#gotta respec
pikahlua · 7 months
MHA Chapter 402 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 各地の戦況は… かくちのせんきょうは… kakuchi no senkyou wa... The state of the war in various places...
1 荼毘完全沈黙‼︎避難民の無事も確認! だびかんぜんちんもく‼︎ひなんみんのぶじもかくにん! Dabi kanzen chinmoku!! hinanmin no buji mo kakunin! "Complete silenced from Dabi!! Confirm the safety of the evacuees!"
2 轟焦凍任務成功です! ショートにんむせいこうです! SHOOTO ninmu seikou desu! "Shouto's mission is a success!"
3 そして soshite And...
4 トガ増殖停止‼︎消えていきます! トガぞうしょくていし‼︎きえていきます! TOGA zoushoku teishi!! kiete ikimasu! "Toga's proliferation has stopped!! [Her clones} are disappearing!"
tagline 2 「僕のヒーローアカデミア」 「ぼくのヒーローアカデミア」 「boku no HIIROO AKADEMIA」 My Hero Academia
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1 そして soshite And...
tagline No.402 THE TEARFUL DAYS  堀越耕平 ナンバー402 ザ ティアフル デイズ  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 402 ZA TIAFURU DEIZU   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 402 THE TEARFUL DAYS  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 トゥワイスが消えていきます…! トゥワイスがきえていきます…! TUWAISU ga kiete ikimasu...! "The Twices are disappearing...!"
2 重量軽減これで浮力が確保できます! じゅうりょうけいげんこれでふりょくがかくほできます! juuryou keigen kore de furyoku ga kakuho dekimasu! "With this weight reduction, we can secure our buoyancy!"
3 同刻 どうこく doukoku At the same time...
4 AFO‼︎死柄木に接近‼︎ オール・フォー・ワン‼︎しがらきにせっきん‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! Shigaraki ni sekkin!! "All For One!! He's approaching Shigaraki!!"
5 泥ワープ圏内に入ってます‼︎ どろワープけんないにはいってます‼︎ doro WAAPU kennai ni haittemasu!! "He's entering range for his mud warp!!"
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1 雄英から降りて緑谷くんは ゆうえいからおりてみどりやくんは yuuei kara orite Midoriya-kun wa Midoriya-kun, who left UA,
2 あれだけの至近距離でなんとか死柄木の攻撃をいなしているなんとか膠着状態を保っている! あれだけのしきんきょりでなんとかしがらきのこうげきをいなしているなんとかこうちゃくじょうたいをたもっている! are dake no shikin kyori de nantoka Shigaraki no kougeki wo inashite iru nantoka kouchaku joutai wo tamotte iru! has somehow managed at such a close range to dodge Shigaraki's attacks and maintain a stalemate!
3 泥ワープ どろワー�� doro WAAPU Mud Warp
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1 巻き戻しを注入した時点で… まきもどしをちゅうにゅうしたじてんで… makimodoshi wo chuunyuu shita jiten de... "At the moment I injected Rewind..."
2 此処がゴールだった…… ここがゴールだった…… koko ga GOORU datta...... "this [place] was my goal......"
3-4 弔に「僕の"個性"」を譲渡する事で とむらに「ふくせいひん」をじょうとすることで Tomura ni 「fukuseihin (kanji: boku no "kosei")」 wo jouto suru koto de "By transferring my copy of my quirk to Tomura,"
5 彼は僕を超えた僕となる かれはぼくをこえたぼくとなる kare wa boku wo koeta boku to naru "he will become a me that surpasses me."
6 まだ…密着さえすれば‼︎ まだ…みっちゃくさえすれば‼︎ mada...micchaku sae sureba!! If only...we were glued together!!
7 来いAFO こいオール・フォー・ワん koi OORU FOO WAN "Come, All For One."
8 OFAに邪魔されずに 緑谷にじゃまされずに Midoriya (kanji: OFA) ni jama sarezu ni "Without interference from Midoriya (read as: One For All),"
9 円滑な譲渡を行うには えんかつなじょうとをおこなうには enkatsu na jouto wo okonau ni wa "to ensure a smooth transfer..."
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1 おいで oide "Come here,"
2 死柄木弔 もう一人の僕 mou hitori no boku (kanji: Shigaraki Tomura) "other me (read as: Tomura Shigaraki)."
