#funniest baby and dog and cat
deviprasad12 · 1 year
funniest baby and dog and cat😹🤣😍 funny babies 2023🤣funny babies videos 2023
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outro-jo · 11 months
skz and their black cat partner
pairing: skz members x (gn) reader
type: headcanon?
warnings: none really
request: yes?
notes: i got an interesting request and i wasn’t sure how to go about it until i saw this svt reaction and so i went more this route
how i personally define a black cat personality: dark energy/vibe usually accompanied by a dark aesthetic but doesn’t always have to. not super fond of affection or prefers affection on their own terms. sassy with good quips and comebacks. has an interest in “darker” topics such as horror, the occult, “dark” psychology, etc. chronically unbothered. FIERCELY protective once you gain their love/loyalty. occasionally unhinged and feral (gets the zoomies whether physical or mental/verbal). big scorpio energy tbh
not taking requests at this time/clearing out inbox
masterlist | info
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chan- think of how he is with lee know and seungmin sometimes. yeah. like when you’re sitting there like 😐😒, he’s squishing you and sticking his face in yours affectionately. you’re his baby. there are times when he respects your space but for the most part he’s all over you. most of the time he’s the protector but there have been a few times he’s seen your protective side and the pride he feels???? omg
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lee know- omg he loves it sm. he already has the sunshine to his grumpy with some of the other boys. so you’re just like him. his fav thing though is when you get a burst of energy (zoomies) usually at the end of the day and you’re just goofing off with him. he LOVES to tease you. not rly the way chan does where it’s all cutesy but he just kinda pokes at you… physically and metaphorically. he just loves having someone he can chill with and really be himself.
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changbin- so he likes to play that he’s this dark boy but he’s really a softie. he gets kinda nervous sometimes when you’re too quiet that he’s done something wrong but you do this thing where when you’re sitting together you take his hand and put it where you want affection at that moment. like you’ll just hold his hand or put his hand on your head and he just :> “oh so you do like me???”
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hyunjin- he’s finally found someone as sassy as him. the funniest thing (for others really) is when something happens and you both kinda share the same look of confusion and disgust (judgement). everything is just really calm and lowkey with you, which he loves but then when you’re both alone you kinda bounce off the walls together.
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han- beast boy x raven (gn) vibes. like he is an absolute SIMP for you. he thrives with a darker, kinda emo or goth partner. even if that’s not rly your aesthetic, he just likes having a partner that’s more lowkey to balance him out but whenever you do get your bursts of energy he always matches it and it’s kinda magical. you’re the one usually teasing him and it’s funny bc it’ll either fluster the hell out of him or like he didn’t even catch it. you 1000% become like a security blanket in human form for him.
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felix- grumpy x sunshine. now, he’s not the type to poke fun at you or anything or tease you when you’re in your more quiet, grumpy moments. he just kinda sits there like the sunshine he is and loves you through it. damn, is he cute. he has you melting instantly but you obviously can’t show that. he loves to cuddle you even when you’re stiff as a board, unsure what to do with affection. felix also does this super 🫠🫠🫠 thing where he randomly tells you you’re pretty (✨gn✨) AND ITS ALWAYS WITH THE CUTEST FACE SCRUNCH and then gives you a little peck leaving you like 🧍🏻😳
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seungmin- you two actually have similar energy but he’s like the dog version? i wouldn’t necessarily call him a black lab or anything, he’s just kinda the puppy version of you. (idk how to make it make sense. iykyk) you two just kinda vibe together and enjoy each other’s company without having to say a lot which is super nice. you just have this like rhythm and comfortability with each other that is just so ✨✨✨. there’s also this insane sixth sense with each other where you both feel out what’s going on in the room and know what to do without saying a word to each other. the amount of times where y’all have been hanging out with friends only to get up and leave without any notice to anyone else to be like, “yeah, we’re gonna go” bc both of your social batteries have drained and you two just need to go watch some tv. you’re both also incredibly protective of each other when necessary.
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i.n- he just finds everything you do so adorable and endearing. think wednesday and enid but he doesn’t rly have the enid aesthetic, just vibes. you have more of a dark side which he admittedly kinda loves. you could be sitting there sharpening knives and he’s like, “aren’t they the cutest!” (exaggeration but you get the idea) you just exist and he’s your biggest fan though. omg you smiled at him once (kinda sarcastically) and it made his whole year.
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Stuffed animals I think Dethklok would give each other
Not trying to infantilize, they all get them those fuckin man babies.
Probably cringe but I could care less honestly 😭
Not proofread suck a fart
Pickles gets him a whale. It's a reference to the whale he'll see so maybe next time he can relate it to his stuffed animal and not worry. They also stand for strength, which adds to the overall meaning of getting over fears.
Murderface would get him a lion. He says it's a jab at how much of a perfectionist he needs to be to be proud of his work. They're also just hella fucking brutal. Lions for the win
Skwisgaar would get him some type of fish. It doesn't matter which one, just whichever he finds first. They won't be very big, just little plushies.
Toki would get him a German Shepherd. He thinks it's a cool dog and I like to think it's Nathan's favorite. He would probably get the black ones to match Nathan's hair. He likes how they're actually cute but look brutal.
Charles isn't a big giver, especially with stuffed animals. If he finds one of those brutally cute things like the baphomet plushies he'll get them. Other than that, he's just too busy to look for insanely interesting ones.
Nathan would get him that alien plush from Ikea. I don't know why that was the first thing I thought of, but it was. It's called like Aftonsparv I think. They just both find it chucklesome.
Pickles would get him a wolf. I like to think that he just obsesses over wolves sometimes and Pickles feels the need to add fuel to fire.
Murderface would get him an arctic fox. He likes to say that Skwisgaar is from the North Pole up with "Santy Claus". He also just likes them.
Toki would get him a polar bear. I just think that everyone collectively thinks that Skwisgaar is an arctic man. He's pale and has ice blue eyes so it makes sense to me.
Nathan would get him a bunny because it's his spirit animal. (Ie. The episode they aired Bloodlines, I can never remember the name)
Pickles would get him little sharks. Think Blåhaj and things related. He just thinks they're cute and Toki loves them.
Murderface would get him a tiger. He says it's better because it's like a house cat but metal. Toki would argue that house cats are quite metal, but to no avail.
Skwisgaar would get him big octopuses. He would either say it was the Kraken or Cthulhu. Whichever he felt like it being.
Nathan would get him just that. Pickles. It would be like the Cat v Pickle plushies and if it was a cat he'd just give it to Toki or something. He thinks it's the funniest shit ever
Murderface would get him an orca. They're hella brutal and he thinks it's funny that they're actually dolphins (don't fact check me i'm pretty sure that's true)
Toki is getting him dolphins. They're the shark and dolphin duo and it's so fun. It's a gag at this point, they'll buy each other the ugliest ones.
Skwisgaar would give him a frog. He just think it fits Pickles's vibe and appearance. Not to say he's an ugly frog.
Nathan would get him a pig. At first it seems like a jab at him, but pigs are cute! They're also known to be smart and clean, at least from what a teacher told me once.
Pickles would get him those plushies of his favorite chip bags because they're just so fun. they also crinkle because why wouldn't they.
Toki would get him lions because they're also brutal cats and he thinks he should get the same thing. Also he needs some strength in his life the poor guy.
Skwisgaar would get him a manatee. It's just an ongoing joke since the events of Doublebookedklok. They giggle about it when they get too high sometimes.
He's the gifter this time
He hates when the guys get him things because he thinks they should use their money on "more useful" things.
He'll get Nathan those Baphomet plushies. They don't have to be generally big, but if he sees one he'll get it.
Pickles would get a horse or two from him. Specially the white and black ones, considering those are the most metal horses.
Murderface would get a wrench from this son of a bitch. Not a real one like a stuffed one I hope that was clear. I think they'd both giggle a little bit.
He's also a Toki cat giver. Specifically Calico cats. If he finds one that looks like Really Cool Cat then he'll get it for sentiment.
He'll get Skwisgaar an owl. He thinks it matches him and is majestic like he is, while still kind of creepy. Also spirit animal mention.
That's it I hope you fucks enjoyed <33
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opal-and-co · 8 months
My sweet sassy boy Minty very suddenly passed away just over a week ago today and I want to say a million things, but mostly I just want to share him with as many people as I can. He was very silly from the second I brought him home, up until he was last with us.
This video was taken not too long after I brought my parakeets home, and I thought it was entirely too precious that this darling baby bird was...spinning. For fun. He grew out of this behavior, much like an adolescent might stop spinning for the hell of it even though it was the funniest thing ever when they were 6.
Adding some additional info under the read more. Nothing heavy, just some stuff I'd like to share in memory of my little guy.
