#georgie rokesby
inlovewithquotes · 3 months
"I think baby Colin takes after you in that way," Georgie said.
"He's four months old," Edmund said with a laugh. "He can't even speak."
"There's something in the way he looks at me," Georgie said. "Mark my words. That boy is going to be a charmer."
"If he doesn't explode first," Violet said. "I swear, all that baby does is eat. It is unnatural."
-First Comes Scandal
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sea-owl · 9 months
You know what I need? I need two generations of Bridgertons sharing one braincell.
Give me an Edmund lives au where he, his siblings, and his cousin are all teaming up to match make the Bridgerton and Rokesby cousins. Maybe they pull Cecilia and Felix in, too. They can bring extra brain cells. Meanwhile, the Rokesby siblings, Violet and Winifred, are all on the side line waiting to do damage control.
The Rokesby cousins were easy enough to match up. Maybe a few bumps here and there. But dear God Emdund! What is with your brood and scandals?! Move over! You obviously need help!
Just almost every time a Bridgerton gets married so does at least one of their cousins. It's intresting to see the smooth sailing courtships of the cousins and then the dumpster fire that is the Bridgertons.
They're might be a betting pool in the family. Felix is the score keeper because he's the only one whose last name has never been Rokesby or Bridgerton.
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bridgertonbabe · 9 months
Are you taking friends au asks?
I was wondering who gets Rachel at Monica's wedding role? Where she discovers she is pregnant but refuses to say by whom.
Almost any of the couples could fit, from Kathony to polin to philoise to Hyareth.
Whose the Daddy?
So because of everything I've already established in this AU, this story doesn't exactly fit with any one of the Bridgerton couples since they all respectively get together before getting pregnant, meaning nobody can fulfil the "who's the daddy?" element of the plot.
However, I am willing to explore some of the Rokesby series in this AU; and out of those pairings I could potentially see either Andrew and Poppy or Nicholas and Georgie.
Andrew and Poppy could work in hooking up without realising her cousin is married to his brother, and then later on at Nicholas and Georgie's wedding, Billie is consoling Poppy after she's found out she's pregnant. Poppy wants to tell the father but doesn't know how to go about finding him - only to exit the toilets and walk right into Andrew where calamity then ensues.
Alternatively it's at Andrew and Poppy's wedding or maybe even Edmund and Violet's vow renewal where Georgie discovers she's newly pregnant and the shock among the Bridgerton and Rokesby clans occurs when they learn that Nicholas is the father after the pair hooked up at baby Colin's christening six weeks previously.
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Julia Quinn's ability to write a book where nothing happens is unmatched
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hailpolin · 2 years
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they are nicholas rokesby and georgiana "georgie" bridgerton. i'm not sorry.
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peterpparkrr · 1 year
(Not) the same as it was - ch. 4 | A Bridgerton Series
Series: (Not) the same as it was
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x OFC
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: In 1803, Anthony and Jo say a sweet goodbye before they briefly part ways before the beginning of the rest of their lives. In 1814, Anthony and Jo hurl cruel words at one another. Words they won’t be able to take back. 
A/N: I took some time over the holidays to reset my brain and enjoy a little break from writing. Then today I realized this chapter was almost done and I just never finished and posted it? Idk man. Enjoy :)
previous part // next part
series masterlist
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Hyde Park, London, 1803
Anthony and Jo were so young. Life feels so deep and real at the age of eighteen. Like adulthood and full maturity has finally reached you and therefore you must get on with the rest of your life. 
But as you get older you realize it’s not like that at all. Life isn’t a series of benchmarks or achievements ordered and timed that one must achieve. Life is a flowing river, its pace may ebb and flow, but it never stops moving, and there are unexpected twists and turns. 
Josephine’s parents had insisted that Jo spend a season out in London properly before any sort of engagement was announced. 
“You’ll appreciate this when you’re older.” Had become the saying that ruled the Saville household for the months between Christmas and the start of the social season.
And Jo didn’t mind, she liked London. 
Anthony was also in London, with his own family, and they danced as frequently as they could get away with and disappeared out into gardens or terraces when their dances were over.
And Jo had, of course, had plenty of callers. At least at the beginning of the season. As time went on it was clear that Miss Saville only had eyes for the Bridgerton heir. 
Everything was perfect. 
Jo could see the image of her future so clearly. She and Anthony would get married, take up one of the houses near their parents, and raise children together. They‘d travel to London on occasion, for Anthony's sister’s seasons, and then their own children’s. Their families would be close by (but not too close) and everything would be as it ought to be.
It felt like her whole life was falling into place. 
A life with Anthony. 
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“Mother wants to have the baby in Kent, so we’re returning home next week,” Anthony murmured as he promenaded Jo along the edge of the duck pond. 
Hyde Park was always busy around midday. With events, dinners, and balls usually in the evenings, the days of the aristocracy consisted of social calls and promenades, so Hyde Park was always teeming with people attempting to break up their days with some gentle exercise.
But Anthony and Jo had found a quiet corner of the park that was more densely populated with trees, with more foliage it was hard to be seen, so most of society avoided that corner of the park, but the Bridgerton-Saville party tended to wander that area almost exclusively.
“Oh,” Jo replies quietly. 
She’s not surprised. Anthony had told her weeks ago, before they’d even made the journey to London, that he would have to cut his time short, with his mother heavily pregnant with her eighth child she would want to return home to Kent and give birth in the familiar location, not in London.
Jo had tried to convince her own parents to cut their season short as well and return to Kent with the Bridgertons, but Jo’s mother had been firm in her desire to see her daughter experience a full season as a debutante. And so the Savilles would stay. 
And Jo knows everything will be fine, little will change for her and Anthony in the span of a month or two, but she knows she’ll miss him, more than anything, and that the luster of the season will quickly dissipate without him to share in it with her.
