#god why are there so many birthdays this time of year i can't keep up
Happy Birthday, Nilou!
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Since you gave me Padisarahs before, I have something for you today too.
Ta-da! I made you a garland, fancy trying it on? I can also add any other flowers if you'd like me to!
Although most of my time at Zubayr Theater is spent dancing, I also get involved in the costume creation process with everyone else.
After all, us dancers know more than anyone how our costumes can make our dances stand out. Anyway, making it for you was my pleasure!
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hoyoversenews · 3 months
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subscribe to my telegram - t.me/AratakaBattleBeetlesItto o((>ω< ))o
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werecreature-addicted · 3 months
Sacrificial Lamb reader/vampire priest.
Just consider— a cute little lamb reader lying on the altar, begging not to be slaughtered, the tears their crying making the vampires heart flutter. All the cult members are confused why the ritual keeps getting pushed back- meanwhile the vampire is spoiling his little lamb rotten.
His hands are gentle, stroking your cheek as you wake slowly, your eyes flutter open slowly to the morning light, and there he is, your keeper.
"Morning," you yawn sleepily,
"Good morning, little one,"
"is it a good morning? I thought my execution was scheduled for today." you huff, you should be more scared but the soft look on his face can only mean one thing. you get out of bed and change idly, not minding the priest as he watches you, he's a man of god after all, there's no way he'd be looking at you in lust.
"ah well, we thought so but some knew doctrine has come to light, now is not the time for sacrifices. we'll have to wait for next winter, at the very least," he says. You hum thoughtfully turning back to face him, his hungry red eyes fixed on your body, flicking up to meet your face as you turn around.
"Well, I'll make myself useful until winter then." When you were born, it had been prophecized that you would be sacrificed to the gods and your death would bring about a new golden age for your homeland. Then, on your eighteenth birthday, you'd been handed over to the church, to live out your final days in the temple, under the watchful gaze of the father and his dedicated cult. Your execution has been postponed four times now.
You wondered if the cultists even bothered setting up the altar this time. it was always something, the stars weren't aligned properly, the materials were all wrong, you fell ill and couldn't be slaughtered while sick, and now, Spring was a time for rebirth, you'd have to wait for winter for the ritual. which winter? who's to say? it might be another few years before he tries to start your sacrifice again.
He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. he puts his nose to your throat and kisses your skin. "You could be useful to me now," he breathes, his voice strained, tight with hunger. You had been so scared the first time you'd almost been killed, you remembered sobbing and pleading for your life, his knife poised above your throat, He told you that you could live, for now, if you served the cult and him. Of course, you agreed, that was the first time he bit you, spilling your blood on the altar in a different way.
You lean your neck to the side and sigh as you feel his fangs pierce your skin. you have to lean back against him for support as he drinks your blood and you grow weaker.
"so perfect, so delicious," he murmurs to himself as he drinks your blood, licking at your throat, catching any stray drops of blood. His hands slide down your body feeling up your hips and thighs. You can feel his hard cock pressing against your back as he slowly grinds against you. The priest is chaste, a man of god, but he's also a vampire, as he's explained he can't help but get erect when he feeds it's a natural side effect and completely nonsexual.
He pins you down on the bed and pushes your legs apart, grinding against you, fully clothed, as he bites your neck again. you feel dizzy, a mix of feelings as your blood is drained and as you buck and grind against the vampire on top of you. you try to keep quiet, but you can't help but moan as he takes full advantage of you. You feel dirty, the man who's saved your life so many times now is just trying to eat and here you are getting off, practically masturbating right in front of him with his cock.
You can feel how large his dick is as you grind together, you can't help but wonder what it would feel like if he pulled your underwear aside and fucked you properly while he drained your blood, the thought alone makes you shudder and press up against him as he continues to dry hump you. although with the sticky feeling between your legs and his wet mouth sucking on your neck, "dry" might be the wrong word.
you bite down on your own hand to muffle the sounds of your pleasure as you cum, still trying to hide your own lust, what would the priest think if he found out you were so lustful? if you were lucky he'd bend you over and spank you for being so sinful, at worst he might chain you down to the sacrificial altar and leave you there.
The priest pulls away, breathless, your blood smeared messily around his mouth "What a mess we've made," he huffs, looking down at your neck, and then his eyes drop further to the place where your bodies meet.
"I can clean it-" you offer weakly,
"no, no little thing, rest, you need to let your body heal, close your eyes, I'll take care of all this," he coos reassuringly, you nod obediently and close your eyes.
You look so venerable like this, he could do almost anything he wanted with you in this weakened state. the prophecy said it had to be a virginal sacrifice, maybe he could halt the ritual permanently if he just took what he'd wanted from the beginning.
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arminsumi · 8 months
First request ever: Can you make a story about Gojo, where their both in a relationship but gojo had to end it because he was afraid that she would be in danger?
Thank you! Keep up the good work, I love your stories!!!
↳ GOJO さとる + fem!reader
The risk of dating you his too much for him to handle, so he breaks it off, only for him to come back to your doorstep years later and ask: "Let me marry you."
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Note : istg each time i edited this... the wordcount grew lol. i hope u enjoyyy 🥹💗 tysm for enjoying my work it means everything
Warnings : angst -> fluff (?) -> happy ending trust me, Shibuya arc spoilers (Ep 9), manga spoilers (chapter 221)
🍒 More from Jay : Gojo works / Gojo fave works / JJK works / oct. reqs open
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The risk of dating you is thrilling when Satoru's just a teenager in puppy love. But as he grows older, and heads into those dreaded 20s, the risk makes him more and more nervous.
What if something happens to you?
He presses kiss after kiss to your forehead and feels his chest tremble, feels his lips quiver, as he refrains from telling you the truth about the Jujutsu world. Satoru just can't do it.
There are so many instances of him saving you from curses that you're oblivious about. He just smiles strangely, and you wonder why he looks like he's just seen a ghost. Because he has, those pretty eyes see ghosts. But those pretty eyes also see you, "What am I looking at?" he responds after you ask why he's looking at you so tenderly, "I'm looking at my future wife." he flirts just to fluster you.
That's at the cafe, when things are still simple. He keeps thinking to himself, as he lays with you in bed some nights;
I want to marry you.
I'm going to marry you.
Please let me be your husband one day.
As if he's trying to manifest it.
Everything is okay-ish... until he gets pangs of fright when your name starts to be known outside of his closed circle of friends.
It's October 11th.
Gojo Satoru breaks up with you.
He leads you to believe that the two of you are just "right person, wrong time". It all hurts an incomprehensible amount for him, to finally cut the string that tethers the two of you together.
He sits on the stairs, head in his hands, mourning.
He starts many mornings with crying spells that last until midday.
He destroys evidence of you and him. In case anyone ever finds it and thus finds your apartment, or work, or college... or anything.
But he can't part with a very special photo. It's you and him in Okinawa, sharing a cheesy kiss at the beach. In the moment this photo was captured, Gojo remembers having whispered some dirty joke in your ear and that's why you smiled so big into his kiss.
He drifts to sleep to the lullaby lovesongs that defined your love.
Years pass, he refuses to even talk to you. The heartbreak worsens with time, he laughs when he realizes that on his 27th birthday.
Isn't time supposed to heal all wounds? Someone said that to him once. Well, they must have been lying without realizing it.
The day Gojo Satoru is sealed, he looks into Suguru's eyes, and remembers you through them. When he resides in that awful prison realm, he only thinks of you you you you you you you oh god he misses you so much that it feels like the very thought of your smile stabs his chest. Every memory is painful. Every flashback puts one more crack in his heart.
"Can't I ever catch a break...?" He laughs to himself, chattering skeletons making their eerie symphony around him.
He thinks. Ponders. Wonders. Broods. Daydreams. All about you. Always about you. Never anything else. Just his first love, from the late spring of his 17th year.
His earthly goddess.
The purpose of his benevolent actions.
He cries. And sobs. And weeps. Because no one can hear him but the skeletons and he's sure they don't mind the sight or sound of a 27 man howling in pain over a lost lover.
It's not just your relationship that he's mourning. But the fact he can't feel you in this cube... that he can't feel your presence in the world... that's worse than the heartbreak. At least through all these years, he's been able to sense your existence. Feel the subtle ripples of your soul no matter how distant you are; you'd be stood in a coffee shop, he'd be at Jujutsu High teaching, and yet feeling you.
Because as he promised to you at 17, "Half my soul is yours. And half your soul is mine. I'll always be with you even if I'm not there."
He has the biggest breakdown of his life in that little cramped suffocating claustrophobic eerie creepy box.
It's 19 days later. He's out. He's back in the world. And he feels the sense of you, your existence, swelling in his chest, tickling his mind, prodding his heart.
"Gojo sensei, where are you headed?"
"I'm gonna go find my other half." he says cryptically.
It's a stark bright day.
Gojo Satoru knocks at your apartment door.
You open it.
He looks at you, and you look at him.
"...hey...? Wow. Haha... you grew into your features, huh?"
Your voice fills his heart with life.
"You too... glad you still live in the same place... I was worried you might have moved out..."
"... Ah, Satoru, you'd be able to find me no matter what corner of the world I resided in."
Your laugh fills his mind with pleasant memories.
There's an a magnetism between you and him just like there always used to be. It feels like two magnets connecting at last, after feeling the distant attraction throughout all these years of distance.
"You're right." Satoru says after a silence of just staring into your eyes.
"I'll always find my way home."
A silence ensues after he says this.
"...haha... don't cry... or I'll cry..."
"... Satoru... I thought of you every day after you left me at the station."
"... me too."
"... why did you leave?"
He stares at you.
"... I was scared of you being in danger."
He gulps.
"Me? In danger? But you're the strongest, why would it matter."
Oh god that's right. You said it then when you were 17, "You're the strongest" and he carried that title with him from then. And now you've said it again. He's reminded. He feels a bit stupid. A bit ridiculous. A bit...
"You're right..." he chokes up. "I am. I could have protected you I guess..."