Parakeets are a common "first pet" for kids, or seen as easy, especially with their throwaway price tag in pet stores. When you bring home a parakeet (or any parrot really), you're bringing home a 10+ year commitment to an animal that isn't even largely considered domesticated. These amazing little animals are known for their charismatic personalities and charming tricks. They can talk! They'll do all kinds of things! They'll be your best friend! While true sometimes, Minty never really wanted to be friends with me in the two years I knew him. Cornflower (the blue blob behind him in the video) does not care to be friends with me and probably never will. They vastly preferred each others company, as well as the company of my cockatiel who, while isn't a parakeet, is another bird like them. All my birds like me and my partner well enough that we know we're part of their "flock," but my parakeets will never ask for snuggles or head scritches. I'm almost certain they will never learn to speak simply because they don't want to. They don't want to sit on my shoulder and be my best buddy. That's okay. They're not domesticated animals like a dog or a cat who might be actively interested in a person's company. Parakeets are small and delicate and complex. They are messy and they bite and they scream and these are not behaviors you can train away. Small birds with high metabolisms poop every 5-8 minutes. That's a lot of mess, even if it's not all in one go!
So when you look at my darling Minty, or when you look at any other funny parrot video or picture online, please remember that is nearly a wild animal that should be enjoying the company of its own kind. I ask you kindly not to purchase birds from pet stores and seek to rescue whenever possible if you truly think your home is right for a parrot. I ask you to know that your bird may never do the things the birds online do, and you need to be okay with that. Your bird will bite and scream and make a mess, and you need to be okay with that. If you know someone considering bringing a bird home, please gently try to inform them of the ugly that comes along with that.
At this point, this is word soup and I thank you for reading this far. I am not a beakon of all bird knowledge, but I think myself knowledgeable enough that my DMs are open for questions, and if I don't feel comfortable answering something, I can find you a resource.
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
would it be a sin? // lando norris
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summary: lando tries (and fails in the sweetest funniest of ways) to make his and y/n’s first night in their new house together a memorable experience
pairing: lando norris x female reader
warnings: sweet and dorky and giggly smut, but still smut
author's note: this is a love letter to all my girlies who are not kinky in the slightest. just because you don't like it too rough, or don't have any interest in anything kinky doesn't mean that you can't have a fulfilling sex life. this ones for you <3
never in her life did y/n y/l/n dream that she would be so lucky.
leaves were falling down outside, orange and yellow and red dotting the interlock driveway and crunching under the wheels of lando's mclaren as he pulled up the front drive. the movers had been there earlier in the day, a few suitcases stowed away in the back of the luxury supercar.
she stepped out of the car, looking up at the house in wonder as she pulled the massive stuffed ikea bear out of the trunk.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
lando grinned, dangling the house keys in front of him. “better believe it, baby! you are out of your moms house and living with the love of your life, aka me.”
y/n giggled, pecking lando on the lips, the stuffed bear wedged between their bodies.
“I still can’t believe that you brought that bear. it gives me nightmares, baby.”
“uh, lan, it’s not a ‘bear’, it’s a djungelskog.” she giggled, shaking the bear in landos face. “come on, I’ve had this thing since I was a baby, I brought him with me to college. sometimes I snuggle him in my sleep while you’re gone.”
“that’s cute, darling, but I’m here now.” lando said gently, taking the djungelskog bear from y/n and darting up the driveway, where he opened the front door and put the bear in the living room before running down the driveway and sweeping y/n into his arms with a smile and a laugh.
"lando norris, put me down!" y/n laughed as lando carried her over the threshold and into the living room, which was empty save for the stacks upon stacks of boxes.
"you think that im not going to carry my girlfriend over the threshold of our new house?"
"well, yeah, but you're also likely to drop me!"
lando laughed before gently setting y/n down on the soles of her tennis shoes, his arms still around her as he pressed his lips to hers. "we did it, love. this place is ours now."
lando wouldn't say it out loud, but the cozy bunglow ranch house was where he could see the rest of his life unfolding: carrying y/n through the doorway in her voluminous white wedding dress, the smell of fresh bread as she baked in the kitchen, the smell travelling down the hall to his simulator room. two little kids running around the halls, one boy and one girl, a mini carbon copy of both of them. maybe a dog or two? or a cat? teaching his kids how to use the mclaren simulator, their little hands overtop of his as he helped them reach the steering wheel. birthday parties with helium balloons and confetti, little carboard party hats on everybody's heads.
from the first real estate showing, lando norris had seen the rest of his life unfold in that house.
"come on, let me show you the master bedroom."
"lando, i saw the pictures, remember?"
because of their complicated schedules, and the demand for that particular home, lando had been the only one able to go with the estate agent on the one day that was available, so y/n hadn't seen the interior in person yet.
"yes, but it's even better in person!"
giggling at lando's excitement, y/n took his hand and followed him down the long hallway to the master bedroom. the couple were so caught up in the moment that they hadn't even taken off their shoes, tracking dirt throughout the length of the hallway.
"lando, this is incredible! our bed isn't even going to take up half of this place!"
the mclaren driver shrugged, kicking the mattress towards the middle of the cavernous, sunny room. "then we just get a bigger one? it's not that big a deal, love."
"it is when i still have student loans to pay off. i feel bad, i didn't help you pay for any of this." y/n insisted.
"let me spoil you." lando countered, walking over to the cardboard box that held y/n's treasured vitrola record player, plugging it into the wall before he started looking for the records. "hey, do you know where the box with the vinyl is?"
"how should i know, lando? the movers did it all, didn't they?" y/n shook her head with a small grin as she went over to a tupperware container marked 'linens'. "we may not have a bedframe or a soundtrack, but at least now we have sheets and a duvet because god, i'm way too tired today to even think about putting the ikea furniture together."
with the new house had come a complete overhaul of the furniture lando owned. well, everything that max fewtrell was letting him take. being a university student and still living with her mother, y/n didn't have a lot, but she did bring a few other important things, like hand knitted blankets from her grandmother and numerous corningware dishes and china plates from her mother's collection.
"found them!" lando cried in achievement, throwing on an old elvis record that he bought last time he was in austin for a grand prix simply because he wanted the experience of dancing to the vinyl recording of can't help falling in love with you with y/n in the middle of the living room in his apartment at one in the morning because he thought it would be romantic.
"so, i take it you're not helping me?" y/ raised an eybrow as she started putting pillows in cases. "last i checked, this was a two person job, and if you want to get laid tonight, you'd better help, because i refuse to fuck you on the floor."
lando's head shot up, and he lunged for the corner of the flannel sheets.
"oh, so that gets you on your feet?" y/n giggled as the couple put the fitted sheet on the full sized mattress.
as soon as y/n deemed lando's work acceptable by lying in the middle of the bed, lando crawled on top of her, caging her body against the mattress and kissing her deeply, smiles on both of their faces.
"i know i complained a lot, but i'm really glad that you talked me into moving in with you." y/n said through a smile, running her fingers through lando's hair.
"i'm glad that max isn't going to be a cockblock any more." lando laughed out, causing y/n to giggle underneath him.
"or my mom."
"jesus christ, anything but that. your mom still glares at me any time we go up to your room, you know that?"
"she means well, lando." y/n giggles, kissing him again. "she doesn't want grandkids yet. not because she thinks we're too young, but mostly because she thinks she's not old enough to be called grandma."
"your mother is evil." lando chuckled before he kisses her again, his soft lips cushioning her bottom lip as the kiss deepens, her body getting pushed further into the mattress, chilled hands sliding up her sweater.
"god, lando!" she hisses from the impact, trying to push his hands away. "you're freezing!"
the brit shrugged "to be quite fair, it is only like, fifteen degrees outside. is now a good time for me to figure out how the fireplace works? it could be romantic." he wiggled his eyebrows at the end, eliciting raucous laughter from his lover, who was still underneath him.
"go on then, let me move the mattress closer so we can actually feel the heat."
lando messed around with the ornate stone fireplace, turning dials and dropping firewood before realizing that he didn't have a lighter anywhere, and therefore would struggle with actually igniting the kindling.
the fireplace had been one of the factors that drove y/n's final decision on the ranch house, the grey stone creating a cottage-like feel, giving a cozy atmosphere and tying the whole room together. she was not a fan of the cinnamon-colored paint on the wall, but lando promised that the would get the twitch quartet to help him repaint it in whatever color she wanted.
y/n laughed to herself as she brought the mattress closer, dropping down two pillows, a knit blanket and the duvet.
"do you need some help, lando?"
lando shook his head, looking through a shoebox of things that were emptied out of his kitchen drawer. "just get comfortable. i need to open a box and find some newspaper to light on fire."
"that is the worst idea i think i've ever heard you speak out loud."
