#give your audience and characters a break
damienkarras73 · 3 days
An essay on Furiosa, the politics of the Wasteland, Arthurian literature and realistic vs. formalistic CGI
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Mad Max: Fury Road absolutely enraptured me when it came out nearly a decade ago, and I will cop to seeing it four times at the theatre. For me (and many others who saw the light of George Miller) it set new standards for action filmmaking, storytelling and worldbuilding, and I could pop in its Blu Ray at any time and never get tired of it. Perhaps not surprisingly, I was deeply apprehensive about the announced prequel for Fury Road's actual main character, Furiosa, even if Miller was still writing and directing. We didn't need backstory for Furiosa—hell, Fury Road is told in such a way that NOTHING in it requires explicit backstory. And since it focuses on the Yung Furiosa, it meant Charlize Theron couldn't return with another career-defining performance. Plus, look at all that CGI in the trailer, it can't be as good as Fury Road.
Turns out I was silly to doubt George Miller, M.D., A.O., writer and director of Babe: Pig in the City and Happy Feet One & Two.
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is excellent, and I needn't have worried about it not being as good as Fury Road because it is not remotely trying to be Fury Road. Fury Road is a lean, mean machine with no fat on it, nothing extraneous, operating with constant forward momentum and only occasionally letting up to let you breathe a little; Furiosa is a classical epic, sprawling in scope, scale and structure, and more than happy to let the audience simmer in a quiet, almost painfully still moment. If its opening spoken word sequence by that Gandalf of the Wastes himself, the First History Man, didn't already clue you in, it unfolds like something out of myth, a tale told over and over again and whose possible embellishments are called attention to in the dialogue itself. Where Fury Road scratched the action nerd itch in my head like you wouldn't believe, Furiosa was the equivalent of Miller giving the undulating folds of my English major brain a deep tissue massage. That's great! I, for one, love when sequels/prequels endeavour to be fundamentally different movies from what they're succeeding/preceding, operating in different modes, formats and even genres, and more filmmakers should aim for it when building on an existing series.
This movie has been on my mind so much in the past week that I've ended up dedicating several cognitive processes to keeping track of all of the different ponderings it's spawned. Thankfully, Furiosa is divided into chapters (fun fact: putting chapter cards in your movie is a quick way to my heart), so it only seems fitting that I break up all of these cascading thoughts accordingly.
1. The Pole of Inaccessibility
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Furiosa herself actually isn't the protagonist for the first chapter of her own movie, instead occupying the role of a (very crafty and resourceful) damsel in distress for those initial 30-40 minutes. The real hero of the opening act, which plays out like a game of cat and mouse, is Furiosa's mother Mary Jabassa, who rides out into the wasteland first on horseback and then astride a motorcycle to track down the band of raiders that has stolen away her daughter. Mary's brought to life by Miller and Nico Lathouris' economical writing and a magnetic performance by newcomer Charlee Fraser, who radiates so much screen presence in such relatively little time and with one of those instant "who is SHE??" faces. She doesn't have many lines, but who needs them when Fraser can convey volumes about Mary with just a flash of her eyes or the effortless way she swaps out one of her motorcycle's wheels for another. To be quite candid, I'm not sure of the last time I fell in love with a character so quickly.
You notice a neat aesthetic contrast between mother and daughter in retrospect: Mary Jabassa darts into the desert barefoot, clad in a simple yet elegant dress, her wolf cut immaculate, only briefly disguising herself with the ugly armour of a raider she just sniped, and when she attacks it's almost with grace, like some Greek goddess set loose in the post-apocalyptic Aussie outback with just her wits and a bolt-action rifle; we track Furiosa's growth over the years by how much of her initially conventional beauty she has shed, quite literally in one case (hair buzzed, severed arm augmented with a chunky mechanical prosthesis, smeared in grease and dirt from head to toe, growling her lines at a lower octave), and by how she loses her mother's graceful approach to movement and violence, eventually carrying herself like a blunt instrument. Yet I have zero doubt the former raised the latter, both angels of different feathers but with the same steel and resolve. Of fucking course this woman is Furiosa's mother, and in the short time we know her we quickly understand exactly why Furiosa has the drive and morals she does without needing to resort to didactic exposition.
Anyway, I was tearing up by the end of the first chapter. Great start!
2. Lessons from the Wasteland
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Most movies—most stories, really—don't actually tell the entire narrative from A to Z. Perhaps the real meat of the thing is found from H to T, and A-G or U-Z are unnecessary for conveying the key narrative and themes. So many prequels fail by insisting on telling the A-G part of the story, explaining how the hero earned a certain nickname or met their memorable sidekick—but if that stuff was actually interesting, they likely would have included it in the original work. The greatest thing a prequel can actually do is recontextualize, putting iconic characters or moments in a new light, allowing you to appreciate them from a different angle. All of season 2 of Fargo serves to explain why Molly Solverson's dad is appropriately wary when Lorne Malvo enters his diner for a SINGLE SCENE in the show's first season. David's arc from the Alien prequels Prometheus and Covenant—polarizing as those entries are—adds another layer to why Ash is so protective of the creature in the first movie. Andor gives you a sense of what it's like for a normal, non-Jedi person to live under the boot of the Empire and why so many of them would join up with the Rebel Alliance—or why they would desire to wear that boot, or even just crave the chance to lick it.
Furiosa is one of those rare great prequels because it makes us take a step back and consider the established world with a little more nuance, even if it's still all so absurd. In Fury Road, Immortan Joe is an awesome, endlessly quotable villain, completely irredeemable, and basically a cartoon. He works perfectly as the antagonist of that breakneck, Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote-ass movie, but if you step outside of its adrenaline-pumping narrative for even a moment you risk questioning why nobody in the Citadel or its surrounding settlements has risen up against him before. Hell, why would Furiosa even work for him to begin with? But then you see Dementus and company tear-assing around the wasteland, seizing settlements and running them into the ground, and you realize Joe and his consortium offer something that Dementus reasonably can't: stability—granted, an unwavering, unchangeable stability weighted in favour of Joe's own brutal caste system, but stability nonetheless. It really makes you wonder, how badly does a guy have to suck to make IMMORTAN JOE of all people look like a sane, competent and reasonable ruler by comparison?!?
…and then they open the door to the vault where he keeps his wives, and in a flash you're reminded just how awful Joe is and why Furiosa will risk her life to help some of these women flee from him years later. This new context enriches Joe and makes it more believable that he could maintain power for so long, but it doesn't make him any less of a monster, and it says a lot about Furiosa's hate for Dementus that she could grit her teeth and work for this sick old tyrant.
3. The Stowaway
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Here's another wild bit of trivia about this movie: you don't actually see top-billed actress Anya Taylor-Joy pop up on screen until roughly halfway through, once Furiosa is in her late teens/early twenties. Up until this point she's been played by Alyla Browne, who through the use of some seamless and honestly really impressive CGI has been given Anya's distinctive bug eyes [complimentary]. It's one of those bold choices that really works because Miller commits to it so hard, though it does make me wish Browne's name was up on the poster next to Taylor-Joy's.
Speaking of CGI, I should talk about what seems to be a sticking point for quite a few people: if there's been one consistent criticism of Furiosa so far, it's that it doesn't look nearly as practical or grounded as Fury Road, with more obvious greenscreen and compositing, and what previously would've been physical stunt performers and pyrotechnics have been replaced with their digital equivalents for many shots. Simply put, it doesn't look as real! For a lot of people, that practicality was one of Fury Road's primary draws, so I won't try to quibble if they're let down by Furiosa's overt artificiality, but to be honest I'm actually quite fine with it. It helps that this visual discrepancy doesn't sneak up on you but is incredibly apparent right from the aerial zoom-down into Australia in the very first scene, so I didn't feel misled or duped.
Fury Road never asks you to suspend your disbelief because it all looks so believable; Furiosa jovially prods you to suspend that disbelief from the get-go and tune into it on a different wavelength. It's a classical epic, and like the classical epics of the 1950s and 60s it has a lot of actors standing in front of what clearly are matte paintings. It feels right! We're not watching fact, we're watching myth. I'm willing to concede there might be a little bit of post-hoc rationalization on my part because I simply love this movie so much, but I'm not holding the effects in Furiosa to the same standard as those in Fury Road because I simply don't believe Miller and his crew are attempting to replicate that approach. Without the extensive CGI, we don't get that impressive long, panning take where a stranded Furiosa scans the empty, dust-and-sun-scoured wasteland (75% Sergio Leone, 25% Andrei Tarkovsky), or the Octoboss and his parasailing goons. For the sake of intellectual exercise I did try imagining them filming the Octoboss/war rig sequence with the same immersive practical approach they used for Fury Road's stunts, however I just kept picturing dead stunt performers, so perhaps the tradeoff was worth it!
4. Homeward
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Around the same time we meet the Taylor-Joy-pilled Furiosa in Chapter 3, we're introduced to Praetorian Jack, the chief driver for the convoys running between the Citadel and its allied settlements. Jack's played by Tom Burke, who pulled off a very good Orson Welles in Mank! and who I should really check out in The Souvenir one of these days. He's also a cool dude! Here are some facts about Praetorian Jack:
He's decked out in road leathers with a pauldron stitched to one shoulder
He's stoic and wary, but still more or less personable and can carry on a conversation
Professes to a certain cynicism, to quote Special Agent Albert Rosenfield, but ultimately has a capacity for kindness and will do the right thing
Shoots a gun real good
Can drive like nobody's business
So in other words, Jack is Mad Max. But also, no, he clearly isn't! He looks and dresses like Mad Max (particularly Mel Gibson's) and does a lot of the same things "Mad" Max Rockatansky does, but he's also very explicitly a distinct character. It's a choice that seems inexplicable and perhaps even lazy on its face, except this is a George Miller movie, so of course this parallel is extremely purposeful. Miller has gone on record saying he avoids any kind of strict chronology or continuity for his Mad Max movies, compared to the rigid canons for Star Trek and Star Wars, and bless him for doing so. It's more fun viewing each Mad Max entry as a new revision or elaboration on a story being told again and again generations after the fall, mutating in style, structure and focus with every iteration, becoming less grounded as its core narrative is passed from elder to youth, community to community, genre to genre, until it becomes myth. (At least, my English major brain thinks it's more fun.) In fact there's actually something Arthurian to it, where at first King Arthur was mentioned in several Welsh legends before Geoffrey of Monmouth crafted an actual narrative around him, then Chrétien de Troyes added elements like Lancelot and infused the stories with more romance, and then with Le Morte d'Arthur Thomas Malory whipped the whole cycle together into one volume, which T.H. White would chop and screw and deconstruct with The Once and Future King centuries later.
All this to say: maybe Praetorian Jack looks and sounds and acts like Max because he sorta kinda basically is, being just one of many men driving back and forth across the wasteland, lending a hand on occasion, who'll be conflated into a single, legendary "Mad Max" at some point down the line in a different History Man's retelling of Furiosa's odyssey. Sometimes that Max rips across the desert in his V8 Interceptor, other times driving a big rig. Perhaps there's a dog tagging along and/or a scraggly and at first aggravating ally played by Bruce Spence or Nicholas Hoult. Usually he has a shotgun. But so long as you aren't trying to kill him, he'll help you out.
5. Beyond Vengeance
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The Mad Max movies have incredibly iconic villains—Immortan Joe! Toecutter! the Lord Humongous!—but they are exactly that, capital V Villains devoid of humanizing qualities who you can't wait to watch bad things happen to. Furiosa appears to continue this trend by giving us a villain who in fact has a mustache long enough that he could reasonably twirl it if he so wanted, but ironically Dementus ends up being the most layered antagonist in the entire series, even moreso than the late Tina Turner's comparatively benevolent Aunty Entity from Beyond Thunderdome. And because he's played by Chris Hemsworth, whose comedic delivery rivals his stupidly handsome looks, you lock in every time he's on screen.
