docgold13 · 6 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Mister Freeze
Victor Fries was a scientist working at GothCorp. When his beloved wife Nora was diagnosed with a terminal illness, he began experimenting with cryogenics.  He found a means of sustaining Nora in cryogenic stasis where she could remain until a cure for her disease could be found.  All of this work was done at GothCorp, using huge amounts of the company’s funds.  When Ferris Boyle, the chief executive officer at GothCorp, discovered what Fries had been up to, he went to Fries’ laboratory with his men to shut the whole matter down.
Fries begged for his wife's life, but an irate Boyle had his men destroy the equipment.  Fries himself was kicked into a batch of chemicals, causing a terrible explosion that consumed the entire lab.  
Fries managed to survive this ordeal but the cryogenic chemicals had caused a dramatic and irreversible change to his physiology.  His body could no longer survive in temperatures above zero degrees celsius.  He created for himself a specialized cryo-suit that kept his body at low temperatures.  This suit also tripled his normal strength. He additionally devised a freeze gun that could fire torrents of ice that flash-froze anything it came into contact with.  
Devastated by the loss of his wife and now seeing himself as a cold and unfeeling entity, Fries re-dubbed himself ‘Mister Freeze’ and set about on gaining cold-blooded vengeance against Farris Boyle.  
Freeze’s efforts to bring down GothCorp attracted the attention of The Batman and the Dark Knight barely survived his first encounter with the villain.  After further investigation, Batman was able to determine Freeze’s true identity as well as Boyle’s culpability in the accident that had created him.  
Batman was ultimately able to defeat Freeze while also exposing Boyle’s murderous actions.  Boyle was sentenced to prison whereas Freeze was remanded to Arkham Asylum.  It would prove the first of many battles between Batman and Mr. Freeze.
Actor Michael Ansara provided the voice for Mr. Freeze, with the cold-hearted villain first appearing in the third episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Heart of Ice Part One.’
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ladygatuna · 10 hours
a little bit of what I thought!
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Veronica Thorn recently returned to gray Gotham City, intending to stop running from her demons!
Your adventures with your spider friends have come to an end, but it was great while it lasted!
She joined the spider society very early, after all, she became a spider very early. Veronica was a child surrounded by violence, but very intelligent, getting a scholarship to a rich school, and that only made things worse, since children can be very cruel!
And it was in a heavy bullying session, on a school trip to GothCorp. She ended up trapped in a secret room, where there were several spiders being studied, a frightening sight for a child. As she tried to get out of there, she ended up breaking one of the aviaries, and there was a very strange black widow that bit her.
This should kill her, at least that's what the doctors said, at least the hospital bills were paid, after all, they were just kids playing. And after a lot of pain, everything disappeared, she was back, and her mother bought her silence by accepting money from dirty people. however, she didn't return to that shy girl, who was afraid to even breathe too loudly around her bullies.
She realized that that spider was not normal, and the symptoms appeared a while later, they were classic. Then, others appeared that were very useful for his revenge. She acquired some characteristics of the black widow, and the best of them was poison.
No one has discovered how people so young ended up getting involved with drugs, and how much of a politician can be such a liar!
After all, heroes aren't born from violence and neglect, at least not in Gotham!
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yellowskinnedwackyman · 8 months
*looks around to see if anyone is around the area, starts running up Gothcorp's building* Damn this enchantment on my boots is working wonders! *smirks* Looks like I've got another similarity to Good Ol' Spidey!
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linkspooky · 1 year
oh dc? do you know Mr freeze i love him.
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This is going to be about Batman the Animated Series Mr. Freeze, because that's where his modern origin story came from. Without BTAS he'd just be a dude with a freeze ray.
I made an earlier post about how Batman is his Villains, and that is true for the relationship between Batman and Mr. Freeze as well.
Batman and Freeze are both going outside the law to try to save people. If you look at it from Freeze's perspective, he is the hero of the story. Victor Fries married to Nora Fries tries to experiment with cryogenics using GothCorp's funds to save his wife from a terminal illness. The CEO decided to shut down the experiments even when Fries was begging for his wife's life, the man broke into his laboratory, destroyed his wife's equipment, and left Fries to die.
