#it took me far too long to find all British actors with the right vibe
condescendingbench · 4 months
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Rokesby Series Fancast:
George Rokesby - Harris Dickinson
Edward Rokesby - Will Poulter
Andrew Rokesby - Patrick Gibson
Nicholas Rokesby - George MacKay
Billie Bridgerton - Rose Williams
Cecilia Harcourt - Jessie Mei Li
Poppy Bridgerton - Georgie Henley
Georgiana Bridgerton - Mia Bruce
4 notes · View notes
cherry-valentine · 3 years
Spring 2021 Anime Season
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Mars Red is one of two series this season set in one of my favorite periods, the Meiji era. It’s a vampire series that deals a lot with the politics of war as the Japanese military is attempting to establish a vampire unit, supposedly to compete with the British vampire unit (because of course that’s a thing). It focuses on a human military officer named Maeda who is charged with recruiting and managing vampires. Maeda is the type of character I really enjoy. Handsome, a little older than most anime protagonists, chain-smoking, overly serious, and voiced by Junichi Suwabe (who has to have the sexiest voice in all of anime). The series has a classic, romantic feel to it. Its take on vampires is somewhat traditional (they evaporate in the sun, drink blood, sleep in coffins, have super strength and speed, etc.). If it brings anything new to the table, it’s the concept of vampires having different ranks, from S-class down, and how lower ranks naturally fear higher ranks. Still yet, the classic vibe works in the show’s favor. Combined with the historical setting, it gives the show a certain charm. The art is lovely, from the backgrounds to the character designs, and the music is a high point. It easily has the best ending theme of the season.
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Fumetsu no Anata e (To Your Eternity) is a unique series. I’ve seen a lot of people comparing it to Mushishi, but with an overarching plot, and that assessment is pretty accurate. The show follows an entity that comes to be known as Fushi. It begins as an orb, and as it makes contact with other objects and creatures, it learns from them and can possibly take their forms. Among the forms it most often takes are a white wolf and a young man. Originally, it’s a somewhat empty shell, incapable of communicating, but as it meets different creatures and learns, it develops a personality and begins to speak. The series is, overall, about Fushi’s journey through this world and all the experiences it gains, both wonderful and tragic. There’s a subtle beauty to the series, with an early focus on nature, but it also has scenes of trauma and violence. The animation is fluid and the facial expressions are amazing. There’s an overall natural feel to it that, like others have pointed out, reminds me of Mushishi (though it’s definitely faster paced than Mushishi). The show also likes to make you cry, so keep that in mind.
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Joran: The Princess of Snow and Blood is the other series set in the Meiji era this season, albeit an alternate version of it that has a strange form of technology. To be honest, I’m a little fuzzy on some of the details, but it seems to be about a group called the Nue who work for the government to fight against a growing rebellion. The main character is Sawa, a member of Nue who has some sort of special powers involving her blood, which allow her to transform and battle monsters, or whatever else stands in her way. Her goal is to get revenge for the death of her entire clan (implied to be wiped out because of their power). Sawa is a decent heroine, a woman who craves vengeance and is determined to get it through any means, but is, at her core, a compassionate person who would rather live in peace. It’s this internal conflict that makes Sawa compelling (even if it’s not entirely original). The other characters are interesting, particularly Tsuki, whom I won’t talk much about because it would involve spoilers. The plot and details can get a little convoluted, but the action and animation are solid. When Sawa transforms, the art style changes, and it’s a really cool visual effect. The music is also nice.
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Shaman King received a remake this season. I was a huge fan of the original, and so far I’m enjoying the remake, but to be honest, I’m having trouble seeing the point. The art is almost the same (just a lot shinier), the voice actors are the same, the plot is the same. Maybe it’s just that it’s been so long since I saw the original, I’m unable to remember the details and so I can’t tell what’s different. But to me it feels like I’m just rewatching the show. Which is fine, because I loved it to begin with. Maybe it gets different later on. Maybe it more closely follows the manga. I’ll keep watching to find out. For anyone new to the series, it looks like the remake is a solid place to start if you want to get into it. I won’t go into plot details for a story this old, so I’ll just say it’s a top tier shounen fighting series with a unique art style and some very memorable characters. If you like that sort of thing, and missed the original (or you just want a refresher), definitely check it out!
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Godzilla Singular Point is a true delight. I’m a huge Godzilla (and kaiju in general) fan. I’ve watched every single Godzilla movie, as well as all the related movies (the Mothra films, Rodan, etc.), but I never watched the previous Godzilla anime that was on Netflix a few years ago. It just didn’t sound like something I’d like. Singular Point, however, is right up my alley. Set mainly in a small seaside town that’s suddenly attacked by bird-like monsters known as Rodans, we have two geeky protagonists using their intelligence to figure out what’s going on while more and more monsters appear. Mei and Yun are excellent heroes. They rely on their wits rather than physical strength, which is a refreshing approach. It’s also interesting that they have little to no face-to-face interaction. Instead, they chat with each other via text as they work separately. They often challenge each other with science questions. It’s adorable. The show’s overall feel is fairly upbeat and energetic. The colorful art and peppy character designs by Kazue Kato (who did Blue Exorcist) help with this feel. It should be noted that Godzilla himself doesn’t fully appear until halfway through the series. It says a lot about the quality of the show that I don’t actually mind that at all. Some of the science stuff does go over my head, but the general plot is easy enough to follow and the action is very well done. It also has fantastic music, with my favorite opening theme of the season. Even if Godzilla isn’t your thing, consider giving this series a shot if you like nerdy science types as heroes.