Something so fascinating about Dementus is that, for a main antagonist, he's NOT all-powerful, and in fact quite the opposite: he's more conman than warlord, looking for the next hustle, the next gullible crowd he can preach to and dupe—though never for long. For all his bluster, at every turn he finds himself in way over his head and writing cheques he can't cash, and this self-induced Sisyphean torment makes him riveting to watch. You're tempted to pity Dementus but it's also quite difficult to spare sympathy for someone who's so quick to channel their rage and hurt and ego into thoughtless, burn-it-all-down destruction. When you're not laughing at him, you're hating his guts, and it's indisputably the best work of Chris Hemsworth's career.
It's in this final chapter that everything naturally comes to a head: Furiosa's final evolution into the character we meet at the start of Fury Road, the predictable toppling of Dementus' precariously built house of cards, and the mythmaking that has been teased since the very first scene becoming diagetic text, the last of which allows the movie to thoroughly explore the themes of vengeance it's been building to. A brief war begins, is summarized and is over in the span of roughly a minute, and on its face it's a baffling narrative choice that most other filmmakers would have botched. But our man Miller's smart enough to recognize that the result of this war is the most foregone of conclusions if you've been paying even the slightest bit of attention, so he effectively brushes past it to get to the emotional heart of the climax and an incredible "Oh shit!" payoff that cements Miller as one of mainstream cinema's greatest sickos.
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Fury Road remains the greatest Mad Max film, but Furiosa might be the best thing George Miller has ever made. If not his magnum opus, it does at least feel like his dissertation, and it makes me wish Warner Bros. puts enough trust in him despite Furiosa's poor box office performance that he's able to make The Wasteland. Absolutely ridiculous that a man just short of his 80th birthday was able to pull this off, and with it I feel confident calling him one of my favourite directors.
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smolwritingchick · 1 day
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 94- MAMA Awards 2016 Part 2
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Chapter Summary: BTS win their first Daesang! Tensions run high when Jen's friendship with Hyuna ends abruptly due to sneak dissing and a scrapped performance. BTS attends the Mama Awards making iconic moments that leave the world shooked.
Words: 6,000+
Genre: Big Jungkook Fluff. A little chaos never hurt anybody :)
Author's Note: This is the last bit of the chapter that couldn't fit in Part 1 on Tumblr.
Click here for PART 1 of this chapter
On stage, as it was darkened, it lightened up with red lights in the background, showing off her powerful silhouette. Once the audience saw it was her, they cheered loudly. She then began a dance break with the back up dancers, dancing fiercely.
"Hong Kong! If you don't know my name, you gon' know, tonight!" she shouted and began to sing, bouncing to the beat.
wave ya hands side to side
wave ya hands side to side
wave ya hands from side to side
wave ya hands side to side
Backstage, Bangtan was dancing along while they were being filmed by a Bangtan bomb. They bounced and jumped to her singing. Yoongi had been the one to post the fan chant lyrics on Twitter to prepare fans. His efforts were rewarded as he heard the loud fan chants. ARMY truly never lets Bangtan down.
"Wave your hands side to side," she continued to sing but then stopped as the audience, especially Armies, began to take over to repeat the lyrics.
Pleasantly surprised though pleased, she smiled and even saw the light sticks waving around on beat. As she walked, she placed the mic to her mouth and then the words began to flow while she looked at the camera.
Aye yo, Cube & MAMA, why you lying saying I ain't ready?
Miss Bangtan standin' on business, you know she keep it steady
I'm a savage and tonight Jennie gon' wreak havoc
The way she delivered the last line as she leaned in close to the camera with a wicked grin and head tilt caused anticipation around the venue as they cheered.
Her sudden rapping caused idols to look stunned, especially with the passion in her tone. They expected her to sing but rap? It was about to go down as they glanced at Hyuna.
"Oh shit, it's happening!" Bam Bam started freaking out with Jackson.
"Here she goes," Namjoon smiled, noticing her whole demeanor change.
"Make us proud, smartie..." Yoongi watched on with a smile.
Looking this fine I make em turn quick
I stay bulletproof, I ain't no sidekick
Main character energy, what you mad for?
Haters obsessed with what I got next in store
She turned around with the backup dancers, giving a full view of her backside while rocking to the beat which got reactions from idols who 'whooed' and admired her stage presence. She turned back around to continue to dance as her hair bounced beautifully with the camera following her.
Natural Body looks so good they try to replicate 
No matter what y'all do you can't duplicate 
She was then left alone on stage.
It sucks I gotta work twice as hard to get that recognition
I'm just as good, a bulletproof girl on a mission
Bangtan applying that pressure and we 'bout to do damage
We stay looking fresher while haters be at a disadvantage
Taking a glimpse of Hyuna made Jennie begin to walk right in the direction of where the idols were sitting as the camera followed her. As she walked, people began to realize that she was walking towards her.
"Is she heading in her direction?" Hobi grinned.
"Yes, she is!" Taehyung cheered.
The members watched proudly, anticipating what was going to happen next.
Fans tweet:
'Is she walking over to her!?'
'Wait a damn minute is she about to do what I think she's about to do!?'
'Oh my God I think Jennie is walking right towards Hyuna!'
'Is this the moment where she finally responds!?!'
With the way Jennie's expression changed, Bangtan watched as she legitimately started to get angry.
"Control your emotions..." Yoongi murmured as he watched her.
The idols geared up for what was about to happen, glancing back and forth from Hyuna to Jennie.
'Remember Yoongi's words...stay calm or you're gonna lose focus,' Jennie thought to herself as she kept her composure.
She took a deep breath to relax and continued on the mic.
How's this? How's this? You better reap what you sow
All this buffoonery better stop now cause I'm about to blow
Gave you one too many warnings, let me get this off my chest
What I got to say can't even save you with a bulletproof vest
Tryna tarnish my image you better watch ya mouth
Claim you're a girl's girl yet like to bad mouth
Grabbing a chair, Jennie pulled it right to Hyuna and sat right in front of her as ARMY cheered loudly. She began to look at her dead in the eyes while idols looked around in shock. Some of the IOI members gasped, questioning if this was really happening. Hayoon smiled proudly while the rest of GFriend continued to watch on the edge of their seats.
"Damn," Jooheon grinned. "Right in front of her, eh?"
Bam Bam's eyes looked like they were about to pop out while Zico glanced at Crush and Dean, nodding, looking impressed.
"Oh shit!" Taehyung shouted.
"Did you know she was planning to do that?" Jimin looked bewildered.
"Nah, she didn't say a thing," Jin looked on.
"She said expect the unexpected. She's doing a damn good job with the unexpected," Jimin watched in awe.
Hyuna looked upset as a frown came across her face while staring at Jennie who continued to rap.
First things first, I am not the one, two or three
You still running your mouth yet you run from me
Bubble bubble pop bitch who likes to burn bridges, 
A storm is coming and you about to get stitches
Jungkook grinned to himself. "That's my girl," he proudly said while Yoongi laughed out loud with the rapline on her bubble pop insult.
She then leaned forward, keeping her eyes on her.
Fake female monsta, you talk when I'm not around but I like to be direct
So I'ma address you on this stage so you can get checked.
Yea I'm the best from head to toe
Still bulletproof, it's ridiculous that you don't know
Miss Hyuna, you stay sneak dissin' but go mute when I'm in your face
Bitches like you make me wanna catch a case
Jennie was surprised the show didn't cut off her mic and kept going, relishing the moment. She flipped her hair to the side and stared at Hyuna, unimpressed.
Face twisted up in anger cause I hit a nerve
I'll be the first to say that it's what she deserves
If you respond, I already know everything you'll say
She's disrespectful, huh?
Doesn't respect her seniors, huh?
She's ghetto, huh?
She's just a little rookie, huh?
I've been booed and hated, I've handled it all
Tonight is just another part of my K-Pop experience
Getting out of the seat, she kicked it to the side and stood in front of her to continue while moving to the beat. She prepared to use every flaw and insult she assumed Hyuna might use against her and twisted it for her advantage.
I got issues with being too friendly, what could I have done differently?
My friendliness can be a disadvantage, you clearly took advantage
Played me for a fool, I am foolish for trusting you
You look nervous, did you realize you bit off more than you can chew?
My voice cracked during my verse tonight but I still kept going
I messed up during the dance too but I'm still glowing
I get overexcited, too passionate, damn, I'm extra, I say it proudly
Sometimes I worry about the growing fame
Sometimes I overthink and wonder if I will end up in shame
Sometimes I think negatively about the what ifs
A habit I need to work on, you know this
4Minute members aren't too fond of you, I know the tea
And it's a good thing now that they are free
So what if I took years to dye my hair?
I trended for weeks while everyone stopped and stared
I don't care if I sound annoying when talking about Nike
Cause guess who got the endorsement, me, all high and mighty
She took a dramatic curtesy with a proud smile as the crowd cheered.
Give me a break, let me breathe
Give me a chance, let me achieve
You don't wanna work with me no more, OK
You mad our music video got more views than yours, OK
You underestimated my confidence and skills, OK
Can't swallow the fact I ate you up in your own music video, OK
Spreading this narrative that I'm a jealous hater
How many more lies does the media need to paint me as the bad guy?
You're not as innocent and unproblematic as you portray to be.
And nothing you say will break me
I love myself. I love my skin, I love who I am becoming
It looks like our little friendship was just a shortcoming
OK I broke a nose but I'm not violent until you put your hands on me first
Veteran or not, don't disrespect me. You ain't gonna coerce
If you dare make a diss track about me make sure it's somethin' they don't know about me
It's crazy how people switch up due to envy and greed
Witnessing it now, what a shame indeed
Never meet your heroes they say and you're the prime example
And I promise you this will age like fine wine in a future scandal
She ended her rap, predicting the future. She spoke over the instrumental while looking up and down at Hyuna in disgust. "This is the first and last time I'm addressing this. Don't you ever in your life play with me,"
Monsta X were grinning to themselves while the audience caught a lot of the idols' reactions and were quite pleased to see the drama. Jooheon thought about Show Me The Money and his fair share of rap battles.
The way Hyuna looked angry and upset, caused Jennie to smirk in satisfaction with the music changing slightly as she started nodding to the beat.
"Yeah. Wave ya hands side to side. Wave ya hands side to side," Jennie sang.
Some idols were waving their hands along with her and the audience with their lightsticks.
"Sing!" Jennie instructed, raising her mic up, as ARMY took over the lyrics.
wave ya hands from side to side
wave ya hands side to side
Bangtan started dancing and jumping around and began singing the lyrics too while getting filmed for a Bangtan Bomb. ARMY never lets BTS down. They were a huge part of this becoming successful as they continued to chant.
Wave ya hands side to side
Wave ya hands side to side
Wave ya hands from side to side
Wave ya hands side to side
Then she proceeded to speak on beat one last time in front of Hyuna. "Yea this trick about to go off, mad 'cause I'm so fresh. Fresher than you. I'm fresher than you. Fresher than you, oh,"
"Ah-Ha-HA~!" Miss Bangtan laughed loudly in a high voice and began to walk back.
Zico laughed at how dramatic her laugh was and applauded with Crush who was amused. Yoongi was proud and loved how she defended herself confidently and aggressively, applauding with the rest of the members.
"That's my fuckin' Smartie!" he shouted proudly.
Jungkook stared at the screen with admiration. This was her moment and she did it justice. She truly soared tonight and deserved this.
"Her rapline initiation is complete," Hobi said proudly as the rapline grinned at each other.
"Yeah. She handled herself well, out there. Cypher Part 4," Yoongi confirmed with a nod.
"The remix," Namjoon added as they agreed.
"Don't let Taehyung hear you say that," Jin laughed lightly.
"I heard everything! I demand a spot, too!" Taehyung whined.
"NO," the rapline shut it down, causing Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin to laugh.
Social media went crazy over Jennie and tweeted:
'The girls are FIGHTING!'
'Jaw is on the floor omfg'
'The presentation! Big Hit let her shine the RIGHT way! Thank you for allowing her to have that much time on stage! She deserved this!'
'Sometimes you gotta go that route and speak directly to the person. Hyuna was playing games,'
'Jennie is ANGRY. Do you see her fierce eyes?'