If Fries were the protagonist of the story, his actions would be totally justified in the eyes of the audience. After all, that's his hero origin story. He was given super powers by the villains destroying him and his wife, and now all he wants is to save her, isn't that a sympathretic motivation? Isn't he trying to save someone just like how Batman fights crime to save people? I mean if you follow the Punisher from his perspective, we don't really see the Punisher as a villain because he is the one who was traumatized by the deaths of his family, and even the people he kills, well they probably deserve it right?
When Mr. Freeze is no longer the protagonist, his motives are much less justified to us as the audience. Freeze's desperation becomes ruthlessness. His desire to punish the people who destroyed his life, is now revenge. If Freeze were the protagonist of the story, he could be a hero incredibly similiar to batman, he's trying to save someone but it's just one person as opposed to a city.
So like what's the right thing to do in Freeze's situation? Bruce is allowed to take the law in his own hands to beat up muggers. Freeze is going after corporates crimminals. Robbing banks is wrong but what if he's using that money just to make a drug that will cure Nora and also everyone else who has her terminal illness? When do his actions become unjustified? When do they turn from Justice to revenge?
Those are all interesting questions that Freeze's character asks, and the quality he most mirrors is Batman is his ruthlessness which cane easily make his pursuit of justice look like revenge. Freeze isn't really concerned about the bystanders who get caught up in his operation, the world didn't show him any care or concern when he was turned into Mr. Freeze so why should he look out for them?
Batman and Mr. Freeze Subzero does a really godo job of exploring his character and relationship with Batman. To begin with Viktor isn't really a naturally hateful or malicious person, he only fights back when pushed by circumstances. He is basically living in peace and isolation at the beginning of the movie, when outsiders completely destroy his life yet again and put Norah's life in danger.
However, Mr. Freeze has a selfish streak. I mean one thing is his feelings of not wanting to lose Nora come over everything else, including Nora's own feelings. He never asked if Nora even wants him committing these crimes for her sake. He even says in the movie that he has lost everything else, Nora is the one thing he can't let the world take away from him. He objectifies her just a bit, but at the same time his feelings for her are genuine.
Batman does a really good job of foiling Freeze in that movie and showing why he is the main character, because heroes you know... save people. Batman demonstrates you can go through a similiar trauma as Mr. Freeze and still try to help out and reach for others, but not in a victim-blamey way (like Freeze just should have been better it was his fault he turned evil) but instead showing Mr. Freeze a kindness the world didn't show him.
Mr. Freeze was gonna butcher Barbara and take her heart. He justifies it to Barbara by saying the world never showed him any concern or tried to help him when he was an innocent. Mr. Freeze's plans fall apart and he is caught in a fire, not only does Barbara help the man who tried to kill her when he has a broken leg, but Batman and Barbara together get Norah, and Batman even goes back in the flaming wreckage to try to get Mr. Freeze. Because this is Barbara and Bruce that the world DOES CARE about what happened to him, and not everyone in the world is his enemy.
The movie ends with Bruce Wayne using his money to get Nora the heart transplant, even after everything Freeze did, because both Nora and Victor are victims and Batman doesn't fight victims he saves them.
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reviviscencegruiform · 9 months
I'm home. The orphanage was approved by the city board and will be funded through Crane Chemicals. Wayne tried to have the funding through WayneCorp, but that was rejected thanks to an objection from LexCorp and GothCorp on top of Wayne not getting approval from the board of trustees.
I still fuckin' got it.
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pompadourks · 2 years
Everyday I grow angrier knowing near every prominent member of The Pact had brilliant backstories that could’ve easily made us sympathize with them like we did with John. For example, what are the implications regarding the fact Harley lost her father then immediately joined a group headed by a man who must’ve been around his age? There’s also a strong possibility of her being a hypochondriac after discovering her father’s illness and for that matter could any of her actions be symptoms of this illness? What was the accident at GothCorp in this universe that made Freeze the way he is and for that matter what was his relationship with Nora like in his own words? Bane in his wiki is described as ‘The king of Peña Duro Penitentiary.’ How did he reach this level of notoriety? And did this prerequisite of being the strongest play a hand in his overuse of Venom? Even Riddler, again it’s said he was trapped inside SANCTUS for years all while his mind deteriorated. How did he and Selina meet? She mentions she liked him but we never got a good idea as to why. She was one of the only characters who had a positive relationship with him and we don’t even know why.