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Burning Kabaddi is a sports anime about an unsual sport. I’d never heard of it before now, and if people in the comments were not talking about the very real sport, I would have assumed it was made up for the anime. The show is aware that the sport is obscure, so it takes great pains to explain the rules and details so that we can all follow the action. The story centers on Yoigoshi, a soccer prodigy who decides to drop all sports once he gets to high school due to all the drama and angst that surrounded him (mostly due to his teammates being jealous of his talent), and pursue a career as a streamer. All the various sports clubs at the school want to recruit him (especially the soccer club, of course) because they’ve heard of his skill and he has an athletic build. He rejects them all, but the Kabaddi club is strangely relentless. He ends up being manipulated into joining (the vice captain of the team straight up blackmails him by threatening to show his online streaming account to the whole school). Despite this rocky beginning, Yoigoshi actually starts to enjoy playing Kabaddi, and more importantly, begins to bond with his new teammates. It’s pretty fun stuff that doesn’t take itself too seriously. The art is serviceable for a sports anime and the music is fine. The series isn’t going to blow your mind, but it’s a fun way to spend twenty minutes every week. Worth a watch if you have a weakness for hot blooded sports anime.
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The World Ends With You finally got its anime adaptation and I was so excited. The game is one of my all-time favorites. So far the anime is pretty good. The art is a near perfect replication of the bold, thick-lined art of the game. The battles are exciting and cool. Best of all, the anime often uses music from the game. This is important because the game has one of the best soundtracks, ever. Every time I recognize a song from the game, I almost squeal. If I had a complaint, it’s that the pacing feels a little off at times. It feels like the anime is rushing through the story, but that’s understandable. In the game, it took longer for everything to happen because you were walking from place to place, fighting battles along the way, stopping to scan NPC’s, shopping at stores, spending time in menus, etc. The anime has to cut most of that out, so naturally things are going to move faster. The result is that you don’t get to spend as much time with these characters, and so you feel less attached to them. Anyone watching the anime who didn’t play the game might feel like the emotional beats are lacking. I feel like this anime is definitely meant to be enjoyed by fans of the game, rather than newcomers to the story. But if you are a fan of the game? You should be watching this every week. It’s an excellent refresher on the story, just in time for the second game to come out this summer. Super high on my watch list.
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Boku no Hero Academia has a new season. To be honest I don’t remember what number we’re on. This season, so far, focuses on a tournament-style competition between the two main hero classes. I would much prefer the plot to move on to something more exciting involving the villains, but I suppose they have to throw arcs like this in every so often just to remind everyone of which characters have which quirks. The plus point is that instead of being an individual competition, it’s team-based. What this ultimately means is that characters that are viewed as weaker or having more obscure quirks actually get a chance to shine. These are characters who definitely aren’t going to win one-on-one battles. In an individual tournament, it’s pretty much a given that characters like Deku, Bakugou, and Todoroki are going to win most of the matches. But in a team, everyone has to work together. The end result is that the lady characters, all of whom have fairly weak or situational quirks, finally FINALLY get to actually do stuff! Even better, in several of the match-ups, the girls have taken the lead in planning and strategizing. It’s been pretty nice to watch. The girls from the other class have been very proactive as well. I really wish the girls could do more in “real” battles with villains, since it’s clear that they can step up when they need to. Who knows? Maybe this is a sign of good things to come.
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86 is a new mecha/sci-fi anime based on a series of light novels. The setup is fairly cool: In a country where everyone has silver hair and eyes, the people live in what looks like a utopia. There is a war going on outside their protected land but all combat is performed by automated robots, so there are no human casualties... or so the government would have the people believe. In reality, there is a district that exists on the outskirts of the country called 86, where people who don’t have silver hair and eyes are sent to pilot the robots and fight to protect the country that shunned them. Most of the pilots are children or teenagers. The mortality rate is high. Only a few people in the government know of their existence, mostly military types that include “handlers”. These handlers each take on an 86 unit and communicate with them through a system called “para-raid”. Using this, they monitor the battlefield from their safe positions and issue commands. Naturally, most handlers view their units as nothing more than tools in the war, and most 86-ers view their handlers as privileged snobs who know nothing of actual battle. The real plot kicks in when Lena, a young Major, becomes the new handler for a particular 86 unit. Lena is sympathetic to the people of 86, but it’s going to be hard getting her notoriously rough unit to accept her. The plot is a bit complicated and the show deals with some weighty themes (racism, privilege, war, child soldiers, death). Lena is a likable enough heroine and the members of 86 are all interesting and fairly well written. The music is fine. The art... well, it’s pretty to look at, but it feels a bit generic to me. A bit too shiny. The mecha designs are great, but I’m not crazy about the character designs, which feel like they could be from any other modern anime. I also find it sad but hilarious at the same time that the women’s military uniforms are clearly designed for fanservice (they include mini skirts, thigh-highs with garters, and a short jacket that opens up just above the chest to show the tight shirt underneath) while the men’s uniforms are just totally normal military wear. To be honest it’s just too stupid to actually be offensive, so it comes across as comical. Thankfully, the interesting setup and plot carry the show, making it good enough to overlook the generic visuals.
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Moriarty the Patriot has a new season... maybe? I think it’s technically still season one, but with a split cour. Regardless, it feels like a new season so I’m treating it as such. The series focuses on famous Sherlock antagonist Moriarty, here represented as a trio of handsome brothers (though one of them is clearly the protagonist and the leader of the group) who work as “crime consultants” and basically help the lower classes wage class warfare against the nobility. This season shifts the focus away from the individual crimes Moriarty concocts and instead focuses on larger-scale conflicts that involve government conspiracies, corrupt cops, etc. We’re also treated to a lady James Bond (finally!), fixing one of the very few complaints I had about the first cour (that it lacked strong lady characters). The show remains very compelling, with beautiful art and excellent new opening and ending themes.
