skatoonyfan1234 · 5 months
Danny Phantom AU: The Phantom Men
In this AU, the college ghost portal goes horribly wrong in a different way, and explodes, giving Vlad, Maddie, and Jack ghost powers, and ecto-acne.
After developing their ghost powers, Jack, Maddie and Vlad use their powers to fight crime.
Vlad gains the same powers he has in the show. Not much to say, really.
Jack's ghost powers are somewhat weather based, similar to that of Vortex, the weather ghost. Jack's ghost form is a genie-like entity, with a bald head and pointed ears, and a black beard, and a cloud-like ghost tail in place of his legs.
Maddie/Echo Lady
Maddie's ghost powers are noise based. Her echoes can sound out signals to anyone far away, and she can hear things from long distances. Her ghost form gives her a cape which kind of resembles a bat's wings. She also has an ability called Scream, similar to Ghostly Wail.
they have intangibility and invisibility and flight as well.
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kosmic-remnant · 2 years
It's a Family Thing. 
Crack fic! AU. 
All of the Fenton siblings (Danny, Ellie and Jazz,) are dating one of the bat's kids. (Nightwing, Red Robin and Red Hood respectively.) 
None of them know they've been dating into the same family until the first reunion they had at Wayne's Manor. 
They three decide to pretend they don't know each other until they're completely alone in a safe-house. 
-Alright, for the sake of mi own sanity let's pretend that we don't know each other. —Danny, though the mind link Jazz set after that one (1) awkward beat of a second when they saw each other with another Wayne. 
-Agreed. —Jazz, initially, who was the one who bumped into Danny and Dick at the entrance. 
-Bet. —Ellie, who just wants to see the world burn. And who is also very embarrassed to know they all have the awful same taste.
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mega-ditto-3 · 1 year
Mha fic idea #32
(Izuku centric!)
'No FAFSA for the undead'
Izuku applies for UA- and he would've gotten in too- but uh… he's legally dead due to his quirk.
His quirk: Ghost.
This isn't the first time this sort of thing happened- it had taken many phone calls to the school board to get into his local middle school and even then it was hard prove he'd ever actually *attended.*
It was a condition of his quirk that most "proof" of his existence just… disappeared. It didn't help that he could never turn in a physical test or write his name without assistance; His hand would just phase through. But what he lacked in physicality, he made up for in agregerous note-taking in transparent books of his own creation.
Point being, he (seemingly) doesn't exist and he doesn't get into UA on that principle alone.
Izuku decides the best way to get the education he wants is to start "haunting" the school and, eventually, the dorms.
Bakugou knows Izuku and of his quirk and thinks it's a pretty funny idea so he just pretends not to notice the green glowing at midnight nor the chill that crawls down class 1A's spine when Izuku moves to get a closer look at the board.
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Dick puts everything on the line. He's the last one standing. The rest of the Titans are down. He dies making sure that they, and the world, can live.
Then he wakes up, staring at a ceiling dotted with glow in the dark stars, very confused.
There's a redheaded teenager who calls herself Jazz, who seems suspicious of him. He had parents, ghost hunters who are definitely breaking many, many laws, who love him dearly.
He has a pair of very close friends, Tucker and Sam, who also do not trust him.
There was a funeral for Dick Grayson, he looked it up. There was a corpse and everything, cremated exactly as he had demanded after learning what had happened to Jason.
Just in case it's a fluke, and he's about to be thrown out of a body that isn't his, he doesn't reach out to anyone in the hero community just yet. Instead, he decides to look into who, exactly, is Daniel Fenton, and why do his friends and sister keep looking at him like he's a spy?
Or; Danny, growing more and more powerful as a halfa, was starting to have his ghostlyness leak through to his human form. He asked Clockwork if there was a future where Jack and Maddie would ever accept him being half ghost, and Clockwork informed him that no, there was not. So Danny worked with the Yetis in the Far Frozen to make a lifeless clone of himself, with the intent to fake his death and live on in the Realms. So when Jazz came into his room, fully expecting a lifeless clone, only to find the clone not only alive but fully functional, she's suspicious.