3 先生… せんせい… sensei... "Master..."
4 邪魔だよ じゃまだよ jama da yo "you're a nuisance."
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1 やはりすでに"意識"は呑まれているか やはりすでに"ぼく"はのまれているか yahari sude ni "boku (kanji: ishiki)" wa nomarete iru ka Indeed, you've already consumed my consciousness, huh?
2 まァいい maA ii Well, that's fine.
3 ならば出向くまでさ ならばでむくまでさ naraba demuku made sa "In that case, I'll have to go over [there]."
4 おい oi "Hey,"
5 …あれ… ...are... "...that..."
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1 わあああっ‼︎ waaaa!! "Waaaagh!!"
2 その情けない表情を以て そのなさけないかおをもって sono nasakenai kao (kanji: hyoujou) wo motte "While you have that pitiful face (read as: expression),"
3 若者に夢を見せた責任を取ろうオールマイト‼︎ わかものにゆめをみせたせきにんをとろうオールマイト‼︎ wakamono ni yume wo miseta sekinin wo torou OORU MAITO!! "let's have you take responsibility for showing dreams to the youth, All Might!!"
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(the little bubbles containing ハッ are "hah" noises from Izuku breathing heavily)
1 オールマイト助けなきゃあ‼︎緑谷出久‼︎ オールマイトたすけなきゃあ‼︎みどりやいずく‼︎ OORU MAITO tasukenakyaa!! Midoriya Izuku!! "You have to help All Might!! Izuku Midoriya!!"
2 丁度いいや!行ってこいよ‼︎ ちょうどいいや!いってこいよ‼︎ choudo ii ya! itte koi yo!! "Such good timing! Go [get him] and come back!!"
3 その間に先刻俺を痛め続けた上の連中 そのあいだにさっきおれをいためつづけたうえのれんちゅう sono aida ni sakki (kanji: senkoku) ore wo itame tsudzuketa ue no renchuu "In the meantime, that lot [of yours] above who kept hurting me earlier,"
4 全部壊しとくからさ! ぜんぶこわしとくからさ! zenbu kowashitoku kara sa! "I'll destroy all of them [before you get back]!"
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1 運命などこの腕で好きな形にねじ曲げてやるさ うんめいなどこのうでですきなかたちにねじまげてやるさ unmei nado kono ude de suki na katachi ni nejimagete yaru sa With these arms, I'll twist fate into whatever shape I like.
2 僕も一緒にねじ曲げます ぼくもいっしょにねじまげます boku mo issho ni nejimagemasu I'll also twist it together with you.
3 一度は抑えた筈の涙が いちどはおさえたはずのなみだが ichido wa osaeta hazu no namida ga The tears he had once held back
4 再び溢れ零れそうになるのを堪える ふたたびあふれこぼれそうになるのをたえる futatabi afure kobore sou ni naru no wo taeru are about to overflow and spill again, and he resists it..
5 その泣き虫は治さないとな そのなきむしはなおさないとな sono nakimushi wa naosanai to na You need to fix that crybaby [thing].
6 良い弟子でありたいから いいでしでありたいから ii deshi de aritai kara ...because he wants to be a good disciple.
7 OFAの面影が ワン・フォー・オールのおもかげが WAN FOO OORU no omokage ga The One For All vestige
8 緑谷出久の中で みどりやいずくのなかで Midoriya Izuku no naka de inside Izuku Midoriya
9-10 一足先に別れを告げた ひとあしさきにわかれをつげた hitoashi saki ni wakare wo tsugeta bade him farewell there earlier.
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1 オールマイト!!! OORU MAITO!!! All Might!!!
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1 "個性"がなくても "こせい"がなくても "kosei" ga nakutemo Even if I don't have a quirk,
2 ヒーローは出来ますか⁉︎ ヒーローはできますか⁉︎ HIIROO wa dekimasu ka!? can I become a hero!?
3 できるよ dekiru yo You can.
4 だって君は沢山頑張れるもの だってきみはたくさんがんばれるもの datte kimi wa takusan ganbareru mono Because you are one who can do your best a lot.
5 夢を捨てきれなかったもの ゆめをすてきれなかったもの yume wo sutekirenakatta mono Because you are one who cannot abandon your dream.