Best of Season:
Best New Show: Godzilla Singular Point
Best Opening Theme: Godzilla Singular Point
Best Ending Theme: Mars Red
Best New Male Character: Maeda (Mars Red)
Best New Female Character: Sawa (Joran)
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I don’t know about you, but this felt like a long month. I just looked back on my August post and that felt like another life. Putting together this list I couldn’t believe how much I was able to watch with the start of the semester. There was a lot of great ones, so let’s get to it!
Our usual spoiler warning....
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The Umbrella Academy
Umbrella Academy was a show that I started at the end of August. Many people I know were shocked I had never watched it and honestly I don’t know what took me so long. It was great and made even better by the second season getting released this summer. Now I had even more episodes to watch. 
I love how chaotic the Hargreeves are. The things that happen to them would only happen to them (if you know what I mean). I also love how they always put family first. Despite everything that’s happened to them. They might all be a mess (and honestly who isn’t), but deep down they love each other. For the first season I thought it was great how they formatted the plot. These characters were new to us and they didn’t give us all the backstory. (When you think about it we still don’t know how Ben died.) It made me continue tuning in and figure it all out. I always sensed Vanya had powers and I know it’s shocking that I wasn’t spoiled coming into the show so late. I liked the irony of the family essentially creating the apocalypse themselves by locking Vanya up.  Leonard aka Harold always felt shifty to me. I also liked the way they set up his story. Five and Klaus are definitely my favorites of the siblings. I love how Five is such an old man in a young kid’s body. The way they show his teleportation is really cool. The early scene in Run boy run, episode 2, is definitely one of my favorites from the whole show. The images paired with the song are chilling. Really nice job there. I love how Klaus’ power has been explored. We see more of it in season 2 and it’s something I wasn’t expecting. I love his and Ben’s relationship and I easily fell into the Klaus/Dave ship. We only got a slice of their backstory and I was already too invested. Season 2 took me a little bit to get into with the new setting, but after about two episodes I did. I really liked the plot and found it funny that there was yet another apocalypse. With that cliffhanger, I can’t wait to see where season three is headed.
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Derry Girls Re-watch 
2020 felt like a good time to re-visit my girls in Derry. I wanted something familiar and funny and this was perfect. I just love this show. It makes me so happy after watching it. I’m so thrilled that we’ll eventually get a third season (even if it will be the last). This watch through I am noticing how many songs are in each episode. (Might help I’ve been watching it with subtitles.) There are so many bops. Sister Michael is always my spirit animal. She is hilarious! I also feel Gerry gets funnier as the season goes on. When he’s making the sandwiches at the funeral I crack up EVERY.TIME. I also love the seriousness of the show too. There are SO MANY great parallels. In the season one finale when the historical bomb goes off and the girls are shown at school unaware and just dancing with Orla it is so pure. Then we see Da put his hand on Gerry’s shoulder. Wow. It shows how the generations were affected. I will suggest this show to everyone no matter what they like to watch. IT IS THAT GOOD! So, why aren’t you watching it? (Or Re-watching?)  
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Violetta Season 3
We can all rejoice! The third and finale season of Disney’s Violetta was released onto Disney Plus mid month. As someone who recently finished the second season, it was no surprise that I was ecstatic and wanted to watch it ASAP. This season is hands down the fastest one I have gotten invested into. Usually it takes me a bit to get into the new plot and characters. Because I’ve gotten so attached, I’m worried that means it will go downhill. I’ve heard mixed things about season 3. But let’s focus on the positives! There is so much music so far (both old and new songs). I am loving a lot of the new songs: En Gira and Armor En El Aire. I like how they started on tour and how they included actual footage from the real tour. Now they are in their last year in the studio (so I guess Seniors?). Lots of changes are already occurring including people leaving the Studio. Some are headed to Gregorio’s Art Rebel. I have to say that Gregorio has grown on me so much and now he is one of my favorite characters. I love his relationship with Diego and every time they call each other Papa and son. OMG it’s fantastic! So great to see them happy. This season we have a new teacher, Milton and I honestly can’t figure out what his deal is. Why is he so mean? I’m in episode 18 now and I am happy Leon and Vilu are still going strong. Obviously, they’re going to have issues (and they’ve already had minor ones), but it’s good to still see them in love. (It is adorable how they call each other Amor.) I also like that their “love triangles” seem to be misunderstandings right now. I’m in the VERY early stages of Fran and Diego and honestly I am so in love with them already. I’m going to fall hard for this ship. I know it. I am so tempted to continue watching spoilers, but I feel they’re not true spoilers if I can only find them in Spanish with no subtitles. ;) 
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Sunshine on Leith
My journey through watching George Mackay films continued with Sunshine on Leith. This was a great choice and I highly recommend. The main difficulty is how to access it. I couldn’t find it fully anywhere online or through a streaming service, so I wound up purchasing it through Amazon and getting it as a UK DVD. This means you need a Multi-region DVD player to watch it. (I know. It’s weird that not all DVDs are the same.) Of course, I have one of these. I am a TV/Movie junky and love a lot of British programs that are unavailable to purchase in the US. I got it a few years ago also on Amazon and it was pretty cheap. I haven’t had any issues with it, so I highly recommend. 
The movie musical includes songs from the Proclaimers and takes place in Edinburgh. As someone who got to visit Edinburgh it was so cool to see the characters in places I’ve actually been. Before watching the film, the only Proclaimers song I knew was (of course) 500 miles. While watching I realized I actually new more and those I didn’t know I really liked. So, now I have a new playlist on my phone. Some are the original songs and others are from the movie (because I prefer their voices on some). What was cool to see was how not all the actors had the strongest voices, but could sing really well. I’m not sure if this was a purposeful choice or not. (I’d have to look more into it.) At times the plot felt a little rushed. Overall it was a fairly short musical, so that was probably why. Characters seemed to know each other really well really fast. So, if a lot of time would have passed I didn’t notice it. I can’t wait to re-watch the film. George Mackay in the cast brought me to watch it, but I stayed for a great story. (And of course I fell more in love with my crush on Mackay...No shock there :) 
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I Am Not Okay With This
Netflix’s I Am Not Okay With This had been in my queue since the beginning of this year, but I didn’t get the chance to watch it till now....when I heard it got cancelled. [Netflix hit us with this news about a month back when they released that shows that were originally picked up were now getting dropped for a second season. I Am Not Okay With This and The Society were on the chopping block.] To make the comment everyone else already has, I am Not Okay With This. 