"it's kindling!"
"it's a safety hazard."
shaking her head, y/ slipped out of her woolen sweater, adidas and jeans before she slipped under the covers, sliding off her white lace bra and throwing it in lando's direction to try and get his attention.
she missed, the bra sliding harmlessly across the floor as lando ignited the fireplace, the cozy scent of burning firewood filling the air. but the driver kept messing with the fire, using the cast iron poker to push around the logs, hoping that the fire would grow
rolling her eyes impatiently, y/n slipped off her lacy panties underneath the covers before balling them into her hand and throwing them.
this time, she hit the mark, the balled-up sunflower-colored fabric hitting lando in the back of the head. he finally turned around, picking up the undergarment in his hands and staring in confusion before turning to look at the mattress.
"oh, love. you'll be the death of me at this rate."
y/n had a big smile on her face as she propped herself up on an elbow, holding the duvet cover over her cleavage as she teasingly smiled at lando.
with a beaming grin, lando pulled his sweater over his head and kicked off his running shoes, making his way over to the bed.
"babe, look out-"
she had barely finished issuing the warning before lando tripping over y/n's tennis shoes and trying to grab onto one of the stacked boxes to try and regain his balance, a massive cardboard box containing all of lando's mclaren gear falling over and spilling papaya colored shirts and baseball caps onto the hardwood floor.
"lan, sweetie, are you okay?" y/n said through laughter
"i'm fine." lando choked out, still giggling himself as he slipped out of his jeans and joined y/n under the covers next to the fire.
the fire warmed their exposed skin as lando and y/n embraced, his hungry lips quickly taking control, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip as he grinded into her aching core, swallowing her sweet, soft moan in his fiery kiss.
the driver continued to trail soothing, gentle kisses across y/n's jaw, his fingers moving to lace with hers as he held her hand next to her head, nipping at the sweet spot on her neck as she bucked her hips into his.
"patience, pretty girl." lando hummed, moving his feather light kisses down her neck before gently taking one of y/n's hard nipples into his mouth.
y/n dropped his hand, burying her finger's in lando's curls as she urged him forward, begging the brit to give her more as gentle whines spilled from her lips.
he trailed his kisses further and further down her body, each kiss punctuated by a different declaration of love: "i love you", "you're the most beautiful girl i've ever met", "i cant imagine another day without you by my side."
little praises that brought a content smile to her face as lando began to kiss and caress her inner thighs, inching closer and clsoer to where she needed him the most.
y/n wasn’t a kinky person by any means. she’d much rather be made love to by candlelight than fucked from behind and spanked. but the one thing lando knew got her off more than anything was being on the receiving end of body worship. after spending so many years insecure and worried that nobody would ever find her pretty or sexy or attractive, listening to lando tell her how stunning she was in such a genuine tone, or showing her how gorgeous she was with his mouth and his hands was the perfect way to get her closer to an orgasm.
her biggest concern in the beginning was that lando would tire of vanilla sex and break up with her to go find somebody new, somebody more willing to take risks in the bedroom. someone who liked it a little rougher.
acutely aware of this fact, lando went out of his way to find ways to spice it up without getting kinky. truth be told, he had never read more cosmopolitan articles in his life, but he was thankful to the ever growing wisdom of the sex life magazine for being the brains behind some of his favourite sexual memories with y/n. the time they played strip monopoly (lando lost, but he wasn't complaining) was his favourite, but he would deny the game even existed if one of his buddies asked him about it. no, that was a memory for him an y/n only.
together they'd experimented with different music to set the mood, different lingerie and lingerie fabrics to find out which ones felt the best, different massage oils (no need to elaborate here), the one time that he wore his race suit and fireproofs (and my god, did they both think that was an incredible night).
"oh my god, lando, stop being such a tease." y/n breathed. "i need you so badly right now."
"tell me what you want, my gorgeous gorgeous girl." lando hummed, breathing on her most sensitive area
y/n's breath hitched, one hand still on the back of lando's head, the other clutching the sheets that were wrapped around her upper body. "i want your tongue. i want you to eat me out."
lando wasted no time, slipping his tongue in between her sopping wet folds, swirling and licking in the way that only he knew how. y/n clenched her thighs together, squeezing around lando's head, but cautious of the pressure she was putting on the driver.
"wrap those gorgeous thighs around me, love. if i die, i die and i get an awesome story to tell in heaven."
y/n laughed, a beautiful and delicate sound that sent even more blood rushing to lando's cock, if that was even possible.
sex with lando never failed to make y/n giggle. not because it was humorous or laughable, but because lando made her feel so comfortable in her own skin, made her feel like she could laugh at any given moment because he knew just the right thing to do. lando knew that sex and laughter were not mutually exclusive and made it his mission to make her laugh at least once every time they fucked.
with each movement of his tongue, y/n clenched her thighs tighter around lando's head, moans getting louder as she began to rut her hips up and into his face.
"oh lando, i-i think i'm gonna...oh god."
she almost whimpered as lando pulled away, still covered completely by the duvet. she found herself giggling at the young man as he floundered underneath the blankets to try and get back out again, his hair ruffled and messy.
still laughing, she pulled him close, pressing her lips to his, sliding her free hand down the front of his boxers to rub his erection.
"see what you do to me, love?" lando whispered quietly, moaning breathily down her ear as she slides her hand up and down his cock.
"take me, lando." she practically moans, kissing and nibbling up the driver's neck and pressing herself closer, desperate for more skin-on-skin contact. "please." her voice took on more of a whine this time, and lando couldn't resist.
he gently pushed her back against the mattress, awkwardly shuffling out of his underwear before ensuring that they were both wrapped up in the sheets and duvet, still feeling the warmth from the fireplace before he gently and smoothly pushed into her, lacing his fingers with hers on both hands, pinning them above her head before he began to thrust in and out. he kept the pace even, somewhere between slow and quick, y/n's head tilted back in pleasure.
"oh, lando...fuck, you feel incredible inside me."
"i love making love to you, darling." lando breathed before kissing her, letting go of one of y/n's hands to grip her waist as he started thrusting quicker. "i love hearing you moan my name, feeling your skin against mine."
she used her free hand to grip lando's hair, holding his head close as the driver started kissing the breast that he hadn't paid attention earlier.
that was another incredible thing about lando norris: there wasn't a single part of her body that he left unloved when they had sex.
"did i mention how much i adore your boobs?" he said moments later, a certain giddiness in his tone and a grin on his face that y/n found it impossible not to match, even while lando was almost balls-deep inside of her, breaking out in a grin right before a particularly deep thrust had her letting out a moan that made her entire body shake.
"once or twice." she said dreamily, pulling lando back in for a kiss, hiking her leg further up to give lando better access to a deeper angle.
"oh, just like that, love." lando moaned, quickening his pace once again. "oh, i doubt that i'm going to last much longer."
“I don’t think I will either.” she remarked casually, feeling the familiar knot in her stomach as she kissed lando hungrily, a kiss that was all tongue and teeth.
landos breath hitched as he felt y/ns walls begun to close around him, his thrusts faltering as his eyes rolled back in his head.
“come for me darling.” he encouraged, nipping at her neck. “I’ve got you, love. let go for me.”
she reached for landos hand, squeezing down hard as her entire body shook from her orgasm, face buried in landos neck to muffle her cries of pleasure. Lando reached his own peak shortly after, the couple lying skin-to-skin underneath the covers, her head on his chest.
“I love you, you big dork.” y/n said with a smile, placing a gentle kiss on landos jaw.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” the driver grinned, shifting his position on the bed. “are you warm enough, love?” he worried, pulling the duvet cover up and over her shoulders.
“I’m fine, baby.” she chuckled, tracing shapes on his skin. “the house is beautiful.”
“isn’t it? if we put down a rug and a few chairs, maybe a coffee table in front of the fire, it makes the perfect place to play another round of strip monopoly.”
y/n laughed. “again? are you sure your ego could handle losing again?”
“love, trust me. it was not ‘losing’ when the night ended with me inside of you anyways.”
“I can’t wait to start making memories in this house with you.” she smiled, shifting her position so that she was looking down at lando. “just you and me, maybe a tabby cat.” she paused. “a baby…one day?”
lando smiled, kissing her softly. “one day, my love. one day. I’d love to start a family with you. once the time is right.”