6 私も わたしも watashi mo I, too,
7 捨てきれないんだよ すてきれないんだよ sutekirenainda yo cannot abandon mine either.
8 私の…… わたしの…… watashi no...... My......
9 夢… ゆめ… yume... dream...
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1-2 平和の……象徴に…… へいわの……しょうちょうに…… heiwa no......shouchou ni...... "[To become] the symbol......of peace......"
3 後よろしくな あとよろしくな ato yoroshiku na "I leave the rest to you,"
4 空彦 そらひこ Sorahiko "Sorahiko."
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1 そいつの夢 そいつのゆめ soitsu no yume "That kid's dream,"
2 叶えてやってくれ かなえてやってくれ kanaete yattekure "please make it come true."
3 お師匠ォオ‼︎ おししょうォオ‼︎ oshishouOO!! "Masteeer!!"
4 志村菜奈の最後… しむらななのさいご… Shimura Nana no saigo... Nana Shimura's end...
5 何故 今思い出す⁉︎ なぜ いまおもいだす⁉︎ naze ima omoidasu!? Why do I remember it now!?
6 理想ばかりが先行し実力の伴わない女だった りそうばかりがせんこうしじつりょくのともなわないおんなだった risou bakari ga senkou shi jitsuryoku no tomonawanai onna datta She was a woman who put her ideals first, without the power to back them up.
7 実にみっともない死に様だった じつにみっともないしにざまだった jitsu ni mittomonai shi ni zama datta And then she died such a pathetic death.
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1 オール・フォー・ワン OORU FOO WAN All For One,
2 おまえはオールマイトに負ける…必ずね おまえはオールマイトにまける…かならずね omae wa OORU MAITO ni makeru...kanarazu ne you will lose to All Might...for sure.
3 だって datte Because...
4 こいつ koitsu This guy,
5 自分もろともーー じぶんもろともーー jibun morotomo-- together with himself-- (Note: The implication is that AFO has realized All Might plans to take AFO down with him.)
6 おまえより俊 (とし) 典の方が おまえよりとしのりのほうが omae yori Toshinori no hou ga compared to you, Toshinori is
7 イカレてる IKAREteru crazier.
8 もっかい死ねば もっかいしねば mokkai shineba "If you die once more,"
9 せめて幼稚園児くらいにはなるかぁ⁉︎ せめてようちえんじくらいにはなるかぁ⁉︎ semete youchienji kurai ni wa naru kaa!? "will you become about as old as a kindergartner!?"
tagline 全てを賭して‼︎ すべてをとして‼︎ subete wo toshite!! Risk everything!!
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laurelnose · 4 months
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no i still haven’t finished my regular tav run but i did start a durge playthrough yesterday. you get three guesses what I named him and the first two don’t count
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tinytinybumblebee · 7 months
I’ve been rotating your Omeluum secretly using a pacifier since he can hide it in his tentacles thing in my mind for days… so here’s more babey squid idea because I love him:
Since Omeluum gave up his ring of mind shielding for Tav I feel like he’s gotten especially paranoid about being found out by elder brains now more than ever, especially with the impending Absolute crisis and everything. Blurg knows something’s up with him, even though Omeluum is a very hard and diligent worker, he’s been too occupied with his studies lately, even for him—he hasn’t even seen his companion so much as doze off for a few minutes in the recent days. Finally he confronts him about it because scholars stop other scholars from completely burning themselves out and Ome reveals that he hasn’t been able to sleep or relax for even a moment because he’s worried he’ll get found when his guard is down… to which Blurg makes some connections mentally and realizes the best way to get him to relax is to help him regress, so he just gently takes Omeluum by the hand and whispers he can rest all he wants right now, because papa will keep watch and keep him safe, and Omeluum regresses IMMEDIATELY and exhaustion is already catching up as he finally gets a chance to escape his paranoia and relax…. as long as papa is there keeping him safe, that is, and Blurg would never take his eyes off him. (sorry for the essay djdhskcgsndg i rotate this octopus guy in my brain a lot)
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Ome deserves to be gently rotated in everyone's mind😭💖
It must be terrifying for Ome to be vaunderable to the elders and flayers once more, especially since they're no longer in the underdark and so close to where the elder brain lays, ready to attack-
He'd definitely be working himself to exhaustion, but to never let that rest come in fear that he will be taken over by the control of the elder ;0;
The comforting tone of Blurg is enough for Ome to slip, pressing his body close to the hobgoblin, feeling those strong arms rubbing his arms as he's guided back to their quarters for well needed rest ♡ Blurg definitely pops a soother in Ome's mouth because that sleepy flayer's tentacles are clinging all over Blurg's face (kinda like how babies will mouth on their parents faces just,,,with tentacles xD)
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hajihiko · 1 year
Trying to figure out a good lie to trick you with
Thats hilarious. Please do it
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churmandurr · 8 months
thinking about respeccing astarion into a cute little Druid , (bc he looks so adorable with that little crown we took off kagha) but it seems like sooooo much work ahh
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Another thing I want to mention:
Is it possible
That Cassian looks amazing in that prison outfit
I know he’s in prison
But fam
He lukt guud.