"... yeah, duh."
He smiles meekly.
It was more complicated than that, sweetheart. But I won't tell you.
He hesitates. He contemplates.
"I have to tell you everything... will you promise to believe everything I say even if it sounds insane?"
"Of course. What is it?"
He inhales deeply. And instead of blurting out his whole life story of being a sorcerer in the Jujutsu world, he just leans in and kisses you hard and truthfully. Cups your cheeks. Closes his eyes. Tastes you like a sweet from his childhood that he hasn't had for years. Presses to you. Takes in your scent.
Yeah yeah... he'll tell you everything in a minute.
But for now just let him kiss you until he runs out of breath.
Let him just...
"Hey..." he pulls away, gasping, "Let me marry you."
"Haha, Satoru..." you take it as a joke and laugh, because it sounds as bizarre and unexpected as one. Then you realize there's that serious look on his face. "... Satoru?"
"Can I?"
"... what?"
"Can I please?"
"... huh??"
"Can I marry you, please?"
He looks at you and waits for your answer. His poor heart. It's palpitating. His whole chest cavity inspires with love for you. This man that you haven't seen in years has just asked if you'll let him marry you — with very specific wording.
Can he? Will you let him?
It's funny in a way, because you think to yourself; this is such a Satoru thing to do... show up unannounced years later on your doorstep and ask for your hand in marriage as if no time has passed, as if you know the full story.
"Satoru... what happened to you throughout these years for you to come back to me and ask for my hand in marriage?" you ask, genuinely baffled.
He swallows slowly. "I know I sound like I've lost my mind. But I promise I haven't."
"That's hard to believe. The Satoru I remember was always on the brink of mania. A bit insane but not quite."
You make him laugh. "Yeah..."
"So are you asking to marry me out of insanity?"
"Well alright then. I guess I'll marry you."
You make him laugh again, with that funny tone. He hasn't laughed genuinely in years... it's always been that plastic laugh. But this is his genuine laugh. Silky and quiet. The opposite of his demeanor.
"I guess I should be explaining everything to you properly... before I ask you something like that."
"You're damn right..."
"... don't scold me too hard when I tell you all the reasons I left. Or, if you do, then at least hold me while you scold me. And run your fingers through my hair like you used to."
His heart throbs. He looks at you.
"Stop standing at the doorway and come inside."
You sigh. He smiles. Then he bows his head so it doesn't hit the top of the doorframe. Damn tiny Tokyo apartments. Your archway always had it out for the crown of his head. You laugh when he bumps into it just like he always used to.
So the two of you sit down and just talk. And talk. Maybe cry a bit. Actually, you cry a lot. And he holds you. And he says he's sorry. He says sorry over and over, as if the word is a bandage he's trying to wrap around all your heartbreak wounds that he caused.
"I'm sorry."
Satoru's apologies aren't easy to come by, and when you receive them, they nurse your heart. It's the gentleness with which he says it, and earnest too. Each successive sorry means more than the last.
"My angel..."
When you call him this after he vents to you about his time in the Prison Realm, and his overwhelming duty of being the strongest, he breaks down completely and just weeps in your arms.
He sobs like you've never heard him sob before, like a dog.
Finally. At least for a moment. He could be weak. Let down his guard. Be raw. Be emotional. Not a teacher. Not a sorcerer. Just your boy. Your Satoru.
Your consolation is all he wanted throughout these years. He looks up at you, eyes red and sore, nose sniffling, and stares at you like he can see your soul.
"Marry me."
You chuckle again.
"If that will stop your tears..." you joke.
He sniffles loudly and swallows, composing himself.
"I thought about marrying you so much when we were together... 'n I tried so hard to bite my tongue when your name nearly rolled off it while talking to my students some days. I was always..."
On the verge of saying your name.
He sniffles long and hard and waits for your hand to weave into his hair.
"Will you think about it?"
"I will."
There's a silence. Satoru feels hopeful. He lays on your chest, arms around you like you're his whole world that he won't dare let go of again.
"There." you say with finality. "I thought about it. Let's get married."
"That took you, like, ten seconds."
You laugh with him. "Yeah... I already knew in my heart when you asked me at the doorway... you know... Satoru... it's funny. When you left, it felt like half my soul was gone. And when you knocked on my doorstep, it felt like I was whole again. Does that sound freaky, or does it tie into all this... Juju... Jujutsu stuff?"
He's silent.
"I have no idea."
"Wow. My future husband isn't knowledgeable at all." you joke.
His heart flutters at 'future husband'.
"Sorry." he says, smiling softly, "My mind is blank when your fingers are running through my hair."
The two of you go on and on, until you're laid in bed sleeping at each other's side. Resting. And god, did Gojo Satoru need a good rest.
In your arms, he's no longer an insomniac.
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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sat0sugu-angst · 1 year
Fight Me, Fuck Me
a/n: happy valentiiiiiine's day!! Sorry this is a lil late i ended up picking up a shift at work so I wasn't able to finish it until this evening (which is kinda ironic ig but whatever). I seen a vid kinda similar (but less horny) on tt n couldn't resist imagining you and bkg getting in a fight on date night and lowkey being all hot n bothered with how yall are mean to each other 🙈 then w V-day around the corner I thought why the hell not lmao
wc: 3.5k
cw: afab!reader, reader is described as feminine but no pronouns are used, prohero!bkg, reader has a healing quirk and works at the hospital, yall can be toxic but that's why it's fun, established relationship, pet names (babe, my love), bakugo pays a lot of attention to your ass and thighs, reader and bkg are switchy asf, multiple orgasms, creampie, squirting, light spanking
all characters aged up +24
You were silent as you continued doing your makeup, looking past yourself in the mirror to find red eyes focused on you.
Considering it was Katsuki, there wasn't a lot of aggression in his expression, but still, his eyes on you pissed you off. "Can I help you?" You asked, your attitude seeping into your tone.
He sneered, pushing off the bed and walking into the bathroom. "Not unless you can hurry that lil' ass up." He shot back. "We're gonna be late."
You and your boyfriend had impossible schedules. With you regularly pulling doubles at the hospital and Katsuki working his way up the hero rankings, you didn't often get a night off together for date night. Even the important couples holiday, Valentine's Day, was a day neither of you could take off. So this year, you decided to celebrate your own V-day, nearly two and a half weeks after the actual holiday.
The problem was you had mixed up your days, rushing home from the hospital in a flurry after getting a confirmation call that afternoon about the reservation from Katsuki’s assistant. You felt guilty, especially since he'd taken on planning the date night. But in typical Katsuki fashion, he'd blown up at you, yelling his head off as soon as you walked through the door. Then, despite your guilt, you were pissed at him.
"I told you on Tuesday that I was gonna be working today." You raised your brow, looking toward the bathroom with lips pursed. "If we're late, it's because you don't pay attention to anything I tell you."
"Babe, I already said I was sorry." You huff, unsatisfied. You turn back to your face in the mirror, reaching for your eyeliner. "And you told me that while I was in bed. You think I can remember the shit you tell me when I'm half asleep?"
You narrowed your eyes, trying to keep your hand steady as you did your eyeliner fuming mad. "Nice apology, Katsuki." You said dryly.
He emerged from the bathroom, and as he passed behind you toward the door, you caught a whiff of the cologne you'd gotten him for his birthday. God, it smelled so fucking good. Normally when he wore it, it was only a matter of time before you were on top of him, unbuttoning his belt. Not now, though. Not unless you were gonna use the belt to strangle him. "Don't fuckin' talk to me about apologies. You're the one who forgot about tonight in the first place."
"I didn't forget!" You whip around to face him. You had crazy eyes, you knew, but fuck, your boyfriend made you feel crazy sometimes. "We had different dates down, and I couldn't exactly leave work immediately. There was a bus accident today. The hospital was overrun. I can't just leave when people need me."
"People are always gonna need you. They're always gonna need me. Doesn't mean we don't need each other." You stilled, recognizing your own words. You'd said them early in the relationship, the first time your jobs were making it hard to be together.
"Are you trying to make me feel guilty? I can't even count how many dates we've had to cancel because you had a mission! But oh, because it's my job, it's a bad thing to be dedicated? Do you not take my job seriously?"
He groaned. "Babe. Do you know what I had to do to make tonight special for us? The strings I had to pull to get us a spot at this restaurant for tonight? If we were just gonna sit at home in our fucking underwear, it wouldn't be a big deal."
You were glaring, but turned your attention back to the real task at hand. "You know what, I can't even fucking talk to you right now. I need to finish getting ready." You could argue, or you could do your makeup. You could not do both.
He let out a bitter laugh. "Well, thank god for that!" He yells back, walking out of the room. You flushed with anger, the sudden urge to throw something at him. But you couldn't chase after him to scream anymore; if you really were late, you'd never hear the end of it.
Ten minutes later, you were off, heading toward the restaurant in silence. Well, silent except for the occasional passive aggressive sighs and grumblings about the music you passed back and forth during the twenty minutes it took to get there.
When you got there, the host offered to take your coats, and Katsuki’s hands were on your shoulders, helping you out of yours. The rough pads of his fingertips grazed over your shoulder, and you were acutely aware of his breath ghosting along your neck.
Fuck, you think, annoyed at the way goosebumps rise along your skin, always like a live wire when it came to his touch. You had to fight your body's urge to lean into his touch, your anger still simmering but somehow making everything hotter, more volatile. You needed to keep it together. You couldn't let him win the argument because you were a little horny.
The restaurant was elegant, elevated. The low light was warm against the white tablecloths, and you were glad you had purchased a new dress for the occasion.
Katsuki was dressed to impress, too; charcoal colored trousers and a black cashmere sweater. When he took off his own coat, you had to remind yourself not to check him out. At least not obviously.