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shinyspooks · 1 year
I see and accept the "Danny gets adopted by the Bats and tries to hide that he's Phantom" but I raise you that if Danny had a choice in the matter he would choose to live as a civilian with The Flash, due to it being well known that the Flash is a sceptic, and thus would not clue in to Danny's ghostlyness.
What Danny doesnt know is that the Flash isnt a sceptic. Not anymore. Kinda hard to seriously deny it now since hes been through so many magic based disasters. He just pretends to keep up the sceptisism to make evil magic users lower their guard around him.
So yes, he does come to the conclusion he might have just adopted a powerful sorceror or ghost. He has NO IDEA what to do about it though, so he might as well pretend he didnt see the kid's entire hand phase through a cupboard door.
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tofuingho · 1 year
I like to think that the reason Jack and Maddie never noticed Danny's ghostlyness is because one (or both) of them are related to a rogue with visible mutations.
Obviously, you've got people like Poison Ivy, Two Face, and Killer Croc, but there's also The Penguin, Joker, and Bane. Seriously, how f-ed looking was Danny Devito's Penguin? Bane weirdly makes a lot of sense since Jack is also built like a firetruck. But, you could pull from any heroes Rouges Gallery.
So eventually, Danny starts to have ghostly features in his human form. Glowing eyes, razor sharp teeth, or an odd skin color. Of course he'd freak out and try to hide it from his parents, but eventually they notice anyway and sit him down to have the "talk". Just not the one he's been expecting.
This ends with Danny having an existential crisis. Is he a halfa or is he a meta?
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flamingpudding · 6 months
Lost in memories
A/N: personally I am currently hating myself and the writer part of my brain for this. This idea got stuck in my head after I read a couple of amnesiac Danny fics and prompts. I needed to get it out of my head because it occupied to much free estate and distracted me from other things. So with all ideas that bother me like this I write it out. Also I have no idea if I will continue on this or if I will leave it like this that depends on how much free estate it continues to occupies in my head. But here a warning. It's Angsty (?), but if I continue this it will probably be Angst with a happy ending.
Things were good. Danny was happy. After having lost everything before and after many struggles he was happy again, having gained a second family. They weren't replacing his previous family but they helped him fill the emptiness that nearly tore him apart before. They helped him over his grief and hurt as well as protected him from himself and others.
He had more brothers and sisters than before, he even was a big brother now. There was a father figure now also, one that was at least somewhat better at parenting that his father was before but well not perfect with still a bunch of faults Jazz would have loved to analyse. And a grandfather that made the best cookies he had ever eaten before. Best of all they had accepted him the way he was too, even his ghostlyness.
It was also an added bonus that his new family put in the effort to help him have a better schedule and a more regulated life. It came in handy when your entire new family was in the vigilante business and had experience in managing and balancing it. With them he was truly feeling safe and happy now and wished for it to last for as long as possible.
To the Waynes Danny was the baby of the family. Sure he wasn't the youngest, that was still Damian. But Danny was the most open about his feelings and his show of affection from the moment they had saved him and managed to keep him. Alfred wasn't even sure if it was Bruce that had initiated the adoption or if it were the children that did it. After all Jason had stated his brotherly claim on Danny first before Dick AND Damian fought him over it, leaving an opening for Tim and Duke whisking in by having shared interests only for Cass beat them all by gaining his trust first and giving her the favorite sibling spot.
Eitherway Danny had wormed his way into the Wayne family after all the initial struggles and trust issues and became the perfect addition. His way of openly showing how much he loved and cared about his new family quickly stirred the protectiveness the entire bat clan had over him. He might be not as innocent as he appears but to them Danny was the baby.
That was why they were in a close to panic state now.
There had been an oversight on their part. They thought that after dealing with the Anti-Ecto Acts and the disbanding of the Government branch dedicated to hunt beings like Danny that he would be save with them. That there was no danger to him anymore. That he could be free now and do what he wanted, be it a vigilante or life a semi normal life. Sure they knew about the small reminds of these people but, the bats had made sure they never would get even remotely close to Danny.