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tired-biscuit · 7 months
thinking about introducing kiba to your pet cat after you invite him inside your home for the first time ever since getting together.
he’s all unenthusiastic about it because of the whole dog person thingy that he has going on, of course, but he is still trying to appear interested just to appease you, his girlfriend.
so being the good boyfriend that he is, he crouches in the hallway after he kicks his shoes off and lets the cat sniff at his hand, grumbling something about how you should get a dog instead of this ‘lil’ shithead’ under his breath the whole time as you try to calm down your snickering.
he’s just about to stand back up to his full height again but then he pauses and blinks in surprise as the kitty bumps its little head against his palm, clearly portraying a sign of affection neither of you expected to be there so soon.
his fingers curl upwards before he scratches it behind one ear, maybe even reaching out for the other before he dips them under its chin and tickles it there. it’s the same motion he does with akamaru and with most puppies that his sister hana takes care of at the clinic, but the funniest thing is that he acts like he doesn’t like it at all; the purring to ensue to said petting even makes him scowl.
“i think he likes you.”
“yeah, whatever.”
his eyes roll as he says the words, but you don’t miss the way one corner of his mouth kicks upward with it. he’s always been a sucker when it comes to being liked by everyone and everything.
weeks pass after that and kiba keeps on insisting that he doesn’t like cats, yours included. however, the more he visits your home — sometimes spending the night, other times just hanging out throughout the day; especially the rainy ones — the more he befriends your little pet.
before you know it, your cat is suddenly sprawled on his lap during movie nights, clawing at his sweatpants with pure delight and yet he doesn’t say a word about it. it insists on sleeping on his chest or curling up beside him because of his body heat whenever he spends the night in your bed. it sits on his shoulder, half-wrapped around the back of his neck whenever he’s standing next to the stove in the kitchen, cooking a meal you’ll later complain about having too much spice in it.
the cat follows him wherever he goes, even going as far as to scratch at the door impatienly when he goes to the bathroom to shower or whatever and doesn’t allow it to accompany him inside. and it’s not only that; even the bedroom door needs to be shut closed when things get heated and intimate between you because it’ll otherwise jump on his back or the bed and start meowing while he’s balls deep inside you, folding you in a tight mating press.
he carries it around like a baby and sometimes wraps it inside his hoodie where it’s extra warm even though he swears up and down that it somehow got there all on its own when you muse and give him a look in response. he starts taking silly pictures of it and texts you ‘what da cat doin’, asking you for updates when he isn’t able to visit you for a couple of days.
they become buddies even if he doesn’t want to admit it. it’s always ‘stupid cat’ this and ‘goofy fuckin’ bastard’ that, but sometimes when he thinks you’re not paying attention, he boops its little nose or coos at it or pets it with a fanged smile that melts your heart. animals just love him, it comes naturally.
he still insists on calling it a shithead though.
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letters2won · 5 months
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@/yangwon: ‘04, the pretty student council president that everyone adores, is secretly in love with y/n (everyone knows), thinks he’s a cat, jay’s sugar baby
@/thewon4her: Jungwon secret account to giggle like a teenage school girl about y/n, is actually a menace behind closed doors
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@/lhs01_: ‘01, league of legends hardcore player, he thinks being a gamer would help him pull bitches, hates genshin but tolerates it for Ni-ki
@/jpark_: ‘02, the rich friend, somehow became jungwon’s sugar daddy, wants one day where Sunghoon isn’t begging to be the next
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@/laylaluver: ‘02, obsessed with his dog layla and sees himself as her dad, is in fact NOT looking for a mom for her, “pinky ring til i get a wedding ring” is his go to quote
@/hoon2hawt: ‘02, thinks he’s the funniest person alive, ALSO the hottest, tiktok dance king, is praying on Jungwon’s downfall so he can be the next sugar baby
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@/kimsuunnnooo: 0’3, local sunshine who is actually a shit starter, skincare king and the girlies are jealous, thinks Jake is bitchless
@/nishi_rizzlord: ‘05, the youngest, average genshin play who thinks he’s the best, is trying to dox whoever got him banned on roblox, menace #2
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TAGLIST < open > @sincerelyrki @firstclassjaylee @w0nslvr @poollabug @mrchweeee @ilovejungwonandhaechan @nanuer
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creedslove · 8 months
Who of the boys would be more of a cat and who would be more of a dog person?
Rewatching Narcos currently andJavi P seeking justice for Murphys cat was the animal love I needed.
I know he says he’s not much of a cat person but the way he treated it.. cat man 🧐🫶
Featuring: Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Agent Whiskey, Dave York and Marcus Pike
A/N: aww this is a very good idea!!! I love it honey! Also, I have a feeling all the Pedro boys lean towards dogs, but that doesn't mean they won't go soft with a kitty 🐈
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Javier Peña: Javi likes dogs better, there's no argument towards that, he grew up around dogs on his dad's ranch and he loves how strong and loyal they are, however, that doesn't mean Javi is insensitive towards cats, we all have seen how fierce he was to fight for the fact that cat was DEA as much as Steve and himself were, even if there was a tiny comical hint to it; Javier isn't a huge cat person, but he does have a soft spot for them, they are cute sometimes and amongst all the violence he has encountered through his life, he thought he would lose that empathy towards smaller things, but he was very wrong, so once he saw a stray kitty fumbling around the garbage to look for food and it made his heart break, he didn't know why exactly, but he was so tired of seeing the evilest side of people, it felt just too unfair such a tiny cute little creature starve on the streets, which caused Javier to feed the cat leftovers of his meals which quickly became a habit and now the cat is fat and he doesn't know what to do
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Joel Miller: Joel Miller is 100% dog person and there's no argument about that at all, although after he grew up and had to take care of a house and a baby daughter on his own, he decided to have a no pet rule: money was tight and so was time, taking care of a baby, and then a toddler and then a child and then a teen was exhausting as it was, so he didn't have time for bullshitting with cats or dogs. In fact, getting a puppy was the only request Sarah has ever made him and he managed to remain strict and not let her have it. However, he knows his daughter pets all the neighbor's pets and he's okay with it. Now, if you have a cat, you can expect Joel getting into a grumpy old man mood™ he is just going to complain about the cat and he is going to swear that cat is up to no good, plotting against him because its so jealous of you. He will definitely have arguments with your cat
"get out of my guitar now!"
"I swear... get off my truck or I'll kill you!"
And well, sometimes it kind does seem your cat is teasing Joel by sitting on his truck hood or sitting on his beloved guitar; if Joel is reading some work papers on the kitchen table you can bet your life your cat will climb all the way just to sit ON the papers and make Joel's blood boil, and you'll de damned if that ain't the funniest shit you'd ever seen; but hey, sometimes after you went to bed, your cat nuzzles Joel's body and your tough boyfriend actually pets your cat, but it's their secret and neither of them will ever admit it 🤫
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Agent Whiskey: our sweet Jack loves animals! He is a farm boy after all, and that means he absolutely adores every single living thing. Of course he likes dogs and cats like everyone else, but those aren't his favorites, if anything, Jack is the kind of man to have farm animals as pets as if it was the most normal thing in the world. As a grown man, Jack has his own ranch, and he keeps all the animals he likes there: he's got cows, horses (his big passion), pigs, chickens, goats, bunnies, dogs and a few cats in the barn because someone needs to catch those damn mice, since he hates killing any kind of animal, he leaves it for the cats to chase down the mice and if he finds spiders in the house he'll definitely just throw them outside. He loves birds and fish but he'd rather watch them out in nature than have them trapped in birdcages of fishbowls; he's not a big fan of frogs but he doesn't mind them at all and his biggest childhood trauma was when little Jack befriended a very cute little pig and the two of them became quickly inseparable, playing together and hanging out all the time, he even named his pig Hector™ until one Sunday morning he woke up to see his friend gone and later, mama Daniels had made pork chops for lunch ☠️ Jack cried his little heart out, refused to eat lunch and spent years without eating pork, until this day he feels kind of guilty to eat bacon or something, he doesn't kill any of his own ranch animals to cook, he just goes to the supermarket to get the meat
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Dave York: Dave had always loved dogs from a young age, when he was little, his dog Sprinkles was his best friend and he still keeps old pictures of himself and his old friend in the back of his memory boxes. Once he grew up and he got into his... business... he realized dogs are the safest option for a pet; they are very rational, they can be trained and protect the house and the owners against threats or burglars. If his kids beg him for a puppy, he will never say no to them, but it will be frustrating to him that they will pick the cutest and fluffiest puppy over the one breed he thinks it's safer for the family, statistical saying. However, how happy they get will make him think of Sprinkles and soon enough he will become those dads who treat the family pet better than his own kids. He will definitely doze off on the couch and the dog will be curled up to him. Dave also admires the felines and mostly how neat and careful they are. They are silent and are able to sneak into a room without anyone noticing, exactly like Dave does when he's out working, he likes how cats are independent and always take care of themselves, however, the idea of having a cat never occurred to him, but well... never say never
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Marcus Pike: that man is the human version of a golden retriever, so he obviously would prefer dogs. He has thought of getting a dog some time but he hasn't made up his mind yet, on one hand, he would like to have a puppy waiting for him at home so he won't be too lonely, but on the other hand, dogs are a lot of trouble and he doesn't know if he will be able to actually take care of it, not to mention dogs remind him a lot of the perfect image of a happy family, you know, a husband and a wife and kids, something Marcus would love to have but he hasn't been too lucky with it lately! He does like cats too, but the thing is: he is allergic to cats, and I don't mean just a slight allergy, I mean sneezing, coughing, red puffy eyes, stuffed nose etc, so cats are definitely a big no to him!