'The way she criticized herself for her flaws but flipped it,'
'Once she tweeted BET, that was a warning that a disaster was coming. SHE COOKED!'
'Y'all peep the idols eating this up but trying not to make obvious reactions? Jooheon was grinning ear to ear and it had me dying,'
'I owe Jennie an apology. We shouldn't have clowned her for not responding right away,'
'The duality!! Add Jennie to the list of responding to disses on the MAMA Awards!'
'The way she used some of Hyuna's lyrics against her was crazy!'
'That was brutal!'
'Mnet you can thank BTS for the boost in views because this whole stage is about to go viral!'
'If Jennie says "BET." then understand she's out for blood!'
'Mnet can thank BTS for the views because their whole stage is about to be the highest viewed video of all MAMAs and on YouTube!'
'This is going in the top 10 lists of MAMA Moments. Jennie became a history maker tonight! She sat in front of her and addressed her!'
'Oh...my God...'
'We will be posting this diss during black history month!'
'BLACK WOMEN! That's the tweet.'
'This is what happens when you provoke people.'
'Y'all clowned Jennie to respond and she finally did and now haters mad!'
'Hyuna deserved that.'
'This is why you leave the friendly people alone!'
'Her response did not disappoint my gawd...I...I'm not even Hyuna but I feel embarrassed for her. In front of the industry like this? Fucked around and found out,'
'Not y'all switching sides and cheering for Jennie after clowning her for taking a while to respond,'
'Why do y'all keep fucking around and finding out when it comes to black women? Leave us tf alone.'
'Jennie is not in the wrong. Hyuna started it. Jennie finished it. End of story.'
'Who said she needed Bangtan to respond? She handled it well!'
'Someone edit Jennie's MAMA performance with Brooke Valentine's Girl Fight in the background!'
'No for real! We need edits of Jennie and Girl Fight in the background! We bout to throw dem bows! We bout to swang dem thangs!'
'Jen's a boss ass bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch!'
'Stop! Stop! She's already dead!'
'Hyuna just apologize omfg.'
'Time to throw the damn towel Hyuna!'
'4Minute members must be happy af she got called out lol!'
'She gave her many warnings to back off and didn't take them. Now she sitting there looking stupid as fuck,'
'Bubble bubble pop bitch...I...'
'G-Dragon chose to right idol to mentor. I saw G-Dragon in her for a moment,'
'And that is ALL she wrote!'
'Miss Jennifer Walker respectfully...when she turned around and gave us a full view of her ass...God is the greatest,'
'She's not wrong about people trying to replicate her body. That thang was MOVING!'
'And there goes the ratings skyrocketing! It's about to be a girl fight!'
'I'm just happy Mnet didn't cut off her mic. Because this whole moment is going viral and it's good to see people backing Jennie after learning the context. She is not the bad guy here,'
'Jennie said: FINISH HER!'
'Jennie PLEASE! I cannot keep up with all this! First you kiss Jungkook now you going crazy on Hyuna my GOD!'
'This is the exact reason why people anticipate Jennie at the MAMA Awards. It's always a surprise! For a black woman to get this much attention at this show is amazing,'
'Dispatch is shaking trying to keep up with what's happening with Jennie lmfaooo'
'I need reaction videos to Jennie at MAMA 2016 NOW! Tag all the big K-Pop YouTubers!'
'I want them to fight so bad. Catch that case, Jennie, we'll bail you out!'
'Gotta love those Scorpios,'
'I do not want to hear about respecting your senior when she has said some horrible things about her unprovoked. She's a horrible person. Jennie is not in the wrong'
'Stop messing with the most friendly idols in the industry. When they fed up, they are FED UP! How are you going to come after Jennie?'
'One thing about Jennie is sis will make sure to keep herself talked about. And in positive ways. I'm happy she responded. I know the rap line is proud!'
'Y'all insulting her is proving her point lmfao. Hyuna is NOT classy. We don't know these idols or what happens behind closed doors. A lot of these idols might not be who they claim to be!'
Turning around, Jennie kept her head up high and strutted back to the stage. She proceeded to walk down the ramp as the background turned red to show her silhouette once more and the LED screen and background turned into fire. The music slowly transitioned to the opening beats of fire with the drums.
She broke out into a smile, observing all the light sticks and especially the army bombs still high up and lit for her.
"Hong Kong!" she announced in a shout, earning loud cheers. "I am Jennie of BTS and Bangtan is about to set the roof on fire, baby! Hong Kong are you ready!?"
She received louder cheers and screams as her strong, confident aura radiated off of her.
While she stood on the main stage, the rap line popped up to join her and the audience got even more excited.
"It's BTS! And you're now watchin' this one!" Namjoon announced.
"Hong Kong!" Yoongi shouted.
"Blow up!"
"Let's go!" Jennie shouted.
The music intensified as the rest of the group joined and started getting hyped up with the music.
"Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!" Yoongi shouted.
As they performed fire, Jennie kept a big smile on her face, feeling elated about everything happening at the show, popping the moves out powerfully.
Standing near Jungkook, she leaned to the side and locked eyes with him while smiling at each other.
ni meotdaero sareo eochapi ni kkeoya
aesseuji jom mareo jyeodo gwaenchanha
Errbody say La la la la la
"Say what!?" Yoongi called out.
Say La la la la la
"Say what!?"
soneul deureo sorijilleo Burn it up
"Hong Kong!"
Strutting up to the front, Jennie flicked her nose with her thumb, changing her face into a serious expression.
Going hard in the dance break as her hair flowed, she sang with her mic in her hand. “Eh! Eh oh eh oh!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Eh! Eh oh eh oh!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
Standing with Namjoon she dapped him up as their hands collided perfectly.
“Aye, live it up. Bangtan just exploded on the scene~!”
Hey, burn it up jeonbu da taeul geot gachi
“Aye, shout it out! I’m turnt up, it’s okay, I’m keen~”
Hey, turn it up saebyeogi da gal ttaekkaji
geunyang sarado dwae urin jeomgie
geu malhaneun neon mwon sujeogillae
sujeosujeo georyeo nan saraminde
“So, what~!” she shouted with them, raising a hand up.
"Go, Jennie!" The rapline shouted.
The boys rocked to the beat around her and people noticed the way the rap line smiled proudly at her as she performed her verse.
“Calling us extra yet you still want to hang. Bang to the tan, you wanna join this gang. Keep your eyes on me, I am still that chick! Don’t you stand too close, what, you think you slick? Admit we the shhh as we tear it down!”
The boys dramatically turned to her while she placed a finger to her lips before they followed her around as she continued.
“BTS is the flame they wanna water down! Bangtan is still here and we killin’ it still. We always start the fire, you just a fire drill! AH-HA~!"
geop manheun jayeo yeogiro
goeroun jayeo yeogiro
maenjumeogeul deulgo All night long
jingunhaneun balgeoreumeuro
As the backup dancers danced with them, Jen got hyped, shouting, 
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-“
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!” the rest of the members joined in.
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
"One more time! One more time! One more time!" Jimin announced as everyone went around the main stage, hyping up the crowd along with the back up dancers.
Jennie jumped up and down, repeating her lyrics. “Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow 
After performing, Bangtan went backstage and they went in for a group hug, pleased with how their stage turned out. They were all tired and sweaty but still feeling the adrenaline of being on stage and happy for Jen's solo stage.
"Jennifer, that was fucking amazing!" Yoongi grinned and lifted her up, spinning her around as she laughed. "I am so fucking proud of you! You did it!"
He set her down as she felt overwhelmed with joy, thanking him and the rest of the boys for their support as they praised her.
"Undeniable. I told you," Namjoon confirmed with a grin.
"You had us laughing. You really went in. I was a little scared," Jin laughed. "But you looked powerful and beautiful on that stage. My heart leaped with joy watching you,"
"I have the coolest girlfriend ever. She sings. She dances. She acts. And now she raps. I'm a lucky man," Jungkook grinned and pulled her in closer for a side hug as he kissed her cheek. "You never cease to amaze me, you know that? Every day with you is a new adventure and today has been full of fun memories and surprises. I can't wait to see what else you do,"
"All those lessons have been paying off. I'm impressed, Munchkin," Hobi beamed. "You proved exactly who Miss Bangtan is. Your stage presence has improved a lot since last year,"
"That's our Ennie!" Jimin gave her an eye smile. "My favorite part was when you sat in front of her. That caught us all by surprise. You were fantastic out there,"
"I told you she was amazing when I saw her in the practice room! I was the one who believed in her first! Now look at you soar. Soaring like the beautiful butterfly that you are, flying to your full potential..." Taehyung pulled her in for a big kiss on the temple and a hug.
The rest of the members joined back in for another group hug.
"Thank you for always being my strength. All of you are the best. We did that shit, huh!?" She asked as she pulled away and high fived them when they all agreed. "We all did so well. The dancing, the singing, the rapping...we made a huge name for ourselves tonight. I'm proud of us. I'm proud of what we accomplished so far. Thank you for always creating such beautiful memories here. I can't wait to make more with you guys,"
As the members walked backstage, they continued to be filmed with the Bangtan Bomb.
"I am hot. I am sweaty. I am exhausted. I think I overdid it a bit but I'm standing strong," Jennie put up the peace sign as she walked.
"Ah, I'm disappointed. I could've done better," Yoongi brought up as he thought about his performance.
"What?! You did great! Don't down yourself like that. You had me hyped on that stage with you!"
"Really? Thanks, Smartie,"
"Of course," she smiled and placed a hand on his back, patting it.
As the show went on, Wiz Khalifa finally got on stage. He performed Young, Wild, and Free as BTS were on their feet, dancing to the song as it brought back memories. As the boys watched Jennie be in her own world, dancing happily, they gathered around in a semi-circle to hype her up as she kept moving.
A camera began to film them while she started to rap Wiz's part, not caring who watched as fancams caught idols watching Bangtan.
"It look clean, don't it? Washed it the other day, whatch how you lean on it. Give me some 501 jeans on it. Roll joints bigger than King Kong's fingers. And smoke them hoes down 'til they stingers. You a class clown and if I skip for the day. I'm with your bitch smokin' grade A!"
"You can't take me nowhere!" Jennie laughed as the boys sang the chorus.
"Hands up! Hey! Hey! I see you, BTS!" The DJ pointed out, causing the audience to cheer loudly when the camera showed them.
"I see you, Jennie!" Wiz pointed, shouting her out when she caught his attention as she rapped and danced.
She turned to Wiz and pointed back with a big grin on her face. Yet another fun highlight for the show.
As he performed See You Again, Jennie sang with the boys and laughed when the screen showed Bam Bam messing up the lyrics.
When GFriend won best dance performance for a female group, Jennie cheered loudly and immediately went to hug Hayoon.
Fans tweeted how they loved that it was becoming a tradition for those two to find each other whenever they win an award and that some still shipped them together.
Watching their acceptance speech made her tear up, especially when Eunha began speaking. When GFriend returned to their seats, she went to hug them all and congratulated them again.
When EXO performed, Jennie acted like the ultimate fangirl, making sure to sing along and cheer. She had plans to collaborate with EXO for the end of the year shows and she couldn't wait to dance with them. She and Sehun had something special planned as well and she was already practicing with him for it.
"I came prepared this time!" Jennie cheered and took out her personal EXO Lightstick, using it while they performed.
"Seriously?" Yoongi laughed with the boys as they shook their heads.
"What?" she asked with a laugh. "It's frickin' EXO!"
As she waved her lightstick and did some of the fan chants, fans tweeted how she'd be one of the reasons to end the EXO/BTS fanwar and that what she was doing was one of the reasons why Exols liked Jennie the most out of Bangtan. Others thought she was hilarious acting this way and loved how she supported the groups that performed, vibing to their music.
Baekhyun's solo dance at the end had her losing her mind as the members laughed at her enthusiasm.
"Kings! Literally kings! They nail it every time!" she applauded.
