about u?
I have 2,5 year old daughter. :) are you planning on having kids.
0 notes
kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
So I thought this would be fun—headcanons for the ASSASSINS with S/Os who are their personality match? Like an S/O who has a similar personality, similar interests, similar habits.
A l t a ï r :
He couldn't stand you at first
I mean you were just so arrogant
Always one-upping him in everything you did
He could have sworn that Malik paired you with him because he knew just how much he would hate you
Until you both realised that you equally hated how much the bureau master wanted to exhort his authority over you
And so you began bonding by teasing him together
It was the first thing you realised that you had in common
And from there you began getting along much better, enjoying your shared company and missions and training
Seriously, no one had ever seen the guy spend so much time with another person before
And honestly it was because he felt like you understood him in a way that no one else could and it only made the two of you grow as people together
E z i o :
The two of you met in Venice, you were a thief alongside Rosa
And Ezio was the only man you'd ever met who didn't either freeze up or slobber over how much of a flirt you could be because he was no different to you
You both had a drive for motivation and a passion for justice that made you join him in his quest to avenge his family
It boiled your blood to know that people were walking around, living free of the consequences that had ruined this young man's life
So you were even more driven when your eyes were opened to the bigger picture about what the Templars' plans for the world were
The two of you were big lovers of art and you found your little hobby of sketching led to books full of this man's face
Which was what really made you realise that you were in love with him
From then on, you took every opportunity to touch him, craving that closeness
And he was a physical man himself so as the touches grew more frequent and more intimate, you one day realised that you had taken to casually calling each other 'lover'
You couldn't pin point exactly when but it made you smile to yourself as you tilted your chin upwards from his shoulder, snuggling closer to him in bed
E d w a r d :
Oh, how you had caught his eye the moment he saw you
Knocking out a guy in a tavern, that is
Yes, you were far from the lady-like sort that he was used to back in Britain or the sultry sort of the courtesans who he often shared company with
But you were fierce and that's what won him
You were a captain yourself and, shockingly, not alongside a husband
You were as charismatic and liked as him (also as hated by your enemies)
You had similar ideas about the world: you didn't like authority and so he liked that you didn't impose yours over his
You hardly ever disagreed but when you did it would always go from drunken shouting to sleepless nights
The two of you had big dreams for gold and glory and found that it was most important for you to stay together, considering how many people you had left behind in your blind ambition in the past
It made you both grow together and learn to value who you had in your lives, especially when it came to each other
C o n n o r :
You were the daughter of one of the last generation of colonial assassins and had been studying under Achilles who had felt obliged to take you as his ward when you wound up on his doorstep
And when Connor came along, it was your convincing that made him take the boy in for training too
Your friendship had began with a slow start
Seriously, the two of you hardly ever spoke to anyone, each other included
But growing closer seemed inevitable with how much time you spent together
You both adored the outdoors and it was there that you finally began talking, sharing each others' stories
Sharing such hardships made you trust each other more and soon enough, he was knocking on your bedroom door whenever nightmares came about to haunt him
You would sit up with him for hours (even if Achilles would scold you for complaining you were tired the next morning)
Neither of you were the touchy type but it began to come naturally after you would reach out to hold his hands when the nightmares, always the same, became wordless stories
The both of you were loyal to a fault and never shared a single secret nor betrayed your word to one another
You'd remained there to hold him close in the night following his father's death too
A r n o :
You were the same, sure, but you had grown into that personality long before he did
In that sense, you had seen a lot of yourself in him when Pierre brought the young man before the council
So you'd been his guide through the pain of being framed for killing the man who had been like a second father to him
Oh and he couldn't wait to spend as much time as possible with you when he found out that the two of you adored art more than any renowned collector
Seriously, architecture and all of it
Pierre banned you from Arno's outdoor training missions because all the two of you ever spoke about was which buildings suited your tastes and which didn't
You watched him grow into a man and mature in his mind as you did while his work exposed his eyes and mind to the world around him, the political mess that it was at that time
Eventually, he lost the taste for gambling and running around as he once did in Versailles and instead came to long for the evenings spent with you pouring over old plays and volumes of renaissance art
The two of you even tried composing music together
It didn't go very well but you tried and after that stuck to playing duets instead
J a c o b :
Evie can never get a moment's rest when the two of you are together
For real, she feels like a babysitter sometimes and is going to start expecting the salary too soon
You and Jacob have one brain cell to share
And you keep on misplacing it
He'd never met a woman who was as reckless as he was before
And who looked as good in his top hat as he did you actually looked better but he won't feed your ego and actually admit it
The Rooks looked up to you as though you were one of their leaders
And that made him admire you more
The two of you kept each other at arm's length for quite a while when it came to emotions until Jacob wanted to drag you to the fight club with him after having an argument with Evie
Instead, you'd managed to get emotions out of him verbally with the promise of equally opening up to him
He'd had a really rough childhood and it almost made you cry to hear how he felt he was living in his sister's shadow all the time
And oh to hear someone genuinely tell him that they saw him as entirely different from his twin in a way that didn't portray him as some stupid reckless counterpart?
It snatched his heart right up and he wondered how he hadn't opened up to you before
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bruhbrosworld · 2 years
Lady Dimitrescu's Fluff Alphabet
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection? do they cuddle, hug, etc. often?)
She's very affectionate in private, stroking your face and kissing your head while she reads letters. She'll place her wide gloved hand over yours so delicately when she speaks to you, it feels heavenly. But when you're not together in private, it's a different story. With her daughters, she doesn't really mind, she trusts them with her feelings but it's still fairly chaste around them. If there's an occasion when the other lords or Mother Miranda are around, it's a no go. She's not comfortable letting people know that side of her, unless she's in control and initiates. And most of the time, that initiation comes from possessiveness and jealousy. Just a kiss here and a pat on the head as she sends you away, calling you pet in that sweet but commanding voice of hers.
b - best quality (their best quality)
She's extremely observant, nothing typically gets past her. If you're having an off day and feeling bad, she knows immediately by the way your shoulders are held and the look on your face. And if you're the type to not be able to initiate conversation about how you're feeling, she's the best person to be with, because she just knows and will ask you. She also just loves to watch you, watch your actions to see what you like, what you dislike. You stare at a painting too long? Good, because now she's asking you about it every time she catches you gazing at it. Do you like it? Do you hate it? How does it make you feel? It's an original, as you may well know. And if you like it? Good, because it's yours and it stays in your quarters for the rest of time. You hate it? See ya. It's now left somewhere in the turrets of the castle hidden from all eyes, to hell with it being an original.
c - confession (how would they confess their love for their partner? what would be the moment they knew they loved you?)
There's never any one confession, any specific end-all-be-all on her part. There's never one that feels like the world stops in place and you're held in the balance with bated breath, awaiting a merciless fall. It just sort of happens. She'll tell you how she feels, but it doesn't stir something new, it just confirms what you already knew. You love her, and she loves you, and that's it. There's never a question of how the other feels as you lay in bed next to her soft and tall frame. One day you wake up with a ring on your finger, and it feels like nothing has changed when everything drastically has.
d - domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning and taking care of themselves?)
Of course she wants to settle down. That’s legitimately her end goal when she meets you. Her life is already fairly domestic, if you don’t count the crazy ass experiments and notable gore and cult activities. She lives with her daughters in a giant castle while making a great living with her family’s wine business. What more could anyone ask for? If you’re worried about your prospects, you don’t have to fear because your Lady will take care of you. She’s great at taking care of herself, too. Literally has an entire self-care routine for her body and self. However, she isn’t exactly well-versed with cooking and cleaning and things of that nature. It’s not like she couldn’t if she had to, but she’s never exactly had to. She was born into a well-off family, and even now has maids and cooks and hired servants to do her bidding. She’s never really had the need to learn.
e - endure (what would you have to be okay with to live and be with them? what bad habits of theirs would you have to accept to be their partner?)
Obviously, her lifestyle in general is something that would take a lot of adjustment. You’d have to be alright with her daughters, people, monsters, things you have no explanation for taking up her time and energy. You'd also have to definitely be okay with never leaving the castle. But, besides that, I think one would have a difficult time with her requirements of a significant other. She can be a bit demanding, and sometimes, she can be a bit cold. She has expectations for her lover, and those expectations will certainly affect your relationship. There’s never a doubt in your mind that she loves you, however. Most of the expectations she places upon you are for your and her safety, and sometimes her reputation admittedly. In all honesty, she would be absolutely mortified if her strong, glamorous, and intelligent front was extinguished in the face of Mother Miranda and the other Lords. Prideful is the right word to describe her. However, she'd always make time to assure you if you told her you felt like she was ashamed of you, or if you felt a bit pushed aside. Again, it’s mostly for your and her safety after all.
f - faithful (are they loyal? would they stay faithful?)