Sure I have my own ideas and such as to why these things happened and why characters do the things they do but they’re all speculation on a dozen things that could’ve been used to flesh The Pact out more. Can you imagine how much more tense the bridge scene could be? Or the battle with Bane in the vigilante route if we knew just a little bit more about these characters and their motives. Can you imagine trying to talk Harley down not just so she doesn’t kill innocents but also, maybe just the littlest bit because you also want to help her. Can you imagine trying to tell Bane he can still beat his addiction even without LOTUS? Can you imagine Selina standing up for Riddler even once to offer a trait she liked about him?? Can you imagine helping Freeze when he gets infected not just out of obligation but also because part of you hopes he can save Nora? Or at the very least cure her illness??? Can you imagine??
Especially as Bruce who shares similarities in all these character’s stories. He and Harley may be upset with their fathers for different reasons but that doesn’t change the fact they’re both angry with them. One scene, I wanted one scene where they bonded a little and maybe Bruce even asks why she’s more angry then sad he took his own life to which Harley responds something along the lines of ‘Being angry is easier then being sad.’ Because they both know that, they both intrinsically understand being upset over circumstances out of their control is easier then just accepting it. Hell Bruce may even help Harley realize her dad wasn’t an awful person for what he did, just sick. It isn’t like his dad had the excuse of not being in the right mind. And Bane is extremely strong, why wouldn’t Bruce use his undercover status to his advantage and ask for some less lethal moves to stun enemies (Just so he can draw out their deaths obviously Bane) what is it like for Bane to be in a fair fight? He seems to respect people willing to get their hands dirty so it can be assumed that even tying with him in any type of strength based feat is worthy of his respect. He and Bruce are both similar in their constant need to be stronger though, so it wouldn’t be far fetched to assume Bane may get downright angry if they godforbid have to call a truce. It can also be a great way to explore their different modes of fighting for a cause. Bruce fights for people and Bane fights for himself but also sometimes for groups if they suit his needs, does Bruce ever see himself in Bane? Can he even understand needing something so bad he’d be willing to kill for it? Of course he can. He could probably see himself killing for many things, and that’s scarier then Bane ever could be. He can also relate to Freeze’s desperation to get his wife back even if somewhere deep down he knows she probably would be unhappy with the world she woke up in. He knows if he got his mom, hell even his dad back they’d both be horrified by his night job. He knows he’s toeing Riddler’s line and he knows taking down SANCTUS will upset everyone even if it’s the right thing to do. He knows he’d kill to take down SANCTUS to protect everyone even if they’ll never know he did it for that reason.
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coolhearted · 2 years
Batman - One Bad Day: Mr. Freeze.
okay so. let's start with the good things? i very much like the art style and how it was painted. it looks very crunchy, dynamic, solid and expressive, and the designs are delicious. i love how freeze's first suit was inspired by btas, while the more tech-y one gave me a batman beyond vibe. batman himself was written out to be very interesting to read in this verse, especially because of his lack of clear communication and the fact that robin had to basically translate him for people more than once lol. robin was adorable and i feel him. freeze's expressions in Some panels were hilarious to me as a vic writter personally because, yeah. Yeah. thats a freeze body language alright
now onto the bad things: while paul dini's 1997 comic on mr. freeze is a classic, i don't find it very fitting in a more general sense. and i do get the feeling this is the angle this new particular script writer was going for in here too. my issue is that the whole point of freeze's character is that it's a tragic story about love. true love even, or perhaps a man who feels he doesn't have a choice and is forced (from his perspective) to hurt others in order to achieve his goal. he doesn't enjoy hurting people. he doesn't want this life of crime. all he wants is for his wife, his only love, to have a long, happy and healthy life, even if that could still mean she'd one day choose to leave him behind. you're supposed to sympathize with the character, to see him as more morally neutral and to some point even question batman's actions to put him behind bars? he is an anti-villain, not a villain, for a reason.