You followed the host toward your table, Katsuki behind you. “Are you gonna be pissy the whole night?” He asked as you were sitting down, realizing the attitude had yet to leave your expression. He couldn’t admit the reason it’d taken him a second to realize you were still pissed was because he’d been too focused on the way your dress hugged your curves, or how he had wanted to run his hands over your hips as he’d taken your coat. No, he wouldn’t admit the reason his ears were red was because he couldn’t stop thinking about dragging your ass to a restroom, or back to the car, to fuck you so hard you forget about why you were mad in the first place.
You sneered at him, about to pop off with an insult, and maybe a curse or three, but you were greeted quickly by your waiter.
Katsuki ordered wine for you, and a dirty martini for him.
When the waiter left, you shot a narrowed look to your boyfriend. “I’m not pissy.” It was a blatant lie, but you couldn't be bothered to care about being fair.
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, sure. You have been since you got home.”
“Well, I kinda had a shitty day,” you said, honestly. “Can’t imagine why you thought yelling at me would make me feel better.”
“Babe, really? You were supposed to be off today, then you text me that you were staying late. And you still stayed later than you said. I almost lost the fuckin’ table tryna change the reservation. We don't get to do this often, I'd like my fucking girlfriend to at least pretend to be excited about it.”
You groan a little, trying to not be loud and draw attention. This is not the place you wanted to have this argument, especially with someone as explosive as Katsuki, but you weren’t ready to concede, because if you did, he’d think he was right. “I told you since last week that I’d picked up the extra shift, on this day, and you didn’t say anything. I didn't do it to spite you, and I don’t really appreciate being blamed for an honest mistake as if I did it to piss you off. We’re here, aren’t we?”
“Yes, and this is just how I wanted to spend the evening with you.” He said dryly, sneering and turning his attention to the menu, effectively ending the conversation.
The rest of dinner, and even the drive home, was much of the same. Neither of you were able to drop the bickering long enough to really talk about anything. Over the course of the meal, one martini had turned into two, and you’d finished off the bottle of wine. You both were still mad, senses dulled, and emotions amplified. When you glared at him, you couldn’t help but focus on the shape of his eyes, how pretty he looked even when he was mad.
And all he could think about was how he wanted to fuck the attitude right out of you. Every sneer, every glare sent his way, pissed him off, but he couldn’t deny how fucking sexy you were when you were mad. Without even trying, you had him half hard in his pants, like he was some fucking teenager on his first date. He couldn’t stop thinking about it, even by the time you’d gotten home.
He rounded the car to I open the door for you, offering you a hand. You raised your brow at him, but let him help you out the car. Katsuki set his hand on the small of your back, just barely above your ass, only because he needed to touch you. He wanted to get you hot and bothered, until you were begging for him.
The heat from his hand did stir something low in your stomach, and you tried not to show how he affected you, not even looking in his direction. As his hand dropped from your back, his fingertips grazed your ass, and you rolled your eyes as he unlocked the door. “Don’t think that’s gonna make me forget I’m mad at you.”
"Tsk," he clicks his tongue at you, pushing open the door and flashing that smug smile he knew you couldn't resist. “You can be mad at me and still want me to fuck you.” He said shamelessly.
You felt your face heat at his boldness, and you had to look away, focusing on the door as he pushed it open. He moved, if only slightly, for you to walk in passed him, and you fought to maintain your composure. You loved it when he was like this, and he knew it was a sure way to get you in the mood and give whatever he asked of you.
He wasn’t wrong, either. You weren’t even really sure why you were still fighting, other than that you were being stubborn and, in a sick way, loved fighting with your boyfriend.
You walked past him, keeping your expression level. Katsuki watched you move through the house, following you into your shared bedroom. Despite your efforts, he saw right through you; he was certain he could have you apologizing and begging him to give you attention.
But you were determined, and when you wanted, could be even more stubborn than your boyfriend. Through the wine, or maybe because of it, you knew you’d succumb to him eventually. You always did, and happily. Tonight though, you wanted him to fold first.
So, you took your time getting undressed, going so far as to ask for Katsuki’s help unzipping your dress when you could've done it easily, letting it pool around your ankles before you stepping out of it. As you stood in front of your dresser, examining its contents and deciding what pajamas to slip into, Katsuki slipped his hands around your waist, settling on your hipbones. He pulled you back into him, and you felt him, hard, pressing again the small of your back.
You bit your lip, stifling the urge to lean into him, to rub against his erection, or worse, let out the sweet moan that threatened to expose you. After so many years together, he knew exactly what would make you crumble, and fuck, you almost did.
“I’m trying to get ready for bed.” You say instead, voice clipped. You reached for a pair of black shorts from the drawer, but his hand was covering yours, intertwining your fingers. Fighting to keep your expression even, you leveled a glare on him as he leaned over your shoulder. “You really wanna piss me off tonight, don’t you?”
“Definitely wanna do somethin’ to ya.” He shoots back quickly, the thumb at your hip rubbing slow circles into your skin, promising more. You narrowed your eyes. There was no way you could resist him, you needed to act quickly.
You turned around, looking up at him through your lashes. His hand was on your ass now, fingers squeezing and pulling you closer to him. You placed your hand flat on his stomach, trying to put some space between the two of you. You were flushed now, and he knew it. “C’mon,” his finger came up from under your chin, forcing you to look right at him as he smiled sweetly at you. “Don’t be a sore loser. Admit it. You’re turned on.”
You lean up onto your toes, pressing your lips against his, reaching down and untucking his shirt the best you could. He helped you, getting his belt undone and stepping backward out of his slacks as you pushed him back toward the bed.
He was pulling his shirt off as he sat on the edge of the bed, before pawing at your hips so you were sitting in his lap. The heat of him pressed right against you was delicious, and you rolled your hips against him. He swallowed your sighs as your tongues danced together, flushing with pride at the noises you pulled from him.
He was impatient, meeting the wave of your hips with thrusts of hie own. But this pesky fabric between the two of you. "Fuckin’ take these off already.” He grumbled, pulling at the fabric of your underwear where it covered your ass, and you wasted no time getting rid of your last layers of clothing.
He nearly cried out as you lowered yourself on top of him, leaning into you so that you could feel his heavy breath tickling your neck. You allowed yourself to enjoy it momentarily, before pushing his shoulder with a finger so he was laying back on the bed, his legs over the edge of the bed. You squeezed around the tip of his cock as you got used to the stretch. “Fuck, you’re so wet already.” You hid your satisfied smile by leaning down, sucking kisses from his chest up his neck. With each hitch of his breath, every moan, you rewarded him, clenching around him, or shifting the angle of your hips, lowering down until he was pressed flush against you.
You were used to the stretch, but with the way he filled you, and the lovely friction against your clit, you could already feel how the tension in your stomach was ready to snap. You needed to calm down before you came undone, biting into his shoulder as you found the rhythm that would make him crumble.
The drag of his cock along your walls had you clenching, and then you started to feel the telltale signs that he was close. His fingers tightened on your hips, almost painfully so, unable to control the way he thrusted up into you.
"You gonna come?" You cooed, sitting up a little, pulling out slowly and dropping down on his cock. He looked so close, his eyes fluttering each time he filled you. His resolve was crumbling, too lost in the feeling of you around him to remember that you were the one who was supposed to be one begging.
"Fuck," He whimpered when you clenched around him. You settled your hands on either side of his chest, leaning forward so you could keep bouncing on his cock. "You wanna come, my love?" You ask, crumbling at how Katsuki blushes under you. He nods, melting for you. You lean forward, pressing a messy kiss against him. You were close, too. If you looked at that expression one more second, you'd come undone.
You shift the angle of your hips, and he let out a clumsy grunt, fingers squeezing the fat of your hips for some stability. "Fuck, baby, just like that. I'm gonna—"
That's when you lift your hips, until only his tip is inside you, and still. You reach down, wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock. He cries out, a moan turned sour as deny him. You smile down at him, and he knew by that look in your eyes that he was in for it.
You leaned down, lips brushing over his slightly as you said, "I'd like to see you beg me to let you come." He couldn't even find it in himself to be mad, not with the way you looked above him, your hair messy from him running his fingers through it, the light sheen of sweat on your skin from riding him so well. He doesn't care who was supposed to punish who, not when he was so close to coming, not if all it would take was a little begging.
You continued edging him, bouncing up and down on him until he got close, then cockwarming him until he calmed down. His sweet pleas grew more desperate. You almost let him when you came yourself, squeezing around him uncontrollably as you stilled on top of him to ride out your orgasm, and he nearly lost it at the feel of you so tight around him.
But even though you came, you weren't done with him, continuing to roll your hips over him, looking right into his eyes as you fuck him.
He has tears pricking his eyes, and he's whimpering. “Baby, please. Please let me come. I’m fucking sorry for yelling at you today. I got lost in wanting things to be perfect, but I was an ass for getting mad.” Your expression softens for your boyfriend, and before you can even speak, he’s leaning in. His kiss is rough, hurried, and he’s thrusting up into you harder now than before, shifting so he hits that spot that has you moaning into his mouth. Unexpectedly, you fall into your next orgasm, and he feels you clenching. “Baby, please can I come?”
Words elude you, so you simply nod, leaning against his chest and resting your hands on his shoulders, bracing yourself as he uses you to finish. He’s twitching inside you, and after only a couple more thrusts, you feel his warmth flood your cunt, as he fucks you through both your orgasms.
You’re breathing heavily, body feeling heavy as you lay on top of him, hands still resting on your ass, holding you against him. You feel his cum, and yours, seep out of you onto him, but he makes no move to get up to clean.
“I’m sorry, too.” You say softly, tracing your finger over his chest. You look up at him, and his gaze is already on you. “I was being kind of a bitch. I just…felt guilty, for almost ruining tonight, but it was easier to be mad at you than admit I messed up.” You feel your cheeks heat, looking away from him and resting your ear against his chest. “So, I’m sorry for being so sour all night. And for getting the day wrong.”
He rolls you both over, easily moving you both so your head was back against the pillows, still snuggly pressed inside you. Still hard, you realize. “Cute apology, but I can’t let you off that easy. You were a bitch tonight.” His eyes shine wickedly, his smirk smug as he pulls slowly out of you. You whine at the lovely drag of his cock along your walls.