Absolutely. Once she meets you, she has no desire to take anyone else. She has no reason to, really. You are all she needs in a person, and in a relationship. Before, she was very matter-of-fact with her affairs. Once she was done with someone, a maid or a cook, they’d be done away with, one way or another. Once she had what she needed from them, there wasn’t much use in keeping them around. Yet, when she met you, something about you enticed her, and later, also enamored her. You’re never completely sure what about you was so interesting, but many times, she’s told you that it was just…you. Everything about you made her feel so bright and rich. Believe it or not, but it had been a long time since she had felt like a star, but when you came along, something in her was ignited again. You make her feel so special in a world that generally has the habit of making her feel overlooked for her hard work and prowess. That’s all she’s ever wanted, and you give it to her free of charge.
g - gifts (are they regularly a gift gifter? what kind of gifts would they give their s/o?)
Oh yes, she loves to douse you in her riches. Adores it. Anything you want, it’s yours. You can mention something simply in passing once, and a week or so later, it’s at the foot of your bed. You have no clue how she got it, or at what lengths she went to obtain it, but you appreciate it with such admiration and gratitude anyway. Her favorite gifts that she gives you are clothes and jewelry. She delights in dressing you up with great finery and especially has a passion for watching your face as you gasp with awe at whatever ornate wear she’s orchestrated for you. Some of it is in her house colors, which you can’t help but prefer to wear. Without words, it lets everyone see that you belong to her, and you know, that she knows that just as well.
h - honesty (how honest are they?)
She doesn’t have any reason to lie, so yes, she’s usually honest. If she does lie, it’s to protect you most of the time. Here and there, she does have a difficulty with telling the entire truth because she wants to protect herself. She can’t let your perception of her be tainted. What if one morning you find out what monster truly lies underneath her skin? What if you become aware of all her inadequacies? Her fault frankly is her tendency to be as perfect as possible, no matter the cost, and there is no exception when it comes to you. Aside from that, her lies are told to preserve your state of being, whether that be emotional or physical. She has had all the practice in the world to maintain a calm, regal exterior, so her words are well-thought out and minced when she desires them to be.
i - injury (how would they react if their s/o was injured?)
If you’re hurt, you come first. You are, without any doubt, her first priority. Whatever situation that leads to you being injured can wait. But that doesn’t mean it won’t be dealt with. On the contrary, it is dealt with as fast as possible once she knows you’ve been harmed. If it was a person, even hell won’t be as horrifying as her wrath. With one quick and curt growl, her daughters are sent off to find the culprit and they’re kept prisoner until she can deal with them. Personally. And boy, does she make it personal. Sending action to burn everything in their life to the ground. Friends, family, job, and reputation? Tarnished with a sweep of her gloved hand. After all, to her, they made it personal when they chose to hurt you. And then, ever the sadist, she tortures them. No matter what, you best believe your Lady is nursing you back to health, no matter how small the wound. She barely leaves your side if at all, doting on you in a motherly fashion.
j - jealousy (how jealous are they?)
She’s far more jealous than she lets on. To you, she is only the same as she’s ever been. Lavish and loving. But deep down, if she sees something that feels like a threat to her, she cuts in immediately to prove what she needs to prove. One time, a servant got too touchy, and she had to step in. With just one of her large, gloved hands on your shoulder and a chaste kiss, you can feel the implication, the warning. However, when you’re alone, she lets that façade slip, if only for a fraction, and she lets everyone know who you belong to in a much less decent fashion.
k - kiss (how do they kiss? what's their favorite type of kiss?)
You don’t kiss often unless it’s private, but if you could describe it, her kisses are rarely ever not intentional. She meets your lips or body with decided precision, and for whatever reason, it somehow makes you feel far more special, and a bit dizzy if you’re being honest. Not often is she controlled by her emotions, which means that every time she kisses you, it is just another way of conversation for her, a way to communicate how she feels. If she were to choose her favorite type of kiss, she would ultimately choose the times she kisses your forehead as you drift off to sleep next to her. Softly, delicately, just how she sees you. It makes her feel far more human than she’s felt in decades. You make her feel human.
l - love language (what's their love language?)
Her love language would definitely be gift giving, with a little side of acts of service. She just can’t get over the way your face lights up when you receive something you want, or need. When you pick up a brand new dress and lay it against your body for reference in awe, she simply sits back in her chair and smirks, dragging on her cigarette easily in satisfaction. Or if you’re having a rough morning, she’ll leave a cup of tea or coffee in her quarters for you as she sets off for her daily plans. If you’re having a particularly bad day, she’ll gently brush your hair or draw a heated bath for you. It’s the little moments that she speaks her love for you.
m - marriage (do they want to get married? how would they propose?)
She wouldn’t go out of her way to get married for a long time, but I think at some point, she would desire to forge a tie with you, something that makes a way for both of you to offer yourselves to each other officially. Her proposal would never be something like a traditional, down-on-one-knee type thing, but it would be sweet and private. You’d both be sitting at the dining table after dark. The servants and her daughters have all scattered and it’s just you and her conversing casually in the candlelight. Somehow, the conversation gently reroutes itself to the topic of the long term. The thought is a tad daunting, and even now, I think you’d still be wondering if she intends to keep you around forever, or at least whatever’s close to it. As if she knows you better than you know yourself, she’d tentatively and directly slide a little velvet black box in your direction. And as you open it to find a family heirloom ring, she’ll nonchalantly continue on that if there is a forever for her, she’d rather spend it with you. You’ve grown on her after all.
n - nicknames (what type of nicknames, or pet names, would they use for the s/o?)
“Dear” is the one that she uses the most. “Dear, would you hand me this” or “Be careful up the steps, dear”. It’s become second nature to call you it at this point. But “darling” and “my sweet” make an appearance here and there, and “my jewel” and “precious one” are saved only for the special times between you both. She doesn't particularly care for nicknames for herself, but if you call her "Alci" once, you're hers forever. Her heart just can't help but soften when she hears you say it, especially when you say it sleepily.
o - offspring (do they want children? what type of parent would they be?)
She’s already a mother, so I doubt she desires to have any more children. On the off chance that there comes a time where you both have the chance to parent a child, she would never think to say no unless it affected you negatively, but besides that, it wouldn’t be on the top of her to-do list. She’s a firm and caring mother to her own daughters, though! She loves them deeply, you come to find, and she values their opinion and safety above almost all else. She is a bit of a helicopter parent at times, understandably worried for her children’s safety in a world that is freezing and also not fond of their presence in the village. She’ll scold them, perhaps even punish them in her own way if it’s bad enough, but she doesn’t get in their way unless she feels the absolute need to. Although, your Lady does send them out to complete tasks for her on occasion, but they don’t seem to mind. They also feel the same respect and love for her as well. They listen without complaint or asking why, and do her bidding when requested to.
p - patience (how patient are they? do they lose their temper often?)
She rarely loses her temper when it comes to you. Other things she may find her limit with, but it seems her well of patience never dries for you. You can make a myriad of mistakes, and she wouldn’t bat an eye, only helping to pick up the pieces if you ask. Here and there, you can do something that displeases her, but never something that puts her off completely. You’d have to do something painful and personal to her to ever garner anything that could be considered her worst. Something that would be targeted against her most fragile vulnerabilities.
q - quizzes (how much do they remember about their s/o? do they remember every detail, or do they let details slip their mind?)
She remembers everything, and I mean everything. Nothing slips her mind. It could be months, years and she will still recall the times you tried on her hat because you secretly wanted one of your own. She treasures those unspoken, and spoken, aspects of you as if they are of something completely divine. If you like your bed made a certain way, a unique smell of soap, or long for a specific candy that was special to your childhood, she takes it and makes a place for it in her endless mind. She doesn't typically bring things she remembers up, but she does make adjustments to said things. You could say you can't wear powder anymore once in passing because it irritates your eyes, and over the next few weeks after, every time you must use the powder, nothing occurs. At first you'd thought you had miraculously adjusted to it's side effects, but instead you realized it was simply an entirely another brand of powder specifically fitted to your health. You're not even sure how she obtained such a thing in a remote village, or how she knows to meld it to your body's liking without the constant and merciless retort of allergens, but she does.
r - remember (their favorite memory of your relationship)
Lady Dimitrescu is a collected and calm individual even when she’s having a hard go of it, so you rarely, if ever, see her unravel until much later on into your relationship. Even then, it’s so seldom it feels like a comet that can only be seen every few hundred years. If she was being honest, after being deemed a "failure" by Mother Miranda, she has always felt inadequate if she isn't chasing that so-called perfection at all times. The first time you saw her lose her temper is surprisingly one of her most treasured memories of you both together. When you did see it, it had been by accident. It was a bit terrifying, you’ll admit. You know she’d never hurt you, but something about seeing her come undone in such a way shook the world for a moment. It was also a little arousing in a way, but you’d never confess such a thing. You had decided to retire to your shared quarters for the night, when you had heard crashing and banging from the adjoined room. It had startled you for different reasons then, wondering silently if she had lost herself in need of something like sustenance or punishing a servant. But when you had gently pried the door open, you found the room was absolutely demolished. Walls were marked with holes and paper shred to ruin, dressers were flung against windows and cabinets were knocked over, shards of wood and glass were at your feet. And there amidst the destruction stood your Lady, claws out, chest heaving and growling. She couldn’t look at you, head swiveling a bit with embarrassment at you seeing her this way, disheveled and imperfect. You, on the other hand, felt a bit stuck, unsure if you should comfort her or let her have a moment to herself. You decided to find a balance of both, electing to dust off a chaise beside her and sit quietly. It was a tender and unspoken offer, one that she took after some time. She sat down beside you in a huff, lighting a cigarette in silence, and as if nothing had happened, you knelt and began to smooth her dress and fix her hair away from her face. She had known you loved her before, of course you had. But, in her mind, there was never a reason for you not to, because she had only ever projected half of herself. The parts that were easy to admire and praise. But, as you kissed her head, much like she did you when you had your awful moments, it was the first moment she had realized that you loved all of her and that it didn't matter to you that she was sometimes jealous or in need of assurance herself. And, what was more shocking, you had never said a word at all. You had simply wrapped yourself around her and allowed her to feel safe enough to be small and imperfect for once. Later, there was a talk on healthily dealing with emotions in a way that didn't involve her raking her claws through your favorite wallpaper, but it could wait.
s - security (how protective are they? how would they protect their s/o, and how would they like to be protected?)