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digital-matchmake · 7 months
I wonder how the gang would react to a pet of the reader (you can pick what type), I would imagine it would be funny especially if the pet doesn’t like jax from first glance.
It really depends on the type of pet.
If its a dog, then Gangle and Zooble would try to avoid it especially if they are small because they would not trust the animal enough to not play with their body parts, Jax would honestly try his luck on teaching it how to tackle anyone on command but if it's a big dog he'll try to avoid it, Kinger would just go "Doggy~" and just pet it, Pomni would be nervous but I think she'll like it especially if its the more quiet and calm breeds, Ragatha would try and pet it but being made out plush she'll try to not have the animal think she's a dog toy *Last thing she wants is to be tossed around*
If its a cat, Oh Pomni would like them and she especially loves it when it purrs on her lap, which causing Jax to tease that she is with her kind, Jax would also try to encourage the cat to play with Gangle's ribbons or just straight up toss the cat to her, *He was sentenced to the gay baby jail for that*, Zooble would not care at first but may like the cat if it has some sass *Like her fr* and Ragatha would also love the cat as it purrs on her lap, especially thinking how it is so similar to Pomni while Kinger probably scares himself and the cat each time they bump into one another as the cat just always seem to appear out of no where to him.
now the funniest thing if the pet was a rabbit, because all of the gang except from Jax would immediently have it named The better Jax and they would actually love that fluffball. Funny thing is Rabbits are territorial and so I just have this funny image of Jax arguing to the rabbit like an actual person while the rabbit just thumps the ground in response and so Jax would stomp his feet too and now they are just having a thumping battle to see which of them last long *Reader had to pull them away before they actually begin to have territorial fights*
It would widely depend if the pet was an exotic one, if its an insect one you can count Ragatha out unless you encourage her to try and lessen her fears with them with small encounters, just make sure Jax doesn't let them out of their enclosure please. If its a reptile Zooble would not be in the mood especially after the encounter with gloink queen but they might find some like snakes and small lizards cool. And if its a bird, I can always imagine Gangle wanting to try those scenes were a birds pick someone up and fly with them but you had to remind her to your bird cannot carry her.
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feralwetcat · 1 month
Random fable headcanons cuz brain is braining
- Aax and Ocie have eaten an entire large pizza before, no one knows how they got it, who made it, how Aax ate it at the time, or literally anything about the pizza, they call it the magic pizza
- Rae has eaten grass.
- Ulysses falls asleep on the water like an otter, holding onto sea grass or kelp so he doesn't drift away (in the past few days after he found out aax was like his son, shes joined him a few times)
- Violet *really* enjoys sneaking up on Fenris as he's working by being invisible, he did this before he ascended as well but it was less sneaky cuz his shoes made sound
- Icarus chirps lots, especially when away from Fable, they think he'll think its weird so they hold it in around him
- Easton has in fact said "There it is!" Like toph in that one episode of ATLA multiple times and thinks its the funniest thing ever
- Hope tried to bite off Fables toes once (father like child except the child is a dog💛)
- Oscar has drawn the souls multiple times and shown them, they cried about it
- Ocie is an amazing dancer, it always came naturally and when she dances it's like calm waves brushing against the shore
- so is Aax but she taught her and the rest is history
- the Koda and Cookie incident of 2024. (Baby Koda tried to eat a chocolate chip cookie out of Fenris' hands, did not end well)
- Fenris bites out of affection and malice, affection is a soft bite, its easy to tell the difference, especially since he bites softer when its affectionate (before he and Centross were dating he'd bite him on the shoulder and watch as his reaction carefully, he also did this with Rae)
- Vorago sits like a cat
- Fable is the reason Icarus chirps actually, he may seem like he doesn't, but its something he holds in because hes such a...idk but he refuses to believe he does it
- haley has stuffed animals
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yowyowyaoi · 10 months
Sasori’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Tobi/Obito
You can gloat all you want but the fact of the matter is you’re wrong; NOTHING is eternal. 
But can you keep it up without chakra strings? 🤔
Asleep or awake it’s all the same thing.
Go ahead and tell them. They’ll just think you’re crazy 😜 
I’ve tried but Hidan is insufferable and the only way to truly hurt Kakuzu is in his wallet.
Ok please just look at this tooth I feel like it’s throbbing out of my head 😣
Me and you? Teaming up? What a novel idea … REJECTED.
It’s not ridiculous. When you were human did you never just eat a bag of sugar?? It’s so soothing.
He said no cats or dogs. Not a thing about birds. And besides if Itachi can have 900 crows I can have a parakeet. 😤
From Zetsu
I don’t know why YOU get to keep all the best bodies every single time 😒 Your art isn’t more important as my stomach.
I licked his arm once but my goodness he had such a bitter aftertaste.
Clay and gunpowder. Sometimes aftershave.
It wasn’t me this time. Must have been an animal. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Me either! No Bowel Movement Club 🥳
I imagine it’s only the first blow that truly hurts. After that the body goes into too much shock to register the pain. 
From Nagato
Well I figured that with your expertise in puppet chakra control, my bodies wouldn’t be that much different to you.
Redhead unity ✊🏻
Let’s be real, here; Konan is the one running this thing.
I can if it’s cut into very small pieces. And drink lots of water afterwards.
At least yours wasn’t a goddamned pervert.
Clearly I can’t stop these things. All I can do is strongly advise you three use protection with them. Our organization is not equipped to care for babies.
I’ve never really had time to properly train it. I’ve never even heard that much about it before. Maybe Itachi will know.
Yes but I firmly believe we choose our families. And I chose this one. Even Hidan.
From Konan
No, thank you. I’ve learned to appreciate my flaws and live with them.
Okay once again, PLEASE read that book I got you on how to talk to women. For the love of God. 🤦‍♀️
Actually most of them make me sneeze; that’s why I started making paper ones lol 
Of course I can teach you. Why do you want to learn? So you can dance with a certain someone 😏
Yeah, preferably one that’ll give me a pick-up in the mornings.
If you use your chakra strings to make him trip down the stairs I will love you for forever.
I know you don’t eat but you should come for the conversations.
I know he’s been using mine the bottle was full 3 days ago and now it’s almost empty 😡
From Kisame
Itachi and I are traveling past there on our next mission. If you write down what herbs you need I’d be happy to pick them up for you on our way back.
I’m sorry; if I’d known you wanted to use the body I wouldn’t have chewed off the hands 😣
Well I suppose both have caffeine but to me, tea is more calming.
I understand but if it happens again, tell him I won’t be looking the other way. 
I don’t know. If he’s not sleepwalking he’s up for days at a time. I’m worn out trying to keep up 🫠
Please join us; Monopoly seems like it’d be your game.
I stayed until they wanted to do karaoke. Then I snuck out the back door.
That’s more Zetsu’s thing. I only do it if I’m really hungry.
Ah but, if you’re truly going to live forever, why not have some fun with life?
Yes I’ve noticed. Everyone has. But I’m fairly certain Deidara sees nobody but YOU in that way.
From Itachi
My thanks.
Not so bad today actually 
I would just say “ignore it” but he’ll probably throw a bomb into your face so 🤷🏻‍♂️
Well I was going to paint it yellow so it’d be more cheerful but Kisame thinks it would drive me crazy after a few weeks.
Watch the video I just sent and tell me that’s not Hidan 😂
Kisame said to ask you two. Tell Dei they have bakudan.
They just like to sit on top of them. I promise they aren’t pecking or causing any damage to the wood.
One of the funniest things I ever read. Laughed so hard I had to go to bed early because my head was pounding so hard after. But don’t tell Hidan, he’d kill me.
I’m not sure. But after I die you’re free to take one of my eyes and put it into your puppet to see.
From Hidan
No really DO you have one? 🤔
Wtf are you gonna do tho like won’t you catch on fire in the sun?!
He’s my best friend and I love him in a not gay way. So it IS my business asshole.
Thanks puppet dick, I’ll make Kakuzu pay you later. He prob won’t but 🤷🏼‍♂️
No fuck that, that cake was MINE they’re just being little bitches about it 
Damn could you be any gayer for him?
Wait, CAN you fly??