Despite knowing the show got cancelled, I still wanted to watch it. As I was watching Derry Girls, I wanted another show that was contemporary. I was very surprised to see how few episodes there were as well as how short they each were. It was a very quick watch because of this. While I expected this show to be contemporary with a touch of the supernatural, as Syd has powers, I was not expecting it to be so much more! This show blends so many genres and it does it so well. I honestly don’t know if I’ve seen it done before...at all. Which makes it hard to compare to some others. It feels like an Indy/Contemporary Coming of Age with both supernatural and thriller vibes. It even touches into horror-ish towards the end of the season. If only there was another season to see where it would go. And that ENDING! Is it bad I laughed? I think I did because I was not expecting it to go down like that AT ALL. Syd was a very dynamic main character and I really like how they had her explore who she truly is. Her and Stan’s friendship is one that I strive for. (Speaking of, where can I get a Stanley Barber? I need one in my life.)If you’re willing to be upset that the show got cancelled and there is no second season in the works, then I definitely suggest you just out I Am Not Okay With This. 
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Enola Holmes
Man, I feel like I’m giving a lot of support to Netflix this month, but there was a lot coming out/ a lot in my queue so it makes sense. Overall, I would give Enola a 7/10. I had a lot of hype for this one (as it was one of my highly anticipated watches for September), which I think hurt my overall reaction. This doesn’t mean it wasn’t entertaining and enjoyable. I loved the female empowerment message as it was very strong. Millie Bobby Brown was fantastic and so charismatic as Enola. I loved the feature of her talking to us as well as giving some really great facial expressions. I am a sucker for a retelling (of any kind, but especially Sherlock Holmes), so I loved the concept and how they included a younger sister to the Holmes family. I know there has been some conversation about how Sherlock was portrayed and that’s not really Sherlock, but I had no problem with this (and I’m not just saying that because he was played by the dashing Henry Cavill). Honestly, Mycroft’s character bothered me more. I get that there had to be a “villainous” character (well other than the one in the mystery), but he felt a little too over the top. The movie felt a little too long at times and I still don’t like the reason for why her mother left and the conclusion to that plot. It did set it up as if there could be a sequel and I would definitely watch it. 
I would also like to add that I cannot get enough of the cast. Thanks to the YouTube interviews Netflix keeps uploading, I am falling more and more in love with this trio. They just seem like so much fun and I would love to be a part of this cast. They feel like siblings! 
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Another one in my watch-list for September can be checked off! Harriet has been a film that I have been wanting to watch since it came to theaters last year, but I felt like it came and went pretty fast. Luckily HBO just released it in the past month or so, which made me to tape it. I am so happy I did. 
WOW! Why didn’t I know about these facts about Harriet Tubman sooner? Why aren’t we taught these parts of history in school? I already knew she was amazing, and this just put her over the top. She did SO MUCH! It’s super impressive that she was a part of the Civil War and fought. Not only was this something difficult to do as a Black person, but also as a woman. I didn’t know about her visions, so that was something I Googled right when the film was finished. She never lost a freed slave in their journey to freedom. The list goes on and on how amazing Harriet Tubman was. This film showcases that so well and Cynthia Erivo is amazing as Harriet. (I have to start finding synonyms for ‘amazing’.) Her voice...WOW! Before watching the film, I have loved listening to “Stand Up,” but now afterwards it takes on a whole new meaning. Especially when you understand the direct quote from Harriet Tubman: “I go to prepare a place for you.” CHILLS! This film was nominated for multiple Academy Awards and it should have gotten one. WATCH HARRIET!
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The Crimson Field
I’ve noticed that most of the programs I watch through Amazon Prime Video are mainly period dramas. So it was no shock that I would tune into The Crimson Field, a 7 episode series following the nurses and surgeons in France during WWI. As someone who is often more drawn to WWII, I am finding myself interested to watch more things involving the first World War (ie: 1917 and Tolkien). And this show was just what I needed. The pressure was on to watch it though, as it was only available through Prime Video till September 30th. Luckily with only 7 episodes this was an easy feat to accomplish, plus the first couple I marathoned because it was so good. As with any show it took a little bit to understand the setting and the cast, but I feel like I got to know them rather quickly, which made me invested to know what would happen next. I did find it strange that Prime Video only had access to the show for a month as it originally aired on BBC one and then PBS in 2015. The streaming service has programs older than that readily available to watch any time. 
The beginning of the series was definitely stronger in my opinion. I like how they gave breadcrumbs into people’s backstories, such as the main character Kitty. There was a lot of mystery there when we first learned she had a kid and then of her scandalous marriage. There are still a few things that I don’t 100% understand, but that might be because they thought they were getting a season 2 (but they did not). And with the way they ended the show it definitely had the feel. I enjoyed Kitty and Tom’s romance, but more at the beginning than at the end. With Tom’s character, I feel like they set him up as the super nice guy while Miles was the player, but then as the show progressed they decided Tom should have more Mr. Darcy traits and I just thought that was out of his character. Either way, I did still like him (and Miles) and could listen to Richard Rankin’s Scottish accent ALL DAY! It wasn’t until I looked up his IMDB that I made the connection that he is on Outlander now. Can you see the resemblance to him now? 
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   Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe
And don’t we all just feel against the universe sometimes?