“I’ll be back in a few weeks,” He’s quick to reassure her. “Father has agreed to let me and Ben stay with Aunt Georgie and Uncle Nicholas when they come to London in May.”
Jo grins. Anthony’s Aunt Georgiana is possibly Jo’s favorite Bridgerton, and she’s technically a Rokesby. 
And he glanced behind you to see his mother and Jo’s own distracted by some other mama they knew and swooped down to press a chaste kiss to her lips. 
“I love you,” Anthony murmurs against her lips before pulling away from her.
“I love you too,” Jo replies with a wide smile.
“I shouldn’t say anything, I hate to ruin the surprise, but I don’t think it’s very much of a secret,” He tells you. “I thought you ought to know that I’ll be bringing a ring back with me.”
“Yes?” Jo asks, trying to school her expression into something calm, though an excited smile slips out before she can help herself.
“I think I’ll have a very important question to ask you when I return,” Anthony teases as he squeezes Jo’s left hand.
“Well then, I should probably start considering my answer,” Jo replies sarcastically as she giggles at his unamused expression.
“I won’t dance with anyone else until you come back,” Jo promises solemnly.
“You can dance with whomever you like,” Anthony replies. “Just don’t fall in love with anyone else.”
“I promise,” Jo vowed solemnly as she held tight to Anthony’s hand.
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And as infuriating as it was. She hadn’t. 
When Josephine met the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, the man who would eventually become her husband, it was clear from the beginning that neither one was inclined to fall in love. 
It wasn’t until things with Anthony truly ended that Josephine paid any consideration to the Earl’s suit.
The widowed Earl, Lord Charles Wescott, needed someone to run his household and perhaps pop out a spare heir or two. He already had an adult son from his first marriage, a boy about the same age as Jo. His beloved wife had died some years earlier and though his grief had not fully resolved itself, he was expected to uphold a certain standard of life, a standard he was unable to maintain on his own. 
The sympathy of his friends had begun to wane in recent months. They’d lightly offered the suggestion that he should remarry. 
That he ought to find an agreeable, pretty young girl from this year’s stock of debutantes and make her his new wife. Someone to care for him as he aged and run his household for him. 
He’d refused at first. The mere consideration felt like an affront to Lydia’s memory. But as the months continued to drag on Charles found himself longing for a sense of companionship. It would not be the same, but it would give him someone to share his life with. 
Josephine needed to marry. She was the only child of her parents but she was still a woman and could not inherit the lands. Her family was comfortable, but she was far from being an heiress and could not live on her annual income alone for the rest of her life.
And though he was twice her age, the Earl was kind to her. He treated her with respect and seemed to actually care to know what she thought. 
He made no pretense that he was in love with her. His affections were platonic. But he promised to care for her. 
And at the time it had seemed to be the best deal she’d been offered.
Josephine had, perhaps naively, hoped that she could learn to love one another. But that seemed to be wishful thinking to cover the ache in her heart after she and Anthony had fallen apart.
There may not have been love, but Jo had been content with her life in Scotland. Contrary to popular belief she had enjoyed the quietness of her new life, she found herself envying the Scottish spitfire and found that in the bone-chilling cold weather, she endured for half the year she felt less desire to go out or really do anything besides sit by the fire and read. 
Josephine hosted parties. As the Earl, her husband had certain duties, and while her husband was rarely in attendance for very long, Jo made friends among her fellow northern lords and ladies. 
She found she had very little to complain about. Her husband provided her with a good life, it was more than many women in her situation received. She was lucky. 
In her marriage she found a relationship born out of respect, she had found a companion who cared for her, was never cruel, always gentle and kind.
But when Charles died it was like the fog lifted. She had lived ten years of her life with him (with being a generous term) and she had nothing to show for it. No children. No home. No accomplishments. Some grief, but just that for the loss of her friend.
The man she had shared a bed with for ten years had still, in many ways, been a stranger to her when he passed.
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Bridgerton House, London, 1814
Jo tried to wipe the thoughts of what might have been from her mind as she entered the Bridgerton’s home on this warm spring afternoon.
“Oh!” Jo exclaimed in surprise as she entered the drawing room expecting Violet and Daphne only to find Anthony sitting at the table. 
“Jo,” Anthony says as he looks up from the paper in his hands.
“Anthony….I um, your mother and sister… well,” Jo stammers as she glances around a bit helplessly.
She hadn’t been alone with him, properly alone since they’d reacquainted themselves at the beginning of this season. The last time they’d been alone had been when everything had fallen apart. And the sting of that memory could be felt in Jo’s eyes as well as her heart as she stood helplessly in the Bridgerton’s drawing room. 
“Mother has gotten far more conniving in the last few years,” Anthony replies with a sigh. “She plots now,” He adds as if it explains something.
“Oh?” Jo asks.
“Yes, I imagine this is one of her matchmaking plans,” Anthony says.
“I see, you think your mother wants us to reconcile our childhood affections,” 
“Childhood affections? Is that what we’re calling it?”
Every fortune hunter was eager to tip his cap to the beautiful widow, but she certainly did not need to marry if she did not want to. Anthony knew that. That even though he felt the same pull to Jo that he had felt before, she did not need to marry him and she clearly did not want to.
Whatever it was that they’d once had was long gone. Lost to the same place that had stolen his childish naïveté. 
“Yes, I do not know who you are anymore,” Jo replied. “Viscount Anthony Bridgerton has always been a stranger to me.”
“I could say the same for you,” Anthony replied“You have changed insurmountably since our youth.” 
“And not for the better.”
“Our circumstances had their effects on us both, I certainly shall not deny it. But I did what I had to. I will not apologize for that. What excuse can you offer?”