Jason especially had enjoyed hunting these guys.
Yet somehow a small group of them had managed to evade their attention. They had napped Danny from them. Tim and their ghost boy had been out on a coffee-run they had been discussing on of their latest invention they were working on together. Something that was going to emulate Danny's ice to make it easier to catch certain rogues. Tim had left Danny's side only shortly to get their coffee order but that little time frame had been enough.
At first Tim had thought that his little brother was pulling one of his vanishing pranks on him again. But when Danny didn't reappear no matter how long Tim waited or how much he looked for him, he had grown more and more worried. To the point that he messaged the group chat, alerting all their other siblings.
From there they quickly figured out thanks to the surveillance cameras that Danny got abducted. The fact that the group that took him used tech that Danny personally had shown to them before was the glaring fact that a leftover group was the culprit.
Of course they had instantly gone to rescue their brother. They hadn't forgotten the horrors they had seen before when they had disbanded the original government branch. Even Dick came from Bludhaven to help, knowing the seriousness of the situation.
Yet when they finally got to Danny, it made them feel like they had been too late. Unconscious and a lot of green red blood and wounds placed right where years old scarring was. It had driven Jason into a green haze, something that hadn't happened since Danny had joined the family.
Right now Danny laid unconscious in the medbay. Jason and Cass were with him. The second eldest Wayne had refused to leave Danny's side ever since they had recovered him. Tim wasn't too far away from there either, guilt making him unable to leave. Duke was the one staying next to him for comfort. Damian was pacing by the Batcomputer with Dick trying to help their youngest calming down while Bruce was working on finding if there was anything more they might have overlooked.
A crash in the medbay caused everything to stop. There was only one second of stillness before shouting resounded from there. Making them all rush towards it. But that was what appeared to make the situation worse.
The moment they burst through the door of the medbay they found their brother hovering near the ceiling, staring at them all wide eyed. One hand was clutching the area around his stomach, no doubt having reopened the wounds Alfred had stitched up with that special thread that was only used for Danny, while his other hand was outstretched towards them with a green glow.
"Danny calm down! You're safe!" They heard Dick shout as he tried to get closer but stopped when Jason held an arm out to stop them from getting closer, shaking his head as he glared. It wasn't a glare directed at them but something was clearly making him angry. That was when Damian noticed it, Danny had flinched back at Dick's shout.
He flinched back, from them, looking every bit like he was about to run away.
That was when the rest of them finally saw how Danny watched them with eyes blown wide and filled with fear and panic. But worst of all there was no recognition in his eyes. He looked like one of those affected by fear gas, even though that stuff didn't even work on Danny. He wasn't in a rational state of mind.
"Danny?" Tim carefully asked, he didn't step closer. Doing that right now would most likely trigger their brother even more, he remembered all too well how flighty Danny had been with them in the beginning. He exchanged side glances with his siblings. They needed to calm Danny down before he ripped open even more wounds. They could already see green red stains showing through the shirt Alfred had dressed him in earlier.
"Who…" Danny's voice was barely hearable, cracking even. There was a glass of water by the bedside table prepared for this. But there was no way they could get Danny to drink it right now.
"Who are you people?"
It wasn't often that one simple question could cause so much heartbreak at once. But if your loving brother that has known you for a little over a year or two, the one family member that showed you openly affection and constantly reminded you how much he cared and had come to love you, says it then there was no other way to avoid the pain it caused. None of them showed it but they all felt it the moment Danny finished his sentence.
All the bat siblings had one collective thought as Damian clicked his tongue in an especially frustrated and annoyed way.
I am going to murder these Guy's in White.