Stop being stingy puppet fuck just give me an arm that shoots fire it’ll be an early birthday present pleeeeease 
Idc get this thing out of my room it’s creeping me tf out 😒
From Kakuzu
I’ve tried but the only way I could see it legitimately working is if I sewed his mouth shut.
Oh of course. I’m always happy to spend an evening surrounded by culture.
That would be ideal but you know how sensitive Leader is about his appearance.
Yes but it’s the most expensive there. You’d be better off disguising yourself and getting it from your old village.
Honestly, at 91? I’m surprised it hasn’t turned to dust yet.
Perhaps Kisame would join us. Give us an evening away from the wives.
I know but what else could we do? He refuses to accept treatment. The only way we could “help” is slipping it into his tea.
Page 34. I wrote notes along the side of the diagram.
I would rip out all of my hearts before I let anyone, including you, spend money on something like that.
From Deidara
No but I’m pretty sure you enjoy making me beg.
Wasn’t me. And you can’t prove otherwise 😈
Your lack of appreciation for my art is truly the most horrible thing about you 😒
Well tough shit it’s MY turn to choose and that’s what we’re doing
Well yeah it’s awkward but I don’t want you worrying. I’m *yours*. I’ve made that clear.
Idc I’ll wear it every single day 😭
If Itachi or Kisame asks, me and Hidan were with you from 12-5 yesterday. Okay?
Keep sending pics like that and you’re gonna end me 🥵
Oh come on pleeeease? I’ll feed it and walk it and everything!
My bed or yours? 
Did you make it yourself?? Awww thank you Sasori 🥰
It’s not the only thing that’s tight ~ 😏
A real boyfriend wouldn’t question it he’d just bring a shoe and come kill it !
Hey at least I found BOTH arms this time!
Geez that sounds so boring. Can’t he send Kakuzu and Hidan instead?!
You know I hate that word … but yes, forever. And ever and ever and ever. 💛
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corffee · 6 months
The funniest potential of Werehog Sonic is that when he gets drenched in water he looks like a wet cat, you know the ones that are really fluffy but super skrunkly when having a bath. The potential it has
Correction, wet dog. If you wanted a wet cat, you would get baby Shadow’s first time out of his tube, or anytime honestly.
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fourtccn · 20 days
the funniest thing about conservatives claiming kids “identify” as cats or dogs now is that… yeah man that’s what kids have always done. kids are dogs and cats all the time. and sometimes they’re mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, babies and the family turtle. sometimes they’re wizards and time lords and sometimes they’re worms and snakes and they come home caked in mud because they were just outside wriggling around on the ground. sometimes they lick your cheek and crawl around on the ground barking. sometimes they’re princes and princesses and fairies and mermaids and ponies and everything in between. and sometimes they’re just a regular human, someone who they’re not, just for the moment. that’s what childhood is supposed to be!!! that’s what it’s always supposed to have been about!!
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catsofcalifornia · 4 months
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Mama Kitty from Mission Meow Cat Rescue in Rocklin, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Click here for a link to Mission Meow Cat Rescue's main website.
Mama Kitty is a silver, shorthair tabby. She is the funniest cat we’ve had the pleasure of getting to know. She has a very quirky personality that has really started to shine through now that her kitties are more independent. She is sweet, loves pets and attention as well as LOTS of food. She has taught her babies to talk as much as she does, and she always has something to say. She has done pretty well around other adult cats, but can be protective of her babies. She is looking for a dog-free home but may do well with older kids who want to shower her with love and affection.
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hongjoongpresent · 10 months
laws of attraction episode 5 thoughts. I LOVE seeing tinn being horny on main man it's just excellent. grandma galaxia best character of all time, literally she's so funny I cannot get enough of her. maya SLAYED that pink dress like I had to pause a moment to fucking breathe SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL... the fact that all 3 of them just Know some gay shit is going on between tinn and charn when they haven't even Really done anything yet is so funny.
also obsessed with the concept of charn is a fucking menace even when he's asleep and it is physically impossible to sleep on the same bed as him. funniest iteration of the only one bed trope I've seen so far absolutely amazing 10/10
the really harsh difference between the scene where tinn says he doesn't want people to remember tonkhao just as she was murdered, and the fact that yeah but they still have to solve the murder. Idk that hit me really hard for some reason
tinn talking about tonkhao ;-; I could cry for ever man she liked dogs more than cats and she liked the color blue :((((
charn thinking he's going to make tinn happy by using thatthep to get his money is......... baby,, babygirl,,, no,,,,,,,,, tinn is going to be so damn angry and hurt when he finds out charn isn't planning on sending thatthep to court to get him convicted. it's exactly like rose says; he doesn't dare step into tinn's world but he's forcefully dragging him into his own world of evil little schemes even though tinn clearly hates it. iuhgifj man I wish charn would just LISTEN to tinn like ACTUALLY listen to him. he should know he really should know that money and power isn't what's going to make tinn happy
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lovilovessushi · 7 months
Missing You Always— Lovi x fem! reader
TW: DD/LG, choking, spitting, oral (female & male recieving), degradation (use of whore, slut etc.), hair pulling, dick riding, and just super super kinky tings. Read at you own discretion. MDNI YOU WILL GET BLOCKED!
It had been a whole week since your stupidly cute boyfriend had left for his trip.
You’ve never been apart from him this long—every passing second bittersweet, as it reminds you of the time he’s been gone, but also of how closer you are to being together again.
You miss all of him and how calm his presence makes you feel. You missed his laugh, his stupid jokes, his voice and most importantly… you missed his soft touch.
God, you missed the way he caresses your cheeks and looks at you like you’re so precious to him. How his fingers feel gliding along your skin at any given moment (literally whenever, wherever—not that you’re complaining). Gosh it was so cruel to not be with him right now.
In all honesty, the way he touches you should be studied—as it’s both a blessing and a sin. With that being said, you still remember the way he fucked you the day before he left.
How his lips felt as he kissed and marked you all over your neck, your stomach, your thighs and especially how his lips felt on your pus—
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You can’t think about it too much, his absence would only make you go insane.
You head out to buy groceries to try to get your mind off of Lovi. This of course is an impossible task, as everything reminds you of him. The trees remind you of his towering height, the cats and dogs remind you of how playful and adorable he is, and when you finally get to the grocery store, you almost cry and fall to your knees when you see the Patatje Joppie flavored Lays.
“I need to get a fucking grip”, you whisper to yourself shaking your head. You decide to get a few Buenos and Joppie chips to give him when he comes back and finish off your shopping.
As you finally get home, you sigh from relief that you were saved from the heavy rain that had begun to fall. You enjoy the sound of the pitter-patter outside and put away all the groceries in the kitchen of your shared home.
When you’re done, you smile at yourself for being productive and make your way upstairs. As you reach the top, you eyebrows furrow at seeing the light still on in your room.
“I must’ve forgotten to turn it off before I left”, you say out loud.
You reach to turn the door knob open and let out a loud startled scream when something, or rather someone suddenly grabs you inside your bedroom.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s me, it’s me”, Lovi says as he craddles your head to his chest, kissing the top of your head.
You keep your head hidden in his chest and punch his arm.
“You fucking asshole”, you say relieved that it was your annoying boyfriend and not some psycho killer.
He smells so good, a mixture of his and your perfume that you remember spraying all over his clothes before he left.
Lovi chuckles and attempts to bring your face to look up at him, “Hey, look at me”. You giggle as you keep your face hidden from him. “C’mon princess show me your pretty face, it’s been too long”, he whines and you finally give in. You feel your heart beating out of your chest, and you know its not only from being startled a few moments ago.
“I could’ve died from a heart attack you know”, you say looking up at him.
“I know baby, but it was funny”, Lovi says laughing as you hit him again on his arm, pouting.
Lovi coos at you, “Oh c’mon baby, it was funny, don’t be upset with me”. You roll your eyes at him, “Plus, you should’ve seen the face you made, oh my days, and your scream was sooo loud”, he laughs like its the most funniest thing in the world.
“I only ever hear you scream loud like that when I’m fucking you”. You slap his arm harder feeling embarrassed and he just chuckles at you,
“You know I like it when you’re rough with me baby. Hit me as many times as you want I don’t care, in fact it turns me on”.
You stare at him and chuckle disbelief, “I can’t believe you sometimes, so this is how you treat your girlfriend hmm? You know I was missing you so much, but now not anymore.”
It’s Lovi’s turn to rolls his eyes at you, “Of course you miss me, I am the best boyfriend ever. I mean I’m tall, I’m strong, I’m handsome—”
He leans down to whisper in your ear, “I treat you so well too.”
He smiles at you seductively, “Especially with how this big cock fucks into you so good and so deep. What more can you ask for? Huh princess?”, he says whispering into your other ear.