After Twice won Song of The Year, it was time for Artist of The Year to be announced. Jennie sat in between Namjoon and Jin as they awaited the results. She sensed her leader's nervousness and the way he was anxiously biting his fingers made her start to rub his back. She then grabbed one of his hands, giving it a big squeeze as they awaited the results.
Will it be EXO again?
Ha Ji Won was the presenter as she opened the envelope.
"The award goes to...BTS!"
It took a few moments for Jennie to register as she sat there dumbfounded. All of Bangtan were shocked while Namjoon looked so relieved and happy as tears developed in his eyes. With them all standing up, they gathered in a group hug as the crowd cheered. The walk up to the stage was a heartfelt one as Jennie felt her emotions get to her.
Artist of the Year. They won artist of the freakin' year!
She stood in between Yoongi and J-Hope while Namjoon began his speech.
"ARMY!" he paused, feeling his emotions get to him. "Really, thank you so much. We went through a lot since we debuted and there were people who said we wouldn't make it. Thank you so much for believing in us till the very end. This was something we could only dream of having, thank you for making that dream into a reality. Those who have been leading us, Bang Sihyuk PD-Nim and Big Hit's staff, Pdogg, Slow Rabbit, Supreme Boi who have been making really good music for us. Also Coach Sungdeuk, Sangeun-hyung, and all our staff. We are really thankful to all the staff who have been with us. Thank you so much for making our dream into a reality,"
He switched to English to continue, "And ARMYs all over the world, let's fly with our beautiful wings in 2017 as well. BTS loves ARMYs as always! Thank you very much, thank you!"
Jennie hugged Yoongi who started breaking down into tears while Hobi also consoled him. Seeing Yoongi cry started to make her cry as she tried not to mess up her makeup. But the tears began to flow down her cheeks.
They all gathered into another group hug.
"Thank you very much. We love you all!"
"Thank you very much!" Jimin added.
"Thank you!" Jennie cheered.
"We hope that our music and stages will become that of many people's dreams and hopes," Namjoon added and went back to English. "I hope that our stage, our performance, and our music can be the hopes and dreams of many people around the world. Thank you very much. We will work really hard, thank you very much,"
They all bowed and clapped. When they were back in their seats, Jennie sat in between Jimin and Taehyung while EXO won album of the year. Bangtan was still overwhelmed with emotions that they won Artist of the Year as they tried to listen to their speech. However, Jennie and Jungkook couldn't stop their tears from flowing as they both began crying.
"Damn...we're artist of the year..." she broke down into a sob.
Jimin and Taehyung wrapped an arm around her to console her and the older members began to notice their youngest members crying.
"Both of them are crying. Ah, it's all right," Namjoon said as he comforted them.
Yoongi gave tissues to them as they wiped their tears. Jen could already feel a slight headache coming from the crying. Before she knew it, the show ended as confetti dropped from the stage. After pulling herself together, she stood up and proceeded to walk with the rest of the group, bowing at other idols and waving at fans, sniffling.
Feeling arms around her, she noticed that Hayoon had approached her to back hug her.
"Jennie~! Aw, you were crying?" she giggled while she turned around in her arms. She wiped Jen's tears. "It's okay! I'm so proud of you and the boys! Bangtan deserved the award!"
"Thank you, I'm proud of you! We're soaring high, huh?"
"Just like we said we would!"
Jennie met up with the rest of the members as they group hugged once more.
"I'm so damn proud of us! We did it!" she jumped up and down with them in celebration.
Still wandering around the stage to bow and say hi to familiar faces, Exols and Armies cheered loudly when Baekhyun and Jennie met up
"Jennie," he smiled warmly and embraced her.
She raved over his performance while he praised her work tonight.
"Congrats on your win tonight! I'm so happy for EXO!"
"Thank you! Congratulations on Artist of the Year! Bangtan is more than deserving. How do you feel?"
"A whole Daesang at MAMA? I cannot believe this is real,"
"Get used to it. This is only the beginning for Bangtan. Enjoy every moment. It's going to be a fun journey,"
She smiled and nodded, feeling the waterworks coming again. To see idols come up and be so genuinely happy for Bangtan was sweet. She thanked him and they embraced again.
"Remind us not to make you angry," Chanyeol said as he walked past, making both her and Baekhyun laugh.
"I would never do that to you, Chanyeol! I love you!"
"I like to be loved. I'm happy we're on the same page. I love you, too," he laughed.
As Bangtan walked backstage with cameras still filming them, Sehun called out Jennie's name, causing her to turn and grin. She broke away from the group to chat with him as they were filmed.
"Yo~!" her eyes lit up as she hugged him. "Congratulations! Okay, album of the year! Showing out, huh?"
He chuckled. "Thank you. Congratulations on Artist of the Year. It feels great, doesn't it? Hard work paying off,"
"Yeah! It really does! I'm still shaking. You see my adrenaline pumping?" she revealed her shaky hands as he nodded.
'Heartwarming meeting between two grand prize recipients. Maknaes of their respective groups,'
After chatting, the two embraced and the camera captured the sweet moment between friends. Once she made it to where Angelina was with Bangtan who had been sitting front row in the audience, Jennie happily embraced her. Angelina was thrilled about Bangtan's win and performance, losing her mind about everything.  
"GIRL! GIRL!" Angelina kept shaking Jennie, congratulating her on her successful evening at MAMA. "I am so damn proud of you! The rapping!? Who is this girl!? Suga, you turned her into a monster! That was lethal! Hyuna was so quiet, it cracked me up! She was mad as hell~! Suga, thank you for igniting this fire in my best friend! You should have seen me, I was filming and screaming for you. I am so posting videos and photos when we make it back to Seoul!"
After getting situated, Bangtan and Angelina were at the airport seated on their designated plane, waiting for it to take off so they could head back to Seoul. Jennie sat at a window seat next to Jungkook while the end seat was empty. The rest of the members and Angelina sat near them and all of them were on their phones. It was at this moment that Jennie and Jungkook were going to post everything they prepared for their relationship reveal.
"We doing this?" Namjoon asked with a smile, phone ready on Twitter.
"Just say the cue," Jimin happily grinned.
"Whenever you both are ready," Taehyung added.
"I got a lot to say so just tell me when you post," Angelina brought up.
All of them had their posts ready along with videos, photos, and large messages of support for them. This was a huge deal. This moment. Revealing that they were dating to the world. As if the kiss wasn't a bombshell, this reveal was about to be. A decision they thought over for a long time.
Jungkook blew out some air as he reread the post he planned to publish on Twitter along with the photos. Rereading everything, a smile came across his face.
"Our world is going to change once we hit post," he said as he turned his head to look at Jennie.
She nodded and met his gaze. "I know. And I'm not going to apologize for being in love with someone who has made me the happiest I've ever been,"
"I won't either,"
"You'll stand next to me through this like you said,"
"That I will," he ensured and pressed his lips against her sweetly. "I love you,"
"I love you, too. Okay. I'm ready. Let's do this," she smiled and clicked the post button for her tweet.
Jungkook immediately posted right after and so did the rest while Big Hit posted the scheduled YouTube videos and official statement tweet from Big Hit's Twitter for their relationship. Quickly going on Instagram, Jennie posted her truth there and once confirming everything had been sent, she deleted Twitter and Instagram. 
As she laid her head on Jungkook's shoulder, he laid his head on her head and they both closed their eyes. Might as well enjoy these final peaceful hours on this flight. Because once they stepped foot in Seoul...all that was going to end.
Hello, this is Big Hit Entertainment...
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blu3birdprince · 2 months
Rewatching Soul Eater and honestly I forgot how long season 1 is. 51 episodes. 51! This wasn't even uncommon back then. The original FMA did the same thing. Shows used to be longer, they used to take their time. Both the audience and the characters got regular breaks from the plot to just relax and bond. That's a big reason a lot of those older shows are still so well-loved. We had time to get attached. We got to see them in fun scenarios that wouldn't happen otherwise. Everyone got a break from the plot to just exist in universe. If these shows just sped run through the plot, we wouldn't get great characters like Excalibur. Who does nothing to serve the plot, but instead we get to see how the most annoying little man who ever existed pisses everyone off differently. We wouldn't get the pickup basketball games and see how Maka slowly learns how to play. We wouldn't get to see how the students and teachers interact with each other. We wouldn't get to see Spirit try and fail to be a good father. We wouldn't see his struggles. All of these things are what help make the show so amazing. I miss the beach episodes, the school trips, and learning fun random facts about the characters that only serve to make them more rounded.
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roughroadhaley · 6 months
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the issue with the RoyKeeley storyline in season 3 for me. if they’re not meant to be that’s fine, they’re very different people at different phases of their life, but tell us that. Give us some sort of emotional pay off for watching them share half of their screen time together for two years. There’s no scene in season three that felt cathartic to me.
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adamshallperish · 5 months
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you people are so fuckin annoyinggggg when will it end
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iwoulddieforienzo · 10 months
I never play Genshin with audio on bc I hate Paimon’s voice and she never stops TALKING
This is not helped by the fact that Genshin fully thinks you are a helpless idiot
#GIRLIE. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OVER EXPLAIN FUCKING EVERYTHING#she’s supposed to be an audience surrogate for the questions they may ask but since she asks the most obvious questions known to man#she just seems like an annoying idiot who never shuts up#her characterization is loose and not well established bc she’ll change her personality depending on what questions ‘need’ to be asked#even though the answers are PAINFULLY OBVIOUS#she then overexplains what has already been explained and recaps what has JUST BEEN TOLD#she doesn’t have fun banter with anyone because it’s the same dynamic every! single! time!#she asks stupid questions. the character explains. she continues to ask stupid questions. traveler makes a snarky remark. she gets offended#sometimes if the character has the personality for it they rile her up and she gets annoyed with them#even though 9 times outta 10 they weren’t actually being that annoying and she had to break character for it to happen#(like why would Paimon give a fuck about immortality and why would she get annoyed that the sentient snake doesn’t want her to be her host?#why would Paimon even want to be a host in the first place??)#i KNOOOOW Genshin is the game where everybody is gimmicky and no one has more than 2 personality traits but it’s frustrating#and also the cutscenes that start out of nowhere just to deliver stupidly obvious information… thanks Paimon I didn’t fucking need it#whyyyyy does every story quest have a cutscene every 5 steps that tells you Exactly What Just Happened even though we HAVE EYES#I was genuinely shocked when I played Yelan’s story quest simply because it was the ONE TIME you weren’t outright told all the information#like. the information was still painfully obvious but Paimon wasn’t screaming it in your ear#Paimon is eternally confused. how does she even breathe without someone telling her exactly how to do it?#snack time#genshin impact#tag rant
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midnightarcheress · 3 months
a little bar challenge characters: simon 'ghost' riley, john 'soap' mactavish, kyle 'gaz' garrick, john price cw: nsfw, fem!reader, tf141 lusting for their teammate, idk there's nothing much
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"i'm not going on that!" you exclaimed, crossing your arms at the man in front of you.
the buzzing of a bar after a successful mission was a familiar sound for the task force. the glasses clinking, the chatter of old and new friends, the horrible background music, and the abhorrent pick-up lines would, weirdly enough, calm your nerves after days covered in heavy gear and harboring pent-up stress. or maybe the source of your mind's serenity was just the alcohol already flowing on your bloodstream, courtesy of the three tequila shots you were - willingly - forced into drinking.
"come on, bonnie, it will be fun!" Soap said, pointing at the sign propped above the mechanical bull, "besides, ye can win the hat for us."
you scoffed, glancing at the direction the scot referred, right after seeing another contender fall to the bouncy mat under the bull, followed by a string of boo's from the watchful horde. bold red lettering stated 'break the bar's record and win a cowboy hat!', tempting drunk custumers into fooling themselves for a measly prize.
"i bet she's scared," Gaz prompted, adding fuel to Johnny's pleas, "don't wanna be mocked by the crowd."
you rolled your eyes in response, "i'm not scared, Gaz, i just don't see what all the fuss is about. why don't you do it?"
"nuh-uh, don't turn this on me, missy. you're the one being challenged here," he retorted, earning a soundful hum from Soap, "tell you this, if you manage to stay there for a full minute, i'll pay you a twenty. don't even have to stand the whole three minutes of the record."