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softpine · 24 days
hypothetically, is there any universe where a version of asa and a version of finn meet and date without the ghostlyness? curious abt dilf finn now.. (havent fully read the fic yet. i am sending this ask in the middle of class)
dilf finn lmaooo
okay so if finn survived and there were no ghost shenanigans and no time travel, he would be significantly older than asa, like... older than asa's dad. tbh i think asa would have less of a problem with that than finn would. i just can't see finn ever dating someone more than like 10 years younger than him, no matter how old they are when they meet. it would feel particularly icky given asa's mental health struggles (which are mostly genetic so they carry through in any universe, whether he sees ghosts or not). i don't think it would be possible, given their circumstances, to have a level playing field with an age gap that big.
the thing about asa and finn is that they're cosmically linked to each other, but not always romantically. romance is a choice that they make in some (but not most) universes, but it's not the thing that ties them together. they're just destined to mean something to each other. in some universes, asa is a passing stranger who gives finn a compliment when he needs it the most. in others, he literally saves finn's life from imminent danger. the love they have for each other takes different forms depending on what they need at that moment in time.
so i could absolutely see a world where finn and asa meet and become really good friends who offer each other emotional support that they can't get from anyone else, but no i don't think it would be romantic in nature!
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meowmeowriley · 4 months
Hi! costume anon here you need to stop feeding me I’m vibrating with excitement!!!!
There are now four people who would like to hear about those SPN fic ideas thank you!
And your Danny Phantom HC’s were so good 😭 MTF roach! MTF Roach! MTF Roach! I’ve also read a few DP fics does this version have ghost cores? What would Simon’s be? Would Marcov be the Pariah Dark of this verse? Do price and Laswell learn about Ghost? Do they take the role of Danny’s parents in this verse? Is Shepard part of the GIW? Do Soap and Gaz have any effects from hanging around with ghost for so long? Are they all okay after Roba?Please feel free to ignore any and all of my questions! I just love the way your brain works!!!!
ROACH ROACH ROACH ROACH!!! MTF ROOOAAAAACCCHHHH!!! Glad you like it as much as I do. 😁 As far as cores go, I probably wouldn't touch on it too much, but Ghost having an icy core to match his icy glare would really fuel the rumors of him being the scariest MF on base, so I like that.
I hadn't thought of Makarov being king of the ghosts... but FUCK do I like that too!!!
I like to think eventually Price and Laswell would find out. They kinda would take the roll of Danny's parents, except I'm a lil baby and don't want them to be Ghost's arch nemesis'. So parental figures, sure. Ghost hunters, probably not? But he would hide his ghostlyness from them for fear of being kicked out of the military and used as a science experiment.
Shepherd being in the GIW absofuckinlutely. And picture this: Laswell being a former member, so she's extra suspicious of Ghost being a weirdo (I'm pretty sure the GIW is male exclusive, but to that I say, fuck gender)
Honestly I hadn't thought of Soap and Gaz being affected... I like how your brain works, got any ideas how you'd like to see that play out?
And they're okay after Roba, just trauma bonded 😁 promise.
I love this so much, please always introduce yourself, Costume Anon. I fucking love seeing you pop up in my inbox ❤❤❤
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new-revenant · 2 years
DP AU in which Danny does not die from the portal accident, doesn’t become a half-ghost…but he still can can sense-and see-ghosts. He’s still human, just is now a medium basically. He can still jumpstart the Fenton Ghost Hunting Tech, maybe he also has some ghostly electrical powers, maybe he just has some lingering ghostlyness or something, perhaps he even does it through other ways.
Anyways, I’d think it would be funny if he still had a superhero identity, but he’s literally just some guy who jokes around with ghosts before beating them up with a thermos and trapping them within said thermos. He still goes by Phantom(maybe one of the ghosts named him that idk). It would also be funny if his parents thought he was a ghost, even tho he isn’t in this AU.
Now how does he “go ghost” in this au? He just has his hazmat suit/costume on under his clothes, Superman style :) idk man I just like the idea
That’s all I got for this idea for now but I may draw something for it later but no promises since my life is getting busier and busier and I’m tired :’)
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artistfingers · 2 years
For the undercover au I'm lowkey imagining a situation where like, Sam and Tucker are put in danger by the latest ghost and Danny's currently human and can't transform in front of them, but he's so mad that his fangs appear and the whites of his eyes (I don't remember the actual name, sorry) turn black. He baby boy baby, but sometimes he feral. Maybe after it's over the two rush up to him like "Phantom, quit possessing Fenton!!!"