“My father died,” “I became the Viscount to an estate at eighteen years old. I became responsible for my mother and siblings while I was still a child myself.” 
“Yes, yes, trust me, I am well aware of the grief that still holds you,” “But you cannot use it as a crutch to avoid your emotions, not forever.”
“Do you want me to wallow? To flounder and break? How would that benefit you? I am seriously asking. Because you seem to see what I have become as vindication of your choices. So I hope you’re pleased with them. Because I can assure you I am not,” Jo replied sharply, her voice cracking with emotion as she said that last sentence.
She straightened slightly as she tried to regain her countenance. 
“Tell your mother and sister that I felt unwell and returned home to rest. We will have to go another day.”
“Has Josephine not arrived yet?” Violet asks as she whisks into the drawing room a few minutes later. Pulling her gloves on as she looks around expectantly.
“Your plan did not succeed as you had hoped,” Anthony replies without fully looking up from the paper in his hands. Though he hadn’t read a single word of it in the last few minutes since he’d picked it up again. Josephine’s words still rang in his ears.
“What plan?” Violet asks.
“You might as well have locked me and Jo in a closet together, you’re really not as subtle as I thought you were,” Anthony replied.
“Not everything is a plot against you, Anthony,” Violet replies with a sigh. “I was supposed to promenade with Josephine and your sister Daphne, but we got held up with the planning for the ball, I did not realize you’d be in here.”
“Oh,” Anthony replied a bit dumbly.
Violet Bridgerton sighed.
“What happened?” 
“I didn’t say anything hurtful to her,” Anthony replied. But he was so obviously defensive that it wasn’t hard for Violet to pick up on the fact that he had upset her. And that he knew it.
“No, we can get to what happened this afternoon later, what happened between the two of you?” Violet replies. 
“What do you mean? She married someone else,” Anthony says. 
Violet shoots her eldest son a look he’d gotten well acquainted with in the last ten years. 
“I’ve known Josephine my entire life, she has never been cruel, and she was in love with you, so why would she marry someone else?” She asks him.
“Because I told her to! Is that what you want me to admit, mother? I knew I could never make her happy, and so I let her go,” Anthony spat at his mother. His anger was not directed at her but at himself. At the world. At the unfairness of life and the unpredictability of it all. Of life and death. And how a healthy man who loved his family could be alive and well one day and gone the next.  
“I gave her a chance at happiness because I loved her, and I knew being married to me would only give her the opposite.”
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
Sorry for the venting but here it goes
Shonda is out here calling Queen Charlotte spinoff 'A Bridgerton story' as if that's going to make me forget that Benophie got pushed down the list of release dates twice and we haven't had a decent update about the Polin season in ages.
Oh don't get me wrong, it's still a period drama, Julia Quinn is still involved and I will still enjoy watching the spin off.
But that doesn't mean I still don't have a right to feel insulted when Shonda calls it "a Bridgerton story"
Excuse me, no.
The only way this could be a Bridgerton story would be if it showed Violet and Edmund meeting and falling inlove. Or alternatively if it gave us a lesbian subtext between Lady Danbury and Isabella (Gareth's Italian grandmother).
What about the Rokesby series?! Are we going to see Billie and Georgie at least?
I'm not mad at the show, because again I WILL watch it, but I'm super mad at the false advertising!! Why call it a Bridgerton story when there seems to be very little Bridgerton content in it. Call it what it is " a Bridgerton SPINOFF" that doesn't directly pull from the Bridgerton source material.
Also as a Benophie fan. I've been living on tiny crumbs and anytime I see ads for the QC spinoff it just reminds me that this spinoff is just another reason Netflix is making me wait longer for sweet Angel Sophie to have her story told.
I mean in general Bridgerton has been known to shortchange book fans a lot (Kanthony barely had screentime together, Polin doesn't get a trailer, Benophie's season gets postponed till s4) but I really hoped that by 2023 they would be better at this.
And that's the tea
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More Than Diamonds
Pairing: Prince Friedrich x Princess! Reader Description: Britain has gained themselves a new royalty nearing the debutante ball of 1813. Princess Amelia of Siam was sent as the new Ambassador of Siam. In Britain Princess Amelia was able to find her family, but will that be all?  After the failed courting between Daphne and prince Friedrich, it was a surprise to everyone that he stayed in London. However, Prince Friedrich is anything, but a coward. He came to Britain to find a wife and one failed courting will not chase him out of the country with a tail between his legs.  What both Amelia and Friedrich never thought to happen is, the friendship that blossomed between them and their growing feelings for one another. Friedrich was never a coward, but he is when it comes to Amelia. Everyone said Amelia is a genius, but not when it comes to love, because she is truly lost on what to do with these butterflies in her stomach. Tags: Slow burn, Coming of age, Time-Travel, Back to the past, Friends to Lovers, Royalties, Oblivious!FLxObvious!ML, Jealous! Friedrich, Slightly Possessive! Friedrich, Black cat gf, Golden retriever bf Timeline: S1&S2
Chapter 5: Oops
“What do you mean that Milady must attend the dinner with Bridgertons?” Lynn hissed in whispers as she followed Hugo into his office. 
“This afternoon, during Lady Amelia’s lunch, she met with Viscount Bridgerton. Turns out ever since she gave them the letter they have been trying to reach her-” Hugo sat down on a cream coloured long L-shaped sofa and Lynn quickly occupied the single sofa in the same colour across from him.
“We all know the story about Lady Felicia running away to Siam so she can marry the King, but we never know her full name.” Hugo pointed out and Lynn started to connect the dots. 
“Lynn, you did the investigation on the Bridgertons.” Hugo gave her a look. 
“Lady Felicia is Felicia Bridgerton… The same one who ran away in 1790. That was also when she married the King.” Lynn breathed out her eyes zoned out, facing her fingers on her lap. 