Ghost and Price stayed quiet during the whole exchange, unimpressed by the trio's shenanigans. they had endured too many drinking competitions, bets, dares, arguments and blatantly stupid ideas coming from the youngsters of the squad over the years, so nothing fazed the two superiors. underneath their apathy, however, lied a real sense of entertainment, illustrated by discreet smirks after particularly dumb comments - usually dropped by Soap's mouth.
"make it a fifty and we have a deal." you smirked, sipping from your beer pint. if you were gonna humiliate yourself in public, it better be for real cash.
"fifty if you break the record, how does that sound?"
after a second of pondering and a few too many glances at the machine's movements, studying it meticulously to engrave how to properly react when the controller jolts the apparatus from side to side, you uttered a hesitant yes, winning a cheerful chant from your friends and some whistles from the audience. 
you stepped on the mat and quickly hopped on the mechanical bull, adjusting your legs around the fake saddle. it shouldn't be that hard, right? the initial movements were easy - just holding on the chord and letting the laws of motion do the work. you didn't want to admit, but it was actually pretty fun.
eventually, the controller decided he was being too gentle and started picking up the pace, making your body rock back and forth on bull, decision that knocked the air out of your lungs for a split second, before you composed yourself and tightened your grip on the handles like your life depended on it. the crowd shouted gleefully, encouraging you to push through, despite a few snarky comments preying on your fall, just the expected.
what you didn't expect - and neither realized - was the way your teammates were reacting.
Gaz stood there with his jaw almost reaching the floor, being impressed not only by your sturdy grip, but mostly by the way your back arched when the machine tilted forward, defining your muscles through the skin-tight fabric of your shirt. even if you didn't endure the whole minute from the initial bet, he was willing to give you his entire wallet, just to watch you ride it again, and definitely not to imagine you bouncing on his lap for a little longer.
Soap, who has always been aware of your beauty, suddenly had to sit down after feeling his pants tighten at the sight of your plump ass jiggling due the repeated impacts on the bull's back, in desperate attempts to grind yourself. in addition, the tiniest bit of your lacy underwear peeking out of the dark jeans that hugged your hips flawlessly wasn't helping with his situation.
the daring smile that painted your lips, juxtaposing the concentrated frown of your eyes as you tried your best to not fall during an exceptionally wild movement, only supplied Ghost's cock with an overflow of blood, twitching at the view of your plush thighs clenching around the bucking machine whenever it defied your determination by leaning too much on the sides, shaking to make you collapse on the mat.
Price, however, acted as gentleman the whole time, just admiring your ability and strength to stay clutched to the unpredictable machinery. that, of course, was only until he got a view of your perfectly round tits, taunting the edges of your low-cut top and threatening to spill out at any given minute, ready to give him a real show. the adrenaline-filled flush that gave your cheeks an innocent pink hue, felt very similar to the sudden rush on his shaft that made your captain almost choke on his scotch.
three minutes and forty-seven seconds.
"that was so much fun!" your giggly shout and stumbling figure getting closer to the group was enough to snap the men out of their trance. they quickly took notice of your wide grin and the brown cowboy hat placed on your head, followed by the loud screaming of the public that just witnessed the bar's record being broken. 
"come on, pay up, Gaz." you said, sticking your palm to receive your well deserved money in a contained victory dance.
the four men glanced at each other, gathering the courage to speak up after your little performance that had them weak on the knees for a colleague. 
"didn't think you had it in ye, bonnie." Soap stated as Gaz reached for the wallet in his back pocket, almost considering giving you a fat tip for the spectacle. the sergeants were certainly doing a poor job in hiding the blush on their cheeks and small beads of sweat on their foreheads, consequence of trying to ignore the tent formed on their trousers.
your superiors, on the contrary, remained quiet and seemingly undisturbed by the previous scene, silently sipping from their glasses but still watching the chatting trio. only now, they wouldn't dare to get up and risk the others - specifically you - noticing their throbbing cocks marking their pants, yearning for the touch of your silky flesh.
after collecting your gains, you rapidly swayed to the bar counter, ordering a new drink with your sweet, sweet money, while the task force members ultimately etched the sight of you riding the mechanical bull in the deepest corner of their brains - saving the images for the great release when you all get back to base.
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okay this is my first official thingy i feel so silly. also english is not my first language so...
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igotanidea · 3 months
Stuck: Anthony Bridgerton x wife!reader
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A/N: seriously, I almost titled this chapter "idiot" , XD (and that's also the spoiler alert XD)
part 1 to too much
part 2 : not enough
part 3 : almost there
One year ago
„When will you get those irrational thoughts out of your head Y/N?”
“What irrational thoughts?”
“About marriage out of love. No such thing exist in the world, my dear and if you do not start living in reality you shall become a spinster!”
“Mother!” Y/N’s eyes grew wide at the harsh and unjust words. She was still so young and to almost be called an old maid—
“Do not raise your voice young lady. You shall marry this season otherwise you would be putting our noble house in a very compromising position.”
“Ah! Do not object your mother Y/N. You’ll do as I say. I know what’s best for you and you shall follow the lead. And that is precisely why you’ll accept when Lord Bridgerton proposes to you.”
“Lord Bridgerton!? Which one!?”
“The viscount, dear.” Her mother fluttered her fan imperiously. “Lord Anthony Bridgerton.”
“There is no possibility that I-“
“Mother I –“
“You’ll say yes.” The tone of voice became much more commanding, leaving no space for discussion. It was like Y/N’s fate has already been decided.
“And why shall I? Because the viscount has decided he has enough pleasantries exchanged with modistes and actresses and other ladies free of the burden of the title. Because mighty Lord Bridgerton decided it is time to tie bounds with a young noble lady, who will be naïve and foolish enough to look at his antics without as much as a blink of an eye. Who will – dear lord – bear him an heir to the title and be the perfect little wife he would order around.”
“Y/N Y/L/N!” her mother raised from the chaise longue with cheeks flushed due to her daughter impertinence. “You will accept the proposal!”
“I will not!”
“Your father has already made the appropriate commitments!”
“You shall be courted like a young lady should and get married in the fall.”
“It has been decided. Now, you go and make yourself presentable. Lord Bridgerton has announced his visit in the afternoon.”
The visit was a disaster, to use the light words.
It was clear as day that neither Anthony nor Y/N were fully content with this arrangement and subconsciously tried to discourage the other. That way, when one of them would actually break it off, said one would be to blame for the disgrace, that would undeniably fall on both families.
Despite some many character discrepancies they were both pertinacious and individualistic, ready to go the greatest length to have one’s own way. Neither of them was even thinking of surrendering easily.
Therefore, during his first appointment as a suitor Anthony was met with cold stares, minimum exchange of words and very noticeable distance on his future bride’s part.
Immediately matching the atmosphere and repaying in kind, only doubled in intensity.
Getting burned with the tea in response.
Causing a lot of havoc, many fake words of apologies and even more words of assurance that is must have been an unfortunate accident and he holds no grudge.
For obvious reason the time spend in L/N;s household was cut extremely short and Y/N was send to bed without supper to think about her erratic behavior.
Next few visits were no better.
Especially not the one when Anthony and Y/N were to reveal to a wide audience the nature of their acquaintance by strolling on the promenade, beaming with happiness due to their soon-to-be marriage.
“Dear lord, you are to be enthusiastic.” Anthony hissed in Y/N’s ear grabbing her arm with a bit more force than needed “Smile.”
She put on a fake grin when they were passing by some familiar face, but as soon as the woman was gone she turned to Anthony throwing daggers at him.
“Giving me orders already, Lord Bridgerton?”
“Hopefully you can be tempered if we start getting you used to it this early.”
“Oh! Perhaps it should be you to change the perspective my lord. See the real face of a lady you decided to meet at the altar?”
“And here I though your wonderful mother raised you better.”
“Do not dare speak of my mother the ill way!” she almost yelled, almost yanking her hand free from his grip, stopping the walk and challenging him to do something reckless.
“Forgive me.” He became serious in an instant and the words of apologies actually seemed honest. “You are right, I overstepped.”
“Thank you.” She responded with a deep sigh. God knows how much it took for her to stay calm. Regardless of the on-going conflict and differences in views between Y/N and her mother, the young woman would never let anyone offend her family. Not even Lord Bridgerton. And he should know that straight away.
“Perhaps we have started off the wrong foot, Lady Y/L/N.”
“I believe so. Seemingly we have a way to bring out the worst in each other, Lord Bridgerton.”
“Is that a way to tell me I have already seen you on your lowest behavior?”
“Compliments, Lord Bridgerton, you have endured my greatest efforts to cause you dispiritedness.” Despite herself she let out a chuckle.
“I am known for my endurance even in the least favorable circumstances.”
“I shall keep on my efforts, nonetheless.”
“I am deeply convinced that this will be the case”
Dearest gentle reader,
It has come to this writer’s attention that the affection between Viscount Bridgerton and young lady Y/L/N is in full bloom.
Despite the initial misunderstandings and noble behavior, that hasn't deceived any member of the ton, even if have been well played, recent news and observation has shown that maybe there's less pretending and more truth to it. 
Much to the ton’s discombobulation, young pair has been seen laughing together while the viscount resorted to courting in the way that resemble his late father and Lady Violet Bridgerton manner.
This writer daresay that no elite member would have ever do as much as dream of Lord Anthony Bridgerton picking meadow flowers for his chosen one while walking in the fields, away from prying eyes. Neither anyone would ever think about the forever dreamer lady Y/l/n actually so close to fulfilling her dream of marrying out of love. Irrational thoughts, as someone may put.
It is yet to be decided whether the on-going courtship between lord Bridgerton and lady Y/L/N will be a source of impending scandal in the society or whether those two will actually succeed in keeping this lovable atmosphere for following years.
After all – real love is not easily found and even less easily kept once the obstacles arise.
“You are to be enthusiastic.” Anthony murmured taking Y/N;s arm and bowing to the passing nobles “Smile.”
Those words brought back some memories and she couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony of the history that was in fact repeating itself.
“What is so funny?”
“Your memory does seem so be failing my lord. Won’t you remember the last situation when you told me to express my happiness and contentment to the ton?”
“I—” Anthony cut off, letting out a deep, frustrated sigh.
“Seem like you do after all.”
“Been a while since I had to pretend I was content though, given the fact that I truly was, of late.” The hint of sadness and melancholy was not to miss and did not make it easier for Anthony to pursue on the apologies he was tirelessly pursuing.
“Good job on choosing the right name since the person, whose hand you are now holding for display seem to be too much for you, my lord. To say the full truth I am fairly surprised you chased me here instead of focusing on spending time with one of your-“
“Don’t you finish that sentence.”
“Oh, I shall not, god forbid. I shall keep the pretenses as any lady married into a good family will.” She send the brightest smile to some kids that were running around, preached by their parents, holding her walls up.
At this point, mockery and distancing herself from the entire unfortunate events, if not fight, was the only way to prevent the emotional and mental breakdown and falling into tears. She was hurt. She was deeply hurt on a level she never thought existed. Anthony’s behavior hit precisely in all the sensitive spots, leaving her overthinking and wailing inside. Reminding her of all the years in her family’s household, being forced to act according to the standards, which she constantly broke, defying all the rules of ossified society and paying a heavy price for being herself despite the odds.
Being called too much, constantly.
Until she met Eloise, which was freeing. Y/N could finally feel like herself, spending a lot of time with Bridgertons.
And then meeting Anthony.
And actually creating a happy story with him, believing she would once and for all be free of the typecasting and tag putting.
But he started behaving in the same way to which she was exposed her entire life.
Too much.
Not enough.
And it made her angry.
“Please do forgive me for not easily being shaped in the wife you want me to be.”
“Shaped? I never wanted you any different!”
“Is that so?” she raised an eyebrow teasingly and it got her furious glance of her husband’s and the tightening bruising grip on her wrist. “you’re hurting me. Again.” The emphasis put on the last word actually made Anthony realize that he was not made of stone, but the words he wished to say were not coming easily.