of course he's done terrible things and i don't excuse them, but this is a man who genuinely truly believes he doesn't have a choice in most of the things he does. when presented when a better alternative, one which is potentially less harmful for anyone, he is known to take it. he was someone who was supposedly a good person before the incident at gothcorp, someone who wanted to help people and the world, but has since started seeing everything more negatively and has started reacting with rage towards anything he may find threatening enough. this is obviously extremely unhealthy, and he definitely needs proper therapy and someone to work with him through all of it if possible.
however, the way i see it, this is a character who would definitely try to improve and better himself positively if given the chance. he craves that sense of normalcy and a less extreme lifestyle. even though he has a list of priorities, nora being at the very top, he would also much rather have what he used to have and be who he used to be, rather than what he has turned into.
the very end was probably the thing that made all of these aforementioned strikes a touch more salvageable for me. he's apprently decided to move on, to maybe improve, to do something good after so long. he feels more free, more human, and it could be a big step in the right direction both for him, and for the characterization as a whole.
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paradoxicwashere · 9 months
Mr Freeze: The Man Who Lost Everything
Buckle Up everyone because I'm obsessed with the Snowman and am about to make it everyone's problem. Here's my pitch for reinventing Mr Freeze with his own mini-series.
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Alright, first hurdle to jump is that I *hate* the New 52 retcon that Nora was never his wife. It's dumb and it ruins everything that makes Freeze great. I don't know exactly what Rebirth did but I'm sure it, or one of the other yearly universe ruining events was catastrophic enough to undo that stupid, stupid retcon.
So here we go! Long start up with the actual pitch a little ways down.
Mr Freeze was reinvented by Batman: The Animated Series with a new tragic origin that made the character everything he's become today. But the one problem with the character is his story is quite literally, frozen. Every appearance he is trying to cure his beloved Nora and every time he fails. Something has to change, and Nora finally being cured / awoken has already been explored beautifully in both the Adventures Continues & The Arkham Games. So we have to go in the other direction:
Out in the arctic, Victor works against the clock - freezing Nora slowed down her condition, it didn't stop it. He has one last chance, he races to finish the formula that will save Nora. He has but moments to save her.
He fails.
The Serum wasn't ready in time. He missed it, he didn't even get to say goodbye. Nora Fries has passed on, and Victor failed. He's broken, of course. He was so desperate to save her he didn't even see her go.
And then Batman arrives. The Dark Knight, perusing the hijacked Research Vessel. He finds it in the middle of a blizzard. Victor, kneeling in the center of it. His rage fueling the storm. But Batman dosen't stop him, he dosen't throw a batarang, he dosen't even raise his voice.
He offers Victor his hand. He knows what it's like to lose your entire world and dosen't want Victor to suffer alone. He couldn't ever get through to Victor when he was blinded by desperation, but now - maybe grief can bring clarity.
Later, back in Gotham - Police get a report that the villainous Mr Freeze has been spotted walking into a store on 34th and 12th. They arrive only to see a slightly surprised Florist with a $20 note on her counter. Elsewhere, Victor apologizes for being late as he lays flowers down on Nora's grave.
Victor has new purpose. He couldn't save Nora, but she isn't the only one to suffer her disease. He will finish the cure, and in his mission he will come to blows with the Company that ruined his life in the first place: GothCorp.
My Comic follows Mr Freeze re-imagined as an Anti-Hero hellbent on war with GothCorp, the corporation that turned Freeze into the cold-hearted Doctor in the first place and stole key parts of his research, research that he wants back. With a few new allies Freeze will do whatever it takes to complete his research, spending the rest of his days doing everything he can to leave a good Legacy on the world
For Nora.
TLDR: When he fails to save Nora, Mr Freeze is given a chance by Batman to honour her legacy. He turns his life around and is reborn an anti-hero with his sights set on reclaiming his stolen research from GothCorp so that he can finish his cure for the disease that plauged Nora.