“Viscount Bridgerton showed me the letter from Lady Felicia. She wanted Lady Amelia to get along with the Bridgertons as they are her family here.” Lynn wanted to curse as this meant she needed to rearrange schedules, push back meetings and Lady Amelia needed to make an appropriate dress for a dinner invitation. 
“Alright,” Lynn sighed. 
“Just make sure to tell me when the invitation arrives. I still need to inform the seamstress.” She grumbled as Hugo nodded. 
“Noted.” With that Lynn exited Hugo’s office and quickly went to hers. She has lots on her plate, but first she needs to write a letter to the seamstress.
Violet was ecstatic when she heard the news that Anthony managed to find a way to directly deliver the invitation to the ambassador. She decided the dinner will be in a week and with that she had a lot to do. 
The first thing she did was to send a letter to her daughter Francesca and Hugo Bridgerton, Georgie Rokesby nee. Bridgerton and Billie Rokesby nee. Bridgerton, Edmund and Felicia’s siblings. Then she wrote the dinner invitation for Anthony to take directly to the embassy. 
The dinner is 3 days from now and Violet is currently selecting the dinner menu, cutleries, chinas and flowers. First impression matters, especially if the person you are inviting is your niece who you will be meeting for the first time. Violet needs to make this work. 
“Mother, we have received a reply from the ambassador’s lady-in-waiting.” Daphne walked into the drawing room with a letter in her hand. She thinks the Siamese are an extremely sweet and elegant bunch. They constantly replying the letters in a variety of coloured and scented papers. They also always send small gifts along with the letters, be it flowers, sweets or traditional Siamese desserts. 
So far they have tried mango sticky rice, which were coincidentally sent during their dinner time the day Anthony delivered the invitation as a way to reply they received it well. Turns out they also sent something called Khanom Mor Kaeng, which they tried the next day during afternoon tea. Gregory and Hyacinth in particular adored the milky and sweet dessert. Today they sent the letter along with a spice box, which was expensive. 
“Gosh, they are as generous as they are nice.” Daphne gasped as they opened the box. 
“How rich are they? One spice is expensive enough��“ As a traveller, Colin knows how expensive imported goods are, especially spices and in the box there are at least 10 types of spices here and ones that are hard to find here in the West. 
“It is settled, they will be here Saturday next week at exactly 4 pm.” Violet grinned, all giddy. She has been corresponding with Lynn, the lady-in-waiting about Amelia’s schedule and she has been extremely helpful with knowing what Amelia likes, what she can and cannot eat. Violet also appreciates Lynn's effort for asking about what her dedicated theme is going to be so she will be able to match Amelia’s clothes to it. 
“4 pm? That’s early for a dinner invitation…” Daphne commented. 
“I have been corresponding with Lady Lynn and she said after the dinner, Lady Amelia will depart to Wales for more or less a week.” Which means they could not be in contact with Amelia until she came back. 
“I asked Lady Lynn if they could arrive earlier so we could get to know them better. 4 pm is the earliest they can come. If it’s up to me, I would want them to be here in the morning.” Violet huffed as she looked at the list of flowers. 
“I hope we can get along. I am interested in Siam. Do you think I can visit them for my next trip, mother?” Colin asked as he grabbed a cookie from the snack platter. 
“I would be delighted if you want to visit there, maybe you can visit Felicia.” She may not like her son to be away for so long, but if he wants to visit a country where his aunt resides she will be less worried.
“Lynn, do explain to me again why I need to attend the Bridgertons’ dinner?” Amelia really does not want to socialise- no- that is not the word for it. The correct term would be Amelia sucked at socialising. Of course she can suck up to people if needed to, but the Bridgertons? Not only does she have no slightest clue what they want with her, but aside from the country’s politics, there is not a single overlapping relation between them. 
“Princess, you have not accepted a single dinner invitation. This could potentially create an image that Siam is not a friendly country.” Lynn sighed as she buttoned Amelia’s white dress. 
“The Bridgerton family is in the Queen’s good book, plus your mother knows them. Take it as ah- what did you call it? Publicity stunt. Now turn around, please.” Amelia turned around to face Lynn so she could inspect her look. 
“Ah-Yeon, more gloss please.” Lynn told one of the ladies-maid, Ah-Yeon, who they saved and bought from her previously abusive master during her time as a slave in Joseon, now she is a free woman in Siam. Ah-Yeon used to cater her previous master’s beauty routine, from skincare and makeup and wanted to use her skill to serve Amelia. 
“Done, you look absolutely beautiful, Princess Amelia.” Ah-Yeon complimented the Princess, someone who gave her freedom 8 years ago when she was brought by her former master, a travelling merchant, all those years ago to Siam. She was only 8 at the time, but she stood so tall and strong as she bought her freedom from him. Now she is all grown up and beautiful, doing wonderful things. 
“Thank you, Ah-Yeon. You did a great job, as always.” Amelia smiled at Ah-Yeon as she gently squeezed the older’s forearm. Ah-Yeon wanted to cry, she did not know what she did to receive such a good master who not only saved her from an abusive life, but is willing to diplomatically engage and help her country in exchange to raise her standings if ever she decided to come back and marry. 
“Magnificent job, Ah-Yeon, Minnie and Yun. Princess Amelia, we must depart now. We promised the Bridgertons to arrive by 4 pm. I have instructed for the flowers and gifts to be in the carriage.” Amelia sighed and nodded. After saying goodbye to her ladies maids and wearing her heels, Amelia is ready to go.
“Princess Amelia, you look beautiful as always.” Hugo bowed sincerely with a smile making Amelia chuckled. 
“Thank you Hugo. You look fantastic.” Lynn shook her head at their antics, sometimes she asked if she was the oldest. 