Extremely, very, all of the above. You're hers. Hers to love and protect. You have to prepare for the fact that from the moment you enter into a relationship with her, is the moment you relinquish your hold on the outside world. The outside world being anywhere outside the castle ofc. You know it's because she can't leave herself, what with worry for her daughters and such. But also, it's a harsh, barren, and cold world out there, full of monsters of Mother Miranda and her siblings' making. If you were to leave, she could not protect you. But, when it does come to a point where she must, it's almost as if you're watching a spider move in on her prey poisonously. Once a lycan got a little too close for comfort, and she lobbed it's head off right in front of you. The fights between her and Heisenberg were endless for weeks after, much to Mother Miranda's disdain and disgust. However, it settled eventually, with a snarky agreement to keep the lycans contained to the factory and for your Lady to keep her lot confined to her castle. As for her being protected, she's never truly thought about the concept. She's strong enough for all of Castle Dimistrescu and admittedly a creature quite capable of holding her own, so she's never had any need for a safety measure. But once she caught you chewing a servant out for speaking so poorly of her behind closed doors and her heart melted a little. If you can't beat someone up for her, you're certainly going to protect her reputation.
t - try (how much effort do they put into the relationship? how much effort goes into dates, anniversaries, and birthdays?)
So much effort. The maximum effort. She knows she can't administer any event too extravagant, but she does ensure that you're never forgotten and every date is celebrated to its fullest. Most times, she'll pay attention to what you like so that she has some type of reference, and then she'll set plans into motion. Presents for birthdays and anniversaries, dinners and flowers for dates. Once she had the entire courtyard bedecked in your favorite flower for your birthday, and even had an entirely new fountain installed. It was a small apology for the fact that you had to be barred from the outside world, but it worked wonders for you. You still have some dried petals from that day in a drawer somewhere. Another time she commissioned an entirely new wardrobe from Donna, which okay, you'd didn't need a new wardrobe but new clothes to wear is always a huge treat. Plus, you get to try them on for your Lady. She is a little overzealous at times, but she means the world and you could never even think to say no to such hugely sentimental gifts.
u - understanding (how understanding are they? do they listen to their s/o problems? how do they approach vulnerability?)
She's definitely understanding, but she does have little tolerance for nonsense. Sure, you can make a mistake here and there, break a favorite vase or ruin a priceless painting and she wouldn't bat an eye. Most is easily replaced after some time. But if you embarrass her, or do something purposely bratty out of the appropriate time for such things, she won't be happy at all. In fact, she'll be very cross for a time. She will ultimately forgive you of course, but that doesn't mean it's forgotten and rules will be established. Disobey them and there will be consequences. But, as for your issues, she's an incredible listener. You can sit for hours and go on and on in her presence and she barely says a word, if only to smirk appreciatively or nod once in a while. She knows it's not about what she says anyway. It's simply about listening to you. For vulnerability, she welcomes yours easily and with adoration, but it will take a long while for her to feel completely comfortable sharing her inner world with you. When she does, though, it's so lovely. Just to hear her go on about her particularly taxing day or voice her self doubt so plainly is something special. It's like she opens her doors finally in a way that allows you to love the way you desire to.
v - vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
She wouldn't call herself vain by any means, but she does know she's quite a good-looking woman. She likes the outside to be as regal as she feels in her looks, so she does take some time getting ready and refining herself for the day. A little lipstick here, a divine eyeshadow from France, a finely carved brush from the Alps to accentuate her curls. Closed off as she may be, she knows the value of self care. She likes looking nice. Nothing wrong with that.
w - wildcard (something random about them)
She can see in the dark which makes for some rather...interesting interactions. The Cadou has changed her body in ways you're still discovering. Once, you'd thought you'd give her a little scare when she came back from the basement. A little fun for a drab and empty day could never hurt after all. As you ran upstairs to sneak away, you slipped into a pitch black room in her quarters and stuck yourself to a corner, sure she'd never find you. You were so smug it was going to work you could barely stand to wait. When she stooped in the door and the light died from the doorway, you held your breath and stilled, ready to pounce. Instead, you heard a soft disembodied chuckle from beside you, and you felt an arm grasp your shoulder. You've never screeched louder in your life. Even now, it's a bit startling. When she tells you to stop picking at a sore in the dark or when she grabs you from behind without any notice. She's terrifyingly silent for someone of her stature. It's strange in a way that a predator inspects their prey nocturnally. It makes you feel naked in ways you've never anticipated, but in a thrilling way in almost all cases.
y - you (their favorite part of you, why they love you, everything about you)
She had never anticipated you to be quite so funny. Your wit charms her in ways she's never felt before. Truly, she hasn't giggled like she has with you since she was a child. Honestly, it's amazing how just the sight of you cheers her, and how every word from your mouth amuses and intrigues her. You make her remember parts of herself that she'd thought were better off dead. The her before Mother Miranda, the her that was less gruesome in nature. Instead, you dust them off and make those parts feel just as special to be a part of her as the rest, mutated or not. She loves you because you are so open in a place that wills all of their inhabitants to lock themselves away. You're bright, surviving, and quite pretty, if she may add. And, although it may be daunting, you nudge her to release herself as well. And you love her. You pry open her stone doors and hug every part of her to yourself, whether it is sharp or rounded for others. It's all hers, and therefore all up for your affection. It was never her intention to be quite so attached, but now that she has you, she can't bear the thought of you being anywhere but near her. You've always thought you'd be the one to always be wrapped around her finger, and while that will always still be true, you're starting to think that maybe she wants to be around yours too.
z - zzz (how do they sleep? how does an s/o fit into their sleep habits?)
She doesn't sleep often, truly, but she still lays with you every night. It's like heaven when she does it too. Just you cushioned against her warm and tender frame, her long bare arms running across your back. There are rare times when you do catch her in the act of snoozing, tho. You always drift off before she does, but every now and then, you wake earlier than her. She sleeps like the dead, no pun intended. In that, she's so still and pale one would wonder if she was. But, she is a very light sleeper, seeing as she doesn't typically need it like you do. Any sound, anywhere, from anyone can wake her at any time. She's on high alert at all times, especially when she sleeps.
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sergeantbuckybarnes · 3 years
everything i wanted // bucky barnes
Summary: Bucky asks you to pick Rebecca from school, as you spend the day with her, you can’t help to think that this is what you want, for the rest of your life.
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky x Reader (Single Parent AU)
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: fluff, so much fluff
A/N: As always, remember English is not my first language. Also, thanks to @coffee-books-music​ for proofreading this!
You can consider this as a part two of begin again.
And tagging @buckys-estrella​ because you asked me to!
divider by @firefly-graphics​
wanna be added to my permanent taglist? here
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You were in front of the Brooklyn Elementary School waiting for Rebecca, your boyfriend’s daughter. Bucky had called you and told you that something came up at the workshop and he couldn’t pick Becca from school, so he asked you if you could do it. You didn’t mind, you and Bucky had been dating for a while now, since the day you saw him at the diner waiting for a date that never showed up and you decided to be his date instead everything had been perfect.
You met Rebecca a couple of months later. At first, you were nervous, thoughts of her not liking you plagued your mind but Bucky always reassured you that she was going to love you. And he was right. The little girl was delighted with you.
The three of you did a lot of things together, you went to the zoo, to the movies… Bucky couldn’t help himself think that this is how things should have been with Dot. He knew he was a good father and Rebecca loved him a lot but he also knew his little girl needed a mother figure, that’s why he kept going on those dates. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have met you, someone that not only loved him but loved his daughter too.
The bell sounded, announcing the end of the classes for the day. They pushed the front doors of the building open, and you observed kids running out, excited that school was finally over. Your eyes caught the little brunette, she was peacefully walking with a blonde kid beside her.
“Becca!” you tried to catch her attention when you saw she was looking around looking for her father. When her eyes landed on you, a big smile grew on her face.