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lady-starbind · 2 years
Unpopular opinion but: Preachers who love God with all of their heart and serve him to the best of their ability are HOT (No I’m not out to take a Preacher mans from his wife.... but like I’m open to dating an available preacher someday... OR AT LEAST AN AVAILABLE MANS WHO LOVES GOD AND SERVES HIM TO THE BEST OF HIS ABILITY SDJFKVBDSJKDVBSJ)
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runningmunson · 2 years
Maybe Birthdays Aren’t So Bad
Pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Eddie hated his birthday but you didn’t know why. After he finally told you why, you made it your mission to change his mind. Based on this blurb
Warnings: Swearing, slight angst and Eddie being a bit mean in the beginning, fluff
A/N: Gotta give some credit and a big thanks to @shyposttree , what you added about throwing a party for Eddie at the same place and teaching him how to skate pushed me to make a full fic!
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“What do you mean you don’t want to do anything for your birthday?!” You yelled at Eddie as you helped him pick up after the Hellfire meeting. 
He rolled his eyes, “Just don't feel like it.” 
“Eddie, c'mon! You can’t not do anything for your birthday. It’s the one day that’s completely about you!” you whined. You knew parties weren't Eddie’s scene, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t at least take him out for dinner. 
“Actually, I can do nothing. Seeing as it is my birthday and all and ‘completely about me’,” Eddie pointed to himself, throwing your words back at you. His shoulders started to feel tense, and the feeling of hurt he pushed back into his mind long ago tried to pry its way out.
“Would you let me take you out, just us two? Or even Wayne?” you asked, hoping he would say yes.
Eddie sighed and clenched his fists. He could feel himself getting frustrated as you unceasingly asked. He knew you meant well, but he just didn't like his birthday. He threw his notebook on the table, “No! I don’t like my birthday, okay? I don’t want to do anything. Not with my friends, not with Wayne, and not with you! So can you please just drop it?”
You tried to hide the hurt on your face, but it was too late. Eddie already saw the way you flinched and took a step back. He pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut. He didn’t like to raise his voice in anger, it always brought back memories of his father doing that to his mother. When he opened them, he reached his hand out and grabbed yours, pulling you into his arms. He kissed your forehead, “I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
“Why don’t you like your birthday, Eddie?” You asked, voice just above a whisper and head buried in his neck. It's not that you want to upset him even more than he already was, but you wanted to understand what was going on inside his head. He pulled you over to his chair and sat you on his lap. 
“It’s stupid, really, it is,” Eddie said, letting out a humorless chuckle. You looked at him, giving him a nod to continue. “I, uh, I was about to turn 10 and never had a real birthday party before. So for months, I begged Wayne to let me have a party at the Hawkins roller rink. He worked extra shifts and rented a small room for my first class party. I was so excited when he told me and went to work making invitations. Shit, I even drew little dragons and knights on them, which were surprisingly good for my previous lack of doodling skills.”
You smiled a bit, thinking about little Eddie spending hours making handmade invitations with his drawings. He continued, “So, the big day came. We went early and set up; and had pizza and cake. Then I waited and waited, and not a single person showed up. Wayne tried to make it better. We ate a ton of pizza and cake. He even tried to skate with me, but we both realized we can't skate worth shit, so we soon left.”
“Eddie-” you tried to talk, but he cut you off. 