He leans down and, kissing you hard, knocks the breath out of you with the way he thrusts back into you. “I'm not done with you, yet." He thrusted into you again again, hitting that spot that had you already craving a third orgasm.
You’re gasping curses, then his name, as he fucks you, slowly but with strength and precision. You couldn't help digging your nails into his back as you feel the first wave of your orgasm. "Fuck, I'm gonna come again." You say breathlessly, and bite into his neck as you tug on the hair at the nape of his neck right as you come. You feel a rush of liquid, making a mess between your thighs and dripping down your ass, ruining the sheets beneath you.
The way you're clenching around him has him seeing stars, and feeling you squirt around him spurs him into his next orgasm, keeping himself buried in you as he cums. You pull him in for a kiss as he fills you, his lips grounding you as you come down, chests heaving against each other.
After showering and changing the sheets, you’re back in bed, curled up into his side and playing with his hair. You’re both smiling, fucked out and tired, though unwilling to end the night. “We should just sync our calendars.” You say finally. “That way we won’t get anything confused, and we can avoid pissing each other off.”
His hand, which had settled on your hip, landed a couple light smacks on your ass. “I don’t think I mind us pissing each other off. Not with the way you fight.”
You roll your eyes, grinning even as your face heats. “Please, you were the one who couldn’t stop pawing at me when we got home.”
He snorts. “You liked it,”
“Yeah,” you say absently, eyes growing heavy. “I guess if we settle our arguments like that, I don’t mind getting into a fight every now and then.”
a/n: thanks so much for reading! I hope you like this spicy little valentine's treat <3 if you did, pls lmk with rbs and comments! happy v-day <3
taglist: @asmaechan @animexholic @justanothernpcartist @inumakicanrailme
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radiocrypt-id · 5 months
I got- I can't!
Imagine being 15, you've grown up your whole life with this one belief in this one God and you were told you were Chosen by Him, for Him. And you're 15. You believe so fully in the spirit of your religion, not necessarily the word, that you want to go to a non-religious school to try and help other kids maybe find your God because you genuinely believe that could be helpful to some of them, because it's all you know, and it's helped other strangers (human trafficking victims she helped in the black pit before) so why not other kids her age? You're 15 and all you can think about is helping others. And you start thinking about your religion, and reading books, and asking questions and you come to the conclusion that maybe your God and His Father aren't actually all that great. Maybe the church you're in has done some really bad things that you can't possibly make up for. Maybe that church is still doing bad things. And then you find out your family is actually in a cult for that God, not just part of the normal church, and you suddenly have to undo all the cult shit in your brain you were raised with, while that cult stuff you know about is actually useful to your friends, like having that knowledge is helpful for them! You're 15 and you stop going home. You have no real adult supervision or carer, just your other 15 year old friends.
Imagine you're 16, you're gay and figuring that out on top of navigating your first full romantic relationship and being the sole creator and cleric to a new God that you honestly find to be very two dimensional and empty. You're on a quest to find an evil being and stop them. You nearly die. Your friends nearly die. You're 16. You're 16 and feel something calling out to you, you know it's divine because you've felt that sort of pull before, but you've never felt one like this. You find memories and hints and pieces and you figure out that the evil being you have to stop, isn't evil, she's just hurting. She's hurt and She's a God. She's your God, and she's so happy to see you, and she has so many ideas, and so many hopes.
You're 17. You've spent your rest time (summer vacation) tearing across the world chasing down and defeating another evil thing that you and your friends accidentally released in the first place. Your God is with you, you have no time for Her. No time for anything but trying to survive and stay sane. You know She's disappointed in you, but you're one person -ONE PERSON- and you're 17. You missed your birthday. again. You've saved the world; again. You're so fucking tired -like always. You're Chosen, and alone, and have no idea what to do with your life, let alone your God. You aren't very good at school, but you go to every class. You're drowning as you try to rewrite your understanding of the world from what you grew up with, having no idea how to do anything without a book and godly hand to guide you. You only ever followed before, your new God is demanding you Lead. You don't know how. You're only 17. You see your horrible, abusive parents spitting abuse and racist rhetoric at your baby brother, who you haven't seen in two years, on the front steps to your school and for the first time ever you are filled with righteous fury. Your God answers your call, not knowing what you need but so eager to help, eager for your attention, she starts talking to you but you're busy -why can't she understand that you're fucking busy? trying to not die, trying to be safe, trying to keep your friends alive, trying to navigate a world that hates you, you're 17 and you're busy goddammit just wait!- and she snaps back at you and flees. The next time you see Her, maybe an hour later, She's got a creature with Her that nearly destroyed you and your friends last year sitting in her lap, so smug to see you again.
You're 17- no, 16- no, 15 years old and you're expected to build and carry the world on your shoulders, Chosen from birth, raised a lamb to follow a Shepard, not to be followed behind. You have no one and nothing and everyone expects everything and you can't back up, you can't pause because if you do someone dies and doesn't come back. You have to be a hero, a chosen, a saint. The steps behind you crumble to dust with each step you take forward and the new one is already cracking under your weight. There are only wrong choices. There's no hand reaching for you. God, you were taught, will save and guide you. God knows best. Why is your God looking to you, a mortal human, to be saved, raised and guided? You're a child.
You're just a child.
You just want to go home, wherever that is. You thought it was your God, but She's not exactly helping you out either, is She? She's just disappointed. Like everyone else. Like you.
You're 17. You think it would have been better to never do any of this. It would have been easier to stay, blind and naive. Sometimes you think you should have stayed in heaven. Sometimes you think about the God you killed by not being good enough for it. Sometimes you lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling and pretend you don't exist for awhile. Sometimes you work your body so hard you forget it's there and your mind shuts up and you exist without being you. Sometimes you wish you never asked any questions or read any books. You're 17, but sometimes you wish you were 15, with no idea yet.
You're 17. You wish you were good enough.
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myabsurddreamjournal · 8 months
(part 1)
Soldier Boy x Fem! reader
Summary: Reader is a scientist who is forced to work at lab that they keep soldier boy frozen, she talks and cries to him when she is alone, thinking he can't hear her but he hears everything.
warnings: None, im a ace so my character and story is going to be asexual💜
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she slowly approached to cryo where they kept him frozen. it has been a while since she had a opportunity to do this. Since she was taken here they always kept an eye on her, watching every move, punishing any sign of disobedience. It didnt take long for her to learn to be silent, be obedient. scar on her arm reminded her to keep her mouth shut every time she wanted to question something they do. She still remembered the pain. It was her second week here, and she made a mistake of asking why they kept him frozen for almost 40 years. She got the scar for her mistake. The sound of her bone breaking... She could still hear it.
Teardrops started to fall from her eyes as she opened the door of cryo, whenever she was alone she was crying now. It almost became a ritual, sitting on floor with her head hanging low while confessing and apologising to him. Who looked like a statue of a almighty god.
"Hello Ben" she opened her mouth. It made her feel weird hearing her voice saying something other than "yes", or "sir"
"its september 19 today, your birthday isn't it?" she was crying harder now. "i read your file other day. It says you had a rough childhood, me too you know, and now we are both prisoners here. What a fate huh?" she looked at his face as she said that. He looked pale, too pale for human. Well he was in this damn lab for almost 40 years...but deep down she liked the thought of him being something other than a human. Humans always hurted her after all.
After watching the torture tapes she learned he experienced pain and anger just like her. (she threw up all night after seeing the tapes for the first time) he had a life once, he was a child, he had a family. favorite food, favorite drink, he even smoked weed which made her a bit shocked when she read it on the files. But in time she found out he was a lot different from what they made him seen. She saw the few unaired interviews where he acted strong and confident as usual until he was asked about his family or childhood. His eyes getting teary for few seconds, Then his hard expression getting back. His mouth twitching every time journalists made a rude remark.
She knew he was a human. But him being alive after all things human did to him told her he was also something other than human.
and it made her feel good.
"i never wanted to be here, i never wanted this, she said. "i wish i could save you. If i had a powers like you, i would burn here to the ground. And kill all of them. But im so weak. Im so sorry Ben. Im so sorry." She waited there for few minutes. Her head between her hands. Until tiny beeping sound from her watch made her flinch. Telling her it was almost midnight. She needed to get up. Too many work tomorrow. Another day as a prisoner here
She cupped his cheek before closing the door of cyro. It was so cold, but still soft. She couldn't help and kept her hand there while looking at his face. His closed eyelids, then freckles on his nose. Still remembering the first time she noticed his freckles, it was one of the days where her legs hurted for being on her feet for so long. She was taking his blood for monthly test. And she saw them. He had freckles on his nose! They were never shown in his movies or pictures, always hidden behind makeup or his green-gold mask. But they were here. She found them adorable. Never showed it of course. keeping hidden behind her cold emotionless expression.
But she often find herself thinking about him when she tried to sleep at night in "room" they gave her. what else he was hiding under all that persona? What made him happy or sad before all this happened? was it true that he never cried? She tossed and turned at night. Sometimes thinking about him and sometimes thinking about her life. The similitaries between them. Humans hurted him just like they hurted her. They stole their life. She usually fell asleep with this thoughts. And in her dreams it was always end of the World. Everything burning in flames and she watching it from distance with smile on her face.
with a deep exhale she withdrawed her hand from his cheek. "see you tomorrow Ben." she whispered. And she was gone. Not knowing that he heard every word.
that night, she dreamed of something else for the first time since she was captured. Pair of green eyes. They were looking at her. Their shade reminded her a small lake she saw everday when she was a little girl. It was on the right side of the road that she used while walking to school. She always loved the way water moved in small waves. After 2 years, for the first time, she woke up with a warm feeling that morning. it felt like gentle morning sunrise.
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seravphs · 1 year
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losing faith —
ੈ♡˳·˖✶ — SUNA x FEM READER
You and Suna reminisce on your adulthoods.
wc — 1k
tags — angst about everything but each other, Suna and you comfort each other
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"What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?"