“Who’s that, Bec?” asked the boy who was still beside her.
“That’s my mom,” Rebecca replied, and with that she ran towards you without bidding goodbye to her friend. You picked her up in your arms, her little arms wrapped around your neck.
You asked, “Had fun at school?” She furiously nodded as she rambled on about what she had done, “…and Miss Larson asked a super hard question and I was the only one who knew the answer.”
“That’s my girl,” you high-fived with her as she laughed.
“Why did you come today?” she asked, tilting her face.
“Your dad is busy at work, so he’s gonna come home late.”
“So you’re gonna stay with me then?” she asked, hope and excitement clear in her voice.
You just nodded and she let a victorious sound escape her mouth. You laughed putting her on the ground and grabbed her tiny hand in yours. “Ready to go home?”
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It was late at night when Bucky came home, when he noticed you weren’t in the living room he made his way upstairs to see the adorable image of you and Becca sitting on her bed, his daughter between your legs while you brushed her hair.
Neither of you had noticed his presence yet, he smiled at the view in front of him, how comfortable you were with each other, it was so natural. The thought of coming home every day to this filled his heart with warmth.
Knock Knock
“Daddy!” Rebecca screamed when she saw her father on the doorstep of her room, but she didn’t run and jump into his arms like she would normally do.
“What? No hug today?” Bucky pouted, which made his little girl giggle.
Rebecca pinched her nose with her fingers “You stink, daddy!”
Bucky gasped with fake offense and averted his gaze to you for support, only to receive a “Don’t look at me, Becca is right.”
Your boyfriend raised his hands in surrender. “Alright, I’ll take a shower, but you, young lady, are going to sleep now,” he said, pointing his index finger towards his daughter.
“But Y/N is brushing my hair!” she whined.
“She can brush your hair another day. You’ve got to wake up early for school tomorrow,”
Rebecca looked up at you, “Can you read to me?”
“Honey, I bet Y/N is tir-” But you didn’t let your boyfriend finish his sentence. “I don’t mind.”
“Yaaay,” the little girl screamed happily. She got up from the bed and ran to get a book.
Your boyfriend gave you a “Are you sure?” look.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him, “You go shower.” Bucky nodded and left the room as Rebecca crawled back to bed and handed you a book.
She got under the covers, and you lied beside her, opening the book and started reading. “The little prince. Oh, I love this one.”
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Once Rebecca finally fell asleep, you gave her a soft kiss on her forehead and made your way downstairs. Your boyfriend had finished his shower just a few minutes ago, his hair still damp.
“She’s asleep?” he inquired, his arms wrapped around your figure. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, taking in the scent of sandalwood and bergamot. You hummed in response. “Thank you for today.” At this you pulled away from him, looking at his soft features.
“It’s not a problem. You know I love spending time with her.”
“I know. And I love you for that,” he caressed your face and pulled you in again. Joining his lips with yours, your hands reached the back of his neck and you tangled your fingers into his wet hair, earning a low moan from him. You smiled into the kiss, giving him a last peck before pulling apart.
You both sat on the couch, your head resting on Bucky’s shoulder and one of your hands on his round belly, drawing patterns with your fingers. He had one arm safely around you. As you were telling him your day with Becca, he noticed that in the tone of your voice, there was something bothering you in the back of your mind.
“Hey,” he gently grabbed your chin with his free hand and made you look at him. “What’s wrong?”
You licked your lips, a habit you had developed years ago and something you always did when you were nervous. You could feel Bucky’s eyes piercing into yours. A worried expression etched on his features. “Did Becca say something to you?”
You shook your head. Swallowing hard, you tried to find the right words, not wanting your boyfriend to misinterpret what you wanted to convey. “It’s just… today, when I went to pick Becca from school, there was this kid with her and when he asked her who I was, she said that...she said that I was her mom,” You weren’t bothered or mad about the little girl referring to you as her mother but to say it didn’t shock you when you heard the words leave her mouth. Especially because it was the first time she did it.
You loved Rebecca the minute you met her; she was an adorable kid, and you of course you had thought about spending time with Bucky and her for the rest of your life, but you didn’t know if that wasn’t something she wanted, if it was something Bucky wanted. So when you heard the little girl refer to you as her mom, something fluttered inside you.
“Did she?” You could see the slight surprise on his face, but still a large smile grew on Bucky’s face and you felt like you could sigh in relief. He didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Quite the opposite, actually. “How do you feel about it?”
“I- I really liked it,” you shyly admitted, a matching smile growing on your face.
“Yeah?” he asked again. He just needed to be sure, the smile never leaving his face.
“Yeah,” you laughed happily. Bucky caressed your cheek with his thumb, and shifted your position on the sofa a little, to have better access to your lips. It was soft and sweet, nothing in the world existed but you two, you could feel fireworks exploding inside of you. Kissing Bucky always felt special and magical, but this kiss had something different, something you couldn’t explain with words.
“Every time I’m with you, there’s no other place I’d rather be. You are my world, my everything, and I’d love to do nothing more than make you happy. Becca loves you, and she could never have a better mom than you. I love you, Y/N, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So I’m asking...will you marry me?”
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mickules · 3 years
Could we see your head canon for how Takaaki got that scar on his forehead?
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Most people (Taka included) think that Takaaki's injuries were sustained during the line of duty, but in fact almost all of them were caused by other officers under the guise of 'friendly fire'. Takaaki was made an instant target after his father's impeachment, the fallout effecting most police payslips/pensions. His own record was impeccable so they couldn't outright fire him, so he was bumped down to cold cases, and would be relegated to the worst patrols when he signed for overtime. He was extremely outspoken against corruption so the scandal destroyed his credibility and every dirty cop saw it as a perfect opportunity. For his part; Takaaki goaded them- meticulously gathering evidence because his word alone meant nothing, using spite to fuel his personal vendetta and pursue a one man campaign to see every single one of them taken down. It's not just the gangs who call him 'Demon Cop' (in canon the scar was from one of his beta designs but he lost it in the final cut which was a shame)
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references to [these] - [asks]
I do love the idea of Takaaki having his own 'Ishida' side, he certainly has the eyes for it! But my bro made a good point that if Taka gets his emotional side from his mother - stands to reason he gets his 'Ishida' side from her too. Especially with her sheltered upbringing she'd probably had no healthy way to express such utter rage, other than becoming a Mama Bear.
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If that was the case too - it makes it even funnier to imagine Taka's maternal grandparents, recognising the boy that looks like their ex-son in law, with the personality of their estranged daughter, and remembering her temper. They might make themselves scarce.
(alternatively: "Hey Takaaki! How do you keep control of your 'Ishida' side so well?" "That's my secret. . . I'm always 'Ishida'.")
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:-O!!! Gift fic to me?! That's so cool! I hoped no one would notice but I completely avoided naming her on purpose, as I am diabolical at names- I have OCs from childhood who are still nameless - So I'ma take a leaf from @porcelain-dionysus 's suggestion and give her the 'Kiyo' from Kiyotaka's name : Thus Kiyoko. :)
You're totally right. Taka was a lifeline for Takaaki, someone for whom all this pain and struggle and misery was for. He thrives on being able to care for someone, to be useful to them, to have them depend on him, and Taka makes it easy to weather the storm.
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No, Takaaki is a bean pole. He runs on coffee, cigarettes and spite. And riceballs when Taka makes them for him. (feat. the convo with my brother when I sent him this pic)
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The image of Takaaki as a serial dater who has made his way methodically through all the parents of his son's friends is PEAK. Takaaki as the most eligible bachelor, inspiring Lady Dimitrescu style interest for this tall scary man amongst the Hope's Peak parents is so bloody funny to me.
You know the Hagakures would find a way to force Takaaki and Taka out of the unhealthy work/study - sleep cycle they force upon themselves, and a post-school summer celebration is the perfect excuse to get the boys to relax for once. It's probably Hiro's idea, but Hiroko is the one who organises it.
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Hiro ends up with being sentenced with a community service order - he gets Taka-bro to help him with it. He's comfortable with Hiroko pursuing relationships because he knows if he did notice any red flags with it, she would definitely hear him out.
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(thank you!! :D) If they did get together it's unlikely they'd get married on paper, mostly because Takaaki would refuse to put her in a situation where she could be saddled with Toranosuke's debt. They'd probably fall into a common-law marriage, and not knowing exactly when they became a couple, once a year they'd pick a random day to celebrate their ''anniversary''.
(edit: more takaaki asks - [here])
(next set of asks [here] mostly just text this time round tho) (previous set of asks [about Taka’s eating habits])
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
Au acosf - part 28
it's full of neris and sadness
@sv0430 @mis-lil-red @confusedfandomslut @emily-gsh @sunsetsofanemoia @a-court-of-valkyries @swankii-art-teacher @moodymelanist @nestaarcher0n @my-fan-side @c-e-d-dreamer @nestaspegasus @champanheandluxxury
Fionn, hair touselled and drenched with sweat from training, met Nesta on the stairs of the manor. He wrung his hands together as she approached.