“I don't really know why I expected anything less. It’s not exactly like I was ever invited to anyone's parties. I was always the one to find out about them that next Monday at school,” Eddie said, avoiding your gaze. He figured you would be looking at him with pity, and he didn’t want that, but when he looked, he saw anger in your eyes.
“That’s not stupid. I don’t blame you for hating it. Those kids are assholes and what they did wasn't right. I wish I knew you back then because that sounded like a damn good party. If you really don’t want to do anything then I respect that, and I won’t bring it up again,” you gave his hand a squeeze.
Eddie thought about it for a minute. He secretly missed celebrating his birthday. And it’s not like he didn’t have good friends now and was in a loving, healthy relationship. “I guess we can maybe do something this year- but it has to be small.”
He watched as a bright smile formed on your face. You threw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. “Are you sure? Oh, this is going to be great. I promise you won't regret it!”
He really hoped he didn’t either.
You had spent the last month planning something for Eddie’s birthday, and now it was finally that day. After hearing his reason for hating it, you had every intent and the determination to change his mind. 
Eddie woke up that morning to the sun shining on his face. He reached his hand out to search for you but came up empty. A groan came from his mouth. He threw the blankets off to see where you were, thinking it was too damn early for you to not still be in his arms. As soon as he opened the door, the smell of bacon hit his nose. He took the short trip from his bedroom to the kitchen to find you standing in front of the stove.
You felt Eddie's arms snake around your waist and pull you into his chest. His face nuzzled into your hair before he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Whatcha doin’, sweetheart?” he asked in his raspy morning voice.
You turned around, wrapping your own arms around his neck. You smiled at him, “Just making the birthday boy some breakfast. Have you seen him around? He’s taller than me, has beautiful chocolate brown eyes, unruly curly hair, pretty great at guitar, and is incredibly good-looking.”
“Hmm, if I didn’t know any better, I would say you were talking about me,” Eddie smirked.
“Happy birthday, Eddie,” you pulled him into a kiss. “Now go sit your cute butt down in that chair. I need to plate this.”
The second you put the plate down, he began to shovel food into his mouth. He let out a moan, ”Shit, sweetheart. This is amazing. You’re spoiling me too much.”
“There’s no such thing as spoiling you too much on your birthday-” you were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. You ran to get it, “Oh! That must be Dustin!”
“Hey man! Happy birthday!” Dustin walked over to Eddie, patting him on the back. Eddie just looked at him with his eyebrows cocked. His eyes then met yours as if silently asking why Dustin was there. 
“Oh! I forgot to mention that I have a small family emergency so I called Dustin. He brought all of your favorite movies over so you can have a movie marathon while I'm away,” you said, feeling a bit bad for lying to him, but you had to go set up his party. You grabbed your keys, kissed Eddie, and said goodbye.
Eddie turned to Dustin as he stood awkwardly in his kitchen, looking at him with a cheesy smile, “Why the hell are you looking at me like that?”
Dustin’s smile dropped, and he scrambled with his words, “Nothing, I'm not looking at you in any way.” 
“I'm just messing with you, man. Now let’s see what you brought,” Eddie laughed and went to ruffle Dustin's hair.
You recruited the help of Steve, Robin, and Nancy to help you decorate the roller rink. Mike, Gareth, and the rest of the Hellfire members were tasked with picking up the food. 
The longer you were here, the more it made you nervous to think about Eddie’s reaction. You knew there was a chance of this blowing up in your face to have a surprise party where he learned to hate his birthday, but you couldn’t help yourself. 
All you wanted was Eddie to make a new good memory, one where he learns to love his birthday again. You wanted to right the wrong he faced all those years ago, to show him that his life isn't how it used to be and that he had so many people that loved and cared about him. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea, but you were damn sure going to try. 
You checked your watch and saw that you needed to pick up Eddie and Dustin. “Hey, are you good? I gotta go get the guys.”
Steve gave you a thumbs up, so you left and made your way to Eddie’s trailer.
Once you got there, you let yourself in and saw Eddie and Dustin sitting on the couch watching A New Hope. You gave Dustin a nod to let him know everything was ready.
“Can you guys give me a ride? My mom dropped me off,” Dustin asked. 
“I guess we can, Henderson; not like we have a choice anyways,” Eddie said sarcastically, slapping his hands on his knees before standing up. “Come on, let’s go.”
