#Alcina is a dork idc
redoqs · 3 years
lady d probably treat texts like letters with perfect punctuation and signing off every text with "sincerely, your beloved, alcina dimitrescu" and even if you explain to her that she doesn't have to say her name every time bcus you have her contact saved but she still does it regardless and i think that's so hot of her
You rubbed your eyes with the heels of hands, trying to wipe away even a tiny bit of the sleepiness that had settled deep behind your eyelids. You loved and hated this time of year, loved it because of all of the beautiful joy and laughter you got to share with your family and hated it because of the increase of hours at your job. Okay, you didn’t exactly hate it, it was only your third day of working your extended shift and while you certainly enjoyed having extra money in your pocket, your body still had yet to get used to waking up earlier. Still, it was your schedule for the month and you had no choice but to follow it.
As you typed away on your computer, your phone vibrated on your desk. Picking it up and reading the notification, you smiled warmly when you saw the Lady’s nickname pop up on the screen. Quickly typing in your password, you unlocked the phone and clicked on the message, chuckling at Alcina’s unusual way of texting. For as long as she had a cell phone, she still had a weird habit of writing her texts as though they were letters and while you often teased her about her untimely style, you found it incredibly endearing and told her to never change.
Dear Y/N
While I understand that you must be away for work earlier than usual during this time, I miss you dearly. You work so hard, even during your regular hours, surely you could use a break, I’d be more than happy to relieve you of your stress in any way you’d like. The girls miss you as well, Daniela had suggested we all make gingerbread houses this year with Cassandra saying we should make it a competition, though I fear that it may result in the causalities of the houses like it did last year. Either way, I’m positive we will enjoy the experience, even if it means that we must scrub the ceiling clean of frosting again. Bela has been adding additional decorations to the house, one that I’m sure you will enjoy once you enter the house. The daughters insist that they have the perfect gift for the both of us already and I am both excited and fearful. They never fail to provide use with the most…interesting of gifts.
You chuckled, blushing slightly at the number and types of presents Bela, Cassandra and Daniela had decided on gifting you and Alcina over the years.
I know that you will be home at your regular time but I do miss waking up with you in my arms. It will only be for this month, I know, but it is much too long. Forgive me for my…neediness, as you would say, but might I request that we spend the evening in front of the fireplace? I wish to hold you and spend a few hours in quiet peace before the girls demand that bake cookies again. Please refrain from working too hard, darling. I will be seeing you soon.
Sincerely, your beloved,
You smiled wide, both at how cute your wife could be and the fact that she signed her text. You typed back a lengthy reply before putting your phone back down. Yeah, you weren’t exactly too happy about having to work extra hours but you didn’t mind it when you had a loving wife and daughters to come home to.
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