And now some additional ideas:
Victor enlists the help of a desperate Gotham University student to drive his mobile laboratory and do some of the less dangerous work that he cannot do due to his inability to blend in. In trade he compensates them and helps with their degree.
Victor and Red Hood get along splendidly - and they both operate under Batman's rules that they're allowed to operate in Gotham as long as they do not kill.
The other villains didn't respect Victor as a threat until he reminds them how dangerous he can really be. He makes sure they know to stay out of his way upon his return.
GothCorp want to use Victor's cryo-tech to permentantly suspend patients of 'incurable' diseases as a way to wring money out of the families of the patients. The joys of American Healthcare.
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d-field22-blog · 10 months
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First appearance: Batman #121(February, 1959)
Story: So many of Batman's foes are either mob bosses, psychopaths, or downright evil men. However, that does not mean that misunderstood and sympathetic foes do not exist. Victor Fries is one of those foes. A cryongenist whose talent of cryogenics had taken him far in the many fields of science, Victor Fries was hired by GothCorp CEO Ferris Boyle. In secret, Victor created a cryogenic chamber and placed his terminally ill wife Nora Fries and placed her inside in hopes to one day find a cure to her Huntington's Chorea. However, Ferris, who had no interest on Victor's research, and running low on funding to supply Victor's research, pulled the plug and threatened Victor. During an inevitable struggle between Ferris and Victor Fries, the latter was knocked into a vat of cryogenic chemicals, lying defeated at Boyle carted Nora away. With the chemicals altering his metabolism in which one cannot survive out of Sub-Zero temperature, Fries swears revenge on Boyle and becomes Mr. Freeze. Blinded by his devotion and anger, Mr. Freeze is a poor tortured soul that we cannot help but feel sorry for and love. Not directly evil, but his views on what must be done will not be tolerated by the law, or Batman especially. Now as long as we don't make Mr. Freeze into a horrible actor who only talks in ice puns, we'll be just fine. SERIOUSLY NEVER AGAIN!!!!
Bio: Real name: Dr. Victor Fries Occupation: Cryongenist (formerly) Professional Criminal Base of Operation: Gotham City Eyes: Icy Blue Hair: Brown (formerly) White Height: 6ft (regular) 6ft 4in (Armored) Weight: 168lbs
Attributes: Master Scientist Altered Biology Armored Suit Strong in hand-to-hand combat Enormous variety of cryogenic weapons (Mainly the use of his cryo-gun) Driven devotion to cure his wife Nora.
Dream voice actor: Maurice LaMarche. I would have picked Michael Ansara, but unfortunately he has passed away. So I have decided to go with the second best voice actor. I absolutely love LaMarche's voice and with his experience, he is able to play Victor so well more than the many voice actors who played Freeze.
Featured Song: Cold as Ice by Foreigner. I think the title is enough to explain why this song was chosen. Also the chorus is literally written for Mr. Freeze.
Here we have it. The rogue that has taken me so far the longest to do. It was mainly the suit that required the most time to design. I wanted to give Victor's suit far more detail than anything I have given before.
Once again I have given Victor hair. We've seen the bald headed Freeze so many times that I kind of like him with hair a bit more. It's not as messy as the original design was, however it is still a tad uneven.
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riplikeren · 2 years
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sionisassistant · 1 year
"So, we know you said you're off tonight..." Don't mind the alarm ringing in the back. It's fine. Well, maybe it's not so fine, that's why they called, "How far are you from the Gothcorp building? And hypothetically, could you be here in under 10 minutes?"
@queryxecho are lucky she likes them
It really wouldn't be a night off if someone didn't end up calling her with a problem. Usually it was one of the boys in Janus, not her fellow henchgirls. Troublemakers who shouldn't even need her help she would add! Pursing her lips a moment, Li let the silence settle for a second over the car's bluetooth speaker. They're lucky she was already out driving.
"I can do it in five," she muttered, already making a hard turn. "What the fuck did you do? I thought Nygma was in Arkham!"