‘My lady,’ he said, dipping his head into a bow. ‘If I may be so bold as to request more of your generosity…’
‘Speak it.’
‘My wife is struggling with her pregnancy. She is sick throughout the day, and struggles to sleep. My daughter is restless. It is a few hours travel for me to my home. May I move my family into the barracks – only until the babe is born – then we shall return home.’
‘The barracks?’ Nesta blinked. ‘She is your wife not a common soldier. I will have the servants prepare rooms for you in the manor.’
‘My lady, forgive me, but no. That is too far above our station.’
Nesta frowned. Once, she might have agreed with it. Although he was high fae and spoke politely to her, Fionn’s tongue slipped amongst the sentries giving way to his common birth. Her mother’s poisonous words about social standing were a hard lesson to forget, but Nesta was trying. Their steep descent into poverty had been the beginnings of the change.
‘Nonsense. There are more rooms in this manor than I know what to do with. I will have a carriage sent for your wife and daughter. I daresay Zasha will be glad of a companion to play with.’
The general thanked her heartily then rushed to the stables. He had not passed a comment about how tired and pale she seemed; Nesta had spent a good deal of time staring at her reflection, comparing how she had appeared in her dream so full of life to now – drawn and bloodless. As if the monster in her dream, when he had forced his tongue down her throat, had taken part of her.
‘The meeting,’ she whispered to herself. ‘Prepare for that. Do not break.’
A task that would usually have taken less than half an hour was drawn out in her glazed tiredness. Nesta struggled to focus. Every noise that sounded outside of the office was imagined as Koschei or Briallyn coming for her. The only saving grace was her relentless organisation. All she needed for the high lord’s meeting had been prepared prior to the dispatch of invitations.
All courts, except one, had responded that they would attend. Helion had even dared to request a dance from Nesta. The one court who had not responded, was the one with a flair for the dramatics. She had no doubt that Feyre and Rhysand would arrive shrouded in shadow – and likely late for effect – wearing enough jewels to make a dragon jealous.
‘Knock knock lady death,’ came a familiar drawling voice.
That flame haired male had a habit of wandering into the house. Nesta would alert the sentries to it, to ensure it no longer happened. She had given Eris enough chances; the lies he span weren’t only a web to catch Beron – she herself was in danger of entrapment too.
There was a shared exhaustion in his expression. His amber eyes gleaned over the piles of documents neatly laid out on the desk. ‘Ready for tomorrow?’
Nesta nodded sharply.
‘My father has sent me to extend an invitation. The generous high lord of the Autumn Court has asked whether I should winnow you both to Dawn?’
‘Not to Briallyn?’
Eris blinked then mastered his expression. ‘My father has not ordered that yet.’
‘When did you plan to tell me about your soldiers being under her control? Or indeed that you command your father’s armies?’
‘I don’t command them,’ he said flatly. ‘I merely tell them where they should be and the generals lead them into battle.’
There was a good male locked in there – a considerate one – but he was trapped within the prison he had created to protect himself. He had perfected the art of speaking only the amount of truth the question required.
‘How do you remember what lies you’ve told each person?’
Eris did not respond. Nesta expected maybe a snide remark or even a yawn, but nothing came from him. He set his jaw and turned his eyes to her. They were as bleak as her own, no sign of the cold, sneering male she had met in the Night Court.
‘What’s the matter with you?’
‘Something is the matter,’ Nesta pressed. There was a sudden worry that his soldiers were not the only ones under Briallyn’s control. But this was different to a lack of response, this was as if his fire had been extinguished. ‘Eris,’ she said, rising from her chair to go to him.
Eris swallowed. She watched the bob of his throat. He blinked a few times before he could look at her again. ‘Vytor died in the night.’
At once, Nesta had crossed the room and snaked her arms around him. Her ear pressed against the throb of his pulse in his neck, hearing it quicken when their skin touched.
‘It’s silly,’ he said, fighting the quake from his voice. ‘I’d just had him such a long time. He was old. It was coming. I tell myself not to get too attached to them. Their lives are so short.’
His arms wrapped around her in turn. They stood for a while. Nesta swallowed her own sadness, thinking of that gentle dog and how he’d plodded around the grounds with her in the evenings like an old grandpa. Of the night Eris had let the dog sleep on her bed to comfort her. Eris kissed her temple. He would never admit that he had only come to the Spring Court to seek comfort when he was hurting; would never confess he was a male who needed softness as much as cruelty.
‘He was just a dog,’ he said, wiping his face with the back of his hand. ‘Just a dog.’
Nesta caught his hand with her own. Beneath his nails were smudges of soil where he’d been digging the dog’s grave.
‘Where did you bury him?’ She asked softly.
Eris sniffed, his eyes rimmed with silver. ‘By the orchard. That tree that had been hit by lightning and stands wonky. The evening sun catches on it.’
‘That is a lovely place for him to rest,’ she said, voice thick with emotion.
‘It was his favourite tree to piss on.’
They both laughed quietly. Eris settled into a chair, pulling Nesta onto his lap.
‘I’m so cross with you for keeping secrets from me.’ Her voice didn’t match the anger she’d been holding for him since the bat had told her the truth. ‘If we are to be allies, I need to know. When would you have told me about Briallyn and Koschei?’
Eris drew his thumb in a circle on the back of her hand. ‘Never. I hoped to have eliminated that threat without it worrying you.’
‘It does worry me, Eris. These sentries are untested. Your own soldiers have fallen under her control. A mortal queen with powers is bad enough, and now she has allied herself with an immortal being. Eris, I am in danger. Your omission of the truth leaves me vulnerable. I vowed to myself as soon as I saw you, even if it was at the meeting, that I’d send you flying into the wall.’
‘What’s stopping you?’
It was better to keep Eris on her good side than burn that bridge. Beron could dangle her in front of Briallyn at any moment. She needed Eris as the buffer that kept Beron placated. She could not kick this male when he had lost his companion either. Eris loved those hounds more than he had ever loved anything. She had seen it enough when he trained them. Always, their training was strict and structured, until the final moments when the hounds leapt all over him and Eris would laugh with pure joy.
‘Who is Nuan?’
Eris’ breath tickled the back of her neck as he drew her closer to his body in the arm chair.
‘You’ve met her. The female who replaced Lucien’s eye.’
Nesta had a hazy recollection of the female. She had not been from Prythian – which had been a point of contention amongst some of the fae present. A tinkerer who had been able to produce Lucien’s mechanical eye. She was also responsible for creating the antidote to the poison that smothered a fae’s magical ability.
‘Do you plan to use faebane on your father?’
The sudden tightness in Eris’ body was the giveaway. If she hadn’t been flush against his body, she’d not have been given that gift of a reaction.
‘The less you know the better,’ he said, smoothing her hair down.
Beron was the weak link; the one more likely to hand her over to the vicious mortal queen with a grudge against Nesta. If Eris could guarantee his ascension to the throne, she would have no need to fear the Autumn Court. She had to place her bets on the son, not the father.
‘I will distract your father.’
‘No. Not now. It’s too much of a risk. I’d rather keep you far from him. I don’t doubt he offered up my soldiers to Briallyn as a test of her power. I’d rather go up against that bastard bat for you than leave you in my father’s vicinity again if he’s aligned himself with her.’
‘Eris,’ she said, peeling herself from him so she stood upright. ‘It is my decision.’
‘I wish it was different,’ he said, smiling sadly from the chair, ‘between us. I wish I could let you into my heart like you deserve without the shadow of my father’s wrath looming over us. I wish you did not have a mate – one I have a history with too. I wish so many things were different.’
Nesta unscrewed a bottle of wine. It was almost midday, but after the night she had had – and the male too – it was necessary. She poured them both a generous glass of fruity white wine as the noise of the sentries carried in the open window from outside.
‘To Vytor,’ she said raising a glass.
‘To rotten luck,’ Eris added.
They both drank in a melancholy quiet. Zasha had curled up beneath the desk, his chin resting on the front two paws as he snored softly. If that dog had not been with her to rouse Tamlin with his barking, she’d have burnt the house down.
‘Are you ready to face your sisters?’
Perhaps yesterday, Nesta would have said yes. That she had weathered every storm she had encountered and come out stronger. But after last night’s horrid dreaming, she needed time to lick her wounds rather than face them in already weakened state.
‘I get to face my sisters, the high lord, his bats, his demonic cousin, his miniature demon, and your father all in one go. I’m positively brimming with optimism.’
‘Stick by me and Tamlin. Mor won’t dare say a word to you if I’m there.’
‘What do you have over her?’
Eris smirked slightly. His finger trailed a circle around the rim of the glass, lost in a memory. His betrothed. Had Mor loved him – given him the chance – Nesta knew he would have done his best to protect her from his father and brothers, would have removed the armour for her, just as he had for Nesta.
‘Just the truth.’
Amber eyes flickered over her skin, a small smile appeared as he tilted her chin to look at him – then he raised his glass again.
‘To being allies.’
Nesta tipped the glass to her lips, letting the wine wash into her mouth.