"Kita's getting married," you both say in perfect unison.
That breaks the awkward tension of Suna finding you crying your eyes out at a random bar in Hyogo. He sits down at your booth as if you haven't been zero contact with each other for five years.
"Didn't you have a crush on him in high school?"
"Suna, honest to god, what is wrong with you?" You snap.
He lifts his hands defensively. "Well, didn't you?"
"Even if I did, why would you ask me that right after we acknowledged that he's getting married?"
Suna makes a face like he's suddenly come face to face with his own insensitivity and doesn't like it. You suppose it's an easy slip up for him. He was always easygoing, even in high school, and he seems like the type to be able to pick up right where he left off. You wouldn't know, since you haven't talked to him, but you can imagine him acting like nothing's changed.
"It's fine," you tell him before he can apologize. "I don't have a crush on him anymore."
He makes a doubtful face. "You were really obsessed with him in high school. Remember when you made me sneak chocolates into his locker?"
"That was more than ten years ago," you laugh, secretly touched he remembers. You're warmed by the memory of him actually agreeing to do it, even though he got caught. "I'm over it."
"So what's this about?"
"I guess I'm just a little sad about marriage in general. Kita's always been the best of us, you know-"
"Understatement," he snorts.
"I feel like I'm behind."
"Oh, me too. In general, right?"
"I just broke up with my ex."
He gives you a piercing look. It makes you uncomfortable, like he's forcibly trying to peel back the layers of all the ways you've changed since he's last seen you.
"There's plenty of fish in the sea. You're a pretty girl, what are you worried about? You'll find someone eventually."
It's too soon after just meeting him again to tell him what you really think, that you're broken. That you're unlovable. That you just passed your thirtieth birthday, and you haven't been able to keep a partner for more than two years. Instead, you redirect the conversation towards him.
"What about you? What are you trying to distract yourself from?"
"Got scouted for the national team again," Suna says.
"Fuck you."
Halfway through lifting his glass to his lips, he gives you an affronted look. "What for?"
"You tried to make me feel like we were comrades! Whole time I'm crying about my wasted life and you're at the pinnacle of success for you career. Fuck you for making me feel like you understood."
You're half joking, half not. It sucks to scroll past your Instagram feed and see Atsumu jetting across the world or Osamu's third restaurant opening while you can't figure out what you're going to make for dinner that night. Suna's life is also a sore spot for you, in that way. It's hard not to compare yourself to them.
Suna rolls his eyes. "If you let me finish, I was going to say that I'm thinking about turning it down."
You're too shocked to remember you're thirty, not thirteen. You reach across the table and slap Suna across the shoulder lately, like the old friends you could have been if you kept in touch. Or like the friends you had been, the specter of the past reanimating itself through you.
"You can't! You've always wanted to play on the national team. Suna, that's your dream! Do you know how many people would kill for that opportunity?"
"Mama really wants grandkids," he says, playing with the napkin on the table. "I want to give her that before she goes. She wants to see me settle down with a nice girl, and I can't do that if I spend all my time on the court."
"But your career..."
Adulthood feels like heartbreak after heartbreak. Not just yours, but Suna's too. Every story you hear from your friends feels personal, because it is. Those same sorrows will come for you soon enough. They come for everyone.
The worst of it is knowing that you aren't special. That every single generation has experienced this pain. That your misery is monotonous and tedious and overdone. It doesn't mean anything. It's just painful for the sake of it.
"You don't have to give up on nationals," you say. "Is there nothing else you can do?"
Even saying the words, you feel awkward and stupid. You're sure Suna has already calculated every possible scenario that would let him keep playing. He loves the sport more than you can understand, after all.
"I'm kinda resigned to it, honestly," he says, so you immediately think he's lying and he's actually not resigned to at all. "It was going to happen eventually."
"Me too," you tell him. You've felt this way for a while, aching for the dreams that were once in the palm of your teenage hand, and are now impossibly out of reach. "I've been feeling this way for a while."
"Yeah," Suna agrees, a wry twist to his smile. "See, I knew we understood each other."
"It's a shame," he says, his head lolling against the cheap plastic of the table. You want to tell him to get up, that his hair will get sticky with the residue of the cheap beer every other miserable bastard has spilled here. How many other sob stories have been shared over this table? "I was just starting to feel like I was getting somewhere in life."
You had felt that way, too. Potential is always, in the end, just an empty promise. The older you get, the more you can feel all of the different futures you could've had slipping away from you.
Suna clinks his glass against yours, even though he can barely keep his head up now.
"Cheers to what could have been."
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
Soooooo.... what if Wukong didn't always have stage fright? What if he ONLY started being afraid of large crowds watching him....
AFTER his rampage through Heaven and he was sentenced to death, trigrams furnace, lots of stabbing, and when nothing else worked 500 years under a mountain by a LARGE CROWD of angry gods.
Mac is more than a bit surprised to learn yhe boisterous, bold Monkey King was more than a little traumatized by the whole experience and maybe he needs some hugs....😈
Ooo thats a spicy idea >:3
My hc is that Wukong is good at bluffing and improvising - but the second there's a "script" to follow or something is expected of him, he just freezes. He can drunkenly retell his Havoc in Heaven to the Brotherhood with perfect comedic timing, but if he's asked to make a speech infront of his own army he stumbles. He'll def improv a troop raising call no problem, just don't expect him to keep any decorum.
And oh gosh, imagine that the modern stage reminds Wukong so much of the "trial" he endured in the Celestial Realm after the Havoc.
Hundreds of people he can barely see, many that want to hurt/kill him, reduced to his birthday suit (think the "you flicked too damn hard!" scene in Thor Love and Thunder), the location of his sworn siblings unknown, Mac's no where to be seen, and he just heard Lao Tzu say something about a furnace??
Wukong had the attention of All of Heaven on him. He never wants to endure that again.
At least with armies of angry soldiers, he can physically fight back and repel them. When his "audience" has him restrained or expected to remain calm, Wukong starts to panic. He feels like an chained animal. I'm surprised that he didn't have a more negative reaction during the talent show in Lantern City.
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Macaque of course always knew Wukong was bad at scripted speeches, so he had been the one to whisper lines into his ears/hold up cue cards for him back in the day. Macque had always been the better actor. Just another way they were like Sun and Moon together.
But the first time he sees the great Sun Wukong get swarmed by paparazzi in the aftermath of a rough fight, and the king freezes and can't even speak? Mac jumps in and whisks him away via shadow portal.
Macaque: "You never used to lock-up like that... not even when I dragged you into my plays for the little monkeys." Wukong, slowly calming down: "I... it's just all the eyes on me... It reminds me of the trial... All those face just... watching me and talking about me like I'm some sort of animal..." Macaque, flooded with regret and remembering what Wukong said under the mountain: "Oh..." (a hug occurs) Macaque: "I'm... sorry I couldn't come to your rescue back then." Wukong, trying to deflect with humor: "Hey lets be fair - I doubt you could have taken on the entire Celestial justice system by yourself. A lot of what I said back then was cus my brain just got finished steaming." Macaque: "I could have tried." Wukong: "Then we would have shared that furnace. And we'd be two idiots chained beneath the mountain together." Macaque, small smile forming: "You speak as though that would be so terrible." Wukong, forgot how much natural rizz Mac has: "ah." (//∇//)
The two monkeys later find a simple solution to the problem. Lots of Wukong clones, all doing advertisments and public appearances. Small downside is now a few hair clones will hum advert jingles and get too ethusiastic at the mic.
Macaque: "...tell me, why were you using a cardboard Wukong if you could make temporary clones of yourself?" Wukong: "Sentimental value."
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veveisveryuncool · 11 months
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wham bam there she is!!! also i have a crap ton of headcanons for susie so strap in
around 24 years old, still learning about the world but old enough to realize the severity of her actions
she's trying to reclaim her childhood, and always the person who tries to set up fun events and leisure activities around her work schedule
has a business partnership with magolor, she advertises his themepark, he promotes her tech and gives her free ice cream when she visits
also has a part-time gig as a singer at magoland when her schedule allows it
since robobot, she's switched HWC to a fully green and eco-friendly enterprise (this is actually canon i just wanted to mention it)
constantly tries to give meta knight special deals for her tech as an apology for the mechanization
there is a restraining order for her in the halberd. this does not stop her from sending drones with HWC coupons
gets absolutely livid when someone calls her susanna. susanna is dead. it's susie now.
can't swim lol
when she was little, her dad let her choose a mechanical upgrade to her body once a year on her birthday. since the portal, she's given herself so many modifications she's barely organic
when she sleeps or goes unconscious, her eyes power off like a screen
has a charging port she needs to plug herself to every night
after robobot, she kinda just. broke down. she convinced herself that everything was fine: susie was the new president, her father was dead, and the company was a couple million dollars in debt. she threw herself into the paperwork and tried to forget about any emotions, because robots were efficient and followed protocol and didn't miss their dads, so why should she?