I know my range for this month is all over the place, so is it that shocking that I would add a cartoon to the mix. Definitely not...especially because it’s Phineas and Ferb. One of my favorite Disney Channel shows. Watching this film feels like FOREVER ago because it was so early in the month. I’ve only watched it the one time (because I don’t think it needs a second watch...I guess that tells you something), so let’s see how much I remember...
It’s been a while since we’ve had a new installment of Phineas and Ferb grace our screens and it was great to see the citizens of Danville once again. In a way, it felt like no time had passed. (And for them I guess it hadn’t because it always seems like the same summer.) It just felt like the moment for Phineas and Ferb. While I was really happy to see our beloved characters again, the plot of this film felt familiar. Very Queen of Mars. Now thinking back, it’s hard for me to relay what happens and I think that’s a good way to describe this movie. It was very familiar, and I wish they would have done more with it. I can’t even remember any of the songs (and that’s often my favorite part). Of course, it had all the classics antics and jokes. I love how Perry was helping out the kids and had to be very secretive about it. I always love a good Candace and Venessa team up. Dr. Doof was hilarious as usual and his pairing with the kids (specifically Isabella) was a great time. My favorite part was when they got meta and did the reverse engineering of their animation and then we saw the creators in front of the story boards. That was really cool and unexpected. Overall, it felt like Phineas and Ferb and made life in quarantine a little bit easier. 
Well! That’s a wrap. These were some of my favorite picks to talk about (even if it took me longer than usual). I hope you watched some great stuff last month and continue to find new picks for October! 
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hedgefairy · 3 years
Well hello there. While I'm waiting for that breeches video I've been talking about to finally upload, here's
Bridgerton, Episode 4
Phew, half time!
If you've missed the other ones, the tag is Bridgerbore, btw.
Okay, so we start of with Dukey who's going home-ish because drama and heartbreak in the last episode. Stop pretending, nobody takes your pouting seriously! We all know it's twu wuv!
Erm. So, I know, I'm white and this is a delicate matter, but I gotta say I'm not super happy about the whole POC-justifying explanation here. I'd much rather have no explanation at all, it worked perfectly well in Merlin, and this is just as much historically inspired fantasy just with less magic, which I'm honestly quite upset about. I'd be far more okayer with the costumes and overall ugh-ness if there was magic.
But honestly, I'm not a fan of shoehorning that explanation in (it doesn't seem to come up in the books, either, where everyone is basically a baguette in terms of whiteness). The fact that the implications aren't discussed any further makes it even worse. We're talking about the British empire here, and while POC are apparently part of the society (but with more pressure, which... no, this is not how nobility works) the wealth and luxury of this age still stems from the exploitation of POC everywhere else. How isn't there a revolution going on? How is this not talked about? From all I see, Bridgerton is a fluffy, pastel, nice alternate version of the 1800s, and I don't get why anyone would put politics in there instead of just doing what TV tropes refers to as "colourblind casting" and be done with it. Either you do the alternate history thing thoroughly, or you just cast people for being pretty (and maybe good actors) instead of the idea the audience might have about a character's skin colour and have weird costumes and just roll with it.
Also the Queen's marriage seems to suck. I would have liked a deeper, more heartbreaking connection between George III and her, especially because I saw how my Grandmother suffered when she gradually lost my Grandfather to dementia, and it would have been a scene where we could see Charlotte as a person rather than a weird plot device in tafetta and bling, but no, she just seems as annoyed and bored and snappish as ever.
This is getting far too serious. Where's the snark?
We get some Tchaikovsky in the background, which is weird, tbh. Yes, I'm perfectly fine with them covering Top 40s hits and using waltzes from the 1950s, but I draw the line at something from the second half of the 19th century! It's not right! It screams its time of origin all over the place, and even worse, most of the characters would probably actually get to hear it later in their lives, it's not a decent anachronism, it just feels like bad research! This is serious business!
No really, where's the snark?
Oooh, I get it now. That was when I was really, really done with bingeing this show. Yes, I tried to get through as much of it as possible in one sitting. The notes read, in very shaky handwriting
I cannot possibly take more than that
in one day
, so let's continue a few days later when I felt like I could muster the courage to face it again.
So yes, I'm pretty sure this waltz is to young for this show.
Aww, look at that, flirting over cheese! I also like that one of the Featherington girls (I can't really tell the non-Pennys apart) has a suitor, they deserve nice things, too.
The musicians are a mood.
WTF with the hair and the strass. We don't like the strass. Make it go away.
I love Prince Freddy. The poor boy. It's doomed from the start!
Ah, Dukey (also at the ball, even though he was whining about things earlier) gets a heartbeat in the background, because twu wuv.
Middle Bridgerbro goes and meets with the Bohéme. I want more of that! That's finally interesting! That's my people! There's a cool bohemian lady with a pretty dress! People look interesting! Aaaah!
There's a random 18th century burlesque singer at this Regency ball, we need to talk about this. Oooh, it's Opera Girl! Cue Lord B turning into even more of an idiot while Ma Bridgerton tries to hook him up otherwise.
Of course Philippa (that's one of the Featherington Girls) can't possibly have anything nice. Thanks, Dad. You don't get to marry someone you like, that's the people across the street's thing! (by which I of course mean the Bridgertons, just in case anyone forgot the location layout here.)
Eloise is being weird to the housekeeper.
"Are you not supposed to be the smart one", the housekeeper retorts and I'm feeling it, followed by a "WTH, hero" about how servants are too busy to be Gossip Girl, you privileged prat. I think I actually snorted.
Penny gossips with Ducktail Colin, but he's more interested in Cousin, whose dress looks like it was made from the cheap curtains my ex best friend had in his first semester at uni, and God, I hate Daphne's kerchief.