‘And to ejaculating over your sister’s mate again.’
Nesta spat the mouthful of wine over her dress then spluttered with laughter. ‘Eris!’
‘You looked as if you needed a laugh.’
He bit his lip, a faint blush blooming across his chiselled cheekbones. Eris fingers’ clasped around her own. ‘Many will wear masks tomorrow, myself included. I’ll support you as much as I can in front of my father. I’ll nudge him in the right direction. But this,’ he glanced down at their hands, ‘this tenderness must be hidden. My father will weaponise it. I am sorry.’
Eris stayed. Nesta did not tell him to go. Her heart still fluttered uneasily from the threat of Koschei and Briallyn. Eris might not raise a weapon on her behalf, but if he could winnow them to safety she’d take it.
Nesta curled up with a book on a blanket in the shade of an ancient oak while Eris trained Zasha. The male volunteered, perhaps realising the dog did not respond to any command of Nesta’s unless food was involved. Sentries strolled by on their patrols, paying them no heed. Nesta was glad for it. Her mood was crumbling with every inhale. Each breath caught in her lungs as though her ribs were jagged things. She had said such a horrid thing to Cassian because she knew it would wound him. Then she had suffered for it with her nightmares. Nesta knew he’d gone back to Velaris; for all his vows of protecting her, she had hurt him so badly that he had left. Their bond was taut and muted. How quickly had he told the others of her cruelty? Had he flown back to Velaris for them all to share stories of how she failed all of them? Nesta imagined her father there, as he’d been in her dream, stood with his broken neck sharing his own tale that she hadn’t managed to kill the king before his neck was snapped.
‘Do you think me horrible?’
Eris lounged onto the blanket beside her. A flop of red hair fell into his eyes which he huffed away with a sharp breath.
‘No worse than myself.’
From his pocket, he retrieved a brown leather ball and tossed it between his hands, ignoring Zasha’s barks. He feinted a throw which sent Zasha scarpering into a flowerbed. The dog came charging back, leaping at Eris on the ground until he dashed it through the grass.
‘I’ll pay for those flowerbeds too,’ he drawled. When he threw her a grin over his shoulder, his face fell. ‘What’s the matter?’
‘I’m cursed,’ she said. ‘Cursed to never hold anything good in my life. Ash and dust is all I leave in my wake.’
‘Nesta, Nesta.’
Eris slunk an arm around her, drawing her in close while her composure broke. Once those wrenching, gasping sounds broke free of her throat, there was no stopping them. The male let her cry. Let her sob even when her tears had soaked through the collar of his shirt. And it all came out. How she had failed her sisters. How cruel she had been to her father in her anger. How she wounded Cassian because she never wanted him to know how much power he held over her. How she had never once fitted into the Night Court and none had ever tried to welcome her. She gave Eris too much information, too much he could use against her, but her heart was sore and she needed a friend.
‘Where has all this come from?’ Eris murmured with his lips pressed against the side of her head as she curled her body against his, letting the cool spring air roll over both of them.
So Nesta told him the truth of everything. That she dreamt of Koschei claiming her. Of how she had blazed while she slept. And it had been more than a dream; it had been the immortal’s vow. The queen who was promised. He would use her powers of death for his own to conquer. Eris inspected the raw skin of her hands where the nails were steadily growing back thanks to her fae blood.
‘I saw through Tamlin’s glamour as a mortal, Eris. Maybe I was born different. Maybe I was born with wickedness.’
Eris shook his head slowly, stroking a hand down her bare arm. ‘I don't believe it. How old were you when your mother died?’
‘That’s very young.’
‘She was the type of woman your father would have admired.’
‘Ah,’ was all he said. It was understood by the male that neither of them had ever been gifted with love from their parent; they saw their eldest as a chance of elevation.
‘Imagine the blade I could have been if she had finished sharpening me,’ said Nesta bitterly.
‘When you lost your wealth, who took care of the home?’
Nesta laughed once. ‘It was hardly a home, Eris, it had two rooms. But me. I was the lady of the house once my mother died.’
‘And I presume you taught your sisters about… female things.’
‘My father was unlikely to.’
That cool hand remained tracing patterns onto her skin as they watched the carriage return to the manor house.
‘Are you expecting visitors?’
Nesta wiped her face, rubbing away any remnants of her tears then brushed down the wayward strands of her hair that had come loose with her pathetic sobbing. Zasha remained at the foot of the blanket, doing his best to chew the ball into pieces. That hound was the only thing that would not be revulsed by her. Her words couldn’t hurt him.
‘No. It’s the general and his family. His wife is unwell. They’ll be staying until their babe comes.’
Eris shook the smile from his face. ‘Nesta Archeron, there is no other female like you.’
‘Thank the Mother for that.’
Fionn was apologetic when he explained that his wife had headed straight for the bedroom after a long day travelling in the carriage, their daughter, Nuala, with her. Nesta brushed away his apologies. She still had memories of one of her mother’s friend’s heavily pregnant and trying to waddle between rooms at a party to keep up appearances despite being in immeasurable discomfort. The sentry returned to work with a bow of his head – and he thanked her and the high lord once more for their generosity. The high lord was nowhere to be found. No wallowing or bangs were heard from the manor, so she supposed he was out somewhere. As long as he returned by morning for the meeting, he could be rutting in the hay for all Nesta cared.
‘Would you stay for dinner?’
For a moment, she thought Eris might refuse her. He was poised on the doorway as if he wanted to return to the Autumn Court. But something in his expression softened. ‘Absolutely.’
It was almost like it had been in his home as the servants laid their dishes before them, both murmuring thanks. Apart from the few mouthfuls of porridge she had vomited back up in the morning, the meal was the first thing she’d eaten that day. Nesta did not fail to note the heavy set of eyes ensuring she at least ate something; Eris would not pick up his spoon until she had at least a few spoonfuls of her own soup.
The same elderly servant whose ears heard every piece of gossip that passed through the court and whose own tongue spread it swifter entered the dining room. Upon a wooden tray was a cake decked with cream and berries. Nesta’s throat tightened at the sight of it.
‘My lady, one cannot be without a cake when it is a time for celebration.’
‘Noele, you did not need to trouble yourself,’ Nesta began.
‘Trouble? My goodness, a cake is no trouble, my lady. I daresay that little lass slumbering now with her mother will be glad of it in the morrow.’
Nesta dipped her chin, fighting back another wave of unwanted tears.
‘What are we celebrating?’ Eris asked with his chin propped on his knuckles.
‘The lady is celebrating her birthday.’
Nesta blushed. It had been a throwaway comment when she had first spoken with the servant. Noele’s own daughter had had a birthday three days earlier so Nesta had shared her own date. She hadn't known the servant remembered it.
‘It’s not important,’ Nesta said.
‘You’re as young as a lamb,’ the servant clucked, ‘once you’re my age, you’ll no want to celebrate.’
The servant departed, leaving the cake in front of Nesta. When she made no move to touch it, Eris took charge and sliced them both a piece.
‘Why didn’t you say?’
‘I’ve not celebrated since my fourteenth. They’re inconsequential.’
‘I’d have brought you a gift had I known. A large one. Very expensive. That's what females want, don't they?’ He grinned.
Nesta place a hand on her heart in a mocking gesture. ‘Your presence is a present.’
Eris sketched a bow. ‘It has been said.’
Long after it had gone dark, they remained in the dining room. The large double doors stood open allowing moths to flit in and out chasing the dancing flame of the candles. Eventually Tamlin returned. He did not appear shocked by Eris’ appearance in his home, but it was clear there was little warmth between the two males. Lucien was their bridge and their war. The male that both had a bond to and the one both had wounded. They condemned each other for the sins against Lucien the other had committed.
To Nesta’s surprise, Tamlin accepted the slice of cake offered by the red haired male, but took the plate off to his own quarters rather than remain with them. It was a slight flicker of hope that he might attend the meeting in the morning.
‘He seems improved.’
‘Good days and bad. Like myself.’
Before he departed, Eris wanted to see the damage inflicted during her traumatic night. She pleaded with him not to view it, ashamed that she had lost control.
‘Open the door, Nesta.’
‘Don’t. Eris. I don’t want to see it.’
The male leaned over her to shove the broken door back on its hinges, exposing the burnt room to his eyes. Nesta held her body tightly, awaiting the anger that would come that she had not managed to master her magic. But Eris’ hand, still poised in the doorway, dropped to his side. His breath came heavy as he pulled Nesta to him.
‘Look at me,’ he said, cradling her face in his hands.
A muscle worked in his jaw. Nesta could feel the conflict within him.
‘I can’t protect you against Koschei,’ he admitted, rubbing his thumb across her soft skin.
‘None can,’ she said, swallowing.
‘I should have told you that Briallyn was in his thrall. Why do you give me more chances when I disappoint you with every one I’m given?’
Nesta tried to pull away, tried to tear her gaze from his, but Eris held her firmly.
‘Because you are good, Nesta. Despite the narrative the world tells of you, you are so good, so kind.' He breathed in her scent. 'I must forfeit the place in your heart because I know I’m not worthy of it. If I cannot love you like you deserve, I should not have you at all.’