that went on for a while until she gave in to kirby's insistent playdate requests, who considered still her a friend despite everything
something something she found the value of genuine joy and family while keeping a healthy relationship with her business and the loss of her father, and also taking responsibility for her actions and making up for them
god a lot of these are kinda angsty so here's a happy one
susie definitely loves to style ribbon's hair and buys her new bows every time she visits
she's like the cool older sister to adeleine and ribbon and chuchu
they have Female Solidarity
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spadilled · 28 days
get to know the author behind the blog hehehe
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name: nev/nejvamin/nevward/nevington/whatever u want really age: 24 whole years old pronouns: they/he/she in that order of preference gfhjghjf years of writing: uhhhh since i was in primary school really so like. 18? years? oh god... that sounds like so many years wth
why did you pick up writing? i hate to say it but it was when i read the warrior cats books for the first time. i started writing my own bits and pieces surrounding my own warrior cats literally in bed at midnight in a tiny little like a6 notepad i'd been given for a birthday or something when i was six years old and it just snowballed from there. i found a warrior cats forum to rp on when i had my own pc and then i found my way to deviantART and all of the many rp groups on there! then it was tumblr and discord and the rest is history! i've been on tumblr for a While now (either unfortunately or fortunately depending on what way you look at it) and i've since had a Lot of thoughts about trying to write my own novel but i'm still debating on that with myself lmao do you have any writing routines? honestly? none at all. it all depends on whether i have the energy or thought process to get any words down. it's a lot harder at the moment with balancing my job and a horse but i'm hoping to get back into the swing of it sooner or later when my hours drop back down at work again! the most i do is i slap a playlist (or my current brainrot song) on and i pick threads at random depending on which ones i can think of a first sentence to reply with. what's your favorite part about writing? exploring characters and their actions. i really found my stride when i started writing more introspective responses to people. the idea of being able to get into a character's head and know what they're thinking (or not thinking) about is just something that i honestly can't get enough of. another thing though is the creation of a scene as a whole? i tend to 'see' the pieces i'm writing as movie scenes i'm directing, rather than a piece of writing. it makes life hard sometimes but it's just so fun to get to put what i'm seeing down on paper
i. oh jeez.... my dialogue? i like to think that the dialogue i use fits my character's voice as well as physically possible? i have pages and pages of dialogue written out for my ocs and otherwise as a fun writing exercise so i'd like to think i'm pretty good at it by now and changing it to suit what muse i'm writing. speech habits are a fascination of mine so i'd like to think that shows through in my writing ii. i try to match my style to whoever i'm writing with? if my writing partner uses more flowery language then i try to match them and vice versa. it's a good exercise for me specifically because i tend to fall into some repetitive habits so i do my best to avoid that iii. bruh this is so hard actually. i'd like to think that i'm quite good at describing emotions? i try to make them as visceral and physical as possible and i think it adds another layer to my characterisation when you can read about how they feel their grief or their joy
what was the first character you ever picked up to start rping? why did you gravitate to them? qr/ow bra/n/wen. i always find myself drawn towards the characters that show their affection in different ways - the tough outer shell and the soft heart. qrow was and is still fascinating to me because he's been through so much in his life and he refuses to let it get in the way of how he treats his nieces and their friends. yeah, he's rough around the edges and comes across as gruff and rude but he genuinely and completely cares about the smiles on his kids faces and that's something i just can't get enough of in a muse. i love cracking open a character and exploring who they are beneath what they show the people around them QUESTION: what keeps you coming back to tumblr rp? what do you enjoy about writing with strangers/friends on the internet?
tagged by: @forbelobog THANK UUU tagging: @finalism, @reasoncore, @vulpesly, @wingspiked. @dreamweaved, @deathsmaidens, @dreamweaved, uhhh idk who has and who hasn't done this im sowwy lmao just steal it if u want to and say i tagged you!!
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simmonsized · 3 months
🥑🌻🪐🥐☁️🎨 🧩 for Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
1. 🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Probably the members of my Broblematic server (@outofstrings (bird and fae collectively, u may know of the Post-Cal ask blog), @future-geometries (Jess u are the first person I thought of) and definitely @alexharrier , who I think would probably hide me from the law even if I didn't explain the crime. I am not including beloved @chaton-katreal because I think she is too gentle, i would not want to muck up her life with murder!)
Or you know, my actual partner @notanotherdoodleblog probably LOL
All fantastic people, worth of hiding crimes.
2. 🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
Honestly most of my friends are pretty busy adulting 8( so we don't get to talk as much as I'd like to. @eggwyrt because our timezones are almost earth opposites. I love u!!!! I miss you!!
3. 🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
- I've got two real life best friends that I get together with and have coffee every weekend together, and sometimes do other things, and this is significant to me because adulthood makes it hard to keep friends, let alone see them.
- I got into the marine ecology lab at my school that I have been pushing for entrance into, despite missing a pre-req. I get to be on a boat for eight hours next quarter! Woohoo!
- I got fanart for a fic I am very proud of but very rarely interact with anybody about, which has boosted my confidence and made me feel really good, and each comment I've gotten since they posted the art has made my heart sing extra loud!
4. 🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
Tbh I can't think of anything off the top of my head. My partner and I met through RVB, however, so we reference old seasons to each other fairly regularly, and I like to think we have a pretty good time c:
5. ☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
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(i do not even like Simmons that much but it's a solid username and now is part of my brand. also I am classically a blue team girly lol)
6. 🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
This is an impossible task. Insurmountable, even. There are several!! Many!!! How can I pick one?? So I will list a few:
A. Everything anyone has ever drawn for my fanfics at all ever.
B. SPECIFICALLY everything @alexharrier has drawn for me, ever. Especially specially specially these two gifs which actually make me fucking insane every time I see them.
Honestly, this had me making sounds so incoherent only dogs could hear them, years ago when I did not consider my fic would be special to anyone. I really really really treasure them.
Also both my birthday gifts, Bro at Disneyland, and Bro at Home Depot 💕
C. This artwork for RNG chapter 66, from @101-sve . It is also special to me, and it's been my wallpaper on my phone ever since c: the atmosphere, the warmth, the halo of their hair i just... Yeah!!!!
D. Recent, probably familiar still, this Holy Fucking Shit Beautiful Atmospheric work of art for metempsychosis!!!! by @askinsufferableprickmod . I really actually cannot stop looking at it. It's so gorgeous, and honestly even if it had nothing to do with me I would still be in love with it. The concept of the kids are Gods, as beings outside the mortal world they made for themselves, all that is visible here, and I really really love it!
* I know all of these are things people have drawn for me, for my content, but honestly that is why they are my favorites! It is touching to see someone put heart into something that is related to something you, yourself, also put heart into!!! I love it!!!! I love these talented artists!!!!!
ALSO: we all know Theater of Coolty, but it is so beloved to me, I can recite it in my sleep lol.
7. 🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately
On top of the other reasons I said I don't like things, you do actually have to convince me 6 times outta 10 if you want me to read a Homestuck fic in the third person. There is just something to the flavor of 2nd person that hits different. There is a reason different perspectives exist, and I think they can all be utilized well, but something about that classic, well-patterned "you, and then you" just gets me, you know?
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thaliaisalesbian · 2 months
Fic Masterpost
In chronological order by fandom.
Many of these are whump fics, and not all of the work warnings are mentioned here, read at your own risk.
green = ongoing
orange = nsfw
red = not complete, currently inactive
Maze Runner Masterpost
Percy Jackson
Demigods at Hogwarts
Annabeth/Percy, Jason/Piper, Thalia/Reyna, Hazel/Frank, Caylpso/Leo, Clarisse/Chris, Nico/Will, Hermione/Luna/Ginny, Draco/Harry Ten demigods are going on a quest, this time to Hogwarts. They're going in blind, and have no idea what the place is like or who they'll meet. Hermione and Harry are pursing tentive relationships. Ron is grieving his brother's death, coming to terms with a few things, and helping George with his shop.
dance, dance (the night away)
Annabeth/Percy Percy throws Annabeth a birthday party.
free floating
Annabeth/Percy Annabeth is determined not to let Percy win Capture the Flag tonight. She'll fight him if she has to! She doesn't get that far.
forever (on my lips)
Annabeth/Percy; MCD with an eventual happy ending. Annabeth wants to know, wants to know why. Why now, why him, why them? (she never gets her answers but she does get her peace.)
no more demons (in my head)
Annabeth/Percy, Clarisse & Annabeth, Clarisse & Percy Percy and Annabeth had a good night out, everything was going well. Until it wasn't. And Percy didn't know why.
(don't) pull your stitches
Annabeth/Percy, Thalia & Percy; Hidden Injury. Percy is tired. Why do all of these monsters have to be angry at the same time? Can't they plan a schedule or something?
forever and always
Annabeth/Percy Annabeth is kidnapped, but she's a badass who gets herself out of it.
these monsters (can't keep you)
Annabeth/Percy Percy has been taken by the gods yet again, and this time, he's stuck in a maze, fighting for his life. Annabeth has to watch him as he begins running out of time.
I thought I saw a sign (somewhere between the lines)
Annabeth/Percy, Annabeth & Clarisse, Percy & Clarisse; Emotional Hurt/Comfort Annabeth isn't sure, now, what she'd ever really seen in Percy. Not as a person, but as a boyfriend. After Tartarus, after everything. It's understandable, but she's not going to let him keep treating her this way. She deserves better than a boyfriend who can't seem to stand her presence, even if she might have thought before that they were happy. Annabeth just wants one thing in her life to be good, to be permanent. She thought that might be Percy. Now, she's not so sure. As they near the one-year anniversary of the battle against Gaea, Annabeth has been pulling away. After all that’s happened, it’s understandable. But, because of that, he’s having a harder and harder time squishing down the voice in the back of his head that says she's rethinking their relationship. Percy just wants Annabeth to talk to him, to figure things out. He thought they were past avoidance and pushing each other away. Now, he's not so sure.
Light will guide you home
Annabeth/Percy, Annabeth & Percy & Grover, Annabeth & Percy & Thalia, Annabeth & Clarisse & Percy. Post-HOO, Torture, Hurt/Comfort. You know how sometimes you think a bad day can't get any worse, and then it somehow does? Percy and Annabeth were trying to make a bad day better, only for it all to go wrong.