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king-crane · 1 year
//Heart of Ice will always, always, ALWAYS destroy me. Fantastic episode from a fantastic series. Single-handedly rewrote one of the more obscure members of the Rogues Gallery into one of the most memorable and tragic. There’s also so much depth to the episode, not only in how it completely changed perception of Mister Freeze, but in how subtly it portrays the wrongness of men like Boyle, and the differences between him and Bruce.
In one scene early on, after the news reporter (I don’t think it’s Vicki) is talking about how Gothcorp is described as a “people’s company”, you can see a bunch of kids playing in the snow and just having a good time. Then, a Gothcorp Security Officer marches over (likely on Boyle’s orders, since the police themselves didn’t seem too bothered) and shoos the kids away. When Bruce meets with Boyle, Boyle doesn’t hesitate to call his employees ‘wage slaves’, assuming Bruce feels the same. And later, when Bruce is presented with one of these ‘wage slaves’, the bored ass security guard, what does he do? Does he knock him out? Does he threaten him? Nope. He disguises himself as another guard and tells the guy to go have some fun. Bruce going the extra mile and never resorting to violence until it’s too late is what makes him an all-star.
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polymysteryinciscanon · 6 months
Me watching Batman the Animated Series for the first time as the 3rd piece of batman media I've ever consumed: Damn this Mr. Freeze is pretty smart he could have done some real good if the Gothcorp guy wasn't an a**hole- ooooooh.
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nintendouniverse2023 · 6 months
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The following progressive of My Batman AU resembles some new origin stories and new accomplishments between the DC Universe.
Bio: The man with many faces. Before he became what he is today, Basil Karlo was not just a married man but a famous movie actor who worked at Gotham Studios, whose vanity over his youthful good looks had earned him quite the reputation among his fellow actors. This would lead to his wife into a head of jealousy because all the fame he was getting yet she sign to pay no attention.
One Day Karlo was then approached by two men who worked for GothCorp, representing its CEO, Ronald Dagget, who wanted to make an offer to the mutilated actor. In exchange for a high sum of money, Karlo would become a test subject for a new compound, known as "Skin Putty" It was supposed to be sudes as a new effects to the face but warns him that the side effects were toxic.
One day when Basil decided to go near the vat just to check it out for himself, She was confronted by his own wife. They argue for while until she decided to push him into the deadly Puddy themed Vat. She manage to get away and set off as an opportunity. The formula seem to help him survive but costed him his sanity leading him to go on a murderous rampage as ClayFace. Karlo then put his new powers into action and started to murder the actors and actresses in the film. Clayface was about to kill the now ex-wife for revenge for what she had done but was thwarted by Batman and Robin.
Clayface was in Arkham as whole year until one day a miracle happened when Clayface escapes. He grown a liking to mimicked the powers of heroes or villains that he copied and uses the powers to become an actual villain in real life. The role he desire.
Appearance: A Very melty yet stable Clay Monster with Sharp teeth.
Voice Actor: Brain Krane
Age: ???
Height: 8.2 ft
Weight: 410lbs
Personality: Native, Mischievous, Aggressive, Short Temper
Favorite Foods: None
Family: Not anymore.
Allies: Whatever he trust will do, except for Mr Freeze and Firefly
Enemies: The Bat Team
Likes: Shapshifting, Movies, Acting, Robberies and Framing People
Dislikes: Being Called a freak, Frozen, Burned to a statue and Being outsmarted
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proxylynn · 10 months
Thoughts on mr freeze? I always thought he was a tragic villain ever sense I got to know a bit more about him the arkham games, funny that my introduction to him was in the movie where the actor of the terminator played him.
[As bad as that movie was, you can tell Arnold Schwarzenegger had fun every second he was Mr. Freeze, the man had a blast. I grew up the B:TAS, so my Mr. Freeze was the first to begin the tragic retelling of his character. Because before that, Mr. Freeze was just a joke, see any of the old Adam West Batman show to know that. RIP Adam West. RIP Kevin Conroy.