He pressed a kiss to her forehead. ‘We are still allies. I’ll fight for you. I’ll win for you.’
‘You are my friend, Eris. More than an ally.’
‘Friends,’ he said, the word sounding foreign on his tongue. ‘See you in the morning.’
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Random thought time!!
So this is a head canon, I am actually enjoying doing this now. 😂
(You are free to have this as a Family Dynamic, where Lady Dimitriscu has basically adopted her sister and help raise her in a better environment, or Donna is adopted as a new daughter all together.
Or a ship one such as Lady Dimitriscu x Donna or the BelaDonna ship. I don't mind which you prefer. 🤗)
Anyway, so due to being comfortable with the Dimitriscu Ladies and their habits and behaviours, she isn't all that afraid to be a bit sassy in some way. Much to the Daughter's delight and occasional amusement of Lady Dimitriscu as well.
Lady Dimitriscu: "Can somebody give me a hand?"
Donna: *Passes a mannequin hand.*
Lady Dimitriscu: "You don't have have a leg to stand on in this argument."
Daniela: "Actually, (Aunt) Donna let me borrow this. So I think I do!" As she victoriously holds up a mannequin leg!
Lady Dimitriscu and maybe Bela: *Facepalm.*
Donna: "Can I get a little help with this?"
Lady Dimitriscu: *Basically yeets Angie to her.*
Donna: "....Touché"
Angie: "AGAIN! AGAIN!" >8D
Dimitriscu Trio, who witnessed this: "US TOO!" :D
And that was another random thought. Hope ya like it! If you wish to draw this, all I ask is credit for the idea and to be tagged.
Have a lovely day! 💪😎💕
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redoqs · 2 years
lady d probably treat texts like letters with perfect punctuation and signing off every text with "sincerely, your beloved, alcina dimitrescu" and even if you explain to her that she doesn't have to say her name every time bcus you have her contact saved but she still does it regardless and i think that's so hot of her
You rubbed your eyes with the heels of hands, trying to wipe away even a tiny bit of the sleepiness that had settled deep behind your eyelids. You loved and hated this time of year, loved it because of all of the beautiful joy and laughter you got to share with your family and hated it because of the increase of hours at your job. Okay, you didn’t exactly hate it, it was only your third day of working your extended shift and while you certainly enjoyed having extra money in your pocket, your body still had yet to get used to waking up earlier. Still, it was your schedule for the month and you had no choice but to follow it.
As you typed away on your computer, your phone vibrated on your desk. Picking it up and reading the notification, you smiled warmly when you saw the Lady’s nickname pop up on the screen. Quickly typing in your password, you unlocked the phone and clicked on the message, chuckling at Alcina’s unusual way of texting. For as long as she had a cell phone, she still had a weird habit of writing her texts as though they were letters and while you often teased her about her untimely style, you found it incredibly endearing and told her to never change.
Dear Y/N
While I understand that you must be away for work earlier than usual during this time, I miss you dearly. You work so hard, even during your regular hours, surely you could use a break, I’d be more than happy to relieve you of your stress in any way you’d like. The girls miss you as well, Daniela had suggested we all make gingerbread houses this year with Cassandra saying we should make it a competition, though I fear that it may result in the causalities of the houses like it did last year. Either way, I’m positive we will enjoy the experience, even if it means that we must scrub the ceiling clean of frosting again. Bela has been adding additional decorations to the house, one that I’m sure you will enjoy once you enter the house. The daughters insist that they have the perfect gift for the both of us already and I am both excited and fearful. They never fail to provide use with the most…interesting of gifts.
You chuckled, blushing slightly at the number and types of presents Bela, Cassandra and Daniela had decided on gifting you and Alcina over the years.
I know that you will be home at your regular time but I do miss waking up with you in my arms. It will only be for this month, I know, but it is much too long. Forgive me for my…neediness, as you would say, but might I request that we spend the evening in front of the fireplace? I wish to hold you and spend a few hours in quiet peace before the girls demand that bake cookies again. Please refrain from working too hard, darling. I will be seeing you soon.
Sincerely, your beloved,
You smiled wide, both at how cute your wife could be and the fact that she signed her text. You typed back a lengthy reply before putting your phone back down. Yeah, you weren’t exactly too happy about having to work extra hours but you didn’t mind it when you had a loving wife and daughters to come home to.
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Sushi Date! (Dad!Yuta x you)
a/n : hey sorry for disappearing, I have midterms last week and this week I only have to do 2 more... anyways I am double updating today :D
warning : none
a/n again : This is like the second scene after Fringe (though it’s not related) Namie is your first born daughter and yes you guys delivered a second child! Find out who the prince is... oop spoiled it
this is your fave dad!yuta domestic kind of thigns right? @yutahoes
anyone who wants to be tagged, please let me know :D
vocab crash course : Otosan - dad in Japanese
“Open up,” said the sweet man seating on the other side of the table as he extends his arm and brings a chopstick with sushi to your mouth.
You giggle, blushing from the bold public display affection nevertheless you open your mouth and take in the piece of sushi.
“Aaaa" he mimics you by opening his mouth and you really have to hold yourself back from crawling under the table. Yuta is really affectionate, but you are the type to keep it low in public. Mainly because the man you are dating is a public figure and you are just a small girl in the village doing alright . And you are just a lucky girl who happens to fall in love with him aannndd its mutual.
“wae?” He asks when you slowly kick his shin under the table. Your red ears are enough to make him realize that you're shy.
“there’s many people Yuta,” you whisper and glare at him. He runs his eyes along the room and nods his head “so what?”
“Well I don’t want to attract attention.” You play with the chopstick in your hand. Yuta doesn’t mind you instead he picks another piece and stuffs it into his mouth “No one is paying attention to us. Besides I've missed your tons! I just want to make sure you know I love you.”
You feel guilty but thanks to the banging on the table, both you and Yuta quickly drive your attentions to the little member of your family.
“Oh Kenji-san, you want more?” Yuta quickly refills his son’s empty plate.
Kenji's big smile soon reappears as he picks up his training chopstick and make an attempt to eat the salmon sushi.
“Otosan! Namie-chan too,” your first daughter who already grows up to a well behaved sweet 4 years old tug on her father's shirt.
Yuta looks at her with heart in his eyes and with his father mode he takes care of her.
Yes, your second child has been in the family for a year. Kenji is a healthy baby with calm personality, unlike Namie who cannot sit still, Kenji can entertain himself with sitting down on the floor and dozing off. You sometimes feel bad seeing Kenji staying quiet despite Namie's tireless attempts to make her brother laugh.
They're a dynamic duo, but Namie loves Kenji with all her heart. She was sometimes jealous at first, but when Yuta makes sure she gets the love she deserves and explains Kenji is her brother, Namie wants to understand and helps you a lot on daily basis by being a good sister. Yes, Yuta's absence in the house during promotion era is crazy for you, but with his constant hard work your small family can enjoy living a good life.
Yuta and you continue to supervise your children as they gladly enjoy their meals.
“I love seeing them eat like this,” Yuta puts down his chopstick and you quirk an eyebrow. Sushi is something he really likes, but he only ate a few earlier.
“Stopping? Diet?” you ask totally aware of his food restrictions. Yuta shakes his head “Let the kids have it, I had enough.”
You smile, as you help Kenji scoops in some more food.
Namie is eating like every other kid her age, totally engrossed in the delicious foods that her face is messy and her hands are full of rice.
“Aigo look at how big you've grown! Otosan still remembers the day I can cradle you.” Yuta rubs a loving hand on Namie's soft hairs. She smiles which makes Yuta smiles too.
“I am a big girl! I am a sister now! Kenji is my little brother.” Namie proudly points to Kenji who is clapping his hands as if he understands his sister's words.
Yuta plants a kiss on Namie's head and the smaller one winks.
“Look at both of you having the same smile,” you comment while helping Kenji cleans up after his happy meal mess.
Yuta watches as Namie reaches out for her own wet tissue and starts cleaning up, Yuta's heart swells at the thought of his daughter growing up so fast … he'll drive her to school and suddenly she is a young lady and one day Yuta will walk her down the aisle!
“Otosan?” the small girl's tug on his shirt brings Yuta back to present days.
“Yes princess?” Yuta plants his attention to the less messy girl.
“Help me, I don’t know if I'm clean already…” she hands Yuta the wet tissue pack and Yuta gladly takes one fresh sheet out “Of course, here next time you want yo make sure you didn’t miss this part.” Yuta explains as he wipes the cheek area.
“Thank you for dinner.” Namie mutters to Yuta after they all settle into the car and head back home.
Yuta looks surprised, Namie has never said that usually it was you, but you were quiet because Kenji fell asleep already on your chest.
“You're welcome Namie.” Yuta replies although he shoots you a questioning yet proud look.
Once the car is parked and the small family enters the house, Namie stays behind to wait for Yuta to lock his car.