“Y/N…” he clenched his jaw. She was mocking and challenging him even now, when he was trying to admit he was wrong and trying to apologize for the wrongdoings.
“Yes, my lord?” she took a step back, smiling in that light way that made him even more furious.
 “I believe you wanted to spend time on an intellectual conversation with my sister. Forgive me-“ he bowed in a distant manner reserved for strangers rather than spouses “-for being as impertinent to interrupt ladies’ time. I shall withdraw and leave you to continue on your – surely important- exchange”
And with those words, much to the shock of not only Y/N, but also Benedict and Eloise, who were still following them, Anthony bowed again and started walking away, raising clouds of dust due to the speed with which he rushed off from the place where he left his beloved wife.
Feeling the weight of failure and heartbreak on his shoulders, without a single way to make up for his mistake and keeping the face of a viscount at the same time.
Convinced that she hated him and there was no way to regain her favor and affection.
next part (finale!) : Just right
@pietrawebster @chrissisheadisinclouds @fuzzym4m4 @gloomysel @urfavnoirette @dd122004dd @milkbummm @bevstofu @taniasethi @syraxnyra @christinabae @pandoraneverland @bevstofu @topguncultleader @jana-jaeynneee @myaa21212121 @ziarah @cat-lockwood @leaf-rose-thorn @elissanatok @lily3450 @nervousmumbling @budugu @frickin-bats @sillyfreakfanparty @amberpanda99 @nycthophiliaa @myaa21212121 @bananaadeleigate @everybodystaycalm @fmhcatt @sankareatheundead @cat-lockwood @1potato2rulethemall
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little-hermit-crab56 · 7 months
I've been writing for a while so I thought I'd share some writing tips I've learned along the way.
1. Never sacrifice the flow for a quirky line.
That bit of dialogue or flowery paragraph you really like but it kinda disrupts the flow? Scrap it. I know it hurts, but you need to. If you really want to keep it, find somewhere else to put it where it actually fits in.
2. Dialogue is a dance.
Dialogue should go at the pace of an actual conversation, back and forth with little breaks and pauses. Add as little dialogue tags as possible while still making it clear who is speaking. You can also describe what is happening during a pause in the conversation rather than saying they paused, unless the pause is important.
3. Show don't tell is a guideline, not a rule.
Show don't tell is a very useful guideline, but if you're ALWAYS showing it can get exhausting to read. Skip the boring bits and just tell us what happened, then we can get to the good stuff.
4. If it's boring to write, it's probably boring to read.
If you can cut out a whole scene with little consequence to the story, you probably should. As I said before, you don't always have to show us, you can always tell us.
5. Everything needs to have a purpose.
I know there are probably lots of interesting or cute scenes where your characters are just fucking around, but if it doesn't develop character, relations, conflict, or plot, why should we care? Definitely still write them if they make you happy, but if you're gonna add it to your final draft, make sure it matters.
6. You don't need to explain everything all at once.
I know it feels tempting to put all the lore, and all the character's intentions, and reasonings into the first few chapters, but please refrain, you can reserve that for your character and worldbuilding sheets. Instead, take the time to let us get to know the characters, and the world, in the same way we'd get to know a real person. Make your exposition as seamless and natural as possible. It will take practice to know when to reveal information and when to let us wonder, but you'll get there.
7. Write in a way that comes naturally.
I know you probably have an author you wanna write just like, but that is unlikely to happen. Embrace your natural writing style and perfect it, rather than trying to be something you're not. Writing is an art, you need to find your own style and polish it as best you can.
8. Try to make us feel connected by cutting out certain words like "felt".
"Chad felt like a glass of water." Can be replaced with, "Chad was thirsty, so he reached for a glass of water." Both sentences tell us Chad wants a glass of water, but one makes us feel more connected to Chad than the other. Though both sentences have their time and place, you want to make your audience feel as close to their protagonist as possible. Make them feel like they're there, rather than just an onlooker.
9. We don't need to know every physical detail of your character.
I know you probably spent ages creating the perfect characters and you want to give us the perfect image of what they look like, but it can get monotonous and boring, why do we care that your character has brown eyes unless the colour has some sort of significance? Try to list off only the most notable features of your character and put focus only on the relevant details. Sometimes you can even not describe them at all and throw in little bits of information about their appearance for the audience to put together. We read to imagine, not to have a perfect image painted for us when we could be getting to the plot.
10. You're allowed to be vague.
Allow your audience to assume things, with some things you can just be lazy and let your audience's imagination do the work for you. Of course, don't do this with important things, but you can save so much time you might've spent researching an irrelevant topic when you can just be vague about it. You don't have to know everything you're writing about, so long as you know the bits that matter.
11. Writing is a skill that takes practice.
Don't be so hard on yourself if your writing is a bit cringe, we've all been there. The important part is that you research how to get better and keep writing those super cringe chapters. One day you'll reread something from a while ago and realize you're actually not as bad as you thought.
12. Leave your work to rest.
I know you wanna start editing right away, but once you've finished, leave it for at least a month. The longer you leave it the better, but that depends on your attention span. A month to six months is good if you're really impatient but want a good result. If you keep writing in that time your skills will continue to improve, then you'll be editing that draft with fresh eyes and fresh skills.
And if you're a fanfic author, I usually leave my chapters for a week before editing and posting.
Hope this helps anyone struggling, I thought this might be especially relevant now with nanowrimo.
I recently realized how much knowledge I've been accumulating over the years, I definitely have more but this is all I can think of for now.
I'm no writing guru, but if anyone has anything they're struggling with, I can do my best to help you out, so dont hesitate to ask questions.
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sooniebby · 9 months
For bottom male/trans masc readers! Reader is mentioned to have a cock. The character can be anyone you want~ use that imagination!
You only wanted to kick him out. It was high time you kicked out the leech that was always late to paying his half of the rent. You told yourself time and time again.
But here you were again—back arched, legs shaking while you gripping the bed sheets beneath you. You still had your work pants on. He still had on his stupid baggy jeans.
His hand gripping your waist. Was his hands always that strong? He easily pulled you back and forth on his leg, your cock rubbing against it. Even through the fabric of clothes, you felt it.
You felt it so much. Even when he bounced his leg a bit—causing you to scream. You had a growing wet spot over your bulge. You wanted to cum so bad but he always stopped whenever you got close.
He could always tell. He knew you so well. You were so busy trying to gain more friction on his leg—he didn’t even have to move you anymore—that you didn’t notice the camera aimed directly at you.
Getting your pretty face, mouth opened with grunts and moans. Eyes watering. Your hair sticking to your sweaty face. He’d whisper sweet little things.. make you forget why you even wanted to break up.
You were too busy chasing your release—you didn’t notice that he was still streaming. Though the streaming camera wasn’t on you, the audio picked up every whimper and cry. Oh, his audience could hear you so well.
As soon as you’d get close, gyrating yourself on his leg, he’d grab your waist. You could never see his face from your position.. but he’d always have a cruel smirk.
He got you where he wanted.
With ease, he’d move you so your cock rests on his knee and he’d harshly push against it. Bouncing your cock against his knee—earning the simple “uh, uh, uh~”. It hurts. It really fucking hurts. But you like it. You like it so much you cum.
Right in your office pants. Shame, you just washed them yesterday. Your toes curl as you scream out, the finale of your show coming to an end. The audience you didn’t know about were applauding… you sounded so hot!
He’d push you off and spank your ass, enjoying the little twitch you had from the overstimulation. You’d be too busy trying to gain back your strength to notice him turning off the stream and getting the hidden camera.
Soft kisses on your lips. He’d give you a smile and say he’ll start a bath.. that he’s happy that you were able to get the stress off your mind.
Yeah.. yeah, that’s what you came to him for. Stress.
God, this job is such a pain. You should probably figure out when you can have a day off.
So you can spend it with your lovely boyfriend <3
tag for @teyvat-writer I did it—thanks for the inspo <3
Tag list: @the-ultimate-librarian @chill-guy-but-cooler @kiiyoooo @nakedtoasterr @iwishtobeacrow @mello-life69
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artist-issues · 2 months
I remember during the making of Tangled, the filmmakers said they had to work hard to design Rapunzel’s tower to be beautiful and seem like a cozy, fun environment, while also making Mother Gothel seem sweet and loveable, if manipulative.
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Because, they said, if the environment is too much like a prison, and Gothel is too much like a villainess, the audience wouldn’t believe in Rapunzel as a character. They’d think she was either stupid or cowardly, to stay in such a nasty situation without trying to escape sooner. But if her circumstances seem just livable enough, just sweet enough, that you can see some of the appeal, then you wouldn’t blame her for waiting so long to leave.
Why didn’t they do that with Wish?
Why didn’t they think that relatability through?
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Nobody is really feeling compelled to root for the everyday Rosas citizens during the movie. You don’t feel like rooting for Asha’s cause, or even Queen Amaya’s. Because you think to yourself, “why did it take the townspeople so long to ask the question ‘why can’t we just have our wishes back?’”
Asha comes up with those culture-breaking questions, inexplicably, in the first twenty minutes of the movie. It takes the rest of the townspeople about 24 hours to suddenly start asking that, too.
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So why don’t you root for them?
Because when something bad happens to them, part of your brain goes, “why didn’t they see that coming, though? Why didn’t they ask questions? That one’s a little bit on them.”
And you don’t really feel that feeling you got with Mother Gothel, where you were like, “Oh yeah, I can see why the main character trusted this villain; the villain really seems to care about the hero, if you didn’t know what she was after.” You don’t;t get that same feeling with Magnifico. Because the whole idea of what he does—by erasing people’s memories and yelling at them and having no moments with regular folk where he’s warm and personal and building trust—is so malicious that we don’t believe the other characters couldn’t see it.
We COULD HAVE believed it. If they’d added in good writing and character moments to make it believable.
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When Magnifico interacts with the people who trust him and are duped by him, he’s up on a stage, flashing superpowers they don’t have and then disappearing back into his tower after only granting one wish. He’s not on the welcome tour with Asha. He doesn’t know his own palace staff by name. He’s done nothing to build the trust all the side-characters unquestioningly give him. So even at the end, when everyone’s like, “aw, we wanted to believe in Magnifico,” we don’t feel it. Because didja? Why? Everyone could see that coming.
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Meanwhile Mother Gothel tells Rapunzel she loves her most every time she leaves. She laughs with her. She reinforces every conversation they have with the idea that she’s desperate to protect Rapunzel. She brings her her favorite soup as a surprise and remembers the ingredients. She goes to get white paint on a very long trip so Rapunzel can paint. She compliments her strength and beauty—even if it’s backhanded. She calls her “dear,” and “darling.” She knocks thugs out with sticks, returning even after she argued with and supposedly ‘gave up’ on Rapunzel, all to supposedly’ protect’ her. So when Rapunzel realizes it was all an act, and she’s wrathful and furious and grabs Gothel’s hand, we DO feel it. Because we believed that Rapunzel really didn’t see this coming, so the shock stings worse. We don’t blame Rapunzel, and we do blame Gothel.
Just another example of what #NotMyDisney forgot about themselves.
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violetarks · 2 months
"i like you, i like you, i like you!"
show: alien stage
characters: till, ivan, luka
summary: in an attempt to make the new season of alien stage even more riveting, the pr team has decided to stage a relationship between you and one of the other contestants. despite it all being for show, can you two really keep it strictly business?
warnings: g/n! reader,, fake dating lmao, till has never seen someone else's back before, LUKA IS 30-YEARS-OLD????, you two share a room in till and ivan's, luka is condescending in his
↣ till
flashing lights from cameras and yells to 'look over here' are tiring to you now. while you were accustomed to it, being a model and all, you found this limelight to be much different. 'alien stage' wasn't like your job. and your guardian seemed far less hesitant to sign away your life than you would've hoped.
you hooked your arm around till's, standing in front of the back drop with 'alien stage' written in patterns on it. your 'boyfriend' was never one for this kind of thing, whereas it was your specialty. putting on a gentle smile and standing still for the audience was all you were made out to be. till couldn't help but squirm beside you, hands in his pockets and his face scrunched up in irritation.
