#future version
pink-link-lemonade · 5 months
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Wanted to try a few things out :]
Used an AU version of my tankoc, Muse [Future!Muse; them but further in the future, obviously]
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kaosketches · 2 years
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A few months ago I was looking through my dashboard and got inspired and VERY tempted to think about and draw possible future versions of these two. Even more considering that by this past June, it has been 5 years since that day that inspired me in creating them!
Fun thing, however, is that I don’t have a very set future for them or AU in general. Perhaps just the first two years of what I consider “main canon”, and onwards it gets hazy, lol. ALTHOUGH, I do think of Ellie and Riley’s relationship going stronger as time goes by, and them eventually getting married and having a child (!)... but I don’t think I would touch onto that in the main-canon as such, lol?
The original idea I had was doing “redesigns” of how they would look like in 5 years? But, somehow I ended up here... showing how they might look like in 15 years :)
Riley here is 42 and Ellie is 40. They’ve been married for 7 years, and have a kid who is ~5 years old at this point. This is as much as vague I will reveal(?) right now 😂.
The reason I don’t think they could change too much, yet they kinda would do, is because adulthood is just like that *shrugs*. Besides... BESIDES, I do dig Riley getting a little chonkier when he gets older + becomes a dad 👀, and thinking in him having more of a dad bod in his late 30s/early 40s (more leaning into muscle chub, however?) because it’s something he deserves 😤.
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noknowshame · 1 year
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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evilwizard · 3 months
legend tells that Thoth, god of knowledge and magic, played cards with Khonsu, god of the moon, and won 5 extra days worth of moonlight. he gave them to the sky goddess Nut (who was forbidden from giving birth on any day of the then 360-day year), subsequently allowing her to produce Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set, and Nepthys—one on each of the five days
no one knows that Thoth was up to with the whole “leap year” thing. after all, there’s no way Nut could give birth to just 1/4th of a god. unless…..
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no way!!!! this has become a CERTIFIED MEDJED POST!!!!!!!!!!
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chiptrillino · 10 months
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ID: Zuko on the left and sokka on the right. From avatar, the last air bender from the waist up and aged up. They have their back turned to the viewer and are facing each other so only their profile is visible. They are looking lovingly into each other's eyes. sokka is resting his left arm on zukos shoulder, holding zukos jaw. His index fingers brushing underneath a cut up hair strand. zuko holds with his right hand on sokkas back. His left hand is placed over sokkas wrist, holding a bracelet made out of zukos cut off hair between his two fingers. End ID
i regrett not making zukos robe seethrough again. but... uhm.... i didn't mean to make this complicated again?
----- if you want to deal with all my reblogs may I direct your attention to my side only my artworks blog?
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grouchydairy · 11 months
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future version
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spookberry · 5 months
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Idiot to Idiot communication
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Kill on Sight Orders
The Flash fam has a secret. Okay so they have a lot of secrets, but there's one above all others.
A kill on sight order.
In the worst possible future (one of them there's a lot), a beast named Phantom decimated the world. He took out the entire Justice League, the entire Justice League Dark, any and all small-time heroes that stood in his way. All of it. Everyone.
If they see Phantom as a kid, to prevent the slightest possible chance of Phantom being a thing, it's kill on sight. They all have anti-ghost weapons that can destroy a ghost's core, locked away in a secure facility that they can just run to and grab real quick to get it done.
None of them like it. None of them can risk it.
Bart stumbles into a town that doesn't exist, almost gets got by a ghost that managed to possess him, and gets saved by...Phantom.
A scrawny, teenage Phantom.
He's funny, makes puns, worries about if Bart got hurt or not-he's nothing like the Bad Phantom!
He's not gonna kill his new friend! No way, no how.
But he's gotta keep it a secret from the other Speedsters now, because he doesn't know who came up with that rule but they probably won't understand, and then he'll have a speedster fight on his hands, and no one wants that.
But the government keeps sending letters of complaint to Max, and Max keeps asking why the government is mad at Bart now, and Bart can't tell him "oh it's because there's this town that is off the record and a secret and also where phantom is and i broke in" because that'd rat Phantom out, and even if he didn't mention Phantom Max would want to investigate.
The mailman doesn't understand why his letters keep disappearing but he thinks it might have something to do with the Flash, because there's always a red blur.
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thenugking · 6 months
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The Blights + Onion/Reductress headlines
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unbeknownsttomen · 20 days
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i think we all need to be honest enough to admit this is what would happen 90% of the time
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slymanner · 7 months
God dude these two scenes and how roxie moves hurt my heart so so bad 🥹
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it's like a mix of anger, feral, emotional breakdown, and complete sadness that just fucks me up soooo fucking bad.
it's like she's a pet who got abandoned by their owner but they see them again after years of sadness and depression of them being gone and leaving them like that and all that anger and sadness just manifest's into one bundle of emotion's towards them they cannot control.
roxie baby ur gonna be okay u deserve better :[
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sandymybeloved · 29 days
just remembered really stupid thought I had in Space Babies. So obviously Ruby asks to go to 21506, but she asks one number at a time and the Doctor is surprised when she says a fifth number. But umm, was he actually considering taking her to 2150 for her first adventure? As in the Dalek Invasion of Earth? The Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150AD?
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bet-on-me-13 · 6 months
Danny is Cass's brother
So! Back when David Cain was making his "Perfect Weapon", he came across a complication.
Lady Shiva, the woman who was set to give him his Weapon, was pregnant with Twins.
He decided that the Spare was useless to him, and that he needed to devote all his time to the Weapon. He was about to give it up, or maybe just dispose of it, when he decided that it was fine to keep it. A Spare is still a Spare after all, if the Weapon ever failed or died, he could start from scratch.