When It's Dire
Annabeth/Percy, Thalia & Annabeth & Percy; Injury recovery and blood, post-HOO. Percy's got to be tired; he's been doing this all day. Annabeth just has to get to him, and then it'll all be fine.
explosions got nothing on migraines
Tony/T'Challa Tony and Shuri set off an explosion on accident.
better than you (forever and always)
Tony/T'Challa; Carol & Tony Tony works himself into delirium and doesn't know that Carol's alive, so when she shows up... well, there are some issues with that.
for you (and coffee), a bullet wound is nothing
Tony/T'Challa; No Powers AU T'Challa is just trying to get a coffee, go to a meeting, and then wrap up his day by calling his family. Too bad the man in front of him seems to be a target.
bad ideas
Female!Tony, Tony & Shuri Shuri and Toni get kidnapped and Shuri is awesome.
blood isn't too bad (unless you die)
Tony/T'Challa, Shuri & T'Challa, Tony & Shuri Shuri, Tony, and T'Challa are on a trip and they get kidnapped. Shuri remains awesome.
stay here (in my thoughts)
Tony/T'Challa Of course they had to fight Doom, and of course he had to leave a radiation cloud behind. It would have been too easy for him to just leave them an exit. (How much would have changed, T'Challa will ask himself later, if it hadn't been there?)
as the day bleeds on
Tony/T'Challa; Endgame Fix-it Tony doesn't know how long he's been out for, but he's back now, and he's going to recover, dammit.
over and over and over again, i wake up here
Nick Fury & Tony, Carol & Tony Tony gets kidnapped, again, and has to get himself out, again. There are just some... complications, we'll say, along the way.
Star Wars
chains? they cannot hold you, dear
Poe/Finn, Leia & Finn, Poe & Finn & Rey; Force-sensitive Finn Finn volunteers for an infiltration mission, which somehow proceeds as planned. It's lucky that he has damn good pilot for a boyfriend and an entire Resistance ready to back him up when he needs it most.
she blinks and i'm lost, lost, lost
Poe/Finn; accidental baby acquisition. A normal recruiting mission turns into a special type of rescue mission.
Criminal Minds
seven for a secret
Derek/Spencer, JJ/Will, Will & Derek, Will & Spencer, Derek & Emily & Spencer Will doesn't want to watch JJ's family--his family, his friends, too--fall apart more than they already have. So he takes matters into his own hands, to ensure they won't be going to another funeral this year. Majorly inspired by Butterbeerandbutterknives’s fic One for Sorrow. Actually, it's set in their fic. Highly suggest reading that first; it's fantastic.
bleeding hands and beating hearts
Derek/Spencer This has been a hard case--the unsubs are dropping off videotapes of the victims hours before the bodies are found. They know everything these victims are going though. Spencer's been missing since he left the hotel this morning. Derek doesn't want to think about what's on the tape with his name on it. (see end notes for more detailed trigger warnings)
giant owls: not as good for cuddling as you'd think
Derek/Spencer, Emily & Spencer Emily's exhausted, and worried. They all are. It's been a hard couple of months--nonstop cases, and the LEOs seem to dislike them more than usual lately. It doesn't help that Spencer is already seen as an easy target, and when he's not cleared for field work? Things only get worse. "And there’s Spencer, soaking wet. “Oh, god, Spence!” JJ gasps. Derek’s already moving, wrapping his jacket around his shivering boyfriend and carefully probing at his head. “What happened, Reid?” Hotch asks, moving to help Derek settle Spencer on the couch. Spencer’s eyes are unfocused, and he’s not tracking movement well. Derek can’t fight the sinking feeling in his stomach as he realizes what’s going on."
guns raised (don't fire)
Derek/Spencer "The door opens again, and Spencer abruptly turns and backhands Hotch. Oh, God, this better not be what Derek thinks it is. “Come on, then.” The man in the door grabs Spencer by the shoulder and leads him away. “Hotch, what’s going on?” Derek asks." Being kidnapped? Not fun. Being one of four of your team kidnapped by at least three unsubs? Even worse. All Derek can do is hope that Spencer's plan works.
Original Work
bled dry (i wish)
Vampirism is seen as a curse. Hurt/No Comfort Prompt: Chestnut, short hair slightly covers a lean, menacing face. Dead brown eyes, set dreadfully within their sockets, watch guardedly over the tribes they've safeguarded for so long. A goatee graciously compliments his cheeks and leaves a bittersweet memory of his reckless luck. This is the face of Orlando Hanson, a true dreamer among vampires. He stands oddly among others, despite his tough frame. There's something different about him, perhaps it's his sense of honor or perhaps it's simply his personality. But nonetheless, people tend to socialize with him, while spreading rumors about him behind his back. Or: Orlando Hanson gets a short backstory. And neither he nor Hanson Victor are quite the victims or villains that they each think they are.
to break a fence (to kill a man)
MCD; Hurt/No Comfort. No dialogue. Prompt: Seth Ostler is a man in his late twenties, who is very adventurous. He comes from a wealthy background, lives in a rough neighborhood and tends to a huge collection of potted plants. Seth's adventures these days consist of the walk to work and back. It certainly scares him enough to feel like it could be a dream. Turns out, the walk isn't what he should be afraid of.
Stranger Things
silver lining
Spicy Six Polycule; only Eddie/Steve/Jonathan seen. Scene gone wrong with safeword use. Eddie wants to try tying someone up. Steve volunteers. For all their talks about it, though, he doesn't mention his biggest fear about it. @rememberthatiloveyou for more discussion on this (and any other nsfw fics)
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Jonathan/Steve/Nancy, Steve & Everyone; Post-Season 2. Blood and injury, hurt/comfort, some fluff mixed in with the angst Jonathan wants to rush after Steve, to explain, but there's no time. Not when the kids have found another gate, not when there's more than his love life at stake. Now he might never get a chance to explain. Or: Steve walks into a conversation between Jonathan and Nancy at just the wrong time, and then everything gets worse (because Steve's just gone and tried to die for them, and this time, they might not get him back.)
loved you never (mourning forever)
Jonathan & Steve; unhappy ending. Steve's fine. He's always fine, he's the one who takes the hits and gets back up. Sure, this might be a harder hit than most, but he'll manage… as long as no one else catches on. (Jonathan might ruin that for him.)
Delicately Intertwined
Jonathan/Steve/Nancy; Post-S4, subdrop, sickfic After so long apart, and with everything that's happened, Jonathan's just eager to see his both of his partners alive and well. The 'well' part turns out to be highly debatable, and not as easily fixable as Jonathan would like it to be.
your presence still lingers here
Robin & Steve; Implied Torture and experimentation. Post-S4, vaguely, Magic AU. Samuel is not sure that this lordling's so-called mission is actually a mission. (all steve had ever wanted was to protect them) Robin just wants Steve back, and now that they're so close, she's not going to let anything stop her from saving him.
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magical-girl-coral · 9 months
Catwoman stories that DC should write:
*Selina planning on robbing this super rich couple, but she catches them on a night were they're fighting and she becomes so consumed by the drama that she forgot why she was there.
*Selina getting bored with stealing for while so she auditions for swan lake and stops being Catwoman for an entire winter. She told none of her rogues friends or Batman and Gotham breaks down for a while thinking that she died or got kidnapped. They actually threw a party when she came back to the scene.
*Selina moving to Cuba for two years to get a medical decree cause she was so fucking tired of being the only Gotham City Siren who wasn't a doctor.
*All the people Selina adopted over the years and trained having a competition to see who could steal the perfect gift for Selina's birthday. Holly, Arizona and Kitrina make a special comeback.
*A consistent backstory. You'd think DC would have written one already that shows how she was taught by so many people in such a short time period between the age of 16 to 20.
And Yet
*A full spreadsheet of all the cats she adopted over the years.
*Selina accidentally becoming DC's unofficial couple's therapists cause she loves drama she's not involved in and giving people unsolicited. Turns out her advice is actually good and people keep coming back for more.
*Selina meeting Ghostmaker and both of them becoming wingman for the other for a night of pure bisexual chaos to get over Batman. Bruce finds out and nearly has a stroke.
*Selina returning to many stolen artifacts to their holy sites that she becomes impossible to curse. One bitter bitch tries to place a curse on her and fifteen different holy beings put a stop to it. Selina has no idea she has so many gods in her pocket and no one knows how to break the news to her.
Catwoman stories we get instead:
*Batcat breakup for the tenth time for reasons, I guess.
*Selina saying meow.
*???. IDK, every story nowadays seems to be around how long it will take for them to break up this time. I legit can't think of anything funny to say.
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peggysrpmemes · 8 months
Lyric starters from various fan made fnaf songs, from 2015-2020(ish). Featuring lyrics from Living Tombstone, GT Music, Giffnilla, and others. Feel free to change any pronouns or punctuation as desired.
“For many years we've been all alone.”
“Now we're stuck here to decay”
“I just don't get it, why do you want to stay?”
“Now I suffer the curse and now I am blind.”
“I can't wait for the cliff at the end of the river.”
“Is this revenge I am seeking? Or seeking someone to avenge me?”
“Stuck in my own paradox, I wanna set myself free.”
“I wish I lived in the present with the gift of my past mistakes.”
“Justification is killing me, but killing isn't justified.”
“Kick back and grab a slice!”
“If you get hurt on the job we cannot cover your loss.”
“Why did they hire me? This is insane!”
“Just wait for what I've got in store!”
“You're the next victim that I'm coming for!”
“So while you're here, try not to die.”
“After tonight, I might not work again!”
“I'm dripping sweat, turn up the fan.”
“Maybe a raise? Cuz I think I've earned it, man!”
"Listen close, follow my instructions."
"There is no time for introductions."
"You'll be the one to save us."
"Did we deserve this?"
“Try your best to hold onto sanity.”
“All eyes are on you…”
“What have I done to deserve this damnation?”
“You might look at me, and think you're going crazy,”
“I lost it long ago, you're not alone baby.”
“We'll always seek, We'll always find!”
“I feel like I'm dying.”
“I hear a sound…”
“It's pro’lly just a mouse,”
“Wait… Now I hear it…”
“What's that sound? I know someone's there!”
“You can't deter me this time.”
“Every night always, it never changes.”
“But we can make accidents happen.”
"This can't be real!"
“There's something sick and sadistic about this place.”
“Feeling like this place is my tomb.”
“No one will believe me, so I gotta fight.”
“Don't scream, you'll just make it worse.”
“Free, let me go free!”
“Stay calm, stay calm.”
“Wish I had a 9 to 5.”
“Find an inner strength within.”