"this freakin' sucks." he grumbles to you as more yells go out to you two and the other contestants.
"we'll be back in our rooms in a few minutes." you retort, not sparing at look at him. you only slide your arm to rest against his hip, pulling him taut against your side.
he squeaks, feeling his face heat up at the touch. but at the empty look in your eyes and the faux smile, he groans, placing his own arm around your shoulders lazily.
a reporter begs you forward, and one of the pr managers nods at you. you sigh softly, leading till towards them. they speak in a different tongue, and the tablet they provide give you real-time translations, showing up in holograms. a camera is shoved into your face and till scoffs, pushing it further from him.
"how long have you two been together for?"
"four months." you respond, brain reading off a script. you look to till, who suddenly looks back at you. your smile is superficial, but you hold his arm with urgency. "isn't that right?"
"yeah." he replies shortly.
"how have you been encouraging each other for this season?"
"we practice every day together." you say, tilting your head a little. your signature smile earns some more camera flashes. till can barely see, making his cover his vision with a hiss.
"any fear that you two might be facing each other?"
you freeze up for a moment, swallowing your nerves. you're running through every line possible, what was the answer? did you remember what you needed to say? why were you now drawing a blank? "well, thats—"
till drags you by your arm, taking you way from the reporter before scoffing out, "not a chance."
the walk down the carpet, behind mizu, sua and ivan, consisted of more flashes and calls. you don't answer them, only walking beside till and grinning at every reporter you see. this brand deal with some few names depended on you. meanwhile, till was showing them all his index finger, mouthing curse words at everyone who looked his way.
you have your arm around his waist again, and he wraps his around your shoulder. you look to him for a split second to see him already looking at you.
the doors close behind you two as you enter your shared room. two beds, two bathrooms, pretty much two different bedrooms, just meshed into one. till's one is to the left, and he flops onto it, not even bothering to rid himself of his clothes. you, on the other hand, open your closet.
"thanks." you say, breaking the silence as you unbutton your top.
till lifts his head to see you facing your closet instead of him. the sight of your bare back makes his face the ceiling again, red face. you don't notice, instead continuing to change into comfortable clothes.
"it's nothin'." he retorts, hands behind his head as he rests on his bed. you let out a hum, pulling a shirt over your head to cover your stomach. he finally looks back to you. "you don't get tired of all these questions, or do you just like hearing your own voice?"
he's been like this ever since you were little, teasing you and all. while you entertained him, teasing him back, you grew older and soon lost that part of you when you were adopted into the real world. till would rarely see you after that, only on billboards. it would be a lie to say that one of the few reasons he didn't oppose to joining alien stage is to see you again.
he doesn't know whether you feel the same about him. he can't tell from the way you act with him in public, all clingy and happy, compared to how you are in private. have you always been this distant?
"of course i get tired." you reply, changing into your sweatpants. your head hurts. "but they think it's better if i talk than if you do."
"tch." he clicks his tongue, rolling his eyes as you close your closet door, "whatever..."
you go quiet again, rubbing your face, as you hear till get up from his bed. you continue to get ready for bed and you assume he's going to change his clothes and do the same as he ruffles through his closet. but after a few seconds you come back into the room, he's laying on your bed, resting his head upon your pillow. you look to him as you turn off the bathroom light.
"what? 's cold." he's wearing a tank top and sleeping shorts.
"right." you scoff, shaking your head. you blink at him, slight smile on your lips with upturned brows. he furrows his own brows and pout his lips as he turns to the wall. your stupid face...
you turn off the lights to your shared room, sliding into the bed. you can hear till's breathing and how he swallows his nerves. his back is nearly touching your shoulder. it wasn't a small bed, a queen size, but till was laying right in the middle and you didn't like being right against the edge. you face the ceiling, listening to him.
he doesn't know what to do. he's slept in your bed with you before. it always feels the same; it's always awkward. this is the closest he ever gets to you.
till is more than surprised when he feels your hands snake around his waist, pulling yourself to mold against him. your warm transfers to his back and your legs nudge against his. with your head against his shoulder, he's sure that you can hear his pacing heart.
"are you still cold?" you question, breath hitting the back of his neck. he shivers in your arms, making you hold him a little more taut against him. "i, uh... i don't want you to get sick."
"n—no." he stammers, breathing heavier. he's staring into the faded outline of the bedside table with your lamp and your headphones, trying to calm his heart. "thank you. you feel nice."
"really?" you hum out, hair tickling his neck. your lips brush against his skin at how close you are to him.
he shivers again and he mutters out, "sh—shut up! go to sleep!"
you go quiet after that, and till almost believes you listened to him. but your sudden movement to sit up behind him makes him turn his head to face you. except he catches the outline of your face, leaning close to his own. he has no time to react before you're pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth.
he's still, unable to move at how close you are to him. your chest is pressed against his, hand on the other side of the bed. till holds his breath, eyes wide as you barely kiss him.
when you pull away, he's staring at your figure. he doesn't know how you really feel, but maybe it's similar to how he does. before you can say anything, till's arms are wrapping around your neck and pulling you down.
you lay on your side, facing till and he hugs you to his chest. he's on his side as well, nose buried in your hair as he squeezes his eyes shut. due to your position, you can hear his heartbeat pumping as fast as it can. you chuckle, pulling your arms around him and feeling him shiver.
you chuckle, hugging him again, "goodnight, till."
"night, y/n." he sighs out. you were too much.
↣ ivan
"another photoshoot?" you sigh, looking away from the city-scape in your window. ivan, with his arms crossed against the wall, nods his head. you roll your eyes, eyes to the window again. "i'm not going."
"there's no debate." he retorts, shaking his head. he lifts himself from his position, moving to the clothes set on your separate beds. unzipping the bag, he sees the dark red material inside. this was just for the public view, not for the shoot itself. still, it was so... 'out there'.
you look at him, knit brows. "are you being serious?"
"you better hurry, we have to be at makeup in thirty minutes." he tells you, unbuttoning his collared shirt, "you don't want them to drag you out, do you?"
you click your tongue, getting up from your chair and marching towards your bed. ivan followed your movements with his eyes, turning to see you still annoyed as you roughly open the clothes. "stupid brand deals... why are you so freakin' popular, ivan?"
he sighs at your question, looking at you with pointed eyes, "you always complain."
you glare back at him before you both turn around and start changing. it's not long before you're ready and you have to be escorted by the guards to your photoshoot with some new designer brand. the ride down in the glass elevator shows you the crowd outside waiting for your arrival. the guards in front of you shield you from the flashes as soon as you land on your floor and walk outside.
ivan holds his head up high, showing a soft smile and waves at the fans and paparazzi. he wasn't afraid of the fame, it was just a product of how hard work. glancing down at you, he sees how you glare at the floor, clutching at the fabric around your wrist.
he internally groans, slipping a hand through yours and tugging you to stand closer to him. you make a small noise, bumping shoulders with him. "just relax." he whispers to you, giving you a smile that makes you feel a bit belittled, "we'll be in our ride soon. smile."
you glare at him a little before squeezing his hand, turning to the cameras and giving your most comfortable smile possible right now. with both you and ivan showing off your faces, the flashes doubled. it blinds you, and you're almost thankful for the car taking you to your photoshoot as it separates you from the public.
"ugh." you grunt, rubbing your eyes after dropping ivan's hand, "i'm gonna' lose my sight. i'm... i'm actually crying from how bright their lights are."
he glances at you, leaning his arm against the window. you were literally tearing up from the bright lights. ivan raises a brow before reaching forward towards you with his free hand.
"you're fine, stop whining." he huffs, brushing your tears with his thumb. he begs you to look at him, fingers guiding your chin to face him. you drop your own hands from your face, showing your irritated face. "don't look at me like that."
"i'm not doing anything." you claim with the same expression, letting him hold your face in his hand now. he was somewhat warm, even with the gloves he was wearing.
"right." he hums to you, bringing you closer. you let out a scoff as you shift closer to him, one hand grasping at his wrist and the other pressed against the cushion of the seat. your loose hold on him doesn’t do much.
ivan can feel your cheeks heat up under his touch, but your annoyed look stays. “don’t ruin your pretty face like that.”
you blink at him before pulling away, clicking your tongue, “shut your mouth.”
he watches as you face the window, crossed arms. it was cute how you played this act no matter what. ivan knows when people like him, it’s a skill he had acquired from being so popular. and he knows that you don’t hate him.
when getting into the photoshoot, ivan walks in front of you, having been here a thousand times before. the other individuals of all different space races stop to stare at you. ivan’s partner. you’ve never had a photoshoot done before.
you hold into the edge of ivan’s sleeve, walking close with him. you look around at everyone, accidentally bumping into ivan’s back for the lack of attention you were paying. he’s talking to who is probably the director, explaining to him what was going to happen. you understand very little, but you hear your name and suddenly feel another hand on your elbow.
“ivan.” you mutter out, now clutching onto his hand tightly. he looks back to you and the stylist asking you to come along. you look scared, not wanting to go alone.
he talks to the director for a moment before nodding at you. “let’s go. we have an hour before the shoot begins.” he says, holding your hand gently and leading you to the change rooms.
you are given your outfit not long after, the stylist setting up a divider so you can have privacy. ivan sits on the sofa on the other side, leg over his knee and an arm resting on the back of the couch as he waits for you.
when he hears you stop shuffling around, he listens closely. “ivan…?” you call quietly.
“i’m here.” he retorts. he watches as you step out from the divider and show your outfit. it fit you nicely, you looked breath-taking, yet you stand there nervously. he stands, clearing his throat and walking over to you. he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. he finds himself staring. “it looks good.”
you look at yourself in the mirror. “i don’t know.”
he stands behind you, peering at your expression in the mirror. “you look amazing.”
you stare at him for a moment before you sigh, “okay. you can go ahead—“
ivan presses a kiss to your cheek, lingering for a moment before pulling away slowly. he doesn't know what came over him, he's never acted out like this. but you were just so captivating in that moment, how could he not kiss you?
you seem just surprised as he feels. you turn to face him, palm resting against where he kissed you.
“ivan—!” you mumble out, your face unbearably hot. he smiles a little before the stylist and makeup artist come in.
they talk with ivan for a moment before handing him his outfit and gesturing to the divider. he gives you a nod before you are whisked away to a joint room, where your makeup would be done.
your eyes never leave ivan, not until he goes behind the divider. and now you have to sit and get your makeup done while your mind is running.
↣ luka
he loves the attention he got on stage. the way his singing was appreciated was like nothing he had ever gotten. the press was always on luka, being a past alien stage winner. and since you were assigned as his partner, that meant all eyes were on you too.
you knew who he was, he was all over the billboards and the tv back at home. you were surprised when you saw him in real life, and even more-so when you found out that you were going to be his 'partner' in order to up the popularity in alien stage's new season.
sure, you had your fair share of popularity as well, but did that really make you the best candidate for this task? at first you were afraid of messing it up, but now? you wish they would fire you.
"singing is everything, y/n." luka says to you, watching as you put the mic back on its stand.
the stadium is nearly empty, which is perfect for you and luka as it was time for the both of you to practice and the stage was the best place. however, you despised the camera crew that had to come along. luka was in the middle of filming this documentary based off the behind the scenes of his shows. since alien stage was his most recent, and you happened to have struck a deal with the producers, that meant you were also going to be in this.
you glance at the camera as it zooms in on luka, sitting in the chair directly in front of the stage. he continues on, "you need to practice those runs, sweet thing. we don't want to be pitchy, now, do we?"
you want to throw the mic stand at his stupid face. he was so condescending, showing off his fake smile as if to lighten the blow of saying you were 'pitchy'. you click your tongue, masking your irritation with a nod of your head.