Throughout the ride, Lynn did a round of questions and answers on British etiquette. Fortunately Amelia was able to cram all of them between her schedules, but then again she was trained by her mother before she came to Great Britain, so it was only to refresh her mind. 
“8 minutes to 4 pm.” Hugo checked the time on his pocket watch. Amelia stared at it weirdly. 
“Remind me to find a watchmaker. Let’s get you and Lynn something easier, like a watch to wear on your wrist, therefore you do not need to carry that thing around. Abomination.” Hugo nodded with a sigh. He made a quick eye contact with Lynn, their master is up to something again.
Violet was freaking out, her niece is arriving any minute now. She kept checking the flowers, her children, everything. 
“Mother, everything is fine and in order. I am sure the ambassador will be in awe.” Daphne tries to calm her mother down. They were waiting for the arrival of the Siamese. They still had 1 minute to spare when the footmen came to inform them of the Siamese’s arrival. 
“The Siamese Ambassador, Lady Amelia, Marquis Hugo and Lady Lynn are here for the dinner invitation.” The footmen bowed as Violet quickly stood up and straightened her dress. The family went out to greet the Siamese who just arrived in the foyer. 
They were still chatting in Siamese, therefore the Bridgertons did not know what they were talking about. Violet drew a sharp breath as her eyes landed on her, there is no mistaking that she is Lady Amelia, Felicia’s daughter. While her features are softer than what a British would have, she has Felicia’s eyes, nose and hair colour, chestnut. She is absolutely adorable in her all white attire, a very different fashion style as well. 
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(Above: Makeup and bangs, Middle: hair, Dress, Shoes and Bag, Bottom: Earrings)
The Bridgerton siblings were quickly enchanted by the different beauty they were giving. Aside from the fashion, they were still following the proper British norms. Especially the women who kept their hair in buns and made sure for the dress to be of an appropriate length. 
The only difference was the style choices. The women here still wear dresses with excess fabric that created trains at the back, yet the Siamese women preferred to keep their dresses at the ankle for easy access and movements. They also cut the dress at the natural waistline, different from here that is 2 to 3 inches above it. 
Their cousin is the most surprising. She is wearing a sheer buttoned up shirt underneath her dress, which is unseen or unheard of for women to wear something that is actually for men. Yet, it worked so well and made her look absolutely adorable and ethereal.
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(Above: Lynn’s dress, Middle: Lynn’s makeup, earrings and hair, Bottom: Hugo’s attire)
The Siamese were admiring the Bridgertons interior, which is absolutely different from their mansion taking on a more Japandi theme or Siamese style that is more bold and in-your-face with gold colours. Hugo was talking about their China vase and how he saw it in the Qing empire auction when he was accompanying Rama III, but soon stopped when he heard the faint footsteps of the Bridgertons. 
“They are here.” Hugo informed both Lynn and Amelia as they nodded. 
“We’ve realised, Hugo. Thank you.” Lynn replied snarkily as Amelia rolled her eyes at their constant bickering. 
“Be prepared Princess, make sure you create a good first impression.” Lynn whispered as Amelia nodded.
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Slowly Amelia raised her head to see the Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton, descending from the stairs followed by her plethora of children. 
“Lady Amelia, Lady Lynn and Marquis Hugo,” Violet greeted with a smile. 
“Good afternoon Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton,” All three Siamese greeted back in unison. Amelia and Lynn did a curtsy, while Hugo bowed his head to the dowager of the Bridgerton family. 
“Please, call me Violet. We are all Bridgertons here, it might get confusing.” Amelia nodded and with a charming smile she replied. 
“Thank you for the generosity of inviting us to your residence, Lady Violet. It is a lovely house, I absolutely adore the colour palette of your home and the fresh winter rose is such a refreshing choice.” Violet’s cheeks gained a healthy flushed at the compliment. She decided that Amelia is such a sweetheart.
“If you do not mind, we have several gifts with us for your family.” Amelia gestured to the footmen from earlier as scrambled while carrying several stuff.
“Oh my, you do not have too. This is extremely generous of you, your grace, we even received gifts alongside your letters…” Violet trails as she watches gifts brought inside the house. 
“Those are hardly gifts, Viscountess, merely propriety gestures.” The Princess shrugged her shoulders. 
“Ah, please come to the drawing room.” Violet realised that they have been keeping their guests for far too long in the foyer. Violet in the front leading them to the drawing room. The Siamese trio was in the middle then quietly followed by the Bridgertons. 
“As I told you in one of our correspondence, I did not tell Lady Amelia about it, so you or your mother will have to break the news.” Lynn whispered just loud enough for Anthony, the one who is next to her, to hear. He nodded curtly. 
“Then we are going with the scenario we have discussed.” Lynn nodded before entering the drawing room. Soon they all settled down in the drawing room and the conversation went on tangents. For Amelia this conversation did not match up to her expectation as she thought the Bridgertons would like to form sort of a business-like relationship with the Siamese. 
The conversation went on from talking about the difference of the weather between Great Britain and Siam, Lynn and Hugo asking the Bridgertons about which Siamese food they like the most out of the ones they have sent, even to Violet asking about the intricate flower arrangement, which apparently personally made by Amelia. 
“Where did you learn such an intricate flower arrangement, Lady Amelia?” Violet asked which Amelia replied with a hum and an odd stare. 
“Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton, may I ask you something frankly?” Violet blinked, but nodded, while Hugo, Lynn and Anthony tensed. 
“You see, I was under the impression that one of you will try to strike a business deal with Siam, like any other families that sent me invitations” Amelia chuckled. 
“But none of our conversation does not match up. None of it sounds like an ice breaking conversation that would lead to any business discussion.” Violet gaped at her words and Amelia knew no one except 3 people in that room was on the same page. 