You all made your way to Eddie’s van. He started to walk towards the driver’s side, but you stopped him. “Actually, I need to drive. And you need to put this on over your eyes.”
You handed him one of his bandanas. He looked at you and Dustin, taking in your shit-eating grins. “Are you serious right now?”
You and Dustin both nodded. Eddie shrugged but got in the passenger side and complied with your request, “Well okay, this is kinda weird. You guys aren’t like secretly planning to kill me or something are you?”
You both laughed, “No, just listen to your music and enjoy the ride. We will be there soon enough.”
It didn’t take long for you to make it to your destination. You gestured for Dustin to leave while you got Eddie out of the car.
“Can I take this thing off, or are you gonna make me keep it on all day?” Eddie laughed.
“Yes, you can take it off,” your nerves started up again. You kept walking but studied Eddie’s face as he took the bandana off. His face dropped at the sight of the roller rink in front of him. 
“Why the hell would you bring me here? You know how I feel about this place,” Eddie stopped in his tracks, yanking you back. His hands were sweaty, and he felt his face getting hot.
“Eddie, just trust me, please,” you begged him. He gave you a slight nod and gestured for you to continue walking. However, that didn’t stop his not-so-subtle grumbling about not liking this. 
You dragged him toward the same room where no one showed up all those years ago. Only this time, you stepped through the door of the dark room, and the lights flickered on revealing the place decorated with black and red streamers, a huge banner, and all of his friends already there.
“Surprise! Happy birthday, Eddie!” He looked around in shock. This was the last thing he expected. 
“Family emergency, huh?” Eddie questioned, a small smile playing on his lips. 
You shrugged and smiled at him sheepishly, “I wasn’t exactly lying, I consider everyone here my family.”
Eddie enjoyed the party, talking and laughing with everyone. He ate his weight in pizza and cake like he did with Wayne years ago and opened the large number of gifts that filled one of the tables. 
You leaned over after some time and whispered to Eddie, “you wanna skate?”
“Um, I don’t know about that. You know I don’t really know how,” Eddie replied.
You bumped shoulders with him and smiled, “Come on, I’ll teach you. It will be fun!”
You dragged him out of his seat and to the front counter to get skates. After lacing the skates, you slowly led Eddie to the rink.
“How the hell are you doing this so effortlessly? I mean you’re skating backward, for Christ's sake!” Eddie’s eyes were wide. His hands gripped yours tightly, afraid you would let him fall. 
“I’ve just had a lot of practice. Okay, I’m gonna walk you through it now,” Eddie shook his head no, his hair moving with him. “Eddie, you can do this! Now space your legs to where they are even with your shoulders and squat a bit.”
“Like this?” Eddie followed your instructions. You laughed as he stuck his butt out in the air.
“Yep, just like that! Turn your leg outward a bit and take a small push with your left leg. Look, you’re moving! Now do it with the other leg and just keep alternating, pushing side to side. You’re doing great, Eddie!” 
When Eddie had good momentum, you tried to release your hands. He tightened, not letting you pull away, “Woah! What are you doing?” 
“I’m gonna let go now and see how you do,” you laughed and let go of his hand:. He faltered a bit but regained his balance.
“Maybe this isn’t so bad, but uh, how exactly do I stop? Because that wall keeps getting closer,” you didn’t have a chance to reply before Eddie lost his balance and flew forward, knocking you both to the ground.
“Jesus Christ, I’m so sorry!” Eddie looked at you, hair in disarray. He rolled off you and helped you into a sitting position. You looked at each other for a minute, then burst out into laughter. 
“That’s gonna leave a nasty bruise,” you winced. “I think you should stick to guitar, skating doesn't really seem to be your thing.”
Eddie threw his head back and let out a booming laugh, “I tried to tell you!”
You sat in silence as you both tried to catch your breath. This moment couldn’t have been more perfect. Eddie looked at you, grabbed your chin gently, and pulled you into a kiss. “I can’t thank you enough for this. It really was a badass party. And maybe birthdays aren’t so bad, at least not when I have you around.”
taglist: @ali-r3n​ , @wroteclassicaly​ , @lem0nb0iii​ , @spookyheadxeddie​ , @ghosttownwherenoonegoes​ , @1800-fight-me​, @sweetpeapod​ , @toobsessedsstuff​
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omoriboii · 1 year
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gotta respec women
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jeeaark · 1 month
I apologize if someone's already asked you this question, but if Greygold wasn't a ranger, what class do you think they'd be? Would they be a paladin with an oath of friendship?