"good." he replies, clapping his hand, "now, shall we take it from the top?"
you internally groan at him. he had made you run through the song three times already, and it wasn't dwelling well on you. "why don't you start practicing, luka? my voice is about to give out." you offer, rubbing your throat.
he thinks for a moment before looking to the camera. "i suppose i can show off a little now." he sends a wink, as if to swoon anyone watching. you roll your eyes and head off the stage.
the camera pans to the both of you in the single frame. luka hands you your drink bottle, standing from the seat and allowing you to rest on it. as you sit down, you stretch your neck, closing your eyes.
luka reaches a hand around and cradles the back of your head. it's supposed to be comforting, but the feeling of the camera on you makes it the opposite. he has this dazed look in his eyes when he stares at you. a few seconds later, he seems to snap back to reality, opting to lean down and press a kiss to your forehead. "rest up, my star."
you watch as he gets up on the stage, fixing the microphone to his height. luka begins his warm-ups and vocal runs, and the camera suddenly turns to you.
"what do you have to say about luka's singing?" the director asks you.
"he's talented for sure." you respond, opening your drink bottle, "he knows what he's good at and excels at it. luka's got a beautiful singing voice and he uses it very well. like his falsetto, not many male contestants can hit his notes comfortably. he uses that to his advantage."
the camera lingers on you as you turn back to luka, who has started his music up.
it was all from a script, luka had given you clear instructions to say those things. you were hesitant at first, thinking you should be honest, but after seeing how strict it was that luka have a good reputation, you decided it was best just to listen to him. in return, he said he would hold back on the passive-aggressiveness. that seemed like a lie now.
an hour or so later, the others leave, claiming that they had more than enough footage for the day. it was good to leave you two alone to practice, not having to act with the cameras up.
you sit on the edge of the stage, utterly exhausted with your legs dangling on the edge. your drink bottle is beside you, and you gulp the rest of it down. luka stretches his back as he stands up from the chair, letting out a sigh of relief.
"well done, maybe you have a chance of winning this." he claims, walking towards you, "don't worry, just do your best, lovely."
he comes to stand in between your legs, hands on top of both of your knees. you glance at him finally, raising a brow. he was being somewhat nice to you, despite there being no cameras on around you. you give one last look around the stadium. "y'know there's no cameras. you can drop it."
luka grins, tilting his head. "i'm not acting, good-looking. you don't think i'm telling the truth?"
the smile he has on his face tells you the opposite. he has that look on his face when he's playing around or when he's trying to seem like a charmer to the audience. you've seen luka when he's not like this. you've seen him lash out, frustrated and on the brink of tears. and you've seem him in a way that just looks blank. this facade he carries around annoys you to the core, because you know nobody else has seen this side of him. they think he's a prince.
"you never compliment me out of the good of your heart." you reply, glaring at him a little. he raises a brow.
he holds your chin in his hand, bringing you closer to him. with a small grunt, you obey, furrowed brows. "such an adorable thing like you shouldn't be thinking that way." he claims, smiling at how annoyed you are, "i just love seeing you flustered."
you push his hand away from you, closing your eyes. "shut up, luka."
he doesn't reply to you which is odd. opening your eyes again, you see that he looks almost upset at what you say. at the kicked puppy expression, you go to apologise when luka suddenly leans forward, capturing your lips against his own.
you freeze up, blinking in surprise at his actions. you let his hand go and luka rests it against your neck, pulling you closer towards him. you ultimately melt against luka, reaching a hand to his chest and clutching his shirt. you begin to kiss back without thinking. his lips are cold, much like his fingers are, but with your warmth they heat up.
it lasts only a few seconds before he pulls away, letting go of your neck and resting his hand against yours on his chest. he sees your stunned expression and chuckles, "i'm sorry, love, am i too much for you to handle? you look the cutest when you're all confused like this."
you cover your face, all about embarrassed now. "luka...!"
he laughs some more, bringing you closer and cradling you against him as you sit on the stage. you're so humiliated, how could he catch you like that?
regardless, you slip your hands from between the two of you and hug his waist. while luka might play this game for the publicity and his reputation, you couldn't say the same. you hate to admit it, but in this world, it's nice to have someone who holds you like this. even if it is someone like luka.
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portraitofadyke · 6 months
I think Our Flag Means Death is a very unique show in a way that they don't care to cater to mainstream media. And yes, by mainstream media I mean the general straight people.
I think it's very important that we have feel-good shows like Heartstopper. A few years back, a tv show about two queer boys in high school would be unthinkable. But its plot generally revolves around explaining queerness. Sure, it's nice. It's definitely the show I would watch with my family if I were a teenager and wanted to come out again (I had to watch glee with my mom to do that. not optimal). It's the show where teenagers find love and themselves, but sexuality is constantly discussed, explained, sanitized. It's the show straight people will watch. And that's good. We do need shows like that.
But Our Flag Means Death doesn't even bother trying. It's a show about mostly middle aged people, most of them not white, most of them queer in one way or the other. It's really a game of spot the hetero, like someone said. And the characters are not sublte about it. They have sex for fun, something most characters don't have in tv shows, definitely not queer characters. They make dick jokes. They are not all conventionally attractive and they know it, and the writing doesn't care. They are all people before they are queer representation.
Stede's storyline in s1 is in a part about discovering himself and his sexuality, but it's not obnoxiously repeated. Instead, it's played in a natural way. Stede's storyline is ALL about finding himself, yet it's not just about that. Just like Ed's storyline, it's about toxic masculinity and allowing himself to have fine things and self-hatred and finding his place in a world, something most of us can relate to. Hell, none of us were even sure the main characters were going to kiss and end up together, we were all so sure it's a queerbait. But this show doesn't bait its audience. It's not afraid of weirdness. It embraces it instead. There is a nonbinary character. No, they are not a mermaid. Call them jim. That's it. Yes, Lucius and Pete got engaged. Everyone there knows what mateolage is, congrats. Olu and Jim never break up and then Archie shows up, then Zheng, and we all know. We all know.
Two men nearing fifty have a deep, romantic moment where one of them appears as a mermaid, and it's treated as the profound scene it is without ridiculing it. This would never fly in a 'mainstream' media. It would have to be downplayed. Here, it saves Ed's life.
The show tells you racists suck, but it doesn't tell you in a condescending, finger-waving way catered to the white people. Instead, it sets your ship aflame and burns you alive, runs a knife through your hand, puts poison in your drink and kills you.
This is a show for adults, for queer people of all kinds, and it does not give a fuck if anyone else gets it. It's so rare to find a tv show that caters to us, yet alone a tv show that's genuinely good and caring and so well loved.
This is a show that basically straightbaited its audience in the first season, that's how much they don't care.
Idk, I just feel that it will take ages for another show like OFMD to exist in a world full of MCU and media that tries so hard to be liked by everyone it loses its personality and charm. Rant over
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uneducated-author · 1 month
I know this absolutely isn't like. Clever or anything, and it literally said aloud to the audience as the main theme of the show numerous times, but I love the way Karma circles characters in this show.
From things as major as Edwin bringing a light to Charles leading to the establishment of the premise, to Niko's casual affection giving way to gratitude from Mick, to how Crystal is able to manage her horrific actions in the past by focusing on the future she did, with the aid of those she helped.
From the small touches, like the Cat Kings affection being returned when he shares information with the girls, Jenny's willingness to risk her life to protect Crystal with The Truth, however much that may not seem like a gift, or how their victims are treated. The show isn't soft in it, it is founded around the premise of divine retribution awaiting you.
And Edwin, as one doomed to an undeserving hell, he escapes, and I'm not so certain that it was fully independent. Despair knew he didn't belong, the Endless don't really overlook, small slips and coincidences allow him to such away. And he commits to good, again and again, against enemies, against clients, against friends, and it's what saves him, it's shaken in the face as proof to why he doesn't deserve damnation.
The show isn't subtle in it, but it's kind. It says that no crime will go unpunished, but no good will be forgotten. It says that you always have a chance to rebuild, improve, repent. It says hell is your guilt and it says Break The Cycle.
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toxicanonymity · 21 days
Anons, every fic is on hiatus right now.
I am (and have been) taking a much needed mental health break from everyone's expectations after 16 months straight of pushing myself, even while being treated unkindly in ways I don't post about because that just gives it more of an audience. I'm not just talking about pressure, that's the least of it.
Posting something light-hearted (or whatever I feel like!) and low pressure is good for me to not get rusty. I plan to gradually bring WIPs back but it's not gonna be like one day I announce i'm back and start trying to update every fic ASAP. It's going to be a hobby where I write when I want, as much or little as I want*, or I'm going to burn out and/or get fed up and quit.
I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication and thank you for your patience.
Edit: bigger thank you to everyone who is so nice and supportive and lovely 🫶 I love y'all, you're the real MVPs
BTW: I'm fine, no crisis, just looking out for myself
*[I was talking to a few anons here, but also myself - my bigger issue is wanting to write too much. I love these characters and can't give them the attention I want to at the same time. I'll actually be writing less than I *want*, for my own good.]
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ramons-elevator · 11 months
Bad mentioned on his stream that all the dead eggs lives impacted how different we treat the eggs on the server and I realized that EVERY egg death changed history on the server and how we treat the eggs.
Juanaflippa- Obviously her second death made everyone very weary with the beds (and the admins bc i believe they made the beds harder to break). But her third death with sweeping edge and how everyone needs to be careful around the eggs with swords.
Tilin - Their death kinda goes hand in Juanaflippa about how NOT TO USE SWORDS around the eggs. But also Charlie went into eggxcile because of Tilins death and that snowballed into Gegg. Also helped with Luzu’s character and how he switched to Arin and with the computer/Code.
Chayanne- Technically chayanne lost their first life to neglect BUT the nightmare Phil, chayanne, and Tallulah had i believe introduced ‘nightmares’. Also it made the admins disable some born in chaos mobs and made Philza even more paranoid about the island than he already was.
Bobby - his death was the first permadeath we had since the trio died. It hurt a lot and made Forever realize that his death could have been prevented. Thus making Forever build the Ninho and make everyone very cautious of everything.
Ramon - same with Chayanne’s were his first death was to a Blaze but his nightmare was significant. It made the admins make solid ground rules about certain things and make sure everyone knows the rules about reinforced bases.
Leo- Her death with whales made everyone realized how fucking beefy and super dangerous the whales are. Also that you shouldnt just AFK anywhere. That you should try to be in a safe place before AFKing.
Dapper - His first death was SUPER significant. It made people realize that the code is learning and adapting. Thus made Bad, Forever, Cellbit, and Etoiles go to Luzus computer and explode it. Which lead to Forever getting pieces of the computer and getting the motivation to try to bargain with it. Which lead to Cellbits betrayal and enderchests getting banned. It also gave the most insane book by Cucurcho which is “Perfect for you or for me?”
Richarlyson- His first day nightmare gave us that the eggs have first day immunity. Then his actual death showed us that uhh fuck bulls and that Mike blames himself for Richas death to this day. Also gave us Imortalyson and kinda Richarlyson’s mindset of ‘fuck it we ball’. All he has ever known is one life.
Trumpet - THE MOST IMPORTANT DEATH ON THE FUCKING SERVER HOLY SHIT. Yes Trumpet died from neglect but his death lead to the Theory Bros. For those who dont know, Bad went to Maxs house to comfort him about Trumpets death and one of the ways he tried to get Maxs mind off of Trumpets death is talk about how weird the island is. Thus Bad and Max theorizing about the island and the rest is history. Also it lead to Max and Bad interacting more and kinda making Max talk to more people around the island.
Tallulah - Her nightmare with Phil and Chayanne has significance as stated above. But her death with the Code is significant because it was the first time Forever saw an egg’s death. It deeply upset him and made him a lot more serious about the eggs. Also again made Philza more paranoid.
Pomme- She hasnt died yet but her nightmare I would say is pretty significant. Kinda with Ramons nightmare, it helped give the players, admins, and audience some more rules on things and what the admins can/cant do. It also made everyone realize “Holy shit theres a weapon that does 50000 damage and will one shot you and destroy your armor” which is terrifying on its own.
Everything is so significant on this fucking island and every egg is extra significant to this island. No death is taken in vain. They truly shaped the island and everything we know about it
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