“Oh, go inside Naemie, it's cold.” Yuta ushers the small girl into the house and Namie is all good she just waits to tell “Thank you!” for Yuta to drive them home safely.
Yuta feels warm, receiving small gratefulness from his children is enough to recharge his energy.
Once Namie and Kenji are asleep in their room, you finally have the time to enjoy your husband's attention. Well Yuta has been giving his attention to Kenji and Namie, but you don’t blame him. He needs a bonding time with them or else they don’t know who their father is.
You snuggle comfortably into Yuta's hug and he runs a finger throughout your hair while sometimes massaging your tense neck.
“Namie really grew up so fast!” Yuta mumbles.
You nod proudly “I taught her all of her manners.”
Yuta smile “I am aware of that; it is a habit of yours that always thank me for dinner and driving and anything else! Every small thing I did… you give me thank and attention! Namie sure saw you do that all the time and thinks it is something to do… which I am glad she did copy!”
You laugh “Yes I am glad she picks up this habit from young. Thanks, Yuta, for tonight.” You impulsively thank him like any other days.
Yuta lovingly rubs your shoulder “See, always thanking me! I should be the one to thank you… must be hard to look after them by yourself. I promise I'll try to go home more.”
His hand brushes your shoulder and he focus his eyes on the dark to notice a patch of neck pain reliever stickers on your back. He sadly smiles and runs a hand over the tensed muscles
“Must be hard right? Tired… taking care of children… I am sorry,” he presses the tight nods away, trying to help you unwind.
You blush when you let out a breathy moan on a good knot Yuta is pressing “Well I need to thank you, because I really am thankful. Thanks for being a good father to them. If it's hard? It is, but your job is also hard. so, both of us have our own duties and we need to do them well.”
“Am I? I feel like I am a bad father.” Yuta frowns as his hand continues to do wonders to your tensed shoulders. Carrying Kenji with the baby carrier while doing house chores made you want to buy a nee spine.
You smooth out the lines between his brows “No, they see you as their hero! Namie knows you work hard for her so she can go to school and eat her favorite foods.”
Yuta feels happy about that and kisses your head “You're a wonderful mom! Teaching that to your children by yourself.”
You shake your head “You are being responsible, and it is a good father image for them. They'll understand.  You- coming home every free time you have is strong enough to remind them how hard you're working for them. You're not a bad father Yuta, instead I am glad you're always trying your best to be a dad.”
Yuta hugs you deeper into the sheet “Is it? Then I am glad you are the mother to my beautiful, handsome, and wonderful children. Thank you (y/n). Saranghae~”
“me too, love you tons Yuta!” you press a kiss on his cheek and bury yourself to his chest as you slowly drift to dreamland.
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xhanisai · 3 years
got any Lovesquare headcanons for any AUs you havent had the chance to work on in a while?
Actually, I do! Remember the really old doodles I did of Chibi Noir and Chibi Bug? 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This Chibi AU is something I’ve always wanted to expand on as a comic but never got the chance to do so- I may go off tangent here lel
- They are equivalent to sprites/chao/fairy. They suddenly appeared in Marinette’s and Adrien’s life after they’ve been working as heroes for a while solely because their love for each other is SO strong, that the magic was able to create these chibis. 
- They are no bigger than a newborn baby but they are still quite a challenge to hide from other people. They make only little sounds; Chibi Noir meows like a kitten and Chibi Bug only hums quietly. The latter is so much more shy and quiet than the former.
- Chibi Noir appeared first in Marinette’s room because Adrien has deep down inside, acknowledged his romantic feelings for her which are on the same par as his feelings for Ladybug. Of course, Marinette was freaked out at first but she was quick to fall for Chibi Noir’s cuteness and pretty much adopted him as her own son/pet? The only explanation that Tikki gave for the being’s existence is that it’s because Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s partnership is very, very strong. (She’ll give the full explanation after the reveal).
- Marinette has named him Chaton Noir and loves him a lot. He’s very attached to her, a glutton for sweets and loves cuddling her. He also hates that he has to hide away from other people and would sometimes cause trouble. Basically an equivalent to a naughty kitten. Regardless, Marinette can’t stay mad at him for long and is thankful that he’s there with her.
- Marinette also has no choice but to bring him along to akuma fights and patrols because a) Chaton wouldn’t let her leave him alone and would cling to her leg with watery eyes, b) If she did leave him alone at home, there’s 100% chance that he would be found out by her parents or that he’d sneak out looking for her and get lost.
- So, the night after Chaton appeared, Ladybug brought him with her to patrol to meet her partner and explain what’s been going on. Chat’s first reaction:
“...WE HAVE A KID!? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?!?? MON DIEU- I have no idea how to be a Papa! I haven’t even done any research and I don’t even know how to change nappies and-”
“Chat Noir-”
“-I will also cover every expense fee and love him the way he deserves-”
“-And I will also most definitely look for a job but I also don’t mind being a stay at home dad- hey wait! I could be a stay at home dad, Buguinette-”
- Of course, Ladybug finally corrects him and explains what really happened. At first, Chat is awed by Chaton’s existence and marvels about how cool all of this is, however, he does start to get irritated with how close and sweet the being was with Ladybug. He’s even miffed by the fact that he doesn’t have his own Chibi rendition of his Lady. 
- Chaton Noir is also a little shit and loves teasing Chat Noir and riling him up. They have a love-hate dynamic.
“Why does HE get to kiss you and get kisses in return???”
“Because he’s cute and I love him,”
“I’m cute too! Why don’t you love me!? ;A; ”
“My Lady, he stuck his tongue out at me!”
“So? Just ignore him,”
“Bug...You let HIM take a bath with YOU!?!? WHAT!?!?!”
“Your point?”
- Chaton Noir helps out a tad during akuma battles. Though he’s not capable of any sort of power, he can distract the villains. No matter how many times Ladybug tries to keep him in a place where it’s safe, he always runs out to try and help. Many times, he ends up in trouble and gets saved by Chat Noir. So just imagine an annoyed Chat leaping away with the Chibi held by the crook of his arm lmao.
- It’s only a few weeks after Chaton Noir’s appearance does Chibi Bug finally come to life (this is because Marinette is no longer in denial of her feelings for her partner). Adrien wakes up to the sight of an annoyed Plagg and the new Chibi fast asleep on his pillow. It took the boy everything to not squeal out loud like an obsessed fangirl. 
“Plagg! I finally have a daughter!”
“You know that’s not how it works, kid.”
“I’m gonna name her Baby Bug!”
“...You better not give her any of MY cheese.”
- When Baby Bug finally woke up, she was quick to run away and hide from Adrien’s super excited face. He didn’t give up. He managed to coax her out with his hidden stash of sweets and she allowed him to pet her hair. At that moment, Adrien dramatically vowed that he would die for her, ignoring Plagg’s grumbles on “I never saw you pledging that to ME, a literal GOD.”
- Despite Plagg’s annoyances at first, he too fell for the Chibi and also vowed that he’d protect her no matter what. This happened because whilst he was eating cheese mid-air, he accidentally dropped it, only for Baby Bug to catch it and give it back to him. 
- Baby Bug is very well behaved, full of affection, loves to draw and create. She also has a strange habit of eating flowers (especially if they’re full of aphids). She does have a mischievous side, especially with her impromptu hide and seek games and “borrowing” Adrien’s belongings (mainly his phone UwU).
- She hates Gabriel Agreste. She hates how upset he makes Adrien so whenever Gabe is mentioned or if she hears him or sees him, she pulls a face.
- Chat Noir obviously couldn’t wait to show her off to Ladybug. They met up at a late patrol with Chat arriving like a proud father. 
“Miau, My Lady! Meet our daughter!”
“Chat, how many times do I have to tell you that THAT’S not how it works- oh- Oh! Oh wow! She’s so cute!!!”
“I know right!?”
“Mon Dieu she is so adorable!!!”
“YES! Her name is Baby Bug!”
- Chaton Noir is a bit confused with all of this at first, even gets stupidly jealous with seeing Ladybug fawning over someone else that’s not him to the point where he hisses at Baby Bug. The little shit makes her cry.
“Why you!? My Lady, you need to teach YOUR son some manners- hmmph!”
“Quoi!? Why don’t you teach YOUR daughter to stop being a crybaby!? It was only an itty bitty hiss!”
- Thankfully, Ladynoir quickly settles their bickering after they realised how silly they were being. Baby Bug manages to win Chaton Noir over by sharing a macaron with him. 
- She regrets it now. He’s never stopped fawning over her and chasing her for a hug since then. 
“Awww, don’t you think they remind you of us~?”
“They do, especially when I’m trying to get away from your terrible jokes, Minou~ :)”
“You love my jokes and you know it! >:(”
- During akuma battles, even Baby Bug refuses to sit still in a safe space and runs out to help Ladynoir. A lot of it is just keeping Chaton Noir out of trouble, however.
- Both Chibis also go to school with their holders, hiding in their school bags. They don’t like to be alone. 
I think I went a bit overboard with this lmao...if you want a reveal with this AU or a different AU, feel free to ask lol :’D
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