OH this ask is from like June but Actually that's very similar to what's happening in the (WIP) cover of the next arc 👁 danny can't transform in front of them, but still goes a little bit Phantom-mode, with the black sclera, fangs, and a touch of feral ghostlyness...
it's just good stuff man i can't get enough of it and i can't WAIT to share the next arc with y'all!! where it goes and how it goes there is going to be so much fun heheh
[Undercover AU]
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derseprinceoftbd · 2 months
Rewriting the Alpha Megido.
Damara is...
Look. I like her name, a lot. It's a great name, probably in the top 10 Troll names, unique, sensible, easy to say, non-obvious. I also like her outfits and hair and just physical design in general, girl has style. But Damara just does not work as a character that can seriously carry weight in a narrative with a happy ending, because of the two most notable things about her; she is defined by semi-justified hatred towards most everyone, and she *doesn’t speak English*.
Obviously this would be fixed if she just spoke English, that's a big easy fix, instantly makes her outfits less uncomfortable for sure. But that still leaves her character defined by an unpleasant cycle of revenge and love, like many of the Alpha Trolls, and I just don't think that's pleasant at all. Certainly I would turn down the group romantic drama from a 10 to a 7.
But now, we're left reconstructing a new character, basically, from the Handmaid and Aradia, and honestly, there is potential there. Aradia's interest in archeology and status as basically a willing pawn were both Aspects that could be expanded upon and reflected, maybe give her whipkind since we only ever saw that *once*. (A friend of mine had the idea of giving the Handmaid Battleaxekind, to match her Sign, which I liked, so maybe one of those.)
I think I would make her and Captor, once more, the ones to find, make, and encourage everyone to play SGRUB, keeping her a pawn of Scratch like the Handmaid, possibly even just her and make her a coder. I would lean into the Indiana Jones idea, maybe give her a sort of vest-fedora alternate gettup, make her want to start the game so she can have a grand adventure; this ties in to another of my ideas, making her terminally ill, as a reflection of Aradia's ghostlyness and a manifestation of Time. (I would 100% make the Troll Caste lifespan differentials artificial, so this could not just be her reckoning with a shortened lifespan.)
No ideas for her Typing Quirk or Chumhandle, but I do have one for her Class: since my idea for her is "outwardly sweet and energetic, harboring darker implulse/secrets", I think Witch can stay.
For her Ancestral Aradia, I had the idea that the Karkat set all touched down at once a few centuries back, and each went on to create a great reform in Troll society; Aradia would have been the Explorer, a great cataloger of history, particularly ancient ruins, and one of the most directly influential Ancestors on their Descendant, similar to Mindfang or Dualscar.
So, yeah. Those are my ideas, cobbled together from her Canon self, Ancestor, and Beta counterpart, for a Medigo: Damara Megido, Witch of Time. But I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions (especially because I don't have this much to say for any of the others) on how you'd make the Alpha Megido.
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Livvy has gotten very poetic in her ghostlyness
I hope shes okay
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gwendoline-of-lumiose · 8 months
pelipper unmail! your ghostlyness (get solidified idiot)
Unfortunately for you! You cannot grab it!
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ghosting-s · 1 year
i did a tarot spread for fun of myself and i think it actually was pretty enlightening and accurate... if it's right, it confirms that my ghost self has something to do with water. one of the cards (in the self spot) really read how i view my ghostlyness which was really nice... overall fun time and i heavily recommend it if you can get your claws on a deck of tarot cards!
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chaoskiro · 1 month
Vertical limit pod updated!!
Welcome to chapter 23 people!
We are ushering in a new being and new fun little editing things. I had to hunt for nice static for this one and had a lot of thoughts about the ghostlyness/unghostlyness of it. I had fun, I hope you will have fun listening to it!
Go listen!!!
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