“Lady Amelia- I did not invite you for-” Violet whipped her head at her eldest son who in turn looked extremely guilty. This drew gasps from his siblings. I mean, what is worse than not knowing why you were invited?
“Anthony! Did you not tell her?” She hissed as he closed his eyes in frustration. Hugo and Lynn’s eyes met Amelia’s. 
“He did not. He, however, told both Hugo and Lynn, who did not manage to inform me of this piece of information.” Her eyes are boring straight into them. 
“Did you three conspire against me?” Hugo and Lynn’s eyes widened at Amelia’s question. 
“Your grace- My son would never do such a thing!” Violet started.
“Milady! Of course not. We would never dare to-” Lynn looked hurt, especially being her Lady-in-Waiting for such a long time. 
“Milady, conspire has such a negative connotation behind it. To conspire we need to do a harmful act-” Hugo started, which Amelia quickly cut through. 
“And making me look foolish by showing up in someone’s home with a different idea in mind is not a harmful act? I want you two to remember. While I am here, I am the face of our country.” Amelia raised a brow as Hugo and Lynn’s face crumbled. 
“Milady-” “Ah!” Amelia raised her forefinger in a motion for Hugo to stop talking. 
“I am done hearing from the both of you. Now you.” Using the same forefinger, Amelia pointed at Hugo and Lynn, then at Anthony, who had not said a thing despite being as involved. Traitor. 
“I want to hear it from you. Why are the three of you conspiring against me?” Anthony rolled his eyes, not liking her disrespectful tone. Especially coming from someone who could be more than 10 years younger than he is and a woman.
“Cease the dramatics, your grace. Yes, we did correspond with each other, but it was not to conspire. If you please check the content of this letter-” Anthony handed Amelia the letter she was so familiar with. She raised an eyebrow at him. 
“So you did check it out in the end.” Amelia snatched the letter and took out the paper from the envelope. 
“Dearest Violet Bridgerton and Edmund Brigerton. This is your beloved younger sister-” Amelia’s eyes going back and forth at Lynn and Hugo, trying to find faults and prove that they are lying. Unfortunately, Amelia found none, only an expression of guilt that they hid this from her. 
“This is not some kind of cruel joke you played, is it?” Amelia questioned. Although it was not directed at anybody, everyone knows the question belongs to Lynn and Hugo. 
“No, your grace,” Lynn answered, her voice low. Hugo only shook his head as an answer.
“Shit-” Amelia shook her head slowly as her eyes trailed on the rest of the letter.
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“Well…” Amelia slowly said. Her eyes shifted everywhere, but not meeting anyone’s eye. She was glad nobody made a sound because she truly needed the silence to think, but then again what was it to think about? The Bridgertons are her family from her mother’s side, that is the reality. 
“Does that mean I need to start addressing you as Aunt Violet?” Amelia light brown eyes met with Violet’s, her head slightly tilted to the side. Hugo and Lynn let out a sigh, glad that Amelia is not mad they are keeping secrets and arranging this dinner. 
“I- Only if you want to…” Violet let out a shaky breath as Amelia nodded slowly. 
“Well, Aunt Violet does not sound bad at all.” She gave a smile and reached out to squeeze Violet’s hand. This made Violet break into a sob, especially after seeing the similarity between Amelia and Felicia’s smile. 
“Oh- God-'' Before the Bridgertons could react, Amelia quickly launched herself and kneel next to Violet, cradling the older lady. 
“Aunt Violet- are you alright?” Violet was trying to pull herself together. 
“I am sorry- I am usually not this emotional, but You- you just looked so much like your mother. Lady Amelia, I-” Amelia rubbed Violet’s shoulder as she shook slightly.
“Ssh, just Amelia is fine, it’s okay. Let it out.” Amelia rocked Violet back and forth, still trying to calm the distressed woman. This, however, made Lynn extremely distressed. She grabbed Amelia by the forearm, trying to pull her upward. 
“Lady Amelia, what are you doing?” Lynn hissed as Amelia struggled against her. 
“Calming a person down,” Amelia gave Lynn a confused look. 
“You can do that while sitting on the sofa, not kneeling on the floor. You are a Princess, Her Royal Highness, Princess of Siam. You are not supposed to kneel.” Lynn desperately tries to pull Amelia up, not realising the gasp resounding in the room, or that they are speaking in English. 
“It’s fine as long as father does not know.” Amelia frowned at Lynn. 
“You are able to skip personal reports to your father, but I am unable to skip a report to your father the King. So please, for the life of me get up-” Hugo interrupted her ramblings.
“Ookay. Princess, you and Lynn lost 200 pounds to me.” Hugo said, trying to lighten the mood. 
“For what?” Amelia raised an eyebrow before Hugo pointed at the people in the room. Amelia and Lynn looked around to see the shocked faces of the Bridgertons. 
“I am pretty sure Lady Lynn just outs you as a Princess.” Colin chirped helpfully. This made Amelia and Lynn realise that they have been conversing in English. Slowly they looked back at Hugo, all colours drained from their faces. 
“Oops…” Hugo gave them a reprimanding look, but he was also holding in a laugh. 
“Yes. Oops…” He finally lets out a laugh.