He nibbles on your ear and you shiver in response, “T-t-thats not the point”, you say cursing yourself for stuttering and folding under his pressure.
“T-Then w-what is the point?”, He says mockingly wearing his stupid boyish smile.
Lovi drives you crazy and you don’t think he knows how much he has you wrapped around his finger.
However, this is not the time to tell him that, as you would rather be stroking his cock than his ego right now.
You stare up at him with needy eyes whispering, “Don’t be mean to me daddy, its not fair.”
He looks at you with fake sympathy etched on his face, cradling your cheeks, “Aw princess, I’ll be nice only if your good for me okay. You’re going to be good for me right?”
You nod your head and he clicks his tongue, “Use your big girl words, or is that too hard for your dumb little brain?” Fuck, you feel yourself getting wet. You love when he talks to you like that.
“Yes daddy, I’m going to be a good girl, I promise.”
He smacks your cheek lightly, satisfied with your response, “Mhm good, now c’mere.”
He pulls you in really close to his lips, but not close enough to kiss you. He teases you, rubbing his nose against your cheek and nibbling on your neck. He watches you, entertained by how flustered you look.
“How bad do you want me to kiss you, huh? C’mon you can tell me baby.”
You let out a breathy moan and whisper against his mouth, “So so bad Lovi, I want to feel your lips so bad please~”. He slaps you again and squishes your cheeks roughly to look at him, “It’s daddy, you can say my name later when you earn it bouncing on my cock. Now try again”, he says harshly.
You resist the urge to moan as you look up at him, “Pleeasee daddy, please kiss me, pl—!”, he shuts you up with a slow passionate kiss and you can’t help but feel dizzy.
His lips are so soft, but eager as they press into yours. He slides his fingers down to your jaw and then wraps them around your neck. You gasp as he applies enough pressure with his hand to make you moan into his mouth.
You try occupy yourself by traveling your hands down his chest and into his shirt feeling his well defined abs.
You stick your tongue out swirling it around his, fighting for dominance—he of course wins. You continue playing with his tongue, sucking on it softly which earns moans from the both of you.
He tastes so sweet and it only fuels your addiction to him, as it satisfies your sweet tooth. You honestly don’t know how you lasted so long without him.
While he’s distracted with your tongue, you slide your hand down to his huge bulge.
“Let me show you how much I missed you daddy.”
You don’t give him a chance to respond as you push him onto the bed and get between his legs.
Lovi is caught off guard and cant help but find your desperation very amusing, cute even.
“Aww someone’s a desperate little puppy, slow down baby I’m not going anywhere anytime soon okay”, Lovi says grabbing your hand and kissing the inside of your palm.
You blush, “Sorry ’m just excited, I’ll be more careful.”
You unbuckle his belt and the sound of it makes blood rush down to your clit. It’s pulses so hard you’re sure he can hear it from up there.
He quickly takes off his shirt and you take off his pants along with his underwear.
You watch entranced as his pretty cock springs upward to his stomach.
He’s so big and thick, you can’t help but salivate at the sight of his precum glistening so deliciously on the tip—it belonged inside your mouth.
You also can’t ignore his prominent veins that pulse with arousal, filling you up with excitement at how it will feel in your pussy.
You look up at Lovi with the puppy eyes you know he loves, and plead.
“I want to taste you so bad daddy, can I please~”
you don’t break eye contact with him as you lick along his v-line.
You make your way down to pepper kisses on his thighs and he shivers a little.
“Please daddy, it’ll feel so good I pinky promise”, you smile.
He slaps your cheek trying to contain his cool.
“You’re such a dirty little slut for me aren’t you?” He says as he slaps your cheek again, this time with his cock.
“Yes daddy only a slut for you mhmm”.
If someone told you that you were going to be slapped by dick today, you would of called bullshit, but here you are and you don’t want to be anywhere else.
“Go on spit on it.”
You bring your face close to his pink tip and spit on it, a string of saliva connecting your lips and his dick—how romantic.
“What a fucking slut, you really want it in your mouth huh princess?”
You nod at him so fast, you give yourself a bit of vertigo. But you don’t care, all you can think about is feeling the weight of his cock on your tongue, finally being able to taste it.
“Open up pretty baby, say ahhh.”
He slaps his cock one, two, three times on your lips and thats all it takes for you to wrap your soft lips around his juicy tip. Lovi’s hips jolt into you at the feeling of your warm mouth, whispering all kinds of curses and praise.
Your eyes close, moaning as you suck gently on the head, savoring the taste of him. You trace your tongue on his slit breathing through your nose, and take your time to fit as much of him as you can.
This apparently was too slow for Lovi’s liking—fucking asshole. He impatiently grabs a fistful of your hair, pushing his cock deeper down your throat, thrusting into your mouth at a rapid pace. The loud gagging noises that come from you are so loud and dirty, it’s almost sinful.
“Mmmm yeah keep sucking baby, just like that, I want you to choke on daddy’s dick ‘til I cum.”
You cant help but moan at his words and feel your pussy get soaked.
Some girls may hate sucking dick, but you looovvveeee choking on Lovi’s cock.
The way his pretty face looks when he furrows his brows, and the way he moans so loudly and desperately makes you fall in love with him all over again. It brings you joy to be worshiping his dick, even if it means losing your breath—literally and metaphorically.
He pulls your hair roughly, removing your mouth completely off his cock, then pushes it all the way down, repeating it a few times.
Lovi feels feral when he sees the bulge he creates down your throat, totally insatiable as he abuses your mouth again and again—fucking into it mercilessly, as if it was your sweet pussy.
You vigorously suck his cock trying to milk out what you’ve needed since the day he left. You drag your nails up his thigh and gently play with his balls coaxing his cum out.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck, just like that don’t stop baby, fuck im cumming”, Lovi says and with the way his dick twitches uncontrollably, you know he’s cumming soon.
After a few more thrusts you feel his warm cum fill up your mouth.
“Mmmmmmmm” you moan as you try to swallow his big load.
“Just like that princess lick it all up, don’t waste a fucking drop”, Lovi says as he pets your hair lovingly.
You don’t break eye contact with him as you swallow everything, even sqeezing the sensitive head softly to milk more cum out. Finally, you take his delicious dick out of your mouth with an audible ‘pop’.
“Thats a good girl, so dirty for me, all mine”
You nod and smile sweetly at him, kissing on his balls and up his shaft. You end the blowjob with a loving kiss on his tip before getting up and sitting on his lap.
Lovi grabs you from the back of your neck and brings you up to his face, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. He can taste himself on your tongue mixed in with your cherry lipgloss that is now long gone.
“Did I do good daddy? Did you feel good?” You whisper between kisses.
Lovi thinks you look so gorgeous right now, with your swollen lips and teary eyes.
“Of course you did good sweetie, it felt amazing, good girl~”, he reassures as he brushes your cheeks and kisses your forehead.
“Now its your turn, c’mon baby take off your shirt let me see your pretty tits.”
You enthusiastically oblige, thanking yourself for not wearing a bra. You expose your boobs and your nipples harden from the cool temperature in the room, still very sensitive from arousal.
He wasted no time sucking harshly on your nipple while groping and pinching the other. You throw your head back softly moaning in pleasure and pulling him closer to you.
“You like that baby don’t you, you like when I play with you like the dumb toy you are”, he says biting the nipple teasingly before sucking again.
You feel so needy as you rock your hips back and forth on his thigh, “Yes daddy it f-feels soo g-good”
“Thats it angel come lay down, daddy is going to give you a treat.”
You do as he says and wait for further instructions. He gets on his knees and drags you to the edge of the bed effortlessly. Lovi pulls down on your tiny skirt and fingers the noticeably wet spot on your panty.
He slaps your clothed pussy and rubs it to soothe the ache. “Fuckkkk, look at those soaked panties, your so fucking wet and dirty for me, aren’t you sweetie. Just for daddy, right?”
He slaps your pussy more, “Go on say it, who is this little pussy crying for?”
“You daddy only for you! I promise~” you whine craving to have him inside you already. He kisses your thigh before taking your panties off.
“Atta girl, okay open up for me sweetheart.”
Usually you would be embarrassed, but you’re to horny to care at this point.
You open up your legs and tremble in anticipation.
He spreads your pussy open with two thumbs and stares at it like a starved man, like its the one thing that can quench his thirst.
“What a pretty fucking pussy.”
You unconsciously move your hips towards him after hearing his words.
He rubs circles with his thumb against your clit and looks mesmerized by how wet you are.
“Yeah does this feel good baby? How about I put two fingers inside, I need to prep you for my big dick anyways.”
He slips his fingers in easily and moans at the warm wetness of your cunt. He sets a fast pace right off the bat and successfully takes your breath away. Your moan hitches at your throat as tears begin to pool in your eyes. If his fingers make you feel this way, you can’t wait to get dicked down.