Poor Prince Freddie is trying to propose to Protagonis Girl but of course there's Dukey in the background so she simply must run outside as dramatically as possible where he can find her as she equally dramatically rips the necklace Freddie gave her from her milky white throat. P&P-ish banter ensues. Yawn.
Dukey: * broods *
Daphne: * dramatically exits *
Dukey: * romantically follows her*, and oooh, snogging ensues, oooooh, instant second base, but Bridgerbro the Eldest (known also as Lord B) intervenes.
Lord B: "Marry her!"
Dukey: "I can't!"
Lord B: "Bitch!"
Dukey: "I can't!"
Lord B: "I want satisfaction!"
Me: "Don't we all"
Daphne: "You'd rather die than marry me?!"
(the fuck with her hair)
Middle Bridgerbro is still at the Bohéme-party, and still draws (naked people!). Gay vibes ensue, it's cute. This is Netflix after all, and it took four episodes to get some LGBTQ+ representation!
The Featherington's housekeeper looks a lot like O'Brien from Downton.
Cousin tells Penny about what a cutie Ducktail Colin is, also Penny's "night gown" is really cute (it's not a night gown. She's still wearing stays. It's also the only thing in the whole series that fits her well so far). Penny is super upset but gets interrupted by a hyperfocused Eloise. They fight, and Penny goes on about being mature and not being a "pretty Bridgerton", and that Eloise wouldn't understand. I get her, though, and really, having a perfect family and a "bad" family is such lazy writing.
Somber blah blah between Lord B and Daphne happens and Middle Bridgerbro gets dragged into it. He's informed that his life is pretty much over either way (either way being Lord B dying or being exiled for killing Dukey in the scheduled duel) because his oder bro basically just wants out of his duties. Sucks to be him.
Boxing Bro has to host a frustrated, possibly blueballed Dukey and offers himself up as a second for the duel.
Lord B goes and pleads with Opera Girl to get back with him (doooooon't) because of his little duelling plot and of course intercourse ensues. Girl, where's your self-respect?
Lord F comes into his dark study (we haven't seen much of him yet overall, he probably was too busy gambling) and hark, there's Lady F like the mafia boss I feel she should be, wo berates him about said gambling and that they're broke and how much he sucks. He starts crying, thumbs up for male vulnerability!, but it's kinda played for laughs via her awkward patting of him. Because of course (and I bet the late Daddy Bridgerton would never have lost his composure like that, but he didn't gamble, either, and these are the Featheringtons)
Lord B leaves Opera Girl for THE DUEL (I feel like this almost deserves a ™ by now).
We get gallopping horses! The drama! The panache! Daphne asks Ducktail Colin where it's going down because she wants to stop them, insert pandering feminist ranting about her choosing her own life but I don't really feel it and I wonde where her bangs go when she sleeps because her hair looks so different all of a sudden.
Lord B makes Middle Bridgerbro promise to care for Opera Girl in case he dies.
More gallopping horses! Daphne and her billowing cloak are pretty epic, to be honest, and there's Ducktail Colin on her heels. It's basically a family outing now!
Ugh, I like the seconds in this duel so much more. They should just off and go for a pint or something and leave Lord B and Dukey to their misery.
Duelling protocol ensues. Ten steps, blah blah, nice camera work, though.
Daphne full on rides into her brother's bullet, but she's fine (it would have been so dramatic, can you imagine? It would have been interesting!).
Oh no, they were seen (by her romantic rival, back when they had the dramatic make-outery in the park at the ball after the botched proposal. Sorry, Cressida is such a much better name than Daaaaphneeee. I have a RPG character called Cressida, I might be biased.), she's ruined if they don't marry!. and so she is basically emotionally blackmailing him into marrying her. But he can "never give [her] children!", and goes on how she deserves a household full of love like her family home because the Bridgertons are such a perfect family. God, they all annoy me so much.
Daphne ends the duel by saying that the Duke and her are to be married, with a pained facial expression, no less. I think I just wanna throw a pie in her face or something.
And that concludes Episode 4. That was a long one! Only four more to go! So this is
To be Continued!
Thank you for making it this far with me!
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dibidibidismol · 6 years
For the Anon who wanted me to answer all the questions: I hope you're happy.
— 1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
A Baby named orlo 
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Depends on the situation 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My bestest friend and I have a shopping date soon!
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Probably not. I dunno.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Yeah, probably.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People who use she/her pronouns.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Probably not.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Byun Baekhyun.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
A group of close friends.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Expect by Girls Day
Eternity by VIXX
Tried to Walk by B1A4
Sorry by The Rose
Closer by Oh My Girl
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
So long as they don't tangle it.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I believe in chance.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I got a scholarship to a programme I applied for! Met some new friends!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Hell yeah. A sweet baby gave me a smooch. Baby kisses are the best.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
I think it's a possibility.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
They moved far far away.
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Not really.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Yeah, I babysit for them sometimes.
21. What are your bad habits?
I'm a sucker for my dog. I give him too many treats.
22. Where would you like to travel?
I'm not much of a traveler but I hear Portland Oregon is nice this time of year.
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Afternoon Tumblr, Spotify and Tea time.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My nose.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Do my daily language learning sessions and wash my face.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My dog and/or friends.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Hahahahahahaha No.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
I'm Demi, and don't know any celebrities.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I've done a lot of basketball and a bit of track and field.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
I don't watch much T.V anyways.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Story of my life.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
When in doubt talk about the weather.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
She/her pronouns, actually reciprocates my affections, ace/demi friendly, not allergic to dogs, fluent in English, mildly intelligent, has a compatible sense of humor, not abusive.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Target, H-mart, Costco,
40. What do you want to do after high school?
College and Law school 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Not everyone, but most people.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m tired, thinking, or listening to music.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Unless they're giving off bad vibes.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Outer space. I have a fear of the deep ocean.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Devotion to my dog.