So, Danny was raised for the first 8 years of his life as a Spare Weapon. He didn't get the same rigorous training that Cass did, as she was the main focus, but he was still trained in the basics. Even a Spare Weapon need maintenance after all.
Then, when he was 8, Cass broke into his Cell Room and ran from the Base with him. She knew that once she escaped, Danny would be the next one to suffer, so she took him as well.
Unfortunately, they got seperated somewhere in Illinois when they got caught by some of David's mercenaries.
Cass kept going, running all across the country before ending up in Gotham at 15 (1 year earlier than normal). There, she got adopted by Bruce Wayne and became the Vigilante, Orphan. She never stopped looking for her brother, but at the very least she knew that he must have escaped David Cain's men. They were focused specifically on her after all.
Cass had enlisted the help of her new Family to search for him. DNA tracking, Facial Recognition, even asking some of their Underworld Contacts for information.
Unfortunately, they had no leads. Until one day when one of their Facial Recognition Programs finally picks up on a Match.
The face of a Small Time Hero in Illinois.
When Danny and Cass got seperated, he ended up in Amity Park. After a few days of Wandering, he was found by Jazz, who then took him to her Parents and convinced them to Adopt him.
When Danny is 14, he is in a Lab Accident that turns him into a Halfa. Using his New Powers and Old Training, Danny manages to keep his new Family and Home safe from the Ghosts coming through the Fentons Portal. He becomes a Hero basically, even though he doesn't really want to attention.
He thanks the Ancients when he finds out about the Media Blackout Amity is Under. He guesses it's not great, but at least he is safe for now.
He continues like this until one day when he is 16, and there is a knock on the Door.
He opens it, and stands shocked when he sees his Sister. Not Jazz, the wonderful woman who took him in and taught him how to speak all those years ago. The one who has acted as his Older Sister for the past 5 years.
His Sister. His Twin. Cass.
After a moment of Shock, they simultaneously go in for a Hug and start to cry a little.
After a few minutes of calming down, Danny introduces his Sister to his bewildered Family. Cass likewise introduces her Adoptive Brother, Dick, who came along to make sure she was safe on the trip.
While Dick and the Fentons get acquainted, Danny takes Cass up to his room to talk.
She explains what happened after they got seperated, what she is doing there, and how she found him.
She tells him that she had originally come to Amity to bring him to her new Family, but she could see the love he held for the Fentons. Also the town needed its Hero.
Danny is shocked that she even found him through the Media Blackout, but not so much at the fact that she nailed his secret identity on sight. She was always observant after all.
After that, Cass and Dick stay in Amity for a few weeks so Danny and Cass can catch up. He introduces her to his friends, shows her around his parents Lab, and even let's her meet some of his kore friendly Rogues.
They are just having a great time.
Back in Gotham, Batman just got a very frantic call from Barry.
"Bruce, I just came back from the future!" Shouted Barry through the Comms.
"Explain." Demanded Batman. Barry knew better than to Time Travel without just cause. If he was forced to time travel, it was serious.
"A Villain shows up, an Apocalyptic Level Villain." Barry explains, "He destroys Everything. And I mean Everything. None of us can stop him, he has too many powers to combat. Flight, Invisibility, Intangiblity, Energy Beams, Energy Constructs, Ice Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Electrokinesis, the list goes on."
"How do we stop him?" Asked Batman. This was dangerous, a Villain with even half of those powers was deadly already.
"It's complicated, but I think he followed me and another Hero back in Time. I think it may be a Closed Time Loop. He is the catalyst for his own creation."
"Is there any way to break the Loop? What is the main driving force to his Creation?" Asks Batman.
"Well, I know his name at least. He goes by Phantom, but his real name is Danny Fenton." Barry explains.
Bruce feels his heart grow cold. He knows both of those names.
Phantom, aka Danny Fenton, aka Daniel Cain.
Cassandra's Brother.
Barry seems to hesitate, before continuing, "...and as far as I know, the catalyst for his creation is the death of Orphan in Amity Park."
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batcavescolony · 1 year
With the rise in panels of Tim going all unhinged 'I could kill someone' here's this
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breakbleheavens · 11 months
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When I think back on the Speak Now album, I get a lump in my throat. I have a feeling it will always be that way, because this period of time was so vibrantly aglow with the last light of the setting sun of my childhood. I made this album, completely self-written, between the ages of 18 and 20. I've spoken about how I feel like those ages are the most emotionally turbulent ones in a persons life. Maybe when I say that, I'm really just talking about myself.
I always looked at this album as my album, and the lump in my throat expands to a quivering voice as I say this. Thanks to you, dear reader, it finally will be.
I consider this music to be, along with your faith in me, the best thing that's ever been mine.
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intotheelliwoods · 8 months
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Elliwoods' 4K+ DTIYS <- <-
Seeming as theres interest, a DTIYS at last! Thanks again to everyone new, and those who have stuck with me for for all these months!!
Deadlines? None! Edit: December 1st, 2023!
Prizes? I will love and cherish you forever, actually
I just want everyone to enjoy themselves! No pressure on my end at all. The only "prize" would be I might make your work my phone background for a long while! Other notes meanwhile:
- I encourage everyone to have fun with the outfits! I cannot stress this one enough! I want to see you get creative on what these boys can wear! You do not need to give them the same outfits I did! I think it would be awesome if every participant had a completely unique fit! - You can change the poses and angle as much as you would like! Literally long as the two Leos are in the shot I am happy! - Want to write instead? Something surrounding the scene! Where are they? What are they saying? Are they on a vacation in Tahiti? Are they in a 80's movie makeover montage? - Tag me please and thank you! I want to see your gorgeous takes! <3
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This may or may not have been inspired by this old piece
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