“If I've learned one thing it's that Don't respond to Craigslist ads.”
“I really hate you, stop getting in my way.”
“'Cause I've been staring at my death so many times.”
“I wish I could just block the doors.”
“I got this headache and my life's on the line.”
“The nightmare repeats itself every time.”
“Stay awake until the sun will shine.”
“I have this urge to kill and show that I'm alive.”
“I'm getting sick from these apologies from people with priorities that their life matters so much more than mine.”
“No one will listen and no one will understand.”
“Things haven't been the same since my birthday.”
“Can I get a grown-up to check in my closet?”
“Just heard a noise, I don't know where it went.”
“But what if I'm in Hell and I'm already dead?”
“Shut the door, better keep it closed.”
“Come closer, we don't bite!”
“I don't believe that for one second!”
“I got a flashlight and I know how to use it.”
“Oh my God, I'm on my own!”
“Maybe death will set me free …?”
“We live eternally.”
“Time for the main attraction!”
“I'm not the bad guy, I'm just a bit surprising.”
“There was a time, not so long ago at all, I was just like you, can you hear my call?”
“I'll be checking in, but you'll never be aware.”
“You may say that I'm breaking your mind. In my opinion, you're much too kind.”
“But don't get me wrong, you were very brave.”
“When faced with friendly singing animals, you never caved.”
“Is it because I can't be her?”
“I can feel my heart breaking.”
“I can't fix you.”
“This is what happens when you leave it to someone else. If you want it done right you should just do it yourself.”
“You might make everyone happy but you're dead inside, just like me.”
“Prepare for the horrors.”
“This night will keep repeating over and over.”
“You'll never be alone again”
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popculturebuffet · 18 hours
Donald Duck 90th Birthday Special: A Look At Mr Duck Steps Out
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Happy Birthday Donald! For those I haven't had a chance to tell, i'm a HUGE Donald Duck Fan. Easily my faviorite Disney Character and the best of the sensational six.... which Pluto is a part of for some godforsaken reason but you didn't hear to come me badmouth a cartoon dog, I didn't come here to do that, it's time to celebrate one of the best characters in all of ficiton. And that's not hyperbole: Donald is a versatile character: he's been the best dad ever, an absuive parent, a put upon dad raising three horrifying nephews, a loving boyfriend, a negelctful ass, a put upon worker in the nazi regime, a sailor, a soldier, a cabllero, a singer, a lover, a dreamer, me, an unstoppable force of rage, a heavily abused worker for a billionare, a fire fighter, a musketeer, owen an ostrich, owned a penguin, fought an elder god, been to the moon and back, reawakened a billionare's will to live, been a superhero, been in a collectable card game, had a goose eat everything in his kitchen and many more adventures i'm simply not aware of. Donald has done it all.
Donald is at his best though when he's the every man: he fucks up, get's frustrated and often fails, but keeps going anyway. He reminds us that failure or loosing your temper isn't the end, you can recover from it and even if you don't, that's life.
To Honor Him I was spoiled for choice with tons of Barks stories, a ducktales episode, and a quack pack episode that all fit.. but for 90 years, I wanted something special, something that captured the age of the character, the scope of what he's capable of and the humor all in one.
So I settled on this: I covered this short way back in my donald duck shortsravagangza years ago, but felt it deserved a closer look: This short is without a doubt my faviorite theatrical short. That is a large library and given my love of Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry, a tall order, and others certainly come close. I mean I bought a 40 short compliation called best of space jam just to get Hot Cross Bunny, it's a close race.. but it's one this short wins. It's got great timing, gorgeous animation and tons of great laughs and while it's throughly tied to the 40's it was born in, that creates an old fashiond charm to it. It's far and away one of disney's best cartoons ever, so if you please, join me under the cut to find out why.
Mr Duck Steps out came out in 1940 and is notable as the very first apperance of Daisy, and with an opener like this, it's easy to see why she stuck around.
It's also got a power house team behind it: Besides Disney's fantastic as always staff from them, it was directed by Jack King. Jack is someone I just really looked into and shame on me: With how much I love this short, I shoudl've done this way sooner because as it turns out King's career is drenched in Donald Duck Classics. King started his career as an animator, only moving up to director after leaving Disney to work at Warner Bros. His first efforts were the much malinged Buddy Cartoons, along with a few starring attempted star beans the cat.
Thankfully he moved back to Disney which not only bumped him up to director (Albeit uncredited because animation directors went uncredited back then which was awful), where he found his Niche: By then Donald Duck had started his solo career and King proceeded to direct most of his shorts from then on out exclusivley worked witht he duck.. and it was a match made in heaven. King perfectly got the duck's style, how to direct his temper and thus most of his shorts with donald are classics. A few duds from the ones of his I have seen but you can't win em all. He directed faviorites of mine such as Modern Inventions (His first Donald Duck Short), Donald's Ostrich, and the Hockey Champ and i'm defintely going to watch more
The other key to his success was another legend, the guy who made Donald what he is on screen and page Carl Barks. Yes something I often forget and the public at large seems to is Carl Barks was writer and story director on a LOT of Donald Duck Shorts. You can tell too as the more put upon everyman from his comics is present: He may not speak as much, but he's there. Barks really got how to bring out the best in donald and how to make him look good and with an all star team of animators. Combine him with a director who really got the character and you get magic.
Mr Duck Steps out Preemered on June 6th 1940, making this a celebration of it's 84th anniversary as well , if a few days late. It was distributed by RKO and other than that I don't have much. This short is great, I wish I knew more about it, let's begin.
The short has a simple setup: Donald in a banger outfit that's rightfully gotten a funko in Disney's 20th anniversary wave... which so far is donald doing a temper tantrum, in his black sailor suit from the comics, in this banger outfit and for some reason, with heart eyes. One of these things is out of place and it's the heart eyes. It's cute and all but the guy has a massive career and costumes to pull from. Come on.
At any rate Donald has a date tonight and does some really fun dancing to some 40's music. The dancing animation is REALLY fucking smooth and one of the best things this short has, with the moves being smooth as butter.
Unfortunately for him, his Nephew's want to tag along. I love them dancing right behind him and when he opens the door and realizes there there, using his cane like a hook to pull them back in the house.
Huey , Unsettling Yellow Dewey and Louie are prominent here and while I used to hate the classic versions for being identical i've mostly come around. I still PREFER that they have seperate distinct personalities, the Ducktales Reboot versions are still far and away the best, taking elements from different versions and separating them into three distinct people with designs that make it easy to tell them apart.
That said the three in one version CAN work: It worked in the comics as having three gave them more flexiblity and Scrooge more of a crew, yet characterization wise still fill just one slot, making a freudian trio with their uncles. Likewise they work very well when their the absolute worst, little hellions who are like living in a living nightmare and put their uncle through a LOT. There the numbers game means Donald can't beat them easily. It also works in more benign examples of showing him up like the hockey champ.
So for this short it works well that Donald's outnumbered: he rightfully wants a night to himself and while he shoudl've got a sitter, his frustration and antics towards the kids feel entirely understandable when they keep following him, taking his choclates for daisy and nearly getting strangled for it, back when that was a funny punchline and not child abuse.
Enter daisy complete with fan fare. I've always loved it, the fact she has a curtain to announce herself, the fact there's this random fan fare, the fact the fan fare dosen't land as much as this isn't a new character to modern viewers so much as "One of the core cast for 84 years now". I also love Donald's rebound of "Hehehe I brought my nephews, weh". Clarence Nash's delivery is great. His delivery as Daisy and the boys also works and feels mostly distinct, though I do get why June Foray and Tress MacNeile have both dubbed over him in some versions. I still go with the original but I get wanting a voice that actually sounds like daisy and not exactly like her boyfriend.
Donald gives the kids a quarter for ice cream, another delivery I love. While Tony Anselmo is my faviorite Donald, Nash really can't be understated: while the voice itself is impressive, how expressive he can get with it is remarkable, able to make donald angry, horny or happy as can be with ease. Screen Donald gets flack for not having his comics counterparts range, but I think with the right scripts, Nash gave donald a lot of great comedic range and had excellent timing, able to make what could've been just a goofy voice one of the best characters in animation. That little "heh" when he says he brought his nephews, the awkward way he says it as he's making it up on the spot it's so good.
So Donald gets to flirt with Daisy, who flirts with him with her ass
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How they made THIS sexy I don't know. Maybe i've just lost it. It's hard to tell. But it's also funny and Donald sadly dose'nt get a kiss as the little shits return and try to ruin his date because.. their bored? he tried to leave them behind? They have no souls just a styigan void where it would be?
They dance and that's really the bulk of the short as the boys cut in, Donald cuts back in after turning into a tiger, and it's all amazingly animated. Just fluid, gorgeous and hilaroius to look at. Really smooth stuff. I also like how happy and cheerful daisy is here. She still has some of her later pepper in how fast she moves, but I like her being upbeat but assertive over thier later status quo
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I love that short but I prefer them as a stable couple over bickering assholes.. or in the case of three Cabs Daisy an ABUSIVE asshole.
It all ends in the boys deciding to feed donald popcorn kernels, have them explode inside him and ... somehow that'd ruin the date. or kill him their fine with either. So we get a really fun climax as donald dances to the beat of the pop corn, daisy rolls with it and the boys play piano, a manequin like a base guitar and plungers. What makes it work best is not only how fun the animatoin is.. but that Donald comes out on top. The boys are pretty awful and Donald is fine to have one night ot himself. Still should've gotten that sitter but .. 40's. What can you do? He gets covered with kisses and wins the day. It's a sweet ending.
Overall this short is just masterful. I said what i could but it's a feast for the eyes ears and pancreas with some great gags, fast animation and is just.. a joy. It makes me happy every time I watch it and is easy to default to when I want to watch a disney short. It's on D+ if you have it in glorious hd and if not you can still find it on the internet archive, and I recommmend you go seek it out. It's only 9 minutes and every one of those is worth your time. Thanks for reading.
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