46. What are you paranoid about?
Germs, skin cancer, the deep ocean, my friends not loving themselves enough, everyone I know secretly disliking me, etc.
47. Have you ever been high?
On caffeine.
48. Have you ever been drunk?
On life.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Yes. But I'm telling y'all anyways. (My dog was giving me sad eyes so I gave him a treat. And then another. And another. And another. So he ended up having like half the bag.)
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Oh yeah. I've been jealous of many of my friends. They're all so attractive and funny and smart and I'm just kinda there.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
I wish I was more intelligent.
53. Favourite makeup brand?
I don't wear enough makeup to be able to differentiate between the brands.
54. Favourite store?
I like Eastern Asian grocery stores and Target.
55. Favourite blog?
My absolute favorite recently deleted, but my current favourites are @homosexo-l @ot-nine and @queerfictionwriter
56. Favourite colour?
Black, Crimson, and shades of purple.
57. Favourite food? 
Right now I'm a big fan of carrots.
58. Last thing you ate?
An egg and roasted mushroom on a hamburger bun.
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Fruit and protein smoothie with whole grain toast.
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
I’ve won a couple basketball related things, a handful of academic awards, speech tournaments, and a few other things I'm forgetting.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
When I was really young (7 or 8) I was suspended for taking the cookie sprinkles from the class cabinet and distributing them amongst our classmates.
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love? 
Yeah. It sucks.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
We both leaned in. *smooch*
65. Are you hungry right now?
I'm hungry for Love and Affection.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Nah. I love my real friends a lot.
67. Facebook or Twitter?
I don't have either.
68. Twitter or Tumblr.
69. Are you watching tv right now?
I don't really watch TV.
70. Name of your bestfriend? 
71. Craving something? What?
Craving love and affection. Also garlic eggplant.
72. What colour are your towels?
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Four big ones plus eightish throw pillows plus five pillow pets.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
They have their own corner of my room.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
60? I have a ton of tiny ones.
75. Favourite animal?
My dog.
76. What colour is your underwear?
Black and Pink.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
I don't really watch TV but I like Ask us Anything/Knowing Bros and I liked Weekly Idol pre-current MC line up. I also like the Great British Baking show.
82. Favourite movie?
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean girls? I haven't seen pt2.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean girls? I haven't seen 21 jump street.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
I don't really remember the characters, but I think I liked the teacher.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
My dog.
88. Last person you talked to today?
See above. :)
89. Name a person you hate?
Donald J. Trump
90. Name a person you love?
Amber Liu!
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Donald J. Trump
92. In a fight with someone?
My mother.
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
The Lorax 
96. Favourite actress?
I dunno. I don't watch a lot of TV.
97. Favourite actor?
See above.
98. Do you tan a lot?
I would if I didn't stay inside so much or if I were to lay off the sunscreen. 
99. Have any pets?
I have a dog. He’s the bestest. I could go on about him for hours...
100. How are you feeling?
I'm a little tired but my dog is here next to me  so I'm good.
101. Do you type fast?
I'm alright on an actual keyboard, but touch screens slow me down a lot.
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
I regret having picked the wrong Duolingo chest and only getting one Lingot instead of five.
103. Can you spell well?
My initial guess tends to be correct, but I tend to doubt my spelling capabilities and confuse myself over wether or not I was correct.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
I miss the group of people who I went to school with for seven plus years. We were used to each other and it's hard to replicate that camaraderie. 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Hahahahahahaha No.
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
I took riding lessons when i was younger.
108. What should you be doing?
Baking a pie. I want pie.
109. Is something irritating you right now?
America’s President.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
See #23
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My friend/ theripast @squish-io
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
I'm Vegetarian.
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Half of my family is Chinese so I only like the good stuff.
119. Favourite book?
The Monsters of Templeton by Lauren Groff 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
122. Is cheating ever okay?
Once I cheated at Pandemic. The rules of the game were too complicated and I was playing against an expert.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Probably, I don't have any though.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in attraction at first sight but not love.
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
Nah, I'm answering these, it's pretty fun.
127. What makes you happy?
My dog! Kpop crack! Tumblr(sometimes)!
128. Would you change your name?
129. What your zodiac sign?
It starts with a “P”
130. Do you like subway?
Not particularly.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
First of all, that would never happen. Either way as my best friend they would know that I'm gay and so if their pronouns are not she/her it wouldn't be an issue. If their pronouns were she/her then... I dunno. Depends on what would make them happy.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
See #10
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Shawty imma party till the sundown (so I can make it back in time for curfew) 134. Can you count to one million?
Yes. For efficiency I'd count by 500,000s.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
 “I'm straight”
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
I can't sleep with the doors open.
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
The former. 
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
I don't eat either.
148. What’s your favourite quote?
 “Love is like a fart. If you have to force it it's probably shit.”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
No. 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“Well,” Miss Morgan said, her voice losing conviction, “what do you mean, talking about people dressed like me? Blue hats, and so on?”
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slamsams-blog · 4 years
The Living Daylights - #24WeeksofBond
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#24WeeksofBond continues this week with Timothy Dalton’s debut as 007 in “The Living Daylights”, a film about defection, deception, and a damn good cello player.  Man, this movie felt LONG tonight, maybe it’s because of how slow the movie is to get going.  There’s only so much you can take of Bond riding the bumper cars and taking in a community theatre performance before you start getting a little antsy for action and drama.  Timothy Dalton is quite visibly uncomfortable in this role, he finds his footing with the character in his next outing in “License To Kill”, but here it’s like they wanted a smooth transition from the light hearted and comedic style of Moore to a darker Bond with inner conflict.