As a child, Victor Fries was fascinated by freezing animals as a hobby he developed to escape the pressures of his brutal, control-freak father. His parents, horrified by his 'hobby', sent him to a strict boarding school, where he was miserable, feeling detached from humanity. That winter, when the other children went home for the holidays, Victor discovered that his parents had disowned him. He was thought of as an embarrassment, a mistake to be filed away and forgotten, and he never saw them again. In college, he felt that he may never feel a warm touch, but then came Nora, a beautiful athlete, with whom he fell deeply in love with and ultimately married. He later got a job teaching cryogenics at the local college.
Nora later fell terminally ill with a rare cancer. Fries left teaching and took on a job working for a large drug company called GothCorp, run by the ruthless Ferris Boyle, so he could find a cure. Using his great intellect and passion for cryogenics, Fries discovered a way to put Nora into cryo-stasis using company equipment, hoping to sustain her until a cure could be found. Boyle found out about the experiment and canceled the funding, but Fries continued with the project, leaving Boyle in huge debt. Boyle attempted to have Nora brought out of stasis and overruled Fries's frantic objections, during which a struggle ensued. As a result, Fries became engulfed in his own cryogenic coolants and was left for dead. Fries survived, but the chemicals had altered his body chemistry and his body temperature was lowered dramatically; he could now only survive at sub-zero temperatures. Fries escaped, unnoticed with the frozen Nora. In hiding, he invented a special refrigeration suit to stay alive, and used cryonic technology to create a powerful gun which fired a beam that froze any target within its range.
With this technology, he became a criminal called Mr. Freeze with a taste for diamonds and revenge.]
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llpodcast · 1 year
(Literary License Podcast)
Batman: The Animated Series – I Got Batman In My Basement/Heart of Ice/Cat and the Claw Part 1 & 2
 I’ve Got Batman In My Basement
 During a fight with Batman over a stolen Fabergé egg, the Penguin incapacitates Batman with poison gas. The Dark Knight is rescued by a teenage amateur detective named Sherman Grant and his friend Roberta, who hide Batman in Sherman's basement long enough for him to recover before the Penguin finds them.
 Heart of Ice
 Bitter scientist Victor Fries, as Mr. Freeze, attacks several divisions of GothCorp, each time stealing a piece for a secret weapon he intends to build. Batman investigates the connections, and discovers that the start of Freeze's vendetta against GothCorp was a bitter falling out between Fries and GothCorp's CEO, Ferris Boyle (Mark Hamill), during which Boyle almost killed Fries (mutating him into Freeze) and presumably killed Fries' terminally ill wife, Nora. Batman must find a way to bring Boyle to justice before Freeze carries out his revenge.  This episode won the 1993 daytime Emmy for most Outstanding Script.
 The Cat and the Claw Part 1
 Batman encounters a new cat burglar calling herself Catwoman, and around the same time, meets a woman named Selina Kyle (as Bruce Wayne), to whom he is visibly attracted. When Selina runs into trouble with a terrorist group known as The Red Claw, who want the mountain lion sanctuary she was trying to protect, she decides to take matters into her own hands and investigate.
 The Cat and the Claw Part 2
 The leader of the Red Claw group (known herself only as Red Claw) attacks a military train and steals a viral plague, which she intends to release in Gotham if she isn't paid a ransom, and Batman and Catwoman must put aside their differences and work together to stop Red Claw before it is too late.
 Opening Credits; Introduction (1.30); Amazing Design Advertisement (1:03.41)I Got Batman In My Basement (1:04.53); Heart of Ice (1:28.26); The Cat And The Claw Part 1 (2:02.09); The Cat and The Claw Part 2 (2:25.02); Favourite Episode (3:00.06); Favourite Character (3:03.19);Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel (3:06.47); Closing Credits (3:08.13)
 Opening Credits– Batman Animated Theme by Danny Elfman.  Copyright 1992 Warner Music 
 Closing Credits:  God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman by Barenaked Ladies with Sarah McLaughlin.  Taken from the album Barenaked For The Holiday.  Copyright 2004 Concord Vangard Records.
Original Music copyrighted 2020 Dan Hughes Music and the Literary License Podcast. 
 All rights reserved. 
Used with Kind Permission.
 All songs available through Amazon Music.
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