“Ohh I love how wet you sound, your gonna cum on my fingers okay love”
“Mhmm yes daddy, I’ll be a good girl for you.”
He picks up his pace and hits the spot that only he could reach with so much speed.
Everything feels so intense as your orgasm builds, but it also feels different from all the times before.
“D-daddyyyy y-your going t-to fast, it feels w-weird”
Lovi slaps your pussy and coos at you while wiping a tear that fell down your face.
“Don’t worry baby, I know what I’m doing, you’re going to feel so good. Trust daddy okay” he says then pecks you on the lips. He doesn’t relent in fingering your pussy loving how wet you sound.
You let out a pornagraphic moan as your orgasm hits you quickly, panting as you feel electric jolts all over your body with how powerful you came.
“Good job baby, oh my god it worked, you fucking squirted, fuckkkk.”
He doesn’t even let you recover as he licks a flat stripe from your hole to your clit. He groans at your taste and he repeats licking and slurping up your juices.
“Fuck baby you taste so fucking good, oh my god.”
Your mouth opens in a silent scream and your back arches off of the bed. Your so sensitive, you don’t know what to do with yourself.
He wraps his lips around your clit and sucks on it while holding eye contact. You admit although your sensitive from squirting, you can’t help but want more of Lovi. You know that your not going to last long with how he deliciously laps at your cunt.
“Yes daddy just like that, suck my clit just like that.”you moan wantonly as you pull him closer by his hair.
He moans when you grind your pussy against his face desperately. He suddenly buries his tongue deep into your hole, tongue-fucking your pussy with his nose perfectly rubbing against your swollen clit.
“Daddy please, please stop I-I want to cum on your dick please let me cum on your dick.”
“No princess, cum on my tongue first”, “But I—"
He slaps your ass and grabs your face with the hand that was drenched in your juices.
“Hey, listen to me, you’re going to be a good fucking whore and do as I say, okay.” He doesn’t let you respond and physically nods your head for you with his hand and sticks two fingers in your mouth.
You immediately taste yourself and moan sucking and licking everything up.
“Now suck on them just like that and let me enjoy my meal.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head feeling the way he slurps at your pussy, like he was trying to engulf your whole cunt into his mouth.
All you could do was moan loudly and borderline scream at the intensity of the way your poor pussy was being assaulted with his mouth—fingers doing almost nothing to quiet you down.
Was bro always such a fucking munch? Holy moly!
Lovi swears that your pussy was a necessity that he needed in order to live a long, healthy life. It was like breathing air, drinking water, eating food—and by the way you were yapping incoherently, he knows you feel the same.
He sucks at your clit, moaning and shaking his head from side to side. This is all it takes to throw you over the edge, cumming so hard for him.
You try to push his head away from you to ease the intensity, but he only holds your hands hostage and finishes licking up everything.
He looks up at you so prettily, his spit and your juices glistening on his face. He kisses your clit three times before coming up and peppering more kisses up your body.
Your body still shakes after feeling the effects of cumming.
“Oh you poor thing, look at you shaking so much. Oh come here, come here”, he coos as you grab at him needingly. He kisses you and you cant help but whimper into mouth, tasting more of yourself on his tongue.
“That was so so good daddy, but its so intense” you whisper against his lips.
“I know princess, I know, but you have one more in you for me right? I need you to stuff you full with my cum.”
You whine, “Can we take a break please, I don’t think I can take it right now.”
“No, no breaks sweetheart, you can take it baby, I know you can”, he sits up and pats his leg “C’mere, sit on daddys cock”.
You don’t bother questioning him again as you know how persistent he can be. You somehow find the energy to straddle his waist. And even though your drained, you look at him fondly, holding his chin up to kiss him sweetly. Its not daddy or his little girl anymore, it’s just you and Lovi.
“I missed you so much baby, it was torture without you.”
Lovi nuzzles into you hand, “I missed you so much too, I don’t know how I survived without my princess for so long. I will never do it again if I can help it.”
You kiss him again and rub your nose against his affectionately. You smile at him expectantly and say, “Can you spit in my mouth please?”
You open your mouth and feel as he spits a good amount of saliva on your tongue.
You then spit all of it onto his cock, stroking it up and down and up and down. You tease the both of you by sliding the head from your clit to your entrance a few times before bracing yourself.
You push down on his huge dick and moan in unison as you take just the tip.
“I can never get used to you, fuck your so big Lovi”, you say trying to savor the moment and not fall apart just yet.
“I know baby, but you can do it darling, you can take it all for me like you’ve done so many times before.”
You nod determined to cum on his cock after so long. “You’re right I can do it, just hold me close okay. I need you so much.”
Lovi holds your waist, aiding you along as you slowly bottom out. His eyes roll to the back of his head at the tight grip of your walls.
“Mmmm I’m so full”, you whine and you begin moving your hips. Getting used to his size, you begin to bounce on his fat cock, setting a slow and steady pace.
“Yeah ride my dick just like that sweetie, just how you know I like it.”
You begin to pick up your pace, not being able to resist how horny you were. You wrap your arms around Lovi’s neck and throw your head back.
He takes advantage of this and leaves hungry, open-mouthed kisses on the column of your neck and breasts. He bites, licks and sucks the skin there until he’s satisfied with the bruises he makes. You’re no better than him, leaving deep scratch marks on his chest, down his arms and back—almost everywhere you put your hands on really.
You love marking and claiming ownership of each other. You don’t think theres ever been a moment where you guys didn’t have evidence of the love and fun you guys engage in almost daily.
“Oh my god, who’s my pretty girl hm?” He groans into your chest, “You ride daddy’s cock so good, can you go faster, mi amor? Go faster for daddy love.”
You whine, feeling fatigued already, “I’m trying daddy, I really am, but I’m getting tired.”
“Aww, my pathetic little baby is getting weak isn’t she, it’s okay sweetheart just hold onto me I will take care of everything.”
Lovi smacks your ass hard and aggressively spits on your pussy, thrusting up into you at an unbelievable speed. You scream Lovi’s name so loud you’re sure that the neighbors will file a complaint, but you don’t give a fuck.
He guides your hips and hits your g-spot repeatedly again showing no mercy, and all you could was take it.
“Oh my god! Fuck mmmmm Lovilovilovilovilovi pleasedontstoppleasedontstoppleasedontstop”, you say along with other incoherent ramblings.
Fat tears fall down your face, feeling everything at once. You pull him by his hair and give im a sloppy, heated kiss to try to quiet yourself down, but to no avail when he reaches down and rubs deliciously at your clit.
“Lovi I’m gonna cum, it’s too much!” you moan as you desperately cling to him.
He slaps you and grabs your face, “Hey, look at me we’re going to cum together okay”, you try to concentrate as more tears fall, but nod your head nonetheless.
“Good, on the count of ten okay, 1…2…3…,” he counts, punctuating every number with a thrust. “Fuck, I’m cumming nghhh.”
You shake as you cum with him walls clenching and unclenching tightly, and you realize you squirted again.
“Mmmm look at that pretty fucking pussy, weeping just for daddy” He says slapping your clit.
You feel so full of his cock and warm cum. You swear in this moment you are the happiest girl in the world.
“Look at that big fucking load spilling out, here let me fuck it back in to you” he says as he takes deep strokes up.
“Fuck that feels good huh? My cute little cumslut. You’re so fucking pretty, mhm with this pretty little pussy.”
You can’t even think straight as your mind is blank and your body, tired. You love giving yourself to him fully and he never disappoints.
“Aww does my baby feel too brain dead to respond.”
“Shut up, you just slutted me the fuck out, leave me alone.” He laughs and you laugh with him.
When the laughter dies down, you look at him. He has this lovesick look on his face that you cannot help but mirror. You brush his hair out of his face and look at his pretty blue eyes, “Lovi, I love you, I’m glad you’re back.” You smile at him fondly, tracing his perfect lips, “You can never leave me ever again, got it? It was so lonely and horrible without you, a zero star experience, I don’t recommend.”
He chuckles leaning in to scatter kisses all over your face. “I wouldn’t dream of it princess, your just a baby, only my baby, I love you”, he says kissing your puffy lips.
You notice how dark the room is and can’t believe that you’ve been going at it for so long. You lay your head on his chest and sigh with happiness. “Can we stay just like this, I want to cockwarm you.”
He smacks your ass playfully, “Of course we can cutie, anything you want.”
You snuggle closer to him and kiss his chest, “Okay, good nighty Lovi, I’m happy your finally home babe.”
“Good night pretty girl, I’m glad to be back home, I love you.” he says in his cute sleepy voice.
He kisses your forehead and you both drift off into deep sleep.
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