I think somebody made a delightful analogy of it at one point, but nay, not in a form of a question!
And I continue to absolutely love the idea of a paladin with an oath of friendship as Greygold's alternative class.
But! Deciding to become such a fancy class probably would've never have happened until after forming the tadpole squad. Gotta have friends to believe in friendship.
But a before-times choice if the call to ranger knighthood went unsung?
Shoot. Greygold probably would've been a whole different person if they never joined the Ranger Knights and befriended killer animal buddies.....I'm gonna be unfun and say it's a toss of the dice where their fate would've led them otherwise.
They joined the knights just so they can get a free meal, so....Whoever offers ✨the next best thing✨ to a young, hungry, and impressionable Greygold, is the pathway they'd've follow.
but then later with Tadpole Friends R "US", first opportunity, respec into Paladin: Oath of Friendship totally.
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thehoodedneku · 6 months
Started a playthrough of Borderlands 2 as Maya! Just to kill some time on my downloads for BL3! As I already beat the campaign with Zer0 a few days ago. And I gotta say, Maya is cute! I like the lines she has! Like she LOVES fighting enemies. I can see why she’s well liked (though I haven’t played far enough to know much about her skills). I should have replayed as her instead! It just kills me knowing how down the drain the writing for her went in BL3 (no spoilers but yikes, if Maya was your fav then you have my condolences). I have a lot of extra content to download before I replay BL3, so I might play as her a bit more while I wait. I do miss Zer0’s main skill though (turning invisible has saved me so many times in their campaign, that it’s hard to get used to not having that ability—you can be risky with Zer0). But sniping is always op at the start of this game, and it feels good! With late game Zer0, I had to respec out of their critical hit/sniper tree, and snipers became useless. Especially as late game enemies aren’t easy to one shot snipe without fancy skills (or a good gun).
Yeah I know I’m going on and on but I loveeee these games!!!
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lanaevyssmoved · 8 months
i want to try other wizard subclasses because i’ve had gale as a divination wizard for two playthroughs now but the thought of losing portent die makes me wanna die!
someones either gotta convince me to respec someone else into a wizard so i have two or sell me on another subclass because my ass is stuck
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sarcasticsra · 8 months
Baldur’s Gate 3 is my other current hyperfixation (I’ve had the game not even three weeks and nearly 100 hours in lol oops) and like
So I played through all of act 1 and then decided I hated my character’s hair, and since you can’t change your appearance (which is baffling to me? You can respec your whole class from the bottom up but not like… cut and dye your hair? Bizarre!) I made a new character
During the new character’s run I ran into Astarion, who I had missed the first time, and I was sort of displeased at first because through cultural osmosis I knew he would clash with my character
My Tav is a cleric/sorcerer and neutral/chaotic good to the end, she will rescue anyone who needs rescuing for naught but a thank you, so of course Astarion disapproves of her constantly
(She’s taken the strategy of being aggressively kind to him in turn, which is admittedly fun)
Of course, the little shit is too good at picking locks and disarming traps (+14! And advantage thanks to the gloves of thievery) so I’ve kept him in my party
I had Shadowheart and Gale as well (those were the only two I had in my first run) and since in my first run I flirted with Shadowheart, this time I went for Gale, because he’s a nerdy romantic sap and that’s adorbs (and he was in love with my Tav from the get go basically because he’s gotta be the most good-aligned character? Basically it went: “my character: *breathes* / Gale approves.” He was at exceptional really early into act 1)
And then in act 2 I found out you can add Halsin to your party, but I had to kick someone out to do so, and since Astarion is crucial for lock-picking and traps, Gale is my AOE damage dealer, and my character and Halsin both have access to healing spells, (side note: twinned spell + healing word, or distant spell + cure wounds = very effective) that meant Shadowheart was the most redundant
So now it’s my character and three dudes following her around, very 90s Chosen One, ~she’s not like other girls~ vibes, which admittedly cracks me up a bit, and I was joking with my husband that they were my harem
(None of these dweebs have any CHA so my character is the party face and of course the leader)
Except NOW I know you can romance Halsin in act 3, which, yes, but I’ve heard Gale is monogamous, so I’m hella conflicted on that, and then on top of that Astarion is growing on me to the point where I just want to hug him all the time (that scene with the drow lady who wanted him to bite her? And you’re just like “uh dude it’s obviously your choice” and he acts like that is the most revolutionary concept imaginable? Jesus Christ game, right to the feels) so now I’m like
Which one do I want
Why can I not have an actual harem, game???