Words: 3377
More Than Diamond's Master List
IMPORTANT NOTESA/N: Hello, how are you guys? I hope you are well. Regarding this story that is following Julia Quinn's hit series, Bridgerton, I would start by saying I read the book first before I watch the Netflix series, thus I apologize if there are some differences with the Netflix version, but I will try to make it as similar as possible. I would also ask the readers to be kind when criticizing this story as this is my first time to actually publishing my work in the open. For the story, as you can see there is a time-travel tag. Our reader was sent back to the past with all the knowledge from the future. If you are also confused with Davika's education, I actually based her using Spencer Reid, a character from Criminal Minds. I also made Friedrich to be a year younger than Benedict when in actuality, he was born in 1794, 2 years younger than Daphne. If you are not interested or felt like those 2 themes ruined a historical romance story, then please do not leave any bad comments as you can just stop reading this story. Thank You Very Much! Much Love, Cinnamon Meilleure's Writing Room
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condescendingbench · 4 months
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Rokesby Series Fancast:
George Rokesby - Harris Dickinson
Edward Rokesby - Will Poulter
Andrew Rokesby - Patrick Gibson
Nicholas Rokesby - George MacKay
Billie Bridgerton - Rose Williams
Cecilia Harcourt - Jessie Mei Li
Poppy Bridgerton - Georgie Henley
Georgiana Bridgerton - Mia Bruce
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I have recently read your “ I'm with you even if it makes me blue” and it’s dripping good I think you depicted each character very accurately and at parts made laugh especially the banter between George and billie and the Rokesby siblings. I have also read the outtake which was also excellent.
I was hoping to ask what are your thoughts and HCs of billie and george’s offspring ?
Thank you so much!!! I adore the Rokesbys and I'm so glad you enjoyed the banter - given all the angst I've been writing of late, it's nice to know that side of my writing is still working for folks!
So my HCs about Billie and George's offspring are mostly limited to their daughter. I imagine them having 2 boys and then a girl, Helena, named after Lady Manston, but with an added a so it's not identical.
(That was before The Wit and Wisdom of Bridgerton was published with a mention of a cousin "Lady Alexandra Rokesby" but given that Billie would, at best, have been about 46 or 47 when Lady Alexandra was born, it's probably more like that their son married young and this is their granddaughter, which points to the sad conclusion that their son is the earl and George is dead. That's also supported by the book referring to Lady Alexandra as Kate's "niece" - it would still not be accurate, since Lady Alexandra would actually be Anthony's first cousin once removed, i.e., his first cousin's child, but it would be more likely that she'd be mislabeled that way as a first cousin once removed than as a very young first cousin.
That said, I could just mentally substitute that "Lady" for "Miss" and "niece" for "cousin," having already written Nicholas and Georgie's daughter being named Alexandra and around the right age. That also lets us imagine George lives to be a very old man. Everyone wins!)
Anyway, back to HCs . . . Helena is not tomboy-ish like Billie, but she does have a strong personality.
As my outtakes show, I HC that Helena's favorite uncle is Nicholas. (And, even if he would never admit it, she is his favorite nibling, too.) In the books, we see that Billie and George and (three) kids live at Manston House in the books even while Lord Manston is still alive. And Nicholas ofc is there when he's not at school plus, by the time Helena is born, the other uncles are all married and have their own families to be concerned with (or are rarely around *cough Hugo cough*), so he's the one who pays her the most attention and plays with her when she's bored and so on.
I also HC that Helena is Wheelock's favorite of Billie and George's children; her older brothers know this and have accepted it lol, but beyond that, I haven't really given the boys thought yet. The two of them probably have an Anthony & Benedict-like dynamic minus the dad-dying-young
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ajsbookreviews · 1 year
First Comes Scandal Book Review
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First Comes Scandal
Author: Julia Quinn
Description: She was given two choices...
Georgiana Bridgerton isn't against the idea of marriage. She'd just thought she'd have some say in the matter. But with her reputation hanging by a thread after she's abducted for her dowry, Georgie is given two options: live out her life as a spinster or marry the rogue who has ruined her life.
Enter Option #3
As the fourth son of an earl, Nicholas Rokesby is prepared to chart his own course. He has a life in Edinburgh, where he's close to completing his medical studies, and he has no time -- or interest -- to find a wife. But when he discovers that Georgie Bridgerton -- his literal girl-next-door -- is facing ruin, he knows what he must do.
A Marriage of Convenience
Rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
Review: Four books, four brothers and four vastly different stories. And now, the last one has come to its end. The Rokesby lineage closes its final chapter.
This last instalment of the Rokesby storyline, First Comes Scandal, began wonderfully. The easy setting, the quick build-up and the plot-line itself made the story entertaining and immersive. 
I had long looked forward to reading about Georgianna Bridgerton, for her character is so uniquely her. Although, I must say, my surprise remained with me when her main love interest was revealed to be Nicholas Rokesby. For the longest time I thought it would be Andrew! Though I’m very happy it wasn’t in the end. I can imagine they would drive each other mad. 
What makes Nicholas and Georgiana a great pair is how much understanding and respect they have for each other. Even if they jest or get angered, there’s a modicum of that high esteem remaining. The trope chosen for this novel displays that in phenomenal manner. 
Nevertheless, there is a reason First Comes Scandal did not receive a higher score. It is far from outstanding, and to break my previous Rokesbys streak, less than seven out of ten stars, was a shame, really. The first half was highly amusing and up to previous standards. Yet…
There’s something about all Rokesby books that is too dragged out, too prolonged to be enjoyable. It usually happens somewhere in the middle, leaning toward the second-half of the story. However, First Comes Scandal stands out against it’s companion novels, for even after the usual “break” in pace, it made me lose complete interest around 80% down the line. It took me some time to resume my reading and what I found was predictable. The book didn’t end in an incredible plot-twist, nor something anywhere near surprising. 
That is not to be said that I didn’t like it, because I did. Not as much as previous instalments, but it was sweet and on par with the general storyline. Thus just… the same for another 50 or so pages. Alas, it got a bit repetitive and boring – it’s easy predictability a major flaw in making the story liven up and regain its footing. 
In conclusion, a decently good book, but sadly tapers down during its second half. Unsure if it’s the best ending to this series… Maybe Quinn would be up to another round of Rokesby novels? 