After 7 movies, Roger Moore has finally convinced the studio that he is done.  Pierce Brosnan was the favorite to take over Roger Moore in this film as James Bond, but timing was not on Pierce’s side.  Due to conflict issues with Pierce’s cop comedy “Remington Steele”, Brosnan was contractually obligated to turn down the role of James Bond, leaving the studio to turn to a welsh stage actor in Timothy Dalton.  Dalton took his craft very seriously and wanted to bring a sense of freshness to the role after the Bond character had almost become a caricature. 
Dalton had previous reservations about playing the part since he had been considered even before Moore was in the picture. Dalton had made public statements about his lack of interest, which made the choice of Dalton as Bond not a unanimous decision by the producers.  Somehow Dalton finally agreed to play the role and the rest, as they say, is history.  This plot was taken from a short story Ian Fleming had wrote and would be the last time a Bond film would be named after and influenced by an Ian Fleming story (That is until Casino Royale in 2006).  
So now we are off to the races with Timothy Dalton and we are introduced to him in the pre-title sequence where Bond is sky-diving into a game of paintball.  This is meant to be a training exercise, but ends up getting a little out of control when someone isn’t playing very nicely and kills one of the agents.  Bond chases him down and latches onto the top of the guys get away vehicle with burning boxes of explosives in the back.  A pretty good way to come in with a bang, I would say.  I do enjoy this scene and Dalton nails the danger of the situation perfectly, but then we see him in a situation where Moore probably would’ve excelled better at when he drops in a bikini-clad woman on a yacht who is desperate for a real man.  Something about this just doesn’t work.  Dalton just doesn’t have a ladies man vibe.
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Flash forward over a sweet Bond theme by a-Ha, where we are now starting to uncover a plot.  Bond has been hand-picked to protect a KGB officer who is defecting from the Soviet Union.  There is intel that there will be a sniper when Geogi Kosgov (Jeroen Krabbé) escapes the orchestra.  But when Bond sees the sniper he sees that it is the female cellist that he noticed earlier.  Right away Bond thinks something is up.  Now Bond and Kosgov go way back apparently.  They are like best buds and we see this friendship kind of play out in the beginning, yet Bond wonders why they asked for him to protect him?  I don’t understand.  This is supposed to add another layer of inner conflict when he starts thinking Kosgov is up to something.
Anyway, Kosgov is defecting (or so the British think) because the new leader of Russia is a mad man and is plotting a scheme to kill spies.  Bond hears Kosgov’s pitch on this, and is not buying it, so he low key makes a pit stop before going to Vienna to take care of this General Pushkin, to see if he can find this cellist to figure out what’s what.  Well turns out this cellist is Kosgov’s girlfriend and is easy to fool and influence.  Kara (Maryam d'Abo) is probably the last of a dead breed of Bond girls.  The poor helpless damsel who needs the man’s protection is all but dead these days, and the female characters are now written just as strong as the men.  Watching d’Abo’s performance here is a little like listening to nails on a chalk board, her helplessness is just a little painful to watch.
Well Bond sniffs the track out and connects Kosgov to an arms dealer and army reject named Brad Whittaker (Joe Don Baker), a man you might recognize in Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies.  It always makes me wonder why they would cast the same actor into a different role within the same series.  Whittaker is your typical dealer who supplies arms for governments and the like, but admires the likes of Hitler and is a war strategy enthusiast.  He is bent, and this time, he is willing to kill the leader of the Soviet Union to protect his investment.  Long story short, Whittaker, Kosgov, and Necros (the milkman who chucks milk bombs) are out to convince the British to kill Pushkin to start a war or something.
It’s an interesting plot from the start, but in my opinion, they just fall short in their execution.  The first half of the movie is a little one note with Bond tracking down what’s really going on.  The only highlight being Bond and Kara sledding away from the bad guys on Kara’s cello case, but even that is a little lame.  Bond is telling his people that he is just trying to get information, but it appears that Bond is actually falling for this girl.  We see him pulling romantic gesture in stopping the ferris wheel at the top and seducing her with Bond kisses.  Then we see a hint of jealousy in Bond’s eyes when she asks about Georgi again.  I don’t know, if Kara wasn’t written as such an air-head, I might have believed this.
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The movie does pick up toward the end when Bond and Pushkin set up a scenario where Pushkin fakes his own death so that they can find out what the dangerous three have up their sleeve.  This leads to Bond earning trust with an Arabic rebel leader who helps him out in getting to where he needs to be to put a stop to this plot.  And the final battle scenes are pretty incredible with Bond and the Milk Bomber clinging to a net that has been deployed from the back of a cargo plane in flight.  Some pretty jaw dropping stunt work here when they show the wide shot of two stunt men actually clinging to this net - like I have said before, that is the stuff that make Bond what it is...real stunts.  Also the final showdown between Bond and Whittaker is super intense.  I have always loved that scene.  Bond going into war with a battle strategy guru.  
Out of Dalton’s two movies he has contributed, The Living Daylights is far less superior than Licence To Kill.  Dalton is at his best when there are clear stakes involved that affect his character personally, like with Felix’s leg being bit off by a shark.  Dalton doesn’t play “for queen and country” Bond all too convincingly.  The Living Daylights was just not a good movie to be a new actor’s first installment in the franchise.  If you are introducing a new actor as Bond, you need a script that is going to deliver all the stops to get you excited.  I can’t imagine The Living Daylights really did that for Dalton.  
Dalton’s two movies were two of the lowest grossing Bond films in the series, although the late 80′s brought a lot of stiff competition the likes of Lethal Weapon, Jaws, Robocop, Beverly Hills Cop, and so on and so forth.  There were plenty of other options in other words.  The Bond series needed some help and Dalton was not appearing to be the answer.  While The Living Daylights has its moments at the end, it really fails to nab the viewer in the first half.  But a-Ha was wonderful!
That’s it for me, what did you all think?
Reviews from Friends:
My Wife
(speaking of Kosgov) He is such an over actor...
24 Weeks of Bond will return next Monday with - 
Dr. No
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