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rtnortherly · 3 months
Y'all, I'm going off about my BG3 character (the one from the play through I'm doing with my sister). Because this is the second time I've played a dwarf that somehow accidentally became a part time tank via the powers of weirdly high ac and it's so funny to me. Apparently I just love playing a character who will actively grab a shield and put themselves in the middle of combat as a buffer for their squishy spell caster friends.
I wasn't expecting it. I was fully prepped for our party to be a fragile mix of spell casters and dex/charisma builds (maybe should mention I've never played a druid before). But with the fact that in BG3 Druids aren't hampered by metal armour or shields, and the Spore druid class can amp their HP temporarily with the Symbiotic Entity ability, some hefty purchases from Dammon, and a matter of necessity, somehow it happened.
There're some stats I gotta respec a bit (knock an odd point off of Wis and dump it onto Con for that extra HP) and then next chance I get I might try something wild and go for that one Battlemaster feat if its an option so I can taunt enemies or something (my sister's Very Squishy glass canon of a sorcerer is somehow always drawing the most enemies) but I'm kinda digging it. It was the same with my old Life Cleric Dwarf. I like being helpful, and if that means being a wall of high AC, so be it (gods I miss the life cleric healing ability though. And how using heals healed me).
Anyway, all this because I have been trying to figure out how to draw Rhuna better, and more consistently (I've not been super happy about how I'd done it so far), and I've just been getting a wild kick out of the fact that she walked up to a goblin camp looking like this:
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(sorry for the cronchy image, its likely the best I can do)
Like. When I decided to play a druid (with no research into the matter beyond the delight of Spore Druid = mushrooms), this is not what I was expecting. She's just a weirdo with a fancy hat, a cape, and a knife. Like. The number of times she'd be surrounded by four or five goblins and they'd all miss (on top of her AC, I figured using a knife instead of a staff wasn't too much of a sacrifice since this one imposed disadvantage to hit on goblins) was not insignificant.
On the hat: Yes, it's supposed to be for bards. No, she can't use it and it offers her no benefits. No, she will not be taking it off (barring that I don't find one which looks exactly the same but is actually helpful to her). Yes, it constantly obscures her eyes so she looks like she's out of a grim dark cowboy narrative. Yes, it is stupid and also badass.
Yes it spawned this drawing of her:
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It's a bit off model, but I do love it anyway. For reference here's a couple screen grabs:
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Anyways, I love her, she's wonderful. She'll fully wade into combat and explode people into a pile mould and will ask you random personal questions while looting corpses, or will alternatively wander off to harvest mushroom and immediately get everyone almost killed.
Also she turns into a giant badger which is neat.
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harmonyjade · 6 months
sorry but I gotta ask
what is the point of shadowheart??
she's a cleric but heals piss all
people keep saying she should never attack and only heal
she heals once and runs out of spell slots thingies cuz otherwise her heal is worthless if all she can heal is like 5 hp
like even in final fantasy, the basic bitch potion heals 200 hp and good to have until like almost end game.
I try to use sacred flame but it doesn't do any damage on a saving throw
and if she's not supposed to attack, what is the point of the medium armor and mace and shield??????
eventually she gets the moon spear thingy, but she can't even use it?!??
if you wanna role play her as a cleric and never respec her as something else, then how do you go about keeping her around?!?!?
her only use is in the curse lands when there's undead everywhere with her guiding bolt and turn undead, but in normal fights she's absolutely worthless to me!
genuinely curious
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recents · 28 days
oh we’re respeccing halsin and bringing him this time. he’s such a nothing character but i gotta try something i have been experimenting with elemental damage and party comp as i try to learn it. also felix is exploring his attraction to men so this tracks
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