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olivia-books · 2 years
(PDF) First Comes Scandal (Rokesbys #4) - Julia Quinn
Download Or Read PDF First Comes Scandal (Rokesbys #4) - Julia Quinn Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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She was given two choices...Georgiana Bridgerton isn't against the idea of marriage. She'd just thought she'd have some say in the matter. But with her reputation hanging by a thread after she's abducted for her dowry, Georgie is given two options: live out her life as a spinster or marry the rogue who has ruined her life.Enter Option #3As the fourth son of an earl, Nicholas Rokesby is prepared to chart his own course. He has a life in Edinburgh, where he's close to completing his medical studies, and he has no time -- or interest -- to find a wife. But when he discovers that Georgie Bridgerton -- his literal girl-next-door -- is facing ruin, he knows what he must do.A Marriage of ConvenienceIt might not have been the most romantic of proposals, but Nicholas never thought she'd say no. Georgie doesn't want to be anyone's sacrifice, and besides, they could never think of each other as anything more than childhood friends... or could they?But as they embark upon their unorthodox
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bridgertonbabe · 1 year
Ranking the Rokesby Series
So after recently reading all 4 Rokesby books, here’s my ranking of them;
1. The Girl With The Make-Believe Husband
Cecilia and Edward’s love story has to be my favourite from the sheer drama of it all. This book has everything; the hero suffering from amnesia, the heroine pretending to be his wife, a brother MIA, falling in love over correspondence, a strawberry-induced allergic reaction, and the ever beloved “there’s only one bed” trope. I also think Cecilia and Edward’s book is my favourite of the Rokesby series because while reading it I felt as though it was a bit Benophie-coded, due in part to the heroine having to go by an alternate identity of sorts and the hero not being any the wiser right up until the last few chapters (though to be fair Edward is suffering from memory loss - Benedict is just an idiot lmao). 
2. The Other Miss Bridgerton
Andrew and Poppy are next and while I initially thought Billie was as chaotic a Bridgerton as her nieces and nephews, it turns out drama and scandal is simply a Bridgerton family trait, as proven by Poppy when she manages to get kidnapped by privateers. Andrew makes for the perfect charmingly cheeky hero and he definitely reminded me a lot of Colin especially with his inability to stay in one place for too long yet coming to a point where he desired more from life. I enjoyed the witty back and forth between the pair but also how closely they bonded through their deeper conversations and how their attraction became more and more palpable as the story progressed. I genuinely didn’t expect the drama that would ensue upon their arrival in Portugal but it made for a pleasant surprise and appropriately raised the stakes for them to realise just how much they meant to each other. 
3. Because Of Miss Bridgerton
Now while I did thoroughly love George and Billie’s love story they’ve ended up ranking third only because there was so much drama in the above books in stark contrast. Again, I can’t help but compare the Rokesby series with the Bridgerton series and in doing so it’s so abundantly clear that this story is Kanthony-coded; from the enemies-to-lovers trope between two respective eldest siblings, the alleged supposition among the other characters that Billie is destined to end up with one of George’s brothers (even though it’s quite obvious that the supporting players are all lowkey side-eyeing the pair throughout), and even a game of Pall Mall featuring the mallet of death. While it could be viewed as an italicized version of Kanthony; TVWLM is one of Julia Quinn’s best stories for a reason so fuck it, why shouldn’t it be echoed? 
4. First Comes Scandal
And just because Georgie and Nicholas’s story is ranked fourth doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it; again, purely based off of drama, this book simply wasn’t as wildly dramatic as it’s three predecessors. I loved the Muppet baby cameos of young ABC but if anything I loved it too much because I wanted more of them, plus I was a little disappointed that we never saw Edmund’s reaction to his best friend becoming engaged to his younger sister; did he get mad, was he shooketh, or did he find it a bit funny? For me the journey to Scotland dragged on a little more than I would have liked though I did enjoy reading how Georgie and Nicholas slowly fell for each other and transitioned from being friends to lovers (plus it was a nice touch having their first time being both of their first times; it gave their love scene a fresh dynamic from the rest of Regency couples’ first times).  
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britishteacup · 2 years
Baby Kiss It Better
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Four kisses between Nicholas and Georgie, and one that isn’t. Part of the Invisible String universe
Happy birthday to the best woman I know, @ourlilinfinity ♥️
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alrightsnaps · 3 years
The bit of Benedict's book where Hyacinth asks Sophie's help to entertain her cousins, leading to Benedict recognising Sophie when he sees her playing with the kids is a great opportunity for the show to give us a Rokesby Easter egg by making said cousins Nicholas and Georgiana's kids 😏
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unfortunate-arrow · 3 years
The basic premise is orphaned Bridgerton siblings. Basically, Violet dies before Hyacinth’s first birthday and the eight siblings are left orphaned. Since Anthony’s only nineteen, he isn’t labeled guardian of his siblings. (Guardianship would only happen upon reaching the majority which was 21 in Regency England.) Edmund’s sisters, Billie and Georgie, and their husbands, George and Nicholas respectively take the guardianship of the six youngest until Anthony’s 21.
It would be a series of one shots and a bunch of different moments, mainly focusing on how this would affect their stories.
Like Daphne gets a better sex education because Billie and Georgie both agree that it’s easier to tell your niece than your daughter. Nicholas Rokesby, who’s a doctor, tells Simon that if he’s not be entirely truthful about being impotent/infertile, then it will get out and bite him on the ass. (Because really did Simon never think that Daphne would realize that his can’t is a won’t?)
Anthony invites Kate, Mary, and Edwina to have dinner with him and five of his siblings. (Gregory’s at school and Daphne’s married to Simon.) Kate’s thoughts on Anthony being rebuffed because he’s a sucker for his siblings.
Benedict makes the choice to marry Sophie on his own after overhearing his aunts and uncles discussing his relationship with her.
Fic Daydreams
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